#i dunno if they'll let me tho
itsahotminuteinbetween · 10 months
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vink-spade15 · 1 month
Some P4 + Clayton and Cheslock incorrect quotes
I'm sorry if they a bit OOC tho-
Edgar: On the count of three, what's your favorite cake? One, two, three-
Edgar and Lawrence, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks!
Herman: Our turn, Violet! One, two, three- vanilla!
Violet, deadpan: I've never had cake, what is cake.
Edgar: Why are your tongues purple?
Herman: We had slushies.I had a blue one.
Violet: I had a red one.
Edgar: oh
Edgar: OH
Lawrence: You drank each other's slushies?
Cop: You're receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.
Lawrence: Shit.
Edgar: Wait, three?
Cop: Yeah?
Lawrence: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Edgar: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Lawrence: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.
Edgar: But I heard a siren.
Violet: That was Herman.
Herman: Sorry, I got nervous.
Lawrence: You know those things will kill you, right?
Edgar, pouring another glass of whiskey: That's the point.
Violet, smoking a cigarette: We're trying to speed up the process.
Herman: * Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Lawrence: What do you want then?
Violet: Er… something work related.
Lawrence: What department is this?
Violet: Sorry?
Lawrence: Well, if it's work related you'd obviously know what department this is.What department is this?
Lawrence: * looks at Herman and Edgar* Some sort of homosexual department?
Lawrence: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions?
Violet: Put spaghetti in it.
Lawrence: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you.
Herman: Put spaghetti in it.
Lawrence: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two.
Edgar: Put spaghetti in it.
Lawrence: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Lawrence: Violet, we're hungry!
Herman: Violet! What's for dinner?
Edgar: We're hungry, Violet!
Violet, frying a bottle of ketchup over the stove: * screams *
*Lawrence's helping Edgar out after he get injured, while the others are watching*
Violet: How does Edgar look?
Herman: A little better than you, actually.
Violet : you little shit-
Lawrence: You guys worried about Edgar?
Violet: Totally!
Herman: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?"
Lawrence: And what'd you say?
Herman: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno."
Lawrence: he lucky to have you as a friend unfortunately
Lawrence: Isn't it weird that we pay money to see other people?
Edgar: Plane tickets?
Violet: Concert tickets?
Herman: Prostitution?
Lawrence, holding their broken frames: Glasses. And second HERMAN WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Lawrence: So.Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Edgar: ...I did.I broke it.
Lawrence: No.No you didn't. Herman?
Herman: Don't look at me. Look at Violet.
Violet: What?!I didn't break it.
Herman: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Violet: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Herman: Suspicious.
Violet: No, it's not!
Clayton: If it matters, probably not, but Cheslock was the last one to use it.
Cheslock: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Clayton: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Cheslock: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles.Everyone knows that, Clayton!
Edgar: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Lawrence.
Lawrence: No! Who broke it!?
Clayton: Lawrence...Herman's been awfully quiet.
Herman: REALLY?!
* Everyone starts arguing*
Lawrence, being interviewed: I broke it.I burned my hand so I punched it.
Lawrence: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Lawrence: Good.It was getting a little chummy around here.
Herman: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Lawrence: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Clayton: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned.
Cheslock: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Violet: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Edgar: I have emotional scars.
*Squad reactions to being told "I love you"*
Lawrence: oh no
Edgar: thanks fam!
Herman: * cries * I love you too
Violet: Sounds fake but okay
Clayton: * A flustered mess*
Cheslock: can i get a refund?
Lawrence, rubbing his temples: I am not proud of what I am about to say, but someone get me a cigarrette.
Clayton: But Lawrence, we don't smoke.
Lawrence: Cut the crap, Clayton. I'm not an idiot. I know that one in five people smoke.
Lawrence: *points at Cheslock* One! *points at Edgar* Two! *points at Herman* Three! *points at Violet* Four! *points at Clayton* Five!
Lawrence: Now, I am going to close my eyes, and when I open them, there better be a cigarrette between these two fingers!
Violet: *puts a cigarrette in Lawrence's hand*
Lawrence: Thank you. ...Light?
The Squad: *all simultaneously pull out lighters*
Lawrence: Edgar... How do I begin to explain Edgar?
Herman: Edgar is flawless.
Violet: I hear his hair's insured for $10,000.
Clayton: I hear he do car commercials... in Japan.
Cheslock: One time they punched me in the face...it was awesome.
Lawrence, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Edgar: Hey.
Herman: Hi.
Violet: Hello.
Clayton: Hey!
Lawrence: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Cheslock: We were out of Doritos. And it is an emergency that we out of Doritos.
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creepydixon · 1 year
Hello! I saw that you write dark Daryl and we’re taking requests and I absolutely couldn’t resist sending one in😩😩
What about Daryl with a wife reader? He was infatuated with her even before the walkers and when they finally got together he was on cloud nine. But then the world goes to shit and he becomes obsessed, if that was even possible. At the quarry, the Dixon’s kept to themselves anyway, no need for her to interact with the other survivors in the camp. On the farm? He’s hovering behind her as she does chores, insists on being in the same guard shift as her (she def gets some breathing room when he’s out looking for Sophia tho)
In the prison? Seeing her locked up in a cage gives him ideas, she should just stay with him forever. He’s almost grateful for the end of the world, he’s able to get away with so much more shit and she can’t leave. Where would she go? The group is inseparable, and so getting Daryl away from his wife is next to impossible
Anyway, something like that. Sorry if it’s too long and if it’s not something you’re interested in doing it’s no problem! Thank you for your time! ☺️☺️
I like your mind anon 🤍 I have a hard time with "wife" and "husband" readers, dunno why but I just happen to not be a big fan of marriage. but for you anon, I'll try.
Dark!Daryl unnatural obsession with his wife
warning: stalking, manipulation, gaslighting, isolation, prisoning, twisted love I guess, in a zombie apocalypse all rules are gone
• It took Daryl such a long time to just convince you to go on a date with him before the outbreak happened. He dressed up in the nicest clothes he could find, took you to the nicest (it was a fast dinner) restaurant, and generally tried in his best way to show his best side to you.
• What you don't know though is that he had already had his eyes on you from the first moment he saw you. He started to take simple notes about where you worked, what walks you used to do, and where you lived. All of those things are wrong but he was pretty good at hiding and not getting caught.
• So when the big day came when he proposed to you and you said yes, it was like he was walking on clouds. After all those nights outside your window and watching you, all those days he took his chances to "bump" into you, all of it was worth it. You two were getting married and you would take his last name.
• The big wedding day didn't happen though. The outbreak happened just one month before you two would get together. Daryl brought you along with him and his brother Merle. Daryl told you to stay close to him, now with such a dangerous disease, it is better if you stay close to him so he can keep you safe.
• But you wanted to be close to Atlanta. Maybe the disease would die out soon and maybe you can keep yourself close to the town. That's where you met other survivors that had started to camp outside of Atlanta.
• Daryl hated it though. These were strangers. Who knew what crazy shit people will do during an apocalypse? They could snap in their head and try to hurt you. Or get you killed.
• "Why should we talk with 'em?" Daryl had asked you one night. "Why should we trust 'em? Just because they seem nice now, doesn't mean they need to be nice later."
• Which proved his point. A man and a widow screw around in the forest like animals, and then suddenly the new sheriff in the camp chained up his brother Merle on the roof.
• "You see?" Daryl was sobbing out to you in anger. "They took Merle from me. Do you have any idea what they could do to ya? First, they take Merle, soon they'll either chain you or me on a roof to let us rot. We can't trust these people."
• After that, it didn't turn much better. He was literally next to you, walked wherever you were walking, never leaving your side. Suddenly it wasn't just Daryl who was hunting for food, you had to come along too so he knew you were in good hands.
• After the horrific events at a scientist bomb office (at least you two had a nice shower together), the group finally arrives at a farm. Well, except for losing Sophia on the road.
• You had cried, you cried with Carol that Sophia was missing. Daryl couldn't stand that a child got lost. Shit, what if it were your child missing? Now, you two hadn't discussed a lot about children, but Daryl knows if you two get children he would protect them with his life.
• When Daryl was gone most of the days, you got some space. When you stood on the porch on the farm you couldn't help but feel a bit. . . revealed? It is horrible to say it, you would never say it out loud, but it was good that Sophia disappeared. It gave you time to actually talk with the others for the first time. You got some space. You got to have your own time.
• "They aren't that bad actually," you spoke softly to Daryl. Daryl glanced over at you, he lay in the bed and had got shot by Andrea. "I hope you're kidding," Daryl grumbled. "None of these people are looking for Sophia. I am the only one who does it, even her own mother isn't looking for her. None of them is trusting each other, Lori is sleeping with two guys. Andrea shot me."
• You couldn't argue against that. It made you feel sorry for him and you saw what a big heart he has.
• But then he stopped looking for Sophia, to rest himself. But he didn't rest, oh no, this was his time to walk around and see what is actually happening on the farm with you. He didn't leave you for one second. Glaring a bit at everyone who stepped a bit closer to you two.
• "Let them talk with us for one second," you whispered to Daryl. "So olive oyl can complain about having two boyfriends? Or that Andrea is proud of a girl to cut herself? I love ya, ya got a big heart for everyone, but they aren't good for you. They're selfish town girls."
• You couldn't argue against that.
• And the farm life didn't last forever. As the barn burned up, the herd came to the farm, you had to escape. As Daryl had you on the motorcycle, he had this big encouragement to drive you two far away. But you had said you two needed to find the others. He couldn't say no to you. Not yet at least.
• Maybe his mind snapped a bit when you two were at the prison. You had jokingly stepped into a cell and closed the door behind you. Grinning at Daryl in a joking way "Never did I think we would spend time together behind locked bars."
• He had barely heard you. Barley thought clearly. But when he saw you like that. Saw you behind bars, something sweet twisted in his mind, something that gave him a pleasure to see you locked up.
• The other ones in the group didn't dare to walk near you now. Always you were near your husband Daryl who would look at them with a twisted eye, a small glare. They understood you two wanted to be alone.
• But you didn't want to be alone with your husband. He had started to give small hints that perhaps this group is more broken than ever, perhaps it is time for you two to leave. But you didn't want that.
• Daryl doesn't sleep one night as he looks at you while you're sleeping. He remembers the old days before the breakout. How he watched you through your window, how he followed you through the park so you could "bump" into him. How he followed you to the work. All of that stuff was wrong. . . in the old world.
• Daryl blinks a couple of times and looks around in the cell you two were in. If you were locked up. . . no one would get you. And he could take care of you. Make sure no one ever gets close to you. Oh, how he hated some of your old friends, especially some of the men who were your friends. Too close to you in his opinion. But, it is new times. In the old world it would be seen as wrong, but in this new world? Well, who would stop him?
• He slowly gets up from the bed you're sharing. He walks out of the cell and quietly closes it. And then he stands there for a good while. Admiring how you are in a cage. His cage. There no one was allowed into, except him.
• His eyes twist a little bit when he watches you sleep inside the cell. He knows if he had done this in bright daylight, you would ask for help from the others. Oh, he has to be clever now. He has to take you away from here. He has to find his own little cage where no one has an impact on you, except him.
• So that day, that day when the Governor comes to the prison and blows it up and everyone got split, he couldn't be more grateful. He grabbed you and ran.
• Because now he had his chance to actually be with his wife alone, forever.
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mstophattii · 9 months
a silly little theory about TF2 and its team's !!
Sooo, i was playin some TF2 yesterday, and i stopped to think about somethin: "how the fuck are there multiple of the same mercs?", "how the fuck are there 2 soldiers, both being on opposing teams?", "why the fuck does my team have 8 spies?" well, i think i've figured it out !! So, lets get into it!
look, i know clones can be cool, and they make sense in the world of TF2, but cmon, its kinda lame. But i got something better. There arent multiple of the same mercs in each team, or in opposing teams. Why? The game aint canon. I know this sounds wild, but i have proof. In the catch up comic, saxton hale himself refers to Team Fortress 2 as a dramatized version of the actual events of the gravel wars.
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now, im not saying the mercs arent crazy or wacky, i do firmly believe they are indeed like that, but that means that shit like the unnarmed combat aint canon. And it also means that multiple of the same mercs dont necessarily exist, which means that it could be just our nine main boys fighting each other without like, 7 engineers on the same team. Alrighty, the clone theory's solved, right? Aw shit, it aint.
aw shit, the theory's over, right? Nuh uh. I have something that might explain it.
the mercs constantly switch teams.
i know, it sounds sorta nuts, BUT, i got a theory. RED and BLU constantly try to steal the other team's mercenaries. "the fuck you mean by that?" well, i sorta like to think that the RED mercs constantly receive letters from BLU saying that if they join BLU they'll get a salary three times bigger than the one that they get from RED. And the same thing applies for the mercs on BLU, but with letters coming from RED instead. So, we got that figured out, the mercs constantly switch teams because they want a higher salary.
Now lets address the elephant in the room, the "meet the team" trailers.
I mean, thats pretty much confirmed. Look at this:
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but you may wonder: "then how the fuck does shit like meet the medic happen, cause like, yknow, that scene with a fucking horde of soldiers trynna kill medic and heavy" well, this may sound like a stretch, but since its propaganda, i believe engineer could have done some wacky shit to create shit like that. I've got 2 explanations:
explanation number 1: engineer did some wacky as fuck shenanigans to create those hordes of enemies.
as the title says, since engineer is a very, very, very smart little fella, he could've just done some wacky computer magic to create the soldiers present in meet the medic, and by wacky computer magic i mean he just edited the movie to include those soldiers with CGI or some shit like that. (i know tf2 happens in 1969, but if engineer can build a fucking teleporter then he can do CGI)
explanation number 2: ROBOTS !!!!!
this one is ten times more flawed than the first one, but since engi is a very smart little dwarf, he could've just built robots that would act and look like solly and would also try to kill medic and heavy.
so, this one is more up to your choice, but i do consider respawning canon. "how tho?" you might ask? I have 0 fucking clue, maybe some teleporter and australium shenanigans?? I dunno man. But thats up to ya!
thank you so much for reading this! I spent like, an hour making this, and please forgive me for my shitty english, its not my first language. Please reblog (if you want, of course!), and if you have any criticism or questions just drop a comment talking about it and i'll try to answer it! thank you so much for reading!
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salvy-deldroid · 11 months
Hi there! I am pretty new to this site so I dunno if I'm doing this currently or not. I've read some of your works on Wattpad and am a bit familiar with your writing. Can you write me a few fix headcannons for an ABO creepypasta idea? Alpha Jeff the killer and his Fem omega darling in the classic mansion AU? Darling isnt much of a combat and kill person, however due to being a product of two omega parents, shee does have a mutation in her genes leading to extra powerful pheromones on will. The pheromones can help assert her will on anyone, much like midnight's quirk in MHA. Person feels sleepy and couldn't process shit apart from what they're being told, and then end up complying to it. Slenderman uses it to it's full extent, sending the darling out in recruiting missions and using her to make sealed lips speak. I would love headcannons on how they met and how Jeff sees her! You can make it a bit of dark yandere! I don't have much preferences on clothing but I'll like it if darling's dressed in a beautiful dress with a half faced kitsune mask, it adds to her innocently mysterious aesthetic! It's okay if you can't tho, lots of love <333
Hi there Hon!! That's one specific request XD but it makes things easier imo. I really love the described environment (and the ABO is just the cherry topping the cake!) and am excited to see how this is gonna turn out to be!!! 
So let's start! I'll make it in headcanon format! 
Being a child born of an affair between two omegas didn't make your life any easier. However, it did make it a hell lot of interesting and adventurous. A teeny tiny Lil mutation in your DNA had granted you with something akin to a quirk, and you're grateful for it. The mutation causes you to secrete a special type of pheromone (that too on will, talk about winning the jackpot), which makes it easier for you to control and brainwash someone. Once inhaled, their brain fogs up and the person is temporarily moved to a little space kind of mindset, the only thing they're able to fully register being you and your demands. And hence, you could ask them or command them to do anything and they'll happily oblige. The effect of the pheromones stay as long as they're inhaling it, and a few differences in dosage can make large differences.
When it comes to recruiting, your pheromones are just used as a tranquiliser. You tell the now fogged up creep about the mansion, the advantages and the reasons why they should come with you. And in most cases, they agree and follow you like a lost puppy. In a rare few cases where they refuse, you have to command them to yield, because if you come back empty handed Slender would personally make sure you're punished accordingly.
And that's how you and the asshole of the household first met, on yet another one of your recruition missions. The fairly new creepypasta had been going on a bloody rampage each week, his kill streak enough to catch Slenderman's attention. And off you were dispatched, just 3 weeks after his debut, to find and recruit him.
Oh, it was bloody hell finding that crusty sewer rat. It took you a total of 4 days just tracking his position down. However, you finally found him lurking near the woods the mansion was in, a pretty convenient place. Following your usual set of actions, you start secreting the pheromones before approaching.
For Jeffrey however, the first time seeing you was something akin to witnessing an angel on earth. The previous week's had been rough, the police hot on his trail, laying low during the day and murdering in the night, along with the scarcity of food and water due to his current homelessness. In this subsistence crisis of a life, that beautiful aroma coming from the woods surely caught him off guard. His brain fogged up, all the reasonable thoughts and warning bells muffled as his only concern became to try and find the source of such heavenly smell. 
And as you waltzed out of the woods, wearing that beautifully crafted dress and the intricate kitsune mask hiding the upper half of your face, he was awestruck. He should've ran away, he should've attack and kill you, He should've demanded to know how you found him and what you wanted. But he didn't- he couldn't. At that moment, the only thing that existent to him was you, your offer about joining this mansion family shit where he would be kept safe and provided for and whatever, the beautiful scent, and this dark urge to own you. Something so fucking beautiful needed protection from all the horrors of the world. Something so soft needed someone to hold her close and keep her safe and secure. Something so mystical needed to be looked away and provided for.
You needed him and his protection, and he would gladly give it to you. 
He had absolutely no qualms about the mansion at all, ready to follow you to the depths of hell if it meant being in your mystic presence. He melted at the sight of you, making things times easier. He followed you back to the mansion, up the stairs and to Slenderman's office without any objections, not caring about neither the fact that there were other people looking at him with either curiosity or distaste, nor the giant faceless person in front of him going on and on about having to stamp some pact to join them and becoming a part of the pack completely. All he cared about the soft gaze on your face and the supportive, understanding smile on your soft lips. 
Finally, after being taken to his assigned room, did the fog clear after you closed the door and left. The reality crashed in on him, as he slid down into the floor questioning what, how and why.
This was only the start of the long spiral down the obsession lane for him. Those secret glances at you at the dining table would soon become hard glares at the other Alpha's you'd interact with. Before long he'd start tailing you during your missions, observing each and every interaction of yours. Soon small articles started going missing, nothing too much at first. Just a misplaced bracelet, lost earrings and forgotten scrunchies. Soon however, those little accesories turned into missing panties, lost bras and what not.
While this was going on behind the scenes, on the front stage Jeffrey had already started to get himself acquainted with you. Something out of your reach? Lemme geddit for ya shortie. Why so lonely? You can always play video games with me. He was everywhere, keeping an eye on you or straight up being the one hogging your attention. Oh, he just loved how your oblivious little self would squirm around, the queasiness of being watched. Those frightened little glaces you'd give while walking down the woods alone, your subconscious nagging at you about the presence of a viable alpha. Your jumpiness just added fuel to the fire, firming his belief that you needed someone to take care of you. You need him to take care of you.
A year or two passed by, the alpha within him getting more impatient as you went over to recruit more and more creeps. The thought that everyone here had smelt that sweet aroma of yours atleast once made his blood boil. He would need to act out soon, now that you had a fair amount of viable mates around you.
Soon, the time came. You had started to nest, getting ready for your bi monthly heats. Pillows, shirts and blankets thrown down into your little safe corner and molded into your fortress of fluff, your beautiful nest. This, coupled with your heat suppressants, would be enough for yet another heat without any trouble.
And as on que, our beloved yandere alpha started to put his plans to action. The minty suppressants in the bottle were replaced with mint candies, nothing too much for your oblivious self to notice. Sweet little omegas like you shouldn't use suppressants in that much amount, it would be bad for you. Soon little break in and sneaks into your room started to occur, all your stuff apart from your nest being lightly scented. Not enough for you to notice but prevalent enough for your hindbrain to go crazy. Most of the work had been done, now it's just about time….
Finally, the fateful day of your heart striked. Cramps times worse than what you've experienced in the last couple of years, your foggy brain not being coherent enough. The burning sensation throughout your entire body, you felt like crying. You had forgotten how painful heats can be. This was just one of the worse ones right? 
However, your world came crashing down as you opened your door, entering your room. The jar open door forgotten, all your attention got hogged by what has happened to your little den. 
The entire place just reeked of an alpha, from your bedding to your dresser and wardrobe. Taking low, dreadful steps into your defiled safe space, you should've felt bile rise up your throat. But your heart addled brain just added fuel to the fire, your subconscious screaming at you to go into your nest and wait for alpha instead of investigating. Taking slow, dreadful steps towards your nest, you held your breath in hoping for it all to be a dream 
But it wasn't. The scent of the foreign alpha was the most dense over your best, soon you found out why. Shirts, blankets and articles from your loved ones had been thrown out and replaced, as white hoodies, jackets, black shirts and unknown pillows and comforters lay in their place. All your stuffed toys now were aggressively scented and accompanied by larger toys you didn't recognise. Your nest, the safest place for an omega, had been thoroughly scented and 'perfected' by someone.
Your nest- your den had been marked by an Alpha. And as the realization dawned, you were broken out of your reverie by the sound of your door closing and locking. Snapping around, your eyes met with the figure of him, putting all the pieces together. You started backing away as he turned to meet you, the sickening smile on his face.
He'll make sure it would be a night you'll never forget. 
Hope this is what you wanted! Sorry if I made any mistakes 😅
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for the tiny crossover of people who love ofmd and also race cars:
i mentioned this in a discord i'm in, but i am not a sports person at all, and i am ESPECIALLY not a race car person, except my partner has a tendency to periodically get really into a specific topic (fungi, the atomic bomb, ebola, etc), and by extension, bc i love him and love listening to him, i tend to learn things about these things by extension
which is all to say, i am now kind of disgustingly familiar with formula 1 race car driving?? to the point that i have opinions on the teams, and have favorite drivers, and know a bunch of the history and stuff. it fundamentally clashes with almost ever facet of my personality, yet i have watched almost every race this season live
the POINT tho, and also the critical problem, is that formula 1 racing--more so than any other race car competitions--lends itself SO FUCKING WELL to a blackbonnet au
if you don't know (-god i wish that were me pic-) formula 1 racing is international, and the teams are all from different countries, and so are the drivers, so you have all kinds of nationalities up in there. and there's a shitton of nepotism, and generational racers, and buying their way in, and all that sort of stuff, which ofc makes me think of like
ed, being this formula 1 driver who is one of the only drivers to start from the bottom and work his way up on skill alone, and he's about to break the record for number of world championships, but he's so fucking BORED with the whole thing, bc he has no competition anymore. he wins every race, no one even comes close, it's just the same day in and day out
stede. mb his dad/family owns a team, or are big sponsors, so everyone assumes he got his place bc of daddy's money, esp bc he wasn't known in the racing circuit prior to formula 1, so ed doesn't pay any attention to this dude at all, besides a brief "oh cool, another kiwi #respect"
right up until stede beats him in a race
and suddenly there's real competition again. and they are stuck doing press together bc they always get podiums together after every grand prix, and they go out celebrating together in whatever random country they're in that week, but mb stede has never been much of a partier, and ed was over it years ago, so they come up with their own celebration rituals, that are just them hanging out and watching tv at the hotel, or playing racing video games, or whatever the fuck. and obviously they start to fall for each other, which causes all kinds of drama, bc izzy, ed's team lead, is like "don't let this poncy fuck get in your head!" and the fans are divided on whether they ship ed and stede, or if they hate stede for coming after ed's record breaking win, or if they LOVE stede for coming after ed's record breaking win, and it's just a huge clusterfuck of drama that makes it really hard to develop a real relationship during, esp considering that they hop countries literally every two weeks
and ofc it has to come down to the wire. they have an equal number of points at the final grand prix, so whichever one of them wins that race wins the championship. what will happen??? i dunno, but whatever it is, they'll fuck about it afterward for sure
it fits together like a gd puzzle. the story writes itself. but am i rly gonna be that person? am i rly gonna have to be a person who writes fanfiction about fucking RACE CARS???
this is ruining my life
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WIP tag game!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs!
Tagged by @bluejayblueskies (THANKS!)
Okay so. Everything is just a mess, no folders. Let's take a look in that mess tho. I'm pretty methodical, so I don't think there are a whole lot of unfinished things lying about, certainly not unpublished ones (at least not in the past few years, I do have some tma fics tucked away that I might publish once I get my big tma fic done. Although I'm sure they'll need some massive edits by now, I have had a lot of practice since I wrote them).
Jumanji 2 Chapter 44 (This will be wednesday's chapter of my tma Jumanji au fic)
Jumanji 2 Chapter 45 (this is entirely blank right now, I am procrastinating writing it by doing this)
Shaking out the Weight of Phosphenes and Pasts DOCS LET ME TYPE CHALLENGE (this is fully written, but I am still posting and editing and stuff. My Malevolent long fic.)
Not Sure What this is tbh (This will be possibly a follow up to Phosphenes and Pasts? Not entirely sure. I only have a few sentences down but I wanna torment my boy).
As for tags. I dunno I worry that I'm either bothering people or that I'm pressuring them.
But eh. @genderfluid-druid @breannasfluff @sokkas-first-fangirl @cannibalthoughts @celosiaa
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otakebi-cam-wao · 7 months
Produce 101 Japan The Girls ep 5 - by a harowota in real time
this time written on my phone!
Part 1: Elimination????
i spoiled me w friends cuz i started to follow the eliminated trainees on insta and twitter as they started to appear and post but forgot anyways
group introduccions are always nice specially with funny/cute poses and or phrases or gimmicks, or whatever
Kassa took out her Anju chara there
Omg Ao Haru posing as アオハル
i want to talk bout the style changes
i got the same reaction to Shizuku's blonde hair, Kaela
Kaela is kinda troll, love that energy lol (i should stop talking bout the trainers and the MC of the whole show)
okay, let's start the beheadings?
Part 2: Dance Battle
i go for Nakasone cuz she's so mother but Yumeki is even a year younger than me
still Nakasone mother
oh so it depends of the year nice nice
let's see if i can recognize some (spoiled one)
2021? idk this one... ohhh the pd101 japan season 2
they're so happy
1985!!! no one thought they'd know Dacing Hero eat me up... okay
so cool Sakura (no gyaru)
2000!!!! RENAI REVOLUTION 21 OFC!!!!!!
Kassa didn't ran but danced from the class A side (my harowota hear is a bit dissapointed specially cuz Kokoro told her to go together and didn't)
Honoka and Rino? went to dance it
Nakasone proud somehow?
2010... heavy rotation ofc
Rimika did what i hoped Kassa did with rr21, ofc she knows it lol
almost everyone went running (good song and I don't like akb48, .... complex emotions with the video)
2020 ohhh.... it's kpop, i dunno, but it says wannabe
ohhh yumeki did the choreo
2023.... leap high was obvious lol
the ones who couldn't fit in the dance floor on their sides dancing ofc
now real battle by class, and genre (cute, sexy, wild)
they'll win sneakers!!!!
cute first
Sakura C class, Kagura F, Mana D, Rinon B, Yuuki A; wow Rinon mixed a bit of sexy i guess, cute Sakura... Mana cute but :/
Sexy now
Sae D, Honoka C, WOW NONOKA FROM F CLASS (awwww camera on baby Hina surprised, too much sexy for this baby to see(?)), Wow Moe B and Miu A they know for sure
okay i saw, Tsukushi (A), Ranka (F), Keiko (B) quickly
Keiko is wild indeed
now Ayano from C WOW
this is just time for the dancers of each class
Aruha nice!!!
nice Ranka
They're all so good, i go for Keiko or Aruha
mood Nakasone, OH MY GOD
B class!!! Dance queen Keiko!
the random leap high jump was amazing
awww Keiko's "minna aishiteru" after they thanked her
Part 3: ok now elimination? or well rankings
i know the one i was worrying bout got into the saved ones
oh 49th Mana (can't like her :c but let's go "grandma"), 48th Kanno Miyu, i shouldn't say these tbh... so I won't
iiiiiigh! Ranka got saved :/ she has Nomura Minami looks but her vibes throw me off a bit, good for her tho (I'm a supporter of everyone in some way)
okay, so i really clap clap Uchiyama Rin cuz of getting a bad throat and pulling such vocals
a twin (Mikoto) is in!!!! is the other twin (Kotone) in as well?
ahhh nice Yurara!!!! (I'm saying each position anyways somehow)
YESSSSSS THE OTHER INTP GIRL I LIKE (lower than how i like her but yes!!) HARUKA!!!! so cute and looks so ADHD (but shy) creature on the stage of the ones who passed!!!
words from some top 49 to 41 okay okay
lol Uchiyama, you're not allow to go back home soon...
cutie Yurara!!!!!
ok 40 to 31...
where's Kotone
Fujimoto Ayaka is the hard time seifuku no manequin team leader... right? ah yes deserved 36 with all that
... i don't like Rimika, idky but she passed
YOSHIDA HANA 33 DESERVED (obsessed with her "narcissistic my god i love it" from their love dive performance)
Husky voice 32?! MOMOKA YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!! (btw weird but interesting hair styling)
Miyu 31, she was such a nice neesan for her group, deserved
awwwww Ayaka u gonna make me cry, "pien" as S. Miu said in the mbti lab
a take bout an eliminated girl i remember
Ameri deserved better (cuz we can't vote overseas, and she knows it, liked a comment where she was told it was unfair to have eng subs but no overseas votes)
Part 4: social experiment in Korea?
the girls helping an small baby girl
ok, bby had to walk to them to talk, then they became nice nice nee-san
high queen knows korean, ofc; 3 minutes?
Jueri sensed it was a prank before the dokkiri daiseko paper was shown, nice
oh they know Korean cuz dramas lol
i feel like Ayaka might be the quick one to act?...
oh it was Rino
they started to play w bby
all got pranked and no one thought was the bby the prank
oh so Nana wants to be a teacher, she might react quicker, Tsuzumi will make her laugh i have the feeling
Nana immediately took her hand
all yelling to ask for her mom
ohhh an unrelated person got in so run for the prank paper
they're so noisy and are looking for the cameras lol!!!!
Miss Japan
so Mana decided to talk to staff while Chiharu takes care of her talking and playing
they decide to look for the mother nice
5 minutes looking around awwww Serina? pick her up to not get her tired
lol the prank paper
they laugh
so worried cuz bad at korean
Part 5: more ranking
30 to 21 ok
29 the gyaru!!!! nice
SAKATA KOTONE!!!!!!!!! 28!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! MY F TO B GIRL!!!!! and good leader
Hina bby 25 she became the little chick already, she broke her egg shell
Kitazume Sakura 22, she was really cute, and powerful, deserved!
YUI 21!!!!! YES YES, LEADER NICE NEESAN, NICE VOCALS.... also the way she was holding hands with Koto waiting who would be 21st, CUTE
20 to 12 ohhhh a longer one
Joa 20, deserved, tho I don't like her enough, VERY VERY DESERVED!
Kokona chubby cheeks 19, surprised me on performance nice nice
idk if I'd vote for Tsukushi (18) to get higher, probs cuz mic incident
OWO RINON 17 amazing, I'm amazed, really deserved
Mena 16 is so deserved, she's so idol bright, she has that thing that makes you oshi her (not my oshi)
taking advantage of Kitazato Rio 15 to say... her new hairstyle makes me think a bit of Nishida Shiori from BEYOOOOONDS on her face
Keiko 12, yes you see her and you smile, she's so funny and amazing deserved
Mena talking so idol bright! so cute! so oshi-able
I'm so proud of bby Nagomi, wanna hug her
I'm at 1hr 19 minutes?! wow one hour more to watch yet
Part 6: members choose tops
top 3 personality
so 3 chose Honoka, she's funny the few things I've seen, i agree, she's ENFP, right? expected, she's top 3
Kokoro top 2 cuz nice nee-san and someone who listens, nice
top 1 is???? Moe ohhhhh, dunno what to say i think I haven't feel like I've focused a bity bit on her
top 2 beauties?
top 2 S. Miu i can see that very well, no comments tbf
yes Miu, as an eye lover(?) you have very beautiful eyes
lol she cringed at herself after that scene thingy
ohhh top 2 was a tie, makes sense
Sasaki Kokona, i agree she's captivating even if I don't want to look at her lol
okay top 1....!!!!
goddess vibe?!
Nano, yeah i agree, like damn girl is beautiful and captivating
she doesn't want to do the line thingy
the profile pics tho for Nano and Miu... not helping
Part 7: final rank?
so the 11 fitting the debut group?
yes the top 11
wait i know this, well I'm supposed to (i know top 1 tho)
Aita Rin top 11 was surprising (i have her in my top 11) so deserved as leader, hard worker, soul strength, team mindset, all, wanna hug her cuz i feel PROUD of her
Koto 10 is so amazing! so wow, no words just WOW feelings
AYANEEEEEEEEEEEE 9!!!!! I LOVE HER, SHE'S (with Momona) MY TOP 1!!!! my INTP tism creature looking songtress with huge off stage on stage gap girly!!!! YESSSSSS (her talking is so 🥹)
Nano 8 nice nice sleepy but nice beautiful nee-san
Sasaki Kokona 7 again captivating aura, no wonder she got so many votes
cute, she says she doesn't think is good enough for that rank
Tsuzumi 6 makes me so ajsjjsjsjshsj :D she's so cute energetic full of emotion bby and good performer... awwww she got so emotional towards AoHaru, so cute bby bright smile bby
Suzu 5 nice, she has a something i can see but don't get to my top 11
cute, just cute, no comments
i forgot the top 4-2 order, i know the ones there
Kaela hurry up!!!!
ofc Ran, Miu, Kokoro and Momona fight the 1st place (I know :D who has it) WHICH WAS THE ORDER!!!!
4 is?! Miu okay okay, so then... Ran, Kokoro Kassa, right?
Miu get out of my top cuz... idk... but maybe she was evily edited... so it feels like she's a diva (as some friends said) i want to think is all due to this edit, and being ISTP cold
Ran 3 right, i liked her a lot and a friends is doing propaganda for her
cute girl, amazing, like her low voice, she seems funny but not so WOW funny
so now is Kokoro, I just know that already
but nice that rebloom where fighting the top 1, starting with their idol performance
plus both (mainly Momona cuz time, i mean since she was 13 in angerme and 12 in hello pro kenshuusei, she has like 8 years experience!) are pros
"Kokoro-chan aishiteimasu" (not in shipping way) beautiful
i want what these two have
such strong friendship
so well, Momona 1, Kokoro 2, already knew that
they're like so proud of each other!!!!! mainly Kokoro of Momona
it feels so amazing to see Kassa going up those stairs to the 1st place seat!!!!
ok top 50 is missing, who got the cut position?!
4 fighting the place 50
oofff this is hard to see
Karen, Aruha, Shion and Misaki
i want them all (yes, i forgot who didn't got there that i follow on insta)
i think Shion didn't
how low was Jueri btw? (liked her voice)
ok 50th is?!
i wanted Aruha...
but it's okay
oh god, i feel so sad for the ones who didn't make it, i hope some angencies contact them soon
they all deserved to pass
wow, Jueri got 92nd going down 15 places
third INTP girly Tabuchi Miu got 86th (tbh, i didn't saw her a lot, but sad cuz INTP too)
AMELI 79? i swear if overseas have voted she would have made it to top 50
the Moron Anon (joke joke, her name is Moro Anon, such a weird name) 74th... sad cuz she surprised me at the group battle
Iyota Hana 71... ok
you're not telling me Fuka didn't make it cuz of a 10 places gap?! ... pien
Part 8: coments random cuz didn't pay attention to the thingy with songs at the end
Kassas short hair is beautiful, i wonder if she donated her hair again...
sadly they cant sns cuz rules... so we won't know... not yet
expecting what we'll see next week... or on thursday, deppending if I can't handle the need to watch...
I'm wondering why they can't change a bit more the twins' look, it's so hard to tell them apart
someone said one have thicker and other thinner bangs and I'm like "HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU KNOW THAT"
is sadder that whole groups got eliminated...
they became such good friends apparently
now i wonder what will happen if one twin is eliminated later
oh that's all...
there was a lot
well, eliminated B class girls at least get new sneakers
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laifelow · 1 year
I dunno how I'm always late for reviexing eurovision entries (some I check out immidiatly, but others...... God I'm so late)
Thoughts (in no particular order)
Check this post for Ireland, Norway, Belgium, Albania, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine.
Finland : Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha. I'm in tears. It's so good. What a lad. By far one of my fav this year. The charisma. The dancers. The colors. CHACHACHA. It's about getting drunk af. An absolute athem.
Czech Republic : Vesna - My Sister's Crown. Oh yeah, it's good. Did I ever mention how much I love trad sounds? Especially the white voice singing and harmonies? (yes, I did). It's a bit underwhelming at the verses, but the chorus is f i n e.
France : La Zarra - Evidemment. I can't deny that her voice is great, and huh..... she gorgeous. Not a fan of the dance elements, but, well, it's fine. VERY FRENCH THO. I what can I say? I don't like the majority of french pop. But she can sing.
Italy : Marco Mengoni - Due Vite. Why does everybody love it? It's boring? He's a good singer, no questions there, but... it's a ballad. Don't get me wrong, some ballad are great. Just not this one. The weakest italian entries in years if you ask me.
Serbia : Luke Blake - Samo Mi Se Spava. wtf it's great. I'm loving how much of what my friends calls "berliner night club" vibe we're getting this year.
Netherlands : Mia Nikolai & Dion Cooper - Burning Daylight. I'm pretty sure this one will grow on me, esp if they have a good stage presence (sing w/ your guts and you're good). But pretty underwhelming.
Croatia : Let 3 - Mama ŠČ!. Big fan of whaterver is gooing here. Dunno what's they're sniffing , but I want some. Do I love the song? No. But I'm glad it's there. (kinda catchy tho) Hope they go to finals
Moldova : Pasha Parfeni - Soarele si Luna. I'm crying. The esc Gods have listened to me. There is SO MUCH trad techno this year. I'm ascending. Alvan & Ahez would be so proud. I'm sure are. The fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuute T-T
Australia : Voyager - Promise. Yeah, I like it! It's good! I hope they'll hgave a good live performance!
Poland: Blanka - Solo. Oh no. No, this one is not good. She's off key. It's bland af. Pass. Jann was JUST THERE.
Estonia : Alika - Bridges. Well, there's a ballad I can get under. Not really my jam, but it's good.
Germany : Lord of the Lost - Blood and Glitter. Can't believe Germany finally decided to stop being lame. I'm proud of you guys. You're a good neighbour once in a while.
Cyprus : Andrew Lambrou - Break a Broken Heart. Side note : what a title. Also, can Cyprus do anything aside from pop? Like, they're good a it, but still... Nothing special here, move on.
Denmark : Reily - Breaking My Heart. Side note : heh, title. This one kinda pisses me off, bcause I don't like It, but also.... I'm vibbing to it?????
Iceland : Diljà - Power. Heh. I guess it's fine.
Malta : The Busker - Dance (Our Own Party). I'm so weak to sax solos, I'm almost ashamed. So yeah, I like it :) They have this Lake Malawi kind of charm.
Lithuania : Monika Linkyté - Stay. Guys........ I'm really triying to make an effort here, but why your ballads have to be so generic?
San Marino. Piqued Jacks - Like An Animal. Welp, this has potential.
Latvia. Sudden Lights - Aijà. I really want to like this one, but the live version is just underwhelming. The studio version slaps, tho.
Romania : Theodor Andrei - D.G.T (Off and On). I'm not sure. It's good, but also it's meh. It lacks a littke something, but I like it I think.
I'm impressed, we're actually getting a really good year! I can't wait to pressure my friends into watching the final with me!
Also, I'm loving the national langages this year!
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
❤️ - A happy memory that makes them smile. I wanna know one of these that the Carder twins share.
"Joker, are you awake?" Punch whispered at the doorway of his sister's room.
"Yeah. Come in, quick."
Punch slipped in through the door, and saw his sister sitting up in bed. She waved him over, and he sat down on the other end of the mattress.
"You can't sleep either, huh?" She whispered, tucking her knees up close to her.
"I dunno how we're supposed to. The Black Carriage comes tomorrow, and we're actually gonna be on it. We're really doing it, Jo! We're really gonna be at Night Raven College, just like Pops was!"
"It's great, but it's also really scary, Pun. Do you think Momma and Pops are gonna be okay without us here?"
Punch scoffed. "They're responsible grown-ups. Well, Mom is, at least. They're gonna be fine." He reached over and patted his sister's hand. "Are you gonna be okay?"
Joker shrugged. "We've never really been away from home before. It's gonna be so weird."
"But we're gonna be together," Punch said firmly. "Who knows? Maybe they'll even have a special room for us to share at the Heartslabyul dorm, 'cause we're twins."
"There's no rule against it, far as I recall." She grinned at him. "That'd be good. It'd be like having home with us. But I ain't counting on it. Schools are usually weird about the whole boys and girls being roommates thing."
"Still, tho." He rubbed his neck, chuckling. "It's almost certain we'll be following in Pops's footsteps."
"And one day we'll be co-housewardens together," Joker added.
"Set a new precedent."
"Make a new rule."
"Let's not go crazy," Punch laughed as he held up his hands. "We'll just... get in first. And we'll have to refine our magic, so we can challenge. And then...."
"World's our oyster. Right?"
"I'm excited, Pun."
"Me too, Jo."
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broodyjoey · 2 months
Fucking gonna off myself living in this dang house I can't fucking be arsed with this shit
I hate existing because of this place, I wish I could be as lucky as my other friends who have found themselves some place else to be,
my friend who got punched and choked by her abusive mother, she got herself a rich boyfriend and she stays in his house and her elder brother's new house when her bf does long work trips, my other friend's mother finally came to retrieve her from her abusive father and she stays in a big house now.
Only me and one of my close friends have to stay in an abusive house with no way out, he has someone to hold on to tho. He has a lover in the west.
I have abusive ex's (1 went to jail) and have to stay in an abusive home.
Justice? Wtf is that? Dunno, might be a mythical creature.
I don't think I'll ever see the light in the end of this dark tunnel anymore. I'm giving up, I've gotten hope and given up so many fucking times... I can't count it anymore.
No matter, I feel numb now.
Numbingly sad.
So not totally numb yet. I'm thinking maybe I should smoke or sniff something... But maybe not, I have a addictive personality.
I wish I had a partner that wouldn't sexually assault and/or physically assault me. I fantasize and dream that I can stay there and live a happy life, having a place to put my belongings.
Or my partner has a relative where there's a safe place I can stay in the guest room, have my own room, do my own thing, have privacy for the first time in my life.
I can't even be in the toilet in peace in this current shit place, in my fantasies I can be in solitude in "my" room. A room of my own to stay in.
No more pain, no more sudden attacks, no more disturbance in the toilets. No more throwing my clothes just to make way for a fucking hoarder that doesn't even wear those fucking clothes.
I can do what I've wanted, too long too afraid of being caught doing something I wanted to do. I don't even have my own personality because having my own thoughts means getting punished. Because it goes against what my narc mom wants.
Always have to be the quiet punching bag, mustn't make a sound when they lack money or they'll hurt you.
Life not worth living, just like walking around in hell.
I'm scolded for eating too. They don't care that I starve and ache.
I just want to be loved safely in a person's arms. So lucky are my friends and sister that they have a nice partner that has space for them in their home.
Me? I'm just suffering with no hope. In this shit house, shit trauma from exs, in this shit life, got SA'd before I even got my 1st bf/gf, 1st bf only wanted me because I could replace his favorite gf, my life has been nothing but in vain.
In my religion, material goods are vices and you should let go of these. Well, without material, I would have jumped off the roof. It's because of all the merch I bought, so I stay and fight. Because of the mobile games I play, bcs of the dress I want, bcs of the food I want.
That's why I'm still alive, and I save up for it so I have a goal to live for these. Without material, I would've died long ago.
Maybe the real escape to this hell and purgatory is death? I dunno if this life is real or this is just a shit simulation on how fast can I escape this. Sick fuck created an escape room and called it life. Maybe that's what this shit existence is...
At this point, I'm so mentally ill from so much pain, that I need to come up with theories to cope with the pain. Because if this is all there is to existing, then why am I made to go through all this?
Why am I a guinea pig in the emotional distress and physical abuse tolerance experiment and why am I put into the group where all the bad things happen?
This is secretly the bad place like in the show "the good place" right?
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not-lock · 7 months
sorry, sorry
i got it (my third grade humor) all outta my system
dunno about the other anons tho
I'm a bit worried about what more is to come like that
They'll never let me live it down
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moonsunyinyang · 9 months
I think it's a fun idea of SN rebuilding Uzushiogakure. Sasuke shouldn't have to be in Konoha and realistically, Naruto should lose any respect for the village.
Uzushio tho, has the potential to put their energy to good use. Naruto can reunite the Uzumakis and also be a Kage of a real village, not a village with too much blood on its hands. Sasuke could properly memorialize his clan there.
I think their village would be so drastically different than others. A true empahsis on Defense as opposed to offense. They'll die to save their village but never engage in combat outside of that priority. I'd like to think they'd move away from child soldiers and give kids good childhoods and education. Also a big push for more to be done about orphans, especially after the 4th war.
I don't know who from the cast would move to Uzushio
I think Shikamaru bc he's a Nart fanboy
Neji (who didn't die let me have this) and other Branch Hyuuga. What can the Hyuuga do since Uzushio is run by the 2 strongest Shinobi ever.
Lee and Tenten would probably follow.
I dunno if Kakashi would go...maybe visit often. So does Gai.
The rest of Taka go too bc Sasuke wouldn't just leave them high and dry imo.
I really can't Imagine Gaara bailing on Suna and leaving the Kage role to Temari, but it's a nice thought....
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shirpowbra · 1 year
Updateee :> (prepare, it's gonna be a long one)
heyoo, I know I said before I'll give you all an update but things have been escalating downhill rather fast on my end and I'm quite, well, overwhelmed how to put it into words
well first things first, the maid we hired for my grandma ran away and took some cash from her, didn't even have the audacity to close the gates of our house when she did. I got too busy in helping with the chores around the house which are many. Luckily tho, we have cameras installed and she left most of her important documents to us so we could make a pretty solid case against her.
And the second one, whoo boi.
My...mom is in the hospital. There were lumps found in her uterus in the past and all of a sudden they all just came out one day. She was incredible pain so we had to rush her to the ER right away. I have to be left behind to the house in taking care of everything in the house. That's why I haven't been able to draw these days, even though I miss it a lot haha.
A lot of people have been visiting the house out of concern, though they're mostly there for my mom and grandma. Sure, they'd leave food for us but it mostly felt like just a way to stroke their egos and stuff, I dunno. They didn't even try to ask how I felt about everything if I'm being honest, but maybe it's just that I didn't really open up to all of them...they all come from church and if I show them a slight hint of "worldliness" I'd be lectured, and boy I don't want any of that. Guess you can call me shallow for thinking like this.
In all honesty...I really don't know how to feel right now. My mom, well my whole family, aren't the best people to be around with. Whenever I'd call them out on their BS, I'd be gaslighted and I'm left questioning if everything I'm feeling right now is valid. An individual is valid to not forgive someone who wronged them, but if you say that to my family, they'll see you as someone who's selfish.
I kinda wanna be happy that this happened to her, yet there's this nagging thought behind my head telling me that I shouldn't... I know I'd be a bad person for thinking that, my sister's already does that's for sure. I guess (emphasis on "guess") I could try and forgive but I don't know if I could still love them just as before.
My mother's still alive...just, barely. The doctors couldn't operate to remove the lumps off her because her hemoglobin levels are pretty low so we'd prolly have to wait till June or July for it to rise. They'll maybe come back home soon next week since staying over in the hospital for weeks now cost a lot.
I'm gonna be honest...I'm scared of the inevitable. Scared that there's not gonna be much hope of me and my mom reaching to an understanding and scared that none of my relatives would take me in when it happens because they'd rather tend to their own business and all. They never bothered to help us with grandma's needs...why would they help me now?
I'll still be posting stuff, though I think they're mostly drawn from months before and I wish y'all would like 'em. I think I'll also make a few announcements here and there and hopefully I'd be able to draw or make some art again. I do miss it and it helps me get my mind off things.
I've finally let out all of my thoughts, and I know it seems uncharacteristic of me, but...please pray for me. Whatever happens, I just wish that everything would turn out okay in the end.
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tiodolma · 1 year
🤣 Morgana, Morgan and Morgause + Merlin and Mordred = dysfunctional villainous family.
funny thing about this scenario is that Starz Merlin is often gone for days or sometimes months at a time and nbd knows where tf he is. Sometimes he visits BBC Merlin in Camelot. Their conversation goes like this:
BBC Merlin: aren't you worried for your arthur?
Starz Merlin: nah. he's fine. he got knights and all.
BBC Merlin: how old is he?
Starz Merlin: dunno...about 17? i think he was 17 when i last saw him 2 months ago.
BBC Merlin: ALONE?!?!?!? and he's YOUNGER THAN ME?!?!?
Starz Merlin: He was helping build the castle with his bros and whatnot
Starz Merlin (bewildered): He's a grown ass man and can handle himself. Do I look like a damn babysitter? Hell no. I got sht to do. I already got him a library and loyal knights. If he's my king then he better act like it. If he cant keep himself alive then what's the point of putting him there on the throne.
Starz Merlin: wait why are your questions like that? Are you implying that you are with your Arthur 24/7?
BBC Merlin: He won't survive without me if I let him out of my sight. There are always threats to his life,
Starz Merlin: and how old is he?
BBC Merlin: 25
Starz Merlin: (stands up) waste of time talking to you when you cant even do your job right.
BBC Merlin: but...
Starz Merlin: I invite you to dinner with the ladies tho. they'll be thrilled to see you
BBC Merlin: no they wont
Starz Merlin: relax, i'll be there.
Starz Merlin suddenly wakes up in his bed and sees Morgause, Morgan and Morgana at the foot of his bed.
Starz Merlin: hello ladies.
Morgan: now that is how you chain him up! Neat isn't it?
Morgause: in bed?
Morgan: yes my dear.. and then you can take as many body parts of him as you want! like nail clippings!
Morgause: For?
Morgan: for future purposes (winks)
Morgana: (takes notes)
Morgana: hey Morgan, i think it'd be more entertining if he's wet.
Morgan: I like the way you think.
Mordred: so nice of you to let them practice on you
Merlin: (sighs) look no matter how much i warn them about the consquences they wont listen. At least this prison is comfy. They'll be in pain from using sorcery in about 2 hours anyway.
Starz Merlin: I HAVE BROUGHT A GUEST! (drags BBC Merlin by the arm inside)
BBC Merlin, seeing Morgana: HISSSSSSS
Morgana, seeing Merliin: HISSSSSSSS
Morgause: she's always like that when it comes to that servant boy
Morgan, sauntering up to the Merlins: ISN'T HE ADORABLE (pinches bbc merlin's cheekbones) THESE ARE SO SHARP THEY'RE GONNA CUT ME
Starz Merlin: Don't scare the boy.
BBC Merlin: I'm not a boy, I'M LIKE 22
Morgan and Morgause: That's so deceptively cute.
During dinner BBC Merlin and Morgana are made to sit from across each other.
Merlin and Morgana: grrrrrr grrrr
Morgan: what's with those two?
Morgause: He poisoned her.
Starz Merlin: ...why would he do that?
BBC Merlin, not taking his eyes off morgana: I DIDNT WANT TO.
Morgana: YOU STILL DID grrrgrrrrr
Morgan: oH MY
Mordred (hisses at bbc merlin too): HOW DARE HE
Starz Merlin: (smacks mordred in the head): shut up all of you and eat.
Morgan: I'm bored. Don't you wish we had naked ladies for entertainment?
Starz Merlin (warningly): DON'T
Morgan (smirking): Morgana you must strip
Morgause: (cackling)
BBC Morgana and BBC Merlin: HELL NO!
Mordred: ooh they're in synch
...in the end nbd died at least XD
btw starz merlin and morgana peel and eat apples together all the time <3
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
O w O;;;;;;;;;
In my defense
I didn't explain anything on purpose. 1) drunk 2) I'm a cruel person
They go thru a spirit-type realm guided by another oc. It's difficult to breathe and see and move properly, since you're on a thin thread of life. Near the end, you'll start seeing your old home before coming to Symbol City. People you knew, places you liked to go to, and then your bed.
If you want to go back to your old life, go ahead and rest up.
Unfortunately, that's a trick. Your spirit will live in the illusion of your home, but you're still dead. If, however, you deny the offer, everything blows away like a tornado, and you're soon awaken into the world of the living again
Joker sucks. The punishment was death, but they didn't specify PERMANENT death
As for the PUNKS, they knew this would happen, but none of them liked the idea of it being done towards Xeno. However, if they speak out of turn, they may get caught in the crossfire...
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