#3x11 New Blood
bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Happy Tuesday evening :) This is such a good one. Jealousy thy name is Lucy Chen is what this ep should be called. The Green eyed monster coming out real hard for her in this one. But then Lucy has no feelings for him right….
3x11 New Blood
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Our ep starts out with our trio scoping the new rookies. Lucy talks to Katie first. Asking who her T.O. Is going to be? We find out Tim is her new teacher. Lucy is tying not to gush too much about him. Saying she will learn so much but trails off. Katie catches on that Lucy is burying the lead a little. Lucy fesses up Tim can be a little intense. HA You got him at his most intense dear Lucy. He was a radioactive trap ready to gobble her up at first. Then after that was mostly based on his intense need to make sure she succeeded.
Katie doesn't seem intimidated by this info but very appreciative of it. Lucy tells Barnes to reach out to her if she ever goes into a self doubt spiral. So sweet. Also she has a feeling that this new rookie will have one. It's Tim no way she wouldn't right? Gotta love her trying to help the new girl out though. Pre-warn her of what's to come. We all know how ‘Intense’ Lucy’s first shift was with Tim. So it’s very thoughtful of her to reach out and offer help if she needs it.
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The jealously begins at the food trucks. Tamara is there with Jackson and Lucy. They’re talking about getting her set up in her new housing. Tim’s new rookie catches Tamara’s eye. She asks who Officer Zaddy is with? LMAO I remember having to look up what that meant the first time haha but it’s accurate to Tim. In case you need a refresher it means ‘Sexually attractive older man, who is charming and self confident’. That’s our Tim haha Yum.
Tamara asks how it feels to be replaced? Lucy shrugs it off saying she's glad Tim is torturing someone else. Ok honey we believe you..... That mindset lasts all of two seconds before Jackson points out he’s paying for her coffee. Lucy’s jealously begins here and doesn’t stop for the majority of this episode. She is intently watching and sees he’s letting her drive too. She is absolutely incensed by this whole thing. He’s also smiling while he’s paying for her coffee. Lucy is none too pleased about this. Her face says it all as they walk way. Jealously and resentment party of one.
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Lucy can't actually fathom him being nice on day one like this. So she then she comes up with a plan to explain it all. Because it’ll help with her jealously if she does. Saying how Tim is only doing it to lull her into false sense of security. She’ll be wearing that coffee before too long. Lucy is all smiles till Jackson calls her out on it. Oof. Telling her how messed up it is she is enjoying this. Her bubble bursting rapidly even Tamara can’t look at her LOL Oh my girl you are as transparent as glass. The jealously is seeping out of her. Melissa kills this scene with her facial expressions. The whole episode really.
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Tim and Katie catch a call about a robbery. I do love watching Tim with her because they’re so like minded. Except Tim knows how to be a cop vs a soldier. Fascinating to watch tbh. Lucy and Jackson show up as their backup when they start to take fire. Katie has injured one of them and is rendering first aid. Something that seems foreign to her. In the military you aren't doing that for your enemies.
Tim see's Katie is struggling with this concept. So he put his hand on her shoulder as a sign of support. Lucy immediately notices this and voices her jealously once again. Jackson doesn’t even notice what they’re doing. He asks her 'What?' Thinking it’s something egregious. Nope just Tim putting his hand on Katie’s shoulder….The green eyed monster is fuming at this moment. Telling Jackson she didn’t even get a fist bump when she saved his life day one...
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Lucy is so aggravated and jealous. I saw a post once saying 'She's a ten but terrible at hiding her feelings.' Ha It's true Lucy wears them on her sleeve normally. This is another level though. Not even trying a little bit to hide it. He’s bought her coffee, been nice to her, let her drive and now she’s getting an empathetic touch all on day one. Driving Lucy nuts. She had to fight and claw for every inch with Tim. So this whole situation is seeming very unfair to her.
That Barnes is getting it handed to her on a silver platter in Lucy’s eyes. The thing is Lucy changed Tim so much for the better in many ways. Another part of her is jealous because Katie is getting an emotionally healthier version of Tim. Where she got a dumpster fire ready to implode at a moments notice. Took her time to breakthrough. The kicker is Tim is in the place he is now because of Lucy. But she can't see that atm. Jealously doesn’t tend to allow one to see logic LOL She is legit pouting above as they load their suspect up.
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE this next part with Tim and Katie. Anytime we get to delve into Tim past i’m a happy girl. Not only that but his military past. Trying to teach her how to live in the world she's currently in now. Not the one she was in before the LAPD. He’s trying to help reset her brain. I love him taking her to this peaceful park to accomplish this. The little bit of funny sass when he says 'No it's adorable.' HA Who are you and what have you done with Tim Bradford?
He can tell Katie is still unsettled from their encounter earlier. So he's trying to redirect her focus. i.e. the lady bug. You know Tim had to do something similar when he returned. I’m sure he struggled coming out of that mindset into a less controlled one. Where you’re not told what to do and when. Everything happens in a split second based off your decisions. The way he easily connects to what they’re doing. His insightful words of wisdom for her. He was Katie when he returned home. Thinking he’s still in country, everyone is either hostile or friendly. The way he speaks is from deep experience.
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Tim tells her to take a deep breath, feel the sun on her face, close her eyes. He would cover her when she closed them. This scene gets me all emotional. I know what it's like to have PTSD. How it can control your entire life. To be in a consistent state of fight or flight. Because you've forgotten what it's like to have a safe space. What it's like to have your guard down. Tim is creating that safe space for her right now. By telling Katie he has her covered. To let herself just be in the moment. This scene showcases a couple things. One it show's Tim's good heart. How badly he wants to help her. I love this man so very much.
Two just shows how damn good he is at his job. Taking his past pain and experience and using it to help transition Katie. To help her transition better than I'm sure he did. Because he knows how sideways this can go if she doesn't get ahold of this. That if she continues down this path it’s not going to go well. Telling her to live in the moment. It’s hard but it’s the only way he got past the war. To move forward again. This soft side of Tim doing things to me. Already love this man but this just increases it ten fold. The soft way he speaks to her the entire scene. Phew lord. Getting weak in the knees.
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Tamara calls Lucy asking if she can come get her. That her cousin is drunk and won’t let her get her stuff. Lucy grabs her off duty weapon and is on her way. I love how confidently she walks up and yells at Tamara's cousin to get her stuff. Get ‘em Lucy! Her stance is amazing. He listens like a smart man. Doesn't test Lucy. Tim would be so proud of her. Love me some confident BAMF Lucy. He gets her stuff tells her not to come back. What a jackass. Lucy asks what happened? Tamara tells Lucy her new place has black mold. It’ll be couple months before she can get in there.
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We find out she asked her cousin if she could extend her stay. He lost it on her. Apparently his GF can't stand her staying there. Hence Tamara calling her for help. Says she will figure something out… Lucy refuses to let her drown. Tells her she can stay with her till the new place is ready. That she’s family ❤️ They really are found sisters and I love it sfm. They say family isn’t always blood. It isn't the same last name or bloodline. It's the people that constantly show up for you. Lucy has done this with Tamara and she's finally accepting it. Truly believing and trusting Lucy's word now. Her relief above is so sweet. I love their relationship so much.
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We've now reached Lucy's boiling point of the episode. She legit implodes with jealously when she see Tim doing Katie's paperwork. She can’t take it any longer. Has to say something. Starts by making a snide comment about him doing paperwork day 2.... The way he looks up at her in the second gif LOL Tim is smart enough to know he’s in a fight with Lucy he’s just not sure why…He asks her if she has something to say? Knowing damn well she has a lot to say. Lucy is trembling with anger and jealously. Asking why he’s being so nice to her? The hurt in her tone is evident af. Her body language matching that tone.
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Tim has opened the flood gates by asking her if she has something to say. Lucy doesn't hesitate and goes OFF on him. Her body language really betrays her so much in this scene. She is so damn revved up. Listing all the ways he tormented her in the early days. Mentioning when he stole her duty belt when she had to pee. The way he reminisces about that moment above has me rolling so much. Like ah yes I was so very mean to you LMAO Thinking damn that was a good one. Lucy telling him he called her boot so much she has PTSD from the word itself.
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Now when Lucy says this it prompts Tim to say Katie has other issues. Lucy is so angrily blind in her jealously she goes off more. Saying like what? Then goes on a very insecure and specific rant about her. Oh Lucy when you start listing physical attributes like that it’s screaming you’re so VERY jealous. Her emotions betraying her wholly in this scene. Listing all the things Lucy feels like Tim doesn’t see in her. Which is a damn lie but she isn’t seeing straight right now. All she can see is her jealously and unfairness of his kindness.
Her insecurities are coming out in spades right now. Not only does this woman get soft Tim she’s also beautiful and smart. Lucy feels threatened on so many levels. This scene is screaming that. Tim follows up her rant with 'She won’t wear any perfume.' Lucy is so caught up in her emotions she forgot he’s answering her question from before. She’s confused and asks what that has to do with anything? Getting more irritated. Tim realizes she needs his full attention for this. Puts his pen in his pocket and turns toward her.
Stops what he’s doing and tells her how he teaches his trainee's. Saying he teaches his recruits according to what they need. You can see Lucy is riled up still but listening to him. He starts with a continuation to his previous statement. Saying she won’t wear perfume because she’s still worried it’ll give away her position. Telling Lucy a part of her is still in Afghanistan waging a war that is over for her. He continues on to say if she’s ever going to be a cop that instinct has to go.
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Before Lucy can say a word he compliments her. Calling her a kind and insightful person. How she sees the good in people. Now I love this because he is doing build, break, build here. Building her up before breaking her back down by letting her know WHY he trained her the way he did. Vs what he's doing with Katie. Man has a reason for pretty much everything he does with this job especially teaching.
Trying to show Lucy that she and Katie view the world very differently. So his approach with her has to be the polar opposite. Lucy looks mortified by the time he’s done. Like she’s embarrassed she showed her hand emotionally and was wrong. Also it being over something she would've supported had she known the facts. Lucy immediately asks Tim if she’s going to be ok? That empathy of her's kicking right into gear now that Tim has calmed her down.
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Tim says in time she will be ok. Which had she given him the chance to do this she would've been. He then ends the conversation with the best compliment she could’ve received from him. Tim basically saying she’s an incredible cop. That one day Barnes might even be as good as she is now. That shuts Lucy up effectively haha He does some heart eyes and does a mic drop of a walk away. Knowing there isn't more to say. That he needed to quell her insecurities and he did just that. It's the way he softens in that second gif as he compliments her. Gah I love them so much. He's so proud of his girl and lets her know it.
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Lucy's reaction is the best part. She’s so full of giddiness it’s adorable. Her person just complimented her in the best way possible. Validating she’s amazing at her job. The little smirk and twirl is so cute I can not. It’s like when the guy you like says he likes you back. Lucy can’t contain her glee. He just made her whole damn year. His opinion of her is everything so she is on cloud 9 right now.
Love that Tim doesn’t make her feel bad for being jealous or questioning why he’s being nice to Katie. Just breaks it down and does what he does best with her. Says the right thing in the perfect way so she doesn’t spiral any further. The fact that he did that and complimented her not once but twice. Sigh How far we have come everyone how far we have come. ❤️
Side notes- Non Chenford
It is a bummer Katie doesn’t stick around. I get why she doesn’t. Transferring from one stressful environment to another is a lot when you still have ptsd issues. Telling Tim when he let her have her guard down, feel the sun on her face was the first time she felt at peace in a long time. He so desperately wants to help her transition. Because he’s been there done that. She declines and resigns.
Then Tim does something that makes me love him even more if thats even possible. That even though he’s disappointed she’s leaving he lets her know he’s going to check in on her. *heart clutch* Tells her she has 3 years before her POST certification expires. That she will always have a home here if she needs it. Oh Timothy be still my heart sir.
I love Tim having to be the neutral third party for Wopez and Wes’s mom for the wedding plans. It’s fantastic. He is a negotiator for them it’s so funny.
Harper/James flirty flirts for self defense class. Silas being his wing man to help him secure a date with Nyla. Too damn cute.
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renegadesstuff · 3 months
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One of my favorite moment 🤍
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geronimomo-spd · 5 months
and there we go! the full Confidential Archive!
here are all the episodes, according to tardis wiki list, including all of the mini specials and chrismas specials and most if not all in good quality! the full list of everything is under the cut because yeah, its a longgg list!
all in order, including some youtube videos and dvd rips hehe, all according the the tardis wiki list
1x00 - A New Dimension (a prolog to season one, narrated by David Tennant)
1x01 - (rose)
1x03 - (the unquiet dead)
1x04 - (aliens of london)
1x05 - (world war 3)
1x06 - (dalek)
1x07 - (the long game)
1x08 - (father's day)
1x09 - (the empty child)
1x10 - (the doctor dances)
1x11 - (boom town)
1x12 - (bad wolf)
1x13.1 - The Ultimate Guide (another little documentary right before
parting of the ways, about key aspects about filming the season)
1x13.2 - (parting of the ways)
1x14 - Backstage at Christmas (the nine minutes they gave us from some of behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion)
2x00 - One Year On (a general preview for season 2, including the series 2 press launch, a lot more behind the scenes of The Christmas Invasion and some Torchwood stuff)
2x01 - (new earth)
2x02 - (tooth and claw)
2x03 - (school reunion)
2x04 - (the girl in the fireplace)
2x05 - (rise of the cyberman)
2x06 - (the age of steel)
2x07 - (the idiot's lantern)
2x08 - (the impossible planet)
2x09 - (the satan pit)
2x10 - (love & monsters) - (featuring the winning of the contest of designing a monster)
2x11 - (fear her)
2x12 - (army of ghosts)
2x13 - (doomsday)
2x14 - Music and Monsters (the behind the scenes of doctor who's first music show, including some behind the scenes stuff of The Runaway Bride)
3x01 - (smith and jones)
3x02 - (the shakespear code)
3x03 - (gridlock)
3x04 - (daleks in manhattan)
3x05 - (evolution of the daleks)
3x06 - (the lazarus experiment)
3x05 - (42)
3x06 - (human nature)
3x07 - (the family of blood)
3x08 - (blink)
3x11 - (utopia)
3x12 - (the sound of drums)
3x13.1 - (last of the time lords)
3x13.2 - Children in Need Special (the behind the scenes of the special where 10 meets 5, really cute stuff)
3x14.1 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 1 - the full version in less of a good quality i found on youtube, bless this youtube channel honestly)
3x14.2 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 2 - the shorter version that was up on iplayer)
3x14.3 - Kylie Special (series 3 christmas special. version 3 - the version i edited to include the low quality parts that were missing with the good quality shorter version)
4x01 - (partners in crime)
4x02 - (the fiers of pompaii)
4x03 - (planet of the ood)
4x04 - (the sontaran stratagem)
4x05 - (the doctor's daughter)
4x06 - (the posion sky)
4x07 - (the unicorn and the wasp)
4x08 - (silence in the library)
4x09 - (forest of the dead)
4x10 - (midnight)
4x11 - (turn left)
4x12 - (the stolen earth)
4x13 - (journey's end)
4x14.1 - The Journey (So Far) (a documentary about the entire show so far)
4x14.2 - Confidential Christmas 2008 (behind the scenes of The Next Doctor christmas special)
4x14.3 - Doctor Who: Top 5 Christmas Moments (a sort of confidential behind the scenes clip show of all of the episodes set at christmas)
4x15.1 - At the Proms 2008 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2008)
4x15.2 - The Eleventh Doctor (the special they used to announce Matt Smith as the new doctor who)
4x15.3 - Desert Storm (behind the scenes of Planet Of The Dead)
4x16 - Is There Life on Mars? (behind the scenes of The Waters Of Mars)
4x17 - Lords and Masters (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part One)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 1 - full dvd version)
4x18 - Allons-y! (behind the scenes of The End Of Time, Part Two. version 2 - shortend higher quality version from iplayer, this version has a song in the soundtrack that is diffrent from the dvd version, this is the most accurate version to what aired on tv at the time)
5x01 - (the eleventh hour)
5x02 - (the beast below)
5x03 - (victory of the daleks)
5x04 - (the time of angels)
5x05 - (flesh and stone)
5x06 - (the vampires of venice)
5x07 - (amy's choice)
5x08 - (the hungry earth)
5x09 - (cold blood)
5x10.1 - (vincent and the doctor)
5x10.2 Monster Files: The Daleks (a little documentary about victory of the daleks/daleks in general)
5x11 - (the lodger)
5x12 - (the pandorica opens)
5x13 - (the big bang)
5x14.1 - Monster Files: The Weeping Angels (a little documentary about the weeping angels episodes this season)
5x14.2 - Monster Files: The Silurians (a little documentary about the silurian episodes)
5x14.3.1 - Monster Files: The Alliance (a little documentary about the alliance of monsters from the pandoica opens)
5x14.3.2 - Backstage at the Doctor Who Prom 2010 (behind the scenes of doctor who at the proms 2010)
5x14.4.1 - Charlie McDonnell - Runner (the first Charlle behind the scenes videos, pretty quiet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos) - Charlie McDonnell - TARDIS (another Charlie video, she explores the tardis set this time -Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.3 - Charlie McDonnell - Decorating Bus (another Charlie video, she decorates the food place with christmas decorations, i liked them Charlie - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.4.4 - Charlie McDonnell - Christmas Presents (badger) (the famus Charlie video where she brings the cast and crew presents! this is where Matt gets his badger puppet - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
5x14.5 - Christmas Special 2010 (behind the scenes of A Christmas Carol)
6x01.1 - (the impossible astronaut)
6x01.2 - My Sarah Jane: A Tribute to Elisabeth Sladen (a special memorial for the late Elisabth Sladen 😭😭)
6x02 - (day of the moon)
6x03 - (the curse of the black spot)
6x04 - (the doctor's wife)
6x05 - (the rebel flesh)
6x06 - (the almost people)
6x07.1 - Charlie McDonnell interviews Neil Gaiman (Charlie interviews Neil Gaiman, appewrently causing some ruckes on Charlie's blog at the time hehe - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x07.2 - (a good man goes to war)
6x07.3 - The Monster Files: The Silence (a little documentary on the silence, thank god because i needed that)
6x07.4 - The Monster Files: The Gangers (a little documentary on the gangers, my beloveds)
6x07.5 - Charlie McDonnell Becomes A Dalek (the last Charlie video, released late because it had the 1-4 tardis set, also she gets to ride a dalek in this one - Currently not up on the archives as Charlie has expressed the need to remove her old videos)
6x08 - (lets kill hitler)
6x09 - (night terrors)
6x10 - (the girl who waited)
6x11 - (the god complex)
6x12 - (closing time)
6x13.1 - (the wedding of river song)
6x13.2 - The Monster Files: The Antibodies (a little documentary on the antibodies from lets kill hitler)
6x13.3 - The Monster Files: The Cybermats (a little documentary on the little adorable cybermates because awww)
6x14 - The Nights' Tale (a little documentary on on the nights mini episodes! the last confidential stuff ever made rip)
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kybercrystals94 · 1 month
Sacrifice and Loyalty
Read here on Ao3!
Angstpril 2024 | Day 12 | Prompt 12: A Little Too Late
Rated: G | Words: 561 | Summary: Missing scene between episodes 3x11 and 3x12. | Character Focus: Crosshair, Hunter
Spoilers for Season 3 Episodes 11 & 12
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The moment Hunter slips through the door, he knows something is desperately wrong. The needled talons of dread claw up his throat from the pit of his stomach. He tries to swallow it back, but it lodges tightly just behind his tongue. 
Hunter takes in the occupants of the space. Wrecker, still unconscious, and Crosshair, sitting next to him with his rifle propped at the ready against his thigh. Their sister’s absence is cavernous. 
“Where’s Omega?” Hunter asks. 
Crosshair’s shoulders rise and fall as he takes a deep breath. He stands, leaning his rifle against the wall, and turns to face Hunter head on.   
“Omega turned herself in.” Crosshair states it, voice pressed flat of emotion. His hand trembles at his side, unchecked, as Crosshair looks anywhere but Hunter’s face. “She…” his dull voice catches, “She did it to save Pabu. They wouldn’t have stopped searching until they found her. It was only a matter of time.” He glances down, notices his hand and grips it in the other. “I tried to reason with her. She knew the risks.
“But I failed to protect her,” Crosshair continues. “I was supposed to get a tracker on the ship, but I missed. I missed, and she doesn’t know. She trusted me to make the shot, and I missed.” He fists his trembling hand. “I’m sorry, Hunter.”
The initial, reactive twist of Hunter’s features as the news settles is hidden behind his helmet. They just got her back, and the Empire snatched her away again. Righteous anger burns deep, and it takes every piece of Hunter’s exhausted resolve not to become violent, to throw something, break something, destroy something. It isn’t fair, what this galaxy has taken from them, has done to them, over and over again. 
Hunter takes a staggered step forward, and Crosshair flinches. It is subtle, almost imperceptible. But Hunter sees it, and his heart fractures further. His anger does not extend to Crosshair. How could it, when he sees his own turmoil and regret reflected in his little brother’s averted eyes? Hunter puts his anger away, thrusts it into the darkest corner of his mind to fester, and reaches up to take off his helmet. Crosshair’s gaze slides over to meet his as soon as his face is exposed. 
“I know you did everything you could,” Hunter says. He swallows. There is no comfort in the truth, just the reality. “Omega would have gone with or without you backing her up.” 
Hunter remembers seeing his sister after he and Wrecker were captured, small and fierce, energy bow drawn, refusing to hide away if there was any possibility of saving her brothers. Omega isn’t a soldier, but loyalty and sacrifice are saturated in her blood. Just like Tech. 
Naked surprise twitches Crosshair’s expression before settling back into careful neutral. He nods stiffly, looking away. “She put the people of Pabu before herself, risked everything so that we might find Tantiss. I was ambushed by troopers when I was lining up the shot for the tracker. I…I couldn’t recover my position in time…”
Hunter rests a hand on Crosshair’s pauldron. “Omega won’t blame you, Cross. I don’t blame you. We’ll find her again.” 
Crosshair swallows visibly and steadies himself before looking Hunter in the eye again. A small, despondent smile quirks the edge of his lips. “Not if she finds us first.” 
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Heading into the next third of our prompts! Make sure you check out all of @the-little-moment and @just-here-with-my-thoughts contributions to Angstpril! They are amazing!! Here's an easy list of our first 10 prompt fills!
✨Let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list!✨
Tag List: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @proteatook @ezras-left-thumb @merkitty49
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hecckyeah · 3 months
All the thoughts running through Tim Bradford's mind before he gives Lucy the best compliment of her career, probably.
(A deep dive into the scene in 3x11: New Blood. Lucy confronts Tim about his . . . unfamiliar training techniques.)
Why are you being so nice to her?
The question doesn’t surprise him.
In fact, he’s more amused than anything, especially that it’s taken her two days to demand answers on the subject. If Lucy Chen is one thing, it’s perceptive. And she’s never been afraid to broach a difficult topic. Especially with him.
No, what surprises him is her fury.
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capnclem · 2 years
top five gus fring looks ranked by objective cuntiness
5: pollos getup: classic, smart, and distinctive!
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4: brba 3x11 dinner time sweater: cute, casual and petty!!!
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3: brba 4x11 desert outfit: it's important to look your best even after getting poisoned!!!
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2: bcs 3x03 all-black suit: desert date with your new old guy hitman that reveals a sliver of your tragic backstory while serving in thematically relevant mourning colours
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honourable mention to….. brba 4x13 immaculate blue suit, truly a princess di revenge dress moment.
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1: brba 4x01 box cutter suit : the symbolism of "covering up" before killing someone, the colour theory, the blood spatter on the glasses…. this is truly cunt.
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also because it gave us tits
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queseraone · 4 months
You had this coming. Worst 5 Chenford Episodes of the Rookie. Tim and Lucy must interact. You reap what you sow 😈
And then to give you even more to procrastinate with—
5 missed opportunities that you wish the show would have done more with
Okay, let's dive into this.
My opinion on worst episodes is similar to yours - these episodes feel like a departure from the characters and from the development of their relationship, etc.
Hit and Run (4x08) - I do not like this episode for Chenford (and in general tbh). GENNY: When you were 7 years old, he dropped you in Griffith Park with a compass and made you find your way home. TIM: Which I did. LUCY: A Tim Test. (setting aside the overall UGH of someone doing that to a SEVEN YEAR OLD...) As if Lucy 'empathy is her superpower' Chen would make such inconsiderate comments about someone else's pain, especially Tim's?!?!??! No, no, NO. Even her conversation later with Tim where she says she's overstepping, but that his sister needs him... I get that, but Tim did not want to go back there. And the Lucy of the past and of nearly every other episode would absolutely not say that. She would respect and support Tim's choice, because it makes sense - emotionally, psychologically, etc. And if they really needed Lucy to have a conversation like that, it should have been with Genny, telling her to leave Tim alone and respect his choice. Ugh.
Mother's Day (4x21) - This makes the list out of my absolute HATRED for that fake proposal. Sure, the teasing earlier in the episode was fun, but the ending was AWFUL. There are about a million other (better) ways we could have seen Lucy having that sort of "aha" moment. Tim Bradford views marriage in high regard (again I go back to - this man was true to his vows with Isabel long after she took off), he's not going to PROPOSE as a joke. GRRRR
The Choice (5x04) - What you said, honestly. That Look™ as he's lowered down to the basement is !!!!!, but beyond that? Booooo, such an anticlimactic conclusion to this story arc. Certainly this was a byproduct of (heartbreaking) real-life circumstances, but the complete lack of closure to this arc for Lucy (and Tim) will be forever disappointing. And on top of the way it all played out, the brief exchange between them when they see Rosalind's body at the end? It's so devoid of any emotion or compassion on Tim's part (granted, we can't see his face as he says "she only seemed larger than life", but his subsequent line is all business), and it just feels so out of touch with the previous Chenford + Rosalind moments.
New Blood (3x11) - Again, big old ditto here, but yes, hated the way they portrayed Lucy as insecure and jealous of Barnes. (Seriously listen up everyone: Lucy has never ever been insecure about her appearance - nor should she be, she's a fucking babe.)
This is a tie between A.C.H. (4x05) and Long Shot (4x14) for the same reason. Both episodes have some fun moments, and are certainly not awful overall, but similar to Lucy's comments re: Tim's childhood/dad in 4x08, I hated seeing Tim spin Lucy's mom's comments/actions in a positive light ("Or she's just looking out for you, knowing how busy you are." and "Maybe she's trying to prevent you from making the same mistakes she did."). Sure, maybe he was trying to play devil's advocate or make sure Lucy was considering all her options or whatever, but it comes across as him siding with her mom. And based on how easily Lucy talks to him about this stuff, it's clear he's heard plenty about that situation in the past. Lucy's mom sucks.
Five missed opportunities, hmm, this is hard to think about on the fly...
I think it was a massive missed opportunity to have Chenford do the whole secret relationship thing (delicious) and then not have a reveal of the relationship. This show is light and fun, and there was major comedy potential there. I wish they would have explored that more. This is slightly related, so I'll lump them together - I wish we had a conversation between Tim and Angela after the reveal of Chenford to bookend the ones in 5x01 and 5x02.
Still can't believe they brought Chris back after the breakup just for lawyer stuff. I was more than happy to close the door on that character, but if they really wanted to bring him back, it felt like a missed opportunity to not have some interaction with Chenford and real closure to that arc.
The Emmett of the it all - I've been chatting with @goodgirlssayiloveyoutoo (Go read her fics! Do it now!) about this recently, and it's honestly such a bummer that the actor had to leave so abruptly. There was so much potential in that relationship - he was super hot, Lucy deserved to have a love life (!!!!), and it felt like such an opportunity to propel things forward and make something happen with Chenford.
This one is silly and stupid, but after Tim called LA CLEAR in season 2, I would have loved to see Lucy or Nyla or someone set his ringtone to Lady Marmalade.
I can't believe I'm relating one of these to 5x01, because that episode is a fave, but it's a bit of a missed opportunity that Hajek's crew busted into the hotel room so early. There was only one bed. Would have loved to see how they handled that (and just having more of them undercover in general). But that's a minor one overall.
And I absolutely positively wish Tim broke up with Ashley.
Oooookay wow this post feels super duper negative... which is insane because I absolutely adore this show and CANNOT WAIT for it to be back in 4 (!!!!!!!!!) weeks!!!!!!
Omg someone ask me some positive happy questions hahaha
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thecoffeelorian · 28 days
The Force-ening || S3 One-Shot
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Brief Description: What if...Omega and the other Tantiss kids used the Force to call for help? Word Count: Less than 1k AO3:
Characters Included: Crosshair, Eva, Hunter, Omega, Commander Cody, Commander Wolffe, and others. Spoilers: Up to 3x11, because I am NEVER being nice to Rampart. Special Thanks: Inspired by Fireflye over on Twitter, though I also drew on some inspiration from a few Stephen King novels with just a smattering of Dune inspiration to wash it down. No Pressure Tags: @theosb0rnway @gun-roswell @nimata-beroya @skellymom @talesfrommedinastation @groguandthebadbatch and anyone else who likes spur-of-the-moment tales!
He had never expected to find himself so powerless in this moment, this former sniper.
Normally, the prime vantage point during a battle would have been his, as well as the glory of taking out the most dangerous of battle droids or rival gun turrets so that the fighting would ultimately shift in the Republic’s favor. One small but terribly important job to do, and with very little physical effort needed to complete it.
Thanks to the cold-blooded machinations of the Empire, however…he found himself staring blankly at the galactic maps and terrains before him, a sour feeling growing in the pit of his stomach while the two Commanders, Wolffe and Cody, tossed their limited intel between them like two natborn toddlers trying to catch the other’s ball. An extremely difficult mental exercise this time, though unfortunately, one with very little chance of the results they were looking for, as their missing link continued to be just that.
That must have been exactly how this new enemy saw them now, truth be told. Just a bunch of overgrown toddlers, fully armed to the teeth, fully ready to organize any reinforcements they needed and fully prepared to fight…but with absolutely no clue as to where they needed to point their weapons.
How that kriffing Hemlock must be laughing at them all.
How quickly must he be declaring his early victory against them.
And, if the rising voices and shortening tempers were anything to go on…how easily he could have to just wait for them to start fighting each other.
Crosshair remembered letting out a loud sigh of frustration before pulling himself out of his seat, no longer able to look any of these XO’s in the face without being reminded of just how easy it had been to let this new enemy lull him into total obedience. Like if he just punished the right amount of “criminals”, the less likely this Imperial beast would think to feast upon his newly fallen corpse and actually try thinking of him as a friend instead...or whatever he was supposed to call the pale, sickly natborns who were given much more power than he could ever hope to have.
Well…not only did he have a grand total of zero friends back there, but Cross wasn’t exactly sure he had any support over here, either. Not when the comms that Omega should have had never turned on, the trackers he’d attempted to put in place were either removed or failed to hit their target, and any telltale chatter over the various media feeds continued to be slim to nothing. In fact, if he really wanted to hit the peak of pessimism, he could go off on a tangent and say that the universe itself had finally turned against him, because it sure as hell wasn’t gonna grant him or anyone else in this room any more favors. All he could really do, at least in the here and now, was go someplace quieter to clear his head and try meditating just as Omega had taught him back on the beach.
At least…that had been his thought until the strange smells came.
First, there was the sharp tang of antiseptic, the sterile smell of some medical facility, and then…meiloorun juice—?!
—…Then…the next thing he knew, he had been propped up against an old artillery shell with half the higher-ups kneeling around him, his head spinning just a little as he gradually regained consciousness. Somebody had been using the Force to contact him. No...she had been using it to contact him for help. And if he had his head on straight these days, which hopefully, he did...he would be sure to answer.
“…you all right? Can you see me?!”
Hunter’s face slowly swam into view as the sense of something pressing against his head—sore, ha ha, why wouldn’t it be—finally became clear to him. A sense that came with the phantom feeling of several pairs of smaller hands patting nervously, or rather comfortingly, against his larger injured one.
Almost like…like they were letting him know not to be afraid, to stand up and get back into the thick of things because oh dear, they would certainly have to do the exact same thing if they wanted to live…and that was right before the strongest of these little sparks of life made itself known.
Before one more, somewhat bigger presence touched the edge of its forehead against his own at that moment, the touch of warmth rising there as though to counteract all of the colder shocks he had ever dealt with.
Before he not only sensed, but also knew, and then understood the message that this presence wished to deliver.
“I know where they’ve got her,” he panted, finding Hunter’s gaze and focusing on it to ground himself, if not also to make sure none of these other Troopers would start falling into anarchy.
“I know where they’ve got everyone. It’s Weyland.”
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wolfish-nightmares · 2 months
Game of Survival
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Pairings: The Group x gn!reader
Era: Season 1-11
Warnings: TWD gore and violence. Bad language. 18+
Category: Fluff. Angst.
Word Count:
Summary: With no other choice, you must learn to play this new game of survival. 
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Season 1: 
1x1 - Days Gone Bye 1x3 - Tell It to the Frogs 1x4 - Vatos 1x5 - Wildfire 1x6 - TS-19
Season 2:
2x1 - What Lies Ahead 2x2 - Bloodletting  2x3 - Save the Last One 2x4 - Cherokee Rose 2x5 - Chupacabra  2x6 - Secrets 2x7 - Pretty Much 2x8 - Nebraska 2x9 - Triggerfinger  2x10 - 18 Miles Out 2x11 - Judge, Jury, Executioner  2x12 - Better Angels 2x13 - Beside the Dying Fire 
Season 3: 
3x1 - Seed 3x2 - Sick 3x3 - Walk With Me 3x4 - Killer Within 3x5 - Say the Word  3x6 - Hounded  3x7 - When the Dead Come Knocking 3x8 - Made to Suffer  3x9 - The Suicide King 3x10 - Home 3x11 - I Ain’t Judas 3x12 - Clear 3x13 - Arrow on the Doorpost 3x14 - Prey 3x15 - This Sorrowful Life 3x16 - Welcome to the Tombs
Season: 4
4x1 - 30 Days Without an Accident 4x2 - Infected 4x3 - Isolation 4x4 - Indifference  4x5 - Internment 4x6 - Live Bait 4x7 - Dead Weight 4x8 - Too Far Gone 4x9 - After 4x10 - Inmates 4x11 - Claimed 4x12 - Still 4x13 - Alone 4x14 - The Grove 4x15 - Us 4x16 - A
Season 5: 
5x1 - No Sanctuary  5x2 - Strangers 5x3 - Four Walls and a Roof 5x4 - Slabtown 5x6 - Self Help 5x7 - Consumed 5x8 - Coda 5x9 - What Happened and What’s Going On 5x10 - Them 5x11 - The Distance  5x12 - Remember  5x13 - Forget 5x14 - Spend 5x15 - Try 5x16 - Conquer 
Season 6: 
6x1 - First Time Again  6x2 - JSS 6x3 - Thank You 6x4 - Here’s Not Here 6x5 - Now 6x6 - Always Accountable  6x7 - Heads Up 6x8 - Start to FInish 6x9 - No Way Out 6x10 - The Next World 6x11 - Knots Untie 6x12 - Not Tomorrow Yet 6x13- The Same Boat 6x14 - Twice As Far 6x15 - East  6x16 - Last Day on Earth 
Season 7: 
7x1 - The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be 7x2 - The Well 7x3 - The Cell 7x4 - Service 7x5 - Go Getter  7x6 - Swear 7x7 - Sing Me a Song 7x8 - Hearts Still Beating 7x9 - Rock in the Road 7x10 - New Best Friends 7x11 - Hostiles and Calamities  7x12 - Say Yes 7x13 - Bury Me Here 7x14 - The Other Side  7x15 - Something They Need 7x16 - The First Day of the Rest of Your Life 
Season 8: 
8x1 - Mercy 8x2 - The Damned  8x3 - Monsters 8x4 - Some Guy  8x5 - The Big Scary U 8x6 - The King, the Widow, and Rick 8x7 - Time for After  8x8 - How It’s Gotta Be 8x9 - Honor 8x10 - The Lost and the Plunderers  8x11 - Dead or Alive Or 8x12 - The Key 8x13 - Do Not Send Us Astray  8x14 - Still Gotta Mean Something 8x15 - Worth  8x16 - Wrath
Season 9: 
9x1 - A New Beginning 9x2 - The Bridge 9x3 - Warning Signs 9x4 - The Obliged 9x5 - What Comes After 9x6 - Who Are You Now? 9x7 - Stradivarius 9x8 - Evolution 9x9 - Adaptation 9x10 - Omega 9x11 - Bounty 9x12 - Guardians 9x13 - Chokepoint 9x14 - Scars 9x15 - The Calm Before 9x16 - The Storm
Season 10: 
10x0 - Holiday Special 10x1 - Lines We Cross 10x2 - We Are the End of the World 10x3 - Ghost 10x4 - Silence the Whisperers 10x5 - What It Always Is 10x6 - Bonds 10x7 - Open Your Eyes 10x8 - The World Before 10x9 - Squeeze 10x10 - Stalker 10x11 - Morning Star 10x12 - Walk with Us 10x13 - What We Become 10x14 - Look at the Flowers 10x15 - The Tower 10x16 - A Certain Doom 10x17 - Home Sweet Home 10x18 - Find Me 10x19 - One More 10x20 - Splinter 10x21 - Diverged 10x22 - Here's Negan
Season 11: 
11x1 - Acheron: Part 1 11x2 - Acheron: Part 2 11x3 - Hunted 11x4 - Rendition 11x5 - Out of the Ashes 11x6 - On the Inside 11x7 - Promises Broken 11x8 - For Blood 11x9 - No Other Way 11x10 - New Haunts 11x11 - Rogue Element 11x12 - The Lucky Ones 11x13 - Warlords 11x14 - The Rotten Core 11x15 - Trust 11x16 - Acts of God 11x17 - Lockdown 11x18 - A New Deal 11x19 - Variant 11x20 - What's Been Lost 11x21 - Outpost 22
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chenfordspiral · 10 months
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Tim and Lucy in every episode of The Rookie 3x11 || New Blood "And who knows. One day, she might even be as good as you."
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 months
Unpacking 3x6.
A previous anon asked about the near kiss in this episode when Damon stopped Elena? Not sure I picked up on when that happened? Makes sense, this is the episode where Delena picks up pace. Most of the others have seen and now accepted Delena and she's not as shy about it. Then 3x7 is Elena letting Stefan go, temporarily as it were.
I see the scene cuts to Tyler and the sire bond set up, now that you have explained.
Curious about Stefan's soft voice "Elena" in the car before it blew up. Obvious he is letting his humanity back in but then why be such a dick later in the episode? I suppose it does show his emotions were coming back. Elena appears done with him so was he insecure? They tried to kill him so was he angry? He's remembering Delena moments and he's sad? I really get frustrated at the way he's written around this time. Then of course again at the end of season 3. Meaning Elena's choice at the end. Trying to enjoy the season, it was my favorite until the finale so now I'm hell bent finding a deeper meaning in every episode lol.
Everything I write is of my own interpretation of the writing, and I pay attention to everything. Scene cuts are fun, often times adding to the beauty of a scene. The end of 3x18 reveals their trip to Denver, and why Elena's confession matters at the 20s dance. Stefan's comment to Elena becomes Damon's reality because Stefan ignores what he already knows.
I consider 3x1 her fall for Damon and 3x5 her un-fall for Stefan. While Stelans's scenes appear romantic, they're focused on Stefan's humanity. She already let her boyfriend go when she refused to put his necklace back on in 3x5. She's fighting for him as a friend. When she falls into his arms in 3x6, it's about his humanity, not about her feelings for him. "I knew you'd catch me." The fact that Klaus compelled Stefan to protect her paints a different picture for their scene. When she holds him at the end of 3x7, it's about his humanity, not about her feelings for him. When she holds him at the end of 3x14, it's about his humanity, not about her feelings for him. When she takes him to the 20s dance, she's taking him back to the place where he flipped his humanity switch. It's about his humanity, and her feelings for him because he didn't just bite her, she got bitten. So while he's dealing with the fact that he bit her, she's dealing with the fact that she nearly died.
3x1 is written differently than 3x9 because she's still in love with Stefan on her birthday. In 3x9, she's not talking about letting him go romantically. She's talking about letting him go completely. You can tell in her body language that she's actually ready to. When she delivers her "You had me" line in 3x11, she's not referring to herself as his girlfriend, she's referring to herself as his friend. Different in the fact that Delena works from friendship to romance, while Stelena works from romance to friendship. That's why Stelena's scenes appear romantic, when Elena is simply acting as his friend... just as she acted as Damon's friend in the first two seasons. I love 3x6. You can see the boyfriend and the friend at the end of the episode. An intimate scene with Damon in his bathroom, where Elena genuinely wants to kiss him. Then she's staking Stefan in the stomach and waking away. The most important scene when Tyler and Caroline discuss the sire bond, it's when they're talking about his diet and painting with glitter in 3x9. That's when you can really see Delena. It shows why Elena licks blood from her fingers while feeding in 4x4.
I love their glitter scene mostly because it gives new meaning to Damon's comment in 1x4, about how vampires don't sparkle in the sun.
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 To Be Added This Summer.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 02/13/24
Works: 98
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
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gift-to-literature · 7 months
1. Pilot : 1x1
2. Wendigo : 1x2
3. Dead in the Water : 1x3
4. Phantom Traveler : 1x4
5. Bloody Mary : 1x5
6. Skin : 1x6
7. Hook Man : 1x7
8. Bugs : 1x8
9. Home : 1x9
10. Asylum : 1x10
11. Scarecrow : 1x11
12. Faith : 1x12
13. Route 666 : 1x13
14. Nightmare : 1x14
15. The Benders : 1x15
16. Shadow : 1x16
17. Hell House : 1x17
18. Something Wicked : 1x18
19. Provenance : 1x19
20. Dead Man's Blood : 1x20
21. Salvation : 1x21
22. Devil's Trap : 1x22
23. In My Time of Dying : 2x1
24. Everybody Loves a Clown : 2x2
25. Bloodlust : 2x3
26. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things : 2x4
27. Simon Said : 2x5
28. No Exit : 2x6
29. The Usual Suspects : 2x7
30. Crossroad Blues : 2x8
31. Croatoan : 2x9
32. Hunted : 2x10
33. Playthings : 2x11
34. Nightshifter : 2x12
35. Houses of the Holy : 2x13
36. Born Under a Bad Sign : 2x14
37. Tall Tales : 2x15
38. Roadkill : 2x16
39. Heart : 2x17
40. Hollywood Babylon : 2x18
41. Folsom Prison Blues : 2x19
42. What Is and What Should Never Be : 2x20
43. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 : 2x21
44. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 : 2x22
45. The Magnificent Seven : 3x1
46. The Kids Are Alright : 3x2
47. Bad Day at Black Rock : 3x3
48. Sin City : 3x4
49. Bedtime Stories : 3x5
50. Red Sky at Morning : 3x6
51. Fresh Blood : 3x7
52. A Very Supernatural Christmas : 3x8
53. Malleus Maleficarum : 3x9
54. Dream a Little Dream of Me : 3x10
55. Mystery Spot : 3x11
56. Jus in Bello : 3x12
57. Ghostfacers! : 3x13
58. Long Distance Call : 3x14
59. Time Is on My Side : 3x15
60. No Rest for the Wicked : 3x16
61. Lazarus Rising : 4x1
62. Are You There, God? It's Me Dean Winchester : 4x2
63. In the Beginning : 4x3
64. Metamorphosis : 4x4
65. Monster Movie : 4x5
66. Yellow Fever : 4x6
67. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester : 4x7
68. Whisful Thinking : 4x8
69. I Know What You Did Last Summer : 4x9
70. Heaven and Hell : 4x10
71. Family Remains : 4x11
72. Criss Angel Is a Douch Bag : 4x12
73. After School Special : 4x13
74. Sex and Violence : 4x14
75. Death Takes a Holiday : 4x15
76. On the Head of a Pin : 4x16
77. It's a Terrible Life : 4x17
78. The Monster at the End of This Book : 4x18
79. Jump the Shark : 4x19
80. The Rapture : 4x20
81. When the Levee Breaks : 4x21
82. Lucifer Rising : 4x22
83. Sympathy for the Devil : 5x1
84. Good God, Y'All : 5x2
85. Free to Be You and Me : 5x3
86. The End : 5x4
87. Fallen Idols : 5x5
88. I Believe the Children Are Our Future : 5x6
89. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester : 5x7
90. Changing Channels : 5x8
91. The Real Ghostbusters : 5x9
92. Abandon All Hope : 5x10
93. Sam, Interrupted : 5x11
94. Swap Meat : 5x12
95. The Song Remains the Same : 5x13
96. My Bloody Valentine : 5x14
97. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid : 5x15
98. Dark Side of the Moon : 5x16
99. 99 Problems : 5x17
100. Point of No Return : 5x18
101. Hammer of the Gods : 5x19
102. The Devil You Know : 5x20
103. Two Minutes to Midnight : 5x21
104. Swan Song : 5x22
105. Exile on Main St. : 6x1
106. Two and a Half Man : 6x2
107. The Third Man : 6x3
108. Weekend at Bobby's : 6x4
109. Live Free or Twi-hard : 6x5
110. You Can't Handle the Truth : 6x6
111. Family Matters : 6x7
112. All Dogs Go to Heaven : 6x8
113. Clap Your Hands If You Believe : 6x9
114. Caged Heat : 6x10
115. Appointment in Samarra : 6x11
116. Like a Virgin : 6x12
117. Unforgiven : 6x13
118. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning : 6x14
119. The French Mistake : 6x15
120. ... And Then There Were None : 6x16
121. My Heart Will Go On : 6x17
122. Frontierland : 6x18
123. Mommy Dearest : 6x19
124. The Man Who Whould Be King : 6x20
125. Let It Bleed : 6x21
126. The Man Who Knew Too Much : 6x22
127. Meet the New Boss : 6x23
128. Hello, Cruel World : 7x1
129. The Girl Next Door : 7x2
130. Defending Your Life : 7x3
131. Shut Up, Dr. Phil : 7x4
132. Slash Fiction : 7x5
133. The Mentalists : 7x6
134. Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! : 7x7
135. Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel : 7x8
136. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters : 7x9
137. Death's Door : 7x10
138. Adventures in Babysitting : 7x11
139. Time After Time : 7x12
140. The Slice Girls : 7x13
141. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie : 7x14
142. Repo Man : 7x15
143. Out with the Old : 7x16
144. The Born-Again Identity : 7x17
145. Party On, Garth : 7x18
146. Of Grave Importance : 7x19
147. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo : 7x20
148. Reading Is Fundamental : 7x21
149. There Will Be Blood : 7x22
150. Survival of the Fittest : 7x23
151. We Need to Talk About Kevin : 8x1
152. What's Up, Tiger Mommy? : 8x2
153. Heartache : 8x3
154. Bitten : 8x4
155. Blood Brother : 8x5
156. Southern Comfort : 8x6
157. A Little Slice of Kevin : 8x7
158. Hunteri Heroici : 8x8
159. Citizen Fang : 8x9
160. Torn and Frayed : 8x10
161. LARP and the Real Girl : 8x11
162. As Time Goes By : 8x12
163. Everybody Hates Hitler : 8x13
164. Trial and Error : 8x14
165. Man's Best Friend with Benefits : 8x15
166. Remember the Titans : 8x16
167. Goodbye Stranger : 8x17
168. Freaks and Geeks : 8x18
169. Taxi Driver : 8x19
170. Pac-Man Fever : 8x20
171. The Great Escapist : 8x21
172. Clip Show : 8x22
173. Sacrifice : 8x23
174. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here : 9x1
175. Devil May Care : 9x2
176. I'm No Angel : 9x3
177. Slumber Party : 9x4
178. Dog Dean Afternoon : 9x5
179. Heaven Can't Wait : 9x6
180. Bad Boys : 9x7
181. Rock and a Hard Place : 9x8
182. Holy Terror : 9x9
183. Road Trip : 9x10
184. First Born : 9x11
185. Sharp Teeth : 9x12
186. The Purge : 9x13
187. Captives : 9x14
188. #thinman : 9x15
189. Blade Runners : 9x16
190. Mother's Little Helper : 9x17
191. Meta Fiction : 9x18
192. Alex Annie Alexis Ann : 9x19
193. Bloodlines : 9x20
194. King of the Damned : 9x21
195. Stairway to Heaven : 9x22
196. Do You Believe in Miracles : 9x23
197. Black : 10x1
198. Reichenbach : 10x2
199. Soul Survivor : 10x3
200. Fan Fiction : 10x4
201. Paper Moon : 10x5
202. Ask Jeeves : 10x6
203. Girls, Girls, Girls : 10x7
204. Hibbing 911 : 10x8
205. The Things We Left Behind : 10x9
206. The Hunter Games : 10x10
207. There's No Place Like Home : 10x11
208. About a Boy : 10x12
209. Halt & Catch Fire : 10x13
210. The Executioner's Song : 10x14
211. The Thing They Carried : 10x15
212. Paint It Black : 10x16
213. Inside Man : 10x17
214. Book of the Damned : 10x18
215. The Werther Project : 10x19
216. Angel Heart : 10x20
217. Dark Dynasty : 10x21
218. The Prisoner : 10x22
219. Brother's Keeper : 10x23
220. Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire : 11x1
221. Form and Void : 11x2
222. The Bad Seed : 11x3
223. Baby : 11x4
224. Thin Lizzie : 11x5
225. Our Little World : 11x6
226. Plush : 11x7
227. Just My Imagination : 11x8
228. O Brother, Where Art Thou? : 11x9
229. The Devil in the Details : 11x10
230. Into the Mystic : 11x11
231. Don't You Forget About Me : 11x12
232. Love Hurts : 11x13
233. The Vessel : 11x14
234. Beyond the Mat : 11x15
235. Safe House : 11x16
236. Red Meat : 11x17
237. Hell's Angel : 11x18
238. The Chitters : 11x19
239. Don't Call Me Shurley : 11x20
240. All in the Family : 11x21
241. We Happy Few : 11x22
242. Alpha and Omega : 11x23
243. Keep Calm and Carry On : 12x1
244. Mamma Mia : 12x2
245. The Foundry : 12x3
246. American Nightmare : 12x4
247. The One You've Been Waiting For : 12x5
248. Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox : 12x6
249. Rock Never Dies : 12x7
250. LOTUS : 12x8
251. First Blood : 12x9
252. Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets : 12x10
253. Regarding Dean : 12x11
254. Stuck in the Middle (With You) : 12x12
255. Family Feud : 12x13
256. The Raid : 12x14
257. Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell : 12x15
258. Ladies Drink Free : 12x16
259. The British Invasion : 12x17
260. The Memory Remains : 12x18
261. The Future : 12x19
262. Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes : 12x20
263. There's Something About Mary : 12x21
264. Who We Are : 12x22
265. All Along the Watchtower : 12x23
266. Lost and Found : 13x1
267. The Rising Son : 13x2
268. Patience : 13x3
269. The Big Empty : 13x4
270. Advanced Thanatology : 13x5
271. Tombstone : 13x6
272. War of the Worlds : 13x7
273. The Scorpion and the Frog : 13x8
274. The Bad Place : 13x9
275. Wayward Sisters : 13x10
276. Breakdown : 13x11
277. Various & Sundry Villains : 13x12
278. Devil's Bargain : 13x13
279. Good Intentions : 13x14
280. A Most Holy Man : 13x15
281. ScoobyNatural : 13x16
282. The Thing : 13x17
283. Bring 'em Back Alive : 13x18
284. Funeralia : 13x19
285. Unfinished Business : 13x20
286. Beat the Devil : 13x21
287. Exodus : 13x22
288. Let the Good Times Roll : 13x23
289. Stranger in a Strange Land : 14x1
290. Gods and Monsters : 14x2
291. The Scar : 14x3
292. Nightmare Logic : 14x4
293. Optimism : 14x5
294. Unhuman Nature : 14x6
295. Byzantium : 14x7
296. The Spear : 14x8
297. Nihilism : 14x9
298. Damaged Goods : 14x10
299. Prophet and Loss : 14x11
300. Lebanon : 14x12
301. Mint Condition : 14x13
302. Ouroboros : 14x14
303. Peace of Mind : 14x15
304. Don't Go in the Woods : 14x16
305. Game Night : 14x17
306. Absence : 14x18
307. Jack in the Box : 14x19
308. Moriah : 14x20
309. Back and to the Future : 15x1
310. Raising Hell : 15x2
311. The Rupture : 15x3
312. Atomic Monsters : 15x4
313. Proverbs 17:3 : 15x5
314. Golden Time : 15x6
315. Last Call : 15x7
316. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven : 15x8
317. The Trap : 15x9
318. The Heroes' Journey : 15x10
319. The Gamblers : 15x11
320. Galaxy Brain : 15x12
321. Destiny's Child : 15x13
322. Last Holiday : 15x14
323. Gimme Shelter : 15x15
324. Drag Me Away (From You) : 15x16
325. Unity : 15x17
326. Despair : 15x18
327. Inherit the Earth : 15x19
328. Carry On : 15x20
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: Links to My Recaps
So, I finished 3 year long rewatch of ouat & ouatiw a few weeks ago and I thought I’d post links to my live reaction posts of each episode. If anyone’s interested in anything specific you can find it here. It’s also just to have them all in one place. I would love to see your comments about the episodes or in regards to any questions I raised, or anything really if you would like to add anything! I’d love to talk Ouat with you!
All Episodes Tag
Chronological Order | Last To First Order
Season One
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1x01 Pilot | 1x02 The Thing You Love Most | 1x03 Snow Falls | 1x04 The Price of Gold | 1x05 That Still Small Voice | 1x06 The Shepherd | 1x07 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | 1x08 Desperate Souls | 1x09 True North | 1x10 7:15 A.M. | 1x11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | 1x12 Skin Deep | 1x13 What Happened to Frederick | 1x14 Dreamy | 1x15 Red-Handed | 1x16 Heart of Darkness | 1x17 Hat Trick | 1x18 The Stable Boy | 1x19 The Return | 1x20 The Stranger | 1x21 An Apple Red as Blood | 1x22 A Land Without Magic
Season Two
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2x01 Broken | 2x02 We Are Both | 2x03 Lady of the Lake | 2x04 The Crocodile | 2x05 The Doctor | 2x06 Tallahassee | 2x07 Child of the Moon | 2x08 Into the Deep | 2x09 Queen of Hearts | 2x10 The Cricket Game | 2x11 The Outsider | 2x12 In the Name of the Brother | 2x13 Tiny | 2x14 Manhattan | 2x15 The Queen is Dead | 2x16 The Miller's Daughter | 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke | 2x18 Selfless, Brave and True | 2x19 Lacey | 2x20 The Evil Queen | 2x21 Second Star to the Right | 2x22 And Straight on 'til Morning
Season Three
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3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer | 3x02 Lost Girl | 3x03 Quite a Common Fairy | 3x04 Nasty Habits | 3x05 Good Form | 3x06 Ariel | 3x07 Dark Hollow | 3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts | 3x09 Save Henry | 3x10 The New Neverland | 3x11 Going Home | 3x12 New York City Serenade | 3x13 Witch Hunt | 3x14 The Tower | 3x15 Quiet Minds | 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green | 3x17 The Jolly Roger | 3x18 Bleeding Through | 3x19 A Curious Thing | 3x20 Kansas | 3x21 Snow Drifts | 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
Season Four
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4x01 A Tale of Two Sisters | 4x02 White Out | 4x03 Rocky Road | 4x04 The Apprentice | 4x05 Breaking Glass | 4x06 Family Business | 4x07 The Snow Queen | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 1 | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 2 | 4x09 Fall | 4x10 Shattered Sight | 4x11 Heroes and Villains | 4x12 Darkness on the Edge of Town | 4x13 Unforgiven | 4x14 Enter the Dragon | 4x15 Poor Unfortunate Soul | 4x16 Best Laid Plans | 4x17 Heart of Gold | 4x18 Sympathy for the De Vil | 4x19 Lily | 4x20 Mother | 4x21 Operation Mongoose, Part 1 | 4x22 Operation Mongoose, Part 2
Season Five
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5x01 The Dark Swan | 5x02 The Price | 5x03 Siege Perilous | 5x04 The Broken Kingdom | 5x05 Dreamcatcher | 5x06 The Bear and the Bow | 5x07 Nimue | 5x08 Birth | 5x09 The Bear King | 5x10 Broken Heart | 5x11 Swan Song | 5x12 Souls of the Departed | 5x13 Labor of Love | 5x14 Devil's Due | 5x15 The Brothers Jones | 5x16 Our Decay | 5x17 Her Handsome Hero | 5x18 Ruby Slippers | 5x19 Sisters | 5x20 Firebird | 5x21 Last Rites | 5x22 Only You | 5x23  An Untold Story
Season Six
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6x01 The Savior | 6x02 Bitter Draught | 6x03 The Other Shoe | 6x04 Strange Case | 6x05 Street Rats | 6x06 Dark Waters | 6x07 Heartless | 6x08 I'll Be Your Mirror | 6x09 Changelings | 6x10 Wish You Were Here | 6x11 Tougher Than the Rest | 6x12 Murder Most Foul | 6x13 Ill-Boding Patterns | 6x14 Page 23 | 6x15 A Wondrous Place | 6x16 Mother's Little Helper | 6x17 Awake | 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly | 6x19 The Black Fairy | 6x20 The Song in Your Heart | 6x21 The Final Battle, Part 1 | 6x22 The Final Battle, Part 2
Season Seven
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7x01 Hyperion Heights | 7x02 A Pirate's Life | 7x03 The Garden of Forking Paths | 7x04 Beauty | 7x05 Greenbacks | 7x06 Wake Up Call | 7x07 Eloise Gardener | 7x08 Pretty in Blue | 7x09 One Little Tear | 7x10 The Eighth Witch | 7x11 Secret Garden | 7x12 Taste of the Heights | 7x13 Knightfall | 7x14 The Girl in the Tower | 7x15 Sisterhood | 7x16 Breadcrumbs | 7x17 Chosen | 7x18 The Guardian | 7x19 Flower Child | 7x20 Is This Henry Mills? | 7x21 Homecoming | 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
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1x01 Down the Rabbit Hole | 1x02 Trust Me | 1x03 Forget Me Not | 1x04 The Serpent | 1x05 Heart of Stone | 1x06 Who's Alice | 1x07 Bad Blood | 1x08 Home | 1x09 Nothing to Fear | 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets | 1x11 Heart of the Matter | 1x12 To Catch a Thief | 1x13 And They Lived…
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karihighman · 3 years
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3x10 “Man of Honor” description:
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3x11 “New Blood” description:
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themusicsweetly · 5 years
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w e d d e d・b l i s s
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