#i dunno i was just kinda hit by a vibe and wrote this
ok-pop-1 · 1 year
cracked earth // rising light
note: talks about death, don't read if that's not your vibe
 “What do you think happens when you die?”
Wild blinks. Glances up at Rule, who’s just squatting there, fondly watching a fairy as it wanders around in a nearby bush.
Rule turns back to the truffle they’re digging up. “I know it’s a weird thing to ask. But I wonder, sometimes. I think we’ve all gotten close. Had our ways of coming back from the brink, all tasted it just a bit. But what happens when you fully cross that line? When you can’t be brought back? You can only answer that once. I’m not ready to answer it, but I still just... I want to know.”
The earth around the truffle is hard, layered and caked in its dryness. Rule’s Hyrule has always been like that. Harsh, tough, but with a gentle core. It’s not hard to find the core; crack open the surface, peel it away with your hands, and you can find the soft, loamy dirt underneath.
Wild sinks his hands into it. Feels the cool, fresh dirt. It’s not as wet as it should be, here. It doesn’t smell as fresh as it should, here. The lingering scent of malice sinks into the dirt, staining its scent in his nose. But it doesn’t matter, because it’s fresh dirt. Because there is fresh dirt. There’s a hardened shell of a land, but it has life within it. A life that can be coaxed back, in time.
It will take a long time.
It will take a century.
But they have a century.
His own hand is hard, too. Stiffened, toughened with the eternal callus of the burn. A burn that could not be healed. Wild knows that if he peels the skin back, that if he pokes the muscle underneath, it’ll be fresh, firm. Not as strong as it should be, not as capable as it should be, but it doesn’t matter.
‘I used to think it was like going to sleep,’ he slowly signs to Rule. ‘Even if it’s painful, even if it’s scary, you eventually close your eyes and become nothing. You don’t lose anything. You just don’t notice that you stopped being.’
Wild knows he was scared, once. That day when he was protecting Zelda from the guardians, when he was injured more than he’d ever been, when he knew there was nobody there to heal him, he’d been scared. Scared of the fact that that was it. Of the idea of ceasing.
It was a bit strange to think about, in that moment. Of his own body failing, of his own injuries piling on so thick that he couldn’t distinguish between them. It hurt, and he was scared, falling to nothing but the surface of the earth. Felt the grass on his cheek and the rain on his hair and noticed it, for the first time. Pushed his face into the ground and thought, I’m going to miss you. I’m scared.
And he’d closed his eyes. At some point, it was all he could do. Say that he was scared, and do it anyway.
And he didn’t go to sleep.
It’s impossible to know what happened. He knows he lost his memory; knows that that’s one memory he can’t trigger back. Not from dying.
But every single time since then... it felt different.
When he slipped just wrong on the cliff, when he fell to the ground and felt his body break under him, some intrinsic part of him knew he wasn’t going to sleep. He’d close his eyes and saw light, blue light. Not the light of the Sheikah, but of the blupees. Something soft, fragile, scared. But it watched him, beckoned him. Guided him into the depths. Into the cool, cold, loamy embrace of... something.
And he’d woken up at the bottom of the cliff, in his own body, feeling the rain wash the skin of the earth off of him.
Or when he swam too long in the ocean. Fell into the depths, lungs crying, bursting. And when he eventually closed his eyes, he just... kept sinking. Cracked open the ground below him, peeled it back with shaking arms, and sank into its embrace.
He knows when he was fighting the horde on Death Mountain, when Zelda was a princess and hiding in a crevice, that he died. That a lynel sword toppled him, that a spare fairy brought him back up. And he knows that he didn’t feel anything, then. Didn’t feel anything beyond the cold of the sword in his chest, the pounding of his heart, and the dead scream in his throat at the fact that he was scared.
Maybe it’s the fact that he’s been put back in. Maybe he’s just always closer to death than he once was. Maybe it’s the memory of it-- maybe it’s that he’s seen it, and it doesn’t feel the need to hide itself anymore. It’s happy to say hello, to see if, this time, he’ll follow it again.
Wild’s hand finds purchase. He digs out the truffle. It’s like the land around it; hard, ugly, precious.
Dusting it off, he hands it to Rule. Shrugs. ‘It’s something else. I’m still working out what.’
Rule stares at him for a long time. Holds the truffle.
“...That’s not a good thing.”
Wild smiles, and says nothing in reply.
read on ao3
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cuubism · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @arialerendeair :) wow this is an ambitious game XD
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
906,535. I'm trying to hit 1 mil by the end of the year so wish me luck 😂
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Basically just Shadowhunters and Sandman with occasionally forays into others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a lucky break(out) (2,457), mind & heart, body & soul (2,112), don't mess with the high warlock of brooklyn (1,723), In Waking Dreams (1,141), and Complex Mathematics (1,068). Kind of a surprising spread tbh.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, though it can take a while. It just feels nice to do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Certainly After Life. Magnus died in that one.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, most of my fics have reasonably happy endings. The Silly Rabbit series is very happy. The chaotic whumptober fic Kidnapping Your Heart is basically just crack so I'd consider that one pretty happy too 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Only rarely, and usually it's on fics that I'd considered relatively unobjectionable, like MHBS, which is funny. The more fucked up stuff doesn't get hate but the stuff I thought was casual and mainstream does 😂 dunno why
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, though it's something I've had to get gradually more comfortable with over several years. With each fic I become further corrupted and venture into kinkier material. This can only be a good thing. I don't know exactly what we mean by what kind... I like when it's heavy on the feelings. Especially if the feelings are unspoken.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Usually no, but I threw Aziraphale and Crowley into Nightingales for one chapter. If I did ever write more crossovers it would probably only be between canons that seem to naturally meld together (like Good Omens and Sandman).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Well not that I know of [knock on wood]
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup, Points of View was translated into Russian. Very cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Never in the direct sense of both contributing writing to the same document. I don't think that method would work well for me. But @magnusbae is my perennial brainstorming buddy who's crafted the backend story and vibes of so many of my fics, especially dreamling. I've done the same with @silver-lily-louise for some malec stories before too.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don't know if I have one. Malec maybe for sheer longevity. I'm usually obsessed with one thing at a time and then just not obsessed with it at all at other times XD
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof. I'd still like to finish my malec wips XD I begin to fear that I won't, though, since some would be so long and I've made so little progress on them this year. Maybe, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue (also my favorite part to write). Creating weird concepts, magics, functions of the world and so on. Language & style.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I have to remind myself to do character introspection. I'll get through an entire scene and realize I haven't remarked at all on what the POV character is feeling, shown it externally maybe but not had them actually reflect internally. It comes from a combination of two things: spending a while in school writing film scripts and internalizing that writing style (all visuals no internal narration), plus just being kinda dissociated from my own feelings most of the time 😂 my characters aren't feeling shit because neither am I. I also tend to overcomplicate my plots and get myself mired in them, it's the number one reason I get stuck on fics or don't manage to finish them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've only done it very very sparingly and I'm careful to get it right. Only used if it makes specific contextual sense.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Funnily enough it was probably also malec back when I was a teenager, before Shadowhunters show even existed, though I never posted anything then.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh gosh. For malec probably still dissolution. For dreamling I'm extremely fond of Deja vu, Deja connu, it really pushed me outside the bounds of the types of stories I usually gravitate towards, in a good way. At the moment more of my 'favs' are probably in sandman simply because changing fandoms forced me to up my game and expand my comfort zone, which was a good thing. I also really like how Patron Saint came out, I hadn't been that happy with a one shot in a while, and writing from Death's POV really helped me grasp her character better. One of my only fics that had a platonic relationship at its core, too.
tagging @pellaaearien, @tharkuun, @im-not-corrupted if you feel compelled to do 20 whole questions XD
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lemari-be · 2 years
So, I've read the latest chapter. Stayed up 'til 4am, but it was worth it. Gotta say, the whole endgame vibe with so many art pieces you' ve made really spells closure, and I'm sad. Happy to see the fic soon in full, but sad that I won't see updates again.
Problems are a part of life, and frankly, if we didn't have any problems and had nothing to complain about, life would be pretty damn boring. I kinda see that applied in your fic. Some things will get resolved, some new crap will appear, some wounds may reopen ocasionally, but hey, that's okay. It's...realistic. Not morbid or depressing, but a well established fact, and seeing it actually applied and shown here is... cathartic. It actually shows that these characters have a life. And that had drawn me to keep reading. It's just... life. Maybe it doesn't make sense, but sometimes real things make no sense at all. So yeah, I've enjoyed it.
Also, this is a wild guess, but I have this little feeling that you're projecting a bit on Hero. Dunno why, just a hunch. Some of his thoughts...really hit home. Maybe just all students feel that way or something.
Good night, you have some rest after writing this chapter, y'hear?
You know, writing this fic has kept me company for so long that it feels kind of bittersweet for me to know the next one I'll be working on is the final one. I'll let you in on a little secret. I may or may have not hinted two oneshots (or two-three chapter length stories) that I will be writing after I finish Bask, in the latest chapter :) It won't be a sequel of course, but one will definitely be taking place after the events of Bask, and the other is a story that I couldn't really fit in the actual fic because it's mostly fun times with the boys.
As long as the fic allowed me to do so, I tried to be realistic with things, but I never really tried to force it to be that way. Some things remaining unresolved etc happened naturally in writing, but I think it's better than everything to be... perfectly okay? I feel like it'd feel a bit cheap, or maybe the actual things our characters have achieved wouldn't have as much of an impact despite being so important. So yes, what you're saying is definitely applied in my fic :) I'm really glad you've enjoyed that part in the story. While I do try not to make everything overly depressing and add lots of fluff, we have to remember that even the smallest things to someone might be a huge success for someone else.
About Hero. I wasn't expecting reading this and oh boy did what you pointed out had me a bit stunned heh. I'll say it now, it's not just a hunch, what you said. Hero is honestly the character I relate to the most for so many reasons and ironically, maybe it's the reason I had the hardest time writing his parts in the story. Of course we gotta keep in mind, that is to how I've translated him as a character in general. The way I've written him in this fic is exactly how I felt like he is as a person, I don't like to self-insert in my stories, it wasn't the reason this is why I wrote him this way. So with that out of the way, yup. What you said here is true in any case, and especially in the latest chapter (the flashback segment) got quite personal. I like to think it's not every student that feels this way though... While I do believe Hero is trying his best anyway, going to med school was more to appease his parents expectations, same with why he mostly went along with whatever they ask him to do. He's a good guy by nature, but you gotta say 'no' too, because regret is a hell of its own.
Thank you again :) And I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! I'll definitely be getting some rest – well, with exams coming up, as much as I can anyway lmao You take care of yourself too, and I'll see you on the next and final one!
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typhin-hoofbun · 8 months
A Milestone
I kinda forgot Tumblr existed for a few weeks, so I forgot to post here to celebrate, but on January 16th, I hit a milestone. Two years of writing.
In that two years, I wrote over half a million words. In 73 chapters across three series. It's been a wild ride. My first story is still going, I haven't finished "Princess Tells Her Story" yet. (I probably will with Book 3, I can't think of anything I can really throw at the duo to challenge them after they've defeated a broken, insane god.)
I've had a pretty small following, but a loyal and supportive one, and I am eternally grateful for that. I can't wait to see where I'll be next year, or the year after that, or the year after that, and so on. ^_^
After Princess Book 3 is done, my next project is probably going to be rewriting Princess Book 1 to be better. It's a little bit of a mess, since each chapter, I didn't know if it would be the last thing I ever posted. So I tried to end it in a way that didn't leave active hanging threads, sort of a "We'll be okay" vibe, in case I couldn't continue. That made it very episodic in nature, since I didn't want to end on a cliffhanger, just in case. I also started a lot of threads that I never properly followed up on (looking at you, Brotherhood of Shadows) because I got distracted. I was very much winging it without any plan. Well, a little bit of a plan, there was quite a bit of "laying groundwork for things planned in Book 2" going on... ^_~ But still, I want to do it better, make it more cohesive, strip the "recap" bits, etc. Handle Princess's backstory better, too. Without properly planning it, it just sorta feels rough around the edges. But it'll be a while yet, I'm barely a third of the way through Book 3.
One of those readers sent me a gift for my anniversary. A box of oranges, from an orchard in Florida. They are absolutely delicious and wonderful and I love them. That reader is none other than my own mother, so of course she knows I love oranges. (You just can't get oranges that good elsewhere.) I just wanted to gush because I'm still giddy about it.
I do still kind of want to publish my work some day. It'd be nice to be able to bring in some extra income, but it'd also just be amazing to see my books on store shelves. To know someone is gonna wander those aisles like I did, look through all the covers, and a stack of paper printed with words is gonna be one filled with words I put together. Of course, anyone who picks up my stuff is probably gonna be doing the same thing I did: grabbing anything with a non-human protagonist on the cover, hoping desperately someone can put words to the feeling of "This human body is Not Me" so they feel less like they're going insane. Even if they aren't conscious of it, like I wasn't. While internet publishing like an e-book via Amazon lacks that feeling of awe, I might still do it anyway. (Would have to get together money to commission cover art, though. I'd love to get "Cover Art" stuff for each book anyway, even if I don't publish, because it'd be cool. ^_^ )
Really, I'm happy with anyone who enjoys my stuff, regardless of their reason. It's just the scenario I come up with in my head, Kid Me surrounded by endless books and trying to find one that lets me see someone else Being Different, and lets me feel it. ^_^;;
I should probably try to post on sites other than FurAffinity. I started to post to Royal Road, but I dunno, something about it just kinda grates on me, I guess. Don't know what. If people have suggestions for sites I should post to, I'd love to hear it. It's been a while since I posted a link to my stuff, so in case anyone reading this hasn't taken a look, here you go.
It's always interesting to see how some people will only follow one story, and some people will follow all three. Vayryn gets the most attention, people love yinglets. Princess gets almost as much as Vayryn, people love dragons but there's so many dragons that it's easy to get lost in the flood. Flopsy doesn't get much attention, she doesn't have people that go looking specifically for hoofbuns. I love writing all three, though. (In the latest Vayryn chapter, she attends a convention and runs into Valsalia himself. The real-life Valsalia said I did "a pretty spot-on impression", which I think is awesome. I tried to capture his friendly, approachable vibe, and I'm glad it came across. ^_^ )
Anyway, I'm going to end this here, because it's already insanely long. Love you all, I'm going to bed! (It's 5:19 AM now...)
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First Impressions part 7
O-OK.....h-home stretch.....
Defending-champions-who-actually-did-wanna-host-but-the-EBU-said-no, let’s go! It’s cool to see them still competing even if they don’t wanna win! It’s the spirit, y’know? ^^
I-if I can calm down from Australia and try to focus.....
“Heart Of Steel” is a cool title
Except you’re not playing for the win but OK
OK, pretty cool chorus, I’m interested
I’m getting into this! It just.....needs some extra listens when I’m not immediately r-reeling from what came before......XD
Oooh, strings! Strings good!
Pretty solid pick for a potential grower, I’d say
Better than last year?: Pffffffffff nah
And on to the Big Five....
Yeah, this....doesn’t seem to be nearly as cool as that was.....b-but let’s see....
OK, this is good! Nice beat!
Don’t call it disco don’t call it disco don’t call it disco WHY DID YOU ALMOST CALL IT DISCO YOU CONFUSED MUSIC FAN *slaps self*
It must be the strings in the background XD
This is a song that gets better as it goes! I like how big it gets! France haven’t given up yet! ^^
Better than last year?: No, but this is still a good song that deserves to be their retribution!
Well that’s certainly a title that interests me
Hopefully it’s not all screami- good
(I don’t like metal that’s almost all screaming)
Why are multiple countries covering for Finland this year, what the heck XD
Ooh, laser sounds
This is COOL but the Australian song hit me by far harder, I think it was the chorus
I didn’t expect a song like this with “glitter” in the tile, but I’m NOT complaining!
Even in the studio version, this feels like a song that could easily fill a large stadium, it gives me “Hard Rock Hallelujah” vibes that way
Germany are taking a risk this year with this.....It could blow up in their faces, or it could pay off.....
Better than last year?: Oh heck yeah!
Calling it now: Another fan-favorite song from Italy
Ballad? Ballad
Good mood whiplash, pffffff
Will it build?
C’mon.....build more than that, please.....
Nah, doesn’t seem to be building.....OK, we got drums now....
BTW, calling “potential grower” on this cuz I need to look up the translated lyrics before I make any call. I’ve learned my lesson from “Brividi” XD
This sounds nice......just nice
OK, more buildup.....! And a pretty good burst!
I like his voice.....
Italy are good at ballads, and the polar opposite of ballads XD
Better than last year?: For now, about the same. I like this one better music-wise tho
One of two countries who are normally down on their luck, but did well last year! Was it a fluke?
Um....this is interesting.....?
I....I can’t think of anything to say about this......It’s just kinda weird, but not as fun a weird as other songs......
It’s probably just their vocal style....
Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t BAD......
I’m kinda speechless, TBH. I dunno what to say....That just existed XD
Better than last year?: No.....?
And finally, the other of those two countries!
Pfffff, that’s a very on-the-nose title. Yes. You wrote a song. And I’m listening
Oof, a cheater using mental health as an excuse.....Big yikes
OK, I like this take on the title. Good one. XD “I would be crying, but instead, I wrote a song XP”
TBH, writing a song as an outlet for feelings I don’t wanna let overflow is a big mood. I’ve been there so many times. H-hey, it’s a valid thing to use music for! XD
Also the chorus is catchy
I love the lyrics to this song so much XD But music-wise, there are plenty more I like more right now
Better than last year?: Ummmmm.....no
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So I've started watching "The 100"
I'm almost done season 2. I started... yesterday. And while the show is definitely non-stop jaw drops I am quite torn. Because the be honest, the writing is a little lazy. But I suppose it is simply meant to be entertaining so I'm trying to overlook it. But... whoever wrote this did zero research as to how radiation works. This was going to be a quick rant but it turned into a whole thing for some reason? I dunno I have ADHD so I tend to digress and then have to add a bunch of notes and... yeah. Maybe I should make a side blog with that kinda thing? Anyway moving on. (See? Told you.)
Oh keep in mind I'm on season 2 our of 7. So. I don't know everything. This is just my point about the um... lack of realism involving the radiation situation.
If you're watching this show just now and haven't made it beyond season 2, slight spoilers ahead. Not so much to the plot but the "scientific" workings. Though it may give some things away given that these "discoveries" are made via the plot itself.
Moving forward there may be some topics that can be a little frightening. Anything preceded by a "*" has a note at the end of this to help ease that a bit for ya. If you're someone who needs that, don't feel bad. Radiation is fucking terrifying. I'm also using this as a way for me to elaborate on some of the more blunt statements I'm making out of frustration.
You cannot become genetically immune to radiation, and *wearing a hazmat suit is not going to keep you safe. Radiation literally breaks every material it hits down on an atomic level. And with people, it changes your actual DNA. That's why deformities are common among survivors who have children. And while they did include this, they're claiming that only a few generations have gone by yet most of the people look *"normal" enough. And that the people who have been floating around in space somehow managed to develop this immunity via exposure to solar radiation? *We are exposed to that every day. And being in space for an extended period of time isn't going to do squat. Think of those who have spent years up there already. They're not going to go walking into the Chernobyl containment building and go for a stroll.
Radiation isn't some airborne gas or something. And the planet looking so lush, along with the fact that nature has taken back monuments that are easily recognizable. It's been 97 years according to the show! And the fact that the catalyst of everything was a bunch of nuclear bombs going off that caused so much damage that people evacuated the planet? Come on. The Chernobyl containment building is meant to last a minimum of 100 years.
That's another thing. How did they manage to organize and construct the (was it 12?) space stations before oh you know, dying? And then connecting them all in space? That's... possible but.. with how quickly they would have had to get those things in the air? I get that the disaster was an attempt made by some A.I to reduce population gone wrong and they were probably working on it as a precautionary thing but I'm getting the vague A.I from iRobot gone rogue vibe here. (Still on season 2 so I could be wrong on that anyway. I'm 2 1/2 episodes away from when they reveal this I only stumbled on the info early when trying to make sure I had the math on the timeline right. Oops.) So the tech is advanced but also the disaster took place in 2052. 31 years from now. I'm 31. Judging by the amount of progress the human race has made over my lifetime, I doubt we'll be there. What have we done? Made TVs cooler? Sure we probably could have gotten further if we were politically inhibited (that is a whole other rant right there) but... not that far. To develop an A.I that advanced by then? Nah.
All of these things are proof to my point though. Well, in a way. I'm gonna revise my original statement. Whoever wrote this did zero research about radiation before they started writing but clearly was made aware of a few problems along the way and scrambled a bit to correct that mistakes instead of starting over. Which makes me think this wasn't written in the style of stories like Attack on Titan.
The following is a spoiler for anyone who has only seen the anime and not read the manga. I originally put the keep reading break where the spoilers for this show would start but after weighing the simple fact that of the very few people who might see this more of them have probably watched Attack on Titan and if they have seen both care way more about that one. That's how as Scouts do it.
In which a beginning and ending came to mind. After which everything in the middle was meant to connect those things properly.
Anyway I think I've made my point. Albeit in a very disorganized fashion, after which I attempted to organize it while simultaneously paying attention to S2 Ep14.
Hazmat Suits: Hazmat suits can protect you for a time against certain, more realistic levels of radiation. For this show we're talking about a catastrophe that was worldwide and severe enough to trigger an evacuation of the planet. 97 years later without containment? Yeah no. Not gonna be enough.
Normal: I use the term normal as in someone who doesn't have any birth defects and defects by the medical definition as "An imperfection, anomaly, malformation, dysfunction, or absence; a qualitative departure from what is expected." Normal is a bullshit term. Okay moving on with my rant.
Solar Radiation Exposure: Please don't let that scare you by the way. I have a real phobia of radiation it's on the top three things that truly frighten me. I just know these things because I like to be educated on the things that scare me. Though the knowledge didn't really help ease my fear I also have this sadistic way of dealing with my fears by exposing myself to them. Probably from a need to feel less numb. I watch movies that I know will make me sad, too. (I know, I have a therapist, don't worry about it. I'm fine. When done properly my therapist told me this is actually a healthy way of dealing with things. And has instructed me on the healthy way of doing it.)
Chernobyl Containment: 100 years is more than enough. The purpose of the containment building is to protect the environment while they deconstruct what is now known as the sarcophagus. The area around it will always have contamination but it is at the point where it's relatively safe to spend a bit of time there with the proper lead protection. The contamination mostly soaked into the ground and killed the natural systems that connect one place to another such as roots of trees. It cannot go any further in lethal doses. We're fine. Promise.
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
The Scent of Leather and Hairspray
Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x F!reader ONESHOT
(WARNINGS! - swearing)
Sooooooo, I have a new favorite Pro, I guess haha
I hope you enjoy, and if you're underage, pretend you're older because I get it, I'd be Hot For Teacher too, but he's not a pedo sorry......
You sighed as, upon exiting the store where you just purchased a frozen drink, the men you passed to enter that store started catcalling you. Just what you needed at the end of a rough day...
"Hey Honey, you'd be cuter if you smiled...!"
"Don't listen to that shit, babygirl, you're sexy as hell, c'mere and hang out a while...?"
Ignoring them the best you could, you kept walking, but they didn't take that very well. "You think you're too good for us, that it, stuck up bitch? Where you think you're goin'?"
You could hear their footsteps approaching behind you and turned to face them after sipping from your drink.
"Guys, please, I've had a hell of a day today and my quirk would probably scar you both for life and what do you say we just don't do this, huh?"
They exchanged glances before fixing you with threatening glares. "You think you're tough, babygirl? We'll see how tough you are when we get through teaching you some respect..." the first one said.
A voice called from behind you and suddenly an arm was draped gently around your neck. You froze, being caught off guard tended to prompt a panic response when you were so tired.
You smelled leather and an overwhelming scent of hairspray.
"What's the trouble, my homies? Pretty sure ya heard the lady, she ain't jammin' to the vibe ya layin' down, ya dig? Beat it."
Heart skipping a beat or two, your eyes grew wide and a blush flooded your cheeks. "That voice...?!"
You whipped your head up to see the one and only Present Mic.
"Ah! I knew it! I knew I recognized your voice, I catch your radio show every day! You're the Sound Hero, Present Mic!" he flashed a grin down at you, winking.
"Oooh, you've got good ears, Listener! Thanks for Hypin' me up like that! Always great ta meet a FAAAN!" he responded in his commentator voice.
One of your would be tormentors interrupted angrily. "Hey, peacock head, why don't you mind your business?"
"PEACOCK...?! You boys best get ta steppin', aight?! Don't make me beat you up in fronta this pretty girl!" he replied in annoyance after his attention was so aggressively stolen from you.
The blush came back in full force and you couldn't contain a dreamy sigh as your lashes fluttered, eyes lidding contentedly now that you felt safe again.
*he said I was pretty~!* you thought.
"You believe this banana hair lookin' motherfucker? You're about to get your ass whooped, fruity!" the other threatened.
"Hey bro, watch your language! There's a lady here!" with the arm around your shoulders, Mic carefully raised it and guided you behind himself as the two started walking towards you both.
Another voice came suddenly from the other side of the parking lot and everyone, with the exception of the blonde who was guarding you, turned to see Eraserhead.
Suddenly these jerks weren't so confident.
"Get lost, both of you, and go straight home or I'll bring the two of you in right now for loitering and harassment." he said calmly but with deep authority.
Mic crossed his arms, glaring at the duo as they ran off after a mere moment of hesitation, his cheeks puffed out slightly. "What a couple creepozoids! You okay, Pussy Cat...?" he quickly spun around to check you out, striking a dramatic pose while pointing at you, the trademark grin already back in place.
You smiled up at him with admiration sparkling in your eyes, clasping the cup you held in both hands and tight to your chest, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, thanks to you! You're my Hero~!"
Mic felt his own chest swell with pride a bit, the grin on his face getting bigger as he relaxed his stance and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.
Usually by now the damsel has already flung herself on Aizawa, but not only were you praising him, you recognized him from just his voice and he was impressed at that.
"I can't believe I was just rescued by my favorite Pro, I am your #1 fan! Please, are you patrolling the city tonight? Please let me buy you a coffee or tea or something?? Just as a thank you...?"
Hizashi laughed rather loudly, one hand emerging from his pocket to be placed over his chest.
"HAHA! Aaaww, how can I say NO when you ask so sweetly?! Coffee sounds like a rockin' idea right about now!"
"Ugh, we don't have time for this, Mic..." Eraserhead complained tiredly.
Eyes rolling in exasperation, the blonde groaned twice as loud. "ugGHHH!! Don't be such a buzzkill, yo! I'll get you one, too, just chill!" with that, he trailed after you back into the store.
You watched as he doctored up the coffee you poured for him, blushing again when he threw a hint of a smirk your way, using the tip of his finger to lift the gold tinted shades he wore and showing you his emerald green eyes. "Don't worry, I'll pay for my boring friend..."
Smiling, you bounced on your heels. "Damn right you will, I'm not HIS fangirl, after all..."
This promoted a slight blush to his face, but he maintained that knockout grin. "Ha! Well, good thing his best friend is here at least, lucky for him I tagged along tonight, huh??"
"Lucky for both of us..." came your soft reply from over your shoulder as you turned to walk away, your hips swaying temptingly had definitely not escaped his notice.
He followed you to the checkout counter and placed some money beside yours, his ungloved fingertips brushing against your own when he does. Leaning down closer to you, he cocked his head, pushing his shades down his nose this time and raising a brow.
"Does my #1 fan have a name...?"
Your smile bloomed again, blushing up at him. "It's  _______...but I might prefer you calling me Pussy Cat...~"
Saying that last bit, you applied a sensual undertone which he picked up on instantly, making his blush spread over his face and grow darker as he chuckled in amusement.
When you guys walked out the door, you noticed Eraserhead seemed really annoyed but tried to ignore him, looking up at the Voice Hero hopefully.
"Listen, I know you're both busy, but if you have just one more second to spare, I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if I could get your autograph..."
Looking away awkwardly, he made a pained expression. "Aw, man, I dunno, we are kinda in a hurry here and stuff..."
You felt your heart sinking when he startled you with another loud laugh. "Hahaha, gotcha! JK! Of course I will, I ain't gonna leave ya hangin' like that, no way, that ain't my STYYYYYYYYLLLE!"
Giddy with excitement, you let out a tiny squeal, quickly fishing out a small notebook and pen from your purse as he set the cups down. When you handed it to him, his fingers brushed yours again, making you bite tenderly at your bottom lip.
They were so warm and soft...
He had started to whistle a cheerful little tune as he spun the pen between his fingers before starting to write in your book, it took longer than you expected, clearly longer than Eraser expected, too.
"Say goodbye to the girl, Mic, it's time to keep moving!" he didn't yell, exactly, too lazy, but he had raised his voice since last.
"YEAH, YEAH, I HEARD YA!!! Gimme a sec, ALRIGHT?!" the volume of the blonde's reply actually made your eardrums flinch and quiver this time, but you smiled anyway as he defended you again.
"There ya go! And hey, just to spite my buddy over there, I wouldn't mind walkin' ya home ta make sure ya get there safe."
The blush came right back, clutching the book to your heart, you gave a weak smile. "No, no, it's okay, really...I took up too much of your time already, and I only live around the corner from here..."
Eyes closing momentarily while you gathered yourself, you took a deep breath before confessing. "...I cannot express how grateful I am for you...not just for saving me tonight, but also for your talk show, hearing your voice over the radio gives me strength and motivation every week...it means the world to me...thank you..."
Beckoning him by flexing a finger, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek when he leaned in curiously.
Eyes widening, his whole face became scarlet red and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "AW, YEAH!"
He jumped, pumping his fists in the air and then proceeded to shoot you with his finger guns while  winking again. "Listen, I dropped my digits on that piece'a paper ya got there, Shawty...hit me up sometime if ya wanna chill! I'm down for whatever!"
You were caught off guard by that and checked the page he signed for you, finally reading what he wrote down as he rambled on as background noise about how he wasn't a creep like those other guys and you could say no without worrying about him making a scene, he just had to shoot his shot, I mean you DID kiss ME first ya know...
"For my #1 fan, _______...Thanks for the coffee and stay outta trouble! ...and maybe call or shoot a txt, if your feelin' this funky vibe, too? Live loud, Pussy Cat ;) don't ever let anyone try an put the mute on ya! XOXOX PRESENT MIC!!!"
Followed by his phone number, and there were little hearts drawn around the page.
You were already blushing when he surprised you again by returning your gesture and swooping in to plant a kiss on your cheek this time.
Reaching up to touch the spot, you smiled up at him shyly. "I can't wait...please be safe out there..."
"You got it! SEE YA SOON!" The Pro nodded vigorously, giving an enthusiastic wave of goodbye before grabbing his and Eraserhead's drinks, practically bouncing with every step.
It made you giggle, but you were trying not to get your hopes up too much. For all you knew, he gave his number out to every girl that asked him for a signature.
"Are you happy now...?" Shouta grumbled, taking the cup being offered as he turned to resume patrolling. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HECK YEAH I AM! I'M ON CLOUD NINE RIGHT NOW, I JUST MET MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!!!"
You heard him very clearly, the blush traveling all the way down your neck this time, and you couldn't help another small giggle, your heart fluttering with happiness like the wings of the butterflies in your belly.
He just had that effect on you.
Glancing down at the notebook in your hand as you sipped your quickly melting frosty, you noticed in the bottom right corner was a little arrow, below which was written the word "flip".
You looked up again but the two Pro Heroes were already gone.
Curiously, you flipped over the page.
a. YES!!!!!
b. a
c. b
That smooth sonuvabitch had you blushing and giggling all night.
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Day 6:  “The Night Comes Down” from Queen
This is probably one of my least favorite ones, traditionally, and one I have listened to very few times in entirety.
First, though, the rough, raw guitar riffs with the cymbals is a really beautiful way to start this song. It sounds almost modern with the double time drums coming in behind it. I have to say, the intro is kinda lit. I might just be a convert to this song. 
Then the wah guitar sounds are really wild. BRIMI, my dear. You never disappoint. It has a sort of processional vibe to it.
Then, it flows into this kind of folksy rhythm with dear Freddie’s sweet soft high voice.
“Lucy was high and so was I” I dunno if it reminds me of the Beatles because of “Lucy in the Sky…” 
Freddie almost goes falsetto in this, but really, I think it’s just an example of his high notes that he was able to hit back then. 
“And it’s dark again…”
“Once I could laugh with everyone. Once I could see the good in me…” WOW, kinda deep. Let me guess, Brian wrote this one? Gotta love Brian’s melancholic, nostalgic lyrics. 
Overall, this is a definite hidden-gem and deep track that I would recommend to the casual Queen listener. 
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the-golden-ghost · 3 years
fic writer meme
Tagged by the esteemed and lovely @eldritch-elrics
Tagging: @3wisellamas, @seagoing-nerd, @gallifreytreeflower, @bookshop-cryptid, @skeleton-richard, @oceans-foundfamily , @chimicalbomb, and anyone else who wants to do it!
How many works do you have on AO3?
19 I think? It says 18 but one is still under ~anonymity~ until Friday and once it gets released it’ll be on there. It’s readable, it just doesn’t show up under my name yet.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
78,592 babey.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I’ve written for 6, but 2 of them are pretty much the same thing (TKLUTS/The Mysterious Island, and Richard III/Henry VI, Part 3)
The others are Lupin III and Undertale.
My Lupin fics are probably the most consistently popular. The TKLUTS fics are the vast majority (11/19!!) the Shakespeare fics were both written for ficathons based on Shakespeare’s histories, they did well for what they are, but they’re pretty different than most of my other fics. (I also have a ton of non-archived fics on my Shakespeare blog; mostly for Twelfth Night. Maybe someday I’ll polish those bad boys up.) The Undertale fic was purely a study in “can I even write for this fandom?!” the answer was a resounding no lmao
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Terrible Conflict (169 kudos) which was a collaborative fic about Nemo and Ned engaging in a sexual relationship. It’s unfinished but the parts that are up are about their tangled and messy feelings towards each other and it’s a good time
Measuring the Depths (73 kudos) it’s a cute fluffy fic about Pierre Aronnax and Captain Nemo flirting with each other. I think they take a nap together at some point idk I haven’t read it in a while lol. It’s just sort of soft and sweet, not much to it really! I had a couple of good jokes in there if I remember right.
Night’s Passage (60 kudos) this is literally the same thing as Measuring the Depths. Exactly the same, just shorter, and not as good. I’m not a one-trick pony, but people like what they like!
Hold Out Til Morning (54 kudos) This is a weird and angsty fic about Goemon getting shot and Jigen trying to keep him alive until help comes. I was actually surprised this one ended up getting so popular.
Off the Record (43 kudos) the Jigen/Zenigata fic I said I was going to write as a joke and boy did it end up delivering lol
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, I try to respond to all of them! I just feel like it’s polite. The only times I won’t are when I can’t think of anything to say or if I feel like the conversation has reached a natural end (or occasionally I just forget ^^; )
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Gonna have to say Discordance for this one, which used to be a favorite of mine but has fallen out of favor with me (pretty much for this exact reason). I mean I love to write angst but I feel like an angsty plot needs a lighter ending, and this one doesn’t have one so it’s just Emo For Emo’s Sake. Not good.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Unless you count the TKLUTS/Mysterious Island fic which isn’t really a crossover since the two were pseudo-sequels anyway, no. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really, at least not full-on hate, but I’ve gotten a couple backhanded compliments.
One was “I hate this character but the fic is good! :) “ Which... I know they probably meant that my writing was SO good it made them be able to stand the character, but... I dunno, the concept of them just hate-reading my fic kinda put me off. You do you, man, but don’t tell me about it.
The other was kinda like “that’s an interesting narrative choice considering [x that happened in canon]” which seemed like they were asserting that I didn’t know the source material or made a mistake. They may not have meant it that way but it came off kinda rude.
Do you write smut? if so what kind?
If smut means like a full-on porn fic then I’ve written one and I don’t think I did very well so I don’t intend to write any more.
If it just means a fic with sexual content then yes, I do write that. I don’t know what “kinds” there are lol. Just... your standard... lovemaking... scene?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so. I’m not sure anyone would steal my fics anyway, they garner  ~100 hits on average so if you’re stealing for the sake of popularity or fame mine aren’t the ones to swipe lol
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I did have someone ask if they could translate a fic into Chinese and I said yes but I don’t think they ever actually did it. ^^; 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep! A Terrible Conflict, referenced above. I really need to do more collabs, they’re good fun.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t know if I have an “all time favorite” as my tastes tend to change and grow. I’m pretty big on Nemo x Pierre from TKLUTS and have been for a while, and also am Vibing hardcore with the OT4(5?)/Polygang from Lupin III.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
There’s the ever-popular TKLUTS Sequel Thing which is a whole 3 years into construction and going completely nowhere...
The JiGoe Thing (unremarked on) which I may just hack to bits so it’s short and palatable and I can actually finish it...
And the Other ZeniJi Thing (which has rapidly devolved into a hellscape of the most bizarre circumstances and nonsense. I HOPE I can finish this. It’s funny as shit until the ending. But dear lord.)
There’s like 3 others but they’re just ideas and not WIPs. Yet.
What are your writing strengths?
Apparently I can Set A Scene with the best of them
What are your writing weaknesses?
Voice. I absolutely cannot get characters to sound like themselves. They always sound the same, which is the same voice as the narration, which is to say - my own voice.
I’m also not that great at plot, use too much Purple Prose where it’s unwarranted, tend to go ham on the weird metaphors in a corny way, don’t do enough research... You Name It, I’ve Committed It
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I can’t really do this due to being monolingual. When other people do it? It’s fine, although if the whole fic is in two languages I won’t be able to read it of course. But they can do what they want; I’m obviously not the audience for it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was Adventure Time but I learned early on that I am NOT the writer to be working in Adventure Time, dear god. I just couldn’t get it right.
The first I ever successfully wrote for was Twelfth Night.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
After the Nautilus. NO contest, I LOVE that bad boy. I think if someone asked for a single fic that’s indicative of me and how I write, that’s the one I’d show them.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Does anyone in the world remember Heroes of the Hueco Mundo Invasion – In Love!!, a short and very strange piece of fiction I wrote while high on bad antidepressants because @unohanadaydreams​ told me to? Anyway, I wrote another chapter. I wrote this ages ago and never posted it because I was considering cutting the joke about the bowling shirts in favor of actually having them go bowling eventually. I still haven’t decided, but the bit about the bowling shirts is too good to cut. Why did I write this??? Anyway, it is transcendentally stupid and every single line of it is extremely hilarious to me. I just made a joke about Renji playing the tambourine and remembered this existed, so here you go. Happy Saturday.
🎨   🐱   👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
“Are you seeing this?” Ichigo exclaimed.
Rukia sighed, cradling her phone between her shoulder and her ear. “Yeah.”
“First of all, since when does Soul Society have YouTube?”
“I don’t know why you keep calling it that, it’s called SoulTube, and how else would we watch cat videos and skateboard tricks?”
“Since when do you have skateboards? And also, what the junk, Chad and Ishida?”
Rukia sighed as Matsumoto narrated the highlights of Chad and Uryuu’s Shinigami Women’s Association-sponsored date.
“Chad and Uryuu decided to each plan half the date to surprise the other!” Matsumoto was trilling. “Tell me, Uryuu, what did Mr. Tall, Dark and Silent have in store for you?”
“Well, the Karakura Art Museum was doing a tribute to Leonora Carrington, who is apparently one of Chad’s favorite artists. He was clearly nervous about it. I mean, her works are a little avant garde, but he said that he wanted to share something about himself and that he felt I would understand. I was honestly really touched by that. I wasn’t exactly surprised that Chad is into magical realism, we all know that 100 Years of Solitude is his favorite book.”
“Do we?” Ichigo echoed. “Do we all know that, Ishida?”
The camera panned to Chad standing in front of a large painting in which some plague doctors appeared to be spray-painting a flamingo. There was close to a minute of silence, punctuated by a bit of zooming in and out, before Chad rumbled “This one is my favorite.”
“For the second half of the date, Uryuu took a bit of a different tack!” Matsumoto explained.
Uryuu was back on camera again. “I mean, I tried to think of things Chad likes. I’m kinda boring, and I felt bad for making him do this. I know I went for the really obvious thing.”
The video switched to the interior of a kitten cafe. Chad was covered in kittens. There were two on his head, one on each shoulder, and at least seven cradled in his massive arms. His face was just one massive grin. It cut over to Uryuu, a single, tiny kitten cradled in the crook of his arm, sipping at a cup of tea, gazing at Chad mistily.
“Awwwww,” Rukia murmured. It was the sixth time she had watched this. It was the sixth time she had involuntarily murmured ‘awwwww’ at this part.
“I am so mad at him,” Ichigo grouched. “I thought Ishida would screw this up royally. I mean, we all knew Chad would do a good job, but look at this! How am I supposed to take Inoue on a date after this?! Why did I agree to this?!”
“Because you were high on painkillers,” Rukia pointed out for the sixth time, as, on her computer screen, Chad and Uryuu fed each other bites of pastry. “What are you all nervous about anyway? Orihime is the kindest person in existence and she thinks the world of you. Aside from accidentally stabbing her-- which, sometimes you do accidentally stab people, so try not to-- there’s really no way to mess this up. Besides, technically, didn’t she ask you out?”
Ichigo let out a big huff, which Rukia assumed was at her, and not at Hisagi’s surreptitious, long-range zoom shot of Uryuu and Chad having a very chaste good-night peck on the lips.
“Askin’ a girl out is very hard, Rukia, and I’ve got this opportunity, and I don’t wanna blow it! I know that Orihime will like anything, and that’s why it’s so hard to figure out the thing that will actually really make her happy!”
“You. She wants to go on a date with you, dude.”
“I mean, would she be impressed if I wore a suit? Or would I just look like a mortician? Maybe she’s into morticians. Should I ask my dad if I can borrow his leather jacket? I mean, it’s super cool, but it’s also my dad’s, so it comes with terrible vibes.”
“She will like whatever you are wearing because she likes you. She has sent me no less than 18 text messages on this topic.”
“And Nanao and Hisagi definitely do not know how human money works, they gave us way too much. Do you think I should take her someplace really upscale? I feel like that’s a dangerous move on my part.”
“You could honestly just walk around with her. She likes you disgustingly much.”
“Is there some ancient disgraced shinigami sealed in a cave we could… y’know… loosen the bindings on…? Orihime loves sealin’ up an undead evil.”
“Dude, you just said this was a big opportunity for you, and b) that’s what we’re doing next week so I can get out of my date.”
Ichigo snorted. “C’mon, you have it so easy. I wish I could go on a date with Renji.”
“Fine. Let’s swap then, and you can.”
“Nooooooooo, because then Orihime would like you better than me, I don’t want that! And besides, that’s not really what I meant.”
“What did you mean?” Rukia asked, her voice dropping down into Sode no Shirayuki territory.
“You guys go on dates all the time, even if you don’t call it that. Keigo was really confused when he found out you two weren’t married.”
“Keigo gets confused by vending machines. And I just take Renji to noble crap because Brother says he is ‘an acceptable escort’ and he’s really good at being tall and making growly faces at gross people who would otherwise be hitting on me.”
“You take him to noble stuff? I didn’t know you took him to noble stuff.”
“I mean, we go drinking, too, but everyone goes drinking, that’s not a date.”
“Sure, drinking in a large group is not a date.”
“It is also not a date to go drinking with just one other person. Sometimes you want to hear what the other person has to say, you know, or you just want to offload about your day with someone who understands you really well!”
“To be honest, Rukia, I was specifically referring to the time we went to karaoke and you two sang ‘The Chain’ by Fleetwood Mac together and maybe also the time we went bowling and you guys had matching shirts, but now that I have further information, I think he might actually be your boyfriend.”
“I sound exactly like Stevie Nicks when I sing!” Rukia protested. “And Brother bought us those shirts. He has one, too.” She sucked her teeth for a moment. “I’m pretty sure if he were my boyfriend, that would have required us to kiss at some point.”
“Oh.” There was a long silence at the other end of the line. “D’you want to? Kiss him, I mean.”
Rukia scratched her head, and backed up to the part where Chad was covered in kittens again. “I dunno. Do you want to kiss Orihime?”
“I kinda do, Rukia. Have you met her?”
“Fair. You should wear a suit and also sunglasses. Wear a tie, but loosen it a bunch and maybe halfway through the date, take it off and stick it in your pocket. Bring flowers. Lounge against a doorway and occasionally stare off into the middle distance before you say something. She’ll flip her shit. I promise.”
“Thanks, Rukia! You’re the best!”
“I’m not,” Rukia grumbled, squinting at the screen, trying to figure out who had initiated the Chad - Uryuu kiss.
“Renji’s pretty hot. I don’t judge you for wanting to kiss him.”
“I-- !” Rukia protested, then closed her mouth. “Thanks, Ichigo.”
“This could be a big opportunity for you, too, y’know.”
“Maybe,” Rukia agreed, and started typing “eye makeup tutorial not look like clown” into the SoulTube search bar.
  🎶   🍨   💖
Renji frowned at the bill of damages in front of him. Apparently, Harribel was in charge of Hueco Mundo now, and she had discovered paperwork. He was supposed to confirm all of the things that he, personally, had destroyed. He didn’t think he should be charged for destroying Rudabone’s skeletons, since the guy just made more of them. Also, 73 Menos Grande seemed excessive. He wondered if Queen Harribel was trying to have one over on them.
“Lieutenant Abarai,” Captain Kuchiki intoned. “I have seen the SoulTube video.”
Renji jumped a foot in the air. “Aw, jeez, Captain, you almost gave me a heart attack!” he gasped. “The one where me and Rikichi do sweet skateboard jumps? Or the one where Hisagi sings ‘Ship to Wreck’ and I play backup on the tambourine?”
His captain glared at him. “The one where the ryouka boys go on a romantic outing."
“Oh,” Renji replied. “Captain, I know what you’re thinking.”
“Do you?” Byakuya intoned, his voice dripping with skepticism.
“And I think a cat cafe could really take off in Soul Society, it would be a great investment opportunity! You should move quick, though, while this video is still so popular.”
“What I was referring to, Abarai,” Byakuya growled, “is that you are scheduled to take my beloved sister on a similar such outing, no?”
“Oh,” Renji said again. “Yeah, I guess.”
“You guess?”
Renji hunched a little. “It’s not a big deal, sir. Hisagi’s really been blowing it all outta proportion. It’s just a cute thing for the newspaper, like the time they printed your recipe for Ambassador Seaweed taiyaki, remember that? You got dressed up in a little apron and hat and stuff and then you got all that fan mail?”
“This is not like that at all, Abarai,” Byakuya informed him. “I knew it would be thus. I shall call Lieutenant Hisagi and tell him to call this wretched exercise off immediately.”
“Uh… why, sir?” Renji asked, his eyes wide.
“You are not taking this seriously, Lieutenant. My sister is the most beautiful and charming woman in Soul Society, and I will not have her affections treated as a publicity stunt.”
“You underestimate me, sir!” Renji barked. “No one has more respect and sincere affection for your sister than me! I swear on my sword, I will show her A Real Good Time!”
Byakuya scrutinized his lieutenant. “You will select an activity that will be both surprising, yet enjoyable to her?”
“Yes, sir!”
“You will compliment her clothes and hairstyle, even if she insists on wearing those horrific Living World combat boots she owns?”
“For sure, sir!” Renji replied. He was a great fan of the combat boots.
“You will return her home by 9pm?”
“That’s a little early, sir, and also, there’s a nonlinear time gap between…”
Byakuya narrowed his eyes. Renji’s numerous Senbonzakura scars were starting to itch.
“No later than 8:45, sir.”
Byakuya nodded. “I am going to trust you on this, Lieutenant, but I shall be waiting up with ice cream and hot fudge, should you disappoint my sister.”
“I thought you didn’t like sweet things,” Renji frowned.
“I make allowances where my sister’s heart is at stake.”
“Well, I’m gonna do my best, sir, and I know her pretty well, so I don’t think you’ll need it.” It occurred to Renji that over the years, Byakuya had turned out to be a pretty decent brother, after all, but he didn’t think it would be particularly helpful to point that out. “Uh, sir?”
“Yes, Abarai?”
“You got any policies on good-night kisses?”
“If I am shown a particularly nice time, I allow myself to be kissed at the end of a date.”
Renji blinked. “I meant, uh, vis-a-vis Rukia.”
“Ah.” Byakuya contemplated this for a moment. “Obviously, your own preferences carry some weight, but my sister is quite a catch. If Rukia wishes to kiss you, I think you should let her.”
Renji nodded curtly. “Will do, sir!”
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noctisfishing · 4 years
Prince of Tennis (...and Flowers)
Day 3 - Hobbies
#noct writes taiora week 2020 [ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 ]
@taioraweek for more Taiora love! @noctisfishing for Taiora/Digimon writings and more. :)
Setting: Digimon Adventure tri. timeframe / Canon Divergent
Tags: Fluff, Romance
MinorCameo pairing: Mimato
Other Characters: Toshiko Takenouchi
Notes: I think we know more about Sora’s hobbies, and hopefully the silly title gives you a hint as to what this story is about.
I also wrote in small musical references from DigiDestined FM by @earlgreymon & @tangledupblue‘s digidestined-inspired playlists. I recommend you listen to them - there’s something for everyone! :D
On a late afternoon, Sora sat on a bench at the side of the school tennis court with a towel hanging over the top of her uniform for tennis practice. She was relaxed as she took intermittent sips from her water bottle as she waited for her mother to call the end of practice.
“Hey, look! it’s Sora!”
"Sora? You're here late."
Sora turned around to see Yamato and Mimi standing on the other side of the chain-linked fence.
“Hey, guys,” she said. “I was supposed to go home and prepare dinner. Taichi said that he wanted to come over and help, but…”
She turned around to face the tennis court again to see her mom on one side of the court shouting at the player on the other side - that player being Taichi, who was in his gym shorts and loose muscle shirt.
“...can’t prepare dinner if no one else is there to eat it.
“He’s that into it, huh?” Yamato asked.
Sora saw Taichi catch sight of Yamato, and he raised the tennis racket high above his head as a greeting.
“Taichi!” Sora’s mom yelled, making Taichi flinch and turn around to return to focus. 
Sora, Yamato, and Mimi laughed quietly in their corner.
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” Sora explained. “It wasn’t that hard of a transition for me from playing soccer.”
Sora wasn’t sure how it happened, but she tried to explain it to Yamato and Mimi in the best way that she could. One day, she and her boyfriend Taichi were talking about soccer and their individual hobbies; the next day, he was jogging alongside her at the start of her tennis practice with her mom coaching them for the day.
“So, he wants to try out all of the things that you like to do?” Mimi asked after her explanation. “That’s so cute!”
“Yeah. I’ve gotta admit - it’s been pretty funny to watch him try.”
Sora’s mom blew the whistle, and Taichi lowered his arms letting the tennis racket swing toward the ground. As he headed to where Sora sat, Yamato let out a snort of laughter, and Mimi gasped.
“You even got him to wear your visor,” he said. “I’m not going to let him live that down.”
“Be nice!” Sora warned, although she thought that seeing her white visor over Taichi’s big and fluffy brown hair was as funny as Yamato did. She stood up from the bench and held out Taichi’s towel and water bottle by the time he got to her.
“Aww, just for me?” Taichi asked her. “Aren’t you sweet?”
Sora smiled at him as they stood face-to-face. She had already had a chance to cool down a little from practice, but being close to him, she felt the heat emanating from him after he moved around the court. There was more that she wanted to say, but she knew that Yamato and Mimi were still standing on one side, watching intently; and although she was far away, her mother was staring them down.
“Listen,” Taichi added in a softer voice for only her to hear. “Tonight’s probably not a good night for me to come over. I’ll just walk home with Yamato.”
“Ha! Was Mom giving you bad vibes or something?”
Taichi chuckled nervously, but Sora frowned.
“Sora!” her Mom shouted.
“Alright then,” said Sora, letting the troubling thought rest for the night. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow? At ‘One OK Rock’?”
Part of their hobby swap was listening to each other’s music, which had been a ‘hit or miss’ depending on the music they shared with each other. 
Taichi laughed at her reference of his favorite band. “I’ll get you to listen to the acoustic versions of their music. I think you might like those better. You liked OneRepublic, right?”
“I did. I’m surprised you even liked Norah Jones and Dido.”
“Why wouldn’t I? They remind me of you.”
Sora went in for a tight hug, and she felt Taichi’s arms around her back as he gave her a squeeze. She loved that he gave her the best hugs.
Then silence fell between the two of them when they pulled apart. They stared at each other, but Sora broke the gaze first, feeling herself blush. She felt too self-conscious with other people watching them, especially her mother.
“Love the new look,” Sora heard Yamato tease as she walked away. 
Taichi was over at the Takenouchi residence the next afternoon, sitting next to Sora on the floor in front of a flat, round container, with flowers and branches neatly laid out on either side. 
Sora sat on her knees while Taichi sat with his legs crossed to watch her. She had given him half an hour of attempting ikebana with her guidance until she grew impatient from bickering with him over how he was handling the pieces. As many times as she told him to be gentle, he still ended up with a few bandages around his fingers.
Silence had fallen between them as she began to concentrate on choosing the right long branch from the small stack she and her mother had picked out earlier that morning. After running her hand on each one and observing each branching having a variation of sprouted leaves, she chose the one that she felt was right, and gently extended its branches before setting it in the container.
“You make this look so easy, Sora,” Taichi quipped.
“It’s not as easy as it looks,” she fretted. “I’ve been practicing this for a few years now, and I still don’t feel like I’m getting it right.”
“But it’s something you like doing, right?”
Sora smiled. “I do now. I used to hate it, but that was before I resolved things with my mom. Now I like it because I get to do it with her.”
It was likely because her mom was out shopping that Taichi said it so freely:
“I don’t think your mom likes me.”
But Sora expected him to say that and knew he had been ready to vent about it, so she continued to place another leafy branch. “What makes you say that?”
“Did you see how harsh she was with me at tennis yesterday? I’ve never had a coach so strict.”
“You’ve probably never had to deal with your girlfriend’s mother as a coach, either.”
“It’s like she doesn’t approve of me, or something.”
“Now, that’s ridiculous.” Sora had to laugh while she turned to choose the bloomed flowers. “Mom’s just strict when she teaches; that’s why it seems like she might be hard on you.”
She placed the flowers in between the branches in the container, but her face fell when she looked at the arrangement so far.
“She was really hard on me at first. That’s why I pushed myself to train harder. But, I’ve learned that she just wanted me to do well, so I know where she’s coming from. I think that goes for you, too, Taichi.”
Turning her head to Taichi, she gave him a smile in hopes to reassure him.
“She could tell you were serious about tennis,” she added. “If you weren’t, she would’ve refused to help you.”
“That makes sense.” Taichi smiled back at her, and it brightened her own smile knowing that she made him feel better.
After a few minutes of silence, Sora had let go of the last stem and sat back from her flower display. The arrangement still didn’t feel like her best work. She wondered if the branches needed to be spread out more or be rearranged, and what her mother would think of it when she returned home.
“Wow…” Taichi leaned closer towards her to look. “You really do have a talent for this, Sora.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, this looks awesome!”
She tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear which might have looked red from the heat on her face. “Thanks, Taichi.”
“Say, since I obviously suck at this, maybe you should teach me another hobby instead.”
She shot a look at him. “Like what?”
“I dunno. Sewing?”
Taichi grimaced. “That was quick.”
“You want to try to handle a needle when you don’t have the patience to handle the thorns on these branches? You’re only going to suffer with more pricks on your fingers.”
“Really, Sora? I’ve gotten bruises and broken some bones playing soccer, and you’re worried about my hands?”
She adjusted her sitting position to face him as she kneeled, and she held his hands in hers while she looked over the bandages on his fingers.
“You really need to be more careful, Taichi.”
Taichi placed his rough hand over hers with his other one underneath, causing Sora to hold her breath.
“You don’t have to worry about me so much. You know that, right?”
Her eyes meeting his made Sora lose what she meant to say next. He had a soft smile on his lips, but he stared at her with the same sense of waiting as he had the late afternoon before.
She couldn’t wait either. Slowly, she leaned forward, and noticed that he was doing the same toward her. They had only kissed each other on the cheek twice, both times out of public view. Sora was always self-conscious when everyone else was watching.
But in that moment, it was just the two of them, and they inched closer together, and Sora anticipated finally closing that gap…
The noise against the front door caused both of their heads to turn toward it.
“Oh…” Sora said with an exhale, crestfallen by the interruption. With her face flushed and her heart rapidly beating, she returned to her kneeling position before the ikebana, and she saw Taichi from the corner of her eyes return to his crossed legs, blushing all the same.
“I’m home!” Sora’s mom called.
“Welcome back,” Sora replied. “How was shopping?”
“I’ve bought some more vegetables for the week. I’ve got a great idea for dinner tonight. You’re welcome to join us for dinner, Taichi, if you don’t have plans.”
“I’ll be happy to,” Taichi said, and Sora noticed that he looked especially cheerful. “I guess I can help you and Sora like I was meant to yesterday.”
“Ah, yes. Thanks to having us work on your poor form.”
“Y-yeah…” Taichi’s face showed a hint of horror.
“You’ve got the fancy footwork, Taichi, but it’s your stances when you swing the racket that needs more work.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Mom, please go easy on him,” Sora chimed in, feeling pity for Taichi. “He’s just starting out.”
But as her mom set the bags of vegetables on the counter, she paused as she looked in Sora’s direction.
“Did you do that, Sora?” she asked, staring curiously.
“Oh…” Sora turned to her flower arrangement. “I did. I was showing Taichi how to do it.”
“Well, you showed him well, dear. Just beautiful.”
Sora beamed at her mother’s compliment. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Ah! I think I’ll change out of these clothes after being out for most of the day. I’ll be back to start preparing dinner.”
Sora looked at her own flower display again, feeling silly for doubting herself. She reached over to brush her finger over a leaf on one of the branches when Taichi called her name and lightly nudged her arm with his elbow.
“Hmm?” She looked to meet his eyes again as he smiled at her.
“I agree with what she said, Sora. ‘Just beautiful’.”
Sora knew that it was more than the flowers Taichi was talking about.
When Sora leaned forward this time, she finally kissed his lips. She could tell that she startled him, and in a short moment of panic she realized her hands were at her sides and she didn’t know where to move them.
But then he pushed against her slightly. Her hands made their way to either side of his cheeks, and she felt his hand on the side of her neck. She took in this new feeling of his lips against hers as they held each other, and she wanted to explore this even more.
“Sora,” her mom called suddenly, causing both her and Taichi to jump and break their kiss.
“Y-yes, Mom?!” Sora called back in a tone higher than normal. She and Taichi had quickly jumped a few feet apart from each other, although her mom had yet to reappear.
“Can you and Taichi start chopping up the onions and the leeks?”
Sora stood up first, then she helped Taichi up as he shook his legs from being numb. Not wanting to risk another interruption, Sora and Taichi laughed together as they held each others’ hands before heading toward the kitchen. He offered to slice the onions which she accepted, knowing that unlike with her other hobbies, Sora could trust him to do at least that.
“Oops,” Taichi said as he let an onion drop and roll on the kitchen floor.
Trivia: The band “One OK Rock” got their name as a play on the time they used to have band rehearsals. :P
One OK Rock and Norah Jones are included on @earlgreymon‘s playlists, while OneRepublic and Dido are included on @tangledupblue‘s playlists. :)
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campbellatoner · 3 years
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Loud banging on the front door was not something Cody wanted to wake up to in the middle of the night. Despite him being a heavy sleeper, it startled him awake, and even through the heavy thunderstorm that roared outside he could hear the bangs clear as day.
His newfound senses were something he was still getting used to. He struggled to wrap his head around the idea of being a dhampir (or, at least, part dhampir?), and although he didn’t seem to have any powers, he was much easier to wake nowadays. It kept him on edge, being able to hear things from far, far away.
Cody made sure to let his wife know he’d go investigate, god knows Octavia didn’t need any stress in her current state, and if anything happened to her or their unborn child, he’d never be able to forgive himself.
He grabbed his cellphone off of his nightstand and made his way out of the bedroom. Through the halls he could hear the banging grow louder and louder, but it seems like now whoever was outside figured out they had a doorbell.
He held back the urge to yell out “One moment!”, he needed to stay as quiet as he could so he could grab some sort of weapon to defend himself and his family. 
Luna crept close behind him, like the good girl she is. She whispered for her to go back to Octavia, somebody needed to protect her and Parker.
Sprinting to the kitchen as quietly as he could, he reached for a knife, the biggest one he could find, God forbid he had to use it. His heart raced just thinking about doing something that would wind him back into jail.
He promised Octavia he’d be there for her and his family, and by God, he was going to keep his fucking word.
Finally, making it to the foyer, he took a deep breath before peeking out of the window, ready to attack whoever was outside, but the familiar sight made him drop the weapon...
He kicked the knife aside and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he opened the front door.
“Luke?” He asked. “What the hell are you doing here at 4 in the morning... And who’s kid is that?”
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“I... I-I think she’s mine,” Luke said, stammering.
The man looked shaken up and tired. He was visibly shivering as he held the sobbing newborn close to him. He was soaking wet, and his car was parked sloppily in the driveway. From the looks of it, he took out a few of the rose bushes. Octavia’s gonna be pissed.
“Luke...” Cody said, going quiet for a moment as he took in the sight. “When did this happen? How did this happen?”
“I, uh... Sh-shit, man, I don’t even kno-ow...”
The man was basically hyperventilating at this point, then realization hit Cody like a fucking bus.
Luke’s afraid of thunder. He’s afraid of thunder and has a baby.
“Fuck, right, come on in, dude,” Cody offered, opening up the door to let him in.
Brewing a pot of coffee in the kitchen, Cody paced back and forth as Luke got himself and the child dried off in a towel he lended them. He had the fireplace going, hoping it’d warm them up and keep his focus off of the storm for a moment. 
Luke tried shushing and bouncing the sobbing child, to keep her quiet, to do something. He looked absolutely panicked, and Cody could only really stand back for the moment.
At this point, he needed to put his focus on settling his friend down before he could even try and get answers from the man. He was normally so laid back, so relaxed, he had no thoughts on anything, really. But now? He was so tense, his eyes were so wide they looked like they’d pop out. He was so on edge, and yet, he looked so exhausted.
Pouring himself and Luke a couple of mugs of coffee, he came out to the livingroom. “Here, you look like you need this”
“Th-thanks, man,” Luke said as he reached for the mug with one hand. His other was holding onto the swaddled baby, and Cody couldn’t help but stare.
He bit down on his tongue and held back the thousands of questions that ran through his head, his fingertips lightly drummed on the sides of the mug as he gulped down as much coffee as he could. He needed to wake up, this all felt like a dream.
Luke looked so nerve-wracked, it was unnatural. Cody felt awful just looking at him, all he wanted to do at that moment was to ask what was wrong and to just make everything all better so he could rest easy, but... This wasn’t something he could just fix.
Luke gulped the last of his coffee, he was on his third cup by now. Cody had just finished his fourth, and he was tempted to brew another pot.
Luke let out a shakey sigh, looking down at the child who had finally settled down after he bounced her for what felt like an eternity. She slept silently in her swaddle, aside from the occasional sniffle that sent Luke on edge. He looked absolutely terrified to even think of putting the child down, so Cody held out his arms to take a spin.
Luke’s focus darted between Cody and the newborn for a short moment before he gulped and handed the child over.
“Okay,” Cody started quietly, “how did this happen? Where did you find her and when?”
“I-I found her a few hours ago,” he admitted. “She was at the frontdoor of my apartment, all swaddled up in a carseat”
Cody raised a brow, “And you said she’s yours?”
Luke nodded, handing him a note.
“Dear Luke,
I’m sorry I have to just drop this on you, but I can’t take care of this child. I wasn’t really ready for anything more than a one night stand, let alone being a mother. If you even remember me, please don’t try and contact me. Leave her at a firestation or whatever if you can’t take care of her, but she IS your daughter.
She was born April 7th, 6.3lbs, 17 1/2 inches. She reminds me so much of you, it kind of hurts. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of her when I found out I was pregnant, because part of me feels like WE could work, but I feel like -I- don’t work...
I wish you and her well, and maybe one day I’ll change my mind and find you two again, but for now, I need to discover myself before I discover motherhood.
Cody’s brows stitched together reading the note. “So she just... Dumped this kid on you?”
He nodded again, his leg bouncing.
Cody looked down at the newborn. ‘A’ was right, she did look a bit like her father, but he could tell she had a lot of her mother in her, too. Soft black hair, mono lidded eyes, a flat nose. But her face in general had the Luke-y vibe she wrote about.
“Do you intend on keeping her?” Cody asked.
“I... I-I don’t know... I really really don’t know...” He said, his voice was aching.
Cody’s expression fell. “H-hey, man, c’mon... You’ll be okay, don’t worry”
Luke’s head fell into his hand, and his back sunk as he tried to keep himself together, but the strings holding him up snapped and he just fell apart right in front of Cody.
“M-Man! I-I haven’t even seen her mom in forever! We went out once in July, and n-now I got a kid out of it! I can barely take care of myself, h-how do I take care of a baby, Dakota?”
Cody rushed over to him, using his free arm to put around Luke as his occupied one bounced the child.
Cody pat his back, and Luke hicced into his hands.
“Hey, man, you’re gonna be okay. Just breathe for me, okay?” Cody requested.
Luke nodded shakily, and he tried his best to take deep breaths as Cody guided him.
“You really think I could be a dad?” Luke asked, holding the baby once again.
“Well... I think you should definitely go get her DNA tested, first. If babymama wants to put child support on you, make sure it’s actually your kid. Don’t trust looks alone, Luke”
“Y-Yeah, you’re right...”
“And were you using protection, do you remember? Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt to get tested for STDs”
“Don’t you think I’d know if I’d gotten one by now? It’s been, like, 9 months, dude”
Cody smiled lightly when he called him dude, the real Luke was shining through.
“You never know. Besides, it’s been 9 months and you just found out about this kid tonight. No signs are clear from the begining, play it safe”
“Y-yeah, alright,” Luke admitted defeat, scratching behind his ear. “You think I should move back here, then?”
Cody mentally slapped himself, “Right, yeah, you live out of town. Out of state, for that matter!”
“Y-yeah... I panicked and just drove here as fast as I legally could when I finished reading the note... I didn’t know where else to go, and I figured since your kid’s gonna be here soon, I’d just.... Come here...”
Cody sat back, “Yeah, he is... God, I thought I’d be the first out of the Mathletes to be a father. Son of a bitch, it looks like you might’ve beaten me to it”
Luke laughed into his fist, and the child wound up waking up. Luke panicked, and Cody scootched back in to help.
“Baby’s kinda startle easily, you don’t wanna disturb them while they’re sleeping. But she might be hungry or need her diaper changed, have you done any of that at all?”
“N-No...” Luke admitted.
“...Did babymama leave anything for you? Any diapers? Any formula or breast milk, by chance?”
“Uh, no, no I don’t think so”
Cody held back a cuss as he stood up. “A-Alright, luckily I stocked up on stuff for Parker. We’ve got diapers of all sizes in his nursery, and I’ve already bought some formula to have on hand. Let’s go get her cleaned up first, alright?”
Luke nodded and slowly stood up, following Cody upstairs.
“So, you got any names in mind?” Cody asked.
“Um, well, I kinda like Mary-Jane-”
“No.” Cody stated dryly.
“What, why not?” Luke asked.
“Simple. Your last name is Kush. I’m not letting you name your kid Weed Weed.”
“...Well, if you ask me, Weed Weed is an awesome name”
“That kid’s gonna be made fun of constantly, dude. You’re setting her up for bullying at this point”
“Oh fuck- Good point”
“Feel free to take your time thinking on it, it took me and Octavia a while to figure out Parker’s name,” he stated.
“I dunno, man... Now I’m thinking Ramona”
“Oh, that’s pretty!” Cody noted.
“Yeah, it is! So was the character, haha”
Cody’s expression dropped. “Which character, Lucas?”
“Ramona Flowers,” he stated.
Cody rolled his eyes. “Ramona Flowers, Ramona Kush. How fun,”
“C’mon, man. It’s cool, just like she’ll be! Now I just gotta focus on your middle name!”
Cody hid a smile from him, he couldn’t deny, it was cute hearing him say that.
Cody opened up Parker’s Nursery, reaching over for his closet which was full of little outfits and supplies. Cody reached for a handfull of newborn diapers and a onesie from the rack.
“If you don’t mind dressing your Ramona up a little gothic, this should help keep her warm. Have you ever changed a diaper before?”
“Um, n-no...”
“Cool, pay attention, then. This’ll be your first of many.”
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leporellian · 5 years
For the production ask: Eugene Onegin, Rigoletto, Zauberflöte?
aight this is late but I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to do one or all three so I'll do the magic flute because I have so many CONCEPTS and I'll probably do rigoletto in a followup post
first of all, the magic flute. honestly I'd probably throw the libretto out the window for a good portion of it, which I realize is not seen as a Good Look but WHEN has the magic flute EVER been a good look. so anyway. changes I'd make-
1. Sarastro and the Queen are fierce political enemies. Maybe I set it up as it is in my webcomic where Sarastro is the King the Queen dethroned, I don’t know. Basically, they’re two separate political parties- the Queen has a retrofuturisticy zeerust getup (you ever seen the movie Brazil? That) and her whole thing is that she has these grand plans for the world but they’re too grand to ever actually be carried out, and it becomes insidious in its flaws. Sarastro meanwhile is the opposite. Everything with him is ancient looking but also kind of decrepit, like- sure it’s sturdy still, but barely. He’s too much of a hardline traditionalist to ever get things done, and it’s kind of implied that the Speaker, who’s slightly more updated but still a hardline traditionalist, is doing most of the work for him by this point. Sarastro is basically King Filippo from Don Carlo but more conservative. Anyway, the closest these two have ever been is... maybe friends in their youth? But that’s it. The whole idea they were a romantic Thing ever is out the window, Pamina and Sarastro are in no way related
2. Monostatos I’d change entirely. He’s staying, but I’ll probably completely change him around. Maybe make him a shapeshifter like I do in my comic but idk how that would work on a stage? He kinda hates both Sarastro and the Queen because neither actually cares for him. His entire goal is to figure out how to insert himself into the throne that the Queen and Sarastro are fighting for, because he basically just wants to take his revenge out on everyone not caring about him by completely changing everything- which sounds somewhat noble at first, if misguided, but soon it becomes really obvious that it’s more like a “THEN they’ll be sorry!” type of making things miserable for absolutely everyone. His whole thing with Pamina is changed, too- he wants her because she’s the only known heir to the throne (...UNTIL!) and he figures through her, he could much more easily get the power he wants. He’s something like... Beetlejuice-meets-Starscream-meets-Darkstripe. He’s sympathetic? But in a really weird twisted way, and the audience kind of wishes he got a better start in life so he could be a hero- but alas.
3. GIVE PAPAGENA SOMETHING TO DO GOD DAMMIT. I’m thinking maybe she and Papageno were already A Thing prior to the opera but got separated somehow, and Papageno thinks she’s dead. ALSO I'm thinking... give her parallels to Monostatos. Make them the same sort of Being. Papagena is everything Monostatos could have been- in spite of the same sort of backlash Papagena receives, she chooses to be kind, where Monostatos chooses to be vengeful. Also Papagena said trans rights
4. Give Pamina more of a character arc instead of the whole ‘oh no I'm gonna kill myself because Tamino doesn’t love me :(’, we already have a suicide scene in this goddamned opera. Maybe she kills like, one of Sarastro’s council members or something. I dunno. Hitman Pamina WHEN
5. Tamino. First of all, he has a personality, someone please use it. He’s impulsive, stubborn, and very easily manipulated by anyone claiming to be any kind of pseudo-parental figure. He longs to belong and to be loved, but he always overcompensates for it, but often in his stubbornness and overzealous nature he drives them away. (I’m not saying Mozart wrote a bit of himself into Tamino, but does that sounds a little familiar?) Time for my HOTTEST ASS TAKE: Tamino should be Sarastro’s long lost son. Think about it. Imagine when Papageno finds Pamina she offhandedly mentions “Sarastro wants me to be his heir, because I’m the only heir to either throne- apparently his children died years ago”, but not much is made of it. The Speaker instantly recognizes Tamino, which is why she (I’m making the Speaker here a female) talks to him as if she knows him. When Tamino and Sarastro meet it’s a hell of a reunion... And then, just as the Queen tries to use her daughter to kill the other side in a political gambit, Sarastro tries to make his son into his carbon copy by putting him through the trials. It’s a direct parallel- ultimately, the older generation only wants one thing from the newer: To uphold their political machinations. In fact, the reason the Queen chose Tamino in the first place was because she realized he was a missing heir, and realized if she could brainwash him first not only would it solidify her chance of winning over Sarastro by haring both heirs apparent on her side, but also it would twist the knife in Sarastro to see his own son against him. And the scary thing, for a second, is that it works...
6. Tamino and Pamina end up failing Sarastro’s trials. Tamino was always too stubborn to fully carry out his father’s wishes, Pamina ends up being caught for working with the Queen or something. They’re both exiled from Sarastro’s grounds, and then...
7. Sarastro and the Queen mutually kill each other. One can’t exist without the other- like when @lizamezzo said they were the Mystic and Skeksis to each other they absolutely hit it on the head, that’s their whole dynamic except they’re both more morally gray. They lived fighting each other’s every calculation, they die fighting each other’s every calculation. There is no winner.
8. Tamino and Pamina come back to everything to see it all in a wreck, now that both leaders are gone. They realize they have to inherit the mantle. And they decide to do so, both ruling as one, and with them the Sun and Moon finally unite as one and finally peace returns. They balance each other out and work together, and overall things are much better than they were at the beginning.
Anyway, costumes. As previously said, the Queen has a retrofuturism Look while Sarastro looks ancient. Sarastro also has only one eye as a nod to the opera’s Masonic roots. Papageno is decked out in green feathers because god dammit that’s the only way I can imagine him, basically I’m just stealing his costume from the Everding production. Tamino is decked out in golden, sunny hues, hinting at his relation to Sarastro, Pamina is decked out in much the same retrofuturism of her mother but eventually changes into a more neutral plain indigo dress with starlike spots- still a reflection of her mother, but far more functional. The Three Ladies and Sarastro’s Council dress in opposites of each other- antiparallelism as its finest. Papagena... idk I want her to be a different color of Papageno, but she too has feathers. (Also fuck productions that sexualize Papagena, that just has BAD vibes.) Monostatos is spiky and... probably wears many costumes because of his ever shifting alliance, but his main colors are a very garish black and yellow. The Speaker wears a more subdued version of Sarastro’s garb.
Anyway go read @ensemblecomic maayyybe I use some of these ideas over there
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yellow-beacon · 5 years
Sorry not sorry
First of all, and I don’t know where to start so this will be less of a reaction and more just rambling, and literally no one asked for this but I’m writing it anyways.
Ateez DO NOT DISAPPOINT!!!! Literally every song on this album is a whole bop. I’ve been listening to it on repeat since it was released and even after the first initial,  “I-love-every-song-because-I’ve-been-looking-forward-to-this-for-so-long” in love feelings had settled, I genuinely love every song. JUST OMG I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH BUT THIS GROUP IS CELEBRATING THEIR. FIRST. YEAR NOW IN OCTOBER!!!!! The production value is so high it’s insane!! and this goes back to the previous three mini albums, like maybe it’s just me but I can literally put every song back to back and listen through their entire discography without feeling just an “eeh, maybe I should skip this one” and that’s crazy.
So, a bit more about the individual songs,
1, End of The Beginning: OMG this will resonate within you, wherever you live on this planet and don’t try to convince me of anything else. Couldn’t have started out better, got chills the first time I heard it. From the chanting to the way it sounds like they’re ready to go to war, to the transition into wonderland.
2, WONDERLAND: This is the title track if I’ve ever heard one, strong beginning, I’m hella biased but I’m really happy that Joong is the one who sets the bar for the whole song. Not even kidding, I UNIRONICALLY DAB THROUGHOUT THIS ENTIRE SONG. it’s just one of those songs that you can’t listen to without having the need to move whether you just wiggle your shoulders a little or walk to the beat of the song or move your entire body. Yunho and Seonghwa are really shining through with both strong vocals and overall presence through the entire song.
3, Dazzling Light: OK OK OK, my favorite on the album. The drum beat, their voices, the lyrics, the way that Joong and Mings is rapping after around 2:20 to 2:40 and then the way the song just drops afterwards, and Jonho’s long fucking “Oh, tell me who you, who am I” and I’m just gone, I’m acsending into the heavens, just… ah, there’s something about this song that just makes me want to walk down barefoot on a beach with the wind howling in my ears
4, MIST: Not gonna lie and (god, I’m gonna get so much hate for this, but it’s only MY opinion, ok) the beginning, instrumentally low-key resembled Jimin’s (BTS, obv) ‘Serendipity’. I think that they use the same kind of melancholy background noises (I don’t know anything about music or music production but you know what I mean right? The light, drip-drop-y kinda sound. Whatever, overall, the song is a slow bop. Vocal line is just AMAZING. The harmonization, the way their voices blend, and let me just tell you; This is Wooyoung’s song, boi did such a good job and I’m so happy he got the recognition he deserves (next up is Yeosang, am I right?? *sad yeehaw*) Joong made me cry, like just seriously listen to his rapping with lyrics and try not to feel emotion because it’s god damn impossible. This is the song I’m gonna be listening to at 2am when I can’t sleep.
5, Precious (Overture) Bruuuuuh, freaking chills. The beat, the way the song seems to change like every 15th second, their voices, Mings rapping, the fucking drop with the windpipes? The “My precious, precious” the slight but noticeable change in the lyrics to ‘treasure’ the deep humming at the end. Phenomenal.
6, WIN: The way this song goes from a sort of tropical to a heavy bass drop with the biggest “fuck you” is a whole mood.  I dunno, has a kinda pirate-y vibe. The way the beat keeps on changing really gives it a funny, fresh feeling and the “We don’t know what’s next but we know who’s next” is just the line of the century. A nice bop that I totally like, but it’s not my favorite on the album.
7, If Without You: Such a sweet song, honestly. I just sway to the beat to it. A song to sing along with and I really think that they had a lot of fun making it since there is a lot of background harmonization and added sounds here and there, especially in the end with all the hilarious ‘whoas’, ‘aahs’ and ‘ooohs’ A funky song with nice vocals.
8, THANK U: BOI I CRIED!! D: Honestly Mingi is shining through so much with this song and it just felt so good to hear that because even though Joong is my bias, he has gotten a lot of lines in previous songs and I’m just happy to see that the line distribution between the two of them has evened out a bit better. The way it sorta turns into a sentimental rock ballad as soon as the chorus hits though? My 2009 emo heart is singing. I think it sorta has ‘Promise’ (Ep 2. Zero To One) sorta like “you and I” vibes and I’m here for it, I really like that, a powerful, soft bop, very nice.
9, Sunrise: This is the most uplifting song of the century, but just the fact that’s about their trainee days and that Joong was crying when he wrote it makes me all emotional :’( Everything is on point, the rapping, the vocal line, the instrumentals, the way that the pre-chorus has this sorta “through-a-phone-call” add-on that makes it seem like the members has called you and just wants you to keep pushing forward. There is this constant, boom-clap-boom-clap beat throughout the whole song that just makes me sure that it’s gonna be amazing live with thousands upon thousands of Atiny’s clapping their hands. Amazing rapping, amazing vocals. The bridge is just fantastic. A beautiful song, A+. Outstanding job with the lyrics, Joong. 
10, WITH U: A Ballad for Atiny, I’m not crying, you are. Has this sort of crinkling add on in the background that reminds me of rain. The piano instrumentals and the boom-clap-boom-clap that is a familiar friend by now makes their appearance. The line distribution is sorta good, the way that San breathes in before starting off, what I think is, the pre-chorus is just wonderful and then the way that Yeosang ties the knot at the end of the song is just A+. I honestly love this song, it’s just one of those ones you listen to when you feel kinda down and you need a little something to cheer you on. 
11, Beginning of The End: OMG, first off, the jungle atmosphere with noises of fire crackling and the music just so flawlessly rolling in like waves is amazing. It’s unexpected, with instruments I never expected (like what is that sound at around 0:34, an electric guitar?) The “open your eyes” It really feels like The End of an Era (™) and wow what a song to finish of the adventure on. Feels like a track from an epic movie, the end credits are rolling and the ship sails off in the distance. Perfect.
All and all, I think that the boys did a wonderful job with this album and I will continue listening to it until my ears falls off. Please share if you have any different thoughts than I had, much love ♥
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halfusek · 6 years
With a sort of analysis/shitposting on my side? Yea.
Chapter 1
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There is like two walls with these, that’s a lot. Is he... aware from the beginning now? I mean someone’s crossing this and Henry is implied to be leaving these messages so...?
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Choose your fighter.
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Ok wow harsh.  Haven’t you seen all these cool AUs in his house?
Also can I just point out how... Joey... literally... drew... the Studio...
Oh, my bad.
He drew STUDIOS. Because the damn thing keeps happening over and over again.
Oh fuck if that’s the case then that is clever. I made puns about him drawing the studio before, wish I did something with it before Chapter 5 dropped, that would be hilarious to look back at fvdfjkvnfkj
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That’s just depressing. But like... yeah...
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Wow Henry you must be a proud mom now
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Hey remember when DAGames played Chapter 4 and was interrupting Alice Angel’s monologue by telling her to stop watch him poop
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It spells “There never was a choice.” (never underlined)
Those messages are either hilarious or straight up depressing.
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It’s... kinda sweet how Henry from the past (pasts) helps his future self (selfs). And encourages.
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I’m pretty sure she’s got many hearts in her stock.
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Henry what the fuck
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The falling human made out of the two Ls, the Y and the splatters above it-
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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He is not the creator of the cartoons. He is the creator OF THIS WHOLE FUCKING STUDIO AND EVERYONE IN IT. Like it’s maybe a sort of obvious thought but when you let it sink in... damn
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Rest of the chapters under the cut because it’s really long
Chapter 2
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Do you remember that? Or only slightly? Oh man. “I should have warned him” thoughts and then you get a pissed off boy in Chapter 5.
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Ok. How. How did you write anything there. When. The only time he’s aware would be right after Sammy hits him with the dustpan. So is he like fainting and writing it? So he wouldn’t be able to write anything else like SAMMY IS GOING TO KNOCK YOU OUT WITH A FUCKING DUST PAN because yeah he’s passing out so it’s just... OUCH! Also to confirm this he is facing the way he’s facing when he’s on the floor. God that’s both shitposty and depressing. Nice.
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Henry don’t be a dick
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So you do sing 👀
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I wonder how Henry figured out walking backwards to not trigger the Demon here and write this specific message. Also is Joey behind those closed doors because there’s the whistling.
Is he cooking
Chapter 3
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Oh, hi.
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Excuse me what
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Henry is a Jacksepticeye fan confirmed
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Joey is a man of ideas... and only ideas.
Which is why he created a studio, an OC based on a person he has a one sided crush on (me) from who he stole and claimed their OC as his, also made that stolen OC a thing and then made both of the OCs fight in an infinite loop in the massive studio which is behind his kitchen.
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This both has a literal meaning but is also like a deeper general thought Henry do you want Joey to create a therapist OC you seem to have some problems
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Why do these coffins hurt so much
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Who are you asking Henry because Alice sure won’t fucking read that And why won’t you just write it with regular ink why you gotta do it like this
Why does he keep this thing secret? Did he make it? Probably since he’s the one leaving the messages Hmm
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I fucking wheezed.
But also imagine Alice just giving her speech and Henry writing something on the wall with his finger Unless he doesn’t write that in a literal sense but like... spiritually Huh
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He’s so fucking gay I swear to fucking gods.
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Let’s hop on the existential crisis train, choo, choo.
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How can you be kind to people who try to murder you
But this. This. Is such a good fucking work/life thought like damn. I love this game for those.
But are those just some thoughts Henry wanted to get out of his head or does it have something to do with the game because I’m kinda getting pacifist/neutral/genocide route vibes from this. But it it’s not the case it’s still pretty neat, we do meet them, we just don’t have the choice to treat them in some way most of the times.
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It’s on level 14 and damn you game damn you yet again. I guess it can also be applied to that moment when The Projectionist is reaching out for Henry who is hidden in the Miracle Station? Like we don’t know what to expect of him because he had that small moment of realisation of... something. And he is also one of Henry’s “old friends”.
Is Is Ink Demon killing The Projectionist a symbol of Joey’s jealousness like Norman: *reaching out in curiosity, maybe to help* Joey: >:( my fren
Chapter 4
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Thanks. Roll credits. So Chapter 4 is intentionally pointless in the terms of Henry trying to save Boris. THAT’S FUCKING SAD STOP IT
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So Henry is catching up. Joey does regret all that shit he did. I wonder how exactly does it tie here, with Bertie. Maybe that theory I had about Bendy Land being Hell for Bendy? :0c I don’t really think so but that’s a thought.
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I’m losing my shit.
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Okay that seems like another woke thought.
Henry can’t change not being able to save Boris.
Joey can’t change all of his mistakes. But Joey is the one making it happen over and over again so it might be slightly pointed at him?
Like, pal. Stop dwelling on your mistakes. Move on. Let me the fuck out.
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This game is really heavy with this problem:
Move towards your goal, hope, believe, dream, don’t give up. Well actually do if it’s like super hard.
????? This is such a deep uuhhh analysis of this like one of most basics functions of how we people fucking work and live, what keeps us going. Holy shit I am IN LOVE with that.
But oof yeah Henry was and IS the one good at pushing Joey to do the right thing. Man...
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Instead of trying to cheer you up lemme just write this message you can’t read real quick.
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;_; holy lord sweet baby jesus
Can Henry like be fine fun concept Meatly please
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I suggest giving this a read if you as I weren’t familiar with that expression https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/09/23/heels/
Of course it’s a pun on “Time heals all wounds” expression. The word “heels” there refers to contemptible people. Earliest citation: 1934 and it got more popular around that time till something around the 50s-60s according to that website at least. Neat.
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That is interesting. I guess we can associate the door with Joey as well since Henry warns himself not to go through them? And the Demon drags Projectionist’s corpse through them. Sorta against his will, heeeeeeh.
They look like they could be interactive but I dunno :0c
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Oh, yeah. That two-faced motherfucker. That’s my bitch.
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Chapter 5
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I feel like it was kinda exaggerated. Henry they like saved your life twice or so, how salty can you be
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I mean why the fuck would they drop this star outta nowhere AND HE IS EXTRA LIKE THIS
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But then again there’s this “Don’t go through the door”
Unless Joey did contact him through this as well? But I’m assuming it only because of the stars vfnjksd Idk I like when symbols actualy uhhh symbolise something
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This is pointing at ANOTHER way. Without the boat. Possibly the Valued Employee (take the long walk) achievement?
I would check it right fucking now but my saves are fucked and I would have to replay everything again and I’m just too tired hhhh
Also Valued Employee does sound like someone who listens to their boss right?
And I’m getting the impression it’s not all Henry’s writing because it seems as if there is a different personality present? Idk
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That sounds like sort of both of them. Joey is cheering for Henry, even if he’s planning to make him go through all of this again. Does he... have to make him go through it? That’s a bit odd. Joey nani the fuck.
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I like the idea of Joey saying this ok lemme dream vskjvnskjvs
But it could be Henry (past/present/whatever) trying to cheer himself up like he did with the “Don’t be scared” message (if that was also him)
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Oh, Henry...
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Once people That implies that real people got somehow affected, right?
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I love the halo and the bone, also you can see the bone only if you give it to Boris in Chapter 3
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Wait It is The whole fucking Ink Machine Is inside Holy
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A cooking gay.
Ink Demon/Joey parallel implication. I don’t think he is Bendy in a straight up sense though. He is/was a soulless boss, just how soulless Bendy was/is. I wonder if there is a studio version of him or HHHHHH complicated stuff
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Is it like When people create something good but they just don't know when to stop it eventually ends up really bad And the Demon took The End so his cartoon couldn't be finished and it all had to keep going, Joey had to keep going Hm?
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So like there is no message on Henry’s second desk
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But it does trigger the same dialogue AND IT HURTS
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Actually a lot of people missed the arrows so just so you know
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But I thought we don’t like doors
Also it’s the last hidden message so I do believe it has a special meaning
CONCLUSION get Henry outta here and give him loads of therapy
Is his fucking last name Stein because he made monsters via the Ink Machine by powering it goddamnit Joey don’t trick people into creating that shit
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faunusrights · 5 years
The more I hear about the latter half of this book, the more depresso espresso I’m drinking. Let’s see how it goes, huh?
(Since there’s more chapters in the latter half than the first half, short chapters will probably get combined together for the sake of. I’m lazy.)
I love that Velvet’s the one who enlisted Weiss and Yang, expecting shit to go sideways. She saw these two gays on main and went ‘they look like they can party’. Was she wrong? No. Did she invite Cinder for the express purpose of drama? Yes. Can you make me stop shipping Sinnamon Bun? Also no.
Okay, this book has read my mine though!!! Ruby pitches a Beacon Battle Club where they play music as they fight, and no word of a fucking lie, that happens in Great Weiss Shark AU! I am not kidding! I had this whole story planned out! This is theft of the HIGHEST order.
“Doilies are absurd and elitist,” Yang said.
This is simultaneously the least Yang-like line and also the most Yang-like line I’ve ever heard. The duality of idiot, I suppose.
I like Fox! I really do, actually! He’s my son now. Although, the bad news is I dunno if I can replicate him in The Frapp Logs, so he’ll just have to keep dragging Coco to the ends of the earth. Same thing, right? R-right?
“Leaders can’t be the comic relief.” Fox raised his eyebrows. “Jaune.”
Is this the second time Jaune’s been dragged? I’m living for it. Also, sleepy Blake! And CFVY knowing she’s (they’re) a Faunus! And the second book behind a book! I love you, Blake.
Velvet correcting Yatsu’s ‘catnap’ joke! I wrote a ficlet about this exact thing once, so I TOLD you my Velvet’s NEARLY CANON. SHE JUST NEEDS TO EAT MORE PROTEIN IS ALL.
Onto chapter nine. God, these chapters get thinner by the second, huh?
BACK TO THE DESERT WE GO, and there’s... fog? Which is now gone! Wow! Is this a plot device? Foreshadowing? I sure hope so, because why on earth it would warrant a mention we’re just not too sure!
A sandstorm is incoming and hidden tracks are gonna get blasted away. I’m trying to figure out if this is all pathetic fallacy or if I’m reading too much into handy-dandy plot devices. Why not both?
Heart-to-heart with Coco and Yatsu... and we’re back to Yatsu giving Velvet all the hugs. Now that I’m sensing the Velv/Yats vibes, I’m extra suspicious. You stop that. Let Velvet have a fashionable GF at least if you won’t let her kiss Weiss!!!
‘[...] even the women were down to halter tops. Focus, Coco, she thought.’
Ah, lesbian as always. I’m soothed. Carmine enters the tent and Coco gets even gayer. I’m very soothed.
‘What was Jaune doing after losing a member of his team, a friend... someone he clearly cared about.’
I don’t care about what Jaune feels. Why the heck would Coco even care? There’s literally so many more people that impacts than just Jaune, lawd.
Back to Fox, who is honestly the shining star of this book by now. I love you, my blind and sassy son.
I love Ada and the battle mechanic she has! I’m really enjoying how Fox interacts with the world around him and using his Scroll and AI as an accessibility device. It’s neat! I didn’t expect them to go as ham on him as they did, but they did.
“Update,” Ada said. “Weapon has projectile capabilities.” “You mean it’s also a gun.”
Obligatory gun meme.
Combat stuff happens, Fox wins a fight against a confused Edward, and it turns out Gus is the one summoning Grimm and Fox just got jumped, so we slide into another flashback for chapter eleven. Lemme tell ya, this book ain’t afraid of moving fast.
“I guess you slightly oversold your ability to track the survivors,” Coco said.
Again, this is one of those lines that reads as very... callous? Kinda mean? I’ve always had Coco in my head as someone who very broadly puts her team (and their feelings) first, even if it’s rough, so lines like this make me go 🤔
Velvet falls, Yatsu panics, Coco gets up in everyone’s grill. There’s a lot to this dynamic I am not enjoying right now, and even then this seems inconsistent with the CFVY we’ve seen in the book itself. I know the author’s trying to communicate that Coco is tired and frustrated, that I get, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t how... it would really happen given her character? I dunno. ‘S weird.
Was that a fat joke I spotted there? From Coco? I need a nap. Also COCO LET VELVET DO THINGS JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK ME SIDEWAYS!!!!!!!!!!
Coco has claustrophobia! I wrote her as having agoraphobia, so this is a hilarious turn of events. Also Coco has two brothers, not one: Mate and Toma.
Coco is fighting Grimm in a cave with CFVY, but still finds time to criticise Velvet in combat. Hey, maybe if you let her do things, she’d prove you wrong, dingus. And then she does! See!
Aaaaaaaand the six survivors are all dead. This was a pretty traumatic event, all told, which makes it weird that they look... less affected in the show? Still, this chapter was VERY weird for the characterisations because Coco seems especially inconsistent, alas. Anyway, onto:
The sandstorm is approaching and catching the wagons, which I have just realised are actually vehicles that use fuel. Mostly because that’s the First I Heard Of It.
‘Velvet noticed a pistol tucked in the back before she closed the door.’
Hi, can Chekhov please pick up his gun from aisle twelve? Thanks.
“You said it’s big enough to ride on?” Velvet asked.
Maybe this is why Coco dismisses Velvet so often. She only pitches the craziest ideas, which is why I love her. That said, Coco finally lets Velvet do something! It’s a miracle of man! Climb that turtle, bihh!
Yatsu calls Velvet V. I’m so used to Velv that V sounds entirely too cool for this idiot.
Everyone’s pissed again, but-- IS THAT THE SAND WORM THING FROM ARRAKIS?! What A Tweest!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody coulda seen THAT coming!!!!!
So let’s go to chapter thirteen, where Fox has had the shit beaten out of him behind a Denny’s. Sound about right.
So what’s-his-name-- Bertilak, whomst from now on shall be called Bert because what sorta water tribe name even is that (wow the ATLA references are on fire today). Anyway, Bert is being paid by someone else to deliver people with Stronk Semblances like summoning Grimm! Gee I Wonder Who That Might Be (I don’t actually know but I’m honestly not going to be surprised either way).
“Yeah, [Bert]’s a real bastard.” “Even I can see that,” Fox sent.
I love it. Fox really has been the highlight of this book for me.
Fox is on the ground and the referee is counting him to ten, so it’s mid-chapter-flashback time! We learn how Fox’s parents died (sinkhole) and how that became his motivation for... going to Beacon? Okay, tenuous link at best, but I’m going with it.
Carmine is full of trouble and Fox is determined to take Bert with ‘em. Let him DIE.
I’m gonna keep going since we’re not four chapters from the end, so:
Flashback time! Again! Only it’s CFVY’s POV of their return to Beacon. I wouldn’t mind this if like. We hadn’t already seen this from RWBY’s perspective in the show? People know this from my tastes in fanfic, but I’m not a huge fan of retellings of canon events, it’s soooooo boooooring. So I’m just gonna grind through this asap.
(I do like that RWBY and CFVY have all these parallels being called to. As they should.)
Okay we’re past the recap and OH LAWD I HEARD OF THIS BIT. Goodwitch is here (I love u Glynda no matter what) but yeah, I’ve heard this part is Big Oof so uh, let’s see this happen go down. Velvet is being requested to see Ozpin so /buckles down.
Velvet’s being questioned alone for the Whole Thing, and team CFVY have burst into the office demanding to know why, and Velvet’s a crying wreck! I’m still very >:I for everyone being overprotective of Velvet, c’mon, but also: Oz, can you please have tact? Just once in your life? Tact? Do you has it?
Anyway, CFVY have reconciled and we turn to chapter fifteen, in which: Yatsu.
Carmine has Gus, everyone’s on the Turtmobile, and shit’s hitting the fan. Yatsu’s going after Gus and Carmine alone, and I’m still waiting on Chekov’s Gun to Chekov its way right into someone’s butt. Unless it’s Chekov’s Red Herring.
Here comes a fight scene! I never have much to say during fight scenes, so, uh, yeah. There’s some real last-minute exposition in places, though, where it really shouldn’t be.
Eey, Carmine is telekinetic! Very powerful and also OP, gotta nerf that shit right down, Edward.
Yatsu’s very nearly defeated, Bert is back, baby, and shit’s getting real. Time for chaaaaaaaaaper sixteeeeeeeeeen.
Today’s livereading soundtrack is Simple Things by Zero 7. The whole album, I mean. This is a fun little fact to make sure you’re still awake and aware, ‘cause I sure ain’t!
Roy Stallion of BRNZ is presumed dead, along with the whole team, so big RIP to May, who was cute and deserved better. Swear to God if ABRN are dead too I will kill a man. Two men, to be specific.
Velvet admits she never wanted to come to Vacuo, Coco promises they’ll return to reclaim Beacon in future. This reads like a protagonist’s last speech on hope and strength in friendship... and it should, as Coco gets swallowed by a worm! Straight up just down the hatch! This should be a tragic beat, but this is honestly so funny. Coco, pick better ways to die.
Anyway, we’re onto chapter seventeen. I was very kindly given this message:
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Is this a... flashback? Flash... forward? I’m not sure, actually. Either way, CFVY are in Beacon clearing the place of Grimm. Actually, this must be a flashback to before they went to Vacuo, I suppose, which would make sense to follow Velvet’s little admittance last chapter before Coco got swallowed like a paracetamol tablet.
Velvet waited for someone to ask her what she thought, what she wanted, by no one did.
Now I’m SAD why won’t people be NICE to VELVET just ONCE!!! God, this book really just gives her the short end of the stick every time.
Off go CFVY to Vacuo. Bye.
Heremst we go.
Coco’s alive! I mean, no surprise. And full of the Joques as ever:
Coco figured sacrificing your life for a teammate was one way to be remembered as a good leader, but maybe that was just cheating.
RIP Coco and her claustrophobia! Hey, now that was good foreshadowing! That gets a whole Murphy Cookie of Approval. 🍪
Coco loses her Scroll and her hat, but Velvet swoops in to save the day! Meanwhile, Bert has been convinced that Carmine double-crossed him, so they’re battling it out! Basically, Gus cast frenzy. Finally, it works in everyone’s favour.
“I can’t believe I thought you were cute,” Coco spat.
Some lines in this book haven’t been very good. This one, on the other hand, very much is.
So Carmine goes underground and starts creating sinkholes everywhere like a weird desert gremlin, and Edward manages to block her Semblance and like. Carmine flat-out nearly suffocates herself to death. Another death I would have found both gruesome and hilarious for its irony. But Velvet uses Flynt’s trumpet to quite literally doot the sand away, and-- I’m so sorry, this line has me literally laughing to myself. She fuckin’-- doots the sand. Oh my god.
Anyway they win, catch up with Slate and the Nomad Fam, and meet team SSSN! The boys are back in town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things are looking good.
Epilogue time. I’m still laughing about the sand-dooting.
So, we don’t know who paid Bert and Carmine, I guess? I do believe there’s maybe a sequel or something in the works, apparently, so maybe this is part of an overarching plot type thingie. Still.
Ah, yep, Coco confirms that they’re not through with this line of investigation yet, But, Velvet wraps it up with a heart-felt, if not a little bit cheesy, segment about home being wherever CFVY is, and so the book comes to a close.
So, I’m definitely gonna have a second read-through of this without having to constantly stop and do a liveblog, but the book was... okay, I guess? I feel like this plotline wasn’t the greatest one for CFVY, and that the author doesn’t have a crazy good handle on the characters -- he’s likely more suited to original content, which is valid. It’s a good romp and we do get new lore, but as expected, I feel like CFVY would be best used in the show that conceived them in the first place. A book is nice, but I’d love to see their return in RWBY itself, especially since this book wasn’t really... long enough, I don’t think? Seriously, y’all’ve met me. I do write hundreds of thousands of words in this world and I still haven’t written everything I wanna yet! I’d also like to see more Velvet as seen in RWBY Chibi, in which was she Cool and Good, and maybe less Yatsu alongside her directly. But! It’s a book! It’s decent! It’s CFVY! For most people, it’s Good Enough. And they’re valid too.
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