#i don't totally agree with the author on all points but she does really use the evidence well to demonstrate
cator99 · 1 day
2 days ago: a new email from the landlord is dropped. I open it, and damn near toss my phone across the room.
The email can be summed up as such: "Hi everyone just a totally casual reminder that ONLY THOSE CURRENTLY ON THE LEASE are LEGALLY permitted to reside in the home. I've made this very clear. In the off chance that you missed the memo, allow me to reiterate this part on the lease for you. [insert that part in a fancier font here]. To be clear, anyone who is not on the lease as a tenant is not authorized to reside in the home. Anyways so yeah I'll be bringing some handymen over on the 26th to deal with the basement leak."
(Side note– yes, she does say both "I've made this very clear" and "to be clear".)
The house is engulfed by an eerie silence in the following days. Or maybe– in my paranoid state– I'm imagining it. I know for certain that no one wants to touch the damn thing. We all sit and wait for someone else to breach the topic. That "someone else" being the unemployed ftm who has been the primary correspondent with the landlord for at least as long as I've been here, despite all common sense pointing towards this being a task that would be better delegated to literally anyone else– although, seeing as he is now our only unemployed resident, I do consider bestowing this responsibility upon him to be an act of mercy. Something something "enclosure enrichment" etc. So. He finally returned today, and the expected happened. Total pandemonium in the house chat. Thankfully, no one seems to have– at least openly– begun to suspect the obvious, (that, of course, being that this is a sort of warning from a landlord who knows exactly what's going on) and then, from there, extrapolated that perhaps this is the result of a snitch. But who would do that? Couldnt possibly be the one person in the house who has openly expressed concern about the way things have been dealt with. Oh well. Thankfully, the most cogent thought that was expressed on the topic was this:
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New Girl remains totally silent as everyone chimps out and devises a plan to give legal aid a call tomorrow. Yknow. Regarding an issue that should more or less be new girl's responsibility to deal with. Hours pass before she finally responds to the questions regarding what she would like us to do. Does she even want to be on the lease? After all the fighting we did to get the landlord to agree to even consider doing so? All this hullabaloo just feels a little silly when she doesn't seem to give a shit either way. She's expressed very little consideration towards these matters at any point (in her defense, she is Cerifiably Slow in that incresingly-rare Not A Malingerer type of way so... I don't expect too much), but right about now, without Pins Girl here to make a stink about it all and whip people up into believing that suburbia-chan's tenancy here is of utmost importance and a real human rights issue, it has become even moreso apparent that she really doesn't care nor understand the implications of this situation. But I digress. Hours after the fact, she drops in with a few words, and leaves it at that.
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Imagine purple saying this through gritted teeth. She's one of the 2 relatively-normie-if-a-tad-reclusive (who can blame them) 30 y/o IT-job people who live upstairs. The one who has been volunteered to call legal aid in the morning... sooo valid.....
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
His 'merciful inclination and princely heart' meant he was always ready to 'take pity and compassion on all offenders repentantly crying'. In the case of his daughter, since she was, 'frail, inconstant and easy to be persuaded,' he would be glad to remit some of his displeasure.
The King’s Pearl: Henry VIII & His Daughter Mary, Melita Thomas
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kaciebello · 2 months
Mission love
Masterlist Luke Castellan x Ares! reader (implied, fem) Summary: Chris cannot stay still and tries to get his two besties together. Warning: no use of y/n, Luke is a total loser again, Chris POV author note: This took longer then it should have, but listen, i was lazy word count: 2,2k
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Chris liked to think of himself as the modern Cupid. Granted Eros probably would not be pleased about him stealing his job, but what can he do? He was really good at it. He felt he could do anything with recommendations from the aphrodites' kids.
However, right now he was struggling. Not only did he not have a next target, but the last couple he helped to get together was bickering all the time and coming to him like he could help. So he seeks out one of his closest friends.
There she stood, by the training grounds, watching whatever fight was going on. Chris could not care less, as he was here to complain and whine. He made his way to her, stopping by her side. She looked at him to acknowledge his existence before looking back at the fight.
“It’s been a week! A week! And I have nobody to bully into a relationship. It feels like I have no purpose at the moment.” He says kicking dirt that has accumulated on the soles of his shoes. The girl just answered with a hum. he knew she was paying some attention to him. He opened his mouth to speak again but the girl cut him off before he could.
“Why not Clarisse?” She asked as if it was a genuinely good idea. Chris would argue otherwise.
“ Bestie, I love you, but there is no way your sister would agree to any of my bugging. And, to be honest, I don't know anyone who likes her like that.” He answers looking for Clarisse in the crowd. Only to find her sharpening her spear. Chills ran down his back as they made eye contact.
“I do.”
“You do?”
“Know someone, not liking my sister that way.” She says finally turning to him as the fight in front of them concludes. He nods in acknowledgement before a questioning expression appears on his face. The girl smiled and pointed her finger at him.
Chris went red, not only did he not like being called out like that, but he had no idea he was that obvious that even another Aries kid noticed it. He wanted to argue back, but couldn't as another camper showed up and joined the conversation.
Luke jogged up to them, sweaty and breathing heavily as if he had just now won a fight.
“Well hello there.” He says. Chris gives him a brotherly hug and the girl just nods at him. Chris does not pay it too much attention, however, when he turns back to face the girl, he's met with someone that has almost the same colour as a tomato. His eyes narrowed at her as he tuned out the conversation.
He watched her action bashful every time Luke just looked her way. Her eyes twitched between him and Luke. And just as he put two and two together, it was like she saw the lightbulb going off above his head. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in a shocked expression, she was shaking her head at him. Luke just stood there, confused, not aware of the silent conversation between the two friends.
“OH MY GOD!” Chris yelled, the girl shook her head hard as if that would make him forget.
“SHUT UP!” She managed to yelp out before turning and running away. Gods were the aries kids fast.
“What's going on?” asked Luke, who now looked like a very confused puppy. 
“Don’t worry about it, man.” Chris padded him on the back and they both made their way back to the hermie's cabin. Luke seems to be having a conversation with himself, as Chris only hums in answer. He just learned that his best friends like each other, and he can't focus on anything else.
Chris was watching her from his place at the Hermes table. She was chatting with Clarisse. Not even sparing him a glance. He made sure to watch her like a hawk, narrowed eyes and everything. A nudge of an elbow wakes him up from his trance. Looking back at the culprit, he sees Luke giving him a weird look.
“Dude, you have to stop looking at her like that,” Luke says as his eyes fall on the aries table.
“Ask- Wait what? I am not looking at Clarisse!” He defends himself. Luke just raises his eyebrows.  With nothing to argue with, he just drugs his shoulders and turns back to his food. Chris has returned to his bullshit, trying to burn holes into his best friend. Hoping she can feel it and turns to look at him as well.
He seems to have the gods' favour today, as her eyes fall on him. Her body freezing and her eyes going wide. Chris saw his chance, turning his body so that his back was facing Luke. Chris points to the girl, then to Luke, and then makes a finger heart. The girl insisted on shaking her head, while Chris kept nodding his. After a while, she just let out a sigh and looked away. Chris took it as a victory.
Luke was sitting there, watching them both, not knowing whether to leave them to their shenanigans or to be worried.
It has been a week since Chris has been on a self-given mission and a week of continuous fails in getting his friends together. He would have never guessed that getting his friends who like each other, to actually be together was so hard.
He was currently lying on the floor, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, listening to Silenas' ideas. He was toning the girl out. As much as he would actually like to listen to Aphrodite's kid, she was babbling about Charles and how they got together. Nothing that was actually helping him.
When he opened his eyes to tell Silena her ideas were okay-ish, he couldn't even find his voice as his gaze fell behind the girl. There they stood. The reason behind his headaches and his sleepless nights. Talking, together and exchanging knowing glances. 
Enghouh, Chris was not gonna let that slide. How dare they try to get together without his help. Not on his watch. 
Chris stood up and gave some excuse to Silena before making his way to his friends. Luke spotted his first, waving with a big ‘ hey man!’ coming from his mouth. The girl looked at him for a second before smirking and waving at him too.
“What are you guys doing?” He says, giving the girl a pointed look. She just smiles at him.
“Oh, we were talking about the meteor shower that's happening tomorrow. We heard some kids say that the cliff should be a good spot for it.” Says Luke.  This catches Chris’s attencion. A meteor shower? Very romantic.
“Like a date?” He asks. Luke goes red and looks like he's trying to find an excuse. The girl just shakes her head.
“Why? You wanna go on one?” She smirks at him. It was clear to him that she was playing some game.
“Why would I go watch Shooting Stars as a date? That's more of a you thing.” He fires back. Luke had stopped stumbling over his words and now was just watching the exchange between two friends. Although the blush has yet to leave his face.
The girl huffs at Chris's answer, crossing her arms on her chest.
“Well maybe you should go-”
“ Oh hey, Clarisse!” Luke yelps making the two stop. Chris's head snaps to the girl mentioned. Next to him, she stood, looking like she wanted to kill them all, or maybe just his and Luke since he wasn't so sure she would want to kill her own sibling.
Not greeting the very obviously nervous Luke back, her death stare turned to her sister. 
“I saw you waiving at me, what do you need?” Said Clarisse with the softest voice Chris ever heard from her. His friend smiled and nodded before engaging in the conversation with her sister and walking off. Not before sending a wink in their direction. Chris was not sure if it was meant for him or Luke.
His head snapped back to his oldest friend who was grinning from ear to ear watching the girl walk away. Chris raised an eyebrow at him when his friend looked down. Lukes face dropped.
“What?” he asks him. Chris just shook his head.
“Nothing mate.” He says before walking away. He was very much aware his friends were pinning for each other, but this was getting painful to watch. He can't let his dude look like a fool. He needs to find Silena fast. He has figured out the perfect date, he just needs help decorating.
His plan was going smoothly. Both of his friends have received an invitation to watch the meteor shower. He watches Silena personally deliver them from the bushes. They both run to the forest and find a bunch of kids already there. With a lame excuse, they were able to convince them to leave. So many people rather just leave when told that Mr. D is also gonna watch the starts. Finding a little excluded spot, they put down a blank and made everything look pretty. He has since sent the girl away on her own little date night with Charlie.
Luke was supposed to arrive 10 minutes before her so that Chris had time to explain what his happening and dip before she got there. Because he knew if she found him anywhere near. He might as well join the stars and fall from the cliff. 
Chris heard a snap and looked behind him. There stood Luke, a very confused face. Looking around the overtly put-up date.
“Bro what?” He asks him when his eyes finally fall on him. Chris has an evil smile on his face.
“I am doing this for you.” He says and gets to explaining. He has a whole script he wants Luke to follow. He can’t see his friend fumble and eat dirt at the only opportunity he's gonna get. As much as Luke is like the best hero of all time, he still believes his friend is a massive loser. In the middle of explaining his elaborate plan, he heard rustling of the bushes.
From them emerges his very own friend. Looked around similarly to Luke before standing next to the said boy, both of them gawking at Chris.
“Gee, you went all out.” She says.
“You're 5 minutes early,” Chris says, frowning at her. She nods and looks at the paper Luke is showing her.
“I am aware, thank you.” She says not looking up from the paper. Chris goes and snatches the script from her.
“ I was supposed to dip before that. Damn, okay. It can still work. well, get to the main finish like no problem Luke.” He says, ignoring the girl completely.
“You mean the one where me and Luke kiss?” She asks him. Chris gives a death glare. Luke glances at her before blushing. 
“I didn't read it that far.” He confesses before taking the script from his friend. The girl looked at him confused.
“Do you need to? There is a little chibi drawing of us kissing. Btw, good sport, you should try painting as a hobby, Chris. Would probably do more good than this whole matchmaking.” She fires at the boys. Luke was examining said drawing, while Chris wanted to throw her off the cliff now.
“Look,” he starts, “ it is painful watching you pine over each other. I just want you to date. So enjoy this date I prepared for you.” he motions to the blanket on the floor.
Luke looks up from the paper with a confused face. Carefully puts the drawing in his pocket.
“Dude, what do you mean? We've been dating for months-” A hand on his mouth stops him.
“Hi Clarisse!” the girl almost sings. Chris turns around and finds Clarisse standing there with a confused expression. Her hair was done and she wore a nice dress, although you could still see the biker shorts underneath. Chris's heart almost jumps from his body.
“ What are you all doing here? I thought it was gonna be just me and Chris.” She asks. Chris could see she was getting nervous and anxious. Her sister just smiled.
“Oh, we were just helping to set up, you know, for your guy's date. Chris is not really good at this stuff.” The girl says. Chris turns to look at his friends just standing there. Clarisse nods and smooths down her dress a little.
Now Chris was confused. What date? She and Luke were supposed to go on a date, not him and Clarrise.
“Well get going.” She says and drags Luke away. Her palm was still over his mouth. Luke was able to give him some thumbs up before they disappeared into the forest. Chris followed his own script. The date went as smoothly as it could have and he had a really good time. When he walked Clarisse back to her own cabin he goes on autopilot mode for a second. He can't believe he has been outsmarted by the two bafoons. How can cupids apprentice be outmatched is beyond him. 
“What are you thinking about.” She asks when she notices him spacing out.
“Huh? Oh nothing, I just. I was trying to get your sister and Luke together for ages. Tonight was a perfect opportunity for them to do so. It just didn't work out and now I have to come up with something new.”
“Wait, Luke and my sister? But they have been dating for months.”
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opinated-user · 2 months
friendly reminder that LO has faked to have cancer "coincidentally" right after her sibling Courtney came out alleging that LO essentially molested her when they were kids
we know that LO faked it for the following reasons: -first she claimed that it was skin cancer on the first stage and the only treatment she ever had was chemotherapy. first stage skin cancer is going to be treated normally with a minor surgery. -when more people started questioning her about it, suddenly LO claimed she never said what cancer that it was. -despite being in chemotherapy, LO claims that the expenses were "minimal", which is hard to believe even living in Canada. people go into debt paying for their treatment while still living on the exact same province as LO. -a normal chemotherapy treatment would last at least 6 months. we're talking about half a year of someone's lives in which your body basically is being destroyed in order to hopefully kill the cancer. not only LO hasn't shown literally no symptom related to chemotherapy during the entire period in which she should have it, but she also never told anyone about it during this process. including her own wife and her immediate family. not a single one of her closest friends ever knew or suspected she was going through this experience. she only mentioned some mild symptoms after some of her critics (including this blog) pointed them out at all. -not really proof, but the way that LO decided to announce she ever went through any of this was through a comic page on pokemadhouse to announce she was in "complete remission" already. to give an idea of how truly evil this is, her wife would have received the news that her wife had been lying to her for six months right before being asked to draw for free a comic to announce it to everyone else. regardless if you even believe that LO is lying or not, i think it's pretty clear we should be able to agree that this is just vile behavior and a total show of disrespect towards her own spouse. -complete and total lack of any real evidence. never a mention of visit to the doctor (only some "asks" teasing about getting "funny results" and nothing else), never a word about the kind of meds that she was taking, never saying a word even about what kind of chemotherapy she went through. this is not to say that she or anyone should owe it to the world to reveal every details of their lives in order to be believed, but we're talking about a experienced liar that has lied about so many things so many times before despite the clear and obvious evidence that still exist so the skepticism, plus the absolute lack of any evidence at all, is completely warranted in this case. to this day LO still claims that Stockholm does not exist. there's both audio, video and text evidence that she was the author and she fully intended to include every disgusting thing on it, that she wanted them there. lie about a fanfic and lie about cancer are two completely different things, but not to a liar who is used to lie for attention. -once again, this narrative of "i had cancer the whole time, but i was also in therapy and now i'm better so i don't really have to talk about any details about it ever again" started out really only shortly after Courtney came out speaking out. when you talk about youtuber or other influencers lying about having cancer for any nefarious reason possible, do not forget to include LO.
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tdinyomomma · 1 year
Not Quite Famous- TDI X Reader (Chapter Five)
If You Haven’t Read: Four
"Okay, this is so-way-beyond bad. I'm out of fake tanner already." Lindsay whines, telling Gwen and I her dilemma. I looked down from my bunk bed as I was reading my book. "Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay." Gwen sarcastically comments. "Now, I have to actually like suntan, in the sun." The blonde complains, "Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin?" She sounds distressed as she gets up and goes over to Gwen, "Oh, you totally do." She frowns. My jaw slacks open in shock. Does this girl really not have common sense or is this a joke that only she's in on?
"All right, campers, enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of!" Chris announces over the P.A. after loudly blaring an alarm.
I sigh, placing my book down, jumping off my bed. I fix my clothes, turning to Gwen. "I wonder what stupid thing we're doing today." I smirk and she chuckles, agreeing. "Totally, at least we're actually rested for this one." She points out, getting up as well to change into her daily clothes.
"True, I'll see you wherever we're meeting." I nudged her gently, walking away not realizing I made her blush from the short interaction.
We all sat by this stage on bleachers, Gophers on one side, Bass on the other. "Are we gonna see a musical?" Lindsay questions what's going on with the stage. I roll my eyes. "I love musicals, especially the ones with singing and dancing." She clasps her hands together and I shake my head, sighing because of her stupidity. I look over to see Gwen making her way over to us and I wave her down. "Gwen! I saved you a spot!" I grin, she sits down. "Thanks." She blushes, Cody unfortunately comes over and sits on the opposite side of me.
Behind the three is Heather, glaring down at Gwen in annoyance.
Trent also decides to sit with us but he sits next to Gwen who doesn't know that the boy has feelings for her, and is flirting. Cody smiles at me, as usual and I awkwardly ignore him, thanking the gods when Chris starts speaking. "Welcome to our brand new, deluxe state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater." He greets us, showing off the stage.
"Okay, this weeks challenge is a summer camp favorite, a talent contest." He says and I frown at the announcement but Owen of course cheers like he does for every single thing we get told. "Yes! Awesome!" He shouts.
"Each team has 8 hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." He makes eye contact with Duncan, also motioning to him so he knows. Duncan snaps in disappointment.
"You'll be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J V.J and rap legend Grand Master Chef who will show his approval via the Chef-O-Meter." He points up and something dings a few times. "The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck." He walks away, I take a deep breath. Three people means I don't have to try out for some talent so I could really care less about who they pick.
Gwen and I stand up together, and we go back to our cabins picking spots to do the judging.
We sit on our cabin's porch, Heather in front of us wearing a whistle around her neck and holding a clipboard. Blowing into the whistle she speaks up. "Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work." She says with authority. "Wait, who said you were team captain?" Gwen questions, holding a book in her arms. "She did. Just now." Lindsay acts as if that was obvious. We knew Heather picked herself but the team didn't agree to it.
"Lindsay, Beth and I took a vote and I won." The mean girl smiles. "Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic." Gwen explains and Trent comes over with a muffin in hand. "Hey, snagged you an extra muffin." He whispers, Gwen smiles. "Oh, thank you but [Name] already gave me hers as an extra, sorry." She rubs the back of her head. "Oh, no problem." He takes it back, holding it to his chest.
"Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?" Heather asks him. "Right on, go for it." He says.
"Good, Beth, Lindsay and I will be the judges." She proudly states. "Whatever." Gwen sighs and I raise a brow at the whole interaction.
Now one by one each person shows off their talent of who wants to even show it off. Owen's first, drinking a whole liter of soda. "Are you gonna audition?" Trent turns to Gwen, "Doubtful." She replies. "You should be in this, Trent, you play an instrument." I remind him and I can tell he got annoyed from me being there but oh well. "True!" Gwen nods, looking up at me. "Are you going to do anything? Didn't you say you play the drums?"
"No," I nervously laugh, "I did say that but I'm not auditioning." The only things I know how to play on the drums are from my embarrassing metal loving past. And I am far from being that person. "I'm sure it would've been awesome but I get it." She leans back on me since I'm sitting behind her on the stairs just one above hers.
Owen starts burping the ABC's, the guys all root for the guy as most of the girls look disgusted. "Yes!" Owen punches the air. "That was excellent, man." Trent high fives him, Heather scoffs. "Well, you're not going to do that in this contest. That's disgusting." She exasperates.
"Do you know how hard it is to burp the entire alphabet in one go?" Trent stands up for the bigger blond boy who ends up ruining it by bending over. "I can also toot Beethoven Fifth."
"No! No, no, no." The girls try to shield themselves. "Owen." Lindsay whines, Gwen starts to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Heather integrates her. "Anywhere that's not here." She carries on with where she was heading.
We move on from whatever that was and Heather shows us her ballet moves, wearing a light pink leotard and tu-tu. We all clap at the end. "Thank you." Everyone continues to clap and she looks over at her minions, clearing her throat. "Oh, I vote for Heather to be in the contest!" The blonde one out of the two raises her hand. "I second that." Beth agrees. "Guys, that's so sweet. Okay, so I guess I'm in. Why doesn't everyone take five?" She disbands everyone. "Except you [Name]! Wait right there!" Heather calls after me, I scrunch my nose in confusion but do as I'm told, leaning against the porch railing as she talks to Lindsay about something.
She gives the girl a walkie talkie then shoves her away.
"What did you need me for?" I quiz as she walks up to me. "I thought about what you said. I want to be friends. Real friends." She smiles, I glance around to see if this is some sort of joke since we're alone. "I'm serious." She folds her arms. "Okay." I shrug, going to head back inside the cabin. "Wait, that's it?" She exclaims loudly and I snicker. "We're friends now, what else do you want? A ceremony declaring it to everyone?" I joke, she stays silent for a moment. "I don't know, I just thought there was more to this."
I shake my head. "Nope, just acting normal. Can I go now?" I ask and she only nods in return.
I ended up joining the group by sitting on the picnic tables as Izzy did her audition. "I call this the dance!... Of the Rattlesnake!" She dances getting in Owen's face while making a noise, the bigger boy actually looks hypnotized.
Then there was Beth, Lindsay and Heather joined us in watching more of the auditions. The shorter girl is twirling fire boutons. "Are you sure this is safe?" Heather gasps and the four of us lean back when she gets too close. "It's okay, I've been practicing." She throws them in the air but she runs when it starts to fall down and we all hide behind the tables.
"I kind of missed the catching class." We all crowd the burnt hole in the ground.
"Uh, guys the bush is on fire." Trent points. Justin comes out and extinguishes the fire out wearing sunshades. Leshawna brings him a bottle of water, for some reason he rips his shirt off while drinking the water. Everyone drools over him while I stand there not understanding what's going on.
"Okay, so I think it's me, Trent and Justin. Any objections?" Heather asks, everyone shakes their head and I just walk away. What's his talent though?
I sit in the cabin on Gwen's bed and start to read my book once again. I also changed into my bathing suit since it was getting hotter outside and I thought about going to the water.
I hear talking outside the door then it opens to reveal Gwen.
"Hey, I'm going to the water, wanna join?" she smiles, turning around to change, I stare down at my now closed book. "Mmm, I might not swim but of course I'll join you."I place the book down, averting my eyes from her as she finishes changing and we leave the cabin.
"You're joining here?" Heather scoffs. "Yeah, I'll see you later, darling!" I wave her goodbye jokingly using a fake British accent. "You two are friends?" Gwen turns to me and I shrug. "Sort of." I question it, myself. "Oh so you do charity now?" She jokes and I laugh. "I've been doing Charities for ever now, I got you, remember?" I tease and she gasps, playfully pushing me and we both burst into laughter.
We sit down on the dock and calm ourselves, watching the moves of the water.
"Sometimes I just need to get away from everyone here, you know?" She sighs, "I mean it's like they're all driving me crazy." She pauses then smiles at me. "Well, almost all of them." She blushes and I mentally gasp.
Does Gwen have a thing for me? No, I could be imagining things. The sun is bright today. My thoughts are cut short when the dock starts shaking. We look behind us to see Cody and Owen running down. "Cannonball!!!" Owen shouts, the two jumping and the water splashes mainly Gwen. "Ugh! I hate this place!" She storms off.
"Nice going you idiots." I shake my head. "Yeah, nice going guy.."
I huff, leaving the place as well and going towards the bathrooms. I hear crying from inside one of the stalls so I hesitantly head over to it. "Hey, is everything okay in there?" I ask a bit loudly so the person knows it's for them. "Mm, no but-" they sniffled. "I'll be fine, I guess." From the voice it sounds like Courtney. "Want to talk about it?" I offer, backing away from the door once I hear the person unlocking it and then coming out.
"Oh, it's you." She seems disappointed so I apologize.
"What's going on, pumpkin?" I go over to the sink, washing my hands and face. "Don't call me that and you're on the other team I'm not telling you anything." She folds her arms, her tears air drying on her face. "I get that but I can still be a friend to vent to." I look at her through the mirror, smiling.
She doesn't say anything, obviously considering it. "I'm sorry-" "Don't apologize, you're thinking of what's best for your team." I turn around and go up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Good luck with the talent contest." I close my eyes smiling before heading out of the bathroom.
I join my team in sitting on the bleachers, being next to Gwen as usual.
"It's the T.D.I. Talent Extravaganza!" Chris shouts. "Welcome to the very first camp Wawanakwa talent contest, where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for the Screaming Gophers is Justin!" Chris declares, we clap and cheer for our teammate, and as he performs it's just him posing a bunch of different ways and then ending it with him leaning back in a chair and dumping water on himself.
"There are two syllables for hot, "Jus "" and "Tin." Man, that guy is just so hot I could kiss him." Owen's eyes go wide from what he just said. "Because he's a good teammate. Dah, why'd I say that?" He beats himself up.
"I don't see why people gawk at Justin. He's a man who uses his attractiveness to get this. Plus as I said. He's a man." [Name] rolls her eyes.
"Okay, I don't know what that was, but dang you got some moves, dude." Chris puts his thumb up and the Chef score moves pretty high. Eight out of Ten."First up for the Killer Bass, make some noise for the big guy, DJ!" He calls and DJ des some ribbon dance, but gets caught on the pink ribbon a few times.
"Dainty and Masculine, let's see what Grandmaster Chef thinks." It was only two points. "Not much." DJ frowns and sadly walks off the stage.
"So, with two down and four acts to go, it's the Screaming Gophers screaming ahead. Next on deck... Trent! Take it away my bro." The boy comes on stage with his guitar, sitting down on a stool. "This one goes out to someone special here at camp." I wince, and hide my face knowing it's for Gwen who does not reciprocate the same feelings. She acts oblivious, not knowing it's for her either. I zone out through the whole song, not wanting to cringe out.
Chris runs out at the last strum, "Nice work, I'm liking your style, dude. So does the Grandmaster Chef." He got half score and for some reason waves at the camera for a really long time.
"All right, quit hogging my light, buddy." Chris shoves him and I try not to laugh. "Three down and three to go, and the Killer Bass are totally sucking so far. Let's hear it for Bridgette."She doesn't come out right away and then shows up doing a handstand. Burping and then throwing up, projectile vomiting. "I'm hit! I'm hit!" Owen shouts.
She continues and hits Katie and Sadie who scream, Katie throwing up as well. And then hits most of my team with her vomit. Luckily Gwen and I didn't get hit.
The poor girl slips and falls off stage and onto tyler. "Hey, puke on your own boyfriend!" Lindsay shouts at the girl who was just sick all over the place. "On your own what, Lindsay?" Heather questions angrily, hands on her hips. "I didn't say boyfriend." The blonde back tracks.
Chris plugs his nose, coming back out on stage. "Clean up on aisle three, four, five and six. In the meantime, we'll take a short break to hose the joint down." He says.
"Going home won't be so bad. I could always work at the surf shack." Bridgette frowns, wiping a tear.
"Welcome back to the T.D.I talent Extravaganza! Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk-blowing fest registered two thumbs up by Grandmaster Chef. But it's not enough to pull ahead of the Screaming Gophers who hold the lead with Trents love song. So without further delay here she is for the leaders... Heather!" Chris announces and the girl walks out on stage, sitting on a stool.
"Originally, I was going to dance for you but instead I want to celebrate team spirit with a collaboration." She holds out a familiar book, I tilt my head. She gently shakes it a bit, staring at Gwen. "She wouldn't." Gwen whispers after gasping and I sat there in shock. "No fucking way." I shake my head. "So with words by Gwen, performance by me, enjoy." She clears her throat before reading it off.
"Okay, so I tried just being her friend, but she's just so cute. If they were trying to find the perfect person to distract me with her they got the right one, McGorgeous. We just totally connect. She's pretty much the only person I trust and relate to here and I know it's a cliche but I love how different we are but also so similar. She's so nice to everyone! Even Heather."
Gwen slides off the bleacher and runs off, I furrow my eyebrows in anger. "Thank you," Heather closes the book and makes eye contact with me. I flip her off then run after Gwen.
"People thought I was mean to Gwen. Whatever. All I needed was four votes against Justin. Lindsay and Beth were easy. Izzy's just crazy and Owen, piece of cake." She looks at her nails.
Owen's eating a piece of cake giggling. "Piece of cake." He hums.
I finally catch up with Gwen who was holding herself. "Hey-"
"Could you please save me the embarrassment for right now." She cries out, not looking at me and I frown at the sight.
"Please, we can talk later on." She pleads and walks away and I decide to listen to her, plopping down on a tree stump to think about everything that just went down.
"Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment, music, drama, barfing." We all hold our marshmallows and now Gwen is avoiding me so I stand next to Leshawna, staring down at the white fluff in my hands.
"There's only one marshmallow on this plate. Justin you reminded us all that looks matter a lot. And Heather you're full of surprises, but reading another chick's diary out loud to the whole world? Man, that is whack. No kidding, that's really messed up dude." Chris talks in a serious tone which was weird to see since he likes the drama that radiates off of us but even he can admit that what Heather did was extremely wrong.
"Oh, please, just give me my marshmallow already." Heather rolls her eyes. "Justin, I personally think this is very wrong, but tonight hotness just wasn't enough. The last Marshmallow goes to Heather." Chris says with disappointment laced in his voice.
"Time to catch the boat of losers, bruh." Justin sadly walks away. "Later, bruh." Heather waves to him, eating her marshmallow.
"If that evil little cow thinks she's getting away with this she has another thing coming." Gwen states.
"Befriending Heather was the worst move I have made all summer, and it's just begun." [Name] huffs.
The camera catches Gwen knocking on the door to reveal Harold. "You mentioned you brought a red ant farm with you, correct?"
"Yes." He nods.
Next clip is Heather running out of the cabin screaming with ants all over her.
"Sweet dreams everyone." Gwen giggles, closing her eyes to go to sleep.
Links To Other Writings
If anyone wants to be added let me know
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entropicbias · 4 months
Nice to meet you, entropicbias. I'm televisedanime (better known under my alias televisedanime.tumblr.com). Your johndave work is spot-on and you knock them right out of the ballpark. There's a certain level of versatility to your style and you are both a peerless flower and ingenious innovator in the field of yaoi. Thank you for your contributions. I'm going to keep it concise and get to the meat and potatoes of this ask: do you have any criteria for determining who the goat(s) in terms of homestuck fanartistry is/are? What, in your perspective, makes a veritable juggernaut in the homestuck sphere (or even in a broader sense)?
hello, televisedanime! thank you so much for the commendations. the way you talk about my depictions of them makes me feel like i have a phd in hammertime. i might as well at this point. it makes me super happy to see other people agreeing with my work because this is the one romantic/normal pairing in homestuck that means a lot to me personally, so i feel like i really do get them. i'd be really devastated to hear it if i didn't! ok, to answer your question... i don't really have the time to peruse old homestuck content. i'm trying to, but it's really hard when most of the art i like of one creator is from de-activated accounts and most of the other ones draw incest art on the side. what makes someone stand out for me, is probably mostly in their style. having a really good sense of depicting the characters is equally as important but sometimes people just have art that's like eye candy to me. so, for now, here's a list of homestuck artists that have really stuck with me and are sources of inspiration myself. -unforgivablecontent really great animator. lots of their stuff is on youtube but my personal favorites are the homestuck funnies comps and that tavros dave rap battle.
-radicaldude42/mars-gallavanger great artist, very unique style, and an incredible mspa comic artist.
-vintagefoods has such a phenomenal creative eye. one of the best homestuck artists. i love the use of colors and the eye for great attire.
-deaconblues awesome guy, even more awesome art. great writer and illustrator, i trust him with everything john egbert. that guy just gets him. read everafter on mspfa, the moveout zine, and a big man on campus. he's a brilliant comic artist too. has been on my list of great artists for a good while.
-toreodere talented in every retrospect. toreo nails the homestuck style and to top it off she's like, multitalented. check out her tumblr she does it all.
-feengoid my goat who also has such a unique and fun art style. i love the way she draws and how inventive she gets with her art. she's also really fucking funny.
-pinballhazard ASTOUNDINGLY good artist! an absolute gem in the homestuck community. amazing comic author and has a really unique and weirdly nostalgic style. he's like, a child prodigy i dunno how this kid is 16. -bloobydabloob i don't even want to talk about morris i just want to show you our stupid fucking egg beef.
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-tempestousstocking a wonderful artist. been in the johndave community for a while and totally gets it. -leon i forgot his username we all know him also a great artist. i'm running out of things to say i just like his art. -jumblefriend this person is on twitter for all i know but they draw the best nepeta ever. their style is so hilariously good and cartoony. i'd love to see them make comics or something one day they're very talented. michael- i forgot his handle but he makes great music too. hello michael. crazy stuff! -tentapillar/mariboo doesn't make a lot of homestuck art currently. i think they've moved on from their old account too. not sure but their old homestuck art ruled. amazing amazing artist.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
I’m Still Standing
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader (except he’s at home with the kiddos in this one)
Author’s note: yes I was influenced by Pedro’s Actors on Actors interview
Summary: Actors on Actors: You and Carolina Garcia-Long [2.0k]
Warnings: talk of pregnancy/family life, the age gap is finally ✨revealed✨, relationship stuff, Carolina being the best, discussions of sex scenes, I think that’s it!!
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Carolina sits across from you in a beautiful white dress that perfectly compliments her olive skin tone, smiling big and bright. You've already been talking as the crew sets up around you, and you're struggling not to have too much conversation without the cameras rolling. It's been a long time coming, but after more than a decade of working together, you two are finally sitting down with Vanity Fair to discuss your jobs. Somebody calls to action, and a set of questions pops up over Carolina's shoulder, but you don't look at them immediately; you look at her.
"I'm so happy we're doing this," you say, and she smiles. 
"Me too! I feel like I haven't gotten to pick your brain about this stuff in forever." She says, settling into her big plush chair, and you nod.
"Well, it's like every other year one of us is pregnant."
"That's true because you had Sam like three or four years after I had Victoria, and then the girls were born last July, right?"
"Yeah, they're gonna be one soon." You say bittersweetly, and Carolina pouts her lips sympathetically.  
"Do you think becoming a parent has changed the way you work?" She asks, and you nod.
"Oh, absolutely," you say. "Even before we had Sam, Joel and I's older daughters totally changed my life and what roles I took and how much I worked. It's kinda crazy to think about how fast it all happened. Like one day, I was able to binge-watch Law & Order: SVU with no problem, and then all of a sudden, these girls came into my life, and I couldn't even think about it because it would make me sick to my stomach."
"That's how I felt after I had Elizabeth! They just change your whole world, man." 
"And can I gush about you really fast while we're talking about our kids?" You ask, and she laughs.
"Uh oh."
"No, it's all good. After I had Sam, I was so worried about how having a baby would affect my career, and my body looked different and whatever else, but you made me feel so safe and secure and loved. You reminded me I was able to have a career before I was a wife and a mother, and I could continue that career after. I don't know if I can ever describe... what you gave me because it was so integral to the actor I evolved into, and I've always had so much respect for you, not only as a friend and an actor but as a mother. And seeing how hard you worked made me want to work just as hard. Not just for me but for my children. So, thank you." You say, and Carolina reaches across the couch to grab your hand, and you smile. 
"Thank you for saying that. You know how much Ryan and I love you, so I'm glad to know that we were able to give you some actually good advice," she laughs, squeezing your hand. "We've been friends for a really long time now."
"Fifteen years."
"God, are we old?" 
"I don't know. Our first project together is about to turn thirteen." You say, both of you groaning as the fact settles between the two of you.
"Oh, my God, you're right!" She exclaims, dropping your hand to cover her face. "When we did Sweet Water, you had just moved to LA, right?"
"Yeah, it was my first series ever. Ryan told me you had just been cast, but they were still looking for someone to fill the role of Alex, so I went in for the audition, and I wasn't expecting anything, and they cast me right then and there."
"Which never happens."
"No, never." You agree, still not fully understanding what it is those directors saw in your all those years ago to cast you on the spot. Carolina points to her nose like she's remembering something, and you smile at the habit. She always does that when she has something to say.
"I will still get people who come up to me and tell me how much they loved that scene of us in the hospital because it was so raw." 
"Well, yeah, neither of us had slept the night before because we were filming, and we just let whatever was going to happen happen, and it ended up being one of those scenes that is just… once in a lifetime, y'know?" You say, and she nods. "You were and still are such a generous scene partner in everything you do, like in how you listen and react and really find your characters. It was an amazing thing to work on with you, and I still brag about you whenever I get the chance."
"I remember filming the scene where you came into the hospital all bloody and bruised and going home to tell Ryan, 'I think this kid has some serious potential.' I mean, you were just phenomenal, so I was not surprised when you started getting picked up by all these major studios," she says. "Speaking of which, tell me about The Beginning of the End."
"What do you wanna know?" You sigh as memories of those fifteen months flood your brain. 
"Everything. What was it like filming it? What did you think when you read the script? What was it like shaving your head on camera?" She asks. 
"Well, shaving your head on camera isn't much different than actually shaving your head because you pretty much get one shot to make sure it's good, and that's it. But, yeah, that was a hard movie to make. I was in a really weird place mentally, and Ruth was such a complex, nuanced, broken character, so it was interesting getting to know her and hard to let her go when we wrapped up. For better or worse, I still find pieces of her in my daily life."
"I remembered you calling us from Ireland and being like, 'I don't know if I can do this. It's so hard.' And I remember telling you there was no one else out there who could bring Ruth to life the way you did, and I still believe that to my core. There is nobody who could've played Ruth the way you did."
"You and Ryan were such an anchor when I was over there because I was alone and I was working all the time, and then it was always fucking raining, which is just not good for anyone's mental health and-"
"And you and Joel weren't together at this time, right?" She asks, and your jaw drops a little as you look at the cameras.
"Caro," you say, laughing. "I don't think I've ever talked about that publicly before."
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Her hands fly over her mouth, and you reach out to grab her hand.
"No, it's okay. It's fine. All our loved ones already know the story, so it's okay," you say, squeezing her as a comfort. "But yeah, Joel and I were separated at that point which is another reason why it was so weird to be there alone."
"I remember you telling me you guys broke up, but it's been so long, and you are always together, so it's easy for me to forget about that. How long were you guys separated?" 
"Pretty much the entire time I was there."
"Wow," she breathes. "Do you think that separation made your relationship stronger, or have you just not thought anything about it until I brought it up in front of cameras?" She asks, and you laugh.
"No, I definitely think it made us stronger. We were both going through a lot, and I won't speak to Joel's experiences, but for me, separation was the best thing I had to offer at that specific point in our lives. And we really didn't speak at all while I was over there because it just hurt too much, and we were both working, and he was being a dad, and there were just too many moving parts. But when I got back to LA, we had coffee, and it was like no time had passed at all."
"Things were back to normal. Just like that?" She asks, snapping her fingers, and you nod.
"It was kinda crazy because we had both grown so much in that year or so, and I was worried that he wasn't gonna like the person I was coming back as or we wouldn't feel the same, but, oh my God, I'm gonna start crying," you say as you dab at the corner of your eye. "I still had so much love for him, and being with him and the girls… it just felt right like there was nothing I wanted more in the world than to be with them. And I knew if we could survive that, we could survive anything."
"And now look at you." 
"I know. Five kids and ten years later."
"How old were you when you met Joel?" She asks, and you have to look at the ceiling as you do mental math. 
"I was… Gosh, I think I was twenty-eight or twenty-nine. Somewhere around there. We met when Ryan and I were filming Hyde." You say, and she furrows her brows as she thinks.
"And how old was Joel?"
"Joel was either thirty-nine or forty when we met. Or..." you trail off. "Maybe he was forty because we met in the fall, and his birthday is in September."
"Can I tell you something I've never told you before?" She asks with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"When Ryan told me you were dating Joel, the first thing I did was google how old he was because I knew he had two kids, so I was a little worried," she says, and you laugh. "But then we met him, and he was so goddamn charming. It's really hard not to like him."
"Isn't it the worst? He's got that accent and those stupid guitarist arms and those big, brown eyes," you gush, rolling your eyes. "And he doesn't even know how pretty he is, which is the most annoying part!" 
"Wait, so if you guys met during Hyde, did he know what the movie was about?" She asks, and you make an eek face.
"No, and I wasn't going to tell him because I didn't know how serious we were gonna get, but then he showed up to set with me one day, and we were filming the cabin scene-"
"Oh, the cabin scene!" She half-yells, and you laugh. "Dude, when that movie came out, I got asked about it all the time."
"Yeah! Well, everyone knew how close the three of us were, and when the movie came out, people were shocked that I would let my husband do a scene like that with one of his best friends. But Ryan told me he wasn't going to take the part until I read the script and approved or disapproved or whatever, but I thought it was just fantastic. Because it wasn't just about this relationship between these two people, it was about the different paths each wanted to take when it came to your character, Amber, being pregnant. Plus, it's just work. It's not like this was a real thing that was happening." She says, and you nod in agreement.
"I remember I got cast first, and then they brought us both in for a chemistry read, and we were like, 'this would be so crazy if we got to be in this movie together,' and then we were. And I think I do recall Ryan saying something about letting you read the script and you encouraging him to do which, thank you, by the way." 
"I didn't do anything except give him a nudge," she shrugs. "Wait, so Joel was there when you filmed that scene?"
"Oh, my God, yeah. I tried to get him to wait in my trailer, but he didn't wanna listen to me. So, he was off in the corner while I'm, like... filming this sex scene, and it was so embarrassing because we had only been dating for a few months at that point. Plus, you're already so vulnerable in scenes like that, but Ryan and Tanya Reid, our intimacy coordinator, were so supportive, so I felt really safe," you explain. "You did a good job with that one." You say, and she laughs.
"Yeah, you too."
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sugar-grigri · 11 months
I think this chapter almost confirms that Fakesaw is the Chainsaw Man Devil, and it does it in three ways: the first is that he isn't present here. For his significance, it is quite obvious that he isn't part of the mob (I saw some people make that assumption), which leads me to the second way -- Fakesaw was always a symbol of Denji's identity being taken from him, a Chainsaw Man that he has no control over (the one in people's heads). The third, stemming from that, is that I think Fami's plan will have the unintended (or... unstated?) consequence of empowering her enemy -- Fakesaw has already stood in her way twice by killing Yuko and rescuing Denji and Asa, so it appears that whatever his goal is, it isn't in sync with Fami's. If people fear Chainsaw Man, who is only the fear of chainsaws, then the Chainsaw Man Devil will feed off that fear as well.
If we additionally consider the armageddon angle, wherein the Horsemen are themselves and Denji is the Lamb/Christ, then Fakesaw will be the first Beast of the Sea that people of the Earth were deceived (by the Fire devil, the second beast of the Earth) to worship. He is the Antichrist figure, born directly out of false perceptions and fears of Christ of this comic.
Like the last part, Death is but the prelude that forces Denji into a bad position, and the real resolution will be him confronting what it is he really wants.
The theory of Fake!CSM as a Demon resulting from the fear of Chainsaw Man totally works and for all the reasons you mentioned, I completely agree with you on that.
I don't know if it's mistrust resulting from Fujimoto's tendency to write... but the fact remains that I get the impression that it coincides too easily.
Although he's an author who likes to place clues, he's just as fond of issuing a revelation that would disrupt the whole thing. Which explains why I sometimes turn away from this theory and clumsily try to present alternative theories, because the path taken by the author is not always the most obvious.
Of course, what we're presenting are just theories, but Fake!CSM seems to be a pillar of this part 2 and his future interventions will only be there to confuse us even more
Where I agree with you again, and above all, is on the role of Death. Paradoxically, despite the presentation of the chapter, Nayuta and Fami's fear, I don't think she's the final boss of Part 2.
Once again it would be too simple, I don't see why Fujimoto would reveal all his cards
Obviously, from a narrative point of view, this sets up a sort of stressful countdown, but in all Fujimoto's works, death has been presented in an original way.
Chainsaw Man can't be satisfied with placing death in a purely negative light, just as he solved the problem of the old antagonist through love
At least that's something I'm hoping for, because to be honest, I find death more terrifying when it plays the silent observer
Than queen of terror
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gothyanki · 2 months
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@ardentkurashk tagged me in this meme forever ago (thank you!! <3) Now it is time. Lots of yelling about Vin'ath inbound.
Name: Vin'ath
Age: 31
Race: Githyanki
Class: Paladin (Oath of Vengeance).
Alignment: Trying their hardest to be a Lawful Good True Storybook Knight while also following vengeance oath tenets to the letter. This… does not always work out well.
Deity: Having been raised in a cult, Vin is deeply and understandably suspicious of all gods. They’ve dedicated their life to their oath instead, which is totally different.
Favourite spells: Shield of Faith for practicality; Colour Spray for aesthetics. They also love smiting. Divine Smite is their fave, although they couldn’t tell you why it’s the most satisfying.
Armour (Act 1): Scale Mail of Vengeance.
Armour (Act 2): Adamantine Splint Armour.
Armour (Act 3): Still Adamantine Splint Armour! High paladin fashion.
Favourite dye: Baby blue and gold. They flat-out refused to dye their gear at all until they got to Rivington, where they grudgingly agreed to try it out. The description points to a much more militaristic meaning, but to Vin those colours have come to symbolise the sun and sky over the world they love.
(I have a LOT of feelings about the default vengeance paladin colour scheme in light of “I see only blood-red and death-black”. Vin hasn’t drifted as far from their upbringing as they’d like to think.)
Weapon (Act 1): Monster Slayer Glaive (+ anything else they could grab that looked useful).
Weapon (Act 2): Soulbreaker Greatsword.
Weapon (Act 3): Silver Sword of the Astral Plane. Sorry, Lae'zel - it's just too perfect for a githyanki paladin. (In my headcanon, Lae does end up getting it after some token face-saving resistance from Vin. They’re not comfortable with the idea of wielding a silver sword and don't really want to give up the Soulbreaker - they've still got a lot of complicated feelings about the way they won it and they feel responsible for all those whispering souls.)
Buffs: Ooh, it’s been a while - I’d have to load up the game to see what they’ve got on. Githborn Psionic Weapon? Wielding the Soulbreaker Greatsword feels so right to them (ditto for Voss' silver sword, in the very brief space of time they had it); they’ve thoroughly compartmentalised that feeling so they don’t have to think about Why.
Main love interest: Karlach. It was a bit of a rough road to get there (the touch issue might have been the least of their problems), but now they’re an unstoppable team. To hell first, then onward to the stars!
Favourite NPC(s): Vin’s got a huge soft spot for the tiefling kids, especially Mol. (They’re very protective of children in general, for reasons they won’t admit have anything to do with their own upbringing.) Meeting Varrl and Varsh Ko’kuu gave them some hope in a difficult time, even though the circumstances were painful. They also greatly admire Dame Aylin and Isobel… and kind of see them as #relationshipgoals.
…and then there’s Kith'rak Voss. Yeah, that’s a complicated one.
Favourite enemy: Kith'rak Therezzyn and Inquisitor W'wargasm W'wargaz. There was a LOT of emotional fallout after the adrenaline crash, but for a while there they were riding the high of having faced down two terrifying childhood authority figures and lived (not to mention the staring contest with Vlaakith herself…)
Favourite battle: Gortash. That one was very personal - vengeance paladin mode on full display. (The conversation after it was… significantly harder for them to deal with.) Rescuing Halsin from Orin & co. was a close second - they were just so relieved they’d got there in time.
Favourite dialogue: Is “every single dialogue involving Karlach” cheating? Not just the overtly flirty/romantic ones - Vin would happily listen to her read the Faerûnian phonebook.
Aside from that, they got so much vicarious joy out of hearing Lae'zel reject Vlaakith - they don’t tend to show much emotion, but they may have done a little fist pump at “she has sinned against me!” Also, the conversation where Wyll opened up about the circumstances of his exile - Vin felt very honoured that he trusted them enough to let them see beyond the Blade of Frontiers persona, and it led them to drop their Perfect Paladin walls a little in return.
Decision about the Absolute: Red laser destroy destroy destroy + the Crown returns to Mystra. Unlike Lykos, Vin'ath isn’t tentacle-curious.
I tag anyone who hasn’t already done this (see: forever ago) and wants to!
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finallydelight · 2 years
Hi will you do a chapitre about how Jungkook asked Maya out and what they talked about before the morning of when namjoon and hoseok come to his apartment to take him to the studio
Thank u🙂
The Blind Date | Maya Chapter
author’s note: here it is, my darling ! I had fun writing this one, Maya has all the confidence I wish I had, so I enjoy writing her make everyone around her flustered 🫢 I hope you enjoy this chapitre ☺️ and let me know what you think of it, I would love to hear it ❣️
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December, 2020
“I’m not doing that, Yugyeom.”
Out of all the ideas she had heard from Yugyeom throughout the years, this was the most ridiculous one so far.
The Got7 member sighed. ''It's just one blind date!'' He was adamant on getting her to agree to this blind date that he had set up for her.
''Did you think about the fact that I'm an idol and that I'll receive a massive amount of hate and death threats for even just being caught on a date?'' Her own members had been caught up in a dating scandal and although the response wasn't too bad, there were many other examples of idols who got literally vilified for simply being in a relationship.
''You dated Seungyoun-hyung and no one found out!'' Yugyeom pointed out, taking another swig from his beer. Maya rolled her eyes at him. ''Oh, yeah! That's just the perfect reason to go, cause that relationship worked out perfectly, didn't it?'' She told him, sarcastically.
The start of her previous relationship went exactly like this. A friend talking her into going on a blind date with someone and Jieun wasn't having it.
''I think you should give it a chance! It's a really nice guy and I think you'll get along great.'' The truth was that Yugyeom had seen how her breakup with Seungyoun had affected her and he thought it was finally the right time for her to start dating again.
Jieun contemplated. ''Tell me something about this guy.'' She asked him, it had been a while since she hung out with someone other than her members or close friends.
''Ji, I don't know if you have ever heard of a blind date, but that's not really how it works.'' His sarcastic comment earned him a slap on the arm. ''You're not expecting me to actually meet up with a total stranger?''
Yugyeom tilted his head. ''Uh, I am, that's the purpose of a blind date.'' He put an emphasis on the 'blind'.
''Oh, come on! If you tell me one thing, I'll actually consider going.'' He shook his head. ''I'll say one thing about him if you promise you'll go.'' Yugyeom raised his eyebrow, awaiting her answer.
Maybe the whole blind date idea wasn't such a bad idea. Yugyeom seemed very sure that this dude was good for her and as much as Yugyeom liked to annoy her, he would never do something if it wasn't in her good interest.
''Alright, I'll go.''
Yugyeom clapped his hands and a big smile appeared on his face. ''Ha! Yes! I'll text him right now!'' He pulled out his phone and typed away, letting this mystery man know that she had agreed to go.
''Oh, so one thing about him…'' Yugyeom thought about something, ''he's the same age as us.'' He figured he had to make this man as vague as possible, not wanting her to know beforehand.
Maya was not impressed. ''That's it? No, I want something useful.''
''That is useful, now you know it's not some old man that you're meeting.''
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''You're sure he's not some serial killer, right?'' Maya still had her doubts as she and Yugyeom went up in the elevator, on their way to her blind date's apartment.
Yugyeom chuckled. ''I promise you, he's a good guy.''
''Does he know he's meeting me?'' The closer she got to this mystery man, the more curious she got about his identity. ''He does, he has uh, liked you for a long time.'' The grin on his face didn't escape her.
''Dude, it's not some creepy guy, right? I'm not planning on giving my autograph or anything.'' She truly hoped whoever this person is, doesn't end up being some obsessive fan who would try something she wasn't comfortable with.
Her worries only seemed to amuse her friend. ''Trust me, Ji,'' they arrived at the right floor and stepped out of the elevator, ''he's not gonna ask your autograph.''
They stopped in front of a door and Yugyeom turned to her. ''You ready?'' He asked her, unsubtly trying to hide his smirk.
''I guess.'' Jieun didn't sound too sure, but Yugyeom knocked on the door anyway, immediately walking away. ''Have fun, Ji!''
Before she could say anything back, the door in front of her opened. As soon as she locked eyes with the man in front of her, her mind tells her she should have known it would be him.
''Hi..'' Jeongguk seemed very nervous, his eyes not meeting hers. She smiled at him, finding it quite endearing. ''Hi, I'm Jieun.''
He opened the door a bit wider, inviting her in. ''I kno- uh, I mean- I'm.. I'm Jeongguk.'' He stumbled over his words introducing himself, even though he didn't need to.
''I know.'' She copied his answer, wanting to ease his nerves.
It seemed to work as he finally cracked a soft smile and the tension in his shoulders visibly left. ''You want some slippers or something for your feet?'' Jieun had taken off her heels and was left bare feet.
She looked down at them and gave him a sheepish smile. Jeongguk pulled out a pair of home slippers and put them down in front of her. ''They're my mom's, so they should fit.'' He told her.
''Thank you.'' Jieun took off her heels and put her feet into the slippers, fitting perfectly.
''Uh, thank you for coming, I, uh, really appreciate it.'' Jeongguk thanked her, avoiding eye-contact with her.
Jieun gave him a smile, brushing it off. ''Oh, you don't need to thank me. You should thank Yugyeom, he really talked you up.'' She chuckled, reminding herself she needed to send the guy some flowers later for setting her up on this date.
''What did he tell you?'' Jeongguk motioned for her to follow him through the hallway into his beautiful living room that had an overview of the city.
She answered him as she inspected his home. ''He told me you were the same age as us, you have liked me for a long time and that you definitely wouldn't ask for my autograph.''
At the mention of him having liked her for a long time, Jeongguk's cheeks and ears heated up. He desperately looked around, seemingly trying to find something to which he could change the subject to. ''Oh, well, that's- that's very nice of him.''
''Oh my- let me take your coat.'' It's like he had a list of things to do in his head and he had accidentally skipped that step. Jeongguk moved behind her while she unbuttoned the long coat, he removed it from her and it revealed her black silk dress that she was wearing.
Jieun turned around upon his words. ''Pardon?''
His mouth fell open a little, having become speechless as he stared into her eyes for the first time that evening. ''You, uh, you look, uh,'' Jeongguk stuttered, ''you look really pretty.'' He managed to get the words out.
''Thank you,'' she glanced down at her dress, ''you don't look too bad yourself.'' Jieun looked him up and down, totally aware he could see her checking him out. Jeongguk was wearing a grey turtleneck that accentuated his broad shoulders and biceps, paired with a simple pair of black trousers.
The blush reappeared on his cheeks and he looked down at his own clothes, remembering Yugyeom begging him to wear something ''that doesn't look like he only wears oversized shit''.
''Uhm, please follow me to the dining room.'' Jieun couldn't help but chuckle as he completely ignored her compliment and moved to the next room.
Jieun was pleasantly stunned when being met by Jeongguk's dining room. He had lit the place up with candles and a fresh bouquet of flowers stood in the centre of the table. ''This is really nice, Jeongguk. Do you always have dinner like this?'' She remarked, making the man laugh and shake his head.
His hand moved to her lower back, guiding her to her seat. Jeongguk pulled out her chair and helped her sit down properly, after which he took the seat across from her. ''Would you like a glass of red wine?''
She nodded at his offer. ''Yes, please.'' At her words, he opened the wine bottle that he had placed on the table before her arrival and opened it, pouring some in her glass and afterwards in his glass.
Jieun raised her glass. ''Cheers.'' Jeongguk seemed surprised, but quickly picked up his glass and they clinked their glasses together. ''Yes, cheers.''
''Yeah, so…''
''You've liked me for 5 years?''
Jeongguk choked on his wine as the question left her mouth, causing Jieun to chuckle at his reaction. ''Uhm, well,'' his nervous behaviour returned and he couldn't look her in the eye anymore, ''has it been 5 years already?''
''I must have made a very great first impression on you, I mean that's quite a long time.'' Jieun continued, liking how flustered she was making him.
The flustered man in question looked down at his feet, a shy smile gracing his face. ''I, uh, I guess you did.''
''Were you too scared to ask me out or something?'' She couldn't help but ask him the question, confused as to why it took them this long to go on a date.
A faint blush appeared on his cheeks and ears, her straightforwardness catching him off guard each time. ''Scared might not be the right word, but… you're just very- you know, uh, I guess I was just afraid you would reject me, maybe.'' He admitted, looking away from her again.
''Who says I would have rejected you?''
''Literally everyone I asked for advice told me you would reject me.'' He laughed, taking a sip from his wine. ''I wanted to ask you out last year when our promotions overlapped, but BamBam told me to not even try.'' He confessed, slowly glancing at her reaction.
''Well, most of the time he doesn't know what he's talking about. You're a charming guy.'' Jeongguk sat up straight hearing her words. ''So, if I had asked you out then, you wouldn't have declined to go on a date with me?''
''No, I wouldn't have said yes.'' She told him, shaking her head.
The man in front of her furrowed his eyebrows. ''But- but you just said-''
''I had a boyfriend back then, Jeongguk. I would have rejected anyone.'' Jieun confessed, stifling her laughter at his clueless expression.
He defeatedly put his arm down, accepting her words. ''I guess that's fair.'' Jeongguk interchanged from looking at the table to her. ''I didn't know you were dating someone at the time.''
''Yeah, that's kinda the point of a secret relationship.'' She laughed, playing with the rim of her glass.
''Were you two together for a long time?'' Jeongguk hesitantly asked, not knowing if he was overstepping any boundaries by asking about her past relationship.
Jieun sighed before answering. ''For about a year,'' she thought of something, ''you know, the way he and I met is actually quite similar to this.'' She gestured between her and Jeongguk with her finger.
''Yeah? How so?''
''It was also a blind date set up by a mutual friend, and it was also with a guy who apparently had liked me for a long time. Oh, and just like in this case, I didn't know who I was meeting but they did know they were meeting me.'' The similarities between her blind date with Seungyoun and Jeongguk were hard to ignore.
The only reason why she was so adamant on not going on the date was because of how things ended between her and her former boyfriend. She never doubted his love for her once, yet he still decided to break up with her. Yes, it was because of his mental health at the time, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
''Was it also Yugyeom who introduced you?'' Jeongguk asked, becoming quite curious.
Jieun shook her head. ''No, it was someone else, but Yugyeom is also friend with him, so I guess that counts as well.'' She chuckled.
''Are you hungry? I can get the food if you're ready.'' Jeongguk suggested, already getting out of his chair. ''Yes, that would be nice.''
He send her one bright smile before disappearing into his kitchen. Jieun grabbed her phone from her bag, deciding to send Yugyueom a quick text.
Kim JiJi: you're a genius, Kim Yugyeom
KYUM: you never say that about me
KYUM: you must be enjoying yourself then 😏
Kim JiJi: I am, actually
KYUM: good
KYUM: you should kiss him
KYUM: wait no
KYUM: don't kiss him
KYUM: i think he'll pass out if you do that
Kim JiJi: okay loser
A loud sound of glass breaking made Jieun flinch and she almost dropped her phone in the process. ''Everything okay?'' She yelled out to him, hoping he hadn't hurt himself. ''I'm okay, I just dropped a plate, don't worry!'' Jeongguk yelled back, assuring her that everything was fine. She chuckled to herself, and put her phone away.
''Apparently you really like samgyeopsal.'' Her date walked back in the dining room holding two trays with pork and several different side dishes. He put them down on the table and spread them out, so she could easily reach for all of them with her chopsticks. The grill had already been placed in-between them and Jeongguk turned it on, placing several pieces of the pork belly on it.
She was impressed as Jeongguk sat down again, flattered by the fact that he had most likely asked Yugyeom what she liked to eat. ''This looks great, thank you so much.'' Jieun picked up her chopsticks and put several side dishes on her plate.
''My pleasure.''
As they started eating, Jieun quickly realised Jeongguk and Jihyo had a similar reaction to good food, the angry look on his face after taking a bite from the grilled pork belly bringing her much joy. After many glasses of wine later and finishing their food, the pair had moved to the living room, where Jeongguk had put on a movie that was quickly discarded as their focus was on each other.
''No way! Boa trained you?'' Jeongguk exclaimed, looking at her wide-eyed.
Jieun shook her head. ''No, she didn't train me. Lee Sooman just got her to teach me a few classes and she gave me some feedback, that's all.'' She clarified for him.
''No wonder you're so good.'' The last few hours, Jieun had gotten to meet the real Jeongguk. He had dropped the nerves and actually started flirting back with her. It was probably because of all the wine they had, but still, it was nice.
''I just love performing, you know? Looking into a crowd, seeing people happy and jumping up and down… it's amazing.'' She told him, a smile creeping on her face while talking about her passion.
Jeongguk unconsciously mirrors her smile. ''I feel the same way. I don't care how sick I am or whatever it may be, standing on the stage is a feeling like nothing else.''
''I miss it so much… fucking covid.'' Jieun mumbled, picking up her glass of wine. He chuckled, not used to hearing her curse. ''I know, this was supposed to be a good year.''
''So much has changed… and not just this year.'' Jeongguk said as he finished his wine and poured some more in his glass.
Jieun gave him a confused expression. ''What do you mean?''
''You know, you have all these new and younger groups now- and I just feel like everything has become so toxic and competitive. I know it has been like that for years now, but people can't look each other in the eye now or people make it a problem, making up rumours and all.''
She could tell by the way he was speaking that it had been bothering him for a while and she agreed with him. The amount of rumours that were created, because of meaningless interactions are ridiculous.
''I agree, like me and Baekhyun- you know Baekhyun?'' She quickly asked him and proceeded when he nodded, ''We accidentally touched hands at a music show and SM actually had to make a statement because of all the articles claiming we were dating.''
Jeongguk sighed. ''That's what I mean, it's becoming unbearable. You can't even say something to your friends anymore.'' He was sick of the toxicity of the industry that was created by fans who liked to make up stuff to fit their agenda of hate.
''Exactly!'' Jieun exclaimed, ''I think 2 years ago, Jennie-unnie won on a music show and our promotions overlapped so we were on the stage as well, and I went up to her and gave her a hug, and somehow people were critical of that? No matter what you do, people will make it a problem.'' She rolled her eyes, thinking back about all the times her and Jennie received hate as a result of their friendship.
''It's crazy, isn't it? It's the same for me and my friends, like Yugyeom and Mingyu.'' Jeongguk could relate to her about the distaste that critics expressed over their friendships.
A silence fell upon them, the both of them taking a few seconds to calm themselves down after talking about all that.
Jieun was the first one to start speaking again. ''I'm happy I get to talk to you about this.'' She spoke with such genuineness that had him almost speechless.
Jeongguk moved himself closer to her, to the point where there was no more space left between them. ''Me too, I'm happy I just get to talk to you.''
''What a charmer you.'' She laughed, putting her hand on his thigh. Her move must have sobered him up straight away as he made a weird sound.
Jeongguk scratched his voice before talking. ''Hey, I have a question.''
''Before Yugyeom ratted me out, did you know that I've had a crush on you?''
Jieun lets the question sink in, her mind going back in the past. She thought about all the times the guy unsubtly stared at her from across the room or how he would look at the ground when greeting her and her members.
She patted his thigh a few times. ''You know, honey, you've never been a very subtle man,'' she started off, seeing him get shy again when the term of endearment left her lips, ''I wouldn't say that I knew you had a crush on me, I just thought you got easily flustered around women and that you just didn't really knew how to talk to us.''
''But I should've known when Jin kept talking about how talented and great you were, when he and I hosted that year-end show together.'' Jieun finished off, suddenly remembering how the oldest BTS member would butter the youngest one up to her.
Jeongguk covered his face with both of his hands, completely embarrassed. ''Oh, no.'' He dramatically exclaimed, making Jieun burst out laughing in return.
''I swear I didn't ask him to do that!'' He defended himself, putting his hands up.
''Yeah, sure, I believe you.'' Jieun did not believe him.
A comfortable silence fell upon them. Jeongguk stared at Jieun's hand that rested on his thigh, while her eyes were focused on him.
''Do you remember the first time we met?'' She hadn't fully heard the question, Jeongguk's face being quite the distraction.
Jieun snapped out of her trance. ''Sorry, what did you say?''
He smiled at her daydreaming. ''The first time we met- do you remember it?''
''I do remember it,'' she nodded, ''how can I forget the blushing guy who could barely get a word out?'' Jieun replied, an amused grin making its way on her face.
He pushed his shoulder against hers, hoping that distracted her from his red face. ''Come on, now.''
''I was- I was just very struck by you, and I didn't want to embarrass myself, but I guess I did that anyway,'' Jeongguk chuckled, ''and you were very sweet to us, and treated us with respect which not a lot of people did at the time, and I just wanted to thank you.''
Jieun was speechless by his words, not expecting him to say something like that. ''I mean, it's the bare minimum really, treating people with respect.''
''Yet, I haven't forgotten it after 5 years.''
She must have been staring at him for not even 10 seconds, but it felt like an eternity had passed before Jieun broke the silence.
''Can I kiss you?''
It was Jeongguk's turn to be speechless, his mouth slightly agape. ''You, uh, what? What?'' He blurted out, not believing his ears.
Her hand that was laid on his thigh moved to his chin, bringing his face closer to hers while she moved forward. ''I asked if I could kiss you.'' Jieun repeated herself, taking notice of him shivering as her breath fanned his face.
Jeongguk timidly nodded his head, not trusting his mouth to convey the right words. With his consent, she closed the distance between them and softly pressed her lips against his.
As he slowly started kissing her back, something clicked inside of him. It was as if he was an unfinished puzzle and she was the last piece that he had been looking for all this time. Kissing her felt like something that he was meant to be doing, it felt self-evident and he didn't want it to stop.
Meanwhile, Jieun wanted to hit herself in the head for not noticing his crush on her way sooner. She could have been enjoying this for years, but no she just thought that he reacted to everyone like that.
Jeongguk didn't know where it came from, but a sudden wave of confidence flew over him. He took a grip of her waist and sat her down on his thighs, so she was straddling him. Despite the desperation he put into the kiss, his hold on her waist was caring and tender.
They both pulled away, coming up for air. Jieun opened her eyes and was met with Jeongguk's eyes that were filled with adoration, she could almost feel it.
''Jieun…'' He choked out, completely out of breath. ''Do you, uh, do you want to stay over? It's quite late and it can be dangerous, you know.''
She cupped his cheeks with both her hands, a soft smile gracing her face. ''Well, if it's too dangerous outside, I'll better stay here then.''
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Taglist: @stopeatread @sakuurra @seongwhaffels @cosmicwintr @smh-anon @cixrosie @allthings-fandoms
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 month
Perhaps you’ve seen the solicit for avengers 21. The whole AvX angle feels like it’s probably exaggerated (since it’s not an event or anything, knock on wood) and it does seem like objectively a good line up for a drama between the teams, however temporary it is
The mention of Magneto and Wanda “finally confronting their history” seems a bit… odd. I feel like they do that a lot. Is there anything along those lines you’d like to see there? However unlikely. I’ve always been kind of curious about Astra’s time with the brotherhood and if they dynamics were different for Wanda when there was another woman present (considering how much Wanda’s gender informed her treatment by toad, mags, mastermind, and Pietro (to a lesser extent))
I'm not at all surprised that there's going to be a crossover between X-Men and Avengers, since they're both written by the same author, and Ororo being on the Avengers team already creates a bit of overlap. I agree that whatever conflict occurs between them will probably be short-lived. We've seen this before.
I am truly, genuinely, sick to death of talking about Magneto's relationship with Wanda and Pietro. I don't think I've seen, or participated in, a single fandom conversation about it that didn't feel like beating the dry, sun-bleached remains of a horse that died years and years ago. I don't give a fuck. The Magnus family is one of those subjects where everyone feels like they need to have their own take, and at this point it seems like authors bring it up because they just can't help giving their two cents. I really hope that's not what's happening here.
I have no real qualms with the current status quo-- they're being written as people who've treated each other as family for years, regardless of their blood ties or who raised who, and they've been going back and forth between allyship and opposition with varying levels of toxicity for most of the twins' lives. That is not functionally any different from how it was before the retcon, at least in terms of relationship dynamics. And while the writing and pacing in their most recent storylines (Trial, SW&Q) has been kind of a mess, I thought that the character's motives and actions made sense.
So there's nothing, in my mind, that needs to be revised or confronted, and honestly, at this point, I think that messing around with the past will only do more harm than good. The only thing I want right now is a better resolution to the finale of SW&Q, or maybe for Wanda and Max to own up to the fact that they totally threw Toad under the bus in Trial. For Wanda's sake, I do not want them to bring up the Decimation any more. I think their connection to each other could be used to spark interesting dialogues about whatever Magneto and/or the X-Men's next big political move is, but that's not the same as "confronting their history."
I can't recall if Astra's time with the Brotherhood overlaps significantly with Wanda's-- even in modern comics, you never see them together in flashbacks. But the bonus page from X-Men #1 teased that she might be making a comeback soon-- having Wanda and Max on-page together and making them talk about the Brotherhood would be a great way to reveal some new info about Astra's past, or at least tease her return. That is a great example of how to take advantage of their history to actually advance the plot and introduce new ideas. Bravo for making that connection-- it's smarter than what most writers have done.
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 9 months
I definitely see your perspective with those points! I guess I just find it kind of amusing that fans made one of the only Targaryens who canonically does not partake in an incestuous dynamic, has a non-targ love interest (in Alys which I personally think GRRM absolutely did on purpose imo), and is only devoted to that one non-targ woman for his entire character journey into someone who does engage in it. And ofc that’s totally fine, all writers can do what they want with these characters but it’s just kind of funny. When it comes to that scene about Helaena, that’s also an interesting point because I definitely agree it shows his tendency to gravitate towards doing his duty for his family but I don’t know if that’s a sign of him being a typical targ rather than the writers demonstrating he’s a complete contrast from Aegon in every way and would carry out any expectations placed on him. That’s why it was mind-boggling to me when people perceived that scene as him having feelings for her and created an entire pairing based on that when that wasn’t the point at all. In relation to him fighting for the throne, one could say the main reason for him doing that is to uphold Valyrian values but I also think a big part of that is the fact that Aegon is his brother and he will fight for his family (despite not liking him as a person). To me, I can’t get invested in Targ pairings that include incest because it just demonstrates how these children are indoctrinated from a young age and told about “blood purity” (hence that scene where Aemond talks about Helaena) and that’s just the opposite of romance (to me ofc). Aemond is a really interesting character and I think alot of people tend to misinterpret him. I think when Alys comes along, it will provide more insight into who he is as a character and what he leans towards when it comes to women. Although I’m sure most fans will hate on her since she’s not the typical Targ princess most people self-insert as (as is expected of that fandom).
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Ok I'm putting these together because I think they're from the same person, but if they're not, I apologize!
Before I start my responses, I do want to say that I find some of the language you're using (calling people's opinions 'funny,' saying that people with differing opinions to yours 'misinterpret' Aemond, 'the typical Targ princess most people self-insert as (as is expected of that fandom),' claiming you know exactly what GRRM 'intended,' and saying that other people's takes 'confound you') to be very condescending. I'm more than willing to have lit crit discussions, as I enjoy them a lot, but I am not willing to engage when part of your opinions include condescending to others.
Because of this, I'm only going to respond to a few things you said in bullet point format.
People are allowed to write whatever relationship dynamic they want to. If they bother you that much, don't read them. And certainly don't publicly talk about how much you disagree with and dislike them
I don't believe Alys is involved in Aemond's 'entire character journey.' She's a big part of his journey, for sure, but I don't think she's the main part of it. I believe that like everyone else in the story, family, sexism, and the pursuit of power is the main focus of Aemond's story.
I'm not a fan of Helaemond, but I can very much understand why people interpreted that scene in that way. I also do not claim to know what the writers intended with that scene, only that I saw it the way I saw it.
It's totally fine that you don't like targcest. Don't put down people who do.
The way you talk about the other people in the fandom is very offensive to me. We can have disagreements and opposing viewpoints, but there is absolutely no reason to be as rude as that.
Unless you have actual proof from GRRM himself that what you are saying is precisely what he intended when he was writing the story, don't presume to be the ultimate authority. Just saying 'everyone is entitled to their own take' does not mean that what you said was not patronizing and rude.
I hope you will continue having these discussions, but as I said. I will not engage with condescension. I know there are points in your asks that I did not talk about. If you would like to talk about them, you are more than welcome to send another ask or DM me, so long as you are respectful to other people in your message.
You are entitled to your opinions. You are allowed (and encouraged) to discuss these opinions with other people. But you are not entitled to act superior and look down on other people's opinions. The entire point of opinions is that no one is right, they just have their own interpretation.
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bookofmirth · 1 year
When I came to the realization that this fandom fights over characters and ships, created by an author that made one of the MCs legit come to the Image of his own baby son during sex with his mate, or wrote the same "mind blowing" sex scene over and over again (acosf), doesn't even give a flying damn about plots and logic and more bs that the author wrote and said... My first thought was to start to move on from anything sjm related.
This lady is so problematic and doesn't give a damn about what she writes since she knows her fans will eat it up regarless and no one bothers to cancel her, as if most stans didn't try cancel an author because they dared to like gwynriel over elriel. It bothers me that everyone seems to fight like it's ww2 for an author that doesn't give a damn. Whenever I read a book or watch a show, I always somehow compare it to her works and realize even more that she doesn't deserve to have this much love and attention for bs work.
Started watching a show that has amazing plots and the characters are very likeable (The legend of vox machina on amazon prime). It's clear that each character is flawed but they lern from their mistakes and actually suffer from the consequenzes of their own actions. I actually feel for these characters and would join this found family over that bs wannabe family that is the IC or Bryce's gang. Aelin's gang is better than those two but still not so good that I'd want to join them if I could. When I read one of Sjm books, the female lead always feel like self Insert characters, ESPECIALLY Feyre. Aelin, Bryce and Feyre are praised by every character and other characters that have every right to be mad and call them out on their bs are painted as the "bad guys". It's just so frustrating, lele. I hope I move on from Sjm because I did use to love her work until acosf and my acotar reread and realized how bad it actually is + the fandom toxicity.
Maybe I'm just upset over the fact that good authors with well written works get less praised compared to authors like Sjm, Cassandra clare Collen hoover etc.
Friend, although this is largely an acotar blog, I agree with you. Those of you who are friends with me on Goodreads or follow my book blog know that I read pretty widely beyond SJM or similar authors/genres, and it's so, so hard to compare her to the wider book world because there are so, so many authors who are better writers and getting zero attention.
The rest is under the cut, sorry I lost all self control in this response
Sometimes I catch myself comparing her worldbuilding to Brandon Sanderson and think wow, that's not fair. That's comparing the model of worldbuilding to someone who admittedly doesn't plan that much, so it's apples and oranges.
Then I compare her prose (holy sentence fragments, Batman!) to Elif Shafak, Marie Rutkoski, Max Porter, Maggie O'Farrell, et cetera, and I think well that's also not fair, she isn't known for her turn of phrase.
At a certain point, you just start wondering what the fuck is going on because the more widely you read, the easier it is to see how much better other authors can be lol. It annoys the shit out of me that she wins every Goodreads award for books that aren't good! Crescent City has really good climaxes in each book so far, but they are a mess! The books that she goes up against every year are so much better, but you know she'll always win. I totally understand your frustration.
I will say that, in her defense, she is very engaging. She writes characters who are very easy to root for, she's really good at writing climaxes, she does bring a certain vibe or aesthetic that people connect with. She's not popular for nothing. I do sometimes wonder if her flaws are what keep people hooked, though, even if we don't always realize it. What I mean is that a lot of her stuff in acotar is just a ~vibe~, so it's easy to insert our own interpretation, to come up with our own headcanons that fill in the blanks, and that's what we actually connect to. Meanwhile I'm constantly wondering if she put as much thought into it as the fandom has.
I think the thing that annoys me the most is when you can see the author in their work. What I mean by this is that a plot, world, or character choice that doesn't feel natural, but instead feels like the author trying to manipulate the plot/character/world in order to get to a specific spot. The pregnancy plot in acosf is a perfect example. It makes zero fucking sense, but I know exactly what Sarah was thinking when she did it, because of what it accomplished. I've just been seeing this happen a lot more in acotar - it feels like a constant since acowar. Everything is being written to set something else up, and that's also why I hate the crossover.
I have been re-watching Lost for the first time in 10+ years, and I'm actually noticing a lot of half-assed characterization and random coincidences show up that just feel... lazy. Not planned. Just there for the shock value or so that we can get from Plot Point A to Plot Point B. My point is that yeah, when you watch other shows or read other books, like you said, you start to get a much better feel for what is and isn't working in other stories. So catch me 10 years later watching Lost and wondering what the fuck, all of these characters are so damn annoying (except for Sayid) and this love triangle is stupid.
It bothers me that everyone seems to fight like it's ww2 for an author that doesn't give a damn. Whenever I read a book or watch a show, I always somehow compare it to her works and realize even more that she doesn't deserve to have this much love and attention for bs work.
Sarah J Maas is Not That Deep. I am fairly convinced that a lot of the arguments in the fandom come from people who don't have much exposure to other authors or genres, because once you start to get that comparison - once you start getting used to much better crafted stories - it's really hard to forgive the flaws. I know this makes me sound like a snob and I am okay with that haha
Don't feel bad for getting hooked in the first place. Like I said, there are definitely reasons we are here, and why her books are so massively popular. She is doing something right, for sure! I'll never be anti because I find that a waste of my time, but... sometimes I wonder what percentage of my participation in the fandom is because of genuine interest, even after all these years, and how much of it is just being used to being here and FOMO. The fandom isn't a great place to be, as you pointed out. But I've found it shockingly easy to ignore the fandom mean girls via the block button.
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This is live footage of all of us stuck in this fandom against our will ^^^
PS I'm so glad you told me what show you started watching because I was curious 👀 I have heard good things!
PPS sorry this response was long, I have been thinking about these things for a long time! I like sjm's books, I have spent an inordinate amount of time thinking and writing about them, but sometimes I step back and think "what the actual fuck though".
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randomnameless · 1 year
"even if IS just said she was the villain and needed to be stopped, clear as day, people would reject it." Let's be real: the moment people started using "death of the author" to reject the Nintendo dream interview where IS confirms Supreme Leader is the villain, that's when we should've realized that people have already made up their minds and don't care anymore. It's like telling a flat-earther that the earth is not flat or trying to debunk a conspiracy theory to believers of that theory.
Tbh, I agree sometimes with disregarding the author's intent, especially in some games where the "author" wants to push "feels" and tells the olayer how they should react.
Take Berkut for instance, for a reason I still don't understand, SoV wants to paint him as a tragic figure, who ultimately redeems himself dying. You're supposed to feel bad for Berkut and sad for what happened, to the point where Alm, the Hero - who was challenged on earlier opinions - plainly states Duma is the reason why Berkut turned sour, and no one is here to tell him "uh no sorry to tell you but your cousin was a bona fide asshole".
Ditto for the devs's lunar interview about Clout's story being a "heart-warming story", like no, sorry, no matter how much you push for it, I personally don't think his story is heart warming, rather it's blood boiling.
Does it mean I use the "death of the author" like the people we're talking about?
Yeah, maybe!
But what is more gratting about those people isn't how they use DoA to make up their own canon and story (everyone can make headcanons!), but how they push their headcanon on everyone's lawns and asking for everyone else to treat it as the truth - the Aeneid is the perfect example, people really rec this fanfiction to have a "better understanding" of canon characters, or some people said it understands the characters better than the canon does. For a fanfic, sure, it's cool and all*, but to treat this as canon?
Like, there is no discussion possible between people who argue canon and others who argue using headcanons and imo that's the crux of the discourse bcs FE Fodlan is vague about 70% of its worldbuilding.
I don't like Berkut and believe he toasted Rinea because he loved being Rudolf's heir more than he loved her, but FE15 makes it uwu clear that Berkut apparently loved Rinea a lot and apparently torched her just because Duma promised him power, which makes somehow Duma the reason why Rinea was Bernie'd.
But you won't see me pop up in a discussion about FE15 or people talking about their favourite ships in that game to point out how Berkut burnt his fiancée at stake for "power" on his own volition - canon is canon - even when it blows - I'd rather rant about it and have my own HC in this space rather than piss canon-lovers/users with it.
Saying in your hcs Supreme Leader isn't the villain of the game?
Sure, do whatever you want, have a nice day, eat a sandwich, whatever. Maybe some people will join you, share your sandwich and you'll have fun developping hcs!
Saying in canon Supreme Leader isn't the villain and disregarding the dev's interviews?
That's going to be more problematic, in a way that this specific interview isn't subjective or open to interpretation (thus hcs, like Sylvia being FE4!Claude's relative or not), so people are going to disagree and be more vocal about it.
Some other blogs already explained it, but it seems like FE Fodlan attracted a lot of persons who aren't used to fandom, as in a place with transformative works and where making OCs and fics and having headcanons isn't "BaD" - so they try to retrofit canon in their headcanons because "fanfics" and transformative works are BaD etc etc (insert the general dislike for fanfictions from the early 2000s (?) and the regular/usual insults towards people who write fanfiction from the same era (them being fujos, etc etc)) so they're not writing fanfictions or arguing headcanons, no, they're just writing "totally meta pieces that are better than the canon".
Imo, the second you're disregarding canon to write something about a work, you're writing a fanfic (let it be a "real fic", random hcs, etc etc etc) and that's totally fine! You're not a "fujo degenerate" for not liking the canon and "rewritting" scenes, or building more stories about a character your like!
What's not "fine" is forcing everyone to adopt your headcanons and fanfictions - if the flower is red, you cannot force people to admit the flower is blue, otoh, if you write a story where the flower isn't red but blue, it's your story and you can whatever you want with it! Ditto with fanfic writers when someone argues canon against them, dude, you're reading a story where the author wrote the flower to be blue, like they gaf about the flower's canonical colour to be red - it's a fanfic!
Don't like, Don't read!
*not withstanding with the actual quality and body of the Aeneid, which isn't something I'd personally call cool or "alright", but that's another debate.
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psychewritesbs · 10 months
Sorry if this has been asked before. Been reading Hana and Angel threads and while the hate is disheartening, I can't help but agree the execution of Hana is really disappointing. That said, Megumi has had so many interactions in the Culling Games but somehow none of them really stuck. At the very least with Yuji, his relationships are well crafted and given more emotional weight but with Megumi? Why is it that the author seem to deny giving him a good and well established connection outside of his friendship with Yuji? Is he purposely being limited to just the MC's friend? I would have thought that as deuteragonist he'd at least be explored more outside of the constraints of his ties with Yuji.
The Hana situation in particular. Thank goodness that she's still alive, but the real question is, will her supposed 'connection' with Megumi play a role in his character development? Or is she just relegated to be a future plot device?
Like, I just don't get some of Gege's decisions. Why bring up the whole 'getting saved by Megumi as a kid' when he could have just went with she's a vessel for Angel and that's it? Why make a connection if he wouldn't bother expanding it (in case all that is in store for Hana is simply to be used as plot device later)? Idk, it feels demeaning to Megumi's character. Like the half-assed relationships around him is a mirror to his character or something.
I salute your passionate love for Megumi, anon 🫡.
But, to your point. I get it about the execution. I just don't think too much about it. I'm over here vibing with Gege, anon 🌊, I acknowledge but ultimately don't focus on the flaws in jjk. I like it enough to be selective about where I focus my critical thinking regarding jjk.
But I do think Gege is very guilty of steamrolling through things and characters and that's why a lot of people can't stomach jjk.
I also must admit I have zero objectivity about Megumi so I see the situation differently than you. I kind of wonder if rather than limiting his character as a friend to the MC, Gege is just writing Megumi as a quiet young man who has few friends with whom he connects deeply with. You know... like the total introvert that he is.
To me, Megumi having few relationships also speaks volumes about how Megumi holds Yuji and Tsumiki in very high regard. It could be hc, but there's something very "attachment" issues about Megumi.
I taco'more about it under the cut.
Regarding your question about Hana as a plot device...
As much as I hate to say it, I think given the treatment Tsumiki got, Hana turning into a plot device is very likely, most especially because her symbolism represents light in the sense that she brings illumination and reason (Angel).
Basically we're reading Megumi Kaisen and Gege just wants to give Megumi development no matter who gets dragged into his drama.
Ok but in all seriousness. While I maintain that having a crush on Megumi does not cheapen her character (even though I acknowledge I'm not a fan of the "girl pines for unavailable boy" trope), I can see why others don't like her back story.
The only thing I can think of is that either we don't have all of the information we need about them yet, or Gege is sort of using the backstory to show something regarding "fate/destiny" but was admittedly sloppy about it.
The thing with "fate" as a trope is that it's hard to execute. If you've read Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle/xxxHolic you've seen it. How do you make it look like fate is happening without it feeling like plot armor?
Look at it this way: what are the odds that Hana would run into Megumi ever again? Under these particular circumstances no less. She's literally host to what sounds like a major sorcerer from the past who has the power to exorcise Sukuna.
It's "fate" plot armor in action if you consider there are millions of people in Tokyo and that the Culling Game wouldn't even be happening if it weren't because Toji didn't kill Geto.
The fact that she calls him "destined" one is a bit too much, yes. And you know what? Between you and I, one of the reasons I've hated how people hate on Hana is because I can relate to her infantile and undeveloped perception of love, which is why I like the hc of a Hana that learns to see the real Megumi--the natural progression of that perception.
But back to the fate conversation, you also want to keep in mind that Megumi is literally a "blessed" child and the son of an unlucky af man who happened to break destiny. He is also the one descendant of the clan that inherited Ten Shadows.
So you have tons of "fate/destiny" type elements around Megumi's character and Hana is one of them.
Regarding his relational dynamics feeling unfulfilling to you. I mean, yeah I gotcha. If you care to come over to the dark side, the way I see it, again, he's very selective of the people he gives his heart to.
You give meaning to things according to how you see the world, so even if Gege is not going deep with the writing, come on, come to the dark side. I must admit I personally don't see how the relational dynamics being half assed says anything negative about Megumi's character. I do love the idea that these dynamics he has with others say something about him though...
Like his dynamic with Sukuna speaks to his own untapped creative potential.
Or how his dynamic with Gojo was part of what made him doubt himself since he already assumed he could never surpass him.
Or how his dynamic with Inumaki shows he's very intuitive.
Or how Hana is a mirror of Megumi's naïveté when it comes to putting certain people on a pedestal because he cares for them intensely. Idk anon, I kinda like this hc about Megumi because Hana metaphorically represents the light/mirror he needs to become aware of this pattern in himself.
In conclusion, I just want to say that I do think this would be one of those situations where, for the sake of enjoying jjk, one just files one's grievances under "don't think about it too much and focus on jjk's strengths and what you do love about it."
Hope these mindset reframes help if you care to consider them, and thanks for stopping by.
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alligatorjesie · 2 years
That rant was sure something. Anyhow, Happy BHM. In honor of uplifting Black voices, here’s a video made by a black person breaking down that article you shared somewhere in that whatever it was, and how white feminism took over the entire tone to discredit poc https://youtu.be/avZ_NC4TrQA
Not sharing this to fuel reylo discourse or anything. This person’s video is pretty neutral on that. Just wanted to point out that your bias, racial or not, can still cloud your judgement to the point of gaslighting poc’s experiences. Yes it was indeed a pain to read. Mainly for women of color who are once again reminded how fandoms despise our presence
Alright, I'm gonna stop you right there because the shit you're saying is exactly the point I'm trying to get across here.
I watched the whole video and nowhere at any point does she 'disprove' anything in the article.
What I posted is still true, an alt-right user by the name of Crogman made a sock puppet account on twitter he then used to harass actors from Star Wars.
Nothing about that part of the article was a lie and I don't need to watch a 22 minute long rant from some rando on youtube to tell me the information in the article is actually correct.
The Author did her fucking homework.
Hell for the most part I totally agree with the youtuber on pretty much every point she makes. Being black in fandom has to suck complete and total cock and balls because not only are they dealing with harassment for simply being black in fandom but doubly so for many of them in the reylo fandom where they're often told they're racist for enjoying it.
That shit has to be quite wearing on the nerves. I'm not black and in fandom but I am female in fandom and if the amount of harassment I get, which is considerable, is double the amount a black person gets then they have every right to be absolutely fucking furious.
She is obviously upset about the line of 'Finnreys really seem to have it out for reylos' but I don't recall in the article where the author mentions that finnreys are overwhelmingly black, that's just a conclusion the youtuber jumped to all on her own.
The author of the article ain't wrong about the finnreys hating reylos tho.
For context, this was a screengrab of the 'anti-finnrey' tag on tumblr which you would think would be full of reylos who hate finnrey but instead is ironically full of finnreys calling reylos racist and the only reylos who showed up were me, commenting on how odd it is that so many anti reylos seem to be finnreys and that's kinda weird and one other reylo who adds the tag for blocking because they get harassed by so many finnreys.
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I get it, some finnreys are upset that reylo became canon in Star Wars, but harassing members of the reylo fandom isn't going to fix the problem they're having.
The reylos aren't racist for noticing and enjoying a ship that was telegraphed very early on in the movies.
No one in the the star wars fandom is demanding you ship reylo.
Ship what the fuck you want mate.
Honestly considering the end of EP9 I don't fucking know how finnreys could still be upset at reylos.
The finnrey ship is just as likely to become canon as reylo was, which thus far is one instance where they held hands and a single PG smooch.
Rey is still very fucking alive and Ben is pretty fucking dead so who fucking knows, assuming Disney can gather the testicular fortitude to continue telling stories in the sequel trilogy timeline we could very likely get a finnrey scenario play out fully as canon but I'll tell you one thing for fucking sure;
I as a reylo ain't gonna go onto the finnrey tag and blast them for it.
I'm not going to stop finnreys from shipping Finn and Rey. I'm just asking them to get the fuck out of the reylo tag about it.
Just because some people on the internet preferred the romantic pairing of Ben and Rey vs Finn and Rey doesn't automatically mean they racist.
It's Just A Ship.
Shipping isn't activism.
Reylos actually seam to quite like Finn the character or else they wouldn't overwhelmingly write him into their fanfictions. Over Half of the reylos fics I have up on my computer right now have Finn as a character in them.
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Someone who hates Finn wouldn't bother doing that.
Hell, I'm making a comic right now where some scenes have over 7 characters in a single panel and I can tell you right fucking now I would not put the effort into drawing the character if I disliked them.
The effort shows care.
What I have seen is a lot of finnreys who make posts zeroing in on reylos to harass them or worse yet, just simply tell them to go die
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Shipping isn't activism.
I don't make these posts because I feel oppression for being a reylo. I make these posts because there are a lot of people on this website that say some pretty off the fucking wall bonkers shit about the people in this fandom and other fandoms with zero proof with only their misguided hateful opinions to go on and they've successfully done nothing else but make being in fandom For Everyone Of Every Race And Creed a living hell.
They could be black, they could be white, they could be asian, they could be russian, they could be blue aliens from fucking Uranus. I don't give a good goddamn. What I do care about is why the fuck they're trolling around tags and fandoms they hate to harass the members in it.
There are black reylos. There are white finnreys. Race ain't got fucking dick all to do with the ship and the harassment it sees.
Shipping isn't activism.
You don't have to interact with fandoms you dislike.
Don't like reylo? Then don't go into reylo tags and be a fucking dick. Don't dedicate 7 years of your life harassing EVERYONE in this fandom because you dislike the ship for whatever the fuck reason.
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If you're an Anti, and you've been an Anti harassing members of a fandom for over 7 years, you're the fucking problem in fandom, not the fandom.
We as members of any fandom seeing this level of vitriol so often need to stand up and tell these people they're not fucking welcome and they need to fucking leave. There is a lot of us compared to the antis and alt-right assholes who tell us day after day we can't enjoy the ship we like because it's gross to them.
Put them on full fucking blast. I want to know who the fuck these assholes are and everyone should be fully aware of who is causing shit in their respective fandoms.
That shit ain't activism, that's the most fucking basic decency you should be providing in your own fandom to make sure your fandom isn't a fucking cesspool of hate and harassment.

How is any part of that anti-black? How is standing up for yourself and your community racist?
People of color have everything to gain if we all start telling the people who harass members of any fandom to hit fucking bricks.
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