#i forgot to add those tags 😅
stuffy-just-doodles · 2 years
Hehe, funny chainsaw go brrrr-
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lilac-den · 5 months
Ally, I can't— I need to tell you lol, while I was translating some of the sentences from your Maverick's snippet, it translates his name in Chinese to: 马华力
Say, could you put a snippet tag underneath the snippets so it helps to find easily? 333
dnjksansdjka XD First off: Thank you for taking the time to read my snippet to the point of translating ;u; Second: WHAT IN THE WORLD? XD LOL Now I can picture Maverick visiting one of the eastern countries and some people just end up calling him 马 (which means horse in Chinese, for those who don't know!) to shorten it XD
And my bad :x I forgot to add the tag on Maverick's. But the other snippets, I've been trying ;u; made one too many posts to keep up 😭 doesn't help that tumblr's search bar is pretty weak and the website has been lagging hard on me, even after I wipe the cookies and stuff.
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mayakern · 1 year
Hi Maya! I just placed my biggest order yet (so many great drops, and I prefer minis so I wanted to order as many as possible before you stopped doing those for the year)
When I went to filter using my size, “mini”, and “in stock” the newest batch of minis didn’t show up. I was 30 minutes after drop, and I’ve missed a design before when I was there five minutes after, so I was disappointed but not surprised. I decided to remove filters and check, since a size up or down is fine with some adjustment and if midis were available in my size for Halloween that’d still be good. Thankfully when I removed filters all the designs I wanted were available in midi in my size!
Sorry for the wordy ask, I just wanted to let you know about the filter issue I ran into 😅
omg i totally forgot to add the "mini" and "midi" tags to the latest skirts! it's been fixed now, thanks for the heads up!
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karebear923 · 3 months
Tagged by @stormyoceans!! thank you Monica!! 🥰❤️
I love these games but I’m also an over-explainer so I’ll try to keep it to a minimum 🙈
Last Song: Haru Haru by BIGBANG. A true 2nd Gen masterpiece!
But this also reminds me of a song called Last Song by GACKT which is amazing, y’all should check it out!! 🙏🏽
Favorite Color: green!!! ☺️💚 but also purple 💜 and white 🤍
Currently Watching: We Are, My Love Mix Up! Th, Wandee Goodday, Bridgerton, Pit Babe
And I wanna start Sunset X Vibes but not til I finish those last 2 (I can’t handle too many things on my current watchlist 🙈)
Last Movie: Inside Out 2!! It was really good and I think I liked it more than the first one? That one was way sadder and this one didn’t make me cry as much
Currently Reading: “a glitch in the universe” by Vishcount on AO3, and eventually I’ll finish The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory?: all 3 are delicious! I love chocolate and cookies/cupcakes/pastries. I like mild spice, just a tingle no actual burn. And I love savory foods too, but not with a lot of cheese!
Relationship: single AF for so many years now I forgot what it’s like to have a crush 😮‍💨
Current Obsession: tumblr honestly 😅
Last Googled: “solid green background” for one of those “add yours” Instagram templates (it was pick a song by an artist who’s name starts with A and I picked Take Me Home by ATEEZ)
Currently Working On: this post lol. Also finishing Pit Babe and finishing my summer clinic hours. Good thing this place is slow enough for me to scroll on my phone
No Pressure Tags: @buckystilinski @befuddledcinnamonroll @petrichoraline @absolutebl @stilesinwonderland @bunni-bun @poetry-protest-pornography @heretherebedork @moonkhao
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krikeymate · 1 year
So I've had this idea for a while and wanted to share it with you, but I'm kind of a noob when it comes to tumblr lol. Feel free to ignore this if it's bad or if I sent this to the wrong place 😅
I've had this headcanon since I've started obsessing over the Scream franchise that the Carpenter household was a Spanish-speaking one. I mean, Melissa speaks Spanish and Jenna's Mexican/Puerto Rican I think, so this could be canon if they decided to expand more on Christina and Dad Carpenter (now DC if I ever return to your asks lol I'm kind of embarrassed).
Growing up, the Carpenter sisters were taught Spanish by both DC and their mom. They didn't want them to grow up not knowing Spanish, what they both speak, so they strictly spoken Spanish while Sam and Tara would learn English at school.
While Sam succeeded quickly in learning English, Tara was stumped because "why the frick does the letter J make that sound in English? What the heck are elongated vowels? Why does Sam laugh whenever I pronounce certain things?"
All in all, Tara had a rough time.
Sam tried to help wherever she could, but they would end up play fighting and forgetting about Tara's homework.
When DC left, Tara was left all alone to work on her English. Sam stayed out later and later, and Tara thinks she's avoiding her. Christina barely gives her the time of day anymore, only going off in her mother tongue when Tara finally annoys her too much.
All alone in this journey, Tara suffers through her learning. It didn't help that she became the butt of the joke for a long time in school for muttering to herself before shouting out the answers in class.
She just feels left out. Even more when Sam ups and leaves, and Christina finally falls into a bottle.
Post 5 & 6 headcanons to tag onto this one lol:
Tara used to call Sam her guerrera fuerte (strong warrior), but now she sticks with either Sam or Sammy. Sam still has a lot of nicknames for Tara in Spanish, but the ones she regularly uses are chiquita (little one), corazón (heart), and cielo (sky, or it means they're your "whole world")
When she's exhausted, Sam will slip and speak in Spanish
Tara, being the pent-up and angry bean she is, yells in Spanish whenever she's frustrated. She doesn't notice sometimes after she's forgotten what she's angry about, but Sam is always willing to communicate with her excited sister
(Some of Sam's eagerness to talk to Tara is to prove they're the better sibling pair. Mindy and Chad have an advantage to the bet by being twins, but they're no match for Sam and Tara. Tara has no idea this bet is going on. Kirby is the referee.)
Sometimes Tara crawls into Sam's bed and tucks herself into her side. Sam, even if she was dead asleep, will always turn and wrap her sister in a tight hug. She sings Tara to sleep using a Spanish lullaby DC used to sing whenever Tara had a nightmare or became fussy
Sam and Tara talk smack about Gale to her face in Spanish. Gale learns Spanish to spite them
(They refused to admit they panicked when Gale all of a sudden knew Spanish and ran away laughing. Gale wants to adopt those two kids.)
Tara is a HEAVY Spanglish user because she's lazy, and she still never really bothered to properly learn English. That's why whenever she's talking to someone in English, she'll trail of and eventually go silent. She forgot the word she wanted to say in English...
Sam finds it hilarious and teases Tara whenever that happens, which is often
Sam and Tara are forced to listen to Chad and Mindy absolutely butcher their first language while trying to learn it. They stop trying
Sorry if this was too long haha, I got excited while writing this!!
I really really really love this!!!! More of an exploration of their roots both in and out of canon is something I would love to see. I've thought about trying to add some Spanish language into my work previously, but I decided against it because I know I would only butcher it, as it's not a language or culture I'm familiar with.
I hope you do return to my inbox, you've clearly got some awesome ideas to share!! I LOVE ALL OF THIS.
Their first language being Spanish and only learning English through school is such a really cool idea. Especially if you combine it with my idea that Tara ends up starting school a year later than she should, it could help explain why she struggles even more in that initial period. It would probably be quite hard for Sam to relate to Tara's struggles as well, because she'll end up having 6 or so years of learning English over her sister, and by then she's fluent and has forgotten how hard it is in the beginning. And if Tara's got learning difficulties? Oof. God knows I was never capable of learning a second language - not everybody can! Sam sees Tara getting frustrated when she speaks to her in English, and always quickly gives in, switching back to Spanish and distracting her instead.
I have no comments on the rest because it's all so so so perfect. A thousand kisses for you.
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fridayyy-13th · 8 months
THE "fanon is so much better then canon" REBLOG TAGS. WOULD U BE OKAY SHARING UR SASHA CHARACTERIZATION THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS THAT MADE ME SO EXCITED TO SEE..... . no worries if u'd prefer not to though or wouldn't be sure how to articulate all of that!!! im like that sometimes when there are just So many character thoughts so no worries either way :-]]] have a cozy day or nightttt btw
oh my goodness yes absolutely i would be okay sharing. Sasha's my girl!! i love her!!! and i will not stand for fanon's slander of my beloved.
a while back i made a post about the list i have of Various Sasha Observations from the episodes she appears in (tbh i still need to add stuff from MAG 039 to it...), but what's always struck me is just how full of character and life she is, even appearing in as few episodes as she did. she's curious, clever, snarky, pedantic, reckless, and cares for her friends so much. basically the opposite of the "braincell holder" archetype she's been assigned!! she faces monsters head-on twice to protect her friends, she learned about Martin's CV through her own snooping and kept that information to herself so he could keep his job, she seems really easy to talk to (in MAG 024, she manages to coax an amused tone out of Jon, who's in full prickly-boss-mode at this point in the series), and she's also just as clueless about archiving as the rest of the characters (see: the stapler incident. standard staples rust, i believe what she should have been doing to keep the loose statements together was putting them into individual folders? i'm not an archivist. but the idea Sasha would have been better at archiving is not true. she would have absolutely been a better Archivist though. in Jonah's eyes, at least. she's got Jon's lack of self-preservation and double the curiosity).
also just...as an arospec person i love projecting on her, honestly. aromantic!Sasha is a headcanon very dear to my heart; i'm particularly fond of queerplatonic interpretations of her and Tim's relationship. i'm also very fond of queerplatonic jonsasha! which is even harder to find!! i just love the ace/aro solidarity they could have. i've got fic WIPs that feature both those relationships in more spotlighted roles than they usually get, if only i could finish them...alas, i'm a notoriously slow writer. they'll get done eventually, i promise 😅
oh my GOD i almost forgot to mention just how often the other characters bring her up after her death!!! see, like, another thing about fanon is how often Sasha is sidelined, even when she's still alive, but Jon pauses for a heavy moment after Knowing she was killed by the Not!Them, and Martin repeatedly asks about her and her safety after "she" (the Not!Them) disappears, and Tim's downward spiral is accelerated by having lost another person dear to him to the Stranger. and even after her death, she's important to them. when Peter asks Jon "where are your friends, Archivist?" in 159, his first answer is "Tim and Sasha are dead," when his closest friend at the time is Daisy. this isn't even important to her characterization per se, but it's important to me that you know that she was so important to them. she was their friend!!! even though she was forgotten she was remembered as a friend!!!!!
...but uh, yeah. that's my thoughts, lol. Sasha James is the light of my life and fanon absolutely dropped the ball on her. fanon tends to drop the ball on most things but Sasha especially. God i love her so much. it's like my personal mission to get the fandom to care about her as much as i do.
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bluecoolr · 5 months
The NO-SKIP Albums: A Tag Game 🎶💖
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rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums.
🔎 bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules: 1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND 2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track! 👀
Thank you so much @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @ventiswampwater and @visceravalentines for tagging and thinking of meeee! 🥹💕
No pressure tags: (if you've already done it please ignore me 😅)
@goldrose-star @ajarofpickledtears @probably-a-plant-thing @mintgalaxia @slaasherslut @madbadash @the-pinstriped-hood
1. Glass Houses - Billy Joel
This was one of the first records I bought with my own money.
Check Out: You May Be Right
You may be right I may be crazy Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for
2. Bram Stoker's Dracula Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
I have this on CD lol. This is very special to me because this is one of my favorite movies ever, and a college friend gifted it to me when she had to move cities. I put it on while reading because the vibes are just delectably evil and eerie 🖤
Check Out: The Beginning
This plays throughout the opening scene of the movie and is just deliciously dark, the swelling crescendo with the choir and sinister whispering gives me goosebumps everytime. It's also perfect for imagining your oc's going through their villain/corruption arc hehe
Check Out: Love Song for a Vampire - Annie Lenox
This track walked so Christina Perri's Thousand Years could run. But seriously, it's such a bittersweet song. The cover by Collin Rae? Ray? I forgot his name is also good.
Oh, loneliness, oh hopelessness To search the ends of time For there is in all the world No greater love than mine
3. Gone Now - Bleachers
I don't know what it is about this album, but something in it just scratches my brain right. The sound is very synth-y, but there's a lot of sax and sample overlays that I really like. The whole theme is about death and dissatisfaction with where you are at the moment.
Check Out: Everybody Lost Somebody
I think pain is waiting alone at the corner Tryna get myself back home, yeah Looking like everybody Knowing everybody lost somebody
4. Hozier - Hozier
Need I say more? Zero thoughts when this man comes on for real.
Check Out: In A Week (please for the love of god listen to it)
And they'd find us in a week When the cattle show fear After the insects have made their claim After the foxes have known our taste I'd be home with you I'd be home with you
Check Out: Work Song (cliché but self-explanatory I guess)
I just think about my I'm so full of love I could barely eat (HRRRRGJHKHKK HELLO???)
When my time comes around Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth No grave can hold my body down I'll crawl home to her (sobbing actually. Help.)
5. Wasteland Baby! - Hozier
Every song is good but this line from Would That I is just 🤌🏻✨️
I mean?!?!?
True that love in withdrawal was the weeping of me That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree Must be felled for to fight the cold Fretted fire but that was long ago
Anyway, that's it. Thanks for listening to me ramble 🫢😚
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 5 months
hiiiiiii jpeg. im sliding in with some ask game questions uhhhhh *checks watch* two weeks after you reblogged it 😅. feel free to ignore! or pick and choose! ily and i hope you are doing well 💕
2, 4, 7, 10, 19, 30, 33, and 40 pls 🙏
lol bean I Also forgot about that ask game
gifting you a shortcake made with the strawberry bouquet you gave me <3 [🍰]
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to?
I have a couple long fic ideas that I'm in love with, one civilian!Tim JayTim and one Stray!Tim JayTim, but I've never written anything as plot driven or as long as they would be. Especially right now after an unplanned several month writing hiatus. when will my husband (ability to write) return from the war (writers block)
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
Not really, no. Whenever I get super into a fandom/show/film/etc I like to imagine little self inserts of myself in those universes for funsies, but the only truly original characters I've created have been for short films and stageplays.
7. Your favourite ao3 tag.
I don't have a go-to tag that I add when searching for fics, but the top three suggestions for additional tags in my ao3 bookmarks are hurt/comfort, anal sex, and Tim Drake Needs a Hug. so. i feel like that says a lot.
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
Whump, soulmate AU, 5+1
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
In the depths of my scrap pile, there lay an abandoned google doc with only the vaguest outline for a humorous 5+1 detailing all the goofy ways YJ carries Tim around since he's the only non-meta. It was inspired by this super hilarious and adorable fanart I saw somewhere. RIP Passenger Seat (2022-2022)
33. Give your writing a compliment.
That shit SLAPS. It's crazy, it's like all of those feel-good fluffy fics were written specifically with my own preferences in mind. Re-read kudos <3
40. Write a 9-word fic.
"Kiss me?" Tim asked - begged - him. "Before I die?"
19 answered here!
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goingknowherewastaken · 2 months
Finally logged back into Ao3 and switched it so only registered users could read and comment. Also finally made sure all fics had a proper audience rating because there were quite a few that I forgot to even select anything for because I was so excited to post the work originally 😅
And in the process two may have updated as if I actually updated the work and not the tags because I clicked edit work and not edit tags for them...whoops 😅
I wanted to add in tags about not posting to other sites or using ai on them but I don't know if any specific tags have been figured out for that. A while back there were posts suggesting those tags but it's been a long time since I saw them and haven't heard since
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sleepywisteriah · 6 months
Which flower are you?
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You are stubborn and you know it. Self aware and hard to impress, you have a close circle of friends and like it that way. You are beautifully unique, with interests that span far and wide. Likely the dark horse of the family, you've always felt misunderstood. You are a creature of habit and avoid change if possible. You are a selfless and giving lover, seeing your partner as the light of your life. Those who are lucky enough to get to know you, would do anything to keep you within their lives. You are unapologetically yourself and value others who are the same. But sometimes, you miss out on opportunities due to your stubbornness and perhaps feel like life is passing you by. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone my love, everyone you encounter there will find you just as exquisite as you always hoped to be.
I forgot to add the link.. 😂
Tagged by @wildstar25 (thank you! ^-^)
Tagging @mrlarkstin @amalthea-felsblood (i don’t follow many people right now 😅)
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roseblancheenfleurs · 7 months
Part -4 above link fingers crossed last part.
Yandere Enigma X Female Reader Beta
The End
Tags:#Yandere #omegaverse #nsfw #straight
Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️
NSFW content, straight Omegaverse, slight degradation, general yandere behaviour, fluff, dark, lying, breeding kink, kidnapping, reader with health issues mention of suicide a bit, cursing.. probably will edit later while writing
Recommended to read at late night away from parents eyes thank you 🙇🏽‍♀️
This room you till now not mentioned by hime was full of your pictures containing the naked ones too.
His love wasn't only love now obsession, possession, lust everything burned along.
You quietly closed the door.
It been 7 years you are staying here forming a family with him.
Somehow you walked with your heavy bump carrying the symbol of his love.
You are Y/n S/n De La Cruz, Director of the multinational company and wife of the master of the world.
Your marriage life was never peaceful many opposed but were taken down by your husband who killed them in cold blood and presented their head to as a proposal price.
Uwu so romantic, your sick mind was now loving the way of his love.
At a time your parents also tried to oppose before liking those sick ways and you were immensely scare about their well being.
But that pyscho of yours being understanding... Yea understanding caught it that they were scared of you getting hurt in this procedure.
But he assured them enough.
Orphaned from birth, he loved spending time with you and your small family, so your parents were also requested to stay here.
Thomas and Tara ended up together. 🙂The god parents of you children who are children themselves.
His way of love was different from the start and you never disliked.
But yes you were angry on him last on last post later both of you sorted it out.
Back to the present, you rested on the couch with your bump filled with his developing seeds.
You loved how much he worshipped you every night telling you how lucky he was to have you. Stripping you naked he would stare at your for hours fulfilling his dark urged.
You loved your unborn children that's why secretly did a gender determination.
You prayed for them to be Enigma, so that the enemies left doesn't get chance to hurt them.
Like wise someone got his hands on the gender determination results of your children and is unhappy.
Enigma even before birth shows some general characteristics different from others and 4 of them showed it perfectly.
Yah.. you are with quadrapulets.
3 males and 1 female.
He wanted a beta like you. A little version of yours, children being Enigma would be ditto copy of his.
Probably he would continue you make you bear children till you finally give him a small version of yours.
It's a happily Ever After.
Of a yandere Enigma and his female beta reader.
Hello Guys, Finally ended my first short not so short stories.
Tell me if you want some side stories.
Till then good bye I will probably come back with a fanfic on Voldemort and y/n.
Ah yes I wanted to add LGBTQ+ wholeheartedly welcome but I forgot how to edit the settings 😅.
That's all love ya.
Do comment and like.
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perfectarmony · 2 years
ep 8 of TCL had multiple scenes with Arman at Thony's house/garden. do you think that was just for convenience or do you think the writers are trying to merge their worlds a bit more? some have noted that he looked out of place there - do you think they are trying to highlight how different Thony and Arman's everyday lives still are (what a diff betw Nadia & Arman's home vs. Thony's, lol) or starting to make it seem more natural for him to be there? obviously, it's much easier to have Arman there when Thony's family is not around. where do you see it going in the next few eps? tx.
Okay, well this is about to get messy anon! 😅
Welcome to this week's episode of ''my two cents on Armony'' I guess??
Disclaimer as always: this is just how I see things - and those things are always clearer in my head 👀
Also, Tumblr apparently hates me, and I had to start this entire thing again from scratch after it failed to save as a draft, so I might come back to add something I forgot later 🙄
Okaaaay, so I finally had time to quickly go through the tag, and I definitely mostly agree with what has been said about that part! so I won't dive too much into it, because others have already said it perfectly!
But there is something I'd like to add though, because I feel like by focusing so much on their scenes, we don't see that a lot more is actually going on.
To try to answer your question, I don't think anything is done for convenience on this show - but what struck me most during this episode wasn't really their scenes, but Thony's - alone in that house.
And all I could think of was this house no longer feels like home
sorry not sorry if that song is now stuck in your head, but that's all I could hear (also, don't take the song, that is about cheating, literally - just make the lyrics that feel relevent fit Thony's pain and let the song guide you 🤧 I am not going to start vidding this song when I have 100 other projects on standby. Nope.)
The director did a magnificent job there. I absolutely loved those quiet, yet powerful scenes where Élodie just shines through the pain and emptiness her character is feeling.
To have to watch her all curled up in Luca's bed or simply sitting on her bed and staring into the void - and then cutting to the noisy, chaotic and happy bubble Fiona and the kids are in...it was just stunningly painful.
Okay, you might wonder where I'm getting at with that, but keep those scenes in mind and let me go back to Arman and Thony.
You're right, the difference between their two houses is stricking. At least it usually is. But not so much this time...if you're willing to look past the money tied to Arman's house.
As gorgeous and fancy as Nadia and Arman's house is - it's just that: a cold and empty house with no soul. I might be influenced by the fact that we only saw that house when they had fights or difficult times, but still - it doesn't feel like a home to me.
And this is just how Thony's house (and heart...) felt during this episode - empty, cold and way too quiet. When Arman first came by, that's all he could hear - the screaming silence, instead of the warmth he may have expected (and maybe hoped) to find there.
Something else to remember: Thony is in this situation because she wanted to help Arman - and this is maybe also partially why he felt so out of place. He knows how much her family - Luca - means to her, and yet, because of that choice, she has to stay away from them. I wish we would see more of it on screen - but we shouldn't forget about the guilt Arman could be feeling for dragging her into this mess. (and yes, she made her own decision, but still.)
Also. Arman had already lost it all - his power, his money, his wife/family. For Thony, her only treasure has always been her family - the only thing that truly mattered, the light she came home to when everything else was dark. But this was the first time she was left with nothing, and no one.
I can hear you - 'but she has Arman.' Yes. And no.
When Arman and Thony were together, they had nothing but each other - and they chose to be alone together. Arman offered to stay, and she didn't even hesitate one second - because he represented safety, comfort, but also, to some extent, family.
She still had to come to terms with the fact that every move she takes to keep her family safe is painting a target on their backs - and that she had to stay away from them to protect them.
And then, she had to push Arman into Nadia's arms in an attempt to keep both their families safe. But in doing so - to some extent (send help. I'm reading way too much into all of this and I'm turning in circles.) - she had to watch Arman get back to his family, and to what she sees as his home. More than that, him being with Nadia meant that he was able to protect her - while she's all by herself, has no control, and has to stay as far as possible from her family to keep them safe.
When he comes back to give her the key card, this is also what Arman feels guilty about - to have to leave her alone while he has someone to go home to - even if it's just a lie.
Am I making any sense? Or am I just inflicting myself more pain unnecessarily by trying to turn my thoughts into words? 🤧
As to where I see things going in the next episodes - careful spoilers incoming in 3.....2......1.......
after reading the synopsis for 2x09, I guess Arman won't have to play pretend much longer....But with everything going on - Bosco (rip), finding a new supplier, Luca getting worse, Thony going to Manila with Kamdar (🤧) I guess there won't be much time any of that. But I might still be over here hoping that they're together when Fiona takes Luca home. I think Chris and Jaz will be staying at JD's while Fi looks over Luca whenever Thony has to be away - so maybe there's a chance we could see him back there. But after that, Luca is at the hospital...so....🤧 Can you all feel the pain coming?!
Okaaaay, thank you for forcing me to verbalize my thoughts anon, and I hope I somewhat answered your questions! ❤️
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A Clash of Kings - 70 APPENDIX
Well, a lot has happened this book just gone, the kings called their banners proper and the numbers went up and down like a pogo stick, and about as dangerous, everyone has been doing their best despite having a really bad time.
We lost some NPCs non-POV characters, and I for one will miss Luwin greatly. MVP.
There is one thing I would like to talk about today: I do try to give each character a fair go when I read their chapter, but sometimes irl stuff does affect how I'm interacting with the text and the characters, if you feel that I've been unfair to a character in my over simplified chapter summaries, it is okay to let me know.
I bring this up because I was very unfair toward Theon during one of his chapters, and someone pointed it out to me. I changed the summary to apply blame properly, it wasn't a problem, especially since they were right.
This may not apply for the main body of the review, because that's intentionally an opinion bit, whether we agree or not. But the summary parts, those are an easy edit.
Current Drinking Game List: Lemon(s) "Roughspun" Valyrian Steel Dragonbone (either raw or as a weapon) “Is this dream a vision or psychological issues” “If I look back, I am lost.” "The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors" D&D Suck at their Job (case by case judging) someone wishes they have/had wings Ruby/rubies
And we also have the Kill a Creep Game: Any time a creep creeps on someone we invent an imaginative death for them
ALSO: I do like when people have things to add to my thoughts in the replies or tags, I am not here for hate though, so if you over aggro, you will be blocked. I'm (imo) pretty chill about what constitutes hate in fandom terms, but try to stay off the bad faith takes and vilifying. If you're worried about stuff you've said in the notes or tags, if I haven't blocked by now about it, you're fine.
Also, also: if you said something, and were expecting a reply but I didn't, I am so sorry. this is about a DM I forgot I had received until it was to late to reply without it being weird. 😅 but also the replies I get that I don't reply to.
Moving into the next book, I am going to do it in two parts, Steel and Snow, and Blood and Gold, just because thats how my physical copies are split, and it breaks the 80+ chapters into two 40-ish chapter books. It gives me more half way rest days, and given how nail biting the action and emotions are getting, I'm going to need them.
I have been thinking about adding some more rest days, but we'll see when we see.
Thanks for being with me on this quest, I'll see you all tomorrow!
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sungbeam · 2 years
Hii so sorry for bothering you but, I love writing I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’d like to post on tumblr but I’m kinda new to it and don’t really know how to use it (gifs, text colors,…) so if it’s okay for you could you maybe teach me how to use it or give me some tips?
HELLO HELLO!!! omg i'm so flattered PLS TT but that's so great to hear that u want to start posting here and join the community!! :D i'll try to make a comprehensive, basic guide, but i'm def not the best with the technical things like color gradients and the like 😅 so if u wanted to explore about that, there r a lot of other blogs here who can show u!
besides that, i'll put below the cut my two cents, and anyone can feel free to add if i forgot anything!:
1. gifs! i'm gonna say right off the bat that i don't use gifs a lot, if not, at all. but there r a lot of gifs on tumblr that u can find and use!! usually if u search up the thing u want a gif of, u could probably find it, but pls remember to credit someone if u use their gif!! and if they ask u to like/rb their post if u save it, then pls respect that as well!!
2. text colors: ngl, they're really sparse and a little ugly 😅😅 at least the ones tumblr provides, so a lot of people either just stick to the plain text color or they go on desktop and do the fancy custom coloring w hex numbers and things. i really don't know how to do that (?) but again, if u ever want to learn, i can point u to someone who can show u! but at some points, i do like using the text colors one at a time to make things stand out more against the plain text! to use the colors, just select the text accordingly and u can press a color or press it again to undo it
Tumblr media
that's what it looks like on my end! ^
3. text fonts: personally, tumblr's method of doing this is really annoying sjxbksnfh but you can change the font of an entire paragraph without selecting it. the font button is the "Aa" in the left corner above ur keyboard. u essentially have to just click thru until u figure out which one you'd like depending on the aesthetic ur going for! a lot of people ik here just use this regular text in the three different sizes, or they go to like,, copy paste generators online and find a font they like their instead! i do use those frequently, so lmk if you'd like the link to the one i use!
4. tags: one of the most important ways to get ur works out into the world esp when ur just starting off is thru the tags! to tag ur fic, it's the hashtag symbol to the right above ur keyboard. u wanna use tags that pertain to ur fic, so try avoiding tagging ur fic w things its not (like if it's angst, don't put fluff). some common things i tag my fics w are "(group/idol) x reader" "(group/idol) drabbles" "(group/idol) social media au" etc. and usually if it's a pretty known/used tag, it'll appear while ur typing it in as well!
5. navigation menus: writers here usually have a pinned post or a post w a link to a "navigation" post or masterlist! i have my navi pinned, but it essentially is a central place where i link everything that i'd like people to see or things readers/other writers would want to find! things that include: masterlists, about me, faqs, recently posted works, etc!
6. fic formatting: it's unfortunate, but a lot of readers r put off by some types of formatting, which is why a lot of people stick to plain text color and plain text font. usually, u wanna include the title, the idol pairing, word count, genre, and any warnings abt the fic. none of these r required, ofc, but i recommend it! and most people do prefer that if ur fic is over 500 words, that u should out a "keep reading" bar after a paragraph or two! a keep reading bar is like the one i used at the beginning of this post, and u just go to a new line and type ":readmore:" and press enter, and it'll form for u! some people use pictures as a little border as well btwn their intro section and the actual fic.
if u have additional questions, feel free to send in another ask or thru dms and i can walk u thru any of this!
i'm sure i'm missing other important things haha but when in doubt, take inspo from all the other creators around u! pls do remember to reblog people's fics when u read them tho — that's one if the most important things!
(just thought of this and adding, but try to avoid writing directly onto tumblr TT usually i do it on google docs first and copy-paste it onto here to do formatting! tumblr likes to delete things out of pocket sometimes so 💀)
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helluvahotmess · 3 months
absolutely no pressure at all, I just wanted to ask if you might consider tagging posts with helluva boss negativity? I mostly mean the ones talking about it theoretically (like those about the people who've been talking shit about the story over the stolas thing), since I don't actually remember you ever reblogging like. direct negativity lol. I love your blog to bits, and I'd just love a way to filter those out, since without them I wouldn't even know there are opinions like that in the fandom (I'm very liberal with my blacklist and block and unfollow button haha it's served me well so far) again, no pressure at all, I just wanted to ask <3
yeah of course i usually use the the tag 'hb fandom critical' (or hb fandom crit?) i havent used it for a while i genuinely forgot so i'll try and remember to add 😅
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carronpatrick · 2 years
Oops. Forgot I stopped adding to my queue cause I wasn't sure if my tags would line up with the new year. Time to add all those saved posts back in. 😅
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