#i got distracted by komaeda's expression
melonkittii · 4 months
Tumblr media
i was trying to imitate the style feel free to rate my success in the tags (specifically the v3 scrum debate sprites if that wasn't clear)
(id in alt!)
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1randomperson15 · 2 years
I need to share something absolutely hysterical.
Last night, I was playing a game that had different categories with questions (ex who is this character? Who said this? Where is this from?). You get twenty seconds to answer and unlimited guesses. The faster you type in the answer, the more points you get.
One of the categories was Memes & Internet. You could change the difficulty - easy, medium, and hard. We went through easy and medium (although those seemed less based on obscurity and what was more recent - more recent being in medium). It was of the caliber of Surprised Pikachu, Pen Pineapple Apple Pen, Pepe, Distracted Boyfriend - y'know, normal stuff.
And then hard mode. I'll be honest I don't remember which ones they were, but they didn't seem too obscure. It cycled through ones everyone knew and no one knew. Naturally, the scores were pretty close together. At this point, only one more correct answer was needed to win (for me and two others).
The next prompt popped up. It was a screenshot. The background had a grainy yellow and orange checkered floor and matching yellow columns. In the foreground was a poorly rendered 3D Sans Undertale and Danganronpa's very own Nagito Komaeda, both mid dance.
Now, in this game if you type an incorrect answer your opponents can see it. That means if you have the right answer and you spell or word it wrong they have a shot of guessing right before you. They will also see that you wrote Fingers In His Ass, with no context, if it's wrong. So this was high stakes, but clearly no one else knew what it was and I was one of the slowest typers there. I didn't know if I'd get another shot.
So while everyone was writing Sans or Undertale, and making various sounds of confusion, I quickly typed out Fingers In His Ass, hesitated for a second, and submitted
It was correct. I had won, so long as nobody else knew what it was, I was safe.
But that's not where the story ends, for you see after a round is over, the answer is revealed. Everyone else knew that I knew, because the game also shows if you got the correct answer. So while I was loudly celebrating my victory, they were questioning how and why I knew it as well as expressing slight concern.
Through my hysterical cheers and laughter I got out, "It's a tumblr thing! It's a tumblr thing! Y'know, Fingers in His Ass Sunday? It's like Out of Touch Thursdays, it's not that weird. We just use it to track time, okay? It's fine. Don't worry about it."
So now my church friends probably have a very weird perception of tumblr.
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Komanami Week Day 2: First Kiss/Gaming Together
Summary | Nagito and Chiaki are hanging out and playing video games (Mario Party) at Hajime's place. With Chiaki's skills and Nagito's luck, things are getting pretty neck and neck. Well, what methods do they take to try to win when Hajime leaves the room?
❥ Pairing | Nagito Komaeda x Chiaki Nanami (Ft. Hajime Hinata, SHSL Third Wheel)
◆ Warnings | My awful attempt at a kissing scene because I'm very inexperienced with writing them (Don't worry, nothing too spicy)
★ Word Count | 3,643 words
*I'm combining the two prompts for day two. Fair warning for the next entries for Komanami week, they're probably going to be either late or a little messy. School is more despairful than even Junko is, and homework may keep me from writing these entries. Regardless, I hope they're still decent! Again, sorry if there are any errors or if anyone is out of character! Also, sorry if this is a little cringy. Now, grab some snacks, and I hope you enjoy!*
"AH!" Nagito gasped when the screen displayed him being in second place. "Amazing, Nanami! Even though I won the last minigame, you're still in first place. Truly expected of a talented gamer like you!"
Chiaki let out a sigh of relief. "That was close. I was worried that you were about to overtake me. Your luck really makes things hard."
"Now you get why I decided to stop playing?" Hajime asked as he sat at a table nearby, looking up from his homework. "I would've been in last place for hours. Plus, Komaeda's luck would have definitely gotten me to strangle him."
"Aw, really?" Nagito smiled. "Now I really wish you kept playing then."
"Implying...?" Hajime turned around to face Nagito, his his face holding a slightly concerned expression.
Nagito shrugged. "Ah, don't immediately assume the worst, Hinata. I was thinking that it would funny to see you acting like a sore loser."
"The fact that you said that my luck would've gotten you to strangle me," Nagito answered with a gentle smile, like it was obvious. "Surely, someone who isn't a sore loser wouldn't be so angry about losing just because of my luck. So, this clearly shows that you're a sore loser."
That little explanation of his earned him a pillow thrown at his smiling face. "Fuck off, Komaeda," Hajime snapped. "I meant that your lucky ass is annoying as hell to deal with."
Nagito removed the pillow to reveal him trying-and failing- to fight the grin that was creeping onto his face. Small snorts of laughter could be heard as he tried to keep his expression neutral. Hajime crossed his arms.
"Oh, ha ha! You're really funny. You could be a comedian considering how big of a clown you are!"
"I-I'm just-pfft-teasing, Hinata," Nagito let out, still failing at fighting off his laughter.
"Leave him alone, Komaeda," Chiaki said, turning away from the game for a moment to give her boyfriend a scolding look. "If Hinata doesn't want to play, he doesn't have to. Stop teasing him."
Nagito let out another snort of laughter before raising his hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright! I'll leave him alone. I'm sorry, Hinata."
Hajime smiled. "Thank you. Nanami, you're really my lifesaver."
Chiaki turned to him with a blank expression. "I stopped him because I didn't want him to get distracted from the game."
Hajime's jaw dropped. "SERIOUSLY?! Komaeda, stop laughing!"
Nagito was practically laughing his ass off as he wrapped an arm around Chiaki. "Oh my god...Nanami!"
Chiaki nuzzled her head against his shoulder. "What? This game is becoming extremely interesting right now. It's a battle between skill and luck! I need you to be focused so it could be fair for the winner." There was an unusual fire burning behind her blossom eyes as she stared at the screen. Nagito had dealt with this look before since she mainly got this when she's really invested in a video game.
"Oh come on, Nanami! Don't be ridiculous. There's no way that someone as lowly as me could even have a chance to defeat an amazing gamer like you. Besides, you're basically asking me to try and crush your hope. There's no way I would even dream of doing that."
"Don't talk like that," Chiaki said. "I wouldn't be upset if you win, Komaeda. I'm just having fun playing with you. But..."
She turned away from the screen to give him a rare glare. "You'll be crushing my hope by not even trying to win. So, please be quiet and continue playing with me."
"Yes, ma'am!" He quickly replied. This time it was Hajime's turn to stifle his laughter as Nagito immediately turned his attention back to the screen.
He rolled his dice block and moved 10 steps forward...and landed on a dash forward space that made him move another five steps forward and skip a lot of dangerous spaces. Chiaki gritted her teeth as an NPC went next. As much as she loved her boyfriend, she did have to somewhat agree with Hajime. Nagito's luck can be a major factor of who wins in a video game, especially in Mario Party. It really keeps her on her toes, which is actually refreshing.
After a while, Hajime got up and walked towards the kitchen. "Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom and get us some snacks. My brain hurts from those stupid equations."
"Take your time," Chiaki said before Hajime left. Her eyes didn't shift away from the screen as she rolled her dice block and moved 3 spaces, landing on a VS space. "Another minigame. And it's a 4-player minigame as well. Guess I'm up against your luck again."
Nagito smiled, resting his chin on top of her shoulder. "I'm sure you'll win this one, too."
"Hey, I thought you were going to try to beat me," Chiaki complained. "I want you to have fun instead of letting me win."
He smiled. "Who says I'm not having fun? I enjoy myself whenever we play together, regardless if I'm winning or losing. As long as I'm in your presence, then I'm having a good time."
Chiaki smiled and gave Nagito a peck on the cheek. "Thanks...but seriously, don't make this easy for me. This is probably one of the most challenging games that I've played, and I'm determined to win fairly, with you giving it your all as well!"
He chuckled. It really was rare to see Chiaki get so fired up like this. She was usually so calm and passive. Then again, he supposed that it was expected for a pro gamer like her to act differently when it comes to a heated and passionate game. Honestly, he wasn't complaining. He liked seeing this side of her.
"Alright, I'll do my best for you, Nanami," Nagito said before smiling awkwardly. "Honestly, it's weird to even imagine someone like me to get competitive with you, but, just for now, I'll try not to think about it too much."
His smile then shifted to a smirk. "However, don't get too upset when my luck proves to be superior."
"It's on!" Chiaki's eyes had narrowed slightly as she returned his smug expression with a smile. She pressed the A button on her Joy-Con to get the randomizer to pick the minigame. When it stopped, it landed on a minigame that basically needed them to take turns petting a giant sleeping caterpillar until it wakes up and the player who woke it up loses.
An arrow moved rapidly in between each of the four characters and landed on the second NPC. The screen moved to the caterpillar and the NPC began to rapidly pet it several times before the 5-second timer ran out and it was Chiaki's turn. She waved her Joy-Con gently in the air, carefully watching the caterpillar for any sign of it waking up.
"You're being really careful about this, Nanami," Nagito smiled. "And you're earning a lot of points as well! Amazing!"
Chiaki's turn ended and she sighed in relief as Nagito went next. He wasn't nearly as careful as she was when swinging the Joy-Con around to pet the caterpillar. Despite that, however, it didn't wake up. In fact, it didn't even open an eye or jerk its head.
"Good job," Chiaki said. "It didn't even show any signs of waking up."
Nagito chuckled. "Honestly, it was just my luck."
The two NPCs went up next and earned some more points. Chiaki noticed how the caterpillar was beginning to open an eye more often. She also took note of how it jerked its head away during the second NPC's turn, a small vein popping on its head as it did so.
'It's going to wake up soon,' she realized as she held out her Joy-Con, ready for her turn.
Meanwhile, beside her, Nagito was also noticing the signs of the minigame being over soon. He took a look at the amount of points each player had gotten. Chiaki had six points while he had five. Looks like there was a good chance of her winning this minigame.
'That's great!' Nagito thought. 'She's going to win. As expected from her.'
But...then he thought back to what Chiaki had said earlier.
"I don't want you to take it easy on me..."
He glanced over at Chiaki, who was now waving her controller carefully, taking extra caution when noticing the violent way the caterpillar jerked its head. Her face was scrunched up slightly as she bit her lip, concentrating on the minigame. Nagito felt his heart fluttering as he took in the sight. Then...a mischievous smirk crossed his face as he thought of something. She did want him to win, right? So...what if he made things a little interesting...?
Chiaki waved her controller once more. 'That's enough. It's extremely close to waking up, so I should stop petting it-'
Suddenly, she felt arms wrap around her waist and pull her to the left. She yelped, waving the controller in surprise as she felt Nagito kiss her cheek. She glanced up at the screen to see that the game had taken her waving the controller as a command to pet the caterpillar again. Her heartbeat felt like it almost stopped for a second. But, thankfully, all that happened was the caterpillar opened one of its eyes.
She sighed in relief before turning towards Nagito, who was looking away from her with an innocent expression. "Komaeda, why did you do that?"
"You said for me to not make it easy for you," he shrugged.
"Not like that," she sighed while crossing her arms.
"Oh well, it's not like my plan succeeded anyways," he responded nonchalantly, a smug grin on his face. Chiaki frowned. He really did try to sabotage her by distracting her with a kiss. And he wasn't even feeling guilty about it as he gave her a charming self-satisfied grin. He's lucky that he's pretty.
Chiaki took a deep breath and allowed for a calm smile to cross his face. He wants to play that game, huh? Fine. He just has to know that she plays any game. And wins.
Nagito waved his Joy-Con to pet the caterpillar. This time, however, he was far more careful, keeping a watchful eye on any agitated sign that it made. Chiaki watched patiently as Nagito got three pets in before going through with her little revenge. Just as he was moving his controller back down, she grabbed his face and pulled him towards her. Nagito waved his controller violently in surprise as she quickly brushed her lips against his.
His eyes were as wide as plates when Chiaki let him go with a small smile on his face. What...was that? Did she...just kiss him? Nagito couldn't believe it. Sure, it wasn't really that much of a kiss more so than her just barely touching his lips, but still. They had never kissed on the lips before. They only shared cheek kisses, or hand kisses, or head kisses. Never on the lips. Nagito couldn't even wrap his head around why Chiaki would want to even place her gentle lips on his. His heart was pounding in his chest...
"I won," she said in a soft voice.
"Huh?" Nagito was snapped out of his thoughts as she pointed at the screen. He turned to see his character being chased by the now awakened, and very angry, caterpillar. Chiaki's character was cheering as it was announced as the winner.
“What?” Nagito whipped his head back towards her. “What just happened? Did you…seriously?”
She giggled, and Nagito could hear a playful note in her tone. “Yep. You decided to try to sabotage me with a kiss, so I decided to try to do it to you. How does it feel to lose at your own game, Komaeda?”
Nagito’s jaw dropped. “Chiaki Nanami…you really succeeded in making me lose by using my own trick. I can’t believe it…”
She stuck her tongue out. “Well, you decided to pull that trick with me, but I guess I got lucky and didn’t lose the minigame. So, you can’t really complain about me doing it to you, or else, you’ll be a hypocrite.”
Nagito chuckled. “Oh, I’m not planning on complaining. I know what I did deserved some kind of karma thrown back at me, but I just didn’t expect you to really kiss me back…” He looked down at the cushions of the sofa and touched his lips with his fingers. “And I lost because of it…”
This let out another small laugh from Chiaki as she hugged him. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to one-up you in your own game and get a little revenge. Although...I'm a little surprised. I was expecting your luck to keep you from losing."
Nagito was silent for a moment, staring at the couch with a small frown. Seconds passed and he still didn't respond to her, instead just touching his lips. Was he thinking about something?
"Komaeda...?" She called. "Are you okay?"
As soon as she called his name, Nagito looked up and smiled. "Oh! Forgive me, Nanami! I was just thinking about something. It was about my luck...you remember how it works, right?"
Chiaki nodded. “You said every time something bad happened to you, something good would happen in response to that. It’s kinda like a trade of sorts."
“Exactly! Wasn’t expecting you to remember that. So…to answer why I lost despite my luck, I think it was because, for once, the opposite happened."
Chiaki tilted her head slightly. "What do you mean by that?"
Nagito turned towards her and hummed slightly, but didn't respond. Chiaki could practically see the gears turning in his head as he debated on whether or not to tell her. However, he just shook his head. "Never mind that. Let's continue playing, shall we?"
He reached for his Joy-Con, but Chiaki quickly grabbed his wrist. He turned towards her, raising his eyebrow slightly. "What are you doing, Nanami? Don't you want to keep playing?"
“You’re saying that because you got good luck, you had bad luck in order to balance it out, right?” Chiaki clarified, ignoring his question. “That's what the opposite of your luck means. So, are you saying that me kissing you was the good luck and you losing was the bad luck?”
Nagito was silent for a moment before laughing. “Wow. I should’ve expected you to immediately understand, Nanami. I guess there was no point in me attempting to hide it.”
“But…why didn’t you want to tell me?” she continued to question. “There isn’t any harm in me knowing, so it doesn’t make sense.”
“Uh…” Nagito tried to form a response, but Chiaki quickly interrupted him.
“Is it because you want me to kiss you again?” she asked him. “And you didn’t want me to know that because you felt like you were going to bother me with one of your ‘selfish desires?’” She made finger quotations.
'How did she immediately understand it?!' Nagito tried to keep his expression neutral, but his mind was screaming right now. He opened his mouth to respond, but, instead of saying anything, he quickly shut it and looked away. His pale cheeks were tinted with a rosy pink.
"So, I'm right," Chiaki nodded, understanding what his silence meant. "It's fine if you want me to, Komaeda. That kiss I gave you wasn't really so much of a kiss, so I want to have my proper first kiss with you and be able to enjoy it. So, if you want..."
Nagito continued to remain silent, but now, his heart was pounding as he considered her offer. He looked back to see her waiting for an answer, leaning slightly closer with a small smile.
“I-I couldn’t ask you to grant my selfish desires, Nanami. I don’t deserve that kind of happiness that you being my first kiss would bring, especially after what I pulled-”
"You do deserve it," Chiaki immediately said, brushing his hair out of his face. "Unless, you don't want me to kiss you?"
“I…well, of course I do, but-”
"Then, there's no problem," she said, leaning even closer to his face. Nagito froze up as there was hardly any distance between them left. Her face was inches away from his, and he couldn't believe that she would even want to kiss his disgusting lips. He could feel his heart beating faster and his palms sweating as a battle went on in his head; one side telling him to give in to the temptation and the other telling him that he didn't even deserve to be touching her. He took another look at Chiaki's face, her eyes fluttering shut as she anticipated for him to close the distance between them. He gulped.
And just went for it.
Or tried to. He closed his eyes and tried to remove the distance between them, but felt himself completely missing Chiaki's lips. His nose collided with hers and he felt a throbbing pain form there.
"Ow!" He groaned, holding his nose. How the hell were people able to kiss perfectly with their eyes closed?! Chiaki burst out laughing at Nagito’s failed attempt and cupped his face with her hands. 
"Forgive me, Nanami," he apologized. "I've...never done this before."
She shrugged. "Neither have I. But...I think you're supposed to aim for the lips." With that teasing sentence being the last spoken, she closed her eyes and held his face still as she finally closed the distance between them. Nagito felt her lips perfectly pressing against his, hitting their target. He took a sharp breath in as he felt the softness of her lips envelope his in a loving embrace.
He froze for a moment, unsure of what to do. His hands stayed firmly to his side, not knowing where to go or what was okay to touch. All he could do was relish the soft warmness of her lips against his cold, chapped ones. Chiaki, meanwhile, clumsily wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers through his messy, long white hair. He felt sparks flow down from his neck through his entire body, exciting him and thawing through his hesitation. He could practically hear her heartbeat matching his, and it was more hopeful than anything his luck had ever given him. There was a feeling of comfort and affection being poured into the kiss, and it made Nagito intoxicated on that feeling. Why was he preventing himself from this warmth and love? He knows that he didn’t deserve it, but it still felt so good to have it spread towards him from this kind-hearted gamer.
And he wanted more. He was ready to snake his hands around Chiaki and pull her even closer to him, drunk on the feelings that she was giving him.
“Hey, guys, sorry it took me a while, but-WHAT THE HECK?!”
Nagito and Chiaki quickly separated and turned to see Hajime standing at the edge of the hallway, staring right at them with his jaw dropping. Nagito felt his face heat up an uncomfortably burning red. When did Hajime get in the house?! Was he always here?! Wait, who’s place was this again?
“Well, this is awkward,” Chiaki said blankly, but she felt like an idiot for completely forgetting about the chances of Hajime walking in while they were kissing. She supposed it was because she was so caught up in the moment that she wasn’t thinking clearly. Her cheeks turned red as she looked down at the cushions of the couch. Could she kick herself right now?
Hajime shook his head, rubbing his temple. "Okay, what the fuck did I just walk in on? I know that you two are a couple, and I'm happy about that. But, did you forget that we're hanging out and this is my place? Honestly, the moment I leave the room, you two seriously are making out on my couch-"
“Actually, we weren’t making out,” Chiaki corrected. “We didn’t even use tongue-”
Hajime’s face was red as he shook his head violently. "Could you two PLEASE save this crap for when you're not hanging out with me at my place-or with anyone at anyone's place? Seriously, it's really awkward to walk in on you guys."
Nagito grinned slightly. “Well, it’s not our fault that you took forever, Hinata. What were you even taking so long for anyways?”
“Well, I’m sorry that Soda called me, but don’t change the subject! I know that you’re trying to hide your embarrassment from being caught by taking the opportunity to tease me. Listen, I’m not mad, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t do this kind of shit when we’re hanging out together.”
“Why? Are you upset that you’re the third wheel, Hinata? You don’t have someone to do this stuff with, so you’re taking out your jealousy towards me and Nanami,” Nagito teased.
Hajime rolled his eyes and threw a bag of chips at Nagito. “At least, I don’t have to worry about being caught, Komaeda! That’s an advantage of being a third-wheel. WAIT, I DON'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I’M NOT A THIRD WHEEL!”
Nagito burst out laughing as the chip bag hit the sofa cushion next to him. “You just admitted it!”
Chiaki giggled as well. "Hinata, are you or are you not a third-wheel? Which is it?"
“Shut up! And stop laughing! You know what, give me a Joy-Con when you’re done with this party. I’m going to kick both of your asses for this.”
“Good luck,” Chiaki giggled. Hajime glared at his two friends for another moment before his face softened into a slight smile. He tossed the other snacks towards them. For the rest of the day, the three continued to play video games and have fun, with some light teasing being thrown here and there.
As she was playing however, Chiaki thought back to the kiss that she and Nagito shared earlier. She giggled, her cheeks turning pink as she thought about how amazing it was and remembering the butterflies in her stomach as they kissed. Despite the awkwardness that came afterwards...she could safely say that her first kiss was perfect.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Mikan, Nagito and Miu x Prince-like male S/O
Mikan Tsumiki:
·       “Hmm? Ah! My love! Wait- I’m working!” You took a deep breath to calm yourself. “You are a professional. You are working. No lovey-doveyness…” Besides, you didn’t want to startle Mikan. You hated when you had done so on occasion, greeting when she was completely unsuspecting of it and causing her clumsiness to at up, most often in the form of her falling or breaking something. “Hello my love, welcome to the store. How may I help you, if at all?” “Y-Y/N. Good. I was worried about asking someone else for help. Uh, the class needs some more supplies for the school festival, and… I… I was sent to do the shopping and I don’t, don’t know where the items are and… I-I’m so sorry to bother you at work!” “Mikan, please worry not. It is literally my job to help. I do not mind at all, in fact I actually enjoy doing so, just as you enjoy caring for those who are sick.” “… T-thank you. You always know just what to say.” “I do? I but speak the truth, though I am glad my words can place you at ease.”
·       And so the pair of you went about from aisle to aisle collecting each of the items. However your job was to assist all and not only one so you would occasionally have to part from her to help someone else, you always made sure to quickly return to her side though, she still needed assistance too after all.
·       As you were helping someone else the daylights were startled out of you hearing a loud crashing sound come from where you had left Mikan. Immediately you raced to her grabbing some throw blanket off the shelf as you ran past. Upon reaching her, you immediately tossed the blanket on her. You knew Mikan had a sort of talent for falling in the most precarious of positions, so to save her the embarrassment you tossed it on her, despite not looking for yourself, just in case. Items were scattered across the ground and a shelf was knocked over. “WAAAAHHHHHHH! I’, SO SORR-” “Shhhhhh” You quickly placed a hand over her mouth getting her to quiet down. Moments later some of your co-workers and customers came by to check the ruckus. “I’m so sorry mam’! Are you hurt?” “h-huh? Uh, no?” Mikan looked to you completely confused. You never called her ‘mam’’ before. “Y/N what happened?” You immediately faced your co-worker looking so flustered and apologetic. “I was trying to help this woman reach some items, and I knocked over everything.” “What.” “She seems rather dazed still. I hate to ask this, but would you help place the items while I check on her?” “… Sure dude.” “Thank you!”
·       “Y/N it was my fault, why did you say you did it?” You and Mikan hid away at the opposite side of the store, away from prying eyes. “Well… You deal with embarrassing moments like that too often. I just wanted to try to protect you from it. I apologize if I just made it more so for you!” “N-no, no! What you did was very sweet! Thank you. But I’m sorry for being such a burden to you!” “You may see it as being a burden, but I do not. I am always glad to help you, even when I’m not working.”
    Nagito Komaeda:
·       The longer you waited the bigger the pit in your stomach grew. You were suddenly snapped from your thoughts feeling a pressure on your shoulder. “Ah! Oh, Boss. You need something.” “Yeah, for you to go so I don’t need to pay you over time.” They smiled, giving you a light pat on the back. “So still not here? They were supposed to take over your shift a while ago.” “They still haven’t called in sick or anything?” “No, no at peep.” Your boss sighed catching your worried expression as you glanced toward the front door. “Your shift ended. I know you like sticking around till your replacement arrives, but this is getting ridiculous. Shove off, take your break and relax. I’ll call you when they come in.” “Are you sure? I don’t mind staying, and you don’t even have to pay me over time. I don’t want to leave you to have to take care of the place by yourself.” “Y/N, I like you, you’re a good kid. So I’m going to give you a piece of advice.” They leaned in draping an arm over your shoulders. “When your boss tells you to actually rest and NOT work, you should REALLY take advantage of that. So…” They gently shoved you towards the door. “Off you go. And I’ll even call you when I get news on them, alright.” “Ah, that would be very much appreciated! Thank you. And you be sure to not hesitate to call me if you end up needing or wanting a extra hand.” “Of course I will! Now just go before I change my mind.” “Yes Boss!” As you exited the pharmacy you hesitated for a moment not seeing any sign of your co-worker anywhere. Not wanting to upset your boss though you fled the scene.
·       Something must have happened, you knew it must have, it was way too late to call in sick or to ask for a change in shifts because of conflicting schedules, there must have been an incident or accident, or something of some sort. No! Distract yourself from this! Uh, dinner! What were you going to have for dinner! You could think of that! As you tried recounting all you had left from your last trip to the grocery store you noticed something that immediately had you worrying again. A car crash in the middle of the intersection blocking most traffic. You tried looking away, not wanting to possibly witness the potentially bloody scene. Thankfully the hospital was near by so they should be alright. Wanting to avoid the foot traffic you opted to cut through the park.
·       Even with your worries it was a lovely day at least. Clear blue sky, cool and breezy, the birds were singing, the loud snapping sound, a man was screaming… what? You immediately ran off to investigate.
·       “Nagito!?” “Hey Y/N.” “Are you hurting? You’re covered in bruises and scratches. What happened?” Nagito shakily got up, only to lose his balance. You immediately caught him, and gently placed him down, having him lean against the tree. “Well the usual really. I got hit by a car, was sent flying through the air and landed in a tree. I was resting here but then the branch broke and you caught me.” “… All that, and you only have scratches.” “Yep.” “… Why am I really surprised anymore. I know from times past when your bad luck struck you never needed the hospital, but I’m still inclined to have a professional check you just in case.” “Y/N I’m fine, really.” You kneeled before him, looking to him so tenderly, your visage shining under the sun’s rays. “At the very least allow me to patch up these scratches, so my heart be be placed a little at ease. Alright?” “Well, it’s not my place to stop you.” “…” The curse of Nagito, you already knew it, thinking you’re too lowly for care and attention but also too lowly to refuse anything offered from those he perceived as greater than himself. This was the closest you’d ever get to a ‘yes’ from him. Gently you took his hand and lead the way, after making sure he could walk.
·       “Hey Boss?” “Eh? Y/N you’re not wor-… What happened to him?” Your boss pointed to Nagito. “Exactly. May I use the first aid kit in the back?” “Sure, but you’re leaving right after.” “Thank you, Boss!” “One more thing, just got that call, seems there was a car crash not far from here and the traffic has been awful.” “Thank goodness. Though shouldn’t I stay longer-” “Mend your boyfriend then scram. That’s an order.” “Yes Boss!”
·       You had Nagito sit on a chair as you patched him up.  “You can do what you want, but I have to wonder sometimes why someone like you, can love me back, literal trash. You give me so much, and I have nothing I can give in return… It’s awfully unfair to you.” “…” Honestly, in that moment you were tempted to ignore that comment. You had this conversation over and over, always saying he was not trash, but… “Y/N? What’s wrong?” “I just realized I’ve done you a grave disservice! I’m so sorry!” “What could you possibly have done?” You sighed, gently cupping his cheeks in your hands. “I’ve been invalidating your feelings this whole time. I’ve been a horrendous boyfriend. Even before getting together I’ve told you you’re not trash, yet that IS how you see yourself. As your partner it is wrong of me to tell you your feelings are not valid. If one feeling is not valid, then what about the others, would that seep into the others and you believe all your feelings are not valid, even down to your love for me. I can’t ignore your feelings, as much as I may disagree and not like them. I can’t disregard them. They still are very real. I… I’m sorry. Telling you you’re wrong is not going to help. If I invalidate your feeling of yourself now, then what about if you gain self-worth and love yourself, would you find that love for yourself invalid because I denied your feelings in the past? I’m sorry.” “No, Y/N it’s fine-” “And I must respectfully disagree and say it’s not fine. However, I must say that is true of yourself too. Ever heard of a saying, ‘one man’s trash is another’s treasure’? You may see yourself as trash, but I and so many others see you as a treasure. Your feelings are valid, but so are mine. I love you, and I wish you to be alright.” Ever so tenderly you gave him a kiss on the forehead before going back to tending to his wounds. “I must also say, I do believe you to be a far greater man than me. From the very start you’ve accepted my affections, even when believing you didn’t deserve it. You never invalidated my feelings. And I thank you for allowing me to grow and catch up in my own time, but now that I’m not blinded to your own feeling. I swear I’ll continue to do all that I can to be an even greater boyfriend and partner for you.” Surely getting someone as great as you to fall for him was entirely due to his luck. It even made this moment happen… Though… being the caring person you were… possibly, just possibly, would this… all of this have happened anyway?
    Miu Iruma:
·       “My love, I’m home! I apologize for being late. Turns out the store had a sale and I had to run around town for a bit, but I found everything.” You weren’t surprised to be greeted to no response, in fact you would have been surprised to get a response at all, it was ever so rarer when you did. You skittered around the house, placing all the items away only being left with one last bag. With it in hand you trotted over to the back of the house were a large metal door lay embedded into the wall. You knocked a few times, getting no response. Just in case you checked the handle, finding the door was unlocked. You peeked in finding your wife working away at her table, sparks flying, that bright light reflected in her goggles. Not wanting to disturb her from her work you opted to just place the items away. However as you did so, you realized she was working with the wires that she was having trouble with, them constantly shorting out on her. Sidling up beside her you gave her a kiss to the temple as you placed the new wires beside her.
·       “Oh, so now you decide to show up! What took you so long? Playing with yourself because I was working?” Before you could answer Miu noticed the new wires. When she turned to face you she noticed that the supplies she was running low on were now replaced and refilled. “… What should I have expected. Of course you still grovel at my genius, sneaking into my workshop and seeing what I was low on.” “Yes your… b-bitchass genius goes uncompared-” Before you could continue you were cutoff by uproarious laughter, Miu doubling over, you catching her before she could fall out of her seat. “What the hell was THAT!?” “I… I-I wanted to try using your… colorful language. I thought you might like it and that does seem to be the case.” “Oh. My. God. I am SUCH a good bad influence on you!” She then smirked, wrapping her arms around your neck, pulling herself close and pressing herself against you. “Or my husband finally decided to get cocky and use that as an excuse to make me laugh and try to get a feel.” “Love, if I wanted to do that, I would just tell you I was in the mood.” “Whatever! This gives me a new idea for an invention.” “Oh, and what might that be?” Miu simply chuckled and booped your nose. “Oh, you’ll see.”
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thepetulantpen · 4 years
(More danganronpa stuff! I meant to post this like two weeks ago, but school’s been rough. Another Kazuichi/Hajime fic based on something that’s been in my ideas folder for ages: Kazuichi makes Komaeda’s hand, post dr2. Enjoy!)
“I’m only doing this for you.”
Kazuichi glares, hoping it’ll make him look more serious, but Hajime only looks relieved. It hurts to know Hajime had been expecting him to say no, but he can’t blame him, given the circumstances. 
“I can’t thank you enough.”
“You’ll owe me one.” This seems to have no effect, so Kazuichi adds, “I’m serious! I should be compensated for going anywhere near that creep.”
Hajime fidgets, hand coming up to fuss with hair that’s no longer there. It’s cut even shorter than it was in the simulation; apparently, he was a little hasty in getting rid of Izuru’s style. It was one of the first things he did when they woke up- Kazuichi remembers watching him, and seeing a bit of himself in the impulsivity.
These days, Hajime looks like he’s always towing the line, wanting to be supportive but afraid to be too defensive. Kazuichi knows he's starting to feel like something of a stranger, seeing their simulated friendships as inferior to the history the rest of them share. Not to mention the guilt at his role in… everything, but that's not exactly exclusive to Hajime.
His expression wavers, before Hajime visibly settles on, “He’s not so bad.”
It’s somehow both an understatement and overstatement- Nagito just is, a person difficult to quantify. Beyond crazy, that is. 
Memory is unreliable nowadays, a jumbled mess of school friends, fellow supervillains, and bits of code on a computer simulated island. The lines feel blurred, relief at seeing his close friends alive bleeding into horror at what they’ve done. Their killing game, too, feels fresh. He can’t help but see Nagito’s body when he closes his eyes, or feel the flash of heat from the bomb. The anger, and the sadness, is irrational- which only makes it harder to process.
Kazuichi doesn’t comment on any of that, distracting himself by turning to his work table. It’s newly set up by the Foundation, not quite lived in yet. Not as messy as he likes it.
“I’ll need some measurements, but I can get started.” He grimaces at the thought, having not even considered it when he agreed to this. “You’ll get that, right?”
Hajime smiles, almost laughs at Kazuichi’s expression, but nods. “Yeah, I got it.”
The thought of Hajime holding Nagito’s hand, carefully measuring, crosses his mind and he has to shake his head to clear it. It’s a stupid thing to be jealous of- Nagito is missing a damn hand. Of all the gruesome truths they’ve uncovered, of course there’s one that’ll give Nagito and Hajime an opportunity to hold hands.
Hajime is still hovering in the doorway, something obviously on his mind aside from Nagito. Normally, this is Kazuichi’s place to prompt him, get him to spill whatever it is. As competent as Hajime likes to pretend he is- freaky Izuru powers or otherwise- he’s always been better at getting other people to talk. 
It’s different now- they’ve got a lot on their plates, more than some repressed childhood trauma that’s appropriate to share on a beach. He’s drawing up schematics for his friend’s hand, and he’s not sure he can handle anything heavy on top of that.  
He turns to Hajime, anyway. If something’s bothering him, it’s better if they can both share that weight. “What’s up? You in the market for more shoddy prosthetics?”
“I don’t think you could make anything shoddy if you tried.” He says it offhandedly, without thinking. The confidence in his voice is enough to make Kazuichi pause, but he’s spared having to react as Hajime continues, “Thank you, really. You’re… a good friend, Kazuichi.” 
The unwitting rejection stings, but he raises his hand for a fist bump. “Of course, man. Whatever you need, alright?”
Hajime nods, a mirthless smirk on his face. It’s stretched too thin, like him. Kazuichi doesn’t know if he’s seen him sit down in the last week- always between righting one wrong and another. Chasing down the shadows of a person he never chose to be.
“Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
It’s disproportionately serious, betraying Hajime’s exhaustion. Kazuichi gestures, silently, for him to sit in one of the extra chairs, an excuse and invitation to rest until someone comes to find him. He takes it, grateful, and scoots it to sit right beside Kazuichi.
Their shoulders brush and Hajime doesn’t flinch away.
Kazuichi tries to keep his eyes on the parts, tries not move too much as Hajime leans against him. He tries not to let it mean anything when Hajime starts reaching for tools before he can, passing him exactly what he needs. Certainly doesn’t think about what it means when Hajime starts to doze off- and focuses muttering his response, never mind that Hajime stopped talking an hour ago.
“Without my brilliance? I guess you’d be collectively short of one hand.”
A hand, compared to everything else he’s made, is not a complicated ask. It barely takes a week, and that’s only because he tries to make it perfect. He must spend hours in testing, fine-tuning movement and searching for flaws long after he knows there aren’t any.
Not because he cares or anything- only so he doesn’t have to deal with it again if it breaks. 
The procedure to attach it is surprisingly simple; Mikan takes care of it, leaving Kazuichi to wait outside the room. Hajime’s supposed to be here, too, but he’s late- called away for a Foundation summons, which manages to be less appealing than what Kazuichi is doing now.
When it’s done, Mikan leaves, scurrying out with her head ducked down. She doesn’t address Kazuichi, which isn’t particularly abnormal. They’re all dealing with... this in different ways. 
Inside, Nagito is sitting in a chair, watching, nearly transfixed, as the hand responds to him, twisting and flexing. Kazuichi is tempted to just leave now- skip this interaction that he’s been dreading for days- but he doesn’t. Weirdo or not, Nagito doesn’t deserve to be walked out on.
He settles in the chair beside Nagito, gesturing to the hand. “I’ve got to show you how to take care of it. Maintenance, or whatever.”
“Ah,” Nagito smiles- a normal smile, by his standards, “I’m honored.”
Good to see coming out of the simulation didn’t fuck him up too much- this is about par for the course. Kazuichi just nods and gets to work, glancing up to make sure Nagito understands what he’s saying, more or less. Nagito still apologizes too much, which becomes an obstacle every time Kazuichi has to correct him. It turns explaining the mechanics of the hand, which parts need adjusting and which need regular replacements, into a grueling process.
He really is an air-head, when you get right down to it. Past all of the hope stuff, past all of the luck, he’s a regular guy. He’s not even so painfully insecure, in his best moments. 
It’s almost easy to see why Hajime likes him so much. 
At times like this, it feels like it did in school, simple friendships with no despair-laced strings attached. Hajime not being a part of that equation is a strange inconsistency. The thought that he never properly met Hajime- just Hajime, not Izuru or a computer’s impression of him- makes his head hurt.
“It’s good to see you and Hajime are still getting along,” Nagito says, apropos of nothing, “You spent a lot of time together, on the island. I know he enjoys your company.”
He sounds oddly deliberate, not like the steady stream of nonsense that Kazuichi tends to filter out. It cuts through the haze of his half-concentration on the conversation. “Huh? Yeah, I mean, of course.”
Nagito stares at him, dull grey eyes unyielding, before he smiles, again. “This hand was a favor for Hajime, wasn’t it? I’m sure he appreciated that.”
He sounds almost nagging this time, like he’s trying to get at something in particular, but it’s the words that catch Kazuichi’s attention. Kazuichi looks up sharply from where he’d been checking the spare parts, now labeled and boxed up.
 “It wasn’t just for Hajime, you know.” Kazuichi rubs the back of his neck, trying not to cringe. “I wouldn’t leave you without a hand.”
“I wasn’t doubting your goodwill.” He waves his hand- the real one- dismissively. “Truly, I look up to you. Your devotion to Hajime-”
“It’s not that,” Kazuichi talks quickly, as Nagito’s face starts to fall, “We’re friends. After everything we’ve been through- you think I wouldn’t help?”
Kazuichi bites his lip, half to keep himself from saying anything else. He’s not a perfect conversationalist, but he never imagined he’d outpace Nagito in making a conversation awkward. He shouldn’t have stuck around. Nagito could’ve figured out how to adjust the grip himself, couldn’t he? 
“Oh,” Nagito pauses, genuinely surprised, and stops short of whatever else he was going to say, “in that case, I’m lucky to have such incredible friends.”
The word sounds strange coming from Nagito- too hesitant, like he’s only trying it out. It’s not the first time they’ve called each other friends, but it’s the first time after the world ended; which, even for Nagito, makes a significant difference.
“We’re all here for you. For each other.”
Kazuichi winces, but it has the desired effect of making Nagito smile. Though it doesn’t look like he entirely believes Kazuichi, the expression a little forced, he figures it’s the best they can hope for. 
“Right,” Kazuichi stands, abruptly, and makes for the door, “I’d better get going.”
“Wait, Kazuichi-“
He yanks it open before Nagito can finish and finds, standing in the doorway with his hand half-raised to knock, Hajime. He’s got a knowing look on his face, barely concealing a smile.
“Making friends?”
Kazuichi scowls, trying to look as threatening as he can- which is to say, not very. “Not a word.”
Hajime brushes it off easily, switching places with Kazuichi to sit with Nagito. He relaxes when he does, tension disappearing from his shoulders as Nagito waves to him with his new hand, metal creaking softly.
“Sorry I was late. Makoto is finalizing some of the details and- it doesn’t matter. How are you feeling?”
“I’m great.” Nagito looks like he means it, lighting up at the sight of Hajime. “Kazuichi’s been great company. I see why you like him so much.”
Kazuichi steps back, getting the impression he’s no longer a part of this conversation. He keeps his head down and pretends not to notice as Hajime laughs at something Nagito says- too quiet to hear from the doorway. Hajime looks up as he leaves, but Kazuichi only gives a brief wave, leaving them to their own devices.
It feels vaguely like being left behind, even if he’s the one walking out.
It’s a few days later, on the beach, when he dares see either of them again. 
He refuses to admit that he’s avoiding anyone- he only happens to not run into them. It just so happens that he spends the majority of his days locked in his lab, with a Do Not Disturb sign up, listening to the sound of disappointed footsteps approaching, pausing, and leaving. 
And, just once, the click of Nagito’s heeled shoes and an extended moment of hesitation- the shadow remaining at his door for a minute, at least- before it, too, leaves. 
It’s not jealously. It’s just... weird, being around people he calls friend. Even after all this time, he feels like he can’t quite get it right. 
Especially with Hajime. For multiple reasons. 
He’s here now, despite that, because if he doesn’t leave the lab, he thinks Hajime might send in rescue parties after him. It should be embarrassing that he’s partially hidden behind a palm tree, creepily watching Hajime and Nagito from a distance, but it’s not the weirdest thing he’s done, even excluding his time corrupted by despair- hell, even excluding all of their time in the killing game.
Kazuichi smiles softly as he watches them, Hajime’s grin bright and Nagito looking less miserable than usual. The shadows they all carry dissipate in the steady sunlight, the rock of waves suspending them in a limbo on this island, far from where the rest of the world can reach them. 
Nagito says something Kazuichi doesn’t catch that makes Hajime frown, and he waves his hand- the new, metal one- in Hajime’s face, clearly teasing. “I know you do.”
“Nagito,” Hajime is laughing as he tries to catch Nagito’s hand, “Nagito, come on.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, but,” Nagito lowers his voice, so Kazuichi has to take a few steps closer to hear him, “subtlety isn’t one of your many talents.”
Hajime opens his mouth, like he’s going to argue, just as Kazuichi steps forward, intentionally scuffing his shoe against a rock- feeling, for the first time, guilty for eavesdropping. At his footsteps, Hajime whips around, something suspiciously like a blush on his face. 
Hajime glares at Nagito, who pays him no mind in favor of greeting Kazuichi, cheerfully, with, “What great luck. Hajime was just looking for you.”
The beanie, a few minutes ago, had felt silly while on the beach, under the constant sun. Now, he’s grateful to have something to fidget with. He pulls it lower, as if that’ll hide him.
“You always know where to find me.”
Hajime raises his eyebrows, glancing once at Nagito- who, judging from his shrug, isn’t much help. “I wasn’t sure you wanted visitors.”
“I never mind seeing you.” It’s as if flashing neon signs reading AWKWARD blind him for a moment as he backpedals, “Uh, whenever you want to hang out, man. Never too busy for you.”
“We should,” Hajime interrupts, before Kazuichi can spiral deeper. “Hang out, I mean. Just me and you. If you have time.”
Kazuichi looks over to Nagito- or, the empty spot where Nagito was. There’s a footprint in the sand and, in the distance, he spots the flash of a coat as Nagito trips over rocks on his way to beat a hasty retreat. It’s hard to tell whether Nagito has been taking lessons from Peko, or if Kazuichi’s skills in observation are worse than he thought. He’s not sure whether he wants to thank him or curse him for leaving them- maybe he’ll decide based on how much a disaster this ends up being.
Hajime is watching him expectantly, not as surprised by Nagito’s escape act. 
“Not a lot going on right now. Besides, you know, the apocalypse.”  It’s hard not to be nervous, even if Kazuichi can’t pinpoint exactly why. He can feel a tangent coming on, forces himself to stop before he says something he’ll regret. “I’ve got nothing but time.”
Hajime shuffles a step closer and looks down, not meeting Kazuichi’s eyes. “I’ve missed you. I know that’s stupid, since we’re both on the same island, but-“
“I know what you mean,” he says, quietly, cutting him a break, “I think.” He hopes he knows what he means- hopes it means what it means to him.
Hajime looks up, mismatched eyes studying him. It’s not as disconcerting as he imagined it might be.
After a moment, Hajime glances away again, breaking eye contact. “Do you want to go now? There’s food in the kitchen. It’s nothing glamorous, but,” he shakes his head, smile a little sheepish, “I guess I’m not very good at this, even now.”
He’s clearly doing something right, but if Kazuichi could figure that out, he would have a lot easier time responding. He’d probably even say something more eloquent than, “Sounds great! Lead the way?”
It doesn’t make a difference. Hajime looks delighted, like Kazuichi had said anything else. It’s a warm feeling, to see Hajime smile even when he’s barely done anything to deserve it.
Hesitating just a step, Hajime turns back to Kazuichi and holds his hand out, offering an unsure smile and no words to the silent gesture. Kazuichi takes it before he can change his mind and lets himself be pulled along, nothing on his mind but this moment, the sun, the waves and Hajime.
They can make something new here- hands and hope and a life no longer broken into half-remembered pieces. It’s a new start, after the world and their lives have been burned away a few times over. A second or third chance. Best to stop counting, at this point.
It’s only fitting that they begin again on a beach. This time, he’ll be aiming a little higher than “soul friends”.
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Work Title: cryptic shells, orange juice, and candid talks
Author: @fieldofsunflowers8
For: @serpenteaus
Pairings/Characters: Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Hinata Hajime, No Additional Characters
Rating/Warnings: Teen Rated, No Content Warnings Apply
Prompt used: “postgame mundane shenanigans”
Author’s notes: hi! i apologize for this leaning towards the shorter side, but this was a lot of fun to write! i really hope you like it :D
Hinata swings around his cabin at the same time he always does, knocking and waiting patiently as Kuzuryuu heaves his ass out of bed.
  It’s a really minor routine, in truth. There’s nothing super interesting about that repetitiveness– coming around at 8 AM, walking with him to the dining hall, bantering with him over some toast while they talk to their other friends, and spending the rest of their day working on the island or just relaxing. It’s the same shit every day, the same shit they do unless it’s like, someone’s birthday or something, and it should probably bore Kuzuryuu at some point.
  It kind of doesn’t, though. In a sense that Kuzuryuu isn’t going to complain about seeing his boyfriend in the morning, or getting to vibe around the island with him, even if it’s similar to what they’ve always done. All of them find ways to keep things interesting– accidentally, like Komaeda, or on purpose, like Imposter– and the island always feels dynamic.
  They’ve been through a lot. Having a kind of stability, yet one that shifts according to what they want Jabberwock to be, is sort of relieving. Kuzuryuu rarely got that relief in the past, and he sure as hell isn’t going to pass it up now.
  Kuzuryuu makes his way over to the door, unlocking it. Hinata looks a bit more disheveled than usual, dark brown hair messy and growing a bit long, shirt half buttoned and his hands in his pockets, but he still gives Kuzuryuu a smile. “Hey,” Hinata says tiredly, “woke up late. How are you?”
  Well, that explains it. Hinata likes routine, too, on most days (and sometimes he hates the tedium of it, but hey, Kuzuryuu can accommodate that too). “I’m fine. Just got up ‘nd shit. Let me brush my teeth and, like, get dressed. Is it hot outside?”
  “Well, we’re on a tropical island,” Hinata deadpans, “so I would assume so. Bit cooler, since it’s November, but that’s how it always goes.” 
  Kuzuryuu nods, throwing open a dresser and changing into some shirt Hinata gave him a while back. Everyone on Jabberwock has a bad tendency to not remember who owns what clothes, so sometimes Komaeda shows up to lunch in Mioda’s skirt, or Koizumi ends up with Owari’s jacket, or Sonia nestles into Tanaka’s scarf. Nobody really minds, though– they’re all sort of a family, after all. 
  And, y’know. Kuzuryuu likes wearing Hinata’s clothes. Not that he would, like, outright admit that to him, but. Hinata has a nice scent of sandalwood and citrus, and Kuzuryuu thinks, as his boyfriend, he has the right to indulge in it. 
  ‘Course, Hinata still has to point it out smugly. “That’s my shirt, isn’t it?”
  Kuzuryuu gestures to the pattern on it– sunflowers, or something. Bit flashy, but Kuzuryuu can cut him some slack for it. It looks really nice on Hinata, either way, so. “Who else would have this shit?”
  “Maybe Komaeda,” Hinata suggests while Kuzuryuu opens the bathroom door, pulling out the green toothbrush (there’s a spare blue one, for Hinata, in case he stays over) and putting on some mint toothpaste. “He’s picked up gardening, hasn’t he?”
  “Him and Owari, yeah.” There’s a lull in the conversation, as he can’t exactly talk with toothpaste in his mouth, but he picks it up where he left off after he finishes. “Not sure how Owari got into it, actually, ‘cuz gardening never seemed to be her gig.”
  Hinata leans against the wall. “The food, probably. Even though Komaeda’s luck keeps fucking up the strawberries, according to Hanamura. I wouldn’t really know, I don’t swing by there much, y’know, but. Probably for that.” Kuzuryuu nods, sliding on some pants and picking up his phone. Hinata straightens, already moving to nudge the door open. “Ready to head out?”
  “Don’t know what else I’d be doing.” Hinata just snorts in lieu of a response, gesturing for Kuzuryuu to walk out first before closing the door behind them.
  Hinata’s right, it is a bit cooler. It’s a subtle kind of difference, one that comes from knowing the island like the back of his hand, being able to tell when a storm’s about to hit and give them a shit ton of rain, or when it’s about to be super fucking arid, enough to give at least one dumbass heatstroke (fucking Souda and his stupid ass machine work, in the middle of the sun, with metal, and no water, for hours, in the fucking sun). It comes with time, basically.
  And it’s sort of a neat thing. It should be boring, once again, but, eh. He likes it. 
  He thinks about that, sometimes.
  Then Hinata makes an awkward gesture in an attempt to subtly ask to hold Kuzuryuu’s hand, and he stops focusing on the weather and all that bullshit, and more on his stupidly endearing boyfriend. 
  Kuzuryuu intertwines their fingers and mumbles, “You can just ask to hold my hand, dipshit.”
  “You looked like you were thinking about something,” Hinata defends mildly. “So I didn’t want to, uh, just. Jar you straight out of that?” 
  It’s pretty considerate of him, Kuzuryuu considers, even though it’s kind of just inefficient, like the weird waffling they did when they first got together. Which is always really funny to think about in retrospect, because, like, the two of them have always been close. Back in the simulation, they got along decently well, and in the miserable months after waking up, the two of them would stay the night with each other all the time, doing scattered things across the island to distract themself, hugging each other when the days got shitty. 
  It only really made sense, then, that they had some kind of charisma between them back then. It only took everyone waking up and shit calming down, managing to get some kind of therapy across the shitty telephone lines that the Future Foundation got them, for them to even think about that shit. But, hey, they got there in the fucking end, with the help of the others, like, trying to get them past the yearning into an actual confession.
  (Kuzuryuu still remembers the humiliation of Souda and Komaeda– fucking Souda and Komaeda– being the ones that helped him talk to Hinata about it. Souda, who is the definition of running himself in circles, romantically speaking, and Komaeda, who wouldn’t know how to confess to someone normally if a walk-through manual slapped him in the fucking face.
  … Not that Hinata’s help was much better. Sonia and Tanaka were pushing for him to confess to Kuzuryuu with a fucking shell. Like, just a cool looking shell, that they thought would appeal to Kuzuryuu’s fiery energies, or something.
  Hinata still ended up giving Kuzuryuu the shell, for the record. But Kuzuryuu was a lot more invested in kissing his new boyfriend, at the time. It’s still… somewhere in his room. Just, as a little memory. Or something like that.)
  Hinata squeezes his hand again, and Kuzuryuu jolts back to reality. He laughs at himself a bit. “Sorry, I was just, like, thinking about the shitshow that was us trying to get together, all that time back.”
  He tilts his head, olive green eyes softening. “How come?”
  “Because you trying to hold my hand was awkward as hell.”
  The soft eyes are immediately hidden with an eye roll. “Fuck off.” 
  Kuzuryuu snorts, nudging him with his shoulder before they continue walking to the dining hall. “Seriously, though. That was such a fuckin’ week, wasn’t it? Hell, I still think about Komaeda looking me straight in the eyes and calling me an idiot.”
  “I’m still not entirely sure that one happened,” Hinata jokes. “Like. I know Komaeda is kind of… a lot, but the fact that he just called your ass out, then and there, is so much. Then again, Sonia called me a dense motherfucker, so.”
  “You are a dense motherfucker.”
  “I am not a dense motherfucker.” Kuzuryuu shoots him a look, and Hinata sighs. “Okay. Sometimes, I am a dense motherfucker. But I did know you liked me! I just can’t, uh, interpret half my emotions at any hour of the day.”
  The Kamukura effect, Kuzuryuu calls it in his head, but he doesn’t, like, verbally say that. Not that it would be an issue– Kuzuryuu is kind of adjusted to Kamukura suddenly fronting, and the two of them get along decently well, but. Y’know. It’s just kind of a weird thing to say, he thinks. “Yeah, I mean, that’s fair. We were still pretty fresh out of everything, I can imagine you had more going on.”
  Kuzuryuu shoots Hinata a look, taking in the slightly pensive expression, before impulsively standing on his toes to kiss his cheek. His face erupts in a blush, because Hinata isn’t the most accustomed to physical touch, still, and Kuzuryuu takes the chance to say, “You aren’t stupid, though. You’re, like, really fuckin’ smart. And I get it. We all do.” 
  Hinata glances away in some failed attempt to hide his expression. “Thanks,” he mumbles, but he squeezes Kuzuryuu’s hand, so. He knows that the other gets what he’s getting at. He’s just flustered, sort of adorably, but Kuzuryuu would never admit that. He is not a sap.
  (Well. Hinata’s eyes sometimes remind him of the times long ago, back at home, where it was sunny and he felt sort of okay, actually. And he has nice hair, y’know, falling into his eyes but nice to touch. And he’s nice, like, a real sweet guy with a closed off heart that you can still sort of trust. And he reminds Kuzuryuu of the sunshine, just, entirely. 
  … So maybe a little bit, but, hey. One of them has to maintain the romantic coherency around here, and if they have to pass the baton of sentiment, so be it.)
  “You’re contemplative today,” Hinata remarks.
  “You spend half your time brooding and getting lost in thought, and you’re getting on my ass?”
  Hinata laughs, which makes Kuzuryuu’s scowl soften. “Fair enough. Sorry.”
  “You’re fine.” Kuzuryuu sighs. “Just. Thinking about us, again.”
  “That’s, uh, pretty sweet of you. Or just really, really sappy, I guess.”
  “Shut the literal fuck up.”
  “It wasn’t an insult.”
  “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” They’re at the dining hall, now. As Hinata opens the door for them, the sound of the others becomes pretty apparent. Hanamura in the kitchen as usual, Tanaka and Souda’s voices distinct amidst the sound of everyone eating. There’s probably a few people missing– Komaeda and Owari come to mind, since Owari eats food unreasonably early sometimes, and Komaeda tends to show up when fewer people are there– but, since Hinata and Kuzuryuu got up sort of late, the rest are probably there.
  It’s… nice. Another one of those expected things, mundane as all hell and probably boring to literally anybody else, but Kuzuryuu likes it. Likes the way things flow, likes the routine, likes it all. Even when it’s, yeah, sometimes decently repetitive. 
  Hinata gets the door for them again– chivalrous dumbass– and Sonia immediately issues them a, “Good morning, Hinata-san, Kuzuryuu-san.”
  “What’s up.” Kuzuryuu lets go of Hinata’s hand to go and grab some food, his boyfriend engaging in an actual conversation with Sonia and Nidai. Kuzuryuu would like to later, no shit, but he’s hungry and Hanamura’s food calls to him. He gets himself some orange juice (that Hinata will probably steal from him, prompting an aghast orange juice and coffee, at once, are you fuckin’ serious? but, eh. Better than grabbing, like, milk or something). He also grabs some food, toast with some kind of spread Hanamura would give them the details of, before taking a seat.
  Souda slides across him, leaving whatever conversation he had been having with Tanaka to the wind. “Hey there, soul bro! How we vibing?”
  “Fine.” Kuzuryuu says with a shrug, instinctually scooting over as Hinata sits next to him.
  Souda gets out another, “Soul bro number two! How are you?”
  “Doing fine, Souda,” Hinata steals Kuzuryuu’s juice from the get go, so he kicks him under the table. Hinata stifles a laugh. “Tanaka’s giving you a death stare, though.”
  “Ugh, dammit. Prick’s been getting on me over crystals, or some shit.” Souda gets out of the chair, already walking back over to probably start another argument with no other pretense. It’s early enough in the morning that Kuzuryuu doesn’t second guess the weird interaction, though Souda has a tendency to start and end conversations in the worst, most abrupt way.
  He’s off, watching Souda and Tanaka go at each other while Koizumi sits tiredly near them, looking as if she’s debating whether to interfere or leave before Tanaka throws out an archaic insult, when Hinata moves to grab his hand and squeeze it. Kuzuryuu turns to look back at him, eyebrow raised. “What’s up?”
  “Uh, nothing, really,” Hinata replies, and Kuzuryuu almost looks away again before he blurts out, “I love you.”
  Kuzuryuu flushes, trying to roll his eyes to counteract it, but the awkwardly fond expression on Hinata’s face gives the impression that his plan didn’t work. Still, he keeps his voice casual (if not a bit softer, dammit Hinata, fucking contagious sentimental hours) as he replies, “Love you too, dipshit. Give me back my fuckin’ juice.”
  “Of course.” Hinata takes one more swig before giving it back, and it’s almost a quarter empty, so maybe Kuzuryuu should have let the bastard keep it, but, eh. He’s too busy focusing on the I love you thing, which they’ve said fairly often throughout their relationship, but, still. He used to think– and Hinata must have, too– that it needed to be saved for big occasions, like birthdays or anniversaries or the days that come particularly rough. But, Kuzuryuu thinks that they’re worth hearing any day, even the particular slow ones, like these.
  Later, they’ll probably go off to work around the island, separate for a bit to apply their talents wherever needed. Kuzuryuu will talk to his friends, hang out with Pekoyama a bit as she trains, and probably spend too much time contemplating to be productive.
  But, it’s still a nice day. Slow, and a bit chilly comparatively, but a nice day.
  And, hey. He can roll with that, he thinks. That they’ve earned their share of peaceful days after everything.
  He shoots a glance over at Hinata while he’s eating. His face is neutral as he fiddles with his sleeve and thinks about something, either entirely random (like the light fixtures, or something), or a topic a bit more serious that he might bring up to Kuzuryuu later. He’s come a long way, in being open with that, but also with just… everything. Both of them have. Hell, the reason they could get together was that growth, getting through it all, that bullshit. All of that shit, to get here.
  And, to be honest? Despite all the shit they went through, the shit that Kuzuryuu wished they didn’t have to go through, wouldn’t have gone through again no matter what…
  … he’s pretty fucking happy that the two of them are here.
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Scar To Burden
For @badthingshappenbingo
Prompt: Scar to Remember taken from here.
Rating: T+
Warnings: Body horror, mental instability, messiness. Yes.
Notes: It was also part of an art trade of sorts. Because it’s canon Matsun, it ended up a little vent-y. Waaaaah. I should write more MatsuHina. We need more danganronpa zero + super danganronpa 2 content in general.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
“If you’re gonna keep staring at it,” Matsuda griped. “You might as well just take a picture. It’ll last longer.”
Hinata froze immediately, fingertips lingering on his head scars. In the reflection, he sees Matsuda huff. Sees him stride close, clapping a hand on his trembling shoulder.
“What’s up?” Matsuda asked coldly, leaning in and pressing up against him, sending chills down his spine. “The hell is with that stupid fucking face?”
Matsuda’s thumb presses against the scar, right above Hinata’s ear, where Matsuda’s touch had lingered before.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“What the hell are you doing here?”
The specter snorts, crossing his legs the way the living Matsuda Yasuke so often did. Hinata tries not to let his gaze trail from the other’s face, not to the legs fading out to nothing and certainly not to the chest under Matsuda’s crossed arms, which looked like it had been stomped in. Over and over. But rather than the expected blood and gore, it was faded around the edges, as if the being were just a wax replica. Except wax didn’t huff at him like that.
“Don’t tell me you’d rather I was someone else,” Matsuda sneezed. “Upset I’m not your stupid fucking girlfriend? God, don’t tell me you’d prefer Junko.”
“Absolutely not,” Hinata snapped, bristling. “It’s just—why now?”
“Dunno.” In typical Matsuda fashion, he was just shrugged at like he wasn’t worth a second longer of thought. “Just felt like it. It’s super fucking boring being dead, y’know. I can only read over people’s shoulders. I can’t eat. I can’t even sleep. Sucks. So fucking bad. Makes me wish necromancy was a talent, not gonna lie.”
Hinata did feel Kamukura Izuru stir inside him. Whether with curiosity or something else, Hinata steeled himself against it.
He’s gone. Matsuda’s gone. That he’s even here is probably just—
“You think I’m an hallucination,” Matsuda droned. “I’m not. Ask me a question, fucker. I’ll prove it.”
“Proof?” Hinata had to laugh at that, mirthlessly as it was. “Like what?”
“Your stupid fucking boyfriend? He’s with the meathead coach right now. Being lugged about like a particular sad sack of potatoes after collapsing during a jog.” Matsuda shows his teeth. “That sniveling not-quite-nurse will be treating him by the time you rush over.”
Komaeda isn’t—
Hinata got up immediately.
(To his utter despair, Matsuda was completely right. He didn’t even know what to say in between Komaeda swearing that he was alright and apologizing for the trouble as Tsumiki insisted she was doing well in treating him, don’t worry, don’t worry, why do you look so pale, Hinata-san, y-you look like you’ve seen a ghost—)
Despite clearly keeping tabs on everyone there, Hinata doesn’t see Matsuda tailing anyone else. Hell, he doesn’t even see Matsuda outside of his cottage. He wonders if Matsuda can control whether or not he’s seen, and he’s too disturbed to ponder it.
This, unfortunately, doesn’t stop Kamukura Izuru, which makes Hinata feel all kinds of skin-crawlingly disgusting. Makes him also want to claw out his skull, to rip the stitches open if he could.
“Jeez, what’s up your rectum?”
What do you fucking think, Matsuda? Rather than spit out the words, Hinata glares at the ghost over his shoulder. He’s trying to read a book Sonia lent him—but of course Matsuda’s too damn clever to buy into the ruse.
“You look constipated,” Matsuda pointed out, cutting through him with such ease. Always capable of cutting through him with well-practiced fingers and an even more skillfully sharp tongue. “You’re so fucking obvious about it, too.”
Hinata wanted to seethe, but willed himself to keep a straight, unimpressed face.
“Boring read, huh,” Matsuda droned, reflecting that same expression back. “Is it because it’s predictable or because it’s just not to your taste?”
“It’s...” Hinata bit back the word boring. His temper flared, and he forced that back down as well for good measure. “It’s hard to focus on anything when you’re breathing down my neck. In a manner of speaking.”
The dead man—boy, really, Matsuda fucking died before he reached adulthood—just quirked an eyebrow at him. The corner of his lips curled into a truly ugly smirk, accompanied by a snort.
“A manner of speaking!” Matsuda rose his voice to an annoyingly nasal high-pitched tone. “Isn’t that book about a fucking doctor who plays god?” He blows past before Hinata can think twice, flipping the pages furiously. “You didn’t even get to the best part! Look here!”
He brandishes it with mock theatrics and a sneer.
“They shove him back,” Matsuda intones, voice low and grave. “Down, down, down he went. They watch him fall. He, who built them, who built up everything—he who looked so much smaller when splattered to bits.”
Hinata said nothing. He just waited until Matsuda fizzled.
“You piece of shit.” Matsuda still got out one last mirthless chuckle. “You’ve already read it, huh? You fucking started fiddling with it, knowing I’d get fucking curious about it. You knew, you knew, you knew.”
Hinata didn’t say anything to that, either.
“Was it satisfying?” Matsuda hissed. “Was it cathartic? Watching that bitch not only fall to pieces but also give up?”
“She was content, Matsuda.” Hinata simply brushed him off. “She was satisfied with the outcome.”
Matsuda’s form simmers with so much anger that it blurs his edges and especially blurs his expression. Like this, you might not even be able to tell that the once neurologist was in tears. What grew especially jagged from these distortions was the gaping maw in his chest.
Despite looking less and less like a once-person, this being couldn’t be further from dissipating completely. Hinata could hear his own heartbeat, and what a wretched sound that was in this utter, tumultuous silence.
“...sorry,” he finally whispers, just for something new. Just to keep himself from trying to dig his nails into his scar. The ghost reshapes itself, only slightly. It drifts close, and Hinata sucked in his breath. “I’m sorry, Matsuda, I... I-I just...”
Matsuda’s fingertips, practiced and cold and gentle as always, brush against his forehead scars.
“You’re unbearable to look at with this,” Matsuda murmured as Hinata’s breath ended up hitching. Like this, like this, the ghost of the guy who helped ruined him really did look like quite the dream.
“You think?” he couldn’t help but ask. “The lines were clean. The stiches tidy. Evenly spaced apart.” Those cold fingers curled against his jaw, and he just leans into that deathly touch. “It’s a work of art, isn’t it? On the outside and the inside.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Rather than with fire or ice, Matsuda’s words are airy and weightless. “Don’t say such creepy bullshit.”
When Hinata does reach up to grip the other’s hand, he phases right through. Because, obviously he does.
“Have you seen anything strange lately?”
“Mm? You’ll have to be more specific.” Komaeda, when perked up and bright-eyed, is especially alert. “Has something happened, Hinata-kun?”
“No.” The lie comes so easily it’s despicable. “I was just asking.”
I’m not the only person that Matsuda’s looking after.
“It’s a strange question,” Komaeda said, cajoling. Hinata still doesn’t bite, even when Komaeda seems serious. “Nothing happened at all?”
“Something is always happening,” he pointed out. “There is no need for suspicion over a simple question.”
“Hahaha. Oh, Hinata-kun. When did you get so unbearable?”
When, indeed?
Somehow, even if he wanted to, he wasn’t sure he’d know how to answer. Maybe he’s always been this way. Maybe he’s only like this because he got on a table and let a guy his own age cut open his skull under the slimy supervision of a farcical medical staff. That same guy had been—
Not...nice. Once upon a time. But, maybe, just maybe, they had a relationship close to being friends. Matsuda would smack him with books and demand food. Would often drag him off-campus and distract him from everything for a good hour. Matsuda was grumpy and abrasive, absolutely not the kind of person he’d normally want to associate with. He was cruel, too, up until Hinata finalized the contract.
It was only after the stupid simulation that Hinata realized that Matsuda never wanted any of this. That Matsuda did care, especially in the way he made the procedure swift and simple...and especially in the way he’d stare at his head scars with the most pained eyes.
How boringly simple Matsuda Yasuke always was. It’s no wonder he had so many regrets.
“If you do see something, let me know,” Hinata said. “I’ll take care of it.”
Komaeda gives him a look, and Hinata wonders about Matsuda’s regrets involving him. Involving damn near everyone in the class that Enoshima Junko got her claws into.
Selfishly, I don’t...
“I don’t want you to worry about them. They’re my responsibility now.”
“Mmhm,” Matsuda hummed, unconvinced as he draped himself over the bed. He was playing with the pages of a manga that Hinata purposefully left out. “Possessive, are you? Fucked up.”
“I’m the one with this.” Hinata tapped his scar. “This is all that remains of you after the simulation was forcibly shut down.”
“Maybe that’s why you can see me,” Matsuda muttered, sounding wholly disinterested. “And here I just fucking thought Kamukura Izuru was an Ultimate Medium or something.”
Kamukura Izuru was. However, Hinata has no intention of being the same.
“I want to be the only one that has to deal with the burden of your memory. You’re right. I’m possessive.”
“Just like her.” Matsuda sneered at him, pointing to where his own heart would be if it hadn’t been stomped to dust. “You’re a piece of work, alright.”
“That’s thanks to you.”
Matsuda chuckles softly under his breath. It’s not just mirthless, it’s downright miserable. His form flickers, too. Hinata idly rubs over the swollen scar tissue, gaze not leaving the other for a second.
“Take a picture,” Matsuda says, flat and irritated. “It’ll last longer.”
I’ll keep this image just as I’ve kept your marks and memory.
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potatotrash0 · 4 years
Kwami Swap
Rating: Teen for like single swear from Hinata
Word Count: ~1600
Genre: Humor?? Like 10% vague fluff??
Hokori chuckled, “I admit it’s a stretch. With the Cat Miraculous, I have bad luck most of the time, but ladybugs are good luck, aren’t they?”
Tentō narrowed his eyes, but they didn’t have much to go on as of now...clicking his tongue, he relented. “Fine,” he sighed, “try it. But I’m telling you, the Lucky Charm doesn’t just give you whatever you want. You have to actually figure out what to do with it.”
Idk man I saw a Miraculous and Danganronpa crossover au and went completely feral and spat this out. Also yes inspired by @/moochisun
Also on AO3 under the same username!
I am. unoriginal. so I basically named Komaeda, dust in Japanese (hokori) and Hinata, ladybug (technically tentōchū but i went with tentō). shhh don’t question it
Tentō stumbled as he landed, catching himself against the alleyway’s wall with a small grunt. Beside him, Hokori swung in just as haphazardly, though he seemed to be having more fun with his temporary Miraculous.
“Okay,” Tentō breathed, slumping down and running a hand through his hair as his breathing slowed. “New idea, we actually make a plan before attacking.” Hokori nodded, “Yes, that would be wise.” He laughed as Tentō kicked a rock his way.
“Well, how about we use your—ah, my Lucky Charm?” Hokori slipped into a more serious tone, one of his hands reaching for his yo-yo. “Yeah, no,” Tentō said, shaking his head and kicking off the wall. “Normally, I would agree, but we’re lagging behind because of our Miraculous swap. We don’t have enough information to come up with a solid plan or bullshit one like we’ve done before.”
“I suppose that’s true for you, but...” Hokori trailed off and paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating something, before his expression steeled itself. “Before you arrived to help, I got close enough to see that one of the jewels on Doragon’s choker was purple. I think the akuma is in there, so if we can distract them long enough for one of us to smash the crown, I might be able to purify it.”
Tentō nodded, his brows furrowing as he thought it over. “Alright. But what do we use as a distraction?” “Maybe the Lucky Charm will give us something the akuma might want? We know it chases after shiny or expensive things,” Hokori suggested.
Tentō blinked before snorting. “Hokori, you know how random my Lucky Charm is. Even though that plan would work theoretically, there’s no telling what the Lucky Charm might give us.”
Hokori cocked his head, pursing his lips slightly. “I have pretty good luck, though, so it might work.” Tentō rolled his eyes, “Yeah, because leaving things up to chance has definitely helped us save Tokyo before!” He felt the ears on the top of his head twitch, his tail whipping at his ankles.
Hokori chuckled, “I admit it’s a stretch. With the Cat Miraculous, I have bad luck most of the time, but ladybugs are good luck, aren’t they?” Tentō narrowed his eyes, but they didn’t have much to go on as of now...clicking his tongue, he relented. “Fine,” he sighed, “try it. But I’m telling you, the Lucky Charm doesn’t just give you whatever you want. You have to actually figure out what to do with it.”
‘This is ridiculous,’ he thought to himself, staring at the alleyway wall ahead. /I’ve tried this kind of stuff before, there’s no way that the rules of the Miraculous will bend just for him.’
His gaze flickered to Hokori when his ears picked up a quiet gasp. His partner had a giddy grin on his face, grey eyes sparkling. Tentō raised a brow and took a step closer, leaning over the boy’s shoulder.
He then let out some weird, strangled noise he couldn’t name. “...what the fuck?” In Hokori’s hands was an ornate box, made of wood and lined with velvet. Inside was probably the biggest necklace he had ever seen, along with a set of equally obnoxious earrings and several bangle bracelets. “Is—is that diamond?!” Tentō snatched the box from his partner’s hands, suddenly feeling like he needed to have a discussion about favoritism with Tikki.
Hokori, the damn bastard, burst out laughing before he slapped a hand over his mouth, doubling over.
“I still can’t believe that worked,” Tentō huffed, leaning on his staff. Hokori giggled, eyes trained on the now-purified akuma lingering on his finger. “I didn’t expect it to work so well either, but I guess my luck pulled through again!”
A beeping came from the ring on his finger, one of the green paw prints flickering and fading to black. The akuma jumped up onto Hokori’s nose, its wings fluttering rapidly. “We should leave before we transform back,” Tentō said, waiting for his partner to bid goodbye to the butterfly. (He did his best not to smile too fondly when Hokori turned around after looking so sad to see it go.)
They parted ways near some bakery, Tentō opting to leap another block away before landing. He ducked around the corner, glancing around before deeming the coast clear. “Plagg, claws in.” The black kwami flew out from the ring with a little flourish, groaning dramatically and flopping into Hinata’s hands like some maiden fainting onto her lounge chair.
“Next time,” Plagg huffed, glaring up at him, “I better not have to do so much work just so you guys can transform.” Hinata scoffed, “You barely did anything.” “Excuse me? Going around Tokyo searching for my owner in a huge crowd is stressful! At this rate, my fur will start turning white.” “Yeah, right. You don’t even have fur! Besides, you can whine to Hokori about it, /I’m/ not your Miraculous holder.”
Hinata slipped off the ring and put it into the black box he had stored in his pocket. He handed it to Plagg, pointedly ignoring the cat’s complaints. “And tell him that his kwami is a pain in the ass for me,” Hinata called as Plagg flew off, snickering when yelled back indignantly, “Have some respect for your elders!”
Shortly after, Tikki flew into view, a wide smile on her face. “Hajime!” Hinata laughed as his kwami nuzzled against his cheek, holding her close for a moment. “Good to have you back, Tikki.” She settled into his shirt pocket like usual, handing him the earrings and taking the piece of chocolate he offered to her eagerly.
“By the way, the Miraculous’s powers are fixed, right?” He asked, putting on the earrings with only a little struggle. He made a mental note to ask Tsumiki or Mioda about his ears healing over. He felt Tikki nod, “Yes. Even if the Miraculous, transformations, and weapons change to fit the holder’s preferences, the fundamental abilities don’t change.” Hinata hummed, tongue flicking over his retainer idly before he replied. “So what’s up with Hokori getting exactly what he wanted from the Lucky Charm earlier?” “Hmm...” Tikki seemed to falter, nibbling at the chocolate as she thought. “According to Plagg, his holder tends to attract good and bad luck even without a Miraculous, so that might play into it.”
“So I was right to think it was pure bullshit.” “That’s...a crude way to put it, but you’re not entirely wrong. It is very abstract!”
Hinata sighed, a smile crossing his face. Well, chalking it up to luck wouldn’t be his first choice, but he supposed having a cryptic and roundabout cat-boy for a partner ruled out all of his “ideal circumstances” in general. Something told him it wouldn’t be quite as fun without Hokori and his chaotic ways, though.
Hokori landed just behind the local bakery, being careful to ensure he was hidden from view. “Tikki, spots off,” he whispered, catching the spotted kwami in his hands. He was tempted to let Tikki take a nap, seeing how sleepy she looked in his palms. She deserved it, after all, but she also had to return to Tentō, so he gently nudged at her with his thumb. She took the hint after a moment, flying up and seemingly making Komaeda’s hair her temporary bed.
He took his time taking out the earrings and placing them back into their container, speaking up once he was done. “Come on, I’m sure Tentō would like to be reunited with his kwami.” Tikki brightened up at that, taking the black and red box with a renewed vigor. “It was nice meeting you,” Komaeda said softly, laughing when Tikki returned the sentiment by bumping against his nose with a smile.
Not too long after she left, Plagg flew in, announcing his presence by crashing into Komaeda’s chest with clearly exaggerated groaning. “You’re crushing on a guy with no idea what manners are, you know that, right?” Plagg said into his shirt, tail whipping around. Komaeda raised a brow but wasn’t too surprised to hear his kwami being so dramatic. He grabbed his Miraculous back with his left hand, the other one digging in his coat pocket for the container he kept Plagg’s beloved cheese in. “I’m well aware of how blunt Tentō can be, but I’ll keep your concerns in mind.” He tossed a piece of Camembert Plagg’s way, watching his kwami rush to catch it in his mouth with a grin.
Admittedly, he had been worried when Tikki approached him at first, knowing first hand how much Plagg tended to get himself into trouble. But at the very least, he was here now, unharmed and safe. Komaeda slipped the Cat Miraculous back onto his ring finger, feeling more at ease now that he had it back. For something he had only owned for a year, he found himself pretty attached to it.
Though, it was the same for most of the things he had gained in the past year. It was weird, allowing himself to enjoy his life after years of avoiding forming attachments in fear of losing them. It was so ingrained into him, trying to live without fearing the worst was almost harder than just accepting it. Komaeda shook his head, catching himself regressing back into his old habits. ‘Hinata-kun would probably be angry if he knew I was still entertaining the thought of my luck sabotaging me,’ he mused. It was a viable possibility in his eyes, but Hinata always seemed to be firmly against Komaeda’s “self-destructive tendencies,” to quote the brunet. Why, Komaeda still couldn’t grasp, but there was little that he understood about Hinata in general. ‘It’s not really necessary to understand someone to appreciate them though, is it?’
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murdertrialimagines · 5 years
Breaking Down
“Can I please get how the SDR2 boys react to their s/o reaches their breaking point and just goes off on Monokuma/ the boys having to comfort them afterwards when they realize how stupid/dangerous going off was and break down. Sorry if that doesn't make sense, haha. Hope you're having a good one!”
I’m finally getting back into the writing mood! If I haven’t gotten to your request yet I am so sorry! I will hopefully get to it before 2022 soon! This is such a good request, I am so excited to write it! ^-^ Story under the tag~
Hajime Hinata
Hajime had found you halfway through your rant, following you angered yells to your cottage
He had thought you were being attacked, so he swung open your unlocked door, not caring to knock
He saw you, screaming down at something much shorter than you
Monokuma, he realizes, as he sees the ever so calm bear standing in front of you, a blank expression on his face
And you, the polar opposite. Screaming, yelling angri- wait were you crying?
He watched as you stood mere inches away from the bear, waving your arms and crying
“This is all your fault! Everything could be fine but no, you made everyone turn on each other! You gave us motives to kill people! Friends! Friends are killing friends and that isn’t right!”
Hajime watched as you raised your foot against the still calm bear, ready to stomp down on it.
He watched as your whole body shook and you lowered your leg, took a few steps back, and slid down the foot of the bed, collapsing into a pile of tears and hiccups
Monokuma silently snickered at you
“Puhuhu~ Maybe this is your gateway to despair? Will you kill someone, y/n, to get out? Or maybe-”
“Monokuma, get out.”
Y/n jumped at Hajime’s voice, looking up at him and furiously wiping her eyes
“Hajime! What are you doing here...?”
“I’m asking Monokuma to get out.” Hajime turned to the plush. “Please. Leave.” 
With a snide remark Monokuma left, leaving the two teens in silence
Hajime walked over to you, sitting next to you. He pulled you into a hug, sitting silently as you squeezed him, letting everything out
“I’m such an idiot!” You gasped in air. “I almost broke the rules, I’m just-I’m just so angry! This was supposed to be happy, but all of my friends are dying... and I can’t do anything about it!” You put your head into Hajime’s chest, continuing to cry until you finally couldn’t anymore.
After a few minutes of silence Hajime heard you make a small noise, then slip down more
Then the snoring came
He softly picked you up with only a little bit of struggling 
Laying you down on the bed, Hajime pulled the covers over his girlfriend before quietly leaving the cottage, making sure to lock the door behind himself
He sighed, replaying the whole scenario in his head
He could only hope that this will either end or get easier for you.
Nagito Komaeda
When you started telling off Monokuma during the second third investigation, Nagito was ecstatic
You were finally standing up to the greater evil after staying in the background for so long! Who wouldn’t be happy? 
But when he saw the tears streaking your face, he felt something was off
You started shaking, voice straining and lip quivering. Monokuma only kept repeating that this is how things were.
“But this isn’t how things should be! It’s all your fault! I don’t want to believe in your hope and despair bullshit! I want to go home, with my friends!”
Nagito stood with the others investigating the crime scene, watching you scream and make gestures at the snickering bear
“You are a monster! I hate you!”
A few people shouted in surprise as you picked up the stool sitting on the stage, chucking it at Monokuma
You missed by mere inches, the stool clattering onto the floor with a thud
Everyone watched as Monokuma grew angry, Nagito moving closer to you as the bear flashed his claws out
“You’re lucky that missed, brat! But just be warned, even if it misses next time I wont hesitate to punish you!”
With that, the bear was gone, leaving a breathless you and your frightened friends
And that’s when the whimpering started
Everyone watched as your whole body shook, small noises painfully coming from you. You sank down to the floor holding your face in your hands to cover up the tears
Everyone wished they could give you privacy, but this was the crime scene, and a few of them hated to admit it but they were a tad worried that this could be a ploy to distract them
So you sat in the silence and cried, until a weight was placed on your shoulder
You quickly looked up, wiping away the burning tears in your eyes to see your boyfriend standing next to you, a soft smile on his face
You gave out a tiny yelp as you were suddenly picked up and carried out of the music venue
You had been taken back to Nagito’s cottage, where he laid the two of you down on the bed and let you cry into his jacket
“I just don’t want to be a part of his stupid game anymore...” You sniffled and sat up
“No one is happy here! Everyone we know is killing each other, how long until one of us is a target? I don’t think I can handle a situation like this...”
Nagito pulled you into a hug, squeezing you tight enough to make you feel like you were grounded to earth
“I promise you, the rest of us will beat Monokuma! Once we pick out this despaired student, everyone else’s hope will make sure no one will die here ever again! You just have to trust me, okay? Everyone will be fine.”
You hugged Nagito back, sighing into his chest
“I really hope you’re right.”
You let your eyes close, body leaning on your boyfriend
Nagito looked down to see you asleep, and smiling,  got out of bed and pulled the covers over the you. You could nap until it was trial time, right?
He quietly left your room and quickly returned to the crime scene, looking for clues and ignoring the worried glances from everyone else
Still, he couldn’t help but worry
You were falling to despair, and he couldn’t have that.
Byakuya Togami
You didn’t want to believe that you panic this easily
Nothing had happened yet, no one dead, not even a motive set up by your captor
You had gotten to know everyone, quickly becoming close to the well known Togami
He was determined to keep everyone safe, so when he got a note that someone was going to die, he tried to hide it from everyone
But when you had come to his room to surprise him, you easily found the note hidden in a notebook
why is he so bad at hiding things
You found the note and completely flipped, going to Byakuya first to ask why he didn’t tell you
“I thought it would freak you out, and I guess I was right.”
After a very heated squabble (That left Mikan shook and Ibuki ecstatic), you stormed off from the park you went to your dorm and shouted for Monokuma, and like every time, he popped up out of nowhere
You demanded to know why he ruined your school trip, and put everyone on the island in danger
He just laughed, and said that it was, “For despair of course!”
You began to yell, stating that while you didn’t know everyone here very well, you knew they didn’t deserve to die like this.
The bear covered his ears, sing songing at you until you let out a harsh shriek, taking a book and raising it above your head to throw it at him
As you brought your arm down, a hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, forcibly causing the book to drop from your grasp
Your boyfriend, Togami, had seemingly gotten in undetected due to your loud one sided argument
“Y/n,” his grip on your wrist softened just a little. “Don’t be foolish. This is what he wants, you’re only playing into his plan.”
You snapped your head back to Monokuma, seeing he had disappeared via an unknown passageway
Togami tilted your head back to him, slowly releasing his grip on your arm, allowing it to fall to your side
As you stared into your boyfriend’s stern eyes, all you could do was well up with tears and cry, pulling him by his shirt into a hug
“I’m so sorry! I’m just so afraid that someone’s going to get hurt! I don’t want that, I want this to go back to the fun vacation it was!”
You couldn’t see it, but Togami’s eyes softened, and he raised his hand to softly rub circles into your back
“I know. You just need to be more careful with your emotions. As much as I hate it I can’t change our scenario. The best I- we - can do, is help everyone stay safe, lead them down the right path. Now, no more outbursts, okay? I can’t have you be killed for something so reckless.”
You let out a halfhearted laugh, pulling him closer and sighing. After a few more minutes of calm reassurance, you told your boyfriend you wanted to go to bed, and quietly said goodbye as he left
He was sad that you wouldn’t be going to the party tonight, but you needed rest, and the last thing you needed was to be around more hectic situations today
He’d have to make you a breakfast in bed when he checked up on you tomorrow. 
Gundam Tanaka
You had been trapped in the fun-house for what seemed like weeks, even if it had only been a couple of days
Yet days without food and water really take a toll on the human body, and you were starting to envy Nekomaru for not being affected.
That is, until you overheard your boyfriend whispering his plans to his Devas
You had been asleep, or at-least partially, in the room that you and Gundam volunteered to share. You had not yet actually gotten out of bed or even started moving when you heard his voice explaining his devious plan to his friends
And you stayed like that, pretending to be asleep until you heard him wrap up the conversation. You felt him walk over and give you a kiss on your forehead, before finally leaving the room.
You jumped out of bed, taking a moment to regain your balance due to undernourishment, and yelled for Monokuma, not afraid of someone hearing you since you guys had the quiet room
As always, the bear popped out of nowhere.
“Monokuma arrives! Now, have you brought me here to beg for my mercy?! Because the mechanic already did that! No dice!” He gave you a twirl
What he didn’t expect was for you to pick up a pillow and throw it at him, himself easily dodging it
“Why are we here?! This isn’t a motive, you’re forcing someone to kill just for food! You’re a monster!”
You picked up more items, the lamp, a book, the clock off the wall, chucking them at your captor, who seemed to make this into a game of one sided dodge-ball
All he did was dodge and laugh at you, fueling your anger until you could barely pick your arm up anymore and your throat felt hoarse from ranting
“You’re lucky your emotions are good for the viewers! If I have found you even a teensy bit more boring, I’d have you sliced up!” He went to the door and opened it, just as your boyfriend tried to open it from the outside
Monokuma waddled away, ignoring your softened demands for him to come back
Gundam stood only for a second in the doorway, wondering what just happened, before he ran over to you and grabbed you by your shoulders
“My immortal Y/n, what happened?!” He looked you over once, twice, before staring into your eyes, his brimming with worry. “Did he hurt you? Did he try to give you another motive?! Because I promise you don’t-”
“I know what your plan is.”
His whole body froze, as if he had accidentally cast a frost curse on himself
“I heard you” You took his hands off of your shoulders. “I wasn’t sleeping. You really plan to kill someone to escape?”
“It’s not that simple Y;n, you of al people should know that.”
“And what happens to Nekomaru, huh?! He just got a second chance at life and you’re going to take it away? That’s not something you get to pick and choose!”
You begin to storm out when he calls your name
“I’m doing it for you! I want you to get out of here, all of you, alive! It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. I...I don’t plan on surviving the trial, I’ll only use it to help strengthen your deduction skills. If I don;t do this, no one lives.”
His voice, barely above a whisper at the end of his speech, broke your heart. 
“Oh, Gundam, I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you! I’m just so scared, and I’ve lost so many people and now I’m losing you too, I don’t know what to do-”
Strong yet shaky arms pulled you into a firm chest, and you relished in the warmth of your boyfriend
“When are you going to do it?” Your voice, barely audible
“Tonight. It can’t wait. I’m so sorry Y/n. I almost let Monokuma get to you.”
You hugged him back, whole body screaming to shut down at the effort you just exerted.
“Lay with me. At least until I fall asleep.. Please.”
“Of course my love.”
Kazuichi Souda
Kazuichi was coming up the stairs to the dining hall when he heard you
“I wish you were dead!” A large crash was enough for him to bolt up the stairs in record time, afraid you were in danger, or worse, the next blackened
When he reached the top all he saw was a mess, a table once full of food now flipped over, and a laughing Monokuma
And of course, you on top of all the spilled food, what seemed to be punch and ketchup staining your clothes
“Wh-wha-what the heck happened?!” Kazuichi rushed over and grabbed your arms, hoisting you out of the mess
Monokuma laughed louder
This only fueled your anger, causing you to pull from your boyfriend’s grip and reel back your leg to kick the bear, before taking a breath and lowering it, walking past both him and Kazuichi
“Let’s go, he wasn’t worth the effort.”
A little saddened by the fact that he didn’t get food, Kazuichi lagged behind for a few seconds before realizing that you were walking out of the building, and hustled to follow you
“H-hey Y/n! What was that all about? You’re a mess!” He wiped some bread crumbs off of your shoulder
“He...tried to give me a motive.”
This stopped Kazuichi in his tracks. “What?! What was it?!”
You turned around towards the mechanic, arms folding across your body. “I didn’t let him say it. The second I heard the word ‘motive’ come from his mouth I flipped. I mean, we’ve already lost four people, almost five! How long is this going to go on? Is someone really going to sacrifice everyone, or will everyone be murdered by then? I don’t want to find out, I promise I’ll kill whoever is behind this myself!”
You swiftly turned on your heels, walking away again, but only managed to get a few steps away when you were pulled off of your feet from behind
Realizing this was a hug, you spoke up. 
“Uh, Souda? Can you put me down?”
“Nope!” He somehow effortlessly pulled you into a bridal style carry. “We’re gonna have a relaxation day, to forget about that stupid bear and his dumb motives! Nothing but the best movies and candy for my girl!”
He began walking, and in defeat, you sighed and sunk deeper into his arms
Could you ask for any better stress reliever?
Teruteru Hanamura
You and Teruteru had been cooking and cleaning for the party. You had volunteered to help.
He briefly left the room to put some tableware in the party room
You thought nothing of it, until he came back clearing shaken up
Asking what happened, he refused to answer, causing you to give him a stern glare that frightened him and turned him on
He gave in, telling you about how he saw Nagito place a knife under the table, and tell him his plan
You remained calm. Nothing would happen under your watch, and you assured Teruteru of that. He seemed relieved
Yet, that relief turned out to be a lie when Byakuya’s body had been found, not killed the way Nagito had intended.
You saw how panicked your boyfriend was, and instantly knew what happened
But you continued to help out, only mildly panicking when they found new evidence that could point to Nagito being innocent
Nobody caught the side glances you two shared. You were afraid he thought you were going to give him up, yet on the same hand you were afraid he thought you were going to help him. 
All the turmoil and frustration built up until you finally excused yourself from the building, stating that the body and smell of blood were making you sick
Nobody batted an eye, and the second you were outside you punched the door, cursing under your breath
And that’s when you heard him
“What’s wrong?” His voice changing pitch halfway through as if you were a kid. “Afraid that you’ll have to choose between your life and his?”
You turned around to face Monokuma, looking down at him in anger
And than you started crying
“This is all your fault!” You pointed childishly at him. “You planted this idea in Nagito’s mind! And now Teru is paying for it! What did we do to deserve to be here, with these insane people?! We deserve a normal life!”
The door behind you was suddenly pushed open, cutting off your speech. You swung around, afraid a confession was just heard by one of your classmates
To your relief, Teruteru walked out slowly
“What is heaven’s name is going on? Y/n, are you alright? He didn’t...hurt you...did he?”
You turned back to Monokuma to continue berating him to see that he was gone, and began sputtering out an explanation when you sighed and just let the tears fall
“I don’t know what to do, Teru!” Your voice turned into a low whisper. “I don’t want to die, but I don’t want you to die either! This is all such a mess...”
Teruteru pulled you into a hug which you gladly accepted, enjoying the short silence
“Uh, Teruteru? Y/n?” There was a voice from the doorway. “The trial is going to start soon, and I don’t mean to interrupt your heartfelt moment but we want to have one last talk with everyone.”
“Thanks Hajime, we’ll be there in a minute.” When the talent-less boy left, you let go of your boyfriend
“Y/n, I promise, everything is going to be okay. Just trust me, okay? And follow my lead, I have a plan.”
You gave him that soft smile he loves and squeezed his hand before walking back into the building
He stood there, watching as the door closed behind you
You didn’t know it yet, but he had made up his mind
He wasn’t going to let anything happen to you
Nekomaru Nidai
You couldn’t believe it
An hour ago things were going fine
and now, an ambulance was taking away Nekomaru, who had saved Akane
You couldn’t help but blame her for this, but you didn’t want to take it out on her
So you took it out on  Monokuma
You immediately marched up to the bear, grabbing him and shaking him
“Why the hell did you do that?! He didn’t do anything!”
You saw Monokuma’s eye glow red, but ignored it and continued to berate him
“You have no right to keep us here like...like prisoners! Everyday we fear for our lives, and we have a good reason to! it’s all because of you!” 
A sudden sweep of wind was felt as Monokuma slashed mere centimeters from your chest
You let Monokuma go, dropping him into the sand
“You’re lucky we can’t have two participants MIA, or I’d have sliced you to ribbons! God, you’re just like your dumb boyfriend!” And with that, he disappeared
After it happened you avoided everyone who tried to talk to you, vouching to stay in your room and only leave when you needed to eat
You didn’t even want to go to the new island that opened up, even when Ibuki broke the lock to your room while you were sleeping
It wasn’t until one evening you had a knock on your door
“Go away, Ibuki. I don’t want to go.”
“A-ah actually, it’s Kazuichi!’
Kazuichi? He never talked to you during your stay here, let alone after the incident
Curious, you got out of bed and unlocked the door, opening it a crack
“What do you need?”
To your surprise, a small trinket was thrust through the opening of the door, you grabbing it on instinct
“I just thought you would like it...I mean until Nekomaru comes back!”
Before you could question Kazuichi he shut the door himself, leaving you with the small device
Looking at it, you immediately noticed the resemblance to Nekomaru, looking like a small silver version of him
Feeling your chest tighten, you flipped the trinket over, noticing a small button
Pressing it, you felt the toy come to life, eyes glowing a dull yellow and the arms on it slowly moving. It looked at you, arms thrown into the air
“Y/n! How great it is to see you! How is my favorite girl doing?”
“H...how are you talking?”
“Kazuichi programmed me to be exactly like the real Nekomaru you know! I want to keep you company until the real me comes back!” 
You finally let the tears flow, clutching the small Nekomaru to your chest as you laid back down on your bed
“I miss you so much! I don’t know what to do!”
“It’s okay Y/n, I promise I’ll be back soon.”
You turned off the light, letting your toy Nekomaru’s eyes give you some light. Finally running out of tears, you fell asleep
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
Fuyuhiku Kuzuryu
You couldn’t believe it
Peko, your best friend, killed someone because your boyfriend ordered her to
Mahiru was dead, and this plan of yours had failed halfway through the class trial
You tried to hold Fuyuhiko back from running into the execution, but he wouldn’t listen
And you watched, as you saw both of your friends die right in front of you
That is, until Mikan gave you the hopeful news that he was still breathing, but critically injured
He was taken away by Monokuma, and you turned your attention to the bear
“What the hell Monokuma?! He wasn’t the blackened!”
The bear gave his signiture laugh, staring you down
“But isn’t it despairing? Especially for Peko, who believed her last moments alive were spent murdering one of her best friends. But it was also for all three of you, who all worked together to commit a crime!”
“Fuck you!” You took a step towards the bear. “I’ll kill you! You are nothing but evil and that should never be allowed, ever! I’ll make sure your last moments are by my hand!”
You tried to get closer to Monokuma but a hand was placed on your shoulder, and you turned around to face Chiaki
“You’re giving him what he wants. Stop.”
With a growl, you wiped her hand off your shoulder and walked away
You left the trial alone for the first time, having both of the people you cared about stripped away in a matter of minutes
You stayed in your room even as everyone else investigated the new island
Until one day you heard furious knocking on your door, a voice calling your name through the door
Sighing, you threw your blanket over your head and dug deeper into the bed
“Y/n, we found a hospital, Fuyuhiko is there!”
Within seconds you were outside, still in your pajamas, running to the island as Mikan called after you to wait up
You found the hospital and swung open the door to each room until finally you found a room filled with people all standing around a bed
“Fuyuhiko!” You pushed through the wall of people to the bed, breath catching at seeing your boyfriend’s state
“Hey, Y/n.”
“I want to give you a hug but I don’t wan’t to hurt you.”
You saw him give out an airy laugh, slightly wincing at what you presumed was pain
You then noticed everyone shuffling out of the room, and soon it was just you two
“I’m sorry for scaring you, Y/n.”
You walked closer to his bed, sitting on the edge of it
“She’s really gone.”
You felt your lip quiver, and soon your whole body was wracked with sobs
“This is ll our fault! We caused her death!”
You felt a hand on your side, seeing Fuyuhiko facing the window
“It’s my fault, not yours. i shouldn’t have gotten so mad. I promise I’m going to get us out of here, for our sake. And not by killing anyone. I want the rest of us to get out for the sake of everyone who’s died so far.”
He looked into your eyes and you swear you saw tears in his eye
After a moment of silence you cleared your throat, standing up
“I should go back to my dorm, it’s getting late. You need to rest and I’m sure Mikan would flip if she saw you weren’t”
You began to stand up when you felt him grab your wrist
“Stay with me, please.”
With a sigh you turned back around, carefully climbing into the hospital bed with your boyfriend
You let him lay his head on your chest, listening as he slowly fell asleep.
“Goodnight Fuyuhiko”
Me? back from the dead? It’s less likely than you think! Seriously I apologize for the two months (or more) of complete radio silence! I’m trying to get back in the groove and complete the remaining asks I have (about 7?) These last two imagines are terrible, sorry Nekomaru and Fuyuhiko :(
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sinfulwonders · 5 years
I think prompt #82 would be cool! Anyway you’d want to take it. Maybe pregame where they both are at a party? Honestly I love your writing and I think you could do something cool with it! Fluff/Angst/NSFW whatever you’d like! Preferably a happy ending of some sort of possible! Thanks for the consideration!
Wow. I am so so SO sorry this took so ridiculously long to write. I hope you enjoy it anon. I had most of it written a while ago, but doing the WIP challenge I found it and decided to finish it! Again, so sorry it took forever. It’s ingame, not pregame, so I hope that’s okay!
The Party
Words: 4613
Prompt: 82.  “You’re really drunk right now. I don’t think you’re gonna remember any of this.”  “I’m not drunk at all. You’re just blurry.”
Summary: Shuichi goes to a party! Drunk shenanigans ensue!
“So, Saihara-kun, did you decide whether you are coming to my party tonight?” Shuichi jumped at the sudden presence of a young girl standing in front of his desk.
“A-akamastu-san,” Stuttered the startled detective, as Kaede leaned in inquisitively. “Umm, yes, I’ll be there.”
The ultimate pianist pumped a fist in the air in triumph. She turned around towards the other side of the classroom and shouted to a group of students talking and laughing amongst themselves.
“Saihara-kun said he’ll come tonight!”
“That’s what I like to hear from my sidekick!” responded Kaito, who proceeded to flash a smile and his signature thumbs up. Maki gave a curt nod of approval from next to him.
The rest of the students congregated near Kaito and Maki gave similar nods and words of praise followed by a few cheers of approval.
Shuichi blushed, “Me being there w-won’t make much of a difference on the party. I-it’s really not a big deal.” He felt himself hiding his face in the cap that rested loosely on his head.
Kaede could tell he was growing anxious from being the center of attention. She took his hand in her own and pulled him out of his chair.
She gave him a warm smile as he rose, and he slowly responded with a small, nervous grin.
“We’re all just thrilled that you’ve decided to hang out with us outside of school! There are no expectations of you at this party, we just want to hang out with you, Saihara-kun!”
Shuichi breathed a small sigh of relief as he felt his body relax just a bit. While attending Hope’s Peak High school for the past few months, he had managed to grow close with several of the students. He considered that an incredibly impressive feat, as he was terribly intimidated by his fellow Ultimates. After all, he never thought he deserved to be at the school, as his first case was a mistake that haunted Shuichi constantly. This inferiority complex accompanied with his social anxiety (especially in group settings), made hanging out with his classmates outside of school a fear-inducing scenario.
After a few words of encouragement from Kaito, the group began to go back to their previous conversation. Kaede nudged Shuichi and spoke quietly where only he could hear, “I’m so proud of you for going to this, and hopefully you’ll have a wonderful time! I know you’re nervous, but thank you for facing that fear for our sakes!”
Shuichi cringed at her sweet smile.
I wish my intentions were that pure.
Shuichi was not going to this party for Kaede. He was not going to this party for Kaito or Maki or any of his supportive friends. He was going strictly to investigate. There was a thorn at his side, an unexplainable enigma of a person that perplexed him. It was equally bothersome and intriguing, and when Shuichi caught wind that he would be attending Kaede’s party he had made up his mind to overcome his anxiety for a night and go to learn more.
This party isn’t a social event for me Kaede, I’m sorry. I just need to figure him out. I need to know his motives and what he’s thinking…Ko-
“Saihara-chan  ̴!”
Speak of the devil.
Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader, also known as a consistent source of Shuichi’s distress, skipped into the classroom, a childlike smile adorning his pale face as he made his way to the detective. The green haired Rantaro Amami followed behind, sighing like an unenthusiastic babysitter.
“Oma-kun…I t-told you, that name’s too girly for me…” Shuichi sighed, knowing that insisting that Kokichi use proper honorifics for the umpteenth was useless.
“Well kun is way too harsh to describe a pretty boy like you!” Kokichi spoke in a sing-song tone, but his face held a mischievous smirk.
Shuichi blushed involuntarily and Kokichi’s eyes lit up.
“Is my beloved Saihara-chan falling for me?” After the words left his mouth he suddenly got closer and his eyes face darkened as he whispered, “What happens if the detective falls for the supreme leader of evil?”
“Nyeheehee!” His face was back to his regular devious smile, and he leaned back from the detective, hands resting behind his head, “As much fun as it is to torture you, I actually came because Rantaro told me that you were coming to the piano nerd’s party tonight!”
Rantaro shrugged as Shuichi looked at him. The green haired boy had an unnatural talent for being the first to know anything. He always had the most popular music, clothes, and anything else that was trendy months before it became mainstream.
Maybe Rantaro should have been known as the Ultimate Hipster instead of the Ultimate Adventurer… But wait, he wasn’t even here for that conversation! How did he-
Rantaro, seeing Shuichi’s confused expression, lazily nodded in the direction of a tall boy sitting in the back of the classroom, “Shinguji texted me.”
“Oh okay…” Shuichi responded, not knowing that the two were even friends. He turned back to Kokichi, “Yeah, I’m going to the party.”
Kokichi’s face lit up, “That’s great! I’m so happy I won’t even poison your drink like I was planning! I’ll still poison Miu’s though, since I heard that doing random acts of kindness helps build a stronger community! I mean freeing everyone from a long-term headache is pretty kind, don’t you think?”
“Shut up, Cock-kichi!” screamed the abrasive inventor, running over to the boy at the sound of her name.
The two started flinging vulgar insults at each other and Shuichi decided that that was a good enough distraction to sneak away from the situation. As the detective took step out the classroom door, he glanced back at the two fighting. He locked eyes with Kokichi. The boy grinned that conniving grin as he mouthed:
“See you tonight.”
Shuichi rushed out of the room, irritated with Kokichi’s deliberate flirting just to take him off guard. He had a purely professional interest in Kokichi Oma. As a detective it was his duty to find out if any of his claims about running a massive evil organization and committing crimes were true. He didn’t think so, but he needed to figure out how to tell if Kokichi was lying. He wasn’t obsessing over a classmate.
I have a moral obligation.
He told himself that as he had watched the supreme leader during class the entirety of last week. Shuichi sat behind him, so it was natural for him to look that direction. He had watched how he interacted with different people, physical reactions, and facial features, but hadn’t come to any clear conclusion on the boy having a ‘tell’. He wished he had more opportunities to stare into Kokichi’s large violet eyes, not because he thought they were mesmerizing, but to get a read on the boy of course. It also didn’t help that Shuichi had no baseline. Since Kokichi lied about everything, there were no clear truths or lies to base a pattern from. Kokichi was truly a mystery for Shuichi to solve. A mystery Shuichi needed to solve.
A mystery wrapped in white cotton and soft purple hair, smelling slightly of lavender.
And so it was in his unquestionably professional interest that he attended the party that night.
He arrived at the venue an hour after the party began, as he had read somewhere that that’s the cool thing to do. Rantaro opened the door, holding a red solo cup in hand and smiling wider than Shuichi had ever seen him before.
“Welcome to my humble abode!” he swayed, definitely tipsy.
Although Kaede was throwing the party, Rantaro had offered his off campus flat (special permission was given to him by the school to stay there instead of the dorms) as a venue for the party. It seems that one of the benefits was that the students could drink freely without worry of getting caught drinking on campus.
“Come on in, make yourself at home! Drinks are over in the kitchen!” Rantaro sauntered off, zigzagging through the many people contained in the modestly sized flat.
So. Many. People.
There were more people than just Shuichi’s classmates. It seemed as the entirety of Hope’s Peak was crammed into the two bedroom apartment. The music blared and a blur of unrecognizable faces practically swallowed the detective. He inhaled sharply.
You can do this.
He nervously stepped into the mass of people, following the flow of steps and desperately looking for any friendly faces. His panicked anxiety causing him to forget his true motive for being here almost immediately. He ended up in the kitchen, the sound of Kaito’s loud voice drew him like a magnet.
“Damn it, how’d you win again?” Kaito yelled, an exasperated Maki lightly holding him back from flipping over the beer pong table.
The fluffy haired blonde at the other end of the table smiled kindly at the shouting astronaut, “I’m sure you’ll beat me next game! I’m worthless, nothing compared to an actual ultimate such as yourself!” the boy’s eyes got wider and more wild and Shuichi took a step back instinctively, “My luck is bound to run out soon, so when it does please use me as a stepping stone to bring hope to every beer pong enthusiast in the universe!!!!!” He cackled.
“Komaeda, you need to chill with giving that hope speech to everyone we meet… you’re really hurting our friend retention rate,” a brunette male mused next to the still manically laughing blonde. He took the boy’s hand and said quieter, “Also… you’re not worthless.”
Little did the brunette know, that Kaito was too competitive to back down from a challenge, even one from a self-deprecating hope-enthusiast.
“Oh it’s on! Maki Roll, you ready to play one more round and beat this punk?” Maki sighed in anguish and glanced up, locking eyes with Shuichi.
“Saihara!” she said uncharacteristically enthusiastically, “You just got here right?”
“Hey guys, yeah I just got here,” Shuichi walked up to the pair.
“Perfect. Kaito, meet your new partner.”
“Eh? But-” Shuichi was instantly silenced by the intense glare Maki shot him. She quickly pushed the two closer and dashed off, avoiding various people and obstacles with reflexes faster than what should be capable of the ultimate child caregiver.
“Haha! I guess Maki Roll got sick of me!” Kaito chuckled, “I guess we have been playing for a while now... but this kid is just so annoyingly lucky… That’ll change soon if I keep playing!”
I need to remind myself to never take Kaito gambling.
It turns out that Kaito and Maki had been playing beer pong since the party began.
No wonder she got out of there. I guess I’m stuck now, but this is way better than standing around not knowing what to do with my body.
Nagito threw the first ball, and it plopped softly into a cup.
“Newbies take the first drink!” Kaito cheered, patting his sidekick on the back. Shuichi sighed and took a drink of the amber liquid. The cheap beer went down his throat with only a mildly repulsive aftertaste.
And, as an added bonus: For the first time since he arrived, Shuichi was able to loosen up a bit.
And he continued to loosen as the boys began their devastating losing streak to Nagito Komaeda and Hajime Hinata.
“Prretty ssure we almosst had em that time,” Kaito slurred as he swayed at the end of the table, obviously drunk from spending two hours losing badly at beer pong and, as a consequence, drinking a lot of beer. Shuichi, having started much later, was not wasted but was still very tipsy.
“Kaito- Kaito I think we gotta be done. You’re too…you’re too drunk.” The detective stumbled over his words, struggling to sound as sober and authoritative as possible. The wasted Kaito agreed eventually, stumbling over to the couch when he saw that Maki was over there. Shuichi smiled and rolled his eyes at his friend’s predictable nature.
He watched him sit and talk with Maki and sighed in relief at being released from mom mode. He wandered around in the flat, no longer anxiety ridden. Shuichi felt confident, and also fuzzy, like everything was a little out of focus.
But mostly confident.
Shuichi suddenly noticed a black and white checkered scarf in the distance, a flash of purple entering what seemed to be Rantaro’s bedroom. Shuichi followed the boy in as much of a straight line as he could, to discover what he was doing. He peeked in to see Kokichi in the dimly lit room sprawled on the bed, scrolling through his phone, and very much alone. Kokichi quickly looked up and caught the not-so-sneaky-especially-while-drunk Shuichi staring at him in the doorway.
“I-I umm, hi Oma-kun.” Shuichi said, disappointed that he’d been discovered so easily.
“Saihara-chan, hi. Come to escape the noise, too?” His demeanor seemed different than at school as he sat up on the bed. Calm and quiet. But as his Shuichi entered the bedroom, his mask quickly reappeared, “Or did you come to be alone with me?” He crooned.
Shuichi rolled his eyes at the boy’s usual aggressive flirting to make him uncomfortable trick and plopped down on the mattress next to the supreme leader. Kokichi raised an eyebrow in interest.
“You’re a weird guy, Oma.” Shuichi stated, no malice in his voice, “I can’t figure you out.”
Kokichi laughed, “You just figured out that I’m unsolvable? Man, maybe you’re not the ultimate detective after all!”
“I wouldn’t say unsolvable. It’s certainly a pain though,” Shuichi sighed and fell backwards, letting his head hit the sheets.
“Then why do you keep trying?” Kokichi asked, head tilted like a puppy.
Shuichi stared at Kokichi for a second and laughed out loud. Kokichi looked taken off guard for once.
“You know, that’s a really great question,” Shuichi smiled up at the boy looking over him, “I keep avoiding that question myself, so I don’t think I could give you a good answer.”
Kokichi laid back on his back beside the detective, meeting his gaze.
“Ya know, most people are boring. They’re predictable and easy to figure out. I’m glad I don’t bore you, Saihara-chan.”
This time, hearing Kokichi call him Saihara-chan didn’t seem to bother Shuichi. Kokichi said it like it was an endearing nickname.
Kokichi continued, speaking quieter, “And you know… you’re not boring either. To me I mean.”
As weird as it was, it seemed that Kokichi had given the detective an honest compliment. It didn’t seem backhanded or sarcastic, unless Kokichi was a much better liar than Shuichi had previously suspected.
The detective couldn’t help but blush a little.
The two boys laid there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, but soon enough Kokichi jumped to his feet, his mischievous smile once again plastered on his face.
“We better hurry back, or we’ll look pretty suspicious! Alone in a bedroom like this! What will your dear Kaito say?”
Shuichi rolled his eyes and stood to his feet, instantly remembering that he had a lot to drink as the room shook slightly, “Yeah let’s go.”
The two boys exited the room to find the flat much emptier than a few minutes prior.
“How long were we in there?” Shuichi wondered out loud.
Shuichi and Kokichi made their way to the kitchen, and after being forced into taking shots with a drunk Kaede and Rantaro, the two told them that after learning that Rantaro’s apartment complex had a volleyball court, a large chunk of drunk students had gone to play a game.
“Well, I say game, but Akane Owari, from the other class, is ready for war,” Rantaro sighed, “She challenged Nidai to a volleyball showdown and things may have gotten a little out of hand when someone suggested it be boys vs girls. Needless to say, Chabashira is out for blood…”
Shuichi winced when he heard that. Tenko was ready for any chance to bring the population of degenerate males down a peg or two.
“Well what’s the plan now Amami-kun?” Kaede asked, a little disappointed that so many people had left her party at once.
“Well there’s still a bunch of people around,” Rantaro noted as he looked at the no longer packed apartment, “So we could always play a group game.”
“Like truth or dare or something?” Kaede asked, eyes lighting up.
“Ugh, truth or dare sucks,” Kokichi groaned, “half the game is so boringgggg. Why don’t we play dare or drink?”
“Dare or drink?” Shuichi lifted an eyebrow.
“Yeah! My organization created it to get rid of the worst part of truth or dare: the truth! Of course we used play a slightly different version… ‘Dare or Die’…but we had to switch it up because we were losing too many people!”
The three others sighed at Kokichi’s outrageous lies. At least Shuichi was pretty sure it was a lie. But the group agreed and Kaede gathered a group of people together. Shuichi happily accepted Rantaro’s offer of another shot. He let out a hiccup and a small giggle as he poured a drink for the game, which caused Kokichi to scan his narrowed eyes over the boy.
“Are you good, Saihara-chan?”
Shuichi saw what he surmised to be genuine concern on the boy’s face.
This is my chance to get back at him!
“Aww, are you worried about me…Oma-chan?” Shuichi mimicked Kokichi’s usual sing-song tone, and even copied his use of chan. He stuck his tongue out at the boy when he didn’t receive a reply, and he sauntered off towards the gathering group of teens. He smiled to himself that he had been the one to catch Kokichi off guard for once. He didn’t know that the supreme leader had stayed back to hide his red face from him and the others.
Soon, the students that hadn’t gone to play or watch the volleyball war taking place outside were gathered in a circle to play ‘Dare or Drink’.
“I am so thrilled to experience a classic game from your culture! I am ready to absorb as much information as I can about this ‘Dare or Drink’ for the people of Novoselic!” shouted a very excited Sonia Nevermind.
“Umm…Miss Sonia…it’s not actually a classic game, Oma-kun made it u-” Kazuichi Soda attempted to correct the princess but was interrupted by a still very drunk Kaito.
“Soda! I dare you to write out an embarrassingly sexy text and send it to a random contact in your phone.”
And so the group began their game of dare or drink.
Shuichi could barely remember why he had ever been nervous to hang out with his classmates outside of school.
With alcohol involved this is easy!
“Saihara,” Rantaro purred, “I dare you to kiss a guy in this room.”
Never mind. This is awful.
“H-huh? W-who?” Shuichi stuttered as he glanced around the room.
Rantaro hummed at the question, then a sly smile overtook his face, “Pick the guy you think is the cutest…”
Shuichi focused his mind a bit, and thought.
Do I find any of my classmates cute? I mean Momota is an attractive guy, but I just think that in a best friend kinda way, plus he’s really not my type. Amami is attractive, but I don’t think he’s anything compared to Oma, I mean his cute face and those eyes… Wait a second…
Do I like Oma?
He looked over at the boy, who was now giving him a sultry stare and licking his lips.
“I choose drink!” Shuichi blurted out, his face now beet red.
“Aww even drunk Saihara-chan is a prude! How predictable!” Kokichi laughed as Shuichi chugged the rest of his mixed drink.
He couldn’t help but be more than a little hurt by the words of his newly realized crush. Even if said crush didn’t realize his new status.
I mean I came to this party for him, after all. Even if he doesn’t know it. That’s pretty rude.
Because it was true. Although Shuichi’s intentions had been ‘purely professional’, he had indeed come to this party to get to know the supreme leader. And now here he was being accosted by the one and only. That pissed drunk Shuichi off.
“Oh yeah? Well let’s see how you do with the same dare,” Shuichi tried to glare as menacingly as possible at the boy sitting across from him, which only was effective at making Kokichi laugh harder, “I dare you to kiss the cutest boy in the room.”
“Is repeating dares even allowed?” muttered a monotone Maki, but Rantaro shushed her quickly.
“My house, my rules. And I say yes,” He smirked.
“Aww but I can’t kiss myself Saihara-chan! So I guess I can’t do your dare! So sad!” Kokichi gave the detective a dramatic sigh and a pout.
Shuichi didn’t back down, “You can’t count yourself, Oma-kun.”
“Psh. As long as you agree that I’m the cutest one,” Kokichi sang as he stood up and sauntered around the room, lingering on each and every guy sitting around the circle. While inspecting them he announced, “And don’t worry, I’m not gonna wimp out like Saihara-chan! I take this dare very seriously!”
Shuichi rolled his eyes as he popped open a beer that was sitting nearby.
“Eenie meenie miney-” Kokichi lilted nonchalantly as he made his way around the circle. He stopped in front of Shuichi and grinned, “Mo.”
“We gotta get rid of this emo hat!” Kokichi plopped in front of the detective and quickly removed the hat placed on his head, much to the other’s dismay, “Yep I was right! Saihara-chan really is the prettiest boy here!”
“Wh-what?!” Shuichi stammered. He saw Rantaro chuckling in the background while Maki and Kaito watched the two with abject horror.
“Wwwwhat, you didn’t know you were cute? Were you born in that hat or something? Have you never seen your eyes?” As he bombarded the detective with questions he leaned in closer to the detective’s ears and whispered, “If you really don’t want me to kiss you, just say so. I won’t.”
Shuichi thought about it for a moment and then quickly shook his head, “N-no. It’s fine. Go ahead.”
Kokichi smirked at the answer, “That’s what I wanted to hear.”
He dove onto Shuichi, effectively knocking him onto his back and slammed his lips onto the detective’s. It was a powerful kiss, and at the impact of the ground behind him and Kokichi’s lips on his own, Shuichi let out a gasp. This proved to be the perfect moment for Kokichi to quickly push his tongue into the other’s mouth. Their tongues danced around one another in a strange tangled tango; it was saliva heavy and warm, but decidedly not unpleasant in the slightest.
Shuichi wasn’t sure when he had wrapped his arms around Kokichi, but he had, pulling the smaller closer to him, needing to feel his body heat near his. The smaller had his arms around his neck, his fingers instinctually kneading and caressing the nape. This, along with the feeling of tongues twisting and swirling against one another in his mouth, caused Shuichi to let out an embarrassing moan.
With that Kokichi immediately pulled off of him, untangling his arms and quickly throwing them behind his head. He smirked, “And that, ladies and gentleman: is how it’s done.”
Rantaro, Soda, Sonia, and several others whooped and clapped for the boy. Oma proceeded to bow dramatically as a red-faced and still panting Shuichi finally managed to sit up.
Well that really didn’t go how I intended it to go… but…damn.
Shuichi stared at the supreme leader, now laughing and daring Kaede to do something embarrassing. He wasn’t listening, his eyes just focusing on Kokichi’s lips.
Those lips just…kissed me…
Shuichi quickly inhaled the rest of his beer as a distraction.
Rantaro let out a yawn and quietly said, “I think the game is over.”
It really was. The game of Dare and Drink had quickly devolved into a sort of spin the bottle type game, where all the dares now had to do with kissing someone. Shuichi was thankful that he had not been forced to kiss anyone else besides the one time with Kokichi. He didn’t want the flavor of grape chapstick to fade.
As the group dispersed, Shuichi stood and instantly regretted it. The room spun around him and he had trouble balancing. A hangover was inevitable in his near future.
“Ah, Rantaro. Can I crash here?” Shuichi asked wearily, and the green-haired boy smiled cooly in return and said of course.
At least now I don’t have to worry about getting home.
Shuichi thought that while finishing off his umpteenth beer. That’s when he noticed Kokichi alone on the couch. He wandered over, in as straight of a line as he could, and plopped down next to the boy. Kokichi glanced up and grinned, “Just couldn’t get enough of me Saihara-chan?”
“Hmm. Maybe I just felt bad for you,” Shuichi hummed, “You’re sitting all by yourself.”
Kokichi stuck out his tongue and Shuichi couldn’t help but eye it a bit hungrily, “Or maybe you were just desperate for another kiss! Well that’s just too bad, Saihara-chan. You shouldn’t have wimped out on your dare! You could have gotten a second kiss with moi!”
Shuichi frowned, “You seem awfully convinced that I would have chosen you for my dare.”
Kokichi feigned shock, placing his hand over his heart like an overdramatic actor, “Are you saying you wouldn’t pick me?! I’m hurt! Wounded even!” His expression instantly changed to boredom, “But that’s a lie, of course.”
“Which part?”
“Who knows?” Kokichi giggled, “Does it even matter?”
Shuichi decided that this was his chance to catch Oma off guard. He smirked and leaned in, whispering in Kokichi’s ear much like he had done right before he kissed him, “It does matter. And for the record, I would have chosen you, Oma-chan.”
The usually unflappable Kokichi Oma paled and then quickly turned several shades of red. Shuichi took this as his chance and placed a quick peck on Kokichi’s lips, “There. That’s for my dare.”
Kokichi, still red faced but desperately trying to reassemble his mask, chuckled, “You’re really drunk right now. I don’t think you’re gonna remember any of this.”
Shuichi chuckled back, and dragged his finger lightly along Kokichi’s jawline, “I’m not drunk at all. You’re just blurry.”
“You really let loose tonight, Saihara-chan,” Kokichi mused as the two got closer and closer, as if being pulled together by some magnetic force.
As they neared Shuichi pulled Kokichi into another passionate kiss, not really caring if anyone else saw. Kokichi quickly broke it and looked at Shuichi, eyes wide.
“How are you planning on getting home tonight?” There was no ill-intent in the words, but rather just genuine concern, an emotion very rarely seen from Kokichi.
“Amami-kun is letting me stay the night.”
Kokichi laughed out loud at that, then muttered, “That meddling bastard.” Shuichi cocked an eyebrow and Kokichi sighed and continued, “Rantaro. There’s only two beds. One for him and one for me. Or at least that’s what he told me yesterday. How convenient that he’s suddenly ‘selflessly’ offered for you to stay!”
Shuichi shook his head, “I don’t know about that, I mean I asked… Also I can always sleep on the couch-”
Kokichi scoffed at the very idea, “No way. No way is Saihara-chan lowering himself to sleep on some dirty old couch. Eww. Nope, it’s decided!” Kokichi looped his arm through Shuichi’s own and dragged the wobbly boy to the guest bedroom, “You’re staying with me tonight!”
“I suppose I can live with that.”
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nadisabug · 5 years
Fictober 2019-Day 3
Title: Chapter 3: Weak
Prompt number: 3 "Now? Now you listen to me." Fandom: Danganronpa (SDR2) AU: ;) a suprise Rating: T (Teen, just for cursing) Warnings: none Tags: SuperDanganronpa2, Komahina A/N: this came out longer than intended. I just *clenches fist* love pinning Hajime. Also keep in mind none of these are edited or beta-read. After October I might go back through and polish these and turn it into something nice. Hopefully. If I don't get distracted.
Hajime knew this was a terrible idea. He knew that this could only get him in trouble. Ruin the operation. Inevitably end with him alone again.
But when he saw Komaeda's face... Saw his beautiful face twisted into a pained grimace as he desperately tried to pick himself off of the ground...
Hajime knew very well he was whipped, as Chiaki so fondly coined it. He knew that there was nothing he could do about it either. He could recover after a surgery that tore his entire personality in two, he could merge the two halves of his persona to one, he could lead an entire resistance against the most powerful group in Japan, he could inspire hope in thousands of abused and defeated citizens- but when it came to Komaeda...
Fuck was Hajime weak.
Hajime did his best to ignore the fact that he was carrying Komaeda in his arms. He also ignored the fact that Komaeda was curling into Hajime’s chest. How long has it been since he had even seen Komaeda? He let himself think about the answer, as if he didn't already know it.
Half a year. Six months. 158 days.
He tried to focus on getting out of the chaos. But with Komaeda so goddamn close to him - Hajime could smell his shampoo, the same one he always used- it was essentially a moot point. Hajime had two years of high school, before all this happened, to come to terms with the fact that he loved Komaeda with every fiber of his being. He still hated saying it aloud, though, but that was for a different reason. A Komaeda-could-never-love-a-useless-reserve-course-student-like-me reason.
As if the world did not care about Hajime’s shitty life, the scene around him was still in a frenzy. His entire speech had gone to shit after the Ultimates came and crashed it, presumably Komaeda's fault. Hajime wouldn't put it past Hope's Peak to implant trackers in all of their precious Ultimates. But after that, Chiaki had instructed him to return to the base immediately. She had told him not to go alone, but Hajime refused to let anyone else come for this exact reason. Their compromise was the earpiece Hajime threw on the ground after he saw Komaeda on the ground.
Suffice to say Chiaki would be pissed.
Hajime knew his lungs should have been aching at this point, he had been running full speed carrying another person for quite some time, but he didn't feel it. The adrenaline and a little bit of something else buzzed through him, making it so the only thing he could think about was the boy in his arms.
He really was trying to focus on getting back to the base. The most he could manage was not looking down at Komaeda. Komaeda.
Komaeda Komaeda Komaeda Komae-
Hajime was standing in front of the entrance. Well, he was standing in front of the side entrance of an office building. Hajime, Chiaki, and the other members of his reserve course had taken it over when they had all left Hope's Peak. It was nice, it fit everyone and kept them hidden, even though some people had to double up on rooms.
Hajime wasn't sure how long he waited. His whole body felt uncomfortably hot, and everything felt so unreal. Everything had happened so fast that Hajime wasn't sure what happened at all.
The only tangible thing was Komaeda.
The door swung open, but the posted guard was not there. It was Chiaki. Her face was set in stone, her mouth open to yell, but paused when she saw who was with him. Surprise flashed across her face, an unspoken question for Hajime. He was there? How? Why? When Hajime did not respond, she understood and settled back into her neutral expression.
Chiaki didn't say a word as she stepped to the side. She knew better.
Hajime gave her a small nod and began to walk into the haven he created.
"Is that an Ultimate?" Hajime had not even adjusted to the dim lighting of the building when someone spoke up. Hajime glanced over to the source of the voice and saw one of his classmates. He was the one scheduled to guard the door while Hajime was at the Demonstration. Chiaki had probably sent her away to greet Hajime herself, but she had obviously not gone far.
"Don't." Chiaki's voice was stern, and the threat was very clear. The girl's question was rhetorical. She knew who Hajime was carrying into their base. Everyone in the Reserve Course knew.
"Don't what?" The girl stammered at first but found her voice after she had committed. "Don't ask questions? Don't just blindly obey? That's why we left in the-"
Hajime fixed her with a glare. As soon as she met his eyes, her words died in her throat. She closed her mouth slowly and shifted uncomfortably. Hajime waited until his dominance was very clear. That he was the boss and that there would be no questions. After the seconds stretched out and the girl’s eyes were cast down, he turned and began walking away from her.
He head straight for their makeshift Urgent Care and walked inside.
Tamaki was sitting in a chair reading a book when Hajime walked in. Upon his arrival, she held up her hand, signalling for him to wait. He paused in front of one of their two beds, waiting for approval. She slowly placed a tattered bookmark in the textbook she was reading and set it on the desk beside her.
"Alright Hajime, let's see what you-" She stopped short when she saw the figure in Hajime's arms. He face bleached and she scrambled over. "Is that- oh my god, Hajime what the fuck?"
"What do I do?" Hajime's voice sounded weaker than he wanted.
Tamaki barked out a laugh. "What? Now? Now you want to listen to me?" She looked up at Hajime with half a smile and half disbelief. "When I told you that you needed rest after you fractured your tibia you didn't listen then? Or when I told you that giving you rations to others was malnourishing yourself? When I told you not to go out today because I heard that Hope's Peak was experimenting with biological crowd control and that you being there was too much of a risk if they did anything?"
Hajime waited until she paused in her rant. He didn't have the strength to cut her off. "This is different."
Tamaki pursed her lips. She thought for a second, opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it.
She knew. 
Everyone knew.
"Lay Komaeda down. You can help if you do everything I say and do not get in my way."
Hajime nodded. Then they got to work.
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Title: Limit Break
Author: @magioftheseas
For: @yndr4hope / @ahvia​
Rating/Warnings: E (it’s smutty and overly complicated; some mentions of blood being drawn on accident)
Prompt: komaeda has newly been accepted to hopes peak and is still unsure of his talent’s worth to the school. he decides to test its limits by fooling around in a public space with the reserve course boy who’s always looking at him when they pass each other in the courtyard.
Author’s notes: I really meant to pick the fluffier prompt but I ended up with this instead likely in part due to me wanting to revisit Scum’s Wish. Arghhhhhh. I still tried my best. These two definitely have that kind of relationship that’s both pretty good all things considered while still not being…all that great. If I continued it, it would’ve gotten really depressing. Probably. Hopefully you like it. I’m always up for these two disasters in disastrous love so I definitely enjoyed writing this, at least.
“You say you don’t deserve to be here, but you don’t exactly see yourself as the same as everyone else, do you? Your luck, despite how you downplay it, still sets you apart from others. Am I wrong?”
“Komaeda-kun, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that there’s something special about you.”
“But… I…”
“Because of that—you match the qualifications. And we would be honored if you allowed yourself this.”
Honored. What a funny word to use.
Right now, the former class president was giving much the same speech as before. About how they would shape the future, about how they were the seeds of hope. About how they had a shining path before them, about how they would lead the world—and about how their own selves would be irrevocably changed for the more splendid. More sublime.
“With all that said… Welcome to Hope’s Peak Academy!”
There was the round of applause, Komaeda joining in as he trembled, hands so clammy that even his claps didn’t sound quite right.
Wrong. Wrong.
There was so much talent, so much hope surrounding him that he could’ve drowned then and there.
I don’t belong here. There’s just no way.
He was still quivering as the other students dispersed. Several of them were striking up conversations with one another. Others were laughing. Someone barreled into Komaeda’s back and knocked him down. Whoever it was kept skipping on ahead, and he was left ignored. That was better.
“Oh my! Are you alright?”
Komaeda flinched, eyes wide and skittish as they rose to meet the worried gaze of someone so dazzling that he could barely keep himself from scuttling away like the cockroach he was.
“I… I’m fine. Please, someone like me doesn’t deserve…” He waved his hand, denying the one offered to him. Oh he couldn’t even dare—especially when his own was so disgusting, so sweaty. “I’m really fine, haha…!”
He hurriedly pushed himself up.
“Please, um…” He tugs up the hood of his well-worn green jacket. It does not provide nearly as much shelter from such brilliance as he had hoped. “Please don’t mind me.”
“If you say so… Please do be more careful from now on.”
The beautiful person turns on her heel and heads forward. Then and there, Komaeda realizes who he spoke to was an actual princess, and he nearly collapses again.
An insignificant speck like me…in a place like this…
He felt like abject filth.
Even standing before the gate, he feels at a complete loss. Other students are brushing past him, and even the slightest brush of contact is causing him to shiver.
Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Someone like me… Someone like me…
Enough people have filtered by that he stands there alone. His knees are shaking. He swallows, staring past the gate, eyes wide.
Someone like me…stepping into such a distinguished place…
“Are you…alright?”
Komaeda nearly jumped but once he turned, his expression shifted into something strange. He blinks, once twice, at the frowning person before him. That frown deepened, twitching and twisting.
“It’s just,” the words are spoken slowly. “You look like…you’re about to faint…”
There’s a slight breeze. It’s bright out. But any and all light is sucked away into that pure black uniform.
“Oh.” Komaeda blinks again, once, twice. “You’re from the reserve course, aren’t you?”
The reserve stiffens, head quickly ducking as if to avoid Komaeda’s inquiring eyes.
Is he ashamed? I suppose he should be. Still… He…
“I see you’re fine.” He’s cut off quick enough to experience whiplash. The reserve isn’t looking at him directly, but he’s tense. All over. “That’s good. That’s great. You should hurry on ahead, then. Bye.”
And just like that, the reserve scurried off. Like a scared rodent.
No—more akin to a mere bug. Someone like this at Hope’s Peak Academy… Haaah.
Well, he can’t really let himself be bested by a reserve while wearing the Hope’s Peak uniform, so Komaeda does step forward. He nearly stumbles but somehow, someway, he does retain his balance.
The first day goes in a blur. His classmates give their introductions with varying levels of enthusiasm. When Komaeda spoke, stammering and rambling about what it honor it was, how wonderful it was, how incredible—he received discomfited stares that were all too familiar. He sits down, laughs self-deprecatingly, and tries not to divert his gaze from the emitting annoyance of certain classmates.
The teacher isn’t terribly invested in his fumbling, unsurprisingly. And once the air settles, it’s not long before the class disbands to go do their own varied activities. Some of them remain to chat, one of them just so happens to be the one who had checked on him before—but thankfully, she’s distracted by the other girls.
Komaeda sits, he watches, but when one gives him a look of utter disgust, he ends up standing and quickly leaving.
I really, really am a blight on this place. Aah, what to do.
He ends up going for a stroll. As undeserving as he is, he can’t help but at least want to indulge in getting to tour the school that held the world’s admiration.
The campus size is considerable, and had increased even more recently. Supposedly due to the funding provided by the newly established reserve course.
The reserve course.
The reserve course existed on the other side of campus. The west district, specifically. He had no real interest in going there, even as he did see the building, acknowledging it with his lips pulled into a straight line.
Those who think they can compensate for greatness with funds are pathetic, for lack of a better word. But if that funding is to Hope’s Peak benefit…can I really complain that much? Especially when someone like me is allowed to be here due to meager lowly luck.
He shakes his head, turning his gaze back to the main building as he continues walking. It stands tall and proud, eclipsing the sun. Such radiance. He really wasn’t worthy at all.
What can someone like me even provide at all? Ah, if I am to be a stepping stone, then…shouldn’t I push the others further?
He passes by the statue honoring Kamukura Izuru, the school’s founder. He stares upon it, admires it, and can’t help but smile.
“Aha… Haha… I really shouldn’t bother them. Someone like me—in this kind of setting—I really would only get in the way.”
He sighs, turning on his heel to head the other direction.
“What am I even doing…seriously…?”
He walks and he walks. His legs are starting to hurt considerably so he needs to find a place to sit. He makes his way to the courtyard to take shelter under the trees, off the beaten path so that he wouldn’t be too much of an eyesore. His feet are throbbing so he squeezes them thoughtlessly.
It’s calm. It’s serene. A bird is making its nest. It’s so peaceful that he could fall asleep and never wake up. How unlucky that would be.
He finds his eyes starting to droop anyway.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Komaeda’s eyes flicker open. A familiar frowning face greets him.
How truly unlucky.
“Reserve-san,” Komaeda greeted drearily. “You again.”
“I have a name,” the reserve retorts, unimpressed. “What are you doing? You’re hiding—almost in the bushes. It’s weird.”
“I fail to see how that concerns you,” Komaeda yawns. “I’ve been walking around…so I’m tired. That’s all it is.” He rubs at his eyes. “Hey, why are you bothering me? Are reserves so desperate for attention that they’ll bother main course students minding their own business? I’m not much of an elite, I’ll have you know.”
“T-That’s not…!” The reserve got flustered. A steaming chestnut, with sharp, shimmering hazel eyes. Actually rather good-looking, if a bit unbearably average. Komaeda blinked up at him innocently and those cheeks only burned hotter. “I was just curious! You look weird! And what do you mean not much of an elite anyway?”
Before Komaeda could answer, the reserve grumbled to himself, clearly agitated.
“If you have a talent, shouldn’t you just be happy about that?”
Ah. So that’s how it is.
“You really are so presumptuous!” He sprung to his feet. “My happiness is as insignificant as it can be! More to that—those with talent shine because of their promise. The hope that they’re sure to bring. To diminish such splendor into mere matters of selfish sentimentalities of satisfaction and gratification—so simple-minded! But what can I expect from a reserve?”
Someone riding on the coattails of Hope’s Peak in order to solidify their own menial successes…if not to partake in a farce of self-aggrandizement… Yes, someone like this isn’t worth even my time.
And yet, he just shuffles his feet uncomfortably, and he notes that the reserve looks both stung and frustrated.
“I… That’s not what I…”
Someone like this isn’t worth even my time.
“Someone like me doesn’t even deserve to be here,” he ends up saying. “I didn’t pay anything, and here I am, using up their resources and breathing their air… How could I possibly be happy about that?”
“E… Excuse me?”
Of course the reserve didn’t understand.
Of course the presumptuous, impertinent reserve didn’t understand.
“Never mind. I shouldn’t have said all that. Ha. Ha. Anyway. If you want to approach elites in the future, well, I most certainly would prefer that you didn’t do that, but… You should at least be drawn to those who are worthy. When it’s someone like me, it’s just a pathetic look for both of us.”
“I… I don’t understand,” the reserve stammers. “You, uh, you just—started rambling and I have no idea what you’re on about…”
Of course you don’t.
Exhausted, Komaeda plopped back down and wrapped his arms around his knees.
“You’re so tiring. Leave me alone. Or is that too complicated, too?”
The reserve clicked his tongue in annoyance.
“Geez, you don’t need to be a pompous jerk about it. Fine. I’ll go. I can get that much.”
Pompous… Komaeda peeked to watch the other turn and walk away. What a word to say…
The other does turn back briefly, and he hurriedly snaps his eyes forward before Komaeda could blink.
What a strange, strange person.
He ends up skipping class. It’s better that way because his classmates are surely more comfortable in his absence, and well—truth be told, it’s an old habit of his anyway. Back then, with his luck and with everyone else’s disdain, skipping was an obvious choice.
But he still feels deeply unfitting no matter where it goes and it’s starting to make him itch as is bugs were crawling all over his skin.
Filthy. Filthy.
He reads in the library for a bit. There’s not much else to do. He definitely enjoys being there. There are all sorts of novels written by past Ultimates, several of them feel so weighty that he nearly drops them on his foot. He reads and they bring him to so many tears that he ends up exhausted.
This should be like a dream…but it really is terrifying…
He gets flashes of the shelves toppling over. Of windows breaking. Of people crying out. He decides against checking anything out because he would hate it if something happened.
Disgusting. Disgusting.
He rubs at his arms, and he feels—frustrated. Unbelievably frustrated. So much so that a vile idea strikes him.
He’s crossing through the main plaza. There are a couple of other people here. He recognizes one of his classmates in fact. He’s quick to duck somewhere unseen. The last thing he wants is to spoil such a shining face. Especially when he’s in such a wretched mood.
The dorms aren’t far from here. Even someone as weak and worthless as you can make it.
And yet, he remains where he is as if entrapped.
What are you going to do if someone sees you? Aren’t you despicable enough with just your presence?
His mind was racing with such thoughts and he still couldn’t bring himself to budge. He sucks in his breath. He shakily inhales. He feels itchy. Frustrated.
Wound up.
He’s trembling.
As much as I’m disgustingly tempted to… If my classmate’s there… I can’t…
Except, he glances back. And his classmate is getting up, dusting off her skirt and going on her way, continuing to chat amicably as she does. Komaeda’s eyes go wide as everyone else is gone from view.
Rotten, dirty luck.
Rotten, dirty him.
He can’t help it now, fingers trailing down. He’s still trembling, but he still manages to unzip his pants and pulls it out. It’s disgustingly hard. Disgustingly warm. His palm is clammy and a little cold. It’s unpleasant but for someone as rotten-minded as him, it’s not a deterrence.
Someone could still come back.
His palm slides against the length, he twists his wrist in the way he bitterly knows he likes.
Just because there’s no one here now doesn’t make the act less shameful. Less disgusting. Less tainting of such a holy ground.
But if it’s so holy then why was I allowed access?
He doesn’t understand that. He doesn’t understand it at all and that’s why it’s so stressful.e dHJ
Do they just really not know? Really not see? Just how—how wretched and dull I really am? Aha. Maybe this could work as clarification. Maybe this would set things straight. Haha. Hahaha.
He still bites on his hand to muffle any sounds. What comes out is a keen. His thighs are trembling, and he squirms and jolts to meet his own sloppy strokes.
“Ah… Ahh… Hh…”
It’s warm. Humid. His open panting mouth. The perspiration on his heated skin. His hand slick with sweat and precum as it strokes and squeezes. Coiling, dizzying heat.
It’s not really what one would call sexy but—but, but, but, for trash like him it’s enough.
I don’t deserve to be here, I don’t deserve to be here, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t…
His eyes sting and then, they roll back as he comes. He can taste blood. Ah. Because he bit his hand too hard. That just makes things more unsightly, to have on bloodied hand and the other slick from catching his cum among other things. It’s unlucky. Unfortunate. Decadent.
He licks up his spill, and it’s quite bitter. He doesn’t mind it too much. He’s thorough, of course in swirling his tongue around his fingers. He hums.
Poor impulse control was something I was warned about… Hah.
Komaeda sighs as he carefully pulls out his handkerchief, wincing as he does. He wipes his hands clean but ties it around his injured one, using his teeth to tighten the knot. It should work fine until he got back to his dorm. He has a first aid kit there.
It should be fine. He’s more concerned with worrying other people unnecessarily.
Especially about something related to such a disgraceful act.
Komaeda scoffs before finally tucking himself back in. He zips up and manages to stand. His legs wobble a little and his mind still buzzes. He stumbles but manages to catch himself on one of the trees. But through his blurring vision, there’s a blight blocking out the vibrant colors.
Komaeda blinks, realizing as his gaze wanders up a black uniform to a very familiar face.
“…you again. Are you a stalker?”
The reserve stood frightfully still, eyes wide and—were his cheeks flushed? They definitely were. The bright red of his face made the green of those bugging eyes vibrate. Komaeda feels his own cheeks warm.
Ah. Oh.
“You saw,” he mumbled, rather lamely. “That’s…embarrassing?”
The reserve made a strangled sound.
“Y-You couldn’t have done that in your dorm?”
Komaeda just stared.
“Obviously? But I didn’t. So.” He shrugs almost helplessly. “I’m not sure what you expect me to do about it now. Besides head back to my dorm. Which I was doing. You’re in my way.”
“You injured yourself?” The reserve flinched after his gaze flickered to Komaeda’s wrapped up hand. “I… You should have been more careful.”
Ah. Huh. Careful.
He was getting annoyed but at the same time, he was curious. Woefully inept he was at understanding social norms—even he could tell that there was something off about how the reserve was acting. The way the reserve avoided his gaze, the way the reserve tugged at his uniform collar. Komaeda’s eyes flickered downwards, and he could tell.
“It probably would have gone better if I had someone cover my mouth,” he found himself saying. “Or…if I just had someone else…”
The reserve jumped at that.
“I-I…wouldn’t know about that…” he stammers, still evading his stare. “I, um… I-I should probably…”
As cute as the shy act was, Komaeda was not in a very patient mood.
“I have a name,” the reserve grumbled. “It’s Hinata. Hinata Hajime.”
The name had a light taste. Warm but light. Like sunshine. Under the glowing sun, Hinata Hajime’s blush intensified. When Komaeda steps closer, he can almost feel the heat given from the other’s body.
“U-Uh?” Hinata swallowed, stiffening. “What’s…up?”
“Are you interested in me, Hinata-kun?” He takes Hinata’s hand with his injured one out of courtesy. Hinata’s hand is clammy and hot. He can’t help but squeeze as Hinata’s pupils dilate. “Is that why we keep running into each other? Is that why you watched me?”
“I… It’s just…coincidences…” Hinata does lean back a little but he doesn’t pull his hand away. “Y-You do catch my eye a little, but…”
He’s honest…but also so drearily indirect.
“Only a little?”
“A-A little!” he squeaked. “I-I mean—you look—distinct! That’s it! A-And you’re an elite…with bizarre behavior… Like now…”
Hinata’s squirming under his stare, weakly tugging at his grip.
“I really don’t get you at all…”
You say that almost as if you want to. But, I’m not so needy that I’d expect more than vague curiosity from a mere reserve.
With a sigh, Komaeda lets go of that hand.
“Well. Truth be told, I’m not sure where my mind is.” It doesn’t belong here. I had never even dared to dream. “What doesn’t make sense is everything else. It’s so frustrating that I feel like I’m going crazy. Just look at me. Unpacking on a reserve. You couldn’t even understand what I’m talking about.”
“I…” Hinata frowned. “I definitely won’t understand if you’re so vague about it. But, uh…” He clears his throat, coughing a few times. “Y-You should…probably go to the nurse or something… F-For your hand. It must hurt a lot.”
Actually, he could barely feel it at all. With how much he had been through, he was numb to a lot of pain. It stung when he pressed against it, but that was the extent of it.
“I guess I should. Well. Then I’ll be seeing you, Hinata-kun?” His head tilts. “Later?”
“Y-Yeah, sure. Later… Later… Uh? U-Uh…?!”
Komaeda turns on his heel and scampers off before Hinata can finish that thought.
He only quickens his pace.
What the hell was that about?
By the time he gets to his room, all he can do is throw himself onto the bed and scream.
I really don’t know what I’m doing.
His hand is bandaged, mind still bustling with static and nonsense, and he feels sick but antsy. So much so that the idea of staying inside as he should is making his stomach flip.
It’s one thing to masturbate out in the open but to be so open with some reserve kid is just… Am I really that pitiful and lonely? And for what? Just because that reserve actually thought to talk to me? Someone like that who just wants to rub up against the talented—even I’m not that pathetic.
Still. Hinata Hajime was strange. Bizarre. Any other person would at least be mortified or too annoyed to approach him. But Hinata Hajime—come to think of it, Hinata Hajime glanced at him a lot, didn’t he?
At him.
When no one else even liked to look at him.
His parents. His classmates. The staff. The normal worthless bystanders.
Hinata watched him. He just stood there. Like a creep. A stalker.
He certainly wasn’t bad to look at, that Hinata Hajime. The reserve uniform, of course, was wretched and hideous, but outside of that… If Hinata Hajime wore something, anything else…
Maybe the uniform at my last school?
He tries to imagine it. Soft gray likely didn’t suit Hinata Hajime but it was better than black, surely. The buttoned up blazer wouldn’t really work either, something loose, perhaps even discarded. Hinata Hajime sighing, tugging at his tie, undoing a few buttons so that he could breathe a little.
Eyes half-lidded. Long, dark lashes over hazel. A deepening blush. The unsteady bob of his throat, and just—oh.
Oh. He would be much cuter, then.
What a funny thought. Ha. Haha.
“Hinata Hajime-kun. Hinata-kun, Hinata-kun. Hi-na-ta-kun.” Warm and light. Sunshine. “Hinata-kun, huh?”
He’s pretty average but—if I think about him like that, he’s charming. He has that boy next door kind of vibe, doesn’t he?
Of course, he was a reserve. A reserve who was weirdly drawn to him. Someone like him.
Just because I’m an Ultimate? Even though I don’t belong here at all?
He couldn’t help but wonder and wonder.
Even the gate of the reserve district exuded such gloomy energy it was suffocating. Komaeda stands before it, dazed yet pensive.
It’s audacious. Utterly audacious, to make a place for yourself somewhere you don’t belong. And, yet, here we are.
He doesn’t doubt that many of them are currently in class. He wonders what class was like.
Studying to what end, heads ducked, with only the light from the unreachable illuminating the room. It must have been such a miserable existence. He almost feels bad for them.
He doesn’t have a phone but he knows that it should be lunchtime soon. He doesn’t have to enter such a depressing, hopeless place because his luck will surely bring that person. Or, perhaps, that person will have already seen him by now.
Komaeda squints but, of course, it’s impossible to see anyone in those dull windows.
He doesn’t need to wait much longer. Students begin to filter out of the building, and while he’s certainly given quite a few odd stares, he only perks when that certain someone makes a beeline for him. He’s tense, he’s flustered, he’s giving Komaeda quite the complicated stare.
“Is there a reason you’re here?”
“Hello to you, too, Hinata-kun,” Komaeda greets simply. “I take it you’re not gracious to see me?”
Hinata’s expression is positively weathered.
“I… You probably shouldn’t be here. The others can be—severe. You know the people here are serious about getting into the main course, right?”
“Are you saying I might be killed?” He can’t help but laugh at the idea. “That’s never going to happen. But I likely won’t be treated kindly, all the same. So before we’re smothered, let’s go on our own way, Hinata-kun.”
“Let’s…?” Hinata blinked several times. It’s as if his mouth went dry. His voice is strangely raspy. “E-Excuse me?”
“I was thinking the main plaza?” Komaeda tilts his head, eyes wide and inquisitive. “Are you completely uninterested?”
I couldn’t have misunderstood, right?
“W… Why?”
I don’t understand why he’s drawing this out. Like the peeling of a chestnut, this is tedious.
“If you don’t want to go, just say so. I came all this way, the least you can do is give me a straight answer.”
Hinata shivered, swallowed, and then he quickly nodded.
“Uh. Fine. Sure. Let’s…go, then.”
There. Was that so difficult?
“Ehe. Hehe. Let’s, let’s.”
What a complicated one this reserve is.
For all his shillyshallying and beating around the bush, Komaeda felt the reserve’s eyes on him as they walked. It was an odd sensation, different from the stares he’s used to, but not too different. There’s something charged in the air, and Komaeda fantasizes about whirling on his heel to meet that intense gaze, just to see Hinata jump.
He wonders what Hinata is thinking, staring at his back like this. It’s strangely thrilling. He should feel guilty, not just for general unworthiness but also for bringing an even unworthier reserve into the mix.
Instead, he’s just a little disappointed. Be it because Hinata didn’t speak up sooner or because he didn’t remain quiet. He wasn’t quite sure.
“Yes, Hinata-kun?”
“I don’t know your name.”
The words are blunt enough to be harsh, but there’s a clumsiness to them as well. It’s endearing, so Komaeda chuckles.
“Pardon me,” he says. “We never did formal introductions. That’s terribly rude, isn’t it?”
“It’s just weird to agree to go somewhere with a person whose name I don’t know,” Hinata replies. “So—what is it?”
“Komaeda Nagito. Class 77-B.” A pause. Komaeda feels his smile twist. “Ultimate Luck.”
“Yeah. Luck.”
The fountain is now fully in sight, so Komaeda strides ahead to take his seat on the bench. He pats the spot beside him, and to his delight, Hinata takes it after a moment’s hesitation. Eyes bright, Komaeda smiles as Hinata looks away.
Now he can see Hinata’s face pinch up, twist a little, before it smooths over into something more neutral.
“You won the lottery, then. I envy you. Your luck must be something special.”
Headmaster Kirigiri had said as much before. That it was something special. That it was deserving of being called a talent. But. But, but, but.
“It’s not really a talent.” Even now, he can’t imagine thinking differently. “Something like luck. Fickle, erratic, uncontrollable. How could that ever be called a talent?”
If I was just to be an experiment, that’d be one thing, but I’m seriously expected to walk among and mingle with the others as if nothing’s amiss? How?
“It’s frustrating,” he finds himself saying. “So frustrating I want to scream.”
Hinata looks at him oddly. Of course he does. Of course. Of course.
“I’m sorry,” Komaeda whispers now. “I’m not very good at talking to people.”
“No, it’s…fine?” Hinata hesitates. “I’m just surprised. You really—seem perturbed? Even though everyone in the reserve course would kill to take your place.”
“Does that apply to you?” he asks darkly.
“O-Of course not! No way! I just—!” Hinata rubs furiously at his nape. “I would like to be talented…”
“And I’m sure penguins would like to fly.”
Hinata groaned.
“God, you’re such a prick… Why did you approach me again?” The question is clearly rhetorical, with Hinata’s eyes narrowing and sardonic tone lowering. “Did you just want someone to vent to? Is this building up to a threat…?”
Vent. A threat?
“I—actually it was because I thought you were interested in me.”
The blue sky shone above them. There’s a light spray from the fountain. Despite the beauty of this place, the two wretched creatures present weren’t in any mood to appreciate it. How despairing that was. How sad.
“Was I wrong? I apologize. I must have been confused. Perhaps you’re disgusted by me, then?”
He’s not always sure how he comes across to people—except that it never seems to be positive. When he tries to smile or encourage, it always has the opposite effect. There’s something truly despicable about him. Something truly repulsive. It must be inherent. It must be inevitable.
But, truth be told—that idea hurts a little.
“I-I’m not.” Hinata’s words are stammered and hesitant, but because of what the words are, Komaeda has to physically keep himself from clinging to them. Even as Hinata keeps talking, still not looking at him. “I mean, you do interest me, yeah. You’re…bizarre. And eccentric. In both mannerisms and…appearance.”
His eyes finally slide over towards his, and Komaeda can see now the way Hinata looks at him. How his stare sweeps up and down, how his lips press together, how his tan cheeks color. Hinata Hajime doesn’t look at him like a bug scuttling on the ground. Hinata Hajime looks at him as if he were something else.
“Are you attracted to me?”
Hinata’s blush is prominent and inarguable.
“…what kind of question is that?”
“Do you desire me in some way?”
“W-What kind of question is that?!”
Hinata does yelp when Komaeda finally leans in. He hasn’t even taken to pinning Hinata to the bench, and Hinata already looks beyond overwhelmed. It’s cute, really, so much so that Komaeda really should feel guilty. Apologetic. Disgusted with himself.
Except this was a particularly annoying reserve. So he can’t help but want to bully him a little.
I don’t deserve to be here, yet I am—you’re the same way, aren’t you? Except…
“It must have been a lot,” Komaeda murmurs. “The tuition. The stress. The demand. I imagine you’re frustrated with all of it.”
Hinata’s eyes are wide, but the face he makes is almost distorted. For someone so ordinary, Hinata Hajime really made quite the complicated expressions. Puzzling. Weirdly inviting in that puzzling way.
“I don’t… I actually…” There are so many words that flutter to Hinata’s lips only to dissipate in the air. So many things that Hinata seems wanting to say—but doesn’t. “It’s frustrating. Yeah.”
Hinata has relaxed a little, and the way he looks at Komaeda is now so painstakingly vulnerable that it causes his very skin to prickle.
“It wouldn’t get better—even if I had a talent, huh… So, why am I here…?”
It’s a strange question. An absolutely incomprehensible one—but Hinata meets his gaze searchingly.
“Hey, Komaeda. If you really, truly, don’t believe you belong here—then why are you?”
“Ah, huh?” Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh? “I… Um…”
Isn’t it obvious?
“Because for some ridiculous reason or another, I’m wanted here by certain people.” Ba-dump. Ba-dump. “I wouldn’t be here if I was completely unwanted.”
“Unwanted, huh?” Hinata’s lips twist, the corners quirking in what wasn’t quite a smile or a frown. “I see. I get ya. They gave you the means—so you just took it. But you’re hoping for more, right?”
More… I wonder…
Without thinking, he touches Hinata’s face. His defined jawline. It’s so warm to the touch and yet, his cheek is soft. Idly, Komaeda can’t help but be reminded of mochi.
“It’s beyond impertinent to hope or aspire,” he said, nearly biting his tongue. “But I still want to test the limits. Because this is such a sanctified place, isn’t it? And yet, here I am. Here we are. It bothers me. It really does.”
I don’t expect to be understood—and I don’t think I’ll ever be understood, but…truth be told, I’m tired of mulling. I want to vent.
“It bothers me, too, I guess,” Hinata huffs. “Even though I should be gracious and honored, I instead feel uneasy and unsure. I wonder if you…get that…”
He somewhat did, he supposed. But right now—he stared intently at Hinata’s pursing lips. How they press together, how they part for a sigh. How red and dark they are, to the point where Komaeda almost considers picking at them with his teeth.
He gulps.
“You know,” Hinata speaks so conversationally that it’s parodical. “I actually didn’t have to pay to be here, either. I just got lucky.”
At just those words, just like that, something fragile inside of him snapped.
It’s—difficult to explain what happened next because Komaeda Nagito, rotten-brained, stupid, worthless, heedless Komaeda Nagito hadn’t really been thinking.
He can, however, pick up on a few things once he regained some semblance of reason, despite how withered and fragmented said reasoning was.
His first thought was that his mouth hurt. When he kissed Hinata Hajime, it had been less the tender linking of lips and more—abrasive.
That he didn’t headbutt the other by accident was dumb luck, even if their teeth still clanged in a most unpleasant way. Hinata probably cried out—or maybe Komaeda did, or maybe they both did—but it didn’t stop there.
Instead, Komaeda’s arms locked around the reserve’s neck, and the reserve kissed him back desperately.
It was rough. It was awkward. Hinata’s tongue flicks against his, and he gave a pleasant shiver in response.
“A-Aah… Mm…”
He nips playfully at Hinata’s lower lip, curious of the soft swell, taken in deeper as careful fingers run through his hair. They also skid along his jawline and cheekbones, curious in the way Komaeda himself had been—except being on the receiving end was a decidedly different sensation.
“H-Hah… Ah…”
When Hinata pulls him closer, the kiss deepens further and it’s dizzying.
“W… Wai…”
They part with a wet smack, and his face feels unnaturally warm, especially when cupped in Hinata’s hands.
“…shit,” Hinata utters. “That’s…actually…”
Komaeda’s eyelashes flutter helplessly, and rather than continuing that sentence, Hinata resumes kissing him.
Ah. Aha. Wow. He’s really into this.
How very, very lucky.
He wasn’t sure how much time they spent kissing. Except that it was enough time that when Hinata idly checked his watch, it was cut abruptly short.
“Shit! Class!”
“Oh, class.”
He was disappointed, but merely kissed Hinata’s cheek, murmuring into his ear a promise, “Later, then?”
“Ah… Yeah.” Hinata nodded. “Later. Uh. Komaeda.”
Komaeda smiled at him brightly, but that just made him more flustered. Was it because of how swollen his lips were? How flushed his face? The glimmer in his watery gaze?
He wasn’t sure, but the nervous way Hinata waved him off and how ruffled the reserve was—he found it surprisingly cute.
“Bye-bye, Hinata-kun. See you soon.”
“S-See you.”
With every quickened step Hinata took, Komaeda wondered if his own heart was racing with him.
Hinata Hajime-kun is—difficult to pinpoint.
The more he thought about this seemingly unobtrusive and unremarkable reserve, the more of an actual enigma he seemed to be.
He’s so utterly hopeless that he had to cheat his way even into the backup course.
He doesn’t know more than that and frankly, he’s not terribly curious about it. But when Hinata Hajime had said he just got lucky, it really struck him as…odd.
Hinata, at least, had the awareness to be pretty ashamed about it.
“You’re not, uh…” He wasn’t even looking at him at the time, head ducked and eyes downcast. “You’re not—going to tell anyone, right? Because I really, really shouldn’t have just blurted that out.”
As odd as it was, Komaeda kisses his cheek all the same.
“I don’t have anyone to tell,” he chirps. “Really, no one likes it when I even breathe. And who can blame them?”
Flushing, Hinata gave him a pained look.
“Surely that’s an exaggeration.”
“No, it’s not!” He shook his head furiously. “You don’t understand because you’re a reserve—but I’m really, truly detestable, Hinata-kun! It’s how things are!”
“It’s true you can be…difficult, but…detestable…? That’s such a strong word…”
Hinata Hajime-kun—is quite dumb. But also surprisingly sweet.
When Komaeda kisses him impulsively then, Hinata’s gentle in returning the gesture. His eyes even flutter shut, like this is the start of a romantic scene. It’s silly, but endearing.
Even when Hinata inevitably sucked on his tongue.
Hinata Hajime-kun is still normal. Which means he has hormonal needs, desires, and frustrations.
“Goodness… So much tissue…”
“M-Most of those are from my allergies!”
“You’re the one who just bullied your way into my room in the first place!”
“Ahaha! Still, it’s a bit filthy, Hinata-kun… But I won’t judge!”
“You said that…very judgingly.”
Despite being so normal, Komaeda did find himself astounded by the incredible lack of personality in Hinata Hajime’s dorm room. The only thing hanging on the wall was a calendar—the very same one that Komaeda also owned, in fact. There was a bit of a mess with crumbled up clothes strewn about the floor and a wastebasket that so desperately needed to be dumped. Aside from the laptop tucked in the corner, it was a room with very little.
The bed wasn’t terribly comfortable, either, but Komaeda settled onto it anyway, to Hinata’s chagrin.
“I’d let you into my room,” he tells him innocently, watching blankly as Hinata’s cheeks color. “But you’d get into trouble if you were found in the main district.”
Hinata can only sigh.
“Yeah… I know…” He trails off. “And I guess we might as well be dating…”
Dating. Is that what this is?
He really, truly doubted it, but he smiled at Hinata anyway.
“I can help you save on tissue if you want,” he chirps. “I don’t mind.”
“What? Are you going to give me extra packets or something? I can already get them free at the…student…building…” Hinata trails off, realizing what he meant. If his face was burning red before, it was scorching now. “O-Oh. You don’t mind?”
It’s not until Komaeda beckons him that Hinata plops down on the spot beside him. Komaeda’s smile broadens, never breaking contact with Hinata’s wide-eyed stare as he slips off the bed and pushes his knees apart so that he can settle in-between. Playfully, he tugs down Hinata’s zipper with his teeth, eyes glimmering as Hinata inhales sharply.
His hands settle on Komaeda’s head, light enough to be negligible.
“Don’t pull,” Komaeda says simply. “The strands are pretty fragile—and I don’t want bald spots.”
“O-Okay.” Instead, Hinata clumsily pats him. “U… Uh…”
When Komaeda tugs out his cock, Hinata’s head lolls back.
Hinata Hajime-kun, being a reserve…has such simplicity to him. I can’t help but find that charming.
He’s not exactly talented in this area. It goes without saying. He’s not very well-liked, so he’s largely unfamiliar with the intricacies of intimacy.
But even though he drools a lot as he sucks him off, even though he’s not quite sure what to do with his teeth—he can’t say it isn’t weirdly enjoyable.
Hinata still moans and curses colorfully, blush darkening as Komaeda hollows out his cheeks. It hurts his mouth a little, but he really, truly doesn’t mind when it evokes such sounds from a mewling Hinata Hajime.
The scent is strong and heady, the taste quite bitter, but—it’s satisfying having such weight on his tongue. And there’s something about how it twitches and thickens. On a base level, it’s fascinating.
On a baser level, it’s thrilling. Especially with how Hinata strokes his hair and praises him.
“Shit, fuck, K-Komaeda… That… That’s really good… So good… Komaeda, Komaeda…”
When his balls tighten and his toes curl, Hinata Hajime makes such a charming sight. It really was so simple. So cute.
It also made him so much easier to use.
“U-Uh… Uh…! You don’t have to…!”
Hinata cringes as Komaeda swallows it down, pinching his nose as he does.
“Thicker than I expected,” is all he has to say afterwards. Hinata just gapes.
“I… Uh… Hey, Komaeda…?”
“I should…at least return the favor, right?”
“You don’t have to.”
“But… I should.”
“Mm. Okay.”
Hinata Hajime really was strange—but there was a lot to like. And a lot to take advantage of, especially with how eager he was.
Someone like this is similar to someone like me.
Hinata Hajime really does remind him of himself sometimes. Enthusiastic and eager to please—utterly pathetic and pitiful at the same time. But, Komaeda doesn’t think he’s a bad person. Of course not.
He’s just a reserve.
A reserve who liked to mouth at his thighs, suck on his chest, and bite on his shoulder. A reserve who definitely took pride in making him squirm, which was a bit annoying.
We’re similar—so it wouldn’t be surprising if Hinata-kun wanted to use me too. Just for kicks. Just to see how much I’d allow. How far things will go.
He’s not annoyed by that idea. He’s not quite that hypocritical. Besides, this was easier on both of them.
Right now, he’s tucked away into Hinata’s embrace. Hinata still shuffles a bit awkwardly when holding him, like it’s embarrassing. It’s funny, but Komaeda’s rather sheepish about it, too.
He only relaxes a little when Hinata kisses his ear, both the shell and the hollow beneath. He relaxes more when he feels Hinata smile against his neck when he squirms from the sensuality of it all.
Sunlight filters through the leaves clustered above. They’ve already finished their lunch. They’re like this—because it had been so bright that Komaeda wanted to sit somewhere with shade. Komaeda sees a bird hop from one branch to the next.
Hinata kisses his neck.
“It’s not a big deal if you leave marks,” Komaeda murmurs, still looking at the fluttering bird. “No one’s going to care. I don’t go to class.”
“It’s basic human decency to not do that,” Hinata retorts, taking his hand and squeezing. “Besides, you bruise easily. Look.” His thumb runs over a discolored patch of skin. “Your hand is still yellowing.”
“It always looks more serious than it actually is.” He sighs, entwining their fingers. “But—how chivalrous of you all the same. I suppose.”
Hinata kisses each knuckle of his finger. Somehow that’s the most embarrassing thing. He wonders just how in love with the image of romanticism the other is. Another similarity they’d have, in that case.
But I’m not quite so naïve.
Still, it’s nice to pretend.
“What do you think would happen if we were caught?” Komaeda asks, squeezing Hinata’s hand. “Would we get in trouble? Scolded?”
“I… Well, if not by the staff…” Hinata trails off. “I think the worst case scenario is being seen by another student. The rumors afterwards…”
“Rumors? Aha! When I was in middle school, I was rumored to be a god of death! And a demon!” He snickers at the memory. “I used to get things thrown at me, kids yelling ‘begone, begone’! I think rumors of a steamy affair would at least make my life more interesting.”
“That…sounds awful?” Hinata frowned at him. “Are you okay?”
“Not really. I never have been.” Ah. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to chatter about that. It’s not like those assumptions were…” He stops himself and shakes his head quickly. His body twists so that it rests more comfortably against Hinata’s warm body. Their fingers were still interlaced, and the sight of it was almost withering. Komaeda sighed out. “I don’t really see anything happening if the staff sees.”
“…yeah?” Hinata still sounds worried, but that he doesn’t press it really is something to be appreciated.
“My classmates, bless their hearts, are a very rowdy bunch,” he said. “The staff really keeps an eye on them, and it’s just as well! They really are incredible! So full of promise! Me, on the other hand… They’d rather not pay me much if any mind. After all.” He kisses Hinata’s ear. “Did you know? A lot of the staff doesn’t think I deserve to be here, either.”
“That’s not fair.” Hinata bristled. “You won the lottery. That gives you the right.”
“You’re so nice,” Komaeda can’t help but lament. “You’re an impudent reserve, but—you’re so kind. I think it would’ve been better for everyone if we switched places. My classmates would like you, I’m sure of it.”
Neither of us deserve to be here, but… I in particular… I really don’t have the right at all. I’m unremarkable, detestable, and an embarrassment.
“I’m no that nice,” Hinata huffs, cupping his face. He swallows as Komaeda nuzzles into his hand. “I’m definitely—not that nice.”
If you were better behaved, you wouldn’t be in this situation. That much is true. But.
“Hinata-kun, I’m bored with this conversation.”
It doesn’t change anything. It’s just venting. I’d like to vent a different way.
“What would you rather do, Komaeda?”
“Mm…” He nips at the protruding bone of Hinata’s wrist. “You must be hot in that uniform. Let’s relieve some of that heat.”
Hinata snorts as Komaeda leans forward, undoing the buttons to his blazer. Hinata’s remarkably pliant otherwise, sliding the material down his shoulders, leaving behind the white dress shirt and tie.
“You’re wearing a sweater vest,” Hinata pointed out, tugging down Komaeda’s own open blazer. “Aren’t you hotter?”
Komaeda simply shook his head.
“It doesn’t bother me. Actually, I don’t even feel the heat.”
“No?” Hands run over his shoulder blades and back. He’s pulled closer into Hinata’s lap. “Not even like this?”
Hinata’s gaze burns into his own. His body heat, too, is burning. There must already be sweat on his brow and nape—that intense expression glittering under filtered sunlight also looks so nervous. It really is endearing. More so with that rosy shade.
I want to push him further.
“Not really.”
Fingertips hover on his lower back, barely brushing against the top of his rump. Hinata stiffens, face pinching up as Komaeda smiles down at him easily.
“I feel the hesitation,” he says, settling his own hands atop Hinata’s broad shoulders. Even though they’re about the same height, Hinata Hajime is much, much more built. With less unflattering layers, he could see that. Licking his lips, he adds. “It’s alright. I’m lucky. No one will see this.”
Except I want to push things further and further to the point where I actually am threatened.
He wonders if Hinata felt that way, too. After all, what was thrill without the risk?
But instead of squeezing, Hinata just places a hand on his nape and draws him in even closer. Still radiating such warm, Hinata’s arms wrap around him, and he’s embraced like one would a lover.
Komaeda’s the one that flinches even as he hurriedly forced himself to relax. His heart’s definitely pounding, but so is Hinata’s. Hinata is also—clearly—aroused.
With his legs hooked around the other’s waist, it’s obvious. He’s not just hot against him, he’s hard, the front of his uniform slacks straining. Without really thinking, Komaeda rocks his hips and the effect is immediate. Hinata groans lowly into his ear.
He does shiver at that. When Hinata kisses him, it’s less the melding of lips and more Hinata nibbling at the swollen seam. He’s compliant, even with Hinata’s tongue swipes at him.
Wet smacks. Soft sucks. Building warmth. He shivers again, wondering if he’ll end up dying for this. Surely not, but…
Good luck—bad luck—I don’t even know which it is.
“Wa… Wait, wait…” Hinata kisses along his jaw. “Wouldn’t it—be easier if I turned around or something…? I don’t know…”
Hinata hums into his ear, and squeezes his ass, earning a squeal. Hinata immediately covers his mouth, blush darkening as he nods.
“Yeah… Probably. I like this position too, but…”
“Just let me…”
They both speak at the same time, words blurring together as they move. Hinata scoots so that his back is flat against a tree, and when Komaeda manages to twist himself around, it’s not long after that Hinata pulls him back into his lap. It’s flustering, having someone’s arousal pressing into his bottom, but it’s not the most uncomfortable position he’s ever been in.
It’s warm. More so when Hinata’s arms encircle him again, keeping them flushed together. And then, and then, Hinata’s hand runs down his stomach.
“Hey, what does reserve-san think he’s doing?” he asks breathily, eyes narrowed. Hinata kisses the corner of his mouth, but rather than provide any answers, he undoes the front of his slacks. Komaeda trembles, and Hinata covers his mouth.
“You said it yourself back then,” Hinata murmurs as his tentative fingers run over his groin. He goes on as Komaeda groans. “If you just had someone else…”
It really is something else, being touched like this by another person.
Hinata’s motions were careful as they always were. Up, down, up, down, up, down—then finally the flat of his palm, pressing against his straining arousal. A sharp whine escaped Komaeda’s throat, muffled against Hinata’s other hand, and Hinata hissed softly.
“Shit,” he swallows as Komaeda is left trembling and wanting. “You’re…so fucking cute.”
There’s nothing endearing about being a depraved, lustful mess. There’s nothing adorable about desperately jerking hips as Hinata pulls out his cock. There’s nothing charming about any of this. Hinata licking his lips as he strokes his length, murmuring into Komaeda’s ear about how rosy it is, how it’s as red as his face and how cute that is. Especially with how Komaeda moans from the sensations and the heat thrumming in his body. And how, without even thinking, he takes Hinata’s fingers into his mouth and sucks, his tongue wrapping around and rubbing against the digits.
“Mm… Hm…”
“So cute,” Hinata whispers, chuckling. “It’s incredible. An Ultimate like this—because of me.”
Because of a reserve, Komaeda thinks dully, distantly, purring around those fingers as Hinata thumbs at the head of his cock. Shivering pleasantly at Hinata peeling and teasing his foreskin. Eyes squeezing shut as Hinata rolls and fondles his balls. I’m really reducing myself to such a state—on the breeding ground of hope.
He’s even eagerly rocking into Hinata’s hand, damn near fucking it with abandon if he just had the stamina and strength to do so. He already feels exhausted but he’s—he’s close.
It’s dizzying, body twitching and he almost feels like he’s being suffocated. The rippling pleasure, the rising heat, and Hinata’s gentle sweet nothings now being murmured into his ear. He couldn’t make out a word through the pleasurable static, but Hinata does nip at his ear, and he does lick his neck.
Then and there, Komaeda nearly blacks out, hips buckling as he comes, and gasping sharply and biting Hinata’s fingers. Hinata doesn’t even flinch, he just holds him close, strokes him through ejaculation, and Komaeda tastes bitter iron. He sucks almost mournfully.
He’s still dizzy, mind fuzzy and vibrating, but his body can’t help itself from moving. Even with a gelatinous awareness, he can still feel heat burrowing into his squirming bottom. Hinata’s groaning lowly, and then, those fingers are pulled from his mouth so that they can squeeze his hip.
“Fuck… K-Komaeda… Don’t you want to take a break? You’re…”
Filthy. Deprived. Disgusting. A complete blight on the academy, dirtying the very ground with seed. Aha. Haha.
He trembled with delight and desperation.
I feel like I haven’t gone far enough.
“Surely the reserve wants to come as well?” he asks, touching the underside of Hinata’s chin. He feels the other’s swallow this time as he nuzzles into his jaw. “After all, I know you’re not just indulging me out of the goodness of your heart.”
“I… No, I’m definitely not.”
So blunt. Komaeda thinks almost fondly, kissing his jawline. “I don’t see myself easily getting it up again, but… As an act of courtesy, you can do whatever you want with me. You’re so privileged already, reserve-san.”
“I…” Hinata growled. “I have a name.”
“Mm…” He twists around so that he can more easily tease him, tugging at his tie and unbuttoning his uniform. “Reserve-san, reserve-san. Hinata-kun, Hinata-kun. I think both suit you.”
In agitated response, Hinata tugged at his pants.
“I won’t be a reserve forever, you know!”
“So you’ll be Hinata-kun forever?” he asks cheekily.
Strangely, Hinata does pause. And with surprising strength, he maneuvers Komaeda so that he’s more comfortably in his lap. With the usual carefulness, he tucks his cock back inside. Komaeda blinks a few times, but then Hinata smears cum on his face.
He squeaks in protest at first, but he quickly calms, watching blankly as Hinata’s stare intensifies. More so when upon offered that dirtied hand, Komaeda instinctively moves to lick it clean.
It’s bitter—but it’s better than blood, he can’t help but think, making a soft sound of approval. “Mm…”
“Hey, Komaeda.”
Komaeda blinks up at him innocently.
“Mmmm? Do your fingers hurt, Hinata-kun?”
“You didn’t bite that hard,” Hinata says lowly, showing him his other hand. There are small, reddened indents around the knuckles but not much else.
“That’s good…” He nods drearily. “But, Hinata-kun, your expression is strange. It really is strange. And you’re still…” He scoots, pressing against that still thrumming heat. “Mm? Don’t tell me you lost your confidence?”
“It’s…” Hinata’s thumb swipes at his lower lip. “I just…”
It’s strange, Komaeda can’t help but think. That expression is one of such abject uncertainty. You really don’t understand your place at all, do you?
That’s alright.
He kisses Hinata tenderly.
I don’t understand mine, either.
Now that he thinks about it—he really is exhausted. Of this, that, and everything else. It’s all so frustrating that it’s exhausting. And he really does just want to relax and indulge a little.
Even is he has to do so messily, with damp, deepening kisses and melting, molding lips.
“Ah… Hah…” When Hinata does pull back for breath, it’s in hot puffs against his panting mouth. There’s still a sheen of saliva connecting them. “Komaeda…”
When did he start straddling him? Aah, heat really was radiating off of Hinata, all that said. Mind-numbing and almost enthralling. Then and there, Komaeda wondered if just letting Hinata dryly rut against him would be enough. If even sucking the other off would be enough.
He wondered, really wondered if he should go even further than that.
For Hinata’s sake.
Of course.
Hinata, who wiped a line of drool from his chin. Hinata with his glittering hazel gaze, brilliant blush, and trembling red lips. Komaeda thinks about sunlight beaming down on both of them, on this shameful display—the same radiance that made Hope’s Peak Academy too bright to look at directly.
And here they were.
“…m-my…my room.”
Hinata seemed to realize it, too, and just like that—he falters and crumbles like decay in the wind.
“Let’s…continue this…i-in my room.”
It’s too much in the end, huh? But—I suppose having an Ultimate in your room still pushes something. Something, something, something—
“Are you going to fuck me, reserve-san?”
Hinata stiffens. His pupils are blown wide, dark in the midst of that glisten.
“I wonder what gave you the confidence?”
Hinata blinks. He inhales. Exhales.
“Can—I do that?”
Have confidence? How am I supposed to answer that? How would I even know?
“Sure. If you want. You just have to clean off my face first. Obviously.”
When Hinata embraces him then, it’s almost as if he had said something that made the other so happy it brought him to tears.
He wonders if this is still testing his luck. The dorms are on such the far side of campus that it’s almost difficult to tell where they truly are. Hinata’s windows show nothing remarkable as they’re on the side faced away from Hope’s Peak Academy.
It’s getting late. It’s getting dark. There’s no point in worrying about getting ready for tomorrow because there’s no reason to even go anywhere or do anything. He’s the Ultimate Luck and a detestable, despicable, lowly human being with no redeeming qualities. The staff would rather pretend he didn’t exist. His class, too, would rather pretend he didn’t exist.
He doesn’t deserve to be there. And he doesn’t belong.
Especially not when he’s undressing for a mere reserve, even when it’s a reserve as adorably sheepish as Hinata. So adorable. Hinata looks at him with wide eyes as he tugs down his underwear and discards it with the rest of his uniform. The Hope’s Peak Academy uniform, tossed onto a reserve’s dirty floor as though it were garbage.
I really am terrible.
“Sakura pattern…cute.”
The reserve is now naked, too, and he really isn’t half-bad to look at. Tanned skin, healthy sinew, defined muscles and bone structure. He really does look thinner without clothes but—compared to Komaeda, the difference is like cotton and timber.
“You’re handsome, Hinata-kun,” he says earnestly.
Hinata’s cheeks burn darker before he inhales deeply.
“Thanks… You, uh, too. You’re…handsome.”
It’s such a clumsy, awkward response. The kind that’s clearly more courtesy than sincerity. Komaeda smiles anyway, laying back and bending his knees, spreading his legs so that Hinata can settle between them more comfortably.
“Um… Um.”
For the first time, Komaeda wonders what the reserve must be thinking. How this whole affair could be considered. Eyes rolling back to the dreary ceiling, Komaeda could only hear Hinata Hajime’s fretting and fumbling.
“I-I’ve never…”
“It’s basic human nature,” he finds himself saying, still staring at nothing. “You’ll figure it out, Hinata-kun.”
“You really think so…?”
Hinata looms over him, unsure and insecure, looking towards him for—validation? Confidence? Relief?
Even though we’re doing this just to vent… How pitiful.
It really is pitiful. But he smiles reassuringly all the same, fingers digging into the sheets.
“It’s going to be fine. Just fine.”
Even if it hurts, it’ll be fine.
There is a burn when he’s stretched, when he’s spread open from the reserve’s fingers. It’s slight and almost negligible, but he still makes sounds of encouragement and enthusiasm.
My luck will always smooth things over. There’s no point in worrying. No point at all.
He doesn’t have anything to worry about. Not at all. Especially when Hinata’s thrusting fingers were—so careful. Awkward, but careful.
“It’s fine,” he repeated, over and over. “It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine… Hinata-kun, Hinata-kun…”
“I-If you really say so…” When those fingers curl inside of him, he shivers at the sensation. He rocks his hips a little, but not much, and it still has Hinata’s eyes darkening. “Have you done this before?”
“That’s a secret,” he says because he really doesn’t want to think about it. The fact that this is the most intimate he’s been with a person—physically and emotionally—is honestly embarrassing. “Would it bother you if I had? Surely you’re not that arrogant.”
“It’s…not a big deal. I was just curious. I guess I should stop worrying.” Hinata huffed but his steaming cheeks give him away. “You’re just—fine. With all of this.”
“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t,” Komaeda answers sincerely, shifting ever so slightly under him, gripping a handful of the sheet with one hand as he licked his lips. “What about you?”
When Hinata pulls out his fingers, he rather sloppily wipes them clean. They’ll definitely need to do some laundry together later. Hinata then moves so that he’s positioned a bit more properly, and there’s such heat coming off already that it’s dizzying. Thrumming with excitement, Komaeda’s smile widens.
“I think…”
Hinata swallows before finally, finally, slicking himself up. Had this reserve ever imagined this? Had he ever dared to dream?
“I think it’s the same for me.”
Ahahaha. Honestly I’m surprised I haven’t done this sooner.
Especially with the way Hinata pulls him close, pushes inside, and both of them tremble from it. It’s hot, significant, and positively wicked.
Hinata curses, but when Komaeda moans into his ear, that’s all the further encouragement he needs.
Neither of us deserve to be here. It’s only natural we come together like this.
That didn’t keep the bed from protesting the wonder of it.
What would others think? Would they even care? I doubt it. I really do. But, but…
Hinata does give both of them time to adjust, panting and pressed up against him. He does kiss him, briefly and wetly, before pulling back so that he can move. He’s still cursing, muttering about how hot his insides are and how tightly they squeeze him. There is the slapping of skin, other slick sounds, and honestly, honestly—it feels too good to even think.
Somehow, Hinata’s fingers are laced with his own, the grip almost more painful than the intercourse itself.
We might as well be lovers. Even though this is just to vent. Just to push boundaries. Limits. Working out frustrations. All of that…
“Komaeda,” Hinata murmurs, eyes hazed over with lust. “You look good like this.”
“Ah, ah, Hinata-kun…”
When Hinata kisses him again, this time it muffles a high-pitched moan. He squirms helplessly, somewhere between trying to keep up with the thrusts and pull the other in even closer.
“Fuck, fuck,” Hinata hisses as Komaeda’s fingers dig into his back, their joined hands squeezing even harder. “A-Already…!”
All of that and I’m already…
It’s funny how much of an empty person like him gets filled to the brim like this.
“K-Komaeda… Komaeda…!”
Except, it’s too hot to even think. He can barely even breathe as Hinata shudders. His own toes curl, and maybe he draws blood again, but he can’t hear anything except a sharp, piercing cry of pleasure.
I’m already…
When he tumbles over that edge, he does do with the grace of a collapsing marionette with its strings cut.
I’m already so much lower than before.
He slumps afterwards, gasping and wheezing, so overwhelmed that his eyes were stinging. Despite how shattered everything was, he could only jolt when Hinata brushed his hair back.
Komaeda desperately yanks him back into a kiss.
I had expected this, of course. Because… Because…
He clings to him as before.
“When Headmaster Kirigiri said such kind things about me… I had wanted to believe him, as shameful as that was… But…”
“There isn’t a doubt in my mind that there’s something special about you.”
“There’s no way he really meant any of that… So was it a mere act of pity, perhaps?” He really didn’t know. He just didn’t know. “Even if they were to study luck, what could they hope to find? It’s impossible to control one’s luck. I’ve tried. Over. And over. But, maybe I’m just that much of an abject failure… Who knows, who knows.”
“If you stay in the water like that, you’ll end up wrinkly like an old man.”
“My hair is already white, what difference would it make?”
Hinata rolls his eyes, but he remains beside the tub where Komaeda slumped over the edge, head buried in his folded arms.
“Mmgh…” He lets out a low groan. “Hey, next time, why don’t you fuck me until my hips break or something? You were shockingly reserved for your first time.”
“I know this is venting—and it’s probably not exactly healthy either, but I’d rather not hurt anyone,” Hinata replies, almost irritably. “I think—that would do the opposite of help or something…”
“Are you even tempted? You’re not resentful, even a little?” Drearily, Komaeda frowns at him. “I’d let you strangle me, even. If you wanted to.”
“Do you want to be hurt?” Hinata grimaces at the thought. “If you really feel that way—that’s all the more reason to not…do that. I’m pretty sure.”
You’re pretty sure, huh. Ah. Aha. Haha.
“You really are kind,” Komaeda mutters tiredly, smile strained. “I’m lucky to have caught the eye of someone kind, even if it breaks my heart a little.”
For a few moments, Hinata doesn’t say anything. He just sits there as Komaeda sighs, resting his cheek against the edge as he remains soaking in the warm water. Earlier, Hinata had washed him off. He had been gentle about it. When Komaeda expressed an interest in simply soaking afterwards, Hinata had allowed it.
With cleaner water, of course. He wasn’t that gross.
All the same—Hinata-kun really is accommodating. Someone like this…if I were to live life normally, there’s no doubt in my mind I’d fall for him.
“…can I ask you something?”
Hinata twitched a little but nodded.
“What does Hope’s Peak Academy even want from you?”
Hinata flinches now, everything about him rigid as stone, before the words came, low and almost dulled.
“Everything. They want everything.” A pause. “And I’ll do anything for them.”
“Oh, me too. We have that in common.” Komaeda laughed, just a little. “But so many of them don’t want anything to do with me. Haha.”
“Maybe it’s because luck isn’t really a talent,” Hinata said softly.
“Probably, yeah.” He let his eyes fall shut. “But you’re the one with nothing to offer. Unless that’s what they’re looking for. Nothing. Nothing at all.”
There wasn’t an answer to that. He didn’t really want one, anyway.
“…I’m sorry.” He apologizes, shoulders hunching even as his breath doesn’t hitch and his eyes remain dry. But he does feel a layer of slick from the heat and warmth of the water. Almost dizzy. But it’s not like before. Instead of intimate, he feels almost encased from everyone and everything. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Despite all that, Hinata squeezes his hand.
“Don’t worry about it.” And, then. “Let’s get you out of there, Komaeda. You might end up fainting otherwise and that—would probably be bad.”
“You don’t say,” he slurs, squeezing back. “What an impressively average level of foresight.”
“Come on.” Hinata sounds more stern than exasperated. “Up, up.”
Komaeda whines, but when Hinata pulls him up with ease, he clings to him. As before.
At some point, he really did faint. When he finally came back to, he was alone in a reserve’s room, tucked into the reserve’s bed, with a note on the bedside table. Komaeda blinks at the ceiling, noting that it’s a lot brighter out.
It was morning. Morning—and a school day. Meaning that Hinata had likely already gone to class and that’s what the note was about. That among other things. He wondered what else Hinata would write. Gentle scolding? Well wishes? Reassurances? Gratitude?
Cynically, he thought about this situation if it were romantic. With Hinata kissing his sleeping forehead and leaving behind a message that said I love you.
Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.
And yet, he was too snug to move despite the bed still being on the stiffer side. The more he thought about it, the more flustered he got about just—passing out.
I don’t even know if Hinata-kun shared the bed with me or not!
But now that he was in this situation, what was he to do? Class wasn’t mandatory and no one on the main campus even wanted to see him. If he got hungry, Hinata kept snacks in his dorm that he could eat. Hell, Hinata even had a few microwavable packages if he wanted. He could always pay Hinata back in spades.
Ah. Maybe I should at least take him out to dinner. Haha. The average reserve having dinner with someone like me. If I did that, Hinata-kun might end up dropping a knife onto his foot. Or with a fly in his food. Or even worse.
There were other options. Like bringing Hinata food. Maybe? He could probably earn favors if he wanted.
I didn’t seek Hinata-kun out for this. But it would be a nice gesture. Right?
Finally, Komaeda pushed himself up. It was a bit chilled despite the sunny sky, so he kept the blanket wrapped around him, still warm likely from shared body heat. He shivers.
The courteous thing to do would be to gather my clothes and leave. Except I don’t want to go quite yet.
The room was cleaner than before with even the calendar properly marked up. There still wasn’t much else of note except the evidence of last night. And the folded up message that Komaeda finally plucked up.
This is the room of someone of also questionable worth to Hope’s Peak. It’s only natural we were drawn together and that we’ll test the limits further.
He felt a little predictably sore, obviously, but he hadn’t a doubt in his mind that they’ll do more of this soon. The anticipation—makes him squirm a bit.
“…ehe. Hehe.” Giggling, he unfolds the paper. “Well, I should at least see what Hinata-kun wrote.”
It started off expectably.
Hey, sorry. I ended up oversleeping so I had to hurry to class. If you want to eat anything, you’re free to my pantry. It’s no big deal.
“Hinata-kun’s so kind, ahaha… Ah… Huh?
We should probably do this again, even if I’m not sure for how much longer we’ll be able to.
There were a couple of lines so viciously scribbled out that Komaeda couldn’t decipher them at all.
If you decided you’re done, that’s fine too. You can forget all about me.
I think things would be better that way.
Komaeda frowns, refolding it.
“What a worrying and unfortunate remark to make.” Still. “I’m not done quite yet. Let’s keep pushing until we get bored, Hinata-kun.”
He should write that down in a message of his own, but he doubts his handwriting would be legible enough so he’ll just tell Hinata Hajime that to his face.
Whatever will happen, if someone like me really is going to remain here and if our relationship really is going to continue, I want to see where it all leads up. It won’t be hope or despair, I’m sure, it’ll be something else.
And he can’t help but be curious about what.
Later, when he did talk to Hinata, he was sure that brief flicker of intensity in that hazel gaze suggested he felt the same.
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your-dr-imagines · 6 years
Rantaro, Nagito, Shuichi,Kokichi, Fuyuhiko and Hajimeme seeing a guy flirt with their crush?
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This prompt aLWAYS gets me, IT ALWAYS GETS ME
anyway I hope you enjoy this! i think i (accidentally) made it freakishly long even though i started running out of ideas-
-Mod Mahiru
Hajime, Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Shuichi, Rantaro, and Kokichi Seeing a Guy Flirt With Their Crush
Hajime HInata:
He was planning on giving you a gift today and maybe confessing, although he wasn’t so sure how it would go.
But when he walked in the room and saw you being flirted with by another reserve course student, he stopped in his tracks.
The gift (being relatively small) went back in his pocket as he watched.
Although, eventually, he stepped in as you were getting a bit uncomfortable with the guy’s advances, and told him to maaaybe stop being so creepy and forward with his…ehm, flirting, he guesses.
Afterward, Hajime asked if you were alright and you nodded.
“Yeah, he was just…getting progressively creepier, haha,” you scratched the back of your head, “But, thanks for that.”
Hajime smiled, “It’s no problem, he was kinda starting to push boundaries that reaaaally should stay where they are, you know?”
You nodded in agreement, “Anyway, uh, what’s up?”
He felt a bit 
But after that, he felt it might be best to go ahead and wait for another opportunity to express how he feels towards you.
Nagito Komaeda:
Nagito was looking forward to seeing you today, as you were someone who genuinely enjoyed his company and he reciprocated.
He kinda wished you felt the same in other areas of the relationship, though, but….he can’t really help that much.
“Y/N, would you like to come and eat lunch with me–”
He cut himself off as he saw Kazuichi flirting with you as you sat at your desk, laughing at his attempts.
You felt you knew Kazuichi was mostly joking, but some of his compliments were genuine, whether you knew it or not.
But Nagito watched with a blank expression on his face, before he came over and scared the daylights out of the Mechanic. You greeted Nagito kindly and with a smile, though, which made his heart flutter.
“Excuse me…I was hoping to spend some time with Y/N. So, if you wouldn’t mind..” “N-No, sure, go ahead, dude! S-Sorry about that.”
With that, Kazuichi left. Nagito casually ate lunch and talked with you, although
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
Well it’s obvious that immediately he gets just….a tiiiiiiny bit jealous that you’re letting Mondo be all over you like that.
Albeit, you’re not exactly tryiiing to, the gang leader’s also just trying to joke around a bit.
Even so, as Fuyuhiko watches him wink at you or give you a charming smile, seeing your face turn a bit pink at every one makes him feel even more jealousy well up inside of him.
After a little bit, though, the bell for class rang, and Mondo got up, waving you a goodbye as he went with his friends.
You rejoined your group, although Fuyuhiko avoided your gaze.
“…did I do something wrong?” you asked him after you two were left in the cafeteria alone.
“…” Fuyuhiko looked at you, his expression softened. He shouldn’t get mad at you for something like this, really. He feels bad.
“…nah, it’s nothing. Let’s just get to class.”
He’ll have to control his jealousy better. You’re his crush, not his partner, anyway, and even then–he should try not to feel that way.
Shuichi Saihara:
Shuichi was just kind of talking to you when Kaito came over all of a sudden to join in.
While he felt a bit miffed that you guys’ personal time was interrupted, he didn’t mind letting Kaito join in the long run.
Although he did notice the subtle lines Kaito would run by you.
You didn’t notice unless they were more forward, and would raise a brow and be all “excuse me?” with both a mix of a smirk but also a somewhat unsure expression.
Not because you disliked Kaito, he’s sure, but maybe because you were just…surprised at his sudden flirtation.
Or maybe it did annoy you, who knows.
Although you soon excused yourself to go get lunch with Shuichi, saying that you were hungry. Kaito blinked, but didn’t mind and said he had to meet with Leon in a bit anyway.
Shuichi followed you to the cafeteria, a bit relieved that he could have more alone time with you once again. Not that he hated Kaito, far from it–but like…you were his crush, you know?
Rantaro Amami:
It takes a bit for him to get protective over you.
He doesn’t really see a lot of reasons to get jealous, so usually, he just kinda lets you do your thing.
Although when some creepster of a dude comes up to you and starts trying to put his moves on you, both with words and with touch..
Yeah he wasn’t having that.
Especially given that you were finding his attention particularly unwanted. He couldn’t blame you, the guy looked like he hasn’t showered in a while. That, and he just looked like a generally shady person.
Rantaro wasted no time taking action, sliding in between you two with a small smile. “Hey, man, sorry about interrupting, but we’re kinda going to go hang out for a bit,” he says, not really giving the startled guy a chance to reply before taking your hand casually.
“Maybe catch ‘em some other time, ‘kay?” and with that, you were off.
Rantaro enjoyed the feeling of holding hands for a bit longer before you sighed in relief, still gripping his hand.
“Thanks for that, Rantaro. Heh, you looked pretty cool back there.” “Don’t mention it. I’m not about to let you get hit on by someone like that.” He decided to ignore the slight pounding of his heart at your touch for now.
Kokichi Ouma:
Kokichi was being Kokichi and just kind of wanting to see you. So what does he do? He goes to see you.
He eventually finds you in the library, being distracted from studying by Leon, who was being playful, and hey, you were having fun it seemed.
Although, the wannabe rockstar’s flirting was a lot more….ehem, bold than yours was. Like, he was kinda floating out of the realm of joking, and Kokichi could tell. So, striding over with a somewhat threatening smirk jealous? him? no way, he sat down next to you two.
“Heeey, crazy cats! What’s up?” He sa–whispered, and immediately you could kinda feel Leon tense up. Probably because of the face he was making. “Oh, uh, not much. I’m just taking a break from studying,” you said with a smile. 
“Oh, Y/NNNNN…you remember what happened last time you took a break? You spent all your time on Youtube, I was there, you know~?” “W–Well, that’s….half true.”
Kokichi grinned, “And you wouldn’t work on anything until I offered to help you! Since you got stuck, too,” he giggled as you blushed.
“So, if you don’t mind, Leon–I’m going to help Y/N finish their studying.” “O-OH, uh, no problem. I’ll just, uh, go find Mondo then.”
And with that, Kokichi smiled smugly to himself as he got to spend time with his beloved crush once more.
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Hi may I get a request with an s/o who is sick and Nagito, Kokichi, & Rantaro are taking care of them? Thank you!
Omg this brings back memories of my first ever scenarios (you won't find them since It was my private conversation with a friend and looking back now they are cringy af).
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Nagito Kokichi and Rantaro with sick S/O
Nagito Komaeda
Guess who blames his luck for this.
You two planned to go out but when he got call that you were sick he quickly got out and its now time to take care of his s/o! He kinda knew what he was doing but there was few times where he didn't knew what to do.
You wanted to hug him so badly but you knew you couldn't. Nagito saw it the way you looked at him full of hesitation. Since Nagito didn't care much about whether or not he will get sick he hugged you since he thought it was what you wanted.
He guessed right as you hugged him back. Your body was very warm and you two were covered by many blankets. You were worried that Nagito might get sick but he told you that it was fine.
Some time has passed and you noticed Nagito had a fever aswell.
And so you two had to call Mikan as you two cuddled under blankets as she was taking care of you.
When you two were cured you finally went on a date where you were supposed to go.
Kokichi Ouma
He was minding his own business as he got a call. When you told him about your condition he thought you were joking but you caughed really badly and he could tell it wasn't pretended.
What he did first was ask Kirumi for help since he didn't knew how to cook. Once he was there (with Kirumis food) he thought that your sickness will be pretty boring but taking care of you was something completely different!
He was pretty stressed but he managed. If you get grumpy and don't want to take any medications he whould talk to you so you whould be distracted.
He couldn't stop his laughs since your bitter expression after taking this horrible in taste syrups was just too funny (and cute).
Since you two were quite bored he played some games with you. Of course you couldn't play good since you were exhausted and kept sneezing.
He didn't knew what you two can do right now. The fact that you should go to sleep made this all even more boring but he waited in the other room since he didn't wanted to leave you alone.
And he decided to stay until you were alright.
It wasn't a bother as he surprising was quitet. It was caused by your sickness he wanted to let you rest.
Rantaro Amami
When he heard that you were sick it was matter of seconds until he got there.
He was good at taking care of you since he often had to take care of his sisters.
There was a small problem you were quite needy and wanted cuddles. He didn't wanted to get sick so his idea was this: to give you a plushie and he said "Alright S/O for the time you are sick this is me. When you feel urge to hug me hug this" it wasn't the same but it worked.
You talked to each other while he was making food for you. Even though you were sick it tasted amazing.
Rantaro also had a small problem with you taking your medicine. So he hid some pills in the food. Your didn't even realized that.
He allways told you to rest. When you were asleep he mostly just red some books.
Not only that he was planning where he should take you after you were alright.
~Mod Chiaki
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years
Can you please do some headcanons on how the DR2 cast would land themselves in detention? It’s for comedy.
This one took a long time, I hope you enjoy! It was super fun to write.
How The SDR2 Cast Would Get Detention!
Hajime Hinata
He is a good student who rarely gets in trouble. When hedoes, it’s for pretty minor things. With that said, he also rarely loses his temper.
Hajime was good friends with Chiaki but their relationship started to causequestions to arise within the other Reserve Course students. 
Rumors were spreading that he was using her to sneak into the Ultimate program.This really got under Hajime’s skin but what could he do to stop it? Pretty soon, everyone was giving him the cold shoulder.
He overheard two of the other Reserve students snickering as he walked by andhe just lost it. 
“What?” The other two boys, whom he has never seen before, stare at Hajime withsmug grins. “Take that back, now.”
His eyes were flashing with red. Hajime doesn’t get angry easily but he’lldefend his friends if he needs to, putting their interest above his own.
“Admit it, you’re using that girl… what’s her name, Chiaki?” 
In a fit of blind rage, Hajime slips his shirt off and storms up to the otherstudents, shirtless and getting in their face. “I said take it back!” 
You’d think that the half-nudity would be enough. When the teachers finallycame to their aide, breaking up a potential fight before it could happen, theyslapped a detention slip into Hajime’s hands.
Staring down at the small paper slip, it read that he was getting detention for a Dress Code Violation.
He assumed that it was because he took off his shirt and tried punching thesmug little kids, but… no, not entirely. Once he stomped down to the detentionroom, the proctor welcomed him and examined the slip.
He’s a pretty calm, collected kid with a good head on his shoulders so his reaction to the rumors caused him to feel embarrassed. Plus, some of the adults got on him for interacting with the Ultimate students already.
“Oh, so you’re the kid who was exposing his shoulders, huh?”
Hajime, puzzled, looks at the man. “My… shoulders?”
Chiaki Nanami
Sleeping in class is a given, but she just can’t help it.It’s something she’s gotten in trouble for in the past but has since slippedby. The adults started to accept it since she’s a good student, regardless of sleeping so much.
Ever since she became Class Representative, though, the teachers haven’t beenso lenient towards Chiaki. 
She is the Ultimate Gamer so bringing her video games to class is not out of the ordinary andsomething that most people don’t mind, at least not until it becomes adistraction.
The rest of her class were slowly beginning to huddle around her as she played,her fingers dancing along the controller and her eyes were glued to the screen.Chiaki completely zoned out everything Chisa was saying.
More than once, she tried getting the Gamer’s attention and eventually shesnapped. “Everyone, get away from Chiaki right now! Pay attention.”
But not even that could bring her back to reality. The faint sounds of her gamein the background still playing, she stormed up to the small girl. 
Chisa, as politely as possible, grabbed the system out of her hands and placedit behind her back. It caused her to lose the Level and, being newly sleep-deprivedand overly-invested in the game, Chiaki let her tongue slip.
“What the fuck… come at me bro.”
Her expression was still blank but the comment wasn’t very highly appreciated,seen more as a threat.
Chisa sent her directly to detention and the rest of her class watched, astonished, as their Representative became one of the ‘bad kids’ even for just a day.
What can she say? She really loves her games.
Nagito Komaeda
Knowing Nagito, he’d do something that ends up goinghorribly wrong.
He just wanted to plan out a surprise for his class, baking them sweet treatswith the help of Teruteru. Nagito had good intentions but his luck isn’t veryreliable. 
He also decided to slip into Seiko’s lab and ask her for some vitamins to makethem taste better, not really believing in his baking skills. He left Teruteru alone with the sweets, giving him an ampleopportunity to slip some unwanted Aphrodisiacs into the food. 
Nagito also grabbed the wrong bottle without looking, accidentally swiping someLaxatives instead.
But he was so proud of what he’d made, he had to share it with everyone! Hemade sure to stop by the Teacher’s Lounge and the Headmaster’s Office as wellsince he had more leftovers than expected. 
And he didn’t want to eat his own baked goods since that’s just not respectful;it wasn’t meant for him but for his friends instead. So, Nagito didn’t get a chance to taste-test the food beforehand.
Well, those good intentions went out the window. Teruteru didn’t know about the Laxatives, and Nagito didn’t know about the Aphrodisiacs, which is a killercombination. 
It was bad enough that his entire class and Chisa had consumed the foodcontaining the two, but to make matters worse, so did the higher-up staffmembers, including Headmaster Jin. For the entire day, those who ate it were in and out of the bathroomand stumbling all over one another in the process, heated and intimate… to put it lightly. Nagitodidn’t really understand, was it that good?
He’d only realized he took the wrong bottle when it was too late, and Teruteruconfessed to slipping in the extra drug while in his… hot state. But Nagito gotblamed for it all and ultimately sentenced to detention.
“Damn, just my luck!”
Ibuki Mioda
She’s definitely a firecracker but Ibuki doesn’t have evilintentions, so she’d do something without really intending to. 
Ibuki would be in the Music Room, practicing and writing songs as she always did. Shehas the tendency to skip classes to have her own personal concert instead.
Her signature flame guitar would have some part in it.
It didn’t take the staff very long to find her holed up in the MusicRoom, the loud heavy metal blaring from inside was a dead giveaway. 
Knocking on the door,they call for her name with no response, it was too loud and the musician couldn’t hear them.
The door swings open to find Ibuki completely lost in the music. So much so,that when she finally notices the cluster of adults standing in the doorway sheturns quickly to give them a good view of the show. 
Unfortunately, she completely forgot about the flames shooting out from herguitar which lit the front of the room on fire, knocking over some rather expensive equipment in the process.
The entire school had to be evacuated immediately, students and teachers alikerushing through the doors for their lives. The Fire Department also had to becalled, which lead Ibuki to explain how she started the fire that nearly burneddown the entirety of Hope’s Peak Academy.
She can’t help herself from giggling and got sent to detention for a ‘Terroristic Act Against the School.’
Hey, she thought that sounded pretty cool! Maybe she’ll name a song after that.
Gundham Tanaka
Being the Ultimate Animal Breeder, everyone is well-aware ofhis love for and ownership of all kinds of species. Hope’s Peak does allow Service Animals and gives specialprivileges to those with animal-related talents.
Which is why he’s able to bring his hamsters, or Four Dark Devas of Destruction, with him eachday.
Here and there, he’ll bring another one of his various pets as well. He’sbrought a couple cats on some days, and during others he’s brought one of his smalldogs. Gundham has walked into class with a bird perched on his shoulder before,too. You never know what he’ll bring to class.
But there’s still a line that even he can’t cross.
And everyone knows that Gundham has pets that he probably shouldn’t, but that’s whyhe’s an Ultimate after all!
His hamsters are never a disturbance and everyone has come to know and lovethem. Cats, dogs, and birds aren’t too much of a hassle as long as he keeps upwith them.
It’s not until he tries sneaking bigger animals in that there’s an issue. 
The first strike was his ball-python which isn’t venomous, but some of theother students with less experience around snakes were still a little bitfrightened. It stayed curled around his neck all day, hidden in his scarf.
He jumped straight to strike three when he walked up to the front door with a full-grown Tiger on a leash. Juzo stopped him immediately and forbade him fromentering the building. 
“What do you mortals know about the beauty of this feline?! She will pouncebefore you even know what is happening! Do not mess with me!”
Though he claims that she was domesticated, his… threats weren’t appreciated.So he and his Tiger spent the day in detention.
Mikan Tsumiki
The poor thing doesn’t try to end up in the compromisingpositions… it just kind of, happens. She can’t help that she’s clumsy!
By now, everyone in her class is pretty used to it. The same doesn’t go for theother Ultimates in different classes or the Reserves, though.
She’d be late to class one day; Mikan is already an emotional wreck. She’scrying and rushing through the hallway because she was already going to beembarrassed enough having to walk into class after it started.
Mikan is pushing past the others in the hall politely, apologizing the entiretime when she just… trips. Her foot catches on the opposite ankle and she goescollapsing, falling forward.
She’d fall on top of a few innocent students with her legs slightly spread,back arched a bit, skirt accidentally flipping up, and wrists falling above herhead. The student that she fell on was a complete stranger, someone she’dnever seen before nevertheless had a conversation with.
“Oh God, I’m sorry! I’m so very sorry!”
Both of their faces are bright red now and she erupts into a fit of tears. 
Though she didn’t intend on falling or ending up in this predicament, theteacher that had been standing just outside of her classroom while the studentsfiled in witnessed it happen and immediately was at a loss for words.
“You, miss!” She exclaims while storming towards Mikan. “Explain yourself!”
“I-It’s not what it looks like~!” Mikan pleas but the teacher is having none ofit. She got sent straight to detention for sexual advances on another student,PDA, and indecent public exposure. 
She’d walk into detention in a fit of tears because she didn’t mean to!
Kazuichi Souda
He may be a Mechanic but Kazuichi is quite skilled in manyaspects of technology as a whole. He doesn’t just have to work on cars,airplanes, and so on but he is also handy with your everyday laptop as well.
Kazuichi’s sense of humor is fairly peculiar. 
He’ll do things for his own amusement even if no one asks him to and if youever dare him to do something, he’ll complete it without a doubt. 
One day, he got the bright idea to pull a little prank on Chisa. He knew thattheir class was going to watch a film about the history of Hope’s Peak Academy thatafternoon and decided to have a little fun with it.
Kazuichi got to class earlier than the rest of his peers, whilst Chisa wasrunning errands for Munakata, and rewired her laptop. 
His mind was racing with ideas when he finally settled on the perfect video toreplace the film with. 
He was able to set it up so that he could control the video with a remotecontrol at his own disposal. Unfortunately, Chisa was in a rather hostile moodthat day and wasn’t feeling like dealing with Kazuichi’s shenanigans.
In the middle of the film, he switched the button and it started playing noneother than the classic Rick Roll, ‘Never Gonna Give You Up.’
His classmates were dead silent for a moment, all wide-eyed and trying toprocess what they were looking at – of course he had to Rick Roll his wholeclass.
Kazuichi couldn’t hold back his amusement, his smile twisting widely andbursting into a fit of loud laughter. Chisa immediately knew that this had tobe his doing.
He got sent to detention for the rest of the day, but if you ask him – it wascompletely worth it.
Peko Pekoyama
Meditating was her go-to form of de-stressing. It’s where shecould be found during most of the day.
As the Ultimate Swordswoman, her sword was never too far from her side. Pekohad locked herself in the quiet room for hours so she could melt away fromreality for a while.
Her peace was disrupted once the doors swung open and her eyes darted over hershoulder.
Peko’s intensely quick reflexes were nearly the death of Hope’s Peak’scustodian, as she launched her sword over her shoulder blindly, not bothering to look and see whowas there, and snipping the ends of the custodian’s hair in the process.
The blade was stuck in the wall, mere inches from their face as their eyeswidened. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here!”
Despite being known as the Ultimate Swordswoman, even Peko can’t go aroundtossing swords at people’s faces with no repercussions.
She was sent to the Office immediately where she showed absolutely no remorse. 
“They shouldn’t have sneaked up on a meditating trained killer – that’s how youend up with a sword in your neck.”
The adults in the room tried to explain to her why that isn’t socially acceptable,in which Peko calmly responded with, “Do you want to find out why I’m anUltimate?”
Done with her shit, they sent her to detention and she put up a bit of a fight. Peko didn’t understand what the big deal was. She wasn’t trying to violently threaten the staff, that’s just the way they took it!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
He’s got a big mouth which is something no one candeny, not even Fuyuhiko himself.
It just comes with the attitude and pressure that the Yakuza has on his plate, and a bit ofa superiority complex as well.
He didn’t fully respect a lot of the adults he was surrounded by which lead toa lot of conflict. Typically speaking, though, the adults understand due to hisbackground and don’t tend to mess with him since he is a Kuzuryuu after all.
They just treated him like a little kid, and he’s not a fuckin’ little kid!
They had a substitute teacher one day who wasn’t completely aware of their talents andbegan to push Fuyuhiko’s buttons. Had she known he was a Yakuza, she wouldn’t have dared touch him with a ten-foot pole.
There were several ways that the situation could’ve been avoided.
But he snapped and stood on his desk, veins protruding from his neck and forehead. “Do you knowwho the fuck I am? I could have your head on my desk by the end of the day!”
Fuyuhiko has a fairly colorful way of speaking as well and he didn’t stopthere. Once the substitute demanded that he got down from the desk, he took itone step further.
“Leave me alone, lady! Or I’ll rip out your small intestine through your mouth,your large intestine out through your ass, and use them as a fuckingjump-rope!”
She stared at the Yakuza in complete shock. Once he finally calmed down andrealized what was said, he broke a sweat and shrugged.
He didn’t care if he got sent to detention, she shouldn’t have been bugging him!
Sonia Nevermind
She’s pretty new to Hope’s Peak and their school system, it’scompletely different than the one in her home country. 
With that said, Sonia had never gotten detention before in her life. Even aftertransferring, she was convinced that she couldn’t possibly get detention. The thought never crossed her mind.
Failing to realize that her status as a Princess doesn’t carry as much weighthere, she feels untouchable. Despite that, she’s a fairly well-behaved studentanyway.
Sonia can be a bit bossy, though. When Chisa had to step out to take care ofpersonal matters, she assumed that her leadership-abilities could come in handyand took the responsibility of ‘teaching the class’ which was more likecommanding them to doing as she pleased.
Most of them somewhat listened, although Hiyoko, Peko, and Fuyuhiko weren’tgoing to let her boss them around; meanwhile, Kazuichi happily obliged.
Chisa came back into the classroom to find Sonia lounging out in her chair withboth Kazuichi and Gundham tending to massaging her legs and ankles,competitively as they were each trying to impress the Princess. She had otherstudents bringing her tea and had self-proclaimed herself as the new leader oftheir class.
That’s not something she can just get away with so she had to be put in herplace, sent to detention at the end of the day. Sonia wasn’t going to gowillingly, though.
A bit air-headed, she blinks at Chisa, perplexed. “Youcan’t send me to detention, I am a Princess!” That really didn’t help her caseat all.
Nekomaru Nidai
He takes his talent a bit too seriously, even turningtowards his own friends to try to get them in the best shape possible. 
Nekomaru has good motives behind this but he doesn’t necessarily know when tostop. 
Jin and the other staff members were taking a relaxing stroll around campuswhen they stumble across the Team Manager huddled over a group of scrawnyReserve Course boys. 
“You have to pick it up!” Lightning was emerging from his eyes as he screams atthe boys, coming across as more bossy and threatening than motivating. “You’llnever get to be as strong as I am like that! Come on!”
The adults approach him and put an end to his… motivating ‘group exercise.’ Heinsisted that the boys came to him for help, knowing he was the Ultimate Team Manager. 
But the three small boys were now collapsed, passed out from exhaustion on thegrass. They can’t really have their students destroying one another.
Nekomaru may have wanted to help but pushed them entirely too far. As he wastrying to explain himself, his ‘urges’ suddenly came over him and he succumbedto the pressure.
He tells them he had to go, but Jin forces the Ultimate to stay right there.This caused Nekomaru to snap at the older man.
“Move or else! I have to shit!” He basically shoves him out of the way as hesprints for the nearest bathroom. Needless to say, the adults didn’t appreciatehim shoving his own Headmaster to the ground like that, almost injuring the man.
The two situations combined landed Nekomaru in detention for about a week.
Mahiru Koizumi
Mahiru wouldn’t even do anything that bad, she would justget caught in the middle or end up getting blamed for something out of hercontrol.
After all, the last thing she wants to do is jeopardize her placement in Hope’sPeak Academy. 
But even she isn’t immune to the pranks from fellow students. Her friendshipwith Sato puts her in danger of being targeted by one of the jealous and immature students in the Reserves Course. 
Some of the boys in Sato’s class sneak in fake nude photographs while neitherof the girls are looking. Mahiru leaves and goes about her merry way for therest of the day.
While leaving her class that afternoon, she stumbles over her ankle and dropsher bag onto the floor; her books, camera, and photos come tumbling out withit.
Of course, so do the fake ones that were slipped into her bag.
Chisa is helping her collect her items when she notices the fake photographs.They were ‘depictions’ of not only Mahiru herself but also some of the boys inher class.
“What is the meaning of this?” She holds them up to the freckled-facephotographer’s gaze and Mahiru’s expression twists into a confused and angrylook.
She is stuttering and snatches them from her hand, examining them for herself.“These weren’t here this morning! Y-you have to believe me, this isn’t mine!”
“Is this you?” She questions and Mahiru is bright red, a complete mess.Although she was telling the truth and truly didn’t know where they came from,Chisa wasn’t buying it.
She got sent to the Office with the incriminating photos in hand and ultimatelyfaced detention for the first time in her life.
Teruteru Hanamura
Anyone that knows this boy knows that it’s pretty hard forhim to keep it in his pants. Teruteru is a very flirty and adventures person with very little shame. It’s hard toembarrass him and when it comes to attractive people, especially women, he’sgot little to no filter.
He’d land himself in detention by flirting with the wrong person at the wrongtime.
Teruteru is walking down the hall one morning when he spots a new face, someonehe’s never seen before. 
Granted, he should have assumed she was a teacher of some sort based on the wayshe was standing outside her class as students filed in. 
But in that moment, he probably didn’t really care. That, or he was too blindedby love to notice.
She looked to be fairly young, and beautiful. Trust me, he would know if he’sseen her before.
Confidently, Teruteru waltzed up to her with a cocky grin plastered on hisface. “Hello, miss, my name is Teruteru Hanamura, Ultimate Cook… but I preferUltimate Chef,” he takes her hand in his and kisses the top, “we can cook upsomething hot between us… if you know what I mean.”
The young woman is a bit uncomfortable and draws her hand back slightly, kindlyasking him to turn away. “But miss, I believe in soulmates and I think you’remaking a big mistake by turning me down.”
She is growing increasingly frustrated and loses her cool, snapping and tellinghim to leave her alone in the kindest way possible. 
Obviously, he doesn’t get the hint. “I love a woman who can command me around.” 
With that last comment and over-exaggerated wink, she’s had enough, finallyrevealing her Substitute Teacher ID and claiming that she’s turning him in.
Teruteru’s stomach turns as he realizes what he’s done. He loves an olderwoman, but he would never have guessed that she was a teacher!
Hiyoko Saionji
I mean, if she doesn’t get detention for bullying thenthat’s a surprise, it’s not only Mikan but other students as well who face herrelentless torture.
Hiyoko was making a series of off-hand and rather rude comments directedtowards one of the other female students. 
Once she was finally approached, she gave the teacher a very sinister look andtold her to leave her alone, or else she’d squish them like a bug. 
Her threat was meant to be taken as light banter and simply part of herpersonality but it didn’t really land. Hiyoko was now arguing with the teacherand sent to the Office. 
The girl was already in a bad mood and having to talk to the Headmaster wasn’t helping.“So, I hear that you’ve been bullying fellow students?”
“I’m not bullying them if the bitch deserved it!” Hiyoko huffs with her armscrossed defensively over her chest. She’s jutting her jaw and staring at thewall angrily. 
Her behavior was certainly not the best and Jin began to scribble somethingdown onto her report. He started to say that she was going to be sent to detention for the day so he could sort out the situation with the otherstudents in question.
In a blind, heated moment, Hiyoko defensively stood. She truly felt like shehadn’t done anything wrong and was even nastier today than normal. So withoutthinking, she wrapped her small hands around the desk lamp and forcefully threwit onto the ground where it shattered.
As the bulb flickered, she exclaimed, “Lighten up!” Her pun didn’t sway Jinover, but instead only made the situation worse as he extended her sentence.
Byakuya Twogami (Imposter)
He’s a bit of a wildcard and an Ultimate for a reason. He’snot really afraid to take someone’s identity if it benefits him in any sort ofway. 
There was an upcoming Exam that he simply didn’t feel prepared for at all. But…he’s an Imposter so there could be some solution, right?
He decided to use his talent for his own gain and sneak into the Teacher’sLounge the morning before the Exam to swipe the answers. He knew that Chisacarried around a briefcase with all of her papers in it as well so he just needed to find her and he’s golden.
He steals none other than Kyosuke Munakata’s identity and slips happily intothe forbidden room. He bumps into Chisa on his way, knowing she’ll trust good ol’ Munakata!
“Oh, hello Munakata! How are you?” He fumbles with an excuse, choking out somelazy conversation. He then asks her if he can see her papers momentarily, andshe happily hands them over without second guessing the situation.
His plan was foolproof until the actual Kyosuke Munakata waltzes into theLounge and sees the Imposter sitting beside Chisa on the love-seat. His jaw drops and the Imposter doesn’t even notice the man standing in the doorway at first.
Her eyebrows furrow momentarily as she looks at the two Munakata’s before herand then puts the pieces together. The real one snatches the Imposter by hiscollar and demands that he explains himself.
After his cover got blown, he was sent to detention where to took the Exam witha proctor watching over his shoulder.
Akane Owari
She has a very strange schedule, essentially trainingwhenever she feels like it. This means that Akane often misses class to rampagearound the campus.
She had been pushing herself harder on this morning in particular, climbing the gatesbefore they opened and arriving at Hope’s Peak bright and early on purpose.
If illegal trespassing wasn’t enough, she missed almost an entire day of class. Herteacher found her climbing one of the buildings and insisted that she came downfrom there immediately.
Akane didn’t see the big deal, coming to class wasn’t mandatory for Ultimatesas long as they passed their Exams and she felt fine!
That wasn’t the issue, though: it was breaking into the school to train beforeclass even started that caused issues to arise.
As Akane jumped from the building, one of her buttons came undone.
She made a perfect landing, her legs hadn’t even wobbled despite the heightthat she jumped from. But… she was a bit ‘exposed’ to say the least.
Akane stood before her classmates and teacher, bra and nearly whole chestexposed. She stood there, proudly with a wide grin on her face. “Did ya seethat?!” 
Oh, they definitely did.
Once she finally noticed what they were staring at, she didn’t even bother tocover herself. “Oh well, school’s over anyway! Might as well enjoy the view!” Just because she’s in-tune with her sexuality doesn’t mean she’s allowed toflaunt it.
She got sent to a week’s-worth of detention for trespassing and nude exposure, complaining the whole time since it took time away from her training.
- Mod Rantaro
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luxexhomines · 6 years
Here For You (1/?)
This is an imagine for the Danganronpa Ladies & Gents with a Self-Harming, Low Self-Esteem Reader.  No one requested it lol, I just wrote it because I wanted to and because I needed it for myself. It sounds kind of arrogant, but I hope this can offer some happy feelings or feelings of comfort. If you’re hurting, please do reach out to someone. You can talk to me, too, although I’m not sure how helpful I will be!
I plan on doing all the Danganronpa game characters eventually, or at least the second and third games because I’m not as familiar with the first one but for a start, these are some of the characters I imagine being the most aware of your self-harm and low self-esteem or finding out the most easily. I missed others, but this post is already way too long, so I’ll do another part for the aware characters and more for the rest. Imagines under the cut!
Characters included (not listed in this order): Super Danganronpa 2– Hajime, Komaeda,  Danganronpa v3– Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, Ryoma, Rantaro
Trigger warning for self-harm and negative self-talk!
Shuichi Saihara
He might not guess right away, but you can bet that he knows something is wrong.
You never want to let him know; even though you know he would be accepting and supportive, you can’t stand to imagine the look of disappointment and sadness that would etch into his features if he ever found out, god forbid him even considering the possibility that it could have anything to do with him.
You considered stopping so you wouldn’t have to hide or lie anymore, but you couldn’t see another way to cope with all the dull pain, the murky clouds hanging in your head.
So you’re always super sneaky about it.
You cut or burn yourself on places you normally never show in public anyway, like your hips or right below your chest on the rib, not quite on your stomach area.
An especially good spot for when you’re in a rush and don’t have the effort to take off any clothes is that area on the lower, inner area of your upper arm, which naturally faces toward the sides of your torso when your arms hang at your sides.
But one day you get lazy, and you can’t seem to find the will to care anymore, so it all just goes on the non-dominant side of your inner forearm and wrists.
You wear long-sleeves the day after when you have a date with Shuichi at the aquarium and regret your carelessness because now you have to make extra sure you don’t roll up those sleeves.
And the petting tank! You can’t reach in and pet the sea cucumbers because you can’t afford the consequences of rolling up your sleeves and revealing your scars.
Now Shuichi’s extra suspicious, when he asks you if you want to try picking up a starfish or reach into the tank, you decline with a conflicted expression, only saying that you weren’t that interested.
As far as he knows, you’re a curious person that likes to explore all kinds of things, so saying no to trying something new is super unexpected.
Finally, he pulls you aside at your home, asking you to answer him honestly.
Why were you so hesitant and reserved? It almost seemed like you just didn’t want to roll up your sleeves. What? Where was this coming from? His detective’s intuition.
You sigh, and figure if you didn’t tell him now, he’d find out anyway, being a detective and all.
So you roll up your sleeves, and Shuichi can only stare blankly, his face only growing paler by the second, taking in the sight of your fragile arms, marred with cuts and burns.
He doesn’t really know the right way to address your self-harm, but if it’s in any part because of low self-esteem, he understands those feelings and he’ll offer you affirmations and warm reassurances that you are everything you need to be, beautiful, attractive, talented, kind, and as far as he goes, all that he’s ever wanted.
Whatever the reason is, he’s sure to open his arms and let you come into his embrace, leaning your head on his chest or shoulder.
He knows it’s cruel of him to ask when you’re already fighting so hard, but he asks you not to hurt yourself anymore anyway. He tells you to come to him anytime you feel like hurting yourself, and together, the two of you can work something out–talking, snuggling, working out, or even just having him be there for you.
Kokichi Ouma
One day when the two of you go out on a date like normal, he’s up to his normal mischievous antics, and grabs your arm firmly to pull you along, only to have you flinch in pain.
But the pained expression is gone quickly, and you give him a big smile, hoping he doesn’t notice.
He doesn’t say anything but leads you along for the rest of the day having fun like usual, even though on the inside he’s severely concerned about your well-being.
He has his suspicions–after all, you are his s/o. But he never had any evidence until now that you had been hurting yourself.
When he reaches your home, he asks to come inside with a strangely calm, blank expression.
You giggle nervously. Why so serious? But you let him inside anyway, and he skips inside all the way to your room, sitting on your bed and staring at you intently.
What was bothering him? But he didn’t answer. What was bothering you? All you could manage was that nothing was bothering you, everything was fine.
But he called your bullshit. There was something you weren’t telling him, purposefully concealing from him, and that was lying to him. Didn’t both of you promise to be open with each other from the beginning of this relationship? Hadn’t you sworn sincerely, pinky-promised him?
You broke down and started sobbing. Yes, there was something bothering you. It was yourself, and you hated yourself even more because you couldn’t escape from yourself.
Before you could react, he had rolled up your sleeves, only to find bruises and cuts on your beautiful skin, and all you could do was cry harder, looking away from the truth of your scars and from him. He had seen it all.
He grabs your chin and lifts your face toward his. Look at him. His purple eyes suddenly seemed so sharp, so discerning, and you felt like you were falling apart at his gaze.
What was bothering you wasn’t yourself, couldn’t be counted as part of you. It wasn’t because of yourself, and you were much too good to be hating yourself. People like you should adore every inch of their skin from head-to-toe because they were the gift to humanity, unlike the little shits out there like himself.
He rubs your back reassuringly, whispering in your ear about how much he loves you, and how you should do the same, though he’d understand if it took a lot more time.
Next time you feel like hurting yourself, just call for him and he’ll take you out to play and distract you from the misery running in your mind, liberate you from your heavy thoughts.
Kaede Akamatsu
Even though Kaede can be sometimes absent-minded and appear spacey, she’s unexpectedly sharp when it comes to things like this.
You’d debated about telling her about your scars for a while, but always lost the courage to do so every time you tried to sit her down for a talk.
...Kaede? -Yeah? ...Never mind.
And sometimes she’d push the subject, sometimes she’d leave it alone. But she hadn’t gotten you to say it yourself yet, which is what she hoped you’d do.
You’re sitting in your room, looking at the box where your tools lay. You’re severely tempted, and reach out to the box if only to examine them, even though you know that always leads to more scars. But then-
Don’t do it, s/o.
She was here. In your room. You had no idea when she’d even got to your place—you vaguely remembered giving her a pair of house keys a while ago though she hadn’t used them yet—and suddenly she was standing in your room.
All you could was look at her, and you slowly put your hand down, laying it on your lap.
So...you knew, huh?
You pinned your gaze to the ground shamefully. You opened your mouth to apologize, but she had crossed the room before you realized, and put her fingers to your lips—those fingers you loved so much, from which music emerged, and which looked equally elegant even when just typing on a computer.
Stop. Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.
And she wrapped her arms around you, and you felt her tears wetting your shoulder. You couldn’t help it and started crying, too.
I wanted to tell you, you wept. But I couldn’t do it. I was so scared.
I know, she replied. It’s okay now.
Kaede rubs your back comfortingly. She lets you know that you don’t have to ever be scared of telling her anything—nothing you do or say could ever make her hate you or leave you.
Next time you feel like hurting yourself, just call her or send her a text and she’ll either rush over to keep you company or stay awake with you as long as you need over phone or messages. If you want, she can play the piano for you too, however long you want, whatever you want to listen to. So she hopes you won’t resort to hurting yourself again.
Nagito Komaeda
Like Shuichi or Hajime, he’s got an uncanny intuition for these kinds of things. Even though his hope and boundless love for you might cloud that intuition and lead him to believe that there’s no way you could think of such an ideal being as yourself in such a lowly manner, he’ll catch on and immediately plan to confront you about it.
So when you tell him you can’t go out today all of a sudden, he catches on immediately and rushes over to your house.
The doorbell rings, and you manage to make your way over to the door, only to find Nagito standing on the other side.
You don’t look sick, he muses. And you’re clearly not fulfilling another appointment. I suppose my speculations were correct, after all.
You feel extremely anxious now in addition to the crushing pain thudding in your head and heart.
W-what speculations? you stutter.
He doesn’t answer but moves to come in, and you step aside to allow him unthinkingly. He’s rather tall, so you tend to automatically let him do as he likes.
Closing the door behind him, he treks upstairs to your room without saying a word, leaving you to trail quietly behind his wide strides, confused.
He stands in front of your dressers with his hands on his hips. Then-
What’s this? he says, almost to himself.
He’s holding a small container with your tools. Without stopping to consider the implications, you dart forward to grab the box in desperation, but he raises it above your reach, opening and examining its contents for himself.
Once you realize it’s futile, you sit on the bed with your elbows on your knees, head in hands. This was it. He’d leave you and never come back, find a greater hope because that was just his way.
But he simply walked over to a corner of your room, and you heard clattering as your tools fell into the plastic garbage can. You hear a small click as he places the box back on your bedroom dresser, and feel his weight sink down on the bed beside you.
S/o, he murmurs.
You lift your head a bit to look at him. And what hurts most isn’t that he looks disappointed, like you expected. Instead, he’s smiling softly, looking pained.
I guess I really am that unreliable, huh? he asks. You couldn’t rely on scum like me to help you.
Your eyes widen in shock and you shake your head wildly in response.
That’s not it, Nagito! I just…
He looked at you with those gentle eyes of his. What? What is it, s/o?
You couldn’t stop yourself from crying.
I just thought you’d leave me if you ever found out. Leave me for someone better, someone more full of the hope you love.
Silence reigned for a couple stark moments.
My my, he said quietly. Even though I may be garbage, I’m not so completely hopeless. he laughs at his own pun, bitterly.
He takes your face in both hands, cradling it and looking into your eyes kindly with a warm olive gaze.
S/o, my hope only lies in you. And the fact that you’ve been battling against such despair is only further proof of the strength of the hope that sleeps inside you.
Nagito brushes your tears away and lets your head rest on his chest, wrapping his long arms around you.
You feel safer than you ever have—safe from the dangers of outside, safe from yourself.
He makes sure you know just how much he loves you, and tells you that he’ll do anything you need to help overcome this despair. He’ll cook you food, give you lots of soft cuddles, bring you to the therapist, whatever you desire. All you need is ask.
Rantaro Amami
It happens one day as the two of you are out, shopping. You’ve just refused to try on the outfit he picked out for you, perhaps a little bit too adamantly, too loudly, and not only are you starting to look suspicious, but you also feel guilty and wonder if you made him feel bad.
S-Sorry! you stutter. It’s not because of you or anything. I just...don’t feel like changing today, you lie.
Rantaro assesses your fidgeting figure, and nods in understanding, but doesn’t put the clothes back on the rack. Instead, he grasps your hand firmly in his own and pulls you along forcefully to the changing rooms.
Didn’t you hear me, Rantaro? you panic. I don’t want to change.
He doesn’t turn to face you as he speaks, dragging you into a changing room and closing the door behind both of you.
I heard, he says. I’ll help you change, then.
You shake your head and back up as he closes in on you, the backs of your knees hitting the chair and causing you to lose balance and sit. Rantaro isn’t usually even half this forceful, and you’re scared.
You close your eyes, scared as he comes in closer, only to feel his warm, nimble fingers taking your arm and rolling up the sleeve. You realize your mistake, and without the courage to face what’s happened, you leave your eyes closed, not knowing how Rantaro would react.
Then, you feel his presence disappear after letting go of your arm, and you open your eyes, feeling lost. He really left you. You try to keep the tears away, but they won’t stop coming out as you wipe them with the back of your hand.
All of a sudden, someone’s taking your arm and placing bandages over the fresh cuts. You look over in surprise to see the familiar green-haired boy kneeling in front of you, and hiccup through your tears.
I didn’t realize it hurt that much, s/o, he says apologetically. I should’ve noticed earlier, but I didn’t want to cause you any unnecessary strife.
You pause for a moment, staring at him as he finishes up, and he places a tender kiss to your wrapped arm. You giggle at the ticklish sensation, and then start talking.
I’m sorry, Rantaro. It didn’t hurt that much, but I thought you had left me for good. I thought you weren’t coming back.
He looks up, clearly shocked. He has his clumsy moments too, after all.
Well, that’s no good, he scolds you. Would I do something like that, now?
When you only bite your lip in response and then shake your head hesitantly, he offers a wide smile.
Looks like you’ll need some convincing, he says cheerily.
Before you can ask what he means, he rolls your sleeve down over the bandaged arm and sweeps you up in his arms, walking out of the changing room and the store while peppering you with kisses all the way back home, on your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, the tips of your blushing ears, and your soft lips, letting words of praise fall from his lips and shoot straight into your heart.
Rantaro is sure to let you know that he’s here anytime you need him. He’s got obligations to his job, yes, but if you’re in dire need, he’ll call in sick and bring you his comfort pack–a manicure set, heated blanket, stack of feel-good movies, box of hot cocoa/tea/coffee, and offer you a massage and lots of kisses. He’s definitely the kind of person to bring you to a cat cafe, or if you’re allergic, a themed cafe to bring your spirits up.
Hajime Hinata
There’s no way Hajime wouldn’t realize something’s wrong. He’s literally the most observant guy in the world, and if he notices anything off, he’ll investigate until he finds the truth and a solution.
Lately, Hajime has been noticing the way you fade in and out of awareness, and the way a somewhat melancholy expression settles on your face when you zone out and aren’t paying attention or talking to him.
Hello? S/o? Are you listening to me? he waves a hand in front of your face, slightly irritated with your lack of attention.
You snap out of it and your eyes shoot back up to meet his furtively.
Hajime? Oh, no, did I do it again? you ask, feeling guilty.
He sighs in exasperation. You knew you don’t have to come and meet him if you don’t want to, right? Why even bother spend time with him if you were just going to drift off on your own?
You grip your other arm with your dominant hand tightly, tempted to scratch at your scars, the still healing bruises and cuts, and try to prevent yourself from shaking as you answer.
I’m sorry, that’s not it, you reply, looking away from him.
Then what is it, anyway? he asks. Why don’t you tell me?
I… I can’t, is all you can say.
He abruptly stands up in the cafe, pays for both of your orders and starts walking out. Troubled, you follow him like an abandoned puppy, teasing your bottom lip between your front teeth anxiously. Hajime didn’t even know why you were still following him after he’d walked out like that.
He felt a tug on his sleeve as he was fast-walking on the sidewalk, and stopped.
What is it? he said. I thought you couldn’t tell me?
His eyes looked tired and his entire demeanor was aggravated. You didn’t mean to hurt him like this. Weren’t you the one who was hurting in the first place?
You took a deep breath before saying anything.
Can we talk? you said quietly. At my house.
He grudgingly turns around with a nod, acquiescing. Relieved, you walk beside him and are surprised to feel his warm, large hand intertwine with yours. You look up at his face, which is slightly red from the chill of the air outside, and see his kind eyes.
You might get lost in the crowd if I don’t hold on to you, he mutters. Hurry up.
You speed up your walking pace, and soon enough, the two of you have arrived at your house. The two of you seat yourselves on the couch, side-by-side. There’s silence for some time as you try to decide how best to say what you want to say.
But before you start to speak, you feel him take your non-dominant arm in his, and surprised, all you can do is let him as he rolls up the sleeve.
Upon him seeing your scars, you hear a sharp intake of breath. Then, he takes his fingertips and trails them ever-so-lightly across your arm, as if you might fall apart at his touch.
Is this what you wanted to tell me? he said, so quiet you almost didn’t hear him. He’s the quietest you’ve ever heard.
You nod robotically. What else was there to do?
Hajime slings an arm around your lower back, pulling you closer to him by the waist, and you feel his lips touch your temple in a gentle show of affection as he speaks, his voice sending pleasant vibrations down your spine.
I’m sorry I was such a jerk, he apologizes. I was worried, and I felt like you didn’t trust me and that’s why you didn’t want to tell me. I should’ve known you were just as worried so you couldn’t tell me.
When he says these words, another wave of immense relief runs through you like a douse of thick syrup, and you feel tears fall from your eyes.
Thank you, Hajime, you replied, still crying. I do trust you, and if I were going to rely on anyone, of course, it’d be you. I was scared you’d be disgusted, that you’d leave me.
You feel his grip around you tighten, and he leans in to smother your lips with kisses.
Trust me, he says. The thought of leaving you scares me more than it does you.
He lets you sit on his lap in an unusually daring show of affection, rolls of blankets wrapped around the two of you, and his arms are protectively wrapped around your middle.
If you feel like hurting yourself again, Hajime will drop everything and give you lots of affection, because you’re just that worth it. Or, if you’re in the mood for something else, he’ll accompany you as you engage in other activities, like exercising, cooking, or eating a tub of ice cream. 
After all, he’s not really mindful about what it is that you two do together. He just hopes he can help you distract yourself and do something more loving of yourself!
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma’s not really sure how to approach you and talk about it. He’s never been good at these kinds of situations, didn’t know what was socially proper or exactly how being tactful would look like. After all, it was suffering, and no one can make suffering beautiful, despite any glorified portrayals.
But he knows. Even if he’s never seen your scars directly, he knows by the way you talk about yourself and how you rub your arm when you’re feeling miserable.
He decides to just be upfront about it and calls you over to his house. You’re pretty surprised because he usually never invites you over–in fact, you have to invite yourself over if you ever want to see even a glimpse of his home–but accept.
You come in and ask him if he wanted to see you for a particular reason.
Well… he trails off. I’m not really sure how to say this, he says. Let’s sit on the couch.
Now you’re sweating bullets. This was sounding an awful lot like the precursor to a breakup. You suddenly feel desperate to show him how much you love him, but you know there’s no point in delaying the inevitable either, so you swallow nervously and sit as he requested.
S/o. I know about your scars, he says.
That was not what you were expecting. Or the way you expected him to say it. But what did you expect, anyway? Ryoma had always been pretty straightforward. Before you answer, he puts a hand on yours, which is plopped in your lap and looks you in the eye.
I love you, s/o. I hope you know that. I know it sounds selfish to say it this late in the game, or after I revealed that I know about your self-harm, but I wasn’t sure if I had told you before. And to be completely honest with you, I did it before too, once.
You wet your lips nervously and place your other hand on top of his.
Ryoma… I love you too. I thought you were going to break up with me for a moment there.
His eyes widen comically, and then he pulls his hat downwards a bit in embarrassment.
Sorry, wasn’t sure how I’d come off. I never know how to approach these kinds of things, he replies.
That’s okay, you smile gently. I’m glad you told me directly. It’s relieving to have someone know about it, really.
He seems to contemplate this for a moment and then smiles back hesitantly.
So I’m the first to know?
You affirm the notion, nodding.
Ryoma’s usually not one for too much physical affection, although he’s always fine with you initiating it. But this time, he scoots closer and puts an arm around your back, bringing the two of your bodies flush together, and you automatically lean down for a kiss on the cheek from him by habit.
He’s pretty down-to-earth, so if you ever beat yourself up over something and attribute it to your personal failing of character, he’ll reason through the situation with you. He’s also given you a set of keys to come to his house anytime you need, although he doesn’t guarantee his presence. Of course, you can text him to ask if he’ll be home, too, or ask him to come to your house–he’s a dedicated fella who knows the way the pain only increases tenfold when alone, surrounded by dark thoughts and energy. Ryoma’s here for you, and in his words, whether you like it or not.
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