#i enjoyed the main focus on that crew more than anything
nina-ya · 4 months
Can I have a scenario where Law is jealous of Bepo because you’re always hugging and cuddling with him like the big cuddle bear he is but Law is too shy to admit that he’s jealous
A/N: Hi there!! I had a lot of fun writing this I hope you enjoy! Pairing: Law x Reader CW: none just fluff WC: ~800
It’s truly hard to resist the lure of the comfort that Bepo brings. Everyone knows this. Everyone on the crew has succumbed to the furry comfort of the polar bear, and you were no different. Especially during those cold winters, trying to steal Law’s body warmth is not enough, so you often turned to the furry companion.
You often found yourself nestled comfortably against Bepos warm fur. As you lay there, you caught a glimpse of a certain captain out of the corner of your eye. You couldn’t help but notice that something was wrong. You would notice how his stares would linger on the two of you when you were cuddling, or how his attitude would be the slightest more passive aggressive if you were to talk to him after cuddling the polar bear. 
You brushed off any thoughts of jealousy, chalking up the more sour behavior to stress from future plans. As the days went by though, you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was indeed something wrong with Law, yet every time you would confront him, you would be met with a short and sweet “nothing’s wrong.” 
‘Nothing’s wrong’ he claimed, yet those stares never stopped that constant upset mood never stopped. It’s as if he was jealous that you were cuddling Bepo or something… holy shit he was jealous that you were cuddling Bepo!
Once you put two and two together, you couldn’t help but find this all amusing. His denial of anything being wrong was slightly infuriating, but his lack of communication is something you would work on later. For now, your main focus is exploiting that newly discovered jealousy until he owns up to it.
You started purposefully avoiding Law as often as you could to cuddle with Bepo. Every time he would see you, you would be cuddled into the side of the polar bear. This only heightened his jealousy further and further with each passing day.
Today, the Polar Tang was surfaced, and the crew took the opportunity to go star gazing at night. All of you lay on the main deck, watching the stars above, and you of course were planted right in the arms of Bepo, your new favorite spot. The crew was passing around food and drinks, chatting and laughing under the night sky, until Law left the group early. He was quieter than normal tonight, and you were honestly wondering if you were starting to take this jealousy thing too far.
Then, a blue bubble encompassed the entire deck and suddenly, you were no longer on the main deck in Bepos arms, but you were in the captains quarters, in Laws lap.
You stammered in confusion, trying to make sense of the disorientation caused by the sudden teleportation. Law’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you into him. As if by instinct, you melted into his arms, your body molding into his as if it was the most natural thing in the world. You nuzzled your head into his neck, mumbling against his skin. “Are you okay?” The care for him evident in your tone.
He let out a small grunt in response, wrapping his arms around you tighter. “Just stay with me for a bit,” he muttered to you, a subtle vulnerability laced in his voice. 
With a hum, you settled further into his arms, taking in the scent of his cologne and the warmth of his body right against yours. The tension that had been building finally began to dissipate the more you settled into his touch. His tight grip around you softened, and you could feel his worries easing with the sigh he let out. It was as if all the weight of his jealousy had been lifted off his shoulders. 
You nestled closer to him, resting your head against his chest as you listened to his heartbeat. It’s moments like these where words are not needed, just each other's presence. He rested his head against your own.
Law broke the silence, “I’m sorry,” he murmured against your skin. “ “for acting so…” he trailed off, not quite sure how to articulate his feelings.
“Jealous?” you finished for him, your voice gentle as you looked at him with understanding. A pause filled the air as he took in that word. ‘Jealous’. Law hesitated for a moment before he finally nodded with reluctant agreement.
“Yeah, jealous.” he admitted, confirming your thoughts. 
You sensed his discomfort and shifted in his lap to get more comfortable. “You know,” you began, your voice tender as you reached up and brushed a stray hair from his face. “This is my favorite place. Right here, with you.” you punctuated your words by squeezing him tight. 
His eyes softened at your words, “Good,” he murmured, voice barely above a whisper, “lets keep it that way.”
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penkura · 4 months
hey! how are you?
hope you're doing well :)
I wanted to ask, If you could pretty please write a one shot about Sanji and reader, I'm watching the Zou arc now, and I really want to know how it would be If reader was with him in the moment he finds out about the marriage and leaves the note, she would cry and beg him to stay or something, you can decide If they were already in a relantionship or not.
Anyway feel free to ignore it if you don't want, and take care of yourself <3
PS: sorry If something got wrong, english it's not my first language.
Omg the Zou arc, pain with Sanji geez. I'm so happy for this request tho, I've not written this scenario before! I had an idea for their relationship as soon as I read your message too, so I hope this is what you were looking for! I kept it open for a part two if you'd like later on as well! I hope you enjoy it!
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You and Sanji had been close ever since Luffy recruited you shortly after him. Something about the blond had just drawn you in and he was glad to entertain you and spend his free time with you. Even when you’d sit and watch him cook in total silence, Sanji welcomed it, he was happy to have company and someone to listen when he started talking out loud about what steps were next. You learned his most common dishes so well that you were able to rattle off the directions yourself, causing Sanji to become smitten with you quickly.
You’d fallen in the same way, after spending time with and getting to know Sanji. Despite his perverted tendencies at times, you found yourself drawn to and falling completely head over heels for your crew’s chef. He kept somethings about his life before meeting Zeff from you, the most you knew was that he was one of five children and from the North Blue, you didn’t dare pry too much farther. You didn’t want to push him away and ruin the friendship you’d built with him, especially once you realized your feeling for Sanji were more than just friendly.
Not like you’ll ever tell him, if you have it your way. You weren’t going to make things difficult for not only you and Sanji but your whole crew too. You’ve become content to just admire and pine after him, no matter how many times Nami tells you to just say something to him about your feelings, you refuse to do so. You won’t make things awkward, not when everyone is focused on their goals and now looking towards taking down an Emperor of the Sea in Kaido.
“The main event is a wedding,” Bege takes out an invitation and opens it for Sanji to see, “Between the third son of the Vinsmoke family and the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family, Pudding.”
You were content until this new development. A tea party invitation and requirement from Big Mom, a wedding to a girl he’s never met, the last name he’s never once told you about. You just believed he didn’t have one, like Nami or Usopp, it didn’t matter to you if he did or didn’t. He’s Sanji, he’s not this Vinsmoke Sanji. Your mind is reeling as he flat out refuses the invitation, while your crewmates shout their disbelief at this situation, you can’t even seem to join them. Everything moves so fast, the next thing you know, one of Bege’s crew members has whispered something to Sanji that’s got him going rigid, being getting a pen and piece of paper to write something down. You don’t even notice fully that he’s taken and ripped a piece off it, ignoring the looks he gets from the others around, wondering what he’s doing.
While Sanji slips the note he’s written to Nami, you try so hard to finally speak but the words won’t come out. He can’t leave, he just can’t! He’s so important to your crew, to Luffy, to you, Sanji can’t just go off and marry some random girl he’s never met! It’s not fair, even though you’ve never made your feelings known to him, you have no claim on Sanji. You’re able to get back into focus as he speaks to you all again when he hugs you.
“Please know, I never meant to keep anything from any of you.” He grips your shoulder just a bit tighter than he has before, and that’s what finally gets you to speak.
“Sanji, wait! You…you can’t go! I…I lo—”
He stops you with a smile and placing his hand on your head, nodding just a bit. “I know…but don’t worry, I’ll come back…and then we can talk, okay?”
You don’t believe him, even as he forces the four of you out of Bege’s castle, giving everyone a smile and promising to be back later. He’s never lied to you before, why shouldn’t you believe him? You have every intention of running after Bege as he goes to escape, but Nami reminds you that it’ll be pretty hard to do anything when you’re still chained up like the rest of them. Even after the Minks free you, you want to go after them, but she stops you again, with a hug that finally makes you start to cry over not being able to stop him.
At least, until you feel the scratch of paper on your shoulder and realize that’s what he was doing, when Sanji gripped your shoulder tighter. He was slipping you a note separate from everyone, now you can take it and see what he was telling you that he kept from everyone else. You don’t read it until you’re back to the room you and Nami are sharing thanks to the Minks, and all it does is make your heart ache and feel like you should’ve done more, because now you truly don’t believe he’s coming back.
No matter what happens next, I love you. I’ll tell you in person when I come back.
You’re going to help Luffy get him back, your mind and heart are decided.
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jinkiezzsstuff · 6 months
I absolutely loved the Emily and Charlie ideas you wrote so I was hoping to request another Charlie x male reader with some smut (but not the main focus). Idea being everyone going out for an evening with Charlie staying at the hotel to work, secretly wanting some company but telling everyone to have fun anyway. Reader didn't go out and found her later in the evening (maybe can tell how she's feeling) so offers some company/someone to cuddle. The main smut I'd like to include would be her leaving some scratch or kiss marks and her being quite touchy/hands on.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the others teehee i tried my best with this so i hope you enjoy it but im not too happy with how it turned out tbh, idk why, i guess it could be because i didn’t feel like during the smut scenes i did charlie justice, lmk what you think.
Charlie x male!reader
After Party
warnings: creampie, biting, scratching, kinda rushed smut, angsty charlie, possibly ooc charlie but i can’t tell, charlie n vaggie are friends, im not sure if there’s anything else, oh swearing, NOT PROOFREAD beware of errors.
word count: 2K
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Charlie was tired. Between her father disbelieving in her, Alastor picking a fight with him, the failed meeting with Adam, and finding out Vaggie was an angel? She was over and exhausted. She tried to keep up her mood but she just couldn’t stop the spiralling thought process of handling everything on her own. It seemed like every step forward she had to take four steps back, nobody believed or respected her.
“Cmon, we needa little par-tay.” Angel whined pushing himself over the back of the couch dramatically. Charlie hummed, barely listening as the crowd of sinners lingered in the little living room-like area. “We don’t need anymore fuckin parties, spider.” Husk muttered before taking a big swig of his drink. “I don’t know, I think a little bit of recreational activity could really brighten the spirits!” Alastor exclaimed, and as much as Charlie would like to join the fun, if she didn’t finish up the work she had she knew it would only stress her out further, but she knew the others worked hard too and deserved a little treat.
Reaching into her pocket she pulled out some cash and beckoned over Alastor. “Here, why don’t you take everyone out to relax?” She said softly, despite her desire for company and hope that one of the few would stay back to assist. “Aren’tcha comin’ toots?” Angel who jumped up the moment Charlie pulled out money asked, putting one of his hands on her shoulder. “Oh no, i’ve got sooo much to do here, you guys go on without me! Bond a little!” She smiled as brightly as she could, although anyone with a keen eye could tell it was forced. In the back of her mind she was hoping for more punch back, more of her friends to beg her to come out with them, but instead they shrugged her off and left rather quickly.
Sighing Charlie rung her hands together and walked up the stairs slowly, vacant and alone, the hotel now seemed so eerie. She made her way to an office one that had been used by the whole team she had, so herself, Vaggie and Alastor. She plopped herself lazily on the ripped leather office chair, air slowly escaping the cheap foam as she did. Charlie couldn’t help the bitter feelings stirring around in her; she was always happy to help her friends and wanted them to have fun and relax, she just wished maybe they cared a little more about her? It was a confusing sensation, she knew Vaggie cared, but at times she felt more like a personal body guard rather than friend, and Alastor, she knew deep down, didn’t actually care.
Opening her phone she decided to try and ease her mind before sorting out the paperwork she had piling, unfortunately the universe wasn’t kind to her. Opening Sinstagram the first sight she was greeted with was Angels varying posts and stories which included all the crew members piled into a booth enjoying their drink of choice. It made a scorned yucky feeling of jealousy tangle within her stomach. Groaning she pulled open a drawer and stuck her phone in it, slamming it shut after. “It’s better to just work.” The princess mumble pulling the first stack of papers near her; the billing’s for their failed comercial.
After an hour of word Charlie sat back in her seat and messaged her sore neck. Pulling her phone from the drawer she checked the time. 23:48. Having no idea when the others would get back, she shuffled from the office to the second story balcony for some air. “Oh sorry I didn’t know you were here!” Charlie exclaimed, seeing you leant over the balcony railing. Looking over your shoulder you gave the little devil a warm smile. “You can join.” You say beckoning her forward, with a sigh and a forced smile Charlie came up alongside you, mimicking your stance. “What’re you still doing here?” Charlie questioned eyeing you from her peripheral. Your brow quirked and your face turned to confusion, with a quick hum you replied. “Just relaxing..?” The statement came out uncertain and wobbly, but you weren’t quite sure what she meant.
“No, i mean why didn’t you go out with the others?” Your head tilted back as you let out an ‘ah’, now understanding what she meant. “I just, well, this is the only time i get free yknow, always gotta be doing something so it’s nice to be alone, but i also want to have fun with them, but that drains me yknow?” Charlie quickly nodded her head at that completely understanding where you were coming from. “Yeah i know what you mean. I wish somebody stayed back with me.” Nudging yourself lightly into her, she met your eyes with curiosity floating in her own. “Well I stayed back, why don’t we relax together?” You suggest warmly, smiling fondly down at her. Charlie momentarily stuttered, blushing at the way her mind wandered to naughty places.
“Ahem, uh, sure! Yes! Let’s do that!” The princess fumbled, pushing herself away from your hold. You could tell she was flustered as she walked off leading you to whatever part of the hotel she’d choose to relax in, you felt a little voice in the back of your head egging you on to tease her, and who were you to deny your great mind. “Alrighty this it my room! Uhhh, why don’t we watch a movie or something..?” Charlie trailed off leading you into her bedroom.
You took a quick look around enjoying the aesthetic her room held. Charlie kicked her shoes off and pulled her jacket from her shoulders. “You can lounge on the bed if you want, i totally don’t mind!” You grinned and got onto the bed, watching as she frantically ran around “Calm down hun, you look real stressed.” You urged her frantic pacing causing loose hairs to tangle and fly out from her ponytail. “Ugh, i know!” Sighing she finally plopped on the bed beside you and laid back hands folded on her stomach and eyes closed. Leaning over slightly to look down on her, you observed her somewhat relaxed face as you watched her slow her breathing down. Assumably trying to cease the slow crawling panic that was clawing at her. “It may be a little forward but I heard compression and hugs can help stress, you wanna cuddle or some shit?” Your voice came out slightly tight a little unsure of how to go about the request. Charlie’s eyes fluttered opened and blinked toward you, after a moment of silent contemplation Charlie sighed happily opening her arms. With a huff and a smile you scooted down, wrapping your arms around her while laying beside her.
She scooted up into your side, her right hand sliding up your chest and around your shoulder. It sent shivers down your spine, and blood straight to your dick, embarrassingly so. Ignoring the sensation, your hand gently traced shapes into Charlie’s side where your arm was placed. Charlie’s head slowly lifted and shifted from the bed to your chest, tucking herself under your chin. Her hair tickled at your nose and chin, you could smell her shampoo and the perfume she’d used. You tightened your grip subtly, enjoying the warmth she let off, and with a hum she swung one of her legs over your hips, twisting her body entirely against you.
You took a deep breath attempting to calm your heart and the tightening sensation in your pants. Like the devil spawn she is, Charlie began tracing your chest, flattening her palm against your chest and trailing down from your neck, to the hem of your jeans, and back up to your neck again. Taking a deep breath you brought your hand up to you with her hair in attempts to distract you.
“Thanks for this.” She mumbled nuzzling her face further into your chest. You hummed eyes lazily dancing around shapes your eyes made up on the canopy above. “Any time.” You replied after a moment. The two of you laid there silently, softly the two of you let your hands drift across eachother innocently. It wasn’t until charlie’s hand ducted under your shirt to touch your bare chest that the air in the room got thick and heated. Breath hitching you zeroed in on her claws softly scratching down your chest. “Charlie,” You warned as her claw nicked the waistband of your jeans. Charlie knew good and well what she was doing, could you blame her? You’ve always been so attentive to her feelings and emotional state, the first to check on her after a stressful situation and give her the best advice you could.
With sudden need shooting through Charlie she straddled your waist bracing herself against your chest. Your hands reflexively went to her hips, eyes shooting up to meet her own attempting to figure out what the hell she was doing. She traced her claws down your tshirt covered chest, and when she made it to the bottom her hands wiggled underneath the fabric to paw at your warm skin. As she did you traced circles on her hips, and quirked a questioning brow at her. “Whatcha up to princess?” Charlie smiled shyly, trying to hide her face in her shoulder. “I just want to repay you for your kindness towards me.”
Your face twisted with worry, abruptly you sat up, making her gasp and tucked your hands behind her back to keep her from falling. “I don’t want you to feel like you owe me,” You quickly say, however Charlie pushed you back down, shushing you as she did. “It’s more then just that, i think you know they though. Let’s relax, desttress.” With that being said, you tossed aside your tshirt while Charlie eagerly undid your pants, hands shaking as she did. Your hands decided not to diddly saddle and undo her pants simultaneously, needing to feel her speedily.
You were already achingly hard, precum dripping down your shaft as Charlie shakily gripped you giving your head a soft squeeze. Pulling her hand away Charlie kicked off the pants that clung underneath her knees, and readied herself against you. You hummed out in pleasure relaxing into the mattress as she sunk down onto you, above you Charlie whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut, clenching onto every vein and ridge. It was delectable, she couldn’t understand why she’d never gone for this before. Bottoming out, Charlie’s legs shook, her body would involuntarily convulse every now and again as she attempted to adjust to the size of you. Falling forward unable to keep herself up she sunk her nails into your chest making you groan deeply, bucking your hips up into hers.
Nuzzling herself into your neck as you took the reigns, thrusting up into her at a steady pace, she began to leave teeth marks and hickies along your neck, desperate moans broken out between nips and bites. Your arms encased her pulling her near as you roughly fucked up into her at a brutal pace, her juices dripping down you. Erotic, loud slapping noises were all that you could hear in the room accompanied by Charlie’s whimpers and please. “Fuckkk, yknow how long i’ve waited for this? They don’t know what their missing not staying around someone like you.” You say splaying your fingers through her hair as you do, at this point Charlie’s body laid limp atop your own, your knees up and angled to continue your rapid pace.
“Please,” Charlie begged clenching tightly around you, you huffed out a moan that you attempted to cover and slid your hands down to squeeze her ass. Groaning loudly, you pushed her over, still inside you hovered over her, pulling her legs up over your shoulders to gain new access. With this angle you were able to hit different areas making Charlie squeal. “Oh fuck Charlie,” You groaned as your balls slapped against her ass, finally you felt the band snapping and slowly you filled her with cum, pumping all of what you had inside her. Charlie cried out clenching, and convulsing against you. She tried to inch away screaming your name loudly as she road out her high against you. When the two of you had finished, catching your breaths, you laid beside her, pulling her into your chest.
She rolled her head from one side to face you, her eyes glazed over barely seeming like she was there. “Didja mean what you said about wanting this for so long?” You nodded at her, the softness in her voice was music to your ears and made goosebumps crawl against your skin. “Yeah, since i got here, you’ve had my eye.” Humming softly the princess said nothing, but buried her head in your chest.
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elli3luvs · 2 years
falling in love at a coffee shop pt. 3 [ELLIE W]
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summary: watching movies with your favorite barista was never easier
genre: fluff/angst
wc: 1.9k
a/n: thank you guys for loving this! i don't feel as if im too good at telling stories but im glad you guys enjoy it hehe sorry if i missed anyone on the tags as well!!!!
part two
Who even knew video stores were still a thing? You surely didn't think they were — you were almost certain they died out in the late 2000s with the rise of streaming services. Every store around town seemed to be shuttered up. But Ellie, being the cool girl she is, somehow knows of a still operating movie store. You have to admit, putting in a DVD somehow feels cooler than pulling it up on Netflix. There was something about the sound of the DVD player that made you a little giddy. The giddiness was totally not because of the girl standing in front of you.
Totally not.
She raises her eyebrows when the tray slides back into her DVD player, "Super cool, huh? Feels... retro." She lets out a shaky breath while rubbing the back of her neck. She makes her way over to the couch — plopping down, making your body slide closer to her. Her scent fluttered over your nose. She smelled woody and like coffee.
On brand.
You still couldn't believe you were sitting in Ellie's living room. The room smelled similar to her minus the coffee smell. The room wasn't necessarily tidy but it wasn't overly dirty. There wasn't trash everywhere but random trinkets were scattered over the surfaces. There were hoodies thrown over the backs of chairs and a couple of empty water bottles on her coffee table. Lived in is what you would describe it as. There were a couple of picture frames on a mantel above her TV but the room was too dark to make out the figures. 
"I haven't watched anything on DVD in like, I don't know, years." You let out a small laugh as the home screen pulls up. It was a movie you have never heard of, but it looked similar to Star Wars. Grand music filled the room before she turned the sound down a bit. 
Ellie nods at your words, "I love it," You turn your head to look at her. There was a giddy look in her eyes you have never seen before, "Going to the video store is, like, my number one hobby."
You laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement, "What about making coffee?" 
Ellie clicks the 'Play Movie' option and a bright light flashes over her face as the commercials play before the movie. You forgot movies used to have commercials even on the home versions. 
She rolls her eyes playfully at your question, "Making coffee is my job. Even though I love it, I definitely don't want to think of it once I'm out of there."
"I get that." 
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you. It's hard not to stare at her through your peripheral. All you wanted to do was stare at her. You feel her legs pressed against yours, her legs spread a little more than yours. You take in a deep breath so you don't freak out at the contact. 
God, is this middle school? 
You shift your eyes slowly over to her figure, just wanting to take a tiny little peek. She was too pretty not to look at. It wasn't weird to look casually, right? When your eyes connect with hers, though, you rip them away while you blink rapidly. 
Shit, she was already looking? 
A pounding feeling against your chest makes it nearly impossible to focus on the now-playing movie. A spaceship rips through outer space as the main actor barks orders at his crew on the ship. Techno music plays in the background. You had no clue what was happening as a little vermin-looking creature started speaking in a made up language. 
Was she still looking? Surely she had to be focusing on the movie she chose. She looked so excited to start it. She definitely wasn't staring at you anymore.
You slowly move your eyes across the room and slightly turn your head to look at her. Your eyes connect with her green eyes once more but instead of looking away, you keep them there. You can feel your face flush under the intense gaze she has you under.
Ellie's eyes widen once she realizes you weren't going to look away. Another flash from the TV illuminates her features. You could tell that she was blushing. Neither of you looked away even as the tension built.
She was so cute.
"I can't," She starts, voice barely more than a whisper, "I can't focus on this."
You smile at her, "I definitely have no clue what is going on," Ellie smiles at your honesty, "Turn it off. We can just talk."
Ellie seems to like your suggestion as she reaches her hand out and presses the off button on the remote. She fully turns toward you. Your knees knock against each other with how close the proximity is.
Ellie rubs her hands together while a breathy laugh escapes her lips, "I guess I'll ask the question that's been burning me the most."
A laugh bubbled out of your throat, "What is this 21 questions?" Ellie joins your laughter at the realization of what she's doing, "Go ahead, I guess. I might have an answer for you."
"What's your major? And... why did you decide to come into my coffee shop that day?"
"Woah, these are... really hard-hitting questions." You sarcastically reply. Ellie pushes your shoulder lightly with a chuckle. She mutters, Shut up' before looking back at you with expectant eyes. There was a glint in her eyes.
You loved the way she looked at you.
"I'm a literature major, boring I know, and the reason I went in is that my friend dragged me there," Ellie acts fake offended at your response, "I actually hate coffee."
Ellie gawks at the last part, "You what?"
You throw up your hands in surrender, "Don't hate me. It is just so nasty to me."
"I feel as if you have just shot me. You always order something," Ellie's hand goes over her heart in a dramatic manner, "But if I'm being honest, I don't really like it either."
You shoot up from your position. Ellie may have been faking shock but this was true for you, "What do you mean? You own the coffee shop!"
Ellie copies your surrender motion, "I know. I know. The only reason I opened the shop, well became a barista in the first place, is because my dad really loves coffee," You can feel your heart melt at the kind words, "Gave us something to bond over."
"That's really cute, Ellie." You look at her with eyes gushing with love. You hoped she couldn't tell how infatuated you were becoming with her.
"I know, I'm adorable," She leans in closer as if she's about to reveal a huge secret to you, "You do realize we have other drinks than coffee, right?"
She laughs at the way your face pales and how your eyes widen, "Oh my god!"
Her laugh was perfect.
It was becoming impossible to ignore your feelings for much longer. Each moment was another reason to fall for her. She was extremely sentimental and super observant, remembering the tiny details. Ellie was the first to notice if you parted your hair a different way or did a new thing with your makeup. It made your heart soar with happiness when she remembered another tiny detail from you.
Throughout the rest of the night, you guys talked about random things on that stupid couch situated against the wall. You talked about her love of space and how she wishes she could see the stars up close at least once. You talked about your worries and fears, things you wanted to do when you grew up, and the things that make you happiest.
You got closer to her with each passing second, knocking knees turned into your legs thrown over hers. That turned into you scooting closer (almost sitting on her lap) and your head leaning against her shoulder.
You weren't sure when you fell asleep. All you knew was it was the most comfortable you felt in a while.
Burning light was what woke you up. It definitely wasn't how you wanted to wake up, much preferring the smell of food cooking. Damn those stupid curtains for being pulled back. You furrow your eyebrows at the blinding light, not yet used to the morning sun. Your hand shoots out to feel around where you were. Still on the couch but no Ellie. You blink the bleariness away from your eyes while wondering where Ellie went.
There's slight muttering coming from the kitchen, it's hushed but urgent. There she is but you can't make out what or who she is talking to. You sit up from your laying position, back aching from sleeping on the tiny couch. Your ears strain to hear the conversation.
"Wasn't really expecting... come home... random girl!" That definitely wasn't Ellie's voice. It was too high-pitched and sweet.
"...Quiet... still sleeping... been broken up... had no right." There was the voice you came to know. 
Curiosity filled your mind at the quiet talking in the kitchen. She never mentioned a roommate while talking to you last night. You fully push yourself off of the couch and creep your way to the area they were in. Ellie's back was turned from you so you got a glimpse of who she was talking to.
It was a shorter girl with black hair with an angry expression painted on her features. Her eyes landed on you and she scoffed. 
Oh shit. She was furious.
"Great," Her voice cut the tense silence, "Now she's walking around as if this is her house."
Ellie whipped around with a look that made your heart stutter. It looked as if she had been caught doing something wrong.
She gave you an apologetic look, "Cat, can you for once..." She cut herself off, reaching out to you, "Hey, listen-"
You decided to cut her off this time while stepping back, "You never told me you had a girlfriend. This changes a lot, Ellie." 
Cat scoffs again at your words. Her arms cross over her chest as she mutters, 'Good god, Ellie.' Ellie gives her a pointed look before turning back to you.
"I can fully explain this." Ellie's words are punctuated by the movement of her hands. They were shaking slightly. 
'She's just stunned that she was caught,' an evil voice in your head bounced around.
You shake your head, "No need to." You turn on your heels ready to get the hell out of the tense situation. Ellie calls your name but once you are out the front door she doesn't make any moves to run after you.
"Great," You roll your eyes trying to ignore the feeling of your heart shattering, "This is fucking great."
You couldn't wait to talk to Dina.
tags: @ellieismami, @minillie, @dankpunks, @elliesgff, @muthafuckingstargirl, @deafelliewilliams, @pinkazelma, @fairybr3ad, @me-and-your-husband, @intrnetdoll, @kyleeservopoulos
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rorywritesjunk · 9 months
breathe the freezing crystal air, watch my baby crack a smile
You and Buggy agreed on exchanging just one gift for the Winter Solstice, but he's a pirate and doesn't follow the rules. Rating: G-PG. It's just some fluff, that's all. Warning: None. Buggy can't bake in this. Richie causes very mild chaos. A/N: I wanted to have something about gift giving. This has no connection to any other story, it's just a fun one-shot. Title comes from "Cold Sunshine" by S.J. Tucker.
You and Buggy agreed on exchanging just one gift, simply because you knew how over the top he would get with gift giving. You always appreciated it, and he often gave you really good gifts, but you had no need for clothes, books, anything. Honestly, just spending the day with him doing nothing sounded like the best gift to you. So a month before the Winter Solstice, you talked to him and got him to agree to just one gift each. 
However, after so many years with him, you weren’t actually specific in what you meant by one gift.
When you woke up the morning of the Solstice, you found our bed empty of your boyfriend, but in his place was an envelope with your name and the number #1 on it. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you took it and carefully opened it, frowning at the contents. It was a photo of you from when you first started dating, which was sweet. He didn’t always want photos taken, conscious about his nose and worried it would be the main focus on the photo as he insisted the camera made it look bigger than it was (it didn’t). You didn’t ask too often to take a photo because of that. There was a note stuck to the back of it that read,
you didn’t specify what you meant by one gift.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a grin as you finally got out of bed. You were already feeling the chill of the day so you dressed warmly, putting on wooly layers and your warmest jacket before heading out to the deck to find your boyfriend. He often gave the crew a case of rum to go around and the day off for their gift, which allowed you two a bit of peace and (some) quiet for most of the day. 
There was a package in Mohji’s hands when you saw him and he held it out to you. It was weird not to see Buggy yet, but you accepted it with a frown. Your name and the number #2 were on it.
“From you?” 
“No, the Captain.” The beast tamer replied before going off to join his shipmates in enjoying the gift.
You opened the package and jumped with a shriek. Colorful glitter spilled out onto your hands, shoes, and the deck. It got everywhere and you were mortified that Buggy actually thought that would be a good idea, because the first time it happened was the first time he gave you a Solstice gift. Instead of using tissue paper or any other kind of packaging, he used glitter and even years later you were still finding it on things. 
There was a note inside that box with an orange that had cloves sticking out of it and a blue ribbon tied around it, as well as a layer of the colorful glitter. 
there’s more to come
You were unsure if that was a threat or meant to be romantic. 
You got most of the glitter taken care of, but there would forever be a stain of red, green, and gold forever ingrained in the spot where you were standing. Buggy only had himself to blame for that one.
You got the glitter washed off the orange, however, and happily hung it up in your wardrobe to keep it smelling nice. It was a weirdly sweet reminder of when he took over Orangetown, only to disappear for a few weeks with most of his body left behind with the crew. And while they set up the tent on an island, mourning the loss of their captain and unsure what to do next, you were (kind of accidentally) left behind in Orangetown. While you were mad about it, you went about your life helping them rebuild and getting a job in a tea shop for a few months until Buggy showed back up to “rescue” you.
The third gift was left in the fridge. You were trying to think of what to start expecting from him. At this point you had been together 7 years, so was he going to do 7 gifts, or just a random number? Was there a particular order to these gifts? You carefully took the package out of the fridge and opened it over the sink, just to be on the safe side.
It was a piece of chocolate cake which was one of your favorite things. You took a fork and poked at it carefully, hoping there wasn't anything in it that could break a tooth, before you took a forkful and popped it in your mouth. Buggy was… an okay cook, but baking wasn't necessarily his thing. He didn't have the patience for it, nor did he follow the directions properly. The cake definitely was chewy, almost gluing your mouth shut. You decided to save the rest for later so you put it back in the fridge, which is where the note was still at.
because you're so sweet to me
Okay, this was getting to be a bit too sweet and adorable for you. He was into grand gestures, flashy announcements and proclamations on his feelings for you, and other eye-catching things. But finding packages around the ship from him with little notes was almost too much. You were starting to feel like your gift was going to pale in comparison to what he probably had planned, but you also knew he would loudly say he loved whatever you got him and it was wonderful.
You actually found the fifth gift next. Were you supposed to find these in a particular order? This gift was… calmer. You didn't have to clean up glitter or unstick your mouth from glue-textured cake. It was a scented candle, something you didn't get to enjoy as much as you used to due to conserving them in case of an emergency. This package didn't have a note, but you took it to your room and set it next to the bed. 
Was he making a statement with these gifts? They were all rather sweet and you were now thinking of cooking him a nice dinner the next chance you got. 
When you left the bedroom you actually bumped into him. He hid something behind his back, looking slightly panicked at seeing you.
“W-What are you doing in there?” He asked as he stepped back from you. You shrugged as you leaned over to peck him on the lips.
“Just putting one of my gifts in a safe spot, Buggy.” You told him. “Thank you for the candle.”
“Yea, well… don’t burn it all at once!” He told you as he sidestepped around you to get into the bedroom. “Don’t come in here until I tell you too!”
You found what was left of the fourth gift with Richie. He had torn into the package, thinking it was for him, and when you walked up to his cage, you saw the remnants of paper and ribbon with a little stuffed toy hanging from his mouth. There was a letter that had some nibble marks in it which you managed to rescue while giving him some pets. 
You didn’t fight him for the toy but you read the letter.
because you give really good hugs
Well, okay, you were told that was something you were good at, and often knew when Buggy needed a hug before he even realized it. When you peered through the bars to see what the toy was, it was just a cute little pony plush that was now being cuddled by the big cat. Richie deserved a gift so you kept the letter and let him have the plush toy.
It was closer to evening time when you saw him again. He shut the door to the room pretty quickly and stood in front of it, arms crossed. “You can’t come in here yet.”
“Okay, but… why?” You asked. 
“Because I said so!” He told you as stomped away. “Stay there and wait until I get back!”
You raised an eyebrow but did as he asked. There must be something in there that was part of the gift-giving. And you needed to get in there as well since your gift to him was in there, and you hated that you were starting to feel a little unsure about it. His were all sweet gestures and memories while yours was… not that spectacular in your eyes. 
He came back with two glasses in his hand and paused at the door, shot you a look you didn’t quite understand, and threw the door open and gestured for you to step inside. Confused, you did so, looking in the room to see… nothing. There was nothing in there. You scratched your head and looked at him.
“What am I not supposed to see?”
“Give me a minute!” He told you as he handed you the two glasses and went to the small locked cabinet. You knew that’s where he kept his favorite rum. Saying nothing, you walked over to the wardrobe to grab his gift, something wrapped in some pretty paper you had found at a port. He looked over at you and perked up. “Is that for me?”
“Yea, it is…” You hesitated and walked over to him. “I found um, the gifts, Buggy, and I appreciate them so much, but now I feel a little put out because I only got you one thing.” You took a moment before adding, “Richie found the fourth gift. I managed to get the letter.”
“What? Don’t worry about it.” He told you as he reached for his present. You sighed and handed it over to him. “Your gifts are always thoughtful.”
“Yea…” You raised your hand to your mouth, chewing on your thumbnail as he tore the paper off excitedly. He paused for a moment when he saw what it was: a wooden box with a locking latch and his jolly roger burned into the top. “So, I made that… thought it would be something you can… keep important things in, like, special treasures and stuff…” 
“You made this? When?” He asked as he opened it slowly. The box was well made, lined with a blue velvet while the outside was stained a dark color. His eyes lit up as he examined it. There were little imperfections that made it unique and told about being handmade, such as a few dents in the wood, a hole where a screw mistakenly created, and a few jagged lines around the lower jaw of the jolly roger, likely where you were first starting the design. “How did you find the time?”
You shrugged, moving onto one of your fingernails now as you watched him rotate the box in his hands, opening and closing the lid multiple times before he finally settled on tracing the design with his fingertips. “Some late nights. I started a month ago.” You hesitated before asking, “D’you like it?”
“It’s perfect!” He said as his hands went to place it safely on the bed while he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close for a kiss. Buggy wasn’t just saying that to make you feel good, you knew he meant it because there had been a few mishaps of gifts where he gave you his honest opinion of them if he didn’t like it, but you could tell he liked this one. “It will pair well with my final gift to you.”
“Final gift?” You repeated as he moved you to a spot in the room. 
He looked up at the ceiling for a brief second before making sure you didn’t look up. Next, he swept his coat back before reaching into his pocket and dropping down to one knee in front of you. Oh, oh you knew what was happening now. He held the box in one hand while preparing to open it with another.
“My love, the only one I cherish,” Buggy began, the small box open and revealing to you a necklace with a ring on it. “After seven years together, I’d like to spend another seven with you as your husband, so will-”
“Only seven years?” You asked, cutting him off, looking confused for a moment. Buggy stopped and narrowed his eyes at you for interrupting him. “Why only seven years?”
“I was trying to be poetic!” 
“Okay, but do you intend for either of us to die in seven years?” You asked, still a little confused by his wording. “Or… is that how long a pirate marriage lasts?”
“L-Let me finish!” He stammered as he got to his feet. “I just… I just want to know if you’ll marry me! It can be for seven months or seven decades, I don’t care, I just want to be married to you!”
“Oh, oh! I got it now.” You laughed softly and smiled at him. “You’re so sweet, Buggy, I will marry you.” 
He looked satisfied, though a little thrown off from the interruption, but he didn’t let that stop him from putting the necklace on you before he kissed you; one of his hands popped off and went to a rope hanging nearby, giving it a firm tug. You glanced up as dried flowers fell over the two of you, a bright collection of color during a cold winter day.
It was very sweet. You picked a flower that landed on his shoulder and stuck it in his hat before kissing him again.
“Thank you for the gifts, Buggy.” You told him. “I love you.”
He smirked, pulling you closer as his hand poured the good rum into the two glasses. “Cheers, my love. I love you too.”
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adudelolwriting · 5 months
"instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating" but with either brim or jam maybe? 👀👀 (last prompt absolutely gutted me btw it was SO good)
holy fuck i could have SWORN this was meant to be like 500 words. nope. another 1k oneshot . hopefully you'll enjoy :D this ones a lot sweeter than the other one (ask game here)
Alex knew Brian and Tim were close. Brian is one of Alex's closest friends, and he knew about Tim a long while before he met the man. Alex first met him when Brian was 'auditioning' for the part of Brian, the main character in his film he was making. (Brian already had the part, in Alex's mind. Alex heavily based the character of his friend, and named the role after him.)
Don't get Alex wrong, Tim was an attractive man. He just… he wasn't Alex's type. He seemed very… nervous, talking to most people, his back stiff and arms crossed. Alex really only saw the man's guard get let down when he was off to the side, having a short, private chat with Brian. And Alex didn't think anything of it — why would he?
No, Alex was far more interested in his long term friend. He had talked to Jay, one time, when it was late into the night. They probably should have been asleep, but instead, Alex was talking about Brian. 
"It's just, he gives me the butterflies, like Amy used to," Alex said, laying on his back and staring at the popcorn ceiling of his room. 
"So you have a crush on him?" Jay asked, his head tilting to the side, like it always does when he was curious or interested in something. Alex shook his head, "no, I can't have one. I know he swings both ways, but he's my friend. I've known him almost as long as I've known you."
Jay chuckled, leaning back on his elbows, looking to Alex. "That doesn't mean much, dude. If he makes you feel like you felt for Amy, I think that's a pretty big sign," he smiles.
But Alex can't have a crush on Brian, right?
Yeah, the man makes his stomach flip, and pretty, and he makes Alex laugh, and…
Alex had a crush on Brian.
Alex had a crush on Brian, and Jay was the one who helped him realize.
He let out a groan, blush blooming from his face as Alex tried to hide himself. Jay laughed at him, patting him on his shoulder. "Maybe you should ask him out. It looks like he feels the same for you too, dude."
"I just found out I liked him, I can't just — ask him out like that!" Alex huffed, voice muffled by his hands.
"Why not? Someone else might ask him out first! Imagine if like, he and Sarah got together," Jay laughed quietly, to which Alex groaned again, muttering a 'shut up' and throwing a pillow on him.
Some days have passed now, and Alex could only focus on the fact that he liked Brian. After shooting, Alex had made a plan to ask Brian — er, well, at least tell him. Maybe explain and hope production of Marble Hornets wouldn't be awkward if Alex explained why he couldn't look at Brian without getting flustered.
Once filming for the day was done, Brian and Tim were talking quietly as Seth put the camera away, and Sarah and Jay talked. It was a pretty full day, with all of the crew around. (Sarah even decided to stay and watch after her scenes were done!)
Alex walked over to Brian and Tim, and their conversation pauses as he got closer. "Hey man! What's up?" Brian asks. 
"Could I talk to you for a moment? Uh, privately?" Alex asked, and he felt his blush already starting to rise. Brian looks back to Tim, who simply shrugged. 
"Yeah, of course. Lead the way!" Brian smiled, and god, was the man pretty. Alex shook his head. The two walked a bit further from the set — out of earshot of everyone else. "Uh, I'm not in trouble or anything, right? Not firing me or anything?" Brian laughs, putting an easy smile on Alex's face.
"No, no. Nothing of the sort. It's, uh…" Alex paused, as if thinking of the words of his scrambled brain. "It's more… personal, I guess."
Brian's eyebrows tilt in concern. "Is everything okay?" 
"Yeah — It's, yeah." Alex took a deep breath. "Brian, I — I like you." 
His face must be so red. He can't make eye contact, instead staring down into the grass. The silence washes over them, and god, Alex ruined everything, didn't he?
"Oh my god," Brian giggles after a second, which felt like an eternity, "God, Alex, I like you too. Did you really not pick up any of the signs?"
"You… what?" Alex feels like his brain broke. Brian liked him too? Brian had been leaving signs?
"Yeah man!" Brian grinned. "I've liked you, for like, forever now. You never did anything so I didn't think you liked me back."
Alex laughs at himself. Of course. "Ah, in that case… are you free this weekend..?"
"Alex Kralie, are you asking me out on a date?" 
"If you could be inclined to join me, then… yes?" 
"I would love to. I'll have to ask Tim, to see if he's okay with it." Huh? "We've talked briefly about it, but I'll have to double check if we can get serious, too."
"What?" Alex asked. "Why — Why do you have to ask Tim?" 
Brian's eyebrows now curl in confusion. "Because… me and Tim are dating?"
Brian giggles, breath whistling quietly from the gap in his teeth. "Me and Tim have been together for like, two or three years!"
"And you — you didn't tell anyone?" Embarrassment and shame flushes through Alex. He asked out a taken man. 
"We… we did, didn't we?" Brian says, seemingly to himself. "I thought we did. Was it not obvious? I've literally gushed about him for hours."
"I just— I thought you guys were friends — Sorry, I should go—" Alex was about to turn around and leave, but Brian took his hand into his own.
"Hey, dude, it's fine. I'm poly, y'know? I have two hands. I like you too, did you just forget that?" Brian giggles lightly. "Please don't run away from me 'cause of this, Alex. I'm like, ninety-nine percent sure Tim's okay with this."
They talked it out, talked to Tim, and everything was okay. 
And, well, besides.
Brian does have two hands for a reason.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 3 months
Fuck Tom and Storms
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Requested by: @ten-cent-sleuth
I really hope you enjoy it and like it !!!
Hey! :D If I’m allowed to send more than one emoji, maybe ⚡️, 🐾, and 💪? Ofc they can all be different ficlets if you’d prefer. Or just pick your favourite from those three! :)
(Write for whoever you feel like, seriously!! But if having a specific character would help you focus an idea, maybe Colt or Scola to give ’em some love? ;P)
Colt X Reader 
Tom Ryder was the worst name you could ever hear right now and for the rest of your entire life. It was a name most people worshiped but to those who knew him it was a name that made you throw up in disgust. 
If it wasn’t one issue it was another and the topic of today’s issue was that the sun was to hot for him to work and he needed to rest in his trailer.
It was like everyone was to afraid to say something. Which you understood to because the second they did they risked loosing their jobs. 
But you were the 2nd Asst Director and you were loosing your mind because the main director was out for the day so it all rested on your shoulders. And are you all ready for the worst of it. 
There was a giant thunderstorm that was supposed to be coming in and it was a bad one.
The crew was on edge about going home, you couldn’t not get the shot or your would loose the permit to shoot on location. 
Colt was looking over at you and he could tell you were about to have a mental breakdown. 
The look on your face said that no one dare approach you or they would loose their heads. 
So colt walked over carefully and slowly.
It was a like it’s own movie scene where the FBI guy was trying to diffuse a bomb with only seconds left keeping you on the edge of anticipation. 
You were currently just staring off into the abyss not really looking at anyone or anything just trying to rack your brain on  the best solution. 
Which would be A.) Force Tom to come out of his trailer with violence or B.) cancel the whole thing and deal with it later. 
Neither one was the ideal situation. It’s like no matter what you picked you knew you were fucked. 
You were so into your thoughts you didn’t even notice that Colt had creeped up on you and was currently standing next to you just reading your face with his eyes. 
“Hey Pumpkin how you doing” Colt said in a sweet flirty voice 
You didn’t even hear him at first, way too invested in your own thoughts to even acknowledge him. 
“Muffin of love will you please look at me” Colt said a little louder and shaking you so you would pay attention. 
“What” You yelled loudly scared to death.
“Well we have a couple of issues we need to talk about.” He said 
You just kind of looked at him dumbfounded like did he come all this way to speak the obvious to you. 
He looked at you nervous and like he was deciding on what his next words to you would be
“Alright Pumpkin pie we got news the storm is now closer than ever so we have no choice but to execute.” He said in a soft voice to ease the tension. 
You just felt devastated i mean this was supposed to be your chance to shine and show what you could do and of course Tom just had to take it away from you. 
You just took the moment  to gather yourself and get up and admit defeat. It was hard because you didn’t want to look weak in the moment. 
“Come on” Colt said in a soft tone. 
You got up from your chair and as you did you began to notice the world around you again. It was getting dark and the thunder had started and everyone began taking shelter. 
You immediately looked over at Colt and you could see the worried look on his face. And let me stop you all right there. Colt was not worried about you and everyone's safety like the big bag stuntman he was. 
Or the one he pretended to be. He was worried because he was scared of the storms and inside he was a big baby. Though you thought it was really sweet and one of the reasons why you loved him so much. 
“Hey it’s gonna be okay let’s go to our trailer” You said.
You grabbed his hand and tried to guide him and then like perfect timing the rain had started. It was like the giant of a man just froze. 
“Hey Sugar plum let’s go” You said a little louder trying to get his attention. 
He wasn’t moving and it was starting to pick up and get a little worse so you weren’t sure what to do you couldn’t just leave him there scared. 
And at this point you weren’t sure what you were thinking but it felt like it was the only thing that was sane enough for you to do. 
You bent down and attempted to pick the man up bridal style. Like legit sweep him off his feet.
And yes if you all are wondering it was bad as you imagined. He didn’t even lift up a tiny but nit a half of half inch. 
But it did work on getting his attention because he snapped down and looked at you and he broke out in a laugh but also a very confused look. 
“May i help you” Was all he could get out in between laughs. 
“Yeah you can I’m soaked and i would like to leave before tornado comes up and sweeps me away” You said
He just started laughing and he reached down and picked you up bridal style and he ran to the shared trailer. 
He put you back down and you both couldn’t help but just laugh together. You walked over to him and pulled his wet shirt off of him. His abs were to die for and he knew it too. 
He walked over to you and he returned the favor. And the he cupped your face with his hands and he kissed you hard. 
Then he quickly broke the kiss and he bent down to whisper in your ear
“I was never scared I was helping you” He said.
You backed away and looked offended at him. 
“Help me how did that possibly help me” You said in a angrier tone. 
“I know you needed the win” He said. 
“How did that give me a win” you said. 
“You got to be in charge make a choice get some of that energy out you know” he said shrugging his shoulders. 
“I made zero decisions besides force you to come inside and we didn’t even get the shoot. Tom that fucker got what he wanted again and he ruinied the day for us and as soon as this storm passes I’m going over there telling him off and forcing him to work late so we can finish.” You yelled. 
“There we go that’s what we needed” Colt said.
And as soon as he said that it clicked he knew you just needed to get the anger out and work up the courage. 
Colt walked over and gave you a soft smile 
“Come on let’s get out of these clothes and lay down” Colt said 
And as soon as he said that thunder cracked again and we saw a big flash of lighting. Which honestly made us both Jump. 
“Fine but keep it professional we are at work” You said with a cheeky smile. 
Colt groaned annoyed really loud and then threw his head down and walked away. You sat for a moment watching him change to a fresh pair of jeans and hey you never said you couldn’t look. 
Colt looked over and noticed you were looking 
“Hey my eyes are up here remember” He said 
“I know I just like show” You said before trotting off and changing. 
Colt laid out on the bed and you crawled next to him pulling him on to you so his head was resting on your chest. He wrapped his legs around you. 
“It’s okay i got you the big bad thunderstorm won’t get you” You said.
“At least we know your protect me” Colt said laughing.
“For now until the movie is over then your on your own and the Miami Jacket is mine” You said smiling.
“Over my dead body” Colt said in a serious tone. 
“What ever pookie we do live in LA” You said smiling.
You were feeling better knowing that at least the day wasn't going to completely ruined and Tom was going to have his Karma.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Way too hot
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 1 400 Summary: Ace can't keep his hands off you after you finish working out. Tags: Ace is annoying (/pos) <3 / needy bf / someone hold him, please / absolute dogboy
Requested by anon "Hey can i request a slight nsfw scenario about ace x fem reader with her getting just done with a workout and being all sweaty (...)"
A/N: it's suggestive and reader is gender neutral bc i only say that they got their shirt off--if it's fem reader, it's still implied she keeps a sports bra on, if it's male reader, it's just shirtless, and so it goes; nothing specifying anything. Alabasta Ace is my main ref, btw <3
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          The day was rather calm—Moby Dick was on the shore of a monotonous island, and while most of the crew had left, you and Ace, along with a few others, had stayed back to watch the ship at the lack of interests in the island—, so it was a great opportunity to put your workout up to date, given the good climate. Soft breezes sometimes soothed the hot weather, so you decided to enjoy it, and made sure no one needed you before changing into shorts and a shirt then grabbing a bottle of water along with a barbell with a few plates on it.
Shadow was cast over some empty part of the deck, so that was exactly where you headed to so you could train. Well, empty when you checked on it earlier because, at the moment, Ace was asleep against a mast with his hat on his face and arms behind his head as if he’d been there for at least an hour now. You didn’t even bother wondering where he had shown up from since it was probably one of the most reasonable occasions with him. Your things were set aside before you approached Ace, hooking an arm around his shoulders and another under his knees so you could lift him up.
Despite the way his head falls back and his hat is only held by the way the cord is stuck under his chin, Ace never wakes up, only groaning and adjusting his position when you set him on the ground again, near a wall. He could be so damn adorable. Your heart fluttered at how he scrunched his nose in his sleep, mumbling something incoherent after you pressed a kiss to his cheek so you could step away.
With a deep sigh, you threw your arms above your head then down to the ground’s direction to stretch yourself before you could start your workout. It was more of strength and mobility working since the cardio was always done by running around with Ace, leaving your focus on less points.
Counting the reps was instinctive. You did it in the back of your mind while you observed the sea or watched Ace talk in his sleep once in a while before you took a pause or switched hands, a routine you kept religiously until the heat became too much, hence you ended up discarding your shirt at some point before you could continue.
It was about an hour and half later that you put the barbell down for the last time today, leaving it in a corner so it wouldn’t bother anybody. Your muscles felt on fire while you moved for the first minutes, heavier and weaker than usual, hence you could barely lift your feet from the ground while walking over to your water, finishing it at once before you grabbed the shirt you’d tossed away earlier to clean the sweat away from your forehead, but it was nowhere to be seen... Nah, there it was.
“Give.” You made a grabby motion for Ace, who twisted his mouth a little and tossed the shirt to you before he smiled. He still had an arm behind his head and his hat now rested on his chest while his legs were one over the other. “Slept good?”
“Yep!” He grinned and was on his feet with a jump, arms in air for a few seconds to stretch himself. “I see you were working out!”
You only hummed in agreement, wiping the sweat away from your face before you let your shirt hang around your neck. The words you wanted to say died in the tip of your tongue when you noticed Ace seemed a little off; he hunched there with his hands in his pockets and a distant expression, but his eyes weren’t on yours, instead scanning your body with an admirable focus.
“Damn!” Ace raised his eyebrows, biting on his lip for a second. “You look hot.” You scoffed with a chuckle, but he just nodded in response, stepping closer to place a hand on your waist. “Like sculpted by a god or something.” He is leaning in before you can notice, about to bury his face in your neck when you push him away with your hands on his chest.
“No, no, no! Not right now!” You stepped away from his attempt to catch you in his arms, leaving a grumpy Ace to hug the air instead of you. “I’m sweaty and it’s really hot, and I’m not sure if you’re going to take a shower later!”
“But you look so pretty,” he whined with a pout, “so hot! Let me at least—”
As much as it had your face heating up, you knew better than to give in to Ace’s whines, so you continued to shake your head as you walked to the barbell so you could put everything away. He was faster, however, taking a seat on top of the bar with his arms crossed over his chest. As if it’d cause you any trouble. You rolled your eyes and lifted him off it in bridal style easily; he was about to hook his arms around your neck when you just let him fall to the ground.
“(Y/n)!” Ace groaned, but didn’t even bother to complain more once you ignored him, only standing up again to chase you.
And hell, who thought that’d end up being a problem? Ace was fucking everywhere, you didn’t have a second of peace. He was following you everywhere you went, with those lost puppy eyes, for the rest of the day—even when he was falling asleep suddenly, he woke up again at the moment you moved to either hold onto you or follow. Sometimes, he’d look at you with the biggest eyes he could muster and clasp his hands together to let out the whiniest ‘please’ you’d ever heard. He even freaked out after you arrived at the kitchen, fresh out of the shower, and told him to wait until it was night and the others had returned; it’d be safer and the weather would be nicer.
“B—But now there’s barely anyone on the ship! I doubt anyone would attack us without us noticing it first long before! Like—”
“Won’t you shut the fuck up?” you whisper-yelled, pretending you were going to hit him with the big spoon you had in hand before going back to serving yourself your lunch. He flinched at first then broke in chuckles, grinning wide.
“I can’t help!” Ace had a hand on his hip and the other on the counter as he leaned against it—his hands would probably be on your hips while he stood behind you with his chin on your shoulder if you’d allowed him to touch you; maybe you would have already if it weren’t so fun to watch him sulking around and the fact you couldn’t step away from watching the ship. “Like, maybe if you looked at yourself— You should let me know whenever you’re going to work out, y’know? Or wear those more. It really suits you! Actually, it’s more about your body, I—”
“Get your lunch so we can go sit outside.” Your eyes didn’t even meet his, but you were there waiting for him so you could sit on the deck while you had lunch.
“Y’know...” He mumbled, fingers grazing your thigh.
“I told you to wait!”
“Maybe you’re doing all of this on purpose just to torture me...” Ace groaned through the food in his mouth and, despite the partial truth in his words, all you did was to shoot him a playful glare and roll your eyes.
Ace was quiet for the rest of the meal, at least. The next time he bothered you, was when the sun was already a lot lower in the horizon, with a sunset that would start in some minutes. You sat at the table on the deck in an attempt to enjoy the rest of your free day in peace with the book Marco had gotten you. 
“Please, please, please,” Ace mumbled annoyingly, seemingly never-ending. He sat there on the ground with your feet between his legs, beside the chair you sat on. Whenever you forgot about him, Ace would start his ranting once again and hug your leg, keeping his cheek pressed to your knee.
You sighed deeply and lowered a hand to pat his head, at first just playing with his hair then motioning for him to pull away. “Okay, okay, get up, I’m tired of your whining. Let’s fix this.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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electronickingdomfox · 6 months
"The Trellisane Confrontation" review
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Novel by David Dvorkin from 1984. Finally a cover that looks a bit different! By the way, that's Chapel there, and not some random lady that never shows up, as I thought at first.
Is this high literature? Surely not. The prose is pretty simplistic and straight to the point. Is it very original? Also nope. The plot is a mishmash of everything TOS, put together: there are two alien races at war, and on top of that the Enterprise is hijacked and taken from Kirk, and on top of that there are Klingons, and on top of that, Romulans. Also McCoy struggles to free slaves, and dines with cannibals. And then Chapel finds (briefly) love, when she enters into communion with a composite being that looks like a ball of flesh (okay, THAT'S new, and not really as disturbing as it seems at first; though there are some disturbing things in this novel). Having said all that, did I enjoy this book? Hell, yeah! (see everything above).
With so many things going on, the plot can be a bit confusing, as it keeps branching out when characters go their separate ways. Though somehow, everything clicks. There's also an underlying theme of IDIC to help bring things together. The resolution of the main conflict, however, is less than satisfactory. Let's be frank; the political situation in the planet Trellisane when the Enterprise leaves is... well, shit. There's no way that's not gonna end in another war. But Kirk seems satisfied so...
As for characterization, I found it spot-on, which is not frequent in these novels (usually there's something that seems "off"). The focus is more on action than character development, but you get those glimpses of personality. Spock is sassy, and sometimes Kirk discovers those cracks in his Vulcan mask, and wonders if his occasional humor isn't really another way to hide his true emotions. Kirk has his boyish, fun-loving side in addition to his responsible side as starship captain. Scotty is a badass, and not just a miracle worker. And McCoy is particularly developed, with his softness under a crusty exterior, and his disregard for cruel authority figures. Still, I've found reviews of this novel criticizing it for being out-of-character, which I truly can't understand. If anything, the easy way in which the Enterprise is hijacked is a bit unbelievable. And Sulu makes a really, really stupid mistake while having the con, that triggers the whole problem. But hey, Sulu isn't yet a Captain, and even then, he's just a fallible human! I don't see how having a crew that's always impeccably perfect is any more realistic...
Spoilers under the cut (it's a short novel, but a long plot):
Kirk's mission this time around consists in taking a bunch of dangerous criminals and bringing them to a more secure prison. The criminals are fanatics that believe the Federation should conquer as much territory as possible, so they were trying to enter the Romulan Neutral Zone to trigger a war. They consist of the leader, Hander Morl, his four bodyguards, and a curious creature: an Onctiliian. This race has four sexes, and when they mate, all four individuals are permanently merged in a ball of flesh (body horror much), and can't exist separately anymore. In this state, Onctiliians are very dangerous and aggresive.
However, Kirk receives a fading distress call from Trellisane, vaguely mentioning Klingons. So he decides to investigate this planet before putting the criminals in prison (aka "wrong decision"). Kirk, Spock and McCoy meet the Trellisane leader, who explains they're under attack from the neighboring planet, Sealon (populated by some aquatic, seal-like beings). They suspect the Klingons are behind the sudden weapon development of Sealon. At first, the Trellisanian come off as the peaceful, advanced, but somewhat naive race. While the Sealons are described as barbaric. But things aren't quite so simple.
Meanwhile, the Enterprise is attacked by Sealon ships. Sulu underestimates them, and the ship gets a direct hit, which affects the security cells. The prisoners escape, and after killing some redshirts, they manage to reach the bridge, seal up the doors, and hold everyone there at gunpoint. But the Onctiliian has been seriously injured and goes a different way. The rest of the crew only know the prisoners have escaped, and are unaware of the situation in the bridge. Morl leaves the red alarm flaring, so everyone is busy elsewhere, and forces the bridge crew to depart to the Neutral Zone, to trigger his war. And Kirk watches his ship warping away under his nose.
Down in the planet, the trio find out the Trellisane government is completely ineffectual, so they try to take matters into their hands (violation of the Prime Directive, of course, but it's not like they can do much else this time). McCoy starts tending to the wounded, and discovers strange brain implants in some of them, which he removes. Soon, it becomes apparent that Trellisane has a slave class, which is treated like animals and denied all rights, so McCoy has to cure them in secret. For their part, Kirk and Spock rally the slaves (the only willing to fight), and help them plant explosives under the ocean, where the Sealons are already building bases.
In the Enterprise, Scotty uses his brains and notices something is wrong. He gets to the bridge and is captured as well. But he improvises an excuse about the warp engines being very damaged, and convinces Morl to stop the ship for maintenance, thus gaining some time. Chapel has found the injured Onctiliian, now dying, since one of its four members was killed. She overcomes her fear, and tries to remove the corpse, so the rest of the body can heal. But upon coming in contact with the link spot, the Onctiliian accepts her as a new fourth member, and a mind link is established between them. With the new input from Chapel, more peaceful and intelligent, the creature understands how wrong are Morl's ways.
Again back in the planet, Kirk and Spock are captured by Sealons in one of their bombing incursions, and brought to their underwater base. Effectively, the base is run by Klingons, the real masterminds behind the war. Then, the Klingons bring them to their main base in Sealon. Kirk explains the situation with the Enterprise, and convinces the Klingon leader that, if the Romulans are provoked, they'll also interfere with Klingon affairs in this sector. The Klingon captain agrees to take Kirk to his ship, so he can regain it and avert the conflict. But then Kirk must surrender the Enterprise to the Klingons (ha! gullible Klingon much!). Meanwhile, Spock escapes his imprisonment, after Sealon rebels start attacking Klingon infrastructures. He comes face to face with the Sealon leader, and of course can't resist the temptation of mind-melding with him. This gives Spock a new viewpoint about the Sealons.
As for McCoy, he's at his wit's end with the Trellisanian and their classism. To make things worse, he discovers the brain implants are used to control slaves, and even kill them on the spot when they misbehave. And then comes... the revelation (actually, you can see it coming since earlier in the novel, but still...). The Trellisanian leader says McCoy is an hypocrite, for defending the slaves and still eating meat. He brings the doctor to a butcher house, and there McCoy discovers the meat actually came from slaves. It's a shame that McCoy's coping with this fact isn't explored further (Tarsus IV anyone?).
In the end, the Enterprise bridge is regained when Chapel bursts in, with her Onctiliian bondmate wreaking havoc on all the bad guys. The creature dies in the fight, however, freeing Chapel from the bond (and she's pretty sad about it). Morl has a villanous breakdown, and at last surrenders, when Kirk beams in the bridge. The Romulans have been attracted by the suspicious presence of the Enterprise near their border. But Kirk invites both the Romulan and the Klingon captains to his ship, to reach a cooperation agreement in regards to Trellisane and Sealon (okay, this was waaaay too easy). Down in the planet, Spock has reunited with McCoy, and together they organize a meeting between Trellisane and Sealon leaders, to reach another agreement. First, the slaves must be set free, if Trellisane ever wants to receive help from the Federation. And the Sealons are allowed to keep the conquered oceans, if they share the fishing. I think it's a rather shitty arrangement that leaves nobody happy (not even the slaves, since the grudge is still there). But anyway, both the Trellisanians and the Sealons are rather shitty in their own ways, so there.
Spirk Meter: 1/10*. Very little. But Spock reflects a moment about how much he admires his Captain, for having such a perfect balance between logic and emotion (but it's not hero-worship, nope...). However, his ideal image is suddenly broken, when he sees Kirk excited like a little boy, at the prospect of rowing in a boat.
Is it my impression, or do male authors gravitate much more towards McKirk and Spones, while books written by women are more spirky? In the first page, we already have Kirk looking up and down at Bones in his dress uniform, and telling him that his old country doctor persona is all he needs to impress the colonists. And then, Kirk brings McCoy to his cabin, closes the door, and undresses in front of him (okay, he needs to change into his dress uniform too, but still...).
Then, at the end, McCoy is discussing with Spock about cross-breeding between different species, when he changes the subject, to comment on Spock's warm, human emotion upon reuniting with him. McCoy wants Spock to admit he was worried about him, but yet again, Spock is cold and hurts him. McCoy goes away, angry, and Chapel reprimands Spock for being so cruel, since the doctor is sensitive. Spock agrees. And adds he's a remarkable doctor, and probably derives pleasure from insulting and being insulted by Spock, as it's his only way of showing his affection. All this in the context of IDIC, and Chapel's recent experience as a mate of the Onctiliian. Hmmm...
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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dapperinsanity · 9 months
Some thoughts on Hazbin and Helluva ahead.
I’ve been reflecting on why certain characters in Hazbin (mainly Al) caught my attention regarding Hazbin and I came to a realization in general regarding Viv’s work.
The only reason the pilot and certain characters caught my attention in the first place can be accredited to the VA’s and how they portray them, mainly Al and Angel. Thanks to the Hunicast (and Ashley too!) I now realize why I like such characters. Because let me tell ya…I hated AngelDust in the pilot and felt neutral towards Alastor but enjoyed him more as time went on. Then when I checked out Hunicast, Angel oddly grew onto me mainly due to the frienimies dynamic with Al and Angel. Excluding my weird taste in tumblrsexymen, again, the VA is the main reason I enjoy Al so much. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed him when the pilot gave him more screen time but the podcast helped solidified that.
Also, the podcast and the animation crew that worked on the pilot was why I checked out more of Hazbin and Helluva. That’s when I realized that the only reason I got into these “shows” in the first place had nothing to do with Viv. You see, growing up I was aware of some of Viv’s artwork but I only saw some pieces when she first gained popularity. Other than that, I wasn’t really into anything because her artwork was a struggle to make out visually for me. While I do have glasses and my vision was fine, the overwhelming amount of colors and details made it so difficult for my brain to figure out. I never watched her Kesha animated video until years later and the only reason I checked out Hazbin’s pilot was because a family member had talked about it. Take note that the family member was a young teen who was a casual enjoyer of the art rather than the story. To sum it up, I caved in after years of not paying attention to Viv’s channel or art.
In regards to Helluva Boss, I enjoyed the first three episodes and didn’t have much an opinion about the rest of the season. I continued watching as I would dismiss certain flaws in the writing and certain “jokes” as I thought such occurrences would be a one time/occasional thing. The same thing went for the character’s development and personality. But man, was I WRONG. While I understood what Viv was trying to do with the characters (mainly Stolas and Blitz), I couldn’t watch any longer due to Stolitz. I let things slide hoping the show would improve and mainly for the fact that I assumed this was casual adult humor and I was just being “too offended”. Was it funny to me? No. The only humor that made me laugh was stupid things like “what the fuck is insurance”.
Anyways, the same point can be applied with Stolas as a character and his treatment of Blitz. I always excused his creepy moments and treatment of Blitz because I was so confused on which way the show wanted to portray them. It felt like the show tried to portray them as a friends with benefits and that Blitz was just “in denial of his feelings” and that Stolas is simply “poking fun at him”. Yet, it isn’t like that as Blitz is a victim of Stolas inexcusable behavior but the show just writes Stolas actions as “humorous”. Stolas isn’t the only exception but because of the focus on these two, I decided to drop the show.
So yeah, TLDR: I never liked Viv’s work but rather it’s everyone else’s work that I enjoyed.
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
EddiexJosh AU where Tommy comes back earlier and is already dating Buck throughout s5. Eddie can't help but feel like an odd man out when he transfers because he's missing so much of his old life. He knows leaving the 118 was his choice, and that he made it for himself and Chrisropher, but he's just tired, lonely. Eddie can't help feeling incredibly lonely.
He ends up spending more time with Josh Russo. It's a side effect of a multitude of things: Eddie's new hours, the "am I still a real firefighter?" feeling, a need to talk to someone who's neutrual about the situation. Plus, Frank suggested for him to make friends at dispatch. Eddie wants to feel settled into his new life. So instead of going out with the 118, making himself feel the sting of bittersweet angst hearing all the rescue stories second hand, he starts hanging with the dispatch crew.
He finds himself feeling more relaxed and in his own skin than he's ever been before. Not because of the job, he misses firefighting so much, nothing will replace the 118, but he's been hanging out with Josh. There's something different about the world when he's with Josh. Eddie feels something stirring inside him, waking from a long slumber.
The first couple of nights Josh and Eddie are with the others, a group of dispatchers who go out after a shift to socialize (sometimes including Maddie). He the only one he's familiar with most of the time is Josh (if only by association at first), so he tends to stick by him, getting to know him outside of work.
Some nights, it somehow winds up being only Eddie and Josh. Eddie's captivated by being under Josh's full focus, the deep, meaningful look in his eyes as they talk about everything and anything. The way he makes Eddie feel grounded amongst the new changes in his life is almost addicting. Eddie sees how passionate Josh is about his job, about needing to be worthwhile. Eddie feels the same way.
Overtime he realizes how much he enjoys being in Josh's space, how Josh is a breath of fresh air compared to the recent women who've passed through his life like a ship in the night. He's never considered himself as anything other than straight but Josh makes him feel seen. He makes Eddie feel like he doesn't have to pretend, or live up to expectations. They feel connected to each other in a way Eddie can't explain. He needs to find out what it is about Josh Russo that makes him feel flustered and have butterflies in his stomach.
Josh feels light and easy and fun in a way Eddie's never really had before. They've both got trauma and baggage, sure, but he makes Eddie feel good about himself. Josh doesn't look at him and immediately see all the trauma Eddie has endured. He just sees Eddie.
Josh is funny and charming. He makes Eddie laugh, Eddie makes him laugh. He loves hearing Josh laugh, loves being the one who can make him smile or the way his eyes light up when they see each other. Eddie starts thinking the man is adorable and cute at one point. Especially when Josh blushes, sweet rosy pink spreads across his face, whenever he's passionate about something or flustered. Eventually, Eddie starts trying to be on the main floor as much as possible to subtly watch Josh work because when he's incredinly hot mesmerizing when he's in dispatcher mode.
Then one night, they're both out for drinks at one of Josh's regular spots. There's music playing over the speakers. It's all loud bar ambiance, but Eddie doesn't hear any of it. He feels intoxicated listening to Josh's voice. He hangs onto his every word, watching his soft, plush lips as he talks. Suddenly, on instinct, driven by a sudden rush of bravery, Eddie rests his hand on the back of Josh's neck. Josh freezes slightly at the touch, eyes holding a calculating gaze as he studies Eddie's behavior. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks there's something happening here," Eddie whispers. Josh gravitates closer, rests his hand on Eddie's thigh.
"You're not," Josh says, licking his lips. "But I - I thought you were straight." It's not accusatory, just a statement. And yeah, he's not the only one, but if Buck can have a sexuality crisis in his twenties Eddie can too.
"I don't know what I am," Eddie says, leaning close to rest their foreheads together. "But I want to find out with you. Is that okay?" He asks, still hesitant to kiss the man in front of him. Josh's expression turns serious as he studies Eddie's face, searching carefully. Eddie wants to kiss Josh badly, he didn't think he had it this bad before he put everything on the table.
Despite needing to know what kissing Josh Russo feels like, Eddie knows about the dispatch takeover. He knows how important it is for Josh to know he has a choice. To know he's been chosen and isn't just collateral, or a part of some joke.
He sees the moment Josh finds what he's looking for, his eyes soften with a haze of want, mirroring Eddie's own expression as Josh exhales. Eddie's eyes flutter as Josh carefully leans in and kisses him twice on the lips. It's chaste both times, then Josh nips at Eddie's bottom lip, teasing him lightly. Their kiss feels like this big moment Eddie's been anticipating for weeks. Now that its finally here, all he wants is to do it again.
"Does that answer your question?" Josh whispers. He lets out a soft gasp when Eddie leans in for a kiss of his own, resting his arms on Josh's shoulder, nuzzling their noses together with a smile on his face.
"Yeah," Eddie says, eyes flickering with excitement at a new world of possibilities. "Yeah, it does."
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sageofmagic-squeaks · 3 months
I finished reading Dorohedoro and it is fantastic. Love it. It has the energy I was hoping to get when I picked up Chainsaw Man. And hilariously it has just as much gore but bothers me less because the world building supports it better imo.
The comparison is probably not fair, but reading through Chainsaw Man I really did hyper focus on how demons are just kinda everywhere mass killing tons of people a day, often on a scale of a major natural disaster, but society was visually the same as 'modern' times. There wasn't any tangible effect on the environment long term.
But then Dorohedoro's world just has to say 'yeah this is like some post apocalyptic setting' and they can mad max it up without my brain trying to rationalize anything. Everything looks grungy, they have a day dedicated to killing zombies, only a few characters are actually living the life and most come from poverty. Like idk I was able to vibe more with all the fighting that way. Also the main guy has a lizard head so I am auto open to more shenanigans AND BOY DOES IT DELIVER ON SHENANIGANS.
I love all the characters. Also you'd think having a character who can revive people from the dead and another that can heal from mincemeat would lower tension but nah, fights and inuries stay engaging. I guess it makes tension switch from 'oh nooo they might dieeee' to 'HOW WILL THEY GET OUT OF THIS ONE'
I did have some issues following the mystery of Caimen, but to be fair I'm like fast reading through a series that was worked on for over 18 years so ofc I'm probably gonna see more holes and plot changes. And it wasn't a deal breaker at all. Another odd thing ig is how often characters are naked. Like...I want to say the girls were more naked than the guys but no?? Dudes be naked a lot too. But it kind of highlights how bizarre nudity censorship can get. They can flat out show titties and ...oddly enough NOT block between the legs as long as it's not detailed or there's a shadow to imply a bush???? But then guys they absolutely need to block any and everything around the dick. Granted the girls are still way more fanservice-y, but at the same time it doesn't feel as skeevy because no one reacts to it in story. Like this is such a bizarre thing for me to focus on. But so many times the ladies would lose their clothes or something and the guys would either ignore it entirely or tell them to get redressed like you would tell someone to tie their shoes. And the undressed lady would also be so non reactive to it. Idk just feels so noteworthy when I've seen so many manga with the men trying to cope a feel or look or otherwise violate space and here nobody cares. Be serious and put your shirt back on. We got sorcerers to kill.
Also everyone's a dumbass. Everyone.
Also also...I like how experimental the artist gets with mixed media at times. Like one side chapter flat out had HIGHLIGHTER or what looked like highlighter and that was neat. Can't recall seeing another manga embrace messy like that.
Anyways enjoy these random out of context things I grabbed to show my friends. Hilariously didn't grab any with En crew or Nikaido despite loving them but maybe I felt those moments were better in context :/c
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Hey! Can I request Recom lyle wainfleet x shy!reader pls? I love you!! <3
I didn’t think I would be doing requests since I’m pretty busy with school and my small business but this was adorable and I couldn’t resist so thank you anon! I really feel like Lyle would be be pretty chill around a shy person but I also feel like the more he gets to know them he would be into teasing them a bit more. I hope you enjoy! ( ^-^)/💕
Lyle Wainfleet X Shy! Human Reader
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* You were hoping to get the chance to work on Pandora as a scientist but when you found out what your job entailed you got really nervous. Your main job would be to oversee the recombinant team and make sure their mission went smoothly. This involved a lot of one on one interaction with a bunch of marines... Yeah. You were *so* nervous you might have lost sleep over it. You had very limited experience with soldiers and you knew that they were often rough around the edges to say the least.
* You were determined to make the best of the situation, even if you had a million what-ifs running through your head. Your first day on the job was waking up the recoms. For safety purposes, you could only wake two at a time so if anything malfunctioned or they had issues you could correct the problem before risking any of the other bodies. Round one was Mansk and Lyle who both woke up a little confused but were pretty easily managed.
* You introduced yourself quietly and found making eye contact was harder than you imagined so you focus on your clipboard.
* "I am y/n, I am part of the science crew that you'll be working with. My job is to make sure your bodies are functioning as they should and treating any injuries you may face." You glance up at the two marines and realized just how big they were. You were already kind of short but hanging around with giants really sent it home.
* Mansk nodded his head and started his reflex testing with one of your colleagues. Lyle however sat down on the nearest surface and stared at his huge hands. He looks over at you with big eyes and a twinge of worry in his voice. "Doc, what... Why? What happened?" His confusion actually calmed you down a bit and made him seem less intimidating.
* "I know this is umm what's the word... Jolting?" You fumble for words as Lyle peeps up. "Freaky is more like it." You were a bit hesitant to keep talking so you gripped your board tighter and cleared your throat. You made yourself look into his eyes and tried your best to be comforting.
* "I suppose that's a way of phrasing it too. Um... How much of your last life do you remember?" You realized quickly that was a personal question and followed it with a rushed, " Don't feel like you have to tell me any details, but sometimes it takes a little while for memories to come back after first waking up." Lyle looks at you and rubs his hand on the back of his neck, looking mildly stressed out.
* You don't know what made you do it but you offered your hand out for him to take. He pauses for a minute but places his hand in your small one. At first, he brushes his fingertips against your palm and when you didn't pull back he slowly put his whole hand in yours. His yellow eyes are watching you and suddenly you feel a bit silly.
* It was like your mouth stopped functioning properly and you try to choke out a sentence to make the silence less intense. "Umm, just so you know I'm here for you." It sounded sappier out loud than you thought it would and mentally cringed a bit. Lyle didn't say anything but squeezed your hand and gave you a nod. He seemed to be at a loss for words too.
* "I have a copy of all your previous video logs leading up to the... um... you know" You motion your other hand awkwardly in the air, not wanting to mention his death so soon after waking him up. "So if you want to see any of them or access your personal belongings they're in my office. You're welcome to visit anytime... As I said, I'm here for you." You flash a small smile in hopes of cheering him up a bit. It seems to work because he takes a deep breath and removes his hand slowly.
* "So what now Doc?" Your face got hotter as he leaned forward into your personal space. You stumbled over your response a bit, "I'm not really a doctor, I just do um sciencey stuff. As for what you're going to do next. You'll be working with Marq over there and he'll lead you through some exercises to see how well your body is doing. And hopefully, after that, you'll be able to get some food and rest." You trail off a bit at the end of your sentence but add some more soft words.
* "The first day is the hardest, so just take it easy tonight okay?" You move backward and you feel your heart race a bit as Lyle continues to stare at you even after you've broken eye contact with him. When he stands up you move out of his way quickly and do your best not to trip over your feet. When he reaches Marq he looks back at you and you give an encouraging thumbs up.
* Lyle does what he's told for the rest of the day and relaxes as much as he can in his new freakishly large body. His mind keeps running back to you and your quiet words. Being a marine he's pretty used to being barked orders and following them with no questions. He was terrified when he woke up but the longer he was awake his memories trickled back in. He didn't realize how much he needed someone to be soft with him at that moment but was ever grateful you took the time to comfort him when many others would have ignored him.
* At lights out he can't sleep and starts wandering the halls, going back to the science lab he met you in earlier. You were probably asleep but Lyle was hoping that you were there and he could spend some more time with you. He trails along slowly and gets lost in his thoughts when he almost runs face-first into a doorway.
* He felt a sharp tug on his pant leg and stopped suddenly, turning his head around to see what had touched him. It was y/n from earlier. She was dressed in casual clothes and carrying a mug of what smelled like hot chocolate. She had a worried look on her face and she suddenly let go of his pants as if he was on fire.
* "I um, you... You uh were going to hit your head" She points to the doorway about a foot away from his face. It was his turn to feel silly this time. "Well it's good you caught me when you did then. I didn't even see it, my mind was elsewhere you know?" He felt like smacking his face with his hand in embarrassment but held back.
* Y/n shifted her feet a little and glanced at the floor. "Couldn't sleep?" The words were so quiet he almost didn't catch them. He couldn't think of anything to say other than "Pretty much. You said you had some of my stuff?" She glanced up and nodded and then motioned with her hand to follow her. "Yeah I do, let's go to my office."
* Lyle walked slowly behind her in hopes that he could spend more time with her. The base was a big place and he still managed to feel claustrophobic. When you were with him it didn't feel so bad. You might not have much to say to him outside of work-related stuff but Lyle was happy with any conversation because it meant he didn't have to be alone in his thoughts.
* When you got to your office door you fumbled with your keys and dropped them. Before you could lean down Lyle had his hand on your shoulder and stooped down to pick them up for you. Your face felt hot again and he made your heart rate pick up. His big hands were slow and gentle as he placed your keys back in your hand. "I didn't want you to spill your drink. Here." You take the keys and hold them firmly this time to not let them slip through your hands. You unlock the door and walk in, making sure to remind Lyle of the height of the doorway.
* "Just watch your head okay, I don't want you to hurt yourself. The new height is going to take some getting used to." Lyle was grateful for the reminder and ducked his head carefully. He watched as you hurried around your desk and set your drink down. "So I didn't personally collect your things, if something is missing please let me know and I'll do my best to find it for you. The cleaners were under strict orders not to throw anything out."
* You placed a box on your desk and waved Lyle closer. He took a peak inside and looked over what belongings he had left behind. A couple of magazines (thankfully nothing dirty he thought as he snuck another glance at y/n). There were some clothes, his dog tags, a jar of protein powder, and his wallet. Nothing of particular importance to him now that he was in a new body. He picked up the small leather wallet and opened it to see his driver's license. His hand started to tremble and he felt his anxiety spike again.
* He was never going to be human again. He was never going to drive his car, wear his clothes, or do anything "normal" ever again. His mission was the only thing that mattered now and his breathing hitched. Y/n could only watch as Lyle's face distorted into a panicky expression.
* You weren't one to normally touch people you didn't know very well but you wanted to do something to comfort him. So you walked to his side and put your hand on his lower back and reached up with your other one to grab the wallet out of his hand. You seemed to have startled him from his trance and his arm jerked away from you involuntarily. You step back and start apologizing profusely.
* "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" Lyle brings his hand back and grabs your hand gently. "No, you're fine... I just... Thank you for pulling me out of my thoughts again. It's just-" You grasp his hand back and interrupt him for a change. "Just going to take some getting used to. You don't have to explain yourself but I do want you to know that we have a trauma counselor available. I think it would be a good resource for you and maybe some of the others." You pause and when he doesn't reject the idea you continue quietly. " I just know that when things happen that way, it can be nice to talk to someone about it."
* You remove your other hand from his back and put it over his blue one, sandwiching him between your tiny palms. "I want you to know... I am also here. I know I keep saying it but it's just... I guess." You shake your head frustrated and unable to find the right way to word your intentions.
* Lyle throws his wallet back in the box and kneels down in front of you, his hand still entrapped in yours. He looked like he wanted to say something but he let out a rough sigh. He was also trying to figure out how to word his intentions. You fidgeted a little with his hand and he heard your breathing hitch a bit. He worried for a minute that he was holding you too tight but quickly realized it was your sudden proximity that had you nervous. Lyle backed up, but you kept ahold of his hand which he took as a sign that you didn't want him to leave.
* "Can I stay with you? I really don't want to go back to the dorms right now. You... You make me feel safe y/n and right now everything is just... Fuck." He brings his other hand up and covers his face in shame. He was so forward and sounded so much needier than he wanted to. She probably thought he was pathetic or clingy or weird or all of the above. He held his breath and waited for you to tell him to get lost. Instead, when that never came he glanced at your face.
* You looked about as anxious as he did at that moment which gave him some relief. You were undeniably happy that Lyle had come to see you again. Granted the circumstances weren't great but you were glad he was here. You couldn't get him out of your head either and you felt the incredible urge to hide your face with your hands, which at the moment were tied up with his.
* So instead you quietly mumbled, "I don't think you'd fit in my bed." Lyle let out a small laugh and covered his mouth with his hand. "I wasn't asking to sleep with you, but it's nice to know that's an option even if your bed wouldn't hold me." You pulled your bottom hand away from his and covered as much of your face as you could with your fingers. "That's not what I meant and you know it!" Lyle couldn't help but smile at how embarrassed you looked with your hand covering your pretty face.
* "Don't hide beautiful, I'm just teasing." He pulls your hand back and gives you a small kiss on your knuckles before laughing at your expression. Lyle had a feeling that as long as he had you, things would be just fine.
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gooselycharm · 1 year
pray tell what are your birdmen thoughts on the finale
oh man.... i just finished it today so my thoughts are very jumbled
i loved the first like 2/3 of the manga a lot! the original bird club cast charmed me SO much when the manga first started coming out. and what i really enjoyed about the story was that the sci-fi element served more as a vehicle for the casts' psychological drama and coming-of-age stories than sci-fi for its own sake. yellow tanabe spent of lot of time developing the bird club kids with so much care that when the scale of the story started expanding, i lost my initial interest... which is why i stopped reading years ago.
and catching up... yeah, i still stand by my thoughts LOL like the scope just got too huge too quickly... it seemed CRAZY to me that tsubame and sagisawa stayed behind the last 10 chapters or so like WHAT. they straight up went from main cast to minor characters... and yellow tanabe is a good character writer, so i was somewhat invested in the other groups like the american seraphim and the adams/eves, but anytime the OG bird club wasn't on screen i was just like :/ where are my kids
those are my main complaints! i enjoyed the slower smaller more psychological and interpersonal storytelling of the first half compared to the more philosophical and global scale of the second half. like please tell me more about kamoda's ex-basketball club. legitimately i want to know more about that rather than the fate of the world sjfsd;jfgkdf
but that's not to say i completely hated the second half! like omg..... it got so gay..... like wtf.... sorry eishi about your life. and how in love you are with the world's most inscrutable and cryptic 15 year old. i guess the tradeoff for yaoi is good writing. well. that's fine. no but i did enjoy the focus on the two of them even if came at the expense of the completely sidelining of the other 3 bird club members :'( sorry y'all don't have a homoerotic quasi-religious counterpart to share a dreamscape with
similarly, this is how i felt about kekkaishi's run too. the last time i read it was like 7 years ago, so i don't remember it that great, but i think i enjoyed the beginning/middle of it the most and was dissatisfied with its ending as well
also i echo this post by simkjrs, an artist i like, which actually prompted my reread!
but in the end we have this picture so its okay. at least my favorite character didn't die mid-series this time, thank you for that yellow tanabe
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EDIT: realized you asked specifically about the finale and i didn't.... really say anything about the last chapter LOL. my main gripe is that it felt very rushed -- we have so much build up to the seven meeting and what kind of decision they're going to make and then it all just kind of - ends? like they just kinda came to an offscreen consensus or something...?
in general it felt like this big climax that everything was building up to, all these different factions and sides, just all got swept aside and tidied up. the part where robin and her crew get greeted by this loving crowd especially threw me for a loop like WHAT... how does this happen??? just feels like we skipped several steps LOL.
but it's a sweet little ending, with seraphs and humans co-existing and determining their own fate... and the one thing i REALLY like is eishi being some government representative like that cracks me tf up it's so funny. you spend ages 15-16 on an international adventure fighting the worlds most morally bankrupt accelerationists and then ages 16 onwards as a teenage bureaucrat. amazing.
plus: apparently takayama gives up on becoming a timeline-hopping?? space-faring?? angelic being?? to stay guy who rescues cats and (APPARENTLY?) HAS A JOB? wow. what being in love does to a god.
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mx-piggy · 1 year
Okay it's probably a good thing that I didn't watch that Futurama episode when I was tired. Too smart for me. Anyways, you know the drill, spoilers ahead!!
They definitely went out with a bang (for now) with that one. I've been happy with this mostly solid season of Futurama, with some outliers that are both very good and kinda bad. But, this one is absolutely a stand-out both for this season and the show as a whole.
This is absolutely my favourite episode of the revival so far. I really didn't expect for us to get anything better than I Know What You Did Next Xmas, so this episode was a pleasant surprise.
All the Way Down managed to balance everything that makes a great episode of Futurama: it was funny, it was emotional, it had a very engaging sci-fi concept and it had a great story. Most importantly, none of these things took away from the other. It really reminded me of the Late Philip J. Fry because of this.
I really enjoy when Futurama gives Bender a crisis, and I think that it was a good way to enhance the exploration philosophical questions the episode posed about the meaning of things if we're in a simulation. Plus, after watching Johnny2Cellos' video, it made me realise that the episode also explores the idea of us finding meaning in fiction, and that the meaning that we find in things matters more than anything. As someone who is majorly attached to a lot of fiction, I really related to Bender's attachment to the simulated Planet Express crew.
Also, his video made me realise all of the hints that the Futurama characters we're following are also in a simulation, which is a lot less depressing to think about because the episode's conclusion that 'who cares if we're in a simulation if what we feel is real to us?' Maybe I'm kind of butchering that. But, yeah, I really appreciated how this scientific episode had a very emotionally resonant conclusion.
I'm not intelligent enough to say much about this episode beyond how incredible it is and how that ending made me cry, so I'll say the little things I liked.
I really like how they showcased Amy's intelligence in this episode; it's always underutilised in the show outside of that cat episode I'm too lazy to look up the name of, so I'm glad that we got to see more of it in this episode with her trying to get answers from the Professor.
I also really liked having a scientific Professor-centric episode, too. The Professor is such a funny character whether he's the main focus or a supporting character.
So many sweet Fry and Leela and Fry and Bender moments.
I'll give my overall thoughts on this season in the Hulurama ranking I'm working on.
I don't know how to close off this review. My brain was fried by that episode. So... bye. Hulurama ranking will be out soon.
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mikoyamisheadcanonblog · 11 months
Halloween Book Club (Halloween Exchange '23)
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Law frowned an eyebrow twitching as he stared as his usual book club members dressed up in costumes, in celebration for Halloween. He wasn’t one that hated celebrating Halloween, in fact it was one of the few holidays he enjoyed. But he only enjoyed the horror part of Halloween. The bloody costumes, the horror movies, the haunted house. He loved anything scary which is why he never interacted in the cutesy side of Halloween.  
“Why aren’t you dressed?” Chopper huffed a bit annoyed with Law arriving late and without a costume. He had texted everyone to arrive in costume earlier this week. He had a whole plan of arriving at Luffy’s party dressed as Beauty and the Beast characters. It seemed like everyone had followed the theme but Law and Benn, the newest member in their book club.
Benn chuckled a bit, he was the newest member of the book club. He half-assed his costume wearing a yellow shirt and pants with the word ‘mustard’ on it. He played with the toothpick between his lips. He got the message about costumes, but the theme wouldn’t fit with the costume he had already preplanned with a friend.
Hongo couldn’t chuckle a bit too when Law glared at Benn, before raising an eyebrow confused at his costume choice. “You aren’t very good at following directions,” he joked with the young boy before him, “But you couldn’t work with the government for long did you,”
He loved teasing the young mafia leader he was so sensitive to some light teasing. Law’s eyes traveled to Hongo and raised an eyebrow at the older doctor dressed like Cogsworth putting more effort into the costume than what was expected of him. “Young Chopper had a theme and you failed him,” he teased Law seeing the boy’s eyebrow twitch in annoyance.
“I didn’t feel like dressing up,” he growled. He got the text but figured everyone felt like it would be too much work and Robin would have helped him change his mind. He glared at the dark-haired woman who smiled gently at him the book they had been reading open in her hand. She was dressed like the ever-beautiful ‘Bella’. She was the perfect Bella for Chopper, who was her Beast her Prince Charming. 
“I thought we were here to discuss the book,” he had no intention of heading to the Straw hats party. Strawhat-Ya would harass him and bother him. It would be a cute type of Halloween party with cute costumes, silly scares, and cheap decorations. All the things he didn’t care about. He wanted to head home after all this and cruel up with a crew and watch a good slasher.
“You don’t want to go to the party?” the reindeer asked glancing at Law. He gave Law the puppy eyes his large round eyes being so difficult to say no to. He had to say no. He had plans.
“No,” he growled a little rougher than he meant to be. He was trying not to focus on how cute Chopper looked.
He took his seat next to Robin, and opened the book notes were scribbled all over the book. Everything thought he had in this book. He had such enjoyment in this book, it was a refreshing book to read other than his medical science book. But being a nerd, he found himself questioning a lot of the fantasy elements of the book. He ignored how Robin’s large yellow dress spilled to his side of the table he just wanted to discuss the book?
How did this world function? How large was the world and what was the gravitational pull if the world had two moons? What sort of magic did they have when it came to healing? What about diseases? If Robert (The Main Character in this story adventure) fell from the highest cliff, was magic the reason he didn’t have many wounds? What method did they use to see if he had internal bleeding?
“I wouldn’t ask him Chopper,” Marco said he had been sitting quietly next to Law his book open scribbled with notes. But more of questioning the character’s motivation. And how to improve the world economy along with where he felt it could improve. Of course, there are questions about medicine and disease. Being a doctor, he and Law had similar thoughts. He was dressed as Lumiere, with flames running constantly on top of his head thanks to his Devil Fruit Power.
Law frowned hoping the asshole wouldn’t burn the library down, but knowing he was too careful with it to even be a possibility.
“Law doesn’t know how to have fun,” Hongo said teasing Law.
Chopper tilted his head as he walked to his seat next to Robin, the long tailcoat from his coat collecting dust from the table. Robin helped the little reindeer to his seat, a stack of books on his chair so he was sitting at eye level with the rest of the group. His book was just doodled on with a few questions he wanted answered but relating to the story.
“I have my own type of fun, going to a large party run by the Straw Hat isn’t fun,” he didn’t want to imagine the trouble Luffy would get him into. It was bad enough Luffy dragged him to what he calls the ‘doughnut’ incident the less said about that the better. Again, he felt like curling up with his own crew and watching horror movies.
“But we would love for you to join,” Chopper said. “Luffy wouldn’t bother you…much,” he mumbled the last part. He knew Luffy, his captain, would attach himself to Law and not leave him alone for the rest of the night.
Robin couldn’t help but chuckle at the comment Chopper was scratching his head confused. She glanced at red cheeks of Law and smiled, she couldn’t confirm anything, but it could be a small crush. But she was just basing everything on a small hunch. But she wanted to see how everything played out before she could help lead the two in the right direction.
“I think Law should just join us for a small bit,” she said hating to see the small reindeer upset. She had found the idea charming and cute and might have been the mastermind behind the group costume idea by placing little hints and clues around Chopper's room and work area. In truth, she loved the Bella dress, and seeing Chopper play as her Prince Charming was a plus. She laughed a bit, “We can make a deal,”
Law sat quietly book open arms crossed over his chest and grumbling but he raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. He wasn’t against deals and the sooner they worked this deal out the sooner he could head back home.
“Sit with us for half an hour, and you can choose the next book we read,” she said. There had been a book on his radar for a while, it was too gruesome of a book to even consider reading for book club. But it is nice shutting one’s brain every once in a while and enjoying a good slasher book.
“Fine,” Law grumbled. He was too tired to argue anymore, the group had focused too much on his dislike of parties he would rather go for a bit and end leave just as quickly. And seeing as they weren’t arguing about him wearing a costume as well there was no further reason.  
They spent the rest of the afternoon talking about the book. Benn finds the character charming but questions why he took life too seriously when it came to the battles. He also found himself questioning the romantic relationship between the Male Lead and his best friend despite the story having no romantic relationship.
Marco on the other hand was more curious if the hero’s adventure would help change the world. How his battles affected the social and economic structure. While he was also healing from his past pains he wanted to see where the story ended and was one that also had to see where the trilogy of books would lead too.
Everyone had their own opinion talking, and every once in a while the group of friends would stop talking to satisfy a group of friends who wanted to take a photo with the group enjoying how spot on, they were with their theme. Law sitting in the background grumbling. He didn’t say much throughout the afternoon. He was still pouting that he had to go to the party.
“Are you ready to go?” Chopper asked Law as they were packing up. He knew if he didn’t his eyes on Law during this time, he would find a way to sneak away. Law’s eyes narrowed before giving a sigh in defeat. He couldn’t win tonight, “Yeah,” he said.
Shanks was waiting for Benn at the entrance of the library dressed up almost the same but instead of yellow he wore red matching his red hair and the word Ketchup written on his chest. “You know Luffy is waiting for you?” he told Law giving a gentle wink. He walked away with his friend.
Law stood at the door, his cheeks red he wanted to say something to the Red-Haired mafia leader but knew better. He glanced away ignoring how his heart rate increased at the damn Straw Hat waiting for him. Robin stood behind Law she noticed the small twitch in the tattooed man's hand. Or how his ears were turning red.  She might help the two anyway, she chuckled.
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