#i feel like i didn't articulate this well
coffeegnomee · 3 days
Bacon saying "yes. [I watched] the entire thing" about having seen Kab's new video "I watched it for entertainment purposes, but I also think I took some things from it as well"
KAB: "fair enough, I put things in there knowing people would watch it and take things from it"
she brings up how Clown never offered her a team, and that she is close to getting his full trust. Which I think is a lie rooted in the truth that she was so "my son could never hurt a fly he's just misunderstood" in the video to get Clown to trust her more irl/in lifesteal. Like how he trusts Branzy and Ferre.
(even though it is SO WEIRD for her to have been like that about Clown in the video. Like it was an exposé about how right the Mice were to be cautious about her affiliation and assume she was telling him things. She was. Maybe not base coords, but she just leaked that she absolutely told him things about them and that she was not for the team at all. And she left that all in. why? WHY Kab? I can only assume it was to endear her to Clown more? That's the only thing that makes sense? Unless she did it to "prove" to the Mice that they were wrong to assume she was teamed with Clown, "see I was just telling him to be careful and you guys were making him into a villain" or smth. I genuinely don't know. I don't understand her at all.)
But she's bringing it up to Bacon and downplaying it so that he thinks she isn't as close to Clown as she is. She's trying to manipulate him here I think.
then Bacon brings up the google doc of Mapicc's personality, which apparently Mapicc dmed her about (which is hilarious for the record)
To which she says it wasn't real [the doc itself], she made it for the video. She only articulated Mapicc's personality and Mapicc's alone.. which obviously means it was him very much on purpose. So did she do it to stoke Mapicc's ego? Or to see what he would say about it and confirm or deny if she was right? I can so easily imagine her writing it up being like, now Mapicc will think I understand him but this is not really what I think about him and he will be easier to manipulate.
But the analysis, like I wrote about, was right for the wrong reasons, AND YET I saw how they were rooted in very plausible assumptions she would have made bc of talking to Ash.
So I struggle to see how that writeup wasn't what she genuinely thought. This whole video just feels like exactly what she genuinely thought throughout the whole first week.
And it's completely rooted in the concept that she knows what she's talking about, even though her only evidence is that she can read Clown. (the only other moment being that she was right the empire would betray them in the End. Which was the softest of softball throws. It was an allyship against the other team. Obv the beef starts up the second that is over.) Like congrats. You've known Clown for two years very closely. It would be weird if you didn't. And on THAT note,
She called Woogie a dipshit for having his own opinions about Clown based on his interactions with him for the past FIVE whole seasons. THREE YEARS.
She took his words as saying that you shouldn't trust Clown instead of what he was really trying to say, which was we as a team should not trust Clown. Kab knows Clown won't kill her but she just fails to understand that other people have their own valid experiences of the members. She's just so focused on her singular view of people and how they will interact with her that she completely misses the opportunity to learn what other people think of other people without it being an attack on her own opinion.
I know I get on here and analyze everyone to death. I know that that's how I love to watch and enjoy lifesteal. And that not everyone observes the lifestealers like bugs to be pinned down and dissected. Watching vods is a listening-only experience. I cannot talk or add to the convo, right?
But it still boggles my mind that she doesn't see the manipulative value in silently listening to every word that comes out of someone's mouth in order to learn what they think about others. And let that tell you what to think about others.
If she just listened to what people said, especially what they say about people she doesn't understand, she would learn SO much.
Like she completely called Woogie an idiot for wanting to ally with the Empire for the purpose of killing Clown Mane and Flame.
And she said it because she doesn't understand how Mapicc and Spoke think.
And because she doesn't understand them, she thinks Woogie doesn't understand them.
Like I know Woogie isn't always the most active and integrated member, and he's also an unreliable narrator and has assumptions rooted in a subjective path just like she does.
But Woogie AND Mapicc AND Spoke have all been playing on this server since Season ONE. You would think that that would be an excellent learning opportunity to ask Woogie how he views Mapicc and Spoke.
And then from there, sure! Take it with a grain of salt. Take your personal experiences with them as the most important opinion to value for your own safety (bc nobody can tell you what your gut says) but then also take their opinion and use it against them if you want to be such a great manipulator. Or at the very least catalogue their opinion away for further study at a future time.
It's just. She just has her assumptions about herself towards every member and completely and totally discounts what anyone has to say about their assumptions of themselves with other members. And she gets so damn triggered by people saying they have more experience than her, thinking it's a personal attack on her intelligence. Where that comes from I cannot know but that sounds incredibly deeply rooted.
So back to the Bacon conversation.
She said she knew people would watch it and said stuff on purpose.
And yet she completely left in the whole scene about lying to Woogie about being sorry for discounting his opinion. “Sometimes you need to be sopping wet for people to trust you chat”
Everyone on lifesteal is going to watch this video. WOOGIE might watch this video (though I have a feeling he won't tbh) and you're just leaving in that when you apologize you are never sincere about it and are 100% using that to manipulate them later.
INSANE to leave that in. You leave that in the drawing board. You keep that shit hidden. ESPECIALLY if you know your enemies will watch it. Girl was the most open book ever.
And then to end the video saying I'm a liar and manipulator bitch I know what I'm talking about. Insane. You are just BROADCASTING that you should never be trusted ever. (for the second video in a row!)
Also in a video about you desperately trying to prove that you should be trusted. It's two different kinds of trust, funny that we use the same word for both.
Trusted in that you tell the truth vs trusted that you know what you're talking about.
I am so interested to know what Bacon thought of that. What will he think if she does apologize now? He's not dumb. He saw the video.
She just thinks she's playing 4D chess. And yet 4D chess would be being silent and listening to what everyone says. Like how Spokes does. and Clown. No talking, just silently listening in vc's and coming to conclusions about the members.
And Bacon too. He's been asking people so many questions about what they're doing and why and then just listening to what they have to say, and then forming his own conclusion about it and going off to try something. He's becoming great at listening and thinking and this whole little arc was founded on using that information to do something interesting on the server.
Though I suppose he wasn't always that good at it. And therefore the final conclusion you can take is the same every time: Kab needs experience in order to gain experience. And it will be a long and painful process.
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hoohoobeanie · 8 months
Man. I don't know. Garrett made an edgy joke, the kind of joke that 90% of the internet are making right now. And then got defensive about it.
You can dislike that, but don't blow it out of proportion, comparing it to a genocide denier, especially.
You didn't, but I even saw people say he is a right winger over this, when is a very open left winger. He is one of the only people on smosh who actually made direct pro Palestine statements for example.
I think people disliked him in the first place and are now subconsciously post talk justifying it. Especially because almost everyone at smosh has made similar edgy or even more edgy jokes.
You are cool and I don't want to fight, I just think everyone is making this a bigger deal than it is.
The only thing that is actually making me a tiny bit mad/sad is when people put him on the same podest as the Noah situation. Don't cheapen genocide denial. (Not saying you did that. I am actually not sure. But some people did)
i agree that what n*ah has done is SO much worse than garrett.
the joke that garrett made is still super iffy, because i dont think anyone should really be joking about being on a list of people who likely partook in a horrible situation as was epsteins island. if he had simply made the joke and apologised, it might have been better, he just got immediately defensive and acted very weird (i do not know enough abt what was happening, i tend to watch from afar on smosh twt)
as for going as far as to compare it to n*ah, i agree that it is not right. he is an active genocide denier. and i applaud garrett for being one of the only people to outwardly speak up for palestine.
i do believe people had previous biases against garrett. i was highly indifferent towards him, but the tweet about epstein put a very weird taste in my mouth, especially with the way he reacted. people are allowed to be mad at him, as i agree its not something to be joked about. even if lots of people are doing it, s€x trafficking should not be joked about!
i dont think its fair to equate genocide denial and making light of SA, but i do believe both n*ah and garrett did do things that were wrong. even if n*ah's is agreeably way worse.
i hope i put my thoughts into words correctly, and i'm very sorry if i offended anyone.
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twocutlines · 6 months
btw just so we're all clear i do think buck genuinely is attracted to tommy and we should acknowledge that. like it's pretty clear to us as outsiders that buck has feelings for eddie and that's playing a part in this situation even though he doesn't consciously realize it, but i don't think he was completely misinterpreting his own feelings when he said he was trying to get tommy's attention. yes, this is in some ways about eddie, but it's not just about eddie; buck is bisexual independent of being in gay love with his best friend and the fact that his relationship with tommy probably isn't going to be a long-term situation (because it kind of can't, not with. you know. all of that.) doesn't mean that the attraction he feels to him isn't real. nor does it diminish or invalidate buck's feelings for eddie. send tweet
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gotham-native · 3 months
Demeter Headcanons
(anything in red overlaps with my Macavity raising mungojerrie and rumpleteazer HC's)
-Her and Bomba are sisters
-Jennyanydots and Skimbleshanks are her parents (i know so creative)
-shes younger than Munkustrap but older than tugger (this means basically nothing out of my mind)
-Wasn't a very adventures kitten and preferred to stay around her mother or sister
-Had a kinda high school sweetheart relationship with Macavity
-Willingly left with Macavity when he was banished
-Bomba, Not trusting Macavity as much as Demeter, went with her to keep her younger sister safe
-Macavitys base is a old warehouse by the docks
-Demeter at first would ignore and turn a bind eye to the bad thing Macavity was doing
-She would mainly share a room with Bombalurina
-Macavity wouldn't let her leave alone, he always had to go with her
-After Platos mother died in childbirth she adopted him
-Macavity was very paranoid that she was planning on leaving him and would lash out at her a lot
-Demeter would act as the medic and would patch up Macavity and his henchcats
-After Macavity found Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer he kinda gave them to Demeter as a apology after they had a bad fight
- She has a sorta big sister/mom relationship with them
-Sometimes when Macavity was in a in a particularly bad mood he would lock Demeter in his room for days sometimes weeks at a time to make sure she wouldn't leave
-After she found out she was pregnant she and Bomba decided that they needed to leave
-Two days she had Jemima they were able to run away
-they couldn't before that because Macavity was keeping a extra close eye on her but figured since she just gave birth she wouldn't try anything
-She stayed in the junkyard after returning
-She wouldn't let anyone other then Bomba be anywhere around Jemima and Plato unless she was right next to them
-When she would sleep Jemima and Plato always had to be touching her or she would imminently wake up
-Jemima was usually on her chest and Plato was curled into her side
-After her, Munkustrap, And Alonzo she stayed in the junkyard till she got pregnant with her and Munkustraps litter
-After that her and Jemima went to Munkustraps owners house and his owners were like "damn prince has a wife and kid"
-And when she got pregnant with her and Alonzo's litter and Alonzo started to come around the house their owners were like "damn Prince has a wife and husband and now more kids!"
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redladydeath · 4 months
Personally I think "cult leader" is so lame and doesn't make any sense with his tech/electricity focus. Would absolutely be wasted potential of a character in my opinion. Obviously cults have existed throughout all of human history but they give me more 1960s-1980s vibes in the modern era. I also don't really trust the writers to handle the topic well, it's a very serious and real phenomenon and the show is too fast-paced/short/humor-focused to handle these themes in a proper way. Really hoping it isn't canonized.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. It's just kinda off-theme for a character who's supposed to be centered on 1950s television and I think it'd just be distracting, especially if there ends up being a significant amount of pathos in his relationship with Alastor. I just can't feel bad about their friendship falling apart when that is going on in the background. Not sure why Alastor being a serial killer wouldn't be equally distracting, but it isn't, at least for me.
Vox is a fun character and I feel like I won't be able to enjoy him as much with a backstory detail like that. "Evil businessman" is a character type with so much potential and I feel like they'd be limiting themselves by introducing something so serious to a character who's so far been portrayed as mostly being the fun, cartoony sort of evil.
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blujayonthewing · 7 months
thinkin again about the time elyss's DM cut in to stop a conversation between her and a semi-retired player character to hurriedly take back control of him as an NPC before he could give her, as an extremely kind and thoughtful gift, one of his own personal belongings, and then said 'elyss can probably buy it from him though :)' instead
like. what an egregiously fucking shitty thing to do, actually.
#I think we were caught SO offguard that neither of us was able to articulate a good resistance although we both tried#eldryn's player: ...I mean... he WAS going to just give it to her#DM: haha well I don't wanna just give you guys too much stuff [???]#me: I mean-- you JUST gave us like? ten thousand gold and a castle that we didn't even ask for ......?#I HAVE the money [2000g????] and I don't actually care about losing it but.............???#DM: yeah so I just feel like I've already given you guys a lot lately#WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS: THAT WAS A GIFT BETWEEN CHARACTERS NOT 'THE DM GIVING US TOO MUCH'.#WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS 'YOU ARE CHANGING A KIND GESTURE FROM A GOODHEARTED MAN INTO A CRAVEN EXPLOITATION OF ELYSS FOR MONEY.'#WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS 'TAKING OVER A PLAYER CHARACTER IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT ELYSS TO HAVE A THING#'IS AN ABUSE OF DM POWER AND AN EGREGIOUS BREACH OF DM/ PLAYER TRUST.'#WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ELYSS AND/OR ME PERSONALLY.'#and like. the actual consequences are so small. we were in a between-arcs timeskip we had BBEG Treasure Hoard money#Elyss loses 2000g and doesn't even miss it. Eldryn being a good friend IS canon and the DM can suck my dick about it#but on principle. on principle the fact that he did that. that is so incredibly shitty. you don't see that?#and for what? over an arbitrary price tag that I could afford without even missing it anyway?#over a magic item that's more psychological security blanket than anything particularly overpowered?#over powerplay dick waving over who REALLY gets to control Eldryn now that he's technically been retired as a PC?#what?? what is the reason??? ALL it accomplished was a fucking character assassination of a sweetheart character#which I think we've all privately decided didn't actually happen anyway because it's stupid and terrible and not fair of DM to Just Decide#and my already pretty flimsy trust in my friend as a DM sinking to unforeseen new lows#god. god.#about me#my OCs#elyss
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cartoon-skeleton · 5 months
a lot of my teachers this year have randomly complimented me on my writing even when the class largely has nothing to do with it and tbh??!??! it's really nice and it makes me want to write more?!?!?!!?!?!
#i thought i was bad at it but i think it's just bc i had to write so many academic essays that i stopped having time for creative writing#but i was shocked today because i had a one-on-one with my painting teacher which was basically my final#it wasn't even a crit just a talk basically about my painting#and i had to submit a write-up in advance about what i learned through the process of that class basically#so anyway when i got to the one-on-one the first thing he did was thank me for the write-up and he was like 'clearly you love writing'#'you're a good writer'#and i was like what!?!?!??!?!?#BECAUSE#im not trying to brag SERIOUSLY but i wrote it really fast and i didn't think it was that crazy#but it meant a lot coming from him because he's probably the most articulate and insightful teacher i've ever had#and also he like has a degree in english LOL#and he said i was a storyteller... so anyway..... i almost cried in the club immediately#well anyway. top ten moments#also my art history professor who i deeply respect wrote a very thoughtful comment on my work today to tell me that she thinks#that i 'have a true talent for written visual analysis' and to 'take her word on it'#BOTH OF THESE MOMENTS?? IN THE SAME DAY?!??!!?!#sorry for 18 paragraphs of bragging but i was truthfully floored#i am always floored when people compliment my writing because lowkey i am hugely insecure about it and feel like i can't articulate shit#like so insecure i cant even write lyrics for songs im like 'i have nothing to write about' man stfu just make shit up its called FICTION#anyway....#top ten days of my life
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reinemichele · 8 months
I swear I'm trying to type out the thing about my brain but I'm really not sure how much detail I feel comfortable going into... I used to be so open on here, but then uh, I had several big falling outs with friends and a couple of them started stalking me, so I left my blog on queue since 2014 and then stopped posting from 2016 to 2020. The only place I felt comfortable making posts relating to my personal life or mildly dissenting fandom-related posts was on a locked twt account with only 20-40 people on it.
Anyway, I'm Trying
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gideonisms · 2 years
does anyone actually understand what femme Means. like I have heard: doesn't necessarily mean feminine clothing, does sometimes imply a certain amount of commitment to an aesthetic, opposite of butch, not necessarily the opposite of anything, can be used by bi women, cannot be used by bi women, doesn't have to be a woman though, commitment to nurturing others, doesn't necessarily imply a more nurturing personality. The only thing that seems to bind all the descriptions together is that there has to be some type of intention. What type? Well.
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
just saw someone say that older siblings are allowed to yell at their younger siblings because they had no say in them being in the family and it's "preparing them to be yelled at in the real world" girl what the fuck are you talking about
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babblish · 1 year
when ur brain and body and stars align i would love to know about your arcane order powerpuff girls ideas :3c
Hello~ Sorry for putting this off for a billion years, but truly my brain and body and stars have not aligned as promptly as I would've liked. And also full disclosure I haven't watched the powerpuff girls since like... 2005. 😩
Basically my first thoughts was that it would be easy to 1:1 them based on colour coding alone. HOWEVER on second thoughts I don't think this actually lines up with my understanding of the characters.
Sure it would be easy to say Skrael was the Bubbles, but in my opinion Skrael is the kind of person who presents a very prickly persona and his softer side is exclusive unlockable content to a select few. Which is more of a Buttercup thing. And while you could easily say that Nari mapped up to Blossom with her "everything nice" (and also arguable being the ultimate decision maker for the trio prior to her leaving), I think it's more fair to say that Nari has more in common Bubbles who is more genuine and nicer, but also very likely to underestimated and infantalised while also have that more hardcore aspect of herself completely ignored.
And also a strong argument could be made that Bellroc also lines up with Buttercup, I personally see them as being more of a Blossom, not that they see themself as the Leader, but rather they seem uniquely burdened by the weight of their own need to be perfect, and would literally rather die than ask for help or mitigate this burden to anyone beyond the Specialist Three. Which is my rambly motivations for why; Skrael = Buttercup Nari = Bubbles Bellroc = Blossom
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tin-can-iron-man · 1 year
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cathymee · 1 year
man why is mskm not biting as i thought it would be....
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tovaicas · 1 year
the main thing that’s striking me rn abt shb in the writing is eulmore. It’s not necessarily a bad plot element, but it is a little strange bc the eulmoran army’s purpose is essentially just a motivator for the wol to kill lightwardens faster. Which is like fine, but killing the lightwardens was already a task that the wol was gonna do anyway bc plot.
they spend a lot of time setting up eulmore as this expac’s main evil faction right at the start so they can later throw them at you, and it is interesting how they interpret the sin eaters, but like…I’m not sure if killing the lightwardens was a tasking that needed another motivator behind it to get the player/wol moving? Like all the scions are already dedicated to this, and even if they weren’t the exarch won’t let you or your friends leave until you do as he asks anyway, and he specifically waits to tell you what your task entails until after you've already unwittingly started it, all while refusing to inform you abt any potential ramifications of it. like all the motivators are there already, and imo they're far more interesting than eulmoran army ever is
#long post#spoilers#major spoilers#I’m struggling to articulate my thoughts abt it but#it's like this. you start shb w/ the main motivator being the mystery behind the brain blastings.#you want to find your friends and figure out what the fuck is going on.#you end up on the first where the exarch sends you out to find them w/ your promise you'll save the first#but refuses to elaborate on what that actually entails (ie. killing lightwardens at your own risk) until holminster#where the wol is already locked into it bc a) the exarch won't let anyone leave & you promised b) the scions have developed personal ties#and c) by failing to tell you exactly what 'saving norv//randt' entails until you've already eaten philia there's this direct sense of#'well you've already eaten one (even though you don't know the consequences and he isn't telling). might as well keep going'#so while I don't exactly mind the Eulmore plot it feels kinda....tacked on? like they don't win much of anything#it's not like garle//mald where the stakes are really high and feel real even through the haze of MMO protag rights#except maybe the cryst//arium sin eater battle but from what I've seen that didn't even incite any doubt in the populace. it's just violenc#MMO rules dictate that you're never in any actual danger. they tried to fakeout w/ Ysh//tola but that lasted 2m.#there's just no stakes to it. Eulmore serves only as a motivator to kill lightwardens faster which you were.....already doing?#maybe it's bc I don't like Ran//jit's direction so far and I haven't gotten back to Kho//lusia plotwise but. it's just strange.#saint.txt
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coockie8 · 1 year
It takes a lot to make me dislike a video on youtube, and maybe I'm just out of patience today, but some lady changed the fucking pronouns in Hell's Comin' With Me, and deadass if you are that insecure about gender, just don't fucking cover songs written by a different gender than your own.
There is literally no fucking reason to change any pronouns in that song and it made me way angrier than I think it probably should have.
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Writers can’t write women without men. El’s story? About men. Joyce’s? Finding Will and Hopper? Robin’s? There’s always Steve in scenes with her. Max’s? Billy. Nancy’s? Steve and Jonathan
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