#i gotta be honest i never cared much for wildflower
ghost-of-you · 2 years
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calpops · 4 years
engagement party | c.h.
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Your engagement party with Calum goes off without a hitch and questions about the wedding get answered with grins and full hearts.
1.3k words
dates with cal masterlist
Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
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Thousands of blooming flowers surround you, stems and petals and fairy lights creating a demure glow to the night. People linger all about and Calum stays at your side. The ring on your finger glimmers under a full bright moon as friends and family come up to congratulate you both and take a peek at the opal and flecks of diamond. You wear a smile that doesn’t go away and Calum matches you, eyes crinkling and hands squeezing yours. He’s dressed up but not as much he will be for the wedding, images of him in a proper tux invading your thoughts. His parents and Mali even made it to the party, Calum flying them out without a second thought after the night he consoled you and promised you he and his family were your family now.
Michael and Luke come up at the same time with their partners on their arms and genuine happiness for the both of you on their faces. Small talk ensues about the wedding before Calum clears his throat and gives them both a knowing look.
“You’ll both be in my groom’s court?” Calum asks though you’re pretty sure he doesn’t have to. They’re his brothers and would never say no.
“Obviously,” Luke says and claps Calum on the back. The unasked question of one of them being the best man doesn’t phase either of them. You’re pretty sure everyone knows who that will be; there’s no envy or hard feelings about it. You’re also pretty sure they’ll all circle around to each being a best man for each other at some point.
“Couldn’t stop me even if you tried,” Michael joked, the entire group laughing but knowing the joke was quite honest. “I really didn’t know this day would ever come,” Michael continued, a teasing air to his tone. “Until the day he came back from your first date. Then I figured it would happen eventually.”
You go warm through a night breeze at Michael’s admission and look to Calum who only smiles at the told truth. The bench you sat on for your first date is just ahead of you, memories of sweaty hands and blushing cheeks, gentle small talk, a walk home and an even more gentle kiss on the cheek flood you. Calum quietly recounts that day to the group who coo at the memory. The botanical garden is the perfect place to celebrate the engagement. It had been in Calum’s plans since he decided to buy you a ring and ask you to marry him. Ashton comes through the small crowd suddenly, a glass of sparkling cider in his hands and amusement in his eyes.
“I told Calum to propose to you here,” Ashton says with a shrug. “Not that it would’ve happened that way anyway,” he says with a knowing eye. You go flush at the comment but Calum pulls you closer, fits you under his arm and shakes his head. The night of the proposal had been a bit of a disaster but a yes and the next day had made up for it tenfold.
“I wanted to save it for this… and the wedding…” Calum trails off and looks at you. “If you’d like that?”
You’re nodding before words of confirmation can form. He’s smiling. The group rings in with their approval and comments of how beautiful that will be. “I would. Can we? Is it possible?” You inquire. The engagement party being here during closing hours is one thing, but a wedding during business hours is another.
“I’ve already looked into it,” Calum confirms with a nod and dips down to kiss your cheek. “But we can look for other venues too, just to be sure.”
You shake your head. You’ve already got images of the wedding here in your mind. The crowd of close friends and family mingling with flowers and lights helps to bring the picture alive. A wedding arch where the bench you first sat would be divine with blossoming marigolds behind you, possibly even intertwined into the lattice work of the arch you can conjure up in your imagination. You don’t want to be married anywhere else.
“No, this is perfect,” you say, mind made up without needing to venture anywhere else.
The group starts to disperse so other people can congratulate you but Calum holds Ashton back.
“I gotta ask you something,” he says and makes Ashton pause and turn back around to face you both. You already know the question that will pass Calum’s lips. “Would you be the best man?”
Ashton’s grin is splitting, dazzling against the background of highlighted flowers. He nods through his words. “Of course. I’m so happy for you two,” he says and pulls you both into a hug with his drink splashing around the rim at the motion. Ashton and Calum both choke back what could be tears.
“Thanks mate, for everything,” Calum says as you realize how much Ashton has done for Calum and for your relationship with him. He was the one to fly to London with him to help pick out the ring with Mali, the one to help plan the proposal that accidentally happened twice. You have no doubt he will be the best best man.
“Anytime,” Ashton promises and steps away so Calum’s parents and Mali can take his place.
You have your own question to ask Calum’s sister. As soon as she’s in hearing distance you’re blurting it out—a lot less practiced than Calum’s question for Ashton—and she’s nodding as she wraps her arms around you, forcing Calum’s hold from you in favor of hers.
“I was wondering if you’d ask me to be the maid of honor,” she said as she pulled away from the hug.
“I told her you would,” Calum comments and throws his hands up in surrender when you give him a look for ruining the surprise. “She wouldn’t drop it. I had to tell her,” he defends and Mali corroborates for him.
“There’s no one else I’d want up there with us,” you promise much to her delight and satisfaction.
Mali and Calum’s parents wish you both well and move on for others to come through but you pull Calum aside when you want a moment alone. Crowds—even small ones with only people closest to you— have never been your favorite. You need a moment to catch your breath and calm down, Calum’s presence always helpful in those endeavors.
“Doing okay?” He questions, concern evident in gentle brown eyes.
“Yes,” you answer honestly, you are okay, you’re overwhelmed with happiness at what the future holds and all that this party means. You sigh, unsure you can put that into words. Instead you settle for, “I can’t wait to be married.”
Calum smirks. “I can’t wait for the honeymoon,” he says and pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. He’s delicate with you and his words are enough to get you to laugh. You needed this moment alone with him more than you first realized.
He wraps his arms around you and kisses the side of your head in your moment of being alone with him and bliss. Your friends and family linger out in the garden while you soak up Calum’s affections and jokes.
“Will you ever tell me where this honeymoon might be?” You wonder aloud, Calum having told you he had it taken care of.
“No, that’d ruin the surprise,” he says. “Just trust me.”
“I do,” you reply and grin at the word choice you will be saying again soon enough. Calum catches it too and smiles along with you. I do isn’t so far away and you know those words will last forever.
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Based on the dwc prompts: “Will you be the best man?”, “I can’t wait to be married”, “I can’t wait for the honeymoon” and @outerspaceisbetterthannothing message: Engagement party in a botanical garden they had their first date (where Cal planned on asking her to marry him originally). Everything is in the lights and looks magical. Ash mocks her how he ruined a perfect proposal they spent weeks organized. His family is here (he had no doubts and flown them out), she asks Mali to be her maid of honour and says how she’s always wanted a sister. And Cal is happier than he ever though he could be.
Tagged: @rosecolouredash @irwinkitten @golden-hood @who-do-you-love-5sos @caswinchester2000 @wildflowergrae @empathycth @cuddlemecalx @malumsmermaid @babylon-corgis @outerspaceisbetterthannothing @mariellelovescupcakes @xhaileyreneex @goth5sos @gosh-im-short @feliznavidaddycal @loveroflrh @findingliam-o @flowerthug @g-l-pierce @talkfastromance4 @superbloomirwin @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer @wastedheartcth @calumscalm @notinthesameguey @lukesfuckingbeard @myloverboyash @treatallwithkindness @haikucal @wiildflower-xxx @calum-uncrowned @egyptiangoldhood @drarryetcetera @another-lonely-heart @megz1985​ @idk-harry​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @wildflower-cth​ @idontneedanyone​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @myfavfanficsever​ @stormrider505​ @karajaynetoday​ @333-xx​ @calumshpod​ @calumsphile​ @calumrose​ @justhereforcalum​ @grreatgooglymoogly​ @calumance​ @mantlereid @hemmingslftv​ 
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honeypirate · 3 years
Easy Living part two
Part one
Obi Akitaru x Fem!reader
Obi Akitaru falls in love with the girl at the rock show
Also ducks survived the cataclysm
Song one
Song two
Song three
Song four
Song five alternate version
Obi didn't see you outside of the office where you were doing paperwork. He thought you were avoiding him but you interacted with him during office hours so he couldn't really convince himself at first. You had said you were too tired to eat with everyone and just wanted to rest, which is how you got out of family dinners and could sneak in and eat after everyone leaves.
After a week and a half of this, he plans to find you and talk to you. Oh how he missed your jokes and your presence. You get back from your physical therapy and he meets you at the door “come with me” he says and takes your good hand “we’re going out”
You get ice cream, and just walk the town for a while. You figured he would want to talk soon but to be honest you havent quite dealt with your feelings yet. You didnt know what to say. Hey sorry Captain I’ve been avoiding you a little so i could squash all the romantic feelings i have for you since you only want to be best friends. No hard feelings? Also I feel like a failure because Im useless right now?
No. You couldn’t be that honest, but you would be honest enough
He stops by a bench next to the trees that have started to bloom in the warm spring air. You sit beside him, a little farther than usual and he sighs “talk to me. Please” he says softly and you swallow “about what?” you ask, your voice a little shaky and nervous. “y/n” he sighs “okay, i’ll just ask. Why have you been avoiding me after we had tea?” he leans his elbows down on his thighs and looks over at you.
You swallow hard and look down at your toes, giving your ice cream cone you were nursing a lick to buy some time.
“Obi, i’ve just been really tired. It wasn’t you. I promise. As you said, we are best friends forever. Please dont think im avoiding you i promise im not really. It’s just so hard to not use my arm, i cant do my job like i need, i feel like im useless. And youre my Captain! i dont want to be less than you deserve as a team member”
He brushes your hair back behind your ear and you gasp, looking from your toes into his eyes. “I’m your friend first remember? And so here I am, asking you as a friend, please dont think you have to avoid me. I dont think less of you because youre injured, youre not broken or ruined, youre just hurt. And you’re perfect the way that you are at any moment so dont even start with thinking you’re less than anyone. Youre incredibly strong and smart always. Let me be there for you. Right now as a man and not as your captain. Okay?” you feel your heart rate beat erratically in your chest and you kick yourself form coming along. Those perfect things he said to you from the perspective of a f r i e n d. God you loved him so much it hurt. Hurt because he doesnt love you back. More than a best friend anyway.
You do your best to go back to normal, you talk to him more, forcing yourself to attend dinners and joke like normal, ignorning the growing cracks in your heart.
A few weeks later, after a mission you werent allowed to go on, Obi announces a celebration “Since we just had a successful huge mission, we will be celebrating and inviting the companies we have friends in. so the 5th, 7th, and 2nd, will all be attending.” you dont deny that youre excited. You love celebrations because it meant the best barbeque plus you cant wait to talk to Hibana and Konro.
That night after your physio you talk to Maki and Vulcan, planning to take care of the entertainment for the night. Vulcan on the drums, Maki on the electric guitar, and you on vocals. You spent the next few days preparing and getting all the music sheets for them from songs you all put together. A list of 8 songs that everyone would enjoy, or so you hoped.
Your arm didn’t have to be in a sling anymore, it was healed but the muscles were tight and the scar tissue hurt. you had to work through that but your physical therapist said you would work that slowly and it would be almost 100% again.
When the day arrived for the celebration you felt nervous as hell. “Are you excited to do this?!” Vulcan says and pats your good shoulder and you laugh “I’m nervous and excited” Maki squeals as she does a sound check on her guitar “this is going to be so cool!”
When you guys move out to the stage, you get everyone’s attention by tapping the mic, a squeal going through the speakers before Viktor adjusts some settings on the computer.
“Hey guys. We put together a little entertainment for you all. Hope you enjoy it” you look around at everyone as they make their way over to the stage. Obi’s eyes were wide and he was grinning ear to ear, you didn’t tell many about this so it could be a surprise and you knew that was a good choice with the look in his eyes. He made his was to front of the crowd, whistling loudly as Maki began to strum.
Vulcan hits the drums as you begin to sing
“Scar tissue that I wish you saw
Sarcastic mister know-it-all
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause
With the birds I’ll share” after the first verse your eyes flick down to Obi and he has the biggest smile you’ve seen. It makes your heart flutter as you wink at him as you sing the chorus
“With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'
With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'”
The end of the first song everyone cheers loud and you feel proud as you laugh with the excitement and atmosphere. Obi is your loudest cheerleader.
Vulcan leaves the drums to stand by the keyboard for the next song as Maki plays the chords.
“You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free
Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere all bright and new” your eyes flick down to Obi and you smile softly
“ I have seen no other
Who compares with you”
Some people hold up lighters and those with fire abilities hold some fire up and sway side to side, the atmosphere is light and easy, a moment where no one is thinking about infernals and government problems.
You sang the four softer songs Maki chose first before taking a water break then going back on stage to finish strong with four songs you were excited about since you knew they were some of your and Obi’s favorites.
You look down at Obi when the music starts and the recognition in his eyes makes you grin. You know most people in your company know this song because of Obi. “You show us everything you've got
You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You say you wanna go for a spin
The party's just begun, we'll let you in
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy
You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin'”
You feel your body feel with pride when the crowd sings the chorus and you realize more people know those song then you thought
“I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day x4”
The cheering at the end of this song makes you laugh before you take another drink of water and move on to the next few songs until you end with the last two you were excited about.
“Okay everyone. Two left” you smile at the boos that are scattered “ We’re glad you liked this show and hope you had fun here. There’s extra food so if you’re hungry make sure you fill up” You wink at Obi again as you begin to sing the song as he whistles loudly when the guitar begins, throwing his fists in the air doing his devil horns.
“This is a thing I've never known before
It's called easy livin'
This is a place I've never seen before
And I've been forgiven
Easy livin' and I've been forgiven
Since you've taken your place in my heart”
This one was one of your favorites and you got into it dancing around on the stage. When it ends you laugh and smile as they cheer. “Okay guys. I dedicate this last song to the companies here tonight thank you all for making this not a complete failure. I was nervous but now.. this has been a dream come true of mine honestly. Anyway. For you” you look down at Obi and he nods and then whistles again when he recognizes the song
“A company always on the run
A destiny, oh it's the rising sun” the crowd cheers and you get goosebumps
“I was born, a shotgun in my hands
Behind the gun
I'll make my final stand, yeah
That's why they call me” you look down at Obi and he sings with you
“Bad company
I can't deny
Bad, bad company
'Til the day I die
Until the day I die”
Your voice fades out and Vulcan and Maki finish their notes and the crowd goes nuts. You bring Vulcan and Maki up and you hold hands and bow before waving and exiting the stage.
A few pats on the back and many people telling you how great that was was a little overwhelming and Obi could tell. He pushes through the crowd and takes your hand “gotta borrow this rock star for a moment excuse us please” he says and takes you with him behind the stage where he could let you take a breather.
“Looked a little overwhelmed with the loving crowd” he says and leans against the side of the wall behind the stage. “Just a bit. Thank you Obi” he hasn’t stopped smiling and his eyes are filled with stars for you. “I didn’t know you could sing Little Duck” he says and you chuckle “there’s a lot you don’t know about me Obi” you say with a smirk and drink of your water bottle. “And I love discovering new things about you.” he says softly and you feel your cheeks flush under his soft gaze “is that right?” You ask in a flirty tone and you cock your head with a smile. “Yes. It is” he says and you stare into each other’s eyes for a moment, soft smiles and a warm feeling growing in your bones.
“Hey y/n I brought you some food since we missed out” Vulcan says and hands you a plate “you’re a lifesaver Vulcan thank you!” You say and take it with a grin. Obi kicks himself for not thinking of that and scowls at the weird jealousy he feels spike in his heart at the way you smiled at Vulcan. He shakes his head and excuses himself to go talk to Hinawa.
“That was weird” Vulcan says and you raise an eyebrow in question, mouthful but he understood you “he looked at me like I just flirted with his girl. How weird is that?” You laugh and your cheeks dust slightly pink “I’m sure there was something else on his mind, we’re just friends” you say and take another bite of your barbecue, moaning a little about how delicious it is. Vulcan just shrugs “that was really amazing. Great idea y/n! It was so fun. If you ever wanna jam again I’m down” you smile and nod “I’ll take you up on that sometime”
“Are you sure you don’t have feelings for her?” Hinawa says, acting like it’s annoying him that he has to have this conversation to hide the fact he finds it entertaining that his Captain is so blind. “She’s been my best friend for so long. Wouldn’t I have had feelings for her before today?” Hinawa sighs “are you sure you haven’t?” Obi feels like his mind expands as he connects the dots. “Well damn” Obi says with a slight smile teasing the corners of his mouth and Hinawa shakes his head.
After that night you didn’t see Obi outside of work for a week. It was weird. Like the tables have turned and now you don’t know why he’s avoiding you. He calls you into your office and you feel a little worried.
“You wanted to see me sir?” You said as stood at attention in front of his desk. Outside of this room you felt like he was your Obi but every time he calls you into his office you feel completely different. The atmosphere he held in that room for you, powerful and commanding, you were intimidated and slightly turned on but you never would allow yourself to think of that.
“I wanted to check in on how your therapy is going” he says, his face was stoic and level, but you see there’s something in his eye, something has changed. “It’s going well Sir” you raise your arm and show your limited range of motion “she says I’ll be back to good and cleared for duty soon, since I’m well enough now to have more frequent appointments.” he nods and makes a note on his small pad of paper. “Are your ignition abilities okay? Do you need training there?” You shake your head “no Sir. My abilities haven’t been effected” he nods once and then smiles, a soft smile that shows way more emotion from him than your used to “that’s all. I’m glad you’re doing well. Dismissed” “thank you Sir” you salute and then turn and leave, feeling extremely confused at the emotion you saw in his eyes.
You chew your lip as you pace the walkways of the company, pacing and thinking, (more like overthinking amirite) and trying to decide if you should talk to him. You somehow end up in the tallest room of the building, looking out over the town and the sunset. You get a flashback to your first day as a fire fighter, walking back to the truck with your team you were in the back of the group by Obi and he stopped to look at the sunset for a moment. “Remember y/n, take a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. It’s always taken for granted” that’s what he said to you that made you admire him. The original seed your feelings grew from. You smiled and turned, running down the steps to try and find him, to tell him.
“Hey Arthur have you seen the Captain?” You asked when he was the first one you saw “oh yeah. He just left with the girl from the flower shop” you raise your eyebrows “left with Margret? Why?” He shrugs “I don’t know. Probably a date. She seemed really happy” you laugh once in shock “huh” you say and he just shrugs, going back to his pretending to be a knight with his plasma blade as you walk out of the room.
You pace the halls again until you eventually give up. You won’t tell him. He’ll never know. You hope he’s happy with Margaret, she seems like a lovely woman.
Every day being around him sucks, you wish you could take some time off to go away for a little bit so you wouldnt have to see him, wouldnt have to feel the pain anymore. It made you look forward to your physio appointments but even those are ending soon, only two left before you're cleared. Dont get you wrong, you are excited to be cleared to work again, paperwork was beginning to annoy you, but you were going to miss the excuse to get out every once in a while so you wouldn't have to see him anymore. At least until you have gotten over him.
He notices you pulling away, avoiding him again. He doesnt understand everything was going so well. He was planning this big confession and spent forever with the florist planning the perfect bouquet and getting her help on what girls would like in a confession, he has the whole thing planned out but now you wont even look at him uness you have to. He’s so frustrated! When did communicating with each other get this hard?
You get back from physio and he meets you at the door again, this time hiding his emotions and just giving you a look that tells you to follow him. He takes you to the same empty room you were in yesterday, at the very top of the company. “Captain?” you ask softly, your eyes on the ground and your hands gripping the strap of your bag that is across your chest hard enough to lighten your knuckles. “Little duck” he whispers softly, his voice held something you couldn't place, something you never heard from him before, and when you realize what it is your eyes meet his. It was pain.
“My little ducky” he says softly “why?” you feel your walls break, your hard work to build them up and forget about your love for the captain turned to ash as you cover your face with your hands, tears burning your eyes. “I.. I just” you swallow hard and pull yourself together, you wont cry in front of him. You sniff and grit your teeth, dropping your hands and controlling the emotions on your face “I hope you are happy with Margaret” you say and look behind him, knowing if you saw his pain you’d for sure cry.
“What.. who the hell is margaret?” he says and you furrow your brows as confusing fills your mind. You look to your feet “Arthur said you’re dating Margaret, the florist” he laughs “her name is Margaret? I thought it was Molly, that’s awkward. But no, I am not dating the florist. Why would you believe aAthur? He thinks he's a knight ninja king or something”
“I uh, i gota go” you say and turn to leave but he takes your hand, pulling you to his embrace. “No you dont” he whispers and gently holds your head to his chest. “Tell me. I need you to tell me what is going on. Right now on this roof we are going to tell each other everything we’ve been hiding, starting with how you have been avoiding me again” you feel your eyes burn again, this time because of how frustrated you were with your stupidity..
“I feel so stupid i dont want to say” you mumble into his chest and he laughs “my precious ducky, please tell me” he says softly and you pull back, deciding to look into his eyes when you tell him the truth. “I couldn't deal with being around you knowing how much I love you since I thought you were with someone else. It hurt too much to see you. I thought i lost my chance”
He laughs softly “how could i fall in love with anyone else when the best woman is right in front of me?” you look up at him with a shocked expression and you almost turn to look behind you to see if there was anyone else there but you controlled yourself. You just cleared your throat and asked “what?” he laughs and cups your cheek, his strong callused hands holding you gentler than you could have ever imagined after seeing him crack a jar of pickles when he was opening it.
He leans down to your ear and whispers “I love you. I've loved you since the beginning. My little ducky” you gasp and turn your face to connect your lips to his. You melt into him as his strong arms wrap around your waist, lifting you to his chest as he kisses you deeply, his tongue swipes at your lip and you meet him with your own, making him hum in approval as you runs your fingers across his short cut hair on the back of his head, the shaved hair tickling your palms before you move higher to get his longer lengths in your fingertips.
You didn't even remember him picking you up until your feet touch the ground again. “You love me?” you ask when you pull back, right up against his lips and he sighs softly, pressing his forehead into yours. “I love you y/n” he says and you feel your stomach flip as a slow grin spreads over your face before your hands move to his shoulders as your bag falls to the ground and you jump, wrapping your legs around his waist as he catches you easily with a laugh
You kiss his lips again, overcome with happiness, pecking them a few times quickly before peppering kisses around his face “i love you” you whisper between kisses and he laughs as he holds you tight, his heart fluttering to know you feel the same. You pull back and smile down at him “i'm sorry i was such an idiot” you whisper and then hop down from his arms. “you’re not an idiot sweetheart. If i found out you were dating someone else and not me, that would hurt. I would have to avoid you for a while too. I dont want you to be with anyone else but me” he says and you blush, your heart melting as you take his large hands in your own “so when ya taking me out on a real date big guy?” you ask with a blush and he smiles “since you asked, sweetheart, that’s kind of the reason i was with Maggie to begin with” “margaret” “yeah margaret. She was helping me plan the perfect way to confess to you, i had this whole pan. So this friday, you and me, 7pm. I have a reservation downtown and will be getting you the best bouquet of flowers you ve ever seen so get ready” you laugh a little awkwardly “sorry for ruining your plan” you say and he smiles, kissing your forehead “you haven't ruined anything. you love me, nothing is better than that. Plus this means i can kiss you sooner than i was hoping” he leans down and presses his lips to yours softer than before shooting tingles down your spine “and it’s so much better than I imagined” he admits and you grin “then dont stop” you whisper and he smirks “anything for you sweetheart” he says before his lips are crashing into yours again
“So whats this about a duck”
Shinra asks at dinner and you groan as Obi laughs hard. You look pointedly at everyone there “okay but this does not leave this table and if it does i will beat ALL of your asses, so its more incentive for one of you to not say a thing because imagine how the rest of you will feel about the one who spilled” they all nod with a laugh and Hinawa rolls his eyes, knowing you’d never dare to beat his ass.
“Back when Obi and i were greenies” you look to him and he has a shit eating grin on his face as he lays his hand on your knee under the table. “We were just normal fire fighters, so calls like getting a cat out of a tree was nothing new. But this was a call about a duck. I answered the phone and it went a little bit like this” you put your hand to your ear like a phone
“thank you for calling the Fire Defence Agency, my name is Y/n how may i help you today?”
your voice changes to sound like an older gentleman “yes, my duck is stuck, please help.”
voice is yours again “your duck sir?”
“Yes. Herbert the duck. He cannot fly. Come immediately. 2836 the street name rd”
“Then he hangs up. Obi and i were the only ones there since we were greenies and had to man the phones during lunch hour so we roll out and get to his house and sure enough a duck is stuck on top of this mans roof” you hold your hands up and try to shape it out for them “he had this house where the top was sort of curved like this just above his front door” you bring your hands up and around in an arc. The truck we have doesnt have the laddder but it’s not too high so Obi puts me on his shoulders and as i go to grab this little bastard he screams in my face and pecks my eye” Obi is laughing remembering it “hush let me finish” you say to him with a smile
“So this damn Herbert the duck, my eye is watering and it hurts and i'm cursing up a storm as Obi laughs his ass off and tries to hold me steady. i get a hold on Herberts back, holding down its wings so i can easily lift it into my arms and as i pull it towards me he pecks my OTHER EYE” Obi is holding in cackles, he knows whats coming and can hear the mans voice as clear as day in his head “then Obi brings me down and im crying uncontrollably, my eyes burning as this duck watches me smugly hand him over to his care taker and then the gentleman goes”
You change your voice to mimic the mans again “watch out, he’s a pecker” Obi is laughing so hard along with Vulcan and Shinra, the rest chuckling along with.
“And i'm standing there, eyes leaking unctronably from being pecked in both eyes, and he just takes his duck and walks inside his house. I had to go to the doctor and get vaccines for all these diseases that ducks apparently have.” Obi catches his breath and wipes his tears “you should have heard her on the way back from the doctor, two eyepatches on and going on a tangent about how ducks should have gone extinct and left the geese since they are much cuter. I couldn’t stop laughing the whole drive home”
You slap his arm playfully “you saw that picture at the museum they look so cute and kind!” he smiles and holds your hand “I wonder how Herbert the duck is doing” he asks and you smile “probably not as well as I am” you smile around the table at your team and friends, all smiling and still chuckling softly imagining your story.
“I can’t believe that one of the first things you liked about me was my tangent about ducks” you say as you crawl into bed beside him. He laughs and wraps his arms around you, hugging you to his chest “you were so cute and funny. I knew I needed to keep you around me because you made life fun and wonderful because that’s who you are” you kiss his cheek as he continues, rolling over and holding you “I knew I wanted to have you forever but I was too dense to realize I loved you” he nuzzles into your neck and lays on your chest, his weight and warmth comforting. “I love you” you whisper and he kisses you neck softly “I love you sweetheart”
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hoeassproductions · 4 years
Break A Leg: Chapter 11
***Author’s Note: Hey everyone, I am so sorry that you’ve waiting this long for this story to finish out. I happened to come on here after I haven’t been on Tumblr for almost two years. I honestly thought I had posted the last chapter but realized it’s been sitting in my drafts this whole time! How freaking lame!! Anyways, this got an updated edit and without further ado, the last chapter to Break A Leg! I hope you like it!***
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own, possess, or have any links to Chris Evans, nor do I profit off of this work. Any claims otherwise are grossly misleading. This work is not to be posted anywhere else without my explicit permission.
If you would like to be added to any future tag list, reply here or send me an ask. I’d be happy to add you! Happy reading!
Word Count: ~2,500
The Beginning
“Sooooo. . .you've been talking to your mom about me?”
Chris begins to turn crimson as he tries to explain away anything Lisa may have overshared.
“Oh god, what did she say? I only told her the good stuff, I promise. I will talk to her about being nosy. She’s a sweet woman. I love her to death and tell her everything.” he says with a shrug of his shoulder.
“I could tell that, yeah.” I say, not being able to hide the smile that beams from my face in listening to him talk about his mom.
“You have no idea.” He chuckles, and I can visibly see the tension leave his body as he realizes I'm not mad.
"Don't worry Evans, I think it's sweet and I don't mind. Just a little taken aback I guess. I don't know, she seemed really excited to meet me. I want to meet her too, don't get me wrong! It's just…" I take a small breathe as I meet Chris eyes as he waits for me to find the words. "… Is she that excited to meet all of your friends?"
"Well, I mean. C'mon Y/N, you're not just anybody! You're…you're you."
Before I can push him further on what he means, he presses on.
"Y/N, about in the hallway before Sandra came out…"
"Yeah… I think that maybe we should talk…" Now its my turn to be nervous as it's not clear where he's taking this.
In the middle of Chris beginning to speak, my phone goes off. We both laugh uncomfortably, the nerves of the new subject getting more frazzled at the second interruption since being alone. Saved by the bell again!
I pull my phone out of my back pocket and I see that it's ringing for a reminder with my date with Jessie. My face drops. How could I forget about… Shit!
When Chris sees the change in expression, he can tell there's a problem. "What's wrong?"
"It's um…it's a reminder. I have to go, I'm sorry." I get up and walk away back to my cabin with conviction in my step. To my surprise, Chris doesn't follow me, but the separation is good. I need time to think.
How the hell did I not remember I told Jessie we could go on a date tonight? It completely slipped my mind. If I never set my alarm, I would not have even batted an eye staying at the dock longer with Chris. Confusion continues running through my mind as I check the clock on my phone again as I reach my porch. Had it already gotten that late? We couldn't have been out there that long already could we? And I rush back here to go on a date?!
I can only think of one thing do at a time like this. With a little under an hour before Jessie shows, I dial Hannah's number. On the second ring, She picks up.
"Hey love, love!"
"Oh Hannah, thank god. I need to talk to you, and I don’t have too much time." I explain to her everything that's happened since I got here and the current predicament. She's listens patiently, and understands my dilemma.
"Hannah, what do I do? With Jessie, and all the old feelings… It's just so easy to fall back into it but Chris…he's something else entirely. I can't get him out of my head or heart. I see small glimmers here and there that maybe he fees the same but I don't know what he wants. It's a risk to lay it all out there not knowing. What do I do? Jessie will be here any minute and I'm so confused."    
Hannah is quiet while she thinks everything over for a few moments.
"Y/N, your heart knows what you want. I know it's scary, but that's why you should go for it. Lean into the fear and trust that it would work out. Given everything you've told me, I would be hard pressed to think Chris doesn't have feelings for you. You know what you need to do. I know you gotta get ready or whatever, but I love you. Call me later if you need to talk, okay?"
"Ugh, okay. I hate it when you're right sometimes. I love you, too. We'll talk soon."
Thinking to myself as I get ready with 8pm quickly approaching, I'm finding butterflies beginning in my stomach. The nervousness of what's ahead sinking in more. Before long, I hear a knock on my door, and open it to see Jessie standing there with a bouquet of wildflowers. I welcome him in while I place them in a vase with some water.
"You look great Y/N! I have some fun stuff planned for tonight…" he trails off as he realizes something is off as I don't make eye contact with him or say anything. "Y/N, is everything ok?"
I take a deep breathe as I sit him down next to me.
'Jessie, look. Given our history, I think that it's very important that I be as open and honest with you as I can right now. All day, I've been completely distracted… and you weren't on my mind even once. I forgot about our date until my alarm went off to remind me to get ready. And then, once that happened I began to get butterflies and so nervous, but - " Before I could finish, Jessie speaks up.
“Listen, I know we've never gotten the timing right with this, but I can’t help but feel like fate has brought us together this time. Like….things have finally matched up and we can, I don’t know, give us a try? Before you say anything, can we agree to take some time this week to feel each other out. No expectations, just getting to know each other better again. It’s been awhile, and I know some things must have changed….I know they have for me.”
Giving thought to his words, my mind can’t help but wander to Chris.
Chris said it himself. TWICE. You guys are just friends. What if I go for it and he still feels that way? But Hannah was right, there is something there…something that feels beyond what I can even put into words. The almost kiss, the comfortability on the dock, him being so trusting and open with me? Why not lean in to it? And this, with Jessie? This is just…..safe. Hannah said I need to lean into the fear if that's what my heart wants…
Gathering my resolve, I think to myself for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell to say. Looking at Jessie, I can feel the right choice planting itself even further in my heart as my nerves continue to grow until the words reach my lips.
“You know what? Under normal circumstances, I would probably say yes to that but…I don't feel like I can right now. I did get butterflies before you came because I know what my heart wants. Falling back into this would be easy and low-maintenance…safe. But I don't want that, I want fireworks and passion. I want to feel electricity from a knowing stare across the room or my heart pounding from an almost kiss. I-I just…we don't have that chemistry anymore, Jessie. I have it with someone else, and I don't know what's going to happen but I know I have to at least try, or I'd never forgive myself. I'm sorry. You're a great guy and you deserve to find someone who feels this way about you, but that's not me anymore. It just wouldn't be fair to you if my heart isn't in it. I hope you understand.”
After some time of silence, the tension releases from my shoulders, and I can see him process my words.
"I guess that settles it then, Y/N. I appreciate your honesty, and to be honest, I could see the chemistry between you and Chris as soon as you guys arrived. I always told myself that if I ever saw you again, that I would try again but I understand now that I just got wrapped up in the past and I'm sorry for that."
At the mention of Chris, my eyes shoot up to meet Jessie's. "But I didn't say who it was..."
"You didn't have to. It's obvious and there's been a lot of talk since you guys got here. I shouldn't have even tried to get you back, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity for us to actually have a shot at what we kept failing at for years. Listen, he's a great guy, and if he's the one for you, I'm happy for you. Truly. You could do worse than him. Just be careful. His lifestyle and career… it's no joke."
We both fall silent for a moment at him verbalizing something I hadn't even considered yet, the fame that Chris has to bear. Where would that leave me if this goes any further?
Seeing the gears turning in my head, Jessie interrupts my thoughts thrown into overdrive. "Have you talked to him about your feelings yet?"
"No, I've been trying to deny them for many reasons…I don't know what he wants. He says we're friends, but I feel like there's more there. I know I want more, but it's scary to approach it without knowing."
"Only one way to find out kid. Follow your heart, and your gut. He'd be crazy not to go for it with you. You're a catch, Y/N."
I walk him to the door, and give him a hug on the porch.
"Thanks Jessie, and thank you for being so understanding"
Pulling away, I see that Chris has walked back, and is just getting to his porch. He waits until Jessie leaves to say anything.
"That's what all the rush was about? Him?" I can hear slight frustration in his voice as he says this to me while crossing the distance to his door. Is Chris…jealous?
"I-I, Yes it was, but I made it very clear to him that it wasn't going to work. My heart isn't in it…it's with someone else."
At hearing this, Chris comes to a halt, key at the ready.
"I had to be honest with him. I Couldn't…not when…" my words trail off as Chris' eyes meet mine and I can feel all of the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
"Not when what, Y/N?" he says, walking towards me on his porch, and I can see uncertainty dance in his expression.
I feel my anxiety and fear build up inside of me. Tears begin to well in my eyes and I know what I need to say but getting the words to come out is proving difficult.
I take in a shaky breath to gather myself. Y/N, you can do this. Tell him you're worth it. That you both deserve to give this a real shot.
My pulse quickens as my breathing begins to saw in and out of me, but I hold my ground "Not when...my heart is with you. I want you."
I look at Chris and in a matter of seconds, I see confusion and frustration fade from his face to be replaced by the biggest smile I have seen of his to date.
In seeing the change in his demeanor at my admission, the tears begin to spill over, clouding my eyes to point of blurring my vision so when I begin to feel steps on my porch, I was a little startled.
I wipe my eyes and see Chris standing before me. He reaches for me and pulls me into his arms with no words, knowing that I need a minute to compose myself.
I take in a deep breath, his scent settling around me, and I feel myself starting to relax.
"Chris, I'm.....let me explain....I-"
"No Y/N, it's okay. I'm just happy you're less of a chicken shit than I am."
I feel his laughter vibrate our bodies as he lifts his head, and pulls back to see my confused expression.
"I feel the same way, and clearly you're scared but Y/N, you're one of the most kind and caring people I have ever met. I would be crazy to NOT to be interested in you! Ever since I dumped my coffee all over you and you threw your panties at me, I knew I had to keep you around by any means necessary." I slap his chest as we recall the haphazard way we met a couple months ago.
"Hey, HEY…" he says, as he shields himself from any more of my attack and we continue to chuckle. "What I'm trying to say is that you're amazing and I have feelings for you too. I don't know when it happened but you burrowed your way into my heart and I…I love having you there "
Listening to this, I am overjoyed. I grab Chris and I pull him in close, resting our foreheads together.
"Oh Chris, that makes me so happy to hear. I was so scared that I would ruin this if I said something and you didn't feel the same way but I couldn't ignore it anymore. You're in my heart too, and there's so much we need to talk about and discuss… a lot to figure out but I want to face all of that with you."
"I know Y/N. I know being with me has it's own challenges that a normal relationship doesn’t have to endure but I will do everything in my power to protect you while giving you the world because you deserve it…WE deserve it. You feel that too, right?"
"Yes, I do. I really do. There's a lot a stake when you lead with your heart."
"There always is but you're worth it, what we will build together will be worth it." He holds me to his chest again as I begin to full out cry, the emotions of it all overtaking me. After a few moments, I can feel his tears beginning to mingle with mine, and the realization hits me that this is real. This is my life and he's not going anywhere.
After we both compose ourselves and have calmed down, I embolden myself and look up into his eyes. "I guess there's only one thing to worry about right now then…to finish this."
The question forming behind his eyes before it reaches his lips, "Finish what?"
"The beginning of us."
Recognition falls over Chris face as I pull him in so our lips to finally meet for the first time, and I can feel in my soul; this is the moment I realize he's the only one that could capture my heart.
As we share our first kiss, I feel the world settle around me. This feels right, here in each other's arms without a care in sight. There's no place I'd rather be and to think it all started with a chance encounter.
                                                     ~The End~
A/N: Again, so sorry I’m an ass and have kept this ending in my drafts. If you see this and have followed this story this entire time, thank you sooo much! Appreciate all of your likes, reblogs, and words of encouragement to make my first full fic a great experience! Writing is hard and scary, but I really enjoy it and am excited to get back to it! I have some fresh ideas that may just make it on here, so stay tuned!
Tags: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan  @avenger-nerd-mom @mycapt-ohcapt-writes @mad-for-marvel @vanillabeanlattes @captain-ariel-barnes @emilyevanston @thewife101cevans @loricameback  @plussizeappreciationfics @a-tale-of-two-comics  @melodramaticfanatic @writingcreatingstorytelling  @mywritingsblog @disney-fire-fox @harrinoodles  @lookwhatyoumademequeue @janeyboo @aglarelen @purelyfictionallife  @cevansgirl @mrs-captain-evans @randomcevans  @nomadicpixel @elivanah-writes @katiew1973 @tchitchou26@mackevanstanfan80 @unicornpurplelife
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.II
A Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
ch.I - ch.III
AO3 link
No one had ever seen Stanford so angry. Down below, lightning struck the Earth fiercely. A bolt even hit a tree, making it catch on fire, and it grew until the whole forest was ablaze. Thousands of humans prayed for the gods to show them mercy and forgive them for whatever they did wrong, but their pleas were ignored as every god was sent out and coordinated by Fiddleford to find the lost baby.
While awaiting for any results, Stanford paced the temple with Mabel in his arms, sensing his anxiety and missing her twin, and therefore crying weakly into his chest, clinging onto him for dear life. His anger finally burning out, Stanford ceased his pacing and cradled his grandniece as he blinked his eyes dry.
It hit him right then and there with a force that would kill a mortal that this tiny little girl was quite possibly his only family left. Stanford had sworn to keep her and Mason safe and he had failed just one month into the job. They had been home, secure and guarded, and yet Stanford failed to keep them safe and now Mason could be hurt or worse. And he could have lost Mabel, too.
Shaking, the distraught god kissed Mabel’s head softly and whispered, “I’m sorry, my dear. I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Footsteps could be heard. Stanford knew something was wrong when Fiddleford was not using his god-like speed to run to deliver the message. He was stalling, walking like a mortal. The god of intelligence swallowed the lump in his throat down and waited for his friend to speak.
Fiddleford sighed. “We found him. He’s alive. A very nice family took him into their orphanage n’ are takin’ good care o’ him.”
“Why did you leave him there?” Stanford asked. “Why didn’t you bring my boy home?”
“Stanford, he can never come home. He’s mortal now.”
The ruler of the gods sat at his massive desk, holding his head as he re-read the reports of the sun’s chariot and when it was due to be covered by the moon, when he heard a small, childish giggle. He smiled to himself and rolled a scroll shut, deciding he had accomplished enough work for today.
“Hm, I wonder where my little starshine is.” Grunkle Ford thought out-loud and heard more giggling. He looked around the vast, open room, pretending to search, though he was quite sure he knew where his little girl was. “Is she hiding? She wouldn’t hide from her old man, would she?”
The giggling grew and was shushed in a hasty attempt to remain hidden. Grunkle Ford grinned and quickly lifted the whole desk with his super strength, but he was surprised to find no child beneath him. “Hm, where is my favorite niece?”
“Here I am!” A loud cheer ran behind him and made Grunkle Ford jump. He turned to find a little brown-haired girl in a white dress hanging from his big hair, grinning with a missing tooth in her mouth and with eyes that sparkled and shined.
“There you are!” Grunkle Ford tried to grab her, but Mabel hopped down and ran away.
“You gotta catch me!”
“Come here, you!” Grunkle Ford laughed as he ran after her, wiggling his twelve fingers, promising tickles if she was caught.
Mabel ran as fast as she could. Not quite as fast as Uncle Fiddleford could, but still fast. She ran through the halls of vases full of pictures and through the garden and in the fields of clouds, passing laughing gods as she did so and calling out hello and good morning to them. At long last Stanford dove and they tumbled on some fluffy cumulus.
“Got you!” Grunkle Ford laughed, making Mabel laugh, and he began to tickle her and nuzzle his little scruff against her neck, tickling her even more.
“Gr-Grunkle F-F-Ford, no!” The young god laughed. He ceased his tickling, having Mabel in his lap, and they both calmed down and reminisced in each other’s company. “All done with your boring grown-up work?” Mabel asked.
“For today, yes.”
“Yay! Can we play today? We can play sword-fighting!”
“That does sound like fun, but remember you have your art lessons with the muses soon.” Ford gently brought up.
Mabel’s smile dimmed. She liked her lessons, but she liked playing with her grunkle more. “Oh, okay. But can we play when I’m done.”
“Of course, and Fiddleford should be done with his messages by then, so he should be able to join us.”
“YAY!” Mabel cheered and bounced in her guardian’s lap. Playing with Grunkle ford was the best, but playing with Grunkle Ford and Uncle Fiddleford was the best best!
Mabel peeked out onto the valley below them. Just outside of the clouds was a vast valley filled with wildflowers. She could run around and play and even pick some flowers for Grunkle ford to surprise him. This was a good plan. Mabel smiled and took one step outside of the golden gate, but a pair of arms scooped her up and hugged her.
“Where are you going, young lady?”
“Grunkle Ford, let go.” Mabel giggled.
“Now, you know better than to leave Olympus.” Grunkle Ford said kinda stern-like.
“I’m just going down there, that’s all.” Mabel whined her explanation, pointing at the valley below. “I’ll be right back, I promise! I wanna go exploring.”
“I know, sweetheart, but you don’t go out there.” Grunkle Ford put her down so she could stand beside him. “It’s dangerous. You could get…”
“Hurt or get lost or even get kidnapped.” Mabel quoted. She had heard this many times before.
Grunkle Ford chose to ignore her cheekiness. “So, please, remember to stay inside Olympus…”
“At all times,” Mabel finished for him. “And if I see any strangers, don’t talk to them. Come straight home. Okay, okay.” She sighed as Fiddleford joined them, having heard much of the conversation.
“Mind your guardian, Mabel.” He warmed gently.
“Yes, Uncle Fidds.” She said, hugged them both, and ran off to play in the gardens.
“And be careful not to…”
“Stanford, who does she remind ya of?” Fiddleford asked with a chuckle. Stanford raised an eyebrow warningly at his friend, but then Fiddleford said, “She’s just like ya when ya were a youngin.”
“That’s what worries me.” Stanford sighed.
“She’s a god, for Hera’s sake, she’ll be fine.” Fiddleford assured him, ruffled the god’s graying fluffy air, and left him alone to his many thoughts.
Mabel broke off a piece of the twig and threw it down on the clouds, watching it disappear through a little hole and the cloud reform, her legs dangling off the edge of the temple as she growled in her throat and snapped off another piece of twig. Uncle Fiddleford bit back his chuckle and sat next to her. “Need somebody t’talk to, lil’ Sweet Tea?”
“I just wish Grunkle Ford would talk to me.” The twelve-year-old snapped bitterly. She hated that; she didn’t like getting angry, and she especially didn’t like getting angry at someone who was trying to help. She took in a deep breath to collect herself and she began to explain herself. “I was in the Hall of Records.”
“Hm, hm.” Uncle Fiddleford hummed and nodded, to show he was listening.
“And I saw that vase again with Grunkle Ford holding two babies.”
“Hm, hm.”
“When I asked him about it he took it from me and told me to go away. Well, okay, he told me to go out and play, but he wouldn’t answer my questions or even talk to me or look at me.” Mabel was kicking her legs to let out some energy. She was a sweet girl who never hated anything or anyone, but she hated secrets. “I know that baby was me and someone else but Grunkle Ford won’t say who! Why won’t he just talk to me?!”
“Mabel, sweetie,” Uncle Fiddleford put an arm around her shoulders and she instantly threw her stick down and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m sure he wants t’talk t’ya, but it hurts.”
Mabel blinked and looked up at Uncle Fiddleford when he said that. “Why? Did… I do something wrong?”
“No, honey, no.” Uncle Fiddleford quickly corrected himself and petted her long brown hair. “No, it’s not your fault, it’s just… You’re the only family he has now. That’s why he’s so overprotective, see, n’ why… n’ why he doesn’t wanna talk ‘bout your brother.”
Mabel stared at him with a hanging jaw. “My brother?”
Stanford held his head, his twelve fingers combing his gray fluff. He was doing it again. Making mistakes, letting Mabel down. He knew he should be more honest with her, but she would never look at him the same way again. Mabel was bound to blame him for the disappearance of her twin, just like he did, and the immortal didn’t think he could live with that precious little girl hating him.
A small hand touched his shoulder and he lifted his gaze from his hands, sitting up at his desk to try to appear more put-together than he really was. “Mabel, how may I help you?” He asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose and then smiled at her.
Mabel climbed up into his lap slowly and wrapped her arms and legs around him so she was giving her a powerful Mabel-hug. Grunkle Ford hugged her back and combed her hair with his fingers and rubbed her back, but was floored by what she had to say. “I know about Mason.”
The god’s hold tightened. “I’m… I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
“It’s okay, I’m not mad.” Mabel shared quickly in hopes that Grunkle Ford wouldn’t blame himself. “It wasn’t your fault, you know.”
“No, Mabel it was.”
“You and your brother were… are my responsibility.” He said grimly. “I’m supposed to look after you, protect you, and I failed to do that. Your brother, Mason, was under my watch, under my protection, and someone stole him and turned him mortal.”
“Isn’t there something we can do?” Mabel mumbled into his chest.
“There isn’t.” Grunkle Ford said tiredly, but then made himself add something so Mabel wouldn’t give up hope, like he had. “At least, there is nothing we can do.”
Soos and Melody held onto each other tightly on the cart, one grinning with excitement, one slightly terrified. “Dipper, slow down!” Melody shouted.
The twelve-year-old was deaf to the call as the wind howled in his ear from his speed. Despite being a scrawny kid with noodle arms and legs, Dipper was much stronger than he looked. Clumsily strong, but his strong legs promised speed when he chose to run, and with nothing but wide open spaces in front of him, in his mind, he was free to roam like a wild horse.
“You got it, dude!”
“What? Best way to control his strength is to use it more.”
“Yeah, but… slow down, Dipper, we’re coming up into town!”
At once, the boy planted his heels on the ground, creating craters in the dirt, and the cart jolted so hard that Soos flew off and hit the wall of a building with a crunch.”
“Oh, man!” Dipper gasped and helped his boss up. “S-Sorry, Soos.”
“It’s cool, dawg,” Soos said calmly, dusting off his dirty, dark green toga and brown cap, smiling. “Best stop so far! You didn’t even break the cart.”
Dipper smiled sheepishly at that; most kids didn’t have to worry about that, but hey Abuelita always said count your blessings. “Want me to unload for you?” He offered, picking up the huge stacks of hay with one hand like it was as light as a feather.
“No, not yet, first I gotta finagle with the dude.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Any idea how much we made this season?” Melody asked, looking up the huge stack of hay Dipper let down on the cart with a loud bump.
“Well, let’s see…”
“Two tons of hay, making the weight four-thousand-and-three pounds, with a value of one-hundred-and-seventy-one euros.” Dipper stated plainly, not in a snobbish way like she should have known that, but in a way that made it clear that it seemed obvious to him.
This was not a surprise to either of the love birds. Not only was the orphan incredibly strong (and clumsy), he was very intelligent and had a head for numbers and math. “Wow, impressive, dude. Okay, you stay by the cart while Melody and I see if we can work out a deal.” Soos said and they walked into the ring of the town and entered a store.
Dipper sighed from the heat and leaned back on the cart, entertaining his imagination by multiplying thousands in his head, when he heard something that sounded like a struggle. The boy saw the other fellow farmer, Lady Susan, struggling with a huge box of fruits as she tried to carry it into the store, but Dipper hurried to her and helped her not drop it. 
“Careful,” He said gently as Lady Susan sighed with relief, grateful for the extra pair of hands as her helper was hidden by the crate.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.” He said, peeking around to smile at the old lady.
At once her smile dropped. “D-D-D-Dipper, it’s you. H-Hi.”
“Hi. Let me help you take this inside…”
“Oh, that’s okay sweetie.” Lazy Susan said quickly and snatched the crate out of his hands and struggled into the store. “I-I-I-I got it, y-y-you go on and p-play.”
“You sure?” Dipper asked; it looked like Susan might break her back.
“Y-Yes, I’m fine!” And Lazy Susan let the door slam behind her.
Dipper kicked the dirt as he made his way back to the cart, but a frisbee blocked his path. He picked it up just as three boys his age came running, but froze like ice at the sight of him. “Hey, you need another guy?” Dipper asked, hoping for a chance to play. Maybe he could prove he wasn’t as weird as people thought.
“Uh, s-s-sorry, Dip, but we already got five and we want to keep it an even number.”
“Five isn’t…” But the frisbee was snatched and the three ran off before he could say another word, but that didn’t stop the hurtful mutter of “nerd” and “weirdo” from reaching his ears.
Dipper leaned back against the cart, hands behind his back. He tried to get his mind back to multiplying numbers, but voices echoed in his head. No wonder he was an orphan. No one would want a…
“Heads up!” The frisbee came flying back, way over Dipper’s head, but excited for a chance to show that he could do something right, he ran after the toy and jumped to catch it, a smile on his face, hoping and praying that for once…
SMACK! Dipper flew right into a pillar that wiggled and looked incredibly unstable. Dipper quickly stood up and tried to hold it still, seeing how if it fell a whole building would collapse. “No, no, no! Not again!”
One wrong motion and the pillar smacked into the opposite one, creating a domino-effect with the houses and buildings. Dipper gasped in horror and thought that if he could run to where the crash was happening, he could stop it. He freed his arms by throwing the pillar, but that caused another domino-effect. Dipper yelled with fear and ran as fast as he could to the edge of the town, but he was too late. Two huge rows of buildings were now reduced to rubble.
It was like all the townsfolk shot up at once and stared at Dipper. He smiled sheepishly and wiggled his fingers, but he didn’t have nearly enough charm to get out of this mess.
Soos and Melody were by his side in an instant. “Dipper…”
“That’s IT!” Lazy Susan screamed as she emerged from the rubble that was her store. “We can’t keep cleaning up after this boy, Ramirez!” 
The whole town yells like an angry mob in agreement. “L-Look, I’m really sorry, it was an accident.” Dipper stuttered. “I’ll clean it up, I can…”
“Haven’t you already done enough?!”
“He’s too dangerous to be around normal people!”
“Dudes, dudes, please,” Soos called and got everyone to quiet down. “He’s just a kid, he just can’t control his strength, but he will someday, just you wait and see.”
“I’m sorry, but we just can’t keep doing this!” Lazy Susan shrieked, stressed and angry. “You just keep that… that… freak outta town!”
The crowd yelled and shouted in agreement, leaving poor Dipper alone with the odd couple who were now shunned because of him. At least the cart was still in one piece.
Soos stood at the doorway of the orphanage that sat on the farm. All the other kids had gone to bed or were inside playing, but one boy sat on the highest hill by a tree, watching the stars appear as the sun was setting. He was always stargazing. Soos sighed to himself and walked up the hill to try to help. “Dipper, you… don’t listen to those jerks. They’re just…”
“Soos, they’re right!” Dipper yelled and kicked the dirt beneath his sandals. “I am a freak! I try to fit in, I really do! But… I just can’t.”
“That’s a good thing, dude.” Soos said and stood next to the boy, who gave him a surprised look. “You shouldn’t try to be like anybody else. You should try to be like you, dawg, cuz you’re pretty cool.”
“No I’m not.”
“What, you kidding?” Soos lightly punched his shoulder. “Helping the lil’ dudes with school, getting tons of work done on the farm. You’re a cool dude, dude. Trust me.”
Dipper shrugged. “I guess, I just… I feel like I really don’t belong here.” He looked up at his caretaker and asked, “You said you and Melody found me, right?” When Soos nodded, Dipper pulled his metal out from under his toga and gazed down at the symbol of the gods. “This is the only clue I have to figuring out where I am from. Maybe… maybe if I know where I came from it’ll help me figure out who I am, why I’m so… weird.”
The boy sighed and tucked his necklace back under his clothes. He looked up at Soos and said, “I’m sorry, but I’m ready to go.”
To his surprise, Soos was smiling. “I know you are, dude. You’re old enough to know what you wanna do. I’ll help you pack.”
Dipper grinned and hurried back to the orphanage with him.
At sunrise, Dipper stood outside where he had been raised. Abuelita gave him a satchel full of food, Melody gave him a cloak to wear to beat the cold, and Soos gave him a noogie in farewell. With one last hug, the boy was off to discover where he belonged and who he was.
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verai-marcel · 4 years
Life Level Up (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x F!Reader, Neighbor AU, Part 2 of 3, 18+)
Tags, Summary, & Notes are in Part 1.
AO3 link is here, baby girl.
Word Count: 1764
Chapter 2: Low Honor
You stared at your calendar, wondering how three months had gone by without you noticing. 
To be fair, you definitely noticed that time was passing, just not how much of it. After all, you had thought that Arthur’s thirst for you would’ve died down a bit, but most days, Arthur would be pulling you aside and groping you, touching you, trying to get his hands on you in any way possible.
You eventually had to lay down some rules, especially since you worked from home two days a week and he came back two hours before your shift ended. You would stay in the bedroom and work there while he stayed out in the living room. He used to be allowed to come in and hang out with you, but after one too many handsy moments, you had banished him and locked him out of the bedroom.
There had been some arguments, naturally. You expected a few rocky discussions about finances, but when you explained to him why he should open up a bank account with you for living expenses, he finally agreed, even though he had dragged his feet the first couple months about doing it. You were still trying to pay him back for half the expenses the first month because he had insisted on paying them for you, citing that he had asked you to come live with him. He was oddly selfish in a giving way. Although you pride yourself on being an independent woman, needing no one to help pay for you, part of you was tickled pink by the fact that Arthur was willing to pay for a whole month’s worth of expenses because he felt like he was responsible for you moving in with him. The other part of you was truly annoyed by his stubborn male behavior, making you wonder why he was so old-fashioned sometimes.
So time passed as it got closer to your birthday. Suddenly it was a week away, and you realized that you had no plans, and Arthur hadn’t mentioned anything. You didn’t expect him to remember that it was your birthday; after all, you had only told him the date once and he had immediately taken you out for dinner on a whim. He wasn’t exactly the planning type, you’ve realized, so if you wanted something done, you’d have to do it yourself.
But at this point in your life, all you really wanted was a nice dinner and a good back rub.
On Friday, the day before your birthday, you opened the bedroom door, done with your work for the day, and was surprised by the smell of fried chicken. With your headphones on, you had not heard the sounds of Arthur leaving to pick up food. Speed walking to the kitchen, you saw Arthur taking out boxes of Korean-style fried chicken. Your mouth watered.
“Hungry? Got you yer favorite, the soy garlic. And those franken tots.”
You squealed with delight. Coming up behind him, you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his broad back. 
“I love you,” you mumbled into his shirt.
“Love you too, sweetheart,” Arthur replied with a chuckle. “Want to watch a movie?”
The two of you hadn’t sat down and watched a good horror film in a long time. The two of you sat in the living room, eating delicious food, watching the movie, enjoying this delightful date night in. This movie was a little predictable though, so about halfway through, you were already wrapped up in Arthur’s arms, sitting on his lap, your eyes starting to droop.
“Tired, baby girl?”
“Yeah, a bit.” To be honest, the movie was boring you somewhat.
He leaned forward, grabbed the remote, and shut the TV off. 
“We gotta put the food away,” you mumbled.
“Later,” Arthur said as he effortlessly picked you up and carried you into the bedroom. Laying you down, he started taking off your clothes.
“Shh, lemme take care o’ ya.”
You let him take off all of your clothes, his hands running all along your skin. As you woke back up, you realized with both anticipation and slight horror where this was going.
“Wait, wait, I haven’t shaved in a couple of days!” you griped.
“I don’t care about that,” he said with a soft laugh as he skimmed his fingers along your thighs. “Unless you do.”
You nodded. “Gimme ten minutes.”
Arthur sighed, but he gave you a patient smile. “Alright, ten minutes.”
Rushing towards the bathroom, you quickly showered, shaved, and lotioned up, not wanting your skin to get dry. You came back out, smelling of citrus and wildflowers, naked and feeling much more sexy than you did eight minutes ago.
Arthur had completely stripped his clothes off, sitting up against the headboard of the bed, his cock in his hand. He was stroking himself slowly as he watched you walk in, his eyes intense, his smile darkening with lust.
“C’mere. I gotchu somethin'.”
You walked over to him as he reached beneath the sheets to pull out a flimsy scrap of fabric. He tossed it to you casually. Finding the straps and holding it up, you realized it was a sheer lace babydoll dress that would barely reach your thighs. It was a beautiful sky blue color, with a darker blue ribbon tied into a bow at the back that would go around under your breasts. Looking up at Arthur with his smug grin, you cocked your hip and held up the lingerie between your thumb and finger. 
"Is this more for you than me?"
"Whatchu talkin' 'bout?" he asked, feigning innocence. "That would never fit me."
You laughed. With a big smile on your face you pulled on the babydoll dress. Noticing that Arthur had closed his eyes, you made sure you had it on properly before you called out to him. 
"Ready, Arthur."
His eyes opened, and you swear his cock twitched at the sight of you. His mouth slightly open, he could only stare hungrily at you for a few moments as his brain tried to form words. Finally he just crooked his finger, fully expecting you to obey. 
You sashayed over to him, crawling onto the bed, making your hips sway as you made your way onto his lap. Swirling your hips in circles, only occasionally dipping your body down to slide your wet slit against the tip of his cock, you kept teasing him, touching your breasts and moaning as he watched, keeping his hands on your thighs until finally he could take no more. Grabbing your hips, he positioned you directly above his dick and pulled you down, making you take his entire length in one powerful stroke.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped.
He slapped your ass. “Ride me, doll.”
You started to ride him, but your slow, deliberate movements weren’t enough for him. You knew you were getting him riled up, so when he finally grabbed you and rolled you onto your back, you grinned.
“Think this is funny?” Arthur growled before he grabbed you by the ankles and started fucking you hard. Spreading your legs, he grinned back at you. “Look at’chu, my pretty li’l whore. Like my cock, don’tcha?”
You could only moan as he used you thoroughly, angling his hips every few thrusts to make sure you felt him from all directions. Twisting your body to the side, he kissed your leg as he continued to ram into you, reaching down to shift the light fabric aside to grab a breast. He squeezed, watching with satisfaction when you gasped. 
“Aren’t you done yet?” you taunted.
“Shut yer mouth,” he retorted, turning you over onto your stomach. His hand wrapped around your neck as he rutted into you from behind. “My slut doesn’t get to talk back to me.”
“I’ll say what I want, when I want,” you said, though it sounded more breathy and less threatening. You loved it when he got like this, using you as his fuck toy, just like he did the first time. You let out a soft grunt when his body came down and crushed yours into the mattress.
“Yer goin’ to be screamin’ my name,” he growled into your ear. “Goin’ to breed you, my li’l whore. Fill you with so much cum, it’ll be drippin’ from you all night.”
“Fuck, Arthur, oh god, Arthur!” you gasped as you came from just his dirty threats, your body spasming underneath him as he pulsed inside of you, his promise to you fulfilled as he pushed his cock as deep into you as possible, his hips smashing into yours. 
“Goddamn,” he moaned. “Fuckin’ take it, baby girl.” His hips jerked forward a few more times before he stilled, his breath heavy in your ear. “Good lord, yer so good.”
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, Arthur’s weight on top of you a pleasant feeling, like a weighted security blanket. All too soon, however, he rolled off of you. You kissed his forehead before you started to get up to clean yourself off, but he pulled you back by your waist.
“Hold on a second.”
You watched as he turned over and reached towards his nightstand. You heard him pulling open the drawer, rustle around and then close the drawer before rolling back to face you. He held up a small black velvet box.
“Oh my god,” you mumbled.
“Just a present,” he said, handing you the box. “For yer birthday.”
You opened it; inside was a pink gold ring with a brilliant red gemstone. Your eyes started to water, it was so beautiful.
Arthur shifted closer to you, holding your hands in his. “Now this is just a gift, I don’t want to force ya into anything you ain’t ready for.” He took a deep breath. “But if yer ready, let’s get married.”
Unable to help yourself, you broke out laughing. Of course it’d be like this; he wasn’t one for dramatic romantic gestures. Arthur was down to earth, uncomplicated, and direct. When he gave you a confused look at your laughter, you leaned over to kiss his cute nose.
“I’m ready, Arthur. If it’s with you, I’m ready for anything.”
He smiled, took the ring out of the box, and slipped it onto your finger. “You’ve made me so damn happy, I think I’m ready for another round.”
Tossing the box over his shoulder, he rolled over on top of you and started rolling his hips, ready to give you more of his unending love.
Epilogue here.
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andyquhyn · 5 years
prompt list #4 (spotify version)
(based on my top 2019 songs from spotify, can be used as dialogue or just as ideas! also please don’t roast be about my songs rip)
Make It Alright by WILD: “Whatever we can get through is what makes us survive.”
Good Nights (feat. Mascolo) by Whethan: “We were perfect as fuck, making dreams about our lives up in the stars.”
Burn The House Down by AJR: “Way up, way up, oh no, we gon’ burn the whole house down.”
Only Got Eyes For Her by Ezra Jordan: “I’m going out my mind, thinking ’bout the one I should’ve never left behind.”
Passenget Seat (feat. Kora) by Clueless Kit: “You know this is who we are, this is what we do, driving in circles til’ we find something new, the only person I enjoy sitting in the car with is you.”
seasonal depression by mxmtoon: “We’re all just trying to get by, searching desperately for bits of blue in the sky.”
There’s Still A Light In The House by Valley: “When she crash, she brings a storm in, I kinda like the way it pours.”
RUNAWAY by half·alive: “I find that everything I am is everything I should be, I don't need to run away.”
Choke by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: “If I could burn this town, I wouldn’t hesitate, to smile while you suffocate and die.”
Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier: “Be still my foolish heart, don’t ruin this on me.”
Happy Man by Jungle: “It all could be different, time to do something new, I’ve given everything, I want to be a happy man too.”
Not What I Meant (feat. Lewis Watson) by dodie: “Will I have grown a little empire, or made a fucking mess?”
Be Mine by Ofenbach: “And if you wanna fight, let’s start the show, ’cause I want you to be mine.”
Sanctuary by Joji: “Not anyone, you’re the one, more than fun, you’re the sanctuary.”
Casio by Jungle: “When all your dreams are gone, and you’re still holding on, you waited far too long.”
Wildflower by Dutchkid: “I never knew that I could love like this.”
Arms Unfolding by dodie: “But here I am with arms unfolding, I guess it isn‘t quite the end, oh, partner in crime, I’m going to try to fall in love with you again.”
Preacher Man by The Driver Era: “I’m ashamed of the dark places I have been, fix my soul so I don’t lose a love again.”
prom dress by mxmtoon: “I keep collections of masks upon my wall, to try and stop myself from revealing it all.” 
Blame It on Me by George Ezra: “When I dance alone, and the sun’s bleeding down, blame it on me.”
Surround Me by LÉON: “Baby take me outside, kiss me in the moonlight.”
Work by Charlotte Day Wilson: “’Cause people come and go, but I think you should know, that I think this will work.”
Glory by The Score: “I’ll be written in the stars.”
Take Me With You by Wingtip: “Our hearts don’t break, they just rearrange.”
Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel: “You're the only one worth seeing, the only place worth being.”
Runaway Kids by HARBOUR: “We’re the runaway kids, let’s escape, we’ll get there some day.”
Monster by dodie: “Two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers, blind to the past, like a couple of monsters.”
Runaway Goliath by Mantaraybryn: “Are you just gonna stay in the shade when you were made for light?”
HandClap by Fitz and The Tantrums: “You’re like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold, I want the good life, every good night, you’re a hard one to hold.”
Swim by Valley: “Swim with me, get to someplace better, I’ll be waiting on you forever.”
home ft WALK THE MOON by morgxn: “I’m going back home to the place where I belong, there’s nothing like it.”
arrow by half·alive: “I know that I can’t run forever, but I can’t stand still for too long, this heart is afraid to beat slowly.”
NASA’S Fake by Raffaella: “Jesus Christ, gimme a break, is there a pill I can take?”
Better Not (with Wafia) by Louis The Child: “You know it in your gut you’re healing, from every time that you’ve been hurt before.”
Side Effects by The Chainsmokers: “It’s 4AM, I don’t know where to go, everywhere is closed, I should just go home, my feet are taking me to your front door, I know I shouldn’t though, heaven only knows.”
All My Friends (feat. Tinashe & Chance the Rapper) by Snakehips: “My eyes are black and red, I’m crawling back to your bed.”
So Close by NOTD, Felix Jaehn & Captain Cuts feat. Georgia Ku: “Have you ever wondered if you loved me harder, where we’d be now?”
I’m Good by Wafia: “Finally got back everything I gave to you, every part of me that I left in your room, now I really don’t care what you do, or who you do it with, I really don't care, I think I just quit.”
dream of you by mxmtoon: “I had a dream about you last night, and you said your last goodbye, I woke up to wipe my tears, although I said I’d never cry.”
Colder Shoulders by Gabe Fleck: “I can’t hide from what is destined for me.”
Last Dance by Rhys: “Oh if all we ever had was an illusion, and if we gave it every chance.”
Send Them Off! - Whethan Remix by Bastille & Whethan: “I’ve got demons running round in my head, and they feed on insecurities I have.”
Bad Days by Chance Peña: “All I know is the weight on my shoulder won’t hold me down.”
Crimes by Gallant: “And honestly I can’t keep overlookin' all your crimes.”
Check It Out by Oh The Larceny: “I’m gonna light it up.”
It Ain’t Wrong Loving You by HONNE: “Don’t care what they say, I will have my way, ’cause it ain't wrong loving you.”
wish you were gay by Billie Eilish: “I can’t tell you how much I wish I didn’t wanna stay.”
my ted talk by mxmtoon: “I’m fooling myself over something I don't know.”
Never Been In Love by Will Jay: “I’ve never been in love, and it’s all good.”
I Believe in Us by WILD: “Don’t think about the fear that much, we’re gonna be alright.”
Pure Gold by half·alive: “Wait, for the tides of change will come.”
blame game by mxmtoon: “I put my heart into us, and I was the one to crack it in two.”
Genesis by Daniela Andrade: “But first I gotta let go of the things I tried to be.”
Save Me From Myself (with NoMBe & Big Gigantic) by Louis The Child: “So won’t you save me from myself right now, right now, ’cause I feel like someone else, somehow.”
You And I by LÉON: “But in my head, oh, you say, say you still want it, that you’re done with being lonely now.”
Blue Hundreds by Holy Mattress Money: “What’s electric more than two lovers?”
I Like (the idea of) You by Tessa Violet: “I like the idea of you, wonder how it’d be to love you.”
Green by Cavetown: “I hope you feel happy, that’s all I want.”
Superlove (feat. Oh Wonder) by Whethan: “I’ve been looking at your face, it’s dangerous, making me so goddamn crazy.”
She by dodie: “I;d never tell, no, I’d never say a word, and oh, it aches, but it feels oddly good to hurt.”
Debbie by Your Smith: “What did you get me into? This always happens when I listen to you.”
Prophet by King Princess: “I can only think about you, and what it’s like to walk around you.”
Tell Me by Spencer Sutherland: “Tell me where your heart lies, and I know where your heart lies.”
Juice by Lizzo: “It ain’t my fault that I'm out here makin’ news.”
If I’m Being Honest by dodie: “Could you love this? Will this one be right?”
mime by Isaac Dunbar: “And now all I’ve got is broken bones and cheap skin to hold me.”
Maybe by half·alive: “Realize I’m at war in my own mind.”
Alps by Novo Amor & Ed Tullett: “I would break every inch of my love.”
Waiting for You by The Aces: “It’s getting frustrating waiting for you, I think you know what I want.”
Your Voice by Moira & Claire: “Your voice keeps playing inside my head like a song I can't get out.”
From Eden by Hozier: “Babe, there’s something tragic about you.”
Beige by Yoke Lore: “Let me go under your skin, and let me find the demon that drives those heavenly limbs.”
still feel. by half·alive: “Trying to recognize myself when I feel I’ve been replaced.”
Someone That Loves You by HONNE & Izzy Bizu: “Whoever said it was easy must have had it pretty good.”
Find Someone by A R I Z O N A: “Picking wings off of angels has always been my religion.”
Do It All The Time by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: “We’re taking over the world, a little victimless crime.”
Sick in the Head by Jackson Penn: “My love for you is deeper than the ocean.”
Boys by Lizzo: “Baby, I don’t need you, I just wanna freak you.”
bad guy by Billie Eilish: “Bruises, on both my knees for you.”
CAN’T GET OVER YOU (feat. Clams Casino) by Joji: I can’t get over you, and before I die I pray that I could be the one.”
Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne) by Clean Bandit: “But as long as you are with me, there's no place I’d rather be.”
Chateau - Acoustic by Angus & Julia Stone: “Don't be scared of what you don't already know.”
Blue by Samuel Larson: “We swear that this is love, but we keep feeling smaller.”
Boys Like You by dodie: “You thought you could charm me, and, damn it, you’re right.”
Cherry Wine by Hozier: “Open hand or closed fist would be fine, the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.”
Wait by NoMBe: “Let’s make it last forever, ’cause the night’s still young.”
Rivers and Roads by The Head and the Heart: “Been talking about the way things change.”
Human by dodie: “Will you share your soul with me?”
Dinner & Diatribes by Hozier: “That’s the kind of love I’ve been dreaming of.”
Show Me The Way by Penguin Prison: “I’ve never been anyone that I want.”
The Fall by half·alive: “I’d jump off and into your arms, but if I can’t trust the fall.”
I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers: “So now I’m standing on the overpass screaming at the cars, hey, I wanna get better!”
Work Song by Hozier: “No grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her.”
Talk Too Much by COIN: “Honey, come put your lips on mine and shut me up.”
Low by JR JR: “All the looks are saying, nothing in life is free.”
What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club: “I can tell just what you want, you don’t want to be alone.”
Burned Out by dodie: “I am burnt out, I smell of smoke.”
California by The Lagoons: “I’ve been on the run, just to get a moment with you.”
Radar (feat. HONNE) by Whethan: “Tight on my grip and I won’t let you slip away.”
ok ok? by half·alive: “Felt it rippin’ me apart, to find my place among the stars.”
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softestvirgil · 5 years
Let The Flames Begin
Chapter Four
After school Virgil decides to show the group his abilities
Genre: Alternate Universe
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Side Logicality
Word count: 2155
Warnings: Mentions of injury, yelling, tension, shoulder touching
Let me know if there’s any more I should add!
After explaining everything to Roman’s parents they were more than willing to not only allow Patton to stay with them for a while but also to buy him some new clothes. Roman wasn’t sure why, since his parents were somewhat cold natured, but they really cared about people to their cores.
After getting Patton set up in the guest room, which was right beside Virgil’s room, Virgil decided to sit and talk with the boy for a bit and see how he was doing.
“You alright, Pat?” Virgil asked, standing in Patton’s door-frame.
“Yeah, I think I will be,” Patton replied with a sheepish smile. Then he yawned softly and the two boys said their goodnights.
The next day the trio ate breakfast together at the breakfast bar in the Prince’s large kitchen and Virgil realized this was his first time eating breakfast since he began staying with the Prince’s. If he was honest with himself, he hadn’t eaten much of anything lately. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but he just got too anxious sometimes, and anxiety made the likelihood of burning the house down a lot higher, so he was obviously going to do whatever it took to eliminate some of it. Even if it meant skipping the most important meal of the day, on occasion.
Today, Denise made pancakes. She wasn’t the best cook, but Virgil figured she was pretty close to it. The batter was super sweet and the cakes ended up being really fluffy and moist. Pair that with fresh fruit on top and that made for an amazing taste.
“Awesome pancakes, Mrs. Prince,” Patton complimented, while his mouth was still full of food.
“Thank you, Patton. Please, call me Denise,” She said and patted his head softly.
“I agree, these are really good,” Roman said, trying to earn some imaginary points with his Mom.
She sensed his jealousy and kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t worry,” She whispered. “You’re my boy,”
Then Roman smiled, trying not to start crying in front of his friends and continued eating.
That was when Virgil checked his phone and noticed they only had five minutes to get to school.
“Thanks so much for breakfast, but we gotta go!” Virgil said loudly, getting up from his stool.
“Shit!” Roman exclaimed checking the time.
“Roman William Prince! Watch your language!” His Mom yelled after him as he and his friends ran out of the kitchen.
“Sorry, Mom!” He yelled back.
They all ran and practically jumped into Roman’s car. Then Roman speeded all the way to school. It only took about four minutes to get there by car, but they only had like two so breaking the law was necessary if they didn’t wanna get in trouble and risk messing up their attendance records.
They managed to make it to school in one piece, but by the time they arrived the yard was empty, which meant everyone was already inside, which meant they were basically screwed.
Running out of the car and into the school, then down the halls to their first class took them maybe two minutes, but they were still very late.
“Mr. Prince, Mr. Storm and Mr. Baker… so nice of you to finally join us,” The teacher said as the trio entered the room. They ducked their heads and sat in their seats which was met by giggling from the other students in attendance.
Logan was across the room from where Patton was but he gazed at him intensely until he noticed and met his eyes. Then the two shared a timid gaze and focused their attention back to the teacher.
Roman’s seat was at the back of the classroom, and oddly enough, Virgil found himself wishing it wasn’t. It was strange because a few days prior he hated the guy, but things had changed so much since then. Roman had seemed so hostile at first, but it was just because he was scared, and Virgil understood fear better than anyone.
Once school was out for the day, the group had already decided they were hanging out. What were they going to do, none of them were really sure. Until Logan got an idea.
“So… Virgil,” Logan said as they all drove down the road in Roman’s car.
“Yeah?” Virgil replied from the passenger seat.
Logan paused for a moment, to try and formulate his words in a polite and non-creepy manner. “What would you say if I asked if you would, show us… the fire?”
Virgil’s eyes went big. “Uh…”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Virge!” Exclaimed Patton.
“Certainly. If you do not wish to-” Logan began but was cut off.
“I’ll show you,” Virgil said flatly.
“What? Are you sure?” Roman asked, with caution. For one, he was obviously afraid of the others potentially getting hurt, but he was also very afraid of Virgil getting hurt. He had already gotten in harm's way several times in the past few days, so Roman was understandably nervous.
Virgil sighed. “Yeah… I’ve never shown anyone before…”
Roman exhaled. “Alright, where to, then?”
“I don’t know… somewhere far away from people?” Virgil suggested and changed the song he was listening to on his phone.
“I know the perfect place,” Roman said as he drove. They drove for a bit until they were surrounded by farm-land. After about fifteen minutes Roman parked in front of a wildflower field, where no houses or people where to be seen for miles, and once they all got out Virgil breathed nervously.
“What’s the matter?” Patton asked him, with a caring tone.
“I just, don’t wanna hurt you guys,” Virgil confessed.
“It’ll be okay,” Patton said and gave Virgil a reassuring smile.
After they had all gotten out of the car, they moved toward the middle of the field.
‘Okay, so uh, I’m scared,” Virgil admitted openly. “But, that will help because I have discovered my powers are tied a lot to fear…”
“Interesting…” Logan said, taking notes.
“Whenever you’re ready, storm-cloud,” Roman offered.
Virgil let out a deep breath. “Okay… okay. Sit there and I will move back here a bit,” He directed. The trio did as they were told and he backed up about fifteen feet from them, to be sure they wouldn’t get hurt.
He continued to breathe deeply for a few moments, and harness his fear into his hands. After a little while, he felt a tingling sensation in his fingertips and palms and he let out a breath of relief before allowing the flames to begin. As they did his eyes turned to a light shade of orange that matched the hue of the fire. It started off small, and barely noticeable, but after a bit, the flames grew bigger and bigger until both Virgil’s hands looked like small bonfires. The trio who had been sitting and watching this were in awe. At first, they couldn’t believe their eyes but as it grew it started to look more and more real.
Then, Logan got up and moved closer to Virgil, which caused him to grow more anxious, and the fire to get out of control.
“Stay back!” Virgil shouted as the fire grew wilder.
“I just want to see it from up close,” Logan said, almost seeming entranced by it.
“Logan! Stop!” Patton cried. He had got up and tried to chase him, but when he did so Roman got up too and grabbed the back of his shirt. “It’s okay,” Roman didn’t believe that but it was better if only one friend was crazy right now.
“No! Virgil said-” Patton was screaming but Roman shushed him. “Don’t worry,”
As Logan grew closer, Virgil continued to back up. He was trying to calm himself but it wasn’t working. Breathing techniques were not meant for this.
“Logan, just stop!” Virgil yelled.
“I don’t care if I get burnt alright, I just want to examine the fire. It’s okay,” Logan said calmly. “Everything’s okay. You won’t hurt me,”
Then, just like that, the fire became manageable again. The flames were still visible but they were much smaller and safer.
Logan was inches away from the fire, and he stared at it in fascination.
“So, do you think it’s real fire?” Virgil asked Logan.
Logan stared at it for a bit. “That is, real fire, but how does it-” Logan began.
Then Virgil blew it out with his mouth. “Maybe we don’t need to know how, or why. Maybe it just is,”
Logan nodded. “Maybe…”
Then the other two ran over, Patton hugging Logan and Roman awkwardly smiling at Virgil.
“That… was pretty cool. Terrifying… but cool,” Roman commented.
“I’m just glad none of you got hurt,” Virgil replied, brushing his bangs out of his face to reveal the burn under his eye.
Roman caught a glimpse of it, but before he could look any longer Virgil’s hair had fallen back into place, covering it perfectly.
Patton huffed softly. “I think all this running was a bad idea, especially when you remember two of us are… injured,”
“I’m fine,” Virgil said and Patton raised a brow.
“You got beat up worse than I did,” He said, and Virgil shrugged.
“I have a high pain tolerance… might be from the uh, the fire,”
Logan chuckled. “I know you are probably correct about that assumption, but I just find it humorous that you could potentially use that as an excuse for anything strange or unusual,”
“True,” Virgil said and everyone laughed.
“Alright, well, it’s getting dark,” Roman said after a few moments, and they all walked back to his car. They then decided to stop at a nearby diner to get something to eat quickly before Logan had to be home.
The local diner was nice, but everything inside it was very dated. The jukebox didn't even play music anymore.
When they got sat down at a table they decided to sit in a booth with Logan and Patton on one side, then Roman and Virgil on the other.
“Why does it feel like we are in a really bad TV series right now?” Virgil asked, looking around.
“Hey! Riverdale isn't that bad!” Shouted Roman, who was then met with a curious gaze from the rest of the group.
Roman blushed. “What? I like it... KJ Apa has nice muscles…”
“I'm more of a Jughead guy myself,” Virgil stated.
Roman gasped. “You are Jughead,”
“What can I get for you guys?” The waitress said with a smile and a thick southern accent, startling everyone at the table.
They all ordered and within about fifteen minutes everything was ready.
All Virgil got was a chocolate shake, because his nerves were shot and he liked this diner.
“Are you certain you do not want real food?” Logan insisted. “I have money,”
“Nah… thanks but I'm good” Virgil replied, taking a sip of his milkshake.
“So have you ever thought about fighting crime?” Patton asked randomly, making Logan choke on his burger.
“What?” Virgil asked, despite hearing what Patton had said.
Patton gained an excited expression. “Have you ever thought about fighting crime, like Batman or Spider-Man or-”
Logan exhaled. “Patton, darling that isn't-”
“Legal. It isn't legal,” Roman finished, not letting Logan say it's not real. Not just to preserve Patton's imagination, but to eliminate any tension it may cause with Virgil.
“Look, you cannot just be a superhero. Not in the real world,” Logan explained. “That's just for movies,”
Virgil frowned. “I don't want to do that. If anything… I'd probably be a villain,”
“No, hey. You are not the type,” Roman defended, placing his hand on Virgil's shoulder, again, which caused Virgil to stiffen and Roman to immediately remove it.
“I doubt that,” Virgil commented blankly, fiddling with the zipper on his hoodie.
“Why so?” Logan pried.
Virgil sighed in frustration. “I just- I have a feeling. The characters that can do things like what I can do are usually evil,”
“Like the kid in Deadpool 2,” Patton offered.
Roman's eyes went big. “Why have you seen- Nevermind,”
“Yeah, exactly,” Virgil said, looking defeated.
“Alright, we may have just met you a few days ago, but from what I have witnessed I doubt you could ever be a villain. Possibly in some alternate universe or something, but not in this one,” Logan said.
Patton thought for a moment. “I wonder if we are still friends in the alternate universe,”
“I hope so,” Virgil said, slightly smirking.
“Me too,” Roman agreed.
Logan was the only one who didn't speak, and they were all staring at him now.
“What? You guys know I am not the sentimental type,” Logan reminded and everyone rolled their eyes.
“You love us, shut up,” Patton said before hugging him.
“I suppose,” He replied, almost letting a smile slip onto his lips.
Virgil felt weird, he always felt weird, but right now it was a good kind of weird. The best kind.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Mushroom picking, foraging, and getting in touch with nature
Today’s the kind of day that’s perfect for mushroom picking. The forest is full of them! It’s been kinda overgrown with mushrooms for a while so I figured, why not make an event out of it? 
Joining me and Daisy Jane on this little outing are Shara and Francesca. Shara’s teaching her new apprentice the basics of making potions so along with hunting for mushrooms, we’re foraging for herbs and berries. Nothing like digging our hands into the earth to get in touch with nature.
It’s amazing what a couple days away from a monotonous setting can do to your mindset. With each passing day, Daisy Jane’s starting to look more like herself, scribbling in her sketchbook like there’s no tomorrow. I really hopes she considers my offer to move into the cabin. Not only it’ll be nice to have her around, but she’ll feel a lot more at home here than in Neptunia or stuck out in the middle of the road. 
Shara and Francesca arrived at the camp late last night so we could get an early start today. Francesca’s a magician who specializes in illusions and psychological manipulation. She had a falling out with her mentor, who put her through a lot of shit she didn’t sign up for when she became his apprentice. 
Despite that bad experience, she still has an interest in magic and pretty much got everything she wanted out of her current area of expertise. So Francesca turned to witchcraft - an area of magic that her people tend to look down on. Along with genuinely having an interest in witchcraft, she chose to study it out of spite - a surprisingly good motivator that brings results.
Given how her mentor had shady motives and ethics, I think Francesca made the right call. Throwing yourself in the line of fire’s not something to be taken lightly, especially if it means throwing away everything you worked so hard for.
Since foraging and mushroom hunting isn’t really my forte, Goldie is taking the lead for this event. Goldie’s well versed in all things nature so she’s the one I turn to when I need an extra paw. Now that I think about it, Goldie’s basically my assistant. I mean, we’ve known each other for years back in Wizpire and she was the first villager who showed up to the campsite, so it makes sense that she’d be my right hand girl.
There’s something so whimsical about mushrooms that makes me feel like I’m living in a cottage deep in the woods. Digging my hands into the rich soil brings me back to my childhood, playing in the backyard without a care in the world. I’ll admit that it doesn’t really feel the same - to be honest I’m not too crazy about having dirt underneath my nails these days - but it’s nice to do something that once brought you joy as a kid.
While harvesting mushrooms near a patch of wildflowers, Daisy Jane started making flower crowns for everyone. She’s been into making flower hair accessories lately, a refreshing change from the art block she’d been experiencing these past few months. 
Like I said, being here at the camp has done wonders for her mind. At this rate, she’s gonna fill her sketchbook by the end of the week - which is a very good sign! Yup, she should definitely pack her bags and leave Neptunia for good. Be like Francesca and get the hell outta there.
I hope Daisy Jane takes to heart what Francesca said about not wasting time with people who won’t respect you. I’ve had my share of people who pushed me around and overstepped their boundaries. I hate conflict and confrontation so I try to avoid them but there are times when I should’ve fought back instead of acting like a doormat. It’s still something I struggle with, but for the most part I know when to leave if I’m not respected.
It’s nice to see Shara again, this time under happier circumstances. She’s been keeping tabs on Theda, Lala, and Delwyn and they’re all coping in their own ways. I still can’t believe Edvin’s gone. It just doesn’t feel right without him. He should be out here with us picking mushrooms, strumming a cheerful tune on his guitar, picking wildflowers with Daisy Jane, and fishing in the river.
Theda would’ve joined us but she and Lala are in Newmoorvalley visiting family. They’ve been spending a lot of time together, it seems. Shara also invited Delwyn but he rarely leaves his house these days so it was a long shot. On one hand, life must go on, but on the other, who can blame him? After all, he and Edvin were more than just friends - hell, they were more than soulmates.
It’s a good thing the forest’s full of mushrooms so Shara can take a couple baskets to Camellia for Theda, Lala, and Delwyn. Maybe I’ll try drying mushrooms so we can have mushroom powder and tea. Not exactly sure how the process of making powder and tea work so it’ll be a fun learning experience!
So the edible mushrooms are for cooking and potion making while the non-edible ones will be used to make furniture and clothing. Dom and Raymond have set up a station at the camp so we can look up to see which mushrooms are which and sort them accordingly. That chart they spent the past two days putting together is a life-saver!
Now that I think about it, we should really start making a database on fungi, bugs, plants, gyroids, and fish found in the camp. Probably should’ve done it sooner but better late than never, especially now that we’re more familiar with the campground. I should make a note of this in my to-do list to bring up at our monthly campfire meeting next week.
Plucking herbs, picking berries, and digging up mushrooms - sometimes all you have to do is get down on your knees and become one with the earth. Well, not literally lie in the dirt unless that’s what you wanna do, but at least take off your socks and shoes and stand on the bare earth. I don’t know why, but I feel at peace - something about grounding yourself, I guess. Sounds weird, but it works.
We’ve got a pretty good haul with far more than enough mushrooms to last us for a while. There’s still a lot more we have yet to pick but we’re gonna call it a day. Besides, we were running out of baskets as well as space to put all the mushrooms. Plus we gotta set up the camp for tomorrow as Shara and Francesca are gonna teach us how to make potions with mushrooms, berries, and herbs. 
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fanfictionized · 5 years
The Hating Game - Wildflowers (5)
Characters: Lance Tucker x Latina!OFC
Chapter Summary: Lance will try everything to make it up to the reader. He is a persistent son of a bitch after all.
Warnings: swearing but what the fuck else is new?, fluff if you squint 
Words: 1.8k
The Hating Game - Masterlist // Previous Chapter
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Neither Ana nor Lance were talking the next time they saw each other.
She came in, like him, with her head lowered in shame, embarrassed by her sister’s actions towards the best trainer she’s ever had.
Even though she had seen the aftermath, not just the meltdown in the gym during their training.
Whatever he’d said to her, she hadn’t wanted to even tell her own sister.
Ana knew she already protected her from more than enough shit so that she wouldn’t have to worry at such a young age and just have a normal goddamn childhood she’d always wished for herself.
But seeing her sitting under the flickering light of the kitchen table, crying and drinking until she could finally get some rest was not exactly making her little sister feel better.
If anything it was making everything worse. And somehow Lance Tucker had something to do with all of this.
She walked until she stood right in front of him, waiting until he had snapped out of his miserable daydream to look down at her with dull eyes.
Why was everyone around her always so depressed?
She had begun to think that maybe she just had the worst of mojos, keeping her untouched while everyone else was suffering throughout the day.
Reverse Midas touch.
“I’m sorry my sister hit you.” She said determinedly, keeping eye-contact even though she had to crane her neck far up.
He huffed out a little breathless laugh. He didn’t seem amused, although the corner of his mouth twitched at her words and the way she was standing in front of him with her hands on her hips made her get his attention.
“I deserved it.” He muttered. She saw his Adam’s apple bob.
“You’re… still gonna teach me, right?”
“Yes, of cause.” He said so naturally, shaking his head in confusion as if she was the one with the crazy ideas.
“It’s got nothing to do with you, Ana.” He breathed in deeply, so much air filling his lungs it would fit in hers four times as much.
“’S not your fault I’m an asshole… or hers, for that matter.”
She couldn’t stop the roll of her eyes as she listened to his pathetic rambling so she only shook her head before stepping back onto the mat, heart pumping with suppressed frustration.
“What?” It took him a second to respond to her reaction, not exactly knowing what to make of it.
“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
His eyebrows raised high on his forehead with both surprise and perhaps a little bit of amusement.
“Excuse me?”
Her head whirled around and suddenly he got where she had that look on her face from.
“She likes you, you know? She does.” She said suddenly, pursing her lips at him as he tried to collect his thoughts, processing the information she was throwing so bluntly at his head.
“But she’s not like you. She doesn’t trust people. Never has.” She sighed while her head leaned back to stare at the ceiling.
“All of her boyfriends have been shitty to her. I’ve seen them treat her like she wasn’t that awesome person she is and it hurts watching her go through that. Every damn time- don’t tell her I said damn…” She whispered, making him smirk before she continued.
“So she’s never had that kind of… stability in her life. Everyone she knew left her. Except for me. So the only chance you got at making her like you again is to make me like you.”
She crossed her arms in front of her chest, the frown on her face deepening.
“And right now you’re not exactly doing a pretty good job at that because last time I checked you made her cry.”
“I tried to tell her-“
“Ba-ba-ba!” She interrupted him with a warning finger raised to point at him.
His mouth fell shut again.
He would’ve never thought he’d get taught by an eleven-year-old. Or that he’d let an eleven-year-old put him in his place for that matter.
“You’ve gotta do better than that. Show her you’re responsible and maybe she’ll talk to you again.”
He swallowed at her words, nodding his head because she was right. God, he hated the fact that she was still just a kid even though he felt like he was trapped in a Dr. Phil episode.
“How old are you again, girl?” He said with a smile, finally reappearing on his face after a long, exhausting day.
“Mentally, I’m way too old for you. Now get on with it, I’ve got to learn how to do that spin.” She shrugged, making him chuckle and step onto the mat with her.
“Hey… can you- can you tell her I’m sorry?” He asked hopefully.
“Lucy hates the telephone game.”
His brows drew together in confusion.
“Girl, what the hell are you talking ab- “
“Just tell her yourself! God. Believe me, if I tell her you’re sorry, she’ll have a damn seizure and let her anger out on me, so… that’s not gonna happen.”
She explained and he nodded, understanding her concern.
“Don’t worry, kid.” He said, gesturing for her to jump up to grab the bar so that they could continue their training after their thoughtful talk.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“I’ll think of something.”
“Go away!” Ana heard her sister’s distant yelling coming from the living room so either she was cursing at the characters on her favorite TV-shows again or there was something else waiting to bother her on this already tension-filled evening.
The two of them had eaten in piece, but knowing a household with a stressful mom to criticize your every move, (Ana knew where Lucia had gotten that from) it was making the very silence unable to bear. Even her proximity was enough to make the hairs on her neck stand on end.
She was throwing off such ferociously strong waves of toxic anger that she had fled into her room the second she had eaten up, just wanting to disappear and let her big sister work that anger out by herself because she knew she was too good to ever let it out on her.
Because it wasn’t her fault.
It was that man’s fault who was currently situated in front of their door, waiting in their yard for someone to open this damn door and take him out of his misery.
In that moment, she was glad for him that Lucy wasn’t responding to his calls of her name because she’d probably explode if she’d actually give in to that.
Maybe take that bat for a test-drive.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
“Persistent son of a bitch…” Ana muttered as she crawled on top of her bed to move her curtains aside, looking through her window to spot Lance standing in front of the door in the dark, illuminated by only the dim light of the street lantern and holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand while his other fist knocked on the door once more.
“Just take the damn flowers and I’ll be gone before you know it.” He said, his voice surprisingly calm and collected. He looked it as well.
Maybe their little talk yesterday had brought him to think a little about his actions.
Perhaps had even made him hopeful to try again as well.
Well, obviously, since he was standing right the fuck there.
He really meant it.
The realization made Ana smile. Not one of her previous boyfriends would have even bothered to care and come back only to hear her cussing him out and stayed for that as well.
Without completely losing it, that is.
Still didn’t mean that he was a particularly good guy, but he was honest at least.
He meant his apology and he was ready to pay the price for it. However long that took.
She respected that and the fact that Lucia was currently using all bad words of the Spanish language she could think of to yell at him and that he was just standing there with an own suppressed grin on his lips made her giggle and hold a hand in front of her mouth to mute her sounds.
She wanted to see where this would go without being noticed.
“If you tell me your favorite kind I can can drop them by tomorrow.” He said and Ana loved the way he wasn’t asking any questions, but telling her instead.
“Leave me alone, Tucker.” Her sister spoke up after a minute or so, her tone less frightening and more composed as if she’s had to think about the offer instead of instinctively declining it.
His head dropped between his shoulders as his hand went up to scratch his scalp, a hand rubbing over his strained neck. Ana watched him, saw his deep sigh and the defeat in his eyes before he crouched down to place the bouquet on their doorstep.
But she couldn’t let him leave like that.
She slid open the window, whispering his name.
“Pssssst!” She hissed before his head finally turned to the side, having spotted her, yet he still looked around in confusion before he cautiously approached her.
“Ana, what-” He muttered, his voice a low whisper as he followed her lead, not trying to make Lucia notice that he’d not actually disappeared.
“Give ‘em to me.” She whispered and she didn’t have to say anything else before he was holding the flowers up and she took them from his grasp, placing them on the window sill in front of her.
Like a scene from Rapunzel or some shit.
“Wildflowers.” She whispered, making a crease appear on his forehead.
“What?” He whispered back and the way he was looking up at her in such a distress made her snort out a laugh and his tense shoulders fell down a little, relaxing as well.
“She loves Wildflowers. Reminds her of growing up outside the city.” She explained and saw his eyes light up as he realized she was actually trying to help him.
“It does?” He asked, seemingly lost in thought, thinking of her, because he was smiling from ear to ear.
“Yeah. Now get off the damn lawn, she’ll kill me if she sees me talking to you. Go!” She swatted her hand, but not before he managed to grab said hand and press a grateful kiss to the back of it.
“Thank you, Milady.” He grinned and she hissed another “Go!” before he finally turned to walk away, but only until he was standing in front of the door again, clapping his hands together in victory before shouting into the night sky;
“You know I won’t give up on you, right?” A big grin plastered on his face before he was sneaking away and into the dark, making her roll her eyes and shake her head in disbelief, muttering the word “Fool” Under her breath before she finally closed the window.
Taglist: @culturespark
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nialledfromfics · 6 years
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Chapter Five - Dream Lover
(make sure you click the link in the title for an instant musical throwback ~ enjoy!)
The following three weeks had passed by quickly for Vivian. The weather had grown increasingly warmer and her eighteenth birthday was approaching–only a few days away–and with spending every free moment with Niall that she could, really, the girl had never been happier. They had dates at the drive-in, went for sodas at Betty’s, spent a fun evening at the county fair in the next town over, and on one wicked hot afternoon, found themselves at Vivian’s favorite secluded spot: Big Oak Pond.
It was a small swimming hole, tucked up a ways on some lush land that Vivian’s family owned. Giving the spot its moniker all by herself, it was a special place she had gone to since she was a child; spending the dog days of summer keeping cool in the water and swinging from the rope that was tied to the big oak tree right on the bank. No one knew a thing about it. She had kept it a secret from everyone in her life, even her best friends, not wanting to share her serene and magical little place with anyone.
Until Niall.
Camped out on a picnic blanket, Vivian had brought Niall up to Big Oak Pond only a couple of times, once when they were on their way to the fair just to show him her secret place, and another to watch the sunset one evening after having some ice cream at Sunday’s. But there they were, on a scorching late Wednesday afternoon having just finished up a nice packed meal that Vivian had made for them. She had decided to pick him up at the shop after school let out, Niall asking Phil who kindly let him take the rest of the evening off. It was very nice of him, but Phil knew how hard Niall worked. He also knew who Vivian was, or more importantly, who her father was and he would do anything to keep things pleasant.
Niall was leaned back on his palms with Vivian nestled snugly in between his bent up legs. Her back was laying against his front, clad in only a white tank as his dirty work shirt had been removed and lay crumpled beside them, and her arms were hooked over his thighs. They quietly watched a few of the roaming ducks float around the dank colored water as they sat, a refreshing light breeze whizzing around them.
Vivian closed her eyes, a little contented hum easing past her lips as she counted the padder of Niall’s heart thumping against the back of her neck. She felt like she was in heaven like that with him. With her head resting on his chest, Niall tipped his chin down and nuzzled his nose into her hair, taking in a tiny breath. She smelled so pretty, like a field of blooming wildflowers. Vivian felt the adoring gesture and turned her face to look up at him. He smiled at her, his heavy gaze swarming over hers before he leaned in to press a soft kiss to her lips. He would never love anything as much as he loved kissing her. She was so gentle and kind, every ounce of her better than the last. Niall knew he was the luckiest fella on the planet and being there with her–Vivian cradled against him, her tender kisses on his lips–he was sure he would never take her for granted and always do everything to keep her safe.
She was the only girl he had ever felt that way about.
“This is my favorite place on earth,” the young woman sighed out as she turned her attention back to the bathing ducks in the middle of the pond. She rubbed her palms against the outside of Niall’s knees, oblivious to the days-old grease splattered on his jeans. “And now I get to share it with my favorite person.”
Niall chuckled, pushing a kiss to her temple before he reached up to gently card his fingers through the side of her flowing hair, brushing it from her face. It made Vivian’s eyes flutter. “Guess that makes it my favorite place now too, eh?”
“But of course,” Vivian agreed with a sheepish giggle.
There was another moment of peaceful quiet before Vivian turned her head slightly towards him again, Niall’s fingers stalling at the ends of her hair. “Niall, can I ask ya somethin’?”
His mouth turned down at the corners. “Sure, love.”
Vivian sat herself up from her place on Niall’s chest and shifted her body around to face him, crossing her legs underneath her. She was wearing a pair of baby pink shorts and a white flowy summer blouse, her sandals having long been taken off and sitting at the corner of the patchwork quilt. Her hands were wringing in her lap, something Niall had taken notice of, and Vivian wasn’t even sure why she was nervous; really there was no reason for her to be. Maybe it was the question she was about to ask, maybe it was because she had waited so long to ask it, but either way, there was a slight apprehension inside her that wasn’t sure what his answer would be.
“So, you know my birthday is comin’ up, this Saturday in fact,” she started, looking over at him, “and well, I’m havin’ a party at my house. It’s a huge event, everyone’s gonna be there...and I was wonderin’, well, I’d like it if...maybe, you’d come.”
Clicking his jaw to the side, Niall’s blue eyes narrowed slightly and a lopsided smirk tugged at his lips. She knew in that instant that her worry was for nothing. “You invitin’ me to your party?”
Vivian nodded her head, her soft waves of light brown hair bouncing against her shoulders. “Yeah...but if it’s too much–”
“I’d be honored,” he said, cutting her off. Niall reached out to gently cup his hand around her upper arm, giving it a little squeeze. Vivian had no idea why she had been so nervous asking him, or why she had waited so long to do it. Maybe for the fact that in the back of her mind, she was afraid he wouldn’t still be with her by the time her party arrived…
“Great!” she exclaimed, hunching her shoulders in an excited laugh. “Its really gonna be a gas, I just know it. You can meet all my friends, and…well, and my parents too.”
Niall sat himself all the way up, grabbing a cigarette out of the pack that laid on the blanket beside him and lit one up. Taking a puff, he blew the smoke out above their heads. “So, your parents know about me?” he asked.
Tucking her knees up to her chest, Vivian peeked up at the sky, watching the clouds roll by overhead. “My momma does. Sorta.”
“What’s that mean?”
Vivian shrugged. “I dunno, just means I told her about you once, but…”
“But your old man…”
Niall locked his eyes with Vivian’s. “Daddy still doesn’t know.”
“Viv!” Niall groaned.
“I’m gonna tell him, okay? I’m gonna, I swear it.”
Niall shook his head. “We talked ‘bout this, Viv, last week at the fair, you said you were gonna tell him.”
“I know,” she said, peering down at her lap, “and I will. I just gotta find the right time, is all.”
Niall pushed out a huff. Plucking the cigarette from between his lips, he leaned forward and reached out with his other hand, hooking a finger under Vivian’s chin to bring her enticing green eyes to his. “I’m serious ‘bout you, Viv. More serious than anythin’ in me life. I don’t want us to be a secret no more, it was alright in the beginnin’, when things were–… well, new and all, but I wanna tell the world ‘bout us. I want your parents to be okay with me, with us bein’ together.”
Vivian’s lips tugged into a smile. “Me too.”
“And it can’t be okay, if they don’t even know.” She nodded and Niall scratched his nails through the scruff on his jaw. “So, uh, who else is gonna be at this party, anyhow? Anyone I know?”
It was subtle, but not subtle enough that Vivian wasn’t quick to catch on to what he was referring to. Cliff. To be perfectly honest, she hadn’t even thought about Cliff and the guys being at her party, or how Niall would deal with being in the same room with them. She should have, but just the thought of making sure Niall would attend was the only thing that had been on her mind. Her green eyes shifted down his rugged features. “I…” she paused.
Niall wrinkled his brow slightly as he took another puff of his cigarette, aware of what she was thinking. He wasn’t trying to put her on the spot, or make her choose, it was her party after all and she had the right to invite whomever she wanted, but he really hated them fellas. For Vivian though, he would make the best of any situation. He would do anything to make her happy. “Ya know what, don’t worry ‘bout it, love, it’s fine.”
“No...no, Niall, I’ll take care of it, I promise. I don’t want any of ‘em there anyway.” Vivian shook her head. “The only person I care about bein’ at my party,...is you.”
A hint of a smirk cracked across Niall’s lips before his face fell and he dropped his stare. “There’s somethin’ I gotta be honest with you about, concernin’ them guys. Somethin’ I never told ya.”
Furrowing her brows at his unexpected statement, she watched as Niall took one last long drag of his cigarette and flicked the end into the grass by the edge of the water. What could he possibly mean by that? Licking over his lips, Niall wiped the sweat off of his forehead then ran his fingers through his slicked back hair and glanced up to the old oak tree that was next to them. His stare shifted between the strings of branches dotted with green leaves, and it reminded him of the piercing color of Vivian’s eyes, and he looked back over to the beautiful girl sitting before him. He could see the frightened look on her face. He definitely didn’t want to frighten her, and that was precisely the reason he had chosen not to speak up about that particular situation in the first place.
“That first night we went to the drive-in,” he began, resting his forearms on the tops of his bent up knees and locking his hands together, “our first date? I kinda ran into Cliff and them candyasses up at the snack bar.”
Vivian’s mind jarred back to that very night, quickly remembering how out of sorts Niall had acted when he came back with the popcorn and soda. She darted her eyes over his. “So that’s what was wrong with ya, why didn’t ya say somethin’?”
“I didn’t wanna ruin the night,” he confessed, faintly shrugging a shoulder, “you looked so pretty and I just wanted to be there with ya.”
Tipping her head to the side, Vivian reached out and wrapped her hand around the top of Niall’s. “What happened?”
“They cornered me, roughed me up a bit, told me to stay clear of ya, and if I didn’t there’d be hell to pay…”
Niall swallowed hard before he finished. “Cliff said he’d kill me if I didn’t leave ya alone.”
Vivian shook her head and dropped her stare to the blanket. “He didn’t mean that,” she whispered, almost unsure of the words coming out of her own mouth. She had no idea what Cliff was capable of, but that was a foolish empty threat. It had to be.
“It sure didn’t feel that way,” Niall mumbled.
There was a fire raging in her at the single thought of what Cliff and the others had done to Niall, threatening his life in that way. It just wasn’t fair how they treated him. And she knew everything that had happened over the past month; the fight, the threats and gossipy whispers and rotten looks, it had all been her fault. Niall sensed the disturbing thoughts swirling in Vivian’s mind and he tried to reassure her. “Look, it’s all fine now, ya know? He got the fight he was lookin’ for, he won’t be botherin’ us no more. It’s done.”
“It’s never done with Cliff,” she gently warned him. “I’m so sorry, Niall, I feel like everythin’ that’s happened to ya, all of it is my fault.”
“That’s not true, not at all. And ya know I would do anythin’ for you,” Niall commented.
Vivian pulled in a shallow breath, biting at her bottom lip. “I know. And I know its hard for you bein’ in this town, here with all these people that look at you like ya don’t belong, but...you do belong. I need ya to know that. I just don’t want you feelin’ like you...gotta stay...for me or somethin’…”
With his face pulling in, Niall huffed out a breath. He was beside himself. He never wanted Vivian to feel like he didn’t want to be there. That he didn’t want to be there with her. “Viv, baby, you are the only reason I gotta stay,” he said, reaching out to cradle her cheek in his hand. He leaned in and pushed a kiss to her lips.
Her eyes fell closed in contentment, his lips moving softly over hers and she was nearly breathless by the time he pulled away. Vivian rested her forehead to his. “I never want you to leave,” she whispered.
Niall rubbed his thumb across the apple of her cheek just as Vivian inched back to look at him. “At least not without me.”
Vivian always loved her drives home from town at night. The roads, quiet and isolated, winding through the trees and the glare of the full summer moon shining bright through the dark night, almost enough that she didn’t even have to use her headlights. It was a time for her to be alone with her thoughts, which for the past month had been over run with only one thing–Niall. She would daydream about the heat of his mouth on hers when he kissed her and the way his fingers felt delicately brushing through her hair. The way his skin smelled on a particularly balmy afternoon, or the way his blue eyes gleamed with affection every time his stare caught hers.
The thoughts always brought a smile to her lips, and that night was no different. After their little impromptu dinner picnic at the pond, Niall jumped into the water to cool off and then preceded to get Vivian all wet when he got out and smothered her with a million kisses before they both ended up falling asleep. Curled up on Vivian’s grandmother’s patchwork quilt and wrapped in each others arms, it was nearly midnight by the time Niall awoke, and he gently shook Viv’s shoulder to wake her. She was sure her father would have an absolute conniption if she were to come in that late, especially being the second time that week, so they rushed to clean everything up and drop Niall back off at the shop before Viv headed home.
She could see the lights leading the way up the long drive to the Manor as she passed through the main wrought iron gate, which had been conveniently left open. Vivian knew that it was far too late for her to be arriving home, way past her curfew as she circled around the water fountain that sat in the middle of the drive. Parking her car, Vivian grabbed her handbag from the front seat as she got out before hurrying up the steps of her front porch. She prayed to herself that her father had already long gone to bed, it would be easier for her to sneak up to her bedroom and go unnoticed if so, and she slowly unlocked the large front door and tiptoed through.
Her sandals had barely made contact with the marble floor of the foyer when she heard a sound come from her father’s study. Vivian paused, afraid to make even the slightest movement in hopes that maybe he hadn’t really noticed her come in and she could still have a chance to sneak upstairs. No such luck. The young woman heard her father clear his throat again, a distinctive sound she was all too familiar with, and she let out a sigh, dropping her arms down by her sides in defeat. Walking across the open foyer to the study just at her left, Vivian carefully eased herself into the room through the half-open door.
Her father had yet to even look up at her, just stared down at some papers that were scattered on top of his elaborately carved mahogany desk with a tobacco pipe pinched tight between his lips. Her green eyes slid up the bookcase enslaved walls, hundreds upon hundreds of books lining the shelves, as she squeezed her fingertips over the leather flap of her handbag that she held in front of her. “So, how was your night?”
He had finally spoken to her. And his brisk tone was very much evident to how the conversation was going to go. She shot her stare over to her father, not surprised to see that he was still very much looking down at the papers strewn about his desk. “Um…g-good,” Vivian stuttered. So much for trying to keep her cool. She flicked her eyes about, scraping her teeth along her bottom lip, wanting nothing more than to finish whatever the interaction was and get out of that room. “Okay, well, goodnight.”
She had already spun around to leave, but wasn’t quite fast enough. Taking in a deep breath, Vivian turned back to face her father. He was looking right at her that time, his pipe now held in his hand. “I don’t approve of you comin’ in at all hours of the night, young lady. You know the rules of this house.”
“Yes, father,” Vivian answered, swallowing hard. It felt like a billion degrees in that room.
He dipped his head down slightly, raising his brow at her. “Is there something you need to tell me?”
Vivian vehemently shook her head. Did he know something? Did he know about Niall? Vivian thought, had momma told him I was goin’ steady with someone? “N-no,” she replied again when he didn’t budge, her voice cracking slightly.
Rolling his lips into his mouth, her father lifted up his chin, his stare still locked firm on his daughter as he began to step around to the front of his desk. “You wouldn’t be lyin’ to me now, would you?”
She could feel her heart galloping in her chest like a thousand horses running a race against her ribcage. There was no way she could tell him about Niall at that moment, he would know that she had been with him all night. Vivian shook her head again. “No, daddy.”
“Alright, I expect you to remember the curfew from now on,” he said, giving her a nod. “Goodnight.”
Letting out a sigh of relief at his retreat, Vivian smiled at her father. “Okay,” she said, rushing over to place a kiss on his cheek. “Goodnight, daddy.” She hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her before clambering up the elegant winding staircase to the second floor. Twisting around the bannisters and down the long hallway, she finally made it to her bedroom. Wasting no time, Vivian kicked off her shoes and grabbed the pink rotary telephone off of the nightstand, plopping down on her stomach onto her bed.
She had to call Cherry.
Swinging her bare feet up behind her, Vivian grabbed the handset off the cradle and began to dial her best friend. The dial clicked and spun after every number and Vivian propped up on her elbows, holding the handset between her ear and shoulder as it rang. Cherry answered after the third ring and Vivian barely gave her time to say hello before she was delving into the details of her and Niall’s evening together. Her fingers twiddled with the spring cord as she talked–telling the giggly girl on the other end of the wet kisses shared and the way his body had wrapped around hers as they drifted off to sleep.
“So, ya didn’t go all the way?” Cherry asked, subtlety never her forte.
Vivian rolled her eyes up to the frilly canopy top of her bed. “No, of course not. He hasn’t even tried.”
Cherry smacked her gum in her mouth as she thought, the sound like an irritating punch to Vivian’s ear. “He’s not tried nothin’? Not even a hand up your skirt?”
“Oh God, no!”
The girl laughed. “You’re so funny, Viv. But I am surprised, I’d thought he would’ve at least gotten to second base by now.”
“Not every girl needs to go to second base. Or any other bases for that matter.”
“But why not? Feelin’ ‘em slide into home is loads of fun.”
“Cherry!” Vivian giggled at her friend’s vulgar joke, a blush spilling over her cheeks as she dipped her face down against her bed. “You’re so bad!”
Cherry laughed and Vivian took in a shallow breath to brace herself. “Hey Cher?”
“...can I ask ya a favor?”
She heard the rustling of magazine pages being flipped on the other end of the phone before Cherry replied. “Yeah, sure.”
“Do you mind tellin’ Cliff and the other guys that...they can’t come to my party on Saturday?”
“What...why’s that?”
Vivian bit at her lip, her feet swinging back and forth behind her as she picked at the plastic covering of the phone base with her fingernail. “Well, I invited Niall to the party, and with everythin’ that happened with Cliff, I just thought…it would be better if they weren’t there. I mean, I know I had invited them a while back, before I even met Niall, but...I just don’t want there to be any trouble, that’s all.”
There was a staticy silence coming from the line, almost as if Cherry had hung up the phone. “And...we both know how Cliff is, and if he gets the other boys involved, it will be a mess.”
Cherry let out a sigh. “Yeah, I guess I could tell him. I’m not sure how much he’s gonna listen to me though–”
“He’d listen to you better than he’d listen to me right now,” Vivian cut in, “I just...I can’t even bother to look at him, let alone say two words to him.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
Vivian smiled. “Thanks, Cher, I appreciate it. You really are the bees knees.”
Vivian awoke that Saturday morning, an excitement already buzzing over her skin as she stretched the sleep away under her blankets with a yawn. She was turning eighteen that night, and there was to be a huge party in her honor. She almost couldn’t believe that the day had finally arrived. Between her and her mother, they had been planning the event for the past six months, and now, it was only mere hours away. And despite all the planning, the one thing she was the most excited about was having Niall there. Excited, and incredibly nervous. She had yet to tell her father of them, that he even existed, but hoped that in meeting Niall it would immediately sequester all the preconceived notions that she knew he would think if he had a heads up about him. She figured if her father could just get to know him–the real him, not the town gossipy version of him–that he would grow to like him just as much as Vivian did.
It was a shot in the dark, she knew that, but it was the only shot she had.
Sitting up in her canopy bed, Vivian pushed the fallen hair from her face and glanced around her brightly-lit bedroom. Baby pink walls and frilly lace curtains. Her white furniture, ornate and trimmed with gold accents and delicate little flowers. She had shelves lined with books and trinkets and small treasures. Mostly ballerina and horse themed items, but a few things that were really special to her. Not much had changed since she was little. It never had bothered her before, but seeing as she was about to turn eighteen, seeing as she was to become a woman, it all seemed a bit...childish when she really took the time to look.
Vivian shrugged her shoulder in a small hum as she lifted her covers to slide her legs off the edge of the mattress. Hoisting herself up out of her bed, she let the long hem of her silk nightgown fall to her knees before she walked over to her closet, sifting through what she wanted to wear that day. Her green eyes gleamed as she peeked over at the back of the one closet door to see the beautiful gown that she had picked out weeks before to wear to her party. It was by far the most gorgeous dress she had ever seen, and she tipped her head to the side and reached over to gently stroke her fingertips across the satin bodice. She hoped that Niall would love it just as much as she did.
The weather had finally grown increasingly hot, sticky and humid, and even though it was only early summer, it was almost insufferable. Vivian decided on a pair of white cotton pressed shorts and lime green button up top, slipping a pair of sandals on her feet and a white headband in her hair. She could smell the bacon and hash browns that had been cooked up for breakfast as she made her way down the winding staircase to the dining room. The familiar smell wafted through the halls and seeped under the doorways, and it would always be something that stuck with her. There was nothing like a good southern breakfast after all.
Stepping into the large room, she was met with her parents already sat in their proper places at the long oak dining table, her father at the end and her mother just to his left. Her mother was sipping a cup of tea and her father was preoccupied with reading the paper, his pipe hanging from his mouth. Her mother looked up as the young woman entered. “Momma...daddy,” she kindly greeted.
Her mother flashed her a sweet smile. “Mornin’, darling.”
“Mornin’, mother.” Vivian politely smiled back as she shuffled over to her chair, which was right next to her mother. Tucking a few pieces of hair behind her ear, she sat down and let her eyes scan the delectable spread before her. Bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, biscuits, toast, gravy–all laid out in dishes in the middle of the table. You name it, it was there. Grasping the ice-cold pitcher of orange juice, Vivian poured herself a glass and then plucked a biscuit from the silver tray.
“So, I was kinda thinkin’,” she started, smattering butter and peach jam onto the split biscuit, “maybe we could fix up my room a bit, ya know, since I’m older now?”
Her mother looked over at her and gave her a nod. “I think that’s a swell idea, don’t you, Thomas?”
All eyes shot over to Vivian’s father, who had yet to register that his daughter had even walked into the room. “Whatever you want, Vivian,” he mumbled, clearing his throat a bit as he put down his pipe to take a sip of coffee and flip the page of the newspaper.
Vivian’s mother threw her another bright smile, her blue eyes washing over her daughter’s face. “Are you excited for your party tonight, dear?” she said, daintily having a bite of her eggs.
Letting out a small squeal, which caused her father to peek over at her, Vivian bounced in her seat. “I’m thrilled, momma. Absolutely thrilled,” she told her, picking up her glass to take a sip of juice.
“That’s wonderful,” her mother commented, tapping the corner of her napkin across her painted lips. “Oh, I wanted to ask, did you ever invite that boy to your party? The one you told me about?”
Nearly choking on her juice, Vivian’s eyes went big as she forced herself to swallow the tart liquid, a dribbled slipping down her chin. She reached up to wipe it away with the pads of her fingers and reluctantly caught the incredulous stare of her father. “Boy?” he bellowed, his voice seeming to have gone an octave deeper, “What boy?”
Vivian didn’t know what to do, what to say. She couldn’t tell him yet, it wasn’t the right time. So instead, she just gingerly shook her head. “He’s just a friend, daddy.”
“A friend?” her mother innocently questioned, looking over at her daughter with a wrinkled brow. “Why, I thought you said–”
“Daddy, were you able to get that band to come like I wanted?” It was a very blatant attempt at averting the subject, and Vivian’s heart was pounding as she kept her stare down at her plate. She quickly picked up her jellied biscuit to take a bite. A distracting mouthful of a bite.
Setting down his paper, her father furrowed his brow over at his daughter and picked up his mug to take a long sip of his coffee. Her mother, puzzled at the exchange, glanced between the two of them as she slowly became aware of the growing tension that was wavering up in the room. It wasn’t another moment before she realized what was going on. “Oh yes,” she began, flicking her pointer finger around as she spoke, “that band–the one that plays that rock and roll music that she likes!” She was hoping she could diffuse the awkward situation that she had unintentionally created.
Her father licked over his lips and set down his coffee cup, grabbing the paper and cracking it open with a flick of his wrists. “Even better, I was able to get the Simon Quartet.”
“A string band?” her mother whined, sitting back in her chair and sipping on her tea, “Oh, Thomas…”
He peered overtop the newspaper at her. “I thought it would be classy, Helen.”
“As long as they can play some music from this century, it shouldn’t be any bother,” Vivian said with a shaken giggle, tossing up her hands. God, she hoped this would appease him to not ask anymore questions about Niall.
Folding the paper out of his way, her father leaned forward on his elbows. His green eyes were on his daughter, searching her face. Vivian didn’t know what for though. “So, about this boy–”
“Mmm!” her mother spit out, clinking her cup back down to its saucer and pushing up from her chair. Vivian peeked up to meet her stare. “We have so much to get done today for the party. Busy, busy, busy!”
Flicking her eyes to her father, Vivian hurriedly took one more bite of her biscuit as her mother tapped at her upper arm to hurry her along. “C’mon, dear, let’s get going!”
Vivian slid her chair out and clambered to her feet, taking a sip of her juice to wash down the dense biscuit before waving goodbye to her father. He watched without a word as both ladies walked out of the room, Vivian diligently following her mother. The woman’s heels clicked across the marble floor of the foyer as she grabbed her sunhat, gloves and handbag from their butler, who was standing there waiting.
The two giggled like happy school children as they walked out of the front door, and Vivian’s father let out a huff as he shook his head in amusement, naturally going back to his daily newspaper and smoking pipe.
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neruka · 6 years
A message to my heart
I’m probably too old to be writing about talking cats but, hey, gotta do something. This is technically a post I made on warriorcatsarpg.com (Which I’m biased but is p fun check it out). I just had a lot of muse for this poor dude.
Frostlight was surprisingly not too fond of leaf-bare, even if his name would have you think otherwise. Still, the snow white tom pushed himself out of the warmth of the elders' den, his joints popping like a popcorn kernel as he did so. Even though he was weary from the traveling he had something he needed to do, a tradition of sorts, and as a WindClanner he held traditions very near to his heart. Once a moon he would take the journey outside of camp, which nowadays he rarely left, and go sit on top of Outlook Rock where he and Wildflower had their first date. From this spot not only could he see all of the territories but he was closer to the stars that way. He would tell her everything that happened, all the clan news, who of their old friends had passed away, about how the kittens always got into his fur, everything she would have loved. Then, he would make his way back to his nest before sunrise, except this time his clan would not find the elder in his nest the next morning. However Outlook Rock was gone, he had made do with what high points he could find during the travels but part of him wondered if the stars could even hear him in this foreign land. However he managed to find a nice spot near a cliffside and gently lowered himself down, he could not move as quick as he once did, his back had been causing him pain for moons, but the journey had worsened it. At one point Frostlight was the quickest cat of his generation, none could run faster than he could, never losing a race - not once! Now he was sure a turtle could run circles around him, but he was not upset with that he had a full life full of many memories and knew that it was time for the younger generation to have their fun. Frostlight gazed up at the stars his cloudy blue eyes locking in the brightest one, even if cataracts had consumed his vision, leaving everything tinted with fog, he could still find the stars and he was thankful for that much. As the stars above him twinkled with a brightness that he had not seen in the moors for at least a season now he could tell that StarClan was strong here. WindClan would be safe, he truly believed that. "Hello, my love." The white tom mewed, his voice quiet and tired, he was still trying to catch his breath from the trek up here from camp. "A lot has happened, so you may want to grab a rabbit, I assume StarClan of all places would have a fine rabbit." He said with a chuckle, lowering himself down slowly and curling his fluffy white tail around his paws, the entire time the snow crunching below him. "I guess.. I'll start off with the bad, when we were making our way through the mountains.. a bear attacked us. I never have seen anything as big! Warriors and apprentices rushed in... but.. many were injured, Thornwind - that old fool! He rushed in, he was always one to never think before acting, the elders were told to stay back but of course, he didn't listen, and no him being deaf isn't an excuse." Frostlight said with a huff, Thornwind was his dear friend, an apprentice who he aspired to be like as a kit, and a dear friend later in life. "I didn't see it at first..what he was doing, I was closer than he was, I..I should have.." The elder's voice broke, tears streaming from his face as that moment played in his head. "He knocked an apprentice out of the way." He then mewed between breaths as he desperately tried to make himself just breathe but it was hard when the sadness of a memory sucked the air right out of you. "The apprentice is fine, Fairypaw, but... Thorn...Thornwind didn't make it." Perhaps it was silly to tell his mate this, of course, those two were probably both in StarClan being chummy. Once the tears stopped blurring his vision more than it already was he glanced back up at the stars and for a moment he swore he saw a second star twinkling alongside the Northstar. "Thornwind, I bet you're up there having a good ol' laugh at me crying right now. You just remember to keep your paws to yourself, Wildflower is my gal!" "We got here though, I hear its huge... I haven't been able to get out of my nest that often, its-I'm.. I guess I'm just always tired lately, it's getting worse as the moons pass. We're safe here. This will be a great home, and oh my dear flower, you would love Palestar. Every day she shows herself to be one of the finest leaders we have ever had. Her heart is kind, her voice is soft and full of wisdom - of course, a former medicine cat will guide the clan closer to the stars, more than we ever were..you would love her." The leader reminded her of his mate so much, kind, caring, thoughtful, but willing to stand up for her clan. Making the clan one that helps others and keeps the peace, a place where he knows his sons would be safe. "She just had her kits, they're strong! Apparently, Dawnflower, Polkastrike, and Palestar will raise them.. not quite sure how that works, but I'm not one to judge, just means those kids will be loved by three cats and who can have anything bad to say about that! Their names are Nymphkit, Juniperkit, Hawkkit, and Woolykit, they're the first to be born in this new land by the lake but they won't be the last, I'm sure of it." He mewed with a smile, kits had always warmed his heart, always will. He was a father, a grandfather, soon to be a great-grandfather. All he really wanted in life was a big successful family, that was all he needed. "Flowerblossom is pretty far along in her pregnancy too, soon she and Polarislight will be parents! Did you ever imagine we'd be great-grandparents, love?" He asked, the smile only growing, his son was a fine warrior and his mate was a strong she-cat, claws sharpen than anyone else's! "Some strangers joined recently too... I hear they're loners, perhaps kitty-pets some are nervous about them joining us, Berryheart said they won't help the clan. Don't you worry tho! I made sure to remind her that if you were here you would have ripped her ear off for that. I swear, you're more of a warrior than I ever was, you might have been born a kittypet but you had the heart of a lion!" He not only loved his mate, but admired her, he respected Wildflower more than anything in the world she had constantly proved herself to be strong, loyal and was also the most beautiful cat he had ever seen. The white tom's eyes were starting to close, he laid his head down in his paws and let out a purr of amusement, "You're a tough one, you're just who the clan needs right now." As he got comfortable again he thought about his sons, his family..everything that had gone on, had he missed anything? Perhaps, his memory was not as good as it once was either. "I think the kids know what's going on... They're smart, its pretty obvious. Dawnflower says there's not much she can do, I don't blame her there's no herb to cure old age." Frostlight said with a sigh, he wouldn't want to waste herbs anyways, not with how many were injured from the journey to the lake. "I don't mean to worry them, I'm just so tired all the time it's hard to keep up with everyone, I try my best, I know you wouldn't want me lazing around all day." A silence filled the cliffside, the white tom was blending in well with the snow on the ground that was still falling from the skies. It was almost like mother nature was tucking him into his final resting place with a blanket of snow. Even if it was cold it did not matter much to Frostlight, he needed to fulfill his commitment to his mate, no matter what. He had promised her when they were just apprentices that he would always tell her everything, their relationship had been open and honest and even with her death he would keep that going. "Sorry my flower, give me a moment, I'm just so tired." Frostlight said softly, his voice trailing off into the silence of winter, the whole world was asleep and at peace. The moon's glow illuminated the area around the elder, but soon there was something brighter to be seen. "It's alright sweetheart, come, tell me on the way, we can take our time, I want to know everything." A voice said, leaning down to nudge the white tom with her nose. The white elder opened his eyes and just stared, she was here, and still as beautiful as ever. A stunning calico but now stars were laced into her fur and as he looked down at his paws he saw those same stars. "Well my flower, it all started on Outlook Rock.." When his clan would find him, they would at least know he died happily, for the last thing he saw was the love of his life and so he died with a smile upon his face.
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coolgirl · 7 years
Fic recs masterpost
ok so i used to have a lot of fics masterposts on my old blog and people keep asking for recs + i wont be able to upddate them or anything anymore so i decided to just move them all to this blog
under the cut: AUS / arkham knight / jaykyle / jayroy / robin!jason / gen / angst fics 
*: last added (april 4) //   for some reason the links arent working so go to jasontodd.tumblr.com/ficrecs for the links, sorry!
The Virtue of Revenge | young justice au with jason as red x making his own team with roy, starfire, raven, and others. i love it, even if it has shaky moments and stuff pls give it a chance.
crystal silence creeping down | young justice/lost days au
Flicker from View | another young justice au
Live to Rise | yes. you guessed it. young justice au.
Collide &  Convergence | au where post crisis jason goes to the young justice universe
The Changeling Sequence | series where jason meets damian before he went to gotham. The last part is a wip that i doubt will ever get updated again, so uh be careful. read only the first or second part and forget about the third.
The Drag of Fate | au where jason is lady shiva’s son as well. Part of a series, which i also highly recommend but idk if they would be au as well
heavy on the heart | another jason and cass are bio siblings. A+.
Didymous | cass and jason are twins.
repairing the world | i dont know how to explain this series.. its an au and really really good. Jason doesn’t appear in all the pieces.
just go  | jayroy, wings au
In the Shadows (of Who We Used to Be) | jayroy, black widow & hawkeye au
The Family (or how Jason Todd was adopted by the Avengers) | marvel crossover
bad boys bad boys (whatcha gonna dooo) ♫ | jason is damian’s batman. iconic fic imo.
Rise (And Try Not to Fall) | star wars au
A Bird in Morning | bruce finds jason when he’s at the hospital after crawling out of his grave
Moment Between | ghost jason & ghost martha and thomas wayne
We’re not in Crime Alley Anymore | au where jason was younger when bruce took him (and he didnt become robin)
Perhaps The World Ends Here | marvel crossover, future jaykyle
Batten Down the Hatches | a few different aus here. young justice + helena wayne
My Brother's Keeper | jason & damian knew each other from before + damian arrives to gotham just for jason
When the Moon Found the Sun | main story is clark/bruce but it’s preetty cute. soulmates au.
Between the Light and the Dark* | damian & jason uuhm i cant remember what this one was about per se bc im reading like 5487 similar fics but yeah
Two Dead Birds  | time travel stuff
Red Blood, Blue Blood | jason (and the rest of the batkids) are bruce’s biological kids, yeah i wasnt a big fan of the premise at first either but its gud
Rebirth | talia & jason, mind the warnings
you belong among the wildflowers | kate n renee adopt jason instead of bruce
We're the warriors of tomorrow |  Cass, Jason and Damian meet while with the League of Shadows
Can You Hear Me?  | ghost jason
to death's other kingdom I will not go  | bruce makes it on time au
The Ties That Bind  |  The pit restores Jason's body but not his mind, Ra's makes him one of his assassins and Talia adopts him as her own.
death’s outlet song of life* | the gordons find jason before the events of lost days
reflections on shattered mirrors.* | talia & jason stuff
Come Alive* | young justice s3 based
A Path Upon The Ground* | au from lost days, eddie and jason meet again
If He Had Come & the sequel  Desiderium | au where bruce rescued jason before he could become the arkham knight.
the roads we know
this gun needs no bullets
JASON & BRUCE CENTRIC (not romantic)
Quack | this one is so crackish but so so cute i love it, robin jason
If He Had Come & sequel Desiderium  | arkham knight verse and its so good and has a lot of bruce & jason feels
Neverland /  Keep Lying To Me | deaged/ little jason from another universe.. sad and cute
Icarus and Bubble Gum | fluff, robin jason
Knock On Death’s Door | bit of both but not so so so angst, red hood jason
dead and dying things | au
In Memoriam | angst, trying to fix their relationship, red hood jason
If the Fates Allow | angst, red hood jason
The D-Word | fluff kind of.. red hood jason
This Place We Built With Grace and Guilt | angst angst angst, red hood jason
I Love You | robin jason, fluff
Wayward Birds | fluff and angst, robin jason
yesterday’s gone, yeah it went away (i’ve been lost but i’m here today) | another trying to fix their relationship fic, its cute and sad
We’re not in Crime Alley Anymore | au where jason was younger when bruce took him (and he didnt become robin)
Little Absences | sad, robin & red hood
Schrödinger's Honest Man | sad, drugs tw, absolute fave
White Christmas | bruce & robin!jason
Frozen History | de-age
Stargazer | jason n bruce patching their relationship.. its iconic
Unconventional Family Reunions | bvs setting
Prompt: Trapped | mind the warnings
Safe In My Arms 
The Failures of Reverse Engineering  | ghhm not really bruce & jason maybe?
to death's other kingdom I will not go | bruce saves jason au
points of impact  | glass case get fucked
is it my fault? (we've been missing each other)*
waiting for you. *
The Little Things*
World's Finest* | my uwus my uwus have fallen everywhere
JAYKYLE (all iconic)
In Which Kyle Confesses The Same Thing Six Times
milk and honey
Batman vs Space Bureaucracy
attention to detail
tempest in a teapot
violet tendencies
no love, no glory (no hero in his skies)
keep the door open for me
waffles and war 
The Art of Subtlety (jason lives au)
Perhaps The World Ends Here | marvel crossover, future jaykyle
Riding in Batcars with Boys
boy, you fill my lungs with sweetness
no chance, no way, i won't say it (no, no)  
a change in the atmosphere
invitation to commitment
i deserve that, don't i, some sort of blazing love that i can live with 
i won't say 
The water is always warmest at dawn
JAYROY (all iconic too)
just go (wings au)
(for thy love is) better than wine (E)
Dick Wolf is a Really Funny Name
A headache isn’t always a bad thing
sad eyes, bad guys, mouth full of white lies [high school au]
The Night They Met 
march down an empty street (like a ship into the storm) *
Archange de la mort (rallume ton flambeau) * | hic warning lol
this time, the loser wins | steph & jason centric though
So Baby Come Light Me Up *
Little Talks *
All the light is never ending, much like you and I; *
Don't let me go, for I feel I may fall * | soulmates au
Something Reckless * 
how to make a home. * | some eddie/jason if you squint, rose/eddie/jason team up
This Car Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us* | could be read as jayconnor :3
The Art of Subtlety | jason lives au, jaykyle
Little Absences | sad, robin & red hood
I Love You | robin jason, fluff
Wayward Birds | fluff and angst, robin jason
Icarus and Bubble Gum | fluff, robin jason
Quack | this one is so crackish but so so cute i love it, robin jason
we were not tragedies | jason & babs, read warnings
Heavy Home | gen, alfred & jason
Good News (No One Mourns the Wicked) | Jason & steph & damian. harold they’re dead (kinda robin!jason??)
Love Yourself (So No One Has To) | good amazing au with some selina & jason (not really.. robin but it starts as robin!jason i guess?)
Moment Between | ghost jason & ghost martha and thomas wayne
We’re not in Crime Alley Anymore | au where jason was younger when bruce took him (and he didnt become robin)
Tired &  Laundry | kinda au, read tw!
Smoke | jason & jim gordon
White Christmas | bruce & robin!jason
is it my fault? (we've been missing each other)* | mix of present and past jason
waiting for you.* | technically baby jason
The Little Things*
World's Finest* | oh this one.. my uwus
hold on to what  we are, hold on to your heart | gen, Barbara & Jason friendship. Some dinahbabs & jayroy
gotta give the boy points | gen, absolute fave
Strangers in Nothing but Name | marvel crossover, side steve/bucky
If He Had Come |  Desiderium | Arkham Verse, gen
I can’t  think up a good  name for this | young justice verse, gen apart from canon relationships
A Better Thesis | gen, p short but i loved it
The  F-Word | gen, batboys being batboys
until i’m in my grave | gen, wip 
Robins United | gen, batkids bonding, except for cass, thats my only complaint
Free of Dogma | gen, canon divergence, marvel crossover w Jason & Bucky
bad boys bad boys (whatcha gonna dooo) ♫ | au where damian is jasons robin and not dick’s, obviously damian & jason brotp. 
Heavy Home | gen, alfred & jason
In the  Shadow of Two Gunmen | gen, Marvel crossover
Flicker from View | side Barbara/Dick, young justice verse
I Love You | gen, Bruce & Jason
how to  hide a stray resurrected superhero from your parents/parental figure | au, jason & tim friendship kinda
One For The Road | Jason/Roy/Koriand’r but its SO cute
Baby,  It’s Cold Outside | gen, Dick & Jason
The  (Family) Doctor’s  Appointment | gen, batboys bonding
The Family (or how Jason Todd was adopted by the Avengers) | marvel crossover, gen
Reason | wip, gen, canon divergence
Soliloquy | gen, tim & Jason brotp,  and really cute batfam moments
Red As The Shadow Of Death | gen, young justice/under the red hood verse
Give Yourself a Chance | gen, duke & Jason & leslie brotpish
homecoming | outlaws brotp fic, could be considered shippy if you want to
And I Said What About Breakfast at Tiffany’s | jason & steph
Of Bats and the Forsaken | jason & all the batkids, side steph/cass and jay/roy if you squint
this is a long drive (for three robins who don’t agree on much) | no capes au, steph & jason & damian, background tim/tam
The Dying of the Light | marvel crossover, bucky & jason, canon divergence
Cat | selina &  jason, catlad au
Killing for Love | cass & jason, au  where jason was lady shivas son  
Keep Lying To Me | de-aged au, just heartbreaking imo, cursed fic
The Social Habits of Robin | gen, batboys. Where_is_cass.jpg tho
Steph and Jay’s Excellent Adventures | series, Steph & Jason
Neverland | jason & batkids, young!jay travels to the future. sad asad sad
on a thin chain of moments and something like faith | gen, jason & cass & steph mostly. really good
Good News (No One Mourns the Wicked) | Jason & steph & damian. harold they’re dead
In a Parallel Life | batboys focused, it has amazing dialogue, dynamics, and characterization. It’s only missing Cass and the rest of the girls.
repairing the world | series, not everything is about the batfam.
Born to Run (Born to Rise) | Jason & Talia having a mother/son relationship reblog if you agree
Live to Rise | it updated again p recently so yay! young justice verse
To Save a Dying City  | jason + other people
Let’s Have Some Fun This Beat Is Sick | mostly damian centric
Movie Night: The Mummy  | read trigger warnings, batboys
The Trading Chain  | not jason centric, but it has cass being older than jason and calling him “little brother” so noice
we sure know how to run free  | jason & cass
Yesterday’s Voices | bruce loses his memory au
Nests and Cages series | read trigger warnings
Roots | barbara centric, really good plot and characterization
Love Yourself (So No One Has To) | good amazing au with selina & jason
Retrograde Motion | de aged jason au
Provenance | mostly roy centric, bruce fucks oliver’s life for what he did to roy. iconic
Schrödinger's Honest Man | sad, drugs tw, absolute fave 
Batten Down the Hatches | a few different aus here. young justice + helena wayne
My Brother's Keeper | jason & damian knew each other from before + damian arrives to gotham just for jason
White Christmas | bruce & robin!jason
until i'm in my grave v2 | this one is already mentioned in this post BUUUT the writer started rewriting it so!
Frozen History | de-age
Stargazer | jason n bruce patching their relationship.. its iconic
show me yesterday, for i can’t find today | time travel au
Warm Enough | alfred & jay fluff
Parallels | mia & jason team up
Legacy | reverse robins, not jason centric but hes there alright.. i think.. i cant remember :D
What are the words I'm forbidden to say?* | damian & jay fluff
Cracked Foundation| jason n damian
Cat's Cradle  | more jason n damian
spaces in between  | damian & jason again
When the lights go out  | damian & jason, theres a pattern here
in my head, i do everything right | some jason & steph
is it my fault? (we've been missing each other)* | past & future jason
life, if well lived* | jason travels back in time and meets martha & thomas wayne
In Charge * | babie jason
Pyrrhic victory* | jason & damian stuff
Twists and Turns* | more jason & damian bonding
Of Brothers and Batcows* | guess what.. yes! more jason & damian
This Car Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us* | jason & connor.. say no more!
First Gear* | back to jason & damian please read this.. damian tries to teach jason to drive
changing, falling, fading (please watch over me)* | jason bonds with damian & steph
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death [read the trigger warnings!!]
in the repairing the world series there are a lot of fics dealing with jason, tho Warm Enough ugh not all are centered around him. I would say read  Escalation | Coup de Grâce |  Interlude for the rh!jason arc, and  Tired &  Laundry for robin!jason. [also read trigger warnings]
Countdown | jason/roy]
those six days [trigger warnings again!!!]
Call | angst
the tune without the words  | kind of character study from jim gordon’s pov
Unspoken | jason/roy, really angsty if you remember how red hood arsenal ended
If He Had Come & Desiderium | arkham knight verse, read trigger warnings!
Reason | on hiatus :/
hold on to what we are, hold on to your heart   | this is my favorite ever.. read trigger warnings
Heavy Home | alfred & jason
until i’m in my grave [trigger warnings!]
Keeping Broken Pieces Together
Monsters | marvel crossover
gotta give the boy points | this one please!!!! another fav. read trigger warnings
The weight of it [trigger warnings!]
Live to Rise | young justice verse
Neverland | THIS ONE IS PURE ANGST!!! please its so sad..
Keep Lying To Me | this one has some angsty scenes too im sad emoji
hangman is coming down from the gallows  | some angst
Movie Night: The Mummy  | read trigger warnings, batboys
Love Yourself (So No One Has To)
All in the Blood [read trigger warnings]
Little Absences
Stargazer | jason n bruce patching their relationship.. its iconic
Rebirth * | mind the warnings and its really. sad.
The Failures of Reverse Engineering *
Eternal Soliloquy * | sad sad
throw me a lifeline (I might even catch it) *
changing, falling, fading (please watch over me) * | jason & steph & dami angst
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newsiees · 7 years
the truth about love
summary: Mr. and Mrs. Higgins meet Race for the first time. 
read on: archive of our own
warning: mild mentions of homophobia, badly translated italian :)
Wind pushed against any second thoughts, whispering taunts and epithets of cowardice. Commitment had been confirmed. They had volunteered themselves to rejection.
Spot glanced at Race, forcing himself not to be tense. Race was worried enough, anxiously tapping his foot as he looked at the world outside of the car window through unfocused eyes.
The wind was rustling the auburn leaves of the highway trees, disturbing their comfortable peace. Spot scowled at the crackling branches. They didn’t know upheaval. They weren’t driving their boyfriend to his parent’s house for an Italian Catholic Sunday dinner. Trees didn’t need to come out to their parents. How rude of them to even tremor. 
The New York suburb of Race’s childhood was just forty five minutes out of Brooklyn, just forty five minutes from the dorm which Spot and Race shared. Race’s parents were delighted that Race had found a closeby college with friends whom he could be close with. They were pleased when Race had asked them if Spot could come over for dinner. It would have been a disgrace to lines of ancestors if Race had left his roommate without dinner on a Sunday. He had to come.
 But Race knew he had to be honest. Race knew who he was. Race knew what Spot meant to him. Race knew that last night’s sleepless thoughts of self-encouragement had made him as ready as he knew he ever would be. Race did not know, however, what would come of his open revelation.
 The green sign screamed at the pair from overhead. Exit 43. Ten minutes left.
Spot reached to Race’s knee, resting the back of his hand on the fabric and inviting Race’s fingers to join his own. 
“How you doing?”
 Race felt the warmth and pressure of Spot’s hand before turning towards the driver’s seat to respond.
“I am preparing for the world to end.”
Spot chuckled, eyes still on the road as he guided Race’s hand to his lips.
 “With you?” Race joked, quivering in his smile.
 Spot turned slightly to raise his eyebrows at Race.
 Race sighed, “This is gonna happen. I just gotta...do it.”
Spot smiled, though grim. His grin was trapped beneath the windshield, as the outside world was full of ridiculously typical family homes. One on the left, two on the right. Backyard on the left, helmeted family biking on the right. Race was looking green.   
“That one. Pull in there.”
Spot obeyed the quiet voice and rounded into the drive. Park. Brake. Engine off.
Their hands were curled into each other, together, empowering.
“I love you.” Race quaked.
Spot lifted the corner of his mouth. An unsteady breath with a safe, present clutch of hands.
Spot let Race open his own door and enter his old world. His feet traced his childhood steps, with the foreign Spot balancing slowly behind. Race took a deep breath as he lifted his hand, curled into a cold, distant fist. One last glance at Spot for lovely fortitude. He would knock. He would, he would-
“Antonio! Amore mio, oh, come here.”
 Race was stunned into a hug, hand still clenched in preparation for the latent knock that never came. He peered bashfully at Spot through a hole in the entwined embrace, receiving a jesting eyebrow raise in response.
 “Oh, Antonio. I heard your car pull into the driveway and I could not wait. It’s so wonderful to see you!” 
Race weaved his way out of the hug, still holding his mother’s arms as she grasped his.
“Hi, mamma.”
 “Oh, it’s so good to see you.”
 “You too, mamma,” Race replied, wanting to mean it. His mother’s eyes were so warm and her hands so protecting. He wished he could be what she wanted. 
“Oh, and this must be Sean! It’s so nice to meet you, come here!.” She jerked Spot into a hug, drowning his thin Irish bones in Italian skin. Race laughed and felt too comfortable. He was glad he was who he was, if only to love this moment. 
She gripped Spot’s shoulders as she let go, veiling his shaking muscles with her wild grip. 
“Come, we must eat!”
Race brushed Spot’s hand as he lead him into the foyer. It was full of framed photographs of gap-toothed school pictures, lining a white hallway that led to a cornucopian kitchen. Spot smirked at the young face of Race before turning to the grown, slightly flustered countenance. Race was composed enough to wink at Spot before his mother whirled around to haul the boys to the dining room table.
 The table was set, with wildflowers in a sky vase in the center. Clean chinets were placed on vinyl mats at four seats. One end was empty and the opposite was full of a wide man. He had thick eyebrows that were set atop his eyes, comfortably judging with authority.
“Hello, Antonio. How are you?”
 It seemed like Race should have bowed or offered a sacrifice. But he just grinned carefully and chuckled a bit.
“Hey, Dad. I’m good, thanks. It’s good to see you.”
Spot smiled at the scene. He’s sure he saw this in a classic sentimental painting. Alas, he knows there is more beyond the ornamental frame.
Mr. Higgins shook Race’s hand, crinkling his eyes though hiding his closed-mouth smile beneath his pruned moustache.
“You must be Sean.”
 Spot froze in the shadow of the door frame. He let his eyes seek comfort in Race before balancing his body on his spine, assuming military posture. 
“Yes, sir. It’s nice to meet you...sir.”
 Race rolled his eyes, too fond to notice how awkward the communication was. Mr. Higgins just chuckled, like a mafia gangster might, and reached out his hand. He was not leaving the head of the table.
“And you. I am glad that Antonio got a roommate that he didn’t hate.”
Spot raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah...me too?”
 Mr. Higgins chuckled again in the same gruff, superior manner.
 “Good kid.”
 Mrs. Higgins shuffled in with too many dishes of various sauced foods.
“Sit down, boys, eat!!!” 
The smell forced them to oblige.
After dinner, they sat around the dirty dishes, laughing over small talk. Spot hadn’t said a word, only listening to Race relax. Spot had heard of storytimes and holidays and game nights and laughter. Race loved his parents and his parents loved the Antonio they knew, Spot knew that much from his first loud, Italian dinner. If only love lasted.
“So, Mamma...Dad...I have something...to tell you guys.”
He looked at them, eyes naturally drifting to meet Spot’s as they moved from his sauce-soaked plate to the dark eyes of his parents. 
“Antonio?” His mother leaned onto her toes, ready to leap into a comforting hug or a defensive battle. His father’s expression remained blank, hidden behind thick walls of shadowed hair.
“I’m…” His eyes left the room. “I’m really happy to be here...at home...here...with you guys.”
Spot’s exhale surprised him.
Race’s mother leaned back, clutching her hands to her heart.
“Oh, Antonio!”
“He just wants to get out of doing the dishes,” Mr. Higgins retorted, mustache twitching with a scoff.
 Race laughed timorously and looked down. Spot’s skin itched.
 “Oh, be quiet. He’s worked hard and deserves a break. You boys go on upstairs. Your video games are still plugged in, Antonio. Allora avanti! Go on!”
Race looked at Spot and Spot looked back, both too stunned to grin. Slow motion filtered their movements as they pushed in their chairs and left the dining room. Spot murmured an unheard thank you before following Race out of the room and up a set of carpeted beige stairs.
One corner turned and a door opened before Spot was leaning against a navy wall, watching Race shove his hands in his pockets and sit on his bed.
Spot chuckled at Race’s careful smile, leaning his head back against the cold wall. Turning, he watched Race’s childhood unfold on the walls. Calendars with ancient years, photographs of laughing boys, band posters.
 “Thank you for coming with me.” Race breathed, rocking the springs so that they screamed.
 “Not a problem.” Spot slowly led his legs lead him across the room. “So I heard video games.”
The two took themselves to a bean bag for some Mario Kart, which Spot lost miserably because “They don’t call me Race for nothing!”
Race had leaned into Spot’s shoulder, laughing in his ear. Spot’s raised hair chilled his body. He had left his skin in Brooklyn. His tongue chapped his lips, anticipating interruption. He would not kiss Race, he would not kiss Race, “Swept the round again, Spot!”, God, he wanted to kiss Race...
 “Ciao, boys! Dinner is all cleaned up, come down for dessert!” Mrs. Higgins broke the fragile safety. Spot’s blood left him. 
“Sweet, Mamma, thanks.” Race was getting up, smiling at his mother, eyes away. Mrs. Higgins smiled, pleased, and returned downstairs.
Race gave Spot his hand, raising Spot from the engulfing bean bag to stand in front of him, so close he could have felt Spot’s breath if he wasn’t holding it.
“We should probably get going in a bit, if we want to leave before five,” Race said to Spot’s eyes.
“I find it amusing how much more composed I am than you. This is my coming-out dinner.” Race was joking, fingers following familiar patterns on Spot’s palm.
“I’m nervous so you don’t have to be. It’s called support, Racetrack.”
Race laughed, letting his lips find Spot’s cheek in less than a moment, before tugging Spot towards the door.
“C’mon. I miss biscotti.” 
Spot watched Race walk to the door, toes curling around nineties carpet.
“They love you, you know.”
Race didn’t turn around.
 “Yeah. For now.”
 Mr. Higgins hadn’t moved. Spot spent the first few minutes of dessert trying to guess how tall he was while Mrs. Higgins entertained herself with Race’s academic affairs, proud and contented. Race was telling his plate of biscotti his grades.
“And you, Sean, what are you doing at school?”
Spot’s nerve ran around the house. Upon its return, he cleared his throat. 
Mrs. Higgins’ pink face rounded as she smiled, but Mr. Higgins spoke first.
Spot felt his blood pool in his feet. Maybe he’d melt.
“Uh...yeah. I like to read, sir. Mister.” Men horrified Spot. How ironic. 
Mr. Higgins only nodded as Mrs. Higgins fussed.
“Don’t let him frighten you, caro. He used to read plenty before numbers and math took over. Reading is so cute!”
Spot blinked.
“I have a boyfriend.” 
Slow followed the rapid confession. Not one heart dared to beat.
“Sean. Sean is my boyfriend.” Race was only loud enough to be audible, unwilling to repeat himself. 
Mr. Higgins choked on his throat’s surprise, murmuring “Jesus Christ.”
Mrs. Higgins veiled her eyes, pressing them tight, pressing her mouth tight. Silence. Spot responded to their silence with silence. Race tried to do the same, but was breathing too hard.
“We should go,” Race stuttered and stood, pursuing Spot’s willing hand and planning to be in Brooklyn by the end of the minute.
“Antonio?” The tense air pressed the word to Race. He froze at the front door, his old front door, the entrance and the exit.
“Yes?” Spot only saw Race’s words. 
“Where are you going?”
“Back to school.” If Race closed his eyes, they would release his years of disguise. His mother looked back at him.
“I don’t want you to leave.”
Spot stepped forward, building protection, prevention. Race let himself slink into his next words.
“I don’t want there to be a first time that I am hurt by my parents.” 
Mrs. Higgins felt her heart twitch.
“I don’t want to hurt you. If you left now, you would be making that decision for me.”
“But God...the crosses...saying grace before meals, going to Church every week, sin, sin, sin.” Race’s skin inundated red. Spot used his wrists to tie his hands unmoving.
Mrs. Higgins took her son’s hand, looking to Spot before contact. He raised his chin, watching so she knew she was being watched. He was there. 
“My God believes in love.”
Race’s heart hovered and soared, ending in a gripping hug with his mother, his first hug.
Alive in the foyer, they all caught sight of Mr. Higgins, standing for the first time at the end of the hallway. He was taller, scarier than Spot had expected.
“Thank you, Antonio, for telling us.”
 Race blinked, embracing his tears now and letting his years of loneliness dance away.
Race tripped over to his father and grasped the beginning around his wide shoulders.
 “It’ll…” Mr. Higgins cleared his throat, trying hard to find appropriate words. “It’ll take some time before I’m used to this. Before I get it right.” 
“I’m glad that we have time.” Mr. Higgins let his arms down and hugged his son back.
Spot suddenly realized he was being hugged by Race’s mother, listening to Italian words in a sweet, desperate voice. She smelt like pasta sauce, the same pasta sauce Race made on rainy weekends. He felt his life rewind and start again, with hugs. 
After Race had embraced his parents a few times more, words light and light bright, his hand joined Spot’s.
“Thank you for dinner, mamma. We’ll come back.”
“Grazie, amore miei.” My loves.
They floated down the walkway, together. Spot thought once and opened Race’s door for him. Race waved at his parents through the windshield as Spot walked around the back of the car to the driver’s side, never planning on standing between family.
Race stared at his house through bright eyes, through the chipping garage door, through the freshly opened walls, to freshly opened hearts.
Spot started Race’s car, an old friend from the gift of high school years.
His hand rested on the gear shift. Race’s hand rested upon Spot’s.
Spot looked towards Race, Race looked towards Spot. They both looked towards the future.
Spot smiled and laughed a little.
 “Well, that went well.” 
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