#i genuinely think i put a curse on myself by posting about him
mouseship · 1 year
erm :/ okay I made that post defending clint because I thought the hate he got was dumb and NOT cuz I had a crush on him, so please tell me why I actually have a crush on him now 🤨
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crazylittlejester · 17 days
I return with more LU EAH AU brainrot.
I have solved some problems and made some more problems. (It's Twilight, Twilight's the problem child.)
So the general progress I have made in my WIP document I've got going on right now is starting with Wild's portion of the story. The major issue is figuring out how to make his personality pre-Calamity and post-Calamity fit because Rip van Winkle is supposed to be about a lazy person.
Anyway, I figured I should make him sleep for 100 years instead of 20 years, by putting him in the crossfire of something like Sleeping Beauty's curse. The spindle has been weaponized. (I think it'd make a good rapid-fire weapon based on that one EAH episode where it was basically like a firehose but full of magic sleeping dust. Or maybe someone made grenades out of it. I'm undecided.)
This is when I remembered that in Zelda 2 Hyrule saved Aurora from her magic sleep thing, so I did some fact checking and no kissing was required. Apparently he just put all the Triforce pieces together and made a wish or something like that. Which means I can have Aurora and Wild be woken up at the same time if I assume the Triforce will let Hyrule wake up two people at the same time or if he can kiss Aurora awake and use the wish on Wild.
So the new problem is that wolves don't live for 100+ years and I kind of forgot about that. Which means I'm probably going to have to fudge it. I have no idea how Wolfie is supposed to work in canon, much less the mess I've made for myself here.
I also don't know how Flora is supposed to survive either. Something something standard holy magic princess combined with princess that's also a dragon part-time. Dragons probably live for like... forever, right? The light dragon is supposed to be super old at the end of TotK.
Haven't really made much progress beyond that except deciding that Sheik gets to be Mulan because it's cool.
I need you to know how genuinely excited i get when i see ‘LU EAH AU’ in my inbox
Having Aurora and Wild woken up at the same time is really cool! Would there be some way for Wolfie to be put to sleep too?
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endlessame · 3 months
higurashi ch3 tatarigoroshi thoughts
Yesterday i finally finished Higurashi's third chapter, "Curse Killing/Tatarigoroshi".
I have lots of thoughts about this chapter. So let me put them all in this post.
Obviously, spoilers ahead!
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Let's begin by coming clear. I figured that Tatarigoroshi was gonna be a Satoko revolving chapter... and I wasn't super into it. Not that I dislike Satoko, obviously! But at first, it seemed to me like a chapter around her wasn't gonna be as interesting as one revolving around the Sonozakis or Rika. I was proven SO wrong SO fast.
The silly atmosphere of the beginning of this chapter was one of the best, but when we got to THIS part?
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This trope is one that always gets to me. The trope of "seeing the ghost of someone in someone else" always gets me so emotional, specially in fraternal contexts. This chapter gave so much depth to Satoko's character... the whole Nii-nii part sealed the deal. I was crying.
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Seeing Keiichi in a light that wasn't just "silly mc burdened with the horrors" was also really nice. His role in this whole chapter was amazing, honestly. He felt really genuine and human with his reactions.
As I said, the silliness was peak this chapter. Not really fond of the Coach though, he's a weirdo in a lot of ways that I dislike.
But enough of the silliness, because like every Higurashi chapter... those fun days had to end.
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The whole deal with Satoko's uncle was devastating to read. It really drove home the point of Ryukishi's line of work, because this depiction of abuse and reaction to it is so harrowingly realistic that I, who don't really sob much with fiction, I usually just shed a tear or two quietly... was sobbing on this part. Like, a whole lot. When Satoko said that line? I couldn't hold back the tears.
Then you see Keiichi's reactions, and you're with him. Like, how are you NOT gonna be? You want to act as soon as possible, obviously... but everyone's telling that's not possible. You act, and you might screw everything up.
So when you get to Satoko's breakdown in class... it was one of the most terrifyingly real things I've ever read. Satoko's reaction to contact... it broke my heart. I was devastated for her.
Which was a great way to make me, and I'm sure that a lot of people as well, get on board with Keiichi's plan.
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From here, we get a really interesting insight in Keiichi's/the killer mind. It's creepy in a way Higurashi never really showed us before, which I think it worked great. Keiichi's plan and murder scene were written in a way that made me go the whole time "something's gonna go really bad, isn't it?" Sure, Takano's apparition was bad enough as it was, but I was pretty sure she was gonna end up... well, like every other chapter.
But aside from that... everything started going badly. It was terrifying to read and imagine myself in Keiichi's shoes. A new you is going around. You killed someone, right? He's still alive. There's proof that you killed him. Yet, there he stands. You feel like you're going crazy, because you probably are, right?? But no. Satoshi's bat is gone. You really did do it.
But there's no body. You confess to someone you believed you could trust, but at the end... he doesn't believe you. You go to save the reason behind this entire murder... and she calls you a murderer. She tries to kill you.
And then, they're all gone. Just like that, a curse killing.
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This chapter's ending rounded up perfectly. Everything, everything kept going up, and up... until it burst in this chapter, where no one was left alive, except for Keiichi.
And well, something I noticed... was that even now, Satoko's uncle didn't figure as dead on the credits. He's just... gone.
So now, let's jump into a fun part: theories! I'm really self-conscious of talking about theories, because I'm always afraid of messing something up badly, but whatever. I think it's better to push myself.
What happened? The difficulty of this chapter was said to be impossible, and it truly seems like it. Now, this may be the little Ushiromiya Battler inside of my mind, but I believe there has to be some human explanation to all this, right? Like... I was one of the people who, although believing in the magic of Umineko, still liked to try to unveil the mysteries. I want to fight the witch that's presenting me these challenges, so... what are my thoughts?
The most worrying part is the whole Two Keiichis Situation. At first, I believed that everyone knew that Keiichi murdered her uncle, so lied in order to protect him in case someone (Ooishi) saw the body. But then, the uncle turned out to be alive, because Satoko really didn't seem to be lying...
Could this whole thing be just... a delusion from Keiichi? The whole "murdering with a curse" thing just seems unlogical. Yet again, there's nothing impossible in Hinamizawa...
My best theory right now is that everything we see since Keiichi decides to murder until the great Hinamizawa Disaster... is in some way or form, a lie. I don't know why, but that's my biggest bet. Probably wrong, but oh well.
Also, who murdered Rika? That's another thing to be asking.
To end things, I also noticed how in the Review, they mention the next chapter to be Meakashi, and part of the Answers Arcs. Yet... the next chapter is Himatsubushi. That... really peaked my interest.
I can't wait to continue reading.
I saw a lot of people be excited watching someone reading Higurashi for the first time, so... feel free to send asks or whatever! I love to engage with people as I read. And thanks for reading this far, of course!
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Let's see... what this mysterious chapter... this Final Mystery... wants me to think.
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arthur-lesters-balls · 9 months
geto suguru, gojo satoru, and fatalism
im here once again with a long rant that i didnt really bother to reread. if you squint you can see it as a jujutsu kaisen 0 analysis. theres a part where i talk about geto in what can be seen as someone presenting passive suicidal thoughts, but its neither heavy nor explicitly about that so. just warning.
lately ive been thinking a lot about geto being left alone to do whatever he wanted for 10 years because gojo, the only person strong enough to defeat him, simply never tracked him down. almost as a consequence, i eventually put this together with the fact that, even though yuta was the one who did the "difficult" part of defeating geto, gojo was the one to deliver the final blow
one of the first things geto said after seeing gojo in that alley was "to think you'd be the one here at my end", but lately, i cant help but think: wasnt that actually the most obvious end? was there ever any other option of closure for them? and ive been into the idea of stsg + tragedy (as a genre) since i wrote this post, so this somehow resulted in me looking at them with some kind of lazy fatalistic lens
i really like stories where the character tries to flee from an imminent tragedy, but always goes back to the same place, because that is his fate. and, to me, this is exactly what happened with gojo when he tried to avoid killing geto. he didnt go after him, he spent 10 years standing still, believing the distance would be enough to run away from that moral duty
and then geto came back
and then geto went after gojo students. and then geto was the one who made their meeting happen. and then geto was the one who broke that barrier gojo had put up to avoid thinking about that unhealed wound. suddenly gojo was back to shinjuku, ten years ago, with geto saying that killing him or letting him go was his choice and that there would be a meaning to it
and i keep asking myself what was going on in his mind at that moment when geto appeared at jujutsu high? did he acknowledge that irony? did he acknowledge how that seemed like a bad joke being played on him? how long did it take for him to accept what that meant? was it in the classroom, after their talk, looking at the sunset and thinking about how they were actually quite similar to yuta and rika? changing the place of their conversation to the middle of the street, the same place where rika died her premature death? did he think about how they were also stuck at each other, cursed by love, and how the one who placed the curse must be the one to remove it? how, as said by the novel, the curse of geto suguru was a burden only he would be able to carry?
and this whole thing also made me think about geto. we know for a fact he thought that their friendship was over, that he wasnt someone gojo held dear anymore. we also know he thought gojo deserved to hate him, to curse him, to not take that last meeting of theirs and waste it treating him kindly so, to geto, what justified the fact that gojo never found him? i genuinely dont have a theory. im not even sure if i have a hypothesis that is in any way backed up by canon. but, what i can say almost for sure is that he never got it right. and him thinking gojo and him were best friends is proof of that
then the question thats left is: was geto ever aware of the tragic irony of his death by gojos hands? was dying by gojos hands ever a tragedy from his perspective? the way he never put up a fight against that possibility says otherwise. looking at his ideals, living a meaningless life seems a far more tragic thing for him. but wasnt that what he was doing already? doing his best for a goal he knew made no sense? whenever i think about geto saying he didnt expect gojo to be the one there at his end, i cant help but wonder: was that said in a positive way? was that a surprisingly satisfactory means to go? being killed by the person who cursed him and also the person he loved the most; to geto, was there a more meaningful death than that?
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thekats · 10 days
2AM thoughts
CW: suggestive content, mentions/discussion of SA/rape
I just saw (again) a post with that Lae'zel-Halsin banter that's like 'has he killed more or fucked more in his 350 year alive?' and he goes 'chimera has 3 heads but does it count as one creature?' Then Lae'zel says 'must have been a challenging kill' and he replies 'yes... kill' (sorry, my palm brushed the back button and the post was lost from view or I'd have done this as a reblog, but again it's 2am, I'd scrolled for a while until it popped up and I'll have forgotten by the time I get up again).
Now, I see three potential readings for this and I'm not saying any of them are more or less valid, just wanted to package them into wordsies:
A) Halsin is doing a funny. From banter with Shadowheart (for example) we see that he does have a funny bone. I'm thinking in particular the animal noises she offers to make to make him feel more at home in the shadow-cursed lands and him going 'you bleat well enough as is'. Yup, can absolutely be read as 100% serious, but doesn't really match his character. Think also the 'you're so big and strong and muscular and huge hunky-hunk-man for an elf' dialogue option in camp. His reply 'really?' is, for a split second, convincingly genuine, but he instantly reveals that 'ha-ha! Tricked you, of course I know I'm a big beefy himbo guy for an elf, we have fun.' Not to play the autism card, but this humour is very popular among autistics, I don't make the rules. Allistics frequently don't get it, especially because we use it with such earnestness that it can be tough to see the intention of a joke.
The chimera banter does fit that pattern.
B) He did fuck that chimera, he is a monsterfucker. Obviously, this is the favourite option for both Halsin-stans and Halsin-...crams... it's 2.19am, fuck off.
Him horny, him 'old', him horny and old, he fuck monsters. We don't know when he did it, how he did it, why he did it. Maybe he really was just horny and he put all of y'all's hear-me-outs to shame (I'm not a monsterfucker, personally, I can't even bring myself to fuck Halsin in bear form, so I don't have any hear-me-outs). Maybe there was something external at play. Maybe it's Maybelline(TM R C and such). Honestly, good for him. All we know for sure is that he checked in with that chimera to make sure it was all consensual beginning to end. Absolute king. I'd believe that a chimera would get the hots for him. He can get it.
3) He did have sexual intercourse with a chimera, but it wasn't consensual on his part. "But Kats," I hear you scream (I don't, humour me), "why would he be so chill about it then?!" The drow. He says himself in his Sharess' Caress afterglow dialogue that the way he speaks of the events now isn't necessarily representative of the severity of the events. Ffs he reports being raped, a sex slave for three years, and still 'some of it was done willingly'. My bro, my boo, son. N.O.! Just because it was "in their nature" as lolth-drow or some shit does not make it excusable! Just because you got a hard-on, a natural bodily reaction that has nothing to do with willingness or consent, does not mean you have to downplay what happened, even if that makes it easier in your own mind. Therapy. You, me and someone qualified. And Astarion. And Gale. And Derryth Bonecloak, honestly... NOW!
I would not be any more surprised than with the other two options if this were the tale behind that... story. Martel, I am running out of vocabulary here, but you know what I mean.
Anyway, again, I don't consider any of these more or less true/likely than each other. Perhaps there's even other options? Perhaps there's official info on it that I haven't come across yet bc I've had the game for 3 weeks and there is just so much content all of the time. Yeah, just wanted to lay down my 2 cents. Okay, nighty night!
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flowercrown-bard · 1 year
the results are in! this choose your own adventure-esque fic is going to be a somewhat lighthearted Geraskier fic set at a masquerade
For some reason I can’t add the poll to this post, so at the end of the chapter, there will be a link to the poll. sorry for making this more complicated than probably necessary
wc: 1429
'Choose wisely', said the fool (part 1)
“This is unbelievable!” Jaskier snatched the parchment out of Geralt’s hands, skimming its contents, though he already knew what they were. The wax seal showing an intricate rose design had revealed it all. “How did you do it?”
“Hm?” Geralt folded his arms and lifted an eyebrow in amusement, as he watched Jaskier fret over the letter.
“Oh, don’t you hmm me,” Jaskier said petulantly, though his heart skipped a beat at the little smile Geralt quirked. Even after years of friendship, he still couldn’t get enough of Geralt’s teasing tone and the easy familiarity with which the witcher had started treating him once he had gotten used to the idea that Jaskier genuinely wanted to be his friend. And it was true. Jaskier did love being friends with him, travelling beside him, sharing drinks and laughs as friends were wont to do. There was just the tiny detail that a not-so-secret part of him wanted to have something else with Geralt as well. As much as Jaskier told himself he was satisfied with sharing a bed with Geralt out of convenience, he found himself wishing that he were allowed to sling an arm around Geralt’s waist and pull him closer, so he could press his head between his shoulder blades and fall asleep listening to his slow heartbeat or wake him up with a kiss. Gods, how he wanted to kiss him.
He coughed, shaking those thoughts off. He could deal with them later. Or never. That would also be acceptable. For now, he had other priorities. Namely -
“How, by the mighty clap of Melitele’s arsecheeks, did you manage to get invited to Duchess Ruta’s betrothal feast? And I - the Continent’s greatest and most famous bard - did not?”
Geralt’s lips twitched.
“Maybe your infamy for sleeping with engaged people isn’t very helpful.”
“Well, neither should your infamy for claiming the law of surprise at Pavetta’s betrothal feast be. And yet…” He smacked the invitation with one hand, creating a satisfyingly dramatic sound. “Maybe she hadn’t heard about that.”
Jaskier let out a disbelieving huff. He couldn’t fathom the idea of any noble who was worth their salt - which, admittedly, weren’t a lot- hadn’t heard about the disaster that had happened in Cintra. Not least of all, because it had made for a fantastic story. A cursed knight, a witcher sparing a monster and therefore ensuring that love won out in the end? Really, what was not to love? Jaskier just had to put that in a ballad and the song had spread across the Continent like a wildfire.
“Unbelievable,” Jaskier said again, mostly in hopes of seeing Geralt grin once more. As much as he acted like a slighted lover, Jaskier was proud of his friend. The Geralt from a couple of years ago would have never been even considered as a guest to a noble’s feast. The only thing less likely than that was the possibility of Geralt actually accepting.
“If you’re so mad about it, I take it you’re not coming?” Geralt asked nonchalantly and turned to his bags to pull out his alchemy set, clinking the bottles together.
“I repeat myself.” Jaskier waved the parchment through the air, despite Geralt not looking at him. “I wasn’t lucky enough to be invited.”
“Read the last line.”
With a frown, Jaskier did as he was bid. “Please be aware that you may bring no more than one additional guest with you, if you so wish.” His mouth dropped open. “Geralt, are you saying what I think you’re saying? Because if you’re not, I shall write a heartbreaking ballad about the cruelty of one Geralt of Rivia for toying with my hope.”
Geralt snorted and rolled his eyes at Jaskier’s dramatics.
“I wouldn’t ever hear the end of it if I didn't take you."
"You won't hear the end of it if you take me either,” Jaskier warned. “You know I'll make a song out of it, right?"
"I know." Geralt lowered his head as he sorted through his bottles, making his hair fall down and obscure his features. Still, Jaskier was sure he could see the hint of a smile. "It sounded like the sort of thing you'd like."
Jaskier's heart fluttered like a humming bird's wings.
"And exactly like the sort of thing you hate." He dropped the pretence of being affronted. Softly, he added, "You'd go there for me?"
Geralt shrugged. "Rich people have the best alcohol and food. Also, it's a masquerade. People won't bother me if they don't recognize me." He titled his head just enough that Jaskier could see the mischievous glint in his eyes. "And if they don't recognize you, then I don't have to look out for any cuckolds seeking revenge."
Jaskier bit his lip to stop himself from making a quip about how his face wasn't the only recognizable part of him. He didn't need to challenge his luck that much. Who knew when Geralt would offer to take him to a ball again?
"I'd love to go with you."
"Hmm." Geralt sounded pleased and for some reason relieved, as if there had ever been a chance that Jaskier wouldn't accept the invitation. "You better buy a mask then."
Jaskier lit up. He bounced on his heels.
"What are you going as? Oh! We could match!"
Geralt snorted. "How about we don't tell each other and see if we still recognize each other at the ball?"
Jaskier lifted his brows and let his eyes roam pointedly over the bulk of Geralt's shoulders and his very recognisable white hair.
"Sure," he said, drawing out the word. "Say, that's not just an excuse because you don't have a mask yet, is it?"
"Of course not."
"Liar." Jaskier grinned. "But fine. Challenge accepted. I could recognise you by your horse-smell alone. Speaking of which," he wrinkled his nose. "I'll leave you to your stinky alchemy. I don't need to watch you crush drowner brains again."
"Pity," Geralt said drily. "Whatever should i do without you to distract me."
"Oh, I'm distracting you?" Jaskier teased. "Did you just admit you think I'm pretty?"
Geralt grunted, but didn't deny it.
Jaskier very much didn't flee from the room so that Geralt wouldn't hear his heart picking up speed. He simply was eager to find a suitable mask to wear to the ball.
As he made his way to the heart of the town, he was already coming up with ideas. Granted, none of them would do any good at hiding his identity from Geralt, but he was well aware that that would be impossible anyway, what with Geralt being able to pick out the sound of his heartbeat in a crowd. No, Jaskier had a different goal in mind with his mask.
The first idea he had was perhaps the most obvious one. If he got a mask that looked like a wolf, he would be matching Geralt, even if Geralt had a differently themed mask. Everyone would know that he was the White Wolf’s companion. The idea of wearing something that undeniably marked him as belonging to Geralt made his heart beat faster and his cheeks heat up.
Then again, there were other options. It was a silly idea, of course, but… what if Jaskier went all out and got a really good disguise? He was sure that the troupe of actors he had chatted with earlier that day would let him borrow some of their costumes and props. Some cheap charm to change his eye colour to look more yellow, two prop swords, some light armour, maybe a wig… It wouldn't take much to make him look like a witcher. Geralt would be so annoyed but it would be so much fun, if only to see his reaction. Jaskier had to giggle just imagining it: following Geralt around with an exaggerated frown and artificially deep voice to imitate him. It would be hilarious!
But maybe annoying Geralt wasn't the right thing to do. After all, he had been kind enough to invite Jaskier along. Jaskier shouldn't punish him for that by teasing him. Maybe he should instead strive to make Geralt smile. And there was one thing that without fail would always make him smile: Horses. Jaskier would look absolutely terrible in a horse mask, but a little public humiliation would be worth it if it meant seeing Geralt light up at the sight of him and maybe even laugh a little, if Jaskier was lucky.  
The more he thought about it, the harder the choice became.
make the choice for Jaskier here
tagging: @fingons-rad-harp @claracaboozle @thequeeninyellowlace @
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veliseraptor · 1 year
1 & 19 for the latest ask meme?
the character everyone gets wrong: oh boy I have a whole list. I mean, I referenced something about this on my bitchy post the other night about characters I started disliking because I felt like fandom was making them too nice (to call out one that's older, Maedhros is a good example). which is generally what happens when I find myself going "no! no!!! stop it!!!!!" about the way people are reading a character.
but I guess the one I find most personally irritating lately in recent fandom is Nie Mingjue, because...well, I get where the nice friendly sensitive Nie Mingjue comes from, on some level (mostly CQL, I think, which, bless it for the 'everybody cries' thing but also...curses), but I just find it...frustrating...that it tends to mean that people do not acknowledge the ways in which he is kind of a guy full of rage and quick to turn to violence as a solution, who may be somewhat less than completely righteous and correct, and the sabre cultivation being an influence on that/making it worse doesn't make that...not the case. at the very least in novelverse the fact that Nie Mingjue doesn't actually succeed in murdering anybody does not necessarily negate the fact that he definitely tried.
once again I would be more interested in and less bothered by Nie Mingjue if fandom was more about him being fucked up and not just in nice and sympathetic ways.
seriously, I feel like maybe 80% of my problems with mdzs/cql fandom would be solved if people just went "this is a book/show about a lot of very fucked up people who are doing fucked up stuff in different ways, with, like, a couple exceptions." I think that would go a long way. at the very least maybe we could drop the endless "who's most right and who is most evil" arguments.
wait, I feel like I remember a line in canon about that, maybe.
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...: I have spent the last, oh, five or six years cultivating an attitude of no shame for my interests and while it has not been 100% successful it has been fairly successful, so I'm actually kind of struggling to come up with something for this. I feel like there are maybe certain tropes I'd put down here that I feel vaguely embarrassed about. that's probably the best answer. and like. I guess I'm a little embarrassed about the non-con thing but honestly I'm probably more embarrassed about the tropes that disclose things about me emotionally. the more I feel like a trope is therapeutic for me the more embarrassed I am about it.
oh no, wait - I'm a little ashamed of the fact that I genuinely love the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. it is soooo...well, there's a lot I could say. but damn do I love the stupid things. the heart wants what it wants I guess
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alotofadhd · 1 year
Big ramble about Fabiniku…
Okay so this LONG ass post is gonna focus on my interpretations of fabiniku aka “life with an ordinary guy who got reincarnated as a fantasy knockout” buckle up I got a lot of thoughts and I’m trying to get it all out in one(ish) post and I don’t think the thoughts all make sense:
I also feel like I’m saying the same thing 5x before I get to the point so apologies in advance….
Tachibana is the reason that Jinguuji has the power that he has. Tachibana loves Jinguuji and currently I am not talking about Love in the romantic sense. You can love family and friends just as deeply as a romantic partner. And this love is why the goddess was drawn to him and this love is why Jinguuji is so dang strong day one. But I also believe we can pinpoint exactly where the turn from platonic to romantic happened and what that means for jinguuji’s strength.
This also plays into my theories on tachibana’s lack of strength.
At the start of the whole story the curse makes both protagonists “see” each other but it’s way easier for Tachibana to get past and ignore it seemingly than Jinguuji. It is theorised by many that that’s because Jinguuji has loved tachibana the whole time pre-isekai and is too repressed to understand any of it. Tachibana being a pretty girl and the two of them being cursed to actually “see” each other just punches him in the face with his OWN feelings. on the other hand Tachibana is just like “okay I’m totally into my friend now and I’ll be keeping that nightmare to myself(ish)”. We don’t see Tachibana struggling a much as Jinguuji does. (Tho they do struggle)
But then the robot fight happens and Jinguuji praised the shit out of his best friend and Tachibana can barely take the embarrassment of it all which causes Jinguuji to fully and genuinely laugh in front of Tachibana for probably the first time EVER. That whole moment put Jinguuji to Tachibana’s heart in a way he previously wasn’t. This is when we see Tachibana get charmed for first time too.
After this In the Manga, when the two encounter the elf on the ship Jinguuji strikes a major hit against her new weapon that mimics what heart beam would look like later in the arc. I believe this is because Tachibana’s feelings for him have grown and he is now capable of even more than before.
Then the single time we have seen the two be emotionally vulnerable with each other (in terms of their feelings for one another) it has resulted in a power boost for Jinguuji and him using heart beam. Tachibana refused to let jinguuji get away with his bullshit and made him call them cute! This moment tho was all spurred on by Tachibana. The blessing was given by Tachibana. Tachibana is the source of it all.
So long story short: Tachibana’s love makes Jinguuji strong.
But then the question is if Tachibana’s platonic love alone was enough to make jinguugi strong why isn’t the reverse true? Jinguuji clearly cares for Tachibana more than anything just because he refuses to call it love doesn’t change that the feelings are there? Well…
Tachibana, being the Hero, is the source of Jinguuji’s power, as the weapon, and I doubt the weapon can affect the hero directly. This is why I don’t think jinguuji’s love for tachibana wether named or not matters in the magic sense of it all.(tho it definitely matters over all)
I think Tachibana’s love is the source of Tachibana’s power and the one thing we truly haven’t seen is Tachibana Loving themselves. They didn’t love themselves before being isekai’d and they don’t now. And being put in a strange body with what look like only hinderances attached to it doesn’t help. The one time we’ve seen strength/skill come from Tachibana was again when they were being emotionally vulnerable and demanding the acknowledgment they felt they deserved.
1. They had a handle on a robot they should have had no idea how to use. Also they were good strategic attacks
2. Over powered Jinguuji for the forehead kissy.
I don’t think Tachibana is going to grow in skill and strength till they’re able to truly accept and love themselves.
And I think that Jinguuji is as much a part of the problem as he is the solution.
Well intentioned or not, Jinguugi does not accept Tachibana as they currently are and hasn’t made it a secret AT ALL. Even if Tachibana was in agreement the whole time after a while the constant reminders that “you are wrong” would get to anyone.
It’s a weird way to put it but I think they have a co-dependent relationship and time a part would strengthen there relationship and by extension Tachibana’s power maybe? Like self love plays into any relationship and I feel like the two of these idiots are growing more unhealthy in the relationship by the day… idk
I think Jinguuji is going to have to at minimum accept his friend where they’re at and commit to taking the journey with them and emotionally support them thru this genuinely tough time. But I also know Jinguuji is an idiot and won’t do this…
I’m cutting my self off if y’all want more ask…
FINAL NOTES: Jinguuji during the robot fight didn’t regain strength unti AFTER he acknowledged he was jealous of Tachibana’s attention and when he agreed to start praising Tachibana. Idk if that mean that Jinguuji’s had to comply with tachibana to keep his strength or if it is more of a reflection that their relationship needs to be strong in order for him to be strong… I feel like I am still close with my above interpretation but also I think I have thought myself into a hole… save me I’m stuck down here…
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after-witch · 7 months
I was having a bad evening and I really wanted to cheer myself up with some Mahito fics, then you post a new one! It was great, I enjoyed it a lot. You write Mahito so well. But, is it bad that I was thinking how cute and thoughtful Mahito was being? He only wanted reader to have a nice Halloween and scare them again, and he did. Also, the idea of him bringing a horror book he found all excited is really cute to me. I’m a very normal Mahito fan, as you can see.
Oh I'm so glad that the fic was able to cheer you up!
But, is it bad that I was thinking how cute and thoughtful Mahito was being?
NO, because that was definitely in my intentions.
Cute but it's like. Mahito-cute. One of my rules when I write or think about yandere Mahito (or even non-yandere Mahito who is vibing with someone, albeit temporarily) is that it's important to indicate that he does have a soft spot for reader.
But since he's Mahito, the way that he indulges that soft spot is usually not particularly grand for the reader in question. He's a curse, he does what he wants when he wants, he has a completely different attitude towards existence and behavior than even a human yandere.
He'll take reader outside... so he can chase them down for fun! He'll give them a gift... taken from someone he killed; he'll pop in their favorite movie... then psychoanalyze their every reaction and favorite parts so he can add it to his catalogue of information about them. Etc etc.
In this case, he genuinely doesn't understand why reader would be so upset... they like Halloween, it's creepy and gruesome, I mean, put two and two together, silly thing!
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Hello! I really like your posts.
I was wondering if you had a theory concerning Ayan's notebook. Akk didn't steal it, but he also never directly said that he didn't know who did. Does he suspect someone? Or did he collaborate with the thief and knew of his plan to steal the notebook all along?
Penny for your thoughts?
I originally had planned to write a lengthy post about this two weeks ago, but after Akk turned out to be the curse and not Namo, I thought I’d keep my wild theories to myself.
But since you asked…
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TLDR: Namo took the notebook and gave it to Chadok, and Akk knows that Chadok has the notebook. Also, Thua’s stepdad knows Chadok. Oh, and Dika was in love with Chadok.
Now that you know how crazy this is about to get, take this as your warning.
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I’ve mentioned before that I believe Chadok and Dika were either in a relationship or *very* close friends. It’s all based on how Chadok interacted with Ayan in front of the office when he saw Ayan’s necklace. The second I see a white rose pop up around Chadok, I'm going to go wild!
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Because of this, I think he knows who Ayan really is or suspects it. He wants the notebook to see how much Ayan knows about him and Dika. *put a pin in this*
However, I think Ayan is planting false information in the notebook because he is determined to figure out what the school does to those who don’t follow the rules, much like what happens in the book he is reading.
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Chadok is not the principal. He is the head of the student welfare office, yet he is the authority in punishing the students. He could have directly punished Ayan in the hallway when he saw him “out of dress code” but instead he makes others do the punishing like the teachers and Akk. This makes me think he has Namo involved to get the notebook.
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I suspected Namo was the curse because he wants to be a prefect, he is always shown when The World Remembers is protesting, and Thua directly looks at him when the notebook goes missing.
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When the school received the texts to not join in the protests because of the curse, Thua was with Namo and told Namo the curse wasn’t real. Namo looked taken aback, but the way Namo acted in this previous episode by sneaking up on Akk and telling him the curse would return makes me think Namo has KNOWN the curse is Akk as well. If Akk isn’t willing to do the job, Chadok probably recruited Namo to do his bidding. And strangely enough, Namo just happened to be outside of the school the exact same time as Ayan...as if he was following him.
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Ayan mentioned that Thua’s stepdad went to the same school as them. Kan has mentioned it as well. Both of them have mentioned that the stepdad should know something about the curse, but the night the stepdad comes to pick up Thua, he asks Thua how school was (like he is curious), and to fill the silence, Thua turns on the radio. The radio is talking about the upcoming eclipse, and the stepdad immediately tells him to turn it off as if he is scared.
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Now, this is where it gets murky *take that pin out from earlier* – Chadok is like Akk, and Dika is like Ayan. Chadok was the curse when he was in school, which is probably the same time Thua’s stepdad was in school. The stepdad genuinely believes in the curse, which is why he sent Thua to school there to scare him straight. If Chadok was creating the curse when he was in school and tried to continue this *tradition* through the new prefects, Dika might have found out. Much like Ayan is being with Akk, since Dika loved or was *very* close with Chadok, he wanted Chadok to come clean, but Chadok didn’t. This is where the split happened with Dika.
Once again, Chadok wants to know how much of this Ayan knows.
Chadok was “gone” when the notebook was stolen but was on campus late at night picking up something from the office – possibly the notebook before Sani came in. Very convenient that he was gone the same day the notebook was stolen, huh?
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Akk also went immediately to Chadok’s office when the notebook was stolen as if he knew Chadok would have it.
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Ayan directly asked Akk if Chadok was behind this curse business, and Akk told him no. THAT’S A LIE! Even if Chadok isn’t directly telling Akk what to do, he has had too many one-on-one conversations with Akk where he alludes to the stomping out the protests for Chadok to not intentionally know what he is doing.
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Finally, next week’s episode shows Akk in the school looking for something. I think he is going to search people’s lockers for the notebook and stumble upon something bigger – that Chadok does, in fact, have it...as well as a lot of other curse-related stuff.
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Save the penny because I think Wat is going to create a short film about the injustices of the school and frame it around his friends falling in love while Kan is trying to play matchmaker for Akk and Ayan. I'll be back with more wild theories and might need that penny later.
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dandyshucks · 1 month
hiii dandy !! i wanted to ask, what do you think you and guzma would do post-canon after the events of sun & moon ? (i might have asked this before - if i have, i apologize..) (i also wanted to say that its been really cool seeing ur progress on ur plush!! it seems so hard, so you having that skill is rly admirable and i wish u lots of luck w finishing it!!) (@dmclr)
CLARA HI i hope u (and dimitri hehe) are doing well :] !!! wah thank u for the question, u havent asked it before dw !!! 
OKAY SO admittedly I mostly only know the story through reading Guz’s wiki page a few times (teehee) and through osmosis from the general fandom dsgjkl, i want to play the game one day and maybe read the manga, and I’ve watched the anime eps he’s featured in and that’s all i’m watching of that LOL. I haven’t actually experienced much of his story (or su/mo in general) first-hand myself though fdsjkl
answer below the cut because.... the rambler's curse got me LOL
after the events of su/mo, I don’t think he’d actually disband Team Skull because… what is the point of that honestly LOL, so Team Skull stays together in MY version of the world hehe. they’re required to do community service to make up for whatever shenanigans they get up to, but they stop stealing pokemon and move onto just like… graffiti and casual pranks and stuff. they still cause trouble, but it’s mostly mischief now rather than any actual crime. I set them up to work on murals for shop owners around the islands so they can spraypaint and be artistic that way rather than randomly tagging walls and getting into trouble for it fjdskl. they keep their disdain for authority figures and rules because at the end of the day most of them are rowdy teens who feel outcasted from society, and that’s just the way the ball rolls with them (also a certain level of that is healthy and warranted tbh). I work with Plumeria to organize events and outings (outside of community service) for the squad though, which helps give everyone healthier outlets for their energy and focus.
Hala mentors Guz to help put him onto (and keep him on) the right track, and Guz learns to appreciate the islands and their traditions a bit - even if he still doesn’t agree with all of them. Part of that mentorship is also sort of therapy (in a more holistic naturally-occurring way rather than like... clinical therapist sitting with patient), so trauma gets unpacked and healthier ways of handling emotions are learned and implemented. Also fuck the Aether Foundation HFDSJKL I keep Guz far away from Lusamine and make sure she never gets close to him again (idk what Gladion and Lillie get up to, I haven’t thought enough about them yet fsjkl). There’s a lot of healing and self-improvement and learning how to Be A PersonTM for both of us tbh!
Beyond that, it is mostly just regular Alola/island living!! Beach visits, walking around, getting ice cream and popsicles, casual battles with tourists, catching wimpods, all that sort of thing :] Also we visit Sinnoh (my home region) for half the year (i have… a whole schedule worked out for that actually LOL) so there’s that, too.
as for the plushie omg thank u sm WAUGH :D i cannot tell if it’s just because i have a weird hodge-podge skillset but i DO think it is not actually all that difficult !!! you just need a pattern for cutting the felt and then I learned the ladder stitch for hand-sewing, and it’s been very straightforward on how to sew the pieces together!! the hardest part so far has just been the hair because I have a difficult time translating 2D images to 3D reality in that way.
I just really want to encourage ppl to try their hand at new crafts and creative skills because I think it’s really fun and honestly really good for ppls well-being!! i am very passionate about making creativity accessible to people as much as possible!!! maybe i could make a tutorial or smth… the pattern I'm using is free and available on the creator’s website, and it’s genuinely not that difficult esp compared to some other things i’ve tried my hand at in the past LOL I feel like some of my paper mache projects have been more complex than this lil goober!!
THANK YOU AGAIN, AND SORRY ABOUT BECOMING THE RAMBLING RAMBLER LMAO i actually entirely rewrote this once because I wanted to shorten it and it STILL ended up this long 😭
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
68 - King and Queen
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Part 69
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Strolling through the compound with Cami on my heels I paused in my tracks seeing Hayley and Jacob standing outside the main entrance. “Hey you two, what’s going on?” 
“Apparently I didn’t remember the rules of being a vampire like you told me.” Jacob chuckled nervously. 
Tilting my head to the side. “What did you do, J?” 
“He can’t get into our house because I learned the deed was in his name. So when he turned it blocked him out and I can’t do anything about it.” Hayley said, bouncing Andrea in her arms. 
Cami looks between the three of us. “If it’s magic keeping you out, why are you here. Cause I don’t think anyone here can undo it.” 
“Huh…I’m here to ask, could we stay here until we find a different place?” The hybrid brunette asked, avoiding my gaze. 
Crossing my arms over my chest I scoffed. “I don’t know, Hayley. Can I trust you after what you tried to do to my kids?” 
“It was an asshole thing, yes. But I’m asking for your help. But I will go willingly if you want, even though I know you are my sire so I have to do what you say either way.” The wolf responded back by sending me puppy brown eyes. 
Throwing my head back I heard Klaus coming down the stairs putting a hand on my back. “What’s going on here?” 
“Should we allow the traitor wolf and my beloved brother to stay here?” 
He wrapped an arm around my waist tugging me into his side, sending them each a look. “It’s up to you. He is after all your brother and his lady mistress.” 
“Please Rae.” Jacob begged me. 
Waving them inside I headed outside towards the car. “We are off to find Rebekah but you two are already coming in. We changed the deed to Rebekah but she’ll let you in.” 
Watching my husband he walked up to my twin and his woman, sending them a genuine smile. “Hayley, this family comes with many many hardships, but there is at least one benefit. You will always have a home here.” 
Klaus followed after me but when he opened the door Hayley appeared in front of us where he snapped at her. “Seriously!” 
"Look, Klaus, we both know how this is going to go down. You're going to tell me that I can't come, and then I'm going to tell you that I love Rebekah, too. Then you're going to say, I'm going to slow you down, and I'm going to remind you that you're the one who cursed me to be a werewolf anker of my pack for six months, and therefore, I know every inch of the bayou. Now, unless you want to be delayed by an angry werewolf grandma with a gun, you should just admit that you need me." Hayley fired back holding the car keys away from him. 
He agreed, snatching them back. "I'll drive." He got inside the car waiting on us. 
"So you ask for an invite inside my house and now you're wanting to help us. What game are you playing, Marshall?" Leaning against the vehicle I noticed that Cami and Jacob were also coming our way. 
She sent me a half smile. "There's no game, Raelyn. You are my sire. So if Lucien kills you. I go down too." 
"Unless I siphon the poison from myself like I did with Cami." I snapped. "Also who exactly is watching our children while all of us go off to war?" 
Jacob stood beside her with Cami. “Listen Jakxon’s mom is watching Andrea and she can look after the triplets too.” 
“Look, let's just face the facts that we aren’t going to let you die. So we are going to help you take down Lucien.” The brave bartender headed to the backseat with my brother and Hayley. 
I vamped onto my side where we found Rebekah but while we were driving back until someone drove into the side of our car. My head hit the dash and Klaus hit the steering wheel. Jacob, Cami and Hayley all got thrown around in the backseat until the car hit a tree. Hayley flew out of the car and got hit with a fence post to the chest. Waking up from the neck snap I got I winced while stumbling out of the car. “Who the hell would hit us?” 
Klaus leaned against the car getting out himself before Lucien vamped in front of us. “Nik. Rae. I was hoping to run into you.” He punched my husband where he fell against the car. “Oh, come now, it's no fun if it's easy. At least Cami went down swinging.” 
“Think again, asshole.” Cami vamped around our side with Jaocb at her side. 
Lucien growled at her. “How are you alive!” 
“You won’t find out,buddy. Ah sha Lana.” Jacob raised his hand causing Lucien to grab his head for a split second. 
But he started cackling. “You’re not strong enough to beat me either, siphon boy.” 
“I’m a heretic now, Raelyn” Jaocb reached for me where we both launched him into the old wooden building. “Motus!” 
Klaus followed after us with Cami. Lucien got to his feet throwing Nik the second he entered the house. He laughed when he was covered in fallen wood. “Haven't you learned yet, Nik? I am finally your superior in every way.” 
Cami ran towards the vampire but he twisted her arm around her back throwing her to the floor. Jaocb ran towards him yet he snapped his neck like a twig. “You ass. Leave them alone!” I charged towards Lucien where we threw punches at one another. 
Throwing my hand forward he snagged my wrist drawing blood with his nails. “The pathetic bartender and your own brother, is that really the best you can sire?” 
“Nope, Hayley!” I holler hoping she was awake but he threw me into the rubbish with my husband causing more boards to fall on top of us. 
Nik slowly got to his feet when we heard Lucien howling. “I can smell it. The stench of fear. Uncomfortable, isn't it? Knowing your life could be snuffed out any second.
Count your heart beats, Klaus and Raelyn. “ 
“Real mature of you. Howling like a wolf to make fun of him. You’ll never beat us!” I holler out getting to my feet calling out to him. 
Klaus shutters down a hallway until Lucien vamped behind us and they ran tackling each other to the ground. “It's a shame Aurora isn't here to witness your victory.” 
“You think this is inspired by lost love? No. This is about station. A simple stable-boy better than a tyrannical king. You have to admit, it's a hell of a story.” Lucien switched their position holding him by the wall. 
Klaus grunted under his strength. “I am not the villain of this fairy tale you've conjured. Lucien, we were friends.” 
Cami gasped, getting to her feet. “Can you kill him, Rae?”
“I’m not strong enough, Cami.” I shook my head at her. 
Jacob got up to hearing the boys still going at it until Hayley appeared beside us. She jumped on Lucien’s back tearing at his neck. “Argh!” But he knocked her backwards into something. 
“Nik!” I slammed my hand against the wall trying to drop Lucien on the floor like I did the originals but the second I did my heart felt like it was burning. 
Cami and Jaocb tried to get him again together each throwing their legs and fists but he broke their necks together at the same time. Klaus kicked him over the head with something melt before Lucien threw me through the wall of the building with him rolling on the ground outside. “Rae! - ugh!” 
“What are you going to do to me ... .you're bites won’t kill me, stable boy!” I threatened him by holding my heart while being on my knees pushing through the pain. 
Lucien vamped forward spinning me around dragging me outside. Seeing Klaus get to his feet I whimpered before a scream escaped my lips. “Nik….ahhh!” Lucien shoved his hand inside the back of me clutching my heart in his fingers. 
“Oh, wow. A queen and a king, caught by a one time pawn. Thus the game comes to its inevitable end.” He declares keeping me close to him. 
My husband slowly moved forward, beaten up. His hair was a curled mess and he was bleeding from the sides of his face and part of his mouth. “Raelyn - What are proving by killing her? It's me you hate.”
“Was I not clear when I murdered Finn and apparently a failed attempt to do the same to Camille? I don't care who dies. But since you do, indulge me.” Lucien moved his hand through my hair. I was bleeding from my stomach, mouth and forehead. With my hair tousled into a blood stained mess on the ends. “And I just might spare the mother of your children.” 
“Kneel. Get on your knees.” I groaned sharply when he tightened his grip on my organ. “I can feel her heart pounding in my fist. Do you really want to measure your pride against my mercy?
“Klaus!” I began coughing, gasping for breath watching Nik slowly drop down to a knee giving him what he wanted. 
Suddenly Elijah appeared out of nowhere stabbing Lucien in the back. Klaus vamped grabbing me away from him and shoved Lucien away from the both of us. Whipping my head around I saw Freya with her hands turning purple while she chanted and Lucien began groaning in serious pain. He finally dropped on the ground with Elijah holding him there. “His power's gone. He's nothing but an ordinary vampire now.” She panted. 
Klaus turned his head briefly seeing Hayley and Cami back at our sides. “You see that family drama you so joyfully deride, does have its merits.” 
Elijah knocks the vampire on the dirt. “You can kill me, but the prophecy still stands. You cannot outrun it.” 
“I've had about a thousand years too much from you. For a century, you lived with my name, and you never did quite recover from losing it, did you? You became a man of wealth and stature, but you never could crawl from my shadow.” Nik lowers himself away from my side picking up the crystal shard that Elijah stabbed him with before walking over to him. “And in the end... despite the gift of immortality, you have always known what you truly are.” 
I felt a whoosh appear by me when Jaocb took my hand in his seeing me swaying on my feet. “Rae?” Doing his best to hold me upright. 
Lucien begs for his life. “Please…”
But Nik didn’t give him that cutting his mouth with the shard tip making him bleed. “You... are... nothing.” He plunged his hand inside his chest, tearing out his heart and letting his body go limp and die. 
Nik turned back to me where I fell into his arms feeling weak by jumping the small amount of magic I had used for some reason. “Klaus…I…I’m so tired.”
“Easy love. Here, here, drink.” My husband bites into his wrist feeding me his blood which actually made me feel better. Yet he picked me up bridal style before I fell asleep in his arms. “Sleep Rae.” 
It was night by the time I woke up and I heard Marcel shouting at someone in the alcohol room. Yanking the blanket off of me I vamped away from the couch finding Elijah and Klaus with him. “I did everything you asked. I joined your stupid cult, I left my friends in the dust because that's what you needed!" 
Klaus looks at the floor with me peaking into the room. "Marcel…" 
"I fought for Hope, Alina and Missy! I kept Raelyn breathing! I kept white oak from piercing your cold, black heart. I did everything!" He said through grunted teeth. 
Elijah simply said. "We know." 
"No, you don't. No, you don't." Marcel sniffed. 
Klaus tried explaining to him. "Marcel, he had no choice." 
"Oh, they were right about you. Yeah. Aurora, Tristan, Lucien. Anybody who's not your family is nothing to you.
Nothing!" Marcel got in my husband's face with tears of anger staining his face. 
Elijah told the vampire. "Marcellus, you are family." 
"No, I'm not. Not anymore.
Never again…..I am not your family." Marcel raised his voice where it went into a darker tone. He threw a table vamping off. 
Taking a step forward my foot cracked the wooden floor. "Nik, what happened. Why is he so angry?" I dared to ask never seeing him this mad. 
"Rae, I…it's Davina." He and Elijah turned to face me. Klaus slowly came towards me, taking my hands in his before he said another word. "She's…she's dead." 
Yanking my hands from his grasp I began screaming, breaking the alcohol bottle with my magic. Throwing my hair around I cried heavily launching the table into pieces firing off spell after spell. "Phasmatos motus incediamos! - Dissulta!' Half the stuff was on fire and the others were busted into a million pieces. 
Elijah reached to touch me yet I snapped at him. "Rae-" 
"Ventus!" Throwing him him backwards into the wall someone grabbed my shoulders where I fought against them. "Get off me!" 
Klaus wrapped his arms around my waist holding me tightly against him. I hit his chest until he snatched my wrists with his eyes pouring into mine. "Raelyn, stop it. Listen to me. Listen to me. There was nothing else that could stop Lucien. Elijah dud what he had too!" 
"No! No, no. I - I could have saved her. I  - she can't be dead." I began sobbing where he pulled my head against his chest just holding me. "No, no - Davina!" 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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walker-290 · 1 year
How fucking dare you fangirl over Jensen’s concert when you said he wanted Jared to die? FUCK YOU. I hope you have a horrible rest of your life.
1. I never explicitly said Jensen wanted Jared to die. I raised a question about his intentions and motivation of saying Never Keep Fighting a few minutes after he himself said Jared was lucky to be alive. Always Keep Fighting are the three words I tell myself everyday and to hear never keep fighting from the mouth of someone I used to look up to hurt me in a way I can never explain to you or anyone else.
But for a minute, forget all about it. Before I made that post questioning Jensen's mindset, I read at least 15 posts from AAs and hellers claiming the exact same thing, more explicitly than me, but they were celebrating it, they were applauding Jensen for it, did you wish for their horrible future too?
Am I the problem because I asked if Jensen was happy about Jared's accident? Or am I the problem because I hated Jensen for it rather than applauding him for it?
2. How dare I enjoy the concert. Hmm, I should have boycotted Jensen altogether. Because truly, honestly I don't like the person I see in Jensen Ackles anymore. I really don't see the guy I used to admire anymore, not even in the panels with Jared, not even when he is telling Jared "I love you too" or when he is calling Jared "an idiot". I think he is putting up a front. I don't feel like his smile reaches his eyes anymore. Or anything he is saying is genuine, and not something he is saying what he thinks people want to hear.
Having said that, for 4 years I admired him. I loved his music even before he released his first album. I have listened to all of his songs from both albums and each SNS a million times. When his albums came out, I kept my Spotify open 24/7 for a week and played the songs over and over again to help it make the top one on the chart. I didn't shut my laptop literally for a week.
If you go to my twitter or Tumblr, before prequel-gate and Walker, you'll see how many Jensen's SNS GIFs, Jensen contents I have posted Vs Jared or anyone else combined.
You just don't stop liking everything a person does just because their behaviour turned shitty. No matter how asshole your ex was, do you never miss the good things he used to do or something?
I have seen people who love Jensen and don't like or care about his music much because the type of music he does is not their cup of tea. For me, I love the type of music he writes with Steve. I still think, in the last 2 years, the most genuine smile I have seen on his face is when he was singing.
Again, I do not like the person Jensen is right now. And I still would never want him to have a horrible life. I wish him the best and if he is at his best when he is doing music, I hope he gets to do it more and on a bigger platform. The only bad thing I want to happen in his life is TW getting cancelled.
I am a random person on the internet who asked a bad question about a celebrity you like, and you are that much hurt about it to curse my whole life in an anonymous ask. So, try to imagine loving and admiring someone above everyone else for years and hearing mockery from their mouth about something that helps you be alive everyday...
Even if you don't believe me, whoever you are, I am genuinely sorry that my posts, takes or questions hurt you. I never meant to hurt anyone. But I am also deeply hurt and I know in my head that he is just a random celebrity I should totally avoid and let go, but it's still something I am struggling to recover from.
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acacia-may · 1 year
For that new ask game, can I ask 2, 4, 7, 14, 18, 19 and 27 for Nozel? Sorry if it's too many numbers.
Hi Anon! No worries at all. I'm happy to answer any and all questions about Nozel. Thank you so much for playing my game and for the ask! 🥰
Questions from this Character Ask Game
Answers & Headcanons Below the Cut [because this post got a bit lengthy]
(Warnings: Contains Spoilers for and through the Spade Arc)
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
I think my perception of Nozel really began to change in the Elf Arc during the battle at Silva Castle. We learned so much about Nozel's deeper motivations and saw that he did actually care for Noelle and wanted to protect her (he just went about it in the absolute worst way possible), and he does admit he was wrong about Noelle and her abilities and actually apologizes to her there which helped paint him in a more sympathetic light to me.
All that said, I think it was really in the Spade Arc when we learn even more about why Nozel acted the way he did--that on a certain level he was really almost forced into this more antagonistic role because he literally couldn't explain that Noelle wasn't responsible for Acier's death due to the curse. Suddenly, in my mind, I have this incredibly vivid and heartbreaking mental of Young Nozel a literal child forced to carry the weight of the world alone. Not only has he lost his mother but he has also been quite literally cursed with such a heavy burden. The pain and the loneliness of that has to be unbearable for even an adult, but Nozel was only a teenager. And I think when looking at the situation from that kind of perspective, it's easy to have a lot more sympathy for him. Yes, he didn't handle the situation as well as he could have especially with Noelle, but I just started thinking to myself: would I have been able to do much better under those circumstances at only 14 years old? Would anyone, honestly? And that isn't to excuse away what he did, especially when he got older, but it does make him more sympathetic to me and I feel genuinely bad for how much he suffered and wish him good things and a reconciliation with his sister going forward.
4. How many people I ship them with
This is a very difficult question for me to answer, honestly, because I am much more invested in Nozel rebuilding his relationship with his sister, Noelle, than in any potential romantic relationship he could have. My personal view of shipping in general is as more of an actively wishing or wanting certain characters to get together with other characters, and in this particular case I'm not sure I am actively wishing for Nozel to end up with anyone in particular. There are certainly a handful of ships I like or would be okay with for him (Nozel x Dorothy and Nozel x Vanessa come to mind off the top of my head, and I also like several Nozel x OC ships created by some talented writers and artists in the fandom). Ultimately, however, I think in my mind, Nozel just has so much internal turmoil and a lot of things he personally needs to work through before I can see him really getting into a relationship with anyone (and, honestly, on some level, before I can see him even wanting to get into a relationship--but that's just my personal interpretation) so I really think I am actively wishing for him to take time to heal and to work on himself more than I am actively wishing for him to find love, if that makes sense?
If I had to put a number on it...um...I guess, since I'm not really set on any particular ship for Nozel, I'd honestly say the possibilities are kind of endless. I'd really like to see him marry for love someday, but my more practical side thinks he has probably already been betrothed to somebody and he's not really the type who'd break that kind of commitment even if he wanted to. But who knows?
7. A quote of them that you remember
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I remember just my jaw dropping in this moment. (I watched the anime first, but it was also an important moment in the manga). It was such a big thing for Noelle to have her brother finally show he believed in her and suggest they fight together side-by-side. Another that comes to mind is his entire little speech at the end of the battle where he reveals to Noelle his reasons for treating her coldly were that he was trying to deter her from joining the Magic Knights and he admits that he was wrong about her and that he's sorry. It was the first step in repairing their broken sibling relationship, and though they still have a lot of work to do to see Nozel actually admit he was in the wrong and apologize for that was a big step in the right direction.
14. Best storyline they had
As of writing this, Nozel's arc in Spade and his battle versus Megicula, but we'll see if this changes with whatever Tabata has in store for him in the final arc.
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
Nozel was always an old soul--wise beyond his years, quiet, serious, and responsible. He worked hard and studied conscientiously, and he very rarely got into trouble. If anything was a bit of a stick in the mud when it came to more imaginative, raucous, and childish games, and I imagine Acier often had to encourage him to stop working so hard and have fun every once and a while so he'd remember to actually be a kid while he was still young.
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them
To start with a disclaimer: I actually like this ship, but I think I'd have to admit that Nozel x Vanessa is pretty random to me seeing as they haven't ever really interacted in the canon and I honestly would have never thought of it as a pairing if I hadn't seen it in the fandom. I think imagining the potential of it and what it could be like is part of the fun of that particular ship, but I'd classify it as random even if I feel positively about it.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
So for a very silly answer, I'm going to say Rui from Demon Slayer just because my sister and I have this running inside joke that he's basically a Nozessa love child since he has this thick, angular silvery-white hair like Nozel and a thread-based magical ability (blood demon art) similar to Vanessa's magic (Rui also has an attack called "Murderous Eye Basket" that looks very similar to Nozel's "Silver Star of Execution"). He is a villain though, so I guess you'd have to ignore that... 😅😂 Still I could see Rui wanting to adopt Nozel into his "Spider Family" and Nozel just having no patience for these kinds of shenanigans which could be a fun mashup. (I also wouldn't mind watching these two battle too, so either way, I think it might be an interesting meeting).
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icharchivist · 2 years
so i think i basically sealed away all my memories from when i was really a S////aito Soma stan because i really hate the idea of being slightly obsessed with a real life person, and so i basically just decided to seal every information i had about Soma somewhere so i never thought about it again 
but this whole relapse thing that made me think again about all those things and now i’m just cursing myself because yeah no wonder i kind of obsessed about him who allowed him to be this talented, and now i have to cope with this reality that yeah, i knew that, why am i gasping
like dude recently started a novelist career, and i was there gasping surprised as if i didn’t know the guy graduated from ancient japanese literature schools and always had a passion for writing and that’s why he also started his solo musician career eventually outside of just seiyuu work
i think in my head i needed to preserve myself with “ahah yeah he’s a quirky seiyuu” so i could forget this type of things, but then he did a full essay the other day about why he liked his characters in a franchise and it was going in depth in characters analysis and i was just hold on who allowed you hold on
anyway this post is brought to you by the fact that i just remembered i had set up a Soma playlist in the way back and i decided to update it with his newer solo album (not seiyuu work) and put it on random, and the first song, from this year’s new album, just punched me in the guts immediately and i’ve been listening to it on repeat crying for the last hour and what the fuck is this. who allowed him. what. He WROTe and COMPOSED the song? what? 
i should listen to all of his newer solo albums but this song genuinely destroyed me right away that i’m terrified to hear more and also i don’t want to move on just yet until i squeezed every possible tears i can get out of this song, which is still ongoing apparently so fuck me i guess. 
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a post in which i rant about tech related things yet again
kinda sorry kinda not bc tech is the only thing consuming my life right now. also wednesdays seem to be cursed. last week someone i thought was my friend asked my deadname and this week,, i don’t want to say felt worse but i genuinely think that was the worst i felt. i can not put into words how much it hurt physically. ok time for the actual story
the joke of the day was “yeah back here we are having mental breakdowns on the daily.” and holy shit is that true. one of my friends has cried every single day from the stress and you CAN NOT blame him for it. i can not stress enough to you guys how horrible it is to work this musical. like yay i get to be with friends but everyone is falling to pieces and no one is ok and the teachers dont fucking understand. so i also cried yesterday. and ima be honest i didn’t want to. i went to get water and i jsut knew i needed to so i went back to my seat backstage. didn’t last five minutes before i had to go to the other side so i could to my friend.
long story short the stress from tech and the guilt of not being able to help my friend got to me and i broke down. doesn’t help that only a week ago someone asked my deadname. and it feel like that happened months ago. not 7 days ago. i quite literally do not have the time to unpack that. i do not have time to sit down and think about with myself. i had to rush to the conclusion of fuck that man i hope he understand show horrible of a person he is to me now.
i would like to mention we haven’t even gotten to the worst part of yesterday :333333
ok time for the worst part: so the friend who cried (love that man) left before me which. hurt. but i get and i wasn’t gonna force him to stay with me. i get home and i see an ungodly amount of notifications from arsom gang fire emoji as normal (i love u guys idc abt the notifs) and a dm from him. for the record he doesn’t dm me out of no where normally. and it says “for now on, don’t talk to me”. i just started testing my friend again and she now knows everything things i refuse to say online because they are barely even my business. you can use ur imagination. so apparently he unfriended me bc maybe twenty minutes later he refriends me. he also texts me apologising and girl i forgave him so fast. i hope he knows how much i love him. (platonically he has a gf and is significantly older than me) but those twenty minutes before he did that my mental health was at the lowest it has ever been. and 2020/2021 was really bad for me mentally. thank god no one died around me.
so yeah today is the day of trying to take shit slower and making sure my friend is ok. bc even if im not good at playing therapist i need someone to be there for my friends and if im that person then ill be that goddamn person.
if you read all of that i love you so so much and i really do mean it. if you want to talk to me about anything go ahead. :)
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