#i dont think i can take screenshots because it's protected
art-heap · 2 years
gender roles are reversed in GEMMA! in a Hiromu Arakawa “you need to work to eat” kind of way
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loonyoz · 1 month
I found these dialogue options interesting:
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Preamble: Ive been slowly working my way through a Wyll playthrough bc I feel like I dont understand his character well and I want to. To refresh peoples memories, this is a screenshot from Act 1 in the alchemists basement.
The options to respond are wanting forgiveness and familial love, anger and a desire for revenge, and admiration from people for his work as the Blade of Frontiers. I feel like all three of these have a mix of honesty and half-truth in them. But I was very shocked by the honesty and emotion of the first two responses. I want to talk about all of them so I'll go through each response below the cut.
1. "I would see my father - his arms extended in forgiveness."
I think he's voiced something similar before and alluded to a conflict with his father, but the tone of this feels different. This isn't about coming back as a hero, this isn't about returning to nobility, its wanting comfort and kindness from his father. Something I don't think he's ever voiced, and something he's probably given up asking for. I think that because his relationship with his father is complicated, his emotions about it are too. Yes he wants forgiveness, but perhaps he also knows that his father ought to be the one asking for forgiveness from Wyll. I think Wyll feels the type of love and anger that go hand in hand in complicated relationships. Hence why I say this response has half-truths in it.
2. "I'd see Mizora, cowering before me and begging my mercy."
This response was the one I was most surprised by. Generally, when Wyll gets angry its a righteous but contained sort of anger. The wording of this feels a lot more intense. I don't think its something he'd admit out loud, but otherwise I like it. I think its very human and fair to feel such anger towards your abuser. I think if Wyll was speaking with his usual charisma and diplomacy or speaking as the Blade, this sentiment would sound very different. This little glimpse of anger makes me curious and want to see more of Wyll's unfiltered emotions. If given the option to torment Mizora, he might be sorely tempted to, but I think he would choose a swift death for her. It does not align with his morals to do otherwise, and I don't think cruelty is something that comes naturally to him.
3. "I'd see droves of admirers, gathered to hail the Blade of Frontiers"
For the most part I think this response is the funniest and also the least personal. His Blade persona has quite a lot of bard energy and I love that. But always repeated in my head is Theo Solomon saying that Wyll wants to be needed. So I feel that it's not simply a wish for attention and compliments, but a wish for a sign that the work he does as the Blade is appreciated. The people need someone to protect them, and they know the Blade can do that for them.
Let me know what you guys think! I won't be bothered if you completely disagree with my take lol :)
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
buckle up, because I’m about to go off. So i posted this take this morning, because I was thinking about F1 fandom’s habit and hipocrisy of criticising “third-world” or “middle-eastern” countries about their breach of human rights (no matter how much i personally think most of it is performative, pat-myself-on-the-back-for-being-a-good-human kinda “activism”), while nobody is saying anything about F1 racing in Miami, Florida, which is currently literally one of the worst places to live. to which, as is usual on good ol’ tumblr, i got this ask
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i blocked the anon, obviously, but to borrow dear friends’ words “this ask is so american, all it needs is an eagle, a gun, unaffordable healthcare and perhaps a burger”. HOWEVER. i can’t stay silent. i choose violence (metaphorical) these days. my first thought was to reply with “i’d check my privilege but im too busy being able to check my bloodwork with my free healthcare”, which may be a bit tone-deaf and mean. so i outsorced this ask to certain friends (including a full-blooded american and a person from the middle east), and here is a series of screenshots of their responses, because they are wonderful and smart and more verbose than i was this morning, with only one coffee in my blood and irritation level of +billion. their opinions also kind of matter more than my own, because these are their lived experiences. 
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now. as i said, and as you can see, these are the lived experiences of my friends, and are therefore also subjective at their core. so lets look at some facts. 
“florida is in the usa, a free, democratic, modern, developed country where protection of human rights is enforced”, i believe you said? ALLRIGHT:
- a bill that passed in florida 10 days ago that allows judges to alter custody agreements if they think one parent might allow gender affirming care
- florida abortion ban after 6 weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest after 15 weeks 
- a transgender sports ban in florida that allows genital inspection of minors, aka children (thank you @lauda4theback​ for finding these links for me)
- USA’s position in the Democratic Index;
- tumblr post with sources made around four days ago with details about just some of the gun violence happening in the US currently;
- BBC article about 160 mass shootings that had happened in 2023 up until April 16th and data from gun-violence archive (which, correct me if im wrong, is singularily an american thing);
- Anti-Trans Bill tracker no 1 and no 2 in the US, which, you know, implies violation of basic human rights;
- banning of books in the us to cripple education and avoid taking responsibility and acknowledging already existing and rampantly rising levels of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and generally what you all like to call “traditional (christian) values” and the rest of the world likes to call “blatant right-wing fascism” - here’s florida specifically (god i hate nyt); 
these are just some of the FACTS about the united states, and they very much speak for themselves. i couldve found a million more sources, but, honestly, i dont feel like waddling through more of the mud that is this country’s awful politics and policies. 
now its time for my opinion. im assuming youre american, because if youre not, thats just... i have no words, then. you can come in here spouting absolute fucking brainwashing propaganda your country does to you on a regular basis, but dont expect me to have to listen to it, and do anything other than laugh derisively. your-us centrism is tiring, scary, and insane, because your country, to me, is little more than a glorified cult. it’s dangerous to the rest of the world for many reasons, not the least the way it permeates every sphere of our public life and pushes american fucking propaganda upon all of us, whether we want it or not, and its absurd and awful fucking military, which i would like to see razed to the ground immediately, but i pity you, anon, for being so absolutely lacking in critical thinking that you actually believe this bullshit that you are spewing. i was trying to criticise our fandom’s way of expressing outrage when it comes to non-western, whatever the fuck that means, countries while simultanously not speaking about or even acknoledging the fact that rapid erosion of democracy in the us has all the markings of the same “dictatorial” regimes we like to be enraged over when it comes to racing in bahrain or jeddah or abu dhabi, except the usa is not being held hostage by a single autocratic dictator but with the republican party which controls the government institutions. that is sometimes the only difference i can see.
i wont speak about human rights in the middle east, because i am not middle-eastern. there’s people who can add their opinions here, and i invite them to do so. i also invite anyone to tell me if i got something wrong, used a wrong source, or said anything that i need to re-check or do more research on. but the bottom line is: for you to take my LEGIT criticism and get offended on behalf of the fucking US instead, well. that says a lot about you and your priorities, doesn’t it?
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cartoonrival · 7 months
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ok + for goodness' sake sasuke so that the screenshot takes up less space
1)parallels between naruto/sasuke and naruto/kawaki. i think honestly carrying over and actually bringing attention to the love-obsession thing that was going on sort of mostly unaddressed in the original series (in terms of no one called naruto as insane as they frankly shouldve) has the potential to be very interesting, especially because bringing it into the sphere of a father-son relationship rather than a platonic/romantic one is not really something i've seen before, along with the fact that kawaki doesn't actually know naruto much at all, making this very much an idolization of an idea of the person who saved you, someone who can do no wrong and is so without flaw. it was what this dude said:
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like kawaki's obsession is weird and emblematic of how he grew up. also, the way that both of them sort of end up treating the other like a thing to be protected or owned or passed around, kawaki trapping him in time prison with zero regards for the fact that no one wants to be in time prison, and naruto's famous "give sasuke back/dont talk about sasuke like you own him in front of me/i'll get sasuke back/ill break your legs if i have to", there is the dismissal of actual personal wants However.
kawaki does this because he thinks that naruto's life is worth more than anything ever, and the reason he thinks this is because he thinks naruto is the most perfect person in the world and the only one who can save the world from evil. in naruto's case, even though he has a habit of possessiveness, sasuke is very much still a person to him, someone he violently and desperately wants to be close to. he doesnt think sasuke is perfect or can do no wrong, he just doesnt really give a fuck what wrong things sasuke does because he loves him too much and wants him too bad to ever hold anything against him. anything sasuke does is understandable and forgivable. naruto wouldnt put sasuke in time prison to protect him because then they couldnt hang out, and he knows sasuke wouldnt want that anyways. while i think naruto's obsession is insane, its more possessive than dehumanizing, which is def the angle kawaki is taking. again, i think this could be interesting if it was expounded upon but i dont think anyone in boruto is enough of a character for this actually do be pulled off in any satisfying way.
2)boruto/kawaki vs naruto/sasuke. i think honestly i just dont really have it in me to even act like kawaki and boruto have a dynamic that even comes close to the bullshit naruto and sasuke have going on, but if i were to attempt to explain why i dont think this is the case than i think at least part of it (beyond the fact taht ever character in boruto is painfully undercooked) is that boruto and kawaki's bond is based almost entirely around both being marked by karma. like they become friends sort of on a more surface level same way boruto is friends with anyone else, but its definitely not the same as naruto and sasuke's inexplicable pull towards one another since they were kids. even though kawaki has like sort of stupid convoluted internal strife going on, boruto doesnt honestly have enough inner issues to even shadow the bizarre knot that is sns. boruto and naruto both didn't want to kill their wayward friends because it's hard to kill someone you care about, i don't think that reads as a strong parallel because its like . what kind of story would it be if boruto was just like Okay lets kill him... now! also if kawaki dies naruto stays trapped im p sure so if he kills kawaki he is also functionally killing his dad
3)naruto and sasuke are both terrible parents but sasuke is leagues leagues leagues worse and he sees boruto has his son more than he will ever see sarada as his daughter. to him, she is his daughter because that is the only way she should have the sharingan. he can't really stand being around her and any interaction he has with her is out of guilt. boruto is his son because boruto is naruto's son
4)why did they bring up that jiraiya might get resurrected and then just drop it or is this me forgetting since i watched boruto 6+ months ago
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seariii · 1 year
My take on Kotoko as a morally gray person, about a morally gray character who thinks in black and white
first of all, i absolutely love this woman, so all of this comes from a kotoko enjoyer, but when talking about canon i can not turn the blind eye to the wrongs she has done. i will talk about my perception of her murder, of her as a character and about her beating up the guilty prisoners (i will put this emoji 🐺 when i jump subjects just to keep it organized)
this next phrase is my personal take, i know some will disagree with me and thats okay, which also works as a tl;dr:
Kotoko didnt do anything wrong outside the prison, but she did wrong inside of it
i know beating up people isnt actually good, but she did research upon research to get to the bottom of the cases she was investigating and found the culprits this way. "but she could've brought them upon justice" and you arent wrong about that, but the victim she actually murdered, even when his identity was revealed to the public, the law didnt bring justice upon him.
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screenshots & translations from @/maristelina (i didnt put everything in here, if you wanna check all the articles, please go check on their post!)
her victim was a child murderer, he had already killed 10 girls in 2 years, but even then, he was still free because of his father’s position of power. 
then we have her other victim, the man she beat up and sent to the hospital
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there are a couple articles dedicated to this one. but a quick run down: the man, Mikio Oshii, was wanted for theft and assault, having tricked at least 2 or 3 elderly people, pretending to be a bank employee, and convincing them to hand over cash, he pushed one of his victims, fracturing her ankle. 
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then we have the article about Kotoko’s assault. again a quick run down: someone heard screaming and found a man lying on the ground, who had lost consciousness after being beaten up, and was taken to the hospital. the police suspects a man (kotoko was wearing men’s sneakers and covering herself up). the victim was wanted for theft and assault charges and was Mikio Oshii.
further proving that she was aiming at people who prayed on the weak, she had good intentions (at least at first), and we also have the facts that she was trying to go through the lawful(?) path at first 
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she was studying law, showing us that she genuinely believed her cause, bringing justice to the world and protecting the innocent, or “weaklings” as she calls them, more on that later.  that she was gonna try and go for the morally correct route, but what changed? what is that thing she “wants to do”? i hope we get to see her reasoning on the next trial. for now i agree with the theory that says that her or her family was victim of someone like the guy that was above law for having money and a father with a position of power. showing her the flaws of the law/justice system and thus taking matters into her own hands.
🐺 i personally believe that there are some people who dont deserve second chances, like pedos and rapists, and like the man kotoko murdered, between others. so this is why i forgive her from her crimes. she did proper research, she is passionate about it, she wants to protect the weak, or thats what she tries to convince herself of, because this brings me to my next point
she does have those violent tendencies, and she enjoys them
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“this feels so good”
this is from the t1 trailer, people suspect this were phrases they said after their murders. so i think there is a possibility that while she was trying to convince herself that her actions were for justice, to try and protect the weak, and i dont doubt that that was where it came from at first, she ended up doing it out of personal enjoyment.
i once read that “if you do a good deed because you want to do it, it means that you arent a good person. to be a good person you need to do good deeds without wanting something in return” meaning that you should be uninterested on even the satisfaccion of said deed. this is a phrase that i absolutely hate and dont agree with, but i think it applies in here. kotoko was trying to do something “good” (morality is on the bearer’s eyes) by bringing to justice people who kept escaping it, by taking revenge for those weaklings she so desperately wants to protect, and while thats her main motivation, she also does it because she wants to.
i believe my girl has a thirst for power. she is self righteous, the way she refers to the people she wants to protect as “weaklings” its like shes putting them down in some way, the way on her VD she just wants to keep rambling about her theories, the way she inserted herself on Mikoto’s interrogation, the way she just assumes Es’ intentions and doesnt seem to accept when they call her out on it. she doesnt listen to others at all and once her mind is set on something, there is nothing that can move her from there. she isnt a good person…. but also, she isnt a bad person, and i feel that the fandom forgets those two statements can coexist. even if she sees herself as a saint, and firmly believes that she did nothing wrong, thats because
🐺 her world view is black and white. and this is why while i condone her actions on her murder, i do not condone her actions of beating up the guilty prisoners.
a lot of the prisoners have a black and white morality, heck, milgram itself as a system IS black and white. and from what i’ve read, a lot of the fandom also thinks in black and white. all of which i find extremely… interesting…. tbf its the nd majority vote game about nd murderers on the nd website, so makes sense (im half joking, sorry)
kotoko attacked the guilty prisoners because thats what she had been doing, and thats what she got voted innocent for on t1 (i wasnt around). but no one told her to do that, she acted on her own, she misinterpreted her judgment and forced her opinions and methods on others, claiming it were Es’, without their knowledge and without ours.
as a side note, when i first got into the fandom, i found surprising to see that kotoko was inno and fuuta was guilty on t1, since from my perspective their crimes are basically the same, they both exposed and harrowed “bad” people.
i make a lot of emphasis on black and white thinking, since its something im familiarized with, for example lets talk Amane since its her trial is still going
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she is the type of girl who will correct other’s mistakes, who will call them out and try to fix them so that the others can be right, like her. her truth is absolute and even when it flails, she stands her ground and proceeds to believe in herself and her views of the world. in what i said, you could re read that and it would also apply to kotoko, and just like her, Amane also convinced herself of doing something she wanted to do by telling herself it was the right thing to do. kotoko’s “protecting the weaklings” directly translates to amane’s “punishing her mother for her sins (hurting the cat)”. so while in both cases there were hidden feelings, something tells me neither of the girls knew about their own ulterior motives, thats how well they convinced themselves.
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people who think in black and white just see it as it is, right or wrong, left or right, green or blue, there is no other choice but those two. and from my personal experiences with myself and with others, its something you end up applying in almost every aspect of your life and its really difficult to change up this way of thinking. beginning to see the grays of the world and its other options its not an easy task without some proper help
overall, i dont believe she was right for hurting the guilty prisoners, and fuuta losing his eye because of her gives me a horrible gut feeling. overall, it also ties on her need for power, since she firmly believes shes Es’ “fang”, thus reducing herself a weapon for justice, not implementing her own judgment anymore, but someone else’s, ours, which my problem with her actions in this scenario. i firmly believe that if outside the prison she had came across mahiru or fuuta, she wouldn’t have attacked them, but  after her t1 inno, and getting her ideals supported, her beliefs became radical, and now shes going based on our ideals, our judgments, our right or wrong, our black and white morality, MILGRAM’s black and white morality.
🐺 im still a kotoko inno truther, and i love her, shes my favorite character. but i dont expect her to get innocent this trial, as she did wrong. i dont want to say it was our fault that she harmed the other prisoners, since we had no way of knowing this would happen. in retrospect we can say whatever we want, but none of us can read the future. 
i dont even have a real argument on why you should vote her innocent “shes pretty” is not good enough lmao… but who knows, maybe we will see something that makes her worthy of an inno vote on her second trial a few months from now (not counting on it, probably wont be enough)
in the end i wrote this because im really passionate about this character and her black and white views on the world (shes so intense). and because this beautiful person @archivalofsins told me to "keep talking about kotoko" and i have zero self control regarding this fictional woman.
🐺 i believe with the help of a third party, someone who could act as a moral compass to her and could teach her that the world has more colors, more choices, and if she actually learns about this, she would end up being an amazing thing. 
also, if the theory about her being an accomplice of the serial killer turns out to be true, i will puke and cry :) 
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hopeheartfilia · 5 months
Update on what i screenshoted from School Bus Graveyard
Also I found out that the reason it seemed so familiar when i started seeing it around was because my friend literally recommended it to me a few months back..
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Ashlyn and Aiden being adorable hours. there is so much of them being cute, and Im always just. glad they can get what little comfort they may from getting closer because those kids sure need it
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Another one, it is jsut. so soft. so important to me. Yes offer each other support and closeness in theese hard times, humans are mode for community
I dont think ive mentioned this but its so important to me how all the kids are caretakers of the group in their own ways, like they all care SO much and they show it in different ways but its undeniable.
Ashlyn cares in the way she tries to keep everyone alive and takes on responsibility and also in the way she is on the lookout for danger and generally tries to make plans and get them out of trouble
Taylor takes care of them in a more emotional core capacity, as in she has communiction skills that a majaority of them are indeed lacking in, she says things that need to be said and she helps keep them all together
Tyler on the other hand tends to care for people more in a way fo things he can Do, like doing laundry and feeding when they lived with their mom, practical things, and in the group its very much taking point, hitting things, going over and scaring of that guy that was bullying logan
Ben takes care of them in a medical way, he ptches them up physically and he worries about them and offers his silent support, and like he is still such a teen about it, they all are, but just. When they met up in the facility and tyler was like how about some words of encouragement? tell me its going to be okay and shit, and Ben just wnet and touched him while doing thumbs up, that was so sweet and so teen behaviour i love them all. And of course he is also protective in the way that he gets angry on logans behalf and would also hit someone physically as well
And the way Aiden cares for their little group might be filled with jokes, and a lot of adrenaline and overall danger seeking behaviour, but he still tries so hard, like yes he bothers people on purpose but he also livens a lot of situations, and when they need him he is there and delivers, he tries to ground ben, and ashlyn as well, he is the sort of prescence that you know will stay by your side
And Logan probably shows the most outwards signs of being scared but he still does so much and he clearly cares about the group back. He protects their back and worries about them and when push comes to shove he is there and pulling more then his weight, he helps so much with figuiring out the way the shadow realm works (thats what im calling it. it seems correct to me) and when he got that card? Like he doesnt seem to be very used to having actual close friends, which is true for most of them, but he does care about people and he does try to help others
Idk i just love all theese kids
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also, this one hit different, i was so worried about tyler, im glad he is alright-ish for now
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Also i know its easy to see how Ashlyn is a lot like her mom, especially in the beginning chapthers but i think its cool to see how much she is like her dad as well
I know there are a lot of other things to be said, and that i probably need a little more time to properly think about stuff and analyze before i can make any actual analysis but for now Ill probably put it a bit on the backburner
On the topic of theories and stuff thou, the phantoms to me have very much seemed connected to shadows in some way, as the changes in the real world affect their shadows, but people who dont see it dont seem to see the changes aeither, as we sall with ashlyns parents, and the things they said abour rifts - it overall definelty has a different, potentionally mirror dimention feeling. Also, If the phanthoms are caugh people, then the giant sentepede thing is likely a turned animal maybe? It seems likely to me that the forest would have less humanoid beings because it is less populated
Also im really curious about Logans grandparents and hoe they got that sedative. Also i have the bad feeling that their parents will get hit with the comatose version of being taken into the rift.
Also im curious about the power surges our guys cause. They seem to be emotion based, but I dont see why the other victims wouldnt cause them? Maybe they didnt stay together? or maybe they didnt live long enough? likely both but im not sure its tge reason. Also if it IS connnected to their emotional/psychological state then does that have anything to do with why aiden recovered faster? Personally i think it also has to do with the type of injury, but like do you heal faster in the shadow realm if you have depression? Or does it have something to do with your own self perception of youe wounds?
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vorecommunitywoes · 2 months
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if tinysuzy didnt block me u guys would have seen this earlier lol
more under the cut
pineapple, the red paste comment was literally on something u posted tht she reblogged. this is violent rhetoric that should never be encouraged. if you have a friend who talks about how they want to harm people who disagree with them, that is dangerous. you know those posts that talk about how you should never talk negatively about yourself because then you become more negative in general and hurt your self worth, especially if youre prone to things like depression and anxiety? thats the same logic here. if you express violent thoughts without any thought or care, or with a tone of genuinely wanting to do it, you are one step closer to being a violent person.
the admitting to reblogging blogs with nsfw on them (THE PERSON TINYSUZY IS TALKING ABOUT PROMOTES THEIR NSFW ON THEIR BLOG WITH MULTIPLE POSTS) because "minors can tell the difference between sfw and nsfw vore" when the line for kinks like vore are blurry. just bcuz theres no dicks in the art or other stuff doesnt mean that its ok for a minor to see. maybe the op intended it to be sexual and just isnt tagging it as nsfw because of the lack of genitals. if you post nsfw fetishes, and then post ab them with no mentions of genitals, that doesnt mean its immediately sfw.
and i am not "accusing things out of your control", suzy. YOU control what you post. YOU control what you reblog. YOU control your ability to do the bare minimum of checking if youre talking to someone who DOESNT WANT YOU TO TALK TO THEM because their content is SEXUAL. and they dont want your CHILDREN FOLLOWING to see their porn. THIS IS INHERENTLY ENDANGERING MINORS YOU SO WISH TO "PROTECT". that should NOT be the baseline of a "well respected person" in a fetish community.
would someone who posts about their feet fetish, or diapers, or pee or masochism/sadism fetishes to minors be ok if it was completely nonsexual? and if they reblog from ppl who post both sexual and nonsexual feet/pee/diaper posts for kids to see be ok? think about it. ppl can experience those kinks nonsexually, would it be ok for them to talk about minors to it? why or why not?
also i literally have evidence of her reblogging from nsfw ppl who didnt want their stuff to be seen to minors, its in my first post. there are screenshots and an archive link. her ignoring these ppls sexual boundaries is DANGEROUS. if you just took a look you would see it , and there are multiple ppl who agree with the ARCHIVED LINKS THAT CANT BE DELETED BY HER. (if u dont know what archiving links are, it means preserving a page forever and even if someone deletes the post it will still be on the internet and searchable). i dont know if you accidentally missed the "read more" part of the post, but you can click on that and it shows:
an archive link of the post (a screenshot that a bot takes and uploads what it sees when the page is loaded. i couldnt archive the page as a webpage for some reason but this is the second best thing)
and a screenshot of the person she reblogged from either saying their content is sexual or they dont want minors seeing it.
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also like. cmon. thats an ableist comment, pineapple. dont do that, insulting people based off of characteristics they cant change (like someones intelligence, appearance, gender identity, race, or stuff like calling someone ugly or a slur, etc) hurts your friends more than it will ever hurt the person ur insulting. dont internalize behavior like that, criticize the actions, not the traits a person has.
and to clarify i dont blame anyone for not getting involved in this. i just wanted to spread a message about a very clear example of how easy it can be to expose minors to porn in this community, even if you dont intent it IT STILL HAPPENS.
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roseworth · 1 year
do you think jason was fridged? i see a lot of people talk about it and i wanna know what you think
the boring answer is no, he was not fridged because the term was created in reference to female characters and jason isnt a female character
but that answer sucks. so lets look more into it!!! (trigger warning for screenshots of alex dewitt & barbara gordon's respective fridgings under the cut, also screenshots from death in the family but none of the graphic ones)
i make jokes about jason getting fridged all the time bc there is definitely an argument for it but i think my answer is. no but with feeling
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i can definitely see where people who think he was fridged are coming from. jasons death was entirely used to further bruce's grief and joker killed robin just to get back at batman, not to mention starlin was writing jason out of character so he could have an excuse to kill him. then ofc after jasons death there was the glass case & the fact that he was only brought up with things like "jason died because he didnt take it seriously" or whatever so the case for fridging is there
but the reason i dont consider it fridging is that he had a good amount of agency in death in the family. the story was ABOUT him, and he made choices in the story that led to his death in the way that other fridged characters didnt
ofc we have to look to Miss Refrigerator herself alex dewitt <3
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alex was attacked because of kyle, she didnt do anything to cause major force to attack her, she was a character that was killed just so kyle could be upset about it. she had no agency in the story, and he killed her so hard they had to make a new word for it
then ofc there was the same thing with barbara
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the only agency she had in this moment was that she chose to answer the door and. thats it. she wasnt even shot for being batgirl, she was shot because she was jim's daughter and it was entirely intended as a way for joker to use her injury to hurt jim
jason on the other hand! the story was about him (as much as it could be for a side character) and before i get into this i want to clarify that i am NOT saying that he deserved it because of his choices. that is not at all true. all im saying is that he had agency in the story and it was about him in a way that it wasnt about alex or babs
in death in the family, jason had plenty of agency. his death was about finding his mom and saving her. he died after he chose to protect her instead of listening to bruce
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also?? bruce isnt mentioned once in the scene where joker beats jason until its already done and joker doesnt want batman to find out
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so overall its not really a fridging!! he has a lot to do and a lot of focus within the story, and he was killed during his effort to save someone :( once again thats not to say his death was his fault, but he had a lot to do in the context of his death that it was still about him up until he died
his death was because of bruce because joker wouldnt have gone after him if it werent to get back at batman, but jason still had a lot to do in the story and it kinda goes against the whole point of the fridging trope. fridging isnt "side characters getting killed is bad" its "established characters getting no agency in their own death is bad (especially when said characters are women or minorities)"
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
what do u think about an lmk/ninjago cross over au?
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accidently deleted the last ask about this i had it in my drafts and it got deleted 😭(i took screenshots of my answer thank god) but luckily theres another similar question so heres my answer sorry it took so long i put a lot of care into it
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kai and red son
okayyy tbh i dont know that much about red son yet??? i dont have a good grasp on his character but they both have cool fire powers and theyd both definitely get into a fight over something stupid and attempt to kill each other, fighting fire with fire if you will
i think wu and sandy would just sit together and have tea, maybe bring along zane as well because zane and sandy are kind of similar in the way that they would do whatever it takes to protect the ones they love :')
macaque and morro
WOOOWW uhm! i dont know that much about macaque's backstory, but i know their both vengeful, macaque because he was in wukongs shadow i think? and morro because he was promised that he would be the green ninja and destiny didnt agree. hm theyre both amazing at traumatizing our main protaganist thats for sure i think theyd be pretty chill with each other like
only person idk who to pair with is pigsy because??? like im so serious who would you pair pigsy with. WAIT I KNOW I JUST THOUGHT OF IT AS IM TYPING ITS SKYLOR!!!!
ok anyway thats it i think you can tell im quite sleep deprived i'll definitely add on to this once i actually finish lmk because by then id probably have a better grasp of the lmk characters!!
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mihai-florescu · 10 months
man i just think you've gotta accept that people engage with media in different ways and expecting everyone to do it the same way you do is like... obnoxious as fuck really. like you really cannot force people to read something they have no interest in just because it's "important", when honestly that importance kind of doesn't mean anything if they don't care about the characters heavily involved? why should a 2winkP read element if they already know the basic gist of the war and don't care about the eccentrics/exfine as characters. why should an alkakureiP read marionette when they don't care about valkyrie. and the fact that the screenshot you took of someone only caring about hajime was to make fun of them just makes you seem very mean spirited and unpleasant to be around. that person is just there to have fun and isn't trying to take everything seriously. i don't see why you feel that's somehow an inferior way to enjoy a piece of media, especially one that was designed for you to pick your favorites from the entire selection
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Once again i said should. People can enjoy things however they want but an enstars fan should be curious to know more. If i dont have an interest in something i just move on to something i do enjoy and care about. Of course it's in my vision of things, and the people i have an interest in are also aligned to this train of thought so i live in my nice bubblewhere i dont have to often acknowledge how other people engage with things superficially. And have i not stated multiple times i admit im obnoxious? If anyone thinks me taking things seriously is detrimental to their enjoyment then there are some issues to be worked on that are beyond me.
I didnt outright make fun of the hajimeP, back when i first posted it i captioned it "happiest enstars fan", but i was a bit ticked off at dismissal of anything else. So i guess "making fun" was not the right phrase to use as i didnt actually make fun of them publicly, beyond my inner grievances with refusal to engage in other ways with the media. Which are on me, yes, everyone is allowed to do whatever. Including me being allowed to complain, especially when there are trends of people not actually engaging deeply with things. I also crossed out the username specifically to protect the privacy of that person, which maybe i shouldve done more but these days im not so patient anymore.
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darwinquark · 2 years
four whole confirmed scenes in one trailer?? (see screenshots on my prof)
- pops milkshake date
- talking about his writing (lustful sex??)
- protective jug punching a guy for v
- v comforting sad jug to kiss by the fireplace
i dont wanna be that person but this doesn’t seem like a one-off episode?!
WERE THERE THAT MANY? okay clearly I need to watch it again lmao but I can honestly see it going both ways - either it's a one-off episode that gives us everything we've wanted (bonding, scheming together, confiding in each other, growing closer, realizing their pull, etc) and then falls apart for whatever reason (maybe it happens early on before Tabitha shows up at their school, or Jughead's given up on the hope of seeing her again or something? Seems like Jughead x Tabitha is the likely endgame for him, no?) or they're really pulling a 180 and committing which I think is probably a lot less likely. But still FUN AS HELL. One way I'd actually enjoy for it to go is Jughead knowing it would never work in the present and pulling away because of that, but filing the experience away in his head as 'if things had gone differently, this really could've been something'. Like realizing the lost potential there and seeing present-day Veronica in a really different light. Hell, even if that drives him to becoming her close friend in the present much to her confusion, I'd take it, that sounds adorable. Sort of soulmates in a different way.
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alright. so, i know ive already made a post about this on my main, but im stupid and went to the original tweet and just made myself angry again.
alright, so a couple days ago i rbed a screenshot of a certain story board artist's tweet about being the one to put tcest in the show.
i dont know why or how, but i found my way onto twitter and to the original tweet that this guy made.
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for context, sheldon here was a storyboard artist for Rise and the scene they are talking about here is this one from the Lair Games episode-
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i partially explain again why this is horrible and disgusting and partially why i dont believe or accept sheldon's... i dont even know what to call it. his response (the top post in the first screenshot)
part one
since i literally just rbed something about this, im just going to copy/paste my rb and add onto it a little.
" no but when i found out that some of the artists who originally worked on Rise were t-cesters and proshippers i was actually so fucking pissed off.
there are part of this community that are actually god damn disgusting, and im not afriad to say that tcest is fucking rancid and if you support it i dont want you near the content that i create.
first of all, it is literally incest. it says so right in the name. which, i really hope i dont have to explain why incest is bas in the ripe year of 2022. I don't care that they arent "blood-related". They were fucking raised as brothers, treated like brothers, and think of each other as brothers. No matter how hard you try to spin it, no matter how hard you argue that they arent technically related, you have to understand that they see and think of each other as brothers, which should be enough to make this incest.
this show was amazing when it came to family dynamics and brotherly love/trust/bonds. i can say with confidence that the brothers in Rise are much more brotherly/closer than any other previous versions. it's obvious to see that they love and care and want to protect one another. to turn platonic and love for one's family into something so gross and vile is taking all of the healthy emotional bonds between these characters and throwing it out the window.
i cant fuckung believe i have to say this every time i come back into the tmnt fandom, but-
sure, with the recent Rise movie we saw an adult leo, but heres the thing- that version of leo is fucking dead. he literally got fucking beamed out of existence.
the fact that every one of these brothers are under the age of 18 and i still see so much nsfw art is absolutely horrid.
finally, it's a kid's show. sure, many of us in the community are teens, later teens, and grown adults, but that does not change that this show was originally created to bring the tmnt franchise into yet another generation of kids. again, i sincerely hope that i dont need to explain why implying incest in kids shows (or really any TVs shows, for that matter) is morally wrong and vile.
literally yesterday me and some of my mutuals had to go through a lot of our content to re-tag a whole bunch of our posts tagged with "tcest dni" because tumblr's tagging system is actual shit. there shouldnt even be a tcest community, outside of it impeding on the rest of us Rise fans.
sorry this is such a long post but im so tired of seeing / hearing about tcest. its gross, disgusting, icky, etc etc. it is 6:30 am and i woke up and saw this and decided to fucking say something, because tcest has actively made my experience coming back into the tmnt community and fandom worse. "
and i still stand by that. seeing so much tcest- and from the artists on the rise crew, no less- is making my journy back into the tmnt fandom so, so much worse. it is actively hurting a lot of people- which brings me to one specific tweet from this thread.
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so, to start- i do not, i repeat- DO NOT condone or promote sending death threats to people or telling them to kill themselves.
second- it isnt. harmless. reminder, again, that this is a
you are talking about MINORS IN INCESTUAL RELATIONSHIPS. "harmless fiction" my ass.
part two
ok. so as you can see in the original screenshot, you can see that sheldon is passing this off as a joke. but i honestly cannot believe him when he says this.
why, i hear you asking. well,
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look at the time stamp. 2020, nearly three years ago now, when the Lair Games episode had just come out.
why didn't he say it was a joke three years ago, when he first posted the storyboard clip? because he isnt fucking joking. either that or he is just really so fucking dense that he doesn't realize that what he's doing is not funny in any way, shape or form.
which brings me to my next point.
even if it is all just a joke,
why the fuck are you joking about minors participating in fucking incest?
its fucking nasty even if it is a joke. i genuinely shouldnt need to say anymore on why this is fucking horrid.
well. ive taken up enough of your time- i appreciate you reading to the end and i apologize for making this so long. a quick, final word in case you got this far and are a tcester or support tcest-
kindly fuck off, do not interact with me, unfollow me, and block me :] i dont want your nasty ass incest anywhere fucking near me or this blog.
thanks ! :D
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just-a-silly-boy · 1 year
I know I'm new in LotF fandom (or at least I'm new on interacting here) but I've been watching it for enough time already to notice some patterns that have bothered me. And I'm not gonna lie, I made this blog mostly to question some of these patterns like a good old beast should do.
First thing I'd like to ask is.... why do you guys like to prone others creativity every time it didnt reach to your own ideals?
I've lost the count of how many posts I've seem here that intents only to call out someone who likes a certain ship trope, or want to share their hcs, or just use a word to describe a character that you dont agree with. I've seem posts where a list of names and blogs were pointed and called out publicly when nobody even tried to reach those person and talk to them in private first to understand their point of view (yeah lets say i know some of those names). I've seem posts with screenshots of others blogs being accused of things with no proof or just because "they blocked me for no reason". Guys if I dont like what you post I'm going to block you at the first glance and I hope you do the same to me if you don't like what I have here instead of exposing my blog and making some public hate post just because you cant deal with a different opinion or interests than yours!
Said that and do not wanting to make this too long... I want to say I understand that many of you are just trying to make this fandom a safe place for everyone and all. But there is a big difference on those two things happening here. Discussing and exploring characters sexuality in hcs OR writing smut pwp of same characters OR condone with bad things irl ARE NOT THE SAME. If you cant handle the first two in your fictions you can pretty well block the blog and follow with your life. If you identify an IRL abuser you can call the police. Other than that you're just being an asshole and proning others creativity and pretty much causing more harm than avoiding it.
But how I'm causing harm if I'm protecting everyone from those bad things? You may ask and I'll take myself as an exemple here. I grew up on an environment that proned my sexuality a lot making me thing that any interest in this topic was ugly and wrong. I grew up believing I was a bad person and that there was something wrong with me, but as a good rebel I was it only worked to have me only doing it in secret. Today I look back at my teen years and see how things could have went very bad to me and I WAS LUCKY AS FUCK IT DIDNT! Just because I was said to not do it or that but nobody get to actually talk to me and try to understand me. But now I see how this can be dangerous to someone development and self acceptance.
So the only thing I ask is, if someone say something you dont agree with, why instead of making a hate post cant you just message that blog and talk to them? Try to understand their point of view and reasons, try to show why you think it isnt good. And if it still dont work for you, so just block them and get back to your life. Nobody need to be called out or prone in a place where they come to have fun with people that like the same book they do. Fandom should be about acceptance and not to judge one another.
Oh look it went way longer than i expected so I'm cutting it here. But please take a look on this post (CS MENTION) too it is very important.
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ankhisms · 1 year
ok i didnt take a lot of screenshots while i watched but i did write down some thoughts as i was watching so heres episode 41-44 thoughts
ep 41
really fucked up that ZECT has a like gas bomb that makes worms lose their mimic abilities and then they go in and kill them like honestly in that scene it seemed like the worms were like hiyori and rich boy and reina like just living normal lives not harming anyone. frankly im on the worms side here that was fucked up
tendou really climbed an entire mountain just to be dramatic on the top because of course he did
theres a new goth guy in town with a trench coat that hes got the hood pulled up on so you know he means evil business
"what does it mean that i am the top of zects son" kagami how have you gone this long without knowing that your dad is the boss of zect. like i know youre estranged. but you work for zect.
aw rich boy is so worried about his besties being hurt
kagami has admitted that it was a lavender marriage
tosses glitter and falls over, dead
renge voice how did you get an entire huge bed with a canopy over it inside our tiny ass cafe. did you really have to sleep here. tendou voice who cares. have breakfast. dont question anything that happens anymore
"the end is close" ok thats not ominous at all. normal things your dad says to you
"father why was i born" kagami..... kagami my friend kagami )): i havent seen anything about the end of kabuto but i do genuinely have a bad gut feeling about how everything might end for kagami like im concerned about him
the hoppers looking at rich boy and going god i wish someone would call me young master and spoil me and rich boy going hahaha so true. who the fuck are you guys again is so funny. and then theynjust start fighting for no reason like ok yeah sure
"please dont hold a grudge against my son" "i dont hold any grudges against kagami" dont worry mr zect president tendou is holding something else entirely against your son. as in hes holding him in his arms and um
"im not doing this for zect im doing it for someone i trust" aw kagami. i still think its a bad fucking plan
i get kagami might be a bit shocked that the guy hes been working with at zect and really trusted is a worm but like. i dont understand him having such a violent and like disgusted angry response to him like kagami knows that hiyori is a worm and knows that tsurugi is a worm and he has no issues with them?? and like his team mate guy was trying to protect him and help him and rushed over to see if he was ok and tried to help him up so its just kind of like. kagami i get you might be shocked but this is still the same guy youve always known and respected and trusted its just like. cmon now
ep 42
"time only flows for me" ok sure! whatever the fuck! i just am accepting every single thing that happens now because like yeah why not. this might as well happen enough bizarre unexplainable shit has happened already we might as well through something else in
watching a hostage tape ransom message on a projector
ok the zect counsel is like hooded mysterious figures. makes sense
TOFU DUEL......... TWO!!!!!!!!
i can not believe i forgot about kagami having a brother which was a whole thing in the beginning which was very tragic and sad it feels like the whole direction and feeling of the show has changed so much since then
baseball with feelings
"i kept seeing my sister in her" UM. DONT SAY THAT
i love kagami pushing open his jacket and touching the gattack belt in the same kind of movement an old wild west cowboy would do to reach for his gun holster in a shootout its very fun
misaki why did you say yes to going out with him suddenly. misaki please
it feels meaningful to me that tadokoro comes to save kagami and fight the other worm in his human form.... and then him reaching out to help kagami up and kagami taking his hand vs how kagami reacted when he first found out. cries
you may be able to stop time but consider this: im the fucking sun
not gorou chan is so mad about not being able to launch a missile attack. typical government behavior
uh oh the other tendou is here
ep 43
other tendou skips into the cafe and is like lalalaaa im going to kill tendou. okay byeeeeeeee and skips out
"hiyori doesnt want to see you any more" DONT SAY THAAAAT HES HER BIG BROTHERRRRR
i do enjoy tendou two as a character so far hes fun
"how did you come here from the edge of time and space" "lol not telling you"
help this really is like this universe isnt big enough for two tendous
tendou two, while beating tendou up: whyre you hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
why must we fight the goth evil worm guy why cant we kiss him
cant visit your boyfriend in the emergency care ward of the hospital unless you look hot
the evil goth worm guy being able to copy any attack he gets hit with is a fun twist
"when my mimic defeats me" tendou. dont fucking say that. but also it makes sense. hes the kind of big brother who would sacrifice himself to save his little sisters. but like tendou. tendou your sisters need you alive. kagami needs you alive
crying and sobbing about tendou teaching jyuka to cook. he loves both his little sisters so much but also he misses hiyori and cooking with hiyori was their sibling bonding activity
aw tendou two loves hiyori in his own way and doesnt want hiyori to be sad ):
the scene with tendou saying i have to die to save hiyori and kagami trembling and yelling AND I HAVE TO WATCH AND DO NOTHING WHILE YOU DIE?? they were in love there
yknow what i cant even blame hiyori for saying shes not returning to the world ever again. its her choice she should be allowed to make that choice. but also. sad
ep 44
i kind of wonder if hiyori was written out of the show because her actress was needing to do something else but i could always be wrong it just is kind of what the whole deal felt like
NOT MY RICH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!
did not at all expect kageyama to stop his hopper-isms and put on a suit and be THA BEE again but im proud of him
oh he fucking got his ass kicked. well he tried
i do feel bad for tendou two like it kind of seems like his entire existence was made to revolve around pretending to be tendou to keep hiyori there or whatever but also they had him fucking chained up and locked away tortured and now hes all alone. that sucks so bad for that guy
oop kageyama took off his suit hes back on the path of hell
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maximusboltaqon · 1 year
There's a scene in New Avengers: Illuminati, where the Illuminati are ribbing each other about marriage woes. Black Bolt signs that his main issue with Medusa is that she "never lets him get a word in". Do you think that Black Bolt sometimes has an issue where, while Medusa is translating his sign language for him, she adds her own flourishes that can sometimes change his connotations? Such as being stern when he wants mercy or humor, or aggressive when he's willing to take a step back? Or incidents where she starts talking before he even starts signing, because she's trying to protect him or act in his best interests as king? Has he ever been in a situation where Medusa's translation lead him into actions that he originally didn't want to take, but he rolls along with anyway because he loves and respects Medusa, and more than anything, trusts her to speak for him?
you know i actually took screenshots of this scene when i read it, planning to make a post about it!! and then forgot to. oops.
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an interesting thing about it is that i'm not entirely sure what interpretation the reader is meant to get out of it... bc the illuminati are indeed complaining about their relationships, but bb chimes in with "never getting a word in", which i thought of as him more joking about his own powers as opposed to actually taking any aim at medusa! additonal note, charles' translation here gets inturrupted by the other members... bb is getting talked over while mentioning communication issues!
but back to the ask!!
i do believe there's a scene in silent war where medusa doesn't properly translate (though their relationship was very strained during that run, and i think there were other reasons for that mistranslation outside simple misunderstanding), and iirc the rest of the family finds it very worrying. so i imagine bb definitely does not interrupt her in public, even if she were to get something wrong, because there's no way that was the first time she misinterpreted his decisions.
i definitely think he's the type that, even though he's king, he's 100% willing to let the rest of his family, especially medusa, make decisions for him. he puts a lot of faith and trust into others around him. i think that there's been lots of times where medusa has certainly had a differing opinion and let her own thoughts/emotions show, but also, *most* of the family have issues with remaining professional, so i dont think he'd actually ever bring it up to medusa even if it did bother him. he's basically a professional at keeping his thoughts to himself... unfortunately.
but yes, i very strongly believe there's been many occasions where they may have jumped to certain decisions purely because one or more of his family said something and bb didn’t want to correct or go against them. i’m sure it happens with medusa most of all - especially since the comics seem to have him signing without facial emotions almost all the time? as one of your other asks mentions, there is a *lot* of laziness (and probably just an awful lot of ableism and lack of knowledge, especially considering how long the inhumans have been in the comics) when it comes to his signing and communication that would probably be significantly easier to resolve if he acted a bit more like the abc version. (seriously, people aren’t signing completely stoic! let him emote, marvel!)
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blorbologist · 2 years
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What if: Perc’ahlia Atlantis AU? With accompanying screenshot redraw
(Primary ref + Ideas under the cut)
Getting this out of the way, but I swapped the roles here to avoid the white savior trope as best I can - I see Vex and Vax as mixed no matter the AU, (my usual HC is Métis) and Percy is... the palest white bread, so! Congratulations whiteboy, you and Cass get to be Atlantians. I also did not draw any of the blue body paint the Atlantians have in the film, because I, too, am white as hell and do not want to overstep, given my culture has no such history.
Vex and Vax, disowned by Syldor, are desperate to earn money and end up roped into this outlandish expedition. Most likely due to their mother tongue being a close linguistic cousin to the Atlantian language, plus some relevant skills (both are archaeologists by education, though they haven’t had much practice due to uh Life; ofc they get their rogueish and ranger-ish skillsets too)
Doesn’t matter who gets the team together (Uriel? Allura? Gilmore?) - the point is Delilah and Sylas are overseeing the operation, filling roles similar to Rourke and Helga in the film. Maybe Ripley gets to tag along who knows.
Is Sylas still a vampire and Delilah a necromancer? Who knows I dont, maybe they played a role in Atlantis’ original downfall idk
The rest of Vox Machina are part of the expedition: Keyleth as a geologist with a passion for paleontology (there are SO many prehistoric easter eggs in the film and Kiki gets to freak out on my behalf). She’s literally the only person here for pure curiosity and thrill of discovery like Milo in the original film. Pike pretty much gets to take over Sweet’s role as the doctor, while Scanlan gets to be the mechanic just because I think it’d be very funny to have him sing while working only to break out into cussing. Grog gets demolitions because Yes. Gilmore might be with them if he’s not funding the expedition, though how he wouldn’t throw down with Sylas I have no clue.
Atlantis is similar to the film, except every bit about the power source is replaced with Residuum. Percy and Cass are the only de Rolos left after the cataclysm - no clue how the rest of the family died, but a thousand years wasn’t enough to get over it. Percy is likely technically the heir, but off messing with tech so much that Cass has to run the place (to her exasperation - and boy does shit go badly for her being in charge with the Briarwoods here to profit off her civilization). Main difference is that the cataclysm resulted in most knowledge about maintaining and creating tech being lost, and if not lost abandoned due to concerns about history repeating itself. Because yeah, how many ‘fantasy airbike mechanics’ got into that bubble? Not many I bet.
Percy, however, is still a tinkerer and trying to reverse engineer the old tech, but the lost language and a few other missing puzzle pieces frustrate his attempts to do so. So he’s very enthusiastic about these strangers showing up - especially when Vex is eager to help him out (she’s likely initially seeing huge dollar signs, but comes around very quickly).
Orthax is involved somehow. No clue What the bugger is doing but he’s here. Maybe encouraging Percy to use the power to fucking nuke everything to protect the city? 
That’s just about all I have for this AU. Not much, but! Figured it was worth sharing, especially paired with art <3
Heavily referenced this screenshot of Disney’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire. I’m learning to draw people, and Atlantis’ style is a favorite of mine - so, two birds and one stone: got to learn by practicing and give some life to a lil AU that hasn’t left me alone all day.
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