#i dont know how these things work in other countries but here there's two people taking the test “at the same time”
robertacolndrez · 1 year
hello beloveds i'm sorry i haven't been here much lately but things have been more chaotic than usual - just wanted to drop by to announce i finally have my fucking driver's licence LETS GOOOOOOOO
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targaryenluvs · 9 months
Idk if you are taking requests currently, but if you are…
Could you write a similar fic to our little dove, where Coriolanus doesn’t kill Lucy. I would’ve loved to see more of them arguing over who gets to spend time with the reader, and all three of them spending time together.
Or maybe a different ending where Lucy takes reader to pick up katniss with her. And whilst Coriolanus is in the cabin lucy convinces reader to run away with her… but Coriolanus finds both of them and takes them to the Capitol with him.
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pairings: dark!lucy gray x fem!reader, dark!coriolanus snow x fem!reader, coriolanus snow x lucy gray
summary: you reunite with your dear songbird after the games, but it seems the capitol has followed her home, and taken an interest in the two of you. but it seems lucy gray is willing to share you with a certain peacekeeper, even if you aren’t.
a/n: here’s for all who wanted a different ending! the full fic is here ( our little dove )this is just a detour for everyone who wasn’t happy with the ending! DONT READ IF YOU HAVENT READ THE FULL FIC!!!
the trek back to town had you dying. it usually didn’t take so long but with coriolanus’s arm practically glued to you, the sun beating down on your trio and your dress sticking to you? fainting seemed very fun right now.
the entire routine was rushed, food stashed, no goodbyes to your family nor friends, just lucy and coriolanus wanting you on the train asap. they’d sprung their plan of going back to the captiol on you quite abruptly once you reached town but at this point you had no hope in your body of escaping them. so you obliged and followed like a lost puppy.
being in the capitol was worse.
you were completely and utterly alone. coriolanus was busy running the country, lucy was always working and you always seemed to be stuck on your windowsill. staring out onto the streets as the world passed you by. stuck in a prison of marble and luxury.
at first you had to endure lucy and coriolanus’s never ending arguing, always over you. when you still had an inkling of freedom. “are you kidding me? you chose what she wore yesterday lucy. will you just back the fuck off?” lucy’s jaw was dropped open, “excuse me? she was my-” coriolanus’s head tilted back as he dragged his hands over his face, “oh my god how many times are you going to use that? who the hell got her here huh? who provides for all of us? sure as hell not you. now don’t make this any harder. she’s wearing the red dress.” you sat there the whole time, just waiting for someone to notice you.
it always led back to you. but apparently kidnapping you and uprooting your life wasn’t enough since after time the duo fed off of eachother, delusions enlarging. seemingly everyone was out to get you, be with you, but you were theirs. coriolanus wasn’t president long enough yet to go around killing people without raising suspicion and alert towards him and as much as people did respect him, he couldn’t exactly go around killing everyone who looked at you and lucy even if he wished to. so he settled for the next best thing. keeping you away from them, out of reach.
and here you ended up, alone.
you had everything you’d ever dreamed of yet it all meant nothing. you were a shell of your old self and the two of them knew it. but all they cared was that you were with them. whisperings of the president having two lovers were imminent, lucy gray the victor, and the other. the unknown. and you weren’t sure if they’d ever know you. if anyone knew who you were, what you looked like let alone your name. even the staff of your prison did what was necessary, nothing more nor less. food, water, changed bedsheets and drawn baths was all the interaction you had with people that weren’t corio nor lucy.
you wanted to die, anything was better than living the same day over and over. the little flickers of hope came in the form of broken promises whispered during the dark nights, barely heard over the heaving breaths originating from yourself and the other two. promises of people, of the sun and temporary escape from here. but you’d learnt not to believe them.
“sweetheart, it’s not good for you to sit there all day. come, eat.” coriolanus asked demanded from the doorway of your library. the book at your feet long forgotten. coriolanus led you to the dining room where lucy was already eating. “there you are baby. somethin’ wrong?” lucy’s eyebrows were creasing as she took you in, empty eyes, emotionless face, slumped shoulders. you were nothing like the girl from twelve.
y/n l/n. sweetheart to almost everyone. a smile on her face as she went about her day. opening up to people and allowing others to lean on her. making sure her friends were okay when she noticed the slightest shift in feelings. always the lover. the carer.
but the girl who stood in front of her was so different and it broke her heart.
but she knew if she wanted to repair you she’d have to let you go. and as the three of you cuddled together in bed, your soft breaths lulling coriolanus and herself to sleep, she knew it was worth it, as long as you were here.
how selfish! she thought, but at the end of the day.
you’re our little dove.
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syoddeye · 3 months
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simon x f! reader | 1165 words cw: simon being a gross creep, terrible advice, slimy internet culture, bad usernames, unsolicited nudes a/n: wrote this silly thing on my phone. lightly edited. been thinking about how simon would be the world's worst agony uncle. enjoy a few easter eggs.
Simon doesn’t have a God complex. No. He leaves that to the Simulation 5 streamers who build complicated dungeons beneath their character’s cottages, forcing others to labor on paintings or crochet projects to sell and support their captor’s livelihood. Not that he…watches those. No, no. He’s simply seen more than his fair share of depravity. Some of it at his expense, some at others, and more than a chunk of it dealt by his own two hands. He knows how the world works. How people work. He knows his shit, plain and simple.
So when his schedule allows, he logs on after midnight. His username and password are two alphanumeric strings, but people recognize the cluster of digits and letters. Wait for his comments. Follow his account. Send him stupid digital gifts, some useless currency to dress up his default icon. The amount increases daily, as does his following. His own little cult.
He doesn’t care about the numbers. Not really. He just loves dishing out his honest opinion, and nobody’s safe.
AN [Advice Needed] Family forgot to invite me on a trip, expect me to go last minute Hi, it’s like the title says. I (25 M) live across the country from my parents, siblings (all all adults), nieces, and nephews. I am the only one who lives on this coast, but I try to visit twice a year. I recently reached out to my brother to see when he thinks I should come visit in June and suggested some dates. I know it’s only February, but I want to save money on airfare. He responded: “Isn’t that when we’re going to Hawaii???” It was the first I heard of it. It turns out my parents invited my siblings to Hawaii and planned a family vacation without me. I confronted my parents about it, they swore they invited me too then said I could send them my share of the bill for the resort and book a flight. Like it’s no big deal. I can’t afford to go and I don’t want to go, but I feel really pressured. And sad! They forgot me! Who am I, Kevin McAllister?
> 35J0G39GH6: Find out the resort name. Cancel the reservations. Cease contact.
Within seconds, a dozen upvotes. A minute later, a hundred. Up, up, up. And the replies? Oh, the replies. He smirks at the cracked phone screen.
>> michaelEthelcaine: Fucking brutal as always >> c0y0t3fug1y: LMAO it’s this simple OP - this dude is never wrong >> patcemetery79: I DID THIS BACK IN 2003 FOR A FAMILY REUNION. A REAL RIOT! HAVEN’T BEEN INVITED TO ONE SINCE@ HILARIOUS!!!!!! I LOVE YOU 35J
Simon receives a fair share of downvotes, too. Negative comments. He doesn’t give a shit, but some of them are fucking hilarious.
>> grasshopperwhirlpool: Not funny. Be better than this asshole, OP. I’m sure it was a simple mistake. >> thewildrumpussy: really mature advice. who shit in your coffee?
Every few weeks, a morally righteous do-gooder encourages people to mass-report him, and he gets a slap on the wrist. The idiots come out in droves after some of his more choice replies, like worms after a heavy rain. The most recent offense?
AN [Advice Needed] My husband (35 M) forgot my (33 F) birthday My husband of three years forgot my birthday. No flowers, cake, or gifts. When I came home from work he asked about dinner. I lost it, turned around, and left. I’m at my sister’s house now (and she started baking when I called and told her what happened!) but he won’t stop blowing up my phone. He says it’s because he’s been so busy but here’s the thing: he forgot last year too. I really love him but I’m tired of this treatment.
> 35J0G39GH6: Have your friend take you home between 3-4 AM. Cut his brake lines. Go back to her place. Wait for the inevitable.
>> 6polyesterbutthole9: i dont care if this is illegal its funny af >> passtheaggression: Hand to god, you need your own forum dude.  >> gordonramsme55: Where are the mods on this??? This shit is going to get someone killed. Report this psycho. >>> puffalo: Agreed I think this breaks Rules 3 & 5, reporting now >> austrianPrincess: not saying i did this but when my boyfriend’s brakes failed, i got a big check, OP!  >>> gordonramsme55: This is what I’m talking about!  >>> 6polyesterbutthole9: get that check >> tech60nyneme: WOW someone check this guy’s crawlspace. reported and blocked
That one earns him the most severe ‘punishment’ yet: A month-long commenting ban. No skin off his nose, he's deployed days later, anyway. If anything, the radio silence winds his followers up, their excitement a palpable thing when he gets out of forum jail. He rewards them with another series of blunt, to-the-point pieces of advice. 
His absence makes one particular fan particularly hungry, and a little desperate.
He’s no stranger to unsolicited dick and cleavage pics from his followers. They flood his inbox, giving him a side hobby of delivering pithy degradation the sick fucks seem to love. Saves the best for his private collection. 
But then he gets a picture from some cute thing with a comment about him being her favorite person on the Internet. Knelt all sweet in front of her mirror, haloed by a ring light, white lace barely hiding the goods. His eyes snap to her tits—where his ridiculous username is scrawled in sharpie. There’s nothing to critique except maybe the laundry in the background of the shot. Tugs his cock to it, then clicks her username to check her comment history, and wouldn’t you know. Her location is public on her profile. She’s a couple hours away from her idol and doesn’t even know it. 
>> 35J0G39GH6: Perfection. >> YN10282022: Oh my god, I didn’t think you’d reply. >> YN10282022: You know, a few months ago, you gave me good advice about my creepy boss. >> YN10282022: I posted about the stuff he’d say to me. >> YN10282022: It took some time, but I was able to record him. Sent it over to his wife on their anniversary. When he accused me, I told him HR was getting the next copy. >> YN10282022: I got a promotion and a raise, and sent the file anyway. >> 35J0G39GH6: Good girl. >> 35J0G39GH6: I’ll be in your neck of the woods in a week for work. >> YN10282022: Really?? I’d love to meet up! >> 35J0G39GH6: Probably shouldn’t. I’d advise you against meeting me. >> YN10282022: They do say you should never meet your heroes. :) >> 35J0G39GH6: Shouldn’t meet strangers off the Internet, either.
She still sends him the address of a cafe. It matches one he finds on her social media an hour later. She seems to be a frequent customer. Simon grins at his screen, the sole light source in his dark room. He taps back to her pretty picture.
She looks like an angel.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 2 months
sorry for the train ride… I hope the destination is at least interesting. I would LOVE to hear more about Przemek… he’s one of my absolute faves and I would honestly love to hear anything about him… maybe what inspired you to make him? or how he feels about his sexuality? or maybe his ethnicity (which I remember you saying you didn’t really have an answer for, but maybe you could talk about possible ideas you’ve had for it or how it affects his personality/how people treat him)
Nothing to be sorry for. i love trains. But it is a long trip with nothing but my phone and one book. Well not anymore im in Gdańsk now
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Any way this is fun Przemek is one of my favourites as well. I created him because i wanted Ryba to have more friends, so he was very much a side/background character that i learned to love very much very quickly. Im not even sure why. Design wise there were plenty of inspirations... mainly the unbread twins from omori (which i think is where Lena came from as well and it shows), Artur from parties are for losers and Norton IDV (hence the scar... in the first draft Przemek was also a miner so it was very much my Norton at home). He used to be the straight man to Rybas whole... being at that time. They used to be childhood friends but Przemek was the smarter and more of a loner of the two. Tried looking for some old art of him but couldnt find much
Sexuality wise hes mostly in denial. He doesnt like thinking of himself as queer and doesnt want to be considered a part of the community, which affects the way he treats others (initial embarrasement to be seen with Ryba or Mikita, who are either visibly queer or just simply stand out; he grows out of it as the story progresses) and later on shapes his relationship with Ryba (mostly his struggles with being vunreable and opening up mixed with a very crushing need to be normal; he tends to force himself to do things he doesnt really want but thinks will be either for the ultimate greater good or just to be able to lie to himself more, either harming himself or Ryba in the process. Communication is a skill they both are learning as they go but it is a hard one)
And exact ethnicity wise I Dont Know. Well i mean he is polish ethnically and culturally but he does have darker skin from back where the story was set in a fictional dystopian world and i never figured out how to make it work with the background he has in current more historically grounded DNS. Most probably will never know until it just dawns on me one day. In the original DNS story hes simply "from here" (as is the case with most of the characters) and it doesnt really shape his experience as much as his class and upbringing does; hes catholic, he speaks polish, his family are peasants and hes a working man. In modern au its a different case that i dont know how to resolve and he does have a different experience with it; i dont like being cruel to my characters, especially with things i dont have personal experiences with, but i do know my country pretty well, so i can imagine some of the hardships he has to go through. It definitely can be a stress factor; hes a shy, slightly anxious person (which he doesnt even realize that he is? Second nature), so "standing out" and possible conftontations that can come with looking different in a relatively middle sized nowhere town is something he had to learn how to ignore throughout his life. I will finish this by saying i think it would be funny if it turned out some of his ancestors are from the old yugoslavia but not to explain anything just because i think at some point he used to be half balkan (and also many other slavic identites) . No clue from where exactly and it wouldnt affect him at all. Normal thing in lower silesia but he is from the other side of the country. Sadly. Bit of a lacking response hope you can forgive me for that
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hwsing · 7 months
more nsfw for england please (i dont really need anything specific i just wanna know ur take on him) 🙏
what the brit’s like in bed
notes: 18+, reader is afab and gender neutral. includes: england (arthur kirkland) as always, reblogs are appreciated!
cw: this is more blabbing than a coherent fic; discussion of arthur present and past. reader is described like they’re mortal for the majority of this. arthur is perverted; both soft and hard sex mentioned, very light bondage, blowjobs and cunninglings, mostly dom!arthur, phone sex, panty stealing, voice kink, roleplay, mention of spanking, daddy kink, body worship, praise. wc: about 1.6k. not proof read
in the modern day, arthur is… old. even if you hc him to still look like a twink, (cant say i agree but moving on,) spiritually and mentally he is old. he’s seen many many things — including quite a bit of sex. he’s by no means a stranger to it; don’t let his prudish attitude these days fool you. he’s gone through quite a few eras of his life where he viewed sex far more carelessly than he does now. although, even know, i dont think he’s quite uptight about it as one would think.. it’s just that he has standards now. he’d probably put it like that. whereas, back in the day, he probably viewed sex as something of a conquest. now, he sees it more as a connection between two (or more — although i do think he’s monogamous) people. that connection doesn’t have to be love — sometimes, it’s just a need for another body. arthur is a romantic deep down, though. likely because there’s been so many eras in his life when he was anything but romantic, he can’t help but crave it nowadays.
that being said, arthur now 100% believes in making love. i’m talking the whole 10 yards; he’ll hold your hands as he rocks his hips into yours, meticulous about fucking you deep and slow, even cooing at you. his heart feels heavier than it ever has before when you look up at him so sweetly; he almost always makes you cum at least once or twice before you even have sex with his fingers and mouth — both to tease you a bit and to prep you to be easier to fuck. as much as arthur often treats you like glass, he can’t help but take advantage of your dependence on him during times like this.
maybe it’s something left over from his olden days. something in him that craves ego and control; but……. how is he supposed to not get a bit of a power treat as he coaxes you onto your knees, having tied your wrists together with his belt, leaving you to sit obediently looking up at him? his face always feels so hot as he gets so much attention, but you’ll hardly see a peak of a blush as you suck him off. he especially likes when he’s still in his office wear clothes. the suits and all that, you know, the sleek shoes… really sets in the mood for him. if he’s feeling particularly mean that day, he’ll even suggest you get yourself off on his shoe as you sit there. watching you shyly try to grind yourself on his shoe, only to start pathetically rutting when you finally get close; he almost forgets his cock is shoved down your throat as he cums, his hards keeping your head there for a moment as you whine, forcing you to swallow his load. i already wrote about how he likes to go down on his partner here, so go read that if you havent yet <3
arthur is a pretty busy guy. he’s more involved in his country’s politics than some of the other nations, which leads to him working a lot… sometimes overseas. or, worse, you guys are already a long distance couple as it is (don’t worry, though. regardless, he’ll want you to move in by year three, and that’s the long guess; when arthur is in love, he’s in love.) basically, there’s bound to be times when you’re away from each other quite a bit. arthur would probably rather die than show himself as clingy — ugh, even thinking about it makes his brow furrow. and so, he may or may not have discreetly taken a pair of used underwear with him… just for when he really needs it! he’s not some perverted demon, okay? he can use his own imagination… it’s just… it’s so much easier with your used panties wrapped around his cock as he pumps… of course he took a sniff first to help him really picture the scene — stop, he’s not weird! the next night, though, he’s likely to call you up. first, it’s a pretty normal call, but he transitions the conversation to what he wants with a surprising amount of smoothness. maybe it’s just his voice that can easily coax you to do as he wants — oh, right. if you have a thing for his voice at all — and i meant at all, he will pick up on it and 100% use it against you.
he’s bigger on dirty talk than he’d like to admit. he just can’t help it — especially over the phone, what else is he supposed to do?!! his usually stable voice is almost breathy as he tells you what to do; he’s guiding you through the entire thing. if you whine at all about how you can’t do it like he can, he’s so quick to encourage you. various petnames like love, darling, and good girl/boy/etc are falling off his tongue as he coos you. it makes his heart flutter and dick twitch when you’re the needy one.
he’s always going to tease you about it a bit, especially if you’re shy about it. he’ll show faux sympathy for the way you blush and look away, grasping your face back to look at him; “what ever could have you so worked up like this, i wonder?” he’ll ask, tilting his head as he looks at you with a knowing, smug smile tugging at his thin lips. when you murmur about how he shouldn’t tease, he’ll claim that he was only asking an honest question. he’ll encourage you, saying that if there’s you want, you’ll have to use your words. when you inevitably say you want him to fuck you, or that you want his cock, he’ll chuckle, the cheekiest blush dusting lightly over his cheeks. “oh, that’s what you’re after, is it?” he muses, unbuckling his belt. “ask for it properly, then.”
as you can imagine, arthur quite like titles. he doesn’t think it’s something he really needs, but when you whimper for daddy or even sir, perhaps master if the situation calls for it, he almost cums every time. arthur tries pretty hard to stay as the one in control, but you make it awfully hard for him to not bend you over the kitchen table and take you when you start to use the term so causally. in private, of course. he’d probably die if you ever called him that in public. he definitely thinks its a very… intimate matter, so it would catch him quite off guard for you to say it outside of the bedroom but still inside the comfort of your own home. he’ll look over at you, jaw clenching as he sees your pretend innocence, smiling at him as if you only called him dear. what a tease — he can’t have that, of course. seems like you’ll need some discipline.
on a lighter note, arthur really does love your body, whatever that may look like. at his age, any sense of a physical type has sort of faded, anyways. he’ll take his time to kiss all over you, groping you ad sweetly as one can as he tells you how beautiful you are. he can find it a bit difficult to express how much he loves you sometimes, but he’s adamant on making sure you can feel how much he cherishes you during such intimate moments. he finds himself quite flustered if you ever do it back; kissing along his neck as you unbutton his shirt, whispering about how much you need him while palming his cock, telling him how good he makes you feel; he thinks about it for weeks after, though. totally worth it.
i almost forgot! arthur is a very creative and imaginative person. while he does always imagine you as you, some of the sexual power dynamics that develop in the relationship can’t help but make him wonder… what if you were his servant? he’ll get you a maid or butler outfit or whatever you want — it’ll be a slightly more skimpy version, of course, but still realistic enough for him to have his fantasy. the scene would probably go something like; you’re his new servant, who’s a bit of a mess but means well. he comes home from a particularly stressful day at work, and after you spill the tea you were going to serve him, he spanks you as punishment. he gets really into it — of course, lots of aftercare, don’t even worry about that. he’ll be a bit apologetic about the marks lingering on the flesh of your ass for the days to come, but he also definitely feels a certain type of way about it. he doesn’t love any obvious marks — not today, anyways. punk arthur and pirate arthur were probably more into hickies littering their partners neck, but modern arthur thinks it’s trashy… so secret marks like this, that no one else but him can see? when you sit down and wince a little, and he’s the only one that knows why? woo!
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 7 months
Discovered you by the skz bff drunkenly confessing and I got this idea (obviously don't use it if you dont feel like it or fet inspired, don't push yourself<3)
you went out with your brother that day to a cafe and caught up and han jisung from skz saw you and his heart broke, thinking he missed his chance and should've confessed to you earlier
And later, when he cancels your movie night, you call him and ask if he's okay
And he's like yeah just tired
Unusual cause he'd usually just come over and sleep on your couch, with your shoulder as his pillow
So you keep on poking and he blurbs out he doesn't wanna keep you from having fun with 'that guy'
And you're like, what are you talking about
So yeah, it turns out it's your brother, and you almost think he sounds relieved
So when he asks if he can still come over you're like sure hurry
And he thinks he hung up but he didn't so you just hear him giggling and yelling for chan telling him how he still has a chance and that he'll confess today cause he now knows how much he'd regret not doing it and he's so so happy and giddy and then he sees he hasn't hung up yet
So silence and then "please tell me you didn't hear that"
And continue however you wanna
And yeah I hope It makes sense have a beautiful day <3
Hi love! Gosh, I loved this idea and it was so entertaining to write!! I think this is my fav work so far😭 I hope you like it and that the others do as well!! Thank you for requesting!❤️‍🩹 And now i don’t have any requests left🥲feel free to request and please do so!
Pairing: Han Jisung!bff x gn!reader
Warning: jealous Hannie, small kiss and big authors note(apology)(please tell me if I missed anything!)
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Not too late!
You and your brother always had a special bond. Even after he moved to the other side of the country to study in Busan, you still kept in touch! Finally, after half a year you could set up a meeting in your childhood café.
As you entered the place, you spotted your brother sitting in a booth and nostalgia hit you. You teared up and swiftly went over to your brother, pulling him into a tight hug. He held you tightly and when he pulled away he held you by your face, examining you and the things that had changed.
Still standing and holding each other, the bell rang above the door signaling that a new customer had entered. You were so submerged in your own bubble that you didn’t notice. After the long hug, you sat down and immediately started talking about everything and anything.
On the other side of the cafè sat a young man sulking. Han Jisung was your long-time friend and you were also his long-time crush. When he came into the shop, -not knowing that you’ll also be there and not alone- the first thing that he saw was an unknown man holding your face and the two of you looking rather fondly at each other. His heart dropped and he froze in place.
He thought of the times he tried to confess to you, but chickened out at the last moment…he thought about how it could be him holding you close instead of that man…He regretted it all deeply and just wanted to turn back time.
He texted the other half of 3racha if you could meet up for lunch somewhere else. You told them that there were too many people here and you wouldn’t be able to have a normal conversation with each other. That was a lie-of course- because the place was almost empty. It was only three more couples plus you and your brother, but as understandable, he didn’t want to stay and see the two of you.
You talked to your brother for about three hours in the cafè. That was the fastest three hours of your life, to be honest. He had a meeting and then he promised to visit your parents too, so your time ended here. Although he told you that before he goes back to Busan he’ll see you again and you can have a chat like this.
On your way back to your apartment you saw the three boys walking. You ran up to them and Chan and Changbin were just as excited to bump into you as you were. On the other hand, Han was unusually unbothered to see you. You thought he was just tired so you gave him a light side-hug. Channie told you that they had to hurry back because they were late for their next practice. You bid goodbye to them and they did too, except Han who just did a little bow and started walking. The others looked at him questioningly, but just let it go.
“He’s been like this since we’ve met…don’t take it to heart please,” Binnie told you and patted your shoulder. They repeated their goodbyes and you parted ways.
That afternoon when you got home and settled down, you got a text notification. Once you unlocked your phone, you saw that it was a message from Han. As you opened his text, you froze and your heart started to race.
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After he went to practice, you still had the messages open and you just stared at them. You couldn't believe that this just happened. It was so random and out of nowhere but of course, you were incredibly happy and just couldn't believe that the boy you'd been pinning over liked you back.
After you snapped out of your trance, you realised that now you have two hours to make your apartment and yourself look presentable. You hurriedly went to take a shower and clean up the house.
Just as you finally got done with cleaning, you heard knocks on your front door. You nervously took a deep breath and went to open the door. Although you didn’t say that it was a date or anything like that, you dressed up a bit more fancy than usual. You thought about how awkward it would be if Han showed up in his casual practice clothes and that that’d make you feel like you misunderstood your earlier text exchange. But all your worries went away after you opened the door and a very cute and good-looking Hannie stood there, just as dressed up as you. He was wearing simple dress pants with a button-up, but he still looked so elegant, yet soft.
“Hi Y/nah! You look pretty!” Han said and both of you got flustered by his words.
“Thank you, Hannie, You look handsome too! Please come in!” You invited him inside and now you started to get more nervous.
After he got through the door he pulled up a small, but quite adorable bouquet. He held it up smiling big- “These are for you Y/nah!” -as you took it from him, you couldn’t stop smiling. You were feeling extremely happy and bubbly. Everything has been going great for you lately and tonight is just making it even better.
You were just looking at Hannie and suddenly he was right in front of you. He took your hands and rubbed the back of them with his thumbs. He took a deep breath- “Y/nah, I wanted to tell you how much I honestly like you and how glad I am that your brother is not your boyfriend.” -he laughed a bit embarrassed. “I truly admire you and you’re like the Sun when you enter a room. I feel honestly understood around you and you’re just one of the most loveable, kind and caring people I have ever met and that’s why I not-so-slowly feel for you…Y/nah I've never felt this way about anyone before, would you bless me by letting me be yours?” Han finished this speech and looked down at your hands in his while anxiously waiting for your reaction.
You were in complete awe and couldn't react normally so you just hugged him so so so tightly and whispered- “Yes yes and yes, Hanji a thousand times yes!” -into his ear while slightly jumping from happiness, but still hugging him.
Han was so relieved that you said yes that he started laughing at your reaction, but couldn’t refuse jumping softly with you. After your cute little moment, you pulled apart and looked each other in the eye, just smiling at each other.
Suddenly you felt yourself being pulled forward and then a pair of plushy lips landed on yours. In complete shock, you held onto him and melted into his kiss. It was a soft and delicate kiss, no tongue, no roughness. That kiss simply held all of your current emotions and feelings that you couldn't explain to each other in any better way than a tender kiss.
A/n: AAAAAAAAAAHHH *clears throat* sorry I just re-read the request and gosh I got so carried away when I started writing that I forgot to check the rest and now I feel bad bc it’s kind of nothing like the request:/ but I hope everyone liked it, and also apologise for the kiss scene😭 like I don't have any experience with kissing at all, but I felt like it needed a kiss scene😭 anyways thank you for reading and i hope you liked it!!
Please take care of yourself and be safe!🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist: @justwonder113 @ihrtlix (if you want to be added please comment or write into asks!)
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soft-persephone · 1 year
Not a Accident
Nick Miller x Black!Female!Reader
WC: 2.2k // Mature: MDNI // Warning: Smut, Light cockwarming, // Slight angst, sad relationship talks // a lil cringy dialog (but we move!) // masterlist
I wrote this with black women in mind, but everyone is welcome to read it!!!
AN: And remember what Amine’ said IN CAROLINE for his tiny desk concert! Look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about! You’ll love it! ☺️
And no, I didn’t focus on my new girl fic because Doug Renetti broke my heart in Minx….
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Nick walked in the door and sighed
He was beyond tired.
He worked three back to back shifts and all he wanted to do was get back to you before—
“In what world do you get a girl like that?”
“I’m not doing this today, Schmidt.” Nick wants to scream. He wants to yell, or at least do something loudly in some frustrated manner. . But he was too tired.
So he’ll have to settle on just showing his displeasure with his face.
“I worked too hard for too long. I just want to have one simple moment with my girlfriend before she has to leave for the day with her friends.”
“That!” Schmidt dramatically pointed, “is precisely the problem Nick. You just go around working and doing whatever else, when you should be with her.
Schmidt’s voice shifted and his eyes got watery in a way Nick did not feel comfortable with.
“I’m just so proud of you man. You’ve been taking moderately good care of yourself and putting your best foot forward and somehow she’s still here . . . But also, YOU DONT DESERVE HER!”
Nick frowned and pushed past Schmidt to get to his room.
“Have a nice day at work.” He grumbled.
Opening the door of his room, he smiled.
Every ounce of frustration and anger he had rumbling around in him no longer mattered.
You were face down in his bed, sheets crumpled in various directions, half covering your body. You had one hand dangling over the edge while one was tucked underneath the pillow you had your face buried in. A cute purple bonnet covered your hair while you only wore one of his shirts.
He grabbed a few things and cleaned him self up before climbing in alongside you.
He gently grabbed you by the hips and pulled you into his chest so you could both lay side by side. You sleeply cried out but adjusted into the position easily, letting him move you every which way until you were both comfortable against each other.
God, did he really love you.
He inwardly sighed in relief when you didn’t wake up.
He wanted, no he needed, this moment with you.
All he thought about was you being here when he got back from work. How he wanted to hold you tight and bask in your presence, your touch, and your smell, just before you were ripped apart again, and he’d have to wait hours upon hours again before you could both spend some quality time together.
He was being a little dramatic, and he kind of hated it. . . . But maybe he has a right to be. You live on the other side of the country! He has to wait for you to come to LA before you can both act like the distance doesn’t bother either of you!
Truth be told it was killing him.
But you don’t talk about it. He doesn’t talk about it. It was an unspoken rule he was sure you both appreciated.
However, whenever you were together, he forgets about all the problems between you two, and he thinks for you it’s quite the same. Being together was just so, easy.
He moved his face to settle on to yours so you were both cheek to cheek. Your perfume radiated off of you in waves. You always smelled of something sweet.
It was sweet but complex and sophisticated and amazing and beautiful. It smelled like you.
You were always so pretty, but when you were sleeping it was something special.
He didn’t have to worry about what other people might think in moments like these or how he looked so stupid or how stupid his thoughts were.
It was only you and him, and that was all that mattered.
But he was also a man.
A very simple one at that.
And he had a very long and tired shift at work. He had done his job with you on his mind during every hour that crawled by, and now you were in front of him.
Every dip and curve of your body was pressed against him, he could run his hand along your soft skin, caress the very warm brown thighs that held the power of his image destruction.
He couldn’t help the furling desire that grew inside of him. The thought of you leaving at some point made him even more desperate.
He looked at the clock and watched as 7:00am crawled closer and closer.
He needed to do something now before you were gone.
You asked him to wake you up at that time, so you’d be able to get ready for an early brunch with your friends. You all flew in together and split a hotel room, but here you were now, in his bed.
There was something about the way you looked in your sleep.
Cuddled on your side, covers pulled up over your nose and the pillows fanned around your face, protecting you against everything in the day had in store for you. Your eyelashes soft and feathery didn’t move an inch as you slept. The sun was starting to cast a warm new throughout the room, dawning you in a dazzling glow.
Nick’s chest swelled with emotion.
He wanted to be close to you. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with you. It’s not like you were here everyday. You fly halfway across the country when you can just to be here, and he can’t help but to accept whatever time you spare to be with him. Hell if this trip wasn’t so sudden he might have taken off work just to be with you.
You just smelled so good.
No matter what type of scent you wore, it was always a sweet one. But your favorite, which was also becoming his favorite, was vanilla. It somehow wedged its way into everything you wore. If was flowery or sexy or spicy or whatever the fuck it was, vanilla was always there.
“Mmh.” Nicks face was pressed against yours. His body was now covering yours too. His knees folded under yours, legs interlocking together, his arms holding you as if you were an oversized teddy bear.
“You smell good.”
“You too.” You hummed back. “…..hate it.”
Nick’s chuckle vibrated in his chest, tickling at your back. “Why? If anything I thought you’d appreciate me taking a shower before I get into bed.”
“Like it better when you smell like cheep beer and whiskey.”
Nick laughed again, his breath tickled your ear.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
He moved your leg over his, not even saying anything slick or suggestive or smooth. Just a sudden movement, no start of sweet nothings or jokes or conversation of any kind.
He grinded his hips against yours in a slow stroke.
Your mouth opened in a silent moan. You were still a bit sleepy, but that didn’t stop the throb between your legs.
“Later.” You softly moaned into the pillow. “I gotta get ready.”
“No,” he moved your sleep shorts to the side and sucked at your throat in the way you liked, “now.” He gruffly pouted.
He pulled his sweatpants down and groaned as his cock bobbed out of his sweats. The head already leaking.
Fuck. You brought your hand to your mouth and bit your finger hard.
Nick was always thick, but fuck was he stretching you out. Barely past his head was inside of you but it was already too much.
“No one in New York been fuckin’ you.”
“Mhmm.” You slurred. “Just you…only here.”
“That’s a long time with no dick.”
“S’allright before ah metyou , i'll b’ sallright after.” You horsesed softly. Your voice was still raspy with sleep, but breathy from the way he was slowly stretching you out. Inch by excruciatingly pleasant inch
When Nick was all the way inside of you he craned his neck past your face to give you a kiss. It was firm, but littered with a sleepy edge. As all consuming and desperate as one could manage in such a state. He eventually brought his hand up your chest. Dragging his knuckles from under your shirt to your neck, grabbing firm but softly at your neck to keep you in place.
Your chest burned.
You grew equally desperate for a breath of air as you were for his mouth to stay on yours. From the way he was taking your breath away, to the way he felt so full inside of you, it was too much.
You moaned in his mouth.
Nick wanted to tease you, but fuck… he could only take so much. The feeling of you moaning in his mouth made him twitch inside of you, and you responded with a gush.
You were so warm and wet, and he felt so comfortable.
He didn’t want to move.
“Nick I need to go.” You whined after he finally broke the kiss.
He ignored you, mouthing at your neck, biting down as hard as he could on your collar before nipping at your jaw.
“No.” He mumbled into your skin.
“You fucked him.”
“Leave me alone.” You deadpanned.
“Your really did fuck him,” Natalie squealed!”
“Yayyy! You fucked him!” Reesha clapped and giggled.
“You two play, too fucking much.” You muttered. But you still held a smile on your face.
“So what’s the plan on this whole, long distance thing?”
“How come your always flying to him and he never flys to see you?”
“Is he really that broke?”
“Oh my god girl! You ain’t tell me you were fucking a broke nigga!”
“Will you two quit it out already!” You rolled your eyes. Besides, you added with a pout, “I thought we were doing a fun brunch thing!”
“Your fun brunch privileges get revoked when you have them in the same city as the guy you're willing to fly out to for sex.” Natalie gave you a pointed look.
Natalie was your Best friend throughout undergrad, and Reesha was a friend through her husband which you worked with at a Law Firm.
“Well, better him than my husband. You two were getting a little too chummy.”
“Reesha, you know good and well nobody wants your man! They’ve been friends since law school! That’s old news!”
“By the way, Xavier misses you.” Caresia raised an eyebrow at you before taking a sip of her mimosa.
“We’ve all been missing you.” Natalie added.
“I know I know.”
We’re you really spending that much time in LA?
“I want to say I’ve been trying to make it work?”
Your friends sighed over exaggeratedly.
“Girl, you mean you’ve been hopping on all these flights without thinking about it?”
“Oh you must love this guy for real for real…”
“I don’t really like the way you said that, Reesha.” You scoffed half jokingly.
“You shouldnt! We came here not only to have a good time, but to have a real talk with you.”
“Does this guy have a real job?” If you two are serious enough to be long-distance this long, it’s time you start thinking about the facts.”
“He’s a bartender.” You crossed your arms and bit the inside of your cheek to keep a neutral expression.
“Like a regular one or one that’s actually making some money.”
“She ain’t tell you?” Reesha scoffed before chuckling and sipping her mimosa.
“Tell me what?” Natalie turned to look at you.
You didn’t respond, opting to look into your glass and take a long sip through the little straw.
Nick’s made you a better one. And annoyingly won’t tell you how he made it, so you'll suffer through mediocre mimosa’s for the rest of your life if he’s not there.
“Don’t you make that face. What were you supposed to tell me.”
“He has three roommates.”
“Told you!”
“Is the dick really that good?” Natalie shook her head and sighed.
“Look, I’m a big girl and I know what I’m getting myself into.”
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t want another guy like Derik.”
“But Derik might have been an asshole, but at least he was on your level? If you kept setting him straight and puting him in his place each time he stepped out of line, you could have trained yourself up the perfect man! He can actually provide you the life you want. You two could have built a future together!” Reesha pleaded.
“Derik is a grown ass man!” You huffed, “I’m not tryna be a second mother to some nigga! I want to be happy, and Nick makes me happy!” You sighed, but gave them a real look, doing your best to make sure your friends could at least see how you felt if your words weren’t enough.
“I don’t know how or if this is going to end, but I know that right now this is what I want. This is it for me.”
“If you say so,” Natalie relented.
“We just want you to know we’re here for you no matter how this turns out.” Reesha added.
“I know,” you sighed, “I know.”
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hoonvrs · 11 months
this is not fiction related. I have been seeing news about the ongoing israel-palestine war. I know its been a while since it blew out on news outlets. I'm surely not a very political person and honestly from a country with so much issues too. But the news is devastating and inhumane. The civilians from both countries are suffering the consequences. Greed of people with power. Its not countries that are at war, its greedy people with power vs those who are in the way of that gain. Its always the civilians and innocent people who doesn't even get to give their cents on the matter who suffer when things dont work out. Im no expert neither have research enough to point fingers.  Regardless, no one should die or get hurt for whatever dispute or gains people are fighting for. I have no where else to put this. I'm sorry if im dropping it here, to you. Its frustrating not being able to do anything for those victims. Except pray this war end soon. For whatever religion, race and differences people has is not an excuse to be choosing sides now. 💔💔
you sound very uneducated on the topic so imma try to say this as nice as possible, there are two sides.
you have the oppressed and the oppressor, and if you don’t choose a side after seeing how israel has completely terrorised palestine then i think you should take a look into your own morals. palestinians don’t get to ‘choose a side’ that is a privilege to YOU which is so pathetic honestly i’m sick of people coming into my inbox thinking it’s a safe place to be ‘not involved’ or ‘not choosing any sides’ when i’ve stated so many times that i hate and will forever hate israel’s and zionist alike. if you’re not educated enough to ‘pick a side’ on a topic where there is clearly a victim and an aggressor idk what to tell you except shut up and keep ur opinion to urself cause it’s so lacking empathy and js sounds like a first world problem that i don’t really give a fuck about😁
this isn’t a governmental issue on both sides, it’s the israeli and us and all the other fuck off govs bombing and murdering innocent civilians of PALESTINE with no place to go. israelis are fucking comfortable on their ass and can easily go ‘im scared lemme move to the us for good🤓’ like genuinely kys.
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atthebell · 9 months
Hey i saw your post about the translator and pacs accent from yesterday and thought i would throw in my two cents as a brasillian, though im merelly a hobbyist linguist and havent a degree in it like you so take this with a grain of salt please.
First of you are absolutelly right about pacs time in canada not really affecting how he sounds, i watched tazercrafts content for years and the accent is the same. As you said pac has not been through language loss or anything like that, so much so that he still has a pretty strong brasillian accent when he speaks english and that before joining the qsmp his fluency level was still a little clunky.
I also agree with you that the reason the translator has a hard time with pac/mike/forevers accents is the training data, which is likely composed of mostly paulista accents.
Now heres where i can add smth, so, idk about the UN thing that you mentioned, but as you said a lot a lot of tradicional brasillian media is filmed in rio. So why isnt there much carioca training data? Well, its probably because most of that media is most likely professionally produced for tv, and most of the people who work in entertainment or news (or politics in regards to the UN training data) actually learn how to speak with a "neutral" accent, which is basically just a paulista accent but slower. With very enunciated words and little to no maneirisms (thats why the translator sometimes gets confused with some slang or repetitions cellbit or bagi say even if they sound paulistas). Idk why that is the established neutral accent, but it sort of is.
The stereotype is basically: paulista – as long as you dont use too much slang – makes you sound professional, carioca makes you sound like you like to party, gaucho makes you sound like a bit of farmer, bahiano makes you sound very chiillllllllll (think surfer dude chad type of chill), nordestino makes you sound straight to the point (but also some people think it sounds simple-minded and poor, i personally dont see it but its a think that enough people think that rich people from that region learn to speak like paulistas/teach their children to speak like paulistas), and honestly i dont know what a northern accent sounds like bc they have so little coverage in media. So yeah, i hope this bring some insight, idk why i wrote this i guess i just wanted to share
thank you for your insight! also i don't have a degree in linguistics, for clarity, but i took classes in undergrad and it's a big area of interest for me personally.
good to know i was right about the canada thing! i feel like that's kind of a piece of language misinfo that people talk about a lot and i wanted to clear it up generally along with the fact that it doesn't apply for pac specifically.
and the stuff about media & the paulista accent is super interesting! that's kind of similar to the accent many broadcast news anchors use in the US, which is a kind of general american accent that is meant to not alienate viewers from across the US rather than having a more regional accents (mental floss & insider articles about said "broadcast voice"). i think that being the case for brazilian media makes a lot of sense! my understanding is this is the case in many countries, so if training data was based on traditional media like tv and movies, it would make sense that it would be less able to understand other accents & various types of slang.
thank you for the accents breakdown! it's always cool to learn about regional differences and how they impact social & media settings.
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prohero!bakugou who just got one of the best offers of his early career
its got so much goin for him
it would give him experience overseas/out of country, inside work and extensive fieldwork, near constant communications with other seasoned heroes on sight, its described as a long term gig, and after its all wrapped up it would undoubtedly give him a good shove up the charts and get himcloser to his goal that much sooner
the catch? he'll have little to no open contact with those he leaves for this specific job
when it's offered to him, he says he needs a day or two to think about it which shocked the people who reached out. they thought he'd jump at the chance to go- and he would've if not for that lousy ass catch
he goes home that night and immediately tells you about it
he explains that it's looking to be a long process job and being out of the country
you tell him he should totally take it- but then he tells you that he wouldn't be able to talk to you often or maybe even at all for whatever reason
you definitely have mixed feelings- knowing that he'd be gone for so long with nothing to keep you grounded while he's gone
but you dont want to hold him back either
"if you don't want me to go, i'll turn it down."
and he's dead serious too
the whole reason he wanted to think about it was to give you a chance to make him stay- bc he would
he would give up this opportunity in a heartbeat bc not only would it be hard on you- but he'd miss the hell out of you too
if cabin fever was possible to feel towards a person, katsuki knows if he goes he'd feel it towards you
it'd be homesickness pumped up to the max and with no outlet to talk to all those miles away (his friends and you not by his side)- he wouldn't know how to cope
"you should take it"
mans is flabbergasted honestly
he gave you full rights to tell him to tell them 'no' but here you are- telling him to go anyways
"you realized i could be gone months with no authorization to contact you. not you, my folks, or any of the other idiots."
theres a hidden fear he's not bringing up and it's not like he's avoiding it, he just doesn't know how to say it without sounding absolutely pathetic
"you really think i should take the offer?" he's hesitant and quiet when asking you- just to see if maybe you'll change your answer
"Of course i do, this is a big opportunity. the last thing you want is someone else to snatch that up when it's being delivered to you on a silver platter."
he starts nervously toying with your clothes. picking at your shirt hem and pitching the fabric between his fingers
and definitely not making eye contact
"plus," he tuts to signal he's listening "you know you'd beat yourself up if you turned it down."
he huffs absolutely hating that you were right
"I'm shocked you didn't just accept it the moment they told you honestly," you lightly laughed at him as he slightly sent a scowl up at you
"you said we needed to talk about important shit like this- so im tryin' to fuckin' listen"
"Is that all?"
he hated how you could always tell that when he was baring his heart to you, you could still tell he was keeping something else
"we haven't been apart for that long, have we?"
"well no, but it's to be expected"
"and we wont be able to talk or see each other"
"yes, so you've told me"
"what if..." he huffs, planting his forehead on your shoulder so he wouldn't have to look at you "what if i come back and you don't love me anymore?"
“what?” That was eve last thing you expect to come out of his mouth
“I’ll be gone for fuck knows how long and I won’t be able to talk to you or see you or listen to you- so I’m just...” the unspoken ‘worried’ didn’t need to be said
You understood
“Well, what if you come back and you don’t love me?”
His head snaps from its previous resting place and the expression he wore was like you just said the stupidest thing known to language
You light tap your fingers on his forehead shifting his expression to more of a ‘what was that for?’ scowl
“You see how that feels? Being worried over things you shouldn’t be?”
Your way or comforting him was sometimes awkward and sometimes bit weird, but he has to admit to did help settle the concern in his gut
“Even if I can’t reply,” he starts and your sure now that his mind was made up. “Even if I can’t do shit, I still want you to text me”
“Will that be okay?”
“If you don’t I’m going to be the most insufferable hero on the team; they’ll wanna send me back”
You laugh at him and he cracks a smile too. After so long frowning, the upwards turn in his lips was a sight for sore eyes
“Alright then. What should I text about?”
“Everything. I want to know when you wake up, when you go to bed. I want you to tell me about your day and what you are for meals- and if you skip meals, you better cough up the truth or else” he pitched your side at his faux threat
“I just want to know it all. And- and maybe the occasional voicemail wouldn’t be unappreciated so i can hear your voice from time to time”
Katsuki still has some issues with swallowing his pride and being “mushy” so you were proud of the requests he was making without much pushing from you- not that you’d made him say it if he really couldn’t have
He contacted the heroes who had offered him a spot in their team for the mission and told them he accept it
He then took the remaining days he has left before departure with you
Taking time off patrols and only doing minimal work through his laptop at home when you were taking a shower or sleeping.
He’d help with all the household chores on his newly found window of down time.
Going shopping with you and holding spices he wanted to buy over his head so when you tried to grab it and put it back- it was well out of your reach.
Cooking new dishes you both hasn’t tried before, binging random shows, even being attached to your hip sitting on the couch as you both preoccupied yourselves
He wanted to spend every second possible by your side until he wasn’t anymore
When you drop him off at the airport security gate, you weren’t sure if he’d let you go. The hug he gave you felt right and secure and he wishes he could pick you up and take you with him
It was an early morning flight and it was barely 3 in the morning- it was for the nest bc less people had the chance to see dynamight clinging to his partner like a touch starved koala
“‘m gonna fuckin miss you so much”
You scratch at the nape of his neck and feel him huff into your own as his palms spread in your back- lifting you to your toes on the verge of swaying side to side
“I’ll miss you too, katsuki” you’d be lying if you said you weren’t getting choked up
When he fight let’s you go, he’s cupping your face and running his thumbs under your misty eyes
He’s mapping out your face and the way you look so he can burn it into his brain. The pictures he had in his phone wouldn’t be enough, he has to remember how you feel under his hands
“Remember your promise,” he instructs and you chuckle- a bubble of emotions in your throat
“I’ll make sure to text you so often you’ll wish you hadn’t told me to”
“That’s what I like to hear���
He kisses you goodbye before being ushered through security and before you can even get to an open public seat in the airport (bc you want to wait until his fight takes off before going home) you get a text
-I miss you already dammit-
You laugh, rubbing at your still wet eyes at the seemingly thick impatience he’s using to show how he feels
You figure he’s just doing this since he won’t have a chance in the future- so parking your butt in a chair you indulge him
-I bet I miss you more-
-I seriously doubt it-
-you’ll push me to the back of your mind the moment you land overseas and shift into dynamight mode!-
-yeah, fat chance. you’re always on my mind-
You smile at your phone and when he finally tells you he’s boarding the sinking feeling of being alone finally hits you- but you don’t regret this decision
You receive one last phone call from katsuki just before he needs to shut his phone down
You can hear the loud humming of the plane and the clambering background noise of others boarding that are coming in the mission too
“I love you” is all he says. And it’s all you say back.
Because you do- you both do.
“I’ll see you soon, okay? Kick some ass for me”
“Oh, you know I will, babe”
Then the line ends. And soon after his plane take off. You’ll miss him like hell, but you know he’ll be back
a/n: Pardon any spelling errors. Started this on laptop- finished it on phone and I have quite the track record for typos LOL they (may) be fixed later on
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queenburd · 1 year
not writing the fanfics fair & understandable but. might you share the plot bunnies perchance ??
i love that people like my ideas. it's honestly the most flattering thing.
this one is going to be.... confusing. it's told from a stanley pov, but here's the thing:
it's not the Stanley that I've been writing.
this Stanley is a Stanley who speaks, and his narrator is MUCH more antagonistic. this is a stanley who does the Zending to hurt the narrator, this is a narrator who relishes putting Stanley in his place. these are NOT people who see eye to eye. These two will never get along. The narrator wields his power aggressively, is cowardly, is mean, and refuses to ever try to find equal footing.
and THIS Stanley wants his freedom, and found the escape pod, but knows he will never ever get it, because it requires him and the narrator to work together.
so the hostility continues.
and then, during a moment of tempers flaring and another incoming ugly death, a hand grabs Stanley's and pulls him along, and a very familiar voice tells him to "run! run!"
There's a new person in this parable, and he certainly sounds like the narrator, and has a lot of the same quirks, but this fellow seems very determined on getting Stanley out, and free. Like he cares.
and this narrator knows Stanley doesn't trust him, but he gets him to the escape pod, and he tells him a story about a Protagonist and a Narrator who got on so well that they decided to escape together. but when they got into the Pod, the lights went out, and when they blinked back on, the Narrator was alone, in a Parable like the one he was from, but there was a different Stanley and a different Narrator and a different dynamic.
There's so many parables out there where Stanley's made powerless, again, and again, and again. And any time there's a chance at growth, the hint of it, the Narrator there always makes the selfish choice to turn the wheel back. make the both of them forget. the end is never the end.
so this narrator, this one who was pulled into a different parable, gets that Other Stanley out. the pod only needs a Narrator, it doesnt need the one from THAT parable.
and then it happens again.
and again.
this narrator, who was the idiot that cared so much for his protagonist that he chose to leave the parable with him, thinks that perhaps he broke the game. perhaps the parable never meant for him to change this much.
but he will be damned if he's going to change for the worse.
if this is his life now--being thrown into parable after parable, watching iterations of himself hurting Stanley, fighting Stanley, mocking Stanley forever, then he's going to do something about it. he's going to get every single Stanley out if he has to.
He's never going to see his best friend again. He's certain of that. he doesn't even know if the escape pod is actually freeing any of them.
but he wont stop. it's too important.
when Stanley gets into the escape pod, the fellow tucks in next to him, and says goodbye. And then Stanley is in the real world. Alone.
and he finds that he is furious for the fellow's sake. because if the guy was telling the truth (and he's fairly certain he was) then that means there are a LOT of versions of Stanley out there that owe their freedom to this one person, and dammit. Stanley's going to find them. And he's going to try to find the narrator's original Stanley if he can.
he puts out a call on the internet. Hes contacted by someone who asks how he knows this person. "I met him at my place of work. He got me out of a really bad spot. He said he'd done the same to others." "funny. he said the same to me."
and there's suddenly an entire discord chat full of Stanleys, who go by nicknames and all look different and some sign in ASL and some in BSL and some talk and some dont talk or sign at all, but they all know this narrator who got them out.
the ones in the same country (not sure if Britain or US. but probably most of them located in Britain) meet up once a month or so. They work together. One's an artist who makes pictures of the narrator to get more attention out. The main one we follow is tech savvy and code-knowledgeable.
and then 4 months and 27 days after the first call went out, a new text shows up on Stanley's phone.
"hey, I saw your online call. That's my best friend. Do you know where he is?"
when the 'original' Stanley makes it to group, he goes by Stan, and he brings his bucket with him. He's tall, and quiet, and the kindest man Stanley has ever met. Sometimes some of the fellas wonder why this Stan was so lucky to have such a good Narrator, but they've got it backwards. the Narrator is only so good because his Stanley was so good.
does that mean it was their faults their narrators were so bad?
Stan is so, so adamant that no, no, it takes work on both sides. both people have to want it. it was not your fault you were hurt. Im so glad he got you out. Im so proud of him. I miss him so much.
Stan is... he's sad. Hes happy to know his best friend is alive, but it hurts, you know.
A couple of the first Stanleys to escape after him have a message from the Narrator, one he gave them in the hopes it would get to Stan. (Stanley never got this message. When he asked the narrator if he had anything he wanted to tell his friend, he just smiled sadly and said "no. no, if he hasn't gotten the message by now, then he never will.")
the Stanley who tells him the message signs it in BSL, rendered mute a long time ago. He said he was sorry. He didn't mean to get separated from you. He makes a little uncertain face. He also said something else he said you would understand. He said that he would have said yes. Do you know what that means?
Stan's eyes widen, and then he starts to cry. He chokes out (verbal, but it's hard on him, and his voice was hoarse), "I was gonna propose. Once we got out. I was gonna find a ring, and--"
Which is the moment they all realize these two weren't just best friends--they were in love. They were happy.
A couple of the fellas are quick to give physical comfort. Stanley isn't one of those fellas, but he IS a very determined person. Once he has an idea in his head, he sees it through.
"We're gonna get him out."
he has no plan, and a couple of the boys berate him for just saying that, they can't get Stan's hopes up, they dont have anything to go off of, but Stan wipes his face and that classic stubbornness that burns through every single one of them shines bright in his eyes.
[ You know how long I've been free? The day I messaged you, it had been 4 years and 27 days. And eight hours. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is. Tell me what I can do. ]
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mellorphic · 1 year
In Defence of c!Niki - a Four Part Analysis of Every Arc
People who didn’t watch C!Niki see, in the fandom, a big sister type character with girlboss energy who wants to kill a child. Niki isn’t that. She has a well-written narrative which focusses a lot on her relationships with others. Here is me breaking it down!
PART ONE: c!Niki’s Early Days
PART TWO: c!Niki’s Rebellion
PART THREE: c!Niki’s Disillusionment (you are here)
PART FOUR: c!Niki’s Healing
TW FOR THIS SECTION: brief mention of sh, derealisation, a lot of discussion on grief and death. Let me know if I should add more tws
I don’t think c!Niki’s disillusionment arc started on Doomsday, randomly. I think it started on the day of the festival, when Niki watched her friend die, was chased out of her home, and saw how much her best friend had changed.
Despite her anger at Tubbo for his speech (which sounded very pro-Schlatt) she still told Schlatt to let him out once Schlatt and Quackity started to box him in. It still had not been revealed quite yet that Tubbo was a spy, yet Niki still stood up for Tubbo regardless of how she felt about him. That’s the thing about Niki. She is a good person with sound morals who will support people even if their views don’t align with hers, because she knows what’s right and what’s wrong and she won’t let ‘wrong’ happen to anyone.
Once Techno killed him, Schlatt literally fucking exiled her.
N: You killed him!
S: yeah, I did. I did fucking kill him, Niki.
N: you are so cruel- how could you do that? After everything he has done for you?!
S: he’s been a thorn in my side since-
S: he-
S: […] you can leave if you want
N: ….Where am I supposed to go?
Manberg may not be Niki’s home but L’Manberg is and it always will be. That’s why the thought of leaving for good hurt her so much. Wilbur comes out into the open after she says this, and he defends her.
S: you really crawled up here on the day of my festival, celebrating my country. That you are not a part of. And you started- you started crying.
W: You sounded like you were gonna murder another person.
S: no, I was only gonna murder Tubbo.
W: you sounded like you were gonna go for Niki.
S: he’s the only person- well I mean, Niki..
N: what?
S: I might murder Niki, actually. I might murder her.
Wilbur tells her to run. Fundy gives Schlatt arrows but he and Quackity tell Schlatt not to do it, all the while Niki’s getting chased out of the country she used to love. This solidifies for her the fact that she truly has lost everything. Ponk chased her down and he killed her - Ponk, who a few streams before, Niki had called a friend. Earlier Techno had also killed her, when he shot at the audience after killing Tubbo. According to the wiki neither of those are canon deaths but I think they should be. At the very least, being killed by Ponk should be.
She joined Pogtopia that day, and Niki already had heard about Wilbur’s plans from Tommy. He, her and Tubbo had all vowed to get L’Manberg back and at this point in time, Tommy was the person she trusted the most. Her relationship with Tubbo had been ruined because of her thinking she was on Schlatt’s side - and even now that she knew he hadn’t been, it didn’t change the fact that he did not stick up for her while she was there. Her relationship with Wilbur was still a close one but she was scared for him and worried for L’Manberg’s future. But Tommy hadn’t wronged her, and she knew she could trust him to help with Wilbur.
Her birthday party was where she really saw the extent of Wilbur’s mental decline first hand and was completely powerless in stopping it. The day had been going so well, and she’d been having fun, until Wilbur went to blow up Manberg. Niki had to beg him to stop playing the anthem and Quackity talked him down from blowing it up, but Niki was terrified.
This is when Niki began working on her Secret City - intended to be a safe space away from the conflict, or a last resort for refugees if the war went badly.
On November 16th, Niki was hopeful, especially after Techno revealed his armoury. That day, Niki also defended Eret when they were accused of being the traitor, saying she trusted them and that they helped her. Once again, proving her loyalty and the fact she was grateful for people who stuck by her side.
We all know what happened later. After they got L’Manberg back, and were cleaning up, Niki found the TNT Wilbur had placed under the podium. She made sure nobody else saw it and she hid it again. Because after everything, Niki still believed in Wilbur. She was still loyal to him. She still saw the good in him and trusted that he wouldn’t. But he did.
She’d kept her promise, she’d been loyal to him and L’Manberg, and it didn’t change anything. She didn’t manage to help anything. And Wilbur, the one person Niki believed would always be there for her, no matter what, betrayed her. And she couldn’t even ask him why. So after that she was left hopeless and never wanted to let anyone in again. But as much as Niki didn’t want to, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Tommy reminded the L’Manbergians that the L’Mantree was still there. And I think Niki found that comforting, at the very least. She asked Tubbo what they were going to do with Wilbur’s body and his only response was “let him rot”. She and Tommy were the only ones who didn’t laugh.
At this point Tommy became a constant, for Niki. He’d been there since she joined, he was the only one who understood that she still wanted Wilbur back, and in her eyes he was able to take on his role in the sense of inspiring them all.
So, of course it hit her hard when he tried to blame her for burning down George’s house. Then, he’s exiled and the next time she heads from him it’s because he blew up the community house - we know he didn’t, but Niki didn’t. She begins to see Tommy as someone who just causes problems on the SMP, nothing more. She thinks he’s arrogant and a nuisance and that he doesn’t care for anyone.
When it comes to Niki’s character it’s vital that we understand - she has been through so much pain that got overlooked by everyone around her. At this point, she was poor, grieving, and felt as if nobody in New L’Manberg listened to her. She was going through the lowest point in her life and nobody in that nation seemed to care.
And she couldn’t hate everyone for it so she needed someone to blame and that happened to be Tommy. He didn’t deserve it but he was an easy target. And it’s true that he wasn’t kind to her, but he wasn’t the only one, and he was obviously going through his own things. But Niki was angry and she needed somewhere to put her anger. Is that fair? Not at all. But it’s what happened.
N: L’Manberg has not been L’Manberg. For many weeks. Maybe even months, maybe even.. maybe even, I don’t know.. since the start? […] I want the people to realise L’Manberg is not what they think it is. I want them to open their eyes and stop being in this circle.. in this circle of fighting for it. Because that will not bring us anywhere.
Do I even need to say anything? She fought for it for so long, on her own, and lost everything and everyone anyway.
On Doomsday, she spoke to Ranboo.
N: Do you.. do you really think L’Manberg should be safe today? …Ranboo, I will- If you think that we should fight for L’Manberg today, I will fight with you. Because I believe in you. And I always believed in you.
R: I think we should. […] the thing is, if we don’t fight with them, then what are we showing them? We’re showing them that we never cared about them.
N: .. i care about them, I really do. But I got.. hurt by them… They always talk over me, Ranboo. You know how that feels.
R: yeah. But like you remember yesterday, sometimes you just have to get louder.
N: You’re right..
R: sometimes you just have to get louder until they have no choice but to hear you.
And good god, isn’t that exactly what she did? Something something, peaceful protest is ignored (striking at her bakery, not paying her taxes, verbally standing up to Schlatt). OSomething something, she got louder. (Burning down the L’Mantree, blowing up her bakery)
An underrated line from Doomsday though? Niki telling her chat that she needed to save Puffy. I think she was muted so you’d only hear the line if you were on her stream, but she tried to help Puffy after and seemed distressed that she couldn’t get to her. Puffychu crumbs.
She held it together until she saw Ghostbur, believing she was hallucinating and repeating to herself that Wilbur was gone and that he betrayed her. She doesn’t want to care, but she does. And the idea of Wilbur still existing terrifies her, because what does that say about her grief? And if her grief isn’t justified, then the things she’s done definitely aren’t. As long as Wilbur is dead, Niki feels like she has a reason for her anger.
During her meltdown Niki is rambling. ‘Wilbur is dead’ becomes ‘L’Manberg is dead’ which becomes ‘L’Manberg is gone’ which becomes ‘I am gone’ and ‘I am L’Manberg’. This reveals a lot about Niki, even if it may seem nonsensical at first glance.
I’ve made a post before about how for crime boys, L’Manberg is interchangeable with the other person (For Tommy, it’s Wilbur. For Wilbur, it’s Tommy.) And I think that this is the same thing for Niki. L’Manberg is Wilbur. Wilbur couldn’t live without L’Manberg, and L’Manberg isn’t the same without Wilbur.
Then, she is gone and she is L’Manberg. Niki isn’t the same person she used to be and she’s starting to think that she can’t live without L’Manberg either, not happily, anyway. But at the same time, she helps to destroy it because the memories are too much to bare, and all it does is remind her of all the times she’s been hurt there. She can’t see the good in it anymore.
Destroying her own bakery was somewhere between emotional self-harm and trying to separate herself from L’Manberg as much as possible. There could’ve also been a sense of survivors guilt? Everyone else’s homes and things were destroyed but Niki’s bakery was untouched, and she found that really unsettling.
She talks to Jack about why she burnt down the tree, saying it was because she’s lost everyone.
J: that’s not a very good way of going ‘hey, I wanna be friends again’, burning down their sacred tree.
N: i don’t want to be friends with any of them again! Have you seen them?
J: then why do you care?!
N: because it hurt me! […] we both have been ignored by all of them all the time. We walk behind them slowly and-and carefully because they will ignore us all the time but we wanna be part! We wanna be part- we’re like little puppies, aren’t we?! Like little puppies, just walking and walking. But they’re never going to see us. All we are for them is something to take something from. […] whats the difference between these people and us? When we lose something, we lost it. And we grieve it. And it will be a part of us. When they lose something? They move on and they find something new.
I feel like people who think c!Niki is badly written or don’t like her just watch this stream and think she is overreacting because they don’t know her lore. But none of this came out of nowhere.
The thing is, Niki was ignored throughout Manberg and New L’Manberg by Tubbo and Fundy and sometimes even Eret. Niki has had things taken from her by Schlatt and Tommy. She has seen everyone move on from Wilbur when she couldn’t.
I think the other characters did care about her - Wilbur definitely did and Tommy did too. Karl did, Eret did, Puffy did. But it’s so difficult for her to see that because the love is so quiet in comparison to everything else. She’s no longer an idealist, she can’t see it when it isn’t right in front of her. And that doesn’t mean she’s wrong. She’s not completely right, but she’s not wrong about being used and feeling unwanted. That did happen.
So why does this turn into hatred at Tommy? Like I said earlier - he was a constant. The only one she still had after Wilbur, but he didn’t seem like he cared about her. In Niki’s eyes he became just like the rest of them - he used her left, and then when he came back she thought he’d replaced Wilbur with Techno and was now replacing him with Tubbo.
(I’m not saying I think that’s what happened but it’s what Niki saw. This part of my analysis is also partly speculation and partly based on things Niki said after the fact, because I can’t find the vod where she and Jack decided to target Tommy specifically, I think there’s a missing one between Niki’s Doomsday vod and the one where Jack tells her about the nukes.)
She directs her anger at him also because it gives her an ally. Jack blames Tommy for most of what’s happened to him, because Tommy resulted in him losing his second life; if Niki agrees that it’s his fault then she has Jack. So unconsciously she starts directing her anger more towards him.
The thing about Tommy is that he’s loud. He’s annoying. He can be rude. He doesn’t take things seriously, especially when he’s being painted in the wrong, because he doesn’t know how to handle it so he just deflects.
That makes him a really easy target for anger. But the vast majority of what happened to Niki was never Tommy’s fault. She blames him for Doomsday, she’s angry that he used her, and she’s processing her grief of Wilbur through hating Tommy. That’s why she does what she does.
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menalez · 10 months
Don't be a pendant and a hypocrite. On the one hand you always accuse Israelis of being Europeans (European Jews who lost two thirds of their population) and now you are pretending Israelis (almost 75% Jewish) were affected by holocaust is a lie. And if you are going to deflect by pointing out that Israel has unequal wealth distribution (like literally every other country in the world) to criticize Israel, meanwhile Hamas has a revenue of hundreds of millions of dollars and their leaders are billionaires yet Gazans rot in poverty. And there's a difference between Israel attacking Hamas targets hiding among civilians too take them out vs Hamas attacking Israeli civilians because they want to genocide the Jewish population. You don't understand the difference between war and genocide and everytime someone points out the double standards you tokenize a few Jews to keep doing the hypocrisy.
i wrote a whole thing but tumblr glitched out and honestly someone as dishonest as u doesnt deserve my time so let me summarise
true: israel was formed by european jewish people, and zionism is a european ideology.
false: israel was formed by holocaust survivours
also false: zionism was formed by holocaust survivours
also false: zionism was an ideology that came as a result of the holocaust
true: there are holocaust survivours & their descendants who live in israel today
false: the holocaust was an attack on israelis, a group of people who didnt even exist when the holocaust was ongoing
true: a huge percentage of the european jewish community was killed in a genocide (the holocaust)
false: a huge percentage of the israeli population, who again didnt exist as an entity during the holocaust, were killed in a genocide.
to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, theres an obvious distinction between claiming israel lost 2/3rds of its population to the holocaust and claiming european jewish people, many of whom are not israeli, lost 2/3rds of their population to the holocaust. the former is intentionally misrepresenting history to justify an ongoing genocide, the latter is the reality of the situation.
when you can only justify israel by pointing at hamas, then you’ve already lost. i already oppose hamas, so your counterargument doesnt work. if the bar is so low that you can only justify yourself by pointing to an extremist islamist group then perhaps you already know how morally decrepit you & your genocidal movement are. dismissing the same holocaust survivours you pretend to care for by saying its mere “income inequality” that 1/3rd of holocaust survivours in israel are impoverished shows exactly how much you care about holocaust survivours. its beyond sick using survivours of a genocide to justify another genocide, while proving that you actually dont care for those survivours to begin with.
hamas didnt exist when israel raped and massacred and expelled palestinians in 1948. it doesnt exist in the west bank, where thousands of palestinians were kidnapped & 100s killed & thousands displaced due to settler violence that is backed by the IDF. israel choosing to attack UN buildings, schools, residential buildings, hospitals, and the same “safe routes” they tell palestinians to do to with no attempts to minimise civilian casualties isnt somehow justifiable when you pretend its all done to get hamas. israel killing palestinians and injuring many more in 2018 when palestinians protested peacefully cant be justified by hamas. starving all of gaza and withholding water & fuel & electricity cant be justified by hamas. several israeli politicians outright calling for the genocide of palestinians in gaza isnt somehow justified bc of hamas.
“few jews” please keep pretending like jewish people are all pro-genocide and occupation while pretending like im the unreasonable one here.
people like you who justify genocide in the face of this much evidence are monsters, plain & simple. you are disgusting.
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thesweetestdevotion · 11 days
like general collective? like are we gonna get another corona etc? 🫣
i'd love to! thanks for requesting a general reading, its the first one ive done here, youre a lil trailblazer hehe!
2025 General Collective Reading
Dice: Mars, Aries, 6th house
Tarot: Five of Swords, Ace of Cups, Four of Wands, Two of Coins Reversed, Seven of Coins Reversed, Ten of Coins, Queen of Cups Reversed, Five of Wands, Strength, Three of Wands
im getting a lot of downloads right now... like back to back (usually i get a few spread out as i read) im just going to tell it how i see it and feel it, however please be aware that i am not infallible! especially with a big energy like this, im not capable of acessing all of what is going to happen next year, so ill just state what i see right now.
As i was holding the dice in my hand i saw red, literally (my room is entirely blue so...) and then i dropped the dice and got Aries, Mars, and 6th house... guys this is literally war. let me explain, Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac and is fire, ruled by mars. With aries showing up with mars (planet of war) and 6th house (house of open enemies, the exaltation of mars), im feeling like we might be dealing with conflicts and tensions worldwide. Now this does not signify WW3, dont freak out at all. but im seeing that several countries will make new alliances with each other and we might see the rising of a new world power(powerful country) come on the global stage. This also goes along with the five of wands, im seeing arguments and small conflics here and there that are building tension in the collective energy, this could lead to a war but i just cant see that far out. i felt like spirit smacked me in the head loll maybe im trying to see something much bigger than i can describe here, also protests? i just heard. New trade deals, routes, and more are being discussed. sales of arms, weapons, artillery, these things will be prevalent as the year progresses.
now for the human collective, im seeing that our relationship to labour is coming to front stage. Two of Coins Reversed, Seven of Coins Reversed, Ten of Coins, Queen of Cups Reversed, all these cards speak to how we relate to our work and labour. Im seeing alot of emphasis on proper compensation, labourers rights, work-life balance, surging prices, costs of living, all of these topics have been relevant for a few years now, but im seeing in 2025 things are going to boil over. The sixth house is also the house of daily labour and work, and with mars showing up there, we will see a lot of sentiments about finding meaningful work that is fair and pays well and allows individuals to cover their living expeses without worries. i think the previous mentioned protests could have something to do with this, but maybe not irl protests, but just people's voices being heard and their concerns finally being taken serious. I think the collective is longing for stability (i know im one of them) and next year makes me feel hopeful that we will finally have a change in the right direction, however small it is.
Another thing im seeing is an emphasis on foreign travel. we might see more people migrating out of their countries in search for new opportunities (im not seeing a specific country just a general energy) im also interpreting this as implementing foreign inspired ideas, laws, regulations, etc. like some countries are seeing the succesful laws of overseas and saying lets give this a try. Marriage law?? this just jumped out, which makes sense with the four of wands here.
also something about women is becoming relevant, idk if it is also legislation or maybe a new collective energy being embraced by women. I feel upset rn all of a sudden ugh. something about motherhood, love, emotions, femininity, nurturing, relationships. this energy is so muddled though i cant see thru it as of now.
The overall energy is that of the Strength card, which tells me there is an emphasis on building things, beating enemies, and destroying barriers and limitations. I feel hopeful for 2025 but i dont think itll be an easy year(when has it ever been hehe)
I hope you enjoyed this reading! lets all come back in a year, you can yell at me if i was wrong lol (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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zombyne · 9 months
Yk I gotta do it- Hiyoko and Ibuki, just for you
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Ok, two people ask me about THEM so here we are
Lit the reason why everyone knows me is for this ship
What can i say about them:
First let's look a little about them
Ibuki: A girl who lives her life like she want, no one tell her how to live, she can be herself, sadly there's not much official info about her childhood besides she almost die by a coconut and almost end in other country, so people (even myself) think that Ibuki have the "just smile and hide your bad feelings" problem, but she is happy most of the time
Hiyoko: We can say she is the contrary of Ibuki, forced to continue with the clan traditions, away from her own father, living with her abussive grandmother (also believe her grandma actually do a good job taking care of her) being bullied by others in not only verbal ways (dead animals in her bed ,nails in her shoes,poisoned food) and also she was a moving target for just having "Saionji" in her name, and for all of this, she needed to "get strong" "don't be weak" and then she create her coping mechanism, basically saying the worst things (even if she don't really believe in what she was saying) just because she dont want to be hurt again
Now, why are so compatible?
Because her talents and Ibuki's nature
Hiyoko loves Ibuki's music, Ibuki loves Hiyoko's dancing, if someone mess with Ibuki and her music, Hiyoko is the first one in threat that person with crush their skulls, Ibuki have fun with Hiyoko and her bad mouth, and also, because Ibuki's nature, Hiyoko's insults don't work on her, she just laugh, that's why in Hiyoko started to have curiosity of Ibuki
Some people think that Hiyoko hates Ibuki because she live her life like she want, but i think is more inspiration than hate
these two also are the chaos duo, making pranks on People,having funny moments together but also, i think they can help each other to heal up, Hiyoko helping Ibuki with her feelings and Ibuki helping Hiyoko with her coping mechanism
so in resume, i love these two, are hyper underated and deserves more attention because sadly the canon dont show the potential of this two, and i'm not just talking about them as a romantic relationships, but also as a Friendship
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raven · 8 months
i feel like the tipping culture in my country might be different than in yours so i have a question (in good faith, i hope it comes across this way): why does tipping seem to be “reserved” only for waiters? why isn’t tipping for example cashiers a thing?
yeah im not super in the know on why tippong originated but heres my perspective as someone whos worked counter service cashier jobs and food retail and as a server
tipping is not reserved for waiters it's for people in the food industry, including cashiers, baristas, delivery drivers, etc (& support staff at restaurants get tipped out too) as well as for people giving services like hair dressers, masseuses, tattoo artists, taxi drivers, etc. like many people (stupid) wont tip cashiers and many places (fast food) wont let you tip their cashiers (they do get paid regular minimum wage though, while server minimum wage is 2.35 but it's weird to me to not allow tips). I always tip on to go orders bc the workers are doing the same amount; my restaurant doesnt have to go orders really but my old one did and tips on to go went straight to the support staff. but basically, its just how it is. why not tip retail? thats just not how it is. I dont know. Sorry. I havent really worked retail (i worked food retail and didnt get tips, but people would sneak me cash since i was doing some barista stuff) but it's kind of just that you are less in control of a customer's experience, generally. Like if you get your bra size measured, would you tip the person who did it? Idk. I'll have to check this out when i get my size measured soon. Idk, i try to tip as much as possible lol. Cashier, barista, etc. i buy something for $5 leave a $5 tip because it feels bad to leave just a dollar or two... theres also a retail store that allows tips at checkout and idk what it really goes to but i tip every time, i guess i could ask. and there's other services you tip for like hairdressers or masseuses or tattoo artists or taxi drivers like i mentioned before. at least thats just how i and others do it. because these people spend time, even several hours with you helping you and are probably not paid enough is my guess. (definitely taxi drivers are not paid enough especially if its uber/lyft...) Do you tip car repair? I need to get my car repaired, I'll look into it...
For why servers are prioritized in conversation: The bottom line is that it has been ingrained into american culture down to LAW that servers get paid less because they get tips. love it or hate it, by not giving tips you are not showing you disagree with a system, you are just fucking over a worker. You still spent the money at my restaurant, it will stay open. Many servers are also against passing laws to invoke minimum wages to lessen tipping because they would be paid way less, and i cant blame them. Like, my restaurant cant afford to pay me $60/hr. I got paid $60/hr tonight. I felt like i was going to die, but i would feel the same way if i was getting paid minimum wage by my employer, and i would be getting 1/4 that amount. Like serving simply isnt really worth it as a job because of the toll it takes on your mind and body to deal with customers, stand on your feet all day, carry heavy plates, clean the restaurant, etc, if we are not getting lots of money. At least for me since im disabled and killing myself with this job lol. But i have no college education and i LOVE feeding people good food! (I've also worked counter service not fast food, complicated , we did a lot of takeout, i mostly cashiered, never got a ton of tips, it was definitely much easier than being a full server in a full service restaurant. you should still tip people there thoughh)
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