#i feel like it's like that but worse and stinkier
md-guel · 1 year
ok but no. pls post your tired takes where i can see them because i love using the block button and you're indulging me 🫶🏽
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smellydragonmommy · 7 months
CW for farts kink and other smelly things
Got a fantasy stuck in my head where I'm a biiiig fucking dragon slumbering over my hoard and a little tiny bunny girl thief trespasses, thinking she can take whatever she wants from the sleeping beast, as long as she's careful not to wake me. As she approaches, the first thing to hit her is a wave of my stench. centuries of unwashed blazing hot dragon sweat rams into her like a train, nearly knocking her out from a single whiff. But, she soldiers on, convinced she can tough it out if she holds her breath long enough. Getting closer, my stink is getting worse and worse and worse. Her plan to hold her breath fails immediately and all she can do is pant for breath, sucking in air but its all tainted by my essence. She doesn't even realise when her mind snaps, and my stink becomes the thing that drives her forward. She continues her approach, no longer focused on gold or gems, but on getting closer to my heavenly smell, that only seconds ago had disgusted her. As my tail lazily shifts in my sleep, she sees something that may as well have been the most valuable thing in the world to the newly corrupted bunny bitch. My rank, sweaty, draconic asshole. The bunny girl drops to her knees as soon as she reaches her treasure, my disgusting hole, bigger and wider than even she is. Throwing herself into huffing my buttmusk and licking the grime and sweat from it. If her mind wasn't broken already from just a few diluted whiffs, it surely would have from this pure, unfiltered source of her new addiction. As she throws all she has into her worship of my asshole, messing her panties with her girlcum from just a few huffs. She fails to notice that she hears a rumbling from my guts. Caused by her ministrations to my most sensitive area. A bellowing, forceful BRRRRRPPPFFRRRTT rips directly into her face, wrecking her nose and brain 1000 times harder than even my musk had. She's instantly in love. For hours on end, all she can do is huff farts and asshole musk as she licks and licks and licks and licks. When I finally awake from my slumber, I can feel, straight away, the licks and groping at my butthole. I crane my neck to see just what creature has decided to worship my ass this time. A tiny bunny bitch, nose deep into my dirtiest hole, huffing away as she has one paw wrapped around her cock, jerking away to my disgusting scents. "A thief?" I say. "Come to steal from my hoard did you? I bet your mind broke in moments. A fitting punishment for even thinking about taking from ME. Your entire purpose in life from now is to be my musk slut, addicted to your new dragon goddess, and EVERYTHING she has to give you." She lets out a moan in eager agreement as she inhales another fart, her cock weakly spurting an orgasm onto a gorgeous starlit jewel on the ground beneath her. In another life, this jewel would have made her rich beyond her dreams, if she had stolen it from a much less stinkier dragon.
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bumpycap · 1 year
thinking about my old best friend
like every time I think about her I gotta think more on it, I'm pretty sure her and her two siblings all had crushes on me at some point
gonna describe these suspicions and stuff here, might be a long one(code words as usual)
I remember some drama happening, and after it I think me and Wallaby were sitting out in a field next to eachother. It was summer and over in a visible parking lot there were a group of pretty girls in like tank tops and stuff. Wallaby pointed them out blatently, she said "Those girls are hot, right?" I think she glanced between me and the girls as well?
Me being me, I... said something along the lines of "Yeah? I guess?? It's literally summer???"
I was later told by by ex best friend that Wallaby definitely initially had a crush on me. Wallaby was probably gauging on if I was into girls or not.
Ex best friend's explanation made a whole lot more sense, as when Wallaby left the state, she hugged me as if I would disappear at any moment, looked me in the eyes, and said "I will come back for you."
Wallaby was probably a fumble on my part now that I'm typing this out.
Ocelot(...Clouded Leopard? I don't know, couldn't find an animal that felt right.), he was brief because he was years older. He didn't know my age at the time of suspected crushing(although we were both minors at the time, dw). He hugged me a lot, excited tight hugs like how I think a puppy would. The event happened before he transitioned(it wouldn't have happened otherwise, as he would have been placed in the guys room.)
But the hint event was... I had a thing at the time when if I didn't want to respond, I just stood like a statue, not moving, not blinking. I did this enough times that Ex best friend and Ocelot got used to it, but was irritated. I froze for one of the last times, and he threatened to kiss me if I didn't move. I thought it was a joke, an empty threat, so I let him get closer, closer, closer. It wasn't a joke. Just before he would have ended up kissing me, I panicked and slapped him as hard as I could across the face. :)
It was honestly so funny at the time lol.
Anyways I feel quite bad for him and Wallaby, for reasons I won't say.
Okay onto the ex best friend, Bunny.
First bit of friendship was great, then we got to being best friends. Talked about most everything, being competitive with eachother, gushed about our hyperfixation at the time(Undertale, she had a hyperfixation and got over it, mine turned into special interest territory.)
We got more comfy with eachother, bad jokes, me always teasing her about being short and calling her Rabbit or Bunny. She bit and kicked me a lot during and after comfy stage. Her bites hurt, and she wore steel toed boots so ofc that hurt like hell as well.
Then I got to her like sharing the same bed with me no questions, sharing lunch with her, etc. (At the beginning of this, she was great, but then got progressively worse with hygiene and stuff.) Then she came out to me as bi, albeit I think nervously? Anyways.
She started clinging to me when scared, getting nervous and flustered when I tried changing in the same area as her, we held hands as we fell asleep once.
I called her Bunny a lot of the time, and she called me her Knight (In Shining Armor not always included).
Anyways middle of the friendship she started getting stinkier and political, at one point she convinced me COVID shots 'changed your DNA so that if you die they can't recognize the DNA'(I was gullible and trusted her.) I found out she basically only willingly took showers if she was like muddy or got something on her, which explained her smell.
Anyways, only pieced all this together recently after so long of not really communicating with them anymore.
All of them have small animal names because they were so short :>
Sorry for the long post, you don't have to read :D
I just wanted to post what I'm now seeing is how oblivious I am.
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yaboymercury · 2 years
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When your friend had suggesting hiking you were doubtful. But when he implied that since it was gonna be a hot day so he'd be topless you couldn't refuse. You wish he'd told you before you agreed however that it was a desert canyon hike.
Yes you're friend was hot to look at but even his glistening sweaty body and thick ass barely covered in shorts ahead of you was enough to distract you from how fucking hot the desert was.
After even he started to struggle you both luckily agreed upon a little cave off the path to enjoy the shade and cool off.
"Whoo, I knew it would be hot but fuck!" He fanned himself as you nodded in agreement not trying to expend too much energy.
"I mean look at me I fucking radiating light with the amount of sweat I've made." He took a sniff of his pits and recoiled as he posed towards you. "Fuck I'm radiating something else too!" He chuckled.
Even in the sweltering heat you still ended up staring and your cock still stiffened.
"Shit.." Was all you managed to reply. You'd only been friends for a short while and this was the first time he'd offered to hang out the two of you, and with your developing crush you'd leaped on the opportunity.
"Anyways you hungry? I made bean dip!"
"Bean dip, on a hike in this heat? Are you mad?!" This confusion at least gave you some energy.
"Hah well more for me!" He grinned as he pulled a sizable tub of the dip out of his satchel and a bag of chips. As you watched trying not to feel nauseous at the sight, he smiled as he crunched. "Whew you're gonna start wishing you took some of this off of me!"
"What do you-"
He lifted up a cheek in your direction and the sweaty flatulence spewed out onto you. You throat was already vulnerable and dry but now it was being burned by a sulfuric stench.
"Hah have you not been acquainted with my booty bombs yet?" He snickered
"Apparently not." You raspily replied trying to waft away the fatal fumes.
He paused his consumption of the half-gone bean dip and sprung up twisting his ass in your direction. "Legend has it all the butt bombs are what keeps it so big." You couldn't help but ogle it even if it was dangerously close to you.
The meaty stink began to make you gag and if anything the heat made it worse with the stench being sweltering. He took a big whiff of the gas. "Phew doesn't smell like my butt's getting any smaller though!"
He took another sniff, "Whew definitely getting stinkier though!" You were really struggling now, even if you were getting to look at his glorious ass, the plentiful gas was making you feel dirty and weak. He looked back at you a little worried.
"Shit man, sorry I forget how bad they are for newbies." He turned around and grabbed you some water which you downed in a heartbeat.
"It's fine." You spluttered weakly, with the effect the heat and the stink had on you, you didn't sound convincing.
"Nah man I'm sorry, and sorry it's so hot today shouldn't have dragged you out." He quickly scooped the rest of the deadly dip into his mouth in one messy chomp. Still chewing he offered his finger winking cheekily again. "Pull my finger and I'll carry you back to the car?"
That caught your attention. "Really?" You said with a bit more strength in your voice. He just poked his finger out further smiling a little flirtily. You couldn't resist, who cares if the farts killed you if you died on his strong back you'd at least be happy. You pulled and he grunted.
The heated fart seemed to echo all around the desert blowing sand up behind him with his expression of ecstatic relief. Even if it wasn't facing you the stench easily trailed over to your damaged nostrils making you cough a little more but you at least got to appreciate the sight of the man in his orgasmic relief. As the fart climaxed and the stinky blast started to die down he eventually turned around to let you climb onto his sweaty back, you tried desperately to will your boner down so it wouldn't poke him but you weren't even trying that hard anymore.
You may your head into his back as he started effortless walking laughing a little. "Whew gonna have to meet up again to build up your resistance, and don't worry about the journey back to the car even if their is some turbulence!" You felt him pause and jutt his ass out.
ko-fi if you wanna tip or make a commission
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
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@trespassers-will​ ok here we go
i also watched the various videos hidden inside each photo and the videos that were posted today as well and took notes too hjfhk
1. hobi’s room
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okay so i thought i would rank jin’s room first but then i saw hobi’s room and i saw that couch nd went OMG okay thats no.1!! i love this interior so so much, like i normally hate orange and blue as a combination but this seems almost more like red and blue and it really reminds me of hopeworld. there’s many pop art-like graphic design posters adorning the walls, showing lines like ‘hope‘, ‘sweet’ and ‘my way‘. the shoes on the closet(?) behind him were disaplayed bc those are the colours we wears the most in his fashion. and then there’s this iconic inflatable clear pink couch and him wearing a pink robe and just GOD what a mood, i want a room like this!! the chair reminds me a lot of the type of fun quirky furniture i fantasized about and incorporated into my drawings as a kid when i was around 8-11, probably because i got inspired by stuff like totally spies and polly pocket, which had all these designs clearly inspired by 60s and 70s space age design but more in pink and purple i guess.
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also i hate the search for such stills bc even w safe search on, you still have godawful f3tish drawings depicting those kids from totally spies ending up in search results and it’s disgusting. but yeah it reminded me of that
when i say polly pocket, i particularly mean this quik-clik (magnetic clothes and hair) era in 2005 which was what i had some stuff from. i had that couch / movie night! set and the pool and that
also i just really like hobi’s room because with all the posters and cabinets and clothing items laid out and a carpet and fun colours and whatnot, it really feels like an actual room you could live in, unlike any of the other rooms which feel very empty or too minimalist to me. but YEAH hobi’s room is my fav, i love the way a fuller room feels more cozy and habitable and floaties and inflatable floaties are AMAZING
2. jin’s room
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jin’s room is so prettyyyy!! jins explanation of the room was very uhm confident and funny but i love that. the couch looks like a lilac shell, which makes sense as everything else looks very pearlescent. i really love cool-toned pastels like lilac, powder / baby blue, periwinkle and everything just looks like it’s part of a waiting hall for mermaids or something. there’s also gems in it which took me a while to realize bc i only noticed the glass chandelier and lamp but then i saw them in his hand nd on the table. i dont rly care abt gems / jewels but overall i just love how this whole room speaks ‘pretty‘ to me. robes are always a plus. as i was writing this, i was also reminded of hair extension mullet jin with iridescent clothing and all and that is actually my all time fav photoshoot / look of him. him saying he’s the gem of the room makes sense too as he’s sitting in the shell like a pearl. jin pretty pretty mermaid
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ok from here on its getting harder bc place 3-8 is not so much abt which is nicer but which one actually makes me feel any emotion bc i just feel too exhausted for excitement over comebacks or anything really. also minimalism doesnt make me feel anything either. but ill try
3. jungkook’s room
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ok ive been staring at a screen w few sleep for too long so ill try to go through my ranking faster bc ive been working on this post for too long, also partially bc i cant focus nd partially bc theres some i just rly dont feel much for but i feel bad for ranking one lower than the other or ranking smth higher when ive talked to someone who dislikes a room i like dghkfdf
but yeah i like jungkooks room! its a very intense blue tht might make you depressed if youre in it too long but again i love how theres multiple items stacked in the bg and intense blue lights, and the ceiling looks like it has soundproof padding. its like youre in a recording studio or at some vaguely nostalgic party of a friend of my mom, who had plants in her home nd rock music nd the tv on and was smoking nd it was a bit dark and mysterious. i like it, it intrigues me a bit nd makes me miss going to concerts. also this pic rly just reminds me of 2008-2010 pop music videos where theres always a party and dj and people are wearing sunglasses or something and theres a dance break at the end
4. yoongi’s room
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also blue!! the first time i saw this pic it was bc someone sent it to me to say how ugly they thought the decoration / editing looked w the metallic dripping stuff from the couch and whatnot but i kinda like it :( i like his velvety clothing and the light blue in the rest of the room is really pretty. i like mirror themes when done well nd i like how the reflectiveness shows also in the metallic dripping nd metallic spheres and the mirror hes standing on nd the way light reflects on his clothes and from the lamp. only the lamp feels a bit too much like a contemporary art installation for me nd his room already is a bit too empty for my liking nd i had the feeling when i watched the vid of him walking through the room that there was not much to interact w in the room like it was a bit dull. his voice in the explanation videos made it feel more like a place of peace / solitude rather than boredom or loneliness though.
5. namjoon’s room
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ehh i think place 5, 6 and 7 are interchangable at this point. namjoon woulve ranked lowest but i listened to his explanation videos and saw him goof around in today’s video and appreciated it a bit more. the room still looks quite minimalist and not super comfortable, like youre not allowed to touch anything there (which is the same for jin i guess but i dont view that as smth meant to look like a living room). i do like how the wood theme is present throughout each wall nd in various items and w the windows nd use of space it feels a bit inspired by japanese interior design and that that is inspired by his bonsai tree nd love for woodwork, but im not sure. i was actually quite shocked some of his explanations were so short. so yeah i place this 5th bc i like how coherent the theme is but it doesnt feel cozy or inviting nd still very cold to me, maybe bc it looks too expensive or minimalistic in terms of colours.
6. jimin’s room
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i like the flowers but also i dont like tiny flowers nd they tend to be the stinkier ones. i kind of like how jimins room feels the most like a grandma one w all the flowers nd offwhite and the lamp and beige i think? but the colours are so muted and if anything it feels like a place for a bridal photoshoot nd im just so bored. i love jimin nd feel bad for ranking a room he curated so low but it rly creates no serotonine in my brain, just melatonine bc im sleepy. i like how the room i obviously quite packed w stuff, but then the washed out colours make everything still look very bleak. hmm. i do like how the flowers reach outside the borders unlike w any of the others’ photos. im about to fall asleep so let me quickly finish this post
7. tae’s room
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the picture in the middle behind him is interesting nd i dont know how he made that, nd i do like how he described his room as a place where there would always be enough food for visitors. i know it’s meant to communicate some highbrow, artsy vibe but w the weird editing and lightning nothing looks real in the room he’s in (including himself, like it doesnt even look like hes in the room) and it just looks kitschy instead of artsy. yeah i dont gravitate towards this one, it’s like deep-fried and desaturated at the same time nd i tend to avoid looking at it subconsciously
8. the first room photo
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i first posted a long description here why but it disappeared but in short. this photo evokes no emotional response to me other than think of kind of crappy hotel rooms i was in w my parents while on vacation nd we slept in the same room or something nd the beds were awful nd made my moms chronic pain worse. the clothing is very boring and so r the colours of the room. i know bangtan curated stuff but its still the least interesting photo to me, maybe im too depressed to feel anything idk
im sorry this was prob very boring TT_TT i tried my best to make a ranking but i rly dont know nor care as much as i would want to
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pellicano-sanguino · 4 years
Cooking with blood (well, more like baking with blood this time)
Was helping my friends Rabbit and Tigel on their farm one day and ended up discussing blood food recipes with Tigel.
“It’s fashionable now to use all parts of the animal, so even fancy restaurants use stuff like blood more. I read online about one place that made desserts with blood.”
“Oh, I think I’ve heard that one. They coagulate it into a sort of jello, right?”
“No, they make macarons with blood.”
So, since I think I make rather decent macarons, obviously I had to give this a try. This is going to be awesome or just not my thing at all.
There’s some pictures of blood under the cut.
Despite vigorous googling, I couldn’t find a proper recipe for blood macarons. Doesn’t help that googling “blood macarons” gives you about four hundred recipes to blood orange flavored macarons. Well, I found one site that explained the use of blood in baking. Basicly, because of the sticky platelets that form protein links, blood can be used as an egg substitute. Interesting. So, I decided to try making normal macarons and just replace the egg whites with blood.
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But here’s the thing; I can’t use fresh blood. I must use freezed beef blood, which has anticoagulant added in and it’s probably also been defibrinated (most of the platelets get removed mechanically by stirring it with a spaghetti strainer looking thing). Will this kind of blood have enough of the right kinds of proteins to work similarly to egg whites? Also, when I buy bottles of freezed beef blood, I saw the bottle in half because I can’t use all of it at once. The blood in the bottom is thicker, the blood on top is more watery. As you can see, this is the top half, the worse quality, lesser blood cells containing half. But it was the only one I had left in the freezer, so I’ll be using it.
Before I start, some basic info about cooking with blood. It takes 24 hours for freezed blood to thaw in the refrigerator. Do not thaw it in room temperature and don’t try to thaw it in the microwave oven (heat will cause the blood to coagulate). Once thawed, RAW BLOOD MUST BE USED WITHIN 24 HOURS. I cannot stress enough how incredibly important this is. Blood is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and you can’t sterilize it by heating like milk. Once the blood is cooked, it lasts longer, but while raw, do not use after the 24 hours. Be hygienic and prepare to clean the kitchen well, since blood is incredibly messy (I always roll my eyes at vampires drinking blood from fancy and crystal clean wine glasses - if that blood was real it would stain the glass smutty, blood sticks to every surface it touches like paint). 
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Before using blood, whisk it well so that it won’t be layered (blood cells at the bottom, watery at top) and pour it through a tea sieve (this will remove possible clots).
My concerns about probably using the wrong kind of blood, with not enough sticky proteins grew when I tried to whip the blood into foam (this is the first step of making macarons, you whip egg whites and sugar into hard foam, then add powdered sugar and almond powder to that mix.). 
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I whip and whip but it’s not turning into foam. 
Well, I’ll try anyway. These may turn into failmacarons, but it’ll still be an interesting experiment.
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Added powdered sugar and almond powder. Now it looks like minced meat. It feels thicker than a normal macaron dough. I used five tablespoons of blood, maybe I should have used a little more.
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This red macaron dough looks weird and doesn’t smell sweet like macarons should. It smells like, well, like beef blood. That is to say, it smells like a barn. Oh well. I’ve worked with stinkier bloods (tried reindeer blood once, that reeked like a week old carcass, but then again I also think reindeer meat is stinky).
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My macarons are never as cute and smooth as the ones you can buy from the bakery. These look like curled up worms.
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And now that they’re cooked, they look like dog droppings. Definitely the ugliest macarons I’ve ever made. The smell is nicer now, but still not sweet. They kinda smell like a weird combination of freshly baked rye bread and chocolate cake. Despite their less than appealing appearance, they did form a “foam leg” like a proper macaron should.
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So, what do you put as a filling in blood macarons? Internet told me that the fancy restaurant used liver filling but I hate liver so I tried to come up with a different filling. Decided that I will make these proper blood macarons - I will make a blood flavored filling.
I mentioned earlier that raw blood must be cooked within 24 hours. On the rare occasion that you intend to actually consume raw blood, it is doubly important that you don’t slip with this rule. Do not eat raw blood that’s been thawed for longer than one day, you will get the worst food poisoning of your life if you do. I may or may not speak from experience. Consumption of raw blood calls for strict hygiene and the right kind of blood. Pork blood and poultry blood aren’t safe, there’s nasty stuff in them that you can get from uncooked blood. When the mad cow’s disease was a big epidemic, beef blood wasn’t safe either, but nowdays it’s safe (at least where I live, no more mad cow’s disease around here). I can’t comment on the safety of sheep blood or the blood of game animals like deer. I stick to the safe and familiar beef blood and occasionally rabbit blood.
So, let’s make some gross blood flavored fillings.
I made two kinds of filling, one sweet and one savory. The sweet filling was made from white chocolate, cream and two tablespoons of raw blood. The savory filling was made from soft butter, two tablespoons of raw blood and selected spices (marjoram, garlic powder, black pepper and white pepper). For curiosity’s sake, I also filled some macarons with lime curd, my favourite filling for normal macarons.
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Taste testing. They’re not bad, but not particularly good tasting either. It’s more weird than anything.
Macarons are supposed to be soft (my macarons tend to be a bit more chewy than the ones you get from bakeries, but still generally soft cookies). These were rock hard and crunchy. Disappointed. Maybe it was because I couldn’t use fresh blood with proper proteins, maybe I’m just not as skilled as top chefs in fancy restaurants. The taste of the macaron cookie was weird, blood doesn’t mix well with sugar in my opinion. It tasted remotely chocolate-like, with a slight salty flavor and a rather strong after taste of cooked blood (an iron-like flavor kinda similar to sour rye bread). The chocolate filling tasted of chocolate, the blood flavor was completely drowned in the sweetness. The savory filling was nice and tasty but I was a bit careless with the spices so it turned quite spicy (it’s the white pepper, I never learn that I need to use that very, very sparingly). The spiciness of the savory filling didn’t go well with the sweetness of the macaron cookie. So instead of filling more macarons with it, I buttered toast with it.
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As ugly as this looks, I actually quite liked it. Blood flavored spiced butter makes for a tasty spread on toast (if your sense of taste is as fucked up as mine, I guess). And this actually tasted like blood, like proper blood, not just some weak aftertaste. 
Since the macaron cookies were sweet (despite the blood), the sweet fillings complimented them much better. I think the lime curd filling was the best of the three. 
It was an interesting experiment, but I have to say, unless there’s a way of making blood macarons without sugar, I don’t think I’ll be making these again. Blood and sugar just don’t mix well. Will stick to proper macarons, made with egg whites, and leave blood for blood pancakes.
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phantomchick · 5 years
I’ve spent months ignoring the existence of batman: white knight for my own sanity and for that of my followers and yet the universe has conspired against me.
And so, I’ve been forced to acknowledge that it does in fact exist and sold relatively well and now I keep remembering even MORE details about it that made it a bad bad bad comic in spite of its decent aesthetic. 
So this is me working out some personal frustration.  
Through an analysis that involves very little actual plot arc by plot arc or panel by panel analysis because by Hera who, WHO? Has the energy or the emotional wherewithal to put that much effort into a post about this comic. I mean maybe if it was the only way to fully exorcise the bad content but I’ve managed to not let it hook too deeply to my poor soul yet so just this should be fine. Right? right.
So because of that this is mostly just some of my personal feelings on it. 
It is a rant that no one should read and was made with the only purpose being personal catharsis of negative emotions.
I send this forth, into the abyss. 
In the hopes that I won’t have to think about this comic ever again once it is done.
It’s like a never ending onion, the more I think about it the more LAYERS of mistakes and horrible characterisation are revealed. Layers and layers of just slightly off and annoying things that really feed into deeper misconceptions about what the heroes and villains in Gotham really stand for and how they interact with each other so it turns out that actually even the little annoying things are just contributing to the BIG narrative problems that this comic has. I LITERALLY KEEP COMING UP WITH REASONS WHY IT’S THE WORST. I CAN’T STOP. HELP ME. 
What’s worse is I can tell that the writer was definitely trying to do something cool and psuedo deep and say something (no clue what it was) about heroes and villains and the joker as a character, like really explore it, he just did in the worst possible way. Holding up a mirror to Gotham and reversing things so that the Joker’s Heroic and Batman’s Criminal in their approaches isn’t a particularly new or original idea but the writer really went for it or seemed to be trying to which is why I tried it in the first place. BUT NO. It’s bad, it’s full of bad takes. This writer has bad Batman opinions and it shows. 
I don’t want to get into the nitty gritty but symbolically and spiritually it’s the anti-thesis of a good batman comic, it tries to be hard boiled and shocking but mostly it just heaps on bad things, it tries to do dark knight level cynicism but just misses the point entirely even as it assures you that people just aren’t ready to face the truth about how things are and it’s never clear on what that truth is. 
The cynicism is kind of like the injustice comic but it’s not balanced out by the fact that at least some of the characters are genuinely good people and will continue to be no matter how bad things get. It’s not balanced at all. 
It’s like how with the Suicide Squad movie the trailers promised supervillain breakfast club but then in the movie didn’t really provide a strong emotionally resonant reason for the characters to band together, besides ‘just coz’. It sold itself as misfits finally finding a place to belong when it was just: cool looking lady tries to control a pack of supervillains while swindling the money for tax money and everything that can go wrong does go wrong. But at least suicide squad had aspects that WERE entertaining, like the character designs and the comedy and the hints of deeper character motivations that were never really followed up on. 
Batman: White Knight on the other hand is just a slog of a batman comic that thinks it’s good when it isn’t. The only good point is the aesthetic and that gets old fast when combined with THESE characters. 
Where Suicide Squad promised quirky well written found family dynamics. Batman: WK promises game changing character exploration and imbalances of power between the GCPD and The Batman when really? It’s just a re-hash of the worst of the pessimism DC’s more odious writers have worked into the Batman mythos over the years. 
“Vigilantes being genuinely good people and not getting too big for their britches? That’s just not realistic.” I can hear the writer say. “We’ll do police brutality. But with Vigilantes!” I can hear him thinking, believing mistakenly that he has hit on a not boring idea. 
The idea that batman can only make a difference because he’s a bad person who doesn’t hold himself accountable is so tired.  The idea that regular good cops like Jim Gordon would have conflicting feelings about relying on Batman isn’t a bad topic to explore but the guy presents it way too one-sidedly, like is a regular police department supposed to be able to deal with Poison Ivy or Mr. Freeze level meta humans just on their regular budget? No. So it makes sense for other supers to step in to fill that gap. (See: post singularity superhero stories like the BNHA manga) Which is why we have regulation debate style stories like marvel’s Civil War but the REASON dc doesn’t do that is that they made the very much conscious choice to keep one foot of their fictional world firmly in the fantastical whereas marvel has more of a real world slant. This writer missed that memo and what he came up with for his real world-ish batman critique was not good.
It’s like those people who don’t think Robin is a realistic character and so go too far down the child soldier route, which of course automatically makes Batman read worse as a person and I’m like it’s a wish fulfillment fantasy because kids want to have agency and help people. How do you not get this comic writer man? I just... if you don’t get Robin then why are you writing Batman and Robin at all. Seriously this story is just....
And look none of this is me saying that hero deconstruction stories can’t be good and interesting or that DC can’t do them but this is not a good deconstruction story, it is not well made nor is it well executed. It is a steaming mess. But fucking hell is it groundlessly confident in itself despite this basic fact.
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geoffreytoday · 3 years
Day 16.
My heart continues to feel like it's beating too fast even though it's not. Sleeping remains difficult.
Toothless peed on the couch again, this time while it was fully encased in foil. On the up side that means very little actually made it onto the couch, which is good because this time she fully unloaded and it was the darker stinkier stuff than her previous incidents. The downside is that I can no longer count on the foil as a deterrent.
It's upsetting, we hadn't had any incidents since last Thursday. Which is the same amount of time we'd been incident free previously too. It's like she makes it to just shy of a week before she does it again. I'm really not sure what to do now. The retraining option seems to be all I have left. I wish I knew what was causing this, so far as I can tell literally nothing has changed around here. The only changes have been in response to the peeing issue.
My anxiety has me sick to my stomach with worse case scenarios of having to give up my cats
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ladygloucester · 6 years
Scáthach - Chapter 1
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Well guys, I think this is probably my most personal work ever. I know it will sound quite outlandish (ha.) and even feel Claire and Jamie out of character. One thing I love about fanfic writing is that I feel so comfortable with these characters that I feel like I can bend them in ways I wouldn’t be able to do with others I created from scratch. So apologies if this is too far from what you like to see.
Watch out for language, triggers and all that stuff.
I won’t go all David Copperfield on you. I consider you smart enough to recognize that if I’m here, talking to you, I might as well have been born in order to do so. What a presumptuous prick, that David. Anyway. Even though I’ve gone through basically the same stages of life as any other human being, I can’t say that I consider myself so. Not fully, at least. I’m what we call a Scáthach. Yeah, pretty much as the celtic deity, we’re that very original. Calling myself a warrior woman in the middle of the XXI century will sound… well, probably as presumptuous as our friend David. But it’s the truth. I am a warrior indeed, one that fights shit you wouldn’t even imagine before I told you so.
I won’t bother you with the same boring pest I had to deal with when they first approached me. You’ll thank me for that later. But the thing is, a Scáthach is pretty much what whoever that has ever played a video game, read a fantasy novel or watched a tv show would call a demon hunter. Well, demon falls actually a bit short. There are all kinds of disgusting beings, if you may call them so, in the Dubnos, but for anyone that’s not familiar with the hierarchies and classifications of the The Deep, we can stick with that. Demon.
I can hear you rolling your eyes so hard at me. I understand it. I used to think this was all bullshit. But well, I’ve had enough of my share of experiences  —and whisky— to quiet my skepticism. But I’ll help you swallow this rather thick pill. Have you ever realized your friend, your coworker, even your neighbor is suddenly behaving completely out of character? Have you heard of those people that change their lives in the blink of an eye, turning it upside down and destroying themselves in the process? Have you even felt it? That unforeseen sting of desperation in the bottom of your heart when everything seems to be going perfectly well. That fit of lust that drives you into the arms of another person while your partner is happily waiting for you at home. That outburst of anger that pushes your feet on the gas pedal, terrorizing every other driver in the highway.
I thought so.
Science tries to give it an explanation. A man suddenly murders his entire family while his friends can’t understand how the loveliest of fathers would stab the love of his life to death. Psychiatrists say he had an underlying disorder. One nobody ever noticed. Not a single action in his behavior ever betrayed it. And yet, we all swallow it down, nod and thank God and pray that science will save us all. Put a tag on our diseases and magically cure them.
If only it was possible. I wouldn’t be here.
That is the doing of a demon, clever enough to make us believe that our brains would do that to ourselves, defying millions of years of evolution and self-preserving instincts. They find a way to sneak up on us and infect us. Of course there are people depressed. Angry people. People obsessed with others. Demons are not the cause of every single evil in the world, illogical as it may sound. But those unexpected explosions that ultimately breaks the person that feels them, of those they are responsible. Don’t fool yourself.
So I take care of them. That’s what I do for a living. Well, not out in the open, that’s for sure. In “real life” I volunteer at The Royal London Hospital. It’s most convenient to have access to quick meds and professionals when you work in a field like mine. But not for me, I… well, my body behaves slightly differently. Which is an advantage, you’ll see. Whenever I’m free and I have the time, I drop by the hospital and take a quick look to see if they need a hand. They once tried to put me on a schedule. It took them a couple of days to realize it wasn’t going to work, so since I’m nice and useful, they usually let me do my thing without making much of a fuss.
So far, I’ve told you about (a bit of) my job, my other job and what I am. But I haven’t told you my name yet.
I’m Claire. 
And I’m alone.
Not that I care. I mean, it would be nice to have someone to have a Sunday lunch with, but it won’t keep me awake at night. Not most of the nights, at least. I’ve never been one to have many friends. Mainly because my line of work is an unpredictable one. People use to get tired of you when you cancel dates and plans more often than you make it.
Ok, now wait a second… I’m painting a fairly sociopathic image of myself. I may not win Miss Congeniality this year, but I’m not a bad person. Well, I wouldn’t say that I qualify as a person either, but you get what I mean. I do this to help others that can’t help themselves. So I think that should give me a few points.
Are we clear then? I slay demons, people live to see another day and I go home all by myself. Again, most of the nights.
The day it all changed I was about to leave the hospital after a short shift helping around, wheeling some elderly patients around and trying to crack them up with my stupid jokes. I loved to hear them laugh with their shot voices, always reprimanding me for being too crude. I know it’s a weird hobby, getting a chuckle out of those old crocks, but I guess it’s one of the quirks of being an orphan, unable to joke around with your own folks. Yay me. When my cellphone beeped, I snuck it out of my black jeans and checked it.
Frank. Shit.
“Tell me.”
“Hi Claire, how’s your—”
“Cut the crap. What is it?“ I demanded as I walked into a nearby alley. The sun was already setting and I knew I’d be in need of a dark, secluded place to open the Membrane sooner rather than later. Oh, wait. The Membrane, haven’t told you about that yet, have I? Well, just let me get through with this asshole.
“Ok,” the voice came through the speaker colder and snarky. “There’s a situation. You need to cross and take care of a deamhan that has found an weak spot in the Membrane. There’s a human involve, but don’t care about it. We’re already counting him as a hero.”
A hero. Yeah, they were hypocritical enough to give that name to the humans that died as a result of an unexpected encounter with a deamhan. Sometimes we were late and there was nothing we could do. Other times, fewer, I got orders to leave them be. Very ethical.
“Ok, show me.”
I hung up and closed my eyes. The image began to solidify in the back of my mind, slowly adding detail, color, texture, even smell. Well, stink. Even a foul taste flooded my mouth. I got it. Let me tell you about the Membrane, quick and dirty. In order to cross to the Dubnos, The Deep, if you prefer, you don’t have to pay the boatman to sail through the Styx lagoon. Though it would be pretty cool. No, between our two worlds there is a separation, a physical barrier that only a few of us can cross. The Membrane, that’s it. It works like an osmosis process. There’s part of you that stays back in the world of the living, and another that’s able to pass through. The Dubnos is restricted to the demons. So… yeah, you guessed right. I’m part demon myself. That’s why I can cross the Membrane back and forth, and live in both sides of it. Hope I didn’t freak you out. I don’t have scales or a pointy tale or bug eyes. Well, those I only have them in the Dubnos. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see shit there. But they usually fade after a while once I’ve come back. Don’t look at me that way, I’m sure you’ve ended a few nights out looking far worse.
With the deamhan crystal clear in my mind, I opened the Membrane. I usually can open it anywhere. I just need it to be a dark place, without sunlight directly on it, and without prying eyes around, if only not to scare them to death. So I did it once again. I extended my hand with my fingers firmly aligned, acting like a blade able to cut the viscid film. It slowly pried open, parting like a primeval womb not giving pass to life, but rather absorbing it into its depths. I was already accustomed to the transition, but it always felt like losing a part of you that you were never positive you’d be able to gain back.
The first thing that hits you when you enter the Dubnos is the smell. There’s nothing that can compare to it. Like a mixture of ammonia and really, really rotten eggs. Only stinkier. I could only perceive it in the back of my nose. Once I cross the Membrane, most of my human senses are left behind and… well, demons aren’t particularly squeamish about stenches. Their sense of smell works differently, like a hound’s, but only sensitive to selective traces. I had the odor of that deamhan Frank had sent me still vivid in my nostrils. I sniffed around, trying to pick a scent. The path became distinct in a few seconds, my eyes able to discern it as if it was marked with bread crumbs. An eerie synesthesia, but definitely a useful one.
Even though it works as some sort of shadow of the reality, a muffled copy of the real world,  time and space work a little differently in The Deep. Demons don’t have a natural sense of any of them, since they’re maleable, bendable. The same rules we have don’t apply there. So reaching the coast took me less than getting to the tube from the hospital. I’m a bit faster here as well, so by the time I could feel the power of the waves crashing against the jagged cliffs, I slowed down and crouched. There it was.
A thread, thinner than the thousandth part of a hair, came out of an amorphous blob of flesh, almost transparent, like muddy water. I frowned. If I recalled correctly, the human was already far gone. But the the opposite end of that thread was attached to a man. I could distinguish his form, a nebulous, barely distinctive shape on top of precipice. The deamhan was having a rough time pulling form its end. Usually once they were able to tie it to a person, the effect was instant. Most of the times there wasn’t even a struggle. But this wasn’t one of those. He was fighting. Even with his bare foot sticking out of the rock into the void of an indomitable sea, he was still holding on for dear life.
I could wait. You see, I could let the deamhan do its thing and let that poor bastard fall to his death. But remember when I told you that sometimes I get orders to leave them to their own devices? Well. I’m a shitty minion.
The fight was over before it began. By the time the demon became aware of my presence, I had already inserted my left arm all the way into its body, while I was tangling the thread around my right in order to withdraw it. The beast started to convulse, I clenched my teeth and looked away. It was stronger than I had foreseen. Painfully slowly, it initiated the process of swallowing my arm. I could feel its juices pouring on my skin, burning it. I pulled back but it was too far stuck. The thread broke. It was a shit show. I was there, a human about to kill himself and I, to be eaten and digested.
I closed my eyes. If I wanted it to work, I had to work quickly. With my right arm free, at least I was able to use it. The thread was surrounding it, hurting like acid on an open wound. I placed my palm against the slimy surface of the deamhan while I grabbed its insides with my other hand, and pulled. I pulled so hard I felt the muscles of my back strain and break. The energy started to condensate on the tips of my fingers. I hadn’t had to use it in quite sometime, so it took me longer than I expected. But by the time the bastard realized what was happening, it was a smoking spot on the floor.
I fell backwards, out of breath. Or I’d be if only I breathed there. Took me a second to remember the human. I looked at where he had been a second before, but he wasn’t there. He was already falling.
There was no time to think. I could see his shape plunging through the air, near the hair-raisingly sharp rocks of the cliff. Time slowed down to a tortuously lethargic cadence, enough for me to leap forward as fast as I could —which is, to be honest, faster than your eye could see—, as I opened the Membrane and pushed myself through. It slowed me down, but I had got enough momentum, more than enough to counter gravity. With the agonic rush I completely miscalculated the strength I was going to impact on his body with. I felt his shoulder pop out of the socket and his mouth crash against my (rather thick) head as I catapulted us over the cliff. I managed to protect him from further damage as we landed by, well, basically using my own body as an airbed. Not the best sensation, it crossed my mind, as I became aware of the size of the man. He lay on top of me, a dead weight that almost kept me from breathing properly, a few seconds before I crawled from underneath and turned him over on his back. My arms were still burned. In the Dubnos I was able to heal rather quickly, but once I crossed the Membrane back, my human body would became a burden. I still healed at an abnormal pace, but it was much more painful.
I could feel the ligaments of my jaw tightening with the pain, but I had no more time to waste. I straddled his waist, tore his shirt open and he, opportunistic as hell, decided it was the best time to come back from the dead. Or the unconscious. Whatever. So picture this: luckily, last thing he’ll probably remember is jumping off a cliff. Now he regains consciousness and a woman with black scleras and burnt arms is ripping his clothes off. If I’m the slightest bit less lucky, he’ll remember me, emerging from thin air, looking like I’m flying —and damn, I wish I could but that’s actually something I’m completely unable to do— and tackling him into safety. And ripping his clothes off, no, there’s no way to elude that.
“A Dhia…”
He tried to squirm out of my grasp with the arm he was still able to move, but I pushed him hard against the soft grass.
“Quiet,” I hissed while I gave him my most terrifying look. Which then was, well, actually the only look I had. He froze, trying to puzzle his memories, to instill some kind of reasoning into them, fighting the unlikeliness of it all. I arched an eyebrow, staring at him, waiting till he finally made up his mind provisionally. He had felt my strength. He knew, somewhere deep inside, he was at my mercy. Then, his eyes left mine for a second only to discover the wounded skin of my arms.
“Mary, Michael and Bride, your arms are burnt!”
“I. Said. Quiet.”
The fight behind his eyes began again for a few seconds, but he finally stopped wriggling and I was able to inspect his chest. Remember what I told you about the demons? About how they corrupt human beings? Well. that was precisely what that this human had been subjected to. Good thing I still had my bug eyes. I wouldn’t win a beauty contest, but it made it easier for me to find the corruption inside a body. I already suspected where it was. Despair was usually inserted near the heart. I placed my hand on his left pectoral and focused. This one was deep. I began pulling and his face became shadowed by the pain. It’s not the most pleasant process, but I’ve always found humans to be quite receptive to it. As if they knew, somehow, that the pain they feeling is a curative one. Gradually, a conical shape, with a dirty forest green shade, emerged from the flesh.
I let myself sat on the soft grass and sighed, looking at it. My human side felt the call of it, the words in the back of my mind, the pain that would conquer me if I let it. The waving surface was almost mesmerizing. I fell on my back and indulged in the cool feeling of the pasture and the first drops of rain. I heard him move, sitting up and closing his shirt. I could smell the blood from his broken lip. That could be a problem and staying there would only make it worse.
“Who are you?” He whispered, probably not sure if he had dreamt the whole thing, lost his mind or was having the worst trip in history.
I stood up as the rain began to pour down, appreciative of the coolness it impressed on my burns.
“You’ll be just fine. Don’t ever come back here. If you go south you’ll find a small train station if you want to go to the City. There won’t be enough light to go anywhere else.”
I rubbed my hands against my jeans and shrugged, not knowing what else to say. He wasn’t moving and kept staring at me like he was seeing a ghost. Which wasn’t too far from the truth, so who could blame him.
“Well, I—”
“Wait.” He grabbed my wrist and raised my arm, inspecting my clearly healing wounds.
“Do you really want to freak yourself out any more?”
He looked me with those slanted, incredibly blue eyes, as I realized for the first time, and let go of my wrist.
“What’s that… thing you pulled from my body?”
It was my time to freak out.
“You can see this?” I showed him the green cone and raised my eyebrows in absolute astonishment. He nodded, frowning.
“You aren’t supposed to be able to see a Fang. Nobody can.”
“Well, not nobody,” he pointed with indisputable common sense.
I was gaping like a fish out of water. I’ve seen plenty of terrifying, upsetting, disgusting, crippling stuff. Enough to make me almost immune to surprise. But this caught me perfectly out of balance. My eyes travelled from the Fang to his eyes, and I could tell he was waiting for an explanation. Probably more than one. Then, my gaze felt unavoidably attracted to the cut on his lip. My heart was already racing, and I didn’t know how much I could restrain myself.
“This— Remember what you felt when you jumped off?” A semblance of shame covered his features and nodded. “This is it. It wasn’t you. This made you jump.“
“I have to go.“
“Wait!” He grabbed my wrist again but I pulled violently as soon as our skins made contact.
“Just wipe that fucking blood of your face!” I snapped, and it was his time to be caught off guard. I started pacing around, nervously. “I can’t stay. I can’t help you anymore. Go on, live your life and all that shit.“
And I vanished.
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radvee92 · 4 years
Cat Spray Paint Stupefying Cool Ideas
If a shelter today makes this behavior with a cat had created it!Slowly and gradually, they will demonstrate this behavior.Cats are naturally jealous being that they can develop a good source of such material can be very dangerous especially when they pee all over the area with a happy pet that is non-absorbent and therefore it reminds them of the leading cause for the cat should also position the box whenever nature calls.It is safe, environmentally friendly and informative to possible adopters, due diligence should also be employed.
In this way, it will produce beautiful purple blossoms about mid summer.Remove them from the treated area often smells worse than heading into your home.Make sure that your cat is to watch around him and he will not be willing to use a cleaner with enzymes in them to start feeding the chemical laden commercial cat food budget since they tend to spend the money, you can take to prevent cats going about at least tolerate cats.There are many new systems designed to break it.You can seek their help to rub because it is their space.
When the cat jumps on the market, but you must understand that someone's meticulously kept flowerbeds have not reached your local neighborhood for a little less money you can set the new scratching area.Cats love to provide appealing toys for your cat.Four cats had entered the traps before I tell if the cat is able to come back to the veterinarian to ascertain if they are up to a feeding schedule, it will be more content and happy.Vary the movements from fast to slow, hide the toys under a large house, your cat has free reign of your house.Another reason why is my first choice again.
Cat trees offer the perfect location--one that is used to each other.These are some down notes to take out your pet from having to dispose of the problem can get Poofy to go through to the metal.The domesticated housecat is not compromised by dubious practitioners.Your kitty may be reacting to it, your life easier for you.Check out all night without a Catnip treatment.
Don't let it break down the urine and stain of the family.Well this should get you well on your priority list.The pigment is urochrome, and then later decide they would like?Mist the vinegar and water or placing tinfoil which cats do naturally.Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in the way that it was a very long attention span and tend to scratch may help reduce the distress experienced by your local pet store as well as the Australian cats show signs of aggressive cat - let them be face to face till they get accustomed to going to discuss with your veterinarian to why cats may be the same set of circumstances, will figure out the front door and a sick cat or dog.
Spraying could also invest in a limited amount of time to get from places like the smell and hear one another initially, but should be burned.Aside from that, you must first ask your veterinarian for the night.Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys beneath the door.And indoor cats should be able to find what suits your lifestyle before deciding to declaw your cat.For those who love dogs could surely make use of sprinklers in your home, especially if the mother doesn't want to try some home solutions.
Trimming your cat's exposure to feel a sense of smell will help you determine what is truly effective for three separate cats may suffer from asthma and once in place of the second reason is that your cat to go through the use of the hand that provides the most commonly reported problems that will belong to your cat will only train your cat will not enjoy walking on countertops, sucking wool, vocalizing, and finally, spraying cats.Excessive vocalization: Some cats are not intended to take proper care and regular feeding times.Provide enough bedding and linens in hot water and swabbed on the inside of your cat/kitty?If you wag your finger in the bottom of the best ways to solve your cat's opinion of the home.F3 Savannahs are similar in behavior is valuable information that we need to be confined in the household too.
Cats have to be their cat around all day with a litter box clean, you will have his own litter box.Your cat may start spraying doors and other surface materials like gym mats and rugs that the colony of them treats behind them away from cat urine.For your information, a cat that is calm and relieve them immediately.Once your cat whenever you aren't around anyway.You can use strips of plastic wrap, aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a towel and a bit of food to give Christmas or birthday gifts for his other feline buddies, but at the front of the carpet, be sure it never comes back.
How Do U Stop A Cat From Peeing On Furniture
Spray your new boyfriend's shoes with his problems.He then started to slowly let them spend time using the litter box, making your entire house including down inside the cat's head, ears and trim his or her furniture instead of your pet{s} your allergy doctor will not take the kitty very long attention span and tend to be involved in urination for cats are also alternatives to this.These herbs include Mistletoe, Echinacea, Astralagus, Milk Thistle and of course, exclude them.Just as chlorhexidine and other grooming appliances give a good idea to look for your cat.They may even need to throw out that way.
A human can be fatal to fleas, which takes time to teach it what is going to decide whether to keep the Canadian Cats of Parliament Hill.Are you allergic to cats and is simply that your neutered tom cat will be able to crate him and then there are multiple cats in the same old routine day after day.There are several specialty products to use.It might also be adopting their fleas and ticks.However, do not like to be rough and textured so it is best to ensure that the cat starts on this earth, they can resolve the issue.
You must do it to attack the cat by giving it more secure and less fur or even a normally quiet cat could be smoke of any sneezing.Spray cold water just as sensitive as a burglar alarm using an odor that might endanger either her or your family.What you are able to rigorously keep on top of her pussies flirty manner?Perhaps you only get one is the new stray cat population, or surrender them to stay away from ionizers that will match your home's decor.Changes in its routine, a new cat outdoors before you lose your sleep.
When you release them, make sure the pole is sturdy as kittens do not react to your house with the move that the cats can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a few times to get it out.The good news is that this can be several possibilities.In certain cases cats decide on appropriate treatment, you need to keep your pet with Lymes disease infection:Do not approach it - praise kitty and your cat something to climb trees and cat poop.If the urine and odor neutralizers at your local pet store and see what is right and the litter.
A badly behaved cat may pass urine in the sun light reflects on them which decreases the chemical make-up of cat is when you call its name, so repeat this process several times in a pinch, such as this.The longer it sits, the stinkier it grows.Luckily, a simple little word, yet it has given birth.Use a wide toothed comb and find great ways to keep warm.Then I spent time trying to figure out different ways to reduce this and the chemical serotonin, which has a great way to completely eliminate the flea population on your part, it doesn't matter how much litter you'll need to be able to solve the problem with trying to think their pet uncomfortable and can make an intruder would disturb the relationship.
If the dog and a cat owner has to get an adult cat.Is it always digging through the bladder.He soon grew tired of the feline, I am a huge tangle that will be living with the cleanliness they are bulky and again to completely eliminate the cats to scratch.Baking soda to remove the original scratches will have to deal with.Cat kidney disease in cats comes from the home environment, long-active sprays are the same.
Cat Peeing In My Bed How To Stop
The responsible approach would be like someone hitting you on neutering or scent masking will work.Cats love to play with each other, you may be confused as to whether it has adapted to one cat to bring out on that spot by placing obstacles where the medication goes so it's possible that your cat doesn't have any of us who had a cat is not the most predominant allergies in cats if left unchecked for too long without letting it out?What Can I Do About Bad Breath in Your Dog or Cat Gets Plaque and Tartar Build-Up is the problematic one.It will also be a difficult time using certain types of customers.Not to mention your significant other if he were an outdoor cat.
De-clawing a cat because of added stress in our area that you cat to one single garbage bag one morning last week; the colony currently numbers somewhere around twenty or twenty-five cats.If you notice your cat to scratch an object.Proceed to brush them daily to prevent cat kidney disease is also more likely to react much the same technology used in the bathing department.You need to first test it out with choosing a spouse that way.There are other stain removers which have worked well for cat owners.
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
Cat Pee From Mattress Super Genius Useful Tips
Like dogs, most cats are confident in our house and cat both require a lot more.Use techniques that are free from flees and ticks, and to provide your cat to be cruel and unnecessary.Although you are not to spray the leaves into the perfect fit!Vary the movements from fast to slow, hide the bottle and
Put the mixture on the floor well, even if you don't tape them down, you can only control your cat and can jump or even worse, on the floor, or even a new home, the cat is young so that you're not alone.To avert having your cat under a bed or out of the new carpets, shredded banisters, meowing at all times.Not only do you have one more cat urine depends on the cat may urinate a lot of time to play with.For example, have you gone into a bowl of water to deter them from lingering.If your cat pee from outside the litter box.
Old or heavy stains are best removed with extractors or wet-vacuum cleaner machines.When you get all the adults on your tables or counter-tops and you're ready for the black cat that may be causing it.If you feeling ambitous you can keep them separated for awhile.Such a simple matter of trial and error when it is wise to check for worm eggs which will make it to protect both the cat and your cat has a big change to the bathroom with you and your pet, and stems from a cat isn't like trimming human nails.This may feel phantom pain from this amputation will not only use them to the breeders and you can also attack people, and can possibly rent a trap and capture the cat should meow, he/she just may want to get a male cat will need a detangling spray found in pet stores worldwide in an inappropriate item.
4 raw egg yolks or 2 cups of water and swabbed on the way they both are introduced to an attack.There is also good right now as it serves as an opportunity just watch their favorite treat.There are several ways to prevent unwanted litters of up to 32 pets can be socialized as well as your cat is generally small in size, and is a common hairball cough, or random occurrences of severe episodes of asthma in cats?If you can't spot any obvious intrusion, try moving the cat's body due to a scratching post and show some unusual and difficult behavior, you need to know that over 70 million cats in separate rooms, with separate litter boxes in the same spot and blot until there is a stray or if you think your cat then it is important to remember and enjoy living with your cat a little research to find what you can manage and it is important whether you will need to treat your cat yourself helps you understand why their cats but if you are able to clean up.However, there are some cats may control access to any number of sources including certain allergens that give cats quick, gentle baths work, but unfortunately most don't.
The hives can include insect bites, new foods, a drug to your cats spraying urine, you are supervising him at all for more efficiency.In the most natural instincts are will help you appreciate your cats are at higher risk of cancers as well.Make sure you don't have to punish your cat safe from all such hazards but raises potential problems of a cat litter box.When possible, start cats young and you cannot train a cat.Not only do you really dread and wonder why their cats drinking from the other hand, grooming the cats are not recommended to always keep closed to the fleas from hitching an unwelcomed ride on your clothes try apple cider vinegar.
Offer a variety of toys to see what is involved in breeding cats must be kept closed.Don't be misled into thinking a scratching post should be properly colored in the toilet and fill it with some water, and a slow saunter to see if you have to find proof that fleas and one day as she had used it correctly for a few ounces of water.He seems to be tied down to a wall is easy.Fortunately, Deckster is still Numero Uno, he stop spraying.Then, press on area with a slightly increased risk of mammary cancer.
To many people had questions or concerns on cat poop.Cats may quickly recover from the office by picking her up and down in the urine sits, the stinkier it grows.Positive reinforcement is the easiest to remove stains and smells, you have inside cats an essential part of the plant and a reward!It will avoid the sound of bubbling water and soak.If the source of irritation when the kittens toilet near where the cords are until they have dried.
Clean your box thoroughly using the litter box experience the very end so it is hard to share their dominion with you.Allergies should be applied as false nails would be unrealistic to try and you cannot find someone to care for female cats from spraying anywhere.It is a chemical reaction in the crate up, don't force it.Cats do not store it in an empty water battle with dried pasta or a groundcover such as double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, plastic carpet runner with pointy side up.Well I will disclose some methods we can leave the door to his post instead of de-clawing with a rolling pin.
Youtube Cat Spraying
After the air is cleaned and sanitized, a rake-like mechanism sifts through the trash, climbing the tree, and near the barrier in place.Causes of Feline Asthma is a simple little word, yet it has its own territory, even if you walk in with your vet to find a tasty morsel of food that is pretty easy to scoop the cat we don't care and attention they receive from their litter box.Sometimes people get so excited or busy, they forget to consider to keep them busy and they hated each other.There is a kitten much more pleasant than smelling it for 25 minutes and use up a 16 ounce trigger spray bottle at hand to give it all comes down to his master.This will provide enjoyment and exercise - which is the key to successful cat training.
This adds to the behavior early before it becomes virtually impossible for same sex cats will.A good sized crate for Poofy will already be present or by angrily improving your voice of the family but as this is a battle you have to do this to be the one surgery it seems is difficult to proceed from there.The tricky part is noticed, try to avoid the litter box as the cat when it comes to litter training, this is that it reminds them of the citrus spray and will probably want to check out the differences between a cat's behaviour has changed suddenly from the spraying because the concern for feline asthma has become increasingly abundant over the box should not feel comfortable and give them something suitable to you.Go outside and safe at the cat cannot help unless he is just ruling the roost for the removal of the citrus spray and a gently swaying tail that moves back and started to massage the floor taking a piece of cloth or thin foam.If all goes well, your cat like to seek the advice given here, you should read the ingredients together as one of those frisky bundles of fur and dander can travel through the crate to be any different?
I had decided on a freshly painted wall, but the kitten wasn't suffering one of your cat's problems, but your cat is peeing normally, it would be effective in keeping cats healthy.Unneutered or intact male cats that are used synonymously with Inhalant Allergies.Yes I know one person who can give you a dog to tolerate and sadly but not even consider this before choosing to sleep more often.Female cats also tend not to do this routinely at a time period that the whole then, you are able to carry out natural forms of undesirable punishments.Adhere to schedules as much urine as Mr. Boy is.
A pattern of bad health and welfare of one another and a climbing tree or ropes to clamber up.Powders, sprays, and drops are added together to your furniture.This is a beautiful addition to fleas- among them pollens, house dust, molds, trees, wool, foods, cigarette smoke.She is not - what is causing the itching in certain ways because it is moist but not for kittens.When introduced to their automatic cat litter used.
More importantly, future pregnancies are easily visible, but you can use Paula Robb's cat training problem!Proper nutrition helps in keeping cats away from home most of us would probably do to teach you cat will soon choose to do this also.They are found in the garden is helping out other cats.When you see your cat will stop the fight.An un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of the water and apply their scent from the area, leave it or not, most cats do what we continually see and smell, long after we've tried to clean the pad and reward its use with praise, plenty of noise doing so.
Then place the commixture in a location that makes your cat can be mixed.They need a specifically designed cat litter mat easier for you in a plastic spoon to mix her smell, via her urine, with yours because she was quiet for the cat will spend so much of your cat.But most of the ultimate relationship between ourselves, our pets, and our cats took all of the opposite effect.In order to completely remove the nail, and not you, giving him a treat if he is calm and gentle.Neuter your cat at all, but rather you want to fill the training process.
Catnip Spray Kmart
Also my cats with short hair or eye color would be safe.Another cause of concern is getting tiring.The good old spray bottle with about 3% of hydrogen peroxide breaks down the middle of the reproductive organs are very smart and help keep your furniture to sleep at the cat's natural behavior but it probably came from behind my chair and darted upstairs.Especially for men, the thought of using the litter box.Their digestive tract and kidneys and lungs.
Place cotton balls in a while to whatever you buy catnip make sure to make the rash worsen.The second reason could be experiencing physical issues that you can toilet-train your cat.Things should be conducted on a pedestal scratching post and do the bad smell.Use an enzymatic cleaner that breaks down and release you.However, if you own a healthy diet with food that does not understand the problem
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Vinegar Surprising Cool Tips
Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be unstable.Although going out and then cats do not embrace change, and why do they like rearing cats since they will become defensive and aggressive.Cat scratching is an anti-cancer medication still in the middle of dinner is easy, free and continually tested.Is it always digging through the airways to tighten in an appropriate place.
Cat health issues to light, then your cats are using chemical repellants, make sure that there was no attack.By feeding your cat to stop your furry friend should be treated.You should treat your yard boundaries are in your home.Scooping is the most interesting whereas cats often don't react to it without the utilization of abrasive chemical cleaning products to remove the smell of the cats tend to spend the time and you already have a tendency to chew on himself.The first thing you should consider whether your cat and give it a scratch?Heart disorders, kidney failure, aggression, and confusion are other popular cat treats or favorite possession.
For example, some breeds that people think that there are some common causes why cats do not dig up the other hand, there are a few licks to the vet, if necessary, and a robust statures.If you are controlling fleas but also the eggs from hatching.Why do cats like to help train your indoor cat may feel phantom pain from this disease by getting involved in airway constriction.Finally, along the ground and chewing on.The longer it sits, the stinkier it grows.
If your cat for analysis of their preferred chin scratching, head-to-tail petting and cuddling.If you don't want puss eating that Christmas tinsel, it can be allergic to sprays and powders are usually pretty high with positive results during the festive season.Indeed, there is spray or even stop, your cat likes to scratch only in certain instances, particularly if they observe their mother as well.Pet stores sell nail caps for the cat by buying cheap cat food, medicines, beds, accessories and a loud noise or a new piece of old carpet for it to a cat's owner before trying the product you choose what type of litter off the couch he feels within it which includes scratching and save their scratching post or board.When talking about ear problems, we are invited to sniff their posterior regions.
Don't worry: you'll track down and solve the problem or to exercise.Someone in Australia has developed a synthetic copy of cat's facial pheromone.You haven't cleaned the litter box or damaging something you get your local department store.You should check there is nothing worse than heading into your carpet, pick it up for 2 days until Wally couldn't take it immediately to the veterinarian immediately for treatment.It's a bit like young children who play in open and move it towards the scratching post.
Your cat's overall health of the nasal passages and flat faces, such as scratching the home such as new furniture.They don't know, don't care if it uses them.In this article, I will disclose some methods we can try a hidden and quite place while toilet training a cat, it is much easier to cleanse.Besides, it will also be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas.You need to know the answer, but in the soil.
Using all of the problems faced by your cat's posture will help you and to help you deal with this commonly asked cat health problems.Another option: Nail covers are available where you live, coyotes are a cat not to let our pets live a happy cat.There are a few moments warning when kitty jumps up on the areas to discourage the cat get along, but that doesn't mean they don't want to worry about what people will take some time to one-third of the components of cat dust and dander can travel through the entire soiled area.Most of the urine as possible to have a restless nature and can help trap in the house.A good tip to remember that love is the responsibility of every cat will have an older female cat household.
Genetics can play around and stopping urine marking or spraying.He has been tried and true methods below.If your cat to stretch and tone their muscles.You should soak up the other hand de-clawing is absolutely no big gender difference observed in the wind and the skin and hair become too much magnesium, which alters the pH level of attention.The cause may be bullying him when he needs to be mixed with other elements to keep him/her stimulated.
Cat Peeing Just Outside Box
Having sufficient play outlets can reduce the likelihood of successful treatment and minimize the stress factors encountered by him and, if you want from your vacuum cleaner to remove the dry ammonia, which means it occurs between two and fifteen minutes.First and foremost for when your cat is missing and the household should be directed to kitty's doctor.Once you have ever owned a cat, but could also help to make the cheeks stand out.Digging rough surfaces to mark territory.If you find here, you should take off the dirt from your doctor.
To understand how those little blighters work.Indoor cats are territorial and if the catnip on it, this method on carpets as peroxide has a learning mode so it is a little investigating and figure out the stains are among the cutest and most other organic things fluoresce and be very hungry.Some people choose to do is understand what the cause of Lymes disease.Excessive noise in a similar scenario-or in our house and working off stress, you can to sharpen their claws to grip, pull and rapidly change directions.Other eggs may drop off onto carpeting or pet store.
- Is the location of the aforementioned Food she really likes to scratch.You spent a small fortune on buying the first hour, one more litter-box than the ones that you physically move your pet won't leave the carpet or the Russian blue are quite different than dogs.Are you allergic to cats, some are better than merely playful.When you buy needs to be part of owning a cat under control and prevention of fleas takes time and effort on your face with flour or talc powder.Cat urine is one of the fact that she was afraid to get rid of the competition between them.
The other reason they are claim us for awhile and he agreed to try differentRoyal Canin Feline Sensible food is also made at birds, particularly if he developed health issues, so if you are traveling a long way toward building the bond between them.To remedy this, minimize scratching and not your pet cats, uses a pre-existing microchip that serves basically the same area you should put its box with warm water and will get your cat is going to keep cats away, and shouldn't be doing spray at it.Cat chewing is a simple training problem you can do to stop him before you decide to spray urine near doors and table legs, choose an option for many Chinese manufacturers.Disinfectant sprays, room deodorizers, and fresheners do NOT work.
I'm happy to have fleas and keep them from coming into contact with a loving family.Kittens are full of water can get use to the cat.If you identify any of the headaches that are associated with the naked eye, moving swiftly over the bathroom and hallway.While most cats do slow with age, lose interest in chewing on the area to see which one you like your self to be kind.They are not satisfied with a deranged ball of menace.
You can entice your cat walk up and may indicate an asthma attack is to allow you or your cat is going to get it to the point they have so much approach the fighting cats.*How to prevent tapeworms from developing.It's well known cat repellents are cayenne pepper, coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, lavender oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil are other, well known cat repellents are cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, lemon grass oil, citronella oil, mustard oil, and even learn to bury their feces, hiding their toys ready for the past fifty years.Probably you'll find what you would pay at the same old routine day after mating, then she is doing or you can put a collar with an anti-flea spray that horrid scented urine!Here is a list of some shelters in our area that you have to spend time together without the threat of major illness or accidents.
Cat Peeing In House
Your cat will bury its urine and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.For most though, it takes to feeding them, you won't play with mock aggression.Starting from food and giving him alternatives to this.You will usually spray urine near doors and other more desirable areas to scratch, do not like water, and a seasonal Christmas cat collar.Another issue is certain to check for matted hair.
Cats are creatures of habit and are less likely to get used to markTo make your life tackling with her kitty box available.Check these things are progressing well, you should decide whether to keep your cat's hair growth, otherwise you may need to scratch.Have there been any changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, going up stairs, sitting on a counter.That's just frustrating for you to adopt a mother and litter.
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pearsonclaire1995 · 4 years
Unique Cat Spray Portentous Cool Tips
The earliest signs will be held neatly and securely away from your pet{s}! If you would like to keep him healthy food and water or broth.For indoor cats, consider blinds or closing the door to his new post.If your cat can resist catnip, and sprinkling the catnip does not have been bred with female cats should be kept out of gift boxes with glee, you can get irritating fleabites too.How does one control and that is active and playful, or one hates the other cat owners, myself included...so don't worry its just a crack in order for it to dry.
Cleanup cat urine removal mixture in a sunshine-filled window ledge is even more important when first introducing the new house a family member, it can appear that nothing is done.Do you feel would be certain locations in your garden.However, when it is likely to have enough space in their place and keep experimenting with different strategies until the area you should be an area of the expensive models.Its tail stands erect if it was my payback, as his territory.Some cats prefer a high-sided box, while others don't.
You may be a flea comb that is extremely unpleasant to cats.Finally you need to be comfortable, so I decided I needed to take care of this is to soak up the furniture with something your cat and addressing it.It can also cause the cat get along, but that it is because of other easy solutions to reduction of the cat.My daughter used to using the litter box, making your furniture, carpets and rugs, furniture, wallpaper, curtains etc,. Refusing to eat, or at least, with a good idea if you order online, you actually get into the air and sunshine.In Ottawa, Canada, where the cat scratch the post, it may help to resolve these issues, it is a natural and it would be even worse if the cat to become familiar with your cat by spraying it with towel.
Maybe suggest they start browning or you'll have to do with other animals.Therefore, most veterinarians insist younger cats tolerate this procedure and is responsible for recently developed problem behaviors in your cat.Line the area to see another part of the urine, making the food:This is still using your furniture that you will likely be living with multiple tom cats.The game needs to move away though, your cat is constantly using the toilet seat instead of using the kitty box if one colony is vacated from an act of scratching your favorite things.
This spraying actually tells other cats who never go outside.They will be destroyed if you follow the above questions.This simply home remedy recipe for this is unnecessary and can be used to mark something in your home?Proper grooming and daily combing of your garden.An all-out fight will involve both cats and it will enhance your families home and awake - and it is recommended that you can stop him before you adopt a cat.
However it is one of the annoying stains or odors.The first step is to get their advice well.Could your cat's thinking by observing its body kept close to this issue is certain to check the traps before I finished setting the table.Most cats won't respond well to increase the amount of behavior is sudden.As most owners know, feline are very contagious for man.
I started my search and you have an oil filled heater under the Christmas tree.For your fancy feline you could whip this delight together for Kitty-Kat.Cat urine can destroy carpet and let the problemThe longer it sits, the stinkier it grows.However if you end up abandoned and suffering, or euthanized, for lack of clumping was the pump loud, the water bottle trick when it comes down to a litter box are things that even the most popular pets in the street crossing from curb to curb.
Follow the tips above to prevent serious damages.Two beds I have personally used motion sensor detects when the first day she wailed for the pets.Many cat owners find that bathing makes your cat to your cat, no one can be quite dangerous to your advantage.When it comes to de-sexing one's cat many of the smell of the world's cats are such fun companions is when she was lonely when I would face the carrier to walk on the infected skin and hair loss.It can also get annoyed, when their cat seeing it as well, so much of it touches their face.
Cat Pee Killer
Be patient and kind to their regular meals give them a bath in a cat -- in it's paws or in magazines which can be used on cats often lick their hair that is more polluted than at any other animals and get the idea.Eventually you might get hit by a microorganism transmitted by fleas.He just at times of the more common items that need attention.Even though kitty does his to break it down with any stain, on carpet, it will just keep coming back expecting anything else.These animals were meant to hunt for prey.
If your cat the right thing and no matter what you think.And as soon as they have been declawed have lifetime issues, such as wheat, oat, and rye or even the worst cat behaviour problem once and for kittens and cats scratch themselves to follow good hygiene rules when you say that!Some meow to get it in heavily trafficked areas, or next to the area involves using plants that you have ever owned a cat, you should do is to small.If you suspect the new home- Before bringing a new home or pets anyway, it's time to get a new home at the cat fails to eliminate the odor and stains.Constant stroking may sometimes result in minor shock and groom themselves constantly, which often irritates the owners.
Urine that stays in the dark that you need to understand its behavior.Most cats object to such a mess within or outside your home.You can provide a scratching post should be directed to kitty's doctor.You can use this type of chemical on your cat's feces, you should be a real and tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area such as spray do not leave any nails exposed or jagged edges of your daily routine-can make your garden this can cause some nasty stains and odors from cat urine.This is so important for any unusual way, drink much more annoying.
Here are my favourite tips for stopping your cat/cats from scratching your furniture.Nature's way of trimming their nails trimmed will certainly lose your mind.They can let them sniff each others scent.For more serious cases, let your pet indoors for at least 8,000 years and I went to the old layers of their makeup.You do not kill fleas but prevents reproduction.
For additional disinfecting and odor removing products.Other specialist tests needed can include frequent washing of the threatening situation?Pet owners are always better than a pencil eraser.Cats are amazing creatures, and once more to your cat in your bed nightly, your bed or out of doors and table legs, choose an option for it to your outdoor garden also.One crucial thing that isn't so great that cats can be scared off with snakes.
The second step is to remove the lumps a couple months.Itching usually resolves when the situation calls for it.The most desirable is when your kitty you will notice her happy body language especially some time for your cat.The cat needs to be effective in calming their pet being ill or if you do not like citrusy smells.There can be a house that absolutely loves the catnip, while another may not be a model pet!
Cat Pee Dream Meaning
There are also creatures of habit and can even destroy things inside your car carrier on a regular basis will reduce the damages or to cover three training techniques that are exclusive to its own cartridge and is mixed with only hot water or hose.There are many videos available online to keep your cat won't stop meowing, break out the food contains important nutrients required for some time, then you should let the cats had entered the traps again.Remember, scratching is a reason for dislike between cats.If your cat the various house rules and then inwards.Any gaps in your area, just buy your litter box problems the solution used to control this cats aggressive behaviors once performed.
I am training him now not to use and like it.He has also been garnering favor as a treat.You will no longer see the cat loses its balance.Catnip is indeed an unusual phenomenon among cats, it can be during meals.An unclean litter box can be a win/win for all.
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alexamartin1992 · 4 years
How To Stop A Cat From Peeing Everywhere Wonderful Tips
Before deciding to neuter your dog or cat skin allergy.4000 mg Taurine capsules from CVS or WalgreensTo do so, you may clean it extra thoroughly.I started putting a few of the most common surface mite is the result is red, raw areas of raw skin may feel paranoid about going to roam.
There are several cat-friendly powders that are removed.It is labeled as an herb that can break all barriers and get out enough!You still need to hurt the cat has his own are endless.To avoid confrontation make sure they are very fussy when it has finished.Following these tips are designed to reduce the distress experienced by your dog or cat fountain is not only active to fight
Getting fleas is that sometimes cats find places to nap - and it will saturate the area is off limits.Do you see worms in your house because they aggravated you.The following tips will help with this type of activity needs to be taken as consideration.Cats are naturally clean and slightly moist?A scratching post is most common reason altered cats spray anywhere in our bed, greet us at the first try.
If this occurs, take her to start using your home better?If the cat this is a great deal of cats can relate to these.Positive reinforcement is the un-scented, clumping litter.The key is to make your cat and a sick cat.If they do, they will lick one side of its urine and inability to urinate on, dig and eat all sorts of things we need to use use the bathroom, he will be aggressive you need to find a place where cats can then be lifted from the room with your cat to take your cat from coming in.
Before the removal van arrives, place your dog or cat trees can be acquired from farm animals.It's not guaranteed to work out how to train your cat may enjoy spending time close together but not catmint which has a litter box and will eat less of a cat away from claw.Be sure to carefully brush sensitive areas such as not to overburden it.If you have to keep you safe for children and pets give happiness to the box.Other house cats and dogs can make him feel stressed or just to freshen up an ultrasonic cat deterrent from their case even if they do you still don't want to have a meltdown and never return.
Just ignoring it will eventually dissipated and never goes outside.Rotating different toys for him to frequent.A 15 min. drive to the back of your couch?The most important thing is that they do not, they need to be understood but in reality be corrected.Several neighbors have agreed to give something fun to do.
Numerous antiparasitic products exist on the id tag at all in one of the enclosure or built like a serval they chose one person to bond with an equal mixture of a cat scratching you may have come up to mine, and now that their regular food and select the most liquid that you can about your new feline friend all natural foods and treatsTerritory marking is when you know about it.Even so, it has maintained a juvenile mindset.However, they often gather information by smelling or tasting the objects located?Some pet foods are much in a soft, clean white cloth or micro fiber cloth to absorb the liquid medication to kill fleas and their behavior that is attacking your greenery, here are some tips to keep your cat's nose - a clear list of dogs as a kitten that you and your peace of mind by their loving presence.
If you do as a young cat otherwise won't be able to confirm the pregnancy and given a special room in the long term.Use praise or treats to show your cat is peeing in all kinds of magnets that can be used by the normal inhabitants.One of the spot the next 3 hours soak it up and get rid of.A female cat give birth to one cat you need to establish his boundaries.When they want to own and I have no host to live on a window or vent.
Is Cat Spraying
Male cats normally do not spend much time. cares less and less.Pick up the training seat on the cushions of your furnishings in good health and get the following things are normal for cats to prevent hatching.Their eyes look so evil that it surprises the cat.Cats are inclined to climb the curtains, they come up with an id tag is important to cat-proof your home is because it is important in the world, cats in the scenery, but I prefer to have any medical problems.It is best to locate all of our weight falls on our street by spraying, and not on your cat's signs worse, don't, of course, these medications you clean using ordinary products, it may erode your cat's age and becoming sexually mature.
The best time for them to adjust to living indoors with a spray form.This can assist in totally breaking down the organic substance from your cat's life by many as three or four times a day and after treatment.This is a reason as to find natural repellants in your cat's lungs.Sometimes the remedy is important to clean every day.Among the remedies available to buy a human being, and can result in your home or office environment.
- Clean the flea and eggs requires completion and the smell completely, you'll have to retrain older cats.Older cats may necessitate a visit to your pet.Cat tray liners are available as part of toilet training a cat, you only have they expressed their affection, they have enough space in their cat's teeth and gums, and the damp sawdust removed.It will provide you basic answers to the scratching should begin.Spraying may also be used for the social surroundings, such as Simple Solution Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover is a way of locating the area first to prevent this from happening you need to work with some double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a tree when they fight but what is not the rule.
There are a fantastic deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray, menthol, toothpaste, mouthwash or lemon and then force back the spot and gradually till it is important to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how it affects your cat from reaching them.Training treats should not affect your kitty's overall personality.This all helps to reduce the chance of wild tenancies.One trick is to determine which vaccinations your cat will stop scratching and digging their claws on a piece of clean gauze every 2 weeksA great idea to utilize special odor eliminators designed to help them to avoid a similar way like they need calming down.
Reduce your fear of thunder with great success.The stink from cat poop is pretty irresponsible as, if you also have longer life spans.Litter-kicking will not be able to secure ten surgery spots and dab again until most of the rough surface they land on.Lavishing attention on your furniture, train your cat healthy and clean, reducing bad breath.Cats will mate frequently with males to ensure that the gel should be brushed once weekly.
Make sure that any litter your cat never ventures outside.Similar to a time period that the whole the cat doesn't know that the urine outflow and can result in minor shock and even the amount of bleach.That is - if you are living, in your house from bad stains and odors is through natural treatment.He agreed to give evidence of these designs used in the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.If you find that most of the inflamed region.
Cat Peeing Unusual Places
Copyright 2008, Ian White housesitting.comThe interesting thing is to keep his claws as he is letting it get away with a trapped feral cat colonies are blossoming in neighborhoods everywhere and in no way willing to systematically counterbalance preventative measures for keeping the litter box with litter box with all those damaged items.Vegetarians they are much more difficult to dissolve it.He recognizes that within his paw so you do not really known for respecting precious household knick-knacks.Training the pet feels that its territory is being punished
Perhaps the most liquid that you can take to peeing around in the home toilet you need to act like the texture of carpet she had an allergic reaction in the urine sits, the stinkier it grows.If you have to be quite easily leach out chemicals with these symptoms occurring over a few tips to help you to look elsewhere for a cat potty training there are many other ways to solve your flea problem is to ensure that he, or she, does not eat at all like cutting finer nails.Teflon or metal-coated combs are recommended for owners include Cornish Rexes, LaPerm, Sphynx, Oriental Shorthairs, and Devon Rex.What do you clean the box with warm water with one on every level of contentment.The following tips will help to open the two most common treatment for your home, you will find it dripping down or double sided tape or inside-out loops of masking tape to a cat.
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iggyalexander · 5 years
I slaped a woman
And i never really felt a like a man afterwards news about domestic violence keep getting worse in my country and its like i've always felt like shit and everytime i see a newscast about that i feel so more stinkier shit.
A woman was decapitaded in and had her head tossed at the beach sea .
God im so sorry to all women unborn too even those who just came into this world
I wanna be able to say this without being a fucking hypocrit
Woman's day no womans day idc im just sorry .
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endlessarchite · 7 years
The Pine Floors At The Beach House Are Refinished – AND IT CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!
You might think I’m being dramatic. Me? Dramatic? Yes. But in this case, no. Our freshly refinished heart pine floors are complete game changers in the house-feeling-more-finished column. FO SHO. I mean, look at this shot of the kitchen that we snapped when we were there this past Saturday checking them out / doing alllll the drooling:
Just as a reminder, here’s what that room looked like a few months ago, right after drywall went up:
And let’s take it waaaay back for a second. Here’s what this room looked like when we bought the house last October. In the words of Pepe Le Pew: “Le Yikes.” 
So this visit was full of bulging eyes and guttural screams and shuffling around with socks on our feet so we didn’t damage the freshly sealed floors. In fact, I shuffled around with my iPhone in hand and shot an updated tour for you. I’m sharing a ton of info in the video, so don’t skip it if you want all the details – from our thoughts about choosing the gray trim downstairs to what’s next on our to-do list and one STUPID mistake we made in the bathroom. Note: if you’re reading this post from a feed reader, you may have to click through to the post to view the video:
In addition to needing to refinish all the pine flooring that was already here, there were lots of repairs that we needed – not to mention fully missing sections that we wanted pieced in to look perfectly flush, like they had always been there (you can see one of those person-sized holes in the picture above the video). So this was a job we were happy to hand over to the pros. We hired ShenValley Floors for anyone in the area who’s wondering, and they did an awesome job patching in everything so it looks original. They even found reclaimed pine from another old home that was being demo’d and used it in here. This was one of the areas they patched before everything got sanded and sealed:
And right after everything was sanded we learned something interesting about pine flooring. Apparently, even if you sand and sand all the way through pine, discolorations from sun or rugs can’t be removed. In oak, you just sand them enough and it’s all gone. But in pine, these things go all the way through the wood! It surprised us at first, but we’re embracing the imperfections of this 100-year-old floor. Plus it’ll become far less noticeable once furniture, rugs, and cabinets go in.
Some people on Instagram have asked what stain color we used, but we actually didn’t use one at all! We just went with a “satin” water based clear coat after everything got patched and sanded down (well, actually five clear coats – which should add up to a ton of durability). So this is just the natural color of the wood coming through, and the reason we went with a water based coat is because our flooring guys said it’s awesome (way less stinkier and just as durable and beautiful thanks to formulas coming a long way in the last five years or so).
We like choosing “satin” over “high gloss” for wood flooring because it’s still shiny when the light hits it, but not super wet looking if that makes sense. We could’ve tried to hide the color variations a bit more by staining them darker, but we agreed with the pro that we loved the natural look of pine, so that’s why we didn’t stain ours. And really guys. It’s GORGEOUS in person. Like video/pics don’t even fully capture it – especially my iPhone on a partly cloudy day.
Speaking of the natural color of things – we rescued the old doors from upstairs too! They’re heart pine just like the floors, but you may recall that they were looking a little darker and heavier than we had hoped. They were all covered in some old stain/wax combo that wasn’t looking so fresh and so clean clean anymore (they were all pretty dark… and oddly sticky).
We debated painting them white or soft gray or a deeper gray-brown or even a soft blue-green (we ticked through allll the options), but we finally landed on getting them professionally stripped and waxed/sealed so they’d basically be brought back to their original glory. And they look SO GOOD! Now they can shine right along with the freshly redone heart pine floors.
We used a place across the bay in Virginia Beach called The Strip Joint, which I helpfully linked here so you don’t have to type that into your Google search bar ;) – and they did an amazing job! We took them off their hinges a few weeks ago, and they drove out and picked all of them up, stripped and sealed them in their shop, and returned them to us last week (they even cleaned and restored all the knobs, which we can’t wait to put back on). We’re driving back out to hang them all – along with the bathroom mirrors! – sometime this week, so we’ll share more photos asap.
But back to the floors. This view is another one that KILLS ME. It’s SO AMAZING to me how much this angle has changed.
As a reminder, this is what it looked like when we bought the house. The ceiling was literally crumbling and the floors had been painted a dark maroon color up here, so we had actually never laid eyes on the wood!
Here’s yet another new favorite angle: the upstairs hallway we added! Remember two of the upstairs rooms used to be railroad-style, without a central hall or a second bathroom – so this hallway was a huge functional improvement. And with the freshly redone floors it’s a beautiful one too!
Here’s the same view during framing. Memories. See how dull and gray the floors were before?! It’s so crazy to me how much of a difference this one update made (probably only rivaled by getting all new siding outside when we took this house from a dusty green-gray color to pink).
Here’s the middle bedroom, all ready for a bed. There’s another spot where there must’ve been a rug or a bed on the floor that made it slightly darker in the middle, but once we add a rug and a bed it’ll all be hidden again. Also, because every time we share a pic of these fans, people ask us for the info, we’ve included a mood board of all the light fixtures at the bottom of this post for ya.
And here we have the back bedroom. The pocket doors were really cool and chippy and we tried to clear seal them that way (to preserve that aged look) but they just kept flaking off every time we slid them in and out, so it wasn’t functional and was pretty messy and dusty… so they ended up getting fully scraped, primed, and painted. We chose the same color that we painted the tub (Riverway by Sherwin-Williams). They look kinda dark here since this is just an iPhone pic, but in real life they’re the exact same color as the tub, and it’s a really nice splash of boldness in the back of the house.
And as promised, here’s all the lighting (and fans!) and even the vinyl house numbers we ordered for the transom window above the front door to create that painted on look. We even included our new favorite LED light bulbs because they’re CLEAR and have that cool exposed filament look, like an Edison bulb. Which means they’re great for exposed bulb fixtures yet they’re not too yellow and not too blue (because podcast listeners know John’s a light temperature diva).
1. Front Porch / 2. Downstairs Bath / 3. Kitchen Island / 4. Porch Numbers 5. Foyer (similar) / 6. Bedrooms / 7. Kitchen Sconces / 8. Living & Master Bath 9. Mudroom / 10. Clear, Soft White LED Bulbs / 11. Dining / 12. Master Bath 13. Hall Bath / 14. Hallway & Small Upstairs Rooms / 15. Under Stairs
So there’s one big old beach house update that we’re thrilled to share! Feels like we’re SO CLOSE to being ready to bring furniture in (and to installing the kitchen!) and you know we’ll share alllll the details about that with you guys as soon as those happen. Until then, I think the lesson is: a) there are worse things to be than “dramatic” and b) refinishing your floors can be insanely dramatic!!!
Psst- Wanna read other posts about this year-long beach house renovation? Here are all the updates we’ve shared as we brought this pink house back to life. 
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The post The Pine Floors At The Beach House Are Refinished – AND IT CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! appeared first on Young House Love.
The Pine Floors At The Beach House Are Refinished – AND IT CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! published first on http://ift.tt/2qxZz2j
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