#i forgive you not
killyjae · 7 months
Just some stupid Christian shit.
I'm a Satanist, and I've been a Satanist for pretty much 10 years now. I live in an extremely red state, and one of the worst ones. This is a real shithole that practically everyone I knew fled as soon as we all graduated, except for my ex who is just as psychotic as I am.
Anyway, I go to a pentecostal church sometimes just for fun. I'm respectful because the person who takes me was helped by the church with her addiction. She feels like god saved her, yada yada yada, good for her. No one there knows I'm Satanic, and the friend I go with is gay and he's probably the only one who knows I'm a lesbian. I keep my Satanism a secret because I could get in very big danger from the rednecks here who bring guns everywhere and pray for a second civil war. We all know religious freedom in this country is bullshit.
A couple weeks ago at that church, my friend cried because he was suddenly afraid that he would be judged by his painted nails, and he approached one of the reverends, and I followed. I intend to hear everything these people have to say. The reverend told my friend that he paints his nails because the gentiles and the devil pressure him to. Gentiles, pressuring a cis man to paint his nails in this society? Really? And they all, as a hivemind, told my friend that he needs to stop that and devote his life to serving god, and all I could do was silently watch and give no input, because rebellion is the biggest sin of them all to the church. They demand total obedience. I got to show my friend support when we were alone, and I brushed the ordeal off because, frankly, that's the shit I have to put up with 24/7 in this area. This is the norm for me. It wasn't until today that I realized how actually fucked up that was.
They claim to be a sanctuary, but they'll hound you if you're so different as to paint your nails. I won't even say what they told me about my septum piercing I wear with pride. I took everything they had to say with a fake smile. I've played this game my entire life, they can't hurt me. I will only smile and take it unless resistance is absolutely necessary, like if they were to hound my friend over something bigger, like his gayness. Then, I'll proudly stand against them in their own home.
I've gotten tame in my game against the church, now I just lie and smile, but when I was littler, I acted out against it. Now I work behind the scenes, but it was insane as a child. In a completely extremist Christian area with a small population, I was truly the one and the only one who actively said this wasn't right. I was regularly beaten as a child for my disobedience by everyone, so I was used to it. If it was the devil pulling me away from the church, so be it. The devil was pulling me away from my abusers, then. I was constantly told to fit in a box everyone knew I couldn't fit in, and if I didn't force myself to break myself to fit, then I was beaten and damned.
My psychosis which came from constant ongoing trauma was my punishment for my sin, a real sign that god hates me. I was only a child. A bunch of ungodly things happened to me at the hands of adults. I was only a child. And it was my fault. I'm broken and everyone hates me because I constantly rebelled. All I needed to do was obey to have a good childhood. But we know better than that. I think it was pretty hard and badass of me as a child to pretend I was a prince, I don't really know what for, and to take a marker to every Bible I was given, and write my own rules. My life is my own, and I'll gladly go to hell. If Christians go to heaven, then I want nothing to do with heaven. I am what I am, and nothing will stop that. I'm a rebel, and I will never fit your mold.
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
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i have so much rage in me one day i think i will explode. i dont think i know how to forgive as much as i know how to forget
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the-phantom-peach · 11 months
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🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
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fiercebb · 11 months
How are we all feeling about Aziraphale’s last “I forgive you”? Does it mean I forgive you for kissing me to try to get me to stay, I forgive you for choosing this moment to reveal your feelings, I forgive you for not coming with me, I forgive you for kissing me period??? What?
I keep going back and forth on it and I NEED to hear what everyone else is thinking. Lay it on me, I’m open to new interpretations because everything hurts and I’m dying.
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sketchy-scribs-n-doods · 11 months
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the four horsemen of Queer Agony
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 19 days
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Soup solves everything.
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kimeoshi · 13 days
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this mental image kept haunting me until I drew it, so here
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You’re telling me this ISN’T what happened in season 1 episode 1????
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Is it hypocritical for Aang to be the one to call Zuko bald when he is objectively balder? Yes. Was this really funny to me? Also yes. God may forgive you for not capturing the avatar, but NO ONE will forgive you for that fuckass ponytail.
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Ugh 😭😭😭
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rowan-on-the-moon · 11 months
i love how the kiss was awful. i love how it wasn’t a show of love but a desperate, viscerally angry gesture to try to get aziraphale to see exactly what he was losing and what crowley has, from his point of view, already lost. i love how the kiss was awful.
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egophiliac · 4 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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cametotheshowinsd · 6 months
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the-phantom-peach · 8 months
Little Big Changes ✂️~
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A long forgotten short comic I did for pre-totk/post-botw domestic zelink
I love Zel’s hair symbolism especially after altering her status as a “princess”and becoming a Hateno grade school teacher. She’d most likely still maintain some insecurities but that’s what our lovely knight was made for <3
Semi-connected to my previous Signing Link headcanon, Link speaks here for the first time post-Calamity and gets super self-conscious. But of course Zelda doesn’t mind and is happy that Link growing more comfortable after the events of breath of the wild
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huang-er-jiejie · 11 months
i. i just realised something about the kiss.
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the way when aziraphale puts both of his hands on crowley's back, you can see them kinda shift so aziraphale isn't leaning. he held onto crowley for stability, and leaned in. pushed closer to him. he leaned forward. anyone ever says he didn't want the kiss im going to hunt you down because HE HELD CLOSE!!! HE KISSED BACK!!!!
EDIT: also im like WELL aware he kissed back i was even when i first watched it like its not a big revelation, its just that SOME people☠️ on TIKTOK☠️ KEEP SAYING HE WAS DISGUSTED BY THE KISS???? like i swear some people are watching a different show entirely
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palipunk · 8 months
I’ve never seen anything like the press conference from the Palestinian workers at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. They’re literally addressing the world surrounded by bodies on the ground. One is holding the corpse of a baby. I hope these images haunt every Zionist till the day they die.
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heritageposts · 2 years
i saw the trailer for the new feel-good “anti-racist” US war movie about the carpet bombing of North Korea and started writing up something for this blog, partially inspired by the absolute shit storm i got for sharing that post i made with pictures of everyday life outside pyongyang
and then i gave up, because what’s the point? westerners can’t even handle a single picture of a north korean not looking miserable without screaming propaganda
meanwhile, there are no stories about the horrors of life in the ‘hermit kingdom’ that are deemed too outlandish to be believable. i can’t remember who said it, but it’s like the entire country has taken up permanent residence in the western imaginary as some silly little cartoon villain, where the leaders of the country does evil things for no discernible reason. they’re just silly and evil like that, and the citizens, of course, are silly, too. silly and brainwashed.
i watched a video recently of a tourists visiting an auto dealership in pyongyang, and the entire time he was just gawking at the employees and costumers, shoving his phone in their face, and confidently explaining to his youtube audience that everyone he’s interacting with are actually actors.
what level of dehumanization do you have to reach for that thought to even cross your mind? to think that the people you see before you are actors? that entire cities and shops are erected with to sole purpose that you, a western, will see them and be impressed?
what frustrates me the most is the casual cruelty that seeps into any mention of north korea, no matter how small. if north koreans are not being evil, they’re being silly.
a north korean newspaper reports that a group of archeologists in pyongyang have discovered an old rock carving with the words ‘unicorn lair’ (mistranslated), and the western press reports that north koreans now believe in unicorns.
a tourist at a hotel in hamhung is told by the receptionist to be careful at the beach: the waves can get high. that day the tourists goes to the beach, and there are no waves. she retells the story to her instagram followers, explaining that the poor woman at the hotel could never have seen real waves before because north koreans are probably never allowed to travel.
she adds a little teary-eyed emoji.
one of the cities i included in the post was sariwon, a densely populated city to the south of pyongyang. below are some pictures from its “folk customs street”, which was built to showcase old korean traditions and customs
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here’s all wikipedia has to say about it
Built to display an ideal picture of ancient Korea, it includes buildings in the "historical style" and a collection of ancient Korean cannons. Although it is considered an inaccurate romanticized recreation of an ancient Korean street, it is frequently used as a destination for foreigners on official government tours. Many older style Korean buildings exist in the city.
it’s just north koreans being silly again. there’s no mention of what might motivate them to build a street like that — why the preservation of old customs, culture and architecture might somehow be important for the city
could it perhaps have something to do with how the U.S. air force dropped 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, over the korean peninsula during the war? the carpet bombings, which are now the topic of an upcoming hollywood movie about overcoming racism through warcrimes, destroyed an estimate of 85% of all buildings in north korea. some cities were entirely wiped off the map.
in sariwon they missed a few buildings, but not many — after an intense firebombing campaign the U.S. military estimated the destruction of sariwon to be at 95%.
none of this is mentioned on the wikipedia page for sariwon.
we destroyed entire cities. memory-holed the entire thing, called it the forgotten war. and now, 70 years later, we’re convincing ourselves that the people living in the ruins are actors.
and somehow the north koreans are the brainwashed ones
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