#i don't usually go looking for stuff i mainly read friends fics and the ones that get rec'd to me
nsewell · 9 months
should i do a favorite fics i read in 2023 from the ones i've bookmarked this year that would be kinda cute yeah
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gyuluttony · 1 year
Camera Weight
oooh once again, if i'm not given something, i'm just going to keep pushing out the minwon mutual gain fics because something about them has my brain like hardwired rn sdfjhs i hope y'all don't get sick of me writing them in situations like this. i mainly write scenarios that get my rocks off so a lot of them are similar because i like this stuff SDFJS
As a warning, this is a feederism fic and features weight gain, mutual gaining, weight gain denial and dry humping. Don't like, don't read.
The setting for this one is that Wonwoo is an office worker who didn't end up going to the office post pandemic so works from home and Mingyu is a mukbanger. You can see where I'm going here.
Wonwoo closed the laptop that he had for work, making sure that the fake smile he wore stayed on for a couple of moments even after being aware that the camera was long hidden. When he heard the sound of the device powering down, he let out a sigh of relief.
Every work meeting was so tiring. He could only be so amused in seeing Seungkwan and Soonyoung butt heads and it seemed that Jihoon shared the same sentiment considering he looked just as tired when the meeting finished. When the team leads had such vast creative differences, it was a miracle any work could be done.
The miracle in question being named Jeon Wonwoo. Looking at his wristwatch, Wonwoo hurriedly pushed his laptop to the side as he started his home desktop, a set up that was used for much more important matters than organizing spreadsheets and data.
His phone buzzed and he saw Jihoon's contact name as well as a text: "Have fun on your date 😘" Wonwoo felt his face grow warm as he grimaced. Of course he would have slipped while drunk and accidentally confided one of his darkest secrets in a while to his best friend, but he didn't realize it was a free pass to jab at him whenever.
As his screen switched on, there was a small smile that came across his face as he opened Youtube, eager to see the face that he had grown a little parasocially attached to in the past couple of months. The wide smile of the other man pulled at the corners of his mouth as he watched him.
"Wow, it's like the turn out gets bigger for every live that I have!" He waved eagerly and Wonwoo shyly waved back at the screen, almost as if the other man could see him through it. Wonwoo reached for the bag that was at the side of his desk, pulling out his meal.
He had always been a peculiar case when it came to remembering to eat. In school, he had no problem with it because everyone around him ate around the same time but if there was no one to eat with, he just didn't feel the urge to. It was a rather atrocious habit to have but it didn't affect him all too much.
Until he got to work and working from home with his new position. Now, it wasn't out of the blue for him to work the whole day and spend his lunch playing games until Jihoon called him out for it because he was concerned at how much weight Wonwoo had lost in the past couple of months. He was well aware of his friend's habit when it came to eating so he recommended that tried just watching some mukbang streams on his lunch break so it was like he had company.
It was helpful actually! Slowly, he was remembering to eat and just eating properly in general. That was until he found Kimgyu. A mukbang channel that had grown in popularity around the time Wonwoo started paying attention. Originally, he just wanted to see what all the hype was about until he actually tuned in.
A fit, handsome young man who cooked meals for himself for videos and streamed his mukbangs afterwards. The meals he cooked looked good and honestly, Wonwoo admitted that the one making the meals looked even better so he became something of a dedicated fan.
"Today, I made a lot actually... I don't know if I can finish everything that's in here but we'll see." Wonwoo opened his own matching containers as he prepared to eat.
Did they mess up his order? It looked bigger than usual. As he popped a dumpling into his mouth, he shrugged it off since it tasted as good as it usually did. Kimgyu was rather popular for telling stories and anecdotes and realizing he shared a little too much on livestreams but the ditz factor was something that Wonwoo liked (and would rather die than admit).
Kimgyu slurped the noodles in his pan full of them and chewed while he read some responses, "Oh, you're going to get puffy if you're eating that much." A smile comes across his face, "Ah, you're talking about my face. I am getting a lot puffier in general though, don't you think?"
Wonwoo felt his face grow hot, watching Kimgyu show off his new belly in profile on the camera. It was starting to pooch out and he had barely eaten anything. That wasn't there when he first started watching him and... it was making him feel all sorts of things.
Squirming in his computer chair, Wonwoo felt the warmth spread into his system more as he listened, "I do work out still but honestly, I'm starting to explore dishes a lot more instead and I can only do so much cardio." There was a whining tone in Kimgyu's voice that sent shivers down Wonwoo's spine before he was interrupted. "Oh, but I think everyone's enjoying themselves lately it's fine!"
All the chat became a chorus asking why he came to that conclusion and Wonwoo was now hyperaware of the fat around his face, only making his pout more babylike. "I think everyone is just having better food these days! There's..." It was Kimgyu's turn to blush as the chat teased him and encouraged him to continue and he looked rather shy.
Wonwoo wiped his hands on his hoodie as he typed, 'There's what?'
The hand on Kimgyu's face hid a smile as he admitted, "You guys... need to make sure this stays between us. I'm not saying it in a mean way!" Wonwoo nodded, acting like it was a one-on-one conversation while he ate large bites of his rice bowl.
"There's a guy in my building and when I moved in a year ago, he was like... small. Which, there's nothing wrong with! But, he was around my height and I was worried like even the wind would blow him over. But, when I see him recently, he's gotten more sturdy so now, I think it's not like putting on weight is a bad thing."
The chat began to tease him and Kimgyu looked flustered as he explained hurriedly, "I- I mean he's always looked good but he looks even better n- I think I'm just going to stop talking about it." Stuffing his face with a large mouthful of noodles, Kimgyu stated, "So, don't worry about me getting puffy! I'm eating well."
The stream continued and Wonwoo was left wondering why he was feeling the most turned on he's felt in a while. Was... Kimgyu into guys that put on weight? It was one thing to know that he was into guys but it was another that it was a possible fetish as to why he had been getting bigger recently.
Wonwoo opened some videos after the stream, looking at the videos he found when he located Kimgyu's channel for the first time. His arm muscles were bulging because he admitted to doing cooking videos after his workouts. His pecs were large and firm, always making their presence known in his clothes and his ass was doing the same down lower.
But, in the recent videos, these same clothes showed just how much he had been enjoying those meals. Gone was the small waist that Wonwoo drooled over on a couple of occasions, replaced with something that was burgeoning with fat and pressing into his shirt by the end of his streams. At the end of today's, he could have sworn he saw golden skin spill out of the fabric and his hand slipped under his pants to stroke himself at the thought. He had been eating himself bigger everyday and let his massive internet fanbase know about it.
It was hard not to pay attention after. Seeing the way his gut was starting to rest on counters while he was mixing, making the appendage jiggle. Wonwoo couldn't really say that he was only watching because he needed the company to eat. He was watching because he was getting his rocks off on seeing Kimgyu get fatter with each passing week.
From the shots that lingered on his ass that only got wider and stretching the seams of his pants with each and every video or the belly that was no longer able to be contained in shirts, he was going to sleep to the sound of Kimgyu's voice, giving directions on how to cook kimchi fried rice that does good in a caloric deficit while his body showed itself to be in a heavy surplus.
He was still eating with him during the mukbang streams but Wonwoo found himself eating a lot longer considering Kimgyu's portion sizes were growing each time as well. But, it was hard not to get side tracked as he moaned about how full he was, even slipping his hand under his shirt to rub the bloated belly that Wonwoo had pictured plenty of times before seeing white in his vision.
It was a little upsetting he missed the final livestream celebration for his two million subscriber milestone. He was working overtime on a project and most people could sense the grumpy energy from Wonwoo as he typed away at his computer in the office.
"Yo." Jihoon's easygoing gesture was met with a rather cold side eye that would have swayed anyone away. Unfortunately for Wonwoo, Jihoon was well aware that Wonwoo just looked like that and it wasn't pointed... mostly.
"Remind me to never let Seungkwan and Soonyoung lead a project again." A chuckle comes from his friend, laughing at his misery. "Well, this was one of the company's biggest successes in a while so I have some bad news for you."
Wonwoo's groan must have been music to Jihoon's ears at the way his laughter sounded so triumphant before he said, "Let's go grab dinner. We're free tonight from their hell temporarily."
His original plan was to watch the stream VOD while getting dinner but he missed his friend so he shut down the computer after a couple of moments, making sure everything was in check. "Okay, your treat."
Wonwoo wasn't a heavyweight per say, but he definitely could handle his alcohol. He was prepared to get even with Jihoon constantly teasing him about his parasocial boyfriend and he had to hold his tongue at the way he was watching him put on weight over the past couple of months and the amount of things he's done to those videos.
So, using his wallet to get drunk and eat whatever he wanted was payback enough. Jihoon rolled his eyes as Wonwoo got out of his car with a little difficulty, stumbling from the alcohol he drank and the food that he ate. "Maybe mukbangs were a bad influence because I don't think any person should have that much food in one sitting."
Wonwoo smiled as he stuck his tongue out, "Sucks. You offered to pay." Jihoon smiled as he muttered some curses, "Get upstairs safely!" He drove off after watching Wonwoo enter the building but in the lobby, it was really starting to hit him how much he drank.
He felt himself swaying before something supported him. It was large and sturdy. "Are you okay? You're not walking straight and I saw you almost fall while going to the elevator."
Wonwoo hummed in response, "Mm, I'm fine. Just had a lot to drink so thanks for ca-" The words got caught in his throat when his eyes focused and he saw the face that was staring at him.
"Kimgyu-" The words left his mouth before he could realize and both of them looked rather flustered by the admission so plainly. Wonwoo moved away, albeit somewhat shaky and Kimgyu saw the movement before moving back, his hand placed at Wonwoo's waist, "Sorry, I'm not used to being called that in real life. Just call me Mingyu and... let me help you up."
His fans were right because the puppy dog eyes that were pleading were near lethal to him at this moment in time as Wonwoo conceded, "Thanks." Mingyu's smile was wide as he moved Wonwoo's arm around his broad shoulders and supported him the whole way.
It was a difficult trip considering Wonwoo was going insane feeling the immense presence of the man next to him and the realization that they lived in the same building. He felt Mingyu's belly pressing into his side and saw it sway in his peripheral with each step they took and they ended up in the elevator.
Mingyu awkwardly chuckled, "Y'know, it doesn't hit me that people know me until they say my username but thank you for your support..." He trailed off, almost expectant before Wonwoo nearly facepalmed, "Ah, my name's Wonwoo. Sorry, I was..."
"Starstruck?" Mingyu's smile was charming which was doing no favours considering Wonwoo was oogling the body that was lingering a little close to him.
Wonwoo sighed, a smile on his face, "Trying not to fall." Mingyu looked flustered that his attempt at flirting fell through before Wonwoo added, "And maybe a little." He could practically see a tail wagging from behind the other man before the elevator arrived at his floor.
He was feeling a little better already because the shock helped him sober up but as the door open, Mingyu was ready to head to his floor before Wonwoo asked. "Did... you want to come to my apartment? I'm sure there's something I can share with you."
He stepped out in case the invitation was declined and Mingyu smiled as he followed, "I know all I do on stream is eat but you don't have to offer me food." His stomach gurgled as he flushed, "But, I wouldn't say no."
Wonwoo chuckled warmly as they entered his apartment.
Despite the first time meeting, it was easy to talk to Mingyu. Wonwoo even surprised himself by saying why he started watching his videos in the first place and Wonwoo looked amused as he looked at the other man sitting next to him on the couch.
"Woah, are you crying? It's not that sad though?"
"Hyung, stop teasing me! It just makes me happy that I could help..." A sniffle broke the silence before Wonwoo laughed warmly, patting Mingyu on the shoulder.
"It's fine! I've gotten to eat regularly... just like you have been." A gentle pat on Mingyu's stomach that pressed into his lap. It was more sinful in person as he looked at the result of months of indulgence on the other man. His muscle was still there but there was a majority of fat that rested on his body.
Mingyu looked at him with a different expression as he leaned in closer and Wonwoo was ready to receive that body pressing against his. Although he froze when he felt a hand on his stomach and squeezed it, now aware of the excess fat that was on his own body.
Mingyu stopped, almost concerned at the reaction while Wonwoo rebooted, "Is it alright?"
Wonwoo moved his hand to Mingyu's, now aware of the spread of his gut as he stated quietly, "I... didn't realize I had gotten so big."
Mingyu seemed to be taken aback by the statement before the same look in his eyes popped up as he asked, "Where's your bathroom?" Wonwoo pointed to the closed door as he was flustered from standing so quickly as Mingyu took him.
Taking him to the mirror, Wonwoo stood in front while Mingyu stood behind him, feeling his gut pressing against the curve of his back as he took in the sight.
Everything was making more sense now. Why he was eating longer during Mingyu's streams. Why he took longer in the shower while cleaning himself. Why the bottom of his stomach felt cold when brushing his teeth. Why the floors creaked if he walked quickly to get his take out that he ordered. Why he got out of breath when taking the stairs for his one day a week at work.
He had gotten fat. Mingyu's hands cupped his belly and he gasped, "Remember when I said I was looking at the guy who got bigger? I was talking about you, hyung." Lifting his belly, the sound of the clothed protruding body part echoed in the bathroom as Wonwoo whimpered.
"It was one thing that you didn't even know you were getting bigger but this? You even burst a button and didn't even know." Mingyu's hand slipped into the gap of his button down that he didn't notice until now. Did Jihoon notice when this happened? Is that why he looked at him funnily after he ordered more food? Was the proof of his gluttony somewhere in the restaurant they went to?
Mingyu's hands played with Wonwoo's fat body as he whimpered from the touch. "Hyung, I did this by choice." He brought Wonwoo's hands to his own belly as he groaned, feeling Mingyu press him against the counter with their combined weight.
"But you? You did this without even realizing. Look how massive you are everywhere." Mingyu's hands roamed around Wonwoo's body, making him more aware of the fat that bulged all over him. His moobs that rested on his gut. They were properly rivaling Mingyu's and he moaned when the other man squeezed them.
"You won't ever fit into this again." Mingyu pulled the button down apart, ripping the buttons off as they were freed from the strain of Wonwoo's fat body as he braced himself on the counter, so horny it was hard to stand up. His plump ass ground into Mingyu's crotch, eliciting a sigh of pleasure from him before he felt Mingyu's hands on his waist, sinking into the fat as his belly pressed onto Wonwoo's back, gurgling from the snacks that he had filled up on.
Wonwoo looked in the mirror and saw how much they had both blown up in the past couple of months as the apex of his belly felt cool from the counter it was squishing against, spilling nearly all over the sink area as Mingyu grinded his crotch into Wonwoo's wide ass.
It was hard to last long when realizing just how much he had blown up and all the praise Mingyu was feeding him. He was already stuffed full of food and memories of how much he had done it before, rubbing his gut not even aware of how much his computer chair creaked after each meal because it was starting to strain to hold Wonwoo's obese body. He felt Mingyu convulse as the cloth now sounded wet and Wonwoo felt himself release at the realization that Mingyu was so turned on by how fat he was and how he felt their combined weight with his awareness and the way Mingyu jiggled as he rode out his high.
Catching their breaths, Mingyu clutched Wonwoo's stomach as it got a shuddering sigh from the other man.
"So, should I expect a guest for my next mukbang?"
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foundtherightwords · 2 months
Writing Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @waterfallsilverberrywrites!
About me
When did you start writing? I've written silly little stories throughout middle school and high school, though technically I've only started writing fanfic two years ago, after I became obsessed with a certain chocolate-button-eyed British actor :)
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write? Fantasy (I've written one fantasy AU; I want to write more though) and mysteries. Funnily enough, I write mainly romance but I don't enjoy reading romance at all (I guess that's why I started writing my own!)
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often? I wish I got compared to a famous author, lol! I write a lot of historical stuff, and other than the classical authors (Bronte and Tolstoy are the two main ones for me), I'm influenced a lot by A.S. Byatt. Her writing is so subtle and poetic at the same time, and her characters and their relationships are so complex but still feel real.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space? There's not much to tell, haha. I don't really have a "writing space", it's just either at my horribly cluttered desk or in bed.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse? Music! Most of my stories are inspired by music (and are titled after songs/lyrics), and sometimes, when I'm stuck, a song can help a great deal in getting me inspired again.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about? Kind of? I've written one fic (well, a series - one long fic and a one-shot) set in my city.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you? Loneliness and family issues. Not surprising at all 🥲
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? I'm currently writing for Emperor Geta (Gladiator II) so I guess he's my favorite by default. He's such an ass (probably the most asshole-ish character I've ever written, even more than Paul) but that's what makes him so fun to write!
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life? Eddie for sure. Heck, I was basically Eddie myself in high school (minus the whole Satanic Panic thing.) And Leonard! We can discuss books and music and take long walks together. Maybe Billy too, who's such a sweetheart. Ralph would annoy me (sorry! I love him but he's too hyper for me), I don't think I have enough in common with either Tom or Michael to be friends with them, and I'd probably want to kick Arthur and Paul in the teeth :P
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them? See above :))
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Are we talking about OCs? For my female lead, mostly I try to go off from the canon character I'm pairing with her and see what traits/backstory would make them contrast and complement each other most effectively.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters? Basically, all of my couples (except for Hellcheer) consist of a stoic, competent, no-nonsense woman and the pathetic man-child she takes under her wings. Also, most of my OFCs have dark hair and green eyes, I don't know why (they're not based on any real person, I just like that coloring I guess!)
How do you picture your characters? I usually don't, is that weird? Occasionally I would look for an actress or model whose appearance fits what I'm imagining for the character, but most of the time I don't bother.
My writing
What’s your reason for writing? I have stories in my head screaming to get out, I'm just obeying their voices :))
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? Any comment at all would be great at this point. But what I love the most are the comments that point out specific parts in my stories that I hope would make an impact, or pick up on Easter eggs (like the commenter who noticed that Edward and Christine's twins in the Hurstfield Hall series are named after Ozzy Osbourne and Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath!)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers? As long as they enjoy my stories, I'm happy.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? Angst, hurt/comfort, world-building.
Have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others? Angst, I guess?
How do you feel about your own writing? I go back and forth between two extremes. Sometimes I'd reread my stuff and think, Damn, I wrote that? That's not half bad! And other times I cringe so hard at my own writing I almost fold in on myself.
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write? Sure, if there was still something to write with!
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both? I write for myself. If others happen to enjoy it, great! If not, I'm already happy with what I've written.
Tagging @jo-harrington, @wheels-of-despair, @palomahasenteredthechat, and anyone else that wants to play!
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mylittlemiyaomeow · 2 months
SubaHibi Induced Reading Madness Report #1: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
I want so badly to write a SubaHibi fic that's just me bitching about the parts of SubaHibi I don't like while building off the shit I did like. Actually I think any SubaHibi fic I write would be that. But in order for it to be properly SubaHibi, I need to better understand SubaHibi. And in order to do that, I have decided to go on a reading spree.
This reading spree will include both books referenced by SubaHibi alongside other stuff I think could add to the big SubaHibi idea I want to write. Like, part of that idea involves Yuki being a Japanese Lit major (I feel like she'd want to study books since she likes those and she figured it would be easier to go with studying lit in a language she's already fluent in, though I can imagine she still takes foreign language lit electives for the hell of it), and I kinda need to read Japanese lit if I'm going to go through with that.
With that out of the way, I have finished "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus". You can actually get this book off of Gutenberg as I found out in the download I found, but I wouldn't have found another book I'm reading now if I didn't decide to look through a more shady avenue.
I am not super great at understanding philosophy (I did okay in the class I had to take, but that was mainly because the professor walked us through our take-home tests the day before said tests), especially when it comes to stuff involving math (philosophy is like word math to me). While I was looking for a download of this work, I found another book titled "Tractatus in Context", which I decided to download because I knew I would need help. Actually I started reading it just now, but this report isn't about that.
I kinda made the mistake of not taking notes as I was reading (a mistake I expect to make many times throughout this journey), so a lot of the stuff I talk about will be shit I half-remembered and then hastily looked for the specific lines of in a .pdf.
The main thing I understood and enjoyed from this book was its engagement with the concept of language.
On 4.022 (the first one, since apparently my copy includes two proposition 4.022s, this one is after 4.001), there is this quote. "Language disguises thought. So much so, that from the outward form of the clothing it is impossible to infer the form of the thought beneath it, because the outward form of the clothing is not designed to reveal the form of the body, but for entirely different purposes.".
I think I remember SubaHibi touching on this a bit. About how the purpose of language isn't to express thoughts, but to communicate with other people. Or maybe that was some other work that engaged with philosophy that I forgot about.
As for my own thoughts on this... Your thoughts only need to be understood to you yourself. But when you explain them to other people, you need to translate it to a language they understand. They can never understand the purest essence of what you were thinking. But if you're particularly good at translating your thoughts into words, the purity of the essence won't really matter.
When it comes to writing, what I usually care about is being understood and having my words interpreted correctly. I don't give a damn about essence if someone walked away from my words with the meaning I wanted them to. Hell, sometimes people add their own meanings to my words and those meanings are good too.
Sometimes in language though, you use words for ulterior motives other than expressing a simple thought. You use them in order to get other people to feel what you want them to feel, regardless of what you actually think. It doesn't have to be malicious; It can be as something as simple as pretending to be interested when your friend infodumps about something you don't really care about because it makes them happy.
Sometimes, in the process of giving language to your thoughts, your thoughts take on a shape that it didn't have before.
4.025 states "When translating one language into another, we do not proceed by translating each proposition of the one into a proposition of the other, but merely by translating the constituents of propositions. (And the dictionary translates not only substantives, but also verbs, adjectives, and conjunctions, etc.; and it treats them all in the same way.)".
I understand this as "Translation is about getting the contents across, not making sure every word matches its equivalent in the other language.", but honestly I'm not sure. Regardless of what this means, we've been having this discourse for at least a century huh. Maybe for all of time even.
5.6 states "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
One cannot understand what one does not have the language for. So it is beyond them. But in my eyes, these limits aren't hard and fast. One can find and learn new language for things, and thus expand their world. It is through this process that one grows.
6.43 states "If the good or bad exercise of the will does alter the world, it can alter only the limits of the world, not the facts--not what can be expressed by means of language. In short the effect must be that it becomes an altogether different world. It must, so to speak, wax and wane as a whole. The world of the happy man is a different one from that of the unhappy man."
I feel like this is a decent follow-up to my thoughts on 5.6. I mean, I don't really get it that much, but I do like the quote "The world of the happy man is a different one from that of the unhappy man.". It relates to some earlier stuff I didn't quote about how everyone has their own world or whatever. SubaHibi engages with that concept a lot and just like in SubaHibi, I mainly just went "That's neat" and didn't know what to expand onto it. Like yeah, everyone has their own view of the world. Everyone has their own experience.
Oh, I guess this could connect to my earlier ramblings about the "language disguises thought" thing! No one has the same experience of the world, so in order to express your own experience, you have to translate it into words.
While I was reading this book, I was reminded of something one of my acquaintances said about their experience with DID and plurality. According to my memory of what they said, it's something that often has to be expressed through metaphors.
My main beef with SubaHibi is how it completely fumbles the subject of plurality around the end, so naturally the main thing I would want to include in a SubaHibi fic is an exploration of plurality that isn't completely fumbled. But I am not plural. I cannot pretend to completely understand the experience of plurality. I just have to do my best with the metaphors and descriptions of people that do actually experience plurality and hope that any fumbles I make are minor.
I assume it's a similar thing for psychotic conditions. I haven't done nearly as much research into those as I have for plurality, so I should read up on those before writing about characters who have psychotic symptoms.
Trying to figure out how to express my thoughts on some parts of this book kinda made my brain hurt, but I think that's just what thinking is like sometimes.
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
How about every integer of 10? 🙏🫡
(or less if that's too much)
ooo bless!
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles and how easy or hard is that for you?
fuck. i HATE titles. 99% of the time it's the very last thing I do and half the time i forget about it until i open tumblr to make the post. For one shots i generally read through it again and pick a phrase or repeating word and use that. For series: i'll usually pop onto discord with a brief summary and ask if ppl have ideas, otherwise i have a note in my phone of potential titles that are generally song titles or lyrics. i like my series titles to actually mean something and tie into the story whereas i dont give a fuck about the one shots LOL
20. what is your favourite trope to write?
forbidden love? we're gonna pretend that's a thing lol. like, stories have to have conflict and what's better than two people who wanna fuck/date/whatever and either can't or shouldn't, or like, their bosses would frown upon it, right? like, any and all degree of it, not particularly totally forbidden.
30. most inspirational quote you've ever read or heard that's still important to you.
christ. i cannot think of anything rn. My mind went straight to disney because there are so many things that light up my passion/motivation. the last time we were there we saw the "new" (lol) fireworks show and it had this little speech that was all "no go, let your dreams guide you, reach out and find your happily ever after" and it was kinda the resurge i needed at the time to be all "oh fuck, that's right, i just need to focus" as the old fireworks show had a bit that i like, wished on every fucking night and always made me cry about cause of how i related to it. wow i'm SO cool HA.
in high school (performing arts) certain people got to sign the theatre crossover wall at graduation and i got to and i singed it with a Fosse quote but i cannot remember it anymore for the life of me loll
40. best piece of feedback you've ever gotten?
bruh ive got no clue. i dont get/ask for feedback basically ever. esp recently people have been more just "omg so good" or "next part??" uhh... yeah, i dont think anyone ever has minus like a comment here and there with a friend when spitballing and i have a goldfish brain so i cannot remember.
50. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
bit of both! for one shots it's usually just the prompt i was given/found and MAYBE a bit of a blurb scenario.
series: i will not start until i have a much more detailed outline and a rough idea of how it's going to end. nothing is specifically labelled and as i work on the story the outline gets longer, more fleshed out, sometimes there's full conversations or smut pieces in the outline and eventually ch's get labelled and sometimes it's like "ch 4, they go to this hotel and fuck" lol
60. where is the most dangerous place that you're written fic?
work. was stuck in the bar (that guests dont have access to) during service time with nothing else to do. my manager literally came in and teased me about not working and then later asked what i was working on and i said "fanfic, but that's all i'm telling you cause a lot o its real gay and real dirty" LOL
70. are you ever critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during or after the fact?)
i'm SO critical, but it's like, when i'm rereading it months down the road and it's been posted and too late to edit LOL. and it's mainly me just looking at old works that are SO trope filled and slightly cringe and include lot of the stuff that i no longer write.
I don't edit too much at all lol. I'll catch most typos or grammar while going/on a brief read through but it's VERY rare i'll actually go back to edit a full passage the next day or anything. Hence my very detailed outlines! i will edit from there to the fic cause i'll add to the outlines whenever something sparks in my brain and i know its good lol.
80. do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc in your writing?
uhh... no? LOL. sometimes i do, and sometimes they just end up there completely by accident.
90. do you notice your own voice in your writing style?
absolutely. why do you think there's so much profanity? LOL. but also as someone who writes mainly reader insert, there is a little bit of me in every yn i write
thanks for asking!! <3 (and that's never too much lol)
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margridarnauds · 6 months
fanfic writer emoji ask: ✍ 🎢 👀
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
For a while, I did, and they were and are great (we have not had a falling out! We are still friends!), but real life kind of got in the way for both of us, and that's fine. Sometimes, I do miss having someone look over my stuff so that I know I don't sound insane, but it's fine.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I feel like "wildest ride" could mean so many different things. Like, content wise, just on the basis of it existing? ABSOLUTELY A Soft October Night, mainly because I don't think I'd ever gone as far as "Incest Murder Threesome" before. (I will make no promises that I won't do so AGAIN, but it definitely is a shocker from the usual.)
Though this is ALSO from the same creative team that brought you "Romeo has sex with the personification of Death on a crucifix" and "Ronan and Lazare have sex on a printing press" (which seems MUCH tamer compared to the other two), so, really, you can pick your poison.
As far as plot? Either The Midnight Mass or Pour la Peine, depending on if you think "Ronan discovers his old friends are zombies that want to kill him" or "The Thing that happens in Pour la Peine that changes the whole plot" is more shocking. (Personally, I am still REALLY proud of that twist in PLP, since I'd sat on that for years.)
If you're talking about in a crackficky sense? ...I mean. Goosefic. Goosefic. The fic that solidified my reputation in the 1789 fandom. If I say so myself, every single fic I've listed before that has some larger motivation for why it's Like That. Goosefic was just me reading a writing prompt and thinking "I want Lazare to get chased by a pissed off goose." And it is beautiful.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I don't think it's a SECRET I'm working on writing out my playthrough of BG3, or at least. Key parts of it. (I am NOT. Novelizing. An 125 hour playthrough. Yet.) I have about 11k words into it at the moment, but I'm not publishing a word of it until it's in a place where I know I can very likely finish it, or at least make a dent. We are NOT doing that thing where I just publish one chapter, hit a major bout of writer's block, and can't go through with it. (I can't make any promises for AFTER one chapter.)
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It deals, primarily, with Kitrye's Happy Fun Times in the game, her ongoing verbal game of cat and mouse with Raphael, her relationship with her sister, and her relationship with her culture, as well as her overall development during the course of the game. (I don't really consider it a spoiler, given I put it in an actual gifset, that Kitrye breaks her oath as a paladin at one point -- there is a LOT dedicated to the circumstances around that and how it changes the game, even though that's a late development.) A spoiler that literally only you and a couple of people will understand and so I can give without any worry is:
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"Ich will dich nicht, ich brauch' dich nicht. GEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."
(Honestly, thus far, it's looking like how I'm writing out every act is taking inspiration from something else. Like, if Pour la Peine and its related stories drew a lot of inspiration from the Evilious Chronicles, I would say that the third act in particular is very, very Elisabeth tinted if you know where to look; second act is looking to have at least one scene inspired by a very memorable moment from one of the branches of the Mabinogi; and the first act, which is still the roughest, is a little bit more up in the air, with all of them borrowing at least a LITTLE bit from The Last Trial.)
(I'm cool, I'm chill, I'm fine.)
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Anyway, have the Symryvvin girls, out of context. (Malla 🤝 Raphael: Being in an eternal state of Done.)
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12, 14, & 23 for the WIP ask game :D
Thank you!
I'll answer these based on Roads That Cross since that's the WIP you all know-- if anyone wants to ask about another I haven't posted yet, go ahead!
12. Will/do you have multiple drafts or versions of your WIP, and if so, what draft or version are you on right now?
Oof, oh my god. Um, well, as you all know I've been working on Roads for 5 years now, and I don't write in chronological order, so I've basically had 40 different Word documents on my folder for a long time, each for every future chapter. Some scenes have changed throughout the years, mainly because my writing has evolved and because I've gotten better ideas for them since the first time I ever came up with them. I usually just delete what I don't like and rewrite it, but, there are some scenes, especially from chapter 30 and afterward, that are very important and so I don't want to lose anything, no matter how it might no longer fit with the vision I currently have. For those scenes in particular I do keep the old drafts, usually at the bottom of the same document, so that I can go back to the original versions of it and maybe rescue some sentences or feelings that I consider important. Sometimes, it's not about the scene not working out but that I have a lot of different ways that it could go, and they all work in their own way, but I know I'll eventually have to choose just one or mix it all into one because I can't have 10 different versions of the same conversation kjsdn (yes, they're usually dialogue scenes that get the most drafts.) Um, I'd say those scenes are in version #3 by this point ? The oldest dating from 2018 or 2020, then some changes in 2021, and... I can't remember if the last time I touched them was this year or last year. But yeah, that about sums it up🙌🏻
14. What has been the hardest thing about working on this WIP so far?
Not losing motivation, I'd say. It's been a long journey. I'm constantly reading other fics since that's my favorite way of passing time, and while that's partly good for my creativity, it is also kind of discouraging because I'm constantly just seeing people writing way better than I do, and way faster than I do at that, so when you see someone cooking 7k words chapters every week, you kind of look at yourself and go Damn, what the hell am I doing?
It's a little sad to realize you don't really have a talent so you have to work 10 times harder just to reach the level of someone that whips out 12k words like it's nothing. Of course, I could defend myself saying they're writing in their native language while I'm not, but honestly, I know it wouldn't make a difference. My writing would still be the same if I wrote in Spanish, and, in fact, I think it would take me even longer to write because I would be cringing all the time ksjfskjd.
Anyway, in summary, keeping it going has been the hardest part, but I just try to remind myself that I don't need to be Shakespeare, and that, by this point, I just want to finish it so I can put it to rest, so it shouldn't be a big deal and I try not to let it affect me😂
23. What is the weirdest thing you’ve had to google for this WIP so far?
Oh my god, remember "With a new perspective" ? I spent months, MONTHS, googling about bathrooms 🤣🤣🤣 I JUST- again, English is not my first language, so I wasn't sure how to describe the things in Ámbar's bathroom, and hell- not even in Spanish I knew how to call some stuff 😂 Plus, first I had to come up with a mental image of it, so I went on a deep dive on Google Images, Pinterest, etc. And when I found something that I liked, then I had to discover how that specific shape of furniture was called. I became an expert on all the kinds of bathtubs there is 😂😂 I was so insane that my best friend even joked about it, sending me tiktoks "just so you can look at the bathroom" 🤣🤣 The worst part is, the bathroom descriptions weren't even important in that chapter compared to everything that was going on😂😂 But for me it was really important that everyone knew Ámbar had a ceiling-to-sink, wall-wide mirror and that she calls it "the usual bathroom mirror everyone has" because it was funny to me that she believes that's the normal when my bathroom mirror is literally like 40x20cms 😂😂
Anyway, I better stop ranting now. Thank you for the ask! <3
If anyone else wants to do it, the questions are right here.
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Hey I’m the anon from earlier talking about Cygnet Scholar. I don’t really use tumblr mainly a lurker sorry but I will definitely be coming here to drop a bucket load of head canons and talk about the ship. This can be my emoji so you know it’s me: 🦢📚
Also I will definitely keep my eye out for that fic 👀
Gideon is scared to use his magic. Having three evil magic users in your direct family tree can mess you up a bit so he has always been hesitant to use it. Hope is the one to help him learn to control and become comfortable. Magic has always come easy to her and she uses it readily to prank her friends and family.
I have a vivid scene of Gideon trying to light a candle and no matter what it’s not working so Hope takes him to a room filled with unlit candles and a piano in the center (Gideon is amazing player and a good singer but insecure about the later) She has him play a song for her which she sings too (she has a really good singing voice but most don’t know that) and as they are finishing up they almost kiss (but don’t because slow burn) he looks up realizes he lit all of them up
Hope is much more outgoing then him. I imagine there friendship started because one day she just sat next to him and started talking and didn’t stop and they’ve been friends ever since.
I like to think they have a big friend group but are closest with each other. Friend group includes: Neal (goes by Leo because it is weird to be named after your sisters baby daddy I’m sorry okay it just is) Charlotte or Cassandra (second daughter of Snow and Charming) Philip jr, Melody (Ariel’s daughter), and a daughter of Red and Dorothy gale (don’t know the name yet). It’s a weird group but they all low each other and we’re brought together by Hope.
I think everyone around them realizes they like each other before them. I think it’s a case of he feel first but she fell harder.
For Gideon he always noticed the little things and feel in love slowly but firmly. The way she always bring him lunch when he forgets. And anytime she visits him at the library she’ll bring something for his mom usually a Rose because she finds it hilarious. She gives advice to her girl friends about guys and always has their back. She is but Leo’s side when he wants to come out. And if she ever hears someone talk bad about her friend well let’s just say that right hook is powerful.
For Hope it just hit her one day. Subconsciously I think she fell in love with him as they grew up but she realizes it really quickly. One day she didn’t know and the next she did. Hope has her heart on her sleeve so it’s obvious when she realizes but she plays it cool or tries to, she doesn’t really succeed but luckily Gideon is oblivious.
I think they both confess during a life or death situation but it’s not until all the fight is done do they get to talk about it. They have a spot in the woods that is just theirs and that’s where they have their first official kiss.
Anyway I can go on forever but my hand is starting to cramp and I have stuff I need to do lol. But please tell me about some of your headcanons!!!!
— 🦢📚
{from this message}
Hello, friend! Totally get that; I love all my lurkers on here! Nice to meet you, 🦢📚!!!
I love all your headcanons so much!!! Do you write fic at all??? I'd love to read them! The piano/candles story is so cute!!!
I love your headcanons about the friend group! My group for them consists of Neal Nolan (who goes by CJ [Charming Jr,]) Robin Mills, and Charlotte Nolan (the Charming's third kid.) They're all in a D&D group that Henry DMs, and eventually they go on this big adventure in an au I'll someday write.
In my mind, Hope and Gideon didn't quite get along at first, but eventually Killian is just like "look, I know you don't like him, but I need you to at least try to get along" and so she does and eventually realizes "eh, this nerd's not so lame after all" and soon they become friends.
Charlotte and Hope are absolutely best friends (Charlotte is only a month older than Hope, and because Gideon took a year off from school to travel the world with his parents, he's in the same grade as them,) and Hope has told her about her crush on Gideon. (Robin figured it out on her own.) CJ also figured out that Gideon likes Hope, and Henry's known for years- probably for longer than Hope and Gideon have even actually liked each other (author's intuition there.)
I think a lot of the group has friendship bracelets. Charlotte makes them with beads, Robin always picks out a charm that goes well with the recipient, and Hope makes some with embroidery floss. Gideon has never taken off the bracelet Hope gave him, and has a few other trinkets he's collected from her over the years.
I also headcanon Gideon as autistic. I'm not sure when that started, but I don't think that one's going away.
Thank you for the awesome ask, anon!
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greyskyflowers · 2 years
Alrighty friends, if I do some of my posts for Lockwood and Co, like I've done for other fandoms mainly one piece, what kind of stuff would everyone want to see?
I'm definitely hitting the OT3 (Lockwood/George/Lucy) hard and it's going to be heavily based on the show.
I'm really riding the Lockwood is baby and needs to be spoiled train so if it's not your thing I totally get it but you might want to get off this ride now.
If you're not familiar with my posting style, please look through my blog to get an idea of it. I call them everything from headcanons, prompts, fic parts to stories I'll never write, word barf, ramblings, etc. They're basically what I like to consider ideas or plot points that someone could take and write an actual fic about.
❗I'd also like to add that If you're not familiar with me than I'll let you know I adore power dynamics and that can be everything from non sexual submission, bdsm au stories, abo au, just basic power dynamics and everything in between. I don't only write about these but there's usually some trace of it in most of my stuff, even though most of it's not usually explicit.
Also if anyone has a link to somewhere I can listen to the book or read them please let me know! :)
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maplesyrizzup · 2 years
for @thiamsxbitch part 2
Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story? Yes, absolutely
Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc) Non-Con. Smut. Suicide. I don't think I would write a crossover, only because I don't think I'd be very good at it.
Best writing advice for other writers? Don't be too hard on yourself. Especially when you have writer's block. it's okay, it happens to everyone, you just need to wait it out.
Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you? I don't think I've gotten bad ones. mainly because I've only gotten advice from certain people
What fic do you wish you got more of a response on? I'm going to say Possession
Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? uh, i'd say my writing is pretty tame, especially the humor, maybe: "Theo let me in." "no." is pretty funny
What is your most and least favorite part of writing? favorite: writing funny dialogue and scenes. least: it's not that I don't enjoy writing emotional scenes between couples, I'm just not very good at it.
On average, how much writing do you get done in a day? it really depends. sometimes I don't write for weeks, sometimes I write for a week straight. but if I'm trying i can knock out around 1.5k-2k
What’s your revision or editing process like? I read through it all. rewrite stuff I don't like
Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? I share rough drafts and snippets
Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing? characters(?)
Name three of your favorite fanfic writers. Teen Wolf - @ksbbb -@sterekshipper-writer -@waterloou Others -@bvcksmunson -@vigilvntes -@chaseadrian
Do you want to be published some day? yes
Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer? i enjoy writing for teen wolf, so I hope to continue that
What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?  Motivate.
How do you write kissing scenes? I haven't yet
How do you choose where to end a chapter? Suspense and/or cliffhangers
Would you ever write commissions? Maybe
Share a snippet from a WIP Liam wasn’t sure when he started to care, but he knew the first time he noticed it was when Liam asked Theo to stay. Well, actually with the way he phrased it, it didn't seem like a request.
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? something from Possession. maybe the scene where Liam is getting Possessed.
Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person? Yeah I reread them
What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it? Unintentional by @waterloou .YES. EVERYONE GO READ
Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person? I don't take joy in it but writing Angst is very fun
What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you? Lack of describing the scene. I'm trying but it is challenging for me
Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh? Both!
How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc) A lot of it is Humorous gen
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? Twice
What do you look for in a beta? I go to my friends
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them? I haven't yet, thankfully
How long is your longest fic? 40k
What’s your total AO3 word count? 18,926
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes, it may take me sometime. i love to reread through comments, they make me smile
How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both? 50/50
Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones? Theo
What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on? My dialogue
Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?  waiting until it's finished
What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)  editing
Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone? yes some know but I only share with best friends and when I do share with them it's rare
Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like? Yes.
Why do you continue writing fics? Because I enjoy it
Thoughts on cliffhangers? Love them
Something you hate to see in smut. Non-Con.
Something you love to see in smut. Fluff and Smut. Love soft fluffy sex
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project to finish Possession
How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)? I try not to let it pressure me. i would like to get something out every month, but if I can't then it's okay.
Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? I like both
What work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing? my adrian and eddie fics. they aren't very good
When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write? embarrassed
When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.? notes
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mhaccunoval · 7 months
tagged by beloved @sunriseverse to partake in this fic author interview!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
13 at present :thumbs_up: i haven't deleted anything recently (to which there's probably like. 20 of my things if you incorporate abandoned works)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
71,398 apparently... i know that one of my fics is nearly 26k but still. this is more than i expected
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(1) catch a rare type specimen [166] (2) a mighty nice shine [104] (3) the future is forgiven, so smile [80] (4) i don't know how we're just two men as god has made us [49] (5) how we rise to the height of our halo [34]
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try my best to! but usually i'm only good about it after i've JUST posted a new fic and i'm compulsively checking engagement </3 and i rarely look back at old fic comment threads </333
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i haven't read them in a while but probably sleeping beauty or i'm a wonder... they're both post-PRU and heavy angst for hermann... though i guess i'm a wonder's ending is more Angsty, and sleeping beauty is more Suspenseful
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
wonderful question. i write a lot of happy, or at least neutral with happy leanings, endings. maybe the future is forgiven, so smile, or something??? IDK man
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really... i'm really picky about them. and i'll make jokes with friends about them but i haven't gone through with any of the crossover ideas i really like (though maybe i should finally write something for ed secondhandvhs & i's joke about CIFL x stranger things teeheehee)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
plenty of it. and i am still laughing about the comment i got on a mighty nice shine... thankfully i've gotten better about not fully taking [the hate] to heart...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no... i almost wrote smut for the first time with a house fic a couple of months ago but i got nowhere with that fic idea. and a mighty nice shine is the very closest i've gotten to slipping it in but i'm too big of a chicken still (and it's not like i have any ideas stored up for it at present)
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? but that'd be pretty funny if so. mainly because i'm. a Middling creative writer so if you're going to steal MY stuff, then your bar must be low
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
also not that i know of. at least not that i've been told. i would be honored though... like to be able to share my ideas with a wider audience... sniffles and kicks my feet
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not that i remember? i think the closest i got, beloved, was the rob comedy... like i've Workshopped and Bounced Ideas with friends plenty of times but i don't remember a time where we've gone through with writing together
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
low hanging fruit because i don't actually know but i'll gander newmann... like my pacrim hyperfixation (special interest even?) is still a fond period in my life and i still have so many affections for the them
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
ALL OF THEM. like. i'm still sighing i didn't write that hilson smut, as well as sighing i didn't really go through with my Other house ideas (pacrim universe, 'if amber lived' universe, priest chase universe, etc etc). oh and there's two barry ideas i had with ed that i still think would be interesting explorations but haven't picked up in like two years. plus some ted lasso stuff (namely gymnastverse and tattooed roy). and OBVIOUSLY mad i haven't gotten ANYWHERE with any original work WIPs (yes this is a fanfic interview but i stand by the inclusion)
15. What are your writing strengths?
descriptions maybe? IDK i write creatively so infrequently i have no idea. i just know i tend to have fun writing descriptions all flowery and stuff
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
besides the fact that i Never write, i think i have a tendency to be too out of character for my own liking, or at least Worry too much about that prospect. like it's inevitable in some part with writing alternate universes but i'm just too neurotic. and i really need to be married to / tuned into the idea to have a flowing stream of writing, and half the time i just Can't
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i think if you do it and have the translation nearby / easily accessible, it's fine and can add an interesting dimension for like. the character's thinking in that language and/or being in some way immersed in it. but i also say that as someone who has included foreign languages or localized vocabulary then put translations/descriptions as footnotes in the end notes so. i'm biased
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
oh good lord... it was likely on deviantart so. heaven knows. my understanding of warriors or something else i was into through deviantart. and on wattpad it was probably— actually i'm going to have an aneurysm if i continue to think about this
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
there's probably plenty but re-reading this question probably severance or psych. like i haven't watched either recently and i'm more fixated on my own oc-verses at the moment but i would still like to finish my psych drag fic or at least write Something psych. and i should definitely delve into the horrors of severance once season two comes out
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
another low hanging fruit but i always say i'm a wonder. there's just something about that one that still hits. maybe it's in part that i always think of that fic while listening to the song, and. frankly. i should revisit it at some point to see if i could develop it more
[non-obligatory tagging of um um @secondhandvhs, @tiptapricot, & other writer friends]
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lesbianfreyja · 1 year
hi alex – I just ordered your and rose's book, can't wait to read it! do you have any advice on transitioning from writing mainly fic to more original stuff? thanks!
ahhh thank you so much !!! 💘💞💓 the kind reception here has made me so happy<33
first of all i want to say that i didn't fully detransition from fic because between this novel + the one im currently writing, i definitely developed tv-related brain worms at least thrice that i can recall & subsequently posted fic about it. lol
usually when i start original writing theres a concept that i want to explore; for this book it was the relationship dynamic between the MC (billie) and her best friend, and we extrapolated a plot that interested us both from there. something that was bothering us that we couldnt quite put our finger on but that we wanted to work through via somebody else.
personally for me, i find myself writing original fiction because there's a dearth of it somewhere else; its kind of the same impetus i had with writing fic, i didn't feel the need to write tons of fic for, say, black sails because it already fulfilled everything i wanted out of it. i didn't feel the need to fill in blanks. similarly, if im looking around at media and going "huh, there's tons of stories about coming out but not tons of stories that explore something meaningful from a lesbian's perspective" then that's how i end up 90% of the way through a novel about classism in magical realism.
IMO the hardest part of original fiction is that we don't already care about the characters so you have to write all this relevant backstory to make people care, but somehow make it interesting too? so i just invent characters or plots that interest me personally, puppet them around a little bit, and extrapolate the rest of the story from there. if you know that you have a headstrong character with anger issues, then you can start to write about what is triggering that & how theyre going to ultimately solve that arc. then you can think about the situations that are needed plot-wise to get them there.
i hope this helps even a little bit!!! please let me know how its going - and i'll be there when youre published!!! 💓💘💌
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hey,,,,,,, beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful angel,,, love my imperfections every angle,,, tomorrow comes and goes before you know (you know), so i just had to let you know:
slept through two of my classes again 😎 not consecutively this time and not quite as well as yesterday but it was still chill
also i wore a scarf (and like *flips hair* a super cute outfit) so i got to use that as a little pillow aklsjf;lsjdf
also speaking of my outfit like 3 people complimented my glasses!! :D one of them was one of my friends and she was like 'y'know meri your glasses are so cool' like IK TY :D
i got not one but two free cookies today y'all 👀
the food today was So Great like the worst bit was when i tried a softboiled egg and was like hm :/ but now i know i don't like soft boiled eggs so i got something out of it!! i also got a hardboiled egg too so it's okay alkjf;sldjf
and like for breakfast? taco with leftover meat n stuff from last night. dinner?? three tacos with leftover meat n stuff from last night + spanish rice, also leftover. all of it?? delicious!! i don't even think i reheated the meat long enough or maybe i just put too many refridgerated things on top of it bc there was like no warmth in any of my dinner tacos and y'know what they were still delicious!!!
also for lunch i had peas and cherry tomatoes and like??? yum???? i don't think i've had cold peas before today but i came home and ate the rest of them (bc they were! also leftovers! <3)
we had king cake cupcakes and they were v yummy!!!
we discussed the universal gravitation stuff in physics today and like *vibrates* this is so cool i love learning actually
also i played risk with a few peeps in one of my classes and none of us knew how to play the board game version <3 we only got through a single round of attacking each other but it was p fun so aksdjf;lke;ak
i've started rewatching galm's playthrough of hades bc rac's been playing it and man i forgot how good the music was!! like he reached asphodel and i was like 'i can't wait for him to get on the barge of death, that was so funky' and then he did and i was like OH YEAH, THIS SLAPS, THAT'S WHY I LIKED IT SM
today was my day for dishes and they were a bit of a struggle this evening when i was feeling down but when i got home from school then i was jamming out to music and it was so fun :]]
oh speaking of which my mood dropped for a good few hours this evening for hmmm a mix of minor reasons probably?? but bc i am so cool and snazzy and strong i simply pulled it back up 💪😎
i am wearing my gnome pjs :]
read some cool fics today!!! the one i mentioned last night is indeed the one i was looking for!! i finished the fic i was devouring yesterday and i've mainly been reading 3 others, one of which gave me Emotions, one of which is a lil different than my usual fare but interesting and i'm enjoying it, and then the last one i'm kind of playing chicken with myself al;sdkfjsa;df like it's a long fic and i don't think i want to read the whole thing but i'm also seeing how far i'll go until i'm like 'yeah i'm good now' aksdjf;lskdfja;se
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sqwormywormy · 2 years
8, 17, and 24 for the Weird Writers Questions!
Weird Questions for Writers
Thank you for the ask! I talked... Alot more than I thought I would seeing as my writing process is kinda me just tossing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
Oh, I would ABSOLUTELY choose to write an action only story. (Dialogue my dearly beloathed) Honestly I would likely end up focusing on descriptions of the environment, when I'm in the right writing mood I sometimes get carried away with describing small things like the sound of a cup being put down already LMAO. I personally struggle a lot with scene changes, like moving on to more interesting bits of the story (I'm working on this, it's just. Really hard) so if I needed characters to communicate somehow, I'd end up having them communicate through those good ole furtive glances, scoffs, and huffs.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
So. So... my biggest WIP currently is an addition to the beloved Ben collection. Since my writing style is a little impulsive, my additions haven't really had much of an underlying plot other than snapshots, buuut I've been getting invested and hrggh that may change. But anywayssss. So, this fic is mainly focused on the fated Big Ben first meeting and reveal, but I got hugely carried away and now there's a whole ass investigation tacked on. Cults pulling human transmogrification feats in elementary school basements, though we will only be getting part of that story from Ben n Parkers pov. I was initially going to have Arthur and John be there from the get go, but writing Kayne is soooo fun and these two being confused as hell until it clicks is much more appealing to me. But John and Arthur are getting their own action too, Kayne left them a breadcrumb trail so they wouldn't miss out on the fun altogether. One big thing I'm sad that I had to change was the perspectives in this work. It's real hard writing a conversation when two of the characters can't even hear the other half of the conversation. Add in having to rely on Johns narration for Arthur to *see* anything? Yeah it's difficult as hell but it reads awkwardly if I keep the third person omniscient reader pov soooo, what can you do.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
I'm kidding. Kinda. But!! Recently I started actually taking writer advice and collecting my thoughts and concepts in actual documentation rather than relying on my (shit) memory. Most of my "prepwork" is actually me just bouncing ideas back and forth with friends, it helps me get into an actual good flow to serve as a sort of kicking off point for plotting. I do Not use rough drafts or outlines, and I Really Should, but usually I just end up being at work or something, getting a scene idea, and quickly writing it down on my break. Then I go back later to see how well it fits and to add to it. I don't really like prepwork, but I know it's extremely useful, and now that I'm starting to get more interested in working on some multi chap stories I'm probably gonna actually take up drafting out this stuff.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
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Updated: Sept 24
I was a bit stumped about it at first, but I've decided that I'll write NSFW too, so minors 👁👁 please don't look. If I see any minors interacting with any NSFW posts. I will block you. I REALLY don't like blocking people, so please don't make me.
Other than that-
Hello! ٩( ᐛ )و
Just a quick note that this blog will be more about the writing aspect, so headcanons, oneshots and links/updates on AO3 stories, along with recommendations of stories will be posted here!
Another note!
I write SPECIFICALLY for chubby readers, since-
I am a chubby girl myself and I can't find any x chubby reader fics from/for my fandom to save my life- (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡
Granted, some people may see it as a simple weight change, but for me, it's the feeling of REALLY being included in the story.
These lines from a bunch of fics I've read-"His shirt fit loosely on you", and "he wrapped his arms around your thin waist", "your small frame" or "He picked you up with ease", etc-don't fit me and I know I'm not the only one.
If a fic usually doesn't clarify that it has a chubby reader, then it's USUALLY a skinny or medium-sized person. I just wanna give me and my chubby fellas a chance, y'know? ┐(シ)┌
And please don't take this the wrong way & please don't think I'm attacking you if you write like this I swear I'm not! Everyone's allowed to write for whatever fandom they want and with whatever body type they wanna write for! I'm just stating that this blog is focused on specifically chubby/plus sized readers.
I write Platonic Readers! For example, if someone requests being just best friends with a certain character, or having a sibling dynamic with another character, then it's all good! 👌🏽
I also write for Yandere characters/situations! If the situation asked for IS uncomfortable to write, I have the right to deny it.
I also do genderbend! I don't see it done much, which is cool! But I'm a dumb little hoe so- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Final thing! I also write for monsters! I write for skeletons and demon monkeys 😑 Basic stuff, like werewolves, vampires, mermaids/merman, hybrids, etc!
I'll write for certain characters for certain medias since it's the only thing I feel I can actually write without making the characters OOC. (´・ω・`)
Sun Wukong
Red Son
Spider Queen
Maybe the others too if they're requested enough 👀
I WILL NOT write for LMK NeZha, due to the controversy of his age. I've seen many discussions on it, from all sides, mainly from those who are Chinese. And all I have to say is that I don't wanna touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.
Monkey King: Reborn, Hero is Back & Ne'Zha Reborn Sun Wukong are also a go! I just watched the movies and I am quaking 👀 If you guys have any Sun Wukong movies or game characters that're fleshed out enough to be written, PLEASE send them my way.
Count Harebourg
If there's other characters that are requested, then I'll see who they are and if I can write for them.
Maybe I'll do Transformers in the future! I've only seen Transformers Prime, so I'll need to expand my knowledge first. I mean, unless y'all want some Prime stuff 👀. I'll probably watch Animated and read the comics soon-(Hopefully, I've dropped the damn thing twice-😔)
Now for the big boy-😥
I'll write for it and certain AUs. The AUs follow as below(Sans nickname 1st, Papyrus 2nd)
Undertale (Vanilla and Creampuff)
Underfell (Red and Edge)
Underswap (Blue and Stretch)
Fellswap (Raspberry and Rus)
Swapfell (Black and Cash)
Fellswap!Gold (Wine and Coffee)
Horrortale (Axe and Sugar)
The Outertale AUs count too, but it's best not to ask for something that includes, for example, Undertale Sans and Outertale Sans since they'll basically be the same.
Outer nicknames include:
Outertale (Cosmic and Nebula)
Outerswap (Orion and Atlas)
Outerfell (Comet and Sirius)
Also including specific characters include:
Geno from Aftertale
Passive!Nightmare and Dream from Dreamtale
Cross from XTale
Dust from Dusttale
And to be honest, I'm at a bit for a dilemma when it comes to if I should include Ink, Evil!Nightmare and Fresh. Since Ink doesn't have a soul to feel. Granted he has the ink he drinks to emulate the emotion he wants to feel but idk- (´⌒`;)
Fresh is parasitic monster that lacks emotions and jumps from different hosts so writing him romantically might be a bit of a problem.
Evil Nightmare searches for negative energy, as it's said that positive emotions make him weak. (╯︵╰)
I try my best to stay on track with how characters would canonically react, along with a dash of what I think they would do. But if there's enough asks, then I'll try my best to write them! ଘ(੭ ᐛ )♡
Other potential AUs
I haven't read Underlust or Storyshift, but if there's enough requests for them, then I'll do my best to read through their stories/find information and write for them.
I'm having a bit of trouble finding concrete information for the bottom two, so they might be a bit more tricky to write about. (•ิ_•ิ)
As far as rules go, just don't send anything rude, k?
Also, please specify if you want Angst, Romance or Platonic/ if you want Headcanons or a One Shot.
Other than that, this post will update every once in a while if I decide to add or negate something, so keep an eye out! (≧∇≦)/
Sorry if there are spelling errors! Have a good day!
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apinchofm · 2 years
Marina and Penelope talk things out.
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Side fic to falling in love all over again (Read first and comments give me dopamine)
Penelope needed a friend. Colin was engaged to Edwina. She did not even know they were courting. He had been friendly to her but was now marrying someone else.
Marina was in London now, with her husband and children. It made her feel better, seeing her.
"Marina, it is so good to-" Penelope began but noticed Lady Crane was not smiling at her with affection as she usually did, and the twins were not in the drawing room as they usually were.
Marina had spoken with Eloise, who had told her about Whistledown after seeing the horrible things written about Edwina.
"You know, I suppose it made sense." Marina mused, "How else would Whistledown know?"
"Marina... I did not mean to hurt you. I was trying to protect you and Colin."
"No." Marina shook her head, fighting back tears of hurt, "You hated me because Colin was in love with me and not you."
"I don't hate you. You were going to Gretna Green, I had to do something." Penelope emphasised.
"And humiliating me. Humiliating Colin. That was your solution?" Marina said sharply and scoffed, "If you were indeed my friend, you would have found another way. You could have told Colin or Eloise privately. You wanted to humiliate me? Why? For a man who did not even love you in that way."
Penelope looked away, "Look at me, Penelope. Look at your handiwork. You have manipulated all of us."
"It's mainly gossip!"
"That stuff about Eloise and Daphne. The Sharmas. What on earth did we do to you?" Marina asked in disbelief, "We all loved you. I understand the gossip but things we trusted you with! I trusted you. I thought you were my friend." Marina shook her head.
"Colin is an adult. He can make his own decisions, and you took that away from him, and you took that away from me." Marina said.
"It does not He said that he would never dream of courting me-" Penelope defened.
"And I had to marry a stranger, thanks to you. I almost died, thanks to you." Marina replied dryly, "Life just is not fair, is it?"
This was not the kind country girl who came to London, wide-eyed and bright. This was a noblewoman who had tried to deal the cards life had given her.
"And yet, now he is courting Edwina Sharma. Pity. Though, that explains why Whistledown has it in for the diamond. You seem to think she took something of yours."
Penelope was silent. Marina did not understand. She was pretty and confident. She could say what was on her mind.
"Hello," Philip had arrived home and smiled, but he could sense the tension between the women, "Am I interrupting?" He hated interrupting people in general.
"No, Philip. Penelope was just leaving." Marina said steely, and Penelope swallowed, walking out of the drawing room.
"Marina?" Philip asked, gently touching her shoulder. She sniffed and sighed, turning to him and hugging him. He was surprised but hugged her, rubbing her back soothingly.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
She took a deep breath and looked up at him, "Nothing. You are such a good friend and husband. Even marrying me. I-"
"You have nothing to be sorry for. You were grieving. We barely knew one another and that horrid gossip pamphlet." Philip said, "You were trapped in this."
Marina hugged him again, "I rather like our trap now. You, at least, have always been honest and kept my secrets. And you are a good father."
"And you are a good mother," He said, "What has happened? Talk to me?"
She shook her head, "It matters no more. I am going to have Eloise, Colin, Benedict and Edwina over for tea tomorrow. Will you join?"
"Of course, I will." He smiled, "I can show them the gardenias!" She laughed and patted his shoulder as he told her enthusiastically of the flowers.
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