#i don't know why i was so surprized
girlandthedarkness · 2 years
omg, my mbti changed for the first time in 5 year, I was taken the test time to time and it always was one answer: INFP, regardless of my moods or circumstances in my life, but now when I took the test random I got a new answer: ENFP What does that mean?
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icaruskeyartist · 11 months
Oh, well, how about... since the librarian and diguised Sun met in winter, how about they got snowed inside one evening?
Like, the snow storm was supposted pass by according to prognostic, but, you know, the elements have zero respect for the metheorlogist hard work. So the storm really got them by surprize.
The younger siblins could either be with them or not, maybe having sleepover at a friend's house.
As usual, human disguise AU belongs to @pillowspace. It is *dead* at work rn and I'm trying a new energy drink so let's see how it goes.
Also I need a name for the little brother...
It's been getting darker earlier and earlier now, and Daylight Savings Time isn't helping matters. Usually, the head librarian tries to schedule you so you can leave before it's quite dark, but you've changed shifts with Jessica because her toddlers caught the flu from school. You're not envious, glad your brother is old enough to wash his hands and generally keep clean.
He's with the sitter now, and you're clearing off the last cart of returned books. Sun's tucked himself in the corner, nose in a book. You can just see the bright green of his scarf. Briefly, you wonder why he wears it like that even indoors. The thought is gone just as quickly.
"Are you sure you're okay walking me home tonight?" You ask as you pass by. "There's a snowstorm passing by. I don't want you to get caught in it if it decides to turn around."
"It's fine!" Sun isn't even startled by you talking. You hear him move as you wander off, feeling along the spines for an empty space. "I enjoy our walks, and the weather website said it was going to be to the south anyway."
"Mm. You shouldn't trust the website. I'm pretty sure meteorologists just throw darts at a weather map and report whatever it lands on." The books slide into place with the softest thump of bookcloth against wood. "It's getting dark too. I can walk on my own..." Not that you wanted to, not really. You had grown to love having Sun at your side. A small, selfish part of your mind wanted to ask him to walk with you after your job as a cleaner too.
You don't ask. You're certain he's got his own life after all. It would be far too much to ask him to take time out of even more evenings just because you don't like walking alone.
"I would hope they do more than that," Sun is saying, drawing your attention back to him. "There are meteorology books here in the library. It's a fascinating science."
You push the emptied cart to where he's sitting, propping yourself against it with one foot braced against the wheel to keep it from rolling off. "I should've guessed you would like meteorology."
"Why's that?"
You grin. "Your name of course."
Sun takes a second to process before he laughs, and you giggle alongside him, stifling the sound with the back of your hand. When you calm down, you stretch. "Okay, let me get my coat and we can head out."
"I'll wait by the door."
It takes you a few minutes, and you say goodnight to Gretchen before you bundle up. You rival Sun in terms of layers; your brother had insisted on making you into a human marshmallow to keep from getting cold and you could only indulge him. Besides, the scarf and earmuffs kept your nose and ears toasty warm.
Sun doesn't respond when you approach. "Are you ready to go?" You ask. Nothing. Cautiously, aware of his aversion to touch, you nudge at his upper arm. "Sun?"
"Huh? Oh. Hi. Sorry. I just didn't realize it'd gotten so dark so quickly." His voice is strangely flat, almost robotic.
"Are you okay?" You ask, and your hand lingers on his coat sleeve. It's meant to be comforting, but you're not sure he even notices.
"Yeah, yeah. It'll be fine." He seems to straighten up and finally notice your hand. His own lifts and you can feel him take yours. His grip is soft, like he expects you to pull away. You beam instead. "Ready to go?"
"Ready," you say, and push the door open. The cold immediately whips into your face, and you shrink into Sun's side. "Brrr. This is going to be a fun walk home."
You do notice Sun is quieter on the walk home, though you guess it's from having to walk in the increasing cold. It's starting to snow too, or maybe it had been for awhile and the wind is picking it up and tossing it back in both your faces. Intermittently, his grip will tighten on your hand, and you try to squeeze reassuringly.
It takes almost twice as long for you to get to the top of your street as usual, and the wind and snow are trying to pile on you both. "Sun, I don't think it's safe for you to try and walk home."
"I'll be fine," Sun says, his voice tense. But no, you're not allowing that, and you push against the wind to drag you both to your home.
It's an apartment building, with doors that open to exposed landings. It's a little quieter with the building blocking the worst of it, and you release Sun's hand to carefully stomp up the concrete steps. Your foot tries to slip, and Sun catches you by the back of your coat.
"Whoops, thank you." You shoot a smile in his general direction, and his head Bob's in acknowledgment. "My brother is going to be home. He's sweet, but if he's not asleep I might have to kick his butt."
"Is he very young then?" Sun asks. There's less tension in his voice, but you can tell he's still nervous. You can see his mittens fidgeting.
"He's eight." You fumble with your keys, pulling off a glove with your teeth to get a better grip. It dangles from your mouth. "So old enough to be a nuisance sometimes. He's a good kid normally."
The TV is on in the living room, playing Jeopardy quietly in the background. You can see Sarah curled up in one of your blankets on the couch. She moves as you stomp your way in, shaking off the snow. "Hey. He was worried about if you'd make it. I told him -- oh."
She must've noticed Sun. You gesture at your lanky friend with your bare hand as you unzip your coat with the other. "This is Sun. He's from the library. He's going to spend the night, at least until the storm's calmed down some."
"Oh...Kay." Sarah sounds unsure, but you shrug it off. "Well, he fell asleep an hour ago. Mom gave me some pot roast for you guys to split. I put your half in the fridge."
"Aw, tell her I said thank you," you say. You leave your coat and boots in a pile by the door even as Sarah pulls her things on. "Careful on the steps. It's icy."
"Of course. Mom will be by tomorrow afternoon. Good night." Sarah lingers a moment, clearly untrusting of Sun, but you wave her off, shivering in the open door until you hear the door under yours shut. Only then do you lock your own door, rubbing your arms briskly.
"It is cold," you complain, voice soft. "I'm going to make us some hot cocoa."
"I'm okay without any," Sun says, but you ignore him, walking into your narrow kitchen. The pot roast is front and center in the nearly empty fridge, and you tip it out onto a plate to reheat. The kettle still has water in it from this morning, so you turn on the stovetop, finding two mugs and the hot chocolate.
"Your home is nice," Sun says. He's at the entrance of the kitchen, making himself smaller as though he could take up less space. He seems a little too big and bright for the apartment, where almost everything is secondhand. "Did you decorate it yourself."
"Oh yes," you reply, mock serious. "That's why there's a big poster of robots fighting dinosaurs behind the TV." The microwave beeps, so you open it and turn the pot roast over, stabbing it a few times before it gets popped back in to finish. "We picked things out together."
"Your parents..."
You shrug, spooning hot chocolate mix and little hard marshmallows into each mug. "Gone. Been gone for awhile."
"Surely you have family then."
Sun's questions don't irritate you like it would if it were someone else. Maybe it's because he doesn't sound pitying or like he is doubting your ability to care for your little brother on your own.
Most people did. Most people saw you, all but legally blind and hardly an adult yourself, and decided you weren't fit to be his guardian. You tell yourself you don't care what they think.
You almost believe it.
"No one to speak of. Grandparents are dead or in a nursing home. We try to visit once a month, but it's hard when he's going to school." It's easy to talk to Sun. "Everyone else is out of state. My cousin mentioned taking him in last year, but it would mean a new school district and therapist and... It's not important." The kettle whistles, and you pull it off quickly, pouring it into both mugs. "Sorry it's not milk. I've not had a chance to run to the store so we're low on groceries."
"Thank you." Sun takes his mug dutifully, closing his hands to hold it close to his face. The microwave beeps again, and you pull the pot roast out, going to split it into two portions. "Oh, no. Don't do that. I'm not hungry, genuinely. I was feeling a little nauseous walking over."
"Oh. The smell isn't too much, is it?" You ask.
"No, no it's fine. I'll stick with my hot chocolate."
You're doubtful, but if he's feeling ill it would explain why he let you take his hand all the way here. You decide to leave it be, beelining to the couch to curl up with the blanket. Of course, it's big enough to share, though you're surprised when Sun sits and the couch seems to shift and drag you into his space. "Oh! Sorry. I wasn't expecting you to be so -- that's rude. Sorry. Here." You put your plate and mug on the floor to spread the blanket between the two of you. It's hard not to notice that while he's taken off the plastic outer coat he's still bundled up. The scarf is even in place. He must be freezing. Maybe you should turn the heat up.
"Thank you." Sun smooths the blanket between the two of you, and you tuck your feet up as you settle in with your meal. The pot roast is tender even now, melting in your mouth. You can't help but moan.
"It's so good," you say, stifling a yawn. With the hot chocolate and a hot meal, you're warming up. "I wish you could eat too. Ms. Wurthers makes the best food."
"I'm enjoying watching you eat," Sun said and that makes you warmer still.
You dig around for the remote, offering it to Sun. "Find something to watch. I think AMC starts playing some of those old horror movies around this time."
"You like those?" He does start clicking through, even as you shrug.
"Their delivery is different. Sometimes it feels like modern movies flattens everyone's emotions out so unless you can see their faces it's all the same. And our TV is rather small. But the old actors have so much drama and bravado. It's fun."
Sun settles on a channel that's playing an old ad for Chia pets. You keep eating, movements turning sluggish as you continue to warm up. Home is safe, and Sun is safe, apparently. You should've guessed that. "We can turn the lights off if you'd like," you offer, muffling a yawn.
"No." Sun speaks sharply, surprising you back to alertness. "I mean... No, it doesn't bother me at all. If you're tired though, you should go to bed."
"I'm fine." You gingerly touch Sun's arm again, disappointed when he pulls away. "I want to stay up til the weather clears enough for you to go home."
Sun's silence feels like a punch to the gut. You chew on the inside of your cheek, no longer hungry. "If the weather doesn't improve, you are also more than welcome to spend the night," you say, trying to ignore the tension between the two of you. "There's plenty of blankets and pillows, and you don't have to undress at all if you're uncomfortable. I might have some sweats that'll fit you actually. They're a bit too long for me but maybe--"
"It's okay," Sun says, interrupting. But it doesn't feel okay, you want to argue. You chew on the inside of your cheek instead, making yourself small against the couch. The commercials end, and a movie plays. It's a Western, and it's at the climax, the hero shooting down the villain in a classic duel. "You really should go to bed though. I don't want to be in the way."
"You're not!" It's not quite a yell; you're just being quietly insistent. "You're my friend Sunny. And that's enough for me." You know he is adverse to it, but you take his hand and hold it tightly. To your surprise, he doesn't pull away. He actually squeezes, letting his other hand rest on yours. You drop your hand on top of his, and he snorts.
"You win," he says, and you grin up at him, settling with your hands stacked together. The movie plays, and you catch yourself nodding off. You struggle to remain upright, but as the credits begin to roll, you begin to lean into Sun's weight. You're only kind of awake when your head rests against his shoulder. Part of you knows you should move. You're trapping him like this, and what if this is far too much contact for your friend? But it's comfortable and warm, and he's comfortable too.
It's been a long, long time since you'd been able to have someone over. A long, long time since you felt this safe with someone other than your brother. You try to move anyway, wanting to, you don't know, something. But Sun squeezes your hands, freeing one of his own to pull the blanket up over your shoulders.
"Sleep tight." And it's not quite his voice, but it's still Sun, and he wants you to stay.
So you stay, falling asleep as the snow continues to build up outside, drifting in and covering your tracks: the soft prints of your boots and the deep imprints left from your surprisingly heavy friend.
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rasse5 · 7 months
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This was supposed to be for Valentine's day but guess who started this way too late and then got busy🙋‍♂️
I also have some "backstory" for this pic:
It's Sonic and Shadow's first Valentine's day together. Sonic isn't much of a romantic guy so he has completely forgotten that today is indeed, Valentine's day. Meanwhile Shadow has gone to visit Rouge in need of help.
Shadow has never "celebrated" Valentine's day, He has only heard of it from Maria over 50 years ago. The only thing he knows about this special day is that you usually give or do your romantic partner something nice but Shadow has no idea what to do.
"So what's the matter Darling? Why aren't you with your boyfriend?" Rouge starts the conversation
"I.. I need some help Rouge. You know, it's Valentine's day and I usually just treat it like every other day but now I'm dating Sonic and I have no idea what I should do" Shadow opens up
"I'm not a romantic guy, all these feelings and the whole dating thing is still very new to me but I don't want to just stand here and do nothing" He continues
"Hmmm... have you thought of just giving him something simple.. like flowers?" Rouge answers after thinking for a second
"Yes, flowers. You know that men typically only get their first flowers in their funeral. And well.. Sonic always gets flowers from his fans etc. for saving the city but I think receiving flowers from someone really special would be a good idea"
Shadow leaves Rouge's still a bit unsure if giving flowers is a good idea. Would it be too weird of him, the ultimate life form to give flowers to his significant other? But on the other hand making Sonic happy would be worth it.
After a while Shadow warms up to the idea and heads to a flower shop. He has decided to push his ego aside and do what his heart wants the most, and that would be Sonic. He indeed would do anything for him even if it cost his pride. "Fuck it"
Shadow buys a bouquet of lavenders from the shop. They look and smell amazing. Now he only needs to find Sonic.
After searching for a while Shadow finally finds Sonic. Of cource he's out running around Green hill. Shadow tries to shout Sonic's name but words get stuck in his throat. Showing affection towards someone isn't so easy. Especially for Shadow.
Shadow shakes his head "Just do it goddamnit" he tells himself.
And that's how we are in "present time" (what happens in this drawing)
Shadow ends up just shoving the bouquet in Sonic's face and hands while getting embarrassed. And of cource, Sonic is pretty surprized and confused for a second.
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sweet-dining-car · 6 months
Ok so I've been dead for like a really long time cuz I did not like the way that the fandom was going and how some ppl were acting on here but I need to talk about the changes in the rivial. Like what is going on????
First thing that took me by such great surprize was Greaseball. And now plz don't jump me and call me homopobic or anything but I just really don't think that this was the right move here. I mean, changing a character's gender aright, ok, we saw that with Momma and thats fine but I just really don't think that it should have been Greaseball. I mean his whole character and everything I just don't think so. Also I really like hearing Pumping Iron from a nice Baritone and idk how that would sound in a female range.
Now, in my inital shock I was like WHAT? What will GreaseDinah look like now??? But then I thought abt it. Greaseball may still be a man in this production, we really don't know. They didn't change his name or say that he wasn't a man anymore, Greaseball could still be the same just played by a woman now. Again, please don't jump down my thoat here, I'm not trying to offend or anything.
Now what I was actually hoping for in the rivial was maybe a female Electra finally offically, cuz tbh that seems more realisitic to me. AC/DC could be sung by a nice Alto that can also reach Mezzo-Soprano too. Also it has already been confirmed that Electra is gender fluid so I mean why not?
I was also hoping for some more diveristy in the rockies too, I gotta keep my fingers crossed on that one.
I'm glad to see a lot more of the Germany cast there but I am really holding by breath cuz I hope things don't change too much
The female Greaseball just really took me by surprize and idk what to think now. I just wanna see the costume and please PLEASE don't mess up Rolling Stock or Pumping Iron in terms of vocals or music. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make the sound track sound good
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tunguszka20 · 2 months
A handsome man went into a hotel and asked to see the boss. When the boss came, the story began.
-The client: is room 39 empty?
-The boss: yes, sir.
-The client: can I book it?
-The boss: of course you can.
-The client: thank you.
Before going to the room, the client asked the boss to provide him with a black knife, a white thread 39 cm and an orange 73g.
The boss agreed though he was surprized at the weird things the client asked to have.
The client went into his room, he didn't ask for food or anything else.
Unfortunately for the boss, his room was next to room 39.
After midnight, the boss heard strange voices and noise in that client's room. Voices of wild animals and of utensils and dishes being thrown on the floor.
The boss didn't sleep that night. He kept thinking and wondering what might be the source of the noise.
In the morning, when the client handed the keys to the boss, the latter asked to see the room first.
He went to the room and found everything alright. Nothing unusual. He even found the thread, the black knife and the orange on the table.
The client paid the bill and gave the bellboys a very good tip and left the hotel smiling.
The boss was in a shock but he didn't reveal what he heard to the bellboys. In fact, he started to doubt himself.
After one year, the client showed up again. He asked to see the boss again. The boss was in a puzzle.
The client asked the same things: room 39, black knife, white thread 39cm and an orange 79g.
This time, the boss wanted to know the truth by all means possible. He spent a sleepless night, waiting for something to happen. After midnight, the same voices and noises started, this time louder and more indecipherable than the year before.
Again, before leaving, the client paid his bill and left a large tip on the table for the bellboys. The smile didn't leave his face.
The boss started searching for the meaning of everything the client asked to have. Why did he ask room 39? why the white thread? why the black knife??? In fact, the boss didn't arrive to any convincing answer to all these questions.
The boss now was eagerly waiting for the month of March, the month in which the client showed up.
To his surprise, on the first day of March, the same client showed up. He asked the same questions. Wanted to book the same room, wanted to have the same things as before.
The boss again heard the same noises, this time more louder than before.
In the morning, when the client was leaving the hotel, the boss apologized politely to the client and asked to know the secret behind the noises in the room.
-''If I tell you the secret, do you promise to never reveal it to anyone else?''
-''I promise I will never let anyone know''.
-''I swear I won't reveal your secret''
So finally, the client revealed his secret to the boss.
Unfortunately, the boss was a sincere person. Until now he hasn't revealed his secret to anyone.
I don't know how to react to this.
It sounds like a joke I would say. And I hate it (no actually I don't)
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So, here's the five dossiers I have. Sadly, they're as good as you imagined- absolute rock-bottom journalism. I barely got any new information and I doubt Miss Croft (if she got the "dossiers") would be impressed by this. Maybe that's the saddest "research" I have ever come across. If you need to hire a journalist you better skip on Luddick.
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Transcript of the first, second and third page:
Our biggest surprize today was guess whom? Fucking Bouchard! He had business with either Eckhardt or Vasiley, what were the chances? He came all the from from Paris to Prague, I don't know why, but apparently I could contact him in some way. The number I have and the password I got might reveal themselves useful. I'd prefer to only talk to Bouchard about Vasiley and not his business, I like to like to solve this mystery. Also, have you noticed Luddick hasn't even found out his first name?
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Transcript of the fourth page:
The next dossier is on Eckhardt, which is a joke since it's one paper. His first name is supposedly Pietri, which sound Slavic but it's unconfirmed anyway. He's based in Prague, is head of the Mafia in Prague (which would tie the killings to non-supernatural reasons) and shoudl be about 60, which is like 500 years less than of he was the Eckhardt from the Middle Ages. Which, given all the information I have connected so far makes less sense than my theories. I never thought I'd say it, but it is more likely this Eckhardt is the medieval one.
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Transcript of the fifth page:
This is her! This is the woman on the Icon of Passionforresearchion, if it's her actual name, she is Kristina Boaz. Perhaps someone used her name and photo or perhaps it is her...anyway, it is a familiar name. Now she has a name and also an occupation, apparently she's the director if the Strahov Psychiatric Institute, where I need to go. She also specialized in regeneration of tissue and cryogenic states which makes me think she surely knows our Christian friend, Grant Mueller?
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Transcript of the sixth page:
So this guy, Joachim Karel, is a new face. All that's on him is that he's also part of the Mafia, he is based in Paris (which makes me think he has ties to Bouchard/Vasiley/Eckhardt) and it's unsure where his origin is. He seems almost as mysterious as Eckhardt, I'll try to look into him.
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Transcript of the seventh page:
Again, who the fuck is that now? Again, Mafia, again, perhaps working with Eckhardt and being in his fanclub, he's based in Amsterdam aaaaand owns The Agency. Which is, as far as the internet goes, a private mercenary group. Wanna bet they are also involved in some way in the murders?
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Transcript of the eighth page:
Quick theory: The Agency is a security service and a mercenary group as well, they have bouncers, apparently hitmen and work for military and police work. Kurtis Heissturm Trent has Lux Veritatis blood, he also has or had a dispute with Eckhardt who wants to get rid of the LV and vice versa. Marten Gunderson runs The Agency, which have their main bureau in Munich, Germany.
What if: Trent's father was murdered by Eckhardt/Agency/Gunderson which is not one person but just antagonists to him; thus, Kurtis seeks revenge and tracks these guys down, which- makes him be here, actively working on gunning them down. So if I'm correct, Kurtis and Lara are working on the same thing, and I'm following them. Yeah, the trail of death should be correct and i'm on the right way.
I'll look up the names in hopes to find more on them, and walk around Vasiley's gallery in case I can slip in. It's closed off but I hope Prague police has better things to do and I can check his place out. If Lara Croft was here, she probably already entered his place, which makes it easier for me if she hasn't left a...surprise for me.
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leopoldainter · 5 months
Actually, if you want we can go there because it's not Elon or masturbathe or elongated, it s extrapolate
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. Then we do pee Kjays, because we like Christopher walkens take On thongs,
Do you know how many drugs I am on, where are you
Would you look at that, Cankles didn't a Dr warn ubout diabetes.? Shut up hue mungus?
A lot
Thought I might find you near, andsoaSquam fiending
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All the way home. Fuckin Orca... where am I supposed to look. Baby Picture nonsense.
And how did they get fucking milk in it. Seriously hit the deckFOX: leave us alone
One Ellen Degeneres Vchip joke and they're like, ickOlympiadukakis
Yank queen latifah
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Amusing that vacuum it's back to
Tina, I thought they'd make my boobs bigger, boy I have yet to hear the endor ofshiffarobe. Addendum then run
LeRonde Amus.ent.skabdGreetings ... Mont cascade. No no .oNtarioPalace. how wonders.swanson scholarship!Run den to...haguana
Yeehk you thought I was lying...,about that Torah, the one named that, gets tossed into the trunk. It clicks where e.Mega hand to roof, I thought Tim's.
It's a joke tells me he accidently pulls Talia out of the trubn
Balderdash. Wehers suSijma wok frok.M Carthy clothers are youbs eriegno they sell Uniforms ... what do you think. They bought them and kept the clothes at home.fuckin They're stikerBLAMOhhhh osh. PEI, charlotston conf0Pricy Council. Try it Asian next time. Grenoild. And mention your eleTuby in class once and you got it.
Straight through one tree hill to blingablong. I will get that 1axEptance letfer 1perfex SAT mission hill.
Hilarious I am just s.okei Meth see my cornHole! Jinks
RhuBarb more like how could you mix us with lettuce
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Nickname. Marcel,
My nails John!
Not fair
Ok well .. o jigglypuff can use moon stone
....does that matter.
I guess
Wait, jingle
Well it's Jynx
,onyx sonic lullaby
Some there's an anal me saying, being in Canada, why would I need a closed circuit casey DMV, hot wheels aint we all there
Demonstrable false pretences are expressed in from the keft
Fucking woman.. it's up there.
I think there's a
Abe Lac Yard.
Switcy bakro
Under the domestic bucketchains
Then it's the Dea guy laughing with a propane tank.
They obviously don't show that part.
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Chest hairs mill underthe dome and Cosmo as the bus driver, PizzaBagels,
Get me the ciniman
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I'm on a diet
Ok but dues in hand it was.. A British operetta soo blimey the Vice Presidents wife's retarded. No, it's alzheimers hermeneutics tdfhgh and there let the other work himself ogg with his pen
Masking tape
Damm byt the way is clear, scary league
What raisin, what the hell is wrong with you people.
I said parking lot
What I'd like to kno
Deden surprize
Then what do you been
silly puddle. FEZsunbraro.
.MrMi.me SUBSTITUTE rYdon. Then, picture the grinch listening for the cru:whose rick ryrdon fu knidorab. It's ok, there s a lot of fire trucks on the road.
I like trees
Someone said house someone said jail.
Could just be,,
Also, could you use a secret
Nothinfrom majestic
Concessions Stamer
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moononastring · 3 years
being the idiots they are, the vanserra brothers are bound to screw up something and majorly piss off their wives and I think iris and elain's reactions would be so hilarious cause they'd react so differently.. elain would be the type to say "you're sleeping on the couch mister, and no sex for you!" but then iris comes across as someone who'd say "you know what, fuck you! I'm gonna sex you up even more now, and you don't get to cum"
and while elain's walking around wearing nighties that have lucien running into a wall to keep himself from touching her and annoying her more, iris is probably saying "aw you wanna cuddle, ofc why not, lemme just run my ass into your dick and keep you hard the whole night" "oh he's got blue balls for the past 4 days, alright well I guess you've suffered enough" and then she'd just stop midway through sexy time and leave him even more frustrated (after she's finished ofc because he's the idiot being punished why should she suffer)
and then bonus hc all 4 of them meet for dinner the next week and the girls are laughing their asses off because "I can't believe this is the idiot I'd die for?" and then the guys are off having a heated discussion on which of their situation is worse -
Lucien - I'm going to die she hasn't let me touch her in over a week
Eris - trust me that's nothing compared to if she were touching you all. the. time. and leaving you hot and bothered
Lucien - look man atleast you're getting some, the last time I went this long without it was... I DONT EVEN REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I WAS DENIED FOR THIS LONG
Eris - please I'd take iris not putting out over purposely having me wake up with blue balls on a Monday at 8 am
Iris - you do realize you're brothers right?
Elain - and you're discussing with surprizing detail you and your wives sex lives with each other?
This genuinely made me laugh because honestly...that's likely how it would go. Iris is merely following through on her "wife duties"???? It's not her fault she just happens to stop midway??? Elain suddenly feeling "shy" and must not let her husband know the feeling of her skin lest he think she's a harlot like him, you know??? what would her husband think if she simply let him touch her???
Iris 🤝Elain
uniting to cause their husbands stress and laughing about it.
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turnaboutspoiler · 3 years
Okay I still have some time till pt5 release, sooo let's talk about managers!
So the fact that they showed us managers in the trailer itself says that they're gonna play an important role in pt5. And personally I'm so excited about that! Maybe we'll even have their stories. I mean we've seen only Banri's one for now and I would like to know more about the others.
P. S. It's really unfortunate they don't have an assembled photo(
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"They understand eavh other like a family; I love everyone from IDOLISH7"
Banri's loving his kids. Well, nothing new actually.
To be honest, I haven't got a lot to say about him since as I mentioned before we already know his story, so I don’t think we're gonna get something new about him. But I said it in my Re:vale post and I say it now that I don't want more "Re:vale and Ban-San" topic.
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"TRIGGER will create an era!"
You know, I like Kaoru a lot since she's the eldest manager we have (at least judging on her appearance). And I also like how she cares about her boys. Remember that moment, when she left YaotomePro just to continue to work with Trigger and help them? The best girl ever.
And that's why I think she can do something of the sort in pt5, because I said I think Trigger will have a big arc. And since the very first pv was with Trigger, I think I guessed it right. Mark my words: we're gonna have a new wave of mother Kaoru.
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"As always, they think of their kouhai; quite reliable, aren't they?"
Just like with Banri I don't have much to say about Rinto. But since we had that super surprize named Rintaro I guess we will see more of OkazakiPro and Okazaki brothers, which I like! I really want to know more about their relationships. I know we saw a part of it in Re:member, but it was a long time ago and who knows how this is going now.
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"I'm thankful, from the bottom of my heart, that I'm able to leave things to someone that I can trust"
Here comes the storm. You know, very rarely I have characters which I do not like. I mean they can be protagonists or antagonists but they don't give me bad emotions. But Shiro... he does. I don't know why, but I feel really nervous and suspicious about him. When I first saw him in NY story I felt like "Wow, we have a new antagonist now".
I also don't like his way of communicating with the others. He's too kind, too friendly, and not like Ryu but like he wants to suck up to everyone. And don’t forget he was a friend of Ryo's. So I feel like it's just a mask and I'm really scared to know why he wears it.
Also I'm pretty scared for Minami who was the only person being suspicious about Shiro. And I don't think this will lead to anything good. So as I said in my Zool post I think Minami can also be one of the main characters in pt5 and that is the reason.
I also remember the theory about Shiro's being Zero and honestly I really want it to be true. Like I really want to see Shiro's interaction with Takamasa.
And as for his phrase I think it can possibly be Ryo's quote. I just don't know who Shiro can "leave the things" to. But maybe it's one of Zool members?
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"We have to be attentive and always be on our guard, so that no more dark clouds will gather in this show biz world"
Now that was a surprize, WOW! I already said that I want to see more of Okazaki brothers interaction, but firstly goes the question: why Rintaro is here in the first place? I just wondering what possibly can happen that Rintaro himself had to come to the stage, when he always was somewhere on the background. And the thought he can actually be an old acquaintance of Shiro's scares me...
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mrstsung · 2 years
No I'm gonna say it.
And i don't care if i offend people
I absolutely hate what they did to sindel.
There is absolutely bias from NRS for that ship. Also with johnny x sonya and even liutana. Jax getting a family was ok. He deserves it.
Nobody else gets a relationship? Like why should they be the only ones?
They are overrated.
Plus that whole sinshao bullshit is an insult to sindels integrity as a character and her and her daughter's trauma.
Plus fuck y'all. Idgaf
Shang tsung was the best thing about aftermath. And mk11 period overall.
Maybe fujin n nightwolf too. But thats about it.
Everyone else is so mediocre.
Stay mad because you know its true.
There is so much bias in NRS and some people are so blind to see that.
There is rumors that NRS is on shakey ground rn with wb studios. And tbh im not surprized.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
April Teaser Collection!
Here is the  latest peek at my stuff sitting on my pc that will hopefully be finished over the next few weeks. I hope you find something that tickles your pickle. below the cut are The Stand In, It’s A Match, Deliverance, Mans False God, Gloria Regali.
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But instead of being managing to be all sneaky and close the door hiding henry in your room like a naughty teen with her boyfriend Henry was up and awake.
"Aha! Gotcha! Who said you could sneak out of bed this morning baby? I was lonely with out you~" you screamed and just about jumped out of your skin as Henry wrapped himself around you from behind dragging you back into him, nuzzling into your neck pressing an open mouthed kiss to it. Your shout of surprize had silenced both of the women's chatter making them jump, even Kal came darting back in gruffing as he leapt up the stairs heckles and tail raised and growling on high alert. Fuck.
"now why cant i get a good morning like that?" Tee giggled crossing her arms at the both of you, your mother eyed you both with a knowing grin and hummed agreeing. Henry snapped his head up and gulped. Fuck. You and henry stood still for a few seconds far to shocked at being caught with your pants down so to speak. You shifted on your feet but henry held you still hands on your hips using you to shield his nude form from your guests he hadn't known were there.
"O-oh shit- err good morning ladies!" He said turning red his voice higher than usual as he shuffled backward taking you with him. As he tried saving his modesty, he didn't take the covers with him because- well he had thought it was only you on the bus!
"I err- shit i didn't see you there... Sorry about almost flashing you both like that..." he said with an uneven tone tip toeing back into the room, still holding you at his crotch hiding the once half hard- now softening cock.
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"Good girl, where's your mother? Hmm? Your not supposed to be out and about alone are you?" Henry spoke slowly digging his fingers into the dense soft fur managing to find and hold the collar below the thick fur, then he leant down scooping up the lead what was still attached to her. Kal grunted and sat on the floor leaning his weight on henry's leg. Henry looked down and patted Kal scratching his ears chuckling. Kal's eyes still wide taking in the larger dog in front of him, it was comical Kal was used to being the biggest bear... but he was a good four to five inches shorted then this magnificent grey floofer.
"Kal, you okay there bud?... year she really is big isn't she, you best behave don't want her telling you off do you?" He spoke slowly calming both pups... and gosh did Kal look like a pup compared to her. Slowly both dogs leaned towards one another sniffing the air then with a happy yip Amii began licking kal... like a pup. Henry burst out laughing it was too sweet watching Amii sniff around his bear, whilst Kal sent his human a look clearly pleading for help as this new huge female smothered him with affection. But henry wasn't falling for it, Kal was wagging his tail just as excited to make a new freind.
Honestly henry was glad, akitas were fickle. They either liked you or they didn't. He got the feeling Kal would like this gentle giant for now he was a little awe struck over being smaller then something.
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"Clark? Clark come and help me- I cant reach the milk! Its at the back again!" Martha said quietly you smiled. It took a lot of coaxing but you had indeed tried what Clark had explained as 'cow juice' and had developed a taste for it. So Martha had promised you milk every day if you liked. Which you did like. A lot. Clark pressed another kiss to you and walked off towards the milk refrigerators expecting you to follow.
You made to follow but a sweet scent hit you and you stopped mid step. It was wonderful and ripe, sweet and succulent. You pivoted and followed without much thought. Your feet found there way twisting around the display of 'leafy greens' to a bright colourful isle. You salivated at the smells. There were so many intoxicating scents you didn't know what to look at first.
You pressed a hand on a small net package full of strange green fuzzy balls. Kiwi's? You read and scrunched your face up at the peculiar name. Then plucked the bag up and held it to your nose sniffing. They smelled divine, like a type of food from home. Okriin a small soury sweet treat given to children on their birthing date. You sniffed again and almost cried. It was so similar but so different sweeter and fuller in the scent. You cautiously sniffed again and closed your eyes before tentativly prodding it with your tongue wanting to see if it tasted the same.
"y/n? Y/n?!- oh god there you are? What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack" Clark said racing towards you his mother behind him with the cart. He slid to a stop and blinked at you. As you scrunched up your nose.
"the texture of these are... Not very nice?" you said naively moving for the fruit again sticking your tongue out once more trying to discern if it was edible like this. Clark moved quickly gasping holding your hands that had the.. Kiwi's in it.
"no no.. No we- you don't eat them like that... You peel them and eat the inside, and we don't lick things in the shop okay?" he explained plucking the fruit from you and placed them in the cart, Martha chuckled into her chest she couldn't help it, you were extremely cute.
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Kal proped himself up on his side and smiled sadly nodding. He knew. He knew the state they found you in was their fault. Thats why he was so adamant to look after you now to... make amends in a way. You'd proved you could barely survive on your own. But Kal was also angry; angry that you'd been abandoned, he had thought Bruce would atleast put something in place to look after you but he hadn't. Bruce hadn't helped you, he to busy saving his own skin and trying to fight him and the new regime. But he was more angry at himself you had been alone, with no means to protect yourself or really survive. And he should have known! He should have realised you were scared, that you would stay away from the new citizen system he put in place. That you'd fear being caught and killed like many of the others.
"I know, but we have her now... its going to be better now, we are going to right the wrongs love... we can give her the best life  look after her and nothing will ever hurt our little one again" his voice was strained his face in firm lines, hard and stone like. He truly was a god, carved in marble. Perfect. Diana nodded laying back curling herself around you. Kal drew a deep breath and shuffled closer winding his arms around his family, holding both his girls.
He chuckled when you grunted pouting in your sleep when he sandwiched you between Diana and himself. Trying to wriggle fee from the group hug.  But once again you settled after a few moments relaxing as you were now being warmed from both sides a small smile graced your face. Kal grinned and nuzzled the back of your head pressing chaste kisses to your bed ridden hair, he felt at peace having you here with him. And he meant what he said no one will ever touch his little babygirl.
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"what wrong? Whats going on?" you spoke quietly trying not to stare at the clearly sick monarch. You didn't want to see it, you didn't want to think of the implications of the illness he was clearly suffering.
"nothing gets past you does it my girl?" your father spoke jovially trying to lighten the mood but failed miserably, his chuckles dying off fairly quickly and he heaved a sigh. Your uncle broke the silence and your fathers hand slid to yours under the table and squeezed your fingers tightly trying to reassure you.
"I have summoned you here to discuss something that... Is very serious and the outcome will change the lives of many people. This is something.. I wished I could hold off but I'm afraid I cannot firefly" you bit your lip and braced yourself. This was bad news you could tell. A part of you thought for a moment of marriage, your gut churned at the thought and you felt sick all of a sudden. Where you being married off as a pawn? It was likely, it still happened even in this day and age it was just covered up with fairytale romance... Story book meetings and courtships, when in reality you were told that your to marry and that was the end of it.
"Y/n you are royalty. You were born in to a royal blood line that has ruled over this kingdom for nearly four centuries... And now it is time for you to take your place within it and do your duty" your father stated in his 'work' voice for the time being he was not your father, he was a prince. Heir to the throne and head of your family. And you were to listen and obey.
"You want to give me duties as a working royal?" you said sitting straighter only quivering slightly. You dreaded this, the publicity the duty and responsibility that you'd managed to avoid so far. But you knew one day you would have to take your place.
"yes dear. We need you. Now" your father said urgently, but there was something off. Like he was holding back, fearfull in a sense and it was not like him.
"Of course i will. Father I'm no fool I understand what my position requires of me and i will serve my country. You need only ask and I will obey. I only ask that i be given time to sort things out with the university security and such would need to be increased if they are having a working royal on campus-"
"I'm afraid its not as simple as that we... Are asking you to put your studying off" your uncle interrupted you making you frown. What? You furrowed your brow and made to shake your head but paused. It made sense... If you were to come and take on duties then the media may go wild and cause an uproar... They could cause issues on campus
"How long for?" you asked trying your hardest not to frown at your father and uncle
"Indefinitely.." the king replied holding your gaze firmly. it was then you knew this was serious, more so then anything you’d experienced before.
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onisiondrama · 4 years
Kai has privated a bunch of videos on his youtube channel, I think they're mostly all his hair dying videos but idk if there is anything else missing. I don't know why this was done but it's odd considering Kai left the internet back in late 2019. Yet someone, whether it's Kai or Onision, is still monitoring the Coolguykai channel. Odd.
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Wow you’re right! YouTube still says he has 424 videos but social blade says 85.
I could think of a few reasons why he would do this.
1. He is trying to lessen his internet footprint. He deleted most of his social media when he left the internet, but kept up his YouTube and Patreon, most likely because they were still generating money. Maybe he cleaned out videos that are no longer generating income.
2. I know he had comments public for a minute. Maybe he privated videos that received the most criticism / hate.
3. He’s trying to hide something. I’m shocked he even kept up as many videos as he did for so long. Many of them, especially the ones filmed with James, were sooo bad. James is so blantently abusive in some of them and some of Kai’s videos with Sarah are yikes in hindsight. I think this is the least likely theory because he kept up some infamous videos like the head shaving video. That one was even featured in the documentary.
4. I’ve seen a few ex-Youtubers return just to private most of their content and only keep up content they were proud of. Maybe he was inspired to do this as well?
I checked his BeautyBot (now LaineyBot) channel and there are only 3 videos on the channel now. I am not sure how many videos were on the channel before.
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I am not surprized by this. He grew to resent his make up channel and abandoned it in 2018.
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oneweekobsession · 7 years
well well well coincidence or not but the story producer job on a certain stupid show changed hands about the same time that the storylines on that show started to go to fuckery
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Imagine Reader/Katsuki Bakugo
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It has been a long time since I last watched or read BNHA but I have found myself really wanting to write some of these because of tiktok. So, please, forgive me if I take some stuff out of the anime context. Also, there has been a long time since I last wrote something in English. Forgive me if I make some mistakes.
Context: You are a new student in class, your quirk is regenerating (just like Deadpool) underneath the school chlothes you always wear a special long sleaved shirt with turtleneck that fully covers your body, because it is full of scars from the regeneration.
Your personality is a defiant one.
From enemies to lovers kind of fic
Everyone is wondering where did you come from in the middle of a semester, but you can't reveal this secret. You have been keeping it to yourself and everytime people try to approach you, you make up an excuse to quickly leave.
Until this day, in which your P.E. class demands you to go through a very dangerous obstacle course. Everyone has done it and you are the last one. Nobody has ever seen your quirk in action so everybody is anxious to see how you go. Bakugo pretends not to be interested, but he watches you out of the corner of his eyes.
Aizawa approaches you and tells you not to disappoint him. You nod and go ahead. Nobody can barely see your movements, you are too fast for any of the obstacles to hit you, even the big logs that hit most of the students. "So fast!" you can hear Denki saying while you hop from obstacle to obstacle. That is how you learned to be, because using your quirk is just a last resource to you, once it always leaves you scars.
In the las obstacle you notice that you miscalculated and a log is going to hit you right in the chest. You hear everybody screaming as you hug the log and let it take you with its balance. You can feel your insides crush and spit some blood on top of it.
Iida and Midorya try to hush to help you but Aisawa stops them from doing it. It seems like he knows your quirk (of course, he is the teacher... or is there something else to it?)
Even Bakugo is now watching deeply impressed as you hop on top of the log and backflips from it to the finish line. Your uniform is kind of wrecked but your blouse is intact, so is your chest. "Wooooooow!!!!" You hear them screaming as you wipe the blood from your mouth. Momo, Mina, Sero and Denki run towards you, excited to hear how the hell did you do that, Midoriya comes through the middle of them telling you that you NEED to tell him about your quirk, he has a notebook in hands. The others are clapping. Except for Bakugo, he has crossed his arms over his chest and has a repressed angry look.
"What's up with that? That was not impressive at all."
"Ahn... you tied in time, bro" Kirishima answers.
You hear a big explosion, and somebody screaming "WHAT THE FUCK?!", everyone around you is pushed down to the sides and now the only view you have are those raging red eyes amongst the smoke coming towards you.
"I WANT A REMATCH, NOW!" He screams with a finger pointed right to your face.
You feel kind of impelled to accept, he is looking at you, chin up, as if he is better then you. Who the hell is this boy?
Actually the way he always acts like he is better then everyone else has already caught your attention in these recent days. You see how awfully he treats his friends, he is always so loud and curses all the time. Yeah, you definately don't like this guy.
You are about to say yes, but you feel Aizawa's cold look at you. Damn it!
"I am not interested." You answer, hitting his finger with a smack.
Bad choice. You can feel the heat coming from him increase as he seems ready to jump on top of you and blow you out of existence.
"BROOOO, calm down" Kirishima comes between you. "Aizawa is not diggin' it, bro."
Bakugo stares at you as if he is going to sunddely jump over Kirishima's head and kill you with his bare hands(he probably could, you can feel it), but you stare back at him and even show your teeth a little. He gets kind of impressed with it, but gets back to his angry expression. He turns to the side and goes away stomping his feet and almost literally exploding with rage.
"Hey, ahn... y/n... that was really amazing! Don't mind him, this is his way to show he was impressed" says Kirishima with the most friendly smile, before going after him.
"Kaachan is really that way you will get used to him." Midoriya says. You can feel he is ashamed.
"Who does that motherfucker thinks he is?" You say as the others around gasp.
"You don't let him hear you say that." Denki says in the thinniest voice.
You leave, also stomping your feet, that boy made you angry. Everybody stares, as they did not expect you to react like that.
A few days go by. Every time yours and Katsuki Bakugo's sight cross people can hear both of you growl.
You have been competing in every single activity you face: from who gets better grades to who arrives first for lunch.
There are romours going on about your quirk around the school. Some say you might have invincibility, others, that you have some sort of superspeed. No one is right. You are as misterious as when you arrived, but now people know that you really hate Bakugo. And he hates you back.
"I didn't think he could hate someone as much as he hates you." Kirishima says to Midoriya as they watch you and Bakugo have a desagreement on who arrived first at the vending machine.
"What? Kaachan doesn't hate me... was that how it looked like when he was picking on me?"
"That what it WOULD look like if you fought back." Tsuyu answers.
"Listen here, you brat, I was already choosing my drink, you can't just come and put your money ahead of me!" You say as you punch the vending machine.
"What did you just call me?! Anyways, you were TOO SLOW, I wouldn't wait." He smirks at you, pressing the number of the last Coke in the machine.
"This Coke is mine!" You answer, infuriated.
"There is some Pepsi, still."
"Son of a..."
You lean towards him to take the Coke from his hands. All of a sundden the can bursts and the drink spills all over your face as Bakugo laughs.
"Ok, it is all yours." He says, cleaning his hand in your already sticky uniform.
"Ok, that is it!" You say, and jump onto him, punching his face as you both fall on the floor.
"OH SHIT!" You hear someone scream as you punch Bakugo as hard as you can, alternating hands.
You hear people coming towards you, but you don't see them arrive, as Bakugo explodes you from off of him. You fly to the other side of the common room, falling on a table that breaks with the impact.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, ASSHOLE" you hear him screaming from the other side of the room.
You smell burnt meat. It is you, he hit you right on the chest, your shirt is ruined (if you are a female or wear a binder, it is not burned, don't worry, no tiddies out). There is a huge burn that goes from your chest to your chin. You stand up cracking your wrist and putting yourself in a fight pose.
"That is it, you fucker." you hear everyone gasp when they see the burnt slowly desappearing under a brand new skin layer. "You're dead."
You pick up a foot from the broken table and run towards Bakugou, he makes two explosions agressively on you, but you don't care. Half of your face and your hips get burned in a deep flesh wound and are quickly healed by your quirk. You hit him hard in the face with the wood. He bumps into the wall and falls sitten.
"What the fuck?!" He exclaims, watching you finish your healing process.
You are about to hit him once again, and he is about to explode you one more time, but nothing comes out of his hand and you feel the piece of wood being taken away from your hands.
"Ooooh, shit..." you hear the others saying and see them stepping away.
Aizawa is standing behind you, his eyes are furiously shaking and he is holding your piece of wood. You probably woke him up, as he is in full pijamas.
"Oh shit." You say slowly stepping away.
Being responsible for washing everyone's P.E. uniforms and cleaning the room for a whole month didn't sound like too much of a punishment for breaking the common room and almost killing a colleague. But... you had to do it with HIM.
"Are you gonna sweep or what?" You complain when you see he is barely doing something to clean the classroom.
"You are the one used to using a piece of wood" he says leaning against a desk you had just put in position.
"You will see where I am gonna put this piece of wood if you don't help" you answer putting the broom over your head in a threatening way.
"Let's see how many times I need to blow you up before you die!" He answers opening his hands wide besides his hips.
You are ready to start a fight when you remember Aizawa talking to you: "you should not be so fast in disappointing the last family you have." You put the broom down and sigh.
"Quitter." Bakugou says, leaning against the desk once more and putting his hands in his pockets.
"Aizawa is my uncle, you know." You say, getting back to swapping. "This is why I got to come to the academy in the half semester."
You notice he is shaken by the news, but he plays it cool.
"Why are you telling me that?" he says.
"Cause this is the only reason I don't beat your motherfucking ass." you answer.
"Ha, as if." he says smiling in a maniac way. "It took me 200 explosions to beat the shit out of Kirishima. Your quirk is similar to his in a certain way, there must be a limit. Of explosions you can take."
"I can do a whole lot of damage before my quirk starts to wear off." You answer, putting the broom aside. "But I tend to doge attacks, because..."
You open the shirt of your uniform, making Bakugo step back surprized, even more so when you open the zipper of your special suit. Bakugo's face turns from a bright red to a pale white as he lays eyes on your body full of scars. You have all kinds of them, big, small, one specially big that goes from your hip to the beginning of your neck.
"What the f..." he seems to swallow his mean words. "So... things leave scars on you."
"The more I use my quirk, the bigger is the possibility of leaving scars."
"I bet you get into lots of fights." he says, opening smile with the side of his lips.
"Those are mostly from the accident when my parents died." you say, head down with a frown.
Bakugo stares at you kind of embarassed, not knowing what to say. He takes a step fowark, slightly reaching to you.
Then, you start to laugh.
"I'm kidding, dumbass!!!" You say, bending foward, cleaning tears from your eyes. "Yeah, I get into a lot of fights."
"You... you..." Bakugou is startled, but also angry. He doesn't know how to react.
"You should see your face! You were totally soft over me."
"You were totally soft!"
Bakugou threatens you with his hands wide open, but you keep laughing at him.
That is when the door opens.
You and Bakugo turn to see professor Mic, absolutely atonished. At first you both think he has gotten you about to start a fight, but then you realize, what it actually looks like. Your shirt is open, Bakugou's hands are aiming at your chest.
You both scream. Professor Mic also screams.
Part two here:
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jojosbabe · 3 years
On one hand yes stone ocean is indead gonna be animated. On the other hand. Not really looking forward to it since fans aren't the greatest and most dont treat others well when it comes to female characters.
Personal opinions here but y'all weren't really there for the other ladies in jojo. Dont act so hype now.
You weren't really for the kujo family either.
Y'all were only for your ships.
Y'all can't fucking say you hype for stone ocean if you didn't support holly,suzie q,tomoko,and all the other ladies.
Maybe jolynes mom will actually get some fucking character development. But im not holding my breath.
Im also not holding my breath it will be good because of how vento turned out. And the ungodly amount of copyright they had to go through.
A lot of shit has to be cut or redone to make it work.
Im happy but not happy honestly.
I don't think I'll watch stone ocean when it comes out. I'll wait for a while.
Honestly i don't really care bout it because fans honestly don't really feel genuinely happy for the legit only female fucking lead in this series. And sadly i dont think it will get as much hype as people think it will.
Because knowing how anime fans are. They dont give a fuck about female characters unless they are certain type.
So all in all not surprized it was announced but not really giving a shit either.
Happy we may have a slim chance of getting more merch and better shit. But doubt it. Because honestly y'all dont treat jotaro with any real genuine love. So why should i expect you to treat his daughter with any?
Sorry im just angry and it feels so fake that people are saying "omg yes queen" and "omg im so happy its announced and confirmed!" Nah you aren't. You just here to sideline all the ladies and fetishize dudes like you always do. You here to shit on jotaro like you always do.
Im just speaking how i feel here. I dont feel genuineness from people. I honestly dont. If people actually gave a fuck. They would have already been being better towards joot n his family.
Like i said. Im waiting. And im not really hype bout it. Im more disappointed at the amount of fakeness from people is all.
Also i kind hated stone ocean and how they handled joots family. Everything else bout it was pretty good for the most part. Cept that and stand arrows(like fr araki-san it felt pointless. No pun intended)
So it's not as exciting as people think. Sure we see jolyne n other awesome characters. But the story isnt that compelling to me as the other parts. (Still better than vento tho imho)
Anyways. These are just my personal opinions.
Y'all can watch it. I wont be missing much since i read the manga. Plus i just honestly dgaf bout this part much.
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miniidreamer · 5 years
Chapter 1-Heartbeat
"Thank you for helping me clean the place up mom! I appreciate it."
"Don't worry, dear. I'm just happy you decided to move after so long trying to get you to come here. It's very peaceful here in Daegu. I'm glad you found this nice little house. How did you find it anyway?"
"Easy, actually. This house was for sale, but no one was interested in it, and I really liked it. I love that it is so secluded and away from the city."
"Well, I'm glad you like it, dear. Be safe for me, okay? I don't know this place very well, even if we moved here a couple years back. I don't know all the places."
"I will, mom. You know I do. I have been living on my own for quite some time now. I will be fine. Now go home, mom. Dad is waiting."
"Alright. Goodbye, dear!" My mom said, and drove off.
For a moment it was silent. I felt at peace now.
I walked into my new house, and plopped onto one of the sofas. Exhaustion.
I laid on the sofa for a while, and closed my eyes while listening to the birds singing peacefully outside.
When I opened my eyes again, it was very dark outside.
Well...there goes my sleeping schedule...
Now I won't be tired for a long time. Just at that moment, my stomach growled at me.
Good time for a midnight snack.
I stood up, and walked to the fridge, where I took out some milk, and chocolate cereal from the cupboard. Oh, how I missed you my dear old friend. How can I go a day without chocolate cereal?
After eating the cereal, I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to go for a walk in the woods. Yeah, it sounds weird, I mean, who goes out in the woods at midnight?
To be honest, I love the sounds of the woods. It's very calming. I grabbed my shoes, and walked out of the house, closing the door behind me.
I walked for a long time. I felt the breeze through my hair, the coldness on my skin. The calm waves the trees make. Oh, how I love the sound of whistling wind through the trees. I heard an owl in the distance. Crack.....
What was that?
Something behind me? I looked around, but...nothing.
Maybe it's in my imagination? Did I hear wrong? I swear I heard footsteps.
Maybe it was some kind of animal...I walked a little bit further, broadening my steps but I couldn't take it anymore.
It feels like something is watching me.
I didn't want to be in some kind of horror story, so I decided to turned around, and walk back home, where it is safe. Maybe I will feel better tomorrow. I'm not used to being alone. When I was in America, I lived in a hotel, so there were always people walking around and being loud. I hated it. I just wanted to be alone. No loud noises, and no one looking for me.
My mother comes from America, and my dad from Daegu. They met when my father went on a trip with his friends to America, and they fell in love. My father moved to America, closer to my mom, and after a couple of years, he proposed to her. Typical love story. Then I was born, and stayed in America until I was 17 years old. My parents said that they wanted to move back to Daegu to spend more time with my fathers' side of the family, but I didn't want to go, because I wanted to finish school in America. After I finished school, I was too scared to go to Daegu, and told my parents that I wanted to stay. They didn't like the idea, and tried everything to get me to move, but I didn't. I didn't tell them it was because of a boy. I didn't tell them, because they wouldn't understand why I would stay for a boy. We would simply just be a fling. That is what they always told me when I found a boy I liked.
Last week I found my boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, kissing another girl. I wanted to move out the apartment we shared, and thought, "Hey, why don't I just move to Daegu like my parents told me?"
And that is how I happen to be in the Southern part of Korea now.
When I got home from walking in the woods, I took off my shoes, took a quick shower, and laid in my bed. All the walking made me tired again...maybe I can get some sleep.
~unknown pov
"What is that sweet smell?"
"I don't know what you mean. I don't smell anything."
The whole day, I was smelling this sweet smell...almost like roses, but no one else is smelling it. I must be going crazy.
"The smell is getting stronger now. I'm going to follow it. Don't wait up for me."
"I'll come back, don't worry!"
I calmly walked out of the mansion, and when I was sure no one could see me, I ran as quick as I could to the smell. It's getting stronger and stronger. Wait...I heard walking.
A person.
I can just taste the blood already.
Oh, a girl.
I walked a little closer, trying to see her face, but a twig snapped under my foot, and she stopped in her tracks. Shit. Shit shit shit.
I stopped moving until she looked back on the road. I couldn't see her face. She walked for a little while further, me watching her. She suddenly turned around with a worried expression on her face. I walked behind her without her noticing. She got to the old house, near the mansion. Guess they found someone who wanted the place.
She closed the door, and went inside the bathroom. I quickly climbed through an open window. Wow, she really cleaned this place up. I looked through her stuff. Yes, she is the one who smells so sweet. But why, though?
I heard the shower going off, and climbed under her bed. How ironic...there is a monster under her bed.
She climbed on her bed and went through her phone. I waited for anything to happen, but she was dead silent. I wouldn't be surprized if she isn't on the bed anymore. A couple minutes past and she is now reading a book. Doesn't she sleep? Finally when she decided to turn of her light, she fell asleep. After a while, I crawled out from under the bed, and stood over her. Damnit...I still can't see her face properly. Who is she?
Maybe she will go for a walk tomorrow again, then I will taste her blood.
Tell me, does your blood taste just as sweet as what you smell?
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