#i don't think it was a huge deal for him like he is mature and i feel like he enjoyed it but just had to learn to do it more properly
animehideout · 8 months
So you did the JJK guys turn ons. What about their turn offs?
JJK Men Turn-Offs
a/n: Thank you anon for this request, I hope you like it ❤️
Ps: If you don't see your request posted yet it's because I'm still working on them, thank you for your understanding my loves 🫶🏻✨
Characters: Gojo Satoru / Ryomen Sukuna/ Toji Fushiguro/ Nanami Kento/ Geto Suguru/ Choso Kamo / Ino Takuma.
Check out JJK Men Turn-ons here
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Gojo Satoru: Poor Hygiene.
I see Gojo as someone who gives attention to details, to himself, his partner and in general.
He's someone that values aesthetics.
He's into self-care and likes to spend money on expensive body lotions, perfumes, nice and elegant clothes.
So poor hygiene is an immediate red flag for him, as it contradicts his preferences for cleanliness and order.
Satoru takes pride in his appearance and expects the same from people around him especially his partner.
So a partner lacking efforts in matching his level of cleanliness and appearance is a turn off for him especially with the importance he places on the way he presents himself.
Satoru believes that taking care of oneself is a form of respect for others, so for him, lack of hygiene is considered as lack consideration.
Poor hygiene disappoints him a lot and would definitely distance himself.
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Ryomen Sukuna: Inability to satisfy his sexual desires.
Driven by his desires and lust, once his partner screws up, it's over.
He has a dominant and assertive nature, wanting everything to go as he wishes.
He has high expectations and puts big emphasis on his sex life.
So his partner's / love interest's inability to satisfy his desires or refuse to do some wild crazy shit that he wants, would frustrate him and make him angry.
Sukuna won't disappoint his partner, he's literally the best at sexually pleasing them, so it's crucial that he's equally pleased and satisfied.
If his partner fails to fulfill his needs then it might trigger his impatience, making him less tolerant.
He places big importance on mutual enjoyment, if he senses any imbalance, then he's end the relationship without hesitation.
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Toji Fushiguro: Being A Drama Queen.
Toji is a straightforward and rational man.
He values smartness and efficiency, so making excessive drama or overreactions is a major turn-off for him.
He prefers logical thinking and conflicts solving over unnecessary emotional displays .
Toji is a prudent man and sees easily through dramatic actions or words any attempted manipulation from his partner.
He prefers a partner who can handle their emotions maturely and independently without causing a fuss.
Constant drama might make him feel bored or like he's dealing with a child and not a grown up adult.
For him exaggerated reactions, nagging are a waste of time, a headache stimulator and get on his nerves.
He prefers a chill, simple and laid back partner.
Would definitely distance himself without further engaging in the the relationship/ situationship.
Would feel second hand embarrassed if his partner makes a scene.
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Nanami Kento: Arrogance.
There's a difference between being self-confident and being arrogant.
The first one is a turn-on for Nanami, the second one is an immediate turn-off.
That line that separates them "attitude" makes a huge shift in the way he perceive his partner.
He finds arrogance off-putting.
He prefers a partner who is grounded and modest; traits that align with his own reserved nature.
Being an introverted man, Nanami tends to communicate in a calm and polite manner, with an arrogant partner the balance of his communication style would be disrupted.
An arrogant partner would talk down to him, which is very demeaning.
Politeness and mutual respect are necessary for Nanami, and arrogance can come across as dismissive, he finds that unappealing.
Nanami wants a genuine connection with his partner, where both of them are sincere, caring and responsible.
And arrogance brings with it selfishness and this doesn't align with how he pictures a stable, romantic relationship with a calm and harmonious environment.
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Geto Suguru: Lack Of Ambitions And Negativity.
For a man with very big dreams, lack of ambitions is pathetic.
He wants a partner to push him forward and not bring him down with their negativity.
Geto believes in constant striving for improvement and excellence, so having a partner with no dreams would definitely get into his way and waste his time.
He pities people who are too basic and too simple and sees them as weak and burden in earth.
For him only people who are willing to make an impact on society are worth living but the purposeless ones are just a waste of oxygen.
The lack of purpose means lack of personality for him, it would make him instantly disconnected and disgusted no matter how much he would be physically attracted to that person.
Geto envisions a romantic relationship as a collaboration towards achieving mutual common goals.
So lack of ambitions and negativity would hinder the formation of thus goal-oriented relationship.
If a person isn't willing to change, push boundaries and challenge themselves, then Suguru wouldn't even bother to spend another second with them.
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Choso Kamo: Talking To Other Guys.
Choso is a loyal man with a protective nature.
He prefers quality over quantity, having a loyal partner would mean the whole world to him.
A partner who engages in unnecessary or flirty conversations with other man ( even at the beginning of the relationship) would definitely make him really sad and turn him off at the spot.
Choso appreciates a reserved partner who only has eyes on him, so a gf/bf who likes to be the center of attention of other guys and constantly talk with them would make him break up with them to protect his heart and peace.
Choso wants undivided attention, he is willing to give the world to his partner, cut off all unnecessary connections if his partner feels jealous or uncomfortable and he wants the same.
Trust is crucial for Choso, and once his partner breaks that trust then it's over.
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Ino Takuma: Dry Replies.
Ino is a man who thrives on his partner's affection and attention.
So dry replies would definitely make him sad and question hus partner's feelings towards him.
Ino likes to engage in lively conversations that flow effortlessly, from sharing how was his day to his plans for tomorrow.
So being constantly faced with replies that lack enthusiasm or effort are huge turn-off for him.
He puts too much effort in the relationship so he expects the same from his partner.
Ino appreciates a partner who expresses themselves openly, and also good listener who is willing to comfort him and tell him thay everything is gonna be alright.
And receiving cold replies would disappoint him and push him away, making him think that his partner is careless about him.
Also when sharing memes. Humor is important to Ino, so dry and dull answers would make him feel embarrassed and awkward.
He cares too much, he deserves someone who would give him the attention and care he needs.
So distancing himself from a dry partner would save him his energy and save him from overthinking.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
I do find it annoying how a lot of Zutara fans tweak the character's stories, personalities and even the timelines to suit their own needs.
Once again, there's nothing wrong with fanon and headcanons, however if looking through the lense of canon, you're objectively wrong.
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I ended up stumbling on a post from a Zutara shipper. (At this point I'm regretfully considering not following the tags for Zuko or Katara because I get way too much Zutara content lol) I'm not replying directly to her because I don't want this to turn into an argument, and I know she doesn't take criticism very well.
Ok, So let's break this down.
The character who was first out of the group to trust Zuko?
I'm quite sure this is referring to the scene in Ba Sing Se's caves. And yes, that is a very important scene. I think it's a very important scene preceeding Zuko's 'relapse'. It shows how he's matured during his time in Ba Sing Se and therefore it serves to add to our dismay when he joins Azula. I adore the fact that Zuko's journey to redemption is not linear, it certainly adds a lot to the character and shows us how his trauma affected him.
It's also a horrific moment for Katara. To have her worldview on Zuko and firebenders as a whole challenged, and then for it to go blowing up in her face. It rips open old wounds of her childhood. It refreshes her resentment of Zuko and the Fire Nation as a whole. It parallels the death of her mother when Aang dies due to Azula's lighting and she is unable to do anything about it. It places her back in that spot of helplessness. Even though she's grown up, even though she's a master waterbender, she still comes a hair's breadth to losing one of the most important people in her life.
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No wonder she hated Zuko so much after this.
It's an important moment for both characters, but I wouldn't say it is that in a romantic sense. It's a sweet, hopeful moment that then turns absolutely horrific and visceral for both parties.
I could argue that there are other characters who could be given the title of 'first to trust Zuko'. Funnily, Appa being one of them lol.
But other characters trusting Zuko dovetails nicely into the next point.
The character who emotionally connects to Zuko?
Well, technically, I'd argue that most members of the Gaang connect emotionally on one level or another with him?
But I'd argue that Aang is the person Zuko connected with the most. Aang is Zuko's parallel. Aang is the first person to reach out to Zuko. Aang is the person who showed mercy to Zuko, multiple times. Aang is the person who valued Zuko's life, the life of someone whose whole life goal is to capture him.
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This was also an incredibly important moment to Zuko. This is the thing he brings up when trying to convince the Gaang to let him join.
Zuko: Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me.
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The character Zuko feels safest letting his guard down around?
It's Mai. Love her or hate her, her relationship with Zuko is incredibly important to him. Maiko isn't my favourite Zuko ship, in full honesty. But even platonically, Mai and Zuko are one another's reprieve from their respective shitty lives.
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People often talk about Katara touching Zuko's scar while discussing healing his scar, however one could argue that she did so as a medical examination. Mai touching Zuko's scar is a casual thing, neither of them really make a big deal of it and that's the beauty of it.
I'm mainly talking out of my own personal experience, as someone with a huge amount of burn scars, but there is a world of difference between someone inspecting my scars like Katara did and simply accepting them as a part of me, like Mai does for Zuko.
With Mai, Zuko isn't the scarred banished prince, Ozai's son or Azula's brother. He's just Zuko. And they speak freely with one another, arguing like real people do. Often, being comfortable having arguments is actually a sign of being comfortable with one another.
The character who helps Zuko heal from his trauma?
Once again, this is a bit of a flawed question. By the end of the show, Zuko isn't even fully healed, in my opinion. He has made leaps and bounds on the road to recovery, but when he will truly heal if ever is yet to be seen.
Zuko's journey to recovery includes plenty of people. This includes Iroh, Aang, Song and Jin. People who show him the error of his coping mechanism. Who challenge his worldview, who coax him out of the his shell of pain and anger.
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The character known for showing most compassion to others?
Yes, Katara's compassion is a huge part of her character. Her need to help and protect those who cannot do that for themselves cannot be understated.
But Aang's compassion for others and all beings is just as great, if not greater than Katara's. Compassion and nonviolence are huge parts of his culture and his own philosophy.
Aang: Wait, we can't just leave him here. Sokka: Sure we can. Let's go. Aang :No, if we leave him he'll die. Aang airbends himself off Appa and retrieves Zuko, bringing him to Appa. Sokka: [Sarcastically.] Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us.
Friendly reminder that Aang could've absolutely wrecked Ozai, but held back because his own moral compass was so powerful. Hell, he was friendly and nice to Azula, the woman who literally killed him.
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This is why Aang and Katara work so well together. They're both incredibly compassionate people who will immediately jump in to help others in need. Like they did during the Painted Lady, destroying the factiry together.
The character who primarily bears the burden of having to step up into a parental role?
I think "parental role" is an incredibly vague term. There's a lot of things that go into a "parental role". Katara plays a stereotypically "maternal" role, while someone who plays a "paternal" one would probably be Sokka.
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Katara deals with very "homemaking" tasks like sewing and cooking, etc. And Sokka often takes on the role of leader, hunter, gatherer and also protector, despite being a nonbender.
This coincides nicely with their core childhood traumas. The loss of Katara's mother impacted her greatly, leading her to have to step up into a motherly role. While Sokka was clearly heavily traumatised by his father departing and the crushing responsibility of having to care for his entire village.
Sexism also probably played a part in this dichotomy.
The character who represses their emotions to be strong for others?
I'd argue that this could apply to all the members of the Gaang in some capacity.
Aang's pain is something most of us will never experience and cannot hope to understand. The complete horrific destruction of his culture and home followed him through the entire show. He was entitled to his grief and rage, yet he supressed it. We see during Appa's kidnapping, how easy it would be for Aang to rage, to let himself be destructive. And yet, he wakes up every day and chooses to smile and goof off, because his friends need someone to remind them how to be children.
Sokka puts on a very impressive bravado, despite having a lot of insecurities. However, as the oldest member of the Gaang (pre Zuko) he puts on a facade of the confident and unbothered older brother. Even if he's the butt of almost every joke, he still keeps that demeanour up, letting it slip only a few times.
I'd actually argue that Toph is the person whom this label fits best. While we know Toph as witty, callous and strong, we have to remember that she kept up the facade of her parents' good, helpless little blind girl for no reason other than her mother and father's comfort. She actually hides a lot of her hurt, covering it up with a prickly exterior.
I want to do longer think pieces about Toph and Katara so apologies if this isn't complete.
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I'm actually baffled by the idea of Katara repressing her emotions. She's actually quite straightforward and open about her feelings. She yells and feels a lot of emotions and lets them be heard. She gets angry and sad. She's actually kinda bitchy sometimes and that's honestly why I love her so much.
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The whole inciting incident of the show was her getting so pissed off she somehow pulls a giant iceberg from the bottom of the sea.
She is anything but repressed.
She is angry.
She's angry at the fire nation, at Sokka, at her father, at men, and with good right to be so.
This is what makes her an amazing character and one who broke the mould of a lot of female characters at the time. Her anger and unrestrained emotions rang true with a lot of watchers at the time. I'm not sure why this is being taken away from her rather than celebrated.
I reiterate the point I made at the beginning of this post: there is nothing wrong with headcanons and fanon interpretations for one's enjoyment. I do find it a bit odd when it changes a character too much (because then, why not just create an oc?) but it's all in good fun. However, you shouldn't push that onto other people and how they perceive canon and you certainly shouldn't use it to take away from other characters. It's a very unfair way of entering discourse.
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cradle-quill · 2 months
Safe and Sound, an ABDL Story by CradleQuill (Reupload)
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
You woke up in a wet bed next to your partner. You were so ashamed. You hadn't wet the bed since you were a little kid. Your cheeks burned hot as you shook your partner awake, and he looked at you with sleepy, confused eyes.
"What is it, baby?" He asked.
You couldn't meet his gaze. Each time you glanced at him for more than a millisecond, your eyes darted away and looked toward the bed in shame. He placed his hand gently beneath your chin and drew your eyes to meet his. "Baby, whatever it is, you can tell me."
That was when he noticed the wetness. You'd soaked the sheets completely, his side of the bed included. He patted the bed, feeling the dampness left by your little accident. He offered a half-smile.
"It's okay, honey," he told you. "These things happen. There's no need to be embarrassed; it's really not a big deal." You leaned into his shoulder, and he pulled you into an embrace. He was so kind, so understanding. He was always such a prince.
You both undressed the sheets together, and he threw them in the wash while you tended to the stain. You knew he was right. It was just a one-off occurrence, and these things happened sometimes. You probably had too much to drink the night before. It wasn't like it was going to happen again.
And it didn't, at least not at first. But a week went by, and then another, before you woke up with wet sheets once again. He was just as understanding as the first time, but you were even more embarrassed. And you swore you could hear a hint of concern in his voice. He probably thought there was something wrong with you. He even asked if you were having nightmares, to which you responded no, you hadn't been.
Over the following month, the bedwetting became a more and more common occurrence. At first, it was just once or twice a week. But then, slowly, it progressed to three or four times. You were waking up wet more than half the week. One day, you came home from work and found a mattress protector on the bed. Your boyfriend was kind, he didn't mention it. And you didn't either because you knew it was for the best. You really did need it.
But the bedwetting didn't stop, and the mattress protector could only help so much. You could see it on your boyfriend's face; he was growing tired of waking up to a soggy bed and a sobbing girlfriend. If he even saw you that way anymore. Lately, he hadn't wanted to be sexual with you, and you couldn't blame him. Who would want to sleep with a bedwetter?
Each night, you grew more and more depressed, knowing you'd wake up with wet sheets once again. Until one night, your boyfriend stopped you as you were getting ready for bed. "Honey, we need to talk," he said. Those words struck fear in your heart and sent a sinking feeling through your chest.
You immediately began apologizing. "I'm sorry," you said. "Please, I know the bedwetting has been a huge problem. I'm sorry. I'll get it under control, I promise! Please just don't break up with me…"
He looked stunned at your sudden outburst. "Honey, nobody's breaking up with anyone, I promise." He guided you to the bed and sat you down next to him. "You're right that the bedwetting has been a problem, baby girl, but I won't leave you over it. I just need you to trust me. Can you do that for me, love?"
With tears fighting to escape your eyes, you simply nodded. He entered the closet and returned with a bright pink package of something you didn't initially recognize. Until he tore open the back and pulled out what was unmistakably a pull-up, like the ones for potty training. You couldn't keep the tears from flowing.
"I know, baby," he said. "I know it's embarrassing, but I think you need them. They'll help keep you dry. And look, these ones aren't for little kids; they're for bedwetters just like you. I promise this doesn't change how I feel about you. You just need some protection at night."
It took several minutes for the tears to subside, but you knew he was right. You needed this, and you did trust him, now more than ever. You stood up and slid down your pants and panties while he held the pull-up open at the sides. You stepped into the childish undergarment, and your boyfriend pulled it up nice and snug around your hips. At first, you felt a hot pang of shame hit your cheeks, but that sensation soon faded into something else. You felt… safe.
That evening, your boyfriend tucked you into bed and held you all throughout the night. You were the little spoon, and you felt his crotch rub up against your padded bottom. Each time it did, you felt that same pang of embarrassment wash over you as chills ran down your spine, but he didn't seem to notice. Eventually, you fell asleep.
When you woke, you immediately felt the back of your pajamas and all around your sides, but there was no wetness to be found. The pull-ups, or "Goodnites" as they were called, worked perfectly. You slipped your hand down the front of your pajamas and felt the soaked padding beneath your private parts. When you felt the padding, a jolt of electricity hit you, and your legs quivered. You were… turned on by this. There was no way you could ever admit it, but you knew it was true, no matter how much you didn't want it to be.
Quietly and slowly, so as not to wake your boyfriend, you began rubbing the padding between your legs. Little sparks of pure bliss tickled along your spine, and your mouth fell agape as you breathlessly wanted to moan. You didn't want to wake your boyfriend, but you couldn't stop. You just kept rubbing, and soon enough, you began arching your back and tensing your legs.
As you finished in your soaking wet pull-up, you looked over at him, still sleeping, unaware of how naughty and pathetic his girlfriend was behaving right next to him, all while sharing his bed, no less. He stumbled awake a few minutes later while you sat there in your shame. He found you there, still in bed, still in a puddle that was at least contained to your diaper this time.
"How did it go, sweetheart?" He asked. You looked at him with sad eyes but didn't answer. He felt around your butt and found no wetness, so without even asking, he checked the front of your pull-up with his large, stern hands. The moment he gripped the front of your diaper and gave it a good squeeze, you let out a little gasp as you heard the padding squish in his grip.
"It looks like these held up well," he said while rubbing the front of your padding. He had no idea what he was doing to you, but he was turning your brain into absolute mush. You wanted to say something, anything to make him stop. But then, when he finally did, you found yourself desperate for more. You'd already made yourself cum in your soaked pull-ups, but something ached within you to have him rub you until you arrived once again.
That was the beginning of your new, babyish routine. The few dry nights a week you had dwindled into nothing until you were soaking yourself every day. Each night, he'd help you into your pull-ups. And each morning, you'd wake before him, giving you just enough time to rub yourself in your squishy diapers. The danger of having him catch you and seeing how pathetic you truly were only turned you on more. You were losing yourself in your padding, and the worst part was you didn't want it to stop. It was consuming you, and all you wanted was to sink deeper.
The longer this went on, the more you'd wet, until your pull-ups couldn't hold all your pee anymore. Waking up in a soaked diaper and a wet bed made you feel even more like a helpless baby. And your boyfriend didn't stand for it long. Over the weeks, he'd started talking down to you like a child. So when he showed you your new thick, tape-on diapers with a silly design all over them, you couldn't even act surprised.
The thicker padding kept your sheets dry, even with your larger accidents. But they posed their own problems. Your boyfriend wasn't just helping you step into them anymore. Now, he was laying you on the bed, pulling the padding up between your legs, and taping you into your glorified baby diapers. And every time he changed you into one, you couldn't help but get wet in a different way. You knew he noticed it, but he never said anything, which confused you even more.
And with how thick these diapers were, you couldn't make yourself cum in them just by rubbing the front anymore. You would have had to slip your hand down the front. But your boyfriend taped them up so tight, and they were so crinkly, you were too afraid to try it. So each morning, you'd just sit in bed humping against your hands and not even finishing before he began stirring awake.
One day, while he was changing you into your diaper, your boyfriend stopped with your diaper still untapped. He looked at you, gazing lovingly into your eyes, and you could tell he wanted to say something. "What is it?" You asked.
"Honey," he said, taking a second to pause, as if to carefully consider his words. "I've noticed that your diapers… turn you on." There was no hint of judgment in his eyes, but the shame washed over you all the same. You hid your face in your hands and started crying as he hushed you and cooed at you.
"Baby, baby, it's okay. I don't mind it. I think it's kind of cute, honestly."
"Y-you do?" You managed to squeak out between sobs and sniffles.
He nodded. "Don't get me wrong, I didn't know what to make of it at first. I caught you rubbing them a few times, but I pretended to sleep through it. But lately, I've seen the way you hump your diapers in the mornings, and it's been turning me on, too, seeing you look so desperate like that. I never thought this would be something I was into… or that you'd be into. But here we are."
You couldn't speak. You kept asking yourself if you were in a dream as the world around you began to bob as if stuck in the current of a river. It was like you were a part of the world but distinctly separate from it at the same time. He smiled at you, seeing how desperate you were for him, how every inch of you begged him to come closer.
He left your diaper untapped and crawled into the bed and on top of you. He took the opportunity to slip inside you, and as he did, a burst of pee escaped your bladder and squirted all over him. He didn't turn away. He began thrusting repeatedly into you, and your eyes rolled almost into the back of your head. It was the best sex you'd ever had, and when he was done, he finished inside you and taped you up into your diaper. You could feel the mess he left there leaking out into the padding, along with a few more dribbles of pee.
He laid down next to you and pulled you into his arms. Every sensation in your body was euphoric. And as you stared into his eyes, they looked more soft and tender than they ever had before. "There there, baby girl. You did such a good job for Daddy, little one." The moment the words left his lips, that familiar static shock ran throughout your body, and you slipped further into a place that had been long lost to you, a headspace of complete comfort and quieted thoughts. You knew you wanted to be his little girl forever if you could, and as Daddy held you that night, you knew that the dynamic of your relationship had changed forever, but also for the better. _
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yuyanwrites · 1 year
Hello, how are you?
Could I request BSD headcannons with Sigma, Poe, Dazai or Chuuya about someone proposing to the reader in front of them!
No pressure with this, if you don't want to do it!
Betrothed to another (fluff ver.)
Dazai, Chuuya, Poe, and sigma x gn!reader (separate)
A/n: I'm indecisive so I'm doing an angsty and fluff ver. ^^
Tags: Established relationship (with character), a child has an innocent crush on reader (and "proposes" to them)
He's so childish omg
Argues with the kid
Probably snatched the two-dollar ring the child gave to you
The child would be like "(Name)! Will you marry me?" while holding up a cheap silver ring.
Meanwhile Dazai let out a loud gasp while putting his hand on his forehead like a damsel in distress. "No way! (Name) is marrying me!"
Cue their arguing
Its a back and forth really and you tried to stop their fight but you ended up giving up
You didn't want to break the kid's keart but at the same time you didn't want to deal with an overdramatic dazai
Eventually, the two come to an agreement
The agreement being whoever gets you to agree to marry them first, keeps you
Its silly and you laughed a little at this but dazai is already thinking about what ring to get you in the next week
They're just a kid he told himself
They don't even know about what love actually is
They probably just copied their parents or the disney movies they watched
But then said kid waved the ring in front of your face for the millionth time, still on one knee and was doing a whole speech about how much better than him they are
He couldn't take it
Argues with the kid #2
He really tried to reason with the kids patiently
Explained the kid's crush and how that doesn't equate to marriage and how marriage is a huge commitment and responsibility and everything
However, we all know he has anger issues so after an hour he's arguing with the kid
No agreement, the kid's parents came to pick them up and asked how their last lesson went (You're their tutor) and left
Please comfort Chuuya he's all sulky and grumpy now :(
The only mature one tbh
Socially awkward
He kind of just stands there
Watching you two with a little frown
He wants to intervene and calmly explain to the child why that's not possible but he gets tongue tied
He tries to write a little scenario to explain love and everythig hfdsakhfjdiksaj hes so sweet <3
Got completely ignored
Got a little upset because of that but stays calm and collected
Instead he lets you handle it while he makes all three of you something to eat
Karl is there to comfort him dw <3
Give him lots of kisses and cuddles after, he deserves it after all he did try
Bro is basically a kid in a man's body anyways
Omg does anyone ever think of him of like a man-child ok off topic sorry
I think he'd be a mix of sulky and understanding
At first he'd be a little sad, yeah like just sad, not upset or frustrated like the first two
Just sad
But then he realises its fine because its a kid and he knows you love him <3
It was probably a random kid you babysat spotting you in public
They ran up to you in the mall with a ring in hand and proposed
The parents scolded the kid and apologised to the both of you so there wasn't much to do
Sigma is still understanding the concept of love so he's very understanding after his mini-sadness-phase
Probably smiled at the kid and walked away completely unphased after tbh
Very chill
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korpuskat · 1 year
[Ao3 Mirror] Pairing: Ramattra/Reader Rating: Mature (sexual content referenced, but not explicit) WC: 2,918 Warnings: None Sequel to In A Different Light -----
The lackey behind the counter hardly looks up, barely says anything as they pass you the repair request forms. It's fine, you get it. Menial labor, repetitive office bullshit, dealing with the guys who walk their mechs into walls when training while trying to avoid the higher-ups gaze. Normal Talon stuff. This is perfectly true until he asks you what floor of the barracks you're on, what wing.
And suddenly the lady behind him perks up. She doesn't even try to hide how she looks you over, making some unspoken assessment, then grins and returns to her tablet.
The barely suppressed smile infects his voice with excitement. "Don't suppose you're in 1813, are you?"
Oh. Fuck. "Yeah, I am."
"Kinda wondering when you'd make it down here." He says, typing in your information. "If you would."
You shouldn't say anything. You really, really shouldn't.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Oh, you know." He grins at you, fucking winks like you're in on the joke. "There was a pool if you'd be here or the infirmary first."
The infirmary? Why would you- actually, he did break your bed and leave a hole in your wall and you have had this peculiar ache behind your belly button and you definitely have huge purple splotches over your hips where he'd grabbed you, so, okay, that's fair.
"I guess you won then." Is the light-lipped answer you come up with, unsure how to explain that you really don't want to be part of this conversation anymore. Please, just fix your bed and wall. Gossip when you're not around.
The guy opens his mouth- and you feel it before his expression changes. A cool wind brushes against the back of your neck, down your spine, over the backs of your arms. Sickly, somehow, like the air itself clings to you, crawls on you. Everyone behind the counter looks away. His joy is gone, but the fear is carefully masked. "Reason for repairs?"
Behind you, boots stomp by. He doesn't leave, from the sound, from the way nobody exhales. You don't look, keep your eyes trained on the counter, on a little fleck where the linoleum is peeling away. He's somewhere in a corner, waiting for something. "Accident."
The lackey visibly cringes. Suddenly he, too, doesn't want to be in this conversation. "Gotta be more specific."
Fucker. Your voice is barely restrained as you bite out, "Sparring accident."
Behind you, the Reaper snorts.
When Ramattra returns to your base, perhaps only two weeks later, you really expect him to just proceed as business as usual. Like nothing had happened; he'd sated his curiosity, you're off his radar. Figuratively. You do not, under any circumstances, expect to be pulled off regular duties to be part of his temporary squadron.
It's a formality. He doesn't need one. He's here to inspect an airship, to discuss modifications to be made before it goes into mass production.
With an irritated sigh and wave of his hand, he summarily dismisses the entire squadron as soon as he sees them waiting in the hangar. The rest leave. You should join them. It's so... presumptuous, to think he thinks about you, that he even remembers you. He's leading a revolution for his people and you're a grunt he fucked once. But your boots may as well have been glued to the floor, no matter how much you want to scream at yourself to move, to turn away, you can't.
And his gaze settles on you.
And he nods towards the airship's ramp.
You follow behind him.
It's the first time you watch him leave. Every time before- three, now, not that you're counting- he's quietly departed your quarters. After making sure you're well cared for. That part had always confused you- left your chest aching in a way completely different than your hips.
But this time, you're not left alone in your mattress working up the courage to go file a repair request again. No, as part of his squadron you get to see him off this time. It's all a show, Ramattra had complained about it before- serves nothing but to boost their little human egos. He wasn't wrong, there's no need for you to be here. In fact, you really don't want to be here.
You've never seen Doomfist in person, but he personally escorts Ramattra to his shuttle. He speaks confidently, but quietly enough you can't make out what he's saying, even as he gestures broadly with his cybernetic arm. Even seeing him content makes your stomach flip uneasily, not wanting to be around if something does go wrong.
Ramattra... looks different. It's hard to believe how quickly you've become used to seeing him relaxed. Not just when he's moving in you- no, even when he sits with you, walks about the base, he never looks like this anymore. All seriousness and focused, the weight of the world back on his shoulders.
They speak a moment more, then Ramattra bows his head and turns towards his ship. He stops-
and across the launch bay, Ramattra's faceplate turns towards you. He pauses. Says nothing, hardly moves- but you know. He's looking directly at you. You stare back, unsure why you have his attention now- and ever so slightly his head dips. A tiny nod goodbye, just for you.
Your chest aches.
You smile slightly and nod back- and he's gone, entering his ship and flying away.
You don’t know who finally made the call to assign Ramattra temporary quarters at your base, but you would love to have seen that conversation. Because Ramattra’s voice is perfectly neutral as he comments that his quarters had not only a heavy duty, solid steel bed frame to support his weight- nevermind that he doesn’t sleep- but also reinforced walls.
They knew, of course. But the fact that someone high up enough knew to make the recommendation is what really gets you. Because nobody has said anything to you. Maybe they’re smart enough to- you doubt Ramattra would be particularly pleased with you being public knowledge.
And, well, not saying anything has ended up being your approach with Ramattra so far, too. Despite the frequency that he’d return to your doorway (and now you to his), or the repeated repair requests and occasional trips to medical and skeptical looks in return, you’d never explicitly asked what was going on. What exactly you were to him.
And normally that would be fine! Soldier’s bond or whatever, some bullshit to say “logistically and emotionally easiest lay.” It’s common enough. But you’ve never laid in a squadmate’s bed hours after, never dozed lightly in someone else’s blankets as they work at the desk a foot away- and never felt that perhaps that was still too far from you.
It’s the latter right now that sits heavy on your chest.
You shift beneath his sheets- a silky, deep purple that ripples with every moment. You watch, silent, as he turns some kind of device in his hands, taps it occasionally with an electric soldering iron. You sit up slowly, lean into his pillows. Even the pillowcases match. Probably actual silk knowing Talon’s propensity to keep their board members happy. Fuckers. He doesn’t even meditate on the bed.
“Ramattra,” The question bubbles out of you before you can stop it. “Can I… kiss you?”
He stills. But here, you must acknowledge how close you’ve gotten- because you can tell. Where someone else may feel that pang of fear, that his quiet is a wind-up to rage or impatience or condescension, no, you can read his shoulders perfectly. He’s genuinely contemplating the request.
He looks to you, and he doesn’t need a face for you to feel the incredulity in his voice. “You do understand I do not possess a mouth, correct?”
“I know.” You stand and sweep one thin blanket with you as you move to him. And here- he turns away from his project, sets his iron down, opens his arms for you. When you settle into his lap, he supports you- and when you reach for his face, his jaw, he lowers his head into your touch. You sweep a thumb across the lowest part of the white composite, feel the little crease between it and the purple of his jaw plate. “But I could still kiss you..”
His whole face rumbles into your palm as he hums, considering this. “Alright, though I do not understand what you would gain from this.”
And that is a lie, though you’re not sure who it’s for. It’s fine though, you don’t call him on it. Instead, you guide his head down as you stretch up- until your breath ghosts against him, leaving little puffs of foggy condensation. And you kiss him. Right across the seam between his plates, your lips squishing into the gap, flattening against his metal.
And it would be like kissing a training bot, all cold, motionless metal against your lips- and that must be what he expects you to feel, his disbelief you’d get anything from this. It would be, except for everything else about him. His hands come up to the curve of your spine, to the back of your head, cradling you so gently- and even with such a small display, his fans kick up, a quiet hum purring a hair louder from his chest. Without a mouth, he’s hardly unaffected- and against his faceplate you smile and pull away. His optics cannot, by design, be half-lidded and glazed, but you think they would be if they could.
“Did that… satisfy you?” He rumbles lowly.
“For now.” You grin and tuck yourself deeper into his lap. When he realizes you have no intention of returning to his bed, he makes a show of sighing and adjusting the stolen blanket so you’re well-wrapped and all the ends are tucked safely away before he returns to his work.
"Can I ask you a question?" You murmur, eyes still closed. He's foregone the blanket this time, holding you right up against his chest; you had curled up with him so quickly he hasn't even had time to put his paneling back on. The spars of his ribs are a little uncomfortable, but he's still so warm that you can't complain.
"Of course." His systems have already refreshed, perfectly capable of going on with his day. Unlike you, you're still wavering and floaty and in need of a shower. He's used to it. Being able to hold you afterwards is... enjoyable. He allows himself to trace shapes over your skin. He had noticed, once, how you smile softly when he does it.
"It's personal."
Ramattra's head shifts, looks down at you slightly. He's told you about himself. About the times before he was himself, about the Shambali, about the slave shops he's destroyed, about London. About Lanet. What could you possibly ask that you felt the need to warn him about first? "Go on."
"Who did you make your dick for?" Oh. He shifts awkwardly, ceases the motions of his hands. When he doesn't answer you continue, "You told me you didn't make it for humans, so, I dunno. Was just curious."
It takes several moments before he can manage to put together a stilted "Does it matter?"
You hum softly and lean back against him. "No." You swap the places of your hand with his, sweeping your thumb across the purple plating. You really didn't want to upset him- the likelihood his previous relationships have ended particularly badly is ridiculously high. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me about your exes. Like I said, just curious."
Ramattra has never quite understood the desire to grimace until now. It's not important, and yet... that annoying little whisper has returned to his circuits, prodding at his runtimes until he's forcing the words through his synth. "I don't... have any... 'exes'."
This makes the gears turn in your head. There's no way. "Like... you just didn't stay with any of them?" Even as hectic as his life has been, you cannot reconcile how tenderly he's holding you with him previously being a smash and dasher. It would make sense logistically- no danger of loss or being tied down and losing focus on his work, but… there’s just no way.
"No." He all but squirms. "I never used it before you."
"I designed it for..." His voice cuts out as his vocoder fights him again. "...a particular omnic. To their model's... specifications. But I never used it."
You twist around in his arms, as much as he'd prefer you didn't. It's uncomfortable enough without having to see your face, without his still-not-put-away dick pressed between your bodies. "But... you told me you'd fucked before."
Around you, Ramattra bristles, his fans ramping up, his hands firming where they touch you. Too far, you did upset him. "Omnics do not need things as crude as genitals to be intimate."
The pieces come together. Not an ex, they'd been intimate, enough that he'd designed a dick just to hope, but never used it. He wanted more. You slide a hand around Ramattra's neck, over the dark plating his cowl usually hides. Normally, when you slide your fingers around the chunky cables of his mane, he'll purr or at least relax- no such luck. "Sorry," You murmur, and trace a finger along the long line of his jaw piece. "Thank you for telling me."
It takes a few moments, but eventually a soft stream of hot air slips from Ramattra's vents and he sighs. You take the cue and curl up close to him, wrapping your arms around him as best you can with his wide chest. When you think he's calmed enough, you do tack on one last comment. "I am glad you made it, though."
Thankfully, Ramattra laughs softly at that.
Ramattra holds white papers in his hand, carefully held between the rubber pads there, delicate as to not crease them before you can read them. His other hand twitches as his side, then balls into a fist. He does not meet your gaze when he enters his room. He stands there, just past the doorway, clenching and unclenching his fist, his fans slowly amping up.
"Rama?" You prompt him when he still doesn’t say anything, already scooting to the edge of his bed.
"I have to attend to the construction of a titan in person." It's flat, a statement, no particular inflection in his voice where you're clearly expecting something else. "I won't be able to return here for several weeks. At minimum."
Now it's you who looks away. It's a disappointment. You knew it was coming, three days together was already an incredible luxury. "Ah, I see." He's busy, you know this. Lots of hard work running an entire revolution almost by yourself. And you can't fault him for it- can't ask him to postpone. It's important work. "When will you have to leave?"
"Five hours. I'm also chartering transport of supplies. My omnium is short on copper wire, of all things." He says- and his focus shifts from the floor to the paper in his hands. He rubs it, watches as the paper flexes and bends, then returns to normal. You, too, observe his fidgeting and wait for the shoe to drop. You've always kind of waited for it.
"Are you- " He starts- and his synth immediately fizzles. The hand at his side tightens in frustration as he reboots it. "Are you pleased with... this?" The paper flops in his hand as he gestures vaguely between you.
Never did have that conversation.
You bite your tongue, chance looking at him. None of the strain in his vocoder has made it to his faceplate, forever stuck in that passive, almost angry expression. "Yeah." If he wants to kick you out, that's fine, but you aren't going to lie about it. His visits to your base have easily become the best part of your job, the occasional message of where he is, of when he can make it back to you- it's completely different than anything you've had before. "Yeah, actually."
Ramattra's shoulders drop. "You are sure? Genuinely?"
You nod. And he holds out the paper. You don't even unfold it before he's explaining. "It's a reassignment order. Production of Null Troopers is increasing geometrically; ideally I would oversee all production lines directly from here on. It would be... advantageous to have someone else coordinate with Talon on my behalf while I am engaged with this.
"I will be very occupied. This is a critical period of staging. And I would be relying on you." Ramattra says, and there's a sternness laid over top. He wants it to sound like a job offer, to sound serious. It is, to some degree. But more than that-
"You..." The top of the paper is printed with Talon's logo, a big block of text follows, beneath is a signature line. Your eyes skim the page again- and read the most important line. Relocate to meet the needs of Null Sector. "You want me to come with you?"
A breath of silence takes the room, until he steps closer and takes one of your hands in his. So gently, he drags the rubber pad of his thumb over your knuckles. His faceplate focuses there, on the delicate bones of your hand, your wrist. "It would... please me greatly to keep you near."
The ache in your chest blooms out, spills over your cheeks.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
A few things to say, here.
First, credit to my teenager, who said, 'It's interesting how Ladybug and Cat Noir grow up right after seeing that they can't do it all on their own. It's like the death of the ego, that kind of thing.'
Indeed - a huge step in maturity is to see that it's okay to ask for help. This is paralleled by the next episode, when Adrien overhears his friends asking why he didn't tell them just how bad things were at home. This is so common with not just children but even adults trapped in abusive relationships. You feel like it's your burden to carry and no one can help you out.
In fact, if Adrien had told all his friends the extent of what was going on, they might have told their parents, and one (or all) of them might have contacted an authority who could have helped raise a legal case to get Adrien away from Gabriel. But this just doesn't occur to you, when you're the child. Not when you've been groomed to accept that this is just 'what adults are like'. It's hard to accept that there are better adults who would move heaven and earth to help you - especially because it means accepting just how awful your own father (in this case) is.
This is 100% why Cat suddenly lashed out at Gabriel and felt able to get out his real feelings - because others made him see just HOW wrong it all was. He finally accepted what his father is. He's primed to find out that he's Monarch. I don't even think it'd be a shock, now.
(More below the images)
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Then - after so many years of Cat being 'the sidekick' who wasn't always necessary, who stepped aside while Ladybug got most of the praise, it was beautiful for him to have this moment of realisation that actually everyone loves him too - that he's just as needed. The fact that it first came from Kim and Max somehow made it even bigger - the two characters who've emoted the least and shown the least sensitivity all this time were reaching out for him.
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And then, this - them all dealing with the situation in Ladybug's absence. Cat led the team. We've seen her do it without him so many times. This time, he finally stood on his own. He handled it without having to lean on her and truly proved himself to everyone. I've been waiting for this for aaaaaaaaaaaaages. I always said of course he needs support, but he also needs to save himself. He wasn't previously capable of this, but he is now.
It also goes back to what I said at the start - maturity comes from seeing that it takes everyone, not just you. Pound it, Cat Noir.
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thighguys · 2 months
Please explain the vday video lore im new to the fandom!!!!
oh, sure! this is pretty much one of the biggest phandom controversies ever lmao so. super taboo topic too, people only got comfy even mentioning it within the past few years. tldr it was a private video of phil talking about their relationship that got leaked and caused them to be outed. detailed explanation under the cut bc it's long lol
basically in like 2010 phil recorded a video while dan was away on a family vacation (i think india) talking about how much he loved him and going into a bit of detail on like, their first date, etc etc (references to the manchester eye and avatar 3d come from this video as phil mentioned them kissing for the first time on the eye and also at avatar lol) and in the video phil said it was a Valentine's Day gift for dan as dan wasn't there to celebrate with him. he posted it privately and that was that. ive seen the video once but it was a while ago, mostly i remember a lot of little drawings of fireworks and cherries lmao. which, more lore, but. not for this rant lol
then a year later, 2011, youtube went through a glitch that unprivated everybody's private videos and the video was leaked. dan and phil put out a statement or wtv saying they had recorded it as an april fools prank for their viewers but they scrapped it because they worried people might take it seriously, and asked people to not spread the video around. luckily the phandom was still fairly small at this time and not too many people saw the video so it wasn't a huge deal.
THEN in 2012, it got unprivated again due to Another glitch, and this time (basically right after they'd gotten really popular) people went crazy over it. dan and phil asked people not to share it but it didnt work, and there are a lot of receipts from back then of both of them (but especially dan) getting super defensive about their sexualities. they copyrighted anyone who tried to repost the video and phil was still taking it down up until at least 2018 (i dont know of any vids being taken down later than that but im not sure).
the reason it was a big deal was pretty much just bc of the gigantic breach of privacy lmao. dan and phil were literally outed and people couldn't keep quiet and respectful about it. people got ahold of this private thing and then when dnp got defensive about it, instead of stopping, viewers kept pushing. i think it was a mix of 'wow this video is cute also phan is real' and 'the more upset and defensive dnp get the more it proves that the video isn't a joke' and also a good portion of the phandom was too young to recognize the impact they were making. not to excuse them, but like. they were 12 years old finding out their favorite ship was real and they weren't mature enough to shut up about it.
honestly it's just really sad to think about lmao. they were so young and they went through soooo much bs. it's amazing that theyre still together honestly, atp their relationship is literally unbreakable. there was a whole breakup theory after the video leaked the second time actually, bc they did less joint content for a while there before they launched dnpg. i never read up on that but im sure somebody's got a rundown on the main points if you're interested lol.
im sure somebody has a link to the video if you really want to see it? it's up on youtube somewhere (possibly unlisted) and i know somebody put it on tumblr a while back. i don't know where it is though, you'll have to ask around. i don't personally see any harm in watching it at this point- they're out and grownups now and so are we, so as long as you arent spreading it around or being generally disrespectful lmao i say go wild. not everyone will agree with that tho, like i said it was a reeeally taboo topic for a while and a lot of newer phannies honestly might not even know about it. i wasn't personally there when it happened but i was an 11 year old with internet access in 2017 and i literally took notes on dnp lore deepdives 😭
anyway that's about it! if anyone has other things they think i should add/edit lmk ☺️
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ch6douin · 4 months
Hello I saw that you didn't write anything for Eli from your previous ask,so I have a brain rot for him,so you know that seer are people that have insights of the future right? So what if Eli saw a future where player transported inside the game, what would he and everyone react to this information? I could think Frederick and Antonio cramming to make a musical piece for player for that day,or Naib trying to act displeased but his little cotton heart is hoping for that day.Or will Eli deny this future and keep it all to himself, out of dislike or being selfish?
Took long enough, honestly I just went with my instincts doing this... didn't feel like reading elis lore again
For a respectable and wise seer, Eli did regret his decisions sometimes. He should have known better when he spoke those long awaited words. He also expected from mostly grown adults a tinge of maturity, and not pure chaos that ensured you would step into this manor and never want to go back in again.
He thought to himself that the place was never this loud, never. No one had enough energy to bring life to these old rooms, but suddenly you made it happen and they don't know how to deal with all this excitement. May the higher beings bless you with patience, you're gonna need plenty of that when you arrive.
Frederick and Antonio are working on a musical piece, a token for your company during matches. They are not done yet, perfectionists in their natural habitat. If you look closely, you’ll see that Frederick has some huge eyebags. Others might be more subtle with their gifts of appreciation, your food looks even tastier for some reason. The extroverted ones are definitely trying to help you as much as they can for an easier adaptation. Those who don't talk to you are the most common, the ones who don't like the attention and see no chance to approach you when you’re surrounded.
Eli isn't exactly someone present in all that mess, if a discussion occurs during the preparations, he'll happily take the role as a peacemaker, but that's just it. Don't expect him to lavish you with presents or follow you almost everywhere for answers and some chatting. He will wait for you to come to him, and when the time comes, he will greet you with a smile. There are no ulterior motives, no need to hide his intentions, you know him by the palm of your hand and he has no way to hide.
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
listen I just think [nsft under cut]
trans croc should fuck buggy using his own cock as a strap, all while forcing him to call himself croc's naughty little girl <3
buggy should warm croc's dick while he's doing paperwork because that's all he's good for, and croc pretends to be getting annoyed that he's so squirmy and hungry for stimulation but he's actually getting off on it
mihawk's first time with buggy should be fraught with mihawk asking himself (and buggy) 'what did shanks see in you?', and buggy returning the favour. it was bittersweet and a bit brutal. mihawk actually felt a bit bad after.
mihawk should be in an established relationship with croc that's built on mutual respect, if not love, and appreciation of each other's skill & rep <3 they're steady, mature, and sensible about it. they have a genuine, deep connection that they never expected to find in each other, but now it's there, it would take a lot to break.
he and croc are very relaxed and kinda gentle and versatile and switchy with each other? But then they both see buggy and internally say 'I want to obliterate him'
It takes quite a while for mihawk and croc to admit this to each other though. When they finally do, it's a big relief - they just... shake hands, exchange a nod, and get to work
To start with, they really don't give a shit about buggy at all, they just wanna fuck him. but he's... kinda adorably flustered and fun and responsive and... hm. He's a worthless little worm. But when they tell him that, he tearfully agrees and gets hard? Cute.
mihawk is suuuuper quiet but buggy and croc both find any vocalisation they get him to make a HUGE turn-on
mihawk has cold-dom'd buggy to tears
croc has rough-dom'd buggy to tears
both of them have death-threat'd him to begging and tears mid-sex, but he never safewords because he's soooo stupidly horny about the danger and degradation
buggy just ugly-cries a lot okay
mihawk is surprisingly good at aftercare, even if he approaches it in a very regimented, methodical autistic af way. He's the most invested in the future of the Cross Guild, and somewhere deep within that mysterious brain he's planned their throuple marriage. Even though he still despises buggy and croc alike on some days.
croc is kinda standoffish and leery about showing affection at first (to anything but his bananawani). With mihawk it wasn't a big deal - but buggy is absolutely, 5000% a snuggler. Not to mention a terribly rough, mobile sleeper. And though he always bitches, croc can't imagine waking up without a foot wedged under his chin or a disembodied arm hooked over his knee. He doesn't know when he got used to having these two idiots as semi-permanant fixtures in his life, but he's kinda pissed that he doesn't want them gone.
buggy is still 90% terrified, 10% horny, but that's better than 99% terrified, right? He still thinks of himself as an intruder - a business-only investment who's only alive because he's a useful scapegoat + fucktoy. Of course they don't actually like or respect him. Who would? He's out for himself, like he always has been. Ready to split if the water gets too hot or a better opportunity comes along.
...but his followers love him.......and the sex is good (even if it inevitably leaves him a shaking, whimpering wreck).........and he might actually have a chance at snatching the One Piece if he has two awesome powerhouses in his pocket.................... and.... and look, the sex is really good, okay?
........and maybe he likes how mihawk is quietly thoughtful, showing care through little actions rather than words (fixing little things Buggy's complained about, always somehow knowing which part of his back to rub)
...............and how croc only cares about money and power, but still sometimes gets this strange, soft look in his eyes when it's a quiet evening and the three of them are sitting together sharing space, but all doing their own thing. he always looks oddly scared about it, like he doesn't quite know what to do with whatever he's feeling, and buggy has this stupid urge to cuddle up beside him and rest his cheek on his big shoulder and just share his warmth
but he doesn't because he doesn't want to get punched into next week
.........until one night he does and croc just looks down at him with those unfathomable eyes and smiles
and across the room, mihawk's deep in his book, feet curled up under him in the chair, but he's smiling too
and now Buggy's the one getting all choked up, though he doesn't know why
This is all to say that Buggy is the last one to catch feels. One day he busts into The Meeting Room (sex dungeon) in the middle of an actual meeting and shrieks 'ARE WE DATING????' to which croc and mihawk blankly stare and reply buggy. buggy we have been in a dedicated polyamorous relationship for five years
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 1 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 2
Summary: Things between you and Daemon get complicated as he hooks up with Cassandra. It was about to get worse though.
Warning: 18+, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her), familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be smut later, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking,
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He was baffled by your words, what did you even mean when you said he meant more than just an uncle to you? You were just a child back then. He really wanted to go back to the beach and get drunk to forget about this when his phone started ringing and as soon as he saw who was calling him he just put his phone back in his pocket and found Cassandra, maybe it wasn't the wisest decision for a man his age but at the end he was only a man. Cassandra kissed him as soon as he was in her room. It felt weird to him to be with a younger woman like this but he shut all the voices in his head and kissed her back.
He was just a man after all.
He wanted to forget about Stella and he didn't want to think about the repercussions of his actions, Cassandra was your best friend, your supposed best friend, he knew things would get messy if she would get her emotions involved so he really wanted to be clear from his side.
"Just one night yeah?" He asked her as he stopped undressing her so smiled
"Mmm if you could quit me after one night then yeah ..just one night" she smirked and it made him smile too. Both of them were adults, they could be mature about this right? That was the last thought he had, once he began to enjoy his time with her he stopped thinking about it, it has been a while and he really needed this.
Your saddened face that he had witnessed just now did flash across his mind once or twice but he ignored it, you were dealing with stuff of your own and you weren't in the right mind frame, your words probably meant nothing.
Next morning you woke up with a huge hangover and you immediately regretted drinking so much last night, you felt even worse when you remembered what you had said to Daemon.
"Fucking stupid dumb fuck" you groaned as you made your way to the bathroom, your dad was calling you to get to the breakfast buffet asap.
You put on a simple tee shirt and jeans after the shower and made your way towards the elevator, you also had a bunch of missed calls from Cassandra so you texted her that you'd see her at the buffet.
Maybe it was just your bad luck that you noticed Daemon was heading towards the same elevator as well and you'd have run far away if he hadn't already seen you.
This was going to be super awkward but you hoped he'd just forget about what you had said last night.
"Good morning darling pixie" he said as you both stepped into the elevator so you smiled so widely that it almost seemed unnatural, which to be fair it really was.
"Good morning to you too dearest Uncle"
"Hungover?" He asked you so you sighed and then gave him a nervous laugh,
You looked to the side but you couldn't tell if he was side-eying you since he had black sunglasses on, he was wearing a pastel floral shirt loosely tucked under his pants, there was a simple chain hung around his neck and he smelled like..well you didn't really know what he smelled like because you weren't a greyhound who could detect every scent the world but you knew he smelled good.
Why did he have to be so handsome? Things would have been so much easier if he wasn't that good looking.
"Yeah I feel like shit"
You didn't say anything after that and as you both reached the buffet Cassandra ran towards him and kissed him in front of everyone, there was a shocked look on your face and as you looked at your parents ..they were just smirking. Why didn't they care more about this development?
"Morning handsome" she said to him so he smiled and kissed her cheek before he wrapped his arm around her waist and all of you walked towards the buffet to grab the breakfast before heading towards the table your parents were sitting on.
Cassandra was sitting next to you and then Daemon was right next to her.
"Oh my god I need to talk to you about last night" as soon as she mumbled in your ears in that chirpy voice you felt your heart sinking immediately. They fucked, you just knew they fucked each other. You didn't want her to see how affected you were by the news so you grabbed the glass of lemonade in front of you and chugged on it only to realize that it was margarita.
You immediately grimaced and all the attention was drawn towards you, including Daemon's,
"Why would they serve alcohol during breakfast?"
You mumbled in your mouth and luckily for you your parents had a spa session booked so they had to leave now, Daemon also received a phone call so he excused himself as well.
"Sooo what happened" you asked Cassandra as you pretended to be cheerful about it,
"Oh my gosh you know he came back to me after he checked up on you Andddd we danced for a while before I dragged him to my room and then we kissed and then oh god i had the best sex of my life, guys our age just don't know anything now do they? Woooo" She said everything in one breath so you gave her a blatantly fake smile again. Why did you care so much? He wasn't your boyfriend and never will be so why did it matter that your best friend was getting to have sex with him?
"Wowww I'm happy for you..he seems like a dreamboat"
You mumbled to her so she giggled in response.
"You know i thought I'd just give him a night or two of my life but I don't know..there's something about him like it's not as if he's the most handsome man i have ever been with but he has such a distinct charm and he's so fucking attractive upclose and things he said in bed..like oof he was so dominating –"
"I get it cass " you giggled nervously as you interrupted her, not wanting to hear about his sexual prowess in bed , your fantasies were already deep in the trenches, you didn't need to hear more.
"Are you alright? Oh god I'm so stupid" she mumbled as she hugged you and for a moment you feared that she knew about your feelings for him,
"Cass I'm alright..what do you mean?"
"I keep gushing about a guy when you just had that nasty breakup..I'm the worst" she groaned so you hugged her back and sighed, Cassandra was a bit over dramatic but she wasn't a bad person, you both had fun whenever you were together, however every time she was with a guy, she became all about him until she'd get bored of that guy. And this time you really wanted her to get bored of him, sure him being with anyone else would bother just as much but your own best friend revealing each and every detail to you was just excessive salt on your wounds.
Once Daemon came back he sat down on the other side of the table instead of sitting next to her. You looked down as he looked at you, why did you have to make it awkward between you two? Did he remember what you had said? Was he confused by the statement? You had no idea. Before any words were said Cassandra got up and walked towards him to sit down on his lap. She mumbled something in his ears and then he said something to her. You really wanted to hurl.
Daemon wanted to go snorkeling with the manta rays so Cassandra got up and went to her room to put her swimwear on, you told him that you weren't in the mood so you really just wanted to stay in your room. And cry.
As you made your way out of the buffet room, you heard your name being called so you stopped in your tracks and suddenly he had grabbed you by the arm to take you aside, he let go immediately and pulled his glasses up to look you right in the eyes,
"Are you really okay with this?" He asked you so you crossed your arms and shrugged as if you weren't hurt by the situation between him and Cassandra.
"I'm okay..just hungover .."
"That's not what I meant..are you okay with me and Cassandra hooking up?"
The way he casually admitted to hooking up with your best friend was a punch in the gut. It wasn't his fault, he didn't know and even if he did he wasn't going to care about your stupid crush on him. Cassandra was beautiful and young and she wasn't inaccessible to him,
"Why won't I be okay? Both of you are full grown adults" you said to him so he nodded.
"Alright..just wanted to make sure, I'm your uncle..she's your friend.. I just thought--" before he could finish his words you cut him off,
"Yeahhh..well if things do get weird you can just disappear again since you know all about that" You said to him and he was taken aback by your comment, why were you this way with him, were you still upset about him leaving? But why would you be upset? It didn't make sense to him. Was he really that important to you?
As you reached your room you cried your heart out and then you realised that you shouldn't have been so fucking rude with him, you can't just keep taunting him for leaving like a scorned girlfriend especially when you didn't even know why he had left so suddenly but you felt so lonely and heartbroken at the moment, this vacation felt more stressful than your actual life.
In the evening as you went to the resort's dining area you found Cassandra and she told you that Daemon was in the smoking area so you headed outside and found him sitting under a hut with his head resting on the back of the couch, the shirt he had on was unbuttoned showing his bare chest. His hair was wet from the shower and he had a cigarette between his fingers. For a moment you wondered if you should disturb him but then you really wanted to apologize to him before things would get more awkward between you two.
"Uncle?" You called out to him so he put his head up and gestured for you you to sit down next to him ..
He grabbed the pack of cigarettes and offered you one but you shook your head so he placed it back down on the table and then turned his body towards you to listen to you, you had a floral dress on that fitted you perfectly, he was trying his best to not glance at your cleavage. He should have kept his sunglasses on still.
"I uhhh ..just wanted to apologize to you about what I said and how I said it..i was way out of line and i shouldn't have been so rude to you" you said softly so he smiled in response, he didn't really seem upset or affected by your attitude before. You couldn't tell whether it was a good thing or not .
"Don't bother Pixie, I'm not a child, you're hurting due to your situation and took it out on me..i understand that" he said to you so you gave him a confused look.
"What situation?"
"The whole breakup thing"
"Oh yeah that –" you chuckled nervously as he said that, for a moment you feared that he knew about your feelings for him.
And he was definitely completely wrong about his assumption as you weren't even thinking about Dylan unless you felt completely alone. He grabbed your chin between his fingers and made you look at him, his touch sent shivers down your spine, he didn't even know how he was making you feel whenever he was being this way with you..
"If this thing bothers you I'd end it right now..you just have to ask"
He said to you softly so you sighed,
"Why would you do that uncle?"
"Because you're like my…niece. I care about you and i don't want to fuck this up again"
He cared about you, at least he cared enough about you to do this.
"Do you like her?" You asked him so he looked to the side and into the distance as he took a puff from his cigarette.
"She's.. exactly what I need for now..harmless fun"
"Did you tell her that?"
"I did..but I'm afraid she didn't really understand..my marriage has just ended..I'm not looking for a serious relationship and the drama that comes with it"
You nodded as he said that, you weren't the only one feeling completely broken, as you looked in his eyes you realized how broken he was as well, the only difference was he had found his distraction.
"Women tend to ignore the obvious signs sometimes especially when they' are into the guy more than they're into them so just be clear about what you want from her, don't give her mixed signals" he nodded as you said that
"I am into her..I don't want her to feel used..i just don't want her to get her feelings involved"
"Alright then" you got up as you felt a bit saddened again, you really needed to get a grip on your emotions regarding him, you'd never get to have him, that was the sad reality of your life. You were on a vacation in a beautiful place, you really needed to let your hair down and not think about your devastatingly sexy uncle. You didn't want to ignore him but you didn't want to be around him either because you knew it would only hurt to see him snogging your best friend.
The next evening you went to the beach and headed straight to the bar to get a drink when your phone started to ring and when you saw it was Dylan calling to talk about god knows what you put it down again. Music was blaring so you looked around the area, you were in Bali surely you could find a guy to distract yourself right? It was harder to do so than your imagination, you weren't like Daemon or Cassandra, you didn't do casual flings and even when you tried you weren't really good at it.
Out of nowhere you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder and it was Daemon so you smiled.
"Come dance with me" he said to you as he put his hand out for you so you smiled again and gave him your hand,
"Where's Cass?" You asked him as you didn't see her around, he pulled you closer to him but you both still had appropriate distance between your bodies, he placed his arms on your waist so you placed your hands on his shoulders, you remembered dancing with him like this on his wedding day, however you weren't tall enough back then so you had to hold onto his hands.
You also remembered how he had his eyes on his beautiful wife all night long.
The more you thought about your past self the more you found yourself feeling creeped out by your own behavior.
"She got a phone call from some guy" his voice made you snap out of your thoughts so you nodded in response.
"Ohhh did that bother you?" You asked him curiously, you really wanted to see if he was starting to catch feelings, last night you couldn't really sleep because you kept having images of them fucking each other.
"No, why would that bother me? She can do whatever she wants" he said to you nonchalantly so you smiled, all the guys Cassie had ever been with always fell for her and she only got bored of them but with Daemon you could tell that she liked him alot, even though it's been just three days she had been extra giddy around him as compared to other guys she had hooked up with.
"Did you ever think about us after you left? I mean me and mum..did you miss us?" You asked him softly so he leaned down and kissed your forehead, he had no idea what he was doing to you, this is why you wanted to stay away from him, he was just being an uncle to you while you harbored these sexual feelings for him.
"Of Course I did, i always did think of you two" he mumbled softly as he brought his hand up to place it on your cheek "I should have said goodbye to your mum and to you..I'm really sorry that I didn't do so darling"
Your eyes teared up as he said that so he pulled you in for a hug, you sighed deeply as you found yourself wrapped in his warmth, you heard him let out a small almost inaudible gasp as your fingers clutched onto the fabric of his shirt and rubbed against his lower back, that's when he pulled you away from him to get back to his reality, he wasn't ready to feel this way about you.
"And if I ask why did you have to leave you won't tell me right?" You questioned him to get rid of the sudden tension between you two.
"It's between me and your dad, I'd keep it that way" he said to you so you nodded,
"So you have forgiven him for whatever he had done?" He chuckled as you questioned him,
"How do you know it was him? It could have been me who was at fault here"
"You could be.. but that day..the last time I saw you..you –"
Before you could finish your words Cassandra approached you both so he let go of your arms, as she hugged him from the side and kissed on his neck he wrapped his arm around her waist..
"Y/n your parents are looking for you" she told you so you hummed in response, you had left your phone at the bar so you excused yourself.
"What was going on" Cassandra asked him as soon as you were out of sight
"What do you mean?"
"You were dancing with her" she giggled
"So? She's like my niece, we have danced before" he chuckled
"She's not thirteen anymore though dae..she's around my age"
"And your point is?" He raised his eyebrows at the inquisition, he had seen you on your own all the time during this vacation so he really just wanted to make sure you weren't feeling isolated. Sometimes when he looked at you he really felt strange, especially just now when he was so close to you he felt the attraction, he felt the chemistry between you two but he was a man you trusted, someone who had been around you since you were twelve, he never wanted to break that trust or hurt you in any ways. You were his friend's daughter and you would always remain untouchable for him.
"Nothing..it's just you're a very handsome man and she seems infatuated with you..she's my friend I can tell even though she never shared anything with me" Cassandra said to him as she caressed his cheek with her fingers,
"Well if she didn't share it with you then you shouldn't assume things" he said to her firmly so she smiled and pulled him closer to kiss him,
"Okay sorry daddddy"
His eyes widened as she said that to him, he had never been called that in such a sexual manner "You like that don't you?" She grabbed his crotch and it made his cheeks flushed,
"You're so fucking indecent"
"Mmm then punish me"
And so he did. This was new for him, exciting even, his sex life with his wife had gotten stale with time, he had tried to keep things alive in the bedroom but her idea of excitement was finding new guys to have sex with, in the past five years every time he saw her happy he knew he wasn't the reason behind her smile. It was his own fault that he had stayed for so long just because she promised to change after every incident.
Now he had realized that he should have left her after the very first time she had cheated on him and soiled their marriage forever.
You had watched the whole thing from a distance and it only made you feel more miserable as they left for his room. In that moment all you wanted to do was be her.. you couldn't help but wonder how it felt to be touched by him in that manner..
"Are you okay sweetheart?" You snapped out of your thoughts as you heard a man's voice in front of you, there were tears in your eyes and you seemed seemingly lost, maybe that's why he noticed you.
He seemed around the same age as yours or even younger, you couldn't really tell at first. He introduced himself to you and surprisingly he was from London as well..He also had the same blonde hair as Daemon and it almost triggered you, you felt as if you had seen him somewhere before but you couldn't really tell where. About two hours later as you met with everyone for dinner you had him by your side, he seemed nice enough and you really needed to find a distraction. However you weren't ready for the shock of your lifetime.
"Uncle Daemon? Is that you?"
Daemon stepped up from his chair as he met his one and only nephew standing right next to you. There was a look of shock and surprise all over his features as he spoke to the young boy.
"Aemond..what are you doing here?"
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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naisaspalace · 6 months
Personal Nakshatras observations series: MULA NAKSHATRA part 1
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nakshatra characteristics:
Translation: The root Symbol: A tied bunch of roots or elephant goad yoni: A male dog Presiding Deity: Kali or/and Niritti. Ruling Planet: Ketu Ruling Deity of the Planet: Ganesha Body parts: Feet & Left side of trunk. Nature: Rakshasa (demon) Mode: Active Number 19 Gender: Neuter or male (depending on the source) Dosha: Vata Guna: Tamasic Element: Air Disposition: Sharp and dreadful Bird: Red Vulture. Trimurti: Brahma/Creation. Direction: North Motivation/Goal: Kama. Downward Facing.
"The root star, origin star, foundation star"
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Power to ruin, destroy, scatter things.
small overview of the nakshatra:
So Mula is the nakshatra that is opposite ardra and naturally, it's going to deal with opposite themes or at least is going to deal with the same matter but using another tactic
this time mula instead of simply cutting the problem right away now we are going to see an individual who will find the truth by digging into it.. digging into the roots to find the source of the problem.
mula its the "matured" state of ketu contrary to ardra which is the infant or initial manifestation of rahu
mula can be just as chaotic as ardra or even worse because this time there's not head only the body, ketu, and the challenge now it is to cut off only the part of the root that is sick or bringing problems.
this time instead of cutting the problem straight away we will go on a journey to see what happens when you decide to go after to eliminate the root of the problem and its consequences.
i also highly recommend that you check my previous post, that i will link on the end of this post, to be able to get a better understanding of the matter.
Pop culture mula representations:
Gerard Way (depression, singer and songwriter, fame, and art)
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Gerard Way is a famous 00s punk rock vocalist of a band called My Chemical Romance. he has mula moon with mercury Bharani conjucted ketu Ashwini and just by looking at his placements we can already see that he has huge ketu energy on his chart.
He is a Taurus rising with mercury-ketu on his 12th, exalted rx venus on his 11th with the sun. The 12th house is the house of liberation, salvation, losses, and things that are hidden from us and the 11th is the house of earned gains and social networking.
(i use astroseek to see the carts so i believe that might be some differences although i don't think his nakshatras change regardless)
I am going to discuss the lyrics of his albums that, according to him, are very personal.
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his second band album was launched in 2004 and it is called "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"
okay lets just start by looking at the cover because i just found out that i was inspired by "bonnie and clydes kiss" and i just checked and clyde, just like Gerard, he have exalted venus (but gerard have retrograde venus and its at revati and clydes is at purva bdp),and they have their lagnas on the same nakshatra the difference is that g's is at taurus mrigashira and clydes at gemini
meaning that sad mula emo boy took inspiration on a couple of murders to make his band's debut album and to be even more coincidental is the fact that he have strong synastry with the man meaning that
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"In the drawing, you can see a small white heart on the male character's forehead. It is the only spot on his bleeding forehead, as it represents the couple's bulletproof love."
and on this album there's a music dedicated to his dead grandmother, called Helena.
I will not elaborate further on this album because the focus of my analysis will be on the second album of the band, but this first observation is here to show that Gerard's way of dealing with his pain, alongside drug use, was to write songs.
my main focus will be in the bands second album, where through the lyrics, we can see his mother's issues, his fear of abandonment, and more of his personality.
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the third band's album is called "the black parade" and the band recorded this album in a haunted abandoned house where the members lived for a while only to be able to record the album. The members spent 2 months inside a haunted mansion isolated and said to have experienced supernatural stuff.
It is a rock opera and concept album centered on a dying man with cancer known as "The Patient". The album tells the story of his apparent death, experiences in the afterlife, and subsequent reflections on his life.
in short, the man died and saw his life in the form of a parade, hence it was called the black parade, it was a place where he reflected on his life choices after arriving at the afterlife.
now lets go over the album songs in a quick overview to see the story (the tracks are listed according to the order.)
"The Black Parade" focuses on the journey of a man known as "The Patient", diagnosed with cancer, as he reflects on his life and impending death. The album begins with "The End", where The Patient prepares for his funeral without expecting much mourning. In "Dead", he faces the reality of his imminent death and regrets not living his life fully. In "This Is How I Disappear", he realizes he will be forgotten and faces the consequences of his actions. "The Sharpest Lives" explores his toxic behavior and substance abuse after his lover leaves him. In Welcome to the Black Parade, The Patient recalls his father's advice to help others. In I Don't Love You, he breaks up out of self-hatred. House of Wolves sees him mocking fake faith. Cancer shows his fear of being remembered at his worst. Mama reflects on a mother's love despite her son's actions. The Patient learns that his family's love remains, like the mother's in the story. The Patient in "Sleep" faces internal turmoil and regrets, viewing himself as a monster unworthy of sympathy. Memories of his heinous acts torment him in death. The theme of disconnection from society, as portrayed by teenagers, reflects his warped perspective. "Disenchanted" portrays his wasted life and fear of death. In "Famous Last Words," The Patient finds hope for a second chance at life with his lover after facing his fear of death.
(I got this explanation from Reddit. tumblr didn't allow me to post the full explanation so please go to the post and read for yourself to see the detailed version.) (the explanation will use the detailed version of the track story explanation.)
in my personal opinion, Gerard was just as personal on this opera as he was on the song about his grandmother. This time we got to see mula's form of trying to fix the problems that disturb an individual's mind.
the lyrics feel way to personal, especially knowing that mulas tend to have mother issues, as we can see on the track mama where the dying man is begging for his mother for help and he feels desperate and looking for love and care, following the "welcome to the black parade" track where the man is remembering the words of his father and that to me portrays his rising ruler, Revati venus rx at 11th conjuncted his sun, the internal feeling of wanting to save people and to do good for others
In The Sharpest Lives, he says "he promises that if he has her back he will give up all of his addictions, as her light would be so bright in his world that the sun would be ashamed", the nodes are eclipsing the sun(Rahu the artificial sun) and the moon (ketu artificial moon), here I believe he meant that by facing her without the drug addiction he would be have no choice but to actually face his shadows because he uses the drugs to run from reality to run from his head demons.
he have rahu libra ruled by his rising lord, venus 11th that is conjuncted with his sun, libra = relationships, rahu fake or artificial, the artificial sun is ruled by exalted venus and pieces also deals with addictions, maybe the sun that he mentioned is the artificial sun, the one who would be ashamed, as his soul and venus are together.
everyone wonders what happens at the afterlife and no wonder he wrote this opera..... and by last the fact that he wonders through the whole album if he wasted his life away and desires to have his lost love back, again coming back to venus and union of two souls.
by he i was talking about gerard, who i truly believe mirrored himself on this punk opera as a way to express his mental tortures and transform into art. in the end the dying man and Gerard can be the same they sound the same.
differently from ardra, mula expresses his soul pains in a way more artistic to be able to find out what is wrong with him why does he feel so much pain in his life and regardless of gerard knowing or not those pains were put in his life as a test to achieve his soul liberation, something that I believe years later he find peace.
gerard said on a interview on 2022 :
-“The triumph of the human spirit over darkness was something that was kind of built into the DNA of the band from the beginning,” he explained. “The self-actualization, the triumph of the spirit and things like that, getting through really hard things. “There’s darkness in the world. And I think overcoming that darkness, that darkness externally and internally, is a beautiful thing. It’s a challenging thing, but it is beautiful if you can do that if you can kind of triumph over that. So that’s a theme that’s definitely in ‘Black Parade’, the song, and it’s in my work.”"
Billie Eilish (singer, famous star)
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Billie is a famous pop singer that has mula sun-mercury-ketu 11th, 12th shravana moon, jupiter ardra rx - rahu mrigashira 5th, with lagnaand mars at purva bdp aquarius ruled by 4th rohini saturn rx.
where we got two famous singers with big saturn (gerard have cancer saturn i forgot to mention) ketu and Jupiter Energy that they channel to create their arts, but this time is billies brother who writes for her or co-writers with her (depending on the source you use).
finneas (her brother) have jupiter rx capricorn, leo stellium (mercury, venus and rahu) , mrigashira gemini moon and saturn pisces.
billies moon conjuncts her brothers jupiter and his moon conjunct her Jupiter-rahu and his ketu conjunct her first house lagna and mars so i truly believe that they are very close to each other and can understand each others internal mental battles to me they channel together, funny because one of the symbols of gemini is the twins.
also his sun conjuncts her saturn which should bring discipline to their work.
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this time we got to see how mula operates under the umbrella of rahu, mula stellium ruled by jupiter ardra. In other words, we are going to see how, through an intellectual lens, Billie channels her inner mental torture and expresses her unique yet common emo mindset to make a career out of her pains.
she have her 10th ruler at 1st, 10th jyeshta venus ruled mars aquarius, this explains why shes very famous and why we are able to see her channelized expression of herself. 10th planets are what is exposed to the world, our reputation.
the 10th house is oposite the 4th, where the fourth house is the most private house of our chart and her chart ruler is at 4th, Rohini Saturn. Wealth is what, usually a rohini wants but its ruled by a jyeshta very public venus, venus does not like to be that public (exposed) and definitely had a hard life, two things that a rohini doesn't like at all.
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just like Gerad, Billie displays mommy issues within her artwork, alongside her social difficulty, ketu = detached and is with sun-mercury meaning having a harder time with her mind.
her debut album called "When We Fall Asleep Where Do We Go" was inspired, in part, by lucid dreaming and night terrors. again two common nodal themes. According to her, night terrors and lucid dream is what happens when you fall asleep.
the album talks about hopes and fears surronding drug addiction, heartbreak, mental health, and suicide.
even tho the themes are and can be very personal billie said that she and her brother like to write as if they were someone else, meaning that she often likes to separates herself from the artwork this mimics the relation with herself, the 5th house is the natural house of the sun, the ego, and its located at the 11th, the house of social gains.
so this time, the idea of being a separate persona makes way more sense to her instead of gerads, because she really feels detached from all of these matters, mercury 11th with ketu.
yet she have 4th saturn and its said to be the worst house for saturn, i truly believe that they (the siblings) channel their bad mental experiences that they had as a child to write her music because her 12th moon is ruled by 4th saturn, and a Capricorn moon is also said to experience mental anxiety and problems.
this time she might actually feel separated from the art but the art, once again, truly mimics the inside of our hearts.
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so as we can see in order to heal, these two mulas use their pain and transform into art and by doing this they liberate their heads from the pain and eventually, even if takes long they find some kind of peace.
in 2021, billie launched her album called "Happier Than Ever" and this time the inspiration was the covid 19.
this time billie was more, just like the rest of the world, isolated and said that the album creation felt very natural and she also mentioned that was able to feel more confident on her work.
she further adds that self-reflection was the biggest muse behind the record and she mentioned that wrote the track "male fantasy" by herself which helped her realized some unprocessed feelings she previously had.
and just like gerald, with the help of isolation came the biggest form of inspiration.
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hi thank you so much for reading until the end i hope you enjoyed and were able to learn something ;).
please feel free to request any suggestion of themes you would like me to talk about and share you personal feedback :))
contact info.
ardra nakshatra p1 analysis.
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not-goldy · 1 month
Went from don't fling it at Jimin, to I hope he flips over.
Went from I miss you/Me too, to I miss members instead.
Went from guarding sleeping Jimin, to walking past him.
Went from Hate Everything cause your sick, to hope you get sick again.
When I was free you didn't come. When you free you still didn't come.
JK in his villain era. Tell me you had feelings, without telling me you had feelings.
I been watching and writing my notes in my journal till we get the whole content to see the big picture but here's a sneak peak of my notes don't know if I should just do a screenshot🥴
I think he had his guard up at the start of filming. He kept saying he didn't know what the outcome of the show was going to be and kept asking if Jimin wasn't worried about that too. He was obviously on edge and stressed about it which is on brand for him.
He gets worked up around Jimin and acts stressed sometimes when there are cameras around them especially ones he doesn't trust. And Jimin can be a bit unpredictable and he doesn't know how to react on cue to him when he's being flirty flirty and risqué. I use to say this all the time that these little moments affirms to me that these two have something hide cos Jungkook wouldn't be so tensed around any member in such situation.
You know how Jungkook went off script and was all up in Jimins space doing fanservice and Jimin was a bit on edge? Sort of like that, he didn't know what Jungkook was going to do in that moment and so he got nervous.
Jungkook is like that too.
Though I wonder if the director didn't sit down with them and go over the vision for the show or whether- you know sometimes some directors in reality shows like to keep the cast in the dark or even apart and prevent them from interacting just so they can have candid moments good first time reactions from the members.
But evidently Jungkook was stressed out in the first takes. He even said kayaking had relieved him of some stress. But concerns about perhaps the shoot still weighed on him the first episode.
Also, he did seem a bit resentful of Jimin for neglecting him and you could tell he had tried to keep his cool when that was happening to not seem too needy.
I think I touched on this in an earlier post about them miscommunicating their needs. The problem with being told you are too needy or too reckless or the reason your secrets are almost nearly being spilled is you become too insecure to even ask for those emotional needs of affection.
And I think Jimin did so well placating him. He's matured in more ways than one. It was nice to see him not try to overwhelm him with skinship, overtly flirting and trying to out him on the spot. I think he allowed Kook space to be angry and let out his frustration without taking it on himself and looking sad about it.
I just smiled proudly of Jimin cos he got it right this time. Jungkook's feelings are valid and reacting negatively to them invalidates their feelings and steels the spot from them onto yourself which is a very terrible thing to do in an intimate relationship.
He gave Jungkook the attention he needed, pushing forward when he seemed susceptible and reeling it back when he seemed closed off.
In another life I want to be Jimin but with huge breasts.
And he gently called him out too. Like why are you angry you seem angry? Then he kept saying oh Jungkook is going to kill me if I do this wrong Jungkook is not gonna be happy about this- he just seemed quite aware of Jungkook's mood most of the time.
Oh and I loved Jungkook slowly letting go, he'd compliment Jimin's hair and clothes, try to reassure him when he messed up like no it's okay you did great. And in the end he said he was actually grateful Jimin came.
You could tell Jungkook had psyched himself up to deal without Jimin's attention. He seemed quite closed off superintendent but never avoidant.
Honestly that I hope Jimin flips was me when I'm mad I be wishing people step on leggos and shit😁🤭🤭🤣
Like he was so real for that.
And when he said of this moment reminds me of V, Jimin went I miss him and he was like should I call him? Would you rather do this with Jimin bitch just sit there pretty and let me go off on you😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jimin lost it too with that Namjoon comment 💀🤣
But I dont think his saltiness went past those first episodes I'm afraid. Usually when he's doing these things for Jimin that you talk of its from a different place, sometimes he's genuinely worried for the safety of Jimin especially being around people who won't hesitate to take opportunity of them. He's a protector it's who he is. I think he has those natural instincts.
V I think was the first to say how nice lying on the floor was and they all rested on the floor and even took pictures and Jimin eventually fell asleep there.
When he got to Jimin he stared at him for so long you could tell he was contemplating what to do and I think if he thought the place wasn't a good place to rest he would have asked him to get up or just lifted him off to be honest.
Then he and Jimin had that moment when Jimin was teasing him about not being a good parker and he went you're one to talk😭😭😭😭😌😌😌
My man can't park for shit and yet he keeps running his mouth 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It sounded a bit diabolic to me that he would say he wished Jimin would flip too etc I think on the surface he would have had a good laugh but I think deep down he wanted Jimin to feel his pain. He wanted to see Jimin also be vulnerable and perhaps needing him too. It's the human in him.
That man been suffering from chest pains in silence for months and those first episodes was his time to shine🤣🤣🤣🤣
And Jimin knows how to handle his man and he handled him so well😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
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sinfulslytherin · 1 year
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Summary: Draco finds out that your future husband uses you for money at a dinner party at Malfoy Manor.
Warning: mature content
"He made a deal with my father. He gets money for marrying me, I won't be my fathers problem anymore and our bloodline will be kept pure."
Dracos features soften.
"So that's why you said that he doesn't love you." He says.
"Yes. And that's why Daphne is on his dick 24/7." I explain further.
Draco falls silent. He probably tries to progress what I just said.
Draco suddenly grabs two new drinks, hands me one and faces the crowd of people in front of us.
"You'll spend the night here. I don't want Graham to touch you ever again."
I fall silent as I look at the blonde boy next to me. He doesn't spare me a single glance.
"We'll get into trouble sooner or later, Draco." I say as I look at the drink in my hand.
Draco taks two steps and stands right in front of me.
"What makes you think that I'd let you go back to Graham after the things he did to you?" He growls as he looks down at me.
My eyes drift over to Graham. He talks with my father, a few other men that I don't recognize and Daphne. His hand is placed around her waist.
"For fuck's sake, Amara. Look at me."
My eyes spot the smile on Grahams face. It's the same smile he used to put on to convince me that he is in love with me.
I can't believe that I gave him my trust when he said that he didn't enjoy punishing me or that he actually loved me.
"Amara! Look at me."
Draco repeats as he grabs my chin and turns my head.
My eyes drift over to Draco.
"You are staying here tonight. In my room." And with that Draco grabs my hand and drags me towards the huge dinner table.
My eyes lock with Narcissas.
"The dinner will be served shortly. You two have a perfect timing." Says Narcissa as she smiles at us.
"Amara, my dear. Where dou want to be seated. Next to Draco?"
A light smirk appears on my lips.
"I'd prefer to sit next to you, Mrs. Malfoy." I answer.
Narcissa smiles.
"How many times did I tell you to not call me that. Of course you can sit next to me, sweetheart." She answers.
Narcissa places herself on the chair next ti the head of the table where I guess Mr. Malfoy will be seated.
I walk over to the chair next to Narcissa as a hand on my waist stops me.
"I got a saying in this too, you know? I'll sit right next to you wether you like it or not." Whispers Draco in my ear.
A light smile displays on my lips as I seat myself between Narcissa and Draco.
I have to admit that an uneasy feeling creeps up as I think about the fact that I sit with the Malfoys instead of my father and my future husbands family.
It doesn't take long for the guests to place themselves at the table.
Graham, his family and my father sit right in front of us.
I feel their disgusted stares lingering on my skin.
I ignore their presence and concentrate myself on the food that is served.
A plate with some of the most expensive and finest food is placed right in front of me.
My eyes drool st the sight.
I can't remember the last time I ate properly.
"Enjoy your meal."  Says Mr.Malfoy, signaling everyone to start eating.
I lift the fork as my eyes lock with Grahams.
He shakes his head as his eyes shift down to the meat on my fork and back to my eyes.
I get nervous and start to lower the fork again.
A hand stops my movement. I look to my right to see Draco holding my arm. He takes the fork from my hand and shoves the it directly into my mouth.
He doesn't make a big fuss about it and places his attention right back to his own plate of food after sending Graham one last warning glare.
I shyly chew down the meat as I try to ignore the looks from the few people who watched the scene.
The dinner passes quite quickly as I only concentrated on eating my food and drinking some wine.
The dinner party seems to slowly end as more and more people say their goodbyes and leave.
Draco and I stand at a corner, waiting for everyone to leave. Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy are infront of us, saying their goodbyes to the guests.
Graham approaches as he thanks the Malfoys for the dinner. He looks between Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and our eyes meet.
"We are leaving, Amara."
"Excuse me, Montague. But I think you mistook my date for yours. Your date is already outside waiting for you." Answers Draco, refering to Daphne.
"That's still my wife you are talking about." says Graham through gritted teeth.
"You are not yet married." Answers Draco dryly.
Graham falls silent as he sends me one last glare before leaving.
Only a few seconds later my father approaches us as he thank the Malfoys, just like Graham did.
"Amara. Think about the conseqences there'll be if you don't follow through with the deal."
My lips are sealed as I don't know what to answer my father.
"Mr. Caddel. I'd appreciate it if you and Mr. Montague would stop bothering my guests. Thank you for your visit. Goodbye." Suddenly answers Mr. Malfoy.
Draco seems just as shocked as I am. We didn't expect Dracos father to stand up for me. He's probably fed up with their behavior as well.
My father leaves.
The last guests leave a few minutes later and the door finally closes.
"Amara, you can already go upstairs. I' ll be there shortly." Draco exclaims as I nod and do as he says.
I try to walk upstairs but my feet hurt due to these freaking heels. I stop after a few stairs and try to free my hurting feet from these horrible shoes.
I suddenly hear voices.
Draco and Mr. Malfoy probably can't tell that I am still here due to the thin wall that seperates us.
"I hope she's worth it, Draco."  Says Malfoys father.
"What do you mean?" Asks Draco.
"I hope she's worth all of this trouble you're getting yourself into, boy."
"She is."
"I have nothing against this girl. It's actually quite the opposite. I know for a fact that your mother loves her as well." Says Mr. Malfoy before I can hear his foot steps fainting.
What is he trying to achieve?
I quickly make my way upstairs to the guest room. I leave the door open as I sit down on the bed.
I hear footsteps approaching as I see Draco taking a quick glance into his room (which is on the opposite side of the guest room I sit in) before looking into the room I sit in.
We lock eyes.
"You are sleeping in my room tonight, Amara."
"What?" I ask as a blush creeps up my cheeks.
"You are sleeping in my room. With me. In my bed."
Chapter 15 of Guillotine~ <3
Spice ahead :)
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jeonscatalyst · 23 days
Why do people still deny that Tae went hand in hand with Jennie because he wanted it that way? The photographer you caught participated in a podcast recently, and they wanted to take down the page, like? The video is still clear and vivid in the paparazzi's feed, he was not prosecuted nor was he taken down, on the contrary, he said he was stopped by security and released because he was not considered a threat. They [Tae & J) didn't want to deny it, in fact she came on Instagram and posted photos from that day. No one is pouring hate on Tae for simply letting them talk about something he knew they would talk about and wanted to, oh my god [and I literally don't care about her and him, but I'm an adult and I try to deal with maturity around me]
Well anon Tae and Jennie were definitely walking hand in hand in Paris because they wanted to but I don’t know if their intention was to get “caught”. I did watch the podcast/ interview by the french paparazzi guy and from the way he explained things it is clear that there was no media play or any of that rubbish tkkrs are talking about.
He said that he was tipped off about Jennie and Tae being in Paris together by a friend of his who is into kpop and then he went and waited by a bus stop near Le Champs Elysees for over an hour and then immediately he spotted them coming out of a restaurant, holding hands, he took a photo and sent it to his friend who then said footage like that had never been released before so that was huge. He then proceeded fo follow them on a bike and kept discreetly taking photos and videos of them on his phone because he didn’t have his camera on his since he didn’t expect to see them at all but only went there after his friend tipped him off.
At some point Tae and Jennie probably figured out they were being filmed but probably couldn’t do anything about it or maybe they just didn’t care. But it is clear that the Paparazzi guy did not face any consequences, I mean why would he? He is a paparazzi and that’s what they do. He saw them on the streets and took videos of them, he didn’t break into their houses or anything. I had seen some taekookers claiming that he was probably sued because he deleted the highlight of taennie from his instagram but I doubt that was the case because he is still talking about it and the video itself is still on his page till this day.
I personally don’t think Tae and Jennie intentionally went out holding hands because they wanted to soft launch their relationship or because they wanted someone to take a video (I mean that could be the case but I don’t think so) They are idols and public figures but that doesn’t mean they don’t crave nomalcy too plus sometimes they too can be a little careless. Maybe they thought it was late and no one was going to recognize them that late at night. I mean look at how happy Jimin and Jungkook were when someone recognized them at walmart in NY. Sometimes these idols too probably think not everyone would recognize them cuz I bet they have been to so many places without people recognizing them. Maybe Tae and Jennie just wanted to have one of those days and then got “caught”. I think if it was intentional or if they wanted to soft launch their relationship then, they would have kept up with it after that, like being seen together in other places but I don’t think they were ready to openly date yet and that is probably why they continued the way they did. They didn’t deny it but also didn’t accept it. They knew some people knew and some people were still doubting and probably just decided to leave things as they were.
I don’t even understand why this whole taennie thing is still a topic for debate. Tae and Jennie were together and probably still are and anybody who continues to deny that is just plain stupid imo.
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dailyrothko · 18 days
Hi :) I was wondering about your opinions on Ex. No.7 (if you have any)! I haven't met many people with such a fascination with Rothko, so I'm hoping that you would be willing to share your two cents on this piece (and possibly the controversy around it)
This is the specific work, since it appears that another Rothko has the same title ↓
I think journalists love stories like this and if there's a photo of it in the Rothko family collection that could be for many reasons, but it does make an intriguing mystery.
However, I think this is like the CIA story, journalists love a hook, love an underdog story, love to say "Here's something you have never heard about" but claims and rarely stand up to reality.
I have seen this painting for a decade. My suspicion is that David Anfam, who died last week (RIP David), didn't wish to talk about it because it looks so obviously fake.
What's "All the evidence", I don't see any, myself. Rothko sold mostly privately, who bought it from him? Apparently no one knows, but big red flag right there.
Sure the 1949 date is early enough for some experimentation in his style to go one but there are many reasons I have never considered it real.
So here it is-
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1- the colors are all wrong, much too pastel for Rothko.
2- What's with the outlines around the shapes? Why are the borders huge? Rothko liked floating fields. He feathered the edges to create a feeling.
3- The application of the paint looks much more amateurish than Rothko, it's too opaque and hard. It's like panting window trim.
Maybe it is real, and yes it's true that it's hard to get authentications without provenance but I have never for a second though it was real myself. it doesn't have the look.
Even with Rothko still maturing , look at some of his work from that year and tell me if that looks like the same painter, and for me, it does not.
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As for Selz, who had a long career, I am sure he was well respected by many but I know Aaron Sisskind basically said he was a phony and no one respected him and that his wife actually wrote his dissertation.
Not to slam the guy, Sisskind was one of strong opinions, but it's not a big deal to me that Selz though it was real. Either way, it doesn't look real to me.
Thanks for the question
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resident-wof-expert · 1 month
Unsorted WOF thoughts part 126:
Qibli appreciation post, because I don't see a LOT of hate for him, but I see enough hate that I feel it's my duty to help him out.
I reblogged a post a few months ago, agreeing that it was EXTREMELY shitty for Qibli to imply that he liked Winter better when he was under Darkstalker's spell, and for Moon to agree.
The reason I don't like it is mainly because of the disrespect toward Winter, but also because Qibli and Moon just... don't feel like those kinds of characters?
I don't think it makes sense for Moon to have said that at all, so I have no explanation. Qibli, though, I think I have something for.
I actually think it's more interesting to think that Qibli just says awful shit sometimes because he doesn't have the emotional maturity to deal with serious situations outside ofcracking jokes, and he isn't very good with boundaries. Not because it's excusable, but because we all have moments where we say or do something that goes against our usual sense of right and wrong, and we can't really take it back.
It's an important detail that Qibli is simultaneously a criminal mastermind, an abuse victim, an experienced soldier, AND a huge momma's boy. I made a post about Qibli being the relatively "normal" one out of all the protags, but I couldn't have been more wrong.
Qibli has a myriad of traits and experiences under his belt, none of which mesh well together, leading into him being a control freak, a people-pleaser, a class clown, a loose canon, and a master strategist all at the same time.
Qibli tends to care more about how others perceive him than most other things in his life, which does make him selfish in a lot of ways.
Qibli makes jokes at entirely the wrong times, making him annoying at times.
Qibli is a stupid, moody teenager who likes to think that he has everything figured out and sometimes makes others uncomfortable with his ill attempts at lightening the mood.
That describes more of us as teenagers than we would ever willingly admit.
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