#i fucking hate him i want to dump him on the side of the goddamn highway
hiimcanadia · 4 months
I had to give my mom around $800 in the past few months and part of me knows that I'll probably never get most if any of that money back but god I could really use it rn cuz if my housemate doesn't get kicked out soon I'm going to NEED a mini fridge in my room
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sleighhethereal · 5 months
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• so like
• the little ones around the mountain would get groomed by Wukong atleast once a month.
• it's just, the sight of it getting into their eyes really bothers the shit outta him.
• because we all know Wukong takes care of himself, such as; shaving his eyebrows, managing his fur, probably does skincare like cucumbers over his eyes and putting vaseline over his lips.
• so he'd make schedules for each little monkey and groom them.
• but
• the little guys hate it, they hate it so much.
• Wukong would struggle so much cutting their long fur, since the little ones would squirm really hard and he had to buy a little muzzle so they wouldn't bite him.
"Just a little— hey, heY! No biting, be grateful! You hafta look up just to see a goddamn flower!"
• Wukong always feels bad doing it because the little ones would whine like they were crying, but like— he barely touched them, so he doesn't know what to feel.
• here comes you, saving the day, because he asked you for help— promising to just fetch you via cloud.
• the plan was simple, you'd hold them while he snips at their long hairs.
• you once asked him why couldn't he just summon like ten of his monkey clones to assist him, but he'd always make up some excuse like..
"I mean, you're already here and my head hurts, ya know? Using my power just drains me, you don't want to see me in pain, do you?"
• gives you the sparkly-eyes like a wet dog
• he just wants to spend time with you but he'd never say it seriously.
• it was actually funny seeing him scold the monkeys for moving too much, or threatening to bite him.
• you'd hum the little ones silly little Disney songs or random lullabies to distract them from the razor's buzzing, since that seemed to stress them out, causing them to struggle.
• it was fun, just the two of you hanging out.
• when you guys were done after a few days, Wukong would build up courage to ask you out on a few outings... dates, if you wanna call them that.
• all perfect until Macaque decided to join for no damn reason.
• i mean, there is a reason, Macaque wants you too.
• Macaque would accidentally push Wukong into one of his shadow portals and offer his help to you.
"What? He's fine, he's many times immortal. He needs exercise every now and then. Enough about him, did you miss me?"
• he'd say it so sweetly as Wukong would zip back to his mountain, wet and angry because Macaque just dumped his ass into the ocean.
• that piece of shit. Macaque knows what he's doing.
• he never knew why but the little ones are always much more calmer with Macaque.
• they'd barely move and sometimes they'd fucking fall asleep.
• you didn't even need to do anything.
"Just sit still and look pretty. Now tell me, baby, how was your day?"
• fuming Wukong
• Wukong would just pout and grumble as he watched you and Macaque converse, hearing Macaque's little hidden insults about him- but you didn't know.
• they'd fist-fight when you leave, yelling and throwing insult here and there. they'd never fight in front of you, atleast not physically.
• would pinch and poke each others sides while you weren't looking, lightning struck inbetween their eyes as they fought for your attention.
• at the end of the day, they'd definitely work together to make you happy— but that doesn't magically make them get along, no.
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choke-me-joey · 1 year
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Eddie Munson x fem metalhead cheerleader
Summary: Based on this - how Eddie met his not so typical cheerleader girlfriend and a little exploration of their relationship.
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, smoking, underage drinking, drug use, swearing, flirting, smut.
Author's note: Happy Valentines Day! Every year I say I hate it and then get a little sad when I don't get a card or something little so….here is my gift to you because I love you all! This chapter also comes with a kiss on the forehead for you 😘
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Chapter 7
It had been 2 months since Eddie had ended things. 2 months since you had stopped speaking to him, even glancing his way. You'd stopped going to Hellfire, stopped going to The Hideout and you'd even gone as far as to request your seat be changed in Ms O'Donnell's class, meaning you now sat on the far side of the room, pretty much as far as you could get from him. No more whispered exchanges whilst Ms O'Donnell's back was turned, no more quick kisses at your locker between classes, no more smiles across the cafeteria, nothing. There was nothing now.
The guys in Hellfire knew something had to have happened, but weren't exactly sure what. Eddie had changed personalities overnight, now sullen and moody, quick to anger and snap as opposed to his usual clowning around, all lovesick and dopey and full of jokes. Now, honestly, he was kind of depressing to be around.
You were no better off. The cheer squad weren't exactly your friends before, and now you didn't really have anyone to turn to. You got along with everyone, sure, but since Eddie had broken your heart you had become so withdrawn and quiet, your coach had to step in and make sure everything was okay.
Of course it was the usual response that "boys come and go, honey, it's just a high school crush" which made you want to roll your eyes right out of your goddamn head. Your mood fluctuated from sad, to angry, to sad again, and you'd lost count of how many times you'd cried yourself to sleep over the last 2 months, clutching at Eddie's old Dio shirt he'd given you to sleep in a few weeks into your relationship, but never asked for it back. It very, very faintly smelled of him still and honestly it was the only thing keeping you from completely losing it.
Despite how much he had hurt you, and how angry you got at times, it didn't mean your feelings for Eddie had completely disappeared. Of course you still loved him. You had fallen hard and fast for him and that wasn't just going to go away. Ignoring him at school was one of the hardest things you've ever done, but you knew it would eventually ease your pain.
Rumours swirled around the school, as they do. First it was you had come to your senses and dumped the freak, then it was because Eddie had tried to sacrifice you to Satan and scared you off. But the newest one was that Eddie was screwing a girl in the next town over, and you had found out. Turns out somebody had caught a glimpse of the nude Polaroid falling out of Eddie's locker, not realising it was actually you, and the rumour swelled from there.
That damn Polaroid. It had ruined everything. You don't even know where it had come from, any nudes you'd taken of yourself were safely secured in your bedroom, and any nudes anyone else had ever taken of you were destroyed upon breaking up, you'd made sure of that.
But this particular photo...you'd been racking your brain for weeks trying to think how someone could have gotten a hold of it. It was one you'd kept in your room, you knew it was because of the little star you'd marked them all with; you were very conscious of keeping your nudes safe.
Besides, you'd only ever had 2 boyfriends that you'd taken these pictures for, and you'd not even given them to 1 of them. You'd never taken them for any fuck buddies or one time flings, despite being asked. And you rarely ever brought those dudes into your bedroom, except for-
Your heart pounds, and you start to shake.
That motherfucker.
Eddie sighed as he pulled up to Chrissy Cunningham's mansion the following Friday night. He could hear the music already thumping away; Chrissy's parents had gone out of town for the weekend so of course, Eddie had been called upon to deal. He fucking hated these things, especially now that he didn't have you by his side. He swallowed hard.
He fucking missed you.
He missed you so much it hurt. Now it had been nearly 3 months since he'd found that photo, since he'd ended things, and he still couldn't get your face out of his head. The way you'd looked at him, the way your voice wobbled and cracked with emotion, and the way you'd hissed at him with a venom he had never, ever imagined you spitting at him.
You hated him now. You didn't even look at him in school, stopped coming to Hellfire, stopped parking your car next to his van, stopped it all.
Was that because you were guilty? Pissed at him because he'd called you out? Or...maybe, just maybe, he'd made a mistake.
Eddie kicked himself mentally every time he thought about it. He let his emotions get the best of him, like always, only this time he'd let the rage take over. That had only ever happened once before and it ended in a broken hand, the other guy's broken jaw and Chief Hopper hauling him into a cell, letting him rot there overnight before Wayne came to bail him out the next morning. Eddie had never felt so ashamed as he did when his uncle had looked at him with that sad, disappointed expression. Wayne never said it, but Eddie knew exactly what he was thinking- he was following in his father's footsteps.
He'd sworn to himself after that that he would never let his rage take over again.
And then you came along, he fell head over heels like never before and when his brain had told him you were definitely cheating on him, that he wasn't worthy of you, that you couldn't possibly love him, and when he read that stupid fucking note that all but, in his mind, confirmed his fears he just lost control.
And now you were gone.
Except you weren't gone, because there you were, walking up Chrissy's front path with a couple of the other cheerleaders, looking as perfect as ever, in leather pants and a cropped Bon Jovi shirt, sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the other party goers dressed in...well, color. Eddie watched as a group of football players met their girlfriends, pulling them into sloppy drunken kisses and grabbing their asses, making the girls squeal and giggle. One football player - was it Johnson? - approaches you with a predatory look in his eye and Eddie doesn't realise he's holding in a breath until he releases it when you completely blank Johnson, shoving past him and into Chrissy's house.
This was going to be a long night.
You'd lost count of how many beers you'd drank and how many shots you'd thrown back. And honestly, you didn't fucking care.
You'd seen Eddie's van parked up down the street when you'd arrived; of course he'd be here. He was always expected to show at these parties - it's where he'd make most of his money. The minute you'd seen it, that's when you decided you were going to get absolutely shit wrecked.
That and when Johnson had had the balls to approach you, grinning like the fucking cat who stole one of your nude photos to sabotage your relationship.
You'd kept your cool, you had to. Your spot on the squad couldn't take another fight, or scandal. You had to swallow your anger towards Johnson, that regretful summer fling from last year, and just get on with it.
So of course, you chose to drink. And dance. And smoke. All on your own of course. You know everyone is looking at you, but you couldn't give two shits if you tried.
You stumble out into the backyard, and spot Eddie dealing at the far end of the yard. Fuck it, you think, you want to just let go, and you knew Eddie had the good shit. You inhale and walk over to Eddie as a group of girls leave him. He looks you up and down, concerned.
"Y/N?" He sounds almost afraid.
"Munson." You say curtly and he winces. "Got any pre-rolled?"
"Y/N, I don't think you should be smoking-"
"And I don't think you should be acting like my goddamn boyfriend, Munson, when you made it pretty clear 3 months ago that you thought I was cheating slut!" You snap. Eddie's jaw clenches.
"I'm not selling to you, Y/N. You're wasted."
"And so is everyone else here!" You gesture around, exaggerated by the alcohol. "Don't act all caring now, Munson. Just...don't."
"Fine." He grits out, giving you the pre-rolled joint from behind his ear. You hand him a $20, but he pushes your hand away. "Just take it."
You sigh. "Jesus, look, just take the damn money, okay? I don't expect girlfriend privileges anymore."
"I don't want your fucking money, okay? Just take the goddamn joint, Y/N, I'm just trying to be nice!"
"Well don't!" You yell, a few people glancing over as a silence falls over them. "You broke my heart, Eddie, you don't get to be fucking nice! You never even once gave me a chance to explain-"
"What was there to explain?!" Eddie yells back, taking you by surprise. "It was pretty fucking crystal clear to me, Y/N! And you weren't the only one who had their fucking heart broken, I loved you!"
You freeze, your breathing turning shaky and you blinked rapidly, tears threatening to spill over. You throw the joint at him and turn on your heel, storming back into the house.
"Getting tired of that right hand yet, freak?" A smug voice makes Eddie turn around. He comes face to face with Aaron Johnson, another one of Anderson's idiotic companions. Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You buying or not?" He replies, and Johnson smirks, leaning against a tree.
"You know, if it wasn't for Y/N's shitty taste in music, I probably would have carried on hitting that. She's so fucking hot but I can't be seen with someone who dresses like a satanist, wearing all that demonic shit. My mom would have disowned me. But, fuck, that pussy's second to none, right Munson?"
Eddie's jaw clenches.
"And that body, fuck, it's insane. Glad I found her secret stash of pics and took a little reminder for myself. Came in handy more than a few times." Johnson grins and Eddie's stomach drops. "Y'see, she fucked with our team, freak. Got Anderson kicked off when we were a sure win for the championship, I could've gotten a fucking scholarship. And thanks to her, that ain't happening. So, I just had to let you know what a stupid little slut she is, Munson. I did you a favour."
"You." Eddie grits out. "You did this."
"I did her, too. She really is a freak in the sack, isn't she? Think she's drunk enough to let me fu-"
Eddie's fist connects with Johnson's cheek before he can even finish his sentence. Johnson staggers back in suprise, before returning a blow to Eddie's stomach, and the two begin to brawl, much to the delight of the onlookers in the yard. The news travels fast throughout Chrissy's house.
"Holy shit! Johnson's fighting the freak!" A voice yells from the kitchen, and your head snaps up from the beer you were nursing on the couch in the living room.
You push through the crowd that are now chanting 'fight, fight, fight!' and eventually get outside to the chaotic scene of Eddie and Johnson rolling around on the floor beating the piss out of each other, blood splattering the patio.
"Eddie!" You scream out as he rolls on top of Johnson, driving his fist into his face. He doesn't hear you, blinded by rage. It scares you to see him like this, so, so angry and vicious. Even though he broke your heart, you still cared for him and hated the way his beautiful face was bruised and bloody and curled into a snarl. You run over and grab his arm before he can drive it down again and pull him off of Johnson, but he pulls away from you and dives towards him again. Johnson is a better fighter than Anderson for sure, and immediately pins Eddie back on the ground. "Get the fuck off of him, Aaron!"
"How'd you like the little gift I left your boyfriend, Y/N?!" Johnson bellows, laughing maniacally as you shove him off of Eddie, who coughs and spits out blood onto the patio. "Should have thought twice before you fucked with the team!"
"This is all because of your fucking high school football career?!" You shriek. "Oh my god, grow up! If Anderson wasn't such a pig maybe he'd still be on the goddamn team!"
Johnson gets off of a groaning Eddie, staggering slightly as he grins at you.
"He knows what an easy little slut you are, Y/N, can you really blame him for trying? If you'll let this freak stick his dick in you, you're gonna let anyone do it."
"At least I knew when his dick was in me, which is more than I can say about yours, Johnson." You bite back, making several of the onlookers gasp and giggle. Johnson looks visibly embarrassed and enraged. "I only give my nudes to guys with dicks bigger than 3 inches, you fucking Neanderthal."
Johnson takes a step towards you, but he's quickly restrained by two of his buddies. The wail of police sirens and flashing lights a few streets over is enough for the crowd to disperse; one of the neighbours must have called and reported the party. "Shit," you hiss, helping Eddie up off of the floor and pushing your way out of the panicked crowd. "Give me your keys."
"You...you can't fucking drive, you’re wasted." Eddie grumbles.
"Yeah? Well I bet I can drive better than you can with a busted eye, Munson, so unless you want another run in with Hopper, give me your damn keys."
Eddie sighs and places them into your hand. You wince at the sight of his raw, bloody knuckles.
You help him to the van and buckle yourself in to the driver's seat. "You're gonna need to direct me Mr Here's Another Excuse For You Not To Come To My Place."
Eddie sighs again.
"It's…Forest Hills Trailer Park, you know it?" You nod. Eddie looked almost ashamed. "Of course you do, Hawkins' best trailer trash, drug addicts and drunks all in one spot, I'm surprised they don't charge at the gate for parents to just bring their kids in and show them how they shouldn't end up like this. Like a damn museum exhibit." Eddie mumbles bitterly. You frown, doing your best to concentrate on driving straight.
"It's left here."
The 15 minute drive was silent, not even the radio playing, with intermittent grunts or hisses of pain from Eddie. When you arrive at his trailer, you help him out of the van and to the door, unlocking with his keys. You sit him on the small couch.
"Got any frozen peas?" You ask, looking around the trailer at the small kitchen.
"My uncle keeps ice packs just for this very reason. Second drawer."
You follow his instructions and retrieve one, wrapping it in a dish cloth and handing it to him.
"Keep that on your eye. Where's your first aid stuff?"
Eddie places the ice pack on his eye. "Bathroom cabinet, down the hall on your right, but, Y/N you don't-"
But you ignore him and find your way to the small bathroom. Your tummy flutters as you pass by what is obviously Eddie's bedroom, getting a waft of that delicious Eddie smell. You enter the small bathroom and dig in the cabinet and find an old bottle of peroxide, Neosporin, cotton pads and bandaids. You also find a washcloth, soaking it in cold water and squeezing out the excess water. You go back out into the living room and kneel in front of Eddie.
"Chin up." You instruct, and he does, wincing as you gently rub at the dried blood on his face, getting rid of the worst of it before you soak a cotton pad in peroxide. "This is gonna sting."
Eddie sucks in a breath as you dab at the cut on his cheek. "Ow, fuck."
"Told you." You clean it as gently as possible before popping some Neosporin on it and a band aid. You repeat the process on the cut his forehead, lip, chin and his knuckles. “Didnt think you were a fighter, Munson.”
“Oh, I’m Munson again now?” Eddie huffs and you roll your eyes, placing the last bandaid on his knuckle. “Thanks…”
“No problem, it was kind of my fault you got in a fight. I should have realised sooner that it was him.”
Eddie clears his throat.
“Yeah, listen, about that…I’m sorry, Y/N. I should have let you explain. I guess I was just pissed at the thought of you having fucked someone else, even if it was before me.”
“Yeah, you should have let me explain.” you say, your voice a little sharp. Eddie avoids your eyes. “It’s fine, what’s done is done, but…thanks for defending my honour.”
“Just returning the favour, sweetheart. Couldn't have you beating the shit out of another jock, your place on the squad would have been toast."
"Yeah well…" you shrug, stifling a yawn. You glance at the clock on the wall. "Jesus, when did it get to be 3am?!"
"Well you lost about 5 hours getting wasted. I'm suprised you got us back without landing us in a ditch." Eddie smirked and you shoved him.
"I guess the adrenaline sobered me up." You sigh. "I gotta stop going to these parties, especially when you're there. You're the problem here."
"Ain't nothing new there. Go, take my bed, you need to sleep."
"But what about you, Eddie? You're injured, I cant kick you out of your own bed. I can crash on the couch."
Eddie snorts. "Yeah, I'm sure my uncle would appreciate you stealing his spot when he gets in from his night shift in a couple hours. Take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor."
You roll your eyes. You forgot how stubborn he could be.
"Okay fine but um, can I borrow some clothes? Leather pants aren't exactly the comfiest thing to sleep in."
"Sure, come on princess." Eddie leads you to his bedroom, rifling through his messy drawers before handing you a shirt and some boxers. "You can, uh, change in the bathroom."
"Why? Not like you haven't seen it all before." You shrug, stripping off your shirt and pants, standing in Eddie's room in your bra and panties, modesty gone thanks to the alcohol still lingering in your system . Eddie swallows hard, looking away. He doesn't look back at you until you clear your throat. His heart hammers in his chest as he takes in the sight of you in his favourite Metallica shirt and some of his comfiest boxers, taking your hair down out of the band it had been tied up with. You smile at him softly. "You wore this shirt to my house the first time."
"You wore it too," he grins, wincing as his lip screams at him.
"Yeah for like an hour, you insisted on getting me naked again." You giggle, cheeks flushing.
"I am but a man, sweetheart." Eddie holds his hands up in admittance. He quickly straightens up his bedsheets before gesturing for you to climb in. You gingerly do so, part of you so sad that it's under these circumstances that you're in Eddie's bed for the first time, and part of you elated at being surrounded by everything Eddie. You watch Eddie take off his jeans and shirt, gathering a couple of spare blankets and pillows to lay out on the floor of his cramped but cozy room. Once he's readied his bed, he flicks off the light, and a silence falls over the two of you as you both settle into your respective beds.
Your stomach churns with nerves; you hadn't been near him for so long and now he was so close you could touch him, but you couldn't touch him. It was torture and your mouth spoke before your brain could catch up.
"I miss you." You whisper into the darkness. You're not even sure he heard you until you felt his hand, his non busted hand, blindly reach up and feel around for yours. His fingers link with yours and his thumb brushes over your knuckles.
"I'm right here."
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Tag list continued in comments!
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
If you want to, no pressure, #19 with dear Marc fronting, but can contain all moon boys of course. Really anything you wanna do is fine with me. Just excited to see what you come up with lovely.
Problems (Marc Spector x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be Tagged?
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A/N: Melodyyyyyy hehe I love me some heated Marc Spector content too. Thanks for the ask lovelyy! 
Warnings: MDNI, Making out, dry humping (if ya squint mate), hair pulling, swearing, tiny mention of Wendy (im so fucking sorry y’all)
Word Count: 1.5k
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Marc Spector wasn’t in the best of moods.
He took a deep breath and held his textbooks close, counting random numbers to clear his head as the elevator brought him to his floor. He was exhausted, tired from the failing classes and yelling at the lecturers. He just wanted to dump all of his books onto his bed, grab his gym bag and release some steam in the gym. That was all he had to do to make him relax.
Simple right?
Marc’s other problem lived in his dorm with him and that problem was you. It had been weeks and the both of you had been trying hard to move out of the dorm, but everytime you did, there was a scheduling error that could not be solved which only made the both of you more frustrated. 
You had created a set of rules for the both of you to follow and you followed them religiously. You were the quiet studious girl while Marc was the unbothered jock who did not give a shit about any rule. That’s why the both of you didn’t get along. In fact, you hated each other with a burning passion, passion so fiery that you both could probably blow up the entire row of dorm rooms if you wanted to. 
Marc rolled his eyes and set his hand on the doorknob, knowing what awaited him on the other side. He flung the door open and you turned to glare at him from your desk. 
“Not a word, I don’t want to hear it.” Marc says before you even open your mouth.
“You fucked a chick here when I was at the library! Are you out of your goddamn mind, Spector?” you stood up and slammed your textbook close. 
“I said, I don’t want to hear it.” he pushed again, not wanting to look at you as he shoved things into his gym bag at a rapid pace. 
“You think it's fun to chase someone out of my dorm at 3 am in the fucking morning? You really think the world revolves around you huh?” your rage was boiling over you and you wanted nothing more than to beat Marc Spector to pulp with your bare hands.
You were tired with the way he waltzed around as if he owned the place, as if he could just do as he pleased wherever and whenever. He was moving around the room, mumbling the word “deodorant” and tossing things around. 
“Yea I fucked that chick, so what? What are you gonna do about it? All you do is sleep over your books and worry about studying, what am I supposed to do about it?” He grumbles back, pulling his pillow to check his bed for the missing item. 
You stared at him, appalled at his stupidity. 
“I don’t even do anything to you Spector, why are you doing this to make my life so fucking miserable?” you yell, unable to control yourself any longer. 
To your shock, Marc slides his hand across his desk, causing his pencil holder to go flying across the room, making you gasp. He screams in frustration, and slumps onto his bed with his face in his hands, unable to stop the angry tears from leaving his eyes. He barely let himself take a breath before he looked at you, his head yearning to say sorry but his mouth twisting into a wild scowl worthy of his own mother’s anger. Your heart drops to your stomach as you take note of the tears staining his face, unable to move a muscle as he slowly lifts himself from off his bed. 
“You wanna talk about the things you do to me? Huh?” he says coldly prowling closer to you, like a panther about to strike. 
You find the brain power to make your legs move but you stumble into your chair, catching yourself at the last second. You were confused. What the hell could you have possibly done to Marc that you were unaware about?
“You, you’re the one who makes me miserable, not the other way around, so please don’t tell me that I am anywhere close to making your life agonisingly painful.” he growled through gritted teeth. 
He was getting closer now, you could see the angry vein popping from his neck.
“You wanna talk about how you pull my head right out of a lesson and into all the things I would do to you?” your eyes widened slightly and your ears perked up at the way his voice dropped slightly.
“You wanna talk about how I catch myself watching you when you slowly rub your makeup off your face and do that little smile when you’re done wishing that I could be the cause of that smile?” 
Butterflies took over and began their assault on every inch of your body, sending an array of goosebumps up your spine. 
“You wanna talk about how I sometimes make the mistake of looking at you when you’re fast asleep, wishing that that pillow you hug between your legs was me instead?” 
He was so close to the point that you could see minuscule tear drops clinging to his beautiful lashes.
“You wanna talk about how much I would do just to feel your lips against mine?” 
The last line came out as a whisper, almost as if Marc didn’t want to admit it, almost as if it was a secret too blasphemous that he would rather pay whatever price he had to pay in hell rather than say it directly to your face. But it was too late, he had already done it.
You were surprised that your anger flared harder through your body, almost like a rush of adrenalin as you stared into Marc Spector’s wrathful brown eyes. Your hand shot forward and you grabbed him by the collar of his soft hoodie and you pulled him with all your strength, surprising him and making him stumble into you.
“If you’re so fucking desperate then just kiss me, you fool!” you spat, watching at the exact second when the air in the room changed to something that was out of your control. 
Marc closes the gap between the both of you in an instant, sweeping you off your feet as his lips came crashing against yours. His hands gripped at your hips hard before coiling around your waist and pulling you ever so close, crushing every bone that existed in your body. You moan into the kiss, your arm looped itself around his neck and your free hand combs up his curls for purchase, pulling hard as Marc deepens the kiss, licking into your mouth with enough fervour to turn you into mush, almost as if he was begging you to let him be mad at you.
Once Marc Spector got a taste of you, he couldn’t stop. His hands moved quickly and almost fluidly, snaking under your sweatshirt to feel your skin. Only when you pressed harder against him did he slide his hand to squeeze one of your breasts, nipping at your bottom lip at the same time and making you whine his name and breathe hard against his face. 
“Fuck I want to hear that again.” he said pushing you towards and down onto your bed. 
His lips met yours more carefully this time and you could feel him keening into your touch as you slid your own hands up his hoodie and pressed your palms against his broad chest. You broke off the kiss and pushed him down instead, the vexation you felt against him slowly morphing into a confidence that you’d never thought you had as you straddled his waist. You brought your hand back up to the back of his head and pulled on his curls once more, making him arch back with a moan, exposing his neck for you to devour. 
You started your assault on his neck, kissing, biting and sucking in a pattern that had him writhing against you, grinding his hips up to meet yours. His hands couldn’t seem to let go of you, as if he was absolutely hopeless without the feeling of you. All of his frustrations melted away and were replaced with a soft feeling of needing to float away from all his problems with you. 
Once you were satisfied with the litter of marks you had left on him, you gave him one last, softer peck on his lips and slotted your face in the space between his neck and shoulder, catching your breath as you relaxed onto his body, covering him like a weighted blanket. You only came to your senses once you felt Marc’s hand in your hair, softly brushing through each strand with his fingers. Your hand found his and you laced your fingers with his, cherishing the warmth that he provided. 
“Your deodorant is on your bedside table, by the way.” you murmur into the shell of his ear making him scoff softly.
Marc definitely didn’t need the gym today, all he needed was you. 
Reblogs are appreciated~~~
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charmixpower · 9 months
So I've been asked what my ideal relationship timeline is winx would be like for the canon relationships (on discord), so here it is!!!
This fucking relationship was a mess! Not even a mess in the way Rivusa was a mess, I mean them both imagining a kiss at the end of s1 fucking mess. Help what is wrong with them
For them I would like them to get in a relationship before the Trix try and convince Bloom that she was made by the ancestral witches (Valtor foreshadowing?) and then they break up during the Diaspro event. He gets his ass DUMPED!!! Consequences for your actions you little asshole!!!
They make up during the s1 finale and Sky is like "can we start dating again 🥺" and Bloom is like "No💙". The imagined kiss can still happen, it was so insane, you can keep it
Then s2 happens and Sky is trying so hard to be a good bf "plz take me backkk" and then hes like "I hate Avalon. I'm not even like doing this bc I want you back, that man is CREEPY. Riven agrees and we had an entire civil conversation about it. Baby plz." Bloom is not listening 💙💙💙 and then the dark Bloom thing happens and Sky fights tooth and nail to save her and they make up form like everything from s1 and s2!!! Yaya
After all that they are dating now, good for them, good for them. WAIT? WHATS GOING ON?? ITS VALTOR WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!! SKLOOM IS ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!! God they are such a fucking mess goddamn
Riven very quickly points out that Sky was under mind control and Bloom feels bad and she goes to save him and they talk about it and they're fine mostly. They talk about it, it hurt them both but it doesn't fuck them up completely
The first movie is the same except they don't get engaged, please calm down both of you, think about this for a little longer, but they're happy and good for them
Literally the only thing I would change is that they are obviously in a relationship early in s1 and they DON'T break up after the reveal, even though Brandon thinks they're broken up
That's it, aside from that no notes
The show ends after the first movie, the later seasons don't exist and can't hurt me (<- are currently hurting me)
In season one it's established that Musa and Riven met before the season and Musa remembers the interaction a better than Riven does, instead of her seeing Riven act like a dick and then suddenly liking him. She's already seen the soft side of him and she wants the "mean to everyone but me" relationship bc Musa is insane too ❤️
S1 and s2 should vibe most untouched aside from this and Riven and Musa should both acknowledge that they like each other at the beginning of s2 but don't get in a relationship bc Riven isn't emotionally ready 4 another relationship so soon after Darcy and Musa is nomral about it (she's not).
S3 except the golden Kingdom is slightly different, the worry Riven is feeling is shown over anything else. Yeah I'll keep the motorcycle thing in, Riven can't communicate and Musa has a mood disorder they're gonna get into a couple dump fights at first. That's just being mentally ill they're fine. They should like immediately make up tho, like as someone who knows people like this the apologies for being insane bc you had a mood swing or can't read social cues are like so quick
Keep the first movie but Riven doesn't have to relearn any lessons, he is simply vibing and in love with Musa and breaks out of mind control bc of his resounding guilt after being forced to hurt her
Okay and Tecna doesn't explicitly state she doesn't want a relationship bc then it feels weird when she gets into one
But like in s2 when Tecna gets pissed at Timmy for not intentionally picking a fight he can't win that could get him killed?? She's treated as the one in the wrong and has to learn to be more chill than Timmy having to do anything, he literally wasn't in the wrong
S2 was so disrespectful to Timmy I SWEAR
Flora stops having a personality after this, please let her yell at people in begging you. Give Flora a character arc I'm begging you
Helia doesn't have a personality!! He has a bunch of implications and he's literally never around in s2 OR s3!! So often it's the winx and specialists except Helia!!
Let them like express different sides of their personality and give Helia more screen time, that's all I ask
I'm on my knees begging you
I can't even say anything because there's literally nothing to go off of
Take the shab stone comic and put it into the show
Please imagine a world where Aisha is arranged to marry someone and that person and her love interest are two different ppl
Keep it the same except Nabu isn't her arranged partner, they meet while fighting on Andros and Nabu keeps showing up because he ran away from home and has no idea what the fuck he's doing without all his servants and he's asking Aisha for help djwbdbwjsbwnwbs
That would be MY ideal for them but if have to keep the large plot points the same I wouldn't change anything, like my problem is the inciting incident of their relationship the development itself is cute, but id want them to become official in s4 instead. Only Florelia (sane people) and Brella (soulmates) can get away with the one season romance and make it feel natural, Aisha would not get into a relationship that quickly, but that's a nitpick if anything
No other Aisha relationships exist and if they did they'd be with Roy and not Nex shut up
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shortpplfedup · 8 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 11
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The end is nigh! Everybody takes a giant leap of faith in the mother of all transition eps, and we end on several cliffhangers of how those leaps will land Will Ray finally get his threesome? Will Nick agree to be Boston's boyfriend? Will Mew move in with Top? What is the actual factual deal with Boeing? WILL CHEUM GIVE BOSTON THE APOLOGY HE DESERVES? Last week y'all were split on who you were rooting for, with Boston and Boeing tied for your hearts. Here's the runners and riders this week.
🔺1. Nick (2)
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I'm not sure I'm ready to be anyone's boyfriend.
So many boys to choose from, that's my baby. I chose Nick as my fighter from jump and that was so the right decision. Baby boy is beating them off with a stick, and committing to nothing and nobody in the process. He might be in love with Boston, but he's actually thinking about what 'in love' means to him, after the mess his 'love' caused. He likes Dan, but won't lead him on. Helping Boston with Atom let him see a version of his own feelings and actions that have made him a bit contemplative it feels like, and I'm curious to see what decisions he actually makes in the finale.
🔺2. Boston (3)
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But you might be my exception.
Speaking of contemplation, Boston is definitely calibrating and rethinking some of his basic assumptions about life and people. Atom is an avatar of how and why Boston probably landed on his 'I HATE DRAMA' train, while Nick is an avatar of 'oh, I might have conflated people's feelings with 'drama' when they aren't quite the same thing'. He wants to maybe try monogamy, and you know what, that's his right, and he feels safe to try it with Nick. I have a lot of thoughts about how much Boston must trust Nick to take that leap, even on a short-term/trial basis, and I love the nuance in how this has been written.
🔺3. Yo (and Plug) (10)
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I should protect my heart first, shouldn't I?
MOM AND COOL STEPDAD ARE BACK TOGETHER! This has been a very tight runner, but I love it. I love that Plug was able to take a deep breath and swallow his hurt over Yo wanting to protect herself. I love that Yo was able to step outside of herself and take a leap of faith that Plug does love her. Using Yo and Plug as a thematic reinforcer has been effective for me, and I hope we get to see them one last time in the finale.
🔺4. Top (8)
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I'm gonna make you love me even more.
Force has been doing a thankless job incredibly well playing Top. When I tell y'all I know Tops, big dick swinging Big Men On Campus, Roc Nation Brunch types, successful on the outside but a total mess within, looking for a saviour, convinced that this One Thing or One Person, if they could just get them, it would mean that they're winners and not the losers they have nightmares about being...and Force is playing that so well. The other thing about these types is that the hole inside they're trying to fill is always an empty space, no matter who or what they try to stuff in there. There will always be a next thing that could save them. I've legit never seen this type portrayed this well on screen, and I look forward to seeing where he lands because he could literally go either way.
🔹5. Sand (5)
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Well, someone who's completely my type dumped me for someone else.
YES SAND SPEND THAT MAN'S MONEY THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU ALL ALONG! If he's going to call you a whore whenever he gets mad at you, and you're gonna accept that and forgive him every time, at least reap some goddamn benefits. On the other side of things, we see that Sand's simpness is not confined to Ray; this is just what he's like when he falls for somebody. Boeing reappearing makes that clear. That man cheated and dumped him and he still can't send him packing when he turns up again. 'We can be friends' NO YOU FUCKING CAN'T GUY, THAT MUCH IS OBVIOUS.
🔹6. Mew (6)
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You asked for a chance and I gave it to you.
As I said earlier this week, there's nothing wrong with Mew that couldn't be solved by giving him a pair of stilettos and a flogger, and I stand by that. Mew is struggling so hard with the feeling that he has somehow lost, and it's making him lowkey crazy. Top abasing himself and Mew getting to punish him would go a long way to making these two work, if that's what they want. Sometimes kink is 100% the answer to a complicated relationship, and these two are COMPLICATED. So much ego and image is wrapped up in these two's expectations of each other, they are never actually vulnerable, even when performing vulnerability. But one thing kink absolutely requires is vulnerability. I'm voting for Mew to realise his dom desires before the end.
🔹7. Ray (7)
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If you say so, then I won't be jealous.
Ray makes a valiant attempt at proper boyfriendism this ep, and it's actually pretty effective...right up until he's faced with the prospect that Sand's squishy centre is more about who Sand is than it is about Ray being extra special somehow. Sand's mom told him: this is how he is with people he cares about. So when somebody Sand clearly cares/cared about, Boeing, shows up, Ray gets a front row seat and he doesn't like the view. How he handles what happens next is gonna tell us whether or not Ray has learned a goddamn thing.
🔻8. Boeing (1)
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I just want to be with someone tonight.
There's a definite pattern to the rankings at this point, in that a character hitting the #1 is doomed to take a nosedive in the next ep, and Boeing is no exception. His game remains unclear at this point, but he does give the sense of having had plan A fail and moving on to plan B, taking a not-unrealistic leap of faith that Sand will allow him back into his life. This show has been pretty good about writing real people not cartoon villains, so I'm pretty sure Boeing's got his own human story animating his actions, and I'm curious to find out what it is.
🔺9. Atom (10)
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He didn't do anything to me.
Well he apologised and told the truth in the end, even if he had to be threatened to do it, that counts for something...
🔻10. Cheum (9)
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What did he do to you this time?
...but if she doesn't apologise for the fucked up things she said to Boston I'm gonna lose it I swear.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 8 - Christmas Delivery
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Series Masterlist
Part 7 -- Part 9
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Pairing: Walter Marshall x OFC (Alexandra)
Summary: Surviving your parents' dull Christmas party has become a fun little tradition for you, your brother Peter and his best friend. This year, your brother won't make it back in time, but Marshall can keep you company.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, NSFW, MINORS DNI!, p-in-v sex (technically safe, not necessarily very smart, but there's some convo about it, at least), size kink (minor), oral (f receiving), alcohol consumption. And some angst. I'm sorry about that.
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: Not a lot to say about this other than; sorry it's so goddamn late, but enjoy some belated Christmas angst, I guess?
@peaches1958 there ya go, love!
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“Christmas delivery!” The door to your room swung open and a tall, bearded young man stepped inside. You stuffed the book you’d been reading underneath the pillow, but not quickly enough for it to escape his attention. A sliver of mischief crossed his face. He put the bottle he was holding on the dresser by the door and dove for the book, trapping you beneath his body in the process. You didn’t stand a chance against him; he was far bigger than you and much - much - stronger. With the book in his one hand and a triumphant grin on his face, he rolled to the side so that he was next to you. 
“You’re reading this?” He laughed so hard when he saw the romance novel that you were afraid he’d suffocate. “Lex, you?” Another fit of laughter. Just when you thought your cheeks couldn’t get any hotter without melting your skin, he actually opened it to a page you’d been stupid enough to dog-ear. 
“God, it’s filth,” he chuckled as he threw the book across the room. 
“Walter Marshall!” You exclaimed while you shot up from the bed to retrieve your book. “If you came here just to throw my books around, I suggest you get out.” The bottle on the dresser beckoned you from its resting place. It was Baileys, something your parents always had at their annual Christmas party, that none of their guests actually drank. You, Walter and Peter (your older brother) had found out years ago - before it was strictly legal, for you, anyway - that it was the safest and easiest bottle to steal. 
“Why would you need that stuff, Lexi,” Marshall said as he sat up on your bed. You joined him, bottle in hand, and pushed against his shoulder. It was strange, now that it was just the two of you, but Peter wouldn’t make it back from uni until tomorrow afternoon.
“Because, Walter,” he winced, you chuckled - you knew he hated it when you used his first name; he loathed the name, and you loved exploiting that little fact. “If I want to ever have any kind of orgasm in this life, I’m going to have to make it happen myself.”
“You have that boyfriend, right? Ian? Mark? Shane? I lost count, I’m sorry - oof!” He groaned when you punched him in his abs. Your aim had never been perfect, and your fist landed a bit closer to his groin than you had intended. 
“Dean,” you replied - and for the record, there was never a Mark. “He dumped me for Laetitia, I think. I don’t really give a fuck. Besides, it’s not as if he was any help in the aforementioned department.”
“So, find another guy?” The laconicism of his recommendation hurt a bit; growing up, Marshall had always been like a brother to you, but you’d never forget the summer you turned sixteen. It was over three years ago, but you remembered it as if it was yesterday. 
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“Alex, get over here!” Your brother had never had much patience. Especially not when barbecue - or meat in general - was involved, but your mom absolutely refused to feed anyone before every last soul was present at the table. You climbed out of the pool and made your way over to the tent, where the rest of your family was sitting. The Marshalls had joined you - not that they had to go far; they were your neighbors, anyway. Walter and Peter were putting the last plates down when you got there. Neither of them had bothered to put any more clothes on than they’d been wearing before, when you’d all been swimming. For some reason, you hadn’t noticed then, but now it hit you like a truck: Walter Marshall was hot… Distracted by the faint lines on his abs and confused by how not-gross the hair on his chest was all of a sudden - because you could have sworn you had found it absolutely disgusting literally yesterday - you didn’t watch your chair when you sat down. It wasn’t unfolded properly, and it decided to collapse when you dropped yourself into it. 
“Fuck!” You exclaimed - and were met with two “language!”-s from both your and Walter’s mom. 
“Are you alright, Lexi?” Two blue eyes appeared before you and strong arms grabbed you and pulled you off the ground. 
“Don’t call me Lexi,” you huffed as you prepared for him to let go - though you wouldn’t mind having his arms wrapped around you a little longer. 
“She’s okay, everyone,” he laughed before turning back to you: “And, eh… No dice… Lexi.”
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“Lexi?” The bottle of Baileys appeared in front of your eyes. You gladly took it from the strong hand that held it there, as the memory of that camping trip faded to the background again. 
“No luck with other guys, either, so far,” you said without thinking. As soon as you realized what you’d said, you began hoping furiously that Walter hadn’t noticed, but of course mister detective always had to catch on to absolutely fucking everything. 
“Hold on,” he said in disbelief, “no guy has ever…” His voice trailed off and you shook your head in response. Marshall seemed at a loss for words. The both of you drank in silence for a while, as was originally the custom; neither of you spoke much, you mostly just enjoyed each other’s company. Your brother - believe it or not - was the talkative one out of the three of you. And he wasn’t here, therefore it took the two of you three quarters of that bottle to continue your conversation. A conversation you probably shouldn’t have been having in the first place. He was your brother’s best friend, for crying out loud.
“Jesus, Lexi, that doesn’t sound like good sex to me,” he muttered - quite hurriedly, as if he was ashamed of what he said. You shrugged. He was right, it hadn’t been good, but Walter didn’t need to know that. One of Marshall’s strong arms snaked around your body and pulled you into his side. His body was like a goddamn wall: solid and absolutely massive. You rested your head against his shoulder and sighed.
“I’m sorry, Lex,” he whispered, “you deserve better.” Oh, God, the alcohol. Your first year at college had proven that you could and should not be trusted around the stuff, and you cursed yourself, because you knew this. You’d just thought you could trust yourself around Marshall, him being one of your best friends and all - and your brother's best friend - but your brain watched from the sidelines as your mouth betrayed you.
“Well, I don’t see it happening, unless you volunteer.” 
Option one; A “Good one, Lexi!” and a playful tickle at your waist. Two; A “Jesus, Lexi, get off me!” and a firm push against your shoulder. Three; A “Fuck’s sake, Lexi, why would I want to screw you?!” followed by a thundering laugh. Four… You didn’t have time to think of a fourth scenario, but even if you would have, this would not have been what you’d have come up with. Marshall’s hand cupped your face and he pressed his lips to yours. He kissed you. Walter Marshall was kissing you. Right now. He was, he really was. Your brain short-circuited in the most profound “no thoughts, head empty” kind of way. Thank God for the tiny little voice that, after a few long moments, finally had the gall to tell you: Do something or he will think you’re not into this and he will stop. You broke the kiss and slammed the bottle you were still holding down on your nightstand before returning your attention to Marshall’s lips. You could taste the whiskey on them, and the soft, sweet taste of chocolate… The taste combined so well with the scent of his cologne that you thought you’d go insane. Your hands slid up his sides and over his chest before settling in his dark curls and you moaned into his mouth. He replied with a chuckle. 
“What?” You whispered when his mouth left yours and his head dipped into your neck. 
“Just glad you’re having fun,” he murmured against your skin. The coarse hair of his beard tickled, which meant it was your turn to chuckle, but the sound got stuck in your throat and was replaced by a soft whimper when his lips touched your neck. You leaned to the side and pulled him along with you, until you were lying on the bed in a half-on-top-half-next-to-each other pile of bodies. Every single time his lips came into contact with your skin - be it your neck, your mouth, your collarbone or that cheeky nip at the part of your breast that your blouse left exposed - you whined. More, your body screamed, more, more, more! You felt it everywhere; in your cheeks, that radiated heat and must have been glowing red for him to see, in your throat, that let out or choked back whines, moans and the occasional ‘fuck’, your chest, where your heart pounded and your breath hitched, and the pit of your stomach. If these were the proverbial butterflies, you never wanted him to leave, ever again. It was as if you’d never been kissed before. The feeling of a palm brushing your chest heightened another feeling; the increasing ache between your legs that you only now realized was so unfamiliar to you in a context involving another person. A small part of you wanted to push him off, berate him for invading your most private and intimate of emotions, but a much, much bigger part of you swore to God and anyone who would listen that if this man ever let go of you, you’d explode. Marshall was unceremonious when it came to your clothes; he opened two buttons of your blouse before just pulling it over your head, and he hardly bothered to look at your bra before it flew across the room. His own sweater followed suit in a matter of seconds. God, you thought as he towered over you in that moment, half naked and tall and all those other things you couldn’t quite articulate but you knew he was, nonetheless, how much hairier can a man get in three years time? Seeing him like this drove you insane, and you secretly wondered what had been wrong with fifteen year old you that she hadn’t found him attractive, then. Walter Marshall was no romantic, but he always knew what needed doing, and got it done. His hands and mouth explored your naked skin, allowing you to do the same. You ran your fingers through the dark, coarse curls on his chest, and along the muscles of his back, digging your nails into his shoulder when he softly bit your nipple. 
“Hey!” You exclaimed in surprise at the unfamiliar feeling, earning you another chuckle. 
“Did I hurt you?” He then asked earnestly, and you responded by shaking your head. 
“Just startled me,” you laughed nervously. The next nip was less startling and the slight sting was smoothed over by a swirl of his tongue. You couldn’t keep your body still underneath his as his mouth, assisted by his hands, explored your chest - and soon your stomach, lower and lower until he arrived at the waistband of your skirt. Not that the fabric of it was still in place; it was mostly bunched up around your hips at this point. The skirt suffered a fate much like that of your bra and blouse, and now the only thing separating your aching pussy from Marshall’s face was the thin cotton fabric of your panties. Startled by the sudden realization that your childhood crush had his face between your thighs, you snapped your legs together, forgetting that his face would be caught in between. 
“Alright,” he laughed as he got up on his knees and leaned over to give you a kiss on your forehead, “can we make a deal? If you don’t want me to do something, tell me. I promise I’ll stop. Just… There really is no need to kick me in the head or whatever that was.” You couldn’t help but laugh, too, but the inclination disappeared as fast as it had arisen when he bent over even further to whisper something in your ear. 
“I’m begging you, though, let me get back down there because you smell fantastic.” As if those words were your own personal remix of ‘open sesame’, your legs fell to the side and Marshall eagerly made his way back down, pressing a few wet kisses on you along the way. One moment you were wearing underwear, the next it was gone and you were completely naked. Marshall threw you the blanket that was at the foot of the bed and winked at you while he settled between your legs, and you gratefully spread it out over your upper body. Marshall shook his head while he laughed. You were always cold, and this was so completely in-character for you that he couldn’t help but find the whole thing very amusing. It wasn’t long, though, before he composed himself and focused his attention on the task at hand. You could tell from the look on his face that he was deciding whether or not to drag this out. Luckily, he decided against it. With one hand on the back of each thigh, and using his thumbs to spread your swollen lips, he dragged his tongue through your wet folds before settling at your clit, working the small pearl with a strong, dependable rhythm that had you squirming within seconds. He could tell you wouldn’t last long, which egged him on even more. Not because it would save him a cramped jaw, but because there was nothing in the entire world that he wanted more than to be responsible for your pleasure. Every single move of his tongue wound you tighter and tighter until you felt you were going to explode. Your fingers tangled with his hair, pulling his face closer to your body, hips writhing against his mouth, begging for more until you finally toppled over the edge. You had to cover your face with your pillow to keep your screams from being heard throughout the house. As the intense feeling of bliss slowly subsided, you became more and more aware of the trail of kisses that Marshall left on your torso as he made his way back up, lingering in your neck for a moment before kissing your mouth again. Your first instinct was to push him off - he’d just been down there and now he was kissing you? Ew! - but you soon found out that tasting yourself on his lips was arousing more than anything. Without thought, your hands moved to open the button of his jeans, and you were surprised when he stopped you. 
“Lexi, are you sure?” He breathed into your mouth. There was genuine concern in his voice, but you couldn’t quite figure out why. 
“Shut up, Marshall, I want you,” you hissed into his ear, and from the pained half-grunt-half-whine he let out, you deduced that he wanted the same. Your fingers continued to work the button and zipper of his jeans, this time with his help. When you brushed past the bulge in his underwear, your eyes opened wide and you gasped. There is no way in hell, you thought involuntarily as panic set in. 
“Is it too late to change my mind?” There was no way he couldn’t hear the way your voice trembled. 
“Never,” he said earnestly, “you can always change your mind. What are you worried about?” You looked at him in disbelief - was he really asking that question? Walter Marshall you arrogant cunt, you thought. He had to know he was massive, right? 
“You’re kidding, right?” A sardonic chuckle spilled from your throat as you thought about the ridiculousness of that question. “There’s no way that’ll ever…” Your voice trailed off without finishing that sentence - not that you needed to; Walter’s face had already warped into a needlessly cocky smile.
“Do you trust me?” You replied with a nod. “Will you tell me if I hurt you?” Another nod. “And can you try to relax?” This time, you whispered a very soft ‘yes’. “Do you have a condom?” He asked while eyeing your nightstand. 
“Do we need one?” You moaned against his neck. 
“Lexi!” He looked at you in disbelief, one eyebrow raised and with an open mouth. 
���I’m clean and on birth control,” you said matter-of-factly, the look on your face phrasing the accompanying question: Are you? He answered your unspoken question with a simple nod while he weighed the pros and cons in his head. Your hand moved between your two bodies and - again with his help - pulled his underwear down. Feeling it had in no way prepared you for seeing it; you swallowed hard and tried to get a grip on your lower lip, which trembled uncontrollably. 
“I said something about trying to relax, and I meant it, Lexi,” he chuckled before pressing his lips to your neck. Despite his reminder, your entire body tensed up as you felt the head of his cock press gently at your entrance. God this is going to hurt so bad, you thought and you scrunched up your face, awaiting the pain. 
“I’m not going to hurt you, love,” he whispered as if he could read your mind, “trust me, tell me if I accidentally do hurt you, and chill.” You took a deep breath and focused on breathing calmly while he began slowly inching his way inside of you, keeping careful watch on your face for any signs of discomfort. Sighs and moans escaped from your throat as he sank deeper and deeper into your drenched core. He was right; it didn’t hurt. That’s a first, you thought - at least; you thought you thought it. 
“First? Lex, tell me I didn’t just…” Fuck, you’d actually said that out loud.
“No, no,” you interrupted him with a chuckle, “it’s just the first time it doesn’t hurt…” 
Marshall gawked at you for a moment before a smile appeared on his face. “I’m glad I’m not hurting you,” he whispered before he kissed you while pushing all the way into you. You answered the kiss hungrily, frantically sliding your tongue along his lips, begging for entrance. He was more than happy to oblige, parting his lips so your tongue could slip between them and circle his. The feeling of his mouth on yours was overwhelming on its own, but combined with the incredibly full feeling of his thick cock deep inside you, it was almost too much. You rocked your hips, trying to get him to move, to give you more than just this, looking for the friction that would bring you release. It didn’t take a detective to understand that hint; Marshall started moving his hips at your request. They were short, shallow thrusts at first, which already left you moaning and whining like a… Like a desperate slut? It was the best description you could come up with. It only got worse as the thrusts became deeper, faster and harder. You pulled the blanket up to your mouth to stifle your screams as the sound of skin against skin became louder and filled the room. 
“Marshall.. I can’t…” You sighed in between moans, your breath completely out of control and slight soreness setting in where his hips slammed into you. 
“Hang on… please… close…” was all he could say as his breathing and movements became more and more erratic. He hadn’t been lying when he said he was close; it took only a couple more seconds for him to finish. You were both glad and sad that it was over, yet your sigh as you felt his cock slip out of you must have sounded more like the former than the latter, because Marshall immediately looked at you suspiciously. 
“Not good?” He asked as he stroked your hair out of your face. 
“A little sore, you’re a lot,” you laughed before kissing him softly on his lips. You wriggled out from under him and started looking for your clothes, which were scattered on the floor around your bed. Marshall looked at you questioningly from your bed. 
“Bathroom,” you explained as you hastily got dressed and made your way out of the room. 
When you got back, Marshall had put his own clothes back on and was sitting on the edge of the bed with the bottle of Baileys in his hands. You joined him on the bed and wrapped your arms around him, only to be sorely disappointed when he didn’t return your affection, and instead stared ahead stoically while taking another sip. 
“I just fucked my best friend’s little sister,” he sighed as he let his head hang. Your arms dropped to your side, the floor vanished from beneath you and it felt like you were falling. 
“You regret it.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement, and you just knew you were right when you said it. Marshall, however, shook his head and chuckled sarcastically. 
“I regret that I don’t because I know that I should,” he said. 
Well, happy fucking Christmas to you.
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-> Part 9
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morerandombullshit · 4 days
Tinted Blue Rating: 18+ (MDNI if you don't want trauma) Summary: Someone's been a prick, and they've had just about enough with it Word Count: 2495 CW: Alcohol mention, murder, antifreeze poisoning, cruelty (I didn't expect to be so cruel holy shit), angst, suicidal ideation, self-harm mentions, subtle mutual trauma dump, guy being a prick, graphic descriptions Note: I had to do this because it was an idea but like, I made it to be a self-insert? Idfk this is my therapy for dealing with Luke for the last 9-10 months, enjoy the...whatever this is
Ao3 version i had to orphan this one bc someone might find it but that's a story for another time
(Image by me due to a Canva speedrun)
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There's always something so satisfying about handing someone poison without them knowing it's poison, and that's what Ash had done, though no one would ever know. They'd gotten their friend Layla to do the dirty work because they both share a mutual hate for him, but...yeah, Ash still did it. There's always something so humorous about poisoning someone and them being stupid enough to drink antifreeze, of all things. But then again, Luke's always been stupid. He was stupid when they were freshmen, and he's just as stupid now. 
Ash takes their phone out of their pocket and checks their texts, snorting at the "Bottle given" message from Layla. How long do I have for this period left, again? they think, going onto Tumblr now. Their homepage pops up, and they consider adding to their blog for a moment, but ultimately decide to add to their blog later. They do have a couple fics to finish up, but they might get to it. Maybe. 
But it'll be really funny to see Luke stumbling in fourth period. Probably means Ash is a bit of a psycho, but come on, seeing Luke being stupid is the highlight of their day sometimes.
Have the lights always been this bright? is Luke's first thought once he's done changing into his gym uniform. The girls' class is on the other side of the gym as usual, but he only really pays attention to one. Thick, dirty blond hair tied back into a messy bun is all he can see right now, but it doesn't really matter to him. She's still an enigma to him, despite what Josh has said about her so far.
That girl's a mystery to him, but he knows that she's definitely got some sort of attitude. The only words she utters in his presence are particularly vulgar curses and words that are foreign to him, maybe a mumbled "Fucking deal with it" once. Either way, Luke's always some shade of frustrated when he thinks of that goddamn...whatever the hell that girl thinks she is. And every time he tries to talk to her, something stops him. 
Cold. Mysterious. And entirely too appealing.
Christ, what was in that water bottle?
Ash puts an earbud in as they walk to the gym's main doors, the earbud playing Breaking Benjamin's Dance With The Devil, but no. Life has them bump into an increasingly swaying and giggly Luke's back. My tolerance for this guy is less than zero, they think to themself as they step back and wait for him to move. Good thing he's gonna be gone soon. 
The bastard doesn't move, and their patience has always worn thin all too quickly. "Kurwa mać." they grumble, the Polish curse flowing off their tongue like venomous honey. They're a bit of a polyglot, and Polish is their first language, so the accent comes naturally to them. So does the aggression—one of the reasons why their mind goes to Polish curses most often is the inherent aggressiveness in them. Maybe they shouldn't have used one that's so common to hear, but it's the first that pops into their mind. "Fucking move, princess."
The "princess" slips out as a way to insult his masculinity, but let's be honest—that was a long time in the fucking making. Luke's dumb ass still doesn't fucking move, and they want to push him, but they'd attract attention. And the last thing they'd want to do with their anxiety is attract attention of any kind.  They're also sick and tired of this whole ordeal, and they know they've got to raise their voice. "Hey." They raise their voice so he can hear them. "Did you hear me? Or are you too invested with fucking your friends in the ass?"
Somehow, that catches his attention. Brown eyes that look like the darkest pits of hell blankly look into their soul, but they hold his gaze. They won't flinch, not when that'd mean weakness. Ash rolls their own eyes, mumbling a few languages under their breath and pushing Luke out of their way. They haven't had any Red Bull or alcohol today, and they won't take shit when they're the most anxious fucker to exist right now. 
They rush out, swallowing the panic rising in them, heading for the door to leave. They've had enough of this, and the school's always put them on edge, so they can't stay for long. They put their other earbud in and go on their phone to find a good song, before sighing and deciding on Bury the Light, letting the pure motivation start playing. 
I am the storm that is approaching...
They don't realize it, but they're humming along as they walk. Ash stops when they feel like something's off, though. Like someone's watching them, maybe—but they aren't sure. All they know is that the feeling skittering across their skin right now is less than pleasant. If I had some rum...
Rum sounds like something they can have when they get home. They look over their shoulder, and there's Luke, still drunk-looking. Their brows knit together as they take an earbud out. "Something up, princess? You're looking pretty intoxicated."
They know why he looks like that, of course, but they won't let him know that. Their tone is its usual cold and sharp flatness, but they hear a little smugness in there—they know he's too retarded to tell. And the "princess" is an automatic thing at this point—they can't stop it. They can't stop the blood-freezing panic that overtakes them, either. Only difference is that they can take that panic and make it their strength.
He stares at them for a moment longer, before saying, "What did you do?"
"Be more specific." Ash has an idea of what Luke means, but they want to hear it for themself, confirm it. They're ready to leave if they have to, ready to do anything if things go south. Their lighter presses into their hand, thumb rolling the gears but not lighting it fully. He looks at them, brows furrowing—a look they've never seen on him before. "That...that story. The one the principal showed me a while back, like ninth grade while back. Did you write it?"
So that's what this is about? Laughable how he's bringing it up now, when he's going to die in...less than 24 hours, if he's lucky. "So what if I did?"
"I read the whole thing." He swallows. "You're one sick bitch."
Ash laughs. God, why is that so funny? "Thank you." they say, not wiping all the amusement from their voice but being too far into their laugh attack to care. But even in their temporary amusement, they know he's hiding something else. Something they never want to know, because if it's what they think it is...Luke looks at them weirdly before stepping closer, which has them tensing and almost lighting the lighter in their hand. It'd be so easy to burn him right now...
"You are." He stops a couple inches in front of them and that blood-freezing panic in their veins turns into red-hot anger and pure disgust. "But that doesn't stop me from being curious."
"It should." Why does everything sound muted now? Why can't they move?
 He smirks a bit, and their hand tightens on their lighter. "I don't even know why I am. You're not that hot anyway."
They laugh again. Why's Luke talking when he looks like an accident, especially with the buzz cut? "Ironic." they quip. "But irony doesn't save you from death, princess. When your time to go comes" —Which will be in about eighteen hours, they think— "No one will be there to honor you as your corpse gets put in the ground. You wanna know why?
"It's because you're a prick who thinks he's the shit, when he's clearly got nothing but words to back him up. You're clearly another insignificant, insecure high school boy who can't find himself and instead picks at people who're doing better than he is, just because he wants to stop crying himself to sleep. I'd bet money you cut yourself, too. Not my issue—we all have our own—but by the look in your eyes, you haven't wanted to be here for a long time now."
Silence suffocates the air as Ash watches their words hit their mark, one at a time. They've never been so cruel in their life, but this? It gives them a rush, spitting words out that once would've been a fever dream to them. Something within reach, but unattainable. They watch Luke's face crumple with apathy, and he takes a deep breath. "You got me. I've wanted to kill myself since the day I first saw you."
Huh. Is this supposed to be an insult, or... 
"You were just so you, even with that tired, done-with-life look in your eyes." He smiles bitterly. "Defiant, mysterious, not giving a shit about what others said about you. Sure in yourself, even if you were constantly anxious. I'll admit, I wanted you, but I also wanted to be you. To experience what being sure in myself would feel like. I wanted you to teach me the ways to be that carefree. To toss such unpredictability into the world without a single consequence."
"You don't understand. There were consequences. But it doesn't matter now." Ash's hand tightens on their lighter some more. "You'll never get what you want, princess. I hope you understand that."
And so they leave Luke there, walking as fast as they can and just wanting to go home. His problems aren't theirs, they'd separated themself from any emotion involving him three years ago. Deemed it too much of a risk to keep it, and it seems they were right.
Bury the light deep within..! Cast aside there's no coming home! We're burning chaos in the wind! Drifting in the ocean all alone!
He ends up puking into his garbage can, the vomit ending up with a blue tint as well. He groans in pain, his vision blurring as his heart rate speeds into just-had-ten-Red-Bulls territory.
Oh God. Is he going to die? It sure seems like he's going to die...
"You ready?" Ash asks as they slip gloves on, side-glancing Layla again. She nods, slipping her own gloves on. They cast a glance in the dark to Luke's body. They hadn't expected him to die so fast, but maybe that's because they tossed quite a bit of antifreeze into the water bottle of bourbon they'd prepared. They get in through the window and look down at his corpse. This had once been a problem in their life, like a parasite, kind of.
They feel tension lifting from their shoulders, leaving their mouth in a soft exhale. He's gone. They grunt and pick his body up, keeping quiet, even if he's about six feet and they're five nine, they carry him well. They pass the corpse to Layla and she tosses it into a body bag before Ash grabs it and they both dash like mad.
The duo end up driving out to Muskoka region—oh, the irony—and Ash stops the car in a forest. They side-glance Layla before getting out and getting the body bag. "Do we have the evidence?" they ask. She nods and pulls it out. They nod back. "Good. Set it down, we'll burn it when we're done with the body."
"Okay." she mutters, putting it down and helping Ash with getting nitric acid, opening the body bag and watching what used to be Luke disintegrate to his bones. They dig up a shallow grave under a bush, a stroke of luck being there's already a dead coyote pup there. They place the bones, fill it back up and step back, tossing the shovel and nitric acid into the pile. "Rest in hell." they say before turning their back and helping Layla burn the evidence until it's only ashes on the wind.
Luke wakes up in a startle, looking around him. Dark palace, magma surrounding him like a volcano. A man lounges on a throne, yawning. "So you're another unlucky soul, are you?" he asks, the British accent surprising him. "God. What'd you do to die so young?"
"I don't..." he swallows. "I drank something, I...felt like shit when I got home from school. Puked and then everything faded."
The man laughs, getting up and brushing his spotless, expensive suit. "Ah. I know why you're here." Black eyes with burning red embers bore into him, making him shiver. "Ash killed you. Their plan was bloody brilliant, I will admit."
And then it hits him. Every withering glare...the girl was Ash? And they? What the fuck is this man saying? "Yes, Ash." the man smirks. "Poor boy. Well, since you're in Hell now...let me entertain your worst memory."
Luke gets cut off when he gets transported to when he had been getting smothered with cruelty by Ash’s words. Hard to believe it was just before he'd died, but...it hurts. He's trapped in a prison of his own making, his guilt, his desires, his own foolish mindset.
And for the first time in his life—well, afterlife, he supposes—he screams bloody murder.
Even if he knows there's no escape for the rest of eternity.
It’s scary, but it’s sort of gratifying. Gratifying that they’d gotten rid of some major issues. They keep their face straight as they walk, but for some reason, Luke’s spat-out confession before he’d died comes into their mind.
You were just so you, even with that tired, done-with-life look in your eyes. Defiant, mysterious, not giving a shit about what others said about you. Sure in yourself, even if you were constantly anxious. I'll admit, I wanted you, but I also wanted to be you. To experience what being sure in myself would feel like. I wanted you to teach me the ways to be that carefree. To toss such unpredictability into the world without a single consequence.
They don’t regret anything, but those words have been haunting their limited sleep lately. But when they hear a scream somehow cut through their earbuds playing Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar at full blast, their feet are on the move.
Ash subtly pushes their way to the front of the crowd, and unlike their classmates’ pale, ashen faces, theirs is blank. They’ve seen gore on-screen before, so it isn’t as jarring as it should’ve been.
The body is almost unidentifiable, but by the stature…well, they know of only one guy who’s about 5’4. Oliver. 
He’s been a pain in their ass, but there were moments where he was a genuine friend.
But now…
Who killed him? Ash wonders to themself as the other students whisper and look nauseous.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
star trek update time. last night* we watched tng's "second chances" and ds9's "dramatis personae." in a shocking twist of events, the tng episode was better than the ds9 one?! *times changed as usual bc i am typing this at fuck o clock
second chances (tng):
TWO WILL RIKERS! AND THEY'RE BOTH REAL! finally there's one riker for each of worf's--
for those of us cool enough to have seen farscape, this is VERY john crichton of them. actually, i think it's the third or fourth instance in which i can see star trek directly influencing farscape, which is really cool.
i take back what i said about not having single-character episodes. if that's the way they're finally gonna deliver me some good goddamn character work, i will fucking take it. this was one of my favorite tng episodes in ages, i liked it even better than the one with the nuthouse
you can't help but to sympathize deeply with both rikers, but my DEEPEST sympathies actually went toward deanna. yellow shirt riker still had all of the feelings they used to have, and hadn't dumped her for his career yet, but red shirt riker correctly predicted that he would - so not only does deanna have to remember what she lost, but she has to go through it a second time
i do like however that in the end she kind of dumped HIM...revenge dumping. so true girl
i also like that she and red shirt riker were able to talk about it like adults. i've never bought the line that they were only friends, but i also really like how cool they are with each other seeing other people. they're totally polyam
i think also that like. red shirt riker is having his cake and eating it too. he dumped deanna for his career and broke her heart, but then his career wound up accidentally putting him on the same ship as her. so when he wants to kiss or cuddle her or go on dates with her they do, but when he wants to fuck someone else he can, and he doesn't really have to choose or sacrifice anything - he's got deanna and his career and his freedom, all at the same time. like, of COURSE he's gonna keep turning down command positions. captains don't get to do anything in tng and if he moved to his own ship not only would he lose planetside privileges but he's lose this sweet no-strings setup he's got going on
meanwhile deanna ached over him for years before she picked up the pieces - it feels a little unfair to her. like, they're both really chill and she ALSO sees other people but if it was anybody in the world other than laid-back, kind, chill, down to clown riker? i'd be killing him with my teeth. it's a little like what picard does to beverly except riker and deanna seemed to have worked something out/are fine with things being a little ambiguous whereas that is ABSOLUTELY not the case with picard and beverly.
anyway, the poker game. mwah. let's DO see who will come out on top. i always thought in the age-old question of "would you fight your clone or fuck them?" riker would come down solidly on the side of "fuck" bc thats how he is but i didn't realize his two selves would be so jealous of each other
the line about yellow shirt riker not even wanting to tell his dad he was alive...oof
in the part where they were in the caves i kept waiting for them to fight and one of them to try and kill the other. barring that i was SURE yellow shirt riker was gonna die. like theyre not just gonna have two rikers from now on, right??
EXCEPT THEY TOTALLY DID DO THAT. i think his name change was lame (why shouldn't red shirt riker change HIS name if they're both the real riker?) but good for him not having to live through eight years of solitude for nothing. i was so pre-emptively sad about it. i guess riker and riker ARE the sort of dudes who save each other's clones they hate. he is just that kind of guy. those kinds of guys?
also, idk what was going on with yellow shirt riker smooching deanna in front of red shirt riker to say goodbye but it was hot. good for all of them e worf who shoulda been there.
one nitpick w this episode was idk why they needed that data so badly bc i wasnt paying attention at the beginning. that might've been a me problem though
dramatis personae (ds9):
what...the fuck
i feel like if they wanted everybody to act weird and edgy for no reason they could have just done a mirrorverse episode. this was not it.
like, sure, am i glad my boy odo got to save the day, yes. was it fun seeing his face turned inside out? also obviously yes. but it was not enough to save this episode. like, i thought the shore leave sequel was bad but WOW. this is the first ds9 episode i really actually HATED...even the b plots of some of the others have been passable, and even the q episode had vash being super fucking hot. there was literally nothing here for me except as previously mentioned odo's face.
like, all of these transformations were bad and not fun except maybe kiras was a little bit hot in some places when she acted like she wanted to fuck everybody on that space station ESPECIALLY when she was putting the moves on dax. women.
but like. obrien sucking siskos dick was bad. sisko BEING a dick was bad. stoned dax was just sad and depressing.
i will say it was funny quark remained unchanged bc hes already like that
no wait sorry i almost forgot julian bashir. him wanting to pour odo through his little machine was horrifically funny and also how odo snowed him at the end into fixing the problem by playing along also earned a chuckle. he's so fucking stupid <3
honestly i was genuinely trying to give them the benefit of the doubt until the end when obrien backhanded poor stoned dax and knocked her ass out cold. that guy would NEVER hit a woman and it was really very very very VERY unpleasant and jarring to watch, and i was just completely 100% finished with the whole shtick after that. like i was walking with them and trying to have fun in spite of everything, and then they made it very not fun. so. what can you do.
also, we never even found out what happened to those guys running weapons?? hello???
finally, i do have to take some small issue with odo spacing that mind gunk or whatever it was. in tng when beverly and geordi spaced that radioactive waste they tied themselves down and STILL almost died, and odo was just like "hang onto something"? i hate to give tng the point here, but...i have to give the point to tng. geez. that's dire. can't all be winners i guess!
NEXT: ds9's "duet" and tng's "timescape." idk what the ds9 episode is about but i've read the summary for tng one and i am so hopeful that we get yet another? watchable tng episode?? we've had a good handful lately...
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hqwkeyes · 2 years
one other thing i have been absolutely dying to address: THE ROOKIE WINTER FINALE
if u haven't seen it and want to, don't look below the cut bc SPOILERS
hi. hello. fuck.
okay first a bit of backtracking: it really took ashley tim's back surgery to realize that they weren't gonna work? not the whole "my coworker knows my boyfriend better than i do" thing? or all of the other obvious things like how she's a lifeguard and he hates the beach?? no??
also super fucked of her to dump him literally as soon as he woke up after a potentially life-altering surgery but that was a given i guess...
so it's been super obvious for these first 7 episodes prior to the finale that tim and lucy's relationship has changed quite a bit since the whole undercover op thing but girl i did NOT expect this so soon
okay so in these last two episodes, what the hell made chris think he and lucy should buy a HOUSE together? like sure he was thinking about tamara too, which is sweet because it shows that he really cares about lucy and her relationship with tamara. but also he was super pushy about the whole house thing in the first place. like he kept calling her about it while she was at work after she asked if they could talk about it later that night?
and also, he surely saw the news where she literally witnessed a woman get blown up, so why did he think it was okay to call her to push the whole "buying a house together" thing on her AGAIN, and without mentioning the case at all? and how was he not noticing how cold and closed off she was being? if anyone i care about was acting like that toward me, i wouldn't just brush it off like that, but maybe that's just me??
then ofc there's the whole tim getting fucking whiplash from how fast he turned his head to ask about lucy moving in with chris. the communication between those two in those episodes was absolutely incredible, especially in episode 8 like god damn. he showed just how much he cares for her in the way he was trying so hard to be there for her. like was he probably going tf through it bc he had to ask her if she loved someone else? yeah.
and omg when she said "he's just not" and looked at tim like GIRL turn this car around and find chris so u can break this off immediately bc EVERYONE knows who you want 🤦🏻‍♀️
side note but sgt. grey and aaron were mvps in that episode, pushing those two together.
anyway, the communication was impeccable, and i CANNOT BELIEVE TIMOTHY FINALLY STARTED MAKING SOME DAMN MOVES OF HIS OWN like holy shittt mr. rule-follower wants to risk it all to be with her?? and she was the one who was like "idk if its worth the risk"??? role reversal fr. but no they're so cute, all confessing their feelings for each other
i do not condone cheating of any kind and emotional cheating is tricky and a slippery slope, but i do respect lucy for wanting to properly end things with chris before going out with tim (ofc)
my heart breaks for chris but like bestie how can you be so utterly blind?
the way tim was legit fake smiling at him icbbbbb
and the way lucy broke up with chris the way tim said to... like girl 🤦🏻‍♀️
but they were all sweet and smiley and cute and the writers and directors know exactly what they were doing ending the episode with that scene.
all i have to say is they better not fuck this up i stg.
anyway, super lengthy rant over im sorryyyy
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bright-haired-teacher · 10 months
going to vent this here, it's long and it's personal and it has nothing to do with teaching so don't even click it if you're not interested in me ranting about my partner
i can't fucking stand him anymore. we've lived together 5 years and i feel nothing but anger and frustration when i think about him. and he's completely fucking oblivious to how unhappy i am, just sits there and tells me "i love you" and i never say it back and this is Fine, to him i guess???
i'm so fucking miserable. like now that my work situation is sorted, i can acknowledge that my home life is a piece of shit. i'm happier when he's at work (he works 24hr shifts, sometimes even 48 which are AMAZING). i'm happier when he's not home. i sit there with the dog and i breathe a sigh of relief because i don't have to be on edge all the goddamn time.
he is not abusive. i can't stand him, but he's not an abuser. he's just. annoying. we are not compatible.
and of course i'm fucking poor as shit! i'm a teacher! and rents around here have fucking skyrocketed just like everywhere else. so i feel stuck! though i did spend a significant portion of my planning this morning doing math and making calculations to see if i can make it work and i can - barely - if i can find a rent payment under 1k (which do exist, tho they're rare) and if i don't consider things like security deposits, but i know i have friends who would spot me.
nowadays when i'm home i'm just so angry at him all the time. and i can't bring anything up to him because he gets so bitchass butthurt about it. like idk maybe it would be easier for you to clean your table if you would put stuff away as you use it instead of waiting until it's fucking disgusting!!!! and no i am not going to clean up behind you, i am not your fucking mother!
and like holy shit i cannot sleep when he's home, i'm just on edge. he makes so much noise. if i go to bed first or a take a nap, he is out there with the TV on fucking blast and using the ice maker and slamming the fucking door and like. HEY ASSHOLE. I AM TRYING TO FUCKIGN SLEEP. but again, let me bring it up, and he'll bring up the one time i woke him up like 2 years ago when i found judy on a nook island after like 600 tickets and i was freaking the fuck out!
he doesn't manage his health, he has diabetes and he shits. all. the. time. and it's fucking disgusting and the bathroom is right by my computer room so i get to listen to and smell his rancid ass constantly and sorry not sorry but if you're shitting that much there is SOMETHING WRONG, go see your doctor and/or fix your fucking diet. and he got mad at me last night for opening the bedroom door when HE FARTED AND IT SMELLED SO BAD I HAD TO HIDE UNDER MY BLANKET and he gets all sobby sobby "i can't help it" okay but we don't have to fucking soak in it, you could open the fucking door or something or spray the room or literally do anything to make it so i don't have to breathe your disgusting ass toxic fumes.
like goddamn i'm so fucking sick of him. i'm sick of the mess he makes and then he complains to me about it like it's my fault he made a mess???? fuck you. "if we buy a house together i need to know you can keep it clean" UH EXCUSE ME THOUGH WHOSE MESS IS IN THE KITCHEN. WHOSE MESS IS IN THE LIVING ROOM. HOW MANY CLOTHES ARE ON THE FLOOR ON YOUR SIDE OF THE BED. i was stressed tf when my part of the house was messy because of transferring schools and all the shit i had to bring home, and when i moved into my new school almost all of that was handled so we are not the fucking same.
can't even use the goddamn couch because he comes in the door and just dumps all his shit there after work like omfg seriously just put. it. away. it just piles up and makes it worse and you want to be all pissy about the mess that YOU. MADE.
and he's over there telling me how much he loves me and calling me "love of my life" and i'm like shut the fuck up i actually hate your fucking guts so bad and i can't believe you don't notice how i stiffen up when you wanna touch me and how much i get aggravated when you interrupt me when i'm doing something (like who THE FUCK interrupts someone who is sitting with a book in their hands? I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT INANE TIKTOKS I AM READING) then you're all oblivious like "are you mad at me?" YES! idiot! yes i am fucking mad when i'm doing something and you're making a fuckton of noise with your obnoxious tiktoks that you watch over your obnoxious reality TV. please leave me the fuck alone.
i cannot wait until i have enough money to move out of there. i wish i had never moved in. the whole point was to move in, split costs and save up so i could buy a house and then the fucking pandemic happened and shit skyrocketed and now i feel stuck af and i'm just fucking miserable and home is supposed to be my space to relax and i fucking can't and aspdgas;ldksjags;aoiseua;gliu ugh i hate.
i miss living alone. people think that you need to have a "connection" with someone, you have to surround yourself with people. no. i don't. i need animals and the internet and i'm FINE. people are assholes and make me miserable and that hasn't changed in 42 fucking years so leave me alone. please. goddamn.
ok i'm done because i do have to actually do some work today. motherfucker.
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thejadecount · 2 years
villain aru shah headcanons?
Okay forgive me when I mention plotpoints and I get them a bit wrong, it’s bit a hot minute since I’ve last read the books, but I mostly remember a bunch of the points in the books where I got bitter and gave Aru permission to become an antagonist. Like, I was bitter in the second book, my god. And yes, you can consider this a strongly worded hate letter to any other Pandava stan and if you say Aru doesn’t deserve to have a villain arc I will physically fight you.
She’s your bitch okay? She’s down for murder. She’s quoting vines. She’s unironically getting them wrong to annoy the other Pandavas
Mini: Aru stop this isn’t you—
Aru: Oh cry me a table, Mini
You see she hates the Pandavas, but she also hates her dad. She hates everyone. So she just does fuck all
“Fuck you, fuck my dad and fuck the gods, I’m Aru Shah you goddamn idiot and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
I’d like to think her villain arc would start in the second book, but it’s only her thinking these antagonistic thoughts, she really doesn’t do anything about them. She gets jealous and bitter but how different and unfair her life was compared to Mini and the others, but she keeps the same personality with them more or less.
It gets worse with the twins. They’re spoiled. They’re kind of brats. She starts getting into tiny, petty arguments with the others in their point of view, but reading in her perspective they’re completely understandable. Perhaps the arguments themselves are a bit ridiculous and overdramatic, but we can understand where it’s coming from.
And then comes her half-sister, and OH BOY this is when everything really starts taking off. Her dad’s trying to get her on his side every more because he knows. He knows Aru is so fed up with all the other Pandavas bullshit and he’s going to try.
Of course Aru isn’t an idiot. No, fuck her dad. She’s going to keep being a Pandavas to beat him of course. But once that’s done she’s out.
Soon enough, she’s a villain. She renounces the Pandavas and her sister, calls them and her mom out on all their bullshit, and just leaves. You don’t need school when you’re an antagonist. She knows 98% of what she’ll learn in that dump will be useless anyway.
She likes mostly annoying and do fuck-all to the Pandavas. You’d be surprised how quickly they’re willing to beat her ass. Of course, they’re failing, but that’s because Mimi still believes in Aru. She’s the only one who has truly appreciated Aru, and Aru respects that by not beating the shit out of her.
She has lightning powers. Her hands are tasers. If you want she could freely provide you a sample of what 3.1 million volts feel like being shot through your body.
I’d like to think she chills out more with Hindu mythological people, like nagas and the such. She has found out that they’re much more accepting and chaotic neutral.
Also, when she quickly makes her way to her villain arc, she finds out she is very much bisexual.
For a villain, she’s not one of the bad bad ones. Like, she’ll fuck up your day and maybe cause a rukus at the Night Bazaar. She might accidentally cause a few deaths here and there, but only a small percent of those were on purpose.
She mostly just hates the Pandavas. Fuck them. And the Gods too. But for the most part, as long as your not a demigod and you have a loose sense of morals, you’re on her decent side.
I’d like to think she’d try to raise a demon army like the Sleeper did to kill the Pandavas, once and for all.
Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss
She is very good at insulting people. She has made demons cry. She is merciless.
No matter the circumstances, if some demon or some other antagonist goes up to her and tells her about literally any plan that may or may not include fucking over the Pandavas, you bet she’s in.
Over time, she gains the heterochromia from her father once she starts accepting her more demonic qualities. She hates it of course—fuck her dad—so she uses contacts. Not those stupid boring brown ones tho, no she’s going to make her eyes highlighter yellow to fuck with everyone and make their eyes bleed.
I’d like to think she very much blurs the line between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil.
If she were to meet canon Aru, she would surprisingly comfort her. She hates the fact that for some reason, this version of her is still with the Pandavas and on ‘the good side’, but she suspects it’s more the gods and Pandavas fault and her desperation for friends and validation than anything.
She’s a theatre kid, most definitely.
And to confuse her enemies she’s start singing in the middle of battle no warning.
Just imagine she’s fighting the Pandavas and all of a sudden she starts belting out every Hamilton song in existence.
She still has her weapon, the classic ping pong ball. But now she knows how to properly use it, it’s her most dangerous thing in her arsenal.
Like you know those scenes in cartoons where a character throws a bouncy ball and it starts bouncing around the entire room at mock speed and breaking almost everything? Imagine that, plus electricity.
Half the time she’s a devious, cunning villain. The other half—
“I have no idea what I’m doing and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
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lesbianmaxevans · 2 years
so..... I’ve been trying not to say anything bc this fandom rlly seems to hate when ppl criticize the writing but the finale is monday and my expectations are underground. so uh. rnm negativity ig.
so, these past few episodes have made it abundantly clear to me that these writers wish max and liz weren’t the leads of the show. and before anyone tries to argue that it’s always been an ensemble show, that’s blatantly not true. jeanine and nathan have been billed as 1 and 2 since day 1. in season 1, liz is literally the cause of every single plot point, whether thru her directly setting something in motion, or other characters reacting to her. like I’m not exaggerating, literally everything that happens can be traced back to her digging into rosa’s death. she is the center of the show, and as such, given her romance with max is a very important part of her life, max should be the next most important character. at the start, this show claimed that the very heart of the story was their romance. and for season 1, that’s true. but as soon as we hit season 2, it wasn’t.
now, I think it can still be argued that liz and max remain the leads, because excluding the second half of season 2 where liz was practically shoved out of the main story line, liz and max as characters have remained at the center of this story, if only bc of jones’ interest in the two of them as max is his clone and liz is the only scientist who has the knowledge to accomplish what he wants. but their romance has very obviously taken a backseat post season 1. we had 2x06 where they basically spent the whole episode together, but then the writers worked overtime to reduce the amount of screentime they shared for the rest of season 2. like hello there was an episode where max went to the reservation to learn more about his family history and they chose to have liz stay behind in roswell??? they gave liz that horridly executed ICE storyline instead of her being by her boyfriend’s side while he learned more about his heritage???? and then they’re basically in conflict for the remaining time of the season????
and season 3 was such a joke for echo like, yeah, I got some of my favorite echo scenes, but how the hell were we at 3x09 before they had any real movement? how the hell do the two lead characters only share scenes in 6 of 13 episodes (8 if you want to be generous and count their 30 seconds at the end of 3x02 and the dream sequence in 3x04)???? I haven’t gone back and looked at the screentime, so maybe I’m wrong but I’m willing to bet liz spent just as much time, if not more, with jones than she did with max. liz and max literally shared like 10 minutes prior to 3x09 and half of that was just max in a panic bc liz was dying as an effect of that handprint dumping his heart failure onto her. if you genuinely think what echo got in season 3 was more than scraps, idk what to tell you.
and now we’re here at season 4, which just feels like the biggest fucking slap in the face. the writers on some level know that liz and max’s relationship is supposed to be the focus of the show because the goddamn season 4 promo was literally all about them. we started the season with max attempting to propose THREE times and liz asking him to wait but promising she’ll say yes the next time he does. how the fuck do you start a season like this and not have a thru line of liz conquering the fears that made her hesitate and accepting the proposal (or better yet, being the one to propose) by the end of the season??? like that’s literally just writing 101. especially when the writers have relentlessly had the two of them discuss this engagement. like how do you have max trying to propose repeatedly in 4x01, have their future engagement or a wedding be brought up almost every episode from 4x02-4x08, and then have liz spend the entirety of 4x09 in her dreamscape where she had to confront why she was hesitant to accept the proposal and they are still not engaged by 4x12????? and honestly I don’t think it’s likely that echo’s getting engaged in the finale. I hope I’m wrong, but given how the writers have been dangling this in front our faces all fucking season and how they were oh so confident about a damn season 5 order, I don’t think it’s happening. it’s just insanity, bc from a writing standpoint it makes no fucking sense. unless you don’t care that much about the couple and you think toying with fans is fun.
and worse than the writers toying with us re this proposal is the fact that they introduced a conflict that was just a retread of echo’s horrid season 2b storyline that I don’t think a single viewer liked???? like point for point it was the same fucking plot, except this time with no resolution???? bc liz refusing to respect max’s bodily autonomy has been completely swept under the rug by the writers in favor of blaming the mist for making liz be cruel... as if their conflict didn’t start in 4x07 and liz’s addiction to the mist didn’t start until 4x10.
and like regardless of whether you ship malex or not, you should see how fucked up it is that they get an engagement so easily, when echo still hasn’t managed to reach that step when they are the lead characters????? when michael and alex had never previously discussed the idea of marriage????? when we started season 4 with michael being scared to move in with alex??????? versus liz and max having been living together for six months??????? regardless of whether you ship kybel or not, you should see how fucked up it is that liz is crying and telling max that she’s terrified she’ll never see him again if he and isobel go through the portal, and that moment basically only happens to be a springboard for making kybel official??? bc this scene that should be an emotional goodbye for echo derails into liz reacting to the two of them instead??? when, again, max and liz are the leads????
and this is before I’ve even discussed the disrespect to liz and max as characters! post season 1, they’ve reduced liz to her being a scientist and she spends at least half of her screentime in a lab, either alone or with some side character who only matters for the current season. and these writers keep insisting on her shoddy ethics! like clearly her apology last season meant nothing since these writers decided to pull the same shit again! and this characterization of her prioritizing the science over everything else, of her pursuing science due to her desire for approval/validation is completely at odds with her reasoning in season 1, which was that she wanted to prevent anyone from experiencing the pain she felt when she lost rosa. like the writers completely erased that reasoning and switched it to being all about her ego and chasing accolades.
and max? he spends 5 episodes in the pod in season 2 and then he’s given absolutely nothing to do but reacting to exposition dumps the rest of the season. season 3 he thinks he’s dying and trying to help everyone else make peace with that, then he’s back in the pod for 3.5 episodes, then he’s fucking sidelined for the jones fight, as if that makes any goddamn sense bc the set up of the season was that max was the only one who could possibly fight jones. and then season 4 they just start to scratch the surface with max manifesting these new powers after jones’ death to immediately take his powers away for half the season.
like these writers have proven time and time again that they care more about their shitty, nonsensical, and (frankly) boring plot than they do actually digging into these characters. which is not how one should approach writing a tv show! how the fuck is anyone supposed to care about these characters and invest in the show when you only shallowly explore them??? how are you gonna repeatedly state that liz is the lead and then torpedo her character like this in service of focusing on other characters who are not the lead?????????? how are you gonna end season 1 giving the audience the info that max is “the savior” just to twist it into a title jones gave himself, so it’s not about max at all???? like genuinely there is no explanation for this derailment other than the writers are more interested in literally anything else. and it’s just sad how much potential was wasted.
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facelessxchurch · 1 year
I wrote my thoughts down while reading HBL, plus some the-morning-after thoughts.
MASSIVE Spoilers for "Hell Breaks Loose" under the 'Read More'. These are spoilers for the entire book including the big twist, so read at your own peril.
Too much talk about Skulduggery. Even when he's not present he remains the focal point, I hate it.
So far Ghastly seems to be the only POV character.
Why the fuck are my Bois wearing wigs???
Honestly, no one on their right mind would send a special force with a leader that has a personal grudge against one of the people they are meant to protect. This is beyond stupid.
Speaking of beyond stupid. The notion that some rando assassin could kill Mevolent is ridiculous, he is a god amongst men. Would be nice if Landy would remember that and stop doing him dirty.
So Ghastly is crushing on the leader of the masked sisters. And Saracen is of course trying to fuck her. Only proofing my dislike of him right again.
Remember that part on the Grimoire that says one of the FO bloodlines was cut short during the war? Yeah, found the fucker.
That fight was complete bullshit.
Nice to see an FO follower making a point of herself not believing her side to be evil. But fucking hell that dialog feels forced.
Dear god's, too many people in this book like to blabber on. Also, first Skul is going on about dinosaurs and now this part about the earth's gravitational pull and ancient knowledge about this planet. This is just Landy feeling smart BC he skimmed over a few wiki articles for like five seconds. Move on with the damn story.
Huh, Mev dealing with the gate is pretty close to the fake cover I made.
Skul keeps getting praised as a genius but he keeps doing stupid stuff like running at three overpowered enemies surrounded by their soldiers without a goddamn plan
As much as I enjoyed Baron stepping in the way and beating the shit out of Skul while Nef watches, Baron and Mev abandoning him is fucking bullshit and exactly what I feared would happen :/ poor Nef just keeps getting captured
Aaaaand Skul's stupidity doomed the world
Ghastly's mother showed up.
They really do like putting bracelets on Nef
The voice. I can't believe Landy ripped off the fucking mouth of Sauron, what the fuck. Everybody knows LotR. Then again the Luke Skywalker thing was even worse. How is any of this legal?
FUCKING TIME TRAVELING VALKYRIE CAIN WE CAN'T GET EVEN ONE BOOK WITHOUT THST FUCKING STUPID WORTHLESS CUNT even more annoying was people predicting Valkyrie would travel back to war times ever since time travel became canon. Also there is a whole long-ass fic about exactly that premise.
The story just got a lot more convoluted and stupid. But now I know why this book is meant to be read after phase 2.
And let me guess, since Val is an overpowered Mary-Sue, they don't technically need Mev anymore to close the gate and she will do it instead
This feels like an unpleasant mix of exposition dump and getting lectured and I'm not here for it.
Nef is such a dramatic little shit, I love him!
Aaaaand he's dead.
Ah fucking hell, one of the only reasons I bought the book in the first place just died and I swear half the dialogue in this book is just about Ghastly's love life. Just continue the damn story and resurrect my bastard snek man >:/
Huh, nice trap from Mev. That's why I love the man <3 guess he must have known Nef was dead when he wasn't at the meeting and didn't take too kindly to it.
"kill him twice" "prime him for death" this plot makes less sense by the second. also, called Mev no longer being needed to close the portal.
Needless animal cruelty so you know the bad guys are the bad guys (this is not referring to the faceless followers btw)
Fighting literal children.
The Italian guy Valkyrie needs to talk to is randomly able to speak English.
And Skul turned into Vile. The scene seems like a parallel to Val turning 'permanently' into Darquesse in LSoDM
His entire skeleton got disintegrated yet that fucker put himself back together with shadows. Landy really made his shitty self-insert immortal, huh?
Saracen and Dexter are canon now apparently.
Baron and Mev are back, but it's not the same without Neffie :(
I call bullshit on Mev not instantly annihilating fighting 3 Dead Men at once, especially since they are weakened and tired.
So Valkyrie still has the black lighting but only uses it on the goddamn floor and not on the overpowered enemy she had been fighting a minute prior
Mev losing to the necromancers AGAIN is fucking bullshit
Did Ghastly just beat Baron to death? While he himself was half dead? That too is bs
Now there are multiple timelines. The one we read about and another one where Val hooks up with the Dead Men (can't tell if she is joking or not) and one that might be the same timeline where she and Mev fight together and Mev seals the portal. Aaaaand she flicked him off before leaving. This is why no one likes you, Val.
Morning After Thoughts:
I don't think we actually know what Hopeless' discipline was. But since he was a Hidden Blade too I guess it's something similar to Tanith?
I'm still not over how we got drowned in dialogue when it came to the Dead Men, yet Mev and his nasties barely spoke, especially not to each other. I think the most interaction they had was Nef saying one line to Mev and Baron smiling when they ditched Nef.
Holy fuck, Nef was done so dirty in this. He got knocked out almost instantly, left behind, captured, poisoned and then torn apart. With each Nef scene I'm more convinced he's based on someone Landy doesn't like bc he just loved fucking up Nef.
He really enjoyed watching Mev just fucking annihilate the Sanctuary side eventho I call bullshit on some scenes like Mev not instantly killing the three very exhausted Dead Men at the end of the book and Baron managing to get beaten to death after he had essentially already won.
The part in the present fucking sucked and I call so hard bullshit on Mev losing to the necromancers again. They are like a mini cult, they would not have the numbers for that even after Mev is done with the Sanctuaries. It's probably bc Landy made Vile OP AF in this 🙄 Also, this future proves Mev right about mortals.
I'm in general VERY disappointed how Mev and his generals felt at times more like set dressing than anything else. Given the synopsis, this feels like a massive bait and switch :/ You want wartime stories? Whoops, it's Val again. Fuck you.
Btw it's really hard to root for Skul and the Dad Men bc their plan is always to just rush in and start hitting stuff. At least they got some well-deserved ass-kicking for that. Meanwhile, Mev is the only one that actually comes up with plans and successfully executes them. Once again, Mev feels more like the main character than the main characters do.
But at the same time Landy can't help himself but to make a parody of Mev, especially with this 'the voice' bullshit that made Mev just look ridiculous. Landy doesn't seem to know that a good villain can make or break the story. Just look at the recent Puss in Boots movie, the villains are so good, they are what most people are talking about.
Conclusion: This feels like a massive bait-and-switch. The synopsis promised wartime stories Mev and his generals taking a central role alongside the Dead Men. Instead, it was a mix between a romance story for Ghastly and a time travel story for Valkyrie. Also, everything gets reset in the end and what we actually read is just one of the timelines she messed up before finding a conveniently easy fix. So it's NOT a prequel story as advertised, it's an alternate timeline. So everything that happens there is non-canon bc it gets reset at the end of the book anyways. So once Val and her time travelling gets revealed (or at the latest point when Nef dies) there is no reason to be invested in this story anymore bc you can tell it's just gonna get reset anyways.
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enzombie · 1 year
I just finished season 4 and im. Im ruined. Ive already watched the show like 6 times btw but FUCK. GOD DAMN
Blaine being truly honest for the first time in as long as we've known him by telling angus he made the sign from god, only to get a reality check when his dad isnt as selfish and cowardly as he is, except thats such a mindfuck because his dad is a horrible awful child abusive son of a bitch, and it must have been so confusing to watch the church devour fraud bater under angus's orders. How eagerly angus watches blaines reaction, how he so hopes that makes up for everything, its sickening. Especially at the end of their arc where if i got it correctly, enzo sold them out? Told FMG they'd be coming and led them to a trap? And we saw angus and his flock get shot down. I cant help but feel bad for blaine
Peyton refusing to let FMG get away with moving up the time of the execution, marching into that studio and taking iver the broadcast, being the REASON people SHOWED UP at the warehouse and being right there with johnny fucking frost of all people, and ravi right by her side.
Major leaping over the crowd of soldiers to tackle chase, raging out completely and rightfully after all the shit he had to do for what he believed to be the right cause, only for the leader of that cause to spit in his face by trying to execute the love of his life. Because despite everything they still love eachother still and major is so goddamn pissed hes not gonna let another person murder his kids and get away ith it (even tho we saw so little of captain seattle i do not rememebr his actual name. Or jordans half the time)
Liv's stone cold expression at pulling the level and crushing chase's skull, and being so right about it too. Still tho, it wasnt enough to bring levon back, just like every time she tries to do the thing she thinks is right, someone she loves dies for it. When she tries to shoot blaine on sniper brain but cant, lowell tries to and gets killed. When she saves the chaos killer victims and clive from dying to a zombie, that zombie just had to be drake. When she tries to help human-zombie relations (misguidedly) and save lives by being renegade, she gets a front row seat to levons head being crushed. Her pain is so real idec chase is done with. It wasnt a good ending for her and i can feel that so clearly, even with that hopeful ending scene
My friend and I talked abour how selfish Liv can be when we started watching together (her first time), but how selfish can someone be when they give up the cure for their ailment twice for other peoples happiness?
And Chase. God. That entire decline during the latter half of the season was brutal. When thwy announced renegades execution and the video came out, he was done it was over, there was truly no coming back from this. He was so out of it at the point of the supporters breaking in that his voice cracks when he shouts at major to stop and when he says dont shoot and hes scrambling wildly for some form of control, in this case a gun that he places his head right on the gillutine. I think its a mercy that he died so painlessly.
At least Dale and Clive got a happy ending to the season though, getting married and getting the cure. Clive calling liv partner when they were saying goodbye in chase's office, it was just so bittersweet
Hope its okay that this is so long i just wanted to dump my thoughts onto someone ^^ this show is phenomenal i cant recover from this tonight.
I uh idk how to respond to most of this cus there's so much but I'll try my best (also why this took so long to reply sorry)
Blaine is a mixed feelings character, he's a fan favourite and he's always enjoyable to watch. Angus on the other hand idk a single soul who likes that bitch. Say what you will about Blaine, but Angus was EVIL. Shout out to Enzo for killing him off fr. We are grateful. All my homies hate Angus.
Also Enzo didn't exactly sell them out, he more completely set them up - he went directly to Blaine and Angus to make sure they went the exact route, made sure he was there for all the final plans, he collaborated directly with the US military to get rid of Angus and his pals. Like it wasn't a split second betrayal it was a planned execution, he knew full well Angus would take the bait and was probably hoping Blaine would too. I'm not sure if it was even an official FG operation because as far as we know, Chase didn't hear anything back from Enzo about the church. He didn't tell the press his name, he was the only FG personnel there - I'm sus that he just took it upon himself to deal with them. King behaviour.
And yeah Peyton was girlboss at the end of season 4 but it's like. When her bestie in danger she got all this proactive shit but when she's acting mayor the energies like half that. Makes me mad.
As for major. Little sympathy. Oh did your child soldiers get killed? Maybe child soldiers are a bad idea? Maybe you wouldn't be upset if you didn't have children as soldiers in the first place? Maybe giving untrained children weapons is guaranteed to go badly and end with them injured or killed? Do you think? Like. Honestly. And the way he was with Levon. Major was weird in season 4 idk. And I disagree with them killing Chase. There's so many worse people in the show that she can't bring herself to kill but Chase she executes without hesitation. He wasn't even that bad. I don't think its very fair for him either. Like he was trying his best to keep Seattle under control, and renegade was actively making everything worse. And if you think he was doing a bad job what came after in season 5? With Major: terrorism and hatecrimes peaked and he did nothing, he made Seattle completely reliant on Blaine who (bless him) is not trustworthy and not a good person and is obviously going to be a controversy. With Enzo: the second he took over, Majors mistakes blow up and Seattle dealing with civil war. Not to mention Enzo isn't great at de-escalation, at any point - not even just when he's in charge, since his introduction he walks in and makes situations worse on purpose (can't help being a girlboss)
As for your question about Liv being selfish - it's shortsightedness. She'll do selfless things that make her feel good but she won't consider the consequences. Stuff like giving up the cure is fine, not really any consequences, she gets to help her friends. The renegade stuff, she gets to scratch sick people and feel good about it - but the whole of Seattle gets closer and closer to dying horribly every time she does. It's like only caring about what's directly in front of her. Irritates me a little tbh. Especially when she's one of the only zombies not experiencing the food shortage so it's just this whole privilege thing while thousands of people are at risk.
Clive and Bozzio are so precious I love them so much they deserve everything. That's all.
Anyway, hope you and your friend enjoy season 5✌️
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i-talk-alot · 21 days
Okayyy this is gonna be a short rant bc its about myself or just like my life im general??
So like this is a reflect on my social life as a grew up and im gonna say it how it is bc at my old school I was really fucking toxic, believe it or not
Spesifically to my one friend (we’re gonna call him H) and whenever I think about this I’m just amazed at the fact that he’s even still my friend?? I was honestly such a fucking selfish bitch we were like a toxic couple except we werent dating and I hate myself sm for that so now and for some goddamn reason he never left?? Idk what he saw on me bc it wasnt like there wasnt anyone else he could hang out with like we both had seperate friendgroups, we just spent most of our time together anyway and we were like best friends as children yk but I began to get toxic in the later years for NO GODDAMN REASON?? There really is so fathoming how much I hate how I acted around them but since we’re still friends, whenever we spend time together im like a completely different person just so I can make up to him the years he had to put up with me being such a goddamn bitch but either way we went to different schools after that (I still see him occasionally tho :3)
And the first person I met was J (ikyk) and they were like really nice and sweet we just didnt hang out anyways lmao but I spent at least half a year where S (a different girl who I never talk to now) was my bestfriend and idek how we met but I realise that she didn’t even do anything?? Like sure she was annoying sometimes but she literally did nothing wrong on her part I just outgrew her for some reason
Then I met this girl who were gonna call 1 (bc her name starts with “i” and that’s too confusing) and she was (and she still is) really cool and we were best friends for the rest of that year even though after a while I could tell she was drifting apart, for some reason I didn’t even mind like (embarrassingly I had a diary/journal (what I wrote made very little sense all I did was thought and info dump in there) around then so I can quote exactly what I thought) I just thought that if she was moving on, I’m just gonna let her
And like
That’s exactly what I did?? It was probably the most mature way I’ve ever ended a friendship bc it didn’t even end? Sure we don’t talk as much but to this day I still talk to her and when I do we still get along, like a lot too, we just?? Idek how it happened bc it was so fast I hardly even noticed until I compared now to then yk?
AFTER THAT idrk who I met first I think bc I spoke to them all a lot online and then just started hanging out irl I became friends with M, L and E which is where I am now so whatever
The pattern I’ve noticed is that I just. Outgrow people. I want to stay on peoples good side without really having to stay? Like it seems like I’m every friendship I’ve had there’s been some kind of reason why it hasn’t lasted or why we stopped talking or something they did that pissed me off but, bottom line, I just get tired.
I have a feeling though that where I am now has a much higher potential to last long enough to make an impact on my life and I really want it to (apart from M) bc I genuinely cant imagine anyone really like them (/vvpos) but even so, I’ve been with them for a while now and there’s just a lot of people who joined our friendgroup and then have been outed. Just like that. So I realise that this whole thing isn’t as tight-knit or “best friends forever” as it looked on the outside before I became their (as a collective) friend and its just really disappointing sometimes. A lot of the time I think that everything I’ve been told was a lie, they all have a gc where they talk shit about me like we did for some other girl and I also wonder if people on the outside can tell how fucked we all are. Circle back to J, remember her? We don’t like her anymore. Ik she used to date C but also maybe it’s cuz no one bothered to explain what actually happened to me but it seems like we’re actually the ones being judgemental? Like I understand our perspective but I don’t believe in it, yk? Idc tho bc J and me aren’t that close anyways. The only friendship I’ve been in where I was genuinely happy and wasnt worried about losing her (even though I did in the end, it was just alr bc of how drama-free it was, and we still get along now even if we aren’t that close) was the one i had with 1. And thats just all I have to say about that. There were other people who I failed to mention but they were really just not as big of a deal or too long ago to even matter so whatever
Also if your (E) reading this and you know why we dont like J anymore please explain it so I don’t feel stupid for writing this
Also also I’d like to add a disclaimer to E that im not tired of her nor am I going to outgrow her, when I said that it was M who I was on about :3
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