#i feel like q!slime is in so much danger
crt8ball · 11 months
also now that everything is over can we please talk about what charlie said about not turning into gegg as often cause its getting more and more difficult to change back??????
LIKE ITS NO LONGER teehee!! he makes loud echoey scream sounds for funsies and turns into a silly small egg!
It physically pains q!Slime to become Gegg.
i feel like this presidency if gegg actually gets voted is going to be the end of q!slime like...
im not gonna put it past charlie slimecicle to make a pyscological horror plot about him slowly each time being more hurt by doing this metamorphasis until he is fully unable to get out of this slimey egg form
i mean especially with q!slime "blacking out" and "not remebering what happened" for the whole debate despite him BEING THERE in the form of gegg...
im so worried for his character... i cannot handle another wretchedly tragic and unsaveable charlie slimecicle character RIGHT after genloss, my mental state will not recover
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the-crimson · 8 months
I always love reading your takes and insight on q!bbhs character, you put what I keep thinking and see into words and is SO WONDERFUL to see someone get it :'). But speaking of which what do you think of q!bbh whole thing with anarchy rn?
Thank u so much :D I’m glad u appreciate my incoherent ramblings about a block man XD
Minecraft politics - and politics in general for that matter - are whole can of worms I usually try not to touch too closely. There is too much opportunity for misunderstandings and pointless arguments that discussions usually just feel like an excuse to get mad. So take all this in good fun, I’m not saying if q!bad is right or wrong to think this way, it’s not that serious lol
The thing we first need to understand is that - before the election - the islanders were essentially living in an anarchist commune. The federation existed but mostly left them alone and let them rule themselves, which they did. Everyone lived as they pleased and they all had an unspoken agreement: live and let live.
When someone became a problem, the islanders came together and dealt with it themselves. When Slime tried to kill all the eggs after Juanaflippa’s death, bbh, Jaiden, and Roier were able to talk him down. They held a trial - federation sponsored- but the islanders were the ones calling the shots. When Quackity plotted to murder the eggs, the islanders came together again and stopped him. When they were threatened by the code, the islanders came together to defend the eggs.
What is the point of a governing body? To create order and resolve conflict. The islanders were already doing this without a governing body. They didn’t need it.
What do most governments actually do? They consolidate power and oppress. Even the most benign progressive government is going to leave someone in the gutter. By creating a box to put society into, it is the very nature of the box that some things are not going to fit or are going to be forgotten.
This is what bbh is afraid of. This is why he dislikes government. Why should anyone have the power to decide that a few chairs going missing is a bigger threat to the island than land mines that cause ten times as much destruction? The actual principle of who is right is irrelevant. Why should someone have this power to decide for others what is an is not okay. Why should someone else tell you how to live your life if you aren’t hurting anyone.
Bad’s been saying this since the day the elections were announced. They don’t need this. A President is going to create unnecessary restrictions and is the gate way to federation overreach. Some people have said bbh is a hypocrite for running for office but it’d be even more hypocritical to do nothing. If you see a train barreling towards you and there is a lever within reach to change the tracks, would you not pull it? You could just step off the tracks but then everyone who is unaware of the danger behind you would still be struck.
I think q!bbh’s anarchism is one of the most misunderstood things about his character - partially because I think the common perception of anarchy is intentionally misconstrued by the media but that’s not a conversation to be had while I’m talking about block men XD
Thanks for the ask and I hope I answered ur question :3
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alexanderwesker · 1 year
hey! it's been a while since i asked anything on here, but i just had a few curiosities and hypotheticals that i was wondering about, so i figured i'd actually ask them on here for once ^^
1. (// slight atol spoilers) would thaw!george be like atol!george in that he's also actually the cc? and if so, why hasn't XD gotten bored of him yet in this timeline? is george even going to be in thaw? i feel like he will be eventually, solely bc he was also included under thaw in that one age post of yours, but idk maybe i'm wrong.
2. how did soot magically dip? right now i can only think of ender pearls and transport portals as the ways people can teleport to places in your world, but it hasn't been confirmed what he actually did in thaw. are there any other ways? did he use a transport portal, some kind of stasis chamber(seems unlikely, but i'm covering all my bases yk), or something else? also, i don't think i asked this before, but what is a transport portal? how would you go about obtaining one? and how does it actually work? does it need runes, bc i think i recall tbom!wilbur mentioning rune work when he got one from techno? if so and if that is what they used, did philza help with those ones too?
3. what did philza see in tommy in the latest theseus' home chapter? because it definitely isn't like what q sees. we saw tbom!philza look into wilbur's soul that one time, and it was very different from what q sees. like, ig it still showed the danger that the dark blue would show q if he knew about the significance of the magic color, just in a different, more explicit and detailed way for philza. but what was it like for thiloas(is that the right abbreviation?)!tommy? how is thaw!theseus' soul different from tbom!wilbur's? from thaw!tommy's? how does philza even peer into people's souls to begin with, like, does he have to stare into their eyes, or just stare at them in general (i'm sticking w staring so much bc of how big of a deal it seemed to be in theseus' home, maybe that's misguided of me though idk)? also why did he only get to see tbom!wilbur's soul for the first time in that moment when he looked into his eyes, what was stopping him before?
4. i also have some follow-up questions on illusions... like, what does it feel like to be under an illusion? is it uncomfortable at all? weird? and also what are they like when the illusion is of a different species? obviously, thaw!soot was just pretending to be himself but younger so we didn't see this with him, but if some hypothetical human were to put on an illusion of, say, fundy, would they get his heightened hybrid senses and the ability to shift as well, maybe by using up extra magic? or do they still only have human abilities and just look like they don't to the outside world? just how similar are illusions to the sky gods changing the ccs to be more physically and physiologically similar to their characters (besides the latter not requiring any runes or magic)? and this may be a stupid question, but are there any limits to animal/mob illusions? like, would i be able to be under the illusion of just a normal fucking bird if i wanted to? but then, if there are limits, then where's the line? would people be able to pretend to be sam or slime, or would they be immune to that because they're technically mobs too?
i have so many more, but i think these are the least spoilery to ask on here, so i'm saving the rest for later/elsewehere. feel free not to answer things though if you don't want to give something away, idm :]
thank you for writing, i hope that you're doing well ^_^
(i tried sending this a couple days ago, but tumblr said it failed :/ so hopefully it works this time..!)
It has been ^^ it's okay though ^^
To answer your questions:
1. This is a thing of the way I write my version of George's character, he's always both c! and CC! because of the fact that XD found it interesting to see what would happen if they did so. (Though in contrary of AToL, George isn't aware that what's happening is not only incredibly vivid dreams)As for why the Guardian hasn't gotten bored yet, that's because Chaos keeps happening, in AToL thing resolved in a manner that turned the dsmp story in a much less Chaotic story for XD's tastes, while in thaw the story just followed canon(of course with my adjustments to make the events realistic). George will appear once Quackity's ex-fiances show up.
2. Soot used a Transport Portal to leave LN. As for other instant transport methods there really aren't many in my universe, because the ones that exist are very complicated on the magic aspect and also if one gets their rune work wrong can be dangerous.
A Transport Portal is a crystal that has been bound to a location using rune work and using some slightly modified runes similar to those that allow opening portals to the nether dimension, it transport people instantaneously to the location the crystal was bound to once it's shattered.
Usually their are made by those that will use them if they are good with rune working but one can buy an unprimed crystal from an Alchemist (though here come in play the possibile danger of the alchemist wasn't too good with the runes).
Wilbur made his own with some help to Philza to pour enough magic into it(since he couldn't deplete is own for Illusion purposes)
3. For the first three questions you'll have to wait and see, sorry ^^". As for how Philza peers into people souls, it's an ability of his coming from his Angelhood, Angels always see people less like they appear physically and more in the way their soul looks. But because Philza is a Fallen Angel, he has lost the ability to see them all the time, instead he has to look into someone's eyes to be able to.
In TBOM, the reason why he hadn't done so before was because he was in denial over the fact that seeing souls was not as natural for him anymore.
4. Illusions are pretty interesting and as for what you can cloak yourself as there is virtually no limit, though as it is an illusion everything you can do in your 'new' for his limited to what you could already do normally. So for example: if you cloaked yourself in the Illusion of a bird, you'd look like a bird to everyone around you, yes, but you can't chirp if you don't already know how, nor you could fly or stand on a thin branch as your body weight is unchanged and people are much heavier than birds.
As for the question about if someone pretended to be Fundy, that is an interesting one, because virtually if they are good enough with runes(and not scared of the pain) they could make one complex enough to make it seem like they are shapeshifting... But that would require an unnatural amount of magic to keep up so it's practically impossible.
As for how it feels, being cloaked under an Illusion, feels kind of as if you had a film over your skin, it isn't uncomfortable per se but it isn't the most comfortable experience.
Hope the answers are satisfactory and sorry for taking so long to answer ^^"
Thank you for your questions, and I've been doing okay enough, just got sick .-. but otherwise all alright.
I hope you are doing well too and have a good day/evening/night^^
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commaclear · 2 years
On a scale from 1-10 how bitchy is Karl going to be? Like once that man unscrambles his brain, is he gonna go all crazy ex-girlfriend on us? Or maybe he’s gonna take the petty route. Or like is he gonna be completely docile (doubt) (very much doubt).
Either way this is gonna dig up some old shit. I remember an ask a while back that you responded with “Quackity was in a really bad place when he and Karl met” so I take it that Karl is one of the reasons he has gotten to the point he is now. Based on what I’ve inferred with the whole Schlatt thing, Karl is how he learned to stand up for himself and communicate in a relationship and accept that it’s okay to say no.
(Also I really wanna talk about the fact that Quackity was into psychology and has so many psychological issues that he won’t acknowledge. And the whole “Karl’s dumb therapist” thing. Homeshit, Wasn’t that gonna be your job? Can’t help others if you can’t help yourself.)
I have a feeling that Quackity believes that lying is the best way to save someone from the dangers of knowing the truth. In a way I feel like it’s from his past relationships. At least if what I’m thinking is true. And he tells himself that he’s going to tell the truth. He swears he’s going to be better and not lie anymore. But the god awful feeling that comes with telling the truth always gets him.
If he told Wilbur the first time, Wilbur wouldn’t have been interested. Okay. Maybe he would’ve. But it was too late then. How would he even know?
If he told slime the truth slime would hate him. This was his fault. Maybe that’s not true. But it was too late then.
If he had told Wilbur on the buss that Karl was awake it would’ve cause Wilbur a lot of distress. Maybe it would’ve helped him talk about it. But it was too late then.
If he had told Karl about Wilbur, Karl would’ve been so angry and upset and Karl deserves better. Maybe he should’ve. Too late now.
If he would’ve just answered Wilbur’s first text with “I’m not doing okay maybe another day” it would’ve been better for both of them. Maybe Wilbur wouldn’t have freaked out. Too late now.
There’s a pattern.
I feel like he lies because he thinks it’s for the greater good. He thinks that by keeping all the secrets to himself that he’s helping his loved ones stay safe. That way there’s no fighting or sadness. It reminds me of situations where a child becomes the person that all the siblings, parents, and friends vent to so they are sitting on top of a pile of secrets that could destroy everything, so they just don’t talk about it and never tell anyone what should’ve been said to prevent more issues. Maybe he learned that in a different relationship? Maybe he was once with someone who would become an insufferable asshole the second there was conflict, so he learned how to tuck secrets and lies away until it was safe for him to tell the truth. And it was never very safe because the amount of damage the truth would cause grew everytime he lied.
Putting off telling the truth ensures he can keep all of his worlds separate (I deadass said the same shit abt btp q). Once you hide one thing it seems so much easier to hide more. Lying is a slippery slope to what’s-even-the-truth-and-what-did-I-tell-others Town. As we learned in btp you cannot have the best of both worlds and withhold a bunch of important info because it just ends in a shit show.
Even if he tells Karl the truth about Wilbur, he’ll probably edit the details. He might see how Karl is looking/reacts and ends it with “but I’m sure he’ll understand” to give Karl false hope because he’s already hurt Karl enough. And even if he doesn’t do that he’s bound to lie about something else. The only thing I can hope for is that Wilbur calls him on his bullshit and actually makes him talk about why he has this habit.
And adding on to something I said earlier. When Karl and him fully begin the breakup process and they are deciding who gets what, Karl might talk about how Quackity doesn’t deserve any of this stuff. That he’s the problem. And it just remind Quackity of the times he’s been told that before. Karl says a lot of shit to him in the moment. Karl doesn’t apologize because you don’t apologize to the people who break your heart. (And ur spine. El oh el.) so Quackity just has to live with the fact that he’s reliving his past relationships. And he probably doesn’t tell Wilbur because then Wilbur might use it against him.
Anyways I could be totally fucking wrong or some shit. This was originally just a question I wasn’t even gonna sign off on and I spiraled.
-the Quackity Analysis Anon
Yeah, Quackity's "I must withhold the truth to protect my loved one (and myself)" mentality definitely comes from some past trauma
But as my sibling says, there are plenty of psych majors out there who analyze everyone else but fail to turn the microscope inward (zir words, I can't take take credit for that cool phrasing)
And to answer your original question, I think I've already dropped a few clues about how Karl's gonna take the news, should he ever receive it
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ram-de · 6 months
[read] robbie fontaine my precious
i haven't read lovesong because I'm not ready for grief😔 elizabeth... :( (also partly because of FUCKING THOMAS is there but I will read your short stories queen trust)
um. this one is gonna be another heartwrenching one is it... robbie...😭 WHY IS EVERY GREEN CREEK CHARACTERS TRAUMATIZED...
Wait... Alpha and his witch?? I don't remember robbie recognizing dale in Book 2 tho? Oooooooo ok hi ezra
WAITTT I JUST REALIZED SINCE ROBBIE IS A WOLF... We're gonna get more of cute puppy pov 😭 ox turned into a wolf at the end, gordo is a witch (and just barely several pages of mark's thoughts) BUT NOW?? Robbie's. Yes. Wolf. Wolf. Packpackpack. Read. Love. I am. Reading reading I am book wolf. Wolf I like (love love love). WOLFY CAVEMAN FOR THE WIN
STOPPP i like it so much it's so endearing. robbie. cutie wolf cutie cute glasses. Wolf glasses. fake glasses fake but cute. wolfie chases squirrel squirrel. robbie is. robbie is here.
I'm not gonna be prepared for ezras death hdhsfjs he seems to be the closest thing to father figure robbie had
I can't be calling robbie a son since we're like. Barely years apart. But robbie my son is a diplomat!! (for a scummy alpha society or whatever it's called... good people that works under a corrupt leader... Society...😔)
This seems like a beginning of a horror flick... DEATH GUESSES FOR THIS CHAPTER: EZRA, JOHN.
T-they're gonna kill off brodie... Are they... Why the hell is Robert Livingstone still alive?? The fuck?? Hm. Hmm... I'm Book 1 Thomas said something about how they'd treat human differently from animals. Is it because Robert is an old pal? Thomas WAS the Alpha of all after all. Is he pulling some strings. But. BUT LOOK WHAT HE DID? FUCKING THOMAS BENNETT AGAIN. ALL THAT POWER AND. fucking Thomas Bennet. I will end you. Q
Is Shannon flirting... No of course not💀 ate they asking for robbie to kill of Robert?? Or just help not snitching them out??
Hm... Ezra are you a slime... How can a kid be 'not so innocent'? Wtf did kid joe do except getting kidnapped and tortured tf????
Oh. Oh he is. He is a slime. I will stand by my son robbie (and his future pack the bennets)
Holy shit. Does... So, does it mean that robbie don't really remember his previous packs because. His memory. Altered. UM...
😐 TB
Fuck. Fuck. Elizabeth's letter. Should I read lovesong. I'm not ready to mourn for your grief queen :( but should I. maybe after this one??
😐 fucking Thomas Bennett. Even in his remorse he still made excuses. You made ✨your choices✨ so live and suffer with it. Damn it. Even if the book is trying to show me the other side, flaws, and measly attempts to redeem Thomas Bennett character, I'm way too deep on my resentment lol
The audacity to think that gordo would be his father's pawn... When he. He's the one who pushed his hand to seat an 8-years old gordo being tattoed agaisnt his will despite his mom crying in the back. He's the one who dragged gordo's back to the town when he was about to leave this wolf mess with his mom. He's the one who sided with abel despite Gordo having his whole family taken. He's the one saying gordo shouldn't lead on marks feeling, but also the one who dragged mark out of the town. For years. He dragged gordo to his pack, made him had home, abandon him and said nothing to him for years. And you. You still think it's justifiable? Because he /could/ be danger? Then why tf lead him to your pack in the first place? Thomas reeks of hypocrisy, and no matter how the writer, klune, wants to spin his character in a good light, thomas is still manipulative. Manipulation can be done despite being accompanied with smiles and laughter and affection. And don't get me started on when Thomas returned to green creek.
FUCKING THOMAS BENNETT. I wasn't meant to write all of that I swear. I'm sorry robbie this supposed to be your book😔
It's not just a love story between two broken men, but also a love story between fathers and sons, and how much the weight of their mistakes can pull a person down. It's about finding a light through the anger and grief, and eventually, hopefully, forgiveness.
yeah idk about that tj klune sure gordo may have forgiven Thomas but. Thomas got away way too easily. Its-
fuck me im distracted. I've never hated a character this strongly before so I'm like. It's all the adrenaline. I'm. Fuck me the post is too long. AAGHHH ok. OK. Back to robbie.
Damn having memories altered and taken with is. Like. Is mind horror a thing. Psyche horror. Yeah. That's. Like... A violation.
How come Robert knows robbie is gonna be a Bennet already? Is there some witch time fortune telling stuff going?
WHAT THE FUCK. WHY IS HE DALE. did. Did an old man Robert really kissed mark. Then again mark was old by them. But then Robert was like. Who tf is dale. Does that means Robert is out there? But then. Huh? Book 2 epilogue were. Dale and Robert. Same room.
He wasn’t much older than I was.
It said in wolfsong referring to robbie. Am I misinterpreting something. Is this a grammar thing. He wasn't much older meant he is younger? "he wasn't older than me" younger. "he wasnt much older than me" older? WHAT THE FUCK ENGLISH LANGUAGE I hate it here I'll brush it off as robbie having a young face or something
Ezra using the manipulative tone again hmm
WHAT'S GOING ON am I in a different timeline???
omg... Mark just sat on gordo😭 AGUSGHSH I NEED MORE OF THEM
:-( I don't know if I liked robbie having his mind wiped and having to start over.
Waitt WAITTT SO IT TRACKS. ROBBIE IS 29 NOW. H-. HO. HOW LONG HAS HIS MEMORY BEEN WIPED.??? ox is around 23 when they met. He said robbies not much older. So. Older by a bit. 3 years time skip. By the end of book 1. ox is 26. Robbie would be around. and then book 2 took a year I think? So. OX 27. Robbie around that. H. TWO FUCKING YEARS??? STOP. STOP. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING.
Michelle. MICHELE YOU POWER CRAZED (I don't wanna say swear words let's just say she's a scum) SCUM!! FUCK THE ALPHA SOCIETY. OX FOR THE did I read werewolf jesuis on the chapter list... Um. YES. OVERTHROW THE WOLF GOVERNMENT. WE HAD NO USE FO FCUKI F KICJERL. ok.
I'm starting this book thinking it's gonna be robbie courting Kelly not forgetting him AND THE WHOLE PACK😭
man... This is painful...
KELLY IS ROBBIE'S MATE SHSGSUHDBSJ NOOOOOO OO i missed a lot... I wanna see the courting😔
Elizabeth wearing his husband's clothes😔 my queen I will read lovesong soon
Nooo.... Robbie without his glasses... My son what did they do to you... Even memories of her mom??? Damn... Robbie meeting the pack without his memories is gonna be tough... Also Jessie??😳
😔 More door shenanigans... It felt very. abstract. At times.
AGHHHH THE SPARRING I LOVE TEAM HUMANS!!! Chris and tanner you dorks.... JESSIE IS A BADASS AT FIGHTING YEAASHS I missed the packs dynamics omg packpackpack
who is this timber wolf I love me myself a cute clingy ass wolf another found family is a win tho he's been a wolf for like... 13 months... Also he's a witch-wolf hybrid so... AHHH I WANNA READ CARTERS BOOK NOW
Kelly is a human now??😔
the walls of pictures I'm... The garage crews... Robbie my son you are so loved😭
Carter my love he is dorky and cute
Kelly my love he is sweet and soft
How the hell does people move on if. If he keeps showing up??? THE FUCK OLD MAN. GO AWAY. fucking Thomas benett.
Joe my son he is still playful and cutieful (pls have him play a bigger part other than being ox's pair like in book 2 tj klune)
Ox my son he is responsible and tough (is he hardened by the burden of being alpha of omegas and stuff, he's more gruff and didn't really joke around and do banters outside with joe :( )
Is it me or the story seems to be leaning on... Accepting that lost memories away?? Because that's really sad... I don't mind asspull if my son robbie got his memories back pls
Rico... finally he's ascended from side relief character kinda... Whatever happened must be. Scary. What did you do robbie...
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Twice - Alphabet HC’s
a/n: this... actually made me appreciate jin so much??? like I never really thought of him romantically until now and... my heart D:
Tumblr media
A = Affection (How affectionate are they with an s/o?)
He is big on affectionate. Even when experiencing large personality swings, there is one constant. You. he will always love you.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
Taking his face in your hands and calming him down when he panics when his mask is gone. It’s small, it’s not even that big of a thing, but when you stare in his eyes… he feels whole, he feels split, and more importantly, he feels like there was nothing ever wrong
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Isn’t always in a cuddling mood though, sometimes he’s too jittery to sit there
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
He dreams of one day being able to leave his mask behind with your help. He wants to be able to feel comfortable with himself outside of the mask
E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
He puts in a lot of effort, even if he swings between being like “fuck romance” and “I love you with all my heart” the latter will always win, and he does. The. most.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
He will be your guard dog. Holding you tight, glaring at anything and everything that comes near you. He will defend you, fight anyone. He will do this until you feel safe until you’re ready
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
He gives you the weirdest shit ever. Like not in a bad thing, just things you would never buy yourself??? I mean you always love the small and intimate gifts he ends up bringing you but you’re like “...why do I need 50 kg of rainbow slime?” “because you were talking about it for 2 hours, and well, there was a sale!”
He doesn’t want gifts in return, but loves every single gift you’ll give him in return!
H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
His arms are ALWAYS hugging you!!!!!!!!!! Okay??? He just loves feeling whole and you’re his missing link
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
He’s the kind of guy that others don’t think are being romantic, like they’ll look at what he does and will ALL be like “uhh…” and look at you ready to hear you complain but are instead greeted with you sobbing and throwing yourself into his arms
J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Not a jealous bone in this baby!!!!! He trusts you to kick fucking ass to anybody who tries putting themselves on you. Will only intervene if you need him.
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
Not a good kisser, but his enthusiasm is highly and lovingly noted. He loves kissing you!!!!!! And will try to kiss you at least once a day, even if he has to go find you to do it.
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
He will say it before a year of you two dating. He knows he’s not the easiest to deal with, and the fact that you’ve stuck around, it really makes his heart go doki doki. He will say it all the time (“can you roll over? I need more blankets! Thank you, I love you.”) loves showing it and saying it.
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
He wants to marry you, las vegas style.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
He likes paintball dates. Those are his favorite dates. He likes doing things with you, like escape rooms, all that shit!!!! He also enjoys laying a blanket by the fire and just eating dinner there. Likes having dates about twice a week ;)
O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
He’s not a big texter! So if you don’t see him irl you won’t hear from him at all for the day
P = Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
He likes messing around with you!!! Prank wars are a thing, and pranking others in the league is something that really tickles your funny bone.
Q = Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
Always asks for your opinion on things, he’s first and foremost super curious about all your thoughts, and he has self-doubt. He is a very open and honest person, so hell yeah he shares his opinions!!!
R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
Its very spontaneous or super predictable. Jin becomes more predictable when danger lurks, so you’ve associated spontaneity with better times
S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
He sleeps with his head on your stomach, don’t ask why he just really likes having his face there! Plus it’s hard to breathe when he’s on your chest.
T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
If jin had to decide on one person in the world to shoot a gun on the apple on his head from 12434243 feet away, it would be you.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as an s/o?)
His enthusiasm. You just do not ever expect it and when you realize that he is genuine and pure in all of his feelings and thoughts, it kinda makes you feel weird. But you love it, and you wish more people were like him, bold and brash and true.
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
Being truly vulnerable doesn’t take that long. He is an honest person and if he loves you and knows you feel the same way he’s gonna open up like nobody's business.
Jin is a bit frantic in this state, crying, highly emotional, tearing between different personalities like a pendulum swinging, but you don’t leave him until he’s calmed down.
W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
Jin is making a scrapbook, full of every little thing that the two of you have done together. Every movie, ever amusement park, he has love notes, and he has pictures you weren’t aware of in the slightest way
X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
He will cater to you without even blinking an eye. He will run to the store for you, making you soup, getting a thermometer, fixing your bandages, and always giving you more water to drink.
Y = Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
Nope, he loves you just for you. All of you. No matter how weird you are, he wouldn’t change a single detail about you. Why would he?
Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as an s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
He is a super intimate and passionate lover!!!!!!! He does the most for you and most times does it without even realizing it!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He is bouncing off the walls. He will go and grab everything for you as quickly as he can, he’s a bit sloppy though, not going to lie, but you still appreciate a large amount of effort he puts into it.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite feature is his hands, they’re just… a demanding focus on his body he thinks, and he knows how to use them in a way that makes you feel good. His favorite body part on you is your eyes. He loves that he can read exactly how you’re feeling by peering into your eyes. It’s just so much more satisfying than anything else. But if we’re talking body body, he’s an ass man.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His cum is pretty thin and very milky, super fucking warm, and enjoys seeing it splatter against your face.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s nearly fucked a clone he made of you one day after not seeing you in a long time, and he was so needy, and nothing was working! He knows your proportions like his name and well when it came to penetration he just couldn’t do it and had to call you immediately afterward.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He is actually sort of experienced, he had a healthy sex life before his mental dip, and it’s still evident in the way he loves you. But he’s just so gentle with you sometimes you think that he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary or reverse cowgirl.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He can be humorous in bed, especially once he’s no longer so shy around you in bed, you two are the ones to argue about a Spongebob episode while he’s slamming into you
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
It’s really badly groomed. He just doesn’t have the patience to groom it correctly. There are a few nicks and uneven patches, but you don’t mind. And the carpet is darker than the drapes.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He is a very intimate person when it calls for it. As long as you aren’t goofing off expect for his words to be a prayer to your body in your ear, his eyes peering lovingly into yours. His soul is yours.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Loves masturbating with you. Especially when the two of you are too lazy to actually fuck, he just loves watching the way your fingers fuck yourself as he madly fists away.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Isn’t that kinky, to be honest. Like he’s open to everything but there isn’t one thing that set him off because everything about you makes him horny.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He really likes fucking in a super big mattress, California king. He likes rolling around with you, so he needs the room.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The thing that gets him going is after you’ve showered and you’re just waiting there for him. You look so pure and clean and innocent, but you’re not and welp there he goes.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Will not ever put anything over his head. Blindfold, mask, gag. It makes him panic, it makes him freak out unless it’s his mask, but he tries not to wear it in bed with you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves giving it more. His skill is actually pretty good with this because he just enjoys using tongue, so he’s not bad at it at all.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual all the fucking way. Not that he doesn’t want to fuck you until the bed breaks, but there’s just something so much more rewarding about fucking you nice and slowly, his lips dragging against your skin… it’s just superior.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not into quickies unless that’s all he can do. He just loves the passionate foreplay that is proper sex and you can’t get that with a quickie.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He is into experimenting as long as the two of you discuss it beforehand, he doesn’t like having things sprung upon him during a session. Discuss before enacting!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last a few healthy rounds, and he takes a while to come due to the slower nature of your sex.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Doesn’t own toys, but will buy them when the two of you want to be kinky. He enjoys watching you use them on him. He’s a little more of a sub!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Doesn’t like teasing you at all, he’s very straightforward and won’t take you on a wild goose chase to get his dick in you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s quite loud, he’s already very vocal, and well when you’re fucking him he has no restraint. Moaning and groaning are his favorite noises.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He wants to one day use his quirk to fuck you. You want more than one of his dicks surrounding you when he does you, and he may not be quite ready for that, but one day maybe when he’s ready it will happen.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s a bit smaller than average. 5 inches flaccid and 6.5 while erect. Very veiny dick that’s more concentrated along the front of his cock.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a semi-high sex drive. Like he doesn’t need to fuck every three days, but he enjoys it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
As soon as he’s done providing for you, he will pass out LOL
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inhumansforever · 5 years
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The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #1 Review
spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
A new chapter in the adventures of Kamala Khan begins here as the reigns are handed over to the new creative team of writer, Saladin Ahmed, artists Minkyu Jung and Juan Vlasco and colorist Ian Herring.  And it’s clear from the start that this new era of Ms. Marvel comics is going to see things getting more grim and harrowing for our hero.  Quick recap and review following the jump.
The tale begins on a far off alien world where a father is trying to get his young daughter to go to sleep.  He agrees to tell her one last bedtime story about the ‘Destined One’ a hero from another world who quite clearly is Ms. Marvel.  
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Elsewhere, back on earth, Ms. Marvel battles some grade Z super villain calling himself Deathbringer.  Ms. M is able to make short work of the villain, but not without some collateral property damage which causes her to get yelled at by a store owner.  The tale of a celebrated and honored hero that the alien dad tells his daughter seems a far cry from reality for Ms. M.  
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After helping to clean up, Kamala rushes to a hip new restaurant to meet Nakia.  The two don't share any classes together this semester and seems like it has been forever since they caught up.  Kamala had recently divulged to her friend her secret identity as Ms. Marvel and Nakia wants to know how it was that she gained her super powers.  The recap Kamala provides offers a quick review for new readers and those unfamiliar with Kamala’s origin.  She tells Nakia about being exposed to the Terrigen Cloud and how it unlocked her Inhuman powers; as well as her decision to use these new abilities to become a hero, following the path of her one time idol, Carol ‘Captain Marvel’ Danvers.  
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Kamala returns to her home to find her parents waiting for her.  They’re not looking too happy.  Kamala had told her mom about her exploits as a super hero during the Last Days arc when they both thought the world was coming to an end.  And now it appears as though her mom has finally shared that secret with her dad.  And while Mrs. Khan was able to understand and accept Kamala’s need to use her abilities to help others, Mr. Khan feels differently.  It’s just too dangerous; he cannot abide by it, cannot allow the risk to his daughter’s safety.  
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There’s an undertone to the argument between Kamala and her father that remains unsaid.  He talks about a time when Kamala was a baby and got very sick; how helpless and frightened it made him feel.  It seems as though there is something Kamala’s dad needs to tell her but cannot find the words to say.  It sort of feels like Mr. Khan may have recently found out that he is sick, that he may have been diagnoses with a life-threatening disease… but the specifics are left unsaid as Kamala storms out, frustrated that her dad so refuses to understand her need to serve the greater good.      
Her dad follows but there’s no time to continue their conversation.  She’s received a distress call from Bruno informing her that the Circle Q is under attack by a monster.  Kamala dashes off before her dad can object.  
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There is indeed a monster rampaging the Circle Q.  Ms. Marvel engages it, exchanges a few blows and that uses her stretching powers to slam it against a wall.  At which point the monster disintegrates into purple ooze.  Before Ms. M and Bruno have time to try to figure the matter out, they learn that yet another monster is attacking the harbor.  Ms. M springs back into action and battles this second monster.  And once more the creature is rendered into a purple slime after it is defeated.  It’s all quite mysterious.  
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Bruno has been using a device he developed using Wakandian technology to track the appearances of these strange monsters and much to their dismay he alerts Ms. M that the latest monster has manifested in her home.
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Kamala rushes home, terrified that something awful could happen to her mom and dad.  She is relived to make it home and find that there appears to be no monsters present, that her parents seem to be just fine…  …or are they?   They seem distant and cold.  Kamala tries to hug them, yet just as she does so they both disintegrate into purple ooze.     And it is on this harrowing cliffhanger that the issue comes to a close with the promise of continuation in the next installment.  
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Ahmed and company take on a very tall order in relaunching Ms. Marvel following the popularity and acclaim of the original series.  I don’t envy the pressure Mr. Ahmed must feel in taking things over from G. Willow Wilson.  Yet this is a very promising start and a whole lot is jammed into the issue and the script makes it abundantly clear that Mr. Ahmed is intent on continuing the trend of equally balancing Kamala’s family and social life alongside the standard superhero action.  
Mr. Ahmed has often excelled at writing dialogue and giving his characters a distinctive voice.  And this knack is quite evident in the issue.  Kamala, her parents and the extended cast seem true to themselves.  Yet Amed is not so much parroting Willson’s dialogue style as much as honoring it and building forward off of it.  Kamala is still her goofy self, over-taxed by her self-assigned obligations, but there is a bit of a harder edge to it.  She’s more firm in sticking up for herself, but perhaps still struggling with how to do so without coming across as surly.  And this is by no means uncommon among teenagers on the cusp of young adulthood.  
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And just as Kamala’s voice has a slightly more mature tone, so to does the general tenner of the plot.  It remains unclear where this monsters have come from, what has happened to Kamala’s parents and what it all has to do with Ms. M being the ‘promised one’ and the figure of bedtime stories on an alien world.  Whatever the case, the stakes appear to be much more dire than they have been for Ms. M in the past.  
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Minkyu Jung’s penciling and Juan Vlasco’s inks are a good match for Ahmed’s script.  The style is slightly more grown up compared to the previous work of Nico Leon, Takeshi Miyazawa and Adrian Alphona.  Jung does some really neat work in showing off Ms. Marvel’s powers and the line work is fluid and confident throughout.  
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Ian Herring’s colors are, as always, terrific.  He has colored all of the previous Ms. marvel comics and his coloring offers a very much welcome sense of continuity bridging this new series from its predecessor.  
The book doesn’t have the same sense of whimsey as Wilson and company’s run.  There are no silly bits like raccoons in the corner eating an ice-cream cone.  Yet I don’t blame Ahmed and company for not trying to recapture that same feel.  It would have felt too much like copying and I’m all for the new team bringing their own feel to the book.  
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I’m still missing the way things used to be, but this is a promising start to a new beginning and the next chapter in Kamala’s adventures.  Definitely recommended!   Four and a half out of five Lockjaws.
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quentinsquill · 7 years
Fic: “Interception.”
Author: Lexalicious70
Fandom: The Magicians (TV)
Pairing: Eliot Waugh/Quentin Coldwater
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,744
Summary: A plan to protect Quentin from the hedge witches goes wrong for Eliot, but how far will Quentin go to help pick up the pieces?
Notes: I don’t own The Magicians, they own me. This is just for fun. It was supposed to be a drabble for @cldfiredrgn, but it got long. Prompt was “What the hell happened to you?”  Comments/kudos are magic. Enjoy!
Or read it on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11097153
by Lexalicious70 (aka Neptune_Rising70 or The ChampagneKing70)  
 “What the hell happened to you?”
 Eliot turned, starting as Quentin spoke, then wincing as the movement caused dirty water and globules of mud to patter to the floor of the Physical Kids cottage. The door, still marked with the irregular charred circle Alice had given it when she and Quentin had let themselves in a few weeks before, swung shut.
 “I—I didn’t think anyone would be up.” Eliot moved toward the stairs, wincing as his soaked socks squished in his shoes—God, his good shoes—with every step. Quentin unfolded himself from the chair in the corner, where he’d been re-reading The Wandering Dune under the soft light of an ambient lamp. The big common room was deserted otherwise, with most Brakebills students having retired to their beds about midnight, nearly three hours ago.
 “I couldn’t sleep. El, what happened?”
 A slithery gob of mud mixed with something Eliot could smell dripped from his hair and the mere thought of Quentin seeing him (and smelling him) made Eliot bolt. He ran up the steps and jagged right to all but dive into his room. He slammed the door and then leaned against it as he listened to Quentin’s footsteps on the stairs.
 “Eliot, wait!” He called, and Eliot turned a hand and then crooked two fingers to lock the door.
 “Go away, Quentin! I’m fine!”
 “You’re not fine!” Quentin’s footsteps crossed the landing and then he was knocking on Eliot’s door. Eliot lifted a shaking hand to his hair, which was starting to dry into crusty whorls, the ends stiff. He needed Margo—her unquestioning help, the way she’d help him out of his clothes and into the common shower down the hall before anyone else saw—but she was off campus this weekend with her new mentor, a magical adept who also happened to be a writer for a major fashion magazine. Eliot was happy for her, or at least he would be under normal circumstances, but this was anything but normal and he cursed her for not being by his side. On the other side of the door, Quentin continued to knock.
 “Eliot please, let me in! Come on!” A pause. “Look, if you’re worried that I’ll tell people, I won’t! I swear! I just want to help!”
 Eliot closed his eyes. He could still feel the trembling in his arms and legs from the spell the hedge witches had used on him and knew he wouldn’t be able to manage on his own.
 You told him you bond fast . . . so I guess this is the second thing you’ve brought upon yourself tonight, you fucking idiot.
 He unlocked the door, turned, and opened it far enough for Quentin to slip through before shutting and locking it again. Quentin peered into the darkness of the older magician’s room.
 “Eliot, turn a light on!”
 “Must I?”
 “I can’t help you if I can’t see you!”
 The overhead light clicked on and Quentin’s eyes widened as he got a good look at Eliot. His good clothes were streaked with mud and slime, and there were finger tracks in the stuff on his cheeks, as if he’d tried to wipe it away with equally dirty fingers. His hair, usually so carefully coiffed, dripped something Quentin knew wasn’t all mud. Thick globs were drying in the back, as if someone had pelted him with them as he was retreating. His usual expression, one of bored indifference that always bordered on quiet amusement, was unguarded. His legs looked wobbly.
 “Fuck.” Quentin said, and Eliot nodded.
 “The evening didn’t quite go as I’d planned—” The tall magician’s legs gave out and he fell to the floor, landing with a thud onto his ass. Quentin went to him.
 “I’m all right! I’m fine, I just . . . I need your help, Quentin. Margo isn’t here.”
 “I know. But what happened?” He asked, kneeling down and looking Eliot over before first removing his mud-caked scarf and then tugging off his cranberry jacket and then unbuttoning his vest. Eliot looked away.
 “It’s a dreadfully long story.”
 Quentin materialized a trash bag in one hand and dumped the sodden, smelly clothes inside.
 “It’s a quarter after three in the morning, El. I think we have time.” He paused at Eliot’s trousers and then decided to remove his shoes and socks instead. Eliot frowned as water and sludge ran from each one as Quentin pulled them off and channeled the runoff into the bag.
 “Those were suede!” The last word trembled with anger, but when Quentin glanced up, he saw a brightness in Eliot’s eyes that threatened to spill over onto his cheeks.
 “Who did this?”
 Eliot swallowed hard and his mouth tightened.
 “Hedge witches. Four of them.”
 “Hedge—! What happened? Did they jump you? We have to tell the dean!”
 “No!” Eliot held up a dirty hand. “No, we don’t. And we aren’t. They didn’t jump me. Not really.”
 “Not really? What’s that even mean?” Quentin fumbled Eliot’s trousers open in a way that would have been endearing and kind of arousing if Eliot weren’t covered in pig shit.
 God, he hoped it was just pig shit.
 “Meaning that they didn’t come out of nowhere and attack me. I went to meet with them. In an abandoned barn near the Mowhawk Valley.”
 “You met—but you said—Eliot, why would you do that? You know what they’re like! You told me they were desperate, and after everything that’s happened, we know they’re dangerous! Why would you go meet a group of them by yourself and not tell anyone? You could have gotten hurt or killed!”
 Eliot closed his eyes a moment and then Quentin’s hand fell on his shoulder.
 “Okay, El. I’m sorry. Come on . . .” He slung Eliot’s right arm across his shoulder and wriggled underneath it, his other arm around Eliot’s waist. He managed to heave the taller man up with him, and Eliot swayed, now dressed only in a pair of midnight blue boxers with small white pinpoints on them. They were wet too but mercifully free of the gunk that was still in his hair and on his face. Quentin cast a spell on the door so he didn’t have to let go of Eliot and they went down the hall and into the cottage’s large bathroom. There were two on this floor, but the other one had a bathtub, not a shower, and Eliot was grateful that the shower was a walk in. He watched as Quentin got the water going and glanced down at Eliot’s boxers.
 “Uhm. Can you—are you able to . . .?” He asked, and Eliot nodded as he pushed them down. Quentin lowered the lid on the toilet and sat down as Eliot pulled the shower curtain shut and stood under the hot spray, shivering, his arms crossed tightly as he cupped his elbows, as gunk from his hair broke loose and ran down his shoulders. He tried to reach for the soap, but he felt like if he stopped holding himself, he’d fall down again.
 “Eliot?” Quentin called softly after about five minutes. “Are—are you okay in there? Do you need help or something?”
 “Just having a bit of trouble with my balance.” Eliot replied, trying for a casual tone, but he heard the wobble.
 “Did you wash your hair?”
 “I—I’m not sure I can manage. You might need to help me get out and I’ll try again in a bit.”
 No reply. Eliot frowned, wondering if Quentin had fled, no longer able to deal with the situation. Then the curtain pulled back at one end and Quentin stepped into the shower behind him, clad in a pair of dark boxers. Eliot turned, staggering, and Quentin reached out to steady him.
 “What the fuck, Q?” He stared down at the shorter man, and Quentin cleared his throat.
 “I told you I wanted to help. And I can’t just—you know—not help or pick and choose how.” Quentin reached up and took down the removable shower attachment. “Turn back around. Brace your hands on the wall if you have to.”
 “Prison rules?” Eliot tried to smile and then Quentin was nudging him. Eliot turned and for a moment he felt Quentin press against him. He blinked, startled, but then more blissfully warm water was running over his head and Quentin’s other hand was there, gently breaking up clumps of mud and dried slime, where it melted and ran down the drain. More tears pricked Eliot’s eyes as the smell of the stuff permeated the small space. Despite the smell, Quentin’s hand never drew away or paused, rinsing every few moments, and then the attachment bumped against the side of the tub, spraying there, as both his hands, lathered with the citrus shampoo Eliot liked, plunged into his hair and began to gently scrub. His nails worked along Eliot’s scalp and he tried not to shiver. Quentin washed his hair twice, used the matching conditioner, and then rinsed it a final time. By that time, Eliot had managed to soak a loofah with body wash and get himself clean. The smell finally dissipated and Quentin turned off the shower.
 “Hang on, just—wait there.” He stepped out and then opened the curtain, averting his eyes a little as he got one clean towel around Eliot and then opened another one as Eliot hooked it around his narrow hips. Quentin draped the other one over his head and put it up into a twist, the motion surprisingly deft. He wrapped a third around his waist and worked down his wet boxers, letting them slide to the floor.
 “Ready?” He asked Eliot, who nodded.
 “Feeling a bit stronger. And much cleaner.” He took a deep breath. “Thank you, Quentin.”
 “You would have done the same for me.” Quentin smiled up at him as they went back into Eliot’s room. The trash bag with his clothes was gone, presumably popped into the dumpster when Quentin had gone to strip. Eliot’s nose twitched—the room still carried the faint, bitter odor and Quentin lifted his hands. Eliot sat down on the bed, watching, as he did a few quick turns with his hands and created a fragile looking ball between them, sheer like a soap bubble. He set it free and it burst in midair, releasing a subtle but pleasant scent, like clean linen, dissolving the last of the odor. Eliot smiled.
 “Where did you learn that?”
 “Alice taught me. She thought the first-year dorms had a funk.”
 “A funk. Well, she’s not wrong there.” Eliot got a robe from his closet and pulled it on while Quentin stayed in his towel. He climbed up on the bed and Eliot looked over his shoulder.
 “What are you doing?” He asked, and Quentin pulled the towel off his head. There was a pause, and then a brush was moving through his curls with care.
 “Hold still.” Quentin said, and Eliot folded his hands in his lap as Quentin knelt behind him and worked the tangles from his wet hair. Silence spun out for nearly a minute, and then Quentin spoke quietly. “What were you doing with those hedges, El?”
 Eliot sighed. He owed Quentin a great debt of gratitude—he’s not even sure if Margo wouldn’t have bolted after seeing and smelling him—and owed him the truth as well.
 “I went to barter for a spell.”
 “What kind of spell?”
 “A protection spell. A powerful one. I looked in the library but there was nothing. I put out some feelers, and that’s when the group in the Mohawk Valley contacted me. I went there to trade for the spell—nothing that would have made them dangerous, just shit that impresses your basic first years. No offense. But the deal went bad. We argued, and then one of them blasted me from behind with battle magic. It wiped me out, Q. I slid about twenty feet and then one of them used a propulsion spell to pitch me over a hill. And at the bottom of the hill was a sludge pond. Apparently, the property used to be a pig farm.”
 “Jesus El! You could have drowned or hit your head or they could have killed you! What kind of spell was so important that you felt you had to risk your life for it?”
 Eliot pressed his lips together. The bed tilted as Quentin crawled off it and then rounded it to stand in front of him. He looked angry but also a little absurd, dressed in nothing but a purple bath towel, but his dark eyes bored into Eliot’s own until he sighed.
 “The kind that would protect you from hedge bitches like Julia and Marina for the rest of your life. So that I don’t have to find you in a closet, comatose, ever again, or have to face the possibility of anyone hurting you to the point where you’ll never wake up, Quentin!”
 The angry, defensive look dropped from Quentin’s expression.
 “What? You—the spell was to protect me?”
 “Of course it was! When we found you in that closet and Dean Fogg said it might be too late to help you, it was like a punch to the fucking gut.” He looked Quentin in the eye. “I’m not done discovering you yet, Q. I’m not even close. So yes, I bartered with other hedges because I want to protect you.” Eliot took a deep breath. “I—I care for you, Quentin. Deeply.”
 Quentin went down on one knee, then both, and picked up Eliot’s hands.
 “If you’re fucking with me, El, do me a favor and don’t let on.” His voice shook and Eliot squeezed his hands.
 “I’m not fucking with you, Q! Christ, do you think I tried to strike a deal with a bunch of hedges to trick you? To fool you into believing I love you?” The words came out in a rush and Quentin’s eyes widened. Eliot sat there for a moment as the words echoed in the room, knowing that he couldn’t unsay them, no matter what Quentin’s reaction would be.
 “So. You . . .” Quentin let go of one of his hands to gesture vaguely. “You, uhm . . . that thing you said? You do?”
 “Yes, Quentin.”
 “Oh. So do you mean that you—that you’re in love . . . with . . .?”
 “I don’t expect you to reciprocate. I know that you hammmmmffffff!” Eliot’s words were drowned by Quentin’s sudden, passionate (if not slightly inexperienced) kiss. He shivered, recovered, and cupped Quentin’s face to return the kiss. Quentin’s hands hovered around Eliot’s shoulders for a moment and then rested there before he pulled back.
 “I do. Reciprocate, I mean. A lot.” He grinned, and Eliot pushed his hands through Quentin’s damp hair.
 “Of course, you realize this means that I’m going to double my efforts to find a spell to protect you from anymore inceptions.” He pulled Quentin up and into his lap, coaxing the smaller man to lay his head on his shoulder. It didn’t take much, and Quentin sighed as he relaxed against Eliot’s long frame.
 “You can’t put yourself in danger for me again!”
 “I’m pretty sure that’s what caring for someone is, Q. Doing your best to intercept danger before it can harm the person you love.”
 “Well . . . I guess that means I have to triple my efforts to intercept it while you intercept inceptions.” He smiled, and Eliot rolled his eyes.
 “Please, Q. It’s four in the morning. Don’t make me regret asking you to stay here with me for the rest of the night.”
 Quentin frowned.
 “But . . . you didn’t.”
 Eliot yanked the towel from Quentin’s hips and fell backwards with him onto the bed before rolling them onto their sides, with Eliot spooning him firmly. He tucked a pillow under Quentin’s head and pulled up the covers.
 “Please stay.” Eliot buried his nose in Quentin’s hair.
 “I will.” Quentin nodded, and Eliot settled a hand on his hip. As he felt the younger man’s breathing fall into the slow, steady pattern of sleep, he tugged him close, holding him, safe in the space that was Eliot’s arms, a space that contained no spell, but nevertheless held a magic all its own.
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