#i dont like discourse but thats just something im sick of
dorylinae-supremacy · 26 days
Neurotypicals who steal and misuse terms like hyperfixation, intrusive thoughts and going non verbal to look quirky all go to hell immediately I don't make the rules.
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me around normal people: yeah any corporate exec trying to replace their workers with AI generated stuff is an idiot, it will never work and theyre just looking for excuses to hoard more money, workers should have more opportunities and should be paid adequately for their time
me around people who cry and scream and throw up about "human expression" or whatever whenever they see an AI generated image: & btw i love robots and i think that robots should replace humans in every field of work forever and ever
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sol-flo · 1 year
painted such a fun little canvas today. maybe it's technically an assemblage even. but yeah it's a screenshot from my thesis + i dangled the synthetic image from wire to evoke the billboarding ^_^
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paa-official · 9 days
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funny you say that. you remember that post that puffle made, with a screenshot of you saying you didn't know what was wrong with arissomei, That happened Jan 1st. Which is funny knowing you made the burning radqueers burner around Dec 29th. you know that switch from you being a anti to becoming a radqueer.
yet you were still talking to puffle about anti radqueer topics. interesting, very interesting. Why would you be doing that?
Why go through all of the effort to apologize for what you did to radqueers, and then go run back to your anti radqueer bestie. Your not making sense.
"i would have at least liked an apology for the misgendering"
Mizuki, I am sorry i accidentally misgendered you, i will try to do better to use correct pronouns on everyone. /srs
Your next point is entirely unrelated to everything i've said above so I'm just going to ignore it, I already knew this information anyway, I think majority of antis do.
"and still would say all the things said in them, however i will point out that not only is the second screenshot taken entirely out of context, but it was very clearly a joke and i have made it so extremely clear that i dont support that."
rape jokes aren't funny nobodys laughing, even with the context that person made A RAPE JOKE TO CHEER YOU UP, SOMETHING THAT THEY KNEW WAS ATLEAST FUNNY TO YOU. and the context doesn't change the fact that that person sent you a ask saying "wanting to rape people is very lady like" and your response was "YEAH"
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"unless you genuinely believe that my trauma is who i am in which case.. disgusting"
no, when the fuck did i say that? Me pointing out the programming?
sorry mizuki, yes, I do believe that you didn't originally support incest, and I'd also like proof of you supporting incest from before Dec 29th.
paraphiles are something that you already have, that's not something that just goes away, TransIds are TransIds,
""you are inadvertently the cause for all of the drama", yeah, no, hot stinky garbage take because thats not how that works lmao."
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I'm using someone elses words for this
"Rot chose to lie about being older than rot was chronologically while rot was dating a 14 year old, all while claiming to be "anti-c." Rot has repetitively treated concern about literal, real-life child grooming as "discourse," from rots first day as a radqueer. Rot has repetitively used rots voice to create a safe space for child groomers, and im fucking SICK of antis treating it like discourse on par with, like, changing your syscourse stance."
let me remind you antiradqueerguy only made that post about you, once they realized that you who at the time identified as a 17 year old was dating a 14 year old, and then ciel got backlash over and over again, you were the cause for that, if you hadn't lied in the first place it never would have happened.
so yes, by the definition of inadvertently, yes you are the cause.
"then maybe you shouldnt have mentioned that you think ciel made me this way."
then give me proof
bye bye
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phightinghottakes · 8 days
People need to calm down about ships and stop hating on others just because they ship something where "they're just friends" in canon. Now i understand where people behind more enemies-to-lovers or otherwise questionable ships are coming from but?
AND ON THE OTHER HAND the shipping side of the community needs to STOP attacking non-shippers for their headcanons or how they perceive the canon even without hcs.
People can not like ships or even hate ships, thats COMPLETELY OKAY and NORMAL in a fandom space and JUSTIFIED.
i'm not even gonna touch the age-gap ships since i dont ship anything with said problems.
As long as the ship isint literally a sibling x sibling or a relative x relative or minor x adult or anything along those lines which is completely just. ew. theres really no reason to act like this is twitter and start arguments.
And shippers shouldn't be sending hateful things to people who dont ship anyone or dont ship what they ship.
aka i went on twitter (i regret it) and saw shipping arguments and im sick of it.
Can’t relate to seeing mass amounts of shipping discourse (I vehemently refuse to use Twitter so the closest I get to ship discourse is disliking ships and hearing people complain to me on this blog about ships they hate).
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angelicgaming1007 · 5 months
Okay im neutral between the two endings idgaf what you like. personally I prefer ascended. But I can't stand stupidity, bullsh*t and people trying to manipulate others heres what grinds my gears Something bothers me about the discourse between the ascended and spawn endings
Everyone chooses the "be rough" option for the ascended ending and goes "oh look he shoves them hard and grabs their neck hes so evil and abusive look at how much better spawn is side by side"
Im not here to tell you if hes toxic or not. I don't personally give two shits if he is. or if you think he is. Thats up to you. But for the love of all that is un fucking holy. STOP MISLEADING PEOPLE BY LYING ABOUT HIS ENDING.
and when people POINT IT OUT. These people double the fuck down on this bullshit and turn around trying to hate mob and im sick of it. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE. ITS A GODDAMNED VIDEO GAME HOLY FUCK-
And yes its lying if you deliberately ignore the other half of that whole scene, the other dialogue and frame it one way when theres options there and a 2nd way. You are deliberately going for the one that fits your narrative and trying to act like its the SOLE OPTION and ignoring the other entirely where he IS GENTLE. he respects YOUR REQUEST.
I HATE manipulation with a passion when done maliciously. and the people choosing that option, spreading that absolute bullshit as the ONLY way that scene goes, lying to people. and then turning around and trying to use it as a "gotcha" moment against A!fans is just manipulative and toxic as hell.
thank you have a nice day Disclaimer: I am not calling all spawn fans stupid. I am a neutral account. I don't care what side you are on or what you choose. I'm calling the ones who are deliberately manipulating others knowingly, stupid for going so far over a video game character and being so malicious.
its not "hey I don't like this" that bothers me. You do you. Its taking pieces, from an OPTION, ignoring the whole other option, the whole other side it can take. and then trying to frame the option you did take as "this is the only way this scene goes" (Which is a blatant lie but since most spawn fans don't even want to do the ascended ending they wouldn't know that so you're taking advantage of them which is sick to do to them too.) then go "look how evil it is" and then sending your followers to hate on A!fans for it to try to "convince them how wrong it is"
its the lying to and manipulating one side to hurt the side you dislike simply over peoples preferences over a video game that has me irked
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welcometocapitalism · 4 months
im worried that my previous ask is way too aggressive and might make you feel defensive and thats not helpful at all so i just want to explain that im so angry because it breaks my heart to see other people being violently harassed into submission just for saying something that isnt a popular opinion. you are quite literally being gaslit by a bunch of strangers who desperately dont want to have to think that hard about the material consequences of their own behaviors.
they are simplifying the issue in order to make you look unreasonable so that they can completely dismiss your opinion while giving you no way to defend yourself without making yourself look worse. its manipulative and coercive and vile. they have tricked you into condemning your own behavior and reinforcing that self doubt that THEY planted in you in the first place.
they are convincing you that you have to police yourself otherwise they will do it for you and they arent going to be nice about it.
they intentionally misunderstood what you were saying so that they could ignore the point you were making and thus avoid taking responsibility for their personal role in our capitalist society.
they are operating on this us vs them mindset of "good people" vs "bad people" and they think that they are a "good person" and that you are trying to maliciously assert that theyre actually a "bad person." its fascist behavior. they dont want to acknowledge their place in the web of life because then they have to be more careful about how they act and they simply do not want to. they think its their god given right to not have to do anything thats difficult and reflecting on how you are influenced by the oppressive systems you live in is not just difficult but uncomfortable!
you are forcing people to confront some very very uncomfortable truths about themselves and they are reacting the only way they know how: by lashing out at the people around them.
it is a reflection on THEM not YOU. their reaction doesnt say anything about you or the opinion you stated and everything about the experiences and expectations and knowledge that inform the way they think about the world around them.
i just dont feel comfortable standing by and watching this happen to someone else. so i dont know what it means to you but, i completely agree with your original point and i am more than happy to defend it if you dont feel comfortable doing so. i know how scary it can be to face down a mob of people who you know might turn to violence if you dont comply and i know most people dont find it as easy to take harassment as i do. i am more than willing to fight the fight if you cant.
idk just. be kinder to yourself. you cant let these people get to you. i knows it so fucking hard. its so so fucking hard. but you dont have to do it alone.
i hope youre okay.
hey fren, I've seen it all but I'm sorry I'm not gonna respond to all that, I'm very thankful for your kind thoughts and words but it's kinda a bit much 😅
just know we're on the very same track about the whole thing. It's absolutely hilarious what some people wrote to me about an already reworded opinion on pillows, and i can genuinely just laugh about that
this entire thread turned so badly into satire with so many layers that it could almost be considered an artistic expression. after all, this is the internet, which was kinda the original ordeal of the post, and I took it and made it 1000% funnier by writing too quickly and then people came and made it 10000% funnier by becoming embarrassingly entrenched in some random ass online discourse
I like to half jokingly call this kind of behavior 'internet sickness', since as you also noted you can find this kind of behavior all over the internet. people see an entire universe full of people that seemingly get the attention they don't, but humans are fueled with attention, so sometimes you see someone do literally anything for that tiny tad of attention, even if they don't mean it. this may sound familiar from the way I word my posts sometimes, because as I made clear as day, I'm not better than that sometimes.
Admittedly, I also suppose not all of the angry asks and comments would have been so hostile if tumblr would show late reposts with their comments on an original post more clearly, which isn't so easy. This is why I pinned yet another polarizing post about it with a comment about the situation 🤭 some people would rather click to start another shitstorm than click to find out there's no reason for them to freak out. But often in the internet people don't freak out of hostility, but because they realize (but refuse to accept) they identify with something about the cause in some way, so that would be a positive thing I suppose. It's up to each of us individually to grow from that.
i don't get hard feelings about these people, and genuinely as a former Twitter user I'm kinda used to it. it's just an annoyance at some point, but I suppose it's also the attention I was looking for 💁
After all, I get to post this lyrical masterpiece once more in a well fitting context
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sonicboomseason3 · 2 years
Hi, I can relate. Just feeling down atm ): Many, many problems going on. I haven't send an ask to anyone in agessss. Hmm. I guess my question would be - what are your thoughts on the new Sonic Prime trailer? I've been a fan of Boom since it was first announced but I will always love Boom. A guy can balance multiple (yet similar) favourite shows! :)
hi, thanks for writing in!! ......why did i type that i sound like a podcaster doing a q&a session
anyway i was pretty excited to just have something after months of not getting anything, so even if it was short and still a teaser rather than an actual trailer, i really liked it!! the visuals, animation, and fight choreography are sick and i already ADORE deven mack as sonic <3 ive also always been a sucker for stories about multiple universes so im just really looking forward to prime in general
though im going to go off on a bit of a tangent here so dont read if you dont want to hear this: ive been growing weary of shadow discourse for a while but this teaser was really the catalyst to me realizing just how much i fucking hate all the arguments that surround his character! id be lying if i said that certain peoples reactions werent a major factor contributing to the already shitty week i was having. inb4 im not trying to disrespect anyone or their opinions whatever they may be so please dont take this as a personal attack but i truly despise how sonic and shadow cant fight for 5 seconds on screen (with no context!) without this widespread panic that hes just going to be a pointless rival. you know, even though he and sonic have always fought? because their personalities clash? because they have different methods of handling problems that arise? theyve BEEN fighting aklsdjflas the only time shadow fought sonic just to spite him was in boom and boom!shadow does not count. say what you want about boom!shadow but he does. not. count. other medias like sonic x and idw all had them fight with actual stakes involved which is perfectly fine and normal and how conflict usually works
at this point i just want sega to come out and explain their entire agenda with shadow post-06 is (as well as how they see him in comparison to everything before that) like i know thats not gonna happen and obviously it wont stop people from disagreeing with the direction theyve taken him in (and again its fine if they do), but at least everyone could finally be on the same page. because with the way things currently are, theres no way someone can give their opinion on how they perceive shadows character (no matter what it is or how much evidence they have to back it up) without being called media illiterate by people who have just as easily disputable interpretations. i personally would love to talk extensively about how i see him and explain why that is the case but i wont because i dont want annoying people setting off my anxiety by accusing me of not understanding the fictional hedgehog <333
(yes i know this applies to pretty much all of the sonic characters at this point but shadows the big one and also relevant dont @ me)
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mbat · 3 months
i think i made a post before but i cant find it but literally its funny as hell seeing people be like 'this show curses too much!' about those two shows (which this post is NOT about istg dont start discourse) but also people are rightfully fighting back about every single websites abysmal censoring system where people arent allowed to say things like 'dead' or 'suicide' or other topics like that despite them being both basic facts of life and also important conversations to have
its especially clear on channels and accounts where they consistently talk about crime cases, or generally serious topics. i follow several channels like that on youtube, and almost every single one doesnt dare say the words that literally are the word for what theyre discussing, because their fragile sponsorships dont like it, or youtube doesnt like it, and its like. are you actually fucking kidding me. and its genuinely a shock when they actually say these words.
and i dont use tiktok very often, and when i do its usually just videos of people making art, but its hard to avoid seeing tiktoks on other social media, and how people will censor words to hell and back so that their video isnt shadowbanned or whatever those stupid words are to mean 'this video is fucked and youre fucked for making it'
im sick of seeing people have to say shit like unalive and self unaliving TO DISCUSS BASIC FACTS OF LIFE. people die. people kill themselves. yes its fucking awful and depressing and terrifying, but its beyond a joke to act like its something to hide away from.
its also extremely important that we do talk about these things, and talk about them like real people do, because of how often they happen, and how serious they are.
do you know the amount of times ive seen people unironically say the word unalive outside of these places? or people come to tumblr and they say it here because they think that you cant say those words here? its embarassing.
the internet is becoming increasingly more corporate ideal and its gross. i cannot put into words how much i hate how the internet feels like one continuous corporate website. i miss how the internet was back when i first started using it, even if it was the wild west and extremely far from a place a child shouldve been. and even then i was on an internet that wasnt anything like how it was even a decade previous to that, what would be about 20 years ago now, where the internet was even more of a wild west.
i dont like that we have to bend a knee to the wants of corporations just to exist on this thing that once felt magical. the place where every person ever has the possibility to be connected from anywhere, see and experience things they never could without it
and yet here we are not even being able to say things that people do experience every day. its just disgusting.
im not advocating that there be 0 lines to cross, theres still things that should be like 'hey maybe dont say or do that', but im talking the things that literally hurt no one.
so sure, say what you will about those shows, maybe i agree, but i really dont give a single shit about the discourse or any of that. and yeah maybe they do say shit and fuck a little bit much, but holy hell are they at least allowed to say it, and its a breath of fresh air to me, and thats also just embarassing.
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Am I spouting bullshit or is the constant and relentless joking about killing Michael_B and how funny that would be from other ccs not just another way to make fun of fans who actually like lore and would like to see the characters' stories get completed, whether intentional or not?
Because the main argument I see is always like "he is a MINECRAFT MOB" so it feels like. Weird and ESPECIALLY weird from people who have their OWN lore because it's like. Ok so YOUR lore is cool and people should watch it but if people care about RANBOO or TUBBO'S storylines not getting unexpectedly ruined/derailed just so you can have Funny and Unexpected content on your stream it's "just Minecraft" and they "care too much" ? Do you want us to care about lore or should we start ignoring everyone's lore including yours like 💀
#/neg#discourse#this is abt a ton of people take ur pick who u think im vaguing#im so sick of this joke. i dont five a shit anymore tell me im a stupid little whiny sensitive baby for like#following Tubbos roleplay character for literal years and knowing ill get to see him roleplay again because of this mob and. not wanting#that lore stream to get fucked up bc someone thought itd be funny to mess it up . ?#in any other context that would be SO fucking BM like they set something up for lore then left can you imagine if the DSMP#was like a real show and they set up the stage or lore then left and other members broke into the set just to fuck with and almost destroy#props??? because again call me dramatic but thats kind of whats happening here. like they need Michael_B to tell their story.#its just so WEIRD to me like why is it SO funny to them to pretend to derail other members' plotlines. Why is that funny? its just mean#because they put like time and effort into making their character.#and also the entire punchline of the joke is either ''haha we ruined the lore'' or ''haha we made lots of people upset arent they lame for#being upset over this'' or both of those but ''haha you THOUGHT we were going to ruin our friend's lore! lol''#like o.....kay ? ive heard every single one of them be 3x funnier than this so idk why they fall back on it#anyway hi new followers i think the Killing Michael_B bit is the most painfully unfunny thing to happen in over a year#so if you disagree feel free to unfollow and curate your experience /nm! <3#doodle.txt#* meant to say literal months earlier not literal years im sorry its 3 am as i type this
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petruchio · 4 years
hi!! i hate gatekeeping!! just logging on to say that if you’re a fan of anything i liked before you did, i want to say that’s wonderful and enjoy and please talk to me about it because the beauty of the internet is the ability to connect with others about different media productions we love!! if your first reaction to someone discovering something you love is to mock them rather than to welcome them then go fuck yourself!!
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meyhew · 4 years
#okay so like. i wasnt gonna say anything else on this bc im sick of the discourse but people are getting real fucking bold#and i've seen one certain blog's post pop up on my dash twice and i am. hm :)#with all due respect but shut the fuck up about liam and niall sabotaging louis or whatever the fuck you think they did#They Are Friends Who Can Joke About Each Other#and because yall seem to have selective hearing: niall said he did the same fucking thing as louis the day before#but yeah no of course he was just calling louis a chain smoking alcoholic#like... do i think it was a funny joke? no i dont i hate smoking and i know louis' not sitting around drinking and smoking all day every day#but thats not what niall meant either bc he knows louis better than all of us and he knows that louis' a creative mind and a hard worker#hes not sitting at home wasting away during this time but friends can make a JOKE#its not on niall or liam that headlines are twisting and misinterpreting their words just like u guys are#and also? every single one of you being pissy about the louis headlines but were silent about the NASTY treatment liam got for months on end#can simply shut the fuck up kindly#if louis' really pissed about niall's comment u best believe he's already told him off#and if he's really pissed about the headlines he can easily tweet abt it like he's done in the past#idek where im going with this but just. stop acting like niam are hellbent on painting louis in a bad light when theyre BEST FRIENDS#like just. be quiet ok be upset about the nature of the joke if u want bc i didnt think it was funny either#but all this crying and whining ONLY when its about louis and staying mum when Someone Else is trashed....... shut up#louis has a team that could put out positive press if they wanted or louis himself could say something if he wanted#but anyways. i see that post from one more person and im unfollowing
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6ftgirlfriend · 5 years
#so im not gonna pretend like im blind to all the drama thats going around because im pretty sure i follow almost everyone in this fandom#but im so sick of this#this endless battle of who's right and who's doing what to who#WE ARE KILLING OURSELVES#im not gonna run away but im not gonna sit here and be okay with the hate and discourse that goes around here#and yeah if im so sick of it why dont i just delete and go do something else?#because i have people i consider friends here and i truly like them and i want to support them#im not gonna point of them and say what you are saying is wrong and what you're doing is wrong#i just want us to know our differences and try to be considerate of people#sighss idk where i was going with this#this is a useless post rant#nothing's gonna come out of this#im serious starting to hate it here too#only a select few are making my experience here easier#i would hate to lose friends and worse leave all together#thats my take on it#im not on either 'sides'#im just commenting on this feud we have going#this should not be our main focus and entertainment for some#god i miss the times of when the show was running#now we gonna self regulate and be careful of everything we do and say#just tired#well sorry if you are reading this and is feeling frustrated now#and if you're reading this with malice and have the energy to send me hate ..fine#its the internet everyone can apparently do whatever they want#but ill block all hate anons and probably take another break away from tumblr#i cant be positive and be happy when its like this#anyways thanks for reading this long painfully long rant#might delete later#personal
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
bro reading through your blog and like everything about it is very fucking cool (excuse my language if you dont appreciate crassness lol) but your existence is absolutely political. you didnt choose it but maintaining the idea that a trans/alterhuman being or person is not politicised is shooting yourself in the foot in turns of liberation.
I get it! it sucks to be politicised but as ppl have imposed the construct cisnormative gender on others and assume humanity of them, any resistance to this is inherently political. I actually think you'd really like judith butler, leslie feinberg and kate bornstein's works and interviews on this.
thanks but like. i dont want to be political. i am not asking to be politicized i'd really just like to live my life in peace. if other people see my existence as purely political, their incorrect perception of me is not my responsibility. i didnt ask for this. infact, i am actively asking for the exact opposite of this
im not fucking myself over by asking people not to discourse over me or my identity, especially infront of my face. other people can do that for themselves if they want to but as an individual i am so tired of this, at least right now. im sorry that my existance is disappointing because i'm not breaking any new grounds by simply being here, but i really dont care right now. my "advocacy" is spreading correct information about psychotic disorders. sorry that thats not loud and aggressive enough to be palatable as "real advocacy" or "doing something real and good," but what i do here helps fellow psychotics and thats all i care about. i dont exist for nonpsychotic, cis or whoever else's entertainment. i dont do respectability politics.
id really appreciate it if people stop sending me asks about this topic. i am sick of talking about this and pleaing my case to people who dont care or dont want to listen, and people who are really just tearing me down and making me feel like shit. unless someone makes some important revolutionary contribution to this topic, new asks will be ignored on this.
like i said thanks for the support but like. reading things like this, things ive specifically said i am not or dont want to do, and then being boxed into the corner is a terrible feeling.
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bellafarella · 3 years
So currently there’s a lot of people arguing about how Ian’s an asshole for giving Mickey an ultimatum and “forcing” him to come out im 4x11. Personally I wouldn’t say Ian forced him and I understand why he wouldn’t want to be with someone if he has to hide who he is. So I understand why Ian did what he did. What are your thoughts ?
What people are forgetting is that Ian was having a manic episode the entirety of season 4 until the last episode where he crashed right down into depression....
Ian was not "himself" and I put that in quotations because it was his first episode of bipolar and he wasn't diagnosed yet so he and all of us and the family didn't know what was going on with him.
I dont see it as him forcing Mickey to come out. I see what Svetlana did as forcing Mickey to come out by constantly threatening to tell Terry. Ian however, he was in a manic episode, he saw his boyfriend say they were a couple then pretend to be somebody completely different in front of other people. To Ian, he couldn't stand it anymore so he decided to remove himself from it. Yeah him calling Mickey a coward and a pussy for hiding who he is was a low blow because he knows the trauma Mickeys endured by his father, he even endured it! But Ian wasn't in his "normal" mind frame during that time. He was also just going to go. Mickey stopped him and it forced Ian to call him out.
People LOVE to point the finger at Ian and call him an asshole or blame him for shit thats happened between him and Mickey, but the fact of the matter is, Ian has bipolar disorder. Not that it's an excuse or a crutch, but especially in season 4, nobody knew this yet, Ian didn't even know, so you can't blame him for jack shit. He wasn't trying to force Mickey to come out. I don't believe that was his intention in the slightest. I believe that he was sick of watching his boyfriend be somebody he's not to appease everyone other than them so he chose to remove himself from the situation.
MICKEY decided to come out. He was not forced. He saw Ian leaving and came out to stop him. Yeah the "you happy now?" makes it sound like Ian forced Mickey to come out but Mickey chose to come out FOR Ian. He did not want to lose Ian, not again. He lost him once (well more than that but he didn't want to when Ian left in S3) and wasn't going to let that happen again so he figured since Ian doesn't like that he's pretending to be something he's not that he would come clean and come out to everyone there.
This whole discourse is dumb. Everyone forgets that they have both been victims of abuse, neglect, and all kinds of trauma. People love to hate on Ian and I really don't know why. I've never been in either of their shoes (I've been emotionally abused by an ex) but I can understand them and who they are and why they are the way they are.
I know a lot of you can too. But the ones who like to hate on Ian but still ship Mickey with him like you know there are other shows you can watch to ship mlm couples right??? Like I can name you a few dozen lmaooo
I dont get how you can hate a character so much but still ship them with your fave. I can't relate at all.
But anyway, long story short... I don't see the 4x11 coming out scene as Ian forcing Mickey. Mickey made a decision to come out publicly the way he did because he did not want to lose Ian.
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rawmeknockout · 3 years
ya know being an artist and seeing art discourse im exposed to the argument about sexualized female bodies a lot and while its not something that will ever go away its just sad that a good portion of male artists are the type that will happily sexualize the female body again and again in the same ways without doing the same to male bodies
theres a difference between creating women as sex objects and a woman having sexual agency and putting her pleasure first im not calling for male artists to forever not draw sexy women ever again bc im a huge fan of the old pin up art and i think we get a lot from artists willing to push taboo boundaries but theres a difference between pushing boundaries for a more creative freedom and simply drawing sexy women bc thats all you care to see and all you see women for (yes even if theyre 2d women that seems to indicate a certain mental state even if you dont mean it to)
for a lot of female artists they see it as a means to express things they desire and fantasies they would fulfill, not all the time ofc not all female artists are thinking that deeply and some just like hot titty but there are quite a few that love beautiful women bc they love women and they love being women
idk i guess im just sick of rampant female sexualization whereas you dont see the same for men bc men are not as readily put in that situation and when they are its sort of joaks and for fun while women are someone’s wank material
i guess what im trying to say is i dont write submissive female characters readily bc thats not how i like to view women and when i DO write submissive women i always try to make it explicitly clear that it is something they want full-heartedly even more than their partners do bc being submissive does not have to take away a woman’s agency or her assertiveness in saying yes
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