#i forgot lowkey what happened before the fight so why are these guys so dramatic !! it is almost funny. sorry
astrxealis · 2 years
i forgot that there’s pandemonium/pandaemonium in gbf too ngl
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dankovskaya · 1 year
Okayyy another egregiously long sitting where I don’t think I even progressed all that much and I now have some actual (long, very long, unstructured) thoughts on characters and plot etc 👇
Well first of all since this just happened. Ok I love Merrin a lot and I love Cal and I love the unique dynamic that they have together BUT -- and I can accept that I might be one of maybe 5 joyless cunts that feel this way -- I was so hoping there would never be anything actually romantic between them. I love that after fallen order they (and the whole crew!) grew so close and familiar with each other and genuinely love each other etc + the game has been doing a really good job at displaying that familiarity in a convincing and endearing way but I so cannot describe the dread I felt in my stomach when they lingered on her putting her arms around him when they were riding the fucking. SPAMMEL. And I probably rolled my eyes at least 4 times during their little huddling for warmth in the desert cave scene 😭
But it sucks because I literally loved about 93% of their interactions that I’ve seen so far it’s just when there are those little Haha ooooo like-like? like-like? moments I’m just like. Anakin you’re breaking my heart. You’re going down a path I can’t follow. Being dramatic obviously it’s not like it ruins their dynamic or anything and Merrin’s methods of showing affection are so cute that I really don’t care That much in the first place I just can’t help but blame the 90000 star war fans who looked at fallen order and were like OOOOOO they’re in LOOOOVFVVVEEEEEEE 🥰😏🥰😏 literlaly just because they like. Touched hands that one time. And relate to each other as survivors of fucking genocides. What if we all killed ourselves. Whatever. If I’m not crazy and the rest of you also did not really want or expect Merrin to turn into an outright love interest please let me know.
Ok for the actual plot overall this thing with.... Help I already forgot the planet’s name I know it starts with a T. And like Dagan whatever the fuck. I mean. I know nothing about the High Republic era content because I just have never had any interest in it but I’m excited for this guy as a fallen Jedi antagonist and for me the most interesting moment in the game so far was after their first fight when Cal, even after watching him actively bleed his fucking kyber crystal and curse the Jedi Order, was still begging him to stay and help with the fight against the empire because there are so few of them left!!! It’s very different from how he approached Taron Malicos in the first game (from. memory.) and seems very informed by how his mindset has changed after fighting this same fight for so long etc... I was very confused initially tho about Cal’s interest in the lost planet as a potential hiding place from the empire? It made way more sense after he met up with Cere and told her about it and she proposed it could be a refuge for surviving Jedi + force sensitives + their families and I can now buy that as the driving motivation for the rest of the game or whatever but Cal did not mention anything like that 💀 All he seemed to see it as before that was a place where Greez and all his besties and whatever other people he cares about could hide from the empire which seemed incredibly odd because “hiding from the empire” is completely antithetical to all of his beliefs at this point and is quite literally why he had been avoiding the mantis crew for the past however many years? But maybe I just misunderstood something lmfao.
And on that last point I was worried the whole “we haven’t seen each other in a long time but now it’s time to get the gang back together but ooooo there’s some tension something happened....” thing was going to feel very forced and dumb but actually I think Greez Cere and Merrin all having (very respectable) reasons to want to split off and pursue their own goals and Cal being very pissed off about that and lowkey taking it personally because he projected his own mindset and self-enforced obligations onto them so hard that it felt like a betrayal and thus caused a mild amount of resentment which pretty much goes away as soon as he actually has a proper individual conversation with all of them again and is finally able to comprehend their perspectives was really good. Holy shit that was a long sentence. Really tho as soon as I heard that the mantis crew was separated and had to be reassembled I was like ohhhh goddamnit manufactured drama to pad out the playtime but it’s really not like that at all lmfao. Like I’m pretty sure at this point it’s basically wrapped up since the common goal has been established and again it was literally just due to Cal’s frankly inhuman expectations that he has for himself and his inability to imagine being able to live outside of that so as soon as he actually sits down and listens to their reasoning and possibly gets told that he has issues he’s like. That makes sense honestly my bad. Lmfao.
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spadesinglasses · 4 years
Korean BLs (Series)
Under the see more is a compilation of all of my thoughts for the korean bls that came out in 2020 and in the start of 2021 so namely, the BLs that will be mentioned here are; Where Your Eyes Linger, Mr. Heart, To My Star, Color Rush, and Wish You : Your Melody From My Heart.
As a TLDR this is how I would rank these five.
To My Star
Wish You : Your Melody From My Heart
Where Your Eyes Linger
Mr. Heart
Color Rush
Let’s do this in order. 
Wish You : Your Melody From My Heart
It was such a light series. The conflict was not heavy and it was resolved very quickly. I think it would’ve been more dramatic if the series was longer, but since its very short, they fortunately decided to resolve it as soon as possible, and because of that no time was wasted between the leads. And the actually got a happy ending.
Kang In Soo and Yoon Sang Yi are both precious ;A;.
Sang Yi’s thirst was so strong and palpable it was a miracle that In Soo didn’t realize it, specially when homeboy was staring hard hard at his hard body lololol.
I get lowkey annoyed whenever I see reviews about this series and then putting a mark on the story as like 6 out of 10 or something, because most of the time the thing they are criticizing it for, and the reason why its so low is because of the length. They really went flexible who?
Personally yes the story or conflict was easy and light, but if you’re going to critic it base on how long the entire series it, it was pretty smart to do so. The conflict was not just the father blocking his son’s debut, It was ongoing from start to finish, from even the series started. 
WE SEE in the first episode at how much In Soo struggled on the streets busking, getting his music out there one way or another. The Problem was not created at the time his father did what he did, it goes way before it.
The issue wasn’t also farfetched. We all know in real life that parents can be fucking assholes. So also claiming the story was out of the blue or nowhere is fucking dumb.
LET’S TALK ABOUT THE MUSIC. Honestly I’m no wise dude regarding music. I listen to a song and I base whether I like it or not, on how the song or music makes me feel. And honestly, the music in the series were beautiful I truly love it.
The supporting characters are also dope! I forgot the person who basically pushed Sang Yi to In Soo, but in this house we stan her so much!
Where Your Eyes Linger
I was hesitant on starting this one. I don’t like violence specially around homosexuality. It just stirs so much bad emotion in me. So when I saw that scene of Han Tae Joo’s father beating Kang Gook, i cannot make myself see more of the show.
But I gave in and watched it. It was adorable and actually heavy. I think its the heaviest out of these five examples and I’ll tell you why. (because I just know you’re wondering why this is heavier than Color Rush.)
The story revolved around multiple tropes or relationship marks. First is the servant and master trope, then it went to unrequited love to a friend, then to a master, and then after that it went to jealousy with a new love interest, and then it ended with them not realizing their own feelings until it’s already too late.
Now before I watched this series, I’ve already heard about the opinion of this series being a fanfic plot brought to life, and honestly yes. 
the Servant Master trope and then falling in love with one another is a very popular trope in fanfics, and the way the dealt with it is very reminiscent to how a fanfic writer would usually go about it. 
Other than that, the story actually help quite strongly despite the tropes they used. 
Kang Gook’s fears and uncertainties were actually reasonable. I wished we got more of their backstories, but its logical to see Kang Gook struggle that much with how he feels for Tae Joo. 
Han Tae Joo’s realization after Kang Gook started spending time with the girl was similar to the feeling of “only realizing what they have after they already lost them” feeling and it was such a heart breaking moment. It was a bit annoying to see him struggle that much to put a name in the feeling he was feeling as if homosexuality was just created right before his eyes, but he eventually got there i guess.
Tae Joo’s father was annoying. What he did was a typical parent move, hence annoying.
The ending was satisfying, but also questionable.
I found Kang Gook’s sudden ... change in how he dress and move completely out of the blue. I don’t know if it was just to signify that he was finally not working for Tae Joo’s father and now he’s not restricted to some hyper masculine facade or if it’s a way of the director show what being gay and accepting homosexuality looks like. But whatevs, I’m not gonna dissect that one because I’m sure it’s gonna be a blood bath when I do it.
Mr. Heart
This show was confusing at first then it made sense. Let me explain.
The series started with the two already chummy. 
Go Sang Ha is already open about what he feels for Jin Won. While Jin Won was the typical ass with repressed feelings. Their main conflict was the constant miscommunication between the two.
They show love in two different ways. Act of service, and gifts and money. It’s one of the reasons why the two didn’t get together in the first place in my opinion. They both have issues that both are running away from. 
Aside from that there was also the minor conflict with Sang Ha and his debt. The debt people were of two extremes, being very chummy with Sang Ha or downright horrible, e.g. the scene where he beats Sang Ha up.
There is not much to say about this series. It’s very straight forward, and Jin Won actually straight up called out Sang Ha for running away during the time they actually do need to communicate to one another.
ALTHOUGH I SHOULD SAY JIN WON PUNCHING SANG HA WAS UNNECESSARY AND OUT OF PLACE. That was stupid of him to do and I was very annoyed at him during that time. If you want to put Sang Ha out of his spiral, you could’ve just shout, or shake him. But no, you punched him, IN THE GODDAMN FACE.
That was stupid honestly. 
To My Star
The start of the series was confusing because I literally kid you not, i was confused who the guy with the motor helmet on is. Like I genuinely thought he was a different person and not Kang Seo Joon.
The characters are phenomenal. They portray and embrace the opposite attracts trope but also found a compromise, or stable footing for each differing personality to meet the other.
It was lovely to see mr hot, and mr. cold be in the kitchen. Seo Joon’s personality was so bubbly and light that I was surprised to what really happened in that restaurant. (Altho to be fair he did keep it a secret mostly because of his issue and not just because he doesn’t want his friend to have bad press lol I really thought it was because someone was being homophobic while they were on a date lolol)
I RELATE SOOOO HARD TO JI WOO. I myself loves not disrupting my peace bubble. I would literally do everything I can as to not have any form of conflict with another person. It’s very problematic and destructive to my own being in the long term, but for short term comfort, I would take it lol.
So to see Ji Woo express what he was thinking while he was rejecting Seo Joon’s advances, made me cry so much. Because I see myself doing that. I see myself saying no to someone because I’m so scared. Add to the fact that homosexuality is still judged in public spaces, I WANNA LOVE A GUY THAT I CAN HOLD HANDS OUTSIDE WITHOUT FEAR.
SO I do get it, I do get Ji Woo and it was so heart breaking to see him suffer because people are fucking assholes. 
Seo Joon’s lines about loving people who have high walls because they look so strong and sturdy is a mood because that is so relatable. I wanna be surround by people who looks sturdy, and will be there for me. Seo Joon hiding this side of him with bubbliness and bursts of joy was so sad.
I tweeted this on twitter but let me repeat it here.
People might disagree with me and say that it’s better to see Ji Woo be the one who takes the initiative this time to get Seo Joon back, because it shows character development BUT HONEY.
Big changes like that are not a thing in real life! PEOPLE CAN’T JUST CHANGE THEMSELVES INSTANTLY LIKE THAT. Yes they can do stuff out of a sudden burst of emotions but its not a common thing.
 So to see Seo Joon come back, and see Ji Woo so heart broken was so fucking good I love it so much.
Seo Joon pushed for the last time, and you can just see Ji Woo just tired of fighting inside him. He probably has a monologue inside him shouting, “please come back, please come back” when Seo Joon left. And to see him just deflate when Seo Joon did came back was soooo satisfying.
THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO NOT KNOW WHAT A NO IS. You’re not Seo Joon and you situation is not like theirs, so shut up.
OH DON’T GET ME STARTED WITH THE ANTAGONISTS OF THIS SERIES. Let’s talk about the actor from Seo Joon’s side. The bitch ass really took Seo Joon’s decision and ran away with it like nobody’s business. He really deluded himself and justified in his head all that shit. AND THE AUDACITY to ask Seo Joon to take the fall more was fucking hilarious. He deserves the hate bitch ass shit.
NOW FOR THE FUCKER THAT IS JI WOO’S FRIEND. BITCH KNOWS JI WOO FOR SUCH A LONG TIME NOW, and he has the audacity to pull that shit up in front of him?
Like bruh you know your friend, do you really think he’s the type of guy to do something like that? HILARIOUS.
I think his friend secretly likes him, so when he saw Seo Joon getting chummy around Ji Woo, and seeing Ji Woo show sides because of him, he got extremely jealous.
The US reporter woman was funny tho. xD She really went to arms and defended Seo Joon and Ji Woo to him. The bit with the other employee was funny too. He deserves all the misfortune in his life lmao. That’s what you get from outing a gay guy.
Color Rush
So Color Rush has the most interesting premise of all of them. That I have to admit.
Other than that the series was lacking.
There are two main plots happening, one is the killings of the mono or probe? I forgot, and the plot of whatever is happening between Choi Yeon Woo and Go Yoo Han.
The series was too short for these two plots. The plot behind the killing was completely disregarded. While the relationship between Yeon Woo and Yoo Han were emphasized.
The ending also confused me. Everyone just forgot that Yeon Woo and Yoo Han ran away? and that Yoo Yan’s family basically threatened to claim Yeon Woo kidnapped his probe? REALLY?
Specially with all of them being in high positions of power? That’s dumb. I really think that they were wrong as to what plot they should emphasize. If the series focused on Yeon Woo and his aunt Yoo Yi Rang solving the case of the killed probes while Yoo Han secretly helps them out with his connections, it would’ve been a much more interesting series. 
The ending of Yeon Woo and Yoo Han would also be more acceptable because now they all know that someone else was behind the killings and its not just the monos going crazy.
Aside from the cute very seldom scenes between the two, and how awkward some of them are. The series really lacked for me.
If you like Color Rush good for you.
This might be unnecessary to add but, something about the actor of Yoo Han makes me uncomfortable. His recent or at least post series statements really unnerves me. If you have no problem with it, cool.
That is all! I think there’s a new incoming korean BL from the same director or at least same universe/line as Where your eyes linger, mr heart, and To my star, called You Make Me Dance? That will be something to anticipate about :D.
Despite being new to the game of BL, korean BLs were really so good. The plots are not as problematic, or toxic as the other bls from other countries were and honestly I’m very impressed.
They seem to have a much more knowledgeable grasp of what a BL should be by avoiding toxic behaviors and just annoying ass plots. Not naming any names but ya know.
Any who, these five were a nice thing to watch.
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Stray kids reaction to you hurting yourself (based off of stupid things I have done)
-you were waiting for Chan to come home from practice 
-you heard his keys in the door and instantly started running from your bedroom to the door 
-slipped going down the stairs because you forgot to put your slippers on 
-chan opens the door to see you falling down the stairs 
-“omg! Baby, are you okay?” He asks as he runs to you worried 
-you nodded and say you’re okay, even though you have pain in your arm, which later bruises 
-he kisses your forehead before helping you up and bringing back to your bedroom 
-gets ice and wraps it in a towel and rests it on your arm 
-“Y/N, next time don’t run down the stairs in just socks.. you know how slippery the hardwood can be” he says to worryingly 
-cuddles you for the rest of the night 
-You and Minho were snuggling on the couch having a movie night 
-“ugh, too hot” you whined 
-“I know I am, baby” Minho responded with a smirk 
-“not you, meant I’m sweating under the blanket.” 
-“so you don’t think I’m hot?” Minho asked raising an eyebrow 
-“of course I do.” You giggle as you removed the blanket off of you, exposing your bare legs, that were covered in bruises and a couple scratches 
-“Ya, Y/N! What happened??” Minho cried out. “Where did these bruises come from? And you have scratches!?” 
-You looked at your legs and sat their wondering the same thing. “Hm.. good question. I don’t know where they came from.” 
-he looked at your flabbergasted. “What?” 
-“hm, the scratches are probably from the cats.. I just don’t remember them scratching me though. And the bruises.. hm I get random ones all the time so honestly I don’t know” 
-you shrugged and turned you attention back to the movie 
-“Aish, Y/N, baby. I’m gonna have to baby proof this whole place now” he took you into his arms protectively. “I’m also gonna wrap you in bubble wrap because clearly you’re a danger to yourself” 
-the two of you decided you would go to your cousin’s house in the country and do some four wheeling 
-neither of you had really done it before, so your cousin suggested you and Changbin ride on one together (mostly because he knew you were clumsy and couldn’t drive for shit 
-Changbin was confident in his driving skills, so you climbed on behind and wrapped your arms around his waist and snuggled your head onto his shoulder 
-your cousin lead you guys down a trail he was certain would be smooth and easy to ride on - at least that is what he thought 
-the terrain after a few minutes began getting really bumping and you were having a hard time hold on 
-after a really bad bump that lifted the four wheel in the hair you lost your grip around Changbin and you went flying off 
-“OMG! Y/N!” Changbin screamed running towards you “Baby, are you okay!?” 
-You just blinked a few times not believing that just happened “Yeah, I’m fine you said” 
-“What do you mean? You’re arm is bleeding! Damn it!” He yelled worrying looking at your arm that blood running down it. 
-you looked at your arm and realized he was right “oh, I don’t feel a thing” 
-“Because of shock!” He said, “Uh why don’t I have anything to wrap your arm up!?” 
-“Eh, it’s fine. We’ll just go back and clean it up.” You said calmly. 
-Your cousin came back to see where guys went and sighed when he saw you were bleeding. He took off the bandanna that was on his belt looped and went to tie it around your arm. 
-Changbin snatched it out of his hand. “I’ll do it! She wouldn’t be bleeding if you didn’t take us down this path” 
-he wrapped up your arm and kissed your cheek. “Let’s head back so we clean this up.” 
-he glared at your cousin before turning around and brining you back to the house. 
-“We’re never doing this again, got it?” 
-You were in Hyunjin’s room helping him look for his daisy necklace that Seungmin had given him 
-“How’d you loose it?” You asked searching the desk in his room. 
-“I took it off for a second because it had gotten caught in my hair and I put it in my hoodie pocket.” He said pouting “If I don’t find it, I will absolutely die.” 
“Dramatic as always” you giggled. “Were you in your bed?” 
-You walked over to his bed, where he had already stripped clear of everything. 
-“Oh, Y/N, are you trying to imply you want to be in my bed?” He said raising an eyebrow. “During such a heartbreak I am experiencing?” 
-You rolled your eyes at your dramatic as hell boyfriend. Honestly, some days you don’t know how you put up with him. 
-“No. I just want to know if we should be searching in this area, to actually make progress.” 
-“Then yes. I was in my bed. But I already stripped off the blankets and shook them. But nothing feel out. 
-“Maybe it fell under the bed? Between the boards?” You asked picking up the mattress. “Hold this while I look.” 
-He did what you said as you went underneath and maneuvered your way between the planks. Eventually a certain necklace caught your attention near the corner of the bed frame. 
-“Found it!” You shouted as you made your way back. 
-Hyunjin was so excited and forgot to wait until you emerged before letting mattress, which landed on your head and pinned you to the bed frame. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but it caused you to bite your lip- hard. 
-“ahhh, Hyunjiiiin” you whined 
-“oooh sorry!!” He lifted the mattress back off for you to roll out. You say on the floor and could feel blood running down your chin. “GAH, Y/N! Your lip is bleeding.” 
-“Because it bit it by accident. Anyway, here’s your necklace.” 
-“Omg but this is serious! Thank you, by the way, but we gotta clean your cut! TT” 
-He ran to the bathroom and gathered all the supplies he thought he would need and started to clean your wound. “I’m sorry, baby, I shouldn’t have dropped the mattress so soon.” 
-“It’s okay. No big deal.” You said shrugging. You saw the pain in Hyunjin’s eyes as he looked at your injury, you were hoping it would make him feel less bad. “I’m clumsy anyway, so don’t worry about it.” 
-“I promise I won’t do anything to hurt you again. Next time you hold the mattress.” He kissed your cheek gently, afraid that he might somehow hurt you. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.” 
-You were babysitting your neighbour’s daughter. Your families were very good friends and a few years ago you gave their daughter your old bed frame. It looked like a little house. It had a roof and a little window you could open. You lowkey missed that bed. 
-you climbed onto the roof of the bed like you would do when you were younger, and sat down looking out at the room. 
-you and your neighbour were playing fighting while up there, and you lost your balanced and fell off. You twisted your arm the wrong way as you fell, and felt some pain when you moved. You thought you might have sprained your arm, until you realized you couldn’t move your fingers. Your neighbour was worried and grabbed your hurt arm to check on you. 
-you had to hold back the scream you wanted to do. Tears instantly filled your arms. You were most certainly sure you broke your arm. 
-You called your boyfriend, Jisung. “Baby,” you choked out when he answered his phone 
-“Y/N, babe are you okay?” He asked concerned. 
-“N-no. I think I broke my arm.” You cried out. “I’m babysitting and I fell off the roof and twisted my arm the wrong way.. but I think it’s broken” 
“YOU WERE ON THE ROOF!?” Jisung yelled in disbelief
-“Aha nooo, the roof of the bed.” You said as you started crying a bit more “C-can you bring me to the hospital? P-please?” 
-“Bed roof-? Doesn’t matter. Yes of course! I’ll be soon!” 
-Jisung brought you and your neighbour to the hospital, where it was confirmed you broke your arm and would need a cast for at 6 weeks. 
-“Babe, I don’t trust you to take care of yourself during this time. So I will be staying with you.” Jisung said as he drove you back home. “I can’t believe I even need to say this, no more playing on roofs” 
-he took your hand and kissed you fingers gingerly as not to hurt you. 
-you and Felix were baking cookies in the kitchen. Felix’s cookies were to die for and when he asked if you wanted to help, you jumped at the chance, really you just wanted to spend more time with him. 
-you two had a lot of fun baking cookies and even got into a flour war, which caused Chan to yell at you guys for the mess you made 
-you cleaned up all the flour you threw and spilled while the cookies were in the oven. 
-I couldn’t wait for them to be done, you knew they would be delicious. 
-once the timer went off you told Felix you would take them out. You opened the door and grabbed the cookie tray, your mistake was you forgot to put on oven mitts TT 
-You yelled in pain and dropped the tray back in the oven. You looked at your hands and saw your burnt fingers, which were already starting to blister. 
-“Y/n! Omg! Why didn’t you wear oven mitts!!” Felix grabbed your hands and brought you to the sink to run your hands under cool water. 
-It helped a bit, but you couldn’t help but cry a little bit. You were in so much pain and you ruined the cookies 
-“I’m sorry, ‘Lix. I wrecked the cookies” you cried. 
-“Wha-? Darling, I could care less about the cookies. I’m more worried about you! How are your fingers?” He asked taking your hands gingerly in his and putting them closer to his face so he could inspect. 
-“Burnt.. and in pain” You said mustering a small laugh. 
-“I think we have some cream for burns. Run them under the water and I’ll be right back” 
-Felix came back with the cream and applied it to your fingers. “While your fingers heal, you can stay here. That way I can take care of you and make sure you don’t hurt yourself further.” 
-You nodded, you knew you would need his help for a bit. He kissed you before going to clean up the mess in the kitchen. After that he had you sit his lap so he could cuddle you without worrying about hurting your hands. 
-You and Seugnmin went out on a walking date. You two didn’t want to necessarily do anything, just wanted to be together, and away from the others. 
-After a bit of whining, you eventually got him to give in to hold you hand, which you swing happily as you walked. 
-“Y/N, keep doing that and I will let go of your hand.” He said pouting 
-“But I’m happy to hold hands with you.. I can’t help it!” You smiled sweetly at you. “Please keep holding my hand, Minnie” 
-He pursed his lips and looked away from you, light blush on cheeks. “Fine.” 
-You giggled. You knew he secretly liked holding hands, just wouldn’t admit it. 
-You guys were walking up an uneven sidewalk. Being the clutz you were, you lost your balance and fell over, landing on your foot weirdly. 
-“owww” you whined as you held onto your foot, which had already swollen significantly. 
-“Honey, are you okay?” Seungmin asked kneeling down. 
-“I hurt my foot.” You said pouting. “It’s so swollen, I can’t even take my shoe off” 
-He helped you up, but once you put pressure on your foot you cried out in pain and clutched to him. 
-“Ahh, does it hurt that bad?” He asked worried. You nodded with some tears in your eyes. “A-ah. Okay. Hope on my back. I’ll carry you home.” 
-“W-what?” You were taken aback by his suggestion. 
-“You can’t walk like that. So just get on my back before I change my mind!” He bent down in front of you, making it easy for you to get onto his back. 
-You wrapped your arms around his neck and snuggled into his back. “Thank you. I really love you, Minnie” 
-“Yeah whatever.” He said flustered. “love you too.” 
-He brought you back home and wrapped up your foot, elevated it, and refused to let you walk anywhere until it was fully healed. 
-You and Jeongin were playing a game of one-on-one basket ball. You were pretty good and wanted to show your skills off to your boyfriend
-You has pretty good skills, but since Jeongin was taller than you, he had advantage. He was able to block your shots and grab the ball when it was in the air. 
-“Ughhh no fair!” You whined. “Why do you have to be taller than me?” 
“Uh, I think it’s because of genes?” He said laughing. “You are good, but I’m better.” 
-“Yeah yeah, whatever.” You said annoyed and took the ball from him and started dribbling. He was coming after you quickly and went to steak the ball from you. You both smacked the ball and it came back at you and pushed your middle finger farther than it should. You cried out in pain holding your hand, forgetting about the ball that Jeongin had stolen from you. 
-he made a shot not realizing you hurt yourself and turned back to see if you saw him. When he realized you were injured he ran over to you. “ahh, baby what happened? Let me see” 
-He examined your swollen finger. “Ahh I think your sprained it. You’re always doing things like this.” He let out an exasperated signed. He didn’t realized he would be constantly worrying about you 25/8 when he started dating you. You always managed to hurt yourself and he just wanted to lock you away from the world. 
-“Let’s go back to the dorms so we can put some ice on it. Maybe go to the doctors?” He grabbed your non-hurt hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. “Honestly, what am I going to do with you? How am I suppose to keep you safe if you’re always hurting yourself?” 
-You giggled. “Sorry I don’t make things easy.” 
-“It’s okay. It just means I have to try harder.” He kissed your cheek and took you to the dorms to take care of you. 
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kdtheghostwriter · 4 years
The Dust Up in Jaku
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You sure are!
Okay, housekeeping first. I don’t often go here. In fact, this is my first proper visit. I’m caught up with the manga entirely to be clear. I just don’t always go looking for feedback. This blog is miscellaneous, tailored mostly to my whims at the time, but it’s known primarily for its monthly posts on Shingeki no Kyojin. That series is ending soon. These posts have been for practice primarily. A way for me to keep my writing chops warm for other projects. They’ve been incredibly helpful in that regard. I’m not sure yet what I’ll do to supplement that practice after the series conclusion. I don’t see myself doing monthly meta posts anymore. I started doing One Punch Man write ups a couple years ago and doing the occasional meta for big plot developments is probably the ticket. But then there’s BNHA.
My Hero Academia is a bit more…shall we say ‘aggressive’ in its storytelling. That’s what I’ve seen in this latest arc anyway. I’m a fan. And I figured, hey, I can dip a pinky toe in the fandom for a bit. So, before reading any further, please note that this will read as the perspective of a reader that has one eye on the story and doesn’t spend a great amount of time in the discourse.
Okay so let’s start with the obvious or what should be the obvious. Bakugo isn’t dead just yet. If for no other reason than Gran Torino getting spiked by Shigaraki only to supply a sassy quip moments later. You don’t die in a shonen series without permission. Besides that, though, no one I’ve seen seems to be asking the important question here.
What is All For One’s idea?
We saw him reach out to Tomura who was himself on the verge of death and took full control of his body. Those telltale black tendrils have seldom caused bodily harm on their own and there’s little evidence to believe they’d start now. We then can make one of two assumptions.
Quirk theft: AFO has the ability to steal and redistribute quirks and Shigaraki made clear that stealing One For All was his main goal in this fight outside of surviving. Bakugo is one of the few people who know about this secret war and he more than anyone there would recognize that losing OFA to Tomura would be in the nicest terms a disaster.
Forced Quirk Activation: Considering that Kacchan is a walking napalm bomb, this is another possible disaster. Using a massive explosion to escape the battlefield at this moment has some very “I’ll get you next time, Gadget!” energy.
And Tomura has to escape this. I’ll explain that later. But first I must laugh.
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No, that’s not Garou after his first hour in the Monster Association. Tomura has been annihilated over the course of this fight. He’d probably be dead two or three times over if it weren’t for his fancy Deadpool Healing Factor which itself wouldn’t be working if Eraser Head wasn’t out of commission.
Shout-outs to Aizawa by the way. There’s a reason Tomura stopped in the middle of the battle to tell him how cool he was.
Anyway, more to the point: Shigaraki can’t beef it here. Don’t get me wrong, as tragic as his story is, there really is no other option currently than to destroy him. The only other course of action is to say, “Please, Tomura, don’t make this entire city and the innocent people living there disappear into dust.” Which…yea. On top of that, he’s the series antagonist and the clear foil for our hero Deku. Narratively it just wouldn’t make sense to have him climb that mountain before he’s ready. And he’s still not ready. His arms are thrashed yet again from his current onslaught.
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For anyone having trouble visualizing this, imagine Shiggy as a red rubber ball and Deku is a paddle, smacking him repeatedly. I have this great picture in my head of the news chopper zoomed in on Deku as he calls out every state and major city in the contiguous United States. Jokes aside, the art is phenomenal. This panel in particular really hammers home the aforementioned duality like so many haymakers to the face. The damage is stacking up faster than his regeneration can supply but All For One has stepped in to take the reins, surely saving his neck but that isn’t the only reason Shiggy will see his way out of this spot.
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Yeah! Remember him? This big fucker is still on his way. And he’s got the League of Villains in tow. Why is that detail important?
The only thing more important than a major plot event like this is the aftermath. You can easily develop your characters through the way they react to the events that occur to them. Somebody has to break it to Tomura that Twice is gone and I don’t envy the one who gets that job.
Also…lol okay, I don’t wanna do the trolly thing of “oooh Dabi’s a Todoroki!” but c’mon man Dabi’s a Todoroki. I’ve barely paid attention to this subplot and even I know that. Shonen series are by their nature very melodramatic and it would only make sense for such a massive bombshell to be dropped now, in the midst of life-or-death struggle, with direct implications for the Number One Hero and his children – one on each side of the law. Point is! None of that can happen if Shigaraki bites the big one so I’d expect the dusty lad to keep kicking for now.
The same goes for Bakugo, although, he may have early retirement in his future. The main reason Kacchan can’t die here is because, despite what you may think of him as a character – and I’ve seen enough discourse to know that many many people are not fans, such is your right – having a teenaged bully redeem himself by sacrificing his life is a bit much. Especially when you consider this little nugget.
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All Might has him pegged here. I would never endorse someone telling another person to kill themselves even when done ironically but Katsuki was a child and children say any manner of dumb, reckless things. More than that, children lash out when they’re scared, and nothing scared him more than being surpassed by Midoriya. All Might goes on to point out that Bakugo earnestly helping with Izuku’s training is his way of atoning for his past behavior. I agree with that stance and I think it’s more than enough. He knows he was wrong and more recently he’s discovered that he knows he wants no harm to come to Deku. Bakugo learned a big lesson in this chapter; by extension, Deku must learn a lesson as well.
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Then there’s this geek.
Disclaimer: I don’t hate Endeavor so much as I’m apathetic towards him. He’s the Number One hero by default and it shows throughout this arc. Even here, we see the rookie Kacchan barking orders at him and Shoto and coming up with a pretty solid plan to finally end this damn fight. It didn’t work, but that has more to do with outside interference than inexperience, and it’s not like Endeavor was rapt with ideas to begin with.
I will defend him slightly, however. Some people have gone so far as to call him useless in this fight and I wouldn’t. Shigaraki got a massive buff even if he’s only at 75% capacity. Enhanced speed and strength, plus a healing factor means he has a threshold that Endeavor just can’t overcome. The days of one guy taking on the Final Boss is long past gone. Even so, this must be pretty mortifying for a guy so obsessed with climbing the ladder. His second real test as the top hero and he gets his ass kicked for an hour or more by a shaggy kid who forgot his lip balm at home. LOL is what I’m saying.
Thanks for indulging that aside. Back to Deku. The very first panel of this chapter is a nurse warning him that repeated injuries could result in him losing the use of his arms. Naturally, this follows with Deku smashing Shigaraki in the face five or six times in a row. The combination of Float and Black Whip is keeping the villain suspended in the air where his disintegration    quirk can’t reach the support team below. A fact that Deku points out when Bakugo shouts at him to disengage. This is a great bit of dramatic tension, because neither one is wrong. Izuku’s body is falling apart. I mean, Tomura’s is too, but Tomura can lowkey ignore that and if he reaches the ground, everyone is screwed anyway.
This plays into Bakugo forming the plan with the Todorokis in the first place and then intercepting AFO’s attack on behalf of the helpless Deku. He sees One For All as a cursed power, but he’s smart enough to know that this power is the only chance they have of winning. He then saves his friend to help them win.
Now we come to the bit that has me more interested than even Kacchan’s fate. That being Izuku’s reaction, both in the moment and after the battle is done. As previously noted, Deku is not in less danger now. He’s emptying the tank right here despite possible long-term damage to his body.
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The implications of that statement are terrifying. More so coming from a teenaged boy that hasn’t even made it through a third of his life yet. The legacy of OFA is dark and bloody. It was Bakugo who pointed out that the previous holders of the super strength quirk all died young – all murdered at the hands of Tall, Dark and Faceless. Toshinori would have suffered the same fate if it weren’t for a time sensitive cocktail of rage, survival instinct and adrenaline. Deku is sipping from that same cocktail right now and he’s in better shape than All Might was (barely) but it’s clear that he cannot 1v1 a boss with a replenishing health bar. Perhaps if he could sustain an attack without his limbs exploding like Squidward after too many Krabby Patties? Oh well.
My Hero Academia is an origin story. The story of the hero Deku and his journey to number one. With that in mind, we know he can’t lose but he doesn’t necessarily have to win. Not here at the very least. I have no clue how this arc resolves itself but finding out is going to be much fun.
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mysymestash · 5 years
RFA + Saeran accidentally injuring MC
LOLOL had launched a special campaign, only available for a limited time
Seeing as how the reward for completing it was rumoured to be a brand new skin for one of Yoosung’s favourite characters,
of course he was going to spend three sleepless nights in front of the computer to be the first one to get it
Normally, you wouldn’t let him stay up for so long playing- but finals were over and you figured he deserved to blow off some steam
You were relaxing on the couch one day when you heard a loud commotion from Yoosung
You went over to his desk to check on him-
“Yes! Yes! I got it- oh my god, I got it! MC come over here and check it out-!”
Before you could even respond to tell him you were already right beside him
He threw his hands up in the air while he was celebrating, one connecting directly with your nose
When his shocked face whipped around to see you cradling your now bloody nose he almost screamed
Apologizing incessantly- and god forbid you shed some tears at the pain because he will reciprocate the tears tenfold
He tries to get you some tissues but he’s panicking so much that he just- grabs a fistful and shoves it in your face
Just wants to stop the bleeding as soon as possible
Will want you to hit him back as revenge
If you take him up on the offer, he will cry again
You two were relaxing at the end of the day, just enjoying a glass of wine together
But Elizabeth was feeling especially needy that day
She was cuddling up to you, walking across your laps, etc..
She refused to sit still, wanting you to play with her
Jumin’s just watching you suffer with amusement, you trying to drink from your glass but can’t since Elizabeth keeps pawing at it
Thinks your frustrated face is adorable
In fact, so adorable he wants to keep a permanent record of it
So he pulls out his phone to capture the moment- fully intending on sending it straight to the messenger
But my man forgot his flash was on
Mind you, this is in the late evening and you two are outside on the patio- so this flash is bright
Scares the everloving shit out of Elizabeth too and she jumps ten feet into the air out of your lap, knocking your glass out of your hand
On reflex, you reach out to catch the glass but it shatters on the ground before you can fully reach it
You can’t quite see what’s happened but damn can your hand feel it
Feeling the sharp pain, you quickly pull back your hand and put it to the light- bitch is bleeding
You’re a little in shock but he’s already called five paramedics, 12 different ambulances, a neurosurgeon- Jumin stop why would I need a neurosurgeon for my hand
Even after he confirms with all the doctors that you’re fine, he will be paranoid for a long time
Invests in shatter-proof everything
It was a busy busy busy day in the cafe
Both of you were rushing around trying to take all the orders and seat everyone in time
Neither of you were expecting today of all days to be so busy- and some of the other workers had called in so you were already running short on people
You were at the front, taking orders and providing extra chairs for everyone filtering in
Jaehee called you from the back for help getting all the extra batches she had just made out to the front
Ngl she was really rushing you along- urging you to hurry up before you missed anyone new coming in
You were feeling so rushed, in fact, that you weren’t really paying attention to what Jaehee was handing you- more focused on just getting it out as fast as possible
Without warning, she finished handing you the muffins that had been cooling for the past few minutes and had swapped to the cookies fresh out the oven
You were not wearing your oven mitts
As soon as the pan made contact with your skin you screamed, dropping it on the floor
She was on you right away,, pulling your red hands under the cool tap water
Doesn’t stop apologizing;
Her actions are swift and confident- bandaging your hands with incredible proficiency
But her words are something else completely lol— she’s stammering out “I’m sorry”s and asking if you’re okay like fifty times in a row
Insists you stay in the front and that she does the kitchen work on her own- even if you refuse
At the end of the day she’ll still be apologizing and offers to bring you to the hospital to make sure hands are okay
You have to calm her down by kissing her
But yes please take me to the hospital I still hurt
You and Saeyoung were playing hide and go seek tag like a bunch of CHILDREN
Jk it’s adorable
Saeyoung was it this round which is honestly an unfair advantage in all regards
You, like the hide and go seek pro you are, we’re strategically moving your hiding spot every few seconds- never staying in one spot for too long
You’re a lot harder to track down than he first anticipated
Resorts to using his cameras to find you
“It’s not cheating, MC- it’s using your tools to your advantage.”
Finds you creeping down the halls and hatches a plan to take you by surprise
The hall you’re in happens to connect back to the kitchen
When you finally make it into the kitchen, he takes the chance to pop out right behind you screaming like a banshee
Your heart drops
You scream and try to run away but socks on slippery tiled floor don’t offer too much traction
You make it half a step before you are launched backwards and crash onto the ground head first
His screaming turns into half screaming half laughing as he rushes to your side on the floor
Recites some dramatic made up poetry about his fallen love- ala Romeo and Juliet
You’re fighting back tears while you’re holding your head
“Saeyoung stop making me laugh it’s making my head hurt even more”
When he hears you saying your head hurt he calms down
Legitimately worried now that your injury might be serious
Rushes you to a doctor right away who concludes that you probably just have a mild concussion
Permanent bed rest and cuddles until he decides you’re better
Expect him to don the maid costume while he’s taking care of you and “forget” to close the door letting Saeran walk in and see everything
poor Saeran
He had just gotten casted for what was essentially his dream role
This boy was Romeo fucking Montague
So psyched he wanted you to help him practice lines- obviously for the balcony scene as you read for Juliet
But he was
really into this role
He had you climb up on top of this ladder as he supported you from the bottom to act as the ‘balcony’
You just went along with it despite how ridiculous you felt because you didn’t want to be the one to rain on his parade;;
Besides you thought it was cute seeing how invested he was getting into the character as you peered over him from your position on the ladder
Well- it was cute until his focus gradually shifted from keeping you stable on the ladder to reciting his monologue
“Uhh, Zen? Are you sure this is stable enough?..”
You doubt he even heard you over his reading, not taking his eyes off of the script
Before you could try and catch his attention again you unceremoniously toppled down as the ladder suddenly fell away from under you
He heard the crashing and reached out, script being thrown away and forgotten, to catch you before you landed
Technically he succeeded but it didn’t stop your leg being caught in the mess of the ladder falling
Leading to your very sprained ankle
Doesn’t even stop to ask if you’re okay,, all but throws the ladder away and carries you all the way to the hospital
After you guys get back, you’re pouting and he’s basically begging for your forgiveness
Will ask you to push him from a real balcony so he can understand and experience your pain
Obviously not Zen wtf
Will “kiss your ankle better” and curse the gods that his beast-like healing abilities was not given to you also
You’ve probably been hanging out with Saeyoung a little too much tbh
He gives you the idea to prank Saeran
For SOME reason you think it’s a good idea
He was sleeping in this morning and you think it would be hilarious if you hid behind the door before he woke up and scare him as he came out
You’ve definitely been spending too much time with Saeyoung
When he wakes up and doesn’t feel you in the bed with him he lowkey freaks out
He thinks you’ve probably just left to go to the bathroom or something so he calls your name
Obviously you don’t respond
Cue actual panic for marshmallow boy
Starts thinking of all the worst case scenarios that could have happened to you
He basically leaps out of the bed, calling for Saeyoung
You hear him coming to the door and get ready to scare him
But before you can even jump out of your hiding spot behind the door- it swings open full force getting you right in the nose
He hears your whining and pulls back the door to see you holding your bloody nose
“What the hell are you doing back there? Why didn’t you respond when I called you?”
“I was trying to prank you...”
A moment of silence for Saeran’s patience
Steps back into your room and closes the door
Honestly really relieved you were okay, just embarrassed about how worried he was
Will come back out when he hears you in the bathroom taking care of your nose
“You’re not allowed to talk to my idiot brother again.”
“But Saerannnn”
Surprisingly very gentle when patching you up
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 265: Tamaki What Did You Eat
Previously on BnHA: The heroes began their invasion of the Ol’ Villain Marriott. Down in the basement, Re-Destro was all “what’s going my fresh villain citizens, what a beautiful day, well I guess we should start that meeting” and they were all “WE’RE UNDER FUCKING ATTACK” and he made a face and I laughed. Class 1-B, Edgeshot, and Midnight then jovially killed some people, and then we cut to Dabi and Hawks! Hawks was all “sorry it has to be this way Bubaigawara but I’m gonna have to arrest you” and Twice got all Harry Potter in that one scene from the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, and then he did the thing, and fucking Hawks just fucking stood there and DID NOTHING. So now he’s gonna have to fight 100,000 Twices I guess, and meanwhile Dabi is running up the stairs on his way to intervene and somehow make things even more chaotic. Also either Hawks or Dabi thinks heroes are scum, and I’m still not clear on which. But basically it’s safe to say that angst is on the way, friends.
Today on BnHA: Tamaki turns into a horse. I have questions. Dark Shadow fights fucking Re-Destro and fucking destroys him in like two seconds flat, like holy shit whaaaaat. Then Tokoyami just hops on inside of Fatgum like a goddamn marsupial, and spends several pages like this, during which I completely can’t focus the entire time but I do remember that we learned that Machia won’t be joining the fight because he apparently only listens to Tomura, so that’s convenient I guess. Then we cut to Twice and Hawks (I literally typed out “Dabi and Hawks” just now and had to go back and change it, so you can see where my mind is at), and Hawks defeats Twice and is all “guess I’ve got no choice” and is seriously going to kill him (hahaha what the fuck), but then DABI FUCKING BURNS THE ENTIRE ROOM DOWN WITH EVERYONE IN IT WHILE LAUGHING AND THEN THE CHAPTER JUST ENDS. I feel like I just got slapped in the face.
so before we start, let me just mention that I got a ton of asks and messages about the whole “HERO SCUM” line, and I appreciate everyone keeping me up to date on the twists and turns of our wild little fandom lol. so as you all probably know, in Viz’s translation of the last page they had Dabi saying the line (“Twice, this isn’t your fault. as always... scummy heroes are to blame”). so naturally everyone was either like “whaaaaat!” or “I KNEW IT!!”, but then Caleb went and deleted his original tweet saying that it was Dabi, and replaced it with a new tweet, the gist of which was basically “I don’t fucking know either” and admitting he wasn’t an authority on the matter. so to sum everything up, we basically don’t know and will never know until the anime airs this in about three years’ time, or until the only man who can actually clear this up decides to stop drawing weird mushroom men for five goddamn minutes so he can clarify for us
anyway, so in the meantime it’s time to see who’s having angst this week! probably everybody! let’s just assume it’s everybody and save some time
ohooo so we finally get to see why they had Tamaki and Tokoyami in the vanguard, eh?
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(ETA: gotta say, “you” is an awfully impersonal way to address someone whose entire body you are shortly going to stuff inside your little quirk papoose and tote around like a fanny pack.)
honestly this isn’t much of a mystery though lol. Tokoyami is obvious, and with Tamaki it’s probably because of his kraken thing if I had to guess
...excuse me sir is this leading where I think it’s leading
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sir. Mister Gum, sir. please do not tell me you are actually about to lead these children into the building and down into the basement. first of all the thought of you and Tamaki in yet another basement is already giving me PTSD so no thanks. and second of all, ???!?!?!?!?! [gestures incredulously to the two children] ?!?!?!???? [emphatically taps my computer screen with the wiki page showing their respective ages] ???!?!?!?!?!?! [gestures wildly toward a picture of Gigantomachia I pulled up just now in a google search. yeah that’s right. Gigantomachia!! you all forgot about him didn’t you!! well guess who didn’t forget about him?? that’s right. so you’d better explain yourself right the fuck now, Fatgum. oh wait I’m still talking in action brackets whoops]
holy crap is Tokoyami giving orders lmao
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well look at you. a general, huh? somebody must’ve told them about his little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab
so now some generic villain guys are all “HOW’D THEY FIND OUR SECRET PATH” and “WE MUST DEFEND IT” and I sure can’t wait to watch them get their asses kicked three panels from now
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lol and the cow horns too. why though. just completes the look I guess
loooooool he’s all “apologies, but please remain still” who are you, Tuxedo Mask??
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by the way, I almost skipped right past this, but the text says Tamaki will be a sidekick at the Fatgum agency starting “next year”, which presumably means “in a couple of weeks because the school year is about to end.” our boy is graduating! I’m so proud, and also really pissed off about Mirio all of a sudden, just throwing that out there. how much longer must his dreams be put on hold. where is the justice. man I need a minute
okay! anyway so now Tokoyami is just running into the basement alone!! hooooo boy. I know it’s dark down there and that’s presumably why they’re sending him of all people, but still. hooooooooo boy
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*except he didn’t, let’s be real. didn’t even come close. but still, on paper the hype looks real good!!
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by the way, check out that one guy in the bottom right corner who just totally doesn’t give the least of fucks. he’s fresh out. he wants to know how much longer this is gonna last so he can go home and get back to playing the new Animal Crossing. did you know they added a new crafting feature. can’t believe he’s stuck here at this boring meeting. this man genuinely doesn’t seem to be at all aware of anything that is currently happening around him and it’s amazing. added to the box of questions
oh man. I don’t quite understand what is happening now but I keep expecting Gigantomachia to just pop up out of nowhere any second and I can’t fucking stand it. Horikoshi please stop showing us these close-ups of destroyed walls
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(ETA: what a casual fucking line implying that Tokoyami genuinely believed that there was nobody in THE ENTIRE LEAGUE OF PLIFF who stood a chance against his latest super move. don’t mind him everyone, he’s just been lowkey biding his time to become the strongest member of class 1-A offscreen while his loser classmates were having dramatic family dinners. how many High Ends could Dark Shadow take out I wonder. why did I suddenly get a mental image of Toko losing an arm only to sigh and nonsensically quote Shakespeare or some shit before wrapping Dark Shadow around the stump and getting back to the asskicking.)
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:) :) :) can we maybe get my solemn bird son out of this fucking DEATH BASEMENT right the fuck now. can we do that, please
holy shit!?
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:) :) :) I can’t decide whether I trust these panels or not. why is he so confident. does this mean Machia really will be sitting out the arc, or is a trap. help
(ETA: I guess it’s okay for now. ... dammit I’m still suspicious sob.)
also, Tokoyami’s “?!” face is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen though. the fact that he’s physically incapable of altering his expressions no matter what is true comedy gold here
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dfkjkjk oh noooo
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“does this young man amuse you,” Horikoshi says as he darkly pencils in the disturbingly concave shadows of Fatgum’s ridiculous fucking quirk. “are his ‘magnificent fellow’ bird antics pleasing for you to watch. I guess it sure would be a shame if I gave him some... angst”
but for real y’all I genuinely can’t take this at all seriously when Tokoyami’s head is still stubbornly and persistently poking its way out of Fatgum like a goddamn baby kangaroo in every fucking panel
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we are entering another Tokoyami+Hawks mentor flashback and this is still all I can think about. why is he even in there. why is any of this happening. Tokoyami really just flung Re-Destro into a wall and then climbed inside of Fatgum feet-first so they could run along to freedom. just fucking ensconced himself. do you think it’s cozy in there. do you think Aizawa would fall asleep
hey Toko please stop having ominous thoughts about my other bird son
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have you ever heard of an announcer jinx. “now here’s a guy who the fans have loved since the moment he was first introduced. and if you look at the stats, fourth place in his first popularity poll, which was taken only ten chapters after his introduction. heck, he’s so popular they even went and gave him a role in the second movie even before he appeared in the anime! it’s undeniable that this young man has a bright future ahead of him, Al.” now you listen here. I don’t at all like where this is headed and it needs to stop right now
anyway so of course on that note we are cutting back to Hawks
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so we’ve confirmed that Hawks has his hands full just melting all of the new clones as they come, and doesn’t have the speed or the excess feathers (or the conviction? :|) to go after the original and put a stop to all this
or you could just ignore everything I say ever because immediately on the next page Horikoshi is all “actually he’s winning lol”
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anyway but it sure would be a shame if someone were to run in and set you on fire right about now. that probably sounds sarcastic but it actually would be really bad lol please don’t set Hawks on fire
(ETA: motherfucker. goddamn. fucking --)
and now Hawks is making clones of his fellow League buddies oh shit!! but right when I was about to scroll down I noticed that Hawks is carrying some sort of recording device?? or communications device?? in his hand very conspicuously in that last panel? and so what is going on here, exactly?
oh shit and never mind about those LoV clones
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that’s all well and good Hawks, but I need you to please just be very cautious and aware and proactive about not catching on fire okay. watch your six
oh my god oh my god
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“now here’s a guy whose rise in popularity was unexpected but just a real pleasure to watch. he just really cares about his friends.” “you said it; he really came into his own a couple arcs back. twenty-third in the most recent poll, and the fans all love him.” fffffff Hawks isn’t a killer Hawks isn’t a killer, I can’t hear you lalala
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maybe... he’ll just... punch a small hole through one of his lungs... ...
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or... a large hole... ... ,,,
oh THANK GOD he’s jumping on top of him. so clearly he’s fine because Shounen Rules. that’s right, this is a manga where Toga survived blowing up from the inside out and Jeanist survived being murdered and stuffed into a tote bag. (right??) why am I so tense I hate this!!
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or you could just KNOCK HIM OUT??? ?????!??! did they not teach you that in peewee assassin league?! Hawks
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thejilyship · 5 years
Blind Dates and Good Graces
I wrote a one shot!
I know, what? I don’t do that very often. And when I do, I write them in one go and very spur of the moment.This one was inspired by a prompt, but very loosely so I’m not going to bother posting the prompt. 
Summary: Mary wants to set Lily up with a stranger. She’s not interested because she’s not in the market to get murdered, but also because she’s crushing on someone else. Mary, however, won’t let up. 
college/texting au
WC: 2.2K 
ff.net | ao3
Lily sat down in her lab seat with a dramatic sigh. She should shove her phone into her bag and ignore her friends for the next two hours. She should pull out her notebook and look over her notes from last class. She should, quite possibly, get new friends all together and just call it with Mary. They’d had a good ten years of friendship, but all good things come to an end eventually, and maybe this was the anthill that they couldn’t get over.
But instead, she pulled out her phone and continued to feed the troll.
Mary: You never do anything I tell you. It’s not fair.
Marlene: It’s like you don’t trust her, Lily
Lily: Marlene, stay out of this, you’re not helping
Mary: I feel like you don’t TRUST ME
Lily: See what you did?
Marlene: She just wants you to meet the bloke. What’s the worst that could happen?
Marlene: Pretend I didn’t say that
Mary: Why would you say that??? Men are the worst, literally anything could happen at any time!
Lily: Men are the worst. So why do you want me to go out with one of them?
Lily: One that I’ve never met before?
Mary: yes, I understand your very valid points, but! I have met him, and he is hilarious and charming and dorky and sweet and exactly the kind of guy that you’d like
Lily: This conversation is making me itchy
Marlene: Come on, Mary. You know Lily is allergic to dating, lay off a bit
Mary: Who’s side are you on, Marlene?
Marlene: idk and idC
Lily: Alright, class is starting. You can harass me later
Mary: Just agree to meeting him! I can be there! It doesn’t have to be a date!
Lily shut off her phone and pushed it to the far corner of her desk. Once it was no longer in her hands, she went about getting ready for class.
“Lo, Evans,” She turned and smiled at the boy who took a seat next to her. The boy who was probably the real reason that she didn’t really want anything to do with Mary’s hilarious and charming boy.
“Afternoon, Potter,” He smiled back at her and pushed his hair back, away from his forehead and then ruffled it up. He was always doing that, but Lily, who had spent much time inspecting his hair during the course of their shared class, thought that it would probably have been just as unruly if he hadn’t. She thought it looked soft too.
And one time, he’d dropped his pencil and she leaned over to get it for him just a second after he had, and she got a face full of his hair. It smelled amazing. She couldn’t identify the smell, but whatever it was, she wanted to smell it again.
“You ready for lecture?” He asked, putting his notebook on an angle so he was facing her as much as he was facing the board. He’d been doing that lately. Lily ducked her head and smiled to herself as she dug through her bag for a pen.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” She said. This wasn’t anyone’s favorite lecture, and it was a long one. But at some point in the last couple of weeks, this had been the class that Lily was most looking forward to.
Her phone started buzzing again and Lily closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head.
“What’s going on there?” James asked, glancing at her phone and then going back to doodling. “Sounds like someone really wants to talk to you.”
“Yeah, it’s my friend Mary. And probably Marlene too. They’re harassing me.”
“Ah,” He smiled, adding more lines to his doodle. “And what are they harassing you about?”
Lily felt herself flush a little and she started tapping her pen on the table. “Mary wants to set me up on a blind date.” She blurted out.
“A blind date? I didn’t know people still did those.”
“Right?” Lily relaxed now that he seemed to be agreeing with her. “And she won’t let it go. But I don’t want to go out with someone that I don’t even know. That sounds terrible.”
“It does sound terrible.” James put his pencil down and ran a hand through his hair. “So she’s not listening to you then? I mean, I assume you’ve told her that you don’t want to do it.”
Her phone buzzed again.
“Of course she’s not listening!” Lily pulled her phone over to her again.
Mary: He and his mates are throwing a party this weekend
Marlene: I like parties
Mary: I was invited and you could come with me and Reggie! That would be a super lowkey way to meet him
Mary: Marlene, I was talking to Lily, not you.
Marlene: Sometimes I feel like you don’t love me
Mary: there’s no need to be dramatic
Marlene: Really? I thought that was kind of our MO
Mary: Okay, but our MO is like fight club. We don’t talk about it
Marlene: Why do you want Lily to date this boy so much?
Mary: I don’t even know! I normally am a strong advocate for everyone staying single as long as they can, otherwise you end up like me, married and boringly monogamous at a ridiculously young age, but I just feel like they’re supposed to know each other
Mary: Does that make sense?
Marlene: I guess
Marlene: You def got married to young
Mary: Yeah, why did you let me do that
Marlene: Because you and Reggie are soulmates and it made your taxes cheaper
Mary: Right, I forgot about the monetary advantages
Marlene: not for long if you keep yelling at her!
Lily: I’m in class. I’m going to mute you both if you don’t stop.
Marlene: Don’t be jealous, Lily. Mary and I can talk without you if we want
Mary: Yeah, and we can talk about you if we want
Lily: I’m busy this weekend. I’m not going to any party with you
Mary: What are you doing this weekend? I live with you. I know you don’t do shit.
 She clicked off the screen and pushed it away again with another huff.
James chuckled. “She’s still not letting up?”
“No,” Lily whispered, as their professor had now started the lecture. “Now she wants me to go to a party he’s throwing with his friends this weekend. I don’t know him or his friends, why do I want to go to their party?”
“I wouldn’t want to go to a party where I don’t know anyone,” James once again, agreed with her and she sat up straighter.
“Exactly! See, why can’t Mary agree with me like you do!”
“She’s probably not trying to get in your good graces.” He said this a bit quieter and Lily bit her tongue.
“And what makes you think you’re not already in my good graces?”
James let out a breathy laugh and pretended as though he was paying attention to the professor. “Alright, but her position in your good graces is probably a lot more secure than mine. If I started needling you to go to a party this weekend and meet new people, then you might just stop talking to me. Our history only goes back a couple weeks.”
“Well before you came in, I was mentally tallying the pros and cons of never speaking to Mary again so, you’re probably right.” She cleared her throat to keep from laughing and then leaned a bit closer to him so she wouldn’t have to talk as loud. “I’m not a stick in the mud or anything, normally I like going out and making new friends, but she’s just being… I don’t know. She never acts like this- I mean she’s always very loud and in your face- but she never wants me to date people!” She shook her head and glared at her phone again.
“Can I ask you something?”
Lily frowned at him, but nodded.
“Do you, uh, have feelings for this girl? For Mary, I mean?”
Lily smiled, pressing her lips together. “I get asked that quite often, actually.” She shook her head. “And I suppose that would be one explanation for why I’m so upset about this. But no, I just don’t like her being pushy. I mean if I did have feelings for her, I’d probably be much more upset about the fact that she’s married than her trying to set me up with someone I don’t know.”
“Married? Okay, I have one more question now.” He brow was knit together. “Is her name Mary MacDonald?”
Lily frowned at him and blinked a few times before she nodded her head. “You know Mary?”
“I play football with Reggie.” His furrowed brow relaxed, and he started smiling. “You know, my mates and I are throwing a party this weekend.”
Lily was still frowning.
“Do you think…” She started but then shook her head because that would be impossibly and ridiculous. “No.” She kept shaking her head. “Maybe,” She looked back at him and bit the tip of her tongue.
“She hasn’t been trying to set me up with anyone,” James put his hands up, “So she might be trying to introduce you to Remus. I doubt it’d be Sirius or Peter. She’s always arguing with Sirius and Peter is a little frightened of her, so they don’t talk much. But she has a couple classes with Remus. Could be him.”
Lily’s frown was still in place and her heart was beating too quickly. “Is Remus hilarious and charming and dorky and sweet?” Her voice was too quiet, but he heard her, and he was smirking.
“Well see, that sounds like me.” But then his hand was in his hair. “But yeah, I suppose Remus is pretty great too.”
“Hold on,” Lily reached out and pulled her phone close, keeping it on the desk so it wasn’t too obvious to any TA who might be looking that she was on her phone.
There were more texts between Mary and Marlene about how difficult Lily could be and how she was such a jealous girl when it came to their friendship and Lily rolled her eyes.
Lily: Hey, quick quesh
Lily: I’m in my lab, sitting next to James Potter and he told me that he plays football with Reggie and that you, Mary, know him and his friends, who are throwing a party this weekend
Lily: Could this mystery guy you’ve been trying to get me to go out with be my lab partner???????
Mary: Does he know that I’m trying to set the two of you up? I haven’t told him yet, I knew that you would be more difficult to convince
Marlene: Wait, what is going on?
Marlene: Lab boy is the boy Mary wants you to date?
Marlene: How perfect!
Mary: Perfect?
Marlene: Yeah, Lily’s been crushing on lab boy for weeks now
Mary: you fancied someone and you didn’t tell me??
Lily: I don’t fancy him
Lily: I didn’t tell Marlene that I fancy him
Lily: I just sit next to him
Marlene: And stare at his hair
Lily: He’s got really nice hair!
Lily: Why must you be like this. I’ll talk to you later
Marlene: Yeah! Get it girl!!!
Mary: twirl that hair, flutter those lashes
 She clicked off her screen again and clicked her tongue before turning back to James. “So yeah, she was trying to set me up with you.”
He was looking up at the board, a smirk on his lips.
The both of them took a few minutes to write down some of the notes that they’d missed of the last fifteen minutes or so.
Then he cleared his throat. “So?”
She turned toward her.
“Any interest in coming to the party now?” He was still smiling, and his smile was a bit contagious, so she found herself smiling too.
She shifted in her seat. “You know, I might be interested. I mean, you’re not a stranger anymore so I don’t have that excuse anymore.”
“I’m not. And I’m in your good graces.”
“For now.”
“For now.” He agreed and she laughed.
“I can’t believe this.”
“It is quite the coincidence.” James nodded. He laughed quietly and shook his head. “You know, I was going to invite you to the party before you started saying how much you didn’t like going to parties where you didn’t know people.”
“I don’t like being Mary and Reggie’s third wheel- Though Marlene wants to come… wait, you were?”
James nodded, turned back toward her. “Yeah,” He smiled. “Actually, I wanted to start with dinner.”
“I like food.” Lily grinned.
“You do?” James chuckled. “Well were you planning on eating any after class?”
She snorted. “I think so.”
“You think I can take you out? Even though Mary’s been harassing you about me?”
“Fuck Mary.” Lily waved her hand and James laughed. “I’d really like to go out with you.”
She could already hear Mary singing a song about how she was right and now Lily would have to listen to everything she ever said.
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shibalen · 4 years
💥hewwo can I pwease get a romantic male matchup for bnha (darkbox bc I live for angst) (music box) when you have the time uwu
Levi he/him gay entp supposedly (also if it's not too much to ask please no characters under the age of 18 please)
I've been described as having a strong and loud personality, I'm extroverted and outspoken. I'm pretty eccentric too.
I value friendship, kindness and standing up for others.
Goal wise I'm pretty aimless. I dont have any goals, if I die well I guess that's it babey. In the meantime I'm just here to help animals and people who need it.
Positive traits: I always stick up for people in need, I'm good at reading people, I'm good with animals, I love to make people smile and laugh, cheerful, good at talking my way out of bad situations, uhm. Friendly!
Negative traits would be: hot headed, loud, stubborn, arrogant, comes across as intimidating:( good at getting into bad situations, gets into fights very often. Can be spiteful, I've been described as a pyromaniac so theres that. Can be sadistic
What pisses me off: my father. I can and will cause trouble for that man for as long as I live. And people who pick on the weak.
My hobbies and interests areeee: true crime babey! Crying over video games, baking, the occult, taking naps, dream interpretations and tarot readings
Likes: animals, cats specifically, stars, fire, sunsets, supposedly haunted places, storms, being dramatic for the hell of it, tormenting people in a good hearted way
Dislikes: uhhhh hot weather I guess.
Quirks: uh I have 5 cats! Ones my fathers but he never takes care of his cat so i pretty much count him as my own (plus he likes me more than my dad and it pisses my dad off hehe) I have weirdly accurate intuition, it makes reading people easy, knowing what they want to hear and what they dont.
Uhhh dates and relationship wise I'm honestly happy doing whatever my s/o wants to do. All I want is to see their face light up.
My love language is physical touch, I dont like touching people but if it's someone I feel strongly about youd have to pry me away from them.
I once got kicked out of a library for starting a fight in it, trashy I know but I wasnt going to stand there and do nothing while my friends were being bullied and pressured into getting involved with a really dodgy man. I scared the bullies off for good at least B) they never bothered my friend again babey
Oh I'm also known around the area I live in as someone who's good at finding homes of lost pets. Often times I come across a lost animal and befriend it in no time and use my connections to find its family.
Sorry if this was rly long and thank you for your time!! I hope you have a fantastic day uwu if anything's too difficult to come up with ideas for I'm more than happy for you to change anything to make it easier for you too!
♡︎ matchup for anon
heya! here i am with another late matchup but i hope you still see this. i'm sorry about the delay (╯_╰)
bnha: i match you with . . .
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natsuo todoroki !!
• this was one of those "heureka!" moments for me. you both hate your dads and hot weather? it's a match made in heaven! okay jk, these are just nice add-ons.
• what really made me consider Natsuo were your values and personality. kindness and friendships are important to both of you. Natsuo's a medical student so i am convinced helping others is high on his priority list too. he loves your driven and passionate nature because he doesn't go sugarcoating bs either.
• you're definitely the more energetic one while Natsuo only gets hot-headed about the things that are the most important to him. i think it's a good compromise, you can help each other out :)
• he was a little taken aback and cautious of your explosiveness at first but warmed up to it quickly after learning what a kind person you really were. now he thinks your dramatic attitude is funny during your sillier moments ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
• speaking of, you lads met at an animal shelter. there had been a dog that was astray in the neighbourhood of his home, so Natsuo, being a responsible boyo, took it to the local shelter.
• then there you were, standing by the help desk with five kittens wrapped in your jacket in your arms. apparently someone had been trying to drown them so you'd taken care of the situation accordingly.
• Natsuo understood jumping into a lake to rescue the poor animals because he would have done the same, but you could have had just called the police?? it was extremely ridiculous but admirable at the same time to beat all those guys up.
• your chat turned into a pleasant conversation afterwards as you were waiting for the animals to finish their check-ups. Natsuo was a bit shy but you didn't mind and kept the chat going which he appreciated.
• later he volunteered to help you look for good homes for the animals you'd both found. during this project the two of you got to know each other quite well and ended up hanging out together afterwards!
• and from that point on, everything fell into place naturally. the growing spark between you was undeniable and you both knew it. Natsuo definitely liked you longer, he was just a lil dense about it . . .
• you're nothing short of a hero in his eyes but dear lord he worries for you. when he's attending lectures he sometimes can't help but wonder if you're all right and not getting involved in anything violent.
• attends to your possible injuries while nagging you not to be so quick to start a fight next time. in return, you playfully bully him for being such a mom.
• you join forces with Fuyumi to pick on him about your relationship. even though you're already together, soft Natsuo still blushes when his affection for you is brought up, it's entertaining for both you and Fuyumi.
• idk if you've heard but Natsuo's 181cm tall!! hugging someone has never been easier even if you happen to be taller than him. the only thing is his skin's naturally kind of chilly so he's lowkey worried if you dislike it but you always assure him he's perfect!
• one time he was stressed over exams so you baked him some blueberry muffins. he gave you the biggest hug and kiss because it's exactly all these little things you do that set his heart racing for you ♡︎
• "last night i saw a dream about being a frog and eating giant flies, it was gross."
• "oh, that just means your love life is about to become fun."
• "i'm not sure how those two are related."
• "just trust me. i'm a pro at this."
• he also likes giving you headpats as much as he likes receiving them! his hands are quite big so he often runs his fingers through your hair when you're cuddling or hugging. it's especially relaxing after a long period of studying. also him carring you on his broad back ԅ( ̄ε ̄ԅ)
• you enjoy the little things in life and complain about your fathers together. you've agreed to wait a while before even mentioning your relationship to them because, honestly, Natsuo doesn't want any more horrible influences in your life.
• you get him sucked into the world of video games. it's always fun to watch him struggle but he never gets salty about losing maybe a lil he adores your smile as you laugh at him for being so bad at them.
• your dates include: helping out at animal shelters and retirement homes, video game and movie nights (especially about true crime), arcades and astronomy tower explorstions. i feel like Natsuo's more into traditional, romantic and chill dates and that's your usual thing. though i see sometimes you going to get coffee and ending up solving a 50-year-old murder case instead (✧ω✧)
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❦︎ ink box
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— despite Natsuo's best efforts to distance himself from Endeavor, it wasn't quite as easy and everyone was very much aware of the Todoroki family. and now the son of the number 1 hero had a lover.
— it wasn't actually that troublesome at first. some newpaper paparazzi occasionally annoyed you but you didn't care for them. most of the time Natsuo and you had your peace during dates aside from a few casual fans.
— but of course there are all sorts of people out there, some out for revenge, some for money, and being desperate means using even the lowest of methods to get what you want.
— so one time it happened, and it was all that took. several bitter villains thought they'd get their revenge through you, silly as it may sound. they made a big show of kidnapping you and demanding Endeavor to 'make up' for his wrongdoing. but all got resolved thanks to heroes, the only casualty being Natsuo's heart from almost exploding from worry and his deepening hatred for his father.
— later on, it wasn't that Natsuo was worried about you not being able to handle yourself, he feared what might happen if more of powerful villains came after you.
— so, after some debate, you agreed not to meet up for a short while to let the fuse of the incident settle down. it would be safer once the media forgot about it. you still texted and chatter over phone though!
— but then a week turned into two weeks, then into a month. you were wondering what was taking Natsuo to say the coast was clear and did a straight-up inquiry through a video chat.
— you could see he was restless the entire time. he said you should wait longer just to be sure everything was calm before meeting up. you became irritated because he was obviously lying and not being his normal, brutally honest self.
— why was he giving you this crap straight to your face?
— truthfully, Natsuo hadn't been sleeping all right recently. ever since that day he had reoccurring nightmares about something awful happening to you. they were just dreams, he knew. yet considering his ruffled up past and the frequency of those horrible visions, it would have been lie to say he was unaffected.
— paranoia just wouldn't leave him alone, and no matter how much he wanted to hold you in his arms again and hated making up stupid excuses, the voice at the back of his mind whispered this was for the best.
— after a month and a half had passed you've had just about enough, however. whatever reason he was keeping you in the dark for did no longer stop you from crashing into his house and demanding the truth.
— Natsuo knew you and expected this to eventually happen. after you made such a powerful entrance though he also knew there was no getting around it this time. really, it was comforting knowing you cared so deeply.
— he told you exactly what had been happening and you resisted the urge to punch him in the arm for having such a mindset. but the look in his beautiful grey eyes was so heartbreaking you threw yourself to embrace him instead. your touch was everything Natsuo had craved for for all this time.
— you skillfully assured him for the next couple of hours while keeping the talk light-hearted (he had obviously been overthinking way too much already). soon enough the issue was resolved and you had a sleepover right there to make uo for the lost time (Shoto and Fuyumi kept eavesdropping on you because y'all were being way too loud in a cute way).
— "i love you, Natsu, but if you ever keep something like this a secret from me again, i can't guarantee the safety of your arm or your front door."
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♫︎ music box
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— If I Had An Airplane by SayWeCanFly
— This December by Rick Montgomery
— Round & Laundry from Carole and Tuesday
— Haven't Had Enough by Marianas Trench
— Bowie On The Radio by Ryan McMullan
♡︎ runner up: Dabi / Touya Todoroki
thank you for requesting, hopefully you enjoyed this! i'm really pleased about matching you with Natsuo, it's just so perfect. have a lovely day and remember to take care of yourself ♡︎
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Good Eyes | Writing Update
Hey People of Earth!
Ya girl is back for another MOTH WORK writing update, and this time we’re talking about chapter eleven, aka GOOD EYES. Just a reminder before we get started that I do have a Moth Work tab if y’all want to binge all the updates/catch up on ones you missed! Check it out HERE.
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This chapter is a bit of a special one, as it’s the final chapter in Lonan’s POV!
If y’all have been following the updates since before August-ish, you would know that before this, I covered mostly Harrison’s emotional turmoil lmao, but spontaneously decided to add another POV because this is my guilty pleasures project and I wanted to! This POV is Lonan’s.
I really struggled toward the end of writing Lonan’s chapters, and I felt this was the POV’s fault. After chapter six, I couldn’t really sink my teeth into his head, and really raced to the finish line to get back to Harrison. In reality, this was actually me not understanding that the disconnect was because I wasn’t embracing the style the book wanted to be. HOWEVER, since finishing his POV (and the entire book << as I am editing this post), I am! sad! I do miss his Lonanisms. 
GOOD EYES is split into four scenes. They go as follows (cw: drug addiction, alcoholism):
Scene A:
After Lonan’s relapse in the previous chapter, good ol’ Eliza takes him to the hospital she works at so he can finally get some professional help.
Lonan is in the waiting room and all is going well! Until a lady he doesn't know accuses him of wearing her son’s guardian angel chain + jacket and OOP the tea is that he is!
The woman who sees him in the waiting room is Harrison’s mother, Suzanna. I’ve planned her since I was 15 and never had a project to put her in so it was WILD to finally write her! She’s an AA leader.
Scene B:
Direct continuation of the last scene, except this time Lonan is shook
He’s heard many stories about Suzanna and the last place he expects her to be is here!
He pulls a Lonan and attempts to yeet away from that situation lol (does not work)
Scene C:
We start with Lonan recounting a story Harrison once told him about a knife. He’s thinking about this because he’s helping Suzanna chop vegetables. They’ve since moved back to Eliza’s apartment.
(CW: blood, accidental injury) Lonan cuts himself accidentally and Suzanna jumps at the opportunity to mother him. Her motherly disposition shakes him (he ain’t expecting this).
(CW: abuse) This scene is where this chapter gets its title. Suzanna compliments Lonan’s eyes (which he believes are his worst feature as they’re the physical factor that most closely resembles his father) and calls them “good eyes”. This is the first time he’s considered his eyes as anything but reminders of his abusive father, and is one of the gentlest things I’ve written ahhhhh. Though Suz isn’t in this book for very long, I do think her presence has a profound effect on Lonan who has never had a healthy parental relationship. (AKA we need more!!)
Scene D:
A pretty short scene!
Our girl Eliza gets home after work, and is lowkey amazed that Lonan has helped cook dinner (me too lmaooo)
Lonan is really feeling his work--he out here setting tables, folding napkins, feeling like he could be a wedding planner. In the middle of his #MasterChefMoment, the doorbell rings
And in dramatic fashion guess who on the other side of the door lool
It’s Harrison hahahaha the chapter ends on a cliffhanger hahaaha I feel 13 again!
I really like this chapter! It has some really interesting character work particularly between Suz and Lonan as we get to see two sides of both that we never really do--vulnerability. I wrote this chapter over the first weekend I moved back to school after break and it was such a lovely experience. A really nice, meditative chapter that I really needed. It was the perfect way to leave Lonan’s head.
(CW: The next two excerpts deal with betta fish fighting)
This is a description of the betta fish in the waiting room that Lonan watches that is totally not an explicit metaphor for his relationship with Harrison def not I have 100% not used this metaphor in another story called Fishbowl starring the two of them noooo should this book have been called “it’s all a metaphor for fighter fish” maybeeee:
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The waiting room is fluorescent and empty, the only movement the irregular swish of fighter fish across a fish tank. He read somewhere it’s never a good idea to keep two together, but in the tank they circle. One is pale and translucent like diluted bone, its silk tail fluttering with each jag through the water. The next is a shift of blueness that opalizes with each peck at the water’s surface. They synchronize before one flits its tail so the other jitters toward the glass. It’s a mistake they’ve been put together—they will only kill each other in time. 
(I’m a real sucker for betta fish as I had many as a child but Meatball was my #1 right hand man [and the reason why I always seem to describe every betta fish as blue] who lived the longest and I miss him to this day I 100% never ever put two males together tho do not do that!!!)
Here’s another I’m including this because my favourite thing Lonan has ever said in response to someone’s *confusion* is “I need to see a doctor” lmao mooooood (tw: some violent imagery here):
“They shouldn’t be in there together,” he says. His head like the impact of a skipping rock. The rings. He raises his hand when she says nothing, and points to the fish. He doesn’t know which one will die, just that one will.
“You’re wearing his things,” she says.
“They’re going to kill each other.”
“The fish?”
The last time he saw him. The rain. The motel. The neon light eating them both slowly. The things Lonan said—purposefully so he could make a clean getaway. Things that made Harrison wince like Lonan had just bitten his wrist and was holding him there to bleed out. 
“I think so.”
Suzanna turns to look at the fish, and then turns back to him. The vacancy in her face is gone—she’s swollen with confusion.
The fire. The dark room. How he knows each ridge of Harrison’s teeth, each metacarpal, each vertebra, each rib, like they’re his own, like they were carved out of the same thing. 
“I need to see a doctor.”  
(^^ also this whole knowing every bone thing was supposed to be romantic but sounds more like necromancyyy hahaaaaaha Lonan’s bone kink EXPOSED)
Here’s another! TW: blood!! Here’s some description of Lonan accidentally cutting his hand + some Lonan x Suzanna relationship development:
(also Suzanna’s story about the first time she cut herself is ACTUALLY just CNF except I left out some of the gruesome details :’)))
“It happens all the time.” He thinks this might be a continuation of a sentence, but he’s missed the first part. By the time she’s telling him about her first time cutting herself in the kitchen—chopping chives in a hurry for a better omelette--she’s touching his hand again, wrapping a paper towel around it to staunch the bleeding.
Lonan glances down at the stain of red eating the white when two fingers tip his chin up, warm and surprisingly callused. “Not there. Look at me.” He only realizes she’s said this because he’s shaking. “So I tell the guy his advertisement is a lie—no accidents in the kitchen, and what happens when I get mine in the mail? An accident.” She continues easily, like she hasn’t been interrupted.
“What?” Something ringing in his ear. He tries to tip it out with his good hand, but nothing comes out. Again, he looks at his finger—she’s switched to a new paper towel. The blood saturates it, and his pupils dilate at the sight of it—something grossly exciting.
“Up here, honey. I’ve heard I have nice eyes.”
Here’s an excerpt that proves Suz is the *biggest* mood! Her dialogue (the vivid bit) is actually direct mirroring of something Harrison says in an earlier memory Lonan recounted (tho I don’t like the writing in that part so :))):
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She leans against the sink for a moment and pinches her nose. He hasn’t meant for his eye colour to upset her, but when she recovers, she moves straight past him to the bloody potatoes on the cutting board. Quickly, she removes the unsalvageable ones, dumps the cutting board into the sink. She begins talking about how much rain they’ve gotten, a show she liked downtown. Something about dogs, or doctors—he doesn’t quite hear what she says. He’s distracted looking at her. How she moves, sturdily. Almost too much. The way she picks up where he left off, dicing, chopping, peeling, like she’s been doing it all along.
“I forgot what it felt like to operate.” He doesn’t know if she refers to being a mother or chopping potatoes. Suzanna is pretty like her son. An edge to her that softens as she speaks. Golden hair that glitters like sunrays, even in the fake apartment light. He doesn’t know how it feels to miss a son. How it feels to carry him in your face, like a second skin. “It’s vivid,” she says.
So that’s it for this update! There are a few more to go (tho I may combine a few) so the Moth Work party ain’t over yet! 
For now, I hope y’all enjoyed!
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transgender-scout · 6 years
Okay I found a pdf online of the Angel experiment and started reading it last night when I couldn’t sleep. It turned into less of a list of me complaining and more of a reaction as I relived my life in 6th grade. I’ve got the first four chapters + the prologue so I’ll do 5 chapters at a time. To keep from clogging dashes I’m going to drop this bad boy under the cut.
Book 1:
•Oh my god I actually missed these prologues where the protagonist talks so dramatically to the reader like this. Gives me a real animorphs vibe hell yeah
•God I’m losing it this sounded like a deviant art bio
•Oh god I see where I got my flare for dramatic introductions
•It always bothered me that they’re only 2% bird. I feel like that might have given them some patches of feathers maybe instead of wings and improved hearing and sight and strength and metabolism an
•There it is again-“the only experiments to make it past infancy” I have a couple of books’ worth of proof that says that’s wrong. Yeah sure Max probably didn’t know about everything that was going on at the school but don’t sound so definitive about this. What is this, supernatural?
•Also why were the Erasers the only ones who could morph? Wouldn’t it be better to have wings that could morph into your back?? More useful???
•Also I hope the internet taught them about furries so they could make snide jokes tinged with nervous laughter about how Erasers are furries.
•“Welcome to our nightmare” GOD THAT'S SO 2005
•I still have no idea what Max meant by “if you read this story, you become part of the experiment.” I don’t see any wings popping out of my back, Miss, I’d like a refund.
Chapter 1
•Also still not sure what the whole point of this dream sequence was besides padding out a first chapter (which honestly? Mood). Any insight?
•W-if the Erasers are chasing after Max, why the fuck do they have bloodhounds? Isn’t wolf smelling on par, if not better than dogs’?? I understand this is a dream but like. Yo.
•Everyone always draws Max’s wings like eagle wings and they’re even colored like that in the manga, but the wiki says they resemble hawk wings. Hm.
Chapter 2
•Also the E shaped house always bugged me, too. The way it sounds, it’s not secluded by trees or anything, but Max says they’re totally hidden?? Surely someone goes hiking in the mountains around there.
•Ah yes. Jeb. Bastard man.
•Wait did he just. Fuckin up and leave? Like in the middle of the night like “bye kids gonna go get some milk” and never came back? How fucked up is that?
•And how the fuck did he expect three 12 year olds to take care of a 9 year old, a 6 year old, and a 4 year old by themselves??
•No doctors. Is Max part of the anti vaxx movement? Surely the folks at the lab weren’t like “well obviously they need all their shots if they’re to function normally in society and not die of chickenpox.”
•Also I like how dramatically this chapter ends. He literally could have kept going djsjfjsfn
Chapter 3
•Why is Gazzy a walking potty humor joke? That literally comes into play once in like the third to last book. #GiveGazzyTheCharacterDevelopmentHeDeserves2k19
•I forgot if this was mentioned but how do they know Gazzy and Angel are siblings? Is it just because they look similar?
•Also I’m remembering every page from the manga in like super high definition rn
•I saw someone else discuss this, but where in the fuck do they get food from?? Max makes it sound like she’s never gone into real society before and a 14 year old buying at least $1000 worth of groceries every week seems super sketch to literally any place ever.
•It always struck me as weird that Angel likes cozy places considering she lived in a dog crate for the first few years of her life.
•It’s so weird to me that literally the only person who got powers was Angel. The rest develop their (single use) powers along the way whenever it was convenient but I guess she just started out with hers? Idk I literally have no room to talk tho one of my ocs has inexplicable mind reading powers too lol
Chapter 4
•JDJSFJ THE CONVO AB THE STRAWBERRIES IS SO SHORT AND FORCED FJSJFJSJK I know it’s just to start the plot but shakfjajfjwj???
•Oh also why don’t they ever use Gazzy’s voice mimic thing?? JP could have made things where it was voice locked but Gazzy could have had a personality and been like “yo guys I got this!”
•Also how in the world can an 8 year old perfectly mimic a 14 year old’s voice? I’m guessing it’s an implied bird thing maybe.
•“Most of us had [weird abilities].” LITERALLY ONLY TWO OF YOU DO.
Chapter 5
•Oof trained? I can see why Jeb would train the kids to fight but like,,, yikes. Those are literal babies,,,,, plss
•Also I thought it was weird how they could just clap their hands around the Eraser’s ears and their eardrums would just fuckin pop. Do wolves really work like that? Someone who knows more about wolves than me look that up.
•Honestly?? The flock should have tons of scars n shit from all the times they’ve fought the Erasers. I’d really have liked to hear them come up at some point.
•Was there a reason they only wanted Angel or…? It’s been a long time since I read the series. From what Max was saying, pretty much half flock was out cold and would have been easy pickings for the Erasers to take back to the lab.
•Well the one thing I can say is that at least Ari is acting like a jealous seven year old.
•Lowkey wish there’d been more time to establish Ari, in hindsight. While we do get his view point in later books, we still really didn’t even get to know much about him. I’m not sure if that was for a reason or just a character who didn’t get developed. I wish there had at least been a name drop or something in the priori chapters like “I’m pretty sure Jeb had a son. Wonder where he went. Oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
•Also I forgot again but was there a reason Jeb didn’t bring Ari along?? Like, he couldn’t have done the same things as the flock, sure, but at least he would be there with his dad and like, other kids near his age to interact with. Did we ever get any info ab Ari’s mom? Again, shitty memory.
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minijenn · 7 years
Have you posted the notes for Society of the blindeye?
Oh shit I forgot! Thanks for reminding me, they’re under the cut!
• Start off pretty much just like the episode, with Lazy Susan happening across a group of gnomes; as she panics, however, she’s whisked away by a mysterious group of robed figures, thus giving us our vague, ominous introduction to the society • After the open, cut to the shack, where the kids have congregated to try and work out the mystery of the author of the journal; make this bit a little longer as they compile together all the clues thus far and have some interactions • In the midst of this though, Mabel mourns over how all of her summer crushes have failed thus far after receiving a letter from Mermando; her disappointment only grows as she notices some lowkey romantic hints between Steven and Connie (make this mostly through introspection though), further hinting at her crush on Steven (be somewhat subtle about this) • Somewhere in this, the kids happen to notice an insignia on the broken laptop reading “McGucket labs”; while initially baffled by this, they eventually surmise that there’s a high chance that Old Man McGucket could possibly be the author himself (side note) Be sure to mention in here how, with the laptop now broken, Dipper lowkey thinks that finding the author could very well lead to saving Lapis (though he doesn’t really say it out loud)  (side note) Try to throw in some hints of angst for Steven in this opening with some reflection back upon stuff like Jailbreak and Sock Opera, hence opening up his desire later on to want to absolve his friends of those painful memories
• Cut downstairs to have a bit of humor between Soos and Wendy, with Wendy’s frustration over the song “Straight Blanchin’”; after a bit of this, the kids rush by and recruit the pair to go with them to peruse their newfound evidence • Their first stop is by the temple of course, to see if their theory on McGucket being the author matches up with what the Gems know; initially, Pearl and Amethyst staunchly deny the possibility that McGucket could be the author, but Garnet isn’t so quick to judge and instead purposes they follow this lead (imply that she remembers something about McGucket’s involvement, though she can’t pin down exactly what) • And so the kids set off with the Gems to the junkyard where they encounter McGucket, and at first make this rather silly, as expected until the kids start to present him with the evidence they found about him possibly being the author • McGucket fretfully repels such claims however, saying that his memory’s been all but gone since 1982 (maybe give the Gems a bit of a reaction here, with them not really believing him, thinking he’s putting on an act, ect), however, upon seeing a certain page in the journal, his memory is jogged on the blind eyeSide note: Be sure to include regular interactions between McGucket and the Gems in here, make these funny but also kinda awkward • Thinking that this could be the key to uncovering the truth, everyone sets out again, following the clues to the museum (maybe have more B plot stuff in here, with Wendy and Soos, as well as Steven, Connie and Mabel) • As they arrive at the museum, include a bit in here with just the Gems as they make their resolve to uncover the truth about the gaps existing between them and the author, in the hopes of finally making sense of it all • After some initial investigation, the group eventually happens upon an entrance to an underground hideaway (be descriptive, ominous, ect); as they explore more, they eavesdrop on a meeting of the Society of the Blind Eye, where the cult shows off their purpose by erasing Lazy Susan’s memory of the gnomes with a memory erasing gun (make this kinda dramatic) • As the meeting ends, the group heads in to investigate further; show everyone’s reactions to the society, as well as the memory erasing gun; in here, drop several implications, including the possibility that the society might have erased McGucket’s memories, as well as the Gems’ (though the Gems are somewhat doubtful of this) • Also drop the first hints in here of Steven possibly seeing this as a way to kind of “undo” all of the bad things that have happened over the past few weeks, at least for himself, Dipper, Mabel, and Connie; he keeps this thought in the back of his mind for now though, unsure of if he’s going to act upon it • And so from here, the group decides to split up; Mabel, Connie, and Wendy stay behind in the meeting hall; Dipper, Steven, Soos, and McGucket head off to the hall of the forgotten, while the Gems decide to try and track down society members themselves for answers • From here, cut to the Gems as they investigate the society’s headquarters further, eventually happening upon a room filled with old newspaper clippings on Gem happenings; in this part, they discuss why the society might be erasing the towns’ memory of Gem stuff, worrying if its all their fault for putting Gravity Falls in so much frequent danger, ect • In this, they also nervously question why, if the society really did erase their memories, why it would only be of the author and nothing else (maybe have some callbacks to Into the Bunker here); they theorize whether or not Rose still had such memories, and question that, if she did, why wouldn’t she have told them about any of this (make this filled with implications, foreshadowing, introspection) • Back in the meeting hall, have some interactions between the girls until Connie splits off a bit upon hearing a noise in the distance; while she’s gone, Mabel discusses her romance woes with Wendy, in the process accidentally revealing her crush on Steven (to herself as well as Wendy) • Wendy is understanding, of course, and reassures her, telling her to just forget about guys, which gives Mabel the idea to use the memory gun to forget about her summer romances, as well as her crush on Steven • The guys come across the hall  and discover all of the memory tubes; they watch a few and learn that the society erases the towns’ memory whenever anything supernatural or magical happens (including the hand ship invasion, which explains why no one in town has really talked about it since it happened) (maybe include a few examples) • In this, Steven notices another memory gun lying nearby and decides to take it for the time being, still unsure about his plan, but becoming slightly more convinced upon remembering just how rough things were for Dipper in particular following Sock Opera (though he doesn’t follow through quite yet out of nerves) • McGucket finds his memory tube, though as he retrieves it, it sets off an alarm that alerts the society members to their presence; while McGucket manages to hide, a chase ensues; while the boys manage to seemingly give the society the slip, Steven impulsively holds Dipper back a bit, knowing that its now or never • Steven anxiously unveils the memory gun he nabbed and suggests that he use it to get rid of all their bad memories of the past few weeks, starting with Dipper’s; naturally, Dipper’s opposed to this, so make this kind of an argument in that Steven only wants to do this to help them all (though he’s still clearly conflicted about it) (generally just make this scene pretty tense) Side note: Maybe have Dipper reference what they all learned in Do It For Them here and how Steven’s going against that, but Steven refutes this by claiming its what’s best for everyone (have him be kinda on the verge of a guilt ridden breakdown with this)  • Before Steven can pull the trigger however, Connie stumbles upon them (reuse down below) and is shocked of course, by what is happening; before Steven can explain, however, the society members find them and apprehend all three of the kids • Somewhere in here (doesn’t have to be right here , have a bit with just McGucket as he panics, wanting to help the others but not really knowing what to do; as he tries to focus, he eventually decides to find the Gems • He does so, and make this rather stilted as the Gems are still doubtful of McGucket telling the truth about his lost memories and openly accuse him of lying about what he knows; however, he manages to convince them that he’s clueless by actually mentioning that he does remember a few things about them and Rose, he just doesn’t know why or how • The Gems finally relent, somewhat guilty for their cold treatment of McGucket (have them note there’s also some familiarity there and that they want to get to the bottom of it all together) as they set out to go rescue the kids • As they’re taken to the meeting room, they find that the others (save for the Gems and McGucket) have all been captured as well; here, they finally learn about the purpose of the Society of the Blind Eye, a group meant to absolve Gravity Falls of its woes about the supernatural by erasing their memories of it • In this, the society members also unmask themselves as regular townsfolk themselves (include some SU characters in here), and the cult leader, Blind Ivan introduces himself and voices his intention on making the kids forget about the society and the events of the summer completelySide note: Incorporate the idea somewhere in here on how its wrong for the Society to decide what memories people should keep and which ones they shouldn’t; as well as the importance of memory in general • In this, the kids panic of course, though there’s also a good bit of argument specifically between Dipper, Connie, and Steven about what almost happened with the other memory gun, though he isn’t really able to say much in his defense out of guilt • Before Blind Ivan can use the gun on the kids, however, McGucket and the Gems arrive to save them; a short scuffle ensues, so make this kinda funny but also kinda epic as the gang fights off the society membersSide note: Be sure to have a bit of confrontational dialogue between Ivan and the Gems, as he points out that the society is saving the town from their disasters (and his intentions to wipe the towns’ memory of them completely)  • McGucket ends up ultimately saving the day, however, by taking a memory blast meant for the kids; it doesn’t work on him though, seeing as how his mind has already been erased so many times over that he’s practically immune to it • With Ivan and the society defeated and restrained, the Gems demand to know if they have their memory tubes, only for the society members to all deny knowing anything about them; while the Gems contest this, Garnet affirms that this is true and that their memories, if they had ever even been erased at all, are still lost for now (show that they’re not going to stop looking for the truth though) • After this, the kids erase the society’s memories of the organization and send them off (have some humor in this) • From here, everyone watches McGucket’s memories as they learn that he used to be an inventor who worked alongside the author and the Gems before quitting the project they were working on; haunted by the knowledge he had gained, he built a device to help forget it all and at first it was a success as he formed the Society of the Blind Eye; as time went on however and he used the memory gun more frequently, his mind started to disappear until he went completely insaneSide note: Try to imply more here, look to journal 3 if you have to; mention the Gems (all four of them) specifically here • Of course, everyone is very sympathetic towards McGucket, especially the Gems as they realize they might have had a part in all this, even if they don’t remember what that part was; all the same, have some heartwarming vibes in here as McGucket resolves to start remembering instead of trying to forget and he wishes that the Gems will be able to do the same • Upon seeing this example, Steven apologizes to Dipper and Connie about what he almost did with the memory gun, admitting that he was wrong for wanting to rip their memories away from them and that they should continue to heal from the pain of the past in a natural way, learning from it instead of trying to forget it all Side note: Include themes in here on the importance and memory and how memory is a right that shouldn’t be taken away by anyone without consent (a lesson intended mostly for Steven)  • At the same time, Mabel also admits that it was wrong of her to want to forget about her summer crushes (though hint that she’s still got it bad for Steven, but that she’ll just have to deal with those feelings as they come) and cap this part off with some fun fluffiness between everyone • On the ride home, Dipper asks McGucket if he can recall anything about the author himself (something that the Gems join in on), and he notes that its all familiar but he can’t recall just yet • On this, smoothly transition to Stan as he continues working on the portal, noting his good fortune at the Gems not being able to remember anything about it; aside from that, play this part pretty straight to the episode and let it be the chapter’s end as Stan asserts that nothing can stand in his way of achieving this goal (make this momentous, dramatic, buildup towards NWHS)
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searchingff-blog · 7 years
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It was a Saturday night at Aces, and a new DJ was coming into the club. Gigi’s first week at the club went amazing. She already made enough in tips to pay her car payment, and half of her rent. The fast paced money is what she loved, because it's the same way she was able to afford her transition. Back then she was escorting, so bartending was a safer alternative.
“I'm lowkey still tired from last night. I don't even know why I went to IHOP after the shift with y'all. That shit is a dub tonight.” She chuckled, talking to a coworker.
The night before she joined the other bartender, and a few of the strippers for food after work. It was a good time, but she missed out on sleep. This lifestyle was something that she was going to have to get used to.
“Can I get a shot of Henny, please?”
Gigi was facing the other way when the voiced pierced her ears. It was still pretty early, even for the ones that got to the club early. When she turned around to face the male she could have sworn drool slid out the crack of her mouth.
“You good ma?” Montell asked.
This was his first night on the job, and he was a little nervous. A shot of his favorite brown was sure to get him in the right mood.
“Ummm, yeah. Uh a shot of Henny coming right up.” She shuffled around the bar as if it was her first night.
“That's Jack.” He laughed lowly along with her co-worker.
Gigi was feeling foolish now. There was no need for her to be this shook. Plenty of men came through the club, but it was something about him that rubbed her the right way. It could also be the fact that she was feigning for sexual pleasure.
Once she finally got the right liquor she poured him a shot, and passed it to him.
“Good looks. You think periodically you can send shots up to me through the night?”
“Like at your section, yeah.” She nodded.
“Nah.” He chuckled “Up to the DJ booth.”
“Ohhh, you're the DJ for tonight. Ohh okay, yeah you got it.”
He laughed, staring at her right in those hazel eyes of her’s.
“You're cute shorty. What's ya name?” He asked after throwing the shot back, and passed the glass back across the table.
“Giselle but everybody calls me Gigi.”
She fidgeted with her fingers under the bar. Het poker face was solid, but deep down she was hoping he wasn't showing her attention just so he could get served drinks all night.
“Well I ain't everybody. I'm Monty” A sly smile formed across his face.
“Nice to meet you Monty.”
“Same to you, Giselle. You just started working here?” He got comfortable on the bar stool.
“Yeah, I just moved back from Cali.”
“So you a Call girl. Hope you can handle these tough NY streets.”
“I was born and raised here. Ain't nothing gonna happen that I haven't dealt with before.”
“Ohh word, then why this my first time seeing you?” He smirked.
“Because unlike most of these girls I wasn't out here in the mix.” She giggled, getting more comfortable with him as the conversation continued.
“I fucks with good girls. They tend to be the most freakiest.” Monty was working his magic on her.
“Unfortunately, most guys don't find out because they don't know how to court anymore.”
Without a second thought he took his phone out of his pocket, and unlocked it for her.
“Save your number in my phone under whatever you want.” The gold IPhone 7 plus slid across the bar top.
Gigi picked the phone up, and entered her number. She took a second to think about what her name should be. Coming up with something corny, but cute she smiled at FUTURE BAE💦 before it was passed back.
“I'm a text you later tonight so you have it in your phone. But let me get to my booth before they start coming in. Be safe baby girl.” He left her with one more smile before he walked away.
“You need some new panties bitch?” Her co-worker played around with her, and they laughed in unison.
“Shut up.”
Roman walked into the house earlier than usual. He wanted to surprise his wife, Hazel, since the two of them had been distant. When she had the miscarriage it put a strain on their marriage. It wasn't intentional, but she felt like less than a woman. Up until now she was able to give her husband everything that he wanted, and the one thing that he wanted most she wasn't able to. Her confidence was low, and she barely had touched or showed Roman any attention in weeks. It started to affect their connection as a couple.
“I'm up here!” She screamed from the second floor of their town home. Hazel was in the bed answering emails for work. It was what she turned to since the loss of her baby. Most of the time she didn't want to be in the house, or even in Roman's space. She felt like a disappointment, and there was a layer of embarrassment.
“How you doing baby?” He made it to their room.
“I'm good working, stressed about these parties coming up. A few artist haven't confirmed if they were going to come or not.”
He slipped off his shoes, and walked over to her side of the bed. Hoping to be off some help, he placed his hands on her shoulders. The moment he did she moved away from his touch.
“What are you doing? Can't you see I'm busy.” She rolled her eyes with irritation in the pit of her voice.
“Well damn. I'm just trying to fucking help ya ass out.” He got up from the bed, and went over to the dresser to take off his watch and other pieces of jewelry.
“Right now I have to be focused on work, and not you.”
“That's a lot lately. Surprised you remember my name.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” This was the first time she looked up from her phone.
“It means you been so into work lately that you forgot about your damn husband. I'm sure that statement was self explanatory.” He begun getting undressed.
“Well excuse the hell out of me for having a job. If I say on my ass all day, and asked you for every penny you'd call me a gold digger, so miss me with that.”
“What the fuck is ya ass talking about?” Confused was the only expression on his face.
“Nothing apparently.” She shook her head, and continued with her work.
“I'm saying I want some more attention from my wife, and you talking about gold digger and bullshit. I came into this fucking house with good energy, and you the one with a stank ass attitude. Need to fix that shit ASAP.”
She dramatically rolled her eyes and took a deposit breath. Fighting wasn't what she wanted to do right now, but that was their norm.
“Ever since the ba-”
She cut him off instantly.
“Please don't bring up my baby right now.” She'd didn't have the energy to cry today.
“Your baby? My nigga we both lost that baby, and I'm sick and tired of you acting like you're the only one who lost something.”
“Something? Wow.” She couldn't believe he just said that to her. Hazel closed her laptop, and got up from the bed.
“Uuggh, you know what I meant.” His palm hit his face, wishing he didn't use that word.
“I'm going to sleep in the guest room. Enjoy your night Roman.”
Her body started to shake, and she didn't want to break down in front of him again. As she rushed out the room she slammed the door behind her, so he didn't follow her out the room.
“So fucking stupid.” He plopped on the bed, and shook his head. Roman had foot in the mouth disease.
“Werk that shit bish!!”
Azure’s friends amped her up. Her besties from college drug her out the house tonight, and brought her to Aces. They were tired of her wallowing in her mother's house, and tonight it wasn't going to be the same thing. It took many shots for her to finally start dancing, and she really couldn't stop.
Her hips rocked to the beat of the song, and even if she wanted to stop she couldn't. It was either the liquor or the stranger she danced on had a big weapon in his pants. Either way, she was just happy to make someone besides herself happy. Finally her friend's pulled her off of the man, and brought her over to the bar.
“Bitch what are y'all doing? His dick felt amazing against my ass.” The three of them cracked up.
“Nope, you need to take a breather. Can we get another round of shots please.” Her friended spouted out.
“You trying to get me fucked up like y'all did on my wedding day. Fucking around I might take somebody in here home with me.” She laughed, secretly already plotting on somebody
“Still the same bitch I see.” An unknown voice was heard clearly.
Azure, and her friends looked to the right of them and was already put on guard.
“Hoe, why is you talking to me? Matter of fact why are you even worried about if I'm the same bitch or not?”
Right after Quincy, the last person she wanted to see was Zeus’ ex. After she dropped the news on her that she was pregnant with her baby back in day the two hated each other off principle.
“Because ever since you got divorced Zeus started acting crazy with me.”
Azure bursted out laughing. “Let me guess he's not fucking you no more, or not as much and you think I am.” He girls chimed in, and laughed to be petty. “Let me tell you something mama, because I'm feeling a little saucy right now I'm a be a friend to you unlike your ragged friends, and tell you that, that nigga ain't ever gonna pick you.” She shook her head.
She had a lot of animosity built up inside, and majority of it had nothing to do with Jasmine, but she was the one on the receiving end of her wrath.
“And let's just get something clear, I you think you took something from me you didn't. I walked away willingly because I just never been that bitch. I thought I was making the decision easy for him, but I guess he still didn't want your washed up a-”
Before she could finish her insult Jasmine’s fist connected with Azure's mouth, and her head shifter back. At the same time her reflexes kicked in, she grabbed a chunk of her hair, and pulled her head down to start upper cutting her. It didn't even register in her mind that both of their friends started fighting, and she don't care.
Jasmine grabbed ahold of her forty inches, and locked her arm around her neck.
“Bitch!” Azure screamed out.
She maneuvered her body to make the both of them fall onto the ground, and Azure landed on top of her. Wasting no time she started throwing hooks her way, connecting with her jaw. Finally, security was able to make it through the crowd. One big, burly man whisked Azure off of Jasmine but she still had a tight grip on her hair.
“Let go of her hair!” The security commanded, but Jasmine paid them no mind.
“Get off my hair bitch!!” Her hairstylist was smart to sew the wig down, and subconsciously she was thanking God for it.
The security was trying to pry her hands from her hair, but were failing. Luckily, one of Azure's friends was close enough to stomp her out. She got one good kick in, it did the trick, before the guards separated the group.
“You hating ass bitch! You gonna see me again hoe!”
Azure wanted round two, but knew the security wasn't going to let them go again. Her crew got escorted to the back, and she blew up Zeus’ phone. It irritated her that the first time she was calling him it had to do something with his baby mama. She was so pissed that she wanted to fuck him just to piss her off, but instead she was going back to her mother's house alone.
She missed somebody loving her.
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midnightluck · 7 years
@leafyxthiefy​ and I were discussing the sad lack of Disney aus, and then High School Musical mas au was mentioned, and well, look, I ain’t gonna write it, but here’s how it might be done, and if you wanna, please do and tag us?
Izo really loves theater, yeah? And Haruta. They used to put on productions of fairy tales in the living room and rope their siblings into being the cast, and Marco as the oldest ended up trying to direct/help/figure it all out for them, and he somehow just never got out of the habit? and they're in high school and yet he's still doing it and then we have Izo and Haruta as idk a real nice friendly casual ryan and sharpay?
and idk one of his other siblings, probably Thatch???? helps with the music sometimes and he's like, Marco, let's write a love story, and Marco is like nope, no thanks, let's stick to adventures like we do, kay? kay
Thatch is like, "noooooo we've never done a love story" "and I'm not gonna" "c'mon, izo would love it" "but it's a love story" "look we'll throw in pirates, too, okay?" "......" "you love pirates" "......no fair fine, okay"
and oh, it's the tale of roger and rouge
and usually he writes the roles for Izo and Haruta, yeah? with them in mind, which is kinda unfair because they're the stars of the theater dept now because of course they are, and they're amazing, of course, but it's hard for anyone else to compete when the main roles are literally written for them, you know? Only it's love story, and it's hard for Marco to wrap his head around for them, and he starts to drift, starts to go back to the fairy tales, starts to do typical prince/princess stuff.
Only, the princess is boring, so let her snark.
The prince is too perfect, so make him fail.
And somewhere along the line, he starts writing for himself, because he can only write what he knows. The princess becomes a pirate, Rouge, queen of the seas, embodiment of freedom, all sly smiles and snark and slippery, stealing and singing and leading a merry chase, and the poor guy, Roger, chases after her through a series of pratfalls, setting out to be pirate king and blinded by the stars she put in his eyes, and it's ever so fun, with quick teasing songs and a lot of playful exchanges and this one lovely slow duet on a beach in the moonlight
meanwhile, in the background, Ace and Sabo meet at, idk, karaoke. Because Luffy. Nah, wait, that's too au, hang on, we can fix this
they attended the same elementary school. Ace and Sabo were bestest friends and he ran away to their house all the time because his parents were never home  so they didn't know, only one day they had to move and took Sabo with them
...he tried to run away and got hit by a car?
Ace heard, thought he was dead, but he was just in a coma for a while? forgot stuff? and his parents didn't notice because it's not like they've been around anyway?
So Sabo turns inward and studies, because college is the closest escape he can manage, and he's gonna get a full ride and not rely on his parents for anything. He's gonna disappear and be independent if it kills him
boom, science squad Sabo
MEANWHILE Ace likes Disney movies and reading, but his Grandpa wants him to join the military???? he doesn't want to, but Garp is like "ROTC or gtfo" so Ace compromises with sports, because still teams and activities
so he has to sports team, and boom, we get crouching jock hidden nerd, and he lowkey hates it, but it's life, whatever, and if he doesn't want it, well, there's nothing he wants more, so might as well, right?
Until. Until.
So Sabo has this grades thing down, right, but if his parents move him one more time, he's gonna have to start working his way up to valedictorian again, he hasn't got time for this. He needs something to look hella good on college applications, and it needs to keep him out of the house but not take up valuable time and not sports, ugh, teamwork? no thanks, and nothing that requires anything academic, so it's band or theater, really.
He goes theater, maybe he can be like a lighting technician and study in the booth or something, or learn a practical skill like makeup to hide scars; overall a lot more practical than music. So he joins drama and doesn't think twice about actually auditioning.
And that's all well and good except he leaves the library one day to go to drama club and he passes Ace in the hall and Ace doubletakes so hard he almost falls over. It can't be Sabo, it can't--but it looks like him, he walks the same, maybe--maybe???? so screw practice, he follows Sabo to the theater, where tryouts are happening today because plot convenience
"Sabo," he says, and the guy turns around. Same eyes, same face, same suspicious paranoia, same bags under his eyes, same stubborn frown--how could it be anyone else? "Sabo," he says, reaching out, and the guy steps back. "Do I know you?" he says, and Ace goes cold
And he walks away, so Ace chases him all the way to the theater. He gets into a shouting match with has-to-be-Sabo right in the middle on the auditorium, and the theater teacher sighs and says, "if you have something to say, come up here and say it. Obviously you're dramatic enough for the drama club."
Ace storms on stage and yells at Sabo and Sabo yells right back and falls into taunts as naturally as blinking, and it's so easy, and he knows just what to say to get Ace to go red and splutter and chase him, and he also knows the stage and the area because it's his domain, and he bounces around as Ace chases him, yelling at him to come back, and Sabo just taunts and like, hangs over the rail of the fake pirate ship, and Ace throws up his hands and stomps around and says things like, "Why did I even miss you?!" and "I can't believe you forgot!" and "Luffy! Remember Luffy????" and actually--actually Sabo does
Sabo goes soft and says, "Luffy?" and Ace folds his arms and says, "Luffy," and Sabo sinks down to sit, resting his head on the railing as everything falls into place behind his thought, and Ace stands there, looking up, his heart in his eyes, and the teacher yells "Scene!" and Marco stands up from the front row and says, "it's them or I walk."
and of course the problem is that Marco wrote himself a love story, and as Sabo tilts his head and smirks sideways and says the words Marco wrote, of course he'd start to fall in love, because that's what he wrote it for. And every time Ace laughs and gets back up, every time Ace has a passionate, poetic speech, well of course the words cut Marco to the heart because that's what he wrote it for.
And the fact that they work so well on stage is only compounded by their chemistry offstage, where Sabo will drape himself across Ace's back to read the script over his shoulder and Ace will run fingers through Sabo's hair and murmur in his ear on days when the eye-bags are particularly deep. Sabo won't talk about his scars but Ace can touch them, press his hand right up to them, and Sabo will just sigh and go limp. No one's allows to mention Ace's tattoo, but Sabo's allowed to trace the letters with careful fingers. For two high school guys who met a few weeks ago, they're amazingly close, and Marco can only watch it all happen and tell himself that it's good that they're like this. It'll make the play better. It's a love story; that's what he wrote it for, and he never once expected to want it to be his.
And, see, Sabo owes Ace his sanity and Ace owes Sabo his personality, but they both owe Marco for each other and neither one is ever gonna forget that
And Ace goes to Marco to try to "get to know his character" and Sabo goes to Marco to ask if this line needs more vibralto or perhaps this harmony is just--like, could we do it like this? and Thatch is in the background making these awful faces at Marco behind their backs and Marco is Ignoring Him Entirely
Leafy: Sabo being the highish classed boy that he is he may have learned the piano and one day, he could be sitting in the theatre room, his hands lazily playing some sort of ballad, his fingers just glide on the keyboard but like unbeknowest to him, Marco had snuck in because its free period for him too, to like practice some chorus lines for the play and the way that Sabo plays with his serene expression, just looking like he belongs and the way he makes the piano sing, it makes him want to be a part of that, he is captvated and wants to join but?? is he allowed? The pull of the music is too strong tho and before either of them know it, he's there too, his fingers also on the piano now, the little song becoming something more as it turns into a little duet and sabo is startled at first but also?? he has a high respect for Marco and his skills at the piano so its like an honor and all and he loves the sound they create together?? so maybe we?? can like keep doing this if you want, just play
and oh we could probably get a scene in there where Sabo keeps "messing up" in the moonlight duet and Marco sighs and is like, no, like this, and he has to step in to show them and he only meant to do the phrase but somehow he ends up singing the whole love duet with Ace while Sabo watches his every move--for the good of the play, of course.
And Ace just can't seem to get this one bit of choreography right, where he is supposed to pick "rouge" up off the deck and spin her around and into an underarm twirl and Sabo is like, "drop me again and I'll scream, Marco, come show him how it's done" and Sabo is really light on his feet and so responsive it's a pleasure to work with him and he ends up going through the whole number, with Sabo beaming in his arms and Ace's eyes heavy on his shoulders, because he really does have to learn this, you know???
sabo being like, "I can do this backwards in a princess dress and heels, Ace, c'mon" because Sabo probably had dancing lessons. Ace learned to fight from Garp
Thatch is miming throwing up off stage
Everything is happy until a fight, teach, idk, something goes down and the school calls their guardians
Leafy:  they're both like "why are you doing this? what is a play going to do for you? study and get into whatever college" while Garp is like "are you slacking on me, if you cant abandon this silly excuse of a curricular activity then what about military school?"
Leafy: so then Marco has to make things right somehow, like not entirely for the sake of the play but also for like them!! because?? he was so used to being around them and now that they are no longer there he misses them and also, like his two best friends boyfriends are miserable and not in the play together and ?? can we not do all three things? so marco recruits his siblings who happen to be in whatever sport ace is in and sabo's science lab, together they are able to help them keep up with practice/work and the play??
And then the play happens and Luffy drags his cross-clique group to go see it and all the Whitebeard siblings and basically everyone and instead of being about breaking down barriers and stuff it’s a cute little love story about defying your parents’ expectations/being yourself????
idk I’m sure there are ~Morals~ but I dunno what they are
and it ends with mas all happy and Thatch being like, “See? See? I told you a love story was a good idea!”
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swearronchanel · 8 years
continuing the hiatus with 4.05
Well I'm here avoiding responsibilities as usual, pretending that I don't have class in the morning or any laundry to do but like I said I've been watching shameless and I need a little wholesome ctm to balance it out lol & @ilovemushystuff recommended I watch 4.05 *thank u 😌*but let us go on this journey together 🙃...
the clothes lines remind me of home bc we don't have a dryer in our apartment haha & when it's cold out my mom hangs everything up around the house it's a hilarious nyc struggle lol
my bby shelagh!! 💕 so precious pushing the pram! omg we get to see this again next series *hopefully* with unnamed baby turner 😭!!
aw I miss summer!! I love being out in the summer *plus my birthday is in August*🙃
Ahh aren't we glad Shelagh got new dresses, cause I'm not feeling this one lol
Jenny Agutter's smile w/ her eyebrows raised >>, am I right
Wait this is the osteogenesis imperfecta case right ??
Laura looking angelic but that is not at all new, I just have to always mention it
Now all I can do is stare at her hair bc of this debate earlier 😂 what color?? 
but damn I don't like this dress either I forgot how disrespectful the costume designers were in series 4😂😂
Patrick grabbing her hand saying thank you ugh so pure 😭😢
It's been 3 fucking mins and look at all the shit I've said wow I hate me
Pats and Trix!! I miss their friendship
Haha omg this is right after Trixie and Tom broke up #awkward
"Wild peach, isn't it glorious?" I love my other bby trixie. We are so similar but she's better 💕
"Roasted like a Sunday dinner" LMAO
aw this is the episode with the Sylheti mum, here's some quality early Babs
SISTER E 😭😭😭 I miss her aww
Omg &Sister Mary Cynthia! she just became a nun aw I miss her being so happy 💔 I hope she's in the Christmas special or Series 7 Premiere
"Ready?" ugh I just think of all the times we're heard that, like Trixie asking Shelagh when she was about to get married *hello my two favs interacting its iconic for me* or when Trixie told Sister MC off she wanted to ask her if she was ready when she went to become a postulant like if she was getting married,  my heart 😭 UPDATE: I made a post about it
speaking of my gal Beatrix here she is again
I want to be that platinum blonde tbh
Sister Julienne saying "little man" yes I'm here for this such thing
little Raymond like ST Raymond or the baby that was left on the steps .. wait what happened to him? I forgot lol it's been a while
I do not like Sister Mj's absence
but yes her nephew! Did he just like stop picking her up??
Aw Trixie wanted to hug sister MC I can tell, nuns can hug though why didn't she?
we were robbed of a cute sister MC & sister W young- nun dynamic duo
but I like sister Winifred so much more now she's lowkey golden
Diphtheria yikes
I forgot that the old nurses uniforms were so washed out looking
sweetie, if a ANGLICAN NUN is telling you the baby needs more than prayer wouldn't you believe it ??
like wtf is Christian scientist anyway, yo no se
lol calm down Barbara that's a lot to translate
woah Pat's looks hella good with her hair like that 😍
my bby Trixie serving looks but is heartbroken 😍😢💔
*twerks to the bicycle song*
"She says where he goes, we go - even the moon" ahh again my heart!! & it's so similar to what shelagh said in the last Christmas special 😭💕 *i think it was a bible reference but I can't remember bc my memory is fuzzy from being a reckless heathen* jk jk😂
How does a faja type belt help her?
I initially really liked Trixie and Tom but I'm so glad they found better matches
yo I'd be shook though if my baby's bones kept breaking and I didn't know why omg
The nurses being cute eating popsicles outside lol
aw wait Fred and Violet weren't together yet here, they're so cute haha
again so wild, like imagine no one knowing what your baby is hurt and no one believing that you didn't abuse your child?! I cNt
so scary
Ameerah is so pretty & how sweet omg she brought Babs a dish. She misses having girl friends omg!
The Poor Pentergasts
I feel you Mrs ^, I scream into my hands at least 3x a day *for obvs diff reasons*
Baby Angela💕💕 so precious
aw Patrick & Shelagh😭 but now that shelagh's been on her nightie game this blue nightgown should finally go #hereforthebrinylon™
Shit now Patrick is going to realize and blame himself
let Patrick not feel guilty for anything in series 7, cut this guy a break pls
osteogenesis imperfecta yup I remembered ✔️ well I remember watching this with my mom & her calling if before they knew it and I was annoyed bc She can't just watch she always has to be a nurse & put her opinion out there😂 like we watched the finale yesterday and I thought there'd be some suspense but nah she knew the pill gave her a deadly blood clot😒she was surprised they killed the first women described it to though
Shelagh's face while Patrick gets in the ambulance 😭💔
I miss the nuns singing !! mainly miss Laura singing but still!! it's very peaceful you feel?? let me hear some hymns
I feel you Patrick, you smoke that cig
Alright damn Mr Pentergast, I feel your anger but wtf were they supposed to think??
I get anxious watching Patrick be anxious tbh omg xzjkalsfo
the way he fidgets the pen so relatable
Shelagh kissing him on the forehead and the cheek 😢😭💔💕melts my cold little heart
"I don't want my Geraldine being seen by the receptionist" fuck u lady she's the best damn nurse out here Lmaoo
But seriously did everyone just forget she was a nurse/midwife when she was a nun? it has only been like a year since she left and got married so I wouldn’t think people would forget just yet but maybe? wtf lol. I feel like their story was such gossip that it'd be unforgettable? that's just me Lmaoo
Go get that uniform Shelagh!!!
she's so patient, dios te bendiga. She’s too good.
my angry self would've been like "do 👏🏼 ya👏🏼not👏🏼get👏🏼that👏🏼I 👏🏼was👏🏼 a nurse 👏🏼and 👏🏼delivered 👏🏼like 👏🏼half 👏🏼of 👏🏼your👏🏼 gremlin 👏🏼 children?!" Or "you don't want me to help? Okay there's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out"!
okay I don't think I've ever thought about it until now but Shelagh talks about Patrick's war neurosis with Sister Julienne like she already knew?? I bet Shelagh went to her after the adoption interview 😭
ugh I love their friendship/relationship it's so pure
This whole show is so pure! how can it remind you of the darkness in the world while still giving you faith in humanity??  There's nothing like it
I told you I caught my mom up with series 6 & she was just like "I can't believe we have to wait so long. Why can't America make a show as great as this?"
I then said "I know I have like no reason to live until Christmas" but she said i was being dramatic oops
*cue in the mirror*✨
you guys don't get how happy this made me when I first saw it omg, I was so tired of seeing her sad/upset and lost and distressed and everything but happy but THEN SHE PUT THE UNIFORM ON AND THE LITTLE HAT AND LOOKED IN THE DAMN MIRROR WITH HER MILLON DOLLAR SMILE AND I WANTED TO COMBUST I WAS SO HAPPY I WAS IN TEARS😭😭💖💖
I'm so proud of how far my bby has come ugh I can't deal
It's 1am why am I being a little emotional bitch™ ?? Ugh I just love this character
I'd fight for Shealgh or Trixie/ Laura and Helen in real life. They are gifts we don't deserve
Like I know it wasn't the same people but still word gets around?
Shelagh and Tim's hug aww
Can we pls see a cute moment between them? We were played with that hospital scene in 6.4 bc it was like 2 seconds long
Patrick's pyjamas though >
the flat filled with things from patients is so sweet aww
How did no one else in Ameera's house get sick though?
Angela looking so adorable wow what a pretty baby
the real million $ question is, will we ever see Mrs B? Probs not Lmaoo
Still waiting for the day Timothy Turner has an angsty teen moment bc his unrealistic perfect child-ness has been going on too long
Disregarding that time he was mean to Shelagh in series 3, I won't forget it bc I wanted to smack him 😂👋🏼
*shelagh voice* Dr Turner's back to save poplar from ill health and disease
ALSO I'm sure he realized a kink he didn't know he had lol 😭😂
tracheotomy 😬 how do they make it look so real ahhh!? wild
"..Because I have you" BYEEEE 😭😭💖💔💔💔 my heart melted into a puddle & I can no longer live
the first kiss that you can't even see !! But still it took a season & a half for the married couple to kiss!😂
Ok shh Vanessa is gonna say something profound I must hear
Who tf am i talking to? I'm losing my damn marbles
And yes that's a Hook reference
"Humanity is fragile and all the sunshine in the world can't save the frail or make the delicate invincible but love has the power to strengthen and protect and guide us to a place where we feel sheltered and fulfilled. Where it doesn't matter if it rains for we are home and dry"
And Shelagh holding Angela next to Ameerah and her new baby, my heart!!
such an amazing show
The End.. until next time..
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