#i dont know how to do a read more on mobile i apologize
the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
can i req jax x reader angst? o-(-( been brainrotting on this idea for so long now; jax goes a little overboard with his joke or prank and reader gets upset by it.. but he doesnt really approach reader to say sorry for a while because he doesnt really know how to? so it worsens the situation? thank uuu!!!!
Severed ties (jax x reader)
There will be NO!!!! Comfort here!!! I want pain!!
Written this as platonic !!
Not proof read and written on mobile!! Yahoo!!
Honestly I love writing angstier stuff, like
Idk I like exploring the topic and the feelings
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Jac in general does not seem like the type of person to apologize. It hurts his pride and ego, and really in his eyes everything he does is "all in good fun", or as a means to entertain... himself, mostly
What, is he supposed to apologize because his little joke made someone upset? That's his thought process, I think. Like unless there are huge consequences or he is actively trying to better himself I really don't think he would give a sincere apology, you know?
Like imma be so real here, I know I usually portray jax as a prankster but so far he's worse than that. He has pushed gangle at least twice (in the pilot, and in her tailer), he stepped on her mask and knowing him I wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose. He just. Ripped zoobles arm off (like yeah sure it doesnt look like it hurts and it can be reattached, but its the idea that he just disrespects them like that), throwing a bowling ball at kinger, ect ect ect
Like I think I down play how mean jax can be
I think a lot of this is caused by the digital world; given that hes probably gotten way too comfortable with the fact you cant get severely injured in the digital world or hahe any long lasting physical damage, you know?
Anyways onto the actual request
I think it's less likely to happen if this is a romantic relationship because I think at that point in time you guys respect each other enough to not be goofy and communicate stuff. As well as this, this prompts jax to try to tone it down.. can also see this happening if you guys are close friends
So really this can only happen if you guys are only like. Normal level friends, because otherwise jax at least learns remorse and tries to be less. Uehdjcf.. you know?
Like I love jax as a character and I enjoy writing him but I'm realizing just how assholish he is based on the pilot
Honestly to be friends with jax you're going to have to be able to have some kind of tolerance to his more tame everyday stuff... imma be nice and assuming the stuff he does above isnt in his usual league of asshole-ness... or maybe it is? I dunno
But some prank he pulls goes too far, and he laughs at you. Probably takes to down play it if you're actually upset, trying to dismiss it as a good ol fashion joke
If he gives an apology it's a half assed one
This leads to you not talking to him as much anymore, if at all
In fact, you may even go as far as to avoiding him during IHAs
And you know what
At first he thinks you're just being sour over his little practical joke
But overtime as you continue to bold your ground he starts to... actually feel bad
And if he does ever sincerely apologize, its likely two late
That's also assuming you dont abstract before then
God can you imagine that, I mean what's worse? Never being able to apologize because the person is effectively dead, or apologizing and not being forgiven?
I think this would push jax to try to tone down his antics
Like he wont totally stop, but it will definitely go back to the light hearted fun I like to headcannon it being when he first joined the circus.. before it got all.. meaner..
Boredom does terrible things to someone and given that the consequences of losing your mind in this place are huge.. I can't help but understand jax a little, assuming my headcannon is correct
Though again he might just be an asshole
While your friendship may be dead and buried now, at least jax learned a lesson that actions do in fact have consequences
And hopefully it sticks
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fromriches-tosin · 22 days
hiiiii i rmbr u saying jean and eren dont really interacted in s4 to focus his interactions elsewhere. it got me thinking, all of his exhaustive interactions in s4 are with people outside of 104th squad levi. and i think its cool that he is the link of that circle with the outsiders. (he did interacted with mikasa, armin, connie, levi but it doesnt add much to him development wise) whereas his interactions with onyankopon, niccolo, magath, yelena, gabi, floch, hanji, reiner somehow shows us his conflict, rejection, acceptance, growth. u already shared your meta on his and reiner's relationship in s4. so im curious on your opinion on his relationship with hanji, floch and gabi since those are the next notable relationships he has in the later part of the story.
Hange is someone Jean admires. Some time ago I read a post about the MOBILIZATION of Jean at the end of S3. The pun was so genius, it made me squeal. Jean takes Moblit’s place (to some extent); he probably wants to make up for the fact that he manipulated Hange in order to save Reiner’s life in Shiganshina. He surely feels bad because Hange lost their entire squad. He surely feels grateful that Hange didn’t accuse him of treason. But, on the other hand, Hange must see Jean’s potential. They must trust him. It’s not his first time working closely with a commander, after all.
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During the timeskip, Hange must have been the one to promote Jean to a commanding officer. I also think their strong reaction to Jean’s doubts as to whether they should try to stop Eren is caused by the fact that Hange knows Jean really well. They know what kind of person he is and they are greatly disappointed with his behavior. I love how fast they’re able to get Jean back on track. And I love their little conversation from the AOT After Party event; Hange consoles Jean at the campfire and tells him about the importance of change. I know Jean’s heartbreak after Hange’s death speaks more than a thousand words, but they really were family.
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If Hange is an angel on Jean’s shoulder, Floch is a little devil.
Jean sees some part of himself in Floch. They both presented themselves as self-absorbed cowards at first, they both went through traumatic events that changed their lives, they both looked death in the eyes, but they ended up choosing different paths. I have an impression Jean recognizes how similar they are, almost in a “what if” kind of way. What if Jean had joined the MPs? What if he didn’t listen to Hange? Jean’s distraught by Floch’s death because Floch dies thinking he’s doing the right thing: protecting his homeland, avenging the fallen ones, dooming their enemies. Thinking he’s a good guy. If Jean could save him, he most certainly would, just like he saved Reiner.
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As for Floch, I think he’s a little obsessed with Jean. Jean is the only (original) Scout he’s close to, he’s the only one he wants to talk to and he’s almost desperate for them to remain on the same side. It’s a “if I can get Jean, I can get them all” kind of approach. 
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Jean’s relationship with Gabi is… sweet. It doesn’t start this way, obviously, because she kills Sasha and Jean instantly tries to kill her. It’s only when his bullet ricochets and almost hits him that he realizes what he almost did – killed a child in cold blood. An assassin, but nevertheless a child. It’s a vicious circle. Killing Gabi won’t bring Sasha back. It won’t stop the war. Jean knows he’s directing his anger at the wrong person. A child soldier. So, he mellows out.
Gabi, on the other hand, grows to respect him with time. I think she’s already a little impressed with his calm behavior on the airship, but only truly starts to value him when they meet the night of the campfire. Jean is adorably gentle with Gabi, all things considered. The fact he apologizes for kicking her by accident, the fact he’s looking out for her when Reiner is not around… Gabi is surely grateful to him for knocking some sense into Reiner, too. She knows Jean is a good influence on her cousin. 
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xp-n-g · 8 months
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its all about me myself and i and my work! everything you need to know ab me, my values, and my art are all here! - - eeeek im excited its close to being done! i love html and css and im very proud of this, i hope i get a laptop for christmas so i stop stealing my brothers and then i can code 24/7!! i hope to learn javascript soon so i can make this place look how it looks in my mind!
[this website is best viewed on a pc! unfortunately it breaks a little on mobile and ipad i apologize for this inconvenience!, it still works it just not the same experience!]
[please read full in the link above! - this is shortened!]
BTW it is totally okay to be uncomfortable with any of the values i mentioned here (exceptions are minors*, pro-contacts, bullies, bigots, & hateful people), i myself am uncomfortable with many things, even tho i accept everyone, i still have my own opinions, the difference is i choose to bite my tongue and set differences aside, no matter how weird, for the wellness and health of others. i never want to be someone untrustworthy, nor an oppressor, i am a friend to all and anyone can come to me with anything no matter how big or small, ill be there to listen
a list of those who i dont wish to associate with, please do not follow me, retweet, repost, or fave/like my work, dm me, or attempt to personally contact me! it makes me uncomfortable!
please be 18+ when following my NSFW accounts!
*reminder: my instagram is my only SFW -18 account! this is the only account minors should be on.
i do not allow room for abusive content nor harm, i may be pro-para but i am not pro-abuse. animals, children, and the dead cannot consent.
i am proship / profiction meaning i do not feel inclined to harass or reject others for their personal fictional fantasies! i do not believe fiction is equivalent to reality, it can affect it only if you are weakminded enough to allow yourself to, fortunately most people im this world arent! if you in any way believe in harrassing, belittling, or judging others over taboo fictional content, feel taboo fictional content and media are against your moral alignment, or are someone who believes it represents my morals as a person, my content is not for you!
closeted / neutral ship allowed!
I WILL NEVER TOLERATE INTOLERANCE, I WILL NEVER STAND BESIDE AN OPPRESSOR, AND I WILL NEVER BE THE OPPRESSOR. i am black, transgender, bisexual, mentally & physically disabled, and radincluse, i support any and all identities no matter how strange or "weird", i do not care! i will ALWAYS be a safe space for anyone who isnt hateful! in my personal opinion, i believe no identity is inherently harmful and all identities are equally invalid, we are stronger together than we are apart. pushing hatred of things you dont understand is not PLUR and is not right, kill the cop in your head before speaking to me, you do not have to understand why others are the way they are, but bare minimum is to accept others no matter how different, in this community we are ALL misunderstood, ostrascized, and wrongly labled, do NOT become the oppressor & praise what you preach, if you are PLUR PROVE IT BY BEING KIND AND ACCEPING! if you force others to confine to your impossible standars do not interact, my content is not for you!
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mochinon-yah · 2 months
uh i may have sent my ask too soon without completing it hejsjdjsksj im using mobile 😭
ANYWAY midterms are over thank god but i'm back at school again cuz spring break was only a week long and i turned 20 since it happened to start on my bday back in march mweheheh
BUT YEA AJDJSJJDHDJS LIKE I WOULD EXPECT A HIGH SCHOOLER TO KNOW WHAT A FRIGGIN SCORPION IS??? LIKE HELLO??? but yea! my bf is like albedo but edgy/emo? like usually wears darker clothing and hoodies, but he's really cute (will deny being called that and insists im cuter) and he's super sweet too so things are going rlly well!
anyway social anxiety is like. the bane of existence. especially as a college student and being an adult so thats fun to deal with aha :"D i don't really like the attention either since it makes me feel cornered so i just kinda make myself as small as possible or hide next to one of my friends- like. i make my body language pretty obvious when i don't want to socialize but people do it anyway hhhhhh
also nw! i've never read pride and prejudice but it sounds interesting! :D but i can relate to not being able to sit and read for long periods of time ehe (meanwhile i'm having an artist block-)
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KSWMJWWKQM YEAH, YOUR LAST WISH IS NOT HAPPENING LMAO 😭☝️since i'm on a break from school, i got extra lazy and just played hsr/draw smth inside my room for most of the time, sleeping at 5 am and waking up at 2 pm has been my new sleeping schedule 😭😭 i hope your sleeping schedule is much better than mine lol
*cough* anywayyyy
Weweweee, i don't know how many people have said it to you, but happy birthday and congratulations for making it to 20! I'm sure the journey for you to make it this far is not smth small, so i wanna shout out to you that you're verryyy amazing, and you earn a head pat and also a hug from yourself or from someone that you're already comfortable with 🫂
Well, you earn more than just a head pat and a hug, but i'll just say those two to make it simple :]
AND AYOO???? "will deny being called that and insists im cuter" THAT IS SO CUTE FROM BOTH YOUR BF AND YOU JSJSJAKQIWK- what is this cutesy couple thingy that i have only heard from people.... it was actually real???
Moving on lmao- YEAH, ME TOO!!! I make my body language obvious to people when i don't want to interact but people do anyway, altho if they were just asking for a way to a place or smth simple, i'm like okay with that. But if someone talks to me when i really don't want to talk, i'd be making a weird face (honestly i look like i'm constipated-) first for a quick second before i face that person lmao
Actually, i started pride and prejudice because of a fanfic LMAOOO. The fanfic itself was just a bunch of things from classical novels, and i got interested real fast since it was yandere-themed lol (the fanfic was so SILLY SKWKWSK i lop it)
I'll just respond you with this after you said that you're having an artist block:
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Good luck, vivi 😭💪
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infxnatum · 1 year
Blog Info (Rules and Such)
First off, apologies for how rough this is...I’m not very good at this kind of thing. And honestly, I’m pretty chill.
Basic Info
This blog is an 18+, Multiverse, Multimuse OC Blog with a few select canon characters from other blogs. I have many characters that I’ve developed for more than half my life at this point.
The main Universe of this blog is a story I’ve written (on paper, sorry you can’t read it). And while it will be referenced regularly, very little interaction will happen there.
I interact with many fandoms, though primarily Pokemon, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, and Sonic.
And last, I am 99.9% mobile bound. I just find it easier, honestly. And because I can use it at the same time as doing just about anything else. As such, trimming is not exactly easy for me.
Do not Follow or Interact if you are under the age of 18. If you do and I find out, you will be blocked. This is a heavily nsfw blog, both for dark themes and smut. I tag things and will often readmore when I feel like I should, but I dont like the idea of minors even potentially seeing it. 
The above does also include intermittent reblogging of NSFW art, though mostly artistic nudity and such. Often sensual rather than outright sexual...but sometimes the latter if I particularly enjoy a piece.
I am Selective but not mutual exclusive. I’m willing to give just about anybody a chance, but I do have limits and standards. And I do favor Mutuals over non-mutuals, as well as anyone I consider a close friend. I most often dont follow someone as a means to keep my dash clean.
I do block on site anything that even remotely seems like a bot. Super weird names, no icons alongside an empty blog. I think at this point most of us readily recognize them. So if you are interested in following, make sure you do at least the basic steps to show you are a real person.
I am pretty chill, and there’s nothing that really bothers me trigger wise. However, like many, I have no interest in drama and callouts. Keep me out of your problems, I’m here to have fun. And as someone who has suffered a lot because of false accusations and bandwagon culture...I just want to do what I do.
I can write anywhere from one liners to multi para, I do my best to match when the mood sets in. I’ll do any sort of threads, and have basically no lines (outside the obvious) to what kind of content might be involved. Smut, light violence (i.e. pokemon grade), fluffy threads, and crack are the most prominent.
I try my best to respond quickly, but muse comes and goes. I’ll draft when I dont reply, and as long as a random hiatus doesnt hit me, I should reply in a relatively good time. Please don’t bother me too much about it.
Unless otherwise specified, like something tagged for someone specific. Any ic post is free to be responded to.
I accept IMs, but only for OOC. And I don’t rp on Discord...the format just burns my brain out.
Not sure if there’s much else, rules wise that I can think of. Like I said, I’m not good at this, and I’m chill.
A little bit of mun stuff
I go by Raven, though I also accept Eclipse and Dusk as names. I am a 30+ mun, Cis-male, homosexual and mixed-ethnicity between Caucasian and Native American (a near 50/50 split).
I am autistic, have various forms of anxiety and depression, and adhd. I try my best to do what I can here, but it’s not the easiest sometimes. I have been known to go on long hiatuses and lose muses entirely for periods of time. It’s not on anyone but myself when that kind of thing happens.
I’ll be working on getting my characters moved to Posts so that I can link them better, since I know many people are mobile these days, and browser page links are iffy at best. Posts work better...when they are ready they’ll be below here. I’ll also give a list of my more important non-character tags when I’ve compiled them
Zenni - Main Muse, Most Active alongside Primal.
Tags: Renegade Raven [Zenni], Renegade in Hell [Goetia], Primordial Powerhouse [Primal], A Shadow’s Commentary
Aurora - Lower activity muse
Tags: Queen of Ice [Aurora], Glacial Commentary
Descartes - Relatively Active Muse
Tags: Gilded Angel [Descartes], Gilded Commentary
Anarak - Fairly Active Muse
Tags: The Living Paradox [Anarak], Quantum Commentary
Ruby - Highly active muse
Tags: R Rated Rabbit [Ruby], A Lover’s Commentary
Siegfried - Low Activity Muse
Tags: Steel Commander [Siegfried], Commanding Commentary
Glitter - Slightly Active, Pokemon OC
Tags: Silent and Sweet [Glitter], Silent Commentary
Lion and Rosebud - Divergent Lion from Steven Universe + Anthro AU (Normal and HH/HB)
Tags: Cotton Candy Caretaker [Lion], Wayward Warrior [Rosebud], Every Rose Has Its... [Thorn]
Discord - Fairly active. Canon divergent MLP muse
Osirus - Slightly Active, Pokemon Only (For Now)
Tags: The Archivist [Osirus], Gathering Information
Toril - Low Activity, Pokemon OC
Tags: Psionic Prodigy [Toril], Psionic Commentary
Lux - Low Activity, Pokemon OC, Mostly commentary
Tags: Galar’s Light [Lux]
The Twins
Damien - Helluva Boss OC
Tags: Soul Betwixt Worlds [Damien], Keeper of Balance [Neutral], Divine Adjudicator [Celestial], Heart of Hellfire [Infernal]
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bunny-lou · 2 years
Hello!! Im the anon with the ask from 2 weeks ago about how much i love your fics and how autophobia kicked my ass into hyperfocus so bad i ended up napping on the floor in the hallway and almost missing class after reading it
I just want you to know that i really appreciate you taking the time to answer said ask because i was massively anxious about having sent it as it was all pretty much nothing but an absolute ramble and since i was exhausted as shit (hadnt slept for more than 40 hours at that point in time) i didnt even remember what exactly i had said in it until reading it again just now after seeing it answered on my dash (didnt even figure it out it was my fucking ask until halfway through) so i was kinda worried about having come across differently than intended and sounding idk entitled or some shit by talking about wanting to read more from you whenever and only of possible (id fucking hate to sound like one of those "next chapter right now!!!! I dont care that you have a life!!! Write the fucking chapter now!!!" readers) and i was more anxious ab it after time passed without getting an answer (ngl i was p much straight up stalking your blog every few hours the first few days then i saw a post from you about how tumblr eats your asks and calmed down quite a bit) but yeah anyway i just really wanted to tell you how much i loved ypur stuff and how strongly i feel about autophobia and your writing in general hopefully without making you uncomfy or coming across as rude or anything i hope i succeed in doing that at least kinda
But yeah jsyk youre the first desc account i started interacting with properly after randomly becoming hyperfixated as fuck on descendants and your stuff is responsible fpr getting me more into the fandom and into desc itself so yeah thank you
And also i just wanna say that when i first started autophobia i REALLY didnt think my autistic aroace ass would like it since i never was into abo in the traditional form of the trope but goddamn did i fucking love ypur fic despite any initial assumptions i had made about it i loved carlos' characterization so much and i loved everyones characterization so much amd the whole plot and everything i felt it was So well executed i often daydream of like alternate events for my favourite fics but for yours i can conceive no alternate plot development that id like more than yours its absolutely chefs kiss
Anyway sorry for thia absolutely fucking gigantic rant feel free to ignore me apologies if its too much and (tldr:) thank you for everything!!
(Original ask)
I'm the actual worst at responding on Tumblr, I'm so sorry.
Your asks, both the previous one and this one, are so sweet! I never mind long asks, though it does take me longer to respond to them. Seriously, if it takes me a while to answer, it's because most of my work days are 10-12 hours and I do not have energy to reply, it's a busy life!! My mobile Tumblr (which is what I normally use) does not give me any alert that I get an ask, but if I check my mobile tumblr, my desktop tumblr will not show that I have an ask because it thinks I saw the notification on mobile (which I don't). So also blame the wonky app lol.
There are months of effort that go into all my pieces on AO3, especially Autophobia, so messages like these that show that people know how much effort I put into my work are so rewarding. And I love Descendants, it brought my such entertainment and joy during harsh periods of my life, I am in awe if my writing helped you to love a fandom as much as I do!
And I've had a lot of people tell me that Autophobia is their favorite ABO fic or the fic that got them invested in that trope, which also means so much to me because ABO is my favorite AU!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to send me such a lovely letter, it makes me smile so much!!
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Hii! I read chapter 9 of slwy the day it came out but have unfortunately been to busy to send in a little review with my thoughts until now. I just reread it so the chapter is sitting fresh and clear in my head rn hehe
Anyways I was soooo annoyed with Lix this chapter, like good god let the woman speak for once and don’t talk over her! I get that you are jealous since you probably (most definitely) like y/n but you don’t have to be so mean to her. If y/n had my personality she would have torn him a new one instead of apologising I’m telling you (I still love you lix).
I’ve been wondering why everyone hates the city so much these past couple of chapters by the way. Perhaps since I myself haven’t lived in a smaller more rural area I can’t really grasp the disdain they have for the city, and how they could cut off one of their best friends for moving to it? I feel bad for yeonjun, but I’m glad he at least has y/n left.
As usual I loved this chapter! Especially the very last part when Hyun was talking to the loml Chan. Just the fact that he wants to take y/n to the exact same date she was so excited to go to a couple of years ago with her ex just shows how perfect they are for each other, how likeminded they are. This is also one of the things that make y/n and Hyun better together than y/n and lix. Lix would definitely listen to y/n talk about her art, but would be bored by it as he said himself, whereas hyun would passionately partake in such conversations. It’s the little things you know?
(I’m hoping all of this made sense, it’s 2am right now, I’m writing this on mobile and I’m to lazy to read through what I’ve written lol)
As always, thank you for writing this incredible story!
- 🫒
hii love 🫒 i thought i responded to this, but apparently not :( please dont apologize for not sending in a review, and thank you for rereading it and still taking out the time to tell me your thoughts, i value that so much.
felix definitely was so annoying in part 9, and he really needs to handle or learn being in a confrontation because he didn’t even let her speak :/
its not about the city per say, its about the difference between the two places, and the stark contrast between the lives and lifestyle there. people tend to dislike things huge differences, and in my life ive actually met a lot of people who have hated or behaved really terribly with someone who were from a metropolitan, or a big city. i think stereotypes and prejudice play a big role in that :(
its definitely the little things ! hyun and yn have a connection that is very different from how she is with lix, that doesn’t mean her relationship with lix can’t be successful or a happy one, but hyun perhaps has the kind of personality that yn needs in her life, in terms of understanding her.
it made sense ! dont worry, and thank you again for sending me such a lovely review and for taking the time to do that🥺
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lilmaymayy · 5 months
hey friends! this is just a quick intro post in case you want to know a bit more about me/the blog🤭
PLEASE BE KIND in this blog i will not entertain ANY hate/aggressive/mean interactions THEY WILL BE DELETED OR IGNORED, in the past where i did respond, it never left my mind and i never knew how to react, leaving me to be negatively affected by someones fleeting thoughts. so to avoid anyones displeasure please be respectful and conscious of your actions and words!! if not- 👉🚪we dont need that energy here
*im also on mobile so apologies for any bad formatting😭😭
hello! my nicknames may and i use she/her pronouns. when sending any msgs id appreciate a quick hello but as long as your being polite i will gladly respond. feel free to address me as may or any other (kind) phrase (e.g queen/baddie?? anythings fine as long as youre being nice)
do u see the theme😘
i like to keep my age off of here simply for privacy but i can assure you i am not a minor, but if you are, you are welcome on my page any time just be aware i do swear and the content that i reblog can be nsfw, but ultimately you are responsible for the media you decide to consume.
i do not write fics(i always reblog them tho😉/also beta! so if youre a writer in need just lmk) idk if i ever will(write)but i dont realistically see that happening😭.
in the search bar for my page you can see all these hashtags, i typically tag “give it a read💋” for any fics ive betad and “she speaks🗣️” for any post thats just me yappin💀
and any character names (like finnick odair, peter parker etc.) are the bulk of fics that i reblog and you can find works for that character under those tags!
im a full time student based in sunny california😍, my favorite things have to be fruits(tops gotta be strawberrys, cherrys anddd green grapes), fics, and folklore (3 fav f’s💋) (and yes i am a swiftie). last time i took the personality test i got ISTJ, but i swearr im still an infp. every single test i took told me i was a hufflepuff (were not lame i swear), and even though i swear up n down that im a laurie.. i might be an amy😔( i want to be great or nothing😫) and a song that i just feel for is probably a three way tie between teenage dream by olivia rodrigo, this is me trying by taylor swift and dreamer by laufey(not someone i typically listen to but whenever spotify puts her song i always love it)
favorite artistss gotta be the big three taylor, lana and ariana (nothing offish theyre just my most listened) and drake.. and bad bunny.. and olivia.. and sza.. and beyonce.. and the weekend.. and rihanna
- if you want a grasp of my music this is a LINK to my most played playlist
- this is a LINK to my more lovey/ sweet songs, its all in the description💋
*if u give em a listen and u wanna put me on.. msg me!! id love to hear your recs
my hobbies include playing music, i play guitar(kinda goodish) and i wanted to pick up piano too (idk if ill ever get to this😭) i also found that i love to do puzzles, and i wanted to start scrapbooking (looks fun af lowk). a few other things i love is definitely just jamming out to my tunes, sleeping😫😫, watching movies, playing w legos😭, PLAYING WITH MY DOGGIESSS (i have two, rocky and lily both are maltese poodles💋💋), baking (hate the clean up tho) i also love selfcare, its always good to prioritize urself but i mean the cassie method of everything showers, lotions, body oils, body mists/ perfumes, face masks, skin care (allllllll the goodies) just to finish the day off with a fic (its deadass my nightly routine to shower, get ready for bed/unwind, tumblr)
-CELEBRITY not character, but if i missed any lmk😝
-this is a long one so bearrrrr with me
my top 5 currently is🥁🥁🥁
1. sam claflin (been obsessed, still obsessed, i dont see this changing *unless timothee wanna quit playin🙄)
2. tom blyth (tbosbas was life changing.. hes so💋💋)
3. andrew garfield (im considering moving my man up to 2 bc hes an og for this list likee hes been on my brain since he was fan casted as our remus lupin and will stay there😌)
4. jacob elordi (newest addition, saltburn edits is the sole reason why hes here plus hes so fucking tall like i deserve that height difference *for reference im 5 ft😈)
5. timothee chalamet (i love him so much BUT HES DOWN HERE BC OF KYLIE😭*he would be 1 otherwise🥲)
for other hotties ..
OSCAR ISAAC🥵🥵😫-i need this man in bed rn
charlie brushnell😘-new addition but again he is taking over just like pjo is
tom holland- zenny baby he is all yours but that man shirtless? YUMMYYY
tom hiddleston- only rzn to watch the thor series
theo james - YOU THE ONE FOUR ME hes so fine i watched divergent (still a great series) for him n i was not dissapointed
aaron t— johnson- i do not want to mention his 🤐 but he is so fine his calvin klein ads?? KICKASS??
ben barnes- shadow n bone.. YUMMY YUMMY🤭🤭also sirius? likeee runaway to my house?
cillian murphy- ik he lowk looks like he got a bad case of botox.. BUT CMONNN PEAKY BLINDERS???
callum turner- i knew i was hooked since that harry potter movie he has like 10 minutes in🥰🥰
dylan o’brien-ima be honest im not DIE HARD in love but this man was fine since maze runner and teen wolf n will be till hes in the graveee
henry cavill- enola mf holmes.. INTRODUCE ME TO YOUR BROTOHER LIKE😍😍😍 i need this man to investigate all my internal organs
hugh laughton scott- hes just so pretty i just😘
harrison dickinson- love at first sight of darkest minds😍😍( its a discontinued movie (supposed to be) series) i need him in more shit
joao felix- my bestie pmo fifa AND HE DOES NOT DISSAPOINTT
josh hutcherson- i could not make this list without pookie
matthew gray gubler- i need him to read me to sleep, sing me to sleep, talk about anything so i can sleep, he brings me so much joy with that smile and hes so sweetie pie i could go on forever
drew starkey?- idk his name but hes the hottie who plays rafe cameron IVE NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW (or anything hes in) but holy shit that man is tall and pulls off ANY hair cut
well if youve made it this far thank you for taking the time to read this! if you want to know some more about me msg me in any way and ill respond, maybe ill add that info here. thanks again for your attention! love you all😘
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peachinfo · 1 year
hey guys i just narrowly escaped a panic attack by smoking two bowls very quickly!
i apologize in advance if you fit any of the things on this list but i have cptsd and i dont know how to ask for help. i realize this may come off as an excuse of sort or something idk im stoned but what im trying to say is im sorry its not personal i promise i just cant fucking word my thoughts appropriately and it’s frustrating and i cant do the read more thing on mobile god this website sucks sometimes how the fuck did i ge tthis off track now it doesnt even flow as well into the hate list :/
i hate all men!
i have trust issues!
specifically with men!
specifically with alcoholics!
specifically with white people!
specifically old black men!
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nomina-verus · 2 years
Hello, testing how to type read more on mobile
Plus, me reminiscing on things lol pls dont mind it and scroll past~
when childhood friend first brought his gf at home in b██████s, i was a bit saddened and lowkey jelly (and socially awkward bc thats just how i am) and also lowkey shocked bc so fast?? 😂
and they were already living together in t█g██t█y, and my aunt was going off about how the girl is lucky bc childhood friend is rich
good for them tho 👏 they're still together after 5 yrs and until now i dont think im over with what ive done in the past
I remember still texting to this guy way back and going "shit, i think i really really like him" and its the first time in my life that i have ever considered what my social standing is and all of a sudden the confidence i thought i had flew off the window
and everything felt too fast and too slow at the same time, and i did really want to talk to him more, i did really want to know him better, what ticks him off, what kind games he plays, his friends, his opinions, his standing in school --
then there came the thought:
what can i offer him? the things he had experienced are things i dont think i will be able to catch up with. all i have to offer is my tolerance for pain lol and even if we could be happy now, i dont think we'll be happy in the long run
then there came the thought: i am not the right person for him
im just way too complicated of a woman that even i, myself, find hard to uncomplicate. what can i offer you except my inner turmoils and insecurities and whatever sad past or heavy burdens im carrying? i ended up looking and regarding you so highly to the point i'd hate to see you stoop below just to reach my level. i think you are way too good of a person for me, so i cutted you off before things between us could develop and called you bro
then you got mad. for a split second, i was happy bc did that mean u also thought we couldve been more than just friends? and the other split second, is regret and shame bc "what the fuck am i doing?"
you did end up saying some hurtful things that made me realize what the consequence of my action meant. Later, you apologized, but I didnt. It wasnt really entirely just your fault. It was me who one-sidedly decided to end things. You will never know that.
Even until now, I dont know whether I did the right thing. Heck, whenever his name is mentioned, I'd always have an urge to hide. Honestly, please don't even look at me.
But, ayy, here we are now. You are with someone else for 5 years, and i really am genuinely happy that you found the right person for you. May you be blessed upon and continue being happy henceforth ✨️🙏
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tellmetheteruth · 5 years
The GazettE in Dallas personal Live Report
I've never written one of these for a show i've been to so excuse me if it's clumsy. My concert buddies and I were aiming to get to the venue in the a.m. hours but Brittney and I took so long on hair and makeup that we didn't get there until noon. Oops.
It was Ridiculously hot and sweaty outside and I am not from Texas, i'm from near Seattle so i'm not used to it. And i didnt bring sunblock. My bf brought me some partway through the day but I still got a little burned. Met a lot of friends in the line that helped make it feel less than the 6 and a half hour wait it was. Signed the banner for the band and some Birthday cards for Reita.
The WT19 Documentary staff walked by with the camera and actually interviewed me! I thought I did well but my friends later teased me to death about talking too much and telling my whole life story so idk;;;; I still hope they use a bit of it because I didn't get in the WT16 dvd at all even though I went to LA.
I was VIP so the early entry was a lifesaver. Managed to be near the front of the merch line and actually snagged a Kai and an Uruha bear keychain. Ruki was sold out before I even saw it and Reita sold out a few people in front of me. I also got a tshirt and a hoodie but it was the bears I was REALLY hoping really bad I could get because I didn't own any yet.
And I still managed to get a really good spot after so I'm glad I didn't feel pressured to skip the merch line in favor of a spot. I wasn't directly at the barricade, i had probably 3 or 4 people in front of me. But to me it was perfect because I could see all the members without craning my neck instead of just the one close to me, and I was still way close enough to see all their beautiful faces in detail.
I don't rememeber the setlist in order whatsoever but other people posted it so. Anyway. Falling was Awesome and the first song after the intro. I was mostly distracted in awe just to be standing so close to them all. At the last show I couldn't afford VIP and I was stuck way up in a balcony. So this was just Surreal to me.
A lot of the middle is such a blur but I remember feeling like I had never smiled so wide in my whole entire life and no matter what they played I would have been happy. I was even So excited to hear Filth in the Beauty even though I usually complain about how overplayed it is. I know they played Dogma, which I heard at the last tour of course, but it was Way better being this close and personal.
Aoi is increadibly magnetic and attractive. There's no way to explain it. It's not just that he's hot- mind you, of course he Is, but.. something about him. The way he carries himself. Its hard to take your eyes off of him. The rest is pretty much what other people say, confirmed. Uruha makes a lot of Weird faces, especially during solos. But its super cute. Ruki has not gotten Any better at dancing and I wouldn't have it any other way. Kai is all smiles. Reita's always bobbing his head with the music like a little parakeet. I don't know what to say. Its all so much more touching being there to see it up close.
The last song of the encore was Tomorrow Never Dies and I was just.. crying the whole time honestly. Any final song would be a little emotional but they had to choose That one. It defeinitely got to me.
After the show VIP was immediately lining up for the meet and greet and I was confused about where to go. But we found it. I waited and took some post-show selfies with Brittney. The whole experience was just.. even more special being with my best friend after so long.
-The meet and greet.-
It was. Interesting. I was not prepared.
The line moved a lot faster than I was expecting and before I knew it my boyfriend pointed out that they were right there and Holy Shit he was right. I needed to get my gifts out of my bag and ready Pronto, because I made Ruki a drawing on the plane and I made Uruha a cute little gift bag with specially made stickers, a kitkat and a note I wrote him. (I wanted something for everyone but work got in the way and I ran out of time..) ANYWAY my baggie for Uruha got caught in the zipper of my purse. Like. Really caught bad. The line was still moving. Panic ensued. My boyfriend was behind me so i asked him to help if he could. He couldn't get it.
Then Aoi was right in front of me. The caught present would have to wait for later. I don't remember exactly what I said. A stammering excited ramble while we clasped hands. He was an amazing guitarist, beautiful, things like that. He makes eye contact. They all make good eye contact but especually Aoi. They all have soft warm hands. But each handshake passes in the blink of an eye before I can process it. My brain is a scrambled mess.
Reita. I thank him and pause briefly to think of something personal I can actually say to him. I gave an enthusiastic "You Rock", to which he smiles and agrees with a nod. "Yes!", he says. It was really cute. Probably could have said something more meaningful but at least i'm sure he understood me. Mostly everyone else got an incoherent mess of trying to say as much as I could in such a brief time period.
Ruki. I totally forget I have a present for him by the way. Im holding his hands and busy being Dazzled at how gorgeous he is in person. It's incredible. I tell him he's an amazing singer and i've always looked up to him. Throw in a few other compliments in the fleeting moment before I have to move on. Not sure how much he understands but he smiles and thanks me a couple times.
Kai. He's just glowing and beaming. Smiles so bright. Its very cute. I tell him hes an awesome drummer. I honestly forget what else I said. As I was moving between him and Uruha I remembered Uruhas stuck present. And that made me remember I was supposed to give Ruki a present. Oh shit. Panic. Reach in my bag and slide the piece of paper across the table to him. "Sorry! This is for you!" I don't mean to be chaotic I just really want him to have it. Luckily its my own boyfriend I interrupted his meeting with. Ruki seems amused and thanks me again. Hopefully he actually is and doesnt think i'm rude.
Fiddling with the god damned stuck gift bag as I step over to Uruha in a panic. Eyes wide. Stop to shake his hands. No freaking clue what I even ramble out to him I forget. Im panicking over the present because I dont have long til I have to go. I let go of his hands to fiddle with it again because I Really want him to have it. I worked really hard on it. I realize last second that i can just pull the gifts Out of the little baggie and drop them out on the table in front of him in a panic. "Kit-kat.." I drop it. He thanks me. Im sure I look like a mess. Not sure if he's frightened or flatterd by my determination as the staff starts to try to usher me along. "Stickers-!" I say as I put those down too. Really not sure he even understood what that meant. He might just think its a drawing. Don't know. But he of course thanks me. The poor staff lady is tapping at my shoulder trying to get me to leave. I still have the notecard that has to go with the stickers. I'm apologizing repeatedly to everyone involved as I finally get that to him as well and leave as quickly as possible so as to not cause chaos or hold up the line.
I get outside and meet back up with Brittney and my boyfriend who of course think the whole ordeal was Hilarious. I am mortified and I hope Uruha doesn't think i'm a lunatic. I like to tell myself he probably just thought it was funny but I have no way to know.
We all go to waffle house because its late and we are all starving. My boyfriend is in awe over how tiny Ruki is and he thinks its adorable. Brittney Genuinely misremembered and thought Ruki was sitting down at the meet and greet even though everyone else was standing?? We laugh our asses off. I'm still embarrassed but overall I had an awesome unforgettable night. I hope I didn't leave too bad of an impression. I'm sorry that was so long, i'm a writer and I like to ramble.
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captaingondor · 3 years
I don't know if this is prompt enough, but would you possibly write something with Seyetto and Rinnyx's friendship (maybe how they met, if you haven't already), or with Corianne and Seyetto? Thank you.
I need... very little prompting to go on about these two, lol. As it happens I have written their first meeting before... but not from Seyetto's perspective! So that's what you're getting! Thanks so much anon, and I hope you enjoy them.
Seyetto's father the king took him aside to instruct him in the days before he would begin his studies with Dor Arill. “I hope you will give your foremost attention to your studies, of course.” Seyetto nodded, though this instruction was hardly needed. He had never been anything other than a dutiful student in his studies up to this point, with his various private tutors for different subjects and stages. “But attending Dor Arill’s classes will be about more than just schoolwork,” his father the king continued. “It is also an important opportunity to build relationships with your peers - and with the common born students as well as the nobles. They will all be your subjects, and it is good to be gracious,and earn their loyalty.” That was the truth of it - Seyetto would have no peers among his classmates, not truly. Only he was the Crown Prince.
“I will, sir,” he said, just as determined to carry out this duty as his schoolwork. He knew, of course, it would be the first time he and other children of noble houses would really be socializing on their own terms, independent of their parents - not that any of them could truly be divided from their house. But one day they would be practicing the politics and diplomacy that their parents did, and this was a chance to try it out. “I will represent our family well.”
“I have no doubt,” his father the king replied, with just the beginnings of a smile. “You must always remember who you are. Because no one else there will ever forget. They will want to be your friend. They will want to please you. And they will always see you, first and foremost, as the Crown Prince, and not as Seyetto. Remember that.” His father the king put a hand on Seyetto’s shoulder, and looked intently into his eyes. “There will not be a person there who does not want something from you. It is not wrong of them to want, and it will not be wrong of you to give it, if it please you. But do not believe that they wish to be your friend for your own sake. Do not forget who you represent. Build good relationships, but know that no friendship will ever be only that.”
This advice, Seyetto felt the weight of, like the crown that sat atop his father’s head. If this was true of himas crown prince, it must be all the moreso as king. And one day he would be king. Kings, he surmised, did not have friends. “I will remember, sir,” he said, solemnly, and his father the king clapped his hand once on his shoulder and stepped back.
“I’m sure you will do well.”
And for a year, he followed his father the king’s advice. He asked each of his classmates to sit with him in turn - at the desk he had claimed in the front row, so as to give his full attention. But when he had gone through them all, he asked no one and sat alone. He would meet them on his terms. From then, some days he would ask someone and some days he would not. Sometimes he would have a chance to invite one of his classmates to a social event outside of class - but never for friendship’s sake alone. He kept track of what everyone wanted from him and what he was willing to give.He doled out his favor in pieces, and never let anyone have it all.
To some it might have sounded lonely. He didn’t mind. The classroom was his court and he reigned in it as king. He knew who he was. He knew the game. And he was good at it. Those who were not so peerless formed their own friendships around him. They knew how to stand in their position, but they would step aside from it when the work was done. But he was there at the center of it all. And he was happy. All was as it should be. He was not looking for anything to change. He did not want it to change. But quite unexpectedly, it did.
He has not marked the day as anything out of the ordinary when it began. He came to class the same as always, chatted with his classmates before the lesson began, and having no particular reason to offer the seat to anyone took his place in the front row alone. He was taking out his materials to prepare for the lecture when, suddenly, he was no longer sitting alone.
He looked to the new arrival beside him, too taken aback to have anything at the ready to say. It was no one he recognized, which of course meant it must be the new student Dor Arill had said would be starting - he must have only just arrived, Seyetto had not noticed him among his classmates earlier. He knew already this would be one of Dor Arill’s common born findings, but there would have been no mistaking him for one of the noble students by sight. And yet he had sat down next to him, Crown Prince Seyetto Farran, with a bright smile and as little care as though he were with an old friend. “I’m Rinnyx Glade,and who’re you?”
He didn’t know? But he must know the royal colors,which Seyetto always wore, and the Farran falcon, and the face everyone said looked remarkably like his father the king, who was on their money. “I’m Crown Prince Seyetto Farran,” he answered, politely.
“I should have known!” Rinnyx responded immediately, but beyond a brief wince of embarrassment his demeanor towards Seyetto did not change at all. “It’s great to meet you.”
He was trying to be friends, Seyetto realized, unsure how he felt about that, because Rinnyx had been trying to be friends before he even knew who he was. Well. It would be rude to tell him to change seats now. “It’s good to meet you as well,” he said, and turned towards the front of the room as Dor Arill stood at his podium about to speak.
Rinnyx arrived more promptly the following day, and Seyetto had a chance to see him speaking with the others - just as bright and friendly with each of them from the lowest born to the highest. Seyetto decided he would offer Rinnyx the seat beside him again today - because he wanted to show him the way things worked, because he wanted to know what Rinnyx wanted, because he had enjoyed his company. The day before, Rinnyx had often leaned in to ask questions or share a look as though telling some silent joke. Seyetto was not used to that. He thought perhaps he liked it.
The next day, Seyetto offered the seat to no one, but Rinnyx caught his eye as he headed to the front. He smiled, and Rinnyx followed. He didn’t stop him.
Everyone wants something. But Rinnyx only wanted to be his friend. And he wanted to be friends with everyone. He wanted to be friends with Seyetto.
In Seyetto’s eyes, his father the king was not a person who could be wrong. But if he had been in this one instance, it was only because even he could never have foreseen such a singular person as RInnyx Glade, Seyetto’s one and only friend.
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heybinnie · 4 years
moment of eighteen spoiler + appreciation ahead please scroll right past if you dont want to know it!!! its a pretty big spoiler!!!!!!
this is gonna be a little technical but my focus right now is episode 13. particularly the entire part with daheen and ohje. im not so sure how i feel about the scripting and the sudden way daheen realised there was a sneaky bitch in the nurse room too, but the execution of the scene was so, so, so beautiful. from the second ohje said the person he liked wasnt a girl and daheen paused and looked at him, and you have this— this sad but powerful soundtrack in the background that immediately tells you something very very important is happening right now, and the music carried the entire scene perfectly. when ohje helped her out of the room, when she said to let her go but ohje firmly insisted no, when the schoolmate showed them the phone and daheen had the realisation, the amazing moment when she turned right back on her heel and headed back into the room ignoring ohje calling her name, the way she yanked back the curtain around the bed and whacked the bitch up the head in a way that felt so real like it was pure, unadulterated anger, and when the bitch walked out and ohje stood there, head down just for a few seconds before daheen immediately broke down and started crying and apologising and ohje comforting her saying its okay when they both know it isnt really quite so, and just the entire part accompanied by such a strong moving music that fills you with this overwhelming sadness.....i think they executed this scene perfectly. i think kim bo yun (daheen’s actress) did beautifully in this scene, like it made me forget this was a fictional drama because she portrayed her feelings in a way that felt so concrete and real and i am utterly blown away. and i stand by my opinion that that scene would not have been as powerful as it was without the music. that fucking soundtrack is beautiful and fills you with so many overwhelming feelings that it is ridiculously difficult to put a name to them, but it really carried the scene. absolutely beautiful
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witch-lock · 6 years
gender is really weird my dudess like? 
I know I’m a Lesbian and that’s integral to my identity as a person and with womanhood - but also I’m aware of my comfort level with being associated with masculine roles, and arguably being more comfortable with said ascribed masculinity? Like how when I was a kid I used to put my hair in a ponytail and then flip it up and pin it to give the appearance of short hair, or how I would constantly wrestle with my brother and wanted to play CSI or Indiana Jones instead of house. 
And like, how I actively refer to myself as “the man of the house” when I was with my mom and she was on her own and worried about security. Like I felt very protective of her and my brother but it had a very masculine association in my brain? Like it didn’t feel like I was the oldest and only daughter, it almost felt like I was the oldest son. Or how I always refer to myself as a future dad instead of a future mom (which, granted, might be because of my strained relationship with my mom and how I always took after my father - which, again! it’s weird how much I wanted father son bonding in my childhood, I wanted him to play catch with me and wrestle instead of take me to the father daughter dance. More recently, being closeted made me sad that he wasn’t going to teach me how to tie a bowtie or how to lead a girl in a dance - things like that. and idk maybe that’s partially why my relationship with my mother is strained? I’m her only daughter and firstborn at that, and I think there were a lot of subconscious expectations she had for me that I didn’t measure up to and made her disappointed, especially considering she barely had a relationship with her own mother.) 
And it’s like - I don’t mind being perceived as feminine (which might be because I’ve had to present myself that way all my life to avoid being even more socially out of tune than I already was because of being autistic. Like, my natural voice is fairly deep and I prefer it being even deeper, but I know how I suddenly go soft and light when interacting with strangers, carefully curating myself to be palatable. And I wish I didn’t do that. But it’s so engrained within me as a survival method.) But I also don’t mind thinking of myself as he and sir. And again, I often think of myself in terms of Man of the House or Dad. And I’ve always related to male characters while feeling attracted to female characters (altho my comp het days made my Brain misconstrue the sense of relating for attraction when i was a confused baby gay.) (which is also probably why I tend to be in the camps fans label as misogynist fans despite being a lesbian. I think because my ability to relate to female characters is already comparatively so low, I have little tolerance for badly written ones or ones who do fucked up shit but are expected to be viewed as perfect and vulnerable because of their femininity.) 
And I always feel so much more at home in my own skin when I present more masculine - like, besides taught insecurity over my size do to my peers and naturally thin mother growing up (again, expectations of her only daughter) the things that bother me most about my appearance are usually more feminine traits; like how wide my hips are and how high and pinched my waist is, how my upper body strength isn’t what I’d like it to be (and comparatively, how proud I am when lifting heavy things and opening jars is easy for me to the point that my stepmom calls me strong hands) how soft my jaw and chin is rather than angular, how round my cheeks are, how referring to my chest as anything other than that makes me uncomfortable (breasts even makes me feel weird, boobs is even worst, tits or tiddies is awful. which, not to tmi, but there are certain things I can only refer to clinically without feeling weird, like out of sorts in my own skin.) how in general i'm pretty “soft” and curvy and wish I had a narrow boyish body like my mom’s (like it’s funny, my bras are bigger than hers and she wishes she wasn’t so boyish and thinks it’s nice that I have, as she calls them, “birthing hips,” and it’s like mom - I’d kill for a more boyish body. Like I hate how my men’s shirts sit oddly on the lower part of my body when I button them because of how wide my hips are in general let alone comparatively to the rest of me, same with my chest to a lesser extent.) And it’s weird like I generally feel less anxious and more confident when I act masculine, like when I’m gearing up to kick some creep’s ass or dressed in Butch clothing with my arms and leg body hair untampered with and the hair on my head short. 
Idk if this ramble really has a conclusion other than, Gender Feelings be weird in this Autistic Lesbian Overthinking Brain jhkjl;hkjl;!
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primofate · 3 years
Smile for Me (Part 6 - Final) Zhongli x fem!reader
Summary: Zhongli never smiled at you the way that he smiled at his memories of Guizhong. Thinking that the only way Zhongli would ever be happy is for Guizhong to come back again, you secretly set off on a journey to bring her back to life. But it comes with a price: Your life. Warnings: kind of short and simple, dont be disappointed. There’s only slight fluff. Zhongli being slightly jealous and protective tho so... MAY NOT FOLLOW THE ACTUAL LORE, not proofread. Notes: Final one. Thank you for coming along on this journey. Time to start the next one XD It’s a little short, but 
Other Chapters: Shortfic Smile for Me (Part 1) (Part 2)  (Part 3)  (Part 4)  (Part 5)
“Yes, Baizhu said that he needed help with collecting Qingxin flowers,” 
You continued to busy yourself with making tea, not noticing that Zhongli tenses up, his eyes now hovering on you. He’s silent and doesn’t quite know what to say. A few minutes pass, the only sound was the clinking of tea cups and the sloshing pour of tea into it. “...Zhongli?” You call out when you realize he hasn’t said a thing about your errands today.
“I heard you, dear,” You turn to look at the expression on his face. It’s stiff and unreadable, meaning that he had something on his mind. “Did I say something wrong?” you manage to ask, taking the tray of tea into your hands and transferring it to the work table he and you used. 
Zhongli’s eyes avert away from yours, a rare sight. He must be thinking hard on something. “...Do you remember the last time you told me you had an errand to run for Baizhu?” You blink, your memory had never been good. “...Not...particularly,”
He holds a sigh back and lazily places his head on his fisted up hand. “...You went to that tree and disappeared for days,” Your smile turns into a forced one and it was your turn to avert your gaze in shame, nervously laughing. “Ah...Yeah...Bad judgement on my part, but that was long ago. I promise it won’t happen again,” 
“I’m aware...” Zhongli starts, using a hand to lift your face up from its downtrodden gaze, “...but it wouldn’t hurt for me to accompany you,” that’s how you know that there’s still an inkling of worry in him about that incident. You didn’t refuse, so that afternoon, the two of you side by side approach Bubu Pharmacy. Baizhu had been waiting at the entrance. 
“Oh, Mister Zhongli, what a nice surprise,” Zhongli throws a smile at the other man, “Indeed. I’m merely accompanying Y/N, for today,” Baizhu nods and gives you the exact amount of Qingxin flowers he needs, along with a few other herbs and flowers. “...and that would be all...perhaps you’d be interested in having dinner today, as a reward and thanks?” 
Zhongli’s eyebrows perk up at Baizhu’s invitation to you. Well, the ex-Archon had chosen to go with you in case anything happened, but Zhongli didn’t anticipate this kind of scenario. He unconsciously crosses his arms over his chest and waits for your response. He was aware that not a lot of people knew about the growing relationship between the two of you. You were rarely seen outside together, and if you were, there wouldn’t be any hints that the two of you were romantically involved. Public display of affection was not that common between the two of you. 
You smile a little, knowing that Zhongli had stiffened up behind you. “I apologize Sir Baizhu, but Zhongli and I had dinner plans already,” Zhongli tries not to smile at the perfect rejection you had dished out, but Baizhu doesn’t seem to understand the message. “Oh, then perhaps tomorrow?”
Zhongli could not hold back the chuckle that erupted from his lips. Persistent, he thinks. Baizhu is surprised when he speaks up, “Tomorrow would be fine sir Baizhu, Y/N is excellent at using the local herbs and animals in her feasts. You’d be welcome to join us,” he pauses here, possibly to let his words sink in, “at our humble abode,” 
Baizhu looks as if the snake around his neck had bitten him. “O-oh, the two of you are--?” You secretly bite the inside of your lip. Zhongli had such ways to be stern yet long-winded at the same time. Unlike your straightforward rejection, his way, without even directly saying anything, seemed comparable to a slap in the face. And yet he did it with such calmness and humility. 
Baizhu seemed to have gotten back to his senses and waves with a sheepish smile. “I wouldn’t want to intrude,” and moments later you and Zhongli were on the way to the mountains to pick some Qingxin flowers. You laugh a little behind your hand. Zhongli knows well what you’re laughing about but he gives you his best exasperated face. “It seems that I have more worries than you just disappearing, I didn’t imagine that I had to fend off potential suitors,” 
“Not to worry Zhongli, it doesn’t happen often, and my dinners are always reserved for you,” He makes a sound of understanding, in the next moment his hand finds the small of your back as the two of you walk and he turns his head towards you. 
Your mouth slightly parts at the sight of his smile, so charming and bright and gentle. Like a magical golden cloud floating in the air. This smile, is a smile that lives in the present, not one that lingered in the past. 
This smile, was for you, and only you. A smile that conveyed and repeatedly convinced you of his loyalty and sincerity.
He leans in sideways to capture your lips in a rare show of public affection. The kiss was far too brief as you slightly chase after his lips when he parts from you.  “Thank you, dear,” and his hand stays on your back as you walk.
He was not a very vocal person, but he had always managed to make you feel loved at every juncture and every turn.
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starglitterz · 3 years
cynosure. (vii)
─── chapter 7 ! ~ bubble tea
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summary; you and xiao are genmates under the famed streamer company genshin impact. the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable, and your fanbases absolutely love your collaborations. but when you both start meeting up offline more and more, your connection starts to deepen past just harmless flirting and playful banter. with these real feelings starting to affect both your job and reputation online, how will you two react when your relationship becomes the internet’s cynosure?
a/n: apologies for the ugly formatting i needed space for 10 images so i removed the banners LMAO,,, hehe i hope u all like this chapter bc i certainly do (it went kinda far from my og plan LOL) also i forgot to add this but reading order is; 1 2 3 4
warnings; hate comments
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
this chapter is dedicated to story !! (@/storytravelled) hehehe tysm for all the adorable tags u leave in the reblogs, they make me rlly happy and i love reading them!! ^_^ <3
private messages !
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groupchat 1 !
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groupchat 2 !
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twitter !
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private messages !
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facts !!
scaramouche is a famous tea channel, he starts informs people about drama in the youtube community. his sources are usually untrustworthy but everyone believes him because he's pretty. has been cancelled numerous times but still comes back every single time, much to the chagrin of the poor streamers whom he sets his eye on to make his next video about.
feiyun slope is is the northeastern area in liyue harbour. in-game, wanmin restaurant is actually in chihu rock, but for story purposes it's now at feiyun slope since that's usually where business occurs in the game.
hu tao and yanfei were on a ghost-hunting date, they had stopped to take a break after quite a long time without seeing any ghosts and that's when hu tao texted in the groupchat.
xiao's contact name is tiny because of a joke w his chinese name that i mentioned in a previous chapter. xiao’s chinese name is 魈, read as xiāo and meaning 'demon’, but the word for 'small’ in chinese is 小, read as xiăo. basically if you mispronounce xiao’s name the meaning will change, and so y/n nicknamed him tiny bc of the word 小.
while yanfei says the username is 'genshin-impact-updates', the actual poster is 'gi-updates'. just take this as yanfei having a rare lapse of memory, pretend it's not bc i realised twt usernames can't be that long <3
a/n; YOOO SOME DRAMA??? LMFAOKMDKSD also i dont know how bubble tea works so i cut out a whole part i had planned for this but! genesussy helped me out when i was asking qs in the discord server hehe 😎 ty genesis btw!! <3 besides that im sorry for delaying this chapter for like 700 years T_T i didnt have any time to write it </3 fun fact i nearly cried editing parts of this on mobile bc it was so laggy omg,,, but now that it's out, i hope u all like it !! also send me theories abt what u think will happen next or perish /j ily all, im abt to go sleep now (i just realised i always finish cynosure chapters late at night HAHA) so goodnight my loves ! or good morning when u read this ! either way i hope you like this chapter and continue enjoying cynosure <333
taglist; @noirkkat @bookuya @ohmykazuha @glazelilyy @oreoz-unfortunately @tiny-aroace @xiaophobic @test-tube @jiinghe @storytravelled @mirikusashes @ben6ett @oliviasslut @bluexiao @lunachelly @aelatus @mimion @akiiyukii @angelhxneyy @give-xiao-almond-tofu @abyssheart @xuanya @normalisthenewnorm @viagiraffe @fuhuashandholder @astersg4rden @nachotrash @childe-support @cynokine @axerrri @ventirain @kait-is-always-late @hushyouu @celestair @rim0na @indecisivehusky @nurserinnn @ariesreii @saving-for-xiao @hellokittykuroo @auradragon199 @xiaoszn @liarchive @almondto-fu @berryqueue @chichikoi @yunaholics @yoimimi @http-mewchuu
usernames in bold could not be tagged :( pls do lmk if want to be added to/removed from the taglist by sending in an ask! taglist pt 2 is open, and will be tagged in a reblog of this chapter when i wake up!
fan accounts !
- @severedftaes
- @/berryqueue
general masterlist.
© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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