#i drew them sleeping cause i wanna sleep
sopordeficiency · 2 years
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A bunch of assorted doodles I’ve piled through the week for day 4 of erisol week! I haven’t drawn them kissing in ages. The biggest one is actually inspired on a fanfic i re-read today.
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mbat · 2 years
man of course im gonna end up remembering my scrapped fantasy hlvrai ask blog idea i had back in 2020 right as im trying to sleep
i literally had a whole vague story and i believe drew almost every ref and had a few characters expressions done but it was so much work lmao. i am still pretty proud of it all even though it never went live. maybe i could make it a thing still but in writing only form shrug
i rly did have a few hlvrai au ideas that never came to light more than as ideas with some info attached. shout out as well to my hallmark movie au between gordon and benry 💀
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radlegowaffle · 1 year
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cant spell pride month without "demon"
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bluegiragi · 5 months
I hate to ask this cause it feels stupid but I dont wanna do a bunch of research on whatever the recent cod mw fandom discourse is,
but I saw the reblog of someone accusing you of supporting people who write sexualized pedophilia and that really is personally my only """"moral"""" with nsfw shit, (I'm a patreon subscriber and ig I just wanna know where my money's going) is THAT true?
i used to follow an artist who, 5-6 months ago made racist art featuring gaz and soap in a slave context, which I didn't like, retweet or interact with in any way. they also made under-age art of ghost soap, which I also didn't interact with . people on twitter called me out yesterday, for retweeting (months before this incident) other art they'd made as evidence I stood by/encouraged/was an avid fan of all these tropes. The art I retweeted wasn't either of these previous examples of art, but one where ghost and soap were sleeping in a bed together, as adults, peacefully. I can't emphasise enough that I have not interacted with this artist at all, for over six months. The callout in question has framed me as a close friend of theirs when, in truth, our total timeline of interactions could probably be counted on one hand, and I haven't interacted with her in so long that I genuinely forgot I was still following her.
The crux of all is this is that I did not unfollow + block this artist earlier on when the racist art was posted months ago, and then I retweeted a fic tagged with "non-con" (ghost gets soap off in a context where he can't really properly consent, they're in front of a crowd of strangers and they have to fuck, but both parties are into each other) written by a friend as I wanted to support their writing.
The pedophile claims are because I retweeted a fandom bingo post that defended loli-con without reading all the squares properly, and then immediately un-retweeted it when I properly read it. All in all, the post was on my account for maybe a few minutes.
The zoophile claims are because people say i support someone who wrote zoophilic fic and called people slurs, and I genuinely don't know who they're talking about there.
The anti-asian racism claims come from the original accusers in the callout thread thinking that I made Horangi's eyes in the monster!AU sensitive as a way of making fun of Asian eyes. The real reason is because he's a cat hybrid in that AU and cats are sensitive to light.
I tried addressing all this in a casual way earlier on in a misguided attempt to sort things out more 'civilly', and responded to an ask talking about my "support" for the artist who drew the slave Gaz art by saying the fanart in question was tone deaf and in poor taste. It wasn't enough for some people, so I'm happy to say it clearly- yes, it was racist, and the reason why I didn't want to be more aggressive is because I didn't want to extend all this mess by throwing this artist directly to the wolves - I genuinely believed them at the time when they said that wasn't that their intention, and think they should've deleted the post at the time, but not unfollowing was a decision that I made. I know now upon reflection that it was naive of me, unwarranted and frankly irresponsible to take a stranger at face value and believe they had good intentions, when the act of not deleting the post in question was evidence of a lack in remorse. In the moment, I'd thought back to my own personal experience with a friend of mine who used an asian slur in my company, who later sincerely apologised and legitimately cleaned up his act after I gave him a second chance. It informed my choice to not unfollow at the time, but there's a difference between someone you know irl for months and a stranger on the internet you've interacted with a few times. I shouldn't have coddled them in my response, and I'm sorry for not treating it with the severity it deserved. It was callous, and stupid, and indicative of internal biases that I ever thought it was a light enough offence to "see through", and I deeply deeply apologise. I promise from the bottom of my heart to do better.
That's everything so far. I didn't unfollow an artist when I absolutely should've, which i'll always strongly regret. I also retweeted a properly-tagged fic on my clearly 18+ nsfw account. I've undone both of those actions now. I hope this can be the end of it.
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stranger-stevieee · 2 months
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Summary: You have a bad habit of falling in love too quickly, but is it really that bad if a certain someone happens to feel the same way? Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: use of y/n, fluff, angst? (maybe), cliche writing, first kiss
Look at me now Said I wouldn't do it, but I hunted you down Know you had a girl, but it didn't work out
Steve Harrington was very sought after. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him. You tried very hard to not fit into that stereotype but you failed miserably.
There was just something about him that drew you in. You told yourself that you wouldn't fall at his feet like every other girl at Hawkins High but you couldn't help it.
Now, Steve wasn't really known as a relationship guy. He was more of a "let's go out once or twice, have sex, then onto the next girl" type of guy (he was called "King Steve" for a reason after all) so it was a shock to everyone when he started dating Nancy Wheeler.
You were sad, just like every other girl, that you had lost your chance with him but when you heard about their breakup after a year of being together, you couldn't help but feel like you actually had a chance.
I'm not proud Guess I'm just scared of you shootin' it down You can just talk, and I'll stare at your mouth You could be bad, but I wanna find out,
Giving in to him wasn't your proudest moment but it was inevitable. You had decided that if you wanted him, you would have to go get him.
See that's what all these girls were doing wrong. They would wait for him to come to them and ask them out, when in reality if they wanted a chance they would have to take it. So that's exactly what you did.
You were in your history class that you happened to share with Steve and the teacher had just announced a research project that would take all month to complete.
Picking a partner would've been easy had your only friend in the class been there that day, but sadly she had stayed home for whatever reason. The bright side was, now you could take a chance.
You got up out of your seat and walked straight over to his. You were a bit nervous but decided it was now or never.
"Hey, Steve!" You spoke loudly due to your nerves but luckily he found it funny.
"Hey..." he paused
"Oh, it's Y/n," you said embarrassed that you had been fawning over this man that didn't even know your name.
"Right! That's right, I- I knew that"
"Yeah," you laughed it off, "So do you have a partner yet? For the project, I mean?" You stuttered over your words a bit, albeit scared of the potential recegection coming your way.
"No, actually, I don't"
"Okay, cool... do you wanna work on it together? Maybe?"
'Here it comes' You thought 'He's gonna say no, laugh in your face and...'
'Oh. Well, that was easy.'
And I wake up in the middle of the night With the light on, and I feel like I could die 'Cause you're not here, and it don't feel right
It's 4:28am and you can't stop thinking about him. You woke up from your dream almost 30 minutes ago and haven't been able to get back to sleep.
This dream just messed everything up because now you've come to the conclusion that you're in love with Steve Harrington.
This wouldn't be your first time loving someone but it is your first time being in love. There's a difference. You tend to love rather quickly and when you love, you love hard.
It takes a while for you to stop loving someone. But you have a feeling things will be different this time.
You think about what it would feel like if he were with you in that moment. But he's not, and it sucks.
God, I'm actually invested Haven't even met him Watch this be the wrong thing, classic God, I'm jumpin' in the deep end It's more fun to swim in Heard the risk is drowning, but I'm gonna take it
A couple weeks into working on the project and you still barely knew anything about him. The only thing you both talked about was the project and how it's coming along. You were getting nowhere.
"Hey, what do you think about coming to my place today?"
You had been digging through your locker looking for a specific book for your next class when Steve came up to you and it's safe to say that his words shocked you.
"What?" you asked
"Do you want to come work on the project at my place today?" Although he didn't sound like it, he was nervous asking you to come over.
'Maybe she is interested in me' he thought
His heart fluttered at the sight of your excited smile.
Isn't it fun thinkin' I'm right when I'm probably wrong? Holding my breath like I met someone Knowing damn well that I haven't been touched by you In my head, you're in the car, and you're comin' to me And you get to my door, and you can't even speak But I think that it's sweet, yeah, I think that you're sweet
You knew Steve was rich, but you didn't know he was this rich. Standing in front of his house you were a bit worried about what was to come.
Once you finally worked up the nerve, you lifted your fist to knock on his front door. Inside Steve had seen your car pull up and stood by the door waiting for you to knock.
When he finally heard it, he waited a few seconds, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
"Welcome..." he sighed "Sorry I don't know why I said that, that was weird, let me start over... hey."
You had a small smile on your face trying not to laugh. "Hi... can I come in?"
"Oh, yeah of course."
"Thanks," you let out a little giggle
You walked in and looked around in awe. His house was 2x the size of yours. "Your house is amazing," you whispered.
"Yeah, it's great I guess. It does get lonely sometimes but... anyways we should probably finish the project."
He walked you over to the dining room where he already had his textbook laid out. You both sat down, took out everything you needed, and got to work.
After an hour of working you had finally finished the project and it had only taken you about 3 weeks. Even though you were finished, Steve didn't want you to leave yet so he suggested having an early dinner.
"I wouldn't have pinned you as a cook, Harrington," you said with a small smirk on your face.
"Yeah, well when there's no one around to cook for you, there's only two options. I can cook for myself or get takeout, and I obviously have to stay healthy so takeout's not ideal. Gotta stay in shape for the ladies, you know?"
'Maybe he isn't interested in me' you thought
"The ladies. Right." you let out a nervous laugh.
Too soon to tell you "I love you" Too soon to tell you "I love you" Too soon to tell you "I love you"
Steve could tell you were nervous to tell him something. You were standing in front of him on his front porch unsure if you were ready to say what you wanted to say. But you knew you couldn't keep it in any longer.
It had been months since you both finished the project and you had become even closer than before.
Ever since that day at his house, you've fallen for him more and more each day. And even though it might be too soon, you have to tell him.
"Umm... can I talk to you?"
"Sure, come in." He said stepping out of the doorway to let you in. "So, what's up?"
"Uh, so, I just wanted to say that... you've been an amazing friend."
Steve let out the breath he was holding and sighed with disappointment. That is definitely not what he wanted to hear. The exact opposite actually, but he let you continue anyway.
"But I can't just pretend that that's all I want to be. I love you and I know it's probably too soon to be saying this but—"
Steve suddenly stepped forward and brought his hand up to cup your face which shut you up quickly.
“Is it ok if I kiss you?” he whispered
“I would like that very much.”
He leaned in and connected his lips with yours and, if it was even possible, you fell in love with him even more. The kiss was soft and tender, way different than what you thought it would be.
It was the first time your lips were meeting, but you immediately knew that it wouldn’t be the last.
Steve was the first to pull away and as much as he didn't want to he knew he had to.
"I love you too, by the way"
You're the risk, I'm gonna take it
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damiansgoodgirll · 20 days
excited for dont break my heart part 6 <3
here we go!
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
the judgment day x reader (platonic) / damian priest x reader (platonic) / rhea ripley x reader (platonic) / drew mcintyre x reader
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
‼️angst, mention of family issues, fear of abandonment, fear of loneliness, panic attack, nightmares, mention of past domestic violence, finn’s being violent, mention of daddy issues, sexual tension but nothing explicit (yet) some fluff too‼️
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don’t break my heart - part 6
rhea was waiting for bash in berlin to come. she tried to get her revenge on liv for the past week but someone was always there to stop her. but she knew, in berlin, she had the opportunity to prove everyone who the real champion was. she couldn’t wait to get her revenge on her, she had so much unleashed anger that she knew she was going to destroy liv, in every way possible.
the past week has been a blur to you.
everyone getting ready for the big event in germany, you too, so, you didn’t have much time to enjoy life.
you didn’t have a match but you knew that the judgment day would have tried to screw damian and rhea and you couldn’t let it happen, not again.
so you trained. you trained with damian, you trained with rhea, you trained with drew.
damian and rhea hardly accepted this new relationship between you and him. for her, he was too old. she would have never told you this but in her mind, you were just projecting your past self into this relationship, the need of having someone older to look after you, the feeling of being loved and chosen by someone older than you. damian didn’t mind the age difference as long as you were happy, but he knew that at the moment, you struggled being happy and he didn’t want drew to cause you more harm.
“you got his hermosa” damian happily cheered you on as you were training with rhea. she was tough and much stronger than you. training with her was always a challenge but you loved it.
you smiled at him and let rhea practice some other moves on you before you both took a breath and some minutes of break.
“everything okay?” rhea asked when she saw you looking at the ceiling, a little dozed off.
“i spoke with finn” you confessed. damian and rhea met you with worried eyes “he wanted to apologise but i shove him away…he kept saying how sorry he was for what happened…”
rhea took a deep breath before speaking again “what did you say y/n?”
“that i don’t wanna see him or talk to him ever again…i trusted him with my whole life and he betrayed me like that…he’s dead for me” rhea proudly smiled when she heard those words coming out of your mouth. she knew how important was finn to you and she was a little scared that you may want to forgive him so when you told her that you were done, she felt relieved.
“i’m proud of you hermosa…” damian kissed your head, making you smile against his chest.
“you ready for bash?” you asked the duo, seeing them working their asses off this whole week.
“ready to destroy them” rhea said making you chuckle.
“i feel like i need a hot shower and then i’ll start packing for berlin…do you guys need any help with packing?” you offered while walking out the gym.
damian smiled at your kindness “no princesa, i think i’m almost done packing, thank you though, i appreciate it”
you smiled back, riding with them and waving them off once they dropped you back home.
the rest of the night moved slowly, you took your time doing your skincare, washing your hair, cooking dinner and packing for berlin. you felt at ease, somehow. maybe it was because of damian and rhea being there for you like a real family, maybe it was because of your relationship with drew.
and thinking of him, your telephone popped up with a notification from drew.
sleep well kid, call me if anything happens, even if you just need to talk about the silliest things, i’m here for you, always, goodnight love, see you in berlin <3
you smiled, replying a thank you and a goodnight. for the first time you felt loved and appreciated and you wanted it to stay like that forever.
but you knew some things couldn’t stay true forever.
bash in berlin was a success. rhea and damian dominated against liv and dom. rhea took her revenge on liv, hitting her and making her pay for what she did to you.
“you’re gonna regret even speaking to y/n” she whispered in her hear, making sure the cameras didn’t catch that before licking her face.
of course the judgment day had to interfere but you were ready. the crowd cheered when they saw you kicking finn away from damian. you tried to bring some peace because five against two wasn’t a fair match. so you helped them as you could, trying to keep jd and finn out of the ring so damian and rhea could finish the match. you couldn’t express how happy you were once they won the match.
laughing at finn’s face was your little revenge. his expression was a mix of heartbreak and anger. he hated damian and rhea for turning you against him even more.
drew watched the match backstage, softly smiling when he saw you happy, not caring that he just lost against punk. he knew he was gonna get his revenge at some point, so, celebrating with you was his priority now.
he waited for you to finish all the interviews, he waited for you to get ready before he could come to your changing room.
you heard a soft knock outside, knowing that only drew knocked so carefully when it came to you “come in” you smiled.
his eyes a little sad but his smile still on his face when he saw you all this happy and energetic. you hugged him, letting him know that you were there for him, always.
“how are you drew? anything that hurts?” his heart missed a few beats when he heard you getting worried for him.
“i’m good…raw is happening soon and bad blood is next month, i’m gonna get my revenge” he softly kissed your head while you hugged him, the height difference making it easier for him to reach your head than your lips “you did so good y/n, i’m so proud of you…you showed everyone what you can do and i’m so happy for you, you deserve all of this” his words were sincere, you could see it in his eyes.
you needed to hear those words. you craved those words. you needed someone to be proud of you, it meant that all you fought for in the past years wasn’t taken for granted.
“thank you drew…i really appreciate it” there was moment of silence between the two of you before you slowly dragged his neck down and met his lips in a gentle kiss. he understood that physical affection was your love sign, more than words and honesty he didn’t mind. he loved the feeling of your lips over his. your smaller hands tugging his hairs and neck. his stronger ones holding you tighter by your hips.
butterflies were all over your body when he deepened the kiss, his beard slowly grazing your face, making you shiver under his touch.
drew couldn’t lie to himself if he said he didn’t want to have you naked under his body. he imagined every night what it would feel like having you under him, naked and begging just for him. he craved for your touch. no one was ever able to make him feel like you do. but at the same time he respected you too much and he wanted to take things slowly, making you feel comfortable and not rushing things.
you both needed to catch breath so you moved a little from his lips. his eyes never leaving your face, always looking for any sign of discomfort but when you showed none, his lips moved back onto yours.
he moved you both on the black leather couch near the door so you could be more comfortable, knowing that the height difference might cause you both neck pain after standing for so long. he took you in his lap, your hands still in his hair, playing with the soft ends while his hands moved from your hips to your back and from your back to your hips again.
everything was new for you. this was probably the longest make out session you’ve ever had. and you worried about what would drew say when you will tell him that he was your first ever real relationship.
“everything okay?” he whispered, catching breath. he sensed you shifting uncomfortably in his lap so he worried a little.
“yeah…it’s just”
“a lot?” he asked.
“no” you laughed “it’s nice, very nice but everything is new for me so…please, please let me know if i do something wrong…”
his hand gently stroked your cheek, as if he wanted to reassure you that everything was okay and you couldn’t do anything wrong “we are moving at your own pace, i promise you, everything is okay” you relaxed a little when he saw those words, making you smile when you started kissing him again.
a loud knock interrupted the two of you “mariposa! rhea and i are leaving, are you ready?” damian asked from outside the door.
“he’s gonna kill me if he sees us like this” drew whispered making it hard for you to keep your laughter down.
“uhm…yeah, i’m ready, just give me a sec” you moved out of drew’s lap as he watched you throwing your essentials into your bag “i’m coming”
“i’ll text you once we are back at the hotel” drew whispered, winking at you and blowing you a kiss.
you smiled before leaving the changing room only to be met with a questioning damian “what took you so long?” he asked when you both met rhea and drove back to the hotel.
“i showered…and watched the rest of the main event…” you hated lying to them but if damian or rhea found out you were having a heavy make out session with drew in your changing room, they would have killed him and then you.
“what’s that smile y/n?” rhea teased you, making you blush.
“oh nothing…i’m just happy for how the show went” you tried your best to not lie to them but you knew you couldn’t. they knew something was up but they both exhausted so they let it go, at least for now.
back at the hotel, you and drew kept texting like teenagers. you shared your room with rhea so you couldn’t have him over and if you left, she would get suspicious. she pretended to sleep but she knew you were up. she heard your nails typing on the keyboard, she heard your little giggles and even if she wasn’t a fan of this relationship, she couldn’t deny that you were a changed person since you started dating drew.
the day after was spent by everyone going back to the states because of monday night raw. you wished you had enough time to visit berlin but drew promised you that once you both had a few days off he would take you, so you held on to that promise.
if 48 hours ago you were in berlin, now you were checking in your hotel for the next few days in denver, colorado. you were tired and you wanted to sleep but damian and rhea called you in the gym so you could train with them.
“what’s with that face mi amor?” damian’s accent made everything even better but you were tired so you couldn’t care less.
“tired…” you yawned.
“if you slept instead of texting with drew all night long you wouldn’t be so tired…” rhea said out loud. she didn’t mean to. it was a thought that she had and she didn’t know why it escaped but now it was out.
it wasn’t what she said that made you upset, it was the annoying tone that she used that caused you to blow up.
“excuse me?” you didn’t want to fight, not with her, but if she had any problems you wanted her to tell you.
damian looked between the two of you, a little speechless as he didn’t know what was going on.
“i…i’m sorry…i didn’t mean it like that” rhea apologised immediately, knowing that she might have overstepped.
“if you have a problem with me dating drew, i wanna know it…instead of you talking behind my back” you didn’t mean to talk back like that, but again, you were tired and even if it wasn’t an excuse, rhea had no business in talking about your relationship like that.
“i don’t have a problem with you dating drew…” rhea breathed
“but don’t you thing you guys are going too fast?” rhea didn’t know what to say without you getting mad “i mean…i don’t want you to get hurt, i don’t want you to regret something because you moved too fast…”
“you don’t know anything about my relationship with drew!” you went in defensive mode.
damian stepped up, trying to calm the situation down “well, talk to us hermosa”
“no if you’re not respecting my choices! if you keep judging me based of who i’m dating, what i’m doing with my life and the list can go on…next time, keep your unwanted opinions to yourself” you said to rhea before leaving the gym.
you were feeling guilty, especially for screaming at her when all she did these past months was to be there for you. you felt like shit because they just wanted to help you but you let them out, like the first time you joined the team.
you wanted to tell them everything, you wanted their advices and support. but the way rhea couldn’t approve your relationship with drew made you somehow mad. it wasn’t her business and she had no saying in your choices.
“she’ll get over it” damian whispered to rhea as she watched you leave the gym.
the duo continued their training while you started packing for the arena.
an hour later damian asked you if you wanted a ride over there but you told him that drew was already taking care of it.
“what’s on your mind love?” drew’s thick accent made you smile a little. he knew something was wrong when you didn’t speak a word to him.
“i had a fight with rhea…” you whispered.
he was shocked at first, being aware of how close you two are “what happened sweetheart?”
“she said something she shouldn’t have said…and i may have overreacted” he smiled hearing taking your guilts. rhea cared about you too much for staying mad at you and he knew you two were going to make up by the end of the night.
“she said something about me, didn’t she?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
you nodded.
he was happy that someone cared about you. he was aware that rhea and damian were your family. he saw it everytime your fought together. he saw it when you first joined the group.
and he smiled even more at the thought of you fighting with rhea for him. he was a grown ass man and he definitely could take care about rhea and damian. he knew he was going to face them later on, wanting to assure them of his intentions with you.
he knew they needed to hear that from him and not from you. because in their eyes, you will always be like a little sister to them, no matter your age. they would always feel the need to protect you and right now they were seeing him as a threat.
“don’t fight with rhea over me…i promise you, i can take care of them” he laughed.
“it’s not that…i just feel like they don’t want me to move on my with life…” you knew that it wasn’t completely true, but you were stubborn and that was what you were feeling at the moment.
“you’ll make up, i know it…” he reassured you a little before kissing your hand and helping you down the car and into the arena.
you both went into your respective dressing rooms. you got there earlier cause you wanted to avoid rhea and damian. rhea was going to open up the show and you didn’t want to be a bother for her.
so you got dressed. you did your make up, you did your hair and you ate something before the show started.
backstage, you watched how confident she was on that ring. she delivered her promo amazingly, calm and collected as she was before dominik interrupted her. it was fun watching how the crowd never let him spoke. but when you saw liv coming out of nowhere, you knew that something was going to happen, since she was alone and they were two.
her leg got stuck between the ropes, leaving free access for liv to hit her and kick her. you knew damian was going out to help her but you were closer to the inside of the arena than damian was so you sprinted out, running backstage into the arena and letting everyone know that you were there and no one had to mess with your family. damian followed you behind. as he helped rhea, you were able to grab liv from her hair and yank her on the floor a couple of times before dominik separated her from you.
your attention immediately went to rhea and damian, who were watching you inside of the ring.
“are you okay?” you asked her, a little worried.
rhea smiled when she saw you and she couldn’t help but to embrace you in her arms, whispering how sorry she was for everything that happened earlier.
“it’s okay, i promise…let me help you backstage” you said smiling at her.
you and damian both helped her backstage. medical staff immediately came towards you and asked rhea to sit down so they could check on her. she was hurting but you knew she went through worse.
“thanks for coming out there” rhea said, honesty filling her voice.
“i’m sorry for getting mad at you” you realised how childish your behaviour was.
“i apologise for talking about things that don’t concern me, you were right… you will talk to us when you’re ready to do it and we will be here for you” damian hugged you both when he heard rhea apologising.
“i hate fighting with you rhea…” you smiled into her embrace.
“same thing here…”
“well, i’m glad everything is over now” damian said making you both laugh.
as the show progressed, you watched punk segment only to be interrupted by drew. you remembered what he told you about getting his revenge on punk. so you weren’t surprised to see him attacking punk with such violence. not even when the medical staff took him to the ambulance he stopped. he kept attacking him until you saw blood coming out of his mouth. you couldn’t understand how such a strong and crazy man could be so caring and sweet with you. but you liked him, a lot.
the event ended up with damian teaming up with jey uso. of course you and rhea were both ringside to make sure the rest of the judgment day wouldn’t screw up this match up. finn was so pissed when he lost. he couldn’t handle losing to damian once again. he was furious, going backstage, he started breaking everything he found on his way.
you laughed, celebrating the victory on the ring with jey, rhea and damian. it was a weird team but jey brought a wave of happiness that you knew was missing.
when the show ended, drew had one more thing to do before going back to the hotel and that was talking with rhea and damian. so, while you were going into your dressing room, drew caught the duo before they parted ways.
“what’s going on?” rhea asked him when he saw him approaching them.
“can we talk? there’s something that i would like to let you know…” he demanded, waiting for damian and rhea to answer.
they both agreed and they led him into their changing room “spit it out” rhea said, watching the scotsman straight in his eyes.
“i know you’re worried for y/n…i understand that but i want to assure the both of you that my intentions are pure. i like her, a lot. i know everything that she has been through, i know what happened to her in the past and i’ll be forever grateful that she has you caring for her. she loves you like a family and i know that the feeling is mutual…but again, i like her, we are moving at her own pace. i will never force myself on her, i will never make her do anything that she’s uncomfortable to do, and that’s a promise” he spoke. he didn’t really want to have a chit chat about his relationship with damian and rhea but he was doing it for you. he was doing it so you and rhea would no longer fight. he was doing because taking you away from the only family you had wasn’t his plan “i don’t like you and that’s pretty evident, i don’t have to like you…but i want to keep things civil between us because of her”
rhea was even surprised that drew took time to come to them. she felt like she had to approve her daughter’s boyfriend for the first time and she felt a little uncomfortable. she appreciated the effort that drew put on.
damian was the one to speak as he saw rhea getting lost in her mind “what you said it’s true. we care about her as a family, she is our family…and of course when you two started dating, we got a little worried, especially knowing the age difference between the two of you but she’s a grown woman…it’s hard to accept that because i’ve been knowing her for a long time, she’s been part of the judgement day since it started but she’s an adult, she can make her own decisions and she chose you…it means that somehow she likes you too, she even fought rhea today to defend you” damian chuckled “we can keep our cool for her” he suggested and drew nodded his head.
rhea nodded her head too “thanks for speaking with us, i can see the way she talks about you, she cares about you drew, just promise me, don’t make her suffer, she’s been through hell and the last thing she needs now is a heartbreak”
“you have my consent to kick my ass in case something happens between us” drew added making rhea chuckle.
in the meantime, once you changed clothes and took a quick shower, you decided to look for the usual buffet backstage. you were starving and after carrying the show you felt like you deserved to treat yourself.
so once you got there, your eyes immediately fell upon the chocolate cookies and the caramel bars. you ate in silence, sat down on the comfy chair present in the room while scrolling some videos on tiktok until you heard some very recognisable voices coming towards you.
“i can’t handle it anymore!” finn screamed. liv and dominik trying to keep him calm but failing miserably.
you were stuck in your chair. if you left they would have seen you but if you stayed there, they would have seen you anyway. you felt like you were trapped.
“you shouldn’t be here” dominik said when he saw you in the room “alone” he smirked.
“congratulations for tonight” liv annoying voice said “i hope mami’s leg isn’t too injured” she laughed.
you stood up. probably not the best idea facing them alone but if finn had some common sense after what happened the last time, he wouldn’t start any fight “she still kicked your ass with one injured foot so…” that pissed liv even more.
“at least i don’t go crying to them everytime i have a problem…oh right, you had a hard and difficult life and we all should pity you” liv laughed. finn closed his eyes, not wanting to create more drama.
“we should go liv…” finn suggested but liv wasn’t having any of that.
“ain’t it true?” dom laughed, taking a few steps forward, making you walk backwards “we had to hear your cries every single night because you had nightmares” you tried to move away but dom grabbed your arm “ you’re just a stupid crybaby” he said before dropping your arm and leaving with liv.
leaving you and finn alone.
“if you sided with us this wouldn’t have happened” he whispered.
“no, never. i would have never betrayed rhea and damian the way you did” you screamed at his face “you’re just a coward, you’ve always been…i trusted you with my life, you knew things about me that no one knew and the first thing you did was to betray me and tell liv everything…”
finn laughed “oh shut up!” he screamed, walking toward you. you walked until your back hit the wall, finn blocking any way out you might have had “shut up y/n!” he screamed right at your face.
he never screamed at you. he knew you hated screams.
“i cared about you! but you chose them!” his poisonous eyes turned black, watching the way you tried to squirm away from his body “i wanted you in this team but you chose the weakest part” his laugh full of poison.
his hand met your neck.
finn never being violent towards you. he knew what that might have caused you.
“but now…all i see is a pathetic little girl who can’t let go of her past!” his hand squeezing your neck as he whispered mean words into your ear “you’re weak…and you chose the weak team”
“finn…please” you begged him. in that moment you weren’t the strong and fierce wrestler anyone knew. finn’s action made you small, and afraid just like you were when your father used to hit you and just like when mother used to spit mean words on you “stop it please…”
but finn wouldn’t leave you.
his other hand went to grab your arm, just like dom did before “if you had chosen us, you wouldn’t be afraid!” he screamed. his voice echoing in the corridor, made dom and liv looked back.
“stay here” dom whispered to liv as he went back to finn. he was met with finn overpowering you and even if he knew you deserved it, he didn’t want more troubles with rhea as he already had a black eye “finn, let’s go” but finn wasn’t listening.
your eyes were closed and all you could imagine was your father hitting you again and again. finn used to be so caring towards you but tonight’s event made him go crazy. he lost again and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“finn please…stop it, please” you felt small. you felt paralysed, you didn’t know what to do.
“finn, you’re hurting her, let her go” dom got a little worried. yes, he was mad at you and he hated you for siding with rhea and damian instead of him but he saw how terrified you were and he knew that finn would have gone far if he didn’t stop him.
“please finn…finn stop it!” you screamed back. it was more of a desperate cry as your arm was losing sensibility and your neck felt like it was going to explode “stop it please…let me go!” you didn’t mean to scream so loud but you did and you were lucky you did.
a couple of rooms behind there were damian, rhea and drew still talking about you when they all stopped when they heard your cries.
they followed your voice. rhea a little behind due to her injury. drew ready to wreck havoc if you were hurt.
the two men were met with a sight they’ll never forget. finn’s hands over your body as he was screaming that he wanted to get revenge on damian and rhea and he wanted to use you to hurt them.
damian shoved finn on the ground as your body fell on the floor. your mind went blank, too many bad memories were brought back in that moment.
“drew take her away” damian whispered to the scotsman and he nodded. he wanted to kick finn’s ass but you were his priority.
when rhea entered the room, she saw finn and damian fighting and you crying in the corner “what the fuck happened here?”
“finn got violent on y/n” damian spat back.
drew moved cautiously but when he saw you flinching away he stopped his movements “hey love…it’s me, it’s drew…” his voice soft as he didn’t want to scare you away “can i take you somewhere else quieter?” he asked and you nodded, not trusting your voice.
he scooped you in his arms and took you outside of the room, letting rhea and damian dealing with finn.
your head fell on his shoulder as he walked towards his car, wanting to get you out of the arena as soon as possible. once he comfortably placed you in the passenger seat, he took a deep look at your body. the way your eyes were still closed, tears falling from your eyes. how you brought your knees to your chest and hid your face into them.
you were spacing out, like your mind wasn’t there and he knew he had to get you far away from the chaos as soon as possible.
he took you back at the hotel, walking with you in his arms towards his room. he gently placed you on the bed “love…can you please look at me?” he was worried, not knowing what might have cause this.
“don’t hurt me…please” drew’s heart dropped when he heard you saying those words. rhea told him that your trauma was heavy and that you were still healing. he never took her words lightly and he promised to hurt anyone who might have threatened you.
he couldn’t understand how someone could use something as strong and delicate as your childhood trauma against you. he wanted to end finn’s life but he knew damian and rhea were taking care of him.
“i promise you…i’m not going to hurt you darling…open your eyes please, let me look at you” he said softly.
you slowly opened your eyes and when you realised that there was no threat near you, you jumped into drew’s arms. he shielded you, as if he wanted to protect you even if you were the only people in the room.
“you’re okay…i promise you” he whispered but before he could say anything else, you stopped him.
“i can’t breathe…” tears were rolling down your cheeks. drew took a look at you and realised that you were having a panic attack. he wasn’t new to those. he had them before. but with you, it was different.
“hey hey…shh, it’s okay, focus on me, focus on my voice” he tried to help you “look at me y/n” his voice growing a little stronger when he realised that you weren’t focusing on anything “look at me” you did as he told you “follow me, catch my breath…look at me” and you tried your best to calm yourself down. you matched his breathing, in and out as he told you.
your hands were still visibly shaking and when he noticed it, he took no time to put your hands into his bigger ones. his thumbs caressing your hands in a calm motion.
you followed his breathing a couple of times before you were able to breath again “that’s good y/n…” he whispered softly in your ear “so good…you doing a good job”
“sorry for that…”
he shook his head “no, absolutely no, don’t apologise for that…it’s not your fault, do you hear me? i’m glad you are okay…”
you stayed there for what it felt like hours, even if it was just ten minutes, laying in his arms as he stroked your back, helping you relax.
he was waiting for damian or rhea to text him but when he saw you sleeping against his chest, he felt complete somehow, like you were the missing piece he needed in his life.
finn’s gonna pay for what he did. we’re coming back to the hotel, thank you for taking care of her. we own you. - damian
drew’s phone buzzed when he received a notification from damian. he knew he was going to ask more questions tomorrow but right now, he was there for you. watching you sleep, seeing how peaceful you were, he couldn’t believe someone as beautiful and loving as you were, was carrying a baggage of pain and traumas like that.
“nothing’s gonna hurt you…” he whispered before leaving a soft kiss on your head as he watched you sleeping peacefully.
part 7 coming too! i might add some spicy things in the next chapter…let me know if you have any ideas!
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mattslolita · 10 months
come thru - m. sturniolo
warnings ; fingering , oral ( female receiving ) , slight!dom!matt
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"you make wanna come thru, quarter after two, just to put it down on you."
you invited your best friends over for a movie night, like you had done since you guys had been friends since you were all younger — it was a tradition amongst you all, every weekend you guys rotated between yours and the triplets house.
right now, they had just arrived at your house, and you already laid out all the movie options for them. chris immediately made a beeline for your fridge, causing you to shake your head and roll your eyes.
"chris, you realize i'd like to actually have a pepsi for myself for once, right?" you said, turning to follow the boy into the kitchen. "you always raid them all."
"yet you keep buying them for me," chris grinned, and you leaned over the counter and shook your head at him.
you were just in an over sized ransom tee that belonged to matt and some short shorts underneath — it was quite common that you wore these types of clothes around them, so it wasn't unusual. though you had to admit, wearing a borrowed shirt from matt was making you hope he would notice.
you were definitely good at hiding it, but the feelings you've had for matt were growing even more by the day — the way he'd playfully flirt with you sometimes of course was making matters worse, and you wondered if there was a chance matt might have felt the same way as you.
now with all the snacks in tow, everyone went to their designated spots in the living room — chris was in the chair closest to the tv, whilst nick took the loveseat and decided on spreading out all over it. you and matt took the sofa, and he placed his arm behind the chair.
you could feel your cheeks get warm at the action even though he was always doing stuff like this. you tried to play it off by letting a small sigh escape your lips, and bringing your sprite can up to your lips to take a sip.
matt noticed the sigh and turned to you with a raised eyebrow. "you good?" he whispered in your ear as he leaned over.
your breath hitched and you clenched your legs together, giving him a tight-lipped smile. "i'm alright."
thankfully the movie had already started, and you found yourself more interested in it. but as the movie went on, you couldn't help but subtly look over at matt from time to time — his blue eyes were focused on the movie unlike yours currently, and you swore you were about to go crazy at the way one corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk when a funny scene came on.
your eyes then roved over his tattooed arm all the way down to his ring clad hands, finding yourself wondering how good they would feel inside you.
and that's where you drew the line.
you stood up quickly, already feeling yourself become hot and bothered, causing all three of the triplets to look up at you in confusion.
"the movie's not even done yet," nick commented, and you shot him a weary smile.
"yeah i know, i'm just...not feeling too good," you lied.
"what's wrong?" matt asked with furrowed eyebrows, and you waved him off.
"oh it's nothing, i'm just kinda tired," you lied again, "i'm just gonna go up to my room and lay down for a bit."
"you want me to come up there with you?" matt asked, beginning to stand up.
"no!" you answered quickly with wide eyes, causing his eyebrows to furrow, "sorry...i'm good, though. y'all finish the movie and just clean up when you're done. you can crash here for the night if you don't feel like driving back home, matt."
chris just shrugged and stuffed his face with some chips whilst nick nodded sympathetically and blew you a friendly good night kiss — matt watched you as you walked upstairs quickly, before he turned his attention back to the movie playing.
once you got into your room, the first thing you did was close your door and let out a big sigh, then you went to dim your lights and turn on some music — the triplets already knew you went to sleep with music for the most part, but sleep wasn't exactly what you needed the music for.
you sat back on your bed as you pulled your shorts off of yourself and slowly ran a hand over your lace underwear, feeling the slight wetness. throwing your head back, you closed your eyes and thought of matt, causing a small moan to slip from your lips.
"fuck..." you sighed, picturing matt as you rubbed circles around your clit, biting your lip to suppress a moan.
you completely ditched your underwear as you continued rubbing circles around your clit, imagining matt's voice in your ear telling you how good of a girl you were being for him.
a slightly louder moan escaped your mouth but you were too caught up in the feeling to care. "fuck, matt..."
the sound of matt's voice caused you to gasp loudly as he stood there with his jaw slightly dropped, looking at you in shock and — amusement?
your cheeks burned as you found yourself wanting to fall off the face of the earth. "um...how much of that did you witness?"
"enough, actually," matt said, a slight smirk appearing on his features as he walked into your room and closed the door behind him. "so i'm who you think about when you touch yourself, y/n?"
now your cheeks burned even more as matt watched you with an amused expression, and you found yourself unable to form words. embarrassment filled your body at what just happened. "this is so embarrassing, what the fuck."
you hung your head as you felt the bed dip in front of you — matt lifted your chin with his index finger, prompting you to look up at him. "don't be embarrassed, sweetheart. all you had to do was ask for some help."
a low gasp was about to escape your lips before matt crashed his onto yours, silencing whatever sound was to come out of your mouth next — your tongues battled for dominance but you let matt do all the exploring in your mouth.
as he continued kissing you his tattooed arm went down to race circles on your thighs, causing a small whimper to escape your lips. a smirk resided on matt's features against your lips.
he began tracing circles near your inner thighs, causing you to whimper again at the way he was teasing you — his ring clad hand finally found its way in between your thighs, as he rubbed your folds back and forth.
"matt, please," you begged, "please touch me."
"what's that, baby?" matt whispered in your ear, running a hand ever so teasingly over your folds, "you want me to touch you?"
unable to form words at how crazy he was driving you, you just nodded with a little whimper — without warning, matt shoved one of his ringed fingers inside you, causing you to let out a loud whine.
"oh matt..." you moaned out, as he repeatedly pumped his finger in and out of you, "fuck..."
"look at you, fucking my finger like the needy slut you are," matt whispered into your ear, placing a kiss on your neck, "you like it when i touch you like this, don't you?"
"fuck, i really do matt," you whined, as he added another ringed finger inside of you just then.
the pace of his fingers sped up inside you, repeatedly hitting your g spot as you arched your back to give him more access — moans and whimpers repeatedly escaped your mouth as matt continued working his magic inside you, then you felt that familiar feeling in your stomach.
"matt, i'm close," you whimpered out, as he still left kisses along your neck, "i'm gonna cum."
matt stopped with his fingers inside you and took them out, causing you to look at him with furrowed eyebrows — with a grin he licked your arousal off of his fingers causing you to bite your lip as he spread your thighs and pushed your stomach back.
"i want you to cum all over me, sweetheart."
you felt your pussy pulsate at the way matt looked at you hungrily, as he peppered kisses along your thighs — he left small kisses on your folds causing you to whine out. "matt, don't tease me..."
he smirked up at you then shoved his tongue inside you, nipping and sucking on your clit. you moaned out at the feeling, arching your hips upward as he maintained eye contact with you while lapping up your pussy.
"fuck y/n, you taste so fucking good," matt groaned as he came up momentarily, his lips covered in your juices.
your hand went down to tug at his hair as he continued eating you out, and you felt the feeling in your stomach yet again. "oh my gosh, matt i'm gonna..."
"give it to me, baby," matt breathed, "cum all over me."
you released all over matt's face, a plethora of moans and a string of curses leaving your lips as your grip on his hair tightened slightly — matt lapped up all your juices, coming up from between your legs and grinning down at you, his face coated in your arousal.
"you have no idea how bad i've wanted to do that," matt breathed out, as he fell down on your bed beside you.
you had finally caught your breath from the mind blowing orgasm and upon realizing what he just said, your cheeks heated. "you should've been done that."
matt turned to the side and smirked at you. "so does that mean you'll let me more often?"
"if it's gonna feel that good every time, then hell yeah," you giggled, "let's just hope nick and chris don't freak out."
( i hope you enjoyed this my loves, sorry for not posting the past two days ! i love you all, muah💌 )
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citruslullabies · 5 months
Forgive me if this is weird, but I'd kind of like to see some moments of Dogday acting like a dog.
I'll do some minis since they're fast, darling
This is a judgement free zone so it isn't weird!! Also I wanna try something new so let me know if it's good
So for starters, we know Dogday can howl,
But he can also bark
He finds it embarrassing, but only does it if he needs too
The house was peaceful, with soft breathing and light music being the only noise as Dogday was pressed against you while you scratched behind his ears.
He sighed happily, drifting off into his own paradise where it was just you and him. Maybe in a house better than this one, with a garden in the backyard and gloves big enough for his hands to help it. But his mind quickly drew blank with annoyance when yipping and yelping started echoing through the room, opening his eyes and looking down at the causes.
Peanuts yipped at Cubby to play while Cubby growled and snapped her little mouth at him, while Biscuits was trying to play with his planes. She suddenly snatched one of the toy cars in her mouth and went to walk off with it while Peanuts was whimpering loudly, and Biscuits mreowing at him softly and trying to press his little blue plane against Peanut's cheek to cheer him up. Dogday quickly put the commotion to an end, and he... Barked? Fully barked to get them to stop, and it worked. He huffed and snuggled back up with you as you snorted and just continued to scratch him behind the ears before murmuring. "Didn't know you could do that, puppy."
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He also likes to mark you
Not in a weird way, but he marks you with his paws and head
Dogs and cats both like to rub scent glands on things that they claim is theirs (that's actually why dogs will kick in the dirt and nuzzle and cats make biscuits)
You let out a long sigh as you sat down in bed after a long day of work, gently undoing a few buttons on your shirt as you plopped down. Dogday came in a few moments later, shutting the door behind him and turning keeping the lights off as to not bother you. "Angel? Is everything alright?" He asked softly. You groaned and nodded. "Just stressed.."
He nodded before sitting down beside you, making the bed creak under his weight but not break. He stared at you for a few minutes, before snuggling with you. However his nose quickly caught the smell of someone else, which was your boss. As unhappy as he was he didn't say anything, since he didn't wanna stir anything. He knew you wouldn't be that type of person.
So he instead, very quietly started to scratch and rub your back with his large hands as he nuzzled his fat head into your neck and face. You snorted and looked over at him. "You trying to give me a massage?" You joked, which caused him to shrug with a hum. "You could say that."
You eventually fell asleep, sound in his arms as he relaxed with a sigh. Smiling as he shut his eyes with his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck, since you finally smelled right again. You smelled like his again.
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He thinks he's a lapdog.
No, really
This large humanoid dog who is 6× your size thinks he is a lapdog
"Dogday get off-!" You said, struggling to breathe as your overgrown mutt laid down in your lap, after you had only sat down for a minute as the water in the kitchen was boiling. You huffed and continued to try and push but he was just too heavy.
"Dogday, please! I have to go make dinner!" You desperately tried to reason, but he would not budge and instead closed his eyes while pretending to sleep. You groaned and tilted your head back against the couch, huffing and giving up. Before you scratched his head in defeat. "You're an asshole." You huffed, and from the apparently 'sleeping' figure you felt a rumble as a chuckle and saw a small smirk. Jerk.
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Thanks for requesting my lovely!
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whalesforhands · 8 months
kaizen daycare! 3
previous masterlist next
“Are ya gonna follow us home t’day?” Megumi rubs at his little eyes as his puppy-themed socks come to a stop before you, trying to stifle an incoming yawn. He sounds hopeful, dare you even say, excited.
“Daddy said you were gonna eat at our house too.” He’s suddenly holding his arms up towards you, asking to be carried as he awaits with still half-opened eyes.
“Oh? Megumi-kun, are you excited about moving in?” You’re bending down, your hands picking him up and supporting his weight, letting the child’s head loll and rest against your chest. His cheek squishes against you, a sleepy comfort overtaking him once more now that he’s in your arms.
“Mn.” You feel him press his ear against your heartbeat, smiling at the steady, slow vibration, his innocent eyes already starting to close once more as he cuddles himself against you, getting comfortable in your embrace. “I just wanna see you there…” His words trail off with his sleepy haze, going limp in your hug as he finally falls back asleep.
You feel a blush overtake you at his words, the gentle chime of a nursery lullaby flowing into your ears, accompanied by the adorable snores of your other children as you sat upon a nearby cushion with a sleeping Megumi in your arms. So cute.
Maybe it was a good idea to accept their family’s invite afterall?
Sometimes, you’re utterly at a loss for words at a certain trio within your class. Even as Mimiko sips on a cup of milk whilst sitting on your lap, Nanako humming, sprawled out on the floor next to you and drawing with her plethora of crayons and Megumi playing with the toy trucks by his sisters.
(“Hmm…” Mimiko leans back, staring up at you, hands fiddling with her now empty milk carton. She’s always been one to speak her mind.“(name)-sensei…”
“Mm?” You look down at her, snapping out of your dazed out trance, your fingers that were mindlessly combing through her hair stopping abruptly.
She doesn’t respond, her eyes scrutinizing you as you give her the moment to collect her words. Is something wrong? Did her milk taste bad? You had the same one, you don’t think—
“You’re so pretty.” Just as pretty as her Papa and Daddy. Maybe even more? She’d have to ask her plushies one by one later on who they think is the winner. She’s betting on you.)
“Nanako-chan, do you need me to call him? It isn’t like your Papa to be late…”
“Nope!” She pops the ‘p’ as she skips over to her cubby. “It’s realllll good that we’re the last ones left, and so earlyish! Pap— We thought we were gonna have to wait longer!!” She digs around the frog themed backpack, her tongue stuck out in concentration before she pulls out her phone.
Her very expensive, high-tech, latest in the market phone that was leagues better than yours and probably costed around an entire month of your salary. “Papa said to just text him if he’s late, and Daddy’ll come zooming the fastest around!”
That was approximately 4 minutes ago.
“(name)-sensei, (name)-sensei! I drew this for you!” A sheet of A3 paper is thrusted into your face, a burst of colour that dyed your eyes in fascinating intrigue as they slowly focus in on the drawing.
Matching blonde and brunette bobs, right next to a darker ponytailed brunette and spiky black. Shiny, smiley faces that were drawn on with an attempt to scribble the characters of their names just above them.
Though, that wasn’t the main focus. You notice 3 more figures upon the paper, characterized by neon-blue crayon for eyes, another having long shadowy black for hair… And the unmistakable pink of your apron you wore for work.
(You can’t even deny that it’s you. You saw her peeking over and trying to see and copy down your name embroidered onto the top of your apron.)
“That’s a wonderful drawing, Nanako-chan! What made you want to add me in?” Megumi and Mimiko have now gathered near you, squeezing in under your arms to stare at their sibling’s art work.
“That’s cause we love (name)-sensei a wholeeeeeee lot!” She draws a circle in the air with her arms, the widest circumference she can go. “Wayyyyy more than this!”
We…? Why, you feel flattered— A knock at the door sounds, a boisterous voice disrupting your train of thought.
“Daddy’s here!”
“But Nanako wants to sit on (name)-sensei’s lap!” A pouty complaint as she tugs on her dad’s jacket, narrowed brown squinting up at him as she hugs her frog plushie backpack close to her.
“Nope!” The grown man makes an X cross with his arms. “Papa’s gonna have my head if you’re not in your booster seat.”
“Then you sit in the back and Nanako will drive!” She’s determined to be able to be next to you on this short drive back.
You’re already helping Megumi buckle himself into the booster seat, a sleeping Mimiko all strapped in as her soft breaths are barely heard. You notice the soft, chubby fingers that rests themselves over your hand just as you were about to pull away.
“Hmm? Megumi-kun, what’s wrong?” He says nothing as he stares at your hand, eyes downcast and as if too conflicted to let go. “I dwon’t want you to go…”
You think you’re going to die from cuteness.
“I’ll be with you real soon, okay?” You ruffle his hair, watching as he grunts lightly at the sensation before he lets you go.
It isn’t long before Gojo gets his blonde daughter to behave and obediently settle next to her siblings, hugging her plushie close as she receives a wave from you from outside.
It’s just you and their other father now.
“Gojo-san, thank you for offering me to drive me back.” You’re smiling up at him, oh so innocently. It almost makes him want to—
“Sa. To. Ru.” You feel a tap to your nose at the last syllable. “We’re gonna be neighbours, aren’t we?” He sends you a charming wink. “Plus, I don’t mind driving you back. I’d even it rather be a regular occurrence, if you left it up to me.”
(S-so forward! Isn’t he scared of what his husband will think?! Driving another adult around so casually in his car!)
“That isn’t necessary at all, Gojo—“ You see him pout, his cheeks starting to puff up. “Sa…Toru-san. You really don’t have to.”
“Hmm.” He leans in— Almost intimately close as you back off slightly, your back coming into contact with his car. Vibrant blue stare into your own, as you tilt your head in innocent confusion.
“You know, (name).” His voice trace over your name with such a deep, almost fulfilling tone that makes your heart stir. “I’m been kind of worked up lately.”
An arm that extends past, lightly brushing your hip as he gets the door for you. Except… He doesn’t seem to be opening it anytime soon, choosing to box you in between the car and his body. “You could say that I’m even a little… Excited.”
(“Oh? I suppose it is a little nerve wrecking to have a guest over when you just move in.” You nod, ignoring the warmth that was exceedingly close to your waist, your gaze still holding his own intense orbs. “Even I wouldn’t dare to invite someone over when I’ve barely got everything set up yet, so I get you, Satoru-san.”
He blinks, the tension diffusing in mere seconds before he starts breaking out into a boisterous laugh, tilting his head downwards towards the ground and a hand over his mouth.
“Ahaha! That’s right, sensei!” You’re so cute.)
“Hello!” A sparkling set of eyes and rocking feet, hands clenched into excited fists that pump into the air. “Welcome to our new house!” A little girl no older than 3 or 4 appears in front of you, her brown hair fluttering with her bouncy joy that radiates off of her in waves.
“My name is Tsumiki! I like drinking strawberry milk and being praised!” She ends her introduction with an eager V-sign, bright teeth out in a grin and eyes upturned into the cutest little crescents, before she flattens her arms at her sides, bowing to you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“My, you’re so polite.” You lean over to pat at her head, your bag long placed on top of the counter at their genkan. “I’m (nam)—“
“(name)-sensei! You live in the apartment right next to us, you work at the kindergarten my brother and sisters go to, you’re super, suuuuper sweet like kikufuku mochi and, and—!” Her eyes are sparkling more intensely, practically reflecting a constellation of her thoughts as she looks up at you. “And you’re even super, super pretty!”
(Even prettier than all the other times she’s seen you.)
You’re honestly at a loss for words right now. How much are you talked about here…?
“Mmm, but I suppose calling you sensei when you aren’t my sensei is a little strange, right, sensei?~” She’s strangely playful, big grin and eyes that gleamed with something you can only describe as a yearning want.
She taps her chin in thought, eyes averting to the side and upwards as if in deep thought. “Ah!” She claps her hands together. “Can I call you Mama?”
(W-whaaaaaat?! So upfront!)
“Please, please?” She’s already wrapped her arms around your legs, her pouty, mischievous eyes pleading up at your blushing form, her head buried into your tummy as she’s on her tiptoes.
You’re blushing hard— Your eyes swirling with bashful shyness that makes you so, so nervous. Sure, she’s adorable— So forward and so cute pleading you like this…! You did always tell yourself that you wanted kids—
“Now, now Tsumiki. You’re teasing our poor guest too much.” A tut and a ruffle of her head from behind as an all too welcomed figure appears.
“I’m sorry. She takes after Satoru a little too much in that sense.” She turns his gaze downwards. “Tsumiki, help me set the table, please.”
“Okay!” And she patters off, socked feet against the wooden floors as she skips away. “Talk to you later, Mama!”
(Ohhh… You feel like you’re going to burn up from gratified embarrassment… You like the way it sounds but it’s so embarrassing—! Especially when she’s not your child…!)
“No, no, Geto-san. It was lovely being able to talk with her! You raised all your kids so well!” You’re gushing as you talk to him, a hand pressed over your stuttering heart, letting him lead you around, not even noticing the hand that had intertwined with your own as you lost yourself to your overactive mind.
“I sometimes wish they were my own.” You’re turning sheepish, body turned slightly to face his with the still all too cute, all too adorable smile of yours. He stops in his tracks, fingers closing in on your face to brush a strand of your hair back, the graze of his skin against yours makes you shiver in a sense of delight… It always felt strangely— Good whenever he does this.
(He can make that happen, you know?)
“Trust me, sensei—“ He feigns a tired sigh, pulling away, causing your shoulders to slump in visible disappointment, much to his adoration. “They can be up to no good if they want to be.”
Now that you’re actually in their house, it definitely feels a little high class. Their cushions that looked and felt like they were too out of this world, their curtains looking a little glamorous… Not to mention how amazingly soft the couch you were sitting upon felt…
You were so sure you passed by your own apartment next to theirs not too long ago. Now you’re not even sure if you’re even living in the same realm of possibility…
“Dinner’s about to be finished up. Do you mind waiting a bit?”
“If you don’t mind,” You tilt your head to the side as you watch him. “I could lend a hand.”
“Gumi, c’mere.” Tsumiki beckons her younger brother towards her, the little boy waddling over with his towel wrapped around him, dripping with water as he holds onto his sister’s hand.
(It’s normal for them to wash up a little bit before dinner, they’ll take their bath later.)
“Don’t they look like a marriage?” A proper one. Like in those late-night soap operas one of her Mother’s ‘friends’ used to leave on. The way Papa is smiling as you taste test his cooking, the way Daddy tried to eat whatever you touched, the way you all laughed in an emotion that cannot be anything else but utter joy.
“Get— Suguru-san, I think it needs a little salt.”
“Mm, is that so?” He doesn’t even hesitate to place his lips onto the spoon you had just used, tongue peeking out to lick up any leftover remnants that could be there. “It might be the lack of dashi stock. I need to go to the market soon.”
“Oh, there’s one nearby, I could show you—“
“Suguru! No fair! I wanna taste too!”
“Aren’t you meant to be helping the kids dry off, Satoru?”
“Mmm, I will if I get fed!” He opens his mouth towards you, “Pleaseeeeee? I’m getting hungry!”
You’re the one. Tsumiki knows you are. She just does. Her grip on the door frame tightens ever so slightly, a twinkle of longing, of yearn in her gaze.
“Better than Mother ever looked with any of those men…”
previous masterlist next
It’s very important that you do not leave the nap room for very long during naptime. You went out to do some administrative work and you came back to a crying Mimiko that was biting into her plushie, trying to silence herself so as to not disturb the rest while she huddled into a corner and silently wailed for you.
“(name)-sensei…! D-don’t leave Mimiko again…!” Her tears are soaking into the front of your apron, her small hands gripping onto the fabric of upon your shoulders as she clung onto you. Desperate, scared.
The other children do not like it when you’re not around. Stay in the rooms with them.
“Aww, I thought I heard something from outside. Was it you, Megumi?” Geto Suguru soon scoops up a blank, sleepy little boy dragging a blanket in.
“Oh? What do you have in your hands for me, Gumi? It’s—“ He continues to smile. “Are those my… Contact lenses? Thank you very much…” The transparent item is plopped onto Suguru’s open palm, a silent Megumi burying his face into his father’s chest soon after.
What a peculiar child.
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
okay.. can i ask for leon cockwarming you????11&2×*×* as a punishment? I SAW THAT ONE POST THAT LEON WOULD DO THAT THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME WANT TO READ ONE
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LEON KENNEDY (re4) x reader
note — I GOT TO THIS REQUEST SO LATE. i don't think i've read the post of him doing that but whoever wrote it is doing a service to everyone in the world. i don't know what game leon you want me to write about so i'll do re4make (i'm holding myself back from making it id leon). + i suck at writing punishment smut especially w this type of punishment.
tags — nsfw, porn w a hint of plot, badly written smut, slight praise, teasing, fem bodied reader, cockwarming obviously, use of pretty girl and baby
i am not responsible for any minors interacting w this post - nsfw under the cut
not proofread.
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"le-mmph, leon, wait," you tried prying away the hand that was currently in between your thighs, his fingers teasing your sopping cunt.
"hm?" he hummed. "what, you want me to stop?"
you shook your head quickly. "just slow down," you mumbled out. you didn't want carlos to hear, who was downstairs sleeping, staying over since he was too drunk to drive home from the bar.
"i haven't even done anything yet, and you already want me to slow down?" he cooed. his free hand trailed up and down your thigh, sending shivers down your spine.
your clothes had been discarded on the floor as soon as the two of you had made it to your room, leon still in his fitted shirt that had you staring at him longer than usual.
"you can tell me to slow down, but you can't tell carlos to keep his hands to himself?" he questioned, his hand making his way from your thigh to your chin, turning your head to face him.
"we were just talking," you struggled to get out as leon momentarily slid a finger in you, curling it before stopping.
"just talking? did you see the way he looked at you? i bet he was wishing that he was in my spot right now."
now that you really thought about it, you realized how many times he left lingering touches on the small of your back and arm, eyeing you up and down in your satin dress.
"i don't want him, i want you," you whimpered out.
"well, is that what he thinks? he probably thinks that he can get you in his bed in no time." leon furrowed his eyebrows, a shadow cast over his eyes. "i guess i'll just have to make it obvious you're mine."
he pressed your body closer to his, and buried his face in your neck, nipping at you. he finally resumed moving his fingers in and out of your cunt and a rapid pace, causing you to claw at his back.
the sound of squelching mixed with your moans and gasps had leon holding back from just outright fucking you right then and there. "let it all out baby." he praised.
"you gonna cum for me sweetheart? you gonna be loud enough so carlos can hear who you belong to?" he curled his fingers up to that certain spongey spot which led you to buck your hips up and throw your head back.
"answer me," he prodded at your g-spot, and you muffled a moan.
"y-yes leon," you stammered out.
"you want my fingers or my cock?" leon smirked as you whined when he stopped moving his fingers.
"wan' you in me." your hips grinded against his hand, which he quickly drew away to unbuckle his jeans, which he looked uncomfortably tight in, the tent obvious.
he chuckled at you clenching around nothing, and slowly he slowly pushed himself in your entrance, letting out a drawn out groan. you arched your back as leon gathered both of your wrists into his grip and held them above your head. you struggled for a bit before remembering the strength difference.
"you wanna touch me?" he teased.
you nodded, lips parted and eyes half lidded.
"mm, alright," he let your hands drop down, and you wrapped your hands around his waist, expecting him to start his typical brutal pace, but instead, he flipped you around so you were on top, as if you were about to ride him.
that's what you thought, lifting your hips up, only for leon to grip your hips with bruising strength and slam you back down, you letting out a surprised moan.
"didn't you want to go slow, baby?" he traced shapes along your hipbone and lower thigh. "you think i'd just fuck you and it'd be over?"
"please, leon, please," your voice cracked as you begged for him to let you move
"i love listening to you beg, pretty girl, but don't you think it'd be a reward? i don't think you deserve a reward." he shook his head.
you whined, moving around as much as you could, which was pretty little with his big, strong hands holding you down.
"how about this. you don't move until i say you can, and i'll do whatever you want me to do for you, alright baby?" you knew that either you agreed and get what you wanted, or disagree and he'd still make you do it and you wouldn't get anything in the end.
"fine," you said, lying down on his chest, leon loosening his hold on you.
you were trying so hard not to move, but you couldn't stop yourself from trembling and tightening around his thick cock. occasionally you'd slightly grind down on him, and you knew this wasn't going unnoticed.
"do that one more time, and i'll make sure you don't get to cum for the rest of this month," he threatened, and you felt his fingers slowly dig into your skin. you were definitely bruising after this.
it felt like hours passed. you didn't know how leon wasn't pressing your legs up against your chest and fucking the shit out of you, but he seemed relaxed. especially compared to you, tense and squirming around.
"something wrong?" he raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"want you to fuck me so bad," you murmured against his chest.
"hmm," he pretended to think. "maybe."
you pouted, eyes tearing up from not getting the pleasure that you want so bad.
"is my pretty girl about to cry? aww," he mocked you, the sweet voice he had shadowing the teasing nature of the sentence. you felt your slick pool at the base of his crotch.
"i should make it more obvious that you're mine, so you won't have to go through this again, huh? you don't want to get punished again, right princess?"
"yes, yes. just please, can you please fuck me," you pleaded, hands scrambling to the top of his shoulders.
"if i fuck you, I wanna hear my name come out of those pretty lips of yours, baby. let carlos know what he doesn't get to have."
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daydream-cement · 1 year
omg are your requests indeed open??? if so, can i request a wing kink lucifer x fem!reader fic :) i am aware it's been done a couple of times now but. i am garbage and i want more ahahah the details are up to you, i just wanna see submissive lucifer *returns to my the garbage can*
Bathing Together (NSFW)
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Author's Note: I love me some of The Wing Thing™. Thank you to THE Lucifer writer (@alexusonfire) for beta-ing this fic. ilysm.
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Every move you made had the deliberate purpose of driving the Morningstar insane. 
You sat positioned behind them in a grand bathtub. They were seated between your legs submerged to the sternum in the steaming water, their head thrown back in ecstasy as you ran a damp sponge across the ridges of their wings. You could tell they were still holding back as Lucifer only offered you affirming hums, their eyes remaining shut and mouth closed. 
It had been your idea to bathe together. You had discovered their secret love of having their wings stroked and caressed, and since then, you were desperate to find the lengths you could go in bringing them pleasure. 
Their shoulders shook as little jolts of electricity traveled through their body. With a determined gaze, you dip the sponge back in the water once more before lifting it back to their wings. When the heated sponge returned to the ridge of their wing, the Morningstar released a gasp, their whole body tensing and then vibrating in response.  
Taking a risk, you venture downwards, taking the warm sponge across the membrane of their wing. You were ever so gentle in your actions, treating the wing anatomy with utmost care as it gave way lightly under the pressure of your cleaning. 
After a few swipes of the sponge, you dip it back in the water and raise it to their wings to repeat the same steps as before. The Morningstar instinctually reclined back against you causing you to lean back against the stonewall of the bathtub. The pleasure they drew from your gentle caressing of this portion of their wings was more relaxing, the kind of sensation that could lull them to sleep. 
You allow them to enjoy the relaxation for a few minutes, switching to their other wing when the first felt sufficiently cared for. You weren’t looking for them to sleep, however. You wanted them to be shaking and writhing with pleasure. 
Dropping the sponge away from their wings entirely, you release the sponge into the water and bring your hands down beneath the surface, winding them around the Morningstar’s middle. You closed the final space between you and Lucifer, your chest pressing against their back, and your lips hovering over the crux of their wings. 
Your breath skimming over their wings resulted in the angel sitting up straighter, their wings flexing in anticipation. With hands roaming to Lucifer’s breasts, you finally place your lips upon their wings, pressing a kiss to the joint of both wings. The breathy moan that escaped their lips generated a throbbing between your legs.
“Oh, little angel...” Lucifer couldn’t contain themselves, their voice shaking as they spoke. 
This reaction spurned you onwards, your tongue darting from your lips to drag a long lick across the space you had kissed. The next moan from the Morningstar came out strangled, their tall form doubling over involuntarily as their wings stretched out horizontally as far as they could go. 
You were sure Lucifer folding over was their attempt to avoid your mouth, not wanting to show the vulnerability that came from touching their wings. 
“No, no, no, my love...” You scold, fingers finding their nipples to pinch and twist, resulting in their spine straightening back towards you. They hissed in response, not appreciating the way you so easily controlled and manipulated their body. 
There you found the sweet spot, the gentle kissing and licking of any available portion of their wings while your hands kept busy with teasing their nipples. The Morningstar began to rock back and forth, shoulder and bicep muscles contracting and relaxing, causing their whole body to shake as their mind struggled to pick a sensation to focus on. 
“P-please, lamb… Don’t- Don’t stop…” Lucifer’s voice quivered as they begged for more which caused you to bite your bottom lip to suppress a moan. Their sounds of pleasure were intoxicating for you as they were unlike anything you had ever heard before.
In turn, you then chose to tentatively scrape your teeth against the hardened ridge of their wing, leaving the Morningstar a complete puddle in your arms. The angel cried out, a noise that made you wonder if it was a sob. 
You repeated the action, pressing your tongue to each of the spots where you scraped your teeth. Lucifer began to unravel, repeating the word ‘more’ over and over again until it became an unintelligible mumble as the words ran together. And while you couldn’t see the look on the Morningstar’s face, you would have been pleased to see the angel nearly in tears as the sensation of your mouth was almost too much for the immortal to handle.
The steady rocking of Lucifer’s hips drew your mind to something even more pleasurable for the Morningstar. Your left hand released their breast and you pushed the now free hand between their legs, fingers finding their clit with ease. The kneading of Lucifer’s breast and teasing of their clit became secondary to your mouth’s ministrations against their wings.
The warm water began lapping at the edges of the tub when Lucifer’s thrashing grew more unhinged. Their hands reached back, clawing for your thighs, grasping them tightly as they bucked their hips against your hand. 
It felt as if your bodies were melding into one. Their pleasure was your pleasure. 
You were struggling to get leverage over the angel, their size much greater than your own. Relinquishing their breast, you draw your hand back, shifting it up the Morningstar’s back and up around their neck, squeezing as you spoke, “Tell me what you want, my little devil.” 
“Make me come, lamb… Make me come.”  
You do as you are told, pressing more firmly against their clit as you circle the nub. With your hands busy, you refocus your attention on their divine wings. 
You place long languid licks to the upper ridges of their wings causing your sweet Morningstar to thrash and moan in your arms. Their cries grew louder bordering on that of a scream. You were sure many of the demons outside their chamber walls could hear their master’s cries of pleasure.
The rough texture of Lucifer’s wings was delicious against your tongue, a sensation you were sure you wanted to experience again in the near future. You slid your tongue over their wings again and again, until much of the parts of their wings closest to you are shining with your saliva. 
“Oh, lamb… I’m- I am about to-“ Lucifer’s words came out strangled, every fiber of their being attempting to restrain themselves from coming so soon. 
There was no stopping the tidal wave about to crash over the Morningstar. 
They fully unraveled before you when you opened your jaw wide, taking a portion of their wing in your mouth to gently bite down. 
Lucifer’s head was thrown back, a guttural moan escaping as their nails dug into your thighs. You braced yourself against the angel, fingers gripping their throat even tighter and your left hand fingers pausing their work against their clit. Their wings spread outwards and gave a great jolt causing the water to churn wildly, spilling over the edges of the tub.
With the shuddering and shaking beginning to subside, Lucifer’s wings drew to a close and they turned over so they may gradually slip deeper into your embrace. Even while you had been romantically involved for years, this level of vulnerability with Lucifer was still incredibly meaningful to you. 
Their hair had become mussed and disheveled, the frantic actions of your lovemaking and the humidity creating the amusing display. 
Their head rested on your chest and you allowed yourself to draw them near, one hand coming to rest on the back of their head while the other traveled down their back, fingers dancing dangerously close to their wings once more. Their breath was still ragged. They had never experienced this level of pleasure with someone other than you.
Lucifer let out a long sigh, their hands danced up your sides so they could rest at your collarbone, “No one pleases me as you do, starlight.”
Their chest pressed against yours and your legs intertwined, generating a deeper embrace between you and the Morningstar. The slickness generated from the water created the most beautiful sensation between your bodies; enjoying time in the bath with your angel was certainly an activity to repeat again sometime.
“I am always honored you give me such control, my sweet sin…” You take a hand to their hair, combing down the flyways that marred the being’s typically flawless curls.
Lucifer only gave a pleased hum, their hand lifting from your body to gesture quickly causing a few inches of water to drain. This left you chilled, only momentarily, before the water turned back on, filling the tub with steaming water once more. It was obvious the Morningstar had no intention of exiting the bath in the near future. 
As Lucifer dozed on your chest, your half lidded eyes remained trained on the black, flexing wings that hovered just above the water’s surface. Only if Lucifer knew the additional plans you had for them once you retired to the Morningstar’s bedchambers.
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 3 months
i have nowhere to go w any character rly,, just being beaten down and SO done with everything that has gone down in ur life, ending up on someone’s doorstep in the rain, asking for a moment of peace with them🥲🥲🥲
it ain't raining cause i wanted the pathetic fallacy to provide a happier setting than our dear reader's apartment - anyway, this one was fun, and is written extremely vaguely, in terms of your chosen character.
Seeking Peace - Drabble
Written with Iruka, Kakashi, Shisui, Shikamaru, Naruto, Shino, Choji, Kiba, Sai, and Neji in mind, but could work for others.
Warnings: swearing, angst, symptoms of depression (not showering, not eating), this might suck lmk
W/c: 612
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You know it's gotten bad again, when you haven't had a good cup of tea in so long, that you start to forget how a proper cup should taste.
You know it's gotten bad again, when you realize you haven't showered in over a week; you can almost see the layer of dirt that clings to your skin, matting every hue.
You know it's gotten bad again, when you can't even finish a dinner roll in one sitting, even after having forgotten to eat for two days - though your stomach whales and gurgles, if you eat one bite too much, it all comes up.
You know it's gotten bad again.
Will it get better on it's own?
Stirring your tea until you can hear not a single sugar granule on the bottom, you sip the carefully brewed mixture with purpose - only to find it tastes of... ugh.
Sitting in the shower, your arms scream with exertion while washing your hair, battling the heavy tendrils with too much shampoo to quantify - but, can you find the energy to scrub your body? Ugh.
Drawing to the fridge, you hesitate to open it.
Fuck this, I need help.
So, you pull your favourite jumper over your t-shirt, and cover your legs with black track pants. Argyle socks had always ticked you, so you thought, for shits and giggles, why not?
Shoes were all you needed, then you got your keys and your coat, ready to leave.
You know where to go.
To the kindest person you know.
He was a constant presence in your life, on the sunny days and the rainy days. His door was always open, and his shoulder was always good to cry on. With him, he brought a homely warmth. one that drew you in, one that you craved, now, more than ever.
The streets are empty, and you realize it to be the dead of night. The village was asleep, washed in a silver glow and cool breeze.
The Moon tells you that it's a little past midnight, so you'd better hurry up. You heed her gentle advice, and could feel a beam of her shine along your face as a reward.
The beautiful Moon was very kind. So kind, that there was only one kinder than she.
And now you stood at his doorstep, your muscles tired, your mouth dry, and your heart heavy. Despite your thoughts that told you to go back to your apartment, you reach up and knock gently against his door. Then, wait.
And wait.
You rest your forehead against the door. Maybe you could just sleep here, on his doorstep... at least you'd be out of your apartment.
Then the door slowly cracks open.
Standing up straight, you gathered up whatever you could, and smile at him. He smiles right back, giving you a little boost.
Rubbing his eyes, he yawns, "What's the word, hummingbird? I haven't seen you in a bit."
"I'm sorry about that, and this - y'know, given the time and all..."
"Agh, don't worry about it," he assures you with a sleep-laced voice. He holds the door open wider, and motions you in. "Do you wanna come in to have a tea and a chat, or... I dunno, we could cuddle up on the couch maybe?"
He would always understand you, he would never question you - and you couldn't have been more grateful for his mere existence in the present moment. It was like he lifted the invisible weight from your shoulders, and allowed you to draw a proper breath, for the first time in what felt like ages.
"Whatever you want to do," you reply with a small, but genuine, smile. "I just want a moment of peace... with you."
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keis-slut · 6 months
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insane|j.the killer
he was just passing through when he spot your house again.
recognizing it from the familiar window frame he had attempted to get into not too long ago as he was plotting his next victim.
but that time, he had decided against targeting you.
something about you, your eyes as you caught him slipping through your window, like a deer in headlights.
but the thoughts behind your eyes were more than just nothing, to him.
they almost mirrored his, almost scared him.
not an ounce of anxiety or fear in them, more like curiosity, or insanity just waiting to come out.
he knew, he felt that you were different.
he just had a gut feeling that you were, that something inside you had twisted, just like him.
and that disgustingly turned him on.
he wanted to meet you again, he wanted to find out, and something pulled him towards your house, telling him to climb back up to the familiar window frame.
see if he’d catch another glimpse of those deranged eyes that drew him in such a way that should be revolting.
and he did.
he slipped carefully up to your window, already left open as if you’d been waiting for him to come back, and this excited him.
he felt like he knew how your mind worked, but maybe biased.
yet, you wanted him to come back.
you hoped that he would.
and so you slept with your window wide open, sleeping in a strappy sports bra and panties.
waiting for him to come back, you’d dream of him coming to your window, blood stained hoodie and permanent smile.
eyes that you knew could read yours like a wide open book.
and he really could, even as you slept soundly while he brought a leg onto your mattress, and then the other as he straddled you.
you hadn’t shifted at all yet, his bleached, calloused hand making it past what little blanket you had hiding yourself.
he graced his fingers just below what clothed your chest, the anticipation making his cock throb shamelessly.
you really were sound asleep, but your dreams weren’t any less sinful than what unbeknownst to you was already playing out in front of you.
cupping one in one hand, and his torn lips eagerly sucking one breast in the other, you did turn slightly in your sleep.
but that didn’t stop him, it only amused him more as he squeezed harder.
him and you both dreaming, fantasizing about this exact moment.
his hand slipped down to your waistband, and you started to cry.
whining and crying in your sleep, he hooked a finger into your cunt, surprising him with how much you’d soaked yourself, and you weren’t even conscious.
until you jolted, sitting up and finally opening your eyes to meet his dark ones.
“i knew you’d come”
there it was, the crazed look in your eyes as they then rolled back from the pleasure.
“‘n you’re about to, aren’t ‘cha?”
he adored how fast you’d woken up, practically riding his fingers to chase your high as one of your hands clamped around his wrist.
he brought his other hand quickly to your throat, pushing you back down onto your pillow as he towered over you.
“daddy, oh god-“
you choked as he leaned down, getting close to your face, and what a strong metallic smell he gave off, mixed with slight petrichor too.
must have been raining.
his scent drove you absolutely mad, insane, as he felt you tighten around his fingers.
“s’ tight, i wanna keep you forever”
your chest heaved as you felt yourself close to finishing, his hand never slowing down, only going faster.
“yes, yes! all yours, take me!”
you scream as he curled his fingers tightly inside your cunt, then gasping as you felt something drip down your ass.
his hand tightened around your neck, causing your vision to grow fuzzy, but you didn’t care as you placed your hand over his and pushed even harder.
“you’re fucking insane, i love it”
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mymelodymia · 1 year
Dad!Tony! Yay! How about him taking his daughter to board meetings and work related stuff when he has to inevitably go to Stark Industries HQ, and he ends up more focused in having fun with her and cuddling her when she gets tired (picture this: she sleeps on top of him during a meeting, and his whole attention is on her not listening to anyone, except if they raise their voices so he tells them that if they wake up his kid they’re fired)
Board meetings Dad!Tony stark x daughter!reader
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Summary: your father takes you to stark Industries expecting to pay attention.....but you didn't
Warnings: umm...nothing? I think 🤔
When you walked into the large building with your father, tony, you instinctively wrapped your hand around his.
He stopped and turned to look at you.
"You okay? Whats wrong" he asked feeling something was off.
"Just a bit nervous i might screw up thats all" you said looking down, expecting him to tell you you'll be fine and continue walking
"Y/n, you have no reason to be nervous. Because your a very smart girl, and no matter what happens, you always figure something out. And plus, if someone gets aggressive or upset at you ill fire them on the spot" he said taking both of your hands, you chuckled at the sudden threat.
Taking your newly gained confidence, you walked into the building with pride.
As you walked into the meeting room, everyone's eyes fell on you and tony. Given that you were 2 hours late. You took a seat next to your father, and scooted your seat towards his, as they began to talk business. You found yourself distracted. And your father noticed this and took a chance to get your attention by pinching your side. You flinched and pushed him away,
And so it begins...
"Rude" you whispered to him. And he pinched you again. You smacked his hand away a 2nd time. Expecting him to stop by now. But he didn't.
You almost fell out of your chair after the third pinch. Causing everyones eyes to fall upon you two again.
a few minutes later he whispered a comment into your ear. It was very random to say in the middle of a meeting. You giggled silently, before accidentally letting out a real laugh. Turning your head all the way around to try and gather yourself. Turning back you sucked in your lips, in a attempt to stop yourself from laughing again.
Around 10 minutes later tony grabbed a small whiteboard and began drawing something, after a few moments he turned it to you.
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You giggled and took the whiteboard and the marker and began drawing a response.
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You handed it to tony, who murmured a small "ew". Then tony said to you
"Draw the one thing you wanna say to all the people in this room right now" he said handing it back to you
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This is what you drew. And while showing tony, he chuckled getting the attention of everyone else.
"Ms. Stark, would you like to show what has been a distraction to you." Said an old man, around early to mid 50s. Who had been a complete chatterbox, never shutting up, (sorry that was mean)
"Ummmm....yeah sure why not." You said before quickly turning it around to reveal your masterpiece. And everyone looked a little disrespected, but they knew it was coming..
you began to feel very tired about 45 minutes into the meeting, and your dad noticed this. Given that your seats were very close together, he put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him.
You didn't feel the strength to move away, and you didn't want to either. You always loved to be held by your dad, his warmth was so comforting, his touch was so soft, so you grew quite fond of it <3
You rested your head on his shoulder, and he began to stroke his fingers through your hair. Relaxing at this gentle touch, you allowed yourself to doze off in his arms.
Tony was looking down at you sleeping peacefully against him. He had his full and undivided attention on you, not listening to anything anyone was saying. Until someone raised their voice, the same guy who told you to show the whiteboard.
"Mr. Stark! Please pay attention, this is a very important project" the man said banging on the table. And tony gave him a *gasp* "how dare you" kind of look.
"You wake up my kid and your fired." Tony said pointing a finger at the man. Who immediately shut his trap (finally)
EXTRA: when you finally awoke from your deep slumber, you were still in tonys arms, the whole room was empty. He had sat there and waited until you woke up, his man is too pure 🥰
"How long has it been?" You asked rubbing your eyes.
"Like an hour" tony said as you whipped around to face him. You sort of felt bad for making him sit there for so long. But he was so sweet, and you just hugged him instead.
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @yummyangy // @zebralover //
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imtrashraccoon · 7 months
Ooh could you perhaps write something for cross? Like an X reader? I haven't seen many of those- like- at all, and it's incredibly sad because the boy deserves love :c
Feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna do it <3
I'm so sorry for the wait, Anon! I didn't realize it had been almost a month since I received this! In my defense it took me like two weeks to figure out what I wanted to write in the first place. I hope this doesn't disappoint because it's way longer than I intended it to be...
A Gentle Soldier
Cross!Sans x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 4,875
You were simple person, just doing what you could to get by in the world. It wasn't an easy or comfortable life but you made the best of it.
After your father passed away, you were left with the cabin he'd built that had been your childhood home. It was a small one room building with a loft for sleeping and a fireplace set into one wall, which was especially nice in the Winter when the stone bricks it was built from radiated the heat throughout the entire cabin.
You kept a small vegetable and herb garden out back and regularly hunted or trapped animals for meat year round. You also preserved anything extra for the cold months when you might not be able to leave the cabin during bad storms for several days. Other than the occasional trip into the nearby village for rifle ammo and a few other things that you couldn't make yourself, you were self sufficient and almost never interacted with anyone.
Maybe one day you'd meet someone and start a family, but they'd have to be adaptable because you weren't about to just abandon the life you'd worked so hard to build for yourself. You liked to think that you were a reasonable sort but there were some things that you wouldn't compromise on. Moving back into the village was one of them, so unless you had no other options, you were going to hang on dearly to your little piece of paradise.
Today was a bit of a gloomy one, but despite the heavy rainfall the previous night, many dark clouds still remained overhead. There was a cool breeze as well, but you figured the inclement weather would hold off for a few hours at least, which was enough time to check your traps.
After putting on a thick coat for warmth and in case you were wrong about the rain, you shouldered a rucksack which held extra traps and some small tools. You also slung your father's hunting rifle over your shoulder, which while you didn't think you'd need it, there was always the possibility of running into a hungry bear or wolf this time of year. You were a decent shot, but hopefully if you did end up missing, the loud noise would be enough to scare them away.
While checking each of your traps, you thought it was strange how quiet the forest seemed today. Not even the occasional birdsong interrupted the silence and none of the traps had even been touched. That was disappointing, but you still had some meat you'd smoked previously and you had enough flour to make some bread so you wouldn't go hungry tonight at least.
You were on your way home again when you heard a loud noise.
It was like several trees had been knocked over or like a landslide had been triggered.
That wasn't something an animal could do.
You checked that your rifle was loaded but kept the safety on for now as you carefully made your way towards the strange noise. You only wanted to take a peek, just in case someone had gotten hurt. Although, it soon became apparent that whatever or whomever had caused the disturbance was still in the area and, as you drew closer, you began to hear people shouting as if they were in the middle of a fight.
You stopped at the crest of a hill and peered down into the little valley below.
There were at least four monsters below you, three of which were seemingly working together to attack the fourth. They all looked like skeleton monsters, however there were some anatomical differences between them and human skeletons. They were dressed completely different from both each other and from any monsters you'd ever seen before too.
The first was a skeleton whose outfit was rather intricate but it was also completely black and white. It was hard to describe with all the layers of clothing, but the basics of his outfit seemed to be a white parka with a fluffy hood, a narrow white cape with black edges, and a pair of black shorts with white stripes that were shaped like an X. He had twin bone daggers with hollow blades and even from here you could tell that he was quite experienced with them.
The second skeleton was wearing a metal chestplate, a light blue bandana tied around his neck with matching gloves and boots, and sturdy looking jeans. He kind of looked like a warrior from an RPG to you and the large maul he was wielding only solidified that thought in your mind.
The third skeleton was a bit shorter than the others and he seemingly flitted about like a leprechaun with what looked like a giant paintbrush. His outfit was mostly brown but some of the straps holding it together were bright yellow and green. He also had on a pair of fingerless gloves and sported a very long brown scarf that somehow didn't impede his movements at all.
Their outfit choices seemed to be representative of their personalities since you couldn't think of any other reason for the variety on display. The first struck you as the strong and silent type, with the second seeming like he was dependable, and the third looked almost carefree and yet also rather bubbly at the same time.
Their opponent though, just looking at him seemed to fill you with dread, and while you had limited experience with people, even you knew he was bad news.
He was several inches taller than the three, not counting the numerous black tentacles protruding from his back. His bones and clothing also seemed to be completely black, in such a way that gave him the appearance of having been dipped in ink, except it didn't seem to leave a mess everywhere. Speaking of clothing, while it was hard to differentiate where his bones ended and clothes began, his outfit looked like it consisted of a fancy overcoat and you could see that he was wearing a gold circlet and several rings on his phalanges. He seemed to only have one working eye socket, which had a piercing cyan eyelight, if the way he kept guarding his right side was any indication, but other than the uncountable number of tentacles, he didn't appear to have any weapons of his own, not that it seemed to be a problem for him.
You knew in your heart that you shouldn't be sticking around and risk being caught in the crossfire, but at the same time, you couldn't help but want to continue watching. It was almost mesmerizing with how fluid their movements were and even though each had their own techniques, they all seemed to work flawlessly together. Their opponent seemed frustrated in comparison and yet he was managing to hold his own against all three at once. You didn't know what the stakes were or how the fight had even started, but you couldn't help but silently cheer for the three skeletons to win.
The monochromatic skeleton was suddenly grabbed by a tendril and sent flying until he collided with a nearby tree. You watched in horror as his body slumped to the ground and when he didn't move for several long seconds, you felt the sickly feeling of dread beginning to pool in your stomach.
The other two skeletons were too busy to check on their compatriot and you could tell the nightmarish looking one would send each of them flying as well if they lost focus for even a second.
You had to see if he was hurt and how badly.
Not caring if you were seen anymore, you scrambled down the steep incline, scattering loose stones and dirt under your boots in a mini landslide as you did so. Somehow you didn't lose your footing but it certainly did slow you down.
Although, before you could reach the fallen skeleton, there was a flash of bright light and another one appeared by his side.
This skeleton was a bit taller than the others, but still shorter than the scary one, and you almost had to squint to even look at him. His presence almost seemed to warm up the immediate area and, rather confusingly, just seeing him made you feel calm and like you should be happy. Considering the situation, it also felt unnerving but you couldn't place exactly why that was.
Somehow, he was dressed even more fanciful than any of the others. Over a form fitting black body suit, he had a loose white outfit that kind of resembled a tunic with bright yellow accents. The best way to describe it was like he'd stepped out of an ancient Egyptian mural, only he was somehow more beautiful.
This new skeleton knelt down by the first and placed his gloved hands on his still crumpled form. A soft yellow glow flickered from between his fingers before the monochromatic skeleton's body jolted awake. The bright one then stood up and said something you didn't quite hear, which the other nodded in response to.
He summoned a gorgeous longbow with a string made of glowing blue energy. Then, he appeared to notch a similarly glowing arrow and turned as if to join the fight, before his gaze locked with your own.
You were completely awestruck and for a moment you found yourself lost in his golden eyelights. You felt like you should be overjoyed that he'd noticed you but the disinterested look on his skull quickly quelled those thoughts. He looked like he was about to say something to you, when a shout from the nightmarish skeleton interrupted him.
"Dream! So you've resorted to collecting pawns now?!" his voice thundered across the little valley.
The bright skeleton, whose name was apparently Dream, let out a tired sigh and turned to face the antagonizing one. "I'm tired of fighting, brother. So I'm here to finish this once and for all," he responded in a tone that, while much calmer, still held a certain level of venom and he'd notably ignored the accusations.
The two brothers practically leaped at each other and their resounding blows echoed throughout the surrounding area. Dream was far more agile than you'd expected and his arrows seemed to burst like a firecracker as they found their mark. His brother seemed to transform into a form that struck so much more fear into you than his first had, so much so that you couldn't bear to watch them any further.
"hey, are you alright?"
You startled and glanced to your left to find the monochromatic skeleton had hauled himself to his feet and apparently had also noticed you.
He looked rather banged up but fortunately didn't seem to have any broken bones or other obvious injuries. Although, there were several tears in his jacket, which you could now see was actually short sleeved and that he was wearing a long sleeved shirt underneath. The ends of his cape were also frayed but you could tell they were already like that before he'd been whipped into a tree.
However, the most striking details about him were his white eyelights, that almost seemed to have a soft purple glow at the center, and an old jagged red scar under his right eye socket. He seemed genuinely concerned about you too, which was a little odd since you were the one who'd originally been concerned about him.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I think..." you managed to respond.
His bonebrows knit together in a way that seemed to suggest that he didn't fully believe you. He didn't choose to press you further though and instead retrieved his daggers from the ground where he'd dropped them earlier.
"okay then, but you should probably try to get as far away from here as you can. as you can see, things get messy fast when these two meet."
"You don't need to tell me twice."
With one last glance to make sure you really were okay, he charged back into the fray again, leaving you to figure out how you were going to get back up the hill. The rain had left the already steep slope much softer than usual and even if you crawled up on your hands and knees, there was no way you'd make it without sliding back down.
Which meant you'd have to find another way.
While you were trying not to focus on the terrifying fight going on, you couldn't ignore it completely. Still, you did your best to make as little noise as possible and hoped that they were all too occupied to notice you.
Just as you'd found a place with decent looking handholds to haul yourself up, you heard someone shout a warning from behind you.
As you turned to see what was going on, your vision was engulfed in a bright blue light.
You heard something impact the rocks behind you.
Then you heard a crumbling sound and felt some small stones hit your head.
When you came to, you were lying on your back staring up at the grey sky. You could still hear fighting so you must've only been out for a few minutes. You started to sit up but a firm hand on your shoulder kept you from doing so.
"easy there." The monochromatic skeleton was leaning over you now and he still looked rather concerned. His pale eyelights flitted over your face looking for injuries before focusing on a spot just above your right temple.
Your head was throbbing in such a way that you knew you'd get a headache later and when you gingerly ran your fingers over your scalp, you discovered that you were bleeding. Whatever had knocked you out had apparently been sharp enough to give you what seemed to be a nasty cut.
As soon as you'd registered this, the skeleton quickly tore off a section from his cape and wrapped it around your head to serve as a makeshift bandage. He also applied a firm but gentle pressure in an attempt to stem the bleeding. You couldn't help but admire how calm he was as anyone else would probably be a little panicked in this situation. It was almost like he had done this many times before.
"What happened?" you finally asked.
His cool demeanor faltered for a moment to be replaced with a tight frown. "you were spotted by nightmare and he tried to grab you, but dream stopped him..."
You noticed his phalanges twitch as if he wanted to clench his fists before stopping himself and continuing to try to patch you up. Sensing that there was something else that he wasn't saying out loud, you tried to press him further.
"I'm grateful of course, but what's bothering you about it?"
"he was careless and if his aim had been off just a bit more, he could've actually hit you," he grumbled under his breath.
He closed his eyes and took a long-suffering breath. When he seemed to have calmed down some, he made eye contact with you again.
"are you alright otherwise? does anything else hurt?" he asked.
You took a second to flex each of your limbs, but other than a few aches that would probably just become bruises, you didn't seem to have any other injuries.
"No, I think I'm fine. A bit shaken up but that's pretty normal in these situations, right?"
He raised a bonebrow and was about to respond when a sound that sounded like a mix between a harsh hiss and a deep growl interrupted him. He whirled in the direction it had come from, simultaneously drawing his daggers that he must've sheathed earlier when he had stopped to help you.
Two shadows wielding battleaxes had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and they started advancing on the two of you. With the black armour they were wearing and the way they easily dwarfed everyone else on the battlefield, you knew these guys were bad news. Other than the glow of their cyan eyelights, they were entirely black and while it was hard to tell, save for their sharp teeth and claws, they also appeared to be skeletons.
Your rescuer didn't hesitate for a second before basically launching himself at them. When they responded to his assault by swinging their heavy weapons, you half expected him to get knocked back, but he ducked under one and sidestepped the other.
He moved so quickly that you could barely keep track of him with your eyes but it seemed that he was using his smaller stature to his advantage. He wasn't wearing heavy armour either which meant he could dodge pretty much every blow with relatively little effort.
In the blink of an eye, he sliced clean through one's torso and simultaneously beheaded the other.
The bodies of the shadowy skeletons seemed to flicker before dissolving into thin air.
He'd won!
"Wow..." you gasped. "I could tell you were good but I didn't know you were that good..."
He nodded and took a cursory glance around the area before letting himself relax again. He was breathing quite heavily after all that, but there was a small glimmer of relief in his pale eyelights when he looked back at you.
"thanks." He seemed to study you for a moment before approaching and holding out his hand. "do you think you can walk?"
"Yeah..." As he helped you to your feet, you felt your cheeks grow slightly warm and you were certain that you were blushing.
What was this day? You'd never seen any skeleton monsters before now and when one of them had showed this much concern for your well-being, you were reduced to nothing but a flustered mess, as if you were a grade schooler with a crush all of the sudden.
He held onto your hand for a few seconds longer than he probably should've but when he realized, he quickly dropped it like he'd been burned. Even though he looked away immediately afterwards, you thought you saw a soft purple glow flicker across his cheekbones.
In that moment, you were struck with the realization that he looked kinda cute. Unfortunately, he seemed a bit unsure of himself all of the sudden, despite how confident he'd been fighting moments prior. It was...rather endearing actually.
"Hey, um, thanks for stopping to help and...for just saving my life too."
He smiled and, while it was a small one, you could almost feel how genuinely glad he was. He let out a soft chuckle and fiddled with the wrapped handle of one of his daggers as that same purple glow coloured his zygomatic arch again.
"yeah...of course. i couldn't just ignore you, especially when you had no part in this," he muttered.
You introduced yourself before asking the one question that had been on your mind from the moment you had first seen him. "What's your name?"
He opened his mouth to answer when a bright light from the still ongoing battle grabbed your attention.
While his clothes had been slightly torn and dirtied, Dream stood tall with his bow drawn, ready to fire the notched golden arrow at his brother. He'd only been using blue energy arrows before, but this one seemed much more powerful, if the magic that was pouring from it like a hungry flame was any indication.
In contrast, Nightmare was in a combat ready position with his tentacles poised to strike. His clothing seemed relatively untouched, but the inky substance covering him had either served to protect him or at the very least hide any damage he'd incurred.
While both skeletons were breathing heavily, Nightmare definitely seemed like he was much more worn out than his brother. Which was probably why Dream had brought the others along in the first place now that you thought about it.
Time seemed to stand still as the golden skeleton let the arrow fly.
The world was instantly bathed in an explosion of light.
The nightmarish one let out an anguished scream and clutched his chest as he fell to his knees.
The edges of his form seemed to blur together and for a moment you wondered if he would disappear like the dark skeletons had earlier.
Then the ground suddenly erupted around the golden skeleton.
He was abruptly run through with several black tentacles.
Your hands flew to your mouth in shock as he collapsed as well.
The monochromatic skeleton next to you seemed frozen in shock but in the few seconds that he hesitated, the other two reached Dream first. They seem to briefly examine him before the one in blue gingerly picked up the injured skeleton.
The skeleton in brown swung his large paintbrush which summoned a swirling golden vortex in mid air.
"Cross! We have to go now!" the blue skeleton shouted.
That seemed to spur the skeleton by your side into action and he started to hurry towards them, but stopped himself and glanced back at you. He had a conflicted expression on his skull, as if he knew that he should go with his colleagues but he also looked like he didn't want to leave just yet.
"Cross? Is that your name?" you asked.
He nodded firmly, "yeah..."
"You should probably go with them. I'll be fine, okay?"
He hesitated for a moment longer before his skull took on a determined expression. "stay safe then," he said before sprinting across the valley to the others.
They disappeared into the portal and silence blanketed the forest once more and for the second time today, you shouldered your bag and rifle, neither of which seemed to have been damaged from the debris that had hit you.
Just before you climbed back up the hill, you glanced around the little valley. While a couple of trees had been knocked over, no lasting damage seemed to have been caused by the conflict. There wasn't even any bodies that you'd have to think about burying.
Time passed as it always did. Summer came and went without anything else out of the ordinary happening and you began preparing for Winter.
You couldn't stop thinking about the kind skeleton that had saved your life. His skills were impressive and you'd never met anyone who actually knew how to fight like he did since it really wasn't necessary nowadays. Oddly enough though, you began to realize that you also found him...handsome.
You'd never heard or met any other skeletons before him and you certainly hadn't since. Maybe they were very rare or maybe there just weren't any living in the area. Either way, it was probably because you'd never found actual skeletons scary. You never would've imagined actually being attracted to one though, monster or not.
You wished you could see him again.
But you didn't know where he was from or really anything else about him besides his name.
So you tried to it put out of your mind and focus on stockpiling food and fuel for Winter.
Today you were chopping up some firewood. You'd been doing a little at a time over the past few weeks so as to not overwork yourself and by now you'd managed to stockpile just about two month's worth. You estimated that you were probably almost halfway done but you wanted to be sure you had enough just in case.
Just as you cleaved yet another log in half, you heard someone approaching from the forest. With your trusty axe still in hand, you turned to see who or what was intruding on your little piece of rustic paradise.
To your shock, Cross was standing only a few paces away from you. He looked much the same as he did before, although his uniform had since been mended.
"uh, hey again," he said in a quiet tone of voice.
For a moment, you were tongue-tied but quickly tried to recover. "H-hey! Um, what...brings you out here in the middle of nowhere?"
A purple glow flickered across his cheekbones and he rubbed the back of his cerebral vertebrae. "i wanted...to come check on you..." he muttered. "i hope this doesn't sound weird, but i just had to see you again..."
You leaned your axe against the chopping block so as to not risk dropping it on your toes. Running a hand over your face, you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
"No, it's not weird. I was actually hoping we'd see each other again."
His eye sockets widened in surprise and his pale eyelights quickly scanned your face as if he didn't believe what he'd heard. After a few moments, he grinned, although his cheekbones were still flushed that beautiful purple which you thought was adorable.
"really? you don't mind that i just showed up? i mean, i would've called first but..." He glanced away from you as he trailed off.
"Well, I don't exactly get cell service out here so you couldn't have anyways," you responded with a chuckle.
Cross chuckled as well as he moved closer to you. "on another note, did you need any help here?" he asked as he motioned to the pile of wood.
"I think I'm done for now but if you don't mind, you could help me carry all this back to the cabin," you suggested and began to scoop up an armful.
He nodded and started to pick up what was left of the pile. You walked around to the front door and propped it open to make it easier to bring the firewood inside. By the time you'd unloaded your armful in the large stack you had been steadily building, Cross appeared in the doorway with a much larger armful of wood. He didn't seem to be struggling with the weight but he also didn't have a free hand to unload.
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him and wondered how he'd even managed to pick up such a large amount in the first place. Still, you took pity on him and started taking off a couple of the pieces from the top of his armful.
"You didn't just bring all of the firewood in at once, did you?" you teased.
He smirked but shrugged his shoulders as his hands were still occupied. "well, it wouldn't make sense to go back and forth if we didn't have to, right?"
You shook your head and just continued helping him. He was right in a way. If he hadn't offered to help, you would've had to make probably a dozen trips, which would have been pretty tiring.
Your fingers brushed against his hand by accident and you quickly pulled back. Although, Cross didn't seem to notice your embarrassment and he finished stacking the remaining pieces of wood he had been holding.
Clearing your throat, you tried to distract yourself from what had just happened. "So, how are you doing?"
"i'm doing alright, i suppose," he hummed. "what about you? did your injuries heal properly?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I don't even think it left a scar but if it did, my hair covers everything anyways."
His expression turned into one of relief. "that's good, i'm really sorry that i had to leave abruptly like that."
"No, I completely understand!" You hesitated for a second before asking, "Was...Dream okay...?"
His eye sockets narrowed and he seemed to grow more serious for a moment. "yeah, he's fine."
"Oh, that's great to hear."
A bit of an awkward silence settled between both of you. Since he seemed like he wasn't going to expound on what had happened further, you decided to try to lighten the mood and motioned for him to sit down on the couch by the fireplace. He sat down gratefully but his posture seemed a bit stiff.
"Can I tell you something?"
He tilted his skull and gave you a curious look. "what's up?"
Rather than answer immediately, you reached over and placed your hand on his. He briefly glanced down but when he didn't pull away, you took that as a signal that he was okay with the contact for the time being.
"This sounds weird, but I haven't been able to get you out of my head for months."
One of his bonebrows twitched but his expression otherwise remained neutral.
You took a deep breath and continued. "Cross... I really like you."
He placed his other hand on top of yours and smiled. "well, that does sound weird...but i really like you too." His cheekbones flushed with purple as he spoke but he didn't look away from you this time.
You couldn't help but laugh. This conversation felt like it'd come straight from a fairytale and yet it was real. Your heart swelled with joy and while you were certain your cheeks had turned bright red, you couldn't care less right now.
Cross chuckled softly and, to your surprise, he reached over to wrap an arm around your shoulders. This brought you closer together but not uncomfortably so. Even like this, it seemed he was still being considerate of your feelings.
"does this mean i can come over again to see you?" he asked in a quiet voice.
You nodded vigorously, "For sure!"
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cxrdycxps · 2 months
aaaah loved the last chapter!!! I’m glad the assholes got what they deserved. I wish Joel would’ve grovelled a bit more but it is Joel… hahaha! And I guess in the end it was a misunderstanding but man was he an asshole in the second chapter.
I would love to see Joel and the reader talk about her past a bit! Especially with his stupid comment at the end of the second chapter. She talked about it with Tommy a bit but I wanna know how much Joel knows and idk, it’s not exactly a romantic idea but still lmao! Would definitely love to read more from this little universe!
Anon I love you 🧡 Joel doesn’t really strike me as the groveling type. He’s more the like, acts of service kind of guy? Like he’ll make it up to you but not with empty words? Idk if that makes sense but here goes…. I’d also like to let you know I don’t decide what I’m writing. I just type, that’s your warning. If you don’t like smut stop reading after Joel threatens to kill them.
☢️ sexual assault (past and discussion) • panic attacks • swearing • reader is me and she gets hot for Joel Miller killing people • unprotected sex • weird version of dirty talk ☢️
Main Masterlist • Joel Miller Masterlist • Cat And Mouse Masterlist
The key caught in the lock. The hinges of the door squeaked. The floorboards creaked and groaned with each step. The ropes pulled against your raw skin. The room was quiet, your shaky breathing the only thing to be heard.
You struggled against the bindings, the dark paralyzing you. When the light came on, your bindings released and you were scrambling from your bed without thinking.
You paused on your hands and knees, the plush fabric of the mat under your fingers. There wasn’t a mat in that room. There was barely a blanket. No one would’ve furnished it. The skin of your wrists wasn’t damaged or raw. You sighed, sitting back and turning to face the bed.
Joel was sitting up with the sheets pooled around his waist. You hadn’t had nightmares in some time but you’d had lunch with Meredith today and you knew that it was good to talk about your trauma but it unlocked everything you had been trying to bury.
“You alright, baby?” Joel asked softly and you shrugged from your position on the floor. Your fingers pulled at the hem of your sleep shirt and you inhaled deeply. “Nightmares?”
“Sometimes. Memories.” You shrugged again and Joel nodded in understanding. He patted the mattress beside him but you only shook your head. Being in bed didn’t help, not after. He considered you before climbing from the bed, taking a seat next to you.
“You okay with touch, right now?” He asked and you shrugged again before nodding, letting your whole body sag against him. He shuffled a little, pulling you to sit in his lap, holding you close. He reached his arm out and dragged the sheets off the bed to drape them around you both. “Wanna talk about it?”
“That’s what caused the nightmares. I had lunch with Meredith.” You explained and Joel nodded shortly, rocking you from side to side.
“He’s dead. I don’t know if it helps but he won’t ever do it to you again.” Joel promised, his voice barely a whisper. “You’re safe with me. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
“It wasn’t Nolan. It was before. It was the room. God I hated that fucking room.” You shuddered in Joel’s embrace and he held you tighter, still rocking. “I spent five years staring at that fucking ceiling. I was allowed out of bed to go toilet and that was it. My fucking muscles started wasting away.”
Joel paused in his rocking only momentarily but it was enough that you drew away from him, blinking at the shock on his face. You had just assumed Tommy had told him everything. “You didn’t know?”
“No. I didn’t know anything about before you came to Jackson. Nolan and Abdul, they hinted at something happening. Says you got roughed up a couple of times.” Joel admitted and you laughed without humor.
“Couple a times.” You shook your head. “That explains your shitty comments.”
You leaned back against him again. Too tired to drag up the anger you had felt at his comments. Joel had apologized over and over with his actions. He had made you feel impossible secure in yourself and he held you every night so that you could sleep.
He hasn’t known any different before and when he had learned the truth he had been right there for you. It was still exhausting having to explain everything again.
“The QZ broke down. FEDRA left with their tails between their legs and people left. There wasn’t enough food or supplies to live on. Those that didn’t leave found themselves at the mercy of the mercenaries that had run FEDRA out. You had to have a use.” You told Joel, pulling one of his big hands into your lap, tracing the lines of his palm to calm you. “They found a use for me. There was thirteen in total. Took me a while to figure out it wasn’t just one man with incredible stamina.”
Joel didn’t laugh at your joke. You knew it wasn’t funny. Nothing about it had been funny. “I couldn’t see a lot of the time. They covered my eyes with something. Thought for a while I was just blind or something. Thought they had done something to me. The cloth slipped eventually. One of the new comers liked eye contact.”
“Was it close? The QZ?” Joel asked, his voice barely contained the rage you felt.
“It don’t matter.” You told him with a sigh. “I know what maybe two of them looked like. There would be no way of knowing who had done it.”
“I’d find out. You find me those two and I’d find out.” You pulled back to stare at him and found him red faced in his anger.
“I’m, fuck. Jesus.” You swallowed and Joel inhaled deeply, schooling his features because he thought he was scaring you. “No, I’m scary fucking turned on right now. You saying that? Telling me you’d kill them for me?”
There was more of the story to tell him but you didn’t have time. You shuffled around in his lap and pushed at him until he was lying down. He seemed confused with the change of pace but let you take the lead.
There wasn’t time for preamble. You hadn’t put underwear on while sharing a bed with Joel in a long time. He wore only boxers and you shuffled around to pull them down before pausing. “Can I?”
“Please.” Joel exhaled and you took him in hand, holding him while you lowered yourself down his length. Joel grunted, his stomach tensing in an effort to restrain himself.
“Say it again.” You urged when you had him fully inside, pushing against you in all the right ways. You moved your hips in a slow grind and sighed happily. “Please.”
“I’d fucking kill them all.” He grunted, one hand on your hip and the other pulling you down from the back of your neck, so close you were sharing air. “Slowly and fucking painfully. They’d suffer every bit you did in those five long years in a day.”
Your eyes rolled back in your head and you moaned, pressing you lips to Joel’s. It was sloppy, gasping into his mouth when you began to bounce your hips shallowly. “I ain’t ever had a man take care of me like you do.”
“I said it before and I’ll say it again. I’ll promise you anything baby, especially when you got this tight pussy squeezing my cock like a fucking vice.” He groaned and you straightened up, one hand in the center of his chest for support.
“You killed Nolan for me.” You told him and he nodded, hand on your hips. Every time you lowered yourself he pulled your hips forward in a grinding move that had you seeing stars.
“I’d fucking do it again. Beat him with my own hands. He wasn’t getting the easy way out of a bullet.” You whined, rolling your hips in an effort to chase your release. You needed to cum, needed him to fill you up. His thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing in tight circles just how you liked it. “Come for me baby. Need it.”
You bounced shallowly, keening with his touch. When your orgasm washed over you Joel grunted, your pussy clenching tighter around him. “That’s fucking it, sweet girl. I’ll fucking kill ‘em all.”
You collapsed against his chest as he pumped into you, shuddering with his own orgasm. You rested your head in the crook of his neck as you both caught your breath.
“Lou escaped. She had been newer to it than I was. She still had some fight in her. She got me out, had to near carry me. But we got out. We got here.” You whispered against the skin of his neck. “I made it here to find you.”
I know you’re supposed stagger your posting to increase engagement or whatever put honestly I just write and post. So enjoy this spam 🤷‍♀️
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