#i get lulled into a sense of false security and then an episode like this happens
hearts-hunger · 1 year
oh god the horrors are so bad tonight
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syrena-del-mar · 4 months
The Nine Circles of Hell: Dead Friend Forever, Episode 7
First, a trigger warning: I'll be discussing themes of revenge porn, grooming, statutory rape, sexual coercion.
I'm going to discuss this episode with as much upmost care as I can, due to the sheer amount of sensitive material that came out of this week's episode I will also not being using any explicit scene screen captures from this episode. If there's anything you'd like to me to take out or want a more in depth conversation, feel free to use either of my message boxes.
Last week I said DFF had more to offer than just being a campy 90s slasher remake. While I first thought we were already in the depths of hell, thematically, with Non getting beaten by the mafia, I didn't expect this week's episode to somehow double that pain. But here we are. I was lulled into false security with the 5 minute montage of getting to know what Phee and Non's relationship was like. I should have remembered that I'm definitely watching the wrong genre when I expected more of those moments.
Non and Phee
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This episode really continues and expands the idea that humans are not these clear-cut, unambiguous, good-or-bad beings that idea has now been depicted through Non and his relationship with Phee. Non has so much love to give and so much want for being loved, it's what leads to Phee in the first place, but it's also what leads to his downfall. Because Non loves so much and so hard, it's also why he wasn't ecstatic that Phee had to lie to his father and say that he was involved, just to get him out of trouble with the police. What started like a sweet date turns a bit bitter, because Non is seeing the consequences of his actions not only affect himself but also the others that he loves. It's also why he couldn't tell Phee about the sheer amount he owed Tee's uncle, because he was now well aware that if Phee found out, he would get himself involved.
Non lies and manipulates Phee, he tells him time and time again that nothing happened between him and Mr. Kreng. Non swears to Phee that he isn't lying to him and that he won't keep any secrets from him anymore. It pains him to do so, he's barely holding himself together by the end of a thread thread once he's Phee's arms and his face is hidden from Phee's view. Yet, he does. He keeps it a secret how big of a hole he has found himself in, because he doesn't want to drag Phee down with him. Non says it himself to Jin, he doesn't want to be burden, he'll figure it out himself. It's a direct parallel to the bigger issues that Non is finding himself in beyond just within the 'movie set'. He has the 300 million baht hanging over his head, his parents (in his point of view) regret having him and find that he does is bring embarrassment to the family, and now he has another adult willing to give him the 300 million baht with a fake sense of care. So he found, what he believes to be, a solution that would get rid of the 300 million baht debt and all it requires is giving up a piece of himself, but at least it won't come at a cost of burdening his parents or Phee.
In trying to protect Phee, his lies ends up costing him the one he loves the most, Phee. Now from this point on, this is all speculation, but when Phee accused Non of 'always doing this', I'm not in the camp that believes that Phee is accusing Non about being a serial cheater. I see why people are in that camp, but I initially jumped to that conclusion as well. Now, I'm more in the line that Phee is accusing of Non always feeding him lies, even after explicitly promising him that he wouldn't. After putting his neck out for him, after letting Non do things his way as long as he promised to tell him the truth, Non goes back to telling lies. Phee lashes out, and at the end of the day he's still a teenager, so he hits Non's weakest point. Just get lost and die. The very words that likely haunt Phee in the present-day, now as an adult. And Non's holds the broken bracelet, punishing himself, because he knew that there was no coming back from losing his lifeline.
Non and Mr. Kreng (Please keep my trigger warnings in mind, they will be heavily discussed in this section.)
Statutory Rape. Grooming. Coerced Sexual Relations. Nonconsensual Sex. Molestation. Sexual Assault. Sexual Abuse. Those are all words to describe the relationship that occurred between Non and Mr. Keng. Let's call exactly what it is. I think I'll lose my mind if I have to see someone another person call Non a cheater. There is no cheating when there is statutory rape.
Non is literally at the end of his rope, Mr. Keng clocked that immediately. He knew that Non was isolated, that he was completely othered by his classmates, he believes that Non has nobody else to turn to, and he knows that Non is in deep in a scam that target teens. In his eyes, he found the perfect victim.
Non is taken advantage of by a person in power, a person that he should be able to trust. Non isn't naïve, he clocked that Mr. Keng wanted something from him since the moment they first met. But he is vulnerable. He's being extorted by the mafia and he sees someone offering him the money that he needs to put an end to that. In his eyes, it was a way out, a means to an end that just cost him a piece of his soul. I truly think Non rationalized it to himself as prostituting himself, because he knew that money was never coming without a price. No matter how much Mr. Keng tried to sell it as 'brotherly' love.
But at the end of the day, it does not matter what Non believed or rationalized, because Mr. Keng was the adult in the situation. He had a duty, as a teacher, to protect Non and provide a safe classroom environment. Instead he target, manipulates, and coerces Non into having sexual relations with him. He knows the power imbalance he holds, first as a teacher and then with the 300 million baht he 'gave' him. Mr. Keng, knowing that Non's not close to his 'friends', physically isolates him. He takes him to his office that's half-lit, located in a long hallway with, seemingly, very little foot traffic. He prods at Non, asking what's been bothering him and has him visibly become emotional, before offering his care. He's a complete and utter predator, in every sense of the term.
I hope he dies a long, painful death.
Non and Jin
First and foremost, whether or not Jin was ultimately the one that posted the video does not matter. Filming a classmate being sexually assaulted is still child porn at the very least and, possibly, revenge porn (if he disseminated the video) at the worst. I was on the same boat as @respectthepetty and their take that Jin had to be the worst of them all. Like they said in that post, Jin is a coward and he even admits to it. There's nothing more cowardly than hiding behind a door, filming you supposed 'friend' getting sexually abused by your teacher, and then even considering putting up on social media for revenge because your heart is broken.
Yes, Top framed Non. Yes, Por demanded (and bullied) money from Non. Yes, Tee brought Non to the mafia. Those are all very bad things, don't get me wrong. All the physical and mental abuse they put Non through was hell. Yet, Jin was the only one aware that Non had already been seeing someone, which seemingly had upset him already. Then he sees him with Mr. Keng and instead of reporting that his alleged friend was being assaulted, he gets angry and films Non at his most vulnerable point in life. Even Fluke didn't want any part of that.
Jin takes away Non's dignity. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether he uploaded it online or not, he was still the one to film, transfer that file onto his computer, and contemplate whether he was going to post it or not. At every point since he found that Non and Mr. Kreng were in that room, he rendered Non powerless. That video would have never been uploaded if it hadn't existed in the first place. With just a point of a camera and click of a button, he is revictimizing Non every. single. time. that video is opened and seen by another person.
There are no words to fully describe or explain that kind of trauma that he has subjected Non to.
Final Thoughts
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This episode was nauseating. It honestly took me about two hours just to get to the end. Usually, I can watch through a show I enjoy really quickly, but this episode was so hard to digest. And that's simply due to how realistic they are approaching the subject of Non and Mr. Keng.
Barcode and Ta really are the stars of the show. I'm not saying that the other castmates aren't amazing in their roles, but man TaBarcode really know are hitting every single emotional beat. I was never a TaBarcode nor a MacauChay girlie, but man Be On Cloud has truly brought out their best this time around. Even though I fully know we are heading towards an incredibly heart wrenching ending for PheeNon, I can't help but want to hoard and scramble for moments of them together.
It's crazy how well, everyone was able to pull their weight this episode. There were so many moments that with less talented, less experienced actors, could have fallen flat, but they didn't. Ta and Barcode's PheeNon was so incredibly heart-beating, butterfly inducing before we were brought back into their reality outside of their relationship. 2J and Barcode's scenes were.... so disgustingly real, for lack of better words. I knew that storyline was never going to end well but it had been more than I ever expected Be On Cloud to release. They're tackling such real issues that weigh on teens with incredible tact, there's no romanticizing what happened. Even Phee's reaction was so understandable when you put yourself in the shoes of a teenager. I'll reiterate again and again, whatever you think about Be On Cloud as a management company, as a production company, they really are breaking boundaries and doing something right. Whatever happens in the second half, I think I'll be here, recovering, for a long time.
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bengiyo · 7 months
Only Friends Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Atom lied to Cheum that Boston forced him to have sex with him repeatedly, and his friends iced him out completely. Boeing showed up to be an absolute menace and it was compelling. Top and Mew are still doing this dance, and Mew has decided to utilize Boeing to torment Top. Nick avoided advancing things with Dan, and then reconciled with Boston. Ray learned that Sand wasn't taking his dad's money (which is dumb) and decided to commit to rehab.
"Move on. Move in."
Plug, please don't drink after Sand. You do not know where that boy has been.
Look at them messing with Yo and Plug getting back together to lull me into a false sense of security.
Top and Mew are so annoying. Just please break up already.
I like that Nick is being honest with Dan without over sharing. He's also not giving Dan hope. "I like you, but I'm not ready to be anyone's boyfriend right now. Let's just focus on work," is actually good for both of them. Dan is disappointed, but he knows where he stands.
I'm glad Sand is avoiding Ray. He's been called a whore so many times.
I like Sand's mom.
I know they better give Sand that money after all he's been through. I do like that Sand doesn't think Ray needs to completely give up alcohol, but he does need to manage his dependency.
I feel like I've lost the thread on why Mew keeps hanging out with Boeing.
Look at nasty4nasty working again. We've added another boy to Mark's counter and furthered the mission to add complicated layers to digital surveillance and blackmail in modern queer life.
Now what was Boston thinking there when he glanced at Nick when he said he knows what it's like to have a one-sided love?
Things are going too well for Sand and Ray. Ray still got Sand to do the community service with him. Something is going to show up and disrupt them.
Every time I see Mew and Top I'm just like, "Potion Seller, enough of these games!"
I'm glad Sand is pathetic for every man he was in love with. Ray ain't special. Sand is just like this.
We have missed multiple opportunities for a Mama Sandwich and I am despondent.
I wish we'd gotten a better since of Top's emotional interior. Force is clearly playing Top as sincere, and I don't know how much of my distrust of Top is past experiences with guys like him or the reputation he has within the show.
I'm not a fan of Cheum's reaction here to Atom's admission. On his lie, they stormed Boston's house and accused him of assault. They kicked him out of their project. They stripped him of his community. We can support Atom learning something important about himself and still make sure we let him know that what he did was foul. I'm so not into Cheum at all. I was not expecting to have so many qualms with lesbians in this show.
I really loved that conversation between Boston and Nick. They continue to feel the most honest with each other about what they are to each other. I love Boston offering Nick this little time they have left and being clear that it does expire. I like that it's a request, and I like that Nick didn't exactly give him an answer. Nick has been burned, so he's being more cautious with Boston.
I actually kinda want Top and Mew to work out, because the back and forth with them is the kind of thing you need someone willing to spar with for it to work.
Ray saying he'll pay anything for Sand as his boyfriend might be more romantic if he didn't always call Sand a whore when he got mad.
Well well well, are we finally going to get that threesome??
A fire in the last episode what the hell. Who is burning down Top's hotel?? Who isn't Boeing going to try to fuck??
I'm so amused at Ray being possessive of Sand and asking him to draw a boundary with Boeing as if he ever managed to draw one with Ray. Top and Mew remain so uncertain for me, and I'm a bit disappointed that Top will remain an enigma to me. Boston and Nick are the only ones moving towards something that feels sustainable. Atom can leave and never come back. I'm over Cheum.
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Happy Tuesday evening :) This is such a good one. Jealousy thy name is Lucy Chen is what this ep should be called. The Green eyed monster coming out real hard for her in this one. But then Lucy has no feelings for him right….
3x11 New Blood
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Our ep starts out with our trio scoping the new rookies. Lucy talks to Katie first. Asking who her T.O. Is going to be? We find out Tim is her new teacher. Lucy is tying not to gush too much about him. Saying she will learn so much but trails off. Katie catches on that Lucy is burying the lead a little. Lucy fesses up Tim can be a little intense. HA You got him at his most intense dear Lucy. He was a radioactive trap ready to gobble her up at first. Then after that was mostly based on his intense need to make sure she succeeded.
Katie doesn't seem intimidated by this info but very appreciative of it. Lucy tells Barnes to reach out to her if she ever goes into a self doubt spiral. So sweet. Also she has a feeling that this new rookie will have one. It's Tim no way she wouldn't right? Gotta love her trying to help the new girl out though. Pre-warn her of what's to come. We all know how ‘Intense’ Lucy’s first shift was with Tim. So it’s very thoughtful of her to reach out and offer help if she needs it.
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The jealously begins at the food trucks. Tamara is there with Jackson and Lucy. They’re talking about getting her set up in her new housing. Tim’s new rookie catches Tamara’s eye. She asks who Officer Zaddy is with? LMAO I remember having to look up what that meant the first time haha but it’s accurate to Tim. In case you need a refresher it means ‘Sexually attractive older man, who is charming and self confident’. That’s our Tim haha Yum.
Tamara asks how it feels to be replaced? Lucy shrugs it off saying she's glad Tim is torturing someone else. Ok honey we believe you..... That mindset lasts all of two seconds before Jackson points out he’s paying for her coffee. Lucy’s jealously begins here and doesn’t stop for the majority of this episode. She is intently watching and sees he’s letting her drive too. She is absolutely incensed by this whole thing. He’s also smiling while he’s paying for her coffee. Lucy is none too pleased about this. Her face says it all as they walk way. Jealously and resentment party of one.
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Lucy can't actually fathom him being nice on day one like this. So she then she comes up with a plan to explain it all. Because it’ll help with her jealously if she does. Saying how Tim is only doing it to lull her into false sense of security. She’ll be wearing that coffee before too long. Lucy is all smiles till Jackson calls her out on it. Oof. Telling her how messed up it is she is enjoying this. Her bubble bursting rapidly even Tamara can’t look at her LOL Oh my girl you are as transparent as glass. The jealously is seeping out of her. Melissa kills this scene with her facial expressions. The whole episode really.
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Tim and Katie catch a call about a robbery. I do love watching Tim with her because they’re so like minded. Except Tim knows how to be a cop vs a soldier. Fascinating to watch tbh. Lucy and Jackson show up as their backup when they start to take fire. Katie has injured one of them and is rendering first aid. Something that seems foreign to her. In the military you aren't doing that for your enemies.
Tim see's Katie is struggling with this concept. So he put his hand on her shoulder as a sign of support. Lucy immediately notices this and voices her jealously once again. Jackson doesn’t even notice what they’re doing. He asks her 'What?' Thinking it’s something egregious. Nope just Tim putting his hand on Katie’s shoulder….The green eyed monster is fuming at this moment. Telling Jackson she didn’t even get a fist bump when she saved his life day one...
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Lucy is so aggravated and jealous. I saw a post once saying 'She's a ten but terrible at hiding her feelings.' Ha It's true Lucy wears them on her sleeve normally. This is another level though. Not even trying a little bit to hide it. He’s bought her coffee, been nice to her, let her drive and now she’s getting an empathetic touch all on day one. Driving Lucy nuts. She had to fight and claw for every inch with Tim. So this whole situation is seeming very unfair to her.
That Barnes is getting it handed to her on a silver platter in Lucy’s eyes. The thing is Lucy changed Tim so much for the better in many ways. Another part of her is jealous because Katie is getting an emotionally healthier version of Tim. Where she got a dumpster fire ready to implode at a moments notice. Took her time to breakthrough. The kicker is Tim is in the place he is now because of Lucy. But she can't see that atm. Jealously doesn’t tend to allow one to see logic LOL She is legit pouting above as they load their suspect up.
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE this next part with Tim and Katie. Anytime we get to delve into Tim past i’m a happy girl. Not only that but his military past. Trying to teach her how to live in the world she's currently in now. Not the one she was in before the LAPD. He’s trying to help reset her brain. I love him taking her to this peaceful park to accomplish this. The little bit of funny sass when he says 'No it's adorable.' HA Who are you and what have you done with Tim Bradford?
He can tell Katie is still unsettled from their encounter earlier. So he's trying to redirect her focus. i.e. the lady bug. You know Tim had to do something similar when he returned. I’m sure he struggled coming out of that mindset into a less controlled one. Where you’re not told what to do and when. Everything happens in a split second based off your decisions. The way he easily connects to what they’re doing. His insightful words of wisdom for her. He was Katie when he returned home. Thinking he’s still in country, everyone is either hostile or friendly. The way he speaks is from deep experience.
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Tim tells her to take a deep breath, feel the sun on her face, close her eyes. He would cover her when she closed them. This scene gets me all emotional. I know what it's like to have PTSD. How it can control your entire life. To be in a consistent state of fight or flight. Because you've forgotten what it's like to have a safe space. What it's like to have your guard down. Tim is creating that safe space for her right now. By telling Katie he has her covered. To let herself just be in the moment. This scene showcases a couple things. One it show's Tim's good heart. How badly he wants to help her. I love this man so very much.
Two just shows how damn good he is at his job. Taking his past pain and experience and using it to help transition Katie. To help her transition better than I'm sure he did. Because he knows how sideways this can go if she doesn't get ahold of this. That if she continues down this path it’s not going to go well. Telling her to live in the moment. It’s hard but it’s the only way he got past the war. To move forward again. This soft side of Tim doing things to me. Already love this man but this just increases it ten fold. The soft way he speaks to her the entire scene. Phew lord. Getting weak in the knees.
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Tamara calls Lucy asking if she can come get her. That her cousin is drunk and won’t let her get her stuff. Lucy grabs her off duty weapon and is on her way. I love how confidently she walks up and yells at Tamara's cousin to get her stuff. Get ‘em Lucy! Her stance is amazing. He listens like a smart man. Doesn't test Lucy. Tim would be so proud of her. Love me some confident BAMF Lucy. He gets her stuff tells her not to come back. What a jackass. Lucy asks what happened? Tamara tells Lucy her new place has black mold. It’ll be couple months before she can get in there.
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We find out she asked her cousin if she could extend her stay. He lost it on her. Apparently his GF can't stand her staying there. Hence Tamara calling her for help. Says she will figure something out… Lucy refuses to let her drown. Tells her she can stay with her till the new place is ready. That she’s family ❤️ They really are found sisters and I love it sfm. They say family isn’t always blood. It isn't the same last name or bloodline. It's the people that constantly show up for you. Lucy has done this with Tamara and she's finally accepting it. Truly believing and trusting Lucy's word now. Her relief above is so sweet. I love their relationship so much.
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We've now reached Lucy's boiling point of the episode. She legit implodes with jealously when she see Tim doing Katie's paperwork. She can’t take it any longer. Has to say something. Starts by making a snide comment about him doing paperwork day 2.... The way he looks up at her in the second gif LOL Tim is smart enough to know he’s in a fight with Lucy he’s just not sure why…He asks her if she has something to say? Knowing damn well she has a lot to say. Lucy is trembling with anger and jealously. Asking why he’s being so nice to her? The hurt in her tone is evident af. Her body language matching that tone.
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Tim has opened the flood gates by asking her if she has something to say. Lucy doesn't hesitate and goes OFF on him. Her body language really betrays her so much in this scene. She is so damn revved up. Listing all the ways he tormented her in the early days. Mentioning when he stole her duty belt when she had to pee. The way he reminisces about that moment above has me rolling so much. Like ah yes I was so very mean to you LMAO Thinking damn that was a good one. Lucy telling him he called her boot so much she has PTSD from the word itself.
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Now when Lucy says this it prompts Tim to say Katie has other issues. Lucy is so angrily blind in her jealously she goes off more. Saying like what? Then goes on a very insecure and specific rant about her. Oh Lucy when you start listing physical attributes like that it’s screaming you’re so VERY jealous. Her emotions betraying her wholly in this scene. Listing all the things Lucy feels like Tim doesn’t see in her. Which is a damn lie but she isn’t seeing straight right now. All she can see is her jealously and unfairness of his kindness.
Her insecurities are coming out in spades right now. Not only does this woman get soft Tim she’s also beautiful and smart. Lucy feels threatened on so many levels. This scene is screaming that. Tim follows up her rant with 'She won’t wear any perfume.' Lucy is so caught up in her emotions she forgot he’s answering her question from before. She’s confused and asks what that has to do with anything? Getting more irritated. Tim realizes she needs his full attention for this. Puts his pen in his pocket and turns toward her.
Stops what he’s doing and tells her how he teaches his trainee's. Saying he teaches his recruits according to what they need. You can see Lucy is riled up still but listening to him. He starts with a continuation to his previous statement. Saying she won’t wear perfume because she’s still worried it’ll give away her position. Telling Lucy a part of her is still in Afghanistan waging a war that is over for her. He continues on to say if she’s ever going to be a cop that instinct has to go.
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Before Lucy can say a word he compliments her. Calling her a kind and insightful person. How she sees the good in people. Now I love this because he is doing build, break, build here. Building her up before breaking her back down by letting her know WHY he trained her the way he did. Vs what he's doing with Katie. Man has a reason for pretty much everything he does with this job especially teaching.
Trying to show Lucy that she and Katie view the world very differently. So his approach with her has to be the polar opposite. Lucy looks mortified by the time he’s done. Like she’s embarrassed she showed her hand emotionally and was wrong. Also it being over something she would've supported had she known the facts. Lucy immediately asks Tim if she’s going to be ok? That empathy of her's kicking right into gear now that Tim has calmed her down.
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Tim says in time she will be ok. Which had she given him the chance to do this she would've been. He then ends the conversation with the best compliment she could’ve received from him. Tim basically saying she’s an incredible cop. That one day Barnes might even be as good as she is now. That shuts Lucy up effectively haha He does some heart eyes and does a mic drop of a walk away. Knowing there isn't more to say. That he needed to quell her insecurities and he did just that. It's the way he softens in that second gif as he compliments her. Gah I love them so much. He's so proud of his girl and lets her know it.
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Lucy's reaction is the best part. She’s so full of giddiness it’s adorable. Her person just complimented her in the best way possible. Validating she’s amazing at her job. The little smirk and twirl is so cute I can not. It’s like when the guy you like says he likes you back. Lucy can’t contain her glee. He just made her whole damn year. His opinion of her is everything so she is on cloud 9 right now.
Love that Tim doesn’t make her feel bad for being jealous or questioning why he’s being nice to Katie. Just breaks it down and does what he does best with her. Says the right thing in the perfect way so she doesn’t spiral any further. The fact that he did that and complimented her not once but twice. Sigh How far we have come everyone how far we have come. ❤️
Side notes- Non Chenford
It is a bummer Katie doesn’t stick around. I get why she doesn’t. Transferring from one stressful environment to another is a lot when you still have ptsd issues. Telling Tim when he let her have her guard down, feel the sun on her face was the first time she felt at peace in a long time. He so desperately wants to help her transition. Because he’s been there done that. She declines and resigns.
Then Tim does something that makes me love him even more if thats even possible. That even though he’s disappointed she’s leaving he lets her know he’s going to check in on her. *heart clutch* Tells her she has 3 years before her POST certification expires. That she will always have a home here if she needs it. Oh Timothy be still my heart sir.
I love Tim having to be the neutral third party for Wopez and Wes’s mom for the wedding plans. It’s fantastic. He is a negotiator for them it’s so funny.
Harper/James flirty flirts for self defense class. Silas being his wing man to help him secure a date with Nyla. Too damn cute.
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solisaureus · 4 months
oh i have THOUGHTS on hades
I was a little taken aback by Hades's casual, friendly demeanor -- he's not very menacing or ominous like he is in the book. Instead, the feeling I got from him was that he was lulling Percy into a false sense of security.
The first thing he does when Percy enters his palace is offer him pomegranate juice. Right off the bat he gives off his hidden intentions: to trap Percy in the Underworld.
This is where people who have read the books have an advantage in assessing this representation of the character. What do we know about Hades? We know that he knows about the Great Prophecy, that a half blood of either his, Zeus's, or Poseidon's will have the power to save or destroy Olympus. We know that Percy doesn't know about that prophecy yet. We know that he has two demigod children that aren't sixteen yet. We know that Zeus tried to kill them, and succeeding in killing Hades's mortal lover. We know that Hades was so angry at Zeus for that that he cursed the Oracle.
We know that Hades's fatal flaw is holding grudges.
We know that later in the series, Hades is going to try to control the prophecy by trapping Percy in the Underworld, because he wants to topple Zeus from his throne on Olympus. He wants to punish Zeus for what he did to him.
In the Lightning Thief, Hades lures Percy to the Underworld by stealing Sally because he thinks Percy has his Helm of Darkness (the show never explained what that was btw. wtf). But he also knows that Percy is the most likely candidate for the prophecy, and if Hades wants his child to determine the fate of Olympus, he will have to get rid of Percy.
In this episode, Hades tells Percy he isn't jealous like his brothers. That he's happy with his lot in the Underworld, and that he has no interest in the bolt. But the moment Percy suggests that Kronos could be rising, Hades realizes that the threat to Olympus is here. The one that the prophecy child will have the power to either avert or allow. And what is the next thing that Hades does after this realization?
He offers "sanctuary" to Percy. He tries to convince the son of Poseidon, who is closer to 16 than either of his two children, to stay in the Underworld. To voluntarily do to himself what Hades is going to use Nico do to him in 4 books.
Hades seems so nonthreatening, so casual. But he is holding all the cards and revealing none of them. And it's going to be a long, long time before the other shoe drops.
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polygonal-trees · 2 months
overall I think the pacing in Bravern is very good, the creators seem to have a good grasp of how to tell a fairly complex story in a relatively short amount of time and the bizarre tonal shifts work well with how wacky and OTT the show is
but I wish it had just maybe two more episodes so it could expand on some things.
like we never got to see Lewis and Lulu properly copilot together, and I think that's a massive shame because it could have further foreshadowed Lulu piloting Superbia and Lewis becoming Bravern. It also would've been just fun to watch, maybe adding a bit more comedy to lull us into a false sense of security right before Lewis's death
and we barely got a glimpse of the alternative future timeline! I would've loved to see what life is like for all the surviving characters, and what the world is like in the wake of the Deathdrive invasion. Show us what Isami's and Bravern's sacrifice actually accomplished! It would've made the emotions hit harder imo
To be clear, I'm not blaming the show runners, they didn't get to decide the series length. But I do think there were some missed opportunities - things that were skipped out of necessity but would have enhanced the story.
tldr: fourteen episode animes when.
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love is a dagger [loki x oc] [part one]
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loki x oc
part one
[master post here]
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Pairing: Loki x Original Character (she/they)
Setting: Canon goes out the window as Loki joins the Avengers Compound. He's not exactly "one of the gang" but, in a tentative truce with Thor, is allowed to live and train with the Avengers and other SHIELD agents living and working on the Compound.
Loki's trying to be better. Really, he is. But atoning for his crimes in the Battle of New York -- and processing more trauma than he has begun to comprehend -- hasn't been easy: Thor stuck his neck out to get him here and won't let him forget it. The other Avengers watch him like they expect him to spontaneously combust.
A particularly annoying SHIELD agent approaches him again and again during his solo workout sessions, insistent upon learning hand-to-hand combat and close-quarters weapons skills. Six months in, he's impressed by how far they've come, and falling for them... hard.
Summary: Six months into Agent Grey Forrest's precarious "are we more than friends?" alliance with the God of Mischief, he accidentally stabs her during a training exercise. (wc 2.6k)
(Grey Forrest - femme/nb, presenting androgynous femme, uses she/they pronouns interchangeably.)
Warnings: Later episodes become more explicit -- Minors DNI. Blood, hospital/surgery/sedatives/stitches, general angst, mild swearing, inferences of past trauma. (if I've missed something please let me know!)
(a cheesy title *and* an OC in my first ever Loki fic? we're going all in, agent. this one has floated around in a doc for a few weeks now and she's dying to see the light of day. future eps will include TWs for dark themes but right now she's a slow burn queen that might make you hate me a little. things will get smuttier, I promise.) inspired by the prompt, "loki accidentally stabs you while training."
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My wrist pins Loki's arm against the concrete wall. 
Panting and grinning, I flick my ponytail back over my shoulder. My torso edges against his, the slick athletic material of my uniform sliding against his worn leather armor. Loki pants, his parted lips spilling hot breath across my face. The knife in my hand glints in the afternoon sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and spilling over the blue plastic mat floor of the sparring room.
Loki's bright green eyes flash a half-second before he bodily shoves me aside, spinning us around. He pivots, and my wrist – still clutching my knife – is now locked into his grip. He twists it behind my back and tugs me into his chest. 
Loki's gold dagger finds my throat.
“Checkmate,” he growls playfully. 
Adrenaline spiking, my chest heaves. Damn him. Stupid mistakes like this will get me killed in the field. 
I raise my empty hand, reluctantly signaling surrender. I can practically hear the smug grin of success on his lips as he releases my other wrist, gently pushing me away.
My fingers spread in a gesture of mercy. As if I intend to let him have this one; he's bested me yet again. His answering grin, flashing a glimpse of perfect pearly whites, is infuriatingly confident. Cheeky. A fire blooms in my chest, even as my heart hammers with exhaustion.
He lowers his dagger, his own chest rising and falling beneath his heavily scratched black leather armor. Lulled into a false sense of security by his favorite sparring companion's unwavering surrender.
I lunge forward, taking advantage of that trust in my surrender. My knife strikes out towards his armored torso; my aim wavers, glinting off the worn brassy-gold panel at his waist. 
Loki snatches my arm, flicking it away effortlessly. “Cheating the Trickster?” he jabs, then vanishes in a blink of black smoke. We’ve both broken our rules of combat now: perfidy and sorcery.
“Little traitor.” He reappears to my left. My head spins, disoriented, as he lunges, and I parry backwards – 
His gold blade sinks into the slip of unarmored flesh at my side. Time slows around us as my gaze flutters from the blade to Loki’s face. His confidence melts into horror.
We gasp in unison as steel meets skin. My body recoils instinctively as blade strikes bone, glinting off my ribcage; the scratch against my rib resounds through my entire body. 
“Fuck,” I gasp. All the wind rushes out of my lungs. Loki's hand falters and his blade clatters to the floor. I clutch my ribcage as the room starts spinning around me.
“Grey, I'm so sorry,” Loki pants. He hesitates before stepping toward me, hands hovering over me, paralyzed by fear and indecision. Blood trickles between my fingers.
“Fuck,” I echo. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” My voice is soft in my throat and I can't stop repeating the curse. All my training flies out of my head as my stab wound leaks onto my uniform and drips onto the blue mat beneath my feet. Apply pressure. Get help. 
“Are you alright?”
“Of course I'm not alright,” I spit, finally gathering my bearings. “You fucking stabbed me!” He flinches away, but I’m too rattled to feel particularly guilty. I’m shaking all over, trying to grip the hem of my athletic shirt with my other hand. I tug, but the fabric doesn't give; I can't get a good grasp with my trembling fingers, but I need a cloth to apply pressure and soak up the blood, I need to get down to the medical wing and –
“Stop that,” Loki says. “Come here.” He conjures a white rag in a flash of green light and takes another step towards me.
Before I can so much as blink, he's lifting my bloodied hand from my torso and replacing it with his own. The cloth beneath his palm presses into my chest. One arm slopes across my shoulders, curling me towards him. 
I finally look up at him.
He hovers over me, brows pinched. His chest is still rapidly rising and falling beneath his scarred armor, huffing through his flared nostrils, lips pressed into a flat line. His dark curls spill over his forehead; through them, and his eyes flash up at me, now darkened by swollen pupils.
He looks every inch a kicked dog.
I lay my hand over his. “I've got it,” I murmur. My heart pounds again; unhelpful. Quickening my heart rate will only increase the blood flow.
“Right,” he answers in a soft voice, nodding once and releasing his palm, transferring the pressure back to my hand. “Grey, I never meant to hurt you,” he continues quickly. “My hand slipped. I’m sorry.”
“I need to get to the medical wing.” My vision blurs and shifts; there isn’t enough room in my head for apologies. Dark red quickly soaks through Loki's white cloth. I take a single step forward, but my leg shakes unsteadily. 
Loki stops me. “You're in no fit state to walk. Let me help you.” There's an urgency in his voice. Fear laces the edge of his words.
My breath hitches and shudders. “I can walk.”
“Damn it all, Grey,” he barks, gripping my arm. “Let me help you.” 
I jerk my head up, eyes wide. 
It's been a long time since I've been afraid of Loki. 
He clenches every muscle in his jaw, the sharp cut of his chin barely containing the multitude of biting comments forming there. But there's no fury in his eyes. Frustration, yes; but no anger.
It's fear. 
Black fear sours his expression. Loki, who perpetually radiates cocksure swagger and irritating arrogance, is reduced to a frightened, trembling hesitation.
“Please.” A gentler tone, firm but tender. The vice-like grip of his long fingers loosens. I nod. My head swims and I clutch my forehead with my free hand.
Loki scoops me into his arms. My world flips upside-down; I squeeze my eyes shut against the onslaught of dizziness. Every step rattles my body, forcing me to bite back a groan of pain.
“I'm getting blood on your armor,” I say, tipping my head onto his shoulder. Anything to abate this dizziness; if I throw up on his armor, I’ll probably die of embarrassment – if the stab wound doesn’t get me first. The hand clutching my side, now pressed into his torso, feels sticky and wet. “Why am I losing so much blood?”
“Hush now,” he croons softly. My stomach churns.
I can't decide if it's from the stab wound, or from Loki. His arms curl around my body with strength and gentleness that might tear me apart. 
I can't stop picturing that fear in his eyes. Like a kicked dog. A dog who's been kicked over and over for the crime of loving. Who can't stop running back to whatever – or whomever – hurt him. 
I've never kicked this dog. Why is he afraid of me?
“I'm gonna be fine, Loki,” I murmur, my cheek pressed into a metal buckle of his training armor. I shift my head, tucking it into his chest. I'm getting tired. “Fine.” But my hand shifts against the wound and I can tell the cloth is soaked through.
Loki's chest rumbles, but I can't make out what he's saying. It's a frustrated noise, I know that much. He makes enough little noises of discontent that I've learned to differentiate between the sounds. 
Other voices fill the space around us. I think he’s telling someone what happened, though much of his voice is still a low rumble in his chest. My leaden head sinks into him.
Suddenly, he’s relinquishing me, laying me down on a hard, flat surface. It's my turn to grumble discontented noises. My arms stretch out back towards the safety of his, but other hands start prodding and grabbing at me. My eyes fly open, heart pounding again, I’m gasping for air–
“You're all right,” Loki murmurs in a low voice somewhere beside me. “They’re going to help you now.”
Medical staff swarm as the stretcher jolts forward. I squeeze my eyes shut again. Lights flash behind my eyelids at regular intervals. 
“Sir, were going to have to ask you to wait–”
“I'll stay right here, thank you.” 
The stretcher jerks to a halt. Fingers and needles pinch against my arm, unpleasantly shocking my brain in and out of the heavy sluggish fog. My athletic shirt tugs downward with a metallic snick of scissors– 
I blink my eyes open again, hands slapping against the hands and shears cutting through my clothes – no, stop, and I think the words gasp out of my throat but I can't be sure if I’m actually saying them out loud.
“Agent, we have to access the wound,” a voice snaps through the warbled haze. Someone pulls my hands away. My stomach flips – I can't freak out, if I freak out I'll lose control, I can't freak out, but now I'm totally freaking out – 
But then there's a gentle hand on my temple. “Let them help you.” Loki's voice is almost unfamiliar in its tenderness. A surge of bright electricity erupts in my heart, flooding through every vein and nerve ending; the blip, blip, blip of some machine in the room keeps pace. “You're safe here, Grey. Agent.” He tacks on the last word like a formality. An afterthought.
Although his gentleness sets my heart racing, his words have their intended effect. I don't fight back as the nurse cuts clean through my blood-soaked top, exposing my torso. Glancing down, I wish I hadn't when I see how my chest is smeared with blood. The nurse blessedly doesn't cut through my sports bra, since the wound seems to lie a few inches below the elastic band. 
Another warm, thick sensation spreads down my left arm, spilling down my fingers and out across my torso. My eyes drift closed again – everything feels better now. I can ignore the stinging of alcohol and iodine swabs around the wound, prodding fingers and soft gauze that catch against raw flesh. “It's a clean cut,” someone pronounces. Loki's hand stiffens against my temple. “Less than an inch deep, about two inches long.” A keyboard crackles as someone takes notes. 
“Agent Forrest,” someone asks, “we’re going to stitch up the wound now. All right?” 
“Mmm,” I hum, rolling my head so the elastic of my ponytail doesn't dig into my skull. Loki's thumb strokes against my temple. The needle and surgical thread tug against the tender skin over my ribcage, pulling and tightening and piercing over and over again.
Voices echo from down the hall. The warm, brain-addling sedative conjures up familiar characters for a dream half-rooted in reality. Shouting voices, and the tenor of someone familiar, authoritative, and very pissed right outside the door.
“You're fucking kidding me. You let him in there with her?” 
“Mr. Stark, the doctor is right in the middle of the procedure,” a female voice insists. 
“And I pay the doctor's salary,” Tony shouts as if he's right at my feet. I force my eyes open – I hate this dream. I don't want Tony in my dream. 
Oh. Red-faced and seething, what I can only assume is a very real Tony Stark looms over the end of my bed. Shame, and something like fear burn in my chest, tugging me to the surface of the drug-induced fog.
“Mr. Stark, I must insist, the patient's wound–” the doctor insists, turning his head but remaining hunched over my torso.
“Nurse, call security,” Tony barks. “Scratch that. I'll escort the threat out myself.”
“Tony, it's not what it looks like–” Loki says. His hand never leaves my head, cradling it tenderly even as he raises his voice. The doctor shakes his head and finishes up the last stitches.
“You fucking stabbed Agent Forrest?” Tony growls, lifting his arm – his finger trails along the metal cuff at his wrist, preparing to summon one of his suits. 
“Not in the hospital!” The nurse shouts, jumping to her feet. Her voice is weighted with enough authority that even Tony pauses. “Take it outside. We have seriously sick people here.”
“You let her attacker into the room with her,” Tony counters, thrusting a finger towards Loki. “He could slaughter all of you before you could scream for help.”
“He brought her here, Mr. Stark,” the doctor says, tying off the last stitch. “If he wanted to kill any of us, he's had plenty of time.”
“Tony…” I grumble. My tongue is thick and heavy in my mouth. Loki's hand slips away from my temple. I shift my head as the cradle of his fingers disappears. My leaden skull feels like it’s swollen twice its size. “Too much morphine.” I blink hard, my brow creased in concentration. Why am I so loopy? “If Loki wanted t’kill me, I’d’ve killed him. I'm fine. 's an accident.” 
“We’ll take you off the IV,” the nurse explained, coming closer to pinch and prod at my arm. “The wound is fairly shallow.”
“See?” I raise my arm, gesturing to the nurse. “Fine.”
“You got lucky, Forrest. This man has stabbed more Avengers than not,” Tony counters, ignoring my morphine-drunk threat. “You have ten seconds before I throw you out that window, space man.”
“Stupid, Tony,” I grumble, growing frustrated. Bracing my forearms against the bed, I push myself up. Loki stops me before the nurses can so much as flinch.
“Lie down,” he says, finally stepping into my line of sight. 
“Oh my god, Loki,” I gasp, blinking hard. He's completely drenched in blood – my blood. My hand flies up to brush against the front of his armor.
He lowers a hand to brace against my chest before quickly reconsidering and pushing down on my shoulder. Soft green light flashes in my periphery and a pillow cushions the back of my head as he lowers me back onto the stretcher. “Don’t hurt yourself,” he continues urgently. 
I resign myself to a more horizontal position, but I still reach out towards him. IV tubes tug against my arm, but my hand rests flat against the blood-smeared leather protecting his torso. “Fuck… bled all over you.”
Loki smirks. His hand wraps around mine, lowering it back to my side. “An excuse to requisition something new from the armory,” he answers. His hands are coated in my blood, too. “Something with a bit more gold, perhaps?”
“Black and gold,” I hum. “Green’s more your color.”
“Are we done here?” Tony snaps, and my tunneled vision explodes back out into the room. I'd forgotten the room was full of people.
“Tony…” I murmur. My head is starting to clear somewhat. “Loki wasn't trying to kill me. It was an accident. My fault.”
“Mr. Stark, the patient needs to rest,” the nurse interjects, clipboard chart clutched in her hand. “I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.”
Tony storms out. In the hall, I can hear him demanding to have a word with someone about hospital security.
Loki smirks down at me, though his face is still pale. Paler than usual.
“You too, Mr. Laufeyson,” the nurse adds. She wedges herself between us, forcing him to step to the side.
“No,” I groan. “Let him stay. Loki, stay with me. I hate it here.”
Loki's hand strokes my temple again. The nurse frowns down at me as she changes the IV. A new bag, heavy with dark blood, sags from the silver pole behind her.
“We finally got your blood type from your file,” she explains. “Your… friend can stay while you receive the infusion.”
Loki pushes back hair that clings to my forehead, still damp with drying sweat. “Don't leave, Loki.” I wince against the pinching sensations and beads of blood welling up as she removes the first line and places another for the blood.
“I'm not going anywhere.”
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[continue reading in part two]
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 4
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: Dean learns about being a slave's master.
Warnings: Slavery, some references to past mistreatment
Word count: 1.6k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 3 <- -> Part 5
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“Ok,” your master said to you, sounding uncomfortable. You continued to kneel, looking at the floor and awaiting your master’s orders. “So, uh, have that shower and then you can put these clothes on. Sorry that they'll be a bit big but they're the smallest we've got. I'll wait just outside, but uh the door probably won't close properly since Sam kicked it open. We’ll have to fix that. Ok, um, any questions?”
“No, sir.” You knew better than to question your master. Your last mistress had instilled that lesson well.
Trench coat and Sam had already left the room, and your master walked to the door and pulled it closed behind him.
You stood up, hesitantly looking around. It was far nicer and more spacious than any bathroom you could remember being in. You'd never been given privacy either, usually just hosed off and put back in your room.
You heard your master shuffle his feet outside the room. Right, you'd be in trouble if you took too long, you reminded yourself. You quickly stripped your tattered, wet, bloody and vomited on clothes and stepped into the shower.
You turned the tap to cold and braced yourself against the pain and shock of the water. Luxuries are not for slaves, you remembered that lesson well too. You shivered as you hastily scrubbed your body, and felt relief as you turned off the water.
Your master hadn’t mentioned a towel so you put on the clothes he’d provided, as per his order, while you were still dripping wet. You padded over to the door and pulled it open, dropping your eyes to the floor.
“Hey sweethea-” your master started to say as he turned around, but seemed to stop once he was looking at you. “Why are you wet?”
Crap, you'd done the wrong thing. “I'm sorry, sir.”
He touched your arm, “You're freezing!”
That wasn't a question, no response necessary.
He ran his hand through his hair. “This is my fault,” he muttered.
“OK, sorry Y/N,” he said in a normal volume again, “I should have been clearer. I want you to go and have another shower to warm up. I want you to make it as warm or hot as you would like. You can use any of the soaps, shampoo, conditioner, whatever else Sammy has in there, whatever you want. Then you can use as many towels as you'd like and dry yourself off. Then get dressed. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” What the hell?! You'd been expecting blows, not a hot shower. Perhaps he wanted to lull you into a false sense of security? It made you nervous.
You returned to the bathroom.
Once you were cleaned and dried to your master’s satisfaction, you followed him to the kitchen. He didn't tell you what to do once you got there, so you took the safe route of going to your knees next to the end of the bench and looking at the floor.
You heard a small sigh from him. Damn, this was wrong too. It was so hard to work out what he wanted, and you weren't used to having to second guess people. Your mistress, the handlers and even most of the clients had always been very clear.
“What do you want to eat?” Your master asked you.
“I eat at the pleasure of my master.”
“Uh, yeah. Ok, well, my pleasure right now is that I’d like you to tell me what you like.”
“I have no preference but what my master provides.”
Your master groaned. You flinched.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said hastily. Great, now you'd upset him.
“I'm sorry, sir. I will not do it again.”
“No, no, my fault. Um, ok. Do you eat eggs?”
“Yes, sir.”
There was a slight pause. “You would say that to any food I mentioned, wouldn't you?”
“Yes, sir.”
You stayed kneeling while your master cooked. Every so often you snuck a glance up at him, which you were able to do because he hadn't specifically ordered you into this position. If he had, you'd have had no choice but to obey, thanks to your collar.
It was strange to see a master cooking. Other slaves had done that with your mistress, not that you'd ever had much interaction with them or sat in the kitchen. But you'd seen them once or twice.
He carried over a plate to the table and sat down. You stayed where you were.
“Uh, come here, please,” he said. You hastily crossed to him, kneeling next to his seat.
“Please sit,” he said, gesturing to the seat next to him.
That was an order, but it clashed with one of your fundamental orders. You started to shake.
“Furniture is not for slaves, furniture is not for slaves, furniture is not for slaves,” you started to chant in a whisper. You clutched your head, the pain of the two orders clashing feeling like you are being ripped apart.
“Stop! Stop!” Your master yelled, panic in his voice. “Uh, belay that order! Don't worry about it! You can keep kneeling!”
You stopped chanting and slowly brought your hands away from your head. The pain was dissipating. Your master put his hands on your head, gently stroking your hair. “I’m sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry sweetheart,” he gushed.
Sam came running into the room, “What happened?”
“Don't tell her to sit on the furniture,” your master said.
“I’m- I'm sorry, sir,” you said shakily.
“Not your fault,” your master said. “That's on me.”
You took some deep breaths. One of your master’s hands was cupping your cheek and again you felt yourself leaning into it. It was strange, normally you wanted to cringe away from the touch of clients, but then again, normally their touch was anything but gentle.
“I've got an idea,” Sam said and left the room.
“Ok, I think you do need some food,” your master said to you. “Umm, how about I put your plate on this chair,” he moved it as he spoke, “and then you can keep kneeling but you can reach it. That ok?”
“Yes, sir.”
You stayed still.
“Oh, umm, please eat. Only as much as you want to. And as slow as you want to. Umm, yep,” your master said awkwardly.
You had eaten your first forkfull of scrambled eggs when Sam returned, holding a cushion.
“You would kneel on whatever the floor was, right Y/N?” Your master asked you.
“Yes, sir.”
“So sometimes it's wood or tiles or concrete or... carpet?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And that's not using furniture, is it?”
“No, sir.”
“Right, so I don't think a cushion is furniture either. It's just how I've chosen to decorate my floor. So if I put a cushion where you need to kneel, you’re just kneeling on the floor, same as if I'd chosen to put carpet there instead.”
It didn't ...feel... wrong. You gave a tiny nod.
“Stand up, Y/N,” your master ordered. Sam put the cushion down where you'd been kneeling. “Kneel here,” he pointed. You did so, the collar forcing your obedience. The cushion felt far nicer under your knees.
You could hear the smile in your master’s voice as he said, “Continue eating, Y/N, as much as you'd like.”
Your master took you to a bedroom. Finally, something you knew how to do.
“I'll just leave you for a minute to get ready for bed,” he said to you and stepped out of the room.
You quickly took off your clothes and climbed onto the bed, arranging yourself on all fours, facing your naked butt at the door. This didn't count as you using the furniture, clients could take you on a bed if they wanted to and your master had clearly said it.
Your master knocked on the door, “You ready, Y/N?”
“Yes, sir.”
He opened the door. You were facing away so you couldn't see his face, but you heard him stutter and turn back to the door. “Oh, God,” he muttered.
“Umm, Y/N, please get dressed in whatever clothes you would like to wear to go to sleep. We're, umm, we're not going to have sex.” He fled the room.
You were in trouble again.  Even his orders didn't mean proper things!
You put the oversized trackies and t-shirt you had on before back on, then knelt by the end of the bed. Your master knocked again and came back in.
“Sorry I umm, wasn't clear earlier,” your master said awkwardly. “You don't have to sleep with anyone, ever, while you're here.”
That didn't make any sense. Why else would he want you as his slave?
“Can you sleep in the bed?”
That was an easy question, “No, sir.”
“Ok, where do you normally sleep?”
“On the floor, sir.” He was testing you, you thought, checking you knew how to behave. Perhaps he wanted to see if you were a good slave before using you?
“Alright, let's take the blanket and pillows off the bed and you can arrange them how you want.”
“I do not require luxuries, sir,” you said hesitantly. You didn't want to have to earn them later.
“They're not luxuries, I'm just decorating my floor again,” he said in a tone that brokered no arguments. You swallowed and accepted your fate, adding to your mental tally of what you would have to earn back.
Once your master had arranged a bed for you on the floor and haltingly told you to go to sleep, but you could get up whenever you wanted and the toilet was down the hall and rambled about 5 other “if you want to” instructions, he left.
This was the strangest place you'd ever been.
“Please tell me you've found something about the curse,” Dean said to Sam as he walked in to the library. “I am not cut out for this ‘being a master’ shit.”
He paused.
“Or at least, not when they can't consent,” he said with a smirk.
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stormyoceans · 4 months
MONICAAAAA 😭😭😭 this ep was so good bestie i cried so much I understand now why they called it their favourite 😭😭
I don't really have much to say rn i can't articulate anything but I just wanted you to know that I'm so- (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
Cinematic masterpiece, stunning, show stopping, marvellous, never been done before LOVE OF MY LIFE I CAN PASS AWAY PEACEFULLY NOW
(im so glad p'aof is atleast not teasing angst in the next ep)
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like in this particular case finally watching the preview for episode 10 after bawling my eyes out for hours was so delightful and relieving, because even if it shows some minor angst with day's mom finding out about mork and day's relationship, they are facing it TOGETHER like i always want them to be, and they look so smitten and in love throughout that entire preview anyway that i was just giggling twirling my hair kicking my feet screaming into my pillow about it, BUT THEN. THE DREAD™
literally this is the only time im gonna be hoping p'aof didn't take a page from vice versa because what if he's planned to lull us into a false sense of security by giving us all the romance during the entire episode only to pull the rug out from under our feet by ending the episode with sudden angst that's gonna carry into episode 11??????? LAST TIME I TRUSTED AN EPISODE 10 IT ENDED WITH TALAY WAKING UP AND FINDING OUT PUEN TRAVELED BACK TO THEIR UNIVERSE ALONE I AIN'T GONNA GET FOOLED THIS TIME AROUND I KNOW Y'ALL'S TRICKS NOW AND IM PREPARING FOR THE WORST
but then i also remember i promised myself to be optimistic and try to have faith in p'aof so. literally me these past couple of days
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notsosilentsister · 1 year
The Diplomat
I kinda get why one might keep the awful husband around - he's a loose cannon who gets results, an asset as much as a liability. And while Kate often disagrees with him about the means, they do seem to be on the same page regarding the ends, which does matter, after all. You do get the sense that they share certain core values. So keeping him around is a high risk, high reward strategy.
It also seems like Kate's living a bit vicariously through him - she's so very restrained (as signified for instance by the eating disorder), and in a way he's a permission mechanism, sabotaging the restraint, and at the same time a cautionary tale, justifying the restraint. Maybe he's her Jungian shadow, doing what she doesn't allow herself to do. I also kinda get how you might love someone while not at all trusting them, and that always makes for an interesting dynamic. He still has to go - I'm on episode four - at least for a while, because I ship Kate with the State secretary. Competence porn, for sure, but I'm so jaded about politics at this point that it's starting to break my suspension of disbelief. People are all so professional, focussed on the task at hand. Sure, there may be some personal vanity involved on occasion, but the show does a good job showing how seemingly frivolous things can be valid concerns when you're in the business of reputation management. (Kate acknowledges that the presidend is right to worry about looking old and weak - there's an undeniable cost to it, it's just that the cost of a show of strength would be higher in this particular case). And sure, people fuck up, but so far all the fuck ups are the sort you easily might make when you have to make quick decisions based on insufficient information, and it's often easy to see how every alternative option could have led to something disastrous just as well. It want to see some unforced errors! But unforced errors are made at one's leisure, which no one has in this show and that brings me to my main issue: pacing and stakes. Which are too fast, and too high, respectively, for my taste. I tend to prefer the sort of character study, where characters get some room to breathe (and rope to hang themselves with; for that, you gotta cut them some slack). That's what I really loved about the Americans, where the pace could ramp up to nail-biting degrees at the drop of a hat, but also linger, allow for a slow, downright torturous build-up of tension, for treacherous lulls in the action, a temptation to succumb to the lure of mundanity, the American dream in suburbia, a false sense of security. You might easily lose track of something, that would later come back to bite you in the ass, which added to the suspense, and made the sudden eruptions of violence, always simmering below the surface, seem more shocking and at the same time more inevitable, less contrived. I always kinda had to steel myself to watch the Americans and would be left reeling for a while after a lot of episodes. Well, this is more of a comedy, but the pace for me is is too constant, I guess. I'm also not sure that I buy into the central thesis as formulated by the awful husband, that the person most suited for power is the one being thrust into it by circumstances instead of actively seeking it out. It's a very popular sentiment (why your average hero first has to refuse the call), but a bit too romantic for my taste. 
I mean, obviously you'd want someone in power who sees power only as a means to an end - to protect, to promote - and not as an end in itself. But that seems less about "wanting power" vs "not wanting power" and more about what precisely one might want the power for. And personally, I do actually feel more comfortable with someone in power who does care enough about power to study it, to find out how it works and how it doesn't work in any given situation, and who can hold onto it long enough to actually implement a proper reform. Being naive about power has never helped any cause. For what it's worth, I do think that both Hal and Kate actually care very much about power in this way. But right now, they both would rather be the power behind the throne, and that's not gonna work, because someone also has to sit on it. I mean, Kate would argueably still be a power behind the throne as a VP, but one suspects that Hal's idea is more about Kate pulling the president's strings, and Hal pulling Kate's. It's a good conflict! Anyways, I would have always watched this for Kerri Russel no matter what, and would certainly watch another season as well.
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wawamouse · 3 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S2E08: Escape From Oz
I accidentally started season s6e8 when we sat down to continue the watch today. While we were watching the opening titles, Sister and I started discussing a Butt that showed up. Sister wondered if we would be seeing that butt in this episode and I tried to remember if there would be any. Chris Keller, maybe? I recalled that he was getting out of Solitary this episodes—but no, the episode where he pees in a bucket is not this one. In the back of my mind, I sort of recognised The Butt in question as Miguel’s from when he was jerking off in solitary and then I got confused, because he isn’t in Solitary yet. Was the Miguel Butt was from season 3 and not season 4 like I thought? Had they filmed a season in advance and used future season footage for the opening titles, and I just hadn't noticed before? NOPE!
I didn’t realise that I’d started the wrong episode until Jahfree Neema crossed the screen. Then I was like OH NO. Funnily, though, I guess Augustus Hill being at the beginning of that season 6 episode will lull Sister into a false sense of security when it comes to his death in season 5.
Anyway, a lot happens in this episode, and I feel like all of it is pretty interesting. We see three deaths, Sippel got nailed to the floor, and Toby got all his limbs broken. Even though I maintain that Said refusing his pardon is soooooooo dumb on a practical level, it was kinda fierce in a stupid way and it's a funny way for him to cap off his failed efforts all season. I remember a couple episodes back, I said that I couldn't remember what all his unfruitful projects were building toward... Well, it was that, LOL! Overall, I think season 2 had a strong beginning as well as a strong end!
Rebadow and Busmalis’s tunnel is found out by the two nazis, who subsequently
(mini) Augustus continues to contemplate escape; Poet comes to work at morgue
Sippel returns to work at the prison, gets attacked by Schilinger
(Mini) Shirley and Gloria
Miguel takes Rivera’s eyes out
Chris gets out of Solitary and breaks all of Toby’s limbs
Adebisi connects with Jara; Jara dies
Said and McManus talk about Said’s regrets; Said is offered clemency for Ramadan and refuses
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Sister, about Metzger just openly having a white supremacist tattoo: Whaaaaaaaat?
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Sister: Ohhhh they’re so stupid! What if they die, Wawa?! You can’t get a crane down there! There’s gonna be dead bodies! (pulling blanket over her head) It’s gonna stink under the floors! Oh NOOO!
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Sister: I wonder how they got the bodies out…
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This is not the only time Poet talks about being a girl with Augustus. Hm. The misogyny?
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Sister: That’s a terrible plan. I don’t think he was even listening to that plan. I think he was just staring at Augustus.
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Me: I feel like Mukada’s office isn’t messy any other time we see it in the show…. Sister: Maybe he trashed it beforehand so it wouldn’t be so awkward when he said it was such a mess.
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Sister: They look exactly the same 😭
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Sister: I don’t know. I just find this sort of moral conundrum stuff tiring. Like, take a look around. It ain’t like they’re at an Applebees, so why is she always randomly judging people? Like, umm, ma'am? This is a prison.
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Sister: I would have preferred to see more butts, Wawa. This episode has too much blood… Although, couldn’t they just put his eyes back in? If you get your dick cut off, you can put it back on. Me: I mean, you could probably pop ‘em back in, but if the optic nerve is severed, I guess it'd be hard to reconnect them. Sister: That’s probably why they didn’t show it happening… Because it’d be too easy to laugh at how ridiculous it is that Miguel managed to pop out both eyes while also keeping him quiet... He'd have to pin him down or get his hands controlled and then make sure he wasn't screaming the whole time... How would he even do that? He'd have to be sitting thighs to eyes. Me: Thighs to... huh? Sister: He'd have to have been sitting on the hack's neck or something so he wouldn't be able to kick him off or use leverage to throw him off while he dug those suckers out. Thighs to eyes. Me: I think he just stabbed him in the eyes a couple times and pulverised them into jelly. I don't think he actually took the time to neatly cut the eyeballs out...
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Sister: Why are they keeping him in this sad place? They aren’t equipped for this.
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Sister: Alvarez? Gloria: I found a prisoner with the same blood type. [sighs] Ryan O'Reily. Sister: Aw :( Me: ...If Oz has a prison population of 1400-1700 prisoners, is it really that likely that O'Reily and Rivera are the ONLY people with AB negative? Why didn’t they look for anyone with O negative?? Dumb. Sister: That’s why she’s a doctor at a prison, I guess. Wait, they're so dumb. They didn’t even bother searching for A negative or B negative… Oh no! Dumb! I think they googled ‘what is the rarest blood type to have’ but didn’t check which one is the hardest to receive for… 😭😭😭 They should’ve made him O negative or something… So dumb... Maybe she’s in on the assassination plot. The blood bank is "empty"? Sure... She’s just making shit up.
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Sister: … I mean, I guess this gives him some leverage but I feel like it would’ve been more poetic if it was Alvarez. Now I gotta put up with this bullshit tension.
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Me: He kinda sounds like Tim Roth when he has an American accent right now. Sister: Who’s that? Me: Guildenstern. Sister: I thought he was Rosencrantz. Me: No, he’s Guildenstern. Didn’t I say that? Sister: Who’s Rosencrantz?
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Sister: (nervous silence)(convincing herself) …I feel like I saw him in a later season so I have no concerns. As his guardian angel, I shall watch him through this.
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Sister: Nope! Nope! Gloria: Yeah. Sister: Nope!
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Sister: What’d he say? My ears just sort of closed when he started talking. The nazi looks so pale in this scene, like a vampire.
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Sister: He’s showing his boobs to his ancestors… (nervously) And his other stuff? I don’t wanna see that. Ok, whew.
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Sister: …Letting prisoners out?
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Sister: It’s kind of bullshit for him to decide not to leave, because what about all the people who’ve been working on the outside trying to get him out so he can be a community leader? (At Said) Are you dumb? That’s not a sick burn, sir. You’re supposed to own him and then LEAVE.
Stray thoughts:
Sister: I feel like they should just stop letting blonde people be guards
“Boobies!” count this episode: 1
Sister called Toby seething in the hospital “Angry Michelin Man”
When I was screencapping for this write-up, my sister walked into the room behind me as I was screencapping Gloria talking about the blood types. Sister, cackling as she walked away again: "Oh, the stupidity! She shall never live this down! I will remember it in everything else she does!"
“He’s a dumbass. Trick him!” —Sister about Kenny
Arif telling Bismilla "it's all about Said" looks like that Draymond Green/Kevin Durant meme...
Sister: everyone’s story line had someone who got maimed or died, except Said, who maimed himself.
I’m sure this is something literally no one else would have picked up on, but Chico wears 3 different outfits in this episode.
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tim-lucy · 1 year
At this point, I just wanna know if the writers are skipping over relationship stages on purpose or if they've gone a little bit lazy lol What do you think? I LOVE all the moments we're getting of course but how is this moving so quicky? Let us savour it??
It definitely has moved very quickly since they got together! I'm with you about savoring it. I like to see allllll the little moments, so I'm bummed about that. It does make sense to me that they're moving so fast just because of the time between episodes and how much they already love each other. BUT I still want it and I wish they found a way to give us that 😭
HOWEVERRRR I really think this is just the calm before the storm and shit is about to hit the fan!! They gotta let us win for a little bit before they dive back into the angst, which is why I think they became so established so quickly. I FEEL WE ARE BEING LULLED INTO A FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY 👀
I would bet anything that we are in for a world of pain!!!1!!!!
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Random Be My Favorite Episode 3 Thoughts:
(in no particular order)
What is going on with Max in the future?! I need to know! And also why they had a falling out :(
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Love Kawi being like, congrats on being famous in the future, too bad about your personality though :) Just drunk Kawi accidentally spilling secrets. I wonder if Not will turn things around because of any of Kawi's past meddling.
Love love love Kawi getting Max to begrudging agree to talk to him, and breaking Pisaeng’s heart for one day, and then he’s checking #3 and #4 off his to-do list already 😂 you tried that with talking to Pear for one day, and where did that get you? Kissed by the groom, bud. You need long term plans!
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Also, your dad should be #1, Kawi!
I thought we had already gone through the rough part with Pisaeng getting his heart stomped on once, but they lulled us into a false sense of security, and then bam! Went for the throat. All of the little changes in Pisaeng's face after Kawi says he's trying to get Pisaeng close to Not again, so he won't be close to Kawi? Stab me through the heart, why don't you.
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And unsafe! 😩💔❤️‍🩹
And Pisaeng's face when Kawi repays him is so hurt and filled with disdain for that money.
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My initial thought to all Pisaeng's heartbreaks was, oh, no! He’ll think Kawi never wanted to be friends and was only using him to get to Pear and is dumping him now. And then I remember that that’s actually how things did start 🫢
I think this episode was the second time Pisaeng has tried to get a nap at Kawi’s place (if he was planning to go with when he offered a nap before the Pear date). I also love the way Krist said the line about napping at his own place for some reason. It just sounded so funny the way he said it, so scandalized.
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I do feel bad that Pear will have her heart broken. But that’s all the rage in these parts, it seems.
The way they filmed Pear and Kwan in the car after the not-date was so weird to me. It felt like it was filmed like a villain reveal or something, but she was just going, yeah no date with Pisaeng :(
Now that I’m thinking about Villain Pear, though, it’d be super funny if she also had a time travel device and they were both jumping back in time trying to change things to end up with Pisaeng 😂
The elation when Pisaeng won the turtle for Kawi was 🥹🥺🥹 I wonder if that was before or after he decided to leave the meal. I didn’t see it when he was in the doorway, but his hands were out of frame, I think. It’s sad that he was planning to go back, but then started feeling sad when he should feel happy, so he left :( And him throwing the plushie at Kawi hurt! He was so excited to win it for him. And he jumped so high in joy!
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Loved Kawi asking Pisaeng to eat right after his meal with Pear
The rollercoaster of emotions for Pisaeng at the end. Too sleepy for drinks with Pear’s dad to elated to have drinks with Kawi to okay Kawi has other friends that were my friends now? to ugh why is the dickhead here?
But I loved him immediately throwing Kawi’s plausible explanation of why Pisaeng doesn’t want Not with Pear out the window. "That’s not why. I just do not like this man." Love his honesty.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 35: Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics Season 1, Episode 36: Lotor's Clone
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Episode 35 Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics I realized the text was hard to read in the long post so here's some color so you can tell which episode is being watched
wild that whoever made the choices for the space Olympics really thought hard and said "yes we're absolutely having it on Arus, where it's currently at war and has a weekly occurrence of giant fucked up robots fighting each other"
Is soccer actually an Olympic sport or is the world cup the biggest even for them?
Oh so doom IS actively boycotting the space olympics, I know It's for evil reasons but i have to agree just based on the fact THAT ITS ON A PLANET IN ACTIVE WAR AND ROUTINELY HAS GIANT MECHA FIGHTS
why are the boys in an army barrack 😭 the castle is right there is it not
Allura this is why you KNOCK walking in on the team showering in only towels is your fault entirely LMAO the boys are ragging on nanny for trying to make it their fault svsiodv woman just sit down and leave the food at this point
"I'm sorry I meant to surprise you!" "You did!" Keith that was adorable omg, I know you guys can't hear it, but his tone was the cutest
I love this show because in every other one it's hunk looking after Pidge, but originally it was Lance instead T-T He's currently very concerned about Pidge eating two kabobs at once, at least he isn't talking with food in his mouth
I'm sorry when did haggar get blueprints to voltrons wiring??
are they about to make a decepticon out of the beefed up bulldozer the team has outside to build the stadium?? Oh my god they are
man the only reason the team finds out about lotors plan is because one of the kids that was tagging along with hunk this entire time needed to take a leak outside 💀
haggar described her weird virus for that bulldozer as like a chip,,, it is not a chip it's a tiny robeast that takes over the entire machine just by standing onto the hardware i know they were making it easier to understand for kids but c'mon that had to be confusing for them, kids are real smart anyway
The boys: kid you were dreaming, nothing attached itself to the bulldozer (bulldozer proceeds to turn on and wreck their barrack) the boys: O-O guys please listen to the children, they're so upfront with everything they see its wild
PIDGE WHY ARE YOU JUMPING STRAIGHT ONTO THE BULLDOZER well at least he found out nobody was driving it UNTIL IT THREW HIM OFF, he's a gymnast (ninja) though so of course he lands on his feet anyway like a goddamn CAT
why do they always make hunk grunt like that? wild somehow they figured out it was lotor, i mean i feel like itd be obvious once they knew nobody was in it but still
WHY IS HE SO LONG IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, IT LOOKS LIKE THE PASTED HIS HEAD OVER LANCES BODY he didnt even stop the thing i think lotor just told it to stop to lull them into a false sense of security
that same kid was yelling about not being listened and immediately punched the control panel with started up the bulldozer again 💀 I think you're old enough to know how to regulate your emotions my dude oh also he and two others are trapped inside now, dire stakes indeed
hunk and pidge got thrown off the bulldozer, how high up were they?? ft older brother lance again because he was making sure pidge was okay in the background
at last a lion comes out to actually do something NOT BEFORE THE BOY GOT BURIED ALIVE THOUGH WHAT THE FUCK THEY SHOULD BE DEAD
I don't think this is the first time lotor has told allura his plans for her, but it's good that he actually tells her so she doesn't get a worse idea
the team is free after allura creates a goddamn tsunami in the stadium ft MORE OLDER BROTHER LANCE BECAUSE HES HOLDING PIDGE NEXT TO HIM IN THE WATER
immediately after being freed the kids just sit there and do nothing UNTIL THEY GET TRAPPED IN IT AGAIN god this show makes so many characters stupid
all-scan?? Are you telling me you fuckers could've done that before, and you just haven't?? I'm gonna say you just recently learned it for my own mental health
the kids are out after Hunk bashed his way inside without a lion i love seeing scenes like these because the pilots are actually skilled outside of being inside the lions!
Ooh so I was right, it was a mini robeast who could interact with machines, and then it just combines with it to make it an actual robeast well they could've just said that earlier >:/
voltron is formed and definitely is spewing propaganda for the olympics but at least hes able to damage the robeast LMAO
holy shit easiest fight ever, they barely even did anything to the guy before pulling out blazing sword and skewering it
time to rebuild the stadium and gym using the lions my question is why they only gave one of those beefed up bulldozers to the team
/episode end
Episode 36 Lotor's Clone
Episode opens with Zarkon yelling at Lotor, this oughta be good lol
"quit sending robots to arus and destroy voltron yourself!" my guy how the FUCK is one dude gonna do that, you kind of need another big guy to help weaken him first
"you mean really lead? Like from up front?" "Where else you idiot!" LMAOO
I know they make the doomites robots so the show can skirt past ratings but do not give robots that much sentience and still say they're not people these fuckers were talking about defecting and living on Arus!
oh so this episode's robeast is just another lotor because he doesn't actually want to do the work HAHAHA
"but beware, whatever you know he will know" foreshadowing?
onto planet arus, the team is doing some lion training
Pidge: it feels like my head is on backwards! Keith: I always knew that! THE KID JUST FELL OUT OF THE SKY KEITH BE NICE LMAO
Pidge: did you know your nose wiggles when you're upset Keith: my fist wiggles too! KEITH PLEASE-
mystery power surge huh, at least we can tell that the castle actually has employees since they're running around trying to fix stuff
oh never mind the drules have an actual robeast that's fucking with the castle, the lotor clone is just so lotor doesn't have to do any of the work expected of him LOL
Keith has a plan but i can't remember the sleds/boats he mentions having used before with the team maybe they're just making it up to show that the pilots actually hang out on their off time fnvsdoi
"some of these parts are older than nanny!" GET HER ASS LANCE
it's good to know that the pilots are all slightly mechanically inclined, definitely a skill they gotta have to actually stay alive on Arus
Not lotor complaining that his clone isn't working hard enough for his hero image 💀 no wonder this man always gets his ass kicked
secrets out, keiths been fighting the clone this whole time and because of lotor having a telepathic argument with it, he knows it's not the real him anymore
Damn he was so offended by the clone calling him Lotor used the robeast to blow his ass up 😭 Keith's right, this was his only chance at winning
did they just fix up that sled thing to not actually use it?? What a waste of time oh never mind lance is using it while the others use the lions
"if you're gonna lie around the beach all day I'll come back later" i don't think any other show can replicate the absolute sass dotu lance brings
I like that hunk is the defacto leader when its him pidge and allura, I know allura has no experience so she wouldn't be but i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pull something like this with pidge lol
voltron is formed, haven't seen lion head attack in a while so it's nice to see it back man that robeast just stoof there and took the beating, are they just giving up at this point soidns
ooh scene reuse, this is definitely from the bridge episode that i cant remember the name of, everyone is joking about how another clone of them would be good for the universe lol
/episode end
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notmuchtoconceal · 6 months
What would you do if an exact, perfect clone with all your memories materialized in front of you (this clone, from his perspective, also believes you materialized in front of him and that you're the clone)? Serious answer. We shall assume that, given near identical circumstances, initial reactions would likely be near identical until small differentiations lead to enough deviation to interact with this individual as his own separate person. We shall also assume this phenomenon occurred as a result of a small, nearly ineffectual decision. Perhaps the only difference in memory is a decision made five seconds ago (walking to the left vs walking to the right) which, thankfully, also allows for this variation to occur. I know a lot of people go for a joke answer or a broad answer without elaborating how they got there, but this is a genuine thought experiment. (The superfluous caveats here are meant to prevent snarking dodging. You are getting boxed into my prison and tied up with duct tape and you will answer this silly, stupid question and YOU WILL LIKE IT.) Anyway. :)
Also, this is Ask Friend Crazy Guy asking the question, so you definitely don't have to rack your brain wondering if it's me or somebody from your past fucking with you. I'm saving you the trouble. It's Ask Friend Crazy Guy, which means you're *definitely* being fucked with! But it's the type of fucking-with that has a more capricious flavor, rather than one that is outright malicious or has poorly veiled projections stitched into it, like the other losers who bother you, who I am better than. AFCG is like a cat exposing his belly, so as to administer playful biting, grabbing, and foot-kicks when you go to pet him. In other words, this is definitely a trap. But you're not gonna get hurt if you allow yourself to get trapped. I'm just being courteous enough to tell you right away.
Remember that I still serve you. That's the truth.
I wrote this in seventeen minutes and forty-one seconds. Pathetic. You're welcome.
P.S. I, too, am, as they say, eh-bakedasfuck.
i can tell from your vibe who you are right away, but then when you affirm that you're not who i suspect you might be, you demonstrate his thought process with such eerie prescience that it becomes disturbing and i start to wonder if you and he are the same person again and if you are, if he's pulling my leg or if i actually drove him into a totally dissociative break, or most likely -- one part of him is in on the joke and the other isn't.
this isn't a gateway i want to open. if you're somebody else trying to fuhrer bradley me by being obviously evil, then lulling me into a false sense of security for like 40 episodes before revealing you're a homunculus, that is a long haul i am willing to go on, bro.
as for your question, i am going to not think about this and let it percolate, returning to it later at a preordinated time.
kindly leak and salivate as you sit there, lil demon.
this is gonna be worth the wait.
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quodekash · 1 year
AIGHT its saturday, i finally have time, lets binge the final abaab episode and then the two os2 episodes and then watch the trailer for next week and cry because holy hell patpran are coming back to us guys how does one deal
but first, let's focus on the task at hand: jack's amazing hair. and threezo. and also the actual plot i guess.
i literally just cracked my knuckles in preparation for this
NOOO I FORGOT HOW THE LAST EPISODE ENDED (its been literally two weeks since jack's hair this show was last on my screen what the hell)
ignore my 'nooooo', its fine
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cher with his hands in the air like he's a farmer in a drought and its finally raining for the first time in months
jack not going insane but hes so clearly HAPPY and i LOVE HIM and with his hands on his hips and his perfect hair and his hair that is perfect and his happiness and his happy hair
tub going insane because MONEY
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i love three so much
he looks like he feels like hes in a dream
like he cant believe the trophy hes holding is real
i love this music theyre playing
the video game music
theres a word for that
its like something bit music
im thinking 3 bit or 8 bit
i dont know things
i love the music
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HES SO PRETTYYYYYY (youll never guess who im talking about)
also i freaking love aoi and her reaction
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"my script hasnt been completely said, boss. can i say it first?" he wants his essay writing skills to be appreciated
cher leaned forward. gun's gonna kiss him.
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i love them so much
smoochy smooch in front of everyone
so sweet
so happy
i love themmmmmmmm
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everyone freaking out and jack sitting there, happy for them but also like 'GUYS CALM DOWN' but mostly amused and most of all HAPPY HE IS HAPPY
im gonna have a mental breakdown later in the episode cos theres no way theyll all stay so happy the whole way through. theyll be happy at the end. but we're only at 1/4. i know how they do these things. 1/4 is happiness and you think nothing can go wrong, and then 2/4 will lull you into a false sense of security, and then 3/4 will crush your soul and rip it up then cry on it then put it through a paper shredder and then, near the end of the part, will try to put you back together like a puzzle near, and then 4/4 will have the pieces glued together and yeah youre permanently damaged but youll be happy about it.
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hes gonna take that as a challenge
he will battle you to the death to try and be the first one to propose, mark my words
"weve been together for less than 10 minutes, youre thinking about marriage already?" "yes." lmao simp
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oh look at that, angst has entered the building
get the tears ready, folks
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okay then never mind
but the angst will come in a different form, and itll come soon, mark my freaking words
bro cher is so freaking charismatic, how does he do it?
imagine him as a bard
hed never fail anything
everyone would love him
hes so naturally charismatic, and being a bard would just increase that
now im picturing bls but dnd and holy hell i do not have enough mental stability to handle that rn
"i havent taken off my underwear yet" "let me help you" I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
"lets not talk about this anymore" theyre gonna make out instead arent they
yup theyre making out
enjoy that, guys
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i love thoop's mum but shes so short its hilarious
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this is so funny to me and i cant explain why
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he looks so done
i love him
i also love his hair
idk if ive ever mentioned that before but i do in fact love his hair
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"if i got 1K every time you said love, id be a billionaire" cher, if everyone got 5 bucks every time i said love, we'd solve world hunger
Gun: "yes boss" Cher: "good job, intern" is this them foreshadowing os2?
ooooo new year party
zo getting three to correct the sign very specifically??? autism.
"when you say perfect, do you mean the sign, or us?" TUB'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND- I CANT
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im with you there, tub
just in a different way to you
theyre too cute for me to handle bc i love them so much
tub jsut finds it too cheesy for his lonely heart
"when will this honeymoon phase be over" N E V E R.
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hey thats what i said!
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awwwhhhh just cheek kisses
i love cheek kisses but cmon guys, let threezo have their main character moment. just for a sec.
cher failing at cooking, i love this
"you dont let me shine" "please dont shine. im afraid youd explode my kitchen."
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guys i mightve been wrong, this episode might actually be entirely happiness and good vibes
pls let there be a threezo new years kiss
i need it
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close enough
i love them
awwwww this new years surprise is so cute
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"i love you all year, forever, and all my life" NOOOO I CANTTTT
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"youre the best new year gift for me" WH- AWW
its so cliche but its so cute
i love this
i love that thye ended the series on new years
if it were like any other series or movie or anything at all id probably gag but i love them all too much to gag
i feel like its important to know that the italian version of "youre the best new year gift for me" translates roughly to "for me, you're the best gift of new year's ive ever received" and im-
"except when im using the bathroom. thats my personal time" PFFFT
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im sensing a parallel to episode 2
(which, btw, its insane that they kissed in episode freaking two)
(tinngun almost didnt even get to it in their final episode for goodness sake)
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overall: criminally underrated show, incredible characters, incredible chemistry, incredible acting, holy hell i cant believe its over. i love this show.
AIGHT, time for os2.
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