#i feel like the ending's a bit rushed
ishipgenfics · 1 year
You and Your Human: Part 6
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
You gently peel your human away from you, limb by limb. It makes a soft whining noise.
"I am sorry," you say, edging away from your human. "I need to go."
Your human seems to collect itself, nodding firmly. "Right. Sorry."
"Captain?" the pilot calls. "You really should come look at this."
You wish you could stay. Your human is breathing heavily, and it looks tense as it shifts along the ground, as if any wrong movement might make it fall over and shatter. But this, whatever it is, is important.
You follow your pilot up to the bridge, where your engineer and scientist are both standing. They nod as you approach. You note vaguely that it is funny, how easy it is to pick up on human quirks.
"We got a messsssssage a few minutesss ago," your engineer explains. Her Pyricese is getting very good. "It is the same word... wordsss?"
"Do you mean phrase?"
"Yes. The same phrase, over and over. Many languages, but same phrase, I think."
"What is it?" you say. There is no voice echoing through the bridge, so your engineer must have shut off the message for now. Unless perhaps the message written, and sent through the controls. You can't really say.
"Do you have a human?" the Sirviles quotes. "That is all."
You stiffen, thinking over all the sentients you have encountered so far. Could one of them have figured out your secret, your human?
Or maybe it is someone you haven't met before. After all, your former customers would know what language you speak.
So. Who is this, and what does it want with a human?
"Do you want me to answer their hail?" the engineer asks.
"Yes, thank you," you say. "Please do."
The big screen that usually shows nothing but blank space and the flicker of stars lights up. A human appears on the screen.
It looks young, probably around the same age as your human, if you had to guess. Its hair is the color of dirty sand, and it is wearing a gray shirt that is definitely too big for it.
Its eyes meet yours, and he says, in pitch-perfect Pyricese, "Do you have a human?"
It starts to repeat it in another pronoun variant, but you hold up a hand and it stops. "I am captain of this vessel, and use she/her pronouns," you say in your native tongue, all lilts and rolls. "What are your pronouns, and what do you want with us?"
The human says nothing.
You frown. "My name is Rhy'cd," you say. You had not gotten the impression that names were of much importance to humans, considering your human's behavior, but perhaps it was simply an anomaly. "Please state your intentions."
The human stayed quiet for a moment longer and then repeated, "Do you have a human?"
You stare. "... that's the only sentence in Pyricese you know, isn't it?"
"Do you have a--"
"Yeah, yeah," you wave your hand and the human stops talking. With a sigh, you switch languages. "Do you speak English?"
The human startles. "Yes, I do. Why do you speak English?"
"I have an personal interest in languages," you reply, which is not technically inaccurate.
"Do you have a human?" the human says again, falling back on its weird catchphrase. You try very hard to focus on the words and not just the way this humans speaks. It is different then your human, faster and smoother, with more heavily accented vowels. A dialect, perhaps? Or could English be this human's second language? The books had implied that Earth was a multi-lingual planet...
"Well?' the human demands, shocking you out of your thoughts. Your ears shoot up, and your fur bristles.
"Why do you want a human?" you ask.
The human does something with its lips, like a smile, but not all the way. "Let's just say... I have a personal interest."
Snarky little-- "I will not give up a member of my crew," you say. "Not without a reason."
The human points at you. "Aha! You do have a human!"
Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. You try to pull yourself together and deliver some kind of eloquent plea to continue diplomatic talks but what comes out of your mouth is instead, "It wants to be here!"
The human's face shuts down. Completely. You aren't all that good at reading human facial expressions at the best of times(void, you have trouble with it among your own species) but right now you are getting nothing. Except the eyes. Those are filled with cold hard anger. You shiver.
You know humans are predators. But this is the first time you've ever really felt it.
"Wait," you say. "We can talk about this--"
"Will you give me my human?"
... you've had a bad day. You've been a little stressed ever since you woke up, and you really haven't been sleeping enough ever since you started cramming for your human's surprise, and now you're in the middle of a direct confrontation and you're a prey animal, damnit! You aren't meant for this.
And all these things, piled one on top of the other, are slowly wearing down your restraint and making it so that--
Well. When you hear that possessive adjective, your instincts scream.
The human nods, stiffly. "Right then." The screen turns off.
You sink into your chair, wrapping yourself in your tail. No one says anything.
Your engineer is the one to finally break the silence. "Captain? They're charging weapons."
That little tidbit breaks you out of your haze of instincts and failure. Your claws retract and reveal again, scraping against metal. You take a deep breath.
"Pull up the star charts," you order your scientist.
"Pull them up!"
"Yes, Captain!"
The screen changed, a sea of empty black appearing. You must have stumbled your way into a dead zone. Damnit. Out of the corner of your eye, you see your engineer frantically fiddling with the controls. The shields around the ship glow brighter, blocking out the first volley of attack. The human's ship pauses, waiting to see what you do. They must not have much ammunition.
"Expand," you order.
There's a slight pause as your engineer taps frantically at the controls before the screen expands wider. You search the void, sharp eyes scanning every inch and-- there!
"My pilot," you say. "Set a course for the star."
There's a flash of bright light, and as your pilot springs to action, feathers rustling, you turn to see your scientist flickering anxiously.
"Can't--danger-- star-- fire,"
"I'm sorry," you say as gently as you can, as the ship hums and starts flying. "We don't really have a choice."
Your scientist growls.
"Captain?" your pilot says. Their voice is ever so slightly higher-pitched than normal, indicating a hint of hysteria, but they seem to be holding together well. "The other ship is following us."
"Are they charging weapons?"
Your engineer snorts. "At this speed? In that ship? No."
The star map comes down, and you see the star quickly approaching. Your ship slows down/
"Shall I stop the ship?" your pilot asks. "We're going to hit the star."
You nod. "That's the point. Keep going."
You fly into the star. Instantly, the ship starts shaking.
"Shields are down!" your engineer yells. "Shields are down!"
"The other ship has stopped following us!" your pilot says.
There is another flash of bright light and your scientist is gone. You look around, but can't see it anywhere.
"Captain?" your engineer says. "The shields are... coming back up. 10 percent... 20 percent... 30 percent... 40 percent... holding steady at 40 percent!"
You peer at the screen. "My scientist?" you say, feeling stupid. "Is that you?"
A shining face appears and nods at you before vanishing, presumably back into the wiring.
Your engineer coughs. "Captain. We are safe for now, but this ship was not made to enter stars. We will need to do repairs before we can continue safely."
You nod numbly. Your ears are low. You think you might be in shock. Or no.
Adrenaline crash, my old friend.
"Captain?" your engineer says. "What do you want me to do?"
Your head feels floaty. "The other ship isn't coming after us."
"That is correct."
You stand up, and wave a paw at everyone. "You all can... do whatever you want then. I'm going to go find my human."
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elvenbeard · 11 days
June 10th 2077
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Happy birthday, V!!
Aahhhh aöskhdfasf I got inspired by a recent character ask where I talked about what a perfect day in Vince's life would look like, and I instanly had the day post-Boat-Drinks in mind. And also recently I revamped my personal hc timeline for Cyberpunk 2077 to incorporate Phantom Liberty into Vince's story and I was like y'know what... the post-Boat-Drinks day would perfectly fit as taking place on V's birthday :3 Spent a decent amount of hours yesterday taking pics (and will publish some of these on their own too cause I love them sm and I had all the feels, and they deserve to shine!) - but for now really wanted to complete this lil rundown in time.
Happy birthday to all the other Vs that celebrate today as well \o/
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bigleoenergy · 16 days
Mha fans don't jump me but I feel like we could've extended the war aftermath/hospital scenes with the students instead of directly jumping to graduation but that's just me
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confusedsiewmai · 2 months
Sometimes, I don't like looking at Frieren fandom things is because it feels so alienating as an aroace person sometimes.
I relate to Frieren in a lot of ways. The way she goes through life at her own speed, the way she has a certain way of doing things that is hard to change, the way she struggles to fully understand others but is still compassionate and tries, and last but not least, the way she doesn't feel romantic or sexual attraction the way most people do.
So when a fan posts something about how elves like Frieren don't really feel romantic or sexual attraction and it's wonderful that Himmel's unrequited love with her is still portrayed as something beautiful, healthy and valued, but the comments section is just filled with people being like: No!!!! That's not true!!! Frieren loves Himmel even though she doesn't realise it!!!!
Or even the more "generous" ones are like: No!!! She is just falling in love with him years later!!! The whole story is about how she regrets not pursuing it until it was too late!!!!
And like, every person has their own interpretation and ships. But it really is a bit saddening as an aroace person that sees Frieren also as an aroace who probably would never feel as much romantic love for Himmel EVER. People have almost this... need to correct people that Frieren loves Himmel romantically.
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heavywoolcoat · 8 months
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Rindo would never wake up Ran (intentionally at least) and if he does, he runs to buy a Mont Blanc to calm his brother down
Ran, on the other hands, annoys his brother when Rindo wants to sleep
He's like 'Hey. You're sleeping?' when Rindo is lying in bed, eyes closed (but not asleep yet). He'd be poking Rindo's cheeks too, like the little shit he is, (knowingly) preventing Rindo from actually sleeping
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vergilthelibrarian · 10 months
In God's Name, pt.2
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Part 1
It’s been about a month since seeing God. I was still much too afraid to say his name, to even think it.
I was told as a child to never utter his name. I thought it was silly yet even before I saw him, I never said his name. I guess despite my thoughts, a part of me took it seriously. Seriously enough to never even whisper his name.
But seeing as just saying his name made him appear… I understood why we were warned so much.
I looked out my window as I washed the dishes, hearing the sounds children playing along with the rustling of the trees. The sun shone bright in the blue sky which appeared to clear.
It looked beautiful.
“Shit!” I gasped, dropping the knife I was washing. I grabbed my hand, wincing slightly as I looked at the blood that oozed out of my cut. I turned on the water of the faucet, letting the water run over my hands. I turned off the faucet, looking at the cut and seeing that it was small.
I went to the bathroom, cleaning the cut and covered it with a band-aid.
I sighed, staring down at the bathroom sink, my hands gripping the sides, lost in thought.
Ever since seeing the day, I’ve been spacing out. I’ve always had issues with spacing out, I would often get scold for it as a child during service, but this felt different.
I would think back to him. To his blue eyes. There was something about them that I couldn’t stop thinking about. They were piercing and intense, I couldn’t help but think he saw into my very soul when we made eye contact.
I truly believe he did.
Gulping, I looked up into the bathroom mirror, studying my features for a moment.
I’ve been trying my best to forget about that day. What I did was wrong, and I knew when I eventually go back to church, I will be punished, but it was hard to forget.
Sighing once more, I walked out of the bathroom, planning to finish washing the dishes when a knock at my door caught my attention.
I stopped in my tracks, blinking, and changed course to the front door.
Looking through the peephole, I saw Sufia standing at my doorstep with a worried look on her face.
I opened the door.
“Hey Sufia. What are you doing here?” I asked.
“You’re wanted at the church. They didn’t tell me why, but they said that they need you to come immediately.”
Sufia, just like me, would always question God. Why worship a God that needs to be feared, etc. We always got in trouble at the orphanage for questioning God and his love. She was much more fearless though.
Sufia was quiet for a moment.
“Did you see something?” and I knew exactly what she was asking me.
Did I say God’s name.
“I don’t know if I’m allowed to tell you that.” but that in itself was the conformation she needed.
“Let me walk with you.”
The walk to the church was silent. Me and Sufia were close. We were the odd ones out in the orphanage just from how much we would question what we were told. Compared to me, she was much more bold. More outspoken while I was more timid. I would get picked on for being meek by the other kids and Sufia would always come to my rescue like a knight in mud covered armor.
We soon arrived at the church, and I felt my heartbeat pick up slightly.
There were 2 priests who seemed to have been waiting for me outside.
I hesitated walking through the gate entrance.
What was going to happen? Were they going to kill me? Sacrifice me in the name of God? I was beyond terrified.
With a shaky breath, I walked through, Sufia right beside me. I walked up the stairs and one of the priests gave me a warm smile.
“I’m glad you came.” He glanced at Sufia, not outright telling her she needed to leave but silently telling her too.
“I’ll… I’ll go.” Sufia touched my shoulder and gave me a small smile before leaving me alone with the 2 priests.
“As I said before, I’m glad you came.” I turned my attention to the priest.
“I’m sure you know why you needed to come…” I nodded, looking away slightly. “Well, I have something wonderful to tell you. We should go inside; we don’t need anyone else to listening.” He said in a hush tone.
The 2 priests and I walked along the outside corridor to one of the small chapels. The talkative priest led me to one of the pews, taking a sit next to me when I sat down. The silent priest closed the door, locking it.
“As I said, I have something wonderful to tell you.” The priest smiled at me.
“Well, what is it?” I asked.
“God wants to take you as his partner.”
I leaned back in shock. I blinked.
“What? Why?” I didn’t like the idea of being the partner to a God, especially considering a God that, in all honesty, I didn’t see the point in worshiping.
“We are not sure.” He said, with a puzzled look on his face. “But he told us he wishes to take you as his.”
“W-what if I say no?” I questioned with a slight stutter.
The priest sighed. “You know you can’t go against God. He’ll punish all of us, you know that.”
I took in a deep breath, trying to stop my body from shaking as much but it was rather difficult.
“All you need to do is say his name.”
The silent priest came over, tapping his colleague on the shoulder. I noticed that the silent priest was the young one that I saw who was being initiated into the priesthood.
The talkative priest looked at me and gave me a gentle smile, but his eyes were slightly sad, like as if he was sorry for me. His hand went on top of mine, and he gave it a comforting squeeze before getting up and leaving with the silent priest through a small door, leaving me alone in the small chapel.
I stared down at the pew, cursing at my curiosity for putting me in such a situation.
I could get up and leave. Nothing was stopping me, but I knew how wrong it would be for me to do that. Our God was an angry God and from the stories in our sacred text, he was downright unforgiving and merciless.
I ran a hand through my hair, sighing, before looking up at the wooden statue of God. There were flowers before it and adorn it. Sunlight shone on the statue in such a way that you could teel that this was a statue of a deity.
Despite my questionings and my not so devoted worship, I’ve always loved this statue. This was the only one that we had that depicted him in a human form. The statue was pretty old, and the nuns here usually did their best to do the upkeep, making sure it didn’t fall apart from age. The statue itself was made of rosewood and it showed him with a piercing gaze.
As a child, I would come here and help the nuns clean up the chapel and help with the upkeep of the statue. But I would also come here to talk to the statue about my day, my worries and fears, my dreams and nightmares. As I got older though, I started coming to this little chapel less. Maybe it was because by then, I was busy with college, something that Lady Maria was against, telling me to become a nun instead.
I took out my rosary and rubbed wooden beads for comfort.
The feeling of nervousness was crawling up my back and it felt as though someone was watching me. I looked around, my eyes meeting every empty corner of the small chapel.
It was only me and the statue here.
I let out a shaky breath, looking back at the statue.
It looked exactly like him, perhaps a bit younger, but I knew that this really was the face of God.
I gulped and whispered, “Vergil.”
There was stillness in the room that became more apparent when I said his name. It was as though time stood still and I hated the feeling that stillness brought me. It was unnerving.
“I see you came.” a smooth voice entered my ears, and I turned my head to see where it came from. I met his eyes, my breath becoming caught in my throat. His face didn’t hold much emotion as he walked over to me from the side of the room, a sword in his hand, taking a seat next to me and faced ahead, looking at the statue that stood before us.
My hands felt clammy, and my heart was beating slightly fast. My grip on my rosary tightened.
Why was I scared? Was it because I was scared of being punished by God for not being a devoted follower? For Questioning him and his commandments? Or was there something else I was afraid of?
God slowly turned his head to me. “Though I don’t mind the fear, you are the last person I wish to fear me…” His voice was quiet, it was if he didn’t want anyone else but me to hear what he just said.
I didn’t know that to say, and he could tell. He turned his head away, his piercing gaze leaving me.
We sat in silence for a bit, I don’t know how long exactly, but the longer we sat in the silence, the less my nerves were on edge and the more relaxed I became. My heart was beating as fast anymore and though my hands were still a bit clammy, the rosary in my hands became less tight.
“Are you calm now?” he asked, his tone soft as he looked at me once more. I nodded to his question.
“Good. As I said, you’re the last person I wish to fear me.” once again, his voice was quiet.
“What… do you want with me?” my voice was quiet as well, but it was more so out of the small bit of anxiousness I still had.
He hummed at my question, closing his eyes as he did as he gathered his thoughts together.
“If you want me to be honest, there’s two reasons. One of them is rather… pathetic.” He began, opening his eyes. “I could just tell you only one of the reasons. That reason being that I want you to become my most devoted follower. To never doubt the power, strength, and wisdom I obtained for over the years I’ve lived. To have you so devoted that you would lay your life for me without a second thought.”
He stopped, closing his eyes again, sighing. “But then I would not be truly honest with you.” He said, opening his eyes once more. “The other reason… The reason I see to be as weak…” he hesitated. It seemed like he didn’t want to say it. “It is because I wish to not be alone…” his tone was hush.
I was shocked by his words, but I guess even a God becomes lonely sometimes…
“But why me?”
“I would hear you when you would come here and talk. At first, I was annoyed but… I grew attached to your visits.” He looked away again and slightly turned his head up. “You started coming less until you stopped coming entirely, only going to mass.” He chuckled, before looking back at me with a slight smile. “I became rather bitter that you weren’t giving me attention anymore.
“Seeing you again… snapped something in me. It made me realize that I am much more human than I’d like to admit and that I want your attention again… but I want that attention to be only for me.” He whispered.
I felt flustered by his words. To be wanted by God wasn’t a rare occurrence, but I never expected to ever be in that occurrence.
“Come o’re the eastern hills, and let our winds kiss thy perfumed garments; let us taste thy morn and evening breath; scatter thy pearls upon our love-sick land that mourns for thee.”
I couldn’t stop my heart from fluttering from the poem he had recited. His poem told me everything he seemed to have difficulty explaining.
He was in love with me.
The chapel was silent once more, the only sound that could be heard were the birds chirping.
“My God… I…” I didn’t know what to say.
He hummed. “I would like it if you called me by my name.”
I gulped, taken aback by his request but I nodded slightly.
“It’s okay to not know how to feel. I know how you feel about me. I don’t expect you to throw yourself to me yet.” He Vergil said. “It’s a lot to take in… but understand this, my patience is only so thick.”
Vergil leaned in close to me, his nose brushing against mine lightly and I moved back, my cheeks warming from the action.
“Don’t keep me waiting long.” His tone was serious and slightly harsh.
It was a warning.
And a warning from a God was something serious.
The back of Vergil’s hand soon caressed my cheek, causing me to become more flustered than I already was.
His touch was chaste, shy, like as if he was unsure of how to show whatever emotion he was feeling at the moment, a contrast to the words that had just left his lips.
“I’ll be waiting.” There was a softness in his eyes as he said those words, the slight harshness leaving his voice and the quiet, gentleness returning.
He then got up, walking back to where I first saw and opened a portal with his sword. He walked through it and once again, it was only me and the statue in the small chapel.
I could not explain the emotion I was feeling. My mind was blank yet running with so many thoughts that I was glad I was sitting down as I would probably faint. I felt my face, feeling how warm it was and I placed my hand on my chest, wishing my heart would stop leaping whenever his face popped into my mind. Whenever his smooth voice would enter my mind once more.
I wasn’t sure what I was feeling yet but I knew that I needed to figure out what I was feeling before I met Vergil again.
Whether the meeting will be of my own choosing is something I will only know in the future.
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lesbianoms · 4 months
Hihi love your writing and was wondering (if you took prompts) to do more werewolf endo stuff?
Anon I am SO SORRY this took 80 YEARS TO WRITE 😭
It Started with a Sandwich
(Includes soft vore, f/f vore, kink, safe vore/endosoma, gentle/caring pred, werewolf pred, same-size) minors dni!!!
I didn’t know her that well, but she knew me. At least, knew of me.
My college had recently implemented a new kind of "supernatural studies abroad" program; currently, they only offered it as a J-term with limited spots. It served to both teach us about the history of other countries, and to satisfy anyone who was super into fantasy and folklore.
On the night of the deadline, just 5 minutes before midnight, I typed up a rushed essay on a whim... now, here I was, studying old European legends in Romania. It couldn't be helped. I'd always loved the strange.
The woman I watched from across the cobblestone street was our guide. She was not a professor at my school, or a fellow student, or anything like that. Born and raised in Romania, she had shown our small group around, pointing out the tall churches and the intricate, weaving designs of stone atop old castles. Crumbling structure. Old structure. Yet the way she spoke of the past somehow endeared me to it.
I won't deny it. As I looked at her— sitting in the empty outdoor seating of a deli, eating her sandwich— I felt really attracted to her. She was older than me, much older, I'd say about 35 or something like that. Early 40s maybe. Just from her deposition she seemed the type to have kids. A husband, a family.
Not that there was anything wrong with that, because my heart was all too familiar with the stupid, stupid tugging pulse of heartache. It came with the territory of being in love with women who were an entire lifetime away from me. But still, I wondered... would she see me?
My thoughts drifted to the sandwich in her hands. Another perk of being a college student is forgetting that you need to eat to keep your energy up. I thought about the places I’d seen along the route to the hotel: there was a ramen place, a burger joint… hm, “Romanian Ramen” had a nice ring to it. Maybe-
I froze as she looked up at me, and with an embarrassed turn of my head I realized that I’d been spacing out and staring at her the entire time. Ugh, I’m such a dork.
But when I glanced in her direction again, I was confused (and admittedly, a bit intimidated) when I saw her waving me over with a smile. I slowly slid off of the wall I was sitting on and walked over, compulsively brushing at my hair with my fingers.
I hope I looked good.
“Hello!” she said. Her voice was sing-songy, with a soft yet prominent Romanian accent. It radiated warmth. “Would you like to have lunch with me?”
I don’t remember how long we both sat there in that Deli, talking and laughing. As the time went by and the world around us changed from bright to dark, we seemed to be lost in ourselves.
She was easy to talk to. At first I’d felt like a bit of a geek sitting down and rambling on about whatever was currently on my mind, but she just sat still and listened. She would nod and look at me with interest, as she continued to devour her sandwich. I’ve never been the best at making eye contact with people, so while I talked, I found my eyes wandering down to her mouth as she chewed…
watching her throat bob as she swallowed…
It’s at this point in the story I need to confess something. I have a bit of a… strange “interest.” This is kind of embarrassing, but a necessary detail to the story-
-Oh who the hell am I kidding? Vore. It’s vore. I’m into vore.
So now, as you can imagine, watching her eat made me feel a bit flustered. I was ready to just ignore the feeling and continue on, but ohhh boy… I had no idea what was coming next.
Somehow, we got back on the topic of the program.
“So? Are you enjoying your stay in Romania?” she asked, licking her fingers. The sandwich was completely gone.
“Yeah! It’s a really cool place, with a lot of history. I thought the stuff you were talking about yesterday was really interesting.”
She giggled. “Real spooky, hm?”
“Oh, definitely.”
“The legends, they are my favorite part of living here. I’ve had an interest in the supernatural ever since I was young. When I was 18, my mother took me to Transylvania— it was a difficult trip to make, but I begged her to go— and, ultimately, I’m glad I did. Some of my best and worst memories come from that trip.”
I leaned back in my chair, a slight chuckle in my voice. “Did you want to go to Transylvania because of the vampires?”
There was a sudden shift in her demeanor after I said that. Her eyes looked sad as she smiled and continued her story.
“Well, yes and no. There was something needing to be done there. I had studied vampires before, and…”
She looked left and right, as if making sure nobody was listening to us from the shadows. I blinked in confusion, then watched her lean in and heard her voice drop to a silky whisper.
“Do you know why Transylvania is the vampire country?”
I shook my head. She licked her lips and continued.
“It is because they need a place to roost. They like old things. Old castles. They need a place to hide, yes. But they can't have Romania, because someone is already here.”
“Who?” I asked, my brow furrowed in confusion.
She grinned, and in the rising moonlight, her teeth shimmered like fangs. “The werewolves.”
It had been hours since I’d let her give me a ride back to her place; the full moon, in that time, had been tucked away behind the clouds. Still. She kept all the curtains closed.
She could tell I was nervous. Even though we’d both been very clear about boundaries and terms, my anxieties were not quite put to rest. I felt stupid for asking, but I also felt like I had to.
"So you're not going to kill me?"
She gave me a warm smile as she stood across from me. "I understand your concern. But I can safely say that no, I'm not in the business of taking any lives. I'm no loup-garou, darling."
“…But you are a werewolf.”
Something dimmed in her eyes, and I felt a little bad for being so pressing with all my questions. But if this was true, and it was all real… I needed to be sure that I wasn’t in any danger.
“In Romania, werewolves are protectors,” she said putting a hand to her chest, “I swear on my life that I will not harm you.”
My fingers drummed along the bed that I sat on, and I took a deep breath before responding with, “Okay. I trust you.”
An excited look lit up her face, as she began to take off her clothes.
I watched, enchanted. Enthralled, by the swiftness of her movements as she pulled her shirt off, revealing her bare belly to me. Even mostly empty, it still sported a bit of a round shape. She had a little paunch that just hung over the waistband of her underwear, straining against the elastic. I stared.
When I heard her giggle, I hurriedly averted my gaze from her stomach and tried, unsuccessfully, to make eye contact with her.
"You like what you see?" she teased.
I stuttered, "Wow... um, I dunno if this is a weird thing to say but your belly looks so... soft..."
"Years of good hunting will do that to you, love."
I didn't really want to think about what she meant, so I slowly shifted my position on the bed, fiddling with the trim of my shirt. Quietly, I asked, "Have you ever done this before?"
She smiled and shook her head. "No, never. But you're so small, I should be able to get you down easily. You're like a baby deer."
A hot flush spread across my cheeks as I hummed in satisfactory embarrassment.
"Do you look for baby deer when you go out hunting?"
"No, no! Of course not. That is... not for me. I prefer not to go after fawns. They are in the prime of their life, no? And it feels, for me at least, that it would be cruel to snuff them out at such a tender age."
“So, I guess I'm your first, then..." I chuckled.
A wide, warm grin spread across her face as she approached and sat by me. I felt her strong hands on my thighs. Her voice was sweet, and I shuddered at her hot breath on the side of my face as she leaned in to whisper her melody to me.
"My sweet, sweet fawn," she purred, "these lips and jaws will be so honored to have your small form pass between them, squeezed so snugly into my depths…”
She sniffed at me, licking her lips.
“You smell delectable. Oh, dear, if you could only know how hungry my belly is for you… mmm, yes~ I am quite looking forward to wolfing you down, and keeping you warm during this cold, blustering night.”
"Oh god," I squeaked. I was smitten.
The heat of her round stomach touched my skin like the sun. Tentatively, I reached up a hand. My fingers curled into hers as she took it, grasping it gently. She led my hand over to the soft swell of her belly and I felt goosebumps break through on my skin as I made first contact.
Much like her, the resonance of her stomach made me feel safe. It talked to me with a low and constant grumbling, the groan of a hunger aching to be satisfied. I felt her belly growl against my hand. Oh god, I could only imagine how it must feel to be in there. It actually made me lightheaded.
"Wow…” I whispered, pressing the palm of my hand into her skin. "Your body sounds beautiful."
She flashed a coy grin at me. “The moon is up now.”
I watched in a mix of fear and admiration as she transformed. Bones shifting and cracking into place, ears and jaw muscles elongating… despite the awful noises, it didn’t look painful. I’m sure she was used to this.
The top of her wolf head and the tips of her ears just barely scraped the ceiling, and she stared down at me with a lustful glow in her eyes. A sharp-toothed smile curled across her muzzle, but instead of being scary, the expression actually made me feel kind of warm inside.
She licked her chops and beckoned me over with a clawed finger. My eyes widened as I watched this movement; her beastly demeanor, infused with all the graceful nuances of a human woman. Even now, it makes for a pretty picture in my mind.
Looking into her eyes, I knew that I was safe with her. I stared up, now pressed against her furry, somewhat swollen belly. The noises coming from inside were downright monstrous. I felt my core heat up, the sensation delving lower all throughout my body, as I slowly began rubbing my legs together. In sure she must have seen how excited I was, because at that moment, she opened her jaws wide and lowered them down onto my head.
Her tongue curled against my face as I entered the slimy cave, whimpering at the feel of so much warm and gooey saliva assaulting my senses. It seemed that first taste was all she needed for instinct to take over.
The gulps were loud and thick, occurring in rapid succession, and I didn’t have any time to think as I was swallowed up by the undulating movements of her gullet and sent down into her powerful stomach. She slurped on my body and growled as the last of me disappeared into her. I’m sure that, despite my size, I made a prominent bulge in her throat…
I could hear only my own breathing for a few seconds as I curled up in the fetal position— welcomed into my new snug home for the night— and then a meaty squelching from underneath me caught my attention, bubbling up into a series of digestive groans. I felt them echo all around my body, and I moaned, all inhibition drowned in that pool of warm acids.
I felt my sleeping bag shift, heard a big slosh of fluids as she flopped over on her side. She was panting and whimpering… I assumed with pleasure. A shrill bark left her jaws and she rubbed at me, pushing against my form, being sure not to hurt me even as she kneaded her prized catch. Me… a prize… I’d never felt so honored to be won as the shifting walls of her belly began to claim me. And as her stomach squeezed me, I came.
I have no idea how long we stayed like that, me and her. Her wolf gut made for a comfy pillow as I yawned and drifted off to the sounds of indigestion I was giving her. She moved towards her bed and tenderly squished me against the mattress, which made me wriggle and squirm. No harm came to either of us as we snuggled together in the most intimate way I know.
I think that overnight, my clothes melted. Or at least, most of them. I remember receiving a text from her days later that my panties were stuck in her intestines. I still don’t know how that happened, but admittedly, it was kind of hot. I got a little wet while I was responding to her.
I’ll never forget my trip to Romania, for several reasons… though if I had to pick one, I’d say that it was because of that stunning tour guide, and her beastly appetite that I had the honor of sating. And to think, that it all started with me watching her eat a sandwich… 💖
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starfacedstudio · 8 months
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Image ID: A detailed digital illustration of a bedroom for Ralsei from Deltarune in a watercolor style. A chandelier lights the scene from above in blue, including a covered 4-poster bed + chair with plenty of books next to it (right / center), a closet filled with clothes (left / center), a bookshelf with a ladder filled with books and crafting supplies (center), a stack of unpacked boxes (left), and a desk cluttered with craft supplies and drawn-on papers (front right). The brick walls are covered with drawings and glow in the dark stars, hearts, and moons, and paper doll garlands line the perimeter. Two tapestries on the rightmost wall frame a large stained glass window. Just middle of left, Ralsei's hat hangs on the back wall. End ID.
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Image ID: A page titled "Environment Intensive Packeting: Ralsei's Bedroom. There are 6 called out items from the previous illustration (shown at the top left), which include: 1. Window design, which features the Delta Rune motif / symbol. The bottom part of the window is colorful. 2. Banners (tapestries). They depict two different scenes from Ralsei's prophecies, one shows 3 heroes emerging from the world's edge, and the second depicts a Titan at the world's end. 3. Unused Manual pages, one contains a drawing of Ralsei with the text "Thank you! I'm looking forward to meeting you!" with a heart at the bottom. The second has text that says "Dedicated to the unending pillar of darkness that gives my body form." 4. Desk clutter: pink strings of yarn, dry macaronis, and a green crayon. 5. A string of paper dolls with varying shapes: a darkner, a lightner, a save point, and a heart. 6. Wall decor, including glow in the dark stars and drawings of other characters. End ID.
boy this was meant to be finished like 2 weeks ago but at least im in time for the anniversary babeyyyy!! happy birthday deltarune oh god you're 5 years old now
Here's a bedroom design for Ralsei that I did for class - there's certainly more details hidden in this that I didn't have time to call out, so shout out to anyone who may spot em!
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angelmichelangelo · 4 days
so i've been working on a sequel to this fic since last august (oops) and whilst it isn't a particularly massively long fic, the ending just has me totally stumped. i have every bit of this fic figured out but writing a conclusion to it is what's been tripping me up. after a few months of letting it collect dust in my wip folder, i got back to work on it and got a big chunk of it rewritten but again, i get to that final bit and i just have NO clue on how to write it or what i even really want to write at all
im saying all of this because mostly always do the endings of fics come to me first. i always start from the bottom and work my way up and the one instance i haven't done that, it proves that it doesn't work for me lol
anywho. wish me luck guys because i am so determined to just get this fic done
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theorderofthetriad · 8 months
the thing about the ofmd season finale killing izzy is that it's interesting and has a lot of potential as the midpoint to the story, but as the end of the story it fucking sucks.
the season 2 ending chickened out by presenting itself like it could be a full series finale when all it's done is set up a foundation of fucked-up for the next season to build itself on. but it presented itself like there would be no next season and that this was just the happy ending for the characters, while everything is still clearly in the fucked up mid-point emotionally to set up for season 3 but it's simultaneously saying "no it's not emotionally fucked up. it's all emotionally wrapped up into a happy little bow, you see?"
like, pick ONE, you can either make fucked up things happen, leave the character development in a tenuous mid point to set up for the third season OR you can wrap the characters up with a happy ending but you cannot actually do both. if it's meant to be the midpoint they needed to say "this is the midpoint of our story, the story is not over" with their WHOLE pussy.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
#sorry im thinking abt death again#because it's weird to think that ive been in the room. maybe a meter away from someone as they died#that someone being my mom. its just weird. the time in the hospital feels like it happened in some dark little pocket universe detached from#time. a calm room and then the soft blips of a monitor then the nurse rushing in to say she'd passed#i dont kno y ppl use that phrase: passed on. i mean i do. it softens the topic. makes it sound peaceful. ive yet to use it. i just say she#died bc thats what happened. is that insensitive? i dunno. when i was home i realized that i come off as much stranger than i think. the way#my family see me doesnt fit how i see myself. i dont kno what to do with that. i dunno. theyre all together today#for an early easter. and im halfway across the country again. nose so stuffy ive had to mouth breathe for the last 3 days#and again. everything feels the same as it did before but also profoundly different. sometimes i cry in the mornings. or when i think abt#future vacations she wont be there for. bc in the end she quickly slipped away in a way that couldn't be described as peaceful until her#last half a day. and all i can think about in that tiny room is how scary it would be to lose control like that#and how its not fair and she didnt deserve to die only halfway through a lifetime. but its not about fair and its not about deserving.#sometimes bad things just happen. that's life. and now i own a book called motherless daughters. and now im standing with the countless#others who've lost their moms too early. ive already become aware of 3 ppl in my daily life who are in the same club#i keep thinking about this moment that happened between my parents at the hospital. apparently my dad was helping her get cleaned up and her#stomach was so bloated she looked like she had a bby in there. which my dad said. and my mom apparently said: but it's a baby no one want. i#dont kno y that upsets me so much. all the things i heard abt her being in the hospital before i got there upset me. and the rest of my#family was there to see it. so i have the least traumatic version of the story. and i got almost 27 years with her. except my sisters#probably got more time with her bc i spent so much time away. or maybe not. i dunno.#i dunno. im just sad that shes gone and sad that it was drawn out even a little bit. 6 days isnt long but im sure it felt like an eternity.#again not fair. nothings fair. 53 years of unfairness culminating in a tragedy. she would hate me characterizing it like that. she lived a#full life as they say. full with an asterisk on account of length#unrelated
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timetheatre · 8 months
the way loki makes it clear to everyone except sylvie that he cares for her is getting to be more than a little frustrating. he talks so much to anyone who will listen about finding sylvie and then when he does all he talks about is his mission - which is important, obviously, but how do you go from "i just want you to be okay" to... this
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mercymaker · 2 months
looking at my gif ideas list and feeling absolutely nothing has to be one of the most crushing feelings as a creator
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ari !! ari i hope u are doing so so amazing n vibing and living ur best life, i feel like i haven’t been interacting as much these days so i wanted to stop by n say hi!! :] and hmmm ive yet to read your best friend’s brother fic but it made me wanna think of an unrequited love between best friend!satoru and you where satoru is the one down horrendous instead (and perhaps you’re already spoken for.. mayb with sugu…. this is totally not ari-specific bait) i would love to hear your thoughts on our special little loverboy not being loved back in the ways he wants so bad )): 🫶🏼 side note if i think abt this pining bestie!gojo too much i get so sad i fear he’d never get over that crush on you even if you were already married to someone else… 💔💔💔💔
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LOGAN !!!!! ^ this is me @ you rn……. i am kissing you and biting you gently <33333
I’M DOING PRETTY WELL… flowers r starting to bloom over here which is so nice !!! i’m just kind of waiting for summer ….. i have so many fic ideas that i wanna get to but not enough time :’3 not to mention my neglected tbr………
bUT overall i’m doing well!!! i hope it’s the same for you!!!!! it’s so sweet of u to drop by sniffle…. but pls don’t ever feel pressured to !! i saw that post you made a couple days ago n pls just know there’s never any pressure or obligation for you to interact often and stuff!!!! i’m always happy to speak to you whenever, so there’s never any rush <33 (i totally get it too… i’m pretty sure i have the online status thing turned off which takes off a lot of that pressure so!! i recommend doing that if you haven’t already <33)
BUT OKOK. onto the good stuff!!!! logan…. this probably doesn’t come as too much of a surprise considering the fic i posted but . i rlly love the unrequited love trope!!! >:3 i used to be the biggest sucker for hanahaki aus…. still am……. i need to write smth on it at some point bc i think it’s one of the best things ever created (and it’s perfect for toru let’s be real… the flower symbolism)….. SO. scenarios like this are very appealing to me!! and with bestie!satoru too…….. i have many thoughts >:33 let’s see how long i manage to stay coherent hehe
FIRST OF ALL. the ari specific bait…… you little weasel (affectionate) OK BUT . the fact that it’s Suguru in Particular changes a lot i think. i’ll circle back to that later tho trust 🙏
okay so. overall!! and i’d love to know your thoughts on this logan….. i firmly believe that satoru is the type to love one single person for the rest of his life. he never moves on from them. once someone has earned his love and nestled their way into his heart they’re there to stay. (and i’d argue that it’s kinda supported by canon yk… satoru hanging on to his memories of youth/suguru no matter how much time passes :’3)… so!! yeah!!! i definitely think he’d stay in love with his bestie forever, even if he knew fully well his feelings wouldn’t be returned. that’s just my take though!!!
i thinkkkk the tricky part is just. how satoru feels about it. a part of me wants to say that he handles it decently, that he’s happy just to be around you… but i think it’s also natural for him to feel a little empty about it all. bc he truly is!! a loverboy!!! deep down he yearns so badly for intimacy :(((( satoru is just such a pro at isolating himself and i think it gets worse in this kind of scenario. he loves you but does keep a certain distance i think…. to make it easier for himself and also so he doesn’t mess anything up for you. but he can never keep himself away for too long……
ok so we’re circling back to sugu now. i think satoru would handle the situation a lot better if suguru and you were together. my stsg-infested brain just can’t imagine an au where he isn’t at least a little bit in love with suguru…. and i think seeing two people he loves and trusts with all his heart be together doesn’t bother him nearly as much as it would have if you were with a random third party. there’s this One quote i like from . um….. a voice actor. of a character. in… ohshc 👉👈 AND I JUST THINK IT FITS IN THIS SCENARIO OK…….. :’3
I think Kyoya is very much in love with Tamaki and with Haruhi. He’s very much in love with the both of them. And I think it matures to a point where he would much prefer to see the both of them together than him with either one. Because they make more sense together than he makes with anybody else.
i think that’s sort of how he’d feel!!! there’s a kind of maturity there that satoru has imo. and since he’s so close to both of you, he doesn’t have to worry about being pushed out of your life (which might be his biggest worry in a scenario where you’re together with a random third party)…… so. yeah!!! would it be angsty? yes ofc. but i rlly do see satoru as a mature character, and also often selfless!!! he just respects you and your choices so much :(((
……….. what i will say. is that if you happened to get together with someone who didn’t treat you well. he would Shut That Shit Down instantly <3333 we love angry protective satoru !!!!!!!!
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oddsnake · 5 months
what do you MEAN 'to be continued'... gnawing on walls rn
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