#i had a lot of fun i love dyke night
transmascmikey · 2 years
Night night fellow dykes wishing dyke dreams upon you all
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kuethemoon · 10 days
iwtv fanfic friday: lesbianism onto the guys
@oldbutchdaniel I'm joining the fun. it's yuri time
two-headed mother by tisiphones // e, 8.6k
"Poor darling," Armand says, and the condescension in his voice is so awful and so offensive and Lestat wants to curl up in it and never, ever leave. "It's okay to let yourself be taken care of for just one night. You can't help what you need." It's Lestat's last night in Paris. Armand makes it a memorable one.
actually world changing. mommy issues galore it's sooo fun and this fic is part of several that got me into armandstat
super graphic ultra modern girl by armanddelioncourt // e, 0.9k
“I want to watch how you insert your tampon.” “Wha—No, you weirdo,” she glanced around the mercifully-deserted aisle. “You can’t just ask me that in the store!”
yummmmmy period blood fic!!! i love period blood fics sooo much and they're so cute
More than Neither by apoptoses // e, 6.2k
Annoying, how hot it is to see Armand kneeling on the dirty bathroom floor like this. Without her heels to compensate for their height difference she looks small, delicate. Her face is on the level with Daniel’s hips and Daniel knows what’s about to happen. Armand has probably been planning for this since they stepped into the store, she realizes. There’s no way she’d catch Daniel bleeding for the first time and let that go. (Daniel gets her period. Armand helps. Written for the Queens of the Damned prompt butch/femme.)
another period blood fic pls bartender! if I tip you can add them being freaky in a public toilet? thank you very much I'll take the lot pls!! the way daniel and armand handle being women and lesbians is so well written. dyke stamp of approval. if you're starting to notice a trend don't tell me
she loves me, she loves me not by IguessIllchangeitlater // e, 2.3k
“Sure,” she panted and raised her head, tried to find Armand’s eyes, but kept focusing on her fanged smile instead. “I will wear that fucking skirt.” Push out, push in, push out, push in, Daniela was going to come just from that, she was going to die. “I can’t-ah, I can’t wear my underwear with that, I would look silly.” Push in, push out. “Yes,” Armand agreed. She rested her head on the mattress, next to Daniela’s knee and busied herself with mouthing the blood that was still there. The blood that she drew earlier. “So, what’s the plan, boss?” Daniela managed to raise herself on her elbows. Armand’s beguiled eyes looked like that of a cat in the light of the night. “For the underwear situation?” “You will wear none, of course.”
butch daniel wearing a skirt because armand said so was an idea that bounced around in my head for a whole week so you know how excited I was to read this. hell yeah they're so bad to each other
sweet things for the sea by ulatraviolet_glow // e, 2.6k
Danielle Molloy, a runaway posing as a young man on a trading ship dreams of a better life, but when her dreams find her falling overboard and into the arms of the woman of her dreams, how disturbed will Dani be when she realises that the woman is not human at all, but a creature of the sea?
siren armand do you know how much you mean to meeeeee I lay awake at night thinking of you sinfully. siren armand...
one of your girls by sleepdeprivedsurgeon // m, 4.7k
“I was thinking maybe I’d go with my girlfriend,” Daniel says. Armand sucks in a breath, a familiar blend of excitement and fever rearing its head inside him. This isn’t new— nothing is, after nearly five centuries— but it’s certainly been a while. Louis doesn’t care what he looks like, what he is, just as long as he stays below him. On his knees in the endless confessional. Marius would dress him up sometimes: Helen of Troy, Cassandra, Mary Magdalene. When the painting was finished he’d push his skirts up and take him there in the studio.
technically not yuri but beautiful feminization + crossdressing armand and I had to put it here. special treat!
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
I am adoring all of these polls and gif sets and just being fed so many hot vintage people. As someone who really hasn’t watched very many classics, are there any movies you’d recommend for someone just starting to dip their toes in older media but unsure where to start?
Sure! I don't want to sway any voting, but I'll put an incomplete list of favorites that involve hot men not still in the bracket below the cut.
Something to note that applies to most of these old movies—older movies have different pacing than modern movies, so some of these might seem really slow or weird to start. There are also different ways of framing gender and agency, for better and for worse. I've italicized the ones that I think are the best for starting with, but go with whatever genre/aesthetic sounds best.
The Court Jester (Danny Kaye, Basil Rathbone)—a circus performer working for a quasi-Robin Hood infiltrates the royal court. Fun comedy that's incredibly accessible and still so light on its feet. Swordfighting, glamorous medieval costumes, court intrigues, and silly accents.
Singin' in the Rain (Gene Kelly)—fun polyamorous musical comedy. The dancing is incredible, but so is the sense of joy and camaraderie between Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. Genuinely captures the feeling of hanging out with your best friends. 1920s Hollywood, big movie studios, backstage drama, goofy hijinks.
The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone)—classic swashbuckler/romance. It could read a little slow to modern tastes but the action scenes are absolutely killer, as is the sentiment of seeing little guys pull down big capitalists evil monarchs. Swashbuckling, labor activists merry men hanging out in the woods, hot men in tights, social commentary swords, a Maid Marian who really holds her own and falls in love with the socialist
Charade (Cary Grant)—thriller/romantic comedy. Audrey Hepburn's husband dies and leaves her a hidden inheritance, and she's racing some skeevy characters to find it. A little bit scary but mostly charming and gorgeous, and you can find it high quality virtually anywhere because they fucked up the copyright trademark in the opening credits. Romance, murders, Paris, 1960s fashion, chases in the night.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Dick Van Dyke)—this movie is divisive for some reason—I personally like peace, love, and joy, so it makes the list. This is a James Bond movie if James Bond had two kids, lived in a windmill in the south of England, and was into cottagecore inventions more than martinis and racism. This is very much a kids' movie so go in with that expectation, but enjoy the gorgeous production design, the wonderfully silly performances, and Lionel Jeffries pulling out every stop as an insane old man. Dick Van Dyke has excellent DILF energy. Magical cars, big musical vibes, fun inventions, and romantic fantasy.
To Be Or Not To Be (Jack Benny)—comedy/drama. A ragtag Warsaw theatre troupe stands off against the Gestapo after the invasion of Poland. TW for Nazis, obviously, but overall this is a comedy with some heft, and kind of shocking to be this ballsy about fucking hating Hitler's guts in the 1940s. Hambone actors, Shakespeare, spies, 1930s gowns. It's been a minute since I watched it so I don't think there are any TWs here, but go forth with caution.
Witness for the Prosecution (Tyrone Power)—mystery/legal drama based off an Agatha Christie story. The performances are campy fun and the twist would be at home in something like Knives Out. Big dramatics, hambones, lots of talking, a bit of a mindbender.
The Lady Vanishes (Michael Redgrave)—mystery/suspense/romantic comedy. It's a little slow to start but roll with it—once the action moves to the train the pacing really picks up. This gets slotted as a thriller sometimes but it's much funnier and gentler than that. There's some period-typical snarkiness directed at anyone Foreign™ by some of the British characters; the British characters are also made fun of. Trains, British people, international shenanigans, mystery, and humor.
All About Eve (absolutely none of these hot men, lots of hot women though)—a legendary actress fights for her life against the rising star who supplants her. Big drama, big performances, lots of gasp! and dahling! and vicious little quips. New York, theatre pronounced theahhtah, drama queens and plotting.
The Philadelphia Story (James Stewart, Cary Grant)—talk-heavy comedy, lots of quick banter and period transatlantic accent fun. It's a bit shouty and conflict-heavy at times, but I don't think James or Cary have ever been hotter, and Katherine Hepburn is just wow. Very funny dialogue, relatable characters, incredibly hot across the board. There is one instance of a racial slur (not directed at anyone but still there) and one shove. Some people won't like the discussion of Hepburn's character's choices as a daughter and a wife. With all of these movies you'll see a a range of how female characters are presented and treated, and while some period movies fall hard for sexist tropes, I personally think the performances, direction, and subtext of many of these films actually prioritizes the experiences of the female characters and shows them as living, breathing people, even if they're not framed the way they would be today.
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junkdyke · 1 year
My friend Dyke Roomie just went through a breakup that's been bubbling up for a month now. I comforted her multiple times through our trip to SF, and finally things came to an end, and she called me to talk. I told her to come over and that she could spend the night so she wouldn't be alone. She cried a lot and we talked.
Then yesterday, we went to my friend M's place for a clothing exchange she had invited us to. And oh my god, it was so so fun. I met one of her other friends she had told me about, super cute black girl with pink braids and an all pink cowboy getup, she had just gotten back from a fire spinning gig. I saw her bestie that I suggested I take on a date. We had invited another girl as well. We each took turns pulling out the pieces of clothing we brought to see if there were any takers, my friend M pointed out how we would all say "oh, cute" if it was a piece none of us actually wanted, as we were afraid to insult the clothes LMAO We all tried on a bunch of stuff and ended up with a lot of cute new pieces each! I got a bunch of tiddy showing tops that fit me v v well <3 My friends Bestie kept telling me certain pieces would look good on me and complimenting me, she took a lot of the pieces that i had brought, and she gave me a cute little skirt. It was all very fun and successful for all of us We made cookies, smoked, chatted, then we went into M's room and each took turns playing guitar. We drew, we talked about paranormal experiences we've had, Dyke Roomie showed us on her body where she's been probed by aliens. We drew for a while, and then Dyke Roomie said we should meditate and call upon some deities. So we meditated and chanted, M played the flute, and then we talked about what we each saw, and drew some cards. The deities basically repeatedly told me to go fucking touch grass LMAO. Then we talked about how to say "titties" and "boobs" in different languages and how shitty it sounds in French. We talked about threesomes and top/bottom dynamics, and strap ons. And then it was almost 4am and we had to leave, but now before we had a big tight group hug and talked about how much fun we had and how grateful we were to all be friends. Dyke Roomie was so so happy, she didn't cry about her breakup the whole day and you could sense the energy change on her.
I took her home, and she thanked me for everything and was so happy I invited her to the stay with me and to go to the exchange. It was so sweet and I just love and appreciate my friends so much and having my group of fem energy is the best. I'm so happy!!
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prozac-shaped-urn · 7 months
While I have a lull in this migraine imma try and plot out some shit to see if I can hit the nail on the head a second time in S3 of Hacks.
I forget where I saw a spoiler/hint interview with JPL back in fall 2022 but I remember Deb has a boytoy this season, so I'll be going down that train of thought first. And if I've somehow just made that tidbit up, then I've made that up but I still maintain this is the direction she's going, so fuck it.
Deb has a bit of a sexuality crisis in 204. Maybe crisis is a strong word. A questioning moment. She has a questioning moment at Ava's suggestion and follows through with it even though Marla was literally playing her to get a refund. At the end of the cruise, she's pissed and lesbophobic vitriol goes everywhere -- we all know the story by now. But regardless of whether or not she actually hates lesbians, she bought Marla a drink and enjoyed her company. 1 - 0 for the dykes.
In S2, Deb acquiesced and agreed bisexuality is a thing and that lesbians aren't terrible, hit on that one comedy chick by examining her hand size, and had a one night stand with Casper the Friendly Ghost. Oh, and she 100% realized she needs Ava to be ok, and ok means not having Deb in her life so she doesn't take up all the room in Ava's career. 4 - 0 for the queers.
So how and why do we get to the fucking boytoy?
In most late-life sexuality discoveries, things don't go in a linear direction. Unlearning takes time and it goes the way anything someone's uncomfortable with goes. You get to a level you are comfortable with then move on to the next one and so forth. And at this point, Deb is comfortable with a boytoy. If she went directly from Marty's bed to Ava's bed (outside of flinging the sheets off of her in a rage), that wouldn't be realistic nor healthy. It would mean something was so deeply disturbed inside her that she wouldn't be open with herself to acknowledge her true feelings one way or the other, and she would instead be hoping Ava would fix that disturbance, which is so totally not Ava's job. But. The fact she listens to Kiki and decides to take a chance and fuck Casper I mean 'follow the fun' means she's open to unlearning that one thing she's held onto since 7th grade when it comes to her sexuality. She's letting go and letting new ideas in, and she has a boytoy, which means step 1 of Deb's sapphic realization has begun, folks!
Onto fabulous bisexual disaster Ava Daniels.
Oof babes. She's head WAY over heels and Deb knows this. I don't think Ava actually realizes what's happened. She just knows she doesn't wanna be anywhere Deb isn't, and I think part of that is instinctual -- meaning she's feeling wholly and truly loved and accepted and seen by someone other than her dad for the first time in her life -- and part of it is likely due to her insecurities when it comes to The Business. I mean fuck! Deb has clout and connections spanning back 50 years. She holds conference with Liberace, the mayoress of Vegas and Wayne Newton without issue. She kicked the mayoress out of her mansion when she got too annoying ffs. Who in their right mind WOULDN'T want to take advantage of that! Never mind that this is precisely what I'm going through in my own life. Ava has a lot of growing to do in her career and in her emotional intelligence. She has as much catching up to do with that as Deb does with sexuality. I don't have any Ava hints, so I'll take a wild stab in the dark and guess Ava's doing really well professionally. Like reeeeally well. Almost unbelievably well. Unrealistically well. Like Deb's maybe pulling a lot of strings because she can't stand to see Ava fail. And maybe she'll be able to lure Ava back so they can have a stand-off in Deb's foyer or something. Just a guess. I'll honestly be stunned if this is legit.
As far as trajectory, I'm thinking we have some growing and moving around to do in 8 episodes and that's not a lot of time so it'll probably move fast. (The first ep is 60 mins, so like.... they're gonna pack a lot of shit into very limited time frames and we all gotta pay close attention because not everything will be dialogue. There are 8 eps this season including 301, so we got 4.5 hours of this season to work with folks.) Highlights of my thoughts are as follows:
Deb won't come out yet but she'll have some sapphic realizations she runs by Ava to see if they're actually sapphic and not some kind of weird 'what is this feeling' moments. Dearest Darlingist Momsie and Popsicle...
Deb will decide to be more open with Ava about how she feels in general but also how she feels about Ava! She'll want to be closer to Ava by the end of the season and we'll have more apologies and metaphoric funerals to look forward to with that.
Ava will have success in her career ventures even at the expense of her physical connection to Deb because Deb will truly support that growth and Ava will know she has "a home to come back to" n shit so she'll be more amenable to the idea of pursuing that goal. I suspect a solid attempt at success and a final separation from Deb by the end of S3. Think balcony scene all over again but with elated smiles instead of tears... except maybe from the fangirls.
Ava and Marcus will have a come to Jesus moment. One of them will win the fight for Deb's affection and it won't be Marcus.
Marty won't show up in person but he'll likely be referenced a few times, either in dialogue or visually (as in we'll see a shot of the Palmetto or Deb's special is played etc.) Same goes for Frank and flashback clips of Who's Making Dinner? or DJ telling a story about him etc. This will be to remind everyone of where Deb started and where she's going emotionally and with her sexuality.
Kayla and Jimmy are gonna be a riot this season. Pure unhinged comedy gold with these two. Paul and Megan are now series regulars, so expect more of this situational-physical comedy in coming seasons. ~My body is ready.~
Deb's Vegas residency will founder because that's just good dramaturgy. Ava may or may not come to the rescue on that. I'll be interested to see where she stands in terms of her desire or lack thereof to help Deb and whether it'll be from a place of genuine concern or out of guilt or out of spite or out of having something to lord over Deb's head. I wouldn't be surprised if any or all of that is her reason to help or not help.
Ava and Nina... Jesus h Christ on a stick. Yeah these two have some major bumps to work out this season.
Storytelling style is likely gonna be a back-and-forth between Vegas and LA in every ep instead of every other ep. I'd be interested to see it come alive in a flashback style tbh but that would probably be too confusing for a comedic tone. Back-and-forth will stop once Ava returns to Vegas, obvs.
I'm still banking on Deb loaning Ava her LA mansion at some point. I'm also banking on a series finale that includes a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young as the end credits backing track. Paul saw that on my insta story a couple years ago. I have no idea why. But he knows my headcanon now, so if I end up meeting him IRL I will double down on that. And the biggest crocodile tears will spring from my eyes if it's "Our House".
What the fuck ever JPL and co. have to throw at me I WILL DEVOUR LIKE A RABID SQUIRREL HIGH ON THE FRUITS OF 400 YEAR OLD OAK TREES no questions asked.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
A/n: hey guys! I've decided to do tumblr's 'fluff ABC' for Wanda. This is the first one of the fluff version, the smut version will be here too!
Summary: Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
"Come on, detka! It's starting in two minutes!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
You laughed silently in yourself. You have watched all seasons of Dick van Dyke together with Wanda at least four times, and yet she still demands you watch whenever a marathon aired on tv. As you were putting the finishing touch on the snacks and drinks you were preparing, your mind wandered off to when Wanda first shared her love of sitcoms with you.
It was a week and a half after Ultron happened. Wanda lived in the Avengers compound and spend most of her time in her room. The grief of her late brother was still fresh in her mind and most of the team wasn't ready to forgive her yet. One night, when everyone was asleep in their rooms she came to get something to eat, not expecting to find anyone there, but she was met with you sitting at the kitchen table.
You two started talking, and stayed up all night together. Wanda talked about her brother, about the fun memories she had of him and how she was scared she wouldn't make it without him. You listened to her, and put an arm over her shoulders when she got emotional. After talking for hours, you both fell asleep on the livingroom couch.
After that night, you two spend a lot of time together. One night, you were both sitting on her bed and she told you how much she loved sitcoms. Friends, ALF, I Love Lucy, she loved them all. When you asked why she has never mentioned that before, she told you it reminded her a lot of home and her parents. She eventually asked you if you wanted to watch an episode with her. Knowing how much it meant to her, of course you said yes, and that's how you ended up in Wanda's room watching sitcoms with her every evening.
Friendship eventually turned to love, and soon you were with Wanda. Many dates happened between you two, but quiet and comfortable nights staying in watching sitcoms will always be her favorite kind of dates, and secretly yours too.
"Y/n! It's starting!"
You snapped out of your daydreaming at hearing your girlfriend call for you. You went to the livingroom, got the snacks and drinks ready, and settled comfortably on the couch, Wanda moving to nestle between your arms, putting the soft blanket on both of you and rested her head on your shoulder.
As the marathon started, Wanda went to look over at you and just couldn't help herself. She just had to give you a kiss on your jaw. You smiled goofily at that, rubbing the spot she kissed.
"What did I do to deserve that?"
Wanda simply smiled at you and crawled into you even more, hugging you closely.
"Just for being you. I love you so much, y/n"
You softly smiled at her, kissing her forehead.
"I love you too, sweetheart."
And with that, you two watched the marathon, sharing cuddles, kisses and sweet nothings with each other.
Let me know if you want to be added to the Wanda taglist! If you have any requests, send them! Reblogs are much appreciated :)
Taglist: @wandanats-goodgirl @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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thegeminisage · 1 month
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. last night we watched voy's "scorpion part i" and "the gift." I HAVE FINALLY MET SEVEN OF NINE
scorpion part ii:
ABSOLUTELY loved this one. idk why i was so surprised when seven turned out to be their borg liaison like i had no idea how they encountered her...i guess i was picturing them picking her up like a lost puppy because of hugh in tng
seven hot it must be said. we haven't gotten into the meat of it yet but i do like her. i was a little worried that after all this i wouldn't!
janeway dealing with the borg was sooo fun. literally her no-nonsense take-no-shit mode
i loved also that chakotay was the one to essentially borg meld with seven since he'd had the prior experience...mwah. give him a little borg trauma as a treat
i also really enjoyed janeway and chakotay realizing that seven was right - their fighting and going against each other is why they were losing. what if our future third reminded us that we needed to renew our wedding vows and we were both lost in space?
ESPECIALLY BECAUSE. like on what could have been her deathbed while she was slurring her words she made chakotay promise to do the thing. and immediately he decided to do the opposite even though it broke his heart. like SO TRUE they needed the reminder mom and dad were literally fighting
i have mixed feelings about janeway sort of forcing the detransition from borg onto seven. like yeah no human person wants to be borg especially not the little girl she was when she was assimilated but it's very hard to hear and ignore her wishes NOW when she's stating them so clearly, and when she's so obviously suffering. like i don't think she could have done any different or that i would have done any different but whew! rough
i also think chakotay was SICK with jealousy that tuvok got to go into the cube with janeway and he had to stay out on voyager. i bet tuvcok was so smug about it. idk why but it brings me so much joy to imagine them hating each other and as an extent maybe also fighting over janeway's affection, be it platonic or not
also, i can't remember if this was in this episode or the next one but the bit where seven was in her cell fucking SCREAMING na janeway was behind her grabbing her...sincerely hoping the dyke energy only gets better from here cuz that was gay as hell
the gift:
rip kes...i'll miss you
ik kes left bc they were having difficulties with the actress, but it still sucks that her exit was so dumb. like oh no her powers are going out of control and even though we fixed it every other time this time we can't! anyway bye!
i do appreciate the actresses crying for what felt like...you know, for real, during the goodbye. i almost welled up with them. and ten years closer to home!!! that's 13 years down, 57 to go...
kes is such a rare person in the voyager cast because she has so many connections. she's good friends with tom, she's gort tuvok and the emh as her mentors, janeway as like her fake mom, neelix as her romantic interest...she's connected to so many people. if you name anybody from the rest of the cast you'd get 2-3 connections at most. so it's sad to see her go
and like i hated neelix when he was with kes but their goodbye conversation was so lame. i still can't believe that's all we ever got about their breakup. fucking crazy
on the other hand, seven in this episode was so good, especially with like, b'elanna - her disdain and her sarcasm are useless against b'elanna who can dish it back out just as well and does not give one shit about seven's deal so long as she gets the ship working again. also? lots of women on screen during that scene. let's lez out.
and seven at the end remembering her favorite color :( i was surprised she relented in her willingness to be aboard so quickly - but it just shows that janeway genuinely did get through to her somehow. WOMEN!!!
TONIGHT: ds9's "a time to stand" and "rocks and shoals"
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dykexenomorph · 3 months
1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 16 for Lady Dimitriscu and Donna Piano 😁👍
as always answer the ones you want and skip the ones you dont:]
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1. Why do you like or dislike this character? lady dimitrescu is a 9 foot tall milf dyke who eats ppl for fun. like of COURSE im gonna love her, cmon man donna is a weird one bc she doesn't rlly have a lot to go off of in game? i think i initially liked her bc her in-game segment is by FAR my favorite part of the game, but i ended up having a lot of fun analyzing whatever parts of her chara i cld get my grubby little hands on, now shes one of those charas tht i feel nobody knows like i do LMAO
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? see above for lady dimitrescu...but also specifically her saying manthing? if tht counts? it is very funny. TO ME. for donna i have NOTHING. WHAT CANON THINGS DO WE HAVE. idk her one line of dialogue i guess. my options are endless.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? this is SUCHH an unpop opinion (and also a VERY old one that i haven't really thought about since re8 first came out in like 2021, so it may change next time i ACTUALLY take my time in a playthrough), but the way she treats her daughters?? idk fanon atp has definitely established her as like. THE mother of all time but i rlly dont feel like she was great to her daughters (I HAVE IN DEPTH REASONS FOR THIS I SWEAR) for donna its the lack of canon content.............
6. What's something you have in common with this character? i too love to throw vanities around and make ppl hallucinate evil dolls when im angry! hurray!
9. Could you be roommates with this character? NO TO BOTH OF THEM HELP. Lady D would obliterate me after I make a noise too late at night or smth and Donna's hallucinations would probably be too much for me? i'd have a better time w the latter though if i had to room w one.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character? if people....do not stop forcing me to witness art......of donna with her niece........im going to obliterate someone.............
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nounpolycule · 1 year
What is Esther Most Correct About?: The Tournament
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[Image description: a double-sided bracket with 64 spots total, color coded so that each pair of options is the same color. The bracket shows the pairs that are described below. End image description.]
(link to my normal pinned post here)
We all know and love that I am correct about everything (or at least admire the confidence. Or maybe just put up with it. If not that then what are you doing here?), but what am I most correct about?
Round Two (link) (link but chronological):
"twelveriverrose autism4autism4autism stone butchfemme telepathy sex" vs "Jack and Rose had karaoke nights"
"Donna Noble is Jewish" vs "tentooriverrose"
"Rose regularly took naps on the jumpseat in the TARDIS" vs "Jack and Rose had a scrapbook in s1"
"Lots of River fans are wrong about River" vs "River is often wrong about River"
"Bad Wolf as disability" vs "Rose is autistic"
"elevenrose would be Worse than tenrose" vs "Immortal Rose would keep the Doctor's jackets after each regeneration"
"The Doctor and Clara are Pointedly a secret third thing" vs "Rose and Clara are exes"
"Grace should've been a companion instead of Graham" vs "13 should have hung out more"
"River carried pictures of the Doctor specifically because of the audio Signs" vs "River should have actually been giving back the diamond in THORS"
"Mia is short for Stayuexisumigorkefloryan" vs "Pete's World sucks" AND "Pete Tyler sucks"
"Gomez!Master comes after Dhawan!Master in their personal timeline" vs "Rose and Martha would have been besties"
"Jack and Rose should have gotten a more meaningful reunion" vs "Jack created the Bad Wolf computer virus"
"Rose realized she was bisexual before series 2" vs "Rose came out to Mickey in Pete's World"
"The implied pre-Winner Takes All breakup is canon" vs "You do keep turning up. Like a bad wolf." is the best "bad wolf" drop"
"The Doctor is a butch dyke" vs "rosetosh. not sorry."
"It's weird to think Martha still has a grudge after 15 years" vs Heaven Sent
Round One (link) (link but chronological) (Recap of Matches 1-16) (Recap of Matches 17-32) (Bonus Match):
17. "River carried pictures of the Doctor specifically because of the audio Signs" vs "Pottery is one of River's special interests"
1. "twelveriverrose autism4autism4autism stone butchfemme telepathy sex" vs "The Eleventh Doctor is a stone top"
2. "Jack and Rose had karaoke nights" vs "Jack and Rose had movie nights"
3. "Donna Noble is Jewish" vs "The lining of Ten's coat looks like old bowling alley carpet"
4. "tentooriverrose" vs "eleventooriverrose"
5. "Rose regularly took naps on the jumpseat in the TARDIS" vs "Eleventoo survived"
6. "Jack and Rose had a scrapbook in s1" vs "AUs where Turn Left is the same but Rose isn't in the s4 finale"
7. "River has futuristic tattoos" vs "Lots of River fans are wrong about River"
8. "River jumping off of buildings is hot" vs "River is often wrong about River"
9. "Bad Wolf as disability" vs "Rose has telepathy synesthesia"
10. "Rose is autistic" vs "AUs where River is not the Ponds' daughter"
11. "elevenrose would be Worse than tenrose" vs "twelverose would be plenty intimate even without frequent hugs"
12. "tentoorose are Not normal about their relationship" vs "Immortal Rose would keep the Doctor's jackets after each regeneration"
13. "Clara sucks, that's what makes her fun" vs "The Doctor and Clara are Pointedly a secret third thing"
14. "Rose and Clara are exes" vs "s8 is (mostly) good"
15. "Outing Yaz wasn't a #AllyMoment" vs "Grace should've been a companion instead of Graham"
16. "13 should have hung out more" vs "Ace would not flirt with Graham"
18. "The fan audio Exhausted Supplies is canon" vs "River should have actually been giving back the diamond in THORS"
19. "Mia is short for Stayuexisumigorkefloryan" vs "Rose develops major anxiety around cars"
20. "Pete's World sucks" vs "Pete Tyler sucks" (tie)
21. "Sarah Jane vouched for Rose in the Turn Left parallel universe" vs "Gomez!Master comes after Dhawan!Master in their personal timeline"
22. "Rose and Sarah Jane were besties" vs "Rose and Martha would have been besties"
23. "Jack and Rose should have gotten a more meaningful reunion" vs "Jack thinks Rose looks like Billie Piper - no one else really sees it"
24. "Rose blames Jack for every zombie she meets" vs "Jack created the Bad Wolf computer virus"
25. "Rose realized she was bisexual before series 2" vs "Jack says Rose's type is arsonists"
26. "Rose and Mickey made up in Pete's World" vs "Rose came out to Mickey in Pete's World"
27. "The implied pre-Winner Takes All breakup is canon" vs "No Hot Ashes >>>>>>>>"
28. "You do keep turning up. Like a bad wolf." is the best "bad wolf" drop" vs "The Clockwise Man was a better use of clockwork droids than GitF"
29. "The Doctor is a butch dyke" vs "Eleventoo deserves more love"
30. "rosetosh. not sorry." vs "Rose met the Tarot Girl in Pete's World"
31. "It's weird to think Martha still has a grudge after 15 years" vs "Ten's gender 🤝Thirteen's gender"
31. Top Secret Match #32
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thetomboyeffect · 1 year
fun with tags! thanks @malewifemanhunter -- 15 questions for 15 mutuals:
were you named after anyone?
i asked my parents this once and they said no, there was a little girl on the cosby show named olivia but that's just a coincidence. most people assume it's from 12th night and i don't correct them
do you have kids?
not this season. (i work in a school)
do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, never.
what's the first thing you notice about people?
how they dress, which is strange because i know very little (and used to care very little) about clothes.
what's your eye color?
gray. sorta blue sorta green
scary movies or happy endings?
scariest movie i've ever dared to watch was the vvitch. not sure i have the kidneys for anything ookier than that
any special talents?
i can play the piano intro to desperado by the eagles
what are your hobbies?
playing music (hence: piano), drawing, writing, hiking
have any pets?
no :,( wooooe
what sports do you play/have you played?
cross-country running and competitive dive. the running gave me fucking exercise induced ass-mar but it was fun
how tall are you?
5'8 (lie) (napoleon complex)
favorite subject in school?
always english. loved that shit. i was a shameful teachers pet
dream job?
honestly? librarian 🤪 but ive had some incredibly fulfilling intensive manual labor jobs that i would definitely pursue if i thought my joints would hold up after ten years.
tagging: (i dont even think i have 15 mutuals.) usual suspects @crayonsleeves @childofthekraken @hi-too-loo-rye
and @10001gecs @girlbobdylan @sappho-dyke @clowngirl-bebop @muppetmasc @deerpilled
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jiminy-crickets · 3 months
👋 I just went to my first pride parade🎉
Notable events:
We heard two girls in different cars in the parade talking to each other before it started. “The titties are tittying. That’s my dyke. That’s my dyke.”
We saw a drag queen dresses as the statue of liberty (I can dm the picture if you want but there are other people in it even zoomed in. She wasn’t in the parade though, but I didn’t get any more pictures.
There was a homophobic man with no shoes on with his friend, and he was carrying a sign. Quotes from my friend’s sibling, “Guys guys it’s okay. I’m sure it’s just a paragraph on how much they love gay people.” “Oh it says Hell. Well it’s fine it could be… they like gay people there.” “Oh no guys. I think I was wrong. ‘Jesus saves from Hell.’ I was wrong. It’s fine. It’s fine.”
A lady in the parade and a lady watching the parade apparently do yoga together.
Another homophobic man and his son who clearly did not want to be there came up to us, and my friend’s sibling got us out by saying, “I think everyone here is a good person. We’re gonna go now.” [those were the only homophobes and they were all calm, and we had very few issues] also from my friend’s sibling, “My bad guys. I wasn’t sure if he was here to slay or…”
Lots of hot people.
Many hot people.
So many beautiful hot people.
Also hot people dancing to the Cupid shuffle and cha-cha slide.
I bought a pin and got some stickers. I had to go fishing back for the goose because I decided I could not live without it.
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Also I’ve been prompted multiple times for a name[not by the same person just people have asked if there’s a name I’d like to be called], and I’ve been trying to pick something🥲 but I am bad at decisions. I’m fine with nightshade but also maybe Hearth? Or Cookie? One is already a nickname some friends call me but it seems unlikely that it would be a problem. Ollie is a cute nickname too idk help! What name fits my vibe?!
Ollie is cute, and Heath and Coolie are nice, I am partial to nightshade, or night, or shade, but that’s because I love your url.
The goose sticker is ADORABLE!!!
I’m obsessed with these dykes in cars, they seem very fun.
SHOELESS HOMOPHOBES????? Pick a struggle either be a homophobe, or be one of those barefoot enthusiasts.
Also omg statue of liberty drag queen????? Iconic I’d live to see her!
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bassproblues · 4 months
Goodbyes Are Hard
The one person who doted on me and never tried to make me any harder than need be was Andy. My good friend, Andy, who oh so very casually dropped that she's moving to a whole new country via text the other day.
When I was a kid, not to overshare, I was in a rough situation and things were not so great. Andy and her wife took me in. I would trek over to Andy's house and help her wife make dinner. I'd come over after school to do homework and play some ball with Andy well into the night. I'd spend dozens of nights on their couch whenever I needed to just close my eyes and not have to think.
Andy didn't raise me -- I was a little past that age and a bit feral when we came into each others lives. But she certainly raised the best parts of me.
She taught me the velvety goodness of a fresh fade on a crew cut. And always made sure I didn't go to school looking like a scruffy Muppet.
Gave me my first sex talk, cause who else was gonna do it.
I'll miss seeing her dote on her wife, lavishing affection or doing little things to make her feel safe and comfortable. Andy and her wife were the first realization I had that maybe I could have a wife too one day, that it was a very real and possible future for me.
Andy told me all her fun stories about the local dyke bar that shuttered way before my time. How all the straight girls working the strip club next door would come over after work and tease the butches relentlessly, and how they'd walk the dancers to their cars at closing.
She taught me not to be ashamed of my stone and all my other butch quirks. And that if I found a girl I wanted to be touched by, that there's nothing wrong with a butch who rolls over in bed with a girl they trust.
Andy coached me through my many, many, mistakes when chasing straight girls, and tried to caution against her own faults and trappings that she saw in me.
Andy taught me so much. It's hard to write down.
Andy wasn't by any stretch of the imagination consistent, and I have no doubt she would agree as much. Her own family problems, financial problems, and her wife's poor health made consistency hard. But goddamn she always tried. And I always knew she loved me more than an extra mouth to feed ever inconvenienced her.
Her work, ultimately, is why she wants to move. She's works 12 hour days on a construction site. She's hard as diamonds, and always deflects whenever I bring it up, but it's hard to ignore. When I first met her we could still play some sports and hike and hunt and camp. Now the sum of her life has really worn down her neck, spine, and legs. Matter of fact, when I told Andy (far after the fact, mind you) I worked construction to put myself through college she had to restrain herself from grabbing me by the scruff and shaking me around. Andy knows it's bad, her wife knows it bad, I know it's bad. Ever since I was a kid, I've seen her come home from work late at night, not even shower or eat, pass out in the living room, and then get up in a few hours to do it all over again.
The new job is overseas, and it's a nice little desk job. Lots of sitting down inside with air conditioning. A better boss that wouldn't ride her ass as much. It's in her wife's home country, maybe her health will improve. It should be good. I just can't bring myself to be happy, and I know it's selfish of me.
I'm not sad right now. I'm sure one day I'll wake up and want to down whisky and wings with her after work, and maybe on that day I'll be sad. But now I just have feelings, and that's a bit much for me.
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sheepydraws · 1 year
SheepyReads May Round-Up! (15 Books)
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Scum Villain's Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, Vol. 1-4: This series is an isekai about an average guy who finds himself in his favorite male power fantasy novel with two twists: 1. Our main character has reincarnated as the villain who will be tortured to death by the hero and 2. (Unknown to the protagonist) The story is now being published on a women's fiction website known for gay romance. This series was translated from Chinese, and for better or worse a lot of the Chinese syntax has been left intact in the official translation.
This story is fast-paced and very fun. Shen Yuan is constantly grappling with a video-game like system that restricts his ability to alter the story but also rewards his attempts to make it less flat and full of plot holes. His relationship with Luo Binghe, the hero who may eventually kill him, is both sweet and fraught, a dynamic the author happily plays for laughs.
My big complaint is that there is a lot of homophobia for an m/m romance. This kind of reminds me of 2012 fanfiction, where the main character insists he isn't gay, but just kind of accepts it when the story takes him there. There are a lot of better gay romances out today (see below) but I also had a good time reading this series, so I'll say: Recommended, With Caveats
A Master of Djinn by P. Djeli Clark: Fatma el-Sha’arawi, officer for the Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities, tears through an alternative version of 1920's Cairo to track down a person claiming to be the man who changed the world by releasing djinn into the world forty years ago. The setting of this book was phenomenal, richly drawn without overshadowing or bogging down the characters. The mystery was well put together, with a twist that made me feel stupid for not figuring it out sooner. I also enjoyed Fatma's developing relationship with her on-again off-again girlfriend. Recommended
Ten Thousand Stitches by Olivia Atwater: Effie makes a deal with a faerie lord: He will help her become a lady for long enough to marry a baron if she adds a stitch to his jacket for every minute she spends as a lady for the next hundred days. If she fails to marry the baron, she will have to be his maid forever. This is perfect if you love Diana Wynne Jones. A very charming romance that surprised me by saying, "Actually, Effie's problems would be solved a lot faster if she unionized rather than marrying a baron." Recommended.
Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb: Oof, ooo, ouch, my bones. Fitz has enough time to recover from the first book before we're plunged right back into court intrigue mixed with the worsening threat of the red ships. Hobb does a really good job of bridging the first and third book with a book that increases the stakes, but has it's own interesting narrative arc. I have never been so distraught about horse sales in my life. I have put myself on a strictly fluff diet until I have enough strength to read the final book in the trilogy. Recommended
Graphic Novels
Dykes To Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel: A collection of slice of life comic strips written by Bechdel from 1988 to 2008. A time capsule of a specific period of queer life and the politics that affected and were born from it. Also, it's funny. Recommended
Twelfth Grade Night by Molly Booth: A fantasy-touched YA retelling of twelfth night that is very openly queer. I think there could have been EVEN MORE identity based shenanigans here, but I really loved the decision to just have fairies in the background for funsies, so I forgive it. Very sweet, very pretty, though not something I'm putting on my keeper shelf. Recommended.
Komi Can't Communicate by Tomohito Oda, Vol. 23: I am neither recommending nor not recommending this one. Either you just read the last 22 volumes of Komi and Tadano's awkward flirting and now you want to revel in how cute they are officially dating, or you don't.
Yakuza Fiancé by Asuka Konishi, Vol. 3: Miyama continues to be insane about Yoshino and I continue to support him completely. We meet Yoshino's cousin and an old flame of Miyama's in this volume and it is so funny to see the contrast between them. The old flame thinks she's a ruthless badass who will do anything to stay ahead in the modeling business, but just seems to be taking any opportunity her wealthy family can scrounge up for her. Meanwhile, Yoshino's cousin talks about the time she paid four million yen for 15 milliliters of blood and pushed Yoshino to the brink of death in a Just Girly Things &lt;3 voice. I love this series. Recommended
The Muscle Girl Next Door by Amesuke Ano: A slice-of-life comic about a guy who wants to build muscle, and his crush on his very buff next door neighbor. I really liked that the woman he likes is unapologetically muscular and masculine, but otherwise there really isn't much to this book. Not Recommended
The Debutante Divorcee by Plum Sykes: Recommended If You Think Chick-Lit Peaked In 2005
Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano: Finlay is a struggling romantic suspense author who is not making ends meet as she navigates her sudden divorce. When a woman mistakes her for a hitman she winds up bumbling through an attempt to kill her target and uncovering a larger mystery involving the Russian mafia. I liked how the mystery unfolded in this book, with a slow reveal of a larger criminal picture, and there was something hilarious about how all the ways Finlay's life have gone to shit make it easier for her to get away with her crimes (Ex. She had to buy a prepaid cellphone after she stopped being able to pay her phone bill consistently). However, I didn't like this enough to want a series of it, and did not expect the huge cliffhanger at the end. Not Recommended
A Thief In The Night by K.J. Charles: Romance novellas are very difficult to write because there is so little time for good character development. K.J. Charles makes it look easy. K.J. Charles makes it look fun. I can't recommend this enough. I'm not giving you a description beyond historical m/m romance you can read in one sitting. You want to know more go buy it. Shoo!
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rhonddaandallaneuro · 2 years
As you would now be aware we have not had that good an internet service with problems with our stories simply disappearing into cyberspace. Very frustrating as we do not know if the last two stories will turn up or not.
We are now on Friday the 18th November and It is clear that they will not so here goes trying to recall our journey to date. Rhondda’s photos have gotten through so if you need to know anything please feel free to ask her.
We boarded the Polaris, our home for the next two weeks, and set sale after doing a canal cruise where we saw sites as the 7 bridges etc. This involved us needing to take a bus from the Museum District out to the mouth of the river where we again boarded the Polaris.
On this journey we saw just how important the dykes are to Holland with the walls at times nearly 20 metres high protecting the community.
The first night was the usual with safety meeting and the captains welcome, which basically is a free glass of bubbly wine.
Our first stop on day two was a city called Cologne which had one of the biggest cathedrals we have ever seen along with a coach ride to Augustusburg Palace that was as good a exhibition of excess as I have ever seen. The entrance way had what appeared to be a domed ceiling but when you moved up the huge three tiered stairway it was flat. A great optical illusion. The palace entrance even had a fully covered entrance so the carriages and horses did not endure to much stress while delivering the prince who came to the palace two weeks in every year to fly his falcons, proving he was a true leader. Hahah
We were on the Polaris for seven days but due to the water levels had to do a bus overland to join the Vega. The two boats are exactly the same and I have to say it is like nothing else. The food and staff are great and the booze very cheap.
Sights and towns we have visited are blurred a lot but from memory we have been to Rothenburg with it’s forgotten in time that had a “ cuckoo” style hourly show that is terrible. Lasts for a minute with a figurine drinking a beer for one minute. That is the show. The town also has a Xmas museum that you can get lost within without trying. Amazing but very very very expensive.
The town also boasts to be one of the last covered city walls, which we walked along before visiting the main church which has a wood carving alter as its centre piece and this alone makes the entire trip worthwhile. Stunning.
We have also visited Rudesheim, famous for its Music Museum which was one of the best things we have done. The town was setting up for its Xmas markets so we did not see a great deal but has character to say the least.
From here on to Miltenberg, where we did afternoon tea with local family, which was fun but once is definitely enough.
On to Wertheim doing a night time tour. This was great with a taste of what the xmas markets will be like. Was cold as you would expect but only makes the experience better.
Back on the boat we have discovered the McGeary bar that has a happy hour where drinks are even cheaper. Great way to wait to be fed. Haha
Met some lovely people in Jim and Jen from Wales along with Trisha and Kevin from Victoria and they share the same interests and humour as we do. The entertainment on the boat is basic but really after spending the day touring then eating and drinking most nights we are ready for bed. Wuizburg a very pretty place, home of a huge castle, one of many we have seen. Spent hours walking a streets with beautiful views over bridges and within the gardens. Very relaxing.
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Magical BFFs 👯‍♀️ | Wanda Maximoff HC
Link to my Marvel masterlist
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Being a sorcerer/sorceress and Wanda’s best would look like:
You two are literally the chaos twins (not in regards to chaos magic, but you’re just a handful when together). You more than likely met either after the events of Ultron where you both were recruited to the Avengers. Your rooms were on the same floor so you saw each other a lot whether it be in the kitchen or the living room. In the beginning you didn’t say much, but it soon grew into small conversations.
Over time you two realized you had a lot in common. Both of you had abilities that regular humans were hesitant of, lost family, and were pretty much on your own. Yeah you had the Sanctum and other sorcerers, but you never really connected with them much. Wanda could understand you, and you could do the same for her. “Ever felt like you’re on a tight rope with people on either side, but you know if you were to fall there’s a chance no one would be there to save you?” “That sounds like everyday of my life.”
If you were a fan of sitcoms than TV night was the best time for you two, but if you weren’t then you’d make the sacrifice for her in exchange for Wanda watching something you liked the next time. The classics were a must like ‘I Love Lucy,’ and ‘The Dike Van Dyke Show.” You’ll grab some popcorn with sodas or milkshakes and spend hours watching until you either finish a season or fall asleep on the couch.
When it came time to training, you two were often paired together. No one else in the Avengers had magic other than Loki (but even then the God was not a good teacher and was often MIA) so you had to wing it. Wanda of course wielded a different type of magic than you and therefore it was often offensive sparring you’d engage in. You never saw Wanda say or perform incantations, so you were clueless as to what her magic was. All you knew was it came from the Mind Stone.
A game you both loved to do on a day off or break from missions was to spin to globe and have one of your fingers land on a random place. Wherever it landed on, you’d conjure a portal to the location and you guys would spend the entire day there having fun. “We went to Rome last month, I kinda wanna go to somewhere in South America.” “Then aim for that—but remember no cheating! No using powers to slow the globe.”
Wanda loved to make you Sokovian dishes to try out. Now that her country was gone and the population was scattered, she wanted to keep her culture alive by creating traditional meals and share them with you. Everything she made was like heaven to your tastebuds. “Wanda, darling, Vision is a lucky to have you.” “One, he doesn’t eat. And two *blushes* we’re not together.” “Suuuure you’re not *wink*.”
You guys did everything you could that best friends did even though you rarely got time off and were bound to the compound. You’d drive into the city for shopping or catching a movie. Sometimes you’d get stopped for photos and autographs which you welcomed warmly with a smile. Going to bookstores was a must at least once a month so you could gather books for your little book club you had which you made all the Avengers take part in. “I thought we’d agreed we would not be doing another romance novel, Y/n, Maximoff.” “Yes that was true, Loki, but this is a historical romance and the one last week was contemporary.” “I frankly enjoyed this story.” “Thank you, Vision.”
Like most best friends, you both would lend each other clothes, books, makeup if you wore it, etc, etc. Thankfully living together on the same floor meant you could not use excuses if you didn’t return it. Although you may have lost one of her earrings on a mission, and Wanda spilled coffee on a T-shirt you gave her. When something like that happened you two always replaced it.
Of course, when one of you gets into a relationship the other is first to know. It wasn’t a surprise when Wanda and Vision finally labeled the thing going between them. “I always knew it was a matter of time.” When it came to you, dating was something you didn’t prioritize, but if it happened it happened. “What’s up with you and that CIA guy?” “Ross? Oh nothing, he’s just a friend.” “You said the same about that one sorcerer. What was his name again? Steph—.” “It was a mistake to get involve with someone at the Sanctum. But I won’t deny the man is hot as fuck.” “and what about Sharon Cater?” “Now that, that was a lost chance I can only hope would get a second one.”
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thesecetlesbo · 3 years
Sweet Dreams and Forehead Kisses
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff X Reader
Summary: Reader has trouble falling asleep but turns out they just need a little help from a friend.
Warning: Just Fluff
Word Count: 1k
It was late, very few lights could be seen from avengers towers. It was airy and light. You felt like the only person awake, and probably because you were. It was 2:30 in the morning and you haven’t had a wink of sleep in days lucky no one had catched on yet. It’s not like you are drinking more caffeine than you should be, you had a cup with breakfast and one just after or with lunch. But it was catching up to you. As much as you wanted to sleep you couldn’t.
You didn’t always know why, maybe it was due to late night missions or maybe your bed was just uncomfortable. You made your way from your room shuffling down the hallway past a couple of your teammates' rooms. You hated that you couldn’t sleep, it put you on edge and more than you already were. You finally made your way into the kitchen looking longing into the fridge waiting for something that would peak your interest. You knew you shouldn’t be eating at night but it wasn’t your fault. You had escaped from hydra almost three years ago now, being trapped and experimented on almost your whole life. Being turned into a super soldier, better than steve and bucky combined but you weren’t the best person because of it.
But the downside is that it made you hungry almost all the time, which also made you the designated team cook. It’s a good thing you're pretty decent at it. From making whole team dinners to the occasion lunch date for you and the girls. You grabbed a bottle of water. Sneaking back down the hallway and into your room but before you could you hear a voice.
“Y/n?” It was sleepy and soft. You turn to meet wanda’s face. She was your neighbour and also your longtime crush, Nat kept trying to get you two together but it wasn’t gonna happen anytime soon. It wasn’t exactly fun having to hide your feelings from a close friend but you had never had feelings for anyone and didn’t know what to do with them.
“Hey, what are you doing awake?” You asked Wanda, you towered over the women and you were obviously stronger than her but she can and has kicked your ass before. She shifted in her stance.
“I could ask you the same question, i know you haven’t been sleeping y/n” Wanda whispered, trying not to wake others up.
“Wanda, what makes you think I haven’t been sleeping?” You took a sip of your water.
“Well for one you're not very good at makeup, I can see your eye bags from here, and second I’m a mind reader” You look down in shame. “Come on” she opened her door to you. Weird enough you’ve never been in here room before, you’ve walked past it a penalty of times but have been walked in. You placed your drink on her desk next to a pile of over used books. Her room was covered with houseplants and photos of the team. There was a guitar sitting in the corner and art hanging on the wall. And a poster of the Dick Van Dyke show in the corner. Fairy lights danced across her window. “I used to struggle to sleep unless I was being held.” She confessed.
She climbed into her bed and pushed her blankets to make room for you. You climbed in afterwards. The smell of vanilla and honey hit your nose immediately, it was calming in every way imaginable. “Is it okay if I hold you y/n?” You nodded. Her soft arms wrapped around you, bringing you closer. You held her waist as you pushed your head in the nook of her neck. Trying to hide your tears but there was no point. She rubbed your back as you let it all out. Releasing these bottled emotions that you had held in for years.
“I’m Sorry” you whispered into her skin. She held you closer. Bringing one hand to the back of your head slowly scratching your head, your hair being twisted between her fingers, helping you relax.
“It’s okay y/n, I’m here” She held you tighter as you let out a few shaky breaths.
“You're just the first person who’s made me feel this safe for such a long time” You paused not waiting to say the three words you really wanted to.
“I love you too y/n” You look up in shock, you find yourself at a loss of words for the second time. She pulled her hand from underneath you and rubbed your cheek with her thumb. She smiled at the way you relaxed under her touch.
“I’m a mind reader dummy” She chuckled.
“Ohh right” You smiled up at her.
“I fell in love with you the first month you started here, the way you put the coffee pot on for tony whenever his been in the lab for a little bit to long and how you make sure Nat doesn’t feel alone after a mission goes wrong or the way you made sure everyone had eaten at least one decent meal by making such a heart full dinner for the team or whoever is in the tower and is hungry. I fell so hard for you y/n '' You smile at her. Looking into her eyes. Falling a lot harder than you should that night.
“Can I kiss you Wanda?” You asked softly as if you were talking to yourself.
“Please” You both leant in, it wasn’t full of lust but it definitely was passionate, it was something you had both wanted to do for a long time. Wanda pulled away first and you pouted at the loss of contact. She kissed your forehead before wrapping her arms about you again. Your head finds a place just below her chin and your hands around her waist. “Now get some sleep y/n we can talk about us in the morning.”
Before you even had time to think of a response you dazed off for the first time in a long time.
“Sweet dreams y/n”
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