#i don't really have to feel too bad about losing the stickers i have on the old one then
gender-euphowrya · 9 months
mom said i could buy a new pc
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missuswalker · 10 months
Craig's gang x reader where Craigs gang gets easily jealous
this is so scrumptious
jealousy with craig's gang!
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✮ summary: craig's gang when jealous ✮ warnings: suggestive themes
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craig tucker
craig isn't quick to get jealous when it comes to you hanging around his close friends. he trusts them enough, but it's a different story when he sees you with someone he doesn't really know. an alarm goes off in his head IMMEDIATELY. he's silently overthinking it. doesn't voice his discomfort towards the situation until you two are in private. he wants to act like he doesn't really care, but oh honey, he does. "who was that?" over and over no matter how many times you tell him. "craig, that was the janitor" "and why was he looking at you like that?" "he's blind" "that doesn't give him the right" gets over it pretty quickly though, especially if you give him a little somthin somthin, if you know what i mean.
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tweek tweak
tweek doesn't mean to be jealous, but he can't help but think with the snap of a finger he could lose you. especially around craig. he's fallen to craig's rizz once, and is worried you will too. when he sees you laughing with someone else, he stresses out. "do you even still like me?" "tweek, what? of course i do." "i just don't want to lose you to him" "...mr. garrison?" gets more stressed when he realizes he had nothing to worry about because he's worry that he annoyed you with his worries, and that he's just being an inconvenience. he trusts you when you say you'd never leave him, he just can't help but be a little worried sometimes.
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clyde donovan
clyde is a very sensitive man. if you're spending time with someone that's not him, he's upset. especially if you didn't tell him about your plans. no matter who it is, if you seem happier with them, he throws a fit. "maybe you should just date them, then!" "i don't want to date them, i like dating you." it gets a little annoying, but it's all out of love. after he sees you with someone, he buys you something to keep you interested. usually its a sticker because he's still recovering from his previous purchases of one of those coin banks that eat the money.
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tolkien black
tolkien is quite trusting. he's typically not worried about you cheating on him. but that's only you. he doesn't trust anyone else to not flirt with you. while he knows you wont dip, he doesn't like the thought of someone trying to get with you. bebe is one to jokingly flirt with you, much to his dismay. "hey, y/n, tryna take it to the gender neutral bathroom? i'll make you mine within seconds, trust. you won't even think about tolkien" "that's not funny. y/n isn't an object. go away bebe." he'll announce to everyone that he's taking you to casa bonita or something. he wants to make sure everyone knows you guys are still dating.
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jimmy valmer
jimmy is the type to bottle his jealousy up. he tries to be a lighthearted guy, not wanting to seem like a dick. he'd prefer if you didn't flirt with your friends as a joke, though. it's not always super obvious that it bothers him, which is his goal, but just make sure he knows that he's the only one for you. "is it okay if i go hang out with bebe and craig?" "it's cool. you don't have to ask to hang out with your friends." he likes when you do though. you asking is just a sort of reassurance to him. he's still insecure that you'll find someone who you think is better, but he tries not to think about that.
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a/n: i feel like this was bad 🧐 it's okay guys
it gives me practice for writing clyde 🤯🤯
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slug-glug-chug · 1 year
TransTape when ur Autistic
just making this on a whim cuz i was thinking about how hard it can be to find information online about what certain things actually FEEL like when applied, and i'd just tried transtape last night for the first time
this isn't a guide on how to apply transtape or how effective it is or even how to use it safely (there's a very good post here, though). i'm just gonna talk about it sensory-wise in case any other ftm autistics have been considering tt but arent sure
not sure how helpful this is gonna be, but i'll go as in-depth as possible. i can also make one for chest binders if anyone wants it, but yeah
so first on the body is the nipple guards- little circular discs that protect the nipples from sticky hell/damage. they're a bit weird to put on, but once they were on, i couldn't feel them at all. in fact- this is a bit weird- but i almost preferred them to having actual nipples lmfao. the material is smooth and soft, unlike bumpy nipple shapes
after that is the tape itself; the top part is soft and stretchy. i found it pleasant to touch and handle, and mine also came in a very satisfying bright green color.
the sticky side is VERY sticky, but you can't really fidget with it if you accidentally stick it on the wrong way. once you peel it off once, the stickiness is... not gone, but less effective. i'd say you have about 2 chances to stick it properly before u need a new strip of tape
and it's literally tape. the sticky sensation never really goes away. i didn't feel it so long as i stood in a neutral position and didn't lift my arms, but i could feel the pull beneath my armpits when moving about. it wasn't too bad and i could see myself getting used to it...
but personally and more than anything, i didnt want to wear the tape for a few days, get used to the stickiness, then lose my mind when i took the tape off and didn't have it anymore. i didn't want to be eternally used to the sensation and feel Weird when it wasn't there anymore
i'd feel a lil yank on my skin if i jumped, i'd feel the strain if i lifted my arms, etc. it does a very good job of compacting and containing breast tissue- especially since's it's literally just tape- and it doesn't compress your body or make it hard to breathe or anything.
honestly, just about all tension and sensory happenings was beneath my armpits. if u stuck a lil piece of tape on your side and moved around, you'd probably get about the same experience in terms of pure sensory (NOT on ur breast tissue and dont leave it on too long aaaa)
taking it off was weird as hell, tho i didn't hate it. it was just Weird. like the world's stickiest band-aid, except it's not really painful cuz there's not really hair there for it to cling to... but also BIG disclaimer cuz i didn't use the removal oil like i was supposed to.
the nipple is a sensitive area so that was the freakiest part, but yeah.
in all i'd rate transtape a 7.5/10. it's VERY good at what it does given what it is, and i could very honestly see myself getting used to the sticker sensation if i was determined to use it. overall it's safer than chest binders and u don't get that heavy compression all around ur torso, tho underboob sweat is still a massive problem lmao (and maybe even Worse with transtape).
but yeah
if anybody has questions, don't hesitate to pop off an ask. i'll make a new post if even one person wants one, because everybody deserves to have the body they want
have fun and stay safe <3
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wysteir · 1 month
My heart is still fragile
Lots of folks tell me I shouldn't keep it that way, but I think I will
I've spent so much time trying not to feel anything, trying not to let things get to me, trying anything and everything
Now I have a mask I don't like using that doesn't even cover my whole face
Now I have silence /
/ Now I lost much of my voice
They're useful, sure
But I didn't grow or anything. The silence was good in some ways and bad in others. I HAVE always wanted to curb the impulse to just say whatever, I HAVE wanted to get to take a moment before I spoke. And the price I paid was losing much of my ability to speak up. I had to relearn that one, it's still hard.
I have a lot of trouble "naturally" engaging in a conversation beyond listening! If your reading this and think I've been doing a good job, I really appreciate it.
I am trying very, very hard
It's a little difficult with a fragile heart, it's really scary actually!!! I had to learn bravery, to get to somewhere better. I'm scared a lot of the time so I have to be brave a lot of the time and shit, it's exhausting when I have to actually think about it
None of the learning was fun
But I was blessed to have good friends, to make good friends, and to deepen friendships, over the course of the decade
Fell in love and drifted out of it
Indulged infatuations for worse, for better
I keep making mistakes! I just keep making them, and I hated getting back up and it was miserable and anything. But I really wanted to be able to get back up. I really really wanted to be kind, to be cool, to be sexy
It felt silly but hey, maybe it would help if it wasn't so serious. I wanted to smile, I wanted to laugh, I wanted to be alright
Hell on Earth I wanted to be alright
I wasn't before, I still kind of am not
It does get easier but you do have to go get it, and I don't think people talk enough about how much it sucks to go get it. Maybe they don't wanna discourage people or smth. Reader I hope you have the strength to go get it. I really hope you do, fuck it's so hard sometimes.
I basically made this post last night too but I still wanna say things about it I guess HAHA
FUCK it sucks to get up and go get it
I think it helped that I had a good idea of the kind of person I wanted to be
And it's funny, I didn't even become her!!!
I'm too silly with it it seems
I wanted to be one of those cool silent types, but I love to tell jokes and I love to meme. I think that was the downfall of a lot of things in my life, I was mostly doing things because I thought they were cool but I didn't put enough thought into having fun with the process
And now that I am, I dunno I think I look pretty cool doing my thing HAHA
Reader, do you think I'm cool?
I probably think you're cool, fwiw
All of my friends are pretty fucking cool
I think that's all I have to say for now
Reader if you made it here, I appreciate you a lot. You may cash in a sticker, a hug, or a smooch on the cheek/forehead, or all three if you're a greedy lil goober (but I won't get mad ufufufu)
Feel free to reply onto this - maybe don't reblog it with a comment but hey if you think a follower might need to see smth like this go wild.
You can poke me on discord too if you'd like
For the record, I DO bite, but only if you ask, or only if you're mean HAHAHA
Regardless, I'll see you tomorrow yeah?
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
Fluff Prompt: Little Raph teaching Little Leo or Donnie how to play basket ball or skateboard and just failing at it so bad but trying really hard to be the cool and smart big bro anyway
This was such a fun prompt, thanks. Here you go with a little cameo at the end
"OK… so… and then you have to… Uhm, just like- ACK!" 
"Raphie! Are you okay?" 
Little Mikey kneels down next to his big brother, who is rubbing his backside and valiantly keeping the tears at bay. Stupid skateboard rolled right out from under him. Again. 
"I'm okay." Raph sniffles and slowly gets back to his feet. Leo had run after the escapee skateboard and is now holding it out to Raph. 
"Maybe we should ask dad to show us how it works?" 
"No." Dad has some Sad Days right now. Raph would rather not bother him with this. But he also doesn't want to wait for the Good Days. They had all been so excited to find the skateboard in the trash. Only one of its tires had been messed up and Donnie had been able to fashion a replacement out of an office chair. They have seen a lot of skateboarders on TV and Raph had thought that that was enough to teach himself and then his brothers. But it's so much harder than it looks on TV. 
Leo hugs himself and looks towards Donnie who is much more interested in the mechanics of the jungle gym right now. Their genius brother had been the most reluctant to try the board, but Raph had seen the joy on his face when he'd rolled a few feet. Too bad he'd fallen off right after and now refuses to get back on again. Which has made Leo wary to try in turn, because he often takes his cue from his twin. Raph is sure that, if he can show them how it works and that there is nothing to be afraid of, they will try again. 
If only he could stop falling off. 
Mikey points towards the sky, which has lightened considerably since they started practicing. "The stars go away." 
Raph rubs his little head. "Good job keeping watch, Mikey. Let's go home for today, before the sun comes up." They are all bundled up, only their faces visible, and the skatepark will probably remain empty for a long time yet, but Raph doesn't want to risk anyone seeing them. If their dad knew they were out here he would kill them. 
Leo runs to get Donnie and Raph tucks the board under one arm so he can take Mikey's hand. They go home, but Raph just can't stop thinking about the board pressed to his side and Donnie's grin when he'd rolled those precious few feet. 
Donnie can so very rarely be pulled away from his little projects and books but that smile had been real and true. Skateboarding could have been something they all could have enjoyed together for once. 
Raph wants nothing more than to give this to his brothers.
Which is why he, against his better judgment, comes back to the skatepark after he puts his brothers to bed. The sun is already rising and he'll probably only have another half an hour before it gets way too dangerous to be out here, but he wants to master this stupid skateboard. How hard could it be?
Very hard apparently. He can't even count how many times he's fallen in the last five minutes. 
Maybe it's hopeless. Maybe he's hopeless. 
After a particularly nasty fall a voice calls out. 
"Hey kid. You need to keep your knees bent when you push off."
Raph jumps to his feet. There is a man standing a few feet away, a skateboard covered in stickers losely held in his hands. He is wearing a cap, pulled deep into his face. Even though he is smiling and sounds nice enough Raph feels terror seize his heart. Dad has always told him that no humans can ever see them. Humans are dangerous. Humans hurt the things they don't understand. 
He takes a few steps back, but he is shaking and he is scared that if he runs the man will follow him and then he will find his brothers too and then he might hurt them and then and then and then
The man must have seen the fear in his face, because he puts the board down and raises his hands in the universal 'I mean no harm' pose. "Hey hey hey. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." 
Raph can see the guy do a double take when he gets a good look at his face and blurts out the first thing he can think of "It's a skin condition!" 
The man blinks a few times and then smirks a little sheepishly, as if embarrassed to have been caught staring. "Ah. Okay. Sorry again." Under his breath he mutters something that sounds like 'This is New York. Not the strangest thing I've seen'. He then slowly rolls closer on his board. Even though Raph is still a bit scared and very watchful, he can't help but notice how smooth the guy's movements are. "Really didn't mean to scare you. I've just seen you fall and thought you might like some pointers." 
Raph knows he should decline and get out of there. Stranger danger is a thing, he knows that. But something about the man makes him feel like he can trust him. 
He keeps his distance though and the man notices and doesn't come closer. 
"Yeah. You gotta keep your knees bent a little when you push off. Like this." He demonstrates and after a brief internal struggle, Raph copies him, always keeping one eye on the human. He immediately notices that it is a lot easier with bent knees. He's still wobbly, but he doesn't fall off. 
"There you go." 
He gives Raph some more pointers about balance and how a board acts in certain situations. The entire time he keeps his distance and doesn't try to come closer than Raph is comfortable with. Raph is more and more convinced that this is a good guy. But then they start to hear voices coming their way from the entrance of the park and the turtle knows that he really needs to go now. He's already taken way too many risks today, even if they really paid off. Raph swears to himself to never tell anyone about this. He doesn't want his dad to punish him for his recklessness or his brothers to think that it's okay to talk to strangers. 
"I need to go. Thanks again, Mister."
"No problem, little guy." 
Raph starts to run home. He can't wait to show his brothers what he has learned. But then he turns around one last time, because there has been something on his mind this whole time. 
"Mister. You look a lot like Tony Hawk. Has anyone ever told you?" 
The man laughs, loud and long. Raph is a little confused about what is so funny about his question, but the voices are coming closer still and so he leaves before he can hear the answer of the middle aged skateboarder he leaves behind. 
"Once or twice, kid. Once or twice."
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strawberryfloofs · 3 months
Caregiver Wolfgang Akire headcanons!
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Wolfgang's definitely a calm and pretty laid back caregiver
Don't mistake him for being loose though, HUGE rule maker. he just wants to make sure you're safe and behaving like a good little
Not a huge fan of brats, he likes more obedient littles, but he can definitely deal with some mischief
Punishments are usually lines, timeout, or losing a privilege/toy. He is always 100% sure to explain why you are being punished before, and after it's over, he expects a detailed apology or reflection on your wrong-doings. AFTERWARDS, its all hugs and pats though!
Most of his rules are about self care like eating enough, sleeping at a reasonable time, brushing your teeth, eating enough, etc.
Also ones about fairness and treating others with kindness! If you're playing with another little and you aren't being very nice, he will pull you aside and tell you how important it is to treat others with respect because you could hurt their feelings if not
Definitely the type of caregiver to have a sticker/star chart for good and bad behaviour! If you get enough stars, he loves to reward you by spoiling you with toys, a trip, or some extra dessert! Punishments take away a star or two though :(
Not a huge fan of constant petnames, but he'll call you dear, darling, doll, little one, and other formal ones like that. If you want something different, he'd incorporate those, even if it's awkward at first for him
As for him, he loves to be called any type of nickname by you, but he doesn't force or expect it. He's not one to express his happiness very well, but his heart melts when you call him Wolfie or anything with Mr. infront of it!
Wolfgang loves to read you bedtime stories at night, or just picture books in general! He has a huge preference for ones that teach small lessons and after the end of each one, he asks you what the main theme was, or if you learned something from it!
He loves you be involved with your play, but most of the times he's too shy to ask how to join in. He'll sit near you and give a small smile until you eventually put a toy in his hands or tell him something he can do! Nonetheless though, he's very encouraging
Thinks you're too little and precious to do a lot of tasks, so he does them for you! In his eyes, you're a royal, delicate little one and he's just your little servant/helper. Often calls you princess/prince, or some other royal name!
Never lets go of your hand in public, especially if you're regressed. No getting lost on his watch! Oh, and he also doesn't tolerate pulling away from him, he kneels down to your level and gently reminds you that he's doing it for your safety
Affection wise, Wolfgang is okay with anything, but usually only initiates headpats, hugs, boops, and rubs. He'll gladly accept and continue anything you initiate, like cuddles or something!
Very observant and can tell if you're upset or feeling a little off, even if you're nonverbal! An EXPERT in understanding noises, babbles, and other little-talk!
Will definitely listen to all your rants and nod along when you tell him about all your stuffies or whatever you talk to him about!
If you're upset, he'll ask if you want to talk about it, or if you need a distraction. (Totally doesn't mean ice cream....wait how did we get to the ice cream truck?)
Loves to help you get dressed! He has a huge preference for shortalls, onesies, or any type of outfit that makes you look as tiny as you feel! (WILL do everything for you...I mean- tying shoes, buttoning stuff up, etc)
Wolfgang writes little notes for you to find around the house, usually small things he loves about you, reminders, or something to make you laugh!
Hangs up all your colored pages and drawings in his office. So yes, he is doing professional lawyer stuffs while looking at your cute little drawing of you and him!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAA I just had the idea for this randomly. Idk I just really love Eden's Garden and I saw so many things that Wolfgang would do!!
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ak1w1i · 1 year
Mask (coroika) dating head cannons!!
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General(relevant) head cannons
• he/him pronouns
• Trans (ftm), pansexual and polyamorous (okay with either polyamorous or monogamous relationships)
• To cis people, he prefers to let them believe he's cis.
• He hasn't been able to medically transition but he's planning to- he's binding almost all the time.
• He prefers dating other trans people for safety reasons, but the person being cis or trans isn't a priority.
• He doesn't really give a shit about potential partners' genders.
• Eczema+constant hay fever
• Considering his "loving life is stupid" attitude, he's probably some form of mentally ill, but having head canons like that on a canon character feels weird/neg.
I had his estimated Splatoon 2 age(~16) and estimated Splatoon 3 age (~21) in mind while making this, so please keep in mind he's a teenager/young adult- don't be gross.
Now for the relationship head cannons!!
• He says he doesn't like physical affection, but if you hold his hand or god forbid hug him, you're stuck forever because he's never letting go.
• However, he isn't a PDA guy, maybe holding your hand.
• He loves spending quality time with you. Doesn't matter if you're doing the same thing or not, he just likes having you there.
• He LOVES playing video games with you, doesn't matter if he's winning or not or if he even likes the game, he's playing with you so therefore having an amazing time.
• He loves it when you watch him play, and he enjoys watching you play too.
• He'll play any video game you like even if he doesn't like it.
• He takes off his mask just for you and apologises every time he coughs or sneezes.
• He lets you put stickers on his mask.
• He likes it when you kiss the mouth part(??) of his mask.
• He loves to have you sit on his lap (or him to sit on yours) and play with your hair as you play with his, even if neither of you know anything about hair.
• He LOVES it when you do salmon run shifts with him. He'll never force you into shifts with him, but is ecstatic if you decide to join. He'll switch weapons with you if he has the weapon you were hoping for.
• He enjoys light/playful teasing and name calling. He'll never go too far and if you ask him to stop he will. He likes seeing your reaction/s.
• He always keeps your favourite snacks stocked in his cupboard for when you come over.
• He loves staying up all night binging shows/videos/movies with you, even if you both fall asleep.
• If the person he's dating is trans, he'll share his dysphoria hoodies with you.
• His tentacles aren't too sensitive so he likes it when you kiss them, but he'll get really flushed if you kiss them a lot.
• On his bad dysphoria days he's extra cuddly but more quiet. He doesn't tell you he's feeling dysphoric, he just wants you with him.
• He isn't some 'innocent sweetheart' for you, but he's more 'fluffy' when he's with you.
• He'll happily try teach you how to play video games he likes, but it's common for him to lose patience.
•He isn't a gift giving guy. He'll keep anything you give him, but don't expect him to give you anything.
• Not liking video games may be a deal breaker for him/hj.
Thats it for now!
I might take requests (if I have ideas for the character/s)
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glittergutts · 7 months
I did not buy enough gluten-free foods this week, so I'm going to try again next week. I'm planning more dinners but still making sure I got some GF snacks so I don't die. I'm going to get some falafel to prep for lunches, and I'm going to home make taziki to dip them in. Because I always eat processed snacks instead of a balanced lunch. I'm trying to figure out what exactly balanced means and how to achieve that. I've got some more research to do.
I've been bad about eating whole fruits and especially vegetables lately, so I'm collecting the stickers off of produce I've eaten, and I'm going to do something with them when I have enough. I feel like creating a visual will help me be more conscious of what I'm eating. And eating more fresh stuff = less hunger for garbage.
I don't eat a high calorie diet at all. I added my calories yesterday after not really watching what I ate, and I ate 1400 ish and had food at a restaurant too, so that's on the high end for a typical day. I've always eaten like this and still somehow got fat. I think it's what I'm eating, not exactly how much. And I just want to say 1400 calories is absolutely enough or even a little much for my 4 foot 9 body, so I'm not going hungry it's just less than an average person.
I'm going to actually start calorie counting, though, unless it proves bad for my mental health because I think obsessing over it will make me feel crazy and bad about food. I had a really weird relationship with food my whole life and only recently it's gotten better so I don't want to fuck that up. I guess I'll start that next week when I have bought enough GF stuff to survive a little while.
I'm really hoping to get in a good whole body workout today, along with some cardio. I think if I don't push myself to work out more often for longer bits of time, it's never going to help me lose weight. My husband said he could see in a change in me, but I don't see it yet. I do feel a slight difference, though. Like in how things have gotten easier, and it's taking longer to get my heart really pumping because I can tolerate a long walk/jog without getting out of breath anymore, and that's cool.
Walking distance and hills has gotten easier since bringing loki home where I'm out walking with him every day. I can even make it up my steep ass drive way without feeling overworked now.
I just want to see a change, too.. I want to wear cute clothes and actually like, or at least not hate, the way my stomach looks again.
Oh well I guess there's still a lot of work to put in before things can noticeably improve.
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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Today was mostly me sleeping so I don't how interesting this book is going to be but it was not a bad day. I can't think about things too hard or I become very sad. So I'm sleeping instead so I don't have to think. That's the theory anyway.
I honestly didn't sleep too bad last night but I did get woken up at like 4:00 a.m. because we forgot to take the air conditioner off of Eco mode and it turned itself off and so it was too quiet in here and the air was too still and that woke me up and I feel very dizzy and then I got up to go to the bathroom and then James made me upset because they moved and I was going to fall and it was the whole thing. But eventually I fell back asleep. And when my alarm went off at 7:00 I was miserable. My neck hurts so bad and I was so tired and dizzy and I didn't want to go anywhere but I am trying my best to skip as few markets as possible. So I got up and got dressed and tried to feel okay but it was very hard.
I was so tired I didn't even want to stop for breakfast because the idea of getting a fried food and a soda made me feel nauseous. Ann said that that was very concerning.
James help me set up the table and I tried setting up in a different way because I had the two extra baskets but I ended up putting it back and just using the trunk as some extra space which I think worked out fine. A couple people were interested in the larger stuffies and pick them up and hug them but nobody bought any of them. Honestly I was not having a very good sale day today.
Some of it was just because I don't make very good sales when I sit down and I was so tired that I just wanted to sit but I kept forcing myself to stand up. For the first hour I was just working on my knitting and one of the little girls from last week, Talia, would come and sit with me and she did five rows of knitting which she did a good job after the first one. The first one was a little too loose in parts and once I showed her how to fix that she got the rest of them no problem. It was funny she just kept repeating I'm so good at this. And that was just great I loved the confidence.
I would get a lot of sewing done too. I finished a couple more pigs and a couple of the frogs. Still have a few to do in the bag but I'm not in any rush because my table is very full right now. And I lose mostly just happy to be there. Not that I was happy to not be in bed because that's where it really wanted to be but the weather was really nice and I was enjoying the breeze.
I was a little frustrated that I wasn't selling anything and then James had made a comment about wanting me to buy some of the produce for our camping trip next weekend but then they weren't answering me and I was getting really frustrated. They had come out earlier and we had bought baked goods and it was the first time we had gotten fall flavors and they were so good but I was still just really frustrated and I was tired and I just wanted the day to be over.
I was texting Jess and telling her that I was just very grouchy and it was making me very annoyed with James and that was not nice. I didn't want to be annoyed but I really really was.
Eventually though I did make a sale. I sold some stickers and that made me feel a little bit better. But I was still annoyed and I decided I should go inside and see why James is not answering me.
But it turned out that the museum just got really busy all of a sudden. And they apologized but I was still a little perturbed. But I got over it. And they came out and bought the vegetables themselves. And I bought myself guacamole because they were back to the regular avocados. And the nice man gave me a dollar discount. I have no idea why but he did and it was really nice of him. I wish I could speak Spanish better so that I could have a conversation with him but he was very kind.
I would make a couple more sales and I ended the day with $50. Not my best day but not my worst. I enjoyed talking to Stanley and Ann. It was Stanley's birthday on Wednesday and he had gone to Atlantic City with his family and so I was asking how it was and he said oh we left in Atlantic City like right away on Wednesday and I was like oh my God why? And it turns out his granddaughter gave birth on his birthday so that is his 7th great grandchild! He is 18 grandchildren! I had no idea. I'm glad there should be more Stanley's in the world. He's the best. And I'm so happy for him. I hope that Miles is doing well. That's the baby's name.
I was a little sad to find out that Jimmy Buffett died. Not that I particularly cared about his music but I loved his vibe and I liked the culture around Jimmy Buffett. And he gives me good feelings because of how connected to the McElroy's he was. But I was a little sad about that. Just another thing.
People keep telling me that they're sorry about Sabrina. And it's hard for me to accept that. I don't know what to say. I just say what could you do or it's okay or yeah it's bad or whatever but I don't have a good response and I don't want to think about it. Don't want to think about the fact that she's gone and it's a waste and it sucks and it's stupid. I don't want to spend time thinking about it in my brain because my brain is so sad about it if I think about it too much. But then I feel bad for not thinking about it. So the whole thing is very dumb. And then I feel selfish. I can't win.
I was still exhausted though and so happy when we reached 1:00. A little bit before then I had had this lovely conversation with a family who were just so excited about my plushies and they took a card and they bought a couple things and they were just so supportive and they really made the end of my day really nice. So I sold a frog, a pig, a keychain, and a sticker sheet. It was not a bad day at all.
I went and said goodbye to James and then I got in the car and I headed home. There was a pretty bad accident in the other direction on MLK. There was a car that had flipped over which was wild looking. But I still got home before 1:30. I hope everyone is okay in the accident. It looked like people were mostly just standing around so I think no one was seriously injured.
When I got back here I put away the groceries. I wasn't sure which vegetables James wanted in the fridge specifically the corn. But I left everything out so that they could decide those things and then I took a quick shower and I laid down.
And this was a very long nap. Fell asleep around 2:00 and I woke up at 4:30. James was here and they were very excited to see me. But I was so woozy and tired still and I came out and I said hello and I went to the bathroom and then I came back and laid back down. And I fell asleep until 6:30.
Did I mean to take a 4 and 1/2 hour nap no. But I apparently really needed it. When I woke up James was gone. They were doing a shift at the theater tonight. And I was happy to see that they had made me a quesadilla. I love my husband so much.
I ate my quesadilla with some of the guacamole that I bought. And I hung out with sweet pea. Then I painted my toenails and I trimmed my bangs. And I looked over the camping list and made sure that everything seemed solid toiletry-wise. I also refilled some of my toiletry containers. I don't plan on sleeping over Jesse's tomorrow when I go to visit her but I'm bringing stuff just in case I decide that I don't feel comfortable driving home because I'm too tired. We'll see what happens.
But it's been a pretty nice evening. I mostly just been hanging out. I put on the air conditioner again I'm wearing a sweatshirt which is just really nice. Especially '90s all week but I am still trying to make it to be fall already. You know how things are.
And now I'm just waiting for James to come back. I am going to see Jeff tomorrow but probably just for the day. And I hope that it is just a beautiful afternoon. I hope that you all sleep good and have a good day. Until next time.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
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I posted 3,907 times in 2022
That's 1,137 more posts than 2021!
565 posts created (14%)
3,342 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@mbrainspaz (I feel called out.)
I tagged 2,865 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#tiktok - 154 posts
#funny video - 131 posts
#personal problems - 112 posts
#life of a texan peasant - 91 posts
#funny story - 78 posts
#funny post - 77 posts
#us politics - 75 posts
#gifs - 68 posts
#writer problems - 63 posts
#lmao - 62 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i will continue to enjoy my trash entertainment where everybody comes back to life and nothing makes sense and villains are inexplicably ho
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can people change?
Can you change them?
85 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
I keep coming back lately to how f*cked up it was that my dad never let me mess anything up. Oh no, don’t climb out the window and sit on the roof--you’ll damage the shingles. So I put out beach towels and was extra careful, and he still got mad. Some of my best childhood memories were sitting out on that roof with my brother or my friends. Man f*ck the shingles. We sold that house a year later anyway. I waited years for him to fix the toilet paper roll holder in an upstairs bathroom--then one day just broke down and fixed it myself. It took me 5 minutes. And he was mad because I didn’t use the right kind of screws. F*ck the right screws. It looked perfect and it worked just fine, at least until I moved out. Now I’ve been out here living with a bunch of rogue ranchers and old engineers and it’s given me a whole new perspective on life. The first day I moved onto this ranch the owner got out an electric saw and cut a hole straight through a sewer pipe. I nearly panicked! Like--YOU CAN JUST DO THAT?!?! Just break something?! It was a horrible job! But BAM--it was done! And that sh*t changed my whole worldview. Last week I helped remodel a bridge with some spare logs and a pickaxe. I’ve sawed open the roof of my house and glued it back together. I’ve torn wall fixtures off and burned them in a bonfire. 
GO AHEAD! BREAK IT. Wear down the shingles. Cut holes through the wall. Get mud on the sofa. Put stickers on your car. Break the world around you just a little instead of living in fear of losing resale value you rarely get back anyway. It’ll be fine. 
198 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
How much did I want a horse?
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A totally sane amount. 🫣
406 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
have I mentioned how hilarious it is to me when people ask me about my gender and I tell them I'm non-binary and they go "well I don't believe in all that." Cool beans pal. And I don't give a f*ck about your beliefs. Have a nice day. 😂
448 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
mom: It’s so crazy it’s like everyone around me is getting covid.
me: that’s why it’s spiking, mom.
mom: no like your dad was saying I’m the carrier, haha. 
me: Well you might be. You were sick over christmas and everyone else had it after. [and I begged you to wear a mask but you went around kissing everybody instead]
mom: But my symptoms were really mild and allergy meds made mine go away.
me: allergy meds can treat symptoms. My regular ones have helped with covid too.
mom: huh. But your dad’s symptoms are totally different. He’s got a fever and he’s been throwing up. It’s really bad. Same with our friend from church. 
me: Were they vaccinated?
mom: no. 
mom: But your dad already had covid before the pandemic. 
mom: Well...
675 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I’ve had a rather unpleasant experience with the aspec community online and decided to take the step and go offline. Your blog is one of the very fews where I didn’t feel excluded, so thanks for that❤️ Now, as stupid as it sounds, I’m afraid of losing my identity in the process. Just like losing interest in a hobby. I don’t even know what I’m asking for here, I’m just anxious and nervous about change, hence the intrusive thoughts of losing my identity
I'm sorry you've had such a hard time, Anon. I've definitely noticed a trend in online a-spec spaces that there's a bit of a competing needs problem, and they tend to fluctuate one way or the other, and it's hard because people do end up getting excluded.
Spending less time in online spaces definitely does not mean you have to give up your identity, especially if it's important to you. And one thing that may help may be doing little things to reaffirm your identity, like maybe some pride stuff, like a flag or a subtle pride enamel pin or stickers or things like that.
If there's any in person meetups near you, they tend to be less rigid and meeting people offline can be a really affirming experiencing as well.
Are you out to anyone? Even if other people aren't a-spec themselves, having someone or some people close to you know who know and understand your identity, and who you can talk to about your experiences can help you're identity feel more real and a part of you too.
If you ever do decide to spend more time online again, I would definitely advise unfollowing any blogs/people/communities that make you feel excluded. And maybe seeking out people who share your more specific identity (the tags and search function are a good way to find those blogs). It's worth mentioning the a-spec community doesn't have a governing body, stick with people and communities who are inclusive.
Though in general it usually is very good for mental health to spend less time online, so I don't think being offline is a bad idea at all.
You don't have to follow all this advice, but hopefully something here sounds appealing or helpful. All the best and good luck, Anon!
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Incorrect Quote Game
Tagged by @palepinkycat, thank you :)
Rules: go to this quote generator, enter your characters’ names and have a good laugh
Technically I only used one OC in this and was going to change that, but then got a little carried away (bc it's much fun and bc I love BH crew), so long post (had to cut like half of that stuff, and it's still too long).
Mako: I have a bad feeling about this… Jett: What do you mean? Mako: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you're going to get into trouble? Jett: No? Gault: That actually explains so much.
Jett: You’re giving me a sticker? Blizz: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!” Jett: I’m not a preschooler. Blizz: Fine, I’ll take it back- Jett: I earned this, back off!
Mako: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done? Jett: *sighs* Jett: I killed a man.
Gault: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like… a lawyer to you. Ok? Jett: Okay. later on Voss The Three: Hunter! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble. Gault, whispering: Deny everything. Jett, loudly: That isn't a chair.
Torian: Do you cook? Jett: I made a cake once. Gault: Yeah, it was good. Jett: Really? Gault: Don’t make me lie twice.
Jett: Your smile? It makes my day. Torian: Your happiness? I live for that. Mako: A room? Get one. Gault: Hotel? Trivago.
Mako: *is hugging Blizz* Torian: Hey! It's my turn to hug Blizz! Torian: *grabs Blizz* Jett: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot! Mako: No, It's still my turn! Blizz: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly! Torian: But we need the moral support! Mako: And you're small! Which is cute! Jett: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning. Blizz: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess.
Gault: They… well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff? Mako: Um, murder??? Jett: Adventuring! Torian: Tuesday.
Jett: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight? Mako: *raises hand* Gault: *puts her hand down*
somewhere on Hoth
Torian: I'm cold. Jett: Here, take my jacket.
Mako: I'm cold. Gault: I can't control the weather, Mako.
Mako: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE! Mako: *aggressively throws water bottles* Torian: Uh… what's up with her? Gault: She's trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us. Mako: I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! Jett, crying: It's working.
Gault: I still don’t have a New Year’s resolution. Jett: You could lose a few. Torian: You could be less lazy. Mako: Don’t be such a bitch. Gault: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
The crew when they drop food on the floor Mako: Aw man. *throws it away* Torian: Five second rule! Jett: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? *eats it off the floor* Blizz: *sobs on the floor*
Jett: I just want someone to take me out. Mako: On a date? Gault: With a sniper gun? Torian: Both if you're not a coward.
Mako: You bought a taco? Gault: Yes. Mako: From the same transport that hit Jett?! Gault, with a mouthful of taco: Well, me starving ain't gonna help her.
Mako: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective? Gault: *crouches down* Jett: *kneels down* Torian: *sits on the floor* Mako: Mako: I hate all of you.
Blizz: Uh, boss? Mako is in the pool and I don't think she's waterproof. Jett: What? Torian: I think he meant, Mako is drowning. Jett: WHAT?! Meanwhile Mako: *is drowning* Gault: OH MY GOD, Mako! KEEP SWIMMING! Mako: I can't swim, dumbass— *sinks* Gault: Mako!
Gault: You're a lying piece of shit! Jett: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Torian: I'm leaving and I'm taking Blizz with me! Mako, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
Mako: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically. Jett: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes. Gault: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting. Jett: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
HK-51: Query: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? Mako: Maybe a bit tipsy? Torian: Drunk. Jett: Wasted. Gault: Dead.
Mako: I told HK to grab snacks for everyone. Jett, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks? *Mako, Blizz and Gault raise their hands*
Jett coming back to the ship after Belsavis
Jett: We’re kind of missing something guys. Mako: Cohesion? Blizz: Teamwork? Gault: A general sense of what we’re doing? Blizz: And Torian is not here. Gault: Oh, and that, yeah.
Jett: Why is Blizz crying? Gault: He saw a leaf on the sidewalk and- Blizz: IT LOOKED SO CRUNCHY! Jett: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say- Blizz: AND WHEN I STEPPED ON IT THERE WAS NO CRUNCH! Jett: NO, NOT THAT!
HK-51: Suggestion: Share dumbest scar stories. Blizz: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Mako: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned. Torian: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Gault: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn. Jett: I have emotional scars.
Jett, at Torian: You're my significant other. Torian: Yeah I am! Jett, at Blizz: You're my child. Blizz: Yes boss. Jett, at Gault: You're my bitch. Gault: Yeah I am- wait, what? Jett, at Mako: My bestie. Mako: Naturally. Jett, at Skadge: HA, GAY! Skadge: Fuck you.
(i had to bully Skadge at least once)
Torian: WHO ATE MY BREAD?! Torian: I'M GOING TO FUCKING K- Jett: I did? Torian: Kiss you and buy some more, you haven't been eating anything today. *walking away* Jett: Jett: He's gone Blizz. Blizz, coming out the closet with bread stuffed in his mouth: Twankh uh!
Jett: We need a plan to beat them. Gault: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food. Jett: Gault: Judge me all you want, I get results.
Jett: *posts a super low-quality image to the group chat* Gault: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents. Jett: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you. HK-51: Unnecessary correction: Actually, master, I did the math. Gault would have $225, not $0.15. Gault: I’m right here…. Mako: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) Blizz: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please Mako: Sorry I only have a dollar. Blizz: :( HK-51: Unnecessary correction: I just realized I was wrong, Gault would have $22,500, because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent. Blizz: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice. Gault: You can buy anything you want with $22,500. Jett: Yeah, and he wants soda and apply juice. Gault: Apply juice to what. Jett: Directly to the forehead. Torian: … Torian: Great chat guys.
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xcamay · 4 months
Revue of Little Imps
Hi there, it's been a while! Probably a few years haha... but it's nice to come back here once in a while!! I'm so behind everything on tumblr, because life, but I hope that you, whoever will see and read this post, are okay, that life is giving you so many beautiful moments! If we haven't talked in a while but used to, please, do not hesitate to send me a DM (I'll answer as soon as I can), because I love catching up with people, knowing what you're up to now, what's making you thrive and all.
I haven't written in ages gods, but I feel sooo much better now that I've written something that I just can't help it and want to share it with whoever wants to read pure tooth-rotting fluff!
More about this new fic/AU:
It's a crossover between Revue Starlight (RE Live) and BanG Dream! and also Love Live!, because I still love these girls after all these years hehe.
It's a Parenting AU, with the Starlight girls as parents!
Seeing as I have always loved, love and will always love rarepairs, it's become my goal to fill some rarepairs tags, especially the YachiYuyu one (Yachiyo x Yuyuko). (Love them too much). (They're perfect).
AO3 link, if it's better for your reading experience → https://archiveofourown.org/works/53697343 (I don't remember how to hide the link and write something instead... I'm tumblr-rusty hahaha)
“I’m home!” A singsong voice chirps, covering the children’s laughters which are already muffled by the closed door of one of the bedrooms.
The first one to greet her is her pink-haired wife. Smiling, she slips an arm around her to pull her close, “Welcome back, love.”
Yuyuko’s grin grows wider as Yachiyo steals her a long kiss, just like she does every time they see each other again after having been separated for a few days.
“So?” The fabric lover asks, before stealing a swift kiss this time, “How did it go?”
“It went well. Seeing as there are still a few weeks before the start of the filming, I asked to modify some things.”
“Really?” Yachiyo helps her out of her coat, “But you worked so hard on this script Yuyucchi… aren’t you satisfied with how it turned out in the end?”
“It’s not that, it’s just- I met some of the actors, and they asked if they could start reading the script and- goodness, you should have seen that! It was great, and they inspired me even more! They gave this new depth to the characters that I just have to change some crucial scenes! I love it when that happens.”
Yachiyo smiles. So adorable.
“What?” Yuyuko innocently asks, almost bashfully, upon seeing her wife’s grin.
“Nothing. You-“
“Mama’s back!!” A voice suddenly cuts in, exhilarated.
Seemingly out of nowhere, two little girls come running and slam against Yuyuko’s legs, hugging them tightly, making the peach haired-woman almost lose her balance.
“Oof… Hello to you too, Lisa, Saaya. Aaand to you too, Nanami,” Yuyuko adds as a pair of little arms tugs at her top, leaning to take her youngest daughter into her arms.
“We missed you!” Lisa says as she goes side hug one of Yachiyo’s legs now, sliding an arm around her hips while her light chestnut hair is being stroked.
“I trust you’ve been good girls while I was away, huh?” Yuyuko stops peppering kisses all over Nanami’s face, suddenly gasping, “What the- what happened to you?”
Nanami giggles, touching the three stickers on her left cheek, “It’s the fairies!”
“The what?”
“The fairies,” Saaya repeats after releasing Yuyuko’s leg, “We don’t know why but they suddenly started pranking us!”
“Oh my, really?” Yachiyo plays along, “Did you do something bad that made them want to play tricks on you?”
Lisa looks offended, “No!”
“Come look at what they did in Onee-chan’s room!” Nanami adds, pointing a finger towards the only open door in the corridor.
The six-year-old twins grab Yachiyo’s hands to bring her there, while Yuyuko follows, keeping her light-peach-haired daughter in her arms. She hasn’t even had time to breathe after coming back from her little trip that she’s already roped into something else.
When they enter Lisa’s bedroom, they gasp.
On the lowest drawer of her dresser are stickers that weren’t there this morning. Around some picture frames hanging on the wall, there are pieces of fabric tied into knots. There are paper confettis everywhere, and even piles of them on Lisa’s bed, next to the bin, on the small chair… (Thank goodness they’re old enough to tidy their rooms on their own.)
“Mom, look! They even took your nail polish and put it in the middle of a circle-“
“I’ll save it!” Lisa declares, running towards the circle made of colorful fabric.
“NO!” Saaya yells, making her twin sister freeze, “Lisa-chan, it’s the Fairies’ Magic Circle! If you step in it, you’re going to dance until you can’t dance anymore!”
“Oh no!” Yachiyo puts her hands on her face, mimicking panic, “Lisa, your foot! It’s in the Magic Circle!”
“No! Lisa-chan!”
Lisa also gasps when she realizes the trouble she’s in. Then, she starts dancing all around the four bottles of nail polish, jumping, moving her arms, sometimes shaking her little body, already knowing what she has to do for that part of their new game. She never puts a foot outside the circle, dancing and never stopping. Nanami laughs.
“Help me!!”
“Lisa, take the nail polish and come back here!” Yuyuko sounds desperate.
“But she can’t,” Yachiyo bites her lip, worry written all over her face, “She’s stuck in the Magic Circle! It’s going to make her dance and dance and dance until she falls asleep because she’ll be too tired!”
Saaya looks at her pink-haired mother, a huge grin plastered on her face. She loves when her parents play along.
“What can we do to save her?”
“I help her!” Nanami proudly says as Yuyuko lets her go, so she can quickly grab Lisa’s hand…
“Noooo!” Saaya screams, startling the youngest, “Nanami-chan, you’re inside the Magic Circle too!”
“Oh no!”
And Lisa tugs on her little sister’s hand, fully dragging her into the circle of fabric, and helps her jump and dance.
“What do we do now?!” Yachiyo asks, while Saaya immediately replies, “I don’t know!”
“Saaya! Do you have something that can help us pull them out of here?!”
“Err…” Saaya’s blue eyes dart everywhere as she thinks hard. It takes a few seconds before she blinks in realization, “My drumsticks!”
And she turns round, running to her own bedroom.
“Mooooom! Mamaaaa! Help us!” The little brunette yells, still jumping around with her arms swinging on one side and then on the other.
Nanami tries to mimick her, giggling with that cute little laugh of hers.
“We can’t,” Yuyuko says with a hint of sadness in her voice, “Otherwise, Mom and I will be stuck with you in the Magic Circle. But Saaya is going to help you- ah! There she is!”
With both her drumsticks in each hand, Saaya shows up in her twin sister’s room, taking a few cautious steps towards the Magic Circle.
“Lisa-chan, Nanami-chan, take these! I’m going to help you!”
And, once they have closed their little fingers around the end of each drumstick, Saaya pulls them out of the circle.
“Yay, thank you Saaya-chan! The spell’s broken!”
“Saa-chan,” Nanami smiles at her big sister, a bit more composed but hugging her tightly nonetheless, “Thank you.”
Yachiyo and Yuyuko look at each other, and the pink-haired woman puts a hand on her heart.
They love them so much.
“Oh no!” Saaya gasps again, catching all her family’s attention, “The fairies! They played a trick on Mom!”
“WHAT?!” Yachiyo looks all around her, pats her arms, her legs, her butt, her belly, her face… “What, what?! What did they do?”
“In your back!” Lisa giggles.
She turns, when Nanami points at her lower back, “The stickers! They put stickers on Mom!”
Yuyuko snickers, “It’s kind of cute.”
Yachiyo glances at her wife, before she tries to have a look at her lower back — in vain.
“I can’t see…”
“It’s a unicorn!” Nanami accidentally jabs her finger on the right sticker, making her mother wince with surprise, “And a rainbow! And… music!”
“A musical note,” Saaya corrects her.
The little peach-haired girl nods her head and repeats, getting praises from her two big sisters.
“But,” Lisa is serious again, “If the fairies played this trick on Mom, it’s because they still want to play!”
“They play weird,” Nanami says, bobbing her head.
“Because it’s pranks!”
Yachiyo laughs, “It’s true that the fairies are little pranksters.”
“What if we hide somewhere?” Yuyuko suggests, to which the children nod, ready to take their leave.
“Good idea Mama!”
“Can’t find us, can’t prank us!”
“Let’s hide in Mom and Mama’s big closet!”
“I’m not sure there will be enough space for us five,” Yachiyo pats Lisa’s head, who pouts a little.
“To the laundry room, then!”
“Shhhh Mama,” Saaya puts her hands on her hips, as if she was about to scold Yuyuko, “The fairies might hear you!”
“Oh you’re right!” Her voice drops to a whisper as she adds, “Sorry, sorry. Let’s go you-know-where…”
They tiptoe their way through the house, Lisa, Saaya and Nanami trying to hold back their laughter. It's hard for them — and it gets worse when Yachiyo lets them overtake her. Because she decides to tickle Lisa's sides. When she turns around, the pink-haired woman stops, innocently looking away. It's when Saaya gets tickled twice in a row that they realize who is behind these little surprise attacks.
Finally reaching the laundry room, they push a few things out of the way, like the laundry basket or the stepladder. Yachiyo and Yuyuko sit first, taking the three little girls on their lap so they can all hide together. Nanami puts a finger on her lips, forcing herself to be quiet, while Yachiyo does her hair again, quietly humming. Saaya and Lisa try to refrain themselves from laughing again, and Yuyuko is tempted to do the same thing as her wife. She thinks of tickling them, too — but she won’t. Not now anyway. It’s just for the sake of the game.
“Hey,” Yachiyo whispers after a few seconds of silence, letting Nanami rest her head in the crook of her neck and stroking her light peach tresses, “What if one of us goes back there to see if the fairies left?”
“Can I go with Saaya-chan?” Lisa asks, already standing up and taking her twin’s hand.
She smiles when her mothers nod, and the two leave, whispering to each other. Yuyuko sits better and strokes Nanami’s cheek.
“Seems like someone’s getting sleepy here.”
Yachiyo kisses the top of their youngest’s head, whispering, “Mmh, I really wonder who she takes after…”
A half-innocent, half-teasing smile starts forming on Yachiyo’s face, but Yuyuko stops it with a kiss as she leans over.
“No, don’t.”
“Who, me? I’d never.” Yachiyo flashes a smile, before she adds, “Not right here anyway.”
Yuyuko raises an eyebrow. Does that mean what she thinks it means? She shakes her head, trying to stop this stupid little grin from stretching her lips. The stupid little grin which Yachiyo, and only Yachiyo, can bring into existence. The stupid little grin which reminds her of how weak she is when it comes to Yachiyo’s teasing — even after all these years. The stupid little grin which shows other people how in love she still is with her wife.
When she sees that same stupid little grin mirrored on Yuyuko’s face, Yachiyo knows she got her point across. And she’s proud of herself.
The scriptwriter coughs, focuses her attention on Nanami, who’s rubbing her eyes, trying to stay awake, “I wonder what your sisters are doing.”
“Um… looking for the fairies?”
“They’ve been out there for a while,” Yachiyo points out, “Should we go too?”
Finally leaving the laundry room, the parents gasp as they see colorful fabric and plushies, paper confettis, stickers and another, bigger, Magic Circle in the living room.
“Oh my. These fairies are something, aren’t they.”
At her wife’s words, Yuyuko sighs. That’s the reason why Lisa wanted to go with Saaya.
“Wow!” The scene woke Nanami up, who runs everywhere. She slides her little fingers on some stickers, tries to make piles of confettis and tries to tie some fabric to make another Magic Circle.
But as she looks for another piece of fabric, she stops, captivated by something else. She approaches a drawing taped on the large window.
“Yay, Nanami-chan found it!”
And here are the two little real fairies, jumping from behind the couch.
“It’s Mom,” Nanami says as she points at the woman on the drawing.
Indeed, as they approach and take a better look at the paper, Yachiyo and Yuyuko recognize the fashion designer herself. She has long, pink hair and wears earrings. She also has a sheet of paper in one of her hands, on which clothes are drawn, and a needle in the other.
“There’s something else too, Nanami-chan!”
And the four-year-old’s nose gets closer to the drawing. She looks at everything, every detail… until she sees it.
“There’s the big Magic Circle!”
“What does it mean?”
Lisa’s smile is huge as she answers, “It means that the fairies want you to dance inside the Magic Circle for a bit! They promised to leave us alone after that.”
“Let’s play some music then,” Yuyuko says while pulling out her phone.
It takes a few swift swipes on the screen for an upbeat song to start playing.
“C’m’on Mom!” Saaya giggles, pulling on Yachiyo’s hand and dragging her to the big Magic Circle, “Dance!”
Lisa and Nanami help their sister, pushing Yachiyo even closer to the circle of fabric.
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it. Yuyucchi, can you play the song again from the beginning, please?”
And, once her wife has done that, Yachiyo steps inside the Magic Circle and starts dancing. Her wife laughs, cheers, just like her three daughters; who then join her in and do their best to mimic all her steps.
“Yuyucchi, love, come with us!”
“It was funny today,” Nanami says as she hugs her cuddly toy, lying down and letting Yuyuko kiss her forehead, “With the fairies.”
“I wonder if they weren’t imps instead of fairies…” Yuyuko hums, tucking her in.
“Do you think the fairies can prank us when we sleep?”
“No, honey. Just like us, they need to sleep. If they don’t sleep, they won’t have enough energy in the morning to go play tricks on people.”
“Ah. Okay.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart.”
“Goodnight Mama! Can you call Mom?”
One last kiss and Yuyuko slips out the bedroom. Okay, the third and last one is finally tucked in. As she comes back in the living room, she smiles at her wife, already done with saying goodnight to the twins.
“Mom, Nanami is waiting for you.”
And, as Yachiyo passes by, Yuyuko takes advantage of that and slides a hand on her hip — only to fall on her butt before it’s out of reach. Crap; she didn’t even have time to grab it properly.
“Don’t worry Yuyucchi, I’ll be back in no time~”
And, true to her word, Yachiyo comes back very soon, closing the door of the corridor behind her. She’s grinning from ear to ear (and gods, is it contagious), bites her lower lip as she approaches her lover. Yuyuko barely has time to smile that Yachiyo throws herself onto her, making them both tumble on the couch in a heap of soft laughters. And kisses. And paper confettis. Oops.
Yachiyo punctuates her next few words with a kiss, “I-“ (on Yuyuko’s cheek) “missed-“ (on the tip of her nose) “you!” (and right on her lips).
“I missed you too, silly.”
Unlike her, Yuyuko doesn’t pepper her face with kisses; she’d rather cup Yachiyo’s cheek with one hand, slide her other in her wife’s pink tresses and press on the back of her head to bring their lips together again.
“I made your favorite.”
“You're the best.”
“And a surprise is awaiting you for the dessert,” Yachiyo can't help and whisper, before propping herself up with her hands.
Yuyuko arches an eyebrow, but can't stop her lips from stretching too much — so she bites the lower one instead. Yachiyo's teal eyes are twinkling, almost ablaze, and they quickly drop to her wife's chest. It takes her a few seconds to get the point and, when she does, it's her turn to glance at Yachiyo's chest. Thanks to her being on her hands and knees, her top gapes, revealing some lacy fabric sticking to her smooth, fair skin.
“Oh. New lingerie?”
Putting a finger on her lips, Yachiyo smirks, “And it's going to drive you crazy.”
Yuyuko's cheeks flush bright red while her teasing wife snickers.
She clearly isn't going to recover from her work trip tonight.
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guacamoleroll · 4 months
𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖌𝖔𝖉𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 「𝔩𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔣𝔢𝔯」 ೀ⋆。˚
content. f!reader. discussions of divorce, friends to lovers, down-bad lucifer, he's an awkward little guy, touch-starved, possessiveness, protective behavior, slight mention of nsfw, discussions of injuries. not proofread.
author's note. it's been a very long time since i dipped my toes into this fandom (much of that content is left on a very old blog if you've been with me for long enough), but i wanted to experiment with hell's favorite father. depending on feedback and my enjoyment, i may make occasional fics within the fandom.
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synopsis. cute headcanons surrounding a relationship with the head-honcho of hell himself, lucifer morningstar.
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Following his divorce from Lilith, he became an absolute wreck. He is so family-oriented, despite the distance between him and his daughter, so the separation with Lilith would undoubtedly crush him. It would take him years to enter the dating market, and it would likely be completely unintentional.
It's most likely that you knew Lucifer prior to his divorce from Lilith and probably even centuries before that. He'd be attached to someone who knows what he's been through, a fellow fallen angel who knows the pains of the past, but also someone who could help him shoulder some of this pain platonically. At least, that's how it would be at first.
After a while, the pain from the divorce slowly begins to mend and heal. It doesn't completely stop hurting, but he has come to accept the reality and find ways to ground himself. And it is thanks to you for being by his side the entire time, never too busy to support him and run to his side. 
In those moments, somehow so intimate despite your friendship, he realizes he had never noticed certain things about you before—the shrivel of your nose when you're met with something distasteful, the fidget of your hands whenever you're nervous, the quirk of your brow whenever he spits out an inappropriate remark. 
But also the gentleness of your eyes and hands, wiping his tears away. The way your hair frames your face to extenuate such nature beauty, and he finds his eyes slowly drifting to the softness of your lips, zoning out even when you're directly speaking to him.
At first, he would be incredibly oblivious to those feelings. He has only been romantically involved with one person (though sexually is another story, that may be another post), so he hasn't had a crush for thousands of years. But when he finally realizes it, he's conflicted.
A part of him feels guilty over his attachment to you. In his mind, it's like he would be replacing his ex-wife, even if they're separated. It's an incredibly huge step, having to acknowledge that he would be leaving a past love behind for a new one. He'd have to think long and hard about it and the impact it could have on his life and even you. He doesn't want to lose you if you don't return his feelings, but he also knows the type of person you are. If you're so kind, you would be able to reject him with grace and move past it, so what would really be the harm?
However, his nervousness would make his attempt to be subtle with his romantic advancements. Some emphasis on the subtle, not because he can actually cover up his feelings, but the complete opposite. He hasn't romanced someone in thousands of years, and while he definitely has the potential charm and charisma, he's out of practice. He would think he's being sneaky, dropping beautiful swaths of flowers at your doorstep, oblivious to the doodles of your combined initials in the corner, along with his trademark duck stickers along the folds of the cards. 
It would be up to you to take the final step and ask him out. He thought he was being so sly that he'd be taken completely aback. He'd jumble over his words for a minute, face completely red, before finally saying yes with a broad, nervous smile.
He's trying, he really is.
It's not like the King of Hell can go out into public without being gawked at, so going out isn't an option for your first date. He would have to get somewhat creative, which is normally his specialty, but his own self-doubt prevents him from being assured in any of his decisions. He has an entire elaborate dinner planned but constantly changes the menu and the decorations until it ends up scrapped together at the last minute. Everything feels stiff and awkward, and he tries to make the mood romantic, but it just doesn't work.
You'll need to sincerely talk to him and drag him to do something else. Something that you both did before when you were friends, but now as lovers. And he finds himself loving it. He doesn't have to be someone else and live up to grand romantic expectations, as much as he does want to treat you like an absolute queen. He can simply be himself.
Any gesture or date from the moment forward would be filled with his personality. The background music of your at-home dates would be filled with polka music, and don't think he won't pull you into a song or dance. It's kind of a family thing.
Speaking of family! If you were friends before dating, it's likely you've already met his daughter. However, now you're being introduced to her as his girlfriend. It would be a bit of a transition at first, but not for lack of trying on either of their parts. Charlie is trying to be supportive, and Lucifer is trying to be reassuring, but there are some answered questions that clash with one another, making the atmosphere tense. It's gonna take an actual sit-down talk between the both of them, a heart-to-heart about what your new relationship means for their family.
Charlie adores you, but she's a bit uneasy about the idea of her mother being replaced. Lucifer reassures her that his dating someone else makes Lilith any less her mother or changes his love for Charlie. Rather, he hopes that you will become someone Charlie loves, too. And, of course, she does. She's so relieved that she is able to have a closer relationship with her father and that you make him happy again.
He loves that you and his daughter develop a bond. From simply chatting with her about her dreams to advising her on the next steps for the hotel, he develops heart-eyes every time you both are together—his two favorite girls in the world becoming closer. It's a dream come true. 
He'd be incredibly touch-starved, too. A brush of your hands through his hair, and you have him in a pile of goo. Cup his cheek and give him a kiss, and he'll give you anything your heart desires; nothing is too big or too small. He absolutely cannot say no to you. He maintains that touchiness while in public as well. A hand is always on some part of your body—your waist, your back, your arm. It's both due to his affectionateness, but also a bubbling possessiveness.
That brings up the point of a different side of Lucifer, and that is his combined protectiveness and possessiveness. This man had everything stripped away from him, and the only thing he has left to cling to his his family. He has been deemed the most hated being in all of creation, yet somehow, you love him. He doesn't want to lose that, to lose you. Lucifer is a silly guy, but he becomes serious when there's a threat involved.
There are simple threats, especially people like Alastor. He knows that you wouldn't leave him for Alastor, but the Radio Demon is incredibly charming. And that tacky charm hides something foul underneath, he can tell. So the fact that the deer demon will try to get close to you is simply a no-no. He already hates the fact that Charlie interacts with him, but he will be an incredibly stubborn buffer between you and that man. But he also knows that you're wise and have as much experience with your share of charmers in the past, so Alastor isn't a worry when it comes to you.
But then there are times when the threat becomes more serious. There is a consequence of being his girlfriend, and that is that you are placed in the judgmental eye of Heaven itself, along with its legions of exorcists. He knows you can handle yourself if anything comes your way, but he can't help his worry and the instinctual twinge at the possibility of you getting hurt.
If you were involved in the large exorcist battle and happened to be injured, this man would be pissed. He was already angry because of Adam, but you getting caught in the crossfire only intensified his rage sevenfold. It'd be hard to stop him from doing some fatal damage to anything that laid a scratch on you because that's just how he is.
He cannot stand the idea of his loved ones being in harm's way and is hesitant to let either you or his daughter be caught up in these fights, though he knows he has to. But once you're hurt, the likelihood that he'll go full-demon is high (not that you're complaining much—he's hot, pun intended). 
But after everything is said and done, he'll become very soft and doting. He feels guilty that you got hurt in the first place and will do anything within his power to make sure you're comfortable while you're recovering. And you are not lifting a finger until you are one hundred percent better. That's final. He loves you more than the heavens itself could ever claim to love anything, and he'd do anything to maintain that love.
He is an absolute whipped. Take care of him.
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© ɢᴜᴀᴄᴍᴏʟᴇʀᴏʟʟ 2024 — ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ʀᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ. ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ, ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɴᴄᴏᴜʀᴀɢᴇᴅ
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ricotyrell · 7 months
don't rlly have anything extremely important under here i'm just rambling really
last weekend? couple of months even? probably changed me more than i expected but also at the same time... not really. i think i'm scared of what's going to come up and what responsibilities i have to handle. i think i don't have that many in the first place so i shouldn't really be complaining. my confidence level has always been low is all
Last saturday i joined my first counter-protest. It wasn't for long since i arrived late, but it was nice meeting people who are all in for the love and support of lgbtq+ kids. It was near a playground and we gave some donuts out to kids. I thought a lot about how different their lives are due to covid. how there were people always willing to fight for them. how i should have joined these earlier There was also a Palestine protest going on here which i didn't attend, but they were loud enough to hear from streets away, and i hope their rally comes through to the cdn govt. it's extremely disappointing and beyond blood boiling (but not surprising) to see trudeau (who is already letting genocide happen in his own country) express his fake love while continuing to allow senseless massacres to continue. The biggest thing I can do is speak out, I really wish we could do more.
On sunday, i attended my first market, as in I was selling stuff personally. I managed to sell a coaster and a pouch that i crocheted, and I was really happy since I didn't expect to sell anything at all. But a part of me felt ashamed that i couldn't do more because my mom's always expecting more out of me when she hasn't even tried what I've been doing. It was overall a good experience and I'm looking forward to trying again this weekend. My friend is truly a great motivator and she also has a really good social network. I think I'm really beginning to see the magic in the connection of humans, but I am also very afraid of it considering how many bad fallouts i've been through. She gave me a lot of courage and passion to finish my artwork, get them printed, open my own shop, print out my own business cards... I even got my own acrylic charms and stickers printed. This was something I dreamt of doing when I was a teenager, so it does mean more to me than I let off. When I list it like this, I actually do see that I've done a lot.
But i'm scared that I'll lose motivation to take care of my own products and keep creating. But i'm also scared of being so slow I do nothing to change anything about my own life, like I've been living like this since 2017 when i dropped out because I was anxious about my life at the time and there was a huge strike. The strike was just a great excuse to me to get out of education. I don't think i was ever meant for higher education.
Life just keeps going on too, my dog has cushings which has an expensive treatment plan, consistent ear infections and ear cleanings have probably made her deaf, she's just growing old and... I feel like I'm just not prepared. It's similar with my dad, he's been ill and out of work for 3 months now while the canadian healthcare is in active collapse and he has to wait months for tests while he continues to faint at home with more rest. He's in his 60's, and I feel like I'm also turning into his caretaker which I don't want to be. I love my dad, but I just don't feel like i have the skills to take care of someone, I'll try but I don't think i can commit to it. But he's also my dad so I feel like i have no choice. Especially when my mom takes every opportunity to freak out and make us all feel as miserable as she does, if she isn't there to take care of him when shit sucks for him, then who is??? My brother is working basically full time too
I don't know, I'm just feeling really anxious about everything, even about the good stuff. I hope I can get past it, but what other choice do I have. I don't even think I succinctly worded everything as I actually felt
here's to my shop opening on nov 1st without too much of an issue. trying to keep it as simple as possible
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medicinemane · 1 year

I'm pissed enough that I typed "Fucking hell" into the search bar instead of tumblr, so you know how this post begins
Fucking hell I'm frustrated this morning, things are even worse with mom than they were last night
She's apparently been doing stuff like contacting habitat for humanity to see if they do home repairs because she's so worked up into a huge dither over this and how one guy saw a picture (of a fucked up floor, a floor fucked to begin with) and said that he thought the floor needed repair too
He probably thinks that it needs tiles cut for it, when that floor isn't tiled, it's fucking stickers over particle board basically... remember, last guy in here was a butt fuck moron
But can I get my mom to understand this? Can I get her to understand that we're not looking at $1000 quote to catastrophe range, that we're looking at $1000 quote vs less money cause we buy a toilet ourselves range?
100% I can not
I had a miserable sleep cause, you know... I actually have really bad social anxiety. If we're honest I think I straight up have some agoraphobia cause I hate going out unless it's dark cause I don't want anyone to see me
So guess what I don't want to do, basically politely grill a plumber over pricing
I fucking hate the thought of this so much. I'll be able to snap into faking it mode and make it work I'm sure, but I almost would rather way over spend than have to ask questions. This is why I wish I could just do everything myself, avoid having to talk to most people
So I'm already miserable, I feel like shit, I slept like shit... but then I have to deal with my mom catastrophic but in overdrive mode
I mean fuck, there is literally a decent tile floor underneath this shitty one. Dipshit literally covered up a lot of better floor with really bad floor, I can see it next to the doorjamb (there's a "b" at the end of this word!?)
Just like... am I making sense?
There's no way my mom's going to apologize when this is all over and works out fine. She's... she's really fucking... like not hurt my feelings, but like injured and caused me harm by way of stress, and she's not going to say sorry, and she'll do this again in a bit because she refuses to fucking grow up and learn to just sit with discomfort
Sometimes you say "well we'll know tomorrow" instead of fucking refusing to listen to your kid who has pulled miracles out of their ass over and over for you, and who has evidence to back stuff up, and trying to figure out how to tap your 401k and lose disability to avoid disappointing your asshole of a mother
Like I'm sure I sound mean but like... is it at least understandable why?
She always pulls this shit, always, and I've been having to emotionally regulate her like this since I was literally like 2 according to my dad (he told a very different story about the one time I threw a tantrum, where I was upset cause I wanted one stuffed animal, and my mom wanted another, and it beat my 2 year old ass up trying to pick between making myself or my mom happy since we could only afford one, and he was saying that my mom was kind of throwing a tantrum almost as much as I ended up doing it... then he came back and bought both later)
I don't know... just kill me
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