#i enjoy em in a i see them and think theyre nice but i dont enjoy enjoy in the sense i NEED to learn more abt this guy!
nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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drawing my au sabitos- this ones swap au :)
I only really have 1 full scene for this au- and it started from me thinking him & Shinjuro both being depressed drinking buddies, lamenting about their deceased dark-haired beauties
When Sabito became a pillar he turned the water estate into a sort of training hub for all breath of water users, to try and help more people to mastery. He pretty regularly spars with people in his downtime, makes comments and tries coaching people from the sidelines very often
Most people are kinda weirded out by him- hes aggressive and stern, very snarky, but he never takes off the mask and it makes him look perpetually sad- sometimes he has this air of melancholy around him, listless, the mask fits in better when hes in those moods. But aside that hes usually very kind and genuinely tries to look out for the skayers under his roof, very hospitable as long as they stay out his shit.
So hes very well received, but no one has seen his face- ever. They have all kinds of rumors and theories about why he wears it, what his face looks like, what the mask is even supposed to mean. Some of the more daring(/disrespectful/immature) inahbitants try to sneak a look in the mornings before he puts it on- but he's always wide awake, sightless blue eyes of the mask staring them down from an inch away the moment they open it
Anyways, one day he's out in the yard sparring with a higher ranked slayer in front of a group doing their own training and whatnot too- theyre both intensely into it, movements hard to keep track of and training swords clashing so loud it echos in the area. The slayer accidentally aims at his mask, the mood changes with a sudden pressure in the air when Sabito deflects the swing and reaches towards them in a flash- a harsh grip in their hair and yanking them so theyre centimeters from his face
"Don't touch the fucking mask."
Everyone drops dead silent at the utter malice dripping through his tone, a moment passes as Sabito realizes what he did and lets go of their hair. He gently ruffles it and straightens his back instead of posturing over them
"I deeply apologize. ...I think i should call it a day." he says in an uncharictaristically quiet voice before putting his training sword up and going to his room
NO ONE bothers him for the rest of the day, or the day after, they give him plenty of space and try their best not to prod at him or tick him off like they usually do- the slayer who was sparring w him was scared shitless and tries their damndest to stay out of his way and not piss him off again. They've never seen him genuinely angry like that- he gets pissed off and annoyed plenty, daily even, but that sudden cold fury over the near hit of his mask was terrifying to witness.
#neros art tag#sabito#kny sabito#water pillar swap au#sabito bewoved :)#he became a pillar at the cusp of shinjuro ditching the hashira meetings altogether & was like just in time to become drinking buddies w hi#theyre quiet and dont talk abt themselves much even if they have Opinions abt eachother#shinjuro thinking hes tragic bc hes like. 17-18 drinking w an alcoholic on his days off and being as sad as he is at such a young age#meanwhile sabito thinks hes a sack of shit shirking his duties as a slayer to bringe drink & abuse his kids bc he thinks its all for nothin#They Do Not Talk About That#Kyojuro however loudly proclaims that he thinks sabito's a fucking weirdo being drinking buddies with his fucking DAD#Mitsuri just thinks its really sad and tries to cheer Sabito up whenever she sees him when hes sober & not planning to Not Be#he really appreciates it and eventually he accepts her invitations to food sometimes (w kyojuro of course)#first time they go Kyojuro gets mad @ him bc he ordered a drink for his food and he went full sass back at em#'unlike your father- i have the discipline to stop after 1 drink just to enjoy the flavor with my food.' he refrains from buying any#alcohol around them after that- which krojuro notices- and he kinda settles down abt sabito bc he also notices that he really is discipline#about everything he does- and hes actually pretty nice to chat with when hes not being sadboy silent drunk#Mitsuri develops a leeetle bit of a crush on him but kinda knows its *never* gonna be reciprocated bc of whoever#the mask and red haori originally belonged to#(also one time at brunch they ask abt his scar & the mask since he has to have it up some to eat#'its not related if thats what you're thinking- i couldnt care less about my face -but the mask is very important to me' with a little frow#he takes a bite and they politely stopped talking about the dead. Shinjuros the only one whos seen his entire face aside from Urokodaki tho#edit: fixed the hand it doesnt make me wanna cry anymore 👍
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jrueships · 2 years
how do you feel about paolo? He seems very “#swag #drip #😤😤😤” in a Unironically ironic way (that’s the only way I know how to describe it) I fear I may be the only one who likes him :(
i like him!! i definitely get those vibes, he probably wore neon clothes in highschool.. BUT IF DESMOND HAS TAUGHT US ANYTHING, it's that even NEON COLOR CLOTHES WEARERS have HOPE!!!!! He's so funny and he doesn't try to be lol. With those kinda personalities it's a Little hard to find complexities and dig deeper because that's pretty much the blanket description for em! ...#swag! hashtag! drip!
Hes definitely him!! pp does it! love that for him!
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Go pp ! Go pp ! Itsya birthday 🎂 🥳 go pp ! Go
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teamseaslug · 1 month
Distinct type of woman is one who goes to a goth club and is shocked when she has to interact with something
#this is so specific but if youve never been in this situation you probably dont know what im talking about but if you have you get it#its like..... theyre nice girls. its not like theyre being rude or anything. but the ones who are just like. trying to see what it is ig?#and they hang around in the corner all owl eyed#and are shocked when someone friendly wants to talk to them because its a local spot and everyone knows everyone#not even in a hitting on you way just in a Hey Whats Up! :) You Enjoying The Music Tonight? sorta way#and are like. theyre not upset but they're always like startled and shocked#i think (but i dont know) its that theyre shy and introverted and want to people watch in a... not aggressive I Want A Goth Mommy way#but obviously want to see alt people. maybe shy and closeted gay or something#maybe just trying to see if they like something#but they arrive and are alone and stick out like sore thumbs and look confused and scared so ofc someone says something#or asks if they wanna dance or chat because everyone who goes to these sorta establishments is a little introverted but usually nice#and its like they are aware theyre percieved suddenly and they maybe think we think theyre a creep? but again im just speculating#on what this is. i see like one of em every 2 weeks at the club#if im tipsy ill ask them to dance and 9/10 if i ask they will but thats cause i cant dance LOL so they feel confident#then theyll give me their number and I'll never see them again.#anyway. shy bitches sound off what do you think this is#sydney talking
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gimmeyourlovepls · 8 months
Earth 42! Miles Morales x Reader Headcanons <3
a/n: hi guys! sorry ive been gone for a hot second, my mental health is declining just like my grades 😍 anyway, enjoy!
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ok, i know that miles would act so stoic at first but he'd show his affection in little ways
like anything from a good morning note to chocolates, your gonna get at least one a week
even though he doesnt write his name on the gifts, you always know its him, and you make sure to give him a little hug or kiss :)
ok, so ive had this thought in my head for a while, but miles would totally have glasses
like, you see how much he's working on tech and junk, you know his eyesight is gonna be at least a little bad
but he doesnt wear them because he thinks theyre nerdy
until you find out :0
"hey miles, are these your glasses? how come ive never seen you wear them? can you put em on?"
from then on, you start begging him to put them on, but he always says no
until one day, when you are lying on the couch, asking him to put them on, when he finally says yes.
he puts them on, smiling at you slightly, and you just start attacking him with kisses
"mi amor, calm down!" "nah, my man looks too handsome"
from then on, he finally wears his glasses (at least when hes alone with you)
and everytime you bombard him with many, many kisses (which he doesnt mind in the slightest)
you two are so in love
but sometimes it leads to jealousy
not only from miles, but from you
one time he saw you chatting to this boy and as soon as you two were alone he wouldnt let you go till he was sure you were his
the boy you were talking to was literally your cousin 💀
but if it meant getting extra kisses from miles, you were not complaining
you've had your fair share of jealous moments too
like when miles was partnered with this girl for a project
she was being a little too nice with him
so you walked over there, hair swaying behind you, and sat on miles' lap at the table they were working at
you kept rubbing his arm and pressing little kisses on his cheek until their working time was over and they finished the project
and you walked outta there on miles' arm
you and miles had a talk after that, and theirs not that many of those moments anymore
however miles is DEFINETLY jealous and happy at the same time at the relationship you have with his mom
because he wants his mom to like you, duh
but when you and her are talking like you've known eachother since birth, he gets a little left out
dont worry tho, he loves u and your mom, you two are his favorite ladies
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a/n: i hope you enjoyed! i have homework to do, but i might do a part 2 if yall want. pls give me requests for writing! ilysm, have a great life!
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!Celebrating your birthday with the BSD boys!
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(this is part 1)(pt2{tmrw})(pt3{Wednesday})
scenario:- its your birthday and you're celebrating with the bsd bois!
pairings:- dazai x gn!reader,kunikida x gn!reader, ranpo x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- headcannons
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↪️Dazai Osamu
*proceeds to throw around double suicide ideas*
But jokes aside,if you’re not that thrilled at the prospect of aging (and honestly valid) he’ll definitely hype you up.
Like this man CANNOT take a compliment to save his life
But DAM can he dish em out
Probably has a full day of fun activities planned
But if you’re more an introverted and indoor person hed organise a full fun day for just the two of you at his place,movies,presents,couple-y stuff;The Whole SheBang!
Thered definitely be some dangerous activities in there
But hey! Its dazai, he probably knows what hes doin rightt???(spoiler:he doesnt)
The day ends with fireworks (whether by like using actual ones or junichiros light snow ability,we may never know)
And he tells you that theres no one else he’d rather go out as beautifully as the fireworks with~
↪️Kunikida Doppo
Has a DETAILED schedule for your day
Ofc it consist of stuff that he KNOWS you’ll love
If you’re kinda down abt the fact you’re gettin older he’ll just tell you that it’s inevitable and that it is nothing to be worried about
If be sees that that didnt help,(buddy come on) he says that time seems to have frozen for you and that you look as beautiful as the day you met
Also when you guys cut a cake at the agency,he gives you a book-shaped package and asks you to open it in private
It was a book of poems, he’d been writing them since the day you first met.and lemme tell you,theyre sweeter and sappier than anyone would ever think him capable of writing
When you thank him for it he just kinda shrugs it off but you can CLEARLY see the blush creeping up his face and can hear the lil crack in his voice
Also uses doppo poet to make you a smol bouquet of your fave flowers
Could he have bought em from a shop? Yes. But did he wanna woo you? Also yes.
What can i say,he’s surprisingly romantic
↪️Edogawa Ranpo
Showers you with snacks
Literally AND figuratively
Also allows you to eat some of his(its your special day after all)
Gets you the most insightful and heartfelt gift but also something that you’ve wanted for a while
When you ask him how he knew youd wanted it,he launches into a huge explanation of how he used his special ability to analyse your body language and-yadayadayada
Please tell him ur impressed cos he loves hearin ur praises
Asks poe to write a birthday themed mystery and yall solve it together
(Ofc he doesnt out right asks,he just kinda dares poe that he cant write it...ranpo be ranpo-ing mann)
(But when poe finds out its for you he does it with even more determination than before!!{howww is that eveb possible???})
Karl also gives you a gift cos poe really likes you(you’re nice to him and say his stories are great) (future angst piece???)
Your day will end with a huge ass movie marathon
like u thought he gave u a lot in the beginning
But DAM boi is STOCKED
will feed you throughout the movie and cuddles you close
He just loves spendin this much time with you tbh🥺
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone who wants!
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arrowsinmyskull · 1 year
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“i’ll never love again, i’m so in love with you.”
— yan oc concept : yan ! ex s/o ! singer x gender-neutral ! reader —
[usage of you/your pronouns. there are no mentions of 3rd person pronouns for you, even in dialogue.]
TW: obsessive behaviors, s/h (self harm) implications, kidnapping implications, its a little vulgar (if you dont like swearing), writing that was done late at night implications, my grammar probably got a liiittle too silly but thats ok i think i have cool grammar without double-checking if i put enough effort cause im cool like that <3 /j
a/n: i swear to god i keep writing crusty musty mfs madly in love but thats okay apparently my professional “writing concept judge” called me a genius. & said thta those asmr artists who do yan asmr would probably bow down to me which im scared of lolz. anywyas enjoy the result of my sleep deprivation & desperate attempts to try oil painting which made me spiral into insanity :insert that kissy emoji i forgot: ALSO ALSO idk if this’ll get popular but i sorta wanna give ‘em a name ohohoho
ight listen: you knew em from middle school,, okay, & you grew up together from that point,. they caught feelings in highschool
they confessed a few months after catching feelings & you were like “omg me 2!!!”
so you guys were highschool sweethearts for a bit :)
oh, but school is a terrible thing for many. it could’ve been any cause like the following, but not limited to: your peers convinced you that they were too good for you, or vice versa.. maybe schoolwork was too overwhelming.. maybe you had to put more focus on your individuality to get better academically..
maybe you just fell out of love.
you two broke up when you guys were in your college years.
they didn’t show up for days after the break-up.. & nobody heard from them during those days. no one knew why, but some had a hunch if was due to your seperation. you guessed the same. guess what? your guesses were right.
they returned after a long while, although.. something was up. they were., wearing really baggy clothes..? that wasn’t like them. everything was covered..
if their sleeves rolled up, you’d see slits on their forearms. you guessed you were the cause of the wounds.
they showed up like nothing happened, but after some weeks passed.. they dropped out.
next thing you know, there’s an uprising indie musician who sings their heart out regarding heartbreak. they’re getting popular, their songs are nice, an—oh, what do you know? it’s. your. damn. ex. singing about you.
ugh, dawg,,, what in the sour by olivia rodrigo is this? these r fucking emo break-up songs (which lowkey go hard but it took vv long for u to admit) that is obvi a cry for you to come back to them
i mean.. these songs kinda fire even if theyre begging for you to love the singer again. you just know they chose to write songs in your fav genre because it'd have a higher chance of you noticing their work & even liking their work.. well, it seemed to have been a success. you are jamming to their songs so hard.
oh n if i’m being honest, this person has always gone all out for you, whether y’all were friends, besties, lovers, or exes, they did everything in their power to be perfect *for you*.
so ..... when you saw them concerts they were all FLASHY and it seems the lights were always your favorite color, their outfits matched your exact taste in fashion, it was basically like your dream stage in terms of aesthetics. you bet they catered to your tastes for you only.
you wanted to attend their concert. you began looking for the nearest concert of theirs and.... WHAT????????
there's a concert in your area, on your birthday exactly. they... didn't forget about you, huh? they knew damn well where you lived & that your special day was coming up soon.
you got tickets anyway. to hell with it all babyy
skip to when your long awaited bday rolls around!! you're putting on your coolest fuckin outfit because you really do put your all into making sure you enjoy a concert. from using the clothes you love most to making sure you get front row views.
ok i pull up hop out at the concert of my now popular ex lover,,, oh and you got a backstage pass. you don't know if it was a mistake but yippee you can see your fav artist who probably never forgot about your breakup but um... just ignore that then
you got into the concert venue & it is so so awesome looking!!! they r totally not gonna lose their shit now that ur here!! now transition into a drabble/scenario i don't know lmao
the lights blared in all of the colors they damn well knew you loved. the first concert of your current favorite singer. you were immediately guided to a luxurious bench with the best view of the concert, reserved just for you. it seems that there was a blatant special guest amongst the audience, & that special guest just so happened to be you. the love of their life, the one they never ever got over. your suspicions about that matter was just proven to be true, but you denied it. they're mature, they would've never done this much for a former significant other.. right? yeah, no, you are dead wrong.
they want you back, & with the fame they have acquired, they are devoting everything they have to just getting you back. it takes a while for them to get on stage, but they rise like a deity. the iridescent hues of the stage lights shine on them, highlighting all their gorgeous features. they changed themself immensely, it seems. the aesthetic, their face, absolutely everything.. those changes have all been made for you to love them more.. & more.. until both of you are hurt & sore just from singing praises for too long, just from giving affection without even a second wasted without unbridled shows of what can only be called passion—pure, primal, passion. their eyes search through the crowd, checking if you’re in the VIP seat, or if you’re anywhere in the roaring audience at all. ‘ah, there you are.. you, oh-so flawless sovereign, you..’ unhinged cries of desperation runs through their thoughts, as they suppress the twisted grin creeping onto their face. they snap out of their daze when they start to realise they’re simply staring at you.
“hit it!”
the music is.. quite new. the same genre, of course, to keep everything the exact way they knew you’d like it. however, it seems nobody recognises the song. it seems to be unreleased, without even a demo. it is quite beautiful, though, so you hope they’ll release it soon. it also appears that the lyrics are no longer of heartbreak, or of unrequited love. all they’re singing about is reunion, reciprocated romance, all the good things. there are even covers of love songs, & they are the favorites of the both of you! but why is this happening? when you watched all the other concerts, it was never like this. what is so special? why is everything switched up? what is the reason behind all this?
…you hear the mention of your name in their song. it clicked. it clicked at last.. the reason is simply.. you. it’s all because you’re here, that they’re all like this. looks like they’re feeling giddy, like getting butterflies right now, & you’re the cause, huh..? they’re keeping their eyes on you while they belt their heart out, then they took notice of the pink subtly dusting your cheeks amidst the audience & their cheers. they shoot a smile & wink in your direction as they pray to whatever deity is out there that you saw them do so. 3 hours of poetic love songs all written in your name pass, then the roars & cheers die down once they finish off the encore. their gloved hands run through their glistening hair, giving an exhausted smile at everyone. you try to get up, forgetting about your sudden VIP backstage pass from earlier, but you get restrained by the ‘special chair’. it seems that they want to keep you around for a while longer.
the sound of their expensive leather shoes clacking against the floor echoes through the now-empty concert venue. “hello, my darling! where have you been for so long, hm?”
they beam at you with the same award-winning smile from when you two were highschool sweethearts. you try to suppress your smile when you reminisce about the old days.. & try to stay a bit distant. despite your attempt to hide that you missed seeing that warm expression, they picked up on how you looked at them with an ever-so subtle hint of longing for what once was. their soft hand takes a hold of yours as they let you go from the restraints, firmly but gently making sure that you stay. their thumb caresses the back of your hand like they always did when you held eachother at the movies. your fingers intertwine as they help you get up, so that they can lead you backstage. they acted so intimate, as if you two were still dating. to them, you really are. nothing changed, right? just a few years of unbearable distance, that’s all! they never stopped being your lover, after all…
you were brought backstage, & it was all silent. nobody was around, as everyone else was shooed out beforehand, since “they could take it from here”.. whatever that meant to the staff. you were immediately placed on their lap, as they whispered sweet, obsessive nothings. you knew damn well, though, that those sweet nothings definitely hinted to something. there was definitely something sinister behind the adoring praise which spilled from their lips.
“oh, do you know how much i’d do for you, how much i love you?”
“i’d bring the world down in your name. are you not aware of that, my love?..”
“when you entered my life, when we became more than boring ol’ friends, oh, i felt so loved! did you know that?”
“..you.. you did? then why’d you leave, huh? i know you didn’t leave me for dead, ‘cause, darling, i just know you’d never do that to me!”
“so, why did you choose to go?”
you tense up at the last question. the temptations to fall apart & sob as you blabber about everything that happened crept up on you, but you were wary, as it seems that even as a person of massive fame, they were still the same obsessive ex you saw before they moved away. so, you tried to lie, but they saw right through it. with enough coaxing, all the events spilled out. from your thoughts to the outside influences, secrets were flowing as though they were a waterfall while you rested & bawled in their arms, & on their chest, where you most definitely belong. once you calmed down from enough shushing & cuddling, you smiled at eachother. you felt comforted, even though you were being told in the back of your mind that this is all so wrong. the moment itself felt so right, so who gives a shit? they kissed you tenderly, in the exact same manner they always did if you two were apart for too long. to them, yes, it really just was a simple heart-felt reunion. you just spent time away from eachother! it was never a break-up! so, why not just stick around now? it seems you suffered so much without them by your side..
they whispered in-between soft kisses placed all over you. “it seems to have all been so petty! now, how about you stay here for good this time?”
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sieglinde-freud · 9 months
1,3,5,6 and 15! I love women <3
hi faye!! 🩷 i already know this gonna be long hooboy
1. One of your favorite female characters?
frederica aesfrost triangle strategy. that is my GIRL. i dont know how many of you guys have played triangle strategy but me personally it changed my life. not gonna say too much because i dont wanna spoil it, but shes such a great female lead. shes basically fighting for the liberation of her people, the roselle, who the society of the game has basically condemned for no reason so if you go through her arc, you see how she deals with the pressure of having to free them, how hard it hurts to witness them in the state that theyre in, and the sacrifices she has to make to get what she wants and GOD. its so good. shes so good. also she cant fucking cook. me too girl.
3. What’s a female character you look up to?
ema skye ace attorney, specifically in aa4-6. ive never seen a character that made me go ‘GOD shes just like me fr’ like her (and apollo justice. but this isnt about him). i feel like it’s rare to see main characters like her really love something, and then FAIL pathetically at it. over and over. not that i enjoy seeing her not getting her forensic license, but it just feels so real. sometimes you love something and you’re so passionate about it but you just dont get it. and how does she react? is she still the bubbly ema you see in rfta with a “we’ll get em next time!” attitude? no!! no she’s not, she’s bitter, grumpy, snarky, dealing with the most annoying prosecutor of all time, and she’s so fucking real. be frustrated! be angry! life hands you shit cards you can be mad about how you have to play it! it’s nice seeing characters who pick themselves back up so easily, but most people arent like that and im certainly not, and seeing a character who’s just so honest about that is really refreshing. of course, she finally gets her dream in aa6, but that doesnt come without years and years of trying. in a universe where people are becoming lawyers at 18, it’s nice to see someone realistic. (im also trying to step foot into the forensic field eventually sooo… the fact that shes on the same path as me just kinda makes it hit harder, you know?)
5. A female villain you love?
pissing off both sides of the argument by calling her a villain and saying i love her but edelgard von hresvelg. before anyone says anything my favorite lord is yuri leclerc and the rest of them are equal in my heart <3 but edelgard clearly takes on more of a villain role in every route except her own, and even then she’s not entirely morally correct (duh). but i dont know. i wont say too much on your ask faye cuz i know you havent finished the other routes yet, but even when i played azure moon i couldnt bring myself to dislike her. her past with dimitri, the way she kept the dagger, and everything she reveals to you on her own path and how her past shaped her into who she is and what she wants and how she will stop at nothing to get it. i dont agree with the ends justifying the means, but i love characters who believe in that because it’s just so interesting. you want this thing so bad, nothing will stop you? your friends, your family, knowing you’re doing wrong because you think it’ll turn out right? what if it goes wrong. what if it blows up in your face? what if history remembers you as the villain forever? you’re already too deep in it i guess, so just keep going. shes so… ggrarghj. edelgard 🥹
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
athena cykes ace attorney. you’re telling me the entirety of aa5 is revolves around HER story, HER past, HER relationships, and it’s called “Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies”? the dual, by the way, refers to apollo. and you dont even play as athena during the climax of the game, you play as phoenix and shes just WATCHING. will they redeem her in aa6? you mean “Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice?” you mean the game where she gets ONE case on her own and it’s a FILLER CASE? admittedly a pretty good filler case but still. god. what the hell. i get phoenix sells but if you’re make new lawyers to take on his legacy, maybe? let them do that???
15. Female character you would defend with your life?
as usual there are so many to pick from. but i think this time i’m gonna pick nyx fire emblem. now, dont get me wrong. i will not defend her design. fates’ female dark mage design is pretty bad, especially since its used on ophelia and nyx. as much as i sincerely dont think nyx looks like a child as opposed to just a pretty short young woman, it’s…. blerghh. but aside from that? i cant STAND when people say shes just generic loli bait that acts like a child. because where? WHERE? point to where in her supports she acts like a child seriously. i know in her supports with charlotte she attempts to try it, but the point is that its unnatural and uncomfortable for her to do so. she is just. not like that. she doesnt try to play around like nowi or myrrh. shes not a child in dragon years or anything. shes just an older woman stuck in the body of a younger one, and if you would just READ one support, literally any of them, you would know that. but fates haters dont read, do they? clearly not. and its just a huge disservice to the rest of her character, which i think is incredibly beautifully written. shes such a standout in fates and i cant stand people ignoring that because “waaah nowi clone!” fuck you.
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b1mbodoll · 6 months
I sent the ask about following you + bubbleseo and the way you talk about your friends is so genuine 😿 it puts a smile on my face when I see you reblogging your mutuals fanfics or just interacting with them and even us anons in general 🫶🏾 sending you love sis 🖤 keep being you
hihi honey this is so sweet ‘nd means so much to me! i really appreciate every single one of my lovely little friends on here n i try hard to treat them all kindly bc theyre some of the best people ive ever met!!!!! i have so much love n warmth in my heart for all my little lovebugs!!!! <3
i also seriously try treating all my lovely anonies and followers really nicely too <3 sometimes asks get eaten or i hold onto asks for a couple days n i feel really terribly bc i dont want anyone to think im ignorin ‘em!!! but this makes me so smiley n happy n im extremely glad you enjoy talkin to me :( this means the world to me!!!!! sending u love as well, baby <3 i adore ya
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azusaluvclub · 2 years
my all out!! ships ... the masterpost you didnt ask for
im gonna keep this short and sweet and say that i have 0 explanation or defense for any of these , but goddAMN did i grasp at straws to make em make sense . having ao!! as my hyperfixation for half a year has had some harrowing results tbh
if im not alone in these pls let me know or smth :D otherwise enjoy (or dont)
goshozome + hirota ;;;
⋆ .. all of these are rarepairs tbh
⋆ gosho notices hirota first, whenever they go to watch jinkou play against tenjiku ! rlly admires his strength on the field and finds himself wanting to get to know him lol
⋆ is the one to initiate their first convo after a practice game together and hirota thinks hes an absolute pest- reminds him too much of the flashy, pretty boy types in dramas, but waaayyyy more charismatic (and actually nice lbr)
⋆ gosho probably gets hirotas number from kamo afterwards (thx kamo ...) and messages him that night w some goofy lil "hello ! (^0^)ノ" and hirota is just left wondering .. “who tf ..."
⋆ once he figures out its goshozome, he decides that hes even MORE of a pest- still replies to him tho ?? he rolls his eyes about it but he cant help but find him amusing ; its not long before hes looking forward to their chats :D
⋆ over time they start to talk more and while they dont have the most in common personality-wise, they find that they have similar likes and hobbies (aside from rugby ofc) that they can talk about for hours- even their differences and separate interests make for good conversations ! 
⋆ the first time they get together is probably to do smth a bit more fun as per goshos suggestion, like bowling (naturally, seeing as hirota is a bowling god), mini golf, or even ice skating- smth that gets em out, but where they can still chill and talk afterwards ! 
⋆ also, most places like that provide snacks + appetizers 2 share soooo ;))) while its not exactly a "date", its definitely a place to start
⋆ in all of this though, hirota ends up learning a lot more about gosho and that, in spite of whatever misconceptions he had about him, he really just wanted to be friends- and honestly ? this makes hirota feel rlly fuzzy deep down :( not that he admits it, coward
⋆ them actually getting together though is definitely a gradual thing . i feel like goshozome wouldve realized early on that he didnt want just a friendship with hirota, but it took hirota much longer to figure out that his own feelings werent totally platonic lol- its not until wellll into their college years that they decide to give dating a try :)) 
⋆ their friends were not surprised when they started dating ; probably more surprised w how long it took . esp kamo, who def caught the pair making goo-goo eyes at each other like a bajillion times before they made it official- hirota may have thought he was being lowkey about it, but gosho wasnt even trying tbh- 
⋆ overall they have a really sweet relationship :(( i see gosho as the type of boyfriend who can be a lil overbearing in his affection (though it comes from the heart ofc, he just doesnt like being discreet about the person he loves imo), so hes always reminding hirota of the million and one reasons he loves him, gifting him things, taking him places, etc, and while hirota doesnt mind be flattered like that, he never really gets used to it either lmao- gosho calms down about it when theyve been together longer and the newness wears off a bit lmao
⋆ hirota, on the other hand, is a bit more subtle about that sort of thing :)) its the little things that goshozome loves tho ! hirota cooking him his favorite meal (goshos canon type is good cooks so I MEANNNN...), giving him something that reminded him of gosho, or simply saying “i love you” is enough to make him melt- knowing that hes appreciated and thought of like that will never fail to make him absolutely weak smh
⋆ but yeah, theyre just really happy together :(( 
⋆ to add some more fun lil things ,, hirota has a fascination w goshozomes hair tbh . loves running his fingers thru it when theyre cuddling and such (seriously wants to know what product he uses to get it so ... soft..)
⋆ whenever they get into petty arguments , hirota will 9/10 times threaten to turn goshos bird into stew ,, or fried parakeet ,, 
⋆ in spite of this he actually does find pete (???? i think thats its name but dont ask me ..,) super cute :( 100% supportive if/whenever gosho wants expand the family lol, once theyve settled down
⋆ once they get older and have the funds for it, i think itd be cute if they opened their own lil restaurant together ! its mainly hirotas since it was probably his dream from the start, but gosho helps out a lot with it — be it helping in the kitchen, w the decorating and such, or the actual hosting/waitering part, hes in it with hirota 100% :))
⋆ i see them as both being pretty family-oriented ppl, so they definitely keep close with each others families + they all get along p well ! i like to think that, w them both being older brothers, their lil bros are relatively around the same age and so they hang out a lot during family get-togethers and such- whether they actually get along or not ? wellll u can decide lmao
adachigahara + takebe .
⋆ chaos x chaos enabler .
⋆ likely started talking during a post-match function, probably after rugby nationals and shit- takebes bffs w marodo + i like to think noka + sumi are a lil friend group w them, and i feel like theyre the cluster of personalities that adachi would fit right in with (would he want to tho ...), so it made sense for them to start mingling lol
⋆ how the two started talking outside of rugby stuff ?? BEYOND me . for the sake of this it doesnt matter, but i dont think it was long into them talking + developing interest before they decided to go on a date lol
⋆ their first date is probably at an amusement park ! maybe a lil cliche but i think theyre both fun-loving people so it seemed like a good idea lol
⋆ try going on a few of the rides, but adachi gets queasy every . single . time . so by the fourth ride they agree to just play the different games instead (which is fine, bc adachi was looking foward to that part anyways-)
⋆ adachi keeps trying to win the stuffed animal prizes to add to his collection but loses p much every time- takebe offers to try his luck, and gets it in one go :D (and gets stuck carrying their loot the rest of the day lol) ends up winning some big, light blue cat plushie that permanently resides in adachis bed :)))
⋆ venture into a haunted house attraction and take turns screaming + clinging to each other when they get scared- adachigahara tried playing it off like he wasnt scared at first but ,, neither of them would be that good with spooky stuff lbr :’)
⋆ end off the date by sharing a giant ass sundae at one of the food stalls <3 
⋆ after a few months of flirting around and going out, they actually put a label on things :D nobody was expecting it other than the people closest to them, mainly because they are so ... different, per se ? but theyre happy together so their friends are happy for them ofc
⋆ takebe was definitely drawn to adachi for his personality :)) but can you really blame him ? hed be fun as hell to be around ; even if they arent doing anything in particular, takebe will still find himself entertained by whatever ramble adachi decides to go on about- (at this point takebe knows 90% of the sagami gossip lol)
⋆ (also, not that it matters buttttt ... takebes type is literally “black hair in a bob” and like . how else would u describe adachigaharas hair ? lmao do what this info what you will)
⋆ for adachi, i think hed really like the more passionate/ambitious + bolder sides of takebe, once he gets a chance to see them lol :,) esp since he seems p simple on the surface- (tho i feel like theyre both passionate people, just about different things- takebe mostly about his goals and such, while adachi is just passionate about everything smh) adachi is takebes #1 supporter tho :D
⋆ definitely the type of couple to be matchy-matchy w things ! matching keychains, mugs, accessories, blah blah blahhhh
⋆ because he knows goshozome, adachi has gotten a ton of hair tips and products to pass onto takebe :D probably the only cure to his insane bedhead atp
⋆ spend a lot of their bonding time just doing silly shit, but its some of their favorite moments shared :( be it watching some ridiculous show on tv, doing shitty karaoke in their living room or tripping over each other playing just dance, or indulging in some self-care, they have a lot of fun together </3
to summarize , these are the only two ships i really had a lot to say about :D but if u want me to be real i have like . a shit ton more that linger in my brain as cute concepts (kokuto + marodo,,,, for example,,,) but idk how to make them work logically LMAOOOO so yeah . one day perhaps .... i will speak em into existence ..........
but !!! if anyone reads this pls let me knwo about your own rarepairs or ao!! ships in general ! or any general headcanons ,, idc honestly , im just open to any convo about ao!! atp lmaoooooo soooo :D hmu bitches
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
🤥 💥 👪 🍓 🙈 🙉 📸 🎁 🖍️🌠 💓 for Milo
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🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Very good. One of the best poker faces around. Very..Very very little to break their facade. Even their tells are nearly non existent. Theyre consistent.. so.. i supposed the only real way you could is.. uh.. Imma be real.. no clue
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Care. Kindness. Love. They do not like how all that feels its.. gross. weird. Theyre easily turned off from shit like this. Milo prefers to be left alone. Keep your 'love' and 'friendliness' to yourself or you might have an angry demon on your hands toots
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Milo doesnt know much of their parents... and prefer to keep it like that. While they had raised them.. they dislike them. Very estranged.. They even have a twin.. but their twin had been long gone. Long dead. and frankly.. good fucking ridance. Took em long enough to wind up biting the dust.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Yep. Peppers.. Both spicy and sweet. Bok choy.. cabbage.. cucumber.. bean sprouts. For fruit- Korean melon, Plums, Strawberries.. annd Grapes!
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Their true self. Their true form. Thats not really something they enjoy..
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
They dont want to hear the confirmation.. that theyre disgusting and unlovable. That theyre a monster. That they deserve nothing good.
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
Yep. Cmon~ Don't be shy. They'll pose for you too.. Milo often goes for something a little risque.. Sexy poses.. After all it doesnt matter too much to them.. and hey. What form would ya like? They'll switch it up for you~ Milo's hobby does include photography! They love it. They even have a very nice camera.. Believe it or not... they enjoy taking pictures of birds or natures. They dont like taking pictures of others.. but.. mhm.. there might be one or two people that might be an exception to that rule
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Milo doesnt like getting gifts. its... weird. I mean clothing is the best best honestly. Or maybe some yarn? Theyre not too... uh good with that stuff haaaa... Milo only gives uhmm. Stuff theyve made or buying a drink for others.
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Heartless playboy. Lothairo.. Well.. Theyre not wrong. Milo doesnt give a shit about it either. They know what they are.. so.. What strangers think of them is silly and pointless.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
.... Cute. Cute trolls being sweet. Being sweet to them. Uncaring what they are. Willingly sinking down to their level and.. Ahem. Whatever
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dearheartwitcher · 2 years
all odd numbers for the ask game! :)
oooo!! ok!! under the cut since thats quite a few aksdhfs
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
oh i have quite a few!! i guess i would say in like... chronological order..... john egbert, dave strider, sans + papyrus, geralt + jaskier, and a few of my + my bfs ocs :) if we're also counting like childhood comfort characters, theres also big bird and tigger 🥰
3. do you leave the window open at night?
most nights, yes! if its raining really hard or super super cold i will close it.
5. what color are your eyes?
green! i have a little bit of like... gold color around the insides but its not super visible mostly
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
i use hair ties! i have lots of thick hair so scrunchies dont usually hold very well. i think theyre rly cute tho
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
cold coffee usually 💕
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
reading mostly! drawing and playing games r also up there :) when i was in school i also liked playing my trumpet
13. when was the last time you ate?
a little bit ago! my aunt saved me the drumsticks from a rotisserie chicken she had the other day, i just ate em cold lol. i should have an actual meal soon tho
15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
not at all and i have no plans to be
17. are you farsighted or nearsighted?
oh very very nearsighted my eyesight is ATROCIOUS.
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
um YES obviously, altho i cant guarantee i'd do an Excellent job
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
lots of things :) lots of toys, my baby blankets, sketchbooks
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
i like it! i usually like clothes better suited to chilly weather and i haaate being hot and sweaty
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
mostly i use lotion and body spray :)
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
umm maybe 6? sometimes i get a little nap in too
29. how do you like your shower water?
hot but not burning Or in the summer i take a nice lukewarm or cool shower. if its Very hot outside i take a shower as cold as i can get it lol.
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
thats a good question! i guess i dont really know. i dont think i seek out music that grounds me? or i could be misinterpreting the meaning of "grounding" in this context? i think maybe The Mountain Goats is as close as i can think of :)
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
hmm. when my bf was visiting me last, we wanted to go bowling and when we got there it turned out to be league night lol. we ended up walking around town and stopping in a couple stores and getting dinner :) not a huge adventure but it was nice
35. what’s your timezone?
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
my friend laney! we met in preschool and were each others best + closest friends for basically all our childhoods. we still talk + hang out sometimes now :)
39. do you use lip balm?
yes! not every day but very often
41. how do you take your coffee?
very sweet 😋 i dont drink coffee at home lol
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
personally i dont enjoy them very much aksjdfhs i can handle some level of spice i just dont like it the way some ppl do
45. can you remember what happened yesterday?
uh yeah! i hung out with my dogs mostly. my bf was at work and didnt have a very good day. i sent him some doordash when he got home, we watched The Mortuary Collection, and played sims a little bit
47. what was the last message you sent?
uhh lets see. hm. i am sorry to inform you that it was "car reproduction logistics"
49. can you skip rocks?
not super well but yeah!
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nevadawasnottaken · 3 years
love languages
the love language of dream smp members :) (platonic for minors! romantic for others) im doing them all bc they all deserve recognition! :D keep in mind i dont know all of their personalities well! (hbomb, antfrost, ponk, lazarbeam, etc) these are all c!dsmp (in game) those marked with * are ones im uncertain about/unfamiliar with! -- dream: gift giving or acts of service with a twinge of physical touch. mans will get anything for you, no lie. you want it? hes got it. dream xd: acts of service or gift giving. possibly touch, but i dont see him being keen on it unless its in private. i see him as someone who tries to spoil his s/o a lot. if youre a worthy lover of a god, you should be treated like one. george: probably acts of service, quality time and touch. man would probably cuddle with you while watching some movie that neither of you pay attention to. sapnap: touch or words of affirmation. he does like giving gifts on occasion though! probably something thatll remind you of him. but overall, he prefers hand holding or something. he likes knowing youre there. callahan*: quality time. i imagine he likes going places all over the smp. it makes him happy to take you places that he finds beautiful. even better when you find them beautiful too! sam: acts of service for sure. he would make you tea (or your preferred drink) on a bad day and wrap you in blankets and cuddle as much as youd like. or, he would leave you alone if you need it. hes very caring, warden persona aside. sam nook: gift giving seems his thing! or acts of service! he seems as if he would get you things to cheer you up, or just simply do things like tuck you in. if you want, he gladly will let you pet his lil ears. (yes i hc that sam nook has lil ears :) ) alyssa*: even if we dont see her much, she strikes me as the type to enjoy physical touch. hand holding or something simple. she prefers to stay out of the thick of things and chill, thanks. ponk*: touch or words of affirmation i think are very fitting. he seems the type to always have an arm around you or holding your hand. he definitely would be good at comforting, i think. badboyhalo: i think we can all agree that hes a mix of everything. i think hes most oriented with words of affirmation and quality time. he likes spending time with you, just telling you all the things he loves about you. tommy: more than likely quality time. i dont see him as one to like holding hands (”me? hold hands? grOSS! step away and leave some space for the holy spirit!”) or anything. hes not good with words of affirmation (he needs them, really) and hes a bit awkward with things like hand holding. so spending time with him is his thing. listening to his discs and joking around with you and tubbo is what makes him happy. tubbo: gift giving, touch and quality time. he likes spending time with those he cares for, as well as giving them gifts. little trinkets, mostly. for example, he gave ghostbur a bracelet woven from friends wool, and hes given tommy a ruby! :) fundy: probably gifts. fox man will find you shiny things. emeralds, diamonds, gold, you name it. even if you dont need/want it, he gets you things. rings and necklaces and bracelets. it makes him happy to see you wear them. not all at once, of course, but wear them nonetheless. punz*: acts of service and touch. hes the type to arrange your things to suprise you or leave you flowers on a bad day. he also would probably cuddle and ramble about how perfect you are to him. purpled*: quality time. i think he would gladly spend time with you if you asked him to :) wilbur: a little bit of everything, i think. but one thing i think he would definitely do is write songs, so basically making playlists, but he sings for you instead! but for one of the main ones, i think he mostly is one for touch and affirmations. he likes being comforted/comforting you. ghostbur: gift giving or touch. quality time, too! i think he likes giving you things (like blue!) in general. he also seems very clingy (which is adorable <3 anyone who says its not can fight me rn) and would gladly hold your hand! he often will just take it anyways. :) (”i like holding your hand! your hands are nice to hold because theyre warm!”) schlatt: quality time. like tommy, i think he isnt one for touch. maybe he will give you gifts, but spending time with him is enough of a gift for him. skeppy*: gift giving. he would probably get you big gifts, like stuffed animals or something. or photos. seems like a skeppy type thing to me. :) eret: a little of everything, i think. but i see his thing being touch and quality time. i think they would very gladly cuddle if you asked them to! but shes big spoon, no doubt about it. only little spoon if you ask. jack manifold*: acts of service or touch. he would make you food if you wanted it, i think, or hold your hand. maybe not the best with comfort or cooking, but he tries. (”look i- i know the cookies arent good, but its the thought that counds, right?”) niki: words of affirmation, quality time and touch would all be nikis thing! :) she would spend time with you, probably cuddling and providing comfort if needed. she would remind you every day that youre loved and youre worth it. quackity: definitely touch and quality time. when hes not busy, he takes you places. often to watch the sunset. he also strikes me as one for pda! a bit shy at first, but relaxes into it. hes definitely one to say “gotta show off my partner! >:)” mexican dream*: words of affirmation but in spanish dont @ me karl: do we need to even question this? (spoiler alert: quality time and touch) hbomb*: strikes me as the type for quality time and some touch :) techno: probably acts of service, gift giving and quality time. he likes holidays like christmas and your birthday because he can give you things. he likes shiny things! and he likes you, so he gives them to you! antfrost*: quality time and touch seem fitting. just the peace of being together. philza: quality time and gift giving with a bit of touch. he likes when you touch his wings, running your fingertips over the smooth feathers, or fixing any ruffled spots. he also likes spending quiet time together. he can give words of affirmation and comfort if you need them. connor*: probably touch! i see him as the type to want to hold your hand a lot. so def one for pda :) puffy: probably quality time and words of affirmation. goat mom would def be able to encourage and comfort you. vikkstar*: i think touch is fitting :) pda really, and acts of service lazarbeam*: acts of service seem most fitting! he seems the type to do things for you, especially on bad days. ranboo: gift giving and quality time! he is definitely the type to get you little things! or grass blocks. he gets sad if you rid of a grass block, so you kinda have to store em. or kindly explain that you dont want dirt inside, so you can put the grass blocks outside. foolish: the type for acts of service, i think! and maybe some touch. i think he gladly will do things for you, no questions asked. (unless it seems harmful ofc!) hannah*: seems the type to like words of affirmation (giving and receiving!) especially on your/her bad days. slimecicle: gift giving. he probably picks you flowers and does nice things whilst being sarcastic. he will comfort you on bad days, though. -- as usual, lmk if i should change tags! requests are open! 
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souichieatr · 3 years
wanna be yours, ch2
suna x freader , foxy boy
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where in which two opposites fall in love
a/n: for everyone who commented on the posts youve been added sorry i cant reply <//3 if you're interested in being in the taglist send me an ask, i was thinking of making a playlist for the au would anyone be interested? lmk !! sorry if there are any mistakes or if its bad this is my first writing <3
ch1. this voice im hearing rn? , hey bestie
word count: 2,090
the first song- The Ghost of You- my chemical romance
second song- I Bet on Losing dogs- mitski
third song- Crybaby- destroy boys
pocketing her phone after reading tendous message, she opens the door waving to a couple friends and offers friendly smile taking her seat. a pair of pale green eyes follow her. after yesterday suna did a little research about her y/n y/l/n the bassist and youngest in the band called 4u, she has quite a big following on twitter, she's really nice and interacts with the fans. looking at her now you can't imagine her on stage suna thought. breaking away from his thoughts as the teacher walks in. spouting for about what feels like hours and the students taking notes, finally lunch approaches. y/n jumps from her seat grabbing her case she walks to the third year hallway. waving to her friends they walk to her, tendou wrapping his arms around her “y/n!!!!!! i missed you” laughing as she hugged him back “tendou!!! i missed you toooo.” she turns to the grey haired male, “semisemi!!” she says giving him a hug, he rolls his eyes and hugs her back “and ushi!!” she turns to the brunette to which he pats her head “good afternoon y/n.” as they go to the lunch room to grab their lunch, they walk to one of the music rooms they usually occupy. a beep from her phone grabs her attention seeing her friend atsumu asking if him his twin and their friend can join for lunch, “hey guys you dont mind if atsumu and his friends come join us?” she says setting down her case against the wall. “nah you can invite them, atsumu is our biggest hype man” tendou says, grabbing his drum sticks from his back pocket. texting him its cool she goes to unzip her bass. “oh ms lady ive missed you” she says hugging the instrument, “i can't believe you two and always wanting to play, dont yall have any other hobby?” semi says, grabbing the schools given guitar setting the speaker up for y/n. tendou gives a scoff “semisemi dont act like you hate hearing us play i see you listening to our covers alllll the timeeeee” he says “yeah semi besides we have a concert soon and it wouldnt be bad to have an audience” y/n says walking to semi to connect her bass to the speaker when the door opens, entering is atsumu in the middle, osamu on his left, and a mystery guy in the back. setting her bass down running up to the blond “tsumu!!” giving him a hug “y/n!!” he hugs her back, she waves to osamu, who shes met on an occasion. looking towards the dark haired guy she walks up to him, noticing shes seen him somewhere. “youre suna right? we're in the same class?” she says giving him a hand and a awkward smile, nodding at her words. “hope its okay im here” he says taking her hand giving a slight shake. “nah dont worry its nice to have a different face, seeing tsumu is getting boring” turning around to the male. “what she means to say is we could use practice in front of new people” the grey haired male says giving a small laugh when tendou scoffs at him, both guys walking towards the small group. “this is semi and this is tendou” she says introducing them. when the introductions are over the two males go back to setting up, y/n walks the newcomers to the sitting area “here you guys can sit, im sure you all know ushijima” on hearing his name he looks up from his name giving a small head bow. they all sit “any recommendations tsumu?” y/n says walking to her bass making sure everything was good, looking towards the small group. “y/n you know my favorites” atsumu says stealing one of his brothers onigiri. y/n laughs and rolls her eyes, turning to tendou “anything you wanna try tori?” tendou looks at her with a smile “y/n lets show semi whatweve been working on” hearing this semi looked at them “what do you guys mean? what did you two do” y/n chuckles at the grey hairs doubtful expression “mr semisemi you know your favorite mcr song” when she sees him nod she continues “me and tori learned it” she says pushing him lightly. semi looked at her with wide eyes then at tendou, looking at semi tendou flicked his drum stick between his fingers with a nod. “wow semi cant believe you, we spent so much hours perfecting a my chemical romance for your sap self and he doesn't believe us y/nie i might
” tendou says fake sniffing. the little group in the back beyond confused, atsumu clearing his throat “have you three forgotten us already, wheres our show” ushijima nodding his head “yeah why are you guys being so vague” tendou snickers “dont worry you three and wakatoshi we have decided to play a new song or well cover i should say” “yeah and its semi’s favorite band you know the one that he wears on his shirts?” ushijima looking towards the girl after hearing her statement he nods. “okay can we play now ive been waiting to show my skills and get our lovely semi's opinion” y/n says removing her pick, both boys giving a ‘yeah’. finally tendou does the countdown. suna looks at all three of them with slight excitement in his stomach, ‘is this a new song im going to hear?’ before he could think of anything else, semi started playing a few chords by himself and y/n starting to add her own strums then tendou adding drums. sunas eyes widen at how well all the sounds blended together, freezing in his spot when semi started singing, when hitting the chorus y/n joins him. suna looking at her, he felt like he had been put in a trance, feeling like theres a spotlight on her when she starts nodding her head seeing her tongue sticking out when stringing the instrument. towards the end you can see y/n lose focus and her eye twitches, ending the song she sighs. “hey sorry about the end” waving to the guys to her left with a frown. hearing applause from the group the frown doesnt last long. “WHOOO!!!!! THAT WAS MY BESTIES GO SEMI! GO TENDOU! GO Y/N!!” atsumu gets up and yells. “that was so good what the hell that was yer first time too?” he says going up to the group, high-fiving y/n. “i mean me and tendou practiced together but semi basically has every song by them memorized but together? yeah our first.” tendou getting up to get his water that was next to ushijima. semi joining the fake blond and the girl, patting her on her back “that was a good first for us i can tell you and tendou worked hard, we're definitely adding it to the set list.” getting a laugh from both of them semi walks to the small group. “hey man that was really good, you have a nice voice” suna says as semi approaches, semi turned to him surprised “oh thank you im glad you enjoyed, do you listen to our stuff?” he says taking a seat next to him. “ive recently just started, i hope that doesnt sound too weird” the dark haired suddenly getting a little embarrassed, chuckling “its not weird i promise, well its good you listen to us or im sure it would've been awkward to just be here” nodding along to what he said. tendou going back to the drums “are you cowards tapping out now?” “COWARDS?!?!” y/n yells back turning around “i am no coward tendou satori i'll make you eat those words semi get over here” she said grabbing semis attention and shooing atsumu back to his seat. chuckling as he sat back down, turning to suna “howd ya like em? theyre good huh?” suna rolling his eyes “im not going to help inflate your ego tsumu” “yeah tsumu yer big ego is not cute” gasping to their remarks “you guys are so mean to me, i introduce you to nice music and even the artists and this is the thanks i get” before any could respond tendou starts clicking his sticks. starting this one is tendou with a slower sound, y/n entering second then semi with vocals. y/n leans down to mess with something by her foot turning a notch noises like static come out adding to the music, coming up fast she starts adding her vocals complimenting semis. pressing on the box she leans down as more noises come out. atsumu leans over to sunas ear “thats a pedal that holds other sounds and can help stretch other sounds” suna giving him a nod. towards the end y/n reaches down to the pedal again adding a distorted sound before adding her last bit of ‘oohs’ before the song ends. everyone clapping as the members stay still for s bit before y/n dramatically bows “youre so welcome lovely audience” she says blowing kisses to them, laughing at her atsumu jumps up and down pretending to be a crazy fan “oh y/n you were so go
od i love you y/n!!!” y/n laughing at him. “hey atsumu what about me!” tendou asks swinging his hand “howd i do?” “oh tendou you were so good, i love you too tendou!!!” he says swinging his arm back. tendou satisfied with his response nods his head, “and with that lets play one more i still want time to actually eat before we play again later.” “yeah lets try ‘crybaby’ we haven't done that in awhile” semi says getting in position.“remember y/n you do the verses” y/n nods clearing her throat “go tori” she says and tendou starts the counting again. starting the counting fast he gets one beat then y/n starts off with singing, swinging her bass back she grabs the mic. suna cracks a smile nodding his head a little as he remembers this song on their youtube, atsumu whistling when y/n dips down her mic as she sings, letting the boys have a solo in between verses she bobs her head. the last few seconds of the song she swings the instrument back as she steps on the pedal creating feedback, as semi goes to vocals she starts getting a solo with tendou playing, y/n leans forward and her and semi sing the rest of the song. after the last note they all look out of breath. clapping for them again letting them catch their breath, y/n starts laughing “i forget how hard that song is towards the end” laughing with her tendou nods “its literally the last 50 seconds that get the hardest” “alright lets clean up” semi says laughing at both of their bored looks they send him. finishing up they all go to the group whove are talking among themselves. sighing as she sits y/n takes the seat next to suna, “so howd you like the songs?” she says with a smile “they were good though i only recognized the last one” he replies, “tsumu told me you started listening to us recently so i thought or well semi thought wed show off a bit with our best song being that” she says with a smile grabbing her bottle. a small smile appears on his face “oh hey tsumu told me youre like really good in your classes and i really need help in history and since we have that group project coming up do you wanna pair up?” she says setting her bottle down grabbing a bag of chips. “yeah i dont mind as long as you actually do something and i can help you study if your grade is that bad” he says. “thatd actually help me out a lot i really appreciate it” she lets a breath out. after that the two spent all lunch just talking, the conversation coming easy for both of them. hearing the bell ring y/n hugs her friends and walks with suna to their class, pairing up in the project the teacher had given them in their period. after class before y/n rushed out she passed him her number with a wink “text me for the deets foxy boy.” ‘foxy boy? suna thought to himself shaking his head texting her with a simple ‘hey its suna’ and heading home.
facts !
during lunch when suna and y/n we're talking the followed each other on twitter
semi was really touched they learned the mcr song
the 4u concert is at a small venue but no one really cares about the other groups going there
osamu and atsumu almost started fighting over the onigiri until suna said something about ushijima being right there
atsumu was watching suna and y/n talking
osamu actually really enjoyed being there during lunch
@applekenm , @xhanjisungiex , @astronomyturtle , @sirachano0dles , @yn-tingz , @killmepls-uwu , @bakugouswh0r3
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actualbird · 2 years
how does tumblr work sksksksks if I'm doing something wrong pls inform me
Hi!!! I would just like to say how much I loved your Artem and Vyn analysis. This also helped me realize how much I kinned the both of them, lol.
I wonder what would happen if Artem just came clean to Vyn and asked for a mental diagnosis (he probably needs one). We get crying and venting Artem (I would pay for that shii) and Vyn seeing that Artem isn't perfect in a way that doesn't belittle Artem or make Vyn superior. I'd like to see how Vyn would react if Artem did this; would it change their work dynamic, would it change how Vyn saw himself? Tbh I'm not too familiar with Vyn to say this hahaha
This is also a 1/4 request, what would you think it would look like if Artem did ask for a diagnosis? If you vibe with this req I'll let you do anything to it hahaha. I hope you're having a nice day. Stay safe, one of my favorite ToT enthusiasts :)
hello!!! wahh, im glad you enjoyed my vyn and artem analysis :D
this ask is interesting because personally, i dont think artem would go to vyn for mental health services (either a diagnosis, therapy, prescriptions, any of em). this is primarily because of what i mentioned in the analysis itself that like, artem sees vyn as a symbol somebody he wants to be but is failing to achieve.
being vulnerable in the face of that...i dont think artem would do that willingly. if it happened, some kind of outside circumstance would have to push him into that situation.
if that situation does happen, ur right, vyn will not take on the offensive because at his heart, hes a doctor and artem is somebody who is in pain. he will help in any way he can and later wonder if how he holds his own image (the image of perfection and control) had somehow, even tangentially, contributed to artem's distress
if vyn comes to the conclusion that yes, he did somehow contribute to this one way or another, itd be a wake up call for vyn irt how being "perfect" can make people around him look down upon themselves (this was discussed in this response as well irt to how mc feels inadequate sometimes with vyn)
on the flipside, even if theyre friends already and care about each other, i still dont think artem would go to vyn but for a different reason. because once artem cares about somebody, he wants to be seen by them as this almost impossible balance of Super Reliable but also Not Perfect but also Correct In Every Way but also I'm Just Some Guy. there goes artem once again with the contradictions that drive him nuts.
that being said, i actuall wrote a fanfic where artem goes to (non-vyn) therapy!!! it's called "designed to send mixed signals, one image made up of different pixels" and jus click the link to go check it out hehe
in that fic, artem is quite close with all members of the nxx team, vyn included. he cares about all of them so much and he wants to be a good (i.e. correctly functioning) human being for them, and because of that, he wants to seek help outside of the team so they dont see how hes "incorrect" and also so that he can work on becoming better for them.
and as for a diagnosis, this is purely just my own hc + me projecting VERY HARD i dont even try to justify it into my interpretation of artem's character, this is self indulgence = i think artem wing is bipolar with a history of depression and anxiety.
thats is the diagnosis i work on in the above linked fic and my rationale is this:
artem is somebody rooted in logic. i see him valuing cause and effect, rational outcomes, reasonable emotions, analysis and studying something to make it make sense and find the answer. this is a lot of how i am as a person as well, i like to tackle everything from the vantage points of logic because logic is constant
the nature of bipolar disorder (irt how i experience it it) is being in flux
upswings and downswings can happen either because of a cause but it's more often in my experience that it happens for no reason. my psychiatrist explained it to me like "the circumstances are not changing but your brain has difficulty regulating mood aligned with it." this is hell for me. sometimes theres no cause, oftentimes my brain is irrational and unreasonable, and no matter how much i pick it apart, making it "make sense" doesnt solve the problem
because life isnt sposed to work like that in the first place. life isnt a set of problems and solutions and so much of it is chaotic and you cannot live your life as a case study or else you will suffer for it.
so, to me, artem is bipolar cuz 1) itd clash with his unhealthy system of looking at himself and his life for a long time and thus cause him pain but then as he grows he will learn to manage it while also adopting a healthier view of who he is and how he lives. and 2) i get to project onto fictional characters....as a treat :')
uhhh i hope this response answered some of ur questions? i think i may have gone off topic in some parts kjsdfbd
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
REQUEST:By any chance could you do some of bnha characters having a short muscular girlfriend. I'm a gymnast and my builds fairly blocky and I get way too many comments about needing to look more feminine and slim down. Thank you!!
HI HI BABES! First off,,, i would like to say you're amazing,, and whoevers telling you this shit,, you can just drop their @, and i’ll get em. Second off, hope you enjoy this!
Genre: fluff
AN: I did a male and a female hcs by da way!
Bakugou Katsuki, Mina Ashido (seperate) x Fem! Gymnast! Reader
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ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ
-wont admit it, but is very impressed with you.
-thinks that your build is actually really nice, it proves to him that youre strong and youve worked hard for it. 
-Now that part he’ll say,, but it’ll sound like this:
“See babe? All these other extras are weak, unlike you an me!”
-also will bully you for being short
-gives no shits if youre actually stronger than him, but will test your limits and TRY to get you to physically fight him 
-no joke
-You and him can work out together, hype each other up, the good shit.
-the moment he hears someone say something about you ‘needing to look more feminine’ or slimming down’?
-hes going apeshit.
-like full ass with fight this motherfucker to the death right then
“The FUCK you mean she ‘haS To lOoK mOrE fEminInE, BecAUsE reAl WomEn ArE slIm’? FUCK YOU, YOU FAT ASS!” 
(he will mock their voice very high pitched.)
-please hold this man back.
-hold him back and save a life or two
-you physically have to drag him away and even then he’ll be shouting threats.
“Yeah comeon! Say it again, say it a-fucking-gain to mY FACE ASSHOLE! TRY ME GOODDAMN IT!” 
-very violent
-will then take you to your favortie drink place, angrily order drinks/food, angrily pay the bill, and have a stare of competition with you before a river of compliments flood in.
“Dont listen to that extra, okay babe? You dont need to fucking change so dont be an idiot.”
-well theyre kinda compliments, and he tried.
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ᴀꜱʜɪᴅᴏ ᴍɪɴᴀ
-In love with your muscles
-Will poke them, rub them, literally just touch them in general
-Fucking amazed by how strong you are like
-You just beat the shit out of someone during training,
-And shes fucking like drooling over you dude
-Mina is quite short as well(me and her are the same height( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ), She's 5’2
-So short queens
-Do moves for her, or somersault with her down the hallways or really just do anything
-And she will hype you up so hard
-So hard
-Has never given a thought to the weird ‘needing to look more feminine and slim down’ thing for you, 
-By that i mean, she is just in pure love with you and has never been like
‘Yea damn shes way to muscular and literally so fucking strong, she has to change and be more womanly’
-Like no
-She gushes to YOU about YOUR muscles...
-so when someone says something about it, she will also go apeshit, but nicely
“What did you just say to her?” 
-And then will stare at them with the most intimidating look ever. She’ll repeat the question and everytime she does she’ll walk towards them
-Its really fucking terrifiying
“What, just because she doesnt fit your ‘standards’ of being a woman means she has to change her already wonderful appearance to please you?”
-Literally will only use proper words/language here.
-She will absolutely destroy anyone.
-No hesitations.
-After shes done destroying their ass, she’ll turn to you and hold hands with you as you skip somewhere 
-You’ll probably skip to a boba or coffee shop where she’ll gush about how talented and pretty you are.
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genshinconfessions · 3 years
People like to only see 2 extremes, if you're not mad at the rewards = you're a whiteknight for mihoyo. If you are mad at the rewards = you hate the game (which some people take to the extremes by harrassing unrelated people but that's not the point.)
Just because some people aren't mad about anniversary rewards, doesn't mean they're defending mihoyo
i've mentioned this many many times before but polarization is a real and serious issue (not just within this community, but in real life as well).
also, so what if someone defends mihoyo? a company is not inherently bad, and imo, mihoyo's been a generally fine company.
and DO NOT send in any asks detailing how you dislike mihoyo or what sins mihoyo has committed; this was my opinion only and we are not a blog about mihoyo.
- katheryne from liyue
i dont see things as extremes but i do think if youre mad at the rewards in any capacity youre just whiny and entitled. and i see nothing wrong with "defending" mihoyo. 
what is there even to defend like 😭. they're literally doing nothing wrong guys. they arent using child labor they dont put their workers in poor conditions. the company is literally a good company that treats their workers and fans well. it is their business and brand just because they aren't giving you free stuff it doesn't mean theyre evil or corrupt. they can choose not to give free stuff if they dont want to like those people are working really hard to produce this game that already has so much free content. ngl if i was working on genshin putting my blood sweat and tears into making such a quality free to play game and if i had spent years prior to its debut working on something that was uncertain to be a success, i would not be giving away excess free goods within the first year either :))) i would be soaking in my cash and building up a nice hot profit. its literally their first year like let them chill and enjoy their money theyve been working on this game for years of their life before you guys started playing. maybe youre all gambling on banners but they gambled their life on the success of this game so let em chill for a minute jesus. 
- keith
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