#G ranting
just-a-silly-boy · 1 year
question, you know the boys are minors, right? do you not think it's concerning for 6-12 yr olds exploring their sexualities at such a young age?
Hello nonny. Thank you for your very important questions. I'll try to answer as the best way I could think of.
My answer is yes, I know the boys are minors, and no, I dont think it is concerning neither that children at 6-12 years old is too young to explore their sexuality.
Before you want to cancel me, please, take a deep breath, calm your heart, go drink water (stay hydrated!) and then continue reading.
Under cut because it is gonna be a long post and also there are subjective mentions of sexual themes. I really hope you read it with an open mind and if there are still any anxiety about the theme you (or anybody else) can message me and we can try to talk and get to an understanding.
When we talk about child sexuality, I believe that some points must be made very clear:
Sexuality is different from sexualization.
Children are not asexual.
And false-morality is just as harmful to a child as hypersexualization.
If you're worried about children between the ages of 6 - 12 being too young to explore their sexuality, let me tell you that, according to the part of psychology that studies child development, this is exactly the phase when the child is putting aside the interest in their own body and begins to to be interested in the world (and the world includes other people). This stage is when the child is more likely to explore the world and make friends and develop their personality and "role in society", but also about pleasure. And that's why I don't think it's wrong, or worrying/concerning, when someone has headcanons about Golding boys' sexuality and how being on a desert island (and previously on a world war) can influence that. Plus, depending on how you interpret that hunting scene, when the boys laugh when they realize where Roger hit his spear, you can see the sexual connotation of the "joke". The boys are not innocent and asexual at all.
Again, sexuality and sexualization are different things. Adults have a diferent understand of sex and its interests differs from the interests that a child/teen have in discovering it (I'm not going deeper in this theme, I'll leave a link at the end). So, said that I see no reason to judge someone who writes fanfics developing the theme of sexuality and sexual interest (which starts by the age of 9-11) of the characters as part of the plot. I think there is a lot of prejudice at this point that ends up causing much more discomfort than it really should and ends up being more harmful than healthy for everyone (both those who attack and those who are attacked). I also understand that it is a topic that have be explored with extra caution to make it realistic and not erotized by the adult lens. But you can write about sexuality without necessarily writing an erotic story or eroticizing/sexualizing minors.
A quick example to think about: if you play violent video games and watch murder documentaries it doesnt make you a murderer. Writing fictional characters sexuality is a way to understand yourself and your own sexuality. Nobody needs a heavy morality censor to create more harmful anxieties and prejudices about this theme.
If you got to here I just hope you don't hate me but if you do, well, I cant do anything about it. Anyways I took a quick look at Wikipedia about the theme and it seems that it is quite complete there, so for those who are more interested in the development of child sexuality, I suggest reading this article.
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just-a-silly-boy · 1 year
I know I'm new in LotF fandom (or at least I'm new on interacting here) but I've been watching it for enough time already to notice some patterns that have bothered me. And I'm not gonna lie, I made this blog mostly to question some of these patterns like a good old beast should do.
First thing I'd like to ask is.... why do you guys like to prone others creativity every time it didnt reach to your own ideals?
I've lost the count of how many posts I've seem here that intents only to call out someone who likes a certain ship trope, or want to share their hcs, or just use a word to describe a character that you dont agree with. I've seem posts where a list of names and blogs were pointed and called out publicly when nobody even tried to reach those person and talk to them in private first to understand their point of view (yeah lets say i know some of those names). I've seem posts with screenshots of others blogs being accused of things with no proof or just because "they blocked me for no reason". Guys if I dont like what you post I'm going to block you at the first glance and I hope you do the same to me if you don't like what I have here instead of exposing my blog and making some public hate post just because you cant deal with a different opinion or interests than yours!
Said that and do not wanting to make this too long... I want to say I understand that many of you are just trying to make this fandom a safe place for everyone and all. But there is a big difference on those two things happening here. Discussing and exploring characters sexuality in hcs OR writing smut pwp of same characters OR condone with bad things irl ARE NOT THE SAME. If you cant handle the first two in your fictions you can pretty well block the blog and follow with your life. If you identify an IRL abuser you can call the police. Other than that you're just being an asshole and proning others creativity and pretty much causing more harm than avoiding it.
But how I'm causing harm if I'm protecting everyone from those bad things? You may ask and I'll take myself as an exemple here. I grew up on an environment that proned my sexuality a lot making me thing that any interest in this topic was ugly and wrong. I grew up believing I was a bad person and that there was something wrong with me, but as a good rebel I was it only worked to have me only doing it in secret. Today I look back at my teen years and see how things could have went very bad to me and I WAS LUCKY AS FUCK IT DIDNT! Just because I was said to not do it or that but nobody get to actually talk to me and try to understand me. But now I see how this can be dangerous to someone development and self acceptance.
So the only thing I ask is, if someone say something you dont agree with, why instead of making a hate post cant you just message that blog and talk to them? Try to understand their point of view and reasons, try to show why you think it isnt good. And if it still dont work for you, so just block them and get back to your life. Nobody need to be called out or prone in a place where they come to have fun with people that like the same book they do. Fandom should be about acceptance and not to judge one another.
Oh look it went way longer than i expected so I'm cutting it here. But please take a look on this post (CS MENTION) too it is very important.
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lilasnow22xoxo · 22 days
oh how i love seeing stars and black spots when i stand up 🥰
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st4rskinny · 1 month
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It’s gotten to the point where I’m excited to wake up and weigh myself. Like it’s literally just the thought of stepping on a scale, and seeing a lower number than the day before that gets me out of bed recently
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pinkblemishesblog · 2 months
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lilasnow22xoxo · 15 days
time to lock the fuck in
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princeyralsei · 4 months
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UTDR Characters as Tumblr Posts Pt. 2: The Electric Boogaloo (Part 1)
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ananomsblog · 3 months
Is it just me or does fasting become 10x easier when someone is mean with you?
Doesn’t even have to point out my weight or anything just plain mean?
My boyfriend yelled at me yesterday and I found it so easy to just continue my fast.
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harasharaved · 9 months
The fact that Judaism is trending because of both the wave of bomb threats on synagogues and Bradley Cooper's Antisemitism Adventure (his huge fake prosthetic nose, and him basically stealing the story from a Jewish man) is so infuriating and so exhaustingly typical.
The fact that I see Judaism trending on Tumblr and immediately think "oh no. Something Bad is happening to us." We're never trending cause it's fucking good. I never get to be excited, it's just cold dread.
The fact that Antisemitism is getting worse everyday and the only ones who ever talk about it are other Jews. The fact that no one else fucking cares. The only ones who support us are other Jews. Even when gentiles talk about Nazis or white supremacists they don't want to help us. We're just their prop, the canary in the coal mine and the perfect victim.
The fact that everyone's uncomfortable with Jews still being here. Reminding them of things they'd rather forget.
The fact that it'd be easier for them if we were all dead. Then they could tell stories about our people, dressed in offensive caricatures, without us making a fuss.
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juleswasnevethere · 4 months
I feel like something that isn’t talked about enough on edblr/anablr is the disappointment and frustration of getting you period? Like it sucks knowing that I don’t look as sick as I feel. I’m clearly sick but not sick enough to lose my period. SUCKS.
Or maybe it’s just me who knows
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pe0w · 6 months
i hate not looking anorexic enough. I probably look normal tbh.
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meeenx · 29 days
in the spirit of ✨romantizing my mental illnesses✨
i am dubbing this specific phenomenon:
the slim hours
in my experience doing intermittent f@sting, this is the specific period of time in my fast where:
it’s after the point where i get the most hungry
it’s sometime at the 22hr mark, it used to be at the 20hr mark
i do not feel it if i do a 16:8 fast - only for extended ones (18:6 or OMAD comes times depending on what i eat before)
in my experience, i start to:
lose the hungry feelings
my body feels almost like my bones are heavy
increased focus after 17-18 hours, i was able to get multiple things done and efficiently
if i sm0ke 🍃, it hits 10x harder va sm0king when eating/after eating
most of the time i am able to ⭐️ve past 24hrs if i can get to this point.
feeling energized to get through workouts
feeling a bit more cheerful in personality/maybe in part to exercise release chemicals and such
each time i get to this time in a f@st, i always see the scale drop the next day. always.
drinking low cal drinks, coffee, tea, anything without cals doesn’t affect it.
i call it ‘the slim hours’ because it does feel like after the 22hr mark it’s like i feel myself shrinking, like my body is forced to eat through my fat instead of any extra cals.
this time is different for everyone, but i’d recommend finding
✨ your slim hours ✨
(let me know if there’s a scientific name for this i wasn’t sure and just gave it a cute name imo idk i was a visual arts major plz)
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ananomsblog · 3 months
Being a stoner chef with an ED is NOT for the weak
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