#i draw and write so my head doesn’t get crowded with all my lil guys and blorbos
blue-jisungs · 7 months
holding their hand ♡
author's note. i need to write for my boys more since i kinda neglected them ?!
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┆彡 GUNIL [ 건일 ]
ahh this guy :”)
tbh i feel like… he has his hands all over u 24/7
just LOVES holding ur hand
whether it’s during a walk, holding hands underneath the table or just grabbing onto your hand while you’re mid convo with someone
he couldn’t care less by the disgusted looks the guys give him 🫡
he just wants to hold his partner’s hand and ain’t no one holding back this dude !!
but also he’s so so gentle about it
his hands sometimes are scattered with cuts and bruises, therefore are more in the calloused and harsh side
but he holds your hands so tenderly as if they were made out of fine china :(
he just loves u sm
(and i love him)
┆彡 GAON [ 가온 ]
i mean you saw it coming, we’ve all seen the clips where he pretended to cut his hand off
he does the same to you
will pretend to cut his hand off if you’re the first one who grabbed his hand
but will get annoyed if you do the same when he grabs your hand first…
also will teasingly squeeze your hand randomly
won’t admit it out loud but he loves holding your hand
that’s why he’s not that big on holding your hand while you’re with the boys (because they’ll tease him to death)
will definitely sneak a hand into yours when you’re in a crowd of strangers
┆彡 JUNGSU [ 정수 ]
screaming wailing sobbing
he is so soft and and gentle and tender and and …
will hold your hand no matter what, even if the guys tease him or if they’re ice-cold
like 24/7, even in his sleep his hand will always look for yours 🥹
i feel like his hands are soft and taken care of (?) like he carries handcream and regularly uses it
(he also creams your hands for you, gently and precisely,, like ,, it’s so adorable ;((( )
so due to that fact it’s just… like his hands r smooth okay
will also sneak kisses on the back of your hand/knuckles before or after he interlocks your hands
it’s just such a sweet gesture that has become his habit
… because he loves the way your cheeks redden because of it ^_^
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
seungmo is like . . .
acts like he doesn’t really care ?
“yeah you’re holding my hand cool🙄”
but deep inside he loves it and prays you never let go
and if you don’t hold his hand for whatever reasons, he’ll aggressively grab yours and shrug nonchalantly when you send him a puzzled look (´・_・`)
lives for interlocking fingers with you
while he does it, he giggles that there’s no way out now… and truly, there’s not
this man has an iron grip…
at first he was also shy to hold hands w you in the boys’ presence but with time, he actually started to love it
just uses this fact to rub it on his faces that he has a partner and they don’t~
┆彡 JUNHAN [ 준한 ]
my lil shy bunny boy !!!!!!!
it took him some time to get used to it, hence why you always initiated hand holding
he was always kind of taken aback, stiffing and blushing, before finally relaxing into your touch
he loves it so so much and even told you one day because he didn’t want you to think that his awkwardness means he doesn’t like it :(
same as gaon, would prefer holding your hand in private or hidden from the members’ eyes
(or hidden literally, underneath a table etc)
and and
when he wants you to hold his hand he’ll shyly interlock your pinkies first :((
giving you puppy eyes and just hoping you’ll catch on :(((
and it becomes an alternative for you, so sometimes you’ll just link pinkies :((((
i’m actually sobbing and banging my head against the wall he’s so precious
┆彡 JOOYEON [ 주연 ]
now this mf …
he’s so dramatic about it
the first time you held his hand he was like “ew cooties…” “take those sweaty hands off me” “ew…”
yeah um,, anyways,,
it’s chaotic – he’ll gasp, whine, roll his eyes
but then the sheepish grin on his lips gives him away
loves to draw shapes on your hand with his thumb, often spelling some words
(‘gaon is dumb’)
(and you need to stop yourself from laughing because you’d look like a maniac)
or or when you intertwine fingers, he’ll put your hands up and try to separate your fingers from his (?) … and when you’re like having flat palms against each other, he’ll suddenly close his fingers again and trap you,, just to repeat that 😭
to summarise, he’s like … if you gave a dog a ball,, he can entertain himself with your (and his) hands ??
and also couldn’t care less about the boys; just like seungmin, he’ll brag that at least he has a hand to hold
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @dazzlingligth
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valwentinefics · 3 years
can you do maybe a jasper x reader where the reader is going to a party but jasper doesn’t like the outfit she’s wearing because it’s too reviling idkk KDJKSFIR please i just need something about jasper x reader i’m sorryyy
A/n: Sorry for the delay, family issues and stuff. But here it is. I had a hard time writing it for some reason, and as usual there’s probably many grammar mistakes that i’ll fix...eventually....
TW: None? It gets a lil spicy but no smut
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Y/n stood in Alice’s room, looking at herself in the mirror. “Are you sure this is okay?” She asked, examining herself. The dress she wore wasn’t the most conservative, and left little to the imagination, although Y/n had to admit it was stunning.
“Of course, you look hot! Don’t worry so much.” Alice smiled in a way that seemed to ease Y/n’s doubts. Alice was good with fashion, Y/n knew she wouldn’t put her in something that she didn’t look good in.
Y/n was surprised when Alice approached her with the idea of having a party. After all, a group of vampires and a large group of humans in an enclosed space didn’t sound like too good of an idea. What if someone hurt themself? Y/n couldn’t bear to think of how hard it would be on her boyfriend, Jasper, who could feel all of the other Cullen’s thirsts. But Alice assured her it would be okay, and Y/n trusted Alice, although the pit in her stomach seemed impossible to ignore.
“Lighten up Y/n, tonight's supposed to be fun. Carlisle and Esme are out of town, how often do we get this chance?” 
“I know but-” Y/n began, but was quickly cut off by Alice. 
“No buts. Now come on, the world deserves to see my masterpiece.” Alice grabbed Y/n’s hand and pulled her out of the room and into the thick swarm of people. Alice sang to the music as she let go of Y/n’s hand, her voice getting lost in the crowd as she abandoned Y/n.
“Thanks a lot Alice” Y/n mumbled to herself sarcastically, trying to pull down her dress a bit, but to no avail. She hesitated a bit, before deciding to join in with the dancing teens around her, her hips swaying softly to the beat as music played over the speakers.
Y/n wasn’t aware of the piercing golden eyes watching her dance from across the room. Jasper Hale’s hand tightened around the red solo cup he held, unable to remove his eyes from his girlfriend's swaying body. He was used to the emotions of the others clouding his head, making his own hard to feel, but as he watched Y/n dance his lust seemed to drown out everyone else’s feelings in his mind.
“You’re a lucky guy Jasper.” A warm hand touched his shoulder. He turned his head to meet the eyes of the ever annoying Mike Newton.
“How so?” Jasper asked. Was he complimenting the house? 
“Your girl, Y/n, almost every guy has their eyes on her. Congrats!” Mike smiled. Jasper knew he was just trying to be cool and friendly, in his own odd way, but the words made Jasper clench his jaw, jealousy filling him. 
“Yes I am.” Jasper looked away from Mike and back to where Y/n was dancing, he could spot Tyler Crowley approaching her. “Excuse me for a moment.
“Don’t go chasing' waterfalls...” Y/n sang along to the lyrics of the song. She was having more fun than she had expected once she had gained her confidence. She felt hot in the revealing dress, and wished Jasper was around to see her. As if on cue a familiar freezing hand gripped her wrist tightly, dragging her out of the house and into the woods behind it.
“What are you wearing?” Jasper spun her around to face him one he stopped, his eyes clouded with lust and his southern accent came out thicker as he questioned her.
“A dress?” Y/n replied. “Jas what’s wrong?”
“Every single fucking guy in there was staring at you, I couldn’t handle it!”
“Jasper, there's no way that many people were looking at me.” She rolled her eyes, not understanding why he was so upset. 
“When you look this good I’d be surprised if they didn’t…” Without warning he shoved her against a tree, his leg between her thighs and his cold chest pressed against her own, she could feel his muscles moving though the thin fabric of both of their clothes. “I know I can’t ask you to change but I can show them who you belong to.”
“J-Jasper” Y/n stuttered out, she didn’t have to say anything more, Jasper could feel her emotions, knowing she wanted him more than anything in that moment.
His cold lips pressed themself against y/n’s neck, causing a shaky sigh to escape her as she leaned her head back to allow him more space. Jasper’s sharp teeth nipped at her skin, not enough to draw blood, as he sucked and licked the space on her neck, pulling away after a few moments to admire his handiwork. “Beautiful.” he muttered as he looked at the hickey he left on Y/n.
Y/n grabbed his face and he allowed her to pull him back in for a kiss, her hands tangling themselves in his hair as his wandered to her waist, holding her soft and warm body to his own toned and hard muscular one. It took all their self control to not take the makeout session further, knowing their absence from the party was noticed.
Jasper pulled away from the kiss after a while, although his body screamed for her’s against his. “Alice is probably looking for you.” 
Y/n sighed. “Do I have to go?” She asked, longing for his touch again.
He nodded in response. “But wear this darlin’, I don’t any of those guys getting ideas.” He said, draping his jacket over her shoulders with a kiss on the forehead.
Y/n giggled and began walking back to the house, the hickey proudly displayed on her neck.
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babbushka · 3 years
Some of those prompts are so funny! Can you please write this one for Flip or a Kylo AU? It’s hilarious!
“I may be loves bitch but at least I’m man enough to admit it.”
A/N: This silly little something is completely inspired by chatting with my dear friend @safarigirlsp !
2k, Flip chugging his respect women juice aka being his wife's #1 fan (he's a lil confused but he's got the spirit) cw: lowkey 1970s misogyny
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Flip’s about ready to bang his head on the fucking desk in front of him from frustration, when he hears it. Those magic words that somehow get him through the day, each and every day, when the hours drone on and on and on at the station, when he feels like he’s been there for six years instead of only six hours.
In the habit that he and Ron have built up ever since being desk neighbors in the narcotics unit’s special glass office, Ron has finally come around and saved him from sudden death by boredom, by slapping a hand on Flip’s shoulder and happily announcing, “Present for you in the lobby.”
“Shit it’s already lunch?” Perking up at once, Flip shoves himself away from his desk, sparing a glance to his watch and seeing that it was in fact noon. He doesn’t even bother to push his chair in as he weaves through the other desks in the office on his way to the door, stopping himself before practically bolting to ask, “Thanks Ron, you stickin’ around? She said she was bringing stuff over for us.”
Ron only nods, knowing that Flip wants to get to you as quickly as possible, and so he spares him the conversation so that the detective can do just that.
You’re beautiful, as you always are, in the lobby of the CSPD. Currently chatting away with one of the secretaries at the front desk, you’re dressed in that new outfit Flip likes so much, your hair done up all pretty and fashionable. Instantly, his day is made better just by your being here -- something that he’s grateful for, because his day had been pretty fucking trying up until this point.
“Hi honey!” You catch sight of him, face lighting up, and Flip can’t resist a smile when you’re so happy to see him like this.
His cowboy boots take him across the lobby and into your arms, and he’s immediately taking the weight of the basket that you’re carrying out of your hands, placing it gently on the floor so he can squeeze you tight with a hug and a kiss.
“Hey ketsl, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” He pats your ass lovingly, before picking up the basket and leading you through the lobby back towards the rec room.
“Right back at you handsome, I hope you’re hungry, I brought you the biggest roast beef sandwich I could possibly make.” You wink at him, and like clockwork, his stomach growls, making him chuckle a little.
“You’re a fuckin’ miracle and a half, I’m starvin’ -- ”
Suddenly, you stop with a frown, looking through the little window of the door to the conference room as you pass by it.
“What’s going on in there?” You ask, pointing your thumb in the room’s direction, and Flip doesn’t know what you mean.
“Is there a meeting that you’re missing?” You ask, and Flip frowns then, because he doesn’t think so anyway.
But save for Jimmy and Ron, it looks like the entire narcotics unit is crammed into the conference room, along with a handful of rookie cops, homicide detectives, janitors, and even some of the press. They’re all watching someone draw a big graph on the black board, the unmistakable sound of chalk squeaking punctuating the speaker’s passionate presentation.
“No, Chief would’ve said something...oh for fuck’s sake.” It takes Flip two seconds to recognize what’s on the chart, and immediately he’s shaking his head.
It’s a line graph, the Hot-Crazy Matrix, this new thing that’s got all the men in the country thinking they know everything about women. The gist is the hotter a woman is, the crazier she gets, and everything about it rubs Flip the wrong fuckin’ way, especially when he presses his ear against the door and listens in on what they’re actually saying.
“...If you find yourself in the Fun Zone, your main goal is to move out of the Fun Zone to a more permanent location.” “Now above the ‘crazy’ line, we have the Danger Zone. This is your redheads, your strippers, uh, anyone named Tiffany -- ”
“Hairdressers!” One of the men from the back of the room shouts.
“Yes, hairdressers, this is where your car gets keyed, your tires get slashed, and you wind up in jail. At this point you have to understand that this is not a static environment. This is a situation where you have got to use this matrix over time to develop some relatable data. At any moment in time, any woman that you have previously located on this chart can vanish, and reappear anywhere else on the chart.”
“Let me break this up really quick -- ” Flip reaches for the door with a dark scowl on his face, but you put a hand on his arm to stop him.
“No.” You look at him with wide, playful eyes, “No I think we should sit in on it, see what they say. Cause a little trouble.”
Flip loves the way you think, and with a sigh, he makes sure you stay behind him as you both slip through the door, unnoticed with how quiet you are. All eyes are on the blackboard as the speaker -- a greasy looking beat cop -- draws a line on the chart.
“Now, above an eight ‘hot’ and between a seven and a five ‘crazy’, this is your Wife Zone. When you meet this girl, you should consider a long term relationship. And if you find a woman who is below a five crazy, and above an eight hot, this is your Unicorn. We call them that because they do not exist. If you happen to find one, please uh let us know, we’d like to study it and try if we can, to replicate it.”
There’s a round of laughter from the crowd, and Flip can feel your hand tense in his own. He’s practically unable to hold himself back, when the cop finally sets down the chalk, dusts off his hands, and regards the room as someone else turns the lights back on.
“Anyone have any questions?” The cop asks, and Flip’s clearing his throat before he knows what he’s even doing.
“Yeah, hi.” Drawing all attention to him, Flip puts his hands on his hips, towers tall above all the other men in the room by at least three inches, and deadpans, “Have any of you actually spoken to a woman before? I mean, for longer than the two minutes it takes for them to reject you.”
That’s clearly not what the men in front of him were expecting, because they just blink, slackjawed like the morons they are.
“What?” The speaker asks, caught off guard.
Flip sighs, lights up a cigarette and crosses his arms over his chest, puffing out a big intimidating cloud of smoke.
“Show of hands, who here is married?” He waits, and predictably, no one comes forward. He knows this, because he knows all the married couples at the station. You make it a point to know them, anyway. “Okay then, well, who here has a girlfriend? Who here has ever had a girlfriend?”
Still no hands, and maybe Flip shouldn’t be surprised, the kind of men that believe this shit are the kind of men that either wind up alone or abusing poor women that they can manipulate into staying with them, and Flip doesn’t have the time or energy for it much longer.
“Interesting.” He muses, having made his point while the room murmurs amongst themselves.
One particularly stupid cop makes the mistake of trying to be a tough guy, some pipsqueak five-foot-four wannabe wrestler speaks up from near the front of the room, “We don’t need your condescending bullshit, okay, Zimmerman -- ”
“And women don’t need your bullshit charts splitting them into categories of fuckable or not, and yet here you are.” Flip cuts him off, and you feel a sense of pride blooming in your chest. Flip is a good boy, it’s why you married him after all.
“You’re only saying that because your wife is standing right next to you.” The cop tries to push his buttons, and maybe it’s because Flip hasn’t eaten yet, but anger itches up his spine, and soon the crowd is parting like the Red Sea, for Flip who is gunning straight for him.
“Oh yeah? How’d you think I got my wife you piece of shit? Because I promise it wasn’t by treating her like some shiny object to win.” Flip grabs the cop by the front of his uniform, and hoists him clean off the floor so that he can pull him up to eye level.
“Well then maybe you got lucky and married the only woman in Colorado Springs who isn’t a huge bitch.” The cop doesn’t know when to quit, does he?
“That’s not fucking true, my wife is a bitch and I love her for it.” Flip’s temper flares, and he’s about to raise his fist to punch this guy in the face, when he hears your voice from across the conference room where you’ve been watching with an amused smile.
“Flip, come on let’s go eat, lunch is getting cold.” You say, even though technically the sub sandwiches were supposed to be cold anyway. They don’t need to know that though.
Flip drops the schmuck, lets him fall to the floor with a thud, and walks towards your outstretched hand. Apparently that’s funny to the guy, because he slaps his knee and scoffs with a dry laugh.
“See? You’ve gone soft from love. Maybe we’re better off without it.” He tries to get the other guys to chime in, but they at least know what’s good for them, and instead just scratch the back of their necks, averting Flip’s gaze.
“I may be love’s bitch but at least I’m man enough to admit it.” Flip places his hand in yours, and you give his palm a tight reassuring squeeze. Looking down at you sweetly, he flicks the ash of his cigarette onto the floor and holds the door open for you leaving the conference room with a patronizing, “And at least I have a damn good woman to come home to. You losers enjoy your pity party.”
Finally in the rec room, you and Flip relax with Ron and Jimmy, your CSPD boys enjoying the big sub sandwiches you made and brought over. The little excursion in the conference room ate up only about fifteen minutes of Flip’s lunch hour, something that you and your husband are happy about. He’d be pissed off if he wasted any more time than that.
Everyone enjoyed the sandwiches and bottles of pop, most especially your Flip, who happily sat you down on his lap and wound his arms around you, feeling extra possessive.
“Out of curiosity, where in that chart would you put me?” You ask Flip, expecting him to take a couple moments to mentally weigh his options.
To your unamused surprise, Flip, Ron, and Jimmy all unanimously answer just about as soon as you’ve finished asking the damn question, not one of them even bothering to swallow their sandwich first before replying, “Danger Zone.”
“Hey!” You smack Flip’s chest with a scoff, and Ron and Jimmy immediately break out into laughter.
“You asked.” Jimmy points out with a shrug, just lucky that he’s out of your reach, lest he get smacked too. Ron also dips out of the way, but it’s only a moment later that Flip’s got his hold on you tighter, preventing you from swatting at your friends.
Flip holds you and kisses all over your cheek, his goatee tickling you as he presses his face against yours, nuzzling his nose against yours sweetly even though he’s basically just called you crazy.
“I married you anyway, didn’t I?” Flip’s big brown eyes try to sweeten the deal, and as much as you want to give him a hard time for being such a dork, you have to admit that it works.
“Thin ice, Zimmerman, thin ice.” You shake your head playfully, relaxing into Flip’s embrace a little as he settles you properly onto his lap again from where you were a wiggle worm, squirming away.
“You love me.” Flip smiles.
And despite it all you have to roll your eyes and grin because, “Yeah, I really do.”
Tagging some Flip lovin’ friends! @mochabucky@sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions@direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @thembohux@kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow@babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks@materialisthicc @hswritingrecs @han68000@rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @loverofallthings@groovetoob @bxnnywriting @glassbxttless@angel-bxby3 @smallgirlbigpersonality @lovelyyy-luna @2000andwhat @raddo1975@cornmousequeen @metsienmenninkainen@caillea @painttheskylineforme @holding-on-to-starwars @caitlin-was-here @icarusinthesea
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
Roller rink skate date headcanons! (poly party) insp. by this post, for @mike-wheeler-is-gay (I know you wanted byler specifically and I usually write poly party, but I tried to stick some extra byler in here for you, I hope I did it justice and that you like it!)
So many paragraphs this should really just be a fic, I'm sorry
- Mike is super tall and gangly is absolutely the worst skater in the party (tied only with Lucas, who put on his very first pair of skates and promptly fell on his face and they weren't even on the rink yet, they were still on the carpet area)
- the moment Mike steps into the actual skating floor, he falls bc he's tall gangly uncoordinated Mike, and Will is just standing there rolling his eyes, like "babe, you're a mess" but he doesn't mind bc it means he gets to hold Mike's hand (and hold Mike in general) while he helps his bf balance and skate
- and Mike is like "I don't deserve you, why are you even with me, I'm so awkward" (poor self deprecating bby), and you know Will would respond with "are you kidding, you're amazing, why are YOU with ME?" (also a self deprecating bby), but then he falls and pulls Will down with him (aka on top of him lol)
- and they laugh, and just as their lips touch, the moment is ruined by Max zooming in their direction screaming "get up before you get run over!!" And she manages to avoid them (being the zoomer that she is) but Lucas has to swerve and falls the fuck over ofc (luckily the rink isn't super crowded that day so nobody's in any real danger)
- and Dustin is looking at byler like "this isn't even that hard guys, come on, are you even trying??"
- El and Will have totally been going to the rink (sibling bonding yo) and everyone realizes that's how they got so good bc El is totally the best skater in the group
- except for Suzie who is a skating queen
- El and Suzie totally having races from one end of the rink to the other
- Max totally joining them and they let her win, just once
- Dustin joining them and after he wins twice in a row (pure luck), Max and El pretend cross his path and bump into him, totally fucking him up, and Dustin's just like "are you shitting me?" (but it's all in good fun, everyone knows that)
- El and Max holding hands as El helps her get better at skating, bc Max is decent on skates but better on her skateboard (bc how do you wheels on both feet separately ??) (like skiing vs snowboarding)
- byler doing that thing where holding hands facing each other, and Mike learning how to actually move his feet and skate forward, and that's propelling Will backward (and Will constantly throwing praise at him and Mike grinning so big bc he's doing it! lol)
- Will and Mike holding hands as they slowly skate around the edge of the rink
- Mike needing to stop a moment and grab the wall to keep himself up and steady, and Will coming around in front of him, his hands over Mike's,and they stand there all adorable and then kisses (except Mike has to duck down bc Will cannot stand on his tippy-toes in skates)
- eventually Mike is like "I need a break" (from falling and stuff, tho he has gotten better) and he goes to sit down
- and then El comes over to join him bc "you looked lonely" (he isn't really lonely, he just kind of has a resting bitch face sometimes, tell me I'm wrong, am I actually wrong tho ??)
- they sit together in silence, watching the rest of the group playing some weird skate-tag game (rules at the bottom)
- Mike is watching Will with a smile on his face, laughing and having fun, and he says to nobody, really "what did I ever do to deserve him?"
- El replies "probably whatever I did to deserve you" and they look at each other and smile and then cute lil Mileven kiss
- their hands reach over (cos they are sitting like RIGHT next to each other, no space)
- they continue to sit there, hands clasped, her head on his shoulder, watching the group and sometimes making comments to each other and laughing
- after a while Will comes over to check on his bf and sis) ("I don't know which is more bruised, my knees or my ego" -> Mike, "you're doing really well!" -> El), which is actually kind of nice for El bc she wants to go skate some more but she doesn't want to leave Mike by himself
- before she leaves tho, she wants a kiss, so still holding Mike's hand she gets up and wheels around to face him and grabs his other hand and is like "I want a kiss" bc she's just blunt like that (it's a good thing)
- and mike laughs at her bluntness bc SO CUTE, and so Mike gives her one of those super cute kisses where he puts his hands on the sides of her face, you know? And she has to balance herself by putting her hands on his knees (Sorry, I just had to get a Mileven kiss in here)
(so much detail in those moments ^ I'm...sorry?)
- so Will sits there with Mike, and they hold hands and share kisses and say cute sweet things to each other, and honestly they spend more time looking at each other than anyone/thing else
- Will goes and buys them one giant drink to share bc boys gotta stay hydrated (can someone please draw this or maybe ALL of this idk ??)
- the rest of the group annoys them (but not really) by hanging over the wall and saying "AWWW" super loud and making kissy faces
- and then El comes back over later and says "okay, that's enough sitting down, we're going back skating, come on" and she grabs Mike's hand and Will's hand and tries to pull them up but it's hard bc wheels (like she's about to slip and the boys have to grab her arms to catch her), but the boys comply and go back to the rink floor
- Dustin and Suzie can totally do skate-dancing, whatever that is (and they totally get applause)
- Max skating by everyone so many times and being like "zoomer!" and everyone is like "pls stop, we get it"
- Dustin trying to tell help Lucas how to skate by actually explaining how the skates and the rubber stoppers work, and Lucas not getting it and just being like "can you explain in English please??" And Dustin throws his hands up like "I fucking give up, you're hopeless"
- Max learns how to skate in a small circle (basically just turning around without stepping) and she's super fucking proud of herself and does it constantly
- Max eventually needs to be stopped by El and Lucas bc "babe, you're gonna get so dizzy" (you can decide who says that 😊) but it's too late bc she's already dizzy
- Lucas and El lead Max off the rink floor and she just immediately falls down to sit on the carpet bc so dizzy and El falls down next to her bc hand holding (she gets pulled), and Lucas sits down too
- the girls can't stop laughing and Lucas is looking at them like "tf is wrong with you guys?" (but not really), also he's just smiling at them and laughing with them bc goddamn they are so cute, his girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in the world and seeing her as she is right now just inflates his heart
- eventually Max can't stay upright so she lies back and El follows her and they are just lying there together (Max on her back, El on her side facing Max, no space), giggling so hard, they can't stop laughing for some reason (I think it's bc when one laughs, it makes the other laugh too)
- Max is like "you, boyfriend, kiss" and so Lucas complies
- an employee has to come over and say "you can't lie down here, it's a safety hazard" and Lucas is like "we're sorry, sir" and he's like "babe, we gotta move"
- so he gets the girls up and they bring max to a bench where she can sit, instead of sitting tho, she lies down again, on the bench with her head in El's lap, and then elmax kisses as El plays with her hair
- El and Max basically take over the bench that Mike and Will were sitting on, and they also steal the boys' giant drink (barely a quarter empty) cos hydration
- Will and Mike trying to kiss while not holding the wall, but fucking down AnD having his eyes closed throws Mike way off balance bc what a klutz, and then he falls and Will is fuckin laughing and he feels bad but also it's funny
- so then Will gets down too (more gracefully but lbr, anyone can be more graceful than Mike, without even trying) and is like "it's okay, we can do this here" and then sitting kisses
- El trying to help Mike but she's having too much fun and ends up just speeding around while Mike tries to catch up with her, and she has to keep going back for him
- Mike feeling kind of embarrassed bc his gf is amazing while his own skating is questionable, and he confides this to her and is like "why are you with me, I'm so clumsy and awkward" (self deprecating again), but El makes him feel better by telling him that she's with him bc she loves him and actually she thinks it's kind of cute that he's not that good at skating and she likes being the one who helps him for once (bc he's helped her for so long with so much)
- and then Mike gives her one of his lil mike-smiles (you know the one I mean, like the one right after he kisses her for the very first time, in season 1)
- and then a Mileven kiss, but Mike almost loses his balance again like he did with the byler kiss, but El can sense it's about to happen and has to break their kiss to hold him up (she's holding both his hands, fingers intertwined), but it's okay, they just smile at each other share a little laugh at the situation and how uncoordinated he is, and they scoot their skates really close together in a sort-of huh type thing
- arcade games after!! (But I'll put that in its own separate post 😄)
- rules to the weird skate-tag game: 1) the wall is the safe zone, but you can only stay there for 10 seconds at a time 2) you cannot untouch the wall for one second and then go back to touching it for 10 seconds, you have to actually leave the wall and skate (HOWEVER you can try to skate from the wall on one end of the rink to the wall at the other end) 3) you are allowed to skate around the edge while touching the wall, as long as you only do so for no more than 10 seconds 4) whoever is 'it' cannot hover around those on the wall 5) crashing into someone does not count as tagging them 6) no tag backs
I tried to get equal parts of all the ships in this one but I know I failed miserably, I'm so sorry lol (clearly you can tell who I ship the most)
If you want to add more (I will if I think of any), send me ideas, or request anything, please feel free! 😀👍🏻
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
As Fate Would Have It
[1 / 5] 
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The last time I saw him was July 16, 1392. It was also the day I died. 
➣ pairing/genre: idol!KTH x reader, past life au // feat. OT7 BTS
➣ word count: 1.3k (jus a lil bitty beginning)
➣ warnings/tags: this is gonna talk about death, but not in a super gruesome/direct way. we keep things pretty SFW over here
a/n: here we goooo! thank you guys for sticking around for this new series, I hope you enjoy it! as always, your comments, reblogs, and asks mean so much to me and really help more than you know to keep going. So please let me know how you feel about this new series! Enjoy! 💕 p.s. if you didn’t read the prologue I would recommend you do! 
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“This is a major downgrade,” you sulk while shivering beside a crowded bus stop.
           “Yeah, well,” Noa, your roommate gripes from your right, “at least you got to be royalty once. Quit complaining.”
           “I heard that Kate Middleton is on her third life, and she’s been royalty all three times!” Daeun chimes in from your left. She’s also shivering, clinging to a flimsy umbrella that’s doing a poor job of keeping the three of you safe from the rain.
           “Like what, born into royalty? Or did she manage to marry into it like this lifetime?”
           Daeun and Noa continue chattering away, throwing off multiple theories and speculating about Kate Middleton’s past lives. Of course it’s all guesswork; the details of previous lives are usually meant to be kept secret. However it provides a temporary distraction from the bad weather, which is all you can really ask for right now. Hopefully it will prove enough of a distraction to sway you from your rampant thoughts of last night’s dream.
           “Being born royal isn’t all that fun,” an elderly woman calls out as she ambles up from her seat to catch the approaching bus. It’s not the one you’re taking, that won’t be here for another couple of minutes. “My mistress saw a lot of sorrow in her day, and few remember her now. She deserved to be remembered, in my opinion. I owe her my first life.”
           You tilt your head, squinting a little as the woman gives a wistful sigh. A memory nudges you from the catacombs of your mind.
           “Who was your mistress?” The question falls from your lips before you can catch it.
           The woman blinks, smiling softly. It’s almost as though the mere thought of her past mistress brings her peace. “Iseul, the final daughter of the Goryeo dynasty.”
           The name carries a weight that comes crashing into you, both liberating and binding you to your memories. You’ve heard that name before, albeit centuries ago. And this woman…
           Two syllables, enormous power. The instant you utter them, the elderly woman gasps and drops her cane in shock. You rush forward, picking it up and placing it gently in her hands with a warm smile. There are tears in Ja-young’s eyes as you look at her, her old face creased with wrinkles and countless stories.
           “My…my lady…” Ja-young attempts to bow, drawing the attention of several onlookers. You grasp her shoulders, stopping her.
           “There’s no need to bow,” you reassure. “I’m just a girl now. I hold no power.”
           Ja-young shakes her head. “No, my lady. I- I owe you my first life! What you did for me-”
           “You would have done the same for me.”
           “Oh, my Lady…” Ja-young’s bottom lip quivers as she clutches your forearm with surprising strength. “My wish has been granted. For so long I’ve been waiting to meet you again. You look just as you did, all those years ago…how did I not see it sooner? So vibrant – you haven’t changed at all.”
           Noa and Daeun remain silent behind you, having experienced this before. It’s not your fault that nearly all your court from your first lifetime as the emperor’s daughter in the Goryeo dynasty have just so happened to be born within the same lifetime. Although, it does become a little odd when you cross paths with a gossipy maid or flirtatious errand boy in the produce aisle of your local grocery store.
           Life is funny that way. You’re on top of the world one moment, and living off of a diet of Mac n Cheese the next.
           “I’m happy to see you like this,” you smile. “You’ve lived a full life, it appears.”
           Ja-young inclines her head. “As I did in my first lifetime, so long ago. My Lady-”
           “I’m afraid that I’m just Hana now,” you gently correct. Despite the fact that you’re living in the 21st century, you still aren’t the most keen on the general public discovering your identity. Not when there’s potential danger still lurking out there.
           “Oh, if that’s the case then I’m Ma-ri now,” Ja-young – now Ma-ri says. “Hana, I’ve been praying for the opportunity to see you again. I’m running out of time now.”
           Time. It once seemed so infinite. And now it’s slipping through your fingertips faster than you can keep up.
           “You’ve made it to your fourth…?”
           Ma-ri nods solemnly. “And final lifetime. But I wanted to tell you, my Lady, that I kept my promise to you. I visited your grave often, I told my children stories of you. However, I wasn’t the only one who frequented the site.”
           You jump as the bus driver lets out a shrill honk, clearly impatient. Ma-ri turns around, waving him on. With a shrug and an eye-roll, the bus driver closes the doors and continues on his way. Now the bus stop is empty save for your party of four.
           “Who else visited me?” You ask, curious now at the gleam in Ma-ri’s eye. She had always been a feisty one, if you remember correctly.
           An invisible shudder runs through Ma-ri’s body as she finally delivers the message she’s waited three lifetimes to deliver. Indeed, she can pass on to the unknown now that she’s finally laid eyes on her mistress once more.
           “Kim Taehyung is not a murderer!” Noa defends, crossing her arms protectively as you clench your jaw.
           “No, but Sungho was. And they’re one and the same, aren’t they?” You mirror her, also crossing your arms. “Aren’tthey?”
           Your eyes flicker across the street, toward a billboard that lauds a BTS sponsorship for all to see. However, all you see is Sungho, smiling down at you with those same dark eyes from centuries ago.
           Ma-ri left just a few minutes ago, catching a bus and leaving you with a scribbled address to visit anytime you wanted. You tucked it away safely into the pocket of your jeans before losing your mind.
           “Hana, I don’t think you should be directing your anger at Taehyung,” Daeun quietly interjects, standing just off to the side. “He’s done a lot of good in this life-”
           “You’ll understand when you’re older!” You grind out. Noa winces, but begrudgingly agrees.
           “Yeah…sorry Daeun, but you’re a first-lifer. You’ll understand the next time around. It’s hard to separate people from what they were before.”
           Daeun doesn’t argue, knowing it’s pointless. Living with seasoned lifers, as people who have lived multiple lives have been so lovingly dubbed, doesn’t allow much room for argument. Noa sports two past lives, enjoying her third. And you…
           “Is this really how you wanna live this life?” Noa says, arching a brow. “Angry at some idol philanthropist just because of what happened in your first life? C’mon, Hana. That was three lifetimes ago.”
           “You’re not suggesting that I get over it, are you?”
           “Nuh-uh,” you take a step back, offended. “No way. Goryeo fell, I died, and he was there to watch everything burn to the ground. And I’m just supposed to let it go all because he’s some adored global icon?”
           “YES!” Both Noa and Daeun shout, sending a few birds flying from a nearby bush.
           You pause to think, staring daggers up at the billboard and Taehyung’s flawless features. Perhaps you would find him beautiful if it weren’t for the past marring your current viewpoint. You stare and stare, mind whirring with the possibilities of all that you could do instead of forgiving.
           “It’s no use sitting here and sulking about the past, not when I can’t do anything about it…” you start, ignoring the relieved expressions on your roommates’ faces.
           “Good, that’s good.”
           “No, back up. You were doing so well!”
           The corners of your lips turn up into an evil grin. “…I have an idea.”
           Daeun groans. “What’s the stupid idea now?”
           You shake your head, stepping forward as the bus rounds the corner. “I’m not telling you.”
           “Why not?”
           “Because you’ll try to stop me.”
           Noa elbows you lightly. “At least tell us what your end goal is here.”
           The bus pulls up, doors opening and a flurry of people pouring out onto the street. In the din and chaos of it all, you turn to your friends.
           “If you can’t beat them…” again, your eyes fall on the billboard, quickly finding Taehyung’s eyes among the rest. “Join ‘em.”
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
Kissing Booth
So, a while ago an anon sent me this ask:
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And I honestly thought it was really cute, so I decided to write a lil story out of it. It’s nothing extravagant, but I wrote it anyway!
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Words: 2,387
Pairing: Bean x The Demon Brothers
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The school festival is meant to be fun. It gives the students a chance to set up booths, and raise money for a good cause--like classroom funds, or charity donations.
Mammon, however, sets a booth up to make money for himself. A kissing booth, to be specific. He assumes that every demon within a two mile radius will be lined up, ready to empty their wallets in order to get a kiss from The Great Mammon, but...that’s not what happens.
No, half way through the festival, less than a dozen people have paid Mammon for a kiss. A few other demons had stopped, asking what the money would be put towards, and when he had answered “my wallet” they’d promptly walked away.
Honestly, what a fool.
Unfortunately, Bean still loves him, despite his idiotic ideas.
Sighing, she places a $5 in front of the demon--catching his attention. He lifts his head from where it’d been buried in his arms--dejected at his lack of customers--and his blue eyes light up when he sees Bean standing there.
When he notes the bill placed on the table, a brilliant smile tugs at his lips. 
“See! I knew ya couldn’t resist kissing The Great Mammon!” 
His comment has Bean rolling her eyes, and she reaches forward to snatch her money back. The movement flusters Mammon, who quickly jumps to his feet. 
“H-Hey, wait!” he slaps his hand down on top of hers, cheeks heating up sheepishly as he looks at her. “C’mon, don’t be like that…”
She smiles a little, breathing a laugh.
“Take your kiss then, before I seriously consider getting a refund.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re the one that’s supposed’ta be kissing me,” he retorts. A pouty look appears on his face, and Bean is tempted to sigh. However, rather than continue to drag this on, she leans in and presses her lips to his. Solid, soft contact.
After a few seconds, she moves to pull back, but Mammon quickly reaches out and grabs her--one hand curling around her waist, while the other finds the back of her head. She makes a quiet sound of surprise as he tugs her into another kiss--and then another, and another after that.
He only stops when someone nearby whistles, making him aware of the intimacy of his current actions.
When he pulls back, Bean’s face has turned a pleasant shade of pink. Satisfaction beats steadily in his chest.
“I’d say that’s another $15 dollars right there. It’s actually probably more like $50, but I’ll give ya a discount since I’m a nice guy like that.”
He grins cheekily, laughing when Bean reaches out and punches him in the arm.
“You can’t extort customers for money by deciding to kiss them more than what they paid for!”
“Fine, fine~,” he relinquishes, grumbling. “I suppose I’ll give ya the extra kisses for free since it’s obvious ya like me.”
“Wow, how kind of you,” she responds, rolling her eyes a little, but she can’t help the smile that tugs at her lips.
“Oh, and speaking of kisses--”
Bean blinks as Mammon grabs her by her shoulders, directing her around the side of the table.
“--I need ya to work the booth for a few minutes for me. I gotta go do somethin’ real quick.”
Without waiting for her answer, Mammon slips out from behind the booth and begins jogging away. Bean blanches.
“Hey! Mammon!”
“I’ll be right back! I doubt anyone’ll be by anyway! It’s been slow as hell tonight!”
And with that, the Avatar of Greed fully turns and hightails it into the distance--disappearing into the festival crown. Bean is left there, shocked at the sudden turn of events.
Sighing, she flops down into his seat and pulls out her DDD. If what Mammon said is true, then she’ll just have to sit here and wait it out by herself until he comes back. However--
“I’d like a kiss please.”
Bean blinks as a demon slips a $5 dollar bill onto the table, grinning down at her. Where the hell had he even come from??? It’d only been a minute since Mammon had abandoned her here!!
“O-Oh, I’m sorry,” she says, pushing the bill back towards him. She forces a smile, drawing on her years of customer service experience to feign politeness. “I’m actually just watching the booth for a friend. It’s not technically open right now.”
“But I’m a paying customer, and I’m giving you my money,” he responds, clearly a little annoyed with her refusal. “So you should give me what I’m paying for.”
“I haven’t taken your money. And we’re not open.”
The demon’s smile drops away--his face scrunching angrily. 
“Now listen here you stupid human--”
“Bean, how wonderful to see you.”
The demon’s words immediately cut off--recognizing the voice of the royal prince. Diavolo smiles down at the two of them, his hand coming to rest on the male’s shoulder, and he gives it a squeeze. The demon winces.
“There’s no issue here, is there?”
“N-No, sir--,” as quickly as he can, the demon twists out of Diavolo’s grasp and hightails it away. Bean sighs, relieved, and The Prince flashes her a knowing look.
“Did Mammon somehow rope you into this?”
“He ran away before I could stop him.”
“Ah,” Diavolo chuckles quietly, his eyes scanning the busy festival grounds. “Would you like me to stay and stand guard until he returns?”
Bean quickly holds up her hands, cheeks heating up. 
“No! There’s no need for that! I’m sure you’re busy.”
Diavolo cocks an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you being forced to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I’ll text the guys right now,” she says, holding up her DDD. “I’m sure they’ll help, so please. I don’t want to take up all your time.”
“You’re too considerate of me, really.”
Diavolo’s golden eyes stray to the table, where the lesser demon’s money lays abandoned. He picks it up and hands it to Bean. 
“Consider this a donation to you for your trouble. He is one of my students, after all.”
Bean blinks, cheeks heating up as she takes the money from him. 
“Would you like the kiss instead?” she feels as if her heart might explode while asking him, but somehow she manages to get the words out.
Diavolo’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really?”
“I mean, of course you don’t have to! But....I feel comfortable enough around you, so…”
The demon prince smiles softly at her admission, more than happy to hear that she feels comfortable around him. Enough to offer him a kiss, more so!
“Well, if that’s the case…,” Diavolo leans in, and cocks his head to the side--revealing his cheek. Bean, despite being embarrassed, immediately leans in and presses her lips to his skin.
“A kiss for My Lord,” she says as she sits back, hoping to ease the flurry of emotions now swirling around in her chest. Diavolo laughs heartily.
“Thank you. Now hurry and text Lucifer and the others. And, of course, call me if you need me!”
With that, he strides away from the table, sending her one last smile. Bean smiles back, hoping the blush on her face isn’t as obvious as she thinks it is, and immediately grabs her DDD.
Bean: SOS
Bean: Mammon abandoned me at his kissing booth
Bean: Please help
The message doesn’t take long to be seen by the brothers, and yet, by the time the first of the brothers manage to locate her, she’s already trying to fend off 3 more students--all vying for a kiss from one of the two human exchange students. 
Apparently, humans are a hotter commodity to demons that the Avatar of Greed himself. 
“Please, leave,” Satan speaks, a dangerous smile on his face as he steps up behind the crowd of demons. They look ready to pick a fight until they realize who’s talking. Then, they tuck their tails between their legs and scurry off.
Bean sighs. “Thank god.”
“I’m sure we’d all be more than happy to kill Mammon for you, if you want,” Satan says, crossing his arms. 
Bean actually seems to contemplate the idea, which makes him laugh.
“Mmm, what kind of trash leaves someone else to man their booth,” Levi adds in, stepping up next to Satan. His eyes are focused on the DDD in his hand. “Besides, Mammon might think he’s the main love interest of a high school RP game, but he’s not. Kissing booths never actually work.”
Bean giggles at his words, posing a hand on her hip as she fondly regards them.
“Would you like a kiss for your help?” she asks after a moment, grinning at their reactions. Satan looks shocked more than anything, while Levi looks about ready to combust.
Satan huffs.
“I mean, of course I won’t turn it down.”
Smiling, Bean happily leans over the table and meets him halfway--the two sharing a soft kiss. Once having expressed her gratitude to Satan, her attention shifts to Levi.
“Yes? No? Maybe so?”
“I...I guess o-one kiss would be okay,” he mumbles, the tips of his ears turning bright read as Bean gently cups his face and guides him into a kiss. However, just as she’s pulling back--
“Ooh! Me too!”
Before Bean can react, Asmo is running up and grabbing her by her cheeks. He kisses her sweetly, a tiny groan of satisfaction muffled in his chest as their lips meet.
“You know, you didn’t actually save her from anything,” Satan quips, eying him. Stepping back, Asmo pouts at his brother, leaving a red-faced Bean to try and get a hold of herself.
She’s not used to kissing different brothers directly after one another like this. And being in a public space doesn’t help her embarrassment.
“So? Does that mean I don’t deserve a kiss?”
“Guys, c’mon,” Bean tries to say, not wanting them to argue. They’ve already attracted quite a few stares. After all, it’s not everyday you see a bunch of demons all walking up and casually kissing the same woman, and a human at that.
Then again, she is standing behind a kissing booth…
“Hmm? Is Bean giving out free kisses?” Belphie’s voice enters the fray, he and his twin brother joining the others on the opposite side of the table. “If so, then I want one.”
“I mean, I wasn’t planning on giving out kisses, but--”
Before she can even finish, Beel has leaned forward--stealing her lips with a simple exclamation of, “I want one too.” 
And the instance he pulls back, Belphie is grabbing her--guiding her into another soft kiss.
“Sharing is caring.”
Bean can feel his grin when their lips connect, and she debates hitting him. Lucky for him, she doesn’t. Right now, she’s too busy dealing with the mini meltdown happening in her brain.
So many kisses.
At that moment, Mammon appears around the corner--his eyes narrowed on Belphie as he pulls back from his kiss with Bean.
“If you guys are gonna stand around my booth kissin’ Bean, then ya better fork out some money! How many times did ya kiss her? Ya owe me for those kisses!”
The five brothers surrounding Bean fix him with unimpressed stares. Belphie is the first to speak.
“You really think we’re going to pay you money after you abandoned her to work your booth?”
“She was getting hounded by a bunch of random demons when we got here,” Satan pipes in, crossing his arms. Mammon opens his mouth to argue--wanting to get the money he feels that he’s rightfully owed--but at that moment a shiver rolls up his spine.
Freezing where he’s stood, he slowly turns around--visibly gulping as Lucifer finally appears, standing right behind him.
“Mammon,” the eldest brother starts, smiling dangerously. “You do realize that it’s against school policy to use booths at the school fair for personal profit, yes?”
“Therefore, you will be donating any profit you’ve made to the school. Not only that, but you’re going to pay June back for her trouble.”
His crimson eyes shift to the blushing girl, gaze softening when he sees her.
“June, what do you think is appropriate punishment?”
She takes a moment to think it over.
“Mammon gets no kisses for a week.”
The Avatar of Greed looks SHOCKED.
“WHAT?? But that’s not fair!”
“Just be grateful she’s not making you pay her money, idiot,” Levi responds, sounding less than concerned with Mammon’s current predicament.
“Now,” Lucifer says. “Dismantle this booth, and give me all of your earnings. I will hand them over to Diavolo.”
“Dammit…,” Mammon groans, sulking towards the booth. Bean is nice enough to pat his hair as he steps up beside her, but she’s smart enough to not give into the puppy eyes he turns her way.
In the end, he did abandon her and leave her to fend for herself.
“Bean, c’mon!” Asmo grins, skipping away, and tugging Satan along with him. “Let’s go play more games!” 
“Mmm, Bean, let’s get some more food too,” Beel pipes up, following after his brothers.
Nodding, Bean slips past Mammon and moves to join them. However, before she can get too far, Lucifer’s gloved fingers find their way between hers.
“Wait for me a moment,” he says quietly, giving her hand a squeeze. The two hang back just long enough for Lucifer to collect the money Mammon has earned. Then, Lucifer is leading Bean after his brothers, their fingers comfortably locked together.
Silence stretches between them for a moment.
“I’ll take my kiss later.”
“Oh?” Bean raises an amused eyebrow at him, making him roll his eyes.
“Is the Avatar of Pride jealous over a few kisses?”
“It simply doesn’t feel right that I’m the only one being left out,” he responds, making her grin.
“If that’s so, then I’m okay giving you one now. I can suck it up and handle a few more seconds of PDA.”
“No, I’d prefer mine later,” he gives her hand another squeeze, his eyes glinting. “The kisses I intend to take from you wouldn’t be appropriate to show in a setting like this.”
Bean turns red at his words.
Lucifer chuckles.
“Oh, indeed” 
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Any kidfic recs where they have a lil kid but not a teenager? 🥰 Love ya!
Definitely! Kidfics tend to be very hit or miss for me since child development can be very hard to get right but the ones that I do like, i tend to positively love and frequently reread
You didn’t specify a ship so I went with Stevetony, Winteriron, and Stuckony, but I’ve separated them by ship so you can easily pick and choose which ones you want to read:
Of Strippers and Snow Shovels by @betheflame
Tony has some questions about what Peter's dad does for a living after Peter draws an ... interesting picture about why his dad is his hero.
Practically Perfect in Every Way by @betheflame and @hogwartstoalexandria
Tony Stark is a lot of things - billionaire, former playboy, professional philanthropist - but a few years back he added two more titles: widower and single father. As Peter keeps growing, Tony can't seem to keep a nanny. Thankfully, his employee James Barnes has a solution.
Art therapist Steve Rogers is really tired of living grant cycle to grant cycle, but is wary when he gets an opportunity from his best friend's boss to be his child's live-in caregiver. He hates Bucky's boss. But then he meets the kid and then he gets to know Tony and then...
And then they all live happily ever after.
Rockabye by @bladeofthenebula27
Cute alphas didn’t appear out of nowhere to help ruined omegas. That was a widely accepted fact.
Tony Stark had always known his life wouldn’t be easy as a genius omega in an alpha’s world. But not even he predicted getting knocked up and forced to move to a small town in the middle of nowhere.
Some things can’t be hidden by @s-horne
“What?” Peter sat up in the booth, suddenly alert. “Dad, what is it?” He followed Tony’s eyes right to a man in the doorway of the restaurant. A big, blond and young man that even Peter could admit was attractive.
“Is that him?” Peter asked. “He’s young.”
“He’s 32,” Tony argued, though he was still pale and didn’t shift his gaze.
“Have you actually seen proof of age? Because he looks young, Dad. Like not that much older than my age. Have you checked his ID? There are some good fakes out there, just warning you.”
“Will you be quiet?” Tony hissed, lifting his hand and waving to the man. “He is perfectly legal, thank you very much.”
Peter watched as the guy lit up as soon as he noticed Tony, awkwardly dodging the lunchtime crowds as he tried to make his way over to their table.
“Hi,” he said when he reached them, a beaming smile on his face. He made a motion to kiss Tony before his eyes flickered to Peter and he changed his course, pressing his lips to Tony’s cheek instead and stepping away quickly.
Adventures in Babysitting by @s-horne
Bucky babysits Peter for the first time on his own. There are cuddly toys, tears, cupcakes, and bedtime stories.
It Takes a Village (or a team of superheroes) by aven_garde
Three months after the Chitauri attack, Tony received a phone call that changed his life. (Or, the one in which a group of remarkable people come together and balance battling villains and raising a child).
In Trouble Deep by @festiveferret and @sirsapling
"Whoever did this has a reason, and Stark needs to be with someone who can protect him. He won’t exactly be able to protect himself like this.” Fury looked at the baby consideringly. “No, it’s you, Steve. Besides, he likes you. Suck it up, soldier, you’re stuck with him.”
Tony, Please by @festiveferret
Steve is doing just fine nursing a painful crush on his most captivating client. That is, until his babysitter has an emergency and drops Steve's six-year-old daughter off at his work. Somehow, everything goes off the rails.
like-like by nanasekei
Morgan doesn’t really know Captain America.
And honorable mention cause even though it’s just a pregnancy fic right now, I’m holding out hope for a sequel with a baby:
Baby’s Breath by @s-horne
Wow. Tony’s mind went blank when his eyes moved involuntarily and focused in on where Nurse Rogers was pointing something out on the computer screen. It was nothing, really. It was a blob roughly the size of a jelly bean. The picture wasn’t even clear. It was black and white and so ridiculously grainy that Tony couldn’t see clearly.
Oh. Actually, the reason he couldn’t see clearly was because of the tears in his eyes.
“Wow,” he said, voice breaking on the short words. “That’s…”
“Your baby. Right here.”
Tony fell silent again, just taking it all in. That was his baby. His child. A whole little person living inside of him, ready to grow and stretch and make his body do all kinds of weird things. Nine months of his baby inside of him and then eighteen years of them living in Tony’s house.
Somehow, it already didn’t seem like long enough. Seeing it on a screen wasn’t enough either. Tony wanted to reach out, to trace the tiny image with his fingers and try and feel what little extra he couldn’t inside of him.
After a long moment, he licked his lips. Shit. He was having a baby.
“Steve would love this,” he breathed out.
High Noon in Sandbridge (part of the Nights in Sandbridge series and does rely on some of the other works in the series, so make sure you read those first if you haven’t already) by @tisfan and @27dragons
Life is pretty good for Bucky and Tony these days. The restaurant is doing well, and they’re happy with their little family. Then Bucky’s sister meets an untimely end and Bucky and Tony are suddenly guardians to a niece they’ve only met a handful of times. Their attempts to make a home for the bereaved child are complicated by Tony's mother, Bucky’s ex-lover, and the man who claims to be Billie’s father. But whatever her parentage, Billie is a Barnes through and through -- stubborn and hot-tempered and not remotely interested in making a life in the one place that her mother had sworn never to return. Will she ever learn to call Dockside and Sandbridge home?
Place in Your Heart by potrix
They try to hide it, Bucky can see the effort they all put into making him more comfortable, but Bucky isn’t stupid, he knows they’d rather have him somewhere else, somewhere far away from their home, the place where they’re supposed to feel happy and safe.
The Long Way Round by potrix
“Maybe we shouldn’t see each other anymore,” Tony blurts out in a rush. “It’s—I think it’s for the best. If we stop.”
It takes a moment for the meaning of the words to register, but when it does, Bucky turns cold, stomach sinking. “Are—are you breakin’ up with me? Tony—”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Tony hurries to reassure, reading Bucky’s mind. “You were perfect, Bucky, I swear you were. Are. This. It’s not. It’s really not you,” he says with a small, humourless chuckle, “it’s me.”
Bucky looks at the tense line of Tony’s shoulders, at the sad set of his mouth, the defeat in his eyes, and he knows it’s the truth. Or, at least, what Tony believes to be true.
 Or; sometimes, people mean well, but that doesn't always mean they know best. Bucky and Tony, unfortunately, have to learn that the hard way.
Letters to a Soldier by CityofAngels
When Peter Stark, son of the famous tattoo artist Tony Stark, signed up for a program to write letters to a soldier, he didn't know what Bucky Barnes would change in his and his father's life...
Boys Will Be Boys by NotEvenCloseToStraight
When Peter and Harley can't stop fighting at school, Dad!Tony and Dad!Bucky meet up to try and figure out a way to keep the peace between their kiddos, but end up falling for each other instead.
‘Til the End of the Line by Avengers_Whore
“There’s the lil devil now,” Bucky murmured fondly. “Lemme see ‘im.”
Steve laughed and nodded his head, walking out of the kitchen and heading towards the bedroom. He opened the door and sighed when their omega was nowhere in sight on the bed. He made his way towards their closet and opened the door, pointing his phone at the brunet curled up in all of the clothes.
Fennel Root & Super Soldiers by @betheflame
Peter hasn't stopped crying for weeks and Tony is nearly at his whit's end. Thankfully, Steve and Bucky have a plan.
Forging Bonds by Huntress79
Just when Tony thought that his relationship with Steve and Bucky is safe and stable, he learns of a son he apparently has. How will “his” soldiers react to the sudden addition to the household?
54 notes · View notes
mist-sly · 3 years
Sing of the moon
Chapter One: Coffee talks
This is a Wolfstar MMA AU that's on AO3 that I have been writing. However I'm gonna start posting it on here too because its easier for me to kept track of what I wrote. Any ways Hope you enjoy!
It was the biggest fight of the year. The middle-weight title on the line. Millions of people watching around the world. The champ, Sirius Black facing one of his biggest rivals, Severus Snape. It was a long overdue fight, the two constantly targeting each other on social media and making comments to the press.
The hype had been real. Every press conference was another layer of added tension and anticipation to the fight. No one wanted to miss it. Sirius was athletic and had every technique known to fighting in his arsenal. A predictable fight many had said. Others argued that Snape’s slippery, submission style could be enough to beat the champ.
Either way, it had drawn the attention of everyone. Even those who shied away from the bright lights of UFC. It lured those who lived in the shadows of the fighting scene.
A large flat screen TV had been set up in the old underground stadium. A crowd of fighters all gathered round to watch, each one sitting on some old create or broken chair. “Its not looking good for him wolfy,” said a teenager with dyed grey hair. He was sitting cross legged on the floor. The TV screen reflecting of his blue eyes. “Ill say. Every punch Black is receiving is drawing blood,” a big, bulky red-haired man said. He scratched at his beard and looked over to his left staring at the young man who was sitting back on the old, patchy red couch. The young man’s eyes darted around the screen, zoning in to one thing specifically as Snape aimed a body shot. “You see something, don’t you wolfy.” The other fighters dragged their eyes away from the screen to look at the young man.
Remus Lupin sat forwards, his elbows resting on his thighs, his hands covering his mouth and nose as he stared at the TV. Remus’s golden amber eyes narrowed right as Snape connect a light jab to Sirius face. He watched as a small cut formed on the champ’s cheek, drawing blood. He drew his hands away from his face showing his frown.
“There’s always something with an opponent like Snape,” he said in a low voice. The camera angle changed on the screen. A close up of Sirius’s face, enlarged for everyone to see. One eye was swollen shut, the other turning a mix of blue and purple. You could not see where cuts began, and trails of blood ended.
This should not have been the outcome. A total of three rounds the fight went on for. Thirteen minutes and a gory scene that would make any viewer feel sick. Three minutes into the third round and it was over. The champ got hit and did not get back up. The group of fighters where quiet. This should not have been the outcome.
However, everything happens for reason.
It had been exactly thirty-seven days since he lost. Thirty-seven days of thinking how? How did he lose that fight? Sirius had gone through it a thousand and one times in his head. He was quicker than Snape. Had a harder punch than Snape and was far more intelligent when it came to thinking on his feet?
Sirius shook his head to rid him off the thoughts. He was on his daily run to clear his head, not bring back more memory’s and questions. He stopped, his breaths heavy, panting as he ran a hand through his incredibly dark locks of hair. “Shit,” he muttered as he looked around. The area was unfamiliar to him. Small shops and old building surrounding the street he had just came down. Clearly it was in the more run-down part of Gryffindor. Sirius didn’t even know there was a run-down part of Gryffindor.
He spotted a small coffee shop further on down the street. A few people where sitting outside it but other than that, the street was relatively quiet.
A bell rang over head as he entered. The smell of coffee and baked goods immediately hitting him like a bus. It was warm inside, a delightful change from the nippy autumn air outside. The walls were painted a vibrant orange, the furniture looking old giving the whole coffee shop a warm and vintage feel.
“Hi, what can I get you?” asked a girl behind the counter. She had long, flowing red hair and beautiful green eyes. A sweet and pleasant smile on her face. “Sorry, I’m a bit lost. Could you tell me how to get to the upper side oh and a coffee, black?” he asked the girl.
The girl snorted turning away from him. “An up sider? How did you end up down here?” the girl asked as she started to brew a fresh pot of coffee. “Went for a run, got lost in my head.” Sirius give the girl a smirk as she looked over at him. Her eyes travelled up and down his body, taking in his appearance.
“Guess that explains why your sweaty. What about the bruises?” she asked staring at the faint mix of yellow and brown that covered half his face. Sirius smirk dropped. The girl knew she struct a nerve but before she could apologise, the bell above the door went again.
“Hey Lils. Can I get the regular for the trio and a peppermint tea for me?” Said a young man who walked towards Sirius. Tall, Sirius first thought upon seeing him. Skinny too. He watched as the young man walked towards him. His hair was curly, a caramel brown colour that Sirius doesn’t think he has ever seen before. He wore an old orange jumper that had seen better days and a pair of grey sweats that were rolled up at his ankles. Sirius looked at the bottom on his sweats surprised, surly no one that tall would need to roll up their cloths.
The young man nodded at Sirius before standing beside him at the counter. “Three sugars wolfy?” the girl, ‘Lils’, asked. The young man nodded.
It was quiet after that. The sound of coffee machines running and ‘Lils’ humming echoing around the small coffee shop.
“Here you go Up sider. One Back coffee to go.” The girl slid the coffee over to Sirius before scribbling something down on a piece of paper. “Up sider?” The man asked suddenly. Sirius looked over at him. His amber eyes sparling with curiously as he looked at Sirius.
It was now that Sirius got a good look at the young man. He had handsome features, that was for sure. He had a nice jawline, not to strong and not to soft. Freckles littered his face likes stars in the night sky. He has long eyelashes that seemed to make his amber eyes brighter.
He would have looked soft, too soft, if it weren’t for the scars on his face. He had one across the bridge of his nose and another one on his left cheek going down to his jawline. The young man had a fresh cut above his right eye that was bruised.
However, as Sirius looked at the man, the man also looked at Sirius. That was not good in Sirius’s head. The last thing he needed, was for the media to know where he is.
“You shouldn’t have lost your fight,” the young man said bluntly as Lils set the piece of paper down with directions in front of Sirius. The statement had taken Sirius by surprise. So, the guy knew him, that was great but to say something like that irritated Sirius. He didn’t see Mr tall and skinny facing a world class fighter like Snape.
“Excuse me. I’d like to see yo-“Sirius started only to be cut off by the young man saying, “Snape’s gloves were loaded.” Sirius blinked at the man, “tampered with,” he added in case Sirius didn’t understand.
Sirius couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Who the hell was this guy? Some losers who clearly knows nothing. Sirius took a deep breath and looked at the man. “Look. I’m not sure how much you know after fighting but official gloves have to be worn, not to mention that the gloves got checked and nothing was off with either one.”
The man however kept looking at Sirius with those amber eyes. “That wouldn’t necessarily matter. There’s always ways around the system.” He shrugged. Sirius could feel the laughter starting to bubble in him stomach again. “Ok then. Enlighten me, how were the gloves tampered with?” The man narrowed his eyes, a darker look falling over his once soft face. “A layer of padding was taken out of the gloves. That would have been obvious if they had not replaced it with something else. That other layer would have had to been roughly the same weight as the padding. My guess is that they used soft cast.” Sirius snorted.
Sirius knew what soft cast was. What fighter didn’t? It was an old scandal back in the day with a boxer. It had long since been forgotten though. The man continued, however. “It would make the hits harder on your face not to mention as the soft cast scratched the leather of the glove it would wear the material down.” He raised an eyebrow at Sirius to see if he was keeping up.
Sirius nodded and gestured for the man to continue, taking a sip of his coffee. Sighing the man rubbed his eyes, as if he were trying to teach a child how to read a simple word that they couldn’t quite grasp. “The soft cast would scratch against your skin and the impact of each punch would increase as the match went on because the cast would harden over time. Didn’t you notice when you were fighting, how the first hit was not hard but still drew blood? How as the fight went on Snape put less effort into each hit but was still able to increase the impact every time?” Sirius stopped drinking. His coffee cup frozen at his smooth lips. He blinked at the man as he thought back to the fight. When Snape landed his first punch, he was off balance. The punch shouldn’t have had enough force to bruise his cheek so badly, the way it did.
The more Sirius thought about it, the more he realized how much of what the tall, skinny man was saying, was true.
He shook his head and narrowed his eyes on the man just as ‘Lils’ brought over four take away drinks in coffee cups. “Here you go wolfy! One hot chocolate with cream for Seb, a black coffee with two sugars for Harley, warmed milk with coco powder on top for Cain and your peppermint tea, three sugars,” ‘Lils’ said happily with a bright smile. The man, ‘wolfy’, nodded his thanks and took the four drinks.
“Wait! How did you know about the gloves?” Sirius asked before ‘wolfy’ could leave. “I watched your fight. Noticed what was happening and put it together with an old street fighting trick.” He shrugged and opened the door with his back.
“A little too good to be true, don’t you think?” Sirius said with a laugh, but the young man didn’t laugh back. He shrugged and turned his back to Sirius. “If you don’t believe me then check for yourself.”
Sirius watched as the door closed behind the man. He stayed in the coffee shop, not taking his silver eyes away from the door. The conversation replaying in his head like a broken record. He turned back around to ‘Lils’ who was wiping the countertop. “Do you have a phone I could borrow,” he said in a rush. Like somehow, he would forget everything the man just told him.
The girl smiled at him and nodded. She took out her iPhone from the pocket of her green apron and handed it to Sirius. He wasted no time in dialing a number. Listening as it rang in his ear.
“Hello. Yeah, James it’s me. I need you and your dad to check something out for me……”
P.s this is my first proper time writing so I'm not the best. 
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
Chapter 3 - The Revelation
(Mando x f!reader)
Summary: After agreeing to help the Mandalorian, you land on Tatooine. Joined by an old friend the three of you locate a potential informant and a secret is revealed.
Notes: everytime I get a lil notification sayong someone has liked this post my heart gets so full so thank you all❤️❤️ I hope you continue to enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it!
Tw: Mentions of Alcohol/blood, Swearing
Tagged: @crazycookiecrumbles
Word count: 3.2k
R-16, Geonosis, Outer Rim Territories
Your POV
“Pretty swanky” you say, taking note of the Mandalorians newly acquired ship “who’d you steal this off of.”
He boards it stopping at the top when he realizes you hadn’t followed him up. “Are you coming? They’ll notice you’re missing soon. Your client didn’t look like the kind of guy to last a whole night.”
“How do I know you’re not going to sell me off again?” you ask, currently rethinking this whole situation.
“ If that’s what I was here to do that, you’d be handcuffed already”
“Really? Because if I remember correctly had it not been for your counterpart hitting me in the head last time, you’d have been on your way back empty handed.” He shakes his helmet evidently getting aggravated.
“Where is she by the way?” you ask.
“We don’t have time for this.” he interjects, walking back down and grabbing you by the arm. You shake free “I’m not going anywhere with you if you’re going to treat me like a prisoner.” A clatter from up above draws you attention away from the conversation at hand. “You sure the kid’s not just roaming around upstairs.”
“Wait here” he exhales, disappearing briefly before returning with an unmistakable bundle.
“Anya!” you exclaim under your breath, eyes lighting up. “Impossible” you whisper as the small creature wriggles out of Mandos' arms and rushes towards you. “How?” you ask looking up. “Answer me Mandalorian” .
“The child” he responds “he brought it back to life. What?” he asks, noticing your forehead wrinkle in confusion.
“Nothing, I just thought the only people that could do that were long gone.” Perhaps you owed this child more than just a thank you for saving Anya. If he was able to give life he too was able to wield the force, your grandmother would not be happy if you left a Jedi in the arms of the empire. Knowing this you climb onto the ship with Anya.
“They’ll be a bounty on me now.” You state, sitting down in the co-pilot seat.
“Welcome to the club,” he says, jumping the ship into hyperspace.
“Let’s get a few things straight. I now understand why you traded me, and why this child must be returned safely, but do not get me wrong, we are not friends, I do not forgive you and I definitely do not trust you. I am here to repay a debt. Once I have we go our separate ways, and I never have to see beskar ever again. Got it?” He nods shifting into auto-pilot. “Good. There a shower on this thing?” you ask, your smell becoming increasingly offensive.
“Downstairs to the right.” You drop down scoping out the ship, not too shabby. You hear a clang, turning around to face the Mandalorian.
“What?” you say, concerned he’d caught you snooping.
“Here” he says, handing you a set of clothes, “should fit.” You take them, but he doesn’t move, and he’s blocking the door to the shower.
“What are you waiting for? A kiss?” You ask as you push by him into the bathroom having flustered him enough to knock him off balance. Closing the door you breathe a sigh of relief, as you lock it behind you. You get into the shower letting the water hit your face and run slowly down your body. It’s not warm, but it’s better water pressure than you’ve had in months. Looking down you see a puddle of burgundy pooling at your feet, caused by the admixture of blood, makeup and various other fluids currently coating your body. You rinse the blood and guts out of your hair scrubbing at that which had been there long enough to crust over. You wince in pain when you brush up against an old scar that must have reopened in the fight earlier today, oh well, you think, it will heal. The various wounds on your body were proof of that. After about a month of being in the rings you stopped bruising, but scarring was still a part of day to day life. They covered the markings and tattoos scattered across what was once smooth skin. Turning off the water, you step out of the shower and dry off before pulling on the black pants and long sleeve provided to you. Walking back up to the cockpit and placing Anya onto the seat you lean over the dashboard.
“Where are we going.” you ask. No reply. “Hey beskar head I asked you a question.” You say not realizing he had been staring at you. He points at the tracker sitting on the dash. “On another hunt?”
“ This was on the guy who sold me and the kid out, started beeping again while you were showering.”
“You gonna give me my weapons back?” you inquire, unsure of what the plan was.
“Still downstairs, I couldn't sell them. No one wanted them” he says locking in the coordinates and beginning his landing.
“Well I guess I was wrong Mandalorians can’t tell jokes after all. Where are we by the way”
“Tatooine home of the moisture farmers, and not the nice part”
“Think they’d choose a wetter planet to farm moisture” you say, looking out at the planet's arid landscape through the windshield. The two of you exit the cockpit and head towards the armoury.
“Careful” he says, as you reach your hand in.
“I just spent several months in combat I think I’ll be fine” you say sarcastically. You reach into the armoury, quickly pulling your hand back when the security system zaps you. “Fuck” you say bringing your hand to your mouth, as he turns off the protection. “Shut up”
“I didn’t say anything”
“But you were thinking it. So same goes.” You remove a bow and arrow, quickly realizing they weren't your originals.
“Real ones were lost in the incident, picked these up on the way to get you” he says leaning forward and removing the Anbam sniper rifle and standard issue blaster.
Anya follows the two of you out of the ship burying her nose into the sand pulling out a large bone. The Mandalorian was a man of few words so you have no idea where you were going, or what the plan was, but you were happy for the peace. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been in complete silence.
“Well, well, well.” A voice echoes. You draw your bow and the Mandalorian unholsters his blaster.
“Didn’t think you’d be back so soon and with someone so pretty.” the voice says as a figure of a tall man appears from behind a large sandstone.
“Cobb” the Mandalorian says, lowering his blaster
“Mando!” The older gentleman exclaims locking arms with the somewhat reluctant Mandalorian. You keep your bow aimed, as Anya approaches him sniffing his boots.
“And who might this be?” he asks looking at you while bending down to pet the critter.
“Ask her yourself.” Mando says, almost annoyed. Cobb was handsome, more so than most which makes you almost immediately untrusting of him. Anya seems to have taken a liking to him though so you drop the hostility for now. You lower your weapon and take his extended hand. “Cobb Vanth, i'm the marshal round these parts, Nice to meet you” he says
“y/n, and likewise” you respond, pulling your hand back.
“Where’s the kid?” Vanth asks and you see the Mandalorians' demeanor change guilt radiating off him.
“He’s gone, we're trying to find him. She’s a tracker” he says, pointing to you.
You look over at the Mandalorian, how did he know that? The two men walk in front of you, discussing the events that had unfolded a few days prior. As you make your way into the town you find yourself relaxing slightly. None of the locals looked like the kind to recognize you.
“Glad to see things have picked up since I was last here.”
“Well Mando, turns out less giant snakes makes for happier people.” Cobb says
“Funny how that works”
“C’mon, you look hungry and like you need a few drinks,” the Marshal says with a smile. “Might just run into your bounty if we’re lucky.” He throws two fingers up at the bartender, as you enter, leads you to a nearby empty booth. You thank the bartender as he brings out the food and drink.
“So who are we looking for.” The Marshal asks
“Ugly guy” Mando starts
“Well that narrows it down” you mutter earning a chuckle from the Marshal. Before he can continue describing the guy, the tracker starts to beep more consistently.
“Must be your lucky day” the marshal says coolly as an Aqualish enters into the establishment, tusks and all.
“Put your hood up” you say to the Mandalorian “he’ll recognize the armour, switch seats with me.” He obliges, pulling up the hood of his cloak as you shift over top of him so his back is now facing the door and you're sat between him and the Marshal.
“Alright looks like we’re in need of a plan” Cobb says.
“Give me 20 minutes with it, I’ll get the information” you say standing up.
“No way. Not happening. If this falls through you’re our only shot at finding the kid.” The Mandalorian says tugging you down by the back of your shirt, much to your dismay.
“Well there's always option B.” you say, pausing for a moment “you get up and he runs a mile then we're really gonna be screwed.” Seemingly having convinced the Mandalorian you were capable of getting the information needed, he agrees.
“Fine. 20 minutes, then we're coming after you.” He says. You stand up passing by the marshal and make your way over to the bar.
Mandos POV
He watches you head over, scanning the crowd for any potential threats. Even cloaked you stood out, and the odds of someone recognizing an ex-gladiator was high, especially one as successful as you. He tenses up when a Nikto approaches you. His hand subtly moves to the blaster, but not so subtly that it didn’t catch the marshals attention.
“You should relax Mando, it seems like she’s got it under control.” he says, nodding his head in your direction . He turns seeing you utter a few words to the Nikto causing it to continue on seemingly in a trance. His hand eases off the blaster and he relaxes back into his seat.
“Awfully protective” Cobb says, the Mandalorian ignores this comment, of course he was being protective, he needed you to find the child. He’s pulled out of his thoughts by a glass being dropped off at the table. Cobb throws his hand up nodding to you in thanks, the target had been acquired.
“So, where’d ya find her?” he asks, taking a sip of the drink.
“Long story.”
“Well we have twenty minutes.”
“Traded her for the child a while back she was fighting in a gladiatorial ring until about 25 hours ago.” He says as Anya settles down on the Marshal lap.
“This is quite the creature.”
“The kid saved it.”
“So that’s why she’s hanging around with your homely helmeted ass. Seriously, she looks like a fallen star.” Cobb pauses looking to his friend “Ahhh, but you’ve already noticed.” With no response the Marshal continues “Well if there’s nothing there then I’m in luck.” The helmet turns ,“A joke Mando, a joke.” The Marshal says lifting his hands up. Before he can respond the Mandalorian feels something bump against his shoulder causing him to look up just in time to see you pass by with the target in pursuit. As he watches him exit the bar he catches a glint of a small sphere, a bomb.
“dank farrik” he says, standing up and moving through the bar in pursuit.
“What happened to twenty minutes?” the Marshal shouts after him.
Your POV.
“Thanks for the drink sweetheart” the Aqualish says as you turn around, this was not your first time dealing with one, but you did hope it would be your last.
“If you’re looking to repay the favour you may be able to help me find something, I believe you’ve come across. A child. Small, green, big ears.”
The Aqualish laughs reaching its hand back for the bomb. Using the force you stay his hand a few inches away from the weapon.
“Answer me, before my patience wears thin.” You say. Patience, already wearing thin.
“Look lady I was hoping for some fun, let me go and no one has to get hurt.”
“You’re not in much of a potion to be negotiating.” You say. The unmistakable sound of a blaster going off suddenly echoes and you feel something cold and wet hit your face. You look up as the Aqualish drops to the floor standing behind him you see the Mandalorian.
“Seriously!” You say angrily, wiping the residue out of your face.
“It had a bomb.”
“I know I had it under control. Clean this up you say” pushing past him.
“Why do I…” he starts,
“Because…” you say turning on your heel to face him, “if we had done things my way there wouldn’t have been a mess to clean up at all.” you exclaim, throwing your hands up in the air, before returning to the bar.
You slump down in the booth next to the Marshal.
“How long did you put up with him for before you lost it?”
“Went well I take it.” He says offering you the remainder of his drink.
“Could have, if someone had just showed a modicum of trust.” You say taking a swig of the blue liquid.
“Seems like he trusts easy. He trusts you enough to ask for your help.”
“He doesn't trust me he needs my help, there's a distinct difference.” You say downing the rest of the drink causing Cobb to raise his eyebrows slightly opting to change the course of the conversation.
“Well I have to say you are just about the prettiest thing to show up here.” You roll your eyes, it wasn’t the first time you’d heard that. Despite this you find yourself smiling Cobb was quite charming after all.
“Thanks for keeping an eye on her, she doesn’t usually take to strangers.” You say moving in to scratch behind Anya’s ears.
“Got a way with all living things, though I find humans easier than animals.” He laughs.
“Well I’m sure that has something to do with your charm and face” you say. He’s about to respond when you both see a flash of armour leave the bar.
“Guess we’re leaving” He says offering you a hand, you take it and exit in pursuit of the Mandalorian.
“Mando!” the Marshal calls after him.
“Don’t leave on my account. I’ll be on the ship. If you’re not back by morning I'll find the child on my own.” he says continuing on his way.
“Oh don’t be jealous Mando we were just talking.” Cobb, says not making the situation any better.
Assuming you couldn’t piss him off anymore than he already was you pick up a stray rock and throw it at him. It hits the back of the helmet causing him to stop and turn around.
“Nice shot” the Cobb whispers to you looking impressed.
“Thanks” you say walking over to the Mandalorian.
“You okay Mandalorian?” you ask
“We should be looking for the kid not relaxing in a bar.”
“You’re not the only one who owes this child something, and don’t act like this wasn’t the first moment of freedom I’ve enjoyed in months.” with no reply you continue “What now? You killed our last lead.”
“I don’t know that’s why you’re here to figure it out.” He says sharply, the two of you now staring each other down.
“Well that’s my cue, Mando, always a pleasure, (y/n) lovely to meet you, if you’re ever looking for work I’m always in need of a deputy.” Cobb says, patting Anya on the head and heading off back towards town. You interrupt your glaring contest and wave goodbye to the Marshal. Having calmed down slightly, you turn back to the Mandalorian.
“Do you have something of his?”
“What?” the voice asks, even with the modulator you could tell he was frustrated.
“Of the child’s anything belonging to him?” you say suddenly feeling equally as irritated.
“It all went up…wait.” he says reaching into his pocket pulling something small and silver out.
“A toy of his” He says. You stick your hand out and he drops the small silver ball into your hand. As it makes contact with your skin you feel the emotion enveloping it. He cares greatly for this child, perhaps you had misjudged the Mandalorian. With this in mind you begin to gather stray stones placing them in a pattern on the ground using a nearby stick to trace lines in the sand.
“Are you going to summon him or something?” He asks.
“Not a witch.” you reply unsure if he’s joking or not.
You close your eyes, breathing deeply. The Mandalorian watches in awe as the rocks and sand begin to rise recreating a map of the galaxy. You open your eyes and walk over to Anya, bending down, you offer her the small metal ball which she sniffs. She begins circling the base of the galaxy stopping on the outer rim. Pulling more rocks forward you create a series of steps which Anya begins to ascend, sniffing the planets in front of her. She stops, sitting down so as to indicate she had located the scent.
“You know where that is?” you ask, looking up at the T visor which was still fixed on the map you had created. He hadn’t said anything in a while not that he ever really did, but you’d asked a question and needed an answer.
“Anyone home” you say, lifting your hand to knock on the helmet. He grabs your wrist before you can.
“No, I don’t, but I can get us there.” He says, gently releasing you. You drop the map to the floor leaving a small cloud of dust in its wake as you re-enter the ship.
“I hope you appreciate the delicacy of what I just did and the possible danger I’ve put us in.” You say, taking your seat, hoping you had made the correct choice in trusting him.
“How long have you known? That you have powers?” He asks, you smile at his choice of words.
“Since I was a child. My grandmother trained me in the way of the Jedi until she passed.”
“I’m sorry.” He says as he takes off.
“For what? you didn’t kill her.” After a prolonged period of silence you speak again. “I trust you’ll keep this between us, man of few words and all if it was to get out I'd take it very personally.” Taking his silence as understanding you breath a sign of relief. Leaning back you settle in for the upcoming journey.
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theroomofreq · 4 years
Personality Before Punctuality: Chapter 2
James Potter plays in a band but spends his mornings in the bakery chatting up Lily Evans. Lily spends her week days selling pastries, but on weekends she goes to see James play guitar. 
The second part to my meet cute muggle au! 
Read on AO3
Lily flung open the door to The Hallows, her bag knocked on the door frame as her quick pace carried her into the bakery. 9:07, Okay not terribly late, she could work with that. Her morning walk had little to no distractions and after yesterday she figured she had better be more timely than usual. Lily blew her bangs out of her face as she looked up to find one of the primary bakers, Simon, engaged with a customer.
Yikes, Simon hated customers. Lily increased her pace as she made her way around the counter, her bag dropping un-ceremonially to the floor. She chanced an apologetic look at Simon before turning to the customer in front of her.
“Evans, have you tried this treacle tart?!”
James Potter had a mouthful of tart and a goofy grin that came with his question. 
Lily’s eyes roamed down his figure wondering how she had missed him. The first detail to notice was his hat, Potter had a large black bucket hat that fit snuggly on his head, the strap and buckle pulled tightly across his sharp jaw line. Apparently black was his theme today, as his long-sleeved shirt and trousers match his hat color.
 “Of course, Potter” Lily couldn’t hold back her grin as he shoveled another bite into his mouth “This week is especially good because Simon here made it. He always makes the best pastry crust” Lily placed a hand on Simon’s shoulder and hoped her honest compliment would get her out of being late this morning.
“Flattery will not excuse the tardiness Lily, but it doesn’t stop you from being my favorite” Simon gave her a small smile, which Lily counted as a win. “Wonderful to meet you James” 
“Likewise” Potter replied as Simon walked back into the kitchen. 
 Potter leaned up against the display case crossing his arms as he smirked down toward Lily. “I’m glad I caught you again.”
“At the bakery where I work? Yes, you’re very lucky to find me here.” She couldn’t hold back the sarcasm that dripped out of her mouth.
The way James rolled his eyes had an affectionate feel, “Oh come on, you know what I mean Evans. I didn’t know your schedule at all, this was really all I had.”
“So, what was your plan?” Lily said, her eyebrows quirked up, “Show up here every morning until I finally came in to work?”
James seemed to startle as he stood up from his relaxed position, his eyes went downcast as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well yeah, actually that was the idea…” His eyes turned up at Lily with a bashful look.
The way his eyes locked on her resulted in Lily biting down on her lip as her cheeks flushed. Before she could reply the door chimed as another customer walked into the shop. James began to back away from the register and Lily, as his eyes wandered around the bakery.
“The table to your left has the best chairs” Lily mentioned, hoping that her invitation to stay would come across.
Potter’s eyes lit up as he made his way to where Lily suggested, walking backward toward the table with a lazy gate that had Lily captivated the whole time. Perhaps it was the way he rubbed his hands together or how held her gaze the entire time, regardless Lily loved what an all-black look did for James Potter.  
Regrettably, Lily tore her eyes away from him and back to the latest customer to enter The Hallows.
As a Wednesday morning, the bakery wasn’t terribly busy, but there was a steady stream of people who came in to buy pastries. She knew most everyone that came in, as she had a good grasp on who the regulars were and what they would buy. Often, she found herself sending glances toward James, who sat alone at his table writing away in a notebook he had pulled from his back pocket. 
She was grateful he had chosen to sit with his back to the front door, he was less likely to be noticed this way, especially because his stag tattoo was facing the wall not the open shop. Well that, and the obvious fact that she had a brilliant view of him as he focused on his writing, rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, or even shot glances at Lily.
There was something about James Potter that made her believe that he did everything at 100%. Maybe it was the way his eyes lit up as he scrawled across the page, never stopping for a moment as rotated his book to add notes or circle a word. It could’ve been the way that she caught him looking at her, his deep eyes latching on to her movements as she did her job. Whenever she caught him staring (which was very often) he didn’t ever look away, his smile just got brighter as he winked or waved in her direction. It might’ve even been the way he kept coming up and buying more sweets.
Yes, it was definitely the sweets. He seemed hell bent on trying every item available at the bakery. The fifth time he sauntered up to the register Lily rolled her eyes, “You’re going to make yourself sick Potter”
“Probably, but I just can’t help myself around sweet things.” James said as he quite obviously looked Lily up and down with a smirk. “Meaning…”
“Potter. I know” Lily interrupted. “I know what you mean. You’ve been gawking at me for hours; you are anything but subtle.”
“You’re one to talk red” James said, propping his elbow up on the counter, “I’ve caught you sending eyes my way many a time as well.” He rested his chin on his hand while winking at Lily. 
“Right. I’m fit, you’re fit. Good to know we are on the same page here. Now get back to your table, my break is in an hour.”
“Anything for you love.”
“Do you work at all the rest of the week?” James asked her between bites of bread.
“Tomorrow evening and Sunday” Lily told him.
She ripped off another chunk of bread from the loaf they were sharing. Lily decided to spend her break sitting with James as he reviewed his favorite sweets and asked her about her schedule. 
“Brill, I uh, wanted to ask if you would come to my show on Friday night” The smile he tacked on at the end was hopeful.
“I didn’t know you had a show this week? I haven’t heard anything about it- where are you playing?”
“Oh well, yes, it is a bit of a secret. Sirius’ idea really” He gestured with his hands in an attempt to explain. “Our lead singer, my best mate he’s got a real flair for the dramatic that one. He convinced us to play at one of the places that first gave us a shot. Something about taking care of the little guys and standing up to the man. We are all pretty passionate about it now”
“Yeah, alright I’d love to.”
“Yeah, okay great actually, that’s excellent!” James gave her a megawatt grin. He looked down toward his notebook again and began rapidly flipping through the pages. Finally, he stopped on a page and ripped it out before passing it across the table towards Lily.
The note seemed distinctly James and Lily wasn’t really sure what that meant, she didn’t really even know this man all that well, but the page felt like James Potter. In the middle of the page was a hand drawn logo of a bar, The Hogs Head, with a large arrow that pointed to the time he would be playing. The time was circled multiple times with a small note that said, “Be punctual Evans”.
Across the top of the page was her name, written in a cursive script that was far prettier than she had ever penned her own name in. Lily’s eyes lingered a long time around her name and the drawing right beside it. James had drawn a small portrait of Lily laughing, her nose was scrunched close to her eyes which seemed brighter than usual. It was incredible what he had drawn of her with a simple black marker, the lines on her face and her freckles were expertly drawn, Lily’s breath caught as she looked up at James. He was staring intensely at her through his dark eye lashes, slowly his lips pulled to the side in a very signature smirk that Lily simply couldn’t handle looking at for too long. 
Lily shook her head trying to throw out that smirk, she knew she was in deep trouble when she had to pinch her leg before responding to James, “I didn’t know you were such an artist.”
“Nah, ‘m not. The gorgeous things in life end up drawing themselves” Potter spent a long time searching her flushed face before continuing, “I actually have to run to sound checks now, but trust me, I can’t wait to see you Friday.”
He reached across the table and gave her hand a tight squeeze before standing and walking out the door. Lily watched him go wondering how the way he had touched her so briefly had turned her legs to jelly. 
“Damn Lils, that Potter bloke won’t even know what a guitar is much less be able to play one once he sees you.”
Lily flashed a smile into the mirror towards her best friend, “You don’t think it’s too much do you?” 
“Absolutely not, we didn’t spend 2 hours trying on outfits for you to start second guessing how hot you are” Marlene let out a low whistle to prove her point.
Lily swatted at her flatmate, it did not take her that long to get ready- but even if it did, it was worth it. She’d decided to wear favorite black crop top which rested just above the smallest sliver of skin before her skirt pulled tightly across her figure hitting just about mid-thigh. Her favorite sheer tights matched her black Doc Martens perfectly and to top it all off she’d left her hair loose, Lily guessed Marlene was right, she was pretty damn hot.
Lily looked in the mirror one last time, she was ready to blow James Potter away.
Marlene pushed open the doors to the small venue, the outside made it look small, but it was actually pretty large on the inside. The lights were dimmed, and the crowds filled the room with a low roar, the place had an air of grunge to it. Lily glanced down at her watch, she and Marlene had showed up at the exact time Potter had written down for her, but there was no one on the small make-shift stage.
“Looks like that Potter bloke has you pegged already,” Marlene laughed as she pointed to a sign to the left of the stage.
“The Marauders” the messy scrawl on the sign read, “Tonight at 8”
It was 7:30. Potter must’ve given her an earlier time to make sure she wouldn’t be late. Lily rolled her eyes at her best friend, if James really knew her, he would know she wouldn’t dare to be late to see him. 
When The Marauders walked on stage Lily’s eyes locked on James, she felt a twinge of annoyance as he sauntered out waving at the crowd. It wasn’t entirely fair for someone to be that good looking, his white long sleeve contrasted perfectly with his black bottoms and shoes. As he stepped up to his mic he pushed up the sleeve on his right arm before resting it across the strings of his guitar.
 Honestly, she couldn’t bring herself to look at the rest of the band, the guitarist was just too mesmerizing. Was she obsessed with him? Probably. Was her heart rate going through the roof for reasons other than seeing a really good band? Definitely. Was she going to spend the rest of her night shamelessly staring at James Potter? Absolutely.
 As Lily came to terms with how quickly this man had taken over her thoughts the past few days, James turned around to walk to the back of the stage. The sandy-haired drummer was talking animatedly with the shaggy haired singer, for some reason Lily couldn’t quite remember their names. Potter threw his arm over the singer taking a moment to nod at the flustered drummer before pulling away a now red-faced front man. Potter gave his friend a final shove toward the forward microphone and the set list began.
There’s something about seeing a band play live that is exciting, the energy from the crowd is thrilling, the band going all out while playing, and the way your emotions come in waves. But, seeing a band that you love? Exhilarating. The long lead up before the song begins, singing along to your favorite song, the vibe of hearing a chorus live for the first time, all of it is magic. 
Lily was convinced that none of these feelings held a candle to seeing James Potter play. His entire body thrummed with the music, it wasn’t just his foot keeping pace, but his whole body moving as he played. The guitarist was emotionally involved in every note he played, the way his eyes followed his fingers, and how he strummed the chords perfectly in time. The smirk on his face was absolutely startling when he came in with a powerful riff or ran through a difficult set of chords. Lily decided that watching James perform was enthralling. 
As The Marauders lead singer said their goodbyes Lily finally remembered his name, Sirius Black, it wasn’t that hard to remember now that she wasn’t distracted by Potter’s arse. The moment Sirius waved goodnight, Potter placed his guitar on his stand and jumped off the front of the stage. 
Lily watched him weave through the crowd as he was stopped by many individuals for a photo or signature. Her attention was pulled from Potter as Marlene placed a hand on her arm.  
“Lils, are you okay if I head out now?” Marlene asked the question timidly, “I promised Dorcas I would stop by after the show.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I didn’t know you were seeing her again?” Lily was surprised her friend had kept the news from her, she was usually so open about her latest relationships
“It’s new and I don’t know,” Marlene shrugged, “I didn’t want to jinx it or anything.” 
Lily shook her head at her outgoing friend now turned shy at the thought of Dorcas. “Get going then, I’m sure she is waiting for you.” 
“Thanks Lils,” Marlene said as she pulled the redhead in for a hug, “Maybe we will both get a bit lucky tonight.” 
Ahh, there was her friend. Marlene practically ran out the front doors toward her new girlfriend. Lily turned her eyes back to the crowd searching for Potter, before she could locate him someone stepped right in front of her path blocking her view. 
“You’ve created a lot of grief for me Evans.” Sirius Black stood cooly in front of Lily, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked evenly at her. 
“And what would that be Black?” Lily crossed her arms challenging whatever Black was about to go on about. 
“You’ve driven this fool out of his mind the last few days” Black jerked his thumb over his shoulder toward Potter who walked up next to him. “All I’ve heard the last bit is all about Lily Evans, how witty and gorgeous you are. It is enough to turn me completely mental.” Sirius had a smirk on his face, but Potter looked warily at his friend. 
“I’d be happy to foot the bill for any harm my wit and or beauty has caused you.” 
Potter’s jaw dropped at Lily's quip while Sirius threw his arm around his mate and cackled. “I can see why you’ve been tracing her name every night” Sirius said as he used his other hand to pat James’ chest, “See you at home mate.” 
Sirius untangled himself from a now flustered James and turned to Lily, “Evans, it’s been more of a pleasure than you realize.” With a final wink sent to Lily, Sirius walked off into the crowd. 
“Tracing my name?” Lily posed the question while looking toward his left arm, the sleeve still flush with his wrist, whereas the other sleeve was racked up to his elbow. 
“Well, err,” the flush across his face deepened as James pushed up the sleeve to reveal the arm that Lily had signed a number of days ago. The writing was dark and thick, as if she had written it moments ago. 
“I just really liked the mark you left on me, and I didn’t want to lose it. So I, err, I’ve been tracing it over every night, so it stays with me.” He looked up at her with hopeful eyes. 
“Who knew you were such a softie Potter?” 
“Only around you Evans.” He took a step forward and grabbed her hand, “Thank you for coming, did you have a good time?”
“It was incredible! You were incredible!” Lily felt her face light up as she talked about the concert, “That last song was unreal, I loved where you came in at the end!” 
“Thanks, I wrote the song but it was Remus who came up with that section, he’s the musical genius of the four of us.” 
Potter began leading her towards the exit as he continued on about the song. He held tight to her hand as he walked her out the front doors, his other hand gesturing wildly as he explained the underlying tones of Pete’s keyboard and how it meshed with his chords. 
He stopped just outside of the bar before standing directly in front of her, his smile was reaching across his entire face as he took her in. “Evans you look stunning tonight.” His eyes roamed down her legs before returning to her freckled face. 
“Almost as good as my Hallows apron right?” Lily’s voice came out a bit breathier than usual. 
“Just about” 
James reached out toward her, allowing the crimson locks to run through his fingers as he looked intently at her. Lily struggled to swallow as his eyes ran across her face, his hand tucked her hair behind her shoulder before running down her arm. Shivers ran after his hand until he secured it against her own, pulling her a step closer to his body. 
“Listen, Evans, The boys and I always used to go back to the flat and just hang around after we played here. In the spirit of nostalgia we’re going to be doing it again, and I was hoping you’d come along tonight?” The hopeful smirk was back on his face as he looked down at her. 
“Lead the way Potter.” 
Lily let a smile break across her face as James mirrored her emotion, with a tug on her hand he pulled her alongside him into the night.
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manggojooz · 5 years
Pick A Side (Part 13)
pairing: Taehyung x reader
word count: 2,244
genre: university!au; angst; romance; thriller; a lil bit of fluff
warnings: slight references to voyeuristic behaviour 
previous part: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 
taglist: @destiel1597 @mila271 @hopetookmysoul @ximaginx@honeyursosweet @coffeecupyoongs@bangtanbaesstuff@annoyingpessimist @betysotelo18 @okaysoplshelpme@igot7bangs @tahaing @mochi-and-co @somewhereinthestarss​
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“I don’t want this thing to get any bigger than it already is... I just hope it dies down quickly and quietly. That is all I want now. I have no answer either. But somehow the world makes me feel that as the victim, finding the culprit, seeking justice, is not my priority”, Jihyun explained and stood up to leave.
“Jihyun...”, you called out to her.  
She didn’t turn around but she did stop moving towards the café’s door.  
“Don’t be fooled into thinking that he’s on your side...”, you preached.  
She suddenly felt a surge of irritation, she spun around and stalked back towards Taehyung and you.  
“My side? Then are you on my side? Is he on my side?”, she raged as she pointed at Taehyung. “Just because he’s here with you, you think he’s on your side now? You should be the one being worried about getting fooled, Y/N. Don’t be too happy now... we may all be in the same boat in the end.”
You suddenly felt a sense of embarrassment and a tinge of guilt. Who were you to be preaching a lesson to her? Everyone faces life with a different set of lenses. We have experienced different things, we have met different people, we have walked different paths. Thus, the specifications of our lenses cannot be the same. Even when we face that same landscape, that same frame, how we capture it and how the final picture develops, will ultimately be dependent on those lenses.  
You watched Jihyun walk out of the café and you thought to yourself, we always assume people share the same values and the same world view as us. That’s why it is difficult to understand when they see things differently from us. And when we don’t understand why they don’t think like us, we conclude that they stand against us, that they are on the other side.  
Jihyun stalks on, her winter boots clicking against the dull pavement. She kept her eyes on the ground as she walked along. She never used to be this way. She used to enjoy seeing the view on her way, but now she just doesn’t want to meet anyone’s eyes. The moment she does, she wonders whether they know about her, whether they are judging her.  
Out of nowhere, you rushed out in front of her, cutting her path. She was befuddled at your persistence. But then again, maybe you are just desperate to save Taehyung from this situation. You will probably never see it from her view – that what you are asking her to do, is to believe a guy who has hurt and abandoned her, and to give up on one who had supported her through the most difficult times.  
“Jihyun, I’m trying to-”, you started
“Y/N,”, Jihyun sighed and you immediately stopped talking, because you know you needed to hear her out, you needed to figure out what kind of lenses she has now. “Is it weird if I think that you must be happy this happened to me? Is it weird that I think you must also be happy to know that Taehyung never truly loved me? Even if it’s weird, that is what I think. And I have been suppressing and suppressing it, telling myself to not see you as the same petty person that I am. But here you are, making me doubt the only person that is keeping me stable now. Don’t... push me further please, I think I might really go crazy...”, Jihyun’s words were just pouring out.  
“You are petty...”, her face said it all, she was shocked that you would say it so abruptly and directly, “... but so am I. All the times Taehyung took your side. Every time I saw your triumphant smile, it’s as if I was the pettiest girlfriend who ever existed. I always thought to myself, I hope one day you will be in my shoes and will realise how it felt. But I’m not happy now either, Jihyun...”, you said.  
She was skeptical, she even scoffed lightly but that did not deter you from explaining, “... because I was the one who went around drawing those lines, separating myself from this person, from that person. If you are not standing on my side of the line, I get hurt. With these rules I made for myself, how can I ever expect to be happy?”  
You cannot deny that it is human nature to want to be sided with, but when you start obsessing over it, when everything is either your side or not your side, that becomes counter-productive, or in some ways, it can manifest into ‘jealousy’.  
“If I'm not making sense to you... what I'm really trying to say is that I was wrong to think that everything is black and white, my side or your side or whatever... what I'm getting at is that not everything is about picking a side, Jihyun. You are still my friend... I just want to help you, just like I want to help Taehyung too. There can be no other reason why I am doing this...”, you pleaded with her.  
“After all that has happened, you think we are still friends?”, she asked, very incredulously.  
“Why not? Even after all that has happened, you believed that I wasn’t the one who took those photos of you, right?”, you questioned.
She kept quiet and still, silently acknowledging it.  
“And despite your getting together with Taehyung not long after our break up, I believe you were just friends with him while I was dating him. I just wanted to tell you that”, you said.  
“I liked him”, Jihyun suddenly said. “I liked Taehyung before you guys got together. But when he was with you, I never intended to snatch him away. I was just not used to him prioritising another girl, we were best friends for a really long time you know...”, she said softly.
“I know...”, you replied.  
There was a long silence, both of you not really looking at each other but still stealing glances from time to time until Jihyun broke the silence, “He really locked up you up on the rooftop? Haejoong?”
You nodded, showing her a frost bite you had gotten on the sides of your palm. “It’s not about whether you believe me, it’s about what is the truth, we need to find out...”  
As Jihyun walks into the police station, Haejoong was sucked into his own vacuum amidst the bustling scene.  
A lot ran through his mind in a matter of seconds, and he stood up from his seat, his hands still cuffed in front of him as he approaches Jihyun. You wanted to jump at him a second time, but Taehyung held onto your wrist and shook his head at you.  
“Jihyun...”, she winces as he calls her name. Just as he inhaled to say something again, one police officer shouted from across the room.  
“Hyung, the room’s cleared!”, he pointed towards a corridor at the same time.  
Haejoong was moved into an interrogation room. Unlike the dramas it wasn’t dimly-lit, but it was shabby-looking. The police quickly got down to taking all of your statements before they will proceed to question Haejoong. Once your statements were given, Helen, Taehyung, Jihyun and you, were all told to leave. You were not allowed to watch the interrogation anyway.  
Jihyun requested to speak to Haejoong for just five minutes but was rejected by the policemen. “Come back after we are done questioning him, Ms Kim”, was all they instructed her.  
The next day you walked into class, that same one that you used to hate because of Jihyun and Taehyung, and used to find refuge in sharing the class with Haejoong.  
Some of your classmates were looking at you fleetingly, curious but not wanting to make actual eye contact. You took a deep breath and intended to bulldoze through the stairs to your usual seat at the back of the room, but a voice caught you by surprise.  
“Y/N”, you turned to see that it was Hyesoo, the teaching assistant who had called you. “These are mine, it’s only for your reference, don’t write on them, don’t crumple them and make sure you return it to me once the project is done”, she nagged and shoves a notebook into your face.  
You looked at the book with utter confusion and then back at her.  
“What? All four of you have been so caught up in producing your own little school drama that you forgot the project is due next Monday? With the number of classes you guys missed, and having one groupmate held in a police station... why do you keep looking at me like that, you don’t want my notes? Fine... give it back”, she sneered.  
She almost snatches the notebook from your grasp but at the last moment your fingertips stuck onto them and tore it back from her.  
“No no I just totally forgot about the deadline... thanks sunbaenim...”, you stammered.  
Her haughty air doesn’t let down, and her hair flips as she turns to walk away to her seat again.  
Taehyung and Jihyun were nowhere in sight during the class, so you messaged him asking where he was but there was no reply. You walked listlessly out of the building after the class ended, thinking whether to give Taehyung a call or to drop by the student office first.  
“Y/N”, it was Taehyung’s voice and you scanned around in the crowd of students, finally spotting him standing not far from the landing of the stairs that led out from the school building. Jihyun was next to him and as you approached them you noticed how her eyes were all red and swollen.  
“I called Jihyun this morning to make sure she would go for class, but she didn’t pick up and when I went to her room... she stayed up the whole night, I just couldn’t leave her there alone”, Taehyung explained.  
You nodded.  
“Are you feeling okay?”, you asked her. 
“I want to go meet him”, Jihyun said.  
“Why?”, she asked Haejoong who was sitting across the table from Jihyun and you. The police only allowed two people to meet him at one time, so Taehyung volunteered to wait outside, a little too willingly. 
“Why?”, he wasn’t mimicking her, he was genuinely bewildered that she didn’t understand him, his choices. He continued to peer at her, his hands hidden below the table.  
“I have so many questions, I don’t even know where to start”, she would pause a little between her words but she looked at him with a coldness resembling the season.  
“Because I like you... I would think you would know that by now-”, Haejoong answered but a scoff from you cuts him off.  
“Funny... that’s what you said to me not too long ago too...”, you spat sarcastically.  
He doesn’t even so much as glance at you, he was only fixated on Jihyun.  
“That was different”, he asserted without missing beat.  
You pouted your lower lip and slowly bobbed your head. “It was different... hmm... I thought about it for really long. Why is it that you liked Jihyun but approached me at the start?”
He finally turns to you, his eyes rather unconcerned about your phishing attempt. 
“You wanted to see if Taehyung would get jealous? You wanted to make Taehyung leave Jihyun...? You were just using me to achieve that?”, you theorised, you spoke slowly and peeked twice at Jihyun to make sure she was not too affected.  
“He doesn’t love her... she deserves to know that...”, Haejoong hisses at you in response.  
“Then why?! If you like me, why would you make everyone shun me like that... by taking those photos and videos?”, Jihyun bursts out at him eventually.  
“I didn’t make them shun you, Jihyun... don’t you see it? None of those bastards who claim to like you will stay by your side when it really matters. After Taehyung left you, they think they stood a chance”, he mocked and they would circle you like bees circling a flower, but look how they all just fly away when you face the smallest problem”, his answer sounded like he was trying to pacify a child who didn’t know better about the horrible world.  
“And you? You created the problem just to save me from it!”, Jihyun’s voice reeked with disbelief.  
“No! I didn’t create the problem... I was only showing you the problem. I was showing you the truth, Jihyun-ah!”, Haejoong leaned in as he shouted his reply at Jihyun. He was taken aback; this was the first time he raised his voice at her.  
“You are crazy...”, Jihyun whispered as she gripped her thighs to stop her hands from shaking.  
You reached out your right hand and gently placed it over her tightening left hand.  
“And it still wasn’t enough...”, Haejoong said with a dejected yet chilling expression.  
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witherins · 4 years
・  。  ◟   ⟨  🥀  ⟩   *    ──            so  ,  it  only  took  me  three  whole  days  to  write  this  ,  but  i  did  it  nonetheless  .  pls  focus  on  what  matters  most  :  the  dumpster  fire  of  an  intro  that  i'm  calling  my  own  .  i'm  cc  &  this  is  my  lil  thief  ,  pip  .  she's  a  mess  ,  not  a  cool  guy  &  entirely  based  off  of  the  song  her  by  chase  atlantic  ,  i  linked  it  :)  go  listen  to  it  :)  B  U  T  ,  if  u'd  like  to  plot  ,  react  to  this  or  lmk  if  u  prefer  d*scord  .
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ʻ   /   wow ,   i  am  so  excited  to  introduce  philippa  ‘  pip  ’  kwon  to  our  current  students  at  cape  coral .   she  is  extremely  excited  to  join   women’s  tennis .   coming  in  as  an  20  year  old  sophomore ,  they  shouldn’t  worry  about  fitting  in .   the   cis  female  scorpio   has  always  reminded  me  of  ha  sooyoung  ,  but  some  people  don’t  see  it .   trying  to  keep  the  fact  that  she’s  been  breaking  into  the  homes  of  the  wealthy  to  steal  for  profit  from  getting  around  this  school  is  going  to  be  tough .  no  worries ,   though ,   cape  coral  will  create  a  new  life  for  them ,   i  assure  you .  ʼ    
𝓲.     𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥   .
birth   name   :   philippa  kwon current   name   :   philippa   bae nickname(s) :   dumbass   ,   pip   ,   pippa age   :  twenty gender   /   pronouns :  cis  gendered   female   /   she  /  her  /  hers orientation   :  pansexual   /   panromantic hometown   :   portland  ,  maine faceclaim :  ha   sooyoung
fun facts :  significant  dumbass  ,  ruled  &  directed  by  money  –  meaning  she's  ecstatic  to  be  here  because  she's  trying  to  marry  rich  i  can't  lie  ,  has  a  third  degree  black  belt  in  taekwando  ,  has  sticky  fingers  &  thoroughly  enjoys  stealing  from  people  ,  can  knit  really  well  &  will  knit  her  friends  cute  sweaters  ,  also  !  is  good  at  fencing  but  doesn't  do  it  as  often  ,  really  good  at  drawing  &  theoretically  could  make  a  career  out  of  it  but  nah  .
aesthetic :  feet   planted   firmly   in   dark   soil   as   roots   do   ,   perfectly   imperfect   day   old   curls   ,   salty   tears   while   crystal   eyes   look   into   the   moonlight   ,   skipping   unabashedly   through   puddles   after   the   rain   ,   fingerprints   lingering   on   hot   skin   belonging   to   others   than   her   ,   framed   paintings   worth   millions   hanging   on   bony   shoulders   &   flushed   cheeks   accompanied   by   a   rosy   red   nose   .
𝓲𝓲.     𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕝𝕖   .
mom  doesn’t  want  her  ,  dad  thinks  there  are  too  many  kids  already  .  youngest  of  seven  ,  hues  filled  with  life  are  quickly  extinguished  when  she  grows  up  with  not  enough  love  .  siblings  are  hard  working  ,  fingers  calloused  from  hustling  on  the  streets  while  her  parents  wipe  sweat  from  their  brows  breaking  their  backs  to  barely  make  end’s  meet  .  five  &  left  on  a  crowded  street  ;  her  fingers  get  dipped  in  tar  for  the  first  time  as  she  lifts  a  wallet  from  a  protruding  pocket  .  she  thinks  she’ll  get  in  trouble  ,  but  she  gets  a  swift  congratulations  from  an  elder  sibling  as  they  collect  green  paper  from  the  wallet  .   doesn't  get  told  no  ,  so  she  doesn't  stop  .
moves  across  the  country  at  six  –  her  mom  is  chasing  a  career  that’s  going  to  fall  through  ,  but  none  of  the  nine  kwons  know  it  .  they’re  eager  &  pip  is  told  she  won’t  have  to  dip  her  fingers  into  full  wallets  anymore  ,  but  one  month  in  a  real  home  ,  the  walls  are  thin  enough  that  she  can  hear  someone  crying  in  the  next  room  .  hauntingly  ,  they  come  every  night  &  naivety  fills  her  mind  as  she  imagines  a  ghost  –  the  boys  at  school  have  called  it  a  weeping  woman  ;  they  don’t  know  how  right  they  are  .
she  says  goodbye  to  her  own  bedroom  that  fall  ,  moving  into  a  trailer  down  the  road  as  she  watches  another  princess  move  into  her  home  .  crystalline  tears  hide  behind  small  hands  and  as  an  outlet  ,  her  parents  gather  up  as  much  as  they  can  to  make  sure  she  never  has  to  be  like  them  .  they’ve  found  out  about  her  extracurriculars  ,  the  fights  she  gets  into  &  how  she  gets  extra  money  on  the  weekends  .  they  focus  her  never  ending  energy  elsewhere  ,  taekwando  ,  fencing  ,  soccer  ,  tennis  –  anything  the  rec  center  offers  for  free  ,  she  gets  signed  up  in  .  everything  that  requires  more  than  a  passion  ,  dad  works  extra  hard  for  her  .
grows  up  busy  ,  but  never  forgets  to  get  her  fingers  wet  .  the  art  of  pickpocketing  is  delicate  ,  but  it’s  one  she  has  mastered  before  she  hits  puberty  .  bracelets  are  sold  for  jewels  ,  sold  for  cash  ,  exchanged  for  food  .  spends  a  lot  of  teenagehood  looking  over  at  the  people  walking  on  the  clouds  .  they  walk  with  their  heads  held  high  ,  ignoring  a  girl  with  dirty  cheeks  as  she  steals  the  least  valuable  expensive  item  from  their  persons  .  she  wants  to  be  like  them  ,  but  she’s  barely  in  school  &  she’s  barely  making  it  .  will  she  even  be  alive  long  enough  for  an  opportunity  ?
her  parents  want  what’s  best  for  her  .  they  crave  a  child  with  success  &  they  know  her  potential  ,  even  if  she  doesn’t  see  it  for  herself  .  goes  to  community  college  ,  works  as  hard  as  she  can  while  discovering  a  life  of  crime  .  fate  is  the  reason  she  doesn’t  get  pulled  underneath  the  tide  ,  a  scholarship  presented  to  her  that  she  didn’t  think  she’d  win  .  doesn’t  know  how  she’s  chosen  ,  but  an  opportunity  to  rub  shoulders  with  the  people  she  so  despises  ?  she  won’t  let  it  pass  her  by  .
𝓲𝓲𝓲.     𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
exterior  .  flitting  &  free  ,  she’s  a  lifetime’s  experience  of  adventure  &  a  lust  for  something  greater  .  pip  always  has  something  to  do  ,  someone  to  see  &  she’s  intoxicating  .  like  honey  ,  she  has  a  way  of  drawing  people  in  &  trapping  them  in  amber  .  doesn’t  stay  for  long  ,  never  stays  for  long  –  due  to  an  irrevocable  fear  of  commitment  .  lost  a  lot  of  things  ,  not  interested  in  losing  anymore  .
interior  .  a  mess  ,  a  jumble  of  thoughts  &  emotions  that  when  mixed  together  ,  cause  acidic  reactions  .  doesn’t  stay  still  for  too  long  in  avoidance  of  the  things  inside  of  her  mind  ,  terrified  of  seeing  who  she  is  underneath  the  banter  &  the  laughs  .  always  wishing  for  better  ,  desperate  for  a  move  up  ,  doesn’t  want  to  be  like  her  family  but  has  always  known  deep  down  that’s  all  she’ll  amount  to  .
𝓲𝓿.     𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
so  yea  it  took  me  24  hours  to  write  this  but  what  r  u  gna  do  about  it  ?  my  wc  include  :  ride  or  die  ,  a  lil  ...  slow  burn  ,  a  big  ol’  “you  stole  from  me  i  remember  you!”  thing  ,  someone  she  wants  to  open  up  more  &  corrupt  ,  crushes  that  go  either  way  BOTH  unrequited  &  not  &  a  squad  .  :)  thanks  .  love  u  .
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that-one-thespian · 5 years
 (Sequel to this drabble here with Ezra and Jewel! Fern and Ezra belong to the amazing @wildfaewhump and this lil meet-cute is written with their permission! Thanks for letting me write with these babies!)
Ezra’s gone. “Ez?” Someone bumps into Fern, and a flash of anger makes them draw back, into someone else.
“Hey, watch it!”
Fern stumbles back into the sharp elbow of another protester. People brush against their bare shoulders, memories, anger, making signs and wanting to yell, wanting to hurt-
They sink to the ground, curling forward and trying to hide their arms, the bare skin that they felt comfortable enough to show today. Oh, oh, they want Ezra, where did Ezra go- is he okay, is he hurt, what if he doesn’t come back?
They look up just a little, trying to find him again, and their eyes fixate on a flash of blue coming towards them. “Ezra?”
Oh, it’s not him, it’s a girl with blue hair, and she’s coming towards them, big and tall and intimidating. Fern shrinks back. They’ve seen that kind of confident walk before, heard the sturdy thud of shoes coming for them that aren’t swayed by anything. Oh, what if she’s from an agency?
They pull their knees to their chest and cover their head with their arms, forming a tiny ball of Fern as if they might be able to shield themselves from her.
The footsteps get closer, closer, and stop. Fern lifts their head just enough to see the girl in front of them.
“Hey there, sweetheart, do you need some help?” The girl crouches and looks at them, and Fern watches in slow motion as the hand comes to rest on their shoulder, and they start shaking, wanting to twitch away, but oh, what if she’s from an agency, what if-
There’s a surge of worry, and the stranger pulls away her hand quickly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I won’t touch you, I’m sorry, sweetheart. Are you lost? Are you looking for someone?”
Fern nods anxiously. Oh, they were just with Ezra, where did he go?
“All right, I’ll help you find them, okay? It just so happens I’m looking for my friend, too.” She smiles. “My name is Elana. I won’t hurt you, okay? What’s your name, sweetie?”
“F- Fern,” they whisper into their knees. 
“Fern, I’m going to help you, I promise. What’s your friend’s name?”
“Ez, Ezra.”
“Ezra, okay.” She watches as Fern flinches away from another touch. “It’s a lot of touching, isn’t it? My friend I’m trying to find, she doesn’t like touch either, and when she gets overwhelmed, she takes this.” She holds out a jacket, black and leather and well-worn. “I know it’s not much, but it’ll keep people from touching you.”
They hesitate, but let Elana wrap them in the jacket. Oh, oh, it’s soft, so soft, soft and way too big for them, and embedded with memories of love and laughter and blankets and movies, cocoa and cuddles and safe.
Maybe she’s not from an agency.
“Do you want to hold my hand, sweetheart?” Fern hesitates at that, but they only pause for a moment before Elana picks up on it and withdraws her hand. “It’s okay, you don’t have to! Just stay close to me, okay? I’ll help you find your Ezra.”
“Okay.” Fern huddles close to her as she starts moving through the crowd, but barely a moment passes before someone forces their way between them to get past, and as soon as that gap is created, more people flood through it, and they can’t see her anymore. “Oh- Elana!” 
They just met her, but she wanted to help, and now she’s gone, and now they’re alone, they’re alone again.
They hunch their shoulders to make themselves small, flinching away from each person that pushes past them as they try to cover the back of their neck and hide their hands in the jacket. It helps, a little, but it’s still so much touching.
“Fern!” The voice rolls over the crowd of people just before Elana rushes towards them. “I’m so sorry, sweetie, are you okay? I know, I know that was a lot of touching, I’m sorry.” Fern clings to her before she can say anything else, memories of worry and concern and getoutofmywayIneedtofindthem washing over them before they tuck their fists in the sleeves of the jacket again.
“Fern, sweetheart, I’m going to lift you up, okay? Just so people don’t keep bumping into you, gonna just put you out of their way.” Fern closes their eyes and tenses, waiting for the touch, but it doesn’t come. “Fern, sweetie, is that okay?” Only after Fern gives a tiny nod do strong arms grip their waist, just a blank pressure through the jacket, and lift them into the air. 
Fern squeaks, but Elana settles them on her shoulders and the blank pressure of her hands move down to their shoes, holding them steady. “Nobody can touch you up there,” she says, looking up at them with a small smile. 
Oh, they’re tall now. They ball their hands in the soft sleeves and comfortable memories of the jacket and cling to Elana’s shoulders. Now that they aren’t so shocked by the height, they feel, almost, almost cool. ”What, what does your friend look, look like?”
Elana’s shoulders move underneath them as she chuckles. “She looks like you! She’s got red hair, too, and she’s pretty small. I thought you were her at first. C’mon, let’s start looking.”
High as they are, it only takes a minute or two for Fern to spot a familiar shock of blue hair. “Oh, oh, El, Elana, there’s, there’s Ez, and I, I think, your friend too!”
Even through the layers of clothing between them, they can feel the bright, blinding, happyrelief flash through Elana. She turns towards where they’re pointing. “That guy there, with the mohawk?” She checks even as she starts making her way through the crowd. Some people shove past her, but none of them touch Fern.
“Yes, yes, that’s Ez, thank you, Elana, really really helped.” Fern clutches Elana’s shoulders as they get closer.
Ezra’s face lights up when he sees them, and he crouches to say something to someone next to him- oh, she does look like Fern. “Elana, is, is that?”
“That’s Jewel!” Elana relaxes beneath them. Fern isn’t sure if the relief is hers or theirs.
Finally, finally, they make it out of the crowd, and Fern watches as Ezra’s searching eyes focus on them and soften. “You Ezra?” Elana stops in front of him. “I think you lost something.”
“Fern,” Ezra breathes, and he flashes a grin at Elana. “Wanna swap? I’ll trade you a gem for a plant.”
“Sounds like a fair trade.”
They hold on tight as Elana crouches and Ezra helps them off of her shoulders. Fern hugs him tight, feeling only the gentle memories of Elana’s jacket. 
Ezra appraises Elana. “Nice hair.”
“Nice eyebrows,” she counters with a grin. “I’m Elana.”
“Ezra. Thanks for finding my fiddlehead.” Ezra ruffles Fern’s hair. “Nice jacket, buddy!”
Oh! They untangle their arms from Ezra and pull them from the sleeves of the jacket. “Thank, thank you for the, the jacket. Helped a l-, a lot.”
Elana takes the jacket from their hands and wraps it around their shoulders without a second thought. “Keep it,” she says with a smile that warms Fern down to their toes.
“Oh, oh, are you sure?” This is a really nice jacket, and it’s so soft and has so many nice memories- “Don’t you want to, to keep it?”
The littler one- Jewel- shakes her head. “It looks better on you than it does on either of us.”
Fern blushes a little and hides their arms in the sleeves again, hugging the material tight. “Thank you,” they whisper, a little awed by the gesture. They’re so nice.
“Consider it a thank you!” Jewel tells them, freckled face beaming. “I’m so glad you found Elana and kept her safe.”
Oh. They duck their head a little, smiling shyly as they feel color rise to their cheeks.
“Hey, you guys wanna get some ice cream? My treat,” Elana offers. “We’ve earned it.”
Fern nods eagerly up at Ezra when he looks down to check.
“Hell yeah!”
Fern lets Ezra wrap an arm around their shoulders, safely shielded by the jacket, and Jewel takes Elana’s hand, and they set off together down the sidewalk.
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broke-n-bitchy · 5 years
Wicked Dreams
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Nikki Sixx x OC
Part Five
Warnings; drinking, cursing, smoking, drugs use, angst, lil smutty 
-Lucy’s POV-
August 9th. Today was already a particularly hard day for me. Today marked the ninth year of my mother’s death, it was still hard for me to believe that I’ve spent almost an entire decade without the only person I could ever truly rely on in this fucked up world.
Back at home, I would usually spend this day with a six pack next to her grave. Sitting there, peeling off the flower petals off of the bouquet that I’ve gotten to lay in front of her headstone. I would cry, laugh, and talk to her like she was right there with me. I don’t know if it was the booze, but it felt like she was. And before I’d leave, I would make sure to remind her that I’m doing alright.
This is the first time I haven’t been home for this day and honestly, it was hitting me like a fucking brick. Staring at myself in the mirror of the dressing room, I heard a knock on the door, “Lucy, you guys are on in ten!” Doc explained through the door, “I’ll be right there!” I responded, I was ready but for some reason, I couldn’t find my boots. Did I leave them back at the hotel? No, I don’t think I did.
Looking around frantically, I began tearing apart the dressing room.
That’s when I heard another knock on the door. “I said I’ll be right there Doc!” I yelled I knew he was impatient but damn. I was running around barefooted. 
Most girls’ get necklaces, bracelets or whatever else from their mother, but my mom was a field medic and of all her belongings, I always loved her combat boots. I was so happy the day I could finally fit into them without shoving socks in the toes.
They were extremely beaten up, writing all over them, being held together with duct tape but I didn’t care. I’d wear those until I couldn’t anymore.
Those boots and my guitar were the only two things that actually made me feel like she was right there with me, every single night on stage.
“Actually, it’s Nikki. I uh- I have something for you.” I quickly came back from losing my train of thought, “Oh, come on in! I’m dressed.”
The door opened and he stepped inside, he was holding a medium sized white box in his hands,
“Not now, Sixx, I can’t find my boots anywhere.” 
“Oh, that’s what I have, here they are.” He handed me the box with a small, awkward smile. He wasn’t used to doing nice things for other people, as a matter of fact, he sucked at it.
“Uh.” I didn’t know how to respond but I took the box and pulled the lid off. Looking at the pair of brand new, studded leather boots that could reach up to my knees. These weren’t it. These weren’t the army green boots being held together by a thread.
“Where are my old ones?” I asked him, trying my best to make sense of the situation.
“Oh, yeah, those. I threw them away.” Without any hesitation, I threw both new boots at him, “What is wrong with you?!” I yelled, not even holding back. I have been on my best behavior all day, I haven’t cried or anything. I was honestly saving up all of my anger and sadness for the stage so I could let it out in a positive way but Nikki just happened to push me to my last limit.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He yelled back, moving a bit closer, “They have torn the fuck up and honestly, making the entire bus smell like fuckin’ death! I thought maybe you needed a new pair! Why are you being such a fucking bitch! I do something nice for you and this is how you thank me!?” At this point, he was hovering over me, his normal tone dropped to a low bass sound and honestly, it scared me a little but I wasn’t going to let him know that.
“They were my mother’s, Nikki! My dead mother’s! Today is the anniversary of her death and I wanted to wear them tonight! I didn’t want new boots, I just wanted those! And I don’t have to thank you because I didn’t ask for them!” Pressing my finger against his chest, I paused but wasn’t going to stop there.
“I know you don’t know what it’s like to have anything of sentimental value or know what it’s like to feel closer through an object that was from someone you loved, but just because you grew up in a shitty home doesn’t mean you can go around disrespecting the rest of us and our fucking shit! Keep your hands off of my shit from now on!”
I honestly couldn’t believe he did this. I know it sounded stupid, I know to anyone else it was ridiculous that I was getting hyped up over a pair of shoes but right now I didn’t care.
He stared at me and the expression on his face was unreadable, but there was a small glimpse of sadness in his eye from what I said. It disappeared faster than it came.
“You know what? FUCK YOU! Fuck your shitty attitude, and fuck your dead mom! I don’t give a fuck!”
“You don’t give a fuck, because you only think about yourself! It’s suffocating with how fucking self-absorbed you are!” I know I was being way too harsh but this was just years of anger finally bubbling to the surface.
The craziest part about all of this was that last night, we were taking turns snorting coke out of this groupies belly button, laughing, and having the time of our fucking lives. I’ve become such a good wingman that at this point, even Vince and Tommy turned to me for help.
He stared at me for a moment before getting extremely close, hovering over until I could feel his breath against my cheeks. He smelled like liquor, blow, and sweat, but the mixture with his cologne had me drawn to it.
His voice was so low that it sends a shiver down my spine, “You and your fucking band were nothing but nobodies, barely getting gigs back in Texas, and if it wasn’t for us answering your call, and if it wasn’t for us, you wouldn’t even be drawing a crowd bigger than it is now. You play good, you look good, and your band has brought in a lot of new fans. And if it wasn’t for us, you’d be living in a shitty apartment with three guys working some dead-end fucking job, getting nowhere in life. So if I were you, I would watch your fucking mouth on who you’re talking to. Because I can easily take this away as easily as I gave it to you.”
No one, not even my mother, has ever spoken to me like this. Ever. It was just my mom, cousin, and I for most of my life. I didn’t know my dad so she always tried to be more gentle than firm. I guess that’s why what he said was turning me on. He never broke eye contact, didn’t even blink. I felt a lump in the back of my throat. He was right, I should be more grateful for what I have. I also shouldn’t have said what I did to him.
But I wasn’t about to let him know that. 
There was someone who cleared his throat at the doorway, “Sorry to interrupt, but Lucy, you’re on.”
I nodded, shoulder checking Nikki while I grabbed the boots, sliding them up to my legs and zipping them. He got the size right. I had my converse, but I wasn’t about to wear those with studded jeans and a leather crop top.
 “We’re not done talking,” Nikki said before I bolted out of the door. 
-Nikki’s POV-
Standing on the side stage next to Vince and Tommy, I watched as our opening act performed. Normally, I’d be in the back drinking and fucking whatever girl gave me the first glance but I was too pissed off.
Why did Lucy have to be so fucking stubborn? I tried doing something nice for her and she goes off. But, fuck, how was I supposed to know that today was her mom’s death anniversary? We weren’t exactly good at deep conversations.
I hate that she’s so damn stubborn and prideful. You know what else I hate? The fact that she’s fucking talented, because now I can’t fire her.
Her with her laid back attitude, being my wingman. Her fucking soft hair and how does she always smell like cherries? It was obnoxious, like even after getting off stage drenched in sweat. 
Watching as her little hips shook to the beat, her head banging while sliding down onto her knees during her solo, I couldn’t help but crack a small smile. In spite of everything that annoyed me about her, she was a natural on stage. They all were.
“Nikki!” Tommy yelled in my ear, shoving me over, “What?” I asked I didn’t realize I was thinking so hard. I don’t think, like ever. I just do.
“I said here, have a bump. Were you not listening?”
“No,” Responding, I grabbed the small dish, quickly snorting up two fat lines, proceeding to scoop some up with my finger and lick it then passing it along to Vince.
Snagging the bottle of Jack from Vince, I took a swig and nearly spat it out and what I saw Lucy do next. She slid across the stage then proceeded to hold her guitar up in the air while dry humping the stage during Ryder’s drum solo. Holy shit.
It drove the crowd insane, she stood up and reached her hand out to some of the fans, running towards the center of the stage next to Alex, they sang the last bridge of their final song for the night together.
I’m not going to lie, during their audition, I didn’t really pay attention. Not until I heard her voice. Alex was a damn good singer but there was a part of me that felt like Lucy should take over as lead, just the way she was so natural at it and in spite of our fight earlier, I had to respect her for everything she goes through and still pushes to be her best every night.
Once their song was over, the crowd roared through the venue, Alex spoke up, “Thank you! We’re System Insomniac, but it’s time for the main event! Motley fuckin’ Crue!”
The crowd roared even louder.
We were about to go on in about fifteen minutes, roadies had to set up props and replace the instruments.
“That was gnarly dudes’!” Tommy yelled in excitement once they came off the stage, he lifted Lucy up and twirled her in his arms while giving Sami a high five,
“That was hot Lucy,” Vince told her as soon as Tommy sat her down, “Thanks, yeah I wanted to try something new.”
“Well, it worked,” Alex laughed while draping his arms over Lucy and Ryder.
“Lucy, can I talk to you for a minute?” I spoke up after realizing I was being quiet.
“Uh, yeah. Sure,” Stepping off to the side to leave everyone else to speak amongst themselves.
I never did this but I was about to apologize, but instead, her arms reached up and engulfed me in a huge hug. “I’m so sorry I was a bitch to you earlier, I am. It’s just been a shitty day for me today and I took it out on you. I shouldn’t have.” She mumbled in my ear before pulling back, her bright blue eyes meeting mine. But tonight, they were a little more grey. Her hands still rested on my shoulders, and goddamnit, how does she still smell so fucking good?
“You were right, I really should be more grateful for everything. And I am, I really am. This, this is my dream and you helped make it come true, Nik. Thank you, and I’m sorry about the whole boot situation. It was actually really thoughtful of you to go get me a new pair, and I appreciate it. As much as I loved my mother, and I loved those boots, you have to let go of the past sometimes. Right?”
I didn’t really know how to respond, “Right.” Was all I could really say, her touch had this odd effect on me. A part of it felt soothing. In some sort of way.
She nodded, her chest still heaving from her compelling performance. “So, are we good, Sixx?”
A smirk played at my lips whilst I took the chance to snake my arms around her waist, tugging her a bit closer to me, “Yeah, we’re good.” Her grin grew wide and she pulled me into another hug. Burying my face into her neck, my hand slid down her ass and gave it a small squeeze.
“Nikki!” She squealed, letting out a laugh, “Sorry, a force of habit.” I removed my hand and let go of her embrace even though a part of me didn’t want to. “I’ll see you after the show, doll,” I told her before turning around and bolting off towards the stage.
Later that night 
Once we were done with our show, we hopped off the stage and went to meet everyone else in the back.
They were all sitting in the small lounging area, Lucy had changed from her stage outfit into a pair of cut off shorts and a tank top, but she was still wearing her new boots. She was twirling a pen in her mouth while staring down at her journal, Ryder was sitting in the back where Mick at joined to drink.
Alex and Sami were talking to us about going to a party, and Tommy and Vince were on board. “Coming, Nikki?” Alex asked, “Hang on a minute,” I told him before going and plopping down next to Lucy, draping an arm over her shoulder.
“What is it with you and cut off jeans?” I questioned while my other hand played with a loose string of fabric that hung off of her thighs, “We country girls love our Daisy Duke’s.” She responded without looking up, placing a cigarette between her lips and lighting it.
“Interesting. So, you coming along to the party tonight?” Pulling the cigarette from her mouth after she took a drag, and taking a few drags myself before handing it back to her.
“Um, I was actually just going to go back to the hotel. Maybe spend some time in the jacuzzi and have some alone time.” She told me while glancing over at me.
Looking up towards the guys’, “I’m just going to go back to the hotel tonight.” I told them which was rare. Nikki Sixx never missed out on a good party.
Tommy gave me a weird look but quickly shrugged it off. Sami walked over to us, pulling Lucy up off of the couch and into a tight hug, “I miss her too.” I heard him say while he squeezed her tightly. She nodded, and I watched a small tear escaped and slid down her cheek, “Yeah, I know. I love you, man,” She patted him on the back before withdrawing her arms, I could tell she was trying her best to console her tears. “But you go have fun tonight, okay?” She smacked him on the arm and he nodded before heading out the door with the rest.
“Better make sure they don’t end up dead, see you guys’ later,” Mick told us before heading out with Ryder.
Back at the hotel, I headed back to my room and waited for about twenty minutes, and after changing, I went and knocked on Lucy’s door. I heard her say hang on, and a few seconds later she opened the door. She was wearing a red bikini and had a bottle of wine in her hand along with a few towels, I smiled a little at the sight. I know we’re just friends and that’s all we will ever be but that doesn’t mean I can’t stare at her smokin’ hot body.
“Where’s your usual scotch or bourbon?” I asked her, eyeing the bottle in her hand.
“I’m in the mood for something sweet tonight.” 
Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a little clear baggy of white powder, “I’ll join ya,” She smiled, giving me a small nod before stepping outside of her room and shutting the door.
We started walking down the hallway, and once we reached the elevator, she turned to me, “Okay, what gives? Why aren’t you at the party, doing body shots with one groupie while another one sucks you off?”
I shouldn’t have laughed but that was a pretty damn good assumption of what would probably be happening at the party if I was there.
“Well, I thought maybe you’d want some company tonight.” I shrugged. At the time, I didn’t think anything of it.
-Lucy’s POV-
Sliding into the jacuzzi, I let out a groan in pure bliss. My knees were killing from tonight's performance. Popping the lid off of the bottle, I took a drink before leaning against the ball of the tub. Looking over, Nikki was sitting in the chair next to me, he was staring.
“What?” I questioned, cocking an eyebrow in confusion.
“When’s the last time you got laid?” He asked me out of the blue. I don’t even remember, it’s been so long. I leaned back, trying to remember.
“That’s sad,” He laughed at me while starting to sort lines of blow on the table he was sitting in front of, I rolled my eyes and shrugged.
“Sorry, I’m a disappointment,” I told him while taking another drink, he snorted up a line real quick before leaning down and pulling the bottle from my hands, taking a drink.
“I meant that’s sad for you, I mean, you’re always getting us laid but never worry about yourself?” I shrugged, I never thought of it that way.
“I guess I’m one of those people that needs to have a whole lot of sex,” I told him, stepping out of the tub and standing over the table, I took the straw off of the table and snorted the next line, sniffling a little bit before dipping back in.
Glancing up, I watched Nikki start kicking off his shoes and unbuckling his pants, “What are you doing?” I asked him while he stripped down to his boxers. My eyes scanned his thighs up towards his torso before reaching his jawline, I bit my lip before glancing away.
“The fuck does it look like?” He slid in next to me, putting an arm behind me while leaning back, “Mm, taking a night off was a good call,” He said while staring up towards the night sky. “Yeah, it was. Until you joined me,” My wit was going to get me in trouble one day. He seemed to just ignore me while he kept his gaze upwards, and mine was on his facial features. He hadn’t wiped his stage makeup off yet and it was smudged at this point. But for some reason, it suited him.
I don’t know if it was the high or what but my fingers started dancing mindlessly across his chest, “You were really good on stage tonight,” I told him as I placed my hand onto his cheek so he could meet my gaze. He gave me a smug smirk.
“So were you, doll.” I felt his hand dip into the hot water and tug me closer by my hip. He had the bottle of wine in his other hand, and I reached for it, taking another drink before passing it back to him.
I know what he’s like, I know what he does. Hell, I help him pick up women almost every night. So, why was I feeling like this? What he said to me earlier, about taking everything away from me; it just changed my perspective on all of this. It was seriously bothering me that the way he looked at me earlier, with such intensity, and what he said, it turned me on. No guy has ever spoken to me like that before.
We sat there, in silence. Just listening to the jets in the hot tub, staring up at the sky while passing the sweet wine back and forth to each other. It was weird, to see him like this. Relaxed and unwinded, not having Tommy or some groupie latched to his side.
“Hm,” I hummed while stepping out of the jacuzzi, drying my hands off and picking up his little baggy and the straw, I dipped back down into the tub. “‘Nother bump?” I asked, pft, like I needed to.
His head perked up and watched while I distributed two even lines on the ground above the hot tub. Handing him the straw, he snorted up the first one before passing it back.
After snorting up mine, I tilted my head back with a small giggle before looking back towards him. He had a little blow on his lip.
“Hey, you have a little-” He met my gaze, his green orbs poured into mine while I swiped the little bit of coke off his lip with my thumb. I didn’t break eye contact, nor did I realize what I was doing. Placing my thumb between my lips, I sucked the rest of the residue off before letting go with a loud ‘pop’ noise. Biting my lower lip afterward while I tried to suppress a giggle but failed.
“Fuck,” He breathed while he swallowed harshly. He leaned back, letting out a breath and taking a long drink from the bottle, I grabbed it from him and finished off the rest of it before leaning over and pushing it off to the side, my back facing him because I was trying to aim it in the trash can a few feet away from us, but failed miserably.
I felt a pair of rough fingers start tracing the tattoo next to my shoulder blade on my back, “What does S-L-R stand for?” He questioned, I turned to face him halfway so he could still see my tattoo, “Suzanne Lynn Rollins,” I responded. Lovelace was just my stage name. Rollins was my maiden.
“Oh, okay, it’s a badass tattoo,” He complimented, turning around, I moved closer until I was standing between his legs. Sadly it was the only one I had, but I looked forward to getting more in the future. Tracing my fingers across the ones on his biceps, moving my fingers along his arms soothingly, “I like yours, too,” I told him, he moved his hands to my waist, pulling me closer until I was propped up onto his lap.
“Mhmm,” He mumbled, my hands were planted on his chest while one of his on my waist, guiding down towards my ass, this time I let it slide. The other one coming up to move the small hairs that were starting to cover my forehead, he slicked them back for me. Thinking nothing of it, because I’m a little fucked up; my hands moved up from his chest to the sides of his face, moving his hair away from his eyes so I could see them better. Scooting up a little closer, I straddled his waist. His hands rested firmly on my hips to stop me from moving, “Knock that off, damn,” He grunted, and I started laughing, “What, why?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows.
He leaned upwards until he wasn't propped against the wall of the hot tub anymore, his face a few centimeters from mine. “Because,” He mumbled. The breath in my throat hitched, what was happening right now? And how could it be so wrong if it just felt so good?
My eyes glanced from his down towards his lips, licking my own. I couldn’t fucking take this anymore. Leaning in, my lips smashed against his in a needy type of way, and he didn’t hesitate to return the kiss. It just felt so fucking good, his lips tasted like sweet wine and cigarettes.
His hands went from holding me firmly in his lap back towards my ass, giving it a firm squeeze, mine went flying to his hair, tugging and pulling at it like I wanted to do since the first time I’ve laid eyes on him. He nipped at my lower lip and I gladly opened my mouth up to the invitation, our tongue swirled together in sync in a very heated kiss. He grunted into my mouth, and it sent a vibration down my spine. He stood up and I took the opportunity to snake my legs around his waist, he backed me up against the wall, his hands squeezing and groping my ass one moment, the next running them up to the curves of my hips before back down again.
My own went from pulling at his hair to running them along his back as I tugged his lower lip between my teeth.
He groaned in what seemed like frustration, pulling away from our kiss, we were both breathing heavily, and he looked at me like he was asking if he could keep going. I was quite literally breathless, all I could do give a nod. He grinned, burying his face in the crook of my neck, nipping and biting at the skin. Letting out soft whimpers, trying my best to keep as quiet as I could, he moved downwards to my cleavage and he immediately found a soft spot that I didn’t even know I had. Right above my right tit, he gave it a little nip and I let out a moan instead of a whimper this time. He smirked against my skin before he kept suckling at that same spot. I could feel the heating sensation between my thighs and I knew there was going to be a hickey there later.
“Oh my god,” I breathed, tilting my head back while my mouth fell open, he reached around behind me and began fumbling with the strings of my bikini. He was about to untie it until we heard a very loud voice followed by someone pushing the gate open that led to the pool area.
“We’re back!” Tommy yelled and Nikki quickly pulled back from me and moved to the other side of the jacuzzi, “Oh, hey!” I exclaimed in false excitement. What a cockblock.
“Where’s everyone else?” I asked, he was walking around with some blonde on his arm, “Went up to their rooms, mind if we join ya?” He asked but he was already taking his clothes off.
“Sure man,” Nikki said while keeping his eyes fixated on me, “Yeah, but I’m actually headed to bed. Night guys.” I quickly withdrew myself from the jacuzzi, grabbing one of the towels from the chair and wrapping around my body before heading back inside. I was mentally cursing Tommy right now.
I know what I said but Nikki just had this way about him. Shit, I was going to need a cold fucking shower after this.
@triplehaitches​ @knightwhosaysnii​ @lovesick-heart0​ @carmineharry​ @slowandangry​ @rxsesinjune​ @fandomshit6000​
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minnochu · 5 years
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Yoongi Scenario REQ.
(A/N): Hiya so this is pretty short, just a cute lil small scenario, hopefully you like it! It’s been a while since I wrote for BTS as idols since I mostly write AU!fics. So hopefully I did okay lol. 
This was one of the requests I got, I might just do a few to most of them, probably not all so bear with me I’ll post them as soon I finish writing for the ones I take :)) Probably don’t expect another too soon since I’ll be hecka busy with school and work for the next four days.
**I realized I didn’t make them too furious, but I feel like even if one of them did get angry, someone else would try to remain calm and try to handle it professionally so yeah.
*** I hope y’all like my unoriginal title ‘cause I didn’t know how else to title it without sounding dumb.
*** edit: whoops i put 24 months. I meant weeks im dumb LOL
Lights. Cameras. Flashing. Screaming and even… was that crying? It always seemed to amaze you how dedicated these fans and cameramen were at getting a piece of renown K-pop group BTS. It was even more amazing to see so many of them waiting for the group’s return from the US + plus you. It would be your last trip with the boys for a while, so to ensure your safety as you reach over 24 weeks of pregnancy with your husband’s child. Your husband, the K-pop boy band idol.
Glancing to the left of you, you smiled softly at the love of your life. After a mild argument and lots of insisting, Min Yoongi dumped his duffel bag on top of your rolling suitcase to carry it himself. You had dismissed it as overprotective but you know he only cares for your well being and his child in your belly. His arm is bent is let you hold onto his elbow as the rest of the boys walk ahead and behind you.
You lay a hand over your belly, glancing at the sea of fans that are barely being held back by a few airport security. A headache is growing as you take a deep breath and try to soothe your rising anxiety at the amount of girls screaming their names and reaching out for a piece of them. Some days, the girls know their boundaries and keep behind the security with their outstretched hands gripping to their cellphones to catch a glimpse of the boys. There are other days, like this one, where the girls are rowdy and just extra thirsty.
Despite walking with the group for a while now, you still feel uncomfortable in the big crowd, even now as you cradle your stomach and try to calm your uneven breath. You try to keep quiet and to yourself, as not to draw any attention to yourself. Not like that did anything when headlines always had something to say about your airport fashion.
You’re weary of the fans as one especially antsy one crashes into your side when the girls push and force themselves towards the boys. Yelping, your immediate response is to shield your belly as you stumble against Yoongi who catches you immediately. His eyes narrow as he slings an arm around your shoulders, pressing you closer to him defensively.
“I-I’m so sorry!” The girl squeaks, intimidated by the anger that crosses the rapper’s normally lazy and blank expression.
“What the fuck do you think-”
Before he can finish his reply with anything snarky, Jimin stands beside you to your right as Jungkook towers over you from behind and the others take the front. Namjoon lags behind a little to shoot Yoongi a look to chill out. 
Meanwhile, Jimin smiles kindly at the distraught fan, waving it off, “Please be careful next time, (Y/n)’s not feeling too well, so please watch out okay?”
“You wouldn’t want to hurt the baby, would you?” Jimin continues, an underlying threat in his normal tone. It was quite amusing on your part, but you felt bad for the poor girl who had to witness her favorite idol’s anger first hand.
“Y-yes, I’m sorry again!” She exclaims, bowing her head as she and other fans back off to leave the group space.
Jimin meets her with a grateful smile, before glancing down at you with a worried frown.
“You okay, Noona?” Jungkook asks from behind you, glancing down at your hand cupping your tummy. His doe eyes look concerned as he makes sure to shield you from anymore incidents throughout the walk.
“I’m fine, thank you guys… for your concern,” You smile embarrassed as Yoongi takes your hand in his and squeezes it firmly. His hand is warm and full of security as it engulfs yours and silently promises you protection from anything that would and could harm you. It’s quite endearing to experience the small and cute little gestures from him to show he cares. 
Heart thrumming and filling with butterflies, you turn to nuzzle his shoulder sweetly, “Thank you for protecting me as well.”
“I didn’t do anything,” He pouts, pointedly looking towards Jimin who did most of the talking, “He handled it better than I would have anyways.”
You can attest to that. Especially when Yoongi almost let his emotions wreck havoc and curse out the poor fan.
“You worry too much,” You laugh, hugging his arm close to you, “I know you caught me from falling, dummy.”
“I also know that you’re anxious,” He shoots back bluntly, bringing up your joined hands to press his lips against your knuckles, “I just want you both to be safe. It doesn’t help when all these fans are swarming us and could possibly hurt you and our baby...”
“I know,” You hum, “Thank you.”
Jungkook pouts at this from behind you as your group nears the van. Hooking his arms around your neck from behind, he whines, “How about us Noona?”
You smile as Yoongi swats the younger away from you, “Of course, thank you.”
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gossamie · 5 years
real bitches get revenge.
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summary — one frat party. one cheating and (soon-to-be) ex-boyfriend. one plan to get revenge.
pairing — jeon jungkook x park jimin x reader (ft. bts)
genre — fluff & humor
word count — 2,514
warnings — swearing, mentions of alcohol, and poorly made dick jokes
notes — this story has been sitting in my drafts for some time now, but i’m so glad i finally finished it! this is a lil different from what i normally write, but i wanted to push myself from my usual angsty fics and give you guys something more lighthearted. i hope you enjoy (bad humor and all)!
p.s. disclaimer: i am not implying through this story that jungkook is a cheating asshole, nor do i think that any of the other characters are exactly like the stereotype i portrayed them as. this is purely for fictional purposes. 
p.p.s. thank you thank you thank you @louvresdemiel, aka luna, for reading this story and giving me advice! love you <3
“Revenge is sweet and not fattening.” — Alfred Hitchcock
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Jeon Jungkook— the president-slash-poster-child of Pi Rho Omega and the spitting image of charisma, charm, and confidence. He’s the guy that everyone wants to be friends with, the guy that makes any frat party legendary, the guy you hate to love, and the guy that you’re lucky to call your loving, loyal boyfriend.
Well, soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, because he’s currently kissing another girl.
You probably would’ve still seen Jungkook shoving his tongue down that girl’s throat even if Seokjin hadn’t pointed it out to you. It was as if they were asking for an audience; they were pressed up against the kitchen island, their grimy hands moving and grabbing each others’ bodies in every direction but especially towards the parts where the sun doesn’t shine, and you could’ve sworn you saw spit flying from her mouth and drool slobbering down Jungkook’s chin like a dog— or, more appropriately, like the bitch he is.
Sure, you were sad— after all, you had spent the entirety of your senior year falling in love with Jungkook— but, more than anything, you were… angry. You were angry because he had chosen to cheat on you. He had chosen to walk away from your relationship. He had chosen to throw away a year’s worth of endless laughter and stolen kisses and hushed secrets and infinite love all for some random sorority girl he met five seconds ago.
In that moment, as you watched your loving, loyal boyfriend kiss another girl, you knew that he didn’t deserve you, not now and not ever. In that moment, you knew that you deserved better than him. In that moment, you knew that you’ll always deserve better than some cheating, two-faced prick.
Whatever there was between you and Jungkook, it was over the minute he decided you apparently weren’t as important as a drunk make-out sesh.
But he’s made his choice. Now, you’ll make yours.
And your choice?
To get sweet, sweet revenge.
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“Y/N, what the hell are you planning to do?”
“What do you mean?” you reply as you batted your eyelashes at Seokjin, feigning innocence, something sickly sweet coating your tone. Earlier, you had shrugged off his attempts to comfort you, not because you didn’t appreciate them, but because you didn’t need them; they were only a distraction, anyway. There was only one thing you concentrated on as you pulled Seokjin aside from the throng of partygoers: enlisting your friend’s help in your plan for revenge.
“I know that look in your eyes. Whenever you get that look, I know you’re about to do something, and it’s not something pretty.”
“Are you trying to stop me from getting back at Jungkook?”
“Oh, hell no. I’m about to shove my foot up his ass faster than his three-inch dick can inflate.”
“Great. You and I are on the same page. So, will you please help me?”
Seokjin sighs, weighing the options in his mind. Should he maintain a semi-clean moral record, or should he take the opportunity to shove Jeon Jungkook’s shit right in his pretty little face?
But Seokjin realizes there was only one correct option out of the two and that it was definitely not the first one, so he replies, “What do you need?”
You devilishly smirk and focus your attention back to the raging party, taking care not to shift your eyes too far to the right so as not to look at the kitchen and, subsequently, (gag) him. “You know more about the fraternities than I do. I need to know who the somewhat-decent bachelors are in this room and everything you know about them.”
“So, should I start off with me?”
“Oh my gosh, you actually said something funny for once in your life!”
“Okay, listen here, I don’t appreciate the sarcasm, bit—”
“Just kidding! Now, focus. There has to be someone in here, right?”
Seokjin nods, and you follow his gaze to a head of rose gold hair and a nose buried deep in a sketchbook leaning against a wall at the back of the room. The man looked familiar to you; you remembered seeing him wandering peacefully around campus, often carrying a vintage camera or watercolors in his hands. For some reason, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his profile, drawn in by the mysterious aura that lingered around his hunched figure and hung in his deep brown eyes.
“That,” Seokjin remarks, “is Kim Taehyung. Fine arts major. Gamma Mu Mu. I like to think of him as the school’s token art hoe.”
You scoff. “Why do you say that?”
“He fits the stereotype perfectly. He refuses to take pictures on anything other than his Polaroid, he stans Van Gogh, and he thinks he invented wearing wire-rimmed glasses. I’m pretty sure I heard him say once that Instagram was an ‘insult to modern photography’.”
“Okay, but have you seen him? He’s perfect.”
“Oh, I know. But I don’t think I would want to be seen with the guy who looks like the physical manifestation of a liberal arts college degree. Hard pass.”
You’re about to voice your disappointment when a loud burst of laughter from the other side of the room piques your interest. You find yourself staring at a small crowd of people clustered around the couch in the living room— wait— around the guy sitting on the couch in the living room. The people surrounding him are incredibly intrigued by him, judging by how close they lean in to hear him and how hard they laugh at all his jokes, and you wonder if it’s because of his wide smile or his kind eyes or his very presence or all of the above.
You deduce that it must be the last option because you’re intrigued, too.
“Who is that?” you ask, dumbfounded, wondering how the hell you’ve never seen him around the university before.
Seokjin echoes your confusion. “Jung Hoseok? He’s the nicest guy on campus! His frat calls him ‘The Sun of Omega Psi’, which is such a cute nickname. A little cheesy, but cute, nonetheless.” He shifts his attention towards said ray of light. “You can’t deny it, though, the nickname. It fits him perfectly.”
He’s right; you can’t. If Chode Jungcock is the life of the party, then Jung Hoseok is the light. Hoseok seems to radiate positivity and his effect can be seen on the smiles on people’s faces that inexplicably appear whenever he passes by. People like Hoseok aren’t supposed to exist, yet here he is: charming, friendly, witty, and to top it all off, painfully handsome.
You frown, however, and voice your thoughts aloud. “I can’t use Hoseok, though. He’s too pure for this world, and especially too pure for revenge.” You turn to Seokjin. “It’s back to the drawing board, I guess.”
Seokjin is in the midst of forming another sentence before something by the staircase makes his head cock to the side and his eyes squint. “Huh. I never thought I’d see the day when he’d be outside his dorm.”
It’s your turn to squint your eyes towards the something— someone— that has caught Seokjin’s attention. What you find is a man bundled in a black hoodie and huddled at the bottom of the staircase, idly petting Holly, the small brown poodle that Pi Rho Omega adopted as their live-in pet. Though his head is turned downwards, you can see the curve of an upturned nose and the soft pout of his lips through his bangs and you conclude that there is a handsome face hiding underneath that hood. “And he is…?”
“Min Yoongi. I think he’s a music production major, and I think he’s in Zeta Theta Psi, but I don’t know for sure. I’ve only ever heard bits and pieces of information about him because he interacts with people once a year, he’s that introverted. I honestly don’t even know why he’s at this party, let alone why he joined a fraternity in the first place.”
That explains why you didn’t recognize him, because you have truly never seen him on campus before. “So, what do you know about him?”
“I know that he’s the host of the university’s radio station and that he’s normally holed up in his dorm producing songs with lyrics pulled straight from aesthetic text posts on Tumblr.”
“I take that as a no.”
“Mhm. I definitely peg him as someone who sends passive-aggressive mixtapes to all the boys he’s ever touched before. Hell, he’d probably write a song about you and blast it to the whole school. It’s too risky.”
You can’t help but nod in agreement because he does seem like that type of guy. But you choke on the chuckle that’s about to leave your throat, however, when your eyes catch sight of a man standing in a nearby hallway. The pounding music drowns out the conversation he’s having with the two other people standing by, but from the way his eyebrows furrow over his glasses, you can tell that his focus lies on the conversation and nothing else. Everything about him— how he leans into others as he talks, how his attentive gaze never falters, how his lips curl up into a warm smile— screams the definition of intelligence, or, maybe, the definition of perfection.
Seokjin catches himself staring before you do. “That’s Kim Namjoon,” he sputters, pulling himself out of his own reverie. “President of Lambda Kappa Pi, computer science major, future valedictorian of our class. I had statistics with him freshman year and whenever I talked to him, I felt like my IQ went up by ten points.”
“So, from an IQ of 20 to 30?”
“Fuck you.”
“Love you, too.”
Seokjin closes his eyes and releases a sigh, needing a moment of inner peace before continuing. “I would tell you to go for it, but Namjoon’s been so focused on his studies that he thinks that getting involved with anyone would ruin his 4.5 GPA. Also, that being said, my ass will have his name written all over it by the end of the semester and I am not letting you ruin my chances of that happening.”
Well, this is just great.
“This isn’t going to work, Seokjin! I’m never going to find anyone,” you suddenly exclaim, feeling defeated as you plop down onto the nearest chair. You’re beginning to accept that this plan for revenge is only going to backfire on you, that Jungkook is finally and definitely going to win.
And then your eyes find their way back to Hoseok— not to look at him, but rather, at the man standing beside him. He’s currently laughing at one of Hoseok’s many jokes— it’s such a bright, beautiful laugh— and his endearing smile makes his eyes crinkle at the edges. Seokjin opens his mouth, about to say the stranger’s name, but he stops, because the look in your eyes tells him that you already know it.
Park Jimin— the vice president of Pi Rho Omega and Jeon Jungkook’s best friend. He’s the most sought-after guy on campus— that is, next to Jungkook, of course— because he is, quite literally, the perfect guy. Jimin is ambitious, intelligent, caring, and, though you never brought yourself to admit it, everything that your boyfriend isn’t.
Being Jungkook’s girlfriend brought about a mutual friendship with Jimin, but you would be lying to yourself if you said that you had never looked at him as anything more than a friend. You had noticed Jimin’s sidelong glances and stares that always lasted a few seconds too long and, sometimes, when Jungkook was distracted and Jimin shifted his attention elsewhere, you returned them. But you were a loyal girlfriend and you never acted upon your fleeting feelings even though you knew that Jimin was so much better than Jungkook because— because…
Because Jimin wasn’t Jungkook.
What you were about to do to Jimin was wrong and you knew it, but even as the logical part of your brain screamed at you to stop whatever you’re doing this is so wrong, the irrational part of your brain blinded you from any good sense of moral judgement, so hell-bent on getting back at Jungkook that nothing and no one else mattered. Your anger clouded your vision until all you could see was your feet and how they were getting closer and closer to Jimin as he walked towards the kitchen, until all you could think was how you were getting closer and closer to fulfilling your desire for revenge.
Your footsteps stopped right in front of Jimin, who was just about to get another beer from the cooler sitting on the kitchen floor. You were painfully aware of your surroundings and everything occurring within them: how your heartbeat was thundering in your ears, how Jimin was so wide-eyed and so blissfully unaware of the situation at hand, and, out of the corner of your eye, how Jungkook was staring at you and all that was about to happen.
You’d been planning for this moment all night, but now that it was here, you weren’t sure if you could follow through. You gulped, hesitated, felt something in your stomach lurch and oh God I’m going to be sick if I don’t grow a pair of balls right now.
In one moment, Jimin was saying, “Hey, Y/N— are you okay?”
In the next moment, you were kissing Jimin in front of your boyfriend.
Eight seconds— the kiss lasted only eight seconds and every second felt wrong wrong this is so wrong but you couldn’t shake the feeling that this is so, so right. You liked the way his lips felt on yours. You liked the way his fingers weaved their way into your hair, gently cupping the back of your head. You liked the way he sighed onto your lips, a small sigh that silently whispered how he had waited a year for this moment, how he had waited a year for you.
Eight seconds— it took you eight seconds to decide that you wanted to spend much more time with Jimin. The rest of your life, maybe.
Suddenly, it didn’t matter that you couldn’t hear the music over the crowd’s whispers, it didn’t matter that Seokjin’s jaw was hitting the floor from across the room, and it definitely didn’t matter that Jungkook was angrily storming out of the frat house, shrugging off the girl he was kissing moments ago. All that mattered was you and Jimin and how you now felt breathless in his presence and how his eyes now lit up when he looked at you and were his eyes always this brilliant?
Jimin pulled away from the kiss all too soon. He was silent for a moment. You braced yourself for rejection, for the inevitable and irrevocable feeling of despair that would hit you when he walked away.
But all he said was, “Kiss me again.”
So you did, and sparks flew.
Park Jimin— he wasn’t Jeon Jungkook, no, but if every moment with him felt like this, then that was a very, very good thing.
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