#I’m not saying bbh is right or wrong here
the-crimson · 1 year
I always love reading your takes and insight on q!bbhs character, you put what I keep thinking and see into words and is SO WONDERFUL to see someone get it :'). But speaking of which what do you think of q!bbh whole thing with anarchy rn?
Thank u so much :D I’m glad u appreciate my incoherent ramblings about a block man XD
Minecraft politics - and politics in general for that matter - are whole can of worms I usually try not to touch too closely. There is too much opportunity for misunderstandings and pointless arguments that discussions usually just feel like an excuse to get mad. So take all this in good fun, I’m not saying if q!bad is right or wrong to think this way, it’s not that serious lol
The thing we first need to understand is that - before the election - the islanders were essentially living in an anarchist commune. The federation existed but mostly left them alone and let them rule themselves, which they did. Everyone lived as they pleased and they all had an unspoken agreement: live and let live.
When someone became a problem, the islanders came together and dealt with it themselves. When Slime tried to kill all the eggs after Juanaflippa’s death, bbh, Jaiden, and Roier were able to talk him down. They held a trial - federation sponsored- but the islanders were the ones calling the shots. When Quackity plotted to murder the eggs, the islanders came together again and stopped him. When they were threatened by the code, the islanders came together to defend the eggs.
What is the point of a governing body? To create order and resolve conflict. The islanders were already doing this without a governing body. They didn’t need it.
What do most governments actually do? They consolidate power and oppress. Even the most benign progressive government is going to leave someone in the gutter. By creating a box to put society into, it is the very nature of the box that some things are not going to fit or are going to be forgotten.
This is what bbh is afraid of. This is why he dislikes government. Why should anyone have the power to decide that a few chairs going missing is a bigger threat to the island than land mines that cause ten times as much destruction? The actual principle of who is right is irrelevant. Why should someone have this power to decide for others what is an is not okay. Why should someone else tell you how to live your life if you aren’t hurting anyone.
Bad’s been saying this since the day the elections were announced. They don’t need this. A President is going to create unnecessary restrictions and is the gate way to federation overreach. Some people have said bbh is a hypocrite for running for office but it’d be even more hypocritical to do nothing. If you see a train barreling towards you and there is a lever within reach to change the tracks, would you not pull it? You could just step off the tracks but then everyone who is unaware of the danger behind you would still be struck.
I think q!bbh’s anarchism is one of the most misunderstood things about his character - partially because I think the common perception of anarchy is intentionally misconstrued by the media but that’s not a conversation to be had while I’m talking about block men XD
Thanks for the ask and I hope I answered ur question :3
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bigboobyhalo · 1 year
Foolish: We need to get Dapper back to you soon, and not just Dapper, but like almost all the eggs back to you soon ‘cause you are… not lookin’ good… like literally it just looks like I’m looking at like a past Badboyhalo, like, you’re– you’re withering away.
Bad: Y’think, Foolish?
Foolish: Yeahhh…
Bad: I mean, sometimes, when people aren’t feeling their best, Foolish, they still wanna hear someone say that they’re pretty, y’know?
Foolish: Ohhh, so—
Bad: Can you– can you say that? Can you just say “Badboyhalo, I still think you’re pretty.”
Foolish: Would it– would it help get your face off the ground?
Bad: It might.
Tina, laughing: What is happening right now…?
Foolish: Would it make Skeppy jealous?
Tina: What the fuck…?
Bad: I mean… [crosstalk] I don’t– I don’t know, but it would– it would make me a little happier.
Tina: [crosstalk] HELLO?? GUYS???
Foolish: What– what, Tina? I’m trying to console this man! What’s wrong with you?
Tina: I just– I just clocked back in– I don’t know– should I be here– [stammers] should I go? Am I supposed to leave??
Bad: Why?
Foolish: No– [breaks into laughter] Bye!
Tina: [stammers] I’ll– I’ll get out of here, [crosstalk] don’t even worry about it, I’ll— [voice quickly fades as she grappling-squoks away]
Bad: [crosstalk] Wait, why– why are you leaving? Why?
Foolish: … Y’know, Bad, under the stars, you, um… even though you’re fading from light, I think, um, there’s still a little sparkle in ya, and, y’know, maybe… maybe you do look pretty.
Bad: Oh… Well thank you, Foolish. I mean… it’s nice to hear once in a while and, y’know, hearing it from someone with as chiseled as a jawline as you have, y’know—
Foolish: Yeah…
Bad: I know it actually…
Foolish: Yeah.
Bad: … means something a lot– aww, thank you, here—
Foolish: Bring it in, bring it in.
Bad: — let me, uh, just type out– there we go, there we go…
Foolish, speaking softly: To be clear, I’m only doing this because of this unfortunate– unfortunate circumstances, and under any– almost any other circumstances, I would have not complied– in fact, I would have maybe called you an ugly piece of shit, but I’ll give you this one.
Bad: No– no, I know, Foolish, and honestly, that– that makes it even more significant.
Foolish: Yeah. Yeah, so, I’m just gonna sit back in my chair now.
Bad: Okay, go ahead…
what may very well be the sweetest moment between q!foolish and q!BBH that we’ve seen so far…
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mybiasisexo · 9 months
First Word 🍼
Genre: Fluff | slight angst | Dad!au Pairing: Baekhyun x f.Reader Length: 827 Warnings: babies and tears
anon asks: baekhyun with 1 and 24 pleasee c:
a/n: my first drabble in years 😵‍💫. please be nice 🥺 also this is what i was curious if yall liked babies or not, but we all grown here right? personally i dont even like babies!!! but bbh was whispering this in my ear 🙄, what was i gonna say? no?!??
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Your daughter was your pride and joy—your life. She turned one a couple weeks ago, and it was a joyous, yet surreal moment for you and your dear husband, Baekhyun. It felt like time was going by so fast, that your baby girl was growing up too quickly. Already you missed her toothless smile and the restless nights.
You were in your room when you heard it. Baekhyun was putting the little one down for bed and you had the baby monitor on. You couldn’t help but smile as you listened to Baekhyun coo at your baby girl, hearing her infectious giggles. They were your little family, and you felt so blessed in this moment.
The house grew silent. Your heart plummeted as you heard your daughter say her first word.
“What did you just say?” Baekhyun’s shocked voice came through the monitor. It raised higher with his growing excitement. “Did you just say ‘dada’?!”
“Dada dada dada!” She chanted, giggling all the while.
“That’s right! I’m your dada! I’m your dada and I love you oh so mu--”
You turned the monitor off.
You felt like you were going to be sick. You knew this reaction was kind of dramatic, but it hurt. You wanted it to be you, your daughter’s first words. You were hoping it would be you. As cute as the moment was, you just couldn’t find it in yourself to be happy with them.
It was a bit later when Baekhyun came barging in, having finally put baby to sleep.
“You won’t believe it!” He said, smiling from ear to ear, practically jumping with elation.
“Pumpkin said her first word! And it was ‘Dada’! She said my name!”
“Congratulations,” you said, voice void of any emotion.
He noticed that and deflated instantly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You turned your head away from him when tears began obscuring your vision.
You missed the way his eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Are you…upset?”
You shook your head in answer, unable to speak without bursting into tears. When it came to your precious baby girl, you were a blubbering mess, and something this huge had you absolutely distraught. You felt like you were going crazy, but that didn’t stop you from reacting this way.
You were trying your best not to show just how affected you were, but you sucked in a shaky breath that made it all too obvious what you were doing.
“Are you crying?” He questioned incredulously.
You couldn’t hold it back any longer. You burst into tears, full on sobbing. Baekhyun took in your wailing form in utter shock, not expecting this reaction to his news.
“I just…really…wanted her to say…my name…first,” you revealed between sobs.
“It’s not a competition,” he said soothingly. “She might have said ‘dada’ first, but—”
Just hearing him say it again made you wail harder.
“For God’s sake, stop crying,” he groaned. It came off as irritated, but you heard the distress in his voice. He hated when you cried.
“I can’t help it,” you whimpered. “Our baby doesn’t love me.”
Baekhyun sighed before joining you on the bed, pulling you into him so that you’re crying on his chest. You didn’t fight him, letting him comfort you. He tucked your head under his chin and rubbed your back.
“Just because Pumpkin said my name first, doesn’t mean she loves you any less. She’ll be saying mama in no time, so there’s no need to be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous, you’re jealous,” you wailed, elbowing him in the stomach. He chuckled from the action, but grew serious quickly.
“Will you stop crying, please? You’ll make me cry.”
You could already hear the tears in his own voice, and that made you feel guilty.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, finally calming down. You pulled away from him, taking in his red rimmed eyes. “I ruined this moment for you.”
He shook his head. “No, your reaction is valid. I would’ve been disappointed too, if the roles were reversed.”
You sniffed and Baekhyun cupped your face, wiping your river of tears. Once cleaned off, he pressed a loving kiss onto your forehead, and then your nose, and then a chaste kiss to your lips.
“I love you,” he said simply.
“I love you too,” you replied and then kissed him again. “Let’s go to bed, ‘Dada’.”
He grinned at that, nothing but pure happiness and love shining in his eyes. “It’s got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”
“It’s perfect,” you told him as you both got comfortable under the blankets.
It’s peacefully quiet for a moment before Baekhyun murmured, “you’ve been acting kind of sensitive lately. You don’t think you might be pregnant again, do you?”
You groaned at the thought. “God, I hope not.”
You could feel the pout on his little lips. “Why not? Pumpkin needs a sibling.”
“Good night, Baekhyun!”
You rolled over in bed, ignoring the way he whined when you did.
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cyncerity · 3 months
decided that the best way to get myself out of writers block was to write short things that expanded on stories i’d already written so that’s what i did
anyway take this little thing for the Store Shifter au; this takes place almost immediately after the Sapnap & Bbh Hawk Incident™ (this but it does have v*re), so it takes place years before the main story and Sap and Q are still teens at this point.
btw it’s angst again i’m not sorry i’m not letting Sapnap catch a break in this au
“We need to go” was all Sapnap had been repeating for the past half an hour, and Quackity was mildly really fucking tired of it. “Slow the fuck down. Explain. What the fuck happened.” He grabbed Sapnap’s arm, stopping the boy’s tirade through his bedroom as he threw Quackity’s various clothes and items into the largest bag he owned. And this seemingly wasn’t the first time he’d done this, as he had entered Q’s home holding a massive pack of his own things. “We were thinking about moving, right? No better time than the present, so let’s go.” “Sap, Karls not even here.” “We’ll let him know when he gets back.”
“Sapnap, stop.” He pleaded, grabbing his boyfriend harshly, forcing him to drop the now overflowing pack he was holding. He wouldn’t look Quackity in the eyes. “What brought this on? Why so sudden, talk to me!” He nearly shouted. Sapnap didn’t answer, but took a few moments before he sucked in a breath and lifted his head.
Quackity found people easy to read, Sapnap especially. They’d been friends for so long, even lovers at this point, and Sapnap had always worn his heart proudly on his sleeve.
Which made the fact that he couldn’t quite read the expression painting his boyfriend’s face as worrisome as it was heartbreaking.
He was tired and stressed, the deep bags that had seemingly formed overnight staining his already permanently bruised face, and that near constant fire in his eyes seeming to have been smoldered. But beyond that, there was…well, Quackity didn’t quite know what to call it. Hatred, guilt, exhaustion, all things that he had seen on any face but his Sapnap’s. He couldn’t even be sure that’s what it was, but something was wrong. And it wasn’t even just his expression. His downcast eyes, the was his hands minutely shook, the soft and unsure way he spoke, and the reluctance to look in any sort of reflective surface had all been things he’s noticed when Sapnap had come in his room. Every single one of these things was so uncharacteristic of Sapnap that he had half a mind to drag him down to Sam to talk since he knew he wouldn’t be able to fix whatever had done this alone.
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t because of the one last thing on his face, the part of his expression that would plague Quackity’s mind for years after as he tried to figure out what could have happened to the boy he loved so much.
Sapnap was afraid. Afraid of what, he couldn’t say, but he saw the way the fear blocked the light from his eyes and knew he couldn’t convince someone that afraid to do anything logical.
Q sighed and took the bag that Sapnap had dropped, beginning to take the items out and fold and organize them neatly. “Go tell my dad and sis we’re leaving. I’ll go say goodbye to them when i’m finished.” He said calmly, and pretended not to feel even more lost when Sapnap’s whole frame relaxed. “Thank you.” He practically whimpered, tears clear in his voice. “Thank you, Q, thank you so much.”
Q swiped a few stray tears from his own cheeks as Sapnap sprinted from his room. It hurt, knowing he was leaving his family and community with such short notice, he wouldn’t deny that. But more so, it hurt seeing his boyfriend in so much pain, and it hurt worse knowing that he wasn’t privy to what even caused it. But whatever it was, whatever caused the fear he saw, he’d travel for the rest of his life to get away from it if it brought the joy back to Sapnap’s eyes. He’d do anything to avoid whatever caused that unexplainable, hollowing look in the boy he loved.
He just hopes that one day Sapnap will tell him what exactly to avoid.
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petrichormore · 1 year
Alright time for me to once again defend q!BBH and his paranoia. (Everything following is about the characters, not the CCs)
Um. Yeah the paranoia is warranted.
The paranoia that his friends are now holding against him is the very same paranoia that has saved lives repeatedly in the past. Nothing about his circumstances have changed enough to warrant being any less paranoid, and it’s not as though his friends didn’t know about his paranoia beforehand. It’s been a consistent part of him, of course he’s not gonna be fully trusting of even his closest friends. Because here’s the thing people don’t seem to understand: he never was.
He never fully trusted Forever. He never fully trusted Baghera. He probably never will. He trusts them as much as he possibly can, but not fully. I see a lot of people criticizing his distrust of them as though he hasn’t already stretched far beyond his comfort zone for them. As if he hasn’t given them access to his base. As if he hasn’t already told them he trusts them, as much as he is able.
Which, by the way, he would be completely in the right to disallow them access to his base - it’s his house. And also, because it’s election season everyone is hiding themselves on the map and distrusting each other - it’s not just him being paranoid.
Especially the hiding-on-the-map thing; I’m not gonna be a hypocrite and say it’s wrong of them to hide themselves when it’s ultimately their decision but in doing so they’ve forced Bad into a position where allowing them access to his house is now too much for him. Except he can’t revoke access because he’s scared they’ll react negatively. Which I imagine they will, even if he comes forward and tells them ahead of time which I’ve seen people suggesting. He’s outright stated that the main reasons he’s concerned with people hiding themselves on the map is 1. because if an egg is an danger he won’t be able to find them and 2. (specifically with forever and baghera) they can now enter his house or be around him without him knowing even while he’s online. That’s too much for his paranoia, which is fair.
“Oh, but he’ll lose the support of his friends if he can’t constantly prove he trusts them in a way that they approve of.” He can’t give them something he doesn’t have. Something he’s never had, for as long as they’ve known him. He cares so much about everyone on the island, even people he doesn’t like, and if his friends turn against him just because he won’t let them use his villagers then damn he’ll… probably just keep caring for them anyway. Because that’s just what he does. Bad is a person that cares very much and trusts very little.
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eomayas · 1 year
hi! if you're still taking requests, may i request a baekhyun angst writing? i'll leave it up to you as long as it doesn't involve sickness or de*th :) thank youu~
a/n: hi, thank you for the request and your patience, as well as your support! i’m not the best angst writer and don’t really know how good or concise this is, so sorry for any mistakes. hope you like it 💕 (i’m also really bad at ending all of my stories so bear with me)
broken promises • bbh [req]
pairing: idol!baekhyun x f!reader
genre: angst
warnings: angst
“so this is it?” he asks, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped in front of him. his eyes shine with tears that he is trying not to let fall.
you shrug. “i cant keep doing this, baekhyun,” you sniff, wiping under your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt. his eyes stay locked on the floor, as if a solution to fixing your relationship will spew from the carpet.
baekhyun can’t even remember how you two ended up here. one minute, he was walking in the door and the next you were telling him that you wanted to break up. his brain turned off after the word left your lips, and all he could hear was the echo of your voice in his head saying “i’m done”. “done” as in with him, with your relationship, with waiting on him, with waiting for him. simply just done, over it.
he tried to salvage it, begged you to see it through. tried to reason with you that he’d be better, he’d make more time for you, that he loved you. but he’d fallen short on so many of the promises of the past, that his words went in one ear and out the other for you.
you never wanted it to get to this point, but it started to feel inevitable. he was gone a lot—you knew that’d be the case when you agreed to be his girlfriend. you practically signed up for it. and it was fine, you could deal with it as long as he came back to you, and made time for you. he held up his end of the deal, coming right home to you once he was finished with his schedules, reserving time—days—just for you, turning off his phone and ignoring calls from his friends.
he did it all, until he stopped. he got comfortable—all it took was you saying it was fine that he saw some friends once, to let him forget about you completely. those days turned into mere hours turned into quick hellos and goodbyes. you lived alone half of the year, and it started to feel like he was just there to sleep on the days he was back from his schedules. there were barely any signs that he lived with you beyond his clothes in the closest. anyone could come over and assume that you lived alone, and they wouldn’t be entirely wrong.
you gave him the benefit of the doubt every time. you convinced yourself that he’d see you when he got the chance. but he never made time, so the opportunity never arose. it got to a point where you were lucky to even hold a conversation with him for longer than a few minutes.
bakehyun was a stranger in your house. it felt odd to even see him sit in the chair across from you. it’s probably the first time it’s ever been occupied by him.
“y/n, please,” he begs. he doesnt even know what he’s begging for—another chance, reconsideration? understanding?
you shake your head. “no, baekhyun. i cant be with you anymore,” a single tear falls out of his eye and drags down the length of his cheek, curving down his jaw before dropping onto the wood floor.
this day wasn’t supposed to happen. these words were never supposed to leave your mouth. and nothing could have ever prepared baekhyun for it, not even if it was telegrammed to him, or if the signs were always there.
baekhyun sniffs and finally lifts his head to look at you, and feels like crumpling all over again, because you’re no longer his. the woman across from him is now a stranger, somebody he once had and took for granted.
he wants so badly to touch you one last time, to hold and to kiss you to commit to memory. he needs something to hold onto, to remind himself it wasn’t always like this, but maybe it has been and he’s been too blind to see it. “i can be better,” he sniffs, pushing his hair back from his forehead.
you shake your head. you once had better, had the best from him. it’s hard to believe that he could ever be that same man again. “baekhyun, it’s over,” and it kills you to keep saying it, because every time the words leave your lips it becomes more real. your life with baekhyun is unfolding in the worst possible way.
it’s helpless now. any words he says will be like grasping at straws, and he’s run out. he’s run out of chances to make things better. and he’ll curse himself forever for losing the one thing in his life that meant the most, all because he couldn’t read the signs that were right in front of him.
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fruit-sauce · 1 year
Ok so here’s my two cents on Ron:
I don’t think that he’s alive like. at all. Or at the very latest, if/when Baghera goes to see him, there’s gonna be something SUPER off about him that only she picks up/can see. In a previous stream (the one after q!BBH’s episode) cc!BBH confirmed that the noises we heard during the black screen were damage taking and eating…
These are the same admins who are making Baghera and Aypierre and Maxo’s lore, there is just no way they would let BBH just have this wholesome, cutesy relationship with a federation worker he’s had kidnapped in his basement, and then turn to Philza and go “here is equal treatment!” [gives you paranoia and derealization]
I, again, am gonna go back on my statement and say that I still think BBH ate Ron! There’s just so much pointing to it, and if he didn’t, something’s so wrong with how Ron is acting, he could be bugged and is setting BBH up for some major consequences, special guest theory or not.
I went back to look at the books Ron was saying and it just doesn’t feel right??? Ron just felt way too emotional for a guy who’s still kidnapped and is speaking to the person responsible for said kidnapping and also torturing. He has so much sass and friendliness for it to feel natural, that hug too, while cute, was very random and like. I’m not insane for thinking that someone who’s been on the brink of death before would offer a hug to the guy who opened those Soul Vultures, right? And the fact that he knows what and who the eggs are (to an extent) when in the past he didn’t even know what they were, just doesn’t add up?
I’m all for Ron being a hallucination at this point, as silly as it is that he just waltz out of this cute house in the woods wearing a bathrobe and bunny slippers, it does NOT feel real, y’know?? It more makes sense that he, at the very least, is not at that location, escaped back to the federation, or died in the basement
What’s also very possible is Ron playing 4D chess and coaxing him to the federation for whatever plan they have, special guest theory is a contributor and I would place bets that it’s real and the federation brought BBH to the island to experiment on him
whatever the case is, I’m very excited for these next streams, from multiple POVs. I know the eggs won’t be back soon (cough cough twitch con) but everybody’s personal lore is starting to stack up and collide a bit…
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kasey-writes-stuff · 1 year
Munchy crew hide n seek BBH’s turn
Bad was currently hidden in the dream team house pantry. His foot tapped softly with anticipation and he started thinking this wasn’t a good enough spot. He began to open the door to go find another but only got it about a quarter of a ways open before freezing. His free hand slapped to his mouth as he already felt giggles bubbling up upon hearing sapnap very near by.
His eyes were closed shut as he silently muttered to himself in his head if he was still and quiet enough he would be fine. He however was very wrong though, jumping a foot in the air when he suddenly heard someone clearing their throat next to him. His eyes shot open and he immediately began begging.
“Sapnap no! Please! Give me another chance! You totally cheated that was way too fast of a count!”
Sapnap snickered shaking his head side to side.
“No no second chance, you’re the one that tried to move spots so now you pay for it. And no I did not count too fast. Maybe it just felt that way cause you’re sooooo excited for your tickles!”
Bad now profusely shook his head in denial hands raised defensively his cheeks alrwady pink.
“Okay yes I tried to move but come on this spot was such a bad one! No! That is not at all true you know I don’t even like being t-tickled!”
Sapnap rolls his eyes.
“Yea yes I know we all know you said it a million times as you refused to play this but then when we all said okay and were gonna just let you sit out or be a second seeker you said you didn’t wanna be left out and that you didn’t wanna be a seeker cause you’re not good at it.”
Bad’s cheeks turn pinker at his words and he huffs softly.
“Okay well I mean well… yea but I’m really not a good one so I had no choice but to do this! Cause I really really didn’t wanna be left out”
Sapnap softly chuckles.
“It’s alright okay I won’t go hard on you here let’s maybe get you out of the pantry and onto the floor here if you’re comfortable with that.”
Bad shrugs nodding softly as sapnap steps aside and he slowly exits the pantry and lies on the floor a few feet away.
“Yea this is fine, see I always knew you were such a sweet boy.”
Sapnap can’t help but roll his eyes again.
“Yea yea whatever you say, so is there anywhere specifically you like really really don’t want tickled?”
Bad thinks for a moment before looking at sapnap softly
“My feet and armpits are all I think.”
Sapnap nods as he sits down beside bad and thinks for a moment deciding where to go first. It doesn’t take long before he settles for his tummy, scribbling at it gently.
Bad bursts into giggles squirming and fighting to keep his hands from pushing at Sapnaps hands.
“Nohoohoho! Ahahahhahaa!”
Sapnap smiles brightly at his giggles.
“Well this is a giggle spot isn’t it?”
Bad’s cheeks turn a bright pink and he shrugs.
“Ihihi dohohonnttt knohohowwww thihissss dohohehehssnnttt hahhappehehennn tohoho mehhee muhuhucchh!”
Sapnap nods and goes a little quicker and rougher.
“Okay that makes sense, hmm we should find a death spot though if this isn’t one.”
BBH’s giggles pick up some but never get higher than giggles and his eyes widen at sapnaps words.
“Whahahahhattt nohohoho nononohohoho wehehee dohohonnttt!”
Sapnap smirks at him shaking his head and stops the tickling.
“Sorry bad but everyone is having at least one death spot tickled! I’m not gonna bother asking you where one is I’m just gonna take a guess and hope I get it right okay?”
Bad giggles residually his cheeks turning red at sapnaps words but he nods softly in agreement.
“Yeehahaha ohohkahahayyy.”
Sapnap smiles softly as he looks over bad trying to decide what spot would be best to try. It takes a few moments but then he finally settles on testing his ribs, he curiously pokes at his lowest ribs and his smile widens.
Bad squeaks loudly immediately jolting at the pokes and bursting into small bouts of loud laughter!
Sapnap smiles brightly and happily as he pauses the pokes.
“Okay yea I would definitely say this is a death spot I’m barely doing anything, you think you’d be okay with some scribbles?”
Bad thinks for a moment and decides what the heck sapnaps been really nice he knows he’ll stop the second he starts to ask so he nods.
“Yehehaha juhusttt nohohottt fohorr lohohonngg.”
Sapnap nods feeling super happy that bad trusts him enough to let him do this.
“Thank you, I promise I’ll be quick just a quick scribble across all of them and the second you start saying the safe word I’ll be done.”
Bad nods softly and slightly shyly.
“Thank you for being so nice about this it uh kinda makes it not totally unejoyable.”
Sapnap feels like he could absolutely melt on the spot but he quickly regains himself and begins gently scribbling bad’s lower set of ribs.
“Of course tickling is supposed to be fun and even though you really don’t like it I still wanted to try and make it at least somewhat enjoyable so I’m glad I managed to do that.”
Bad squeaks and then bursts into loud laughter squirming back and forth inbetween sapnaps hands.
Sapnap smirks as he moves his hands up to his middle ribs.
“What’s worse now here or your lower ribs?”
Bad’s laughter increases in pitch and he shakes his head.
Sapnap nods still smirking softly as he moves to bad’s upper ribs.
“Okay now what’s worse here or your middle ribs!”
Bad shrieks his laughter getting it’s loudest yet and it’s only moments before he gives in!
The second sapnap hears the r coming out of bad’s mouth he stops the tickles and he begins to firmly rub bad’s ribs to rid of the ghost tingles.
“You okay? I stopped in time right?”
Bad giggles residually for most of his speaking and nods at sapnap.
“Dohohonnttt wohohorryyy muhuhufihihinn hehehahadddd ihihimmm fihihinehehe yoouuu stohoppped before I even got the whole world out.”
Sapnap nods as he stands up.
“Okay good I’m glad that wasn’t totally terrible for you it won’t be a constant thing I’m sure but maybe eventually it could be a little more common if you want but if not it’s totally cool.”
Bad chuckles softly and waves off sapnap.
“Yea yea muffin head I don’t know about that just go ahead and go get more of your tickle monster out on someone else okay?”
Sapnap nods again.
“You got it!”
And so with that sapnap was off to find his next target
The end
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limeeraser · 2 years
I’m a bit embarrassed to go on a rant about dsmp related things but I am oh so passionate about assigning dsmp characters as tma entities.
First of, I feel like I should clarify that there’s a difference between being an avatar of a fear, being aligned with it, and being marked by it. Like for instance Mike Crew was marked by the spiral but is a Vast avatar. Literally Mr. Sims himself is marked by ALL of the fears but you would only consider him an avatar of the eye. In addition, idk if you would consider Martin as a lonely avatar but he’s absolutely aligned with it. That being said here are dsmp characters and what fear entities go with them.
Dream: The Web avatar. I don’t feel like I need to explain that one.
Dream XD: The eye avatar. I don’t know much about the guy but isn’t he literally like god, like in the all seeing eye type way?
Wilbur: Desolation avatar. You can fight me on this and I’ll die on this hill. Wilbur’s whole shtick was that during early lmanburg days he was right at home and he belonged there. But as time went on lmanburg shifted and changed into something he didn’t recognize. He lost his lmanburg. So he didn’t care if everyone else lost their lmanburg too bc to him it was already gone. Also that and the whole explosion shit bc haha desolation avatars and their funny use of fire.
Tommy: Aligned with the Lonely, marked by the web. Mf did not spend months in exile and to DIE by dream just to say he wouldn’t be marked by the web. In addition, there’s a common theme of him being left alone by his friends like again in exile and more recently by Wilbur after he fucking left for Utah. I don’t think he’d be a lonely avatar bc it’s not like he thrives of others loneliness but more so he’s just affected by it.
Tubbo: Extinction avatar. I once again don’t think I need to explain myself just look at that man’s nuclear weapons.
Techno: The Hunt avatar. I am oh so passionate about this one bc he would absolutely NOT be the slaughter. I mean yeah idk you can argue he is but I think the hunt better fits. He doesn’t kill “just because”, he kills for reason. He only goes after people who have wronged him and has no reason to kill anyone that doesn’t deserve it.
Phil: The Vast avatar? Or maybe aligned? Little bird man haha. You can argue the end too but I feel like that’s better reserved for Kristin. Speaking of-
Kristin: The End avatar. I don’t know much about her but literally everything I’ve seen depicts her as kinda like the angel of death or a grim reaper.
Ranboo: Marked by the Spiral/web. Honestly you can argue either fear or both with this guy. I think the web fits in the sense of his fear of being controlled and the spiral with not trusting your own head. Little man is definitely not an avatar but he’s absolutely marked by it.
Quackity: The Flesh aligned. I know this doesn’t really make sense at first but lemme explain. He made an army called the Butcher Army, he ATE Schlatt’s heart, and he oh idk ATE SCHLATTS HEART???? He also tortured Dream in prison too but like, I’m sure you can argue the slaughter for him but I don’t think what he’s doing is senseless killing nor do I think it’s anything strong enough to be considered avatar material. I like to think of him as flesh aligned in the same way Martin is Lonely aligned.
Slimecicle: Flesh avatar so self explanatory. He’s just a pile of goop. Little shlimmy. Shlopping goopy gump
Bbh: Corruption avatar. The egg. I’m so right and it’s so self explanatory.
I’m tired but this is all I’m gonna write. Goodnight limeeraser nation
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quicksandblock · 4 years
I’m finally watching BBH’s lore vod from a couple days ago
Quackity continues to be one of my favorite characters on the whole server. He is just so god damn smart. He picks up on the fact that something is horribly wrong with Bad quicker than almost anyone else, and more than that, he notices that there’s more to Bad’s behavior than meets the eye - over and over he asks Bad what’s wrong with him, why he’s acting this way, sussing out the inconsistencies in his motivation because he knows his friend and he knows that whatever happened here can’t have come out of nowhere. He’s the only one who’s figured out that Bad has been doing all of this for Skeppy’s sake, just by teasing honesty out of him one tiny piece at a time.
And then he did two things no one else has done - first, he pretended to be interested in the Egg to get more information on it and on Bad. Quackity has a habit of putting himself in high risk/high reward situations. The Mexican L’Manburg Rebellion, the Butcher Army, hell, even back to the L’Manburg election - he doesn’t do things by halves. He goes all in on the chance that he might get what he’s after. It doesn’t always work out in his favor, but this time it did - he came away from that encounter with probably the best understanding of the Egg out of anyone who isn’t currently under its control.
And then the second thing he did is even more impressive, because he shook off the Egg’s influence. We saw how strongly he was affected - as soon as he got close he forgot everything bad he’d been saying about it, he heard its whispers, he was completely entranced! I thought for sure that was it and all his cleverness earlier had been for nothing. But he pulled himself away! He snapped out of it!! He felt the pull of the Egg but was able to hold it at enough of a distance to run, because he recognized that those thoughts weren’t his and they wanted to make him do things he would never want to do of his own free will.
And then last of all, there was the second conversation he had with Bad, after he had run away from the Egg chamber. I’m sure a lot has been said about it already but I want to recognize how he made a point of leading Bad far, far away from anything touched by the Egg before he even spoke to him. He realized that the Egg’s influence had gotten stronger the closer he was to it and despite the fact that he was clearly still shaken up, he didn’t wait to act, he immediately moved to physically separate Bad from the Egg so he could talk to him again in a potentially clearer state of mind. And it worked!
For the first time ever, Quackity was able to get a genuine confession from Bad. All his real motives, his doubts, his original reason for doing all this. That interaction was the most honesty we’ve heard from Bad since this whole thing started, all because Quackity was willing to take risks and smart enough to put together what he learned and act on it.
And then he finished off by turning Bad’s own tactics back on him - he offered Bad exactly what he’s been desperate for this whole time. Control. Of the egg, but also the possibility to regain control of himself. Bad willingly gave his mind to the Egg a long time ago for Skeppy’s sake. He stands by that decision because he loves Skeppy more than he loves himself, but a little corner of his mind is still floundering, trying to remain himself. Quackity guessed this and threw that part of Bad a lifeline.
That whole conversation is a war between Quackity and the Egg, with Bad as the battleground. Over and over Quackity pulls Bad back to himself, reminds him of who he is and what he really wants, and over and over the Egg bears down on Bad’s mind to keep him under its control. It’s incredible to watch.
In the end Quackity realized that whatever’s going on here, he can’t beat it in this one encounter, so he took a tactical retreat. But he now knows practically everything about the Egg, what it wants, why people follow it, and the deepest desires and weaknesses of its chosen avatar. He is more equipped to fight the Egg than anyone else right now. When he’s in full law student mode Quackity is maybe the smartest character on the server and I think we should all take a minute to appreciate that.
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sunnywritings · 3 years
Small idea/request I've had in my head for awhile: c!bbh finding and adopting a baby the same way he did Sapnap and introduce them to the family! I feel like Sapnap would be a better brother than he thinks :]
a cult's sacrifice? not anymore!
request: c!bbh x child!reader genre: fluff(parental and sibling kind y'know?) word count: 968 warnings: child ‘sacrifice’ summary: bbh got a child sacrificed to him from another world so the only reasonable thing to do is to take the child and raise it! right?
- - - - - - - - - -
bad glanced around frantically when he was suddenly warped away, mid-conversation with skeppy. around him was a dimly lit room with a dark tone to it all, below him a circle of red, though with all the wrong symbols they probably intended.
one spoke before him, “oh please great one, take this witch’s baby and rid us of our drought, our children are starving and dying of dehydration.” the demon stared at him before slowly taking the baby while speaking, “well- um, this is highly irresponsible, i’ll just take them- and uh, good luck with your drought!”
and with that he was gone, disappeared with the circle closing in. bad was warped back to his exact location from before, where skeppy spun around to stare at him. “bad! what hap-” skeppy paused before shrieking, “why do you have a fucking baby!” his shouting caused the baby to begin crying.
the demon furrowed his unseeable brows, “language skeppy, and look what you did!” bad gently rocked the child back and forth, cooing softly down at them, all while attempting to soften his expression to appear unintimidating. the cries slowly softened, dying down while the baby stared up at bad, eyes wide. when the noise faded the baby raised a hand, poking at bad’s face. a soft smile formed on his expression, temporarily becoming distracted.
skeppy cleared his throat, arms folded. “bad, you have sap to take care of already, and dream for a week or so now, how’re you gonna handle a baby as well as those two?” his brows were furrowed, staring at bad with both concern and mild frustration.
the child’s expression shifted over, before a few giggles left the baby at the sight of skeppy. he froze up in shock, shoulders stiffening. grabby hands were made as bad walked over, “awe, they like you skeppy! and don’t worry i’ll figure out what to do with this little muffin.” bad smiled, watching the baby stare at skeppy in amazement and awe.
his throat cleared, turning his head away with a scoff and a soft ‘whatever’. bad smiled wider before turning around, humming softly while walking home. surely the others would be excited to have a little sibling! right? that’s what he thought anyways, because who could resist this adorable little muffin! bad poked softly at the baby’s cheek while thinking all of this.
the baby giggled loudly, wiggling their arms and legs slightly. “woah there little muffin, try not to fall!” he exclaimed, though he made sure not to be too loud. bad shifted the baby, readjusting his grip on them while the kid cooed back at him.
bad hummed a soft tune to the kid while approaching the house in the woods, pushing the door open with his hip, the lock needed to be fixed anyways. the moment he stepped into the house he heard the two kids talking.
“dreammmm, c’mon!” this was definitely sapnap, “just one more game!” there was a groan that followed sapnap’s pleading. “fine! but i’m hiding this time!” dream’s voice held an undertone of excitement, clearly not as hesitant as he showed.
the demon smiled at the boy’s interaction, “sap! dream! before you go i’d like you both to come here!” clearly they hadn’t heard the door open. the moment bad called sapnap came running around the corner of the front hallway, grinning with his arms up in the air. “dad!” he shouted before skidding to a halt, dream almost crashing into his back, barely keeping himself up by grabbing onto sapnap’s shoulders.
“hey guys, um, i found this little muffin all alone and so i uh, brought them back.” bad smiled, crouching down so the kids could see the baby. sap inched forward, dream peering over his shoulder down at the baby. the baby’s hands rose, making grabbing motions and cooing at the two new kids.
sapnap gasped at the action, slowly putting his hand forward. the baby’s hand curled around one of his fingers, giggling. dream watched with owlish eyes from behind sapnap, who was still staring down at the baby with a look of shock. dad smiled, overjoyed on how the interaction was going.
“is this my new sibling dad?” sapnap glanced up at bad, blinking. the demon’s smile grew softer, “yes they are, this little muffin is your new baby sibling.” he hummed, “do you wanna hold them sappy?”
his eyes flickered back down to the baby briefly, gulping nervously. “can i?” he asked. bad merely nodded, carefully passing the baby over to the seven year old, adjusting sap’s arms so he held the baby correctly.
sapnap stared down at the child, glancing back at dream with a grin. “i’m a big brother! and i’m gonna be a better one than you!” he gloated. dream gasped in mock offense, “no you’re not! i already have tubbo and mama puffy says i’m the best brother!”
the two bickered quieter than normal as bad took the baby back, chuckling at their interaction. this was gonna be an interesting family, wasn’t it?
- - - - - - - - - -
a sharp cry filled the air, silence came briefly after it. running footsteps came right after the cry as bad opened the door to the house. before he could say anything he heard sapnap speak, “are you okay?” his voice was filled with concern, though it was deeper now, older.
someone sniffled after sapnap asked them that, a softer, younger voice following. “yeah, i’m fine, thanks sap!”
bad smiled, relieved and content. it had been seven years since he’d brought you home, sapnap was fourteen now. he never regretted bringing you back, through all the years of learning you weren’t human just like the rest of them, and to you immediately being accepted into the family.
this is what a family was, and that brought him immense joy.
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Dream SMP Recap (May 12/2021) - The L’Sandburg Ultimatum
Foolish leaves a message for the L’Sandburgians telling them that they have overstayed their welcome on his land and that they must take down their walls in five days.
Those yellow flags will be white, or this means war.
Meanwhile, Ranboo receives a letter back from the Council.
Captain Puffy
- L’Sandburg has gone too far. At Foolish’s summer home, he explains that the L’Sandburgians have not only built a massive wall, but closed off the toll gate! 
- They’ve gotten a little too aggressive Foolish says, taking a toll-free shortcut that’s been conveniently dug beneath the wall
(Said shortcut is a hole with a ladder going all the way down to bedrock, a few blocks of horizontal tunnel and another hole going all the way back up to the surface with a tiny piece of the ladder missing halfway up)
- L’Sandburg has left Foolish no choice but to fight back. He is reluctant to start a war yet, as he would rather not use TNT on his own land. 
- The first thing he does is take down the gate. For now, he leaves them a message:
Dear L’Sandberg,
You are in violation of the original agreement of building inside of one chunk of territory. Not only have you further expanded but you have the audacity to make a toll gate ON LAND OWNED BY FOOLISH. I expect this to be torn down  by the residents of L’Sandberg within 5 days. I WILL NOT LISTEN TO ANY DISPUTE OVER THESE LAND CLAIMS!
- Foolish
- Ponk visits the summer home and speaks with Foolish to tell him that he’s named his skeleton horse for him, and walked the bee. 
- He leads Foolish all the way past Eret’s castle to the trapped flower hill. At the top, he places a bunch of maps with pictures of money on them
- He shows Foolish the underside of the hill, which is rigged with TNT. He blocks off the entrance as Foolish tries to run, shouts “LOVE ME” and lights it, sending the entire hill into an explosion
- Foolish asks what’s wrong with him and kills his dog. Ponk asks if he’s having a blast right now. As they walk back, Ponk turns to Foolish and says he trusts him to look after something, throwing him a poppy named “Sam <3″
Foolish: “Oh, this’ll be perfect for -- never mind.”
- Ponk then asks if Foolish notices anything different -- his eyes! He is Egg-free now
- They go up the MLG tower, and Foolish brings up the IOUs with Ponk. He mentions he’ll be going on a date soon and wants Ponk to be his waiter. Ponk says he’d be down
- Ponk tries to trade Foolish Netherite blocks for gold. He soon has to leave for the Twitch Rivals event
- Phil continues to work on the basement and chats with Tommy for a bit
- Ranboo goes to check his mailbox. Inside is a letter and an enchanted golden apple:
Hello! No new news yet. We have been keeping an eye on things and everything seems to be going okay so far. In our searches one of us found something that may be of use to you! We have left it in this chest. We respect your wishes. - The Council
- Ranboo leaves a return message:
Council, Thank you for your gift it will prove to be of good use. Please make sure that you keep a close eye on everything happening regarding what we spoke about earlier. If i have any more requests i will give them to you here.  Thank you again. - Ranboo
- After Eret blew up the glitch cube (with Fundy’s permission), Puffy lights the obsidian frame into Nether portals
- She then goes to check on L’Puffburg, seeing the message from Foolish. She takes the empty book and quill to write a reply:
I agree with Foolish and also you should give Puffy diamonds as well because I’m also offended
- Puffy
- She returns to working on her base back home
- Puffy later speaks with Badboyhalo extensively about Tall Mama
- They meet up at L’Sandburg and Bad shows off the wall before noticing the message, reading it
- Purpled logs onto the server for a few minutes
- Bad is enraged. He, out of the kindness of his heart, made a toll-free shortcut for Foolish! They take the shortcut. When they finally emerge out the other end of the shortcut, they come face to face with Foolish
Bad: I love this wall
Puffy: “I think I’ve heard that quote somewhere...”
- He speaks with Foolish, who is upset that Bad has made this wall. Bad explains that their economy was experiencing turmoil due to a loss of toll revenue
- Bad brings up Tall Cactus, insisting that while they gave Foolish Tall Cactus back, the L’Sandburgians kept ownership of the strip of land. Foolish disagrees
- Bad says that canonically, this is their path! Foolish replies that canonically, he gives two shits about this
- Foolish disapproves of the shortcut. Bad offers to improve it. While they discuss toll, Puffy starts twerking, asking why inflation has increased the toll to one golden apple
Foolish: “Five days. Five days for this wall to come down...or we might have turmoil.”
- Foolish refuses to pay the toll. Bad offers him a special yearly tollbooth pass for ten apples. Puffy pays him nine. L’Sandburg Toll Company thanks her for business
- Foolish threatens to hire Purpled to come kill them. Puffy hands Foolish the apples to pay to Bad. Puffy asks Bad if she and Foolish can make a drug cartel that passes underneath the wall
- Bad asks Puffy to join him in defending the wall as L’Sandburg and L’Puffburg, offering her 50% of the toll revenue. Puffy isn’t on board.
- Puffy brings up Tall Mama. They talk about Tall Mama. Eventually the subject returns to the wall
Bad: “Oh, so it’s gonna be war then, is that it?”
Foolish: “Oh, is that what this is? Huh, Bad? You want war!”
- Foolish lets Bad know to respond by letter. Or, he can surrender right now, and settle things peacefully. 
Foolish: “Bad, you see these yellow flags?”
Bad: “Yes.”
Foolish: “They better be white in five days.”
- Foolish says he’ll hire a bunch of mercenaries and end the war swiftly. Bad says he can pay them more to hire them over to his side. 
- Foolish threatens to set up a TNT canon aimed at the wall. Bad says he can rig TNT underneath the entire place so that if it ever goes, it will be nothing but a huge crater the size of Wyoming. They proceed to discuss Wyoming
- Foolish shows Bad Finley, his child. Bad almost refuses to give Finley back, but returns her
- They go back and look at the Tall Mama poster at Bad’s house
- Then they stack themselves in boats. Many innuendos are made
- Afterwards, though, Foolish tells Bad that this changes nothing. The walls of L’Sandburg must still come down. Bad is sad
Puffy: “Yeah it meant more to you, Bad, than it meant to him.”
Foolish: “It was a one-boat-stand, okay Bad?”
- After dealing with some technical issues for a bit, Bad tries to find Skeppy for his trident and starts following Ranboo around to see what he’s up to. 
- Bad finally spots Skeppy lurking on a tree, but Skeppy logs off when Bad tries to go to him. Bad tries repeatedly to convince Skeppy to log back on so he can kill him and retrieve the trident
- After the chase, Bad goes to L’Sandburg to fill chat in on the conflict, saying that Foolish seems to have declared war on L’Sandburg. Bad is unfazed by his threats and leaves his own response:
- With love, - BBH
He signs the book “<3″
- Bad then “improves” the shortcut with lava out of the kindness of his heart and reinforces the wall with concrete
- Next, he tweaks the flags, making them black and yellow. He plans to mine a bunch of obsidian for the wall
Upcoming Events:
- The ultimatum deadline (five days)
- Foolish’s date
- Quackity’s business opening
- Quackity’s next lore stream
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s lore stream
- Dream’s lore video
- Sapnap’s possible lore stream
- Awesamdude lore stream
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sooibian · 3 years
The Daisy Oracle
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Pairing: Baekhyun x fem!Reader
Genre / Themes: Fluff, soft angst, a hint of spice, established relationship
Description: In the days leading up to Baekhyun’s enlistment, you find yourself dissecting every word of his and he’s been saying...all the wrong things.
A/N: To accommodate this anon request, the story does not take the “BBH public service worker” route. Dear anon who requested this, i sincerely hope this fic gives you the comfort that you seek. even though i tried to publish this as soon as i could, i hope it doesn’t feel rushed! :)
Word count: ~ 2k
You always had a hard time keeping up with Byun Baekhyun.
On a typical Thursday evening, when you, everyone you knew, and their families, zombified by the obstinate demands of the week, trudged towards the promise of an invigorating weekend, Baekhyun looked and acted like one of those puppies in one of those picture perfect 'family is everything' movies. Always eager. Always happy.
That is not to say that the weight of living eluded him. He'd have his moments where everything seemed rather dull and tedious but Baekhyun always bounced back quicker than most.
In the month leading up to his enlistment, when you'd hoped for your own sake and his, that he'd mellow under the soul crushing burden of an impending temporary separation, his puppy quotient shot through the roof instead. But you didn't have the heart to utter a single word that bore the abominable might to dull his sparkle.
Instead, you revved up your own. Or at least...tried.
He booped your nose and said to you over dinner one evening, "You don't have to pretend, you know?" causing you to flip the switch on him, "What would you rather have me do? Cry?"
Truth be told, you were mad!
Mad at the world. Mad at the laws of conscription, most of all. How could they take this...this...stupidly adorable, angelic, happiness shaped man with a divine voice, endearingly droopy eyes, jelly lips, plump cheeks, and the most delectable nose away from you for such an agonizingly long stretch of time?
"It would be nice," he quipped, looking into the distance as if lost in a deep thought, the faintly heavy texture of his tone nudging you out of your rueful reverie.
Head tilted to the side, you blinked at him, mouthing a confused, "What?"
"Hello! Earth to --! I said, If you cried a little...every now and then….it would make me feel - it would make you feel - "
These callous utterances of his would not only exasperate you endlessly but also shove you back into the despairing hurricane of emotions you’d been trying to quash for his sake and yours.
So you glowered at him in response and he quietly went back to his soup, leaving you to your musings.
Blinkering your attention to the sumptuous spread before you, you wondered why you struggled to push something that appetizing down your throat. Everything tasted either a little too bland, or a little too spicy, a little...unusual and not quite right. Which was strange considering the only reason you loved this restaurant was because they hadn’t changed their menu nor their recipes in decades.
You craved the comfort of the known especially on days like these when the world felt bizarre - inside and out.
“This fillet is too dry,” you whined, washing down your last bite of the salmon with cider.
Brows furrowed, Baekhyun drew his “No ~” out in a question.
“And overly seasoned,” you winced, persistent in your complaining while pushing your food around.
“Here, try the Gyeran Mari,” said Baekhyun, lovingly placing two neat rolls of your favourite banchan into your rice bowl.
Eyes locked with his, a smile teasing the corners of your mouth, you quipped nonchalantly, "You know what? I cannot cry even if I wanted to."
"Really? Why's that?" He inquired with a quirked brow, cheeks puffed with silken tofu.
Waving your phone at him, you replied, "All these airpod head comments online - "
"Yah yah yah!!!" Breaking into a fit of roaring laughter, he lunged at you and pinned you to the floor. Cupping your face in his hands, he kissed every inch of the exposed skin of your face and neck, making your giggles fizzle into a soft moan the moment his lips met yours.
"Leave the laundry to me. Go get your things in order for next week," you said to a dumbstruck Baekhyun as he felt the jute laundry basket that you'd picked out together over two years ago, swiftly changing hands from his to yours.
When you heard neither a word tumble out of his mouth, nor the sound of his feet padding down the hallway, you stopped dead in your tracks, turned around to face him and spluttered a mortified, "What?"
"No, no, it’s nothing," he mumbled, lips forming a toothsome pout.
Resting the laundry basket against your hip, you groused, "Just say it."
Soft baby pink lips stretched into a wide, gremlin-like grin, he teased, "If I knew enlistment would make your lazy ass pick up some of my chores, I would've enlisted a lot earlier!"
Feigning annoyance, you rolled your eyes in response and turned on your heel to rush to the washer dryer.
In a week’s worth pile of unwashed clothes, stood out a beige t-shirt that he’d worn for not more than an hour last week. It was relatively clean and needed a wash simply because he had no use for it in the following months. You buried your face in the velvety smooth fabric of the oversized garment, yielding to Baekhyun’s lingering saccharine yet woody scent. The dam of your pent up emotions broke loose at the last four words that had recklessly rolled off his tongue. You bit down on your lower lip to suppress it's quiver but the tears in your eyes gave it all away when you turned around to find him standing by the door.
You accepted his unspoken apology with an understanding nod as he nestled you up to his familiar, comforting warmth. And while he gently cradled you in his strong and steady arms, you poured your heart out into the crook of his neck.
Dressed in cozy black and grey sweats, Baekhyun stood before you, lips pursed, eyes wide, anxiously wringing his hands while swaying from side to side.
"So?" His brows shot up in anticipation of your reaction while you chewed on the insides of your cheeks to keep yourself from breaking into an insensitive fit of laughter.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you managed a feeble, "Looks alright,", feigning your best businesslike demeanour.
A confused Baekhyun’s gaze flew up to his forehead as he gingerly ran a hand over his head. Features contorted in a frown, he remarked, "Prickly."
Then you could hold it in no more.
Instantly convulsed with laughter, you crashed into bed while Baekhyun simply stood there, hands on hips, patiently waiting for you to -
“Let it all out!” He exclaimed loudly while you continued your antics, fully cognizant that the discomfiture in his tone was merely for effect. Baekhyun continued, “I don’t get what’s so funny.”
You threw your hands up and apologized, panting, “Okay, okay...I’m done,” only to break into another fit of giggles immediately after.
The room was bathed in a subtle gold haze from the bedside lamp as you lay resting your head on Baekhyun's chest, the rhythm of his heart calming the storm within yours. He brought your hand up to his rosebud mouth and trailed gentle kisses along the tips of your fingers before lacing them with his.
"It's not that bad...it's...it's kinda cute, actually. Makes your ears stick out," you whispered against his taut and smooth skin.
"I don't know, I feel a little...different. I've never been bald," he uttered the last word hesitantly as if it were some sort of a deathly curse.
"Being born with hair and all - ,” you remarked casually, cuddling even closer and Baekhyun instinctively strengthened his grip on you.  
The looming presence of the words left unsaid magnified by the second and you prayed a futile prayer... wishing fervently for the time to stop.
“I wonder what our kids will look like. Do you think they’ll be born with hair on their wee little heads and have huge ears like I do?” asked Baekhyun before you could lapse into another silent reverie.
Your heart threatened to leap out of your chest at the incessant carelessness on his part and you only managed a dispirited “I...don’t know" in response.
“Come on! Humour me for a second -”
“Alright," you said with a deep sigh, deciding to indulge him but not without first bracing your heart against these beguiling castles in the air, "hmm.. I...I don't know but I want them to have your eyes."
"No!” Baekhyun protested, “I want them to have your eyes!"
"We're not having this argument again..not today." You tried to subtly release yourself from his firm grasp to fill your lungs with the air he’d snatched with promises so enticing that they made you tremble with fear to even wish for their realization but the more you tried to pull away, he drew you even closer....your darling quicksand.
He laughed, blatantly ignoring the embarrassment flashing across your features having been caught off guard by this unnecessary pop quiz. Eyes welling up with tears, you wondered whether this turmoil was some wicked sorcery of your own heart...or did Baekhyun, in fact, not care at all.
"But don't you think this house is a biiiit too cozy for a big family?"
"We won't have to worry about any of that for a while I believe," you muttered before lambasting him, "Okay Byun Baekhyun that's enough! Stop acting like you won't come visit every few weeks! And- and stop looking at me like that!"
Your expression softened the moment his eyes locked with yours.
Baekhyun sat up with a start. Brows furrowed in confusion, he guffawed, "I'm just wondering how someone this intelligent can be so thick in the head sometimes!"
Immediately sitting up to face him, you nearly squealed, "What do you mean?”
Shaking his head, he let out a deep exhale. Mumbling incoherently, he drew a key from underneath his pillow and lightly flicked your forehead with it. Chuckling at the very apparent bewilderment on your face, he grabbed your wrist and thrust the key into your hand.
Puzzled, you merely blinked at him, unable to form words.
"I bought the place that you liked,” he stated matter-of-factly but an unmistakable spark of excitement danced in his eyes.
“No, I don’t get it.”
“All that house hunting wasn't for Baekbeom." Baekhyun used air-quotes when he said house hunting and gave you a sly smile. Despite the telltale exhilaration in his tone...you were still pretty confused. Baekhyun and you had spent almost all of your weekends this year property hunting with his brother and sister-in-law. They’d said they were looking for a bigger place since the Byun family was to “expand”.
“But - I thought they were talking about themselves! I-”
“You what?”
“I can’t believe I fell for -”
“You walked right into it, Ma’am!”
“But you all made it sound so convincing!”
He coolly quipped, “A quality I would like all four of our future children to possess.”
Baekhyun’s grand gesture knocked the wind out of your lungs and you were suddenly flat on your back. Lying down next to you, he took your hand in his and sneakily slipped a ring onto your finger. A silent tear rolled down your cheek as all of the emotions that had been simmering inside you clawed at your throat rendering you speechless and breathless. Despite that, you managed the courage to meet his eyes only to find them brimming with tears. With his hand on your cheek, Baekhyun closed the distance between you and whispered, "I love you," against your lips before pulling you in for a deep kiss.
"I love you, too," you responded, nestling into his cozy frame.
"Yah! Don't get all emotional with me!" Baekhyun teased while gently stroking your hair. Voice down to a whisper, he continued, "I'm just getting everything in order...like you’d asked me to," before placing a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
You always had a hard time keeping up with Byun Baekhyun.
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
Ahhhh I just wanna try this out but I really don't know what I want. I just know that I want bbh 😩
1. Bday: Feb. 27, 1999 (I was born at 5:35 AM UTC+8 if that's important lmao)
2. Baekhyun 😭
3. I'm letting you take the wheel man. I trust you.
4. I love smut. But if you think it doesn't fit us then I'm fine with none.
It's okay if you don't accept this request though. I will forever be here silently reading your stories 🤗
Hello Anon! OMG you're so so cute!!!! Thank you for reading. I didn't know what you wanted so i went with something cute and a little angsty. I hope you enjoy ^^ don't hesitate to tell me :D
Warnings - angst (kinda), shower sex, body worship (f), oral (f)
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Eternal Beauty - Pisces!Reader & Taurus!Baekhyun
When you push in the door of your appartement tonight you feel bummed out, saddened and heavy hearted. Your job as a model was, most of the time, fulfilling and it was amazing getting to be the part of an artistic process such as the making of a collection of clothes. You liked to catwalk or pose for photoshoots. You liked to look at the stylish piece together beautiful outfits and you liked to see the make-up artists do their magic. As a Pisces woman art and spirituality was a big part of you and having it as part of your job felt just right.
But unfortunately there were days, like today, that it wasn’t picture perfect. You auditioned to catwalk at the Paris Fashion Week for Céline. One of the designers you’ve admired ever since you started your career. And you got the job, yes, but originally they said you were going to close the show and wear the center piece. A gorgeous destructed ball gown inspired by grunge and underground culture. But alas, they announced today that they decided to go with somebody else.
What was supposed to be an accomplishment for you turned bitter as you couldn't help but to see it as a failure. You should be happy to be a part of the show. That only is already a great accomplishment but… you can’t.
Your creative nature comes with a downside because your imagination serves you to escape reality but sometimes it also takes your brain to dark places, washing your own confidence away, down the drain.
Baekhyun, a true Taurus, didn't pick up right away that something was wrong with your mood. You usually like to spend time on your own so it didn’t ring any bells when you simply said hello and went straight to the shower. Pisces when hurt tend to seek solitude.
But even if the bull isn’t notorious to be discreet he’s still far from dumb so when you seem to take a little too long he comes in.
“Sweetheart…” he’s hesitant. “Are you okay?” you sniffle.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine” you lie.
Baekhyun knows it.
“Can I come with you?” he asks, still hesitant.
“Yeah” you huff out, rubbing the tears away with more water.
When he steps in the big Italian style shower he notices right away your watery eyes and your pinkish reddish nose. And he knows you’ve been crying. The taurus man can’t stand seeing the ones he loves hurt so his first reaction is anger.
“Who did that to you?” His big voice bounces off the wall and makes you flinch. It’s the last thing you need right now. You feel fragile and hurt, you don’t need to hear yelling. When your eyes fill up with tears again, Baekhyun hugs you.
“My baby girl” he cooes as you quietly sob in his arms. “What happened?” he says, trying to catch your gaze.
So you tell him the whole story and somehow talking out loud about your struggles has lessened them. Baekhyun and you work together beautifully and harmoniously. You give him the whim he sometimes lacks and he’s able to ground you in like the stable and robust earth sign he is.
“Maybe I wasn't pretty enough?” you let out, repressing a sob, your lip trembling. There it is. The mean thought that you have been throwing at yourself ever since the big news this afternoon. The thought that has been eating away at your confidence.
“What?!?” Baekhyun says outraged. You chuckle cutely at his exaggerated reaction.
“My baby, you are the most beautiful woman on earth” he says as he attacks you with kisses in the crook of your neck as warm water runs down your back.
“Stop it” you say, nudging him.
“Baby I’m dead serious. I’ve never seen anybody or anyone as pretty, as gorgeous, as kind, as imaginative as caring as you. You’re beautiful in every way inside and out.” he looks at you with those eyes full of love that you can’t resist.
“I’ll prove it to you” he gets on his knees and bows his head to you. Which as you smiling from ear to ear. “You’re absolutely perfect, stunning you’re my goddess” he whispers. as he brings his hands to your chest. “Your stunning breasts” he presses a kiss onto your hip. “Your beautiful stomach” his hands go down to your back and bottom. “Your ravishing piece of ass” he presses another kiss to you pubic bone “and your heavenly, delicious little pussy”
He presses an open mouth kiss to your bundle of nerves, you let a moan out. He sticks his tongue out and wraps it around your clit, his warm tongue feels good and you let your head rest on the tiles of the shower.
“Fuck baby, you taste so good” Baekhyun says as he gets more impatient, attacking your swollen bud with small bites and sucking on it. “My goddess, my beautiful goddess” he whispers lips pressed to yours, sending vibrations to your core.
“Baekhyun, don't stop” you cry out. You needy moans make Baekhyun double his efforts.
“Cum my goddess. Please cum all over my mouth”
You feel your walls clench on themselves as you throb on Baekhyun’s skilfull tongue, moaning and panting, hand entangled with his wet locks of hair.
When you settle down Baekhyun gets back up and wraps his arm around you. Before laying a soft kiss on your lips, the taste of your cum spread in your mouth.
“You’ll book other shows, my love. In the meantime, could you model for me forever? My beautiful eternal goddess” he whispers as he beams at you.
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codyjey · 4 years
👀 Those angsty Karlnapity headcanons you were talkin about- 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
well y'all asked for it so here I go 😏
- karl wears about 7 watches, literally. he's always always checking the time. he uses it as a way to make sure he's grounded. that he's in the right headspace. one day, sapnap asks him about the watches and why he needs so many. karl freezes, and feels himself go pale. tears start to flow down his face but he doesn't really know why. they don't talk about it again.
- recently sapnap feels so alone. so so alone. his dad (bbh) has the egg shit going on, his best friend is in prison, one of his fiance's is never around (bc he's time traveling, not that he knows that), and the other is about to start a big casino project that will take up most of his time. he's longing to just have something. anything. just closure. he has george, and he's greatful for that. but god does he wish things were better.
- big q got over his fear of techno, but got hurt in the process. as we all know. his scar on his face makes him feel insecure. he's started avoiding mirrors. and no matter how many times karl and sap say he's handsome, he just can't seem to believe them.
- karl draws sometimes. it's usually sapnap and big q, and he puts them on the walls of the library or in significant places they've been before. just as a momento. but, with the chaos of everything around them, they usually end up getting ripped or completely lost. it's just another thing that makes him happy getting ripped away, because who can be happy in the world thier living in?
- sapnap doesn't cry often. mostly because when he cries, it burns. it burns like fire. so, he's trained himself not to. but recently it's been so so hard to hold them back. and one day when big q and karl are talking in front of him, he starts to space out and the tears fall down his face. he mumbles small "ow" s through his sobs. the other two frown at him in concern, going to wipe his tears away, or even kiss them away, but he backs up before they can, not wanting to hurt them.
- after sapnap visited dream and talked to ranboo, he was incredibly stressed about not being able to find him. he wanted to find ranboo and comfort him. he felt like he did something wrong. he didn't want to hurt anyone. not anymore. he walked home reluctantly after that. when he got back, karl was waiting for him, and big q was there too. he smiled and immediately hugged them. they asked him if he was okay, and he simply responded: "no, not really." with a laugh. they decided they should go and rest.
- big q broke his guitar once. he had a hard time not crying about it. everyone told him he could just get a new one, but that one meant so much to him. he had used that guitar on his first date with karl and sap. he played it to them and they fell asleep cuddled against him. later, karl had put stickers on the guitar, and sap had wrote his name and some greek phrases on it. he cherished that guitar so much, so when it broke, he felt like he lost a piece of history.
- they had a fight once. like a legitimate one. not just one of those petty spur of the moment fights. they didn't talk for a few days.
bonus fluff one because I'm feeling nice:
- tommy went to visit them once! he's pretty bad at keeping in the loop of this so when he found out they were all engaged he got very excited and asked immediately if he could be the flower boy at the wedding. of course, they said yes.
thank you for all the love on my headcanons btw <3 these are really fun to write :)
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katberk · 4 years
heyy kat. 🐝 anon here. i know requests are closed currently so you don't have to answer this right away, feel free to ignore this for however long you need, but i just wanted to ask if once headcanons are open, you could do headcanons for tommy, tubbo, quackity, sapnap, bbh, ranboo, and wilbur if they were helping the reader through a panic attack ? specifically one where the reader is hyperventilating a lot and can't seem to calm down ? if not it's cool. <3
🌸Headcannons for when the Read has a Panic Attack🌸
❤️I see Sapnap just going in for a hug and then asking you “what’s wrong?!”
❤️He would try and help you calm down by letting you put your head/hand on his chest to hear his heartbeat
❤️Sapnap has a nice voice, it’s soft and low having the calming effect UwU
❤️If you’re hyperventilating then buckle up because there’s gonna be a cuddle train!
❤️He would just hug you and rock you back and forth and then when you calmed down would start asking you questions
❤️”Are you hurt?”, “Did someone say something?”, or “Is it just a bad day?”
❤️Sapnap is a guy who would fight anyone/anything that hurt you
❤️”Don’t think about it, just force on my heartbeat, please”
❤️”I-I’m sorry, I-”
❤️”Please, don’t apologize... just calm down for me”
❣️Okay, there might be some tears from this man’s eyes!
❣️He wouldn’t panic, but he’ll get emotional
❣️He never wants to see his s/o upset and definitely not hyperventilating over stuff like stress or work.
❣️Rat is on the case! Cuddles with the two is always scheduled
❣️He’ll stop whatever he’s doing and just go over
❣️He really really really hates to see you panicked, so it means a lot to him if you tell him what’s wrong
❣️”One, two, three, breathe in... and then it out. Three, two, one”
❣️”B-bad... I”
❣️”Shhh, how are you?”
❣️”Better... thank you” :)
🌙We all get nervous or stressed, Ranboo has felt it, other people, even animals! It was a surprise though when he walked in to find papers on the floor and his s/o on the floor with tears
🌙”Hey Y/N, Do you wanna g- Y/N! What’s wrong?!”
🌙He would take your hands in his and help you to stand up
🌙Swaying back and forth and just hugging him tight
🌙He’s tall, so you would probably have to look up to him (Short! At least you can join the club! :3)
🌙Calming you down is top priority, then asking what happened/wrong (again), and then the mess 
🌙”Did the work get to much? Did it pile up?”
🌙”Y-yeah... It kinda did.”
🌙”Well, how about after you’ve calmed down and ready we can go out for a movie or something!”
🌼If you’re sad then... music?!
🌼I mean, he’ll ask “what’s wrong” and “what happened” but I see him calming you down with his singing!
🌼He has nice voice! Just makes you forget your problems and plus, you get to hear him sing! :)
🌼Song requests
🌼After you’re calmed he would then become serious (Even MORE serious)
🌼”Alright, spill”
🌼”It’s noth-”
🌼”Y/N, I walked into the living room to see you hyperventilating on the couch!”
🌼”Okay! So maybe I started to stress out about work and people’s judgments!”
🌼Soft look and smile
💜Okay, hear me out on this one
💜He would take it seriously, but at the same time... he just has to make you laugh!
💜He’ll ask what’s wrong and all of that stuff, but in a funny voice or just grabbing his microphone for auto tone
💜”y/N, wHaT’s WrOnG? dId SoMeThInG hApPeN tOdAy?”
💜”Alex? Is that you?!”
💜Cue the laughter
💜Feels proud of himself to get a laugh and smile out of you
💜After everything’s calmed down he would sit next to you and let you vent out all of your pain and worry
💜Laughter and then conversation
🌸He would be the panic type
🌸Yes, he’ll understand what to do and how to help he’ll just be super careful
🌸He would definitely be loudly (Not exactly screaming) asking you what’s wrong
🌸Hugs and head pats
🌸He’ll just try and calm you down by telling you to follow his heartbeat
🌸Quieter voice when you’re calmed
🌸Just like Sapnap he’ll fight anyone or anything but instead with words... microwave is hurting right now
🌸”Why did you look at them funny! Hmmm?!”
🌸*GASP* “You’re gonna regret that you little stupid piece of shit!” (”MOM! The microwaves being an ARSE again!”)
🐝Tubbo would instantly get you away from the person/thing
🐝He’s more on the instant comfort then confronting
🐝He would ask quietly to try and slow down, and try to take deep breathes
🐝He would be kinda panicking, but he would definitely not show it
🐝He would either take you for ice cream/a cafe or home/a quiet place just out of the way
🐝Patting you on the back or head (Head pats :3)
🐝”Do you want to tell me what happened?”
🐝”I’m just stressed. I have a test in a couple of hours and then a presentation right aft-”
🐝”Wow wow! Okay, just calm down for a second! Everything’s gonna be okay with me by your side, so don’t stress out!” :)
🐝”I knew you would be there for me Tubbo. I really appreciate it!”
🌸Hope this was want you wanted 🐝 anon! Sorry if it took awhile! I was working on other fanfics and stuff UwU
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