#i feel weird being like ‘olives friend’ bc i would like to also be their friend
writhe · 6 months
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tonight was actually the most beautiful night ever. me, olive, my housemates, and a friend all sat around and ate together. we’d played cards earlier (i didn’t win). it was snowy and dark and super windy & olive and i went on separate walks before we ate. dinner was venison back strap my housemate had cut a few days ago from a roadkill deer. olive’s friend cooked it beautifully. soup was wild rice (which my housemates’ friend who stayed with us had riced & left as a gift) with vegetables. a little bit of miso in the broth with a lot of herbs and spices mixed in, i made it to stave off sickness & im glad we all shared it. we cut up a fancy carmel-pecan apple and shared it for dessert. smoked a little after dinner & hung out with olive’s friend & we had tea together while they wrote and i drew (trying to work on a flash sheet). i felt very enriched talking to them & hanging out / eating with everyone at dinner. all of us are warm in bed & it’s so cold outside. all i have to show for any of this is this VERY unappetizing pic
i am finding that i regard things that feel good these days with melancholy sentimentality, which is annoying. i want to stop feeling like a wet shaking dog wrapped in newspaper. i hope i can get more used to things that feel good or better or pleasant without it being a whole G.D. internal journey each time. i would like to savor things a normal amount, and not pathetically.
i want to cling to things less. i think that would make everything easier to cherish
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yesimwriting · 4 months
I feel like the reader in best friend!Felix is actually really smart, heck, let's say genius even, but is really oblivious when it comes to sentiment. The reader gives off nerd vibes, but they're so smart to the point it's a cool kinda thing. And if this was before Felix met Oliver, I feel like reader, like Farleigh, would get bad vibes from Ollie too but would be too shy? I guess, to say anything cause hey, they're new and stuff. I like the fic:) It's nice to read something like that, without the explicit content, I mean:D
A/n: omg love this,, definitely doing a bestfriend!felix blurb on this concept later, i just wanted to explore character dynamics for a second lol
fun fact: i originally pictured bestfriend!reader as a literal genius with -3 street smarts, it's just info that didn't make it into the fic!!
also i could see reader as being so smart they skipped a grade (if we want to add to the power/social imbalance by making reader a little younger, but not like weirdly younger) open to thoughts on this !
i picture bestfriend!reader as having an elle woods quality to their intelligence in terms of awareness (and maybe aesthetic, it is the early 2000's lol),, reiterating the most complicated parts of a lecture perfectly during a study session while half focused on applying lip gloss, aces exams while hungover (bc felix insisted on going out), and never registers how impressive all of it is
very much "what? like it's hard" but as literal as that statement could be
which could add to reader's shyness/uncertainty bc she forgets she's a little intimidating
okay but the potential of reader getting bad vibes from oliver if she became close friends with felix a little after oliver did?? too good
reader doesn't want to alienate oliver, he's the only one around felix that's also an outsider, that should make it easier to bond
but!! because reader is that smart, she has this gut feeling that tells her to keep him at arm's length,, but bc she's not the best at picking up on feelings, it's basically just that 6th sense thing that girls have that tells them when a guy has weird/unsafe intentions
bc reader can't articulate their concern, or understand it, they try to be nice, but oliver can tell that there's this distrust there
it drives him crazy
first of all, reader should be the easiest one to win over bc she's not one of the elites and she's a little awkward from time to time, it's frustrating that there doesn't seem to be a crux for him to use to weasel his way into reader's heart
oliver's aware that he can get close to felix without the others liking him as long as they tolerate him enough in public, but with reader, oliver knows more about felix's real feelings for them than felix does
that adds this timing element to the situation that’s stressful, because as soon as felix realizes how he feels about the reader, that will be that
meanwhile, reader is a little worried about being dropped bc of the tension between her and oliver, but oliver doesn’t fully notice that, he’s too distracted by his feelings
it's not fair, oliver "had" felix first, but oliver's perfectly capable of adapting to the situation, so he accepts it and looks at it practically
oliver knows that there is no fully "in" with felix unless you like him, so despite any resentment and jealousy he feels towards you, he decides that he'll do whatever it takes to get it
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hollywoodsargeant · 10 months
Since you have more Logan pics in your camera roll than Logan himself probably has, can you share the most "rare" ones? (Idk how to properly word this, but like, one's that you don't see around as much)
Also, I wanted to share that the beach/volleyball photoshoot has a very special place in my heart
okay... i have tried my hardest to compile some of the pictures i feel like i don't see around much. i'm sure at least one of them Someone will see and go "i see that picture all the time you fucking idiot" to which i say I TRIED MY BEST!!! i have a lot of. images. and plenty of them are very much just off the official williams twitter account which is definitively not what you asked for BUT! i tried
and i agree the volleyball photoshoot is very important for reasons i have touched on (catalyst) and also it's the only reason i listen to that fucking onerepublic song so much AND it's my lock screen rn. i change my lock screen a lot but currenty: logan sargeant spiking a volleyball
anyways. images
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this was the first thing i thought of when i initially read this ask. if you can't tell. that is logan and liam (lawson) standing on some weird platform pole thing. neither of them were very happy about it. you can tell who is who based on the length of their shorts (or their heights but that's LAME) (liam is the shorter one in shorter shorts)
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here's more liam and logan bc it just amuses me. dude is OUT
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ik i've seen this one Around before so who knows maybe it's just here bc kyle is also in it and i have ulterior motives. Uh. p sure the other guy is devlin defrancesco if anyone is dying to know. but logan is so cute
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this is probably the least "rare" picture i put on here bc i think this is just from benny's instagram but i like it. so. get bent question mark. he looks good here and i want to bite him et cetera also the sunkist can makes his hand look big. thanks man
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more logan and devlin i'm pretty sure. tiny little baby... carlin buzz i believe that's f3. but don't quote me on anything ever. either way so glad he has not changed his hairstyle in many years
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see most of these just end up being pictures of logan when he was younger lmao this is f4. no product in his hair!
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indoor snowboarding? idk man. what the fuck is he looking at
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MORE OLD SHIT this is definitively f3 his first year in f3 yes that is felipe drugovich. teammates moment. he looks Thrilled
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karting. zhou and fewtrell... and little tiny logan. HE'S SO SMALL?
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and this one is from literally today i'm NINETY PERCENT SURE... the guy on the pineapple is logan. idk who else it would be... this is callum (bradshaw)'s story and i bee leave the other guy is his friend oliver so process of elimination and also i know generally what he looks like. i've stared at this for hours. if it's actually not logan i'll just kill myself ig
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minimoefoe · 4 months
finished my morganville vampires reread so here’s some rankings and misc thoughts
I didn’t really note anything down as I was reading so this is just misc thoughts off the top of my head for the most part. next time I reread I’m defo gonna keep note of as many thoughts as possible and figure out definitive rankings and stuff and ramble on and on to the three ppl who also post about this series
book ranking
two separate lists bc I reread books 1-5 back in mid 2022 and that’s way too long ago for me to remember how I feel about them in comparison to the books I’ve read over the last month
feast of fools (4)
lord of misrule (5)
the dead girls’ dance (2)
midnight alley (3)
glass houses (1)
carpe corpus (6) / last breath (11)
ghost town (9) / black dawn (12)
fade out (7) / daylighters (15)
bite club (10) / fall of night (14)
kiss of death (8) / bitter blood (13)
top four
myrnin - literally obsessed with him I don’t even know how to explain it, I wouldn’t say I read the series JUST for him but if he wasn’t in it I would like it significantly less and would’ve reread a lot less times
amelie / oliver - both soooo interesting, love moments where they show the less big bad vamp sides of themselves, makes me crazy
sam - gone too soon I’m crying
glass house gang
claire / eve - queens
michael - mild annoy moments but I love him
shane - I do really like him but also he’s so annoying sometimes and it gets old quickly
miranda - claire mentioning how miranda starts to blossom towards the end of the series and seems finally happy is very sweet but overall I find most of her appearances annoying like I dread seeing her name pop up and it’s a big reason why bitter blood isn’t my fave
monica - has interesting moments for sure and gets better throughout the series but overall idrc
jason - flip flops between good and evil so much idek what’s going on, love him in kiss of death
morley - what I’d give for a small series set in blacke
naomi - coulda been so interesting, gay rights
hannah - we love her
theo- kinda makes me uncomfortable but it’s fine
jesse - actually love her
richard - okay
frank - evil but has interesting moments
ada - very annoying but it’s not all her fault and I like the drama
claire & myrnin - truly no other duo matters, as friends, as more than friends, idc, I love whatever they have going on
claire & amelie - love the idea that amelie kinda sees claire as her daughter and goes on her etc sometimes, actually kills me
amelie & sam - I’m crying
amelie & oliver - the ultimate enemies to lovers kinda
michael & eve - very cute, love them
claire & shane - very cute, love them even tho shane is a bit of a prat sometimes
myrnin & jesse - the thing of jesse being around making myrnin not be as into claire makes my clyrnin obsessed brain sad but it makes my myrninxjesse brain very happy bc I love them, I wish there was so much more of them. the midnight bites stories fed me a little and it was great
misc series thoughts
monica is kinda comically evil in book one and it’s a bit weird like girl calm down. same with whichever of her friends is evil too like can we relax idfk
the ‘mime fangs’ thing is a lil cringe
the series is SO obsessed with claire being 16 and it drives me crazy like eve michael and shane act like they’re a decade older than her and it’s like omg stio being so dramatic
I do not care about captain obvious
what happened to the two officers that claire is friendly with early in the series i feel like they basically are replaced by hannah like where tf do they go
I do not care about claire’s parents like please go away. god bless her dad’s heart condition or whatever is wrong with him get those twats out of that town. also the whole being protective over claire about shane thing does my head in like idc idc IDC
the stuff with bishop is absolutely some of the best stuff in the series (minus every single myrnin scene) like yeahhhhhh
oliver being forced to hang around with everyone in kiss of death is 10/10
oliver running a coffee shop kills me like omfg I love him he does not need to be doing that
I would sell my soul for any information on morley and the librarian who’s name I can’t remember’s relationship like AHHHHH
I don’t dislike the pov changes later in the series, I think they work pretty well for the most part tbh
shane following claire to college is INSANE behaviour like genuinely what the actual fuck is that
I love sam so much he makes me so sad
fuck the ghost hunters I do not care
shane’s reluctance to get used to michael being a vampire is annoying sorry like I get it, he grew up hating them blah blah blah. grow up idc
I think I like that michael ends the series as a human. him having a moment when he was out in the sun nearly made me cry
the fact oliver is hinted to be oliver cromwell lives in my mind rent free and idk why bc I didnt even know who oliver cromwell was til I read these books. I also saw a thing earlier today that said jesse is meant to be lady jane grey which is fun
idk why these children are so determined to marry each other like omg. I do think the whole vampires and humans marrying each other is drama thing is interesting so I’m like okay it makes sense for michael and eve to be determined to get married purely to show that part of things to us but ultimately I’m like.. why does it matter if you can’t get married. like first of all, it’s paper, second of all you’re 12. and shane and claire getting married in the final book is like okay good for you I guess idk
I genuinely could read another 15 books of morganville fuckery liike I love these books an insane amount it’s not even funny
I defo had more thoughts and I’ll probs think of more stuff to add to this once I post it but it’s fine I’ll just save them all for whenever I reread next which might be near the end of this year or might be early next year or might be even longer depending on how well I’m able to distract myself with other things, bc as much as I love this series more than I love myself and wanna spend all my life engrossed in it, it also makes me feel a lil sad and takes over my brain and the lack of fandom is genuinely painful. so the more distance I can make the better I fear
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plasticflwrs · 2 months
anything junyeong and everything junyeong related PLEASE!! i’m that man’s biggest fan🙏🏾
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ kasey says ⠀ — ⠀ ... ⠀fun fact about junyeong: he's gone through the least amount of plot changes and face claim changes! originally, he was a kino fc named kangmin but the whole "dancer turned drummer" plot has always been his along with his backstory! i actually adore this guy and it doesn't really show but we've been to hell and back.
i need to talk about his relationships with the other members so... here we go
JUNYEONG would consider SALEM his best friend and the only bitch that he trusts. they're also friends with benefits. they share so many of the same morals and views about their career that it just makes sense for them to be this close. them teaming up to try to expose oliver was actually so iconic lmao i just love when they put their brains together for evil. the band often tries to do thing democratically but the decision always come down to deurim because salem and junyeong will ride or die their ideas and argue until everyone is giving into their ideas.
JUNYEONG sees JIYEON as a little sister. he's always been an only child, but there's something so pitiful about jiyeon that makes him feel bad for her. shitty parents, in love with a weirdo, whatever she had with minghui, jealously... how could you not feel bad for her??? he's the person that jiyeon goes to when she needs advice bc she knows junyeong would give it to her straight and not sugar coat it. i can fully see jiyeon, misty eyed, knocking on junyeong's door and he takes one look, closes it before texting her something like "get over yourself and then knock again". he's such a menace for no reason REJHFGJER
JUNYEONG doesn't hate DEURIM like the other members, but he thinks there's something weird about her. he's always been suspicious of her because the whole "biggest fan joins band" thing just felt too perfect. don't get him started on his theories though, you'll be there for hours. now, he just kind of ignores her in the dorm and goes about his business. there's no need for him to be close with deurim and he doesn't enjoy her company, so why force himself to have a friendship??
JUNYEONG and OLIVER are over their great civil war of 2023 and are actually pretty close for a junyeong friendship. now they're the only boys and junyeong's realized that the whole solo debacle wasn't oliver's fault, so they often look out for each other. that doesn't mean junyeong likes oliver, however, because he still finds oliver pretty annoying and doesn't like to be around him for very long EJRHGJER i get him tho! junyeong's very much in his "protecting my peace" era and being around oliver makes that literally impossible.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀send me random questions that prompt me to talk about my character(s) !!
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theloveinc · 5 months
Can we know why she went from best friend to fat footed bitch please👀😂
No worries if not, I'm just up late
lol i actually think i called her a fat footed bitch BEFORE we stopped being friends (altho... probs not much before) becauseeeeee... the last year we were friends was rocky for me and her.
BUT, and prepare yourself: it's really LONG and convoluted because TECHNICALLY it was all a misunderstanding (and related to some unaddressed trauma she had), but basically... her and her sister INVITED me and a plus one (who ended up being my friend) to go see a concert with them and carpool to the train station together, where we'd all subway to the venue. This part all goes fine.
BUT, it's on the way home, after we've trained back to her car... when it's like 2 in the morning, that she (ex-best friend) tells us that she's not planning on taking me or my friend home. She's just driving back to her house where she'll leave us to do whatever for our own ride, BECAUSE, she says, "we never asked for her to carpool us back home."
And this is kind of a problem because... since we just assumed she'd give us a ride home, WE HAVE NO BACKUP PLAN, and neither my mom nor my friend's family is picking up the phone, and so essentially, if she doesn't drive us, we're stranded in the middle of the night.
Of course, as my friend argues (even though I know she'd never call one for herself bc she was terrified of men) we could've gotten an uber... but it's both really late at night and, because this was just after highschool and I WAS FRESHLY 18, just an awful idea.
But the thing that makes it even more weird... is like, as we're arguing, her sister (who literally co-owns the car with her) offers to drive instead... and it's only then that she finally agrees to take us home...
Except that, once we're on the road, SHE PURPOSEFULLY misses our exit and just goes to her house anyway??????? (and by this point, i'm crying, not really because i'm upset at the scenario as a whole, though that too, but because i think she's just not acting like a friend AND BEING hypocritical, as well as the girl who i invited is chronically ill and needs to get home for her medication and bathroom and etc. and I just feel so bad)
So we eventually get to her house... where, once arriving, she just fucks off!!!!!!! and leaves us outside!!! And thankfully, her sister (who is actually still my friend, I love her lol) offers to go back and drop us off at home...
But the whole thing just ends up spiraling because... WELL, there's a lot of reasons, lol:
I left a bunch of makeup and a jacket at her house and text her to make sure i can pick it up later... and she yells at me (over text) about always being selfish asking other people to do stuff for me
This starts another fight where I tell her I just want an apology for not driving me home and that i was never expecting her to drop off the makeup LOL
She doesn't apologize and instead texts a mutual friend trying to get her to talk to me too
and i just stop responding to her altogether
And by the time she messages me again, a couple months later (by which we're both in different states having started college), NOT WITH AN APOLOGY, just simply saying she didn't realize the whole thing would take such a toll, I'm still too hurt to talk to her.... and that's basically the end of our friendship.
OH AND THE WHOLE INSTAGRAM REPORTING THING happened bc her sister invited me to christmas dinner soon after that and she immediately uninvited me... and i made another post about her having made me cry, which her new friend sent, as well as all these other screenshots of posts I made, to her.
i also did eventually get her a birthday gift (as an olive branch) when i was finally not angry and hurt.... but she never ended up acknowledging it (which wouldn't have been super weird except... i was literally at her house celebrating with her sister and she never once spoke to me).
SO YEAH. You probably weren't expecting so much but... here it is!! took me like 45 minutes to type out and i'm pretty sure it's still not the best description but........... THAT'S HOW I GOT MY HEART BROKEN BY A FAT FOOTED BITCH (she's also a zionist now tho so lmaooo i really dodged a bullet there) !
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merwynsartblog · 5 months
Question. What do you mean by "I dealt with some shit online." I have been a little bit curious when i saw that in your pinned post. You do not need to tell if you do not want to.
Its fine dont worry lmao im just gonna warn you its a long ass ramble on what happened. there will be a tldr thing in the bottom since this is gonna be a biggg ass ramble. Tw for accusations on pedo/grooming + manipulation + mentions of the world war 2 causing guy
a lil insight on what happened before this shit happened. (this was on another website) there was a person (we gonna call them oliver tree fan) who was caught drawing nsfw of the ww2 causing guy on a alt acc with someone else. the person who caught them was actually a ex of mine (we gonna call them "M") M vented to me about it since the other person who was on the alt acc used to be a friend of M. I never liked oliver tree fan. they harrassed many of my friends and was just a shitty person in general. i called the oliver tree fan out since the website was pretty small and everything was silent for a lil bit. Then oliver tree fan started harassing M. ANDDDD OOOOO BOY that made me pissed. But i knew Oliver tree fan was trying to start shit so i ignored them and tried to help M. Then oliver tree fan decided to go to my acc later on and said "im gonna block ya now" i was very pissed since it didnt make sense to me and i vague posted about them THIS MADE OLIVER TREE FAN VERRYYYY ANGRY. so what did they do? they made a callout post randomly on me. Basically the callout post was about me being a groomer/predator and how weird it was for me to like characters from shows and how i was manipulative to my friends and i was dating a close friends partner and that i was faking my age bc i didnt look 16 (she had a face pic of mine </3 also yeah this was like. near 2 years ago) I did had faults. i did do stupid shit. im not gonna deny that. i dated a 10 year old when i was 14 i wasnt sexual but it was still fucking wrong. i have cut contact with them a long while ago but around a year ago i did apologize to them. that was a shitty thing to do. i did treated some of my friends very shitty. and i take full fucking blame for that. i apologized to them and we made up. but since. it was a small website. many people believed i was this shitty person and i deserved to go to jail and shit. i panicked to my friends and basically had a big old panic attack that night. oliver tree fan then decided "hey! ill delete the callout if you friend me on discord and talk to me" and i did just that. oliver tree fan basically made me BEG. to have the callout taken down. telling me i was in the wrong i didnt deserve shit. then asked me to delete callouts/screenshots. i did that and then they decided "hey now we friends :D". we also made a deal not to talk shit about eachother AND. not to M. (since around this time M lost someone VERY important in his life in a awful fucking way.) i felt so uncomfy and terrified but i couldnt talk back to them or else i was scared i would get "called out" again. i was added into groupchats that was dissing on my friends and alot of other shit. they kept talking shit to me. to my partner at the time and alot of others. they were very 2 faced and fucking awful to me and many others. i didnt get the worst of it and it was just.. vfnjcnjdcs god fucking awful. many people figured out Oliver tree fan was a shitty mother fucker. and if you see this oliver tree fan (bc i know you stalk me </3) fuck off. legit your a fucking awful person. made me fucking scared for my fucking life for at least 4 months. you made me feel like utter garbage. i really hope you get what you deserve. tldr: Oliver tree fan was a shitty person to me and M (partner at the time now they are a ex of mine) decided to call me out and call me a pedo/groomer manipulator and other shit when i called them out. many people believed Oliver tree fan. they manipulated me into deleting evidence. we made a deal not to talk shit about eachother. ofc they talked shit and treated M and others like shit. then people figured out Oliver tree fan was a shitty person.
hope this made sense
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toastybugguy · 2 years
Dude tell us ab the LR Descendants AU that sounds so fun I would like to hear the infodump
DUDE. Dude.
okay so this is a jumbled mess bc honestly this just started as an excuse to make silly little animatics in my head to my silly little songs LOLZ. BUT. I’m an idea man at heart. So here’s just a bunch of loosely connected ideas (that you can probably poke a ton of holes in). Just do what I did and take whatever you like and RUN W IT
- The VKs are Marcus and Skylar because Marcus is obvi and Skylar being evil was fun…. and also!! I think they should b friends!!!!
- Was pondering making Oliver and Bree the other VKs to fill out the cast and so I can unite my power couples and let them all be evil together. There is no real conclusion 2 this pondering bc I couldn’t decide which version I liked more AUWGh
- All the big baddies are on the Isle, so Douglas, Krane, Mr. Terror, Annihilator, Giselle, etc etc you get the gist
- Donald snuck the rats off the Isle where Douglas had created them before it descended into chaos and was closed off, and they now go to Auradon Prep where they continue to pretend to be average students
- People in Auradon know about bionics, but only the context of the Isle, so the general association is bionics = bad
- Leo takes the place of Ben, he helps keep their secret under wraps and coaches them on how to blend in
- Davenport constantly prepares them for the worst case scenario, telling them they have to keep their secret at all costs
- Bree tries her hardest to pretend she IS a normal student, hoping one day she’ll just forget that she isn’t. She never asked for this in the first place. She hates that she has to feel different at all.
- Adam doesn’t understand why it has to be a secret. He’s pretty sure if they told the truth and explained it to people, they could help others see that they’re not so bad. Chase is always telling him it’s “not that simple.”
- Because Chase is high strung. Really, truly, high strung. He doesn’t want to know what would happen to him or his family if everyone found out they’re like the people on the Isle. He doesn’t want to mess up whatever’s going on with Kaz by revealing he’s a freak and has been lying this whole time. He also doesn’t know when he also started resenting the “different” part of himself.
- Kaz and Oliver are their friends and have seen them doing weird unexplainable things before, but Leo lies and says it’s because they actually have superpowers
- Great, another thing to lie about!
- At least we get that Leo + Kaz + Oliver friendship that we all needed
- Attempts to integrate and rehabilitate the Isle and Auradon begin with bringing in VKs to Auradon Prep
- Idk what the balance between the Descendants universe and the LRMMEF universe is here so the wand is either the same or it’s the Arcturion or some weird mix of both. Anyway it’s The Plot Thing.
- Rats have REALLY got to hide their secret now bc tensions are high and they don’t want to be associated w the VKs
- Oliver and Kaz are truthfully on the fence about the ordeal because they used to know Skylar before things went bad. They want to believe she’s not beyond help but they also know the things she’s done since the Isle was closed off, and they aren’t sure just how far gone she is.
- Conflict is v family centric w other interpersonal conflicts mixed in
- The rats have to choose between risking the safety of Auradon or risking being potentially hated and ostracized by their friends and peers in their attempts to appeal to Marcus and Skylar
there’s??? too much and yet too little to say abt this bc again. Really Great Idea Man, less good Execution Man. and still I’m not sure which version of the VKs I like more bc it would sort of make sense for Oliver to be a VK since his mother is on the Isle and I like the idea of Skylar meeting Bree and being like “hey. fuck all your inhibitions. everyone sucks so why not just go be evil.”
but THERE IT IS!!! PLS add on or build off this or tweak it or whatever you’d like!! It’s been bouncing around in my brain and I watched Descendants 2 last night so yes we r thinking. Also, I wrote most of this in my notes app at like 1am while sick as balls so this probably makes even less sense than expected. Just know this is how my brain looks on paper.
bonus stuff I’m tossing in (mostly just to talk about the soundtrack teehee):
- Pretty sure this whole thing started because I thought Did I Mention was so flamebrain coded. I’m still right about that btw.
- If Only is also very much Chase inner struggle moment
- One way that I get to still have the 4 VKs for Ways To Be Wicked is that I pull the same trick they did in Descendants 2 and the whole number is all a daydream in Marcus and Skylar’s heads. Camera pans out and they’re both just like “sigh… wish they were evil and gay for us… oh well, time to go make them worse.” This is me eating my cake and eating it too.
- I don’t know WHEN or HOW Chillin’ Like A Villain would ever be plot relevant but it made me think of Skylar and Marcus talking to Oliver (the crisis that would be for my poor boy. someone help his sappy ass). Anyways it’s just a good song listen to it RN.
- okay yes I know that technically it’s a song from Z-O-M-B-I-E-S but LET ME HAVE THIS bc if you skip like the first 20 seconds of context in Someday - Ballad… it’s very marliver 2 me. Imagine they get their shit more figured out off screen and just get to be cute n stuff except Marcus still has to lie about not being evil ouuGhuhhggggh. It would b funny.
- One Kiss is also self indulgent marliver with identical setup to Descendants 3 (despite the fact that that movie was…ahem. i mean it was definitely a movie) bc I LOVE that song and HELLO the inner conflict of wondering if true love’s kiss even applies to you because you’re an android and what if there’s no way to save him, what if you’re not even capable of loving him like you think you do?? (but then Oliver wakes up, and it’s the best answer he could’ve gotten <33)
- Good Is The New Bad from Wicked World doesn’t have anything to do with anything but I’m saying right here and now that it is TOO catchy
- also Evil (from Wicked World as well) has been on my Marcus Davenport playlist since the beginning. needed to be said
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revcleo · 1 year
Ok, one thing I've realised over time is that a lot of people seemingly got into hogwarts as a kid and didn't realise that pretty much every part of the start is barely unique. It's like how AI art draws on people's art to make things. The other thing that I realised over time, is that a lot of things are super surface level, but it feels like a lot of people never saw that, especially people from the USA.
I was reading this article and stopped when I was in the second section because like, I think it's weird how people saw her as supporting people who had been abused. Everything was just a surface level thing. She works backwards from what she wants in a plot, rather than what elements in a story means. Like it's really evident from Shaun's video.
What I'm saying is if there's something you liked about the world of potter, then like, it's probably not come from jk, I heard it was round Order of the phoenix where she was allowed greater creative freedom, and it shows bc that's where I as a 14 year old decided the books really sucked now and I couldn't be bothered with them any more.
Further detail:
Harry's backstory:
Ok we want a special kid, who doesn't really have connections he cares about, so he can develop all his connections later in the story, a sort of black slate with no real problems.
The easiest way to do this is make him an orphan, but not a recent orphan. But then he can't be looked after by the state, so he still has a real family but he can't be close to them, so they have to be stereotypes of big bully characters and uhh send him to the cupboard under the stairs which most post-war uk houses of the time have.
He's not confined there though, but his uncle and aunt who are basically like evil step-mothers talk about how evil he is, but still allow him on school trips because they still allow him to do normal kid things because the plot needs that and they wouldn't take him to the zoo.
Also he's not seriously affected by this, they're just clowns, and he's the protagonist and he knows it. It's not like this is The Little Princess or Oliver Twist. Those protagonists are both sad and pitiful and this protagonist is calm about the whole situation, unless he can pull a prank or something.
Also he can do anything, which means he needs a lot of money suddenly, because the protagonist needs money, and he'll be a good rich person. A quick google says that some people estimated his wealth at over £2 million.
Weasleys poverty:
Ok so we want them to be poor, because The White Working Class are idolised in UK society (even if they're rich landlords now). And they're fine with being poor because they are happy with their lot, can't complain. They mend and make do, and they have a cheerful cottage, they don't spend their money on big televisions and they don't have a lot but they're happy and kind, just like the happy villagers from things such as Postman Pat or whatever else. They don't complain about inequality so much, if they can't afford something they just go without (they don't steal).
They like being poor and don't want handouts so even though Harry could share a lot of his money and solve a lot of their problems they still have to wear handmedown robes and have broken wands because some people just need to be poor for the story. "He would willingly have split all the money in his Gringotts vault with the Weasleys, but he knew they would never take it." This isn't Danny Champion of the World where someone has to do illegal and dangerous activities in part because they're poor. They're the Railway Children sort of poor, where the man who helps the family won't take any charity. The deserving poor, not idle shirkers or layabouts or beggars.
Ethel Hallow Malfoy is the snobbish, stuck-up, vindictive, and sly rival and enemy of Mildred and her friends. She is favoured by Miss Hardbroom Snape, but appears to have no friends, apart from the rarely seen Drusilla Paddock Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who is just as bad as Ethel Malfoy. Ethel Malfoy is described as being "one of those lucky people for whom everything goes right" which is what caused her to become so snobby. Ethel Malfoy is tall and thin (just like Mildred Harry) and has blonde hair which she wears in a ponytail with a black hair ribbon.
He's at boarding school like most rich kids because his dad doesn't love him as happens with every member of the aristocracy. Just ignore that everyone else is also at boarding school.
Other aspects: Every school in the uk has houses you get sorted into, it comes from that boarding schools have houses you get sorted into because of them being literal buildings. But then it just propagated though the school system to make it easier to run things like sports day and to count up the amount of detentions, de-merits, merits and distinctions which people get in various teams through the year. Then there's like an assembly at the end where they just say who won, but there's no real prizes for it.
Some schools have more than 4. You either get seperated by where you are in the alphabet, the teachers go through all the names and just pick one after the other (like 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4) , or by classroom.
There's no like "are you sanguine or melancholic" lmao
My school houses were Curie (primary) and Stratford (secondary). In secondary we had 6 school houses.
I'm pretty sure if there's anything in harry potter which you like, it's not come from jk's mind, it's either been in other stories, or it's actually something which exists. It's not like she's come up with magic wands or hidden societies.
It's like even the antisemitism, it's not like she invented anything new, she just grabbed old tropes, didn't think about them, she just wanted "creepy little banker" and was like "ah, these tropes are what I think should happen in my story" and then didn't think any further than that. Except when attacked which is when she goes "Well I didn't intend to do that." she didn't intend anything, because she doesn't think, she doesn't step back and look at the bigger picture on anything she does. It's all just individual elements which she feels that she can grab wholesale.
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frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
John Diggle for the Arrowverse headcannon list? /nf.
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bisexual, open relationship with his darling wifey Lyla
thanks to Earth-Prime fuckery, John's stepsister is no other than Lynn Stewart of the Black Lightning team!
ik his adoption of Connor Hawke is a potential future but it's already so real to ME. very accepting of his son's asexuality and thinks it's hilarious his Sara also turned out bisexual
he thinks the concept of twin telepathy is stupid and wish people would stop being so weird about JJ and Sara Diggle being twins
immediately gets his kids into combat training as soon as they're old enough, but the only training he lets them do are martial arts (mostly jeet kune do, taekwondo and wing chun) classes with other kids. he almost entirely flat-out refuses to teach them much martial arts or military training outside of those classes bc while he wants his kids to be fully able to defend themselves, he doesn't want to be like his stepfather and doesn't want his kids to feel like he's forcing them into training
ALSO gets all his kids into dance classes
As kids, Dig took a lot of his anger and trauma from his childhood out on Andy. Dig was basically his little brother's bully. This is part of why he and Andy had such a bad relationship. While he and Lynn weren't close, they definitely had a more healthy sibling relationship, though Lynn was slightly afraid of him as children.
hooked up with Oliver a few times before getting remarried. has also spotted Olicity's more kinky exploits, where he basically watched Oliver to make sure he was comfortable if Oliver was unable to use his voice for, yknow, whatever reason,
doesn't get along with Lyla's sister
jokes that his real codename will always be "Black Driver"
he is so overprotective of Felicity. if you asked him whether Felicity or Oliver was his best friend the answer would be both. He helps her redye her hair and she helped him manage his pain from his nerve damage bc she has experience managing that #paraplegic
he gets tummy aches from flying and seasick from sailing, it's very easy to upset his stomach
friends with Mari!! he thinks she's so fucking weird but always buys her an iceberg shake from Big Belly Burger whenever she's in town
that's all I can think of rn!!
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gotenandtrunkz · 2 years
Consummate post of Truten scenarios
Bc honestly sometimes it just eats me up inside
- they're hanging out as guy friends and bros but then what they thought they could do as a normal encounter ends up registering a bit differently, e.g. they watch porn together and it gets weird rather than they being confident theough to the end, they kiss for fun and for the sensory input but it ends up feeling like a bit more than that, they take a sensual bath and the line between metairony and genuinity gets crossed, they make out, Goten sticks his tongue in Trunks's ear and Trunks actually likes it, etc etc
- they dont see each other for a while (incidentally, they have a falling out, trunks goes into space in GT, etc) and when they reconnect they are very happy to see each other and the consummate (sorry to use that word twice in the same post) affection has no reason to limit itself to the accepted conventions of platonic intimacy. But this is a Truten post so they fall in love as well
- maybe not romantic maybe not sexual but they develop a sensual relationship. I can see that . That's pretty much what I've been saying. Sensual attraction. Goten does love to bite ppl that's true
- The idea that one of them is Not Straight and has some sort of attraction for the other and it probably goes unrecognized for years. Breaks my heart. Then they fall in love ❤
- "just a little bit" by Kids of 88 but with less sex appeal . Trunks is stressed out from work and Goten in his sensory-seeking ways gets him to take a bath with him and there are bubbles and scents and hes rubbing his shoulders and Trunks doesnt know how he got here in life but also hes not surprised bc Goten has always been this way. Domt know where I was going w this one. Well I can see it feeling a bit like, like Goten's lust for strange encounters is insatiable. Like Trunks has no choice and has never had a choice in the matter. But this is a lifetime truth so hes not feeling indignant or defensive, hes just resigned to this weird back rub with no thoughts or feelings in his head. And it feels almost selfish and scary in that sense, like bonding with someone who needs you rather than who loves you; like Goten just needs to have this sensory bathtub adventure and it has nothing to do with Trunks, and this is going to go on until they die and no satisfaction will be reached for either party. But if Trunks were to express any of this in words then Goten would be like "Trunks what the fuck are you talking about." And honestly yeah that was some weird shit to say tbh. Trunks isnt a sensory seeker in the same way but he does have a certain relationship with the senses (his sense of smell is very particular and sensitive I think for example) (it's the family autism) (Tarble is the same way btw) and having been reared alongside Goten has only made that more true. But Goten doesn't think of it like that and he honestly finds fulfillment in sensory adventures. He loves to be able to do this. And he loves being helpful tbh. Hes glad that Trunks is willing to try to relax and let him do this. Like honestly "dont worry abt nothing" type of relaxation. Align-your-chakras-and-come-back-to-yourself relaxation. The one thing tho is that Goten has put on some "mood music" that is Rob Zombie playing on low. But then they fall in love anyway
- smth abt the back of Goten's neck in GT. His clean hairline. Something abt Trunks coming back from space a changed man and he and Goten catch up and end up at the skatepark after dark like old times and they share a hug. Something abt the gentle scent of Goten's neck, the exposed skin and clean hairline. Smth abt comfort and familiarity and titillation all the same. Something about "Dude did you just sniff my hair." Anyway
- idk smth the pain and frustration of falling in love w someone you're already sick of but having a knot in your chest to contend w anyway really gets to me. It strikes fear in my heart I think
- FROOT OLIVER NELSON MIX. Young love and all that. The majesty of what predates language. The ardent mystery of love and sex and the winds that you cant see but drive you nonetheless. Thoroughly distressing yet inexorable. Your very necessary mind is meant to just accept that it cant understand what it cant put into words. Really gets to me sometimes
- Oh yeah and of course the idea that Trunks is the president of capsule corp and he lets that slag Goten waltz up into his office and sit on all of his furniture
- Goten is NOT a slag but a very caring soul <3
- Trunks is honestly a very chill dude. And Goten doesnt really give a shit about anything. Therefore the objectively correct way to portray Truten is that theres no drama or feeling but they just like start dating or whagever. But this post is for the things that really get to me sometimes so we're not gonna include that stuff
- Goten Shows Off His Gay4Pay Skillz and slonks silly-sloppy on his shit WITH the scallywag swag. And then they fall in love
- the idea that there are some real constrained emotions present. Teen angst and "I hate you so much" by Anarbor. Whatever
- Oh I forgot about the one wjere Trunks has to wear braces for his janked up city-boy teeth and Goten finds it disturbing and irresistible that he has metal in his mouth ("it's not natural....") and he keeps trying to lick his braces and he keeps trying to get Trunks to eat gummy things so that he can clean his braces with his tongue like a fun scavanger hunt. And literally Goten is the one who keeps putting his mouth on his but he keeps reeling back and with genuine fear saying "DUDE STOP TRYING TO KISS ME! IM JUST TRYING TO LICK YOUR BRACES.." and Trunks is literally not doing anything hes just trying to keep his eyes on his video game and hes angry about this. And Goten keeps kissing him anyway. I'm sorry this was suppsoed to be a serious post let me try again. Ok how about Goten is self-assured in this and keeps trying to tempt him with gummy worms and the such and he knows on some level that hes being funny but honestly he doesnt know what this is doing to his buddy Trunks. Like this is the most action thag Trunks has ever had and idk hes saving face but sometimes he plants bags of gummy worms where Goten will see them just to put the idea in his head. And he does this with shameful and desperate fervor. And he plays it so cool and is like "Goten that is SICK I'm not gonna let you do that again.." and he means it and the disgust is real. But on some level he craves the intimacy of having someone lick his braces. It's fucked up
I think that's pretty much it thanks for listening lol... Post originally drafted on 8.31.22
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yesimwriting · 3 months
how old are they? (best friend!felix x reader)
short answer: felix is late 19/20, reader feels late 17/18 (i like the thought of reader having skipped a grade bc one of her main insecurities is constantly wanting to seem older bc being mature is the one thing her dad prasied her for)
elaboration below the cut!!
i saw a picture of Saltburn's script that says felix is supposed to be 20,, ig that could be wrong bc of editing/verification,,
i don't remember his age ever being explicitly stated in the movie though, but i feel like it's implied (through his status/familiarity in an on campus routine) that he's not a first year/a little bit older than oliver, but i do picture felix as 20 (maybe late 19 if i ever want to write a blurb where reader and felix are celebrating his birthday)
also it just feels like a good age for him! just starting to get his foothold in the adult world, enough youthful idealism still in his system to want to make someone as "tragic" as oliver his project when a safer choice would have been someone a little shinier,, and just as he's leaving his teenage years behind, he dies (ironically and arguably bc of the youthfully naive concepts his family life would have encouraged him to keep into adulthood) :(
so now instead of being forever 20 bc of his comfortable life style, he's forever 20 bc he has to be,, in a way oliver got to know the only version of felix he would ever know but i digress
bestfriendreader feels like a 17/18 year old freshman to me (hear me out),, i like reader as a freshman bc it's one more thing that should make reader feel closer to oliver,, but she just doesn't, which adds to their dynamic that i haven't shared much of but i will!!
also,, i see bestfriend!reader as someone that's spent their entire life hanging out with people a little older, constantly striving to seem more mature/be a grown up bc her mom's a free spirit and her dad only praises her when she handles his disappointments "like an adult"
also something about bestfriend!reader being on campus for like two weeks, hearing every story on earth about felix and his friends that he's more of an enigma than person (campus celebrity vibes) that she doubts is that impressive until he sits down next to her in class and starts talking is cute idk,, like reader not even realizing how big a deal felix's interest in her is until one of her friend's is like dude.
it's the kind of luckiness that oliver originally hates her for,, reader walked onto campus,, new to oxford,, new to the country, and still manages to snag felix's attention without even trying
idk if the age gap is weird tho😭 (i'm 20 rn and would never date a 17/18 year old but my best friend is 18, started college at 17 bc she was ahead a year and when she was that age she dated 19/20 year olds that went to school with her and that didn't feel weird bc they have enough in common bc of their setting) sooo i'm open to reader having an early enough birthday that she's 18 by the time her and felix get close,, i like the idea of writing a birthday fic anyway lol
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
You know what? I feel like I'm too negative on here sometimes. I wanna be wholesome, god dammit!!! I will now proceed to give some shout-outs to Various People I Enjoy Being Around™ bc why not (not based on any memories because I don't have any, but actually like??? Headcanons I have for myself??? Is that a thing you can do as a hearttype???)
Of course I have to mention the entire Meme Squad!!! Flower, Piko, Oliver, Len, Moke, and Rin, you guys all rock!!! I wish I had friends like you guys irl. I really really really appreciate you guys putting up with me :)
I'd also like to mention my family (particularly my brother Arsloid, my sister Akikoloid-chan, and my mother-figure/aunt Sachiko)!!! I know I'm not much of a family guy (ahahaha I said the name of the funny show), but I really do appreciate you all being there for me! My irl family is cool and all, but I kinda prefer y'all ngl /hj
Obviously this list wouldn't be complete with out Point!!! My little guy!!! My scrunkly scrimblo!!! My little beast!!! I'm not sure what the hell Point is supposed to be but whatever he is I wish I was able to have him irl because he's so cute and sweet and I love him sm 🥺 (obviously /p!!! otherwise that would be extremely weird lmao)
Also last but certainly not least I'd like to give a very super special shout-out to my boyfriend Yohioloid!!! I may be single as hell irl, but he makes me feel so so so loved and appreciated and like I actually mean something and omg I feel like I'm gonna cryyyy I love you so much Hio and I wish I could actually see you irl waaaaaaaaugh 😭 /r (guys I really love Hio can you tell I love him have I made it obvious enough /rh)
Uhhh yeah that's about it. Sorry I got all sappy and romantic and shit near the end, but I just want to spread some love for my peeps!!!
-Fukase (please tag as otherhearted, #👁❌️🔴)
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kiss-me-nott · 2 years
HIII can I request romantic matchups for Demon Slayer & AOT? :))
I’m biromantic asexual with a preference for women & my pronouns are they/them 💕
For appearance I have brown eyes & dark brown (kinda black) hair with an olive/almost tan colored skin & im 5’4 (short af out here)
For hobbies I would say I really enjoy drawing & baking, always down to try new recipes but gets pissed when they come out weird.
Likes: sweets, reading, giving gifts, talking to my friends, my alone time, & caffeine
Dislikes: really spicy food, feeling overwhelmed/overstimulated, bugs, & being around people I don’t know
Personality: I would say I’m the kind of person to be shy when first meeting but if I became friends with someone then I’d never shut up. Sometimes I need a break from my friends tho and just need alone time. I have a very dry sense of humor so on multiple occasions I’ve had people tell me I’m mean or they take something I say to heart (which is never my intention to make people feel that way ;v;). I have borderline anger issues like one time I messed up cinnamon rolls and hit my counter so hard my hand bruised. I also have a habit of doing/saying before thinking, which has gotten me hurt/sick many times. Overall I like to think I’m a decent person to be around.
Hope this was enough info and have a good day/evening 🫶
2 matchups for my lovely anon (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡ , also, ty for requesting! for your romantic aot pairing i'm matching you with. . .
𝐘𝐦𝐢𝐫 ´ˎ˗
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i think at first you really capture ymir's attention, [ she thinks it's cute when you get angry and she smiles a lot ] and bc your shy at first, she doesn't mind breaking the ice.
ymir's not actually much taller than you [ 5'7, i thought she was soo much taller ;-; ] but she likes casually leaning on you for comfort and teasing you about it.
lotta quick forehead kisses here
honestly, very protective + possibly jealous [ absolutely denies it ]
she'll usually offer to get you ingredients when you bake [ go out and get whatever your missing ], she doesn't cook much but likes to watch and chat. and help if you ask
and on the off chance she's there when it goes bad. she surprised, to be honest. then, she smiles.
not to make you feel worse or anything, no! she just thinks your adorable, and probably won't let you try to hurt your hands again.
she knows how to bandage your hands though. probably extremely intense, like she might say something harsh.
shambles. she's in shambles on the inside.
also, you mention being kind of straight-forward to people, or 'coming off mean/rude' without meaning to.
i think she'd adore it, your honest opinion or not. ymir isn't one to take things to heart most of the time, and at this point in your relationship, she knows you and when your being sincere.
probably doesn't understand the gift giving when it's directed at her, but it grows on her definitely.
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and for your demon slayer matchup, i'm pairing you with. . .
𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢 ´ˎ˗
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she admires you a tonnn, complimenting how pretty you are in her head. blushing and staring like a complete idiot [ it continues in your relationship too ]
i mean! she's so lucky to have you, and she doesn't take it for granted.
mitsuri's gifts to you are often small tokens [ she's promised to put a cap on some of her affections to not overwhelm you ]
like jewelry, sweets, or things you can bake with like sugar and honey.
you probably won't have time to be angry at your cinnamon rolls tbh. . . she's never had one before and is absolutely burning her tongue trying to eat it.
and she loves your cooking no matter the outcome. she often stuffs her lunch with the sweets or saves them for later regardless.
she likes cooking with you if it's not too much trouble.
plus, she's good at western style cooking. so, she makes the meals, you make dessert? [ it's nice having someone else with her when she cooks, it's a comfort even if you don't feel like talking much ]
she keeps herself busy too, usually stretching or training when you like your time alone to read or just relax. [ it doesn't stop her from occasionally sneaking a peak at your focused face though ]
and she's okay with some bugs [ like butterflies and bees ] but spiders?? if you can't get rid of it either you'll probably both live in fear.
"guess were buring the house down"
lastly, and i think most importantly, she's there whenever you need her. like when your uncomfortable around so many strangers she'll hold your hand and rub circles into your skin.
she gets embarrassed a lot, but she'll always put your first.
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;; p.s. of course you're a decent person anon! you sound wonderful (●´□`)♡ and thank you so much for requesting, i hope you liked your matchups!
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cheridraws · 1 year
hello i would like to know more about Patrick his story sounds interesting!
AHHHHH hello yes!!! I would love to talk about Patrick more!!!!!
So Patrick is an oc in this little story i've been developing over the last couple of years!! He's my main character (one of four) and is the most Fucked in my opinion, haha, so you know he's my favorite guy to talk about
Patrick is a character that has deeply fucked up in the past and spends sooooo much of his present trying to atone for those mistakes
So, beginning info:
broke as hell
was kicked out of his house at 18. this was mostly due to said family's struggle with poverty. this is important
has a twin bro (that i will get into later)
He spent some time in debt trouble with no help and was living on the run for a couple of years before he met this entity called Lasair (aka, a Spirit, which are basically the gods of this world). They bond, and it extends an olive branch to Patrick. Aka the guy basically desperate for connection and love. Lasair is an asshole who uses this to its advantage. I'm summing up a lot here, but in short, Patrick winds up helping Lasair with its plan to burn the world to the ground bc humanity sucks ass and we’re all terrible and deserve to be destroyed (but not actually!!!! The whole story is abt fighting this worldview). Eventually, after a lot of thinking and some convincing from some of their victims, he starts to have doubts,,, and oh well shit he’s got a brother doesn’t he. There might be a few ppl worth saving,,, oh no…. So he realizes that he needs to stop this right now actually (again, this is summed up, but that whole process takes a good few years of doubt in order to kick in. bestie's been thoroughly indoctrinated into lasair's thing for a while)
Patrick runs away, and vows to destroy Lasair's whole operation. Unfortunately, he's back on the run and is being chased down by some of Lasair's assets. Back to square one, basically.
BUT, he does have one hope!!! His twin, Philemon (Phil, who I often misspell as Phile, lol), who he has been estranged from for about a decade now, is still kicking, so Patrick runs over to him for help because who else is he supposed to ask. From here, the two of them begin to travel together (Phil, unwillingly at first) and try to find a way to defeat Lasair, later recruiting two more friends!! (who i'm still developing jskfjlj)
His character is sooo fun for me to talk about, mostly because he kinda fits most archetypes of characters i adore haha. Deeply fucked little guy who's learning how to love again <3 and is having to unlearn a loooooooot of stuff, holy shit
Speaking of which: he's got some real bad martyr issues, and believes that his actions during that decade he spent with Lasair define him; he thinks he is irredeemable. In life, anyways. His whole plan is to kill off or seal away Lasair in some big, grand, self-sacrificing act so he can a, destroy the monster he feels he created and b, somewhat redeem himself in death. Like,, he believes that this is the only thing that can redeem him to both his loved ones and family, so he's dead set on this ending despite his loved one's objections. Of course, over the course of traveling with Phil and the later members of their group, he sort-of begins to see the beauty in living, which becomes a nice contrast to Lasair's view of the world!! His whole character arc ends with him realizing that he wants to live and it makes me sob
anyways here's a few things I don't know how to work into this coherently but want to mention anyways:
he literally befriends the spirit of death. they're besties bc he nearly dies a lot. also death might kinda be into him,, bc apparently he’s a magnet for weird godlike creature’s attraction
is my ace icon <3
fucked a literal fire. like it was lasair but,, that spirit's made of fire my guy…. how are you doing….
O yeah,,,, him and Las were kind of in a relationship. I say kind of bc it didn’t have a label but like. Yeah. And it wasn’t good
actually yeah ask me abt lasair its design makes me unwell /posi so do all the other spirits
he decided the best course of action into getting phil to help him was a, break into his apartment, b, accidentally terrorize him with the people trying to hunt him down, and c, kidnap?? him??? (but only for like a minute)
those assets are called the Illusionist and the Mirror btw and i like them too
Actually Pls somebody help Phil all he wanted was to escape his hometown and become a big shot engineer he did not want to be roped into whatever the hell this is
anyways. I am completely unwell for him and think about him way too much,,, i really need to work on developing it more than i have,,, especially since i've got a whooollee lot of worldbuilding to do hehe. Thanks for asking about him though!!!! I hope this was coherent, haha, i've been dying to talk abt this fella for ages
(and feel free to ask me more i could write essays abt him)
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lesbiradshaw · 2 years
I really like the idea of a beefier Ben Barnes as Bucky! Also…this is a Sidenote but your mention of orange cats and Steve made me laugh bc he does give me like Oliver from Oliver and company vibes (as smol Steve). Big Steve is more like Totoro (lol) - but I disagree with ppl who claim Steve is a golden retriever bc he big and blonde. I think he’s more like a cat (quiet, more independent/loner, but warms up when he feels comfy. He’s also graceful and agile). He would like both dogs and cats tho
steve being more catlike than doglike is one of the reasons im a firm believer in him preferring cats over dogs although he likes both and is good with both (sidenote, people who say alpine would hate steve or that steve isnt an animal person need to stop speaking on him bc have you seen the panels of him w alpine and the game scenes of him petting lucky ??? also his whole strip with jeff the shark. SO CUTE! not to mention it’s canon that steve watched crocodile hunter episodes to catch up on the future according to his notebook in tws so him watching nature/animal documentaries is a hc near and dear to me). in fics i see him written as a dog guy a lot but i really think that’s mostly a projection of cevans 😭 bc like. steve grew up poor and living in an economically corresponding area of the city. shoebox apartments and a single working mother … no way they would have been able to afford a dog or even entertain the thought. but with the amount of stray cats around and the fact that steve would def be up in arms everytime he saw someone messing with one … he was in those alleys all the time! i bet he made a few feline friends. him feeding them scraps out on the fire escape and naming the ones he regularly sees :,) steve is a fighter and stubborn as hell but he’s also quiet a lot of the time and very reserved and admits he’s a very solitary person who isn’t comfortable in large groups. he’s so catlike.
there’s a whole thing going around tiktok and twt rn about “black cat partner x golden retriever partner” but for stevebucky i think what’s more fitting is “pit-bull boyfriend x orange cat boyfriend”. pit bulls have a reputation of being mean and scary and aggressive and they can be those things but a lot of that comes from how protective and devoted they are. orange cats have a reputation of being weird and a little odd but are lovable and cuddly when they get comfortable with you. SO THEM.
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