#i forgot how much this will sting in the shower
posititties · 2 years
i did it again because it's literally all i can think about now
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rishiguro · 1 year
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ft. oikawa; sugawara; atsumu; ushijima; kita
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OIKAWA TOORU: makes time for everyone but you
you tried to ignore the sting in your heart, tossing your phone on the mattress. at this point you were setting yourself up for the hurt and yet you couldn’t stop yourself from watching his stories. and he was always out and about, meeting various people — friends, colleagues, family, coworkers, anybody. just not you. you were always left behind, barely seeing your boyfriend, only getting a few texts. you knew he had a lot on his plate but would it kill him to spend some time with you, or just acknowledge your existence? you sighed. surely he was just busy, right?
SUGAWARA KOUSHI: forgets about his promises
“i’m so sorry,” he immediately said as soon as he saw you all dressed up, “i forgot” you pressed your lips into a thin line, nodding slowly. “i figured. i’m going to take a shower” before he could say anything you rushed past your boyfriend, shutting the bathroom door behind you before stepping to the sink, washing your flushed face as the tears started to fall. you shouldn’t even be surprised — and honestly you weren’t really — but you were disappointed. he didn’t mean to forget, at least that’s what you had been telling yourself. but there was only so much you could take and slowly but surely you reached your breaking point.
MIYA ATSUMU: always puts his work before you
you shook your head as you put your phone away, politely asking the waiter for your check. by now you were basically used to the pitiful glances and hushed whispers behind your back, so you skillfully ignored them when leaving the restaurant. with every step you took towards your car, you could feel the cold creeping up on you as your heart grew heavier and heavier. you knew what you were getting yourself into when you decided to get together with him, but it didn’t hurt any less when he stood you up — when practice ran longer than expected, when he decided to get some extra training or when he was too exhausted to even send you a message.
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI: always confuses you with somebody else
“i got you your favorite” he held up a take out bag with a warm smile on his face. “thank you,” you said with your most convincing smile on your face, which immediately dropped as soon as he left your field of view. as soon as you recognized the logo on the plastic you felt your heart ache. you wanted to give him credit, he was trying, he really was, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt — whatever he got, it was never what he thought it was. his friend’s favorite snacks that you didn’t like, his best friend’s favorite movie that brought back bad memories or his ex partner’s favorite food.
KITA SHINSUKE: uses your insecurities against you
with hurt visible in your eyes, you turned around, quickly making your way into your bedroom. “you can’t just simply walk away when things aren’t going your way—,” you heard him shout behind you before you slammed the door and as soon as you were alone, the tears began to fall. you loved him and you were convinced that he loved you too. he even told you so daily and made you feel like the most important person in your life. and he failed to realize that you weren’t him — he couldn’t see how his bluntness hurt you or how his supposed honesty only broke you. how much more could you take before you completely shattered?
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reblogs are appreciated
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wzy3ka · 1 year
| silent treatment ·˚ ༘ L.HS (이희승)
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Idol bf!hesseung x fem reader -1.3k-
warnings: kisses, angst, fluff
You and Hesseung have an argument and you give him the silent treatment
"Just leave me alone, okay? I'm so tired from practice and I don't want to argue with you." Heeseung sighs heavily and you just look at him in disbelief, your eyes stinging.
"Oh, I'm sorry for waiting for you because we had a date. I'm sorry because you forgot about it and left me waiting in the restaurant for so long and made me embarrass myself."
"I forgot! We had a sudden practice session, what was I supposed to say? I'm sorry, but no I need to go back? The boys wanted to leave too, why would it be only me?"
The way he raises his voice at you makes you fold your arms over your chest and stare at him while
you try not to take out your frustration on him.
You always love him, but now he's making you hate him so much and you don't want that to happen.
"Okay, I'm sorry." You say quietly and take a deep breath, running your fingers through your hair. "It's okay, it's my fault."
"Y/N?" He's frowning while staring at you in confusion and you know he was expecting you to argue more yet you won't do it this time.
You're sick of it.
"You should go shower, I'm sure you had a very stressful day." That's all you say before you turn around and head to your room.
The work you postponed for your date with Heeseung is looking down at you and you feel like a total idiot.
You just open your laptop and start working to take Heeseung off your mind.
You're frustrated and annoyed by his behavior but you won't do anything about it.
And that's when his nightmare starts.
"Y/N, let's have dinner." Heeseung opens the door to your shared room to find you looking at your laptop's screen while your back is facing him. "Y/N?"
Nothing. You don't answer him and he just stands there for a while, wondering if he has to do something.
When you hear him step towards you, you put down your pen and sigh. "I'm busy working."
You didn't intend for it to sound so cold and mean yet it did and he's taken aback. "Oh... I see. Okay."
He hesitates on asking you again then silently leaves the room, closing the door behind him and making your heart sink down.
As much as you hate this, you don't want him to take you for granted and know that you'll always come back to him at the end of the day.
He should know how it'd feel for you to leave him if that's what he really wants.
After a while, you stop working for a while and go out to grab something to eat. The kitchen is all clean and you sigh, starting to cook for yourself.
Heeseung must be in the living room because you can hear the TV on so you decide not to go eat there.
Although you want to watch the new episode of your favorite kdrama but you don't want to see him.
You just sit in the kitchen and silently eat while you watch videos on your phone. But your peace is interrupted with Heeseung walking in the kitchen.
"Why are you here? Let's go watch TV." He says but you just ignore him and continue eating. You hear him sigh. "I'm sorry about"
"I'm not even mad. I was wrong for stressing you out." You say and he frowns while you put the dishes in the sink and start washing them, ignoring his presence.
"But I"
You just walk past him and out of the kitchen, leaving him standing there with a heart as heavy as yours.
When it's time to sleep, you hear him open the door and walk inside before you close your laptop and organize your papers.
"Are you going to sleep?" Heeseung asks but you just take out a blanket and grab your pillow before going out of the room.
But he goes after you, holding your hand and stopping you. "I want to sleep in the living room." You say, not even looking at him.
"Why? We always sleep together. Why do you-“
"I posponed today's work to go out with you but we didn't so I had to do it anyways. Now I'm so busy, so will you please let me rest?"
"But-" He tries to speak when you ignore him once again and just walk past him.
Your behavior is breaking his heart but he knows he deserves it for snapping at you and taking out his stress on you.
Heeseung's worst fear is that one day you leave him but sometimes he becomes selfish and takes you for granted without realizing it.
But deep down, he loves you so much he can never live without you. And that's what's scaring him the most because he'll never be ready to face it.
However, he decides not to bother you anymore and silently makes his way back to your shared room before closing the door behind him.
Somehow the room feels empty without your presence, and he fails to close his eyes and drift to sleep.
All he can think about is you and the possibility of you leaving him.
He wants to apologize over and over again but he knows you need some time and although it's killing him, he'll bear with it because he can't lose you.
A few minutes pass and he slowly opens the door to hear you talking on the phone.
"He should have just texted me and told me he's not coming instead of making me wait. I felt so embarrassed when I left the restaurant alone." You say and he stops on his tracks.
"I know. That really sucks." Haerin, your best friend, says on the other side of the line.
"If I'm stressing him out and he needs space then we should just break up and-" The thought brings tears to your eyes and you feel yourself getting emotional.
"Y/N, it's going to be alright. You just need to talk it out with him. It'll be fine."
You talk with her for a little more then hang up and put your phone away so you can sleep.
However, some time later, you feel Heeseung put another blanket over you. You don't move because you don't want him to know that you're awake, but your heart aches.
You want to hold him and cuddle with him and the fact that you can't is so frustrating.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I never meant to make you feel that way" You hear him say and you frown. "But I don't want us to b-break up."
Realization suddenly hits you. He heard you.
When you hear him sob quietly, you sit up and look at him with worry written all over your face. You're mad at him, but seeing him cry is your weakness.
"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have talked to you that way." He says and reaches for your hand. " don't want to lose you, Y/N. I don't want to come back home to find you g-gone...”
"I'm not going anywhere." You say and pull him for a tight hug while he just sighs heavily.
"I'm sorry for leaving you waiting, we had a sudden practice and everyone was stressed because of too much work and I just-"
"It's okay, I'm not mad at you. I was disappointed we couldn't spend time together, but I'm not mad at you. Hm?"
You make him face you before you kiss the tip of his nose. "I'm so sorry, Y/N.”
Heeseung wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead before he puts his head on your shoulder.
"I love you, Heeseung. I would never want to stress you out-“
"I'm never stressed because of you. You're the reason I'm smiling everyday."
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lieslab · 27 days
Nothing new
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Minho X gn reader
Summary: Minho finds you on the porch when the hurt from the issues your father gave you tends to bubble up and fizz over.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 1.3K
Trigger warning: Daddy issues, grief, depression, anxiety, mentions of physical violence and emotional abuse.
A/N: I forgot that I wrote a daddy issue post like a week or two ago because I have the memory of a goldfish. I haven't done a Minho drabble in a while and honestly, this was one hundred percent completely self-indulgent and I cannot lie about it. I was spiraling and this was what conjured up in the middle of my grief. I'm so sorry if you can relate, we deserve better <3
_ _ _
"Why are you hanging out here alone?” Minho plopped down beside you on the back wooden porch. 
You couldn’t remember how long you had been here. Maybe it was mere minutes or maybe it was more like hours. Time seemed to blend together out here and you let it. 
The sun was starting to set. It painted the sky with roaring reds and bright oranges. Streaks of clouds were beginning to fade further and further away into the distance. Soon the sun would set and the moon would begin to climb the darkened skies. 
“I’ve been calling your name for a while. I thought you were in our bedroom, but you didn’t respond. I even thought you were showering until I found the bathroom empty. I was starting to think you had been kidnapped or something.” 
You shrugged, “I’m just here.” 
“So what are you thinking about?” 
“Bullshit. You don’t turn into a recluse unless you’re truly struggling with something. You know that I’m not going to judge you, so what are you really thinking about?” 
“Everything all at once.” 
“Anything specific?” 
His face softened at the mention of your family. Life with your family has been chaotic. He knew the stories, you always told him about them. More specifically, he knew the issues that you had with your father. 
“Daddy issues again?” 
“Or perhaps my brain is the issue.” You shifted and leaned back. Your legs hung down the descending stairs, but your upper half clung to the deck. “I just…I just wish I could stop making it a big deal. I wish things didn’t affect me so much. I wish actions and words would run off me like water instead of sticking.” 
“It’s not wrong to mourn the things you missed out on. I understand that it must be hard to deal with the cards life gave you. Everyone has struggles and yours just happens to be your father.” 
“You’d think it’d stop once you grow up.” 
He paused for a moment and his eyes went out to the backyard. Off in the distance, the shared vegetable garden bloomed. Bright grown plants flourished in every direction. Two white cabbage butterflies chased each other around and around. Soon they’d land on an outer cabbage leaf and begin to munch away without a care in the world. 
“I think realizing it when you get older makes it worse. You become aware of the injustice and hurt which causes a cognitive disconnect. It makes it cut that much deeper. You don’t have to feel bad for feeling something so natural.” 
“You know what the worst part is?” You finally got out. The sting of tears began to collect in the corners of your eyes. “He’s not even a good man. We’re talking about one of the worst people out there and yet I still feel myself chasing after him.” 
“The kind of person who picks strangers over his own children. The type who spends money on stupid things instead of the youngest child’s needs. The kind of person who has no issue yelling and screaming in someone’s face. The kind that lets their anger control them and make all the decisions.” 
“But yet…I keep chasing. I keep hoping and praying. I’ve started to talk to God,” a tearful snort fell from your mouth. “I don’t even know if I believe in him, but I’ve talked to him. I keep asking for a better father, but all I hear is silence.” 
“They say you should stay in contact with your parents because they’re your parents, but what if a parent is making you so stressed and upset, your hair falls out? What if it leads to sobbing and emotional distress? What if it leads to screaming and fighting? What if trying to love my father is what kills me?” 
Minho’s heart broke apart at your words. He knew it was bad and it had been for a while, but he didn’t know it was this bad. His hand instinctively reached out for yours. The warmth of his palm connected with yours and curled around your fingers. 
“And you know what the worst part is?” 
“If I leave him, that’s it. He won’t change and try to become a better person. He won’t think about his actions and go out of his way to change. He’ll just point the finger and belittle me. Run my name through the mud to every family member. He’ll belittle me, turn me into an outsider, pull the curtain over everyone’s eyes again. He’ll always be the good father in his eyes and I’ll just become another asshole that did him wrong. Just like the hundreds of other people that he once upon a time knew.” 
Narcissism was deadly for some. Too much of an ego and too much self-imposed-importance left people craving attention. No matter whose character they had to rip apart, they’d do it. Whether that meant belittling them to everyone they knew, screaming at them, or even assaulting them. 
Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. 
All the attention had to be swallowed by them. Like some sort of powerful sun, the rays never knew how brightly they burned. Any ounce of criticism was a pot of boiling hot water. 
The huffs and puffs. The finger in your face. The yelling and screaming as spit flew everywhere. The broadening rage that seemed to fill the room without a single sound. The angry marching from them as you tiptoed along on eggshells. Just when you let out a breath, they snapped and lashed out. 
You didn’t have time to react before you became a victim of another episode. Another rage fest where things went flying. When the refrigerator door slammed shut so hard that the shelves full of condiments shook. The way that cupboards were dented from the force of wood slamming against wood. 
Your dad would always be your dad, but he’d never be a good father. You could cry and cry and cry. You could cry enough tears to create an ocean, but it’d never be enough to wash the hate out of your father. That realization caused your heart to break apart. 
Your biological father would never love you, at least, not the way you loved him. Your chasing was starting to slow down. You could spend a few more years chasing his love and begging on your knees for it, but when was the last time your father said he loved you? 
When was the last time you were your father’s child? When was the last time that your father seemed to give a shit about you? Did he know your favorite color? Did he know the songs that caused your heart to boom with adrenaline? 
Better yet, did he know something as simple as your birthday? Does he know or does he laugh as he asks you because it’s not such a big deal to him? So when he hands you a card from the dollar store with his name, does it feel just as worthless as his love for you? 
“Is it wrong to want to be loved?” 
“Never. It’s never wrong to be loved and I’m sorry you don’t have that kind of love. If you want me to, I’ll share my father with you.” 
“I haven’t even met your father.” 
“Oh, I was talking about Bang Chan.”
“Minho!” You leaned over to lightly slap his shoulder. Before you could reach it, he jerked out of reach. His hand grabbed your wrist and he jerked you closer. 
Your annoyance instantly dissolved the moment his lips met yours. Your body relaxed and you began to kiss him back. At this moment, none of your father’s lack of love mattered. Right now, you had this and what a fool you’d be to ever give it up.
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45
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multifariousqueer · 9 months
hi love. could u write where felix takes care of fem!reader on her period? currently abt to get mine and i need some comfort lol, mine r hell. if u don’t want to that’s okay<3
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The morning sunshine blared through the window as your stomach started to sting a familiar sting. You had hoped that it would wait another week but it came in hot and dull as you awoke to the feeling of being wet. Your arm instinctively reached for your alarm clock only to find that you had class in a few minutes and had slept in. A groan escaped your lips as a text from Felix crept its way onto your device:
“Good morning, darling 😀”- Felix( don’t kill me, it was the early 2000’s)
“Where are you?”- Felix
You scrambled to get dressed and put on a pad before leaving your dorm.
The autumnal air brushed your skin as you felt more emotional and stressed. Felix and you had a project worth 3% of your semester grade due today and you stayed up until 12 last night messing around so you forgot to finish it. Tears stung at your eyes as you admonished yourself for not doing a basic task but you didn’t have time to go into a full fit because you were late.
When you reached class, the entire class looked at you as the door creaked open and Felix’s eyed you up and down before realizing that you weren’t okay. You sat down next to him and searched your bag for your supplies before realizing that you left your period bag at home. A period bag consists of : pads, tampons, lotion, perfume, and an emergency pair of panties. Upon the heartbreaking realization, you groaned and put your hands over your eyes and Felix immediately took notice:
“Y’alright love?” Felix said, rubbing your back.
This caused you to break into full blown tears as you got up and left class to run some water over your face.
Felix got up and followed a few minutes later to make sure you were okay:
“What happened?” He asked with genuine concern on his face
“I’m just on my period, that’s all”- you sobbed back
“Do you need anything to get through class?” He asked while rubbing your back
“I just want to cuddle with you and shower and go back to bed” you sniffled
“After class, I promise I will do that for you” Felix spoke
Felix hated seeing you in pain and he hated seeing you cry more. A piece of his soul broke Everytime you cried and he wanted to whatever it took to make you happy again.
Felix walked you back into class with a hand on the small of your back and he sat you down. He went up to the professor and spoke a few words that were unintelligible from where you were sitting and the professor called you over to his desk:
“Ms. L/n, it seems that you are incapacitated and scattered right now so I am willing to give you an extension on the project. Of course, I will have to knock off a few points but it is still possible to pass” the professor said sternly.
“Thank you so much!” You smiled
“Please sit down and try not to disrupt the class any longer” the professor spoke before going back to grading.
“Yes sir” you said.
Felix observed the interaction with a straight face before breaking out into a grin and escorting you back to your seat.
“How about we go back to my dorm after class and finish our project later” he said softly
“Please.” You said, while practically giving him a begging stare
Felix pulled you into a hug before planting a kiss on your forehead and returning his attention back to the lecture. He still kept his hand on your thigh and he snuck glances your way every now and again to make sure you weren’t in pain.
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Eventually, you went back to Felix’s dorm and he went to a drawer and pulled out a box of pads. Felix kept his stash stocked ever since he started dating you because he always wanted you to be comfortable.
“Wait here, I’ll go run you a bath” he said, ushering you to sit on his bed
You nodded in response and pulled out your textbook to finish the project once Felix left. You made a decent amount of headway before Felix came back and shut the textbook while staring at you:
“I told you we’d do this later, y/n” he smirked
“I know but…” you started before Felix interrupted you
“Even in pain, you’re still scholarly?” Felix asked quizzically while smirking at you
“I’m on my period, Felix. I’m not dying” you remarked
“So you don’t want to be cuddled?” He asked
“No no I do!!” You said with puppy eyes
Felix chuckled and took you into the bathroom. He undressed you and did away with your pad before delicately placing you into the tub. He was careful not to scrub you too hard but he wanted to get you as clean as possible. You sank into the warm, eucalyptus scented water and mewled as the warmth enveloped your body. Felix ran water over your body and made sweet comments about how strong you were for enduring your period:
“Look at my princess, so beautiful” he smiled
“Mmmm I love you” you sighed
“I adore you too, darling” he said, kissing your eyebrow before leaving to go to his bedroom.
You jolted a bit as Felix’s absence set in. You opened your eyes and looked around before you heard movement in his room.
Felix was prepping a pair of underwear for you and laying out an outfit for you. It was his old rugby shirt and some old boxers of his that you used as shorts. Felix learned how to prep underwear one day when you showed in “in case of emergencies” and he always prepped yours if you couldn’t. Felix also laid out some chocolate for you and put a stuffed animal on the bed. He went to get you from the bath:
“Where did you go?” You asked sadly
“I went to go clean up a bit and get you ready for bed” he replied
He pulled you from the tub and helped you get dressed. Felix laid you on the bed and cuddled with you. You took in the scent of his cologne and aftershave while making soft noises of comfort against his chest. He grabbed you and held you close and sooner or later you fell asleep in his embrace.
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: we talk about feelings… I repeat - we talk about feelings. Progress FINALLY with Simon. Price is protective. Kyle missed us, sweet boy.
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*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Alejandro and Rudy lead us to the room we will be staying at. It's nice. A nice big bed, fit for a pack. It makes me feel guilty that I shouldn't be here. I walk in with my head down, trying to stay calm. I roll my shoulder, testing how it felt - it was starting to feel better.
The door closes and we are alone, just the three of us. I stand, silently until the Lieutenant speaks up.
"You can use the bathroom first" he grunts in my direction. I nod and head towards my bag that had already been delivered to the room. I grab PJ's and my soap, shampoo and conditioner. I peak into the shower and check that I can use the water controls, setting it to the suitable heat and pressure, before sliding the lock over and undressing.
Once I'm undressed, I check out my injuries in the mirror. The little cut on my cheek is tiny. I'm amazed it bled so much.. My shoulder looks a bit puffy, but otherwise, fine. Surprisingly, there is no bruising.. I check my leg and that looks a bit irritated but it's fine for now. I silently thank Rudy for helping me clean them up on the helicopter.
I step under the flow of the shower and bask in the warmth. The water stings my leg a little, feeling like sharp needles for a few seconds. I suck air in through my clenched teeth, and lather myself in my nice, floral scented shower gel. I also lather my hair in orange blossom and honey scented shampoo. It smells divine. Once I'm totally clean and the water has stopped running dirty from my body, I close the water off and drip dry for a few seconds.
I step onto the mat outside the shower and inhale the thick steam created by the boiling water I'd just showered in. I gasp when I realise that I'd forgotten my towels. I didn't want to take more time than necessary so I swallow my pride and decide to ask the Alphas in the main space of the shared room for help.
"Uhm.. Johnny..?" I say, softly through the closed door. "He's gone to shower in the main cubicles.. what's wrong?" the Lieutenant replies. I cringe - of course Johnny wasn't there..
"Oh.. uhm - I forgot my towels.. would you - would you hand them through the door..? Please..?" I ask, awkwardly.
"Open the door.." he says immediately. I am shocked at how quickly he had agreed to help. I stand behind the door, opening it just enough for my hand to emerge. I make grabby hands... waiting to meet the softness of the towel. He thrusts the towels into my waiting grasp and I slam the door quickly. "Thank you.." I whisper through the door. He doesn't answer.
*Ghost's POV*
As soon as she opens the door, her scent comes billowing out in the steam of the shower. I have to turn away for a couple of seconds to try and gather myself, refusing to allow the growl that so desperately wants to leave my throat. FUCK! Why did I let Rudy bait me into this... fuckin' hell...
My cock jumps when our hands meet, fuck sake!
She snatches the towel from me and slams the door. Control yourself, LT!
I lay back on the bed and try to think about things that will calm me down. Johnny arrives just in time. "Got started without me, LT..?" he teases, eyeing up the 'issue' in my boxers.
"Fuck off, Johnny.." I growl
She times it to fuckin' perfection. Out she steps in her pajamas, shorts and a vest followed by the steam. Fuck sake.. she makes the entire room reek..
I leap to my feet before she has time to notice my 'problem' and shove myself past her, with my towel over my crotch to hide it. I slam the door to the bathroom.
I set the water to cold and stand under the stream of freezing water. I pump my cock a couple of times but decide against it. I was pissed off and pent up.. I didn't want to take care of myself right now. Didn't deserve it. Creep.. monster.. fuckin' control yourself!!
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I settle at the edge of the bed, trying not to take up much room. Johnny jumps onto the bed and lands on his stomach. He sprawls out, taking up about half of the bed. I hear a growl from the shower. "Is - is he okay in there..?" I ask quietly.. "Aye Lass, he takes cold showers. Can't be nice.. If he took nice warm ones, I'd have waited and joined him.. but I cannae hack cold.. Not for me.."
I furrow my brow at his turn of phrase, "isn't Scotland cold...? Shouldn't you be used to it..?" I ask, light heatedly. He chuckles and turns over onto his back. "Aye, it's cold and wet. But beautiful at the same time. That dinnae mean I want to shower in cold water though, Lass.." he turns to face me.
"I got hosed with freezing water.." I mumble "not nice.." - Johnny goes silent. I realise I'd just accidentally trauma dumped on him a little bit.
"You need to get used to this then.. princess treatment only from now on, lass.." he jokes, grabbing me around the waist and pulling me towards him. He settles behind me as the big spoon, sniffing my hair deeply.
"Love yer shampoo.." he growls gently, squeezing my waist. I squeak and he loosens his hold slightly.
"Sorry, Lass - shoulda' asked.. this ok..?" - I hesitate for a moment and he starts backing away.. "It's fine.. as long as it doesn't bother the Lieutenant.." I whisper.
He immediately re-wraps himself around me. "Good, would probably start cryin' if you told me to feck off.." - I giggle and kick him in the shin gently with the heel of my foot.
I start to relax until the bathroom door swings open to reveal the Lieutenant. He is wearing boxers, a black t shirt and a simple black balaclava. I try not to stare but this is the most I'd ever seen of him. He is huge. Everywhere.. his arms, his thighs, the width of his shoulders, fuck..
My attention is snapped away from the Lieutenant. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Johnny grabs underneath his pillow and pulls out his ringing phone. A picture of a beaming Kyle flashes on screen. "It's oor boys!!" Johnny answers gleefully.
"Hello, MacTavish!!" my face perks up when I hear the smooth voice of Kyle.. I can't catch the tiny happy whimper that escapes my mouth.
"Wait two seconds, I'm switching to video call.." Johnny shouts.
"Johnny, you don't need to shout.." the Lieutenant grumbles, playfully, for him..
"They're you go!" Kyle says happily. "Look Cap, got Johnny on the phone..." he speaks across whatever room they are in. The Captain's gruff voice replies crackly over the phone, sounding like he is further away from the speaker. "He's just coming over.." Kyle says smiling so brightly down the phone.
"How're yous holdin' up in Amsterdam?" Johnny asks "Aw mate, it's been crazy. Think we are moving tomorrow morning though. Managed to catch the smuggler I told you about, at least. The cartel wankers had dressed up as civvies. Got ambushed but we are fine - Kate is organising our next move.. what about you guys.. where's Laika..?" Kyle asks before the phone is grabbed by the Captain and held a little too close to his face. It makes me giggle.
"Are you taking good care of Y/N..? He grumbles deeply, no hello, no how is everyone..His first words down the phone was just concern for my well being.. I blush and whine quietly. That was unusual, no one has really cared about me before..
"Ask her yerself' Cap.. she's right here.." Johnny thrusts the phone into my face. When I see my reflection I hide my face with my hands. "OI..." the Captain shouts, sounding angry. I flinch slightly and Johnny puts the phone back on his face. My stomach lurches - was he angry at me..? It's because I was sharing the room with his pack. He must be seething. I knew I wasn't wanted here.. tears pool in my eyes and I shuffle away from Johnny, creating some much needed distance.
"Love..?" his voice crackles over the line.. "Johnny, hand me over.. now!" he bellows. Johnny hands me the phone - I take it with shaky hands and he puts his face even closer to the screen as if it would make him see me more clearly. It would almost be funny if he wasn't about to punish me for disobeying or breaking rules..
"Love.. what happened to your cheek.. what's that mark..?" My cheek? Is that what he got angry about as soon as he saw my face?
"It- it happened when air support blew a building up.. just a stray piece of debris brushed me.. it's nothing.." he nods, looking grumpy.
"Ok, love, I'll take your word for it - no more near misses though. I expect you all back in one piece.. understood?" I nod.
"Words please, Y/N"
"Oh, uhm.. yes Capt -sorry- John" he softens then, "good girl, hand me to Simon, please.."
I nod and reach over Johnny's body, leaning on his chest to reach Ghost's hand with the phone. His bare fingers graze mine and I shiver. I climb back over Johnny and I swear that I feel a rumble of a purr vibrate through his chest, where my hand supports my body weight.
I whisper to Johnny, once I know that the Captain is busy talking to the Lieutenant - "It's a good thing he didn't see the one on my leg, that's way worse..." I giggle.
Johnny's eyes widen and looks down at my bare legs, trying to locate the wound.
"Fuckin' hell lass, when did that happen..? Why didn't you say anythin'?!" he whisper shouts back at me.
Everything goes silent. My eyes widen.
"Simon.. hand me back to Johnny.." John sounds positively furious. "I hope I misheard that little conversation..?" He accuses. "Aye, Alpha - we wis just messin' around.." Johnny tries to lie. "Johnny, I can always tell when you're lying - you know that.. don't you..?" he gulps. "Aye, Cap.."
"So, what did I overhear while I was talking to Simon..?" - I shakily take the phone from Johnny's hand.
"Sorry Captain. It was me.. I was just joking. It won't happen again.. it wasn't Johnny's fault.." he sighs, clearly annoyed.
"Look, Laika - no one is in trouble. I just like to know when my pack-soldiers are injured. You've got to let me know. I don't send broken soldiers into gun fights.."
I feel guilty again. I decide on four simple words, that I'm not sure are totally true, but decide will put his suspicion to rest.
"I'm not broken, Sir"
He nods, just once, before requesting to go back to Simon. I hand the phone to Johnny.
I'm stuck in my thoughts.
Broken..? Technically, I had lied. I'm quite broken. Very broken, really. Perhaps unfixable.. but you can't see me on the inside like you can if it were a gaping external wound that refuses to heal...
I'd prefer more external scars over the shit I had to deal with everyday. My stupid brain..
Kyle's voice breaks through my depressing thoughts. "Bye, bug.." Bug? that was a new one.. "See you all soon. Sleep well.." He smiles, quickly handing the phone to the Captain to make his farewells. "G'night lads, Laika - stay safe and talk again as soon as we can.."
I can feel the unsaid 'I love you's' - were they avoiding it because I was there? Making things awkward for them..?
Johnny slides his phone back under his pillow once the call has ended.
I turn away from the two Alphas, trying to give them space for their normal pack routine. I didn't want to intrude.
*Ghost's POV*
The girl turns away. I nod to Johnny to come to me - she clearly needs some space. Her scent is sharp with anxiety. She thinks too damn much. Johnny falls asleep quickly, as he always does.
I keep an eye on the girl - she tosses and turns for a couple of hours. She clearly hasn't caught a wink of sleep.
"If you keep moving, you'll never fall asleep" I say quietly, trying not to startle her.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"If you keep moving, you'll never fall asleep". I freeze. Shit, I'd been keeping him awake.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to disturb you.. I can - I can go somewhere else..?"
"No, tell me what would help. I'm awake anyway.. makes no difference to me.."
"I - I think... no, it's nothing.." I decide not to say that I couldn't find my hanky. It was immature. I had caused enough trouble with the hanky the first night they caught me in Russia.
"What..." he growls, annoyed.
"S'nothin.. I'm fine.."
"You don't look fine.." why does he keep pushing me..? Just leave me alone, goddammit!
"Well, in that case, stop looking" I snap. I immediately regret it when everything goes silent. It sounds like he is about to say something when he just sighs.
"Suit yourself. Just tryin' to help. Message received loud'n'clear.." he says. Is he upset.. is he.. bothered..?
I stay silent for about five minutes, contemplating in my head what to do. I feel awful. He had extended an olive branch and I had grabbed it, snapped it and thrown it away. Stupid, horrible mutt. No one would ever actually want you!
"Sorry Lieutenant.." I whisper through a sniffle.
He just grunts at me. Great..
"I know you probably couldn't care less.. but... it's my hanky. It's stupid.. I know.. but I think I've lost it - I can't find it anywh-"
"Stop" he grunts, halting my sad rambling instantly. I sniffle and feel like running away when I hear movement. He has stood up. He walks a few steps from the bed. I can just make out his figure in the moon light. He picks up my tactical vest - patting the front pockets. "I tried in my vest.. it's not there.." I whine. He ignores me, and as if by magic, removes my missing hanky.
"It - it wasn't there.. I swear.. I checked in my pockets so many times.. I'm sorr-"
"This isn't your vest.." My eyebrows furrow and I start stuttering "Wh-what.. what do you mean..?"
"It's my vest - that's why. I found it on the upper floor of the white house. I wasn't born yesterday. You split from the team and went ahead, didn't you? Took out four or five Alpha guards before we'd even made it through the rest of the village. Nice and clean work. Like an assassin. The only thing you left behind... was this.." he waves the dirty hanky in front of his torso.
I whine, terrified. Was he about to kill me? Punish me?
*Ghost's POV*
Her scent turns rancid.. Fuck sake, I'm scaring her again. Tone it down, Ghost..
I walk to her side of the bed and tuck her hanky into her hand. She is limp and terrified, Her hands shaking.
"I don't mean to scare you, you know..?"
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"I don't mean to scare you, you know..?" he says in the softest voice I think I've heard come from the Alpha.
"But at the end of the day, all a ghost can do is haunt.." My eyes widen and I suddenly feel terrible.
I remember Johnny had mentioned that Ghost had been through some horrific shit. Maybe, just maybe, he is as terribly (un)broken as I am.. but I hadn't taken a second to think of anyone else's feelings.
"Tha- that's not true.." I whisper back.
He huffs a laugh.
"Thank you, by the way.." I boldly say, fighting back the tears, opting to be brave instead.
"Not just for this.." I hold my hanky up "but for earlier, with the Shadow Alpha... and for helping me when I had the nightmare. I know I've sort of said it already for that, but I didn't know it was you until it was too late so it doesn't count.."
"You're rambling now, girl.." he chuckles softly.
"No.. no - I mean it though.. I-I don't want to be scared of you. Deep down.. I'm not scared of you.. when-when you held my neck after- after he scruffed me.. I-I felt so protected. Safer than I've ever felt.. I - I'm sorry. I've said too much .."
He growls. I wince, I'd annoyed him again. I curl in on myself and shiver. It's only after a few more seconds that he is actually purring. Just the roughness of his voice made it sound more growly than he intended.
"You're a stupid girl. You know that..?" A tear escapes my eye and I nod my head. Yeah, I know that I'm stupid. Useless. Worthle-
"Come over'ere, Johnny keeps reaching for you".
I turn and face him and he nods to the gap in front of Johnny. I tentatively move within range of a deep sleeping Johnny. He grabs me as soon as I'm close enough.
The Lieutenant chuckles. "Told ya' he wanted you closer.."
I just wipe the tear from my cheek and swallow thickly.
Johnny squeezes me tightly to him.
He is big spoon. I am little spoon. I quickly fall asleep like this, matching Johnny's slow breathing and deep breaths.
At some point during the night, the Lieutenant becomes the biggest spoon.
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redrose10 · 2 months
3 and 5 with namjoon! It can be Crack of you wantttt
I hope you like it!
#3 It’s three in the morning
#5 Why are you helping me?
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst, small injuries
You loved your boyfriend. You really honestly did. He was a good man. He made you feel safe. He made you feel happy. He was sweet and kind and generous. He had dimples that made you fall in love all over again every time you saw them.
But at this very moment you you could kill him. It’s three in the morning and you’re standing outside your apartment building freezing while waiting for the fire department to give the okay for everyone to go back inside. Your neighbors are all glaring at the two of you and you know the only reason they haven’t said anything is because they know there will be a very nice apology gift basket on their doorsteps tomorrow.
“I’m really sorry.,” Namjoon said for the 100th time.
“It’s fine.”, you mumbled leaning into him to help block some of the wind.
**flashback a couple days ago**
“Hey I really want to make Jin a birthday cake this year.”, Namjoon spoke climbing into the bed next to you.
“Mmhm okay. We can call that bakery that did Yoongi’s. It looked really nice and tasted amazing.”
He shook his head, “No I want to make it for him. Like from scratch. He’s always doing so much for us and I just want to do something nice for him.”
“Joonie that’s a nice thought, but you nearly burned down the place making instant ramen a few weeks ago. We can just buy a nice cake. Jin will just appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to do that for him.”
You heard him sigh which meant he wasn’t done with this conversation but didn’t want to continue it at that moment. So you let it go too.
Two days later you walked into your kitchen finding your boyfriend covered head to toe in flour. Broken eggs scattered all over the floor. Pink colored frosting was splattered all over the white countertop which you secretly prayed wasn’t going to be permanently stained. As you got closer you noticed Namjoon’s hand wrapped in a bandage.
He noticed that you noticed and beat you to it by explaining, “I cut myself with a knife. I’m okay. It’s not that bad.”
“Joon you’re making a cake. You don’t even need a knife for that.”
“I know. I was trying to cut the flour open and couldn’t find the scissors.”, he shyly responded.
You were trying to stay calm. You knew how badly he wanted to do this for his hyung. You also knew there was a stubborn part of him that wanted to prove he could do it.
But the state of your kitchen and the thought of him really hurting himself was making it difficult for you.
“Okay, just be careful. Please. And maybe use white frosting so nothing gets stained.”, you said giving him a kiss before going to take a shower.
After your shower you smelled something burning. In a panic you grabbed a towel and sprinted towards the kitchen bracing for the worst, but instead finding Namjoon sitting on the floor. Two burnt cakes beside him.
He looked like he was going to cry, “I thought I set the timer, but I guess I forgot. By the time I realized it was too late. Then I forgot to grab the pot holder and grabbed the hot pan right out of the oven and dropped the cakes on the floor.”
You looked at his hand noticing the blisters. Quickly you grabbed a bag of frozen carrots from the freezer and placed it on the burn feeling terrible as he winced a little.
“Namjoon this is why I said to just buy a cake. You can’t do this.”, you said a little harsher than you had meant to. You were just scared and upset that he had hurt himself.
He surprised you by suddenly pulling himself up dropping the bag of carrots on the floor.
“Where are you going?”, you asked.
“To shower and get ready for bed. We’ll just buy a cake in the morning. Since I can’t do it.”
You felt a sting from his words as you never meant to make him feel like that. Wanting to give him space you let him go off to the bedroom while you cleaned up.
Once back in bed he was already turned over facing away from you so you gently entered the bed next to him.
It was a few hours later when you were woken up by the fire alarm ringing throughout your home. You could also hear a string of curses coming from Namjoon in the kitchen. It didn’t take long for the fire department to show up and evacuate the building leaving you all standing out in the cold in the early morning.
**End Flashback**
The fire chief gave the all clear and everyone was allowed to go back into their homes. You and Namjoon were the last to walk inside. Once in the kitchen he silently got to work cleaning up. You could tell by the clench in his jaw that he was upset.
“Hey it’s okay. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”, you said placing a hand on his back.
“I just wanted to prove I could bake a cake on my own. I didn’t mean for it to get out of hand like this. I guess I really am incompetent.”, he sighed.
“Oh no no no Namjoon. You’re anything but incompetent. Everyone is good at something. Cooking may not be your best attribute but you are so amazing at so many things that you don’t even need it.”
He smiled before leaning down and giving you a kiss.
You stood and watched him for a while as he scrubbed at the dishes, mumbling to himself every once in a while.
So you decided to look up a simple vanilla cake recipe on your phone before gathering all the ingredients.
Namjoon looked at you with wide eyes and you smiled, “Come on. I’m no Gordon Ramsey, but I think I can manage to make a cake. Especially with you as my assistant.”
“Why are you helping me? You were against this from the start.”, he questioned.
“Because if it’s important to you then it’s important to me. And I want to help. I also don’t want to be on a first name basis with the fire chief so I think I better help this time.”
Namjoon came over and wrapped his arms around your waist, “Thank you Y/N.”
Playfully you smacked his hands away from you before showing him the recipe and getting to work creating not only a cake but also some lifelong memories.
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nurse-buckley · 3 months
Just a silly Buck x autistic!reader because I had a big autistic meltdown the other day. No title because I am lazy and burnt out.
You hadn’t had the best day at work, and when that happened, you knew you likely weren’t in for a good night. Already overwhelmed and overstimulated, you knew one little thing could set you over the edge. Still, you were excited for a night with Buck and a few days off work.
You got the ingredients out of the fridge for chili, something home-cooked and comforting for you both to enjoy. You put on your noise-canceling headphones, played your favorite playlist, and began chopping the ingredients. Everything felt okay, and you felt yourself slowly decompressing and relaxing.
Buck had come in halfway through your ingredient prep and gave you a kiss on the cheek before he went to shower off the grime of his own shift. You placed some bread rolls on the cooking sheet and put them in the oven. The food smelled amazing, and you wanted nothing more than to just be in your comfortable clothes with the man you loved on the sofa, tucking into the meal.
As you knew all too well, though, things don’t always go to plan. The timer for the bread went off, and you grabbed it from the oven, placing it aside as you stirred the chili, trying not to let anything burn. You grabbed the bowls out of the cupboard, setting them down ready to plate up.
As you turned to grab the bread, you completely forgot how hot the cooking sheet was. The shock that the burn sent through your body sent you over the edge. Everything felt too much—the tightness of the headphones over your ears, the music that was doing well to drown out your emotions was now too loud, too overwhelming. You ripped your headphones off your ears, shaking your hands as if it would cool down the burn and take away the stinging sensation. You fell to the floor with a scream, the only way you felt you could get out your emotions that were bubbling up inside, feeling like too much and only adding to your overwhelm.
Buck heard the loud clutter followed by your scream and a thud. His heart was in his throat as he raced towards the kitchen where the commotion had come from. He saw you sitting on the floor, back against the counter, rocking back and forth gently with tears streaming down your face; short gasps coming from your lips. Buck could see the pan on the floor and the bread rolls strewn all over the kitchen from where you’d dropped the pan, and he had an idea of what had happened. He turned off the stove, moving the pan from the heat quickly before he knelt down in front of you.
You were too far gone to even notice he was there until you heard his soft voice breaking through. “Y/N, sweetheart? Talk to me. What happened?”
You looked up at him, unable to catch a breath as you held out your hand towards him. He could see the red blister already forming on your hand and looked at you with a soft expression.
“Can I touch you?” He held his palms towards you, keeping his voice low and gentle as he waited for your confirmation. You nodded, despite the overwhelm you needed someone to hold you, someone to ground you and help you regulate when you got like this. He knew he wanted to get a look at your hand first but he also knew he needed to get you calm and gain your trust before he could. He knew you were in a fragile state right now and while the burn needed treatment, you needed him more right now.
“Come here,” Buck held you in a bone-crushing hug. Something he found that often worked when your mind and body were so overwhelmed like this. His warm and solid body against yours, the grounding pressure of his hug and the smell of him had you relax a little. He kept his breathing even, which was easy for you to follow. You could hear the soft beat of his heart against your ear and the low vibration of his voice in his chest as he murmured words of comfort to you.
“There we go.”
“I’ve got you.”
You didn’t know how long he held you there for, but you didn’t care. Once he felt you relax a little in his arms, Buck softened his grip on you to get a look at your face. “Feel better?” You didn’t want to speak. You were too tired and always felt awful after a meltdown. You nodded your response, causing Buck to crack a small smile and place a gentle kiss on the crown of your head. “Would it be okay if I took a look at your hand?” Your eyes widened a little as you clutched your hand closer to your chest. The last thing you wanted was to have any sort of medical attention or more pain and discomfort, but the logical side of you also knew that he needed to look.
“I’ll be as gentle as I can,” Buck encouraged, holding out a hand. You slowly reached out your hand and placed it in his and allowed him to turn your wrist gently to get a good look at the burn. “Okay. It’s not too bad, but we need to run it under some cold water and put some burn gel.”
“What about dinner? I ruined it…” you said, getting a look at the mess of bread and crumbs on the floor and the smoking pot of chili that you knew by the smell had burnt.
Buck could see you beating yourself up and getting in your head again and was quick to stop you. “You didn’t ruin anything sweetheart. It happens; you’re not to blame.”
He guided you to the bathroom with a protective hand around your waist and sat you on the edge of the bathtub as he turned on the faucet and held your hand underneath. You hissed and tried to pull your hand away but Buck’s hold was firm but gentle as he held it in place, “I know sweetheart. I’m sorry.” After you’d held your hand under the running water for long enough, Buck gently patted your hand dry and applied a layer of the burn cream and bandaid to hold it in place.
He helped you to your feet and guided you to the sofa, placing a soft blanket over your lap. “I’m going to clean up and then we’re going to get take out, ice cream and watch a movie cuddled up together. How does that sound?”
You nodded, giving him a small smile. It wasn’t the perfect night the two of you had planned, but it wasn’t over yet and you were going to try not to let anything else ruin it. With Buck by your side, that’s all you needed.
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yeahspider · 11 months
Ve’s note - this is part two in a three( maybe four) part series . mdni this is smut . you don’t have to read both parts but i recommend. y’all i’m sorry this gets a lil out there . so i’m gonna split this off into another part . part one is available here . slightly proofread okay ? enjoy <3
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now usually you didn’t do this . you deemed sleeping with customers a bit below you . but with the way this man was looking at you . eyes holding your own , it was hard to say no .
taking ahold of the wrist holding yours you smiled at him .
“how much ? how much do you think a night with me is worth ?” you asked him as he led you back to the chair in the room . chris gestured to one of his men , whose presence you forgot , following the man’s actions you watched as he placed ten bands in the space between you and him.
“will this suffice as a start ?” . you were willing your jaw not to drop . you could really use that much money at the moment ….and he was promising more .
“is that enough ? here .” and then another ten bands were in his lap . chris grabbed a twenty and placed it in the waist band of your bottoms . grabbing your chin with one hand and rubbing the dollar into you hip bone with the other .
“be mine for the night yeah ?” earning a nod from you . which wasn’t confirmation enough for his liking . bringing his lips over yours but not quite giving in .
“words pretty” earning another nod and a breathless yes from you .
“good girl” he’s said before crushing his lips on yours . chris kissed like you were the only glass of water left in the world and he was parched . fully commanding the kiss . gently biting on your bottom lip when he wanted you to open . trying to maintain a semblance of control yoh deny him . which just earns a smack to your ass . his tongue explores every inch of your mouth . once he’s satisfied he starts to kiss down your neck . kissing wasn’t necessarily the right word for it though . he was marking you . you could feel the bruises forming in your skin cooling the sting with the flat of his tongue .
“i want you to do something for me .” he whispered over on particular mark on your collarbone . he grabbed one of the rolls of money and parted your legs more , placing it on top of his very visible boner .
“ride it .” at first you were confused until he gently gripped your hip and guided them to grind on the money . eliciting a moan out of both of you due to the friction . once he deemed you had to hang of it he let you pick the speed and rhythm as he got to work on your chest . removing your boobs from your top and pinching them slightly . causing you to whimper .
“so sensitive.” he murmured to himself as he kissed around your left nipple before nipping at it . rolling it around between his lips as his right hand groped your other boob . giving equal attention to both as he switched back and forth .
“you’re doing so well pretty just keep going yeah ? maybe yourself cum . let me see how pretty you look when you cum all over your money . keep earning it . good girls work hard for what they want .” chris chanted to you like a prayer . all the praise making your brain swim as his hand made it way to your throat and lightly squeezing . with your air flow cut off he laid a smack to your clothed pussy and you came with a scream . body slumping onto him as you rode out your high . once you came down . you watched as chris removed the roll from under you and licked . your cum staining the bill and now his tongue .
“you taste divine. i’m gonna need another serving. ” he said with a smile . promising more orgasms as the night continued .
“now strip and lay down let’s see how many times i can make you cum .”
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simplyholl · 2 years
Snowed In [Loki x F.Reader]
Summary:  While on a mission, you and Loki discover a strange flower. Will its effects change your relationship forever?
Warnings: Smut. Minors DNI. 18+ only. Sex pollen. 
Pairing: Avenger Loki x F Avenger reader 
Shout out to @lokisgoodgirl for helping me so much. You’re amazing!
Part of the Winter Warmers Collection
The cool wind felt like a knife as it kissed your skin. You were ill prepared for this whole mission. It was way colder than you anticipated. It started snowing two hours ago, and it was pouring. You were searching for the hidden safehouse. Stark’s newest GPS lead the way. The snow crunching under your boots is the only sound as you look around the vast area. Snow had covered everything in sight. “I have found it.” Loki, your mission partner and the bane of your existence announced in your headset. You hadn’t wanted to go on this mission at all, but everyone else was away on some Hydra sting. You and Loki were the only Avengers available. Of course, it was him you were stuck with. It was always him.
He got under your skin like no one else. He was so cocky. He always thought he was right and he loved fighting with you. If you were training partners, he would push you hard until it ended in a screaming match. Your latest spat had landed you both in hot water. Steve had demanded you spend more time together to get over yourselves. Tony’s outlandish suggestion was for you to sleep together to ease the tension. Yeah right, like that would ever happen. “It’s another mile ahead. You need to hurry.” Loki’s smooth voice through the headset interrupts your thoughts. When you finally arrive at the safehouse, you take in your surroundings. The snow comes up too high on the small cabin. You would be stuck here for a few days. You were about to walk in when a large blue flower catches your eye. “Loki, come out here. Check this out. What kind of flower would survive in this weather?” “Y/N, DON’T!” Loki shouts running toward you as you picked the flower from its position among the glistening snow. But it was too late, the flower emitted a red sticky substance in the air choking you both. He dragged you back inside the cabin. “What was that?” You choke out. “It is a flower that emits a substance that makes you incredibly aroused. If those desires are not acted on, it could kill you. I have only read about them. I have never seen one until now. I tried to stop you, but you would not listen.” “Well excuse me for being curious! It was a beautiful flower!” You place your hands on your hips pacing in the small kitchen. “Wait, wait you said this thing is going to make us really horny and unless we do something about it, we DIE?” You run your hand through your disheveled hair trying to process this revelation. “Precisely.” Loki smirks at you. “Okay, well no problem. I will go in one bedroom; you go in another. We will take care of our little problem. No big deal.” Loki flashes you a wicked smile, “Oh you innocent little lamb.” His laugh fills the tiny room. “What is so funny? It’s just masturbation, Loki. It’s completely natural.” You fail to find the humor in this situation. He is doubled over almost in the floor laughing hysterically. “We can not remedy this situation by merely masturbating, Y/N. You have to reach completion with a partner. ” You can’t be serious.” “I am dead serious. You are going to beg me to fuck you And I cannot wait.” His eyes hungrily trace every curve of your body causing your cheeks to heat. “I would rather DIE!” You yell at him. How dare he? “As you wish, darling.” He smirks as he walks to the fireplace. He waves his hand in front of it. A fire ignites, you can instantly feel the heat. You almost forgot how cold you were in light of this new information. You stomp down the hallway looking for your room. You turn on the light to find a bathroom. A bathtub against the wall, but no shower. This was going to be a long trip. You come out to discover there is only one bedroom, not two. Oh great. How can this get any worse.? You glance around the room noticing there is only one bed. Well, finders’ keepers. You quickly change into your pajamas you brought in your backpack. You crawl into the bed getting warm under the blankets. Stupid flower, Loki is just messing with me. I don’t feel different. Of course, it’s just a joke. You smile to yourself. I can’t believe I almost fell for it. Jokes on him, when he comes in here to discover he will have to sleep on the floor. Thoughts of revenge dance through your head as you fall asleep.
          You throw the blankets off you. It is extremely hot in here. That must be what woke you. Your eyes scan the unfamiliar room finding Loki stripping down to his underwear. “What are you doing?” He looks at you like you are daft. “I am going to bed. What does it look like?” You spread yourself out on the mattress trying to take up all the space. “There’s no room for you. You’ll have to sleep on the floor.” Loki walks toward the bed. His large hands effectively scoot you over. “I am a prince. I will not sleep on the floor. You don’t need to either. We had a long journey today. You need proper rest.” He gets on the bed beside you. You can feel the heat radiating off him. “Are you burning up too? It’s so hot in here.” you complain. “It is actually rather cold in here. It must be the flower starting to affect us. Remember my words, Y/N. I will not touch you, until you beg me.” You groan trying to get comfortable in the bed that is too small for both of you. “Very funny. I feel fine. Sex is the last thing on my mind.” You close your eyes wishing for sleep to find you again. You lay for hours before going into the bathroom. Your breasts feel heavy. You are so wet, and you hadn’t been thinking of anything to achieve it. God, you were so aroused. Maybe Loki wasn’t lying after all. But he has to be. Maybe not about the flower, but about the sex thing. Why couldn’t you just rid yourself of the affliction? You slide your hand in your panties. Fingers find your clit. It feels nice, but it is not enough. It actually seems like the more your fingers work, the worse you feel. Your skin is on fire. You almost feel sick. Perhaps you would die from this. You go back to the bedroom, giving up on curing yourself. Loki sits up, a wolfish smile on his face. “Are you feeling alright, pet? You look flushed.” You lay back on your side of the bed turning on your left side to face him. “I tried to take care of it by myself, but it didn’t work. I feel so much worse. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. I am so hot. I can’t stand it. Why aren’t you feeling like this?” He throws the blanket off himself revealing his arousal. “I am aching, pet. I can make it stop. You only have to ask me.” “In your dreams, Loki. I’m going to lay on the floor now. It will be cooler.” You bring your pillows to the chilled floor. It only soothes you for a minute. You’re sure this fever will never break. You rub your thighs together, stifling a moan. You check to see if Loki heard you. He hadn’t, thank God. He must be asleep. You can’t even think of sleep. The only thing on your mind is release. You try to keep your mind occupied, but it’s no use. You are positive you’re going to die any second now. The ghost of your impending orgasm must possess you, because it’s definitely not you waking Loki. You lean over him shaking his arm. “Wake up.” He rolls over, lust filled eyes roam your body. “Did you have something you wanted to ask me, Y/N?” “Please Loki?” “Please what, pet? I know not what you ask of me.” God, he’s so annoying and so attractive? How had you not noticed before? Okay maybe you had noticed during training when his large, muscular body had you pinned under him, or when he was teaching you how to use daggers. You knew he was hot, but usually your annoyance with him outweighed any attraction. But right now, when there was an ocean in your panties, when his hair hung down in messy curls, when he looked at you like he would devour you whole, the attraction was undeniable. “Loki, please I NEED YOU. Please touch me. Please fuck me. Please, I am begging you.” His eyes darken as he pulls you on the bed. “I thought you would never ask.” Loki’s lips crash into yours. He kisses you hungrily. His tongue begging entrance, you accommodate him, tongues gliding against each other. You pull his hair wanting to be as close as possible. He reluctantly breaks the kiss. With the wave of his hand, both of your clothes disappear. He places hard kisses on your neck, sucking the tender skin there. You will have marks in their place tomorrow. He kisses his way to your breasts. His fingers roughly pinching a nipple while his mouth finds the other. Gentle bites on your breasts leave you a moaning mess. He bites and suckles his way to your thighs placing your legs over his shoulders. There is nothing gentle about the way he eats you. His tongue moves in intricate patterns you can’t comprehend. He sucks your clit so hard you see stars. When he slips a finger inside your waiting heat, you shatter. The mantra of his name hasn’t left your lips. He kisses your thigh before positioning himself at your entrance. He plunges inside roughly. One strong hand grips your hips as he claims you. “Feels so good. Oh gods, Y/N.” Long strands of raven hair brush your cheeks as he thrusts into you. He rests his forehead on yours staring intently in your eyes. “Knew it would be good, never imagined it’d be this good.” He pants. He moves his head to the crook of your neck praises spilling from his lips. “Perfect, you’re so perfect.” He moves his hips faster hitting exactly the right spot. You squeeze your legs tighter around his waist as you both unravel. Loki’s breath comes rapidly while he studies your face. “Do you still hate me, Y/N? Considering everything that occurred today, I would not blame you.” You place a soft kiss to his lips. “I never hated you, Loki. I always thought you hated me.” Loki laughs incredulously. “Darling, I was afraid to be close to you. That is why I acted so cold toward you.” You take his hand in yours. “Since we are stuck here for at least another few days, we should get to know each other better. Let’s just see where this goes.” Loki pulls you into his arms while you make a silent wish for more snow. Who would have thought Tony’s idea would work after all?
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bamber344 · 3 months
Whumpee intro: Jordyn's Training - 1
heyo ik I said the updates for this would take a while but I wanted to get this out quickly so there was some actual whump to sink your teeth into for the story. the 'Jordyn's Training' arc was meant to just be one thing but this first section absolutely ballooned way bigger than I thought it would (just over 2k words) so it will most likely be a 4-parter
Anyway this series actually has a name now! it is Project Genesis, courtesy of my brain in the shower this morning; the birthplace of many great ideas.
Lemme know if you wanna be added to the tag list btw! chapter begins below the cut :3
CWs: broken bones, whipping, emotional manipulation, vomiting, blood, meal restrictions, mentions of recovery, female whumpee, male whumper, superpowered whumpee
(let me know if I need to CW anything else I forgot about!)
Jordyn's Training, part 1: The First Mistake
The obstacle course stretched out before me, vast and daunting. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t done before, but the fast-spinning metal poles and swinging wrecking balls never failed to make me anxious before I threw myself in for another go. I’d been hit by them more than enough to know how much they hurt. Still, this sort of training was necessary for my rehabilitation, so I steeled myself and prepared to do another run-through, aiming to beat my personal best under Father’s watchful eye.
It had been three months since I woke up in that room, cold and confused, lashing out at anything that moved. If not for Father, I would probably still be in that helpless, animalistic state. He took me in when no one else would, taught me how to speak, and read and write; how to be a functional human being again. I was in an accident, apparently, injured badly enough that when I woke my mind was completely blank, bare of even the most basic muscle memory. Father’s treatment may have fixed my body, but my mind still needed hands-on work; work that he tirelessly took upon himself. He spent countless late nights with me, speaking to me, reading to me, letting me get a feel for English again. He allowed me to lean on him while I was relearning how to walk. He spoon-fed me when I lacked the coordination to feed myself. There was still a lot that I didn’t know, and I got confused often, especially when he used bigger words, but he said that was okay. I didn’t need to know everything. So long as I did good, and he gave me that warm, tingly smile, nothing else really mattered.
Apparently, I used to be something called a ‘superhero’ before my accident. I would use this strange power I had to take down criminals and bring them to justice. If I ever wanted to be able to do that again, I needed to train. My body may have been passably functional, but it needed to be exceptional, or so Father said. He always smiled when he talked about me being a superhero again, so I knew that was where I needed to focus my efforts.
“Jordyn? What are you waiting for?” Father asked, his voice gravelly and stern.
I snapped out of my thoughts. “Sorry, Father. I was just preparing myself.”
He shook his head and something inside of me shrivelled up. “Not good enough, Jordyn. Do you think the criminals will wait for you to be ready? You need to do what I ask when I ask, not when you think you are ready.”
I clenched my fists, tears stinging the backs of my eyes. “S-sorry, Father.”
“It’s alright, Jordyn. Now, go.”
I wasted no more time, charging forward as Father started the timer. I needed to do good on this to make up for my blunder before. Father had spent so much of his time and energy on me; I couldn’t let it all be for nothing.
The beat of my feet against the floor fell into a rhythm as I jumped, dodged, and dashed my way through the course. I’d been running it for over a month now, and it was quickly becoming second-nature. I knew exactly when to duck my head to avoid the spinning beams, how to deftly move between the wooden knives shot from the walls, and just which way I should step to avoid the pitfalls in the floor. The burn in my lungs and legs was distracting, but I didn’t let it slow me down. Just like Father always said: ‘Pain isn’t real.’
Something looked a little different about the second set of spinning poles, but I ignored it. The course was always the same every time I ran it; I was probably just thrown off because of Father’s reprimand. They always stung in a way I didn’t know how to deal with. 
I leapt into the fray of rapidly spinning wooden beams, ducking the ones at head-height and hopping over the ones aiming for my legs. It took a little bit more focus to ensure I wasn’t hit this time; it seemed as though the poles were spinning faster than usual. Still, with all of my practice, I was making good time. My personal best wouldn’t know what hit it.
Something slammed into my shin and my leg buckled from under me. That was fine, this wasn’t the first time I’d been knocked down. I made sure to roll out of the way of any on-coming beams so I had a safe spot to catch my breath in before continuing.
Then the pain hit, so hard and so strong that I immediately gagged from the shock, agony shooting up my leg like bolts of electricity. It was hard to breathe. Hot tears spilled from my eyes as overwhelmed sobs tore from my throat. I looked down at my leg to see what was hurting me so bad and almost threw up. My shin had already turned an ugly purple, and the rest of the limb below that point was twisted unnaturally. My heart lurched.
“F-FATHER! HELP!” I shrieked. The pain was too much; my entire body was locking up, too afraid to move in case I made it worse.
“What are you doing, Jordyn? Get up. Keep going.”
Disobeying his orders hurt almost more than my snapped leg, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. “I- I can’t! It hurts! Father, please!”
“That’s not good enough! Use your shadows, steel yourself! The course is not over until you complete it! Get up, girl! Your pain is not real!”
The thought of going on made me want to curl into a ball, but I did as I was told. Father’s orders came before all else, especially my own comfort. I owed him my life; a little pain meant nothing in the face of that. I reached out to the shadows around me, wrapping them around my injured leg like a splint. My skin turned black, sucking in all of the light around it, but the pain did lessen somewhat. A whimper escaped my lips as I forced myself up. Shards of agony stabbed my flesh every time I put weight on my leg, but it was manageable. I could move, albeit slowly. So much for beating my personal best.
It took an embarrassingly long time, but eventually I was able to limp my way to the end of the course, receiving more than a few extra bruises from the traps I was unable to dodge due to my injury. I collapsed at Father’s feet, dropping to my knees with my head hanging low as sweat dripped from my brow.
“That was disgraceful, Jordyn. Even your first attempt was better than that.”
I bit back a sob. “I’m s-sorry, Father. M-my leg, it-”
He grabbed a fistful of my short hair and tugged my head up, slapping me across the face. “I don’t care for your excuses. If you allow something as trivial as a broken leg to slow you down, the criminals out there will tear you to shreds. You should have learned by now how to use your power to protect yourself against this sort of thing without my instruction. I’ve already spent so much time healing you; I will be very disappointed if it turns out to all be a waste. Are you a waste of my time, Jordyn?”
“N-no Father! I’m not a waste!”
He let go of my hair, allowing me to sag back down to the floor. “Hm. I expect not. Remove your shirt.”
I blinked up at him. “F-Father?”
He struck me again, hard enough to whip my head to the side. “If you cannot even follow a simple order without talking back, how can I expect you to perform well in the field?”
I didn’t make the same mistake twice, pulling off the black, skin-tight garment as quickly as I could.
He nodded his head to the side, indicating a metal pole in the corner of the room, with two handles sticking out of it on either side. I’d yet to learn what purpose it served, but I had a feeling I was about to find out.
“Grab the handles of that pole and remain on your knees.”
I shuffled over with my head down, each drag of my injured leg across the floor causing tears to spring up in my eyes. The metal of the handles was cold under my palms, numbing my fingers. The rough floor dug into my knees uncomfortably. Father was moving around behind me, and every time it sounded like he was approaching, I inadvertently flinched and shied away. Anxious curiosity burned in the pit of my belly. What was this all about? I risked a question.
“Father, wh-what’s happening?”
“You need to learn how to ignore pain, Jordyn. The only way for you to do that is to experience it. It isn’t real; just chemical reactions in your brain. You must internalise that.”
“I- I don’t know what that means, Father.”
He ignored me. “While this is because you failed today, it doesn’t have to be a punishment, Jordyn. Consider it a lesson; a lesson on conquering pain. If you use your shadows to protect yourself from this, or let go of the handles at any point, I’ll have your other leg broken and forbid the medics from repairing it. Remember: pain isn’t real.”
“Father, I-”
All of the air rushed out of me and a line of fire lit up across my back. It was so sudden that I couldn’t stop myself from crying out. Surely that wasn’t what he meant to-
My stomach rolled uncomfortably as the strike shook my entire body. I couldn’t help but scream as the pain echoed through me.  
“Be silent, girl! Who told you you could speak?!”
His command overrode even my most basic need to express the utter agony I was in, and the following scream got caught in my throat. Shadows flickered and writhed underneath me, licking up my legs out of protective instinct before I forced them back down again, Father’s warning ringing in my mind.
It felt like it would never end. My vision darkened at the edges. My abs clenched and a surge of bile spilled from my mouth. Warm blood dripped down the burning, torn skin of my back, my anguish heightening with each consecutive blow.
Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real Pain isn’t real
Seconds passed, and no new wave of pain came. I gasped, sucking in as much air as I could to refill my lungs before it was all inevitably expelled again by another strike. My ears were ringing so loud I could barely hear anything and my entire body felt numb aside from the battlefield that was my back, which was still sending lancing aftershocks deep into my muscles even as time continued to press forward with no hint of the next lash.
“You may release the handles, Jordyn.”
I let go and my whole body went limp as I dropped to the floor into a puddle of my own blood and vomit. The movement sent arcing memories of fire through my torn-up skin, and a sob slipped from between my clenched teeth.
“Clean yourself up and report to the medbay when you are ready. After that, head straight to your room. Do not expect dinner.”
All I wanted was a warm meal and for the pain to stop. “Wh-whyyy?” I moaned.
“I will not reward mediocrity, Jordyn. You did poorly today, and as such, you will not be receiving dinner privileges until you beat your personal best again. Be better.”
His footsteps echoed as he walked out of the training room, leaving me alone to cry. This was my own fault. If only I’d been good like he wanted, he wouldn’t have had to hurt me like that. I never wanted to disappoint him like that again.
“I’m s-sorry, Father… I’m sorry.”
Taglist: @steelandblood @sapphicwhump @urnumber1star
feel free to reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed :) I like hearing from you!
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
23 or 29 for the prompts ! whichever you’d like :)
29. “You could have warned me!”
Even if it is disgustingly early to be awake, Tim has to admit: the morning sun shining on the golden fields of wheat, stretching out like a gilded sea from his vantage point high in the sky, is beautiful.
"Told you it's worth flying in at sunrise." Kon gives him an infuriatingly sexy smug little smirk. Asshole. He shouldn't be able to be a mind-reader this early in the morning. "How's that line in 'America the Beautiful' go again? Something something amber waves and plains?"
Tim smacks his shoulder. "Get that weird patriotic bullshit out of here. No one cares about 'America the Beautiful' in this day and age. And especially not before eight in the fucking morning."
Kon laughs, slowing as he descends towards the farmhouse. Tim is grateful for the shield of his TTK around him, keeping the wind from whipping through his hair and stinging his eyes as the familiar Kent farm grows rapidly larger. "Hey, it's not my fault Cadmus programmed it into my head!"
"And you still forgot the lyrics?" Tim snorts. "I take it back, actually. That's funny. Some patriot you are."
"I got more important song lyrics to remember." Kon's arm, snug about his waist, gives him a little squeeze. "Like—"
"Start singing 'Interior Crocodile Alligator' at me one more time and I'm breaking up with you."
Kon cackles. "I don't got more important song lyrics to remember, actually. How weird, I could've sworn I did."
He alights on the ground just next to the front porch, setting Tim down at his side with his customary, astounding gentleness. Tim is more than used to it by now, but sometimes, it still takes his breath away that someone can have so much strength in the tip of his pinky finger alone, and yet only ever handle him with so much care.
Before he can do anything sappy about it, though, like lean up on his toes to kiss Kon's cheek, there's a rush of air and—
Krypto tackles him to the ground, tail wagging mile-a-minute as he shoves his wet nose into Tim's cheek. Kon, the bastard, just stands there and laughs, while Tim desperately tries to wrangle seventy pounds of hyper superdog away from his face.
"Krypto!" He pushes Krypto's muzzle away just in time to avoid getting a pink tongueful of slobber on his mouth; it all lands on his cheek instead, and he scrunches up his entire face in protest. Krypto pants with excitement and licks him again. "Hey—Krypto, you're—eugh!"
That's slobber in his hair now, too. Great.
Kon finally takes pity on him and scoops Krypto up in his arms, holding him on his back. Krypto is incredibly wiggly against his chest, tail thumping against Kon's arm loud enough for Tim to hear. "Ooh, hi there, buddy, hi, yes, I missed you too, hi, yes!"
At any other moment, Tim would be trying desperately to stave off the impulse to melt at the sight of his boyfriend cradling his big dog like a baby. At this moment, however, Tim is too busy scrubbing superslobber off his face with his shirt.
And has he mentioned that it's not even eight in the fucking morning yet?
"You could've warned me," he huffs, climbing back to his feet. His shirt alone isn't good enough; he ducks behind Kon to avoid both ends of Krypto (tongue and tail, both dangerous) and aggressively rubs his face against his back. "Asshole."
Laughing, Kon tosses Krypto into the air, where he zooms off with an excited yip to do wide circles around them. "Sunshine, he tackles you every single time you come over. You still need a warning at this point?"
Tim huffs. "It's early."
"Aww." Kon ruffles his (dog-slobbery!!! gross!!!) hair, drapes his arm around his shoulders, and draws him up the farmhouse steps. "You can go take a shower while I help Ma finish up making breakfast, how's that sound?"
"I'm stealing your pink hoodie," Tim informs him. It's very big and extremely cozy. "As reparations."
Kon snorts. "Fine by me."
He doesn't bother to get keys out to unlock the door; he just rests his hand on the knob, and a moment later Tim hears the telltale snick! of the bolt opening. Kon starts to open it, then pauses, glancing down at Tim with a devious grin.
"Guess I'll just get to enjoy taking it off you later," he says, and winks.
Unbelievable. How is he still being a flirt while Tim is covered in grass and superslobber? This man...
He brushes past Kon to head for the stairs to the second floor bathroom, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, you'd better," he says, and grins to himself when his dumbass flirty boyfriend blushes.
♥ angst/fluff prompts ♥
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Rating: 18+
Angst, Fluff, Suggestive content, Domestic violence.
This series is a complete SLOWBURN. especially this chapter, the next chapter should be shorter but still a slowburn.
How could you have been so delusional to believe he was a good guy? Even after his narcissistic comments and manipulative behaviour, he was good for you? Maybe he can show you what amazing is.
Ah... It's been a while. I'm unsure if this will include various parts, so if you reach the end and its a cliffhanger there will be multiple parts.
Word count: 8.3k+
Albeit, you were attached to the couch. Where you had been berated and lectured at for the last thirty minutes, there was a hint of alcohol stinging your nose that made you nauseated. Your boyfriend of one year had finally lost it at you, for the fifth time this week. And it's only Wednesday.
Was it because you forgot to add seasoning to the salad? Maybe you didn't scrub the shower floor harsh enough, either way. You were verge of tears and spit back weak comments to your 'highly committed' boyfriend.
He grabbed your chin harsh, his hands smell like beer from the glass he had thrown before. Some glass cut into his hand which caused him to bleed, and that was your fault.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you need to go to fucking therapy again? Your such a waste of money and space! You should be happy I still love you, nobody else would want your fat thighs but me!"
Words cut deep, especially his. But he loved you, right? He has to love you if he still wants you, right?
"I'm sorry..." Tears stained your pink cheeks, a meek and perpetual tone came from your lips, another glass, this one yours. Red wine splattered on the wall now, cream and red, a stark contrast. That will be difficult for you to clean.
"No your not! If you were you would fucking clean everything up immediately!" Booming words echo through the apartment, had the neighbours heard him yelling yet?
In an instant you slip to the floor, bit by bit you pick up the bits and pieces of glass from the floor, careful not to injure yourself. 'Please don't hit me.' The thought ran through your mind currently, it only happened once and it was by accident. He apologised a few days later, at least it was going through his mind.
His knee collided with the coffee table near your head, it hurts your ears, the thud, and then it was across the room. On its side, the screws had come loose again. You'll have to fix that in the morning.
The couch leg snapped after he flipped the furniture you owned, you'll have to spend a bit more money for a new couch. How much did you have in your account again? Your mind was boggled while you put the pieces of broken glass in the bin, the jug was boiled. He wanted tea earlier.
"Fucking piece of shit! Can't do anything right!"
His words are screamed through your home, another vase broken now, you'll have to go over the bits with a vacuum. Maybe you could glue it back together. Are his parents visiting tomorrow? You should clean more then.
Your hands tremble while you dunk the chamomile tea bag into the boiled water, when it was just dark enough to his liking, your hands wrap around the now increasingly hot ceramic mug. One by one, your feet move silently towards where he is, he had grown less loud now. His yelling turned to agitation.
"Would you like your tea?" The scent of chamomile filled the alcoholic scent around you, your voice was quiet. If you were to speak loud, he would most likely grow more angry, by your yelling and toxic behaviour towards him.
His nose scrunched, snatching the tea from you and slamming it down on the table, there were two empty bottles of beer sat on the table. That would explain why he was more angry at you than usual. Still, you can do better. The hum of the TV in the background filled your almost empty thoughts, a beautiful blonde lady with big red lips and a small bust caught your attention, maybe if you were more like her he wouldn't be as angry with you.
Your brown hair and green eyes were nothing compared to the other foreign women he dated, but he always said they grew fatter while they were with him. Their beauty diminished the moment they gained a few pounds, to him. Maybe he was right. You thighs were getting bigger, and you had some pudge on your belly, maybe that's why he didn't want to have sex lately. Your boobs were big too, he always looked at the girls with smaller boobs. Saying how pretty they were and then saying how insecure you were when you asked him not to flirt with other girls.
It was always like that, his words were always harsh, but there were times when he is the world's most amazing person you knew. Like when he took you out to dinner with his friends, or when he went to your painting classes alongside you. Infact he makes dinner on special occasions, and he is super nice to his parents.
His lips connected with the now hot ceramic he hissed, blowing on the boiling water and standing up. The tension made your throat tighten, the taste of anger tinting the fear on your tongue.
"What are you just honna keep standing there? Sit." His hand runs through your hair as he pulls a chair out for you. Turning the TV off and sitting back down, gesturing for you to sit down with him.
A nice change, a small but cautious smile creeps to your lips, your legs shifting to the chair as you sat down. Your assigned seat from him. His shirt had some wine stains on them, it looked like blood. It suited him oddly enough.
"What are you making tonight for dinner."
"Ah I was thinking pasta with chicken and some fetta salad for sides."
He shook his head a look of disgust visible on his face. "Just make steak and salmon. It sounds disgusting."
A hurtful pinch came over your lungs while you nodded, standing up and looking at the time, it was 8:43pm. A bit late for dinner, you would both have dinner at 6:30pm, well, that changed because you didn't clean up properly. That's why you've been hungry for the last two hours.
He called out again, his voice raising as you disappear around the corner tlward the kitchen, it made you flinch. "And make me some lunch for work tomorrow after."
Another quiet sigh escaped from you, while you wandered into the kitchen. There was already pasta being cooked, that will have to be his lunch for tomorrow. Your hair was damp from your shower earlier, there was possibly red wine in it now, you'll find out when you can't brush your hair when it's drier.
His laugh echoes through the halls of the house, the TV humming in the back of your mind again. Just like earlier, it was one of those to.ight shows that features specifically after kids go to bed. Your hands move to begin cooking the steak, that would take the longest, since barbecues weren't allowed inside the apartments, your landlord specifying that when he noticed your neighbour had one on the balcony.
You slice some asparagus and leave it to the side, moving on to the other various vegetables that you were going to provide for him. But you would end up eating them for yourself, that was fine. The steak sizzles near your ear, the thought of how your siblings are doing send you into a daze while you unknowingly cut the carrot too close to your finger, the blood from your finger seeping onto the cutting board. You hiss and withdraw your hand, the knife falling to the floor, the bit of skin still stuck onto the knife.
The tap runs while you wash the blood off your hand, you were bleeding a lot now. The bandaids were located under the sink so you quickly fix yourself up, before continuing to cook. It would heal later, it's fine. You pick the knife up, flicking your skin into the bin and rinsing the knife under hot water, drying it with your apron and going back to cutting the vegetables again.
When you had finished with dinner, you made his plate first. Biggest steak and slice of salmon goes to him, the vegetables were steamed and put into a bowl so he could choose if he wanted it.
"Babe! This girl thinks she can be in the army!" His laughs echo yet again, it passes tour mind but you respond back with a half-assed laugh, he always fell for it.
Your legs move infront of eachother with his plate in one hand and the bowl of vegetables in the other, his cutlery stable on his plate. He had another beer on the table now, and he had drank half of it already. He wouldn't be sleeping tonight, you knew that for a fact.
"Here's dinner." You place the plate infront of him and give him the cutlery, the bowl across from him, he pushes it towards where you sit, still watching the TV while he scoffed his meal down.
His laughter was the only thing you could hear, the hum of the TV and among many other things in your house that made small noises, you couldn't cry. No matter how exhausted you were, you would be weak.
A few minutes go by now, your sat at the table, your elbows off the table and your arms didn't move from your sides, afraid of being yelled at yet again. His eyes never leave the TV, and her didn't talk to you unless it was about his work and how much effort he has to put in.
"Number Two Hero, Hawks. Saved over fifty people today! A fire started in a apartment complex near Tokyo and he was in the city for a meeting! No injuries or casualties were recorded!" The lady on the news spoke excitedly while gesturing to the multiple images of the fire, Hawks and the people he saved.
A low grumble and complain came from your biyfriend who spoke in a crude way. "Psh, we don't need heroes in our today society, the firefighters are there for that."
Hesitantly you agree again, with a forced chuckle and placing your cutlery to the side of your plate, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Your right, we already have people for that."
"Sometimes I think your delusional when you whine about stupid shit like that, if it bothers you that much just call the police or something. But you wouldn't ever do that to your loving boyfriend." Was his sudden and abruptly harsh response while he reached across the table and tilts your chin up to look at him.
"Don't you agree, baby?" His voice was mocking now, his hair was short. He cut it when another girl commented on his long hair.
You nod and flash him a smile, picking at the snow peas on your plate and eating them, his hand leaves your face when he goes back to watching the TV.
His arms were around your waist, he was fast asleep. Snoring beside your ear, you were both naked. Tears staining your eyes from him not listening to you throughout the past hour. 11pm was what the time was when you last looked.
And yet, he was still inside of you, no condom. He was persistent on getting you pregnant with a boy, someone who he could relate to. Ignoring your cries of pain when he was too rough, or when you begged him to pull out.
Your phone buzzed and it was the familiar number of your best friend, a Pro Hero, number 4th Hero to be exact. Even thought you had dropped out of the Hero course she still loved hanging out with you.
We should totally hang out tomorrow if your free, while dickface is at work
Glancing back at him, you look back at the screen infront of you, it had been a while since you went out with your best friend.
Yeah, sure.
She was the only friend you had currently, it was difficult making friends when he was around all the time. Beside me and not letting me talk for myself. They always gave weird looks and later asked if I was okay when he was gone.
You were though, he loved you. And he was only mad because he loved you, he was very passionate with his words. Mad or not, so why are people saying that he isn't good?
After messaging back and forth with your friend, you fell asleep, your phone on charge and off. You snuggle into your boyfriends touch who grumbled and rolled over, cursing. Maybe he was asleep.
Was he really good?
The time was now 5:20am. The sky had only just began to brighten up, and your boyfriend was long gone. No note, just the coldness of his side of the bed. The smell of alcohol was barely noticeable, which pleased you. But you were supposed to go visit your friend, unfortunately she lives on the other side of the city of Musutafu from you, and your car is shared with your boyfriend.
Maybe the train or bus would be a fine option for this. Or... You could ask a friend to help you out? Thankfully you half know someone. The half being that you've met them twice while they were with your friend, your unsure if they're dating.
He is quite attractive you'd add infront of your friend openly about him, the stubble along his fine jaw and his eye-liner was immaculate. Better than what you would ever be able to do. But does he even like you? That's the main question in your mind currently, would he be nice enough to help you to get across the city without you doing much effort.
Perhaps you would have to avoid the cameras at the front door, no. Definitely. If he saw you with another guy? He would race back and most likely shoot him, the thought taints the hopeful ones that also linger.
"Ah, maybe I should just take the train." Barely a whisper came beneath your breath, while the smell of slight alcohol still irritated you, surely he wouldn't mind, right?
And yet here you were, contemplating on whether or not to ask your friend if she can ask if the carmine winged with old gold eyes that pierce into your soul as if he can read everything out of you. But she has said that he isn't quite observant, just optimistic.
In the distance, outside of the window the sun casted a golden light onto your features through the slitted blinds, the light always looked good in here. The sun always hit right and made the room golden. So for a few minutes you relish in the warmth of the sun on the Autumn morning.
Autumn was lively, especially today, many people were already outside and walking, some with their dogs and others speeding towards the bus stops. It was a day you would usually work, but thanks for the pipes bursting nobody can work currently. Which means that your pay gets dropped.
Deep down you never really wanted to work, travelling across the countrysides of Japan sounded lively, however your boyfriend wasn't very persistent with your plan as you would like. The opposite of what he had said around your fifth date.
You slip out of bed, realising your pants were still off from last night. And still dirty, a shower would be nice, hopefully you weren't pregnant, you were close to your period anyway. But there is always a possibility, one that you hoped but also hoped not for.
A soft sound came from your phone which attracted your eyes, the warm wallpaper of your old house in the countryside always made you feel warmer than before, and yet the same homey and summer feeling struck you again, before you read the notification, it was indeed your friend. Rumi.
You still coming? Or do I need to beat someone's ass
It always made you feel odd when she didn't use much grammar in her texts, but Rumi was also a slow typer so it would have taken her a second. A second longer to find the question mark. You respond back while reading it, giving her a thumbs up for her first question.
I'll take the train to get to yours.
Another messaged popped up, the first word you read sent a small tinge of something to your lungs, and heart. It was odd, maybe it was your anxiety attacking you again.
hawks is coming too its his day off
Yet the grammar, it was fine. Maybe it was because you were raised to use grammar in every message or small piece of writing, even in small notes.
An hour passed by now and you had managed to find a nice suitable dress for the weather, not too hot and not too cold. A nice supposed summer dress a cream colour with a white jacket. Along with your purse, the usual wine red that caught your eye.
The air was soothing against the skin on your face, a small scar still stayed along your cheek from your highschool days and getting into fights, none of which you were excited about, nonetheless your parents who occasionally taught you respect via extreme methods while using their quirk.
But after you had dropped out of UA, was only then they began to show some more love towards you, almost as if they were worried about you and 'preparing' you for situations. One's that still don't make sense to you to this current day and age.
There were already people lined up to catch the bus, the one you were going to catch. It was always creating more anxious and stress filled memories while being cramped in a tight space. With so many people at the same time, thankfully they added women only carts on trains, ones you would be found commonly riding when moving around the city for any apparent reason.
The roads were smooth moving, and almost all of the seats were taken, a seat towards the front left vacant, so you sat in it before people had spotted it, trying to cram to get to it.
"Beautiful day today." Kou the bus driver had spoken in his cheery tone, even when it was raining he would always be happy about it, the plants getting water in the hot and humid days of summer and the hot chocolates and warmth of inside when it rained.
A soft smile painted your lips, the dimples along your cheeks but higher, more like whiskers showing. "Definitely."
"Going to catch a train today or wander the markets?" He continued on with small talk.
He would be no older than 60. Maybe younger. However his grey hairs had began coming in quite quickly, maybe he was also stressed.
"Ah, I'm catching up with a friend, so the train would work for me."
A soft laugh came from him while he was sat behind a plastic screen to protect him from people attacking him, it had became more and more frequent sadly.
He continued to keep his eyes on the road, making limited eye contact in the mirror so that he was able to see all areas of the bus.
"You youngin's got better legs then me and I'm going to the gym almost every day. You know I was once like you, quiet and considerably small..."
And he began to talk about his past, his wife who had passed on from stage four cancer, never specified where. But it still brings tears to his eyes, You was one of the very few people who gave you hope in this often discussed as a dystopia.
Multiple people on the bus sat accordingly, giving space for people to stand and not manspreading all over the bus.
"I saw one of them heroes today, the one with the bird wings— Ya see I don't really keep up with the new stuff nowadays, I say life was better before when people weren't so keen on causin' trouble for more people to clean up after 'em."
He was a sweet man, spoke on topics that were sensitive even if nobody had asked, sometimes he wasn't able to take a hint from someone's expression but would later somehow change the topic.
You agree silently to his words while keeping an eye out for your stop, however he seemed to know when your stop was without you even standing. He always says your eyes widen and you grab onto your things tighter before pressing the button, also saying his old age made him wiser in noticing people and when they want to leave. It usually made you laugh when he said it, even though you knew he could see you in the corner of his eye.
"Your like my daughter, she's one of 'em police officers now but she's still got the same quiet and teenager like look. Not sayin' you look young or anything you just don't look your age."
Sometimes he spoke fast, which usually took you two or three more seconds to interperate his mumbled words. While keeping an eye out you notice your gaining nearer to the entrance of the train station, anxiety suddenly running through your blood as you grip your purse more.
"Ah, we stopping here?"
"Mhm, thank you for helping me get here today, sir."
He pointed a finger at you, giving his usual soft smile and joking to you as he usually did. "Now I told you it's Kōu, It's fine and I don't mind not one bit."
You laugh and call him by his first name, quickly exiting when the doors open and walking into the station, however there was a crowd down the bottom of the stairs. Maybe someone popular was in this part of town, not uncommon but also irritating for people who wanted to get to work.
The smell of Autumn hit your nose after a few moments of being out of the bus, there was a small honk that you didn't pay attention to, but would thank him again for giving another last goodbye.
"Endeavour! Please sign my mask!" Someone screams echoed through the stairwell, yet they still covered the bottom of the stairs. There was nowhere to walk past without basically climbing over the crowd.
Of course, there was word on the news that Endeavour would be in this part of the city for a meeting and his work. But still, you were contemplating on how to ask people to move. Would they even hear you through all the yelling?
The Pro heroes eyes lock onto yours when you get towards the bottom of the stairs, biting down on your lip while trying to get past people. And before you realise it, the crowd has almost quieted down and he speaks in a harsh tone.
"Let's make way for people who are trying to get to places."
This made you feel a wave of heat rush to your cheeks, that made you completely embarrassed as the crowd began to move along with him, you sneak past. Scanning your card and pushing past the guard rails as to get past and towards the trains. Thankfully you weren't late as of yet.
The smell of moistness was more evident, small colours dotting over your vision whike you waited for the train, many others also waiting, as it would be more popular with a Pro Hero inside of the premises.
Your eyes shift to your phone, the time was around 8:40 am now, the bus drive takes a while which is why you wake up early. Rumi only waking up so she can get to work, a permanent alarm always in her head, even while she sleeps.
You were right on time to the train, but it was running only five minutes later now, meaning it would be busier, and that there would either be no space to fit or a wave of people pushing past to see the Pro.
Yet you were right, the train comes to an end and there are mass amounts of people pushing past to get to the doors, the people sitting down getting many bottoms flashing them while they squirmed through crowds.
The doors open and the people rush out, with a small time to think you stick towards the side of the door, hoping to slip in before it closed, thankfully you did. The trains were still packed, but there was enough for your shoulders to move around without hitting anybody.
It had grown increasingly more quiet, the subtle smell of cologne stinging your nose, it was strong. Even though you were nowhere nearby the individual, a strong woody cologne. Definitely a business man, or an accountant.
It was almost a normal day, the usual average amount of people you counted when you go to work was less, people who you worked with also caught the train to work. Which was more in the centre of the city. A pain for you, not so much for others.
"The next destination is, Central Musutafu. Please make sure the doors are clear for exiting."
The cheery voice from the speakers caught everyone's ears, those of which who had no reason to listen didn't.
You move towards a nearby railing to keep you stable while the train comes to a slow, yet quick pause. The doors opening yet again slowly, the central part of the city was always busy, night time workers coming off their shift and more people just in general.
It always made your breath hitch when you had to pass lots of people, there have been times reported of pick pockets. But rare, it wasn't going to ever be you though. Your purse clutched to your chest, and your phone hidden in one of the pockets inside of your thick jacket.
Your legs continue to move quickly while the crowd dissipates more as you exit the station, the city was still packed but less dense than the mildew scented station. Japan tried their best to make underground station smell as appropriate as they could, but the recent rain did not help them. Along with homeless people or drunks sleeping in them.
"Rumi if you haven't gotten me that taxi like you promised I'm going to be pissed when I get to your house."
Those words ran through your head at this very moment, Rumi had promised you a ride to her apartment when you had gotten out of the train, not wanting you to spend even a penny's worth more of your money on transportation. Would it be a black van like last time, where you felt like you were being kidnapped? Or a normal taxi like you asked.
"Hey." A voice calls from behind you, a man in a hat, mask and sunglasses looming behind you, however, the crimson wings and dirty blonde specks of hair gave this individual away.
You turn still feeling your heart race from the sudden intrusion of the thoughts of transport that Rumi had gotten you. However, if it was him. This was an extreme length, even if you had wanted him to fly you over the city to whereever you wanted to go. This was excessive.
"Hey Haw— Keigo I mean." Catching yourself off guard and nearly attracting attention by calling him by his work name would not help you, or him out. "Did Rumi send you to get me?"
If he wasn't wearing so many clothes that covered his identity, you wouldn't be holding back your laughter right now, but if he was here to give you a helping hand, or wing to Rumi's it would be nice.
"Mhm, want to ride on this birds back or in my arms?" Yet again, he was a heartthrob, even if you had a boyfriend. He was... Considerably attractive.
It was clear a look of confusion mixed with hesitance was all over your face right now by the way he gave a chuckle. And while he noticed your clothing, the dress and jacket. It was obvious why you were hesitant.
He gave another chuckle, his eyes squinting, he was most likely smiling. "I have a car don't look so hesitant. I don't give free bird rides everyday."
You give a soft sigh of relief when you heard him clearly, and he turns, giving a nod for you to follow him. Keeping his face covered while walking to his car, however there was someone inside of the car already. Did he have a personal driver? The man inside gets out of the car and reaches to open the back door, giving you a helping hand inside of the car while Keigo went toward the passenger side of the car.
"Thank you."
The man doesn't respond verbally, but with a quick nod before closing the door and getting into the car making sure the seatbelts were on before he began driving into the streets. They were already packed so early in the morning.
Well, this was awkward, at least for you. Hawks, or Keigo was now removing his layers on his face and fluffing his wings, keeping his eyes on the road. Was it true he was able to see out of his feathers? Or was that documentary about the top 10 heroes wrong? His hair falls nicely, it's long. Back in highschool he had it cut shorter, but you.mever really spoke with him that much in highschool.
"You look different." Keigo speaks calmly, but still in his cock and teasing tone. "Not in a bad way, just different hair and clothes now."
"Just went through some changes I suppose."
You answered accordingly, however the reason why you had changed was because of your boyfriend. He said he buys all these nice things so you should wear them, and you do. You love him, and he loves you. Even though he gets mad a lot more often now, he's always out late as well. One of your work colleagues had said he saw him with another woman, a foreigner.
When confronted he yelled and stormed out, messaging and saying that it was for a meeting. Before accusing you of cheating, because you had to work overtime and came home late.
Keigo crosses his arms, still staring almost blankly out of the window, so you do the same. It would be weird if you continued to gaze at him, in his car. The city moves fast and slow, the traffic increasing as time goes on. And a few more minutes go by and your infront of an apartment complex. Rumi's.
Flicking a message to Rumi, Keigo and the driver were the first to exit, you coming out as well but more awkwardly, lacking behind as to not be found getting out of a car with the Pro Hero. The doorman glances at the three, giving Keigo and gives gesture to head on in. You give him a nod of appreciation.
"Have a nice day."
The doorman glances almost confused, had he not been talked to by many visitors? Or maybe he is confused as to why a commoner would be walking in with a Pro.
Keigo still walked infront, you walking a couple of steps behind, eyes beaming across surfaces. You had been here before, but it was all so fancy. More than what you would ever be able to afford with the money you currently had. Even the elevator had a doorman, standing inside, waiting for anyone to come through.
"24th floor." Keigo's voice sounded through your ears, holding the automatic closing doors open while you scurry inside, standing behind Keigo now.
The worker nods and scans a card, pressing the button to the floor. These apartment complexes had a floor with each apartment, they were massive. You knew that Rumi could buy a mansion if she wanted, but she preferred here. It never came to your mind as to why she would.
When the elevator began moving higher and higher it made you feel uneasy, like a slow moving roller-coaster that moved further up and up and up.
The elevator doors open and Rumi was already waiting, her door was open and Rumi was already stranimg there, her ears perched atop of ther head and she was wearing comfy looking clothes, unlike yours. But you didn't really have any.
"Oh my god!— Keigo move." She spoke in a cold manner to Keigo and pushed past giving you a tight embrace and picking you up with ease, she was shorter than you. But she was strong as shit. "We haven't seen eachother in forever!"
Keigo did nothing but stand there, already heading inside while giving a chuckle while you were carried into Rumi's apartment. The door closing and the silence out outside was now deafening, the elevator closing softly and descending now.
You drop your purse and phone onto the coffee table infront of the lounge while still being carried like a doll. You felt like one now when Rumi threw you onto the couch and flopping down beside you, cackling while cracking jokes with Keigo about God knows what.
Rumi already had drinks sat on the table, passing one to you that was unopened, before conversing with you now. Keigo spread his legs across the area gives to him, his wings curled to make him comfier. He sipped away at the can that was thrown at him previously.
"I invited Endeavour but the snob had to go to work today!" She exclaimed, giving you a pat before taking another swig of her drink. Crossing her legs and leaning back, her arms spreading.
"You broken up with that manipulative son of a bitch yet?"
You give a soft sigh, knowing this was how it would lead to, her trying to persuade you into getting out of your toxic relationship, even though it wasn't. To you at least.
"No, and he's not manipulative, he just has... His own opinions."
Rumi scoffs and leans closer to you. "And those opinions happen to relate to your entire world revolving around him? Ah, I could treat a girl better than him and I'm not gay!"
You give a small chuckle, holding your drink with both hands and keeping a small space so that Rumi could spread out. She was like that, a few more drinks and she would be all over you and teeling you to break up with him over and over. You love your great friend dearly, and you could tell she was trying to help. But you were happy, even if it made you hide and feel threatened sometimes he always cared.
Keigo sat there with a blank face, like he was pissed off but also not? He always confused you. It was hard to read his face, but dang. His eye-liner was fine. Maybe he could teach you?
The day moved fast and it was now 5:25pm. You weren't much of a drinker, which was why you were more tolerant to the alcohol than Rumi right now. Keigo didn't look drunk, but he was growing more smiley through the day. You were on your 3rd drink, and you hadn't gotten any messages yet. Thankfully.
"Rumi I think you should have some water, so you don't pass out, hm?"
You stand up, taking her under your arm while guiding the two of you towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Keigo simply watched with his teasing grin, teasing his friend at how much of a lightweight she was at times.
He continued to sip at his 4th drink of the day, watching the two of you through the door frame of the kitchen. There was an island with stools around the edge of the kitchen, but he didn't mind currently.
Pouring a glass of water for your friend she was giggling at her own jokes that she made, none of which making much sense to you, but you still giggled at her slurred comments while she leaned against you. After persuading her to drink the water she finally does and you both go to sit back down, Rumi making even more conversations happen.
"I've heard that your boyfriends a bit of a dick." Old golden eyes scan over your figure, you weren't affected by the alcohol at all.
Quite humbled you shake your head, a comment about your beloved boyfriend being a dick, by a Pro hero? Maybe that was something. It felt shameful, not to your boyfriend but you. But he was a good boyfriend.
"He has his moments but he loves me. I don't think it's your business to stick your feathers in someone else's business."
The words came off harsher than expected, and you straighten your lip and bite down on your tongue.
Keigo raises his hands, his brows raising with a grin, his hair was pushed back from Rumi.
"My bad. Never heard something like that come outta your quiet and respectful mouth."
He still had that grin on his lips when he tried to make the conversation light-hearted. "Sorry." Was your response, sure it was kinda half-assed but at least he got one. You would have felt bad if you didn't apologise anyway.
"No need, I shouldn't be sticking my feathers in your business." His fingers made quotation marks while he gulps down the last few mouthfuls of his drink, putting it down on the table with a 'tonk'.
You look to Rumi who was drinking another beer yet again, your face goes more to concerned when she starts skulling it and you reach over telling her to stop drinking because she will get sick.
"Give me the can Rumi! Ah— I— Rumi!– No don't keep drinking it!" Keigo leaned back, watching the scene unfold, before a glimpse of red passed your eyes and Rumi didn't have the can anymore, it was on the coffee table now.
After a few seconds of staring at Rumi and Keigo you realise what's happened, and you give a small bow to Keigo who waved a hand at you.
"No need for autographs my beloved fan."
You give an almost confused face, the gears turning in your head. "I'm not a fan of your agency. I prefer someone else."
He gave another light-hearted chuckle, leaning forward and adjusting his wings, these couches weren't exactly built for giant bird wings. It made you feel slight pity, but that washed away when he gave you a stupid smirk, his eyes still look at you while you stared at him.
"About your boyfriend."
Your face drops and he stands now, picking up the empty cans and dropping them in the recycling, his feathers rushing to grab yours and Rumi's. "Whatever your gonna say I don't–"
He speaks over the top of you, a feather covering your mouth. "I've heard cases related a lot like yours. So don't be stupid and think, though I think you already do that. Your a chef."
"Don't get too hung over about how he treats you good." He continues, "And how some of the time and gets mad over little things, abuse isnt what partners do to another. Don't think the obvious handprint on your neck and your bruised jaw didn't catch my attention. I've seen it before. Its not bad to call for help."
You stand now, a flush of heat rushes over your face and you were going to yell before you sigh and sit back down. A somber expression painting your features while Rumi was on the verge of passing out, her drunkened state making her late to the conversation.
"M... Hey now, squabble ish not allowed." The rest of her sentence was slurred and barely heard from the two of you.
Your phone began to buzz, and it was the only time you were able to hear it while the room was quiet. So you rise quickly, headed to your phone and unlocking it to see messages from your boyfriend. Those of which were clearly mad messages. Ranging from 'where are you' to 'you stupid bitch'. It must have been obvious by your expression when a familiar earthy smell filled your senses and you turn around to see Keigo standing behind you.
"It's bad manners to snoop."
He shrugs, not minding your irritated tone. "I don't really have manners. Not my style."
The taste of iron on your tongue made you realise you may have bit down too hard on your tongue, was it the taste of blood? Or was it the taste of anxiety that you got. The words you wanted to call him for being a stuck up asshole were thriving in your mind currently, but you had bugger issues to worry about. Now that your boyfriend was pissed, telling you to stay wherever you were at for the night because he was having a friend over.
It was odd, even if he had friends over he never said that.
The silence of your neighbourhood had you at more of ease while you walked in the night, the usual 2 hours it took for you to get home took 4 hours, transportation being a pain, and the buses not operating so you had to walk. Something about gps. Kōu would say something about it to you though.
The stairs to your house looked as bland as ever, the three pairs of shoes that were sat at your door was unusual. It was always two, his work boots and casual shoes. There were... heels? Was there another woman inside your house?
You take your shoes off, fumbling in your pockets for the house keys, and the moment the door is unlocked, a woman's coat sits where your coat would sit. An expensive looking fur coat.
Those words rung out through the hallway of your house, you pass the living room, dining room, kitchen, spare bedroom. Nobody.
Then, when you came into earshot of it, it was high pitched. Loud. Moans. He said that she was a friend, was it real he was cheating on you? No. He wouldn't do that, he loves you. He said it to you, on the first date. So why would he do this? Is it his friend?
Your hand trembles when it reaches the doorknob, could you bring yourself to see? If it was your boyfriend? How would you kick him out? Would he leave? He has to its your house. Why would he cheat? Was it you?
The knob turns and you peer inside of your room, and yet the image was what you never wanted to see. Your boyfriend, fucking another girl. Blonde hair, small tits and the perfect body.
His eyes flicker over you, but he continues to rut into the unknown woman while making out with her, her moans getting louder to the point it sounded like she was screaming. He doesn't break eye contact, and he doesn't have any emotion whatsoever. This vision infront of you blurred, your tears filling the brims of your waterline, pouring over your cheeks and onto the floor.
"I thought you loved me." Your voice was weak and the woman had finally noticed you, shielding herself with your sheets. On your bed.
"Babe? Who is this?"
She was pretty. She didn't have pimples. Her body was perfect.
"I'm his girlfriend." You spoke up now, the tears were falling harder than ever, your chest paining you so so so deeply. Why would he do this?
The girl stares dumbfounded at you and then you boyfriend, still not getting anything while he stared in an almost threatening way. Before rage fills her face and she slaps him, hard. Getting up and picking up her clothes storming past you and out the door, putting on the red tube dress that she most likely worse before. Slamming the door behind her.
"I thought you were actually the one." Your words felt heavy, you felt heavy. She was so skinny. So pale. So... perfect.
He scoffs, standing, he was still naked as he pulled on some jeans, shoving his junk inside and zipping his fly up, his steps were slow as he walked to you. "Your delusional."
"Your a fucking slut. You actually thought I liked you?"
Your hand collides with his cheek abruptly, and suddenly your on the floor. His hands wrapping around your neck and pressing down. He was trying to choke you out.
"The only time that I get the love of my life in bed you come home and fucking ruin it all, huh? You know how long it took me to get that fucking whore here?! Huh?!" His fist lands against your jaw. Blood spurting from your mouth almost instantly.
Then all of the hits came, landing on your face, body. Everywhere he could get. Your hands try and push his other hand off your throat, the painful feeling in your lungs cause you to choke out. He picks you up, and throws you back down. Your body crumbling against the floor.
His foot lands harshly on your side, you spat on the floor, his hand comes down to grip your hair. Dragging you down the hallway and into the loungeroom, your screams were futile.
Your back is against the couch, this feel familiar to you. All too familiar. He was never a good guy, you were so blinded by love that you couldn't see all of the horrible shit he was doing.
His punches are harder now, and her hits a wine glass against your head, a warm feeling was now against your head, now the side of your face. Dripping down against your jacket. You try your best to block his attacks but it was useless, you were useless.
He wasn't speaking anymore, his hits becoming harsher and harsher, and the more hits that landed against your head, the less you could feel it and the more warmth that covered your face.
In an attempt to get out of his attacks you use part of the glass and throw it at him, sliding off the couch. Your knees buckle and you slip to the cold wooden floor, Red staining the wood below your head, his hands grab your ankles and before you knew it, he rips your jacket off, ripping some of your hair out before kicking you more. In the back, sides, stomach. It all hurt.
It hurts. Yet you can't seem to get out.
And yet when the numb feeling runs all over your body and the pressure from his kicks and brutal attack comes to a pause, all you can do is look up at him with tears in your eyes before he storms out of the room, the front door slamming while his feet thump through your home.
The ringing in your ears made the silence of the living room audible while you began to sob on the floor, curled into a ball while the pain stings you from all over your body.
Your head throbs before your eyes close, the noise of feet against the wooden floors of the hallway caught your attention while you sobbed against the floor. Had he come back? Pressure pushed against the front of your head, while the tears fell onto the blood piled on the floor below your head.
"Well you don't look too chappy." A voice came from above your head. And while you didn't look up at who it could be, it was already known to you who it was.
"I did tell you to ask for help."
The sudden feeling of your body falling limp and a drop of your head made you groan in pain, arms wrapping around you and leaning your head against a familiar harsh but soft ended feathered structure.
A vibration was felt against your arm and the sound of him chuckling as he began to walk, hid steps were fast before the air struck against the blood still dropping over your face. Your guts dropped when a sudden lift and flap of his wings sent you both into the air, however he had only bent his wings to give more height to get over the buildings, it was still fast and made you groan in pain as the movement sent shock waves through your system.
His grip got tighter as he spoke lowly now, "Chill, I'm taking you to a hospital. Just deal with the pain for a little, it's gonna hurt but at least your not stuck in traffic."
Your eyes were still squinted open, the wind only just breaking in past your lashes while he flew at an exceptional speed, the lights of the city blurred as your eyes lidded and shut. Still whining from the pain, the wind deafens against your ears while you had managed to drift off into an unconscious state. Shocking seeing as how your injuries look painful.
"The police should have it all covered by now. Don't worry your little brain on anything else right now."
Feathers were stuck in his shirt so that he was basically attached to the concrete, a few bruises beginning to form along his face while he groaned in pain when the police shined lights in his face.
He had only gotten through half of the block before a hit landed against his face by a man only just shorter than him, deep golden eyes piercing his through the lens of the odd looking glasses this figure wore.
Yet he tried to land a hit on this individual, still covered in the blood of his partner, his feet stumbling against the floor before another blow to his nose sent him against the wall.
Those eyes locked on to his before he leaned down, glaring at him like an eagle about to eat its prey.
"The fuck? Your that hero!"
He spat, which landed a few feathers to pierce through his clothing, attached to the wall. He was unable to move much before this individual infront of him had stood up.
He gave a cocky smirk while pulling out his phone and messages another person.
"The winged hero; Hawks. Police are on their way so I advise you don't move unless you want to be stuck in jail for longer." He spoke coldly even though his expression was the opposite.
"Y'know, I'm glad abusers like you get treated horribly after their actions are shown. Maybe there is something worth seeing in this shit area."
Another blow on the face sent the man into a knocked out state, while Hawks began to adjust the man's posture, into an upside down seastar position.
And yet, when the man woke up from being knocked out the pro hero was gone, like he vanished without a trace and the flashing light of a police car blinded him.
Part 2 will be out later and a masterlist of stories will be made!
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
Sunshine: Too Far Already
"Why are you still up?"
Vernal heard the voice from the window and was brought out of her thoughts, she grabbed her dagger and looked at who it was, and when she did, her eyes widened. He was sitting outside, out on the fire escape, and he was not in the best condition. He had bruises and cuts in certain places, his cloak was blood stained as was his shield, and her worry grew.
"What the hell happened to you!?" She cried.
Jaune put his finger to his lips, he then slipped into the room and groaned in pain before standing up straight and looking back at her
"What happened to you?" Vernal asked, her tone much quieter.
Jaune looked at her and smirked, "I-I'm fine... Ver-"
"You're covered in blood!" She seethed, "You are not fine, you're covered in blood for Oum sake!"
Jaune chuckled, "Would... would it make you feel better to know that most of this isn't mine?" he asked.
Vernal glared at him, "Get your ass in the shower, put these clothes in the basket, and put on a new pair, I'll wash them later," She told them, "Ass in the shower, now!" She ordered.
Jaune did as he was told and sets Crocea Mors on the little table, he then walked over to his bag and picked grabbed a fresh pair of clothes, and before he entered, Vernal threw him a towel, and he caught it and went inside the bathroom and took a shower. Once she heard the shower turn on and knew that Jaune was inside, she opened the door and grabbed his clothes, threw them in the laundry, and waited outside.
Her attention turned to his weapon, which lay on the table and she walked over to it and looked it over. She looked over the shield and saw the blood that was on the edges and on the face of it, she then unsheathed the sword from the shield and looked it over and saw the blade and it saw blood, or what remained of it as it appeared to be wiped away but there was still red on the blade, he would have to clean that himself. She sheathed the blade and deactivated the shield, morphing it back into a simple sheath.
She went to her back and pulled out a few things she needed after Jaune finished showering and set them on her bed, once she had everything, she zipped her bag up and set it on the ground.
Eventually, she heard the shower turn off and waited for Jaune to dry off and get dressed. After a minute or so, Jaune came out of the shower, his hair was damp and he wore a dark brown shirt and a pair of light blue jeans.
He then turned to Vernal, "Better?" he asked.
Vernal looked at him, "Almost," She said. "Take off your shirt," she told him.
Jaune looked at her confused, "Why?" He asked, "I just put this on," he told her.
"Yeah, my mistake," She said, "I gotta clean and bandage up those wounds of yours because if you had any Aura, those wounds would've healed themselves already," she said, glaring a bit.
"Right..." he said with a nod. Jaune was looking down like a child caught doing something.
Jaune did as he was told and took off his shirt and Vernal saw the number of cuts and bruises he had all over his upper body and torso. Vernal then pointed him to sit on her bed and he did so as he sat on the edge of the bed, Vernal got onto the bed and sat right behind him, her legs crossed and she grabbed a cloth and dabbed it in disinfectant, and began dabbing the cloth his wounds.
Jaune winced in pain as he felt the slight sting of the disinfectant.
earing him wince, Vernal looked at the back of Jaune's head, "How did this even happen?" She asked him. "Your semblance allows you to boost your aura, how did you get cut?" She asked him
"I... I kinda didn't focus on amping my Aura," He told her, "During the fight, I didn't focus on boosting my aura, I just... I focused on killing them, and so I... I forgot to boost my aura, some of the impacts of the bullets really affected me, that's why I got a few bruises, but I killed the ones with guns before my aura broke, but I kept fighting, and then I kept on fighting, some of them cut me with their Machete's and some picked up a few iron bars and struck me with them," he told her.
Vernal glares hardened and if she had laser vision, she'd burn a hole through the back of his head, "You let your anger get the better of you, didn't you?" She asked, her glare hardening.
Jaune didn't answer right away but then gave her a quick nod. "...Yeah," He told her.
Vernal growled and stopped cleaning his wounds. "How could you be so stupid!?" She asked, "What if they killed you!?" She asked.
Jaune shook his head, "They weren't going to," He told her.
"You don't know that!" She told him, "You aren't invincible Jaune! Just because you're a huntsman doesn't mean you're immortal! For Oum's sake Jaune, look how cutup you are! All because you were more focused on killing them than staying alive!"
"That's not-"
"It's true and you fucking know it!" Vernal yelled. "Don't tell me that isn't the fucking truth! Why can't you just admit it? You are...! You're such an asshole!" She said, her voice breaking.
Hearing her tone change abruptly, Jaune turned his body around and looked at her, worry on his face "Vernal?" He asked.
Vernal still glared at him but he could see tears begin to form in her eyes. "D-Do you have any idea how worried I was? Your out there starting a war against a whole gang! You're outnumbered and outgunned! And you choose to go out there and fight them all and you don't consider how that would make us feel! W-What if you died for fuck sake!? How do you think Oscar would feel!? H-How do you think I would feel!?" She asked.
"Vernal-" Jaune began
Vernal cut him off before he could say more, "Damn it Jaune! Why is it you!? Why does it have to be you out there killing them!?" She asked angrily as tears fell.
"Because it has to be me!" Jaune cried.
Vernal stopped and looked at him with wide eyes, slowly, her shock turned to confusion. "Wh-What...?" She asked him.
Jaune looked at her with a solemn expression, "It has to be me, Vernal," He told her, "I... I need to do this because I can't- I won't let you or Oscar get blood on your hands! I am not letting you or Oscar muddy up your souls for this! Not you two!" Jaune told her, his voice stern and angry.
Vernal glared at him because what she heard pissed her off greatly. "You don't get to decide that Jaune!" Vernal told him, "You and I know I have plenty of blood on my hands as it is! Killing those motherfuckers out there isn't going to change a damn thing!"
"It isn't!?" Jaune asked with a raised brow, his expression then turned to anger, "You know damn well that it is! If Oscar kills Malachite he won't come back from it! If you kill her..." Jaune began but didn't finish.
Vernal looked at him with an angry expression and a raised brow, "If I kill her what!? What Happens Jaune, huh!? Are you afraid I'll go back to being how I was before I talked about my past!?" She asked him, "Because if you are, you have no right to say or even think that! What happens to you if you kill her, huh!? What the fuck happens to you!?" She asked him.
Jaune glared at her, "It doesn't matter what happens to me!" He told her with a furious tone.
Vernal glared back at the blonde, and pointed her finger at him, "That's what you think! Because it doesn't matter what happens to you!" She cried, she then jabbed him with her pointer finger, "But it matters to me! It fucking matters to me! You're my partner! We keep each other safe! We watch each other's backs! Remember!?" She asked him.
Jaune looked at her and he looked back down to the bed, feeling terrible, knowing what she said was true, and because he realized he was being inconsiderate to her feelings about the whole thing.
Vernal's anger died down and her face turned to one of sadness, "We are all going through the same," She told Jaune, "Were are all dealing with Melissa's death, we are all blaming ourselves for what happened, Oscar the most! We all are angry at Spider, we want them to suffer, all three of us, do you know how hard it was for me to meet her and not shoot her in her fat face? But this... this isn't good for us Jaune," Vernal told him, her voice breaking down once more.
Jaune's expression shifted to sadness and he could feel his emotions begin to rise to the surface. Finally, he began to cry, and seeing him do so, so did Vernal. Vernal moved closer to him and hugged him and he hugged her back, both held the other tightly as their tears continued to flow.
Jaune sniffled and tried to compose himself, "We can't stop this, Vernal..." Jaune told her.
Vernal composed herself and nodded, "I know... I know..." She replied with a sniffle.
"We've already started our plan, and with the members of Spider I killed, they won't stop until we kill them all," Jaune told her.
"I know," She replied again. She then broke the hug and looked at him, but he looked at the bed, so she gently grabbed him by the cheek and moved his head to look at her. "But when the time comes, when we finally do that bitch in... we do it together, got it?" She asked.
Jaune nodded slowly, "Got it," he said, his tone still somewhat sad.
"Arc's word?" She asked.
Jaune nodded once again, "Arc's word," He replied.
"Good," She said, "Now turn back around, I gotta finish cleaning the one's on your back," She told him.
Jaune nodded and faced her fully, as she dabbed the cloth with more disinfectant and cleaned his wounds, he winced again as he felt the cloth touch another cut.
Jaune looked to the floor of the room before the front paws of the Beowulf manifested and seeing the paws, Jaune glared in anger as his head slowly looked up and when it did, he was face to face with the Beowulf, the beast's nose was only a few inches away from Jaune's face, and the Grimm looked the young knight in the eyes and it back to cackle.
Jaune glared at the beast and gave it a look, asking what was so funny, but the beast began to laugh louder.
'What have I told you about making promises you can't keep?' It asked him.
Jaune tensed up and his anger grew as he continued to glare at the Grimm.
'Stop making promises you'll never be able to keep... You can promise whatever you want on your name, swear on your life, but they'll be broken, one way or another, they'll be broken,' It told him 'It is easy to make a promise, but it is harder to keep them in this world you now live in,' The Beowulf told Jaune with a chuckle.
Jaune glared at the beast, as it continued to laugh before it disappeared, but Jaune could still hear the faint laughter of the Beowulf, and its words began to weigh heavily on his mind.
Jaune stopped thinking of the Beowulf when Vernal called to him and he turned his head, "Yeah?" he asked.
"You ok?" She asked, "You tensed up for a bit there," She told him.
Jaune nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine Vernal, just lost in that is all," He replied.
Vernal accepted his answer and went back to cleaning his wounds, and once she was finished she told him to face her and he did so, but when he did, he felt a little uncomfortable as Vernal cleaned the cuts around his stomach and chest, he knew she wasn't really paying much attention to his body, but he still felt a little bashful and a tinge of pink formed on his cheeks.
Jaune looked at Vernal and saw her concentrate on cleaning his wounds. "Hey, Vernal," he called.
"Yeah?" she asked as she remained focused on the task at hand.
"Thanks, for this," he told her.
Vernal smiled, and nodded, "I-It's no problem," she said as she continued tending to the cuts on the young blonde's chest. Unbeknownst to the knight, Vernal had a light shade of pink on her cheeks as well.
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crestfallencrest · 9 months
Summary: Yuri never minded the cold. He was usually the type to get through a harsh and cold winter day without much issue. Today, however, was not one of those days.
Prompt: No prompt, just some Duke/Yuri conversations in the discord that left me INSPIRED. Modern AU (Other oneshots can be read here on Ao3! [x] ) Pairings: Duke/Yuri Genre: Fluff Warnings: N/A Word Count: 1,998
Been hit with a tiny writing slump (too many ideas grabbing my attention) but I really really started liking Duke/Yuri lately and I really REALLY wanted to write a winter themed one shot for the Holidays so here I am. Short but sweet! Also, a present for my fellow Yuri/Duke lovers in the discord server I'm in <3
Yuri wasn’t the type of person who got cold easily. 
He had always been that way growing up. While Flynn would be bundled up with multiple layers from head to toe, Yuri could usually get by with a simple jacket and gloves. Maybe a scarf if it was a particularly windy day. But regardless, he would usually get through the day without a single complaint. ( “That’s rare, coming from you.” Flynn had said once, to which Yuri promptly told him to shove it and stop being jealous. )
His resistance to the cold seemed to shock his friends whenever it was brought up. Usually the topic would come up whenever one of his more ‘motherly hen’ friends ( coughEstellecough) would exclaim in shock over how little layers Yuri had decided to wear that day and every time, he would have to explain that he simply didn’t mind the cold weather. He moved around too much for it to bother him too much and a lot of his time on the job was usually spent indoors. Plus, growing up in a shoddy apartment without a heating system did wonders in helping Yuri adjust to the wonders of freezing temperatures. 
Today, however, was not one of those days where he could simply just shrug off the harsh and bitter winds of that winter afternoon. 
He worked as a cook at a small little restaurant on the other side of town and unfortunately, whatever otherworldly being that watched over him had decided that he was looking just a tad too dry when he was working on washing the dishes at the end of his shift. A pipe had burst and Yuri was quickly and completely soaked within seconds. It turned out that his simple afternoon shift had quickly turned into a closing shift as the restaurant had to be shut down early so the plumber could come in and fix the issue. 
Unfortunately for Yuri, it wasn’t like he had any spare clothes to change into at the restaurant. He was starting to wonder if maybe some extra layers wasn’t such a bad idea after all but he also couldn’t give his partner and certain other people leverage to say ‘I told you so.’
Not that they could right now, even if they wanted to. The water jet from Hell decided that soaking him to the bone wasn’t enough and that it also had to completely destroy his phone in the process. So calling someone to come and pick him up or bring him some spare clothes was unfortunately out of the question. 
So, Yuri decided to just fucking deal with it. 
It wasn’t that long of a walk to the bus stop and he’s endured worse before. So all he had to do was make it onto the bus, ignore the sting of his freezing fingers and the shivering of his body, get home, strip and take a very warm shower and hopefully no one would be any the wiser. Gods forbid the scolding he would get if his partner caught him out in freezing temperatures, soaked from head to toe. He could definitely hear his voice now if he saw Yuri at this moment, all huddled over and shivering as if seconds away from freezing to death at any given moment. He’d be concerned, of course, but his deep voice would also have that slight hint of disapproval as he would say–
“You wouldn’t be so cold if you had taken the extra coat like I had asked.”
Yeah, he would say it exactly like that. 
Aw, fuck.
Yuri momentarily forgot about the winter’s frozen touch slowly creeping through his body just long enough for his body to jolt into a more straightened standing position. He whipped his head around, following the voice’s source and he wasn’t sure if he was cursed or blessed to see the familiar red eyes piercing into his soul with what he could only assume was his stare of judgment that he could only work to perfect the longer they lived together. 
Long white strands poked from the red wool knit cap that he wore over his head, with the rest of it being held down by the black and white checkered scarf that was, in Yuri’s opinion, quite horrendous but it had been a gift from Judith when she was last in town so, of course, his partner saw no reason to not use it. Sure enough, Yuri could tell that the man was wearing at least two layers of clothing to combat the cold weather and for once in his life, Yuri was a bit jealous. 
“Oh, h-hey Duke.” Yuri greeted with a tiny grin, trying to bite back the shiver in his voice. “What’re you doin’ here?”
Duke quietly moved to stand by him at the bus stop, letting his arm raise a bit to show off the small grocery bag in his hand. “Groceries.” He answered simply before turning his head a bit to face him. “You mentioned needing to make cookies later this week for the holidays, did you not? We were out of sugar and butter.”
“A-Ah…” Yuri nodded quickly, letting his arms wrap around himself. “G-Good catch–”
The words barely left Yuri’s mouth before he realized that Duke was staring him down, eyes narrowed slightly before his free hand reached over to brush against Yuri’s shoulder. Duke was generally a hard person to surprise. In fact, despite Yuri’s life mission to try and startle this man at literally every given opportunity, he was ashamed to admit that he’s only managed to pull it off a handful of times and instead, it seemed to be Duke that would catch Yuri off guard, most days. 
(For example, how in the hell was he supposed to expect that Duke Pantarei of all fucking people would confess first?! No one could have possibly expected that! Of course Yuri would be surprised by that!)
However, upon letting his fingers brush against the jacket that was undoubtedly carrying more water than warmth, Yuri was surprised to see Duke’s hand jerk back in surprise. Yuri watched as his eyes widened and his serious expression tightened, frown stretching across his face. He didn’t say anything and instead just stared at Yuri and… ah, yeah, Yuri was fully familiar with that look. He was definitely in trouble. 
“I’ve had one hell of a day.” Was all Yuri could offer and that definitely did not seem to quell Duke’s concerns. 
“Why are you standing outside in this weather as wet as you are?”
“Man, and it’s not even the fun kind of wet–”
Man, he kept hoping that that joke would land. Maybe one day. 
Yuri shoved his hands into his pockets, though it didn’t seem to help the impending chill that was quickly returning to his body. “A pipe busted at work and unfortunately, I was right in the line of fire. And I didn’t have a change of clothes.” 
Duke’s eyebrows furrowed. “You could have called me.”
“Oh yeah. Might need a new phone. Water got into my current one.” Yuri would have laughed had he not lost maybe two years worth of pictures on that damn brick. Thankfully he shared a lot of the pictures with his friend group and Duke but it would be such a pain to get those pictures back. Ugh. 
Duke quietly placed the grocery bag onto the bench and began to pull off his jacket and scarf. “I see…” He mused quietly as he finally looked back at his lover. “Take off your jacket and put this on over your clothes. Along with the scarf.” 
“I’m not going to steal your jacket and scarf. Then you’ll be cold!” And the last thing he wanted was Duke to be freezing too. 
“Between you and myself, are you really going to argue that I will be the cold one here?” Duke asked, once again holding out the jacket and scarf and… okay, yeah, he maybe had a point. 
Slipping out of the soaked jacket was almost torture for Yuri because while he wore a long sleeve shirt to work today, it sure as hell wasn’t built for this weather but sometimes you had to get colder in order to get warmer. He quickly shoved the jacket on and buttoned it up in record time and the warmth of the jacket having been on Duke’s body seemed to creep through Yuri’s body. 
Yuri shivered in relief as Duke took his wet jacket and placed it to the side for now before moving to wrap the scarf around Yuri’s neck. Feeling Duke’s warm, gloved fingers brush against the freezing skin of his neck and cheeks had Yuri nearly move to chase after the warmth of his partner as he gently reached behind him to pull his hair out from underneath the scarf. He was still wet underneath the jacket but the warmth of his jacket and scarf was already a major improvement.
“Mm…Feels nice…” Yuri hummed slowly, letting his eyes close as Duke’s fingers once again brushed against his cheek and this time, he couldn’t help himself as he stepped closer. 
This seemed to give Duke pause and Yuri cracked an eye open to see those soft red eyes staring down at his own. Duke was hard to read at times and it was a miracle that Yuri had managed to pin down the ability on how to read Duke’s expressions. Which is why he felt his chest light up when he saw his lover staring down at him oh-so-softly. 
Yuri was never a big romantic but even that was enough to have his heart doing flips. “You know, that’s usually when you, the boyfriend, would respond with some sort of sappy remark about always keeping me warm or something and then you’d like… do that.” He quickly added in, that teasing smirk making its way onto his face. 
“Do that?”
“Yeah. Keeping me warm.” 
“Hm. I didn’t realize that I was being held up to a certain standard.” Duke responded as he let his fingers stroke Yuri’s cheek once more before finally allowing himself to cup Yuri’s cold face into his impossibly warm hands. 
The shiver of warm relief shot through Yuri once more as he pressed his cheek further into Duke’s touch with a content smile. “We’ll work on it. Should I go jump in the lake down the street so we can try again?”
“I’d much rather we just get you home and warm you up.” 
“You’re no fun.” Yuri answered with a click of the tongue. 
And then he looked back at Duke, who had the faintest smile on his face as he stared down at Yuri. Yuri could hear the bus make its way down the street, preparing to come and pick them up to take them back to the apartment they shared but before Duke pulled away to prepare to climb onto the bus, he let his thumb brush gently against Yuri’s lip. 
“I see the meaning was lost on you.” Duke replied before he finally pulled away (and Yuri will swear to his dying days that he did not whine when the warmth left with him.) “I suppose I’ll have to do better next time.” 
As Duke grabbed Yuri’s discarded wet lump of a jacket and the grocery bag, Yuri was left wondering what Duke could have possibly been talking about regarding lost meanings and doing better next time as the bus pulled up next to them, opening the doors to offer them entry. Duke spared him one glance before climbing the steps onto the vehicle, the amused smile still clear as day and Yuri couldn’t help but feel like he had missed a joke somewhere along the way–
Oh. That’s what he meant by warming him up.
Cheeks burning from the cold weather and absolutely positively nothing else , Yuri was certain that he had never hopped onto a bus so fast in his life
And then they went home and 'warmed up' and Yuri absolutely did not catch the worst case of the sniffles right before the holidays! Thank you for reading!
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
More slasher plz? :)
Here you guys go!
Gaz came back from another "date" and dropped his bag on the bed, slumping. He undressed and headed to the bathroom for a shower, trying to ignore the sting of nail marks on his arms and legs. He wanted more than this.
He wanted to come home to love and affection, not a shower to wash away the feeling of being used. He wanted love.
But, he'd sort of personally destroyed that, hadn't he?
He wanted what Alejandro and Rodolfo had. He wanted to experience that kind of love. He wanted that sort of intimacy that they had. Alejandro was always touching Rodolfo when they were in the same room. Always somehow.
Rodolfo looked at Alejandro like he was his entire world and Gaz wanted that so unbelievably bad. Gaz wanted to be touched with reverence, he wanted someone so important to him he couldn't imagine being anywhere else but with them.
Why was that too much to ask?
Gaz shook his head and got under the sink to pull out a towel, but stopped when he was eye level with the faucet, seeing a pink post-it note on his face cream.
You're beautiful. was all it said. Gaz picked it up and inspected it, frowning. Had... someone been in his dorm? He pulled on a towel and went to his window, checking that it was still locked, which it was. Odd.
Okay, this was something to be concerned about but... Gaz really needed a shower. He told his anxiety to wait until he got out, then he'd deal with it. Just... wait until he got out.
So, Gaz quickly took a shower. He didn't even let himself think until he was out of the shower and fully dressed in his sleeping clothes and then finally he let himself freak out. He paced while staring at the sticky note and then he called Rodolfo.
Rodolfo answered, yawning a little. Which wasn't too odd since it was 2:30 in the morning. "Gaz?? Is everything alright?'"
"Rudy, I found a note in my apartment. It's a sticky note and it says 'you're beautiful' on it." Gaz tried not to sound so freaked out but he barely managed. Or, probably didn't manage at all.
"Are you okay??" Rodolfo immediately sounded a lot more alert. "Ale- Ale-" His voice went muffled for a bit and Gaz tried to take deep breaths. Okay, so this was something to be alarmed about.
A moment later, Rodolfo returned, "Ale asked if you want to come stay at the house for a bit?"
"No." Gaz didn't want to do that. Being around them and how romantic they all were with each other would be beyond painful. He didn't want to deal with that. So, he would just stay in his dorm and hope for the best. "No, I'll... I'll stay here."
"Alright." Rodolfo still sounded concerned. "I'll see you on Friday, still, right?"
"Of course, Rudy." Gaz nodded.
"Call me in the morning."
"I will." Gaz hung up and then sighed. He climbed into bed. It was one note. Surely... Surely one note isn't too terrifying.
Whatever. He took a breath and went to bed.
Gaz had called Rodolfo early in the morning so he wouldn't get yelled at by Rodolfo for worrying him. He knew the yelling was affectionate, so he was never upset.
Now, he was on his way to class, pulling his bag onto his shoulder. It was Professor Smith's class, which he was not too excited for. They were increasingly awkward with their hookups and he was... tired of it, honestly.
Gaz sat in the back, since Professor Smith wouldn't look at him back there. He was trying to convince himself the note was a fluke. He'd tried that whole positive affirmation bullshit and forgot about it.
Sure, Gaz. You have a fantastic memory, but you just forgot this. Sure.
Whatever, he didn't have the time or capacity to worry about this.
Gaz frowned deeply when Professor Laswell, his basically adopted mom, stepped into the room. "Good morning, Class. Unfortunately, Professor Smith will not be showing up this morning. I am sure you have all seen the news. There is a syllabus so work on the assignments there for the next few classes until we can find a sub."
Gaz frowned, deeply. Laswell dismissed class and he was immediately up and down to her. "What happened to Professor Smith?"
"You didn't find out?" Laswell frowned, gently pulling him to the side as everyone left. She seemed hesitant before sighing. "Gaz, he's... he's dead. He was murdered, apparently, according to the news report."
Gaz's eyes went wide. "Dead??" No, that couldn't be. He'd hooked up with him barely a few days before... He was dead??
"Yes, unfortunately." Laswell nodded and pat his shoulder. "I can't give you too many more details, Kyle. Just... take the few days out of class."
Gaz could barely process, nodding a little. Professor Smith was dead... He went out of the class after saying goodbye to Laswell, blinking a little.
He was unsure how he'd made it back to his dorm but he did. He was so numb. First Tyler and now Professor Smith. It had to be a coincidence but... this was hard to deal with.
He couldn't bring himself to even be freaked out at the green sticky note which just said "I'd love to hold you." Gaz would really like to be held. But... that wasn't an option. No one loved him. He doubted mysterious sticky note leaver did, either.
Gaz fell into his bed and curled up, pulling the blanket up to his chin. He was murdered, too. Gaz knew he wasn't the only student he was sleeping with. Professor Smith had a reputation for sleeping with tons of the students.
Gaz was just another in the lineup.
But, still. He'd been fairly intimate with him. It was hard to accept he was just dead. Did another student kill him? Did another student's jilted boyfriend/girlfriend kill him?
Gaz had no idea. Maybe he didn't want to know. Maybe he was fine with this being a horrible experience that he moved on from.
Gaz had not moved on from it. It was Friday and he was supposed to be hanging out with Rudy and looking over more things for the wedding but... he could only think of the pictures from the news article.
He'd been murdered in a very simple way. Just his throat slit. But... he'd had the shit beat out of him first. Systematically, apparently, in a way to cause the most pain.
Someone had tortured him.
Gaz didn't like the idea of that. That sounded awful.
"Gaz!" Rodolfo nudged him.
Gaz flushed and looked at him. "Yeah? Sorry, I was spacing out."
"It's okay, I'm just concerned." Rodolfo frowned. Soap had opted out and was apparently hanging out in some weird rain room thing outside. "Are you getting enough sleep?"
Gaz shrugged. "I'm trying." He mumbled. Every day he had a new note, but they were all simple phrases like 'god made perfection when he crafted you' and 'I want to love you'.
But, Gaz ignored them all. He hoped if he ignored them, they'd go away. He knew telling law enforcement wouldn't do anything. So he wasn't going to bother.
"Ale!" Rodolfo perked up, smiling brightly when Alejandro, Ghost, and Alex came in the door. He raised his arms and Alejandro came over, lifting him up and kissing him deeply.
Gaz shook his head, turning back to Rodolfo's laptop where they'd been looking at flower meanings and combos for Rodolfo's floral arrangements.
Alejandro asked what they were working on and Rodolfo showed him. "Flowers. I want to put everything I want together before starting to make official plans."
"No expense spared, mi sol." Alejandro murmured, kissing Rodolfo's head. "I like the roses. Red ones."
"Like blood?" Gaz laughed, unable to help making the comparison.
"Exactly. With baby's breath." Alejandro grinned, pointing to the ones he likes.
Rodolfo flushed and smiled, writing down red roses and baby's breath. Gaz had to admit, it was a pretty combo but... for a wedding? He wasn't sure it would be the first he'd thought of. But, Rodolfo seemed happy with it.
"You can go with those wine red ribbons you wanted for the aisles." Gaz pointed out and Rodolfo perked up and immediately wrote them down.
Alejandro left them alone, but Alex came over and took his place, sitting by Gaz on the couch. "I saw that Professor Price was murdered..."
Gaz flushed, surprised Alex was still willing to talk to him. "Yeah... But, it's okay. I didn't know him that well." A lie. It was not okay.
Alex nodded a little. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I guess." Gaz nodded a bit and sighed. "Just... weird. He was my professor."
"Yeah, I get that." Alex nodded, cringing. He seemed to hesitate before smiling. "I know it's not... great timing, but I was wondering if you would want to-" He was cut off by Gaz's phone ringing.
Gaz frowned and stood, giving him the one moment sign and walked away. He answered his phone, frowning.
"Hey Gaz, this is Laswell. I have some stuff for you, can you come pick it up?"
"Oh, yeah. One moment." Gaz hung up and turned back to talk to Alex but he was gone. Gaz frowned and then slumped a little, telling Rudy bye and leaving.
"Hello, are you Gaz Garrick?" Someone stood in front of Gaz and he looked up, frowning a little.
"Yes?" He flushed. It was a man in a suit, though it was casual. He was holding up an FBI badge and Gaz could see his name was Phillip Graves. "Can I help you?"
"I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me?" Graves asked and sat across from Gaz.
Gaz was currently studying at a café, needing to get out of his dorm. The notes had stopped, thankfully, but if he spent too long there, he started to think of Tyler and then Professor Smith and he couldn't do that anymore.
"Alright." Gaz nodded a little. "What can I answer?"
"Your friend Johnny Mactavish was the sole survivor of the mass murder a year and a half ago, correct?" Graves asked, crossing his hands in front of him.
"Yes." Gaz nodded, frowning a little. He supposed this was coming, eventually. He knew a police officer would show up, eventually. Though... he hadn't expected an FBI agent.
Graves nodded, getting out a notebook and writing that down. "When he came back, did he show any odd behavior? Aggression-"
"He was traumatized, Mate. Yeah, all of his behavior was odd." Gaz laughed, softly. What the fuck kind of question was that? One of his closest friends had had to witness everyone on a trip dying and he was the sole survivor. Yeah, his behavior was going to be weird, what the fuck?
Graves seemed to hesitate and then smiled. "My apologies. You are right." He shrugged and leaned back. "What about Rodolfo Parra? They are close friends, yes?"
"Yes." Gaz nodded, "best friends."
"For how long?"
Gaz had to think. "Um... since High School. Rodolfo's friend, girlfriend, and girlfriend's brother died on a trip and so he found Soap, who was mentally ill, in a support group for troubled teens a month later. I think Soap mentioned being suicidal."
Graves hummed. "Right." He nodded, writing a few things down. "And you're aware they switched to online classes shortly after the party on the lake two months ago?"
"Yes, apparently they were both re-triggered by the incident. They both ended up missing it, though, because Alejandro and Rodolfo had a fight." That's what Rodolfo had told him. "Why?" He asked, crossing his arms. He didn't like the implication of Graves' words. His friends were not murderers.
"I am just confirming information." Graves shrugged and stood. "Thank you for answering my questions." He nodded again and then left, tucking his notebook into his pocket.
Gaz watched him go, narrowing his eyes. He got out his phone and immediately texted the groupchat. "Some FBI agent is poking around, asking questions about you guys."
He watched both typing bubbles appear and then disappear.
Then, they didn't show up again.
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