#i dont like having lots of universes 😔
erythristicbones · 1 year
me: i have too much religious trauma to work with a story about angels/demons/etc and that's fine. ive got at least three separate OC universes, i don't need to ponder another one
*sees one piece of really cool religious artwork*
me, weak and self-indulgent: oh god, oh fuck
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matthewmurdockswife · 4 months
Nick comforting you after a tough exam grade 💙🩵 (pls, I need this)
Just if you want, btw, love your blog, and work, and everything in general!! 💖
Nick Sturniolo x Reader Platonic
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Tw: swearing, negative self talk kinda
It had been hard, You work with the triplets helping edit and when you joined university they offered to take over for a while. But you convinced them you could handle it, you had convinced yourself too. You were managing at first you had a schedule you would edit from 4-6 and then do homework or study whatever you had to do. But the work started piling up when youd finish editing there was no time to study and when you studied there was no time to edit and the threads were running thin.
“Shes been moping all day chris I know something is wrong” Nick complained to his brother “ Shes probably tired Nick just let her be”
Nick always knew you better than anyone else had he always picked up on minuscule mood changes really all the small details and its part of why you appreciated him so much so him ignoring chris advice and coming to check on you anyways wasnt a big suprise to anyone.
“Heyyy kiddo” he opened the door holding a bunch of your favourite candies and a pepsi “whats wrong” you went to open your mouth but nick cut you off “Dont lie to me I know there’s something”you sighed and unzipped your bag and pulled out The test the one you failed the one you couldnt do good enough on because you were busy. Nick sighed he set the test down and held my shoulder “I know you said you can do both and I believe you, But maybe we should focus on one, school is a lot and its going to take extra effort and time that you wont have if you’re working kid” “I dont want to freeload” he only laughed “freeload? You paid for half of this house im not sure how you’d think you’re freeloading. Y/N you do above and beyond for the three of us. You were the only one who looked after chris while he was sick. And then matt when chris gave it to him, you buy all the groceries and you always buy our favourite things even when we dont ask for them, You look out for us you take care of us and you’re always there to talk to when we need someone. You’re one of the greatest people we’ve ever met so no you’re not freeloading when you slow down to focus on school” Nick was always great at comforting he always made me feel safe and loved “ But nick i dont feel complete look at that grade” he didn’t even need to look at the paper he took my face in his hands “I dont care what any piece of paper says, No grade will define you. I love you girl and Some stupid ass little quiz wont change that” i smile softly at Nick “ I love you too” “so you promise to slow down?” He always made me laugh even if it wasn’t something particularly funny nick always found a way to make people laugh “I promise” “Good now lets go terrorize matt to take us to macdonalds”
My next grade I got back was a 96% the boys took me out to get mcflurries. I always knew that they all had my back but Nick always looked put for me in a special way, and I would forever remember the love he gave me.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A/N
yall im tired its like 6 Am and i wanna sleep so i did not edit this im sorry pookies 🫵😔
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duchessonfire · 8 days
Whatever AU you create I live for it, honestly I'm your biggest fan at this point. Feel free to expand! The abo, supernatural twist, the motherfucking reverse sugar that i did not expect 😂 what kinda dynamic do you envision? Are they overall similar to savior except for some key point or is the energy between cegan completely altered? What are the vibes 🤩
Also! What are you thought on Negan's evolution and can you add your twist as to where do you think Carl can fit in it
(ive never watched dead city and stopped twd years ago coincidentaly right after carl died i keep up a bit with spoilers so i got the gist of it. But from what i can see he's become a fundamentaly different person. Swagger still there but dialed down enough to make me sad 😔 wbu do you keep up? id be impressed if you did cause that's some damn comitmment.
Listen i've been trying to recreate your magic by combining ao3 tags lately but nothing seems to fit! Its the age difference, its the slow burn with what started as someone playing meanly and exerting their power on someone else only to be hit with the feelings 🫢, it's the top tier d/s subtext, its the jealousy and the two step forward one step back, its the smut tbh mostly the smut, simply put it's giving.
And absolutely no rush and dont feel obliged to answer but what kinda irl timeline are you predicting for part 3 and 4 and the neganpov? You've been churning out updates lately (22k high quality chapter within a month; we are spoiled god bless🫂).
I'm frothing at the mouth waiting for your next update. You sincerely bring me joy.
Hi again Cegan lovely! ✨
Thank you so much for this sweet message.
The dynamics of the other Cegan project I have planned will be very much similar to the Savior!Carl universe with Carl and Negan going from enemies to lovers. The only one that is truly different is the reverse sugar daddy AU where I'm going for a Carl that is super shy and vulnerable, really a gifted kid who has trouble connecting with people and who clings to his crush for his former PE teacher for dear life. I'm really excited about those projects even though I have no idea when I'll have time to write them 😅
I am still heavily involved in TWD universe and I have watched the main show until the end, as well as the Daryl Dixon, The Ones Who Live and the Dead City spinoffs. I was very unhappy with Negan's characterization in the last season of TWD but Dead City really brought a breath of fresh air and I'm excited to see what lies in store for Negan in season 2.
So funny thing, part 4 of the Savior!Carl universe will cover Rick's arrival and the war between the Saviors and the other communities, but because I want to stick closely to canon, part 5 will deal with the time Negan spends in the cell and the Whisperer War. So I have in fact plans for Carl and Negan's relationship even after Negan loses his empire. (I'm actually very excited about their new dynamics after that happens ❤️‍🔥 While Negan will go softer, Carl will become a lot harder and more ruthless so that will be pretty amazing to explore...).
I'm so happy that you enjoy the Savior!Carl AU 😍 If you're looking for more Cegan content, I recommend looking at my bookmarks. If you enter Carl Grimes or Negan Smith in the "other work tags to include" section, you will be able to see all my Cegan bookmarks. I especially recommend the fics by Gemjam: Wildflowers and Genesis, which are really the main inspiration behind the Savior!Carl universe, but in my bookmarks you will find loads more of amazing works by amazing writers! Happy reading 📖
So for the time-line, part 3 will finish this summer for sure, hopefully by beginning of July. I will post chapter 10 this week (hopefully today or tomorrow), and then it's only two more chapters to go. The time-line for 4 is a lot blurrier because I still have a lot of brainstorming to do. Same for part 5 and for the Negan's pov. Ideally, I would like the Negan's pov to post at the same time as part 5 because Carl will spend a lot of time away from Negan while he's in the cell, so posting Negan's pov at the same time would still giving readers a healthy amount of Cegan next to the plot of part 5.
Thank you again for such a lovely ask and I hope you have an amazing day 💐😘
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ashipiko · 6 months
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ASHI-KINS SUCH A GOOD NICKNAME…….. ace in your artstyle tho. CHRIS!!!!!! 😭😭 he looks so good I CAN NOT. tho this made me think about soc ashace last night and TBH I think it would be fun if ace was head over heels and ashi got him wrapped round her finger 🫣 they act all nice n stuff in public but down to it ace is still tryna win her over………
“I gotcha, Clochey! Dialing him riiight now before he gets caught up with the fuzz~” to “TRAPPOLA GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE OR ELSE WE’RE BREAKING UP” IT WOULD BE FUNNY. also keeps the special ashace dynamic and ashi’s “true self” into play 😳 THO TBH I DONT RMB A LOT ABOUT THE SOC……. 😭😭 like they didn’t really get focused on a bunch in the outsiders did they?
!!! THIS AU MAKES ME REALLY CURIOUS ON HOW ASHI AND CLOCHE INTERACT THO since there’s this kinda barrier between them in twst universe? cuz cloche is sus of ashi and ashi is too shallow IIRC so maybe they’d actually be friends here 🤔🤔 mayhaps?
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jonathan ohnn/the spot headcanons
i made these sleep deprived on december 19th of two-thousand-twenty-three and i compiled them up!!! mostly non serious but some are a little sad
 • eats (or used to eat, i dont think he can eat anymore) peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like a FIEND, pretty sure he wouldnt have any problem whatsoever eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner and would if it werent for societal judgement😔😔
he still ate them for lunch when he was working at alchemax though
• he hates hot pockets i dont know why dont ask. he's also transmasc and bisexual but in denial about it (the being bisexual part) (unrelated)
• he definitely climbed a lot of trees as a kid, gave at least one person a heart attack by doing so
• while working at alchemax he was 100% not taken seriously/was disrespected by his co-workers, specifically olivia octavius (this is semi-canon, it's in his art book paragraph somewhere) because theres almost no way a respected scientist in his field would've gotten completely shunned by his co-workers and family for something that was admittedly reckless but still???? he probably ate lunch in his office tbh i dont blame him
• under different circumstances (miles not being partially the reason he is the way he is) i think he would've had a silly little dynamic with miles as a hero/villain sort of camaraderie?? and also if he wasnt trying to destroy the universe/kill everyone miles loves... L
• won first place in the science fair in 7th grade and still looks at it as a fond memory
• surprisingly good driver, fairly patient i think (probably not so much post act 2 of atsv but maybe!!!!)
• favorite holiday used to be thanksgiving but now he doesn't like it (woops family trauma D:) at thanksgiving dinner though he definitely gossiped and drank tea in the kitchen/helped with the food to an extent
• cried like ugly hiccup sobbed when the earth 42 spider died and he found it and didn't leave his apartment for like a month and 3 quarters
• terrible dancer you cant look at him and say he knows how, im sorry.
• he's okay at cooking he just never had the time to do it, knows how to make a disgustingly good ravioli though
• he was an avid the mr. peabody and sherman show fan and had a funeral for it when it got taken off of netflix
• ate dirt as a kid
• 100% cuffs his jeans (he wears absurdly silly socks and shows them off i can attest to this because i have a pair of bright purple long socks with yellow ducks on them)
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ozonelasher · 2 months
i'm ngl i will be honest. i think one of the most disappointing developments in modern db lore/super is the whitewashing of the saiyans. lemme explain
like if you dont know, dragon ball as a whole is a parody of the chinese epic journey to the west, with son goku BEING sun wukong, but other saiyan characters being given sun wukong's characteristics—such as z broly, whose gold crown is a direct reference to sun wukong's golden headband, which also suppressed his power. the iconic saiyan battle armor is abstracted from samurai armor. so like, it’s pretty safe to say that goku & the rest of the saiyans are coded to be east asian.
it's also important to point out their cultural origin backstory as it was introduced in og dbz filler & how it's presented. in the manga you don't really see any depiction, but you actually get to see the story of the saiyans recounted, and to me, the kind of "uncivilized, barbaric society (the saiyans) invades & destroys peaceful, technologically advanced society (the tuffles)" narrative told alongside the literally racist treatment vegeta, nappa, & raditz received from freeza & other freeza force members in paralleled a lot of the irl historical racist rhetoric perpetuated against a majority of indigenous groups around the world. and there could have been something really interesting done with that, because a lot of what you heard about the saiyans came from word of mouth decades after their planet's destruction!
unfortunately, that potential for nuance wasn't explored much further by both the franchise and mainstream fanon, which was fine ig. though when i was first getting into DB and looking at a lot of fanmade content, i would encounter stuff like "spartan saiyan AUs!!" or saiyans drawn in roman armor, which even back then would make me roll my eyes considering... yknow, lmao. like c'mon, other 'war-like' societies exist, especially outside of europe. the battle armor is based off of samurai armor for a reason.
but i guess that perception of the saiyans became so popular that when super began to be produced, they not only doubled-down on saiyans being an inherently 'evil' race, but with the introduction of the universe 6 saiyans, started kinda.... revising the cultural inspiration of the saiyans?? like cabba's saiyan armor really is essentially inspired by roman leather armor, and so is the armor the main character, Shallot, from DB Legends, as well as saiyan royalty adopting european royal naming conventions... which is literally so strange to me. what do you mean vegeta the fourth
idk it's just something so strange to do as a japanese franchise inspired by a chinese folk epic, but it is what it is at this point 😔
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sl-vega · 2 months
busts down the door and storms into your inbox after seeing that post: VEE BESTIE YOU ARE JUST AS AMAZING, PERFECT, TALENTED, ALL OF THE ABOVE ISTG IF YOU DONT START APPRECIATING YOURSELF-
no but in all seriousness LMAO i swear there are still times now where i doubt my writing, theme making skills or dont think im as qualified to give people advice on writing or stuff but then!! we have amazing kind hearted people like vee who will come in and make all that doubt disappear with her constant and never ending love & support 🥰
VEE IM NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAY YOURE A HUGE SUPPORT AND INSPIRATION FOR ME TO KEEP GOING WITH WRITING🫶as one of my first moots and the one to show immense support for stealing the spotlight ( my first ever smau ) i am forever indebted to you and happy we’re mooties <33
me being too good for this world?? girl, you are too good for the whole universe 😔 AND TOO COOL FOR YOU? GASP NO NEVER! the day i become too cool and the day we both become too cool together 😎HELP-
but anyways, that’s enough of my sappy rambling! your smau’s and writing are incredible vee you’ve got every right to call yourself a cool writer ( i will do as many shameless plug in’s as i have to, to prove it. that’s a threat /lh ) I LOVE YOU SM /P 🤍
AWW MAE- (girl I TEARED UP when I read this)
I'm so happy to know that my little comments and random asks i send you make you feel that happy, and I'm so glad that my support means something to you! <3 <3
AND TY MAE THAT MEANS SM THAT I'M AN INSPIRATION TO YOU- You inspire me a lot too, and your support also means the world to me ❤ (SOBBING RN GIRLIE YOU ARE TOO SWEET-🥺😭)
THE COMPLIMENT OVERLOAD, MA'AM YOU DON'T NEED TO- I am so lucky to have such wonderful mooties such as yourself mae <3
TY AGAIN FOR THE KIND WORDS (and the shameless plug offers, i shall gladly take you up on that) AND ILYSMT MAE!
(now don't mind me re-reading this ask for the hundredth time, i gotta gatekeep these nice words a little longer)
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liauditore · 9 months
Hi, I love your art and ive been really enjoying reading all your rambling about characters. Do you have any thoughts about pearl? I dont think she gets talked about nearly enough.
Also, shipping bingo for pearl and cleo?
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anon i have so many thoughts about pearl u have no idea
ok uhhhh first off HI UR TOO SWEET???? 😭😭😭😭😭 i never thought so many of you would actually read my unhinged rambles let alone enjoy them LMAO plus my art ok sometimes too ig
i feel like ppl actually give pearl a decent chunk of attention (i would say she gets way more than cleo does) but no amount is too much of pearl for me tbh i always want more so
pearls like uh. the most ever. babygirl. i think scarlet pearl was a bit of a turning point for her but i think she was always.. a little bit messed up. we talk about martyn essentially turning himself into ren's sword in 3L and i think LL pearl and scott have a somewhat similar dynamic, just less in your face about it. <-- thinking about her killing joel for scott multiple times, her essentially donating all her lives to him, etc.
she's a very lonely character i feel like. so the people who she does end up close to she will go insane for, literally being ready for give up her life for them.
if u want me to get hot take-y about it i think that read is why i've never been a big fan of her getting characterized as the crazy ex-girlfriend in fics and such. i always took scott calling her that as his version of events (and slandering her to get the rest of the server on his side), pearl i feel has such a pure devotion and need for love that i cant see her ever really considering romance.
soz im a misogynist on this one 😔😔
like every other divorce quartet dynamic i go crazy about it but i don't really "see" anything between these two i guess.
they've always felt kind of detached from eachother to me. like they just can't fundamentally understand one another. pearl is naive but capable of feats way beyond regular people. cleo is all too familiar with the world and endlessly haunted by their own insecurities.
the whole mean girl energy directed at pearl during DL def didn't help their relationship. i like to think that LimL cleo did feel kinda bad about how she treated her? a lot of what cleo does in DL i feel was kind of influenced by scott's behaviour -- i don't think she even really hates pearl (they might even pity her) but she's not gonna be extending a hand out anytime soon either.
but yeah even in another universe where either of them knows how to be normal about their emotions i don't see the possibility for anything more. an apology and return to normal is as good as it's gonna get imo. they're just not close enough.
i also kinda feel that.. idk it's just kind of obligatory? like ppl are clawing and desperate and starving to get some toxic yuri and Trust Me i understand. but idk uh. the ship has to find me yknow. not the other way around. 🙏
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luffylvrr2 · 1 month
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Chibi’s: $10 (uncolored) - $13 (colored)
Regular close ups: $15 (uncolored)- $20 (colored)
Regular full bodies: $24 (uncolored) $27 (colored) [no examples yet]
Detailed close up: $30 (depends on detail) - $35 (like bakugo for example)
Detailed full body: haven’t done one yet so idk how much I wanna price itor, right now I’ll average it $37 :)
1 Manga panel (only 1): $20-$30 depends on detail, how many people and close up or full body.
Roblox avatar: $14 (half body) $20 (fully body) A/N: I changed the prices!!! The once’s in the photo are no longer accurate!- have to update them..
Cashapp (only 😅):
Commissioning for..:
One piece, my hero academia, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, bungo stray dogs, Tokyo revengers, jujutsu kaisen, attack on titan, Saiki k, black butler, chainsaw man, Ouran high school host club, god of high school, Fairy tail, blue lock, Mob Psycho 100, assassination classroom & fire force
AN’s: (author’s notes)
I know a lot more anime’s than the ones listed that I haven’t watched yet so there are some characters I’d be willing to draw despite the fact that I haven’t watched the anime, like: Kenki Ken, L Lawliet, Tobio Kageyama, etc! 💗
Other anime’s you can commission me for are: Death note, Haikyuu, soul eater or toilet bound hanako-kun! But don’t be afraid to ask if I’ll do someone not listed here!!
I only do anime characters
also!! I’m not the best at backgrounds but I can try!! It’ll likely be a silly little sketch but you’ll be able to tell what it is <3
Be specific!!!!!! Be s p e c i f i c. You want me to draw Luffy? What pose? Which outfit? Background? Is he doing something? Close up? Far away? Detailed? Chibi? Close up detailed? Far away detailed? Regular? Colored? All of the above!!!
I’m willing to draw your oc’s!! I can draw you with your fav but no kissing (on lips). also send me references of your oc (dm me) or give good detail as to what they look like, you can’t assume I’ll know what they look like so don’t complain if they have a hair clip but u don’t mention that and I don’t draw it <3
I draw in my artstyle, obviously, I can copy animation studio artstyles but unless you want me to insert your oc into the anime It’ll be my own :)
you can ask for a commission in my inbox or dm but if your oc, for example, has a lot of details dm me ♡
Get to know the artist‼️👍🏾
I’d rather not state my name online but I’m a 14 year old girl trying to make some money to buy things so like 💗
I’m into anime, music, roblox and art!!
If your an adult that’s okay but don’t be a weirdo 🤨
don’t commission me for anything sus/nsfw I’m fourteen‼️😭
Don’t disrespect me and those who support me! I won’t tolerate hate on my art! scroll or I’ll block you :0
honestly I don’t do many ships between characters but ask me I might be up for it!
Im open to au’s/alternative universes cuz it’s fun, not the crazy ones tho, more gentle like: (character) hasn’t died au or college au :)
I don’t do refunds‼️‼️
Copyright @luffylvrr2 2024 My work don’t steal, copy, trace, screenshot, translate, repost on other platforms or put as your profile picture without my permission!!
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tarobii · 9 months
I'm like only a bit sure nobody has sent this to you yet if someone has feel free to ignore this but here you go
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
ok. ok.o k
it's brainrot time :)
I've answered like 3 of these already so I'll just be copy-pasting the answers for those ones ^^
answers under the cut bc this is gonna be looooong hehe ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
1. who’s your favorite oc?
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Haruto: "Well obviously it's me. They haven't stopped thinking about me for like a month now~"
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Raiden: "No, it's clearly me. Despite all the changes, I'm their longest lasting OC in terms of interest."
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Haru and Den: *arguing* Olivier: "...?"
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Olivier: "...What are they doing??"
Olivier's my favorite :)
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2. who was your first oc?
uhhhh I think it was either Moonlight or Jasmine(??? I think that was her name)
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3. how many ocs do you have?
182 and counting!
edit: more if you count the Undersociation cast, as well as the aus (yes, I've made aus of my ocs lol)
4. have you kept all of your ocs since the beginning?
[copied fr prev ask]
yep :)
every. single. one.
(I dont,,, use them anymore,,, but like they're still here lol)
addition from present me: there's actually a small group of ocs I had in elementary school that I had to let go bc I've pretty much completely forgotten about them, so I can't bring them back 😔
5. are any of your ocs based off of a show/book you like? if so, who?
[copied fr prev ask]
yep! Alice in Wonderland! I have ocs for the queen, the white rabbit, mad hatter, blue caterpillar, cheshire cat, and some in the same universe that aren't directly based on Alice in Wonderland characters.
I've only actually drawn two of them but here!
Haruto (Blue Caterpillar) and Chess (Cheshire Cat)
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there's a bit more lore to it than them just. being the same characters from the story (bc,,, they're not,,,,,) (they're the descendants of the og cast) but yk lol
6. what is the species of the majority of your ocs?
Human, according to my spreadsheet. 57/182 are human. The rest are various other species lol.
7. are any of your ocs an original species? if so, what’s the species and who?
yes! a lot of them are original species just because,,, idk what species they are lmao,,,, for example: butterfly thing, fog thing, ghost??? monster????? thing??????
but do have a few original species ocs that I actually know what they are lol
these ones are the aureses ocudau! (these specific ones are named Tie and Zip!)
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8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
random number generator go!
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he has my favorite name tbh ~Florian~ so fun
9. write a few sentences as (oc name)!
random number generator go! again!
Vesper! how thematic! Vesper is Florian's best friend, ehe
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(I,,, am not a writer,,, oh no,,, here we go,,,,)
"Florian, are you kidding me?" "Ehehe, oops?" Vesper grabs Florian by the shoulders. "Florian. Florian. F L O R I A N. Did you seriously fall into a fountain chasing a cat???" "Haha. Perhaps..." Vesper gives Florian the Look™️. Florian flounders a little. "Listen..." "I'm listening." "In my defense... it was reaaaally cute." Vesper deadpans. "Seriously?"
10. are any of your ocs part of a story? if so, what is it about and who’s in it?
[copied from prev ask]
they're all in one connected multiverse, and I like thinking of silly little scenarios, so technically they're all in a slice of life
with one exception!!
which is a work in progress but the basic plot synopsis is that it starts as a slice of life and shenanigans with the association employees
but then the Catalyst happens and what's basically the apocalypse happens
our main characters are Sans (Spade) and Kyrian, and their main goal is to find their respective brothers, Papyrus (Clover) and Evelin
they don't know if Pap and Eve are okay or even alive, because they were out of town on a mission--but they were due to come back on the day the catalyst happened, so their status is unconfirmed
11. do you have any twin ocs?
yep! two pairs (that I remember lol) Moonlight and Midnight, and Yuuto and Yuki! (don't. question my naming conventions lmao. the first two are from when I was in elementary school and the second two have the Yu- "prefix" so to speak running through the whole family lol)
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12. are any of your ocs siblings?
yes! many of them here are a few ^^ in a (slightly outdated) chart
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these two (Keiran and Evelin) specifically have a new younger brother (Kyrian):
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13. what is the gender of the majority of your ocs?
male, probably
14. make up a new oc right now based on (concept/show/color/etc.)!
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her name is sabie :)
15. would you ever give up any of your ocs?
unless I specifically made them for that purpose (ex. adoptable, a gift) no <3
16. who is your oldest oc (age-wise)?
my oldest named oc is Haruto at a whopping 737 years old
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but my actual oldest oc is his dad lol
17. have you ever roleplayed as your ocs?
yeah, kind of. I semi-roleplay as Olivier in a minecraft server I'm in
18. how many of your ocs were adopted from someone else?
none that I remember
19. who is your least favorite oc?
I like all of them tho :(
20. which oc do you think has changed the most since you made them?
Raiden, hands down.
My guy got a complete design and backstory overhaul
before and after
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(fuckin hell that lighting is trash lmao)
21. who is your newest oc? optional- doodle them to show!
sabie is lol
but besides her, them!
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they're Felix's older sibling (❁´◡`❁)
22. have you ever cosplayed your own ocs? if so, who?
yep! Nikolai (I only have videos of this cosplay lol, hence the blurry screenshot)
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23. which oc do you think has affected you the most as youve grown with them?
[copied fr prev ask]
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his name is Raiden and he's my oldest oc that I still actually use and I am so very attached to him he's my bbg through and through
he's also the oc with one of the most batshit insane backstories lol (hint: all of those funeral pictures in the second one are *all* him)
24. have you gotten cosplayers of your ocs? if so, of whom?
nah, just me
25. do you have any ocs that you havent drawn/written as/talked about in a long time? if so, who?
[copied from prev ask]
yeah, almost everyone on my old deviantart
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hppjmxrgosg · 2 years
So please feel free to ignore this if you would prefer not to answer, but do you have any DP fics you would recommend? Just something we could check out while we patiently and lovingly wait for your next chapter release? Crossover or non crossover both are welcome.
Hey! Sorry this took me so long to get to! I don't have a lot of DP fic saved (i have a weirdo fic filing system its weird im weird dont worry about)
BUT!! i do have quite a collection. (and a few of them are dp so bonus!)
so here is a like. a fic rec list ig? just some of my faves. >:)
(i feel like these always reveal an uncomfortable amount about a person but fuck it we ball)
Completed Fics I Think Are Just 🤠
Salvage: Atla fic. Zuko centric. Very found family. Angst? heavy. Vibes? immaculate.
Deeper, Darker: Danny Phantom & Stranger Things. when i tell you this fic rocked my shit- its very long, very dark, very horror-core. excellent world building.
Sticks and Stones: Harry Potter & Naruto HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE OKAY JUST HOLD ON is there anything more pro trans rights than taking a funky lil guy, a traumatized lil assassin child soldier guy, and using him as a way to wreck the shit out of the Harry Potter Universe? Didn't think so, next question.
(Anbu kakashi gets sent to hogwarts to fuck shit up. he succeeds)
All The Leaves Are Brown (And the sky is gray): Marvel. Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark centric (but in absolutely not the way you think) i actually think this one is pretty funny. a good time if you're depressed 💅 yk what im saying?
Unmasked: Spider-Man: what it says on the tin. when i tell you this was a roller coaster to read on live updates- but shorty pulled through ✊😔 spider-man and Harley keener centric. quality shit if you asked me. i havent read the second part of this series but this one slapped so lmk.
Incomplete But Updating Fics That I Think Are Just 🫡
The File: Percy Jackson & The Avengers. when i tell you guys this is one of the greatest things i have ever read in my life- its so good. its actually a series. i have read every word. this is the fic that inspired me to write VC. I will never stop thinking about it. in my head completely rent free. not like the other PJxMarvel crossovers ✨
the first step of kintsugi: marvel, spider-man and the punisher. i just think it's neat. (i say as i am literally dying over this fic) so good. dynamic 9000.
This Boy's Too Young to Be Singing the Blues: Marvel, Spider-Man & DAREDEVIL this time (bc i am a sucker for spider man and a sucker for daredevil and 1+1=🤠 yk what im sayin?
Friendly neighborhood vigilante: DP x DC!! (what you came for lol) not danny centric. Jazz/Jason (power couple fr)
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood: dp x dc . honestly? slay. a touch disjointed in the beginning but over all ✨quality✨ and (from what i can tell) semi frequent updates so double slay.
i have a few more but i hit the link limit so ill just name them and you should be able to track em down on ao3 with a lil searchy search ya feel?
Padfoot And Hound by SayItAll
Harry Potter & Naruto (i am so mentally ill what do you want from me)
i am sooooOo normal about this one guys. sooOoOoOo normal. guess when this was first published? 12/18/2020 i have been live reading this thing for the past two years. I love it so much.
The Victory Series by ewfte
Naruto & Boku No Hero Academia
its incomplete and discontinued so be warned but it is so good. SO good. just. I cannot even express.
and ofc The Ghost of Heroes by Enigmaris (DP x Marvel) and Ghost in the NYC by ASharksReadingGlasses (a fic inspired by comics by the-stove-is-on-fire) also DP x Marvel
these two i really think are kinda staples of the marvel x dp side of the phandom so vibes. if you haven't read them you're missing out on your culture.
this is a really long post but these are just some of my faves or what im reading right now. in any case, vibes.
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
Tbh the atsv fan "characterization" that pisses me off the most is the Miles Morales Prowler shit. Thats just a 15 year old. Good god. It makes me want to punch a bitch. At least Hobie is punk (even tho like. I still super dont like thag a lot of characterizations of him that seem to rely too much on the fact that a lot of Punk Thingz™️ (namely, drugs and hate for authority) are also antiblack stereotypes and we should be giving benefit of the doubt in these cases)
But Miles Morales is still Miles Morales, even if in a dif universe he's the prowler and his hair's different(? Im ngl im white and idk if it has anything to do with this, but ive seen his hair referenced before as important). I also see a lot of ppl forgetting how Morales was treated after the first movie, that fuckin colored pencil post still makes me mad.
Pissing me tf off. Sorry for mini rant it just seems you are also on this topic rn and none my friends seem that into the spiderverse 😔
Oh the moment I tried to block the Miguel tag (which DIDNT WORK, btw), the Miles G reader stuff showed up and I had instant regret 😭 but I haven't seen much for him outside of that. I'm glad I haven't, now.
Tbh, I wasn't really into Fandom when ITSV came out, so I (gratefully) missed all of the bullshit I heard happen with that one.
What's really pissed me off about Miles' seeming depiction by fandom, at least in the sections I've seen, is...idk if I'm saying this right.... To over simplify him? Like it frustrates me that a movie, both movies, the existence of Miles Morales himself, ALL have to do with themes of race, representation, and belonging. Yes there are plenty of other messages that are important, but all of them connect back to that identity too.
And people are just... Glossing over that. In this desire to go "oh he's so precious"- in what I'm sure is white ppls well-intentioned attempt to not be seen as a racist that doesn't care about Black children- they are still managing to completely ignore how his identity is symbolic in the storytelling. It's colorblindness in a movie where seeing race is essential and if you're gonna ignore it you might as well not even watch it at all bc at its core it's HIS story.
Like yeah, you think he's queer allegory, yeah you recognize how it feels to not belong, how to fight the status quo, fantastic, I love it, are you actually engaging with the race aspect that affects his experience of all of those things? Are you processing that when Rio said he might not be accepted in spaces, just maybe you have brown friends who feel that way in white spaces, fan and otherwise (esp now with affirmative action lmao, but always with Miles in the comics and dealing with fans). It's easy to think a multicultural movie with a Brown antagonist, well it "can't have to do with race" and that's just not true.
That's why people fixating on Hobie mildly disturbs me too; he TOO is a BLACK punk. That makes a difference, in his solidarity and what that meant for Black viewers. Or how they're ignoring Margo altogether despite her crucial role in his escape. Or how they're refusing to engage with Jessica Drew with understanding (you don't have to agree with her! I don't! But to understand where she stands in that spectrum from Hobie to Miguel, she is not nearly as bad as fandom wants to believe; she's actually comparable to Peter B but misogynoir prevents that conversation).
Like I am so happy we are finally entering an era where Black and Brown people are seeing themselves more on screen in roles we've yearned for, I am. But that also means it's time for white people to start engaging with what that means, and that means unlearning and learning.
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hakiarleon · 13 days
for the ship bingo: you ought to do obizenyuki ofc!
and hakizana? + drop your fav rare pair too 🫶
aye aye ! i dont think i need to explain how insane i am abt obizenyuki gjskfjdk in a perfect universe we could have all of them kissing each other but for now obi is just vibing 😔
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hakizana!! im not as insane abt them as obizenyuki (canon barely gives us CRUMBS pls i beg u sorata sensei let them have more screentime together... OR JUST ANY HAKI SCREENTIME AT ALL...) but i still love them a lot, theyre like. partners yknow. besties and lovers that kinda vibe. at least to me 😭
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and a fav rarepair: umitorouuu thank u for bringing them into existence i heart them. i just wouldnt want them to be canon bc as much as i'd love umihebi to be back i want obitorou to be friends and this would not help torou's case 😭 theyre our beloved homebrew crackship with 0 canon basis godbless
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aplpaca · 11 months
why is having your ocs be your special interest unfortunate? please tell us about them!! (curious, friendly tone)
It's unfortunate bc theres not content for them that exist without my own effort 😔(outside of a couple friends) so i cant reblog posts about them like i would for like critical role or something. ive got a variety of "main character" ocs and most of them started out as ttrpg characters that then got their own non-rpg "canon" in a story universe im making with some friends that may or may not end up turning into a series of books. (overarching "plot" of it is that the birth of a new deity ends up connecting people and politics of several planets in different universes)
so like my "main" characters for that are vyma, claysen, and yianni. vyma also has an equally canon ttrpg incarnation for a game thats still ongoing, but claysen and yianni started out as ttrpg characters but now their "canon" is just their storyverse incarnations. i put actual character descriptions under the cut
ima talk about vyma's storyverse incarnation for this, since theres Spoilers for her ttrpg canon that players who follow me dont know yet (but like, the core personality is the same between the two so yeah). but anyway, her full name in storyverse is Vyma Bapp-Matieyepa sip-Sabapak, which is kinda long bc cultural naming conventions include familial last name, chosen/official clan affiliation, and familal-but-not-official clan affiliation (if someone has that). She's one of the unofficial leaders of a revolutionary/resistance group (other leader is one of @cosmemery's characters Naki) that funnels political prisoners to freedom and tries to counteract the imperialism of the country that subjugated theirs and the harm from their own gov that tries to meet the imperialists in the middle. Vyma is pretty tall, pretty butch, and pretty ace. She's got lowkey disabling hyperempathy, but this gets paired with an autistic flat affect that makes her come across unintentionally blunt, monotone, and insensitive at times. she's kinda overcompensated for social issues by using her hyperempathy and just general problem solving to get really fucking good at reading people/figuring out how people are feeling. this unfortunately does not make her any more conversationally adept, and in some cases makes her kinda preachy instead. her flight response (like the trauma response, not just the general fight or flight) is through the fucking roof and she would and prob will grind herself into dust in an attempt to make what she considers a positive impact. she's chronically sleep deprived and refuses to talk about her feelings in a way thats not dodging the question. she likes to bake, but hasnt been able to in a while.
Claysen Hishari (birthname Jarren Claysen Vidravalsh) is like lowkey highkey kinda of A Lot in terms of stuff he's got going on. id like to think i do a decent job not being Edgy (TM) with him but like,,yeah. He's a formal noble who escaped his shitty dad after his mom died and ended up being blackmailed into becoming a spy/assassin. He also technically has emotion/identity-influenced magical power equivalent to at least a minor god, but hes repressing that and its only almost killed him once. His appearance is altered via illusion magic almost constantly. He's more visibly autistic and uses a trade sign language to talk fairly frequently. When he's not signing, he has a very specific speech pattern, and often pauses in the middle of sentences while he figures out how to make words work. At the start of the story, he basically hasn't had goals or ambitions or strong personal convictions for A While, and a lot of his growth is Growing A Fucking Spine and Learning To Act On Things. A lot of his other growth is self acceptance stuff (both autism and the whole emotionally volatile magic thing bc por que no los dos). He has a pretty fuckin codependant relationship with @cosmemery's character Kay, and even before they actually become romantic, theyre platonically flirty with each other to a kinda obnoxious degree. hes bi, super reserved but has a certain air of competence/force of presence to him despite that, and has a special interest in spiders and bugs in general
And apparently tumblr has a word limit for asks or somthing bc it wont let me add my last characters paragraph onto this so im gonna just reblog it with yianni's stuff in a sec
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emproleon · 4 months
HI IZZY 🗣️ i present to you a random free pass to tell me five things you love about dio's goofy ass 🎟️ but also no pressure 🧡
OOOH HI KAT THANK YOU FOR THE FREE PASS💖 this is gonna be long LMAO and im actually gonna keep this in line with canon as opposed to my psychotic daydreams (yall get that in discord)
Honestly, i love how funny he is?? like he is definitely overly memed on, and it's gotten old, but a lot of those moments just on their own are so funny to me SJKDHVS like the whole "how many breads have you eaten" line is so ????? why did u say that king..... and honestly i dont think he gets enough credit for the whole Muda shtick like hes the first (i think?) character to start the whole catchphrase thing back in part 1, pre stands, and it's again. not complaining, but what went through ur mind in making that decision, bud. plus the weird little homunculi he just made for funsies in part 1?? a real comedian 10/10
His fashion!! i genuinely LOVE his fits and all the little details in them so much, including the ones he wears in one off illustrations. the leathery, feathery, one is his best looks EVER and i honestly kinda wish it wouldve been in part 3. wouldve been very Lestat. ALSO this includes the Moorish shoes!!! i think they tie in his themes and design SO WELL and im tired of people clowning on them
His impact on the story! Dio Brando really, truly is That Guy™️ i love that he continuously haunts the narrative (at least in parts 1-6) and even with Diego, who is a different character, but still undeniably Dio. just as a reader/watcher getting through the ENTIRE old universe and finally feeling like dio and his mess is done forever just for Diego to show up in part 7 is just really funny to me, esp with how similar Diego is to Dio as opposed to Johnny and Jonathan or really a lot of the other counterparts. You can't get rid of him.
I thank Araki every day for that character sheet he released last year bc Dio intending to have a soft voice is SO GOOD to me. like i love both anime performances a ton and they're iconic and fit the whole over the top theme of it all, but big, scary, villains with smooth, level, soft voices is my kryptonite 😩 ive thought of it before, but if i had to pick like. an actual more "realistic" voice claim for him it would be Harry Lloyd👀 loved him in game of thrones, and his character voice wise in that def has RANGE like ii think dio would have, but he also does audiobooks and they're SO lovely to listen to💖
The way Araki ties him to the Arts, as pretentious as that sounds💀 i think depicting him as someone who appreciates art, literature, and philosophy makes him SO FUN to play with from a fan/creator perspective. i feel like it's a great way to toy around with other bits of symbolism and really expand on him in art and fics.
throwing in a sixth, but i like his dumb face unfortunately!!! Sorry i know this is a shock to all!!! but esp his character model in asbr/over heaven.........so handsome😔 THAT is pookie right there
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in conclusion hes alright ig🙄🤚
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yinyuedijun · 2 months
BREAKING NEWS the boothill fic (did i mention it was for boothill???? goldfish brain lmao) has multiplied and now im writing 2 separate fics 😭😭😭 i had too many ideas with clashing tones so i basically HAD to split them lol. im pretty sure both gonna be like a 50/50 split of fluff and smut?? i am hardcore struggling but i think my brain will cook in my skull if i dont write this 😔
by the way, when you're writing a fic, do you find yourself jumping around to different paragraphs a lot? or is it a relatively "a to b, b to c" experience? i feel like this fic is coming to me in fragments. like im putting together a mystery jigsaw puzzle but i get a single piece at a time lol. just curious if that's universal or not
anyhow, i hope the aventurine fic isn't driving you (too) crazy!! you have a beautiful way with words and i can only imagine how hard it is to craft that shit as excellently as you do lol
- mario.mp3 anon
MARIO.MP3 ANON HELLO LEGEND !!!! YES you did mention at some point that it was a boothill fic, I am very excited that it is now TWO boothill fics !!! 2 fics sounds like it was the right move. I know this may be confusing given the nature of most of my fics, but I find when I'm struggling the easiest thing to do is just to simplify the storylines as much as humanly possible if that helps 🙏
in terms of the sequence of writing, I think everyone differs in this respect. I used to do it out of sequence like how you are describing, but I found that it resulted in disjointed and incoherent arcs for longer stories, so now I force myself to write it in a linear sequence ("a to b", "b to c"). it is totally normal and fine to write out of sequence though, and you should keep doing it if it's working!! looking forward to seeing how it shapes up :3c
and THANK YOUUUU it is. a very long and arduous fic to write ngl (9.4K AND NO SEX YET....) so I am taking a short break from it but soon I shall return because of lore's collab (for which the deadline is coming up 😬)
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