stairway2mars · 1 year
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crafted his cunt in a lab to be delectable
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euclydya · 18 days
really loud one eyed squint.
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evilrry · 8 months
pmdd is crazy why is everything pissing me off to the point of crying
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barrenclan · 10 months
admittedly i had to google what a doldrum was, but HE’S TRYING TO DIE?!!?!, I GUESS YEAH HE DOESN’T CARE FUCK.. ranger says u get a vacation so u can kill, good to know
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! DUSTFEATHER?!?!? KILL HER!!!!! well i guess he (or ranger) did but HOLY FUCK!!!!
“i’ll do anything i can to protect them” do u want me to explode
oh fucck, the birdy :(. i love rainhaze’s questioning if he hates ranger or not, trauma bonding is sooo tasty. to me
OH FUCK OH SHIT OH MY GOE?!!!?!?? “its time go to home” IM GOING TO EAT MY OWN LIVER!!!!
dear razmerry, i am canceling u on twitter dot com for unrepairable damage to me. /j
This issue was another one where I got to bring out my fun words. Ooh, I'm dropping a "doldrum" here, a "naif" there.
Dustfeather gained no fans this issue, at least. "Whip them into shape" doesn't always imply physical abuse, it's more about imposing your own morals onto someone else, but it does often come along with those ideas.
A big part of Rainhaze's character is being torn between two worlds, and his feelings on Ranger are similarly divided. But at least he's made his choice now!
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kiunlo · 1 year
can't be the only aussie that fucking despises seeing my country's native animals (especially birds) being kept as pets right? like i feel that most people in my general area hate that shit but idk about city fellas. like especially if the pet (sugar glider, parrot, emu, etc.) is like, in a place like america where their laws there for owning animals are shit as. like. maybe YOU can own a fucking emu in america easy peasy lemon squeezy but in australia you 1. have to have a very good fucking reason for it and 2. a fucking permit to own the animal. and most of those reasons and permits come down to emu farms that farm the meat, feathers, eggs etc. like in australia you can't own native animals without permits and with some native animals you're only allowed to have temporary guardianship over them because you're a wildlife rehabber, and afterwards they MUST be released into the wild. like here in australia we take care of our wildlife and take that shit very seriously which is why exporting native animals and importing invasive animals is severely restricted, with exceptions for like, zoos and research and shit. we're so anal about everything regarding the health and wellbeing of our native animals that we don't even HAVE rabies in australia, which is honestly a huge fucking accomplishment. like THAT is how seriously we take the health and wellbeing of our native animals.
so if anyone HAS a native australian animal as a pet outside of australia i generally side eye the fuck out of them because. how'd you get it cunt? from where, and from whom, and how long ago, and at some point was an animal smuggled out of australia for a person's enjoyment, whether it was the parents, grandparents etc.? do you know the answers to any of those questions at all? do you understand that the animal you have as a pet is more than likely endangered here in australia, especially after the 2020 fires which caused so many animals to die, go extinct, and become endangered pretty much within the span of just a few months? like idk about ppl in other countries and their opinion or whatever but as an aussie that shit boils my blood like nothing else and i know i'm not the only aussie who feels that way, and wish more people realised how fucked the whole situation actually was and would stop caving to sensitive american's feelings about the subject. like yeah. i think if you own a native australian animal in america or any other country, that somewhere down the line something wrong happened. because at least here in australia, there are permits and licences and generally good reasons for said animals being in captivity, and some animals are just straight up prohibited from ever being owned in any way, such as kangaroos and sugar gliders (unless they're in a zoo). but in other countries it's the fuccking wild west and you can do whatever you want. and idk how to tell you this but. that's not a good thing at all.
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Getting Off the Table
Warning: Hellcheer picnic table smut
Chrissy Cunningham was a good girl. She went to church every Sunday, and she tried her hardest to believe, but how could she believe in a God that took away her brother? How could she believe in a God that gave her parents who blamed her for his death? It was an animal attack, and she was supposed to be watching him. She tried to save him but by the time she heard him scream, he was already gone. Her parents never quite looked at her the same way ever again. She swore her mother hated her.
Nothing was ever good enough for her mother, so Chrissy stopped trying to please her. When she told her mother that morning that she had dumped Jason, her mother screamed bloody murder and told her that she would never find anyone else to put up with her. Chrissy didn't say anything. She just walked out. Now, she needed to deal with these headaches. Drugs seemed like her best option, and who better to get them from than Eddie Munson? He wasn't at all what she thought he would be. When she looked into his eyes, she couldn't help the thought that crossed her mind. My God, he was pretty.
"You know, you're not what I thought you'd be like," Chrissy had admitted.
"What? Mean and scary? Yeah, well, I thought you'd be mean and scary too," Eddie said as he sat back down.
"Me?" Chrissy asked.
"Terrifying," Eddie agreed. "So, in other good news, flattery totally works with me. Twenty-five percent discount. Fifteen bucks. You're robbing me blind here."
She was going to ask if he had anything stronger, really she was, but her intrusive thoughts took over.
"Are you on the table?" Chrissy asked, a bit nervously.
"Pardon?" Eddie asked, his eyebrows raised.
"I heard there are other ways of relieving stress that don't involve drugs," Chrissy said as she rubbed circles into his hand. "So, is the offer of you relieving my stress personally on the table?"
"I-i mean, yeah, if you want, but you should know that I've never done. . .anything," Eddie blushed.
"You haven't even been kissed?" Chrissy asked, and he shook his head. "That's a shame. A pretty boy like you should be kissed."
"Me? Pretty?"
Eddie blushed and hid behind his hair. Chrissy stood up, shook her hair out of its ponytail, and moved Eddie's stuff out of the way as she crawled across the picnic table. She placed her legs on either side of Eddie and cupped his face. She leaned toward him and kissed him. Eddie sighed against her lips and kissed her back almost immediately. She almost laughed at how eager he was. She felt his hands shake as he slipped them under the edge of her sweater. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against his.
"I'm nervous too," Chrissy said..
"You are?" Eddie asked.
"I've kissed before, but I've never had sex," Chrissy said.
"You and Carver never. . .?" Eddie asked.
"Nope, we were basically arranged to be married. Both he and my mother wanted me to remain pure for when we eventually did marry," Chrissy rolled her eyes. "Meanwhile, he was fucking a couple of my cheerleaders."
"That's. . .barbaric," Eddie said. "And are you sure you want to give it up to me?"
"Take off my panties."
He hands slid under the skirt and tugged her underwear down. Chrissy grabbed his hand and guided towards her dripping cunt.
"See? I'm already so wet for you, Eddie," Chrissy said sweetly.
She pulled him up, her legs squeezing his waist, and began to undo his belt. Chrissy fumbled with it before getting it undone. She pushed his pants down, leaving him in his boxers, and pulled out his cock. She pushed him back down onto the bench and moved to straddle his waist.
"Wait. . . I don't have anything," Eddie said.
"It's okay, I'm on birth control," Chrissy said.
She spat into her hand and began stroking his already hardening length. Eddie groaned, and his eyes rolled back into his head. She guided it to her entrance and slowly sank down onto his dick. She wasn't sure he would fit at first, but she managed it. Chrissy began to move, rocking her hips slowly. Their moans echoed into the trees. It was soon getting very hot, their skin sticky with sweat. Eddie had to remove his shirt. Chrissy followed with her sweater and her top. She thought about leaving her bra on, but no, she wanted him to see them, to suck on them. She unhooked her bra and slid it off. Eddie cupped them, a thumb sweeping over her nipple and pinching it. Chrissy let out a stuttering moan. Eddie attached his lips to her neck as he caressed her breast while her fingers grazed the tattoos on his chest. Chrissy grinded down harder and faster, her hands moving to grip his back as she burrowed her face against his neck. Meanwhile, Eddie placed her hands on her hips and helped her move. He finally unloaded inside of her, and once he did that, she finally collapsed against him. He was still inside of her, but neither one of them wanted to move from the embrace.
"That was -
"So fucking awesome!" Eddie exclaimed and Chrissy giggled.
She leaned back and kissed him. She pushed herself off of his dick and sat back on top of the table. Eddie pulled out his bandana and got to work cleaning her up then himself. Eddie leaned over and kissed her.
"Fuck you're so beautiful," Eddie said breathlessly.
"Come here, there's something I wanted to do," Chrissy said, blushing as she leaned forward and placed gentle bites on his tattoos. "Sorry, was that weird?"
"Sometimes you just have to bite the things that you like," Eddie said.
He leaned down and placed equally gentle bites right in the top of her breast. He wrapped his tongue briefly around her nipple before pulling away. He pulled on his shirt and handed Chrissy her underwear. She slipped them on along with the rest of her clothing as Eddie pulled on his jacket and vest.
"I was wondering if we could do that again some time," Chrissy said, shyly biting her lip.
"Yeah, I love you! I mean, fuck, I would love too. Okay. That was weird, sorry," Eddie laughed, and Chrissy giggled. "Um, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? You could come over if you wanted to. I actually like to cook, you know."
"I would love to. Walk me to class?" Chrissy asked, and he nodded.
Chrissy grabbed his hand and put her scrunchie on his wrist before entertwining their fingers. Eddie gazed at her affectionately, his eyes twinkling. He had to look ahead a few minutes later when he ran into a tree, which caused Chrissy to laugh. Eddie wrapped an arm around her waist, tickling her mercilessly, and then pulled her to his side. As soon as they walked into school, everyone stared at them, which Chrissy thought was simply delightful. Jason stormed up to them.
"You dumped me for the freak!" Jason yelled.
"No, I dumped you because your personality was as big as your dick which according to half of the cheerleaders, is very hard to find," Chrissy replied, and Eddie nearly choked on his spit. "Eddie's, however, can be seen from space."
Jason was too angry to say anything else and walked away.
"Is it really big?" Eddie asked her.
"You almost didn't fit, honey," Chrissy said.
He hid his face in her neck, cheeks red. Chrissy chuckled.
"I really like you," Eddie said, his voice muffled against her neck.
"I really like you too," Chrissy said.
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sir-klauz · 2 years
An introduction to characters in Blue Lock:
The Brother: we will fight to the death one of us has to die (playing football)
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Fabulous Cousin It: behold, I am here, I am glam I am the most glam, glam clams glam glammmUUUUUHHH
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Captain Panic: breaks down in emo and emotionally blackmails a goal to happen
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Protagonist: jigsaw puzzles in my head I smell goal posts
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Nagi/snake boy: ultimate I don’t care to obsessed with balls let’s smell goal posts and balls together
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I don’t know what I call him aside from guy who always eats with his hands he just played with balls with: delish I hate convenience store bento but I lick my dirty fingers I never blink either
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Sonic the hedgehog: what if my legs break actually nvm
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Bachira: The mOnSter ToLd Me I neEd tO pEe
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Strong leg: goaled again thanks
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michithing · 10 months
what the fucck.....
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i am just a guy trying to live here
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why do you hate me? ok...........
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Mag 66
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Great that this cold open alone would have been enough to get this entire statement thrown out last season. Now Jon's like 'Hmmm... this man got boxed... interesting... what can we learn from this?'
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Please tell me more about how this man looked so tough and brave in his tank top. How many buttons would you say he had undone? 😳
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Obsessed with the statement-giver thinking that he's getting his life threatened when actually Salesa is warning him out of what seems to be genuine concern for his wellbeing.
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Haha get boxed idiot.
I was interested in the fact that his first thought was 'crate'. If I woke up in a box of any size or dimensions, my first thoughts would absolutely be 'coffin' and 'buried alive'. He did come to that conclusion after a while, but only after spending some time just thinking that he was somehow in a mysterious crate for no reason. He was right, but still, it's a weird explanation to open with.
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This probably seems pretty obvious to us, but it would be a wild conclusion to jump to from a man who spends his days inspecting crates often being shipping by smugglers and criminals. If it weren't for the fact that Salesa warned him not to sleep, it wouldn't be weird for him to never make this connection.
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Interesting! I've never made the connection between the Buried and heat before. I would have associated heat with Desolation or Corruption much sooner than the Buried, but the whole 'oppressive, suffocating heat' angle definitely does make sense. Especially with the way the coffin sings in the rain (humidity makes it hard to breathe).
I wonder if whatever sparse atmosphere there is inside of the coffin is hot and humid. That would explain why the wood is warm to the touch! That's bothered me since Mag 2.
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Urgh. I hate that the Buried does this; punishes every slight moment of relief with Even More Claustrophobia. Doesn't seem fair. Maybe the god-like manifestation of the fear of being crushed to death should pick on someone its own size.
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Love the focus on practicality here. 'Well, I guess I'm hopelessly trapped in this impossible evil box until I die, better start worrying about conserving air and water to prolong the expereience as much as possible.'
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Fuccking hell that last line is so dope. 📦 Watch out!
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Hey I forgot Peter was in this epsiode! Cheers cunt!
What do we think his bet was? Whether the guy would still be alive? If he was going to be in there at all? A secret third thing?
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tommysbigblog · 2 years
Fucck i hate it here sso fucjing much
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theuniverseawakens347 · 3 months
why is that Lee n Kris …Clive DIDDY …YouTube “stars” are told FULL past lives and shown MY FUCKING FACE as jasmine brown …everything you have jasmine I own, including your face 💋 you fucked your brother corey willingly like Kristy Scott to Desmond … AND you scoped my pages when you n Corey broke up bc he followed me …he was cute …I wanted to steal h8m… but he seemed gay a cute face 🤷🏽‍♀️ but inner me knew something was off with YOU n I …so I wanted to steal h8m like you stole that jeep that’s mine money ..and they apartment in downtown you had at around golds gym MINE …and the trained you fucked for free sessions bc YouTube pr sex ring AT DUMBASS GAY ASS KRISTY SCOTT WHO HASNT TOLD HER HUSBAND…nothing wrong w gay, JUST BE FUCKING STRAIGHT UP …and how you got MY KIDS BITCH..at jasmine thinking about USING MY EGGS FOR NEXT ADVANCMENT IN LIFE…not happening. I’m killing you 🤷🏽‍♀️… also your attitude is fake and shallow your brother hates you bc you treat him like trash and he deserves MUCH MORE ..you YouTube women do one act on camera and a complete “I’m just psming” off camera not you let the “fame” AND MONEY GO TO YOUR HEAD ..YOURE SHIT PPL AT SOUL AND HEART..younlack empathy jasmine..your brother tells you about yourself before you moved out here and you sold your soul and forced your brother and Corey …to come with you..brother had to come to check you bc Corey told em you was acting too wild ..drinking and being a different person off camera ..and “depression” from missing h9me so you flew home MANY TIMES …your little cous8n…Jackson? Related to Corey thru IVF .. your moms side did this weird shit to get you in..and your dad did his own..donating your brothers sperm for their Texas house n your DOWNPAYMENT ( at KRISTY FUCKTARD SCOTT FOR THEIR NEW BUILDING HOUSE) …for you HOLLYWOOD penthouse.. I OWN ..the flooding rigged by you to move and get a bigger spot ..bc YOURE SPOILED as your brother told you insurance fraud ( at Kristy all them damn apartments you moved to tay who is gay and Kay ..and then Jack n MEGAN MILITARY FRAUD …AT DUMBASS DANIN TYRELL FOR HOUSE DURING PAUL MITCHELL )… ANTI MASON COMMUNITY SCIENTOLOGY …anyways ALL WEIRD,
daddy Desmond is safe 💦💋😌🧠
and tay…honey COME OUT AS GAY.. OUTNLOUD, LOVE THE BABY SHES SOOO CUTE bc MY FUCCKING EGG and YOUR SPERM …you ARE A CLONE OF MY RIGHTFUL TWINFLAME …but Megan me..I don’t like her for she knows Jack is her BROTHER and Jack IS OVER THE MARRIAGE wanted benefits but he wants out and she forces him to play married even though divorced …
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violentclown555 · 5 months
Pissed off rant under cut, my bad
THIS IS SOOOO ASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ofovertime · 11 months
❛  keep your eyes on me while i fuck you.  ❜ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
 𝑫𝑶𝑴 / 𝑺𝑼𝑩 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺. || accepting @ntzenin
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it was RARE when the other would have him down on his back. Most times, he was on his stomach. Almost like Toji's little toy. Not that he cared much. the man was rough enough to make Nanami feel something. It was a perfect trade-off sometimes. Even with some of the jokes about this helping out with nanami's stamina, and how much his body could take. Yet Nanami was on his back.
The other's hands was on his chest. Now Nanami wasn't as week now then he was when he was younger, but there was something about the other's foce, Nanami couldn't help but and move.
Toji was already inside him, and moving his hips roughly inside of him. Slamming hard inside of him. Making Nanami close his eyes for the second, until he heard the other speak. It was already hard for Nanami to breath as is, and now he had to keep his eyes open and watched him.
He was a MESS. Even if this was round --- two? three? Nanami was trying to keep up, and knowing full well he wasn't going to be more then a toy for the other to do whatever he please, he couldn't help but moan loudly. Trying to keep himself in tact of this. Nanami grip the side of the bed and stared at him for a bit longer
" F-Fine. But you will cave -- I know you hate being st-stared at."
He was trying his hardest not to break with each rough push. He knew he wasn't going to be able to walk later on and he was going to take this like he could -- stronger then before. He want to last, but he even felt the other about ready to burst, the twitching of the other inside of him, and how the other was holding onto him. Let alone, the tough face -- looking smug and soft at the same time. Nanami was going to stare at the other as a long as he could, a blink here or there, he was going to do as he was told -- if he didn't, he didn't know what else to think
"F-Fucck... "
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janusisinthevoid · 2 years
I fuccking hate it here. Why cant they just take my fucking boots back like what the shit is this. It says 30 days on your website and on the card at the front of your store. What more do you want for fucks sake.
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lonespektr · 2 years
Oct 26th The Deep House
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It's a couple
The guy is a vlogger they travel
First visit is a derelict sanatorium
The lady seems to tolerate his shenanigans
They appear to travel blog for money maybe, just white people with family money probably
Yeah they are just rich white people with history degreees
Local is getting paid a small fee to show the couple a secret spot where a perfectly preferred house is under water
She's a tag a long. I mention it cause I was just reading a long thread about men who get partnered to just any woman, they don't actually like them but just want one to do things for them and these women take on their partners habits/hobbies and display an interest and the men never do the same
She scares easily he constantly does stupid pranks she doesn't like she learns how to dive goes on these creepy things she only kinda tolerates
Anyway they dive sure the guy waits up top (he hiked them in)
He's playing music she hates and making sacrilegious jokes she doesn't like
The underwater house is actually locked up tight
Save for a single window
Ok some discrepancies they were informed the area was a planned flood however inside the house is fully furnished
Wealthy enough to have 1 underwater 4k camera 1 underwater drone an air drone all this scuba shit they don't make any money off the vids they admitted
He's condensending
Family portrait perfectly preserved in water
They heard voices and said "interference "
From fucking what bro you under the water
The BIG QUESTION how is this stuff not all decayed
His hypocrisy was brought up by her earlier as he says in one tourist spot "every asshole with a go-pro is here." whilst holding a go pro
Intermittent pentagrams n shit
Now scratches on the door
Camera and audio intermittent disruptions to feed
Thru have stayed together
Not much is floating I mean old ass furniture still weighs shit even in water I suppose but it's all very "staged" like why is the candelabra floating right above the table why not any where in the house
It's close to found footage because when the camera glitches the screen goes
Missing children newspaper clippings newspaper disintegrates in like 4 seconds in water 🤷🏾🤷🏾🤷🏾
Why isn't anything degraded?
SECRET ROOM behind jesus
The water is murky they can't see shit drone in
Supply room
Super 8
Hanging suspended chain bodies
She said NOPE lets go. He said yea you right then just fuccckin
He verbalizes acquiescence and then immediately revoked it just straight lies
General Satanic pentagram shit
2 bodies with masks like man in the iron mask shit
Now they are separated the the first time
Nm they back together
They leave the way they came in
Annnddd it's brick walled off
The guy is calming her down and it's meant to make her seem hysterical but honestly why is he so fuccking calm ANND this is all his fault
Like suspiciously calm
Isn't it hard to break glass under water because uniform pressure on both sides and like no leverage of like wind up??? Plus water resistance
Back in the body room to follow a rouge fish out
No dice too small
Rouge music playing ...from no where
Now been awol'd and bodies awol'd
Now lady is meat hooked and we got red water chaos and of course..lady screaming
She's having visual and auditory hallucinations well kept the meat hook
Of course the guy takes the masks off like look babe bodies still here
Bodies start moving...home owners
Lol they aren't trying to talk just pursuing and staring
There's no reason for him to be that calm
Now falling rocks as they try to go out the chimney
I haven't mention the lady lied about how long she can free dive
Lady is stuck in chimney
Dude awol again
Electronics are on the fritz
But not... There's no reason went they can't hear each other via radio
Why is dude locked in random bedroom?
They were right next to each other
The guy who led them there is a family member of the drowned house. Not only are the bodies alive they are also walking on the floor...bodies um...float
The bodies are attacking them separately well tbh they are looking for them and grabbing at them
Woman Kris screaming for dude
Dude stopped asking after her 2 mins in
Now been mask cracked a bit access he's talking weird shit
How did he know there was a snake in her suit
Well she's afraid of them but it was tiny and adorable but underwater snakes usually poisonous but that lil baby was cute as hell it was like 2 shoe laces thick and not as long
It's a gardener baby snek
He's leading her into a trap and talking nonsense
Missing kids from the house via video footage conveniently projected
The bodies he popping up convenient times
Now sis is at 1% air finally stops stabbing with the knife edge had the whole friggin time
Ghostly stabs dude with knife
Air 0
She still down they're playing games
Ghostly bodies still standing on the ground like??? Demonic possession reduces buoyancy ???
She's breaking for it without air and with no ascent breaks
Secs from breach she stops ..inaccurate portrayal of ascension unless they are saying her lungs....it's still wrong
Lol that's it
That was dumb
Would have been better if he faked the whole thing and she dumps him and finds new hobbies
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jundream · 3 years
I just saw this guy on tiktok who posted various images of WOC while Mitski was playing YOUR BEST AMERICAN GIRL and said he had race envy. My ancestors didn't watch their friends die in nuclear fallout and Japanese interment for you to want to be Asian. You will never be Asian, Brown, or Black ever in your entire God damn life.
To all the people who don't want to be white, I want you to stop being a racist piece of shit.
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