#i drew these awhile ago and touched them up
sillysymbol · 1 year
Ok so bear with me, but awhile ago I was asked to teach an art class temporarily for a small local school until they found someone professional for the job. Since the class wasn't a full course it was basically some free time for middle schoolers to mess around with art. Anyway there was this kid who was really into Jughead specifically. Owned the beanie and everything. And one day for class I gave them a prompt where they could draw anything they wanted to, but apply what they learned from the last class into it. So this kid asked me if they could draw the crown, which was fine. So here's a little bit of context, the boy sitting next to them was a universal asshole. I knew his brother, whom was equally an asshole, and it seemed this kid took notes. He was a wannabe country kid who thought he was better than everyone else and evidentially he thought he was better than this class because instead of coming up with his own idea of what to draw he copied the art of the kid next to him. Which was the Riverdale kid. So now every so often I wake up in a cold sweat thinking about how that country kid, whom has never touched fandom space in his life, drew Riverdale fan art unknowingly and just has to live with that for the rest of his life. I know next to nothing about Riverdale, but this is all I can think about when I see Jughead on my feed.
this is thegreatest story ever told. accidentally tricked someone into drawing riverdale fanart. got bless
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dmkwrites · 1 year
White Wedding
The gang all goes to Alma Bonnet’s wedding. It goes about as well as one could hope.
Blackbonnet with some other stuff
5500ish words
It was the afternoon before Alma Bonnet’s wedding, and she was near giddy with excitement. By this time tomorrow, I’ll be Mrs. Robert Jones, she thought to herself as she flitted from room to room, checking on her dress, the food, her dress again, the dining hall, the flowers, her dress again, as though it might have got up and walked off somewhere. Tomorrow night, Mr. Robert Jones would be ripping that dress—
Don’t go down that road right now, Alma, she chided herself. There’ll be plenty of time for that tomorrow. And the next day. The next morning. And afternoon. And again after tea, of course. And—
Alma screamed into a pillow and then went to go check on the food again, her cheeks flushed.
Mary watched her daughter ducking in and out of rooms like a madwoman, then turned to Doug. “I don’t recall being this worked up when I got married.”
“To be fair,” Doug said lightly, “You very much did not wish to be married in the first place.”
“True,” Mary conceded. “Come to think of it, I did used to spend hours picking out my clothes the night before my painting lessons.”
Doug blushed, but also looked incredibly pleased.
Just then, as Alma was rushing by yet again, there was a knock at the door. Alma screamed, making her parents jump and causing the cook to crush a whole egg into the cake batter. Alma flung open the door, and screamed again. “Robert!”
“Alma!” Robert replied in cheeky falsetto. “My darling, you look like you’re about to need a fainting couch. Sit down a moment.” He took her hand and lead her to the settee.
“What are you doing here?” Alma asked. In the kitchen, the cook had got about halfway through fishing out bits of shell before giving up entirely. “It’s bad luck to see me before the wedding.”
“The day before? Surely it starts after midnight.” Robert sat down next to her, and their knees touched, and Alma thought she might explode. “Anyway, a little bird told me there was a ship in the harbour with a rather exotic looking crew, and my mind immediately went to your seafaring Uncle. Jeff, wasn’t it? You said you invited him.”
“Yes, I did,” Alma said, enraptured by the cut of his jacket over his broad shoulders. “Yes, old uncle Jeff.”
Mary and Doug exchanged a look. “Jeff?” Mary asked, raising a brow. “You… he does know the truth about… uncle Jeff, doesn’t he? You told him?”
“What? Oh!” Alma laughed. “Goodness, yes, I completely forgot.” She took Robert’s hand and beamed at him. She loved the feeling of his broad hands in hers. Mrs. Robert Jones. “Uncle Jeff is Blackbeard.”
Robert laughed. Doug and Mary laughed. Alma laughed. Robert abruptly stopped laughing. “Alma, you’re not serious? Blackbeard was hanged years ago, you know.”
Alma snorted with laughter. “Yes, and my father really was mauled by a wildcat and crushed by a falling piano. Don’t be so naive, Robert.”
Robert drew back his hands and put them stiffly on his knees. “Your father is alive?”
“Well,” said Doug, “This is going about as well as expected.”
“Oh!” Stede exclaimed. “You shaved it off already.”
Edward rubbed his chin. “Practice run. Haven’t done it in awhile, worried I might do a hack job.”
Stede gave him a peck on the cheek. “Has been a long time since I saw your chin, come to think of it,” he said. Edward frowned and pulled Stede down for a proper kiss, and Stede giggled.
“Do you prefer the shave?”
“No, you know I’m very fond of your beard,” Stede said. “But it’s kind of fun once in awhile. Jeff the seafaring accountant is quite the fox, you know.”
“Oh?” Ed—or rather, Jeff—strode forward, the heels of his boots thudding authoritatively on the wooden boards. Stede backed into the wall, and Ed leaned over him. “Well hello there, Mr. Bonnet. My ears are burning.”
“Jeff,” Stede said, “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but if my lover Blackbeard catches us in such a compromising position…”
“Blackbeard? Phhff.” Jeff scoffed as he toyed with Stede’s hair. “I’m not afraid of some washed up old seadog.”
“He is NOT washed up!” Stede exclaimed hotly, and Jeff—Ed?—leaned in closer and kissed him hard, pressing their bodies together. It was a full minute before he let Stede come up for air. “Well,” Stede said, feeling faint, “Now I’m not sure which of you I’m rooting for.”
“As long as it’s one of us that’s good enough,” Edward said, and he leaned in again.
“Captains!” Lucius said, bursting through the door. “Augh!” He spun around. “I didn’t see anything!”
“Lucius!” Stede instinctively covered himself, though he was in fact fully dressed, and fully… well. Edward stayed where he was, pinning Stede against the wall, which did make it a bit difficult to converse, but both Stede and Lucius were used to that. “I’ve told you, you don’t need to call us captains, you’re a passenger today.”
“Okay, then why did you make me organize your library though?”
“That was voluntary, and anyway, none of the rest of the crew can read, who else can I get to do it? Don’t be a nitpicking Nelly, Lucius.”
Lucius rolled his eyes. “Well, Stede—“
Stede made a face. “Oh, I’m not sure I like that. Maybe we will just go with captain for now, yeah?”
“You can call me captain as well,” Edward said. “If he’s captain I want to be captain.”
“By the way Lucius, I’ve been meaning to ask, how did you manage to retire, anyway?” Stede wiggled out of Edward’s embrace, to which he gave a pout before retreating to his favorite chair by the window. “I mean, I paid well, but not THAT well. You were very hush-hush about it when you left.”
Lucius perked up. “Actually wanted to talk to you about that. Well, I was going to wait until we were on dry land in case Captain Ed wanted to toss me overboard again, but you both seem to be in,” Lucius paused and raised a brow, “exceedingly good moods, so I suppose it’s relatively safe.” He drew a small paperback novel out of his breast pocket and handed it over. Edward popped out of his seat to come look. “I’m a novelist!” Lucius beamed. “A saucy one! It’s an absolute smash hit!”
“The Captain and I. Sounds steamy!” Stede flipped through a few pages. “Using your pirate life as a bit of an inspiration, eh?”
“You could say that,” Lucius said.
Edward’s eyes darted across the page. “That’s the first time you and I met.”
Stede frowned. “What?”
“Right there,” Edward jabbed his finger at the page. “The fearsome pirate king sat at the injured captain’s bedside day and night, smoking his pipe and gazing at his prone form with his smoldering desire barely hidden, that’s me, I did that. I mean, I guess it was pretty smoldering, yeah.”
Stede flipped forward several chapters, to a page where the spine was nearly worn through.
“Hey!” Edward exclaimed, “That one’s the first time we fucked!”
“Made love,” Edward corrected himself.
“No! I mean… Lucius!! This is—“ Stede caught himself yelling and instead lowered his tone to a very dramatic stage whisper, “This is actually the first time we made love! Verbatim! Were you listening!?”
“Oh yeah, obviously,” Lucius answered, “you can hear everything that happens in here from the galley, you know. Pete and I went down there for some alone time and we were treated to QUITE the show.”
Edward kept flipping through the book. “Gosh, this sure takes you back, doesn’t it Stede?”
“We can walk down memory lane later!”
Lucius held out a rather largish sack of coin. “I did bring your cut, naturally. For the inspiration.”
Edward snatched the sack without looking up from the page. “Feels a bit light.”
“Based on what!?”
“Based on the cashmere scarf you’ve upgraded to,” Edward said, flipping the page.
Lucius made a face. “I just have poor financial management skills, thanks very much.”
Stede had retired to Edward’s chair, hiding himself behind the backrest. “Ed, would you put the book down already? You need a primer on that right at this moment?”
“No, I remember every moment of that night,” Edward said, and Stede grinned a giddy grin in spite of himself, “but it’s nice to read about. Quite poetic actually.” He held the book open by the chair and Stede peeked over the back. “Look at this bit here, that’s downright lovely.”
Stede read a few lines and sat up straighter. “Oh, that’s actually rather tasteful.”
Lucius laughed. “Yeah, the lonely noblewomen demographic eats that nonsense up like candy. You two are disgustingly cute, it makes me a bit nauseous honestly.”
“I suppose since it’s already published… wait a moment.” Stede frowned. “Lucius, what did you come in here for to begin with? This?”
“Oh! No!” Lucius gestured to the deck. “Alma is out there and she is crying like anything. Absolute drama queen.”
“The wedding’s off!” Alma cried. “He’s left me! What am I to do?”
“There, there, darling,” Stede said, holding his arms open to his distraught daughter. She walked right past him and instead buried her tear-stained face in Edward’s chest. Stede couldn’t blame her; it was an exceedingly comforting chest to sob into. He settled for awkwardly patting her back. “What’s all this about the wedding? There must be some misunderstanding.”
Alma sobbed harder, then suddenly stopped and looked up angrily at Edward. “It’s your fault!” she cried, jabbing her finger in Edward’s face.
“Me? What did I do?” Edward asked, just as Stede sighed and said “What’s he done now?”
Alma beat her fists against Edward’s chest with surprising force. “I told him your were Blackbeard and father hadn’t been mauled by a wildcat and he just up and left! It’s all your fault! If you hadn’t got a stupid crush Stede would have just died at sea years ago and I could just be normal instead of having three dads to deal with!”
Edward looked at Stede. “She called me dad!”
“Yes, I heard!”
Alma made an unintelligible cry of rage and frustration, and rushed by Stede’s outstretched arms again to cry into Lucius’ shoulder. He rubbed her back. “Oh Alma,” he said, “You were doomed never to be normal.” She cried harder. “But that’s fine! You know I’m brilliant at breakups.”
“Why did you tell him today of all days?” Stede asked. “His nerves must be shot.”
“You only come to visit every year or two, it’s not exactly at the forefront of my mind, is it? I have my own life, you know.”
“That’s a good point.” Stede walked over and ruffled Alma’s hair the way he used to when she was a girl. His little girl. “Now listen," he said, quietly but firmly, “there’s not going to be any breakup. It’s just a case of wedding jitters is all. Ed and I will sort it right out. Alright?”
Alma sniffed and wiped her snotty nose on the back of her hand. “Thank you,” she said.
It was early evening when Stede knocked on Robert Jones’ door. Robert came from a family of merchants, and with the death of his mother several years earlier, he had moved in to the rooms about the trading office while his father stayed in their family home and got progressively drunker. Stede admired the building, modest but obviously well-crafted, with a lovely view of the harbour.
“Not bad,” Lucius said. “Could use a woman’s touch.”
“Good,” Stede said, “Keep that in mind, we can use that.”
“Do you have a plan?”
“No,” Stede admitted, “But these things usually work themselves out.”
There was the slow thud of footsteps coming down the stairs, and a tired voice, “Alma, I really can’t…”
“Hello!” Stede said cheerily. “May we come in? Important business afoot, you know. Well, I’m sure you’ve heard.”
Robert looked around in confusion. His eyes were red and his hair terribly askew. Stede reflexively reached out and smoothed it down, which confused the poor man even more. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“No, but I know you! Your reputation precedes you, sir. I’m Mr. East, and this,” Stede gestured behind him towards Edward, “Is Mr. India.”
“Who is?”
Stede turned around. Edward was gone. “Lucius! Where’s E—where’s Mr. India?”
Lucius shrugged. “Went off for a piss maybe? I’m not his keeper, am I?”
Stede forced a grin. “Ah, that scallywag! Well, go fetch him, then!”
“I thought I was just a pass—“
Lucius sighed and trudged off to wrangle Edward.
Robert was getting quite suspicious now. “Mr. East and Mr. India? As in, the East India Company?”
“Oh good! You’ve heard of us. May I come in?” And Stede barged past Robert and up the stairs.
The rooms above we done up in dark mahogany and teak and sumptuous fabrics to rival his own chambers on the Revenge. Stede’s eyes were nearly popping out of their sockets. Alma had landed a whopper. “How lovely…” he said, awestruck, and then, catching himself, “Sure could use a woman’s touch though! Bit of lightness, yeah?”
Robert smiled a thin little smile and pointed at a needlepoint pillow on the chaise, done up in garish pink hearts and and ghastly skulls. Stede choked back a laugh. Oh, Alma.
“I suppose I’ll have to give that back, though,” Robert sighed. “I don’t need the reminder.”
“Oh?” Stede squeaked, “Trouble in paradise?”
“You could say that.” Robert sat down on the chaise and picked up the pillow, tracing the little hearts and skulls lovingly with his fingertips. “She… kept a big secret from me. A couple. I’m not sure I can move past it. It would be an absolute scandal if anyone found out.”
“Scandal? What fun!” Stede said, and he sat down next to him. “Come on now, you strike me as the sort of fellow who can appreciate a bit of notoriety, eh? Spices things up!”
“I guess.” Robert clutched the pillow against his chest and slumped sideways. “I don’t know.”
“Maybe… it’s not the scandal? Maybe it’s the secrets?”
Robert peeked up at him. “Perhaps… it’s the secrets. They’re some big secrets. I thought we shared everything.”
Stede nodded sagely. “Why do you suppose she chose not to share this particular secret, then?”
“Well, if it were anyone else, I would think they were ashamed, but since it’s Alma…” Robert looked into the middle distance, pondering, “…honestly, she probably just forgot.”
Stede laughed heartily. “Yes, that does sound like Alma. I mean!” Stede panicked. “Alma is a lovely name, but does lend an air of… well, you know.”
Robert smiled a little, and sat back up, his shoulders held a little straighter. He had a dimple, in only one cheek, when he smiled. Charming. Alma really had done well. “You must be Mr. Bonnet,” he said. “I’m pleased to see you were not indeed mauled to death by a wildcat.”
“Actually, it was the piano that did me in! The wildcat was just for the drama.”
“Wasn’t a piano dramatic enough?”
Stede shrugged. “You only die once, you know.” Robert actually laughed at that one, a hearty laugh from his gut. Stede smiled warmly at him. “You also only live one life, you know. Mary told me that, and it’s always stayed with me.”
“So,” a voice came from the doorway, “What life do you want lad?”
“Absolutely I want to marry Alma,” Robert said, “Like, so so much. She’s amazing. Do you know she made this herself?” He thrust the pillow into Stede’s face.
Edward walked over, Lucius close behind. “Look at that, she used the design I sent her!”
“Where were you?” Stede hissed.
“Nowhere,” Edward said.
Stede turned to Lucius. “Where was he?”
“Oh, I can’t tell you,” Lucius replied, “It’s too good.”
Robert stood up and brushed his wrinkled jacket flat. “Terribly sorry for the state of things,” he said, gesturing to a half-eaten pound cake sitting on the side table next to a piled of damp handkerchiefs. “You must be Mr. Bonnet’s crew, then.” He held out his hand. “Robert Jones, pleased to make your acquaintance.”
“Lucius Spriggs.”
Edward griped Robert’s hand with such force it shocked him. “Blackbeard,” he said.
Robert nodded, and immediately started hyperventilating.
Edward rolled his eyes and looked at Lucius. “Why does everyone react like that?”
Lucius rolled his eyes right back. “Introduce yourself as Edward instead of Blackbeard then, yeah? You’re obviously doing it on purpose.”
Robert cleared his throat and tried his damnedest to act cool, and failed. “I thought you’d… uh… have a beard? Is it like an irony thing?”
“Blackbeard has a beard,” Edward said, then tapped his head. “Jeff does not have a beard.”
“I know it sounds stupid,” Lucius admitted, “but it honestly is that simple. Most people are idiots.”
“…is your finger made of wood?”
Stede stood up and started slicing into the poundcake with a strained smile. “Rob, you wouldn’t happen to have some tea would you?
The three passed a very pleasant afternoon. Stede told Robert flowery tales of their recent adventures in the Chinese seas, Robert playfully chided Edward for plundering his father ships a full six times, and Lucius ate the entire remaining poundcake slathered with marmalade. It was going to go straight to his thighs, but he rather liked his thighs, so that was fine by him. Finally, once Edward had drunk through Robert’s entire sugar bowl, they took their leave.
Robert felt a kind of lightness in his chest. Everything he’d thought about pirates had been wrong. Being the Gentleman Pirate’s son-in-law might not be so bad. He was just like his dear Alma, after all. And Blackbeard had been nothing like the stories. He was downright lovely, in fact.
Edward shook Robert’s hand vigorously at the door. “Wonderful to meet you, just fab, I’m so looking forward to the wedding. Alma will be so pleased, so pleased indeed.”
Lucius breezed past with a “Bye,” a little too ashamed to thank him for the tea he’d absolutely demolished.
Edward went last, and he paused at the door while Stede went ahead, and he turned back to Robert. Robert suddenly felt uneasy. It was like a switch had gone off. In that instant, he had no doubt in his mind he was actually meeting Blackbeard for the first time.
“If you break Alma’s heart,” Edward said, softly, in the kind of voice that knows it commands a room, “I’ll pull your guts out by your nose and string you up in the town square. For fun.”
Robert went pale.
“You understand me, boy?”
Robert swallowed and nodded slowly.
“Say it, then.”
“I understand you, sir,” he squeaked.
Edward nodded, then strode back to Robert and clapped him on the shoulder with a wide grin. “Welcome to the family, son!”
“Where were you, really?” Stede asked when Edward caught up with them.
“Just now?” Edward replied, and he thumbed back at Robert’s place. “Just having a bit of a laugh with old Rob.”
“Not that,” Stede said. “Earlier, you disappeared all of a sudden. Where did you go?”
Edward pushed on ahead. “Was I gone?”
Stede frowned.
Edward squinted at the clouds at sunset and proclaimed the next day would be clear and sunny, and so it was, a perfect spring day with a refreshing breeze blowing in from the east. The crew and passengers of the Revenge made their way to the church, the only time some of them would step foot in one in their lives. Lucius was dressed in a modest but stylish tailored jacket and incongruously ostentatious cravat. Edward was dressed like a doll in all Stede’s fanciest dress, though the little flowers twined in his hair were his own doing. The rest of the crew were outfitted in a combination of Stede’s odds and ends and their own least threadbare clothing.
Stede, in disguise as “Jeff’s” servant, was wearing plain brown linen borrowed from Doug, and a pair of spectacles that made him rather dizzy. He trudged along next to the lying, no good, conniving Edward, and pouted.
“What’s the matter with you?” Edward asked. “Too underdressed? Do you want to borrow my pocket square?”
“You know what was really the issue with Robert and Alma?” Stede said, refusing to look at him, “It was the LYING. LYING ruins relationships. One shouldn’t LIE to their partner. Breeds nothing but trouble. Don’t you agree, Lucius?”
“Don’t bring me into this please.”
Mary waved at the bunch from the door to the church. “You’re late, you’ll all have to sit at the back. Except Jeff, of course we saved you a seat at the front.”
Stede sighed, but made to sit in the back pew.
“Mary, dear,” said Edward, loudly, for the rest of the church to hear, “Can’t we squeeze old Easton here into the front with me? I don’t want to trouble you, but I’ve got a flareup of the old gout, you know. All those Chinese delicacies. Goes straight to the toe.”
Mary smiled knowingly. “Oh, I’m certain we could make some room. He can have Louis’ place, he’s away at school.”
Edward looked back at Stede and winked. Stupid sexy wink, Stede thought, but he also thought of seeing Alma from the front pew, and he scurried to Edward’s side. He offered him his arm to lean on, to keep up the charade, and Edward took it, closing the gap between them, close enough for Stede to smell lavender soap as the walked together down the aisle. He breathed in deeply.
They took their seats without incident, and the ceremony began.
Alma was resplendent in her mother’s veil and a dress adorned with yards of French lace, plundered from a trading vessel several years prior and set aside by dear uncle Jeff for just this occasion. Once the ceremony started, Stede noticed the dress quivering slightly, and wondered if it was nerves, but then realized she was tapping her foot impatiently as the vicar droned on.
“I don’t get all this god stuff,” Edward muttered, “What’s he got to do with love anyway?”
“Well, I think it’s nice,” Stede whispered tersely, though he very much agreed. He’d almost fallen asleep at his own wedding, and only managed to stay awake because he’d also felt like vomiting the whole time. Alma and Robert exchanged rings, and Alma was beaming, and Robert’s hands were shaking as he tried to slip the ring on Alma’s finger. Stede remembered Mary’s sullen look, and his own shaking hands.
Suddenly Edward’s hand was on his, and Stede realized his own hands were shaking now, and he didn’t know why.
The vicar joined Alma and Robert’s hands together. “Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder,” he cried, with much more dramatic flair than expected. There was a loud sob from the back of the church, and half the guests turned around to look.
Black Pete was attempting to comfort a blubbering Lucius. “He always cries at weddings,” he said apologetically.
Jeff stood up after the ceremony and invited all the guests who wished to join them on the Revenge to celebrate and “indulge in a taste of the orient,” which was code for get wasted on rice wine and century eggs. Most of the guests happily obliged, and the odd procession wound its way down to the docks and on to the ship. Stede tossed away his glasses and went straight for his hidden cache of brandy.
Edward watched, quietly.
Some time later, as the Swede was singing an aria in tribute to the newlyweds to a confused but enraptured crowd, Stede stumbled up to Mary and Doug and sat heavily on a nearby barrel. “Was there a brothel by the docks? And how long does it take to go to a brothel, anyway?”
“You’re spiraling,” Mary said, sipping her drink.
“I’m not!” Stede replied, eyeing Edward across the deck. “I’m barely… I’m barely even going in circles!”
Mary turned to Doug. “He’s spiraling.”
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“You married Spanish Jackie!?”
“Yeah,” Frenchie beamed. “It’s great! We fuck now and then, and when she dies I get half of everything.”
Jim frowned, tapping the tip of their knife against the table. “Why half? Doesn’t she have like twenty-five husbands now?”
“Yeah, but I’m her favorite!” Oluwande and Jim exchanged a look. Frenchie’s face slowly fell as he came to a realization. He slumped forward and put his head in his hands. “I own half a pyramid, don’t I?”
Jim howled with laughter and Oluwande patted Frenchie’s arm. “Sorry mate.”
“I mean, the sex is still great, so.”
“A toast to dear Buttons!” Wee John cried.
Roach sniffled. “He’s with Carl now, it’s what he’d want.”
“To Carl!” the Swede yelled, raising a bottle.
Buttons coughed and rolled over.
“Oh, never mind,” said Wee John.
“How are the kids?” Stede asked, his words hardly slurred. He wasn’t spiraling.
“The orphans?” Jim shrugged. “Fine, I guess. Alive. Eating all Nana’s oranges.”
Stede nodded. “Alive, yes! Fab! A good thing to be! Any luck finding them some parents, then?”
Jim gave Stede a quizzical look. “Why the hell would I do that?”
Stede’s smiled wavered in confusion. “Isn’t… isn’t that the point of an orphanage? If you’re not trying to find them homes, don’t you just… have children?”
“Shut up,” Jim said, and stormed off to get another drink.
“Don’t mind them,” Oluwande said, “they’re in denial about the whole being a parent thing. Sorry about that.” He pulled his chair up next to Stede. “I, however, embrace it wholeheartedly.” And he proceeded to gush about his daughters for a full half an hour, and Stede ate up every moment.
Pete sidled up to Lucius. “So… you still have the finger.”
“Shut up.” Lucius grabbed Pete by his shirtfront and began to pull him down the nearby corridor to the galley. “You’d better be leaving with me this time or I’ll really never speak to you again.”
“Yes sir.”
Alma turned to Robert. “Having any regrets joining this motley crew?”
Robert smiled. “You know, your ‘uncle’ threatened to string me up by my own guts if I hurt you.”
Alma smiled wryly. “That sounds like him.”
Robert took Alma’s hand and rang his thumb across her wedding ring. Her heart sped up, like it had the first time he took her hand, helping her out of her carriage. “Do you know what I thought about that, Alma Jones?”
“Fuck me, I guess I have to go through with it now?”
“No.” Robert turned his gaze back out to the party, where Edward was drinking Doug under the table. “It made me think, Good Lord, if Alma can wrap the fearsome Blackbeard around her little finger like that, what chance did I ever stand after all?”
Alma laughed. She stood up and tugged at Robert’s arm, shooting him a coy look in the lamp light. “Let’s get out of here,” she said.
“Let’s get out of here,” Edward said.
Stede looked up from his drink. “What? Why? Mary and I were catching up.”
Mary waved her hand. “It’s fine, it looks like I’ve got to help Doug stumble home before he passes right out.” She slammed back the rest of her rum, and Stede thought again how much more fun it was to be her friend than her husband. She wavered across the deck and kicked Doug lightly in the ribs before helping him to his feet.
“Come on,” Edward said, and Stede followed, because what else was there to do?
The pair made their way across the docks and up a nearby hill, a place Stede had often come to watch the ships passing in and out of the harbour in his old life. The Revenge danced and bobbed with laughter and music and lamplight. Edward set about starting a fire while Stede watched him, admiring the skillful way he arranged the kindling. Stede never got tired of watching him, honestly. Everything he did was fascinating. The version of him who’d sat on this hill dreaming fifteen years ago would have never have imagined this. Could never.
“You’re mad at me,” Edward said, lighting a match.
Stede snapped out of his thoughts. “Right! Yes!” he said, remembering he had been upset with Ed earlier, and then immediately, “I mean, no! Of course not! What are you talking about?” as he remembered that he hadn’t wanted to let him know that he was mad.
Edward added a few more branches to the fire and looked at Stede over the flames, the smoke wisping about his face, and Stede’s chest ached. Edward came around and sat next to him, and Stede leaned against his shoulder, and completely forgot what he’d been upset about.
Edward reached into the pouch at his waist and took out a small box. “I got this for you,” he said. “Yesterday. That’s why I was gone.”
“Oh?” Stede said in embarrassed falsetto, feeling an absolute fool. “Were you gone?”
“You literally asked me about it. About four times.”
“Ah, that.” Stede said sheepishly. He took the box. “Thank you. I should have trusted you.”
Edward shrugged. “You get all weird when we come here,” he said. “Not your usual weird, mind. Different kind of weird.” He put his arm around Stede shoulder. “You’re not that guy anymore, you know? That bloke got mauled by a tiger.”
“Jaguar,” Stede laughed. “Or was it an ocelot? Some wild cat. Very cool death, anyway, I have to say. Mary said the boys in town talked about it for months at the pub…”
“Open the box.”
“Right, right.” Stede fumbled the little box open, and then gasped. Inside was a gold ring, beautifully fashioned to resemble two hands clasping.
“I know it’s not as fine as most of the rings you have,” Edward said. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, and cursed the absence of his beard. “Apparently they don’t keep the fancy things in stock at the shop, stupid business model if you ask me. But I dunno, I kind of liked this one.”
Stede’s eyes went wide. “You BOUGHT this? At a store?? With money???”
“With the money from Lucius.” Edward frowned. “Shouldn’t I have? I thought you’d be mad if I just robbed him…”
“No, no.” There were tears in Stede’s eyes as he took the ring out. “It’s beautiful. I love it.”
Edward smiled, relieved, and he took the ring from Stede’s trembling hand and put it on his ring finger. “I don’t know about before god or any of that nonsense,” he said, looking Stede in the eyes, “But I swear to you, Stede Bonnet, I will never leave your side so long as there’s still breath in my body, and beyond.”
“Oh my.” Stede shook out his damp, balled-up handkerchief and wiped his tears. “You’re going to haunt me, then? Is that supposed to be romantic?”
“A little, don’t you think? It’s a bit romantic I reckon.”
“It’s awful, just wait for me in… wherever. Hell, I suppose.” Stede laughed. “Come to think of it, perhaps it would be better to be a pair of ghost pirates. Anyway,” and he laughed again, “This is so silly, but I actually have something I wanted to give you as well. I suppose now is as good a time as any.” He fished a small brown paper packet out of his breast pocket and handed it to Edward, his hand still shaking.
Edward raised his eyebrows and unwrapped the small packet. Inside was a gold ring set with a giant ruby surrounded by diamonds. It sparkled in the firelight like nothing Edward had ever seen. “You bought this for me?” he asked, awestruck.
“Of course not!” Stede exclaimed. Then he leaned in with that conspiratorial grin of his, and whispered, “I stole it off a corpse!”
“Yes! That raid we did last month where all those idiot Frenchmen died of scurvy, you remember. I’d been looking for a ring for ages and when I set eyes on that I knew it was perfect for you.”
Edward laughed. “You’re the only one who would see something like this and think of me.”
Stede wasn’t laughing now. He took the ring and slipped it on Edward’s finger. “I’ve told you time and time again,” he said quietly, “you wear fine things well.”
They sat like that, hand in hand by the fireside, for a few minutes, the kind of silence where you didn’t need to say anything at all.
“Aren’t you going to say a vow, though?”
“Oh, right!” Stede panicked. “I… um… I’ll haunt you as well!”
Shit. That wasn’t right. But Edward was laughing, and then Edward was kissing him, and that had never once lost its shine, so Stede supposed it was fine anyway. He cupped Ed’s face, stroking at the rough stubble, his heart as full as it had ever been.
“I love you, Mr. Edward Bonnet.”
“I love you, Mr. Stede Teach.”
Just as the two leaned in to kiss, there was a loud sob from behind a stand of trees. Stede looked up, brow furrowed. “Lucius?!”
“I’m sorry!!” Lucius peeked his head out, tears streaming down his face. “I told you I always cry at weddings!”
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kelmcdonald · 2 years
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Failure to Launch Crowdfund is Launching!
This is crossposted with my newsletter. Sign up for it here! 
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good January. Lots of things coming up this month!
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Firstly, as the title says Failure to Launch's crowdfunding has gone live. Failure to Launch is a light-hearted, educational tour of (so far!) unrealized technological and societal advances promised in years past, but which never came to be. What could have been, but wasn't. It tells the tales of planned utopias in space, wild inventions, attempts to improve society, robot pets, and predictions of armageddon! History is often written by the winners, but this time join us in spotlighting those who didn't let failure stop their dreams. I edited it and drew a story. My story is titled Paradise Within the Reach of All Men. It's written by Ryan North and io9 posted a sample!
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Later toward the end of the month, I'm doing a live reading of Fame and Misfortune. It will be Saturday February 25th at noon PST on my twitch. Some friends will be playing different roles. Then I'll answer some reader questions after the reading. Post any questions you got to this public patreon post. 
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Also while not in February, it's early enough in March that I wanted to mention it now. March 2nd-5th I'll be at Emerald City Comic Con. They haven't sent a map yet, but I'll try to post it in March's newsletter. 
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The full moon was yesterday, so I didn't get this out in time. But we watched Wolf Children. The next few moon is March 6/7. I'll probably do the movie on March 7th since I'll be driving back from ECCC on the 6th. Either way please join the discord so you don't miss the next full moon movie night.
As always I'll be streaming art on Twitch. My schedule is currently the following:
Tuesday 8pm-10pm PST
Wednesday 8pm-10pm PST
Thursday 6pm-9pm PST (during the Iron Circus Geekshow)
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As for last month, what you might have missed is You are the Chosen One is back to updating on Patreon. I posted a PDF catch up for folks, because I know Patreon isn't great for catching up on reading comics.  Also, The City Between has a new storyline starting. It's up early on my Patreon, but will start posting on my website this month.
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This past month I did my best to work on Meredith McClarren and I's graphic novel Blue Moon. I'm behind on writing it because I've been a little buried with editorial work for Iron Circus and Seven Seas. A lot of my free time this month will go to trying to finish that one up. 
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On the editorial front, I'm putting the finishing touches on Failure to Launch. I'm also getting the ball rolling on a new anthology about committing crimes. It's called Perfect Crime Party. That will be fun to get the ball rolling on. At Seven Seas I'm editing the manga for one of my favorite recent animes, Life of an Ordinary Guy reincarnated as a Fantasy Knockout. It's a very funny parody of fantasy books and romantic comedies. I recommend checking it out the anime or the manga once it's out. 
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Staying on top of all that and exercising every morning has been pretty rough. But it's getting easier. I had trouble sticking with it after SDCC and ECCC being so close together last year. So doing Emerald City Comic Con will be the test on if I can stick with it. I've mostly been watching stuff while on the treadmill.  Here's stuff I watched and read this month
My Love Mix Up vol 6 by Wataru Hinekure and Aruko - I mentioned this in my newsletter a year ago. But My Love Mix Up is one of my favorite regular reads. It's very cute. The bisexual main character starts the series with trying to figure out his feelings for two crushes (one guy and one girl). Now that it's been going on awhile the series has moved on to the main character navigating dating another guy. I like it because the character conflicts are mostly about them figuring out their own feelings rather than miscommunication. I find people needing that time and space to sort out their feelings and thoughts really appealing. Like the love interest is dating the main character and hasn't had a crush or feelings for anyone before. He sometimes comes off as detached or disinterested in they relationship. So compared to the heart on his sleeve main character, the conflict doesn't need miscommunication. Because if someone needs time and space, that's a conflict that can only be resolved with said space and time.
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The Night Eaters by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda -  I picked this up because I like Monstress by the same creative team. The art is beautiful just like Monstress. Currently, I think I prefer Monstress because that hit the ground running. But The Night Eaters was mostly setting things up for the series. The main characters are twins that don't understand their immigrant mother. They have a good dynamic and I like their back and forth as they learn their family's supernatural secrets. I'm gonna grab volume 2 and maybe now that groundwork is laid it will really knock volume 2 out of the park.
Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire - This is the newest volume of The Wayward Children Series. If you don't know it, the series follows kids that had a portal fantasy adventure and came back. Mostly the kids are called to their respective fantasy worlds because those worlds fix the kid better. I always like this series and end up grabbing the book the day it comes out. This one follows a girl who ends up in an in-between world which is where lost things magically end up. It is better for her because her home life has gone to hell and it's a sanctuary for her. She doesn't realize what she is giving up to stay though. It has some good thoughts and observations about how people treat children. All the Wayward Children protagonists have rough home life, but this one starts especially rough.
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Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio - I loved this version of Pinocchio. I always like Del Toro's designs and the stop motion animation was lovely. I especially liked the design for Death.
Watership Down Mini Series - I also watched the Watership Down Mini Series that came out a few years ago. While the acting was good, I think it feel for the trap that happens a lot with cg animation. They rabbits look too realistic and that kinda robs them of personality. The visuals didn't really sell the horror of the book or the old 2nd movie.
First Kill - This and the next thing on this list made me think about how quickly netflix cancels stuff extremely quickly. If you aren't familiar with it, First Kill is the teen lesbain vampire romance series they put out last summer and quickly canceled. It follows a vampire and a vampire hunter who fall for each other while their families are fighting one another. It is EXTREMELY bad and not in a fun way. The whole show is very poorly thought out and seems slapped together. While it wants you to think Romeo and Juliet with the two leads, it is established that after being bit a human becomes devoted to a vampire. So one member of those pair has their freewill compromised. It is then brushed aside. And the vampire girl doesn't want to kill, but is told she has to. Why? Well, she just has to. We see other vampires feed from willing donors and not kill them, but it's never established why she can't just do that. The vampire also has to keep keep the fact that she is a vampire secret but then it turns out the whole world already knows about vampires. I could go on, but all the examples of what's wrong can be summed up as a lack of thought being put in to anything. And at the end of the day it's also boring. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to think you were getting gay version of Buffy or True Blood and instead getting this.
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That 90s Show - I watched a lot of That 70s Show as a teen. And I've been watching a youtuber named Jose do retrospectives of different sitcoms. After watching the That 70s Show one, I decided to check out That 90s Show. Overall, That 90s Show is just okay. I think the new teen actors have a decent chemistry, are unique, and their jokes are funny. But they don't really have time to explore/find their feet. Way too much time is spent on cameos for the cast of That 70s Show. The set up for the show is that Donna and Eric's daughter Leia is spending the summer with her grandparents Red and Kitty. So Donna and Eric being in the first episode as well as Red and Kitty all fit in the show fine. But the problem comes up when it turns out the single mom next door is dating Fez and her landlord is the guy Fez had a rivalry with. So now instead of sticking with the teen main characters, we are spending all this time rehashing Fez's joke from That 70s Show. And when Leia likes a boy with the last name Kelso, both Jackie and Micheal invade Kitty and Red's kitchen to repeat their usual fight. Something like this happens once per episode. And it's a shame because I think the teen characters holding their own would have better served the show. It left me wondering what season 2 would be like, but since it's on Netflix it will most likely never get that chance.
Watching all those sitcom retrospectives and listening to the Always Sunny Podcast (the crew of always sunny are rewatching their old episodes). It made me think about how sitcoms usually don't find their feet until season 2. Nearly all the shows we think of as changing the landscape of television had poor ratings the first season. Sitcoms rarely have complicated premises and live or die on the chemistry of their cast. And you don't know what does and doesn't work until you actually make a couple of episodes. While dramas/dramadies are also in a rough place in a landscape where things either take off immediately or get canceled, seems like sitcoms are getting get the worst of this cancel happy time period we are currently in.  That's just something that's been on my mind lately, especially when shows I really like such as Inside Job have ended up on the chopping block.  Thanks everyone! Have a good month and thanks again for your support. I'm gonna start doing an art round up after each newsletter. So enjoy and have a good one.
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callmebeesblog · 2 years
Episode 1-
Two colours of Pain.
*Six feet under* Billie elish.
"You have no f**king Idea!"
He threw his fist on the wall, intimidating me in the process,
"You don't know what it's like battling with my demons and stuff, I hate myself you know, I hate me!"
He broke down just infront of my door step, falling to the ground and crying in his palms, invisible tears with visible pain.
Once again I felt touched, once again I drew near, I felt pity, I felt sorry, All this feelings misplaced for Love, a Certain attraction and a certain fondness I thought I was beyond.
I walked towards him, knelt down and taking his hands, he looked at me like I was his ray of hope, of joy...of satisfaction.
"I will battle every one of them alongside you" i whispered kissing his forehead.
He pulled me closer, hugging me tightly muttering the words I was used to over and over again.
"I'm sorry... I'm very sorry"
I nodded and without any more words, he slept in my arms the whole night like a baby.
*Some..say love is a curse....the type that catches you unawares...and leaves you in despairs....some say it's a drug....a bitter one ...but when taken..it.. heals every weakness in a soul...and strengthens it....some say...it's a hard drug...that you get addicted to...but when abused...might be the end of the person in love....it's crazy...it's good....but sometimes I wonder...is this really Love?....what if it's not*
"Rose, Can't you see that he's trying to take you six feet under with him??, His a total D**k, My God your forgiving him after every thing"
My bestfriend Silver ranted, I know she wanted what was best for me, but only I knew what I needed and wanted for myself, No one else understands I And Greg more than the both of us. She could never grasp our emotions.
"Quit Whining, his still my boyfriend"
I spoke.
"Nice....after breaking up with him like a hundred times already."
She replied her forehead furrowed.
I slammed my locker. "We were just giving our self some space, you don't understand.."
I tried to be defensive, was it working? Not really cause she turned around to leave not before threatening. "If He hurts you next time, I'm f**king killing him!"
Walking down the hall way I thought about everything, how I met Gregory Three months ago when everything seemed right at that moment.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
**Three months earlier**
"I really think going to this party would suit you, Rose. you know? Loosen those joints of yours" Silver persuaded and I smiled.
"I hate Being the peer pressure girl."
She laughed" but atleast am amazing at what I do "
"Ha!" I smiled " am not going to do anything crazy so don't feel fulfilled"
When we got to the party it was a hit, fun and filled with vibes, but I wasn't feeling it like others so I climbed the roof.
It seemed quiet up there and the stars were just so beautiful, I don't really remember the last time I had stayed staring at the stars in wonderful admiration.
"You know their are Black stars too?" I heard a male voice behind me, turning, my eyes slowly locked with his, The fair, tall long brown haired young man approached me. "Am sorry, if you don't mind" he gestured asking for permission to join me and I agreed. So he sat beside me,
"You said something like a black star?" I asked with full interest.
He continued however "Yes Their are black stars, but although we can't see them it doesn't mean they don't watch over us at night as the diamond stars does"
I was intrigued. "The Name's Gregory" He added "what could possibly make someone as beautiful as you are, leave an awesome party and be up here"
"I got bored, I wanted to hear nothing for awhile, by nothing I meant noise" I slowly looked at his face clearly, he had this light brown eyes, they were beautiful and simple. I didn't know why I felt a certain attraction.
He was the first to speak. "Your eyes are beautiful..."
After class I got into my apartment,
Taking off my shirt I decided to go for a shower. I thought about Gregory as I stared at the scars on my body, he was always inflicting them on me whenever he was happy, sad, or angry. He never hurt my face though, maybe it's because he is afraid of being caught or because he is only interested in my face. I laughed slightly.
I never knew I would become so good at being a masochist. It was not the pain I was scared of, I was scared of losing Gregory and although sometimes I felt like killing him myself, I couldn't deny the fact that I was obsessed with him as he was with me, the very thought of him being away from me for long hurt and whenever he was near it hurt to.
As I stepped out of the shower, i realized that my Window was already open, rushing to shut it. I felt his strong arms grabbing me from behind. I knew his smell, I knew how his body felt, it was like I knew him by just touching him and if I were ever blind I would still know him.
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violetskylights0 · 3 years
The Canary of the Underground
Summary: Kat has been a singer at the last drop for awhile now. With Sevika being her boss she has met all kinds of people. And yet she has never seen this stranger before. It wouldn’t hurt to get to know her a little bit…right? This is super NSFW because I can’t resist. It also has a bit of Sevika but I promise it is about Vi. Please let me know if you guys like it!
Song Inspiration: Playground by Bea Miller
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The night was as drab as any others. Two men were fighting in the corner with spilled playing cards on the ground. One of them was screaming something about cheating while the other was too busy getting his ass kicked to speak much. The bar was packed as the poor bartender tried to keep up with the orders. Kat sighed opening the cracked compact mirror she found on the street a few weeks ago. She examined her makeup frowning at the eyeliner that she so desperately worked on. She went to fix a lash before her mirror was taken out of her hand
“Hey!” She shouted before a tight grip closed on her cheeks.
“Now is that any way to talk to the woman who keeps you employed.” The large woman sat down across from you.
“No, I’m so sorry ma’am” Kat apologized eyes widening.
It was true that Sevika got Kat this job in the first place. She truly was great full, but she knew it would come with some conditions.
One is that Sevika owned her now. There were negatives to this, of course, one being that if she stepped out of line she was sure she would be a dead woman walking. But the positives seemed to outweigh it. The whole underground knew Kat was one of Sevika’s playthings, and no one would want to face the consequences of breaking one of her favorite toys.
“Learn some fucking manners and you can get your mirror back.” She scoffed pushing Kat’s face back a bit so her back hit the chair.
“Your up. Sing pretty for me my little canary.” Sevika smirked as Kat stood up giving her a light tap on the ass as she stood to go to the stage.
Kat sighed fixing her mini dress heading to the stage. She really could not believe how she got here. Only yesterday did it feel like she was cold and starving on the street singing for anyone who would pay. Until Sevika showed up calling her “the prettiest songbird.” she had ever seen, and that she had the perfect cage to display her.
Kat inhaled and exhaled trying to slow her heart rate as the DJ announced over the microphone.
“It’s everyone’s favorite time of the night. The prized songbird is here to grace us with a few songs. Everyone welcome the Underground’s own “Canary”. He bowed winking at Kat as she walked up the stairs to the stage.
The unruly crowd went wild shouting and whooping everywhere. A few men yelled at her to strip until Sevika’s death glare quieted them down.
Kat began singing her normal set as people chatted in the background. She smiled at the familiar faces making sure to make flirty enough eyes so people came to the stage to put money in her tip jar.
“Thanks so much, everybody! I got a special treat for you tonight. It’s called playground.” Kat smiled before sitting on the edge of the stage.
She started singing as she slowly drew her legs up.
“Who told you what was down here? Come along if you wanted a peak” She sits slowly opening her legs at the peak before closing them quickly earning cheers from the crowd. Kat got up making her way around the room singing to different customers. Until she saw someone she didn’t recognize. They had their hood up staring at her with deep blue eyes. She made her way over to the stranger singing to them. “What brings you to the lost and found deer? Won’t you pull up a seat?” She sang lightly touching the stranger’s arm. She finally looked up at her as she noticed some pink hairs daring to peek out of the hood. Kat smiled at her one last time before working the rest of the room. She made her way back to the stage finishing her set with another three songs. As the crowd cheered her off throwing the last of the tips in the jar she made her way to the bar. Typically Sevika would be waiting off stage pulling her into her lap showing her off to all the patrons that Kat belonged to her. But Sevika was nowhere to be seen. Kat sighed ordering a whiskey sour and turning around to lean against the bar.
“I gotta say I wasn’t a fan of what they have done with the place but you sure as hell are a welcomed addition.” A voice said next to her. Kat turned her head meeting the eyes of the pink-haired stranger from earlier.
“Should I take that as a compliment or? “ Kat asked cocking her eyebrow.
“Oh, only the highest compliment besides how good you look in that dress.” She mumbled the last part earning a laugh from Kat.
“I’ve never seen you around here” Kat spoke finally getting her drink and taking a sip.
“Hm. Let’s just say I’ve been “away” for a while.” She emphasized away. “The names Vi.” She said holding her hand out.
“These people call me Canary.” Kat smiled extending her hand gripping the strangers hand making a note of how firm it was.
“And what do I get to call you,” Vi smirked pounding the rest of her drink.
“Depends what you have to offer me, Vi,” Kat said her name slowly earning a smile from Vi.
“Seems like you already have the world with Sevika hovering over you.” Vi gritted her teeth making Kat tense up.
“Don’t worry I’m not here to intimidate you or anything,” Vi said sending the tension. “I simply enjoy the things I can’t have. And seems like from talking to all these losers you happen to be the most untouchable person in here.” Vi said going to rest her hand on Kats.
Kat laughed sliding her hand away.
“You know how many people try to come in here and fuck me every night?” Kat scoffed.
“I can only imagine the number.” Vi laughed standing up. “Only problem is I am nothing like these drunks.”
Vi got closer to Kat leaning against the bar close to her ear.
“That’s just the problem isn’t it sweetheart. All these people are just dying to see what you look like without this dress on, yet Sevika would never let that happen because you are her little toy.” Vi spoke causing Kat to sit up
“I am not-“ Kat spat before Vi spoke again.
“And yet that is the problem…isn’t it. Sevika is too busy to take care of her own toys. I’m guessing by the way you are gripping that glass she hasn’t touched you in weeks. Maybe even months.” Vi chuckled pushing herself off the bar as Kat blushed.
“I-I can fuck. Whoever I want whenever I want.” Kat said finishing her drink.
“Prove it,” Vi smirked turning away from her.
“I’ll be in the bathroom for the next five minutes.” She waved her hand walking away.
Kat rolled her eyes scoffing. How dare this stranger walks into her job and say that she was someone’s unwanted plaything. Sure it had been months since Sevika had made any serious advances. And sure Kat had gone to bed multiple nights with only her fingers to please herself. And yeah maybe this stranger, Vi, was extremely toned to the point where when she shook her hand she couldn’t help but think how her hand would fit around her neck….
“Fuck.” Kat muttered before ordering and quickly downing a tequila shot.
She stood up fixing her dress and looking to make sure Sevika was still out. It was embarrassing how fast she was headed to the bathroom looking both ways before banging on the door. She turned her back to face the door shaking her head thinking about what she was doing until strong arms grabbed her waist pulling her into the bathroom. She was quickly spun so her back hit the door and she was looking at those stupid deep blue eyes again.
“You couldn’t even wait for a full five minutes huh?” Vi smirked rubbing her waste.
“Shut up” Kat groaned putting her hands in the back of Vi’s hair pulled her in for a kiss. It was a new feeling. Her mouth was hot and she could feel a soft indent most likely from a scar on her top lip. Vi wasted no time pulling Kat flushed against her in order to grip her ass. She lifted her up with so much ease it tuned Kat on as her back hit the door again.
“Fuck how much do you workout,” Kat said breaking the kiss.
“Like the muscles huh? Don’t worry you can watch my back muscles in the mirror while I eat you out.” Vi smirked going to her knees and letting Kat slide down a bit to throw her leg over her shoulder.
Kat gasped at the sudden movement as Vi quickly got rid of her jacket allowing Kat to truly see her muscles. And what a sight it was. She had tattoos…fuck. Kat thought before feeling kisses on her thighs.
“You smell fucking delicious.” Vi groaned rubbing her hands on Kats thighs before finally pulling down her panties.
“Now show me how pretty you can sing for me Canary.” Vi smirked licking Kats entrance painfully slowly as Kat gasped immediately gripping Vi’s hair.
Vi did one more lick before spreading Kat open with two fingers as she licked her clit. Kat threw her head back against the door in pleasure as Vi continued eating her out. Sevika had touched her before but nothing like this. Kat was already embarrassingly close to the edge before Vi spoke again.
“Think you can take two fingers?” Vi said looking up at Kat.
Kat thought it was sweet she was checking with her, but could not even focus enough to show restraint as she blurted out a “Fuck yes.”
Vi laughed as she slowly pushed two pingers against Kat’s entrance, groaning about how well she was taking it. Vi pumped her two fingers turning her tongue’s attention back to her clit. Kat’s moans got higher and higher as she kept going. Letting out a loud expletive when she curled her fingers hitting exactly the right spot. Kat tried standing on her Tippie toes with the one foot on the ground to get some break from this sensation as Vi lightly slapped her thigh and hooked her arm under her leg pinning her against the wall.
“Take it like a good girl yeah? Cum in my fucking mouth.” She groaned as Kat’s thigh began to shake. Kat moaned Vi’s name as she reached her peak gripping hard on her hair in an attempt to ground herself. Kat let out a deep breath trying to recover as Vi placed a gentle kiss on her thigh lowering her leg off her shoulder in order to stand up.
“ Don’t tell me your down for the count already pretty girl. I have another surprise for you.” Vi said kissing Kat deeply as she pressed herself against her. Kat’s eyes widened feeling a hard object against her core.
“You just wear that thing around expecting to get whatever you want?” Kat tried to say before Vi grabbed her waist.
“Worked for you didn’t it?” Vi smirked spinning Kat so she gripped the sink as she looked up at the mirror.
Kat blushed as Vi hiked up her dress and took off her own pants.
“Take a good look in the mirror sweetheart, I’m about to ruin the rest of that makeup,” Vi smirked rubbing the tip of the strap against Kats entrance.
Kat tried to think of a rebuttal but her mind went blank as soon as Vi pushed into her.
“Look at this pretty fucking pussy stretch for me.” Vi moaned pushing in in out of Kat so slow she was sure it would drive her crazy.
“P-please,” Kat said tears threatening to well up in her eyes.
“Aren’t you so polite,” Vi smirked reaching her hand around Kats body to grip her throat.
“Look in the mirror while I pound you so you always remember you are my little toy,” Vi said pumping once hard and smacking Kats ass with the unoccupied hand. Kat moaned as she sped up the pace. She was gripping onto the counter for dear life as Vi pounded her from behind. She was certain the noise she was making along with the sounds coming from the bathroom were enough to give her away, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t care while this pink-haired stranger made her watch her come undone in the mirror.
“Fuck Vi…I’m going to cum again.” Kat borderline screamed as she tried standing on her toes again before a firm hit came down on her ass.
“C’mon pretty girl, take this fucking strap.” Vi moaned going deeper. It only took a few more thrust for Kat to start seeing stars as she came for the second time looking into Vi’s eyes in the mirror.
That seemed to do it for Vi as she thrust a few more times before tensing up and letting out a long moan. Vi’s hand dropped from Kats neck as she slowly pulled out and tuned Kat to face her as they both breathed deeply staring in each other’s eyes before Vi kissed her again. This kiss was different, it was sift and caring in a way. Sort of an unspoken reassurance. Vi pulled away first as Kat stood clearly spaced out.
“Earth to Canary.” VI laughed grabbing her jacket and wrapping it around Kat.
“…..It’s Kat.” Kat blurted out.
“Well Kat…lets do this again sometime yeah?” Vi smiled going to open the door.
“Wait! What about the jacket?” Kat said.
“Keep it warm for me… I gotta go pay an old friend a visit.”
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
history has it eyes on you [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x fem reader
requested by anon: Love your JJ fics ❤️❤️ I was hoping could you do another one where the reader is somewhat new to the BAU and is either dating or has a thing with JJ. But the reader is known for doing these heroic and kinda reckless acts that ends up saving the victims. And while everyone in the bureau thinks that she's an absolute badass and incredible at her job JJ can't help but love and hate it. She loves it as she's amazing at her job and always ends up saving them but she hates how she always seems to be in the line of fire and in danger. After one too many close calls JJ kinda loses it on the reader.
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*not my gif*
You were nineteen when you joined the academy. However, once you got the job you were longing for you were still a bright young prospect at twenty two. The youngest on the team, even younger than boy genius. 
You always had dreams of dying like a martyr. The bravest thing you thought that anyone could do was sacrifice themself for the ones they love the most. Sure, that’s not the healthiest thing in the entire world, but it was everything to you. 
“Have you guys heard that we’re getting a new member?” Garcia asked as her, Prentiss, and JJ walked into the bureau with their coffees in hand.
Prentiss nodded, “Heard they were a part of the Navy Seals for awhile. They were known as the youngest on that squad and they’re even younger than Reid,” 
“Really?” JJ asked, slightly shocked that someone is younger than Reid. 
Hotch walked out of his office as the rest of the team gathered by their desks, you walked right behind him, his taller figuring covering you from the view of the rest of the team.
Hotch cleared his throat before looking at all of them, “I’d like to formally introduce you guys to the newest member of the team, Agent Y/N Y/L/N,” 
You emerged from behind Hotch and you gave all of them an awkward wave. Until your eyes fell onto a pair of familiar blue ones. Her face was calm and collected, but you could tell by her eyes that she was internally freaking out.
You tried to fight off a smile that was forming on your face at the sight of your old flame back in the days of Afghanistan. But by the look on her face, you knew no one else really knew of her Afghanistan days.
Afghanistan wasn’t all bad. Sure you were put there to try and take down Bin Laden, but the city that was surrounded by war was absolutely beautiful. All of the architecture and the culture, even the people. 
This was one of the days where you completely forgot that you were in the middle of a war. JJ was standing on the balcony in the city of Kabul, the capitol of Afghanistan. The sun was setting behind her as you handed her a glass of wine.
It’s illegal to drink there, but as long as no one saw you called it a win. You stood behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist. You hooked your chin onto her shoulder as you kissed her rosy cheeks. 
“This is nice,” she mumbled and you hummed in response.
“I agree. You make this whole mission so much more bearable,” you whispered.
Penelope ran over to you and gave you a big hug, “Hi! I’m Penelope Garcia, the best tech out there!” 
You laughed softly, hugging her back, “Hi!” 
Once you pulled away, you were introduced one by one to each of the team members. Until you eventually were stopped at the beautiful blonde you’ve known worlds ago. 
You extended your hand out to her, meeting her bright blue eyes. You raised your eyebrows up at her, “Y/N Y/L/N,” you formally introduced.
She hesitated before grabbing your hand, the familiar spark electrocuting your body and you could tell that she felt it too, “Jennifer Jareau,”
“I like your eyes, they’re very blue, did you know that?” you told her, recalling your first ever conversation.
JJ just gave a tight lipped smile before nodding, “Yeah, well, I kind of had them my whole life so I think I know that they’re blue,” 
You were suited up in your gear as your commander walked you over to the representative from the state department. You climbed high in the rankings with all of your hard work and selflessness, you became a lieutenant commander. 
“Lieutenant commander Y/L/N, this is our state department liaison Jennifer Jareau. She will be helping assist us in communication with some of the hostages,” your commander introduced the two of you and you nodded.
You stuck out your hand and smiled at her softly, “Y/N Y/L/N,” 
She grabbed your hand, smiling back, “Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me JJ for short,” 
“Well JJ, I like your eyes. They’re very blue, did you know that?” you asked, awkwardly. You mentally face palmed yourself, realizing that you were getting nervous around the beautiful blonde.
JJ laughed at your awkwardness before nodding, “Yeah, well, I kind of had them my whole life so I think I know that they’re blue,” 
“Right,” you drew out, mentally face palming yourself harder than before. 
You let out a soft chuckle before finally dropping her hand. You knew in a room full of profilers that they would notice if a friendly handshake lasted too long, no matter how hard you didn’t want to lose her touch. 
That was the only interaction the two of you had the entire case. Most of the time you were partnered up with Prentiss. She had more experience than JJ as a profiler since JJ was a liaison first. 
For your first case, you impressed them all with how selfless you were. You would push yourself in front of the rest of the team when confronting an unsub. You would always be the one talking them down as their gun was pointed right at you. 
“Jimmy Barnes, put the gun down,” you ordered, as he held the girl by gun point, “I said, put it down!” 
He shook his head, “No! She needs to die! I need to finish what I started!” he yelled.
Jimmy Barnes, your first ever unsub was ironically going after girls who matched your description. He became so obsessed with a video game that he altered it with reality. The villain in the game looking surprisingly like you.
“Then kill me instead, you’ll win the game if you let her go and kill me,” you offered.
You could feel JJ’s eyes on you and the rest of the team gave you a quick glance before going to look back at Jimmy. For a split second you weren’t sure, what he was gonna do until he eventually threw the hostage towards Rossi, before grabbing you in the process.
He thought he had a good grip on you, but you were a Navy Seal, you know how to get out of a hold or two. Before he could pull the trigger, you elbowed his groin and threw him onto the floor. 
Jimmy landed on his stomach with a hard thump, you straddled his back before  putting him in handcuffs, “Jimmy Barnes, you are under arrest for the murders of Nicole Watkins, Macy Martin, and Leah Butler,” you told him, listing all of his rights. 
Once you got back on the jet, your eyes drifted over to JJ who was staring out of the window. You just kept staring, trying to profile her from afar. You noticed that there was no ring on her finger yet, so that was a plus. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t dating anyone.
Morgan snapped you out of your trance, “That was a brave thing you did out there. He could’ve easily just shot you dead before you could even make a move,” 
“Yeah, but it saved the girl didn’t it?” you fired back and from the corner of your eye you could see JJ let out a sigh, shaking her head. 
“It did, you’re gonna be a great part of this team!” Morgan patted your shoulder before taking a seat next to Reid. 
You took this as an opportunity to get some shut eye on the flight back to Quantico. And your slumber seemed to drift back to you and JJ. 
The two of you were tangled in the sheets of the hard mattress. The hot air of Afghanistan causing your already sweating bodies to become more sticky. JJ was playing with your hair as her head rested on your chest. 
“This is very unprofessional,” she whispered.
You chuckled softly before nodding, “Well no one has to know what we do,” you whispered back, “But if anyone were to walk into my tent they’d see your clothes all over the floor,” 
She lifted her head slightly before seeing your clothes scattered all over it. She let out a content sight before putting her head back down.
“If I'm being honest, I don’t think I’d care,” she said, kissing your jawline. 
You exaggerated a gasp, “Did the Jennifer Jareau just say she wouldn’t care if someone caught us breaking the rules?!” 
“I wouldn’t care because I’m in love with you,” 
Your ears perked up at those five words, “I’m in love with you too,” you whispered, leaning down to attach your lips together.
The more you went on cases with the team, the more reckless (well you’d like to call it heroic) you’ve become. You would run into a hostage situation with an aggressive unsub without a bulletproof vest or weapon. 
You thought that you would get a talking to from Hotch about being so reckless, but he never did. The others rarely thought anything of it and just thought you were an absolute badass. Well, everyone but JJ, you could tell your need to constantly be the hero was getting under her skin a little. 
You just didn’t think she’d care anymore. She barely interacted with you and when you did they were short professional conversations. Even when you went out with the team, she wouldn’t interact with you.
“So, what’s going on with JJ?” Morgan asked you as you and the team were flying out to Tacoma, Washington. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Nothing,” 
He hummed, “Well you’re staring at JJ like you’re in a romcom and just lost the love of your life. So what’s going on? You know you can talk to me,” 
Morgan had become like an older brother figure to you. He was the closest person to you on the team and you knew he could trust him with anything.
“Well, JJ and I knew each other awhile ago. We had a thing and it was really good, but you know, nothing lasts forever,” you confined in him and he nodded.
“That’s why she’s avoiding you like the plague?” he asked.
You shrugged, “I don’t know. It was a long time ago and she broke things off with me. So, I don’t understand why she’s avoiding me. If anything it should be the other way around,” 
“I would just try to talk to her. Obviously, something’s still bugging her if she’s avoiding you this much. Just talk to her,” he suggested and you nodded. 
You wanted to talk to JJ the entire case, but the unsub shortened his kill time and struck back to back. So, you were working twice as hard and twice as fast to stop them. 
And when you did find them let’s just say, you had to act quick. The unsub set his own house on fire with him and the hostage family inside of it. Hotch had called the fire department, but they wouldn’t get there for another ten minutes.
There was no way that the family would survive that. The smoke inhalation. The fire spreading quickly. Before any of the team could even react, you were off and running in to a burning building. 
“Y/N!” you heard JJ shout, but it was too late you were already in the building. 
The unsub was standing there with a sinister smirk on your face and just as he was about to attack you, you sent a bullet through his shoulder. He fell onto the floor in pain. 
The family of three were coughing up a storm. You could feel the smoke already start to fill your lungs. You gestured for the family to start running out of the house. 
“My daughter is stuck under there! You need to get her out of here!” the father yelled and you nodded.
“I’ll save her, you guys need to leave now!” you screamed. 
“I’m not leaving-” the mom begins to protest, but you cut her off.
“I promise I’ll get her out of here, but if you don’t leave she’s not going to have anyone there to take care of her!” you exclaimed. Without another word they run out of the building. You looked at the little girl who was stuck behind a piece of broken ceiling. 
You smiled at the girl who just seemed numb and you grabbed her arm, “Hi kiddo,” you finally got out between coughs, “My name’s Y/N and I’m here to save you okay? You’re safe now. No one can hurt you. Do you mind if I touch you and help you out?” 
She nodded without another word. You started coughing uncontrollably before you finally held her in your arms. 
JJ was pacing back and forth from outside. Her thoughts spinning as she just watched you run into a burning building. Two figures started rushing out of the building. JJ and Morgan ran towards the couple, leading them towards the ambulance.
“Where’s the agent who went in to help you?” JJ asked, frantically. 
“She’s still in there. She’s helping our daughter, she was stuck. She promised that she’d save her,” the mother told JJ.
Right as she finished her sentence, there was huge crash. Everyone’s head turned back to the house to see the roof caved in and the building was falling apart. 
“Y/N,” JJ whispered before raising her voice, screaming out your name uncontrollably, “Y/N!”
Her mind flashed back to Afghanistan, when the good thing the two of you had going turned sour. 
It was dark out and you, JJ, and some of trying to search an abandoned compound that you assumed the Talibans were using to help create bombs. You sensed a slight tension against your shin. 
It felt like what would happen if you rubbed your shin against a bush. But there was no shrubbery around the group, only grass and dirt. At the same time there was a pinning noise and that was the only thing you could hear. 
You had walked into a tripwire, looking down you saw the primed grenade, “Grenade! Take cover!” you yelled to the rest of your team.
You don’t know why you did what you did. Maybe it was because you felt responsible for what was about to happen. You pushed JJ towards the rest of the group as one of your fellow soldiers pulled her behind the concrete building.
You threw off your backpack and jammed it into the grenade, before lying next to it in fetal position to block the explosion from expanding towards them. You were just counting down, waiting for the consequences. 
5, 4, 3, 2,1, you counted and your whole body relaxed as the thought that maybe the bomb was a dud crossed your mind. But just as you relaxed it blew up in front of you. 
“Y/N!” JJ screamed. 
The orange sparks and the smoke cleared, but you knew you were still alive. You were so disoriented, so disoriented to the point where you didn’t even notice that you were blasted so much further away from where you originally laid. 
JJ and the patrol medic ran over to you. She put her hands on my face and noticed how disoriented you were. JJ noticed the blood pouring down your nose and ears. 
“Y/N, I need you to stay with me,” JJ told you, drawing figures on your bloody cheeks, “The doctor’s checking you out, I need you to stay awake, okay? Please, for me,” her voice cracked. 
No matter how hard you tried, your eyes just seemed to shut and you couldn’t open them again.
“No!” JJ screamed as she continued to watch the house burn down in flames. 
Tears were flowing down her cheeks. The trauma of Afghanistan and the thought of losing you flooded her mind. She always wondered why her relationships with people after you never worked. 
She made excuses for herself. The idea that her job as a profiler took up too much of her time. Or the guys or girls she dated were just bad seeds. But that wasn’t the idea. It was the idea that she was still so in love with you, maybe even waiting for the day she’ll get you back. 
JJ looked around the rest of your team. Reid was trying his best to fight off tears, but you could hear him sniffling. He always thought of you as one of his best friends. You related to him more than anyone because of how young you were. 
Morgan and Prentiss stood up tall and were staying strong. But JJ could tell from a mile away that it was getting harder every second that was going by. Prentiss thought of you as a little prodigy, you reminded her of a young Prentiss, and all she wanted to do was protect you even though she knew you didn’t need it. 
Then there was Hotch who stood there emotionless, but he was just trying to actually stay strong for the team. Hotch knew that you were the reckless type, it didn’t take a profiler to notice that. 
The last thing he said to you before he introduced you to the team was, “I see that you want to fight, you’ve got this hunger. I was just like you when I was younger, head full of fantasies of dying like a martyr. Just remember, dying is easy, living is harder.” 
But then they saw a figure emerge from the smoke. The little girl you were carrying was unconscious in your arms. You were coughing up a storm as you crashed onto the lawn. 
The team and paramedics ran towards you. JJ cupped your cheeks as your eyes fluttered open and closed. The smoke that was filling your lungs, making it hard to breathe. The paramedics through an oxygen mask on your face as they tried to help you breathe.
You pulled it off really quick, “Y/N! Put the oxygen mask back on!” JJ scolded you.
You were coughing up a storm as you finally got out what you said between your coughs, “I’m still in love with you,” you told her.
She was about to respond when you started seizing on the ground. Hotch pushed the team out of the way so the paramedics could do their job.
JJ’s mine still drifted back to Afghanistan as she watched them drag you to the hospital. It reminded her of when they brought you back to the med camp after the explosion. The fear settling into her bones that she might not ever see you again.
When you were finally more stable to understand what was going on around you, you were in the med tent of the camp. JJ was sitting next to you with her hands intertwined with yours.
You moved slightly and her head shot up to look at you, “How bad is it?” 
“Your eardrums are perforated, but there’s suspected to be no lasting damage.Your backpack and body armor absorbed most of the damage. You know the doctors say you’re lucky, but I just say you’re stupid,” she told you and you looked at her with furrow brows. 
“That was a little harsh,” you muttered.
She rolled her eyes, “What you did was stupid! It was stupid and reckless! I almost lost you today because of how stupid you were being!” 
“It was heroic!” you screamed. It didn't matter to you that your head was still pounding and your ears were ringing from the explosion, but you were being attacked after you just woke up.
“You don’t see the point! I almost lost you! There are people who care about you! I care about you and if I lost you today I don’t know what I would’ve done!” she screamed, “So I need you to promise me that this isn’t going to happen again. That you’ll start being more careful and thinking more without doing,” 
You sat there in silence unsure of what to say, “I can’t promise that,” you whispered after so many minutes. 
She bit her lip, removing her hand from yours. JJ stood up and started packing up the things that she had in the tent, “Then I can’t do this. If you’re not going to even respect a simple decision as to being less reckless for your own safety, then I can’t do this. I don’t think that what I’m asking is too hard, but I guess it is,” 
“JJ,” you whispered, but it was too late she was already gone.
She didn't come to visit you after that. As you sat there in your own silence, you realized that you made a mistake. You wanted to talk to her, but every time you asked someone to grab her she would always be busy or she’d just never come. 
Once you were finally well enough to be discharged from med tent and back to your own, it was too late. There was a little note left on the hard mattress the two of you once shared.
“Y/N, I’ve decided to leave. Another state department liaison is coming to replace me. I just can’t stay and watch you throw your life on the line anymore. Maybe in another world, but just not this one- JJ,” the note read and you let out a groan of frustration before falling onto the mattress.
You woke up from your seizure to see JJ sitting the corner of the room. She was curled up in the faux leather seat as she was sleeping peacefully. Your mouth felt dry as you reached over to grab the water that sat on the bedside table. 
All your stirring around caused JJ to wake up, her head shooting over to you to make sure you were okay. You looked at her softly and smiled, “How’s the little girl?”
“Safe and recovering,” she answered shortly.
“Where’s everyone else?” you asked.
“They’re in the waiting room. I tried to get them to go home, but they insisted on staying,” she mentioned and you smiled softly.
You could tell she was holding back from what she was going to say, so you let out a sigh, “Whatever you’re holding back, just get it out,” 
“That was stupid of you,” she said sternly, reminding you of your very last conversation before you met her again, “You almost died again! And I had to be there to witness it again!”
“I saved a family’s life today,” you told her, your voice dry, but just as stern. 
“But at what cost? Risking your own?!” she exclaimed and you pinched the bridge of your nose, putting your head down, “It was stupid!”
“Can you stop saying that?! It was brave and heroic! Why can’t you just be accepting about it like everyone else?!” you yelled back.
“There it is again! With your heroic bullshit!” she threw her hands up in frustration, walking closer to your bed, “What’s the big deal about it?” 
“I need to be remembered! I need to have my name in books and you know sacrificing yourself and saving as many people as possible gets you there! My family’s legacy is shot, I need to make a legacy of mine and if this is the way to do it then so be it! I need to be a hero, so I can be loved since my parents never did!” you finally exploded, telling her all the reasons why you are the way you are.
“You don’t need to sacrifice yourself to be loved!” she argued.
You scoffed, “Well, apparently I do since the only time you’ve seemed to want to talk to me since I’ve joined the team is when I’m recovering from almost dying. I don’t understand why you’re so angry at me right now, you broke up with me. You left me to recover from the bomb on my own! So tell me, why do you even care?!” 
“Because I’m still in love with you!” she finally screamed and your eyes softened.
“You don’t need to sacrifice yourself to be a hero or loved because in my eyes you’re already a hero. I care because the thought of living the rest of my life without you kills me. Living my life without you the last few years was the time I felt numb. Then you came back and I wanted to give us a shot again, but I was scared,” she whispered.
“Scared about what?” you asked.
“You were still as reckless as ever. You are still so obsessed with getting your name in the history books that you don’t care who you hurt in the process. I was scared that if I got too attached that one day you’d just die,” she told you, “At least with breaking up with you, I knew you were still alive and I didn’t lose you forever,”
There was a moment of silence before she spoke up again, “You don’t understand that you risking your life out like that hurts the people who love and care about. You don’t need to have millions of people know your name, all you need are the ones who matter most to you and you don’t understand that. I love how protective and heroic you are, but I hate it more. The hate overcomes the love,” 
You reached your hand out for her to come closer. You intertwined your fingers together before placing a kiss to the top of her hand. She had tears threatening to pour down her face.
You brushed a strand of her blonde hair from behind her ear before you cupped her cheeks softly, “I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I didn’t know how badly my acts affected you. I wish that we talked about this when I was still stationed, maybe I could’ve knocked some sense into myself and we’d still be together,”
“But I’d really like a second chance JJ,” you whispered shyly, the fear of rejection overtaking your promise, “I’ll make that promise I should’ve made ages ago. Be less reckless, be a hero in smaller less dramatic ways. But I also understand if you don’t, I know I’m fucked in the head,” 
JJ leaned her forehead on top of yours before kissing you softly, “One more chance,” she whispered, “No more bombs, or gunmen, or fires,”
You kissed her once more, “I just hope I can be the hero that you deserve, the right kind of hero,” 
“There’s no doubt in my mind that you won’t be,” 
358 notes · View notes
Monster Matchup: Thravar (Shapeshifter: SFW)
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Hello! I have a couple of works in progress that I am currently trudging through, this job has been a bit of a killer lately, but! Here’s a monster matchup that was requested awhile ago featuring a shape shifter! As always, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! MONSTER MATCHUPS ARE OPEN! If you like my work and want to read more, check out my masterlist! *Disclaimer: None of the pics are mine, all credit goes to the original artist!
- Thravar is a shapeshifter that honestly has a lot of patience, he doesn’t mind having to repeat himself or explain things to you when you don’t understand something. He actually finds it endearing in a way and it makes him feel helpful. 
-  He loves the times that you slip up and let out a joke that is a bit more on the dirtier side, it always has him chuckling to himself as he knows it doesn’t happen often and he keeps those moments close to him when he can see you just being… You.
-  He will absolutely give you his oversized sweatshirts if you ask him, he loves how they look on you and will purposely buy extra just to make sure you have enough. 
- While he may seem quiet, he’s pretty straightforward, he doesn’t believe in beating around the bush, that much he told you on your second date with him. Which has proven itself true time and time again. 
-  Did I mention he loves hugs? If he doesn’t get a hug he may just turn into an overdramatic mess of a puddle. He’ll practically cling to you and whine until you give him a proper hug, and make sure it’s a long one to make up for all the whining he had to do. Which honestly, it sounds like he wouldn’t have to do much to get a hug from you.
- He’s rather needy in terms of affection which balances out nicely considering he’s just as touch starved. He needs affection 24/7. Even when you’re snuggling he’s making sure you’re wrapped up in his arms as tight as possible as you two watch one of your favorite animes. 
-  He takes interest in your drawings, he loves them and he always gives you the newest art supplies when he comes across them. He will gladly sit and watch you draw for hours, loving the way that each piece of work comes out.
- He knows you don’t believe in compliments, but he still showers you in them anyway, he wants you to see the good in yourself, he knows it’s hard, he’s been down that road before but he wants to make sure you know that you are loved by him. 
-  Since he’s a shapeshifter, he’ll gladly change into whatever you want that day! You want feathers? He’ll make sure he’s the fluffiest feathered thing around. You want scales? You got it. Whatever you want, he’ll change to. He loves being able to change into whatever you want!
He hummed softly as he made his way into your shared home, his tail wagging behind him slightly as he clutched a small bag in his hands. His own little way of showing you he cared was always by gifting you things that made him think of you, this time it was a new set of high quality colored pencils for your drawings. He found you in the small studio he had gotten set up for you, wearing one of his oversized hoodies that he found had always made you so beautiful in his eyes. 
“I brought you something.” He murmured, causing you to look up at him with a questioning gaze, he held the bag out towards you and watched as your features lit up as you opened it to the new colored pencils. 
“I hope you like them.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I saw they were really good and a lot of artists recommended them so… I figured you would like them too.” He stated simply as he pulled the stool up beside your chair that he used to sit in when you were drawing. 
“I do, thank you.” You responded with a smile, leaning over to hug him for a long moment before pulling away and beginning to set to work on testing out your new colored pencils. Your shapeshifter sitting in the stool beside you watching in fascination as you drew.  
66 notes · View notes
shyflameweasel · 3 years
Itsy Bitsy
I remember a couple different people drew a spider Hank awhile ago and I really liked the concept. 
This was not a situation that you had expected to find yourself in. Honestly, if there was an ‘expect a giant man spider’ warning you’d have to wonder at their sanity. Although this is Nevada that we’re talking about so maybe you should have believed that that could be completely possible.
Which led to your situation of being face to face with the red goggles of said man spider.
Let's turn back the clock slightly as to how you got yourself into this situation. It was another normal day spent savaging for some much needed supplies. Bullets aplenty but you couldn’t eat those now could you? Well you could but that wouldn’t be nutritious in the slightest So you were just looking for something edible.
The hot dog vendors were always a delight to meet but you didn’t have anything to pay them with currently. That fantasy of biting into a delicious hot dog would have to wait for another time. Unfortunately.
You checked the area around your current camp, which surprise surprise, turned out to be barren. A definite sign that you needed to find yourself a new place to live again. Ready to pack up for the night and head back to your tent emptyhanded, you spotted something in the distance. It was a bit too far to clearly see what it was.
So against any sane judgement, you decided to check it out. A faint smell of something familiar was carried by the weak breeze. As you got closer both the smell and the sight started to become clear. There was a lump of...something lying on the ground with the smell of blood coming from it. Most likely, you had just found some poor sap that got their ticketed punched.
You hesitated to get closer but with your lack of supplies checking the stiff for anything helpful was necessary. That didn’t help the unease that you felt though. Something seemed off about the body. Maybe it was one of those MAGs you heard about? It was definitely larger than the average person.
Making it to the body, you could tell that whoever it used to be would without a doubt be far larger than you. With all that black they had to have worked for the AAHW, why else would they be dressed like that. That pit in your stomach hadn’t disappeared at all as you were walking up to the corpse as something still didn’t seem right with it. Pulling your head back from the clouds, you reached a hand forward to start checking what they had.
Only to get your wrist caught in the steel grip of the not-so-dead dead guy.
“Shit!” you jumped, pulling your hand back. It didn’t budge in the slightest. Oh that wasn’t good. And it got even better when the not corpse sluggishly got to their feet and you were lifted at least a foot off the ground. And the icing on the proverbial cake was that you knew who this person was. You’d have to be either completely insane or living under a rock to not know Nevada’s most wanted.
Lifting you higher, you were face to face with the man. “Uh...hi?” you stumbled out. You could see your life flashing before your eyes as you looked into those red lenses. Except...a moment later you were dropped to the ground as the man collapsed. Rubbing at your stinging backside, you looked back over to the boogieman. When you were grabbed, you thought that blood smell was from his previous victims. Maybe you were partially right but right on his side was a large gash oozing bright red blood.
Taking your chance, you jumped up and ran back in the direction of your camp. Panting and out of breath, you counted yourself lucky. Not many people met the murder machine and came out alive. But...that gash looked pretty bad and you had no clue how he’d even gotten to your little corner of this hellscape. It didn’t matter, you were far away and safe. But...
Your mind spun back and forth for a while. “Can’t believe I’m about to do this. Thought I still had more common sense than this.” Grabbing what medical supplies you could and an extra blanket you sprinted back to where the downed killer was.
Finding him, he looked about the same as when you left. Moving towards where you hoped his line of vision was, you held up the supplies. Carefully stepping closer earned you a sharp hiss that made you jump. “Easy there big guy, I’m just here to help.” Finally close enough you were able to get a better look at the gash. It was gnarly and you didn’t really have all that much to work with. Not to mention that you were pretty certain that he would not let you remove his jacket enough to wrap it. But you didn’t really have a choice, you had nothing else big enough for an injury like that.
So, mustering up the courage, you looked back into their face. “You’re okay big guy. I just need to lift up your jacket for a bit,” lifting the bandages so they were easily seen “otherwise you’re gonna bleed out.” You could see the gears turning in how they tilted their head. A small eternity passed before they let out a grunt. Taking that as confirmation, you lifted the bottom of his jacket to get to work.
That’s when you noticed something else. Everything you’d heard about Hank, while somewhat farfetched, all said that they were a normal grunt (or as normal as someone like Hank could be). Well...that obviously wasn’t the case right now cause the lower half of their torso was what you would see on a spider. Large (butt?) bodied and eight legged. Did...was he turned into this? Pushing that thought to the side, you grabbed a clean rag and some rubbing alcohol.
With careful hands and gentle touches you wiped away the blood as you spoke softly, narrating what you were doing in between nonsensical words. Thankfully, the wound looked a lot worse than what it actually was. Not to say that it wasn’t bad but at the very least you wouldn’t have to sew it at all, you didn’t know if the manspider? grunt would tolerate being jabbed over and over. Reaching for the bandages you took a quick glance upwards towards their face. It was hard to tell what was going through their mind but you could tell that they were watching your every move. Makes sense, you’d be wary too of the stranger that found you bleeding out somewhere in Nevada.
You had to lean over them to get bandages around to the other side of their torso. All the while keeping up the stream of words, not really knowing anymore if you were talking for their benefit or their own. Finishing, you leaned back from Hank. They were still bloody (and apparently a spider) but they looked marginally better than they had before. “All right there big guy. You’re all patched up and ready to be on your merry way.” 
There was no reply, so you took the chance to look up at the living nightmare. Chest steadily rising and falling. Was...was he asleep? A soft whistling sound confirmed that theory. The man was out like a light. Grabbing the blanket and carefully draping it over him, or just generally from his hips to his shoulders cause that holey blanket of yours would not be able to cover the spidery bits.
Gathering up your supplies you took one final look at Hank before turning around towards the direction of your base. Hopefully your ‘good deed’ wouldn’t be the death of you.
You returned back to the area the next day and found nothing, blanket and grunt gone. The only sign of anyone being there were a line of dots(?) through the dirt. Nevada was a big place, the likely hood of meeting again were slim. But just in case you got your stuff packed.
Definitely did not expect to be dropped upon sometime later by said spider man dragging you into a webby cavern. After that heart attack inducing moment you realized they were holding out some medical supplies and gesturing to a cut on their arm. Guess you’re now a spider doctor or whatever its called. At least you got a sweet new silky blanket out of the deal even if its a bit weird of where it came from.
Soon after that little experience, you noticed them appearing now and again at whatever area you made into your next temporary base. He seemed to like you and once you got past how terror-inducing they could be you enjoyed the visit. Whenever they had some free time or a mission in the area they would pop by for a visit or some medical assistance. Which eventually turned into spending time together. The assassin didn’t talk much if at all, but you did find out what happened to him which was a plus. It had taken them awhile to get used to walking with eight legs and the vision issues. You did love the purr-hiss sound Hank would make when you found out that scratching beneath his chin would have him melt into a puddle of affection.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Oh my gosh, are you taking new promtps? If you are and if you want to write this, may I request "Setting a broken bone" with Qui-Gon and padawan Obi? But only if you have the time to write and like this particular prompt. And, of course, if you are still taking prompts. Thank you!
Yay!! Love getting your requests! 🤍 And stars do I love writing these two. I am a complete sucker. Did I go completely overboard on this one? Yes. Yes I did.
I’m not kidding this was way longer than I intended.
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(Note for anyone who is interested in making a request: I already have prompts for Tampering with Food/Drink and Public Execution/Torture.)
On Florrum, they crashed.
Their ship had reached its intended destination, but their sublight engines malfunctioned as they entered orbit, and there was the clang of metal and a cloud of dust after the fall.
Qui-Gon emerged first, his boots thudding in the hard desert, his blue eyes scanning the horizon cautiously even as he stretched out his senses into the Force. When he was sure, he turned back and proffered his hand into the crooked opening of the broken door, and Obi-Wan leaned into the light, squinting as if the light were blinding.
Qui-Gon frowned and raised his other hand, and though his young Padawan made a noise of protest, he plucked the boy out from the ruined ship and lowered him gently to stand beside him. Obi-Wan shifted slightly, leaning his head toward his Master, and Qui-Gon raised his arm higher, concealing his Padawan from view beneath his billowing sleeve. “Hold on,” he said quietly. “We’ll find shelter.”
“Skalder,” said Obi-Wan, and the hint of red beneath his hair turned into a small trickle down the side of his face.
“What?” Qui-Gon asked him.
The boy stiffened, clinging to his robes in an effort to stay upright. One pale hand emerged from his Master’s shielding arms and gestured into the distance. “Range hills,” he said softly. “Skalder. Can cross the geyser plains safely with…with them.”
Qui-Gon looked, and saw in the middle distance a range of low rises, and moving around them, large lumbering creatures with their heads down low, sniffing out flora to eat. “Skalder,” he repeated. “How do you know this?”
Looking down, he caught a glimpse of a pale face and the flicker of a grin. “I read, Master.”
Qui-Gon laughed and drew his arm higher again, hiding the boy’s concussion-pained eyes from the flat sunlight.
That afternoon, Obi-Wan tied his sash around his eyes and raised himself onto a skalder’s back, blind physically but trusting in the Force, and gestured for his Master to follow suit. The skalder lowed and grunted, but after a few moments of unsteady swaying, the entire herd began to move across the plains. Geysers shot up all around them, but not once did they come close to touching the creatures or the two Jedi.
“Instinct,” said Obi-Wan, his blindfolded eyes gazing ahead into the setting sun.
Qui-Gon watched his Padawan carefully, but Obi-Wan seemed perfectly at ease as he was, as if riding an unfamiliar creature over deserts and sulfuric geysers without the aid of his eyesight was only to be expected in the course of life.
“Let me check your head,” he said.
Obi-Wan did not turn. “It’s fine,” he answered. “I know what I’m doing. Resting my eyes is already helping.”
When they settled in a rock formation with a crevice almost large enough to be considered a cave, Obi-Wan settled himself down in the opening, facing away from their fire, his still-covered eyes towards the night.
Qui-Gon woke two hours after they had lain down to sleep and reached a hand towards the boy’s shoulder, but before he could make contact Obi-Wan spoke, still gazing sightlessly out over Florrum. “I’ve already checked. I’m still fine. Thank you, Master.”
On Akiva, they were led astray into the jungles and abandoned for dead by their so-called guide.
Qui-Gon studied their surroundings, pressing a hand to the moist, auburn bark of the tree beside him, closing his eyes and listening. The Force hummed back at him, so rich and alive in this place that was teeming with natural life, a clean energy untainted even by the cruelty of the people who had deceived them. There were other, kinder people here who still needed their help. They must make it through the jungle.
Qui-Gon’s eyes flew open as a loud rustling crash disturbed his meditation— he blinked at the sight of Obi-Wan, fifteen and scrawny and ridiculous, standing before him with a thoughtful expression as he studied the creature in his hands.
“Obi-Wan,” he said, startled. “Did you kill it?”
The boy looked up at him. “I did, yes. Fenglas are easily startled but they make for good eating. Many of the natives consider them their primary source of sustenance. There is also fruit, but not here. Closer to one of the rivers, there are trees.” He glanced around them with a humored expression, still holding his hunted prize. “Well. The right trees.”
The amusement faded as he caught his Master’s eye again. “Did I…? I’m sorry, I should have asked what you thought first. I was only thinking, the guide stole our bags, all our rations and supplies.”
Qui-Gon lifted a hand to still the rambling explanation, and Obi-Wan dropped his gaze, chastised and red-faced. “Very well, Padawan,” Qui-Gon said after a moment. “You found a problem and then a solution, which is good. But you would do well to consult me first before you hunt for food in unknown territory.”
“It’s not unknown,” said Obi-Wan, and he began gathering dry wood for a fire.
They ate in silence. The jungle creature was not luxury dining, but it was hearty and full of rather more meat than the thing had seemed to have, and had a savory tang that smelled like the wood they had cooked it over.
Qui-Gon rose to douse the fire, but Obi-Wan stopped him quickly with a hand on his shoulder. “The smoke will help protect us,” he said, as if that explained anything, and then he reached into his left boot and pulled out a small folded something that he held up and shook loose. It was fabric — no, a fine mesh netting, so fine that the small bundle turned out to be several square meters of the stuff. The Padawan swirled it through the air and then let it fall, sliding himself onto the ground where he had lain his folded cloak. The net settled over him like a strange sort of shroud.
Qui-Gon stared, bewildered, and Obi-Wan lifted the edge of the netting and gestured to him. “Move your cloak closer, Master, so we can both fit underneath.”
“But why?” Qui-Gon asked.
A crease appeared between the boy’s brows. “The ya-ya flies, Master. They’re venomous. You’re full-grown and healthy so they’d only really make you sick, but it’s better to be safe. The smoke and the net will keep them away.”
Qui-Gon slid beneath the net, his makeshift bed a few inches from Obi-Wan’s. “Did our guide give you this?”
“No,” said Obi-Wan. “I brought it just in case. I’m glad there wasn’t room in my pack, or it would be stolen and we wouldn’t have it at all anyway.”
“What do the natives do about the flies?” Qui-Gon asked next, studying the boy’s features as they flickered in the firelight. He looked unbearably young, still, but tired.
Obi-Wan breathed for a moment, staring upwards through the film of the net at the jungle all around them. “They keep fires burning, sometimes with oils that kill the flies,” he said. “And they weave nets to cover their beds.” He turned his eyes to his Master and added, “If we hunt enough tomorrow, we may be able to trade for another net. Or just maize.”
“The crop they grow here,” Qui-Gon recalled.
His Padawan nodded. “When we find the nearest river, we can collect water in my pouch. It should hold liquid for awhile.”
“And if the water isn’t clean?”
Obi-Wan shrugged. “If we can’t reach civilization in time, the risk of unclean water will have to do.”
On Arkanis, it drizzled 60% of the time. On another 39%, it rained in torrential downpours that would have flooded the streets and drowned the population had they not long ago learned to control the water flow, to build stronger than the rain.
And every so often, just once in a long while, the sun came out and lit up the planet in warmth and golden hue.
But it had not been one of those days when Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi had arrived to mediate on export negotiations. Rain had fallen so heavily from the skies that it felt more like swimming than walking — a sensation that turned from hyperbole into frightening reality when the supports beneath a walking bridge gave way.
Qui-Gon reached out and took hold of a screaming entrepreneur, dragging him safely to stable ground.
Obi-Wan slipped and plunged into the waters seething below and did not climb back up.
“Where do the water ways go from here?” Qui-Gon demanded over the roar of the storm. “Where do they go?”
“Out to sea!” the businessman cried back, a look of pained sympathy on his face. “There’s too much water moving too quickly, nobody could swim in that!”
Qui-Gon gazed down into the thundering rivers below, imagining the crushing weight they must bring, the incalculable strength of the waters, and felt the first slivers of grief begin to gouge into his heart like shards of broken glass.
Of all the things to lose the boy to — rain. Or, that he, the Master, had not been aware enough of their surroundings, or that he had reached for the civilian instead of the boy.
Qui-Gon’s eyes burned in the lash of the storm, but he hurried to his feet and shepherded the others inside to warmth and safety. They were immediately bombarded by a rescue team that passed them by to begin repairing the bridge, and by people offering them warm drinks and soft towels and dry clothing. Qui-Gon helped the others first, and then himself, the movements mechanical.
The next few hours passed in a daze. The negotiations were postponed as the city dealt with the crisis, and Qui-Gon was politely escorted to his rooms — the rooms with two beds, where he ought to have been with his apprentice, safe and dry and alive. But Obi-Wan, he thought, the truth slicing into him slowly, a delicate and perfect cut of a knife, had drowned hours ago. Tossed about in water that raged fifteen meters deep, funneled from all over the city and then out, out to the sea. A pale, fragile figure trapped inside. Suffocated. Qui-Gon covered his eyes with one hand and sank onto his bed. He did not remember climbing beneath the sheets, but he woke the next morning tangled in them, still exhausted.
The next day he dragged himself through the opening discussions, his words as sharp and his gaze as penetrating as ever, but his mind constantly distracted by the memory of the boy falling into the water. Obi-Wan had screamed, he remembered that now, although he wished he didn’t. Then he had tumbled in the air, trying to control his descent, and entered the water feet first.
For the following two days, that same image played over and over in his mind, and yet in those two days he still oversaw the mission, and departed the table on his last evening with a mingling feeling of both quiet satisfaction and unrelenting shame. The mission. The boy. The negotiations. His boy.
Hardly able to breathe, the Jedi Master wheeled around and marched up to the nearest aide. “I need to stay another week,” he said. “Please. To be sure.”
The aide concealed her pitying expression flawlessly, but her presence in the Force was brimming with it and he did not want it. He waited just long enough to hear his request confirmed and then fled.
For three days he stayed in the city, exploring the now much calmer waterways, talking to the mechanics and attendants that kept an eye on the entire system. All of them apologized, but no boy had been seen in the waters that night, and no body had been found on the shore.
“It’s been a while since we’ve lost someone to the floods,” one attendant said heavily. “And it’s been even longer since someone has survived that. I’m sorry, Jedi.”
Qui-Gon walked slowly back to his rooms late that night, his shoulders slightly slumped, the only visible sign of his defeat. The idea of staying another night in the half-empty room and then departing for Coruscant alone was unbearable, horrific.
A turbolift chimed, and the door opened.
Qui-Gon froze.
Obi-Wan emerged from the lift, dripping rain water and carrying all of his clothes except for his cloak, which seemed to be missing, and his trousers, which he was still wearing. The boy searched the room for a moment with tired, puffy eyes, and then he saw Qui-Gon.
“You’re still here,” he said, in disbelief. “You’re still here.”
Qui-Gon didn’t answer. In three strides he had covered the space between them and pulled the boy close, feeling cold water beginning to settle into his own clothing. He only held Obi-Wan tighter, dropping his chin to rest on the damp hair, closing his eyes for a moment as he tried to remember how to speak and breathe.
“Obi-Wan,” he said, in a strangled voice. “Obi-Wan, where have you been? I thought— oh, Padawan, where in the galaxy have you been?”
The boy made a small sound of surprise at the fierce embrace, but he didn’t pull away. “I was in the tunnels, Master. I’m sorry.”
“The tunnels?” Qui-Gon asked blankly.
Obi-Wan nodded against his chest. “There are older waterways beneath the current ones. They’re sealed off, but you can open them if you really try. I knew what to do when I fell into the water; I got rid of my cloak and boots, and I floated as best I could and let my feet face forward. I crashed into a support beam, and I couldn’t climb up and out, and I kept falling asleep holding onto it and just trying to keep my head above water.”
Obi-Wan paused and yawned hugely. “So I swam down, using the pillar as a buffer. It wasn’t easy. I nearly messed it up. But I got down there and found an old access hatch, just like I’d hoped, so I climbed into the old tunnels. And then I got trapped in there, and I’ve been trying to find my way out ever since.”
Before Qui-Gon could even begin to process all of this madness, the boy added, almost as an afterthought, “I had no idea I’d find you. I heard the negotiations ended last week, and knew you must have left.”
Qui-Gon’s arms tightened around Obi-Wan’s small frame. “Not without you,” he said, the words coming out shuddering on an exhale. “I wanted to be sure.”
“Oh,” said Obi-Wan. “I’m sorry.”
On Baraan-Fa, they fell from a roof, flung over the edge by the force of an explosion.
Debris rained around them, cracking sickeningly on the ground, and Qui-Gon crouched over his apprentice, shielding him with his body and shielding both of them with the Force. Obi-Wan’s presence in the Force brushed against his, bright but somewhat timid, a newborn flame still learning just how far it could spread.
The din ceased, and they raised their heads slowly. The building was burning, the top of it utterly demolished, and people were beginning to flood the streets, screaming, bleeding, calling for help and offering assistance to one another. Sirens wailed.
Obi-Wan waited for his Master to stand up and turn towards the chaos before he climbed to his feet, and in this way, focused on the tragedy blossoming around them, Qui-Gon did not notice the way the boy swayed on his feet, white to the lips.
He did, however, notice when he turned around to give the boy instructions and found him gone.
For a moment, irrational fear swept over him — images of debris striking flesh and unfriendly hands dragging the boy away swarmed through him.
But these unlikely possibilities were firmly swept aside like the pestering insects they were; the Jedi Master closed his eyes for a moment to center himself, and found to his faint surprise that Obi-Wan was only just around the corner. He followed what his senses were telling him, and scanned the next alleyway carefully, searching.
There. Concealed in a crumbling alcove, half-hidden by a fallen support beam and clouds of dust. A small red-haired figure was struggling with something, his back braced against the wall, head bowed.
A small whimper reached Qui-Gon’s ears.
Obi-Wan’s hands shifted, and through the haze and debris, the unnatural angle of his left leg became visible, and the position of the boy’s hands and the look of pained determination on his young face suddenly made sense.
“Obi-Wan!” Qui-Gon said sharply. He was already moving by the time the boy’s head jerked up to stare at him, his hands still clenched around his leg.
“Master?” asked the boy. “What are you doing here?”
Qui-Gon stopped beside him, dropping to a kneeling position to avoid cracking his head on the crumbling ceiling. “I would ask you the same, but I think I know exactly what you’re doing. So, a new question — why are you here?”
Obi-Wan blinked. “Is that… not often the same thing?” Sweat glistened on his brow, even through the layer of smoke and grime.
“Not usually,” replied the Master. “For instance, I know that what you are doing is setting your broken leg. I would like to know why, however, you did not tell me you were injured, and why your first solution was to set the bone by yourself.”
The blue-green eyes blinked rapidly. There were flakes of stone dust clinging to the eyelashes, and tears rose up unbidden as the eyes began to sting. “I… there was a bombing, Master. Somebody has to help, and that somebody is usually us. I hurt my leg, so I doubled back to fix it while you went on ahead.”
“And did it occur to you that I would prefer to see you taken care of first?”
A bewildered expression clouded the boy’s face. “I… we’re in the middle of an emergency.”
“Exactly.” Qui-Gon gently raised his hands and settled them over the boy’s much smaller ones, easing them away from the damaged leg. “And I cannot focus if you’re inexplicably missing, or suffering alone on a broken limb.”
“But I can fix it!” Obi-Wan insisted. “I know how. I’ve done it before, many times!”
Qui-Gon’s hands, still holding Obi-Wan’s, tightened their grip. His voice, however, remained steady. “Oh? Do you go breaking limbs on every mission we’ve been on and gone through the healing process without my noticing?”
Obi-Wan’s gaze slid from his. A look of mingled shame and wariness crossed his pale features, and the Master noted that it was not the first time he had seen this expression on the boy. He had certainly seen it on Arkanis, on Akiva, on Florrum. And other times and places, too — this look of mingled guilt and mistrust.
“No,” Obi-Wan mumbled. “I broke bones a few times on Melida/Daan. Broken bones were common. I learned how to set my own and other people’s pretty quickly. And I’m grateful,” he added quickly, as if worried he would be interrupted or reprimanded. “It’s a valuable skill.”
Qui-Gon was silent for a long moment.
“Yes, it is,” he said eventually. “Like memorizing waterways on a planet known for flooding, or practicing how to survive falling into fast-moving waters. Or, perhaps, like preparing defenses against mildly venomous insects, or learning how to hunt creatures you’ve never seen before. Or navigate a desert full of geysers.”
The boy did not seem to see a connection. He stared down at his kneeling Master, his hands still trapped gently in his teacher’s, and said nothing.
“Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon said softly. “I am not going to leave you.”
The Padawan’s brow furrowed. Still he said nothing.
“Melida/Daan was not an experience you should ever have had,” the Master continued gently. “You have developed many skills as a Padawan, and I do not deny that learning to set broken bones is one of them. But I think you also learned something that you should never have been taught, and now I must unteach it.”
“What is it, Master?” Obi-Wan asked. His back slid a few inches down the rough wall as his good leg began to collapse beneath him, and Qui-Gon released the boy’s hands to catch him around the waist and under one arm, keeping his broken leg off the ground.
“You learned to handle everything on your own,” said the Master, walking them both slowly back out into the sunlight. “To expect yourself to do things alone, for fear of slowing others down.”
They reached a flat pavement stone free of debris, and Qui-Gon set the boy down gently, careful of the injured leg, watching as Obi-Wan clenched his jaw against the pain. He knelt down beside him again and put one hand at the boy’s back, encouraging him to sit upright, leaning on his palms.
“But you’re part of a team, Obi-Wan. And more than that, you are my student. You are not expected to do everything alone, or care for all of your injuries without assistance, or prepare to survive alone on a strange planet.”
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest, but Qui-Gon shook his head and raised a finger to silence him.
“Listen to me, Obi-Wan. There will be times when we are separated, that is true. And there is broken trust between us. But Padawan, please understand me when I say this— I will never leave you, and I will always help you.”
Obi-Wan stared at him, tears and dust still clinging to his eyelashes, breath shuddering with pain and perhaps the threat of tears. His Master smiled slightly, running a hand up and down the boy’s back as if to soothe an illness, and for a few moments they simply stayed that way, waiting.
“Master?” Obi-Wan said quietly. “Can you help me with my leg?”
Qui-Gon nodded. He placed his hands gently where they needed to go, his expression calm. “Hold on to my shoulder, Padawan. When I set your leg, I want you to squeeze my arm as tightly as you can.”
“But that will hurt you,” the boy protested.
Qui-Gon’s lips quirked in a slight smile. “As I said, Obi-Wan, we are a team. Now. Hold on as tightly as you can. I’ve got you.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes flickered from the broken leg to his Master’s patient, open expression.
He smiled. “I know, Master.”
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ɴᴇʀᴅ ⓟⓐⓡⓣ ②
ғʀᴀᴛʙᴏʏ!ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x sʜʏ-ɪsʜ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀᴜ (ɪɴᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇᴅ ɪ ɢᴜᴇss)
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: (two part series!) You’re starting to struggle in class and decide to ask your professor for some tutoring or extra classes to boost your  grade. He ends up assigning the last person you’d expect to tutor you. (is it really a surprise though?)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: cw: talking about a car accident and infertility
smut 18+  (praise kink, dirty talk, oral fem receiving, hair pulling, marking, choking, slight spanking if you squint, slight bondage), major aftercare, fluff? This is pretty filthy lmao. 
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 𝟺.𝟹 ᴋ (ɪ ᴀᴍ sᴏᴏᴏᴏᴏ sᴏʀʀʏ ᴛʜɪs ɪs sᴏᴏᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ!)
ᴀ/ɴ: Thank you so much for all the love in the last part! I was truly expecting maybe about 20 likes but so far its gotten over 100! Thank you for being so nice to me on my first ever post and hope you enjoy part 2!
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For the next two or so weeks you avoid Bucky like the bubonic plague. You didn’t exactly hate the fact that he kissed, but he was your tutor. Isn’t that inappropriate? Let alone him being a part of a frat house. It wouldn’t be a good mix.
One good thing though is that your overall grade in class has gone up since your tutor sessions with Bucky so at least it wasn’t for nothing. He’s tried to talk to you in class a couple times when you didn't go to him but ended up giving up when you began showing up right when class started or going out of your way to even go near him. 
Again, you didn’t hate him; hell you weren’t mad anymore, but you still avoided at all costs. It’s totally not because you're scared you’ll actually fall for him. How could someone like Bucky even look your way? Maybe he just wanted to get into your pants like all the boys in the house.
You didn’t tell Natasha that Bucky kissed but she could definitely tell that something was up. You were usually at Bucky’s frat house on weekdays but you’ve been canceling sessions every night since the incident. 
One night you were studying alone in your apartment and Natasha was pacing around on her phone. She was dressed to go to a frat party tonight but it seems maybe her ride isn’t available. You wonder why she can’t herself when she has a car.
“Hey Y/n,” Nat crept up to you.
“Yes,” you drew out.
“Would maybe, possibly, perhaps, might be able to be my DD?” she asked.
“Your what?”
“My designated driver. Wanda has a family emergency; her and her brother flew out like an hour ago and I haven’t been able to find anyone to pick me up.”
“I can drop you off and pick you up,” you offered. You’d rather stay up late in case she wants to come home than stay at the party all night, especially if she finds another bed to stay in till morning. 
“I mean you could do that but would it be more fun to actually party for once. Come on babe you’re too uptight, you need to have fun especially with how hard you’re working in school right now.”
“Nat, you know that’s not my scene.”
“Just stay with me. Or Bucky I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hanging with you tonight,” she suggestively, bringing confusion to your face.
“Oh nothing Just come with me please? If it gets too much text me and I’ll let you know if I need a ride back home.”
“Actually?” you asked.
“Pinky promise.”
“Ok give me like 5 mins.”
You ran to your  room and picked out an outfit you felt sexy but comfortable in; I mean if you were going to inevitably run into Bucky at this party might as well look presentable right? When you came out ready, Nat whistled, hyping you up and felt your face heat up a bit. 
“Stop, let’s just go,” you averted.
You arrived at the house music booming from down the street. People outside drinking from red solo cups, cars already picking up drunks and dropping people off to get said drunk. You hastily parked the car and Nat grabbed your hand and pulled you close as you guys walked to the party. You weren’t going to lie, you were really nervous.
You heard stories about these parties but you were trying to convince yourself that they may be exaggerated somewhat but still didn’t do much for your nerves. When you walked you eyes almost immediately locked with Bucky’s. To say he was shocked to see you at a frat party was for sure an understatement.
Bucky began to move through the crowd to meet up with you but when he got to the entrance it was like you disappeared. Disappointed, he returned to the mini bar where the drinks were all held, where Steve served the drinks. Asked for a beer.
“How’s it going, man?” Steve asked.
“She’s here.”
“Nat? I really think there's something between us. I’m thinking about asking her on a proper date you know?”
“Really? That’s awesome, but I’m talking ‘bout Y/n,” Bucky clarified.
“What? I thought she hated parties.” 
“I did too.”
As if on queue, you tapped Bucky on the shoulder.
“Hey, what on earth are you doing here?”
“Nat needed a designated driver and Wanda and her brother are out of town.”
“Yeah Pietro lives here in the house, Steve drove him and Wanda to the airport a couple hours ago.”
You nodded your head and things got awkward again, but then again what’s new with that.
“Do you want anything to drink?”
“I can’t drink.”
“Oh right. Do we have soda?”
“We coke for the rum but you can take a can.”
“Thanks Steve,” you took a can of coke from him. 
You and Bucky and Steve all held wholesome conversation for a little  bit then Nat came and whisked him away. Bucky was put on bar duty from then on and you decided to keep him company until Nat was ready to go home. But so far from the way Steve and her were dancing together you didn’t think Nat was gonna wanna go home.
You asked Bucky how long Steve and Nat have had their little thing and apparently it’s been going on for awhile. You had sneaking suspicion that they were together in some way but since Nat never brought it up you didn’t want to bug her. It was pretty easy to figure out though considering she didn’t come home some nights.
They’re good together though and you hope they make it official soon.
Talking to Bucky, you felt a hand brush against but when you looked no one was there. You figured it was just getting crowded. After a couple of hours you decided to text Nat to see where she was. When she didn’t respond, you took it upon yourself to call her.
“Nat where did you go?”
“I'm in the car,” she slurred.
“What! You can’t be driving! How did you even get the keys?” you yelled.
“I snatched them from you when you and Bucky were flirting with each other. Steve couldn’t  find his keys so I took yours,” she shouted into the phone.
“When did you- whatever, is he sober?” you asked.
“Yeah and I am not even that dru-,” she hiccuped. 
“Nat…” you warned. 
“Steve is my boyfriend and we’re clean. I’ll be safe; it’s not like I can have kids anyway.”
“Nat.” When you moved in together at the beginning of the year, you noticed one time her grabbing her lower stomach in discomfort and offered her any products for her period. She told you she doesn’t get one and being the dumbass you are you asked why. She told you when she was a teenager she got into a car accident that caused extreme internal bleeding causing Nat to become infertle. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that,” you apologized.
“It’s ok babe. If anything you be safe.”
“She can’t see you, babygirl,” you heard Steve say and laughed out loud.
“Oh! I’m winking!” she shouted.
“Oh my god. Whatever,” you rolled your eyes.
“Anyways buh-bye, girly!” she hung up the phone.
“What happened?” Bucky came up behind you. You looked over at the bar and saw Bruce bar-keeping.
“Nat took the fucking car with Steve.”
“Why didn’t he use my car?”
“She said he couldn’t find the keys and I guess it was easier to just steal from me when I wasn’t looking.”
“Wow, ok. Stealth much?”
“Right? She’s like a Russian spy,” you laughed.
“Well, you probably need a ride then,” Bucky brought up.
“I don’t know if I wanna go home knowing Steve is probably gonna be railing her into the next dimension.”
“Yeah, you can spend the night here. I can sleep on the floor.”
“Yeah it’s not a problem. We probably have an air mattress hiding somewhere.”
“Thanks Buck. well since I’m not going anywhere I guess I could have a drink now.”
“What’ll it be?”
You drank a couple beers feeling the alcohol beginning to flow effortlessly through your veins. The music was still booming through the house and you found yourself getting lost to the rhythm. You made your way to where everyone was also dancing and let the music guide your body sensually. 
You didn’t notice it yet but Bucky was staring completely in love with the way you were moving. He’d never seen you in this kind of environment and definitely not in the clothing you were wearing. You looked truly sexy even more so dancing the way you were dancing; like you had control over everything in the world.
You soon felt a pair of hands circle around to your waist instantly knowing who they belong to. Bucky moved his hips snug against your backside perfectly fitting with you. You let your head lean back feeling Bucky breathe against your neck.  
“You driving me crazy, doll,” Bucky whispered against your ear.
You shivered at his words. 
“Please, let me show you how fucking stunning you are,” he moved his hands towards the front of your hips.
“What?” you turned around. You hadn’t expected Bucky to want to do anything with you.
“I can make you feel so good. You deserve it.”
“Do you want me to make you feel good?”
“I do,” you whined as he rubbed his hands against your lower back, pulling you so close.
He kissed you too softly, barely touching your lips, as he grabbed your hands and led to his room upstairs.  
When you reached his room, the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat while your knees went to either side of his thighs. God his thighs. His hands went up your shirt grazing your bare skin with his fingertips as you continued to makeout sloppily. 
“Can I take this off?” he asked, tugging your shirt.
“Please, yes please.”
Your arms went over your head and Bucky slowly kissed the exposed skin as your shirt inched higher and higher up until he tossed it to the side. The straps of your bra left off shoulders and Bucky continued to kiss any exposed skin on your body. Your hands ran through his hair and you tugged his strands earning a moan in return.
You tugged at his shirt as well and he complied quickly getting rid of his shirt and throwing it to the side. Bucky hands ran over your bottom and you jumped off him nearly ripping your bottoms off your body. You heard bucky chuckled as he too took the opportunity to take his pants off leaving him in boxers and nothing else.
“I want to taste you baby girl,” Bucky bit at your ear.
Your body tensed a bit because although you were not a virgin, you were not that experienced, especially compared to Bucky. 
“Is that ok? I’m sorry, we don’t have to do anything. I don’t want you to regret anything, princess. We can stop.”
“No! I don’t want to stop. No one’s just ever wanted to do that, you know,” you whispered feeling a bit overwhelmed.
“Oh baby, what kinda shit boys were you with? Let me show how good a woman is supposed to feel, got it?”
You swallowed hard, but nodded of course. 
Bucky picked you up and gently laid you down onto the bed. His hands rubbed your thighs softly and he kissed your stomach ever so softly. He was trying his very hardest to make sure you were comfortable and relaxed as much as possible. Bucky traced the lining of your underwear and looked to you once again to make sure everything was ok by you. You nodded but that wasn’t enough for Bucky.
“Words, baby. I wanna hear you say it,” he whispered, lips against your inner thigh. 
“Bucky,” you whined.
“Come on, baby. Use your words like a big girl,” he snickered.
“Please, touch me, Bucky. I want you to use your mouth on me like you promised.”
“There ya go,” he said pulling your underwear down your legs.
He slowly opened your legs and kissed your inner thigh leaving a dark purple mark for him to see and him only. When he was satisfied with the marks he left on your inner thighs he licked a slow and wet line against your pussy. Your hips instantly bucked into his face and your hands flew to his hair.
You tugged at his hair again and released a grunt from Bucky, the vibrations from his mouth pleasuring you even more. Bucky brought his fingers to your hole and he continued circling his tongue around your clit making you moan and arch your back. 
He entered a finger into you and then another. You were already beginning to feel full from just his fingers alone, you couldn’t wait until he was able to fuck you balls deep. Your orgasm was approaching quicker than you anticipated, your toes curled and your back arched off the bed. Your heels dug into Bucky’s back but he simply continued to eat you out until you finally peaked.
“Bucky!” you shouted his name in pleasure.
“That’s it baby girl. You're my good girl, right?”
“Yes, I’m your good girl. Oh god, I’m cumming,” you moaned.
Bucky helped you ride out your first orgasm of the night completely enamored by your beauty. When you finally came down from you high you reached for Bucky pulling him into a heated kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue and moaned into his mouth. You pulled him closer and sat up moving him to sit his back against his headboard.
“I don’t know what I want to do more, return the favor or ride you until my legs shake.”
“You can return the favor another time. Let me see you ride my dick, doll,” Bucky growled. Another time?
You crawled onto Bucky’s lap after he discarded his boxers letting his dick spring up, the tip red from lack of attention. It shocked you if you were being honest, it was so… big. 
“Is that gonna fit?” you asked genuinely.
“Yeah, it will; but if it hurts too much you tell me to stop ok?” you nodded.
Bucky reached behind your back and unclasped your bra only to toss it to wherever the rest of your clothes were. His hands caressing your breasts; thumbs rubbing over your sensitive nipples, sending chills throughout your body. He kissed along your collarbone to your neck to your jaw before whispering in your ear.
“I have to grab a condom from the bathroom, baby girl. Sorry,” he began to move you.
“Why are you sorry?” you stopped him.
“I don’t wanna ruin the mood but safety is important before anything else.”
You weren’t gonna lie that actually kinda shocked you; and turned you on even more. You had completely forgotten about having a condom. You were on the pill but that doesn't mean you shouldn’t still use a condom. Bucky was back in no time and you took the condom from him wanting to put it on for him. Bucky moaned as you wrapped his dick and soon enough you were ready to go, arousal practically dripping down your inner thighs.
Bucky’s hand lid up to the back of your neck as you slid down his cock; both moaning at the feeling. You took a second to move but when you did things practically fell into pace. You quickly found a good rhythm for the both of you and soon enough you felt yourselves growing near climax.
Bucky’s hands gripped at your ass, grunting and moaning at the feeling of your walls gliding in and out of you. He smacked your ass leaving a slight red-ish mark for you to admire later. You pulled him closer, if that was even possible, burying your face in between Bucky’s neck and shoulder. 
“I can feel ya getting close, baby. Fucking squeezing me. Feels so good, princess.”
“I'm gonna come, I’m so close.”
“Don’t come until I say so. Hold it, I know you can. Be my good little girl and fucking hold it.”
You sucked and kissed and licked his neck leaving little marks not nearly as big as the ones he was leaving all over you. Soon enough you felt the coil building in the pit of your stomach snap and you moaned so loud into Bucky’s ear, he almost came from hearing your moans.
“Sorry I literally screamed in your ear.”
“I told you not to come until I say so.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t hold it anymore. You felt too good,” you whispered, barely audible.
“That doesn’t matter. I told you to hold it,” Bucky got off the bed and reached for his pants. You got so scared that he was going to leave; terrified. But instead he took his belt he was wearing and stalked back towards you. Oh how the butterflies in your stomach fluttered right now.
“Arms up baby girl. You don’t get to touch me now.”
You complied, your stomach fluttering immensely at the mere thought of what Bucky was going to  do with you now. When he finished looping the belt around the headboard of the bed his hands ran along your entire body kissing here and there until back up to you. 
“Too tight?” you shook your head.
“Perfect. Winter; say the word and I stop,” he kissed passionately, sliding back in you, pussy sensitive from orgasming twice tonight. 
Bucky didn’t take as much time as you did before starting to slam into you over and over again. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, toes curling in themselves, tears brimming your eyes. Bucky fingers dug into your waist surely leaving more marks for you in the morning. 
His hand came up to wrap around your neck and squeezed ever so slightly.
“Feel good? My little fucking slut, whining and wiggling under me,” Bucky said, more to himself than anything.
“Fuck-” you moaned. You wrists rubbing against the belt, trying to pull away so you could touch Bucky.
“What is it? You wanna touch me,” Bucky’s hand squeezed a bit more and you moaned even louder, legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer that way.
“Oh good please Bucky, let me touch you!”
“Uh-uh, bad girls don’t get what they want. If you want to touch me you have to beg me like the good little whore you are,” Bucky growled.
“Fuck Bucky please, I’ll do anything for you just me let me touch you. Please, please, please!”
“Tell me your mine.”
“I’m yours, Buck. All fucking yours. No one else’s!”
“No one is ever gonna fuck as good as I do. Your mine.”
“Yes! I’m yours, oh god,” you moaned.
Bucky was extremely close to cumming and so were you so he undid the belt with one hand skillfully and your arms wrapped around his body pulling as close to you as humanly possible. Your hands ran through his hair and pulled hard as you both fell over the edge. Bucky settled between your legs for a minute kissing your breasts, your chest heaving trying to catch your breath. 
Bucky got up and discarded the condoms making sure there were no tears or rips considering how rough he’d been with you. He didn’t intend to be rough at first but his mind was so clouded with you he practically lost control; but you didn’t mind not one bit. 
Bucky came back with bottled water from a small refrigerator he kept in the corner of his room and held you back and head as you brought the water to your lips. After satisfying your dry and hoarse throat, Bucky picked you up and set down on his bathroom counter, the cold of the marble counter in extreme contrast to your hot skin. 
He cleaned you up and inspected your wrists making sure you weren’t hurt; although they were quite red and would probably hurt in the morning. Lastly, he grabbed a wipe and cleaned the remaining mess of makeup you had put on the night before speaking up again.
“Was I too rough? I didn’t mean to be,” Bucky caressing the sides of your waist. You shocked your head no; the face with a blissfully fucked out expression and a smile making Bucky chuckle. He rubbed your skin with lotion to ease any irritation anything may have caused and kissed the marks he made during sex. He admits that he really likes seeing you marked up by him knowing he’s the only one who gets to see them and make them. Makes him proud that he was able to fuck so good and you loved it too.
He picked you up and took you to bed; kissing you all over one last time before letting you fall asleep in his arms. The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was Bucky whispering about how good were to him, calling you his good little girl; rubbing your back ever so softly putting you to sleep.
You woke the next morning arms and legs tangled with another. You turn your head to find Bucky Barnes’ face tucked into your neck soft breaths tickling your skin. You rubbed his arms and back, nails lightly scratching him causing him to stir a bit.
Bucky pressed soft kisses against your skin and rested his large warm hands on your ass and thighs. You felt the urge to use the restroom and haven’t going last night, you figured you should as soon as possible. Prying your mildly sweaty body from his was obviously unsuccessful with how much stronger he was compared to you. His legs moved further in between your thighs and he began kissing your chest making you giggle in return.
“Bucky, I have to use the restroom,” you grabbed his face.
“Oh, sorry,” he chuckled and released his hold on you, not without whining of course.
You ran into his bathroom and shut the door. When you turned around you gasped realizing how marked up you were. Dark purple spots littered all over your chest and neck. Your wrists were bright red from the belt he used last night; however they didn’t hurt, a bit sore but not painful. Your thighs were also decorated with love bites and hickeys from Bucky last night and you smiled to yourself.
After you used the bathroom you cleaned yourself as well as possible but admittedly needed a shower in the end. You opened the door only to find Bucky, grinning like a little boy. You folded your hands underneath your chin evidently hiding your body with your arms as much as you could. 
Bucky came up to you and placed his hands on your waist kissing the top of your head before turning you around to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror. His body was flush against your and you could feel his dick sitting against your ass and lower back. His face came up and rested on your shoulder then grabbed your hands to wrap them behind his head and yours. 
You played with his hair a bit feeling so confident and loved by the affection Bucky has been giving since you came into his room. His hands ran across your body everywhere they could reach before making eye contact with you in the mirror.
“Look at you, goddamn.”
“What?” you chuckled.
“Do you see what I’m seeing?”
You shook your head, feeling incredibly shy suddenly.
“Look how  fucking beautiful and gorgeous and perfect you are. Geez, I can’t even handle it.” 
You laughed out at how dramatic he was being.
“Goddamn, I could stare at your perfect body all fucking day,” he whispered, it wasn’t in a sensual tone however. It was almost like he was saying to himself, like he actually wanted to do as such.
“Please stay,” he asked you.
“Are you ok?” you sensed he was being incredibly serious, almost about to cry even.
His sad painted with sadness, eyes begging you to stay with him for the day. He wanted something with you.he wanted to be yours and hoped to God that you’d be his in return.
“Stay with me. Please?” you realized you didn’t think he was talking about staying for now, he meant stay with him, as a partner.
“What happened?” you caressed his face in your hands. He lifted you and placed you on the counter Like he did the night before, settling his hips in between your legs.
“They always leave,” he whispered.
“Who? ”
“I didn’t want to just sleep around with girls anymore so I started talking to them and taking them out but every time the night we had sex, they would always leave. I tried talking to them the next day but they always said they didn’t want anything out of it. So I stopped having sex altogether.” 
Your heart ached for him. You didn’t want to do that to him. Of course you thought about it, but that was clearly before you realized Bucky wanted to be with you.
“I won’t leave.”
“We can stay in my room all day. You don’t even have to get out of bed. I can grab a couple game consoles from downstairs and we play on the tv. We order breakfast. I’ll wash your clothes. We have a washing machine in the basement,” Bucky said excitedly, you smiled excited as well for your day with Bucky.
“Can we take a shower first?” you asked.
“Yes of course, let’s take a shower.”
“Let’s?” you wiggled your eyebrows.
“Of course. Maybe we can pop in a couple rounds while we’re at it,” Bucky winked.
Ok, all done. :) Hope you liked it and maybe give it a little like or reblog? You don’t have  to though lol
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keilemlucent · 4 years
lavender latte xi (no longer canon)
NOTE: Chapters X and XI are not longer considered canon in Lavender Latte.
(explicit, r18+)
hawks | takami keigo x reader
|| series masterlist  ||
word count: ~6.8k
beta’ed: @hawnks (thank u!! 💕)
heat in two ways 
warnings: spicy content, a little bit of overstimulation. enjoy, loves ;^)
a/n: a little recap from last chapter, because its been awhile! keigo and reader ‘nested’ together after that nasty little panic attack from a few chapters ago. and now? guess you gotta see find out!! ;^) enjoy my loves!!!!
Things felt calmer, later. Your combined world had settled into the sheets with slumber. 
Thank god. 
When you both awoke, the sun was just beginning to set. 
The light that filtered in from the cracks in the curtains was amber, painting orange streaks across your dark bedroom.
The two of you had shifted, somewhat, perhaps falling even deeper into the nest you’d made, the softness of it forming to the contours and curves of your snuggled-up bodies. 
It was cozy, burrowing your face into Keigo’s chest, hardly awake and vaguely aware of the way his hands pressed wide against your lower back. 
You felt melted in the best way. 
“Comfy,” The word slipped from your lips without much thought, snuggling closer.
Your skull was no longer throbbing, neither was your hand or foot. 
It just felt calm, the only sensations Keigo’s breath and heart, and the ambient hum of the rest of the world. 
“Am I now?” Keigo chuckled from above you, voice crackling with sleep. “I have to say the same about you.”
You made a high sound in the back of your throat, shifting the slightest bit to drag your lips along his throat, bearing into the flesh with the barest drags of your teeth.  
He shuddered, squeezing the fat around your hips.
Maybe it was that your mind was still somewhat raw, but you were feeling particularly gooey. 
Maybe, it was that your mind didn’t have the will or the way to be too guarded, not when you felt so safe, especially in contrast to the hellish mindscape you’d been in hours before.
Not that you remembered it all that well— and good, you didn’t want to.
Your only bits of lucidity were in the present.
And god, did that feel good.
 Keigo tended to wake up quickly.  
It was just how he ticked, as tired as he was at any given time, he could always pull himself to wakefulness so quickly. 
With you, all warm and fucking perfect against his side, it was both a blessing and a curse.
Sure, he could’ve gotten to sleepily awaken with you, if his body hadn’t startled him from REM sleep the moment you shifted and whined against him. 
Though, being awake meant he got to watch you wake, and that in and of itself was a privilege he coveted.
It was new, even with the few ‘sleepovers’ the two of you had shared, all that sleepy peace was nearly untouched. The stillness and natural slowness of it was something that Keigo had come to crave.
He traced shapes against your ribs, leaning into the feel of you.
“How are you feeling?” His words were muffled into the top of your hair. 
“Very descriptive.”
“‘M sleepy,” You truly whined, twisting your legs with his own. “Don’t wanna think right now, Kei’.”
He suppressed a shiver at the little nickname on your lips. 
“That can be arranged,” Keigo hummed, pulling a blanket higher on your shoulders. “Do you want to keep sleeping? I can run out and grab some food?”
There was a moment of silence before you sniffled, burrowing your face into his neck.
Still so fragile.
“D-don’t leave yet, okay? Just a little more, please,” Your voice was pitched up with sleep, wobbling as Keigo felt the smallest tears begin to wet his sleep shirt.
His heart sank.
 “I’m not leaving, not unless you ask me to,” He murmured into your hair. “I’ll keep telling you that as long as I need to.”
The multiple meanings of his words mostly went over your head, yet you felt overwhelming and instant relief of knowing that Keigo wouldn’t be leaving your nest on his own volition anytime soon.
The assurance made your heart swell, even if your tired mind couldn’t swim in the depths of his tone.
All the same, you sucked in a breath before pulling him down into a needy kiss. 
It was reminiscent of the kind that you’d shared earlier. All desperate and clawing for grounding and stability in touch. 
Keigo gave it freely in the same way you gave it without knowing.
He nipped at your bottom lip, relishing the high keen that pulled from the back of your throat.
You’d done this all before, heated kisses and much-needed touches, but there had always been a line to stay away from. Especially on such an intense day, the last thing Keigo wanted to do was push your limits. 
 But, maybe you wanted to.
You tugged at Keigo’s waves, snuggling closer in time with the way you kitten-licked into his mouth. 
He groaned, shifting against you. You moved with him, craving him in any way you could get.
His leg shifted between your thighs. Immediately, you squeezed around it, feeling his own tight, lean muscle.
You’d gotten good at repressing your desire for his touch, barring yourself from any contact that could push past your threshold toward overstimulated disaster. Maybe, you had been overcautious, but it seemed better than scaring Keigo away with your potential shortcomings.
Wound together in the heat of your ‘nest’, though? 
Your quirk and mind had already detonated and didn’t have anything left in you besides fumes. All that burned in your gut was the swell of want and heat. 
You ground against him, barely, whining against his lips. 
Your heart panged a bit when Keigo pulled back, lips wet and pupils wide. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but you carefully rolled your hips against, the hardening bulge in his joggers pressing against your navel.
“I want to feel you,” It slipped out desperate and sticky as you locked your hands around the back of his neck.
 It was more than okay, better than okay.
 “I promise, I’ll stop us if anything gets to be too much,” You told him, a little more sheepish as Keigo stared up at you, wide-eyed. 
His lips parted as his words got lost between his mind and mouth. His hands stayed still at his sides by sheer power of will. 
“I just...” Your voice wobbled as you rubbed at your eyes. “Is this okay?”
 You were too soft for too much, but Keigo didn’t mind; he never did. 
He pulled you down by the collar of your shirt to show you how ‘okay’ it was. 
Admittedly, he was needy with his touches. His palms cupped your ass, squeezing and massaging over your shorts. Keigo had been holding himself back in the weeks prior without issue, but getting more of you, in any way was intoxicating.
That was not to say that he didn’t keep in mind your fragile state, no, he just made sure his touch was firmer, and his breath ran hotter.
Sensation served as a gentle reminder that ‘Keigo was right there, and he wasn’t letting you go. 
 You kept a tight grip on his sweater as he flipped the two of you, nudging your booted-leg to splay out comfortably. 
“Fank’ you,” You mumbled against his lips, chasing them for a moment as he drew away.
“Of course,” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, trailing lower to nip at your neck.
You whimpered when he reached a particularly sensitive patch
“This okay?” Keigo hummed.
“V-Very,” You replied, playing with the hem of his cropped sweater. “Please keep going.”
 (Like you had to ask.)
 You kept an eye on your fragile state, but with how little there was left in you and the quiet of the surroundings, there wasn’t much to watch. All you could feel was the roll and heat of each other’s bodies. There was nothing else to ring loudly in your skull.
Just Keigo and you, twisted up in each other and the bedding of your nest.
You snuck your hands up the back of his sweater, running your nails down his back, just barely teasing at the roots of his outstretched wings. Teasing him was easier than you’d thought it’d be, considering you knew how gooey he got any time you even got close to his wings.
The shudder he gave you was confirmation of that.
“Careful there,” Keigo warned with a chuckle. Despite his laughter, you could feel the way his breath stutter with each sweet touch. 
“Why? Whatcha gonna do about it, Kei’?” You grinned back, smitten, as he stilled around your collarbones. 
“There’s plenty I could do,” It was a warning, one that enticed you to no end. 
“Oh yeah? Tell me about it.,” You challenged. 
“I think you’d like that too much,” Keigo chuckled against your neck. “Seems you’re pretty excited already too, hm?”  
A few of his fingers teased at the waistband of your shorts. 
He wasn’t wrong.
(At all.)
You scraped your nails along the base of his wings and much to your joy, Keigo’s spine arched and he practically whimpered. 
“Cute,” You snorted, rolling your hips up into his. “You’re not so tough, either.” 
Something like a growl rumbled from the back of his throat.
“Hush, dove,” Keigo cooed, far too sweetly for how his hands were dipping underneath your shirt. “Neither are you.” 
Both of you were so damn doughy for the other, the banter fell away. There was plenty of time for teasing, but both of you were thinking of a very different kind. 
Before you could quip back, Keigo was palming at your breast, teasing your pebbled nipple. You bit your lip to suppress a whine, shots of pleasure turning you even gooier and pliant. 
“I’m sure you’ve got plenty of soft points,” Keigo sounded all too pleased with himself as he hovered his face over yours. He gave a few slow blinks, pupils blown wide. “And I cannot fucking wait to find them all.”
If you hadn't soaked through your panties before, you certainly had now. 
Keigo could do anything to you, you decided. Having him over you, all sleep golds and heat was warming your insides in the best ways.
And you wanted more. 
You stared up at him, wide-eyed, and quickly melted as your shirt was pushed higher and higher. Every piece of you, raw and needy, wanted Keigo, needed him close, even closer— 
And Keigo fed the flames your mutually hot desire without shame.
“I’ve really wanted to learn you like this,” His fingers slowly traced over your side, taking his time to watch you squirm. His voice slowed to drawl, “All the ways I can get you fucked off my touch.”
Oh, what a prospect.
The thought of Keigo wrecking you was only a smidge daunting. It was easy to forget any potential unease when you let your relax against his touch, imagining all of the things he could do to you. 
God, did you want him to have his way. 
“You’re welcome to t-try,” You gently challenged as Keigo hiked your shirt over your tits, teeth scraping over the skin of your neck once more. 
With a chuckle, he lapped at your pulse point, “Gladly.”
Despite his confidence and your waning will, you weren’t to be outdone.
You wound your fingers into the small, fluffy feathers at the base of his wings, teasing the roots with the pads of your thumbs. 
In the earlier weeks, you’d found Keigo to be surprisingly sensitive. He joked occasionally about touch-starvation, but you knew there was a fair amount of truth to it. There had to be, with how his breath hitched with even your lightest touch.
His wings were the culmination of that thrumming need and craving for contact, and you were more than willing to exploit this knowledge. 
Keigo moaned against your neck with the stroke of your fingers, cursing under his breath. Your light massaging only seemed to spur him on, nails digging lightly into the soft flesh of your chest.
Despite the pricklings of pain, you still felt so soft. 
You were too weak for him, all wound up in the softness of the bedding and him, in every sensory sense, to put up too much of your own front. He felt too good not to invite and urge closer.
You tugged him up by the hair on the back of his head, pressing your lips together and stroking your thumbs down his cheeks. 
 Keigo kept his hips mostly still but was very aware of his own ragingly hard cock. Maybe, he was leaking into his boxer. 
You gasped against his lips, all breathy and sweet, “F-fuck, Keigo.” 
His mind ran blank, white-hot from the pleasure of mere words. 
He mentally repeated your words a few times, in your perfect cadence. The way your breath stuttered in your chest, the heat of your surrounding him, the softness of your body and the break in your voice— 
No one had ever said his name like that before and God, did he want more of it. 
He’d pull it from his lips as long as you’d let him. 
You pulled away only to meet his eyes with your blown pupils and upturned lips.
He calmed himself at the sight, reminding himself carefully that the last thing he would want to do is push you over your invisible edge of overstimulation. 
“You okay?” Keigo asked instinctively, running a hand through your hair to soothe any potential ills.
“I-I am, very okay,” You swallowed, “Two things, though.”
“One, can you lose this?” You fiddled with the hem of his sweater. “I’m not... sure how to get it off with your wings.” 
Yes, yes, yes. Holy fuck. 
Maybe, Keigo was acting a bit too needy, but he couldn’t make himself care. With the sweetness on your face and the insistence in your touch, you were right there with him.
Keigo immediately sat up over your hips, tugging his shirt from around the base of his wings.
He swore his heart was going to burst as he took in the absolutely love-drunk look in your eyes. Your throat bobbed as you took him in, 
You reached up to run a hand along his navel, visibly swallowing, “Keigo... you’re so gorgeous— it’s kinda overwhelming sometimes. In a good way.”
Fuck his ego being ‘boosted’, more like inflated.
Maybe ego wasn’t the right word. His chest felt too full for it to just be some superficial sense of pride. It all felt too raw and sweet to just be some baseless confidence. 
It was that earnestness of yours again, lighting him up from the inside out.
“Sweetness,” The name rolled off his tongue, new and comfortable. “You’re too kind, really. But, I gotta know, what was that second thing you mentioned?”
You blinked back your stupor, shaking your head.
“Uh, fuck, it made more sense before, sorry, it’s alright.”
Keigo frowned, lowering himself back down to brace his arms on either side of your head. 
“Nah, tell me, dove. I want to know.”
You bit your lip, turning your head and gaze away. Keigo tapped your chin back to center, nuzzling into your nose with his own.
“You sure?” You asked softly, hand trailing up and behind his shoulders.
“Of course.”
“Earlier it just seemed like you were... uh—” You averted your gaze again. “Holding back is all. On my neck. You don’t need to.” 
Keigo cocked his head to the side, “What do you mean?” 
“Like...” You were struggling to get the words out, face heating up. “I would really like it if you marked me up a bit, you know. In that sense. You know?”
 The gears turned in his mind, something burning deep in his chest.
If his cock wasn’t rock hard before, it was now.
The thought of marking you, his sweet, somewhat injured partner (mate), up in the comfort of the nest the two of you made together made something stir in his gut and mind. 
And fuck, if he wasn’t going to act on it. 
Keigo fully slipped your shirt off, trying to take in as much of you with his eyes before his hands and mouth got their turn. 
Hungrily, he wound a hand into the hair on the side of your head, pulling to bear your neck shoulder full to him. With a growl, his teeth raked over your neck, hard enough that your moans cracked as they fell.
Without thought, Keigo spoke, earnest and hushed, “You have no fucking idea how much I want to wreck you, do you?” 
You swallowed, “Show me then.”
That honesty was going to be the death of him and you, he was sure of it.
Keigo held nothing back as he sucked and bit along your neck and shoulders, leaving bruises and marks in his wake wherever he could. 
The little glimpses of red and purple had him scalding under his skin. 
 Much the same for you, notably.
“Fuck, Keigo!” You gasped when he sucked a bruise onto the underside of your breast, lips moving to the bud of your nipple later to massage and suck and tease and generally make you undone.
Your cunt physically ached with the need to be touched, the little bit of friction you could manage from grinding against Keigo pelvis was something, sure, but hardly enough.
Not to mention you wanted to feel more of him too.
“C-Can I touch you? Please?” You asked, breathless and pushed yourself up on your elbows. 
Keigo pulled your shirt up and over your tits, panting.
Idly, he traced over the hickeys and bites he’d left.
“How do you want to touch me, dove?” 
He left the question open, eyeing you with a half-lidded, nearly black gaze.
You swallowed down any fears you might’ve had, body thrumming, but quirk sufficiently dormant.
You slid your hand between the two of your bodies, cupping Keigo’s cock over his sweats.
“However makes you feel good.”
Keigo’s expression nearly broke, but he retained his composure, barely between his ragged breaths and hungry eyes.
“Can I suck your cock? Please?”
 Keigo couldn’t hold back the way his eyes rolled into the back of his head. 
You, begging for his cock, bruised and bitten all for him with the sweetest whine to your voice.
“P-please, dove, please.”
Oh, to hear Keigo beg for your mouth, for your touch— for you. 
You obliged eagerly. 
Keigo slipped off his joggers, palming himself through his boxer as he kneeled in the bedding. His wings had assembled themselves more fully, the red plumage outstretched and almost rippling with the heat of the room.
You knelt below him, mouth watering.
“You sure, sweetness?” Keigo asked, giving you a last chance.
“Very, please, let me make you feel good,” Your voice nearly broke. 
It was all the confirmation you needed.
 Nimble fingers pulled down the front of his boxers, cock springing up, pearly and wet on the head.
He was curved and thick, darker in the head with a bit of well-groomed blond trimming patched around the base. His balls were fattened, swelling with need and hot to the touch.
Part of you wanted to make a joke, crack some line about how ‘excited’ Keigo was, but your bodily reaction was far louder.
You thumbed at the head of his cock, biting your lip as Keigo tossed his head back, cursing under his breath. 
You wanted to hear more of him breathing your touch, you had to.
Leaning forward, you licked away the preek before spitting back onto his cock.
 Keigo had to be fucking dreaming because his cock was in your mouth and you were doing so well.
He babbled out sweet praises as you swallowed around him, twisting your wrist and the base and bobbing your head. You always felt so good, but this was a new kind of good, the kind that made his balls tighten and head light.
“W-woah, dove,” He could feel how close he was as he buried a hand in your hair. “Slow down—” 
You pulled off his cock was a pop, looking up at him with tear-pricked eyes, “Don’t you wanna come down my throat, Kei’?”
He audibly whined, stroking a finger down the softness of your cheek with a slow nod. 
Like that, you were licking up the underside of his cock, pulling him back into your mouth.
His hands tangled into your hair, not pulling too much or too hard, only bracing himself on you as you dragged him closer and closer to the edge. 
Keigo reached a gasping end as your nose brushed against his navel, painting your throat white in ecstasy and god, did you let him. His wings stretched and puffed outwards, shuddering and twitching with his high as he choked out a moan against his clenched fist. 
Your nails left crescent indents on his hips as he pulled you off his cock, drool and spittle dripping from him and off of your own chin.
You were certain you looked fucked out and fuck, did you feel it.
Blinking up at him with teary eyes, you cracked a wide smile. 
“Dove, you’re so good,” Keigo dropped from his knees to smother you in the best possible way. “So, so good.”
He meant it.
He peppered your face with kisses, wiping and licking away any spare spit that stickied your chin. There was so much care in his actions, considering how fucked out he was and filthy the two of you were.
Not that either of you minded.
Keigo had you on your back again, surrounded by softness, as a brief reprieve.  
“How was that?” You asked cheekily. “Feeling good?”
“So good, dove,” Keigo sighed, lowering himself against you. “That being said, could I help make you feel good?
You swallowed, assessing yourself. 
Your panties were soaked, thighs sticky beneath your shorts. You knew you were ambiently squirming for a fucking crumb to satisfying your craving and need for touch, for him.
“Y-yes,” You stuttered, something akin to relief rushing through you. “Please.” 
 Keigo didn’t need to be told twice.
His head spun, pleasantly love-drunk in all the best ways. With you splayed out below him, heat singing in your cheeks and heat at the surface of your skin wherever his fingertips drifted.
“Get comfy, dove,” Keigo pushed lightly on your sternum, encouraging you back into the plushness of the nest. He allowed himself a moment to compose himself, trying to calm the tremble in his hands.
Maybe he was a little... nervous. 
Not for any good reason. He knew his own prowess, and he was confident that he could easily make you come undone in any number of ways.
The anxiety tied up in his gut and his own perked up arousal made his palms go clammy.
The source of it all was also splayed out before him.
It was you, and that made this feel a hell of a lot more important than any of his previous trysts. 
He was stumbling. 
 You noticed.
Keigo’s jaw tightened visibly, and he chewed at his lip— 
All he needs is a little push.
 An idea formed in your head. 
“Hey, Keigo? Can we try something?”
“Anything,” His gaze refocused, alight and rewarming. 
And, God, was his voice fucking desperate and dripping with something hot and infectious.
You stopped your hand at the waistband of your sleep shorts, sinfully soft and thin. 
With a shaking breath, you cracked “I-I know I could get overwhelmed, but I trust you, you know? I love you.”
Your breaths hitched in time with each other. 
“I love you too,” Keigo’s exhale matched yours, hands finding their home on your hips, “So much.”
The words had a lot in them for how new they were, and you only wanted more held in each syllable.
And preferably, something stuffing your cunt. 
You bit your lip, sliding your hand closer to your aching sex, silently praying you’d get your words right.
“Tell me what to do.”
There was a moment of quiet as you tore your gaze from Keigo and you immediately cursed yourself.
“I-I mean–” You tried to backpedal. 
Keigo was quick to hush you with a kiss, something deep that made you shudder. 
“Elaborate,” As he pulled away, he stayed close, thumbing at your burning cheeks, “How far do you want me to take that statement, dove?”
“Like...” You kept your confidence as strong as you could. “Tell me how to touch myself.”
Keigo was silent for a moment, a shaking breath dripping from his lips as his feathers in all their places practically writhed. 
 Keigo pulled himself together, despite how weak-kneed he felt. His breath out over the back of your neck, his words curling against your ears as he watched your hand linger near your neglected cunt.
“First, shorts off.”
You nodded, wiggling out of the soft fabric with Keigo’s help, though he made sure to keep your panties on. Ideas were spinning in his skull, too many, probably, but it wasn’t too hard to narrow down particular pleasures that you obviously needed.
The vulnerability of it all made your insides twist.
How long had it been since you were this bare with another person...
A while.
You had to be gentle with yourself.
And Keigo needed to be soft with you. 
He pulled you from your thoughts with a coo, tracing little nonsense shapes on your stomach from between your parted thighs. 
“Dove,” Keigo dripped something that made your insides boil. “Touch yourself a little for me. Just over your panties, tease yourself. I want to see you .”
You keened in the back of your throat, going to mush in his arms as two of your fingers traced over the wet patch on your panties. 
(Keigo mentally stored that you got off on being told what to do, suppressing the way his eyes wanted to roll back into his skull and ignoring the way his dick switched..)
One of his broad hands ran over your hips, squeezing the fat of your thighs as he coaxed you onto your back. 
It was more vulnerable for you like this, almost entirely exposed to him, but in the lowlight and softness of the room, it wasn’t nearly so intimidating.
It helped that within moments, your lips caught his, a moan muffled into his mouth.
As you broke apart, Keigo tugged at the elastic of your panties, “You’ve already gotten these pretty messy, hm? Let’s get them off.”
They followed your shorts onto the floor. 
Keigo let his wings do as they pleased as he took you in, watching your expressions, feeling your breath and heartbeat with each twitch of your body. 
It was like putting together some divinely crafted puzzle.
He meant it, ‘learning you’, and your suggestion of guiding your own getting off was the perfect time to sample your pleasures, mutually.
 You pulled Keigo from his thoughts with a kiss, snaking out a hand to grab his, and pressing it between your thighs.
“Oh? You want me to show you now?” Keigo murmured against your lips, tracing patterns on your thighs.
Keigo clicked his tongue, eye half-lidded, “You know, I could get used to you begging.” 
Any retort died on your lips as he slid two fingers up and down your slit, stopping to roll and circle your clit.
Pleasure burned across your insides in the best way.
You’d craved his touch in this way for so long, why had it taken so long to let him touch you like this?
Maybe, the barest bits of your quirk activated as he rose from your side to slide down your body, little kisses and touches in your wake. Your mouth filled with sweet cream and cinnamon as you caught his gaze, burning and doughy all at the same time.
One of his fingers crooked into your cunt and you swore you saw stars and sweet fruits from that alone.
“Oh, good, dove, let it out,” Keigo’s voice felt too sweet, perfectly, as he kissed your thighs, heating you through and through. 
It was all so tender, you could feel stray tears leaking down over your temples. 
When was the last time someone touched you like this?
Keigo was supposed to be fast and frizzy, but nothing about the way he licked your cunt was even close to that. He was supposed to be flighty, but with the way he laid between your thighs, sucking at your clit and stretching you on his fingers, he was anything but. 
Your hand buried in his hair, your ground against his face, thighs squeezing his cheeks. The heat of it all burned you in the best way, singed you with syrupy fire that you’d wholly let consume you. 
“K-Keigo!” Your voice shattered as he massaged at your insides in time with the stroking of his tongue. 
You’d thought he’d tease, but he was enjoying this as much as you were, wrapped up in it all.
With your eyes screwed shut, you couldn’t see the way his wings wrapped around and hid the two of you from the world. You couldn’t see how he’d shift his gaze to your slack jaw and watery eyes, all fucked out and open-mouth. 
Each sensation of you around him, in the comfort of the little nest you’d made together, made him wild.
Keigo had wondered briefly, how love worked, considering he didn’t know much about it. Not beyond what he’d seen in movies and books, or the fragments of it from his own upbringings. None of his old flings ever held anything close to how he felt towards you. 
Love was different than all of what he knew, which is probably what made it so easy. 
He had a blank slate to etch with you, and god, if he wasn’t excited.
And only a piece of that was the way he fucked his fingers into your cunt, the wet sounds mingling in his ears with your high moans and little pleads. He could feel you fluttering around his fingers, practically pouring into his mouth.
He drank each drop of you down.
 It was all so good—
Too good. 
Each touch was like sweet flames, pouring down your throat to your toes and cunt, stirring you up and never letting you settle. Keigo’s tongue and touch were heaven, sweet relief and addicting in every way.
Except when the embers became too hot, burning you instead of warming you. The honey in your mouth went stale and the cinnamon singed like broken glass.
You’d passed over your threshold.
It happened so suddenly, you felt like you were drowning. Your moans choked in your throat, stuffed with wet wool. You grappled with sensation, eyes going wide as your chest began to heave. Burning and floating, you threw your arm over your eyes.
You tried to take a deep breath, but all of the sensation flowing through your fried body weighed too heavily to be fought through. 
“W-wait, stop.”
Everything had already gone still.
Keigo was far too perceptive and sensitive to let you slip too far.
“You’re okay, we can stop, whatever you need,” Keigo rose, pulling a stray blanket over you as he scrambled for other ways to comfort you.
 You reached down, shaky and teary, “N-no more, please, can I hold you?”
Any sort of barriers of shame or reluctance were gone, now that you were fried through and through. 
Keigo was at your side in a moment, carefully tucking you into his side after some insistent tugging at his biceps. 
“I’ve got you,” He hushed you, pressing his wet lips over your damp crown. “Big breaths.”
“Uh-huh,” You clung to his words, sucking down his scent of sweat and comforting spices. “Big breaths. 
Keigo rubbed your back and shoulders as firmly as felt right, resting his chin over your head as you shook against him.
“I promise, I don’t get overstimulated this much,” You whispered in his chest. “This is ridiculous.
“You’ve had a long day, dove,” Keigo reminded you with a laugh. “The fact that you almost came is impressive.”
“... You could tell I was close?”
“Of course. I love you, dove, you know?” Keigo breathed, almost soundless, mostly to himself. “I gotta know that kind of stuff. 
But, the room was too quiet and far too still for the words to not to be noticed. 
“I love you too,” You kissed the underside of his chin, the stubble still sticky with you. Maybe it was a bit gross, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. With your own light giggle, you shook your head. “I can’t believe my quirk edged me.”
Keigo’s chest rumbled for a moment before he squeezed you, hard, busting into a full fit of laughter that you couldn’t help but join. 
And it felt so good.
The last spinnings of your quirk faded as you caught your breaths, Keigo’s airy giggles tickling your nose and sending trailing touches at the base of your spine. 
As you caught a glimpse of his bare, dewy chest rising and falling and the sweetest smile you’d ever seen stretched across his lips, you decided you’d do anything to keep it there whenever you could.
A mission of goodness, as pure and idealistic as it was. 
Neither of you minded. 
You both rested, for however many moments, until you both were able to shift, still leaning into each other, but rising up in your nest. 
You wore a sheepish smile as you tucked a bit of Keigo’s unruly waves from his face, “Wanna try that again sometime?” 
He went literally soft, leaning into you. 
“Anytime,” Keigo kissed your wrist. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
“So you say.”
“And I’ll keep saying it—” 
Keigo’s hands squeezed your thighs as he pounced, pushing you back into the sheets, pressing kiss after kiss to your salty cheeks, wings fluttering above the two of you.
It was all perfect, truthfully and truly.
The way you spent the rest of the night held by each other, not as heated as before, but still, just as safely and comfortably. Over a bit of takeout, an endless amount of banter and laughter, and a goodnight’s sleep, you were both feeling miles better than the days and hours before.
It was all as perfect as it could get, between the two of you. 
(But, perhaps, the inevitable details would come into play. Perhaps.)
 Keigo felt refreshed for the first time in months when he arrived at his agency the next morning.
He’d gotten to wake with you slowly for once, what a fucking treat, he was sure he’d never tire of it with you pressed again him. After some rolling, early morning kisses, he packed up his things and tucked you back into the nest of sheets to rest as much as you needed.
You’d been quick to drift off, a few of his stray feathers staying close by even in your slumber. 
Despite how energized he was, he was sipped on the canned coffee (had it always tasted this bad?) and preparing for his office day. 
He waved to his interns, smiling something real with a pep in his step as he entered his seldom used office. 
As Keigo organized himself, he practically had to dust off his far-too professional looking desk before setting his bag down, and starting up his computer.
The door clicked open moments later, and a ruffled-looking Akane gave him a stern look from the doorway.
“Hello, Hawks. I need to talk to you—” 
“Paperwork will be done by noon, don’t you worry about that,” Keigo laughed off her oblivious irritation as he clicked into his desktop. “I know taking a personal day isn’t really my thing— “
“It isn’t, and this isn’t about your paperwork.”
She reached behind her to click the lock in place.
Keigo’s gaze drifted to the diamond insignia on her breast pocket, almost twin to the one he wore on his bodysuit.
Both wards of the same beast, one could say.
When he was younger, still being trained so ruthlessly, they assigned him ‘handlers’, like some sort of animal. Once he’d gotten his own agency, he’d been assigned Akane, raised and trained in a similar way he had been. Another product of a failed system and an opportunistic, greedy power structure.
They understood each other in that way. 
“I said I needed to talk to you two days ago and I meant it,” Akane sighed, shaking her head and approached his desk. “I’ve managed to cover you so far, but I need an answer.”
It wasn’t like her to be cryptic.
Akane fished around in her side bag for a tablet, clicking it to unlock and tapping.
“I know there are things you do that the bosses don’t even tell me about, and that’s how I justified all of this, continually.”
She placed the tablet in front of Keigo, an image displayed and glowing. 
His eyes went wide when he saw the picture.
It was him, flying to your balcony. It was late, the warm glow of the nearby streetlights half-illuminating his face, even from far away.
Akane scrolled to another picture, much the same, except taken in daylight. 
Keigo bit the inside of his lip to keep on his plastic smile as Akane scrolled through picture after picture, all of him coming and going from your apartment.
A pit was growing in his stomach. 
“We’ve been paying tabloids off, blacklisting folks. I know you’ve had a lot on your plate and have been particularly distracted, so I put it on work we aren’t allowed to know about. Still, I wanted some confirmation.”
Keigo’s heart dropped like lead slick with mercury in his chest, a poison feeling spreading over his gut— 
“It didn’t seem right though. And then I got some confirmation with this one— “
The next picture made him burn. 
“It’s  from yesterday morning.”
Yesterday morning.
From the balcony window, the early light was perfect to see directly and clearly into your apartment.
It captured Keigo kneeling on the floor, wings slack and resting on the floor, softened with a concerned quirk in his lips. 
He held your forearm in his, pressing an obvious kiss to the back of your bandaged hand. 
And then there was you.
Teary-eyed, even in the photo, haggard and tired, but still obviously looking at him with love that made Keigo break in his ribs. 
“We caught this one last night. Your publicist is pissed, but I covered for you. That being said, I need an answer. I’m not blind.”
His mouth went dry.
“Who the hell is that, Hawks?”
The two of you hadn’t talked about this yet.
The publicity of your relationship, if and when, was something that had been alluded to, but never deeply conversed about. There was too much glowing new love and healing being done to worry about the details.
But now, the details were staring him in the face.
Thank god for his training, and his ability to keep his expression even.
“Sorry about all that!” He laughed, leaning back and propping up his feet. He pushed away the tablet with the toe of his boot. “Just some work and play for a mission. It’s been getting a little... interpersonal, if you know what I mean.”
He wiggled an eyebrow to really sell himself.
 Akane met his express with a dry glare. 
“... And you took a personal day for that?”
An incongruence. 
Keigo kept on his sickly smile as Akane sized him up.
“Had to be nonchalant, right?”
He was coming to hate lying, after being so intimately around your candor. 
The feeling of illness in his chest grew.
Sentiment was terrifying.
“... Right,” Akane ran a hand through her hair before taking back the tablet. “I won’t say anything, and I’ll tell your publicist to keep doing what she’s doing. Just try to be less obvious about all of this... ‘interpersonal work’.”
She wasn’t convinced.
Maybe Keigo had become a shittier actor, or maybe Akane had just come to know him too well.
Akane fished around in her bag, pulling forth a small piece of folded paper. She placed it on his desk, and slid it until it bumped his boot.
“Just in case you’re interested, these are the names of the photographers responsible. Do with that what you will.”
She gave him a darkened look as he sat up, unfolding the note and taking in the names.
They wouldn’t be hard to find, if needed. 
“Thank you, Akane. I appreciate it.”
“Of course.”
She turned to leave, but paused, hand hovering over the door handle.
“Hawks?” Her voice went more gentle than he was used to. “I mean it, I won’t say anything. To anyone. Just... whoever they are to you, be careful, alright?”
Akane’s gaze drifted back to his, a sharpness there that she’d been hiding. 
Despite the smile he still managed to wear, his must’ve looked quite grim as Akane left his office, leaving him in the almost silence with plenty to stew over. 
💕 tipjar 💕
taglist (send me an ask to be added!): 
@thepandapopo @hawksexual @sinclairsamess @darcia22 @inhalingsoysauce   @yee-fxcking-haw  @call-me-rhee @peach-buns-unicorns @amethyst-rose-17 @mega-bastard @an-untamed-rose @ravioliplease @keigosangel @gobestupidsomewhereelse @themusingsofmany @mariiloei @hecatve @assassinslittlesister  @thepuckishrogue  @sleepylittlebarista @cathy8taffy @heydae20 @crapimahuman @indecisivehusky @levawks @hawkscumslutt
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anakinshooker · 3 years
markings- obi-wan kenobi
paring: obi-wan kenobi x reader
rating/genre: g/fluff
warnings: doesn’t follow cannon, light mentions of padawan/master relationship (everyone is of age!), brief mention of injuries
nicknames: y/n, young one, padawan
summary: an injured y/n doesn’t follow orders and get hurt
Being a Jedi was hard work. Sometimes it seemed like the whole galaxy was after you, but at least you had your best friend, and master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You had been Obi-Wan’s padawan after Anakin and grew to find him quite charming. You knew nothing was ever going to happen after all this is Obi-Wan Kenobi we are talking about. Mr. Stickler for the Jedi code. Being on your own was a rough reality check, but you got through it nevertheless.
The war was still pipeing hot, and everyone knew it was going to be awhile before it settled down. Count Dooku was able to always be one-step ahead of the Jedi. The Jedi Council sent you to investigate a stolen Republic ship that was pinging off of an outer rim planet. Alone with only your R3 unit to keep you company, you flew out. Commander Cody and his men weren’t able to assist you, since Anakin took them with him on a flashier mission.
As you were drifting in and out of your imagination while flying, until an incoming call from Master Kenobi came in.
“How’s the flight coming along,young one?” Kenobi’s angelic voice rang out over the intercoms.
“The flight is going quite well. Just a little boring. Shouldn't be too long before I land.” you answered back stifling a yawn.
“Are you well rested?” Obi-wan’s voice had a hint of worry.
“Yes, Master.” your voice was firm. You couldn’t let Obi-Wan know that you were up all night nursing a blaster wound. Speaking of which, you were soon going to need to steal some bandages from the medical unit soon.
“Are you sure, y/n? I need you to have a clear head throughout this whole mission.”
“I’ll be ok, Master. Don’t worry. I’m landing soon.” With that you clicked off the call. Now that you had thought about your blaster wound you could feel the swelling and heat radiating off of it. You sustained the injury while fighting Sepertist droids on Naboo. One of their blaster shots got past your lightsaber and grazed your thigh. You fought through it. You couldn’t let anyone know that a droid had hit you. Maybe it was a pride thing, but you were going to keep it hidden as long as you could. It’s easier than you think, swiping badges from medical units and cleaning it in the comfort of your own quarters; no one had suspected a thing.
R3 beeped as your ship got closer to the planet. “We are right on time, R3.” you smiled at yourself and your droid. This mission was going to be a breeze. You safely landed the ship, and jumped out to look around. “Stay here and guard the ship.”
As you looked around you started feeling an unbalance in the force. Something was very off. Your thigh was still aching as you climbed over rocks to try and find the Republic jet. The unbalanced feeling was not going away. Looking down at your wrist where the coordinates were being displayed through a hologram; you were supposedly right next to the ship. that when a blast went right past your ear. It was a trap. One you feel right into. You really needed to work on trusting the force more.
Squads of Sepertist droid were advancing shooting at you. You quickly drew you green lightsaber, and got to work. You went through the motions Obi-wan taught you. Block all the shots. Making sure you can control the situation, before you advance. The words of your Master were ringing through your head. The droids were terrible shots. You advanced and was able to cut them all down in seconds. “R3, send my corrdances to Master Kenobi. Make sure he knows it's a trap!” you commanded into your comms system. Quickly you hid behind a boulder before the second fighting squad could see you. There were too many of them for you to fight alone and hurt. You had no reinforcements. Yet, you felt this need to see who was behind this.
You snuck up on the droids and took them down. Sweat covering every inch of your body. All your bones were aching, but you needed to keep fighting. Your comms system started to ding, and you knew it was going to be Obi-Wan. “Hello Master. It seems I have fallen into a trap.” you recapped him.
“y/n you need to get out of there.” Obi-Wan's voice sounded worried again.
“But Master, I need to find out who is behind this.” you pleaded with him.
“That is a hard no. Get out of there. Now!” Obi-wan’s voice was harsh and you knew you needed to listen to him. Quickly you turned off your comm, and crawled from rock to rock getting closer to the base. You could hear droids talking amongst themselves.
“Where is the Jedi?” one voiced their robotic tone, “You! look over there.”
“Roger, Roger”
“And you! Look over there.” The boss droid was pointing around in different directions.
“Roger, Roger”
There were so many droids, and they were all over. As they did what they were told. One small group started looking around the area you were hiding in. Using the force you moved a small pebble; you were hoping that the droids were dumb enough to follow it to a place you could you could quietly kill them. Your comms system was constantly glowing red, and you knew you were going to get an earful when you got back to the base.
“Hey what’s that?” one of the droids asked. They all started chasing after the pebble. Walking straight into your lightsaber. That was the easy part, now to get inside the base. Except, you didn’t have to. General Grievous decided to make your job easy. He stormed out of the base; knocking droids over as we went.
“How did you imbeciles lose the Jedi?” Grievous yelled in anger. He was seething, and this settled your curious nature.
“R3, Start up the jet. I’ll be back soon.” you said into your comms. You moved as quietly and quickly as you could.
“There she is!” a droid shouted. Shit. You needed to get out of here. Your thigh felt as if it couldn’t hold your body, but you had to trust it. You stood up fully, and started running as fast as you could.
“R3! Move the jet closer!” You yelled into your comms. Blasts were going past your whole body. R3 did as he was demanded, and parked himself and the jet a couple feet away. As you were climbing into the small ship you were grazed by another blaster shot to the thigh. You screamed in pain. You kept moving, and as soon as all of you were inside the chamber; you were flying into space.
“What the hell was that y/n?” you saw Obi-Wan’s hologram.
“Please wait to tell me off until I get back to base. Please Obi-Wan.” you pleaded yet again with him. His hardened eyes softened, and he slightly nodded his head before signing off.
The flight back was just as boring, and you spent most of it gathering your thoughts, and keeping pressure on your wound. There was no way to hide this one. It had reopened your other wound as well as making its own mark on your skin. You were in obvious pain; limping and whimpering each time little pressure was put on the thigh. You also looked at the rest of your body. Nothing too bad, except for the bright, red scratches on your right cheekbone and forehead. There were some bruises that had already formed on your arms and parts of your legs. You will yourself to keep pressure on your thigh; you would worry about the other things later.
As soon as you landed, Obi-Wan and Commander Rex were there to help you out. You swang your legs over the side of the jet, but as soon as your legs touched the ground you whimpered, and started to fall. Obi-Wan was there to catch you, holding you. “Rex, notify the medical droids we will be there shortly.” he ordered the clone. Rex left without saying a word. “Are you okay?” he asked with only worry in his voice. You softly shook your head no. He sighed deeply before picking you up carrying you to the medics.
“General Grievous was behind the attack.” you whispered to him.
“I suspected it wouldn’t be anyone important.” Obi-Wan said under his breath. “Don’t think about it right now. I need you to focus on getting healthy again.”
“Okay, Master.” you let your head drop into his chest. You felt safe. Nothing was going to hurt you.
Obi-Wan gently laid you down on the table for the medic droid to look over. You sighed when his arms left your body, but they quickly returned. He helped you take off your robes, looking you over himself.
“That wound doesn't look to be from today.” The droid pointed out.
“When did you get that one, my poor padawan?” Obi-Wan asked you, sounding slightly disappointed.
“When we were fighting in Naboo.” you whispered.
“We were in Naboo three days ago! Why didn’t I know about this?” he questioned.
“I couldn’t let anyone know a droid nearly shot me!” you exclaimed. Obi-Wan gave you a long, hard look before going completely silent.
“You should be healed in two weeks if you stick to cleaning it, and resting.” The droid sounded loud in the quiet room.
“Thank you.” Obi-Wan shooed the droid away. “I don't know what got into you! It’s okay to admit that you were shot by a droid! You should never keep an injury from me! You should also follow my orders. I know you aren’t exactly my padawan anymore, but I am still higher ranked than you, and you need to listen to me. I mean look at you. You're all marked up! What if it was worse? What if I lost you?” Obi-wan wasn’t giving you a chance to speak. “Maker, what would I do if I sent you on a simple retrieval mission and you didn’t come back?”
“Obi-Wan! I’m fine! I can handle myself! I passed the Jedi knight trials for makers sake! Why do you care so much? You wouldn’t have made this big of a deal if I was Anakin!” you poured out. You knew it was unfair to compare you and Anakin, but you were hurt and he needed to understand that you weren’t his helpless padawan anymore.
“It’s because I don’t love Anakin like I love you.” Obi-Wan confessed. His voice was now back to a low, caring tone. “I don’t think about Anakin, like I think about you.”
“I love you too, Obi-Wan.” you confessed back. Fuck whatever the Jedi council would think if they heard this. You were going to get better in the hands of the one you truly love.
The next morning you awoke in Obi-Wan’s quarters. He was awake staring at the ceiling, while slowly leaving delicate traces on your upper arms. “What’s keeping you up, love?” you asked him in a whisper. He looked down at your head on his chest.
“Nothing my love. Go back to sleep.” Obi-Wan kissed your forehead, and closed his eyes, falling back asleep. you weren’t able to fall back asleep until you could hear his steady heartbeat, and feel his leveled out breathing. Closing your eyes you fell back asleep in his arms. Forever feeling safe and sound in his arms. It was going to take you a couple weeks to get better, but at least you had Obi-Wan to take care of you.
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
I Know You
Summary: Sometimes Sam needs to be reminded he needs more than books.
Characters: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 2145
A/N: I couldn’t find this one on my blog when I made my Masterlist so I’m reposting it now. There’s so much dirty talk and a slightly dom reader with a happy to switch Sam.
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Sam’s discipline is a part of who he is. He keeps everything locked down. He eats clean. Sugar, preservatives, and “bad” fats never cross his ever so tempting lips. He monitors his thoughts and feelings, careful not to let too much out. It’s easy to miss this because Sam is so good at getting other people to talk with his deep, gentle voice and soft eyes. Sam understands; the very way he carries himself points to that. Pain is something the man you love is all too familiar with and has been since he came back from hell all those years ago.
Sam’s holding something inside tonight. He’s noticeably quieter than usual. His reflective mind was one of the things that drew you to him in the first place, but sometimes it’s necessary to pull Sam out of his thoughts, unlock his emotions, shatter his control.
The salad you made for him has barely been touched. All Sam’s attention is on a thick lore book lying open on the table next to his plate. His long, slender yet thick fingers are slowly turning pages. Something is driving Sam tonight, something he thinks he needs to find in that book, but it can wait.
You stand and walk around the table. Sam’s solid forearms are visible below the rolled cuffs of his flannel. You rest your hand on one of them just above his wrist and skim your fingers up his arm to his shoulder. Sam looks up. His eyes are a cloudy gray kissed by blue. His hair is hanging over his collar, tempting you to touch, and that’s the next place your hand goes.
Sam closes his eyes when your fingers start to knead the back of his neck. Your hand is beneath his hair now, and it’s soft on your knuckles. A half exhale, half moan escapes from him; it’s an invitation to kiss him while you continue to massage his neck. 
Sam’s mouth opens under yours, and you know you were right about what he needs. You settle yourself in his lap and deepen the kiss. His tongue is warm and sure as it swirls around yours. You can feel Sam’s hand at the back of your waist drawing you to him. You grind your hips into his lap and another moan, deeper this time, flows from his mouth into yours.
“Sam, I think we��d be more comfortable in the bedroom.” His eyes are darker when he opens them, pupils blown with need. He only glances at the open book and the remains of his salad on the table for a second before he nods to you.
Sam’s hand is at your waist as he guides you into his bedroom. There’s no slamming doors, no ripping off clothes. His actions are still controlled. It’s Sam Winchester’s way to survive. 
Very soon he’s going to remember he gets to have his own life and doesn’t have to focus on saving the world every waking moment; it’s time to let go. You put your hand on Sam’s stomach and push him back against the wall. Even through his layers, you can feel the muscles there. You swipe your tongue around your top lip and bite the bottom one. It’s an easy slide underneath his shirt to feel the skin on his abdomen. “Are you this hard everywhere, Sam, or do I still have some work to do?”
He squeezes his eyes shut briefly before opening them to look at you. His chest is heaving slowly. You know what your words do to him. The smile that crosses your face is playful and easy. “Why don’t I find out?”
You sink to your knees in front of him and make a point of taking your time with his belt and zipper continuing to push just the right buttons while you do. “I want you hard for me, Sam. So hard your thick cock is twitching, aching to pound into me. And I’m going to take all of you. I’m going to make you fit, and I’m going to be so tight around you. I love it when you’re as deep as you can get. That sweet pressure feels so good. I want that, Sam.”
When you pulled his jeans and boxers down his thighs, Sam was fully hard. He was hard and leaking precum in a steady flow. “Can I have a taste before you sink this huge cock inside me?” Sam grunted his reply, put his hands in your hair, and pulled you to him.
That first taste of Sam was always the best, salty nectar on your tongue. You made circles around his tip and listened to him gasp. His fingers tightened in your hair until it started to pull. “Fuck, Y/N.”
You started to bob your head on his shaft. “Maybe I’ll just do this for awhile. Edge you until you have tears in your eyes, and you’re begging me for it.”
Sam’s cock throbbed in your mouth. “You’d like that wouldn’t you, Sam? Desperate for me to let you come.”
He was clenching his jaw now and grabbing your hair. “Y/N.”
You pulled your mouth from him with a deliciously wet and dirty sound then rose to your full height, so your face was close to his when you looked in his eyes and whispered. “What do you want, my love?” You skimmed your knuckles down Sam’s jaw and over the hint of a beard that was beginning to grow there. The only thing you could hear was Sam breathing shallow and fast.
In the next second, he circled your wrist with his massive hand and pulled you against him. “You know what I want.” Sam kissed you hard and deep. He stripped your shirt over your head and threw it to the floor, cupped one of your breasts and started to flick your nipple with his thumb through the fabric of your bra.
You arched back to give him better access. “That’s it, baby, make me hot for it. Make me wet for you.” With a groan, Sam started to suck your neck beneath your ear. It was going to leave a mark, and that’s exactly what you wanted. 
“Mmm, Sam. You’re making me clench around nothing.” You dug your fingers into his back as your body tightened again around the emptiness.
Sam moved his mouth from your neck and placed it by your ear while his hand eased inside your panties, and his fingers found your clit. “Tell me what you want. Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you.”
His fingers teased you, and you whimpered. He circled your clit and moved them through your folds, but he didn’t push them inside you. There was no relief for the growing ache you had to be filled. “Fuck me. With your fingers, your tongue, your cock. Do it, Sam.”
He pulled his fingers away from your core and lifted them to your mouth. Sam brushed your wetness across your lips. Then he put his fingers in his own mouth and sucked them clean. He closed his eyes while he did it, and when he opened them again; you saw a distinct hunger there. “I want more of you.”
Sam lifted you from the floor, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He carried you to the bed, kissing you passionately while he did. You felt the mattress, solid beneath your back, when he put you down. It was grounding when the sight of Sam before you threatened to make you forget how to breathe. He took off his shirt and let it drop to the bed beside him. 
You had only a second or two to appreciate his lean and muscled body before he peeled off your yoga pants and underwear, spread your legs wide, and began to take what he’d started to the next level. Sam’s hands were on your thighs, keeping them open, while his tongue lapped at your clit. He moved his mouth down to your opening and let his tongue slide in. At first, it was like a kiss. He moved his tongue slowly, in circles, tasting you. Your hands grabbed at his hair. “More, Sam. Please, more.” He started quick shallow thrusts with his tongue, and your clit started to ache. “Touch me. I need you to touch me.”
You arched your back when his fingers found your clit, and his tongue plunged deeper. The faster he moved his fingers, his tongue found the rhythm to match. Just when you were right on the edge of your orgasm snapping and washing through your body, he switched. Sam put his long, thick fingers inside you, curled them to find your g spot, and he started to rub it. His lips latched onto your clit, and he sucked until you came so hard you screamed loud enough for everyone in the bunker to hear.
Sam moved up your body to prop himself over you on his forearms. You grabbed at his shoulders and held on, needing to feel him. “That’s my girl.” He placed soft kisses on your cheek by your ear while you caught your breath. “I’m not done with you. I’m going to make you shake again. Harder next time.”
Sam’s lips were on yours, and he was kissing you right back into wanting him again even though your body still hadn’t recovered from the first orgasm. He kissed down the center of your body until his head was between your breasts and stopped long enough to remove your bra so he could give your nipples some attention.
The same way his mouth had worked over your clit and inside you, he did the same with your nipples. At first the kisses were slow, his tongue circling around and over each bud. Your moans came faster this time and when they were steadily falling from your mouth, Sam sank his middle and ring fingers deep inside you and started to pump them. True to his word, Sam gave you a second orgasm even more powerful than the first.
Sam was on his side next to you now, he rubbed his nose against your neck and let your hair cover his face. His erection was pressing into you. You pushed his shoulder, rolling him onto his back. “It’s my turn now. I think I promised to make you cry.” You stroked Sam’s length until the precum was running down his shaft. 
Sam was fairly quiet in bed, until he was really turned on. The grunts he was making told you he was losing his control. “I want you inside me, Sam. I want you to fill me, stretch me, make me take every single bit of you. Give it to me so hard and deep I don’t know if I can take anymore. Don’t show me any mercy, Sam. None.”
His cock lay hard and leaking against his stomach. You guided him to your entrance and lowered yourself onto him slowly, one inch at a time. Sam’s hands were grabbing at the sheets, making fists, and pulling them from the bed. “You’re mine, aren’t you, Sam? I’m the one who gets to make you feel good.” He was all the way inside you now. 
You started to ride him, moving your hips in a slow undulating motion. “Y/N.” He grabbed your hips and started to lift you. Up and down, he moved your body faster on his cock. You bounced on his length and took your breasts in your hands, giving him quite the show. Sam’s neck and cheeks flushed pink just before he came hot inside you.
You collapsed on top of him, and Sam wrapped his arms around your back. After a few minutes of holding you, he started to glide his fingertips up and down your back. “You didn’t make me cry. Change your mind?”
You raised up and kissed his nose. “I decided to go easy on you.” You pulled at his bottom lip with your finger. “There’s always next time.” You kissed him, lingering and soft.”
Sam ran his fingers through your hair. “You always know what I need, Y/N.”
“I hope so.” You lowered your head. “It isn’t always books, Sam. You deserve more than that.”
“It’s been hard for me to get used to that, you know?” You lifted your head, and Sam brushed the hair from your face. “It still seems too good to be true. I know we don’t have a picket fence, but this is more than I ever thought I’d have.” Sam stopped talking and took your hand in his, then he brought it to his mouth and kissed it.” You understand me. Thank you.”
You kissed his cheek in response. “There’s still so much more I want to give you, Sam.” This man deserved everything. 
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @jules-1999 @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @volleyballer519 @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @lovealways-j @mrswhozeewhatsis @spnbaby-67 @wayward-and-worn @thinkinghardhardlythinking @petitgateau911 
Sam/Jared: @girl-next-door-writes @stunudo @feelmyroarrrr @idabbleincrazy @evansrogerskitten @focusonspn @autumninavonlea @durinsbride​ @deansyahtzee​ @waywardnerd67​ @fullmooner​ @sams-sass​ @beskaradberoya​
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name, and I’ll Be There: 1.3
"You should let me win at least once against you," you brushed the dirt off of your jeans and stood up to face Childe once again. "Ya know, to boost my confidence and determination?"
"Where would the point be in that? My Master used to beat me if I didn't meet her expectations, you know." Childe looked past the trees as he remembered his days in the Abyss. "Consider yourself lucky that I'm just beating you in battle."
"Maybe a sword isn't the best weapon for me?" You looked down at the weapon in your hands. It wasn't a bad weapon, but it had taken on some pretty bad blows from Childe the past few months. What was it about you that kept you from improving your skills? You had been getting better on a daily basis, but it never felt like it was enough.  You scrunched your eyebrows together in deep thought.
"The sword is the most basic weapon you can master. A gateway weapon, if you will." His expression hardened with jealousy when he noticed you were staring at Xiao, who was sparring with Zhongli with lance in hand. "You want to learn how to wield a lance? I could teach you."
"Hm?" Your head snapped out of its daze and whipped in Childe's direction. "Oh, no. I was just admiring him. I could never wield a weapon with such speed."
'Just admiring him,' eh? "Well, you have gotten better since I started training you. You just have to keep at it."
"I wonder if I'll ever get a vision," you muttered under your breath. "Maybe then I'd be of more use to everyone."
"If you want to be of use, then take me down," Childe retorted. "You don't need a vision to be powerful. Look at Aether. He doesn't have one."
"But that's not even a valid point to make! I can't just resonate with archon power whenever I want."
"Are you making excuses to be weak?"
"Ugh, I just need a break. I'm going to go get water." You jogged away from the group to the stream that was near the campsite. Your head ached from dealing with his personality all morning. You splashed water onto your face, still submersed in your thoughts when you heard a branch snap behind you.
A shriek echoed through the trees and into the campsite where your team was at.  "What was that?"  Aether looked to the sky for answers, and Paimon appeared.
"It sounded like someone's in trouble!"
"Hey Harbinger, where'd she go?" Xiao's eyes flicked to Childe's.
"In that direction, actually," his eyes widened when they landed on the sword she didn't take with her to the river.
By the time the group caught up to you, which couldn't have been longer than two minutes, you were already leaving a trail of blood on the golden grass beneath your feet.   A stonehide lawachurl continued to charge at you, and you barely managed to dodge it's attack.  
I can't dodge it for much longer, you grit your teeth and glanced at your aching thigh.  Your pants were soaked in blood and clinging to your skin.  If only I had a vision--no.  If only I wasn't dumb enough to leave my sword back at the camp.  You peeked back at the lawachurl from behind the tree you used for cover.  
"ARRRRAAAAAAGGHHH!"  It staggered backwards after being hit by an unseen force.  It advanced forward before being met with another blast of an anemo burst.  Xiao suddenly appeared in midair above the creature, and he shoved his lance through it's neck.  It disintegrated immediately, and the adeptus landed light-footed on its ashes.
You slid down the trunk, reveling in both relief and pain.  Your injured leg hitting the ground drew out a small cry that caught the attention of your teammates.  Footsteps quickly followed the blood trail to your location a few meters away.  
"Are you alright?"  Aether was the first to reach you and was followed by Zhongli, Childe, and Xiao.  He winced at the sight of your torn leg.  "Can you walk?"
"Aha, yeah," your lips held a trembling smile.  "This is nothing."
"You're pale," Childe called you out.  The amount of blood she's losing...did it manage to swipe at her artery?
"Let me see the extent of your injuries."  Zhongli knelt beside you and gently peeled back the torn cloth that stuck to your wound.  His expression didn't change.
"That looks...kinda bad," Aether mumbled.  "We need to get that treated."
"Yes, it would be wise to do so immediately.  We passed by a few herbs on the way here.  I shall go gather them."  Zhongli stood and backtracked to the path they took.  
"It's not safe here," Xiao studied the surrounding area for the rest of the hilichurl tribe.  "Let's get her back to camp."  He stepped forward and slung your arm over his shoulder.
"I'll help," Childe began to move to your other side.
"No.  Too tall.  Aether," he nudged his chin at Aether, and he moved to your other side.  Childe crinkled his nose, but decided not to argue.
"Be careful now."  Xiao and Aether lowered you down while Zhongli mashed and warmed the medicinal herbs.  
Childe conjured a small hydro blade to cut the remaining fabric from around your leg.  "Now to wash the wound..."
"Aha, that kind of hurts," you warned through a clenched jaw.  
"Did it bite you?" Paimon popped up at your side.
"This is just from one of its claws."
"Step aside, Childe," Zhongli stirred the finished paste in a small bowl before spooning it out and spreading it onto your wound.
"OW! Wait!"  You squirmed under his touch.  The pain was worse than when Childe cleansed it.
Xiao held your leg down.  "Stay still and bear with it awhile longer."  He didn't let on that he was worried about how much you were bleeding.
"My apologies, dear comrade.  This will stop the bleeding and speed up the healing process.  It is almost done."  He finished applying the paste.  "Aether, do you still have bandage wraps?"
"Got them right here."  He knelt beside you and began to wrap your leg up.  "This should do it."
"Guess we won't be leaving this campsite today," Paimon shook her head as she stared at your leg.  None of you left the campsite for several days, actually.  You developed a high fever that night.
Zhongli and Xiao were sitting at the edge of the camp and observing everyone's movements.  It hadn't gone unnoticed by the Prime Adeptus that you were Xiao's priority in recent days, and even more so now.  He decided to casually bring it up.
"I saved her a couple decades ago," Xiao admitted as he eyed you.  "She doesn't remember it.  I occasionally checked in on her once she was adopted."
"I see," Zhongli followed his gaze.  "There is a strange presence about her.  You said you brought her from death's door?  Could you have possibly--"
"I did."
"Interesting.  She seems to be doing well enough.  I am worried about her fever, though.  Humans are delicate creatures."
"Human fragility is absurd."
"Regardless, your past dealings with her seem to have saved her today.  She should not have survived the blood loss caused by that wound...or at least, not as a human.  How did you manage it?"
"The smallest prick of blood."  Human bodies cannot withstand large amounts of adeptal energy, so Xiao used the smallest drop of his blood to heal you as a child.  It acted as a healing agent, and as a result, was a type of "vaccine" that allowed you to withstand the adeptal energies of Zhongli and Xiao.  Biologically, you remained a human.  A human with adeptus blood in your veins.
"I never thought it was possible to give such a miniscule amount to a human before.  It is a miracle it didn't backfire on her body."  Zhongli nodded in acknowledgement.  "I would like to observe this matter further."
"Of course."
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dathen · 4 years
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What are the missing tapes?  
So much happened after Season 3 and during Season 4 that we didn’t get to see.  With us being limited to Jon’s point of view/whatever force is behind the tapes, many events and character interactions take place offscreen.  The Missing Tapes is a fan content challenge to visit these moments and explore character feelings from new angles.
How do I participate?
This isn’t an event week or tied down to any specific time.  Go for a bingo, or just try a prompt or two!  If you write anything for this challenge, use the #missingtapesbingo tag so others can find it easily.
Many thanks to @somuchbetterthanthat​, @evanescentjasmine​, and @holdthosebees​ for helping me brainstorm prompts, and @zykaben​ for the lovely graphic!
After the cut is a text list of the prompts, from top left to lower right.  I also included a brief summary for context, and episode references for when these are mentioned or implied.  
1.  Others’ PoV of Martin losing his mother - (TMA 127)  Basira tells Jon that watching how hard this hit Martin kept her from pushing him too hard about his plans.  “He tried to stay strong, keep it together, but...that sort of thing...”
2.  Basira finding that she’s the sole survivor of the Unknowing - (TMA 122)  “The others-- Tim--  Is he…?   ...Oh.”  “Daisy, too.”  “I’m sorry.”  “Yeah.”  
3.  Melanie and Georgie rekindling their friendship post-surgery - (TMA 131, 145)  Melanie fell out of contact with Georgie during Jon’s coma, but gets in touch again after escaping the Slaughter.  “Who else is there? I mean, Basira is… heh. She’s been the only one for a long time.”  
4.  Basira and Martin’s phone calls during the Scottish Honeymoon - (TMA 160)  Martin and Basira have regular phone calls while he and Jon are in hiding.  “How was she?”  “Oh, same as last week.”
5.  Basira, Daisy, and Jon going for drinks - (TMA 136, 140)  “You look awful. You try drinking with Daisy again?”
6.  Reactions to the s3 deaths/disappearances - (TMA 122)  Tim’s death, Daisy’s body not being found, and Jon as good as dead.  Not limited to the Archives team (the rest of the Institute? Jon’s extended family? Oliver’s dreams? go wild).
7.  Basira and/or Martin reacting to Peter Lukas vanishing researchers - (TMA 123)  “Rumor is a couple of researchers up on the third floor decided to ignore some of his new directives, and… whoosh.”
8.  Anti-Lonely sleepovers - (TMA 150)  “We’re all well aware that with Peter Lukas in charge of the Institute, [the Lonely] is a very real danger to all of us. We are trying. Daisy, Basira and I, we don’t leave the Institute much anymore, so we do spend a lot of time together.” 
9.  Melanie and Georgie getting together - (sometime between TMA 145 and 157)  “I didn’t-- I didn’t realize you were to-together.”
10.  Basira during the S4 finale - (TMA 158-160)  Left alone after Daisy draws off the Hunters, waiting for Jon to return with Martin, her PoV of the aftermath, etc.
11.  Georgie learns about Jon/starts visiting him in the hospital - (TMA 121)  Georgie regularly visits Jon during his coma and talks to him.  “Sorry about that, Jon, but you really don’t need friends like that.”  
12.  Melanie and Basira trauma bonding during Jon’s coma - (TMA 123)  “She saved my life, John. She saved all of us. I won’t forget that.”
14.  Melanie picks up a hobby as part of therapy - (after TMA 136)  (Implied) Melanie is trying a different approach to life as part of her therapy sessions.  “Since when?”  “Always.  I’m...trying to be more open about this stuff.”
15.  Basira or Melanie helping Daisy with physical therapy - (TMA 133)  “Hey, there you are. You’re meant to be doing your exercises.”  “You were out.”
16.  Basira, Melanie, and Martin going out for drinks - (TMA 98, 106)  Started in season 3, but could have also happened between the seasons. “Listen, you really look like you could use a drink. Um, me and Basira were just about to pop out. So...do you want to join us?” 
17.  Daisy and Basira conversations post-coffin - (TMA 132+)  “Basira she’s...she’s been good.  We’re together, so it’s good...if she didn’t keep treating me like a china doll.  But it’s alright.”
18.  Daisy learns Melanie’s name; possible fledgling friendship - Daisy didn’t bother learning Melanie’s name pre-Unknowing (TMA 112), but can’t stand being alone post-coffin.  "He’s gone with Martin and… the other one.”  “Melanie.”  “Sure.”
19.  Melanie moving in with Georgie - (TMA 157)  Takes place sometime between Melanie going to therapy and Melanie recovering from blinding herself.
20.  Archive member ambushed by a jealous avatar post-Unknowing - (TMA 123)  Stopping the Unknowing drew a lot of hostile attention to the Archives from the followers of other entities.  “We made a big noise with the Unknowing and… other stuff and now they’ve taken notice. We’re safe in here, usually. But we don’t go out much anymore.”
21.  Jared Hopworth’s attack on the archive - (TMA 123, 131)  “When we came up through the floor, it was wonderful. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on their faces.”
22.  Melanie and Basira’s dynamic post-surgery - (TMA 131)  Melanie goes through the same struggle with hating Basira because of the surgery as she does Jon.  “I sort of, maybe, hate her now.  I don’t know.  I can’t look at her without my leg hurting.  But what else am I going to do?  ... She deals in ‘intel’ these days, in usable data, assets. Not feelings. Not people."
23.  The team discovering Martin’s stash of tapes - (TMA 151)  “Jon found the tapes you made for him.”  “Shh, shh!”  “Found a stash of them awhile ago. I made sure he shared with the club.”
24.  The Archives team hating on Elias/Peter Lukas together - (Implied)  Nothing causes bonding better than a common enemy, right?
25.  Post-Flesh attack fallout, hurt/comfort - (TMA 123, 131)  “You were attacked. When?”  "About two months ago.  It was the Flesh."  “Oh, god.”  “Yeah, it was bad. We took them all out.” 
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bootleg-sara · 3 years
Today’s fun tboi hc: Cards and Runes!
Featuring- lots of pictures but they are all crappy doodles I made ages ago while bored during work/press conferences
New year, same me. Starting off with another long TBoI head canons post! Though admittedly not the most interesting topic to start with, these are some fun hcs I’ve been wanting to share for awhile now.
I was thinking of splitting cards and runes into their own posts but they pretty closely intertwine so they are going together. I’m never going to even talk about pills because they are boring. You eat the pill and get the effect. It’s the same for all pills. There’s no further explanation needed.
This one probably won’t be as long as the hearts hc because there’s not a boatload of extra detail that needs to be added about card interactions with the environment. I guess I could go over stuff like clear rune/blank card, but I’m not going to bother here. Also a lot of the cards are either very similar or the same in terms of use/affect so I won’t be going into explicit detail
So here it is, my comprehensive post on how to use Cards, Runes, and Soul Stones. As well as a small bit of backstory for Soul Stones. This post will include pickups like dice shard and credit card, which aren’t exactly cards or runes but are used all the same.
(Hcs undercut)
Going to start with cards here, as they are the easiest to explain and the most commonly found of the 3 subjects. This section will include all the tarot, reverse tarot (which will be symbolized by “?”), playing cards, and any other pickup that is distinctly a card. As well as Dice Shard/cracked key. A rather lengthy list, but many of them are very similar.
(If I end up missing a card I’ll edit this post and add them in were they would fit)
There are 3 ways of activating a card, which depends on what affect the card has.
The first is what I call “touch-and-chant”.
All you have to do is pick up the card, press it on your person, and say the cards full name out loud. Once the chant is over, the card will be burnt up and the card’s affect will take place!
This type of activation method is used for cards that directly affects the person who it is being used on. For example: i-the magician, which gives the person the homing shots and xxi-the world, which gives the person full insight on the floors layout. Most cards affects in this category will only last for 5 minutes at most.
Most of the cards found are activated using this methods. Many of them are teleportation related or physical boosters.
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As you can see here, I drew up a bunch of them for no other reason than because I can. Visuals are nice. But, because these can be really hard to read I’ll be listing all of them out too, as well as offering some fun little fact about a particular card of there is any.
Cards that are activated via the “touch-and-chant” method-
All the teleportation cards: 0-the fool, iv-the emperor, iv-the emperor?, ix-the hermit, xvii-the stars, xviii-the moon, xviii-the moon?, Joker card
Cards that offer boost to your strength and/or give physical changes to the body: i-the magician, i-the magician?, iii-the empress, iii-the empress?, vii-the chariot, vii-the chariot?, xi-strength, xii-the hanged man, xii-the hanged man?, xv-the devil, xv-the devil?, xix-the sun?, huge growth
Cards that offer items/pickups from taking things from your person: 0-the fool?, vi-the lovers?, xvii-the stars?
(“vi-the lovers?” card straight up takes life from you in order to form an item, similar to that of a devil deal. But because it’s is a shallow and incomplete transfer, it leaves the user with not way too recover that lost health. Aka the broken heart. Can kill you if your not careful. “xvii-the stars?” does something similar to “the lovers?”, but removes an old item. Because passive items are parasitic in nature, removing the item isn’t normally possible. Because there more of an energy hold to take from an old item, “the stars?” can use that energy to create two items and not cripple your health)
Cards that offer room insight: xix-the sun, xxi-the world
(You can use “xix-the sun” using the other less direct methods and still get the full room damage, however you will lose on the floor layout and healing)
Rest of the cards that didn’t fit into categories: Suicide king, holy card, 2 of hearts, xiv-temperance?, wild card
(Suicide king takes all the blood from your body and creates as much as it physically can from this, resulting in your death. Highly situational. Holy card is a temporary soul heart shield that last until it gets hit once. 2 of hearts is just a healing card. “xiv-temperance?” Spawns a bunch of pills inside your stomach, activating them immediately. Not really a fun experience, easy to get overwhelmed and nearly experience overdose from that card alone. Wild card changes it’s affect depending on the last passive you used, wether it be care, rune, or even an active item. But no matter what is being used, wild card is always activated in the same way)
A note about “touch-and-chant”, due to the nature of how the cards are activated, one can use there cards on other people. All you have to do is hold the card against whatever you are trying to activate it on (a person or a monster) instead of yourself while saying the card name. This will only affect the person that the card was touching and not the activator. It’s a lot more risky on monsters because you have to get very close and person with them. Teleportation cards can have a shared affect if the chanter holds the hand of someone they want to bring with them. This will not work on any of the other cards.
The second method for using card is called “Summoning Touch”
To use these types of cards, you place the card on the ground, say it’s full name out loud, then tap the card, and the item you were trying to summon will appear. The card will then burn up. You can tap it with your foot, hand, whatever you want. As long as it’s from the person who originally said the chant.
As the name may imply, this activation method is used on cards that summon items, pickups, and machines. Cards like v-the hierophant (both normal and reversed) and xiv-temperance.
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These cards are exactly what the method says on the tin. They summon stuff. There a few small notes about some of these, but for the most part they are the most boring to talk about.
List of cards that are activated via the “summoning touch” method-
Cards that summon pickups and machines: v-the hierophant, v-the hierophant?, vi-the lovers, xiv-temperance, x-wheel of fortune, xx-judgement, xx-judgement?, viii-justice, viii-justice?, xxi-the world?, queen of hearts, ancient recall
Cards that summon other stuff that deserve a bit of extra explanation: ii-the high priestess, xvi-the tower, xvi-the tower?
(“The high priestess” mother foot will always drop in the exact area where the card was used after a bit of time has passed. It does require some good timing to make it land properly on bosses and to make sure you don’t get stepped on, big when it does land it can do massive damage. “The tower” shoots out bombs in multiple different directions when used. They explode to quickly to get all of them into position, so your best just making sure they don’t explode on you. “The tower?” is an interesting case. This card has a room wide affect, something that would normally be activated used the 3rd method. But because the “the tower?” rebuilds rooms using the ground it is touching, it uses the summoning method instead)
For the third and final method, it’s the “All eyes touch”
The easiest of the card methods to use (not like any of these are particularly difficult). All you have to do is lift the card into the air and say the card full name. The affect will go off and the card will burn up much like the rest.
This method is used on cards that have room-wide affects. A few miscellaneous cards that don’t quite fit into the other 2 activation method criteria are also here.
All eyes touch is an uncommon methods, but most cards that sue if are considered to be the most useful. From full room damage with xiii-death to rerolling items with dice shard.
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(This sheet here does have a mistake on it. It says here that credit card is apart of the “all eyes touch” method, which is no longer true. It has recently been changed and is now one of the few special cards that have its own unique method of use)
There’s a good few cards on there, most of which affects all the monsters within the room. The smallest overall group of you don’t include all the repeating cards that do the same thing but just for different types of pickups
Cards that are activated via the “all eyes touch” method-
Cards that affect all or multiple monsters within a room: xiii- death, xiii-death?, xi-strength?, ace of clubs/spades/diamonds/hearts, era walk, emergency contact
Cards that have room wide affects not limited/used on monsters: x-wheel of fortune?, ix-the hermit?, get out of jail free card, dice shard
Cards that double your currently held pick ups: 2 of spades/clubs/diamonds
(2 of hearts isn’t here because it is strictly for healing. It affects the person and nothing else)
The reverse high priestess/? Card category: ii-the high priestess?
(“The high priestess” gets its own placement because of a unique trait it has. It is the only card that can persist throughout multiple floors if the person enters the next floor before the time of use has ended. It also doesn’t really fit anywhere else, as the mom foot barrage summoned by it is more akin to the the summoning touch cards. Though because they are constant and move around with you, it must be activated via “all eyes touch”. ? Card just activates your active item again. It’s not anything crazy but it had nowhere else to go)
There are 3 cards that don’t use any of the 3 above methods. Instead using their own methods of activation.
First there’s Credit card. Bring it to a shopkeeper and they’ll give you all the items for free. Why? All the credit cards that have fallen down into the basement had come from people on earth. So your giving the shopkeeper a credit card to try and use for their own benefit. They tend to get away with it too, getting lots of money from them as banks often don’t notice it until it’s too late thanks to their unknown address. The free items are a thanks for finding a credit card to give to them.
Next is Chaos card. When you want kill something with this card, throw it right at your opponent! If it lands it mark and cuts into the monster, they are as good as dead. Even if the cut is shallow it’ll work, just needs to be deep enough to reach the inside of the body. This card’s mots notable feature is it’s ability to one shot bosses, even the toughest of them all. The only two bosses unaffected being Delirium and The Beast. Delirium’s form is too unstable and goopy, is even if the card hits them it won’t be able to properly pierce them to take affect. The Beast is immune because the dark energy created from the Chaos Card that kills things has not affect on her. The card this thrown all the energy inside is used up. Even if you end up missing, so you’ll be out of luck.
Finally there’s the cracked key. This pickup is pretty special in its own case, as it’s the only non-trinket pickup that affects the person while holding it (allowing the kids to see the doors to the red room). To use it, go up to a red door and place the key into the key hole. The item will disintegrate, but the door will open up for you. Cracked keys are the scattered remains of the first use of Red Key when the first closet was opened up in home by Isaac. When the Red Key was first used, the basement made a desperate last attempt to keep the kids inside by forcing sudden dramatic changes onto them. Starting the chain reaction of tainteds to come.
A few more notes on cards before moving onto the runes.
Reverse tarot cards can be used by simply flipping over the regular tarot card. There’s no specific card for reverse/upside tarot cards. However, if you want to have to specify it’s reverse in the name while holding it upside down. If you wanted to use the reverse moon card, you’d say “reverse 18-the moon”/“reverse the moon”. While most of the tarot cards have the same methods as there flipped, not all do so that’s also something to keep in mind.
If you use a card in a room where the card will have no affect, the card will burn up and do nothing. The only exception being ? Card
Okay! Rune time. Won’t stay here for to long because runes are really simple.
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Each and every one of them are activated the same way. Take your rune, smash it on the ground and the rune is used. That’s all there is to it. This does include rune shard and black rune.
You can tell when a rune can be used by their glow. If the rune is glowing, you’re good to go! If it’s not, there’s probably some crack on it that make the energy inside escape. Rarely when a rune is used a broken off shard will retain its glow. That shard can be used again for a weaker affect. Though it will not retain its original affect and will be random. Blank runes can be used multiple times because they can more easily store their energy thanks to their affects not being centralized.
That’s all I have for those. For the final part let’s talk soul stones! By far the most interesting of the bunch.
Soul Stones are rune-like pick ups that have their own special affects unlike any other rune or card. Soul Stones are created from the life essence of the people inside. Through your time in the basement’s your life is slowly being drained away from you. This process is extremely slow and will never have an affect on a person unless you’ve been there for as long as the lost. The more the basement takes, the more of yourself you start to see in its halls. Soul Stones commonly come from the deaths of the people, as the energy gained from deaths is often that of pure survival instincts. Someone’s Soul Stone will start to form after the first few deaths. In my head canons soul stones were around before tainteds where. They acted as a look into one’s soul, often the fatal flaws that leads to their own downfall.
Not going to be going into character related specifics this time around, as that is better covered with tainteds as a whole.
From this point out, the formatting of these pictures goes from bad to terrible. Because I was running out of image space I couldn’t save all the soul stones in their own picture. So instead you’ll be seeing a long strip of multiple little doodles for each Soul Stone. I’ll be talking about them in order from top to bottom.
First batch: Soul of Isaac, Magdalene, Cain, Judas, and Blue Baby
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Soul of Isaac: Bring this rune close enough to an untaken item on an item pedestal, the rune will self-activate by shattering and glowing a bright white light. This will have the item be split into two pedestals, one holding the old item and another holding a new one. Whichever one you take, the other will disappear with it.
Soul of Magdalene: To use this Soul Stone, the user has to eat the entire thing. It tastes like hearts, but crunchy and sharp. Once it’s all eaten up, a translucent, giant, spiked heart will appear on your chest. This heart can be used to ram into enemies and damage them for huge damage. The heart will also bleed half hearts for healing, but they soon melt away if not eaten soon. This affect last throughout rooms until the time limit is up.
Soul of Cain: Used like a normal rune would be. Smash it on the ground and every door in the room will be opened, including red rooms if there are any.
Soul of Judas: Take the dagger end of the Soul Stone and jab it into your hand as hard as you can. The Stone will envelop you in a dark shadow for a short amount of time. The dark shadow will also wrap around the stone, making it sharp enough to be used as a dagger. This will temporarily boost your speed and make you invincible while you are in the shadows. Once the affect has worn off, the dagger will dissipate and leave a black wound where the soul Stone was inserted.
Soul of ???: A poison chemical bomb. Throw it at a monster for big poison and explosion damage. It smells really bad.
Next up is Soul of Eve, Samson, Azazel, Lazarus, and Eden
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Soul of Eve: a feather shaped Soul Stone that doubles as a horn. Blow into it and a murder of crows will descend upon a room and attack until everything within it is dead. Once the room is cleared, the crows will tare apart the stone so it can be used and fly off.
Soul of Samson: Draw some of your blood into the stone. The stone will crack open and the energy that flows directly into the person will immediately go blind with rage. The broken stone will open to reveal a jawbone. The bone will last for as long as their rampage does. Once the person has calmed down, the bone will become brittle and break apart into dust.
Soul of Azazel: Chip off the top “cap” of the stone and watch as a mega satan brimstone beam bursts out from inside. This beam will last for a good minute before dissipating. It’s pretty powerful though, so be ready to drag yourself around from the force to move around.
Soul of Lazarus: Activates upon taking a fatal blow. When on their person, the stone will absorb the hit in your stead, the resulting damage making it crack and break. If you accidentally break it before using it, it’ll kill you instead.
Soul of Eden: Same activation method as Soul of Isaac. The item that is rerolled can be from any item pool. Any pick ups around the item will also be rerolled is there are any on the ground in the same room. Does not leave two items like Soul or Isaac.
Final batch! Soul of The Lost, Lilith, Keeper, Apollyon, Bethany, and The forgotten/J&E
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Soul of the Lost: Stab through the heart for use. You become the same entity as the lost, gaining any benefits or downgrades they have (including holy mantle). One can die while in this form. Stay alive for long enough and the soul will be dragged back into the Soul Stone. The user will return just fine and the stone will harmlessly dissipate, leaving no wounds.
Soul of Lilith: Crack it open like an egg and get a free familiar inside. This familiar soon stay with you for the rest of the run. Familiars made from this Soul Stone tend to be much nicer and happier to be around you than usual.
Soul of the Keepers: Just a stone with coins inside of it. Makes clinking sounds when shaken. This stone does not come from the character of keeper (as they don’t exist in this version of the basement). But they do come from all the shopkeepers who have enough sentience to have left a small impact on the basement in the form of this Soul Stone.
Soul of Apollyon: acts as a nest for locusts. Crack it open to find an egg sack full of locusts. The egg sack will burst open along with the stone, bringing with it friendly locusts ready to defend you
Soul of Bethany: A stone with a faint glow. Hold the stone close to your heart and wish for a good prayer for you. After a new moments, 6 wisps will fly out from the stone. The glow will fade away along with it.
Soul of The Forgotten/Jacob and Esau: Putting these two together because the work exactly the same. Hold the stone tightly to your chest and within a few moment the stone will grow and form into crystalized versions of either the Skeleton or Esau, depending on which stone was used. These crystal helpers are hell bound on protecting you and helping you fight off any monsters. They will fight monster with you as well as sheiks any oncoming shots. They will crumble into dust after either taking to much damage or the person who summoned them leaving the room they where created in.
Well, that’s all I have to share for today. Always fun to write more about basement hcs. Really hope I didn’t some how miss anything here lmao.
(Well okay I did purposely skip cards against humanity but that’s because I don’t care about that card. With my powers, I dub thy, not canon)
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