#i gave them piercings and earrings. thought they deserved them
shinjukusunset · 5 months
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curlycow01 · 4 months
Only you
Pairing: Winter Soldier x Reader
Summary: You and the Winter soldier escape hydra together, and feelings for each other are revealed along the way
Meanings: солдат - soldier
Read part 2 here
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Out of all the test subjects Hydra gave the serum to, only you survive. You and Soldat were the perfect soldiers of Hydra, their greatest weapons. They brainwash you both, but they overdo yours, and break your mind, making you forget all the memories pre serum, the life you previously had.
Hydra sends you both on missions to assassinate high level targets and you both end up saving each other's lives a lot of times, creating this weird dynamic. Even through the fragments of your mind, you seek the Soldat's presence, his powerful stance and intimidating silence, drawing you to him as your only sense of comfort.
No matter how many times Hydra wipes his memories, his feelings for you don't go away. When he realizes he cares about you, he's determined to find a way to save you.
Decades pass and one day Soldat returns from a mission. Looks like he didn't complete it as his metal arm had sustained heavy internal damage. He seems a bit off as you observe him from a corner. Alexander Pierce enters the room and asks him for the mission report.
The soldat doesn't reply, lost in thought. Pierce hits him on the face, the sound echoing through the room. You feel a flash of anger. "The man on the bridge" he says quietly to pierce, his face having a genuine expression of curiosity. "Who was he?"
"You met him earlier this week on another assignment." Pierce answers. "I knew him" Soldst's voice had a hint of faraway recognition. Pierce is clearly not happy. "Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time." he takes a small pause. "If you don't do your part I can't do mine, and Hydra can't give the world the freedom it deserves.
The Soldat's face was sad, he pressed his lips for a second before speaking in a defeated tone "But I knew him" Pierce sighs in frustration and gets up from the chair. He looks at him for a moment before turning to the scientists "Prep him" One of them spoke up "But he's been out of cryo freeze too long." "Then wipe him and start over" Pierce answers.
Your heart skips a beat as you hear those words. Pierce leaves. the scientist push Soldat back in the chair. Machines attach themselves onto his head, cackling with electricity.
You grip the railing tightly as his horrific screams echoed through the room, his naked chest heaving with heavy breathing. Guards come and escort you elsewhere, but his screams were still ringing through your ears.
Hours later
You opened your eyes and stepped out of the cryo freeze, to see the scientists panicking and few armed guards shuffling around uncomfortably.
The head Doctor spoke up "This doesn't change anything. We still have one supersoldier left. The Asset's failure, though frustrating, is not a complete disaster. Captain America is dead. The collision of the helicarriers killed both of them."
Your blood runs cold as the sentence sinks in. A small gasp escapes your lips at the fact that he's gone. He couldn't be, you didn't want to believe it. The Doctor notices your gasp and turns to you with a darkened expression. "Look at this" he says in a mocking tone "You've grown feelings for him, have you?" he scoffs " Having emotions makes you weak. We've lost the Soldat, but we can still use you, make you the next perfect soldier"
You're frozen in place as the Doctor reveals the truth. "Wipe her" he commands the guards in an emotionless voice. You're still rooted to the ground as the guards approach you. They roughly push you into the chair and lock restraints around your wrists.
Your heart is thundering in your chest as the electrocuting machines on either side of your head are switched on with a small hum of electricity. Adrenaline courses through your veins as the contraption starts coming close to you. You shut your eyes tightly, bracing for the pain.
You feel the cool metal closing around your head for a second, then a huge wave of blinding pain shoots through you, it's like the voltage of an electric chair dialed up to 11. Your cries of pain fall on deaf ears, and you barely survive the first wave. Tears streak down your cheeks as you waited for the second wave. But it never comes.
You slowly open your eyes, still blurry with tears. You can't hear much due to the ringing in your ears, but you can make out that the machine's stopped. A loud crash breaks through the ringing, and you try to blink away the tears to see what's going on.
You see the soldat plowing through the guards and the terrified scientists. The way he was landing his punches was in pure rage, nothing like you've ever seen him before. You try to move, but you were tightly bound by the restraints. Your breathing was still ragged, the first wave left you with little energy.
Gentle fingers brush against your cheek, you snap your head from the restraints to see your savior. "солдат?" your voice is low and hoarse as you gaze into his piercing blue eyes, which were laced with concern. "Bucky" he says as he starts freeing you from the restraints.
You try to stand, but your knees were wobbly, Bucky swiftly grabs your arm to steady you. His eyes scan you for any other injuries. "I should have gotten here sooner" he says grimly, his hand wrapped around yours protectively. "They said that you died" you say slowly, looking up at him "They said the crash killed you, but you survived. Why didn't you run?"
"I couldn't leave" Bucky answers, his gaze softening as he continues "Not without you. Not when you were still trapped." His metal arm reached up and brushed some hair that had fallen over your face, this action made your stomach flip. The atmosphere between you two changed.
"So, uh" you say awkwardly, breaking the silence "Where do we go now?" "I have a place in Romania. We should be safe there." He answers.
"Great" You're trying to sound like you're okay, even though you were anything but okay on the inside, all of these emotions swirling inside of you. He could never know you think he'll never feel the same
You started walking to the exit, but Bucky caught your arm. You turned to him "Aren't we leaving?" He took a deep breath before speaking "Before I killed the Doctor, he said that you had grown attached to me and" he paused for a moment and blinked slowly "that you had feelings for me"
Your breath slightly hitched as he finally learnt your secret. "He also tried to insult you, but I snapped his neck before he could finish the sentence" Bucky takes a step closer to you. "Is that true? That- that you have feelings for me?" he asks slowly. You only nodded, not knowing what to say.
"How long?" As you're thinking what to say, you suddenly realize that he's standing close to you, his lips only inches away. how you would love to- woah. Wait a minute. You snap out of your thoughts and rasp out "A while"
His flesh hand reached out and lightly traced your jaw with his fingers "Why didn't you say anything? he asks softly. You hesitated for a moment "I- I thought you didn't feel the same, because hydra removed emotions-" "Hydra couldn't take away this." He interrupted. His hand stilled and pulled away from your jaw. "They couldn't take you away from me. They didn't change the way I feel about you."
His metal arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Before you could realize what's happening. his lips were on yours. Your lips perfectly molded his, moving in sync. His other hand moved to the back of your head, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss.
His muscular frame covered you completely as his tongue brushed against your lip, silently asking for entry. You parted your lips slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside. His tongue danced against yours as his hand moved through your hair.
You both pulled away after a few moments for air. Bucky's metal arm was tracing circles on your hip. "I'll never let them hurt you again" He whispers "I'll always keep you safe." He looks at you with utmost love and affection in his sky-blue eyes.
"Do you think we can make this work?" You whisper back, taking his hand in your own "The world won't accept this. They won't accept us. "Screw the world" Bucky replies firmly and squeezes your hand in reassurance "I don't care about the world, what they say or want, I don't." He intertwines his fingers with yours.
"I only care about you"
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galebrainrot2024 · 7 months
GalexYou Hiding at the Goblin Camp
This was inspired by @orangekittyenergy's list of ideas for pre-relationship and pining Gale and I am just putting their idea to paper. I plan to write more of these based off of them, we all deserve a little more pining and fluff! I gave myself butterflies with this one sheesh
Summary: Gale and You (Gender Neutral) are forced to hide in the Goblin camp in close quarters and Gale is unable to stop thinking about your proximity and the blossoming feelings he has for you. Straight up pining and fluff.
Master List
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“Shit!” You ducked down abruptly and pulled Gale down by the sleeve eliciting a quiet grunt of protest. A pair of drunken Goblins hum into the room, blissfully unaware of Priestess Gut’s eviscerated body as they sing in merriment. Gale’s throat closed and his knees cramped as you pressed back into his thighs, turned into him. He swallowed hard as he feels your hand against his lower back for purchase, to make sure you both fit in the secluded hiding spot. It was hardly big enough for one grown person, let alone two. 
Gale tried to focus on the dank, disgusting smell instead of you nearly in his lap. The warmth of your body pressed against his and as your breath mingled, he thought surely the orb had taken him. Your cheeks were flushed and a light sheen of sweat covered you. Gale desperately wanted to lean forward and kiss you, delicately against where your ear met your neck and taste the salt of battle. Sinful yearning thrummed in his core, his stomached knotted and goosebumps enveloped him. Despite the fear of imminent death, Gale’s mind was elsewhere. Perhaps it was the brush with danger that evoked such a strong arousal. He’d read about it, countless times. His heart thudded erratically and heat licked up his spine. Your legs were warm against his and the closeness made him flush with embarrassment. 
As your gaze was on the Goblins, Gale inhaled and adrenaline rushed through his veins when your scent wrapped him in bliss. He had forgotten the sweet musk of mortals, having spent so long isolated or with Mystra. The day’s sweat lingered on your skin and as you tussled your hair he was hit by a wave of pine mingled with dirt. It drove him mad and he felt electricity pierce his DNA. He felt like he was suffocating and wanted to rip off his skin. He knew so little about you and yet felt he had known you for a lifetime. He felt pathetic, so starved for attention he was enamored with the first empathetic person he saw. The moment you pulled him from the portal, Gale knew he was ruined. It was your eyes, the curiosity in them and the kindness you extended without knowing who or what you were helping. And then, when he revealed his sordid past to you instead of disdain and judgment you offered compassion and kindness without knowing more than he had a cat, a library, and enjoyed wine from time to time. Gale wondered how, despite the horror and looming threat of becoming a mindflayer, he had gotten so lucky to have met you. 
Gale couldn’t remember a time where he experienced such visceral longing for another. Although he had plenty of mortal conquests before his time with Mystra, he didn’t remember them feeling quite so profound. Don’t be ridiculous, he thought. With his condition as it was, he tried to avoid any unnecessary stimulation and you were exactly that. He tried to keep away and was (obviously) unsuccessful. You felt like breathing for the first time or learning a new incantation. 
It was all too much. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and he cleared his throat. He almost groaned when you, without turning to look at him, placed your fingers against his lips to hush him. Your fingers lingered for a moment and Gale felt unholy warmth pool in his core, a shudder rolled through him. When you dropped your fingers, they grazed across Gale’s chest and he stopped breathing. 
Get a grip, he scolded himself, this is just the first contact you’ve had in over a year, you hardly know this person. It’s their biology, nothing more. Unless it isn’t, which is not likely. 
Although he could not yet admit it to himself, it was not just biology. 
He had successfully, up until this point, avoided being in such close proximity to you for this very reason. Even though you had only been traveling together for a few weeks, the chemistry that sparked between you and Gale was intoxicating and he chased the rush like a love-sick puppy. Despite his best efforts, once he understood the fluttering of guttural feeling was in fact not the orb, but you he found it almost impossible to keep far. Gale loved sharing information with you, adoring how your eyes gleamed whenever he was deep in monologue. You were one of the first who allowed him to provide his talents and intelligence without mockery or malice, especially in such a short time. Even though Astarion would groan every time he spoke, you would hush him and encourage Gale to continue. It was how you bit your lip when deep in thought and how he wished he could taste you, to share a tender and slow kiss… Gale tried to ground himself and recenter his thoughts, but it was too late. As you huddled for safety, his body pressing tightly to you. At first, Gale ignored the sensation and attributed it to the orb. The feeling wasn’t dissimilar, though the orb’s persistent ache was more of a gnawing hunger where food does not quite sate you. 
This hunger was all together different. Gale tried earnestly to maintain his composure, wondering what you were thinking about. 
Once the Goblins stumbled out of the room, somehow oblivious to their murdered healer, neither you nor Gale moved. You turned to look at Gale and he fell into your emotive pools, neither of you moving. Your breath and his echoed between the wall and crate, the air between you thick with words unsaid. 
That was until Karlach peaked her head over, raising her eyebrows. “So… are you both ready to join us again or what?” 
Gale and you laughed awkwardly in unison, still holding each other’s gaze and stood, your bodies synched now. They know each other and cannot wait until they can have more. 
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bendycxmet · 5 months
Pierced—Vash the Stampede
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Summary: How did Vash get that hoop in??
Word Count: ~1.2k
Pairing: gn!reader x Vash the Stampede
Content: fluff, a lil angsty, Vash deserves his sense of self ok
a/n: @aboveweirdest gave me this wonderful idea while we were analyzing this man to death! tyty was thinking about this when i got another helix piercing done recently so i whipped this up before bed
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In recent days, you’ve seen Vash eyeing you. At least, more than what is normal. It was unsettling everytime you felt his gaze on you whenever you tried passing the time by creating something out of scraps you found into jewelry, specifically earrings. 
For instance, he was doing it now, as your hands worked the small pliers expertly to transform a piece of gold wire into a hoop. You either usually pierce your own ears with your creations, or sell them in town for some extra cash you both could use for bullets or food. Vash wishes he could be as good as you on the artsy side, but you always remind him that he is good with his hands. No one can beat him in marksmanship.
“Like what you see there, gunman?” you tease, side eyeing him for a split second. Caught in the act, Vash blushes a lovely red that reaches the tip of his ears. You love getting a rise out of him.
“Do you wanna learn? Is that it? Because you’ve been a little too curious these past couple of days.”
“Mm.. ‘s not that. I just… How many piercings do you have?” 
The question comes out of nowhere for you. You think it’s obvious, since mostly all of them are on your ears. Doing mental math, you count what you have on your ears.
“Uh, around 11? I’m thinking of doing more, but we’ve been too busy lately.”
He simply nods, humming to himself as he visibly thinks through your answer. 
“Why do you pierce your ears?” You quirk your eyebrow at him. “Don’t mean that in an offensive way!” He quickly puts his hands up, offering a sign of peace. You laugh at his gestures. “I just been noticing lately that your usual customers are people with loads of piercings, and I never gave it much thought before to get one of my own, but I think…they look so cool on others. They seem so happy with them too, expressing themselves without even saying a word.”
Your hands still at his words, something dropping in your stomach and twisting at his solemn expression. Vash never revealed much about his past, and you never probed him further. Anytime anything connected to his past came up, you could clearly tell whatever happened had left its scars on him, physically and mentally. You respected his decision to close up those details, and reminded him that whenever, if ever, he was ready to share that load with you, you would be there.
You look back down at the gold hoop in your hands, an idea coming to mind. You quickly add the finishing touches, putting a little more effort into it as it was for someone special now. 
“Hey, what do you think of this?” You hold up the hoop to Vash’s eyes, catching the glimmer in his eyes at your recent creation, like that of a thief spotting expensive items through a window. Greed and envy swirling together.
“It’s beautiful! You always amaze me with how you turn a piece of trash into such a pretty object. That one’s gonna sell fast Mayfly!” You warm at his praise and nickname for you. His confidence and support for your skills potentially outweighed yours for how he handled his gun.
Yet, you can’t stand the fake smile he plasters on his face, masking the jealousy he feels for the future owner of the golden hoop.
“Think I’m gonna sell it for free. It’s for someone close to me.” Vash simply cocks his head to the side. You roll your eyes at his obliviousness. “How about letting me pierce your ear for you?”
The change in his demeanor is quick. He straightens his back, eyes shining brightly, nodding eagerly at you. “I’m in your hands!”
Grabbing a small threading needle from your kit, you order him to sit close to you on motel bed. Cleaning your hands and the needle, you search his face, looking for any signs of regret. 
“You sure about this? Do you know where you want it?”
He’s pensive for a moment, eyes looking past you. He hums, pointing at his left lobe. How perfect, you think, same side as his cute little mole. 
You fidget, rethinking piercing his ear. You’ve only ever pierced yourself, so now that you have someone else in front of you, you feel like a total amateur. 
“Hey. Get out of your head there. I know what you’re thinking.” Vash’s voice breaks through your brain fog. He wraps his hand around your raised arm, poised and ready to pierce him. He gently tightens his hold on your waist. “I trust you.” You feel your heart twinge at the soft vulnerability in his eyes.
“Ok, this will be a slight pinch. I know you’re used to pain-” you interject, noting his slightly raised eyebrow, silently telling you been there done that. “-but just follow my rules. Ok, breathe in for me.” You raise the needle to his ear. “And breathe out.” As you feel his breath ghost your arm, you push the needle as quickly as you can through his ear, quickly adding the hoop to his ear. 
You turn around to wash your hands. “And there you go! Your first piercing ever! Crazy, considering that you’re like 150- hey don’t touch-” you catch him as he’s going to finger his new piercing, staring straight at the mirror on the vanity opposite the bed. The warning dies in your throat at the sight of him nearly in tears.
“I…I love it,” he says in a warbled voice.
“Oh Vash, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? I really tried to be careful. Always with you.” You sit beside him, leaning onto his shoulder, rubbing his back in comfort. He sniffs. 
“It’s not you. It’s just…this is the first time I feel like I’ve done something for myself. I feel like my own person. With just a hoop.” Wet tears trail down his cheeks. You press your fingers to his cheeks, wiping his tears. You know how he’s been burdened with his past, no doubt still feeling the shadow of his brother and the destruction that’s come from his actions. Perhaps this earring meant more than you could ever imagine, perhaps it finally binded him to the present, and to his own future that he can create. 
“You’ve always been Vash to me. Never your brother. Just you. Vash the Stampede. The most amazing gunman to ever walk into my life.” He turns to you, wrapping his arms around you and pressing his face into your neck.
“Thank you. Now, I feel like everyone else. Maybe they can see me as one of them. Not this humanoid disaster.” You nuzzle into him, hands returning to their rubbing against his back.
“You look nice by the way. It suits you really well. The gold complements your blue blue eyes,” you tease, hoping to get a chuckle out of him. 
He pecks your cheek, another thank you from him. He presses his face tighter to you, jolting suddenly. “Ow!”
“Yeahh, it’s gonna be a bit tender for a bit.” 
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divider by saradika
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m1ssunderstanding · 8 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 17
George is so sweet to put so much effort into helping Ringo write his song and to not ask for any kind of writing credit. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right? But also, I’d do that for Ringo too if I were him. Ringo deserves it for everything he’s given to that band and the little credit he’s received. 
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“What am I playing, Richie?” “You’ll be on drooms.” If the Beatles know how to do one thing, it’s be cute. 
John, stop talking about Paul’s strong arms, you're embarrassing yourself. 
I do have to just include this here. From my Get Back book. I never heard, “was it sexually oriented?” on the nagra reels, but apparently that’s what Peter Jackson’s cleaned-up version gave him, and again, he was like, “hmm. Too gay.” 
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He’s known Heather for how long? Less than a year, right? But if somebody had showed me just this footage and told me he’d raised her from a newborn, I would not blink an eye. That kind of tired but fond interaction is exactly how a dad plays with his kid. And she’s climbing all over him and bossing him around like he’s never not been in her life. It’s beautiful. 
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And John, with his “are you going to eat them?” is the perfect sort of bad-example favorite uncle. The kind that would check her out of school when she’s older and go get her ears pierced when her dad had said she was too young. 
Sorry, I promise I’m not just going to be thirsting over dad Paul this whole time. I have to just make one thing clear, and this is the only thing I’ll say on the subject and then I’m done. If a man is a 3 and a good dad, he’s a 10. Paul was already an 11, so I’m literally just done-for. Okay, I’ll shut up. 
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John and Paul doing their usual thing, only paying attention to each other. Talking about an Elvis gospel ending for Let it Be. George, smirking, stands up: and we’ll all kneel as you do it. If John had said it, Paul would be in stitches. But George said it, and he might as well have never opened his mouth for all the notice he gets. And it’s honestly heartbreaking, if you can take your eyes off of the insanity of John and Paul’s weird eye-contact, to watch George’s face go from excited at his own wit and hopeful for a laugh to just completely downcast. Twelve years of that. Twelve years. 
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Ringo, you’re an absolute saint. He’s being so sweet to Heather, even letting her mess with his symbols, and then Paul has the audacity to tell him to “keep it lighter.” Like. Paul. Do you think that maybe the fact that he’s got a five-year-old over there “helping” him might have anything to do with how the drums are coming out? Just a thought. Anyone else would at least have something to say about it. Ringo just sort of nods along but he looks SO tired.
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TFW you’re inspiring the next generation of women to be loud and free and take up space.
“Dig it” is actually insane to me. I know I’m crazy, but remember those twin dreams they had about buried treasure when they first met? “If you want it, you can dig it up.” ???
When George and Paul just jump into harmonizing together when they’re talking about The Long and Winding Road arrangement? Their voices are like magic together. I wish they would’ve had George sing that part in the final thing, actually.  
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starlaindisguise · 1 month
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sorry 4 forgetting i could post here X___X life is lifeing! but the fixation wheels never stop turning……I GOT SUPER INTO LEGO MONKIE KID AGAIN AND NOW I AM MAKING IT EVERYONE’S ISSUE :D !!!
here are my traffic light trio human designs!! i thought really hard about all of the little details soooo lemme just yap about those for a sec :3
MEI )) Han Chinese (based off of her English dub voice actor) !! I gave her lots of piercings, particularly nose piercings (in recent artworks of mine I have drawn the nose piercings with more of a dragon shape) and this cool like…ear chain piercing that connects to pink diamond earrings! I made her jewelry gold to represent how much of a boss she is, and also just because yk, gold, winner, first place, status, AMAZING? I feel like she deserves to feel like a million dollars but that’s just me! Also, fun fact, pink diamonds are one of the rarest and most expensive diamonds in the world. Maybe she got those earrings as an offering, or made fake ones to look cool. It’s your choice! I gave her bright green dragon scales around her face. Her nails are pink and blue because it looks good with her outfit haha,, I also gave her an ace ring because I PROJECT. She has a few cute bracelets (M.A.D. being the most notable) and necklaces I feel like she’d like!! Honestly I just gave her my dream fashion sense
MK )) White + Chinese (Up for change. I like a lot of different interpretations of MK!) I gave him hair clips to push back his side sweep! I also gave him little earrings but not a lot. I don’t think he could handle too many piercings wjsjsjs- I gave him a trans pin and an aroace pin, just my lil headcanons (I guess one canon. TRANSMASC SWAAAAG) I also gave him patches on his jacket; I like to think that Pigsy taught him how to use a sewing machine and he’s addicted to it. That’s why he has the iconic symbol on his back in my heart !! He has a heart and a dragon that Mei gave him :) On his hands he has some eczema scars and hot oil stains from dropping the noodles he delivers,, and that’s pretty much it!! His design is pretty minimalistic because I had the least big ideas for him :3
Red Son )) Black + Chinese !! I gave her lots of piercings as well, but I made them silver and black to contrast Mei’s gold! There’s a whole bunch of them he’s saur pretty !! He has some scars on his hands :(( I wanna also shade in his arms to give him more like,,, burns?? From the impact of the Samadhi Fire?? That almost look like magma? Like the dark fade that a lot of great artists do (one of them being @mariiilume to follow them NOOOOWWWW) except BRIGHT RED…well I don’t wanna describe that any longer because I didn’t even draw it HA UUUUH…Gave her bull ears and cute teeth !! He also has some cute square black nails!! Plus I lengthened their hair. They have such majestic hair it deserves to shine.
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sunshine-on-my-mind · 9 months
Soldat’s fairy
chapter 3
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pairing: winter soldier x reader / bucky barnes x reader
general warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!! Dark Elements!! HYDRA!! (Dub Con implied but not really and NOT FROM BUCKY), Winter Solider, Mind Control, se-xual in-tercourse. forced relationship forced procreation (HYDRA!!), ANGST - (this is my first time writing something like this so please let me know if I should more warnings)
chapter warnings: non-graphic s.mut, mentions of virginity, mentions of crying, mentions of blood, injury from glass (accidental), mentions of pregnancy, pregnancy test, (+ general warnings)
words: 890+
a/n: hi everyone, thank you for showing love to this story, things accelerate quickly in this chapter but it’s shorter than the previous, thank you for your support, hope you like it. please please read the warnings before continuing.
<- Previous Chapter
Soldat kept his word, he was gentle with you, as gentle as he could be.
It hurt, more than the physical hurt it was the betrayal, the fact this was not happening willingly
You always thought your first time would be special, or at least with someone you loved but mostly it will be your choice.
“You’re so beautiful” The Man kissed you, whispered in your ears. Soldat was kind to you, he made you feel good but a part of you felt broken, and he felt something similar.
He blamed himself, if it wasn’t for him maybe you wouldn’t have to do this, maybe your life would be better. You could be free.
Soldat kissed your jaw, your neck, as he could feel his high approach, it felt wrong, but both of your bodies betrayed yourselves.
Maybe the two of you could challenge fate and take it in your own hands. That moment, even if forced, was shared just between you two. It was yours and only yours.
Soldat looked at you with kind eyes as if asking permission, you gave him a gently smile, which was enough answer for him, he leaned down and kissed you, he made sure to provide you pleasure, as the two of you reached your high, you felt full, even something so wrong felt so right.
Fate played a game with you both but in that moment, you didn’t feel betrayed, in that moment, it was just you and him.
“I’m sorry” Soldat couldn’t stop blaming himself. He didn’t look at you, lying beside you staring at the ceiling
“It’s not your fault” He wasn’t used to hearing that. After everything that happened how were you not screaming at him, cursing him or hitting him?
You looked at him as the man kept avoiding your gaze. Soldat was beautiful, you thought. There were so many questions going through your mind, what happened to him being the most prominent.
“Do you- do you think I…” You trailed off gently touching your belly. The future seemed uncertain and scary. Soldat didn’t say anything, instead he looked at your hand on your belly.
The silence of the room got disrupted when there were loud knocks on the door followed by footsteps and people coming in. Thankfully you were modestly clothed by then. Few of Pierce’s men came in notifying you that soon a doctor will arrive to check you, to see if you got pregnant.
“Soldat, come with us now.” They ordered. Soldat looked at you, saw the tears in your eyes. Part of him wanted to stay with you, but the other part felt you must hate him now, why wouldn’t you, he thought. Probably it was best to leave.
Soldat got up to leave. He looked at you one more time and you were looking back at him. What he didn’t realise was that you wanted him to stay.
All of them left the room and you were alone again. How did your life turn out to be like that? Was it your fault? Were you not a good enough daughter? Could have done something differently?
No. Suddenly all you could feel was rage. You didn’t deserve this. No matter what. You got up from the bed and started throwing whatever you could grab.
Eventually you got a hold of the glass of water which was on your bedside table and threw it hard on the floor and a tiny piece of glass cut your arm.
It was tiny, didn’t really hurt much but you felt so broke, everything added up which resulted in you sobbing on your bed. You didn’t know when you fell asleep. Losing the idea of time, you woke up hours later.
When you were given food that day, you didn’t feel like eating at all but you knew if you didn’t take care of yourself the consequence won’t be nice. You felt empty as you gulped your food down with water.
More than week passed in solitary. Your mind wandered to Soldat, wondering what he must be doing. He was not doing well either. He was sent on a mission, which he obliged like the good soldier he is but he couldn’t stop thinking about you, about the future, about the pregnancy test that was about to take place soon.
When the day came, Pierce burst into your room followed by doctors and his men. You did what they say, they tested you.
“Well daughter, in some time we’ll get to know if you are of any use” Pierce had a sickening smile on his face. You felt like throwing up, literally. And you did.
The test result - Positive.
“Now then, I’ll see you soon, after consulting our doctors and scientists. Congratulations daughter, you are gonna be a mother.” With that Pierce left your room.
Soldat was informed about the news as well. They needed more of his blood sample and run some other tests on him as well as on you to make sure you were healthy.
The next day there is another knock on your door. But no one enters without permission, which was unusual, usually the knocks were just to give you a moment, to notify then people are about to come in. But this felt different.
You opened the door to see a bloodied Soldat standing in front of you.
“We are leaving. Now.”
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calamarikitty · 14 days
Hazbin Hotel Redesigns - Part Three!
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the hotel attendees are here, along with cherri and mimzy!
individual pngs and design notes under cut
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Anthony "Angel Dust" - He/him, trans man, gay
you best believe he has extra legs now! this makes him an anomaly in the industry and grew his popularity.
all of his outfits are like those dumb, tacky sexy halloween costumes. his most used persona is a sexy mafia boss.
he equates his self-worth to his sex appeal and all of his outfits are normal things made 'sexy'
he is more built than he is in the show because i felt like it
spider mandibles and abdomen! for fun! also extra eyes and cool spiderweb eyelashes
also kept his little BANG! gun from one of his earlier designs because i love it so much
also completely unrelated but i just now realized that both angel and molly have drug-related names and i just think that's genuinely so smart.
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Sir Pentious - He/him, cis man, straight
just realized that the transparency on his tail is weird so just pretend it's intentional texture shh!
didn't really change his design tbh. i kind of already like it! i just wanted to make him look more cartoon-villainy.
basically just a redraw in my own style
one thing i think he deserves though are silly little mad-scientist swirly glasses.
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Cherri Bomb - Any pronouns, bigender, unlabeled
gave them a cyber goth look! i think that she definitely deserved to be more punky.
i wanted everything abt her to be super asymmetrical. i honestly love the different shoe concept that she has in her original design but bro deserves two shoes of the same height so she's not tripping over herself constantly.
the dreads(?) end in a fuse shape because i think that's SUCH a fun reference to her love for pyrotechnics. i tried to include as much explosion shapes as i could.
lots of piercings! stretched septum, stretched ears, snakebites, double nostril, you name it, she probably has it.
also gave her more freckles! she reminds me of freckled strawberry lemonade and idk why. also just thought lime green was such a pleasing accent color for her and i kind of dig it
she's still got her cool goggles and is a badass pyromaniac
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Mimzy - She/her, cis woman, straight
my god i have so many qualms with mimzy's original design!!!! i need her to be more glamorous! more fun!
i decided to go a COMPLETELY different route with the colors this time. she is COOL colored now. spooky!
a lot of hazbin sinners are based on specific animals or insects, and i find it confusing that she has no cohesive theming. i decided to take some liberty and make her peacock themed!
i thought this really fit with her glamorous and extravagant nature.
i also wanted to make her hooked nose more prominent, and also give her the awesome feather boa she deserves
i was super scared abt changing the colors so drastically at first, but i absolutely love how she turned out. im also just a sucker for peacock theming though
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Let’s Talk About: Soft Sex with Toji (NSFW/FLUFF)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
A/N: Just like hoe Gojo I’m also sick of reading hard/mean Dom Toji man😩 Toji being soft seems so much more fun and more memorable! So here.
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There are many things you have come to known about Toji and that is that he isn’t the type to express his feelings with words, but rather with actions. Once you have caught on to this earlier in your relationship with him you started to understand why it wasn’t often he’d throw you a “I love you” or “ I miss you” text, or he wouldn’t always bring you home flowers, he really wasn’t always domestic as you would have thought, but moreso him staying up late until you got home safely or holding you close in from of him when you both are walking on a busy street, picking up your favorite snack and throwing it at you saying “Didn’t you like these gross things?”
You knew of some of his past. Being tossed to the side and treated horribly as a Zenin, and that he had a child he gave up. You never pushed him to talk to much if he didn’t want to, and he appreciated you for this. He actually knew that you’ve been probably the most understanding woman he has ever come across. You never tried changing him, fixing him, accepting that he doesn’t want to get married yet or judging him but accepted his entire package and he knew he had to make it up to his good girl so that’s how you ended up in the position you’re in now:
Toji had on nothing but his pants kitten licking your nipples as your naked body was dwarfed under him. You gripped his strong arm, fingers tracing over the veins popping out of it down to his forearm. His lips were soft on your skin.
“Feeling Good, doll?” He teased in your ear cutting you off from a soft moan that was escaping, cutting off your premature thoughts about him kissing you at the same pace between your legs. “Relax though, we just started.”
Feeling the weight of the bed shift you held yourself up on your elbows closing your thighs to watch him take the rest of his clothes off, but he tsked and held your left thigh tightly, “Keep them open. I wanna look at you.”
You did as told squirming a bit at the exposure, but you enjoyed the soft demands he was giving you so much.
Tonight felt a bit different. If it were any other night yours probably already be in your 2nd orgasm under his tongue, but Toji greeted you tonight from work with sweet kisses down your cheek and neck whispering to you to follow him upstairs. He usually tears off your clothes but instead he went slow landing his lips on every new part of exposed skin when he took off another piece of clothing off you.
He was gentle.
Toji finally freed hisself from his pants and it seems like he has been enjoying going slow as well considering his cock was already leaking of precum and blushing.
“T-Toj…” you seen him crawl towards you with a soft gaze. For the first time you felt a small fire under your belly for him to go faster. Almost as if he read your mind he crashed his lips into yours holding the back of your head.
“We have all night, y/n…no need to rush.”
His voice was so tender on your lips, it nearly scared you but you smiled back holding his cheeks to nod back okay.
Toji dipped his head down adjusting you under him so his cock just barely grazes you cunt making you gasp.
“‘M ganna…” He sucked and kissed each of your breast,
“Make you…” he went lower to your tummy kissing and licking almost each stretch mark you had,
“Feel…” he got to your little Fupa and kissed it as well,
“So good..” he got to your thighs and nipped at them looking back at you with his piercing green eyes. You can see his scared lip curl with satisfaction before he closed them to lick from your inner thighs up to your ankle where his pretty golden anklet he got you with his name on it dangled by his ear.
“You deserve to feel good, baby.”
His tongue was so hot on your cold body from being out and naked for so long you let out a soft moan.
Toji went back down and held himself up with one elbow keeping your left leg open and winked at you, before rubbing wide circles on your clit with two fingers.
“Mmmm…” your eyes were shut biting your lip. His thick fingers felt so good swirling inside your folds. He knew just which area to touch to make you melt in his hand.
He bit his lips watching you lowly pant grinding your hips into his fingers. He sucked them to taste you a little then stuck his thick digits inside you hearing a squelch noise.
“You like that?”
“Speak up for me, sweetheart.”
“I love it..”
His cock twitched hearing your pretty soft voice, he felt like it was long enough and you needed his mouth.
“Oh Toji…” you breathed out moving upwards on the bed. He didn’t let up keeping his lips latched onto yours holding back one leg.
“‘M ganna push your leg back deeper okay…wanna get deep inside you, baby…”
His tongue moved back and fourth in your twitching walls clenching when he left to flick the tip of his wet muscle on your clit. You had no choice but to arch your back whining at the intense feeling, he really knew how to work his mouth when he isn’t talking shit to you.
You ran your fingers through his hair, lightly pulling on his scalp whenever he lightly brushes the tip of your clit.
“Toj…I’m so close…” Your eyes were shut, panting out your mouth, the noises of his tongue slurping and plunging into your pussy was all too much for you to handle.
“Look at me…” His voice was muffle still buried inside you. “Look at me when you cum.”
You used the last bit of strength you had left to look down and the sight was just too much to handle. Toji was looking right at you with his head leaned on your thigh opening and closing his eyes slowly as if each time he shut his eyes he got a better taste of you. He began groaning into your cunt, tugging at your clit with his lips before flicking it again making your right leg twitch on its own . His mouth was drenched in your arousal and his spit but it wasn’t until he looked into your eyes and winked is what made you cum.
“Yes! Yes ! Yes! Mmmm!”
You actually squirted in his mouth which is a rare occurrence between you both.
Toji sat up on the bed on his knees between your legs and wiggled his index and middle finger on your swollen clit giving you time to start up another orgasm out of you.
“Come here baby, stick out your tongue…taste yourself.” You did as told and in an instant he spat in your mouth and sucked on your tongue to kiss you.
You began to moan in his mouth feeing his cock grind in between your still sensitive folds, “You ready, baby?” He asked with slight concern in his face. He really admired the mess he made between you and he adorned the fucked out look your already have from just his tongue.
“Mmhmm. ‘M ready, Toji.”
“That’s my girl.” He kissed your bottom lip feeling your breath hit his nose as you moaned out feeling his cock sink so deep inside you, “There you go, baby hold on to me okay?”
Toji paced himself looking down seeing how much your leg just kept twitching and shaking. The first thrust he gave you was hard and deep earning a groan out of him and a whisper of his name out of you.
He held your aching leg up and latched his lips back on to yours and kept pumping inside you with each thrust came a squelch and a whiny moan. Your senses were over flown feeling him be so slow and sensual. There was no degrading as usual, no begging for more, no teasing, just him making sure you felt every inch . Just him making sure you felt good.
Just Toji Making sure his baby girl knew she was loved.
You felt the approach so you started to clench down as a warning to Toji. “Cum with me, sweetheart..” His breathes were ragged with yours, spit connecting you both, your tits smothered against his chest barely being able to shake freely, with your tongue laid out your mouth and your eyes unfocused.
He lowered your leg to rub on your clit to continue to bring that powerful orgasm out of you.
“Toji..” you cried.
“I know baby I know just let go..”
“Good girl cum with me—ah! Cum with me baby.”
“Yes! Yes ! Toji! Ah! Toji! So good! So —ah! Good!”
He solidified the orgasm with a kiss slowing down his pace. Toji pulled back slowly to see your now drowsy eyes.
“Thank you, Toji.”
He laughed weakly at your accolades, peppering your face and breast with kisses.
“You deserve it.”
Even though this wasn’t something that would happen often, this was a Toji you could get used to.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 8 months
Still With You | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Teaser
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Every day, every moment If I knew this was going to happen I would have remembered more of them
-Still With You
Summary: With You Still is a story that follows the lives of Luna and her most cherished friends. Love, Lust. Life, Loss. Passion, Pain. Desire and Death. Those are the many things that befall them as they navigate life trying to find their purpose. Will she be able to find a way to reach that utopia she had once dreamed of? Or will she realize that things that might've felt like a dream come true can soon be twisted into her worst nightmare. Read as Luna, Jungkook, Grey and Jimin navigate this thing called life. Will they get through this with their friendships intact? Only time will tell... Pairing: Luna (reader) x Jungkook and Jimin, f2l love triangle Word Count: 600~ Warnings: Explicit language, yändere, mental illness, death, substance abuse, sex, domestic violence and sexual assault. Please keep this in mind as the story progresses. a/n: I transferred this story over from Wattpad but decided to change up some of the characters P.s. I have no set plan for this story so any suggestions or requests are more than appreciated
I never thought it could end up like this, that things could go to shit so easily.
Where did I go wrong?
Those are the thoughts that run through my head over and over again as I hold their cold lifeless body in my arms.
This doesn't happen, this couldn't happen! Not to us.
Everything was just falling into place and yet, it all went up in flames the moment I heard that blood curdling scream.
What did I do to deserve this? What did they do to deserve this? They were so young, had their whole life ahead of them, our life...
It was ripped away from us before it even began.
Endless sirens pierce my ears as they make their way to the scene but I can't help but feel that they're too late.
I can't lose them, not like this.
I could see our future fading away with every wave that washed over our bodies. Why are the young taken away in such horrific ways?
If things had been different, if I had been different, would it have changed anything? Or was it inevitable from the start...
Nothing in this world could possibly make me feel whole again, not after what he did. How could he do this? After everything we've been though he just goes off and hurts the one person I knew I could always rely on.
And for what? Because he was jealous?
I guess jealousy and revenge are more important to him than my happiness.
To think that I trusted him with my life because for once I let my guard down so I could actually feel something is laughable now after everything he's done
He proved to me that my worst nightmare could happen just because I wanted to feel loved.
Huh, well never fucking again will I ever love someone as much as I loved them.
I gave up my whole life just so I could be with him because I thought he was good for me. That he was going to take me away from all the pain and suffering I had dealt with my entire life.
When in actuality, his mind games were the ones that were twisting my reality into something that I didn't even recognize.
I never once felt like I needed someone to make me feel complete. And then he came around and I couldn't help but feel empty without him.
Everything about him made me want to get closer. But like Icarus I flew too close to the sun and in the end I got burned and in turn took everyone I knew and loved down with me.
Toxicity is the only word that can be used to describe what we had. I thought that he loved me the way that I loved him.
I was naÏve and had my vision tinted with pink colored glasses when it came to us. Even when everyone was telling me no, I couldn't help but say yes.
He was my one and only, my first true love as the fairytales call it.
Yet it all ended in the most excruciating heartbreak that I didn't even know existed.
Love can be cruel and rip you to shreds. I don't believe in love, and I never will. And I swear I will never allow anyone to get close enough to hurt me ever again.
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oceanbug · 1 year
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
23. honesty.
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"Ok, text if anything goes wrong. Make sure your ringer is turned on. At full volume too."
"Ugh, she get’s it, Kurra; no need to go all mom mode on her."
"I can’t help but worry about her, Yunjin; she’s having the most emotional talk of her life. Should I put out a box of tissues? I should shouldn’t I….”
"I’ll be fine, Kurra, really."
It was 4:55 p.m., and your heart was pounding. It was time for an honest talk with your best friends. So things wouldn’t feel like an ambush, you all agreed it would be best to keep the conversation between you, Jimin, and Yujin. The others were close to you as well, but they didn't have the same childhood connection as the three of you. Although everyone had been hurt about Yujin’s betrayal, no one could experience more pain than you and Jimin did at this moment.
As the rest of the gang prepared to make their exit, you heard a soft knock coming from the front door.
"Huh, Yujin’s early? That’s a first." You gave a soft smile at Yunjin, who always tried to find comedy in the most serious moments; you appreciated it. Sakura walked up to the door and let in your childhood friend.
Yujin looked thinner and more pale than you remembered; it was obvious that this situation had taken a toll on her.
"You have a key?" Said Minji, pondering as to why she didn’t just let herself in since it was Yujin’s dorm as well.
"Yeah, but I felt like I needed to warn you all that I was here. It’s the least I can do."
As Yujin spoke, your fellow college friends began to exit the dorm. You knew they would all just stay in Kurra’s car, waiting for you to give the ‘OK’ text for them to come in, but you appreciated the privacy that tried to give you three.
"So, how’s living at Wonyoung’s?"
"Oh, um, nice? She has constant hot water, so that’s pretty cool."
"Dang! Minji does waste all the hot water, doesn’t she? I don’t have the heart to tell her that the rest of us can’t stand freezing cold showers, though."
"Ha, yeah."
This conversation was incredibly awkward.
Jimin cleared her throat and gestured for Yujin to take a seat on the sofa. To which Yujin humbly obliged. It was obvious she missed being in her dorm. She went right back to her usual seat on the sofa with a sigh of relief. (You and the others swore that there was a Yujin-shaped imprint in the cushion, but Yujin always argued otherwise.)
"We all know why you're here, Yujin."
"Right, Yeah… I don’t even know where to start."
“How about your secret friendship with Wonyoung, how the fuck did that even happen?”
"How about how you’re a back-stabbing weasel who made the love of my life kiss someone else in front of me?" Yujin winced at your comment and looked down at her feet. You knew that was harsh, but Yujin deserved it. She hurt you four years ago, and she hurt you four days ago. Yujin deserved to hear how upset you were.
"I’ll start from the beginning... Just, please hear me out."
"We’re listening."
Yujin took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Ok, it all started junior year."
Junior Year, Spring Hill High
Yujin had always been an eccentric kid. She never cared about what people thought. It was obvious by the way she acted in public. Yujin was loud, energetic, and carefree. She never had to worry about people’s opinions affecting her because she knew her friends would always be by her side. Even when she let out all the tarantulas from the science lab or when she sent three kids to the hospital after a serious game of dodgeball, Y/n and Jimin defended her through it all.
"Plus 4, take THAT Jimin."
"Plus 4." Jimin slammed down her card while giving Y/N a mischievous side-eye.
"No, this can’t be." She claimed Yujin as her eyes widened once she realized that Y/N was mimicking Jimin’s grin.
"Y/n, think this through; we’re friends."
"You’re right, Yujin, plus 4." Yujin let out an ear-piercing scream. She now had to pick up eight cards. Instead of doing so, she threw all her cards on the table and then flipped the table. Yujin always had great sportsmanship.
“Ugh, Yuuuu, the gameeeee."
"The game stinks. I’m thirsty; I’m getting some drinks."
"Loser, you’re just scared about losing the game."
“I can't hear you. You’re too far away!” She scurried off, heading toward the school’s vending machine. Her friends were right, but she couldn’t just admit defeat.
Counting the coins in her pocket, Yujin skipped her way toward the vending machine’s. Before she could fully enter the room, she noticed a tall, slender figure standing in front of her. She knew that gorgeous flowing brown hair from anywhere. It was Jang Wonyoung. Her name was known all around the school.
After having a long debate with herself on whether she should disturb the goddess, which is Wonyoung, Yujin realized that she was too thirsty to even care. But before she could walk in, she heard Wonyoung whisper to herself.
"Fuck, I’m 25 cents short."
Yujin gasped. She’d never expected to hear Wonyoung curse; she always seemed so ladylike and elegant. But I guess even princesses have their off days?
Yujin’s gasp, unfortunately, was not silent. As Wonyoung whipped her head around to see who was there, Yujin didn’t have time to hide herself. She began to panic and could only let out the words:
"25 cents!"
Wonyoung cocked her head to the side, in confusion.
Yujin cleared her throat and stood up straight.
“Um, I have a quarter, if you need it? I already had so much water, I’m practically pissing myself! It should go to someone who needs it more.” Yujin grinned, showing all her teeth. She tried hard not to make it seem like she was nervous.
Wonyoung's face darkened for a second, but she quickly turned back to her princess-like smile.
"No need, gorgeous, I got it covered."
"Are you sure? Didn’t you just say you needed a quarter?"
"I’m fine. Do I look like a charity case to you? I can afford a water bottle.” Her tone was much less polite than the first time.
"Woah! I didn’t say all of that. Look, if you’re missing a quarter, you could just say that; there's no need to get all snarky. Aren’t you supposed to be like mega rich or something anyway?”
Wonyoung’s tone became even more aggressive.
"I said I can afford it. Who the fuck are you? What’s your problem? You just come up here assuming I’m poor; well, I’m not. I could probably afford your entire home with my shoes alone. So just run along, little one; stop bothering the big kids."
Yujin was taken aback. She was speechless. All she could do to retaliate was throw a quarter at Wonyoung and run away. That was her first encounter with Wonyoung, but certainly not her last.
In fact, Yujin’s next encounter with Wonyoung happened less than 24 hours later.
She was always known to roam around the halls after school hours. Jimin would be at volleyball practice while Y/n went to tutoring, so Yujin was left alone for an hour and a half every once in a while. Sure, she could just go home. But what fun would that be? She’d rather wait for her best buddies to walk with her.
Yujin has the same route she’d walk every time she stayed alone.
First, she visited her physics class pet. Charlie the Chinchilla. She would pet him, and he’d almost always bite her. Charlie was not friendly.
This then led her to her next destination, the nurse's office! Greeting her with the same faint smile, Yujin picked up the various colored bandages to cover up her Chinchilla bite.
Lastly, she’d make her way downstairs to watch Jimin practice volleyball in the school’s gym. Heading downstairs, Yujin took her time, admiring the school’s graffiti on the stairway walls. But this time it wasn’t her usual quiet stroll downstairs. She heard various sounds coming from the 2nd-floor stairwell. Being the curious puppy she is, Yujin softly walked up the stairs to check out the high school's newest romantic entanglement.
Slightly poking her head out of the staircase, Yujin squinted her eyes and tippy-toed to get a good view. Her vision became clear, and she got a good look at the couple. Yujin’s eyes quickly went from squinted to wide-open. She gasped as she realized what she was looking at.
Was it Wonyoung and Yeonjun?
Realizing the pair that was in front of her, Yujin tripped on her own two feet and began to fall down a flight of stairs.
"Ah Fuck!"
"Who’s there? You, Werido, are you trying to get a good look for your spank bank?" Yujin recognized the voice. It was Yeonjun.
"It’s you again; you're that girl from the vending machine." There came the other voice of the pair; it was Wonyoung, and she was staring right down at Yujin.
Trying to recover from the great fall she just had, Yujin let out a stuttered:
"N-No! I promise, I just heard noises and came to see."
"That’s the literal definition of being a weird pervert.”
Yujin couldn’t find a good excuse for herself, so she did what she does best. She ran away. Straight into the second bathroom.
Quickly slamming the door behind her, she let out a deep breath of air. Yujin frantically started pacing around. What was she going to do? Surely she had seen something she wasn’t supposed to. Was Wonyoung out to get her now? She closed her eyes, thinking of the various ways she could attempt to get out of this situation, until she felt a cold, wet towel on her knee.
"That was a big fall you took; your knee’s bleeding."
Yujin quickly opened her eyes. Was Wonyoung cleaning up her knee?
"Sorry for Yeonjun’s harsh words; he’s kind of an idiot."
"No, it’s my fault; I shouldn’t have watched; it was weird."
"I probably would’ve done the same; don’t worry, really.” Wonyoung’s voice sounded sweet. It was a complete 180 from the yelling she had done at the vending machines. She had a look of sincerity on her face.
"Um, you know I won’t tell anyone about anything. But don’t you think maybe Ning should know that Yeonjun and you are... Since you guys are like best friends, and that’s her boyfriend? Maybe you can talk it out? Share custody of him? Just my opinion though, I think I’d like to know." Yujin’s words trailed off. She couldn’t even fully register what she’d seen, let alone say it in words. Yet she still felt obligated to give her opinion. It’s true that Ningning wasn’t the most kind person, but even she didn’t deserve to get backstabbed.
As Wonyoung took out a bandage to put on Yujin’s knee, she felt Wonyoung’s hands shake.
"Um, Wonyoung?" She bent down to Wonyoung’s level and saw tears in her eyes.
"I messed up. Big time, I’m such a shitty person.” Her words were spiraling out, and tears were flowing out of her eyes. Yujin didn’t know what to do.
"Oh, no, hey, you’re not. Everyone kisses their friend's boyfriend sometimes.” No, they do not.
"No, not that. This isn’t even the first time. He’s not even her boyfriend. Yeonjun’s just pretending to like her, so she’ll keep paying off his stuff.” At this point, it was obvious that Wonyoung had pent-up emotions that she needed to let out. Yujin tried to keep her reactions to herself and kept quiet so as to let Wonyoung keep talking.
"And I’m no better than he is. You know, I try to tell myself that I care about her. That Ning’s my best friend, but how can I believe that when my friendship with her didn’t even start for the right reasons? You were right, okay? I am poor. I have no money. There, are you happy? I was counting quarters and couldn’t afford a water bottle. I only yelled at you because I thought you would tell everyone, and word would eventually get to Ning. I need her in my life. Without her, I’d just be some low-level poverty case with no friends looking for a handout. After a while, I really did start seeing her as my friend. But now here I am, making out with her boyfriend. What’s wrong with me?” Wonyoung sobbed on the bathroom floor.
Yujin didn’t know what to do. Why was Wonyoung spilling her guts out to her? Was it really out of guilt?
"Listen, I’ll just forget I saw anything, really. I’ll forget the kissing Ningning’s boyfriend and the quarter thing. I promise." Yujin was hugging Wonyoung at this point. She wanted nothing more than to get out of this situation, but she couldn't just leave Wonyoung on the bathroom floor. Sure, what she did was messed up, but she had her reasons, and she clearly showed…..remorse? 
"Aw, how sweet of you! You’d do that for little old me? Then how about I pay you back? Anytime you need a favor, it’s on me! Anytime sweetie." Wonyoung’s tears dried up in an instant, and her usual chipper tone came back. Almost as if nothing had happened.
Yujin never thought of a time when she would call upon the evil terror of Wonyoung, but I guess it was a nice thing to have. Besides, even if she did want to tell Ningning, would she even believe her? There's no way she’d believe Yujin over her best friend, Wonyoung.
“Ok, Deal."
Senior Year Spring Hill High School
"No, I’m going to do it, Yujin; I’m going to confess at the graduation party."
Yujin sat against the wall outside of the school’s gymnasium, pondering back at Y/N's words toward her. She winced at the thought of Y/N getting shot down by Jimin. Their friendship was important to Yujin; she couldn’t risk breaking it apart. It was all she had.
But what could she do to fix this? She could only accept the impending doom of their trio.
"What’s wrong, cutie? You seem distressed.
Yujin turned her head to see the school’s princess. Her flowing hair was never out of place. A soft smile is always on her face.
"Oh, Wonyoung! It’s nothing. Just thinking things, I guess." She nervously chuckled; she had never really interacted with Wonyoung since that day. But Wonyoung did always greet her in the halls, much to the confusion of others.
"Sugarplum, you can talk to me. We’re secret buddies! What’s bothering you?” I guess it couldn’t hurt venting to her? I mean, she was right—you were secret buddies, technically?
"Um, well, it’s just that.... you know Jimin, right? And Y/n?"
"Your cutie-pie friends, yup!"
"Yeah, them, well, Y/N kinda, sorta, maybe has a huge ginormous crush on Jimin. And Y/N is kind of confessing at the party. I have no clue what to do, Wonyoung. I feel like I’m losing them. If Jimin rejects them, then it’ll be awkward between Jimin and Y/N. It’ll be like having divorced parents; I’ll have to choose! Either Jimin, the international superstar of Spring Hill High, who will surely make other friends in no time, Or Y/N, the known introvert, who probably only hangs out with me because she can’t be in a room alone with Jimin for more than two seconds without possibly fainting. So once Jimin’s out of the equation, they’ll have no real reason to hang out with me. On the other hand, if Jimin accepts, then I’ll be a third wheel. Always in the way of their lovey-dovey relationship. I don’t know which one is worse. Either way, it feels like I’m left all alone."
“Aw, honey, that’s quite the conundrum! How can I help? You still have a Wony favor to call in?"
"What, no? I can’t just medal in their lives."
"You sure? Offers never expiring!”
"I’m sure."
Senior Year, Spring Hill High Graduation Party
Yujin was not sure.
It was the night of the graduation party, and she was positive that the only way to stop this rejection from happening was by getting Wonyoung involved.
She walked up to Wonyoung and uttered:
"Could I ask a favor from you?"
Wonyoung’s eyes lit up in delight.
"I thought you’d never ask Buttercup!" Wonyoung quickly grabbed onto Yujin’s hand and guided her around the party area. She led her to Ninging, where she was comfortably sitting on Yeonjun’s lap. Yujin shuttered.
"Ew, is this a charity case? Why is she here, Wony?” Ninging glanced at Yujin, looking her up and down. Wonyoung ignored her comment and dragged Ningning by the hand to a quieter part of the party.
"Ning, Yujin has something to ask you. Go ahead, buttercup!"
Yujin gulped as Ninging started her down.
"Um, could you help me? Try to save my friend from embarrassment.”
"Again, ew, why would I help trash like you?"
Wonyoung put a hand on Yujin’s shoulder.
"Yujin, don’t be so worried; I’ll tell her for you if you’re too nervous. Ningning, Yujin’s caught her friend Y/N kissing Yeonjun yesterday. I know this probably isn’t the place to tell you, but she thought you should know. She even has a perfect plan to get her back!"
Ningning’s face went from annoyed to hurt. She looked like she was about to cry. While Yujin’s face went as pale as a ghost, She didn’t expect Wonyoung to lie. Was this really the only way to save your trio?
"Is this true?” Ningning asked.
Yujin took a deep breath, but before she could answer, Wonyoung cut her off.
"I’m afraid, darling. But do you see Jimin there? Y/N's so in love with her! I bet you could break their heart just like they hurt yours. ~"
"I’ll make that bitch regret ever touching him."
Ningning walked away to throw a drink at Yeonjun’s face, then marched up to Jimin to give her the proposition. To which Jimin obliged.
Yujin watched the whole ordeal go down and felt a whisper in her ear that sent shivers down her spine. It was Wonyoung’s voice going from sweet to the same cold-aggressive tone she once used at the vending machines.
“It looks like we’re both shitty people, aren’t we? It looks like you’re stuck with me, sweetheart. ~"
Present Time
“So, that’s how everything went down. That’s how Wonyoung and I met, and how I set up the Ningning-Jimin kiss. That’s everything I’ve kept hidden from you guys, I promise.”
“Yujin, What the fuck.”
masterlist ~ next
(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
taglist(open): @azraism; @kimsgayness; @sewiouslyz; @winieter ; @llluvbluy ; @i06kkura; @everydayiloveyves ; @edamboon ; @rdfgfv ; @beawolfbealionbeyou; @manooffline; @captivq
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14dyh · 7 months
Look My Way | H.Z.
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Pairing: Hange Zoë x gn!reader Summary: The 14th of February is a day of love for many, but maybe not for you.  Word count: 1.1k Content warning: blood (from a nosebleed), tiny bit of angst A/N: I'm not crying during Valentine's Day I swear 😇 (liar) anyway hvd, hange lovers!!
Noise and laughter enveloped the room, friends giving gifts, lovers holding each other. One would look at the scene and tell you it was such a loving ambiance, yet your heart grew heavy. It felt so cold and alone from where you sat. Maybe it was the A/C, or maybe it's just cold in February, who knows? You tried to ignore everything, head bowed down to your notes. It was a hectic school day, after all. You should be worrying about that more, shouldn't you?
However, a soundless gasp escaped your lips as your notes slowly became dotted with your tears. It was embarrassingly plenty, even creasing the paper and making the ink bleed through. 
You've overheard so many I love yous, so many words of affection, piercing your ear. Each endearing word coupled with pressing school matters only colluded to pierce your ripping heart to ruination. 
Yes, you want to celebrate this day. You wish you could. You wouldn't have spent last night pouring out your heart to the love letter you wrote for them, but now you're letting time slip by, letting that letter crease inside your tight school bag. Even the flowers you bought began to get smothered inside, your bag zipper even caught one petal. 
You wanted to leave. To get out of this suffocating room and free yourself. But your body remained tied to this place, tied to the sound of their voice and their presence inside the room. 
You wanted to scream, you wanted to tell them how much they meant to you from the moment they sat by your side that one Monday afternoon a year ago. Your periphery caught them smiling from the other side of the room as people gave them flowers and chocolates. They are so polite, kind, enthusiastic, and everyone loves them. Everyone loved their brilliance, their helpfulness, the depth of their passion and curiosity you couldn't find in anyone else. They are so dearly loved. 
You were convinced that yours was different. Everyone talks about them like a dream come true, and yes they are. However, you couldn't utter a word to describe them. They felt like everything good in the world, you would tell yourself. Your heart aches whenever they look your way, when your hands brush against the hallway, or those few times they gently touch your shoulder and mutter a soft excuse me as they pass by with a smile. 
How could someone with such an explosive, fascinating personality act so gentle and lovable all at the same time?
Hange could be the most complex paradox and you would've loved them still. 
But you sat alone, a few empty chairs away from them, yearning and wishing for them to look your way. For their eyes to meet yours on this day of love. 
Eventually, the school event began. Sweet serenades and romantic dances filled the gymnasium with love. If love is in the air, it must be suffocating, you thought as you sat in silence with a book as far away from the noise as possible. 
You tried to resist tearing up once again. But their sweet voice filled your ears and nestled its beautiful tune in your mind. They looked so happy during the event, laughing and joking with their friends. They don't have a special someone by their side but they don't seem to need anyone anyway. You didn't hear them being involved with anyone for the whole year you knew each other. No one deserves such a heart anyway. 
The air only grew thick, more suffocating than it ever was. It was two hours away from dismissal, but some students were beginning to leave the gymnasium, probably to celebrate the rest of the day with their lovers. You decided to slip by the flocks of people, walking with haste as tears flowed from your eyes again. The last Valentine's Day felt like this, if not worse. You always remain an admirer from afar, clamming up the moment you even think of confessing. 
You were too occupied by trying to get away without tripping on your own feet, while also quickly wiping down tears. You're beginning to hate how leaky your eyes always get. 
All you feel brings more weight to your body as you walk, you could have sworn that your feet were beginning to sink on the ground. 
But all this time you were busy hating this day, Hange wanted to make you feel otherwise. They began to regret not noticing the sadness clouding your eyes since morning and only processed things as you were leaving with haste. They could always pick out your sound even amongst a sea of voices. It pained them that you never uttered a word but only sobbed. They got up from their seat the moment they noticed your departure, slipping past the crowd and into a shortcut so they could race you to the school gate. 
They knew they succeeded the moment you passed them by, your footsteps quickening as your teary eyes caught theirs. Hange was quick to catch you in their arms, excusing their sudden action with a conversational "hey."
Your mind raced for a plausible reason as to why your eyes were tearing up, dismissing it with a wave and a believable smile.
I have to go home, you told them. And as you were smoothing out your clothes, and wiping down the tear tracks on your cheeks, your handkerchief caught red. 
You winced at the sight of the nosebleed running past your lips. Could this day get any worse?
Do you have to bleed, to go through extremities for anyone to look your way?
Hange pulled their handkerchief, firmly staunching the blood pouring out of your nose. 
You would try to laugh, try to tell them that your nosebleeds are common, and you could handle it better at home. But your words halted when Hange spoke. 
"I noticed you didn't have lunch today," Hange muttered, both worried and upset, brows slightly furrowed. Their voice became softer as they continued. "Why don't we go out? We could eat somewhere."
They had a small smile on their face, and their eyes shone as well as if smiling along their lips. 
Hange couldn't bear to see you alone and hurting in the day when you're supposed to feel more loved than you ever were. It wasn't from their pity or plain friendliness unlike what you might be thinking, and Hange will make sure to let you know by the end of the day. 
“I bet there would be a table for two at any restaurant at this hour," they proposed, lacing their hand around yours, the soft smile on your lips making their heart race. 
The night remained cold, and February was unforgiving, but it all ceased to matter the moment Hange took you in their arms for the rest of the evening.
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madwomansapologist · 7 months
Autumn Thunderstorm | Chapter 9 - Gandalf does not know all
Pinterest Board | Series Masterlist | Spotify Playlist
series synopsis: Thranduil thought the recent attack of spiders on a periphery village was the only thing deserving of his attencion. If he could've imagined what he would found there, who he would found there, the Elvenking would wait a millenia in front of that river so he could see her sooner. Or: how Gandalf managed to keep a secret for 14 months.
nineth chapter synopsis: Gandalf had his first good morning in ages. It ended as quickly as it started. [1K]
warnings: female!reader. pre-Smaug. the plot is plotting.
glossary: Mithrandir: Grey Pilgrim
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It was a good morning. An absolutely good morning for Gandalf. Either he wished for it or not, it simply was. He felt good that morning. It was a good morning to be good.
Gandalf can count on the fingers of one hand how many of those he had in his life. Not a bad, wrong or slightly annoying occurrence this far. The sunlight was gentle on his back, a cold breeze of autumn stroked his skin with a dear friend kindness since he entered this path. As his sorrel went up hill, his worries turned into something else.
Into something easier to bear.
It has been far too long. Elrond needed them. With the hordes of vile creatures attacking Rivendell, Gandalf and Saruman helped Elrond to reign instead of only react. Now, Gandalf is  back to the inn he saved a lifetime ago. Back to you. Just as he promised them months ago when their hopes were near extinction.
Saruman’s plans were almost perfect. There was no way for them to be sure of how your mind would react, if your conscience would break and shatter to their interference. Doubt tasted like vinegar on their mouths. Even the brief light of an alternative, the possibility of some sort of cure, died before their eyes. But as much as they fear the outcome of that solution, they needed to do something.
They could not just sit and watch as you agonized towards death’s embrace.
That is the reason why, even without any proof that it would work, Gandalf agreed. And that is exactly why Radagast did not.
He was determined to do things his way. Radagast kept on searching for a cure, a forgotten knowledge that would save you. He did not liked Saruman’s plan, and for the sake of honesty so did Gandalf, but it was the only one they had. The more they waited, the paler your eyes got.
At the end, Radagast gave in. A choice made out of pure despair, but a choice nonetheless. With conditions, they all had theirs, the cousins put an end to your suffering.
Saruman needed you to recover somewhere safe. Somewhere far away from any sorts of dangers. Radagast wanted it to be near nature, so his eyes and ears could watch over you. And Gandalf needed someone able to keep you in line, keep you safe, until…
(you recovered? you came back to being you? you remembered what happened that tempestuous night? your body finally give in to the deep, piercing power still crawling inside you? you came to an end and something else takes your place?)
Aerin’s inn fit perfectly on their necessities, and so did her.
The stable’s door were open. Gandalf dismantled his corsel, and watched as a tall boy took care of it. Did you grew tired of the horses? Mayhaps Aerin decided you are better doing something else. Disappointed you were not the first person he saw there, Gandalf grabbed his staff and wandered towards the inn.
At the entrance, he heard Aerin complayinig. A frame that should have been higher, candles way to close to her precious scarlet curtains, the shuddering need of better chairs. Gandalf stood quiet on the main hall, watching as the elve walked around and took care of her precious inn.
“You are not able to begin to imagine the amount of energy I put into…” Aerin turned around, and her body suddenly stopped. Her words died inside her mouth, and a crippling silence tamed the room.
“Is that how you welcome an old friend?” Gandalf teased her.
Aerin thought about moving, she wanted to, but her body chose not to obey. She looked somewhere, anywhere, and tried to find the right words. The world was never so loud. With her left eye twitching, Aerin breathed in. “Mithrandir, have you read any of my letters?”
Gandalf’s smiled died slowly. He held his staff closer to his body, and took the pipe he fit on it. Glancing at the stairs, searching for you, Gandalf lit it. “We both know the answer to that question. Tell me, what happened?”
Controlled by fear and shame, Aerin guided him to her office. A few flight of stairs felt like a journey. Aerin locked the door, but did not let go of the knob. Her forehead fall against the wood, and Aerin allowed the cold to ease her mind. “The Elvenking was there”, she begun by the easiest part. “For weeks.”
Gandalf knew he would be close. When Thranduil announced it at the Counsil, he felt relieved. Better him than Elrond or Galadriel. They would have recognized you instantly. But now, after seeing how Aerin looked eons older, maybe it was a mistake from his part.
“They became friends, I thought so, but when the warg bit her… The look on his face”, Aerin turned, now brave enough to face the man to whom she broke her oath. “Gandalf, it was the face of a man in love.”
His hands trembled. You were not there to welcome him. Months passed since the incident, more than a year, but you were not fully recovered. A warg bit you. “How is she?”
“Alive”, Aerin answered. Oh, if only the warg was their biggest problem. She opened a drawer, and hesitated before giving him the sealed letter. “Recovered, as good as new.”
Gandalf tored the seal open. It was your calligraphy. Your words. Your signature. That letter was not only a goodbye, but also an invitation.
He burned in front of her eyes. Gandalf absorbed the light, as if even the sun knew better than to not surrender to his powers. “YOU LET HER GO TO MIRKWOOD?”
Aerin almost fell to her knees. “She runaway during the night. I swear, I did everything so she would stop exchanging correspondences with the Elvenking …”
“Of course I wrote!” This time, Aerin yelled. “I wrote for you when she was bitten, when she woke up, when the Elvenking became a problem. I wrote when she was gone, when I followed her in the path to that sick land, when I came back without her.”
Gandalf dropped the letter, and light went back to work as it usually does. Aerin breathed deep, air burning her throat, and closed her eyes. When his hand touched her shoulder, it was not threatening.
“I will find her”, Gandalf warned. “And she will come back. Will you take care of her again, my friend?”
“Of course, Mithrandir”, Aerin did her best not to bust into tears. “But the Elvenking…”
“The Elvenking might try to stop me, but nothing will keep me from defending my family.” Gandalf unlocked the door, and glanced at Aerin one last time. “After all, I was invited. Thranduil does not strike me as a bad host. ”
Good morning. What a fucking lie.
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AUTUMN THUNDERSTORM: @ferns-fics @notanalienindisguiseblink @rayrlupin @elvyshiarieko @graniairish @whore-of-many-hot-men @h0ly-fire @h0n3y-l3m0n05
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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mellowsadistic · 1 year
“No! No! No!” Lisa screeched, pumping her fists impotently and stomping her feet like a petulant toddler. A thick disposable diaper crinkled noisily between her legs. “I’m not gonna wear them anymore! I’m not! You can’t do this to me! “I need the toilet now, so get out of my way! I’m a CEO! I’m your boss!”
“Not anymore, Lisa,” said her former assistant. His eyes sparkled with satisfaction as he took in the sight of his nightmare of an ex-boss throwing an absurd tantrum, her usual expensive suit swapped for a bulky adult nappy and nothing else.  “You lost your position, remember? Now you’re just my little dependent. And I’ve decided that you need regular discipline. I know from experience that nappies are the best way. My mum used diaper discipline on my older sister when we were growing up, and nothing sweetened her attitude more than having to go uh-oh in her undies and ask for changes.”
“You can’t discipline me!” Lisa screamed. “I’m an adult! I don’t need to be disciplined!”
“Oh yes you do, little girl,” her ex-assistant said sternly. “You’ve proved you’re far too immature to be treated like an adult, Lisa. Anyone could see you don’t have the mental capacity to take care of yourself anymore, not since these tantrums of yours started getting out of control. Well, more out of control than they used to be, anyway. Personally, I’ve always thought you were just an overgrown little brat who needs a firm hand, and I’m legally your caregiver now, so it’s up to me whether you get disciplined or not.”
Lisa let out an ear-piercing shriek. “NO! NO! NO! NO! I’m an adult! I’m thirty! I don’t wanna be treated like a stupid toddler anymore!”
“Then stop throwing silly little temper tantrums like one, sweetie.”
“But I can’t!” Lisa wailed furiously. “You did something to me! You put something in my coffee, I know it! Before I drank it, I was fine! But now I can’t… I can’t…”
“You can’t control your emotions anymore?” he asked with a smirk.
Lisa burst into tears and started jumping up and down in anger. This wasn’t fair! She knew she looked utterly stupid, bouncing on the spot with her breasts jiggling about, wearing nothing but a nappy, she there was nothing she could do. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t control herself! She’d been declared mentally incompetent after a series of toddler-style meltdowns in the boardroom, ever since her assistant had given her that cup of coffee with that dark smile on his face, and he had been delighted to take her in. The worst thing was that nobody even seemed very surprised. She’d had a reputation for exploding with anger at her employees, and all of them seemed to think she was getting exactly what she deserved.
Suddenly, Lisa let out a gasp. Her bladder, which she had been clamping down on desperately while she tried to get past her new Daddy, finally gave in, and she felt a horrible warmth spreading across her crotch, soaking into the thirsty padding of her baby pants.
“Noooooo!” she whined pathetically, clutching between her legs.
“Awww,” her Daddy taunted cooingly. “Did baby have a widdle accident?”
“You made me!” Lisa cried, screwing up her face in disgust as she felt pee sloshing around in her pants. She hopped from foot to foot as if she were trying to get away from the icky feeling, but her diaper just swung pendulously between her legs and squished against her thighs. “Ew! Ew! Ew!”
“You’ll get used to it, little one,” her ex-assistant mocked. “In fact, after a while you won’t even be able to control yourself anymore! Won’t that be the cutest thing? The big bad boss turned into a helpless little pants-wetter. Only, I don’t think there are going to be any pairs of big girl pants in your future, Lisa. Just an awful lot of diapers.”
Lisa fought as hard as she could to stop herself from breaking down again, scowling furiously up at the man who’d turned her into a joke.
But he just chuckled. “You’re not scary anymore, silly baby. What are you going to do to me? Oh wait… I think I already know.” He grinned. “Go on, sweetie. Be a good little girl and show Daddy. You used to think you were real tough when you were the boss, but now you’re just a dumb baby in a wet nappy. So what’s the worst you can do?”
Lisa couldn’t stop herself. She showed him. She fell to the floor and started wailing at the top of her lungs, kicking her legs and pounding the carpet. Tears poured down her cheeks, and her pissy diaper squelched against her privates, and she did the only thing she could do when she got angry, the thing she’d never be able to stop herself from doing ever again – she threw the loudest, fussiest temper tantrum she could.
And when Daddy dragged her over to the corner and spanked her bottom and told her she wouldn’t be getting a nappy change until bedtime, all she could do was cry.
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0nyxvesper · 4 months
Though they're doodles not character sheets
(its too difficult for me to make whole character sheets at the moment)
I'm mostly going to talk about belphie today!
But first here's the art :
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These are just for fun but I thought you'd like them
Belphie is surprisingly one of the characters I like the least out of all of them
(would you be interested in a tier-list kinda thing to know if your options are similar to mine? I try to make content for everyone but obviously my favs are getting a bit more content I can't help it)
I was a firm belphie hater when I started the game because dude just lied to us and then proceeded to kill us and I really thought the game would promote that ''I'm dating the bad boy that insults and hurts me so I'm so cool'' kinda vibe (which is an horrifically toxic kind of trope/relationship, don't let the people you love hurt you)
When he got that ''redemption'' thingy I was real mad at it because it didn't make sense. I mean, he hates humans but just because we're his sister's grand-grand...grand-child suddenly he's cool with us and any human in the world like-
I think he deserved a redemption arc that made more sense like for example, Diavolo could still have put him in jail for a moment and our mc would go visit him so they can have discussions and he could slowly warm up to humans, it would have also gave more time to get the brother's reaction to belphie not actually being in the humain world, because we did get to see that they were shocked but I don't remember it being actually discussed with mc.
Now that I'm way further in both the og and nb games I think he's pretty sweet and I also love is malicious side when he and satan come up with dumb plans to annoy Lucifer
I just think that the way he was introduced was really creative but not handled well
And don't get me started on the time travel thing I will physically explode.
Now let's talk about my redesign!
So, you can't see it here but I made his skin a bit darker (I don't have a reason to do so, I just think it fits him well) I also gave him piercings (septum, labret and a single earing on his right ear) some freckles (beel will have some too) and a scar on his right eye:
I always thought that except for more diversity in the brothers appearance, his bangs had no reason to be. I also headcanon that even if Beelzebub protected him during war, he didn't left the battle unwounded, so that's why I chose to give him a scar (he can't see with his right eye anymore) he mostly covers it so people stop staring at it. He hates it because it's a reminder of loosing his sister for him. (Yippie! angst!🦀)
But yeah that's pretty much it! At least for now
Also here's a poll for the tier-list thingy:
Much love :D
Onyx Vesper
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000noway · 3 months
Obey me new pet Au description and Prolouge.
About the Au
Okay so I got this Idea while watching Wonderful Precure and the clifford movie. I thought it would be cool to do a new type of pet au where the boys are animals that turn into humans.
Long ago animals and humans lived in harmony. Humans loved animals and took care of them. Animals loved humans back and swore to protect them. But soon the two sides wanted more; they wanted to understand and talk to each other. Luckily a spirit heard their prayers and gave animals the ability to talk and transform into humans and the gift of magic so they can protect the humans they love. But one day arguments rose between the creatures, fights broke out between the animals mostly the ones owned by aristocrats and the strays about who deserves the power more and the spirit punished them by taking away their gift but for the first time in years animals are gaining the ability again and because of that the world is changing in small ways.
How do you think the story would change if the brothers were animals that the main character adopted and took care of since they were a kid and one day they gain the ability to turn into humans with powers and they figure out Diavolo (a stray that visited them a lot) is also the head student council officer at MC's school. He tells them that for the first time in history animals are gaining the power they lost long ago, and the world is changing because of it. So, he asks them to live in the private school dorm for a year. The brothers will be enrolled in school and have to get used to being human and take special lessons every day to control their powers and Mc will be there to help them.
Prologues below:
The rain was pouring down around ten-year-old MC as they were running to make it home. As they cut through the park, a whimper pierced the air. They stopped mid-run, ears pricked, and followed the sound to a bench. There, under the bench shivering and whimpering, was a tiny, albino golden retriever puppy. His fur was matted, and a nasty gash marred his hind leg.
"Are you okay?" MC asked, reaching out for him. Unfortunately, the puppy saw this as a threat and bit their hand. MC pulled their hand back, wincing. They were about to leave, but took one more look at the puppy. That's when they saw his look—a look that somehow MC just knew meant, "I'm sorry, please don't leave me here."
MC took a deep breath and stretched out their hand once more, but this time they waited for the puppy to come to them. The puppy hesitated, eyes wide with fear, but eventually inched closer, sniffing MC's hand. Slowly, he nudged their fingers with his nose, a tentative sign of trust.
"It's okay, I won't hurt you," MC whispered softly, moving slowly to pet the puppy's head. The puppy flinched at first but then relaxed into the gentle touch.
Gathering her courage, MC gently scooped up the puppy, careful to avoid his injured leg. He let out a small whimper but didn't struggle. Holding him close to their chest to shield him from the rain, they hurried, determined to help this little one. They ran through the park and back into the city but after a while they realized they didn't know where they were... Suddenly they felt a rush of wind in the air. They turned to see a weirdly decorated pet shop with lights still on.
"...Was this always here?" MC asked, nervous. Another whine broke them out of their thoughts. They looked down to see the puppy nudging his head towards the pet shop. With no other options, MC walked up to the door.
Just as they approached, the door swung open, and a tall, enigmatic figure emerged. The shop owner's eyes twinkled as they spotted MC and the puppy.
"Ah, you've found our little escapee! Thank you for bringing him back," the shop owner said with a warm smile.
Confused, MC looked down at the puppy, then back at the shop owner. "Oh! He's yours?"
"In a manner of speaking," the shop owner replied mysteriously. "Please, come in. I'm sure you have questions."
Intrigued, MC followed the shop owner into the store. Their eyes widened in wonder as they took in the sight of various animals: a majestic horse with a glossy black coat, a vibrant blue snake coiled on a branch, a sleek golden blond cat grooming itself, a fluffy white and pink bunny hopping about, and a large, friendly-looking St. Bernard wagging its tail.
The shop owner introduced each animal in turn: Lucifer the horse, Leviathan the snake, Satan the cat, Asmodeus the bunny, and Beelzebub the St. Bernard. "And the little one you're holding is Mammon," they added, gently scratching behind the puppy's ears. The shop owner then took mammon from them and started bandaging his leg.
MC's brow furrowed in confusion. "They have such unusual names... And you said they're brothers?"
The shop owner nodded, explaining that the animals had been together for so long that they were like family. "Beelzebub and Belphegor are even twins, born on the same day at the same time."
MC looked around, puzzled. "Belphegor?"
The shop owner gestured to a covered cage in the corner of the room. "Can I see him?"
"No" The shop owner said strictly before relaxing. "He's a bit shy. Now, would you like to get to know them better?"
Excited by the prospect, MC eagerly agreed (I've always wanted a pet!). Over the next week, the store owner would deliver the pets to Mc's house so they could spend one on time with them and at the of the end of the week Mc could decide which one to adopt.
The golden retriever puppy's tail wagged furiously as he chased after the ball MC had thrown his newly bandaged leg doing nothing to slow him down. His albino fur gleamed in the afternoon sun, a stark contrast to the lush green grass of the backyard.
"Good boy, Mammon!" MC laughed as the puppy bounded back, dropping the slobbery ball at their feet. They reached down to ruffle his ears, and Mammon responded with an enthusiastic lick to their hand.
The day passed in a blur of fetch, tug-of-war, and belly rubs. As evening approached, MC flopped onto the living room couch, exhausted but happy. Mammon curled up at their feet, his eyes a gradient of cobalt blue and yellow drooping with contentment.
"MC! Have you seen my necklace?" Mom's voice rang out from upstairs. "I can't find it anywhere!"
Before MC could respond, Dad joined in. "My cufflinks are missing too. That's odd..."
A sinking feeling settled in MC's stomach as they noticed Mammon slink away, crawling under the couch. They peered underneath, meeting the puppy's guilty gaze.
"MC, did you take our jewelry to play dress-up again?" Mom asked, entering the living room with Dad close behind.
"No, I didn't," MC replied, their mind racing.
Dad's eyes narrowed as he spotted Mammon's tail poking out from under the couch. "I bet it was that dog. He probably thought they were chew toys."
"Let's check," Mom said, lifting the couch skirt.
Sure enough, there lay a small pile of glittering jewelry. Mom gasped, quickly gathering her necklace and Dad's cufflinks.
"That's it," Dad declared, his face stern. "We can't keep a dog that steals. He'll have to go back to the shop tomorrow."
"No!" MC cried out, throwing their arms around Mammon as he crawled out from his hiding spot, whimpering. "It's not his fault! He... he probably just thought they were pretty. He didn't mean any harm!"
"But MC," Mom began, her voice softening at the sight of her child's tears.
"Please," MC begged, hugging Mammon tighter. "I'll teach him it's wrong. I'll take responsibility. Just give him another chance!"
Mom and Dad exchanged a long look. Finally, Dad sighed. "Alright, one more chance. But you have to keep a close eye on him, understand?"
MC nodded vigorously, relief washing over them. As their parents left the room, they felt Mammon's wet nose press against their cheek. Looking into his eyes, MC saw a new depth of trust and affection.
"Don't worry, Mammon," they whispered, hugging him close. "I'll always be here for you."
Mammon's tail wagged slowly, and in that moment, a bond was formed that would last a lifetime – and beyond.
MC peered into the glass terrarium, their nose almost touching the surface. Inside, coiled tightly around a branch, was Leviathan, his vibrant blue scales glinting under the heat lamp.
"Come on, Levi," MC coaxed, tapping gently on the glass. "Don't you want to come out and play?"
The snake didn't even flick his tongue in response.
MC tried everything they could think of. They dangled a toy mouse in front of the terrarium, attempted to lure Levi out with treats, and even tried to reach in and scoop him up. But Leviathan remained stubbornly coiled, his eyes barely open.
Sighing in defeat, MC slumped down next to the terrarium. "Fine," they muttered, pulling out their laptop. "If you won't play with me, I'll just have to entertain myself."
They opened up Tetris, their favorite game. As the familiar music filled the room, MC began to play, their fingers flying over the keyboard as they stacked blocks and cleared lines.
Every so often, MC glanced at Leviathan. To their surprise, the snake's head was now raised, his beady eyes fixed on the colorful blocks falling on the screen.
"Oh, you like this, huh?" MC grinned, turning the laptop slightly so Levi had a better view. They played for hours, occasionally chatting to Levi about their strategies or groaning dramatically when they made a mistake.
As the sun began to set, MC's eyes grew heavy. "Just... one more game," they yawned, but before they could start, they drifted off to sleep, the laptop still open beside the terrarium.
The next morning, MC woke with a start. They had a moment of panic when they realized they'd fallen asleep in Levi's room, but then their eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before them.
The terrarium door was open, and draped across their laptop keyboard was Leviathan. The screen showed the Tetris high score table, and at the top was a new name: "LEVIATHAN."
"No way," MC breathed, leaning in for a closer look. They must be dreaming. Snakes couldn't play video games... could they?
As if sensing their presence, Leviathan's head rose. He flicked his tongue out, almost seeming to smile, before slithering back into his terrarium.
MC sat there, stunned, staring at the high score and then at Leviathan, who had resumed his usual coiled position as if nothing had happened.
"Levi," MC said slowly, a grin spreading across their face, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
From that day on, MC made sure to bring their laptop whenever they visited Leviathan. They might not be able to handle him or take him out to play, but they had found a unique way to bond – through the pixelated world of video games.
MC stood in the kitchen, watching the massive St. Bernard with concern. Beelzebub lay in the corner, his big brown eyes sad and unfocused. His food bowl remained untouched.
"Poor Beel," MC murmured, recalling the pet shop owner's words. "He misses his twin."
Throughout the day, MC tried everything to cheer up Beelzebub. They offered him treats, attempted to engage him in play with squeaky toys, and even tried to coax him out for a walk. But Beel remained listless, only raising his head occasionally to let out a soft whine.
As evening fell, MC's parents gently suggested it might be best to return Beelzebub to the shop. "He seems so unhappy here," Mom said softly. "Maybe he needs to be with his brother."
MC nodded reluctantly, their heart heavy. They went to bed that night feeling defeated, wondering if they'd failed Beelzebub somehow.
In the middle of the night, MC woke to a strange noise. Rubbing their eyes, they crept out of their room and down the stairs. As they neared the kitchen, they heard a distinct crunching sound.
Peeking around the corner, MC's eyes widened. There was Beelzebub, surrounded by torn chip bags, cookie boxes, and various snack wrappers. The big dog was enthusiastically munching away, his tail wagging for the first time since he'd arrived.
"Beel?" MC whispered, stepping into the kitchen.
Beelzebub's head shot up, a half-eaten cookie dangling from his mouth. For a moment, they stared at each other. Then, to MC's surprise, Beel's tail began to wag even harder.
Laughing softly, MC sat down next to him. "I guess you were hungry after all, huh?"
Beel responded by nudging a bag of chips towards MC with his nose.
"Oh, you want to share?" MC grinned, opening the bag. "Don't mind if I do."
For the next hour, MC and Beelzebub sat together on the kitchen floor, sharing snacks in comfortable silence. MC stroked Beel's fur, and the big dog leaned into their touch, his eyes now bright and alert.
"I know you miss your brother," MC said softly. "But I promise, we'll make sure you see him again. And until then, you've got me. We can be snack buddies, okay?"
Beelzebub responded with a gentle lick to MC's hand, then rested his big head on their lap.
As the first light of dawn began to creep through the windows, MC's parents found them there – their child fast asleep against Beelzebub's side, the big dog curled protectively around them, amid a sea of snack debris.
Mom and Dad exchanged knowing looks. There would be no talk of returning Beelzebub to the shop now. It was clear that he and MC had found their own special bond.
"We're going to need to buy more snacks," Dad whispered, and Mom nodded with a smile.
MC scooped up the fluffy pink and white bunny, marveling at his soft fur. "You're so cute, Asmodeus!"
The bunny preened, twitching his pink nose. MC's phone buzzed, and they were surprised to see a notification from a popular pet Instagram account. "Wait, is this... you?"
Asmodeus's account was filled with glamorous photos, each garnering thousands of likes. MC scrolled, eyes wide. "Wow, you're famous!"
Throughout the morning, Asmodeus demanded constant attention, posing dramatically on furniture and nudging MC's phone. Eventually, MC suggested, "How about a walk in the park?"
At the park, Asmodeus hopped excitedly in the grass. He struck a pose near some flowers, looking at MC expectantly.
"Oh, you want a picture?" MC laughed, pulling out their phone. "Okay, smile!"
As soon as the photo was posted, a group of excited fans surrounded them.
"Oh my gosh, it's Asmodeus!" "He's even cuter in person!" "Can we take selfies?"
MC, overwhelmed, clutched Asmodeus protectively. "Um, sorry, we need to go..."
They hurried home, Asmodeus trembling slightly in MC's arms. Once safe inside, MC set him down gently. "That was scary, huh? Maybe we should take a break from photos for a while."
Asmodeus's ears drooped, and he hopped away to sulk in the corner. Despite MC's attempts to cheer him up, the bunny remained despondent for the rest of the day.
The next morning, MC stood before their closet, fretting. "I have nothing to wear for picture day at school!"
Suddenly, they felt a nudge at their ankle. Asmodeus was there, tugging at a blue shirt with his teeth. He hopped to some jeans, then to a pair of shoes, assembling an outfit.
"Asmodeus, are you... helping me?" MC asked, amazed.
The bunny sat up proudly, whiskers twitching.
MC tried on the outfit, twirling in front of the mirror. "It's perfect! You have great taste."
Asmodeus preened, clearly pleased.
"You know," MC said thoughtfully, "maybe we could do a little photoshoot later. Just for fun, not to post online. Would you like that?"
Asmodeus's ears perked up, and he did a little hop of excitement.
For the rest of the day, MC and Asmodeus had their own private fashion show. MC tried on different outfits, with Asmodeus offering his approval or disapproval with adorable head tilts and ear wiggles. They took silly selfies together, laughing at their exaggerated poses.
As evening fell, MC sat on the bed, scrolling through the day's photos. Asmodeus nestled in their lap, contentedly grooming his ears.
"You know, Asmo," MC said softly, using the nickname they'd come up with, "you don't need thousands of likes to be special. You're perfect just being you."
Asmodeus looked up, his pink eyes meeting MC's. He gave a gentle nudge to their hand, as if in agreement.
From that day on, Asmodeus seemed more relaxed, enjoying his time with MC without the pressure of his online persona. They'd still have their little fashion sessions, but now it was their special secret, a bond forged through a shared love of style and fun.
The moment MC opened the carrier, a blur of golden fur shot past them and leapt onto their bed. Satan, the elegant Persian cat, stretched luxuriously across the pillows, his green eyes challenging MC to object.
"Hey, that's my bed," MC protested, reaching out to move him.
Satan's ears flattened, and he let out a warning hiss that made MC quickly retract their hand.
"Okay, okay," MC sighed. "You can have it... for now."
Throughout the day, MC found their usual routines disrupted by their feline guest. When they tried to watch TV, Satan sprawled across the remote. As they attempted to do homework at the desk, the cat knocked their pencils to the floor. Even meal times weren't safe, with Satan perched on the kitchen counter, swatting at any food MC tried to prepare.
By evening, MC's patience was wearing thin. "Why are you being so difficult?" they snapped, frustration evident in their voice. Satan merely yawned in response, turning his back to them.
Feeling defeated, MC retreated to the library, their safe haven. They curled up in their favorite armchair with a mystery novel, hoping to lose themselves in the story and forget about their challenging day.
As the room grew dimmer, MC began reading aloud, their voice bringing the characters to life in the quiet space.
"'The detective crept down the darkened hallway, her heart pounding. She knew the culprit was close, but where...?'"
So engrossed were they in the story that MC didn't notice the soft padding of paws on the carpet. It wasn't until they felt a warm weight settle against their leg that they looked down, surprised.
There was Satan, curled up beside them, his green eyes fixed intently on MC's face as if hanging on every word.
MC's voice faltered for a moment, but seeing Satan's ears twitch in interest, they continued reading. As they wove through the tale of mystery and intrigue, Satan remained a rapt audience, occasionally reaching out a paw to touch the pages gently.
Hours passed unnoticed. When MC finally closed the book, the room was dark except for their reading lamp. They looked down at Satan, who was now purring contentedly.
"You like stories, huh?" MC said softly, cautiously reaching out to stroke Satan's fur. To their surprise, he leaned into the touch, his purr deepening.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier," MC continued. "I guess we just needed to find the right way to hang out together."
Satan blinked slowly at MC, then stood up, stretching. He hopped onto the arm of the chair and gently headbutted MC's cheek before leaping down and padding towards the door. At the threshold, he looked back, meowing as if to say, "Are you coming?"
MC smiled, rising from the chair. "Alright, let's go. But maybe we can share the bed this time?"
As they followed Satan out, MC felt a warm glow of understanding. They had found common ground in the world of books, a shared love of stories bridging the gap between them. From that night on, their evenings were filled with reading sessions, MC's voice weaving tales while Satan listened, a loyal and appreciative audience.
Lucifer and Belphegor:
MC stood before the large covered cage, curiosity burning in their eyes. Beside them, Lucifer, the young black horse, stood tall and proud, his watchful gaze never leaving the mysterious container.
"So, I can't even peek?" MC asked, their hand hovering near the cloth cover.
Lucifer snorted, shaking his mane as if to say, "Absolutely not."
Throughout the day, MC tried to interact with the unseen animal in the cage. They spoke softly, offered treats, and even played music, but received no response. Lucifer remained vigilant, his hooves clicking on the floor as he paced around the cage.
As evening approached, MC's energy waned. They leaned against the wall near the cage, eyes heavy. "I wish I knew how to help you," they murmured to the hidden animal before drifting off to sleep.
In their dreams, MC felt a chill, as if something nearby was cold and afraid. They jolted awake, their gaze immediately drawn to the cage. Was that a shiver they saw beneath the cover?
Without thinking, MC grabbed their favorite pillow – soft and adorned with a whimsical cow print. They carefully slid it under the cage's cover. "Here," they whispered, "this might help."
To their surprise, they felt movement. The pillow was pulled further into the cage, followed by what sounded like a contented sigh.
Lucifer, who had been dozing in the corner, raised his head, giving MC a look that seemed almost approving.
The next day, MC split their attention between the cage and Lucifer. The horse remained aloof, tossing his head whenever MC approached.
"Come on, Lucifer," MC coaxed, holding up a brush. "Don't you want to look your best?"
Lucifer merely turned away, his tail swishing dismissively.
Later, as MC helped their parents prepare dinner, they overheard a conversation.
"It's amazing how well they've handled all these animals," Mom said. "Especially that big horse. I was worried he'd be too much."
Dad nodded. "They've shown real responsibility. Taking care of Mammon, bonding with Leviathan, even cheering up Beelzebub. And now, being so patient with this mysterious caged animal."
MC felt a surge of pride at their parents' words. Unbeknownst to them, Lucifer had been listening too, his ears perked forward with interest.
That evening, as MC sat near the cage, quietly reading aloud (a habit they'd developed with Satan), they felt a gentle nudge on their shoulder. They looked up to see Lucifer, his dark eyes softer than before.
Slowly, carefully, MC stood and held out the brush. To their amazement, Lucifer didn't move away. He stood still, allowing MC to gently brush his mane.
"Thank you, Lucifer," MC said softly, running the brush through his silky black hair. "I know this is a big step for you."
As they brushed, MC glanced at the cage. The cow-print pillow was just visible under the edge of the cover, and they could have sworn they heard a soft, contented snore coming from inside.
In that moment, MC felt a wave of affection for both animals – the proud horse finally allowing himself to be cared for, and the mysterious creature finding comfort in a simple gesture of kindness.
"I don't know what's going to happen," MC murmured, "but I'm glad I met all of you. Each of you is special in your own way."
Lucifer nickered softly, as if in agreement, while the cage remained peacefully quiet, its occupant seemingly at ease for the first time since arriving.
Last day:
The morning sun streamed through the windows as MC stood in the mysterious pet shop, heart pounding with excitement and nerves. Around them, the brothers were gathered – Mammon's tail wagging furiously, Leviathan coiled in a travel tank, Beelzebub sitting patiently (though eyeing the treat jar), Asmodeus preening in a small mirror, Satan looking regal atop a cat tree, and Lucifer standing tall and proud.
And there, in the corner, was the covered cage containing Belphegor.
The shop owner smiled knowingly at MC. "So, you've made your decision?"
MC took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes. I want to adopt them all."
A collective energy seemed to surge through the room. Mammon barked joyfully, Asmodeus did a little hop, and even Satan's tail twitched with what seemed like approval.
"All of them?" the shop owner repeated, raising an eyebrow. "That's quite a responsibility. Are you sure you can handle it?"
MC thought back on the past week – the challenges, the surprises, the moments of connection with each unique animal. "I'm sure," they said firmly. "They belong together, and... well, they belong with me too."
The shop owner nodded, a mysterious glint in their eye. "Very well. But remember, Belphegor must remain in his cage for now. You cannot see him or let him out. Are you okay with that condition?"
Beel whined at the news.
MC glanced at the covered cage, feeling a pang of sadness mixed with their excitement. "I understand. As long as he's with us, that's what matters most."
As the adoption papers were signed and carriers were prepared, MC knelt down among their new family.
"We're going home, all of us," they said softly. Mammon licked their hand, Beelzebub nuzzled their knee, and Asmodeus posed for one last shop selfie.
When everything was ready, MC carefully lifted Belphegor's cage, making sure the cover stayed in place. "Don't worry," they whispered to the unseen occupant. "You're part of this family too."
As they left the shop, the owner called out, "Remember, MC. Love, patience, and understanding. That's what they'll need most from you."
MC nodded, somehow feeling that these words carried more weight than they could understand.
The journey home was a symphony of barks, meows, squeaks, and the occasional whinny from Lucifer, who was being led on a rope behind them. MC couldn't stop smiling, even as they wondered how they'd manage this menagerie.
Finally home, MC set down the carriers and cages in the living room. Their parents, though still looking a bit overwhelmed, had prepared a welcome area for each pet.
As MC began to help each brother settle into their new home, they paused by Belphegor's still-covered cage. Gently, they placed a hand on the cloth.
"I know I can't see you yet," they said softly, "but I want you to know that you're just as important as the others. We're all together now, and that's what matters."
From inside the cage came a soft sound, almost like a contented sigh.
MC looked around at their new, unusual family – Mammon already investigating every corner, Leviathan setting up near the TV, Beelzebub eyeing the kitchen, Asmodeus admiring his reflection in a window, Satan claiming the coziest armchair, and Lucifer standing regally by the fireplace.
Despite the chaos that was sure to come, MC felt a warmth in their heart. Somehow, they knew that this was just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure.
"Welcome home, everyone," MC said, grinning. "Our story starts now."
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