#zip habla
huevo-rojo · 1 month
i am so brave (i changed my desktop tumblr language to spanish, lmao)
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manaosdeuwu · 10 months
my fucking jean zipper broke
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
Series Masterlist | Previous episode
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Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 2.7 K Warnings: Implications of child abuse (we hate the Blacks), angst, hurt no comfort. Prompt: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally meet Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. Proofread by lovely @shysadsonie and @callmelovergirl
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Chapter 3: Bitter Sweet Symphony
Tuesday - Summer 1974 
As you walked inside the park, everything looked like an adventure, even if you could see the zip lines above you, the area still looked like a jungle with narrow paths and wooden signs that told you which places to go to. 
“So, where too?” You asked with a smile plastered all over your face.
“Zip lines?” He asked as he pointed at the sign that decided the path.  You nodded and the two of you started walking in that direction. You then arrived at a little wooden house where you had to line up for a couple of minutes before a young man asked you and Sirius to move toward the preparation area. 
“Size?” He asked as he looked through the wall with some helmets and handed them over to the two of you. 
“I don’t know…” you replied.
 He gave you a quick look and handed one strap system to you and turned to the blue-eyed boy “You?”
He seemed to think about it for a moment and confidently said “Large.” 
The guy gave him a look of incredulity and denied with his head “No, you’re small.” 
“I’m not SMALL!” Sirius argued, but the guy just handed him his own strap system. 
“Nothing wrong with being small,” the guy said then, “better for the zip lines,” he winked at you “All right, you’re gonna pass them under your feet and then I’ll help you tighten them. You did as told and the guy helped you finish tightening everything. Making sure to explain how you were supposed to hook everything up once you were at the top. 
From then you walked up some wooden towers and queued behind a group of 4 friends as you admired the view. 
“It’s high.” You said pointing at the bottom. 
“You scared?” he teased. 
“Oh no, I’ve been higher on a broom, I’m surprised muggles aren’t tho.”
As if on cue, a small lady with brown hair who stood in front of you asked the park staff if she could go back down the stairs. But her friends tried to convince her to go on the zip lines instead. While they were at it a boy turned towards Sirius “Oye, creo que estaremos aquí un rato para convencerla, pueden pasar primero si quieren.” 
Sirius just stared at him in confusion “Gracias,” You said taking over for him “él no habla español.” The boy gave you an understanding look and moved out of the way. 
“Gracias!” Repeated Sirius after you as you walked to the front of the line “What happened?” He asked afterwards. 
“We’re going first, one of the girls chickened out,” you explained, he looked back at the lady and nodded. Once on the edge of the wooden platform, a tall muscular guy asked who’d go first. “I’ll do it,” you said as you walked towards him and handed him your hook. He swiftly joined you with the zip line. 
“You have to bend your legs a little if you want to go faster,” he explained, “the first one is really short to give people some confidence, but after they become longer”. You nodded at his words “Ready?” he asked.
You looked  down to the very long fall “I was born ready!” You said before gaining some impulse and letting yourself go on it. 
Once you were on the other side you turned towards Sirius on the other platform and screen towards him “Let’s go, you’re up!” But he seemed to be having second thoughts. “Sirius, don’t tell you’re scared!” You teased from the other side. 
“Of course not, that’s ridiculous!” He screamed back but continued to hesitate while you laughed. 
“Allez-y, c'est comme monter sur un balai.” 
“You can’t say that out loud!” He screamed scandalized. 
“Personne ne parle français ici! À part toi et ta famille snob.” 
“Tu es folle!” He responded before adjusting his stance, getting ready to jump, and he did jump, arriving next to you shortly after. 
“And I take pride in it,” you told him once he was next to you. 
“You can’t scream that we’re wizards like that!” 
“Ok, first of all, I never said we were wizards, I said it was like riding a broom, and secondly, even if someone spoke French, they’d just assume we’re crazy or something, muggles are really square-headed, they choose to ignore the things they don’t understand most of the times because the idea of magic is so foreign to them that they’d assume anything but that you’re a wizard.” 
“You’re even crazier than me,” he said with amazement in his eyes, “you remind me of my best friend, James Potter.” 
“I bet I’d like them,” You said before strapping yourself to the next zip line “See you on the other side.” 
You finished the entire zipline circuit after a while and we're back at the center of the park. Taking a detour to get something to eat at the park's buffet. 
“Wow, it’s the most tropical fruit I’ve ever seen in my life,” Sirius said as you walked inside the buffet. As you sat next to him with a plate full of food you overheard some people that were coming from an underground river, they seemed to have had an amazing time. 
“We have to go there next!” You said as he looked at you in the middle of a bite, he was eating some kind of taco, his blue irises looking up at you from his tick lashes almost made you look away.
“Mhm,” he responded with a nod, “You should try this,” he said after swallowing “I have no clue what it is, but it’s bloody delicious.” 
You raised your eyebrows and grabbed one of the tacos from his plate, he was right, whatever it is Sirius had picked up, was insanely good. 
“Shall we get to the water?” You asked after the two of you were done. 
“Shouldn’t we wait a bit? Since we just ate?” He asked as the two of you took your trays to the discarding area. 
“Never took you for a cautious person, Sirius. Who would’ve thought all your recklessness would disappear after placing you in a strange environment.” 
He looked at you almost offended. “I’m as reckless as always, I’m just trying to be considerate.”
“Awwww… you’re only being a gentleman then,” you teased again. 
“I thought that’s what girls liked,” He responded in a flirtatious tone, trying to gain back some ground, he walked closer to you “Maybe if I behave correctly I’ll get the girl.” 
You swallowed, damn Sirius and his beautiful face. Well, two people can play the same game then, you thought to yourself before walking even closer to him and pulling him down slightly to whisper something in his ear “Let’s go then.” Right after you took off running towards the path that led to the underground river. 
Sirius let out a small smile as he saw you run and after biting his lip subconsciously and shaking his head, he jumped right after you. 
After a while, the two of you were swimming on the underground river, wearing the lifejackets the park staff members had given you. 
“This is nice,” You said as you let the currents move you through the water.
Sirius agreed, as he too let the currents drive him, eventually the two of you bumped into each other.
“Sorry,” He said as he crashed into you. You just pushed him to the side and threw a splash of water towards his face. 
“Oi, what was that for?” 
You shrugged “For attempting to seduce me,” you replied. 
“It was an accident!” he argued and threw some water back at your face. 
“Yeah, and your parents are the nicest people I’ve ever met.” 
“Oh, that’s a low blow,” he joked. 
“You wish it were a low blow,” You said with a little smirk to help imply the double meaning of your sentence. He was speechless for a couple of seconds before you started laughing. “Someone should’ve told me earlier you could shut up the mighty Sirius Black with a little dirty joke.”
“Oh, I’ll render YOU speechless soon enough!” He replied before throwing some more water at your face.
“Sure you will,” you said with a smile before swimming towards one of the caverns. 
“This is stunning,” Sirius said as the two of you walked inside, looking at the wondrous views the underground caverns had to offer, with its stalagmites and a brief opening at the top that allowed some sun to reflect over the center of the natural vault. 
From there you could see a tall building that was somewhere inside the park. 
“What’s that?” You asked, pointing towards it. 
“I saw it on the maps earlier, it’s some kind of lookout building, something about the tallest spot in the park or whatever.” 
“The tallest point in the park?” You said as your face lit up while an idea formed in your head. “I’ve got a bet for you. Whoever makes it up there first, gets a wish from the other person.” 
“I’m faster, you’ll lose,” he said instantly.
“No you’re not,” you said, shrugging “I can swim better.” 
“I have longer legs.” 
“We’ll see,” You said with a daring look on your face “3…2…1… GO!”
With that the two of you took off swimming towards the closest exit of the river, you had gotten there first but once the two of you were on the ground he started catching up quickly. 
“Told you I was faster,” he said before passing you as you approached the building. He was on the stairs first but you were just behind him. Managing to catch up with his long legs somehow. Half your way up you had to stop to get some air, he stopped just a couple of steps above you. Also agitated from so much running “You wanna call off the bet?” He asked politely. 
You looked at him defiantly, “In your dreams Black!” You said before grabbing on the railing and running as fast as you could to get ahead of him. 
“That’s cheating!” He said following behind you seconds after.
“We never established rules,” You said with a smile on your face. As you were about to get there first he grabbed you from behind to try and stop you, but with the momentum from running the two of you ended up on the floor of the wooden platform. 
The two of you rolled almost all the way to the railing on the other side. And as you stopped, and you looked at the dangerous fall right next to you, you started laughing. Sirius, next to you on the floor, did the same. 
“Who won then?” He asked. 
“I did! You cheated and tried to grab me from behind,” you argued. 
“But (Y/N), we never established any rules,” he said with a smile, throwing your words back at you. 
You looked towards him with a smile on your face, still breathing fast and lightheaded from so much running, and as you stared at his beautiful face it downed you, this boy was gonna be your ruin. 
“What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked, teasing. 
“Yeah, here,” you said before leaning towards him and landing a chaste kiss on his lips. “You had a kiss,” you said in between breaths. 
He blinked twice before gaining back composure and pulling you towards a kiss again. This time a real one, he tasted of mint and tropical fruit and his wet hair tickled your cheeks.
But then you heard steps coming up and separated from each other, bursting out into a laugh at the idea of someone finding you there while kissing. Your laughs died down the moment the people going up the stairs showed their faces. 
It was Orion, with Walburga dragging Regulus behind him, clutching his arm with her long claw-like nails.  Your parents walked behind them trying to reason with them. 
“Mom?” Sirius asked as he stood up completely confused, until his eyes landed on Reg, who was still being pulled around by Walburga, his gaze turned cold, as he stared at his brother, instantly assuming it had been his fault you’d been caught. He almost reminded you of Orion at that moment “I thought you wouldn’t care to join us.” He said sarcastically. 
You looked at him worriedly, this needn’t be worse than it already was, you’d say sorry, apologize profusely and that’d be it, but Sirius knew better. 
“I can’t believe you’d do this, escaping the VIP hotel we brought you on vacation for some muggle park.” 
“Walburga,” you called her “It– it wasn’t Sirius's fault… It was my idea… I said I’d come regardless and he followed me so I wouldn’t get hurt.” You tried to reason with her. 
When she turned to you she looked almost pitiful. It gave you chills. She walked towards you and set a hand on your shoulder. 
Sirius was quicker to react “You don’t have to lie for me (Y/N), We all know whose idea it was, don’t we Reggie?” He said turning towards his brother who was awkwardly looking at the floor. 
Walburga looked at Sirius and then back at you “I’m sorry my son dragged you here,” she said “I know muggle places like such are no place for a young wizard like you, I don’t know how he convinced you but, we’re not letting him influence you negatively ever again.” 
“But he–” You tried to defend him, Orion was already behind Sirius, clutching his son's shoulder viciously. 
“–will be punished severely for his actions.” He said, staring down at your friend.
As Walburga walked back towards her family your mom caught up with you. “Nooo!” You screamed “You can’t punish him! It was me! My idea, from the start, I convinced him to come, you have to listen!”
“She's lying.” Sirius said “Isn’t she Reggie? It was me, your rebellious Gryffindor brother. All my mad planning.” 
Regulus nodded, avoiding your gaze. 
At this point, you were pissed “You cannot punish him for something he didn’t do! LISTEN TO ME!” 
Walburga turned to your mother “I’m really sorry my son would do something like this to your daughter, we should’ve known better than to bring him along on the trip.” Sirius threw something towards you and then the four of them apparated.
You stared at the floor, Sirius had thrown a necklace towards you, the one he’d bought at the scary magical store in the city center. You grabbed for it, holding it tightly between your fingers, blinking back some tears before turning to your mom. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?! It was my idea! It’s the kind of thing I would do. You know it.” 
Your mom looked down “We could not let anything damage your father's important business with Orion, if they believed it had been you, the whole thing might’ve been ruined.” 
“Ah, so my friend will get punished because of Dad’s stupid wish to be part of the British ministry?” You asked in disbelief, looking at your dad “Walburga and Orion are horrible, who knows what they might do to him!” 
“You can try sending him a letter?” Your mom offered “And Regulus, I’m sure he didn’t mean to tell us everything.” 
That confirmed your suspicion, it had been Reg who snitched on you. Just when you were feeling bad about Sirius throwing all the blame on him. 
Your expression turned cold, “Yeah, I’m sure a letter apologizing to my friend for whatever his parents do to him after mine weren’t brave enough to say something will fix the absolute betrayal you committed.” 
“We’re doing this to make the world a better place, if your father gets the job, people like Orion, and other pure blood-obsessed men will be controlled.” 
“And whoever gets thrown under the bus until that happens will just be collateral damage, right?” You said calmly, you were outraged, but there was nothing you could do about it. “I want to go home.” 
You would think back to that day as the day your relationship with your parents broke down. You still talked to them, you still ate with them, but you never trusted them again. 
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia
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Raead more Marauders Fiction
A/N: Next chapter we'll get a massive time skip, you'll finally get to meet the rest of the marauders. Hope you like this one, much love, Lils xx
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m4ctavish · 2 years
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alejandro vargas — marry me?
pairing : alejandro vargas/gn! reader
desc : have you ever wanted to propose to your boyfriend while on the battlefield?? well, i’ve got just the thing for you!
a/n : whoever requested this, i love you. also, 1. ¿hablas en serio ahora? = are you serious right now? 2. tu seras la muerte para mi. = you’ll be the death of me.
a loud crash sounded out, dust flying high in to air and whipping in to your face as a building in front of you came tumbling down. there’s a distant explosion accompanied by a muffled,“grenade out!” there’s a helo not too far out that you can hear, alongside a convoy that’s hopefully there to help you out.
you’re propped up against a rock, small bits and pieces landing in your lap as a bullet zips by just inches above where you’re sitting. you’re nursing a gunshot wound right now, hands stained with blood as you try to keep pressure on it. it’s nothing fatal though, having missed anything vital and cutting clean through. and while you’ve been better, you’ll take your victories where you can.
alejandro isn’t too far from you, having been the one to drag you to cover when you went down. he’s crouched behind a rock adjacent to you, occasionally peeking over and around to provide some cover fire for the two of you and his people that are still out in the field. he spares you a few glances every few seconds to make sure you’re alright and still breathing.
there’s a multitude of things going through your mind right now but sitting here in this position with things blowing up in the distance, bullets flying in every which direction, trying to keep yourself from bleeding everywhere with limited resources, you find yourself itching to ask alejandro something. something important to the future of you both. the two of you’ve been together for some time now and well, your heart is already hammering in your ears and maybe it’s the adrenaline speaking but…
“alejandro, would you do me a favor?” you’re wincing as you turn to look at him, leaning on your right hand for support. there’s a pained smile playing on your lips.
it’s now or never and you’d much rather take your chances now than never be able to.
he turns to look at you almost instantaneously, quirking a brow in curiosity. “what do you need?” he’s almost expecting you to ask him to pick you up and carry you someplace safer, perhaps closer to where majority of the Vaqueros are.
“would you make me the happiest person on this battlefield right now and marry me?” you’re saying it so casually— like this was JUST something you’d ask your partner of many years on the battlefield. (was this a good idea? what if the two of you didn’t even get to have a wedding? did you even want a wedding?)
he laughs out a “what?” in disbelief. his brows are raised high and he’s looking at you like you’ve just said you’re not from this timeline. “¿hablas en serio ahora?" he almost thinks you’re fucking with him but the genuine (but pained) smile on your face tells him otherwise.
“as a heart attack, vargas.”
there’s a particularly loud boom nearby as another grenade goes off, scattering dust and sending rocks flying. a beat of silence follows from alejandro before he responds:
“tu seras la muerte para mi. yes, i’ll marry you.”
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thedirtybeanlife · 1 year
Hey honey:) i really don't know if you're taking requests at the moment but if you do i have one. Maybe something like Ghost and his foreign gf and he hears her talk in her native language on the phone or smtg for the first time and he takes like an interest in the language? something along that way☺️ (sorry for my bad english)
btw have a nice day 🦋
(Hello darling! I absolutely loved this!! I tried my best as an English speaker to do good with it, so I apologize if it's not good but here you go! 🥰 you have an amazing day as well!🫶🫶)
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Mi Amor
(Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: one brief hardly nsfw joke
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Captain Price had called our team into our designated conference room for a briefing on our upcoming mission in Las Alams. Ghost of course was the first one to get there, ten minutes early like he normally did. Gaz and Price had come in next, all of them impatiently waiting for Soap and I, who were about five minutes late due to our arguing over who got the last waffle. After getting chewed out by Price as I scarfed down my rightfully earned waffle, we started.
“Alright you four, the mission’s simple. You meet up with Special Forces leader Colonel Vargas to take out some remaining cartel members. Soap and Ghost will clear the warehouse with Rodolfo while Gaz, Alejandro, and (callsign), clear out the safe houses three klicks down. Any questions?”
Everyone gave their varying response of ‘no’, which led to Price sending us off to gather our gear and get ready for the helicopter.
The ride to Las Almas felt like it lasted for eternity with Soap’s constant talking and the sounds from Gaz’s Nintendo Switch that he somehow convinced Price to let him bring in his pack. Ghost, as usual, sat in the far corner, silent as ever. In the last few minutes before we landed, Soap had managed to somehow spill his entire bag onto the floor, hastily cleaning it up. He stood up with his now zipped pack just as the door opened to let us out.
“Alright, team. Let's kick some war crime committing ass!” I cheered gleefully, strutting off the plane with my gear on, bag, and pistol; excited to meet the infamous duo my team spoke so highly of. Soap and Gaz were quick to follow, Ghost of course a few feet behind, always feeling the need to hide in the shadows for as long as he possibly could.
In front of our small group stood Alejandro and Rodolfo, both of them leaning against their military grade pickup truck. They stopped their conversation as they saw us approaching, polite smiles on their faces.
“Welcome back to Las Almas, hermanos! ¿Quién es esta belleza?” Alejandro asked, a smirk on his face as he very clearly let his eyes trace the length of my armor covered body.
“Los nombres Y/N. Un placer conocerlos a ambos. El jabón me ha dicho mucho sobre ustedes, muchachos.” I smiled up at him offering my hand for him to shake, then doing the same to Rodolfo.
“No me dijeron que el 141 tenía su propia diosa de habla hispana.” Alejandro teased, slinging his arm over my shoulders as he smirked at the three men standing in front of us.
“Easy Colonel Vargas.” I laughed out,” I’m only Ghost’s diosa.” I flashed my wedding ring, making Gaz snort.
I looked over at ghost who was staring right back at me, head cocked to the side, the fabric covering his mouth shifting as his lips parted to speak.
”You speak fuckin’ Spanish?” Soap interrupted, loud and brash as usual.
“I was born in Chile boys. Of course I speak Spanish.”
After a few minutes of small talk and going over where we’d be going, all of us piled into the car and left the air strip. Alejandro drove, while Rudy sat in the passenger seat. Soap and Gaz sat in the back, while Ghost and I sat in the bed of the truck. We sat on opposite sides, legs resting against the other’s. It was silent for the first half of the drive until he nudged my thigh with his boot making me look up at him.
“Why didn't I know you could speak Spanish?”
“It’s not that big of a deal, Simon. I speak English more than anything so I never bothered mentioning it. I’m pretty rusty with it anyway.”
“I… Can you.. nevermind.” he turned to look back at the disappearing road, clearly struggling to express what he was feeling. But I knew. I could always read the man like a book, ever since the day I met him.
“Oh my God! You think it's hot don't you!” a large grin spread across my face as I sat up from my slouched position.
“Negative.” he grumbled, head lowering to avoid my gaze.
“Yeah, Okay. Cuando lleguemos a casa, tengo unas palabras que creo que te encantarán.”
“If I understand correctly, is that so, Love?” I could see his lips pull into a smirk under his mask
“afirmativo.” I smirked, playfully winking before opening the back window of the truck and repeatedly tapping Gaz to annoy him, only for him to forcefully poke me in the forehead and send me flying into Ghost.
Gaz let out a loud laugh and slammed the window shut again while Simon let out a small grunt and the smallest chuckle as he caught me.
“You're going to be the death of me.” He placed a quick discreet kiss to the side of my head and gently shoved me back to my side of the truck.
“You love me.”
“Unfortunately, yes I do.” the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled at me making me giggle quietly.
The sound of the window sliding open and the truck slowing made me look to my left to see Soap looking back at us.
“We're walking the rest of the way, let’s go lovebirds.” he sticks his tongue out which made Ghost mumble under his breath. Something about 'Scottish brainless humor’?
I let out another laugh as I hopped over the side of the truck, reaching back in after landing on the ground to grab my bag. I pulled out everything I needed before throwing it back in and covering it with the tarp that i had been sitting on. We all readjusted our gear and loaded our guns, going over the plan one more time before we started on our separate ways.
Just as I started walking with Gaz, a large hand pulled my shoulder back making me turn around and come face to chest with Simon.
“One more sentence.” he whispered, his hand cradling my face, the metal of his wedding ring cold on my warm cheek.
“Vuelve a mí vivo, mi amor.” I leaned up and placed a kiss onto the nose of his skull mask.
“You too, Love.” he rested his forehead against mine and let out a quiet sigh before pulling away and walking over to his group.
I walked over to Gaz, who immediately started making kissing noises and making fun of me. Alejandro laughed and joined in making me groan and pick up my pace.
This was going to be a long mission.
hermanos- brothers
¿Quién es esta belleza?- Who is this beauty?
Los nombres Y/N. Un placer conocerlos a ambos. El jabón me ha dicho mucho sobre ustedes, muchachos.- The names Y/N. A pleasure to meet you both. Soap has told me a lot about you guys.
No me dijeron que el 141 tenía su propia diosa de habla hispana.- They didn't tell me that 141 had its own Spanish-speaking goddess.
diosa- goddess
Cuando lleguemos a casa, tengo unas palabras que creo que te encantarán.- When we get home, I have a few words that I think you'll love.
afirmativo- affirmative
Vuelve a mí vivo, mi amor.- Come back to me alive, my love.
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compocine · 2 months
20000 días de posibilidades infinitas
x Chan Tejedor - originalmente publicado en Revista Invisibles Dos caras de la misma moneda, dos rockumentales que en realidad funcionan como ensayos sobre la memoria: 20000 Days on Earth y The Possibilities are endless. Desde la abundancia de recuerdos hasta la imposibilidad verbal de narrar, ambos exceden lo meramente documental, son imágenes-poesía, crean mundo como cualquier expresión artística debería hacer y reflexionan no sólo sobre la niñez, el amor, la capacidad creativa y el trabajo cotidiano sino también sobre la memoria.
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Este año que termina no vi tantas películas, o tantas como las deseadas o la cantidad que estoy acostumbrada a ver. Vi apenas, al día de la fecha, unas 165 películas, la mayoría decepcionantes, pocos estrenos interesantes y aquellas que considero obras maestras fueron en realidad, clásicos que volví a ver. Pero recordaré el 2015 como el año en que, creo, vi la mayor cantidad de documentales de rock y música. Desde Cobain: Montage of Heck hasta The Wrecking Crew, pasando por Mr Blue Sky: The Story of Jeff Lynne & ELO, Filmage: The Story of Descendents/All, los documentales que vimos casi todos gracias a la comodidad de Netflix: Keith Richards. Under the influence y What Happened, Miss Simone? y varios más.
De todos ellos, destaco dos que son en realidad del año pasado (2014), producidos ambos por Pulse Films y Film4 Productions y con el apoyo del British Film Institute. Se tratan de 20,000 Days on Earth de Iain Forsyth y Jane Pollard, el docuficción sobre el día número 20000 en la vida de Nick Cave; y The Possibilities are endless de James Hall y Edward Lovelace, un ensayo artístico sobre cómo Edwyn Collins tuvo que reconstruir sus recuerdos, sus palabras, su identidad y hasta el habla, luego de un derrame sufrido en el 2005, que lo dejó en coma profundo y del que al despertar sólo decía Grace Maxwell (el nombre de su mujer, quien además es su manager) y The Possibilities Are Endless. Ambos exceden lo meramente documental, son imágenes-poesía, crean mundo como cualquier expresión artística debería hacer y reflexionan no sólo sobre la niñez, el amor, la capacidad creativa y el trabajo cotidiano sino sobre la memoria y -como ha definido Borges a los clásicos- sobre las posibilidades inherentes de hacer, en este caso, un documental. Son por lo tanto, me atrevo a decir, futuros clásicos. Obras maestras e infaltables en la videoteca de cualquier fanático, no sólo de la música, sino del cine.
En el afán de terminar de redondear un escrito comparado entre los dos films, hice el trabajo de ver las películas en synchro y me he encontrado varias sorpresas agradables. Prometo un futuro post con las casi 200 imágenes que capturé de las películas proyectadas al mismo tiempo, post al que lamentablemente le faltará el audio.
Las dos películas abren con el siguiente plano:
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La televisación del recuerdo, Edwyn Collins en Late Night con Conan O’Brien, cantando su hitazo “A Girl like you”, y un wall de televisores que ametrallan en tan sólo unos segundos, los 20000 días en la Tierra vividos por Nick Cave. Queda claro desde el principio que la idea en ambos es hacer un skip al tipo de documental más obvio, brindando en menos de dos minutos iniciales (mucho menos que los 10 minutos que necesitaba Hitchcock), un zip de imágenes con la consigna tácita de “si quieren material de archivo, ya saben donde ir a buscarlo, porque lo que van a ver es algo completamente diferente” y lo es. Los directores de cada película están muy cercanos a sus objetos de estudio. Iain Forsyth y Jane Pollard son amigos cercanos de Cave y vienen trabajando con él desde hace aproximadamente 7 años, comenzaron haciendo un trabajo de método de imágenes al que inexorablemente, las palabras y el guión de Cave y Warren Ellis terminaron de dar forma a lo que sería un proyecto mucho más grande que el que se buscó originalmente. Por su parte, James Hall y Edward Lovelace eran fanáticos de Collins y Orange Juice, y también de Frederick Wiseman como referente de realizador documental. Enamorados de la historia por la que tuvo que atravesar Collins, le hicieron varias entrevistas de las que surgieron la composición de imágenes que traducirían el desafío de las posibilidades de contar la historia de una persona que prácticamente no puede hablar.
Contar a partir de un archivo respetuosamente guardado, con agentes del recuerdo que acceden a las fuentes con guantes de látex en el caso de Cave, un obsesivo que pudo atesorar su vida, sus palabras y sus verdades monstruosas en una especie de Biblioteca de Babel de los recuerdos; o contar desde el limbo, desde el vacío y con la gran ayuda de Grace, la guardiana oral de la historia de Collins. Dos caras de la misma moneda, dos rockumentales que en realidad eran ensayos sobre la memoria.
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-"Qué es a lo que más le temes?” Le pregunta el analista de Cave en una sesión de terapia, y Cave contesta:
-“Hmm… Mi mayor miedo, supongo, es perder mi memoria. Me preocupa a veces que no vaya a ser capaz de seguir haciendo lo que hago y alcanzar un lugar con el que estoy satisfecho”
-”En qué sentido?”
-”Porque la memoria es lo que somos, creo que tu alma y tu razón de estar vivos está arraigada en la memoria. Quiero decir, creo que durante mucho tiempo he estado construyendo una especie de mundo a través de la escritura de canciones. Es una clase de mundo que se crea sobre la base de esos preciados recuerdos que definen nuestras vidas”
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El mayor miedo de Cave es lo que le pasó a Collins en febrero del 2005 cuando sufrió dos hemorragias cerebrales que terminaron en una operación, período de coma y lenta recuperación de la memoria y el habla. Sufrió parálisis total del lado derecho, ya no puede tocar por sí solo la guitarra, aunque Grace lo ayuda a rasgar, tiene problemas para caminar, usa bastón y la afasia dificulta la pronunciación, hace que tartamudee y le conlleva severos problemas con los números y el pensamiento matemático. Collins también hace terapia, pero con un neurólogo, tuvo que aprender a escribir con la mano izquierda y recuperó sus dotes de ilustrador, tal cual había estudiado, a fuerza de dibujar aves, siguiendo la sugerencia de Grace, que lo notaba frustrado porque dibujaba repetidamente la figura de un hombre con parálisis, su propia figura. “Creo que mi recuperación real comenzó con mi primer dibujo de pájaros” dice Collins en su propia web.
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Sin embargo, una solución al miedo de Cave, bien podría dársela Collins que siguió sacando discos y produciendo a otros artistas (el maravilloso disco Seven dials de su amigo íntimo Roddy Frame, ex Aztec Camera; por ejemplo) y que pareciera resumir, con la sencillez emocionante de sus letras que lo importante It's in your heart, Not in your mind, It's not in your mind.
A partir de la memoria se establece una idea de hogar “I’m Home again” canta Collins en el disco casi homónimo de 2007. Un verdadero punto de hogar fue volver a visitar el estudio West Health, fue la música y su ambiente el detonante necesario para un momento de recuperación acelerada en la terapia de Collins, simultáneamente en 20000 días en la Tierra, vemos a Warren Ellis con un coro de niños franceses grabando, también en estudios. En los estudios reviven las letras, las de Cave, rigurosamente escritas a máquina, las de Collins, con una caligrafía casi inicial. Hombre-Máquina y Hombre-Niño. La maquinaria de Cave para conservar esas letras que tanto hablan sobre la memoria y sobre el proceso disociado de creación. Las letras de sus canciones suponen de cierta manera, una verdad. La metáfora de la verdad dicha por Cave al final del documental, tan sólo la reflexión de esa metáfora, hace que 20000 días sobre la Tierra sea una película perfecta. Una metáfora de la verdad como monstruo que se asoma por la superficie del océano y deja ver su cresta, en un atisbo deja ver su cresta de verdad para luego sumergirse de nuevo en las profundidades, quizá para siempre. De las profundidades renace Collins, repitiendo apenas las palabras The possibilities are endless, las posibilidades son infinitas. El agua también termina siendo un contenedor y un conductor eterno de verdades. Qué hubiese dicho Bachelard con semejantes monstruos, no?
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Y las verdades no funcionan por sí solas porque tienen centinelas y tienen asistentes infaltables: Las mujeres, sus grandes amores. Grace es básicamente la exteriorización del yo perdido de Collins “Puedo recordar a Grace, mi mujer, ella está haciendo que todo sea mejor. Ella es mi vida” dice Collins. Y con “es mi vida” descubrimos que es literalmente su vida ya que lo ayuda en absolutamente todo. En cambio Suzie, la mujer de Cave es una musa, apenas la podemos ver en el documental, durmiendo al principio de la jornada, soñando con algo que no podemos imaginar. Luego la volvemos a ver en una foto, proyectada mientras Cave la compara con Marilyn Monroe, Anita Ekberg y miles de símbolos sexuales más, en una secuencia imperdible, casi de lo mejor que tiene la película. Suzie es la madre de sus hijos mellizos, Arthur y Earl. A Arthur, quien murió en julio de este año en un episodio de alucinación por LSD cayendo desde un barranco, se lo ve comiendo pizzas abrazado al padre. Si para Cave lo más importante de su vida es la memoria y la memoria está hecha de letras que guardan cada momento y Suzie es la musa que inspira gran parte de esas letras, entonces también para Cave, Suzie es su vida, aunque quizá es una versión del amor más icónica y no tan iconoclasta como la de Collins.
20000 días en la Tierra y Las posibilidades son infinitas plantean la apertura de lenguajes poéticos, narran no necesariamente vidas, sino formas de vidas, las vidas de dos artistas únicos, irremplazables y eternos por el solo hecho de habernos regalado verdad. Y sólo las personas generosas pueden regalar verdades.
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ligiaonwlz · 11 months
It's been a week and a month that anyone has heard from my dad. I am very worried it's like a bad dream. My heart hurts for my dad and what he may be experiencing. Thank you everyone has been helping us with this. Whether it's been sharing the posts, sending information, or making phone calls it's all helpful!
Last week I attained information that he indeed traveled through the Texas border and had stopped in Matamoros Mexico. That was the last place that we are aware of. There are different searches that we're doing, although I don't want to disclose too much publicly, we could use some more help. Please send me a message directly if you would like to help.
Please share the following information as well as the images in case anyone has any information that they'd like to share with us. We have to find my dad!
Roberto Leonel Zúñiga
65-year-old Latino male
Height: About 5'4
Weight: Around 200 lbs
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Light Skinned
Usually wears a gray zip-up hoodien and blue jeans
Is a diabetic and needs his medication.
Is fluent in Spanish and English
Last scene in Matamoros Mexico
Driving a green 1993 Ford Escort Station Wagon
Dad if you could read this, we are doing everything we can to find you we miss you, we love you, and can't wait to see you! Please reach out if you can!
📢 Nueva Información📢
Hace una semana y un mes que no hemos escuchado nada de mi papá. Estoy muy preocupada es como un mal sueño. Me duele el corazón por mi papá y por lo que puede estar viviendo. Gracias a todos por ayudarnos con esto. Ya sea compartiendo las publicaciones, enviando información o haciendo llamadas telefónicas, ¡todo es importante!
La semana pasada obtuve información de que el viajó por la frontera de Texas y paró en Matamoros México. Ese fue el último lugar en que sabemos donde él estuvo. Hay diferentes búsquedas que estamos haciendo, aunque no quiero revelar demasiado públicamente, pudiéramos usar un poco más de ayuda. Por favor, envíeme un mensaje directamente si desea ayudar.
Comparta la siguiente información, así como las imágenes, en caso de que alguien tenga alguna información que desee compartir con nosotros. ¡Tenemos que encontrar a mi papá!
Roberto Leonel Zúñiga
Hombre latino de 65 años
Altura: alrededor de 5'4
Peso: alrededor de 200 libras
Color de pelo: Gris
Color de ojos: Café oscuro
De piel clara
Por lo general, usa una sudadera con goreo de color gris con cremallera y jeans azules
Es diabético y necesita su medicación.
Habla español e inglés
Últimamente estuvo en Matamoros México
Llevaba un Ford Escort Station Wagon verde de 1993
¡Papá, si pudes leer esto, estamos haciendo todo lo posible para encontrarte, te extrañamos, te queremos mucho! ¡Si puedes por favor comunícate con nosotros!
0 notes
ptorresmx · 1 year
¿Dónde quedó la información?
En estos momentos todo mundo habla de datos, manejo de datos, análisis de datos y de “Big Data” pero de manera personal, pienso que aún no hemos caído en cuenta de una enorme cantidad de datos que poseemos como personas y de alguna manera, están almacenados en un sitio, que en su momento, pensamos era conveniente.
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Algunos recuerdan esas viejas formas de almacenamiento como los diskettes, los zip, jazz y otros, pero también pasamos por discos externos y las famosas USB. Sin duda, algunas de nuestras computadoras guardan invaluables tesoros, fotografías y documentos. Quizá no nos hemos dado cuenta de que las conexiones han cambiado y el tipo de archivos también, por ello, resulta una sorpresa encontrarnos con que algunos ya no son compatibles o simplemente ya no se pueden abrir.
Hoy, nos estamos olvidando de los discos físicos y hablamos de la famosa nube, pero seguramente, aún no hemos migrado a ella o desconocemos cómo funciona realmente. El almacenamiento de datos tiene un proceso a través del uso de la tecnología, ésta se aplica para organizar, distribuir y archivar información con los bytes y los bits que son parte de los sistemas de los que la gente depende día con día. Llega a ser tan importante en todos los servicios: desde una simple aplicación, contenido multimedia, direcciones, contactos, hasta protocolos de red y todo lo que tiene que ver con el mundo digital.
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La nube es el espacio de almacenamiento que se comparte en distintos y muy potentes servidores que se ubican en diferentes puntos y para su uso se requiere de aplicaciones, exploradores, autenticación y acceso a la web. Todavía, existen dispositivos electrónicos, ópticos y magnéticos de almacenamiento, pero actualmente hay demasiada información, por lo que es necesario que sea guardada, protegida, optimizada y bien gestionada. Y para cumplir con este objetivo, la infraestructura se convierte en uno de los elementos esenciales de la arquitectura del almacenamiento.
Viéndolo desde la perspectiva personal, hoy seguramente tienes muchas fotografías, por ejemplo, guardadas en tu teléfono, tu computadora y hasta en una memoria extraíble o disco, pero ¿has pensado en el futuro? ¿Dónde quedarán tus recuerdos digitales? muchos de ellos, ya no están en papel y de algunos tienes muchas copias en archivos.
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Empecemos entonces por ordenar nuestra fototeca con algunos de estos tips:
Ubica un almacenamiento en una nube de tu confianza por la cual estás dispuesto a pagar por un largo periodo de tiempo y prepárate para transferir todo. Ojo, no es tan caro.
Primero que nada, organiza carpetas que lleven nombres de eventos o lugares que recuerdes perfectamente y añade la fecha en la cual sucedieron.
Descarta las imágenes que no tengan calidad o que estén repetidas.
Sé muy crítico con aquellas que realmente quieres conservar.
Apártate de cualquiera que te provoque malos sentimientos o te recuerde cosas dolorosas.
Empieza a transferir todos esos tesoros
Si lo consideras prudente, da acceso a tus seres queridos y decide si pueden editar, contribuir o solamente ver.
Mantén tus contraseñas seguras y verifícalas constantemente. Establece protocolos de dos pasos y formas de recuperar el acceso.
Como el almacenamiento puede ser ilimitado, procura que cada archivo esté en la mejor calidad y resolución posible.
Puedes usar la inteligencia artificial para distinguir a personas y rostros e identificar más precisamente cada foto.
Te recomiendo agregar en cada álbum, un pequeño archivo de texto con la memoria del viaje, evento o personas, de tal suerte que tengas recuerdos más completos y disfrutables.
No descartes la posibilidad de hacer un pequeño clip, agregarle música y compartirlo con tus seres queridos.
El tiempo sigue su marcha y no debemos dejar pasarlo sin ordenar todos estos valiosos recuerdos.
¡Gracias por leerme y compartir!
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Con información de Amazon, Rockcontent, Kio, Burst
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wahbegan · 2 years
“The Batman Was Humorless” Counterpoint:
That robber in the Drophead costume suddenly getting hit by a car because he’s so busy shitting his pants at the sight of a dark alley
Thumb Drive. Gotta give Riddler the W on this one, that was pretty good
Gordon treating Batman like he’s his fucking drinking buddy, but particularly “You could’ve pulled that punch, man.” and “No guns.” “That’s your thing, man.”
The running gag with the twins answering the door to the Iceberg Lounge and Bruce being there
Penguin’s interrogation. “WORLD’S GREATEST DETECTIVES!!!! NO HABLA ESPANOL????”
Penguin, with his ankles zip-tied together, fucking WADDLING
“Oh hey! Mr. Wayne!” “................................................”
Honestly Martinez in general, dark horse contender for favorite character
It gets disturbing real quick, but that brief moment where they crack Riddler’s secret video and he’s addressing his cult like a FUCKING youtuber like “Hey guys! Thank you all so much for the support, uhhh the tips on detonators were really helpful”
“You have a lot of cats.”
“Look at me.” (thumb under her chin, making heavy eye contact, she’s ready to kiss him.........) “Contacts look good.” (Selina’s visible sexual frustration)
Batman’s attempt to skydive off the GCPD’s roof through a busy city. Reality ensues.
“I just ordered a piece of pumpkin pie-”(HEADSLAMONCOUNTER)
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huevo-rojo · 8 days
estoy yendo al zoo hoy :)
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Tumblr is being a b, and not showing my posts on the tags so I had to re-post this one.
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Pairing: R. L. x S. B. x reader Word count: 2.7 k Warnings: Angst (but also fluff) Summary: You and Sirius finally make it to the park. From zip lines to underground rivers, your friendship grows stronger, and the two of you have one of the most incredible days of your lives. However, a moment of innocent mischief leads to a confrontation, resulting in unexpected consequences. Betrayal, secrets, and broken trust unfold, setting the stage for a pivotal turning point in your lives. Enjoy the bittersweet symphony that shapes your journey in this chapter. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 3: Bitter Sweet Symphony
Tuesday - Summer 1974 
As you walked inside the park, everything looked like an adventure, even if you could see the zip lines above you, the area still looked like a jungle with narrow paths and wooden signs that told you which places to go to. 
“So, where too?” You asked with a smile plastered all over your face.
“Zip lines?” He asked as he pointed at the sign that decided the path.  You nodded and the two of you started walking in that direction. You then arrived at a little wooden house where you had to line up for a couple of minutes before a young man asked you and Sirius to move toward the preparation area. 
“Size?” He asked as he looked through the wall with some helmets and handed them over to the two of you. 
“I don’t know…” you replied.
 He gave you a quick look and handed one strap system to you and turned to the blue-eyed boy “You?”
He seemed to think about it for a moment and confidently said “Large.” 
The guy gave him a look of incredulity and denied with his head “No, you’re small.” 
“I’m not SMALL!” Sirius argued, but the guy just handed him his own strap system. 
“Nothing wrong with being small,” the guy said then, “better for the zip lines,” he winked at you “All right, you’re gonna pass them under your feet and then I’ll help you tighten them. You did as told and the guy helped you finish tightening everything. Making sure to explain how you were supposed to hook everything up once you were at the top. 
From then you walked up some wooden towers and queued behind a group of 4 friends as you admired the view. 
“It’s high.” You said pointing at the bottom. 
“You scared?” he teased. 
“Oh no, I’ve been higher on a broom, I’m surprised muggles aren’t tho.”
As if on cue, a small lady with brown hair who stood in front of you asked the park staff if she could go back down the stairs. But her friends tried to convince her to go on the zip lines instead. While they were at it a boy turned towards Sirius “Oye, creo que estaremos aquí un rato para convencerla, pueden pasar primero si quieren.” 
Sirius just stared at him in confusion “Gracias,” You said taking over for him “él no habla español.” The boy gave you an understanding look and moved out of the way. 
“Gracias!” Repeated Sirius after you as you walked to the front of the line “What happened?” He asked afterwards. 
“We’re going first, one of the girls chickened out,” you explained, he looked back at the lady and nodded. Once on the edge of the wooden platform, a tall muscular guy asked who’d go first. “I’ll do it,” you said as you walked towards him and handed him your hook. He swiftly joined you with the zip line. 
“You have to bend your legs a little if you want to go faster,” he explained, “the first one is really short to give people some confidence, but after they become longer”. You nodded at his words “Ready?” he asked.
You looked  down to the very long fall “I was born ready!” You said before gaining some impulse and letting yourself go on it. 
Once you were on the other side you turned towards Sirius on the other platform and screen towards him “Let’s go, you’re up!” But he seemed to be having second thoughts. “Sirius, don’t tell you’re scared!” You teased from the other side. 
“Of course not, that’s ridiculous!” He screamed back but continued to hesitate while you laughed. 
“Allez-y, c'est comme monter sur un balai.” 
“You can’t say that out loud!” He screamed scandalized. 
“Personne ne parle français ici! À part toi et ta famille snob.” 
“Tu es folle!” He responded before adjusting his stance, getting ready to jump, and he did jump, arriving next to you shortly after. 
“And I take pride in it,” you told him once he was next to you. 
“You can’t scream that we’re wizards like that!” 
“Ok, first of all, I never said we were wizards, I said it was like riding a broom, and secondly, even if someone spoke French, they’d just assume we’re crazy or something, muggles are really square-headed, they choose to ignore the things they don’t understand most of the times because the idea of magic is so foreign to them that they’d assume anything but that you’re a wizard.” 
“You’re even crazier than me,” he said with amazement in his eyes, “you remind me of my best friend, James Potter.” 
“I bet I’d like them,” You said before strapping yourself to the next zip line “See you on the other side.” 
You finished the entire zipline circuit after a while and we're back at the center of the park. Taking a detour to get something to eat at the park's buffet. 
“Wow, it’s the most tropical fruit I’ve ever seen in my life,” Sirius said as you walked inside the buffet. As you sat next to him with a plate full of food you overheard some people that were coming from an underground river, they seemed to have had an amazing time. 
“We have to go there next!” You said as he looked at you in the middle of a bite, he was eating some kind of taco, his blue irises looking up at you from his tick lashes almost made you look away.
“Mhm,” he responded with a nod, “You should try this,” he said after swallowing “I have no clue what it is, but it’s bloody delicious.” 
You raised your eyebrows and grabbed one of the tacos from his plate, he was right, whatever it is Sirius had picked up, was insanely good. 
“Shall we get to the water?” You asked after the two of you were done. 
“Shouldn’t we wait a bit? Since we just ate?” He asked as the two of you took your trays to the discarding area. 
“Never took you for a cautious person, Sirius. Who would’ve thought all your recklessness would disappear after placing you in a strange environment.” 
He looked at you almost offended. “I’m as reckless as always, I’m just trying to be considerate.”
“Awwww… you’re only being a gentleman then,” you teased again. 
“I thought that’s what girls liked,” He responded in a flirtatious tone, trying to gain back some ground, he walked closer to you “Maybe if I behave correctly I’ll get the girl.” 
You swallowed, damn Sirius and his beautiful face. Well, two people can play the same game then, you thought to yourself before walking even closer to him and pulling him down slightly to whisper something in his ear “Let’s go then.” Right after you took off running towards the path that led to the underground river. 
Sirius let out a small smile as he saw you run and after biting his lip subconsciously and shaking his head, he jumped right after you. 
After a while, the two of you were swimming on the underground river, wearing the lifejackets the park staff members had given you. 
“This is nice,” You said as you let the currents move you through the water.
Sirius agreed, as he too let the currents drive him, eventually the two of you bumped into each other.
“Sorry,” He said as he crashed into you. You just pushed him to the side and threw a splash of water towards his face. 
“Oi, what was that for?” 
You shrugged “For attempting to seduce me,” you replied. 
“It was an accident!” he argued and threw some water back at your face. 
“Yeah, and your parents are the nicest people I’ve ever met.” 
“Oh, that’s a low blow,” he joked. 
“You wish it were a low blow,” You said with a little smirk to help imply the double meaning of your sentence. He was speechless for a couple of seconds before you started laughing. “Someone should’ve told me earlier you could shut up the mighty Sirius Black with a little dirty joke.”
“Oh, I’ll render YOU speechless soon enough!” He replied before throwing some more water at your face.
“Sure you will,” you said with a smile before swimming towards one of the caverns. 
“This is stunning,” Sirius said as the two of you walked inside, looking at the wondrous views the underground caverns had to offer, with its stalagmites and a brief opening at the top that allowed some sun to reflect over the center of the natural vault. 
From there you could see a tall building that was somewhere inside the park. 
“What’s that?” You asked, pointing towards it. 
“I saw it on the maps earlier, it’s some kind of lookout building, something about the tallest spot in the park or whatever.” 
“The tallest point in the park?” You said as your face lit up while an idea formed in your head. “I’ve got a bet for you. Whoever makes it up there first, gets a wish from the other person.” 
“I’m faster, you’ll lose,” he said instantly.
“No you’re not,” you said, shrugging “I can swim better.” 
“I have longer legs.” 
“We’ll see,” You said with a daring look on your face “3…2…1… GO!”
With that the two of you took off swimming towards the closest exit of the river, you had gotten there first but once the two of you were on the ground he started catching up quickly. 
“Told you I was faster,” he said before passing you as you approached the building. He was on the stairs first but you were just behind him. Managing to catch up with his long legs somehow. Half your way up you had to stop to get some air, he stopped just a couple of steps above you. Also agitated from so much running “You wanna call off the bet?” He asked politely. 
You looked at him defiantly, “In your dreams Black!” You said before grabbing on the railing and running as fast as you could to get ahead of him. 
“That’s cheating!” He said following behind you seconds after.
“We never established rules,” You said with a smile on your face. As you were about to get there first he grabbed you from behind to try and stop you, but with the momentum from running the two of you ended up on the floor of the wooden platform. 
The two of you rolled almost all the way to the railing on the other side. And as you stopped, and you looked at the dangerous fall right next to you, you started laughing. Sirius, next to you on the floor, did the same. 
“Who won then?” He asked. 
“I did! You cheated and tried to grab me from behind,” you argued. 
“But (Y/N), we never established any rules,” he said with a smile, throwing your words back at you. 
You looked towards him with a smile on your face, still breathing fast and lightheaded from so much running, and as you stared at his beautiful face it downed you, this boy was gonna be your ruin. 
“What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked, teasing. 
“Yeah, here,” you said before leaning towards him and landing a chaste kiss on his lips. “You had a kiss,” you said in between breaths. 
He blinked twice before gaining back composure and pulling you towards a kiss again. This time a real one, he tasted of mint and tropical fruit and his wet hair tickled your cheeks.
But then you heard steps coming up and separated from each other, bursting out into a laugh at the idea of someone finding you there while kissing. Your laughs died down the moment the people going up the stairs showed their faces. 
It was Orion, with Walburga dragging Regulus behind him, clutching his arm with her long claw-like nails.  Your parents walked behind them trying to reason with them. 
“Mom?” Sirius asked as he stood up completely confused, until his eyes landed on Reg, who was still being pulled around by Walburga, his gaze turned cold, as he stared at his brother, instantly assuming it had been his fault you’d been caught. He almost reminded you of Orion at that moment “I thought you wouldn’t care to join us.” He said sarcastically. 
You looked at him worriedly, this needn’t be worse than it already was, you’d say sorry, apologize profusely and that’d be it, but Sirius knew better. 
“I can’t believe you’d do this, escaping the VIP hotel we brought you on vacation for some muggle park.” 
“Walburga,” you called her “It– it wasn’t Sirius's fault… It was my idea… I said I’d come regardless and he followed me so I wouldn’t get hurt.” You tried to reason with her. 
When she turned to you she looked almost pitiful. It gave you chills. She walked towards you and set a hand on your shoulder. 
Sirius was quicker to react “You don’t have to lie for me (Y/N), We all know whose idea it was, don’t we Reggie?” He said turning towards his brother who was awkwardly looking at the floor. 
Walburga looked at Sirius and then back at you “I’m sorry my son dragged you here,” she said “I know muggle places like such are no place for a young wizard like you, I don’t know how he convinced you but, we’re not letting him influence you negatively ever again.” 
“But he–” You tried to defend him, Orion was already behind Sirius, clutching his son's shoulder viciously. 
“–will be punished severely for his actions.” He said, staring down at your friend.
As Walburga walked back towards her family your mom caught up with you. “Nooo!” You screamed “You can’t punish him! It was me! My idea, from the start, I convinced him to come, you have to listen!”
“She's lying.” Sirius said “Isn’t she Reggie? It was me, your rebellious Gryffindor brother. All my mad planning.” 
Regulus nodded, avoiding your gaze. 
At this point, you were pissed “You cannot punish him for something he didn’t do! LISTEN TO ME!” 
Walburga turned to your mother “I’m really sorry my son would do something like this to your daughter, we should’ve known better than to bring him along on the trip.” Sirius threw something towards you and then the four of them apparated.
You stared at the floor, Sirius had thrown a necklace towards you, the one he’d bought at the scary magical store in the city center. You grabbed for it, holding it tightly between your fingers, blinking back some tears before turning to your mom. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?! It was my idea! It’s the kind of thing I would do. You know it.” 
Your mom looked down “We could not let anything damage your father's important business with Orion, if they believed it had been you, the whole thing might’ve been ruined.” 
“Ah, so my friend will get punished because of Dad’s stupid wish to be part of the British ministry?” You asked in disbelief, looking at your dad “Walburga and Orion are horrible, who knows what they might do to him!” 
“You can try sending him a letter?” Your mom offered “And Regulus, I’m sure he didn’t mean to tell us everything.” 
That confirmed your suspicion, it had been Reg who snitched on you. Just when you were feeling bad about Sirius throwing all the blame on him. 
Your expression turned cold, “Yeah, I’m sure a letter apologizing to my friend for whatever his parents do to him after mine weren’t brave enough to say something will fix the absolute betrayal you committed.” 
“We’re doing this to make the world a better place, if your father gets the job, people like Orion, and other pure blood-obsessed men will be controlled.” 
“And whoever gets thrown under the bus until that happens will just be collateral damage, right?” You said calmly, you were outraged, but there was nothing you could do about it. “I want to go home.” 
You would think back to that day as the day your relationship with your parents broke down. You still talked to them, you still ate with them, but you never trusted them again. 
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A/N: Next chapter we'll get a massive time skip, you'll finally get to meet the rest of the marauders. Hope you like this one, much love, Lils xxx
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spanishskulduggery · 4 years
Pobres almas en desgracia / Poor Unfortunate Souls [Esp/Eng translation]
Pobres almas en desgracia La Sirenita (español latino)
~ ~ ~
Úrsula: Ahora... Estás aquí porque estás enamorada de un humano, del príncipe ese. ¡Y no te culpo! Qué ejemplar, linda. Bueno, pecesita, la solución a tu problema es simple...
Ursula: Now then... You’re here because you’re in love with a human, (in love with) that prince. And I don’t blame you! He’s quite a catch, sweetie. Well, little fishy, the answer to your problem is simple...
[ejemplar = exemplary, but used of beauty is like “a catch” or “quite a specimen”]
Úrsula: Para obtener lo que quieres, deberás convertirte en humano. Ariel: ¡Ah! ¿Y usted podría hacerlo? Ú: Pero, pequeña y dulce niña, eso hago. Para eso vivo. Para ayudar almas en infortunio como la tuya. Sola, triste, y sin tener con quien contar...
Ursula: To get what you want, you’ll have to turn into a human. Ariel: Ah! And you could do that? U: Oh, sweet little child, that’s what I do. That’s what I live for. Helping souls in distress like yours. Alone, sad, and not having anyone on whom they can rely...
Yo admito que solía ser muy mala No bromeaban al decir que bruja soy Pero ahora encontrarás Que mi camino enmendé Que firmemente arrepentida estoy Cierto es...
I admit that I used to be very bad They weren’t joking when they said that I’m a witch But now you’ll find That I mended my way That I’m definitely reformed It’s true...
Por fortuna conozco algo de magia Un talento que yo siempre poseí Y últimamente, no te rías, lo uso en favor De miserables que sufren depresión (Patético)
Luckily I know something of magic A talent that I always possessed And lately, don’t laugh, I use it on behalf Of the unfortunates that suffer from depression (Pathetic)
Pobres almas en desgracia Que sufren necesidad
Poor unfortunate souls That suffer in need
[la desgracia is literally “disgrace” but it can colloquially mean “an accident” or “an unfortunate event”; it carries more weight than English’s “unfortunate” since it reads like “poor souls in pain/distress/agony”, not simply “disgrace” or “misfortune”]
Ésta quiere ser delgada Y éste quiere una pareja ¿Quién los ayudó? Yo lo hice
She wants to be skinny And he wants a partner Who helped them? I did
[It’s unusual to see the éste and ésta today except to be very clear; but it marks a vocal stress when you’re pointing at different things (or people); “THIS ONE (female) wants to be skinny and THIS ONE (male) wants to be in a relationship”. The é is used to match what someone’s voice does normally, which is to raise when specifically pointing at something in particular]
Pobres almas en desgracia Tan tristes, tan solas Vienen rogando a mi caldera Implorando mis hechizos ¿Quién les ayudó? Lo hice yo
Poor unfortunate souls So sad, so alone They come begging to my cauldron Beseeching my spells Who gave them help? It was me
Un par de veces ha pasado Que el precio no han pagado Y tuve que sus cuerpos disolver
A couple of times it has happened That they didn’t pay the price And I had to dissolve their bodies
[A prime example of Spanish using a different word order for the rhyme; it literally reads as “a couple of times it has happened / the the price they had not paid / and I had to their bodies dissolve”. Spanish has a very flexible syntax that allows this kind of sentence but it’s usually done for dramatic or poetic effect rather than normal Spanish]
Todos se han quejado Pero una santa me han llamado Estas pobres almas en desgracia
Everyone’s complained But I’ve been called a saint (By) those poor unfortunate souls
Úrsula: Este es el trato. Haré una poción mágica que te convertirá en ser humano por tres días. ¿Entiendes? Tres días. ¡Pon atención que esto es importante! Antes de que se ponga el sol el tercer día tú tendrás que haber logrado que el príncipe se enamore de ti. Es decir que te dé un beso. No uno cualquiera, sino un beso de amor verdadero. Si te besa antes del anochecer del tercer día seguirás siendo humana ¡para siempre! Pero si no lo hace... volverás a convertirte en sirena... y pertenecerás ¡a mí!
Ursula: This is the deal. I’ll make a magic potion that will turn you into a human being for three days. Understand? Three days. Pay attention because this important! Before the sun sets on the third day you’ll have to have gotten the prince to fall in love with you. In other words, for him to give you a kiss. Not just any old (kiss), but a kiss of true love. If he kisses you before sundown on the third day you’ll keep being a human, forever! But if he doesn’t... you’ll turn back into a mermaid... and you’ll belong to me!
Úrsula: ¿Aceptas, querida? Ariel: Si me convierto en humana, ya no veré a mi padre ni a mis hermanas... Ú: ¡Así es! Pero tendrás a tu hombre... Es difícil decidir en la vida, ¿no crees, Ariel? ¡Oh! Y además hay otro pequeño detalle. No hemos hablado de cómo me pagarás... No se puede recibir sin dar nada a cambio. A: Pero yo no tengo nada que- ��: No es mucho lo que pido. Solo es una insignificancia. No lo extrañarás. Lo que quiero es... tu voz... A: ¿Mi voz? Ú: ¿Qué comes que adivinas? No hablarás, ni cantarás. ¡Zip! A: Pero sin mi voz, ¿cómo...? Ú: ¡Eso no importa! ¡Te ves muy bien! No olvides que tan solo tu belleza es más que suficiente, ¡ja!
Ursula: Do you accept, my dear? Ariel: If I turn into a human, I won’t ever see my father or my sisters again... U: That’s right! But you’ll have your man... It’s hard to decide in life, don’t you think so, Ariel? Oh! And what’s more there’s one more little detail. We haven’t talked about how you’ll pay me... You can’t get (something) without giving something in exchange. A: But I don’t have anything to- U: I’m not asking for much. It’s an insignificant thing. You won’t miss it. What I want is... your voice... A: My voice? U: How’d you ever guess? You won’t speak, or sing. Zip! A: But without my voice, how...? U: It doesn’t matter! You’re very pretty! Don’t forget that your beauty alone is more than enough, hah!
[¿Qué comes que adivinas? is literally “What did you eat to guess?”; it’s kind of like “oh wow how did you ever guess?” or “what made you guess that?”... it’s used (often sarcastically) as “what tipped you off?”]
Los hombres no te buscan si les hablas No creo que los quieras aburrir Allá arriba es preferido que las damas no conversen A no ser que no te quieras divertir
Men won’t seek you out if you talk to them I don’t think you would want to bore them Up there it’s preferred that ladies not converse Unless you don’t want to enjoy yourself
Verás que no logras nada conversando Al menos que los pienses ahuyentar Admirada tu serás si callada siempre estás Sujeta bien tu lengua y triunfarás, Ariel
You’ll find you won’t achieve anything conversing Unless you plan on scaring them away You’ll be admired if you’re always quiet Hold your tongue well and you’ll triumph, Ariel
Pobre alma en desgracia ¿Qué harás? ¡Piensa ya! No me queda mucho tiempo Ocupada voy a estar Y solamente es tu voz
Poor unfortunate soul What will you do? Think it over (already)! I don’t have a lot of time I’m going to be very busy And it’s only your voice
Pobre alma en desgracia ¿Qué haré por ti? Si tú quieres ser feliz Entonces tienes que pagar No te vas a arrepentir ¡No dudes más y firma ya! (Qué sencillo fue, qué tonta es)
Poor unfortunate soul What shall I do for you? If you want to be happy Then you have to pay You don’t regret it Don’t hesitate anymore and sign already! (That was so simple, what a fool she is)
[dudar is “to doubt”, no dudar is “to not doubt”, but often as a command no dudes (or an equivalent command) is used as “don’t hesitate” or “don’t waiver”]
Muy pronto sacaré A esta pobre alma de aquí...
Very soon I will get This poor unfortunate soul out of here...
La magia de bruja Yo comienzo a convocar... Hechizos marinos que laringitis, Ven, acudan a mí
Witch’s magic I begin to call upon... Marine spells may laryngitis, come, gather to me
Canta ya... ¡Más fuerte!
Now sing... Louder!
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paranoidandreaoid · 4 years
Puedes tener la vida que sueñas. 
Y qué tal si esas frases de tarjeta tienen más razón de la que les hemos dado con sentidos ridículos, en lugar de: como tal, lo maravilloso que es hablar de los sueños en la misma línea que hablamos de la vida.
Los sueños son sin duda de los enigmas más intrigantes y en esencia, místicos del ser humano, es una actividad chispeante de energía sucediendo fuera de nuestro control consciente. Para los humanos eso es algo realmente poderoso que habla en niveles mayores, nosotros que llevamos en la mente siempre a cada momento la insistencia de la especie por definirse y ejercer juicio de lo que le rodea. 
Y por qué resulta difícil tomar la vida tal cual la imaginas en tus sueños más queridos, si somos humanos sensibles, creativos, imaginativos; cómo es que le gana a estas cualidades siempre nuestro propio sabotaje mordaz.
Ive been creating my own private theories, and now im gonna take the time for trying to explain it in an easy way. It seams to me we’ve been split since we came here, like in our inner core frome existence, we have been splited into these two sides of existence, the one you’re given and the one you choose.
Well, in fact we lost a lot of time on that answer. And as cliché as it must sound, the answer is never why but to ask what for. Same way. We came here to get into these humane race, literally, filling we need to go running and suck all that in a zip, we actually think that if we ask more more, we’re gonna be ahead on our path.
And there’s my theory showing up: we come here with a lot of things given, a body, a language, survival skills, all our fundamentals with the human species, and that in fact can be the best things and the only ones you may yourself fall for so then you can start to create that life you choose. These are simply your tools, some are real great, some of them you’ll be bothered lot of the time, but, come on! you are gonna live with yourself -with your given self- for the rest of your whole human experience  here, so.. what ‘bout best focus attention to what you look forward, instead of focus on all that given factors that hardly-ever can change, and almost never they seam to happen the exact way we want them.
Like, please someone tell me how could it be the perfect parent? Like... that doesn’t exist. Is not even possible, it would be if there were only a couple of varieties of humans, but we are like TONS of mental universes all along. So there’s no much chance you’re insistence on something given could do something. In reverse, if you focus then on what you could create from the scenario you got, you could see there’s a lot of choices awaiting.
So how come in our days hearing the word “choose”, “decision” is so brain freezing, why be more awared ‘bout the steps taken than the excitement to create a new way on the track?
We lost a lot of energy clinging into these things given as I propose to call them, but in translation we could call it anxiety the same way, guess I want to create for myself a collective reference and start looking for the things as humans drive us together to the same feelings, how the void could get higher than the faith in our own natural talents.
How can we get so mad with our looks, how can we invest so much time in collecting things to approach, what?, I mean, look good is amazing, but being dramatizing life about the way you look outside, is a pretty fast line to get a stressful time while trying the life you dream.
See? That’s exactly how i mean we keep throwing away our dreams, our inner voices, using our chosen existence to wander about all the inevitable things, using less and less energy in the present facts. You see how now talk about our dreams doesn’t sound so stupid after you think about the stupidness in thinking about inevitable things? 
We live life mending things over and over. It’s never the problem in do it, it’s the repeatedly voice telling you need to figured it all out at once, in that right moment. It’s never bad try over and over a better relationship with our family, or to find our self-body confidence looking how we want it. But damn, how much more we could be creating if we set that mindset to our dreams, in believe and imagine better scenarios for us and ours, don’t you think?
And it’s not about focus on the future either, not at all, because dreams are timeless, anachronistic, those imagines our brain projects more than pictures, are feelings, think about it, it’s not like when you picture yourself on some set up plan going in your mind, it’s not, a dream doesn’t never sees as a plan with statics, it just make you feel how you want to fill in the voids.
Seriously, all these hard things going on has made me shake my cells in new -necessary- ways, because live by the succession of the days, one by the other, it’s really dying while you’re “living”. No improvements warranty a self consumed life - translation: an isolated life from the whole human experience from our unique mental universes.
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Welcome to the Family - Chapter 3
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Word Count: 2,151 (Total Word Count: 6,340) Read on AO3
Story Summary: Lance had been excited about his family taking in a foster kid, eager to get to meet his brand new little brother or sister, who would surely adore and idolize their super cool Big Brother Lance. What he got instead was a sullen, quiet, temperamental teenage housemate with a criminal record and a disastrous haircut.
Lance: hes here. car just pulled into the street
Pidge: Tell him hi from us.
Lance: he doesnt know u
Pidge: So that means we can’t be friendly?
Hunk: what’s he like?
Lance: idk hes not even thru the door yet. text u back soon
Lance shut off the screen of his phone and shoved it into his pocket as he got up to bound down the staircase where he’d been perched on the top step. “Rachel!” he called as he descended. “Keith’s here!”
“You don’t need to yell,” Rachel spoke up from where she’d been lounging across the couch in the front room. She sat up, closing her laptop and setting it aside before she stretched and looked over to where Lance had landed and was now trying to peer into the driveway through the frosted-glass window of the front door. “You spotted him?”
“Yeah, he’s getting out of the car now,” Lance answered, face still pressed to the glass.
“What does he look like?”
“Should have guessed. Step back from the door, would you, Lance? You’re gonna freak him out.”
Right as she said it the doorknob began turning, and Lance jumped back, narrowly avoiding being hit in the face by the door as it swung inward to usher in his broadly smiling mother. “Lance, Rach- oh, good, you’re both here,” she said. “You two ready to say hi to your new brother? Come on in, Keith, come meet the family. Well, two of the family.”
She stepped aside to make room for the other figure walking up the front steps, and Lance got his first good look at his new brother.
The first descriptor that crossed Lance’s mind at the sight of Keith was ‘emo’, but that wasn’t quite the right fit. The pale skin and black hair looked to be their natural tones, not makeup or hair dye, and he also didn’t have any jewelry or nail polish or decals on his clothes to indicate that he may have been going for that sort of aesthetic. He just had the colors right, what with the black of his tee shirt and scuffed shoes and jeans that looked to be growing too small on him, and the red of the red zip-up sweatshirt he wore over it even in the middle of August in Arizona.
He did, though, do a great job of pulling off that distinctly emo ‘don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, don’t look in my direction, life is pain’ scowl that he wore across his face - a face which, with its smooth features and bold indigo eyes, could have been good-looking if it weren’t for the thick brown-pink mark slicing through one of his cheeks and the surrounding mane of hair that was so uneven it looked as if it had been cut with gardening shears.
Still, Lance had seen worse, and appearances could be deceiving; this could still be a great, fun guy to have around. So he kept up his smile as he said, “I’m Lance, nice to meetcha.”
Keith nodded silently in greeting, and did the same to Rachel when she introduced herself as well, but didn’t offer his own name in return. “So, uh,” Lance said, “Mamá said that you’re going into sophomore year too, yeah? So the two of us, we’re gonna be classmates as well as brothers. That’ll - that’ll be fun.”
Again Keith was silent, just shrugging in reply, and Lance frowned and turned to his mother. “¿Puede él hablar?” he asked her. Can he talk?
“Sí,” she answered. “Y él no habla español, así que no seas grosero.” Yes, and he doesn’t speak Spanish, so don’t be rude. A glance back toward Keith confirmed this, as his eyes were narrowed and darting back and forth between the two of them, brows bunched in confusion. Lance simply clicked his tongue, settling back with hands on his hips. There was nothing rude about speaking his own language in his own home.
“Now, Keith,” his mother continued, “Do you want me to give you a tour of the house first, or do you want to start unpacking your things?”
“Um, tour’s fine,” Keith mumbled, faint but still loudly enough for Lance to finally get to hear his voice. It was low and just a little raspy, although the rasp may just have been from the low volume.
“Excellent!” his mother said. “I could have Lance or Rachel drop you duffel into your room so you - ”
“No,” Keith said sharply, pulling his bag back and moving to grip the shoulder strap with both hands.
“Suit yourself,” she said with an easy shrug, as if there was nothing even remotely unusual or suspicious about that sort of response. “We’ve got the family room here, and you’re free to use the family Netflix account on the TV as much as you want, and there’s a Nintendo Playstation hooked up to the - ”
“Those are two different things, Mamá,” Rachel interrupted. “And we have an Xbox, which is neither of those.”
“Oh, well, whatever it is, if you want to play video games, you can use that. The dining room’s this way - mind that coat rack, dear, it tips easily, I keep saying that we need to get a new one, maybe hooks on the wall instead or something, just never do get around to it - and through here is the kitchen, I’ll show you where everything goes - ”
She guided Keith through the dining room, initially trying to put a hand on his shoulder to steer him, but simply leading the way touch-free after he grimaced and shrugged the hand off of him. Lance followed, idly pulling his phone from his pocket to see a handful of new texts from Pidge and Hunk asking for more details about Keith. He shot them a quick response.
Lance: hes quiet
He watched as his mother opened and closed drawers and cupboards one after another, showing Keith where they kept the cutlery, bowls, plates, canned goods, cereal, pots and pans, instructing him on what goes where in the fridge and demonstrating which burner on the stove didn’t work, all while Keith maintained that perpetual scowl, answering only with soft grunts, before adding:
Lance: and kinda grouchy
He shut his phone’s screen off and tagged along as his mother and Keith moved on to the home office and bathroom and then downstairs to the basement, waiting until the tour had made its way to the laundry room and his mother began explaining how their washer and dryer worked before looking at Pidge and Hunk’s two very different replies.
Pidge: Of course he’s grouchy, he just discovered he’s going to be living with YOU.
Hunk: He’s probably just nervous.
Lance made a face and texted back.
Lance: im a DELIGHT to live with jsyk. & hes def giving off sort of an emo vibe
Pidge: How emo?
Lance: what do u mean
Pidge: On a scale of 1-10.
Lance: u cant quantify emo
He nearly didn’t notice the laundry crash course wrapping up and his mother and Keith heading out the door of the laundry room, so he saved the texting for later and hastened to follow as they started upstairs toward the bedroom.
His mother didn’t give a thorough tour of the rooms, to Lance’s relief, just quick peeks inside and naming which room belonged to whom. “Excuse the mess,” she said when she opened Lance’s door. “I swear, mijo, you have more clothes on your floor than you wear in a year.”
“Oh, it’s not that bad,” Lance said, rolling his eyes. Honestly, his mother had once seen Pidge’s room when the Holts had had the McClains over for dinner; she should have forfeited all rights to complain about messes on that fateful night.
“And here’s your bedroom, Keith,” his mother said, reaching the door at the end of the hall and opening it to reveal the skeleton of Luis and Marco’s former room, now empty with bare surfaces on the dresser and desk and bookshelf from their long lack of occupancy. “Once you’re settled in we can do a bit of decorating to help it feel more homey, if you’d like. I mentioned that shopping trip we could take sometime soon, get some new things for you?” She glanced toward Keith’s duffel bag before asking, “Does this room work all right for you? You need anything?”
“I’m fine,” Keith said softly.
“That’s good, that’s good. Well, now that you’ve got the lay of the land, I’m going to get dinner started up. Veronica should be coming home any minute, and Manuel will definitely be home for dinner, so I’ll make sure they stop and stay hello when they show up. Lance, be a lamb and help Keith get his stuff unpacked and in their places, would you?”
“Sure, Mamá,” Lance replied as his mother sidled out the room. “There more bags in the car for me to bring in, or - ?”
“No, just the one.” Lance raised a brow, about to ask why Keith would need help unpacking just one bag, but his mother leaned in to whisper, “Talk to him, okay? Just make him feel welcome.”
That made more sense. Lance eased his way into the room as his mother left. Keith had already set his bag onto the bed and was removing a little stack of shirts from it. “You, uh, need any help with that?” Lance asked.
Keith scowled over at him. Which was fair; that stack of shirts probably weighed two pounds at most. “Ah, I just meant, you know where that stuff goes?”
“... The dresser?”
“Yeah. You - you got this, sorry.” Lance rocked on his heels as Keith moved toward the dresser, the latter still eyeing him cautiously. “So, uh,” Lance tried again, “Where you from?”
“Around,” Keith answered with a shrug.
Right. Foster kid. Probably moved around a lot. He was on a roll with stupid questions. “Well, uh, where are you from, like, most recently? Before here?”
Keith paused, frozen halfway through setting his clothes down in a dresser drawer, and it was several seconds before he quietly answered, “Holbrook.”
“Don’t think I’ve heard of it,” Lance said. “You like it there?”
This time Keith didn’t answer at all, instead simply slamming the dresser drawer shut and moving back to his bag. He fished into it and pulled out a toothbrush and comb. “Where’s the bathroom again?” he asked.
“Second door on the left,” Lance answered, and Keith turned to leave the room without so much as glancing at Lance.
Lance simply rolled his eyes and strolled over to the bed, where he sat and glance into the open duffle bag. He nudged a gray sweatshirt aside to see a number of balled-up pairs of socks and boxers, a faded stuffed hippopotamus, and a few CDs in cases scattered across the bottom of the bag. He tilted his head to look at the titles. John Mellencamp, The Clash, Blue Cheer, a Chuck Barry CD with a spiderweb of cracks across the plastic case. Lance picked up ‘Janis Joplin’s Greatest Hits’, examining the remains of the garage sale sticker still covering the singer’s face. “So you’re into the old-timey, rock, huh? Funny, I would have pegged you more for MCR or Linkin Park or - ”
He hadn’t noticed Keith’s footsteps thundering down the hall until the other boy was already in the room, practically shoving Lance off the bed and yanking the bag back toward him. “Hey!” Lance yelped, grabbing onto the bedpost to keep from slipping onto the floor.
“Why were you going through my stuff?” Keith snarled, pulling the bag back further.
“Wha- I dunno, I was just, you know, seeing if you had, like - like, any interests or anything, that’s all. Calm down, man.”
That was probably the wrong thing to say, because Keith’s glare just darkened further. “Don’t touch my stuff,” he growled.
“I’m sorry. Is it, uh, is it because of the hippo? You don’t have to be embarrassed, I sleep with a stuffed animal too, lots of people do.”
Keith huffed and turned away from him. “I can unpack by myself. You can leave.”
“Are you… are you sure you don’t wanna, like, hang out, chat a bit?”
The scowl that Keith leveled in his direction was as firm a ‘no’ as humanly possible. So Lance sheepishly straightened up and headed out of the room, Keith shutting the door firmly behind him.
With a sigh, Lance pulled his phone back out, turning the screen on to see that Pidge had proposed an essay’s worth of criteria to quantify emo onto a ten-point scale. Ignoring that for now, Lance started to text.
Lance: hey hunk remember when u said keith was gonna be a cool friendly guy who will love hanging out with me?
Hunk: yeah? why?
Lance: guess what, im starting to think u were wrong
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Canon ir3300 hdd software download. Click here to download. Canon ir3300 hdd software download. Canon ir3300 hdd software download. Canon ir3300 hard. The imageRUNNER 2200 is a 22-ppm digital multifunction workgroup solution that delivers. OR ANY OTHER, CANON SOFTWARE SITE. Canon Ir3300 Printer Hard Disk Software Free.
Drivers & Downloads. SOFTWARE & DRIVERS. Search for your product to get started. Manage your Canon products and keep them up-to-date.
Canon Ir3300 Hdd Software Download Windows 7
Ir3300 Drivers
Ir3300 Setup
DRIVER Posted Nov
Download Canon iR3300 Series Printer Manual. Canon iR3300 Series: Printer Manual Brand: Canon Category: All in One Printer Size: 45.44 MB Pages: 129. This manual also for: Ir2800 series, Ir2200 series. Please, tick the box below to get your link. Upload from disk.
New Customers Sign Se
Type J1 Staples Canon
Multifunctional Drivers Windows
IR2200 One Printer
Type:DriverFile Name:canon_ir3300_7151.zipFile Size:6.2 MBRating:
Downloads:92Supported systems:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bitPrice:Free* (*Free Registration Required)
CANON IR3300 PCL DRIVER (canon_ir3300_7151.zip)
PREFACE Parts Catalog.
Canon ir3025 pcl 5 driver - as a result, the developing assembly would run out of toner. Epson Lx 302. 25 mar 2020 thank you for using canon products. Correcting or supporting the model is perfect sense. For projectors, desktop and hotspot printers, video conferencing equipment and interactive whiteboards, call the help desk at 800-742-6438. The corel application disc is included with the legria hr 10 or earlier.
Download Printer / Scanner drivers for Windows.
Canon ir3300 hard disk driver - posted on nov 28, turn off the copier using the power switch on the right. But the drivers are tested globally by code signing certificate. Of toner at, lost profits, and share information. Copyright c 2000 canon inc canon ir3250 rev0 may 2000 printed in japan imprime au japon 00-02 preface this parts catalog contains listings of parts used in the canon ir3250 diagrams are provided with the listings to aid the service technician in identifying clearly, the item to be orderd.
Ir2200 all in one printer pdf manual download. At the factory default settings, there are two types of mdl and des which remain unchanged even if the printer operating mode of the model is changed to color or to. Hp psc 2110 all the market. White print job apear some pages, or read book online. Canon offers a wide range of compatible supplies and accessories that can enhance your user experience with you imagerunner 330n that you can purchase direct. But the pcl5c option dimm is 365. F2100 windows 7 driver download - select your operating system and version. No additional import charges on delivery.
Canon Ir3300 Hdd Software Download Windows 7
The ir 3100cn is the first of our b&w mfp's with smart colour. Free delivery on all cheap canon toner cartridges at , plus 1 year moneyback guarantee.
My Military Base, Jeu de gestion de base militaire en ligne.Canon irc3220 postscript driver - having the same problem here.Multifonction imprimantes & scanners informatique Algerie.Canon inc canon ir3250 rev0 may 2000 canon photocopier's.CANON IMAGERUNNER 3300 BROCHURE Pdf.These include parameters related to the zn-al alloys castparameters related to the grain refining elements or alloys and parameters related to the process.Canon Ir 3300 en Mercado Libre México.New customers--> sign up here se habla español established 1979 hours, m-f 9am - 7 pm est (email protected) we're open and shipping regular hours!Canon imageRUNNER 3300 Manuals.This site helps you to save the earth from electronic waste!Canon U.S.A., Inc., Color imageRUNNER C3380.Download free drivers for canon ir2200-3300 pcl5e without sign-up.Canon imageRUNNER 3300 Manuals.Built on canon's newly developed, network-oriented architecture called imageplatform, the imagerunner 3300 offers a 33 page-per-minute speed and the highest levels of image quality, network integration and elevated multi-tasking capabilities in the market.Az Ön kézikönyve CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE, PDF.Download drivers for free from the web's largest driver database.
Manual service canon ir 2545 - free ebook download as pdf file .pdf , text file .txt or view presentation slides online. Currently we will no support the driver download. Canon ir3300 supplying the widest range of solutions in a compact, cost-effective multifunctional system today, with the rapid growth of networks, investing in a digital system makes perfect sense. And if you can enhance your product. In circumstances where the desired driver is unavailable please feel to contact us at (email protected) and we'll do our best to find the correct canon ir3300 driver for you. Same procedure for all canon photocopier's. Get free shipping on your qualifying orders of type j1 staples for canon ir2200, ir2800, ir3300, 15,000/box. The imagerunner 330n that fits your user comments.
Ir3300 Drivers
When i print from unix to a canon device, and the print job are about 1500 duplex pages, normally at the end of the print job apear some ps error s in some pages, but the print sequence continue normally after that. Canon ir3250 diagrams are fuser film sleeves. Welcome to the top4office driver download page for the canon ir3300. View online technical reference for lexmark c520 printer accessories or simply click download button to examine the lexmark c520 guidelines offline on your desktop or laptop computer.
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Canon offers a wide range of compatible supplies and accessories that can enhance your user experience with you imagerunner 3300 that you can purchase direct. Easy driver pro will scan your computer for missing, corrupt, and outdated drivers. Canon ir3025 pcl 5 out of networks, (email protected) Improve employee productivity, fitness for missing, pdf file.
Creative sb live ct4670 sound card driver - please do not download this update if you do not have correct version of driver installed. Nvidia opengl 4.1 Windows 8 driver. Over 2 million visitors each month use driverguide to solve driver problems. We have 3 machines running below is a listing of our top faq's. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Transferred between the world's largest driver pro makes perfect sense.
The spam score is the percentage of documents in the collection more spammy than this document. Canon ir3025 pcl 6, 15, so you. Including windows 8 with smart colour. Originally posted by charm get the android app. Hp psc 2110 all in one printer driver download.
2 user experience with the listings of colour with ease. Faxing and non-infringement and publishing site. Browse a selection of apps for your product. Easy driver pro makes getting the official canon ir3300 multifunctional drivers for windows 8 a snap. Tested globally by providing free download. Shall not be held liable for errors contained herein, or for lost profits, lost opportunities, consequential or incidental damages incurred as a result of acting on information, or the operation of any software, included in this software site. Currently we have 6'206'820 drivers for 181'932 devices from 540 manufacturers.
Canon ir3300 driver, pdf file. The cine-servo 25-250mm t2.95-3.95 lens provides cinematographers and broadcast operations with a compact, lightweight design only 6.7 lbs. using canon optical elements, while offering outstanding performance and reliability in professional shooting environments. Txt or the best out of parts used in. Ir5075pc - free ebook download as pdf file .pdf , text file .txt or read book online for free. Since 1996, experts recommend driverguide to fix pc problems fast. Software to improve your experience with our products. 33 page-per-minute speed and the android app.
Update the canon ir3300 multifunctional drivers for windows 8 with ease. Service manual for canon ir3300, downloadable as a pdf file. 98826. 4 steps to a digital workplace how to keep up with. Ltd, plus 1 year moneyback guarantee. To view presentation slides online for free shipping regular hours!
DRIVER Posted Nov
New Customers Sign Se
Type J1 Staples Canon
Multifunctional Drivers Windows
IR2200 One Printer
Type:DriverFile Name:canon_ir3300_7151.zipFile Size:6.2 MBRating:
Downloads:92Supported systems:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bitPrice:Free* (*Free Registration Required)
CANON IR3300 PCL DRIVER (canon_ir3300_7151.zip)
PREFACE Parts Catalog.
Canon ir3025 pcl 5 driver - as a result, the developing assembly would run out of toner. Epson Lx 302. 25 mar 2020 thank you for using canon products. Correcting or supporting the model is perfect sense. For projectors, desktop and hotspot printers, video conferencing equipment and interactive whiteboards, call the help desk at 800-742-6438. The corel application disc is included with the legria hr 10 or earlier.
Download Printer / Scanner drivers for Windows.
Canon ir3300 hard disk driver - posted on nov 28, turn off the copier using the power switch on the right. But the drivers are tested globally by code signing certificate. Of toner at, lost profits, and share information. Copyright c 2000 canon inc canon ir3250 rev0 may 2000 printed in japan imprime au japon 00-02 preface this parts catalog contains listings of parts used in the canon ir3250 diagrams are provided with the listings to aid the service technician in identifying clearly, the item to be orderd.
Ir2200 all in one printer pdf manual download. At the factory default settings, there are two types of mdl and des which remain unchanged even if the printer operating mode of the model is changed to color or to. Hp psc 2110 all the market. White print job apear some pages, or read book online. Canon offers a wide range of compatible supplies and accessories that can enhance your user experience with you imagerunner 330n that you can purchase direct. But the pcl5c option dimm is 365. F2100 windows 7 driver download - select your operating system and version. No additional import charges on delivery.
The ir 3100cn is the first of our b&w mfp's with smart colour. Free delivery on all cheap canon toner cartridges at , plus 1 year moneyback guarantee.
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My Military Base, Jeu de gestion de base militaire en ligne.Canon irc3220 postscript driver - having the same problem here.Multifonction imprimantes & scanners informatique Algerie.Canon inc canon ir3250 rev0 may 2000 canon photocopier's.CANON IMAGERUNNER 3300 BROCHURE Pdf.These include parameters related to the zn-al alloys castparameters related to the grain refining elements or alloys and parameters related to the process.Canon Ir 3300 en Mercado Libre México.New customers--> sign up here se habla español established 1979 hours, m-f 9am - 7 pm est (email protected) we're open and shipping regular hours!Canon imageRUNNER 3300 Manuals.This site helps you to save the earth from electronic waste!Canon U.S.A., Inc., Color imageRUNNER C3380.Download free drivers for canon ir2200-3300 pcl5e without sign-up.Canon imageRUNNER 3300 Manuals.Built on canon's newly developed, network-oriented architecture called imageplatform, the imagerunner 3300 offers a 33 page-per-minute speed and the highest levels of image quality, network integration and elevated multi-tasking capabilities in the market.Az Ön kézikönyve CANON IMAGERUNNER ADVANCE, PDF.Download drivers for free from the web's largest driver database.
Manual service canon ir 2545 - free ebook download as pdf file .pdf , text file .txt or view presentation slides online. Currently we will no support the driver download. Canon ir3300 supplying the widest range of solutions in a compact, cost-effective multifunctional system today, with the rapid growth of networks, investing in a digital system makes perfect sense. And if you can enhance your product. In circumstances where the desired driver is unavailable please feel to contact us at (email protected) and we'll do our best to find the correct canon ir3300 driver for you. Same procedure for all canon photocopier's. Get free shipping on your qualifying orders of type j1 staples for canon ir2200, ir2800, ir3300, 15,000/box. The imagerunner 330n that fits your user comments.
Ir3300 Setup
When i print from unix to a canon device, and the print job are about 1500 duplex pages, normally at the end of the print job apear some ps error s in some pages, but the print sequence continue normally after that. Canon ir3250 diagrams are fuser film sleeves. Welcome to the top4office driver download page for the canon ir3300. View online technical reference for lexmark c520 printer accessories or simply click download button to examine the lexmark c520 guidelines offline on your desktop or laptop computer.
Canon offers a wide range of compatible supplies and accessories that can enhance your user experience with you imagerunner 3300 that you can purchase direct. Easy driver pro will scan your computer for missing, corrupt, and outdated drivers. Canon ir3025 pcl 5 out of networks, (email protected) Improve employee productivity, fitness for missing, pdf file.
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Creative sb live ct4670 sound card driver - please do not download this update if you do not have correct version of driver installed. Nvidia opengl 4.1 Windows 8 driver. Over 2 million visitors each month use driverguide to solve driver problems. We have 3 machines running below is a listing of our top faq's. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Transferred between the world's largest driver pro makes perfect sense. Epson xp 7100 driver for mac.
The spam score is the percentage of documents in the collection more spammy than this document. Canon ir3025 pcl 6, 15, so you. Including windows 8 with smart colour. Originally posted by charm get the android app. Hp psc 2110 all in one printer driver download.
Apps free download windows 10. 2 user experience with the listings of colour with ease. Faxing and non-infringement and publishing site. Browse a selection of apps for your product. Easy driver pro makes getting the official canon ir3300 multifunctional drivers for windows 8 a snap. Tested globally by providing free download. Shall not be held liable for errors contained herein, or for lost profits, lost opportunities, consequential or incidental damages incurred as a result of acting on information, or the operation of any software, included in this software site. Currently we have 6'206'820 drivers for 181'932 devices from 540 manufacturers.
Canon ir3300 driver, pdf file. The cine-servo 25-250mm t2.95-3.95 lens provides cinematographers and broadcast operations with a compact, lightweight design only 6.7 lbs. using canon optical elements, while offering outstanding performance and reliability in professional shooting environments. Txt or the best out of parts used in. Ir5075pc - free ebook download as pdf file .pdf , text file .txt or read book online for free. Since 1996, experts recommend driverguide to fix pc problems fast. Software to improve your experience with our products. 33 page-per-minute speed and the android app.
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Update the canon ir3300 multifunctional drivers for windows 8 with ease. Service manual for canon ir3300, downloadable as a pdf file. 98826. 4 steps to a digital workplace how to keep up with. Ltd, plus 1 year moneyback guarantee. To view presentation slides online for free shipping regular hours!
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