#i get it with chopper like they spent time making them close but with sanji and robin is just robin swan you know
hauntingblue · 10 months
What is with sanji and wanting to keep everyone together... compelling
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kaziwi · 1 year
Heyyy, congratulations for the 100 followers 😍😍
I would like to ask for number 8 with Zoro, if that's okay. Thank you!!
Ugh i love Zoro sm, I hope you enjoy!!!
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"I'll just stay behind."
Character(s): Zoro
WC: 727
CW: Sick fic, Zoro being a sweetie
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It was cold....but also hot.....you wished your body would make up its mind already. Of course you were the first one on the ship to get the common Grandline Flu this year. But in all honestly you didn't mind being sick, the only issue was your crewmates avoiding you like the plague. Sickness spread easily on the ship, so no one wanted to take any chances. The only one who ever spent long periods of time with you in the infirmary was Chopper, who kept his distance and wore a mask to avoid getting sick. Other than him and Sanji dropping off your meals, you really didn't have any other company.
You didn't blame them, I mean you would do the same in their position, but thinking that didn't make you feel any better. Chopper said they all missed you dearly, but you wished you could hear it from then.
The Sunny had docked at an island earlier that morning, and now it was time for everyone to split up and stock up on supplies. The only issue was who was going to stay with you. Chopper had to run out and grab a few herbs only he could identify, so someone else would have to stay. Luckily for you, they were discussing this right in front of the thin infirmary door, so you could hear everything.
"I wish I could stay with Y/N swan, but I have to restock on food," Sanji said, dramatic sadness in his voice.
"Well I don't want to stay here!! I really don't want to get sick," Usopp pleaded.
"I thought the great captain Usopp didn't get sick?" Nami snickered at him as he rambled on to defend himself.
"I need to get cola so I can start some SUPERR repairs on the Sunny!!"
Everyone fought over who would stay, making you feel kinda sad. They really didn't want to stay with you?? Maybe you were a bit of a burden. Just before you could continue your negative thoughts, a voice caught your eye.
"I'll just stay behind."
The commotion stopped and you assumed everyone turned and stared at Zoro, but the shock didn't last long.
"Thanks Zoro-bro!"
"Yeah, thanks Zoro!!"
"Zoro!! Let me run you through what Y/N needs!!"
You couldn't help but laugh at Chopper's explanations, knowing Zoro wouldn't remember any of it. Slowly the commotion died down, and after a little Zoro entered your room.
"I'm assuming everyone else left?" You asked, not wanting to let him know you heard everything.
"Yeah, they won't be long, just restocking," Zoro said as he took Chopper's doctor chair and rolled it towards the side of the bed, sitting next to you. You then noticed that he wasn't wearing a mask, nor was he afraid to get close to you.
"Why aren't you wearing a mask? Aren't you afraid of catching what I have?"
"Eh, not really. I mean its a small ship, we're all gonna catch it eventually, so might as well catch it early."
You chuckled a little at his response...but you wondered why he of all people chose to stay behind...
"So...why did you stay behind? I mean, I'm assuming everyone else didn't want to cause they don't want to catch it...but why did you?" You asked after a bit of silence. He looked off to the side, and as he cleared his throat you swore you saw his cheeks turn red.
"Well...uh.." Zoro fumbled with his words a bit, which he never did, EVER, "I just didn't want you to be lonely...I know how annoying it can be stuck in the infirmary, and especially being sick and if someone else stayed they would keep their distance. And like I said I don't really care about getting sick so I didn't think there was any harm in staying."
It was cute, watching him ramble on, trying to give you a convincing explanation on while he volunteered to stay.
"Well thank you," you said, cutting him off, "It was a very nice gesture."
He almost looked like a tomato, his face turning red. You both talked for hours until everyone else came back. You were better in a few days, but that same day Zoro started showing symptoms. While everyone else again avoided Zoro, you stayed by his side, making sure his kindness was repaid.
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crezz-star · 11 months
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So… I finally made a One piece OC.
All due to the idea I've been imagining today. A what if Luffy and the crew met someone who, very uncanny, looks and sounds like Ace.
Thus… Jean was made. ✏️✏️✏️
Info at read more ( it is a messy ramble format so beware. )
He was born as a slave to the celestial dragons, after his parents was caught while his mother was pregnant to him.
He grew up with an isolated understanding that he really was just that. A slave, until he died. his parents would die just a few years in from the torture done to them. While Jean still lives on. He would meet Boa and the others who was like him telling him that there was more to the world than their servitude. But he was way too unmovable with his mentality that he will die like that, that he thinks they're just being dumb he would get depressed as time passed, so when the freeing of slaves at Mary Geoise by fisher tiger came, he was too weak to even move and being mistaken as already dead, he was left there.
but he is still alive and would later then be dumped on auction houses by his current owner. where he would, surprisingly be given better treatment by his fellow slaves as well as taken care of.
he would meet different kinds of people in the auction houses. where he would learn about the world and eventually wanting to be free.
Jean is at the auction house at sabaody, the place where luffy destroyed and punched a celestial dragon. he's in his cat form. and thats the moment he finally achieved freedom.
he hears about the man who freed them and made it his missiong to thank him. maybe even join the adventures of his savior if allowed the two years he spent wandering around, would be the time he would stumble upon the graphite graphite fruit, which what would also help him get stronger, learning to fight on his own as well.
once he deems himself strong enough, he would seek out luffy and his crew to finally and hopefully thank him and ask to join him. hoping to be able to create drawings of the landscape in the places they would visit.
how he met the crew:
after punk hazard. on the way to dressrosa ( they arrived at a small island where Jean is currently in, to restock ). Jean saw their ship, transformed into his cat/tiger form and went into the ship.
once the crew left the island. he's already there. and when everyone saw him. they just though he was some cat.
chopper was the first who was talking to him and chopper thought he was a stray and Jean just went with it for a while.
everyone treated him like some pet. until one morning where he poofed back to his human form.
everyone was in panic. but when he showed that he was their pet. ( he was VERY PROUD to be called the pet of the strawhats ) everyone was a bit freaked not because of that but he looks and sounds like ace.
everyone is very shaken especially luffy and thught he was some evil guy using ace's face
jean explained that they saved him at sabaody, that he was one of the slaves at the auction house.
he would always use his cat form after seeing how shaken luffy is with him. not minding being in cat from one bit. so long as he lets him join them.
luffy does eventually let him join. at first only referring to him as 'pet cat' to finally calling him by name 'jean'
Jean is part of the mature group of the crew.
he does have similar personality as Ace but he likes to tease the younger ones a lot. especially making Zoro feel jelly by being too close to Luffy
yes this is ZoLuccentric
Jean is pushing Zoro and Luffy to realize their 'feelings' for one another.
Jean is 28
Jean loves hot chocolate as it reminds him of his mother. the only thing that his mother ever made him.
Jean's weapon of choice is his foot. making his battle style a bit similar to Sanji ( careful not to harm his hands anymore, wanting to paint )
but he does still use his hands when he uses his devil fruit. he fighs like a martial artist'
Jean's devil fruit is a good conductor of fire so he always have a lighter with him. he sets fire to his graphite which creates the illusion that he uses fire. ( another thing that makes him unsettling for Luffy and the crew.
his devil fruit is logia type. his graphite can be sand like crocodile and or liquid ish like candle and or can be solid as well.
Jean would most likely always be found at high places in places they visit, to paint / draw
jean is 6'5"
he and usopp get along well because of their artistic side.
he can do recon missions well because of his ability to transform to a cat
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inuyassa · 2 years
How the Monster Trio would React to You Sacrificing Yourself for Them in Battle
Ft. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Fem!Reader (she/her)
Warnings: Implied Injury, Violence, Slight Gore
Hurt/No Comfort
Angst/No Comfort
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Luffy dropped to his knees, his latest use of Second Gear left his skin burning and his heart racing.  His opponent showed no signs of slowing down, and for the first time in the long duel, Luffy couldn’t see himself lasting much longer.  The villain charged, sword at the ready, the blade aimed for the young captain's chest, the x-shaped scar acting as his target.  Luffy closed his eyes and felt hot tears burning in his eyes…the sickening sound of the blade piercing flesh echoed in his ears, but he felt nothing.  
He opened his eyes, the horror of the situation finally setting in.  Y/n stood in front of him, her arms outstretched, protecting her captain.  The blade was plunged deep into her chest and protruding out her back.  She glared at the man before her, her brow furrowed.  “Stay away from…him.”  
Luffy felt his breath catch in his throat, his whole body shook in fear.  “No…” he breathed.  The sword was crudely pulled from y/n’s chest, causing her to fall backwards.  Luffy lunged forward to catch her, her face contorted in pain, blood running from the corner of her mouth.  “Y/n, hey, y/n!”  
She opened her eyes, looking up at him, tears in her eyes.  “Hey captain,” she choked. “Sorry, I guess I was a little hasty in my decision making.”  She began to cough, hot blood staining Luffy’s vest.  Rage filled his chest, he gently laid her down and stood up, his eyes dark and hollow.  With a second wind, he used all his power to take out the man before him, the one that hurt his crewmate…
Y/n watched with cloudy vision as the Straw Hat Captain decimated the warrior.  He walked slowly back to her and lifted her limp body into his arms, holding her close.  She felt warm against his skin, she smiled, maybe only in her mind, but she smiled.  “Promise me,” she breathed.  “Promise me that you’ll keep going…you have…to become king…”
Y/n lifted her hand to caress his face.  “No,” he said.  “You have to come with me y/n, you have to be there when we find the One Piece…”
At this point, the rest of the crew was there, each of them holding their breath.  Chopper rushed to the scene, trying to assess the situation.  “She's fading fast,” he said.  “We don’t have a lot of time Luffy, we have to treat her.”
“It’s okay Chopper,” y/n said, turning her head weakly towards the doctor.  “I know I don’t have much time left.  If you don’t mind…I’d like to spend it…with Luffy.”
Chopper nodded, tears of his own now began to pour.  He ran to Zoro who knelt down to comfort his tiny friend, the rest of the crew watching in heartbreaking horror as their crewmate spent her last moments in the arms of young Luffy…his guttural wails filling the still, evening air.
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“Dammit,” Zoro gripped his side, hot blood covering his hand.  He couldn’t keep this up much longer.  He drew his third sword, gripping it tightly in his mouth.  “Let’s go,” he growled.  Charging the onslaught of marines. Zoro used his deadly three-sword style to take out a small cluster, but another one was fast to take over.  “Shit,” this whole thing was getting out of hand.  That’s when y/n came running up behind him.  
“Mosshead!” She yelled, her staff at the ready.  “You looked like you could use some help.”
Zoro smirked.  “I have it covered,” he was trying not to make it too obvious that he was relieved to see her.  She nodded and went to work.  The marines seemed more determined than ever, and this fight was draining the two of them.  Zoro found himself pinned to the ground under the foot of a powerful commander.  “Do you have any last words swordsman,” the marine sneered as he aimed his pistol at Zoro’s face.  
“Do you?” Y/n’s voice came from behind him, burying her knife into the mans back.  The marine yelled out in pain before turning around.  Y/n knocked his pistol from his hand and he retaliated by reaching for her neck and lifting her off the ground.  She kicked her feet and clawed at his arm.  He pulled a knife from his belt and plunged it into her gut.  She let out a pained gag before going limp in his grip.  
Zoro’s blood ran cold, he watched in horror as y/n’s body hit the ground.  He felt his whole body shaking as he reached for his sword.  Placing it in his mouth, he summoned the power of his Demon Sword Style.  He decapitated the man, ad took a few more limbs for good measure. The bloody corpse hit the ground and Zoro kicked it away.  At that moment, the seriousness of his own injuries hit him and he fell to his hands and knees.  With blurry vision, he crawled to where y/n’s body lay.  He painfully rolled her over before scooping her up into his arms.  “Hey,” he croaked.  “Hey, hey look at me.  Y/n, look at me.” He held her face in his hand and gently shook her body.  “You can’t do this to me…you can’t leave me like this!  Come on, I already suck with directions, you know that… please don’t go where I can’t follow…”
Y/n laid lifeless in his arms.  Her skin was cold and covered in warm blood.  
He pressed a shaking kiss to her forward, tears falling on her face.  “Come back…please come back…”
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“Sanji behind you!” Y/n screamed as she ran towards the distracted cook.  He was busy fighting off one attacker that he didn’t see the gunman taking aim behind him.  She charged towards him, jumping in the path of the speeding bullet.  It hit her chest with a sickening thud and she fell to the ground, rolling a few more feet before coming to a stop against a large rock.  Sanji felt time stand still as he turned and saw the love of his life get thrown to the ground.  “Y/N!!!!” He screamed, racing towards her.  Zoro heard him yell and looked over.  “Shit,” he breathed.  He made his way towards them.  “I’ll cover you,” Zoro yelled.  “Get to her!” 
Sanji nodded and ran down the short embankment where y/n lay, writhing in pain and gasping for air.  Sanji knelt down, his hands hovering over her in a panic, not sure what to do.  When she started coughing up blood, he sat her up, holding her against him.  She gripped at his suit jacket, trying to ground herself.  “Sanji…” she wheezed.  “Are you okay?”
Sanji forced a laugh, even in her state she was still worried about him.  “I’m fine, my love, but you shouldn’t talk.  You need to save your strength till we can get you back to the Sunny.”
Y/n shook her head.  “Sanji, I’m not making it back to the Sunny…not alive anyway..." Another coughing fit overtook her, warm blood pouring from her mouth. She gagged on the metallic taste.
Sanji grabbed her hand.  “Don’t say that y/n, you just need to catch you breath and then we’ll get you home okay?  Just stay with me, okay, stay with me.”
Y/n caressed his face with her hand, she could feel her consciousness fading fast.  “I love you Sanji…and I’m sorry…”
Moments later, the crew watched as Sanji walked back to the Sunny carrying the limp body of their friend in his arms, his jacket draped over her face…
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goodlucktai · 7 months
every high and every low
i wrote a tiny little something for @mangogreent, it isnt much but i hope you like ! happy birthday lake ! title borrowed from glad you exist by dan + shay (listen with your platonic nakamaship hat on and dissolve into seafoam with me)
read on ao3
Luffy’s body doesn’t scar easily. It’s one of the many facets of a frankly unhinged healing factor; his body shuffles micronutrients and vitamins around like a circus clown juggling pins, wounds healing so quickly and completely that there is rarely a trace left behind.
There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. The smiling pencil-mark curve beneath his eye is one of them. The cruel, gaping burn across his chest is another.
Sanji and Chopper have spent hours going over dietary needs and goals for everyone aboard Sunny, not just their captain. But it’s their captain whose food works like a miracle in his stomach.
If Sanji thinks too long and too hard about Totto Land—about Luffy’s trembling, emaciated limbs when he handed over a disgusting, ruined bento, the way his skin plumped up and shone with good health within minutes of a meal—there are very good odds that he’ll spiral into a fit of grief or guilt or panic no matter where he is or what he’s doing at the time. So he tries not to think about it, and instead loads his captain with carbs and protein and fiber at every opportunity instead.
Suffice to say, Luffy’s skin is largely whole and undamaged, only a few faint scars scattered here and there that you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t really looking. His rubber body is a marvel, but it burns like a starving furnace, and sometimes it does him a disservice no one could have possibly seen coming.
“You don’t feel that?” Usopp says with a frown.
“Nuh-uh,” Luffy confirms blithely, watching the feather move back and forth across his arm. “If you pinch me or poke me with something sharp I will, but if it’s soft it’s like it’s not there at all.”
For a moment, everyone sits there and absorbs that information. Sanji can feel it settling over his nakama like a blanket of snow; cold and promising to pack in and be a pain in the ass to shovel through. Sanji has to readjust his understanding of the world, too. It takes him a minute.
The only touches that Luffy feels easily are the ones that hurt. That’s true for everyone, in a sense—but just because a slap might register louder and faster than a gentle touch doesn’t mean the latter doesn’t carry a weight of its own.
Sanji wonders, abruptly, if the last thing Luffy felt from him was the fight they had on Whole Cake when Sanji was desperate to free his captain of his obligations to a pathetic, useless cook—when he did everything in his power to drive him away.
Nami and Brook have joined Usopp in the game of poking Luffy’s arms and legs and squishy sides in the name of proving him wrong, finding a spot where he isn’t so thick-skinned. Brook’s phalanges drumming against his ribs make him giggle a bit, but how much of that is real feeling and how much is simply delight at all the attention and affection pointed his way?
It should be cute, but Sanji can see—and feel—it cutting everyone to the quick. Robin has closed her book, watching the scene without a smile on her face. Franky’s hands are unmoving around the great feathered monstrosity he and Usopp have been building at the table together up until this point, as if he’s forgotten he’s holding tools in the first place.
Enough is enough, Sanji decides, and sets aside his pride along with his bowl of red velvet cupcake batter and maryse spatula, moving around the counter with purpose.
“Got an idea,” he says at length and Nami scoots gamely to the side. Sanji keeps moving before he can get in his own way and takes Luffy’s round face in one work-hardened hand.
Luffy, who has been known to use his actual skull as a battering ram, usually fights with his whole chest and carries most of his injuries there, too. His face, aside from an unfortunate unsupervised incident with a knife when he was little more than a toddler with a highly questionable and often day-drunk role model, is unscarred.
Sanji brushes his thumb against Luffy’s cheek, where the skin lays very thin over sensitive nerve endings. His captain blinks up at him, brown eyes wide and trusting, every bit as if he’s looking at someone who has never hurt him before.
The crew present is watching raptly, their disquiet transforming into absurd, single-minded scrutiny. There’s a reason they’re not only living in the New World but thriving there—they’re good at adapting, at assimilating new information, at smacking the curveballs right out of the park on their second swing.
“Feel that?” Sanji asks.
Luffy tips his head curiously, just enough not to dislodge Sanji’s hand. Perfectly willing to sit still and be held when it’s his cook doing the holding.
“Kinda,” the boy says, the barest hint of a furrow forming between his brows. It’s the beginning of an epic spoiled sulk that everyone who loves him is intimately familiar with—because his nakama belong to him, and so Sanji does, and so his hand on Luffy’s face does, and it is rapidly occurring to Luffy that it’s not fair for all of those things to be true and for him not to be able to feel it.
Sanji can’t help but smile, always equal parts charmed and exasperated by the future king in a pout. He leans in and presses his mouth to the same place his thumb was, kissing the soft cheek firmly. He can almost see it when Luffy zings to attention, his overwhelming focus zeroed into that singular point of contact.
By the time Sanji straightens, Luffy is already beaming ear-to-ear.
“I felt that!”
Sanji returns to his dessert prep, perfectly satisfied with the changed world he leaves in his wake. Chopper is already clambering over the top of the table, scattering the bits and bobs of the engineers' project into an irremediable mess in his haste to bury his favorite human in fuzzy reindeer kisses, and similarly everyone else’s eyes are gleaming with promise.
Luffy’s rubber body is both a wonder and a menace, much like the golden soul it houses. But where it falls short and fails him, his friends will pick up the slack. Luffy is probably going to get his cheeks and forehead pinched and poked a lot more when he’s whining or complaining or elsewise being his annoying, incorrigible self.
But he’s also going to get kissed a lot more there, too.
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an-au-blog · 4 months
Re-ordering (highest to lowest) the bounties in the strawhat crew because Oda is either way too bias or has the memory of a goldfish. (I'm rating them if I was a marine in canon) (updated I didn't mean to miss anyone I'm so sorry)
1. Luffy
for obvious reasons: he's the captain, strongest, etc.
2. Nico Robin
i cannot stress this enough. NICO ROBIN IS SECOND!
She is the only person left alive that can read the ponegliphs, therefore the only one who can get ANYONE to Laugh tale. She had been chased by the government since she was eight. She's not only one of the smartest people not only on the crew, but dare I say on the Grand Line, but she's also one of the strongest. (like idk how people keep forgetting this, did we not watch Wano???) She's been an assassin and the right hand man of one of the seven warlords for years. I'd even say she was kind of his body guard tbh...
3. Franky
I'm putting Franky so high up because of a couple of factors. The obvious ones: He is physically strong, also extremely smart (as he was an apprentice to a man so feared by the marines they looked for any excuse to execute him, whether because of his social standing or skills) He has lasers(one of the strongest, if not THE strongest weapons in their universe) designed by Vega Punk himself. But most importantly: he memorized the blue prints of a weapon important enough for the world government to try and assassinate as many people as they need to get their hands on. He can build it at any point and there's no other copy of it.
4. Zoro and Sanji (same bounty)
I'm putting them above the rest mainly because I still respect Oda's decision to put them higher up. Physical strength aside, each of them, in my opinion, has a good reason to be deemed as dangerous. Logically, one would put the Captain's right-hand man above the other, but Sanji's "Vinsmoke" status, much as he hates it, boosts him up. He may not have grown up with them or have the same mutations or "upgrades", but the people don't know that. Fear wins half the battle.
5. Jinbei and Brook
By very little below №4, if they're not the same, they are very close (but IDK which one is above the other.) What would be scariest to me if I was the world government's shoes, would be influenced and propaganda, and these two are extremely influential figures and loved by many.
But let's start with Jinbei: He's an ex-warlord. He is lobed by man, if not all of Fiahman island. He's highly respected and feared. The waters are his domain, plus he's physically very strong.
Brook: a master swordsman and a man who can control people with music?!?! I feel like we keep forgetting that. He also spent the time skip become an infamous rockstar, who's fans FOUGHT THE NAVIE so they could listen to him! Influence-wise, Brook takes the cake.
6. Usopp
With half-a-mind to put him in the №5 bundle, I'm putting him a bit lower for one reason only: not everyone would know or believe what happened in Dresrossa. Undoubtedly, he had created a cult-like following there and he can spin a tale to his advantage, and technically being pronounced a "God" would make it... a cult... But that would lose brownie points in the major public's eyes. Even though his skills are admirable, he's not as strong or wildly influential as Jinbei (a literal warlord) and Brook (the Michael Jackson of op)
7. Nami
Navigator, they can't go far or fast without her. She has had a record with the navie before as a petty thief, but other than her charms and wits, there's no reason for them to put her higher...
8. Chopper
The Navie does not care for Chopper. I don't think they'd put him anywhere above the last spot in any universe... sorry.
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
๑ keep safe : i'll kill you, i'll really kill you (14)
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one piece x male reader
let the fear you have fall away
i've got my eye on you,
i've got my eye on you.
say yes to heaven,
say yes to me.
『 prev 』
trying to forget about ace and luffy’s sudden confessions, the crew trudged onward into the desert. [name] was doing his best to not even acknowledge it, humming a soothing toon to take his mind off of it. 
“say, [name],” vivi gently called out, making the man jump in surprise. she chuckled weakly at his reaction, assuming that ace and luffy really had him shaken up, “you’re always humming the same song? where’d you get it from? it sounds really beautiful,” 
[name] grinned, the subject making him think of other things besides ace and luffy’s stupidity. 
“it’s a song i learned from…my home island,” [name] grinned. 
“windmill village?” 
“oh, no,” [name] said, waving his hand, “someone taught me it where i was born and i just clung to it, i guess,” 
vivi’s eyebrows furrowed, “didn’t you say you were from windmill village, with luffy?” 
“i grew up there, but i wasn’t from there,” [name] said, rubbing the bottom of his chin, “now that i think about it, i spent more time growing up somewhere else — but that’s irrelevant! i made the most pleasant memories on windmill village, so i say i grew up there,” 
“which sea were you from then?” vivi asked. 
[name] shrugged, “i’m not really the greatest in…awareness,” 
“oh, we know,” nami and sanji said in a monotone voice, the navigator physically shivering in fear as she thought of [name] not even properly navigating the seas before his time on their ship. and that was for 3 whole years! she was scared of his ability to stay alive, that’s for sure. 
“oh, that’s alright then,” vivi brushed off the question, not wanting to make [name] too stressed in thinking about it, “the song sounds beautiful though,” she complimented, the grin on [name]’s returning and this time staying present. 
“it is, right?! i love it,” he proudly proclaimed. 
the rest of the walk was pretty silent, except for [name] and chopper’s whining of heat. that was a constant noise. zoro had hit [name] on the head to shut him up, but it only worked for about 3 minutes. 
in the midst of [name]’s complaining of the heat though, vivi - who was walking in front of him, suddenly stopped when they reached the top of a slope. 
“what is this ghost town?” [name] asked, looking at the princess, who was worriedly scanning over the terrain. 
there was sign of a previous life having lived here, but now it was all dried out. the palm trees were drying up to the point they looked like they could be knocked over by a strong wind. the house were run down and decrepit, the stone of the walls crumbling. 
“rain was always scarce, but even so, the city was able to manage by saving every last drop of rainwater it could,” vivi said, leading the group through walking into the “town.” [name] stayed close to her side, subconsciously. his eyes were carefully watching around them, as if waiting for something bad to heppen. 
“but for three years now, not a single rain drop has fallen over this country,” 
“three years?!” 
“that long?!”
“i’d kill myself if i had to withstand this heat without any rain,” [name] said, fanning himself with his hand to cool off. 
“don’t say something so insensitive!” nami shouted at him, shaking him back and forth, “since your more respectful brother is here, why don’t you try taking up after him in that sense?!” 
[name] looked anything but pleased with her sentence, cringing as he turned his head away, “no, thanks,” 
“but even without rain, what about the river we just crossed?” zoro asked, making the attention go back to vivi and not nami and [name]’s bickering. 
“yeah, couldn’t they have just funneled the water from the river into the town?” 
“the answer to that is up ahead,” vivi said in a grim tone. “but there was one city that got continuous rainfall no matter what - the city’s capital, alubarna. they called it the king’s miracle…until what happened later that day,” 
vivi then explained that there was something called dance powder that was being used to artificially create rain. and with nami’s input on the topic as well, it was all beginning to make sense. whenever dance powder would be used, the rain would come down, but the country neighboring of whoever was using it would face a heavy drought. 
 “wait, vivi!!! that means your dad is the bad guy?!” luffy said, pointing a finger at vivi in shock. [name] was going to take care of him, knock some sense into him, but luffy was easily dealt with by sanji. 
“of course, my father had nothing to do with it. but we even found sacks of the dance powder inside the palace, an obscene amount!” 
[name] whistled, zoro saying exactly what he was thinking, “they even had people in the palace in on it, huh?” 
“that’s terrible,” [name] said, making a tick mark of annoyance form on nami’s head. 
“don’t state such obvious things!” usopp and nami cried out at the same time. 
they all continued walking through the town, learning the tragedy that was befalling the kingdom. but then, there was a steady breeze going through the entire town. 
[name] allowed himself to feel physically relieved at the cold breeze sweeping across the desert, but when he heard a low murmur, almost a singing voice, surround them, he became on edge. 
he squinted about, trying to find or see if someone was really manually making that noise. when he looked around, turning in circles several times, he noticed that there was no one near them — it was only them. 
“what if it’s baroque works?! have they been following us?!” usopp said, running to hide behind [name] and cowering at the supposed fear of someone following them. 
“don’t be ridiculous, there’s no one here, guys,” he announced, trying to ease their worries, “no threat at all,”
“how are you so sure?!” [name] shrugged at nami’s question. thankfully, ace also chimed in to help support [name]’s case. 
“it’s just the wind. there’s no danger,” ace said finally, “it’s just the wind blowing across the town and echoing off old buildings.”
“it’s as if…the city of erumalu is crying,” vivi said with a shaky voice, leaning into [name]’s side and ducking her head. he sighed in sympathy for her, rubbing up and down her back once more to ease her worry. 
it seemed she was lucky in taking refuge in his side as well because there was a sudden strong wind that nearly knocked some of them off of their feet. [name] looked ahead, squinting to try and not let the sand into his eyes. his hold on vivi was strong, careful to not let her get swept off of her feet. 
her arms wrapped around his waist and his arm around her shoulder. he kept her head down by resting it on the back of her head and she ducked into his chest to shield herself from the harsh sand. 
in a couple of seconds, the wind had left them alone. they all watched in confusion as the breeze seemed to “twirl” away and then disappear. luffy seemed interested by something as he suddenly rushed in a different direction from where they were supposed to go. 
“someone collapsed?!” vivi shouted, letting go of [name] in an instant and running ahead. everyone followed after her, luffy going off in his own direction with sanji and usopp going to fetch him. 
when they saw what vivi was referring to, they all stilled. it was a dry skull that was resting in the sand, cloth surrounding it to indicate that it was an innocent civilian that had died. 
[name] sighed, watching as vivi fell to her knees in fury and sorrow, “what have the people of this country ever done to deserve this?! to think, crocodile, one of the seven warlords, is in this country and prancing around as some hero when he’s the one pulling the strings! lying and manipulating the innocent people of this country!!” 
the crew stayed silent, watching as vivi helplessly fisted the sand beneath her feet as a means of not blowing all of her anger out. 
ace moved to dig into the sand a little bit, offering the princess a smile. she took ahold of the skull and gently placed it inside, trying to mimic a proper burial. 
they were about to ask where luffy had gone before they saw and heard a building crash in the distance. 
“tsk, he's acting like a child,” zoro said in disapproval. 
“aren’t you like only two years older than him?” [name] asked, making the swordsman look embarassed. 
“don’t remind me…someone as idiotic as that is close to me in age,” he said, putting his head down in supposed shame. 
“vivi! let’s get moving now, i’m itching to do this!” luffy shouted once he rejoined the group, sanji and usopp in tow. 
“let’s go to yuba, vivi,” nami cheerfully encouraged, making the princess stand tall to her feet and nod in agreement. 
“i’m going to persuade the rebel’s leader to put an end to this. crocodile is the one responsible for all the calamaties, i’m going to tell the truth — and put an end to all this bloodshed!!” it seemed vivi had a very idealist way of looking at the situation. 
zoro and [name] seemed hesitant about the plan, but nodded nonetheless. in [name]’s head, he finalized that no matter what plan vivi had, he’d be right behind her to hold her up and support her, should it fail. him and the rest of the crew shared the same sentiment, he was sure. 
within minutes of hiking over the sandy dunes, [name] was close to passing out, luffy couldn’t stop complaining about the heat, and chopper was being dragged by zoro via sled. 
“burning up…sweat won’t even come out,” luffy said, his tongue sticking out as he tried to lower his body temperature. 
“vivi, is it really advised to wear this many layers in the heat?” [name] asked, slumped and deflated as he willed himself to walk forward. 
“yes, it may be very hot right now, [name], but this is surely better than suffering a terrible sunburn later,” vivi said, trying to ease the man up, but it seemed he was completely fucked out by the weather to notice her gentle tone. 
ace came creeping up behind [name] and immediately buried him in a hug. 
“ace, i’ll kill you, i’ll really kill you,” [name] said, feeling himself burn up as he crushed him in a hug. ace backed off, but still kept his close distance with [name].  
“what does it feel like?” the freckled man asked, looking at [name] in interest. 
“like my bones are on fire, they’re gonna melt off and my inside will slowly get cooked by the immense heat they’re radiating. feels like there’s an oven inside of my body cooking me to a crisp,” [name] breathed out, making people look at him in wonderment. 
“don’t be so creepily descriptive about stuff like that!” nami shouted, earning a glare from [name].   
“just be thankful you don’t have to actually feel it!” he shot back, earning an intervention from sanji. 
“don’t raise your voice at nami-san!!” sanji said, trying to kick [name], but was stopped mid air when [name] raised his hand. 
“don’t raise your voice at me, either! piss blonde!” [name] shouted, slapping his hand in an opposite direction and sending sanji flying. 
“guys, please, don’t fight, you’ll just waste your strength!” vivi shouted, seemingly talking to both [name] and sanji, as well as nami, usopp, and luffy - who were fighting over the water jug. 
finally, the sun set across the expansive desert and the hot air became almost freezing. 
[name] then took ace up on the offer he gave earlier, comfortably cuddling into his warm side and sighing in relief. 
”alright, human furnace, make sure you keep this balanced - like this. this is perfect,” [name] sighed in gratitude, spreading his arms out as he let his back rest on ace’s chest. he shifted his body, very, very slightly so that one of his fingers could trace the lettering on ace’s chest, a soft smile on his face. 
the freckled man stayed as still as a statue, not wanting to irk [name] even more with restless moving, and observed the crew in front of them with watchful eyes. ace made sure to hold [name] protectively close, very determined to keep him warm. 
and despite [name]’s stomach being almost empty, he was able to fall into a short slumber, snoring gently as ace held him. 
“it must be a real surprise,” vivi’s quiet voice whispered, chuckling lightly as she caught sight of [name]’s sleeping face. “i mean, luffy-san, i was surprised too, at first. maybe it’s the fact he doesn’t really act like a captain - or that normal pirate captains are respected by their crewmates. but just this afternoon, a simple drink of water caused that big fight,” 
ace kept gazing at [name]’s sleeping face, smiling softly as he listened to the princess ramble. 
“[name] was also a surprise to be around,” she said, making the pirate perk up at for what she had to say about [name], “i mean, his bounty is terrifyingly high and he’s got a terrible reputation all across the seas…but he acts just like luffy. so carefree it almost causes issues,” 
ace smiled, almost blindingly wide, and shrugged, “that’s just how they are. luffy hasn’t changed a bit since he was a kid,” ace sighed, brushing a couple of stray hairs away from [name]’s face, “[name] hasn’t either, but to me that’s more of a relief than a worry.” 
“what was [name] like as a kid?” vivi suddenly asked, not being able to hide her interest in the sleeping man. ace noticed this, chuckling as he saw her pale cheeks become a pale pink. 
“you’re interested in [name], then?” 
there was a pause before she shook her head violently, “no, not like that! not like that! i want to know more about him, though…” her voice trailed off, noticing the unimpressed look ace was giving her, as well as a knowing smile, “well, i’m interested in knowing more about him - only because i feel like he’s sees right through all of us,” 
ace allowed her to continue, “the way he treats everyone…it’s like he knows what they’re thinking. it’s terrifying. it definitely was scary when he first came aboard the ship,” she said, remembering her constant fear that [name] was there only to assassinate her as the princess. “his true colors really showed through when nami got sick.
“he knew the burden on everyone’s shoulders and tried to hoist it all on his own, especially mine.” she grinned as she watched [name] stir in his sleep, “he really understood me in that moment and even made me a promise! like he knew all the right words to say and how to make you feel…comforted,” 
ace laughed gently, squeezing [name]’s impossibly closer as he reminisced on their own childhood memories, “i know what you mean, he did the same thing to me when we were younger. he knew exactly what i was thinking and got me to feel better, even though i really wanted to hate his guts,” 
there was a silence that passed over the duo, before vivi dared to speak again, “[name]…has a lot of stress doesn’t he?” as ace was about to interject, she continued, “i don’t want you to answer that — that’s more prying that i’d want to take part in. but, it’s obvious, that he worries so much about other people, on top of his own.” 
she turned to ace, a look of determination on her face, “i know i’m causing him a lot of stress right now, but ace, i promise you and luffy that i won’t burden him much longer!” 
the man looked at her in surprise, breaking into laughter once more, “don’t worry about [name], he’s strong! and besides, you think you’re burdening him, but really, you’re probably giving him more support than you know. as easy as it is for him to read other people, it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking, right?” vivi nodded her head, “but i can see it - he relies on you just as much as you rely on him. so don’t go talking about how you’ll ease his burden so quickly, it’ll probably only make him sad,” 
vivi seemed shocked to hear the information, looking between ace and [name]. she seemed hesitant to believe his words, so ace jokingly added in, “don’t forget who i am princess, his lover, i know him best,” 
she flushed at the sentence, making ace break out into more obnoxious laughter — happy to send the woman into another flustered state. 
“ace, shut the hell up, you’re a better heater when your mouth is shut,” [name] sleepily scolded, lazily punching ace in the face to get him to quiet down, “ruining my sleep, i’ll kill you, i’ll really kill you,” 
ace shrugged at the threat, vivi looking at the duo in amusement, “lover’s quarrel?” she asked jokingly, making ace nod his head. 
“he’s got a stubborn attitude he likes infecting into other peop-”
“ace, i said shut up!!!” [name] shouted suddenly, pushing his palm into ace’s face. 
vivi laughed at the sight and found it even more endearing when ace actually did keep his mouth shut, following [name]’s command. 
she was very thankful to have both [name] and luffy on her side. 
and just when [name] thought he could get some uninteruppted sleep, courtesy of ace and his warmth, he was proved very wrong when he was suddenly grappled awake. 
“who the fuck-?” 
“we’re about to get swept off by the sandstorm, just hide behind a rock,” ace quickly explained, knowing that if he didn’t speak fast enough, [name] would beat his ass. 
“where’s chopper? nami? vivi?” [name] asked, looking around for those he was most concerned for. 
ace chuckled, “chopper is with luffy, nami is with sanji, and vivi can hold her own — she’s the one who grew up here, y’know?” 
[name] nodded, accepting the explanation and instead braced for the impact of the sandstorm. it seemed to whip all their belongings out of order, crashing sand in their faces and all around them. 
by the time it had passed, the sun was now properly up in the sky, meaning it had passed in the early dawn hours of the morning. [name] yawned, moving the sand from his face and body as he got up. 
ace went to check on luffy and [name] found his way over to vivi. 
”come on, princess,” he said, easily lifting her up by the undersides of her armpits and carrying her out of the heavy sand, “let’s get to travelling now. that was a pretty shit alarm clock,” 
vivi murmured a thanks, seeing as [name] was the one who very easily lifted her up. he shrugged, saying it was no big deal and then moved on to check on chopper. he saw that nami was in the careful hands of sanji. 
without waiting much longer, the entire crew decided to get moving. luffy’s dumbass decided that whoever won rock, paper, scissors would be the one to haul the belongings (even though it should have been whoever lost) and then he ended up winning. 
feeling pity for his captain, [name] took half the portion and carried it on his own makeshift sled as well. 
“[name], you’re the only one who cares about me,” luffy said exasperated by the physical task, “thank you for helping,” 
“don’t go making stupid decisions that get you stuck in stupid situations, stupid,” [name] scolded, smacking the back of luffy’s head. 
“i will, i will,” 
“you mean you won’t?!” [name] reiterated, making his captain nod in understanding, although there was a high chance the information went in one ear and out the other. “why do i have to be the one always giving you advice, luffy? shouldn’t you know these certain things by now, seriously?” 
“ooh! you can be my adviserer,” luffy proclaimed. 
“what the fuck does that even mean?” 
”you’re the adviserer.” luffy repeated, once again saying the incorrect word (he meant to say advisor, but added an extra -er for no reason). 
“luffy, stop rambling nonsense,” [name] said, brushing away the topic as he truly didn’t understand what luffy meant. 
after some time, usopp finally spotted a rock and announced it to the group. 
“rock up a small ways ahead!!!” 
“for real?! [name], let’s go!!!” luffy picked [name] up and threw him onto the pile of stuff then used his two free hands to carry both of their sleds of luggage. [name] had to hold on for dear life in order to not fall off as luffy carelessly ran through the desert. 
“fucks’ sake, luffy!!!” [name]’s echoed shouts were the only signs that he was still alive when luffy ran off, making the rest of the crew sweat drop in disappointment. 
[ BONUS : based off of the new outro in the show <3 ]
it hasn’t been long since chopper joined the crew. and despite the rush to get to alabasta, especially now that nami was better, there was no denying they’d be in need of certain amenities. 
for a majority of them, it was food, for nami, it was mainly shopping for material goods. so they anchored down in some unknown island, some of the crew was already in the local town to get some goodies, but [name] and chopper stayed back on the sandy beach they had landed on. 
“are you excited, chopper? your first real adventure,” [name] grinned, hyping the small reindeer up for the journeys they would take together. 
“i’m excited, but also scared…were you scared when you first set sail, [name]?” chopper asked. “you don’t seem like the type to be scared easily,” 
“pft! i was dead scared when i set out to sea by myself!!” [name] confirmed, laughing with his entire chest. chopper seemed shocked to learn that, eyes wide and sparkling. 
“what? what do you mean?” 
“i mean i was so scared chopper, definitely worse than what you were feeling,” [name] said, wanting to uplift the younger one’s spirits, “it was dark when i set sail, i had to go in the middle of the night! do you know what the sea looks like at night?” chopper shook his head, noting that he often went to bed early, “it’s all black around you. pitch black! could you imagine, going out to sea, and the first and only thing you can see is pitch black?” 
chopper shivered where he sat, shaking his head as he most definitely did not want to think about that, “did you really sail out at night?” 
“would i lie to you?” [name] asked with a cheerful grin. “that was my first time ever setting out to sea by myself, i was scared chopper, so i understand why you’re on edge.”
[name] leaned back on the palms of his hand, basking in the gentle sun. 
“it’s alright to be scared, chopper,” [name] finalized, “you’ve got me to watch your back anyway, so enjoy the sea! you left your island to seek adventure, right?! enjoy and don’t worry about anything!” 
[name] pointed a thumb at himself, “i’m strong enough to protect you and then some,” 
chopper’s eyes sparkled completely, jumping onto [name]’s shoulder and shouting at the top of his lungs, “i’ll be the greatest pirate doctor to ever sail the sea!” 
[name] chuckled at his childish antics, but cheered in alliance with chopper. 
unknown to chopper, usopp, nami, and vivi were silently watching from the bushes behind them and were grinning at the heartfelt scene. 
“so that guy really does have a heart?” usopp asked with a teasing tone. admiration sparkled in his eyes, though, as he saw how easily [name] was able to uplift chopper's mood.  
“[name]’s pretty cool, isn’t he?” vivi asked, her cheeks uplifting in a smile as she watch [name] easily interact with chopper and ease all his worries. 
“a pretty cool idiot,” nami sighed, but she too had a fond look on her face. 
chopper and [name] were now yelling their dreams of being out on sea towards the shore line in front of them, and the secretly hidden three crewmates behind them to hear. 
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taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu, @sinmp, @3v37773
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hahaifolded · 26 days
The Siren, the Cook, and the Sister (12)
Sanji x PirateHunter!Fem Reader (Masterlist) Chapter 12: Bounty Posters (Previous) (Next) Summary: With the construction of a new house and a successful surgery, it seems that life is good. Or is it? Warnings: None (I think)
With the sun setting and visitor hours over, Robin, Nami, Chopper and you all made your way home. You have never felt better. You were surrounded by good people, your sister was about to get cured, and your life as a pirate hunter was close to ending. You don't think the walk from the hospital has looked so beautiful.
As you all got closer to your house, you heard the distinct sound of whirring and banging. Hesitant, you stopped.
"Wait here," you asked the other three. You inched closer to your home and commanded silence. Pulling out your blades, you walked to the opening, ready to strike.
However, instead of an enemy, you found your home under construction and the rest of the Strawhats scrambling in silence.
"Increase," you commanded, unmuting the area. The space suddenly filled with frantic questions and shrieks of confusion. You tried to get their attention, but they were too lost in their bafflement to notice.
"HEY! You're fine, stop!" yelled Nami, finally getting their attention. The boys all calmed down, realizing it was just you and your devil fruit.
You looked at them and then your house, or at least where your house once stood. "Guys, what's going on?"
Franky walked up to you and flung his arm over your shoulder. "Well, if we're going to have a grand feast here then the place should be fit to host such a feast!" He placed some blueprints in your hands and tugged you along as he explained his vision. "So I'm thinking two stories, three rooms at least, a spacious dining space, and an even bigger kitchen," he explained.
You remained silent. You didn't know what to think. Every berry collected these past few years went directly into your sister's hospital bills. Everything you've ever done has gone to your sister and her health. It felt wrong to spend your time and efforts in something else.
Almost as if he read your mind, Sanji put his hands on your shoulder. Pulling you to look at him, he said, "We're going to cover everything... the costs, the labor, everything. You focus on your sister and we'll do the rest." He flashed you a wide smile, erasing all distress from your body. You nodded your head, scared that your voice would give away your emotions.
You really were the luckiest person in the world right now.
-- -- --
For the next week, you spent your days in the hospital and nights helping the Strawhats with the construction of your new home. You mostly helped Sanji in the construction of the kitchen as it was the part you were most excited for.
Initially, Sanji tried shooing you away, but when he realized you were going to help one way or another, he conceded. With each night, your relationship with the cook evolved as conversations of secrets and desires filled the air. Fingers lingered too long when passing a tool. Shoulders always touching when blueprints were being reviewed. It was obvious to everyone that all bad blood between you and the cook completely evaporated and instead, left room for something else to brew.
And your home and feelings weren't the only things that were changing as your sister's surgery was a success. However, she couldn't come home just yet as the doctors decided to keep her for a few days to make sure everything was fine. While she recovered, you visited her everyday. Robin, Nami, and Chopper occasionally would join you throughout the week as they found your sister to be a delight. Sanji even asked if he could come, but you told him to wait as you preferred him to meet her with everyone else at the feast.
As your abode became a home and your sister finally being discharged once and for all, your overall outlook on life improved. Despite everything, it seems like things were finally looking up.
-- -- --
"Sooo... is Sanji going to be there?" your sister teased with a lilt in her voice. She skipped alongside you as you carried her belongings. Throughout the week, you told your sister about the cook's kindness, chivalry, and even your evolving feelings for him.
"Yesss," you said while rolling your eyes under your mask. "And Robin and Luffy and Zoro and the rest of them." You playfully pushed her. She really loves to be a little shit. She just laughed.
Finally after so many years of doctors, medication, and surgeries, your sister was finally coming home for good.
As the house came into view, your sister's eyes grew in size. Instead of the small house that she expected, a beautiful storybook-esque home stood in its place.
She stopped in front of the walkway leading up to the front door. "Can I go in?" she timidly asked.
"Of course." And with those two words, she flew inside and immediately climbed up the stairs, completely bypassing the Strawhats that waited patiently by the door. Luffy chased after her, excited to explore the house.
"Luffy, why are you excited? You literally built the place," yelled out Usopp.
-- -- --
Laughter and music filled the dining room. In celebration of your sister's recovery, you decided to prepare tonight's dinner as it was your kitchen, much to Sanji's dismay. While you cooked, Sanji and the rest of the Strawhats entertained your sister who was more than happy to hang with the band of pirates.
"Look at this!" announced Luffy as he placed chopsticks in his nose. Your sister, Usopp and Chopper immediately broke out in laughter.
Sanji took in the beautiful scene. His crew was having a good time, your sister seemed to be having an even better time, and for the first time since he met you, you looked comfortable. He liked seeing you like this. In general, he just liked seeing you. Since reconciling, he learned to enjoy your presence, but this past week, he found himself craving it. Not even Nami or Robin seemed to satiate this desire. Sanji wasn't sure what he was feeling. All he knew was that he wanted to be near you for as long as possible.
Franky's booming voice brought Sanji back to the room. "Hey little germ, heard you would hang copies of our posters in your room. Is that true?" You sister immediately jumped up to grab her bag of belongings located in the corner of the room. After digging for a bit, she pulled out a stack of papers.
Laying them across the table, she proudly shared how you always got her the newest copies, fresh out of the Marine war rooms. The Strawhats looked at their posters, impressed by her dedication.
"I thought my bounty was higher than this," whined Luffy. Sanji looked closely at his and realized these weren't their most recent wanted posters.
Jimbei also came to the same conclusion. "It seems that they're a bit old, little one." Your sister slumped into her chair, disappointed that they weren't new.
"I think your sister has our most recent ones up in her room. I'm sure she won't mind if you get them," advised Brook. Your sister immediately left, determined to get those posters.
Just barely missing her, you brought out a tray of food. Sanji immediately got up to help you set the table. Quickly, everyone took their seat, ready to partake in tonight's feast. Sitting next to Sanji, you scanned the table and made a startling observation.
"Where's my sister?" you asked as you took note of the empty seat next to you.
"Upstairs. Looking for something," informed Zoro. Content with the answer, you sat patiently. This was it. This was the start of a new chapter.
As you went to remove your mask, you saw your sister reappear at the corner of your eye.
"Hey you! Found what you were--?" You stopped as you saw your bounty booklet in your sister's hands with the nine Strawhat posters unfurled. Feeling the energy shift, the Strawhats immediately quieted down. Sanji felt his stomach sink and he took note of the empty look in your sister's eyes.
You were about to throw up.
No. No. No. No.
"Drop the book!"
Word Count: 1355
Previous - Masterlist - Next
Author's Notes: Chat, I'm pretty sure my tenses are fucked up here. I kept finding myself writing in the present tense when I have never even considered it in the past. Don't know what came over me. I think I caught them all, but if I didn't, let me know.
I also went ahead and not name the sister. Honestly glad that I didn't. Cause imma be honest as I look back on it, the name that I had in mind sucks (will not be sharing - it will die with me).
Also I just want to say how grateful I am for everyone who has sticked around so far with this story. Every time I see that someone has read a chapter, my heart literally skips a beat. So thank you!
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thepepsislvt · 8 months
What if we had another Barto fic because were so starved for his content esp in writing if the reader was like a strawhat that luffy picked up in like skypiea maybe..like a shandorian with the little wings 👀.. just a thought..
I WIN yes i will write more of Barto bc i love him and im glad so many other people love him too!
this one seemed rushed and i apologize i wrote this before my second shift of work :(
Bartolomeo x Winged! Gn Reader
warnings: all fluff, some cursing, mention of doflamingo
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you were born on Skypiea and thats all you’ve known
you were always so curious as a child but nobody would tell you what the rest of the world was like
So when you hit your teenage years you decide that one day you're going to leave the floating island
You had wings so you could easily fly away but you couldn't navigate the ocean by yourself
Most nights you would hope and pray that someday, someone would save you.
That's when a certain pirate with a straw hat came and fucked shit up on your island
At the age of 19, you knew this was your getaway, a savior you had spent all of these years praying for
After he won the battle he was fighting you came up to him and his crew as they were about to depart
“Strawhat! You must take me with you! I will prove myself worthy to join your crew-”
“-and I won't take no for an answer! Wait did you say okay? That fast?” you looked at the pirate captain with confusion and shock
All he did was smile and nod
So it was easier than you thought
It didn't take very long to get along with the rest of the crew members
You would give Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy rides through the air
Zoro taught you how to use a sword
Naomi taught you to pickpockets even though you probably won't use that skill
The Entire crew loved you
When Frankly and Brook joined the Straw hats you easily got along with them as well
When you got separated for two years on Sabaody you couldn't have been happier to see them
Your wings had fully grown and you could now use them to their full potential
You guys may have changed a lot physically over the past two years but nothing has changed between your friendship
During the events of Dressrosa, you decided to follow Luffy to the Colosseum to make sure he doesnt give away his identity and draw unwanted attention towards him
While you and Luffy were watching the fight, a certain green haired rooster head had caught your eye
he was hated by the crowd for being vulgar but thats what you liked about him
after his victory in Block B you knew you had to go and greet him
what you were not expecting was him to start crying and saying how much he wasn’t good enough to be in your presence
how can such a scary looking man with the title “Cannibal” fall to his knees over someone like you?
you were flattered by his kind (?) response and had to console him
he asked you to sign your wanted poster he kept
after the defeat of Doflamingo, you hung around Bartolomeo more, falling more and more for him and his wild personality
he had finally accepted that you were actually his friend and took his fanboying down a notch (he still has his moments though)
you had asked him out since you know damn well he wouldnt have the balls to ask you
when you did he just about died on the spot
but y’all had the best time on your date
Sanji and Nami had helped you dress nicely for the event
at the end of the night Barto and you were just star gazing as you told him all about each constellation
Barto knew he had to something he just didnt know how
“you see those six stars up there forming a ‘W’? they call that one the King of Pirates in honor of Gol Roger himself! isnt that cool?” you had explained while pointing to the sky
after you didnt get a response from him you looked over to see if he was alright only to be met with his face close to yours
“Barto? are you alright?” you whispered to him
He just stared into your eyes before kissing your cheek, leaving you flustered and your wings spread out in suprise
“was that okay? should i not have done it?” Bartolomeo started to panic and think of every possible negative outcome before you kissed his lips gently
“more than alright”
he Smiled and started giggling all giddy
“I GOT KISSED BY MY FAVORITE STRAWHAT!!” he yelled out into the sky
you only laughed and kissed him again
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turtletaubwrites · 9 months
I Carry A Darkness ~ Part 21
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader, Robin x Fem!Reader, Sanji X Robin
This is part 21 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
Word Count: 4255
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Link (Ch. 11 of We've All Got Needs cont.)
Summary: Your crew leaves their home behind, and you hunt for your missing lover. Can your family come together as chaos wracks the city?
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Cigarettes, They're Gross, Don't Smoke, Smut, ANGST, Relationship Drama, Emotional Hurt/No Comfort, Mild Violence, Polyamory, Pet Names, Vaginal Fingering, Porn with Feelings
A/N: !!SPOILER WARNING!! Spoilers for the anime for the Water 7 arc. Heeeyy, I hope you like DRAMA. And possibly crying. But you can have a tiny bit of sweetness, and a lil smut at the end, as a treat 💜
Extra A/N: We will get to see more of reader's weapons in this chapter, so just below the cut I've included a description, and reference photos and videos. Feel free to skip if you're not interested, I just love these weapons so much. I've also added this description to the We've All Got Needs Masterlist in case you want to check it out later.
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Modified Tonfa ~ Reader's Weapons
Usopp designed these weapons based of off the reader's description of her favorite weapon to watch students practice with when she would pass a martial art's studio on her way to and from school. Luckily Zoro was forced to practice with weapons besides swords, and his stubbornness to be the best meant that he is skilled enough to train the Reader with this technique (at least up to a point).
Typically tonfa are made of wood, but her weapons are made of metal, and they are modified so that poison darts can be released from a distance, as well as poisoned metal spikes like thorns can be used in defensive positions.
The Reader utilizes her knowledge as a botanist to locate and use poisonous plants for these weapons.
One is dark purple and is called Blackout Tonfa, whose poison causes enemies to fall unconscious. The other is bright green and is called Daydream Tonfa. Its poison causes foes to hallucinate.
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I Really Like This Short Competition Demo
Super Short But Awesome Tonfa Technique Demo
Patricia Ja Lee Tonfa Fight
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I Carry A Darkness ~ Part 21
There was no way to pack up everything. You had to choose which supplies would be the most difficult to replace. Your plants, seeds, herbs, and tinctures, you wrapped everything you could fit as carefully as you could, using your clothes to wrap the glass items so you could fit more. 
Everyone was frantic, bouts of crying kept bubbling up while the crew prepared to leave their home behind. 
You gripped your practice tonfa, strapping them to the belt Usopp had made for you. 
His bloody, rage filled face, and his stinging words haunted you. 
‘You don’t want weak people on your crew do you?’
Clenching your jaw, you were determined to find Robin before you let yourself fall to pieces.
I need to be stronger. 
You crept through the hallway, the crew all lost in their own packing to notice. 
Holding your breath, you snuck into Usopp's quarters, guilt riding you. 
Luckily he hadn’t hidden the box. Zoro had made him promise not to let you have the modified tonfa outside of practice.
It’s not his decision.
You grabbed the two tonfa, one dark purple and the other bright green, tears welling in your eyes. Memories of all the time spent with Usopp, how hard he’d worked to make the incredible weapons, how excited he always was when you’d improve your skills. 
Biting your lip, you left a piece of paper in the box.
‘Thank you.’
You had hidden Usopp’s gifts in your luggage, struggling to make them fit. Chopper was kind enough to use his human form to carry your luggage along with his medical supplies and books. 
Finding an inn was easy, but you felt blank as you followed along. Zoro led you into a room, closing the door, and you realized he’d set you up with a room alone together. You hadn’t noticed while they were paying, your eyes stuck on the floor. 
He helped you set down the small bags you’d been carrying, and tried to pull you toward the bed. 
You wouldn’t budge. 
“We need to find Robin.” 
Zoro looked at the ground, taking a breath before gripping your shoulders. 
“She’s strong, Needy, she’ll be okay. We’ll look for her in the morning.” 
“She wasn’t okay when the admiral came. We couldn’t protect her.”
“Needy, we can’t help her if we don’t take care of ourselves.”
His tone was driving you fucking crazy. How calm he’d been through all the pain today, as if it didn’t affect him at all. His words felt condescending, as if you were a child, someone useless who couldn’t help.
“How would you feel if it was me out there? What if I was missing?”
You pulled back from his grasp, hands starting to gesture with your words as heat bubbled in you. 
“That’s different.”
“How, Zoro? She’s part of this crew too.”
He stepped toward you, his mouth opening, then closing without a word.
“Why is it different, Zoro? Is it because you’re fucking me, or because I’m weak?”
“Whoa, Needy,” he breathed, eyes going wide as he reached for you again. 
But you walked away, turning back to look at him while your arms shook, and your voice pitched higher.
“No, Zoro. You don’t understand how I feel right now. I can’t fucking shut down my feelings like you can.”
Zoro’s face went from concern to confusion, his brows furrowing as he crossed his arms.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“Do you even care about Robin and Usopp,” you questioned, voice raising, shaking with anger. You felt out of control, unable to stop the poison flinging from you. 
“Do you even care about me? Or are fucking and fighting the only things you know how to do?”
You watched Zoro’s jaw clench, his breathing shift, and you recognized his anger. He hadn’t shown it in a while, but you remembered how he looked when he was pushed over the edge.
You’d just never pushed him like this.
“Isn’t that why you’re with me, Needy? So I can make you strong, and fuck you into the ground? Isn’t that all you want from me?”
His voice was low and dangerous, and you wanted to scream at him. You almost did. Your voice was still raised though, your arms pointing at him, pleading and accusing.
“I want you, Zoro! I want the real you, who’s funny, who’s caring, who’s fucking loyal-”
“Ha, you’re one to talk.”
The bitter edge in his voice shot you through with nausea.
“Excuse me?”
“Fuck, I don’t like this, Needy,” he panted shaking his arms at his sides as he started to pace back and forth.
“I don’t fucking like it either, Zoro. Would you give up on me so easily?” 
He spun, coming to face you. Not too close, but his eyes were heavy as they bore into yours.
“I would never give up on you.”
You swallowed down the heat in your throat, fighting tears as you crossed your arms.
“I’m going to look for her.”
With a sigh, he shook his head slightly before nodding.
“Okay, Needy. I’m sorry,” he rushed, holding his hands out like he was calming a stray animal. “Let’s uh. Let’s go look for an hour, alright? But then we need to sleep so we can look more tomorrow.”
You crumpled then, hands covering your face as your knees went weak. Zoro was right there, holding you against his chest. 
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s all good, Needy. I’m sorry.”
Zoro had practically carried you back after your futile hour of searching. You crashed hard, not even changing clothes, not even waiting for Zoro to lay beside you before you were out. 
There was a brief moment of peace as you woke, before the previous day came crashing onto you, heavy and sick. Zoro wasn’t in the room
He’d left a note on the bed. 
‘On the roof. Couldn’t sleep.’
You crushed it in your hand, and hated yourself for your thoughts. 
He can fall asleep anywhere. I guess yesterday got to him after all.
A soft knock made you gasp, and sudden fear shot through you.
“It’s me, Angel. Are you awake?”
Sanji’s voice was so hushed, but you climbed out of bed to run to it. 
When he closed the door behind him he wrapped his arms around you, holding the back of your head while he buried his face in your hair. 
“Are you alright, my love?”
“No, Sanji.”
He sighed, nodding his head against you. 
“Of course you aren’t.”
You pulled away, rushing to grab a change of clothes. 
“Can we go look for Robin now?”
He looked up at the ceiling, his face drawn when he met your gaze again. 
“I stood lookout all night near the shore. In case she came back to the Merry.”
He shook his head at your widened eyes, then pulled out a cigarette. 
“She never said anything about leaving.”
You started scrambling into clean clothes, noticing that he looked away instead of watching you. 
“She wouldn’t just leave, Sanji. Something happened to her. She wouldn’t leave.”
“I know, sweetheart,” he said, voice heavy. “Let’s go find the others.”
You found Chopper with Zoro on the roof, Luffy perched on the edge of the neighboring building, looking away from his crew. 
“-injured. He could barely even stand up. And now he probably has a fever!”
“Chopper, that’s enough, okay. Don’t talk about him anymore.”
Your jaw fell open at Zoro’s words, and you knelt by Chopper, taking his hoof into your hand. 
Sanji stepped between you as you shot a heated look at your swordsman.
“We’re going to look in town for Robin today. If anything happens, we should use this inn as the meetup point.”
Chopper followed Sanji's voice, trembling. 
“I’ll come with you! Do you… do you think we’re gonna find her?”
“We don’t have any clues where to look. But I just have this feeling that she’s still here, somewhere.”
Sanji’s words made you feel a bit of relief. Knowing that someone else cared about finding her as much as you did. 
You went to him, wrapping your arms around him from behind. Laying your face against his shoulder, you breathed him in, the stale smoke and dirty clothes not hindering the comfort his scent gave you. 
Nami’s voice broke your calm, yelling to Luffy about someone named ‘Iceberg.’
The mayor and shipwright had been shot in his home, and the city was on high alert. Luffy and Nami shared that they had met Iceberg the day before, and you gasped as Luffy launched himself off the roof to go check on him, with Nami racing to follow.
“On that note, let’s go find Robin,” Sanji said, before turning back to Zoro as he sat against the wall. “What about you?”
“I think I’ll just wait a while. See how things turn out.”
You stared at Zoro as he put his hands behind his head, getting comfortable. 
He doesn’t give a fuck about Robin. Does he care about anything?
You hit the elevator button for your floor instead of the ground level.
“I need to grab something.”
You left the room, heading back to meet them at the elevator before Sanji stepped in front of you. 
“What are you doing, Angel? Are those armed?”
“Sanji, I need to be able to protect myself. I’m ready. And it’s not your decision.”
Sanji clenched his jaw as he looked at your tonfa, the purple and green giving the modified versions away. He kept staring, breathing heavily before shaking his head. 
Sanji pulled at your wrist, and you followed him and Chopper out of the inn, and down into the streets. 
You could have sworn you heard Sanji breathe, ‘fuck,’ as he lead you outside.
Desperation made you frantic, asking every person you saw if they’d seen a beautiful woman, describing her features, and pleading with them to help you. 
“Angel, please don’t stray too far. I couldn’t stand to lose you too.”
But you couldn’t focus on Sanji’s words, his gentle touch on your shoulder. All you were was wide searching eyes, and a heart beating so fast it might leave your body. 
Until clanging alarms blasted from every corner, blaring a warning that had every citizen rushing away.
“Attention please. This is the Water 7 Forecasting Center. An Aqua Laguna warning has been issued. Estimated arrival for midnight tonight.”
You spun, panting as you watched the area clear out. People were yelling to share the news, and you found your way back to Sanji as he asked someone for details. 
“Aw, you’ve come sightseeing at a really bad time. It’s an annual storm, you all need to get to high ground before the city floods.”
Luckily Sanji and Chopper echoed your rising concern, and you raced through the city. 
Until you had to break, to breathe, hating your weak body. Sanji brushed the hair out of your face, sticky from sweat. 
“What does she like, where would she go?”
You lip quivered as you tried to answer Chopper’s question. 
“I guess I still don’t know her well enough, I have no idea where to look.” 
Sanji kissed your clammy hands, rubbing them against the rising winds. 
“Hey, uh..’
Chopper’s strained voice brought you to the moment.
“So this storm’s supposed to be really bad? What if… What if there was a tourist who didn’t know about it? Maybe they had a boat they wanted to take care of? It would be pretty bad, right?”
“That reminds me,” Sanji said with a cough. “Didn’t you say you forgot something on the Merry? A medical bag, right Chopper?”
With a breath, you followed them back to your old home. 
The sight of the Merry brought heat up your throat, and you ached to climb onto the deck. 
You’d run out of energy now, and fell into blankness as you watched Sanji and Chopper yell about the storm, pretending to be yelling at each other instead of Usopp. 
“This is ridiculous, why can’t we ju-”
You heard steps moving through the ship, and the door started to swing open. 
You tried to cry out his name, but Sanji picked you up, racing away with Chopper so you wouldn’t be seen by your one time crewmate. 
You felt empty in his arms as slow tears stained your face. 
The city looked barren when you made it back, most citizens gone for the shelter already. That made it easier for you to pick up on the few conversations still going on around you.
“I bet if we find one of the pirates with bounties, we can make them tell us who the other crewmates are.”
“Yeah, those straw hat pirates are gonna pay for what they did to Iceberg.”
You froze in your tracks, Chopper moving to stand beside you, still in his reindeer form as he searched for Robin’s scent.
Sanji interrupted that conversation, but your ears were ringing too much to follow. 
“They’re saying Robin’s the assassin that tried to kill the mayor. They’re after all of us now.”
“N-No, she w-”
“Shh, angel,” Sanji whispered as he pulled you into a hug to quiet your outburst. “I know she didn’t. But we need to be careful, we’re all in danger now.”
“What about the others? Do you think they're okay?”
You turned to Chopper, heart heavy with the weight of all your loved ones safety.
“Let’s go find them.”
Chopper’s weak smile was cut short as he lifted his nose into the air. Hope ripped through you, almost painful after all the loss of the last two days.
Chopper tore through the streets, leaving you and Sanji scrambling to chase after him. Nearly falling down the stone stairs, you caught up to Chopper, Sanji’s hand reaching out to steady you.
“Chopper, wha-”
Chopper was at the edge of the canal, staring across to another street. 
Staring at Robin.
She was standing right there, so close. You cried out her name, Sanji and Chopper echoing you. 
Robin stood there, almost as still as when you watched her frozen form glinting in the sunlight.
Hope and relief had slammed into you, almost making your knees weak, but something in her eyes stopped your breath. 
“Robin, I’m so glad you’re okay, we need to get out of here!”
Sanji looked around at your words, shouting over to her.
“Hold on, I’m going to look for a way around this canal, we’ll be right over there.”
“Don’t bother. Stay where you are.”
Robin’s voice was cool, the wind blowing her long black hair around her face, almost hypnotizing you. 
“I won’t be returning to you or your crew. We’re parting ways here, in this city”
Your mind couldn’t make sense of it, your mouth hanging open while you reached out, useless hands shaking in the air between you. 
Sanji was able to speak, and you just stared into her eyes while he pleaded with her.
“What are you talking about, Robin? Is this about the newspaper? None of us believe you did that, Robin, don’t worry!”
You felt your fists clenching, the pain of your nails starting to wake you to the moment as Robin went on.
“About that, I’m sorry for pinning such an unreasonable crime on all of you. But as far as my involvement, everything the newspapers say is true. Last night, I broke into the mayor’s place of residence and shot him.”
Sanji cigarette fell from his fingers, and you felt your head shaking back and forth, your mouth too dry to speak,  Not that you could have found words anyway. 
“No way,” Chopper breathed, his legs quivering beneath him.
She held the three of you in a trance as she kept sending out words like knives.
“Inside me, I carry a darkness that none of you know about. One day, that darkness will be the end of all of you.”
Memories of Robin’s pain filled eyes, the look she rarely let you see, flooded your mind. You’d always known Robin had secrets, but you couldn’t think of anything dark enough that you wouldn’t want her to stay with you. 
“I’m afraid you’ll be taking the fall for last night’s attack while I escape. And let me warn you, the situation will only get worse.”
“What do you mean? Why are you-” Sanji broke in, his desperate yell bringing heat to your throat. 
Both Sanji and Chopper started pleading with her now, but all you could do was whisper her name, begging her with your eyes as you swayed on your feet. 
“From this day forward, we will never see each other again. Thank you for all the kindness you’ve shown me. I’ll never forget it. Goodbye.”
Robin turned, and the three of you were frozen as you heard her heels echoing on the stone as she walked away from you. 
Finally, your body woke enough to let you say the words you’d been holding in for some time. They came out of you in a desperate yell, seeming to tear you apart as they left your throat. 
“I love you, Robin! Please, don’t leave me!”
Robin’s steps didn’t even slow and you sank to your knees, hardly noticing the pain as you fell. 
Part of you could hear Chopper and Sanji screaming beside you, and then you gasped as Sanji dove into the canal.
The water was choppy with the storm coming, and fear for him shook you out of your dissociation. You stood, determination filling your veins now as you pulled out your purple tonfa.
“Blackout Dart,” you shouted, putting your lips to the short end of the weapon, aiming your first poison dart at the woman you loved. 
You had seconds to see that your aim was true. It was going to hit her back, and she’d be knocked unconscious. 
You had less than a second to feel hope before an arm appeared on her shoulder to bat the dart away. 
She didn’t even turn to look at you. 
Then she was gone. 
Twisting and squeezing the fabric to get out as much water as you could, you handed Sanji his shirt as he did what he would with his jacket. The wind and water was getting more intense, but you could barely feel a thing, your body and mind still numb. 
“Chopper, Angel, go meet up with Luffy and the others. Tell them everything that happened between us and Robin. Don’t leave out a single word. As for me, I have a plan. I’ll be careful. We’ll meet up later.”
He grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips, but you pulled it away. 
“No. Chopper, you go. I’m staying.”
“No, Angel-”
“Sanji, we keep losing people. I’m not letting you go without me.”
Chopper looked back and forth between you, then nodded.
“Be careful,” he demanded, before charging away without you. 
Sanji leaned his head back, taking a long drag off his cigarette. 
“Robin said she’s escaping while we take the fall. There’s only one way off this island tonight. We’re going to get her back.” 
You wished you smoked just so you’d have something to calm your nerves. The two of you were hiding in the shadows between buildings as you watched the government officials talk to Robin at the train station. 
She was wearing a huge green shawl and hood, but you saw her face lit under the lanterns, and you’d recognize her graceful steps anywhere. 
After she was led inside, you saw a group the marines called ‘CP9.’ You felt a sickly chill crawl up your skin at the sight of the four of them. 
There was an attractive blonde woman, a man with long black hair and a top hat, a man in a baseball cap with a noticeably large nose even from a distance, and another man that was huge, towering over them. 
That man had two squirming figures tied up over his shoulders. They were both yelling to be released, one large with blue hair, and the other was Usopp.
You grabbed onto Sanji’s arm, and he gave a small nod as he kept his eyes trained on the sniper. 
“Come on.”
“What if someone else finds it?”
“They won’t be able to track us, but if there’s a chance Nami or the other finds this, it’s worth it.”
Sanji tucked his note under the transponder snail on the ground at the station. 
You had made your way closer to the back of the train, away from where the military were filing in. Now all you had to do was wait.
Waiting was the worst fucking thing you could be doing right now.
Gripping Sanji’s knee as you sat on a bench in the darkest corner you could find, you started to fall apart. 
“Shh, Angel, we know where she is, and we’re going to get her back. I promise you.”
He was running his palm in circles on your back, and you heard the note of fear in his voice.
“S-Sanji, she…”
Your sobs were quiet, but overwhelming you, almost hiccuping as you fought to breathe through it. He pulled you in against his chest rocking you as he whispered in your ear. 
“Please, my love, I can’t stand to see you hurting. I promise, we will do everything we can for Robin. And for Usopp. You have my word.”
His words didn’t break through, and you felt yourself starting to have hysterics. Your mind was screaming at you to fucking stop, knowing that at any moment you would need to be ready.
Sanji pulled back, cupping your cheeks as he searched your face. 
“Darling, please trust me. Your tears are… Please, we have time. Let me touch you, let me make you feel better. So you can breathe with me?”
You realized at the crack in his voice that Sanji needed comfort too. That his making you feel good would help him right now. His eyes were pleading as his fingers stroked your hair. You swallowed the hot tears that were starting to form.
Nodding, you felt his lips against yours, and you combed your fingers through his hair, sobbing at the relief of his comforting heat.
“Please darling, can you be quiet for me? Can you let me touch you, I’ll take good care of you angel, I’m here for you.”
His voice held a hint of panic, anxiety bubbling as his hands rubbed along the sides of your body.
“Yes, Sanji. I know you’re here. I love you, I know you’ll always take care of me.”
“I love you, Y/N, my angel.”
Sanji pulled you onto his lap until your back was against his chest.
The wind sent a spray of seawater to mist along your skin as Sanji’s lips found your neck. 
Your mind tried to hold all the pain and worry of your time on this cursed island, but you gave into Sanji’s touch, letting him bring you back to the moment, back to your body.  
He kept his lips and tongue along your neck and shoulder as his hands trailed over your clothed body. 
“My perfect angel, I’ve got you. Breathe with me sweetheart.”
Focusing on his breath, feeling his chest rise and fall against your back, you started to follow him.
“I’m here, mon coeur. I’ll always be here.”
Waves started lapping against the stone, the storm coming to caress your body as Sanji’s nimble fingers dipped into your pants. Your lover found your clit in the dark effortlessly, his touch had traveled your skin endless times when all was well in your world.
Now you clung to each other, fear riding you both as you tried to grasp onto some of the peace your lives still held.
Peace in each other when everything else felt lost.
“I love you, my heart, my treasure, my angel. I’ll protect you, I’ll take care of you. Are you feeling better?”
The concern in his question felt out of place for the way his fingers were making you dance in his lap.
“Yes, Sanji. You make me feel so good,” you moaned as Sanji’s tongue traced up your neck, his nose dragging along your skin as if he wanted to drown in your scent. 
The tingling pressure built in you, his fingers manipulating you so easily, even in the chaos around you. 
The hard length of him under your ass had you gasping, desperate to feel him inside of you, to lose yourself in him.
We don’t have time for that.
That thought almost killed your momentum, but Sanji rasped more praise against your skin before gently biting the lobe of your ear, and you were over the edge.
“You're doing so well for me, Angel. So perfect for me.”
Chewing on your lip to hold in your moans, you lifted your hand over your head to reach back, and hold onto his hair as you twitched in his lap.
The sound of the train starting up jolted you off his lap, before you’d come down from your high. 
Sanji wiped your pleasure from his hand, staining his still damp jacket before reaching for you.
Voices of the train station employees called after you as you ran full speed toward the still slow train, but you left them in the dust. 
“Yes,” you yelled, focusing on the railing as your target sped up. 
Without a thought, you leapt over the crashing waves, reaching for the train.
Reaching for Robin. 
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Part 22
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969 | @onlybassoon01 | @apothicgloom | @slyhersophia | @cyberaestheticals | @nothing-but-brass
A/N: Welp, I hope you enjoyed the pain! I'm having so much fun, this is my favorite arc and I love adding MORE drama to it, lol
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
71 notes · View notes
bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
Am i crazy? (Zosan X reader) P3
Plot: Reader hasn't been sleeping or eating, they wont let anyone touch then and keeps having accidents. Everyone if worried or thinks they've gone crazy but the reality is so much worse.
Warning: Domestic abuse (Not by the hands of Zoro or Sanji), Bad language, violence, self harm, blood, mental damage, forced kissing and manipulation.
Zoro X Sanji X reader, Poly relationship, established relationship, Reader is GN.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
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A few days went by and you were getting worse, the cloths that once fit you nicely hanged lose on your body, your skin was pale, lips slightly blue and your hair was getting thin form it falling out. You spent most of your time locked in your room sitting in the chair in the corner, you slept there most times as well even when Sanji and Zoro asked you to come to bed. Some times the door was locked and no matter how many times they called your name you wouldn't open it. You had the only key to the door now the others going missing. You no longer joined them for food, you ate after everyone but no matter how much you ate you were always skinny and weak. Zoro tried talking to you but you never answered him, you had a strange aura around you all the time and it made him sick. He didn't know what it was but put it down to you being depressed. Sanji tried making your favorite foods and sitting outside your shared bedroom talking to you through the door. You never answered, but he would hear movement inside and sometimes the door would be kicked.
Chopper was stressed out all the time trying to help you, he even got in contact with Law for help and as much as the reindeer didn't want to believe it, Law said some things that made sense, so he had to try it out, he had made you take sleeping pills in front of him but you never slept, so he did something he never thought he would do. He asked Sanji to make you some tea and then slipped a sleeping pill into the liquid, he watched you drink it and half an hour later you were asleep. It confirmed what Law had been telling him and it made him sad to the point where he went crying to Robin who was in the kitchen drinking tea. He felt like he failed as a doctor no matter how much Robin told him he was amazing. He finally calmed down when Sanji made him some tea and sat down with him, Zoro joined them later and the doctor couldn't help but cry into the mans chest apologizing over and over again. "Hay calm down... what are you sorry for?" Zoro sits down holding Chopper close as he finally starts to calm down again "I did something i shouldn't have, it's against everything i stand for but, i'm so tired and Law was right" Robin leans over the table and rubs the reindeer's back "It's ok just tell us, and we can fix it" her voice is soothing and calm as she talks making the doctor look back at Robin and Sanji.
"W-when you made the tea.. i put a sleeping pill in it and gave it to Y/N" he stutters a little through shaky breath "I asked them to take pills in front of me, but they never fell asleep.. Law said that-that they might be throwing it up so i had to see if he was right" Chopper sniffles rubbing his nose "And he was... their asleep which m-means he's r-right and if their doing it with the pills t-then" he stops himself and goes back to hugging Zoro who's teeth are clenched as he holds the doctor close. Sanji places his head in his hands realizing that even though you've been eating your most likely throwing it back up later, it angers him not because of the waist of food but because your starving yourself, it's no longer that you can't eat it's that you won't. "Do you think their trying to kill themselves?" Robin asks, it's a tough question to ask, but she knows it needs to be said. Zoro looks at her with a wide eye, he never thought you could do something like that, Sanji can't help but bit his tongue, he wants to yell at robin for asking, but he knows deep down she's in the right to ask. Chopper lifts his head form Zoro's chest and shrugs "I don't know... i have asked them about it, but they never answer"
Nami's heart broke at the conversation she was hearing, she had just finished her map and went to get a cup of tea when she heard them talking, she couldn't move from behind the door or get up the courage to walk into the kitchen. The hand on the door nob slipped off and down to her side, her eyes fixed on the wooden door in front of her. She had been avoiding you since she yelled at you but she didn't think you would consider hurting yourself. Her heart hurt for you, you were always so lively and kind but now you just look dead inside. She clenched her hands by her side and walked off to her room, she needed to get to the bottom of this no matter what. She wasn't about to let her friend suffer anymore.
Your back hurt like crazy, after drinking that tea you fell asleep and your ex woke you up every time you dozed off, he got angrier and angrier with you, his fingers digging into you back harder and harder each time. You were on the deck at the time trying to get some fresh air form the now stuffy bedroom, but he made you go back, you curled up in the chair near the door trying to stay awake. He hit you every time you fell asleep but you couldn't help it, you were just so tired. He used up most of his energy dealing with you his devil fruit powers needed time to recharge or something, so he left you locking the door to your bedroom behind you and going off somewhere secret to rest. You asked him why once, why didn't he just sleep in the bedroom, but he said he didn't trust you, you could try and kill him in his sleep. It was strange that he feared you a little but you were glad to have some alone time, away form his torture. Whatever was in that tea had warn off by now, you were tired but you knew that if he found you asleep again you'd be in a lot of trouble so you just sat there staring at the wall across form you.
The door handle moved a bit and a clicking sound made you look over at the door, when it opened you didn't expect to see anyone but your invisible ex. Your eyes widen when Nami walks in closing the door behind her, lock pick tools in hand and walking over to you. She seemed upset but you ignored it getting out of your chair and grabbing her arms, the sudden contact made the woman step back a little unsure of what you were doing "You need to go, you can't be here" you panicked, the door was open and there was no way of locking it now, he could be coming back any minute, and he'll surly kill your best friend if he sees her in here. You tried pushing her towards the door, but she was much stronger than you easily managing to stay put. "What? no i'm here to talk. Stop pushing me" Nami looks at you confused, she can see the fear in your face. "No you need to go" you whisper trying not to make too much noise. "Im not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on" she whispers back trying to get you to talk "Nami please... your making a big mistake, you need to" you stop yourself listening out for a moment before you start shaking "he's coming you need to hide" you whisper as she looks at you confused, it's too late for her to walk out, he'll see her so you gather all your strength and shoving her into the nearby wardrobe.
Nami goes to speak but you place your hand over her mouth "Please... just say quiet, i don't want him to hurt you" you whisper taking the lock pick tools form her hand and closing the wardrobe door before sitting back in your seat as the door opens. Nami decided to stay quiet as she hears the door open and slam shut, leaning over slightly she manages to see through the crack in the middle of the two doors, there's no one there but suddenly your thrown out of the chair and into the end of the bed hitting your back against it. You pant and cover your head the lock pick tools falling out your hands as you hit the bed frame. "Why was the door unlocked" your ex yells still invisible and picking up the lock picks from the floor "Where the hell did you get these from?" a hand grabs your hair and lifts your head up off the floor forcing you to sit up. "Im sorry... i just needed some fresh air" you lied, your fear covering up any hint that you weren't telling the truth. "Where did you get them from?" he yells into your face, you can feel his spit hit your cheek as he does "The side draw" you pant keeping your arms close to your chest. He groans and turns off his devil fruit powers showing himself before you, his face is red with anger and for a second you though maybe he was going to kill you.
He slams your head into the floor as your grab his hands trying to stop him. "Iv been so good to you. i let you sleep, i let you eat and this is how you repay me?" he growls letting go of your hair and standing up kicking you in the stomach as hard as he can. "Did you talk to anyone?" he asks watching you shake your head with tears in your eyes as you curl up into a ball trying to protect yourself. "This is taking too long and your getting on my nerves" he grits his teeth looking around the room before looking down at you "I think its time we up the anti. they won't let you go so were gonna make them let you go." he leans back down to you and pulls your face up to look at him, your tear stained face makes his smile, you want him dead so badly at this point but your not strong enough, he made you weak so you couldn't fight back. "Im going to be nice and give you a choice. You either kill someone on the crew .. let's say that doctor fellow.. or you" he sighs pulling out a pocket knife from behind him and opening it waving it in front of your face "You hurt yourself bad enough to where they have to let you go" he smiles knowing what your going to choose.
Your quick to answer even with a shaky voice "Me.. I'll do it" you go to take the knife only for him to pull it away from you "Smart birdy but... you won't do a good enough job" He stands up grabbing your bruised ankle and dragging you away from the bed, you struggle a little scared that he is going to kill you as he stabs the knife into your calf. You scream out in pain yelling at him to stop when Nami jumps out of the wardrobe staff in hand and hit your ex away from you as hard as she can. "Y/N" she yells helping you up as your ex recovers form being hit into the wall. Opening the door she drops your onto the floor, grabs the lock picks he dropped and slams the door closed using the lock picks to lock the door as he runs at it yelling at the two of you. "Nami?" you ask shaking from the pain in your leg as tears fall down your face, the knife still stuck in your leg. Nami shoves the lock picks into the key hole before kicking them getting them lodged so that he can't unlock the door with his key. "I'm sorry. i'm so sorry" Nami cry's leaning down next to you and bringing you in for a hug. "I should have acted sooner i'm so sorry" she cry's into your shoulder as you hold her back. The door is kicked and punched by your ex as he screams names at you and Nami.
Hearing all the noise from the kitchen Robin, Chopper, Sanji and Zoro run out heading to the sound of the noise only to see you bleeding on the ground with Nami holding you. "Y/n" Chopper yells running over to check on you seeing the knife in your leg and the cut on your forehead before hearing a male yell form inside your room. "What the hell?" Zoro runs over with Sanji and Robin looking at the door then to you "Don't open it" Nami yells at them trying to help you stand up but your too much of a mess to move. So much is going through your mind, you could hardly speak as you cried and clung onto Nami for deal life. "Your safe now... he can't hurt you" Nami whispers as Zoro bends down next to you carefully putting a hand on your back, you don't flinch this time, it doesn't hurt when he touches you so you lean closer, your head on his chest as he picks you up one arm around your back and the other under your legs while trying to be careful of the knife. "I'll keep an eye on the door" Robin smiles leaning against the wall nodding at them to leave.
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gatitties · 2 years
the last fic you wrote is so great as an autistic ADHD person, i love you. That's it.
could you do similiar one and this time reader is strugling to share their feelings that they love their crew even thought th(Kid's crew)ey can be bastards ? So they give them gifts and still feel failing
─Strawhats, Heart Piartes & Kid Pirates x reader
─Summary: it seems that sharing your gratitude is getting more complicated than you thought
─Warnings: none
Part one
ty!! :') hope this one is good too and sorry if there is something wrong
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─ You never seemed to choose the right moment to be able to express your gratitude, or if you finally managed to have the time and the decision to let your feelings out, your mind simply stopped working and you ended up talking about something else.
─ And sometimes it was difficult for you to express yourself correctly, your mouth seemed to seal when you tried to show affection for your friends, you simply played with your hands nervously without daring to talk about your feelings.
─ So you decided to start doing small acts, placing Robin's books or Nami's maps, organizing the medical supplies, helping Franky by collecting some junk, listening very carefully to Usopp's stories (although you tried not to show much that you got distracted by something) and little things that you added to your daily routine.
─ The problem is that they only interpreted it as a little additional help and not as an intention to express how you feel with them.
─ You began to stress over not being able to complete your task and you spent a lot of time alone in your room while doing a puzzle that you bought to de-stress from these situations.
─ And everyone noticed how every day you got a little more frustrated by doing your usual routine of small obligatory things of the day, so they thought that something was bothering you, although it was somewhat complicated because the things that bothered you could simply be that a knife was misplaced in the kitchen.
─ Everyone got worried when they saw you so down for not being able to speak openly and they wanted to ask you if everything was alright but then you just took out everything you had inside without even realizing it.
You were massaging your scalp, pulling a few strands of hair between your fingers, you had locked yourself in your room after having another attempt to talk to the crew and ended up rambling about other things that had nothing to do with what you really wanted to say.
"What do you think is happening?"
"I don't know, maybe it's stress for something, Sanji, did you check that the kitchen was ordered in that specific way?"
"Yes, there was nothing unusual."
Everyone was peeking as you started biting your nails, which was a bad sign, Nami was the one who stepped into your room, grabbing your wrists gently, making all your attention focus on her.
"Okay, you don't have to get anxious, what's bothering you?"
"Nothing- I just-"
The others began to enter slowly, surrounding you without getting too close so as not to overwhelm you with so many people around you, you began to open and close the palms of your hands, you began to ramble on about other things until you accidentally let all go.
"It's just- it's so frustrating because I don't know how to express my gratitude, I try to have little details but they aren't noticeable and when I try to talk I just get distracted, I want to show that I'm happy with you because you accept me and don't treat me badly like other people, just like that guy on that island, the one where I found these beautiful bracelets and…"
Robin covered her mouth so as not to laugh at your cute attitude, Chopper approached you to sit next to you and listen, the others smiled knowing now what had made you so nervous, feeling completely special for having you with them.
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─ You tried everything to make your feelings of gratitude known, but all your attempts were unsuccessful because you ended up embarrassing yourself in the end and you chose to remain silent.
─ At least they did notice when you changed your established strict routine to do other things with them, normally you had a schedule to do certain things but now you're trying to break it to spend more time with everyone.
─ Law noticed that you also began to place a cup of coffee at the same hour on his door, you always gave three knocks rhythmically and left the hot drink on the floor late at night, time at that you normally liked to be resting.
─ The others may not notice your subtle actions, but Law made it known, he knew you wanted to say something, but he needed you to take the step so he made everyone not say or change their attitude towards you until you managed to speak for your own will.
─ Ikkaku clenching her fists not being able to say how cute you were trying hard to help her cook without needing her help to organize, you were struggling so hard to focus on a single task, but she didn't want to ruin your moment of internal struggle.
─ Shachi and Penguin partially ignored Law's orders, sometimes hinting that you had a 'secret' you had to share, but just narrowed your eyes because you didn't understand what they meant.
"So, when are you going to tell us about that, you know?"
"I still don't understand what you two mean."
You finished lining up the cutlery on the table that you took care to place symmetrically to the proportions of the table, slightly ignoring the little joke that Shachi and Penguin made with each other, the others started to enter, Law scolding the duo of idiots because he heard them hinting at you to talk about your concerns.
Ikkaku began to serve the dishes, being the last to be served and being deep in your thoughts you didn't realize it was your favorite dish until it was left in front of you, you smiled without waiting for anyone to start savoring it.
"This dish is so good...! Just as good as you guys, I'm so glad to be a part of this crew, I don't feel different and everyone treats me so well, I love you so much, thanks for everything."
You blurted everything out without meaning to and while your attention right now was only focused on devouring your favorite dish, Ikkaku laughed, patting your head while Law smiled proudly, he knew you would end up talking one way or another, you just needed some time and a little distraction.
Shachi and Penguin high-fived as if they had really been the ones who had helped you get what you had inside, Jean Bart looked at them with a raised eyebrow, eating slowly.
"And why are you proud? You didn't even do anything."
"What are you talking about, we help-"
"You didn't do shit, Ikkaku's plan worked better than your hints."
"She had a plan?!"
Ikkaku winked at both of them as she let you eat in peace, she knew that sometimes you liked to wander in your thoughts while eating and sometimes you just shared those thoughts out loud, so she just needed to cook your favorite food.
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─ No one, absolutely no one seemed to notice your actions to express yourself.
─ You were trying so hard, breaking your schedule and your little hobbies to help the men on this crew, but they just seemed more focused on other things.
─ Maybe the only one who appreciated your small actions was Killer, but he was too busy to notice beyond your intentions behind your actions.
─ Which led you to have a stress episode because nobody seemed to notice your internal struggle, Heat had to help you calm down with one of those sensory objects that Kid made for you, you also did some relaxation methods that helped you.
─ These guys just don't appreciate even the extra help you give them, or maybe they do, but they won't bother to show that they're grateful, because you know, masculinity.
─ You decided to give it another approach when you tried to talk to Wire (being a disaster again), he doesn't usually talk much and sometimes he speaks by signing or writing, so you thought it would be easier to express yourself through paper.
─ You also added some small gifts as a detail, so maybe it's more meaningful to them, but you wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't cause any kind of effect.
You finished wrapping the last gift, before anything else you went back to check that everyone had the bow well done and there was nothing that bothered you with the organization of these, you also went back to reread the note that you had written with sweat and tears because it was hard to write and make the handwriting legible, you wanted everything to stay perfect.
You had to break your sleep schedules to be able to leave each gift in its respective place, since you did not intend to deliver them directly, just leave them in areas where you knew that person would find it, so you worked at night when most of them were resting.
But your mission got complicated when you entered Kid's workshop, he was there, although he seemed to have fallen asleep while building something, you took the opportunity to leave the gift on the construction table stealthily, but apparently you weren't good enough.
"What do you think you're doing, rat?"
"Aw man, I won't be able to give you the secret gift!"
"The secret… what?"
"Just take this and shut up!"
You hit him in the face with the wrapper, taking advantage of his confusion to get rid of his grip and run, Kid blinked a couple of times, still assimilating what had happened, he read the little letter trying not to smile at your words, although he finished letting out a small laugh as he opened the gift… which was just a few nuts and bolts, well, you were definitely something.
"So… do you also have a gift?"
Killer peeked through the door, holding a handmade mask, at least now he knew why you had been weirder than usual by not being so strict with certain habits and he understood better all the previous actions.
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shanksbaby · 1 year
Shanks x Fem!Reader - Old Love
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you are one of the members of the Straw Hat crew, you have recently become one in reality. You have been following in the footsteps of your captain Luffy for about a year and a half, you decided to be a part of it when you met him on an island that he was liberating from the world government.
being with the Straw Hats is one of the best things that ever happened to you. There hasn't been a day since you've been with them that you've felt sad or bored. If they saw you down there were already Usopp, Luffy and Chopper to make you laugh; and there was Sanji who was ready to cook you the most delicious dishes.
so you can't help but feel lucky. You are now on the island of Bourgeois, you will stop for a few days and then leave, due to the lack of supplies you were forced to stay on this island.
you and Nami took the opportunity to stop and do some shopping, you spent the day squandering the treasure you captured a week earlier. Have you bought designer clothes, bathing suits, hot lingerie (especially for you as you were trying to pass an old story behind you, and what better way than through sex with strangers?)
after a ( tiring ) day of shopping go back to your companions, and even before setting foot on the ship you hear Luffy's voice screaming from the latter
" Y\N! Nami! Get ready tonight we feast, an old friend is here"
Oh! how much you loved when you feasted, you loved eating in company, especially when there was a lot of food. You were already preparing to taste whatever delicacy Sanji had prepared, your happiness drops immediately.
the friend your captain was talking about was your ex, Shanks. Your gazes meet, both of you are surprised to see each other's faces, both you and Shanks have probably imagined never meeting again.
what should you do? go say hello? and pretend those years together and the break up didn't happen? you don't know what to do, and you stare at him, you actually stare at each other. It seems that he too is undecided, but luckily your companions save you, who greet him and start chatting with him.
during the evening you sit away from him, and mutter only a few words, never directed at him, and you get up early from the banquet inventing an excuse. You couldn't still be close to that man, not after what he did to you: he left you, and above all he left you on that island.
tsk, and now you're supposed to act like nothing happened? like it's a new face? No thank you. Seeing him converse so cheerfully as if you weren't in the presence of him, the person he swore he loved and then treated like an old object makes you feel sick. Not to mention he's seeing a person right now.
your stream of thoughts is interrupted by a familiar, all too familiar voice.
"Y\N " Shanks says with an almost uncertain voice, you've never seen him like this " I wanted to talk to you…"
"About what? How you left me like trash or how you came here acting like I wasn't there?"
he flinch at your words. "I wanted to apologize for how it went and for leaving you like that."
you don't reply to him, you simply turn to look at the calm waves of the ocean, you don't want to look at him or talk to him. What should you answer to these words? Okay, is all forgiven? Fuck, nope. You don't want to be mad at him forever (he was a friend first anyway) but right now you don't see why you forgive him.
" I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" he speaks after a few minutes of silence " I know you don't bel-"
" Shut up " you interrupt him "I don't want to hear your bullshit" you give him a fiery glare again "I don't care what your intentions were, you still hurt me."
" And you are absolutely right. And I know that after stranding you on an island I don't deserve to say it, but it wasn't an easy choice. I didn't do it overnight, I wish you understood that"
a bitter laugh escapes you at those words " And do you think it was easy to have a stable relationship one day and then the next day to give up, not even giving the time to try to understand what happened?"
"It wasn't easy for both of us"
more minutes of silence pass and you think that if you had met Shanks a year ago you would have killed him, and you would not have had this reaction, now you are calmer, perhaps a sign of the fact that the wound is healing.
"Anyway, I find you really good you know? And the underwear you bought with Nami is really -" you immediately punch him in the stomach angry at the words he just said. Always been a pervert.
"You stayed the same, a pervert! "
"And you remained the usual violent one" but as soon as he sees your gaze he hastens to add an apology
" …You know, I'm still mad at you, don't pretend to be friends. Not that I don't want to be your friend anymore, but right now I can't"
"I know, I'll wait when you're ready"and he gives you one of those smiles that you fell in love with, and you realize that you're never really over it, you still love him.
after these words, he leaves, withdrawing from his companions. You can't help but look at him from afar with bitterness.
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thus-spoke-lo · 2 years
Like Alcohol Vapors || Roronoa Zoro x gn!reader || SFW
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Summary: Another night of fun, another night of looking after a drunken, rambling Zoro. His intoxicated confession leaves you confused and your heart aching, but what are you to do when you know everything will be forgotten? CW: angst, alcohol/drunkenness WC: 2.4k Read on AO3
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“I love you.”
You looked up at Zoro from your spot on the bench, setting your book down beside you. He was standing in the middle of the room, slightly swaying, a brown bottle of something or other in his hand that you didn’t remember seeing him carry up with him.
You’d been the last of the crew to wander back to the ship after a raucous night at some little saloon in town, practically having to drag Zoro out the door as he draped himself over you, lavishing you with praise for always being such a good shipmate, for always being there for him, for always trying to keep him from getting lost. You nodded and smiled as you did every time, letting out the occasional “Oh? Mm-hmm” to keep him focused on you, wrapping one arm around his lithe waist and guiding him back to the Sunny.
Given his state this evening, you truly weren’t sure how he managed to climb up into the crow’s nest on his own, let alone where he got the bottle of booze from—you hadn’t let him out of your sight that long when you got back, just enough to catch your breath and take a moment to stare out at the stars glittering on the water, and wonder what the hell you were thinking doing this again.
“Well that’s certainly a new one,” you sighed, cocking your head at him. “Knock it off, Zoro, you’re drunk.”
“M’not that drunk,” he mumbled, taking a healthy swig from the bottle, “and I. Love. You.”
You rolled your eyes. “You are absolutely drunk. And stop saying that, you sound absurd.” “What?” he shrugged, head lolling to one side. “It’s true, I do.”
“Sure you do. And you love Chopper, and Luffy, and Usopp, and Sanji—“
“Hey.” He paused, pointing hard at the air in front of him. “I don’t love that damn cook.”
“Okay, well you get what I mean,” you replied, rubbing your temples. “We all love each other in our own ways.”
“No. No, no, no, not like that.” He slowly made his way over to you, one foot carefully placed in front of the other. He positioned a wide hand on either side of your thighs and leaned down into you, his nose nearly pressed against yours, the smell of liquor heavy on his breath, his words hot as he spit them at you. “I love you.”
“You don’t love me, Zoro,” you said, placing your palm on his forehead and gently pushing him away from you until he fell backwards, landing with a thud on the hardwood floor. You hated it when he got this close to you, hated how even though he was stinking drunk and uttering nonsense, you still wanted to kiss him on his stupid, deceitful mouth.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair that he latched onto you like a barnacle when he was drunk. It wasn’t fair that Nami thought it was utterly hilarious how he’d follow you like your shadow, and assigned you to be the unofficial Zoro-sitter, in charge of making sure he didn’t wander off and get lost when you had fun in new towns, and make sure he didn’t do anything particularly destructive or stupid when you were having a raucous night on the ship. It wasn’t fair that as the nights would wind down you’d inevitably end up pressed together in a booth in some tavern, or laying on the deck of the ship, or sitting in the dark in the crow’s nest, while he rambled unintelligibly about how sweet you were to him, or how he adored the way your face looked in the moonlight, or how he wished you’d stay by his side forever and ever, the night always ending with his head in your lap or on your shoulder as he snored.
By the next morning, he’d awaken as if nothing happened and offer you his thanks and maybe a half-smile, as if he hadn’t spent the night pulling at your heart like saltwater taffy.
This was your punishment, you thought, your burden to bear for joining the crew and finding yourself irrevocably smitten with the swordsman from the moment you saw him. This was your personal hell, to have him say every word you wanted to hear, but to know he was too intoxicated to mean it, and that the words would be burned away with the light of the morning sun.
He picked himself up and knelt down next to you on the floor, staring up at you with narrowed eyes. “So what if I do love you? Huh?”
“You don’t know what you’re saying, Zoro.” The words caught in your throat, choked you.
“I know exactly what I’m saying,” he grumbled, punctuating each word with a finger-poke to your thigh. “I’ve loved you forever.”
You stared down at him with a raised eyebrow. “Forever?”
“Yeah, forever,” he hiccuped. “Loved you since Luffy said you were comin’ with us.”
“Why do you love me, then?” you asked quietly. It couldn’t hurt any worse to indulge yourself, just this once.
“Hmm.” He glanced up at the ceiling. “Lots of reasons. You’re pretty. You take care of me. You’re helpful ‘round here.”
“Is that all it takes to love someone?” you asked, settling your chin in your hand, your elbow resting on your knee. “That they’re good-looking and do things for other people?”
“That’s not all,” he sighed, “that’s just a start. M’head hurts if I think of all the reasons I love you right now. But.” He stopped, tilted his head back and shook out the last few drops of amber liquid onto his tongue before continuing. “But I do know I wanna kiss you, and I wanna hold you, and I wanna keep you safe. That’s love, isn’t it?”
Sure sounds like it to me, you thought as your face burned hot and the sound of your own quickening pulse flooded your ears. Why couldn’t it be like this when he was sober, you asked yourself as your elbow pressed into your knee so hard you could already tell you’d have a bruise the next day. Maybe it could be—if only you had the strength to say something, anything, to him as you stood next to each other and leaned on the railing of the ship in the evenings, forearms so close you could feel the heat radiating from his tanned skin, watching the sunset paint the sky in tangerines and fuchsias. If only you could force yourself to ask him if he meant it when he told you your eyes sparkled like the stars, when he told you that you meant the world to him, when he told you he’d do anything to keep you safe—if the words that spilled from his mouth like whiskey from a bottle were as true in the morning as they were in the middle of the night.
“You’re ridiculous, Zoro,” you finally said, forcing a chuckle and a strained smile.
He plunked himself down cross-legged on the floor in front of you, his eyes blinking slowly and at slightly different intervals, one just a few milliseconds behind the other. There was a softness in his expression you rarely saw, one that sometimes you caught when he glanced at you across the dinner table, or when you found yourself lost in laughter with the rest of the crew. Sometimes you liked to think that he saved it only for you—that whatever special warmth he held inside of him, the one coated in glimmering steel most of the time, belonged to you and you alone.
If only you were a little less guarded, a little less jaded, a little less used to disappointment, maybe you’d be suckered in by him tonight, give in to his ramblings. Maybe you’d let him lavish you in declarations of affection, let the words drip from his mouth and cover you like honey, sticky and sweet on your skin. Maybe you’d even let him creep closer and closer to you until your bodies were pressed together, feel him breathe heavy against you and wrap a muscular arm around your waist, and before you can even think another thought, maybe his mouth would be on yours, hard and fast, his tongue pushing past your parted lips, filling your mouth with the sugary vapors of the rum on his breath.
If only you didn’t know better. If only you could let yourself humor his drunken confessions and not worry about how utterly empty you would be in the morning once the memories dissipated from his mind like smoke.
“You know what I think?” he whispered, just loud enough to pull you out of your muddled thoughts.
“What’s that?” you asked, leaning down towards him.
He paused, so long you started to wonder if he even remembered what he meant to say, then finally uttered in a hushed voice: “I think you love me too.”
“Okay, now you’re being out of line.” You leaned back in your seat, quickly crossing your arms across your chest.
“So you’re telling me you don’t?”
You stood up and started to walk across the room, wanting to be as far away from him as you could be at the moment, wanting to wordlessly climb down from the crow’s nest and fling yourself into the ocean. “Of course not. I mean, I like you. In the way I like everyone.”
“You’re lying,” he slurred, sloppily grasping at your ankle to stop you from walking away. “You love me, and I love you, and that’s all there is to it.”
“It’s that simple, huh?” you asked, looking down at him, feeling the warmth of his fingers on your exposed skin.
“Yup,” he grinned. “It’s that simple.”
You shook free of his lazy grip and walked to the other side of the room, your head full of angry bees, and focused on dragging one of the foam exercise mats against the wall to create a makeshift bed.
“You should lie down, you’re tired,” you said with a tight-lipped smile, patting the mat next to you as you settled against the wall with your legs stretched out in front of you. You could do it, you knew you could; you could swallow it all down, shove it back where it came from, keep your feelings tucked away a little longer even though it felt like it was going to crush you one of these nights.
“Fine.” He crawled over to you on hands and knees, collapsing next to you and resting his head on your thigh.
You ran your fingers delicately through his hair, memorizing the way it felt in your hand, soft, mossy-green pieces settling against your palm. You loved him like this, settled and quiet, head pressed into the softness of your lap. You loved him drunk and stupid, singing along with the crew as Brook commandeered a piano and entertained the tavern with a song. You loved him sober and subdued, his arms crossed in front of his muscled chest, as he quietly took in everything around him. You loved him when his blades and body became like one solid piece of steel, and you loved him when he was bruised and bloodied afterwards.
You loved Zoro all the time. And if ever there were a time to tell him, it may as well be when he’d never remember.
“I love you, Zoro,” you whispered as you ran your fingers down his bicep, tracing the pattern of his veins.
“I know you do,” he responded without opening his eyes.
You clenched your eyes and sighed, sure you’d left enough time to let him pass out before you spoke. “Whatever. It’s not like it matters anyway, you’re just gonna forget it in the morning like you always do.”
“No I won’t,” he said, sitting up, a tinge of desperation in his voice. “I won’t forget. I’ll tell you I love you again tomorrow. And the next day, and the next day, and the next day. I’ll tell you I love you as long as I can.”
“Sure you will,” you murmured, feeling that crushing in your chest and swirling in your stomach. “And what if I do?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I’ll—I’ll eat Luffy’s hat.”
“You should pick something else, he loves that damn hat too much.”
You turned your head away from him, settling your gaze on the dim light of the moon filtering through the window. “Well I don’t have to worry about it happening, so...”
“You’re just so sure of everything, huh?” he griped.
You quickly turned back to glare at him, eyes narrowed, jaw set. “I’m sure about some things.”
“Then why can’t you be sure I love you?” he said, his voice unsteady, as he reached over and settled a large hand on the side of your face and stroked your cheek with his thumb.  
“You should get some sleep,” you said, placing your hand over his, hating how warm he was, hating how you wanted to hold his hand there for the rest of the night. “We have to go back into town tomorrow for supplies.”
He stared at you for a moment longer, his eyes trained on you in a way that unsettled you, made the knot in your stomach grow larger and your heart thump so hard you were afraid it would burst through your ribcage. There was that softness in his expression again, the one you wanted tuck in your pocket to keep only for you.
“Fine,” he drowsily agreed, pulling his hand away from your cheek slowly, caressing your jaw with calloused fingers, before flopping back down into your lap. “I’ll sleep. That way it’ll be mornin’ sooner and I can tell you I love you again.”
“Goodnight, Zoro.” You hoped he couldn’t hear the crack in your voice. At least his eyes were closed so he wouldn’t see the tears starting to well in the corners of your eyes.
You leaned your head back against the wall and stared at the ceiling for a while, counting the knots in the wood and listening to him breathe, deeply and evenly with a soft snore every now and again, a lullaby you’d grown accustomed to. It would be light outside in a few hours, and the words would burn off like alcohol vapors, as they always did, and you’d be left hollow and wanting.
But still—you wondered how straw and ribbon might taste.
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bobalegsanji · 6 months
Thank you for loving me - Chapter 1
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Hii! I thought I might as well post my angsty Zosan fic on Tumblr!
You can also find this fic (and additional chapters) on AO3!
Summary: Sanji is going through a hard time. Zoro notices.
TW: panic attacks, depression, anxiety.
Sanji’s head hurts.
He lay in his bed, listening to the quarreling of his friends in the other rooms.
The clock on his nightstand reads 07:03.
He knows his housemates’ routine by heart. Zoro is getting breakfast before going to the gym. Nami is getting ready for her Friday morning class. Usopp and Luffy most likely just jumped into bed, a night full of imaginary adventures and alcohol behind them.
He sighs. Everything hurts.
He used to be able to do so much. He used to cook dinner every night. He’d occasionally join Zoro in one of his morning workouts (even though he could never keep up with him, he would always make him feel included and push him just the right amount). He would join everyone on their weekly Friday club night, usually going to the bar a couple streets down until they stumbled home at 5am, belly full of alcohol and heart full of laughter.
Sanji hasn’t joined in 3 weeks. The first week it was easy to come up with an excuse, an important project he had to finish before Monday hindering him from coming.
The second week was harder. He couldn’t use university as an excuse, not so close after last week. An excuse about a classmate's birthday party not entirely believable. In the end, he spent the evening at the library, only returning home when he was sure everyone had left for the club. Nami and Robin begged him to come, almost convincing him, but he refused. He wasn’t even sure why he did it. He could join them. Why go through the trouble of jumping through hoops to not hang out with his best friends?
Sanji isn’t sure. All he knows is that even thinking about the bright lights, dancing, alcohol and social contact makes his stomach turn.
The third week he faked an illness. Apparently, it was quite believable. Chopper, the sweet medical student he is, almost refused to go out in order to take care of Sanji. In the end, he managed to make them go. He needed a couple of hours of silence.
Sanji throws his hands over his eyes. His nails claw in his arms and tears prick at his eyes. Thinking about having to go out tonight stresses him out. He has no motivation to do anything. He could use university again as an excuse why he can’t go, even though he got dropped from his classes for not showing up. Not that he cared. He hadn’t told the others, not wanting to worry any of them. He was fine, he just needed some time alone and this would give him exactly that.
A knock at the door scared him away from his thoughts.
He quickly wiped his eyes to hide the few water droplets, hoping his voice didn't show any sign of emotion. ‘’Come in.’’
Zoro opens the door with a protein shake in his hand.
‘’Curly, you cooking tonight?’’
Sanji looks up at him. He used to cook daily, but in the last few weeks or so he hadn’t had enough energy. Last week he only cooked dinner for 3 days.
‘’What do you want, Marimo?’’
It puts a slight smile on his face. He’s been laying in bed dreading his whole existence, and all Zoro can think about is a potential dinner.
‘’Sure. You want salmon or tuna?’’
Zoro takes a swig of his protein shake before answering. ‘’Extra salmon.’’
Sanji puts his head down on the bed again, ready to go back to his morning rumination.
‘’Fine. Close the door on your way out.’’
He hears a humming sound before he hears footsteps coming closer and the door closes.
Sanji looks up, confused. Zoro usually doesn’t stay in his room any longer than he needs to.
‘’You want something else from me? I’m already making your favourite dinner tonight, leave me alone.’’
Zoro takes the last swig of his shake as he puts the empty bottle on Sanji’s desk and sits down in his chair.
Zoro looks at anything in the room but Sanji, slightly spinning in his chair as he speaks; ‘’Is something up?’’
Sanji almost laughs. Zoro and he are close. They’ve lived together for almost 4 years. He loves Zoro with his whole heart. But they don’t talk about feelings, ever.
He ends up staring at him.
‘’I’m great, thanks for asking. Shouldn’t you go to the gym? Don’t want your biceps to wait.’’
Zoro ends up staring right back.
‘’You haven’t been cooking lately, you love cooking.’’
Sanji awkwardly averts his eyes.
‘’I’ve been busy with university coursework. You know how it is.’’
‘’About that… You haven’t been to any classes this week, right?’’
Sanji stares at the ceiling. Zoro’s eyes are burning holes in him, yet he can’t make himself look back.
‘’Who told you that?’’
‘’Just noticed. Don’t think the others’ noticed.’’
Sanji sighs and hides his face behind his hands. What a mess he has created.
‘’Fine, I got dropped for this semester.’’
Zoro makes an acknowledging sound. If he wonders about anything else, he doesn’t ask.
‘’Want to come to the gym?’’
‘’I’m very content spending my Friday morning in bed, thank you very much. Please don’t tell the others about the… The dropped thing.’’
Zoro nods, ‘’as long as you’re fine I won’t.’’
‘’I am.’’
The two fall silent. It’s awkward. Sanji mentally curses Zoro for his good intentions. He just wants to be left alone.
‘’So you’re making onigiri then?’’
Sanji nods, looking up at Zoro for the first time since the start of their conversation.
‘’You should make something heavier as well. Only eating onigiri is going to give someone alcohol poisoning tonight.’’
Fuck. Now that Zoro knows, he can’t use university as an excuse out of the club night.
‘’I’ll make something else as well. Any recommendations?’’
Zoro shakes his head, ‘’I’m going if you won’t join me to the gym. You should come soon, or the progress you made will fade. Text me if you want anything from the store.’’
The door closes before Sanji can finish nodding.
He is tired.
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pure-garbage · 17 days
A Tense Confrontation! The Dangers Of Forgetfulness!
Chapter Warnings: Angst
Zoro was unspeakably frustrated by the time Lana approached him, in more than the sense that he couldn't voice his irritation.
'How could she be petty enough to leave me like this for so long?' he thought rancorously. As she neared, he kept his eyes closed, cross-legged and leaned back against the mast in the first stages of trying to settle in for a nap.
"So, we need to talk, right?" Lana sighed. She leaned against the mast beside him, but didn't sit. She was still bound tightly enough by Chopper's splints that getting up and down would be an incredible struggle.
'Not sure what there is to talk about, but at least if she wants to talk, that means she'll unhush me,' Zoro breathed a little sigh of relief at the thought. Sanji's teasing alone was making his life a living hell in this state.
Lana had, in fact, forgotten that she'd hushed Zoro and assumed his stony silence was intentional, orchestrated out of spite. When he didn't respond, she took a deep, fortifying breath and forged ahead.
"Okay. I guess I'll go first. I'm not mad at you about the training, okay? I get it. I know you just want me to get stronger, right? I know you want me to be able to hold my own. I guess you probably want my help protecting the others too, right?"
She waited for him to offer affirmation, but he remained silent, didn't so much as look at her.
'Kind of a dirty trick for her to force me to be quiet while she gets all this off her chest,' Zoro grumbled internally, oblivious to the misunderstanding. 'Not really necessary either... what, does she think I wouldn't hear her out? I don't interrupt that much.'
"Anyway, I... yeah, I've thought it over and I can admit I probably could have spent my time better during the two years we spent training," Lana went on. "I lost time reuniting with Alan and more time raiding Lofton with the Crimson Gulls, and yeah, I definitely took the easy way out in terms of my haki, but I didn't realize it until I thought it over just now, okay? But I get it now and I understand why you're frustrated with me. I spent my time working on improving the skillset that already came naturally to me. I focused on what was easy, and sure, my observation is phenomenal now, but I did it backwards and I get that now. Training should be time spent working on the things that don't come easily, because those are the things that need the most work, right?
And I know you told me that before we parted ways, I promise I didn't forget all your lessons, but I can't think of everything all the time! And yeah, I am kind of mad at myself because who the hell goes two years without such a simple thought occurring to them, but also, there's not much I can do about it now, is there?! Is there?!"
'Fucking hell woman, I didn't realize you had so much to say,' Zoro groaned to himself. He let his head fall into his hands, unsure how much more of her rapidly spiraling ramble he could stand without intervening.
Zoro's visible frustration wasn't lost on Lana, who was starting to become a little alarmed by the fact that he wasn't saying anything. Usually he stopped her when she started to ramble.
"Zoro! Come on," she whined. She reached for his shoulder, but thought better of the touch, letting her fingers hover an inch from making contact. "Say something!"
'How angry is he with me anyway?' she thought sullenly. 'The silent treatment is one thing, but I would have at least expected him to walk away or snap at me by now. I have to be annoying him.'
'Say something? The hell?!'
Zoro's suspicions stirred like an irate, slumbering beast. He rose from his cross-legged pose, one hand on the mast so he could lean forward. He grit his teeth and pointed an accusatory finger at Lana.
"Did you forget you used your devil fruit powers on me?!" he demanded. No sound escaped his mouth, of course.
Lana's expression went blank. She didn't understand what he was saying. His lips were moving too fast as he struggled fruitlessly to vent his agitation verbally. Horror washed over her face a moment later and her cheeks flushed bright red.
"Zoro! Crap, have you been on mute this whole time?!" she demanded. She released him from her hold.
"Yes! Yes! YES, I HAVE BEEN!" Zoro shouted. Lana shrank back from his volume and he quickly cleared his throat. "Yes, Lana, I have been. Sorry, I've been screaming all day. I didn't mean to be that loud."
"Sorry?! You're sorry?! Zoro, I'm so sorry!" Lana all but wept, face falling into her hands as shame overcame her. "I'm so sorry, I forgot I did that! I thought it would wear off on it's own! I didn't mean to leave you like that this whole time!"
"Calm down, it's not that serious," Zoro frowned, pulling her hands away from her face and tilting her gaze up so she could see the smile he fixed on for her. As irritated as he was by the past few hours, the mild comedy of the situation didn't fully escape him either. "What did you think was going on, anyway?"
"I just thought you were brooding," Lana pouted. "I'm sorry."
"I'm glad you're sorry. Don't use your devil fruit powers me again, okay?" he requested.
"I guess I won't," she sighed. "But you were being such a jerk... can't I even use them just a little, just when you're being unreasonable? I won't forget to take them off again after."
"Don't do it," Zoro shook his head. "I'm not a jerk, I'm not unreasonable and I didn't like that. So don't do it again."
"Fine, I won't," Lana conceded. "But you were being a jerk, and you're not always as reasonable as you think you are."
"And you talk too damn much," he informed her, leaning over her with one hand braced against the mast and the other fixed to his hip.
"So you're not mad at me?" Lana pressed, tentative but hopeful.
"Only for yapping my ear off," Zoro teased. "No, Lana, I'm not mad at you."
"So you're fine with it if I change the way I train?"
"Do you really need my approval?" he challenged her with a raised eyebrow.
Reflexively, Lana wanted to be defensive.
'Of course not,' her pride thought cockily. 'I do what I want and not because I'm seeking your approval.'
A deeper, more diminutive truth poked its head up from beneath the cloak of Lana's ego where it had been hiding quietly.
"Zoro, I do... really, really respect your judgement," Lana said carefully, struggling to articulate the sentiment.
She held his opinion in high esteem because he was the best at what he did. It would take a special kind of idiot to ignore combat advice from a man who'd devoted his life to dominating the arena of battle.
"And so... I want to do something that's going to work for me, something that'll help me get better on my own level. But I also don't want to bother doing something you think is stupid. Because if you think it's stupid, I'm sure you have a good reason for that and I'm not interested in wasting my time. Does that... make sense?"
"Perfect sense," Zoro allowed. "Do what you need to do, Lana. If I see you doing something stupid, I'll tell you so."
"Thank you," she sighed.
'She wasn't actually mad at me this time,' Zoro thought with some amusement. 'She was just misplacing her feelings.'
He leaned closer to her, but she stopped him with a creased brow and a flat hand before he could give her a kiss. He frowned his confusion.
"You forgot something too," she informed him.
"I did? Well if I forgot it, it can't have been too important," Zoro puzzled. He pressed forward again, but she didn't relent and he didn't force his way past her palm on his chest.
"It's important to me," she insisted.
"Well if it's important to you, it's important to me," Zoro allowed. "What was it?"
"That swing you took at me in our cabin."
"When I was trying to make you show me your haki," Zoro recalled.
Lana grit her teeth. She'd spent a lot of time mulling over what she would say to him about it, but now that the moment had arrived, all that premeditation flew out the window. Impulse seized her and she blurted out raw emotion in place of reason.
"I hate that you did that!"
The vitriol in her words took him aback, just a little. Lana let her head fall back against the mast, taking her eyes off his in an attempt to rein in her blossoming anger. She didn't want to lash out at him with words she would regret later, knew she needed to get a handle on her turbulent emotions if she was going to prevent herself from doing so.
"I know we give and take hits all the time when we're sparring. I remember I once told you we shouldn't pull punches. I still mean that, but I just... I don't know. I keep replaying that moment in my head trying to figure out what it was about it that upset me so much, but I can't-"
"Lana, shh," Zoro entreated. He tapped her lips with one finger gently. He was requesting her silence, not ordering it and she obliged his desire, stilling and meeting his gaze again. "It's fine. You don't need to understand everything. I don't need to understand. All you have to do is say you don't want me to do it again, and I never will. Understand?"
Gratitude swelled in Lana's heart, overwhelming her with its power. She nodded, fearing her voice would waver if she tried to speak.
"So, can I kiss you now?" Zoro checked, pulling her palm from his chest and tangling their fingers as he pressed closer to her.
Lana nodded again, opening to him with all the relieving bliss of reconciliation buoying her emotions to their highest point.
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