#i had a lot of fun doing these even though im so sleepy
sopordeficiency · 2 years
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A bunch of assorted doodles I’ve piled through the week for day 4 of erisol week! I haven’t drawn them kissing in ages. The biggest one is actually inspired on a fanfic i re-read today.
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azzibuckets · 2 months
Okay but can we get a blurb about Azzi being in Montana before her and she wakes up to P getting home and sliding into bed trying not to wake her
sappy and sleepy [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
a/n: anon i tried to incorporate as many of your requests as i could! thank you for this prompt it was super fun to write
word count: 1.2k
As soon as her hand twisted the doorknob and the door creaked open, Azzi’s heart ached. She swore she could smell the lingering scent of Paige’s perfume, even though the rational part of her mind knew that Paige hadn’t stepped foot in the room for almost an entire year.
Although Paige hadn’t grown up in this room, her mom had it reserved for her when she came back during the summer, giving her daughter the liberty to decorate the space however she liked. And now Azzi appreciated it more than ever, because looking at the posters plastered with UConn greats and husky logos felt as familiar to her as home. Now only one thing was missing.
Azzi flopped on the bed, tired from the plane ride over. She cursed when she realized she’d forgotten her charger at home. Hopefully Paige had a spare one, she thought as she started rummaging through the drawers of her beside cabinet. As soon as she opened the first drawer, though, a polaroid fell out.
Azzi’s heart doubled in size when she flipped the polaroid over to find a photo of herself from the Minnesota state fair from two summers ago. In it, she was holding a cone of ice cream, chocolate sauce dripping all over her fingers. Tucked under her elbow was the stuffed animal that Paige insisted on winning for her every year (and Azzi never got tired of it). She had been smiling hard, her eyes crinkled as she stared past the camera. Shaking her head, Azzi snapped a photo of the polaroid.
💗: You’re such a sap
💗: Attachment: 1 Image
bighead: ?? where did you find this.
💗: In your drawers
bighead: when did i give you permission to go through my things🤔🤔🤔
bighead: and im taking this as a sign you got home safe?
💗: You’re not distracting me from the fact that you creepily have photos of me all over your room
bighead: youre being so dramatic
bighead: and you can’t blame me
bighead: i always miss you so much
bighead: now you know what it’s like to be in montana all bored without ur gf
💗: Don’t say that. You have your family
bighead: you’re my family
💗: Tell me that when you put a ring on it
bighead: oh i will
Azzi bit her cheek, trying not to beam from Paige’s text. “Azzi! You ready for lunch, hon?” Amy’s voice called from downstairs. Azzi stuffed the polaroid back in the drawer and clambered down to the kitchen.
“Hey, Amy. Thank you again for letting me stay,” Azzi said, going in for another hug.
Amy airily waved her hand, leading Azzi to the dining table. “No worries at all. We‘ve got a lot of exciting stuff planned for this week. Mini golf tomorrow with the kids, then this new restaurant is opening up on Tuesday and I thought it would be a nice date night for you and Paige so I already made a reservation for the two of you!”
Amy continued talking excitedly about their stay at Montana, and Azzi appreciated it, she really did, but she was also exhausted from the plane ride and all she wanted to do was be in Paige’s arms after way too much time apart. The ESPYs photos that Paige had posted an hour ago didn’t help either. Her girlfriend had looked so damn good, her hair up in that style Azzi loved, and Azzi had spent more time than she was willing to admit staring at the photo, wanting to run her hands through that hair.
Later that night, Azzi put on Love and Basketball on her laptop as she got ready for bed. Paige couldn’t facetime because she was at a party, but Azzi still wanted a little piece of her girlfriend with her before she fell asleep, just a little something to make her dreams a little sweeter.
💗: Attachment: 1 Image
💗: Heard you liked this movie??
bighead: you miss me SO much
💗: I do
bighead: then i got some good news ;)
💗: What
💗: Paige?
💗: Helloooo
💗: I’m not gonna repost your espys post.
bighead: oh hey i’m back😁
💗: You’re a fucking idiot
bighead: wait can you repost the second slide i look the best in that one
💗: Tell me the goddamn good news
bighead: Attachment: 1 Image
bighead: flight leaves in 1 hour!!
💗: Wait I thought you had a morning flight?
bighead: well the shoot tmr got canceled and i missed you too much so…..
💗: You’re wasting all your money booking these last minutes flights.
bighead: you dont gotta worry about me baby
💗: 🙄 Text me when you’re home and I’ll let you in
bighead: no don’t stay up baby i won’t home until like 3 am
💗: I wanna see you
bighead: $10 you’re gonna be crashed out
💗: I guess you’re gonna be spending all your money today then
“She’s asleep, isn’t she?”
Amy wrapped her daughter in a hug. “Don’t you dare wake her up.”
Paige shook her head. She was slightly disappointed she wouldn’t be able to talk to Azzi tonight, but she was glad the younger girl was getting her rest. She slipped into the room as quietly as she could, her heartbeat speeding up as soon as she saw the lump on the bed.
Kneeling down, Paige brushed her fingertips over the crease in Azzi’s forehead, trying to smooth over the worry lines. Azzi looked ethereal in her sleep, the moonlight from the window casting a glow over her face and illuminating the sharpness of her jaw and the pinkness of her lips. Paige pressed a light kiss on her cheek, trying to be as gentle as possible, but before she knew it, Azzi was stirring.
Her eyes slowly fluttered open. “Paige?” she groaned, hands going to rub her eyes.
Paige smiled guiltily. “Hi, baby,” she breathed out. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No, it’s okay.” Azzi reached for Paige, still half asleep, and Paige sat at the edge of the bed and let her girlfriend nuzzle her face into her stomach.
Paige ran her fingers through Azzi’s hair, marveling at how she managed to smell so good all the time. “Is now a good time to say that you owe me $10?” she whispered.
“Shut up,” Azzi whined, her fingers jabbing at Paige’s ribs but failing to do much damage with her sluggishly lethargic movements.
Paige chuckled before brushing one last kiss against Azzi’s temple. “I’m gonna get ready for bed,” she said softly. “I’ll be right back.”
“No.” Azzi’s voice was surprisingly demanding considering how sleepy she was. “You woke me up, now you’re staying.”
Paige rolled her eyes. She hated the idea of getting into her sheets while in her dirty airport clothes, but once Azzi’s hands clutched tighter around her waist, she knew she was a goner. Sighing, she slipped under the covers with her girlfriend. Azzi happily burrowed herself in Paige’s chest, weaving her leg between the blonde’s. Her hand slipped up Paige’s shirt and rested there, palm on her abdomen, and Paige shivered at the bare contact.
“I really did try to stay up,” Azzi whispered, already falling asleep again.
“It’s okay. Go back to sleep, hm?” Paige tightened her hold around Azzi. The last two weeks had been ridiculously fun, getting to see Nika again, going to partnership events, and presenting at the ESPYs, but this was by far her favorite part - when she and Azzi were so tangled up, every part of their bodies interwoven, their limbs and hair and even the beating of their hearts connecting, it felt like they were breathing as one.
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bruhnze · 2 months
Feeling 22 - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Written for this ask and this ask xx. Didn't know if you wanted a smutty story but i just took the liberty to fill in you did, bcs in my polls its always about a 70-80% that does :). (for future asks u guys should totally specify, bcs i'll just do whatever haha).
Warning: 18+ smut, minors dni.
Summary: Lucy shows up at the match with Ona's 2 on her and tells Ona she'll have the same number for club as her aswell. Ona is sleepy but demands Lucy to come to her hotel, as she can't sleep knowing Lucy could be in her arms. Sleepy Ona x sleepy Lucy.
Wordcount: a small one: 1,8k
New title: Feeling 22
Lucy had been able to get a shirt to wear for her girlfriends Olympic game through Ona's manager.
Ona had known she would come but Lucy had asked the manager not to tell her she would be wearing her shirt to the match, that would be a surprise.
The match against Japan had ended well, with a 2-1 win, and Lucy couldn't wait to congratulate Ona.
After Ona had showered she walked back into the stadium, she looked for Lucy and saw her talking to a family member of another player, Carmona.
She was standing against a fence and Ona walked over to it.
The person walked away when she saw Olga and she said goodbye to Lucy, but Lucy was no longer really paying attention.
Ona and Lucy only had eyes for each other, Ona pressed herself against her and caught Lucy between the fence and herself.
After a hug -that was far too short for their liking-, they looked at each other.
"Hey, bub," Lucy said softly as she turned the pendant of Ona's necklace, which she had given her, right,''congrats on your win''.
"You are wearing my shirt!" Ona giggled happily as she grabbed the fabric.
''of course, you're a WAG or you're not'' Lucy said shrugging ''i do everything with a 100 percent effort''.
''i love you'' Ona sighed.
Lucy smiled ''i love you too''.
Ona traced the two on the shirt and smiled at Lucy ''i love you two'' she joked as she poked Lucy's stomach.
''i have some more fun news'' Lucy said laughing.
''For club im also taking the same number as you, it just got confirmed''.
''2 and 22'' Ona said to let it sink in and finally said ''cute''.
''you are cute'' Lucy said ''but now you know what awaits you hm''.
''i want you in my shirt at a match''.
''i am definitely not going to wear a Chelsea shirt and i have matches to play myself'' Ona giggled teasingly.
Lucy grinned ''hmm, we'll see, maybe an opportunity will present itself''.
Ona pushed herself a bit closer to Lucy and said happily ''then of course i will grab it with both hands''.
After the formalities in the team hotel, such as recovery and eating, and Ona was supposed to be in bed sleeping, she texted Lucy, even though she wasn't supposed to leave the hotel or invite Lucy to come to hers, she couldn't help but want to hold Lucy, especially now that she knew Lucy was literally a street away in a hotel.
They were supposed to see each other again that next morning, when Ona had a moment of free time to explore Nantes, but she couldn't wait.
Lucy had been reluctant and had called Ona after she'd read the texts and told her to rest, ''playing a game every 3 days takes a toll on your body, especially for a player like you, who plays every game and especially as you're going to win so you've got a lot of games to play'' Lucy had said.
“I know sleep is important Luce,” Ona had whined, “but I can't sleep without you when I know there's only a street between us.”
Lucy thought about it ''Just sleeping?'' she had asked in a stern voice.
''Yes I promise Luce'' Ona said sincerely ''if you are here I will sleep in 2 minutes''.
Lucy sighed, knowing she literally was not capable of saying no to her little Catalan ''mkay, I will be there in 10 minutes''.
As a soft knock sounded on Ona's hotel door, she shot out of bed and opened the door.
''Hi princess'' Lucy said softly.
''Has anyone seen you?'' Ona asked as she closed the door behind her friend.
''No'' Lucy said giggling ''everyone is sleeping, something you should do too''.
Ona hugged Lucy ''yes we are going to sleep, but first un beso, I haven't kissed you in so long''.
''You are incorrigible, I said, only sleeping'' Lucy said rolling her eyes.
''I said it would take 2 minutes for me to go to sleep, 2 minutes to kiss you'' she looked up at Lucy ''you are wasting my kiss time with stupid talking''.
Lucy wanted to kiss her just as much and quickly took off her clothes until she was in her underwear and got into bed ''come let's kiss here so you can leave your eyes closed and let your legs rest''.
She laughed as Ona climbed into bed to her left yawning, "aw you're so tired baby, c'm here."
Lucy herself was also very tired, between all the hustle and bustle of the end of the season and the signing at her new club and other things she had to arrange for England, she had arranged to be able to come to Ona's match. It was very important to her and she was happy that it had all worked out.
Facing each other they layed in bed, Lucy smiled tiredly and stroked Ona's cheek with her thumb ''you are so beautiful, I missed you''.
Ona leaned towards her ''still talking?'' she sighed laughing against Lucy's lips.
Lucy was quiet and kissed her lover back.
Both content with feeling of each other's soft lips again, after not having seen each other for a while, they relaxed.
Soft kisses were shared and hands caressed the places they had longed for.
When Lucy noticed that Ona was -waking up- a bit more she gently pushed her onto her back and broke the kiss ''you're tired''.
Ona groaned in dissatisfaction ''we still have a minute left''.
Lucy leaned over Ona ''no way, we're already overdue''.
The short Catalan pouted ''i won the match''.
''the match you played all the way through'' Lucy said tiredly ''you need to rest''.
''Okay, I'll stay laying down like this and you kiss me'' Ona said stubbornly and determined ''or do you think I don't deserve it?'' she said with puppy-dog eyes.
''argghh'' Lucy sighed ''you know I can't deny you anything, I just want you to recover well baby''.
Ona smiled and reached her hand up to guide Lucy's face back to hers ''being loved is a scientifically proven recovery''.
''No it's not'' Lucy chuckled as she pressed some kisses to Ona's face.
''You don't know that''.
''Is it?''. Lucy chuckled against Ona.
''Could be''. Ona groaned as Lucy kissed her neck.
Lucy pulled back and made herself comfortable on her side next to Ona, one arm under Ona's neck and one draped over her. After lazily placing a few more kisses on the bare skin of the woman who was only in her panties, unlike herself who was also wearing a sports bra, she whispered "goodnight bonita".
Ona snuggled further into her but couldn't ignore the way her skin tingled under Lucy's hand on her hip, she may have been tired but now that she could feel and smell Lucy, a fire had been lit inside her, a small fire perhaps, but heat was definitely there.
Just as Ona was about to do something, Lucy shifted and crossed her leg over one of hers and moved her hand from Ona's hip to her lower ribs, gently stroking the skin with her thumb.
A tiny groan escaped Lucy's throat when Ona intertwined her fingers with hers and brought her hand up to her chest.
"Ona," Lucy sighed sternly, even though her fingers found their way to Ona's nipple.
Ona turned her head so she could kiss Lucy into silence.
Never before had they made out with so little effort like this, but they were both very sleepy.
Lucy couldn't contain her urge to feel Ona on her fingers as Ona gently rocked back and forth against her leg.
Her hand travelled south between their bodies and Ona broke their slow kiss to lean her forhead against Lucy's.
Fingertips caressed the edge of the piece of cloth covering Ona and when she laid back on the bed on her back with her eyes closed, Lucy reached inside.
Lucy's two fingers were welcomed by a warm wetness, making her lips curl up into a lazy grin.
Ona mumbled Lucy's name quietly as the English defender gently shifted for a better reach.
The Catalans body melted into the mattress with Lucy's undemanding touches.
Sluggishly she traced her fingers up and down Ona's centre, coating them in her slick.
The shorter woman sighed a dull moan as she tried to tell Lucy what she needed.
''shh i got you'' Lucy whispered ''my sleepy girl'' and slowly pushed two digits passed Ona's entrance.
Lucy littered her with languorous kisses and soft praises as her plodding fingers kept working Ona.
As Ona's breathing became deeper she pulled Lucy closer for a peck on her lips, the soft kiss turned into a lazy and slow make-out again.
Ona stopped kissing and her breath caught in her throat as she felt Lucy gently stimulate her with her thumb.
Lucy grinned tiredly and continued as she buried her face in the Catalans neck.
The smaller woman closed her eyes again as her walls started clenching around Lucy's thick fingers "me voy .. " she cried out quietly ''a c-correr Luce''. (im gonna cum)
Lucy grunted as she kept her pace ''come for me baby'' she kissed her ''just let it go'' she purred as she felt Ona tense.
The Catalans hands found their way in to the sheets and she held on for the release she felt coming.
With a faint moan Ona came, the ball of sensation in her lower stomach exploded and the pleasant, familiar sensation travelled through her whole body, making her toes curl.
After Lucy had helped her through her high she slowly opened her eyes again.
Lucy smiled as she looked at her girlfriends face and saw her dazed expression, the flushed cheeks, the slightly parted and puffy lips and drowsy eyes, ''my perfect girl'' she cooed.
Ona didn't respond, the release had launched her into the clouds, she was sleepy and felt like she was floating. Her last energy had been used up by the orgasm.
With a few more soft kisses, Lucy got out of bed to clean Ona up and put a new pair of panties on her.
When that was all done she layed back in bed and pulled Ona against her in a spooning position.
''i love you'' she mumbled against Ona's bare shoulders ''sleep well''.
''mhmm'' Ona sighed happily ''i will''.
the end, but not theirs :)
lemme know what u think about this one if you like :)
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hoshinasblade · 3 months
Hi I love ur Hoshina fics sm!
Anyway you were asking for headcanons last time, do you think our Hoshina sends dick pics to his s/o? I'm not sure if you write nsfw but it will be fun to read if ever! Thanks x
HAHAHA anon, this is so interesting. minors, please don't interact with this one.
honestly i dont think hoshina is above sending thirst traps - he would be the type to send you a picture of him topless while still sweaty after his workout, and he'll probably throw a peace sign or two and tell you that he's just tryna be cute. liar liar, pants on fire. he gets his kicks on knowing he can fluster you with that. im a bit hesitant on dick pics though, and it's not because i think hoshina is a prude - hell no - but i think it's because he was never able to get a good angle ever so he doesn't think it's sexy enough for you to look at. and let's be honest, if he's gonna send you a picture of his immaculate junk, he would rather go to you and show it personally. im assuming he's got more privileges and therefore freedom so he can roam around even after-hours or get out of the base when he's not that needed.
one nsfw headcanon i have for this guy though is that though he never sends dick pics, he excels at moaning audios. his voice would be deep and husky from both sleepiness and lust, and he would just sound really, really hot. you mentioned to him once that you liked him dirty talking during sex and it activated a switch in his brain that you can't turn back off. he had definitely sent you multiple voice messages where you can hear him moan while he's touching himself. you overheated the first time you listened to it.
also yes, i have some nsfw prompts lined up, just gotta look for some momentum and chance to write. i know i yap a lot here but i also work full-time so that makes writing a bit hard for me since my process takes longer than i sometimes intend it to be. it's always worth it though hehe i like writing for hoshina. if you have a specific nsfw scenario you want me to write about, feel free to let me know and i can possibly whip up even a drabble or a one-shot for you.
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strawnarrries · 1 year
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because im sad about the last show, here's a little imagine about y/n and harry reminiscing the past two years the night before the last show :(
warnings: mentions of sex but nothing graphic
Your eyes fluttered open and you realized it was still dark outside, a sign that it was not quite morning just yet. You're not sure why you woke up. It was like your body knew something was off because when you turned over, the bed was empty beside you.
Rubbing your eyes to clear the sleepy haze, you noticed light coming from under the closed door of the bedroom in the villa you and Harry are staying in. Getting up out of bed, you opened the door and the sudden change in lighting burned your eyes. After getting used to it, you walked towards the kitchen and spotted your husband, leaning up against the counter, sipping on something inside of a mug.
“Harry?” you hummed, walking up to him.
“Oh hey, did I wake you up? I’m sorry," he looked up at you with doe eyes and messy hair sticking up in every direction.
“What are you doing?”
“Can’t sleep.”
You popped your bottom lip out and wrapped your arms around his bare waist, his instinctively wrapping around yours after setting his mug on the counter, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just can't believe the last show's tomorrow night.”
“Aw, I know. You wanna talk about it?” you hummed, looking up at him with tired eyes.
"I'm gonna miss it. A lot," he whispered, "but at the same time I'm excited for a long break."
"It's bittersweet."
"Yeah," he nodded.
"It's gonna be weird not getting to watch you on stage every night in your sparkly outfits."
He chuckled softly, "You don't get those outfits at home, do ya?"
"No, I get you either naked or in the one stupid shirt that you refuse to throw away even though it's practically in shreds."
"Thought you loved that shirt?" he teased.
You glared up at him before changing the subject, "What'dya think you'll miss the most? Just being on stage?"
"Yeah. Performing. It's one of my favorite things in the world to do. I just get such a rush from being out there and interacting with the fans and hearing them scream my lyrics."
"And hearing them bark at you," you added.
He giggled, "Yes, that too."
"You'll be back though. It's not the end."
“You're right. I feel like this tour was just special for some reason, I dunno. I fear I’m gonna get really emotional tomorrow on stage though. I was holding back tears at the show the other night," he chuckled.
“It’s okay to get emotional. You know me and your mom will be sobbing the entire night."
He smiled softly as he cupped your jaw and rubbed his thumb back and forth across your cheek, "I've been reflecting a lot recently. So much has happened in the last two years. It's wild."
“You've done, like what, 150 shows?”
“169 tomorrow."
“Holy shit, Harry. Most of them were completely sold out too. Do you realize how incredible that is?”
“It's mad. I think this has been the most successful tour I’ve ever been on.”
“Oh, by far.”
“Gonna miss seeing everyone every day. Gonna miss the fans and being up on stage. I've had some of the best shows of my life on this tour.”
“Harryween,” you giggled fondly at the memory that popped into your head.
“That was fun as fuck,” he giggled back.
“You’ve done more than just tour though. So many award shows, Coachella, music videos, you starred in two different movies, Harry.”
“I have,” he nodded, smiling proudly at himself, "Looking back, the amount of love and support that I've gotten from everyone, the fans, my team, my friends, and family, and from you is just - it's - it's so overwhelming like I can't even explain it to you. Like my mind can't comprehend that this is my life. Been 13 years and I still can't believe it."
"'cause you deserve it, baby. With the amount of love you give out and just the type of person you are in general, you deserve everything that's come your way. Have I ever told you how proud of you I am?" you teased, being the fact that those words leave your lips multiple times after every single one of his accomplishments.
"Never. Not once," he chuckled.
“Well, I am,” you hummed pressing a sweet kiss to his sternum, just under where his cross necklace lay, "It makes me feel so prideful that I get to call you my husband."
“Thank you, my love. You know I wouldn't be here without you.”
You rested your head on his warm chest, hugging him tighter, embracing the sweet silence before breaking it, "Can I be honest with you?”
He nodded as you looked back up at him.
“I know it's selfish but a big part of me is excited that it’s over because then I get you all to myself and don’t have to share you with the world.”
“Finally don’t have to hear you nagging for my attention all the time,” he chuckled.
“Heyyyyyy,” you whined.
“I’m joking, baby.”
You rolled your eyes teasingly.
“We have a lot to look forward to.”
“Like what?” he asked, although he knew exactly what you were referencing to, he just wanted to hear you say it.
“You becoming a daddy.”
“Really lookin forward to that. I can’t wait ‘till you have a cute little baby bump.”
“Gotta get me pregnant first.”
"You don't gotta worry 'bout that. We’re gonna be goin' at it all day every day when we’re on holiday next month,” he smirked.
“I can't even explain to you how excited I am for that. Vacation Harry is my favorite Harry."
He grinned, “I love you, Y/N."
“I love you too.”
He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours for a few sweet kisses before you hummed sleepily, “Will you come back to bed with me now?”
“Yeah, c’mon.”
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greenishghostey · 2 years
The Gang's All Here
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Your friends had told you on several occasions that still having stuffed animals on your bed at twenty years old would be a boner killer for your boyfriend. Luckily, your boyfriend made up elves and orcs on the regular. Some stuffed animals weren't gonna scare him off so easily.
Word Count: 4,979 (2,200 of this is the smut, im sorry)
Warnings: 18+ content MDNI, graphic smut, p in v, protected sex, face sitting/riding, enthusiastic pussy eating, fluffy smut, sort of sub!Eddie, extensive dirty talk, this guy cannot shut up ever, established relationship, enthusiastic consent (everyone's having a grand ol' time), a lot of affection, the stuffed animals don't watch, I think that's all please let me know if I missed anything!
Author's Note: Hi everyone, I wrote fluffy filthy again! This came from me seeing one of those Eddie + text post pictures saying, "she let me hit because I was polite to her squishmallows". That is why this exists. Please enjoy because this was so much fun to write! Also, I know that this definitely isn't an original idea, I think I've read fics similar to this but can't think of the exact ones right now. But, I know they're out there. DO NOT REPOST OR EDIT MY WORK
Being 20 years old and still living with your parents in the sleepy town of Hawkins wasn’t anything to sniff at. Some people have to work a little after high school before packing up and moving anywhere else. It also helped that you had a boyfriend who was on his third try at senior year. He was a pretty cool reason to stick around your dull hometown. Eddie made it all a bit more colourful. 
You and Eddie had been dating for a few months. You had been friendly in high school, but then he started flirting with you when he came into the grocery store. Eddie was a smooth talker when he wanted to be, and it had worked on you. He had knocked over a candy bar rack at your register but also had cleaned it all up. The sweetheart that he was.
Your relationship was great. It was adorable. It was intimate. It was healthy. You guys were best friends and told each other every little thing, regardless of how insignificant it may seem. Eddie told you about his passion for writing and about his family. You told him about your future plans beyond Hawkins - him hopefully being included - and your past and present knitting projects. He wanted a burgundy hat and scarf set for his birthday. A bobble hat was preferred - he wasn’t sure if those were hard to make, so he wasn’t too picky. 
However, there was one thing that you had kept from Eddie. You had worked pretty hard to hide away this tiny part of yourself whenever he came to your house. Shoving the incriminating objects into a box at the back of your closet, even though it pained you to do so. 
It was embarrassing to be 20 years old and still have a beloved little group of stuffed animals perched on your bed. Well, that’s what your friends had told you anyway. No guy would want to fuck a girl while a fluffy lizard, Reggie, from the Indianapolis zoo, is staring at him. 
In addition to little Reg, there were three others. Woolia, a fleecy sheep that you got on your third birthday. Jules, a light blue dolphin with big shiny eyes. Finally, there was Mimi, a fluffy white unicorn that had been with you since birth. 
The soft animals had been with you through thick and thin for the majority of your life. First days of school, homework meltdowns, the day you figured out what boys were. All of the essential milestones had been witnessed by their little plastic eyes. They were as much your family as your parents were. 
But you couldn’t bring yourself to let Eddie know about them in any capacity. Hiding them away was a tedious task. If Eddie said he would pick you up from work, you’d shove them in the box before you left for your shift. If Eddie stopped by, you’d tell him you had to tidy your room before he could come in. He always laughed and insisted that he would be fine if your room were like a bomb site. He was too modest for his own good, but he still wasn’t seeing your fluffy little secrets.
You had just dragged yourself home from a, quite frankly, hellish evening shift. Your shift was supposed to finish at 9, but your manager had bitched at you enough to make you stay for an extra hour. Fridays from 5-8 were discount hours and the time frame when everyone came to buy their weekend booze. Older people were horrendous when their favourite beer brand was out of stock - like you had personally gone to the trouble of buying every pallet of the dishwater piss just to be annoying.
There was some Chinese takeout in the microwave for you since your parents had headed off to their respective night shifts at the hospital. You balanced two boxes - sesame chicken and chow mein - with a can of Pepsi in your arms as you dashed up the stairs to your bedroom. Fresh pyjamas were waiting for you, Eddie had lent you his copy of Fellowship of The Ring, and you were so ready to turn your brain off and-
“Honey, you’re home!” The chipper voice almost made you drop everything. A chill ran down your spine, and, honestly, you felt like you were going to start eroding away into the atmosphere from humiliation. Eddie was lounging on your bed, his waves splayed over your pillows, and soft animals moved carefully to be at his sides - two on each side, making sure no one felt left out. “What you got in the boxes? And can we share?” 
You stood at the foot of your bed, taking in the weirdly domestic image in front of you, “why are you here?” you asked, voice sounding distant. 
Eddie’s brows furrowed, and he began to sit up, “Should’ve asked first, knew I should’ve. Sorry, just thought it would be all romantic and shit, ya know.” He mumbled. Eddie looked very dejected. Had he overstepped a boundary? Did you want your alone time? God, he could be so dumb sometimes when it came to you.
Shaking your head, you moved to put down the takeout boxes and your bag, “No, no. Don’t worry,” you smiled, patting his thigh as you passed him, “just wasn’t expecting to see you all comfortable and cosy there with - with all that.” 
“I am pretty comfy. These lil guys kept me company until you got back.” Eddie beamed, practically melting into your sheets and gesturing to your stuffed animals. Did he like them? He didn’t think it was weird that you still had them. Your expression showed that your mind was running a mile a minute when you really should be starting to relax. He knew that evening shifts were the pits for you. “How come I’ve never met the gang before?” 
“The gang?” You snorted, pulling off your sports jacket and throwing it on your clothes chair, “I just thought it was a little kiddy to still have stuffed animals on my bed. Was worried you’d - I dunno.”
“Worried I’d what? You know who you’re talking to?” Eddie raised his eyebrows, fixing you with a look that made you squirm, “some fluffy little secrets aren’t gonna scare me off, promise.” 
“You sure you don’t think they’re weird?” Your voice wasn’t more than a mumble as you sat down beside him on the bed, “the girls said they’re kind of a boner killer.”
Eddie’s eyes widened, and he started to wriggle his way over to you to lay his head in your lap. When he was in this type of mood - a big softie mood - you had to wonder why you thought he’d care about some stuffed toys. Those thoughts didn’t soothe your anxiety entirely, though; you would need to hear the confirmation from him - potentially in writing, for your own sanity. His big, molasses eyes stared up at you with a determined look. God, he was going to monologue in a minute, and it was going to be correct, and you would feel all mushy.
“I want names, place of origin, and lore if you got any,” Eddie stated, counting on each of his fingers to really hammer in his point and make it clear that he was interested. It warmed your heart in a way you hadn’t felt since your first date with him. Of course, the guy warmed your very soul on a near-daily basis. But when he showed just how much he cared, it made the butterflies in your stomach go haywire. “We’re starting with the sheep. Obviously. Give me the deets.” He picked up Woolia and placed her on his chest, arranging her hooves properly.
You couldn’t fight back the grin that spread from ear to ear. Your fingers gently carded through Eddie’s hair as you introduced him to the ‘gang’ “This is Woolia.”
Eddie barked out a laugh at the name, not in malice but in a combination of pride and pleasant surprise, “I never knew you were so creative, babe.”
“Shut up. Do you want the full run down or not?” You teased, flickering his forehead lightly until he stopped laughing. “As I was saying, I’ve had Woolia since I was 3. My grandma got her for me when she went to Wyoming.”
“A Wyomingite? Christ, it’s a good thing she’s cute.” Eddie grimaced, moving the small sheep from his chest and putting her back in her original place. He was so careful with her - you usually squished her in your sleep and woke up with her under your tailbone. “Green gecko dude next.” 
Reggie was whisked from his spot and placed onto Eddie’s chest, now the introduction stage for your stuffed animals. You had been so concerned about being embarrassed if Eddie ever caught wind of them. Yet here he was, demanding all information on each of them individually.
“This is Reggie, short for Reginald Von Scales II,” you were interrupted by yet another loud chuckle from Eddie. He was having the time of his life - he might have to start asking you to help with character names for this campaign. “Yeah, I’m hilarious, I know. Anyway, I got Reggie when I was eight and went to the big zoo in Indianapolis with my parents. All the stuffed animals in the gift shop were begging to be taken home. My dad said since I was good, I could get anyone I wanted. Reggie was hidden at the back of a shelf, and I knew I had to get him when I saw him.” 
Talking about the origins of these soft creatures was nostalgic and brought a warmness to your body that was relaxing. So many great memories were linked to the toys, and now you’d have a new one with Eddie there.
“Hey, he’s kinda like me! You could’ve had your pick of guys around here, but you chose little ol’ me.” Eddie enthused. He blinked his eyelashes up at you and wiggled his eyebrows - screw Woolia; it was a good thing he was cute. “You got me from the very, very back of the man shelf. Like, you must have been digging for some weird shit to get - well, this.” He gestured to himself.
Your gaze softened. He wasn’t “weird shit”. He wasn’t just any guy. Sure, he was pushed to the back of the line when it came to discussing eligible bachelors around Hawkins, but he was all yours now. That’s all that mattered. “I’ve got specific, immaculate taste, and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t being met.” You stated matter of factly. 
“Aw, you always know how to make a dude swoon.” Eddie sighed dreamily. Christ, he was a mushy idiot. If anyone saw him like this, his reputation would be in the toilet. “Reggie is the running for the favourite. Let’s see what blue boy here can bring to the table.” Eddie made the switch between Reggie and Jules, the extra soft dolphin.
“Jules is just… Jules. Got both boy and girl vibes, if I’m honest.” You explained, shrugging at Eddie, who nodded in understanding, “Got them in a thrift store with my mom when I was five, I think? Another case of a toy sitting on a shelf and me deciding to call forever dibs.” 
A giddy smirk appeared on Eddie’s face, “you’ve got a thing for picking up strays, huh?” He was wiggling his eyebrows again, so you flicked his forehead again. 
“Stop acting like you’re some flea-infested cat. I’ll get mad.” You huffed, trying your best to sound genuinely stern with him, but it definitely didn’t work. You ran your thumb across his knuckles as he started poking Jules’ squishy head. 
Eddie took hold of your offered hand and kissed the back of it, “fine, I’ll quit bad-mouthing your man.”
“Thank you very much. Now, onto Mimi.” 
“I did save the unicorn for last,” You knew that. If there was anything to do with the high fantasy genre, Eddie would be all over it. Even the pretty magic horses. 
“She is the oldest of the bunch. Been perched by those pillows since before I can remember.” You informed, fixing a stray tuft of hair on her bright mane. “My mom has a ton of photos of me carrying her around everywhere.”
Eddie looked at the unicorn toy with a distinct fondness, a soft smile and an even softer gaze.
“What’s got you all smiley?”
“Nothin’, that’s just really sweet, is all. Mimi’s had your back forever.” You didn’t know if you wanted to kiss or smother him with a pillow. He was too fucking adorable when he was like this. 
“I guess she has, yeah.” You breathed, running your fingers through Eddie’s hair again, “What do you think of the gang then?”
“Big, big fan. I think Reg is my favourite. He’s got that underdog vibe going on, which I respect.” Eddie leaned over and tried to give the gecko plush a fist bump with his finger. 
You weren’t sure what came over you. A warmth had been stirring inside you since Eddie put his head on your lap and was polite to your stuffed animals. He listened closely and handled them like they were valuable to him too. The intimacy of this whole situation was not lost on you. If anything, you were far too aware of it. Eddie loved you and your quirks the same way you loved him and his. 
You bit your bottom lip slightly and turned to glance down at the blissful man in your lap.
“C’mere a sec,” Eddie said, leaning up on his elbows. You knew what “c’mere” meant, so you let Eddie place one of his hands on the back of your head, bringing your lips together. The kiss was so sweet. The usual saccharine kisses that the town’s resident satan worshipper was a big fan of laying on you at any opportunity. Eddie’s lips were always soft as his kiss became firmer. 
He pulled away by a hair to sit back against your pillows and guided you to straddle his thighs before diving back into your waiting, wanting mouth. You were hungrier for him now. The warmth in your stomach was being fueled as Eddie ran his hands up your thighs to rest of your ass. Feeling the fat and groaning when you shifted your hips - your ass and thighs drove the poor guy mad, and you loved it.
Your eyes opened slightly to make sure you closed your bedroom door but made contact with Mimi's big, black plastic eyes. Quickly, you pulled away from Eddie with heaving pants. It felt like torture to let him go at that moment. The stiff bulge of his cock pressing into your clothed cunt. Yeah, the gang was going to have to move - and move quickly.
“Wait, wait, Eddie,” You panted, clambering off his lap.
“What? You good? Did I get the wrong hole?” Eddie rambled, sitting up abruptly and looking more than a little frazzled. He was all rosy cheeks and glossy eyes, and he had to ruin it by thinking it’d simulated anal. So charming. 
“No, you’d know if you’d done that, trust me,” You said as you gently placed your plush friends on the carpet, far away from your bed and facing the wall. It wasn’t a comfortable position, but they would have to deal with it while you rode your boyfriend until he screamed.
“Ah. You don’t want an audience, I gotcha,” Eddie nodded, winking at you from his spot on your bed. Satisfied with the gang’s relocation, you turned back to Eddie, pulling off your work shirt and getting to work on your jeans. 
Eddie quickly got the hint and nearly ripped his baseball tee while trying to get it over his head fast enough. His belt was launched somewhere in your room as he opened his arms to welcome you back onto his lap. Your hungry mouth again devoured his in a wet kiss, full of groans and rapid breaths. Eddie made quick work on your bra, having become intimately acquainted with this particular nude one. It was an old faithful that you didn’t want him to see as much as he did, but that’s just how getting naked seemed to go for you both. 
You threw yourself onto the mattress beside Eddie and started to claw at your jeans to get them off. Eddie followed suit as you were both in a tangle of legs and denim, fidgeting desperately to get that glorious skin-to-skin contact. 
Once down to your underwear, you grabbed Eddie’s head and pulled him in so you could lick, kiss and nibble at his pulse point. He really loved it when you got grabby and roughed him up a little. The lack of control over your own strength had his cock twitching in his boxers. 
“Can we do that thing, please?” You sighed, running your fingers up and down Eddie’s chest. Fuck, you were sweating and close to humping your cunt into Eddie’s erection - chasing friction that only he could give you. 
Eddie moaned when your fingertips grazed his nipples, his darkened eyes struggling to say open, “Which one? There’s a couple. We can do anything you want, babe.” You could punch him, kick him or rip his hair out right now and he’d be so cool with it. 
Eddie was finally getting to experience heaven. The god squad of Hawkins would be so jealous of him. You wrapped your legs around his waist and rolled him onto his back with a bounce, pinning him and shooting him a toothy grin. 
“Me riding you. Everywhere. Face, cock. Sound like a plan?” You chirped, wiggling your hips how he liked it. Faking some innocence in the moment was too fun to pass up. Plus, riling Eddie up was a surefire way to make him lose his mind in the best ways. 
Eddie nodded so fast he almost gave himself whiplash, “Amazing idea. God, my lady’s so smart.” He grabbed the backs of your thighs and pulled you towards his head while he shifted his body down the bed. Eating your cunt was one of Eddie’s favourite pastimes, but it was so much better when you rode his face and used him to get yourself off. 
You had forgotten to pull your panties off before straddling your boyfriend’s head. Usually, this would have led to you fiddling and contorting yourself to get them off. 
Not today, though. Eddie just grabbed the lace trim, yanked them to the side, so they bit into your ass cheek and shoved his face into your dripping cunt. 
“Fuck yes, thank you,” Eddie groaned before licking and sucking your clit. He was like a man starved as he groped and massaged your ass, making sure you wouldn’t hold back on him. 
You let your head lull back as your mouth opened in a silent moan, your hips beginning to grind and ride his full lips and hot tongue. The wet, sloppy sounds of Eddie, essentially making out with your hole and clit brought a feral smile to your face. God, he always made you smile so big that your face hurt in the best way. 
Eddie started shaking his head between your legs, his tongue circling your hole before returning to flicking your puffy, needy clit. 
“Still can’t believe you let me do this,” Eddie sighed, saliva and your wet covering his flushed lips, “‘m I making you feel good, sweetheart?” 
Your moans were getting louder and more hoarse as Eddie started to move your hips himself, urging you to use him. You loved when he talked like that - his tongue, his lips, his voice. His mouth was everything. 
“Y-Yes, yes. You really want me to drench your pretty face, huh?” You giggled, sweet sighs of ecstasy huffing from your throat. Eddie whined while his tongue fucked you. “Pretty, pretty boy - fuck, please.”
“Shit - yeah, you taste fucking incredible. Gimme it all, babe, ah fuck.”
Eddie doubled down his efforts. Straining his neck a little to fuck up into you with more force and precision. You were leaking down his chin and making yourself all sticky. A blissful state, full of love and affection. Eddie huffed a laugh on your cunt as he saw the dreamy smirk on your lips. 
Groaning, whining, cursing. You two must have sounded like animals in heat as the springs in your mattress started to bounce and squeak. The room was that familiar warm - cosy, somewhat comfortable sweat and the smell of sex. 
Eddie forced your cunt down more onto his face. He would gladly suffocate right then and there. He needed your cum before you rode him because he knew he wouldn’t last long. Eddie liked the mess; it was filthy and made him feel so alive. But the lady has to finish first, and then you keep going until she nearly rips your damn head off. Eddie got that tip from a magazine one time. 
“Christ, you’re so so good - fuck, Eddie, your mouth!” You growled. You tended to make much deeper sounds when you were close. Eddie felt like he was going to blow his load in his boxers. “Just a little m-more.”
“Uh huh, uh huh,” Eddie chanted wetly, “Please - soak my pretty face.” 
That did it. 
Your hands knotted further into Eddie’s sweaty hair and gripped it like a lifeline as you wailed your release. He always liked when you pulled his hair. It made his eyes roll back in such a beautiful way. That was no different now. Big brown eyes were glazed over as they rolled into Eddie’s skull; you could feel a smug smile on his face. You gave him all of you, just like he wanted. You were the fucking best. 
You moved down Eddie’s torso in panting silence to straddle him again. You couldn’t wait for him to get his boxers off entirely, so you pulled them down enough for his swollen cock to slap against his stomach. It had become a talent of yours to make quick yet effective work of getting a condom on. Eddie fucking you raw was going to be on the table at some point, just not tonight. Too risky.
Fuck, he felt like he was going to scream or melt or just-
There was a distinct, sloppy slap. Followed by two even louder cries of pleasure. You knew that Eddie would slip inside you without any resistance. You needed him too much. 
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re spoiling me today.” Eddie giggled, staring up at you through heavy lids. “Do I get all this because I was friendly with the gang?” He settled back into your pillows and basked in the warm embrace of your cunt. 
You mewled at the feeling of being so full - it may have sounded shallow, but you loved his cock so goddamn much. “You were just so damn polite to ‘em. It’s hot seeing you be all sweet and caring.” 
“They’re important to you, ‘course I’m gonna be polite.” Eddie laughed. “They’ve taken care of you for ages, and now it’s my job to help out, right?” He smoothed his thumbs across your hips. 
“Eddie…” you sighed, caressing his face. His dreamy, beautiful, smug face. He was just so good to you and to the world. It always hurt that you were one of the few who truly understood that he had a heart of gold, in addition to being a weirdo. But he was your weirdo. “Love ya, Munson.” 
After your tooth-rotting words reached his ears, you started to grind down onto his stiff length. Eddie couldn’t do much, but he groaned in agreement with you. He never knew how good being ridden could feel without any bouncing. Sure, he adored when you bounced on his cock, chasing your high and fueling his, but there was a sensuality to the circle of your hips. The sight of you making his cock massage your g-spot was one he wanted to be tattooed behind his eyelids.
“How you doing down there, sweetheart?” You smiled, alternating between bouncing and swivelling. He had to give him some form of reward, “please soak my face,” that was such a good line. Damn, he was good.
Eddie let out a shaky groan and stared at where his cock disappeared into your cunt. When you called him sweetheart, he didn’t know what to do with himself. The flush that covered his upper body was rosy and fiery. “Fabulous as always.” He chuckled and shot you a bright grin. “I really don’t tell you enough how much I love your pussy. And she loves me.” 
“You’re so weird,” You snorted, running your hands through the sparse hair on his chest. “She’s gonna care really good care you.”
Eddie started to wonder if god finally decided to smile down on him as you started to ride him properly. The wet squelch of fucking filled his ears alongside your beautiful laughs and moans. He could see the slick from your cunt on his throbbing cock as you moved. Watching you in your element, so happy, on top of him, was hypnotic. Eddie would never cease to be mesmerised by you and your body. He began to thrust his hips up to meet your carefully curated rhythm.
Your head fell back, and your jaw swung open when you met at the perfect angle, at the perfect time. “Oh. My god - yeah, yes, Ed-” you called out. You were so happy that both of your parents had taken night shifts.
Eddie’s thrust began more forceful, faster, as he moved to push his feet into your mattress for leverage. He was a sweaty, whining mess under you, but he was still going to try and do a little bit of the work. “Uh huh, use me. Fuck, fucking shit - cum on me again.” He was rambling like a horny maniac, smiling like one too. He was having the time of his life. A pretty lady who loved him and had cute stuffed animals was riding him until he wanted to scream. What more could a dude ask for?
“Don’t stop - don’t stop talking. Fuck.” Yeah, you were losing your mind. Sex with Eddie always came with a satisfaction guarantee, but it was his dirty mouth that sealed the deal for you most of the time. “Does my pussy feel good?”
The harsh slapping of his balls hitting your ass richoted off the walls. Eddie wasn’t going to be lasting much longer by any means. “So - so good. She’s leaking all over me, such a good girl.” 
Now he was just trying to be annoying. It was working very well.
“Am I a good girl too?” You groaned, lightly gripping Eddie’s jaw so he could look you in the eye. The pace of your fucking had reached its peak. How you were still speaking in sentences was a mystery. Eddie was hitting your g-spot at the best angle and slipping deeper inside you every time you slammed your hips down. 
“Yeah, f-fuck. But, you’re a woman too.” Eddie slurred, loving the feeling of you keeping his eyes fixed on you. His left hand moved between you to rub your swollen clit in fast circles. Again, sensuality is what really did it for him. He would call you a good girl until he was blue in the face. But it was the fact that you were a full woman that warmed his blood - and his heart. All soft body, whispy hair everywhere, and markings on your skin showing how you’d grown into the person he got to love. “Mine,” he whined the word like prayer.
“‘M your woman, huh?” This was going to be over soon, but you needed a few more words out of him. “Then you’re my man, all mine.” You leaned down to whisper straight into his ear, followed by a long lick up the column of his throat - tasting the salty sweat dripping off of him.
“Oh, oh god - yeah, ‘m yours, baby.” Eddie grabbed the back of your head and pulled you into a scolding kiss. All tongue and saliva, but neither of you cared. This is always how it went. Right when you were both on the precipice of orgasm, start making out furiously. His cock was pounding into you, trying to mould your puffy walls to the shape of him. Eddie could feel his heart hammering and his eyes rolling back - he was almost there and so were you.
“All. Yours.” Eddie punctuated each word with a hard, impossibly deep thrust. Then he was a goner. Shooting ropes of cum into the condom and moaned like a girl in the porn he watched sometimes. 
You could feel the pulsing heat of him in your stomach. His nimble fingers were still focused on your clit. He always knew how to make you melt. So, melt you did. The world exploded into white, and you screamed into Eddie’s neck as your orgasm shook your body. 
The aftershocks of bliss left you both shaky and panting like you had run a marathon. You had already collapsed on Eddie’s chest as he started rubbing your scalp with his calloused fingers - the added roughness provided a good scratch. Your heart was hammering like his, each keeping pace with the other in the afterglow of that near-religious experience. You snuggled into his touch and trailed your fingers down the bridge of his nose, feeling his beauty and memorising the dips and peaks of his face - for what may have been the hundredth time.
Eddie shifted to catch your wandering hand and covered it in small pecks up to your wrist. “So, you got any more members of the gang to introduce? I’d love an audience with a penguin if I’m being honest.”
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fatuismooches · 11 months
hihi! this is the anon obsessed with fluffy coats (oml that drabble had me giggling n kicking my feet fr) and im back to say
just hear me out smooches. cuddling with pantalone when he ends up having to leave for business stuff, and he comes back to see you curled up in his fluffy coat, nearly dozing off in his chair
7ets7xgucgu i go feral for men with fluffy coats that want to kiss mean
could i be 🍒anon btw?
HAHAH PLEASE THANK YOU 🍒 ANON FOR SENDING IN THAT LOVELY ASK <333 I love writing fluff like that, and honestly it was so fun because who wouldn't want to bundle up in their fluffy coats that also smell like them ❤️ Anyway... NJKSBWQJS YES!!! I TOTALLY AGREE THAT SOUNDS SO ADORABLE. Pantalone would definitely let you take his coat hostage <33 I imagine you have dozens of coats specifically tailored for you... but they always end up discarded to the side. Instead, you end up stealing your husband's coat since it's simply the best one for you! Yes, he does know about your little scheme even when you try to hide it and put the coat back in the same place. Pantalone knows. You can't hide anything from him. But he thinks it's adorable. He's just waiting for a moment when he can walk in on you snuggling with his coat.
Being with Pantalone while he does his paperwork is nothing new for you, it's so utterly boring without him around and of course, he welcomes the company of his darling! But you're going to have to settle for not shifting around too much and being silent because he does have work to do, you know? And his huge fluffy coat would make you feel a lot more comfy... but you weren't going to ask. Though you immediately steal it after he leaves. It would just be for a few minutes, nothing more! He wouldn't know a thing! Only problem was that you sorely underestimated how sleepy the fluffiness and his scent wrapped around you felt. You would never live it down when you woke up to Pantalone cooing and teasing about how cute you were.
From then on, Pantalone will literally offer you his coat first so you don't even need to ask. You'll just need to bear the embarrassment and his knowing infuriating smile as he wraps the coat around you however you like.
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erwinsvow · 7 months
Ok but let’s talk about nobody being there to pick Rafe up from jail :(( my poor rafey
( i saw your reblog and I also hope it isn’t general consensus?? I think it’s so cute and so 🙁)
hi babe!!!!! wait stop. I love rafey too 😭 I think it’s so cute. but only in private like he’d get mad if you said it in public ��‍💫id do it tho bc let’s make him mad. it’s fun. dare I say it’s my hobby
also you literally know my mind. thinking abt this idea is literally why I decided to start writing for rafe because part 2 of suit the mood of my soul would be all of that rafe drama happening and literally having to fight with ur (reader LOL) parents to go see him in jail and then picking him up. in my head you’d be driving him back home and it’s the first time you’ve ever had to drive lol and he makes you pull over so he can drive but first he destroys ur pussy in the back seat. (sorry im projecting.)
to be honest though im thinking about how hard it is. youre so depressed, literally spiraling into tears anytime you think about rafe being there alone, thinking like was this all a big lie?? did your friends really cause this?? was it not a lie, and you don’t really know rafe at all? but its also SO emotional, your parents screaming at you that you are not seeing him again and you’re like you can’t stop me. and this is the longest you’ve gone without talking to him since you met him, keep checking your phone because you think it’ll go off with a text from him. you go to visit him and are just crying the whole time. he’s in shambles because he hates seeing you cry, doesn’t realize how much he fucked up, how lucky he is that you care so much, despite all the evidence you don’t believe he did any of it. you defend him valiantly to everyone, even your friends who say you’re delusional.
then you get a call since Rafe puts down your number. you literally SPEED to get there, and hes standing out there all alone. you run into his arms, literally leaving your car on n running. ugh i would SOB he would be so happy to see you, feels so relieved even though he knows what’s just happened.
you’re his calm though, like literally you settle his mind, so he feels so much better once you’re there. after he rearranges your guts, you both get in the front again—him driving and you in the passenger seat. he doesn’t know where to take you so you both drive around. you’d be all sleepy, leaning against the window, eyes fluttering open if he accidentally breaks too hard. you catch a little of what rafe’s mumbling to himself, pieces here and there
“we’ll just get out of here, kid, just you and me. we’ll be fine. don’t need anything else but me. i’ll take care of you, i will.”
you think you should be worried, but you’re not. you trust rafe entirely. you wake up in another part of the state, your phone turned off with lots of messages from your parents, but you don’t care, you’re just happy to be with him again. 😴🫣🫠
ANYWAYS, bae, how was work? 💓
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cherrybeomz · 1 year
lazy | c.bg
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summary: beomgyu falls asleep on top of you after a gaming night, you hold him close & he gets way too comfy...
warnings: nipple play, titty sucking, lazy gamer gyu is a warning by itself lol hes a bit gross, teasing, thigh humping, lots of spit, pussy eating
wc: 1.3k
a/n: im so weak for lazy gamer gyu you guys........ im obsessed with a stinky boy! love that for me. anyways this is my first time posting here lemme know if u want pt 2 <3
You ran your fingers easily through Beomgyu’s hair. It’s knot-free and smooth, which you found immediately weird given that your boyfriend always messed up his hair beyond repair when he’s gaming and that’s what your evening was all about — lazing around on the couch playing video games while cuddling Beomgyu.
He must’ve showered before you came over, you thought. Beomgyu didn’t stir when you got closer to his head to smell his hair. You giggled thinking about how weird it was but also, his natural scent was something that comforted you — he would tease you endlessly if he found out you were smelling him, though. 
You inhaled his scent and your body relaxed instantly. The faint smell of his sweet perfume brought a smile to your face. To this day, you didn’t understand why he liked to wear perfume indoors but in moments like this, you appreciated it. You ran your fingers through his hair once again and smiled as you held him closer to your chest. He sighed in his sleep.
After spending your evening playing around, you finally felt your energy running out so you decided to drift off to sleep for a bit, making yourself as comfortable as you could with Beomgyu sleeping on your chest.
You guessed a couple of hours passed when you woke up because you were dripping in sweat. It wasn’t necessarily hot outside but both of you slept with a blanket over you and the apartment always felt warmer at night. You slowly stirred, immediately acknowledging Beomgyu’s weight on top of you. But by the sounds you heard, he wasn’t sleeping anymore.
“Having fun, aren’t you?” You asked him, and he nodded as he sleepily kissed your skin, slowly moving up to your collarbones, shoulders, and neck. 
You didn’t even have to open your eyes to see his desperate look. He must’ve woken up in the middle of the night with a boner and the fact that he was sleeping on top of you wasn’t helping his case.
Oh, sleepy and horny Beomgyu was your favorite.
It was hilarious how he didn’t even open his eyes, he just kissed every inch of skin his lips felt.
You were content with it — nothing was better than waking up to having your chest kissed, Or maybe it was… if your boyfriend stopped being lazy and actually brought his mouth to your nipples. Or your lips.
But dear lazy, sleepy, and very horny Beomgyu rather wanted to spend a few more minutes like this, eating you up, licking all the sweat from your skin. He really couldn’t tease you for smelling him earlier when he was just as gross as you.
He soon grew tired of being lazy — thank god — and decided to rearrange your setup so he could sit on one of your thighs and started humping it. You laughed at the audacity and he startled, looking at you with a gleam in his eyes.
“Baby… Do you mind?” He said as he put all his weight on your thigh, shyly averting your gaze, visibly embarrassed.
“Do I mind if you ride my thigh?” You asked, amused. “Of course not, darling. Look at you, you can’t even open your eyes.”
He humphed. “I’m sleepy, that’s all.”
“I can tell, but you also woke me up. You’ll have to make it up to me.” You tease him, lifting your thigh so it presses against his crotch, making him moan loudly in surprise.
“Oh, you’re such a menace…” He mumbles. He’s fully sitting on your thighs now, not laying down anymore, and you’re obsessed with how good he looks — with his eyes still closed, expression tight, lost in the pleasure and opening his mouth every now and then as he lets out moans that sound heavenly to you.
Seeing him being this wrecked had you dripping like crazy, panties soaked. You felt your pulse in your pussy as he moved faster, holding your hips by now so he could steady himself and move easier. You could feel how good he was feeling just by looking at his face, mouth fully open now, saliva dripping from his lips and one of his hands running through his own hair. He was totally feeling himself.
God, you loved seeing him use you merely for his pleasure. You just hoped he would make it up to you when he felt like it because everything felt hot right now, your panties were sticky as all hell and you just wanted his tongue cleaning you up.
“Oh God…” He sighed to himself. “Wait, come closer,” he said and wrapped his arms around your neck. You drew in a breath as he started kissing your neck. You really didn’t expect him to give you attention this early but surely you wouldn’t complain, especially when he drew one of his hands from your neck and slowly traced your body with it. 
You felt his touch everywhere, his large and warm hands moving from your waist to your ribs, going back down your stomach slowly, making you shiver. Beomgyu laughed as he kissed all over your neck when he felt you trying to close your thighs but couldn’t because he was positioned in the middle.
Never did you think the touch of the fabric of your panties could overwhelm you this much. Beomgyu’s fingers trailed the waistband of your underwear and you choked up, surprised, as he devoured one of your nipples at once.
Goodness, this boy was too much for your sanity…
You couldn’t help it, bucking up your hips to feel him closer, the bulge in his sweatpants overwhelmingly huge, waiting for you.   
“Who’s the one having fun now?” He joked.
Look at him joking now, when you can’t even think straight. “Finally woke up? It was about time.” 
“Mmhm… But you looked like you were having fun, looking at me like that,” he said.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing you playing with yourself,” you said, looking down at him and tracing the drops of sweat on his eyebrows. He looked insane like that, looking up at you with his hand halfway inside your panties and his tongue playing with your nipples. “But don’t you love it more when we’re like this?” Bucking up your hips once again, hands coming down to his ass to hold him even closer. 
He stuttered, closing his eyes tightly, “Fuck…”
“Thought so,” you said.
You thought he would give up on the pleasure and cum just like that, rutting against your clothed pussy, boobs in his mouth, drooling all over — but you were oh, so absolutely wrong.
Out of nowhere, he got up from the couch and stood before you. You were previously sitting on top of him so now you were left scrawled on the couch, chest heaving.
You saw him swallow when you opened your legs, showing him what was his to take. It must’ve been a sight, you wearing only one of his oversized shirts and your underwear. He was salivating by now, seeing you this way. You didn’t know what he was waiting for, but you couldn’t handle waiting for him anymore so you brought your hand to your pussy and started trailing up and down over your panties. 
You felt your heartbeat pick up when you started touching your clit, soft moans leaving your lips. Distracted by your own pleasure you didn’t see Beomgyu approaching you, but he didn’t touch you, he simply got closer to breathe against your ear and whispered: “I hate that you’re always right.”
Next thing you know, you gasp in surprise as he entirely takes your panties off, and holds up a bit, bringing them to his nose and breathing them in. 
Holy shit, he was so disgusting, but why did it turn you on so much? 
Your thighs quivered, your pussy suddenly feeling very cold with how soaked it was. Beomgyu looked at you right before really lapping at your folds, finally, finally, giving you what you wanted.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Gavi Fluff Alphabet
The long awaited and highly requested. I can't bring myself to write smut rn tbh. Like my head is pounding and I'm about to vom. So sexy. Please keep expectations in the dirt so I can exceed them with my sleepy writing.
a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
I don't think Pablo is the type to show much affection in public
He's still quite young and shy, not eager to be teased in person or online about PDA
I think affection in public would be limited to hand-holding, maybe a side hug
Even the gentlemen stuff would escape him in an effort not to come across too sappy.
Like he'll hold your bags, but you're getting your own doors
In private though? Man is a teddy bear
Attached to you
Always wants to be touching you in some way - sitting too close, laying on your lap, anything
Will actually pout if he's not given kisses and affection hourly
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
Scary dog privileges but as a person
Would always be FaceTiming you just to have your presence there in the background
Sends you at least 20 tiktoks a day because they remind him of you
Always pays when y'all are out
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
Absolutely necessary
Actually so touch starved that he might die without some quality time from you
Started out with you wrapping yourself around his shoulders to get his attention (since he's confirmed always on his phone)
Now you'll be minding your business and feel him wrap his arms around you
Like to be the baby, laying on top of you, getting his hair played with
Prefers when neither of you have a proper shirt on so the two of you can share body heat
Must be a separate activity from sleeping - Gavi get's too hot and restless in his sleep to cuddle
Age regression - literally a little puppy when he’s in your arms, responding in nods and whimpers
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they around the house?)
Pablo cannot imagine settling down right now
He loves his youth and his job and his freedom
But looking at you in his house, laying on his couch or waking up next to him, he thinks he could get used to this
Quite lazy around the house tbh
Regular teenage boy; does the bare minimum to not be living in filth
Very good about one thing: dishes.
Fun fact: gavi seems like the type to be afraid of cockroaches and other critters, so he’s amazing at doing everything to prevent them from entering his house
Baby steps towards domesticity: letting you stay over, then buying you a toothbrush, then a drawer, then a key to the front door
e = ending (if they had to break up with their s/o, how would they do it?)
Pablo is not good at feelings or confrontation
So if he ever needed to break up with a girl, he would do it indirectly
Probably over text or through a phone call, because he doesn’t know how to handle heartbreak
If it was in person, he would do it in public, buying you a meal or coffee before breaking the news
He would always repeat how it’s a problem with him, how he needed to figure himself out, and how there was no blame on you
Getaway car waiting outside
f = fiancé (how would they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
Rather terrifying prospect for pablito
Wants to have his own accomplishments in his career before he looks to lock you down
Type to give you a promise ring on a necklace
“Princesa, im going to be the best someday, and you deserve nothing but the best. So wait for me until I get there?”
Not the type to do long engagements - as long as it takes to plan the wedding and that’s all
Once he proposes, he wants you to be his as soon as possible - Mrs. Gavira can’t come soon enough
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically? Not so gentle
Forgets that he’s gone through a bulk period and he now has a lot of muscle
Still play fights like he’s a scrawny 14 year old, occasionally being too harsh
Everything is a little too intense but that’s what makes it Gavi
His hugs are a little tight on your ribs, his grip restricting the blood flow to your hand slightly
But you love it all the same because it’s him
Emotionally tho? My man is a marshmallow over an open flame
Still young and rather volatile - emotions are right on the surface
His happiness is immediate and overflowing, radiating even
But when he’s sad or anxious? His whole being changes
Sad eyes, dropped shoulders, crossed arms - be was a different person
Tries to be as gentle as possible with your feelings because he didn’t want to lose you or compromise what y’all have
Also wants to establish a dynamic where you two are gentle with each other
Because otherwise he’ll break down and close off from you entirely
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
Any Gavi girl knows what I’m about to say
Man loves hugs
Adores them
Occur every time he sees you
What type of hug?? Girl
You know the one
One arm around the waist, securing you to his chest
The other around your head, bringing you in gently to rest beneath his chin
And of course it’s couple with that little smooth on the side of the head
For hello, good bye, good luck, and I L*** Y**, this was his delivery message of choice
Sometimes Pablo will pull you in for long hugs where he can just breathe you in, enjoying the feeling of you in his arms
Always ended with a sweet kiss on the top of your forehead, eyes meeting yours to describe what you should call your situation
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
Okay so someone please educate me - is saying I love you like a big moment in other cultures?
Like I’m Arab, and saying بحبك for the first time is not a huge thing
So I think that would influence when he says it out loud
But I think Pablo would take a while to realize that he’s in love
He’s young and doesn’t really understand the feeling of being in love with someone else
I think it would take a good 6-8 months before he would be able to look at you and think “wow. So this is what being in love feels like.”
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
Controversial opinion: I don’t think Gavi would be the type to get jealous quickly
I know I know but before you get the pitchforks lemme explain
Everyone talks about how Gavi doesn’t get nervous or really doubt himself
He knows he’s hot shit okay?
Both on the field and off, he’s confident in what he brings to the table
So when he gets a girl, he’s gonna be confident in that as well, knowing that he was able to pull her
He gets a kick watching guys flirt with you, because he knows that you’ll never give them the time of day
The only time he might get jealous is when you fawn over another man in front of him
Especially if it’s another footballer
He’s the type to pout and get quiet, scowling at the thought of you all giddy about someone else
Would pull you onto his lap and ask you in a soft voice
“You’re happy with me right?”
Just needs a little bit of reassurance that he’s doing everything in his power to be the best for you
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss their partner? where do they like to be kissed?)
Not to be predictable, but I think he would love kissing you on the neck and the forehead
Like he seems like the type to give you affectionate kisses on the cheek and stuff rather than kissing on the lips all the time
The type to kiss the back of your hand, the top of your head, your bare shoulder
Just a thousand little pecks everywhere
Will grab your face with both hands and give you a fat kiss when he’s feeling excited
otherwise, he’s quite gentle in the way he kisses you
Soft lips moving against yours slowly, takes a while to warm up to intense making out (in the session not overall - hes 18 )
Likes to be kissed on cheek and on the neck
Loves when you sit on his lap and kiss him deeply
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
You’d think he’d not be great with kids because he’s young and kind of aggressive
But you and me both have seen the videos of him in the hospital
So sweet and gentle with the young ones
Loves to pick them up and put them on his shoulders
Very patient with little kid nonsense
Can’t help but think about having his own kids one day
Tells you off handedly that’s he’s excited to be a father one day
“You think our kids will be good at football?”
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
Very energetic in the morning on account of having training so early
Always practically jumping out of bed ready to go
Wakes you up by squeezing you tightly and kissing all over your face
Makes sure you eat in the morning no matter how much you object
n = nights (how are nights spent with them?)
On weekdays, Pablo is fucking tired
Comes home ready to pass the fuck out from training
Lots of eating dinner on the couch and lazy nights
Ready to go to bed by like 10pm
Gets very childish and cranky when he’s tired - lots of pouting and whining to go to sleep
On weekends, he’s a little more enthused
Ready to go out to a restaurant or club with you and have fun
Still keeps things within limits - no blacking out or throwing up
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?)
A while y’all
Pablo is a great listener - loves to hear about you and your interests
But about himself? He’s not a fan
Gets too shy and nervous - thinks he’s boring or bothering you with details about his life
Stuff will slip here and there when he’s stressed, and he starts blushing immediately upon realizing he’s over shared
Starts warming up to you 3-4 months in, just with little tid bits about his family and early life
More likely to speak to you when you were cuddled up, playing with his hair, running your fingers up and down his arm
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
Be for real y’all
My man has little to no patience
Very short fuse
Was a major point of tension early in the relationship
Quick to anger, but also quick to calm down
Doesn’t dwell on things and it’s always ready to move on
Learning to be more calm and patient with you
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about their partner?)
Takes learning about you very seriously
Always super interested when you speak, completely taken by you
Makes notes in his phone about everything: your favorite flowers, dream vacation spots, and more
Interestingly enough, forgets super simple things about you, like your favorite color
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
There were so many little domestic moments that Gavi loved experiencing with you
But the one moment he treasured the most with you was the first time you went to Sevilla with him
Your laughter, your energy, just lit up his hometown
He loved watching your interactions with his family and friends
You both were laying in bed in his parents’ house, just laying with you and being silly when you talked about how much you missed the beach
“The beach is only like an hour away. We can go tomorrow morning if you want.”
You looked at him with wide eyes, smiling from ear to ear
The following morning, you woke up to Gavi running around
He already had everything packed in the car
His newly licensed ass drove you to the beach, and you just played around like kids
You sat on the sand, laying on Pablo’s shoulder
“Pablo, this is the best day ever.”
He pushed your hair behind your ear and kissed you deeply
His heart physically swelled whenever he thought about that moment
s = security (how protective are they? would they like to be protected?)
Super protective of you when he feels like you could be hurt
Whenever you two were out at somewhere rowdy, he always had a hand on you
Ready to fight anybody that touched you
Honestly felt a little emasculated whenever you tried to protect him
Got irritated whenever you fussed over him and his injuries
Started to warm up to it after he got a cut on his face, liking you babying him and being so close to his face
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Initially, he wasn’t trying very hard
Just being a teenager really - simple dates and texting a lot
“Pablo, when are we going to go on a real date?”
The question threw him off immensely, causing him to consult his teammates about what classifies as a date
He realized he had been severely lacking in the effort department
Started trying harder - restaurants, cute picnics, thoughtful gifts
You had started thinking he had done something wrong and was trying to compensate
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Homie is a S L O B
Like does not pick up after himself at all
Not a problem until you start staying over at his place
He has to remove piles of clothes from the bed just for you two to sleep
He’s also always on his phone
Can’t put it down
Can get really annoying when you’re trying to talk to him and he’s staring at his screen
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
In the face, Gavi is not supper confident in his looks
He’s a little insecure that he still looks so young
Wants to look more mature
His body tho????
Yeah, homie knows he’s fine
He’s worked hard on his physique, and so he’s confident in the fruits of his efforts
Loves sitting shirtless around the house
You catch him staring at himself in reflective surfaces
Would never say it out loud, but knows he’s got a body to drool over, and uses it to his advantage
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
I don’t think so
Gavi needs to play football to be complete
That’s the only thing I think he could lose that would make it feel like a piece of his soul was missing
You didn’t complete his world - you were a different world entirely
When you weren’t around, it just felt like he was stuck in a routine
x - xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
Pablo loves seeing you in Barça merch
He just thinks it’s the culmination of all his life coming together when he sees you in the blaugrana
You have a pair of Barça sweats that be especially loves
Literally so careless with all your clothes except your merch
Washes it per label instructions, never rips it off you - the whole nine
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Hates people who are stuck up
Needs a girl to be down to earth - he’s not making that much money
Can’t deal with anyone uptight either - needs someone willing to just go with the flow
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
As mentioned previously, gets very hot in his sleep
Can’t cuddle or be too close because man will sweat and stay up all night
Has had a habit of kicking the blankets off since he was a kid
Had to adjust when you started staying over because you would be freezing and curled into a ball in the morning
Has the room super cold and sleeps basically naked when you’re there so he doesn’t get the urge to kick the sheets to the floor
Guys I’m so sleeeeeepyyyyyyyyyy so hope your expectations were low. Also just realized that people schedule things to be posted. Like not everyone posts their fics the second they finish at crackhead hours like me. Oh well.
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year
Testing the Waters: An Examination and Exploration into the Devildom Demon’s Hierarchy of Status
Warnings: GN amab dom reader, sub demon brothers, brothers have ambiguous genitals, established polyamory (NO demoncest), culture shock, lots and lots of piss and wetting!!! Piss drinking, wetting clothes, marking with piss, involuntary wetting, etc!!, brat characters, nonverbal subspace, subspace, the demon bros have animalistic traits, implied sex, sir kink, assertion of dominance, safe sane + consensual, d/s scenes
This was a commission for @rosepetalhaven !! I had soo much fun with writing this (im sure u can tell bc i went 1k words over what you asked for.. teehee 😇), and while it's super different from how I normally write fics, I hope you enjoy it :D
You’re not sure when it started. You’re not sure with whom it started with, either. You do know a few things, though: that Belphegor wasn’t the first to do it, but he was the one that made you realize there was a pattern occurring. 
The incident happened days ago, and you have been replaying it in your mind ever since. He’d plopped down on top of you while you sat in your room, and sprawled himself over your body, trying to sleep on you like you were a giant pillow. Typically, you enjoy napping with the avatar of sloth, but you had an important task that needed finishing (and now you can’t even remember what it was that was so pressing, it seems so minuscule compared to what was about to happen next). Belphie had whined, using a very small amount of force to push you back when you’d tried to move from under him.
“Belphie,” you had stressed lightly. 
“Noo, don’t move,” he’d huffed. You tried again to move from under him, and then it happened. Belphie had wet himself on top of you. 
Several emotions worked through your mind then, surprise, shock, bewilderment, and a bit of delight. The two of you stared at one another for a very long moment, Belphie looking both smug and sleepy, while you stared back with a very “deer caught in the headlights” look. 
“It’s okay,” you choked out, even though Belphie didn’t seem upset in the slightest. "It's okay," and perhaps you were only talking to yourself at this point, reassuring yourself that this was normal– even though it very much was not.
Once the cooled wetness on your lap became hard to ignore, you’d then manhandled Belphie off your body and got up to change, not bothering to listen as he complained and whined about your absence. 
You could not get the moment out of your head.
It dawned on you that this was not the first time a demon had wet themselves on you.
Your mind worked a mile a minute to find evidence for a pattern– as human brains are wont to do– and while you couldn’t remember when it started, you came up with a couple of times this had occurred before.
There was the time when Mammon wanted something, and he’d been begging for you to get it for him, or at the very least loan him the money for it. While you often indulge him, you��d told him no then, and he grabbed the front of your shirt, looking at you with big puppy eyes before relieving himself on you. 
There was the time that Lucifer ordered you not to meet up with Solomon late at night; he’d pressed himself up against you, holding your arm tightly, practically pouting. Eventually, you caved, and you hadn’t noticed it until he pulled away that there was a slight wet spot on the front of your pants from where his crotch had pressed against you.
There was the time that Asmo sat on your lap and cutely demanded you to do something with him, because he was dying of boredom. When you’d rejected him in favor of something else, he had promptly wet himself. That time you assumed it was him being bratty from being ignored, but you now realize he had different intentions.
You came up with a dozen or so times this had occurred, and it finally clicked. Each brother had done this when they’d try to demand or command something. It had to be a dominance thing. It was failing horribly, of course, but now that you were aware of the situation at hand, things were going to change. 
Deciding to get a bit more information, you crack open the demonology book you’d gotten from class for the first time in ages. There you find all the answers you need. Your assumption is proven correct, as the textbook spells out in detail how urine is often used as a hierarchical device for demons. As you read, you discover how, if one backs down and submits to the other, that they will involuntarily wet themselves as a show of submission. You imagine you’ve been disappointing the brothers when you fail to follow through on the other half of the societal expectation. 
It’s hard to stop the images of your partners losing their self-control as they submit to you; wetting themselves, because they just can’t help it. You can’t ignore how flushed and excited you get from thinking about it. 
The first demon you think of is Mammon.
Mammon is, as he is so frequent to remind you, the first you made a pact with, and so it’s only fair that he’s the first one that you decide to put your new knowledge to the test.
He makes it so easy, too. 
He’s in your room, rummaging through your things when you enter. 
“If you’re looking through my dirty laundry, you might as well clean it,” you tease, closing the door behind him, startling him lightly.
“Whaaat?” he turns around looking indigent, “why would I do your chores? You should be the one doing mine! I’m the great Mammon, and you’re a weak human, in case ya forgot. I’m not gonna do anythin’ for you” He could go on ranting, but he’s cut off by the sound of you unbuckling your belt. “What’re ya doin’?” 
You don’t answer him, and instead step closer. He chokes on his spit when you take your cock out of your pants. 
“Oh,” he starts again, putting two and two together. It takes you a moment to convince your body and brain that it’s alright to do what you’re about to do. Then, you’re pissing on him. 
To your surprise and delight, Mammon’s knees buckle as he immediately loses control of his bladder. He falls to the ground, sitting unbothered in a puddle of his own pee, letting yours wash over him. You moan, feeling your loins burn at the sight of him. It's hard to keep yourself flaccid.
Mammon's hands clutch his thighs, keeping him steady as he experiences something that must be downright euphoric if his dazed expression is anything to go by. Luckily this isn't the first time he's looked at you with eyes like that, and you know how to handle the situation.
“Aw, don’t have much to say now, do you?” you coo, bringing a hand down to brush his wet hair from his face. Mammon only purrs and chirps in response, blinking sleepily up at you. You pet his face tenderly, “want me to take care of you?” 
Mammon nods slowly in response to your question, his pupils blown wide. You coo, taking him up into your arms, and helping him onto your bed. 
He’s so cute like this, you can hardly stand it. It makes you regret that it took you so long to figure all this out.
Satan is next, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t manipulate the situation a bit. You made sure to drink a good amount of water before you sought out the Avatar of Wrath. 
You knock on his door, hearing a faint “who is it?” come from within. Your heart rate picks up as you reply with your name. Satan quickly responds with a, “come in” and your hand is already on the doorknob. 
His room is chaotic and messy, as it usually is, which is good for your plan. Satan looks up from the tome he’s reading, smiling at the sight of you. 
As you attempt to walk over to him, you trip over a book (and yeah, you make it more dramatic than it needs to be, but whatever). You steady and collect yourself before Satan is up and on his way to you, eager to help. 
“Sorry,” he sighs, taking the book you tripped on from your hands.
“You should clean this place up,” you suggest, only it’s not so much of a suggestion as it is a command. Satan shrugs,
“I’ll get to it,” he says, brushing you off. You harden your gaze,
“I wasn’t asking,” you remind him. A light flush begins to work itself onto Satan’s now irritated face.
“Excuse me-” he begins, but grows quiet when you take yourself out of your pants. It still takes a millisecond to convince your brain that your body is allowed to pee, and then you’re wetting his pants for him. “Ah,” he breathes, looking down at your stream in awe, his eyelids lowering as he begins to involuntarily wet himself. All anger has left his body, and he melts like wax under a flame as you make a mess of his pants and floor. 
“I see you worked it all out then,” he purrs once you’re both done, giving you a dopey smile. You kiss him gently, 
“Yeah. And you’re going to clean up this mess, along with your room. Isn’t that right?” He nods immediately, letting out another spurt of pee at your assertion of dominance. 
“Yes sir,” you’re shocked– but try not to show it– when he then drops to his hands and knees and begins licking up the puddle of yours and his piss from the ground. 
“Fuck,” you sigh softly, “good boy,” you praise, not sure if he can even hear you, with how quietly you’re speaking. 
Diligently, Satan takes care of the mess then looks up at you, licking his lips before giving you a small smile. You let out an appreciative hum,
“Good, now,” you break eye contact to look around the room, “this better be tidied next time I come in here.” Satan makes a pleased sound at the promise that you’ll be back. 
You turn, but before you can leave, Satan calls out your name quietly. 
“Will you take care of me, if I do a good job?” he asks, his hands griping his thighs, and you’d have to be blind to not see how aroused he is. 
“Yes sweetheart,” you smile as you look him over, “I will,” and with that you leave the room, already counting down the seconds before you return.
A couple of days later, Belphie has overslept, and Lucifer put you in charge of waking him. You make your way up to his room, while everyone eats breakfast. He’s dead asleep when you open the door, and you sigh, knowing you have a fight ahead of you. 
“Belphie,” you don’t bother with being quiet, because you know Beel has already tried and failed with waking him nicely. You shake him gently, and finally he blinks his eyes open, moaning as he groggily rises from his deep slumber. 
“Ugh, ten more minutes,” he groans, batting away your hands. You’re about to start badgering him again, but an idea hits you. You pull down your pants enough to pull your cock out, and aim it at his face. It takes you a moment, but you manage to pee a little on Belphies face. He gasps, a bit getting into his mouth at the action, and soon a wet spot forms on the comforter, signalling that he’s involuntarily wet the bed. 
“Okay,” he whines, wiping your piss off his face so he can look up at you, “I’ll um… go take a shower,” he mumbles, rising up from the bed. 
“I’ll throw your sheets in the wash,” you compromise, stopping him from leaving, so you can kiss his sticky cheek. Belphie purrs at the action, leaning into your touch. 
“‘M glad you finally figured all this out,” he sighs happily, “took you long enough,” he teases. You huff, and push him towards the bathroom then tuck yourself back into your pants, and begin stripping the sheets. 
Sometimes you forget how Leviathan can be such a brat. He’s very good at reminding you though.
“Levi, darling, when was the last time you… washed yourself with soap and water,” you ask, trying to be delicate about the fact that you’re not sure that he’s been taking care of himself very well these last few days. 
“I don’t need to,” he replies, mashing away at the buttons on his keyboard, not sparing you a glance.
“Mmm, I’m not so sure, I think you probably should every once in a while,” you say, trying your best to persuade him.
“Not. Right. Now,” he urges, frustration evident in his voice. 
“Levi,” you strain, and then realize there’s an easy way to win this fight. You drop your pants, and lean over to press the pause button.
“Hey!” Levi whips his head around, but whatever he was going to say gets swallowed as he comes face to face with your dick. 
“Oh,” he scrambles out of his chair, his expression of annoyance easily shifting to one of surprise and excitement. “Here, here,” he says as he grabs your arm and drags you away from his electronics. You don’t give him much time after that, pissing on him without warning.
“Ah-I can’t hold it,” Levi’s voice quivers when he says it, looking at you with wide, wild eyes as he loses control of his bladder. He’s still holding onto your arm, and his grip tightens significantly as he lets go.
“S’okay,” you reassure, “you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m very pleased with you Levia-chan, my sweet baby, doing so good,” you praise until a soft purr erupts from him. His grip loosens, but he still clings to you, falling into you. Luckily you have the wherewithal to catch him and hold him gently in your arms. He’s still wetting himself as you hold him, but you don’t mind at all. 
It’s not until he’s finally done that he speaks again. 
“What a mean way of making me want to shower,” he pouts, still purring. You laugh, 
“I promise I’ll make it up to you, okay?” he nods, and lets you pick him up, so you can get the two of you cleaned up. 
It’s not unusual for you to wake up in the middle of night in desperate need of a glass of water. It happens more often these days, because you’re emptying your bladder (and filling it) more than usual. 
Tonight, you see the light in Lucifer’s study on your way back from the kitchen. You gravitate towards it like a moth to a flame. Lucifer’s head snaps up when you enter the room, sighing when he sees it’s just you and not one of his brothers. 
“You should be in bed,” you recommend. Lucifer lets out a tired laugh, 
“I’ve got too much to do,” he explains, like that’s a valid excuse. You get straight to the point with him, ending up next to his desk chair with a couple of strides. 
Lucifer looks up at you, perplexed by what you’re doing. You’ve gotten very comfortable with what you’re about to do, and without an ounce of shame, you pull down your sleep pants and take out your cock. A soft noise comes from Lucifer at the sight of you, his eyes flickering from it to your face, then back down again. 
Since you’ve done this many times now, you are able to relieve yourself with ease; the glass of water from earlier helps. 
As soon as your pee hits his body Lucifer gasps softly, then moans– an even more quiet sound– and he too, involuntarily, wets himself on his desk chair. 
Once your stream ends, you shake yourself off, and tuck yourself back into your pants. 
“Bed now?” you prompt, your voice low and soothing. Lucifer nods,
“Yes, alright,” he slowly stands, on shaky legs. You help him up, winding an arm around his waist. Lucifer leans into your touch, so much more pliant than you’ve ever seen him before, docile and malleable for you. 
“I’ll clean up your office tomorrow,” you promise as you lead him to his bedroom. “First though,” you lean in, kissing his neck gently, and smiling when he chirps happily from the action, “let me clean you up.”
Rather than needing to be put in his place, Asmodeous is the one who approaches you. He knocks on your door, and when you give him the go ahead to come in, he practically bounces into your room. Flopping on your bed with a delighted grin, he makes himself comfortable next to you.
“A little birdy told me you figured out how our hierarchy works,” he hums, twirling a lock of hair around his finger. You laugh, wondering who must have told him.
“I suppose I did,” you confirm, already getting a sense of where this conversation may be headed. Asmo’s grin widens,
“It was sooo weird when you were all clueless. Kind of cute, but kind of annoying,” he giggles. There’s a moment of silence between the two of you, then Asmo giggles again, and a light blush dusts his cheeks. 
“Did you want me to make it up to you?” you ask, because it seems like he doesn’t have the words for what he wants yet. “Now that I know better?” Asmo beams, delighted that you’re already taking the lead,
“Yes!” he reaches out to clutch onto your shirt, “oh yes! Please?” you smile, because he looks too cute laying on your bed, all excited and willing.
You slowly pull the hem of your pants down, just enough to free your cock. Asmo whines at the sight of it, squirming a bit, and rubbing his legs together. You then pull down his pants, and tuck yourself inside, to make sure he’ll get really wet. 
Asmo trills, clinging to you tighter, writhing with anticipation. You almost want to make him wait longer, but he’s already been so brave and good, coming to you and asking so sweetly. When you start to pee, Asmo moans openly, nuzzling his face into your neck. He starts licking at your pulse point when he too wets himself. Your bed is going to be a mess, but that’s the least of your cares right now.
“Thank you, thank you,” Asmo murmurs softly, tickling you as his lips move against your neck. 
You run your fingers through his hair gently, “we have to get cleaned up,” you remind him softly. Asmo whines,
“Okaaay,” he relents, because he couldn’t possibly deny you after all that. Laughing lightly, you take yourself out of his pants,
“I’m surprised you’d want to sit in this cold, wet, mess.” Asmo huffs, unlatching himself from you just enough for him to look at you properly.
“It doesn’t bother me, I literally asked for it,” you laugh again, because he’s right. And you think he might be asking for it a lot now that he’s had a taste of it.
Having to assert dominance over Beelzebub was honestly unprecedented. He is really so easy going and submissive for you a majority of the time. It shocked you when he huffed and shook his head when you kindly requested if he went grocery shopping with you.
“What,” you pause, shaking your head a bit, and smiling at how silly he’s being, “what was that?”
“I don’t wanna go help you,” he huffs, but he’s looking at you like it’s killing him to deny you. You smile to yourself as it clicks that you know exactly what it is that he wants. 
“Ah,” you step into his personal space and Beel can’t help but smile, squeezing his fists into balls, then releasing them as energy courses through his body. 
You unzip your pants, pulling yourself out of them, as you’ve now done so many times before. He’s already purring, looking at your cock longingly, waiting patiently for what is to come. 
Beel doesn’t have to wait for long. Your piss comes, and Beel’s hands reach out to touch your stream. He practically falls into you, knocking his head against your shoulder, still so consumed with watching you.
“Oh Beel,” you coo softly when he begins to wet himself as well. You reach a hand up to pet his head affectionately. 
He brings his wet fingers up to his mouth, sucking your pee off of them. 
“Thank you,” he mumbles from around his fingers, as soon as he finishes. “Feels good,” he hums, rubbing his thighs together. 
“I’ll bet it does,” you hum, kissing his skin lovingly. There’s a moment of comfortable quiet between the two of you before he breaks it by saying,
“Let me change, and I’ll come with you.” You laugh, kissing him again,
“Good boy,” you praise, and smack his ass gently when he turns to leave. 
You can tell by the way that the tips of his ears burn a bright red that he’s smiling to himself as he leaves. 
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kitty-cuddle-time · 1 year
do you have any regressor jonathan sims headcanons?
i DO, thank u for asking!! (cw for some light angst)
-jon has two cat stuffies, one that he’s had since he was really young, the other martin gave to him
-they’re permanent fixtures when he’s regressed. he’s never separated from them for long
-(the older one is named bluebell, the newer one is named maple)
-doesn’t talk. only speaks in one or two word sentences unless he’s forced to sound ‘big’
-VERY embarrassed about his regression. doesn’t tell ANYONE
-martin has to put all the pieces together, research age regression, and tell jon “hey i think this might be helpful for you??” before jon is even willing to admit that there’s a tiny, remote possibility that maybe, sometimes, he occasionally feels a little bit younger than he is
-(they’re working on it)
-jon takes a long time to warm up to martin as a caregiver, even after they’ve already been together for a while, but once he does he’s very happy to be martin’s baby :)
-babbles a lot!! makes lots of noises just for fun!!
-he loves cats and bugs. he’s just obsessed with them
-(not anything worm-y tho)
-loves reading science books for kids!!
-likes easy reader books but won’t even touch any picture books
-he gets cold easily!! needs to be wrapped up in a blanket and/or fuzzy sweater at all time
-LOVES textured things!! could spend hours just running his hands over a soft blanket
-chews on EVERYTHING. he has chewelry but that doesn’t stop him from chewing on his clothes, martin’s clothes, the blankets, his stuffed animals, his toys, martin, literally anything in mouth range
-the sleepiest baby to ever exist. so so tired all the time
-VERY grumpy
-(but also giggly around martin)
-(tho he refuses to acknowledge the fact that he giggles)
-less uptight when he’s regressed, just wants to be cozy and sleepy
-still a very anxious little one though
-if he sees a spider he’s inconsolable for hours
-im convinced martin bought him some onesies, though it takes ages before he’s willing to wear them
-(when he finally tries them he immediately loves them)
-likes to play, but quietly. martin and jon’s home is always very quiet and peaceful when jon’s regressed, because the poor baby gets upset easily
anyway that’s all i have for now, although i’m sure i’ll remember some more later!! thx for the ask!!
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Eeee welcome back !! How was the vacay??
Also just wanted to let you know your uncle samu/ dad tsumu Drabble gave me baby fever 😭😭😭 pls spare some more crumbs of those two if you can !!
Vacay was okay, thank ya baby! Definitely glad to be home but grateful we were able to get away for a bit 🥰❤️
“Okay, don’t look!”
Atsumu sounded excited, far too excited for the night ahead, and you chuckle as you pass the last child in the group their last piece of candy before closing the door. It was the first Halloween Hisako could walk on her own, and he was beyond excited for the possibilities of costumes with his baby.
And despite the way Atsumu wanted to hide his excitement when Osamu asked if he could trick or treat with them too, you could tell just by the way they’d eyed costumes for the past week that they were far more excited for this than your two year old knew how to be.
“I’m not looking,” you assure, watching the group of kids and their parents toddle down the path of your home. Behind you, you hear the giggles of your daughter and the shuffling of feet, and you keep your promise to keep looking away even though you’re eager to see what they came up with.
“Alright momma,” Atsumu hums, his voice a few feet behind you. “You can turn around.”
Instantly, you do, and your hands immediately come up to cover your mouth at the adorable sight.
Standing before you, decked out in the most easy, comfortable costume they could find, were the famous Miya Twins, dressed as Mike Wazowski and Sulley, the blonde Sulley holding a pink-pajama clad Hisako in his blue arms.
The twins looked so warm you were almost jealous, in their onesies, Osamu’s green hood pulled up and over his head to expose the single eye, while Hisako plays with the blue fur on Atsumu’s own onesie. They look comfortable and positively adorable, and your heart flutters at the sight of the two men blushing as you stare at them with that grin of yours.
“Oh my gosh!” You coo, your hands instantly coming up to cover your mouth. “You three look so cute!”
“Boo!” Hisako cheers, and you watch with complete love in your eyes as the two grown man gasp in fear, their heads whipping towards her in a rehearsed manner. You can’t help but absolutely beam at the sight of the two men in front of you, committed to making a new memory with their favorite little girl.
“How on earth did you come up with this?” You hum, making your way over to Atsumu. You plant a kiss to his cheek, relishing in the way his skin warms up under the affection.
“Well, it was hard to find a trio costume without a… uh…” Osamu gestures to himself “feminine persona-“
“I told you, there were plenty of same-sex couple costumes-“
“Yea, and I told you, that they were still couple based, and that was weird- I’m your brother.”
You snicker at their back and forth for a few more minutes before sighing, “what about Mario and Luigi? Wario and Waluigi? You could’ve made fake jerseys of your high school numbers and been each other. Burger and Fries, Shaggy and Scooby, buzz and woody, you could’ve been sleepy and sneezy and she could’ve been Snow White-“
“Okay, we get it, we had a lot of options,” Atsumu snorts, casting a look to his brother, who’s now rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “How about I say we chose this costume because when we’re done, she’s in her pj’s?”
“I’ll allow it,” you say sweetly. You rise slightly on your tiptoes to gently pinch Hisako’s nose, beaming as she squeals happily, “but I just know you two will be the cutest monsters on the block.”
“Ahem,” Osamu clears his throat dramatically. “I think you mean, three.”
“Of course,” you say, furrowing your brows and nodding in agreement. Your face softens and you pass Osamu a little pumpkin head meant for candy, “go. She has no known allergies and I like fruity candies. Have fun. Be safe.”
“We will, momma,” Atsumu assures, nudging his head towards the door. “You be safe too. Lots of monsters out tonight.”
You roll your eyes in amusement for his double entendres, “I will be. Oh! And take plenty of pictures! I want some for Granny’s gift, since we didn’t get any last year.”
“You got it, baby,” Atsumu chuckles, pressing a kiss to your head. “We’ll be back soon.”
Sure enough, just about an hour later, when Osamu’s got a sleeping Hisako on his back and Atsumu with a full pail of candy, it’s safe to say Operation: First Halloween was a success.
Especially as you hear them talking about costumes for next year as they make their way to you, in the living room.
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wanderingblindly · 4 months
Thank you for the tags @vroombeams @monacotrophywife and @borntogayz 💖💖💖 sorry if I missed someone, I’m so sleepy lol
1. Do you make your bed?
Almost every morning!! Hate to admit that it’s good for the mental health.
2. Favourite number?
F I V E. It was my jersey number my entire childhood, and it’s been my family’s lucky number forever.
3. What's your job?
😎Director liquid😎
But fr im a data visualization kinda data analyst
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
PLEASE???? If money was no object, I’d be in school forever. I fucking love school, I love the structure I love the learning I love the competition and validation 😭 I’ll probs go back for my masters at some point.
5. Can you parallel park?
Inconsistently, but more often than not yes.
6. Do you think aliens are real?
Surely, it’s just a statistical likelihood isn’t it?
7. Can you drive a manual car?
Not in the slightest :(
8. Guilty pleasure?
Generally speaking, fanfiction and fandom. But also probably…. Loving cliche romances? It’s a guilty pleasure because I certainly don’t act like someone who’d enjoy them, and my general asexuality and disinterest in relationships doesn’t make me the target audience. And yet, here we are.
9. Tattoos?
9! But two of them are fairly big, so I think I look a little more tattooed than I am. Planning on 10 and 11, if I could just find an artist 😭
10. Favourite colour?
Pastel pink, light purple, and black :)
11. Favourite type of music?
Visual Kei and 2010s metalcore are my roots, though my taste is a little more varied this days ((I think due to writing)). But yeah, lots of metal. Always lots of metal.
12. Do you like puzzles?
I don’t usually have the space for puzzles, but I do enjoy them! I’m more inclined towards sudoku and word games though.
13. Favourite childhood sport?
Huge soccer kid, up until my body rejected it.
14. Do you talk to yourself?
Nearly constantly, love living alone.
15. Tea or coffee?
TEA. EXCLUSIVELY. I can’t stomach coffee, I’ve never managed to swallow a mouthful before.
16. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
I distinctly remember finding this question really distressing as a kid — I never had an answer. Not even a fun make believe one.
17. What movies do you adore?
I’m not huge into movies? I enjoy watching them, but I’m bad at getting myself so down and do it. That said, I tend to rewatch Pride and Prejudice (2005), the Devil Wears Prada, Twilight, and Interview with the Vampire a lot. I also have a very aching soft spot for Graveyard of the Fireflies.
I’m sure you’ve all been tagged, but just in case @hurricane-heatt @ultradetectivegeek @miamimaiden @dumbf1sketches @a-amvryllis @mossistyping 💖💖
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pippeebottom · 5 months
6, 11 and 12?
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
ahhh you don’t know me well enough to know much im gonna struggle with this hmm uh um
1. it’s cool how passionate i am about things that interest me
2. i think i am pretty darn funny
3. i continue to choose to be kind even though I’ve been through a lot and that’s neat
1. i have cool tattoos and piercings
2. my body proportions are nice??
3. i have a dimple when i smile that is cute
11. what’s your ideal date?
it really depends because i’m willing to do a lot of different things if it makes the people around me happy! but my *ideal* date would probably include some kind of coffee (i love a good cafe) or fun drink, going to a library/book store/art exhibit or museum and spending time outside (hiking or picnicking or basking in the sun like cats!) and maybe a sweet treat of some kind!!
12. how are you?
im okay!! i had to train a new employee today and it took a lot out of me, so i’m pretty sleepy! but work is winding down and hopefully i’ll be able to rest soon
thank you for asking!! even if you forced me to be nice to myself!! 🫶🏻
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dykevotions · 3 months
throws potion of infodump about ocs on you and runs away
okaaayyyy so. first of all. not a spoilered characters. heres angelic and jacket. love them both so dearly.
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they are QUEER!!!!!!!!!!! and a bit SILLY!!!!!!! their jobs are hanging out in my single player world and eventually going to hell (blood ocean) thats right baybe . the blood ocean is REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways these guys are mainly . not even doomed yuri theyr just hanging out. i love them so muchhhh ^_^ guys who are hopelessly in love and make it everyone elses problem forever n ever
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heres sltom. i have so many. i cant explain everything going on with her if i was given years. its literally so important to me. got put in a death game, died, came back to be put in another death game, died, forced to walk an abandoned world. theres so much happening with xem im gonna throw up. i made two webweaves for zem which. r very good. dog with blood around its mouth. she did all that shit but FAE DESERVED TO!!!!!!!! FOR THE RECORD!!!! god. i gotta explain whats wrong w vamp one of these days
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heres sleepy!!! go to pvp guy. this is essentially "what if there was a guy who kind of sucked at fighting but did it a lot for fun" . not a lot to xem but xey are SOOOO silly. xey are kind of mean 2 xer friends . xey dont mean it though. well sometimes xey do
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FRUITBAT!!! one of two of my animals in separate timeloops. working w their best friend (heyyyyyyy lav :3) to restore a ancient city that seems. oddly frozen. sculk freak (just likes it. a lot.) nerd ass guy. BAT HYBRID ASWELL I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT they love flying and doing stupid shit. divebombs people to say hi. love them so much. oh also in their timeloop theres regenerating skeletons that are growing meat but thats okay and normal!!!
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this is dogboyyyy . theres not a lot to him. BUT. guy who lives in the nether. literally just a good person. comma. also gives like everything he earns to other people. for fun. hes silly and also stupid disease. holding him in my hands so gently
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BUNNY!! OR SAT. LEAGUE TOM ! guy with a literal lunatic on its shoulder. made a conlang for it yesterday. can only communicate via animal crossing sounds (nonverbal autistic win!) and their conlang on signs.
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the conlang as it stands rn. btw. they are so interesting. they have had like 2 mental breakdowns already because they were trying to communicate with people and they couldnt understand them. love this animal. holding it by the scruff. this guy wants to kill people so bad
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SHEEPBOY !!!!!! OR FRI. LEAGUE TOM !! this is his second death game she did really well in the first one. they genuinely enjoy being in death games its like a sport to them. this is their american football . id call them nice most of the time however when they go red it gets. a bit insane. but thats normal for being bloodthirsty i think!!
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this is f , or ftom, or whatever u wanna call them . they r worldbound BUT they r a hub world player so basically they just get to hang out. mostly in hypixel but sometimes the worldhoppers they know drag them around to other places which is fun fun fun !!!!!
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this is yuri . bug in a timeloop !!!! it is. oh my god i love them SOOO MUCH. it is constantly digging this huge tunnel system which they live in and also. refuses to believe they are in a timeloop. it just "has memory problems and its just a STUPID prank. probably" . it is in fact a timeloop for the record.
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