#i drew this in idk. 2021 or 2022
aiura-stan · 1 month
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old teruhashi sibs <3
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crimalwx · 3 months
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some twinknoblades bc he helps me get out of artblock
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smewduck · 6 months
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first 2024 Night art she’s arson. ing. (what even is the word for that.) like she deserves
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verygoodcomments · 4 months
oh yes on the topic of submissions...
i had one from someone in my inbox from YONKS ago that tumblr is not letting me post for some reason. that person also sent me an ask about whether i could provide links to the videos/places i found the comments on (i would just answer their ask but it explicitly references their submission which, again, tumblr won't let me post... and also it was from ages ago) so let me answer that here
unless i think that mentioning the source amplifies the comment, or provides some humorous context, i usually don't do that as a general rule. if someone asks for the comment source and i still remember what it was, i'll tell them, but i don't tend to mention it explicitly on the post itself
i don't tend to redact pfps or usernames (to give some form of credit to the authors of the comments, sometimes they make the comment better, they're already public on the internet & usually posted on videos by youtubers exponentially more popular than my blog & usually post obscure comments i had to scroll for quite a while to find anyway, it's fun when someone recognizes their own username, etc etc), so this is an alternate method of security against people trying to be weirdos to the featured commenters. most of my posts come from youtube, which doesn't even have a direct messaging system anymore, which is simultaneously why i feel fairly comfortable leaving pfps/usernames unredacted on these comments and why i feel it's better if i try not to provide TOO many context hints at least in the actual text of the post. just on the off chance some bitter weirdo wants to try being a bitter weirdo, you know? and if someone goes all the way out of their way to try and track these comments down explicitly to bully these people, then at this point, it kinda seems like redacting that stuff wouldn't have helped anyway. while i definitely do not condone harassing anyone from here, i also... don't think it'd exactly be My fault there, and entirely the fault of this hypothetical extremely brainrotted rando. this has, to my knowledge, never once happened, but just putting that out there
i do give little hints or context notes in the tags on occasion, under the general assumption that anyone following this blog knows that this is a place of comment appreciation, an art gallery of Internet Humans. usually it only extends to mentioning the youtuber or what type of video it was, but as a general statement. this is the other part of my philosophy here: i enjoy hunting for comments as a sort of peoplewatching-esque hobby and i think other people should try it out (so long as they have the self-restraint to NOT reply to people even if they make you mad. it's never worth it man.). i also think it'd be a fun treat for someone to only get a hint, figure out what video it was, and then go on their own hunt and see the comments in the wild. i often skip over Loads that don't quite make the cut so you'll probably find something else fun in there
does that make sense? it does to me. anyway if anyone ever wants to know where i found a comment just ask and i'll tell you, so long as i remember. fair warning, the older the post the comment is on, the more likely i am to have forgotten what specific video it was. i usually at least have a vague idea of the original poster and/or the content/topic of the video but sometimes i don't
#not comments#i can tell you right now anything 2021 or earlier was very likely from someone in the drew gooden/danny gonzalez commentary youtuber bubble#contemporaneously and as per my personal taste at the time: drew/danny/cody ko/eddy burback/maybe jarvis johnson?#never really been into kurtis's style so idk if there's anything from him on here#i watched jarvis back then the question mark pertains mostly to whether any of the comments came from his videos#danny has Loads of videos more subs and an audience that skews younger than the rest#(because his style of humor is more accessible/appealing to a wider audience than say drew's extremely dry humor)#(and also he's got a young face. people constantly comment stuff like 'i forget he isn't 16 until he mentions his wife')#so most of my posts are likely from a danny video somewhere#the hamster with a handgun was from his video titled something like DOGS ARE CANCELLED#there were approximately 500 other comments making that exact same joke but the hamster one was the funniest imo#i don't even care if it was a piggyback comment. '31 warning shots directly into his stomach' was leagues ahead of the rest#anyway. there's my tip and trick if you're curious about older posts#there are exceptions and anytjing 2022 and beyond is more ambiguous#cause my posts were more sporadic i think because video essays were getting more popular & i don't find as many postable comments on those#but i was and am addicted to them#so rather than being able to say 'oh probably a commentary youtuber it was all i was watching' the really good comments are like#'ummm... hmmm... well this one was on some random how it's made video... this was a minecraft video... this was jerma...'#anyway. i have gotten distracted. need to go do some non-comment writing. some big boy writing
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yumenosakiacademy · 9 months
facial evolution in my art? i guess? (1s where i was imitating an art style 4 a redraw not included! like my citron, ciel, n ac drawings)
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horseshoemybeloved · 11 months
what is the origin of "fababoi" it's my favorite word now but where did it come from?
It’s a tiny bit of a mystery even to me seeing that I have bad memory but I Think in 2021? 2022? There was a trending TikTok audio of this guy in a silly voice saying “ ba ba bouy “ and I thought it was funny. And whenever I drew myself at the time I’d draw myself with my fob hoodie on. And they were always simple doodles so I’d simplify the hoodie and therefor shortened Fall Out Boy to Fababoi.
I know it’s really dumb but I think it’s really sweet and cool and cute and awesome that it’s spread so much and that people like my silly word(s) so much ( patreece has also been spreading ) like I think there’s people who don’t even know me and use the word and idk i think that is epic and cool
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jayskaiart · 3 months
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💚 2021 - 2022 SKETCHBOOK TOUR 💚
ah my 2021 sketchbook,,,, i love it and i hate it. idk. i was going through so much shit back then (the bugbear page is proof enough of that i think lol), but somehow i managed to draw a lot and have a pretty sketchbook (even if it has some cringe drawings). Though i have to say, many pages are just sketches i drew in class that i sticked there lmfao i didn’t actually draw that much.
i used this sketchbook a bit during 2022 but most of the art is from 2021... i wasn’t able to finish this sketchbook because it brings me back many bad memories and i wanted a fresh start, but looking back this is definitely my favorite sketchbook and i hope i can make another sketchbook like this soon ;w; it’s so colorful and aesthetically pleasing lol i love it
btw i'll post my 2022-2023 sketchbook tour soon too !
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tendebill · 9 months
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OCtober day 2 - new oc
finally i get to post this!!! Brendon is probably as new as it gets, since i made him around 2021, along with a few other characters for Evoterra :3
(more info/prompt credits under the cut)
if anyone's curious about him, my ask box is as always open ^-^ but to be fair he's still VERY underdeveloped, so i might not be able to answer all the questions. all i can say for now is he's probably some sort of politician or has some sort of influence in one of the bigger cities/settlements in Evo. also he's an antagonist/anti-hero in that side story and he most likely either joins Huen or works with her for some time.
i did have a few other potential ocs that i could use. for example, i created Reymond around the same time as Brendon, also for Evo. there are also the 3 major gods from Deiterra, since i only created their official designs back in 2022(?), but idk if they count, cuz they DID exist beforehand? i just never drew them before that point? almost all of my other ocs are old or REALLY old and i just keep rebooting/redesigning them every few years lol.
another silly thing, this is actually a redraw of one of my first drawings of him i'd made back in 2021! and to be fair i didn't really draw that much of him since then. here's the original:
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also fun fact, his mask is based on an actual mask that i brought back from my trip to venice a few years ago :D
prompt list by @/_bweird on twitter!
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dkniade · 7 months
I found some old art on my phone. I remember often drawing skies on Procreate Pocket because it’s easier to get stuff down when your canvas is only as big as a phone screen, and of course, the camera does not capture colours as accurately.
So I drew a lot more back then (can I grieve that?) but I suppose I was also filled with pain and confusion, if that third one is of any proof.
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「一体なんだ?!」overlaying a wall of “idk”, huh… I suppose even back then the initial feeling would fade as I worked on a piece of art. Clearly this was for aesthetic beauty or drama more than genuine emotions. Oh, I remember: I thought it looked like a book cover back then.
December 2020, two years after. Yes… I started being aware of my experience, though 2019 was lost to a haze. It’s natural for me to not know how to name my emotions in winter. This is where art comes in—for relief. This partnership was stronger back then.
I recognize the brushes I used for these pieces. Despite it all, that sky… was beautiful.
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guacomelon · 1 month
I wanna ask about the JSaBsonas, actually! I'm intrigued about all of them, so if you could say a few words about each one or at least how they came to be, that would be nice, but if you want to focus on a specific one - I'm curious to know more about the sunny one, top right.
we'll be going in this order: 006, "Sunny", "Crown", and "Pae-ki" Here we go. Forgive me for using the same old art, it's the only rendered stuff I have of them 😅
🎵 Dancing on Our Disasters by Calavera
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alt song: 🎵 Granite by Shirobon
The very first was 006, or "Six". All the way back in Sep 2021, I had the idea of creating a shapesona. At the time I had certain.. feelings, about JSB and my identity surrounding it. I definitely see those feelings represented in the character now.
Six is a professional JSB player in a world where the game is in AR. They're reclusive, obsessive. Attention seeking. And they dance. Oh, they dance until they no longer can.
Some of you had the chance of talking with them on April Fools of 2022; I liked that. It was very fun to write them, and I wish I could do it again. Maybe in the form of their own roleplay/ask blog, just like I always intended.
🎵 A New Day by Danimal Cannon
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alt song: 🎵 Same Song by DEFENSE MECHANISM
Second persona is a character I've nicknamed "Sunny."
I started a continuation of a previously failed project under a pseudonym, a persona. It wasn't until Jun 2021 when I gave that persona her design... I think it helps when I'm writing as them.
There's currently not much character story to them, other than she exists in the same world as Six. She gets burnout often but never gives up. It's not over til it's over.
I'm sure you've seen a certain one of my projects so far. Maybe it was obvious from the beginning, maybe it just clicked now, or you're still lost. Those who know, I want you to know this aswell: I'm not being sneaky, I'm just anxious. When I'm tired of pretending and gain the confidence to put my face on these projects, I do plan on just using them as the mascot.
🎵 Ecstacy by Nitro Fun & Rob Gasser
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alt song: 🎵 Fracture by Shirobon
Third is the crown. It doesn't have a name, and it probably won't - Jan 2024
Ok, this ones strange. I've been invited to play a certain fangame a few times, and one of their available shapes is a crown. The crown is just the shape I played with. Nothing else, nothing more. It will never be something greater, involving me.
So what about that art...well.... I think I'm just going through post-JSB:FE depression 😭 ... Recently I've been thinking about the "maybes", alot of "what ifs" And if I'll be honest with myself, I need to let those go.
🎵 happy camper by laamaa
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And last, but not least, is my actual JSB/shapesona!
They currently have no real name (idk you can call them my ingame name "GUAC" lol,) but for records sake I've been using "Pae-ki". I first drew them up in Oct 2023, around when I first played The Fangame.
They are just, me! Lover of 'Close to Me', unreasonable hater of 'First Crush', and protector of triangle players. An "OG god" as some say. (I'm not sure what else to say that isn't just me talking about myself. idk, I still play Challenge Runs, come join me on NSwitch or Steam)
I'm still working on their design.. I wanted to incorporate mementos from all the JSB-like things I got to do. They were always going to have a crown.
[it's been 3 months I'm not working on this ask anymore, I'm just happy to have it out GOOD LIRD]
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anti-psycomics · 8 months
Alright I'm saying fuck it and posting all my older shit that I never posted here. They will be ordered from oldest to newest and they will all be worse than my more recent stuff. Anyway, let me give you the tour
This first section is titled "shitty meme drawings from 3 years ago" because I started drawing digitally mostly just to make dumb images for my friends
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And then in early 2021 I switched to using a better brush, I used this image to test it out
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The second section is titled "still shitty memes but they're from less long ago and also I started using a brush that better fits my style"
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few more shitposts around this time. One bad, Two good
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For the 2021 holiday season I made myself a halloween and christmas icon. I honestly still like them although they could've been done a bit better
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In early 2022 I made this and somehow did it worse than the first drawing I ever did on digital, I think the brush just didnt vibe with the meme as much and also I was lazy idk. Benthic bloom funny tho
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And then I did a couple smaller drawings
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@gayvian my best worst shitpost
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Alright We're getting into the more recent stuff now. Late 2022 and early 2023
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Some drawings I did of a dnd character I have who is not currently in a campaign but im gonna bring her back as soon as I can because I love her
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And perhaps my finest work in the field of shitposting. I love getting my equipment drone addicted to drugs
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The Newest album by the forgor
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And most recent, this thing I actually drew after starting this tumblr but I never shared it until now because I felt it wasnt as good as some of my other things
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And of course I also have a lot of never finished projects, more personal things I didn't want to post here, and lots. And I mean LOTS of pencil on paper drawings in my notebook (and also maybe a few on old school assignments)
goodnight I stayed up way too late to make this post I shouldve gone to bed 2 hours ago aughgf
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miutonium · 2 years
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I can't sleep because i am lowkey nervous about tomorrow but also I just want to show yall basically my art progress (in terms of rendering) in the spam of 1 year contracting Utonium brainrot hhhh it's so surreal to see how different both of them looked like ahaha
(for guide, first pic to last, 1st week july 2021>3rd week july 2021>21st Nov 2021>9th Apr 2022)
Also witness me talking about each journey of my progress undercut lol
I cAN TOTALLY EXPLAIN THE FIRST 2 PICS. The first one is exactly from a year ago when my brainrot just started and I was like "well fuck I guess I have a new f/o now". If you ever see or feel familiar about the first art even though you prooooobably never see it,
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its because it was an original picture for this redraw a few months AFTER that pic
Also if you notice, the art style for that one is totally different from others and shhh the reason it was like that is because initially I want to draw them in my actual artstyle around that time and I dont want it to follow the same artstyle like in the show. My friend said Utonium kinda reminds them of that guy from clo.udy wi th a ch.ance of meatb.alls and im like "oH SHITTT". There's more drawings of Utonium pre-brainrot era with this kind of artstyle in my folder but I don't think the world is ready for that yet lol
Anyway as I progresses to the 2nd pic, I changed my mind and was like "wait I actually WANT them to look like they're in PPG and not my own artstyle" so I slowly draw both of them to look more like the ppg style if you understand what I mean??? Althoughhhh in the 2nd pic I still want him to look a bit like my own style with my own touch and despite how much I don't like the reboot, I actually like his gray hair on his sideburns??? So if yall remember that phase and followed me from way way in the early days of this blog, I used to draw Utonium with those streaks before I gradually stopped doing that because of.... actually idk why I stopped??? I should totally add the grays back because I love it actually lol but anywayyyyyy the 2nd pic was also around july too me think? So there's probably like a few weeks gap between the actual totally real not clickbait picture of Chloe and Utonium 'together'.
That was how my render looked like for a few months until november (the 3rd pic).
So in the 3rd pic, I discovered this very magical spectacular magnificent function on CSP called t E xt U r e and holy fuck, let me tell you, I feel like I am a changed person. I was never the cringe person with mediocre render like I was, this legit marked a cultural shift in me, I just feel like I've been blessed by god himself. I spammed the fUCK OUTTA THOSE TEXTURES like it was MY BUSINESS. i pAID CSP FOR FULL PRICE I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO USE IT TO ITS FULL CAPABILITIES AND SQUEEZE IT OUT OF ALL IT'S WORTH. Although I must say, my render time after that significantly increases. By standard I used to render around 3 hours? Now this bitch took 6 fuckin hours to completely. It wasn't a daijobu era ngl 😔😔😔
And holy fuck do I have a fuckin field day with it. You think I was a changed man back then? I have ascended, I am now r e b o r n. My friends feared my, my peers stared at me, my teachers are baffled by the amount of brainrot I drew at that time. How am I real?
I rendered like that for around 4 months until I discovered something even more cooler:
Okay jk but hhh anyway for my current render; it's kinda more like an accidental discovery? I wanted to look for ways to cut render time because it was really tiring for me to render with a fuckton of texture layers and I also wanted to emulate my fav artist's render style soooo bad (it was luoman if anyone asked) and I kinda figured out how they did it? I mean they still do it better but like I was really inspired to be like them and lemme tell you, I cried for 3 days 3 nights unpaid vacation time when I figured it out. I wasn't kidding when I say I feel like I am a new person. I am quite pessimistic tbh, I'm insecure about my art but like this is the first time in like 3 years ever I feel like I did a major progress and I feel really good.
Why did I made this post? I actually dont feel good about myself, maybe because I am nervous about my test tomorrow and I just need a quick mood boost from myself. I don't believe I did any progress. But now, after typing all of my thoughts at 3 am, after I just put art phases of my braunrot together, kinda believe I actually did progress and I am proud of myself ;w;
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edensqx · 7 months
Reposting some pretty old/recent arts
All of them are archived from my instagram. So I'll be posting one these instead :3
Ps. Yeah, all of them are also deleted files from ibis but at least I got to archive them instead of deleting post.
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13 from obey me, its almost 2 years of this. This was posted last dec 8, 2021.
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A redraw from that one artwork I drew back in early 2022. The one at the left was posted last March 14, 2023.
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Another 13 fanart that I posted last Dec 10, 2021.
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A redraw artwork I did. One at the left was posted last June 30, 2023 whilst the other was at least July 2021.
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Redraw of an old fanart for a youtuber I liked named 'Sky the Nightguard', idk where they at rn. One at the left was posted last Dec 24, 2022 (after the simbang gabi xD) and at left was either 2016 or 2017.
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Last but not the least, a redraw of another redraw of a very old artwork. One at the left was posted back in June 30, 2023. One at right, the before was 2017 (b4 sketch-chan shut down) and the after was 2020.
I lost a bunch of old files during the shutdown of Sony Sketch. There's a lot of people I've met there but I can't remember their names no more. Although I do remember an artist named Empress Sketch, Nawful Ghiyas (i think thats the spelling lol), Ali draws and Official Blue bird (not the app 💀).
Even though I hsve lost a buncho, I have remembered as to how I drew some of them or maybe a few. I dont remember anymore haha
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idle-skull · 1 year
What drew you to 40k?
So about a year ago, late 2021 to early 2022, I was in an animation class with @jaegercat03
And you know what they did? They wouldn’t shut up about Warhammer.
Anyway, at one point we were talking about fictional characters, idk if it was in the context of fictional crushes or just favorite characters, and I asked them who they think my favorite primarch would be. They gave me two answers, one that I don’t remember & Leman Russ.
So that’s how it started; I went and read Leman Russ’s fandom wiki article, and you know what?? I wanted to fuck him I really liked this wolf man. So eventually, after reading up on more lore (both space wolf related & not), I ended up starting to write OCs & original factions, starting with Nessa (I believe), who was very different at the time (she used to be a salamander, now she’s a space shark).
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Later, I would end up making my first warhammer OC x Canon pairing… Involving Leman Russ & a cat man stuck in Nurgle’s Swamp, who was wanted for tax fraud, & murdering his manipulative ex partner (who was, like him, a general). They’re so gay your honor
Introducing ✨Ripley✨
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So the short of it? I love science fantasy, worldbuilding & grimdark, but I’m also a hopeless romantic. I got into warhammer because horny
The long of it? You just read that.
Also: My favorite primarch is ✨MAGNUS✨
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eruverse · 1 year
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Change in drawing style and design
1) October 2021
2) November 2022
3) January 2023
When I was newly into Hetalia (properly in 2021, I’m baby) I drew several Mongolia following the usual design of him (though I’m only showing one here). Eventually I created my own design as I switched from my initial shoujo drawing style into my current one, which is semi realistic josei style maybe? Idk.
I forgot when the change in design took place exactly. For all I know Mongolia as a whole suddenly became less ‘cool’ and more ‘hot’, pun intended. In place of the glasses I have him having shades when out in the steppe and reading glasses. I used to draw him with a fit body, but now he has a wide stocky body with higher fat percentage and receding hairline showing that he’s a grandpa. Despite all that tho, his attractiveness hasn’t diminished!! 🌞
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catgriller · 10 months
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of. (No pressure btw!!)
Omg omg , so I’m gonna go from oldest to newest (late2021-recent2023)
The quality may be bad becuz im screenshooting most works from Instagram, this is also not in particular order.
1. Timebomb(Ekko x Jinx) - League of Legends fanart
I’ve liked this work since I finished it (9 December 2021) and I don’t think so stop loving it! Idk why tbh! Mostly becuz of the small details of .. everything but also becuz I feel as though THIS is where I first found my art style! I don’t think I’ll ever top this work (in my opinion)
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2. Technoblade Philza and that guy - …dsmp ☠️
Now I don’t like Dsmp at all anymore. (And tbh I don’t care if people still like it LOL) This is a 17 September 2022 redraw of a… 2020(?) art work (it was bad)….. Though I don’t like the fandom/content anymore I can still like the art! I really like the designs! REALLY BADLY TOO. IDK THEYRE JUST SO GOOD… might just steal them later and make them into my ocs
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3. Obikin (Anakin x Obi-Wan)- Star Wars
I rlly like the colours, it looks so warm and cozy………. This was the first time I drew Obi-Wan decently good too. (27 January 2023)
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4. Rexsoka (Ahsoka x Rex) - Star Wars
I really really love the colours, the anatomy is so delicious, and I just love those two immensely. I should rewatch clone wars now that I think about it………. I miss my Star Wars fixation so bad it was my PEAK!!! I just all together love this fanart so so much. Good memories too, fandom wise. (16 February 2023)
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5. Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter
This was when I was experimenting with shapes and different colouring styles.. and tbh Draco is just so me and so my favourite.. actually I lied Harry is my fave… Idk! I just rlly like this recent-ish one! He’s such a baby! He’s my child!! (21 June 2023)
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