#i feel like i don't wanna deal w explaining how im NOT weird about this
eightyuh · 8 months
the way i want to commission art of glendale but a buff, stoic, and tired adult man that contrastingly stands at a cute 6" isn't exactly everyone's forte
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
Avengers: Age of Ultron is my favorite movie, and I am not going to attempt to explain it because I really don't think i can, but here are some of the best quotes from Ultron that I feel the need to share
“Language” “I know, just slipped out” “for gosh sake watch your language” “thats not going anywhere anytime soon”
“Oh look theyre all lining up” “yeah well, theyre excited” fucking obliterates them
“Somebody wanna deal with that bunker?” *destroys it* “thank you.”
“Guys, stop we gotta talk this through.” *shoots all of them* “it was a good talk.” “no it wasn't.”
“Please be a secret door please be a secret door please be a secret-.... Yay!”
“Thor report on the hulk.” “the halls of val halla are filled with the screams of his victims.” *bruce, buries face in hands, steve looks at the roof like lord give me strength, nat looks at thor like what the hell, thor anxiously scrambling to save it and does not succeed*
“Boss?” “Oh no hes the boss, I just design for everything and pay for everything and make everyone look cooler.”
“Hes fast and shes weird.” 
“How is he?” “Unfortunately hes still barton.” “Oh how terrible.” 
“I don't have a girlfriend.” “that i can’t fix.” 
“I've seen her flirting. Up close.” *walks away* *wait a min-*“w-what do you mean up close?” 
“No more renovating.” *in the middle of battle* “you know i think ill make the dining room a little space for laura.” Nat: no one eats in a dining room
“That the best you can do?” “you had to ask.”
“The city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow.” 
“Steve, he said a bad language word.” “You tell everyone about that?” 
“Very very interesting theories. I have a simpler one, you're all not worthy.” *groans, clint sticks tongue out at him*
“Cap doesn't like that kind of talk.” “you know what romanoff..”
“Aw junior. You're gonna break your old mans heart.” “Clearly you've never made an omelet.” “he beat me by one second.” 
“Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep.” *hulk: roars* “...sorry.”
*steves face when clint greets his kids*
“We would have called ahead but we were busy having no idea that you existed.” 
“Do me a favor. Try not to bring it to life.” *tony: this bitch again? Why are you around every fucking corner you overprotective stalker*
*tony throwing darts* *clint throws a bullseye while hes taking his darts out*
“They're a mess.” “yeah. But they're my mess.” 
“Don't take from my pile.” 
“Just an old man who cares very much about you” tony being the only one to call fury Nick. (and maria hill but in a different movie so wtv)
“What were you napping?”
“Cap you got incoming.” *cut to steve trying to breathe on a car* “incoming already came in.”
“You get hurt, hurt ‘em back. You get killed… walk it off.”
“Evacuate the city.” *no ones moves* “get off your lazy asses.” *fires gun*
“🎶Ooooooh i'm decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want me to.🎶” (tony drop the full album im waiting)
“You're not a match for him cap.” …. “Thanks barton.” 
“Cap can you keep him occupied?” “What do you think i've been doing???”
“Beep beep.” 
“Stark is right.” “oooh its definitely the end times.” 
*everyone's faces when vision lifts the hammer*
“Iron man the ones hes waiting for.” “thats true, he hates you the most.”
“You cant save them all. You'll never-” *gets yeeted off city* “Ill never what? You didn't finish!!!”
“Keep up old man” *lifts bow* “nobody would know. Nobody. Oh last i saw him and ultron was sitting on him. Yeah he’ll be missed. That little bastard. I miss him already.” 
“Fury you son of a bitch.” “Whoo! You kiss your mother with that mouth?” 
“Its terribly well balanced.” “Well if theres too much weight you lose power on the swing so..” 
“Romanoff. You and banner better not be playing hide the zucchini.” 
“I was born yesterday.” 
Thor: says something serious and meaningful. Steve:...But if you put the hammer in an elevator..” Tony: itd still go up. Steve: elevators not worthy
“Im gonna miss these little chats.” “then don't go.” 😭
“Besides this one” *smacks tony* “theres nothing that cant be explained”
“That man has no regard for lawn maintenance.” 
“I will miss you tony.” 😭
“You wanna keep staring at the wall or do you wanna go to work? I mean, it is a nice wall.” “thought you and tony were still gazing into each others eyes.” 
Just them having casual conversations mid battle. I love. 
Its just that they are able, allowed to be a team, to be friends, we get to see them bond, not hate each other, we get to see serene team moments, we get the original six, its just them having a lot of fluff even with all the angst
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queercripintersex · 1 year
On intersex questioning
I recently put up a poll asking people what motivated them to question if they were intersex. Partly to know how "typical" I am. But also because I'm curious if people who are currently questioning their intersex status are noticeably different from those of us who already identify as intersex.
And I gotta say, the spread of responses look pretty similar!
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Most of the asks I see on tumblr tend to be framed in medical terms. Personally, I was motivated more by social/psychological reasons (figuring out who I am and wanting to not feel like a lone freak). Turns out people like me are in the minority but we're hardly alone.
I honestly wonder how much of the medical asks are really about other things like belonging or gender but those reasons don't seem "valid" enough.
I wanna share the replies and reblogs because I would have found them useful to read back when I was questioning if I was intersex. I have lightly edited them for readability (if you wrote one and want to be quoted by username DM me!) To see the original comments go to the original post. Replies from intersex people "I went through several years of being confused about how I felt trans fem but also was afab. The day I was diagnosed with PCOS I searched it in Tumblr and found out it fell under the intersex umbrella and I accepted that identity for myself immediately. Intersex was never a question for me, it was the answer I had been looking for." "Multiple of the above! Mislabeled trauma and ignored medical issues made more sense after finding out, and a more general discomfort with how I look lessened after finding out, oh i look like this because of that and i look like that down there because of what they did to me"
"wanted to figure out both medical and gender stuff but medical was more pressing so i picked that one"
"never thought of myself as intersex until PCOS fucked my whole hormone cycle up. Now it feels weird not to say im intersex"
"medical issues and gender stuff i guess. I had stuff like slightly too early and too intense puberty and i was like. There is no way that this is normal theres gotta be something to explain this. And then after some time i found out there are hormonal intersex variations that do that stuff. Now to just get myself to accept that im still intersex on hrt 🙃"
"It was very complicated for me because for years I had a feeling that Something wasn't right. And I didn't technically have a period of questioning but I always did feel weird calling myself perisex bc I just felt Something was wrong. And then. Almost 2 years ago now. I was told by my parents that I had my chromosomes tested as a toddler. And I had triple X. They didn't seem to think it was a big deal or anything and so just never thought to tell me?. And then I had a brief questioning period on whether that counted as intersex but within a couple of days came to terms w it"
"Picking only one was tricky for me because the medical trauma and the gender stuff have been so deeply linked for me. [...] I didn't really seriously consider [questioning] until my mid-20s once I had access to therapy for the first time in my life ... At first in therapy the issues of medical trauma and of figuring out my gender were treated as though they were parallel issues but the more we explored them the more evident it was they were linked. When I went through hyperandrogen puberty it felt normal and appropriate, and everything my mom and doctors did to force my body into a female presentation was both traumatic and a source of gender dysphoria. [...] Figuring out I was intersex connected all the dots."
"Other. Wanted to know why people kept being confused by or shocked by my genitals. which honestly answered itself but then i wanted a more in depth medical answer Just In Case (like since i have ovotestis i am at risk of ovarian AND testicular cancer)"
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nahalism · 23 days
i just quit my job, that drained me. It feels both bad and good, because I don't have another one lined up, but it takes out all my life energy. The energy of my coworkers is dark and bullying, it's disrespectful. One of them is giving me the chills since day 1 and has dark energy. I don't know if witchcraft is a thing, but I randomly saw a video about it, i think it was wizardliz and how she said you take that energy and get these thought w you, even if you don't want it, i was like, ok this is exactly this person. It's hard to explain. Anyway, in the end it's me allowing myself getting disrespected. It means I'm not in the right place. The darkness that it gives me, is pushing me to see the light. But still I feel bad, cause a lot of people need a job, want a job, and I threw it away after 4 years. I'm sorry for ranting in your inbox. I didn't tell anybody, because I know people talk me out of it, cause it's a good job and you need money right. But i feel like i'd hang myself, being around these people a day longer. I don't wanna say there's bad people, but it felt lke that and i know everybody that puts darkness on me, needs to find their own light and pushes me to find mine. But man, idk, i can't believe there are people like this. Who constantly talk and judge others, never check the mirror. I don't like labels ,but I use to question myself if I'm anti-social, autistic, weird, but I believe I'm sensitive to a point that it doesn't matter what anybody says or does, it's what i feel and if that isn't good, i can not be around you. I know someone who hurt me, but i know in my heart she didn't mean to. I guess she didn't know better. Despite that, I feel pure about her. Safe around her and I know she does with me. And then there're these people who claim to be good, acts of kindness, trynna hang w you, but then it feels off. Not pure. Not safe. Does it make sense? I know I will face more situations like this, but how do I deal with it. Do you have tips? Don't feel obligated to answer. I hope you are doing good x
heyyyy, first of all!!! congratulations on making a decision that makes you happy. you did something brave and took your future into your own hands. dont let outside noise, guilt, or fear move you from acknowledging that. there are always ways to make money, but our time here and what we do with it is finite so the quality of your experience matters.
i think you did a powerful thing trying to find how those negative experiences could teach you something or push you toward an experience of life you would rather have. as im sure you know, negative experiences are half the battle. mastering ourselves and our response to them is often the harder and more necessary task. however, knowing that can make leaving harder, cause not being able to 'rise above' and endure something tough can often feel like a failure to master yourself or those circumstances. that said, i think you did the right thing leaving a space that doesnt make you happy. as much as we can change ourselves, its not our job to change people, and at a certain point we have to believe and trust in what we feel. our feelings toward things are some of our indicators toward whether or not what we experience is aligned with us.
in terms of witchcraft. i know juju is a real thing but i dont give it much weight or credence simply because i believe like frequencies latch on to like frequencies. if its true that the universe is mental and we create our realities then those things that manifest in our lived experience have their root within us. — this is why 1) theres a deep meaning to 'no weapon formed against me shall prosper'. when you have conviction of yourself and your path, wayward energies cannot get to you or conquer you. if someone would wish you evil, but you hold no resonance toward that evil, or you have no fear/insecurity concerning their power over you, that evil cannot latch on to you and returns back to sender. — 2) (this relates to how you conduct yourself in the future), practice stilling yourself, knowing where you are going, and what your experience of where you will to go looks and feels like. then go forward. when you encounter people you disagree with, who trigger you, or who give you a similar vibe to the people you have just left, you can do one of two things. seek the aspect of you that identifies with them. (if you didn't identify or fear their ability to rub off on you, you would be able to tune them out or brush them off. soon they would cease to exist around you whether its them getting moved to another department, or you getting promoted etc) orrrr. choose to see them. understand that beyond the face they show you, they have different faces and aspects to them. who are they to their mother? their brother? their children. by seeing them in the full scope of their humanity you can remember that they are more than the aspect of them you see that aggravates you & in doing so treat them as you would treat someone you love. its a funny thing, cause that person could be an asshole to everyone else, yet the softest most generous person to you, because when we see people for who they are or even more than what they are, they usually respond in like mind.
wishing you so much luck and good fortune in your future endeavours. your effort will not betray you 💋
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butchviking · 2 years
can i say something. smthn mentally ill :) thanks. i dont know how to do a readmore on mobile sry :3
i spend a lot of time going back and forth on chest dysphoria and what uhh. Options. i would like to take or not take abt that. and in the end i always decide well this is my body and it is what it is and mental illness is tough but it happens and i know how to deal w it and i will always have ups and downs but my body is my body and i shouldnt hurt it just for existing. weirdest thing abt it is i spend so much time hating it but it never says a bad word about me, it's not perfect but it's mine, etc. and then as SOON as i go to a concert its like. no literally my life would be so much easier and im so so tired i just dont want to wear bras i dont want to wear binders i want to move and breathe freely i don't want things to move i don't want to worry about whats exposed u cant wear smthn loose enough to not constrict at all while still keeping things in place which by definition requires constriction. i wanna just BE. nd sometimes i think i am just wasting years that i could b spending feeling. free. choosing to NOT do that because ???. because why? can't remember. but i d. i don. i ddont wanna kill time like it doesnt matter. do u understand. i dont wanna kill time like it doesnt matter!! waited long enough to be this way!!! [s]he cant change for love [s]he explains how long [s]hes waited for [s]he wanted more. or whatever. u know. ps im also scared/resentful of going the gender clinic again cause they were fucking evil to me last time and theyre kinda evil in general and ohhhh i dont want 2 be involved with u people i do NOT want 2 be associated with. anything. but by god. i want 2 feel free. whys everything so stupid and weird whys everything such a big deal. i love 2 b dramatic about shit that does not even matter to most ppl i love to have a 7-year crisis just for the hell of it <3 someone just fucking knock me out and give me surgery dont even bother waiting for me to give the ok just do it im tired im tired im tired i feel like im always fighting but i dont even know what im fighting or why. sorry <3 i have 2 get this shit out sometimes <3 there are poisons in my brain i think. and i would never punish anyone to live like this it is your choice alone i would never punish anyone to live like this it is your choice alone i would never punish anyone to live like this it is your choice alone. whatever. 🫠
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rotshop · 3 years
to be fair fucked up regenerative reader is such a cool and interesting concept that could lead to so much potential so i look forward to seeing you write more abt them some day :DD
goddd yeah . idk i especially love characters who are like comically durable. characters who fail saw traps and live or something idk. adore them so ,,,, i want their gender i wish that were me ,,,
anyway .
main 4 + regenerative s/o who is a little bit fucked up .
[ tw violence, injuries, gore?, read note please !! ]
note ; while i wasn't sure how to properly tw it, please be warned there is talk of not caring about health / well-being of self. s/o KINDA has personality but it's just mostly like. being stubborn.
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-You scare the 4 of them. Like on one hand oh cool they don't have to worry about you dropping dead as much but on the other hand. are you ok??? bestie?? even though they know logically you'll be fine they still flinch whenever a lucky agent manages to lodge a knife in your gut or gets a well-placed shot. it especially doesn't help if you're nonchalant about it.
-hank is probably the most outwardly calm about it since he's kinda the same way, he's got his ass handed to him on more than one occasion and yet he's still alive and kicking. they still refuse to let you knowingly do anything that would put you in too much danger, even if you come out fine it's still. bad. they don't know how to explain it (so, most times they simply don't. it's hard to not listen to them with their height and general intimidation no matter what little explanation or reason they give) very well, they just can't help this weird writhing and aching sort of feeling they get at the thought of you being seriously hurt, it's even worse if the thought of you not caring about it all is present. he still instinctively reaches for you and yanks you out of the way before any agents can fire at you. honestly chances are you two kissed for the first time or something after getting into an argument about the topic (will say this applies to most of them lmao)
-chances are you mistake 2b's concern for plain irritation (or some sort of mal-intent if ur a more paranoid type like urs truly <333). which. to be fair.is understandable. where hank shows their concern by eliminating certain scenarios and keeping an eye out for you, 2b scolds you. it's never too scathing (unless you went seriously too far and don't have any real remorse for it, then he will get a little desperate to try and stress his point to you, even if it means being a little bit harsher than he intends to be) but it's still clear he doesn't like you putting yourself in harms way. he tends to be the one to deal with your worse injuries since smaller ones heal pretty quickly on their own (though, he still prefers to look at those and try and disinfect them), so it's safe to say he gets plenty of time to speak his mind. (Not entirely sure of how / where to put this so im putting it here in parenthesis lol ,, but . he does need a good bit of reassurance you're fine, he's seen a lot of the experiments the aahw has had but he's never seen someone quite like you. lot of late night hugs that go on for long periods of time because A) if you're taller then he can bury his face in the crook of your neck and feel / hear your heartbeat a little B) if you're shorter then he just . likes holding you. he knows you can handle yourself but he likes feeling like he at least some kind of ability to help / protect you.)
-dei does his best to not outwardly show exactly how concerned he is- he doesn't wanna put more pressure on you than you probably already have by your own standards n shit. you can still see it pretty clearly since you get stuck w/ him on missions quite a bit, and in some cases you both have to sit somewhere for a little while so you can try and heal a little after pushing too much. always offers for you to lean / lay on him, it feels like the least he can do since he doesn't have very much medical experience and you don't seem keen on teaching him when you're half conscious. admittedly he does freak out if you fall asleep / are especially cold, it makes his paranoid little brain go 'ohhh shit what if this did them in what if they don't get up fuckkk oh god oh god' . he does his best to power through it and just let you sleep or just put his jacket around you but he still clutches onto you a little too tightly (not to mention he's shaken you awake a few times before, he does his best to be gentle but again, grips a little too tightly and he's a little too frantic w/ it). he's had a few breakdowns where you've had to hold him because he's just that scared for you.
-sanford is kinda the same way as dei except he DOES scold you like doc does. not as much but he still gets on your case a little every now and then whenever you come back from a mission where you started to test some limits. also yanks you out of the way in the same way hank does, tends to keep you pretty close to him so he can keep an eye on you if you're especially bad at recognizing / following those limits. also has had to stick with you while you healed on missions sometimes, tends to just pull you into his side and keep you close. unlike dei though !! he does try and encourage you to rest a little (this might just be a me thing but if it helps you sleep too then he will kinda . pet you ? if that makes sense?? he runs warm and he's pretty gentle so it's just nice and tends to calm you down from any adrenaline rush you've got going on.) he however will not . he's too busy keeping both an eye on you and for any other agents / bandits / etc to be able to properly shut his eyes.
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angy-mouse · 3 years
that reminds me of this post I saw forever ago about how to react to someone coming out and they put it into words so well
basically reciprocate their energy. if they're super excited "FUCK YEAH IM GAY!!!" then celebrate with them. if they're super nervous and explain/talk their way thru it then thank them for telling u and reassure them. if they mention it super casually in passing then you act that way too. don't make it more or less of a deal than they are. and when you really look at it thats fairly similar to empathy. idk the best word for it but just being open and receptive to others emotions and actions and picking up on their body language and reacting accordingly.
n e ways here's a picture of mouse and her family at the beach hanging w me and my family (colorized) (real not fake)
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there are two conversations/topics happening in this one ask
right, basically just match their energy. it's their thing so if they act like it's not a big deal then it isn't, if they act like it is then it is. it's like my cousin acts so straight and neurtotypical even tho she identifies as either lesbian or bi and says she has anxiety and she constantly 'thats not a big deal why are you acting like that' and 'why would you say that thats so weird' and i can only handle like 3-4 hours with her when she comes up to stay with her mom before im like yeah i dont wanna be around you anymore and its not that she's neccessarily a bad person its just that she literally cannot comprehend that i think differently than her and it makes me feel bad when im around her too much
another thing about her bc i dont get to vent to my therapist anymore: remember me talking about always being right about bad vibes? I told her her bf sounded emotionally manipulative at best and abusive at worst and she told me i was wrong. then he went thru her contact to get my snap (bc they shared their contacts thru google bc thats a sign of a healthy 2-month old relationship) and lied to her, saying i added him and was flirting with him, I sent the screenshots proving him wrong and she basically said 'oh ok' with no apology and to my knowledge nothing said to him about it. I talked with her irl about this and expressed my sadness at her thinking i would lie to her bc ive literally never done that and told her hes clearly okay with lying to her face which is a manipulative trait, she said she knows but im definately wrong about him it was an honest mistake, in fact the same thing happened with another girl. then on my way home i got a lot of all-caps cussing messages from him telling me to mind my business, and screenshots of her lying about the interaction to him.
then a year later after no communication bc i told her to stop feeding her bf lies about me and keep him out of my inbox she calls and puts all the blame on him for manipulating her and tries to act like nothing happened between us but she wants to talk about what we used to when i told her everything and im like yeah, im never telling you anything of substance ever again bc who knows when youre gonna date someone new and give it all to them bc they dont like me
anyways its scary how much that picture looks like my actual family like i can pick out every member of my family there how dare you leak our family photo /j
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
Hey this is for your matchups which again yayyy congrats on nearly 200!! Anyways for my matchup:
1-3) My nickname is Em, she/her and idm who you pair me with
4) I'd describe myself as shy at first then once you get to know me I'll open up, an overthinker and I like to be organized
My hobbies are writing, I really love it alot, I also like to draw if I get time and I love music alot too
In a partner I'd look for someone who makes me laugh and who's patient
For dealbreakers it's pretty general but I couldn't be with someone who doesn't consider other ppl's feelings
5) I don't have an aesthetic but I like pastel aesthetics but then I also like dark aesthetics and light academia so it's a mix I guess
6) Colours to describe me would be teal blue and silver, well according to you anyways
7) Right now I'd say my favourite song is  Tru Luv Street by Awfultune or Fight Night Champion by Cyberbully Mom Club
8) Idk about a specific genre but some artists I like rn are: Awfultune, Carpetgarden, Cavetown, Clem Turner, Cyberbully Mom Club, Girl in Red, Joji, Lorde, Matt Maltese and Twenty One Pilots (sorry that's alot)
9) Ooh and I wanted to include that my favourite book is Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Thank you in advance and also ily, you deserve all the love and more!! <3
@sugasfanfics this was so fun wtf like-- ugh i love this
ANYWAY i know i already kinda spilled the beans but im gonna match you with....
✧𝐴𝑘𝑎𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝐾𝑒𝑖𝑗𝑖✧
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and no it's not just because you're already in love w him i have good reasoning behind this because i said so anyWAY
✧𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑀𝑒𝑡✧
how you met, for in case you cant see my fancy text
C a f e
But like
A cafe specifically for nerds
This is just my like 2nd dream job okay but like hear me out
They have coffee & tea & a bookshelf full of old books and a chalkboard
You can write all over the chalkboard
You write super tiny and just let a little mini vent out in the corner because you’re stressed out and need to get everything off your chest
BUT you come back the next day and there’s a little note in the same little corner
Your message is gone
But instead is a little note from someone
“If you ever need to talk to someone, let me know”
And an Instagram username
So you give it a shot and you’re like why not talk to this random person Y’know maybe make a new friend if anything just thank them for the offer
You message him and start talking (and low key stalk his page just to see what he’s like, or maybe that’s just me being a snoop) and he’s actually really cool! So you guys meet up and get coffee and actually start talking all the time it’s really sweet
✧𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠✧
general headcanons
When i think of akaashi, I think of stars
When i think of you, i think of picnics and for some reason, water
Like the ocean
Your ‘spot’ is by this lake where he took you on a date one time
Maybe for an anniversary or something
But you guys did a little picnic dinner thing and were out when the sun went down so sat and stared at the stars
You buried a rock there and both of you like to stand on that spot where the rock is when youre there with the other
Or send the other a picture like “hiii baby look what i found” w your shoe in the picture
Bokuto is your #1 shipper high key
Like he thinks you two are so cute
He loves you so much too like
He and akaashi are kinda a package deal so like if ur dating akaashi ur dating bokuto just with less kissing (bokuto likes to kiss your cheek or forehead) (after making sure this was ok with akaashi of course) (ur his girlfriend of course)
But anyway just bokuto
He’s so sweet
And so clueless
You two will be walking together and then he’ll just walk up behind you and sling his arms over your shoulders
If youre holding hands w akaashi? He’ll put his hand over both of yours
God now i wanna write a fic but anyway
Bo is just the sweetest and is akaashi’s #1 hype man when he’s worried about a date
He’s ur #2 bc im ur #1 sorry to tell u
Bo totally tried to coin the platonic soulmates thing i love you kou but gtfo my em
Im arguing with fictional characters
When akaashi is stressed he likes to wrap his arms around you and lay his head against your neck
He’ll never admit it out loud because he thinks its weird but he thinks you smell nice
When he’s starting to overthink too much + spiral he just will grab you and hug you until all the bad thoughts go away
When he thinks to of course
When he doesn’t, there are times you gotta find him and calm him down
Which he loves so much
Sit him down on the floor so he feels more grounded and hold his hand (or hook pinkies that's so cute i jhbflebf) (not the time spencer gtfo)
That way ur not crowding him but you’re still there y'know
And sometimes he’ll talk, sometimes you need to talk him down, sometimes you just sit in silence
Eventually he will lean forward into you and hug you because he doesn't want to talk, but he wants you to know he’s okay
Rub his back, kiss his head, you’ll both be okay
He’s really good with you too
When you’re stressed out he might push a couple buttons but he means well
He just wants to know who made his star upset (he calls you his star or darling convince me otherwise)
So he pushes buttons until you finally talk about it because obviously it’s bothering you why wouldn't you talk about it?? He just wants to fix it??
Sometimes this gets more irritating, sometimes it helps, it depends on the day
But even if you do get into an argument, expect to hear from him before the end of the night apologizing because he feels so bad for arguing with you that he doesn’t even care what the argument was about he just wants to make sure you still love him
I think im getting off topic but tbh this part is always just me rambling lol
Another thing I think of when I think of akaashi is rain. I don't know why but i do
You have to at least know OF the notebook & the rain scene to get this
I don't know the book lol i just know this much and i'm a dork so we’re using it & some quotes just a heads up
But just imagine its pouring and you’re bored and text him like “i wish i could see you but its raining & we didn't really make plans & i don't want you to get caught in the rain anywhere”
This mfer
And being the freakin
book nerd he is
He texts you and goes “I wrote you 365 letters.”
And then just “(come to the door and I’ll finish the quote)”
So you bolt to the front door
And there he is
Soaking wet & smiling like an idiot
“I wrote to you everyday for a year.”
To which you start laughing and barley are able to make out a “it wasn’t over’ (which is the beginning of the next quote) before kissing him
And this jerk pulls you out in the rain with him because WHAT is more romantic than kissing in the rain
Anyway he ends up with a cold but you give him some of the clothes you probably stole from him to get into dry clothes and you cuddle under the covers with tea
After you smack him (playfully of course) because “you IDIOT keiji it's pouring out here!!” “I wanted to see you too so i ran over” “you're impossible”
Anyway yeah #emkaashiotp
✧𝐴 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑎✧
a date idea
I'm really good at naming places aren't i
Bookstore date
But do something fun where the two of you have to go through an aisle and find a random page and read it in the like
How do i explain this
Make it sound suuuuper sexual without it actually being that way and not laugh
Whoever loses buys lunch
Lets just say you lose a lot dear im sorry (he insists on buying anyway, sometimes he wins that argument)
You’re smiley :) (guys her smile is so cute ebflbejfb em ILY)
Oh also doesn’t matter if he bought lunch or not he always gets you something
Whether it be that book you decided you couldn't get this time or a little trinket that reminded him of you, or sometimes it’s just ice cream
It’s all very sweet (hahaha pun)
He always walks you home and gives you a little kiss when he drops you off
Doesn’t leave till you’re inside & he knows you’re good
You make him promise to text you when he gets home
Which he does, without fail
✧𝑍𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑐 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦✧
zodiac compatibility
Sagittariuses are very intelligent, fair-minded & honest, similar to a Libra’s cleverness & rationale. Because of this similarity, trust is a huge thing in these relationships. It can be all or nothing, but finding balance is important to keep both people happy. Luckily, Libras are very good at this. From everything I’ve seen, these signs together have a very high compatibility and can have a very long-withstanding and healthy relationship.
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House of Gold - Twenty-One Pilots
Lvr Boy - awfultune
A Shitty Love Song - Jye
Darling Get Up - awfultune
Something Just Like This - Alex Goot
✧𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑈𝑝✧
runners up
Nishinoya Yuu, Sugawara Koushi
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qweeby · 4 years
Nine Lives To Short Part 4: Not Yours To Lose
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Paring: Shinsou x Reader
Genre: Angst
Taglist @foxypuppy @bakuhoetoedoroki
Plot: You only have 9 days to tell him how you feel but maybe 9 days just isn't enough
-The time as come for your date-
"You ready, Cat?" Shinsou asks opening the taxi door "Yeah I'm ready Shinsou" you say with smile.
" JUST GET IN CAR YOU IDIOTS!" Katsuki yells while he kicks Hitoshi in the back "Ok Ok calm down Bakugou!".
All of you get in taxi, you in the middle, Shinsou on the left and Bakugo on the right. "Again why is Bakugo coming on our date?"
Kaminari closes the taxi door " Because I'm broke, Izuku has training to do and plus...."
Bakugo takes it wallet and waves a credit card in your face " I have Icy Hot's credit card!".
Izuku looks surprised " Hey I-isnt that Endeavor's?...."
Without saying a word Bakugo just rolls up the window sticking his tongue out at the both of them. "KACCHAN DON'T WASTE EVERYTHING ON ENDEAVOR'S CREDIT CARD!"
The taxi takes drives off, you slap Bakugou in the back of the head " What's wrong with you don't talk to the driver like that! HE'S LITERALLY THE ONE DRIVING US TO OUR DESTINATION"
"Tch, be glad I got this extra moving this damn thing".
Hitoshi sigh while you and Bakugo argue back and forth " Hey Y/N"
You and Bakugo are pulling on each other's face pinching one other but then stop to look at Shinsou "Yeah?"
"That eyepatch that Denki gave you is it bothering you?"
"OH YEAH THE EYEPATCH" while the boys were visiting you Kaminari gave you an Eyepatch for your "messed up eye" as a get well soon gift that he asked Momo to make.
"It's fine Hitoshi you don't have to keep checking in on me"
"Well that's not true I should always be checking in on you I basically have to since you like to keep secrets"
The taxi stops at a red light....behind a line of traffic.
"Secrets? What about my secrets am I not aloud to have them Shinsou?"
Hitoshi crosses his arms "Well when you keep secrets about the pain you're feeling that's definitely not something to keep to yourself but here you are". You look at Shinsou but he doesn't look at you he actually turns away from you facing the window.
The taxi driver looks back at Bakugo and points to the now green, " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU POINTING AT THE LIGHT IS GREEN KEEP IT MOVING!".
" Hitoshi what's up with you why are you acting like this?"
Hitoshi face palm's "I've been like this for the pass week! I've noticed you've been acting weird first it's asking for your quirk to be Erasure by Aizawa then you don't eat lunch! THEN you asked that stupid hypothetical".
You look away from Shinsou crossing your arms as well shouting at him "YOU USED YOUR QUIRK ON MY DAD WHAT HECK SHINSOU WHAT'S !WRONG WITH YOU. Do you think this is easy for me? having to deal with that fact that I'm running out of time and I only have 9 days left to live! You think I can just blurt that out!".
Hitoshi finally looks at you but the look in his eyes....the look of despair is all you see.
"Shinsou i-...I can explain...."
"Hitoshi...this isn't the time or place to talk about this!" You lean back hitting you head on the window but then you realize, " Wait I'm sitting in the middle how did I hit the window, why didn't I hit Baku...BAKUGO!
You and Hitoshi stick your heads out of the window to see Bakugo jumping on top of each car and truck hoping car to car making his way back to the taxi from the front of the line of traffic yelling " OI YOU SHITTY DRIVER!"
Bakugo being Bakugo ignore you and stomps on the hood of the taxi " SHITTY FUCKING DIVER ANSWER MY QUESTION!"
" W-when I tap my foot I-i can make people see different colors... it's not special why d -do you ask....".
Explosions pop in Katsuki's hand like someone lit thousands of firecrackers all at once " IT'S YOU YOU'RE THE REASON WHY EVERYONE IS STUCK HERE DAMMIT THAT LIGHT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FUCK BLUE! IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE GREEN LIKE DEKU!".
The taxi driver claps his hands turning off his quirk making the traffic light turn back to green.
" W-what do I do now-".
Bakugo steps on the windshield cracking it.
" When I get in that back seat you better STEP.ON.THE.FUCKING.PETALLLL!!! YOU GOT IT!" The taxi driver nods with tears in his eyes waiting for Katsuki to get back in taxi.
The driver rides off while you and Hitoshi are left dumb founded " Bakugo....what the actual fuck". Bakugo ignores the both of them "Shut up! Don't say a word to me it's not me who you should be talking to right now."
Hitoshi puts his hood over his head " That's what I meant back keeping secret...what the hell am I suppose to do with that information"
" I don't know! Do what you will with it!"
You go quite as you hear that spine chilling voice once again.
He says...." You are such a fool"
"HITOSHI SHUT THE HELL UP WHY ARE YOU SO WORKED UP ABOUT EVERYONE IS GONNA DIE! You are never gonna know when you will die! We could die in a car crashes right now and say fuck my 9 days left! THAT'S HOW THE WORLD IS!".
Hitoshi grabs you by your shoulder and hood falls off but in the process of it falling you and Bakugo see his his tearful face.
" It's not suppose to happen to you Y/n NOT THIS EARLY W-WE STILL HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO-"
You punch the back the head of the driver's seat yelling " WAKE UP HITOSHI I'M NOT YOURS TO LOSE!"
"How could you say that.... your gonna lose him Y/N"
" I need to get out of this car right now..."
Hitoshi says as he unlocks his side of the taxi the door.
" Hey! Where are you going! Hitoshi!"
" Don't say what you think he's just blowing off steam...but you'll explode....it always come to that point"
The clouds above start to settle making there dark night sky into grey gloomy night.
" Where are you going back to her!?!"
He stops walking "Of course he does".
" Who told you..."
You start to laugh as rain lightly pours down, " Ha HA WOW! Looks whose keeping secrets now!"
" Tch it's technically not a secret if you knew for a while"
"Hitoshi don't get smart with me just get back in the car please".
"No I'm not getting in".
In the blink of a eye the rain turns from a light shower to heavy, the sound of every droplet hitting the ground can be heard.
Bakugo closes his eyes as he knows what's about to happen "Fucking dumbass's"
" Hitoshi get in the car!"
" Y/N...you are such a fool" the cat says as he lays ontop of the car rooftop.
Hitoshi just turns away and continues to walk away "YEAH GO AHEAD WALK AND DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT IF I DIE IT WILL BE ON YOU HITO-"
Bakugo covers your mouth and pulls you back into the car "You really don't know when to shut up, Oi driver...the petal STEP ON IT!"
They drive off as Shinsou walks away in the rain.
"Bakugo let me go!" " No dumbass just stop fighting! He's gone ok....he's gone".
You holds bakugou's arm " h-he's gone...." you snatch off the eye patch throwing it out of the window while the purple sits on your lap.
"You made him leave, why even act surprised it was only a matter of time"
"....Bakugou where are we even going?"
" Where the hell else we're going on a date"
You glare at Bakugou "reallllllllly??? But why?"
Bakugou turns his head away blush while he pets your head running his finger through your hair "If you do have only a limited time....I wanna treat nice so we don't end on bad terms and plus I don't need a fucking spirit haunting me".
You smile right after that you place your hand on Bakugou's face " Bakugo that's so sweet of you" " Tch shut up dimwit"
-A few minutes go by-
You and Bakugou lay in the taxi though Bakugou is awake while you sleep, he's been calling Hitoshi but it just goes straight to voicemail.
" Stupid Cat lover I can't believe he left me with her like that when I see that idiot I'll give I'm a piece of my mind"
"Umm sir this is your stop?"
Bakugo kicks open the door stepping out the car with you on his back. He walks towards the restaurant but then stops as the taxi driver honks the horn " I-I dont get a tip?...."
The taxi driver speeds off leaving dust in bakugou's face "I'm gonna find him later and kill him"
" Thanks for making my eardrums bleed"
"Thanks for waking up just in time for dinner".
You get off of Bakugou's back stretching and yawning "Hey before we go in I want you to know something", "Hm? Yeah?".
"No matter what happens to you if you die or not...always know that every second is a gift".
He turns to you holding out his hand "So come on chances like this happens once in a lifetime don't waste this second".
You take Bakugou's hand " I wouldn't dream of missing this gift.
For the rest of the night you and Bakugo have a fantastic time, you start to see a side of him that no one else's sees. Bakugou can be caring sweet and kind regardless of those facts he's still Bakugou so you know when the bill came he was outraged and made a scene.
-Meanwhile with Hitoshi as he was making his way home-
Hitoshi looks across the street and stares at you house and thinks about he used his quirk on your dad it reminds him of all the words people used to say about him and his quirk
"You a Hero HaHa! You're kidding right Hitoshi!"
"A hero who brainwash people come on get real that'll never work"
" Your qurik isn't really fit for a hero"
".....it's was you that made me believe I could be someone more"
Shisou think's back to the day you stop up for him when he was being picked on by the other kids.
"HEY! DONT MAKE FUN OF SHINSOU! I think his quirk is super cool! He'll be a really cool hero that saves the night! The Awesome Hero MindFreak!"
"Mind Freak....I like it..."
"See Shinsou likes it!"
" Of course Y/n thinks Shinsou's cool you think anyone with a power is cool"
"I bet you she wants to be a hero too! With no quirk? Now that funny!"
"Don't listen to them Shinsou I know that one day people will see how great you are like I do You'll be a great hero !"
Hitoshi frowns while muttering " A great hero....that's funny because how could a great hero make such a rookie mistake".
"I'm no great hero....I wouldn't even call myself a villain. If the reason for your pain is me....if I'm the reason for your death then I'm nothing but a monster".
He drys his eyes before walking inside "Nothing but a monster."
Even though tonight ended with a somewhat happy ending for one of our heroes the clock is still ticking
"And we are finally on track with on plans of stopping".
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Ali & Carly
Ali: save me Ali: this practice is dragging Carly: survive it & i'll help you forget you had to Ali: reckon i've only just come down Ali: but this sesh is making that happen hard and fast 😩 Ali: how's you Carly: aw baby no Carly: say you caught stage fright off me & you gotta leave rn k Carly: i was still up before i got brought down too Ali: dead believable Carly: i kno Ali: can't even blend into the furniture 'cos there is none Ali: so grunge rn Ali: unacceptable tho, who's bringing my baby down Carly: lie on the floor Carly: as protests go itd get the mood across Carly: ronan is Ali: yeah, 'less they think i'm about to go all acdc on 'em Ali: shouldn't have needed to ask but there we are Ali: what's got his knickers in a twist today Carly: wtf does that mean Carly: a load of his cousins are back on site Carly: fun Ali: oh babe Ali: missing out Ali: i'll show you, not at this rehearsal but when i'm actually bringing my rockstar a game Ali: omg is bartley there Carly: k Carly: yea he is Carly: so im not Ali: fun times Ali: i'd rather him over ronan but you do you Carly: if i wanted a bf Carly: but nah Carly: & hes not over it Ali: 😬 Ali: come to grab you Ali: awks Carly: yea Carly: like i kno im good thats why i cant save it all for you boy Carly: wife your own Ali: thought they weren't allowed to wife gorjas anyway Ali: tuttut Ali: you just out here tryna be community spirited Carly: yea im just living like one of you don't get it twisted lads Carly: cant make it clearer than fucking your cousin at your bday party Ali: damn Ali: stone cold boo Carly: told him how it had to be but he didnt wanna hear it Carly: had to show him instead you kno Ali: i get it, did the same but in reverse Ali: its cultural but its a bullshit excuse Ali: don't answer to anyone, so they don't like no, like Carly: yea? Carly: how fun Carly: like i dont answer to anyone either lads Ali: mhmm, you know how weird he got ick Ali: forreal Ali: my ma might say otherwise but shh Carly: mine wouldnt Carly: out here making her proud Ali: pop that on the next postcard Ali: glad you ain't here, lads Carly: ha Carly: wish you were tho you could distract Barty for me Carly: the grass is too wet for creeping Carly: fall on my arse Ali: poor baby Ali: i'd throw myself on that dick bomb for you Ali: lene can't even be mad Ali: loves chivalry Carly: aw Carly: youre too good Carly: i kno i should just go out there like idgaf but looking like this Carly: not gonna do me any favors Ali: like you're so 😍 there's gonna be a riot or you looking how you feeling Carly: wanna say yea to the first 1 but got the weight of last nite on me Ali: fuck this Ali: i'm coming and i'm bringing concealer Carly: might start a riot at rehearsal baby Carly: but idc if you dont Ali: nah, explained Ali: basically a feminist emergency Ali: how could they refuse Ali: don't need to mention we're gonna turn looks and party Carly: ha Carly: [sends selfie] Carly: thats what im working w Carly: emergency it is Ali: nah you still cute Ali: cuter than them, that's a given but i'll bring all my shit Ali: love a makeover moment Carly: youre so sweet Carly: love a happy lie Ali: no lies bitch Carly: ha k bitch Ali: a bitch better believe me Ali: imma make you when i'm through, don't worry Carly: you do have talent Carly: ive seen that Ali: 😉 Ali: tell you it's all natural or take the compliment hmm Carly: nobodys lashes look that good w out help Carly: but when i can see the freckles i kno you not going hard like Carly: so cute Ali: now who's the sweet one, shortcake Ali: 😊 Carly: facts baby Carly: im just saying 'em Ali: touche Ali: well your eye and hair colour combo is killer and we gon flaunt that Carly: its gonna clash w my skin if you keep making me blush boo Ali: nah, save your blushes for me Ali: stone cold fox, remember Ali: they'll never know Carly: dont let your gf kno Carly: dont wanna get grabbed by her either k Ali: 😂 Ali: she'll be gutted but cool with me Carly: love a 3way but Carly: she still scares me Ali: She's a pussycat really Carly: w you Carly: cuz youre cute Ali: so are you Ali: just a #confirmedstraight Ali: she can't be too nice, like, think of her rep Carly: ha Carly: tell her how many girls ive fucked Ali: tempting as it is to spice up the pillowtalk babe Ali: can't deal with the male gaze rant again 🙄 Carly: like you dont kno how to shhh her Ali: 😏 Ali: easy as a lad, like, but don't tell Carly: facts Carly: like i said you have talent baby Ali: backatcha Ali: for a straight girl, like 😘 Carly: ha Carly: yea lads arent no trick Ali: like you said you've fucked loads of girls too Carly: idk tho didnt stick around to tell me how it was Ali: hmm Ali: have to ask for a review next time Carly: fuck no Carly: might as well go to school and flunk that like Ali: awh baby Ali: how you expecting to learn anything 'bout treating a girl right from ronan Carly: idc Carly: as long as the lad is feeling what im doing Carly: & they do Ali: no doubt Carly: too much in bartys case Ali: hard life being a bad bitch Carly: ha you kno Ali: are any of his other cousins cute Ali: get the full set Carly: yea Carly: most are Ali: back again to homewreck hey Carly: couple are old but would Ali: shame i'm 💍 and they probs are too Carly: ha yea Carly: you could end yours w a txt but them nah Ali: you reckon? 😂 Carly: whats she gonna do Carly: show up here Carly: ill be like i dont share bitch Ali: probably Ali: shotgun toting da's don't scare her as much as they should Carly: k ill remember that Carly: hope mine dont show for my own reasons Ali: would probs scare off bart but also all the others Carly: youd think but hed just have a beer w them & b matey matey Carly: reckon hed sell me for a case if he could Carly: ship sailed w my virginity tho Ali: bummer really Ali: who knows what we coulda got outta that deal Ali: giving it away willynilly ugh past me Carly: they might wanna go harder for round 2 Carly: youre more talented now Ali: nice salespitch, babe Ali: i'm impressed, idk if they will be but worth a shot Carly: they would Carly: not that stupid Carly: & youre that cute Ali: like i'll wanna go with them when their chat is gonna be nowhere near as nice 😋 Carly: aw Carly: well you got me Carly: marital bed whenever Ali: but of course 😂 Carly: youre meant to laugh me into bed not out Ali: yeah and you're meant to wanna be there babe so it's chill Carly: k yea true Ali: even with my talents Ali: no turning water into wine, like Ali: sadly Carly: not w that attitude baby Ali: yeah being a debby downer's your only turn-off Ali: my ego thanks you, babe 😉 Carly: i'll work on the rest of you thanking me when you get here Ali: bitch... 😳 Ali: least it gon' be equal when I slay your makeover Carly: ill be grateful you kno Ali: i know
0 notes
itsjustnateagain · 7 years
So like I started typing a few sentences about the new Spider-Man and it turned out to be a little paragraph review lol so like don't read if you avoiding spoilers
Spider-Man was really good it was a lot of fun and I loved most of the characters and there was good interactions between the cast. It had a fresh feeling to it and I like how they went w setting everyone to be younger cuz it's actually a great set up to see character development. Like they trynna like do a Harry Potter thing where you see all these guys grow over the years. Tom Holland is still a perfect mix of Tobey M's Spider-Man and Garfield's. I'm excited to see where they take it. And while it's gonna be more "comic accurate" like, it's also gonna continue to be brand new and not tread on the over played old storylines everyone lowkey wanted to see again. This wasn't an origin movie but it's still a good setup. There's only a few things I didn't like. 1.Too much Avengers stuff in the mix. When you get to the end of the movie it all wraps up and he learns a lesson so it'll probably be the last they play around w that sooo much, I know Spider-Man has always wanted to be an Avenger and all of that but they played around with it too much and made that one of Peters main focus to be a hero which made it feel off. They basically replaced Uncle Ben w Stark in a weird way, and I'm glad I didn't see him get his cheeks clapped for like the 8th time in a movie but they didn't even mention him so im that kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Anyone that enjoyed the past Spider-Man movies will feel uncomfortable w that at least. But it wasn't a deal breaker or that big a deal at all actually. They just gotta make Peter truly be a solo hero in the next movies. Not the coming of age/ over excited 15 year old stuff. 2. While I'm on the point of Peter being independent, I actually am not that big of a fan of Peter keeping that suit Stark made for him. It's actually kinda OP and takes away the aspect of Peter designing his own personal tech and exploring his abilities. Plus if he continues to wear it he'll always have that weird "leash" type connection to Stark and the avengers and that's the vibe I'm not fucking w/. Peter should be a solo hero but it feels like he got some serious handicaps given to him straight from the beginning. The suit even has an AI like Jarvis now. It's cool, but it feels like your just watching a kid Iron Man movie and not a Spider-Man movie. They play around w and kinda address that aspect but the ending of the movie kinda just...umm idk how to explain it...makes you feel like that development was all for nothing. They coulda shown Peter starting to develop his own new suit, which I hope they bring into future movies. Cuz this suit is good for a young Peter but as he gets older it gonna look goofy I feel. The costumes in Amazing and the OG ones were still awesome and I hope he gets something like that. A good mix of tech and sleek design by him. They also don't really play around w his Spidey senses which will make everyone mad about that 😭, like I can shrug it off this time but they better bring that shit back soon cuz I know he had it in Civil War. These are actually the only bad aspects of the movie. It was actually funny too me and my friends were laughing a lot. Michelle (Zendayas character) is the best and I love her and will continue to. And like I'll make another post about her later on cuz there's kinda a spoiler about her I wanna speak on. Just know that racist white people/people who only ever have watched the OG Spider-Man and are oppressed w it will stay mad about her but she's actually great for this movie franchise now and I'm not hearing it. One last aspect I wanna say I enjoy is how they actually all look like they belong in high school as sophomores. Cuz these movies nowadays be casting 25 year old freshmen in high school and now everyone is clueless about what teens actually look like. Dumbasses gonna say they look like babies but nah that's Deadass how teens really look like so kudos to them for keeping it real. I wasn't buying Andrew Garfield in high school for one second 🙄😂 But anyways it's a great movie just don't expect any of the old stuff even tho there's a lot of references to it. OG Spider-Man 2 still the best Spider-Man movie
0 notes
Ali & Carly
Ali: alright? Carly: yea Ali: you want any water, pain killers? Carly: k to both Ali: can have my headphones too if you can deal with my music taste Carly: you could sing to me tho Ali: i've got the pipes, yeah but not sure anyone else wants me belting over the racket Carly: idc about them Ali: yeah Ali: one of us gotta get home with a spotless record, tho Carly: You can't get in trouble for being loud Carly: Leesha knows that Ali: she just leads a charmed life 🍀 Carly: or 🔮 Ali: Didn't need no crystal ball to see through your plans, soz babe Carly: who does Ali: got further than you had any right Ali: poor woodfield on bog watch 'til dubo now Carly: ha Carly: gave her something to do Carly: but nobodys trying it again like Ali: reckon you're right Ali: no one got that kinda deathwish Carly: trying to kill me w a stare tho Carly: she loves it Ali: hmm Ali: less sure on that Carly: i am Carly: try it tho bitch Carly: feel 🕱 Ali: got until we get back Ali: that's when the real shit begins Ali: what're you gonna do carls Carly: idk idc Carly: theyre gonna do what they want Carly: & not like my ma & da will throw a fit Ali: sure? Ali: shame Ali: hoping your Da would move Drew on Carly: im not 12 now babe Carly: & he isn't a beautiful romany lad Carly: my ma will like the look of him i kno Ali: you're 14 Ali: still got a few more years of compulsorary giving a shit about you left Carly: yea Carly: but its no big Ali: you could get expelled Carly: nah Carly: didnt go anything cuz leesha had to speak up about it Ali: you blame her Carly: nah but its facts Carly: nothing happened Ali: I don't think that's how they see it Carly: k but Carly: idc Carly: forget it Ali: k but HOW Carly: what? Carly: dont worry about it babe k Carly: im not trying to Ali: I know you're trying to avoid a freakout but Ali: fucking hell Ali: why Carly: why what? Carly: whats your problem? Ali: only the same as yours Ali: not enjoying the chaos around us or the chaos waiting at home Carly: nah Carly: but worry about your sister Carly: this is nothing Ali: no it isn't Carly: just chatter Carly: weve heard it all before Ali: you're a we now yeah Carly: ha Carly: everyone on this coach has heard it & said it is what i mean Carly: dont be jealous babe Ali: Why would I be jealous? Carly: im only playing Carly: i kno youre not Ali: Whatever Carly: dont be mad at me Carly: be fun Ali: not feeling it Carly: baby come on Carly: why tho Ali: you actually need to ask? Carly: yea Carly: i havent done anything wrong Ali: it ain't about right or wrong Ali: it's still a mess and i'm over it Ali: that's all Carly: k Carly: but ive been a mess since we met & you cba about that before Ali: i didn't say you Ali: the situation Carly: theres no situation Carly: only sex that didnt even happen Ali: forget about it Carly: nah Carly: say what you wanna say Ali: okay, the fact he's fucking ruined this entire trip Ali: Ro had to go home Ali: and Laoise is taking the opportunity to cyberbully her about it as if she's not already fucked up enough from it Ali: and he's not even a little bit sorry that he just wasted the last 3 months of her life with his bullshit Carly: None of that's my bad Carly: be mad at him not me Ali: I am Ali: but I'm mad at you for not giving enough of a shit to not get dragged down in his crap either Carly: hes not dragging me anywhere but the bathroom Ali: bullshit Carly: nah Carly: youre making it something else Carly: its not Ali: the whole bus is slagging on you Ali: half of them wanna fight you Ali: and that's cos of this Ali: its not debateable its facts Carly: and what Carly: when dont they Ali: there was no need Carly: yea there was Ali: no worthwhile one then whatever Carly: worthwhile to me Ali: i really hope so Carly: wouldve been like Ali: i don't need to hear Carly: k Carly: be like that Ali: yeah i will Carly: why do you wanna fight w me? Ali: i don't Ali: you got your priorities i got mine Carly: but youre a priority you kno Ali: its alright Ali: let's leave this drama behind Carly: how tho Carly: youre still gonna be mad Ali: yeah but that is what it is Ali: nothing's going to change Ali: we'll both deal Carly: but Ali: idk Ali: idk what we do, if you think of something lemme know Carly: im sorry Ali: me too Carly: tell me what to do Carly: i wanna make you feel better Ali: I dunno, Carls Ali: its all already done Ali: not just you, all of us Carly: lets do something else Carly: go somewhere else Carly: whatever you want Ali: Oh, that reminds me Ali: Tommy's back, he asked if you wanna go out Carly: is it k w you if i come? Ali: yeah Carly: nah its weird Ali: no it isn't Ali: i don't wanna not see you Ali: fuck that Ali: its just this trip and him Carly: i only did it cuz he said hed hook me up when we got back Carly: i dont want him Ali: its alright Ali: you don't have to explain to me Carly: its not Carly: alright isnt how we feel you kno Ali: as far as this trip goes Ali: i'll take it, babe Carly: i shouldnt have come on it Ali: nah, don't say that Ali: apart from this shit Ali: it was good, right? Carly: but this shit happened cuz im not good Carly: my heads wrecked Ali: no Ali: it didn't Ali: yeah, you went there too but so did Laoise and it coulda been any girl Carly: she didnt fuck him for a hit tho Carly: why i gotta do that Ali: that hit of revenge Ali: worse reason, to be honest Carly: yea Carly: she is the worst we kno Ali: you're not bad Carly: im not an angel like you babe Ali: yeah you is Ali: can't fool me Carly: you cant stop being nice to me Ali: and what bitch Carly: youre meant to be mad Ali: i'm sick of it Ali: its not getting us anywhere so Carly: where you wanna get to baby Ali: better Carly: we'll start tonight Carly: out w your brother Ali: yeah Ali: fucking ray of ☀ that he is Carly: ha Carly: maybe ill find a nice girl at the club tho Carly: then youll be happy Ali: i don't wanna be that bitch about it Ali: just drew, babe, c'mon 😝 Ali: please tell me i ain't that bitch Carly: ha Carly: hes no worse than ronan tho Carly: to your sister k but not to me Ali: yeah and thinking 'bout how hard Ronan sucks made you cry the other day so Ali: 👀 Carly: dont Carly: he took your vs its so sad Carly: i wouldnt let goldie take mine nah Ali: I dunno what the fuck I was thinking Carly: youre too good Carly: you think everyone is Carly: 👼 Ali: nah Ali: I mean, he ain't the 😈 but he was bad enough for my purposes Ali: my stupid ass 🙄 Carly: nah you're too smart Carly: you knew what you were doing like Carly: been there had that fight w my ma Ali: the flashbacks not needed Ali: still got that 📢 in my ear Ali: though, probably gonna lay off a bit now Drew's showed Caleb up for the good boy he is Ali: awks Carly: its my turn Carly: thanks for turning up ma & da turn into his drama Carly: then turn away cuz nothing to see Ali: yours back home rn? Carly: nah but im sure theyll get the summons if the teachers kick off loud enough Ali: shit Ali: they gonna kill ya? Carly: theyll only be mad if their hol gets cut short but like they can go again when the teachers have had a word Carly: dont need a babysitter Ali: yeah, soz we can't come back we got free drinks here 'til next week so Carly: you kno Carly: gotta draw straws for which one shows up & who gets to keep the party going Ali: 1000 on ur dad showing up then Carly: yea Carly: plot twist my nan rocks up like it hasnt been years Carly: carly who bitch Ali: bitch same Ali: missing nan gang Ali: conspiracy, like Carly: i kno where she is but she not trying to kno us Carly: family fights like Carly: boring Ali: gurl, so much in common Ali: let tommo regale you with the fuckery Ali: other peeps drama always be more fun Ali: WELL Carly: hes such a gossipy bitch Carly: ill tell him about all this so he can have fun w Ali: beat u to the reveal honey but Ali: always more scandal I probably saved him from Carly: you been chatting about me Carly: aw Ali: yeah Ali: keep my slagging on the downlow Ali: wise up lads Carly: its k cuz youre creative Carly: its all slut, slag and whore w them Ali: truly Ali: switch it up Carly: drew did skank and he was wasted so its not hard Ali: 🤢 Ali: anything drew is capable of is basal Carly: wtf does that mean tho Carly: he calls me a bitch a lot like boy thats mine and my girl's thing k bye Ali: he talks a lotta shit for such a lil bitch boy himself Ali: yeah, back off Ali: ur not part of the gang Carly: he wants to be on you so bad that id feel bad but cant cuz yea hes a prick Ali: i can't Ali: why bitch Ali: like, i'm nice the rest of the time but like, no nicer to him than any other acquaintance Ali: and rn its clear i lowkey hate Carly: cos youre you Carly: who wouldnt want that Ali: 😽 Ali: always out here hyping me up boo Carly: yea i love you Ali: i love you too bitch Carly: serious tho Carly: im sorry Carly: i hate it when youre mad at me Ali: i swear i was never mad at you Ali: who could be mad at that lil face Ali: right teachers? 🤞 Carly: ha Carly: well they saw me making a seduction face like Carly: my bad Ali: don't act like you didn't love that too lads Carly: you kno Carly: youve seen it its good Ali: willing to write that review Carly: aww Carly: so sweet Carly: id give you top marks too baby Ali: you better 😒 Ali: don't be lying to me or yourself baby 😏 Carly: ha Carly: nah youre the best Carly: no lie Ali: 😳 Carly: so cute Ali: just trying make me have a huge head to drag my cute down Carly: nah you earned those props from me Carly: put a lot of work in Ali: no slacker 💪 Carly: facts Carly: lot of fun Ali: funsized Ali: that's my secret Carly: aw Carly: but were the same size tho Ali: exactly Ali: team pocket rocket Ali: get out giant boys Carly: your boy gotta stay cuz hes not i see you bitch Ali: 😎 Ali: you said yourself, i'm too smart Carly: 🖕 Ali: how tall is my brother Ali: forgot Ali: kick him out of his own partay how rude Carly: shit Carly: sorry boy Ali: can walk on his knees if he wanna hang Carly: or hands Carly: wtf would that make a difference nah Ali: nah babe Ali: that perfect form Ali: twat 😒😂 Carly: im too sober to have thoughts Carly: no scholarship to a fancy school for me Ali: don't be fooled, he only there 'cos he can twerk good 💅 Ali: #bitchmetoothefuck Carly: fuck why you worried about me getting expelled from here if thats what it takes to go there Carly: i got this Ali: you just gon leave me like that Ali: 😞 ok Carly: nah Carly: come w me baby Ali: running away to london Ali: heard worse plans Carly: you kno Carly: be fun Carly: we always have a good time running off together Ali: no lie Ali: maybe we can crash when he goes back early to get settled 'cos he's dramatic like that Ali: lots of fit boys, can't all be gay Carly: are they allowed to fuck Carly: or is it like footballers and shit Ali: Ooh Ali: we'll have to ask Ali: good pickup line, babe Carly: i'll ask your brother if hes getting any Ali: he'll die of embarrassment 💀 Carly: aw Carly: is he a virgin serious Ali: I think so Ali: he won't say obvs, withholding that ☕ so shady Carly: i'll ask Carly: find him a cutie to do the honors Ali: 🙈 Ali: he was feeling sorry for you but he gon' wanna square up now too Carly: yea? Carly: i need the practice if i gotta fight leesha again Ali: 😒 she better stay tf away if she knows what's good Ali: still, he used to being target practice Ali: he quick tho Carly: teach me those ballerina girl moves Carly: never went as a kid Ali: aww baby Ali: i did for the hottest of secs but Carly: bet your ma has pics im hitting her up Ali: yeah, she loves pissing herself @ me, the cow Ali: you can join now, or yoga with me, your fave 😉 Carly: nah Carly: got enough teachers on my case Carly: & bitchy girls Ali: 😱 Ali: i ain't that bad, rude Carly: never you my baby Carly: youre the only one who isnt Ali: bus full of bitches Ali: sounds like a song marlene would write Carly: pitch it to her Carly: or find her in the club Ali: maybe Ali: idk if she's got a girl rn Ali: we shall see Carly: me & her Carly: weird Carly: i'll ask her if shes feeling it Ali: oh lord Ali: can't play with her like a boy tho Ali: wifey'd up before you know it Carly: nah she scares me Carly: im a good wife tho Ali: you is Ali: but you wanna be? Carly: what? Ali: you don't wanna be no wifey Carly: not hers Ali: as long as not his either then we good Carly: ha Ali: 👀 Carly: what you saying w those beautiful eyes boo Ali: i see u and ur lack of a response is what i'm sayin Ali: honeyyyy Carly: dont Carly: i said about him before thats it Ali: i'm just playing Carly: dont Carly: he thinks it too Carly: such a prick Ali: i'm soz baby Ali: he thinks everyone loves him as much as he does Carly: yea Carly: i need to find a new dealer Ali: honey, in this town? done is done Ali: find one tonight Carly: so smart
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