#i feel very small and cold
purekesseltrash · 1 year
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WIFI IS MINE ONCE AGAIN as i sit on a mattress on the floor
#it feels like ive been without it for so long...#it has been... three and a half days... i am Weak....#nah jk i wouldve been find without it for much longer#but boy howdy am i Glad to be able to use my dear beloved laptop again#i am In The New Place i am Beginning To Settle#tomorrow i begin unpacking my own stuff!!! exciting!!!#i cant wait to admire all of my Things!#ohhhh and i finally have a spot on the wall for my combo whiteboard/corkboard....#im still very stressed and i want to lay in a hole but!!#i am doing slightly better than a few days ago!#the weather has been nice... cool and rainy... i am not used to cool and rainy#its also cold and i am - unfortunately - a desert creature#suffice to say i am wearing hand warmers a hoodie and a blanket#absolutely unprompted#the place's last owner Didnt Fucking Clean though#so there have been many spiders. and cobwebs. and general Grime we will have to scrub#like seriously today i was dusting the ceiling. THE CEILING.#had to dust & vacuum the windowsills... gonna scrub my bathroom tomorrow...#theres a large tear in my bedroom carpet too...#ugh and the cabinets are Small so organizing all the spices and shit has been Rancid#stuff has to go out of place and you cant see it all and MY ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS ARE CRUMBLING#sometimes it feels like my adhd and autism are fistfighting but during a move?#lockstep babeyyyy. they are Streamlined. lots of things and lots of sorting & placing and eeheehee#i have also killed most of the freakishly huge mosquitos in the house so! things are better!#that first night was Rough! its better now! this shell is becoming a House!
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
Jesus fucking christ I hate the US south
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
dsm really is like well about every other PD is determined by abuse, neglect, poor relationships and bad experiences as a child, and trauma. narcissistic personality disorder is largely defined by a desperate terrified need to never seem weak or like a failure and hunger for praise and approval. who tf knows what causes it tho
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carefulfears · 9 months
mulder and diana literally have the most intense divorced energy anyone could ever have...they have the chemistry of two people who've been married for decades and maybe don't wanna be married anymore, maybe aren't married anymore, but once you're married you're grandfathered in. you're always married. haven't touched each other in years, go most days not even considering the other, but owe each other something, and aren't sure of what it is. diana lies and lies and lies to his face, and then dies to save him. she feels entitled to him, she knows what's best for him, what's his is theirs. always. she was there when he got it. she helped him build it. (she tells him herself: "don't forget that"). so much of what she does appears as she's trying to establish a claim over him, but she doesn't have to try. she just is. she's irreproachable. you don't talk about the wife. (and you don't talk to her, as scully and diana arguing is met only with mulder's impatient, "scully...scully...scully.")
any time she comes up in conversation, his friends are uncomfortable. i love the way byers goes "well....yeah?" when scully asks if he knows diana. he says it like he's surprised that scully didn't know about her. when scully won't stop pressing mulder about diana in one son, all three of the boys tense up. the camera keeps going to their reactions. (you don't talk about the wife. they were there. "i always wondered why they split up.")
scully says "special agent diana fowley" as though maybe if she had one more title to throw in, she would disappear. diana says "fox" like she has something to prove. mulder says "diana" like it communicates everything he doesn't say. and in a way, it does. the first time scully heard him call agent fowley "diana," she knew.
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b4kuch1n · 4 months
1/ true to luner new year tradition I've caught a cold after finally getting home and being able to unclench my cheeks. minor one probably so its just gonna be very annoying for a while 2/also true to luner new year tradition I've jumped into something new with No preamble so. hopefully I get this one done fast and we have a 12pg scribbly comic on hand 3/ I'm on bluesky now. do not ask abt what Ive been posting on there u will see
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gessshoku · 5 months
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Home Guardians
They’re actually rlly cool and bestest of friends <3
I was outside buying cat food but saw that there was enough snow around for some arts and crafts. I was kinda embarrassed cause my neighbor (old man) walked out to his car (and for a smoke)
I didn’t have any gloves on but I didn’t care, I wanted to make snowmen!!! I could’ve stopped at one but I felt bad because Eyeball (the one with the dirt on face) was alone ;(
So I made leaf! I wanted to give em to my neighbor who was still watching and talking to me but he said to put em with eyeball. Now they’re together on my porch! Maybe I’ll go out again but rn I’m hungry and warming up!
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stinkrascal · 7 months
today sucks im gonna start killing people as my new hobby
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dawntheduckrb · 4 months
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This, somehow, is microwave safe
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princekirijo · 7 months
Honestly would love to try writing again but I don't think I would post it anywhere.
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the-trans-dragon · 8 months
It's an odd comfort to experience a Bad Fibromyalgia Time after a long long period of not having this intensity of it.
Like it sucks slsjskdjd of course but
Very validating to experience some of the moderately severe symptoms and realize "wow this fucking sucks, this isn't normal at all, most people do not deal with this and I did a great job at surviving this for years. I deserved way more credit than I myself. Good job, past-me. You were goddamn tenacious."
The validation is nice
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impossible-rat-babies · 11 months
me with a stick beating back eyrie and y’shtola feelings like
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attor · 1 year
thanks to all who were rooting for me i got the ceramics teaching job. going to be kids classes mostly might also get to teach adults but they were like well wait and see
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stargazing is very deeply underrated
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saintmarkovia · 11 months
Wait what's annoying about blended drinks? Hope ur having a good dayyy
They just take a lot more time and steps to make than any other drink and because of that it interrupts ✨bar flow✨ blended drinks just slow down the process a lot which is rough when you work somewhere where there's a lot of customers all the time.
At my cafe we only have one blender so I also need to clean it between every blended drink so there's no contamination between milk/drink types. We're just a really busy coffee shop so it's hard to keep up in the summer when everyone wants a blended at once lol.
If you order a blended I don't actually want you dead it's just annoying lol hope you have a good day too!!
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jynersq · 10 months
i’ve been in a real doom spiral lately about climate change and the fate of the human race and if anything means anything if we are all ultimately doomed by the narrative and why the fuck i keep getting up and pour my heart and soul out into a job that pays me pennies and constantly breaks my heart and makes me feel inadequate—
today was my summer student’s last day in our lab, and she gave me the most heartfelt parting gifts i could have imagined: a silly mug, a four-pack of my favorite energy drink, a gift card, and two handwritten thank-you notes. she told me i was the best “big sister” and she was certain she had the best internship experience out of any of them. she told me how much it mattered to her that i cared about her experience over the past 10 weeks.
and it’s like. i don’t know, i don’t know, but tonight at least i’m more sure than i was this morning that the love human beings have for each other has to mean something, cosmically. when we care about each other it has lasting echoes. nothing lasts forever, but even if we’re all swept away in a giant flood next year or in 100 years, all the love has to go somewhere. it has to mark the landscape. i have to believe that.
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