#i feel like i haven't really watch the trailer
So for those that are planning to watch Twilight of the Gods and haven't yet. My review is the following:
It's very much a Zack Snyder plot but without the bad Snyder tropes of past movies (thinking especially of 300 here). It's edgy, has beautiful visuals (Snyder projects often do), and has plenty of equal opportunity sex scenes. Plenty of bi characters. Do they look like they'll kiss? They will and much more...
There are very interesting designs. I loved the voice acting and I'm glad Thor sounds much better than in the trailer (I think they edited what he actually says to avoid spoilers).
My main disappointment is the cliffhanger ending. I hope there's a S2 with some non-cliffhanger ending. I fear for the possibility of Netflix not renewing it and think all Netflix series seasons should never on cliffhangers.
It was definitely made with a lot of research. It takes its liberties, as there's some major differences, but I love how they adapted and altered things from the myths for the story's purposes. A lesser "not-like-Marvel" adaptation would have made Loki a Fire Giant/God a la Wagner. But they had the spider association instead!!
Something I really liked is that they made Loki sympathetic without turning him into an actual child. It's something I've seen a lot, and I'm just like "Cowards, there's plenty to work with without turning him into a child!" Loki feels very much like myth!Loki. He's very sympathetic, but you'll never forget that if he's helping, it's because the goals currently align. You'll be crying at the club for Loki, then go like "Oh shit! WTF Loki!?"
GOW has done antagonist Thor the best so far. For people whose Thor is their blorbo-from-myths (because some follow me), I must warn he's currently very much like Homelander (murderous, physically abusive, predatory) but without a fully developed reason to why he's like that YET. They implied interesting things, such as a fear of eternity and wants to die. If there's a second season, I hope it develops that further to make Thor more interesting. I didn't understand his weird fucked up relationship with Jormungandr, and don't think it was necessary to turn Jormungandr into a sexy snake lady to make Loki and his family sympathetic.
I thought his powers were very cool though and you're like "No wonder this guy is so hard to defeat." Like do you ever go like "How the fuck can this guy with a hammer defeat so many people? The plot armor is ridiculous." Here you won't. Actual storm good powers. And there's some very cool shit like he can do. Fight scenes are great.
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iz-star · 2 days
My thoughts and guesses / theories about Zayne's upcoming main story branch.
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Like I've said in previous posts, I've been hella busy with work and most of all, exhausted so I haven't been able to come here and scream about the game updates (let alone draw something) but I still want to summarize my reactions from the past few days.
About the main story update, I'm really excited to see what's going to happen! I love the Dawnbreaker references but I have to be honest, I don't really think this is Dawnbreaker, he's still Dr Zayne (they both are part of each other somehow, but you understand what I mean).
Here's why:
At first, I genuinely thought this time we really would get the chance to interact with Dawnbreaker since Zayne is wearing DB's outfit and not a jumpscare outfit like in Snowy Serenity but the more I watched the trailer, the more I realized that this is still Dr Zayne which both makes me feel alleviated (cause if it were to be Dawnbreaker, it would leave us wondering where Dr Zayne is) and scared cause if he gets to suffer/ sacrifice himself in this time line like he did as Foreseer and MoF, I don't know well how I'll handle it.
He's a male lead so I don't think they will kill him off (? but somehow with Zayne one never knows, he's honestly always surprising us. In any case, my wildest theory is that if something happens to Dr Zayne, then we'll continue his branch with Dawnbreaker... idk? Anyway, don't really pay too much attention to this since it's most unlikely that something like this happens.
The impression I got after watching the trailer so many times is that this is actually Dr Zayne in the process of becoming 'Dawnbreaker' (maybe not exactly his other self but the concept) which has been one of his biggest fears; the reason? Because the Xander Sciences experiments, the severe cases of Protocore Syndrome and Metaflux anomalies are probably speeding the process of humanity to get doomed since in Dawnbreaker's world, humans turning into wanderers is something pretty recurrent and the very reason Zayne is a killer and his world is apocalyptic. Dr Zayne knows of this, he knows using protocores in human hearts is dangerous (the very reason he gave up his research in university), he also knows that to be exposed to big quantities of metaflux is what turns humans into Wanderers, he knows it because when he and William fought side by side in Mt Eternal, it was in order to destroy a Protofield that got out of hand and the Metaflux anomalies there were bringing to land more Wanderers. It was until they destroyed the protofield when William started to turn into an Abomination and then, a Wanderer.
In the trailer, Dr Zayne says something like 'We have no choice but to destroy this place" so my guess is that there is another big Metaflux anomaly like in Mt Eternal but this time in a place where there is a lot of ppl and due to being exposed to it, they're turning into Wanderers, something that Zayne as a Doctor can't cure: "Aren't you a Doctor. You should've save me!"
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In fact, this is something he can only cure as Dawnbreaker:
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I'm really interested to know who was the guy who asked Zayne to kill him. My guesses are:
William (and this probably a flashback).
Greyson (most unlikely since the voice didn't mach but goshh could you imagine the angst if it was him??)
So if there is another Metaflux anomaly it means that there's a Protofield that got out of hand and it probably was in either Akso Hospital or Xander Sciences company cause they had a special patient that accoring to what they say in the trailer, had a fragil heart that would've stopped long ago.
If I'm not mistaken (and since I'm currently sleepy and feeling lazy) in the World Underneath anecdotes Carter and Xander Sciences tried to keep some patients alive or to revive them using protocores and keeping him in pods but it didn't work? However, long before these anecdotes were released, we knew that there were already organizations doing research about immortality:
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It seems that 'A special energy field' is necesary in order to reach better conditions to regenerate the human heart. What if this 'special energy field' is something similar to a Protofield? If we remember correctly, in both Rafayel and Xavier's myths MC's heart was necessary for them to live immortal lifes? In Rafayel's case, she seemed to give ppl some kind of energy? But at the same time she couldn't leave their city neither. In Xavier's case, her heart was like an unending source of energy for Philos core and they wanted to feed Philos core with her so they would stop to sending humans and then Philos core would stop crearing wanderers.
In both cases, it seems that MC is the source of energy of a Protofield that both gives it enough quantities of energy to keep it balanced and making ppl within this field to be immortal (like her) without the risk of becoming wanderers. In Rafayel's myth, she was already the source of this field, so there are actually no wanderers in this myth. In Xavier's myth, she wasn't the source of it so they were creating wanderers bc of it.
What if in this case, Xander Sciences discovers that the key to reach immortality lies in creating a Protofield with enough energy to create the needed conditions to regenerate human hearts for indefinite amount of time and that the KEY to achieve this lies in MC's aether core??
What if what Zayne is trying to protect here is MC's heart so they won't use her to reach immortality, EVEN if he knows that this most likely will avoid tons of deaths and will stop the creation of wanderers and ALSO will avoid his future as Dawnbreaker but even so he chooses to save her, just like he did as Foreseer and Master of Fate.
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And lastly, he mentions "When that day comes... When I can't wake up" my only guesses are:
His nightmare of becoming "The Grim Reaper" will become true.
By destroying the Protofield that is creating the anomaly, he also freezes himself?
Maybe he steals part of MC's power or even he takes the creatio protocore he gave to her as Foreseer and uses it on himself so instead of using her as the source of energy for this Protofield, he offers himself as this unending source of energy? (This one is quite wild and seems unlikely to happen but I still wanted to mention it ahaha).
Anyway these are all my thoughts for now. Please take this with a grain of salt, since these are only silly theories and nothing official. We'll have to wait some days more to discover the truth.
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thedevilsoftruth · 2 days
Happy birthday to The Fragile!!!
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Today is a very important day, folks. Today marks as the 25th birthday of NINs 3rd studio album ' The Fragile '
The Fragile is probably one of the most iconic albums from its time, and arguably one of, if not the best Nine Inch Nails album. There's so many things that makes this album great, and i can just spend hours praising it.
The Fragile is The Downward Spiral but matured. Sure, TDS was very compacted with raw emotion, but i would argue that The Fragile is more raw and emotional. And that's because it feels so true and honest to me. Trent was going through so much at the time of making this album and was definitely at his lowest at the tike of making this.
The Downward Spiral is angry and is more about wallowing in a pit of sorrow and giving up. The Fragile is more about actually trying to get back up off the ground and become a better person. And that was exactly what Trent was going through at the time of making this album. But enough about TDS since this isn't about it.
My favorite, all-time favorite song off this album is The Wretched. That and Into The Void. My main introduction to NIN and the song that got me into NIN was Into The Void.
I remember cooking food and watching a Moist Cr1TiKaL stream ages ago where he was watching the live stream of some sort of DLC announcement for the game Warframe. When they showed the dlc trailer for this, they had the song Into The Void playing. I remember stopping what I was doing completely just to watch the trailer and listen.
I had known NIN before, of course. I liked a few of their songs, but they were a bit too loud for me at the time ( those songs being Closer and Only. ) But when I heard Into The Void, I just fell in love. I recognized the band, of course. NIN isn't too hard to spot. And with that, I downloaded the game that night and listened to The Fragile all for the first time.
I listened to The Fragile before I listened to TDS, which might be why I like it more than TDS. The first NIN cds I collected were The Fragile and Pretty Hate Machine because those were the only albums by NIN I knew at the time and yada yada.
One of my favorite songs to see NIN play live is The Frail / The Wretched. The Frail is just so fucking beautiful played live. It feels like walking outside in the middle of the night for fresh air.... and then those drums kick in, and it's just like.... Holy fuck. Changes the mood completely, if not for the better. But I just love The Wretched ad a song just so much. I really don't know what else to tell you. It's just straight up an amazing song.
But back to the album itself, The Fragile is 100% a must listen. If you haven't listened to it you need to listen to it. The Fragile has helped me get through so much and has helped so many others as well. Its 100% Trent Reznors best fucking work ever. It's definitely one of my favorite albums of all time. All fucking time.
But yeah. That's about it. Once again, go listen to it if you haven't, and yeah, I'll see you all back on the 23rd for the birthday for Broken.
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stayconnecteed · 1 year
this user is currently missing because she has not been able to recover from the trailer of the new stray kids comeback.
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blacktabbygames · 10 months
Slay the Princess Concept Art
We shared a bunch of concept art on Twitter today. Sharing it here, too, where you can find it all in one post. Post contains spoilers, so proceed with caution (or just play the game already if you haven't 😉)
Going to start with the first piece of concept art Abby drew for the game.
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In the earliest stages of development, we toyed around with the concept of there being multiple "end game" forms of the Princess.
The initial outline, rather than being tied together by an overarching metanarrative, structured a full playthrough as a 5-6 chapter long, self-contained journey down a single route, determined by your decisions in chapter 1. Here's an alternative late-game form:
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The idea of deviating end-game forms didn't lost for very long, though. As we explored the game's themes more deeply, it made the most sense for there to be a singular "true" form.
If your reality is shaped by subjectivity and perception, then the "truth" has to be what's left when that subjectivity is swept away. the Shifting Mound's final design feels like that initial truth for the Princess, though there's also another truth if you push back against her and press on into the final cabin.
We really liked this "void" design, and I played around with the idea of it being an intermediary to the final form. The "void" Princess would be what you saw upon encountering the final Princess without understanding your own truth, but once you had that understanding, you would see her as the Shifting Mound, as depicted in the game.
That gave way to the intermediary design of the SM being a sea of disembodied limbs, and we also took parts of both designs and incorporated them into the protagonist (particularly the wings.) You can see the eyes and feathers for this void form in the ending card of the original trailer below:
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You can see extremely early concept art for the spectre (top), nightmare (top-right), stranger (left), beast (bottom) and ??? (right) as well!
The eyes became a motif in the Nightmare route (Paranoid's manifestation of the fear of being watched), but I also like to think of them as a part of The Long Quiet's truth. You are space and emptiness, but you're also that which observes those things, and it's your perceptions that give the Shifting Mound shape.
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Anyways, on the note of the original original concepts for the game, the Princess was initially going to remain human for several loops before taking on more monstrous forms. Some concepts of that are below. Had to get Abby to tone down some of the more horrifically cartoonish designs because they creeped me out and I didn't want to romance them in a video game.
We had to hold our cards close to our chest in the non-metanarrative early drafts, which is part of why, even in the first demo, the cabin doesn't really change much in chapter 2. More room to subtly play with the concept of transformation over time.
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There were a lot of reasons we moved in a different direction for the full release. The branching was unmanageably large to write, and the game felt like a slog to write.
Using an overarching narrative as a framing mechanism in the final version gave us a lot more freedom to explore wildly divergent ideas within routes while still driving the player towards the originally planned finale.
Anyways, now we've got some concept art for individual princesses. There's a lot more than this lying around somewhere, but it's all in sketchbooks, and we'll probably wait until we make an art book to show it off.
First is the tower, who really didn't change much at all. (She got a little thicker, I guess. All of the Princesses did)
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Not a lot to say about her, other than the fact that we knew we wanted a set piece where she gets so big that the trees and cabin orbit around her.
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The stranger went through many many redesigns over the course of development. Here, she was a "princess skin" filled with a hive of sentient bugs. The script wasn't working for me, though, so instead she became a peak behind the curtains without the necessary context to know her.
A lot of people ask how these earlier drafts of the Stranger route would have played out, and the answer is I can't tell you, because I couldn't figure out something worth writing.
The writing process for individual routes didn't really start with outlines or plot beats. Rather, the routes started from a theme and a relationship dynamic, and I organically found their outcomes by exploring actions within those themes, and then seeing if those passed Abby's editor brain.
Neither of us found actions we wanted to explore with those versions of the Stranger, at least actions that weren't a beat-by-beat retelling of chapter 1, which contained way too much variation to put on a single chapter 2 route.
If each princess examines a relationship formed by perception and first impressions, the Stranger examines one that's fundamentally unknowable. One where you've seen too much, too quickly.
An insect hive-mind pretending to be a person seemed like a good starting point, but it was too difficult to write any interactions that didn't immediately feel knowable, if still strange. So the final version of the Stranger was designed in such a way where her unknowability makes interacting with her on a human level fundamentally impossible, and you don't get to have a real conversation with her unless you satisfy extremely specific criteria.
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Anyways next up is the razor's final form. We decided she needed more swords.
Hearts became an accidental motif very quickly in the development process, too. (The fact that it is only strikes to the heart that fell her in the demo was accidental, but it felt poetic so we extended it to the rest of the game.)
So on top of adding more swords, we made her heart visible. This is something we did with the fury as well, as a way of showing their emotional (and physical) vulnerability.
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Here's an early version of the Adversary and what would eventually become the Eye of the Needle, back when she was still called the Fury. Originally her hair was going to be fire (as seen on the right), but it didn't feel right in its execution.
She's hit the gym since this concept art. Good for her :)
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And we're going to end with the Beast, who at this point was called the Adversary. I think this was before the Witch was added? The Beast was originally designed to be a Questing Beast who lurked in the shadows, where you'd only see glimpses of her, and where each glimpse would make her appear to be a different animal. This was too difficult to execute, though we gave her a more chimera-like appearance in the final game.
This design was from when we still has the Voice of the Obsessed, and the route was going to be a more feral mirror of what eventually became the Adversary, but it felt too thematically similar while being less interesting, so we moved in the direction of making the Beast about consumption as a form of love.
Anyways, that's all we've got for you right now. Hope this was fun!
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Eddie is having a boring summer day.
He could go to the mall if he wanted to, but it's hot outside, and he really doesn't want to deal with people at the moment. Plus, the last time he went, he's pretty sure he saw Steve Harrington in a sailor's uniform that made him feel a certain way. But he's pretty sure he hallucinated that.
He hopes he hallucinated that. Especially the part where he felt attracted to him. Like full-blown, he wanted to set sail on an ocean of flavor with him, or whatever stupid line he had said when he passed by the ice cream parlor.
So, yeah, the mall is not an option for him at the moment. But maybe it'll burn down or something and he'll never have to see Steve's face again.
A knock on his trailer door breaks him out of the slight trance, and Eddie rushes to answer it. He hopes it's not Jeff asking for his-
All thoughts stop when the door swings open and he finds Steve Harrington on the other side. In his sailor's uniform.
What the fuck?
Please be hallucinating.
"Hey," Steve says as if they've talked more than a handful of times over the past few years of passing each other in the hall.
Eddie swallows hard. "What are you doing here?" he asks, trying so hard not to eyefuck Steve.
"I was wondering if you were still selling weed?" Steve says.
Eddie sighs and gestures for him to come inside. Might as well get this over with so he can get closer to screaming into a pillow.
Once Steve is in his trailer, he closes the door behind him and rushes off to his room, grabbing his metal lunch/drug box quickly before looking in the mirror and quickly trying to clean himself up a bit. He stops when he realizes he's doing this for Steve Harrington for Christ's sake.
He opens up the little box and doesn't look at Steve and his damn beautiful hair as he pretends to look for his weed.
He isn't prepared for Steve to say, "I should warn you that I haven't gotten paid yet, so I was wondering if there was any other way I could pay for this?"
Eddie freezes and slowly looks up. There's no way he heard that correctly. Shit, is he dreaming? He does not want another Steve dream. Jeff had made fun of him for weeks after he confessed to it. "I'm sorry, what?"
Steve just shrugs casually. "Like, I could give you my watch until I can pay you properly."
Eddie sets his lunch/drug box down harshly on the counter next to him and runs both hands over his face. "Christ, Steve, that is not what I thought you meant."
"What did you think I meant?" Steve asks.
Eddie drops his hands from his face and raises his eyebrows at Steve, hoping he understands. Steve just tilts his head to the side, looking way too adorable for a damn jock, but Eddie blames the sailor uniform for that.
He sighs and curses under his breath before saying, "I thought you were offering to like..." he trails off and reluctantly gestures to his crotch.
Steve finally catches on to what he's saying as his eyebrows raise and his mouth makes a little 'o' shape. He nods for a second before pausing. "Wait, would that get me weed for free?"
Eddie's eyes widen. There's no way that Steve understood what he just gestured.
But then Steve shrugs and walks closer to him saying, "I won't tell if you don't."
Eddie quickly backs into his counter and hisses out, "There's no way I'm letting you blow me when I haven't even had my first kiss." He immediately regrets the words as soon as he says them. NOT because he just rejected Steve but because he just revealed to him that he's never been kissed before.
God, could this get any more embarrassing?
Steve pauses and looks him over, eyes flickering over his face as if considering... "How much would a first kiss get me?"
Eddie's pretty sure his heart stops. What the hell? "How fucking desperate are you for this weed?" Eddie asks.
"Not that desperate," Steve confesses.
Okay, this is definitely a dream. Eddie is now entirely convinced,
But then, Steve sighs and runs a hand through his hair before resting it on his hips. "Sorry, man, it's just... I haven't gotten any action in weeks now, and I have this coworker that reminds me every day about how much that means that I suck. And my favorite kid has gone away to this damn science camp. And my dad is being more of an asshole than usual whenever he comes home, which is honestly not often, but he still somehow makes my life hell. And I'm sorry for unloading this shit onto you right now and for making a move on you. But could you please let me know how I could get some weed without making you uncomfortable?"
Eddie stares at him for a few moments before he reaches into his bag for a half-ounce. He hands the bag to Steve, pressing it into his hand. "Usually twenty bucks, but it's on the house for you." Because shit, he needs it.
Steve stares at it for a few seconds before pocketing it. He doesn't leave though. He just stares at Eddie conflictedly.
"What?" Eddie asks.
"You're sure there's nothing I can do for you?" Steve asks.
Eddie almost thinks it sounds like he wants to do something for him. So he folds his arms and boldly asks, "Why did you offer to kiss me?"
Steve shrugs. "I've heard the rumors that you're um... And I just... I think that you're... cute. For a guy," he rushes to clarify.
Eddie stares at him for a few seconds. Is Steve Harrington... not straight? There's no damn way. He's probably just screwing with him or something. But also... he sees that look in his eyes - the curiosity and fear - that makes him think... maybe he's being genuine.
"Are you fucking with me?" Eddie breathes out.
Steve shakes his head. "No, I wouldn't do that. That's not cool."
Eddie pinches himself hard. Ouch. Not a dream.
"So," Eddie says carefully, "Are you still offering to kiss me in place of paying for the weed?"
"I'll make it worth it," Steve says quickly.
Eddie takes a second to think about it. And really, how the hell can he turn down Steve Harrington in a sailor outfit being his first kiss? He's a weak, weak man. But... it's also sacrificing twenty bucks.
Damn, it's worth it.
"Okay," Eddie breathes out.
Steve smiles and gets closer to him, successfully trapping him back against the counter. His hand comes up to slowly cup Eddie's face, stroking a thumb over his cheek as the other one rests on the counter behind him.
Eddie takes in a deep shakey breath.
Steve's eyes flicker down to his lips and back to his eyes. "I won't do anything you're not comfortable with, so just pinch me if you want out, okay?"
Shit, why do the words make Eddie's brain melt? He hums and nods in response.
Steve leans in slowly but stops right before kissing him to ask, "Can I please kiss you?"
"Fuck yes," Eddie says, grabbing Steve by the tie of the sailor's uniform and pulling him until his lips press against him.
It's like every nerve in Eddie's body is on fire. He lets go of the tie to run his hands over Steve's back, pulling him closer as Steve traces his tongue over the seam of his lips.
Eddie moans, letting him in, tasting mint and a hint of something cherry as Steve deepens the kiss. Eddie makes it his mission to get Steve as close as possible to him, hands moving into his gorgeous hair and tugging him closer, groaning when Steve pulls away and bites his bottom lip only to soothe it with his tongue before moving in again to kiss him.
Eddie gets lost in it all, knowing that no first kiss is supposed to be this fucking good. He groans when Steve's hands move to grip the back of his neck and try to pull him in the same way Eddie is doing to him.
And shit, he cannot get enough of him. But he also cannot breathe.
He breaks the kiss, panting into Steve's mouth, but not feeling bad about it when Steve does the same, sounding equally out of breath.
Steve still presses three more gentle kisses against his mouth before pulling back and mumbling out, "Fuck."
Eddie takes in the boy, flushed red, hair wild, lips a bit puffy and wet, and with pupils blown wide. And he knows the image will forever ruin him.
Steve runs his hand through his hair again - a nervous tick? - as he catches his breath.
Eddie can't help but ask, "Was that... okay?"
Steve's eyes widen in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? That was perfect. And you've never kissed anyone before?"
Eddie shakes his head.
"Shit, man. I guess you're a natural or something."
Eddie flushes red at the compliment.
Steve clears his throat and gestures toward the door. "Well, I've gotta head out. But thank you for this, and for not making fun of the stupid sailor outfit."
Eddie chokes down the words I think it's hot and instead says, "Of course, and if you want a... discount... I'm always available."
Steve nods. "Right." He smiles and moves toward the door.
Eddie follows behind him.
Right before he opens the door, Steve turns around and kisses him again, it surprises Eddie so much that he almost doesn't register Steve slipping something into his front pocket. But as Steve pulls away, he gives him a wink before slipping out the door and making his way to his car.
Eddie watches as Steve gets in and slides his hand into his pocket. He feels something folded up and pulls it out, looking down to find a twenty-dollar bill in his hand meaning...
Steve shoots him a wicked smile before driving away, joyfully bobbing his head along to whatever song is playing on his radio.
Eddie pinches himself one more time to make sure he isn't dreaming.
He smiles wide. Maybe Steve will take him up on his "discount" again.
(Thank you @henderdads for suggesting the sailor uniform)
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Just a cute, fluffy fic from Wayne's pov
"Hey Wayne, how do you know you're in love?" Eddie asks him as they eat dinner that night. Wayne nearly choked on the pasta he was eating but covered himself by gulping down some coffee.
Shit, he needs something a little stronger for this, like when he had the talk with Eddie a few years ago, that was awkward as hell for the both of them.
Fortunately for Wayne's heart, Eddie kept his love life a secret. There were a couple people that weren't serious, but that's as far as Wayne knew. Eddie asking about love, though? This was new.
"I haven't got time for falling in love, Uncle Wayne, I have way too much shit to worry about, and it's a bunch of bullshit anyway", were the words of Eddie just a year ago.
Wayne knew his nephew craved love but at the same time viewed it cynically, so whoever this person was must be special to change his views.
"Why'd you ask boy?" Eddie's cheeks turn pink and he shrugs, gulps down the warm coffee and almost scalds his tongue. "Ahh shit!" his eyes widen when there's a knock on the trailer door, and Wayne gets up to answer it; he knows who it is even before he answers.
You're standing on the step, a D&D book tucked under your arm, smiling at Wayne with just a little bit of shyness this time which was an improvement.
You hurry inside and tell Eddie you'll set the books up in his room.
For six months, you'd been visiting the new trailer (all paid for by the government, so no questions were asked about the old one), and it took a while for you to relax around him; now that you did, it was like your second home and Wayne was used to you being here.
You had been visiting on your own, but sometimes with Harrington and Dustin, Wayne doesn't know what went on during Spring Break, just that Eddie was injured during the earthquake, and you were there for him every step of the way.
His wounds had healed but left scars, and sometimes Eddie woke up screaming after horrendous nightmares, not when you were around, though. When you were around it helped Eddie, helped the both of you work towards healing.
The fact that both of you were obviously falling head over heels in love with each other, is something that Wayne has kept quiet about, waiting until Eddie approached him about it.
Today was the day.
Wayne smiles gruffly. "This about your girl?" he nods to you as you head into Eddie's room and Eddie's cheeks darken even more.
"Yeah, yeah it is. She's amazing, isn't she, Wayne?" he enthuses; I just wanted to ask. How do you know it's love? I mean shit, I uh look at her, and she feels like home, and I don't want to be with anyone else ever; I feel like I can be myself around her, and she'd never judge me; she makes me tongue-tied and my heart races and she's so distracting and I... I'm in love with her" he sighs content then looks up at Wayne panicked.
"Shit, I don't even know if she feels the same?" Wayne sighs, he adores his nephew, but the boy is completely oblivious at times.
"Son, she looks at you like you hung the moon so why don't you quit horsing around and ask her out" Eddie looks like all of his Christmases have come at once.
"You really think so?" He asks hopefully and his eyes light up when Wayne nods. "Maybe I will talk to her then" Wayne then proceeds to watch his nephew practically melt at the sight of you; that was something that so very rarely happened with Eddie, so he was completely smitten.
Here's hoping that he did pluck up the courage to talk to you.
It's late when Wayne comes home from work; the TV is on, so Eddie is still up, and Wayne would bet that you're here too.
Wayne sees the two of you giggling together, holding hands and exchanging kisses, there's a big soppy smile on Eddie's face and he only has eyes for you.
About damn time. Also, Hopper owes him a glass of his best scotch so he will make sure to collect that too.
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unclewaynemunson · 11 months
Pt1 | Pt2 | this one is the last part!
After Steve has dropped Nancy off at her house – and Nancy has talked some courage into him – he drives to the uglier part of town, over Cornwallis and then into Forest Hills. He can only hope Eddie is home. If not, he'll try Jeff's house, and then Freak's or Gareth's. He had to promise Nancy he'll keep searching even if it has him ending up at Reefer Rick's boathouse again.
Luckily, no such search actions seem necessary when he gets to the trailer park: as soon as Steve opens his car door, he can hear loud music emerging from inside the Munsons' trailer. Even though it isn't exactly Eddie's usual taste, something tells Steve that Wayne definitely isn't the one who put this one on.
Should have known better than to cheat a friend And waste a chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you
He knocks on the door, but is not surprised when no one inside seems to hear him, so he pushes it open to let himself in instead.
He finds Eddie sprawled out on the floor in front of the old boombox. His eyes are closed, but even from Steve's place in the doorway he can see how swollen and red the skin underneath them is. His hair is spread out around his head on the floor like a dark halo, and his fingers are restlessly tapping on his own arm to the melody of the saxophone solo.
Steve finds himself frozen in the doorway, captivated by simply watching Eddie lying there in his own bubble while the music slowly fades out. Despite the sadness radiating off him, there's something weirdly beautiful about it, and Steve can't look away, can't move, can't make a sound.
Then, Eddie suddenly sits up; his index finger is already stretched out towards the rewind button when Steve clears his throat to make his presence known. Eddie whips his head towards him with a startled sound.
'Jesus Christ, what the hell?!' he yells out. 'How long have you been standing there? No, you know what, don't answer that, just get the hell out!'
'Eddie, I-'
'I don't wanna hear any of it, man! I thought – no, I'm not talking to you. Fuck you.' Steve knows it's supposed to sound angry, but Eddie's voice starts wobbling dangerously towards the end of his sentence.
'Eddie, please just hear me out,' Steve says, stepping further into the trailer. The end of Careless whisper has left a deafening silence in its wake. He half expects Eddie to cover his ears and start singing loudly, but he's only met with a teary-eyed death stare and crossed arms.
'I'm not seeing any girl, Dustin got it all wrong,' he starts to explain. 'I wanted to tell him who I was really seeing, but I couldn't - not without your permission - so I told him I was seeing someone. Meaning you. I haven't been seeing anyone ever since that first time we kissed. I didn't need to. I've only been thinking about you.' He pauses. It's scary, to let himself be vulnerable like this while Eddie is still looking at him like he despises him. But he takes a deep breath and pushes himself to say it all.
'I don't want to see anyone, boy or girl, ever again, as long as I can have you, Eddie. I promise. I've been falling for months, but I didn't wanna scare you off with any labels you might not want for us – but you're it for me, Eddie, one hundred percent. I never meant to hurt you like this. It's all a big misunderstanding; there's no one else for me.'
Eddie is still sitting on the floor, looking up at Steve with wide, teary eyes. Something in his face has slowly shifted while Steve was talking; the harsh lines around his mouth have turned softer and the betrayal in his eyes has made way for something Steve can only hope to be good.
'You wanted to tell Dustin about us?' is all Eddie says, his voice croaky.
Steve takes another step towards Eddie, then crouches down to the ground until he's sitting right next to him on the worn carpet.
'I mean, I know I don't wanna hide what I'm feeling for you. Especially not when people are thinking I'm going out with some girl when all I want is to be with you.' He reaches out to grab Eddie's hands in his own. 'So yeah, I think I wanna tell Dustin. And everyone else, basically. That is, if we're on the same page about what we are.'
Eddie frees one of his hands from Steve's grip to wipe it over his eyes. His palm is wet when his hand finds Steve's again.
'What about boyfriends?' he says, a hesitant smile creeping onto his face.
Steve squeezes his hands, unable to stop a matching smile of his own appearing. To hear that word falling from Eddie's mouth... He had expected it to feel good, of course, but he had never anticipated it to feel like this: like the whole world suddenly makes sense again.
'Yeah, I can do boyfriends,' he answers, his voice breathy with the multitude of emotions bubbling up inside of him. 'That sounds – sounds good. Great. Perfect.'
Eddie surges forward to catch him in a kiss that's a bit wetter than Steve is used to. Steve happily kisses him back, though, and he can barely suppress a shiver when one of Eddie's hands makes its way upwards over Steve's back and into the hair in his neck. There's a softness to his touch that easily drives Steve crazy with relief.
When they pull back, both of them are smiling dumbly and breathing heavily.
'I'm sorry I had so little trust in you,' Eddie tells him.
'That's okay, I understand,' Steve is quick to answer. 'As long as you leave listening to George Michael to me again from now on.'
Eddie makes a face, causing a big frown to appear between his eyebrows, along with all kinds of wrinkles around his nose.
'God, I can't believe you witnessed that and still wanted to be my boyfriend,' he says, adding an exaggerated shudder for extra dramatics.
Steve clenches his arms tighter around Eddie. 'You won't scare me off that easily,' he murmurs. 'It was kind of adorable.'
'It was pathetic.'
'Yeah, a little bit. But in an adorable way.'
Eddie rolls his eyes. 'You're an idiot, Steve Harrington,' he says. 'But... In an adorable way.'
Taglist: @withacapitalp @ultimatedreamer104 @irregular-child @jcmadgirl @estrellami-1 @myguiltyartpleasure @hallucinatedjosten @jaybren @thew1ldblueyonder @melodymeddler @alycatavatar @zoeweee @lolawonsstuff @fairy-princette @saramelaniemoon @phirex22 @krazyperson @xxsky-shockxx @candlecatsblog @goodolefashionedloverboi @jojobeaner @pinkdaisies1998 @giverobinagfbrigade @therealscarletpumpernickel @darkwithcoferie @duraffinity @lyriclight @almondflavoredbookworm @kingelyx @vampire-eddie-brain-rot @m-owo-n @altermagic @sirsnacksalot @littlebookworm86 @platinum-sunset @chaosgremlinmunson @morganski-19 @cam-cat-writer @slime-hoe @bat-outta-hel @justsearchingformystory @notfromtwitter @ashwinmeird @marklee-blackmore @warlordess @breealtair @pansexualhousecat @louwilsonscreamingpapa @inikokoru (more tags in the replies bc tumblr is being a dick again)
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etherealxwitch · 1 year
High For This
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie gets a new strain of weed from his dealer and it sends the tension boiling over into something you’ve always wanted.
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), drug is (weed), mutual lining, teasing, oral (m and f receiving,) fingering (f receiving), dirty talk, pet names, finger sucking, squirting, slapping, choking, rimming (m receiving), breeding kink, unprotected sex, creampie
WC: 3.5K
(yes, this is a re-upload, but i still hope y’all enjoy!)
Remember to reblog and support the author!
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As soon as you set foot in the trailer, smoke surrounded your body. You could feel it as it guided you through the small trailer and into Eddie’s bedroom. 
You found him, lying on his bed, his eyes closed and enjoying the almost finished joint in his hand. “Knew I’d find you here," you plopped down beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. “Are you going to share or just make me suffer?” 
Eddie rolled his eyes at you before finishing the joint. You laughed as he coughed. The hit obviously way too big for him, “with that attitude? I’ll make you suffer.” He laughed with you, already rolling up another smoke to share with you. 
This became a routine with the two of you very quickly. You’d come over after a work shift and just unwind with him. Smoke and a movie or some music, anything to make you forget the rough day you always seem to have. 
“I got this new strain from my guy.” Eddie handed the lit joint to you and you quickly plucked it from his fingers. He was always taking care of you. “It hits you fast, so be careful.”
You put a hand over your heart and faked being emotional. “Oh, Eddie! What would I ever do without you looking out for me?” 
“Probably die, who knows?”
The second you took a hit, the smoke filled your lungs in such a blissful way. It was as if you could already feel it take the weight off your shoulder, and push every stressful thought to the back of your head. This is what you look forward to everyday. 
“Holy shit,” you coughed and quickly handed the joint back to him, tears forming in your eyes. “You weren’t wrong about this being strong.”
Immediately, it felt like the effects of the weed were hitting you like a train. You felt like your body was floating above the bed, and when you got a good glimpse of Eddie lying beside you, suddenly, something changed. 
You noticed his eyes and how they got a little bit brighter from the sun shining through the blinds. You saw how his jeans hugged him just enough that you could see his bulge in his pants. 
Eddie noticed you staring at him, how your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as your eyes raked down his body. 
His cock jumped when you made eye contact with it, and you couldn’t help but let out a gasp. It was bigger than you imagined, and you haven't even seen it yet. 
“You see something you like?” Eddie adjusted himself, turning his body to the side, so he was facing you.
Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to look for an excuse for staring him down and all but undressing him with your eyes. 
“I- I was just,” you were stuttering. Eddie had caught you red handed, and you haven't a clue how to explain yourself. 
“It’s okay, I really don’t mind.” His hand roamed down his body, stopping above his jeans, fumbling with his belt. His nerves were starting to show. “If you want more, I’d love to put on a show for you.”
Usually, neither of you was this confident with each other. Was it the weed? Or was it finally feelings and tension that was always there coming to a head and spilling over?
“A show?” Your mouth watered at the thought of seeing Eddie fully. And the thoughts that floated around your head? You couldn’t shake them. 
“I’ve been wanting to for a while, really.” He undid his belt, purposefully slowly. “I can stop if yo-“ 
“No, don’t stop.” You moved his hands from his belt, undoing it faster and tossing it over your shoulder. “I want to watch.” Your voice was barely a whisper, suddenly becoming shy. You had to take this opportunity, though. It may be only a one time thing, and you couldn’t miss out on it. 
Eddie pulled down his pants, just under his ass. You could see the bulge more prominent now, see it throb through his boxers. This is something you’ve always wanted to see, and now that you are, you’re not sure how to react. 
The joint that you two had started to smoke now lay in the ashtray, long forgotten.
“You wanna touch it?” Eddie softly grabbed your hand and guided it to his clothed cock. 
Your hand touched it, felt it throb, and goosebumps rose across your body. “Oh- oh my god.”
“I’ve always wanted you to touch it,” he slipped his boxers down, his cock hitting against his happy trail wetly. 
Precum leaked from the slit of his cock, and you felt your mouth water with need. 
Eddie’s hand wrapped around the base of his cock, pumping ever so slowly. You watched as his stomach muscles tensed, his cock throbbed in his big hand, and the precum leaked down the tip. You’ve never seen something so hot; so beautiful. 
“Just sit back and relax, okay?” Eddie positioned himself so he was sitting, facing you. The only thing you could focus on was him. 
You were in awe as you watched Eddie spit in his hand before wrapping it back around his cock, squeezing at the tip. Precum kept bubbling from the slit, and the urge to take him in your mouth was at the front of your mind. 
“You know what’s got me like this?” His hand sped up just as his other came down to cup his heavy balls. The schlick sound of his spit mixed with precum flowing to your ears. “You, you and your body. Fuck- the way you’re looking at me with those big, innocent eyes.”
Your pussy clenched around nothing, a silent beg to be filled with Eddie’s cock. “M-me?” Never did you think that he got this hard over you. 
“Yeah, sweetheart.” Eddie locked eyes with you, as he kept pumping his hand over his cock, squeezing it, imagining that it was your pussy instead of his hand. “Even before this, it’s always been you on my mind.”
“Eddie, I-,” you gulped, placing your hand over his. “I don’t want you to cum unless it's inside me.” 
Knowing that he was like this because of you made you feel like you could do anything you wanted to. Watching him jerk off and look at you while he does it, gave you confidence like you never had before.
Quickly, Eddie stood up from the bed and stripped himself of the rest of his clothes. He stood in front of you, naked, hair and tattoos scattered across his skin. You’ve never wanted someone more. 
“Are you sure you want this?” He pulled you to the side of the bed, your legs now dangling to the floor. Eddie bent down, making him eye level with you. “There’s no going back.” 
You took a deep breath and nodded, not being able to find the words to tell him just how sure you were.
A nod wasn’t good enough for Eddie. He gripped your cheeks with his hand and squeezed them. “I need to hear you.” 
“Eddie, I’ve never been more fucking sure of something in my life.” You spread your legs, showing him just how sure you were. The wet spot darkening your shorts. 
It was silent as Eddie laid you back against his bed, his touch gentle and slow. He lifted your shirt away from your stomach, pressing soft kisses across it until he trailed up to your bra. 
Taking matters into your own hands, you slung off your shirt, it ending up somewhere in Eddie’s messy room. 
Eddie, not wanting to waste anymore time, reached behind your back and unclasped your bra, sliding the straps off your shoulders. His cock jumped when you took it off the rest of the way, your nipples hard and begging for attention. 
It only took you looking down at Eddie for him to wrap his lips around one of your nipples, rolling his tongue around it, and nibbling on it. His other hand finding your other tit, squeezing it. 
“I’ve craved this for so long,” your voice cracked from pleasure. Eddie had barely started, and it felt like you were on fire. 
For a second, Eddie pulled away with a smirk on his face. “Let’s make it last then, yeah?” 
He kissed across your chest and back down your stomach. His hands popped the button on your pants, and your breath hitched in your throat. 
You helped Eddie, sliding your pants and panties down your legs in one go. Your arousal stringing to your panties as they were pulled off. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie spread your legs wider, getting a good look at just how soaked you were. Your pussy shined with the wetness. “Is this all for me?” He kissed your inner thigh, patiently waiting for an answer. 
“Yes, it’s all for you.” Both of your hands grabbed the back of his head and pulled him forward. You needed to feel something, anything, against your pussy. 
“Now, now. Be patient, baby.” His finger slid up your slit, barely putting pressure against your swollen and throbbing clit. “Where’s the fun in rushing?” 
The second he finished talking, he easily slipped a finger inside you. Your pussy immediately clenched around it, and you couldn’t help the whine you let out. “Eddie…” 
“You sound so pretty when you say my name like that.” 
Without another word, he dove in like a starved man. His tongue flattened against your clit, putting the perfect amount of pressure causing you to pull on his messy hair. 
Eddie groaned against you, not just from you pulling his hair, but from how good you taste. Your pussy flooded his taste buds, and he wanted more.
“I'm never going to forget how good you fucking taste,” his voice was muffled as he practically smothered himself in your pussy.
“Just like that,” you always heard Eddie ate pussy like a god, but to have him eating your pussy? You’re a believer now.
Eddie pulled his finger out of you, both of his hands gripping the back of your thighs and pushing them against your chest. This angle was perfect for him to slide his thick tongue inside your aching pussy. 
Letting out a strangled moan, you sat up from the bed and looked down at him. His lust blown eyes were looking right back into yours, right into your soul. “Right there, Eddie!” You looked around for anything to grab ahold of, needing to sturdy yourself. 
A sweat broke out over your body. You were so hot, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could hold your orgasm at bay. 
“You gonna cum for me, pretty girl?” Eddie wrapped his plump lips around your clit, his teeth grazing at it. 
You felt pain and pleasure all at once, and you let out a sudden scream. “H-holy…” you threw your head back against the pillows just as Eddie’s hands came up to grab at your tits. 
“Do it, do it now.”
The words left his lips, and your orgasm consumed you. Your whole body shook, and your legs clamped around Eddie’s head. “Yes, yes, yes,” you couldn’t say many words, the pleasure taking over your whole mind and body. 
Eddie hummed against your pussy as your orgasm gushed in his face, dripping below you on the sheets. “That’s my good fucking girl, make a mess.” He slid two fingers in, curling them against your g-spot and pumping them in and out fast enough that you were crying out in pleasure. 
“Eddie! I can’t take much more.” Your legs continued to shake around his head as you soaked him and the sheets. 
When you finally opened your eyes, your vision was blurry. You felt euphoric. 
You felt as Eddie placed soft kisses across your legs and up your body, stopping at your lips. “Open your mouth.” 
His fingers slid inside your mouth, your tongue swirling over it and cleaning up the mess you had made. “You taste yourself?” You licked your lips, letting yourself really get a good taste. “Tastes like heaven, huh?” 
“Coming from your mouth, yes.” You used what little strength you had to flip the two of you over, Eddie now under you. “Now, it’s your turn.”
Eddie gripped the back of your head, pulling hard. “Think you can take it all?” He grabs his cock stroking it, tapping it against your thigh. “Gonna stretch your mouth wide open.” 
You smirked as you kissed down his body, sucking on his neck. You left sparse hickeys, wanting him to remember this after it was all done. “I want you to make me take it.”
He moved to the side of the bed, smirking as you crawled to your knees in front of him. “Make you? Oh, baby, you might regret that.” 
Your soft hands rubbed up his tattooed thighs, squeezing his soft skin. “I don’t think so,” your lips kissed along his inner thigh. “I like it very rough.”
Without warning, you took his cock in your mouth, suckling in the tip and swirling your tongue around it. You were in heaven as the salty taste of his precum hit your tastebuds. You had found your new favorite place to be, on your knees in front of him. 
Eddie let out a choked sob, his eyes immediately squeezing shit. “Oh- oh, fuck.”
He pushed your head down, his balls pressed right against your chin. Drool dribbled out of your mouth, coating his heavy sack. 
“You said you like it very rough, yeah?” Eddie thrusted up into your mouth, his cock sliding further down your throat. You gagged around him, your throat constricting. “Then fucking take it.”
You closed your eyes, trying to breathe through your nose. The pain of him using your throat was mixing perfectly with the pleasure you were feeling. You could feel yourself drip down your thighs. 
Eddie slapped your face, his rings stinging your cheeks perfectly. “Keep your eyes open. Look at me while my cock is stuffed down your throat, baby.”
You pulled up from his cock, spit trailing from your mouth to it. Your hands wrapped around him, pumping, and squeezing just like had done to himself earlier. “Like this?” You bit your lip and batted your eyelashes up at him. 
Proudly smirking to yourself when he couldn’t answer you.
“What if I did this?” You licked down the underside of his shaft before taking his cum filled sack into your warm mouth. 
“God, that’s so fucking hot.” His fingers laced through your hair, pulling and making you whine. 
You licked over his balls, inhaling his scent. You accidentally dipped your tongue lower, swiping over his tight hole. 
The loud whine Eddie had you let out had you quickly pulling away. “I-I’m so sorry, shit.” 
Eddie laughed, pulling your head back between his thighs. “D-don’t be sorry, just do it again.”
Your tongue dipped under his balls again, spreading his cheeks as you licked around his puckered hole. You hummed as your tongue slipped further, the tip of it sliding in.
“Holy shit! I-,” Eddie spread his thighs further apart. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”
Eddie’s hand on your head didn’t let up, he held you still as he grinded his ass against your face. Your tongue and spit making his hole a wet, hot mess. 
You moaned against him, your hand trailing down your body and finding your clit. You timed your rubs with the licks over his pretty hole. 
The sounds of wet schlick echoed off the walls, you couldn’t tell if it was from your pussy or his ass. Either way, you didn’t want to stop listening. 
“Touching yourself while you eat my ass? You dirty fucking slut.”
Eddie talking the way he was, only egged you on. Your tongue slid deeper inside him, making sure to lick everywhere you could. You couldn’t stop; you didn’t want to stop. 
“I can’t take it anymore. I need to be inside you, inside your pussy,” Eddie quickly pulled your head away, your mouth swollen from being used. “And I only want to cum if I’m inside you.”
You pushed him down on the bed. He crawled up the bed until he was sitting against the wall and resting against the pillows. “Someone’s in a rush.” 
“I just need you,” you straddled his waist, hovering over his waiting and aching cock. “So bad.”
Eddie grabbed his cock and ran it through your folds, getting it wetter. “Yeah?” He grabbed your hips and slipped the swollen tip of his cock inside you. “Then what are you waiting for, pretty girl? I’m all yours.”
You sank down the rest of his cock, until you were perfectly seated. The thatch of his pubic hair catching against your clit. “I’ve never had someone so deep, fuck.”
Quickly, you rocked your hips back and forth. You and Eddie groaned in unison, his hands coming to stop your hips. “Slowly, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” 
Eddie reached over to the forgotten joint and relit it, placing it between his lips. He helped you find a slow rhythm, grinding your hips slowly against him. 
“You feel so good inside me,” you placed his hands on his chest, looking to sturdy yourself. “I don’t want it to stop.” 
Slowly, Eddie inhaled, letting the smoke fill his lungs before pulling your head close to his. Your lips barely touched his as he exhaled the smoke into your mouth, filling your lungs now.
You moaned at the action, at the feeling of his cock brushing against your g-spot. Your orgasm was starting to creep up on you. You could feel it travel in your veins, and all over your body. The weed was helping it come faster, taking over you. 
Eddie flicked out the joint and flipped the two of you over while he was still deep inside you. He pinned you between his sweaty body and the mattress, the weight of him leaving you with nowhere to go. 
“You look so good under me,” his hand wrapped around your throat. He held your head still as he slowly kissed you, molding his rough lips with your soft ones. 
“Please, just- just fuck me!” You locked your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of you. “I need you to fill me up with your cum, I need it to drip out of me.” 
“Yeah? You want my cum?” He quickly pulled out before slamming back in, making your body move up the bed. “Want me to put a baby in you, huh? Really make you mine?” His hold on your neck became tighter. 
“Please, give it to me!” You raked your nails down his chest, leaving red marks in their wake. “I want to be yours, always have, Eddie.”
His cock felt like it was splitting you open, and you craved more. 
“You’re so wet for me.” His hand left your body and found your clit, running harsh and fast circles. “You gonna cum for me again?”
You nodded your head fast, repeatedly. “Yes, please let me cum, please.” 
Eddie rested his forehead against his, “cum for me, fucking cum for me, sweetheart.” 
You let go as your orgasm crashed. Your toes curled and your mouth opened in a silent scream. Everything around you became white as you came around Eddie’s cock, gushing around it and soaking his waist and everything below it.
“Yes, baby. Just like that!” Eddie came with you, his stomach muscles tightening as he filled you up just like you said he would. 
His eyes stayed open though, he needed to see you cum. “You look so pretty when you cum on my cock- shit.”
It felt like hours had passed before you felt Eddie pull out of you, bringing you back to reality. He laid beside you, his body touching yours as the two of you caught your breath. 
“I never thought that was ever going to happen,” you looked to the side, catching Eddie looking right back at you. 
He let out a breathy laugh, turning his body to the side to get a better look at you. “I’m glad it did, I’ve been waiting.” 
“You have?” 
“I meant what I said when I’m all yours,” Eddie pulled your sweaty body closer to his. “If you’ll have me that is.” 
“With the sex like that? Who am I to pass it up?” The high from the weed and sex was starting to wear off, and so was the feeling of your soon to be sore body. 
“You want to go again?” Eddie held up the baggy of drugs, a mischievous grin on his face. 
“Yes,” you sat up and searched in the messy bed for the lighter. 
“I want you to do that thing with your tongue again.” 
You shot him a wink, “I’m so glad you don’t have to be high for me to do that.”
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wildesqdreams · 2 years
teen vogue
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pairings - drew starkey x actress!female!reader, the outer banks cast x actress!female!reader (platonic).
summary - outer banks cast plays "truth or dare" on teen vogue.
warnings - mentions of tomdaya, drew eating a spoon of mayonnaise, spoilers for outer banks if you haven't watched the show... and my shitty writing.
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a/n: i haven't really seen any new drew fics, so after watching the outer banks interviews, i decided to write something. i litterally cannot wait for obx season 3, like literally. okay, hope you enjoy :)
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"we're the cast of 'outer banks' and we're here with teen vogue to play truth or dare."
the actors played rock, paper, scissors with each other to know who would go first. madison won, as she beat y/n since the two girls were left last, resulting in her starting first.
"i think because i'm first, i feel like it's okay to play it safe, so," she put her hand in the bowl in front of her, "we're gonna go with truth."
the girl read the paper, she pulled out, "whose trailer is the messiest?" and like that she momently answered, "i'm gonna say jd."
carlacia beside y/n said, "i knew that was coming,'' while looking at the boy.
jonathan spoke, "what about y/n?!"
"hey," the girl turned to him, " my trailer is clean on the weekends," that made drew let out a chuckle.
"okay, well, first of all... it's not just my stuff in that trailer," the boy stated, making the cast laugh, "when john comes in there, he's got his whole workflow going, you know what i mean?" he drank his coffee.
madison continued, "you're right, i don't have a roommate so my place is pretty tidy, but the pro is, it is the 'mario cart' trailer," she pointed back towards jonathan.
carlacia added, "it's the gaming trailer."
"i set it up for everybody... everybody, everybody comes in and plays in my trailer," and others agreed with what the boy said.
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"i'm gonna go with truth," y/n leaned forward and took a piece of paper out of the bowl.
she unfolded it and read, "oh, this is a good one," she let out a laugh.
the girl felt drew lean down. feeling his warm breath on her ear, as he spoke, goosebumps appeared on her arms, "kiss, marry, kill - pope, jj, and rafe," he leaned back, eyes remaining on the girl, "interesting."
"why's there not john b?" chase asked.
"he's sarah's man," jonathan answered, as chase nodded.
madison looked at the girl beside her, "sooo, y/n... what's it gonna be?"
"well, obviously i'm killing rafe."
"hey," austin said, "you could change him."
that made y/n chuckle, "by getting a bullet in my head? no, thanks," the cast laughed, "and, ummm... then i'm probably kissing jj and marrying pope."
drew dramatically put a hand to his heart, "ouch."
the comment made y/n smile and shake her head.
"why not marry jj?" madelyn asked, tilting her head, so she could see the girl.
y/n looked at her hands in her lap, as she fidgeted with her fingers, feeling nervous about talking so much. the girl felt a hand come to her back. it was drew, softly rubbing up and down, "i feel like jj gets in a lot of trouble, so i just couldn't handle the stress because of him, and... i'll leave him for someone else," she lifted her head back up while looking at the camera, "you'll found out in season 3."
madelyn nodded, and austin spoke up, "doesn't drew cause trouble?"
"yeah, a little, but i can handle it."
the girl heard carlacia mutter beside her, so she could only hear, "it's called love."
she felt drew's touch disappear and she looked back, at him, seeing him smiling at the camera, "well... i'm gonna pretend that i didn't hear that," he then looked at the girl, still with the smile on his face.
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"throw me the dare bowl," jonathan asked.
y/n grabbed it and turned to give it to him, hearing madison beside her say, "okaayy".
he picked out a piece of paper and read, "talk to the camera and tell your celebrity crush that you like them."
"this is great," carlacia spoke.
"oh, boy... all seven of them?"
the cast laughed and y/n said, "you could try, maybe you'll get a call from one of them later."
"from zendaya," drew added.
"pfftt, yeah, only in my wildest dreams where tom holland doesn't exist," laughter again was heard from the comment, "that was a joke, we love zendaya and tom," jonathan spoke in a serious tone.
"tomdaya forever," chase said, as the cast nodded agreeing.
jonathan looked at the camera, "y/n y/l/n," at his words everyone giggled.
drew looked at the guy next to him, smiling, "ay, man, wait a second."
austin chuckled, "someone's stealing your girl."
"i'm kidding, i'm kidding," jonathan looked back at the camera, "zoë kravits," laughter yet again was heard.
madison, giggled, "why do we have the same?"
"i mean c'mon," he continued.
madelyn looked at him, "i think she'll go for it."
"she's already fallen," y/n said.
austin added, "yeah, you got her."
"well, i don't know."
"channing tatum is out. out of this," madelyn confirmed.
"no, i can't... i'm, i'm not as magic as mike, but," the girls laughed, "i'll still make your dreams come true."
"oooh, that was a good one," y/n nodded while looking at him.
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drew leaned forward, while making grabby hands, "give me truth."
y/n gave him the bowl, and he smiled, "thank you."
he picked out a paper and read, "who's most like their character in real life," there was silence before he added, "me?"
the cast laughed, while drew mouthed 'no', as jonathan spoke, ''let him speak his truth.''
drew smiled, "actually... actually, yes."
"y/n?" austin asked, "is he?"
"yeah, am i?" drew looked at the girl, who was sitting on the couch in front of him.
"oh, yeah, definitely... he's kind and lovely, exactly like our sweet rafe," she let out a laugh.
she looked at him, as he continued talking, "umm, i'm gonna go with the old rudy boy,'' his gaze locked with y/n's, ''cause he is a tasmanian devil."
the cast chuckled and drew's lip corners lifted when he saw his girl smile.
''for sure,'' carlacia agreed.
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austin looked at the second bowl, "i'm gonna go with dare," and once again y/n passed the bowl to him.
he had picked out a piece of paper with the text 'eat three crackers and then sing your favorite song' written on it. the boy made a face that made the others laugh.
while austin was putting the crackers in his mouth, madelyn said, "we can actually help austin with this,'' and y/n agreed.
"yeah, yeah," jonathan nodded.
the boy with the full mouth counted, "one, two, three," before the cast started singing the song 'charlie, last name wilson' by charlie wilson.
as they finished they all clapped, "yeaahh."
y/n felt something on her shoulder. as she turned she saw drew cleaning the crumbs off of austins leg, which landed on her. he looked at her and mouthed a 'sorry, baby,' as he brushed her shoulder.
she laughed with the others when austin said, while eating the crackers, "i need a water, need a water."
jonathan added, "he's dying.''
after he got the water bottle and took a sip, he looked at the camera, giving thumbs up, "okay, we're good."
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carlacia had already picked truth, "oh, god," chase and y/n leaned to her sides to see the text, as she read, "read the last text message you sent," she looked at the camera, "no chance, we're not," she didn't even finish before they all started laughing.
jonathan clapped, "oh, shoot, they couldn't..."
"NO,'' carlacia leaned on y/n shoulder.
a few seconds later, the girl grabbed her phone. as drew said, "let's go, yeahh."
"oh, i know what it's gonna be," the girl beside her said.
"i texted tanner and i said 'can you get me and y/n super bowl tickets'?" and the room was filled with laughter again.
"running sharks.''
"make it happen."
carlacia smiled, "rihanna's in the super bowl this year, and... we're on the hunt for tickets."
"we love rihanna," y/n added.
"yeah, we do."
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drew couldn't even rest from the pickle shot with jonathan because the next dare was for him to eat a spoon of mayonnaise.
austin was really nice and picked a lot of mayo from the jar for drew.
he grabbed the spoon in one hand and the jar in the other, as he looked at the camera, while austin said, "c'mon now... you got this from north carolina."
and with that drew ate the mayonnaise.
everyone was shocked and disgusted and gagging at the sight, while the boy enjoyed the mayo.
"it's like ew."
he even swallowed it, which made y/n stare in shock.
austin gagged, "i don't like mayo."
"i don't like it either," jonathan stated.
chase laughed, "y/n won't be coming home with you."
"yeah," y/n shook her head, "definitely not," she turned back to face the front.
"we'll see about that," drew smiled down at the girl.
when he was done he breathed heavily, while austin patted his back, "what a champ."
y/n looked at him and scrunched her face, "god, you smell like mayo."
"lovely, no?"
"absolutely no," she looked at jonathan, "i'm gonna be living with you from now on."
and before anyone could say anything he leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "no you won't."
the girls beside y/n gagged at the smell, "ew, what the fuck, drew!!!" but the boy just smiled, while drinking his water, feeling proud.
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"thank you teen vogue for having us, see you next time!" the outer banks cast ended the video after the last dare, which was for jonathan.
and like every other interview, it ended on a happy note ended, because laughter was heard, when madison howled like a wolf.
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taglist: @willowpains @rana030
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wynnyfryd · 10 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 33
part 1 | part 32 | ao3
Chapter 8
cw: period-typical attitudes/language
"Steve," Robin hisses through the phone, and he can practically hear her nostrils flaring. "I have been trapped at Uncle Bobby and Aunt Deb's house for six. days." She drops her voice to a harsh whisper, the tone somehow even more disapproving at a lower volume. "HOW have you not kissed him yet??"
"It's not like I didn't try!" Steve throws his hands up; nearly knocks his broom to the floor. He's finally sweeping up the shards of glass in the living room, because he's tired of wearing shoes in his own house (and because at some point he's going to have to have the kids over whether he wants to or not. He's kind of surprised Erica hasn't shown up demanding to hang Christmas lights yet; that girl is aggressively festive.) "He was all 'ask me in the morning,' so I was gonna ask him in the morning! Not my fault it was Monday morning and his stupid uncle barged in yelling about how he was going to be late for school."
"You really shouldn't call him stupid," she interrupts, "that man is a saint."
"No, you’re right. Wayne's awesome."
It’s true. Wayne walked in on them that morning, like, fully spooning in their sleep — Eddie pressed all along Steve's back with an arm over his waist, their ankles intertwined — and rather than beat Steve's ass and ban him from their house like Steve expected him to, he just awkwardly grunted 'breakfast is ready' and shut the door.
"I'm always right," Robin gloats in his ear.
"You're always the worst."
"You love me." Steve hears shuffling as she adjusts the cord — probably wiggling around to lie on her stomach on the bed and kick her feet up in the air the way she likes — and then she says, "I'm still not seeing how this explains the other five whole days, though."
Jesus. Five whole days. Like she's his unimpressed boss and he’s late with the quarterly reports. "Our schedules kept not lining up! And then he went out of town with Jeff's family for the holiday."
"And you haven't called him?"
Steve glares flatly at the phone; hopes she can feel it through the line. "Literally how would I do that, Robin?"
"Well— I don't know! Maybe..." She hums in thought then snaps her fingers, talking fast. "Ooh! You could ask Wayne for the number? I mean, he'd have to know it in case he needed to reach Eddie, right?"
"Uh huh." Steve loves her solution-oriented brain, he really does, but that's one of the worst ideas he's heard in a while. (And he's including Mike and Dustin's attempted kidnapping last month.) "Yeah, let me get right on that," he snarks, switching the phone to his other ear. "I’ll just call them up and say, 'Hey, Mr. or Mrs. Jeff's Grandparents! This is Steve Harrington, may I—? Oh. Who's Steve Harrington, you ask? Nobody, sir or ma’am, just the kid who stood by and watched while his teammates gave your grandson a swirlie two years ago, so I'm sure he fucking hates me still for that! Anyway, can I please flirt with your house guest now?'"
Robin's whinnying into the receiver by the time Steve finishes his rant, and he begrudgingly laughs along with her, shaking his head as he stoops to pick up the dust pan.
"Okay," she concedes. "You may have a point."
"Thank you."
"But you still have to do something to make up for this when he gets home! Otherwise, he's going to think you're, like, having a straight boy crisis or something and get all weird."
"I'm not having a 'straight boy crisis,'" Steve rolls his eyes. He's having a bisexual boy crisis — at least, according to the three hour phone call he had with Robin the other night (which was humiliating, by the way; he never thought he'd be quietly crying tears of total confusion while saying the words 'I still likes boobies, though' out loud. Jesus Christ. Sexuality is embarrassing.) "And I already have a grand gesture in mind, anyway."
"Oh?" Robin perks up. "Do tell."
"I was thinking we could, like..." Hmm. It's sounding less grand when he goes to say it out loud. "Well, shit, I don't know. I thought we could go to one of his shows together when you get back, but now that sounds kind of lame?"
“No, that's good! That's perfect, actually. We can get a whole group together to go support him, then he'll see that you're not embarrassed to be seen around him with your friends."
"Wait, was that a concern?" Oh, god. He dumps more glass into the trash can; hisses when a little shard gets his fingertip; sucks the wound into his mouth. "Are you sure it’s not-? I mean, I want him to know I mean it in a romantic way, not just a friendly gesture."
"Well, yeah, obviously. But you can't just go by yourself; his bandmates hate you."
Oh, right. “Yeah.” That would be pretty awkward to loiter in a booth by himself all night while Jeff and Gareth and the other kid glare daggers at him. "Do you think you could get a group together? If I do it…"
"…We'll be hanging out with a group of dorky freshman all night?”
"You know what? Tell Deb and Bobby they can keep you."
"Ah!" Robin gasps. "You would turn to stone like a troll in the sun without me, and you know it!"
Man, he misses her. "Yeah, I know it." He puts the broom back up on the hook. "When ya comin' home?"
"Soon, I hope. I swear to god if I have to hear Deb and Patty fight over the leftovers one more time—!" She cuts herself off with a strangled noise, and Steve laughs at her plight. "Anyway, yes. I'll ask some friends at school—"
"—Is one of those friends Vickie?"
“I can multi-task; shut up."
"I love you," he smiles.
"Love you, too, dingus.” Her voice dips soft and sincere for just a second; there and gone. “Hey, I have to go, Carrie wants the phone.”
“You have too many relatives.”
“Ugh, I know. Okay. Leaving for real now; can't wait to see you for Operation Woo Your Man!”
"Robin, no-!”
“Got to go byeeeee.”
“We’re not calling it that!” He holds the phone out with both hands so he can yell into the receiver. “Robin? Robin!"
The line's already dead.
part 34
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Are you sure? 1st trailer
Well well well.
1st trailer for our most anticipated show of the year just landed.
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We got a super wholesome, what looks to be chaos filled trailer, with what has most likely become a full on continuous banter between those two of "are you sure?".🤣
39 seconds trailer and so much to break down. And to take it all in you have to watch it time after time after time, every time noticing something new. Can you imagine what we'll be going through when the actual show comes out? Lmao. This is going to be absolute torture for the cult (already creating an alternate reality where Tae was there, and even showed up in the trailer - the umbrella shot). I might even feel sorry for them. Nope. I really don't.🤣
Ok, so let's start to break this down. What did we get?
They both look so happy. This is them. Together. Freedom looks so good on them. Can you imagine? Being able to travel just the two of them, experience the things they love.
For JM it's travelling and sight seeing, for JK it's being with JM and the experiences, not to mention the randomness of it:
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(And while they didn't go to 130911 - funny how the 13-10 and 9-1 are there, eh? - they got to do the random part of it, as much as their circumstances allowed it).
All with minimum interference from staff and fans that might recognize them. Freedom to do this just the two of them, all in the guise of work. This show, you have to understand, gave them a once in a lifetime opportunity to do this out in the open without all those unnecessary questions that would follow otherwise. This gives them the option to be together, be themselves, without having to cross that line that they still might want to, but have the choice of deciding if and when that will happen.
And we will see that in the editing. What we are allowed to see and what we aren't allowed to see (out of hours and hours of footage not to mention the hours and hours that weren't filmed). Just how far they will go. And that is also why I am positive that the two were fully involved in the editing of the show, them giving the final word.
This here:
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It's not for nothing that JM brings this up. This is how they felt. Especially there and then. July 2023. In CT. Following a grueling year. With JK's full on promotions and crazy stressful schedule to come. Feeling free in the moment is what they felt indeed.
Can you even imagine how they were feeling during their Japan trip?😭😭
Let's unfold a little more of what this trailer gave us.
We got JK's JM smile. You just cannot fake it.
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We already recognize it.
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And talking about faking it, another blow for all the antis. Cry, scream, have a tantrum. None of them will change the FACT that both JK and JM wanted this and were having the time of their lives.
The way JK looks in the mirror to check out his bae.💜
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Check on/check out same same. He wanted to see that cute ass face JM was making, cause no one loves cutie goofy dorky JM as much as JK does. NO ONE!!! Fight me on this!!
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But it's not a one timer. As mentioned JK is smiling all of the time. They both are so happy, and it makes me happy to see how happy they were.
We have a sunset 'date'.
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They do like those.
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Golden hour and all.
And the moon gazing too. I wonder if we will be getting that as well...
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*Side note - that moment is such an underrated oh so very intimate moment.
And talking about dates and romance and intimacy, this moment here:
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Although the trailer is very innocent, just two bros on trips together having fun together, especially to those that don't know JM and JK, those that are unaware of just how close those two are, those that haven't seen RB or Hickeygate or Melon 2018 or even watched JK's 2023 lives. Those that just don't see. This moment here is anything but a 'bro' moment. Sorry. It just ain't.
Watching the clouds. Drawing the clouds.
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We have them sharing a hat. Nothing new them sharing clothes and accessories.
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We also got the black and white couple once again.
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Is this one more of those Jikook in their own world moments?
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And this moment here:
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This is so Jikook. In the rain. Messing around. Can't wait to see this in context.
This is but a drop in the sea of what we will be getting.
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And just before I wrap things up, let's get back to my fave word -
It was definitely a choice to have both SGMB and SNTY as sound tracks to this 39 second teaser.
Using 2 songs for such a short trailer. Basically bookending (again?) the trailer with those two songs.
Using their 2 songs, not surprising.
Using those specific 2 songs, well, that was a choice indeed.
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Crazy thoughts incoming, so feel free to skip.
But having SGMB at the start - a song about confessing your love and being open about your love for each other - even more so playing during those not so 'bro' moments on the yacht (sunset and cloud watching together), and then playing SNTY at the end - the song about fighting for your love, not letting those that don't approve of it separate you, weathering through hardships - seeing them still together and giggly and happy, they have overcome it, they are committed and happy.
This is going to be friggin amazing, and I just cannot wait for it.
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holdmymallowsweet · 1 month
tag nine people you want to get to know better!
thank you @myokk you're the sweetest ❤️ I've never done one of these before but I'll give it a try:
LAST SONG? - Challa by Rabbi Shergill (lately I just feel like having Bollywood songs playing in the background while cooking)
FAVORITE COLOR? - I like warm and earthy tones but also dark Greens and Blues
CURRENTLY WATCHING? - The 8 Show (which is absolutely fantastic and I highly recommend it)
LAST MOVIE? - Smile (which I was a bit sceptical about based on the trailers but it's actually really good)
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? - Sweet! Cakes and stuff, but there's also a lot of sweet main dishes in Germany and I like those a lot
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? - taken, but I like to keep my private life private
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? - my Ominis fic, and also all the fantastic Sebinis art and fics I've found the last couple of weeks
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? - "my apologies" because I wanted to make sure that really is a polite/formal way of saying "I'm sorry" and that I haven't been using it wrong the whole time
tagging (not sure who'd be into this and if you're not, just ignore this): @sparxyv, @ps-cactus, @pr0serpinas, @huffleflufflefly, @rypnami, @alibasnur, @ravenwind-75
(I know that's not nine so whoever else wants to do this, feel yourself tagged❤️)
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Wake Up Call
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Summary: Mornings were absolutely divine, especially in the company of one sweetheart of a metalhead— Eddie Munson. Even if he wasnt much of a morning person. You show him just how good a morning can be when you're together.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), fluff, blowjobs, oral sex (m receiving), morning sex, reader loves giving Eddie head, Eddie being a screamer, Eddie's morning voice, established relationship, face fucking, deep throating, crying during sex (not the reader), Eddie being a sweetheart, and a partidge in a pear tree.
Word count: I have no clue, babes, I wrote this on my phone 🥰
A/N: Holy shit. I am so self-conscious about this fic, you guys! I haven't posted a full length one-shot in so unbelievably long. I feel rusty. But! I'm posting it anyways! I still feel really good about this one. Anyway. Let me know what you think! Reblog, comment, send an ask, a carrier pigeon, a fax, a telegram, a kindly worded email— I would really love the feedback 🥰 it's nice to be back to writing, and I hope you love it as much as I do. Ok, I'll let you go now. I love you 💖
Kisses 💋
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The morning was still, a simple, peaceful hush hanging over the town of Hawkins, Indiana. Birds whistled their songs in a gentle voice, the trees barely rustling in the breeze as the world dreamt a little while longer. With the sun peeking over the horizon and Wayne already en route to work, the little trailer was serenity embodied.
You'd been up for a while doing nothing in particular as you waited for dawn to break. You loved watching the sun rise from Eddie's bed, the sunlight always seemed to pure shining through his curtains. With the new light slowly filling the room, you were finally able to properly see your boyfriend. Eddie lies beside you on his back, hands tossed across his chest haphazardly, his hair tossled carelessly around his face in a halo of chocolate curls and locks. The blanket that covers you both hung low on his hips, showing off the tattoos scattered across his alabaster skin, he ran a little hot at night and the summer heat was enough for him to toss the blankets aside. Your eyes trace the lovebites you left all along his exposed throat and the scratches along his meaty shoulder, a pleasant result of last night's vigorous activities.
The familiar surge of desire floods your body at the memory of last night, it sends a shiver up your bare spine. You bring one hand to his warm chest, drawing lazy lines as you scoot closer and closer to him. A smile tugs at your lips when Eddie twitches slightly, goosebumps pricking his skin like yours. Your hand glides lower and lower, you weren't in a hurry, no. There was more than enough time in the world for you two, right now.
As your fingers brush along the light dusting of hair on his tummy, Eddie can't help but shiver. Even in his sleep, Eddie was always so responsive; aching for your touch, your kisses, your love. He rolled his head to the side, breathing peacefully as he sleeps still. You watch his face for any signs of consciousness, when you find none, you chuckle softly. Your hand teases the edge of the blanket the covers his lower half. A prominent tent rests between his legs, the sight of it has you moaning softly. Your mouth watered with a hunger you knew well, you needed to taste him.
"G'morning, Princess," a raspy voice slurs. You heard the smile in his words well before you saw it. His face was soft from his slumber, eyes puffy but warm with love, his annoyingly charming smile lazily strung across his pink lips.
"Good morning," you whisper, bringing your hand back up to cup his cheek, leaning in so your lips brush against his ever so slightly. Eddie wastes no time closing the distance between you two. Eddie hums happily into the kiss when he feels your body melting into his, your legs tangling with his, his nornally bright voice was always unbearably deep and husky in the morning. The movement of his lips on yours distracts you enough from his arms slowly capturing your waist, holding you to him. He needed his morning kiss to function.
Finally, when breathing became a priority, Eddie relaxed his head back down on the pillow with a satisfied grin. Two rough hands slid across the bareness of your back soothingly as he looked up at you, he noticed the gleam in your eyes, even in the low light of early morning. The realization of your desire made his grin grow twice as big, his cock twitching excitedly with his heart.
"Whatcha lookin' at me like that for, pretty girl?" He teases, he knows exactly what you want. He just loves hearing you say it. You bite your plump lip to suppress a smirk, your hand leaving his cheek to float down his throat and chest.
"I wanna taste you, Eddie," you purr to him, not missing the way his pupils dilate at your confession, a shiver racking his body as your fingers tease the skin at the edge of the blanket once more. Your lips descend to his collarbones, sucking at the pale skin in the way you know drives him wild. "Please?"
"F-Fuck, yes. You can taste me, Princess," he whispers as if the air was knocked from his lungs. The devious pleased giggle you make against the curve of his neck is absolutely sinful, but Eddie can't help but grin wickedly with you. He feels your kisses deepen as you dip lower and lower, your hand finally cupping his morning wood gently— you always were a little tease.
The deep groan that rumbles in Eddie's chest when your warm fist surrounds his base echoes in the brightening room. Streaks of sunshine finally cutting through the blinds to illuminate your actions perfectly. Eddie lifts his head to watch your hand stroke him beneath the blanket, the duvet shrouding your movements, making it that much more erotic.
"Oh fucking hell, that's good," he groans, his hips pushing into your hand eagerly.
"Yeah?" You taunt softly, speeding your hand up ever so slightly. A surprised yelp breaks his deep moans when your teeth nip at the black widow spider inked into his chest, you give the demon head just below it a tender kiss with a pleased giggle before dropping lower and lower. The wet kisses you leave along his body has Eddie fisting the pillow beneath his head.
He fucking loved when you sucked him off, especially since you fucking loved doing it. The way you'd drop to your knees and take him into your mouth so happily, so eagerly— Eddie was wrapped around your little finger from now until the end of time.
"Jesus Christ," he sighs when you toss the blanket down and settle between his legs. You drag your free hand down his side, still steadily jerking him off with the other. You hum at the sight of his hard, throbbing dick, your hand slowing down to appreciate the way his shaft pulses. Your mouth waters to taste the beads of salty precum that ooze from him, but instead you latch on to his twitching thigh, biting the flesh there as you continue to teasingly stroke him.
"Mmmm," you moan, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as you taste his skin, the heady scent of his manhood filling your senses. The strong yet lean muscle of Eddie's thigh tenses as you inch higher and higher. As much as he wants to believe you'll finally take him into your mouth, he knows better. His guess is proved right when you switched to his neglected thigh, opting to decorate it with hickeys and bites as you did the first one.
"Fuck— Princess, please, have mercy," he groans with a smile, his hands gripping the pillow a little harder. You chuckle and answer him with a kiss to the most recent hickey you were working on. Eddie watches as you finally bring your tongue to his head, he watches the pink muscles greedily clear away the drops of precum.
"O-Oh, fuck, yes," he moans as your lips encase his tip, his eyes fluttering. Yours stay on his face, enjoying the way his eyebrows furrow and crease with pleasure. With a slack jaw, Eddie lets out the pretties sounds you've ever heard; deep, throaty moans that bubbled from the pit of his chest and echoed throughout the unclean bedroom. His words slur together as you take more of his length into you, finding a slow and steady pace to bob your head.
This happened every single time, he couldn't believe how fucking good your mouth felt. How hot, how soft, how fucking wet you were. You moan as he fills your mouth, your hand not holding his base strokes his hip and inner thigh, knowing how sensitive he was there. The shivers you get in return tell you that he loves it. The vibrations of your moan has Eddie's hips twitching, stuffing more of himself into your throat.
"F-Fuck! Fucking hell!" He curses through his teeth, his eyes shut tight as he tries to calm down.
"Mmmmm," you moan again, watching as his face contorts once more.
"Jesus!" He shouts a little louder than intended, his eyes opening only to roll as you speed up ever so slightly. The sloppy sounds of his cock slowly fucking your mouth was going to drive him crazy. "Baby, ple— a-ah!— faster! Faster, God, please, faster!"
The rawness of his voice and his begging was more than enough to convince you. With a deep breath through your nose, you speed up. Your tongue flat against the underside of his shaft to guard him from your bottom teeth, and your hand moving from his base to cup his balls. The moment your soft hand comes into contact with his aching balls, Eddie does all he can do to keep from screaming; his balled up fist shoved into his mouth.
"Ohhhhmygod!" He cries from behind his hand as you play with his balls, his body writhes uncontrollably at the onslaught of indescribable pleasure. One, two, three more bobs of your head and you've swallowed him completely, your nose brushing against the patch of dark curls at his groin and his tip nestled deep in the heat of your throat. Unable to fight it anymore, Eddie's hand leaves the pillow to grip the back on your head fiercely, an unintelligible scream pitifully muffled by his fist.
The sounds erupting from your lover above you has arousal practically spilling from your untouched cunt. Your thighs rub together with need as Eddie's thighs tremble and spread for you. The grip he has on your head limits your movements, unable to pull off more than an inch or two, at best. In quick, jerking motions, he fucks your face eagerly as he listens to you gag around him. Your eyes, clouded with tears, flutter shut, allowing yourself to lose yourself in his pleasure.
Soon, you both find a rhythm. It's fast and dirty, primal, frenzied, lustful. Perfect. Eddie's deep moans raise in pitch, now sounding like a pitiful whimpering mess. Your own moans grow in frequency, knowing he's close to blowing his load down your throat, just like you want. The twitching of his cock signals his impending high.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck—!" Water gathers at his lower lashes. He couldn't help himself.
Eddie's head slowly begins to lift off the bed, his abs contracting as the pleasure mounts higher and higher, his voice suddenly gone. His hand leaves his mouth to join the other on your head, his fingers going rigid, his eyes stare up at the ceiling in an unfocused gaze, chin tilted towards the heavens as his pretty brown orbs roll and flutter uncontrollably. The smart mouth that is quick with a joke or a witty comment is left hung open in a silent scream, he holds his breath, his entire body drawing painfully taught when the pleasure is suddenly too much for him to take.
The first rope of his hot seed shoots into your throat as Eddie goes still, tears spilling over. He swears on everything holy that he's ascended to heaven, his vision is white and blinded with bursts of light as you milk him dry. You pet his hip as he cums, swallowing his seed with eager gulps, his lungs burning with the lack of oxygen. Each time your throat contracts around his length, his muscles pull tighter.
Finally, the last bit of his cum is cast out from his body. The strength quickly drains from Eddie, his grip loosens from your hair as he falls back on to the mattress, his eyes drooping shut on their own accord. You release him with a pop, gasping to catch your own breath. Through the water in your eyes, you see Eddie's relaxed face, his body limp above you.
"Eddie?" You call softly, your voice gravelly from your throat being wrecked. When you get no response, you crawl up his body, taking note of his breathing and erratic heartbeat. He's out cold.
You can't help but laugh a little before gently petting his sweaty head, brushing his bangs off his sticky forehead. Eddie comes back to you softly tapping his cheek, his ears ring like a bitch but he can hear your melodious voice over the din.
"Eddie, baby, wake up, come on, open your eyes for me, honey," you sound far away, but your words get clearer and clearer. The first thing he sees is your relieved smile, and he just can't help but tiredly smile back. "Hi, there, handsome. You ok?"
"Huh-huh," he grumbles from deep in his chest, speaking was far too complicated for him right now. You had well and truly sucked him stupid. Sleepily, he nuzzles into your hand that now cradles his cheek.
"Ready for a nap, big boy?" You coo and pull the blanket over you both. He hums an affirmative and weakly slings an arm around your waist, holding you close to him. On instinct, you bury your face into his neck as you settle in beside him.
A nap couldn't hurt.
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Dividers by the amazing @firefly-graphics
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shipmansflannels · 4 months
in the heights | natalie scatorccio x reader
hey! I'm back! I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, really. but I'm happy with the engagement and the new followers here on the blog, welcome everyone and I hope you like my stories below. I haven't made the masterlist yet, but as soon as I do, I'll pin it to organize it better. this first oneshot is super cute, I hope you like it. I'm also not going to open requests for now, but I'll leave my ask open in case you want to send me messages and interact through it too! thanks for following along! enjoy!
sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
in the heights | natalie scatorccio x reader
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-> prompt: you and natalie at a ferris wheel. but it gets stuck. <-
warnings: non cannon, no crash, most fem!reader but it works for gender neutral readers too, natalie having a soft side, a lot of swear words, very cliché and gay.
"I already told you I don't want to go. That's for children."
You laugh, watching Natalie blow out the last of her cigarette and use her worn-out sneakers to crush it on the floor. The two of you are leaning against a street light, but you're more focused on the popcorn that's almost gone and the noise of the kids screaming behind you, enjoying the huge roller coaster, or the carousel, or yelling for their mom to buy more tokens to hit the clown's mouth and win a damn stuffed bear.
It's your last year before heading off to college, but you're not old enough to enjoy the rare amusement park event when the mayor is in a good mood, which is why you make a point of not only inviting Natalie, but the rest of the girls on the team.
The difference is that you're not as close to them as you are to the platinum blonde who's snorting as she's being bumped into by a four-foot-tall boy who's running after another boy whose height you haven't yet identified.
"Oh, please, it's just going to be a single ride. I really want to see the city from up there", you insist, using your best whining voice, to try to convince Natalie to join you on the ferris wheel. She rolls her eyes as you shove another handful of popcorn into your mouth. "Then we can go on the ghost train, since you want to be that frightened."
"You know I hate the ferris wheel, (Y\N), no way."
Natalie was always closed off about her feelings and desires - and unless it had to do with addictions, cigarettes and drugs, you'd never guess any of the things she was passionate about. Of course, you knew about her problems with her father, her terrible relationship with her mother and how much she wanted to buy a trailer in the park closest to her school so she wouldn't have to live with this nightmare again, but otherwise, none of Natalie's fears were obvious to you.
So it was fun to hear her complain, in her usual grumpy mood, about how she hated rides on the ferris wheel.
“It’s not that bad,” you tried once more. "One ride, I promise. I'll give you one of my cigarettes later, don't worry."
Natalie huffed again, rolling her eyes at you, and put her lighter in the pocket of her old moss green jacket before walking over to you.
"Just a ride and then it's over. It's not a question."
You nodded, shrugging and swallowing hard, before starting to walk beside her. Oh, one more thing about Natalie that you knew since you met her: she hated holding hands.
"I swear I'm going to kill you. It seems like a good thing to push you from the highest point, don't you think?"
Natalie proposed, whispering through clenched teeth as the ferris wheel monitor buckled you up and closed the cabin. There was a noise in the background, coming from other laughing children and families in the cabins behind, so Natalie had to get a little closer to you to whisper in your direction.
"Ah, come on, it's going to be fun!", you murmured, in your usual joy, looking to the side and enjoying the view of the park before the ride started to rise. "But if you feel unwell, I can ask the monitor to stop first and come down."
"It is not necessary."
She murmured, taking a deep breath, and you felt like there was too much air gathering in Natalie's lungs. With your free arm, you passed it over the cabin, around the platinum blonde, in an attempt to comfort her. It didn't help, but you were sure you saw her lined eyes relax a little.
And then, the ride began. The families behind you screamed loudly when the cabins started to rise a little, and then they started laughing when theirs stopped in the air and slowly descended, giving a good view of the city from up there.
You looked away again at the huge windows and the landscape, even though you weren't so high up. It felt good to reassure Natalie at that moment, her fear feeling like it was going to leave her body and hover like a cloud of dust above your heads.
"Are you okay?"
You laughed, making a mental note and finding it amusing that Natalie always used colloquial language when she was scared. Suddenly, she looked down, and her clear eyes widened again.
"Holy shit! Why are there two guys down there? And why does it look like they're arguing? Oh, God, don't tell me we-"
You looked down, just to see where she was looking, and then, suddenly, the voices of the families became clearer, as if they purposefully escaped from the windows of the cabins straight into yours. "we're stuck!" "it looks like the toy broke!" "damn, bunch of irresponsible people!" "I want my fucking money back!" "get that fucking toy down soon, buddy!"
Gritting your teeth, you looked at Natalie, and you were sure that she had heard at least half of the whispers, or, well, at best - and probably the most terrible - she had enough intelligence to figure out what had just happened on her own. to happen.
"Fuck me," she muttered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Once, twice, three times. And then, you grabbed her with your free arm by the collar of her shirt, the back collar.
"Calm down, it's just a quick stop, it's supposed to give more excitement. Soon the ferris wheel comes back, just try to breathe", you whispered, and obviously it didn't help at all.
"I'm not five anymore, (Y\N). Don't act like you're my fucking parents."
"Hey, don't freak out, it won't help…", you clicked your tongue. "Well, how about if we just try to distract ourselves while the toy doesn't come back? Make small talk? There are some things going on that you haven't told me yet, right?"
You don't know how this caught Natalie's attention, but you saw that her face had returned to its usual paleness, and that she had raised an eyebrow in your direction.
"What are you talking about?"
"Why, the most obvious. You and Travis Martinez, what else?"
She rolled her eyes. "It's not what you think. He's just my friend. Just like you are too."
Ouch, that one hurt. It would have affected you more, of course, if you had even had feelings for Natalie, but obviously you had nothing more than a friendly affection for her, and in truth, her and Travis' sudden closeness wasn't bothering you in the slightest. in an unhealthy way…
Absolutely not. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
"Just friends? Oh, sure, like, okay then…" You took another deep breath, and then blushed when you saw her raised eyebrow again. "It's just, like, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would hang out with our gang…"
"You mean he doesn't look like a rebellious kid?" Natalie scoffed, biting her lip and looking away from you. "Yeah, I mean, you'd be surprised by some things about him."
"And how come you know so much, huh?"
She pursed her lips. You had used an intonation that definitely wasn't as ironic as you thought it would be, and in fact, maybe that would have surprised Natalie. You were about to open your mouth to apologize, when she spoke first, her eyes fixed on you and that cheeky smile that only she knew how to give.
"Damn, I didn't know you were that possessive, (Y\N)…"
It was your turn to roll your eyes.
"And I'm not. I don't give a shit about your circle of friends, okay?"
"It's not what it looks like…"
"Okay, let's change the subject…", you pursed your lips too, looking away. "Did you buy the hair dye? Your roots are turning black again…"
She nodded, but that sleazy smile was still on her lips as she looked the other way. In fact, it only disappeared when she realized that you guys weren't coming back down, and that it would probably take hours to do so.
"This shit's never going down again, is it? What the fuck…"
You laughed, looking at her again and shaking your head. "You know, if you're so scared, you can hold my hand. I won't bite you unless you ask me to."
Natalie rolled her eyes again, looking at you with closed eyes. She hated vulnerability, especially when it was her own. Her hand slid across the space in the seat that separated the two of you in the cabin, and then, her fingers caught yours, lightly, as if they were magnets attracting each other.
"If you tell anyone tomorrow, I'll kill you," she whispered, her teeth clenched and her gaze still very serious. That made you laugh and eased the blush on your cheeks a little.
Suddenly, like an answer to her silent prayer, the cabin gave a sharp start and threatened to descend. This caused Natalie's already trembling and vulnerable body, barely secured in the seat belt, to fall until it reached your arms. You held her just in case, but she made sure to lean on your waist to straighten herself up again.
"Oh, God, I think I'm going to throw up," she murmured, returning to the fear inside her. You watched her and, in a rush, had an idea that might help. Well, it helped you with your now rare panic attacks before a decisive test in class.
Instinctively, you grabbed her cheek, pressing your faces together at a considerable distance. Her eyes were on you, but specifically at the level of your nose, and she seemed shocked by your unexpected attitude.
“What the fuck are you doing?”, she whispered, her lips barely moving.
"I'm trying to take your focus away. Pay attention to other things, don't fucking look down," you replied, your tone as neutral as possible, your eyes focused on her. But your closeness was incredibly suspicious and, even if you denied it, it took away some of the attention that should have been hers. Clearing your throat, you whispered again. "Do you feel better?"
Natalie didn't answered. She closed her clear eyes and took another deep breath, swallowing hard. And then, her pale, calloused hands touched your shoulder. At first, it seemed like an attempt to push you away, but then, suddenly, when she unexpectedly pressed your lips together, you understood everything.
Responding to the kiss as best you could, terrified that it would be clumsy, you let your mind wander to the darkest parts, and you also understood that you always wanted, deep down, for this moment to happen. And then, after minutes of the wind in your hair and your body getting hot with the blood bubbling almost to your head, Natalie finally did what she normally would do, using the grip on your shoulders to pull you away from her.
"Fuck, this wasn't supposed to happen," she whispered, trying to apologize. And suddenly, she fixed it. "I mean, maybe it was, but not like this. I guess I was just a little… too vulnerable, my bad."
You laughed, blushing once more before holding her hand again, this time placing your palm on hers.
"It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. You look cute with that soft side," you whispered, nodding. "Well, not like that…"
"Don't be stupid, of course it's like that," she murmured, raising her eyebrow. "Okay, I'm not going to punch you in the face because you kissed me and because you have feelings for me."
"For the record, you were the one who kissed me."
She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, fuck. Nobody cares."
Suddenly, the ferris wheel gave another start and, finally, with the screams of satisfaction from all the families who were still waiting up there, it started working normally again. Natalie sighed, still holding your hand in hers, and you smiled, relieved, looking away.
"Just promise me one thing, (Y\N)?"
"Anything, Nat."
"That you won't tell anyone that we kissed-"
"That you kissed me."
"Whatever! Don't tell anyone, do you hear me? Or I'll change my mind and punch you in the face, yes."
You laughed before pulling her closer with your free hand, by her chin, and kissing her once more. "Don't worry. It'll just be our little secret for now."
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ttt-youngy · 21 days
Lollipop : S.JY
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Summary : You please Jaeyun by using your mouth (for the first time).
Genre : smut, soft, romance
Warnings : Jake × F! reader (actress), established relationship, blowjob, titty fucking, nudity, mention of cum and genitals, almost a first time. MNDI
Count : 3,82k
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You walk into your hotel room after escorting the spa girl out. As you enter, you pause for a moment to observe the three bodies spread out across the gigantic bed in the luxurious room your father had reserved for you. The bed was so big that everyone could fit in it without any problem.
-When did they fall asleep?-you protest, pointing at Jungwon and Heeseung’s girlfriend, addressing the only one awake in the room. You know that, under these circumstances, it will be harder to send them to their respective rooms.
-I have no idea, but the bed is incredibly comfortable, so I’m not judging them-, Sunoo answers, as he continues searching for something on Netflix. -You know? Aside from your mess, I don’t understand why you insisted that we use another room. This is clearly the best one out of all.
Sunoo adds as he gives you an inquisitive look and narrows his eyes.
-You were only going to share it with Jake, right?- Sunoo asks, catching on to the real reason you seemed so eager to empty your room. -What time were you planning on leaving us to go with him?
You roll your eyes, sliding down the bed to occupy the space that had been left for you, between Kim and Heeseung’s girlfriend.
-I haven't seen him since I set foot in this hotel. Obviously I had plans to meet him too- you say obviously, resting your head on the softness of the pillows and letting out a sigh as you feel your tired legs tingle at the incredible comfort.
-It's a shame, because this is officially a sleepover- announces Sunoo, selecting a movie after watching a few seconds of the trailer.
-It's a shame- repeats the girl next to you in a whisper, keeping her eyes closed, but with a mischievous smile appearing on her lips.
You part your lips, dismayed by the arbitrary liberties she just took.
-We never agreed that we would spend the whole night together. We were supposed to spend some time relaxing and then each of us would go to our corresponding room- you complain, although you also start to get interested in the movie that Sunoo has chosen.
-For how long? Until your boyfriend is available for u?-Sunoo retorts, taking a bite of the snacks resting on her chest. -I’m afraid you won’t get your way this time, little princess.-You huff, resigned, as you settle yourself into bed. However, you were beginning to reconsider your plans to see Jake. You muse on how even Nishimura Riki might get upset if Jake dared to leave their shared space until dawn to be with you. After all, Ni-Ki would probably want to spend time playing and relaxing with her hyung after finishing concerts in this foreign country. You didn’t want Ni-Ki to see you as an annoying intruder, nor did you want your new friends to feel used.
Your mind keeps spinning, remembering what Heeseung's girlfriend had told you when you went to find her in her room. Her comment had been direct and sharp, questioning you bluntly why you weren't with your boyfriend. But, the truth is, you were dying to see him too.
-Come on, don't be like that. I love you two so much, I even hired the skincare girl for us. You're not my second choice; I could be watching the game with him, but I also wanted to spend time with all of you-you say, trying to dispel the tension.
Sunoo watches you for a moment, and then his expression softens.
-It's okay, I was just joking- he answers, showing you his adorable smile. -But I'm afraid that pair really is asleep, and I won't dare wake them up. I'll leave that decision in your hands, or, you and hyung could agree on another meeting point.
You look at the pair to your left, and you feel absolutely self-conscious about waking them up, especially since they looked absolutely comfortable sleeping. Jungwon and Heeseung's girlfriend seemed to be in a deep, peaceful sleep, their breathing soft and synchronized, showing how comfortable they were at the moment.
You debate whether to wake them up or let them rest. In the end, you decide not to disturb their peace. They must be so exhausted, and guilt comes back to you when you remember that your friend had to extend her schedule for the contingencies of yours.
-Ash! I can't do it because they look so cute like this,- you murmur, turning your face towards the television. A small sign of indecision appears on your lips as you consider all your possibilities, except for the one of upsetting your friends.
Just then, the phone in your hand vibrates, announcing the arrival of a text. Curious, you unlock the screen and see a notification from Jake;
“I’ll be up to your room soon, the game is almost over.”
Your heart skips a beat as you read the message. You feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. You look at your friends, at the TV, and then back at Jake’s message. You have no idea what the right thing to do is at that moment.
“My guests have no intentions of leaving, they overslept. So, I guess I’ll have to see you tomorrow before I leave.”
You reply to his message and lock your phone by resting it on your chest, almost instantly it vibrates in response.
“So, boo? Should I use my hyung card and send Ni-Ki to Sunghoon or Jay?”
You sigh, knowing that Jake would be willing to do anything to see you. You'd feel guilty if he were to take Ni-Ki out of his space just to be with you. You didn't want any more awkwardness to be created between you and the younger boy. Besides, you knew that Ni-Ki wanted that time with Jake as much as you did.
"No, Ikeu. Ni-Ki needs his time with you so he doesn't feel left out, my last wish is for him to feel insecure with me and our relationship. So, spend time with him tonight. We'll have our time later, sweetheart."
You send the text and put your phone aside, feeling helpless and calm. You sit up, looking for the chips you wanted to eat now that you felt so torn.
-Where are the fries I picked out?- you ask Kim, noticing that they are nowhere to be found.
Sunoo joins in the search with his gaze, but ends up shrugging.
-I think they were left in the bag I left in my room. Do you want me to go make sure and bring them back?
You smile slightly at his kindness, but shake your head.
-Okay, I'll go get them. Do you think Sunghoon is awake?- you say, getting out of bed to grab your robe and put it on.
-It's possible, but here you have it in case he doesn't answer- Sunoo takes the card out of his pocket and hands it to you-. Don't take too long, the movie is getting good.
-Don't worry, I'll be back soon- you reply, taking the card.
You leave the room and head towards one of the ones that his agency reserved for them. As you go down in the elevator, you take the opportunity to check the last message Jake sent.
"I miss you ."
The butterflies in your stomach are activated when you read those words. You get out of the elevator and take a deep breath, trying to contain your desire to go to his room, which was on that same floor, and throw yourself into his arms to accept him sending Nishimura with the others. You respond quickly, trying to keep your composure.
"I miss you too. See you tomorrow, I promise."
You put your phone in your robe pocket and continue towards Sunoo and Sunghoon's shared room. You knock on the door first, not wanting to invade the personal space of your boyfriend's best friend, who was probably still on the phone with his girlfriend. When you get no answer, you decide to use the card Sunoo offered you.
-Sunghoon?-you call upon entering, but you find the place empty.
Faced with this, you take the opportunity to rummage through Sunoo's things in search of the fries. Once you find them, you take them and head for the exit. Just as you are about to close the door, you are startled to hear the screams and exclamations coming from one of the adjoining rooms. Almost instantly, Jake, Sunghoon and Ni-Ki appear in your field of vision. Disoriented, you watch as Sunghoon grabs Ni-Ki by the shoulders and leads him on a celebratory run down the opposite hallway, while your boyfriend approaches you shouting, "Hey!"
In the blink of an eye, your feet lose contact with the ground and the fries fall from your hands as Jake effortlessly lifts you onto his shoulder, carrying you back to the bedroom. With a mischievous grin, he lightly slaps your butt, ignoring your protests.
-Jake, put me down!-you laugh, trying to sound annoyed, but the joy in your voice gives you away.
-Don't even dream about it. You think I'm going to let you go that easy?-he replies, as he gently places you on the bed and leans over you, his eyes shining brightly as he looks at you.
-I told you we'd see each other tomorrow,- you murmur against his lips at the proximity of them, your voice barely an intimate whisper.
-I couldn’t wait this long-he replies, caressing your hair with a tenderness that melts your heart. -Even if it’s just for a moment, I had to see you.
You feel his lips press softly against yours, a gesture that always makes you feel loved. You pull away a little to look into his eyes, and he focuses his attention on you, his fingers playing with a lock of your hair.
-You’re the best part of my days,-he whispers, his voice full of sincerity. -I’ve told you before. No matter how tiring the concerts are or how far away we are, I always want to be with you.
-And I’m with you,-you reply, your fingers gently tracing the line of his jaw. -But don’t you think Ni-Ki must be wondering about you?
Jake sighs, still with a smile on his lips.
-Probably- he admits-. But this moment with you is worth any claim. Besides, I have faith that Sunghoon will be able to distract him. He and Sunoo decided to lend us their room for as long as we want.
The idea of having a private moment with Jake in the middle of the hustle and bustle of their lives makes you feel a wave of happiness. You link your arms behind his neck, enjoying the warmth of his body on yours. His fingers continue to caress your hair as he looks at you with an intensity that makes your heart beat faster.
His familiar and warm scent envelops you, and you close your eyes, enjoying his caresses.
-I feel like at any moment he's going to come knocking on the door incessantly just to annoy us- you say, laughing at the simple imagination.
-He won't. Otherwise, Sunghoon won't get the Gucci jacket we negotiated- he confesses, making you open your eyes in shock.
-You're amazing- you say, admiring his dedication and love-. I don't know what I'd do without you.
-And you don't have to find out,-he replies with a smile. "Because I plan to be by your side forever."
Jake leans down and kisses you again, this time with a passion that makes you lose your breath. The kiss deepens, and you lose yourself in the warmth of his lips, at the same time, his hands, firm yet tender, run along the skin of your leg, firming it around his hip, bringing you even closer to him.
The brush of his fingers against your skin sends shivers of pleasure through your body, and you cling to him. You feel his breathing quicken, syncing with yours, creating a perfect, harmonious rhythm between the two of you. You moan against his lips, feeling his hardness pressing against your throbbing intimacy. You knew that if you didn't change the situation, you would want him inside you, and you definitely didn't want to abuse the last of your energy in his body. The temptation to keep going is strong, and you know that if you don't stop now, it will be hard to stop. Jake needed to rest.
With a conscious effort, you break away from the kiss, placing a hand on his chest to stop him.
-Jake, you're exhausted. I don't want you to push yourself any harder than necessary,-you murmur, looking at him with affection and concern.
He shakes his head, resting his forehead against yours. His caresses becoming more insistent.
-I would never be tired for you- he answers softly, his tone full of sincerity-. Your pleasure is the greatest of rewards. There is nothing that makes me feel more complete than seeing you shudder with pleasure because of me.
Biting your lower lip at his words, you feel a shudder that shakes your insides. You quickly remember that in all their encounters, Jake had always given you the lead without hesitation.
-Today I want to be the one who takes the lead. Relax and let me make you feel good, okay? - You say, while your hand descends towards his crotch, placing it on the bulge in his pants, making him hiss.
-No, sweetie. I will continue with you, you come first- He resists, trying to stop the movements of your hand.
-Don't you trust that I will do it right? Or... are you wearing your Thor boxers again? - you question, pausing and raising an eyebrow, although you suppress the laughter that your last question provokes. However, Jake does laugh at this.
-You're never going to forget that, right? - he says, slightly embarrassed, but the love in his gaze leaves you enthralled - What am I going to do with you?
You resume caressing his member trapped in his jeans, licking your lips as you feel it grow under your touch. Your mouth was already watering.
-Let it be me this time. Come on, love, I want to taste you- you say in a soft moan, clinging your teeth to your lip and bringing your eyebrows together in a pleading gesture.
-Oh, I definitely can't say no to you. You're my weakness,-Jaeyun admits, closing the distance with a kiss and clinging to your leg to spin with you, leaving you on top of him.-Do with me whatever you want.
You smile against his lips, sliding your hands under his shirt to feel the firmness of his abdomen. You waste no time and sit up a little to remove his shirt. Jake is cooperative, also sitting up to make the task easier for you. Then, you gently push him so that he is leaning on his elbows and you kiss him again, while your hand rests on one of his pecs.
-Just enjoy it,-you whisper in his ear, starting a trail of kisses that goes from his jaw to his neck. Then, you ascend again with your tongue, playing a little with him. This makes him gasp, while his fists clench taking the fabric of your robe in his hands.
In that instant, you move away from him, letting the garment fall. You prepare to tie your hair with the hair tie that you always wear on your wrist. All this happens under his watchful gaze, and you can see the exact moment when his Adam's apple lowers with difficulty, biting his lip in anticipation. Especially when you kneel in front of him, while he remains seated on the edge of the bed.
-You drive me crazy,- Jake confesses in a husky tone, his eyes shining with desire as his hands slide down the straps of your silk dress, causing the garment to fall and expose your breasts. He lets out a moan, evidencing his adoration for that area of your body.
With a seductive smile, you begin to unbutton his jeans. You feel his breathing quicken, and when you finally free him from his underwear, his member reveals itself in all its firmness. The sight of his erect penis makes you lick your lips in anticipation. Therefore, you take it in your hand, caressing it gently before leaning down and leaving a kiss on the tip, never once breaking the connection of your gazes. His gasps urge you to continue, and soon your tongue traces a slow and pleasurable path along his length.
-I don't know how much longer I can take it,-he lets out in a tight sigh, letting his head fall back as you finally cover his member with your mouth, continuing to pump his length with your hand as you slowly push in more of him each time.
Every moan that escapes his lips motivates you to continue, savoring every reaction you provoke in him. You take your time, enjoying the way his body responds to your touch. His moans and sighs make you feel powerful, finally understanding what he meant when he told you there was no better feeling than this; seeing your partner writhe in pleasure for you. You moan in response as you watch him almost scream in pleasure, trying hard not to hold on to your head, letting you do it at your own pace.
Your tongue and lips work in perfect harmony, causing his breathing to become erratic. Every time you take him deeper, his body tenses and his back arches.
His hands ball into fists at his sides, fighting to maintain control.
-Beautiful…-he murmurs between moans, his voice heavy with excitement.
Your pace increases, and his moans become louder and his breathing faster. You feel a surge of power and satisfaction, knowing that you are the cause of his pleasure. As you continue, your gaze meets his again, and the connection between you becomes palpable, electrifying. You are determined to take him to the edge, enjoying every second that he completely surrenders to you.
His body trembles slightly, on the verge of climax. You slow down a little playfully, enjoying the control you have over his pleasure.
-Please- he begs, his voice cracking with need.
But instead of continuing, you pull him out of your mouth. He looks at you in confusion, his bright eyes reflecting the lost orgasm.
-You’re having fun torturing me, aren’t you?- he says, gritting his teeth in pain.
-Maybe, or maybe I have something else in mind that you’re going to love,- you say, watching as he almost faints when you squeeze his cock between your breasts and begin to slide slowly, creating a new wave of pleasure that envelops him completely.
Each movement elicits a deep moan from his lips, and his body arches again, pushing his hips into the space between your tits.
-You look so beautiful like this,-you comment, enjoying the sight of his face contorted in pleasure.
With a few more thrusts, his body shakes hard as he climaxes, his release spilling over your jaw and onto your chest. You close your eyes at the sudden impact, feeling his seed dripping onto your skin.
-I’m so sorry, love,- Jake laments, his voice laden with remorse at the sight of the mess he’s made. Instead of felina disgusted, though, you bring a finger to your skin and then bring it to your lips, tasting his essence with a mischievous smile.
Jake gapes at the sight, adoration evident in his eyes. Then, with unexpected tenderness, he gently pushes you towards him, lifting you off the ground to drag you with him into a ravishing kiss. His lips meet yours, and light giggles escape from your throats without being able to understand it.
-You're fascinating,- he says between kisses. You smile against his lips, but instantly gasp at the warmth of their skin touching.
His hands run up and down your back, moving up and down with a caress that sends shivers down your spine. You pause for a moment to look into his eyes, seeing in them a deep and unconditional love.
-I love you so much,- Both say in unison, causing you to laugh against each other's lips again.
Gently, Jake lays you down on the bed, his gaze never leaving yours. Every touch is delicate, every kiss sweet and full of meaning. You feel his love envelop you, anticipating that this could finally be his first time.
Jake takes his time, exploring every inch of your body with reverent patience, as if he were memorizing every detail. His lips brush your neck, slowly descending to your breasts, where he pauses to worship them with kisses and caresses. A soft moan escapes your lips, and he smiles.
-You are perfect for me,- he professes against your skin.
-Jake…-you reply, lost in the sensation, your fingers tangling in his hair.
Time seems to stop as you both get lost in his bubble, his lips leaving tingles wherever they go. His tongue slides beneath your navel as you feel your pajamas stop covering you completely. Getting closer to it, him completely naked and you wearing only your panties.
His fingers intertwine with the elastic of your last garment, feeling his breath hitting your intimacy on the fabric. They would finally make love; after so many occasions without being able to move forward from the same point, always being interrupted by some inopportune person or situation.
-Jake! Sunghoon is being very boring!-Ni-Ki's voice is heard from the door, followed by insistent knocks.-Time out! It's time to go to sleep! Hyung!
Both freeze, their gazes full of frustration. Jake sighs defeated, moving to one side of the bed.
-I don't think it will ever happen-you say with feigned humor, observing him from your position. It seemed like he was about to lose his mind.
The Australian lets himself fall back on the bed, looking at the ceiling in exasperation.
-I'll take you away from everything and everyone, I swear- he decrees, and you smile, reaching out to caress his cheek.
-Okay, but for now, Riki has a point. You need to rest- you agree, trying to ignore the knocks on the door.
-That's not your room!- the younger shouts from the hallway, and then you hear the crunch of your fries being chewed.
-I can't believe he's eating my fries!- you exclaim, jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom to clean up and get dressed before facing Ni-Ki.- I'II not allowed it.
Jake watches you as you move forward with determination. His lips curve into a smile, feeling a warm tickle in his stomach as he witnesses all your facets and outbursts. There was no doubt that he loved every tiny atom that made you up.
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