#i guess that's a tag now!
eppysboys · 1 year
Hi Eppy,
if you want to get an idea of what Brian saw during that bullfight, you can watch this video. It's not from the day they attended but still the same festival.
Unfortunately I don't know who that handsome man with Brian is. Investigation efforts were unsuccessful 😐
Oh wow! This is facinating, thank you so much! Bullfighting is cruel yadda yadda yadda.......but there is something very compelling about it, I'll give it that 👀
I appreciate the effort to find the handsome man 🫡 woodward and bernstein have nothing on you!!!
Shout out to the couple having their own fun in the crowd, btw:
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juniperleafdelivery · 2 years
* hey there! this one shot is basically the result of me going "hey what if i took the coffee shop trope but added vampires" and then getting way too invested-
* but yea! we got vampires, we got a coffee shop, and we also got cheesy romance! even if that's not your thing, maybe give this a shot?
“Clyde, what are you going to be for Halloween?” a voice asked. The camera refocused, zooming in on a short, cheerful blonde kid with blue eyes. He held up a black and red cloak, clearly handmade, and bared his teeth.
“A vampire!” The video ended with collective laughter.
Yea, that’s me. Clyde Walton. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been a vampire enthusiast. Something about them always fascinated me. Maybe it was the blood drinking, or the immortality. Or maybe it was the fact that kid me had never met a vampire, letting his imagination run wild.
The other person in the video is my sister Juliette. She’s three years older than me. We used to live together near Bergamot University. That’s where Juliette got her veterinary medicine degree. I still live there, but she moved out to live with her boyfriend. His name’s Drew Kitts, and he’s a wildlife photographer. Drew’s a great guy; practically my older brother.
I’m currently a sophomore at Bergamot, trying to get a degree in mythical zoology. Mythical zoology is similar to regular zoology, except you study non-humanoid mythoi. Mythoi is the general term for mythical or magical creatures, and they can be broadly organized into humanoids or non-humanoids. Humanoid means a human-like form or characteristics, and those mythoi can live safely in the company of humans and in human environments. Non-humanoid means a non-human form or characteristics, and those mythoi live outside of human civilization. It’s either their own preference or because they can’t live in a predominantly human habitat.
Juliette’s a veterinarian for non-humanoid mythoi, but there are doctors for humanoid mythoi too. And Drew photographs both non-humanoid mythoi and regular animals. There’s often several variations of the same job, simply because there’s a lot of different beings out there.
Anyways, I got lucky and received a scholarship from Bergamot that covers most of my tuition costs. I also picked up a job at a place called Night Light Cafe. Since I have classes in the morning, I come in the evening and on weekends. The cafe is both a bookstore and coffee shop, owned by a sweet owl named Woodsie. Including me, there’s five employees total.
There’s Jun, a satyr, who does the evening shift with me. Viridian, an otter rex rabbit, manages the bookstore in the morning. Steve — he’s going to Bergamot with me — does the afternoon shift. The bookstore closes in the evening, around the same time my shift starts. And of course, Helios, a flame elemental, handles the morning and noon shifts for the coffee shop. They’ve been working with Woodsie ever since the cafe was first opened.
Night Light Cafe is a small business, so most of our customers are regulars. Sometimes Woodsie drops by if business is really slow. It was on one of these slow nights, with Jun in the back and me holding the front, that someone new showed up. It’s easy to notice a new face, especially at night with less people around. But something about this guy caught my attention.
For starters, he was at least a foot taller than me. Which wasn’t that surprising, considering that I’m shorter than pretty much everyone. He also looked physically strong, like he was the kind of guy who worked out often. And as he came up to the counter, I noted that he had short black hair and deep brown eyes.
“Hey, how can I help you?” I gave the usual greeting. He looked at me with a polite smile. “Good evening. I’ll, um, just have a coffee.”
“Hot coffee?”
“Yes, a hot black coffee. And that will be all.” He looked away after these words, fidgeting with his sleeves. It was a gray turtleneck, paired with a black jacket. Seemed like he preferred monochrome colors.
Focus, Clyde. Quit thinking about this guy’s taste in clothing. I pressed the cash register’s buttons with a little more force than necessary, then told him the total. As he handed me the money, I asked, “Could I get your name?”
“My- my name?” He blinked, looking very surprised by the question.
“It’s for the order. Just so I know who it’s for, yea?”
“Ah, right.” He seemed almost... disappointed by that. “It’s, uh, Max.”
That should have been the end of it. I should have gotten Max his coffee, wish him a nice night, then never think of him again. I looked up at him and our eyes met for a split second too long. I saw that his canines were unusually pointed. Almost like vampiric fangs.
“Max... is that short for something?”
“Er, yes, my full name is Maximillian.”
I smiled. It was a genuine one, not the flashy customer service smile I often wore. “Maximillian. That’s a nice name. I’ll get your coffee now, yea?”
The coffee machines were in the back, so I went there to both grab the coffee and ask Jun a very important question. She was taking inventory, carrying a notebook and pencil in her hands.
“Need help up front?” Jun turned to me, running a hand through her curly brown hair.
“Nah, it’s fine.” I began pouring coffee into a cup. “Hey, Jun, isn’t one of your professors a... vampire?”
“Yep, my history professor. Professor Glassford. Why do you ask?”
“I’m just curious-” I paused, reconsidering my words. “Give me a moment, then I’ll tell you. I gotta get this coffee out.”
“Sure thing.”
Night Light Cafe has large glass windows, with ornate frames and curtains. I saw Max standing by one of them, seemingly lost in thought. I glanced down at the cup, then back at him. A smiley face next to his name. Real smooth. I sighed. Well, it’s written in permanent marker, so you can’t take it back now.
“Yo, Max!” He immediately turned around, eyes seeming a little brighter, and walked over. “Here’s your coffee. Have a nice night.”
“Ah, thank you. I appreciate it.” Max hesitated for a moment. “I’ll see you next time, I hope?”
Honestly, this was starting to feel a lot like the plot of a cheesy romance movie. Except I probably wouldn’t get the guy in the end. But I nodded anyway, a smile making its way onto my face. “I’m here every night. Stay safe, yea?”
Jun suddenly appeared from the back, holding a paper bag. “Would you like a muffin to go? It’s on the house.”
“I- um, are you sure?”
“Of course! Unless you’re allergic to eggs or blueberries.”
He took the bag, giving Jun a grateful look. “No allergies here. Thank you, madam.” Taking the coffee and muffin, Max nodded goodbye to both of us. As the door swung shut, Jun leaned on the counter and shot me a questioning stare. “So... mind telling me why you’re asking about Professor Glassford?”
I picked up a towel and went to wipe down the tables. “I was just thinking about Max- that guy who just came in.”
“The one you were flirting with?”
“Hey, I wasn’t flirting with him!”
She laughed, green eyes shining. “Yea, I know, I know. He seemed real nice though. Very polite. What, do you think he’s a vampire?”
I hesitated to answer. There were several signs pointing to that conclusion. Most obvious, the fang-like teeth. The canines of vampires are sharper than an average human’s for the purpose of, you know, biting people. If I remember correctly, biting the jugular vein is how someone can be turned. Less obvious, but still a factor, was that Max had come in the evening. While the stereotype about moonlight healing vampires isn’t true, it is beneficial to vampires, like how sunlight helps humans make vitamin D. Nighttime is easier and better for most vampires, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can have lasting or even fatal effects on their health.
I finished wiping down the tables and went back behind the counter. Grabbing a bottle of water, I shrugged. “It’s just a guess. Vampire or not, it doesn’t matter to me. He’s just another customer.”
“You want to become closer to him,” Jun observed bluntly. I nearly choked on my water, shooting her a look of disbelief. She shrugged, completely nonchalant. “If you’re interested in him, then I have nothing against it. And hey, I think you have a good chance. You’re great with people, and he seemed pretty keen on seeing you again.”
I wiped a hand over my mouth, refusing to meet Jun’s eyes. “I... don’t know. I have zero relationship experience. And besides the fear of rejection, I don’t want an immortal being to remember my crap until the end of time. And what if I end up hurting him more than me...?”
“Well, that’s the thing about life. It’s unfortunate, but pain is a natural, if not inevitable, part of life.” She stretched her arms above her head and yawned. “Whatever happens Clyde, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine. Mind closing up tonight?”
I nodded. “Yea, I got it. Thanks Jun.”
“No need to thank me. See you tomorrow. And hope that your future sweetheart shows up too.”
I gently shoved her away. “Get out of here.”
“How cruel!” Jun laughed, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Keys are in the same place, alright? Get home safely, and good night!” She waved me goodbye and slipped out the door.
Locking up was a familiar routine, one that I didn’t need to put much thought into. Which was both a blessing and a curse, I suppose. I kept mulling over my conversation with Jun, and my brief interaction with Max.
Look, you have no idea whether or not he’s actually interested. Why are you so smitten with someone you’ve just met? You don’t know anything besides his first name! I stepped out of the cafe, breathing in the chilly air in an attempt to clear my thoughts. But the drive home only brought them rushing back.
“I’ll see you next time, I hope?” His words sounded so genuine. It was hard to dismiss him as simply being polite. Reaching a stop light, I rubbed my face with my hands and groaned. This wasn’t the first time I had some fanciful crush. But it was certainly the first time I had a crush on someone who was (probably) a vampire. You know, the mythoi I studied and revered for so much of my childhood? Funny how the first time I do meet a vampire, I wind up falling in love with him!
Finally arriving at home, I shoved away unwanted thoughts and went into the house. It was 8:17 PM, meaning Juliette might be free to talk for a few minutes. Maybe she can help you figure out this mess.
She picked up on the first ring. “Clyde! How are you? Is everything good at school? How about the cafe?” There was a brief pause. “Or are you calling me for some advice?”
I smiled, even though she couldn’t see it. My sister was always more observant than me, able to guess people’s thoughts with almost clairvoyant accuracy. “School’s fine. The cafe’s fine too. Just another slow night. I also- I also met someone at the cafe earlier. His name’s Maximillian. Or, well, Max.”
“Ooh, love advice?” Juliette laughed, the sound bright and sunny. “Can’t believe you haven’t gotten a boyfriend yet! You’re one of the most charming guys I know. But anyways, tell me about this Max.”
“I mean, I literally just met him today, so I can’t say much. But... but I think he’s a vampire. I’m pretty sure. He’s also really tall and muscular.” I felt my cheeks heat up, but continued talking. “He’s also really polite, and has this very sophisticated way of speaking. Almost like a professor or something.”
“You want to hear my advice, bro?”
“That’s why I’m calling you.”
“You’ve fallen head over heels for this guy. Seriously, it sounds like love at first sight.”
I nearly dropped my phone, thrown off guard. “...give me a second, I need to sit down.” I half sat, half collapsed into a faded yellow armchair.
“Sorry, was that too blunt?” Juliette’s voice was filled with concern.
“No, you’re fine. I just- well, wasn’t expecting that.”
“I have some more serious advice if you want to hear it.”
“If he comes back again, try striking up a conversation. Don’t be too pushy of course, but try to learn more about him. Maybe start with something really basic, like what his job is. And if he shows up at the cafe more often, then that’s a good sign. Focus on building that connection first, then worry about the romantic stuff. Oh, and one more thing.”
“If he is a vampire, try not to get bit, yea? Or, you know, let me know if you’re considering becoming one. And don’t forget consent!”
“Juliette! I’m not- I don’t-” I protested, my face brighter than a holiday lights display. She practically cackled on the other end, clearly amused by my suffering. There was an abrupt pause, and I heard her talking to someone away from the phone.
“Hey, sorry bro, but I have to head out now,” Juliette suddenly said. “It’s nothing serious, so don’t worry. Good luck out there, and stay safe. Talk to you later.” With those words, she quickly hung up.
I leaned back into the chair with a sigh. I felt exhausted by the night’s events. Also, the idea of actually pursuing my crush was incredibly daunting. I suppose pining from afar wasn’t going to work anymore. Forcing myself out of the armchair’s comfortable embrace, I traisped over to the bathroom. It would be more productive to tackle everything after I had some sleep, instead of spending hours stressing myself out over hypothetical scenarios.
And hey, maybe Jun and Juliette are right. Whatever happens, the chances of total disaster are slim. And to Juliette’s relief, I wasn’t interested in turning into a vampire anytime soon. While that would have been a dream come true for kid me, I’d have to shelve it until I graduated college.
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pillowspace · 1 year
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If Cyerce nigricans is a butterfly, then this is a fairy... Cyerce nigricans for comparison:
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nicecrumbart · 3 months
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Keep thinking about that one scene in secret life
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synapple · 1 year
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I spent like three hours making this
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iwasbored777 · 26 days
The guy at the bar: Are you two gonna fuck or fight?
Wade and Logan, few hours later:
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duckdotimg · 9 months
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Got tired of seeing moeblob young catgirls. Give me butch and GNC catladies in their 40s and 50s (more will be drawn)
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fourleafisland · 8 months
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you guys all seemed to like the office lesbians so i drew some facial expressions before doing comicwork today
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verflares · 6 months
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(click for higher quality!) draconified link concept ive been chipping away at this past week ..... here's my funny little compendium concept for him:
"A heroic spirit has taken the form of this bestial dragon. Unlike it's kin, this creature exhibits an extremely aggressive disposition. It appears highly territorial, and will relentlessly chase down those who disturb its skywide patrols - of which it seems to be endlessly searching for either a long-time vassal or foe. Unfortunately, it seems the spirit within has long since forgotten exactly who it was looking for…"
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clownhunterbebop · 4 months
Forget hot girl summer, it’s raven boy summer this year. Go make extremely codependent new friends. Go awaken an ancient evil. Go, uh… murder your Latin teacher. Have fun!!
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cyani07 · 6 months
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some guys
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kidovna · 6 months
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manifested mileven at the snowball in 2016, so now I’m manifesting byler at senior prom🪻🌻
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quiddie · 2 months
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sorry that this is a screenshot of a reddit post of a screenshot of a tumblr post that is now on tumblr again. but aabria the people need to know.
Hahahahahahahhahahaahhaa! Okay but I do have opinions: 1. Probably not, given that the qualifiers for monsterfucking are like: - the risk of sudden and inescapable violence via predatory instincts/unknowable or unanticipatable psychologies/extreme power differentials - angels can be violent but it's rarely spontaneous and never irrational - funky physiology - this is a yes if they're biblically accurate angels, but European men in tunics and wings? Nah. Like, if your opening line is "BE NOT AFRAID" I don't think you're gonna choke me like you mean it lol 2. No, and furthermore I feel like it's more likely the reverse is true. If a major differentiation between angels and humans is free will, then matters of consent get VERY messy. If Gabriel shows up one night horny and holding his horn and tries to make a move, IS HE DOING SO ON THE LORD'S ORDERS? Does God wanna fuck ME? Because he can get down here and do it himself.
And that IS monsterfucking.
And I absolutely would.
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howemuginative · 2 years
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umblrspectrum · 7 days
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part 4 of a lot funnier in my head than on paper
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mothpile · 9 months
99% of HLVRAI fans quit after the first 10 minutes of breaking bad reenactment before getting hlvrai2 trailer.
99.9% quit right before Hank Cameo.
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