#i dont have a lot of followers but if anyone wants to send one for a dabble or one shot????
I would follow you but you seem kind of cringe
i hope someone shoots your big stupid head
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bread--quest · 6 months
It's 2012 somewhere. Welcome.... to Night Vale Tumblr.
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👁️ nvcr-official
Hi guys! I'm Intern Sarah! Excited to be joining you all!
👁️ nvcr-official
To the friends and family of Intern Sarah, she was a good intern and social media manager, and we are sorry to see her go. We will work to find a new intern as soon as possible.
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🦉 dark-owl-records
hes gotten away with shit for too long and im sick of it. tl;dr horrific intern mistreatment with no compensation, mountain denier, homophobic
keep reading
❌ number-one-moonhater Follow
Hey uh. Aren't you a company account? Why are you posting this
🦉 dark-owl-records
L + ratio + god forbid women do anything + your music taste is trash
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
Isn't Cecil literally gay?
🦉 dark-owl-records
he's homophobic
🪼 jeebyfish Follow
he has a husband...
🦉 dark-owl-records
yeah and he won't fucking shut up about it
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🤫 cecils-private-blog
Carlos hasn't liked any of my woodcarving posts in THREE DAYS!! I'm so scared what if he's going to break up with me :((
👁️ nvcr-official
Cecil he's your husband he's not breaking up with you. also this isn't a private blog you just put private in the url
🤫 cecils-private-blog
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🏜️ sandeater Follow
tamika flynn spotted in ralph's dairy aisle "slaying" the milk
🦂 scorpiansscuttle Follow
op i know this is a joke but one time i was in the ralphs dairy aisle and there was some butter up on a really high shelf and someone said "don't worry, i'll get it" and i turned around and it was fucking tamika flynn
☁️ average-weather-enjoyer Follow
fake story :/
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
No it's true I was there
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🏜️ sandeater Follow
what the fuck is happening on my post
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👁️ nvcr-official
can you guys please stop sending cecil weird shit... i don't want to have to explain to my boss what a dilf is
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🐚 mariella-shella
Hey guys!! Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I entered a hole in the wall and when I got out I realized I didn't know how long I'd been in there, or where I was, or who I am, and I'm not sure that I'm still the person who entered that hole however long ago. Anyway, the normal posting schedule will resume as soon as I remember what my normal posting schedule was, and if I'm still the person who had that posting schedule!
🌪️ sandstorm-gf Follow
omg mariella!!! missed u so much girl glad ur back!
🐚 mariella-shella
i miss me too
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😎 Anonymous asked: Response to the homophobic allegations?
🎙️ cecilpalmer
🎙️ cecilpalmer
@nvcr-official What does this mean? Is it new slang?
👁️ nvcr-official
uhhhh dont worry about it buddy
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🧤 missy-mittens Follow
hey guys im in quarantine for eating wheat and wheat byproducts uh...send asks?? i might be in here for a while lmaooo
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
oh lights in the sky its been 5 years since i made this post
☁️ glowcloudapologist Follow
how's it going op
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
i miss my family
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🐚 mariella-shella Follow
hey if anyone remembers anything about the person running this blog can you tell me? trying to recover the fragments of my identity from the void of memory lol
🥔 potato-enthusiast Follow
you were really hot
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
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🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just a reminder that new residents of east night vale are fully welcome to interact with this blog!!!! you will not be harassed and any hate will be blocked. this blog is safe even if this town isn't sometimes <3
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
This is so sweet, thank you so much! Just so you know, even though it's officially called East Night Vale now, a lot of people still call it Desert Bluffs! Just thought you might want to know :)
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
i'm not calling it that sorry
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
What??? Why??
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just kind of sucks. as a name
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
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⬜️ kentuckymeatshower_deactivated11051983
what does this mean....
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
another great post from huntokar herself
16,683 notes
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🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
🌲 little-miss-ectoplasm Follow
you don't like pine cliff? 👻 oo ooo?
👁️ nvcr-official
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😁 the-happy-smiler Follow
Hi everyone!! Since Twitter went down, I figured I'd try my hand at this Tumblr thing! I'm so excited to meet all of you!! Hope you're ready for some pictures of CENTIPEDES!! Feel free to AMA about the Smiling God!
👁️ nvcr-official
🦉 dark-owl-records
🎙️ cecilpalmer
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
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thel0v3hashira143 · 4 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ yuuji megumi gojo nanami n choso ☆ how jjk men act when they have a crush on you!
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ fem!reader, black coded but anyone can read
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ notes: ahhh the comeback post!! let's just say my old works were...less than coherent. but im here and ready to slay the day after 2-ish years!! take these crumbs while i try and find my footing again. stay hot lovies 🎀🎀
yuuji itadori 🌸
my babyyy (sob sob) yuuji would def try to impress you with his athleticism, bc girls like that stuff right? (gojo told him that...save him)
he frequently challenges you to friendly competitions when sparring to showing off his skills.
he def let's you get quite a few hits on him and he may even let you win from time to time (seeing your smile makes getting knocked on his ass worth it)
he might act a bit bashful, but he's straightforward. he knows he has a crush on you so why would he hide it?
expect nice gestures like him wanting to carry things for you, buying you food, watching all your fav movies, ect.
speaking of which, movie hangouts!!!
every friday usually you, megumi, nobara, and yuuji all get together and watch a movie
buuuttt if he's feeling especially brave he'll invite you to his dorm to watch the newest movie in your favorite series! (yes, he keeps track of when they come out)
he loves that it becomes y'alls thing and he loves it even more when you lay your head on his shoulder and doze off &lt;;33
he also gives hella compliments cause something in my gut says his love language is words of affirmation.
anticipate many "isn't [name] just the coolest?" or "you look great today [name]!"
im telling you he could never run out of nice things to say to you, whether it be about your looks or personality
as soon as he realizes he likes you he takes down those pin up girl posters in his dorm
he also obviously thinks you're more beautiful than jennifer lawrence argue wit ur mama
he is also obviously a personality over looks guy so dont act surprised if you see him looking at you with a lovesick grin if he catches you doing something kind for someone
expect him to confess his feelings sooner rather than later
"yeah, why wouldn't i have a crush on [name]? shes beautiful and badass! but don't tell her, okay?"
megumi fushiguro 🌸
megumi, unlike yuuji is quite reserved, even with his friends
honestly gives no indication that he likes you at all 💀💀 he stares at you pretty intensely at first (to admire your beauty) but quickly catches on that you think its weird..
once you two get closer though, megumi would frequently express his crush through small gestures
he strikes me as a reader so i can see him recommending his favorite books to you or even lending you some of his.
you two exchange books often and he highlights quotes that remind him of you
i can also see book shop hangouts where you two sit and read together in some small bookshop he found in the city.
(he's just admiring you read)
he's not a huge compliment/affirmation guy but quality time is a big one for him
whether it be on missions, sparring, or out with the rest of the first year's, he enjoys any time he can have with you.
megumi is also very protective but like...subtly
he secretly watches out for you during missions, making sure you're safe without drawing attention to it
he'll insist you two split up but send one of his divine dogs to accompany you to wherever you go.
even when you're out and about in tokyo he always likes to stay close to you. he follows you around (not in a creepy way more like a lost puppy way)
follows you into stores you like even if he has absolutely no interest.
all in all he's just a shy guy who's whipped for you &lt;3
"i enjoy spending time with you. a lot."
teen!satoru gojo 🌸
gojo...you bastard...(affectionate)
erm ngl i can def see him being a bully to you at first...
not like a bully bully but he def teases you a lot and it gets under your skin sometimes. (you hate him)
but in reality hes jus a spoiled litte rich boy in love.
once he realizes his feelings he still pokes fun at you sometimes, but tones it down hard and turns on his charm.
gojo's approach is confident and playful. he teases you, always with a charming grin, creating a dynamic that keeps things lighthearted and enjoyable.
he'll find excuses to spend time with you, whether it's offering to train together
unlike yuuji he doesn't care if he likes you this son of a gun will NOT let you win istg
it's like he's trying to rile you up, saying ridiculously cheesy one liners as he dodges all your attacks.
"thats the best you got? oh [name], we'll never get to be together if i keep beating you!"
one thing he does enjoy doing with you however, are snack runs.
gojo is a big back in disguise with too much money to spend so you already knows most of that goes towards food.
he has a huge sweet tooth so i can see you guys browsing multiple sweets shops in the city. if he sees you even look at something for too long he'll buy 10 of them.
every trip you guys both leave with full bellies and full hearts &lt;3
gojo wants to be around you, and he makes sure it's fun for you both
his confession is likely to be straightforward. ccompanied by his trademark smile and his sparkling blue eyes peeking from his shades.
"you know, i've been thinking... i'm kind of into you. what do you say we make things a bit more interesting?"
teen!kento nanami 🌸
my emo boy ❤️‍🩹
nanami, with his composed demeanor, expresses his feelings (though you were unsure if he even had any) through thoughtful actions.
he remembers every. single. detail. of anything you say to him.
your favorite attist dropped an album today? he already bought you the cd/vinyl. you never got a chance to go to the store to get your favorite snack? he went 2 days ago.
he revels in the fact that he knows so much about yousnd the surprised look on your face gets him every time.
(haibara claims he's seen nanami smile at you multiple times but he vehemently denies it.)
despite his serious appearance, he'll occasionally crack dry jokes when it's just the two of you
look at that man and tell me he doesn't have a dry sense of humor 😭😭
you help him to relax and he feels he can truly be himself around you. when you two are alone its like hes showing a different side to his personality.
like megumi, i can see quality time being a big thing for him since attending jujutsu high leaves him quite busy
hes also not a huge talker so whenever you two do spend time together its probably somewhere intimate like your dorm or the library.
no words, just vibes. which he appreciates since he's around a bunch of yipper yappers all day.
nanami's confession is understated but sincere.
"i appreciate the time we spend together. it's made me realize there's something more i feel..."
choso kamo 🌸
my babyyyy no. 2 (i need him biblically)
let's get one thing straight tho. choso is a curse. in my opinion curses have no idea of love in a healthy, positive way so let's just say bb is confused.
he obviously knows what love is. he loves his brothers but he doesnt wanna kiss them...and cuddle them...
he goes to yuuji for advice (was it a bad idea? perhaps.)
"bro you totally have a crush on [name]!"
"a crush?"
after some further investigation hes pretty much got the gist of it.
one thing he becomes quite fond of doing is giving you small gifts from his missions.
these aren't typic gifts persay, like food, clothing or jewelry but more like knickknacks such as shells or rocks.
these tokens become a way for him to express what words might fail to convey.
i headcannon choso likes nature documentaries and after seeing that penguins mate for life by gifting a rock to their mate he's hooked.
idk but i also feel like he's very touchy.
he always has an eye on you in public and ik he does the thing where he guides u with his hand on the small of your back or he locks pinkies with you UGHHHH
with him being protective, he also subtly keeps an eye on you during missions.
he's not one to voice his concern directly but prefers to ensure your safety from the danger.
choso's confession might catch you off guard, but it's filled with honesty and sincerity.
"i've found myself caring about you more than I expected. it's strange..."
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ omg i actually really like this...(watch me hate it in a week) but reqs are open!! i have 1 or 2 more pieces planned to get me in the swing of things but take this before then. love y'all!!
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐲 ♡
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚!
𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙡0𝙫3𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖143 2024
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takavasen · 3 months
Tumblr dashboard in Night Vale simulator
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Today's science fact:
Spiders have an open blood circulation system, which means they do not have veins and their blood is different from the blood of mammals. Unfortunately many healthcare professionals do not know this, which can lead to improper methods in...
Read more
Spiders are a valuable part of our community and deserve good healthcare.
But more importantly, I want everyone to know that Carlos the Scientist made this post, he is my husband and I love him very much! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
🪬a-thousand-fingernails Follow
Cecil everyone knows you and Carlos are married and most of us are happy for you but you don't need to tell this in every post you make
Wait have I mentioned it before?
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Hah saw some loser (@ marble-eyes) bring the same girl (@ mountainbeliever343 I think, couldn't see her face clearly from the cameras) home for the third time this week lol
cmon just say you are girlfriends already dont be shy
💎marble-eyes Follow
Hey you can't just share private information like that!! And besides that is not true, I haven't brought anyone home for a long time, I don't have time for that anymore!!!
No. I can confirm that what Sam said is true. I was there. I am always there. Also, I put the rest of your cereal to your washing machine. They have been in the cupboard for a while now, I thought they were getting quite dusty and needed cleaning.
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🏀basketballpalmer Follow
We had an another great season with @nvwheelchairbasketball team again! Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be the captain of the team! See you guys next season <3
👍wallabyyy Follow
Aaaaa congratulations! I miss you guyssss
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I just had the most delightful date with the most gorgeous theologist in Desert Bluffs Too!!! We had a lovely dinner at my house (some eyeball salad, mushed tarantulas and fried human fingers), watched some movies and of course made sure to serve our great Smiling God by making each other as happy as possible!! Unfortunately Charles said that it would make him unhappy if I shared the details, but I can confidently say that I have never been more joyful!!
🦷smiling-mayor Follow
Kevin, you missed a service in the Temple of Joy because of this. Surely you would remember doing that for an old friend, wouldn't you? 😊
Oh, Lauren, of course I wouldn't ignore anything like that on purpose, you know how much I love tolerating you!!
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🪽not-an-angel Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
🌟erikaaaaaaa Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💵ex-vanston Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💡erika-the-black-one Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
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Hey guys, so I just spoke to the new scientist lady and found out I don't actually have three pairs of arms. The lower two were just robot limbs that I tried out when I was seven years old and forgot to take them off. So hows your day ://
I am always happy to help with explaining your problems away.
Hey bitch how is it going under the cow
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Alright, I'm going to say it. Steve Carlsberg does NOT know how to be a basketball coach. He knows nothing about any game structures, and he only allows one ball per game!! He talks too loud, except when you can't hear him. It will be ALL HIS FAULT if we end up losing this season!!!!!
🌠lines-in-the-sky Follow
For everyone who finds this post now: I made this many years ago. Things have changed a lot. I'm very sorry, Steve. I couldn't hope for a better brother-in-law. You are my best friend, and I was the irrational one in this situation.
I have changed the way I look at people. I will not treat them the same way I used to treat Steve anymore.
1,642 notes
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Alright, who let Susan Willman be in charge of anything? She is the absolute worst at making desicions, like, who asks an obelisk its NAME? She had an oppoturnity to ask almost anything, and that's what she chose?? She better stay away from our way for at least seven decades, and keep her "Huntokar"-nonsense with herself!!!
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woozvc · 4 months
call you tonight
final (part XIX)
w/c - 1.6k + smau at the end
a/n - and this is it! after so long call you tonight has officially come to an end. I hope the last part of this clears up the eunwoo situation (reading your replies and theories made my day😭😭) and i hope this is an ending you can be satisfied with. thank you so much for all your love and patience on this series. it truly means a lot that you guys stuck around till the end even with my terrible posting schedule 🫶
previous / masterlist
this is it. this is the day.
the event started 20 minutes ago and till now, it's been a success. the auditorium is filled with laughter and dancing, courtesy of jihoons playlists.
you're currently standing at a corner just observing the entire place. a part of you feels at peace that this is finally over, the results will be out today and this is it. a part of you is also shit scared. the past few days have been a rollercoaster.
seungcheols words keep echoing in your head about how you're still important to him and he's changed. you really want to believe him. you really want to give him a-
“hey are you okay?”
you wake out of your trace by jihoons voice.
“yeah I'm fine”
“you seen a bit…distracted” he hands you a cup of lemonade. you take it with a small smile and shrug his comment off. no need to reply when he's right?
“how do you feel, you know, about your performance and all?” you look at him. he shakes his head
“I don't know. all of this feels unreal. I never thought I'd have to perform that too dance but here we are”
“doesn't it scare you?”
“obviously it does, but I find some comfort in it too. maybe it's the fact that a part of me believes taking this chance could end really well. maybe I'll finally let go of my past fears and just let myself be in the moment once.”
“hah.. that sounds nice.”
“yea I guess so. I think whatever happens tonight, I just hope I don't regret it. I want to take that risk”
you open your mouth to reply but you're interrupted by hoshis voice calling jihoon. he gives you a small smile and walks away.
right. regret. don't regret tonight. you decide to leave your spot in the corner when you see hansol walk in. being with a friend is better than being alone.
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so jihoon is an amazing dancer. you were mesmerized, truly. his moves are fluid and his body doesn't miss a single beat. obviously hoshi is amazing too. his sharp and timed movements make him look like he was born for the stage.
the song is also amazing. jihoon later revealed it was called “bring it”. you'll definitely tell him to record it and send it to you.
the auditorium is a bit loud now. one hour till new year and the presidential results are about to be announced. you avoided seungcheol all night today. reason? you don't really know.
maybe you know mentally a part of you won't be able to handle his teasing if he wins. it's all friendly of course, but it doesn't change the fact you really, really want to win.
“hey y/n ready for the results?” jeonghan nudges into you and you push him off with an annoyed whine.
“jeonghan I swear if I don't win you'll have to wipe my tears”
“I won't mind that because I'll be winning”
“this is important to you huh?”
“it's my one shot to prove I'm actually good at something, can't fuck this one up”
“you dont have to prove yourself to anyone you know?”
“this is for me. I need this to tell myself I'm better than I think. I'm done always being known as the problem kid. and who knows maybe this will get me some street cred?” he winks and walks back to his group, knowing if he kept speaking, he would say something something sad and make you feel more stressed than you already do. you'd probably scold him for being so self deprecating too. your eyes follow him walking back and
seungcheol is looking directly at you. his gaze burning deep into you. you look away quickly, taking a deep breath to calm yourself. the music in the room slowly fades out.
“okay ladies and gentlemen are we ready for the most awaited moment of today?” seungkwans voice echos through the room and so does the cheering of the students.
“honestly? I'm not shocked at the result. I'm so proud of everyone who participated and made it this far. just know all of you are amazing and we as the student council and the teachers love your dedication. so first of all here are the names of the people who made it to the finals”
he starts reading off the list. there's your name and eunwoos name. after a few students he announces jeonghans name and….thats it? what?
this is surely a mistake and the entire auditorium feels so. there's chattering and confused looks all around
“ah yes, there's only 9 participants now. choi seungcheol removed his name because of some unavoidable circumstances so we divided all his votes to all the others”
your head shoots in seungcheols direction. you look at him confused and he smiles at you. he motions you to stay where you are for now. this can't be real? he can't just remove his name?
hansol taps your shoulder and tells you to focus on the stage. you look back at the stage, realizing you completely missed seungkwans dramatic speach on how much he waited for the results etc etc.
“and so, svtct, your student council president is…..y/n!”
there's screaming in the auditorium but this place has never felt so quiet. your legs are numb and your hearing is fucked. you…won? you actually did it?
“y/n go to the stage!!” jeonghan pushes you from the crowd towards the stage. you want to say something to him. you want to apologize for winning to him but
he's smiling so wide.
his eyes are genuine. he's genuinely happy you won. “don't worry about me, my favorite cousin’s win is my win” he grabs your hand and takes you to the stage.
seungkwan helps your walk onto the stage where the teachers are standing to give you your certificate and badge. you receive it, saying a small thank you to the teachers presenting and seungkwan hands you the mic
“any words president?”
any words? what the fuck even are words? you stare at the mic then back at seungkwan. you're glad you've been friends with him for so long that even without words, understands and nods at you
“I think our president wants to save the speach for during school hours to not bore us.. well I hope my speach was dramatic enough, wonwoo I'm looking at you. there's 30 minutes till new years so till then…enjoy!” he looks at jihoon to restart the music and when it does, all the eyes on you slowly move away as seungkwan leads you to the teachers.
they all congratulate you and praise you. after a while one teacher asks
“so who's going to be your vice?”
“jeonghan” there's no hesitation in your voice. the teachers seemed shocked, a bit put off too but they don't question it. they tell you good luck and let you go back to the crowd.
you stand near the stage for a bit. letting it all sink in. all these months of work, all the effort and everything worked out. even the banter with seungcheol worked- right. seungcheol.
you run back to try and find him when eunwoo bumps into you.
“hey y/n! congratulations there's no one who deserves it more than you” he gives you a smile and pat on your shoulder.
“thanks eunwoo”
“are you guys busy” you hear seungcheol behind you and immediately turn to him.
“not busy at all man” eunwoo says and walks off, winking at seungcheol while seungcheol just looks at him disgusted.
“I never liked that guy”
“why did you remove your name”
“he's always given me a bad vibe”
“you wanted this so badly”
“and he keeps flirting with-”
“choi seungcheol answer me.”
you cut him off
“answer you? okay fine. first of all don't call me by my full name. I left presidency because frankly I hate the pressure. I never wanted to be captain anyway. I got forced into it because of my grades and extra curriculars.” he takes a pause to look around the room before continuing.
”i realized I was only doing this because it was expected of me. so I left it. I rejoined the track and badminton team. that's what was important to me before and I'm going to continue it now” he says and looks at you. a small smile playing on his lips.
you're speechless. you always knew seungcheol never really liked captaincy but you didn't know till what extent. you feel bad. you feel bad for the all “why aren't you working” and “why did they make you captain” comments you said to him.
“I'm sorry seungcheol”
“for what”
“for everything”
he smiles. you realize that you're seeing his dimples after so long. he's never smiled that much in front of you before. he looks pretty.
“10 seconds guys!” yells seungkwan into the microphone. seungcheol softly takes your hand and says
“y/n, I know you haven't forgiven me”
“but I have to say”
“I've been thinking a lot”
“you're too important to me”
“I think I like you, more than friends.”
“can you give me a chance?”
“happy new year!” jeonghan comes and hugs you.
you have no idea how this is going to end. you're scared, terrified of this feeling but you won't let this go. you keep your grip on seungcheols hand. slowly the student council joins the hug and the rest of your friends follow. you look around. you're surrounded by people who love you, people who care for you. what could possibly go wrong?
“yeah…I'll take the risk.”
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2months later :
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taglist 🔖 — (thank you to you all <3)
@minhui896 @lirtha97 @haecien @thefroggybazaar @mayashu @jeonghansshitester @wonwoos-wineparty @huening-kawaii @sp1ng @wonwootakemyheart
@ddokye @thepoopdokyeomtouched @zzenkha @nishloves @weird-bookworm @sana-is-ms-rmty @immabecreepin @amxlia-stars
@peachhiz @punkhazardlaw @lockburn-castle @asyre @luchiet @ocyeanicc @wondering-out-loud @odetoyeonjun @tamcitrus @miriamxsworld @kissesfrmwonwoo @cherr-y-eji @jeoncatsworld @youre-on-your-ownkid @addicsvt @bangantokchy @tacosandbitch @sun-daddy-yoriichi @ckline35 @rakshithanotrao @isabellah29 @mangocustard16 @lone-lone-ranger @gyuguys @writingbarnes @scarlet931 @odxrilove @wonwoobestboyy @wollycobbl3-blr
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fairuzfan · 6 months
Hello! rly appreciating your posts, in particular the ones about GLAM... it made me curious if you or your followers happen to have any resources/literature to recommend on 2 areas of interest?:
1. Relating salvage anthropology to modern day ideas of trauma porn
2. Palestinian-led museums/archives/oral history projects/other collections or exhibitions of note. (Or if not literature, any names involved besides the few I know of like POHA/the nakba archive/the arab resource center for popular arts; the palestine museum; librarians & archivists with Palestine; activestills; forever our land; and art for gaza)
Anyway, again, thanks for all the time/work you’re putting into analysis and info dissemination <3
hello, thanks for sending this in. sooo i have like. no idea about the first one haha but i have so many for the second one.
The Institute for Palestine Studies has a bunch of scholarly articles and anaylsis about Palestine
Librarians and Archivists for Palestine is not completely Palestinian led but it's one that I'm a part of and really like, even though you already mention it.
The Palestine Museum Digital Archive is an AMAZING resource led by Palestinians in Palestine. I recommend scrolling through their intifada posters, downloading them, printing them, and hanging them around town.
The Palestinian Oral History Archive project in case people were wondering what POHA is.
The Museum of the Palestinian People in DC is really great and has a lot of digitized features.
The Palestine Museum US has a lot of books as well, based on Turtle Island.
The Arab American National Museum is not Palestinian led but I can vouch that they're a great group.
The Met has a lot of Palestinian clothing BUT.... warning in that it is very colonial in its arrangement and description and we dont super know how people got the material they have. If you want to look at the content feel free, though. Will say that Wafa Ghnaim, one of the leading experts on Tatreez in Turtle Island is working on recataloguing the Palestinian collection.
Visualizing Palestine is an infographic organization that might interest you.
The Nakba Archive for people wanting to check it out.
The Library of Congress is. Honestly it's pretty racist but it does have content if you wanna look at it.
Tirazain is a tatreez pattern library that's really cool.
There might be more that I'm forgetting but here are some just from me sitting here thinking for the past few minutes. If anyone else has any recommendations, feel free to add.
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splitster · 6 months
answering ASKS
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she probably needs some help from the captain on how to use a lot of things, and scrunchies are no exception...
↓ more asks under the cut!! ↓
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UHH i mean... i guess it's always had a bit of darkness at the corners? pom is a monster in this au. she's a wraith. she was not born with empathy or kindness.
also, if you've been following this blog for a while, you'd know that i'm not one to shy away from topics like death or trauma or whatever. i'm not constantly shoving angsty things in the narratives i make but i'll sprinkle a little in there for fun teehee
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i use "human" as a generic catch-all term for all of the alien species, like hocotatians, koppaites, giyans, whatever. mostly because i'm lazy 😭 and because actual humans or humanity will almost guaranteed never be relevant in any of the art or stories i make
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i do! if anyone wants to talk to me on discord feel free to send a dm. although, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, i'm an adult and i'm only gonna share my discord with other adults
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UHH i hadn't really thought about it. i'm often in that PIMIN discord server, and i got a little pom wraith section in there so i guess that'd count
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if a wraith wants to eat you, it'd be a mercy for it to kill you first. being alive and having your flesh, tissue, muscles and bones fizzled away into biomass is an agonizing process. you are being eaten alive after all. hopefully the pain knocks you unconscious quickly...
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AHH thank you!! you'll have to love her from a distance, because if you get too close she'll just eat you
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you're welcome💖
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corbin didn't have to eat anyone! he's half human, so he naturally develops a human "disguise". he visually takes after dingo quite a lot lol
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please don't send me asks like this. i love ships in general and i'm a big fan of dinyon, but i dont support putting down other ships for any reason. if you really want dinyon that bad, you can wait until i draw and post some at my leisure, wait until i'm taking requests, or ask a different artist
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thanks for reading this far, and thank you everyone for the asks!!💖💖
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cmncisspnandmore · 6 months
heyyy so i saw that your requests were open so i wanted to ask:
could you write an Simon Ghost Riley x fem!reader where she kinda has control issues as she could never trust people with doing the bare minimum so she always does it herself- (she is a civilian by the way). so one day simon sees her breaking down, losing her golden patience and being a crying mess because she is so stressed with doing everything
(ngl i need some comfort after that happened to me)
love you and dont stress yourself!!
Hi Nonny! I hope you're feeling a little better now. You can always message me if you need to talk. I'm sorry this isnt super long, my 3D printed tiny human is having a rough day, but i wanted to get this out for you. I hope i did it justice, its kinda hard to put into words what doing everything looks and feels like. But I did my best. If its not what you wanted/needed please let me know and I will try again. Lots of Love <3 Paige
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Pairing: Simon X Reader
Warnings: Overwhelming feelings, soft simon, little bit of butt touching. Like one swear word.
Word Count: 960
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You were tired.
Beyond tired, you were exhausted.
The kind of exhaustion that seems to be radiating from your bones. Your hands shake as you sit on the floor of the bathroom. Your back pressed against the side of the bathtub. The cool surface sends chills down your spine as you wipe your hands across your cheeks. It was a pointless action, the tears were falling faster than you could get rid of them. Your cheeks are raw and sore from the constant rub.
Your chest aches from trying to hold back the sobs that threaten to escape. You clamp a hand over your mouth as your shoulders shake, strangled gasp for breath leaving your lips. A pair of boots stop outside the bathroom door and you know that you’ve been caught. Your best efforts to keep quiet, to not worry Simon, have been foiled.
There's a soft knock on the bathroom door, followed by the handle being turned, the wood creaking as Simon’s blonde hair and brown eyes peek behind the door.
“Love?” He says softly, as he slips through the door and closes it again, coming to crouch down in front of you. His brows pulled together in worry. “What's wrong?” He asks softly.
“I’m tired… I just.. I need the world to just pause for a moment so I can catch my breath,” you sniffle, as Simon takes a seat next to you. His arm wrapping around your shoulders as they shake.
“What do you mean Lovie?” He asks, his fingers brushing along your upper arm as he listens.
“I feel like I can never relax.. There’s always something that needs to be done. The dishes, the laundry, something at work, going to appointments, making sure the house is taken care of while you’re gone. I feel like i'm running on empty,” you sob, resting your head on his shoulder.
Simon is quiet for a moment, his hands continue to stroke the fabric of your shirt sleeve as he holds you. He knows the feeling, the inability to let someone else do something for you because what if they don't do it right. Or what if they don't do it at all? He's been there before, after his family was killed. After he was buried alive. He didn't trust anyone else to do the job, so he did it all himself. Wore himself out so thin he wasn't sure he would ever recover.
He noticed it in you too, at first he thought you were just trying to be independent. That you wanted to show him that you could do things on your own when he was away. Which Simon appreciated, he liked to know that you would be okay while he was gone but it quickly became more than that. You started taking over all the chores, making sure that everything was done before he got the chance.
It wasn't to say that Simon didn't try to help you. He did, but you were often insistent that you could do it, you didn't need him to look after you. Night after night you would come home, make dinner, clean it up, and do everything in between, while waving Simon off with the promise you could handle it.
But now, as Simon holds you in his arms on the bathroom floor he wishes he could take what you're feeling away. He wishes he tried harder to get you to relax, because it was clear you hadnt relaxed in a long time. Simon takes a deep breath, his head resting on yours.
“You gotta let me help you, Lovie…” he whispers.
“But i can do it…” You sniffle, pulling away slightly to look at him with teary eyes.
“I know you can, but you don't have to. You don't have to do everything yourself, we’re a team…” His hand comes to rest on the side of your cheek, wiping away your tears. “How can we be a team if you do everything yourself? You know how much I love you right?” You give him a small nod, leaning your cheek into his hand.
“Good girl…” he smiles slightly, “And because I love you, I need you to start letting me help you out. You don't need to be the one who keeps the house in order, or makes dinner every night, you don't need to pretend that nothing is bothering you. I know how stressed you are at work. I know how you feel like you're being pulled a million different directions at all times because you feel like you have to do everything, control everything. But you don't, Love.” Simon’s thumb wipes some of the tears from your cheeks.
“So what you're going to do now, is you’re going to change into your comfiest clothes, and you’re gonna go to our room and lay down, pick out a movie, and i’ll be there in a moment. Then we’re gonna spend the rest of the day in bed, napping and eating junk food until you feel a little better, okay?” He leans forward kissing your forehead.
After a moment you let out a small sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. “Okay…” you mumble into his shoulder as his arms wrap around you, one hand on the back of your head. “I love you Simon…” You whisper.
“I love you too, now go,” he smiles as you pull away. As you stand up and head out of the bathroom, Simon's hand smacks your ass, a yelp leaving your lips as you look back at him with a small smile on your face.
“Simon!” you scold.
“Sorry Darling, I couldn't help myself,” He smirks as he follows you out of the bathroom.
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ataraxixx · 8 months
AJAX 1K DTIYS!!yayyyyyyyy
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(flats under the cut btw)
hey guys. heres that dtiys i promised for 900 followers and waited so long to make i ended up getting 100 more followers. so this is a 1k follower dtiys now. sorry. anyway. THANKS FOR 1K FOLLOWERS? you guys are awesome i appreciate the support for my insanity. to honor that insanity i have made a dtiys of the 3 characters i am most insane about(shocking nobody) lets go papaya nation👻⚙️👹!!!!
> draw morro harumi and echo together.....idrc if theyre watching tv like in the drawing tbh i just did that because i wanted to draw it. feel free to use the drawing as inspiration for your own artwork but dont feel limited . just make sure to include those 3 interacting at minimum! you can include other chars if u want too idrc but the focus is this trio
> umm that being said no morro x harumi. thanks. i dont care in terms of anything else if u wanna make it platonic or romantic but keep that one out of here pls🙏
> doesnt have to be my designs! feel free to use ur own designs for the characters as long as u include all 3 of them. u can do a mixture or something too idgaf. get silly with it
> tag me & include #ajax1kdtiys on the post because tumblr sucks a lot sometimes
> EDIT: entries due november 15th now bc i had a couple ppl ask for an extension and also im really busy rn lel💀
guys i foyght for my life in the trenches last time trying to decide winners so we're doing it a different way now. im just gonna assign every entry a number and draw straws if youre cool with that. its much easier i think..
so basically i am just gonna pull 3 random names out of the hat and all winners will get 1 fullbody drawing of their choice!! no first second third etc thats too complicated 4 me. i mostly just want this to be for fun for anyone interested in participating:)
FINAL NOTES if anyone has any questions feel free to DM me or send an ask. the flats for the drawing are included below for reference. byeee
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Aita for blocking a friend on instinct? So i (f16) have this friend, (m16) we can call him D, who i've been friends with since kindergarten.
About a year ago, i started growing very close to D through our friend group's dnd campaign we held every friday. I knew him for a long time but that was the first time we had started hanging out out of school. We were talking on snapchat every night just chatting and after a while he started to send much more... revealing snaps. Just his bare shoulders but like without a shirt. He said it was because he had to let his medication for his back dry. I was a little uncomfortable, but we were friends so i didnt think that it would escalate into anything weird.
After about a month, D starts sending snaps in a towel and pictures of his chest which made me very uncomfortable. I kind of let the chatting die down after that because it was the only way i could think of that would be enough to gently let him down easy (i was wrong). I stopped going to the hangouts with that group and kind of distanced myself because how uncomfortable D made me. This only made D try harder to get my attention.
I was still friends with the others in the group so i would often have one-on-one hangouts with the others and watch tv. One thing we watched was Miraculous and we laughed and joked about it all the time. D overheard us or something and went home and binge watched the entire series in a week. Then everytime i ate lunch with that friend group, D would always make direct references to Miraculous or sing the theme song really loud. This wasnt once a day, D would make miraculous references every single minute. He became obsessed with the show (which, for reference of how weird it was, D is a very religious Christian boy. He gets upset if he gets an A- and never drinks caffeine (no problem with any of those things but just understand that kind of guy being deep within the fandom of Miraculous out of all shows 😭)). It was so bad, and it once again was making me very uncomfortable.
Eventually, it got to an insufferable point where D changed his route to go home and made sure to pass me every day after school and wave. I started avoiding him in the halls, he would always ask obscure questions that werent that important. I couldn't understand why he couldn't get that i didnt want to be friends with him anymore so i set boundaries.
A text i sent to D: i apologize if i ever caused any misunderstanding, but i would like to make it clear that im not romantically interested in you. i can see that you have been trying to grow closer, but i dont feel the same way. i don't appreciate being followed around, and i dont like when people force themselves to like the same things i like. its not attractive to be a copy of someone. i enjoy being your friend but it's difficult to disregard these things. if im being totally honest, when you do things like this, it makes me really uncomfortable and borderline creeped out. i know crushes wont disappear overnight but i would appreciate more space. if youre looking for a girlfriend, this isnt the right person, nor the right way to get it. and i wont tell anyone about this so dont worry about word spreading or anything. thank you
D's response: Oh, I'm so sorry I made you think that! I don't have a crush on you, I just noticed how you don't hang out with our friend group as often and I just wanted to make sure that I was being as nice as possible to make sure you weren't mad at us or anything. I did start to think that maybe me trying all that made me seem clingy or annoying, so I'm really sorry for all of that. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll try to do better now!
This didnt sit right with me because after all of that i cannot fathom how that translates to "i wanted to include you". This made me question a lot about the situation.
Reasons i feel like i MBTA: i'm over thinking things and D could be a genuinely a nice person. Its hard for me to read the room and i need to work on that and probably apologize to D.
Reasons i feel like i MNBTA: i should trust my instincts rather than ignore them. I've had a psychological abuser in my family before and the situation could be a stalker behavior that i've learned is not ok to have.
What are these acronyms?
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spacexseven · 2 years
GOD I am thinking so hard about yans going after a darling they previously rejected.
like. you have a crush on your coworker, [insert bsd yan here]. ur not subtle about it. ofc yan Knows, so does everyone else who watches you two interact. trouble is, they dont reciprocate. which is ok! theyre allowed to not like you! but they're also a huge dick about it which is the real issue here.
like, they do NOT let you down easy AT ALL. they might even lead you on a bit beforehand if they're the opportunistic type, paying attention to you up until you do what they want and then dropping you until they have another task lined up. they don't feel bad about it. they don't HAVE to indulge in your delusional little crush, be happy theyre paying attention to you at all! eventually they just completely shut you down. maybe you finally work up the courage to ask them out and they laugh right in your face, not able to stifle their amusement at the idea. or maybe you catch them on a bad day and your puppy-like desperation goes from being funny to annoying and they don't mince words when telling you to get lost. you're heartbroken, humiliated, maybe even a bit frightened if they said anything particularly scary in their tirade, and resolve to just avoid them as much as you possibly can from now on. maybe start looking for a new job somewhere else. 
they try to act like losing your attentions doesnt effect them at all, but they really feel your absence. they convince themselves that you're just giving them space after the… incident, but when they go looking around for you and you're nowhere to be found or you coincidentally have to leave whatever room you're in as soon as they enter it they realize that you're avoiding them. it hurts more than they'd like to admit, they find themselves seeking you out much more than they ever have before, only to be disappointed when you notice them looking at you and get visibly uncomfortable or lower your voice so they cant hear you anymore. if they ever DO manage to talk to you, you're freezing cold, all business. on your end, you're just trying not to irritate them, assuming that if they're suddenly staring at you its cuz you're doing something they don't like, but theyre completely torn up about no longer getting your attention. theyre distracted constantly by your sudden distance, no longer able to enjoy outings with coworkers if you don't attend- spending the whole time wondering if you didn't go cuz THEYRE there. now THEYRE the one following YOU around, trying to get back in your good graces in whatever way they can think of. it might start as a childish ploy to regain your attention after your ignoring them caused a blow to their ego, but the more you avoid them the deeper their feelings get. please please PLEASE stop being mad at them! they can't go on if you don't forgive them. 
id imagine it would all come to a head if they found out you were planning on quitting soon, or if they caught you going on a date with someone else in the office. they WONT lose you. they cant.
I think most characters could work with this, but especially dazai, akutagawa, jouno, chuuya, and kunikida (he wouldnt do anything out of malice hed just accidentally be pretty harsh turning you down and then feel like an idiot later.). maybe fyodor and gogol too, with some tweaking. this kinda came out a garbled mess sorry haven't slept in like 3 days lmao.
- 🩹
my friend please get some sleep :< like Seriously you are going to crash very hard at this rate i didn't get to elaborate on a lot here 'cos i wanted to write a little bit for everyone (dazai, chuuya, jouno, techhou, ranpo, akutagawa, kunikida, sigma, nikolai and fyodor) but if there's any particular group/character anyone wants to hear about send me an ask and i'll gladly ramble on and on :>
i can see either dazai or jouno doing this intentionally, genuinely liking to watch you look embarrassed and even teary-eyed at his blunt rejections. whether it's because they really couldn't care less about you or because they were just bored, they lead you on and go on to embarrass you publicly, effectively humiliating you and breaking your heart over and over.
consequently, these two also are hit the hardest when you start ignoring them. this probably happens when your carefully crafted confession is callously crushed, receiving jeering words and scornful laughter in response, and you decide you should move on from the toxicity these two carry.
jouno can sense you sneaking out the room when he enters and he pretends not to notice, but dazai straight up stares at you in a look you might even think of as betrayal if it wasn't such a crazy thought. both of them are beyond furious by your sudden withdrawal and badly concealed attempt at avoiding them. what, did you think you could hang around them for so long, smiling through all the insults and 'jokes' and then decide to one day turn around and drop them like you weren't just following them around every corner the week before?
they latch onto you with an overwhelming fervour, following you into every room and into every meeting, even the one they're not supposed to be in. mess around with your files on purpose so you'd have no choice but to come to them and ask for your things back, manage to grab themselves an assignment with you as their partner, even sit right across you during your lunch break. it's like you can never escape them, no matter how hard you try.
just try quitting, or trying to cling onto someone else. just you try, and it'll be far from an amiable ending. they're both extremely cunning and determined, and it won't end well for anyone ecept themselves.
kunikida, akutagawa and chuuya are the type where they didn't mean to be harsh but because they are so flustered/confused they end up coming out very coldly when they tell you to scram or just stop blabbering. you were only trying to be conversative by mentioning the new café downstaira and asking about their weekend, but either because of the stress of work or their inability to deal with your questions of genuine interest and helpful comments, they usually end up responding rudely. chuuya for one is known to scoff and briskly walk away while you're busy talking, hoping you don't notice his flushed cheeks after you complimented his hair. akutagawa's go to response is to just stare at you and wait for you to trail off, thinking he either did not want to hear you ramble on or he just spaced out, and quickly leave. kunikida...depending on the time of the day and how much of dazai's work he has to clean up after, it's either a resigned sigh as you continue talking (he enjoys your company after a long day, although he'll never admit it) or a sudden, angry burst of words you can barely make out.
confessing to either three is awkward, but in the unlikely scenario that it does happen, despite your belief that they barely tolerated you, they're secretly thrilled but unable to respond, leaving you dejected and them panicked. regardless, when you decide enough is enough and you should probably stop bothering them when they don't seem to want you around, they immediately try to stop you.
for chuuya, this means suddenly transforming into the helpful senior, scaring away other employees who try to dump their work on you and people who try to befriend you, as long as they want to talk to you. your unimpressed reactions only spur him on, deciding if you had nobody else, you'd finally come back to him. for kunikida, this is more subtle, taking on your workload and leaving completed forms and files at your desk, placing an energy drink nearby or someting of the sort. he isn't so reckless as to scare away everyone around you, hoping you'd realize you might have misunderstood him because he was always stressed out and come to befriend him again, as he's smart enough to know frightening you away by coming on too strong is not the best way to go. akutagawa might struggle with the subtle approach, but he tries, really. he starts lingering around you, following you silently in an unintentionally creepy way, even when you go to get something to eat. he hopes thta by sticking around you long enough, you'd recognize his intentions as good and not...anything else.
tecchou and sigma initially wouldn't realize why you kept staring at them and immediately look away when they notice. they're confused by your sudden attention on them, not recognizing the glimmer in your eyes as growing attraction and the pep in your step as enthusiasm.
eventually though, it registers, and they're over the moon. i can see both of them being pleasantly surprised, and even if a romantic relationship isn't in their plans at the moment, they like and appreciate you as a friend. still, after you keep smiling at them and asking them to accompany you for lunch, seeing you do that to anyone else is...unsettling, at the least. especially because they know what kind of intentions these other people have.
suddenly, tecchou's glare feels extremely dangerous, almost like lasers burning into the back of whoever's got your attention, causing them to awkwardly excuse themselves and leave you alone once they catch sight of his intense stare. and sigma (he's a higher up here) is piling on an insane amount of work to your companion, happily accepting your invitation to go out to eat every day of the week, now that everyone else was conveniently so busy.
nikolai would actually entertain your feelings, more so out of boredom than anything else. it's easy with him, he catches on pretty quickly—the obvious interest in your tone when you talk to him, the way you hang on to every word like a devoted worshipper, the little gifts you had on hand for him—he'd be a fool not to notice! (he kinda is one, but that's besides the point) you won't have to worry about confessions going south or a cold rejection. nikolai showers you in affection from the start, treating you warmly, laughs with you and is always there by your side.
it almost comes naturally when you admit you like him and he only pulls you closer with the arm he has constantly around you. don't be fooled though, despite not having any 'actual' feelings for you yet, he is unbelievably possessive. if you are upset about anything and decide to sulk and ignore him, nikolai is happy to annoy you endlessly until you either give in and forgive him, or if he sees you trying to busy yourself with anyone else, he's quick to come up with a lost of creative ways to get the outsider out of your relationship with him.
with nikolai, there's a lot of spontaneous skipping out on work (that you miraculously never get in trouble for), unplanned adventures and general good times until, of course, someone else tries to meddle. maybe it's a nosy coworker who firmly believes workplace relationships are unprofessional, or a newbie who stupidly ignores the obvious signs of nikolai and you being together; whatever it is, you won't have to worry, nikolai will swifltly remove all the obstacles.
eventually, he decides that life is a lot more fun with you, his partner in crime, always by his side. this is when things will really take a turn, and you start to realize he's a lot more unhinged than you would have thought previously...
ranpo is a bit of an interesting one...he knows you like him, even if you do a good job at hiding it. he obviously takes advantage of your feelings, purposely trying to make you jealous just to see you all riled up, and asks you to do things for him knowing you wouldn't deny him.
he's so proud of himself, as though he charmed everyone around him, and doesn't hesitate to poke fun at you for liking him. not as maliciously as dazai and jouno, but mean enough that it has you blinking in shock at the way he rudely declares that he was out of your league, skipping away to eat some snacks.
obviously, when he acts so high and mighty, you'd think he would be pleased by you finally taking his advice on "focusing on work instead of staring at him with hearts in your eyes" (not like he was doing anything productive most of the time), but it's the opposite. he notices your absence almost immediately, and imagine his shock and humiliation when you, who was supposed to ttail him around like a puppy, happilly eating out of his hand, were now deciding these boring work files are more important than him.
somehow they even placed the intern that just started with you for training, and now that's all that you're focused on. showing the newcomer around, chatting with them, offering your help with tasks—it was like ranpo ceased to exist and it infuriated him. similarly, if you started spending time around/with someone else from the company (cough nikolai cough), it would annoy him just as much if not more, knowing exactly what kind of intentions they had.
ranpo turns his annoying abilities to the max, now being the one to follow you around everywhere and whines at you to pay attention to him, asking you to feed him snacks and also trying to feed you in return, demanding you accompany him for lunch so he doesn't get lost, and anything else to monopolise your time. eventually, even if you stay strong, whoever you spend your time with now can't handle ranpo's overbearing and unavoidable presence, driving them away. (it helps if he's like a valued employee here too)
fyodor is the type to not do anything about your crush, not until you become useful to him. he'll entertain it, sure, staring back at you with that disarming smile and curious eyes, brushing his hand against yours for a moment too long when you hand him things, sitting right next to you when you ask him to come over and look at something—he knows the hold he has over you and he loves it.
he thinks it's cute to see you so entranced and in awe by him, and he genuinely enjoys your company as he recognizes your genuine work ethic and passion, but even then he doesn't exactly hold the same feelings for you. this is him acting to keep you onterested because he knows someone who is so in love with him despite not really knowing him is a pawn he shouldn't lose.
maybe one day you realize you'd rather not ruin a good friendship by involving your feelings, but trying to distance yourself won't be fruitful and busying yourself with another person would only lead fyodor to threaten their livelihood and even their lives. fyodor is a very jealous and possessivs man, even though you're not dating, he still doesn't like the idea of anyone other than him using you and doesn't want to risk you forgetting him.
generally, though, nobody tries to mess with fyodor, because while he's all amiable and charming to you, to everyone else he's intense and brooding; unapproachable. he has this look that makes everyone feel inferior, like he thinks of them as pathetic creatures—which he does, but you...he could make some use of you yet. he's impressed by your strong will to be by his side for so long despite receiving no sign that he might like you at all...maybe it's time he rewarded you tor your devotion?
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h0ck3yl0v3r · 11 months
this love
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sc26 x childhood!bestfriend reader
warnings: kissing, anything else lmk!
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seamus casey, your destined best friend since you were babies. your parents both went to college together and were best friends. they also got pregnant around the same time. seamus was two months older, he always made fun of you for that.
when you and seamus were both finally 18, he was nhl draft bound and umich bound. you decided to follow him there both having gotten accepted and on scholarships. your parents couldn’t have been more proud, even going as far to throwing a party.
seamus was always so protective of you, always making sure you were okay. there was never a time where you were crying and he wasn’t there to hold you and tell you everything was going to be okay. he never liked talking to many people, he was kept to himself and you were the only person to bring him out of his shell. he was so nervous for the draft but your smile and pep talks were the only thing that could calm him down, and you couldn’t have been more proud of him for being drafted to the devils.
college came quick. you and seamus leaving your hometown to chase your dreams.
everything was great. you and seamus had a lot of classes together and he even made sure to include you in things he did. which landed you in a frat house at a party after a win against michigan state, one of umich’s biggest rivals. it was winter time, your favorite season but you cant help but feel so down.
as you were sitting near the kitchen you couldn’t help but keep looking at seamus. he had brought you to this party but ended up losing each other since he got dragged away by his teammates.
he currently sat in the living room with some random sorority girl. you had feelings for seamus since the 7th grade. never wanting to ruin a friendship you stayed quiet.
one of seamus teammates approached you, “hey i’m mark, you’re y/n right, seamus’s best friend?” he asked before taking a seat next to you. “yeah that’s me” you said giving him a small smile hoping he didn’t catch you staring at seamus.
“so you and seamus have been friends since you guys were babies? he always talks about you, its nice to finally meet you.” he said bringing his hand out to for a hand shake, which you shook his hand softly. “our parents are best friends and had us around the same time so they raised us together, we’ve been inseparable since.” you said and he let out a soft laugh.
you and mark talked for a while getting to know each other, but all you wanted was seamus, you kept looking over at him any chance you got. “you know y/n i think you have a crush on my boy seamus.” mark said and you choked on your water trying to hide the blush forming on your face. “me liking seamus? no way he’s just my best friend plus theres no way hes into me.” you said placing your water down. “yeah sure, best friends dont talk or look at each other the way you two do.” he said and you looked at him confused and he began talking again. “i said he talks about you a lot and when i say that i mean its non stop. any time you send him a selfie or anything he’s so quick to smile at his phone and he’ll say it was from you. every time you’re at our games he’s always looking for you never anyone else. and i see the way you look at him at every party. the way you get so upset whenever a girl goes up to him.” you couldn’t help but sit there and think about what mark had said almost on the verge of crying from feeling all your emotions overcome you.
“mark please dont be fucking with me right now. i’ve liked him since 7th grade and i never wanted to ruin anything between us so i kept quiet.” you said looking up at him and he gave you a genuine smile. “trust me, our whole team wants you two together, you bring out the best of him. he’s always so gloomy and grumpy and you’re his sunshine. you’re the only person who can calm him down or help him. now go get your man.” he said patting your back helping you up. you mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ before going to seamus.
you tapped his shoulder softly and he paused his conversation with the girl sitting with him. “can we talk?” you said softly, which had seamus up on his feet excusing himself from the girl and holding your hand leading you to an empty balcony.
you stood there enjoying the breeze and the night sky. “what’s up sunshine? you seem upset.” he said coming up behind you giving you a back hug, something he always did when he knew you were upset. you turned to face him, looking up you couldn’t help but to notice the moons reflection in his eyes. “you’re so pretty.” you mumbled and immediately realized what you said hoping he didn’t hear you, but he did. “you’re pretty too.” he said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “shea, i like you, like a lot. actually scratch that. i love you. more than anything in this world, and it’s okay if you dont feel the same i totally get it i mean you have all these girls who-“ he cuts off your rant with a kiss. his hands tangled in your hair and yours on his chest. you pull away for a second to catch your breath and he whispers “i love you too.” against your lips before you pull him back in for another kiss.
your boy was finally yours. and he finally got his dream girl.
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As someone who can never really grasp meanings in media beyond surface level, analyses like these are always lovely to read. Here are all the ones I’ve gathered during my short time in the fanbase so far, this is mainly for myself, but maybe it would be useful to someone else!! Also. If anyone knows of any more, please please send them to me!! I will add more as I go too.
I don’t think these all count as analyses, but they all made me go “oooh :0” so yeah
https://www.tumblr.com/colorful-noircuts/733183847545683968/rambling-about-something-i-realised-in-slay-the hello my lovely mutual!!
https://www.tumblr.com/minotaur-asterion/735506279592787968/might-be-a-weird-question-but-what-do-you-think this one isn’t an analysis at all but I thought it was funny
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ladye-zelda · 6 months
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Tis the season. I want to thank everyone for this wonderful year, even if I only joined in May XD
Thank you people who have been following me; I know I haven’t been posted anything of what you wanted in a long while and I sincerely apologize; I hope to change that around in the new year
And to all my mutuals, you guys are so amazing! I almost feel not worthy to be your guys’s friend since you guys are all incredible people and it almost feels unreal that we are friends
(This is gonna be a bit long so it’s all under the cut XD)
@cal-the-duende I am so sorry we haven’t been talking a lot recently, but thank you thank you thank you so much for being one of my bestest friends during my time on Tumblr. You are the bestest cal I have ever met, and I hope you can still be your cal self for the new year!
@uniquevoidflowers akfjskjfkajfmskjfskjfa you are so so amazing!!!! I can’t believe we are even friends because you have an amazing talent and I hope everyone will be able to see it!
@strawberry-catcake-deactivated2 I know you have deactivated (so if anyone can contact her you can send this message to her) but I am so grateful to be your friend! You are so talented and I know you may not see it but everyone else knows it and you are also an amazing individual. Honestly, I am a little jealous of your talent and I hope I can be good enough in digital art to be able to get to your level of talent
@unexpectedstormy you are so kind and amazing; thank you so much for being my friend! You’re talented and funny; I am so grateful that we are friends! May the koroks give you lots of gifts and good tidings this holiday season!
@webhead3345 you are a very talented individual! I hope we get to talk more in the future; you are very kind as well!!
@adrift-in-thyme ahhhhh you’re so very talented and I have always been a fan of your writing (Time meeting the blood moon has given me the feels) and I am so happy we are friends!!
@smilesrobotlover AAASKFJKSJFKAJFHGS I always love when we talk about the craziest things; you’re so nice and respectful and you’re also someone who I aspire to be!
@silvercaptain24 there are really not a lot of words I can say to express how happy you make me. You are so amazing and I hope we can remain vods!!!
@endlessartpumpkin aakshfkajfkakfksjkfjakfjkajfksjfa you are SO TALENTED and I DONT KNOW HOW WE ARE EVEN FRIENDS and AAKSGKSJDKSJFDKFJDJJFKSJFEA /pos; it makes me happy when you’re on my dash and I am very grateful we’re friends!
@geminiskulleta you are also SO TALENTED and a GENIUS when it comes to all things loz; I hope we can talk more in the future because I wanna join all those conversations with you and Isa (just haven’t because social anxiety and often don’t know what to say lol; plus I didn’t want to disrupt y’all’s genius conversations)
@gemglyph I know we’ve only barely interacted, but I am happy when we did! I still use that version of Sky that you came up with and he is so adorable! Thank you so much for everything!
@hotcheetohatredwastaken I know we have also barely interacted, but it makes me happy when you appear on my dash!
@here4dragons dragon!!!! It makes me happy whenever we speak. I know it’s been a while, but I still consider you an amazing friend!
@isasan347 IIIIISSSSAAAAAAAA! Talking to you about Zelink (and ALTTP especially) always makes my day; so very happy that we are friends!!!
@karmaisdue I know we may not talk directly, but you’re probably the fastest mutual I have made solely on the fact that we once shared the same pfp 🤣
@kiwi-der-vogel AAAAAAA I love your art style!!! It is so unique and makes me happy and you’re an amazing person and AAAAAAAA
@kate-m-art Your art is so soft and cozy and you are also an amazing person and so kind! I hope to learn more about the legacy au and the cryptid au and all of your other aus because all of them are so amazing!!!
@link-or-sherlock I know we haven’t spoken in a long while but you are an amazing person who is also a really good friend of mine. I hope we get to talk more soon, because I miss when we get to infodump on each other or joked around like we did; but even if we don’t, you are still my friend
@mothielad Hi!! It’s been a while, I know, but I am happy to have known you!
@nancyheart11 Nancy!! You’re so kind and amazing; I am glad to be your friend!!! You’re also very talented in art, embroidery, and writing!!
@nocturnalfandomartist Hi! You’re so awesome and amazing and talented in art and writing I am still in awe on how we are friends. I will definitely try to be more active in trying to interact with you, because you definitely deserve everything because of the things you create!
@pallweople to all of the pall weople; thank you so much for letting me be a part of this!! You are all so fun and I hope I get to be a part of it more in the future!
@phoenix-arts7 Hi! Your art is amazing and I definitely cannot wait to see what’s in store for your au. I wish you many happy things in the future and may you be able to pet all the kitties you can!
@prince-of-red-lions I know we haven’t spoken in a long while but I am happy that we are friends! Thank you so much for being very kind and amazing!
@randomburstsofcreativity random!!!! You definitely helped me through a rough time, and I will always appreciate it. You are a nice, amazing person and I am happy we are friends!
@srah-the-violist I know we’ve barely interacted, but I consider you a friend! It makes me happy whenever you’re in my dash, and you are amazing!!!
@taruuu Taru!!! Thank you for helping me in Genshin; you are very amazing and I wish you many, many great things!!!
@uncleskyrule I remember reading your In Sickness and In Health story and I adore your writing style! You are very talented and I’m happy we are friends!
@whyoneartheven Evie!!! You are amazing!!! Thank you for being a good friend to me; you are so kind and i am happy we’re friends!
@wolfstorm888 Wolf!!! I’m sorry it has been a long time since we’ve spoken; thank you for joining me and Peggy in Triforce heroes and you are very amazing! You are very nice and I am happy we are friends!
@telemna-hyelle It is mindbloggling to me how we are friends. You were kind of the first tumblr user I have been following (before I got a tumblr account) and to be your friend has been such a high honor. Thank you so much!!
@skyward-floored It has been such an honor that I have been your friend. You are such a talented, amazing writer and I am so happy to be your friend! I wish I can say more, but I honestly don’t know the words I can say to express my gratitude on how much you’re an amazing person
@skyloftian-nutcase Thank you so much for helping me during a few hard times I went through. You are such a kind and selfless person and I hope to follow in your footsteps to become such an amazing person
@margindoodles2407 Margin!!! You are so amazing and talented and AJFSJFJSKGJKSFJKDGJKDHFJSHSWA we gotta talk more about stuff because AAAAAAAAAAAAA YOU’RE COOL
@theabyssfairy You’re so talented I have no words. Your art style is aesthetic and I always love the crossover ships you make and it always makes me happy XD
@anadorablekiwi Kiwi!!! You are amazing and wonderful and I have so many words to express my gratitude for you but I don’t know if they’re good enough to really say. Thank you for helping me during my rough times and you are so kind and amazing and I hope you can see how wonderful you are!
@silvrash-797 It has been such a pleasure to speak with you as well!!! You’re such a talented writer and are so kind and sweet!!!
@thepinklink I know we haven’t spoken a lot but I love your art and I think you’re amazing!!
I don’t know if I have missed anyone, but if I did I apologize. Thank you guys so much for the year, and have an amazing holiday and new year!!!!
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delcakoo · 1 year
im obsessed with hybrid aus i wish there were more ☹️☹️
what do you think hybrid!rikis or hybrid!taehyuns (either of them i rlly dont mind) would be when they found out they were getting adopted 😁
OOOO i decided to go w riki to continue my hybrid riki agenda !! consider it a warmup for the longer fic i have in the work for him 🫶 also i was thinking of picking up my pokemon riki fic since it was literally a scene from being done 🧌 sigh so many riki thoughts
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3:41PM — “so, what kind of companion would you be looking for in a hybrid?”
you give the adoption centre employee a nervous smile, “um, i’m actually not too sure yet,” you confess. “sorry, i should’ve came more prepared.”
the boy with a nametag reading ‘mark’ giggles, leading you to the back where you assume the hybrids are located. “nah, we get customers like you a lot, don’t worry. just follow me and let me know if anyone catches your eye.”
with an appreciative nod, you follow him into what you assume is the bunny hybrid area judging by the long, droopy ears atop each hybrid’s head. one bunny with shining blue hair watches as you walk by with big, boba eyes, and you hastily lift a hand to wave in his direction. you grin when he shyly waves back, taking note of the name ‘soobin’ on his pen.
mark speaks up, vocalizing just what you’d been thinking. “these are our bunnies, the most common species of hybrid right before dogs and cats. they’re definitely nice if you want a cuddly and affectionate match, but if you decide on one, you’ll have to bunny-proof your whole house before taking them home,” he notifies.
you tilt your head, “what does that mean?”
“well just like real bunnies, they have a habit of chewing everything, especially if their owner isn’t giving them enough attention. i’m sure you can guess what that means for your furniture and well.. everything else in your house.”
you gulp, glancing back at soobin who’s now busy chewing on small carrot slices. “… i think i’ll keep looking.”
after getting through the rowdy enclosure of dog hybrids and silently independent cat hybrids, you sigh. mark’s brows furrow, sending you a sympathetic gaze, “still nobody?”
instea of replying you glance around the room, eyes locking onto a seperate grey door reading ‘enter with caution’. without a moment’s hesitation, you rush over in big, curious strides. mark’s footsteps quickly follow, grabbing the handle first right as you reach out for it. “hey, uh- ma’am, i dont really think there’s anyone in there suited for you,” he laughs awkwardly.
you give him a polite smile, and you can tell it scares the male a bit by the drop in his expression. “i’ll decide that for myself, please.” the boy swallows, pulling the door open for you hesitantly and trailing close behind.
some hisses and other strange sounds were heard as you walk in and gasp, taking in the sight of all sorts of unique looking hybrids. “these are our.. other hybrid options. all quite rare species, and of course way more expensive and challenging to look after,” he reminds.
you slowly walk by cage after cage, mark introducing you to a meek-looking deer girl, a giddy, cheerful penguin, and even one buff tiger hybrid along the way. most of them were either scared or curious at the sight of you, though the tiger seemed more determined to intimidate you than earn your ownership.
however, a moving figure near the back of one enclosure catches your eye before you can mention anything. you watch intriguingly as a pitch black tail swishes side to side under the dim lighting, gaze drifting up to meet the face of a tall, pouty-lipped black cat boy. unlike the other hybrids that rushed up to see you or pounced away in fear, he only sits there in silence, studying you curiously.
“oh, that’s riki,” mark informs from behind you. “he’s a panther hybrid, and he doesn’t care for humans much from what we’ve seen so i wouldn’t really recommend him.”
riki’s ears drop at the male’s words, but he doesn’t say anything. you inhale, “can i go inside the enclosure then?”
“uh.. yeah, i guess so. but ma’am, i really think there are better matches for you back at..”
mark’s words fade into the background as you focus on opening riki’s cage, slowly stepping inside until you were only a few feet from him. he makes no reaction to escape or attack; merely staring up at you with no emotion.
you clear your throat, abruptly feeling nervous as you tap your foot. the panther quickly notices your anxious movements, a tiny smirk growing onto his plush lips. “hi i’m y/n. it’s nice to meet you, riki. do you like it here?”
the panther blinks calmly, “i get free food and shelter, so it’s okay i guess.” his deep voice visibly startles you, and riki giggles breathily as he watches your eyes widen and lips stutter. he thinks you’re cute.
“well then uh- what would you think about coming home with me?”
you watch worriedly as the cat boy glances at mark, clearly weighing his options while his tail swishes animatedly behind him. “i wouldn’t mind.”
at his shocking response, you snap your head over to the employee for confirmation, yet he simply shrugs in reply. “alright then, i’ll go get you the paperwork.”
by the time you’ve slowly turned back to face him, ready to begin some basic small talk, your jaw nearly falls from your face. the hybrid - technically your hybrid now — has risen to his feet, realising in horror that he towers over you ridiculously. you estimate he’s around 6’2, and his cute, fluffy ears only make you look that extra inch shorter.
you choke at the smug, amused smirk now plastered across riki’s lips. “is something wrong, owner?” he asks slyly.
only a few minutes past your introduction, and you were already starting to question who was owning who in this relationship.
this wasn’t supposed to be that long why do i always do this 💔 other hybrid riki drabble heree
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kindagayfish · 1 year
Hello friend!
Im new to the trigun family after watching Stampede and recently ive been on a Knives kick and i dont see much content about him x reader.
So i was wondering if we could get some headcanons about what would make Knives feel “those gross human feelings” (love, the need to protect,need for affection) for the reader, and how he would tell them or show them?
I just need some knives fluff! Boy needs and hug! If you dont wanna write that, thats totally fine!! Thank you!!
A/N: Knives is SUCH an interesting character and im literally so feral for him. This is very much stream-of-conscious writing and not proofread. It also turned out so much longer than I expected! I legit got so carried away so I hope you enjoy it!!
Also I feel like my thoughts/headcanons for Knives will always be constantly evolving because he's just such a complex character??? And I love it???
Contains: Hints of nsfw thoughts if you squint??, fluff I guess??, can knives even do fluff???, the slowest of slowburns for this man
So we know Knives does know what love feels like…sorta. He loves Vash, and wants to see a future where they can both live their lives without the fear of being used for what they are. However, that means killing every human left on the planet. So it’s a twisted kind of love…but he still cares in his own way.
I don’t think Knives would notice you right away. It won’t be some love-at-first-sight, omg this human was so nice to me thing. It will take A LOT of time. He has completely blocked himself off from anyone because of fear, and fear is an intense driving force.
Perhaps you’re involved in his grand scheme somehow; A scientist in a lab who has taken a special interest in the Plants. At first, you’re focused on finding a more sustainable way for them to be used…but then after witnessing one open itself up, showing a high level of intelligence, you change your studies to find a way for them to live beyond the confines of the glass tanks.
You’re aware of Knives. Aware that he’s what they call an Independent. And you take notes on him, studying any file that isn’t restricted from the ships that once roamed the universe.
Knives becomes aware of you rather quickly. It's hard to ignore the way your eyes follow his every move, jotting down your observations quickly into a notebook that never seems to leave your hands. At first he finds it irritating, having this human stalk him like a shadow. However, it was only when you caught him on a particularly bad day that he finally spoke to you.
"Get OUT." His voice was ice, sending a sharp tendral into your notebook, tearing it from your hands. You let out a pained yelp, though none of the blades touched had you, and ran out of the room.
After he's calmed down, curiosity gets the better of him, and Knives spends the rest of the evening reading through your notes.
The next day it's him that seeks you out. Knives finds you in a lab, placing your in-tact notebook on the table in front of you before stating that some of your observations were incorrect, which causes you to flush with embarrassment. He leaves immediately after, and upon inspecting your notebook, you find that he had crossed out some of your own notes, replacing it with the "correct" information.
Knives begins to tolerate your company. You're not as insufferable as the other humans, and he finds himself quite intrigued by how brave you've gotten around him ever since that day. But he continues to keep himself at a distance….for now.
So anyways as your "relationship" with Knives progresses:
Knives shows his love through acts of service and quality time. He allows you into his space; allows himself to lower his guard and try to understand these strange feelings he gets when around you. Although, again, this takes time.
He'll start to show interest in whatever experiments you're running, quietly observing from a respectable distance. It might even start to feel like you’re the one being studied from how intense his silent stare is (he is 100% memorizing everything about you).
The more time spent with you, the more possessive he becomes of this time...and just you in general.
Knives knows that you have to talk to others in order to do your job, but that doesn't mean he won't glare at them until they walk away. He prides himself on how his presence alone can clear a room so it can just be the two of you.
If you forget to eat, time getting away from you, Knives might sigh and fetch you something. Setting it down directly in front of you and making comments under his breath about how "humans are pathetic" and how you "can't even take care of yourself". You're like a pet, he tells himself...rationalizing why he would go out of his way to make sure you stay healthy.
Physical touch comes much later
Sometimes you'll feel him lean in from behind, gazing over your shoulder to gain a better view of what you're working on. Heat radiates off of his body, but he never brings himself to touch you. Knives finds it amusing at how flustered you get when he does this and likes to test your boundaries as well as his own. He’ll catch himself too often wondering how soft your skin would feel under his fingertips. It’s a disgusting thought, really. (he is so touch starved but will NOT allow himself to indulge in this innocent fantasy because he’s stubborn and has the biggest god complex)
But it eventually happens one evening when you hand him your notebook. All of his senses are ignited, the place where your fingers brushed against his hand burns throughout the night. Knives can't bring himself to admit he likes this feeling, at least not out loud.
Oh but does he crave it.
It's a thrill, an adrenaline rush, and strangely even more fulfilling than the feeling he gets when he takes a human life.
Starts as "accidental". Fingers colliding when reaching for the same thing, the back of his hand brushing against yours as you both walk, standing too close to you so that when you take a step back, you bump into his chest.
Soon he's grabbing your wrist to stop you from doing something stupid, placing a hand on the small of your back to guide you out of a room, even taking your hand in his, frowning at the fresh injury on your skin, but also burning up inside at the fact that his own hand swallows yours completely. That you're just so fragile. So human.
Knives is absolutely obsessed.
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