#i found the books online for free btw
huevo-rojo · 5 months
mi plan de estudio de español
encontré una página web con algún consejos para estudiar unos idiomas y ahora tengo un plan para estudiar español, jaja. es debajo del corte:
mi primer gol:
escribir mucho sobre mis días en vez de solo escribiendo en pocos tiempos gramaticales o con pocos oraciones estudiaré para 30 minutos (probablemente de 9-9:30 en la noche porque la universidad es difícil ;-;)
mis materiales:
el libro "complete spanish all-in-one" de gilda nissenberg - para vocabulario, gramatica, etc.
el libro "short stories in spanish for beginners" de olly richards - para leer cuentos en español
el podcast "coffee break spanish" - para practicar oída al idioma
duolingo - para más vocabulario, práctica, etc.
para practicar lo que estoy aprendiendo con las materiales y para usar las materials:
leeré un capítulo del libro de texto a la semana
escribiré sobre mi día en tumblr todos los días
leeré dos cuentas a la semana
escucharé un episodio de podcast al día
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my spanish study plan:
i found a web page with some advice for learning languages and now i have a plan for studying spanish, lmao.
my first goal:
to write at length about my days instead of writing in a few grammatical tenses or in a few sentences i will study for 30 minutes a day (probably 9-9:30pm because university is hard ;-;)
my materials:
the book "complete spanish all-in-one" by gilda nissenberg - for vocab, grammar, etc.
the book "short stories in spanish for beginners" by olly richards - to read stories in spanish
the podcast "coffee break spanish" - to practice listening to the language
duolingo - for more vocab, practice, etc.
to practice what i learn and to use the materials:
i will read one chapter of the textbook per week
i will write about my day on tumblr daily
i will read one story a week
i will listen to one podcast episode a day
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WHAT THE HELL WHY IS SNAPE SO MUCH MORE CRUEL IN THE BOOKS? 💀 Thank you so much for telling me all that btw, I think I understand why so many hate him now, since I've only seen the movies I was always flabbergasted when people said that they hate Snape but bro is a literal creep. Taking Lily's photo is sooo weird wtf 😭 Also why is he tormenting a literal 11 year old boyy. Damn. And poor Hermione :')
Thank you for your time btw! ^^
Also, are there any honorary mentions in the books? Not necessarily about Snape too perhaps but maybe anyone or anything else? Like, are the books that different from the movies? Low-key makes me wanna read them but I don't feel like buying the books 💔 (':
You don't need to buy anything! It's free if you search online. I haven't bought a single book but I've read the whole series online and even found the audiobooks free online lmao.
Honorary mentions?
Tbh, when Harry visits his parents graves in deathly hallows, I was always moved by the line 'he wished he was sleeping under the snow with them'
And I think all the chapters in Half blood prince that focus on Voldemort's memories from when he was a young man are super engaging. Everything about his family is interesting, imo.
I liked how, when Hermione asks Ron to be her date to Slughorns party, Harry gets all flustered and says he 'knew something like this would happen'
I like how, when Harry uses the resurrection stone in the last book, he and his mother are so enthused to be able to look at each other that they just gaze at each other for a bit.
I LOVE the scene with Madame Maxine and Hagrid when we find out Hagrid is a half giant. I'm a sucker for characters telling people they like "don't go". And I love how Harry is all like "oh damn. I should NOT be hearing this conversation"
There's a moment where Harry tells the dursley's that Voldemort has come back, and aunt petunia expresses fear. Harry says it's the first time he appreciates that petunia is his mother's sister. I think it's so cool that petunia, someone who does her best to live a smuggle life, is still very aware of the kind of threat that Voldemort is. I feel like that's a detail a lot of people look over. To me, that scene adds a whole new layer to how terrifying Voldemort is.
I like how Neville gets given a candy wrapper by his mom (she was tortured to insanity and has been permanently hospitalized. Neville was raised by his gran as a result) and his gran tells him to throw it away, but when he thinks no one is looking, he stuffs it into his pocket instead. Like. God. I just love that scene. Neville's mom doesn't know who he is. To me, I read that scene and can't help but think "Neville has never received a gift from his parents. He keeps that wrapper because it's the only thing his mom has ever given him. It is the only type of 'gift' that he will ever receive from his mom" It drives me insane.
Oh and oh my GOD. I love how Hagrid is all like "Harry, I'd love you to win the tournament. It'd show everyone that you don't need to be pure blood to be worth something" and this moves Harry so much that he gets to work on solving the egg clue. Literally NOTHING anybody else has said to him has made him take action, but Hagrid's faith in him is what did the trick. And I love the line "there was something about lying to Hagrid that wasn't quite like lying to anyone else." Their relationship is honestly so pure. I love that Hagrid was Harry's introduction to the Wizarding world. He literally brings Harry to us, the reader (or watcher if we're talking the movies). Harry comes to us on Hagrid's motor bike. From the very beginning, Hagrid carries out Harry's introduction.
I love EVERYTHING about the way dobby adores Harry. You don't get much a sense of it in the movies, but their relationship is super wholesome. Dobby may have been a free elf, but he followed Harry's every command because he loved him so much. He straight up fought another elf for insulting Harry. He deserved better than what the movies did with him.
I will say, the one thing from the movies I like better is that I love the scene with Hermione and Hagrid right after Draco calls her a mudblood. I love how he holds her hand and says "don't you think on it" and Hermione's eyes are filled with tears but she smiles at him anyway. That was incredibly cute. Although, in the books, Hermione does not know what a mud blood is, and I think there is merit in having Ron--the only pureblood wizard--know what it is while Harry and Hermione do not. There's something so pure about Ron attacking Draco even though hermione doesn't know what a mudblood is. It's like "I don't care if you didn't hurt her feelings! I don't care if she doesn't know what that word means. I know what that word means and you're not going to talk to her that way."
Oh, and I like the part where Percy sends a letter to Ron telling him not to talk to Harry anymore. Harry being all like "I've know percy for 4 years. I've spent summers with him. He gave me top marks during the tournament. I shared a tent with him." is really effective and you can feel his hurt so well.
This post is so long lmao. I've left out so many good moments. My point is: read the books! You'll love them.
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douglas-rain · 5 months
Top Five Douglas Rain Recommendations From Yours Truly
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You want to see more of Douglas Rain, but you're not sure where to start? Well, do I have the thing for you! As the internet's most preeminent Douglas Rain expert (except for Gerry Flahive I guess, but he's kind of slow at answering emails and more focused on other stuff these days. If he wants to reclaim the title, he can meet me in the parking lot <3), I've made you a handy little list of some of my personal favourite performances by DR that I think you should see and/or hear!
And by 'little' I mean 'I got way too into this, so it's pretty long now'. I put it under a cut; you're welcome.
In the interest of fairness, I've chosen one performance from each of his fields of work (namely: ON STAGE, RADIO WORK, DOCUMENTARY NARRATION, TELEVISION and FILM). Please know, however, that I can give reviews of basically everything in the masterpost, so if you're interested in hearing about any of them, feel free to shoot me an ask!
Without further ado, let's get into it...
ON STAGE: Henry V (1966)
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Okay, this one's teeeechnically a TV movie, but it's adapted from Stratford's staged production, so I'm counting it. It's also a rare treat in that we get to see DR in colour! (Everybody say THANK YOU to David Rain, his son, for bullying the Festival into restoring this production and adding it to their online catalogue. I owe him my life.)
This is one of Shakespeare's histories, part of the Henriad (aka the collection of plays about the accomplishments of various English kings). Henry V, the main guy in this one, is actually the crowned version of Prince Hal from both parts of Henry IV, a role that DR had played previously at Stratford, so this is a fun bit of character continuity for him! The play centres around the king's invasion of France, with a lot of ruminating on hope and despair and duty and bravery. Harry - as he is affectionately referred to on occasion - is really going through it, and DR portrays him with such emotional intensity. He's proud, he's fierce, he's clever, he's a BITCH and I like him SO MUCH.
The book has been edited down slightly to fit into a two hour runtime for television, but beyond a few... very funny jumpcuts, it's not really noticeable at all. And while the sets are kept mostly simple, the costumes are gorgeous. I went in not expecting much (a mistake I keep making when approaching Shakespeare plays, for some reason lol), and was thoroughly entertained the whole way through!
It also contains the transcendentally funny line, "Tennis balls, my liege!" because Shakespeare was the most hysterical motherfucker on planet Earth. It makes sense in context, I promise.
Can be found on Stratfest@Home, the online streaming service of the Stratford Festival (there's a 7-day free trial period if you sign up). You may also check my masterpost of performances for a possible alternative, but shhh.
RADIO WORK: Fifth Business (1980)
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I love this one; it's literally so fucking funny. This radio play is a dramatisation of the 1970 novel of the same name by Robertson Davies. Fifth Business recounts the life story of Dunstable "Dunstan" Ramsay, from his boyhood in an idyllic (on the surface only) Canadian village to his experiences in the First World War, his career as a teacher and all the loves and complications he runs into, and the formative experiences peppering his life where he's never quite the main character. He is instead 'fifth business' - neither hero nor villain, but still integral to resolving the play's plot. Ramsay is clever, sarcastic and a goddamn weirdo who's obsessed with saints for non-religious reasons. He dodged a snowball as a kid and the consequences of that haunt him throughout the entire book.
The radio drama features a whole cast of actors, including of course DR as the protagonist (who also narrates everything btw), doing an absolutely delightful job. Fellow Stratford actress Martha Henry, who also happened to be his wife at the time, is in it too!
The entire drama is delightful, honestly. I liveblogged my experience listening to it for the first time, and man there is some wild shit happening in this novel. The entire things is about three and a half hours, but it really doesn't feel that long.
Can be found (in eight parts) on YouTube or on Archive.org. (Or in a junkbox on a sidewalk in Toronto. I'm still baffled by that.)
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A classic. Documentaries make up a sizeable chunk of the masterpost (thanks to the NFB website and archive channels on YouTube), so there were more options in this category than in any of the others. But I decided to go with this particular gem of a documentary.
It's about - who would have guessed - the universe, featuring the most advanced scientific knowledge of planets and stars at the time. The special effects are also quite impressive - if you move around Space Odyssey circles, you may have heard that the visuals of this documentary were a major inspiration for 2001. Also, DR's narration in Universe is what brought him to Stanley Kubrick's attention. You can probably guess how that ended. (Gerry Flahive has some articles about the whole thing if you don't.)
Anyway, Universe is a beautiful and meditative look at our galaxy and the many things it contains, and DR's narration is absolutely lovely. It clocks in at just under half an hour, so not that big of a time commitment either.
Can be found on YouTube or on the NFB website.
TELEVISION: William Lyon Mackenzie: A Friend To His Country (1961)
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It's so hard to find old Canadian TV shows anywhere online and I'm forever bitter about it. Our options here are incredibly limited as a result, so you're just going to have to accept that I'm recommending you a historical short film from 1961, alright? This is as difficult for me as it is for you.
Unsurprisingly, this movie is about William Lyon Mackenzie, who was... *checks Wikipedia* "a Scottish Canadian-American journalist and politician." Yes, DR is doing a Scottish accent in this role. Yes, I adore it. I know very little about Canadian history, so I can't exactly speak to the film's accuracy, but I found it charming and DR is doing a very good job. Most of the half hour runtime is spent on Mackenzie's various political struggles (some sort of failed revolution, I gather, followed by exile in the United States and some jailtime) and him trying to protect his family. His wife is played by Canadian actress Kate Reid in this movie, which I personally find very funny for... reasons. IYKYK.
Can be found on YouTube or on the NFB website.
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I'm sort of cheating again, but the only other options in this category that I have access to are the two Space Odyssey movies, and they seemed like too basic of a choice. So have some more drama instead! This is also a filmed version of one of Stratford's plays, but released in theatres this time.
Oedipus Rex is a breezy 87 minutes and adapts the English translation by Yeats of the classic Greek tragedy by Sophocles, with a little added prologue to set the scene. It was directed by Tyrone Guthrie, who you might remember as the Big Man from The Stratford Adventure. Or from the fact that he was a pretty famous theatre guy. If you need a refresher on your Greek myths: Oedipus was the guy who was prophesised to kill his father and marry his mother. He got done dirty by Freud somewhere down the line.
DR plays the role of the Messenger, a minor part who recounts some of the most famous plot points of the tragedy of Oedipus, which they couldn't show onscreen/onstage. Granted, he's only in this one for like five minutes, but he really rocks up to crash the party wearing the coolest outfit in the entire show. And yes, everyone in this production is wearing Greek theatre masks, so you can't see his face. You get to hear his voice though - and watch his captivating body language!
Can be found on YouTube. Or you can probably buy it on DVD if you really want to; idk, I'm not the boss of you. (I've also clipped his scene if you really, really don't want to watch the whole play. I get it's a big ask. Really beautiful production though, seriously!)
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chris-continues · 1 year
Wholesome request 1
Livio who has a part time job walking people's dogs, bumps into reader when one of the dogs goes tugs a little too harsh.
Then it's the whole cliche dogs tangling them in the leashes.
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College AU Livio / reader!
TAGS: @h4venpha @millionsvash @lune010 @vashfantasy @cowboylivio
NOTES: OH MY GOD YES perfect I’d imagine both him and Wolfwood have these neighbors who aren’t able to walk their dog and he’s surprisingly really good with animals so they ask him! This is in college au btw! Also idk much about livio 😭 I watched some of tri98 and all of stampede and I’ve read a bitttt on him but I hope this isn’t OOC! Feel free to comment constructive criticism on his characterization in this, I hope it transferred well :)
Thank god Livio had managed to find a decent paying job to help handle both him and his older brother’s finances, because the genius had come up with the excellent idea of having both a dingy motorcycle and car instead of just getting one partially crummy one. (Preferably a car. Livio was still terrified of riding in the motorcycle). Dog walking hadn’t been the worst idea- firstly, he could enjoy life outside and take a break from studying, and even if he did need to review any coursework he could always listen to the .mp3 files in the online textbook he’d found (he thankfully got his hands on some online copies of his textbooks. Made the mistake his first semester freshman year of buying the actual books, brand new. Never again).
But it was therapeutic. Nico was always pestering him to loosen up, offhandedly offering a cigarette to which he refused, sighing tiredly with his forearms resting on his knees, head heavy with the stress of the day. Birds chirping alike in the teeming trees seemed to bring him mirth, replenish his senses and it was awfully refreshing as he tried to not recount the several assignments he had to work on.. haah.
Of course the one time his attention was split, when he made the god awful mistake of checking his notifications while walking did the toe of his shoe catch on an uneven crack in the sidewalk, dog tugging him further in anticipation for someth- wOah!-
Breeze rustled his hair as he flailed in an attempt to catch himself, only to be met with his hands awkwardly mashed on your torso. One, on your shoulder, the other, bent strangely at the elbow, flush against you.
“Oh my god- yeah, I’m so sorry..” he made an attempt to step back, only to find his calf caught in a tangle of leashes.
The dog you’d been walking, for a friend, had managed to find playing with Livio’s man (dog) of the hour a lot more amusing than your calls of “here!” “C’mere!” In a panic.
He swallowed thickly, turning his head away in respect while trying to croak out a few calls of his own. Your body squirmed against his, only managing to embarrass him further. He was almost as red as the fire hydrant they were.. yeah. Ok. Yep. They’re bonding.
“It’s- it’s fine, I’m sorry.” You looked up at him, chin resting slightly against his chest.
Wow. Your eyes are really pretty.
He caught himself, “Oh, no yeah- don’t worry about it. I’m sure they’ll be back soon.” His throat felt tight, voice tapering closed as he muttered out the last of his scrambled thoughts. It’s amusing, really, how a guy so giant wishes he can curl up really small and just go.
In an attempt to make the situation a bit more bearable, you gave your name, and he offered his shyly in return. Thank god for his dog finally being loyal enough to return, as he’d begun to almost lose it. While never one for much conversation, he shied away far more than usual, muscles twitching nervously and sporadically, eyes darting anywhere but you.
It. Was. So. Embarrassing.
Your hands reached nearby him to fumble with the leash, grazing his elbow as your chests touched and oh god your arm was wrapping around him, and suddenly-
“You’re untangled!” You beamed, picking up the other leash that had previously encased the two of you, “I’ll see you around, Livio.” A small smile graced your features, yet all he could do was give a feeble wave and a, “Yeah, later.” In response.
And suddenly, the gust of wind against him doesn’t feel as exhilarating as it used to.
Not in comparison to your grazing touches against him.
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alice-chan-chan · 5 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
tagged by @endless-season /havent't been tagged since forever, it's time to write a wall of hardly comprehencible text, let's gooo!/
3 ships you like: I still love soukoku (BSD) and dabihawks (BNHA), and my most recent fav ship is frimmel (Sousou no Frieren). It's impossible not to love them! \(-o-)/
first ship ever: I don't remember. But the first ship I was really invested in was Mukuro/Byakuran (KHR). I still think of them sometimes. ^///^
last song you heard: I've had my computer upgraded recently, so I had copied all my files on the new hard drive. I've found so many music after I examined my belongings. XD So it must be one of those songs I guess. It's very likely that it was Rise Again  by Ronski Speed feat. Lucy Saunders, it's one of my favourites once again lately. I had to dig up my playlist on vk to find its proper name btw. XD
favourite childhood book: Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny, I almost knew it by heart. Well, technically it's a teenage favourite book, but I don't think I remember childhood books now. =/ They didnt have as much impact on me as this one.
currently reading: nothing, my work consumes too much time and energy, I can't concentrate on books. =/
currently watching: I've finished watching Sousou no Frieren a few days ago, and I am already thinking about rewatching the exam arc. I should have paid more attention to Wirbel. ^///^ Well, maybe rewatching the whole anime wont hurt too. I really loved it!
currently consuming: I've just had a cup of tea moments ago.
currently craving: it's 3 am now. I can't think of anything to crave for at the moment. =/ Well, I'll go with the easiest option and say this: I'm craving for money bcos it gives so many resources and opportunites. I've seen an interesting course on 3d design on an online platform like 15 mins ago, and I am kinda interested. it's rather pricey... And I don't really have much free time... And on top of that, I doubt that I could use this course to earn money. =/ I guess I wont buy it anyway.
tagging: everyone who would like to play this tag game, you don't need to be a mutual, you don't even have to follow me. ^_^
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Here's my haul from the UK trip mentioned in my previous post!
First off; The books.
On the Talyllyn, at Tywyn Wharf they have a little book stand with random books and dvds for free in return for small donations you feel are appropriate. I got myself the SECR book about country stations. I dunno why, I guess it was because it could hold some really good inspiration for the future of my own layout.
The other book I got there was the pictorial tribute to Crewe Works. Because big locomotive works across the UK are so fascinating. Ever seen Terrier55Stepney's video on Brighton Works and it's history? I found that fascinating so I thought it'd be neat to have. Also Henry got his rebuild at Crewe so that gave the book some bonus points.
I also got a DVD from that book stand but I am currently unsure where it went.
I also got a Guide Book for the Talyllyn Railway detailing it's history, stations, engines and significant people. My mom saw it and wanted it because it looked neat. It has some amazing pictures and genuinely interesting facts. Like, have any of you ever heard of a place called Tadpole Cutting on the Talyllyn? You have now! It's a little past Rhydyronen and known to flood after stormy weather.
Then of course, since I was already at the Talyllyn Railway, Railway Adventure was a must-have. I'd only heard small bits of what occurs in it via the Railway Series Book Club podcast (check them out BTW they're great) and thought it sounded fascinating.
Then, being a TTTE and RWS fan (shocker, I know) I also got myself four Railway Series books. I bought two at Tywyn and two at Abergynolwyn, one on each day at each station when I was there. I got Branchline Engines, Enterprising Engines, Mountain Engines and Duke the Lost Engine. I honestly regret not getting Stepney's book, but I wanted to have at least one book not illustrated by the Edwards, great as they may be.
Now let's move on to the models.
At Tywyn Wharf, in the shop, they sold some TTTE Bachmann models. After some conferring with online friends on what was appropriately priced, I settled on getting Toad because the UK version has printing on both sides. (Thanks for telling me that, Vivian.)
And then in the National Railway Museum, I was... not as money smart, to put it lightly. Without consulting people I know on the internet, I got Edward and Henrietta, both from Bachmann. Henrietta because she'll go along nicely with my Toby and Edward because he was at least 10 £ less than the Henry they were selling. I love my mom so much for getting me these because yowie those prices would have made me faint if I'd paid for them. They maybe were a bit overpriced but at least there was no shipping costs or agonizing wait for the package to arrive. I can just... take them home :>
Aaaand that's it! Haha I honestly loved being here. I got to see THE Talyllyn engines in real life, met Luke Ryan (he was lovely) and took some lovely pictures of the Welsh Countryside. The National Railway Museum, even if it wasn't completely opened due to them refurbishing the Station Hall, was mindblowing. I got to see the Stirling Single, an engine I love very dearly. Unfortunately neither Scotsman or Truro were there, but Boxhill was a pleasant sight. As I mentioned in my previous post, I used the NRM's railway book archive to read one of Chris' Awdry's RWS books. The only other one grey had was James' original book. And honestly it wasn't amazing but I think it could be worse, which is my opinion on a lot of things considered unpopular or bad.
Pictures I've taken are sure to follow, but only once I'm home!
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persephinae · 9 months
btw i found a better link for the free books, this one has other genres besides romance
but be warned, there are a loooootttttt of crap books to scroll through before you might see something that interests you
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sayitalianolearns · 1 year
Hey! Glad to meet you) Is it hard for you to learn Korean? What books do you use to study?
안녕! I found complicated in the beginning to change my way of thinking (sentences are buildt differently from English and my native language) but now I'm getting more used to it. As for remembering words, that's occasionally tricky but with time and practice you can build a good vocabulary. It's harder probably, for me atm, to understand it well and speak it, but hopefully I'll find someone willing to help me :)
As for resources I use youtube videos as TTMIK for grammar and a few other channels according on the subject I'm studying (there are a few good ones to practice listening -I can search for them if you're interested, I mentioned in a post not long ago). I followed a very basic grammar bunch of lessons in my native language (still on youtube) but I didn't buy books until a week ago: I only bought an ENG-KOR vocabulary with images by Collins (I posted about it -tbh not sure everything is so correct but I'm pretending) and seen that I got a gift card on an online store, I used it to buy a short bilingual story for children (not worth to spend 5 euros for it anyway imo). I am thinking if to buy another book with stories + questions (exercises/comprehension) I found on Amazon, but I might wait a little more tbh. I use online resources I find here on tumblr too, btw (people I reblog from). TTMIK has also grammar books and lessons on their website (some for free too) which are very good. Memrise is a good resource as well for vocabularies and listening/writing (there are many classes, also Topik related ones).
Let me know if you need more infos ofc!
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lenathesingingcat · 1 year
For Barricade Day, I’ve decided to post some quotes from when me and my friends from college were going to make some Les Amis music videos! (I’m still planning to make them btw, but none of the original people wanted to be involved/kept in touch.)
Names of my friends are changed to the names of the Ami they played (for security) but I’m keeping the pronouns of my friends when applicable.
TW: character death mention, spoilers for les mis, mention of bad self esteem.
From the day I gave out character sheets printed from online:
Me: *trying to explain the Triumvirate to Enjolras and Courfeyrac* (Combeferre couldn’t make it that day) So, you two and Combeferre are kind of a trio -
Enjolras: (immediately) Can we kick Courfeyrac out? (She was joking, don’t worry. These three were really close in real life)
Me: No, we’re Les Amis…
Courfeyrac: *looks at character sheet* You can’t kick me out, I’m the glue that holds you together!
Enjolras: Yeah, you’re like that really annoying PVA glue that gets stuck to your hands and you have to peel it off!
(I’m convinced that banter like this happened between Les Amis, feel free to steal anything on this post for a fic by the way!)
Me: *lets others read my own (Grantaire) character sheet that I printed just for fun*
Feuilly: (not realising that the information a. came from online and b. is about the book which I didn’t write) Why have you written that your character’s ugly? Don’t say that about yourself!
Me: I didn’t write this! *proceeds to get upset with Victor Hugo for being so mean about Grantaire*
(She knew I had very little self confidence - I’m working on it! - and probably would have written that about myself, so she was looking out for me.)
Enjolras: *also reading the same part on my information* That’s not true, he’s not ugly in the film, he’s very attractive - wait, I’m thinking of Aaron.
Me: (sarcastically) Well, aren’t we modest today?
Me: *gives Courfeyrac the character sheet for Combeferre who wasn’t in that day as they were having a sleepover that evening*
Courfeyrac: *promptly forgets which sheet is hers because they both begin with C*
(Luckily I had the foresight to write everyone’s real names on the character sheets as well as the character names!)
Courfeyrac: Why do you do this to yourself?
Me: I don’t know!
The next week, after singing Tightrope as a duet with Enjolras (because of the lyric “hand in my hand and we promise to never let go” this will always be an Enjoltaire song to me!)
Me: (explaining) So we’re shot after the line “will you catch me if I should fall”, but people don’t usually die instantly when they’re shot -
Enjolras: Unless they’re shot in the head. So if you ever need someone to die quickly, make sure you aim for the head.
Me: (very concerned but carrying on) And I use the last of my strength to sing the line “well, it’s all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view”, basically telling you that you’re a breathtaking view.
Enjolras: Aww! So are you!
Me: Thanks. …I mean, Victor didn’t agree, but…
(Some conversation about Victor being mean about R)
Enjolras: I wonder why…
Me: Well, maybe he looked into the future and found out I’d be playing the part one day!
Enjolras: Amen!
Enjolras: NO!
Me: *laughs because she accidentally agreed before she realised what I said*
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living-d3ad-gh0ul · 1 year
Tuesday 29th August 2023, 05:48am
I've been trying to figure out a way to start writing my next post to you for a couple days now. I keep coming back and writing and then deleting everything. Right now, I just want to sigh very deeply. Things are just.. I don't even have a word to describe them, I just want to do a big sigh.
I'll start off with some nice stuff. London was lots of fun, Joji was amazing. I'm gonna attach some pictures of the concert and places I went and just some other random pictures of my trip. My little mini holiday started with something really cool actually, I laughed when it happened. I went to check in at the airport (cause I had a checked bag and I hate doing it online when I have one of those) and I give the guy my passport and stuff, tell him my name, where I'm going etc. And he just goes "Oh.. how about that" and immediately I'm looking at him like 👀 how about what? What does that mean? And I start panicking thinking my flights delayed or cancelled or I booked the wrong fucking date or something. And he just says "Well it says here 'Thank you for flying with BA, enjoy your upgrade' so it looks like you've been upgraded". I swear to you E, I looked at the man like he'd grown an extra head LOL. I was all like "is this some like.. ploy to get me to pay for an upgrade? Cause it's not happening lol" and he's like "nope, you've already been upgraded, you're in business class now, you get extra luggage allowance, here's your boarding pass, go to priority security and head on up to the lounge for free drinks and food". So I just stood there and laughed and shook my head and asked him if he was serious, and he absolutely was. Thank god for the extra luggage allowance btw, because I had absolutely overpacked. I think I always worry I won't have enough or that the weather will suddenly change or something and I won't be prepared. Which, is actually a very valid fear when you live in the UK lol.
So.. I went on up, went through priority security.. and I got fucking stopped didn't I? I sat there like "shit what did I leave in my bag? Did I not do my liquids right?". The guy pulled me over.. and it turned out it was my dad's jacket that they had flagged. He passed his leather jacket down to me, his proper real leather biker jacket. It's too big on me, but I love it and I really wanted to take it with me. Now.. I'm not sure if I said before or not.. but my dad was a fond man of the devils cabbage. So I *immediately* started panicking, thinking there was some hidden pocket I hadn't found that had some in it.. or that he'd just stuffed some in the lining or something, because that was a very my dad thing to do, I honestly wouldn't have put it past him. So I'm standing there, watching this guy look through all the pockets and almost fucking sweating at airport security lmfao. Then he just goes "ah okay, our scanner just didn't like the zips for some reason" then he SWABS it and my backpack and I was like OKAY YEAH I'M ABOUT TO BE DETAINED LOL. But it came back fine, he handed me my stuff and off I went to find the fancy lounge. I literally looked up at the sky as I walked away and I laughed and was like "fuck you". I'm honestly convinced that was my dad totally fucking with me, just playing a prank on me and winding me up like he always loved doing. He'd have been pissed himself laughing at me.
God, I just realised how much I typed already, jesus. This might be long, because I'm sure you're aware of this by now, but I tend to ramble and drabble on about stuff. I'm sorry I just.. idk, I like giving you as much detail as possible, I like fully explaining things to you like we're actually having a conversation and not just writing letters to one another, it's just.. nice and I just want these to be like.. totally organic and not heavily edited or anything. I just wanna talk to you like I normally would.. if that makes sense. I hope it does.
So I managed to find the lounge, went and sat myself down, I had like.. an hour and a half before my flight so I grabbed this wrap thing and there was free drinks including alcohol so of course I poured myself one lol. I sat there in a nice comfy booth by myself, charging my phone, eating this tasty random wrap I picked up and drinking expensive whiskey, all because I could thanks to the random free upgrade I got. I then went and got on the plane (I was one of the first to get on too) and oh my god I had so much room. I was sat on the aisle and there was a table between me and the person in the window seat, I could properly stretch my legs out and everything. It was.. amazing. And then we took off and we got drinks and stuff brought to us. And ACTUAL food on ACTUAL plates with ACTUAL cutlery. Let me tell you, I was absolutely fucking AMAZED hahaha. I think the flight attendants could definitely tell that I had never experienced that before. I was like a kid in a candy shop haha. They gave me a gin and tonic with my little plate of food, which was SO fucking good too. And then came back and asked me if I wanted some CHAMPAGNE. So I was like UH FUCK YEAH OF COURSE I WANT CHAMPAGNE hahahaha. And it came in a REAL glass. Honestly, I've never experienced anything like that before on a plane and honestly, coming back home in economy sucked after having that lol.
I got there all good and my bag came through almost right away so I wasn't fucking about at the airport for ages, I hopped in an Uber and went to my uncles. It was really warm and the drive took a while because of traffic (I also was going from one end of London to the other tbf, but I was far too tired and warm to be dealing with the London underground, I also hate getting the tube when I have a case with me, people just look at you and give you the dirtiest looks). The first evening I was there was super chill and low-key. Me and my uncle nipped around to his local pub which was only 2 minutes around the corner from his place, we had a couple drinks together and actually bumped into a Scottish guy who was there on his own, we got chatting to him and he was quite cool. Him and my uncle were talking about being teachers and me and him had a chat about music and stuff. He didn't stay long though, but it was nice to talk to someone from the same country I am when I was away from home haha.
The next day was the Thursday which was the day of the concert and I basically had the flat to myself all day. My uncles flatmate (who is also his ex partner who I've known since I was a kid, they're still really good friends though and still live together) was gone to see family and my uncle was going to see friends on the coast that day, so we had breakfast and coffee together before he left. I chilled in the morning, put some music on and just.. enjoyed the sun. I had the balcony door wide open and just sat there playing music and relaxing. It was the most chilled out I'd felt in months. I ended up picking up my uncles guitar and playing that for a little bit too. I'm so fucking rusty haha. I hadn't played for quite a long time, so I was trying to remember stuff but some things just came back to me, like total muscle memory almost. It was so badly out of tune too but I just tuned it up by ear, I'm still really glad I can do that. It was just really nice to have that little bit of time before I had to get ready for the concert and make my way across London again. But I did and I actually met up with someone from the discord server we first met on! A guy called Zach from London and his girlfriend. Me and him are still friends and have been for years, but I'd never met his girlfriend before. She was so nice, she even got me water when I thought I was dying of heat stroke at the concert lol and I had a really cool day with both of them. It was just soooo busy and sooooo fucking warm at the concert. So much so I ended up buying a fucking hat lol. I don't ever wear hats, but I really needed one. Even when I had sunnies on. I ended up buying a t-shirt too, which I'm actually wearing right now. I ended up I was so warm and drank soooo much water, genuinely thought I was gonna keel over at one point, but I was okay and I had fun.
The support acts I didn't really know, but they were quite good. I really enjoyed the first support, he was really funny and really got the crowd involved. Omg and he sang Gary Come Home from SpongeBob hahahahaha. I was absolutely pissing myself laughing when he did that, but it was a good rendition hahaha. Then obviously Joji came on and I was absolutely in my element. He was amazing. He sang one of my favourite songs first too. He actually sang quite a lot of my favourites of his, and even some old ones too, and I mean like.. songs from his SoundCloud days. It was really great. And there was two fucking mosh pits haha! He basically paused the concert halfway through and went off stage, then came back on and him and his hypeman or whoever started doing a fucking DJ set in the middle of the concert hahaha. They also had a Jack Sparrow lookalike competition on stage and called it a Jack Off lmfao. Oh and they literally brought out a blackjack table too and started playing that hahaha. You could tell he really wanted to appeal to all of his fans and wanted to make people laugh, FilthyFrank and Pink Guy are absolutely still in there haha. I honestly had such an amazing time at the concert. Getting out was an absolute pain though, they stopped and started us all leaving so many times and had like.. police blocking off entrances and stuff for no reason other than it was busy. I remember getting asked where I was going about four times and I was just like "um.. to get the tube home? Same as everyone else?" Lol.
The Friday I was there was more low-key. I stayed at the flat and chilled with my uncle for a few hours before I got ready and headed into Soho. I ended up going to a pub my uncle recommended me and had a few drinks. I got talking to two older ladies who were really nice and let me sit with them and chatted away to me. I also met up with a friend who had moved down to London once they finished work and we had a couple drinks there too, before we moved on to a different pub that I'd been told about. I really liked that second pub, it's actually apparently really well known and a lot of famous people go there. But I didn't see any famous people haha, or not ones that I knew anyway. My friend recognised a relatively famous ex-manager of one of the biggest Scottish football teams though in the first pub we went to and I made them take their picture with him lol. Well, I say I made them, they were like "should I ask for a picture?" And I just whipped my phone out and was like "excuse me, hi, you were just talking to my friend, do you mind if they have a picture with you?" And the guy was happy enough to do it. We then ended up having a walk around and going to another couple of bars. So many people instantly gravitated towards me because of my accent and kept telling me how amazing it was and I was just like "it is?" Hahahaha. I didn't stay out too late though, I was still tired from the concert the day before and I think I was home and in bed by like.. 1am haha.
The Saturday I just went around some places locally to my uncle. There's a cool little old cemetary nearby him that they're doing a lot of restoration works on, but you can still walk through it. So I had a wander through there, it was really nice. I then found this nice little cafe and had some lunch there before I went back to my uncles place. He'd gone out and his flatmate was still away, so I just chilled and listened to some music again, before I had some dinner and then I got ready and went to a goth club that night haha. My uncle had got back before I went out and he was telling me how he'd been to the same club I was going to before, but it was back in the 80's and was telling me stories and stuff while I did my makeup. We also had a little drink together before I headed out and it was nice. We're really similar personality wise and he's honestly really cool. We sat and listened to The Cure and Cocteau Twins and Lebanon Hanover and Siouxsie and stuff like that while I got ready and we drank together. Then I went off to the club MYSELF might I add. That was a really big thing for me, going to a place like that alone. But I ended up I just got a drink, found myself a seat near the dancefloor and just chilled for a bit. Again, I ended up opening my mouth at some point, I think I was ordering myself a drink, and some girl asked me where I was from and said she liked my accent. I told her and we ended up chatting for a while. She introduced me to her friends and I ended up tagging along with them for the rest of the night. They were all really nice and took me under their wing and we even took pictures together haha. I got drunk with them and danced with them to music similar to what me and my uncle listened to before I went out haha. I got really excited when Depeche Mode came on and basically just put myself right in the middle of the dancefloor haha. I have a tendency to do that when I'm drunk lol. I didn't get home til 5am, I had been having that much fun haha. The club didn't close til 6am too, so I really could have stayed until then if I wanted to haha.
The Sunday was just really chill, we went for some lunch and we chilled in the flat, I was a little hungover so my uncle just told me to relax and take it easy. I had been really busy tbh, so it was only natural I started feeling it a bit by the Sunday. I also ended up getting bitten on my arm and shoulder by mosquitoes or something on my first day there and by this point the bites were really itchy and irritating, so I kept having to put stuff on them to soothe it. I ended up I sat and talked to my uncle til about 9 o'clock before I got really tired and went to go crash out early. I woke up really early the next day and had to pack everything away for leaving that afternoon lol. It was sad saying goodbye to my uncle, cause he's one of my favourite family members and he really sympathises with me on the bullshit with my mother. He was really shocked when I was telling him all about how she'd been acting when my dad was sick and when he passed. She actually hadn't spoke to me for like.. 3 weeks after her birthday at the start of July. She didn't even send me a text on the day of my dad's funeral. Not a word. Didn't hear from her for like another 2 weeks after that. It's actually been like a month since she's even made any kind of attempt at contacting me. She's just.. she's really shown her true colours with all this and it's sad, because I feel like I've lost and I'm grieving for both parents almost. Just in different senses of the word, I guess. It's a whole thing spanning years, I won't get into it cause this post is long enough. She's just not a very nice person and I'm slowly starting to realise that, when I used to idolise her. It just hurts.
I was supposed to get home at like.. 6pm on the Monday evening, but our plane ended up delayed by 2 hours so I didn't get picked up by my sister at the airport until like 8pm. There was some issue with the planes navigation system that didnt happen until we got to the runway and were just about to take off. So we sat there for like.. an hour, while they tried to fix it. They managed to sort it out.. but then we had to return to the stand because they had wasted all the fuel just sitting there lmfao. So I was just like ok lol we're not going anywhere anytime soon, put my headphones in and just chilled. They refueled the plane and eventually we were on our way. I didn't get any fancy drinks or food this time, just a bottle of water and a bag of pretzels that tasted really bad hahaha. I got off the plane and, as usual for me because I always seem to have shit luck when I land at Glasgow airport, we'd landed at the furthest possible gate and had to walk aaaaaaaaall the way through the airport to the baggage carousels and so I could leave. Then there was an issue with them too. No one knew where our bags were lol. And then suddenly we were being called through to the other room which had one carousel thing. Another 2/3 flights landed at the same time as us and the baggage people put ALL of the bags from ALL of the flights on one belt. It was fucking chaos. And there ended up being a massive pile up of bags and the airport people had to press the emergency stop button. It was just a total fucking clusterfuck lol. They said that one was only supposed to be for the Dublin flight, but apparently the baggage people just went "lol no" and put all the bags on the one. Luckily, I could literally see my bag just before the pile up, so I managed to grab it (after I made sure I wasn't gonna make anything worse) and quickly make my way outside where my sister was there ready to pick me up.
I got home and had a long ass shower and just relaxed for the rest of the night. I was off work the rest of the week, so I didn't have to do anything and took my time doing laundry and unpacking and getting back into a routine a bit. I'm actually still off work right now, before I went away, me and my manager had like.. a little meeting thing. She was concerned that I hadnt had enough support at work because I'd had loads of time off dealing with stuff with my dad etc. So she wanted to like.. restart me? If that makes sense? So I took some holidays and some unpaid leave (begrudgingly, but she said it would do me best) and I'll start back from my training weeks on Monday 4th September. She thinks if I have all my training again and have a proper chance and a proper start at things without the stresses of having to look after dad or any of the other stuff I'd had to deal with, that it'll make me feel more supported and I'll do better this time around. I'm not really sure how I feel about it, cause I kinda feel like it's being forced upon me against my will? But I kinda need the job and they do keep saying it's for the best so.. I'm not gonna argue with them too much about it. Especially if they really are just trying to support me. It just means I'll be able to fly through all my training and stuff and hopefully get really good marks on all my assessments if I remember everything haha.
So um.. now comes the kinda bad part. The bit that's been making me want to just.. *big sigh*. The weekend after my dad's funeral, my aunt was pretty insistent on coming to see me. I was kinda like wtf why? This is my aunt on my mum's side btw, the one who I'm close with and who really understands my situation with my mum and stuff (and really does not agree with how she's treated me at all). She also lives with my gran, who is my mum's stepmum, but she's always just been my gran cause her and my grandad had been together since the late 70's until he passed away in 2020. So.. yeah.. I was a bit worried as to why she wanted to come over and I had asked her if it was important. She turned up at my door like 20 minutes later, telling me that it was and she wasn't going to stay long, but she just didn't want to tell me over the phone or anything, she wanted to tell me in person. Immediately, I panicked. And I was right to. My gran had been sick for quite a few months. Unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite and energy and stuff, some other really weird things that they couldn't explain. They did so many tests and scans and everything and they couldn't find anything. That was, until she had another follow up scan the week before and they called her with the results a couple days after my dad's funeral. My aunt just wanted to give me a couple more days, because she knew I was already upset, that's why she waited to tell me. But um.. yeah.. what they told her is that she has pancreatic cancer. My aunt started telling me this, telling me that they were looking at all available treatment options and that surgery was potentially going to be happening and stuff. The whole time I just stood there staring at her in complete shock. All I kept thinking to myself was "really? Again? Already?". This is now the fourth close family member of mine to have cancer. My stepmum who passed in 2014 (it was actually her anniversary yesterday on the 28th, my first one without dad), my grandad (my grans husband) who passed in 2020, my dad who got sick really suddenly and passed this year.. and now my gran.. so soon after my dad. I really got upset. I can't remember much of that evening because I think I just broke down. They've basically said that they're going to do this really intensive and strong round of chemo to try and get rid. They may also be doing surgery to remove things too. Unfortunately though, this chemo and surgery plan is like.. a one time deal. So it HAS to work. If it doesn't then.. I don't wanna think about the "if it doesnt" right now tbh. I dont know if I'm strong enough to. She started her chemo on 17th August while I was away, but I've been texting and calling, checking in on her and stuff, seeing how she's doing, even while I was away. She's been okay, but over the weekend just gone, she was feeling really sick and dizzy, not eating much or drinking, they nearly took her to hospital because she was dehydrated, but thankfully she's perked up again. She's eating and drinking and feeling a little bit better. She has to get the chemo treatment every 2 weeks and she gets 6 treatments. So there's 5 more to go. I hope her body gets used to it and she doesn't feel as bad as she did over the weekend just past again. But if she does? I'll go help her if I need to. I haven't been able to see her since I got back because I got sick with a cold or flu or something again, so I didn't want to risk passing it on to her, especially when she's going through that and her immune system is already low.
I've been feeling a bit down since I got home too, I'll be honest. This town is just.. it's so shit, there's nothing here and it's honestly just.. bleh. That's the only way I can explain it. I haven't been seeing people much either. I just feel like everyone's too busy for me. I try and reach out and make plans and stuff, but everyone's just.. idk if they're busy or just cba with me. I really hope it's not the latter. But it's kinda shit. Considering everything I've been through this year and am still kinda going through. I also keep thinking more about saving up and moving away from this shithole town I grew up in. I just want to move somewhere where there's more to do or a better life to be had or where there's more opportunities. Idk, it's definitely something I might look into. But right now, I need to be there for my gran, get started with work again and just.. breathe a bit. I can think about all that bigger picture stuff soon. I just need to look after myself and my gran and just.. idk have some kind of normality for a little bit I think.
I really hope you're doing okay too. I hope your doctor's appointments have been going well. I swear to god, if they don't let you keep the piece of your rib that they cut out, I will come over there and I will riot lol. It's your fucking rib, they better let you keep it! Haha. I'm glad you managed to figure out the monitor thing too, that would have honestly driven me mental. I think I'd have also went a bit crazy with that going on, I'm sorry you ended up getting migraines and stuff from it, that really does not sound fun at all. I really hope you're feeling a bit better though and that you've been able to have some good times and some good rest too, considering you've had a lot go on this year too, with all your health stuff and having to move back home and stuff. It seems like we've both had really busy and stressful years so far. Let's hope that the rest of the year is nice and uneventful and has some happy things for us both, I really honestly do hope that for both me and you. We both deserve a bit of a break, let's face it. If I could, I'd come steal you away for a few days so we could have a break together. We could maybe go to Tasmania and you could show me those little markets and stuff you talked about before. That would be really nice I won't lie.
Oh, I also had a dream about you a few nights ago. It was only like a two second thing, but we were standing in a shop and you were laughing at me cause I wanted to buy peanut M&M's? Lol idk why but you were like "Don't you know what they put in those things?!" and I was genuinely so confused and just wanted peanut M&M's lol. It was one of those ones where I woke up and was like "huh?" Hahaha. You weren't being mean or anything, you were saying it more in like a.. jokey concerned way it seemed.
I really really hope you're doing good, E. I really can't wait to hear from you again. And I'm sorry that this is so bloody long. I guess I just wanted to tell you everything and do it justice, tell it like I would if I was sat here talking to you in person or on the phone or leaving you a voicemail or something. Idk it just feels better than way.
I had woke up and couldn't get back to sleep when I started writing this, but now I'm starting to get tired again. It's 7am here now, but I think I could probably get another couple of hours sleep. Hopefully. My sleep hasn't been too good since I got back home again. Probably because I don't really have anything to do during the day other than things around the house etc. So I end up getting bored and napping. Which isn't good but sometimes I just get so cosy lol. I wish I had a cat like Chonky to snuggle up with and nap. I hope she's doing good too. Please give her some pets and scritches from me. Belly rubs too, if you're feeling like a gambling man.
I really look forward to hearing from you, E. I hope you like the photos and stuff of my trip to London.
"If you ever go, all the songs that we like will sound like bittersweet lullabies"
P.S, it was only gonna let me upload one video, so I put them all up on my YouTube. There's a couple different ones, but here's the link for one of them, you can have a look at the rest if you like
and heres the pictures..
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audiovisualrecall · 4 years
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New bookbinding project, for steph, finished! It looks really good and I'm super happy with it :3
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 years
You ever find out an assignment is due way sooner than you thought it was and you’re just like ✌🏻💀
#for personal reasons i will be passing away#so my critical review and annotated bibliography (formative assignment for my dissertation; but an assessed one unfortunately)#is due in 8 days time#bitch i didn’t think it was due for at least 2 weeks#i’ve been sitting here like a fucking chump thinking it was due like 25th november for NO reason. no it’s due on the 16th#thank god for group chats is all i can say#if i hadn’t seen a ton of people talking about the assignment & asking questions i never would’ve got suspicious#and checked when it was due#and then i probably would’ve found out on like the day of and shit my pants trying to write 1000 words by noon#oh yeah E V E R Y T H I N G is due at noon on the day of the deadline btw. life is pain#yeah at my last uni stuff was due by 2pm but somehow 2pm is so much better than noon#so yeah this is how things are going if you were curious!!#i mean i guess if i stop being salty about it for a second i can recognise why they did this#like this means there’s a gap of nearly a month between the research proposal; the critical review & the assessed essay#but ya girl has an essay proposal due for another class on friday and also some discussion questions due the following tuesday#this is the first tangible work i’ve actually had to produce and of course it’s 3 things within 5 days. help#this is what happens when you assume you have loads of free time because you’ve been told all you have to do is read books#if anyone was thinking of doing an online master’s in english lit i seriously would not recommend it#personal#rant
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queerofzaun · 3 years
Heyy! recently watched Arcane and i am obsessed. Well i like Viktor and there is not nearly enough love for him online sadly! But i would like to request, Viktor and a reader who isnt really that brainy when it comes to technology and science and is just generally relatable to normal university students. Feel free to make it SFW or NSFW idm, im having viktor brainrot so... Love your account alot btw u are dong gods work!
𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : reader x viktor
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : fluff
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : as requested by @bloody-vino. reader finds themselves being hand selected by Viktor to assist him in his research, despite being just an ordinary student at the academy 
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 1.2K
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 : thank you so much for the request, and the kind words!! tbh, i was gonna make this nfsw at first but writing this made me soft so I hope the fluff is okay! 
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You stood in the darkened laboratory, books clutched tightly your chest. You were very confused why you had been hand selected to assist on the hextech project. Despite being a academy student with excellent grades, you weren’t exceptionally gifted compared to some of the other students. Science always fascinated you, even from an early age. But, you felt as though you were just ordinary, just like any other student in Piltover.
 Viktor stood with his back turned you, inspecting the hexcore. He had peaked your interest the moment you first met him. When he was just an assistant to councilor Heimerdinger. Now, he was partners with Jayce - the “golden boy”. Most girls in your class found themselves infatuated with the Talis boy, not you though. You had eyes for the Slavic man standing before you. 
He let out a sigh in frustration before turning to face you with a hand rubbing his chin. “I’m missing something. I’m so close to figuring it out.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon.” You assured, tone a bit hushed from the nervousness from him speaking to you and the fact you had no idea how any of this stuff worked.
He let out a soft hum, dropping his hand as he leaned onto his cane. He watched the hexcore with a concentrated look spread across his features. His slender fingers grabbed the notebook that was lying on the table, lifting it and opening it. His amber eyes flickered as he read the pages silently. 
You lowered your books a bit, finally getting the courage to approach him. “What exactly is this? I won’t lie, I’m not really good with the whole science thing.”
His eyes glanced over at your timid form. A soft chuckle left his lips as he handed you his notes. He thought it was cute how clueless you appeared to be. You furrowed your brows at him, but taking the book from his hands. You felt his fingers graze yours as you did. A soft blush dusted your cheeks as you inspected the notes he had scribbled down.
“It’s adaptive runes,” He started as he turned his attention back to the glowing device, “I looked over your file. I didn’t choose you because your brains.”
That earned a frown from you, keeping your gaze glued to the inked pages. Though you knew that you weren’t too gifted, it still felt.. painful to hear him acknowledge the fact you indeed weren’t the most intelligent when it came to stuff like this. Technology and Science. As much as you wished you were. It was your dream to become somebody some day, someone like Viktor.
“I chose you because I’ve noticed how determined you are. Sometimes even that can lead to greatness.” He continued, his accent thick and making your blush deepen
You looked up at him, to find his amber eyes looking into your e/c ones. His eyes on you made you feel like your stomach was doing flips. He noticed you. It felt surreal, that someone as brilliant as him would ever take interest in just an average girl such as yourself.
“Determination can only lead you so far. I was never meant for greatness.” You mumbled, closing the book as you sighed out.
“Non sense.” He spoke assuredly, “Greatness comes to those who work for it. It isn’t handed to you because of how strong or smart you are.”
“I can teach you, you know.” He continued.
You lifted your head, tilting it to the side as you rose a brow in confusion. What did he mean by that? You pursed your lips as you waited for him to elaborate on the subject. He noticed your expression, a soft smile breaking out on his lips as put his hand on the back of your shoulder and walked you towards the hexcore.
“I can teach everything I know, y/n. I’m sure it must intrigue you, taking part of our research.” He said as he extended his arm out towards it.
“Why did you choose me?” You couldn’t help but ask, curious as to why you were the one he wanted to teach, to take part in all of this.
His shoulders shrugged, his arm slipping off your back. You could feel a pang of disappointment from the loss of contact. He stumbled as he turned around and leaned against the back of the table as he kept his gaze glued to the floor. Silence fell between the two of you, as he struggled to find the words to say without embarrassing himself.
Viktor never was interested in woman much, dating in general always felt like a waste of time. He had been so engulfed in his research and inventions his whole life. Wanting to become someone worthy of greatness. It was all that mattered to him, especially having had grown up in the under city. But when he saw you the first time, everything changed.
He noticed you the moment you arrived, and had been watching you over the years. While the other students socialized and slacked off when given the chance, you were alone. Sitting with your nose up a book. You worked hard, and didn’t bother with wasting your time. He admired that, it reminded him of himself.
You noted his silence, turning so you were leaning back against the table next to him. You lifted your eyes to observe his face. He was deep in thought, seeming to rack his mind for a response. “Are you okay, Viktor?”
“Truthfully, I’ve been fascinated with you for a while. I saw an opportunity to help you and get to know you, so I took it.” He admitted, peering at you from the corner of his eyes.
You were taken aback, the words caught in the back of your throat. You fascinated him? It made you feel special. No one had ever noticed you before, you never felt like there was anything worth noticing. “You’re the fascinating one. You come from nothing and now you’re changing the world with hextech.” 
His hand gently gripped your chin, lifting your head so he could look at you more clearly. His skin felt cool against your skin but you didn’t mind it. The coolness sent shivers running down your spine as he let his thumb graze the bottom of your jaw. He stared at you in admiration, as if you were a extravagant painting made just for him.
“You doubt yourself, you’re nothing short of extraordinary.” He breathed, his fingers sliding up the side of your face before cupping your cheek.
 He leaned in closer, making your breathing hitch. You felt your heart pounding against your chest the closer he got to you. He stopped just inches from your face and you could feel his breath on your lips. He looked into your eyes, like he was waiting for your permission. You noticed how he glanced at your lips for a short moment before meeting your gaze again.
You nodded your head, inching closer to him. His lips were met with yours, kissing you gently. The way his lips moved against yours made you feel like your knees were going to give out. This was the moment you had been longing for since you first laid on eyes on him. He tasted sweet, with a hint of mint. When he broke the kiss, you kept your eyes closed as you took the moment in.
When you finally opened your eyes, you found him grinning down at you. You couldn’t help but smile back. He rested his forehead against yours. “You were destined for greatness, love.”
You pulled with your smile still spread on your face. You looked over to the hexcore device before turning to face him once more. “So when do we start?”
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dr4kenlvr · 3 years
dating chifuyu matsuno
pairing: chifuyu matsuno x gn!reader
genre: fluff
request: omg dating chifuyu pls<3
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shout out to chifuyu, gotta be one of the bestest boys in tokyo revengers!!
being chifuyu's partner has got to be one of the best things someone could accomplish in their life LMAO
chifuyu firmly believes that a relationship should contain mutual trust and love, and he is so incredibly happy that he's found someone who cares for him as much as he does them
(remember when he was bitching about not being able to spend time on christmas eve looking for a partner??? YEAH THAT)
when you first start dating i feel like he'd really want you to meet his friends, just cause that way you can get to know them and you could all hang out together
it'd be easier for him too since baji's ass is always around him, and he doesn't want to neglect anybody
he'd fall in love even more with you when he sees that you get along nicely with them all
it makes his heart so full to see his friends and partner hanging out, that sometimes his ass is left behind
"yo chifuyu, y/n is more fun to hang out with than you!" - smiley, probably
chifuyu: :o
often, chifuyu likes to take you all over the city when you're free
he'd offer to take you out whenever you're free to spend extra time with you!
your family find him incredibly sweet and trustworthy as well, so he has no problem winning over their hearts <3
he promises them that he'll return you back at a reasonable time and safely!
around the city, he'll take you to get some food, buy your favourite drinks, and maybe even feed the ducks at the nearby pond
he just loves seeing the smile light up your face when you're having fun, it honestly makes his entire day
one place he really likes to go is the book store where he can look for and buy new manga with you, he'll offer to pay for your books too if you want any
now, since he's apart of toman, he completely acknowledges the dangers that come with being a gang member
he'll put his whole effort into making sure that you are safe
if you insist you can handle yourself (he finds that super attractive btw), he'll ease up a little but is still on your ass with "be careful" or "call or text me if you need me okay!!"
he is ALWAYS talking about you to takemitchi (he finds it really cute tbh)
"takemitchi look look! they're so cute" - chifuyu when you post a new photo online
he's a total fanboy of your shit too, if you like to play an instrument or you like to collect figurines, whatever it is!
chifuyu is ON HIS SHIT to support you !! chifuyu number one y/n supporter !!!
his friends find it funny too, they sometimes ask about you and how you're doing, and chifuyu has all the latest updates
smiley and pah tease him relentlessly, don't matter if you're around or not
he gets pretty blushy but is rather flaunt about having a partner
chifuyu's got this habit of drumming his fingers on your thigh or hand whenever you sit with him
if you're on his lap, he'll rest his hands on your legs and just- pat pat pat
just random patterns, or to a beat of a song that's stuck in his head
if it makes you uncomfortable or annoyed at all, he'll stop for sure, he's not one to push you into anything you wouldn't want to do
you guys like to share music with one another too! so if you recommend him an artist, he'll def check them out and vis versa!
you two have a shared playlist where you just compile a bunch of your favourite songs together and listen <3
yup i 11/10 recommend everyone a chifuyu matsuno
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not-a-space-alien · 3 years
Watch Your Step Masterpost
Watch Your Step is a story I’m writing about an entomologist who finds a fairy while out in the field.  (Feel free to comment on this post if you want to be tagged when I post a new chapter btw :>)
AO3 link - Chapter list for the story on tumblr under the cut!
(PS, we have a little discord server, not for this story specifically but for g/t in general, please message me if you want to join!)
Chapter list:
Story #1: Watch Your Step [Complete]
Chapter 1.1: Watch Your Step 
Chapter 1.2: Come out, Come out, Whatever You Are
Chapter 1.3: Epimorphosis
Chapter 1.4: Catch and Release
Chapter 1.5: Diurnal Predators
Chapter 1.6: Heterospecific Interactions
Chapter 1.7: Domestic Expedition 
Chapter 1.8: Finding....Nemo?  
Chapter 1.9: Boys’ Night
Chapter 1.10: Babysitting
Chapter 1.11: Off the leash  (inspo post)
Chapter 1.12: Welcome to the World Wide Web
Chapter 1.13: I Told You So
Chapter 1.14: Unpleasant Realities
Epilogue: Treasure Hunting
Story #2: All Creatures Great and Small [Complete]
Chapter 2.1: Net Nanny
Chapter 2.2: Doxxed
Chapter 2.3:  Bring Your Fairy to Work Day (Part 1)
Chapter 2.4: Bring Your Fairy to Work Day (Part 2)
Chapter 2.5:  Mission Possible
Chapter 2.6: Clap Your Hands If You Believe 
Chapter 2.7:  Look Before You Leap
Chapter 2.8: The West Fairwater Animal Hospital
Chapter 2.9: Post-op
Chapter 2.10:  Predator and Prey
Chapter 2.11: I Told You So (Part 2)
Chapter 2.12: Lost and Found (Part 1)
Chapter 2.13: Debriefing 
Chapter 2.14: Lost and Found (Part 2)
Chapter 2.15: RSVP
Chapter 2.16: Tea Party
Chapter 2.17: New Friends
Chapter 2.18:  Nocturnal Predators
Chapter 2.19:  Incubus from a Cuckoo Egg
Chapter 2.20:  Lost and Found (Part 3)
Secret Santa
Story #3: Tinytopia [in progress]
Link to all entries in Thistle’s guest book
Chapter 3.1: Up the Wrong Tree
Chapter 3.2:  Brotherly Love
Chapter 3.3:  The Goodness of Their Hearts
Chapter 3.4:  Fail Out
Chapter 3.5:  Endless Rebirth (Part 1)
Chapter 3.6:  Endless Rebirth (Part 2)
Chapter 3.7:  Endless Rebirth (Part 3) 
Chapter 3.8:  Endless Rebirth (Part 4)  
Chapter 3.9:  Bloodthirst (Part 1)
Chapter 3.10:  Bloodthirst (Part 2) 
Chapter 3.11:  Bloodthirst (Part 3)
Chapter 3.12:  Monoculture
As with all my writing, feel free to imagine the characters however you want if you were picturing them a different way from the art I have of them. In fact I encourage it and would love to hear about how you were imagining them!  All interpretations of the characters are good.  That being said, enjoy the art that goes with this story! 
Art of Thistle
Art of Jewel  |  More art of Jewel  |  Even more art of Jewel
Art of Violet and Petunia
Art of Severa 
Art of Moon
Art from chapter 1.1
Art from Chapter 1.9
Art from chapter 2.16
Art of Thistle and Moon
A crossover masterpiece I drew myself  (and a better version of the Thistle vs Penn fistfight LMAO)
More fanart
Even more fanart
Art of Thistle and Mochi!
@thistleposting for an RP blog of what I imagine it might be like it Thistle used tumblr (since canonically there’s a story arc where he goes online lol).  Note:  To be clear, @thistleposting is my blog that I post on, and the only “Thistle is on the internet” RP blog that I run.  If you find others, they are not run by me but by someone else.
Vampire AU
Additional asks/content/memes that may not be in the masterpost can be found on my blog tagged #Watch Your Step
What does everyone look like?
Lore Dump Post
References images for Mochi
What’s up with the Pixish language?
How old is the cast?  | How tall is the cast?
Sign spotting game
Picrews :)
Picrews 2
Picrews 3
One Small Wrong by @thebuginyourwalls  Art |   Chapter 1 |  Chapter 2
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daydreams-magic01 · 3 years
Draw me
(Legolas Greenleaf x gender neutral artistic!reader)
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(Not my gifs, credit goes to the creators)
Main Masterlist
Requested by:  shades-of-milk-and-honey
Fandom: The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
Request: ‘feel free to say no- but could you write a legolas x artist!reader? i like to do botanical illustration, so maybe that mixed in too? (it’s realistic renderings of plants, btw 😉) either that or maybe something with éome?no pressure either way! ❤️’
Warnings: Nothing, just fluff.
Words: 1K
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction, the scenarios, the reader, and the dialogue are all mine.
This should only be found on my blog.
Author is always me on this blog: @daydreams-magic01​ .
A/N: Please do not copy or plagiarise this, or put it in your own book, etc. It should only be found here. Also, please mention if I should make a taglist and if you wanted to be added.
I used an online translator into Sindarin, so I apologise for any errors.
Thank you.
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“You are very talented,” the prince states, taking a seat beside the canvas that his close friend traces on an illustration. “Are you going to paint it?”
The young elf tended to stick with journals and chalk rather than canvas, keeping to sketching and stuff rather than landscapes and portraits.
The two are not alone, but they are far enough from the others in the clearing that mortal men would not be able to hear.
“I am not so sure myself, thank you. And yes, I am going to paint it.” They smile softly at the heir, lowering their utensil, “how are you today, my prince?” Their hair is remarkable, admired by many, and today the front is braided back as the archers do.
“Fine, my (title),” he chuckles softly, “how man times must I remind you not to call me by my title.” He cannot deny that he longs to invite them to a night of craft, demonstrate his skills in archery and more. 
Perhaps he ought to imply it.
They laugh softly and bow their head, “I cannot help it as you are the King’s son after all.” Their eyes light up as they meet his before drifting back to his sketch.
“And you have been my friend since we were Elflings, attempting to rob my father’s bow and you, your father’s brush.”
The two reminisce gleefully. Around each other, Legolas and (Y/n) feel at ease, similar to how men describe the feeling around their soulmates.
“Draw me.”
“Are you ordering me, my prince?” Legolas shakes his head at his friend’s antics.
“As your prince, I order you to draw me.”
“I’m afraid I am already drawing some things far better looking.”
“How dare you,” he leans forehead slightly, craning his neck softly as his smile widens in admiration of the detail and effort they have put into it. “Is that Athelas?”
“You know me well, which means you know that my skills are suited for botanical drawings rather than portraits," they glance at him out of the corner of their eye, biting back a smile. 
The look that they give him reminds Legolas of the look that his parents gave each other once upon a time.
"Why do you look at me like that?" He cannot stop himself from asking; curiosity appears to have gotten the best of him.
(Y/n's) cheeks flush profusely, their heart almost skipping a beat. 
Adding more pressure onto their utensil, and with their other hand, they begin to fiddle with the ends of their shirt as they struggle to tuck it in.
"I look at you like I look at all of my closest friends."
"Ceri- ú- lie na nin." (Do not lie to me.) Legolas switches to their native language as the two tend to exchange Western as if it will prevent the other elves from hearing them.
"Im never lie na cin, nin Mellon." (I never lie to you, my friend.)
Uncrossing his legs, he stands tall, looming over his friend. They place their utensil down and stand, but Legolas still towers over them.
"Ceri- ú- lie." (Do not lie.)
Legolas does not know where all this confidence came from, but he needed to know.
(Y/n) clenches their fists, holding back profanities that would raise the dead from their graves. "Whui are cin asking hi -o nin?" (Why are you asking this of me?) 
By now, the majority of the elves are looking away from their targets to them, nearby guards whispering.
"I cannot bear to be friends with you any longer!"
(Y/n) gasps, taking a step back. The two have been each other's closest friend since the mere age of eight - nearly three in human ageing equivalent. There has been no previous indication that their friendship has failed.
"Then don't be."
~~~~~~~~~~~~Please do not copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Nin mellon." (My friend.)
(Y/n) looks up so high they are surprised they do not catch a glimpse of Menel. 
It has been more than a moon cycle since they have last seen Legolas, mostly because of the increasing concentration of orcs by the borders and because (Y/n) is a professional at avoidance. This, they are thankful for. (Y/n) fears it is because he grew bored of them, but in their heart, they know it is because of their obvious feelings for the prince.
"Seeing as you interrupted me last time, please let me finish," they are in the same spot as before, in the clearing a few feet from the Elfling archers. 
"(Y/n) -"
"No, you know what!" They stand suddenly, knocking their stool to the floor after them, slamming their paintbrush down, and they glare at the King's Son. "You have no right to call yourself nin Mellon."
Legolas sighs softly, straightening his tunic as he raises a brow. "Perhaps you will feel better if I demonstrate my skills to you tonight. I have been preparing for this -."
(Y/n) gasps, "how dare you ask me to court you!"
They wanted nothing more than to say yes to the usually stoic elf, but today is not the day, especially after what happened. Grabbing their jar of brushes and chalk, they roll up the parchment.
"Whui?" (Why?)
(Y/n) freezes, and for a second, there is nothing but silence and awkward eye contact. 
"Because - because..."
"I do want to be friends with you," he takes a step forward and takes another when they don't step back. "The other day, I meant that I want to be more, had you let me finish," he chuckles and, they crack a small smile.
"I expect to be awed."
His shoulders sag and, (Y/n) smiles once again, unrolling their parchment as they place it back, along with the jar.
"Like I would be if you drew me."
Shaking their head as laughter slips out, they sit back on the stool.
"I have an idea on how you can impress me."
"How?" Legolas asks as he takes his seat from before, crossing his legs.
"Draw me."
~~~~~~~~~~~~Please do not copy ~~~~~~~~~~~~
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