#i don't want your closure
quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
Hiiiii! So, a few days ago you were talking about the whole thing with Amy, Rory, and River. And when I saw those posts a thought arose in my head and I wish to share it with you.
Since River grew up with Amy and Rory as Mels. And Mels was Amy's best friend do you think that they ever talked about children? Since I know that it can come up when talking with friends, and like... do you think that Amy might've ever expressed whether or not she wanted children?
And if she didn't, that Mels would've had to listen to her mother say that she doesn't want children? The idea is so heartbreaking and sooo interesting.
What do you think about it?
no, no, see, you're so right and this drives me wild.
because, the way i see it, i don't think amy wanted children. she's somewhere on the 'hasn't thought about it' to 'vaguely negative feelings about it happening' range to me, which falls sharply into 'Not Happening Ever Again' post-s6. (specifically, in terms of having a kid herself, even if she could, i really don't think she would. i do love that she and rory end up adopting a kid later, because that does make sense, for amy pond who grew up alone in one universe with her family swallowed by cracks in time before the doctor helped her set it right again, for her to want to make sure another child won't be alone in the world like she was. getting off-track here.)
and that's so. because the first real memory river/mels has of amy is of amy shooting at her. and depending on how well the silence fucked up the rest of her memory, it might be one of the very first memories she has at all. that's how she met her mother, crying for help and getting a bullet instead. her mother tried to kill her, so of course, you have to think. she must have needed to hear that she was wanted, right? even if she was taken away, even if amy shot her, at some point, melody must have been wanted?
river is good at getting people to do what she wants, but she is very, very bad at subtlety. and mels is younger, has less practice, so when she wants to know this, she's just going to ask. blunt and quick, easy enough because amy's used to the way mels will open her mouth and you just have to be ready to roll with what comes out if you want to keep up. it's why they're such good friends (like mother, like daughter.)
they're nine, and mels asks if amy wants kids, and amy wrinkles up her nose and says she won't have time for children, obviously, once her raggedy doctor finally comes back. they're fifteen, and amy and rory dance will they-won't they in a way that makes mels twitchy to watch, and taunting amy about wanting to have rory's babies is a good way to get on her nerves. but amy calls her gross, tells her she's got more life planned than children would leave room for, and besides, imagine her, a mom? it'd be a disaster.
mels does. a lot. she looks at her mother and just sees her best friend instead. she's not even sure what she wishes was there, but. maybe amy's right. and besides. imagine her, a daughter, instead of the ticking time bomb she really is? it'd be a disaster.
they're sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and on. mels stands on the outside of a love story that births a universe. and her. how do you compete with that? not that she would know, not yet, she hasn't been there. but it doesn't make her feel any less alienated when amy and rory talk in whispers about a half-remembered world that's bled through to this life, about roman soldiers and boxes and the big bang of belief.
all these memories, they never mention children. on amy's wedding day, she's different, not like someone remembering a dream but someone who lived it. rory stands straighter, won't leave her side, and they're both so much older than they were yesterday. maybe now, right? a wedding's as good a time as any to decide you want kids.
mels not being at amy & rory's wedding is such an obvious lazy way of them trying to explain why they totally didn't just throw this plot twist together at the last minute that i'm not even going to acknowledge it. of course she was at their wedding. she's their best friend. there's too many people around the doctor, and she wasn't ready today of all days, so despite this horrible burning need under her skin to strike, she stays her hand. doesn't let him dance with her because she might just tear his throat out if he gets too close. stays with amy and rory as the maid of honor should. she must have been there for the awkward questions that always gets asked, 'so, any plans for a baby?' 'when am i getting grandkids?' 'oh, you two are going to have gorgeous children together.' standing a few feet from amy in her wedding dress and watching her mother tense and grit her teeth and brush off the questions. watching her look nervously at rory but never ask if he means it when his mom asks him if he'd prefer a son or a daughter, and rory answers 'either one, some day, not anytime soon.'
god i'm just going on and on, aren't i. but really, what's it like to know that amy never changed her mind. the next time she sees them, she's already been born and stolen. i don't like let's kill hitler for. so many reasons. but there is something compelling about how recklessly river lashes out at the world, at the doctor. even her sacrifice at the end is almost suicidal, throwing all her regenerations into this man without knowing if that will even work or if it might kill her to do it. but it makes more sense in the context of someone who has reached the end of a long, long wait for some kind of indication, any kind, that her mother wanted to have her. and finally been told, no. she didn't choose melody.
#like. to be clear also: i don't think the fact that amy didn't want kids and really didn't have a choice in giving birth to river#means that she wouldn't love river. i think it would make their relationship Complicated but i do think amy loves her. so much.#that's her daughter but it's also her best friend.#but like. god. to spend your whole childhood hoping you'll hear about some little glimmer of yourself.#a dream. a passing mention. a debate on baby names. anything. and to hear nothing.#and river is. like. she is really really bad at relationships right? we know this.#the person she's closest to is the doctor and she spends most of her life believing *he doesn't even love her*.#we're talking about someone whose base assumption about everyone is that they will try to hurt her at some point so she should always keep#one hand armed.#and her mother. didn't choose to have her. didn't have that choice. that has to fuck her up a little.#(and also serve as proof that river is. so so bad at knowing when she is loved. because maybe amy didn't choose to have her but she named#melody pond after mels her best friend. she has been choosing river every day for the past however many years since mels decided to come#here and be near her mom and dad even if only as kids. but river still can't see it.#and. given the nature of how the ponds disappear from her life. and we never get any closure about them and river.#you have to wonder if she ever did. river song do you know your mother loves you?#having the melody-as-river reveal be so close to the end of the season and then getting rid of amy & rory before they can actually do#anything with the three of them as a messed up little family unit is the show's biggest crime. because i don't know! i don't know if river#knew her parents loved her! i don't know if she *ever* came to terms with how she was born and how they didn't need to choose her then to#choose her now! i don't know if river ever really felt comfortable thinking of them as her parents rather than her friends?#according to the transcripts. river calls amy 'mother' twice. (and 'mummy' once jokingly.) she calls rory 'father' once. and 'dad' in angel#in manhattan. and it just. it drives insane right? it's almost weirdly formal. like the words aren't right but she knows she should say the#and. and. i don't think i'm ever going to get over river song.#i think that's the takeaway here.#ask#doctor who#river song#amy pond#rory williams
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liliallowed · 9 months
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I mean I'm already blocked but like...
it's a douche move to browse their blogs without consent. I SHOULD be respectful of their wishes but like...
what did I do??? I still haven't had my closure.
this question has been bugging me for an entire YEAR. yes this is your blog but I feel extremely horrible for not knowing what I did wrong.
If you were a random person on the internet that I had ill-will towards I would have moved on. but I CARE.
but this genuinely hurts you know? I see your posts coming up my dash from my mutuals. and if they follow you it means you're cool. I wanna see your art! like it! spread it and reblog it! coment and complement you for having such cool art!
can't we just start over?
is rambling about it in my own post even a good thing to do?
I'm tired of bottling this in. I NEED to know what I did wrong. tell me and I promise I'll never ask anything again.
it's such a creepy thing to act like I HAVEN'T been blocked on my other account.
I should even come clean and ask you to block me so it can't be considered rude...
but then would I know?
I wouldn't be able to do anything. (of course that's intentional. I don't deserve to have access to your posts. that's only fair. I should just block myself in respect of your wishes)
but what if there was a misunderstanding? what if you didn't mean to block me? what if I was a bad person and I'm actually just acting like an immature childish stalker-
... I fucking hate myself man. I can't even accept being blocked like a normal person.
I get emotional. I SHOULDN'T. you have the right to manage your blog...
and I'm over here crying like a friking baby because I'm terrified to ask and risk being blocked again... but I SHOULD be blocked again... if it's intentional then I SHOULD at least have the integrity to admit that:
"hey! you blocked me! please block this other account of mine too so I don't come off as a freak! "
but the thing is if I DIDN'T have another account I would HAVE NEVER KNOWN any of your policies regarding being blocked so how would I know?...
I'm so sorry. whatever I did I'm sorry.
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biinbitch · 2 years
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I’m pretty sure that’s just Gracie Dzienny reading the script for s02e09. #JusticeforTatum
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leqclerc · 1 month
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#idk how accurate the source is [formu1a__uno] bc ive heard conflicting opinions about them and their reliability#but either way that's just really fucking disrespectful if true?#like this isn't even xavi had to go because bono was available to be charles's engineer#you just axed a man that worked with your driver for almost 5 years and gave the job to a guy who's afaik never been a race engineer before#without consulting said driver or yknow even making him aware before/during the miami weekend#so he could have some closure and say goodbye to his long-time race engineer and trusted confidant in whatever way he saw fit#which would've like. the bare minimum decent thing to do just on like a human level???#and you're telling me with your whole chest this is an upgrade. um. pass 🙅🏻‍♀️#and if it was xavi's decision (hearing this i highly doubt it was tbh) then i dont see why he wouldn't have told charles beforehand?#this is so messy#i love how when the news was made public so many people defended & justified it#saying this was something either charles wanted himself or at least was consulted about and approved of#lmao tell me you don't know how ferrari moves without telling me#just like they praised binotto for as long as they could until it became obvious that his relationship w charles is strained#and then suddenly people started noticing that oh maybe he's not actually fit for the tp job after all...#like im sorry but if we heard that charles fought to keep xavi as his RE when binotto wanted him gone#and now fred's basically done exactly that without taking it up w charles or letting him know in advance#then uh. :)#xavi marcos#ferrari
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
Maybe it's because it's exam season and my braincells are actually melting from the summer heat, but these past few days the plot bunnies have been going rampant and now i'm writing another fic while procrastinating on 'my destruction & my salvation fic and my studies, but i digress.
So these past few days i've been writing some scenes of "Nina and Eddie have a chance encounter in America, five years after S3 and plot happens" post-canon-divergence fic. And all i can think about is the Sibuna reunion chapter, and just imagining their reactions at seeing Nina again... and especially Fabian's reaction, which causes me actual physical pain.
It's in the way that Fabian immediately tries to reconnect with Nina, thinking that they can pick up where they left off, as if no time passed at all. But time did pass and they both are different people, and there's this distance between them that they both know it's there, but he tries to act as if that barrier doesn't even exist, because he missed her so much and -
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fortune-maiden · 7 months
Random TGCF thing I really want to write but probably never will:
At the Rain Master's farm, SQX refuses to go with Pei Ming and stays behind while the rest go to save the fishermen/let SWD know his brother is safe (but refusing to meet with him)
He Xuan completes his revenge. The Water Tyrant falls and SQX becomes a drifter. Guilt and regret weigh down his heart but "Ming Yi", his best friend, is there to help him through it...
it's a horror story :D
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I fucking hate Saturday mornings, when, instead of my dad dropping me to the train when he's bringing my sister to her day service, my mother ~helpfully~ gives me a lift when she goes for a swim (in the ocean, so like... not something she needs to get to at a set time like in a pool) at a time that requires me to be ready to leave the house a half hour earlier than I would otherwise. And because she's "available" to drop me at a time that is "convenient" no one else will bring me.
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seagullcharmer · 2 years
one day. i want to write an au where mythra+pyra+nia work together with torna to rescue haze from amalthus. like, heist style story where they have to work together even though malos and mythra are definitely still butting heads. and then haze goes with them to the world tree. idk
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ghostfucking · 5 days
I dont need to say anything
If it's true, it will be known
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raspberrysapphic · 6 months
honestly. I think love is fake at this point
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#i need to let out some stuff#since i can't and DO NOT want to speak to this person#i'll just write them everything I want to say to them#first of all are you okay like genuinely okay#idk why i wonder if you're doing okay even tho you made me feel like complete shit#just wanna know if you're okay#i think about you way too much it annoys me#you tend to keep a lot to yourself and your mind is all over the place but i hope you know that everything will work out in the end#dont be too hard on yourself please#and good things are coming#your past has been difficult and painful but i promise not everyone is here to hurt you. if only you give a chance to good things#are you still starting that new program in fall#even tho you're a fucking rat i still wish you succeed in whatever you do#do you know i pray for you? i keep you in my duas bc i dont want to keep this hatred for u in my heart. i dont want to feel anything for u#how are you processing your reconnection with your dad?#i know you say you don't feel anything but that shit is still heavy. i hope you're able to get the answers you're looking for#i hope you find some peace from it and that you get some type of closure#are your friends still the same shitty assholes#you lowkey deserve better and i hope you find an environment that will help you actually grow#and become a way better person cause i know you have so much potential. you're just with the wrong crowd#match your words with your actions. you'll get very far in life#i find ways to talk about you. mostly negative but i just keep mentioning you bc i miss u. and i hate this. i dont want to miss u#i hate you and at the same time i don't#i hope you leave my mind very soon#i still don't understand why you acted the way you did and if u even feel bad for hurting me
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bro-atz · 9 days
défilé de lingerie
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in which: you're modeling the latest lingerie designs for your two bosses, and let's just say their designs are very effective.
pair: lingerie designer!san/lingerie model!afab!reader/lingerie tailor!mingi
word count: 3.1k
content: reader is a lingerie model but also sex doll, reader in heels is shorter than mingi, mingi's a horndog and san is more professional, nicknames (mon amour), unprotected sex (PLS REMEMBER TO WRAP UP IRL), double penetration, cunnilingus, oral, anal, creampies, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: loml @k-hotchoisan and i decided to exchange biases for a fic, so this is my fic for our exchange— enjoy (nd read aub's fic here!)
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"Alright, you know the drill, Y/N," one of your bosses, Mingi, stated as soon as you stepped foot in the room.
"Yeah, it's like we don't do this every month or something," you responded with heavy sarcasm and the most obnoxious eye roll.
"Don't give me that sass. Just do it."
You bowed your head before heading behind the partition in the room.
That was one of the stipulations of being the personal model for a world renowned lingerie atelier— anytime the designer and stylist had new looks they wanted to test out, they would test them out on you. They loved the way the bra and panties would fit you just right, and there was also something about the way that you modeled the looks for them that made them obsessed with you.
"Wear the black one first," the other boss of yours, San, instructed.
"You mean the one with the garter belt?"
"Yes, and wear the stockings with them!" Mingi quickly added.
You sighed deeply before putting the stockings on first. The black set was an insanely intricate lace thong with pearls near the crotch— Hold on, these were crotchless panties?!
"Uh, since when did you guys start doing pieces like this?" you asked the two men nervously.
"We've always done this, Y/N. Hurry and put it on," San responded impatiently.
You swallowed the pool of saliva building in your mouth before slipping the panties on, the cool pearls rubbing against your exposed clit sending shivers down your spine. After adjusting the panties on your hips properly, you grabbed the matching lace corset and put it on, only to realize that there was no way you were going to be able to hook every eye closure.
"Hey, Mr. Song," you were still expected to treat your bosses with respect even after all you had done for them over the years. "Could you help me with the corset?"
"See, San, I told you the corset wasn't going to work well," Mingi said matter-of-factly.
"Shut up, this is why we test the sets before we launch them," San grumbled.
When Mingi came around the partition, he took one look at you and immediately bit his lower lip. He approached you from behind, and instead of helping you with the corset, he bent down and ran his fingers up your leg, his hand resting on the curve of your waist where the waistband of the garter belt sat, his waist pressing against your exposed buttocks, his hard-on rubbing against your leg.
Oh, yeah. That was the other thing. You weren’t just their personal model, but you were also their personal sex doll (but were you complaining?).
"Mmm, look at you in this set," his low voice rumbled in your ear. "I could just eat you up."
"Mr. Song," you whispered as you felt him brush your hair from the nape of your neck and leave a soft kiss. "Can you please help me with the corset first?"
"Why bother when I'm just going to take it off in two seconds?"
You moaned slightly when Mingi tiptoed his fingers along your waist and down your stomach before pressing the pearls against your clit. He unclipped the pearls from the front part of the panties before running two fingers along your folds, collecting the arousal that had started accumulating the second Mingi laid a singular finger on you.
"Mingi, cut it out. We need to see the sets," San's authoritative voice rang out, snapping you out of your lusty trance.
"Damn, he can't let me have you to myself for one second, can he?" Mingi tsked.
He finally helped you with the corset while you struggled to hook the pearls back onto the panties. Mingi, noticing your struggle, knelt before you and took the tiny clasp from your grasp. At first, you thought he was going to actually put the pearls back on, but instead he rubbed his nose against your clit and ran his tongue along your cunt.
“Oh, fuck,” you whimpered while smacking your hand against the wall for balance, the other grabbing the roots of Mingi’s hair.
“Mingi!” San yelled.
“Ugh, fine,” Mingi groaned.
Mingi clipped the pearls back on, and he resumed his professional mode when he stood up to inspect the set, adjusting little things here and there to make you look absolutely perfect. Mingi left first, and before you left, you wore the pair of black platform heels on the ground— they also usually had a pair of designer heels for each lingerie set for you to wear— and checked yourself out in the mirror. You walked towards the two men in their leather armchairs slowly, trying to get used to the height of the heels.
“Turn around for me, Y/N,” San requested.
You did as he asked and turned on the balls of your feet just the way they liked it. You heard the leather scrunching and felt the cool touch of San’s ring on your shoulder moments later. He adjusted the fit of the thong quickly before rubbing his fingers between your legs to check the pearls.
“Okay, the bottom part seems fine,” he murmured.
“Check the corset, San.”
“I know, I was getting to it.”
San pressed the palm of his hand flat against your back, then he started tugging the top of the corset outwards, testing the durability of the hooks.
“I don’t see what the issue is— the corset is fine,” San argued with Mingi.
“She wasn’t able to get it on by herself, and if the point of this collection is supposed to be lingerie she can surprise her lover with, then it kind of defeats the purpose,” Mingi shot back.
“So then should we go with the ribbons like I had in the original design?”
Mingi pressed his lips together then nodded, admitting defeat. San let out a deep sigh and returned to you in the corset. He spun you around to face him, and you lost your balance as he did so, falling right into San’s arms.
“Maybe the heels were a little too tall for you,” San muttered, his hot breath flitting past your ears, making your body surge with warmth. “Are your ankles okay?”
“Yes, thank you,” you cleared your throat and stood properly once more for San to finish his inspection.
San held your shoulders and looked at the entirety of the set, his eyes lingering on the cups for your breasts. Gently, he cupped your breasts and pressed along the fabric before turning to Mingi and saying, “The underwire is too short for her measurements. You should know better by now. Like, look at this— the underwire won’t even support her breasts properly.”
Without looking at Mingi’s reaction, San turned back to you and reached around you to unhook the top portion of the corset, allowing you to breathe a little easier. You sighed softly as he unhooked more, but not the entirety of the corset. Then, San went on his knees and inspected the work of the garter belt and crotchless panties.
“Could we get different straps for this?” San asked as he snapped the strap against your thigh, making you flinch slightly. “I don’t like how thick this is.”
“Anything else?”
“Yeah, the clasps are ugly. Try again.”
“You approved of those clasps for the last set!” Mingi complained.
“The last set called for silver, but I want black for this one. Fix it.”
Mingi muttered under his breath as he took mental note of all of San’s stipulations. Finally, San arrived at the pearls. He tugged at the clasp and hummed in approval at the strength of the loop.
“The satin loop is strong. Good job.”
“I’m worried about the wear after several washes, though—”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. The only way this would get frayed is if she’s incapable of hooking the clasp on, and the loop is big enough for her to not miss.”
As San explained, he played with the pearls, running his finger up and down the chain. You stifled your moans as you felt him toy with you— you had no idea if it was intentional or not, but whatever it was, it was making your entire body flush with heat.
“You like that?” San whispered low enough so only you could hear— he was doing it intentionally.
“Mmm, I don’t think I can get through the other sets right now… Let’s take a little break, mon amour.”
That was the signal. Mingi immediately got out of the arm chair and made his way to you, the glint in his eye making you swallow nervously. Even with the heels on, Mingi was still taller than you, so he tilted your head up to meet his lips before moving his hand to your neck. You held Mingi’s shoulder as he kissed you intensely, blood rushing to your ears as you felt his fingers pressing into your neck gently. You wanted to grab his shirt with your other hand, but San, who was still between your legs, was stimulating you a little too much with his fingers that you had to grab the roots of his hair.
You thought San was going to unhook the pearls sooner rather than later, but instead, with the pearls still on, he ran his tongue along them. His tongue circled around the pearl on your clit, the smoothness of the pearl sending a stream of tingles through your body. It certainly did not help when San moved your leg so that it rested over his shoulder, giving him more space to fuck your wet pussy with his tongue. You unconsciously gyrated your hips into his face, your hand pulling him closer to you. It was when Mingi stopped kissing your lips and trailed them down your neck were you able to focus a little more on San.
“Fuck,” you hissed and inhaled sharply. “Right there— Ah! R-Right there…”
The pleasure only increased for you when San ran his fingers from the end of the pearl chain up the fabric of the thong, making the string ride up slightly and rub against your asshole just right. You whimpered and whined the more San toyed with the lower half of your body, unaware that Mingi was working on unhooking the remaining eye closures. The second it was completely unhooked, Mingi threw the corset somewhere behind him and latched onto your breasts. His teeth tugged on your nipples gently, the stimulation really getting to you.
“I don’t think she can stand much longer,” Mingi commented when he felt your grasp on his shoulder start to slip.
“I’m almost there, shh,” San waved the other man away before returning to feasting.
“Mr. Choi, p-please,” you cried. “I’m al-almost— Nngh!”
You gripped Mingi’s shoulder tightly when San slipped a thick finger into your cunt and curled it over and over inside you while fixating on your clit, the pearls continuing to stimulate you like there was no tomorrow. It was when San started rapidly fingering you did your final thread of sanity snap. You muffled your cry as you came, your cunt convulsing around San’s finger, your grip on his hair tight as hell as you shoved his face as far as you could into your pussy.
“You enjoyed that a lot, didn’t you, mon amour?” Mingi teased with his low voice. “I’m sure you must’ve been hot and bothered from earlier…”
He rubbed his nose along your jawline before peppering kisses along your neck and on your ear, the fingers on his other hand rubbing your ear. You sighed softly, sensually as you tilted your head towards Mingi the more he showed you affection.
“Let’s get her to the chairs, shall we?” San interrupted your passionate moment with Mingi when he stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist.
San lifted you and carried you to his armchair. He sat down first then sat you down on his lap, making you straddle him. He reached to your feet and flung the heels off before running his fingers along your legs and up the curve of your hips and waist.
“Mon amour,” San whispered breathlessly. “Would you like a taste of yourself?”
You nodded, and San immediately grabbed the back of your head and kissed you passionately, his tongue diving deep into your mouth. As you made out with him, Mingi approached you from behind and grabbed your ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling upwards tightly. You cried into San’s mouth when you felt Mingi slap your ass and pull up on your thong, the panties and pearls digging into your cunt.
You were still heavily focused on kissing San that after the pleasureful pain from Mingi subsided, you didn’t realize that he was finally removing the pearls from the panties. After setting the pearls down, he pulled the thong to the side and ran his tongue along your ass crack while inhaling deeply. When you felt his hands pull your ass apart and his tongue prod your asshole, you whined and moaned while pushing yourself further into San’s hold.
Mingi pulled your waist out and up, giving him a better angle to eat your ass out. As Mingi focused on loosening you up, you directed your attention to San’s bulging crotch. One hand on his shoulder, you unbuckled his belt with your other hand and pulled his thick cock out. You reached to your cunt and collected some of your arousal before stroking San’s cock, the man’s breath hitching when he felt your nails trace the tip of his cock.
“I want to be inside you, mon amour,” he said, his voice so low he nearly growled.
You heard Mingi complain behind you when you and San shifted, the man lowering himself in the chair while you pressed your upper body against his. You rubbed your cunt against his cock before he adjusted his cock himself and slipped it inside you, a long moan leaving your lips. You gripped the arms of the chair when you felt San place his hands on your ass and begin to move your waist up and down on his cock, letting out little moans and squeals whenever he bottomed out.
Mingi wasn’t about to let the fruits of his labor go to waste. He whipped out his own cock and spat on his hand before stroking it a couple times. He approached you from behind and got San to stop moving you on his lap, allowing him to push the tip of his huge cock into your tight asshole. He teased you over and over again, his cockhead entering and exiting you quickly.
“Mingi, stop teasing her and fuck her already,” San bit out.
“Do you want me to fuck you, mon amour? Do you want me to fuck you silly?” Mingi, ignoring San’s order, asked you gently.
“Please, Mr. Song,” you hiccuped. “I want you to give it to me.”
“You heard her, Mingi. Do it.”
With a deep sigh, Mingi spread your ass again and pushed his cock into your tight hole, a loud cry leaving your lungs when you felt his insane length fill you up. Once Mingi was all the way inside you, both men started moving your waist along their lengths. Mingi continued to smack your ass sporadically as his thrusts got stronger. San, on the other hand, bucked his hips upwards to meet your cunt, the added force driving you insane. The sensation of their cocks rubbing against each other through the layer inside only made the pleasure build.
“Fuck,” you whined as you aimlessly clutched at San’s coat. “Fuck me harder, Mr. Choi… I beg you…”
“Oh? Alright. Come here.”
Mingi pulled out, allowing you to turn around on San’s lap. You sat on his lap, your back facing him. He slipped his cock into your cunt again and tucked his hands under your knees to lift your legs before he started jack hammering his cock into you at a much faster rate. You felt yourself nearing your climax, but you weren’t quite there yet. It wasn’t until Mingi slipped his cock into your cunt as well did white fill your vision, the feeling of the two cocks spreading you wide making your entire body react.
“Fuck! Fuck, I’m cumming!” you cried.
“Cum for us, mon amour,” San hissed in your ear. “Cum all over us.”
You rubbed your clit several more times before your orgasm completely washed over you, your cunt clenching as you squirted through their thrusts. You thought they would stop to let you finish completely, but both men refused to pull out. You continued to cum as they stuffed their cocks inside you repeatedly, your loud cries of profanities echoing in the room.
Moments later, neither man could hold back any longer— the feeling of your cunt squeezing around their cocks was a little too much for them to handle. Mingi pulled out and let the older man shove his cock deep inside you to let his load out, strings of hot cum filling up inside you. San let out a huge groan of relief as he pulled out slowly, his cock still twitching inside you and releasing his cum. You knew he was completely done when he buried his face in the nook of your neck and groaned deeply, his heavy breathing starting to quiet down.
The second San’s cock left your pussy, Mingi immediately shoved his massive cock inside you. He held the back of your neck and pulled you towards him, his lips furiously locking with yours as he thrust violently hard into you. You cried and whimpered into the kisses as his cock kept rubbing past your G-spot, and it was when Mingi finally came did you cum again, your legs shaking as stars overtook you. His cum spurt inside you and filled you up, the cum from both men swimming inside you and threatening to spill out.
Mingi let go of your head, allowing you to completely melt in San’s arms, the man lowering your legs the second Mingi was done with you. You clenched your pussy to keep their seed inside you, afraid to make more of a mess.
“You’re always so tight for us, mon amour. Does your body not get used to us?” Mingi asked with a chuckle as he began to clean himself up.
“I don’t think she’ll ever get used to us fucking her into oblivion,” San joked as he nuzzled his nose into your neck. “Right, mon amour?”
You responded with a breathy sigh and a slight nod, making both men smile at how fucked out you looked.
“Now, clean up. You still have several more sets to try on for us.”
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@atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @ksmutsociety
@newworldnet @san-network @wonderlandnet
@/k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @hwallazia @yunhoszn
@juyofans @nebulousbookshelf @starryriize @skteezcursed @yessa-vie
@sunshineangel-reads @dazzlingstarrs @dutchessskarma @yourlocaljonghoe @st4rhwa
@frobin4ever @sanhwajjong @certifiedmoa @therealcuppicake @yuyubeans
@hyunukitty @startlinglyoongi @hyukssunflower @chewyhotteoks @bsehindu
@dinossaurz @woomyteez @minkilicious @isiloiale @ywtfvs
@nvdhrzn @khjoongie98 @jaerisdiction @ninoshome1 @aaa-sia
@tiredlittlevirgo @preciouswoozi @woohwababes @wmewtew @yuyusgirl
@exololyunho @everythingboutkpop @bath1lda
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hlabarka22 · 1 month
Displaced for the seventh time I left Rafah after taking refuge there for 6 months with feelings full of sadness To where ? To the unknown! I don't want anything but to save myself and my family Rafah is under bombardment and starvation due to the storming of the crossing and the closure of the rest of the crossings
Help me by sharing the link or donate if you can 😔
@el-shab-hussein @sayruq @sar-soor @90-ghost
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thefandomthings · 3 months
5 fluff zuko
Fluff prompt #5: "I have to go but-one more kiss."
Pairing: Zuko x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, kissing, slight angst, Zuko being Zuko. ¡¡SPOILERS!!
Notes: Bluntest request I have ever gotten (It's from my sister 😶). Takes place in Book 3. Ep 14. @shellbell4
Prompt event
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To say you aren't happy that Zuko and Katara decided to go on a 'Revenge mission', is an understatement. You aren't close with Katara, never have been. On two different ends of the spectrum. You both maintain a respectable relationship between each other, BUT that doesn't mean you like one another.
Zuko is completely aware of this. Having this conversation with him multiple times about how she looks at him, or what happened under Bai Sing Sei. But as you know, he isn't to great at reading people and how they are feeling. And it doesn't help that he is the one who suggested it, stings like alcohol on a open wound.
You are currently sitting against one of the dock posts, watching as Katara and Zuko get Appa ready to fly. The nasty look on your face is extremely noticable, Sokka and Aang are both looking at each then between the three of you.
Zuko finishes strapping a few things on Appas saddle and slides down the fluffy sky bison. He might not be the best at reading social cues but he can tell just by the way your eyes burn into his soul, you are pissed and hurt.
He cautiously approaches you and slides down the post next to you, his left arm resting on his knee, his right hand playing with the grass and dirt; picking and prodding.
You don't look at him, your eyebrows are furrowed in anger, you mouth set in scowl. Zuko carefully puts his arm around your shoulders. You don't push him away, but you don't lean into him like you usually do.
"Did you really have to suggest going with her?" You finally spoke, turning your head to look at him. Zuko has a frown on his face as he looks back at you, honey eyes soft and determined.
"She needs closure, Y/n. And Sokka and Aang won't go with her, so I have to." His right hand slides into your own, squeezing it softly. You know he is right, after all he's been through he just wants to make peace with the Gaang, especially Katara.
You sigh finally leaning into his side, your head resting on his shoulder. Zukos' pale cheeks burn pink, his arm squeezing you closer. He leans down and kisses you softly, his dry lips molding with yours before he pulls away.
"Zuko, let's go." Katara hollers from her spot on Appas neck/head. Zuko sighs and stands up, looking down at you with a soft smile.
"We'll be back soon, okay?" He ruffles your hair gently and starts to walk away. You smile slightly, already missing him even if he isn't gone yet.
Zuko then pauses a few feet away and you watch him curiously. He turns on his heel and speed walks back to you. Zuko leans down holding your chin with his forefinger and thumb.
"I have to go but-one more kiss." He presses his lips to yours longer, taking the breath from your lungs. "For good luck."
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fox-guardian · 10 months
hey guys did you know that um. did you know. first of all did you know i'm losing my mind, secondly, do y'all remember in tma how when someone reads a written statement, they don't really Stop unless they're interrupted? and they read the whole thing easy cheesy, no issues with reading whatever words are there? like. jon literally could read french for a whole statement and was Fine. granted, that's Jon, but like nobody else struggled with pronunciations and whatnot (that i can recall)
presumably, this is an eye thing. either as employees of the institute, or because everyone there is just also eye-aligned in some degree (melanie had the ghost hunting show, the eye is fond of martin, etc)
and then there's tim in season 3 ep 86
[Sigh] Statement of… uh, Benjamin Hatendi… Hateendi? Regarding a… [papers rustling] a blanket. Dead friend. Monster. Regarding his unavoidable and gruesome end. How he tried to hide. He couldn’t. Statement is from… 1983, March 2nd. And I guess… [long sigh] I guess I’m doing this one. Tim Stoker. Archival assistant… Archival prisoner at the Magnus Institute.
correct me if im wrong but i don't recall anyone struggling with pronunciations before this bit. but that's not even the biggest thing here, that's just a lil Taste, a lil Flavor.
note the phrasing there. "Regarding his unavoidable and gruesome end." why would he say this when the written text on the statement says this:
Uh, right. Benjamin Hatendi’s account of… [rustling pages] oh for… a, a strange encounter. Er, statement date, March 2nd, 1983. Melanie King recording. Apparently.
"a strange encounter". that's it. nothing about an unavoidable death, just a "strange encounter". Tim Why Did You Say That.
why would our dear timothy bimothy, who is being pushed to the brink, who is becoming rapidly more depressed and losing hope, say this?
this isn't the only time he's said some weirdly grim shit tho (ep 104)
There was never really any hope for me, though, was there? This was how it was always going to go.
and then there's this bit from elias apparently having Looked into tim (also 104)
TIM All right, hit me with your X-ray eyes then, boss. What do you see? ELIAS Disruption. An unpredictable, angry man with nothing left but the desire to feel in some way revenged. TIM [Sarcastic] Ooh, terrifying! Surely only magic could have let you see so deep inside my very soul.
"nothing left" but the desire to feel revenged. and tim doesn't dispute this, because it's true.
when he first joined the institute he did so in order to look for answers about danny, but then he stopped seriously looking. and now that the circus is back, this is all the drive he has left. not looking for answers, just wanting revenge. closure. an end, if you will.
this is Literally It For Him. a couple lines later he suggests elias kill him, he's At The Breaking Point.
he is so tired, he's lost all hope, and he's saying all this grim shit about "unavoidable death" and "this is how it was always going to go" like hmmmm sounds familiar doesn't it. DOESN'T IT (<- is going insane)
(ep 11) [....] despite the rapid response of the paramedics and how much of his medical history I had immediately to hand, there was nothing I could do to save him. (ep 11) I have no responsibility to try and prevent whatever fate is coming for you. Based on my previous experience, such a thing is likely impossible anyway,[....] (ep 121) There. That was it. That was our fate; where we would always be.
hmmmm sounds a bit like oliver huh? everyone's favorite ex-accountant avatar of the end?? right??
but then there's this last bit i have from ep 86.
why did he stop reading the statement
Statement. “My parents never let me have a nightlight. I was always afraid, but they were ju–” Ugh, this is stupid.
why did he do that. again, correct me if im wrong but when else has someone just Stopped Reading like that without someone or something else interrupting them? why could tim just stop himself?
my theory is this: at this point, tim is completely gone from being aligned with the eye. he no longer seeks to know what happened to danny, he just wants closure. he doesn't wanna do any statement work, and he keeps mentioning these tidbits about hopelessness and the inevitability of terrible events, specifically death.
the eye isn't compelling him to read the statements like it does the others, because it doesn't have as strong a hold anymore. the grip is slipping from him. and by the time the unknowing rolls around, maybe it's lost him for good. maybe he finally fell into a different power he never meant to serve, and yet, he does.
and maybe. just maybe. because i'm so not in denial. but MAYBE. he did die in the unknowing. but maybe he got better.
basically end!tim truthers rise up, this is how end!tim kayaking with his bf oliver banks can still win, etc etc I'm Going Feral <3
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letterlitter · 3 months
Pacify Her
Lando Norris x reader
•Tags: smut, toxic Lando, hate-fuck, makeup sex
•Loosely based on a song by Melanie Martinez with the same title.
•Wordcount: 1.6k
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It was unbearable how Lando squeezed this new girl's thigh and whispered in her ear. You knew it was to make you jealous, he was a tease even more when you two were in a relationship. You had really bad arguments that let to the decision of splitting, but since you didn't want to break up the friend group, you agreed to just say the relationship ended on good terms and decided to be friends which was a total lie and both of you knew it.
Now, only a couple months after everything, Lando had shown up with a new "girlfriend" which drove you absolutely mad how uncouth he could be. Bringing this girl in your group out of the blue fully knowing that neither you nor himself had moved on from that deep, long term thing you had.
She looked at you like she wanted to be your friend and get your validation so bad. You didn't know if Lando had told her you were his ex. He didn't even dare mention it when he was introducing her. You automatically hated her, although her big brown eyes seemed lovely and innocent. She didn't have a clue what she had gotten herself into. You pitied her cluelessness.
You noticed Lando's griny glances at you, he kept making sure you were looking before each kiss he left on her cheek. The bastard had all his moves coordinated and planned but you had been with him for too long not to see right through his facade.
You were at your limit, who was he to inflict this hurt on you after all that he had done?
Rage made your body dense as you walked towards Lando's house the night after, when you made sure nobody else was with him. His Friday nights had always been free on purpose to sleep until noon, game, and sleep again. You remember trying to wake him up for lunch and he was dead asleep because he had stayed awake to play with friends.
You rang and he buzzed the door open without asking. Walking towards the stairs you noticed the rose garden you had planted in a corner. The thought of Lando's face after a thorn had poked him in the arm and how he treated the flowers as his enemies forced your lips into a fainted smile. You hated that his memories made you happy. You hated it was him you had those memories with.
You pushed the thoughts away and tried to focus on why you were here. Lando opened the door, a confused look on his face, "y/n? What is it why are you here?"
"We need to talk." And you stormed in.
"Please come in, make yourself comfortable." The sarcasm in his voice was familiar, and now that you weren't in love with him, infuriating.
"Want to talk about what?"
"About how you're being such an asshole."
"Excuse me?"
"Don't act like this Lando I know you did those things on purpose."
"Damn I don't know what you're talking about." He kept his sarcastic tone. You hated it.
You pushed his chest back in anger, "stop playing with me. You know damn well this girl you keep bringing is just a doll to mess with my head."
Lando smiled as if he had been expecting these words from you.
"This is way too low, even for you Lando."
"Everyone thinks we're friends, why can't friends introduce their new girlfriends to their other friends?"
"I'm not everyone. I know this is a lie stop trying to make it sound casual."
"What do you expect me to do? Stay single until you're over me?"
"Yes!" The loud sound that exited your mouth surprised you as it did Lando. You never planned to sound weak or needy. You just wanted to get closure, "look. I'm not trying to control your life or whatever, but what you're doing to make me jealous is messy and fucking pathetic. Fix it. Goodbye." And you started walking towards the door.
"Well did it work?" Lando's voice stopped you. He sounded sort of genuine for the first time in months.
You kept silent and still, wondering what to answer. Turning around to face him you said, "well do you love her?"
"Of course I do. She's very real."
You took one step closer, "stop lying."
Lando took a step closer to you, "stop being jealous."
You took one more step, "she looks way too innocent for you. I pity her."
Lando took another step , "I can teach her."
-"I know."
-"You're insufferable."
-"I know."
Now you were only one step away from eachother. Only one breath. You were mad at him and the tension felt heavy in the air as the sun was halfway set. His eyes looked crazy blue in the last golden rays of sunshine coming in fron his big windows. His face stingy and lips so soft it made you even more angry at him.
Your self control was getting shaky and you felt it shatter when Lando swinged his arms up to hold your face to kiss you deeply on the lips.
You squeezed your hand on his arm in protest to rip him off of you before it was too late but he was desperate.
He kept kissing you harder and harder like you gave him air to breathe.
You hated this. You hated the way his body pulled you in and you hated how it felt so good. He knew his way with you. Every single button, all the nooks and crannies.
You finally eased into the kiss, letting go of Lando's hoodie that was balled up in your fist and started to kiss him back.
His hands unzipped your sweatshirt and pulled it off your arms as soon as he felt that you wanted this as well. You let him. He slipped his hand under your tshirt, pinching your belly, messaging your back.
You let out a heavy exhale.
"I missed you." He whispered into your mouth, putting his lips on yours before you could say anything back.
Lando's hands moved down to your jeans but you held onto his hand to prevent him from going on. He stopped kissing you.
It was all too much for you and you hated him for being so good at this. You stared dead into his eyes, knowing full well that you were helpless, and said, "you fucking bastard."
He giggled when you pressed your debating lips on his again.
You let him kiss your lips, your neck, your collarbone, your breasts, your belly. You let him get down on his knees for you, between your legs.
His wet tongue on you made you jump in a surprising pleasure. The tip of his tongue moving in circular motions, in search of the place that made you moan the loudest. You tried fighting the sensation but failed miserably when he raised his finger to your entrance, messaging and warning about what's to come.
The moan that left your lips after he pushed his finger inside you was involuntary. You could feel Lando smiling on your pussy with the sound. He kept moving his tongue with your hand in his curls; pumping his finger and pulling moans out of you until you felt like you could take it no more. That's when Lando pulled his now soaked finger out and stood up, Leaving you clenching around nothing.
He faced you again to continue his kisses; you could taste yourself on his lips as he took off your tshirt and your bra, leaving you completely naked in the middle of the house. He looked at you once more before taking off his own hoodie you've been pulling on to get rid of since the start, he turned you around and got closer. His bulge rubbing against your butt from under his sweatpants.
"You're so pretty." He whispered into your ear, "wait here okay?"
You turned around to see him almost run to his bedroom to get condoms and you got a chance to take a look at his smooth, tan skin as he walked back.
Lando kissed you shoulder and your back as he slowly bent you over the handle of the couch. Messaging your body as he bent on you to let you feel his skin, his pants were off, your could feel his hard dick against the back of your leg. He adjusted himself on you and pushed in. You weren't hesitant to moan anymore. His length inside you was a familiar sensation of pleasure after this long. He was all you needed.
Lando started pumping deeper into you, making you feel fully stretched. You could hear his little groans and exhales when he grabbed your neck to make you arch your back more, pulling your head towards his mouth. "I bet nobody fucked you like this since I was gone." And he started moving faster. You pushed back your body into his, blurring the lines infront of your eyes.
You came within seconds after that.
He pulled out of you. You turned around quickly, grabbed his shoulders and lead him to the couch to sit down.
"Could you ever teach her this?"
And you climbed on top of him, each leg on each side. Leading his still erect dick to your hole and pushing down on him. Lando threw his head back with a moan. You took his hands and put them on your ass. He squeezed his hands with every movement you made.
You started kissing under his ear, where you knew he was sensitive. Moans started turning into whimpers and he started pushing up his legs towards you. You both moved faster as you reached your high. You nails dug into Lando's shoulder and his hands tight around your back when you both came and you collapsed into his arms.
"What a stupid decision." You said through your panting and you both giggled since you knew you were going to make more.
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(This is the first time I'm posting a smut one shot online sorry if it's short or lacking♡)
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