#i don't think I've gone more in detail before than just saying i don't flirt back with faceless accounts so 🫡
kuromi-hoemie · 4 months
I saw your post about wanting to torture someone with tickles. Hope I'm not stepping over the line to say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii about it
you're not but i was talking about irl 🫡
also bc i don't really talk about it ig, the secret to whether I'm receptive/flirty/etc with you (generally, not you specifically, this is a turn and talk at the audience moment) is i will leave you little earnest love notes in the tags of your selfies when i reblog them.
don't post face? ❌ not interested
do but i never interact? ❌ not interested
like... a girl just likes to be open about what she's thinking and i love giving compliments just bc and do it all the time both on and offline, so there's def not any expectations w my tags, but they can also be taken as a tiny bow of courtship u can choose to act on or not 🙇🏾‍♀️
i know other ppl are very into anons or just hitting it off with anybody or whatever but i think that like. For Me, the ideal interaction is we both rb each other with some nice tags - showing and reciprocating in a very non-committal/no expectations kinda way, and after seeing that it's mutual then sure go for it 👍🏾
i love sharing audio sometimes and tbh might start moving nudes/lewds back to more private channels bc i forgot How Many People you have to block after posting them lmaoo.
🫵🏾 but i do appreciate tags being left for me and tbh sometimes i miss that accounts that usually post their body also Do share their face and they're very hot and i feel very silly for missing it ಠ⁠ᴥ⁠ಠ ♡⁠ hi oomfies sorry for being late to the party but it's good to be here.
anyways. i like this more subtle/non-committal kind of acknowledgement first, bc if i get asks or DMs i either have to ignore it or tell people I'm not attracted to them which is always really awkward 😶‍🌫️ especially for people I've never even talked to before, or people who take the tiniest bit of very simple acknowledgement and flood my DMs over everything.
which again, compliments are fine, but like.. a Talk To Me mindset bundled with it is imposing u guys 👉🏾👈🏾 just bc someone is cute doesn't mean they have to talk to u, just bc they say thank u to an unsolicited DM doesn't mean they want u to send a dozen more. without even getting a response to any of them too.... 🥸
I'm just kinda here to have fun and i like sharing myself and my thoughts to different degrees but none of it is rly an open invitation or a request. just keep it in the tags pls. tags r what usually pique my interest anyhow!! i like people who got something to say 🙇🏾‍♀️
i want to reemphasize this is a very general message and not at u specifically, there r other asks in my inbox and other persistent ppl who have been blocked over spamming my DMs, and this feels too nuanced and specific to add to my already long and kind of annoyed sounding (bc it is 💀) pinned. so yeah!!!!! i did get a lot of new followers recently so it's a good time for a periodic reminder
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aangelinakii · 3 months
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not proofread !
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the type of guy to keep flirting with you no matter how long you've been dating
he's forever stuck in the honeymoon phase
you've been dating a month ? he surprises you with flowers each time he meets you
been dating a year ? the flowers upgrade to mega bouquets that light up and have like hello kitty plushes inside
joking he's not THAT extra
joking x2 we all know he so is
but what i'm trying to say is that he never and i mean NEVER gets bored of dating you,, constant compliments, constant kisses, constant reassurance, constant anything you ever need ever
practically has you on a pedestal, because we all know that's what you deserve
he's one of those guys who always takes pictures of your moments together, so he can look back on when he's missing you
has a selfie of the two of you on his phone from the day he asked you if he would be your boyfriend ( yes he said that specifically ) so that he can look back before you were properly together
has soo many pictures of you that you don't realise he's taken, and he thinks you look the best in those ones
if you two ever go on holiday together, he'll bring a digicam or camcorder so he can record your shared adventures
he thinks having it on a memory card as opposed to his photo gallery makes it feel more real
honestly, he's so attentive that he almost knows you better than you know yourself, but also vice versa
just by a little crease in your eyebrow, he knows that you're craving a sandwich, and go make it for you
loves cooking for you as well
lovesss making little dinner nights that he treats like you going to a gourmet restaurant, but they're all in his little apartment in blüdhaven
definitely a physical affection guy, which i've gone into more detail here
but his favourite form of physical affection, is probably to give or receive a greattt massage after a long day
he gets tons of knots it's crazy
loves seeing you all dressed up and will always ask if you can be his date to any of bruce's charity events, because he wants to show you off just that bad
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chicken-wayng · 5 months
Helaena Targaryen rant y'all don't wanna read but need to:
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I hate how people insinuate/assume that because Helaena is autistic coded that she doesn't get angry/feel emotion. (Some have even gone as far to say she doesn't love her own children?!?!?!!!)
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The sketch below my stepdad did for me when I was little, we both loved LOTR and fantasy and he was an artist. I've moved around a lot since I was younger but I finally have a place of my own and this is one of the few things I have left and I just found it. I cried for hours, I was so happy. Spent another hour putting tape on it so it wouldn't be as fragile.
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(Image description: an old, anthropomorphic dragon sketch)
The night I put it up I'd invited a girl I'd been flirting with for some time over. I showed it off, told the story with more details. She said she liked it. Then an hour or so later we ran to a restaurant to grab dinner, and ofc I'm STILL talking about dragons. Then she says and I quote, "I just don't think dragons should have arms. They should be more bat-like. Otherwise they look fake and ugly."
... Okay, bet. Friend zoned.
Now before you call me stupid, or dumb, or a bitch, realize idgaf. Not a single one. The point of this story was to illuminate that autistic people are people, which means we feel emotion and have thoughts,,, wow, amiright???!!! Total shocker! 🤯🤯🤯
Now personal anecdote aside, you wanna look at these pics and tell me she isn't in pain? Set aside your prejudice and assumptions and look at how well she is portraying Helaena's anguish. There's no denying we have not got enough screen time (obvs the producers care more about money than releasing a well thought out story. When the actors, writers and set are wanting to do more episodes and the viewers are watching/paying for it then why not give more? Because more money goes out of MAX/the producer's greedy pockets... But I'll step off this soap box for now) with her and her personality. However a lot of y'all's hcs are just plain ableistic.
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It's 3am I'm going to bed y'all sort yourselves out before I'm back🙃💀
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gamerwoman3d · 1 year
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Beta Tester
An MK1 Scorpion Smut imagine fanfiction
Note: if you wanna cut the story plot and get straight to the filth, scroll until you see the animated gif. Other info/notes in the tags.
Imagine you and a friend spot a man with a scorpion tattoo at a party once. Later on in a living room somewhere you find yourselves both talking about how hot he is, and gossiping about him and his overly generous, sweet wife, Harumi. Some months later you see your friend at a party flirting with some other unremarkable new guy when you notice your friend has some weird burn marks on their arm.
[Explicit/spicy below the cut 🔞]
As you ask about it, your friend just covers the burn and avoids the topic, preferring to talk about the flirty new guy. You assume the burn mark was from a hot stove, only to realize that it's actually a rope burn from some kink play gone wrong.
You need details, but worry that if you say anything right now you might scare away the uninspiring new guy. After all, the new guy just met your friend tonight and could not possibly have been responsible for the burn. The two leave the party together before you can ask.
Harumi introduced herself to you not long after they left. She has a gift for your absent friend. You say you'll see your friend tomorrow and can deliver the gift. Harumi leaves it with you in a small gift bag. The following day, your friend can't stop talking all about the new guy and the night they shared.
Your friend seems awkward opening the gift from Harumi only to find bandages and silver sulfadine cream - a type of wound care for open burn blisters. When you ask what's up, your friend confesses that not only have they been regularly fulfilling the hot husband's kink fantasies, but that Harumi herself sanctioned your friend's involvement with her man.
You shamelessly ask your friend to tell you everything.
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As it turns out, Harumi wants nothing more than to be his little rope bunny, but they have very specific rules in their culture and in their prenuptial agreement; He cannot leave marks on her, ever.
Privately, the pair practices and workshops their rougher ideas on willing third parties. Your friend is one of those parties, and has the burns and bruises to show for it.
"This one is from a knot in the rope. I landed on the knot wrong when we took me down. We'd been playing with suspension. These little ones are from a melted candle. That one is where the rope was too loose and slipped and caused a burn. I didn't even notice it was burning at the time..."
"How did you not notice?!" you ask.
"He was eating me at that moment. He wanted me to squirm. He got what he wanted."
"Um... does everyone get what they want in that arrangement?"
"Well, Harumi wants him violently, so in her case no, she does not get what she's wanting. But god it's so good when he gets going. I hope she gets what she wants from him someday. She seems to enjoy living vicariously through me. She'll request that he take me rough and work off his energy on me before going back to her to do gentler stuff afterwards. I've heard her whimpering; by the time he's done with me, she's ready to burst."
"I gotta ask... has your new guy asked about the marks?"
"We haven't talked about it yet, but I suspect if I'm going to keep him, I have to call the whole thing off with Harumi and her husband."
"Just to be clear, we're talking about that guy with the scorpion tattoo, right?"
"Yeah that's her husband."
"That guy is hot as fire, what's his name? You kept calling him Harumi's husband?" you ask.
"At the risk of sounding even sluttier than I already sound, admittedly I actually don't know his real name. And I feel kinda weird just calling him Scorpion but... even Harumi calls him that when I'm around."
"Yeah yeah I know. I think he's some kind of street performer or magician, he does neat tricks with fire sometimes. It makes sense that he has a stage name if he's doing magic or whatever. But like... I'm not calling him that unless I have to see him. And the next time I see them is... oh shit. I'm supposed to go over to their place tonight..."
"You going?"
"I should call it off. I don't want to potentially ruin things with my new man. But oh god, if he doesn't work out then I don't want to lose my place with them. Let's face it, I'm not the only 'beta tester' that they employ; someone will take my place if I drop out, and I won't forgive myself if I get dumped and then also can't get my spot back."
"I wish I could take your spot for you, cuz like... damn. I'll call him Scorpion if it means he breaks me off."
"Actually... maybe you could fill in for me tonight?"
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Imagine showing up to their door unnanounced, a white knuckle grip on the gift bag Harumi had left you as you practice the lie over and over in your head. He opens the door.
Confusion knits his brow as he waits for you to explain your presence. You ask for Harumi. He calls for her. She joins him in the doorway, and you reach out, offering the bag to her. You tell her that your friend is sick today and didn't want visitors; you thought the responsible thing would be to return the gift to Harumi. She makes a disappointed groan and says she really hated to hear that they're ill, adding how much she 'needed' to see them tonight.
Imagine taking a deep breath, and offering to help, just like you rehearsed with your friend. "I'm happy to help you with whatever work they were going to do for you tonight," you say from a script your friend made you rehearse.
The pair exchange glances and then look back to you.
"What kind of work do you do," he asks.
His eyes dart over your body in one quick, cautious overlook. He stops as soon as he starts; he sensed that his look caused you some tension.
"It's um, secure work, with a lot of lifting, uhm, yeah, I can at least help out with the lifting, if you wanna show me the ropes?"
You tell yourself that the word 'um' was not a part of your script. But upon hearing the keyords, secure, lifting, ropes, the couple's demeanor relaxes. He arches a questioning eyebrow at his wife. Harumi has a pleasant glitter in her eyes that speaks to her approval. They both nod slightly in unison and invite you inside. He's suppressing a smile as he looks you over again, with intent this time. He knows that you know what you're getting into, and is no longer as concerned about causing you tension.
"Make yourself at home. Bathrooms are on the left, help yourself to anything in the kitchen. We do the work in the weight room, which is down that hall. Do you need anything to get started?" Harumi asks.
"Just... one thing. Between us?"
Harumi looks to her husband. He nods and walks away, in the direction of the weight room.
"I just wanted to check if um, if you're really okay with this stuff? I don't wanna do anything with him without your approval," you say as another line you rehearsed.
"Of course! I'm happy to have someone helping take care of Scorpion's needs!"
Imagine thinking wow, your friend wasn't wrong; that name does sound weird.
You can't help but ask if that's his real name.
"It is, to you," he interrupts.
You look up to see him standing at the end of the hall. He makes a 'come here' motion with his finger. Harumi places her hand on your shoulder and gives you a gentle, affirming push his direction.
"You'd better go," she muses, "lest he come get you and drag you over there."
You know now for certain that she's agreed to loan her man out to you, and you also see that he's eager.
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Inside the weight room, the floor is covered with foam mats and one wall is nothing but shelves of equipment for rope dart sports. A collection of shéng biāo are coiled and organized from beginner to advanced. The bright red, soft and silky ropes stand out as odd. Imagine following him inside this room only to find lit candles and incense at a small dragon-shaped altar in the room. A stand near the altar holds an assortment of more sensual things, including red silks, lubricants, condoms, dragon-etched ornamental glass pillar candles, and an unopened pack of that silver sulfadine next to a very visible first aid kit. He picks over the red ropes, spinning one in his hand to test for it's weight. Harumi enters with a woven basket full of red fabric, smelling of lavender and pumpkin spice.
"Use these," she says, "I tried a new fabric softener on them. They're fresh from the dryer."
He lets one slip between his fingers.
"Ooh," he exclaims, "they're still warm. And they're very soft. Thank you."
Harumi closes the door as she leaves, winking at you to bid you to have fun. The door latch clicks. Scorpion's eyebrow is raised when he turns back to stare at you.
"So you," he starts, "Why did you come tonight? What are you looking forward to the most, what excites you?"
You realize you stammered without answering as your brain practically buffered. He had a smile in his eyes as he shamelessly checked you out. The smile spread to his lips as he unwound his top from around his torso.
"It's cute that you're stammering. I'm going to miss it. Most people stop stammering after you break through the touch barrier. We haven't touched yet, have we? There's still an awkwardness that I don't think would be there had we broken the touch barrier."
Now stripped to the waist, he picked up and fondled a length of the soft red rope. He sees the way you look at his body and invites you to him with a gesture.
"Would you like to touch?" he asks.
You inch forward and reach out towards his chest. You couldn't be more tense if you were on the brink of toppling a Jenga tower. You take the rope, and let your knuckles brush his skin as you rub your thumb over the silky smooth warm fiber of the rope.
"I meant would you like to touch me," he said.
He smirks, but remains still, his eyes locked on yours as you force yourself to concentrate on the rope. You let the rope fall from your hand and touch his chest with your fingertips.
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The pad of his thumb gently grazes the length of your finger. He presses into your touch, gently runs one finger through the hair over your eye and past your ear. His voice is warm when he says "I like that."
His fingers trace down your neck and he says "It feels good. I want to show you how it feels. May I feel?"
When you nod, he reaches under your clothes to fondle the skin near your nipple. He finds your nipple with his fingertips and traces spirals over it with a feather light touch.
"Let's try that question again. What are you looking forward to, right now, in this very moment?" he asks.
Your mind immediately jumps to sex. You have a vision of you both naked, you helpless in his arms while impaled mercilessly on his cock. Your eyes dart to his pants involuntarily. You shut them, but he already saw where they strayed. He gestured towards his erection.
"Would you like to see it?" he offered.
An easy enough question to answer with a nod.
"Do you want me to take it out, or would you prefer to do it?"
"I'll do it," you say.
Imagine unwrapping his package like a present. You can feel his gift through the wrapping. You might try to guess things about this gift before you reveal it. When you do expose it, it feels warm to the touch, feverish and firm. It has heft, but stands on its own despite its weight.
"What do you want to do with it?" He asks.
"Oh, uh, lots of things... what do you want to do with it?"
He holds up the length of red rope suggestively.
"I wanted to tie you up and sling you from the ceiling, so that when I fucked you with it you swing back and forth on it in the air," he said.
"Oh," you said.
Fire, Oh my fucking god, fire said your body.
Then he leaned in close to your ear.
"What can I do for you to get you to do that for me?" he murmured.
"Nothi- I mean, it sounds fun... just get me off?" you asked.
"With pleasure," he said.
He tugged at the fabric of your clothes and asked if you prefer to undress yourself or if you want him to do it. Either way the clothes come off in a blur and he presses the warm soft rope against your skin, rapidly cocooning your form in a macrame sling custom to your body.
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Imagine the softest, silkiest ropes whipping around some parts of your body several times as he worked you into a makeshift rope harness. The ropes are warm against the skin; straight from the dryer, they retain heat for a while. His hands brush against you as he works the ropes over your entire body. When he reaches between your legs to wind the ropes through, he grazes the skin of your inner thigh with the back of his knuckles. He pets parts of you as he works, enjoying the feel of your body, knowing you enjoy the feel of his warm hands on your skin. Soon you look like you've been woven into a fancy net. He slings the ropes expertly through the hooks of a pulley above. One last knot and he's hoisting you into the air and asking you if you're comfortable.
"Does it dig into the skin at any point," he asks.
Imagine the rope swing feeling surprisingly comfortable. Imagine it like a recliner you can lean back in, but which forces your legs up and apart. You can barely move, but find you can rock yourself just slightly.
Imagine him running his fingertips over your skin, stopping to pay attention to the areas that make you shudder, all while commanding you to tell him how you get yourself off when you're alone. He asks what you fantasize about happening when you're alone with yourself.
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If he finds out that you're rough with yourself when you're alone, imagine the glint in his eye when he shows you a rubber version of the metal dart at the end of a red silky rope. These rubber darts are made for practice.
He says It stings when it hits. It is designed for training rope dart techniques, designed to minimize injury and damage. He says a good design will still inflict enough pain that one is forced to learn from their mistakes, lest they repeat them with a metal dart and potentially do real harm. If he thinks you're interested in the stinging sensation, he offers to test it on you.
He has a habit of running his a thumb along his "beta testers" genitals, asking them to reveal their most sensitive spot. He says he likes to play a game where he throws the rope dart around their bodies - the dart wraps their thigh or their belly several times, squeezing it tight, and continues to wrap rapidly until the rubber tip slaps the targeted spot.
The cringe from that sting is the best way he knows for checking whether the rope sling is tied well enough. Regardless of whether or not the sting was too much, he'll croon apologies and go down on that spot, kissing and sucking and sometimes gagging on it until he's verbally forgiven for stinging his helpless lovers.
"Can I get the oral sex without the sting?" You might ask.
He won't answer in words, just in an arched eyebrow and a smirk right before he goes down without further announcement.
He needs to see you cringe and squirm in the net he wove you into, and he won't stop pleasuring you until your body has locked up in involuntary spasms at least once.
Another of his favorite tests is the act of bouncing you on his hand while you're suspended. He uses the same circular motion as when he's spinning his ropes, only his middle and ring fingers are up, inside you, working your inner spot. The motion causes the whole sling to rock and drives his fingers deeper inside with gravity. He really only uses it as a preview to the motion you'll feel when he fucks you senseless in your sex swing.
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The pillar candles aren't just pretty. They're full of wax. It might be massage wax or candle wax, but either way he shows you a magic trick...
First, the condom. It's on him. It glistens. He made certain you're dripping wet before he put it on. But now, a magic trick. He holds the long glass tube of the pillar candle, close to the base. He looks into your eyes and tells you he's going to melt all of the wax in the candle and pour it out onto you. You see the whitish wax in the jar turn clear at the places where his fingertips touch. The dragons etched into the glass begin to burn as if coated with lighter fluid. The wax turns clear underneath the dragon pattern. Soon the entire candle is no longer a white solid, but a clear, hot liquid, sloshing around in the glass as he gently shakes it in suggestive circles. You feel the circles mirrored between your legs as he grinds his cock against you.
He knows you want it inside. He wants you to plead and negotiate with him for it. You can have all his cock if you forgive him for stinging you... if you can accept that he likes to sting you, and understand that he gets off on it when he makes you feel stung. He'll ask if he can burn and sting you with the hot wax, and if you'll forgive him for causing you pain, ask if he can fuck the hell out of you, hard.
This is what you came for after all.
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The liquid is hot as a motherfucker as he drizzles it over your body, leaving patterns of clear liquid that rapidly cool to white across the red ropes and reddening skin beneath the scalding wax. Thrashing against the pain, the ropes hold you in place. It is the wincing on your face that provides him his cue to give you what you came for; you've done your worst to his ropes and haven't freed yourself yet. Confident that his ropework is sturdy enough to continue, sturdy enough to let loose and fuck your brains out without worry, he pushes you back and lets his cock fall between your legs. He wastes no more time, sinking his cock as deep into you as he can get on the first thrust, trusting that gravity will sling you back on it harder as he rocks you back and forth on his cock suspended in midair.
He dumps the last of the wax and slings the empty pillar jar to the side. Clear wax dribbles down your hips and thighs and congeals there in white rivulets. He gets some on him as well, but it's strange - on him, the mess stays clear. If he presses his hot skin against you and comes back with white fragments of cooled wax, they fade from solid white to liquid clear against his body. The wax is all over his belly below the naval, and each rough slap of his body against yours just splatters more wax against the deep cut V of his hips. It looks less like wax, and more like someone with clear cum has ejaculated against him multiple times. Therefore it looks like a prophecy that you're currently in the throws of fulfilling.
Whether he takes you rough and flicks you with the sting of this practice dart, or takes you firm but gentle and massages your sore spot from the outside while railing against the best spot from within, he won't stop until you're howling in pleasure and bursting against him.
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He'll lower your limp, spent body to the sweaty gymnastic mat below, untie you as you catch your breath, and inspect every inch of your body for marks as he rub a coolant over your burns. One free hand goes to the back of your neck to support you as he lowers you. Imagine the fingertips, still hot as a coffee mug from his grip on the burning glass candle, digging into the muscles at the scruff of your neck. Once he has tended any minor injuries with cooling gel or other first aid, he'll wrap you in something soft and warm straight from the dryer and carry you to the bathroom where Harumi already ran a perfect luxurious bath for you, flower petals and all. Once the pair establishes that you escaped the stinging play without a scratch this time, they leave you to your bath.
That is to say Harumi is pulling at him playfully and as long as you're satisfied, he lets her drag him to bed. All throughout your bath you hear their sighs and moans. You realize that if you like, you can play along in their audio drama; or, you can stay silent, soak it all up and relax.
[The end for now]
Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌
Need more Scorpion smut? Check this one out!
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selfox · 3 months
Cy's live-ish reactions
Random tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
Chapters from Mixed Messages to Discontented.... Wish I could have gone for more, apologies ^^"
I love those 2 so much, but the violent desire to shake some sense into them is strong. GT, I don't know how you did it, but this is amazing.
Mixed Messages
Dear Shego, I hope that you aren't getting sick again? Am I in another universe? They are finally going to talk??? ghyfkhgy Shego… my girl, you are doing that thing with assuming and trying to predict something that is hard to predict… especially if you don't know all details Ok, I am proud of those two domestic drakgo vulgaris, precious they are dummies, your honor CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG HE ASKED HER ABOUT THE KISS Holy now I am on the wdge of the seat SHEGO STOP OVERTHINKING NOOOOOOOOOO HITS TABLE WITH A FIST NOOOOOOO YOU 2 DUMBASSES
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THIS is painful The desire to bang my head on the table is strong with this one, and I expected this and feared it. "I'm in love with him." OTL
Is this the thing I saw on Flower's blog? 👀 Iiiiiii think it is~ man I need some calm or fun after sadnes Hi, Junior I love that retrospect into surroundings Junior is that rich bi-pan friend everyone needs in their life. Shego... you know how dubious you sound? Pain, lots of pain oh oh oh OH WHEEZE
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Juni is much more perceptional than I gave him credit Ok that's .. I adore their friendship. This "do you want me to be your friend or evil friend right now?" is so good. WHEEEZE JUNI I LOVE YOU
NOOOOOO SHEGO NOOOOOOO The whole body clench I got after the whole club scene, unholy.
Oh, oh, I think I know this boy! Is it the boy? Is it Dean I heard only good things about?? IT IS HIM IT'S THE BOY! Idk what I expected, but this is something holy I either laugh, facepalm or yell. :( poor Dean
Hi, Dr D. OYL I feel you dude, ideasblock is a torture. OTL gods, they are dummies that need therapy. They can give lessons in this... how to confuse each other with their obvious feelings. Those are the King and Queen of Oblivious
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The inhuman groan I released Shego keep that skill and use it wisely (of course not) SHEGO, HOW COME YOU ARE THIS BAD AT FLIRTING?? WHAT IS THIS??? I GOVE YOU 0 FOR THAT PERFOMANCE! HJEBFGRHF I honestly love how they have these embarrassing moments that only they know about one another. "Focus Drakken" I really need to create some pictures to show those reactions that I can't describe with words. But my face is doing an amazing job for it. "Doing it second time would be even easier" - famous last words Shego.... She is trying so hard. Like... I know what she is trying to do, but this back and forth tagging would confuse any person, so I get why Drakken didn't get anything. Ma'am
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This is agonizing
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HOW COME I AM GETTING GOOSEBUMPS??? I know I've been saying it a lot, but they are dummies. Absolute dumbasses. SHEGO LEARN NOR TO MIX SIGNALS, DRSKKEN THAT GOES TO YOU TOO.
I have a humor of 3 years old
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Shego is a cat. She is just one round Pallas cat.
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thats what trauma does OTL I have no words but the desire to shake those 2.
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MAAM YPOU SAID RIGHT BEFORE THAT YOU WERE MESSING WITH HIM WITH THAT KITCHEN KISS HOLY HELL MIXED MESSAGES INDEED I am very ready to pull my blurple hair out. GT, if you are reading this, I am sending you applause and wow, idk how it felt writing it
Idk, Shego, that seems very desperate to me. .... I took a break and scrolled through my youtube feed and ... *wheeze* "5 Signs They Are NOT Flirting, It's Negging" it's fate.
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ouch ;-; I love how they know things about one another, especially their tastes. Nevertheless... THEY FRUSTRATE ME
DRAKKEN WHAT HAPPENED IN YOUR ROOM SO YOU CAME OUT.....?????????? This is not gonna go well even if my drakgo heart is eating those crumbs.
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Shego, he was blasted with your boobs, he was checking you out They aren't adults and I dropped my head on my table and OUCH
they are hopeless and I love them, but my gods.
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) yeah, focused.
It was going so well... but alas OYL
They talk.... but they are also not exactly being honest I've been groaning the whole chapter.
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I love those dumbasses so much.
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I love this rant Nvm the rest is just as golden, I wish to screenshot it whole Hi, Lucre! igigyigyglhlvhjhjhflkjg Shego, you are turning greener OH GODS NO THAT BLOND WIG THE CURSE CURSE!
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;-; he is worried about her
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Shegoo OYL oughhhh oughh
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I want to hug them. :'3
Ok that's, unfortunately, it for today. I am free from my personal projects... and among other things, so I hope it'll not take it more than it did.
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kitchenlittle · 11 months
My Writober Story
I thought I'd share a story of something that happened to me a few years ago, that gave birth to my mask kink. I debated posting this but whats a better time than now?
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Warnings: Mentions of (hot) scare actors, underage teens (don't worry nothing bad), flirting, general depictions of haunted house attractions and hay rides, mentions of weapons/fake blood/alcohol/bullying/cursing, revealing costumes, sexual fantasy, sex in general, and mentions of arousal.
Every year I go to a Halloween attraction, so far over the last few I've only gone to 2 haunted houses. (I have a habit of visiting the history museum or pumpkin patches instead since I'm a big scaredy cat) 'Safe to say I don’t think I’ll ever forget the second time ..3 years ago…an event that opened up Pandora's box for my poor mind…a day that changed my brain's chemistry forever. Many thoughts about that evening dig their heels into my nerves every time I see the pumpkin decor take over at my favorite stores. One specifically has plagued me for ages since..…I should’ve asked that employee to fuck my brains out. 
I remember it being chilly outside, likely because I decided to go on Hallows' Eve. The leaves were crunchy, hued with reddish-browns and mustard-yellows. I could hear the shrills of nearby people being driven hellishly down a sketchy dirt road. The lines were long but luckily the faint smells of fair food and an excited group of chatty teenagers complimenting my costume kept me sane. Slowly I watched as  each large group of people were packed into the school bus and taken to some unknown destination. Soon the familiar wafts of gasoline washed over me and not much later I shuffled my way down the isles of the vehicle, sitting in the back where I thought I was safe from any scares. That was my first rookie mistake, my second was trying to take in the scenery of the bus rather than keeping tabs on the Micheal Myers clad employee that was about to scare me shitless in a few minutes. When the bus started rev up I expected a mediocre experience, maybe some light scares here and there, rock music, maybe some funny lights. I was wrong... I realized that after the announcer asked that we all screamed as loud as we could. I don’t remember if he was dressed up like the rest of us guests but I remember his monotone voice as the lights flickered. 
“Alright everyone give us a nice scream before we make our journey!”
You would have thought he hated he hated living with the way he spoke, his energy energy even carried into our screams as they were low and uncaring, mine were muffled due to my rubber mask's unforgiving room for me to breathe. I saw him visibly roll his eyes and got a bit depressed at the thought of at least not getting a good jump that night. Well... I got one while I looked into the window to my right to distract myself. Suddenly my body jerked as the loudest blood curdling volume of Rob Zombie's “Living dead girl” blasted my ear drums, the door slammed shut, the once jittering lights above turned red, and the bus took off at a breakneck speed down the unfortunately UNEVEN, CURVE FILLED, DIRT ROAD. Memories of my favorite Child's Play movie flooded every crevice of my mind and a forgotten childish  terror bubbled up in my chest. We all really screamed then, which only added to my fright..As the lights turned turn on and off, blood started to pound in my eardrums. I remembered a crucial detail that would make my night just that much worse. It rained the day before, meaning the ground we were driving on was still soft and probably muddy. I panicked though, no one gave a fuck about my little panic attack since they were abou to have one of their own, a famous slasher decided he was going to be the first thing I saw as my eyes tried to escape the visual of the fleeing dirt paths infront of the bus. I ducked my head down like the scaredy cat I am, looking out to the side when I realized that there were more actors tugging at the windows, reaching in at guests, even walking and riding the top on the roof, banging at the metal and yelling every insult imaginable. My shock and feelings of wanted to piss myself finally subsided when I closed my teary eyes...and then the bus stopped. Surprisingly, the slashers were gone, everyone stopped screaming, and the scene was replaced with the sight of an impressively decorated haunted house. One that of course had another long line. In my boot heels, WW1 era nurse’s uniform, and a plague doctors mask I waddled out onto the sweet stationary grass under my trembling body. I swore that the bus driver's attitude was a ruse to get our guard down,especially after I saw his lazy smirk behind the glass. I'd never judge a book by it's cover again. Crazily enough after all that that wasn’t the life changing event....
I stomped through broken small twigs and branches to get close to the entrance of the haunted house.. With the groups of people waiting in front of me it was safe to assume I atleast had about an hour before I could enjoy its horrors. Another group of teenagers started to chat me up. Unfortunately they were drunk. They taunted me, while putting their beer stained hands on my mask, trying to get me to scare them…I was assumed to be a scare actor. Unfortunately knowing the climate of the people in this area of the South they'd likely to have a reason to be violent with me if I obliged. My nurse's uniform was figure hugging so at least if they did there was no way they couldn’t claim they didn’t know I was a girl. Luckily I wasn't dumb enough to provoke them or have sudden moves. A masked employee patrolling around came to my aid, hiding his effort to make sure they didn’t escalate as a way to have a close up stare down with me.  Like two slashers betting each other to make the first move I held eyes contact with him. Hw was fairly tall, clad in all black except for a halloween mask and machete thrown over his shoulder. Despite his stare down I had to be silly and tilt my head to the side at him.
“What's going on?”
I giggled out to him through my words. I saw him roll his eyes playfully before giving me another look and walking away. The drunk teens had turned their attention to something else. Silently I thanked him l Despite him having a nice voice and towering over me that wasn’t the mind bending event either. I went through the line with no issues, walked up creaky wooden steps already showing wear and tear after being trampled on for weeks. It was a typical haunted house in the way that it did its job well enough. You know, doing it's job well enough scare the living hell out of me! Especially since their main gimmick was actors acting as decorations instead of being hidden behind walls and behind doors like I expected. The scares I got that night had me clutching my nonexistent pearls as I stumbled about. I unfortunately had to get into another line afterwards. The line was situated under a wooden pavilion, a lot of people were packed in like sardines but there were televisions tucked into corners playing, ‘Friday the 13th’. That pacified me enough to endure the snail paced walking for the next hour. Though I couldn’t help but listen in on the conversation of those behind me. Once again another group of teenagers but nicer and way more excited than I was expecting for a  simple hayride. Bored and heels digging into my ankles I decided to ask them about the hayride and what was so good about it. Eagerly they word vomited out a story of an infamous employee that worked on the ride.
“Listen girl you will get  it when you get on, I’m asking for his number. He’s so fine that we had to get on twice!”
I stared at them. I thought, ‘how hot could he really be for them to think it’s worth waiting almost 2 -4 hours in the cold to see him again?’ No shade but as a southerner I've noticed that what some people consider hot is a lot of time mediocre  as there aren’t a lot of choices in the small town I’m from. I’ll admit I was skeptical. At most I was expecting some muscly guy dressed as Michael Myers or something , maybe even some Ghostface  dude with a cool voice. The group behind me practically squealed as we were seated on the wooden carriage to the woods. I sat on the hay and stared out onto the scenic path ahead. It was honestly inevitable for the first 3 minutes to not look around and just enjoy the gorgeous view. It was so pretty. One thing I can say about living in the country is that you can’t beat a full moon and a lush forest. Coupled with nice folks and delicious smells of the distant food court the weight seemed worth it. The blasts of cool air on my hot face was short lived as he came up to the first attraction, or theme? Zombie Hillbillies with what looked like oddly realistic guns? Yeah that scared all us when a zombie ran at a full sleep and a actor let off an actual shot near our heads as our carriage hightailed it out the premises. The track of the walking dead playing was unmistakable. Next? A Succubus den. A bunch of pretty girls wearing leather skin tight suits, beckoning my fellow riders and I to stay long enough to have our souls taken. Screaming, sighs, and even the cracking of a few whips overwhelmed us. We moved away, the red and purple lights we were basking in started to fade away and their siren song with it. They killed their roll, too bad I wasn't feeling it as much as some of the other guys and some girls on the wagon. I was feeling good, today had been fun but not too scary, something I preferred to just plain unfiltered fear on my favorite holiday.
We trudged through some more scenic forest until I heard the unmistakable melody of a circus music. I quickly reversed the direction of my gaze only to see what looked like a box with red light bleeding through its cracks. Two men with clown costumes opened its doors. I braced myself as I was sure this would be the last attraction of the night. I really couldn't miss the squealing of the teenagers I was seated next to. They were practically falling over themselves, grabbing at each others clothes and hyperventilating while giggling manically, though incoherent ramblings I heard words like ‘hot’, ‘fine’, and ‘he’s almost here!’. I had to tilt my head at them out of slight second-hand embarrassment and pure confusion. No one was inside, which was a uncharacteristic for this ride so far. It was until I heard the rattling of a chainsaw that I realized how close they really were. Most of the actors had been chilling behind the ride staring at us, it gave me the jumpscare of my life let's say. We were then bum rushed by a bunch of clowns, laughing and pulling at the ride to rock it back and forth. A contortionist showing off her skills on a nearby side stage. Some got uncomfortably close but then walked away quickly as I could tell they were trying to decipher if I was a fellow actor or not. For whatever reason they kept flirting with the woman sitting adjacent to me, despite her being enclosed in the arms of her husband. I quickly realized I was being a complete hater because she loved it and her husband was being a good sport about it. Regardless I still didn’t see anything extraordinary like they had promised. I simply shrugged my shoulders. Maybe the clowns were the main attraction of the night? Yeah some of them were fairly hot, as hot as a few guys in Halloween masks while cursing us all out could be. It seemed like the hay ride's shenanigans were wrapping up since the clowns were leaving. That was until the wagon we all were sitting on threw itself into overdrive. Gunning it, moving faster than it ever cared to before. I saw trees ride past me the same way it did on the bus, but the manic laughter continued . 'WAS IT NOT OVER?! TRACTORS CAN’T MOVE THIS FAST!…or at least it shouldn’t be…?Right?' Suddenly we came to screeching halt, but not really a stop more like a moderate slow down. My panic wasn't given any time to settle in before I felt a particularly sudden shift of weight on our wooden vehicle. I could barley see through my now foggy plague mask's goggles but it was an unmistakable figure. The squeals of my counterparts turned into full blown shrieks as the statuesque shadow entered our ride with a particularly large rifle, a clown mask on its face, and a particular malice in its stance. He didn’t need bullets since all of us were already floored. A sight to behold, curly dirty blonde locks peeked from behind the face covering, miles of freckled, pale, skin peaked from underneath his ripped overalls, and his attempts to subtly catch his breath sent chills down my spine. He was mouth watering, but honestly if the modest muscle exposed at his biceps and underneath his dungarees were a climax then his voice was the final act. One of the perks of living in the South to me has always been southern accents that some men have…but lord the sweet honey dripping from this man lips made me want to set my black ass to my factory settings. For some brief seconds I thought being barefoot and pregnant were the only way to live happily the minute he spoke. There wasn’t an instrument in existence that competed with the octave his baritone vocals were set on. I was slack jawed and flabbergasted. If my fellow southern black women in my area were to describe a man like this we’d say he said he had that ‘cowboy walk’. Meaning he was the perfect representation of why America was so smitten with the farm-hands throughout the decades. I couldn't say a word if I tried. I watched a particularly bold and familiar girl muster up the courage to speak to him as he was getting ready to point his gun at one at one of the riders.
“H-hi, do you remember me?”
Completely breaks character and acknowledges her presence. 
“Oh? Oh yeah, it’s you…*comes to a realization as he turns* *chuckles*  don’t tell me you came back to see me?”
“I-I did, um…so um.. -you have a girlfriend?”
Now everyone got quiet, even if the wagon was still high, telling down the moist dirt road. Now I knew the girl was young but she shouldn't be too much younger than us considering we were the same height. A dumb assumption I know but I assumed that she and her friends wouldn’t get this far only to be a kid….right? He seemed to have the same idea. 
“Depends…how old are you?”
Sheepishly I saw the surprise and disappointment spread like a virus from her face to theirs. Her porcelain fingers tremble around her phone as the prospect of getting his number become a a fleeting wish…surely she didn’t go this far and was-
“I’m…14…*nervous laugh*”
“Oh hell no”
He didn’t even give it a second thought before sighing and moving his rifle to his shoulder. He gave us all a reassuring nod and proceeded to backflip off the moving cart. She pouted while her friends comforted. I just stared back  into the abyss only to make eye contact with  the mysterious stranger. This is going to sound terrible, but I feel like that was a needed experience for her. (First all, she just ruined the  chance of anyone legal to get a taste of this guy, like me! Jk Jk) Even when I was her age, mind you I’m 21 now, no matter how many crushes I ha on my older peers , I still knew better not to ask them out. You had to be 18 or older to even work at this place. Though, I still felt terrible for her and my maternal urges wanted to go over there and comfort her since I knew that kinda stuff took a huge blow to one’s ego, and I knew she didn’t know any better. I had the chance to ask her if she was older before the little caravan came to a halt. They didn’t drop us off  exactly at the drop off spot though, we’d have to walk a quarter of a mile back to the lit up crowns in  the distance. Never in my life have I needed to walk more, being hot and bothered with a bunch of people around isn’t ideal ( for me at least). That cold air was doing more than its share at cooling me down, too bad the nearby lights were only coaxing me further into a daze as it neared.   I walked on the path  and stumbled through the bush. A recognizable voice poured itself a molasses-like tone right into my ears. 
“I’ll see you later right?”
I knew what he was referring to, he thought I was a fellow employee too, the workers would congregate after the attraction closed down, eat, intermangle, and then go home. I wish I could be there and see what he looked like and maybe a little more since he was single as long as whoever he was talking to was legal. I couldn't be happier that the rubber mask covered my lovestruck expression. 
“Of course”
He did his famous nod and retreated back into the leaves, to unintentionally seduce another group. Of course I didn’t go, I didn’t work there it was already 1 am, I needed to get home unfortunately. I still wondered though ‘what if I did go?’ and ‘why did he care if I was there or not?’. It wasn’t until I turned around in the mirror later on that I realized the culprit for his curiosity. Lets just as historically bum pads were made to take some weight off the back side  and  rear end look more ample and rounded, maybe even stand out a bit under heavy garments. Let's just say I’ve never needed one. 
Happy Halloween Everyone. Remember that despite this story, they do not harass scare actors, they are just doing their job and don;t deserve to be sexually harassed.
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Chapter 23
Word Count : 2182
Mention of fight details , flirting
I actually really enjoyed writing this one , I don’t know why, there was just something about it , any thoughts and comments would be much appreciated from you guys , I’m actually in love with these lads
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George's POV
Once the school had gone over the incident with Reece and I like a thousand times and checked details with others that's when they called my dad to come and get me. That was when the shit hit the fan, I was just sat in the receptionist office when my dad came storming through the doors and just stood there waiting for me to stand up, I followed him out just in wait of the onslaught of trouble I'm about to be in. Once we got into the car that was when it began
"What the fuck George , I literally just spoke to you this morning about your behaviour lately" , he's red in the face and I can already see that he's seething , he's had to leave work to come and get me but I'm not going to just sit and take it right now.
"What , I was sticking up for a friend, what did you expect me to do , just leave him to get tormented, you raised me better than that , right?" , I raise my voice a little to get my point across because he has he raised me to look after those who  can't or won't do it themselves
"We've had this before though George , we've been telling you since you where 8 years old , there are better ways at resolving your issues then using your hands" , he has been telling me that for the longest time but like nine times out of ten it's not even my fault or me that's started it, I've always just been bigger and teller than most kids so I've always done slightly more damage is that my fault no , I don't think so. I just feel the need to protect people , I always have
"I understand that dad but it wasn't even me who started it" , there we go resorting to the answer of every 5 year old in the world, he started it , Jesus what am I even saying. "Seriously dad , I was just trying to help Joe"
"I know that George and I appreciate you helping your friend , but youve gone and got yourself excluded again, this behaviour of yours needs to be sorted, As I said this morning , I will be grounding you so for the next two weeks you will be home after school , won't be going to that lad Adams is it ?, also I know you won't be at school but I expect you to still be doing your studies and I'll be taking your phone before you go to bed 10 on the dot so you actually get sleep" , A sigh escapes my lips before I even have a second to think about it. "I'm sorry, Is no there a disagreement you have with that"
"No dad" ,  I just rest back on my seat and close my eyes escaping to my happy place as my dad continues to ramble on while he drives, I don't really catch on to anything he's saying at this point I've lost interest in what he's talking about. The amount of times I've heard this same exact speech a number of times. I know he means well and he’s just trying to get me to be a well upstanding citizen but I’m doing it my way and doing an Okay job. Once I’ve noticed he’s finished his onslaught I take my phone out and shove my headphones in and I really want to talk to Matty right now but he can’t see me like this he’ll just worry.
“Sorry, I got a little bit distracted, What have you been up to then love ?” I wanna see his face it will calm me but if I keep snap chatting him he’ll wonder why I’m not showing him my face “also do you have instagram”
I just rest my phone on my leg until I get a reply , the rest of the drive home was quiet but awkward, my dad drops me at the front door and tells me to make sure I get studying before racing off back to work, my phone goes off once I reach my bedroom , just Matty sending a link to his instagram and he was telling me that he’d spent a lot of the day writing a new song , he had also asked me if I was okay again
“Yeh I’m fine love I promise” , I click on the link that takes me to his instagram page, and there I go losing my breath again at just how gorgeous he is. There was a lot of pictures with his friends and his family but my favourites are the ones of him just looking like he’s asked someone to take it and he’s just being the model that he is. They make me laugh, I can just see him begging his mates to take them . There’s also a lot of pictures of him with his guitars and his band mates playing tiny gigs and he looks so free in them, like he’s having the best time. A cigarette hanging from his mouth or in his hand in like 6 out 10 of them. The latest one was the picture he sent me of himself a Louis so I like it and send a quick
bedforddanes75: That’s my boys right there ❤️
And just leave a few more comments on a few pictures that might be bit weird but I want him to know I’m there. There’s a picture of him with a couple of his friends looking like there at a house party Matty has a bottle of wine in one hand and a cig in the other and he’s smiling like really smiling, like he’s mid laugh or something.
bedforddanes75: You need to be happy like that all the time love ❤️
A notification comes up on the top of my screen slipping me out of my insta stalking “you enjoying yourself there Georgie?”, shit I totally slipped my mind that he’s see all the comments and likes just come in all at once, my checks start to heat up already and I smile to myself and open my texts to reply
“Whoops” , I quickly go back to his insta and find the last picture to comment on just to be cheeky, he’s wearing a Newcastle Football shirt and he’s standing with his dad outside the stadium and I comment
bedforddanes75: Don’t like Mackems ay ? 😂😂
“Your a cheeky sod Daniel”, another text from Matty shows at the top of my screen and it makes me literally laugh out loud.
“Hit a nerve did I?” , I know I’m just winding him up but it’s what I do best really I’m a massive wind up always have been. I throw my rucksack across the room as I forgot I still had it on my back and lay back down probably on my bed “oh , yeh , my uh dad grounded me”, I have to tell him because what if I can’t call him when he needs me , Ill still have my laptop but I have to wait till my parents go to bed
“Why?, can we still call ?”
“Yeh I still have my phone till about 10, but we’ll have to wait to call till my parents are asleep, I’m sorry”, I really hate that I can’t be there for him every minute but I’m sure it’ll be alright we can work it out.
“What happened?”
“Just something at school it’s not important love”, I don’t want him thinking I’m a violent guy because I’m really not, it just get wound up easily especially when bullies are involved. “I can call till my family come home if you like?”
“If that’s okay, I don’t want you in more trouble darling”
“I wanna hear your voice , I miss you” , I’ll have to hide my face from him, I’ll just do some work while I’m calling him so he doesn’t see it. That might work maybe just maybe, I make my way over to my desk and set my laptop up and push the screen further back so it’s facing the roof more so my face isn’t to mu h in veiw then I get my books out to work through some science. Once I’m all set up I pull up Mattys contact and press call and wait for him to pop up
“Heya Darlin” from what I can see he’s sat on his bedroom floor and he’s got his guitar in hand pen sticking out of his mouth and a fag on a tiny ashtray and there’s a million papers scattered around his small body.
“Hi love, you writing something new”, he looks up to the screen for a second before going back to plucking his guitar strings, and I start my work
“I’m trying but I can’t seem to get it right, it’s a nightmare, I’m getting somewhere slowly though” , he looks really into it and I can’t take my eyes away from him , he’s just plucking away and writing stuff down , my mind is already off of the work I should be doing and I’m just watching him while still trying to keep my face out of shot. “Where are you Georgie I can’t see you”
I wave at the screen a little so he can see my hand “I’m right here love”, I want him to see me so he’s happy but I know he’ll just freak out at me if he sees my face covered in cuts. I can’t put that one him right now “I’m just working is all”
“I wanna see you darling, what’s wrong seriously”, he’s dropped the guitar beside him and picked up his laptop and it’s all I can see is his face trying to figure out why he can’t see me.
“Nothings wrong love, I’m just trying to work this stuff out , you can see me in a second I promise” , I know I’m being stupid , and I know it’ll just upset him but it’s better this way once it’s healed it’ll be better , I don’t know how I’m going to keep it from him that long but I’ll have too. There’s a silence for a while , when Matty speaks up again
“George come on tell me what’s wrong please, what happened, you know I won’t judge” , fuck I know that , I know he won’t it’s more of a me thing and sit and think for a while before I decide that fine I’ll just show him.
“Right fine I’ll show you but please don’t think I’m a bad guy” , I pull the screen down and remove my hat so he can see it better , it’s not as bad as I’m making it out to be but it’s still a lot just a bust lip , black eyes growing exponentially and my nose is still a bit messed up, I sigh and look back down at my lap leaning back on my chair. “I got into a fight and I uh , I didn’t want you too see, I didn’t want you to think I’m a bad guy”, he’s searching my face and he’s got a cheeky little smile on his face, I can’t work this kid out sometimes.
“You look hot” , the smile on his face grows bigger when I look back up to him and my eyes widen at his statement, “like scars are beautiful and you look hot, like you defended someone’s honour, that’s fit”.
I scoff a little “your a strange one love but yeh , I was just tryna stick up for my friend Joel, some lad was just winding him up …”, While trying to explain myself, he’s still looking at me with those deep brown eyes, cheekily smiling at me, making me flustered again. “ and uh yeh he threw the first punch like but I got my point across this time I think”
“Is that why you got grounded , being a little rebel”
“Just a-lot went on today , and it all just boiled up to that and I lost it I think, you know just teenage drama”
The smile plastered across his face just keeps getting bigger as I explain “Teenage drama has my heart, teenage angst is what I write about most yanno lad”, we both break down in fits of laughter after that. We’re both red in the face from laughing. “But on a more serious note though is everything okay”
“Yeh I’m grand , I don’t know how the other lad is, but I’m grand, He just keeps getting on at Joel cuz he’s gay, and then after I posted you on my story ealier my ex tried to get information out of me about who you where but I don’t want her to be involved right, want you to myself for now, and my dad was just being a whole fuckin nightmare this morning” , I let out a breath after just that word vomit was a lot.
“I’m sorry that was a lot” , He doesn’t say anything for a minute or two just looking at me his eyes sparkling “what?”
“You want me to yourself?”
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #099
(taken january 7th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
Assuming you have a Facebook, who’s the last person you added? My niece Delia.
Assuming you have a cell phone, what was the last thing you used it for? Checking Instagram.
Describe your purse or bag in ten words: Black, leather, studded, skull-embossed, small, thin, textured, uh... that's all I can think of.
Are you friends with your brother’s girlfriend: They're engaged so she's more than that to him, but not technically. We have each other on Facebook and it's not awkward to interact or anything, especially because she WANTS to make family so important, but we've never actually met and haven't spoken much. She seems absolutely lovely though and is such a good mom to Christian (who's not even hers, but that's her son) and Asher. I relate to her because she's so convinced she's not good enough.
Have you taken the 5,000 question survey? I've seen it but haven't because the vast majority of the questions were insufferably dumb.
What is it that attracts you to your boyfriend? He makes me feel valued and like I matter and am capable of anything I put my mind to.
What’s your favorite filling in chocolates? Maybe caramel, or peanut butter.
Does your best friend have any phobias? I'm sure he does, but I'm not sure. He doesn't like scary games while otherwise being a massive gamer, but I don't think that qualifies as a "phobia." I know he's a bit uncomfortable with snakes too, he still hasn't touched Venus, but again it doesn't seem like a phobia, but rather a bit of discomfort from common misinformation and ignorance.
What breed of dog do you find the most annoying? Chihuahuas. I say that while having one, lol.
What’s the last picture you colored? One that I drew.
What do you remember from sex ed class when you were younger? I specifically remember in the 4th grade, where we didn't go into actual details of reproduction, I asked if you had to be with a boy to get pregnant. The teacher told me I'd learn next year.
What’s the first instrument you ever played? The recorder in elementary school.
Would you ever eat rhino meat? I would starve before I put a critically endangered - or just endangered - animal in my mouth.
The music you listen to: Is it mostly sung by female or male vocalists? Men. It's not an intentional choice, I seem to just like more male vocalists.
Do you think it’s important to enjoy your job or do you just work for money? I HAVE to enjoy my job, whenever I get one. I'm very well aware that otherwise I would be unbearably depressed, I just wouldn't be able to last.
Do you require glasses/contacts to see properly? If so, which do you use? I wear glasses and have to to see even remotely decently. I also have astigmatism in one of my eyes (I can't remember which) without glasses.
If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Maybe like, Quinn, or something else kinda androgynous. Or Day; I don't know if anyone actually is named that, but I've come to really love it as a woman's name.
What would you choose to be famous for? Photographer, I guess. Being known for dramatic wildlife shots would be extremely cool.
If you had to go on a game show, which would you choose? I guess Family Feud, I think that one is pretty fun. And I just really enjoy Steve Harvey as a host.
Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? Why? No; my gender has just never mattered to me so I don't care what it is. I'm fine identifying with my biological sex.
Do you love anyone who’s name starts with A? Yes; my sister Ashley, for one, and her daughter Aubree. One of my half-sisters also has a girl named Aria, and though I barely know her, she's an absolute sunshine and I love her anyway.
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug? My nephew did yesterday!
Who was the last person you flirted with? I don't flirt with anyone but Girt.
Has anyone ever asked you if you were bipolar? It's possible a non-professional has. I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist with bipolarity II as a very young teenager and I absolutely know it's visible if you spend enough time with me, so.
Is your last ex still someone you care about? Full transparency, no. I don't wish bad things for her, but I don't care about her.
Do you know anyone who died of breast cancer? It's very possible, but I don't think so. I know people who have survived it.
Have you ever kissed someone that was the same sex as you? Yes.
Do you miss any of your old friends? Oh of course. It sucks that you drift away from so many people for no real reason as you grow.
Ever taken a picture kissing someone? Yes.
Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No, but that'd be very cool.
What are the names of the neighbors to your right? I don't remember his name, but Mom does. He's helped her get heavy stuff into the house in the past.
Left? I don't know, but again, Mom does.
What was the name of the last dog you pet? Cookie.
Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? That is very, very normal for me.
What is the temperature in your city right now? At this moment my weather app says 47*F.
Ever had to get any stitches? At least twice.
The most recent staircase you went down, what did it lead to? Ashley has a good few steps leading up to her house's door.
Which major body of water do you live by? We live like, not quite two hours from the Atlantic Ocean.
Who is the last person that you took a picture with? My nieces and nephew.
What is your state most famous for? I just looked it up and there's not a real clear answer, but I know being "first in flight" is definitely one. Our mountains are also very loved and are where you're gonna find the most tourists here.
Have you ever witnessed a tornado? No and I positively NEVER want to, from ANY distance, because my heart will 200% drop out my ass.
Have you ever driven an electric car? No.
Do you live in an area that is prone to tornadoes? Not especially, but tornado watches aren't all that rare at the right time of year. It's pretty rare a tornado actually drops down, though.
What five words best describe your mother’s personality? Selfless, caretaker, resilient, extremely strong, and protective.
During thunderstorms, how does your pet react? Cookie doesn't like thunder very much and will sometimes shake. Roman doesn't care, but he'll sometimes look out the window to watch the rain. Venus is of course entirely unaffected.
Do you like egg nog? No, it's really gross imo.
Do you like croutons in your salad? No.
When you were little, did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney, or Nickelodeon more? Disney.
If you have siblings, when was the last time you saw them? I saw Ash yesterday because Mom and I watched the kids, and I last saw Nicole less than a week ago when she was grabbing stuff to move into her new house and have dinner here.
Throughout a typical week, which places are you likely to go? Wal-Mart is pretty much a given, usually Walgreens I think, and maybe somewhere for food. It's pretty common that I'll have SOME sort of doctor appointment, too.
How often do you use your webcam, if you even have one that is? I don't use it.
Name a song that reminds you of an ex? "The Mortician's Daughter" by Black Veil Brides.
Do moths freak you out? No, I love them, especially bigger ones. I kinda want a lunar moth tattoo at some point.
Are all of your friends virgins? I am extremely doubtful I have any virgin friends.
How many piercings do you have? Six currently. I think I'm going to use some of my Christmas money for an industrial ear cartilage piercing.
Have you ever had a panic attack? More than I can count/remember. They're one of the worst things I think a human can experience.
Have your parents ever smoked pot? Dad has; he's done way worse than that, before he and Mom had kids. I don't think Mom has ever mentioned doing it.
Do you think your last ex deserves to die? No.
Do you own more than one cell phone? Not that I actually use; I have an old iPhone stored somewhere with lots of old pictures, but I really should just get rid of it...
Have you ever been asked out? By Aaron, Juan, Jason, Tyler, and Girt (the first time we dated). I do remember there was a kid in elementary school, 4th grade, who asked me out obsessively, but I don't remember his name. Uhhhh I honestly feel like there were other guys who played very little parts in my life, too, but I might be wrong. MAYBE Joel did, but I don't think so.
Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Yeah, zero shame.
If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want? I hate Girt's last name and I still want it, lol. I'm not even going to hyphenate, pretty sure.
How many keys are on your key chain? Just one, to my house.
If you were given a canvas and watercolors, what would you paint? I actually plan on drawing/painting something to give Girt on Valentine's: a happy-looking male meerkat with an orange aura to represent a bright, vibrant personality, and he's gonna be smiling or nuzzling a female meerkat colored teal to recall sadness, but his orange aura is pushing her blue one away. They're contrasting colors and teal is also his favorite color, so I think he'd really like it.
What is your favorite thing about the beach? Watching the water and how powerful and mesmerizing it is.
What was your favorite meal growing up? Spaghetti.
What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? Mike's Hard Lemonade.
What is your favorite shade of yellow? Light shades, like the ones that make you think of Easter.
Do you currently have a hickey? Uh it's either gone or very very close to gone, I'd have to go to a mirror and I don't care to.
On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day? How old were they? My friend Baylee's birthday was yesterday. She's just a bit younger than me; I don't feel like double-checking how old she turned.
Is your best friend in a relationship? With me, yes. If you don't include my boyfriend, I don't really think I have a truly best friend.
What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? It was "Whore" by In This Moment, and no, not really.
What’s the age difference between your parents? Either one or two years. I THINK one, but I might be wrong.
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andsheloved · 3 years
11 and 9 for the ‘ ways to say i love you’ with loki? if you can’t do both just 11 would he fine <33
oh my, my anonymous friend, my heart, i literally am just. in love with this actually. i do hope i did this request some justice, this is kind of inspired by that one scene in aladdin where he's talking about jasmine and it's very cute so yeah :) but anyways, happy valentines day my dear!! mwauh!!
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pairing ~ loki x gn!reader
word count ~ 1k
prompts ~ #11: flirting with you even though you two are already together + #9: they tell their friends about you nonstop
warnings ~ fluff!!, loki is in love, i am a sap, (what's new)
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There was a small part of him wanted to scold himself for indulging his brother so generously tonight. He knew hat he would surely regret all this in the morning once the sun had risen and Thor was finally awake enough to form more than two word responses, but it seemed he just couldn't bring himself to stop.
Maybe it was something about the way the moonlight reflected off the shimmering tiles that adorned the columns as they walked aimlessly through the corridors, or maybe it was how the soft music from the party had begun to sound like it was from a faded dream the farther they walked.
Or maybe it wasn't either of those things.
Maybe it was simply you that was so intoxicating.
Thor hummed in response to his ramblings, and Loki had to stifle the scoff of disbelief that threatened to escape him. He couldn't count the number of times Thor had bored him to tears with talks of Midgard and humans and Jane, reducing him to nothing but a looped recording of hums and grunts, and now look at him.
"Their smile..." He sighed wistfully, "Well, I don't believe I've seen anything brighter."
He could hear a sort of exasperated, unintelligible mumble from Thor, though Loki was too ecstatic to press him further on what he had said.
"I've traveled... Far too much probably, we've both lived countless lifetimes, I just don't believe I've seen beauty, true beauty, until them."
"Never thought I'd hear you saying that." Thor grumbled, not bothering to hide his third exaggerated yawn for the night.
Loki smiled, and for the first time in a while, it didn't feel wicked. His smile didn't aim to frighten or mock, it felt real. It felt like a breath of fresh air, to smile without any ounce of trickery. He wondered what his younger self would think of him now.
You did that to him, you made him wonder where his old self had gone, not that he really minded.
With you, he felt new, like an old stack of books that some compassionate bookworm finally decided to blow the dust off of.
His old, damaged and faded pages, although read and ripped countless times, they suddenly felt repaired. Even if some of the pages remained stained, if some of the corners still remained creased from ages of abuse, for the first time in his desolate existence, he finally felt that someone would still cherish them regardless.
"I'm surprised you even brought them here." His brother's voice broke him from his own thoughts, "I'm surprised you're even here."
Loki hummed, "You'd do better than to believe I'm anything but surprises."
A sudden thought fell to the forefront of his mind. He recalled that one night you had gone through all the effort of decorating your apartment for his birthday, disregarding all of his protests on how his birthday wasn't anything to be celebrated.
It was late when he finally managed to escape the tower, he hadn't even expected you to be awake, yet there you were, perched on a kitchen stool, green and gold streamers hanging from the ceiling, with a single, chocolate cupcake sitting on the counter.
"Happy birthday" You whispered, your voice thick with fatigue as you smiled lazily.
He remembered how quickly he paused in his tracks, staying silent and deathly still for an embarrassing amount of time, trying to commit each detail of the scene before him.
Even after all his insisting and brooding, he couldn't smother the blooming heat that crept from his neck and onto his cheeks.
It was probably selfish of him, but in all of his years in living in the palace, it seemed that he never had a single celebration to himself, even his own birthday. Thor would never fail to bring the largest, most extravagant gift, and he supposed he should have been grateful for his brother's sliver of kindness, but it was hard to see past how all of the villagers instantly turned to fawn over him, doting on him for his immeasurable compassion.
This, though. Your radiant, sleepy smile and tired eyes glinting in the glow of the single candle placed within the cupcake. This, was all for him.
As much as he despised him on some days, Loki sometimes underestimated how well Thor knew him, a fact he hated in moments like these, when his far-off, longing expression gave him away before he could even speak a word.
"Do you love them?" Thor asked, his smug smirk evident in his tone alone.
Of course.
The words felt heavy on his tongue as his silence burdened the air surrounding them.
In a way, he felt he had already answered that question countless times. It was in the way he held your hand while the two of you walked in the park. It was in the way he thought of you when he saw flowers in colors that matched your eyes. It was in the way he spoke your name like a whisper, as if it was some sacred, secret treasure meant for only him.
Of course, he loved you.
Though before another word could come from him, your gentle voice echoed from behind him.
"Loki!" Your voice was thin as you called to him, doing your best to jog down the endless hallway to meet them.
As soon as you reached them, without hesitation, Loki noticed how you hooked your arm in his, pulling yourself almost completely flush against his side.
"I missed you..." You mumbled, and he swore he was on the verge of melting into a puddle as you spoke.
Loki gave his brother a quick nod of farewell before responding, "The night is still young, there's plenty of time to see what other trouble we can get into..." He winked, smirking to himself when he felt how your skin grew just the slightest bit warmer as he walked you down the hallway.
"M'kinda tired" You yawned, sighing before continuing, "Could you walk me back to the room?"
His reply was only a gentle hum, and as you leaned your head on his shoulder, he hoped you could sense his answer.
Of course, I love you.
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oh wait i kind of love this idea, this made my heart so warm actually :'), i just think that lovesick loki makes me cry :') so thank you so much for this anon!! i hope you enjoyed this one!! mwauh!! have such a wonderful day/night wherever you are!!
as always, likes, comments, and reblogs are always, always appreciated!!
want more loki? check out my masterlist!!
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shrimpchip123 · 2 years
I need more info on the infinity train au! Does it work like s4 where their numbers represent the lengths they have to go through to fix their relationship and it’s all like… conjoined? Or is it more like s3 where you get two people who have been on the train for a while working through their issues (they don’t… fully do that in s3 but u know what I mean)?
Because well… Wilbur and Q have a lot more issues than just their relationship. But also it your au so u do whatever you want.
Ohhhh!!! And the numbers would be so interesting for Wilbur since I’m my head at least he already thinks of himself as the bad guy and almost a lost cause (arguably, Q’s the same way), so when given a metric that tells you how many issues you’ve worked out could motivate him or absolutely crush him
I’m so exited for this au oh my gosh!!!!!
my au is based around book 2 where cwilbur is a denizen and cq is a passenger ^__^ cq boards the train due to Self Worth Issues (exacerbated by cschlatt lol) and meets ckarlnap on the train. they team up and explore the train together and everything is going great and dandy and cqs number is going down until one day cq gets separated from them due to smth happening in one of the cars n its a situation where it's safer to leave cq than try to save him so, albeit reluctantly, they leave him which messes cq up. a Lot. his number shoots back up since he was so dependent on them for self worth that them leaving made him feel even worthless than before. so now he's back on track on his journey to get back home but all the more jaded and closed off with a shit ton of trust issues!!! after some time on his own roaming the train he encounters the theatre car where cwilbur is the "head" denizen of. in order to leave the car you have to perform a leading role in a three-act play written by wilbur and appease the audience (which are also denizens). the audience can get very violent if they aren't appeased so it's imperative that you do well. in the first act cq follows through with his lines as usual but then he's like. what if I completely changed it up so he starts improv-ing the lines and the story and wilbur's like HUH? but the audience seems to love it so he plays along. I haven't planned out the exact details yet but essentially the play turns into some kind of sappy telenovela where wilbur and q are each other's romantic endeavors LOL and since nobody's ever gone off-course before wilbur's intrigued and also Very Flustered since he's not used to all This. and it doesn't help that the passenger is Very Pretty n in the intermissions between each act wilbur subtly flirts with him and q is like ??? IS THIS DENIZEN FUCKING FLIRTING WITH ME? WHAT THE HELL and act 2 begins and they end up dancing on stage and it's very homoerotic. anyway in act 3 the audience is absolutely loving the show and in one specific scene wilbur says the line "I don't know why anyone would ever leave you." which is supposed to make sense in context of the story they're acting out but it hits cq way deeper than it should and he looks absolutely fucking devastated. wilbur is taken aback but he has to appease the audience so he leans in and kisses him so the play can end and cq feels horrible and he wants to leave Right Now. however the audience isn't too keen on letting him go because they've never been so enthralled with a play where it subverts their expectations and where they get to see wilbur less composed/flustered by the unexpected changes. they swarm him and he takes out his axe and starts fucking SWINGING and moving through the crowd forcefully and as wilbur watches him make his way towards the door he thinks to himself This is my chance to leave this car... I don't know what it's like outside because I've never seen it and I'm afraid but this could be my only chance so as the crowd is distracted by trying to grab q back inside wilbur makes a run for it and dashes out of the car right before the door closes. q doesnt notice wilbur getting out of the car & hes already on his way going through the other cars and wilbur has zero idea what he's doing or where he's going so he just ends up following q until q notices and after a while q is like Sigh. this guy is not leaving n hes like Why are you following me . and wilbur is like sweats I've been caught and then he ends up tagging along with q on his journey. then shenanigans and romance and angst ensue!!! i have a very basic outline of the story planned out so far that i didn't talk about here/there's a lot of details I left out for the sake of length and also my fingers because I'm on my phone right now... so yeah! ^u^
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
What If I Don't Want You To?
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main masterlist
REQUESTED: "Hii! I saw that you wanted people to leave kaz requests in your asks so here I am! Could you do a ff in wich the reader is a part of the crows and she's really sarcastic and flirty (similar to jesper) and she constantly flirts with kaz, (he acts like it doesn't affect him but he secretly loves it) and one day she does something especially bold that makes him blush madly and they finally admit their feelings for each other (also a lot of teasing of the crows to kaz pls) thank you so much!"
SUMMARY: reader loves to tease kaz but is scared once she realizes she might have gone too far.
WARNINGS: a mention of blood but nothing graphic
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Kaz was the most closed-off person you knew. He never revealed anything, wether it was his feelings or the details of a new plan, and it enraged you. That's why you took it upon yourself to see just how far you could push him.
Flirting with Kaz Brekker wasn't an easy task, nor was it rewarding but it sure was fun. The crows loved to see which new technique you would have used and what effect it would have had on Kaz. It was usually a simple glare; a snarky comment when you were lucky. Bets were made on his reactions and you soon became a part of it.
"What are we thinking today, Y/n?" started Jesper while walking you down to the club, "I'm betting on a smirk."
"A smirk?!" you asked surprised, "I'm not even sure Kaz can smile..."
"He can, i've seen him once. I thought i was dreaming but when i pointed it out, he glared at me. I knew it was real when he whacked me with his cane." stated Jesper, shivering at the memory. You couldn't help but laugh at his theatrics. "Why do you do it, by the way?"
You took a moment to answer, suddenly serious again.
Truth was that all the innocent flirty comments you made −comments that started out as nothing more than a pastime− soon changed something in you. They were becoming truthful, and seeing Kaz answer with nothing but a dismissive comment was not easy. Trying to evoke feelings in him, inadvertently awoke feelings in you. Feelings for your boss that you shouldn't have had.
"Do i need a reason? It's fun, why do you talk to yourself in the mirror when you think no one's watching?" you retorted, raising eyebrows in genuine question.
"First of all, you shouldn't have seen that. Second of all, you should try it, you'd feel much better afterwards." he said simply and you tried restraining the smile that inevitably made its way on your face.
You entered the club which was, as always, in full swing. Several people were already ordering at the bar all kinds of alcohol while many others were betting all their possessions at the tables. Only the dregs knew that the real bets were being placed under the tables.
"Ten that he doesn't say anything." you heard someone whispering.
You were the newest of the dregs and of the crows, but you had already earned yourself a reputation.
"Twenty that he finally kicks her out." another voice from somewhere in the club.
That one made you shiver. Would he really reach a point where he would fire you? You were a useful member, you wouldn't have made it into the crows if you weren't, but were you too much? Would he eventually get tired of you?
You walked over to your usual table with Jesper to meet Inej. Kaz wasn't there yet and you were really thinking of ending it there, no more flirting, no more jokes. This was your job, nothing else.
"What do you have for us, boss?" asked Jesper as he saw Kaz approaching.
He looked as he always does: black refined clothes clinging to him in an assortment of sharp edges, making him look even more direful to new merchants. He looked dashing the way a raging sea at night is; frightening, yet enticing. And that was wrong, you reminded yourself.
"It was a dead end." he said, sitting down.
He was in a gloomy mood, certainly for the news, and even though you knew you would have let down the whole club, you couldn't help but think of the comment you had heard moments ago.
"Twenty that he finally kicks her out."
You loved working and simply being with the crows and the possibility of being kicked out was positively frightening.
But you couldn't simply stop. Everyone would have noticed something was off, he would have noticed. And then what? He would have known you liked him.
You had to do something big, something he couldn't simply ignore. You might have been out of the dregs for good, or maybe not.
Jesper kicked your shin under the table, making you focus back on the real word and motioning at all the dregs in the club, looking expectantly at you.
Kaz and Inej were now talking about something you weren't quite getting, their voices seemed distant as you tried to forget about everyone's eyes on you. You had made it a thousand times already, you could do it once more.
"So, what are we going to do now?" asked Jesper and Kaz leaned back in his chair.
"I have some other leads we can try, but we'll have to split up." he started, the prospect of new kruge in his pockets making him incredibly more cheerful, "Jesper, Inej heard something about a particularly pricey painting in east stave, she'll bring you there and you'll learn more about it. And Y/n," he began and you perked up.
It was your moment to say something and get it over with.
"We'll go to west stave, i need your help with a lead there."
"Oh, you need me?" you said, your tone excessively teasing.
"That's what i said, but i can ask Inej." he replied drily.
You hesitated but you were not one to back down, especially not in front of one of Kaz's passive aggressive comments.
"But then you wouldn't get to stare at me longingly while i work, would you?" you said, pouting slightly.
You could have expected a retort, a glare, a not-so-nice hand gesture, but not him storming out of the club.
The entirety of the dregs was dumbfounded, Jesper and Inej, who never participated in the bets but still knew about them, were agape. You were mortified.
"Maybe," began Inej, "You should go talk to him."
"And meet my demise?" you asked.
"There must be a reason why he stormed out-"
"Yes, that he would have liked to kill me but blood stains are tough to remove." Jesper laughed but you were quite serious.
You got up either way, you had to explain yourself to him, you owed him at least that, and got out.
You found him not so far from the club's entrance, leaning on the railing over the river. You approached him unsurely.
"Kaz." he didn't turn around, so you got closer to the railing and noticed that his face, even in the night with the palest light of the street lamps, was scarlet. "I'm- i'm sorry, i will stop."
He remained silent.
"That is if you still want me in the crows, if not i'll leave tonight obviously." he turned to you, usually-perfect hair now slightly tousled, face still red and unreadable.
"Why wouldn't i?" he asked.
"I'm always teasing you and i figured you hated that. I will stop."
"What if i don't want you to?" your head perked up and he turned back towards the horizon, but a smirk crept up on his face. He didn't bother hiding it.
"So you can smile?" he rolled his eyes.
"I don't like it when people point out things i obviously do, you should have noticed back there."
Heat rushed to your face and the smile he had plastered onto his face turned into a complacent one.
"It was real? You stare at me longingly?" you asked bewildered.
He looked at you once before turning to the horizon once more, "Obviously not."
But you could sense he was lying.
"Told you he could smile, Y/n!" shouted Jesper from behind you.
You both turned around to find Jesper and Inej surrounded by the dregs and a couple of other clients too, all jostling to get a better look of the scene.
"It'll be hard for him not to, i'm afraid." joined in Inej and you bit your lip to refrain the laughter. Kaz's annoyed expression didn't help you maintaining a straight face.
"I'm not paying you to stand here doing nothing, get back inside." he ordered.
Everyone turned back inside but Jesper and Inej.
"Boss, if Y/n now gets double, just know i'm great at flirting too." stated Jesper as Kaz made his way back to the club, you in tow.
He ignored him and whacked him with his cane. Again. Jesper had now yet another lovely cane story to add to his collection.
"You'll never let him forget it, won't you?" you whispered. Jesper looked at you like a child who had just entered candy land.
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taglist - @henqtic @eunoniaa @wh0re4blaise @harmqnia @sanctimoniousslytherpuff @maybesandohnos @youreso-golden @beforeoursunsets @o-rion-sta-r @mollysolo @prettygirlkay @dlmmdl @chaoticgirl04 @badass-yn @peachybaes @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dreamcxtcherr @maybanksslut @gwlvr @aleksanderwh0r3 @alltheloztboys @miraclesoflove @s1xthirty
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persephoneyss · 3 years
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x f! Reader. Ft. Bts.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, anguish, suspense.
Summary: ❝We are doomeds, wandering in eternal suffering.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, stalking / stalking on cameras, humiliation, unspecified forced marriage, n*n-c*n explicit sexual relations (on the reader), abuse of power, implicit murder, drug use, kidnapping, hitting, manipulation, dating previous trauma, alcoholism and depression (in Yoongi), accusations of infidelity, dub-con (in Yoongi's case), the reader is in school but is of legal age, death threats, really strange facts. Possibly this would qualify as dark fantasy since everything is so unrealistic.
Number of words: 10,000+
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︙Author's note: *sighs* This is the longest fic I've ever written, and I honestly don't know how it turned out because I didn't read it twice like I always do before publishing it. But my beautiful baby helped me correct, I hope you enjoy it and please read the warnings well, I do not want lawsuits. Thanks for being here!
(Sorry for any mistakes, my first language is not English and I am not fluent either.)
Puedes leer este fic y más aquí en español.
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If they ever had to ask the reality of events it would be ... Unbelievable. Thinking of how just a simple action changes everything in an already established and perfect environment.
A life.
Your minutes, hours and days were the same under your criteria and eyesight, you study in the mornings, you work in the afternoons and you attend to your homework at night. It was a good routine that used to be repetitive at times, it was fun to follow, even more so in your part-time job.
You could meet many people working in one of the best cafes in the city, your classmate insisted too many times that you work with her saying that could recommend you and you should not even pass a test, they would only accept you for her.
It was a good opportunity and you accepted it with a smile, although she was long gone from work, you were still grateful for the good salary and health insurance that they gave you every month.
"An American coffee with a spoon of sugar and a green tea cake with cream on top." Your mouth and hand move in sync, the client nods silently. You smile, pointing out other details before asking what name you would give the order.
With a sigh, he name came out like a gust of light wind. "Min... Min Yoongi."
You write his name on the screen, the little receipt paper comes out of the machine. You hand it to him by brushing his hand with yours, strangely cold and pale. A chill runs through you but you ignore it, continuing with your work.
"Good Morning _____!" One of the employees greets you kindly, you correspond still concentrated on serving the mysterious stranger's coffee. "Do you have a request for me?"
"Oh, uh... Yeah, this is for table four."
Yun smiles taking the tray with Yoongi's coffee and cake, arriving at his table. The man's expression can be dazzled even under his black mask that covers half of his face, his eyes look for you before colliding with you. YYou refuse to play along, continuing with your work, you had a lot to do and wasting time flirting wouldn't really help you make money.
However, it became pointless trying to ignore him when he kept coming back day after day. Week after week. Tormenting your head, Yoongi was not the first nor the last handsome man you would see coming often, your work establishment was literally in a strategic area and not cheap, you knew that many men and women with money frequented them to drink a coffee or eat some delicacy, even sometimes they only came in to sit for a few hours attending to their affairs over the phone.
It was fine, it was comfortable. You weren't expecting too much, sitting behind a counter, always having to fake a smile despite being tired.
Perhaps it was the constant visits that led you to start a conversation with him. You had about an hour of rest, you prefer to spend those few moments sitting in front of the window of the premises eating any cake that was a few days before expiring to avoid paying for consumption, you felt comfortable in that place that seemed so far from all the other clients.
Until his voice interrupted once, he seemed as calm as ever. His gaze lost from you elsewhere avoiding making contact with you, nervous apparently. His rough and austere tone was changed to a bolder and lower one, asking if he could sit next to you for a few minutes.
"Sure, sit down... he's not busy." It was your answer without having any problem in sharing your place so secret, so comfortable. It was still just as safe even with him present.
And in much the same way, everything became a silent routine. You heeded his order, you took your rest next to him and then you both left at one point. The talks became more common, he being the first to ask about such insignificant things as the rise in the market in the country and how prices should start to rise in coffee as well.
You laughed, you really did it by getting his attention and sharing your reaction.
They both started laughing at how strange it all started, and it was always the perfect anecdote to tell their friends about how they met.
Everything was perfect, like a painting by a great artist, what you would see would be beautiful and cheerful colors, adorning both of you possibly holding hands with a smile and a loving expression from the man who was now your partner. Her pale skin and angelic face represented on beautiful thin paper, presented to the world as a painting that reflected a symbol of love between two souls met in a casual cafe and who wanted each other so much. Too much.
Yoongi was the clear representation of an ethereal person, casual and elegant, polite and kind, protective but not possessive. Simply to the target.
Your routine didn't change much after starting your relationship, you kept walking to your school in the mornings, you attended the cafeteria in the afternoons and you rested at night. Perhaps the only significant thing that you would get out of your boring schedule was your boyfriend's proposal about moving with him to the house of his best friend, almost a brother as he described it, and avoiding paying for your little apartment. You had made one and a thousand excuses, making Yoongi shut them all up.
"Jin is my brother, he would never take advantage of us. I already mentioned the proposal, about you... I have been living there for a few weeks, I assure you that you will be like family."
Your face relaxed for a few seconds, you had abandoned that feeling and sensation long ago since you moved from your home in your native country. Your mother used to call you every night but little by little that habit was lost, she also had her own problems and being aware of you as if you were a child was ridiculous.
"It's fine." It was your final decision, nervously you moved your hands in the air explaining what you would not accept.
Do not invade your privacy.
You had spent days thinking about how to introduce yourself to them, because apparently there would be more than just Jin, Yoongi and you in that house. Your things were scattered in boxes, you stood in the middle of the almost empty room still nervous about meeting new people and friends of your boyfriend.
That they were now family. Literally family.
The moving truck was parked in front of a large house, it had two stories and an incredibly large garden. More like a forest than an ordinary garden, you got out of the car trying to clean your clothes as much as possible and look presentable. Although it was difficult when your whole body was covered in dust after lifting the boxes.
"I'm not ready, Yoon." You say, containing your anxiety that vibrates to the surface of the skin within you.
Her hand gently brushed your cheek, giving you a bit of reassurance. "You look beautiful, they will accept you anyway." Her lips came up to yours, giving you a quick and soft kiss. "I just remember that I love you, and I know all my brothers will too because you are perfect."
You thanked the little compliment in a whisper, the door of the house opened just after the two of them left, you automatically showed a friendly smile approaching the first person to leave. He was a tall and rather handsome man, he seemed very well dressed to be indoors on a Sunday, more like he was going out to an important business meeting. He looked flawless and elegant.
"The suit was not necessary, Nam!" Shouted your boyfriend behind you mocking, the man laughed showing all the charm of him to your eyes.
"I'm Namjoon, Yoongi's friend. Nice to meet you... _____, right?"
"Yes, it's me. Sorry to see me so disastrous, it was a tiring day with the move."
Namjoon seemed like a very nice and incredibly understanding guy, his presence made you want to meet your boyfriend's other friends. You opened the door entering the house after Yoongi asked you to find your room to start carrying the other things, Namjoon stayed behind to help him, leaving you alone on your unknown route. You walk all over the place and you are surprised that you only walked through the living room, your eyes straying to a noise in the kitchen.
You ignore it, continuing your way up, you read every name on the doors. Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. All written brilliantly on each different door, you walk a few steps to one that says your name and you thank it with a sigh.
You weren't surprised by how big it was, everything inside that place seemed to be exorbitant and out of the ordinary.
"Oh, it must be you." You are surprised to hear a voice behind you, you turn around in fear before remaining calm. You recognized her face from a photo Yoongi had on her phone.
"Jimin?" You ask with fear of being wrong.
"It's me, it's nice to finally meet you. Jin-hyung said you're moving in a few days, I didn't think it would be so soon." His voice seemed to be calm but there was a hidden question. Why? Why were you there?
You take a few uncomfortable steps back. "It really was, but ... I thought it would be better to do it today that I don't have classes, plus Yoongi doesn't work this day and it seemed like the right thing to do. I'm sorry if bother you."
"No you don't. it's okay, Welcome." With that one simple word he left.
You thought you would have a longer talk with him but you weren't expecting too much, they didn't even know each other and you plan to chat with him like they were old acquaintances. Well, naive.
It seemed strange to you that no one else showed up in the whole house, even when you were uploading the last boxes of the move no one seemed to be a little curious to meet you. Aside from the already friendly Namjoon and the reserved Jimin.
"Yoon" You get his attention, he smiles at you taking the sheets out of your suitcase and making your makeshift bed ready for the night. "Do your friends work today?"
"I guess so, they really don't spend a lot of time together or at home." Explain without noticing your downcast face. You nod, putting the issue aside and concentrating your eyes on arranging your clothes. "Hey... Okay, you can meet them all at dinner today."
Your chest clenches in anguish, "Dinner?!"
"Yes, darling. It's the only time they meet all day, when Jin-hyung cooks for us especially on days like these where we have pleasant surprises."
You purse your lips annoyed, Yoongi smiles kissing your forehead so carefully and lovingly that it melts your senses. The mere presence of him made you want to continue with him forever, you relax for a few seconds hugging his body in silence. They both stay like this, with nothing to say but telling each other everything at the same time.
The thought of ever letting go scares you.
You wait several hours, still sitting in the same place where Yoongi left you. You should be presentable for dinner, you take a quick shower before running to change into a nice comfortable dress, you try not to overdo it but also not show disinterest. From the stairs you hear everyone's mixed voices, chatting animatedly.
"Honey, come here." Yoongi watches you, being the only one to notice that you were peeking in the shadows still unsure of interrupting.
You say hello by walking a few steps until you reach your boyfriend's side, you present yourself the best you can. Everyone falls silent, Namjoon smiles at you just like he did before. Jin interrupts the moment where no one seemed to have anything to say about you, or if he wants to want to introduce himself.
"Today we have a special guest, the dear girlfriend of our brother. I introduce myself, I am Jin the official cook of this family." His body bends down with an exaggeratedly long bow, proud of his words. Jimin rolls his eyes, while his other siblings just choose to tease. "On Yoongi's orders we made her favorite dish, so I don't want any complaints of any kind about the food. I'm looking at you Jungkook."
You are surprised how well everything is going, you feel praised when your favorite food is in front of you. She looked just as elegant, as if you were eating in a five-star restaurant and at a luxurious table with silk tablecloths.
Jungkook still stayed away from the talks, preferring to eat quietly and fiddle with his phone. Hoseok was more animated, asking about you and exaggerating anecdotes that happened with his childhood friends. He moved you that he will still remember all that after years. Namjoon vaguely drew your attention with book recommendations when you commented on your love of reading, Jin quietly continued eating in complete tranquility, Jimin thanked the food and just left.
Taehyung... He seemed interesting to you, he was looking at you all the time with narrowed eyes and when Jimin got up and walked away, he followed closely with a small and almost hidden smile.
You had a strange feeling inside what they called home.
"I-I... I need to use the bathroom." You say goodbye by wiping your lips with a napkin before quickly walking behind them both. Something attracted you to want to know more, as if they were leaving clues knowing that curiosity killed the cat and that you wanted to be the one.
Your steps were quiet, even more so when you tried not to be noticed . You went upstairs listening to their voices whispering and then... An obscene moan was clearly heard, Jimin seemed to laugh in the air.
Your hands shook thinking of opening the door and seeing what was happening. And without knowing it, you had fallen into the same network of attraction as them.
You curse yourself biting your tongue and cheek until they bleed, sure that you were going to make a big and heavy mistake. Minutes later you are going down the stairs back to the table but no one is waiting for you anymore, the table was just as spotless and clean. You are pleasantly surprised to learn that they don't treat you like a guest and that they don't wait too long for you. Maybe they had things to do, however you feel a chill when silence comes.
Where were?
You look around the yard, but no one is outside. Neither in the kitchen and less in the room where you had already walked twice. You catch the sound of drums in your ears rumbling loudly, you close your eyes in a daze for a few seconds until in an instant it goes away, and then everything comes back to itself. You hear their voices upstairs, chatting animatedly for the second time.
"Where were you sweetie? Are you okay?"
You nod still confused. How did they... When was that... You were really fine? You refuse to fall into paranoia and lie down next to Yoongi, as they continue their conversation with each other. Your head keeps spinning with the fresh memories you have, but they seem to disappear second by second and it scares you, you open your eyes without wanting to fall asleep yet but it is as difficult as breathing.
You fall into the dark abyss of sleep, feeling the same chill.
Your gaze is lost in the gray sky, you are cold and your body is swaying. Your eyes move restlessly observing that you are under the snow and a person holds you in his arms through the forest, walking at a slow and safe pace.
It's fine. Are you okay.
Wake up. Yoongi greets you from the door of your now room, you try to regulate your breathing thinking that he would notice your overwhelmed state and he would worry, but no. He is as calm as ever, relaxed even.
"Good morning beautiful, it's time for breakfast. Jin-hyung made your favorite." And with that last sentence she is shifting away, closing the door behind he.
You go down the stairs ready to go, your backpack resting on your shoulder. The table is just as full as at dinner, Jimin seemed very tired trying not to fall asleep, you watch him for a few seconds before looking at Taehyung who ignores you taking his cup of ... Coffee. You approach making him recoil alarmed and disgusted, you check the cup realizing that it is the same recipe that you use in the cafeteria.
Like them?
You look up noticing that, you were uncomfortable, Taehyung takes a few steps away from your body almost leaning against his, still sitting in his chair. You apologize to him making me sigh irritated, still ashamed you apologize again without eating or serving anything, just leaving through the front door.
Your journey is reflective. You forget, dream and recognize, that was the pattern you were following, everything seemed so strange and deep down gloomy, you feel the already casual chill running through your entire body almost like a warning.
Your seat in class was empty waiting, ready for you. Ari greets you, being your table companion and friend.
"Hey, intense night?" She jokes, you look shaking his head. She laughs pointing your neck. "You have... something there."
She frowns even more confused, her face leaves her smile aside and she starts looking at her things until she takes out a small mirror and she hands it to you. You look with horror at a large red bruise painting on your skin, it seemed painful but you had not even noticed or felt it. You touch it still scared and nothing, it doesn't hurt or it seems real.
You take a deep breath before lying with silly chatter, "I had an accident, but I'm fine. I had forgotten I was there, it was nothing serious."
Ari seems worried but in the end she forgets it by returning to the same kind and joking attitude of her, but her gaze drops from second by second to your neck making you cover yourself uncomfortable. Who? It can't be Yoongi, he was always very calm in that regard. You think terrified, your hand goes up to touch it and this time you manage to feel a sharp pain.
You have to cover it with the collar of your shirt so that no customer will notice it and avoid staining the reputation of the cafeteria, you smile nervously taking orders as fast as you can and avoiding looks. Yun greets you like every day, arriving at his work time. You spend hours begging for the clock to advance faster, the night sky appears and the doors close, you clear the last counter before you can finally show your neck again and breathe.
"That's a big problem." Yun whispers looking at the horrible mark, you nod with a sigh giving the same stupid excuse you told Ari. "You should use a little makeup to cover it up, I think it will help you a lot."
You think about it for a few seconds before deciding what you would do. You bow to him with a bow after he offered to close in your place and finish the remaining work for you.
You come home with a smile, you greet Namjoon who is reclining on the couch in the living room watching something on TV. You wait a few seconds but you do not receive a small or accidental look, you approach a few steps to repeat it again but you only get him to get up and go upstairs closing the door of his room apparently with a door slam. What the hell? You think covering your face with your hands looking for some comfort.
Everything was happening inside you, it was like a whirlpool sweeping away your sanity. Were you going crazy? Or you were just thinking a lot about nothing.
You try to draw a picture of your situation, but the only thing that repeats is the constant painting of Yoongi and you together.
"Yoongi!" You say to yourself with a smile, you drop your backpack running towards his room, wanting to see him after such a day.
Your hopes fade like air, everything within the space him screams 'he', but he is not there. You check the safe time that he should be home at that moment. You hear Jin's voice screaming from below about dinner ready, you sigh losing your appetite at those moments.
You lie on your bed checking your cell phone in case there was a message from Yoongi warning about he delay but nothing. You feel empty for some strange reason, but there was nothing different about it now.
If I had been more attentive and conscientious, you would have noticed that two more people other than Yoongi and you were missing from the table. Jin smiles sitting in his same place leaving your plate not caring without you being there with them, his smile never fades even when all his brothers are sitting silently eating and looking at your empty place so intensely that it was terrifying, he squeezes the cutlery in his hand without wanting to break the tradition in his family.
Dinners are sacred and no one should be missing. There will be no discussions or complaints, that's what the rest of the time is for.
That was what her mother said, sitting at the table in her old home containing her anger at seeing her husband so calm after having been unfaithful once more. Not on the table, not on the table.
Not on the table, honey.
Jimin opened the last bottle with a little satisfaction, poured another glass before handing it to his friend who was only glaring at the ground.
"She's not like that... I know her." Repeating the same stupid prayer for hours, Taehyung rolled his eyes trying to calm his annoyance, looking at his other friend insisting that he help him.
"Yoongi-hyung you saw it yourself, she had that... That mark. you didn't do it, maybe Tae is right and she-..."
"Not!" I scream interrupting what to him were lies. "_____ she's my girlfriend, she's not like that. I know her ... she loves me! She loves me! Do you understand?" Says exalted, holding the shirt of his friend who closed his mouth immediately, Jimin noticed that same reflection of anger in him and knew it was better to leave it for now.
Taehyung pushed the drunk Yoongi away from his side, making him release him and repeat the same phrase as in his state, he tried to believe himself.
The door to your room was opened and the smell of alcohol invaded you, making you look disgusted. You closed your eyes without wanting to see him, his body fell to the side of your bed approaching your body so slowly that the anxiety inside you doubled.
"I'm sorry..." He whispered.
His hands rested around you, giving you that warmth so familiar and comfortable in your gray days. A sob was heard while you lost yourself in your own thought, you watch it melt into your arms crying and without wanting to tell you why.
"It hurts." It's the only thing it says. But... Why?
You wake up. Just like a week ago, days had passed and it seemed like your skin kept accumulating horrible marks all over the place. You even went to consult a doctor but he only insisted that something... Or someone did them with such fury that it was incredible that a piece of skin will not be torn off by the force of his suction.
You touched the last mark that came, it was dangerously close to your crotch, you try to hide the others with makeup but they were still visible at a short distance.
You went down the stairs to see them all again, you greet with regret taking the first thing you find. Your mug had your name written on it, it was a rather curious gift from Jin after your melancholic night with Yoongi days ago, he apologized explaining that he felt bad after hearing all the sobs and apologies. For a moment you thought it was something exaggerated but he kept insisting that he felt bad about himself, not with Yoongi who was almost his brother or with you, with him.
You accepted it without wanting to show your dislike for his selfishness and narcissism, thanking him so softly that he hardly heard you.
The special drink that morning was coffee... Americano. You felt insecure to drink it, and you just put it aside.
Same recipe.
Yoongi looked at you for a few seconds before smiling fondly, and you just looked away, leaving him with a confused face as you walk out the door so quickly that he can hardly feel you.
He sighed before being drawn to Jimin's grin-adorned face, he shrugged, hinting at his silent opinion. She is not faithful to you Yoongi, why do you keep waiting for something good? Only looks at her body, her attitude and who she surrounds herself with, it is a classic of womens. You will know that she is a fox hidden under her sheepsuit, just observing her more and you never leave her.
The marks on your body, your cold attitude made him more and more suspicious and fall for Taehyung's profound words. She bit his lip, refusing to spy on your life away from him... Out of his sight.
But he really wasn't doing anything wrong, just observing. In his now dirty head, everything was valid if he could know the truth.
You did the same thing you always told him on his nights where they stayed up talking about his heavy days. You went to school, to work, and then home. Nothing changed your version.
I try to focus on your friends, there was only one girl you spent more time with in your classes and after them. He researched everything about his life, but he had nothing to worry about after learning that he had a boyfriend. He passed your work, standing outside for hours waiting to see you do something dirty or guilty, but you never seemed to move.
You just served the orders and then kindly said goodbye to the customers. He felt guilty for doing something so low to you, until he saw you.
To you.
Your smile grew when one of the workers who was your partner approached your place in the box to whisper something in your ear, you left your place following him towards the warehouse.
Anger consumed him quickly, refusing to continue standing there observing the obvious, possibly he was being irrational and he knew it but the constant insinuations of Jimin. The conversations with Taehyung, his words, his suspicions, the pleased looks from they when he fell back at his feet asking them to tell him what to do with you.
With his damn relationship.
Where were you and him. Not them. You and he.
He opened the door to your room and started going through your things like a degenerate, something must have made him sure that you were cheating on him. Something, a letter, a note, a gift from him, or a simple cheap jewel.
This was your Yoongi? You were clearly looking at another subject.
"Yoon..." You started, his eyes coldly piercing you. He looked different, he was looking at you but you didn't feel safe being so close. "What are you doing?"
"What do you think I do?" He asked how else he will not point to the obvious, for a moment you thought that even if it was, out of respect or dignity, he would try to deny it or find another explanation for his actions so offensive to you. "Where is?"
"Where is what?" You claim, starting to get angry, his eyes leave you again as he continues searching through your drawers, dropping everything to the floor with thudding noises. You get closer trying to push it away but you only get rejection. "Stop it, Yoongi."
"Not until you say so."
You freeze without knowing what he meant by the latter, you take his arm to stop him but you only receive a push that makes you back away this time scared by the force of his attack. "Enough!" You claim this time by making him look at you with his cold eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about and why you're doing this, but enough."
"Then say it..." You shout again that you don't know what he wants you to say, you even curse furiously making him come closer to support your shoulders with his hands bringing you closer to his face. "Say it damn it! Say you're cheating on me with that bastard son of a bitch!"
You feel the pain of his grip, you sob, begging him to release you but are ignored as he continues to ask you to say so. You refuse to lie, especially with something so degrading.
Jin hears the screams as he continues serving the dinner desserts, Jungkook strangely puts aside his phone for a few minutes to thank him with a small toast and a smile that was rarely seen on him.
"The dessert tonight is sweeter than usual."
Jimin raises his glass with a bright smile, Namjoon adjusts his tie tied perfectly around his neck as he sips from his glass, Hoseok laughs eating the delicious cake with enthusiasm.
Curious, a green tea cake with cream on top.
"It's a shame Yoongi-hyung misses out on dessert." Taehyung speaks pretending a pout on his lips, playing with his spoon with the cream on her plate. "It is especially exquisite today."
"Stop playing already, when will you do it? I'm looking forward to getting started." Jin snaps angrily, pushing the cake out of her sight as he drinks from her wine glass.
Jungkook laughs, turning his phone back on to continue playing as usual. "So impatient, hyung." He says he with a click of annoyance.
Jin rolls his eyes, following her gaze to Jimin who is innocently cowering in her chair. Ignoring how completely obsessed Jungkook is with his games, it really was not his business,for something his youngest friend had his parents, who were too busy with their work, they ran the largest electronics factory in the country, leaving his son in the background just giving him everything he asked for without objection. Always showing a smile when little Jungkook came before them demanding a new console or the best phone.
"It only remains to wait..." Whispering, he released a patient Hoseok. His smile as charming as ever. "For her to decide what to do and then... Plot! She fell into the wrong well."
"I hate when you describe and talk like that, but I can't expect much from a Jung... like you."
However, Hoseok never stops smiling even when anger is consuming his mind causing him to clench his fists under the table and bite his tongue inside his mouth, hidden by his gleaming and visible teeth. Namjoon smiles at her, knowing that she managed to provoke him but that she won't do anything to shut him up.
Jin breaks the tense silence, shushing everyone with a snap. That silence. Nobody hears anything from you or Yoongi, for a moment they feel the anguish that something bad has happened or that his friend has lost a bit ... The hand. But just seconds later you're rushing down, wearing the same clothes and your face covered in tears. You don't even look at them when you run to the door, leaving a trail of emptiness behind you.
"Hm, intense." This is Jungkook speaking, his eyes still lost on the phone screen of him playing a silly online championship. "She will be fine after hours."
"Jungkook is right, now we must move with Yoongi."
Namjoon gets up walking to your room, surprised that everything seems almost the same as it was before their fight.
He smiles when he manages to see his friend laying on the floor sobbing, and like that children's book called Pinocchio, he feels good being that cricket-shaped voice of reason. Only this time that sweet and serene voice, released one and a thousand blasphemies that would contaminate even the most devout by his beliefs.
He managed to convince Yoongi's easy to manipulate mind, blurting out words almost like a song. Playing with the naive self of hes that still lived and breathes inside him.
You had come home after days of spending with Ari and her boyfriend away from him. You really didn't want to set foot in that house again in years, a small irrational part of you believed that it was all his fault, your real problems started when you set foot in that damn place.
You open the door observing the room in the same way, empty. You try not to make yourself feel ready to go to sleep, without having been able to do it in days, but now you doubted that it would be different here.
You remain static in view of everyone, you had forgotten that at that time they were having dinner together. They only met once a day and it had to be right there.
"Good evening, sorry to interrupt." You ignoring Yoongi's gaze that, he's trying not to get too excited about your return, even though she causes he to euphoric whirl. "Carry on, I'll just go to my room."
"Please no, sit with us."
"I'm not well."
"I insist, sit with us. They were difficult days but I know they can fix it." Jin puts a plate in front of one of the empty chairs, you refuse to sit down but you do it out of compromise.
Everyone seems to be exclusively quiet, dinner was gray, like a black and white painting. Remember the first dinner, where everyone seemed to have so much to say and now that was left behind, Jungkook continues to play with his phone sometimes moving his plate by accident, without touching a single silverware with the intention of eating. Jin eats in peace, so slowly that he is strange. Namjoon reads a book in his hand, eating so cleanly that it's amazing.
Hoseok looks at you playfully from time to time, with a smile that almost makes you smile the same. Jimin and Taehyung seem to communicate silently, they both look at each other with slight grimaces and smiles.
"We can talk?" Yoongi whispers, you feel her breath next to you and instinctively you walk away scared. Still hurt by her actions and attitude, you give your vow of silence by standing up and without saying goodbye, you walk up the stairs.
"How rude." Jungkook interrupts, keeping an eye on his screen lighting up his beautiful face. "He didn't even taste the food."
Yoongi looks at Jin, her oldest friend and the one she trusted the most, seeking some advice. But just gets the same treatment as always, a look insisting that go with you and try to fix her mistake.
However, it was late. You had packed a makeshift suitcase by going down as quietly as you could, exiting through the back door like a thief or a fugitive.
You spent days thinking about your cowardly way of running away, but in the same way you felt better and even more so when you did not receive any message from him. Maybe it wasn't that important to him, it hurt but it also relieved you.
You knew it would be awkward to see him in the face again, but you should go back and get your things over with as soon as possible. You naively thought of forming a friendship, a very distant one, but in the end it would be the healthiest thing for both of you.
"______?" Asked the person who opened the door after you barely managed to ring the bell due to nerves, he was clearly confused.
"W-good morning ... Jin." You greet by taking a few steps back to get a better look at it, you had forgotten how tall it was. "Sorry to bother I just wanted to -..."
"Talk to Yoongi? I'm sorry but he's already better without you, he even met someone new." You were surprised by his austere, sour tone and trying to intimidate you. "And you better go, you are not welcome here."
"No ... No, I-I came for my things but I'm glad to know that it's better now, and that ..." The words stayed in your mouth, almost as if it hurt to admit it. "I was able to find someone, I hope we can be friends. Also with you, I'm sorry I left without explaining or saying goodbye properly."
You waited what seemed like ages for her response, and you expected more than a simple nod of the head, letting you pass without a hitch. You searched your room quickly, trying not to have any contact with any of them for now. You opened the door that had your name on it but you were scared by what you found inside, the whole room had been painted blood red, a very dark color that managed to give you such familiar chills.
"What is this? Where are my things?!" You turned around ready to go and claim but the door closed behind you with a stormy noise. You ran to try to open it but it did not move an inch, you searched the whole room for something useful to help you but it was completely empty, and alone.
You sobbed in fear, not understanding what was happening and why it seemed that the walls were getting narrower every second. You fell to the ground, trying to stay calm and without losing your goal, hours and even days passed for you, you waited to hear at least one noise but everything was so quiet that you had to avoid going crazy, you played with your hands trying to distract yourself and think positive things, you had read many books about stressful situations to know that thinking a lot about those things caused even more stress, you lie on the floor sure that a nap will calm everything down, if it was a nightmare you wanted to wake up and if not , you wanted to dream that it was.
A lock, you hear that particular noise and you wake up. You open your eyes as fast as you can lifting your body, the door was slightly open as if someone was exiting. You scream for help but it closes, you fall back into sadness and despair screaming even more for your freedom.
You didn't deserve this.
You look with regret at the delicious food they left for you, for a moment you think about going on a hunger strike but your stomach demands you not to be so stupid. The same would not change anything. Regardless of manners, you eat as fast as you can, dropping quite a bit of food on the ground in your rush.
It had an exquisite taste, and you could recognize it everywhere. It was one of your favorite dishes, you felt disgusted to compare it to your mother's food, but as magnificent as it was, it reminded you so much of her.
You wait for something to happen, but minutes go by in which you just look at nothing, letting your head fly. Thinking of a thousand things, playing with the spoon and singing in a low voice.
You feel hot from one moment to the next, your vision becomes cloudy and the door opens again. You just stay in the same place, you don't care about anything, not even how they hold you by helping you walk into another room.
"You were right, she is very calm now."
You look at him, their faces so familiar and you try to place them, but your head is flying away at that moment. You close your eyes laughing, and drifting into unconsciousness.
You wake up. You open your eyes and you are tied, you struggle with the ropes that hold your arms while the bed below you makes your body bounce. You touch the sheets realizing that they are extremely soft, you are in an unfamiliar room surrounded by scarlet red, with elegant and shimmering decorations. You try to stand up but your legs, like your hands, are tied.
And you're still quiet because of the rag in your mouth.
You fight the bindings furiously, screaming into the cloth as much as you can get sick of being locked up again.
You think of Yoongi, although at that moment it was irrelevant you wonder where she is and if she knew that she was being kidnapped in such a way, would she help you at least? Resignation covers you completely, fighting the bonds again with such force that you feel like they burn your skin every time you move.
You sob, just as he did one fall day.
Yoongi watches you from the monitor in another room, Jin is talking to Namjoon to the side while Jungkook is still sitting in a corner entertaining on her phone. Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok seem reluctant to look at each other despite facing each other.
Remember the day, the one in the past, when he met them. Jimin and Taehyung were already friends playing in one of the children's castles, with their hands pretending to be weapons as they ran around. Hoseok was sitting next to his mother, talking and apparently they had a lot to say. Namjoon did not detach from the side of his father who urged him to go up to the games, while Jin was busy collecting Flowers in a basket that his grandmother was holding.
They were all strangers and even more so he, felt out of place surrounded by so many games and away from home. His parents had freed up a whole day to spend together in a decent park, it was several hours of travel from Daegu to Seoul only for his son to play in a beautiful park surrounded by luxurious buildings.
He dropped down next to her mother, hugging her without wanting to let her go.
"Min Yoongi, we didn't take this trip just for you to sit there all day, son."
"I'm scared..." he whispered, biting her lip and hiding her face in the neck of his beloved mother.
"I see... but the games look so much fun. Run and try them, love."
He nodded still uneasy, walking over to one of the swings where he sat rocking so slowly that he seemed still. He felt hands pushing his body from behind, scared he looked at the boy behind him, he had a smile on his face and waved him with a hand.
"Sorry, I thought you needed to be pushed." He spoke and did not seem at all nervous.
"I'm fine, but thank you..." There was a momentary silence before he interrupted again. "I am Yoongi."
"Hoseok, although my mommy calls me Hobi."
He smiled, offering himself this time to push the swing, they spent minutes like this just helping each other take a walk pleasantly. He didn't even think about it when Hoseok offered to talk to Jimin and Taehyung about how they'll all play together in teams.
Now in the present, he smiled again remembering how he met Jin that same day, he had collided with him when he was running so as not to be caught by Jimin. His older friend was flushed with anger, screaming for her flowers and his dirty clothes. His grandmother teased him a bit making him deny even more, he followed Yoongi for several minutes until the chase because of her desire to hit him became a game.
They both fell to the ground tired, laughing before Hoseok introduced himself to Jin. Namjoon arrived shortly after, curious about the commotion and why he had gotten bored of sitting for so long, as he explained later. Besides that his father didn't have the best conversation starters.
He cried so much that very day when he had to go home again, promising to return soon.
"We have everything ready, are you ready?" Jin stood next to him, his eyes looked at him but he couldn't recognize his childhood friend. The same one that he offered to organize his birthday parties when his parents could not afford them, the same one that he never took advantage of his money to lower it. The one who hugged him as many times as he could when he came out of his therapies after his parents died.
Who was this man?
"Y-yes." He murmured still stunned. He got up, following in his footsteps with his head lowered.
They opened the door showing him, you were distracted biting the cloth in your mouth and trying to move your hands to free them.
Your body felt the same repetitive chill making you look at them feeling their presences so... uncomfortable.
"Enough." Jin ordered as you continued your insistent useless movement, trying to free yourself. "I'm not playing around, stop."
Me neither, idiot. You clench your teeth as much as you can at not being able to say it out loud, you stubbornly keep moving even faster than before. Your hair falls on your face from your busy tossing and you stare at him, challenging his patience and judgment.
You try not to tremble when he approaches you with intentions that deep down manage to scare you. But you continue, the bed moves as fast as you do until his hand falls against your cheek causing a gasp to come out of your gagged mouth.
"Hyung!" Yoongi claims holding her hand to prevent her from trying to hit you again, you feel the particular burning on your right cheek and the tears growing back in your eyes. "Please, no blows. That was not what we agreed on."
Jimin cleared his throat, a satisfied smile on his face, "We never specified anything, actually... Yoongi-hyung."
"Jimin is right, you never specified any kind of restriction for her and us." Namjoon clarified making you look at them confused, it was as if they were talking in terms of employment or contract.
But you had never signed anything.
"B-but they can't do that, they'll never accomplish anything if they force her." He tried to persuade him but Jungkook sighed, dropping his phone to the ground and then stepping on it like it was worthless. "She will just hate them."
"She will do it anyway, if we let her off her or try to convince her to stick with sweet words she won't think twice and she will run away ready to report us for kidnapping."
"In addition to the damages that she suffered here." Namjoon continued to condemn Jungkook, uplifting her surname and her family's status.
"You are in this with us or against us, there is still a free place in the basement for you with chains just as heavy."
Again, the same chill ran through you causing you to cringe in your place. These men were insane, they were capable of betraying each other, and worse, they could possibly also consider shooting themselves in the back when they weren't looking at each other. All for you, as if you were some kind of prize for winning and owning.
After moments that seemed eternal, Taehyung was releasing your mouth as you began to complain about what they were doing, how they dared and demanding freedom.
Really a classic, so much so that it was witty and hilarious that you said it literally.
They forced you to kneel on the ground with your hands on your legs still perfectly tied. More questions filled your mouth not knowing what they were planning, all you could do was look at them so scared it was adorable.
"Uh... Well... I guess one should go first." Jin says, taking a few steps away from your crouched figure.
Jimin stepped forward, standing in front of you causing you to look up from your spot below him.
"What are you doing?" You ask weakly, you try to drag yourself away when his hand struggles with his pants to remove it but Jin holds you in place. Getting on his knees to speak into your ear softly.
"You better take a breath instead of trying to run away, honey. I thought you were smarter... hm?" He laughs mocking your scared face, you refuse to open your eyes and mouth making him stop laughing in annoyance.
Jimin sighs taking your face in his hands so roughly that they will surely leave a purple mark on your skin. He was still dressed, I was hoping I could humiliate you more and then fuck your mouth until you suffocate while his hyung explains everything to you. How it all started, his obsession, his plan, they had planned everything so perfect that it was terrifying, everything monopolized on one board.
Soon as soon as possible you will just be a cute housewife and you will forget your life before that day. Not for nothing did they have a closet full of cheerful and homely outfits ready for you, they wanted to destroy you and then put you back together just to serve them.
You would be his wife, of everyone.
"Come on, little bitch..." Jimin started, reaching over to kiss you on the lips even though you refused to do so. You really no longer had a vote or a word of objection in his plans. "Open your eyes darling, you don't want a stray bullet to land in your mother's skull, do you?" He threatened making you obey even more scared than before.
"P-please don't hurt my mother!" You sob, clasping your tied hands in supplication.
"Oh, we won't.... yet." He whispered kissing your lips one last time before imposing himself on your kneeling body. Her cock came out of her pants, stroked a few times before guiding it to your lips. Your stomach contracted, and you pulled your face away as far as you could before Hoseok held you by the hair tightly pulling you close again. "Take it, baby. Everything will be fine if you just obey."
"I hate them, they disgust me" You whisper before Jin forced you to open your mouth making you take it, you fight for a few seconds but her hips are already moving making you choke and gasp. His moans are so loud they make you squirm but his hands hold your head close to him.
"I told you you'll take a breath, but you're a dumb whore." His breath is hitting your neck directly, your skin crawling trying to distract you from anything other than Jimin's cock in your throat causing you to gag and vomit. "I bet you're wondering why, what did you do, and nothing really. Or if Yoongi!"
You do not look at your boyfriend before, you only focus on Jin who smiles, caressing your body with his hands, almost exceeding your limits. However, what did it matter if he did it, there was nothing you could do for yourself.
"You were only here, I think we all loved you from the first moment we saw you. We spent many nights wondering what was special about you, many of us had dated women before but you... You were so different, you had something that attracted us and it made us go crazy. " His hands squeezed your breasts causing you to gasp on Jimin's cock who moaned with pleasure, continuing his steady and hard rhythm. "Taehyung got involved in the matter. "
Jimin smirked when your eyes went up to him, your eyes showing how angry and helpless you felt. And it was exquisite.
"I bet you didn't know about your beloved boyfriend's background,locked up in a rehab center for alcoholics for two years. Three years taking therapy for his depression after the tragic death of his parents, quite strong actually." His words had such a strong past but from his mouth they came out as if it were not so important. Something common for him. "I'm surprised he loved you so much and didn't tell you."
You cried unable to turn your face to look at him, deep down you wanted to put Yoongi aside and not hate him for this. But it seemed almost impossible when he was there, doing nothing, so calm that it was unreal that he had ever looked at you directly and declared his love to you over and over again. For months.
"He really was fine for a while until we decided to make him fall again, one drink after another... First trust him, then question their relationship and finally make them argue." A laugh left his lips, it was almost uncomfortable that he was the only one doing it. Everyone else was so quiet just watching. "But I can't give myself all the credit, let me introduce ourselves well, my dear."
Jimin walked away from you letting you breathe again, you had almost forgotten that he had been doing that act against you. Your tied hands help you hold off the ground by not being able to breathe properly, you feel so weak that you are about to pass out but you refuse to look weak in front of them.
"Kim Seokjin, son of the best chefs in the country and heir owner of thousands of five-star restaurants, inside and outside the country." His body crouched down, making an extremely long bow. Namjoon stood next to him, with the same smile from the day he met you. "Kim Namjoon, the only and adored son of the best lawyers and mayoral candidates, future presidents if occasion permits." There was a strange tone behind his voice, with a knowing wink. "I thought you can guess what Hoseok's parents do, but I'll tell you just in case. Great psychiatrists recognized for their countless achievements outside and within the country, having a tradition from generation to generation, capable of manipulating even the cleverest mind like yours."
Hosoek smiled at you, but this time his smile showed malice and pride. All that time you were surrounded by people who wielded a certain power and influence, oblivious to the fact that they could ever use it against you.
"Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung... Maybe you heard about their surnames on the news two years ago? Families specialized in medicine, their knowledge dazzles science and biology. Before allies and now both surnames are enemies competing for the market, but who would say that their children would meet secretly and use their same knowledge to retain a precise treasure." His hand stroked your hair causing you to recoil angrily, with a grimace of disgust and resignation. "Well... Finally Jungkook, son of the best technology creators in the country. Capable of creating anything, millionaires obviously, like everyone. Faithful lovers and devoted to he son, giving him everything he wants. " He stopped for a moment and then brought his hand to your ear taking out one of your earrings, you looked at him confused before he opened it showing a tiny device that lit up. "Even creating a more than wonderful device, a tracker of the smallest size."
You opened your mouth completely petrified, looking at each and every one of them. Most of them had a firm and conceited posture, but your eyes only looked at him.
"Were you in on this?" You ask by moving your body slightly, Yoongi only remains silent, avoiding looking at you at all costs, even if it is out of mercy you demand a simple word. "Speak! Tell me! Tell me!" You scream completely out of control, letting out all your frustration and anger with him, just him. It's all his fault. "Tell me now! To finally be able to completely hate them all... Please tell me, I just want to stop inventing and fooling my head trying to justify why you are standing there doing nothing for me" You sob almost exhausted, " Without helping me, when before you said you love me."
His eyes meet yours a few seconds before Jungkook chimed in, completely certain that you were trying to play your manipulation cards to get rid of them. Funny, they had done the same to catch you, their hyung could sometimes be so... credulous. That it was ironic that she was older than him.
"Good enough talk for today." He demanded, causing you to hide your head again in fear. You were so scared, even with the pain in your cheek and jaw from being forced by Jimin, you would never give up on them.
Your mouth felt dry, you couldn't remember the last time you drank water alone. As if they could read your thoughts, Taehyung appeared with a tray with a glass of water and a purple pill.
"Take that away from me." You scream when he tries to put the pill in your mouth, backing up as far as your bound legs will allow.
He sighs bored, as if he doesn't have the patience to deal with it, "If you want water you'll have to do this."
"What is it?" You ask almost breathless from the lack of water in your body, he smiles before bringing the pill to his face to look at it rolling it on his finger.
"Hm... Vitamins." Respond after hesitating. "Everything you need in one compact little pill. It was an invention by Jimin and me, we were hoping you would be the first to try it."
A few seconds ago you remember hearing about the reputations of both families, they were specialists who probably passed that knowledge on to their children. If they knew what they were doing with them, they would be shocked. Your reasoning tells you no, to throw it away and try to run away but your head and body can't take it anymore, they demand water and a rest.
"I-it's okay." You accept, removing the pill and the glass of water from the tray angrily. You put the pill in first, then the water so hard your mouth hurts from the force.
You return the glass silently, eyeing him suspiciously before sitting back down and walking a few inches away. You wait for everyone to do something, but they stay so still as dolls that it scares you, everything about them and their attitudes was creepy.
I wish you had noticed earlier.
And now you feel it, it was not pain, nor anxiety. I was just calm, the noises seem to decrease and your vision does not blur but you feel so relaxed that you do not seem to be affected by any drugs. You could feel it all, but you didn't care.
It was relaxing but you weren't far this time, you remember the previous scenes. When you ate the food they gave you, it was similar but as if it had been modified so that you can remain docile and obedient, but at the same time you know what they are doing.
Your body falls on the bed, you don't even try to get up. Your brain isn't thinking about that, it just gets distracted by the decorations around it, but it clearly perceives one of them nearby. Namjoon is behind your body lying face down, half is on the bed and your legs are still kneeling on the floor. You feel his kisses so desperate on your neck, his hands touching your breasts and stomach trying to lower himself further, anxious not to wait to fuck you as he always wanted and should have been.
You do not fight when his legs open yours with force and speed, you just stand still, thinking with your head glued to the soft sheets of the bed, deep down you can slightly feel your desire to push him and push him away furiously, you want to do it but not you do. You feel so confused that you sob into the sheets in released frustration.
"I thought I heard from you, that her wouldn't refuse anything with his stupid pill." Jin whispers, disgusted seeing you struggle with yourself in search of reason.
"I don't see her deny it." Jimin retorts, crossing his arms with a small victorious smile.
Yoongi stands aside, not wanting to accept this but likewise, like you, does nothing to avoid it while Namjoon sinks deep inside you causing you to writhe overwhelmed and let out a groan of pain, your mouth opens to complain and probably ask him to stop, but he instantly closes again only releasing more gasps and squeals.
They spend minutes with all eyes on you, taking the cock of her friend who abuses your sore pussy from overstimulation, this time you are crying and begging for mercy to stop. Even in your unconsciousness you continue to feel all the pain and also the pleasure that is now almost non-existent.
"S-stop!" You cry between gasps of exhaustion, your hands had been released by Jungkook seconds ago so that you can hold on properly. However, you only use them to try to ward off Namjoon who is holding you against the bed by slamming his body against yours with obscene noises. The bed squirms like you, colliding with the wall in sync.
"A little more baby... Just a little more... And I'll fill you with my cum, so fucking tight. You like that, hm?" Her breath very close to your cheek makes you react, you squeeze your eyes almost suffering from your next inevitable orgasm. You scream making everyone watch you fascinated by how your face contracts with pleasure and pain, you try to walk away when the moment of ecstasy recedes, but he continues to fuck you bareback hard, selfishly chasing the release of him against you.
You spent hours repeating the same routine, sometimes sometimes even more hours than you can remember or count.. Your body was completely covered with bruises and marks not only made by them manually, you had discovered in the worst way that Hoseok had a great fetish to make small cuts to any animal or person that had skin and that glistening blood came out of those wounds, red as hell and as sweet as ambrosia.
A delicacy, truly a true delicacy blessed by God.
Jin could not stop laughing at your overwhelmed face, sometimes he would sit next to you while your body was fucked uncontrollably, watching your face move on the sheets with the constant and hard movements of his friends.
"Do you enjoy it, you dirty bitch?" You knew he was making fun of it, not only because it denigrated your dignity, but also because you couldn't answer correctly and the only thing that moved was your head up and down from the thrusts. As if you were affirming his disgusting words. "You like it right?" And again. "I bet you will enjoy it every day from now on, do you want to marry us, little bitch? Be ours forever, that we fuck you every damn day like that, that we also fill you up that you would get pregnant, you would have our children , and you would gladly. Do you accept _______?"
You did not want to know where he managed to get your last name, nor your full name and less because he thought that after the effect of whatever they had given you, you would really accept being his damned wife.
But he just stands there, watching Jungkook abuse his new power against you and taunt him.
I just wanted to wait for everyone to leave, so I could hug you, heal you, and ask for forgiveness.
He couldn't save you if he was chained to the basement like they threatened to do. He was afraid of his own friends, who looked at him madly when hours before he thought of withdrawing from the plan, Hoseok as charismatic as he always claimed to be able to cut his neck so easily if I took you away from them.
Now, they were doomeds.
The painting lost its color once more.
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comorbidfascination · 3 years
Rex Flirts When He's Drunk (1/2)
full fic list here
part 2 here
The boys finally convince Rex to go drinking with them, just to have him sneak off to flirt with a bartender the whole time!
“For the last time, I am not going to 79’s with you! I have work to get done.” This was the last thing Rex said before getting dragged to 79’s by almost every trooper in the 501st battalion. He really wasn't planning on going, but there was not a person in the galaxy that could resist the combined puppy eyes of all those troopers.
It had been a while since he'd joined them, but the woman with four arms behind the bar didn't look like she was new. Maybe he had just never seen her. She had an eyebrow cocked at a man waving his empty glass at her, cleaning the bartop with one hand and serving drinks with the other three. Rex turned away when Fives called out to him, but for some reason, the woman made herself comfortable in the back of his mind.
He and the other guys took turns buying rounds, telling stories, and correcting each other when one of them got a detail wrong.
"Nah, it was on Dantooine! I know it was!"
"You're full of shit, Kix."
Rex couldn't remember when he stopped counting the drinks he'd downed, but it was definitely more than he'd meant to have. The guys' faces were blurring together, and he giggled to himself when he realized it was just as hard for him to tell them apart as it was for most people.
"Ahhh-I'm gonna get s'more." He slurred, sliding out of the booth they were crammed in. Not waiting for a reply, he stumbled over to the bar where he practically fell into a seat.
"You alright there, bud?"
It was the four-armed woman, and she was even prettier up close.
"Nah, but iss'okay. You a codru'ji?" Rex had to waste a bit of brain power pronouncing that right, and it seemed to pay off if her smile was anything to go by.
"Half, but yeah. Dad's a Devaronian, hence the horns." She pointed at the stubby points on her forehead. "Don't think I've seen you here before."
He shook his head, then dropped it into his hands when the world began to spin. "Ughhh...M'Rex."
The woman huffed a laugh. "Name's Io. And I hate to tell ya this, but you're too far gone for me to serve you anymore."
"S'okay. Jus' wanted to say hi...and that you're really pretty."
With his head still buried in his arms, he couldn't see the way Io's dark reddish-brown skin blushed a little darker.
"Thanks, but you really wanna spend your time with me? I'm afraid I ain't the most interesting character here, bud."
Rex shrugged as well as he could manage and picked his head back up to give her a dopey grin. "Says who?"
She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Says just about any story these guys would give you. I just can't compete."
He leaned his chin on his hand, still smiling like an idiot. "I've heard most of 'em. Now I wanna hear yours."
Io shook her head with a smile of her own. "Let me handle these guys, and then I'll tell you a story." She pointed to a few clones that had ambled up to the bar.
He gave her a drunken salute and watched as she moved with a grace that wouldn't normally be expected of a woman as stocky as Io, not to mention the extra arms. Every limb moved in practiced tandem, filling drinks from the taps and serving them up to each man. It was like watching a droid work, but with more fluid motions than any mechanical being. Rex didn't realize that he was staring until she walked back over and waved a hand in front of his face.
"Hi, Io."
"Hey mister. What kinda story you wanna hear?"
"Hmmm...somethin' from when you were a kid. I like those ones 'cause I don't hear 'em much."
Swallowing down any questions about the lack of a clone's childhood, she picked a random memory and began talking. It was easier as she went along, tending to patrons and watching Rex's expressions change with the story. By the time she finished, it was almost closing time.
"I like your voice."
"Yeah?" She hadn't expected that, but she supposed it was different from a lot of people on Coruscant.
"Mhmm. Kinda drawl-y. It's nice."
Io started cleaning up with three hands and patted his hand with the other. "Thanks, sweetheart. You got any friends I can help you find?"
"I don't wanna go back, I wanna stay with you." He laced his fingers with hers and held the back of her hand against his cheek.
She sighed, not knowing who to look for. "Sorry honey, but you gotta get home and I gotta close up shop here."
"No." He pouted, nuzzling her hand with his cheek. "It's not home anyways."
Hearing him say that hurt, but knowing she couldn't really help hurt more. "Honey, look at me." It took him a second, but he managed. "I'll give you my number and we can talk later, but right now we need to find your friends, okay?"
Rex pouted even harder, but he did tell her a couple names she could shout for over the slowly fading background noise. Soon enough, Echo and Fives were there to prop him up between them and help him out of the bar. Just when they were getting through the door, Rex grabbed the frame and called out, "I can see you again, right?"
Io laughed to herself and called back, "Yeah honey, you better!"
The boys around him whistled and teased, but Rex wouldn't give a damn until he was hungover the next day.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 3 years
Unraveling in the Sheets
Genre: Fan Fiction
Pairing: Henry Cavill/OFC
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content, NSFW
Rating: M
Length: Short Story
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.
A/N: Spoiler Alert, there is smut. Be warned. It's there.
Also, I am no longer doing tags on posts. Since my list exceeds the tag limit. Please feel free to join the chat in place of the tag list.
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Henry Cavill Master List
“How did you do it though?” Gliding the car into a free parking space, Henry glanced at Nell in the passenger's seat.
“How did I do what?” Eyeing him curiously, she tried to hide her gloating smile. She could be a terrible winner, even if she wasn't the winner, she had came ahead of Henry.
“You know what I mean, Nelly.”
He looked so silly, his new mustache curling when he laughed or smiled. Nell had to admit, if any man could wear the 'stache Henry did it well.
“Oh, you mean how did I suddenly leave your ass behind and finish nearly 50 positions ahead?” She laughed, crinkling her nose. “I told you, I've been working hard for this. Besides, you're too big. You move slower than I do. It's that simple. Maybe next year, you will finish ahead of me.”
“You're impossible.” Unbuckling his seat belt, Henry hurried to get out of the car and around to the other side, before Nell could open her own door. Nearly there, he frowned when she opened the door, stepping out of the Aston Martin. “You were supposed to let me open that.”
“I am supposed to do a lot of things that I do not.” Nell grabbed her hand bag. “I'll let you open the door, next time. You big dork.”
Henry was always the gentleman, even when Nell would rather rip his eyes out than speak to him in a civil manner. Not that she ever felt the former much, but on the rare occasion. Sometimes that's how things went for ex-lovers. The mid May air was growing cool, leaving a few goosebumps on Nell's exposed arms. She had expected to be back before now, which is why she'd left her sweater in the hotel.
“Well, happy late birthday. It was nice having dinner with your family. I've missed them.”
“They've missed you, too. I could tell that dad was happy you came along. He hasn't talked that much during a dinner since the last time you came over.” Henry smiled fondly. "I'm glad that you came, Nelly." Hands in his pockets, Henry sauntered along beside Nell. Approaching the main entrance, he held the door allowing her to enter. 
When he'd invited her for the weekend, he wasn't confident that she would come. Wrapped up in work, Nell didn't take too much time away from Dublin these days.
"It was a nice break from work." Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, Nell bit her bottom lip. "I know that you are busy, but do you have a few minutes to talk?"
"I always have time to talk with you." Scanning the hotel lobby, Henry tried to find a spot for them to sit and chat privately. "Should we have a seat at the bar?"
"We could, but I would really like to change. Do you mind coming up with me? We can just talk in the room. It's probably more comfortable anyway."
"Is this about the wild boy?"
"Isn't it always?" 
Laughing, Henry pushed the call button for the elevator. Their son was truly something else. One day he would surely take over the world; Henry could see that coming from the day he was born.  To say Ivan was Henry's pride and joy would be a massive understatement. He lived for their son. This weekend having Ivan, and Nell, in Jersey had been fantastic. A short glimpse of what life could have been. The ding of the elevator brought Henry back from his brief fantasy.
He and Nell had split up several years ago, there wasn't much chance she would feel the same as he did. Lost in the thoughts of happy little family. Allowing Nell to step onto the elevator first, Henry stood silently with his hands clasped in front of him.
“So, Ivan has been doing well in school?” He may as well get this under way.
“Define doing well,” Nell snickered. “I get a call nearly every day from his teacher. The woman is impossible, but knowing our son, he isn't making it easy for her.”
“I was like that in school. Right up until the day I left.” Henry shrugged. The elevator gently bumping to a stop, he stepped forward to hold the door for Nell.
Muttering a thank you, Nell dug for her key card, leading the way down the hall. She loved this hotel, it was the only one she stayed in, if she could help it, while visiting the Island. A great view of the water on one side, the other dazzling with a fantastic look out into the city. The first time she'd ever been to Jersey, she had stayed in the hotel and fell in love with the charm. There were days when that felt like a life time ago.
Opening the door, Nell paused to allow Henry in. “Have a seat. Anywhere you'd like. Sorry it's kind of a mess. I'm going to change.”
The hotel room was anything but a mess, minus the few sketch books that Nell had dropped on the bed. Always working. Henry took a seat on the edge of the king sized bed, casually glancing at the colour coded notes and designs that Nell had in one of the open sketch books. Costumes. A few notes detailed leather armor and Viking era clothing. She'd done well for herself, since he'd met her. The same shy costume apprentice hiding out on set of The Tudors, was now helping drive forward the details of Vikings.
In the bathroom, Nell pulled off her dress. The fabric had became clingy after a while and she needed to be more relaxed. Running shorts and a tshirt would do the trick. Sighing at her reflection, she bit her bottom lip glancing down at her top. The worn coral Nike tshirt was her favourite, it was showing the love and wear in a few spots. Perhaps she should have picked something less frumpy? She was a busy, single mom she didn't have to look the part. Ah fuck, who cared. Henry certainly wouldn't.
He was here to discuss their son, not flirt with her until she gave in to that smile. Or got lost in his eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes – the left with the flecks of brown. His charm alone was enough to make anyone weak in the knees. Damn it, she needed to get over it. He had moved on. She needed to do the same.
Blowing out a breath, Nell reached for the door, pausing when she heard Henry talking. His tone told her that he was speaking to Ivan. Quietly slipping out of the bathroom, she smiled.
“Hold on, just a sec.” He pushed the screen of his phone, allowing the speaker to connect. “Alright, wild boy. Say goodnight to your mum.”
“Mum, momma, mum.” Ivan's voice filled the room. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Ivan. Are you being a good boy?”
“Uh huh. I love you. Good night.”
“Good night, wild boy. I love you.”
“Night dad.”
“Good night, I love you. I'm going to be back soon, you go to bed and I will see you first thing in the morning.”
“Okay. Oh, dad, can Kal sleep in my room tonight?” Ivan was fond of the large black and white American Akita. Henry laughed.
“Of course he can. You and Kal go to bed, now.”
“Okay, bye.” A little too quickly, Ivan hung up the phone. Henry laughed at the eagerness, he would talk to his mother when he got back to the house. Making sure that Ivan and his dog had gone to bed as they were told, with no fuss.
"Can you believe he is growing this fast? My god where has that time gone?" Henry rubbed his hands against his face. His mustache and subtle stubble scratching his palms. 
"Time is a cruel mistress." Rubbing her hands on her shorts, Nell stood. "Drink? I have a bottle of Johnnie Walker." 
"Of course you do." Smirking, Henry shifted on the side of the bed. “I had a look at some of these designs, by the way. They're magnificent. My god, Nell, you are so talented.”
“You're saying that to be nice,”
Shaking his head, Henry accepted the glass, resting it on his knee. “No, I am saying it because its true. You are one of the most talented costumers that I had ever met. Are you enjoying the job?”
“I love it.” Nell smiled, leaning against the large wooden desk in the corner. “The work is great, the people are amazing, and Ivan is really enjoying it. I'm glad we went.”
“Good, that's good. He talks about it, a lot. He really seems to love being there. I'm glad. Once things settle, I am going to try and come visit. I kind of miss it, Dublin.”
“You should.” She smiled fighting the urge to scoff and roll her eyes. Henry was always busy. He'd make it to Dublin, when Hell froze over. “So, how is work coming on this new character.”
“I can't say much, but I can say that I will be happy when I can shave.” He rubbed the mustache expertly. “It's not as bad as some of the beards that I've had to grow, but it's not my favourite look.”
“You look good with a beard. I know you hate them, but you do.”
Leaning forward to set his glass on the bedside table, Henry licked the whiskey off of his lips. “I'm glad to have that compliment.”
“Sure.” Nell nodded, tipping her glass to finish the drink. “Another?”
“Uh, I'm good.” Henry motioned to his glass. Rubbing his hands across his jeans, he furrowed his brow. “I've been thinking, since I am fairly busy the next few months, what if I keep Ivan for a few extra days? Once you leave, I will take him back to London with me, until I have to go.”
Shifting on the bed, her face warm from the second glass of whiskey, Nell sniffled and cleared her throat. “What about school?”
“What about it? He isn't going to miss much, is he? They're nearly finished up and I don't know how long it will be, until I see him. Possibly not until Christmas.”
All he wanted was to spend a little time with his son, was that so hard? His next move would have to be calculated, Nell had been known to stat arguments over less. If Henry wanted to avoid a shouting match, he would have to go about this carefully. Reaching for his glass, he downed the remaining contents in one large gulp. Sighing.
“I want to hang out with him a little. It wouldn't be more than three days extra. Then you get some time alone, as well. Nell, I know that you need a bit of a break. You work so hard and take care of Ivan, please.”
“If you want to, then I suppose I can't really say no. What kind of mother would I be, if I didn't let you see him?”
“Don't say things like that, please.” Henry reached out, his hand taking hers. Gently stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. “You are a wonderful mum. You know that.”
“Sometimes, I feel like I could do better. I really do.” Nell shrugged, allowing Henry to continue holding her hand.
“All parents feel that way, I am sure. I know that I feel like that, all the time. I guess it's natural, always wanting to do better, to be better, for our children.”
There he went again. There were times when Nell could not stand to be near him, other times she wanted to be as close as possible. Damn it. Watching him talk about Ivan and the few extras days they would be together, Henry's eyes lit up. His smile broad and the enthusiasm in his voice was one that dictated proud father. Nell nodded, only because she felt it was appropriate to the conversation.
Henry continued to chatter about how he wanted to take Ivan to a new exhibit at the Natural History Museum, in London. Leave it to the father and son, finding a day at the museum to be high on the list of fun. Nell sighed, continuing to half listen, half gaze at Henry in awe. One thing she loved – well love could be a strong word – adored? Enjoyed? About Henry was how much he loved Ivan.
Mid sentence about some Sir David Attenborough documentary that he'd watched with Ivan; Nell couldn't help it any longer. Leaning in, without warning, she grabbed Henry's face turning it to her and kissing him. Lips connecting, she stopped and jumped back as if hit by an electric shock.
Clearing his throat, Henry rubbed the back of his neck, but not pulling back. “I didn't know that the National Geographic was that exciting.”
“I'm sorry.” Hiding her face in her hands, Nell shook her head. Oh that had been a mistake. She had absolutely no right. None. Henry was crazy, if he didn't get up right now and walk out. If he was angry, then she deserved that.
Blushing, Nell shook her head. “Henry, I shouldn't have.”
“I'm certainly not going to complain.” He shrugged, leaning in his arm sliding around her shoulder. Nell glanced up, getting the nerves to look at him. Oh she had fucked up. “Next time, I would like some warning though.”
“Warning? Next time?”
“Hmm, yes. Kind of like this, close your eyes.” Henry instructed pulling her closer and kissing her. Nell sighed her body melting against him. She loved the way his lips felt on hers. Soft, with a slight force.
Straddling his waist, her arms wrapped around his neck, Nell's fingers laced together. Her lips leaving his, tracing along his jaw, nearing the sweet spot below his ear. A slight nip and he was an unraveling mess. Henry nuzzled his face into her hair, she smelled amazing. Comforting and warm. A groan erupted from deep in his throat, as predicted she had gone straight for that spot.
“Nell, Nell,” Henry cleared his throat, holding her at arm's length, “Janelle, stop.” Looking for any sort of sign that she truly felt that this wasn't a good idea, he sucked in a breath. “Are you sure about this? Because if we continue, I won't stop until...”
“I am.” She nodded firmly, “I don't want you to stop. I don't want to stop. Oh god, Henry. Please.”
“I need to know that you truly, absolutely want to do this.”
“If you don't stop talking and bend me over, I am going to kick you out and do this myself. Please, stop talking. If I didn't want this, I wouldn't have started it.”
A deep rumbling laugh followed, Henry rolled his eyes. God, she was something else. Who was he to deny a gorgeous woman what she wanted? Would this come back to haunt him? Probably. Did he care? Not much. Come morning they would once again go their separate ways, but that didn't matter right now. Right now, he could pretend that he had everything he wanted. And what he wanted was her.
Pulling her to him, Henry kissed her hard. Nell moaned, the force of the kiss was nearly dizzying. Arms around his neck, she rubbed her body against his, trying to grasp the friction that was created when she started to grind herself against his thighs.
“Hold on, you need patience.” He brushed a bit of hair out of her face, “all in good time.”
Nell squealed when he stood, her legs desperately scrambling to hold onto him. In a futile attempt she huffed, when he let her go, standing in front of him pouting. Unbuttoning his shirt, Henry smirked giving her a heated stare. “Well, are you going to get on the bed or make me do all the work? Shorts off.”
Sliding the mesh shorts down her ass and along her legs, Nell made a bit of a show letting them pool at her feet. Stepping out, as slowly as possible, while lifting the old tshirt from her body. Allowing it to go where it would, as she dropped it. Sitting back on the bed, she could feel her heart in her throat and her stomach where her heart should be.
“Lie back.” Henry instructed, kneeling at the edge of the bed. Arms around her thighs, guiding her to him, he studied her for a moment. She was trembling as his fingers slid across her thighs, positioning her in just the right way.
“Oh god, Hen-Henry.” Nell's mouth was suddenly dry and her voice hoarse. His hot breath between her legs was tormenting her, in unimaginable ways. In anticipation she bucked her hips forward, trying to clench her thighs. Holding her knees with his shoulders, Henry chuckled.
“You are...” He lingered, kissing the inside of her leg. “Gorgeous. Look at you.” He brushed his thumb against her. Nell whimpered trying to push further. “Hold on, hold on.”
“Why are you teasing me?”
“Because I want to enjoy the view, for a moment.” He shrugged, her legs lifting gently. A hand on her lower abdomen, as if holding her in place, he used the other to gently tease and trace along her calf. Without warning, his lips attached to the most sensitive part of her body with his mustache adding an extra sensation, Nell bucked her hips hard, shoving his face further between her thighs.
Nell's head was swimming, it had been a while since she'd felt this good from such an act. Sure, she'd had the odd date here and there, semi-serious relationships, but nobody could do this the way Henry could. He was a fucking magician, she was certain of it. Humming against her mound, Henry couldn't hide the laughter in his eyes, when she began to squirm and wiggle against his face. She was desperate and he was going to prolong this as much as he could.
Sucking her clit, his tongue generously lapping at her, he thoroughly enjoyed the show. Pushing his head as far down as she could, Nell was nearly in tears each time he leaned in, his mustache tickling in just the right way. Oh god, she gasped trying hard to find release. Henry was cunning, backing off at the right moments.
“Henry,” She whined, threading her fingers through his hair. “Don't tease me, I really need you to finish.”
“Stop being so impatient.” He was teasingly stern. Pushing her hands away, he locked his fingers with hers, holding them at her side. Lifting his head, he smirked, kissing up her body ending with another dizzying kiss. Nell sucked on his tongue, freeing her hands from his, she tugged him closer, pulling at fistfuls of hair.
Cleaning herself from his tongue and lips, she sighed. “I'm going to need more than that.”
“You're sure?” Henry paused, holding his weight on his forearms, resting above her. His jeans still on, he could feel the strain against the denim.
“Jeans, off.” She demanded, sitting up to watch. Shivering against the slight chill, her breasts on display giving him the perfect view of her erect nipples. Nell blushed under his gaze. She was not the tight, toned, and perky body she once was. She wasn't out of shape, by any means, but compared to Henry...
“You are gorgeous.” Henry complimented, his jeans on the floor, boxers being pushed down to join them. Stepping out of his pants, he stood at the side of the bed, in all his glory.
Nell licked her lips, reaching out to take him in her hand. Hissing under her touch, Henry involuntarily bucked his hips forward into her hand. Rubbing the head, Nell intently watched Henry while she leaned in taking him fully in her mouth.
“Fuck, Nelly.”
“Hmm,” She hummed, sliding her head back along his length. Hand wrapped around him, stroking in place of her mouth. Bobbing her head back down, she swirled her tongue around the base. He nearly choked her the first time she'd ever gone down on him. Oh how long ago that felt.
Dragging her tongue against his length, she felt her core tighten, with each moan Henry gave. His slight salty taste mixed with the aftertaste of the Johnnie Walker, Nell inhaled deeply through her nose, hollowing her cheeks around him. Gripping the back of her head, Henry tried to not force her too hard, as he began to guide her movement.
Happy to go along with what he needed to feel good, Nell allowed him control over her guidance. Her finger nails grazing the back of his thighs, she mentally checked the small victory when he threw his hips forward at the sensation of her wrapped around him and her nails on his skin.
“Good girl,” Henry mumbled, his head lulling back, his chest rising rapidly. “Keep it up, just like that. Oh shit,”
Nell's chest swelled a little, she could still make him feel good, even after all of this time apart. That was not something she would take lightly, even if this shouldn't be happening. Oh fuck, who cared? They were two consenting adults. Henry's legs quivered, his hands unsteady stroking the back of her head.
“Hmm?” She glanced up at him. His face soft and his jaw slack, she could feel him tightening. The perfect time to stop her actions. “Not yet,” She smirked, wiping her hand across her chin, drool gone. “Fair is fair.”
“Jesus,” Henry grumbled. He had been so fucking close, the knot in the pit of his stomach clenched Slowing his breathing, he took a moment to think of anything else. Laundry? Running? How much longer until he had to renew his passport?
“Yeah?” He snapped his head to look at Nell.
“Are we going to stand here all night, or...” She shrugged, a devious smirk on her face. Laying back on the bed, she curled her finger beckoning him to her.
“You're still sure about this?” Henry asked. His eyes on her, waiting to see if she had any hint of doubt or hesitation.
“I don't have a condom, but I'm clean. It's not like I'm getting pregnant, so....” If she were to get pregnant, there was going to be on hell of a hefty lawsuit against that surgeon.
“You're sure? I know that I'm...but I don't have.”
“if you don't want to, then I understand.”
“I do, though, but...”
Nell shook her head. “No buts. If you want me, then I'm yours.”
“Fuck, you're making this hard.”
Giggling, Nell glance down. “I think we're beyond things being hard.”
His body betraying him, Henry cleared his throat, she certainly had a point. Fuck it. What did they have to lose? Unless this, some how, came back to bite them. No, no he had to stop that. Give in, enjoy what was happening. It had been too long since he'd been able to watch her in such bliss. Bliss that he was responsible for.
“You're sure?”
Nell nodded siting up, opening her arms, “Come here.”
On the edge of the bed, Henry sighed, his large frame leaning into her. Nell held him for a moment, stroking his hair, the feel of his warmth against her sent shivers through her spine. Pushing him back on the bed, she bit her bottom lip, waiting for the go ahead. Henry gave her a slight nod, adjusting himself on the bed to get comfortable. Straddling his hips, Nell lifted herself to slowly take him.
Sheathing him inch by inch, Nell groaned at the fullness. This was her favourite part, taking him to the end, feeling him stretch her. Rocking her hips forward, she countered the motion sliding them back in the same tantalizing pace. Henry held her hips, pushing his up to meet her. Nell squeaked and giggled. She loved the way he hit all the right spots.
“You can touch me, don't be shy.” Nell winked, lifting her arms and crossing them above her head, allowing him a full view of her breasts. “Go on.” She encouraged.
His large hands cupping her breasts, Henry softly rolled her hardening nipples between his fingers, giving on a slight flick when she moved herself up on his length. Close to letting him slide out, she moved back down, her ass grinding against him.
The way her body moved against his was mesmerizing. Massaging her supple skin, from her breasts down her sides, one hand settling on her ass and the other on her hip. Henry loved the shape, even if she had changed a little since having Ivan. God she was stunning.
Hastening her pace, Nell rocked back and forth, up and down. Henry closed his eyes feeling every bit of movement, each clench. Taking in the sounds of her breathing, mixed with his, her small moans not going unnoticed.
“Henry,” She whispered, biting her bottom lip, leaning forward to touch her lips against his. “Please,”
Without having to be asked twice, he moved swiftly, turning them over to pin her beneath him. Nell sighed and stretched her arms over her head, the pull of her muscles caused another shiver. Her head now against the pillow, she reached, tracing the lines of his face with her fingertip.
“I don't know that I can be as slow as you were.” Henry nipped her finger. Holding back on his desire to pound her into the bed.
“Then don't.” Nell batted her eye lashes at him.
Somehow that was all he needed, that tiny bit of permission. Picking up the pace, Henry grunted. Nell moaned drawing her knees upward, allowing him an even better vantage to this position. As if the pent up emotions from the last few years, hours, minutes had been released the couple were lost in the sensation of skin on skin. The feeling of sparks and electricity coursing through them. Connecting them.
“Fuck, Janelle.” Henry hissed, his arm locked into position on either side of her head, keeping him from tumbling on top of her.
“Henry,” She squealed splaying her hands against his chest, tugging at the soft hairs. “Oh god. Please, don't stop. My god, oh fuck.”
“You are fucking amazing. Fuck, look at you.” Kissing her roughly, he sighed, steadying his pace. His hips slapping hers, Nell shook slightly her soft sobs of pleasure were enough to send him to an end.
Shaking with pleasure, Nell gasped trying to bring herself down from the high. Henry moaned, his head back and chest heaving. It had been a while since he had felt that good. Nell laid with her legs hooked around his thighs, no desire to move. Collapsing with his head on her chest, Henry allowed his body to rest. Sweaty and sticky, they laid tangled together. Neither one wanting to break the feeling.
Dosing in and out, Nell was the first to move. Her body growing heavy with Henry still on top of her. She needed to move, before seizing up. Pushing his head to the side, she giggled and kissed the tip of her nose when he lazily looked up.
“I need to pee,”
“Hmph.” Henry nodded, slowly rolling over. Allowing her to escape. Laying flat on the bed, while she scurried off to the bathroom, Henry pushed himself up off of the bed. He should be getting back to his parents, back to Ivan.
All thoughts of moving were squashed, when Nell came back, climbing in beside him. Her clothes still on the floor. Her body was comforting against his. “Hi,” she whispered, sliding in under his arm.
“Nell?” Henry laid with his arm around her shoulder.
“Huh?” Nell grunted, her face buried in his chest.
“I should head back.”
“If you want to. You can stay, I don't mind.” Nell yawned. Her eyes closing.
“Okay, but only for a little while.” Henry agreed, closing his eyes. In a few minutes, he would get up, shower, and head back.
With a start, Henry woke, a loud banging noise rattling him. Looking around the dark room, he squinted to find the source of the noise. Hearing someone whispering at a distance, Henry laid in bed, listening. Against him, Nell stirred, but didn't wake. Someone in the hall was talking, no doubt they had been the source of the banging. He had fell asleep, Nell wrapped against him.
Looking at his watch, Henry frowned. 4am. If he left right now, he could be back before anybody woke. If he left now, he risked Kal barking and waking the house. If he waited, he would risk walking in and having to explain himself to one or more person. Of course he could tell them that he'd ran into some old friends, had some drinks and stayed on a sofa somewhere. Too drunk to drive.
Shifting in bed, Nell sighed, her arm around his waist she snuggled in closer. She was content, who was Henry to try and disturb her sleep? He would wait an hour or two, before he made his departure. So what if he waltzed in, being faced by one of his brothers, or even his mother. He was an adult, if he wanted to stay out all night enjoying the company of a fantastic woman, then he would do just that.
Kissing the top of Nell's head, Henry smiled, sinking down further into the covers, closing his eyes.
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clonecyare · 3 years
✨ requests are open ✨
I've decided to reopen requests for a while.
Taking 3 types of request this time;
Readers choice
Dialogue prompts
Tropes and au prompts
To see the details and the lists, check blow them cut!
Let me know your chose character. I'll currently write for: all clone characters, Boba Fett, Din Djarin & Maul
Let me know if it's a dialogue or trope/au prompt
With the tropes, feel free to add any other details or ideas you think would work with it!
If you want spice or no spice or a combo etc, let me know
Below you'll find a list of the prompts
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Readers choice
Got an idea or a headcanon you want to see come to life? Got a quote for me to work with?
Submit an idea of your own for me to work with - just let me know the idea/hc/prompt and the clone/character in question!
Dialogue prompts
“You are so stupid… I love you”
“Sorry for bothering you.”
“I’ve got you”
“Why are you awake at 3AM?”
“I want to dance with you.”
“I can’t believe you’re mine”
"I could make you happy."
“I just wanna be left alone"
"Did you just say you’re in love with me?”
“I didn’t know what to do then, I don’t know what to do now.”
“You were flirting with me the entire time?”
“Can I walk you home?”
“Are those mine?”
“How come you’re sat alone?:
"Please don’t cry
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”
"I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“You started without me?”
“I don't think I can wait anymore”
“I can keep going all night.”
“Call me that again.”
“I’ll be good to you, I promise.”
“You’re so beautiful like this.”
“Bite marks look good on you”
“I’ll make forget all about him”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full."
“Have you ever done this before?”
“You are beautiful from every angle"
“Let me show you who you belong to.”
“I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than I do now.”
“I love it when you talk dirty.”
“You are/were more than just aone time thing.”
“Did you touch yourself while I was gone?”
“Come here and I’ll show you how much I missed you.”
Tropes (and AUs)
Enemies to lovers
Best friends to lovers
Only one bed
Fake dating
Near death/medbay confessions
Accidental kiss
Blind date
Forbidden love
Friends with benefits
Sex pollen
Shared body heat
Trapped together
5 times that ____ and 1 time that ____
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alirhi · 3 years
How I'd have done TFATWS pt 1
Okay, I am such a whore for positive attention that, yes, it literally only takes one person expressing interest to get me to do something lol. So, for the lovely @goblin-tea, here is how The Falcon and the Winter Soldier would have gone for Bucky if I'd been a writer on the show!
Also, shoutout to @gunshou, who popped up showing support when I was in the middle of writing this lol 😘
Episode 1: New World Order
I actually love how most of this episode was handled; it's what drew me into the show in the first place, and gave me such hope for the rest of it. Most of the changes that I'd make here are pretty minor, tbh.
I'd specify the setting in some way for Bucky's nightmare. Obviously, since he was there and knows what happened, when, and where he was, it wouldn't be like the setting changes in movies where they slap a big, bold title card over the scene. Still, I'd probably open with a brief establishing shot showing the city skyline or something; some identifying feature so that viewers can work out where this happened without needing a direct statement from Marvel (note: if you need to directly address your audience to clarify something from within your story, you're a bad storyteller). What year did this take place? I show technology from the time; perhaps a dated cell phone in someone's hand. The point is to establish where and when The Winter Soldier killed RJ Nakajima, without detracting from the emotional impact of the scene. Why does it matter? Because we should know why. Why is Bucky dreaming about this particular incident? Was it his last mission before the events of CA:TWS (a theory I see frequently repeated but with no evidence to back it up)? Was it earlier on? Is RJ only on the forefront of Bucky's mind because of his (unhealthy, but we'll get to that) friendship with Yori? How long has Yori been suffering under the weight of his grief?
I would not have had him crash through the wall, btw. As cool as that shot looked, let's try to remember that The Winter Soldier was a ghost story for 70 years. Ghosts don't leave giant gaping holes in hotel walls. I'm not saying brazen wholesale destruction is out of character for him (obviously not. I've seen CA:TWS lmao. many times. this moment lives rent-free in my brain:
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found on google without credit; pls lmk if it's yours so I can credit.
but you don't become a "ghost story" if you always leave that much evidence, ijs)
I'd leave the terrible therapy session alone. That scene was beautiful. Beautifully shot; I loved how claustrophobic it felt, and it really did a wonderful job of showing how Bucky felt on the spot, scrutinized, almost put on display for this bitch woman. This scene establishes Raynor as clearly wrong, and an unprofessional mess, and Bucky calls her out on it. I fucking love that!
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lmao gods, I love his painfully awkward forced smile... Guys, this episode is fkn great. (betcha weren't expecting so much praise from me, were you? 😂)
"You're free." "To do what?"
👆👆👆 In my show? That would have more of an impact on Bucky's arc. That question would be one of the underlying issues moving his whole story along. Twice in this show, he's told that he's free, but no one addresses what he's free from, much less what he's free to do next.
It's a minor thing, but when Yori tells Bucky to ask Leah out? I'd have Bucky do more than just shake his head in silent horror. Not much more, just something that matters to me as someone who's worked in the service industry for many, many years and dealt with too many creepos: Bucky would flat-out say "she's at work! that's harassment, Yori!"
Yori can still stomp right past that boundary, and Leah can still smile and agree. I just really want someone to verbally acknowledge that you don't fucking ask someone out when they're at work. Ever. Bucky cringing and apologizing puts the power of the conversation back in Leah's hands; it gives her an out to politely decline if she's not interested, and just laugh off Yori's flirting on Bucky's behalf as a senile old man being silly, so I'm actually fine with how this scene turned out. I just would personally have gone that extra inch there for the idiots in the audience who don't get Bucky's subtle "wtf" reaction and why Yori's suggestion was so bad. If someone's livelihood depends on being nice to you, keep your goddamn distance. Flirting with them or asking them out when they're at that big of a disadvantage and have virtually no power to say "no" is harassment.
Here is where I'd make one more subtle change, too. When Yori sees the mochi and is reminded of his son, and tells Bucky about his death, I'd just slip in a time frame. "x years ago, my son was..." blah. (Guys, it really bothers me not knowing when that scene took place rofl can you tell?)
One complaint I've seen a lot online about this show is how it's a bit murky on just how well known Bucky is in-universe. He can walk around Brooklyn with more or less total anonymity, but he's also recognized as "an Avenger" (when he was never actually technically in the group)... but honestly? I think it's actually pretty realistic. Just because someone's famous doesn't mean every single person on the planet knows who they are and what they look like well enough to instantly recognize them on the street. People look different in photos than in person, and pre-Blip, Bucky had the complete Jesus look - long flowing hair and a full beard. In TFATWS he's a little scruffy, but not this:
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Sebastian looks like about 10 different men from one moment to the next just irl with a change in haircut, lighting, expression, whether or not he got enough sleep the night before... 😂 I don't really find it hard to believe that people not expecting to bump into an Avenger would have trouble seeing Bucky post-haircut as anything other than just another attractive white guy.
Anyway! Sorry for the segue lol. On to the date!
Earlier in this very same goddamn episode, it is established that Bucky can remotely operate a car with a tablet. This is not a technologically-inept geezer. This is a 30-something nerd who loves new technology, who, yes, is facing a brave new world and a whole lot of new technology, but has never shown any issue picking it up. The crappy flip phone he handed Raynor earlier? a burner to keep her out of what little personal life he does have (we never see it again in the real show, anyway). The "tiger photos" line? Stays, not to show Bucky's floundering ineptitude with technology, but as a little nod to his bisexuality. (don't like it? don't wanna see Bucky as bi? go watch the show and read Skogland's borderline-offensive interviews. This isn't "how I would pander to a homophobic audience" it's "how I would have written it." the "Bucky is bi" interpretation is super fucking common and has been since TFA so bite me 😁)
Tiny nitpick, but I'd also have the Battleship boards actually set up properly lmao. What even was that? Anyway...
I don't think I'd have Leah get all ranty about Yori and RJ. That's not first date talk, for one thing. For another, let's ease up on the beating Bucky and the audience over the head with that one incident in a single episode, shall we? Instead, I'd have her stick with the date questions - she asked his age, asked about his family; I'd have her follow it with questions about what he does for a living (giving us a chance to not only actually have that question answered for us - how the hell does Bucky keep himself from being homeless? lol - but also set up...)
He shuts down a little when she starts asking about his past; she's innocently curious, just trying to get to know him, but he's flinchy and deflects with questions about her. The date is awkward, but doesn't abruptly end with him running away lol. He walks Leah home, like the old-fashioned gentleman he is, goes home, himself, and end on him grimacing in his sleep, in the clutches of another nightmare: not as much detail as the RJ murder scene, we see disjointed, disorienting images of fluorescent lights glinting off of machinery, the occasional shot of Bucky writhing in the chair, a shot of that damned notebook (to remind the dumber audience members why Raynor's passive-aggressive notebook thing was so triggering for him), and we hear echoes of a couple of the trigger words, and Bucky's screams.
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