#i dont know if my mom's working but i can take the bus out to a local market that sells the right kind of rice for it
swampdrive · 1 year
Love having to hemorrhage money on fucking ubering to work <3 its sooo great and totally isnt emotionally crushing to have it be a major financial drain
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
hmm. i think tomorrow im gonna try and make mochi
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i still mask bc i knew how awful a covid infection can be on the body, i read about long covid and it scared me, i never had terrible effects from covid aside from sinus problems but that was enough for me tbh. I am the only one in my house who masks, i try to tell my family to please mask and well my brother is a full on eugenicist who doesnt care about literally anything, my dad says it makes his beard itches, and my mom always says she will start but doesnt but at least she goes out of her way to buy me masks. She gets me good ones too like she got me n95 idek where she got it, in my city stores are slowly stopping the selling of masks. After the pandemic """"ended""" everyone at my highschool dropped the mask, even my friends who said it was so important stopped. Now i'm actually immunocomprimised as of verryy recently because of stuff with my liver and the doctors had no idea wtf but i was on this medication that helped alot but made me more at risk for infections and i was sooo so anxious, of not just getting covid but any viral sickness. I'm the only one in my house who masks and washes my hands religiously and i feel like the people around me simply dont care besides my mom ofc. But again she doesnt even mask herself despite saying she will, i think if i convince her enough she will start maybe. Its weird bc she works with actual disabled people and she tells me she thinks its awful how noone at her job masks even though they are directly working w disabled people who live independently, working in their own homes. Last time i got covid was in june and it lasted like 3 days but i was so worried and also angry because i am the only one who masks and washes my hands 100 times a day and i still got covid somehow, probably from my disgusting brother who is always sick. Whenever i take public transportation i always see a few people masking and it makes me happy but the vast majority of people dont mask and people bring their children on the bus without even putting a mask on them! They are children!! Aren't they more at risk of getting a beating from a sickness? I traveled earlier this year to cdmx to visit family and i was really anxious and made sure i had masks and people were boarding the plane coughing and sniffling while not even bothering to wear a mask. My very priviledged family in cdmx dont mask unless they are in downtown where the pollution is bad, and in that city i saw soo many more people masking in public and people were way more aware of the fact that we are in a pandemic compared the the city i live in Canada. I already felt guilty enough for travelling but i kinda had no choice and i still wanted to see my family but ugh. I'm really glad this blog exists because i know i'm not alone, i do see more and more people masking but its alienating. Its alrdy alienating enough being someone with very leftist politics among a fascist society and among people who are blinded by their own privilege everyday. Sorry for thr long ask, i hope ppl w similar experience see this and can relate.
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haolovre · 4 months
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secrets hidden in you
“they all say that park seonghwa, the most popular and dangerous person in the school doesnt have a heart, does he?”
student! ateez
this series can contain:bullying, beating up, blood, fluff, drugs, smoking, swearing
this is all fiction! nothing is real!!
masterlist of this serie
second day
U get woken up by ur alarm, as u growl u got up and went to the bathroom room. u check the clock 7:30 AM. Well u have enough time. U brush ur teeth and shower. then u check the clock 8:00 AM u put your clothes on and went down to eat breakfast. “Honey i made pancakes! U should go at 8:30 so hurry abit before u miss the bus” “mhm alright mom thanks!”
u ate ur breakfast and went to the bus stop. as u were right on time the schoolbus was there. u went to the school bus to see ateez only in the bus. u went to sit in the front as ateez was sitting in the back. “Hey new girl, wanna sit with us” a male voice said. thank goodness u had ur headphones on so u could pretend u couldnt hear them. U heard footsteps coming at u, then ur headphones were taking of “hey! what the fuck was that for” “oh~ so u were listening to music, thats why u didnt answer my question” u looked up who u were talking to.
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choi jungho-
“oh im sorry, but my music is pretty loud so i didnt hear u” “ohh~” he smirked “excuses , excuses, excuses. dont have to lie to me” he put your headphones on. He was quite shocked at the music u checked ur phone. now playing: guerilla - halateez. Know u get why he was shocked. He drew the headphones on ur lap and went back to the group. As u were finally at school (well not finally but yk) u thanked the driver and went to the gates to be greeted by sooha. “Heyy girly well haeyoung is sick sadly. People saw newjeans put something in her waterbottle” “naur way poor her hopefully she gets better” u signed “well u still have me! And great news the cheer club had accepted u!!” “oh my days ur kidding” “im not~ well we both have the same classes but the training is today at 5:00 pm u’ll get ur uniform there so dont worry! And the coach is amazing so no stress” mhm alright u said to urself “well maybe lets get going will be late if we keep standing here.” “Alright lets get going. Literature it is” sooha said sadly. U two went to literature, yeahyeah boring stuff we’ll skip that part. “Well we have self study now so lets-“ sooha got interrupted by something.. well poor u got ice bucketed by newjeans and ateez. u heard them laughing “oh my days lets go to the medic before u catch a cold” sooha took ur arm and ran to the medic but got stopped by a male figure. “Well i can bring her” he smiled as u looked up who it was.
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kang yeosang.
“No. U did this to her-“ as yeosang picked u up and threw soohas arm off urs. as he walked to the clinic. “Yeosang u better not do anything to her” sooha screamed to him “yeahyeah ill take care of her dont worry” he responded looking at u with a caring smile. As the school doctor looked at u and gave u a new uniform so u’ll not catch a cold. “Thank u yeosang for bringing her. I was scared for her that she’ll actually catch a cold” he softly laughed “mhm its oke ms hwang” u came out thanked the doctor and went out. “Wait ur not going to thank me i literally brought u here” u stared at him “u did it for ur reputation.” As u walked off u see the ateez and newjeans looking at u and yeosang. U went to the library to see sooha by herself doing the biology assignment. “ oh there u are! I was worried . did yeosang do anything to you?” She sounded a worried mother “no no he did nothing, just brought me so his reputation is high” “ew that player, well im working on my assignment so maybe do urs too” “mhm alright, weres beomgyu?” “Oh he has a other lesson then us.” Great ur only partner is park seonghwa “oh well im not doing it with seonghwa” “did u call my name?”
u looked to see seonghwa and yeosang at the entrance of the library. “Thank god i could get out of that group, minji keeps clinging on me like a fly” seonghwa said now walking to u “well we should work on the project, no?” “Yeah alright move a chair here so u can sit” as seonghwa went to get a chair, yeosang came up too u “ heard u were the new cheerleader well be cheering for me and seonghwa yeah?” u looked at him as u wanted him dead “gosh im joking comeon” as seonghwa came back with two chairs so yeosang could sit too. U and seonghwa were doing pretty well on the poster. As u never thought that seonghwa could be helpful. But then the bell went. “Oh well its best me and yeo get going see u around y/n” as both male figures waved goodbye and left. “Well~ how did it went” sooha asked “went better then i expected def”
time skip to the end of the last class
“YN LETS GO WE NEED TO GO TO PRACTICE”this girl has energy for days😞 “alright alright! im coming” u went to the coart were the cheer coach was. “Ohh u must be the new cheer member! yn right?” u nodded” well welcome to wave cheer club! here are the uniform” it was a blue cheer uniform and the pompoms were blue with gold “ well practice start in 10 minutes!!” u look over the bleachers to see someone staring at u, but u couldn’t recognize the face as it turned away quickly.
After practice u go to ur locker seeing alot of love notes in it. U were kinda surprised seeing the fall down. U didnt want to make a mess so u quickly put them all in ur bag. Ur surprised that it all fitted in
. U go home by bus and opened every love letter. All of these letters had something common. There signed with 0304. U looking confused but said to urself u’ll read them tomorrow.
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thesugarhole · 5 months
being serious day 1 blog:
was going to spend the day at the library to better simulate a focus environment but my mom had some exams to do that required general anesthesia and had to have someone pick her up after, so i stayed home to both take her and pick her up
* i have to get re-used to driving even though i dont have a car. rookie mistakes
headache started brewing
spent all morning and most of the afternoon cleaning the house with her
while she was there i came back home and finally analyzed/ opened up my portefolio to update it. turns out it needs less work than i expected it to. reworked the cover & back bc i dont want my face in there, also removed some projects i dont think are relevant to the type of design i wanna do (theyre on behance regardless)
this was roughly 2-3 hours of work though and my headache got worse. saw that it was close to the time to pick up my mom so i went to rest my head for a bit
pick up mom, back home. go get something to eat with her bc she hungry due to having to clean her guts for it = chicken soup, jello and pills for like 4 days
has an inflamed stomach and a mass inbetween stomach and. i forgot the name. they took part of it for a hospital biopsy that can analyze it more thorough. awaiting results
here writing this. 7pm. head still hurty
tldr: first day got very little done in terms of job hunting, but could be worse. could have done nothing at all. i need to check if the library isnt on different schedules due to labor day on wednesday, but the main plan is go there tomorrow all day and finish editing my portefolio, as well as translate my cv to english/update europass (<- havent needed it yet but who the fuck knows). i think its feasable.
im wondering if it would be worth it to charge my transport pass (30 euros) just to have a bus library<-> home. its not a long walk, 20mins/1,4km/0,6 miles?, but carrying my laptop in summer-like heat is a drag. ive eliminated as much weight as i can from my junk but just that plus a water bottle is enough to tire, can you believe it. or maybe im just kinda lazy.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
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Luke Hughes x reader
Basic Premise : your dating one of the Michigan Guys who went to WJ’s, but youre Canadian. After the tourney, you (& Adam) proceed to annoy your bf & the rest of the guys with the Team Canada goal song, partly because it slaps, but also because its annoying as fuck. you & Luke are childhood friends from Toronto, but you moved to Halifax after he moved to Michigan. Now you go to Mich & you’re a year older so third year, but you’ve been involved with the hockey team since your first, & youre good friends with most of the guys
Note: this is based on a random thought I had around World Juniors that I was just reminded of. Please note I am drunk as a skunk as I write this so there will be mistakes & probably things that dont make sense (timeline math wise)
January 2023, Halifax
Is it bad if I’m hoping they lose? I text my besties. Like I love Luke but I want Canada to go back to back
It takes 2 seconds for my phone start buzzing
Anne (bestie from Michigan): Fuck that you traitor!!
Mel (Hometown bestie): Haha, no. Canada for the dub baby!!!!
A: I hate both of you. Just you wait y/n, I’m showing this to Luke when I see him!
Y/n: he knows how serious I take this. I still havent forgiven Jack for 2021.
M: As much as I love supporting our boys, you have got to give that up babe. Its been 2 years
A: And wasnt it his friend who scored anyway?
Y/n: We also dont talk about him
M: Yeah, until you need someone to do Taylor Swift karaoke with at the Lake house in the summer
Y/n: fuck off, games starting, I hate you
As hard as both teams played, Canada wins & the crowd goes wild! I’m over the moon, but I know Luke will be disappointed. After the game, I make my way down towards the locker rooms with the rest of the family members that are here (not like there’s many) to wait for the boys. As they slowly make their way out & head for the bus, I spot Luke. I run over & wrap my arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his chest.
“Sorry babe, you played so well though.”
He pulls back and raises an eyebrow “are you really that sorry?… Anne texted me.”
“Bitch” He chuckles so I know he’s not that mad “ I really did want you guys to do well. It ws just awkward that its to get to the gold medal game. If you were both in the final it be better but it didn’t work out that way this year. You’ll get that bronze though, and then im going to show you how we have a good time in Hali.”
Dropping a kiss on my nose, I see him crack a smile before something slams into my back and arms go around me.
“Hey Rut, you played great out there!”
“Not good enough”
“Hey! Dont talk like that. Time to get that bronze & then well go back to AA & get that Natty.”
“HUGHES, McGroatry, get your asses on the BUS!!! Duker I see you heading towards them. NO”
I giggle as their coach yells at Duke, but grab him for a quick hug before he can get in trouble.
“God you really are the team mom.”
“What?” “Thats what the guys say but I’ve never really noticed it before”
“That’s nice, I guess? But go babe, before you get in trouble. Tomorrow night though, youre all mine” I kiss him quickly and let him go.
Team mom? Have I somehow adopted a hockey team & not realized?
The Next Day
Team USA gets the bronze with a couple of beautiful goals from our Michigan boys. After the game, I catch up with the boys.
“Congrats!!! here’s the plan. Now I’ve got a game to watch, you’ve got shit to do, and I’ll pick you up at 10 after your team dinner & bonding shit. Get ready I’m showing you the real Halifax.”
“Love you Lukey. I’m so proud of you. I’ve got to get back to my seat but I’ll see you later”
The game is crazy but we take the gold!!! I text Luca since I know he’s here somewhere & we finally mange to find each other before making our way to the ice to congratulate Adam & the rest of the guys.
“By the way, youre coming with me tonight” I nudge Luca while Adams talking to someone else. “I’m showing the boys Halifax
“Y/n, my flight is early tomorrow morning.”
“Bro were all on the same flight. Grow a pair & come out. I need more people since the other frosh are underage”
“Hey, why can’t I come?” Adam has apparently been listening. ‘I’ve never been to Halifax before!”
“How have you been here for 2 weeks and not seen anything”
“Not with a local!! I want to see the secrets”
“Were going drinking and youre a child so you won’t be let in moron. Also dont you have team stuff?”
He’s dragged away before he can respond but I know we won’t see him for the rest of the night. Luca agrees to come, but he has to find his parents first.
My phone buzzes with a text from Luke Hey babe, think you’ll be much longer, some of the guys are tired & not sure they’ll last much longer
I text him back 30 more minutes. Tell them to take a power nap, but the only ones that’ll need to rally are you & Duker. The rest of them will be back with an hour & a half.
L: Okay babe, see you soon.
After fighting my way through the crowds, I manage to make it to the hotel the teams staying at. I enter the lobby & hear my name, since I texted Luke that I was near. There’s about fifteen of the USA guys waiting for me and I make my way over.
“First things first, who’s 19?” About half of the guys hands go up. “Okay, do you have your IDs?” Everyone nods & I clap my hands. “Alright, for those who dont know me, I’m y/n & this idiot is my boyfriend” I gesture to Luke & he wraps his arms around me. “I’m going to show you how we do shit here on the East Coast, especially those of you who are legal. For the children, I’ve got some cool stuff for you too but your night will come to an end sooner than the rest of us. Ready?”
A cheer goes up as everyone gets up & ready to go.
“One last thing, Duker needs a place to sleep tonight” “HEY!” “But you can sort that out among yourselves. Lets go!!”
The streets of Halifax are absolutely wild, but I manage to show the guys around a lot before we make our way back to the hotel. In the lobby, I give the Michigan kiddos a hug & tell them that ill see them tomorrow for the flight. “For the rest of you, Nice meeting you, im sure ill see you around!!”
We pick up Luca then make our way around downtown. once we make it to the designated bar I see a familiar face.
“MEL!!” “Ah, you made it!! congrsts on the bronze boys, but RED & WHITE TAKES THE WIN BABY!!”
“Sorry about that, she’s a bit drunk. Have fun boys, everyone has my number so text me if you can’t find me!”
“she’ll be in a corner with Luke!” “ Shut it Duke.”
Two hours later, the drinks have been flowing & were all having a great time. Luke & I are out on the dance floor, tearing it up, when the bar goes wild. Luke groans as the opening bars of an East Coast Classic start playing. “ I’m gonna hear this song in my nightmares for the next little bit”
“I mean that sucks for you but COME GET YOUR DUDS IN ORDER” I scream with the rest of the bar.
Sorry, I mouth to Luke
As the night comes to a close, I manage to round up the boys and make our way back to the hotel. All in all, a great few days here at home, but I’m ready to head back to Michigan and get on with the year.
End of January
We’ve been back for a couple of weeks & life is going well. We’re having a party for the team & various friends at one of the houses. Luke & I are chilling on one of the couches, im on his lap chatting to Anne as he talks to Duke, when Luca comes running up
“Y/n what’s the name of that song?” I have no idea what he’s talking about “Could you be any less specific? Give me something Luca”
“You know, du du dud dud” “How does that make sense Anne mutters beside me. “Yeah duh. Why?” “ Adams on the music next & needs a good lineup. He can’t remember the name”
I sit up, “oh, ill text him a playlist, I’ve got a couple of good ones to go along with it”
Luca runs off and Luke pulls me back into his chest “What are you up to?” I give him a kiss “nothing:)”
Ten minutes later, I can see that Adam is hooking his phone up, so I hop up on the coffee table & yell
“Attention folks, Adam, thanks for the tunes. It’s time I introduce you all to a couple of good old fashioned Canadian classics. I expect full enthusiasm okay? Take it Away Adam” The opening bars play and then “Twas the night that Patty Murphy died….”
By the time we get through 5 of the songs, the whole room is bumping. Luke & I are dancing, and he leans down & whispers “I know its coming, and I’m going to get you back for this” I smile up at him, “no idea what you’re talking about”
I dance my way over to Adam & Luca as the opening bars begin
“Hey boys, ready?” “Hell yeah”
“I know you know it, so sing it with me - COME GET YOUR DUDS IN ORDER….. HEAVE AWAY!!” At this point I’m back on the table doing some weird attempt at line dancing with Eddy. Of course the albertan knows how to do it. Were about halfway through the song when im thrown over Lukes shoulder, to cheers from the room
“Thank you, thank you!! Ill be back next week!” I wave as Im pulled from the room. Luke drops me on the swing on the porch before sitting down & leaning on me. “Youre infuriating”, “but you love it’ I grin and kiss him. We stay on the swing making out & cuddling for a while, looking at the stars & people watching. There’s no shortage of interesting incidents to see in a college town on a Saturday night. The the night starts dying down so I round up the boys that dont live here & start making our way back to my place across campus, dropping everyone off & making sure they get home safe before Luke & I get to mine.
All in all a great night.
Mid February
“What’s up everybody!!!!” I skate onto the ice to get the crowd going
“All right, its loud in here tonight!! So I’ve got some news for you. I know you were expecting to see our wolverines playing some of Team USA’s development guys. Unfortunately they had to pull out, but weve got something better for you all tonight! Before I let you in on it, Here are YOUR MICHIGAN WOLVERINES!!!”
The Music starts as most of the guys come rushing out of the tunnel doing a lap in front of the crowd before lining up in front of our net. Smiles all around as the crowd goes wild. Once they settle down, I start back up. 
“Thank you boys for that dramatic entrance!! Now, some of you may know me as that annoying girl who’s been on the mic at Yost for the past three years, which is valid. But what some of you might not know, is that I’m Canadian.” BOO. I hear from behind “Zip it Duker” The rest of you, Stop your booing!!! I’ve brought it up for a reason - For those of you that know me, you know that I came here for a boy. I know what youre thinking, what a dumb move, moving to another country for a boy, but I couldn’t help myself. You all know and love him, from the wolverines, number 43” The crowd starts making some noise, “QUINN HUGHES.”
The boys behind me start laughing & glance at Luke, but he knows im joking (or am I?…)
“Nah, Nah, in all seriousness, Q is like an older brother to me, so when I was figuring my life out four years ago he brought me here & I knew it was the place for me. But there is a boy, who followed me here cause im that awesome ‘hair flip’, and since there’s a very special holiday coming up”, I turn around and skate over to stand in front of Luke, looking into his eyes before turning my head
“Duker, will you be my Valentine” The arena burst out into laughter & cheers as Luke drops his stick & I try & race away from him. He grabs me by the waist before I make it more than a few metres, swinging me around before setting me back down on the ice.
“Youre going to pay for that” he whispers before dropping a kiss on my lips as a collective EW goes up from the crowd.
“Yeah yeah, get back in line lukey.” I blow him a kiss as he skates back.
“Now that thats out of the way” The crowd laughs “Duke im free at 7, you know where to find me”
“In all seriousness, you may be noticing that were missing quite a few players. Now there’s nothing wrong with them, but first let me tell you what’s about to go down. We have a couple of special guests coming to join us for this game, so lets get into it. We’re hosting the first, and probably last, USA vs Canada game, Michigan style!!”
I can tell that people are confused, so why dont we just show you?” Cheers & Boos start up, but thats alright, I. Think they’ll be pretty happy once they see what’s planned.
“First up, they may look a little different tonight, but please welcome, your Canadian wolverines!!
Starting us off tonight, you all know & love them, an inseparable duo, the bros LUCA & ADAM!!” They come out wearing Adams jerseys, pumping up the crowd & do a lap before standing behind me, just opposite their teammates.
“Next up, from the single worst province, number 73, ETHAN EDWARDS!!” The crowd roars as Eddy pretends to flip me off.
“And the last of our Ontario boys, Eric & TJ!!”
“All right, I dont know about you guys, but I’m thinking our Canadian boys need a little colour with a u” The boys snicker & Eddy fist bumps me “So please welcome some very special gents with a delivery for us. From last years championship winning team” The crowd gets so much louder “Mr ‘no one can spell your province’ Jimmy Lambert, Mr British Columbia Kent Johnson, and the big dog Owen power!!” Jimmy, KJ & OP skate out, the crowd cheering as they hold a bunch of Team Canada jerseys.
I’m glad they’re willing to play along. When Kent messaged me earlier in the year & mentioned that him & Owen were going to try & stop by for a game during the all star break, I knew it could turn into something super fun. Once I got my boss & the two guys on board, & the NTDP had pulled out a few weeks ago due to something, I started my mission. The Michigan boys had no idea what was going on until getting ready tonight, so I think it’ll be an awesome time for everyone. It also gives me an opportunity to fuck with Luke a bit which I’ll never pass up. He thinks he know what I’m up to, but I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve.
“Now Owen & Kent have generously donated some of their old jerseys for the players to wear tonight, so we can really represent. Will they all have the same names on the back? Yes, but they’re big kids, they’ll figure it out.” Sweeping my hands out, the boys start grabbing jerseys.
“We’ll have a quick break so that the boys can change”
“I mean they can start stripping out here, we won’t complain” I hear from the stands as laughter erupts & I point towards the children of Yost section.
“I like you, but unfortunately the on ice strip tease portion of this evening has been cancelled. It will take place in the locker room, tickets are ten dollars” I wink at the camera before turning back towards Luke. “But lets continue. we can’t play a full game with only a few on our team, so please welcome some more special guests. One of your former wolverines, Mr has lived in Vancouver so long he’s basically Canadian, Quinn Hughes!! (Bum Bum bum bummmm noise)” Lukes eyes go wide as the arena explodes with noise and Quinn comes out. I open my arms and grab him for a hug before having him stand next to me.
“Alright Quinny, how are you feeling being back?’
“honestly y/n im wondering what you have planned because if I know you, there’s something else that going to surprise me.”
“Ladies & gents, he’s known me since I was 3 so I’d say he’s got a pretty good read on me. Now number 43” “Hey!” Luke pipes up and I wave my hand in his direction to shush him, “I’m going to have you stand over there until everyones here & we can split you up.
“You’re wondering who’s next, I’m wondering why he’s here at all” Laughter & cheers from the crowd and the boys on the ice bang their sticks “we have Mr ‘ive never met anyone with greater middle child syndrome, he didn’t even go to college but refused to be left out’ from New Jersey Jack Hughes!” Jack skates out & leans towards the mic
“I would like it on the record that you asked me….” I hip check him away “That’s false. Anyway” He skates over to Luke & grabs him in one of those weird bro hugs then heads over to Quinn.
“Alright, last one then we can get going with some hockey!” The crowd roars
“Since they seem to come as a pair these days, your other favourite boy from Columbus, Nick Blakenberg!”
The crowds going wild, the boys are having a good time seeing each other & I think were about ready to get going.
“So here’s everyone. Now rapid fire, its time to split them up. We’ve got our Canadian boys. Jack, get your butt over there” He starts to protest but I hold up my hand “you know why, remember?” Raising an eyebrow at him, I see the recognition dawn. his face falls into a pout as he heads over to stand next to Owen.
“Q, I may have said youre basically Canadian but since I do love your brother, you can head over there” The smile on Lukes face as Quinn skates over & stands next to him is just adorable. God hes so cute. A mixture of Aws & Ews makes me realize that I may have said that out loud. My cheeks feel like theyre on fire as he skates over, wraps his arms around my waist & rests his chin on my head after pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Youre cute too” he whispers
“Anyway, next up, since we appear to be missing a goalie, its only fair that we get Ports! So get on over here!” Boos ring out “hey, he’s not American. That’s the literal criteria. Now here’s where it get tricky. The rest of these fine gentlemen are proud Americans, but the teams are pretty uneven. To keep things fair, we have a couple of guys who played in the BC leagues, so they’re hopping over the border for this one. So please temporarily welcome to team Canada, Holtzy, Phil, Grano Kienan & TShea!!!. Were about even now.“
The players are starting t organize themselves “Now we’ll take a five minute break so the guys can switch jerseys. Then its go time!!!” Noise inside the arena grows as I wrap my arms around Luke & he drags me off the ice.
“I love you so much, but youre absolutely insane.”
“Aw thanks babe, love you too. Now get your ass in the change room & get back out there”
I grab my Canada Hoodie that I hid next to the door earlier this morning and pull it on before hopping back on the ice. “How are we feeling? Excited?!” I pump up the crowd as I skate around. “So this is how tonights gonna go. We wont be playing a full game, since were ’not allowed to tire out the NHL guys on their break’ boo We also dont want any injuries since this is just for fun. So we won’t be too rough tonight, but instead of that final period, we’ve got a fun little game to play with the players. But first, while the rest of the boys are away I have one more visitor” I spin & open my arms up, gesturing towards the tunnel, “everyone’s favourite fashionable frenchman, Thommy B!” Bordy comes skating out and yells, “dont ever call me that again” “What, French?” Laughing,I shout back as he waves to the crowd. “So Bordy, welcome. You know a little bit about what’s going on tonight. I know youre used to wearing the red white & blue, but now its time to represent the superior country.” He laughs and sticks out his tongue. “Here come the rest of our players!!” The music gets going again as the boys come out. They cheer as they see Bordy before splitting up into their teams.
“ALL RIGHT ARE WE READY?” The noise is deafening as the boys head to their benches, but jack skates towards me. “Just so you know, Z, Turcs & a bunch of the other guys are here so it might get a bit rowdy”
“Cleary you’ve never been to a game here haha. There’s no one rowdier than the children, but I’ll keep that in mind. Where even are they?”
“They’re in the away dressing room, Quinn helped me get them in there but they’re going to come into the tunnel to watch”
“Fucking Zebras, messing up my plans. I hope they know that they’re not getting away with being here & not participating. Ive got to do some shuffling” “Y/n they dont have any gear” “Well they should have though of that before gatecrashing” I pat him on the shoulder, “dont worry jacky, I’ll sort it out, now get over there”.
“NOW, Can I please get my two representatives to centre for the puck drop, then I promise we’ll be on our way”
Luke & Adam skate up to me and get into position. We get the picture & then,
“Hey y/n, I think were missing something” Adam pipes up
“I think youre absolutely right Adam. Everyone please rise”, the crowd stands up, “it would be a shame to start without this, Lukes favourite song” He groans as the smile on my face grows infinitely bigger “Take it away” I point to the sound guys & Heave Away starts to blare from the system.
I skate around pumping up the crowd as everyone gets into it. I see a few faces from the US WJC team look like they’re trying not to enjoy themselves, but I know they like the song. Between Adam & I, We’ve played it enough. A ripple of laughter comes from the crowd as I hear skating behind me. Luke grabs me and pulls me over to the box I normally sit in, stealing my mic in the process.
“Think that’ll stop me babe? I can yell pretty loud too”
“Oh I know” he winks, “and so does the rest of the house” My mouth drops as I know what he’s insinuating. 
“Now Ive got a game to win” he says as the final notes of the song play. He turns around but I grab his jersey before he can get away, “think youre forgetting something” He kisses me quickly before getting back to centre ice.
The crowd at Yost is absolutely electric through out the game, and the boys are having a blast. Throughout the first period, I’m texting my friends & the others who work in the arena to see what they think about my plan for our gatecrashers.
(I can’t describe a game to save my life, despite having watched hockey since I was a kid, so just use your imagination for whats actually going on on the ice:) )
First intermission comes up, and the Canada side is leading, obviously. The boys head to the dressing rooms, and the music starts going. I head back to the dressing rooms to deal with the new guys. I crack the door to the away room & Yell
“You better be decent, im coming in” before pushing the door. A few guys my ass, I think as I take in half of the team jack played with in the program & a bunch of young NHL guys.
“Sup Mase” I stick out my fist. “Long time. Matty, Briss, Beech, nice to see you.”
“Trevor” I narrow my eyes at him
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting any of you but I have something for you. Since you idiots, Zegras & Cole im looking at you, didnt assume that I’d make you participate, none of you have gear. Luckily for you, we’ll be able to scrounge some stuff up. Follow ME!” I walk out and they file out behind me. Over to the Michigan dressing room, which is a little bit full right now.
“Hey boys, im coming in” I dont bother checking before opening the door, they’re pretty used to it by now.
“Jesus Christ its like a minefield in here” I have tp jump over a couple of things and dodge equipment as I make my way over to Luke before plopping on his lap. “Apparently we have some additional guests” I sweep my hands towards to door as heads poke in. “& We need some equipment. Ive talked to Joe (equipment manager) & he’s seeing what he can find. But I wanted to ask if anyone minds letting them borrow a stick?” Luke rests his head on my shoulder as we watch the chaos, as guys jump up to say hey, chat & just have a good time. “Is it bad that I’m excited to see what you make them do?” He says. “Nope” I grin, “ they have no idea what’s coming”.
The horn blares and the gatecrashers leave so the rest of the guys can head back to the ice.
“Just to remind you guys” I say once the cheering had died down “ were only going to be playing 2 periods of hockey, but We have something pretty fun to replace that third period. Now Lets get back to it!!”
Th game restarts and its awesome to watch. Its face paced but still clearly a fun game. Watching Luke & Quinn play on the same line has me smiling like an idiot since I know how much Luke had wanted to play with him in a game setting. Its pretty special & I’m glad I could make it happen.
The final horn sounds, and ‘Canada’ wins, but all the guys are joking around & having fun so I know there not taking it too seriously. Which is good.
“Alright alright, how was that?” Roars from the crowd tell me that they liked it. “First I want to say thank you to all of our players for being such good sports about this, and a huge thanks to everyone who came back. Thanks for going along with my crazy idea, I think we’ve made tonight pretty memorable for everyone!” Yells of agreement come from all around me.
“I promised you a replacement for the third period, so lets get into it
The reason that so many of our hockey alumni can be here tonight is because of the NHL All Star break! Since none of them were invited to the All Star weekend, except Jack, who is still here for some inexplicable reason, I decided that we’ll give them a chance to show off their skills here, just like the skills competition but with no prep. Who needs Florida when you can be here? !” Cheers come from the crowd as they agree with me.
“Originally We had a couple of our Michigan guys & our Alumni who were going to be doing this, not that they knew that, but in true middle child fashion,” more laughs, “Jack had to make it about him & bring a few friends. So please welcome some of the most annoying guys ive ever met, Trevor Zegras, Cole Caulfield and Alex Turcotte”, cheers & boos ring out. “ I know, Wisconsin & BU suck, but since they decided to crash my event, they have to participate. We’ve also got special appearances from DUNDUDUUH Mason McTavish, reuniting him with is bestie Kent, go team Canada! And MAKE SOME NOISE FOR YOUR FORMER WOLVERINES, Matty Beniers, Brendan Brission, Jonny Beecher, Cam York & Josh Norris!!” The boys make their way onto the ice, sliding around & The noise turn deafening.
“Well I guess we know who the favourites are huh? Now you may be noticing, none of these gentlemen have any gear Again, they decided to crash but didn’t plan ahead, so they’re at a disadvantage. We’ve managed to find some sticks of them but that’s about it. Back to what’s happening next. The teams, Canada & US, will each pick five players to show off their skills. A few exceptions, KJ, Jacky, Blanks & Mackie have to do it, as do all of our interlopers. Portillo will be in net. Sort it out boys, you’ve got until I finish with our judges. Judging today, We’ve got Joe the equipment manager, the real star of this team, representing the student section, Annie & Tim, both 4th year students who work as Student trainers, and A woman who has who know exactly what she’s talking about when it comes to hockey, and is used to wrangling boys, its Mama Hughes!!” Our judges come out to one of the benches waving.
“Gentlemen, ARE YOU READY?” Nods all around. “If youre participating, line up single file at centre, everyone else, get out of the way!”
The crowd gets going again as the players split up. “I’m sure youre all a bit sick of me, so I’m going to pass the mic to my colleague Bob, who you may recognize. He’s going to be commenting on this portion of the evening, but I’lll be back soon!” I skate over & give Ellen a hug before handing out whiteboards & markers as the competition gets underway. I’m pretty impressed by what some of these guys have managed to come up with given the time crunch. I’m doodling on my own whiteboard, creating my masterpiece. Im also keeping track of the scores. Luckily Jack & Trevor are going last so I have some time. I lean my head on Ellen’s shoulder as she laughs at Mackies performance. “Thanks for doing this, I know it was a bit random” I say, & she wraps an arm around me
“I’m having a blast & I know all the boys are too. Youre coming to dinner tomorrow right?” “Wouldn’t miss it.”
“I’ve never been more glad that we moved next door to you in Toronto. You make him so happy” I look up & lock eyes with Luke as she says this, a dopey grin on his face. holy shit I’m gonna cry. “You can’t make me cry right now Ellen, I haven’t embarrassed jack & Z yet. I can’t be crying when I do that.” We both laugh as Bill says, “& here come our final contestants, a dynamic duo Hughes number 2 & Zegras” they do pull off something pretty sweet, but I hold up my board when the rest of the judges do.
(Drawing of the Ducks Mascot saying “you suck Z”)
He laughs at it so I know he doesn’t think I’m too serious, and I stand up. That’s my cue.
“Alright how was that?!” The crowd goes nuts.
“Thanks to our four judges for your time. And now, the winner of the 2023 skills comp is “drumroll please”, number 11, Mackie!!!”
Bob skates out with the prize, which I think is pretty dope. We found a vintage Michigan Hockey sweat set & letterman jacket which looks cool as fuck, so im glad they were willing to let us give it away. I pass it to him & he takes a victory lap, taunting the other boys.
“Since this is a game, We’ve got something for our winners. The NHL gives a million dollars, but that boring (and im poor) so instead, we have something else for our boys!” The crowd cheers & bill skates towards me with a box. The teams line up opposite each others, & we skate in between them. I pass out the trophies, adorned with little maple leafs & filled with chocolate. “You were confident eh?” Kent says when I pass him his. “Duh” everyone laughs. we finish passing them then I address the crowd again.
“If you’ll direct your attention towards the screens,” everyone turns “ I have a special message from a couple of our participants.” A video of Cam, Jack, Trevor & Beecher pops up from when they were like 17. They’re wearing their USA jerseys and everyone laughs. Not them though. They know what’s coming. I press play & the singing starts “we Aren’t the champions, we aren’t the champions” Ive been sitting on this one for years. Its from the summer that year when I visited & we had some kind of competition. Their team lost, so Quinn & I made them change the lyrics to reflect that they lost. (I have no idea, Just need something that would be embarrassing).
‘Thank you gentlemen for that, I needed an occasion to play that & this seems like everyone enjoyed it” The crowd laughs along.
“Now, we need to crown an MVP. The way I’m going to to this is: each team pick 3 players, & then you, the crowd, will determine our MVP based on how loud you cheer. Teams you have 1 minute to offer your sacrifices.”
I skate over to the bench. “Now some of you may know that the NHL MVP gets a car, so we decided to stay on theme, but you know we do things better here at Michigan! Thanks to a donation from a generous alumni **Cough cough quinny** the 2023 MVP of our game will get, drumroll please” Everyone in the arena starts making noise and the boys start banging sticks and hollering, The Zamboni door opens & out drives Bill, in a little navy blue jeep (Like the ones for kids to drive) as laugher breaks out from everyone.
“So boys, can I get your top three please! Join me at centre ice.” Owen, Luke, Luca, Rutger, Ethan & Nick come towards me & line up in that order.
Alright, its up to you.” I skate over to Nick & hold my hand above his head Listening as the noise grows. “Decent. Next up” Im make my way down the line, each boy getting the crowd going. They’re all a bit taller, but I can still reach above them, until I get to Luke. I jump on his back & the crowd goes wild. “Last up, Owen! I think ill need some help here, Luke care to contribute?” He scoops me up & lifts me “im a bird!” People laugh & I hold my hand above Owen. Noise grows again. “So to avoid being called out for bias” “YOU ARE” a couple of the players yell “and giving it to my boy OP” Luke pretends to stumble & drops me back onto the ice as laughter rings out. I lean over & whisper, “ill get you for that” I right myself and continue “I’ve asked our skills judges to determine who the crowd got loudest for. On the count of three, please hold up your boards. 1, 2,3!!”They flip them around and I see one for Owen, one for Rutger, one for Luke & then Ellen flips hers, displaying Rutgers name. “Mom seriously!” I snicker as Luke yells in indignation & Ellen shrugs “Alright folks, there you have it. Your MVP!Rutger, Bill has the keys. Now you can stop stealing Luca’s Moped and drive this bad boy around campus.” He goes to sit in it & everyone laughs. “Okay, Thats all from me tonight. I just want to say a massive thank you again to all our alumni for participating and giving up part of your break to be here. To my boss & the rest of the team staff, thanks for trusting me on this & basically giving me free reign.” “Bad idea” one of the boys chirps “Thanks for going along with what was a bit of a harebrained idea that I think turned out pretty fun for all” the crowd agrees with me, “And thanks to all our guys for being such good sports about the change in programming. I’m not going to keep you here any longer, so Thank you & Goodnight!!” The crowd screams & cheers as I wrap my arms around Luke. “Oh before I forget, allow us to play you out with this teams favourite party playlist. Once more, for CANADA, Billy you know what I want” A thumbs up from the sound guy “COME GET YOUR DUDS IN ORDER!!”
I pass the mic to someone as they skate past, and Luke & I skate in a circle. “Youre incredible, you know that?’ He drops his forehead to mine. “Glad you finally see it” I chuckle. “Did you have fun” “are you kidding babe? I dont think ive ever had as much fun playing a game, & playing with Quinn was awesome. I can’t believe you pulled this off” Suddenly my song cuts out & he breathes a sigh or relief “oh thank god”
I lift my head to see who’s messing with it, when Luke spins me around & I see Quinn with the mic, Bordy & Duke skating towards me. Now that I look, none of the boys have left the ice.
“Sorry everyone, We’ll be quick. There’s one person who is entirely responsible for tonight, and we think that she needs some applause! Give it up for y/n l/n” I think im going to go deaf with how loud the barn gets, or maybe its just from Luke yelling in my ear. My face is bright red & I try to turn into Lukes chest, but he keeps me in position. Bordy grabs the mic “You’ve been an important part of this team for the past three years, even before Luke, and We wanted to do something to show our thanks. since some of us had a bit more notice” “We found out 30 minutes before you guys” duke pipes up gesturing to the crowd “Anyway, we have a little something for you to show our thanks” Duke pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and passes them to me. “I knew you were in love with me Duker. Does this mean you accept my valentine?” The boys that can hear me laugh, and Bordy keeps going “ you can thank Quinn for organizing this one, but Drumroll please” Banging from around the arena grows “Your very own Michigan jersey” He holds it up & flips it around to show my name on the back. My mouth drops, “Thats dope! Holy shit!’ I pass Luke the flowers & take it, pulling it on over my hoodie. “Guys this is awesome, thank you!” “One last thing,” Quinn says, as he produces a jacket from behind his back, the same kind that we used as the skills prize. Apparently there were two of them laying around. “Oh hell yeah! Mackie & I are going to look so much cooler than all of you!” They all laugh as I try to hug the three of them at once, before pulling back. “Alright, thats really all that we have for you tonight,’ Quinn says, addressing the crowd, “so well let you get out of here. Billy, lets get the music back on!” The next song plays as im grabbed by Luke & suddenly surrounded by the whole team. I’m crushed into a hug with most of them, laughing. I get out & manage to give everyone a quick hug before I make my way back to Luke, who’s now chatting to his mum & brothers. “What’s the plan now y/n?” Jack asks. “Man I dont know, do I have to plan everything?” He laughs. “The boys were talking about a party at the senior house, but im not sure if well fit everyone.” “We can try babe” Luke says “I’m going to go get changed & see what they’re thinking” he kisses me before heading towards the dressing room About thirty minutes lates, we’re finally leaving the arena. Luke & I are grabbing dinner but then its to the house to party. Some of the boys are doing the booze run, but everyones heading over there pretty soon. We grab a quick bite at one of the places we love and make our way down the road. We get to the house but the doors locked. I text one of the boys and they come, but the music cuts out once the door opens. “Ladies & gentlemen,” Nolan, who opened the door yells “The woman of the hour, Y/N!!!” The boys cheer as we step into the house & I laugh. Half of them are blasted already, but we catch up pretty quick. By the time the end of the night rolls around, I’ve seen thing I never wanted to (Shudder), but I’ve had fun, and I know this is the kind of night that ill remember forever.
ESPN Broadcast:
The biggest news coming out of the hockey world this week is surprisingly not the All star weekend. Absolutely everyone has been talking about the University of Michigan. On Friday night, fans were treated to a different kind of show. When introducing the night, host y/n l/n, a close family friend of the Hughes family, declared that it was a “Canada vs USA’ game, filled with the current roster & various alumni. I think a lot of people were sceptical, but once the night go going the crowd were really into it. We saw some of the leagues young stars I dont know about you but I absolutely loved the idea and the fans did too. A 2 period game took place, and If you want to see more, check the broadcast from that night, it was great, fun hockey, not too serious but very entertaining. Fans were shocked as more young stars made their way onto the ice, as they replaced the final period with a mini skills competition.
The event was live-streamed on social media & got fans around the country interested. Comments on social media included:
The NHL could really take some tips from the Michigan game this weekend. Ten times more entertaining than All Star.
Y/N has to be one of the most chaotic commentators that Ive ever seen, but She makes it work. Absolutely hilarious.
Luke Hughes Girlfriend, Y/n, doing nothing but roast jack was hilarious. I need to know what he did to get “punished” by wearing a Canada jersey though
I need to see y/n commentating the All Star game in the future, she ws great!
Fuck the All Star weekend, I need a repeat of that Michigan game next year!
I go to OSU but I would’ve loved to be in Yost last night.
Y/n putting on a whole ass game just so her boyfriend can play on the same line as his favourite brother. I see you girl.
NHLers even got involved, with stars like Dylan Larkin tweeting “can’t believe I didn’t get an invite @/YnLn” and other notable alumni echoed the sentiment. Former Captain & Goalie Strauss Mann got in on it, commenting “ damn thats what I get for taking care of you your first year huh? I’ll remember this”.
“HOLY SHIT. LUKE!! They’re talking about me on ESPN! What the fuck? “
Frozen four finals
We’ve just been informed of one last change to tonights final game, the University of Michigan have decided to switch their goal song for tonight to pay tribute to someone. You know as much as we do, so hopefully we’ll get a chance to hear it tonight as our game gets underway.
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hopeheartfilia · 5 months
Update on what i screenshoted from School Bus Graveyard
Also I found out that the reason it seemed so familiar when i started seeing it around was because my friend literally recommended it to me a few months back..
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Ashlyn and Aiden being adorable hours. there is so much of them being cute, and Im always just. glad they can get what little comfort they may from getting closer because those kids sure need it
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Another one, it is jsut. so soft. so important to me. Yes offer each other support and closeness in theese hard times, humans are mode for community
I dont think ive mentioned this but its so important to me how all the kids are caretakers of the group in their own ways, like they all care SO much and they show it in different ways but its undeniable.
Ashlyn cares in the way she tries to keep everyone alive and takes on responsibility and also in the way she is on the lookout for danger and generally tries to make plans and get them out of trouble
Taylor takes care of them in a more emotional core capacity, as in she has communiction skills that a majaority of them are indeed lacking in, she says things that need to be said and she helps keep them all together
Tyler on the other hand tends to care for people more in a way fo things he can Do, like doing laundry and feeding when they lived with their mom, practical things, and in the group its very much taking point, hitting things, going over and scaring of that guy that was bullying logan
Ben takes care of them in a medical way, he ptches them up physically and he worries about them and offers his silent support, and like he is still such a teen about it, they all are, but just. When they met up in the facility and tyler was like how about some words of encouragement? tell me its going to be okay and shit, and Ben just wnet and touched him while doing thumbs up, that was so sweet and so teen behaviour i love them all. And of course he is also protective in the way that he gets angry on logans behalf and would also hit someone physically as well
And the way Aiden cares for their little group might be filled with jokes, and a lot of adrenaline and overall danger seeking behaviour, but he still tries so hard, like yes he bothers people on purpose but he also livens a lot of situations, and when they need him he is there and delivers, he tries to ground ben, and ashlyn as well, he is the sort of prescence that you know will stay by your side
And Logan probably shows the most outwards signs of being scared but he still does so much and he clearly cares about the group back. He protects their back and worries about them and when push comes to shove he is there and pulling more then his weight, he helps so much with figuiring out the way the shadow realm works (thats what im calling it. it seems correct to me) and when he got that card? Like he doesnt seem to be very used to having actual close friends, which is true for most of them, but he does care about people and he does try to help others
Idk i just love all theese kids
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also, this one hit different, i was so worried about tyler, im glad he is alright-ish for now
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Also i know its easy to see how Ashlyn is a lot like her mom, especially in the beginning chapthers but i think its cool to see how much she is like her dad as well
I know there are a lot of other things to be said, and that i probably need a little more time to properly think about stuff and analyze before i can make any actual analysis but for now Ill probably put it a bit on the backburner
On the topic of theories and stuff thou, the phantoms to me have very much seemed connected to shadows in some way, as the changes in the real world affect their shadows, but people who dont see it dont seem to see the changes aeither, as we sall with ashlyns parents, and the things they said abour rifts - it overall definelty has a different, potentionally mirror dimention feeling. Also, If the phanthoms are caugh people, then the giant sentepede thing is likely a turned animal maybe? It seems likely to me that the forest would have less humanoid beings because it is less populated
Also im really curious about Logans grandparents and hoe they got that sedative. Also i have the bad feeling that their parents will get hit with the comatose version of being taken into the rift.
Also im curious about the power surges our guys cause. They seem to be emotion based, but I dont see why the other victims wouldnt cause them? Maybe they didnt stay together? or maybe they didnt live long enough? likely both but im not sure its tge reason. Also if it IS connnected to their emotional/psychological state then does that have anything to do with why aiden recovered faster? Personally i think it also has to do with the type of injury, but like do you heal faster in the shadow realm if you have depression? Or does it have something to do with your own self perception of youe wounds?
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lieblingspulli · 2 years
Need Something? - SKZ
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W.C: 2.3k
Seungmin x Reader
Summary: Two days converge into one as you and Seungmin unwind for the day!
SKZ Masterlist
Note: Hey! It’s been a while but I got inspired by my extreme procrastination of my schoolwork to make something. I’ve been just itching to write about super mundane things tbh, I’ve been just so busy, I’m appreciating the mundane much more lately. Hope you all like it <3
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Seungmin was extremely relaxed after his daily coffee run. If there was anything to start his morning peacefully, it was nicely flavored americano and an empty cafe. Today would be a good day, Seungmin resolved to himself. He would get his choreo memorized, sing some demos for Chan today and maybe even go live for a lunchtime mukbang session. Today would be a great day in fact. He felt so at peace that he felt he could do anything today, even the laundry that had been sitting in the corner of his room for like a week at home. Today would be good. 
You personally felt victimized today. Nothing like sleeping through the most important meeting of the quarter to start your morning. You spent all of last night typing out your important charts and notes, Seungmin couldn’t even lure you into bed with warm cuddles and extra attention.
Despite this, Seungmin had kissed you to sleep endlessly when you did join him at an early 3 in the morning. You felt so bad for keeping him awake, but Seungmin didn’t have an important quarterly report to type, you did. Resigning to a stern lecture from your coworkers, you let the morning do its thing. You used the last of the coffee pods that Seungmin left you and fed your tiny, old dog before hurrying out the door. Let’s get this day over with, you thought. 
Right before you left work for the day, you sent Seungmin a text.
Just getting out of work. When do u get home?🥲-Y
Almost immediately Seungmin answered. 
Maybe around 7. :( Srry bby -S
Can you squeeze out an early send off from chris??? Tell him I broke my finger -Y
You’re funny. Let me work my magic ;) -S
Lmk how that goes, if not just tell my chrissy I said hi and he still owes me some nachos from when he ate mine -Y 
Some time went by as you waited for a reply. You watched the fall colors of the trees pass you by as the bus took you to your homestop. Something about fall calmed your nerves. Luckily, the quarterly meeting had been postponed because the division manager had a cold, which totally saved your butt. You sighed and felt a vibration from your phone. 
Chan$$ venmoed you 10 usd 
You grinned and sighed. Opening up your messages with Seungmin, you shook your head and laughed. 
Why did chan send me 10 dollars in usd 🤔 -Y
bro???? -Y
He said because you keep pestering him for an american dish -S
Tell him I’ll enjoy it very much thxxx  -Y
He also said you have to share with him when you get them -S
Why dont you just text him urself omg -S
You just sent him an emoji with your tongue sticking out. 
Oh hey did he let you out tho? -Y
No -S
We have a weird schedule today bc of the morning show tm -S
Srry bb -S
Its OK. have fun xoxo -Y
You pulled the bus signal and gathered your stuff. The time on your phone read 4:26. Technically speaking, you should be at work, but was let out early due to the manager being gone and the meeting had everyone done with work. Maybe you would cook some lasagna according to your mom’s recipe. Or take Luna (your fossilized age dog) out on a walk. You didn’t really seem to know what to do because of this peculiar on-edge feeling. 
It was peaceful around you as you hopped off the bus. An ajumma was reading her book on the bus stop bench. A 16 year old student and his friend were arguing over a bag of chips. A business man was walking presumably home from work. 
You pulled your coat a little tighter around you as you started to walk in the direction of yours and Seungmin’s place. The cold air had picked up in a bit of a breeze as you passed the corner store which was next to the salon that was owned by your neighbor down the hallway. Eventually you made it to your building and walked into the warm main hallway. 
Seungmin’s schedule was unexpectedly busy today. Despite his peaceful start, the choreographer made some changes to the new dance they were learning for a unit video with Leeknow and Jeongin. Leeknow, being the particular dancer he always was, made the choreo hour seem like 3. Afterwards, Chan said his demo tracks still weren’t ready but he could send one of them over for a listen. This left Seungmin a bit of freetime before lunch, so he decided to walk to the new chocolate store that opened down the street and buy you some mocha and espresso choco bites. With his goodies in hand, Seungmin proceeded to go about his day as normal, except for the fact that Jisung was freaking out when he met with Seungmin for lunch over how his recording session went terribly and he needed to reschedule soon because the tracks needed to be edited soon. All of Jisung’s stress made its way to Seungmin and started to give him an icky feeling. The best he could do was offer some comfort to Han by offering to help him on the vocals when he had a chance. This seemed to help him a bit. Not soon after, You texted Seungmin and this put him at ease. Running off after lunch, Seungmin found Chan in his studio working on the aforementioned demos. Trying to guilt trip his most loyal leader, Seungmin found himself getting an apologetic “Sorry min but the schedule is packed after 3:30. It's best to stay the day I think” from Chan. Welp. 
From here on, it was utter chaos. When Seungmin got to the group meeting room for a debrief on the morning schedule, no one but the manager was there. Everyone was late, Hyunjin didn’t have anything but a coffee and his phone because he forgot his laptop at home, Jeongin was sniffing because he was recovering from a cold, Leeknow was late because of a dance practice, Chris and Changbin were late because of the demo fixing, Jisung walked in with a second lunch, and Felix just lost track of time. Who knows what happened after that.  
In between song rehearsals, Seungmin replied to your text and apologized for the continuing schedule. He sensed your day hadn’t gone according to plan but he really couldn’t do much at the moment. Jisung was pestering him to help him with some vocals and he reluctantly agreed to a bit of help after the rehearsal. So much for going home early. 
After he grabbed his bag to head to Jisung’s studio room, he texted you again to make sure you were okay. 
Are you bored without me yet -S
Seungmin swung the door open and started slowly heading down the dimly lit hallway to let Jisung catch up. 
No Luna decided to spit up her lunch. Also the coffee machine broke -Y
My beloved coffee machine 🙁 -S
Seungmin got startled when he felt some hands on his shoulder. Jisung had caught up. 
“What did you think about that rehearsal huh?” Jisung chuckled and readjusted his hoodie over his head. “Personally, I don’t know if I’ll survive tomorrow.” He shook his head and grimaced. 
“Ah, it's fine. It’s strange because everyone was late but tomorrow won’t be that bad. I need a vacation after though.” Seungmin chuckled and stuffed his phone in his back pocket before heading into the elevator after Jisung. 
“Bro I’ve got so many tracks to finish and turn in, it’s insane.” 
“Tell me about it, I’ve got a bunch of people asking me for help.” Seungmin laughed and nudged at Jisung teasingly. Jisung got a bit embarrassed and slapped his arm playfully.
“I’m looking forward to the weekend.” Jisung sighed. 
“Me too.” Seungmin agreed wholeheartedly and followed his companion into the studio hallway.
Finally, 7pm hit the clock. You quickly set the table and hopped in the shower. All the unease in your stomach had made you do odd chores around the house to get your mind off of the feeling. You made your homemade lasagna, did 2 loads of laundry, vacuumed the whole house, and cleaned out the fridge. Still, you felt unfinished. The whole day at work, people had been asking for your assistance on different tasks and now that you did jobs for yourself, it didn’t feel satisfying enough. Additionally, you tried making your favorite caramel latte but the machine broke. You sighed as you washed your hair. After you got out and was on step 3 of your skincare routine, you heard the front door open and close, signaling the return of your boyfriend. 
Seungmin took the choco bites out of his bag before setting it on its designated hook in the hallway. Luna ran up to Seungmin and excitedly pawed at his shoes for pets. Suengmin smiled and crouched down to pet her before talking sweet nonsense despite her being a dog. 
You walked out from the bedroom, careful not to startle Seungmin and snickered a bit. 
“And here I thought I was the one going to get extra attention.” You teased. 
Seungmin stood up and waddled over to you with arms open wide. 
“Babyyyyyyyy. I missed you so” He said in his best baby voice. You adored Minnie. “Don’t strangle me Min.” You pouted. 
“I’m sorry, I just had a weird day.” You could hear his visible pout and you rubbed his back.
“Did you need something then? A kiss? Some food?” Seungmin held you out at arm’s length and got suddenly very serious.
“That is the first time someone has asked me that all day.” You giggled at his distraught face, knowing he was pouting about not getting enough attention. 
“Aw, my poor baby boy didn’t get enough love from his friends did he?” You smiled teasingly. He dramatically nodded yes and then seemed to have an epiphany. 
“Oh! I have something for you!” He ran over to the table and picked up a fancy yellow pastry box before opening them and stretching them out to you. 
“Aw, baby, you didn’t have to.” You picked up a chocolate cookie looking thing and bit into it. You expected a cruncy texture, but got more of a caramel bite of brownie spongieness. You sighed in pleasure and closed your eyes to savor the taste. 
“Mmmm! This is so good. Where did you get these from?” You opened your eyes. 
“There’s a new pastry shop by the JYP building! I thought you could use a pick me up today.” He stared at you excitingly, happy that you were happy. He happily walked back to the table and set down the box before sauntering to the kitchen. 
“Thanks Min, I really appreciate it. I needed the surprise.” He looked back at you and curiously asked what was wrong. 
“Ah, I just had a bad start to the morning. My meeting got delayed and I’ve been feeling weird all day.” You walked to the counter and began to plate some lasagna. “I did make my favorite dish for dinner though.” You felt arms wrap around you waist and a chin prop on your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more, baby. Do you need something from me? Sometimes you just need someone to take care of you to feel better.” Suengmin said sweetly. You leaned your head back against him. 
“You’re too nice to me you know that right?” You sighed and got back to serving the food.
“No, I’m so serious right now. I feel like everyone asks so much of us that we don’t just get to take care of eachother.” He helped you carry the dishes to the table as he maintained the conversation. 
“So many people asked me for favors today. I realized how much I just wanted to go home and listen to someone ask about my day. I feel like that would make you feel better. So, I’ll do just that!” He happily exclaimed this last point and pulled out your chair for you to sit down in. You smiled and puckered your lips for a kiss. He happily obliged. You sweetly kissed him and said, “Min, all I want from you is your attention and your cuddles.” You giggled. He smiled and quickly grabbed some juice from the fridge before running to the table to sit down like a child. 
“Okay, tell me about your day. I want to know everything. I also want to know what I can do to make you feel better. Think of it as a master plan. Plan Y/N: Make Y/N feel loved and appreciated for all they do for everyone.” He motioned with his hands across the space in front of him. 
You shook your head and began from the very beginning. Seungmin listened the whole time and attentively ate while making agreeable sounds. Watching you be so animated about a normal day was so attractive to him, he thought to himself that he would spend all his days like today if he could return to you and listen to you speak. As dinner winded down, he held your hand across the table and spoke about his schedule that day. Although he was being pestered all day with favors, he felt that this one task that was given to him by you would never be an annoying one. He would gladly ask if you needed something from him if it meant giving you extra love and attention.
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stardustsomewhere · 22 days
can we get a fruit cult saga recap :0
yes sorry it took me so long to reply!
my ex gf (lemon) got me into the cult because she was like oh theres this funny groupchat im in can you join so a few days after she joined i did. at first it was all really funny and sweet and any red flags seemed like ill timed jokes? like they had a groupchat called THE PIT they would send you too but it felt so silly i didnt notice it was weird.
anyways after a few weeks i suddenly checked the gc at work and saw they were egging my girlfriend on who was on the roof of her office building. for context shes deathly afraid of heights. they kept telling her to jump or to scream at people down below and call them slurs. i was sure it was a bad bit until she posted photos and then i left work to go get her. i found her in the stairwell having a panic attack and talking about the "angels" and how she was hearing voices and stuff. genuinely terrifying stuff
i was out of my element so i just called my mom and asked her what to do and she said hospital ASAP so i drove my gf there. they didnt really take her seriously but kept her for about 72 hours but when they released her she dumped all her medicine and refused to take it. i forced her to for a bit but she was still acting weird so i gave up and was planning on leaving
then one night i ate some mushrooms she had forged and went CRAZY and ran out the house. i didnt get too far before my body rejected it and i puked and passed out. my gf thankfully had enough sense to take me to the hospital and we both had to get our stomachs pumped (awful, do not suggest) turns out for a while she had been misidentifying mushrooms and i had avoided dishes with it in it cause i hate mushrooms and never noticed.
so it seemed like really good at this point! we were dedicated together to making sure nobody else got hurt and we were going to transition the group chat into a much safer version with everyone getting help and such. i wanted to stop apple from hurting herself and others. then apple demoted lemon from her stupid rank (top rank was ring) and lemon LOST HER MIND. she was so upset it was all she talked about
then she threw another member under the bus to get promoted again and started acting really distant and weird. we stopped talking about how we were going to help them see the truth and get out of all the brain washing and more about if we believe in the fruit god (im an atheist and she knows this. this is important to me as a physicist too plus religious trauma)
then is started getting sick and after a few days i started acting and doing erratic stuff. i was fully aware it wasnt normal and called off work for a few days to figure it out. i was about to go to the dr when someone told me to check me food on here and lo and behold, the mushrooms again. she had been putting it in my food ON PURPOSE THIS TIME
the next morning after sleeping the shrooms off as much as i could i opened my phone to see she decided our apartment was OPEN TO ANYONE IN THE CULT. she was having the leader come LIVE WITH US! i had been given no time to know let alone consent. i paid half the rent and most the bills (she helped in other ways dw it was very 50/50) and i was just so upset and scared that i just said its over. i took my cat and most my stuff (left my furniture, there was no hope of moving it) and just moved in with a friend. thank god she had a spare room for an office she was willing to rent to me.
bcs i left now everyone in the cults really mad at me so i honestly just got overwhelmed and shut my phone off. i dont wanna text them for a few days tbh. it was just too much. especially this one guy called fig, they were just always so mean to me it made me cry several times. they kept trying to find ways to hurt me, including some ableist stuff about how i should do drugs even if i medically cant. some of their friends (shrimp and plum) also went out of there way to attack me and try and physiologically torture me. i felt so bad i just shut my phone off
honestly at this point idk the benefit to trying to be anyones friend in this cult. idk why im even trying to help them. i feel used and abused. i feel VERY abused. i dont know. lifes hard
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stargirlsuicide · 2 months
how i plan of keeping myself pulled together all year ^_^
(these arent tips!! these aren just things i think will work for me to keep me on track and help me achieve the goals ive set for myself)
i just wanna start talking abt mindset before anything else cause i feel thats the most important thing for me. ive had a couple fights with my mom this year abt me changing schools cause i picked a rlly hard school and she was worried i wont put in the effort and just let my grades fall. so to keep myself doing all my school work and also not being completly miserable i decided to set some ''rules'' for myself:
☆ doing all my work as early as i can. i always found myself like wasting time and doing my work in the late evening and i would sometimes finish at like 10pm and had no time to watch a movie or do anything else productive
☆ writing. both in the sense of taking notes and my own personal writing. i feel like writing stuff down always helps me a lot. both at memorizing things or just to get my thoughts down. so i put 'a new journal' on my shopping list ^_^
☆ taking the bus to school everyday. this might seem kinda stupid but its actually something that i think wil help me a lot. i could go by car but since i have friends that go to the same school as me going with them would just be more fun than with my dad. the biggest downside of this is having to wake up at 5am to get ready but i feel like that might help with my schedule since nobody else in my house is up by that time and i have all the time to get ready.
°:. *₊ ° . ★ . ° ₊ * .:° °:. *₊ ° . ★ . ° ₊ * .:°
this part is all just abt looks, habits and social life and lumping them in all together just cause its really not a lot for each one.
☆ buying good makeup products that are also affordable. i do my makeup everyday its part of my routine and like a lot of products that r considered high quality and long lasting are very expensive and i just cant spend 40 euros on a foundation. so i have made myself a list of products that i need to restock on and that arent more expensive than like 20 euros.
makeup part of the shopping list:
Tumblr media
☆ looking after my skin more. getting a good moisturizer, spf, never going to sleep with makeup still on and drinking enough water should be enough for me since my skin doesnt really break out
☆ being more mindful of what clothes i RLLY wanna wear. im very picky with my clothes usually but a lot of the clothes ive been getting recently arent exactly like 'perfect pieces' and they dont rlly go with a lot of my wardrobe. so just being more midful of what i buy and how much i spend on it
☆ checking what i eat. my method for this might be kinda weird ig but it works for me. i have a lot of go-to foods. i have a favourite thing that i get for everywhere like grocery store, vending machines, fast food, restaurants and it hit me recently that the stuff i eat is very calorie dense. and not that theres anything wrong with that but i dont wanna be eating very unhealthy without even noticing it. so i wrote the recommeded daily calorie intake for my height and weight and the ammount of calories in the foods i usually eat. i dont track my calories and most my actual meals are homecooked and i cant know the calories of them. im not like prohibitinv myself from having high calorie foods i just dont want to be eating them all the time carelessly.
☆ occasionally buying stuff just for fun. allowing myself to get new jewelry or purses or just like stupid stuff like pens and keychains just for like enrichment ig. its not rlly that deep but it just makes me happy for awhile
☆ saving money. this one is more of a like 'would be cool if i manged to do this' cause i am not good at saving money at all but i wanna save up enough for a student exchange program. so i need around 4000 euros saved up just for that and on top of it a couple hundred for my personal expenses
☆ spending more time with my friends. ideally i would go out at least once a week but idk if that would work given how busy i could get. i wanna show people i value them more and spend more time with them and buy them gifts and all ^_^
☆ being more open and sociable. ive had rlly hard times fitting-in in the past cause i didnt rlly talk to people in fear of bothering them. i realized that not talking to people just reads as being weird for others so i wanna talk to people more and try to be more nonchalant and less nervous in conversation. i also just wanna like be nice without letting people walk all over me.
and thats pretty much it i think!!
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yfmconfessions2 · 7 months
THE ANON PUFF is back with more shit!!! This time with other band members too!
-Puff devours whole chocolate bars like theyre small candies and then is suprised that hes nauseous afterwards
-Puff gets cold SO EASILY its crazy, he hates taking cold showers
-If you ask Puff to give you anything (for example some water) he will say "no" then immediately get up and get you the thing you asked for bc he thinks its hilarious
-Benatar doesnt go to clubs as much as the other band members, so when theyre out he has self care nights and then takes care of 3 drunk asses when they get back to the bus.
- Puff doesnt have high alcohol tolerance. Like he takes two shots and is already saying the most fucked up, slurred stuff you can imagine.
-They got canceled on twitter multiple times for saying slurs (besides Benatar)
-Talking about getting canceled, Benatar makes sure they dont start fights out of nowhere with random people on any social medias
-Deejay has the best immune system out of the whole band. Like everyone can be sick in their beds and he's just taking care of them like a mama.
-Axel hangs out with Shitty G every chance he gets bc he reminds him of his dad with the way he speaks and stuff
-They all have been to jail at least once.
-Puff had shitty grades even though he could have had at least decent ones, he was just too lazy to study.
-Deejay and Benatar do most of the work for the band (editing and stuff) but once in a full moon, Puff helps out and if he DOES, he literally pulls 4 all nighters in a row to get all of it done.
-Benatar bought all of the band members squishmallows for the 1 year anniversary of their band and they all matched. Puff and Axel said it was dumb as hell, but they sleep with them till this day. Deejay liked it from the beginning.
-Puff once made slimes as a kid, spilled the glue he was using all over his grandmas carpet and literally threw the carper out and said that someone stole it.
-Puff loves building legos, his room at his grandmas house is filled with legos.
-Puff uses the shittiest cologne in the world and says that he smells great.
-They have no shame. Like when theyre in public they can have a contest who will scream the most foul things imaginable and then when everyone stares at them they all just giggle their asses off.
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yourwolfmuzzle · 1 year
So. Its still better that “im my mom now” or “im now have a cool gun and new talent” but...we just reset Ruby. We just reset her. She now again Ruby Rose who just herself with a little bit Summer stuff. This is not a “i get it i need to work thought my mistakes” or or something like this. It just “what if im just going to choose me?” and “i like to think we did at least a little good...right?”. I not sure if we going to get vol10 Ruby will talk to the Yang that “hey...i saw our mother and she just...run away with Raven on the mission”. Ruby got depress because she tired of doing “not enough” and people not seeing that she in “not good shape”, run away, got torture, drink a tea because she was thinking she will stop exist, WE FIND OUT THAT SUDDENLY she was obsessed about her to be just like her mom, finding out that her mother lied (kinda info that we already knew kinda, outside of the fact that she run away WIHT Raven \me trying to do poly jokes\) but remember that Summer told her and Yang that “i love you just the way you are” and now she Ruby again. The same Ruby from...idk volume 5-6.
Jaune is still alive and get back his younger body with just a bit white hair lines. He remember probably everything, but im not sure if we going to get vol10 SOMEHOW we will see some side effects from all this. COWARDS, HONESTLY. I have a hard opinion about this guy, but they really coward with not keeping his Ever After Timeskip look.
Neo is commit “going into a tree” because “she need to find herself”. Cool. She need just “fix herself” with “the tree”. Nice. Love in it. (no)
AND WE JUST GOT A HALF EPISODE WITH LORE ABOUT BROTHERS. IN THE FINAL EPISODE. LISTEN. I MAYBE dont talk about Summer too much but you know what? I want to take more flashbacks about her and Raven that about all this lore thing. Literally final episode. I was SCREAMING because WHY. WHY THIS. I FINE with another scene with Blacksmith and talking about how good Little is and how baaaad Cat is and all that jazz, but...when you have possibility that you will not be able to continue your story...this is not the time for LORE HOMEWORK. YOU LITERALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO NOT BE ABLE TO END YOUR STORY. RWBY CAN BE ANOTHER SHOW WITH NO PROPER ENDING. NO “we want 20 volumes” NOT EVEN ONE MORE SEASON, THIS CAN BE YOUR ONLY SEASON. THIS IS NO THE TIME FOR LORE ABOUT THE GODS. “KILL YOUR DARLING” IN WRITING WHEN YOU HAVE A HARDCORE SITUATIONS LIKE THIS.
Also from what i can tell...did we skip this whole sityation, that we had in ending at the volume 8? Or there was a timeskip and people are already safe (WOW) or people still in the desert and they just...in Vacuo now?
Conclusion for rn, because i kinda not in the mood and i dont want to just scream and be angry at every parts - Love this flashback with Summer and Raven (with a little bit Taiyang, miss this man.). Love Curious Cat full form, looks really cool and wish we see more this form (ALSO A WHOLE NEW MODEL FOR A ONE EPISODE FOR A COUPLE MINUTE-). Hate...what ever going on with the tree, i do not like this whole “suicide is a progress and a good thing” (this whole decision to make suicide metaphor was a mistake in ALL levels), like new Ruby song. Fight was...nice i guess? Sad for Neo because no matter what i think about her as a character and about her story, she do not deserve ending like this with this whole “she will find her way”. Sound like “suicide will fix her mistakes”. Little also have a new model for a one episode. HATE LOREDUMPING AT THE FUCKING FINAL EPISODE THAT CAN BE A FINAL EPISODE FOR A WHOLE SHOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING TEAM.The only thing that was important for progress in this volume - was Yang-Blake getting together finally, getting a little bit Summer story and Jaune experience in Ever After, even if he still have his vol7-8 look. And also get rid of Neo?
Do what ever with this information. I just going finish my work and going to sleep. Maybe will write something more about this episode after i will rewatch 20 times again as always, but not today.
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ic3qu33n · 1 year
Its funny how the mind works. I woke up today thinking about a whole life I never lived. I had memories and specific details in my dream that I personally have never witnessed…
Let me explain better. When I was 15 (1999) I wrote a chapter book. It was on an Dell desktop computer that my older brother Daniel had built from spare computer parts.(These parts were coming from computers that at the time were 1-2 years old. Apparently when ever some students had “ruined” the computers at the high school the district would send them a whole new one. And since my brother worked in tech support they told him to recycle them. He did. But not before taking them apart to save working parts)
Anyway, back to my original thought.
This story I had wrote was about a girl named Jo and her 3 brothers who moved from a big city with their mother to the Pacific Northwest after their father died suddenly. The story follows this girl whos life was rocked and trying to find balance and peace when there is so much changing around her. Like having to be the adult because of her mothers crippling grief. Jo meets new friends who become her best support system and teach her how to “feel normal”.
I dont have this book saved anywhere and it doesn’t exist anymore. That computer is long gone. I remember it took me two months that Summer to write it. It was 2-3 hours after summer school every night. I would put on headphones, blasting “Smells like Children” album, (This was my “Alt phase” life) and just typed. I tuned out the world. I know, now, that I was disassociating a lot during this time in my life.
During this time in my life my dad was in jail again. That left my pregnant mom, and us 4 kids to kinda fend for ourselves. We were all living in a 1 bedroom roach infest trailer. (Like we couldn’t have pantry stuff cause the roaches would just get in it) Mom and Vicky slept in the bedroom, Daniel and Michael slept on a bunkbed in the area that should be where you put a kitchen table, and I slept on the couch in the living room. This trailer was so small that it had 1 entrance and that was a sliding glass door in the living room. For this reason I can never live in a manufactured home or trailer. This life experience definitely traumatized me. So when me and Chris were younger (early years of marriage and had two kids under the age of 3) I resented him for putting us in a 1 bedroom trailer. We argued daily, I drank heavily. I had no faith in him being able to care for me and our children. I was hurt and blamed him for my unhappiness for a long time. Anyway I getting sidetracked again.
My mom was working full time at an elementary school. My older brother was working at the high school. I started my job at my uncles Mexican restaurant. (I had to take the city bus and transfer twice to get there) we were doing everything in our power to get a better home without my dads help.
Anyway, I believe I wrote this story as an escape from the overwhelming responsibility that suddenly fell on me. This time in my life changed how I viewed the world. It was the time in my life when I stopped showing my feelings… I stopped smiling, I became cold and I no longer trusted anyone. I had a short fuse and started picking fights with anyone who felt froggy. I was not okay. I also started self harming at this age (it was a pain I could control and understand why I was hurting) I was very angry. I would take walks to the ditch behind our trailer court to break bottles and smoke weed…
My dreams brought me back to this world. I don’t know why after all these years did this specific story come back. I still remember this fictional characters life. Like I said in the beginning of this post, it feels like memories. Its weird because I can visualize this whole world of people that doesn’t exist. It gives me a weird feeling in my chest of almost a longing to go to this place and I can’t. It’s almost the same feeling of missing a relative who has passed and there’s no way you could ever see them again. No new memories. Just people frozen in time.
It’s just weird how your mind works.
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starscelly · 1 year
i’m the question asking anon from earlier and istg literally every time you share something about this au i just become more invested! i will read anything you post about them why do these boys have my heart
robo’s rebellion moment made me chuckle, it’s also so sweet that his mom helped familiarize him with the guitar!
i still don’t know what questions to ask so ig this is like another ‘ today i want to talk about [ insert thing here]’ (heck, it can be another 5 of those, however many you need/want)
i guess a question is how did roope find robo and otter? what made them realize that they fit/work together in that way?
the boys also have my heart and every single inch of space in my brain so i get it !!!! thank u again for ur like. investment and giving me space to blab abt them fudfkskldsfl i appreciate it sm <3 <3
i had to marinate and think a Lot on how robo, jake, and roope all meet bc obviously coming from 3 different places there has to be an element of chance but also. i dont wanna go completely batshit lmao. here's an Attempt at explaining my thoughts!!:
otter still goes to college but instead of bu. bc he's not pursuing hockey. he ends up going to ut austin (its a good communications school and he actually has a communications degree like. real life)
he doesnt rlly Love school but he’s figuring out what he wants in life and his parents wanted him to go. so.
robo and him meet at some random ass show in texas, where robo only is bc his family drove over in the rv for a Different show
they dont immediately run off together and play music lol but they do keep in contact via text and calls for a few months, rlly Bond and become super close
robo comes through texas with his family again eventually but theyre not performing in austin this time, just dallas. so jake goes out there to see them
they've kind of vaguely been talking abt forming their own band at this point but obviously there's the distance that both of them are kind of. scared to close on a whim for smthn that might not work. and also they want to get someone who can consistently do lead vocals and play bass etc
anyways. they have a couple free days so they go to random house shows and smaller venues around dallas
roope is in the area bc at this time he's playing in the NAHL but heavily considering dropping hockey for music (he Actually played for bismarck and for like 2 games but. for the au ive decided he played longer for the lone star brahmas lol) and is basically just trying to find out what he's heading for, what he Wants
they see roope performing with a band that is like. Not His but just kind of a random assortment of his friends in the scene fucking around having fun (the house show is at one of his friend's places)
and roope is not. a great singer. he's not professionally trained and amazing. but he has a really fucking unique and cool voice (they will later find out this is bc of his accent and aversion to having a clear throat) so theyre like. heavily heavily intrigued bc they think it could make for a sick sound . in their band. what a coincidence!!
robo. looking like the most average dude ever. walks up to him after like hey ... we saw u from across the punk house and rlly dig ur vibe. and otter is kind of mortified but also is like ^^ play music with us please just to see ^^
roope is in an . emotionally difficult time in his life trying to decide if he wants to take a leap and leave all he's ever known his entire life. so obviously he jumps at the first chance and is like. Fuck It let's do it
obviously there's more logistics - roope finishes out his season before fully committing to the band, robo has to have this whole discussion with his family and have this emotional ass move to dallas, otter doesnt drop out completely but does have to explain to his family that his band is going to be his first priority at some point and starts taking only online classes etc - but thats how those three kind of. Meet and Click
theyre also still having bassist woes and thats when roope calls miro etc but. this isnt abt him rn for once
its a weird mix of a lot of Right Place Right Time scenarios, but how else do two americans who have no reason to ever meet end up with two finns who have little reason to be in america in the first place!!
i also think at first there's not really. Issues necessarily. but it takes a while for otter and robo, who are both super friendly open people, to kind of figure out roope's whole thing so they can finally click. which he's not Unfriendly per se but also he's not going out of his way to make conversation. but once they figure out oh he doesnt hate us and he's not even like one of those mean snappy punks he's just. european.. it's all relatively smooth sailing from there lol . it also helps when miro finally arrives and is both much friendlier at face value and also has roope being overly affectionate and up his ass 24/7 (which eventually bleeds over into his interactions with the other two)
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S1: E11 "Scarecrow"
I said I would watch some today so here we goooo
One Year Ago? Hm
Ooooh Apple Pie... I want apple pie now
[ Crepe says she thinks I will like this ep. I like apples so this seems like a good sign. ]
Oh is it a cult town? I think its a cult town
Ohhhh spooooky orchard
God I want apples
Thats a spookyass scarecrow
Oh where's he go? Him gone?
Wasn't there a scary stories chapter like this? A scarecrow that skinned someone?
[ Yes! From Scary Stories to Tell In the Dark: More Tales to Chill Your Bones. This monster isn't Harold, but there are big similarities. ]
Ok its a demon? A demon that killed the mom and the gf? Whats its fuckin problem?
Daddy Issues Galore
Generally speaking taking "orders" from a parent is a bad sign for your relationships
These two are so. So stupid. So bad at emotions in different directions
Worried about their family members and SHIT at expressing it
CLASSIC ROCK FAN fucking moron
Ohhhh this town is definitely a cult or something
Ohhh its a chick. Oh they're going to be the "couple" that get attacked huh
Oh maybe not. Maybe its normal
Ohh weird screaming? Is it the emf? Yep
Haunted orchard haaaaaunted orchard
Ew scarecrow
"Dude you fugly" so true Dean
OHHHH I get it I seeee like. A yearly sacrifice that keeps the crops bountiful
Lmao girl I knew it
Dean stop talking to people you're bad at it
Ohhhh they are so definitely being sacrificed
Dean gets arrested pt..... whatever. Moron
Ok so theres Sacrificial Couple and then Sam is having bonding time with this chick over Families Sucking
There's the scarecrow! A hunting we will go!
But I am going to go out on a limb and guess Sam and this chick are gonna be hunted by this ~pagan god~
[ Crepe asks if this is "best girl Meg". Apparently yes! I don't know what this means aside from she will be returning later. ]
I like this professor dude hes excited to share knowledge
OHHH they are going to sacrifice Dean right. OH AND THE NIECE NO
[ Crepe points out that aside from the human sacrifice it could have just been like. A normal festival. Like they could have just been normal about it but nooooo. Can't have that. Have to kill people. ]
Sam looking like a kicked puppy bc he is worried about his brother
Poor girl she knew nothing :(
Fucking weirdass cult town
Dean you're so lucky your brother is paranoid
LMAO "I take back everything I said I'm so happy to see you" god they're so funny
Oops got u instead bc ur stupid
Ah yes old tree old runes on it
Huh I thought the fighting the scarecrow would be more of a fight
And she's the one getting on the bus now. Hope she gets some therapy and a nice life after that.
Sam is like "I was gone for a day and you almost died. I can't leave you be for 5 minutes"
Ohhh hey its this chick again
Serial killer Sam bestie you dodged a bullet I think
What the fuck
Alright so I did like that ep. I think taking normal white rural neighborhoods and making them fucked up is fun. Fascinated by this poor Emily girl, just. Like I hope she moves on? Makes a good life for herself? Like losing your parents, living with your aunt and uncle, loving them and the town, then one day without warning they drag you off to a cellar to sacrifice you to the town god, watch them get murdered by said god... and then you pack up and leave for somewhere else, anywhere else, because what else can you do? Man.
Uhh jury’s still out on favorites. This was a good ep for development and a good Sam ep. Actually how did Dean ever survive w/o Sam around to bail him out lmao.
But just. The way Dean goes on about the greater good, but ultimately its more about what their dad wants them to do. Sam’s often more swayed by his bond with his family, as estranged as he feels from them. But this flip flops, back and forth, Saving people, saving family. Its interesting.
And the plot thickens. Dad Winchester’s on the trail of what killed their mom and Sam’s fridged gf, this Meg chick is? After the bros? And was clearly lying to try and get close to Sam for reasons unclear. Hm.
Anyways I get apple pie now so definitely a win
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9990zara · 15 days
vent because i had a terribly stressful day under the cut for your convinience
it all started as soon as i opened my eyes LMAO i missed my alarm and i had to leave even earlier than the ass crack of dawn because of some bullshit. said bullshit is that my parent's car broke down (mood) so my oldest brother lent us one of his, but we had to drive him to work (because of more bullshit im too lazy to explain rn). so we had to drive 30km to pick him up. then like 10 km more to drive him to work. surprisingly the last 10km were the problem, as the morning traffic jam was in full force. usually i intentionally leave a lot of leeway in the morning so i dont stress out but guess what!! fridays are the day i have my only 100%-attendance-or-you-fail, outside-of-campus-so-we-use-the-bus, touch-grass-for-REAL-knowledge 8:30 class!!!!!!! so i couldn't be even a minute late or the bus would leave without me!!!! and i, a complete FOOL, miscalculated and told myself i would just take the bus on the way back from my brother's work. well my dad just had to go through the worst street in the fucking city so that i regretted all my life choices ^^ i ended up making it just as the bus was leaving, but i took like 75 emotional damage lmaoo.
class went surprisingly fine all things considered, including the fact that i HATE this course but i need it to graduate. it involves a lot of tracking through the mud, using all things pesticide and chemical, and rabbits eating last week's work. but my uni friend is delightful and her presence is like a balm, so i powered through. normally when this class is over i go straight home, but today my dad asked my middle brother and i to go look at cars with him, so downtown i went. we had a tasty but too-big-for-me lunch so i was happy but sleepy and with a tummy ache. when my arm started acting up for no reason at all, forcing me to take meds to Feel Normal. great! chronic pain is such a delight you know!!
looking at cars wasnt too bad, but we had to wait for my dad's friend, so we did a bunch of things, among those drop off my middle brother at uni, pick up my mom and my oldest brother. all nice and cool until my dad's friend decided to not show up, and my mom and oldest brother were so thoroughly stressed out for some work matters they did not elaborate on that their presence turned the air acidic. we went to drop off my oldest brother, and then spent like 40 minutes there as i tried to convince my mom to go because my middle brother was waiting for us. also my nephew is sick and it's never nice to see him like that, he's a lot like me at his age (constantly sick and fussy).
after we managed to leave and go pick uo my brother to finally go home (day started at 6am, its 6:30pm at this point) we go in only to find it stinky and messy because my oldest brother's dog (who we have been looking after. and he still hasn't picked up for some reason???) got into the cat litter to eat cat poop. because she likes to eat poop for some reason!! so its cleaning time. and my middle brother tried to push his ONLY chore (feed the dogs) on me who was doing my own chores LMAO.
so now im lying down for the first time today. its currently 8:20. i have to go wash my clothes, clean my bedroom, pack a bag because i have a forced trip this weekend, eat dinner, convince my groupmates to work on our graded assignment so i can do mine, have dinner, study a little maybe, and sleep early because of the trip. yay!!!!1!!1!1!1!!
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